#mythology and Jonsa
reginarubie · 2 years
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OMG fam I just realized something I missed in my mythology metas 👀 there is another myth I have not considered for Sansa and Jonsa meta, tho it does hold appeal especially with all the foreshadowing of Sansa singing back to himself comatose/dead Jon.
A reverse Orpheus and Eurydice with Sansa as Orpheus and Jon as Eurydice 😅 I honestly don’t know how I missed it 🤔🫣😳🤦🏼‍♀️ so yes as soon as I get out of this low energy moment I am having I’m going to ampliate on the Jonsa Mythological foreshadowing with Orpheus and Eurydices!
So stay tuned for that! Coming 🔜
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patritxi · 3 months
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Jonsa Greek Mythology AU
Jon Snow and Sansa Stark as Eros and Psyche
I little esteeme to see your visage and figure, little doe I regard the night and darknesse thereof, for you are my only light.
- Apuleius -
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So I’m thinking about starting a Youtube channel in defense of book canon Arya Stark, the Key Five, and Gendrya mainly, but I plan on delving into many aspects and characters of the series as well.  I’ve come up with several video ideas, but I want to ask what fans of these characters want to see, especially when it comes to Arya and Gendry and Gendrya considering Arya barely gets any love, especially from Youtubers, and most of the Youtubers I’ve seen dismiss Gendrya as out of hand but weirdly support Gensa (Gendry/Sansa) which I seriously side eye.  
Ideas can include anything from symbolism, mythology, historical and literary influences to general analysis that you may want to see.  I’m open to any suggestion of video as long as it has nothing to do with Jonsa (Unless the Jonsa here is Jon/Satin), Gensa, and fanon Sansa.  Canon Sansa literary analysis ideas are fine to suggest though. :)  I also do not support GOT, so my channel (if I do decide to make one) will be anti-GOT but I’m open to analysis video ideas about comparing and contrasting characters, ect. from book to show.  This also includes Fire & Blood vs HOTD. :D
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cappymightwrite · 8 months
I'm ill off work this afternoon with a head cold — send me asks to entertain me, if you fancy. Topics I'm more than happy to discuss:
Jonsa (always)
ASOIAF's parellels to Norse Mythology
The music of Bruce Springsteen
Al Pacino circa the 1970s ONLY
Movies of the 1970s — does anyone have any recs?
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wulfhalls · 2 months
See, here’s the thing. Dune will only hold your attention for as long as it takes for the next deeply unhinged piece of media to come along. Some brother and sister will come out of the woodwork in a few weeks time and be so psychosexually obsessed with each other, preferably in period clothing of some kind, that duneposting will feel like a distant memory and the irulan url will be mismatched to the vibe. Real ones know that irulan, while an admittedly good url, is a passing fancy while iskarieot is forever.
Judas is looking on at us from his corner of Christian mythology and no doubt feels represented by your appreciation of toxic romance and delicious betrayal. I know I do ♥️♥️♥️
I started following in your jonsa era. I prefer irulan because 1. Dune supremacy, 2. it's not a mispelling like iskarieot and I struggle spelling that one. Also you really do not give off Judas vibes at all however I do feel like your blog is run by a princess.
I'm so gullible when I got the first message I was like so true and ready to change back immediately but then I got the second one and that made me pause like. equally as true. even outsourcing decision making to tumblr is backfiring now 😭 everyone stop being so correct about everything
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
Let’s see:
1. The curtain of light is mentioned only in a Bran chapter
2. The very first chapter of the first book is about an Other killing a brother of the Night’s Watch that looks like a Stark
3. Sam and Jon spend the entire series fighting wights and Others
4. all the mythology about the living dead is set in the North -thank you Old Nan-
5. Bran the Builder built a gigantic wall and a geotermal castle to stop them
Platinum Barbie has dragons! She’s the solution! I have connected the dots!… 🥴
part of why it’s so annoying is exactly that - the ice part of the song centers in the north, this apocalypse that’s spiraling out of control and no one cares to fight it except a few people. meanwhile, the fire part is clearly centered around dani and…her dragons are spiraling out of control and dani more and more turns a blind eye. you have so much of the northern magic in bran’s chapters, so much rich, interesting writing and information including the stupid curtain but all of that in the end is about…dani apparently. and we ignore that bran shares a name with bran the builder. we ignore that the kings of winter were doing fine for thousands of years until the targs showed up and periodically set the continent on fire every 50 years over the iron throne. we ignore that the valyrians were slavers who fell bc of a slave uprising & are still venerated by the targs & dani. we ignore that the long night happened before and *didn’t need a dragon to stop it.* ignore the CONTINENTAL WALL and ICE ZOMBIE DEFENDED CASTLE that stopped it the first time. ignore that dragons refuse to fly north of the wall.
