#my point is going soooo uh. kicks a can. do they kiss or. and don't kill them :
fellas is it gay to still be together eight years later and now in niagara falls?
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keirawantstocry · 2 months
hiiiiiiii im baaaackkkkk 💋anon. school was kicking my ass there for a bit, but now im freeeeeee (for a little bit, ignore the tests i have in 2 weeks-)
soooo, as backgroud this is a req I just Found in my notes, its a little older? like, in and around when he stole etoiles identity- I was (and still am-) very much a shapeshifter tubbo truther so uh, enjoy? idk [:
sooooóoooooo shapeshifter tubbo hangs around fit and pac as like, just random animals or like, a handful of animals that fit and pac just get used to having around so he'll just be chillin on like, their head or shoulders or backpacks or following them around. Though neither fit nor pac actually Know tubbo can do this. At some point someone points it out (maybe one of the demons or someone who just Know that stuff) (or keeping in mind current stuff, maybe when hes possessed someone lets it slip) and then tubbo like, runs away and tries to hide but they Find Him because they Know Him and ahhh i want cute misunderstandings, thats my whole agenda.
Hope youre having a good day, many kisses for you <3
heyyyy. i hope that if you already had your test it went well <3 kissing you mwah mwah
Pac loved animals. It wasn't strange to have some hanging around his house. It wasn't strange for him to wake up in the morning and find birds on his windowsill. It wasn't strange to fall asleep with nighttime creatures gathered around, croaking their song to him. 
When Sunny had first seen the animals gathering around, their eyes had lit up. 
“You're like a Disney Princess!” she signed in excitement. 
Pac laughed lightly and grinned at her, rubbing her head gently. “I am! Just like you too.” 
They had stared up at him with wide eyes. “Me?” 
Pac had nodded. “You're a princess.” 
“I'M A PRINCESS! PAI PAI PAI! Where is he?” she asked, blinking her large brown eyes. “I need to tell him I'm a princess!” 
Back then Pac would have never said he had a favorite of the animals that hung around. But now he had to admit he had a certain affinity for one in particular which had begun to hang around both him and Fit. It was strange at first to see a mooshroom of all animals hanging out but they got used to it. Pac enjoyed staring into its big eyes while stroking its soft nose. It was easily one of the most gentle creatures Pac had ever met, the biggest blue green eyes with such long lashes. 
“It won't bite,” Pac cooed as he grabbed Fit by the hand and gently laid it on the mooshroom's nose. 
Fit gasped in surprise, bringing his other hand up to stroke the animal's nose. “It's so soft!” 
Pac grinned. “I know. He's grown attached to me I think. He's always around.” 
“Don't you have your own family?” Fit asked in the voice he used to talk to the children on the island. Pac couldn't help but smile lovingly at him as the mooshroom butted its head a bit aggressively against Fit's hands. 
They both laughed, Pac collapsing against the animal's side, threading his fingers in its fur. “Don't be silly, Fitchie. I'm his family. And now you are too.” 
Fit paused. “I wouldn't have said it's possible but I swear that thing just gave me a smug look.” 
Pac burst out laughing. “Don't be ridiculous. It's an animal Fit. It can't understand us.”
Fit squinted at the animal at question, a strange sort of staring contest going on between them. “Okay,” Fit finally sighed. “You're probably right.” 
“Of course I am,” Pac teased. “Always am.” 
Pac didn’t think strangely of it. Not until Sunny posed a strange question. 
“Why does my Pai follow you around everywhere?” they asked, a quizzical expression on her tiny face. 
Pac froze and tilted his head at her in confusion. “What do you mean, anjinho?” 
She blinked up at him with wide brown eyes. “My Pai follows you around.” 
Pac laughed lightly, in the back of his throat. “I haven’t seen him doing that.” 
“Oh!” Sunny’s eyes lit up like stars. “Because he’s in disguise!” She dropped her hands quickly and shoved them behind her back like other children would throw a hand over their mouth. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” they signed nervously. 
“Oh?” Pac asked curiously as the puzzle pieces began to fall together in his mind. “Sunny, sweetie, is Tubbo the mooshroom that's been following me around for the past few weeks?” 
Sunny stared up at him silently. They raised one hand to her lips and dragged her pinched fingers along them in a mimicry of a zipper. They dropped the imaginary key and smiled at him. 
Pac patted her on the head before pulling out his communicator to message Fit. “Okay, Sunny, I won't tell him that you told me.” 
Fit was strangely furious. 
“Tubbo!” he called in that booming voice across the land of Fobo. “You wanna fucking explain this?” 
Tubbo peeked out from behind the door, his eyebrows pressed down hard against each other. “What are you yelling about bro?” 
Fit stared him down as he stormed up to the door, sticking his foot in between the door and frame to stop Tubbo from being able to close it. “Wanna tell me why you've been following Pac around?” 
Tubbo stared at him. “What are you talking about?” 
“The mooshroom,” Fit said flatly. 
Tubbo stared for a moment longer before bolting. 
“Hey!” Fit shouted, shoving the door open to chase him down. Pac followed on his heels, still trying to process what exactly Fit was upset about. 
Before Pac knew it, Fit had Tubbo by the shirt, both hands curled tight into the fabric as he shoved him up against the wall. 
“Hey!” Pac tried to shove in between them, his own hands trying to pry Fit's off of Tubbo. “Calma! Calma!” 
Fit relented, releasing Tubbo while they both scowled at each other. 
“Deep breaths,” Pac said. “Talk this out like civil adults.” 
“Yeah, asshole,” Tubbo spat, rubbing his collarbone. 
Fit let out a deep sigh, relaxing ever so slightly. “Okay. I'm sorry for freaking out on you Tubbo.” 
Tubbo stared at him until Pac cleared his throat. 
“Oh! Um, I'm sorry for stalking Pac. But I mean technically I wasn't stalking him, he just didn't know it was me.” 
“Why have you been doing that?” Pac asked curiously. 
