#my phone keeps correcting this to 'doctors who'
I just watched the first Doctor Who 60th special. Here are my immediate, unprocessed thoughts:
I am still a little sceptical, but it is starting to feel like a return to form, one can definitely feel the RTD touches coming back. It's a little older, and of this age, but there's a familiarity there.
Anyway spoilers, here are some detailed thoughts:
Things I really liked:
- The opening landing of the Tardis, an alleyway somwhere in London, the spaceship crash very much 2005 era vibes.
-Donna missing all that. Of course she does.
- New tardis interior, it's nice, it's the very cutting edge minimalist feel to it, which is a different flavour from what we've had for a long time, (usually not what I like, but its) refreshing, yet it still very much echoes the past, and the first Davies era - I am reminded of the bit where he or the designer of the 2005 tardis said it was imagined as the top half of a sphere, here it's basically a full sphere.
And they just had to flex how much of it was a real large set, and its pyrotechnic capabilities. Also, it's got RBG.
- I thought the pacing was good. Was a little worried they would dwell on the regeneration mystery a bit at the start but instead they moved straight on, and the doctor started doing stuff
- they did the 13th's era "the aliens you think are the baddies aren't" but they did it well, rather than just ok.
- It was brave of them to include a transgender character - I am not from the UK, but from what I hear, there's controversy and fuss going on over there.
The was a bit near the end was a little clumsy (see next section), but this reminds me of RTD era one's deliberate casual inclusion of gay and bi characters during the 00s, which was a different era. This feels like that.
Many of this feels like RTD finding either unfinished business, or new bits to add to old themes, and it was nice to see. But now, on to the
Did not likes
- I didn't like that they fake outed on Donna's death. Remeber that era of the show where they were afraid to end things? The solution of the metachrisis being having a daughter and splitting is ok. I could sorta see where they were going, and why they did it...
But then, personally, I didn't like that sort of stuff that much in RTD, like the "doctor who space Jesus moment", or Donna magically gaining all that timelord knowledge from seemingly nowhere in the first place.
-the "male presenting timelord wouldn't think of this" bit seemed like a sexist jibe, come on, that's not really that feminist or progressive. Tbh, the whole bit where gender somehow mattered in an unclear way felt kinda clumsy to me. Maybe if it had been better set up earlier, without ruining the casualness if earlier character scences... idk.
-the sonic makes force fields now. They made it clear that it's not that instant or convenient, but will this get overused? Forgotten in future when it could be useful? Ruin future plots? Idk, it's always a risk adding a new power to the sonic.
The only thing I am uncertain about is we never saw Wilfred Mott again, bit he's apparently alive somewhere? The actor died, apparently they chose to make it that the character did not, but we still don't get to see him?
But for the first time in a while, this feels like an episode I would actually rewatch. In fact I'm looking forward to when I watch it again with my mum.
I'm actually feeling a little bit excited for doctor who again. I love that. I missed that.
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watermelinoe · 2 years
i am genuinely so nocturnal it's not even funny. i "fixed" my sleep schedule for the women's fest coming up and now i can't get anything done, i just lay around exhausted and irritable all day until the sun goes down and then i get in bed and can't fall asleep bc i'm full of energy
#and if i take something to fall asleep i sleep for 14 hours bc my body is trying to correct itself ghdkfhdh#i still think it's non-24 hr and not delayed sleep phase bc i cycle thru every possible sleep schedule#but the sleep monitor the doctor wanted me to get was like >$1k and not covered by insurance sooo fuck that lmao#and not to rant but i hate it when people say ''night owls'' aren't real and it's just bc ur on ur phone or playing video games#i didn't have a fuckin smart phone when i was six years old staying up till midnight i just wasn't tired!!#and i have tried everything. i hate ppl being like ''well have you tried-'' yes. didn't work. i have decades more experience w this than u#i know people think i'm just lazy. even more so now that i also have chronic pain.#that i should be able to wake up every morning like everyone else.#i was so excited abt this new sleep doc because he was the first one to say ''why don't you just follow your body's schedule''#and he had this great care plan too but his team sent me on this wild goose only to find out this device would be over $1k#ppl think wow she doesn't even work like it's not humiliating to see your peers advancing their careers#while you had to give up on your dreams#i'm so lucky to be financially supported by my parents bc i would be dead otherwise#but that doesn't mean i don't feel worthless bc all my hard work in school amounted to nothing#who would hire someone who can't keep a consistent schedule? my only hope is IT but i can't handle traditional college again#it nearly fuckin killed me the first time#but will my online degree even help me#i want to work i want to contribute i want to be financially independent#i wish the rest of the world was wide awake at night like me
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prettyprettypaci2 · 14 days
Forget About It! - The Potty Diary Paradox 😵‍💫💦
I'll tell you a secret: there's a difference between being "incontinent" and being "diaper dependent."
Incontinence is a twist of fate, usually brought on by an unwelcome medical condition. There are countless guides published online that promise to take away your bladder control, but the reality is that continence is physiological, not mental. A healthy person can't train themselves to be incontinent any more than they can train themselves to block out the color orange.
Diaper dependence, however, is a mental state. It's your brain's understanding of where it's okay to void. Humans didn't co-evolve with the flush toilet. Even in the 21st century, different cultures have different rules on when and where to make tinkles. For your Little, the goal is to make that: anytime and everywhere.
This can be trained.
So! You've watched your pamper packer romp around the house in just their t-shirt and diaper, crinkling to and fro, and the thought occurred: today is the day. They're just too adorable. I'll never let them wear anything else on their butt again. After the tears, the corrective spanking, and lots of cuddles, they'll come around to the idea. But in order for them to truly accept and embrace their diapers, you'll need to train them to be diaper dependent.