all for…what? WHAT??? if dani is important to the endgame, let’s see the proof! “but i love her” IS NOT PROOF. I love theon’s lil flop ass, i don’t think he’s gonna single handedly defeat the long night based off a single line in arianne martell’s chapter or something. and like, i go back and forth on jonsa bc i go back and forth on everything in the endgame bc we’re two dense ass books away from it, but i will say is that the d and j/d fans loved to shout down every other reading of the text, which didn’t lead to a lot of great theories. while since i started poking around with the jonsas, even finding i have different opinions in major characters and their trajectories, the theories are *talked about*. i love stumpy’s reread bc it breaks down every theory, even ones that aren’t likely, or she doesn’t agree with, and imo that’s how a series as dense as this should be analyzed. we’re not all going to analyze it the same way but can we not pull nonsense out of our ass at least 😭😭
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amnenome · 2 years
My fav fics
masterlist, a bunch of random shit. you can probably psychoanalyze me based on this.
All’s Well That Ends Well (To End Up With You) - aRegularJo. Kathony, modern AU, modern royalty.
most eligible - first glances (amalin). Kathony, The Bachelor AU.
Primogeniture - 55anon (Anon). Series. Kathony, canon-compliant. Canon-expansive(?). Character studies, parentification.
hunt you, unmake you - SarahRoseSerena. Kathony vs. colonialism.
Stranger Things
Off to the Races - CrisSasegov. Ronance, f1 AU, enemies to lovers.
Which Way Up? - wornoutplaces. Ronance, canon divergence, Nancy is trapped in the upside down.
In Another Life - anon56. Zoyalai, canon divergence. AU - their parent actually cares about them.
burned but not buried this time - lazy_universes. Zoya & Alina bond over Darkling trauma.
Killing Me to Love You - venus_in_retrograde. Inej/Kaz Hanahaki AU.
Like Calls to Like (A Grishaverse AU Textfic) - the_loosest_moose. Anything by them is great.
Wheel of Time
The Path of Fire and Foxes - LarraineLynch. Siuaraine, time travel AU.
kept impulse dormant - QuickYoke. Siuan/Moiraine, canon-compliant, childhood friends.
Moiraine is Jane - EvadneGrand. Moiraine Damodred and Jane Bennet switch places.
Percy Jackson
Roman Holiday - BobInTheComments. Bamf Reyna x Celtic mythology. Adventure.
Every Breath You Take, I’ll Be Watching You (strictly in my position as your babysitter, Morgan, now go wash the grease off your hands) - randomest_username. Bamf Annabeth x the MCU. Annabeth is Morgan Stark's babysitter.
Road to the White House - plalligator. Samirah al-Abbas runs for president of the United States.
Felix Culpa - advictorem. Theyna, Thalia is switched AU, camp swap, trans!Thalia.
Hope Is A Delicate Thing - BandKid247, oh__peachy. PJO reading the books fic, almost through the whole series.
Reading Blood of Olympus - anenomenome. Reading the books fic.
Game of Thrones
darkly, darkly, dawn glittered in the sky - cheshire_carroll. Bamf Sansa Stark x Harry Potter marauder's era.
The Gilded Wolf - Mikasaessucasaa. Jonsa. Canon divergence - Sansa was raised by the Lannisters. Politics.