Tubbo's expression shifted to one of nervous energy as he squirmed in place. “Can't a guy just do a little shape shifting?” 
“We didn't even know you could shape shift,” Fit butted in. 
Tubbo crossed his arms unceremoniously. “What? So I have to tell you about every true fact about me?” 
Fit rolled his eyes. “Okay, sure, whatever. You don’t have to tell us everything but you THINK that it would be beneficial for us to know that you’re a fucking shapeshifter?”
Tubbo groaned, clearly frustrated. “Well, sorry if I don’t understand why that’s a fucking issue.” 
“Calma,” Pac said again before Fit could snap. Fit shut his mouth firmly, curling his lips into his mouth. “Tubbo…” Pac said slowly. “Can you just try and explain why you’ve been doing this?” 
Tubbo sighed. Pac’s voice always seemed to soothe him which sent a warm zing through Pac’s body. He brushed away that thought, focusing on what Tubbo was saying. 
“I just… just wanted to spend time with you.” 
“With me?” Pac asked. The warmth in his gut spread, it felt like something safe and good. 
Tubbo nodded. 
Fit scoffed. “Tubbo, listen. You can just say that! I know you’re emotionally stunted and have got some fucking abandonment issues of some sort but I’m telling you right now, you can talk to us. We want to hang out with you. We want to fucking…” he trailed off and reached out to gently put his hands on where he had grabbed Tubbo earlier. Tubbo’s body visibly relaxed and Pac couldn’t help but smile. 
“We are,” Pac said softly. “We love hanging out with you!” 
Tubbo twisted his mouth in frustration. 
“I know, I know,” Fit said before Tubbo could protest. “You don’t believe us or you don’t want to believe us or something. But listen to me. Right now. Can you do that?” 
Tubbo nodded. “Yes,” he said softly. 
“We love you.” Fit laughed. “So can you get that in your thick skull? Please?” 
Tubbo seemed frozen in place, completely stunned. He opened his mouth before closing it again, glancing between Fit and Pac, reading the emotions in their eyes, in every line of their face. 
“Yeah.” He gulped. “I can do that.” 
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Rise!Leo X Reader Headcanons☆彡
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Some points are from my other works I’ve written on here so some stuff may look familiar lol
Relationship: Dating (official)
Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (but in second person)
Warnings ⚠️ : Swearing
Genre: mostly fluff, some angst
• One thing about Leo is he is a very touchy person.
• Whenever you're around, he has to hold your hand or set you on his lap with his chin resting on the top of your head or something of the sort.
• He would never tell his brothers, but he loves to carry you around. If he has to go anywhere outside of viewing distance, he will carry you like a koala wherever he needed to go. Yes, it slightly inconvenienced him, but at least he could occasionally kiss your cheek or neck as he prepared a snack in the kitchen.
• Although he was charming, he often poked fun at you. Especially when he found your diary from the 5th grade where you had an obsession with this one boy that's presently kinda ugly.
• “Dear diary, Colin is soooo cute!" Leo read in an exaggerated breathy voice.
•"Leo, don't!" You screamed playfully as you tried to reach for the diary, but he held it away out of your reach.
• "Hold on, just one more page!"
• "Leo! Give it back!"
• But sometimes, he didn't register your mood before making a crude joke.
• One time, he made a joke about something you were insecure about. Usually you'd just laugh it off, but you had had a bad day and that was your breaking point.
• He felt like the worst boyfriend seeing you cry because of him. He apologized over and over until he practically went horse. "I'm sorry, that was dumb. I'm dumb. That was stupid. I thought it was gonna be funny. I'm sorry, don't cry!"
• "No... it's just... today kinda sucked." You told him.
• Leo was relieved that it wasn't solely him that made you upset, but he was still pissed at himself.
• He got you a few blankets to wrap you in, and then he tried to cook you something that epically failed, so he settled for some canned tomato soup that he tried to pass off as his own. Which epically failed again.
• "You did not!" You accused him. "You don't know how to cook.”
• "I do too!"
• "Do not!"
• "Do too!" Leo grabbed you, smothering you with kisses as you giggled and tried to push him away.
• He always knew how to make you feel better.
• During every one of his missions, he would send you a selfie of him posing with the villain in the background. The villain was usually getting their ass kicked by his brothers.
• Be back soon, babe! He would text you.
• You laughed and texted back, You shouldn’t be texting me! You’re gonna get hurt!
• Just checking in w the love of my life, he texted back, making you blush.
• Of course, Leo can’t meet new people often, but you had introduced him to your younger siblings when he had swooped in through your open window and your eight (8) year old sister stood staring at him in awe.
• Leo didn’t know what to say as he didn’t even know you had siblings. He just stared awkwardly for a bit.
• “(Y/N) has you on her screen saver.” Their sister ratted on them.
• (Y/N)’s ten (10) brother stalked out of his room to see who his sister was talking to. He screamed when he saw Leo. “(Y/N)! There’s a monster in the living room!”
• (Y/N) rushed out of their room and sighed when they just saw the turtle still staring dumbfounded at her little sister, Harriet.
• “Harri, Carson, this is Leo.” (Y/N) said slowly as they approached Leo rested a hand against his shoulder, finally shaking him out of his stupor. “He isn’t a monster. He’s… uh, a friend.”
• Harriet quickly took advantage of Leo’s social awkwardness and forced him into a tea party, then a makeover. She kept asking him question after question: how old are you? Where do you live? What’s it like being a turtle? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? Do you like to color? What color lipstick do you want: red or purple?
• Although he was uncomfortable, Leo tried his best to be nice and charismatic.
• Your brother sat in the corner of his sister’s room to make sure that what you said was true and Leo wouldn’t to eat her.
• “Are you and (Y/N) in love?” Harriet asked the turtle. He tried to laugh it off, but the little girl stared intently at him, waiting for an answer.
• Of course Leo’s in love with you, but he’d never said it verbatim. Maybe an “I love you” or “you’re the love of my life”, but he’d never said he was in love with you.
