#nie's daddy issues
flu0xetines · 2 months
your dad never loved you so no one else would either
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szklana-psycha3 · 11 months
Daddy issues bo ojciec niby był ale jednak go nie było
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mostlikelytofangirl · 14 days
Also in a Wen-gongzi&furen!MY Wen win au, wonder how LXC and NMJ would react to the public dadson rp XD
Oh my, that's a hella good question and the first thing that pops in my mind is qi deviation XD. At least in NMJ's case, LXC... probably wouldn't be faring any better considering how many rules that would be breaking. It would probably inspire a new batch of rules lol.
But then again, this is an AU in which they won, so everybody else would just have to cope with those two acting like father and son only to make out a moment later bc that's just how it is now :').
Jokes aside tho... yeah no, they would be just traumatized in some way, shape or form. It would have been one thing to have WRH adopting MY, especially if they did win and JGS is the least appealing option politically. Or WRH having MY as a lover, but like... both???
It would only confirm to NMJ just how twisted those two are, and LXC would be so confused, probably holding onto hope until the last possible moment when he gets full confirmation that this is indeed happening.
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twilight-diary · 9 months
Niedawno sobie zdałam sprawe ze mam daddy issues
Lepiej mi się żyło bez tej wiedzy
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dapjeongneo · 2 years
Od zawsze kochałeś alkohol bardziej niż mnie
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23400bilgoraj · 3 months
ale mnie wkur8wa jak ktoś chce mi pomóc psychicznie i zaczyna pierdolic:
"To minie"
"Ja też tak miałem i nie poddałem się dzięki pasji" (pasja to piłka nożna)
"Musisz przestać tak myśleć i z tym walczyć"
"Nadejdzie lepszy czas, mówię ci"
Najczęściej te osoby nie zdają sobie sprawy z powagi moich problemów a twierdzą że zdają sobie sprawę. Zalosne, śmieszne i wkurwiające za jednym razem.
(Wszystkie te teksty są autentyczne które usłyszałam wczoraj i kurwa mam dość, posikam się z tych ludzi)
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moscovrium · 5 months
i want my dad back please.
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ciernie666 · 2 years
Widok mamy czujacej sie do dupy psychicznie, mowiacej ze ma dosyc ojca i ze nie wie czy bedziemy nadal tu mieszkac boli bardziej niz najgorsze tortury.
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
Very early on in the nieyao brainrot i was like "why is murder sexy to me now. I blame jinkei." And i meant that in a kind of jokey manner because jinkei doesn't really have all THAT much in common with nieyao aside from, like, betrayal, divorce, murder and class elements.
However. Once you look a bit closer at 3zun and dabihawkstwice you realize that they all have a disturbing amount of things in common except the traits are differently distributed among the characters, resulting in very different dynamics.
So, what i mean is:
Murder: hawks > twice. Meng yao > mingjue. Xichen> meng yao. Mingjue > meng yao (?)
Spying: Meng yao. Hawks.
Being "too trusting" as a character flaw: Xichen. Twice.
Extreme devotion to father flips, after years of mistreatment, to extreme dedication to patricide: Meng Yao. Dabi.
Two characters are doylistically on one side of the "protagonist - antagonist" divide and one is on the other. The one on the other puts a lot of effort into making the other two believe they are on the same side. Only one of them believes this. (Meng yao: antagonist trying to convince nmj and lxc he's a protagonist, only lxc believes him. Hawks: hero trying to convince dabi & twice he is a villain. Only twice believes him)
Ironically, the character who does not believe them played a large part in bringing them into the fold in the first place: Nie mingjue promoting meng yao. Dabi recruiting hawks
Daddy issues: (bass boosted) ALL OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS except possibly jin.
Character's crimes in large part motivated by alive & abusive father: Meng yao. Dabi
Character driven to crime by other options being locked out due to lower class background and discrimination: Meng Yao. Twice
Character is lifted out of impoverished conditions due to recognition for a heroic event, but this puts them in the claws of another person/organization that uses them for their own gain to do terrible things: Meng Yao. Hawks
(Bitch how does this little fucker have all 3 of their motivations???)
Characters who are so driven to a goal and so willing to die for it it borders on being straight up suicidal: Nie Mingjue. Dabi. (Hawks???)
Bonus: killed character mourned by younger sibling (figure) who swears revenge on their killer: Huaisang. Toga.
Character who killed other character was convinced "they had no other choice": Meng Yao. Hawks.
Mental health issue (connected to magic system) causes personality change: mingjue. Twice
Power is slowly killing you. You keep using it anyways: Mingjue. Dabi
Class differences causing one character to misunderstand what drives another character to do what they did, causing them to condemn their actions without providing a meaningful out: nieyao. Jinkei
"I can fix him" gone wrong: jinkei. Xiyao.
Cute lil teacher-student roleplay: jinkei. Xiyao
Younger foils succeed where they failed: xiyao - wangxian. Jinkei - 1A trio and their respective villains
Orphaned at an early age: Twice. Mingjue
Character not orphaned but mainly raised by someone else than parents: Hawks. Xichen
Character plans long-con revenge while keeping everything a secret from everyone in their social circle: Dabi.... well this isn't really anyone in 3zun- oh shit here comes huaisang with a steel chair!
Character trying to gather information vs that one motherfucker they can't figure out: meng yao with mingjue. Hawks with dabi.
Getting fucking stabbed: Meng yao. Twice.