Harry Potter
shadow magnolia - pansexual_intellectual. Ginny/Fleur. Ginny goes to Beauxbatons and deals with her trauma.
A Crinkle of Fate - AFaith1192. Remadora, Tonks time travel fix-it.
The Weight of the After - Paperyink. Ginny-centric, Dumbledore's army. Hogwarts book 7 x Nuremberg trial.
it’s such a shame for us to part (take me back to the start) - whitetiger1249. Sersi-centric time-travel fix-it.
Natasha, Daughter of Ivan - AzureLightningEmeraldCloud. Natasha/Carol, Natasha lives AU.
Higher Further Faster - CapturetheFinnick. Carol/Maria backstory in the Air Force.
P.S. 35, Hell's Kitchen - martial-quill (quilling_me_softly), quilling_me_softly. Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Foggy Nelson, and Patricia Walker grow up together.
runaways are running the night - anothercover. Clintasha, Rock Star AU. Natasha, Nakia, Okoye, Jessica Jones, and Valkyrie are in a band, Clint is John Mulaney.
all it takes is a little water - independentalto. YoYoMack, summer camp AU, soulmates AU.
show me why you're strong - fr0ntier. Buckynat in Wakanda.
Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide - MomoYoMaki. Bucky defects and raises the Widows in a cottage in Canada.
Somewhere Normal - lilyinblue. Bobbi Morse goes home and tells her family she's a secret agent.
the world turns upside down - Clintasha, Star Wars AU. Clint and Natasha join the resistance.
I'll build a house inside of you - magdaliny. Bucky defects and raises little kid Natasha.
How to Transform Your Life Through Reality TV - igrockspock. Natasha competes on a cooking show.
The Girl in the Photograph - ashen_key. Natasha's long-lost cousin writes a book.
aliens and assassins - anenomenome. Natasha doesn't die, and ends up in Star Wars instead.
Back to the Basket - performativezippers. Sanvers basketball AU.
Last Car - Roadie. Sanvers public transportation AU.
yearning to breathe free - softsawyer, TheseTornadoesAreForYou. Sanvers, celebrity AU, fake dating, enemies to friends to lovers
Run at the Cup - TheHomelyBadger. Arcane. Caitvi, hockey AU, enemies to lovers.
Impulse Decisions - Mirradin. The Old Guard. AU - canon divergence. The group is captured by Merrick. Five years later, Dizzy Ali takes a job.
now that i found you: a queer eye x brooklyn 99 crossover - chipsghost. B99. Jake Peralta gets queer-eyed.
show a little loving, shine a little light on me - ev0lution. Star Wars Rogue One. Cassian/Jyn, The Good Place AU.
Bittersweet - inkedstarlight. ACOTAR, Nessian. College AU.
American Pie - micster. We Are Lady Parts - amina/saira. Canon-extension(?). Lots of music references
A Favor - shaziskhalid. ACOTAR, Nessian. Modern AU, Nesta character study.
The Shephards - MiniM236. ADOW. Miriam-centric, Phoebe + Miriam + legacy.
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thistle-and-thorn · 2 years
Hi hi hi thank you @woodswit
Share a few lines of your WIP. Okay so this is from the Jonsa thing because I am having Big Norse Mythology Feelings™️:
Where do the gods go when they die? Gods don’t die. That’s part of the deal, isn’t it?
Gods don’t go anywhere. They don’t disappear just because we stop saying their names or singing their praises. They melt from miasmas and seep into the water that we drink, turning it into wine.
We drink their spirits and they settle in our blood.
The cities they raised become the mazes of our uncalculating minds.
Their names become the names of our impulses.
The fire dies.
Ghost keens.
In the space between their bellies, they hold a funeral for Ned Stark.
Okay no pressure tagging tagging tagging @attonitos-gloria @st-clements-steps @coffeeandorange @winterrose527 @queen0fthenorth@charmtion and whoever else writes stuff that I forgot!!!!!!