• “No duh!” Carson scoffed before Leo could answer. “They’re always talking about him but didn’t think to tell us that he was a big green monster!”
• “Stop it! You’re hurting his feelings!” Harriet threw a dusty eyeshadow at her brother. “You’re being a bad brother in-law!”
• “He’s the in-law, not me!” The boy retorts.
• “Hey, can we just—” Leo tried to deescalate the situation for the sake of his heart mere seconds away from pounding out of his chest at the idea of him and (Y/N) getting married.
• The kids continued to argue until (Y/N) came into the room with a plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes cut in half. The siblings flocked over to the plate, leaving Leo in a chair that was way too short for him.
• (Y/N) stifled a laugh at the makeup smeared all over Leo’s face.
• “Looks like Harri likes you.” They took a makeup wipe sitting in a pack on their little sister’s dresser.
• The turtle shrugged, a smile on his face as you wiped away his colorful yet messy “makeover”.
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tdstoryarchive · 27 days
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This is the last chapter. Short Story Indeed.
Chapter 5: Battle on Krazoa Palace
Fox sighed. "Alright everyone, here's the plan. You three," he points to Slippy, Falco and Peppy. "Need to back off and not interfere!"
"But Fox-" Falco started, but Fox ignored him and turned to Krystal.
"Krystal...." He said. "You need to go to Krazoa Palace."
"Sure thing, Fox! Let's go!" She went to grabbed his hand, but Fox pulled away.
Krystal was confused.
" But...who will save me from General Scales?!" Krystal asked.
"No one..." Fox replied."
You need to get pushed into that beam. I will come back for you, Krystal".
Krystal's eyes grew sad. Knowing that Fox wouldn't be by her side, made her tear up.
" Its going to be okay." Fox had reassured her.
She looked up into Fox's eyes. She had gotten lost in them even then Fox grabbed her hands.
" I promise I'll come back for you, I never break a promise. Besides, why would I forget a beautiful vixen like you?"
Krystal blushed and hugged Fox. Fox hugged her back then kissed her on the cheek.
He smiled and Krystal called her Cloudrunner. She was gone.
"Well well well...." Falco said"looks like McCloud-"
"Shush.." Fox interuppted. "You guys need to get back into the orbit, at least. If you guys are here it could cause another alternate future. Plus, I don't want Slippy dying again"
"What?!" Slippy asked.
"I'll call you guys when its done".
The others got on their ships and left Fox to collect the Spellstones.
And thus Fox began his Dinosaur Planet adventure again. But...Past me didn't write all that down soooo you guys here on Tumblr get a TIME SKIP!
" There.." Fox thought to himself.
"What now Fox?" Tricky had asked.
"Uh..." Fox had replied" Now we get you back to Dinosoaur Planet"
"Aww....". Tricky wanted to stay with Fox...
Fox had dropped off Tricky, said goodbye and hugged him.
Then he immediately set off for Krazoa Palace.
Fox landed. However, the palace was crawling with Sharpclaws.
"Good thing I've got this disguise.." . Fox put the disguise on and ran through dozens of Sharpclaw.
Until he got to Krystal's Chamber. There she was...guarded by two Sharpclaw.
"You two!" Fox had said." General Scales said to take 5". The Sharpclaw looked at Fox,cheered then ran past..
Fox bolted forwards. He tried to free Krystal, but he couldn't figure out the controls.
That's when General Scales showed up. "Do you think your stupid disguise can fool me?!" General Scales said pulling off Fox's mask.
Fox turned around and faced the monstrous lizard.
"You can't keep her here forever!" Fox readied the staff.
"Heh....THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK!" General Scales rushed towards Fox, instantly knocking him down.
General Scales pressed his Claw against Fox's throat.
"Any last words?" He asked.
Fox didn't say a word. "OVER HERE LIZARD" A voice said.
"WHAT?!" General Scales turned around to see Falco.
Falco laughed and shot Scales with his blaster. Scales stumbled back and fell.
Fox got up and put the staff on his chest.
"Any last words?" He asked.
"THIS ISN'T OVER!" Scales replied shooting back up to his feet.
Fox got launched and almost fell off the top floor of the palace, he was hanging on with one hand.
Falco!!" He screamed.
Falco did not come, he was too busy fighting Scales.
Punches,Kicks, Claws, Blasters, filled the air.
The rain didnt help as Fox's hand started to slip.
He struggled to hang on, but no avail. He fell, his whole life flashed in front of him.
His Parents, The University, The Team, Krystal...
He closed his eyes and plummeted to his doom.
"Not on my watch!" Peppy had swooped down with a Cloudrunner and saved Fox!
Fox opened his eyes."Hm?"
He looked up, and there was Peppy. "PEPPY!"
Peppy smiled then flew back up to the top of the palace.
"Thought it was that easy?" Fox said jumping off the Cloudrunner.
Scales turned around and started sprinting towards Fox.
Big mistake. Once he was no more than 5 feet away, Fox moved to the side.
General Scales could not stop in time and he fell off.
"NOW It's over" Fox wittingly remarked.
Fox then turned to Krystal.
Falco had figured out the prison, it seemed.
Fox ran up to Krystal and spun her in the air.
Once he put her down they looked into each others eyes. Then Fox slowly leaned forwards an kissed Krystal.(Ew Sappy)
Krystal was blushing as it happened. She couldn't believe the guy actually did it!(Cringe)
Fox stopped and smiled." So still wanna come with us?" He asked.
"Of course!" She replied.
She hugged Fox. All the Sharpclaw had fled. Team Star Fox had won.
Though their mission was still not over. They still have to find a way to defeat General Reptillious.
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heart-of-wool · 28 days
I'M ALIVE!!!! || Recovery and Relapse || How I've Been
Hello all of my friends again!!!!! GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!! So, to start off, I'M ALIVE!!! I didn't die from heart failure or anything. For a while, I decided that maaaaybe, life might be worth living, but now.. I don't have much anymore. I have no control, until now. I'm taking control again!! I'm coming back!