Character witnesses (dad-related) crime and learns that society will do nothing about it because the perpetrator is powerful enough and so becomes deeply disgusted with those ignoring the problem and vows to enact justice very loudly and very visibly themselves: Nie Mingjue. Dabi. (The difference here is that mingjue is loud the entire time and Dabi spends 10 years quietly working up to his live TV debut which, as I said above, makes him a huaisang)
Trying to be the opposite of your father just puts you exactly where he ended up: Xichen. Dabi
Trying to be just like your father will fucking kill you: Mingjue. Dabi (yes dabi is both of these)
Character doesn't give a fuck that your betrayal might end up killing them (spoilers: it will) but stay the fuck away from the people close to them: Mingjue Twice.
Karma comes in the form of the ex you murdered back from the dead (except not really back) trying to kill you: Meng Yao. Hawks.
The ex in question: Mingjue. Twice.
One character is hiding something big from the other the entire time: meng yao with both his sworn brothers but primarily xichen. And both dabi and hawks with twice.
Mommy issues (you wanted to save your mom. You couldn't): Meng Yao. Hawks
Mommy issues (uhhh it's complicated ): Xichen. Dabi
If you HAD to assign each of them an equivalent my best attempt would be mingjue-dabi, xichen-twice, and meng yao- hawks but that clearly doesn't fit them all that well.
Dabitwice are nothing like nielan beyond, like, being friends and one of them dying. For one, Dabi is highkey a bitch (affectionate) in a way that nie mingjue just. Isn't. Even at his most anry and violent he isn't bitchy and Dabi IS. Secondly, nielan are defined by their standing in society and, as a consequence of that, their responsibility towards their people. They will always prioritise those in their care over their own wantsand expect the ofher to do the sameeven if it pulls them apart. Especially Nie "how dare you waste time trying to save my life lan xichen you are BUSY with your JOB." Mingjue. Meanwhile, dabitwice have both been spit out by hero society and no longer give a single fuck about what it's trying to tell them. They're opposites!
Nieyao as dabihawks makes a little more sense i suppose. These are two people who don't trust each other, but are still tied together (and, if you want to read into that, despite everything, kind of genuinely like each other. And kind of hate themselves for it) however. Nie mingjue is way too direct to be Dabi. Dabihawks are two people who don't trust each other, yes, but crucially one of them is trying to win the other's trust and the other is pretending that it's working while actually not buying their shit at all. This is a sangyao dynamic.
And trying to imagine the jinkei fight between xichen and jgy feels just straight up Wrong because the power dynamics are all upside down and jgy, for all that he can monologue very nicely, would never gloat about how easy it was to deceive xichen. He kind of does the exact opposite. Also the person who ends up being killed is uhhh very much the wrong one.
Rather, the jinkei fight starts out as nieyao divorce #2 fire palace edition except instead of meng yao being in spy mode hawks is taking the spy mask OFF. Then it becomes nieyao divorce #3 staircase edition, where they are both, somehow, nie mingjue and meng yao at the same time. We've got "some of my worst trauma is being repeated right now" for meng yao and twice. And "I have to win to protect other people from you" for hawks and nie mingjue... and also twice again, who is very willing to die here as long as he makes sure hawks doesn't hurt the rest of the league. And "I wanted to save you but you're attacking me so you leave me no choice... I have to kill you." For hawks and meng yao.
AND THEN dabi bursts through the wall like the kool-aid man and suddenly the entire jinkei fight leading up to this has actually been the xiyao temple divorce and dabi is fierce corpse nie mingjue ready to fuck your shit up. Except he is also, somehow, huaisang and actually this is all according to keikaku. Right up until the murder. Which, unlike huaisang, was not part of his plan.
The fact that I can describe these dynamics using the other characters as ingrdients, combining them to make a full meal, and they also just happen to be Ultimate Blorbos from their respective shows, is SO funny to me. like. Wow. I sure do have hyperspecific tastes huh. You put these things in a dynamic and i'll just eat it up everytime. What is wrong with me.
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kxxraax5 · 11 months
Mam ochotę rozpierdolic wszystko do okola a na końcu siebie
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0thislonelykiki0 · 1 year
Ludzie pytają się mnie na co zwracam uwagę przy doborze partnera, ja na nic zato moje daddy issues odgrywa tu dużą rolę
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happinesiseasysblogtw · 2 months
Jeśli nie Ty to kto?
Jeśli nie Ty to kto?
Kto będzie mnie tak samo pocieszał, ocierał krew z moich nadgarstków?
Był przy mnie. Tak samo jak Ty. Jak Ty to robisz? Pachniesz wolnością bez bólu i żalu, tak jakby to dla Ciebie nie istniało.
Więc zadam to samo pytanie
Jeśli nie Ty to kto?
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merciganimard · 4 months
Przypomniałam sobie o forum ESD i nagle mam ochotę przeczytać znowu Jeżycjadę od początku. Co się dzieje w tej głowie
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this-ivy · 8 months
Vero bardzo chce mieć dobrą relacje z rodzicami, ale oni nie chcą z nią rozmawiać. To ją boli. Bardzo. Jak najszybciej kończą rozmowy, przerywają, by porozmawiać z kimś innym. Vero czuje się problemem
Najprawdopodobniej dlatego, że nim jest
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dapjeongneo · 2 years
serce mi pęka zawsze gdy widzę szczęśliwych ojców ze swoimi córkami. pragnę tego doświadczyć ale wiem że to się nigdy nie spełni. to boli
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jestem-cala-twoja · 9 months
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Za każdym cholernym razem. On ma taki boski uśmiech. Cały on jest niesamowity.
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