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butterflies-dragons · 2 years
About the location of the jonsa reunion in the Books, I was thinking about this question and there is something I found in my many re-reads that I never wrote about before, so maybe this is the perfect time for it.
I'm talking about the first paragraphs of the first AGOT Sansa chapter:
Eddard Stark had left before dawn, Septa Mordane informed Sansa as they broke their fast. "The king sent for him. Another hunt, I do believe. There are still wild aurochs in these lands, I am told." "I've never seen an aurochs," Sansa said, feeding a piece of bacon to Lady under the table. The direwolf took it from her hand, as delicate as a queen.
Septa Mordane sniffed in disapproval. "A noble lady does not feed dogs at her table," she said, breaking off another piece of comb and letting the honey drip down onto her bread. "She's not a dog, she's a direwolf," Sansa pointed out as Lady licked her fingers with a rough tongue. "Anyway, Father said we could keep them with us if we want."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa I
There is a lot to say about these first paragraphs, starting for the name "Eddard Stark" being the first words in the first Sansa chapter of the first Book, because without a doubt Ned is the most important man in Sansa's life.
We also have the foreshadowing for the new Dawn after the Long Night, the Queen Sansa foreshadowing, the jonsa parallel with Ghost and Lady being fed under the table, and the parallel of King Robert hunting aurochs and later hunting the white stag, and finally the direwolves and aurochs being animals that still exist in the North and beyond.
But here I want to call your attention to Sansa saying "I've never seen an aurochs," because maybe she will be able to see an aurochs at the Wall or beyond.
Aurochs is a type of large wild cattle. They have shaggy hair. Aurochs once dwelled in the majority of Westeros. Because of hunting and domestication, however, they have dwindled in the wild and are not often seen. One place reportedly still inhabited by wild aurochs is near the juncture of the kingsroad  and the Green Fork of the Trident in the Riverlands. They still dwell beyond the Wall, where the free folk employ them to drag sledges. Aurochs are frequently used as a symbol of size, strength, stubbornness, and stupidity.
As you can see, there are aurochs i) near the juncture of the kingsroad and the Green Fork of the Trident; and, ii) beyond the Wall. But there is also an aurochs at the Wall or maybe more than one.
After saying in her first AGOT chapter that she has never seen an aurochs, Sansa is present in two feast where aurochs were roasted, so I suspect that when she said "I've never seen an aurochs" she was referring to a living aurochs.
So, to actually see a living aurochs, Sansa needs to return to the juncture of kingsroad and the Green Fork of Trident or go to the Wall and/or beyond.
Again, the expression "I've never seen an aurochs" makes me think that Sansa's wishes do come true, even though this is not expressed as a wish. But I still wonder, If Sansa got to have a mythological direwolf as an animal companion, why can't she see a living aurochs?
Then the possibility of the jonsa reunion happening at the Wall grows. Once at the Wall Sansa will be able to see some living aurochs, either beyond the Wall during some outing, or some of the aurochs the free folk brought with them when they crossed the Wall, or she can meet Grenn, AKA "Aurochs."
And that's it. Just a little speculation for this Sunday night.
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
Do you think Sansa will make a sacrifice for Jon in the way he made for her in ADWD ? I think it will be beautiful considering Jon is always the one sacrificing so it would be great to see and preferably Sansa doing something for him which he would never have expected of anyone let alone her.
I also headcanon that Jon will be the one to first fall in love .
Hi there!
I wouldn’t say that sacrifice is the right word. (I know I used it in this context, but...)
I mean, Jon didn’t specifically sacrifice anything for Sansa when he rejected Stannis’ offer. He asserted his own identity and his own values. He does not want to be the person to take Winterfell in the place of his dead siblings, especially because it would mean destroying its heart. The heart tree, the origin, what truly makes it matter. Mel would burn the heart tree, Jon would be Lord of the Ashes, on the bones of dead children. He is protecting Winterfell.