Recovery and relapse! I decided to try recovery out for a while. It was actually pretty great! It felt so nice being able to eat whatever whenever with not that much shame. I'm not even relapsing now because I hate my weight all that much, I'm relapsing because I just need to feel something. I haven't been hungry in so long.... I'm not FAT fat, but I've gained some weight!!! I haven't felt real hunger in a while. I think it's time I start again. I remember my days of eating one of those tube ice Popsicle a day. I lost so much weight in so little time. I miss when people would tell me my wrists are so tiny they can wrap all their fingers around it, I miss people asking to pick me up, I miss people saying I could be a model with my thin legs. I'm taking it all back!!! Plus, with summer coming soon, I'll need to be bikini ready... I'm gonna be so ready.
How I've been... A LOT OF THINGS HAVE HAPPENED.... for starters, my family really doesn't like me anymore, no one looks at me, talks to me, touches me.. no more hugs or kisses, no more good mornings or good nights, no more "I love you's..." they go out of their way to walk REALLY far from me if I'm near them, usually leaving the room, and if my baby sister comes near me, my mom pulls her away! And you may be asking, "oh my god, wool!! What the hell did you do!???" ....I got caught skipping. I've never been in trouble before, I'm a very good kid usually, this is my first time ever going to the office being in trouble, and I got in-school suspension (ISS). Cue lots of screaming (and I mean SCREAMING, no words, just animalistic SCREECHING and flailing) from my mom, "YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE IN MY FUCKING HOUSE I DONT CARE IF I GO TO JAIL TONIGHT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU BITCH!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! YOU CANT BE HERE ANYMORE IM CALLING YOUR FATHER AND HE CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH YOU!!!!! IM GOOOONNA KIIIIIILLLLL YOUUUUUAAAAAAAAA" etc. etc., and of course with all the threats I am feeling very threatened as one does when they are threatened, and I'm very scared to go in the house and then I get grabbed and smacked around a little and I just turn around and start walking down the street because oh hell nah..... "LET HER GO!!" My mommy says! And it was so! After her boyfriend very dramatically, very slowly walks after me for a little bit he eventually gives up and turns around.. I walked down the street for a while and I guess at some point cops were called I was a missing person for a while and then eventually cops come pick me up and are like "well little lady you got a pretty smile you're reeeaaall purty hurdur oh uh you're not old enough to make any choices we're taking you back to your house" and I'm like well fuck if I die I die idrgaf and soooo i come back mom just points at the door to my room and is like "just go then. Get in there." And I go and I stay in there like all day and I stay there all day every day and yeah... I have nightmares pretty much every night where it's just my family hating my guts and screaming at me. But what can ya do? I try to have an "it is what it is" attitude but I'm really depressed lately. I think I'll be kicked out of my house soon. What is there to do? Nothing,, nothing at all,,, so I'll make something, new diets, new exercise routines, new schedules, new gws.. I'm nobody, I mean nothing, I do nothing, but I'm going to make myself something and I'm gonna be thin again. I'm gonna be pretty. If a girl has nothing else, her looks are a final resort. I need to do something with myself. I just cry all the time. I'm so miserable. At least now I will have a purpose.
Sorry for the long, sad ranting. I really am happy to be back, and to have a purpose now!!! I love you all so much!!!! Here's to Diet Coke, low cals and good exercise!!!!!
LOTS OF LOVE!!!!! - heart-of-wool
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 113 2Xs2) "Things That Real People Do."
@crystalbaby12 @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @rosefilledhearts-blog *AGAIN... So sorry if I missed you ❤️
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Colson and Luna wake up late and discombobulated the next morning. They had fucked a few more times and stayed up way too late talking about their future plans together. Now they're rushing around to grab clothes so they're not late meeting Deanna at the airport.
Luna and Colson are a little more than halfway to LAX when she gets a text from Deanna. It says she just landed to their relief.
"It's so good to see you!!" Luna hugs Deanna tightly once they find each other.
"UGH. You are soooo lucky I love you." Deanna half teases, half groans.
"All this yours?" Colson asks with wide eyes as he looks at the stacks of luggage behind The Girls.
"Try YOURS." Deanna answers with a laugh as she greets Colson with a warm hug. "Three wedding dresses, two suites and the makings for two flower girl dress... Yeah, that's YOURS. Mine's there." She deadpans pointing to a significantly smaller sized pile.
"Alright... Let's get this show on the road!" Luna claps with excitement.
With substantial help, Colson, Luna and Deanna load all of the luggage and themselves into Colson's Expedition. On the way home the three of them talk about the astetics that Luna's going for. Colson hearing for the first time her two color schemes.
"This shit is gonna be FIRE, Kitten!" He shouts happily as he pulls her head over to kiss it; making Deanna smile as Luna turns a sweet shade of red.
Music is blaring when they pull into the driveway. The Cleveland House is alive and rocking. Sam and Baze have made their way back over along with Slim and Dub. Mod and Casie are having a water balloon fight in the front yard against Rook and Benny while Pete and Kevin chill on the front step watching.
"Welcome to Cleveland!" Colson laughs at the sight happening in front of his house.
Baze, Colson, Sam, Slim, Dub and Luna help Deanna get her supplies inside. Setting up in the dining room, she spreads out the fabrics and sets up the accessories for Casie's dresses across the large table. Opening Colson's trunk, she reveals his almost finished suits. With some fine tuning, they both should be finished today. Staying closed and locked is the trunk that contains Luna's multiple wedding dresses.
"Colson, can I get you on the box?" Deanna requests once she has her traveling work space fully set up.
"Yeah, no problem. What suit you want me to try on first?" He asks as his fingers run between the two different fabrics.
"Uh... Let's go PinStriped because that's the first one." Deanna decides.
"Hi!" Casie comes up waving. "I'm Casie. Who are you?" She asks inquisitively as she sticks her hand out for a shake.
"Hi!" Deanna laughs at the young girl's candid demeanor. "I'm Deanna, I'll be creating your dresses for your dad and Luna's weddings... It's so nice to finally meet you." She gushes as Casie shakes her hand in an exaggerated fashion.
"Are these for me?" Casie asks with a squeak in her voice as she hops over to the different colors and fabrics laid across the table.
"Yup. I'm gonna finish up with your dad and then we'll start on you." Deanna informs her.
"REALLY?" Casie clasps her hands together in excitement.
"Yeah, come on Dill. Let's go warm up and get changed so you're ready." Luna coaxes her favorite tiny person.
"Okay!!" Casie continues to hop as Luna guides her up stairs after passing Colson.
One Look.
"Oooh! That fits nicely! How does it feel?" Deanna asks once a barefoot Colson is on her box.
"Nice. I can move and bend... " He answers by showcasing how his ninja kicks.
"WHOAH!! NO MARTIAL ARTS TILL AFTER THE CEREMONY!!" Deanna asserts with a laugh as she slides his suit coat onto his shoulders.
"DAMN... I love fly as fuuuuuuuck!" Colson shouts as he admires himself and Deanna's work in the mirror.
"Stand still for a sec, I just wanna check the hem on the pants." The designer instructs as she works her magic; a few small adjustments and the suit is perfect. "Alright, now the orange one." She goes on to direct her model.
"My favorite!" Colson shouts again as he jumps sideways off the box, Luna and Casie coming in just in time to witness it.
"Don't mind my dad, sometimes he can be a nerd." Casie reassures Deanna of her father's antics.
"How's the first?" Luna asks her friend as they wait for Colson.
"BAM!!" Deanna is cut off by Colson's elaborate entrance. "This jawn is litty, my Kitty!!" Colson shouts again as he pulls Luna close to him by the waist. "Feel this shit... It's so fucking soft but so light." He oozes over the crushed orange material.
"You look great, Buns." Luna laughs as she kisses him. "Now get on the box.... GET ON THE BOX!!" She laughs harder, slightly mimicking Brad Pitt from Seven.
"How's that one feel?" Deanna interupts them, she's on a mission.
"I like that this one is looser. Like, I could wear these pants all day at EstFest and be comfortable." Colson answers as he does a slight jig.
"GREAT!! That means you're done. All I have to do is secure all the hems and you're wedding day ready." Deanna let's out with a light sigh.
"See that Kitten, I'm wedding day ready." Colson states as he pops a pose and sticks his tongue out at her; causing her to collapse into a fit of giggles with Casie and Deanna.
"That's a good look for you there, Mzzz. Kelly." Sam comes in, busting balls and carrying beers.
"Whhhyyyy thank you." Colson laughs as he jumps off of the box one last time, steals a beer from Sam and hollers "THANK YOU, DEANNAAAAA!!" As he sprints away to undress and work on his rap hook.
Fitting Casie is a WHOLE different story. She's never had to stand still long enough for a custom piece. It also doesn't help that The Guys keep floating in and out and messing with her.
"Lemme show you something, Dill! " Luna calls for Casie, pulling her sketch book out, she shows the young girl what their goals are.
"Okay. I'll stand better." Casie asserts with a better understanding of what they're trying to construct.
Deanna works as Casie stands. Luna and Sam busting it up with both of them. Colson pulling Luna away for her opinion on the sound for what they're now calling So Am I. Luna dipping all around the house. From the dining room to the music room, then to the backyard to get stoned real quick. Starting from scratch, Casie's takes the longest leaving the tiny one to step down from the box hungry and exhausted.
"I'm going to watch TV." She declares with a dragging sigh.
Luna sets her up in the living room as Ashleigh arrives with Ashton. Pleasing Casie to no end to have her Buddy with her as the women all head to the dining room for Luna's final fittings.
"We need sheets." Deanna informs Luna. "I don't want anyone walking in on you... You know?" She asks to Ashleigh's nod at the sign of the bad omen before she goes to find them.
A couple of beers, a few sheets later and Luna's on the box in her first dress. It's simple and short with lace details. Deanna checks the hems and asks Luna how it feels. She loves it. It's flattering yet comfortable. Delicate but not too girly for Luna. Gushing over it as she throws her arms around Deanna in gratitude.
"Wait till you see the third... That's my favorite." Sam whispers to Ashleigh as they watch Luna shimmy into her second dress.
This one is long with simple, classic lace patterns. Giving off a soft, hippidelic feel. Perfect for the woods of EstFest. Luna stands still as Deanna adjusts the lace around her body and it falls softly against her skin.
"Is it too tight?" Deanna asks with slight concern.
"I don't think so... What do you think?" Luna asks as she twists and twirls on the box.
"Jump off." Deanna instructs Luna.
With that she takes a long, ballerina leap off of the box, making it shake by her sudden weight shift. Legs wide open and arms extended she glides for a moment before landing and twirling again.
"TaDa!" Luna takes a bow, incredibly pleased with herself.
"Show off." Sam snarks with an unamused eye roll as she swigs her beer.
"You look AMAZING, Loons!!" Ashleigh stands up to admire her and the dress.
"Thank you." Luna let's out an embarrassed smile as she pecks Ashleigh's cheek. "What do you think, D?" Luna asks her designer friend.
"You'll be fine." Deanna's head nod making the other girls crack up.
"Yo!! Kitten! Where you at?" Colson tries to come barging in but gets tangled in the sheets.
"Not with you right now." Sam answers as she grabs him and pushes him to freedom; all praising Sam and the sheets with more gratitude and laughter.
Slipping into the third dress is easy. It's a two piece with a full skirt. Deanna only wanting to check the final fit and hem. Still twirling, Luna let's out a sigh... It's not hard to get caught up in the sweetness of planning a wedding. No matter how obscure.
"You okay?" Sam asks as she passes Luna a beer.
"Yeah." Luna smiles dreamily. "Just excited." Her hopeful demeanor seeping slightly into Sam before they click their beers wih the other two ladies.