He essentially chooses the soul of Winterfell over the structure. He chooses his love for the Starks, the essence of his family, over the shell of a title. This allegiance is beautifully summed up in the phrase “Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa”, specifically because he actually believes Sansa is dead along with all the rest. Dead or as good as. She cannot claim it. Still Winterfell is hers in his eyes. He would not take it if it meant destroying what it stands for, unless he could rebuild it in full. And he cannot.
Insisting on Sansa’s claim is an odd metaphorical insistence on her life. He is Penelope, keeping the suitors away. “Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa” insists that she is alive, that Odysseus will return, even against his own belief. It protects Winterfell from being robbed of its soul, at least by his own hand. He cannot be a Stark, because it would mean destroying Winterfell, so he must be a Snow. And he takes solace in that identity because it allows him to love his family without reservation, without conflict of interest.
How can Sansa match that?
By returning against all odds. By affirming that she is worthy of upholding Winterfell the way Jon meant to protect it. By acknowledging Jon’s devotion and fidelity to their home. By leading him back to life and inviting him into the world he locked himself out of. Embracing him even as a beast, cloaking him in wolves, seeing him for who he is. And loving him for it, the way he longs to be loved, the way he will love her.
It will be Sansa’s turn to have faith in Jon in ADWD, without doubt, and that’s going to be a struggle, too. When Sansa is Penelope holding down the fort and Jon is Odysseus struggling to return. When she may be tempted to believe him Rhaegar to her Elia, but he will truly be Ned Stark to her Catelyn.
So, not so much sacrifice. A mutual fidelity, if you will.
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I loved you the whole time you were here and the whole time you were gone
my heart has always been yours by Abby S
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reginarubie · 2 years
I saw you mentioned that you were thinking of writing a genderswapped Orpheus and Eurydice Jonsa meta. There was one thing I was wondering about, which is that the point of the Orpheus/Eurydice story in Ovid is that he fails.
I'm always interested when Orpheus/Eurydice is mentioned as a mythical parallel for a pairing, because compared to Osiris/Isis which has a successful resolution, by comparison the idea behind Orpheus/Eurydice is very different. It's very bittersweet, and not always a positive idea to see paralleled---Eurydice is meant to stay dead.
On the other hand, what you have going for your wonderfully written metas is that the fairytale motif of the Search for the Lost Husband has so much potential---as you've demonstrated---with Jonsa, that I'm wondering if Orpheus/Eurydice is a true parallel here. It's worth noting it's their wedding day that she dies, and I'm pretty sure if a Jonsa wedding happens it will be after Jon is transformed into a man again from a Beast.
Do you think Orpheus/Eurydice is an interesting parallel because Sansa might not be successful at saving Jon first, or potentially ever? Also, what do you think of other Search for the Lost Husband stories, like Ishtar's?
I would still really love to read what you have to say, because obviously you haven't written the post yet, and I wonder how ASOIAF would recontextualize the Orpheus/Eurydice myth. GRRM definitely has respect for the cycle of life/death---Lady Stoneheart's prolonged life and resurrection is a curse, but will allow her soul to be settled by her wayward daughter---and so I wonder what the exact characterisation will be of Jon's undeath. It's definitely appropriate to consider, because Orpheus/Eurydice is so beautiful, but it is heartbreaking. I guess that's the right tonal chord for GRRM. (:
If I've pre-empted what you're already going to write, no worries. I think I got a bit excited. Love your writings, and it's always sweet to see you add a foreword to your posts about the complexity of myth. I think the most important thing is to consider about GRRM himself would employ it, not just appreciating the complexity of mythic traditions as they are respected academically, and you completely cover that anyway, along with great overlooks. I especially liked how you connected Ishtar and Aphrodite.
Ciao anon!
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So, first things first thank you for all your compliments, I am glad you find my metas interesting and worth reading (I know they are long and sometimes I fear tedious; anyway, digressing) 🙃 and I always enjoy when I see people enjoying ‘em.