The fittings took all day. Leading them right up until about 530Pish. Only having time for a huge burn circle for the adults before most of them who aren't dressed have to run off to be ready for their 7P reservation at Morton's Steakhouse.
Finally seated with an array of drinks and appetizers, it's a ton of them as always. Colson, Casie and Luna. Deanna. Then Pete and Kevin; because no one could convince Pete to leave Kevin at home alone during nightfall and Luna knows when to pick her battles. Baze, Sam, Ashleigh and Ashton are there. Along with Rook, Slim, Benny, Mod and a pop up AJ. Fifteen to be exact. The Fabulous Fifteen if you will. Dub making his way home after the circle. Luna orders a ribeye while Colson wants crab legs. Everyone one else places their order before Luna builds Casie a bowl of Chicken Alfredo by getting technical with the server. She doesn't like to be a dick but Casie's an asshole when it comes to food and Luna would rather push a little limit than be pushed to the limits. All the while Colson appreciating Luna's instincts when it comes to his daughter.
Dinner is filling and boozed soaked. Casie successfully getting her coveted dish while Ashton enjoyed plain noodles. They talk mostly about getting back to The House and trying to work out Luna's new song before Ashleigh asks how TownHall went.
"The COURTHOUSE went well." Luna laughs to Colson's smirk as they slightly explain the logistics of their yesterday.
Conversation continues to flow along with more alcohol. Deanna and Sam's thick NY accents drawling out Luna's Brooklyn one as well as Pete's Staten Island slang as they recant war stories and bust each other's balls. It's a different light to see the four old friends in.
Eventually Ashton has his fill, Ashleigh taking him home in her own car. Benny driving Colson, Luna, Casie and Deanna while Baze, Sam, Pete and Kevin follow behind Slim, Rook and Mod. AJ being the lone wolf as always.
Back at The House, Colson has Casie get in the shower while he packs up a few of her things that will head back to Emma's tomorrow. Meanwhile, Luna begins to pack for their overnight stay and upcoming performance in NYC on Thursday. The Guys and Sam are still downstairs tinkering with the idea Luna has in mind while Deanna works on Casie's dresses nearby.
Heading downstairs with a clean Casie, Luna and Colson join them in the music room. Beers are passed along with ideas and thoughts. Luna sits behind the drumkit, making herself comfortable.
"Let's try this, Sammy..." Luna offers as she takes the sticks in her hand and pounds out a quick bop.
"Lemme give it try." Sam agrees as they switch place and she begins to practice to Luna's approving nod.
Grabbing her electric that she'd kept with her since SNL; Luna tunes it up, making the chords howl. Stopping Sam, she looks over at Baze and nods for him to follow her chord pattern. A huge smile lighting up Luna's face as their two instruments align together.
"Now, gimme that strong, quick drum, Sammy!" Luna shouts out over her shoulder. "Colson, follow her lead." Luna continues to instruct as she begins to sing the original lyrics a bit faster with more spunk instead of tease.
Casie sits watching in awe. She's seen her dad create and record a million songs but there's something empowering to her in the way Luna commands the direction of her peers and their instruments. The young artist continues to absorb the creative jam session as it begins to birth an actual song.
"I think here... " Luna points to her and Colson's conjoined lyric lined papers, showing him where she think his part fits.
"So, what... After... " Colson asks as he flips through a few chords on his own electric.
"Yes... Exactly. Wanna try it?" Luna asks as she feels the piece lock into both of their brains.
Colson nods as Luna calls it From The Top. Her lead guitar whining for a couple chords before Baze's bass pops in to even her out. Followed by the unique beat pick up by Sam's thunderous drums and Colson's quick paced rhythm. Luna steps up to the mic, her vocals dancing through the lyrics as Colson slides in to reiterate everything she's claiming.
"FUUUUUCK YES!!" Luna shouts after they slam it out. "Quick break and then another couple run thrus?" She asks to everyone's agreement as she bounces around like she's on Meth; she's not, it's just her creative process.
A quick break means a quick fuck to Luna. Down the hall, in the tiny bathroom. With her senses on overdrive, she's all over Colson. Dropping to her knees to slurp his dick, bringing him close to the edge before releasing him and letting his cock throb as it drags against her outstretched throat.
Bouncing up again with a twinkling gleam, she kisses Colson hard on the mouth. Letting their tongues wrestle playfully with one another before pulling back. Giving him THAT One Look before she hoists herself up onto the sink. With his pants already off, Colson eases himself into Luna's juicy pussy. Making her moan and shudder from his girth. With his hands cradling her face, Colson kisses Luna deeply while her nails grip his ass and she fucks him maniacaly.
"Ooohh FUCK, Bunny! GO!" Luna cries out as her whole body tightens before that beautiful wave of euphoria washes over her.
"God Damn, Loons." Colson pants into her collarbone as she goes limp against his body.
"Mmmm... I FUCKING LoveLOOOOVE Yooou." Luna coos gently in his ear as they rest upon each other
Luna comes bouncing right out of the bathroom and back to practice without missing a beat. Talking over different chords with Baze, rhythms with Sam, along lyrics and feelings with Rook. Colson gazes at her with love and adoration as he watches her create. It's when he sees how intently Casie's watching Luna too, does it turn into appreciation. Heart bursting with pride that he chose a strong woman to be his wife and a role model to His Peanut.
"It's her... It's always been her." Colson smiles to himself as he allows his mind to drift back to the night at The Gramercy and the mysterious Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat before joining in on their band practice for a song She wrote about Him.
Word Limit 2 of 2
To be continued....
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2530
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter three: closer
Groaning, you stretched your body as you woke up, soft sunlight dripping into the room. Slipping on a floor length, silk, black robe  with slight puff sleeves, you exited the room and made your descent. Jungkook and Taehyung were in the kitchen and looked like they were going to choke when they saw you. “What’s wrong?” You questioned, eyebrows raised in confusion. “You just, look nice, is all…” “Oh. Well thank you! I like this robe quite a bit and the slip makes my figure look nice!” You shot them a smile, “If it makes you uncomfortable, I can change?” “NO!” They both basically yelled at the mere thought of you changing. “I mean, no, you look good and if you are comfortable with it so are we, just, tell us if anything we say is too much?” “Oh for sure, though I’m not to shy with any of that stuff, and you all seem like good people.” The boys seemed to relax at your words and you smiled again, heading to the kettle to make tea.
You chatted with the two as you sipped your drink, the rest of the boys slowly joining you at the table, each with their own reaction to your outfit. You told them all the same thing and it seemed to make them feel more comfortable. You were excited that they seemed to adapt fairly quickly to your somewhat odd personality, it warmed your heart, but you knew you couldn’t put your full trust in them. It had blown up in your face the last time, and you didn’t feel like going through that again. Pushing the memory away, you tuned back into the conversation.
“Me, Jin and Tae have class on campus today so someone else has to make food!” Hoseok said. “Not Namjoon, he sucks!” “Says you Jungkook!” “I can cook you guys.” You said laughing. “Really??” Jimin looked at you with the biggest puppy eyes you’d ever seen. “Yes, I’m not the best but I was the one in charge of food in my old dorm.” “You’ve saved us all.” Yoongi said sending you a smile. “So what do you guys want anyway?” “Uh… Anything you make is better than whatever we would’ve made.” “How about salmon and egg fried rice?” “That sounds soo good (Y/N).” Jimin all but moaned, “It’s a plan then!”
“By the way (Y/N), do you have any on campus classes?” “Nope! I don’t like campus.” You said making a face, you found it incredibly boring to sit through classes, especially since you didn’t even need them really. “Lucky~” Jungkook whined, “Mine are so boring.” “How else would we meet anyone to invite to parties then?” Jin said shaking his head. “I guess, but it still sucks dick.” Jungkook grumbled back. Hoseok clapped his hands, “Ok idiots, we have to go now so don’t destroy the house!” You all exchanged goodbyes and then they were off down the road in Hoseoks car.
The remaining four and yourself dispersed to get dressed, you opted to shower first and gathered your clothes before heading into the bathroom. It was more modern than your bedroom, brown tiles lining the floor, a glass shower and a big tub beside the window. It fit your taste perfectly . Stripping out of your robe and slip, you stepped under the warm water of the shower, a sigh leaving your lips. You were very connected to all the elements and being enveloped in them was always pleasurable. You washed your white locks and exfoliated your body, you briefly considered masturbating quickly, but you weren’t good at keeping quiet so you settled against it. You dried your body with a quick spell and wrapped your hair in a towel, slipped on a black t-shirt dress  with a pink decal that looked like angel wings on it, and some knee high black socks.
Back downstairs, you curled up on the couch with your laptop, begrudgingly writing an essay for one of the stupid human classes you were in. At some point Jimin joined you with a laptop of his own, and Namjoon sat opposite reading a book. You assumed Jungkook was still in his room and Yoongi was definitely in his, you could hear the soft beats of music coming from above you. Around 5pm you stretched and removed yourself from the couch, heading into the kitchen to begin making dinner. “Do you mind if I put music on Jimin?” You called to the black haired boy on the couch, “Nope, go ahead!” You shuffled the music on your phone and danced to the beat as you cooked, singing sometimes to songs that you knew by heart. “I really like it but it’s too late, Too bad, it’s already 12. What to do? It’s already 12.” Chunghas ‘Gotta Go’ made you want to dance, so you did as best you could while still cooking.
Just as you finished putting the dishes on the table, Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung came through the door. “It smells so good~” Taehyung called dumping his bag and skipping to the table, “I’ll grab the others!” Jimin called running up the stairs. Once everyone was seated you all served yourselves, “So how were classes?” “Soooo boring. I wanted to come home the second I got their.” Jin whined, the other two nodded in agreement and you giggled at their despair. “Don’t you all have only like, one on campus class?” “Yes and?” Jungkook said, “You have zero so you get no opinion!” Taehyung stated, you just rolled your eyes and laughed again.
Namjoon and Yoongi did the dishes when everyone had finished their food, “Thank you for cooking such yummy food for us (Y/N)!” Jungkook said, surprising you with a hug from behind. “Yah! Don’t be so touchy!” Jimin smacked Jungkooks arm. “It’s fine! I love skinship, and I’ll tell you if I’m uncomfortable, don't worry.” Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Jimin and continued to nuzzle into you from behind, Jimin just shook his head and went upstairs. Taehyung joined the hug so you were now sandwiched between the two, it was nice and warm and they smelled so good. “Guys~ Lemme go.” Immediately freed from their embrace, you blew them each a kiss and ran upstairs.
Your heart was beating fast in your chest as you hurried to your room. It was like they were trying to make you lose it on purpose, holding you like that. You wanted to kiss them both then and there but it was still too early and you didn’t feel like using a spell to make everyone who had been downstairs forget about it, that was too much work. One day you would get them but for now it was too soon, you didn’t want them to feel awkward. Stuff like that never bothered you, but humans were always acting weird after something sexual happened between friends or roommates.
Sighing, you threw your dress off and pulled on a black one piece swimsuit with cross straps on the back, and high cut sides . A black sheer long-sleeved beach cover up  and you made your way to the pool, surprised to find Jin sitting on the deck with his laptop. “Studying in the dark?” You called as you walked over to the lounge chair beside him, sitting down and catching his gaze. “(Y/N)! A late night swim?” He gestured to your attire, “Yup~” You popped the ‘p’ and smiled at him, he returned it with his own and his eyes twinkled.  He is really stunning. You thought, studying his sharp features, “Like what you see~” He teased. “Yes, you’re very handsome.” You cooed back to him, giggling at his taken aback expression.