Pertaining Orpheus and Eurydice peculiarities, it is an heartbreaking and bittersweet myth (I don’t remember if I have written it in the “get to know your author reply” — but I had written a reboot of this precise myth in high school during creative writing course in which Orpheus was not overcome by the need to look back, but actually did look back purposefully because he felt like Eurydices belonged to the dead instead of the living — anyway digressing) and due to this I feel compelled to say it might actually be even more fitting of the kind of story Martin is writing, like you said it seems to strike the exact chords of GRRM’s writing and as I feel the best feature of his creative style is making the psychological and historical motifs of his character plausible and real life is often bittersweet I do feel like I wouldn’t be surprised if he got inspired by bittersweet myths.
Actually I think Orpheus and Eurydice have more in common with Osiris and Isis than the meets of the eye — as whilst Isis does manage to put back together Osiris, her husband still belongs to the dead and thus leaves her to stay in the afterlife and it is only thanks to the sacrifice of one of Horus’ eyes that he gets enough strength to actually rule as king of the afterlife, it is bittersweet too as they are separated and while she managed to give him new life that life is not with her — so somewhat it is like Orpheus and Eurydice as Eurydice belongs to the dead and remains dead as Orpheus lives on.
So, since I believe that it’s totally possible that we get in the book Jon and Sansa as separate entities and we can grasp the pull they have on each other due the inner dialogue but not on acted on events these kind of myths seem to be fitting like a glove to Jonsa (both Osiris and Isis and Eurydice and Orpheus) especially as I think that the end might give us Jon going beyond the Wall for a time leaving the finale open for him to return to Sansa or acknowledging their feelings only due inner dialogue in the span-time of asoiaf whilst leaving open the possibility of them beyond ADOS into actual spring so beyond the events of asoiaf.
I actually have my theory about resurrection in asoiaf (I have spoken briefly about it in a darkDany post and I have planned a serie of metas focusing on each resurrected character and the differences and point in common of each to recognise a pattern) but I won’t digress here on it (tho I should really start working on it because it feels important to the other metas I have planned) but you can find it briefly explained here (in the second installment of my theory of resurrected Dany as darkDaenerys Targaryen).
Of course each myth must be contextualised and put in perspective trying to gather the author’s intention of employing it as an influence in his writing which is why it is imperative to try and consider all version reachable through our means of the same myth as we’ve discovered with the opposition of Venus and Astarte or Ishtar it can make a whole deal of difference especially when we are considering a well read man as Martin as an author.
Ah — don’t get me started on the motif of the Lost Spouse as we have it in asoiaf pertaining Tyrion (where do whores go?, part I it is actually a series of four replies on connecting matters but it does feature some details of the Lost Spouse applied to Tyrion’s toxicity) as well as foreshadowed for Sansa (and possibly Jon — Jonsa foreshadowing part III). I have merely touched the peak of the iceberg so to speak and there is so much still waiting to be searched, analysed and connected there…so much potential too (tho I have yet to research Ishtar’s lost Spouse, but I did said something about it when speaking of Sansa’s parallels with Günlod abandoned by Odin).
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Too many foreshadowing context for Jonsa there!
I feel this parallel might be interesting because Sansa might manage to get Jon back to himself, however briefly, and as suggested by the show she may manage to save him (as Isis did) but that might mean for them to sacrifice their chance to be together to keep the other safe. Tho I hope it might be a temporary thing and that the author might give us the context to prove during spring they might actually go beyond that temporary separation.
Also, even tho I am praying for their happy ending (nor just a bitter sweet one) I try to be as unbiased as I can so I like to analyse even those hypothesis that might give us a different insight confronted to what we’d like to see. 👀 guess I like seeing my theories fall from time to time.
Failure to save a loved one is something Sansa struggles with since the end of AGOT when she tries her best to save Ned, thinks she got it resolved and actually has not — from thereon it’s an ongoing motif for her, she saves Dontos at first but is unable to save him later, and it keeps popping up with the theory of her discovering LF poisoning Robert and acting on her subtly overpowering LF by keeping Sweetrobin safe — so I feel that myths like these with partially resolved issue (Isis and Osiris, Günllod and Odin as well as Orpheus and Eurydice) are extremely pertaining to her character; so worth a shot so to speak even only to further analyse her character.
I hope I have replied to all you have asked and written, feel free to correct me if I am wrong and actually lost something in my reply, I end up always digressing and loosing track of the original pattern of the reply 😅. Thank you again for all the nice compliments, once I’ve written and posted the new meta I will be very excited to see what you think of it (if you want, always)!
I wish you a very wonderful day!
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patritxi · 9 months
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Jonsa edit inspired by the tale of The Morrigan from the Irish-Celtic Mythology.
Sansa Stark as The Phantom Queen, goddess of war, death and fate.
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sunbeamsandmoonrays · 3 years
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I Hope For A Trace (To Lead Me Back Home)
***Secret Santa Gift for @acourtofhopeanddreams***
While out hunting with his men in the Wolfswood, King Jon comes across a red she-wolf. But not everything is as it seems.
Hi, Annette! I was your Secret Santa this year. I decided to go with your third prompt where Jon and Sansa are on opposite sides but fall for each other, anyways (though I wasn’t quite able to make it a full on enemies to lovers fic!). Seeing your reviews the morning after I posted seriously made my day, and I’m soooo happy that you loved my fic!
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cappymightwrite · 2 years
Cappy's Meta Masterlist
It's finally here... a very overdue compilation of all the asoiaf + Jonsa meta I've written so far, plus future projects to look forward to 📝👀
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ASOIAF + Old Norse/Medieval Influences
Norse Mythology + ASOIAF (ongoing):
Part 1: Introduction
PART 2: The 'Long Night' and the Fimbulvetr
Part 3: The Wall, the Bifröst and Magic Horns
PART 4: Ragnarök and the 'Red Comet'
Fenrir, Direwolves & the Norse Origins of Warging
Potential Parallels Between Daenerys & the Goddess Hel
Customs, Chieftains & Countergifts in ADWD, Jon XI
Starkaðr, Gautreks saga & the Origins of the Name Stark
The Bittersweet Endings of LoTR and Gylfaginning
Baldr the Best-Loved vs. Jon the Bastard Outcast
Ormar, Wyrms & Dragons: A Brief Discussion
The Witan, Elected Kings & A New Generation
Mythology, Folklore & The Isle of Faces
Dragons vs Wolves: Fáfnir, Fenrir and Facing Foes
"Nine long nights": Odinic Figures & the Number Nine in ASOIAF
Monstrous Mothers: Cersei Lannister, Beowulf, & Grendel's Mother
"I hung from that windy tree": Bloodraven and the Corpse-Father
"What's done cannot be undone": The Tragedy of Stannis Baratheon
Chapter Analyses (Chronological)
AFFC, Alayne II: Arriving at Snow and Leaving Behind Stone
ADWD, Jon XI: Blue Eyes, Dark Honey, A Sight So Lovely
TWOW, Alayne I: Who She Was, Who Matters, and Who It Will Be
(Book) Jonsa Musings
Character Love: The Appeal of Jon and Sansa?
Mutual Healing & What Makes Jonsa Stand Apart From The Rest
Mutual Healing Continued: Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces
The "Original" Outline & GRRM's Red-Haired Love Interests
Core Themes and the "Original" Outline Continued
Incestuous Foils, Blood Superiority, & "The Blood of Winterfell"
"Peace, and truth, and friendliness quelled", or Who Will Send You Blue Roses? And Who Will Let You Give Them?
Cappy, Do You Even Like Jon, or Do You Just Self-Insert?
Sansa Stark & The Threefold Theme of Motherhood
"You'll dance with me anon": Jonsa and the Theme of Dancing
(Show) Jonsa Musings
All In The Eyes: On-Screen Chemistry & Show Jonsa
Presumptuous Assumptions: Does GRRM Hate Show Sansa? No.