Tossing your cover on the chair, you dip a foot in the pool. Perfect. You smile to yourself and lower your body into the pool, swimming to the bottom once you had submerged. The water was like the best friend you never had, always there when you needed it, never judging. Resurfacing, you brushed the wet hair out of your face and stared at the sun setting in the sky. Beauty was everywhere, surrounding this house and living inside it, you were happy with your decision to move in here. The boys were all welcoming and fun to be around, not to mention how you had made some progress in the physical department.
Diving back down you swam along the bottom, twisting your body about in the water, relishing in its embrace. You weren’t sure how long you swam for, but when you decided to get out, the sky was dark and full of stars. “Pretty~” You murmured, watching the moon as you squeezed water from your hair, a towel was wrapped around your shoulders and you turned to see Namjoon. “Thanks.” “No problem, I saw you forgot to grab one.” He winked at you then headed into the house, it seemed Jin had disappeared inside as well while you were swimming. Pulling the towel tight around your body, you walked into the house and up to your room.
Peeling your damp swimsuit off, you changed into a cute silk, baby blue shorts romper, that had white lace on the bottom . You slipped under your sheets, and scrolled on your phone for a minute, but soft moaning distracted you. A deep moan was coming from the room next to yours, as you listened closer another slightly higher pitched moan was mixing with the low one. You bit your lip and tuned your hearing into the room, thanking the universe for giving you the ability. Your hand slipped between your legs and you rubbed your clit slowly, the moans next door were delicious. Inserting one, then two, then three fingers you pumped faster as the moans got louder and more unwound, you shoved your other fingers in your mouth to keep the moans down and for the choking sensation.  
Judging by the heavy and excessive moaning whoever it was in the next room was getting close and you clenched your walls tight, finishing at what you assumed was the same time as them. You breathed heavily and removed your hands from you pussy and mouth, licking your own juices off and flicking off the lights. You felt a bit bad for tuning into them, but you had been able to hear them regardless. Not like you could apologize anyway, without seeming crazy. Sighing, you fluffed your pillow and let sleep take you.
Sun on your face woke you in the morning, rubbing your eyes and getting out of the sheets, you made your bed with a quick wave of your hand. Downstairs at the bar, sat Yoongi and Jungkook drinking coffee. “Morning~” You sang as you walked over to them, sitting on a bar stool beside Yoongi. “Good morning (Y/N)!” Jungkook returned your greeting while Yoongi just nodded his head. “You two are up early?” “Class.” Yoongi mumbled, sipping his drink. “Oh boo, that’s no fun.” You pouted at them and Jungkook ruffled your hair, “It must be done though, gotta let people know about Friday~” “Oh? What’s Friday?” Your curiosity piqued. “Your welcome party! Time for you to experience your first one here.” You couldn’t contain your joy and jumped up to hug Jungkook. “I’m so excited!! This is gunna be so fun!”
“What’s gunna be fun?” Namjoon asked sleepily as he came down the stairs followed by Jimin. “I told her about the party.” “Oh, I’m glad you’re so pumped! Me and Jimin are going to the liquor store after lunch to get supplies.” “Can I come?” You asked making your eyes big and round. “Yeah, for sure.” Jimin said sliding onto the barstool you had been sitting at minutes ago. You walked over to the cupboard and reached for the box of froot loops on the top, stepping on your tiptoes to try and reach. A warm body pressed up against your back as Jungkook grabbed the box for you, “You’re a little shorty too, huh? Jimin you aren’t the shortest anymore!”
“Hey~” You whined, “I’m not short! You guys are just too tall.” Grumbling, you poured your cereal as the four laughed at your complaining. “Let’s go Yoongi, can’t be late.” Jungkook called hopping off his stool and and tugging the older boy with him. “Have fun at school.” You mocked, sticking your tongue out at Jungkook and stealing his now empty seat. Namjoon sat at the bar with you and Jimin and ate his toast, while the two of you ate your cereal, exchanging conversation.
After putting your bowl in the dishwasher, you headed upstairs to pick your outfit, and bumped into Taehyung on the stairs. As you lost your balance when you bumped into him, he was now holding your waist to keep you steady. “G’Morning (Y/N)~” He purred, not letting you go. “Morning Taehyung, did you sleep well?” “Mhm. You?” “Very well~ I’ll see you in a bit I’ve gotta get dressed.” He pouted but released his hold, you giggled and blew him a kiss as you skipped up the stairs.
The heat of his hands lingered on your waist as you searched your drawers. We may have found our first target. White fishnets underneath ripped blue jeans and a cropped long sleeved white shirt fit your mood  for the day. Leaving your room you linked arms with hoseok, who was looking very sleepy and confused, on the second floor and the two of you entered the kitchen. Jin was up now too and Namjoon seemed to have disappeared somewhere. The 3 boys were dressed casually in jeans and various coloured shirts, but they fit just right and hugged all the right spots. They seemed to make anything look good, which was frustrating to say the least.
Grabbing your laptop and heading out on the deck, you settled in one of the lounge chairs and worked on some school things, just enjoying the sounds of nature from the woods behind the house. “(Y/N)~ It’s lunch time~” Taehyung sang from the doorway, “Mmk, be right there!” You closed your laptop, satisfied with what you had gotten done and followed Taehyung inside. “Yum, something smells good!” “Why thank you, I made grilled cheese for lunch.” Jin said smiling at you as you sat down at the table.
The boys joined you and everyone began to eat, cheese melted perfectly on the bread. “How do you make everything so perfect!” Jimin moaned as he ate. “I’m just a man of many, many talents.” Jin laughed. “Any specific requests from the liquor store?” Namjoon questioned the group. “Strawberry soju!” Hoseok suggested, “Oh and vodka.” “Get a rose, too.” Jin chimed in.
“Alright, strawberry soju, vodka and rose, you two are with me so you can decide there.” You and Jimin nodded in agreement.
When everyone finished, you cleared the table, insisting it was your turn. Once everything was tidied up, you and Namjoon followed Jimin out to his car. Namjoon sat in the back, telling you to sit up front with Jimin. When you had all settled in and buckled up, Jimin started the engine and you were on your way4
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