Aritistic Influences + (Book) Jonsa
Sansa Stark, Jonquil's Pool, and John William Waterhouse
GRRM, Sansa Stark, and The Pre-Raphaelites
Literary Influences + (Book) Jonsa
Jon Snow, Manfred, & The Byronic Hero (ongoing):
Jon Snow, Manfred, & The Byronic Hero: Part 1
Jon Snow, Manfred, & The Byronic Hero: Part 2
Jon Snow, Manfred, & The Byronic Hero: Part 3
Jon Snow, Manfred, & The Byronic Hero: Part 4
"What do you know of my heart?" in ADWD and Sense & Sensibility
GRRM, Incestuous Influences, and the 'Incest Motif'
But Why Jonsa? Because Romanticism.
Jonsa, Cousin Incest & Following a Romantic Pattern
Which Austen Heroines Give Me Sansa Vibes?
Desperate Romantics: GRRM and Romanticism
Thoughts on The Winds of Winter (& ADOS)
Allusions to Jon in The Dance Partners of TWOW, Alayne I
The Curse of "The Young", or Will Harry the Heir Bite the Dust?
Sansa Stark, Harry the Heir, & Annulment Obstacles
Will We Get Full Blown Jonsa Feelings in The Winds of Winter?
Jonsa in The Winds of Winter (+ A Dream of Spring)
The Possibility of Political!Jon and How Jonerys Might Play Out
Do I Ever Worry About a Grimdark Ending? No, I Don't.
Jon as Contrast and Sansa's Reflection on her Abuse in TWOW
This Issue of the Tyrion Marriage and When It Will Be Resolved
Sweetrobin's Fate & the Future of the Vale of Arryn
Miscellaneous Meta
Some Thoughts On Textual Analysis
Thoughts On Textual Analysis: A Continuation
Incest Idiocy: Contexts, Cousins, & Reading Critically
Narrative Traps & Being Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind On Other Ships
Concentrated Reading & GRRM's Use of Foreshadowing
More Memory Lapses & Unreliable Narrators?
Tyrion Lannister, Playing Favourites, & Killing Your Darlings
Tyrion Talk Continued: Is He a Villain or An Anti-Hero?
Anti-Hero vs. Villain: What's the Difference?
Sansa Stark, Shortcomings, and the Bildungsroman Narrative
A Significant Stark: Sansa's Overlooked Importance
The Hound and the Dark Aspect of the Dog in Dream Symbolism
🍑 The Infamous Stark Ass (Arse) Ranking 🍑
MIA Motherf*cker of My Heart aka Benjen "The Sexiest" Stark
Me @ myself, realising the true extent of my Jonsa love:
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hoaryoldbitch · 3 years
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Cersei Lannister, the new Queen of the Northern Kingdom, is jealous of her stepdaughter’s beauty and decides to turn her into a gorgon, so no man will ever be able to love her.
Devastated, Sansa Stark flees her home and hides away in a cave, leading a lonely and miserable life. No one can come near her, and every man who dares to look at her is instantly turned to stone. The snakes growing out of her head are her only company. 
One day, a man called Jon Snow wanders into Sansa’s cave. Intrigued by her singing, he refuses to leave. Sansa agrees to talk to him, but always with a barrier between them. She is petrified she is going to hurt him.
As they talk to each other, they fall in love, and one day, Jon decides to take the risk of seeing Sansa directly. Because of his dragon blood, Sansa’s snakes have no effect on him.
Sansa is staring at him in disbelief. He looks like a Northerner, he looks like home, and he still hasn’t turned to stone. 
One of her snakes curiously stretches its body to get a bettter look at him. The snake even lets him stroke its head.
Sansa is so overwhelmed that she’s finally seeing another living soul after so many years that she swings her arms around his neck and kisses him. 
Because of Jon’s love, Sansa grows more confident, and no longer scared or disgusted by what she is, she learns to control her curse. She’s able to hide the snakes, appearing as a normal, but still very beautiful woman, and she can now summon the snakes at will.
With Jon by her side, she takes back her kingdom from the evil enchantress Cersei, who has killed Sansa’s father. Sansa turns Cersei to stone and keeps her in the Godswood, as a reminder of what happened for future generations. 
Jon and Sansa live happily ever after as the new King and Queen of the Northern Kingdom. 
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