Enter: The Potty Diary 📒
Get your leaky little lamb a cute journal (you can also install a bladder tracking app on their phone). Require your Little to record every single time they make lemonade in their diaper, and approximately how much they think they went. They should try to pee at least once every 30 minutes; no less than once an hour. If they wake up to flood their padding in the middle of the night, that should be recorded, too.
"But Paci," you say. "I'm trying to make my Little forget about their pee-pees! Now they'll be thinking about their bladder more than ever!"
True! And your kiddo will be hyper-aware of how much they're soaking those pampers for a while. But ask any incontinent person who's had to keep a bladder diary for their doctor: it's a lot of work and it's very annoying.
That's why it's going to be such a relief when, after a couple of months, you tell your Little:
No More Potty Diary! 😃
What a relief! They can finally go tinkles without having to record it for you! They can saturate their bedtime diaper and just fall right back asleep! All of the RAM their tiny little brains were devoting to their bladder has been freed up for more important matters. And they'll find, to their amazement (and your amusement), that peeing without thinking has become a reward.
No, they won't lose their ability to hold it if they're concentrating. They won't stop feeling the urge to go. But you just tricked their brains into realizing that it's too much work to think about their bladder. They'll start having little accidents when they're distracted. They won't remember how many times they peed. And the idea of going a day without diapers will start making them very, very nervous.
It's not about losing control. It's about losing your mind 💛
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parkersbliss · 1 year
your instagram when dating spencer reid
inspired by @/happiesthotch @/hotchaways :)
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Liked by garciagirlie, alexblake and 374 others
ssa(y/n) love his clown feet 🫶🏼
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spencephd love her baby feet ❤️
rossisrotini I didn’t know they could be nice to each other
→ jjareau she texted me after posting this and said he slam dunked her with a pillow
→ ms_emilyp @/ssa(y/n) use two exclamation points if you need help
→ ssa(y/n) HELP‼️‼️‼️‼️
→ agenthotch wheels up in 20, you heard her
d.morgan oh to see pretty boys feet
→ ssa(y/n) my eyes only 😡😡
→ spencephd im not sure how to feel about this
→ garciagirlie I could get you photos of lots of feet
→ agenthotch I think we need to have a talk about this
→ garciagirlie i meant my feet with fresh new nail polish* 😁
→ agentahotch 😐
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liked by therealellew, jjareau and 427 others
ssa(y/n) pov garcia & morgan are on the phone
view all 33 comments
garciagirlie where’s my chocolate thunder
→ d.morgan right here baby girl 😏
→ spencephd we can’t escape them
→ ssa(y/n) but we can do worse ;)
→ ms_emilyp @/agentahotch do something about this
→ agenthotch no
rossisrotini I beg of you both to not become like them
→ spencephd now you’re just tempting us to do worse 🤷‍♂️
→ ssa(y/n) I await those glorious hands of yours, doctor
→ jjareau what have we started
→ d.morgan could’ve fooled me tbh
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liked by itsmattsimmons, d.morgan and 503 others
ssa(y/n) someone didn’t pass the physical fit test
view all 17 comments
d.morgan is he looking for a trainer 👀👀
→ garciagirl no. never again with you.
→ spencephd literally leave
→ jjareau we’re doing just fine without you 😘
ms_emilyp reid looking to outrun his paperwork
→ ssa(y/n) more like reid running to catch some bitches
→ spencephd so I’m chasing after you?
→ ssa(y/n) 😡😡
agenthotch who’s not doing paperwork 🤨
→ rossisrotini exposed like the lazy kids you are
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liked by spencephd, agenthotch and 292 others
ssa(y/n) got my bitch <3
view all 19 comments
Spencephd 😐
→ ssa(y/n) notice how you didn’t correct me
→ spencephd can’t even tie her own shoes smh
→ ssa(y/n) LMAOOO that’s what you’re for SIMP
garciagirlie the love birds are at it again
→ jjareau love birds sounds more like enemies these days
→ d.morgan isn’t that the fun in it?
→ ssa(y/n) yes, he literally just threw the shoe at my face 😇
rossisrotini @/agenthotch got another case for ya
→ ms_emilyp that’s the sound of the police reid 🚨
→ spencephd you know statistically, it takes the police an average of 7 minutes to get to the scene. I could be long gone by then.
→ d.morgan I can hear him through my phone
→ spencephd :)
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liked by alvarezluke, rossisrotini and 338 others
ssa(y/n) candid of my favorite nerd 🤭
view all 31 comments
spencephd I’ve been exposed 😟
→ ssa(y/n) wanna be exposed in a different way?
d.morgan looks like we got competition @/garciagirlie
→ garciagirlie 😏 been exposed for years to you baby
ms_emilyp 🤢 I’m moving back to london fr
→ jjareau take me with 🙏🏼🙏🏼
→ garciagirlie GIRLS TRIP
→ ssa(y/n) LETS GO
→ ms_emilyp not you ❤️
rossisrotini 🥂 cheers you two but keep it in your pants
→ ssa(y/n) hard to when he’s this fine 😫
→ spencephd actually die
agenthotch this is what we call a hostile work environment
→ d.morgan you weren’t even there for that hotch
→ agentahotch I have my ways
→ garciagirlie please don’t bring back such traumatizing memories
→ jjareau clearly we need to have this conversation again
— END —
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a/n finally got around to writing some criminal minds stuff 😫
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Pregnant II
Hardersson x Baby!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Pernille's pregnancy
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During the first month, you're about the size of a poppy seed.
Pernille's fine on her own during this period. She has a little bit of spotting and feels a bit more tired than usual but she's mainly okay. Since the announcement, her teammates have been more careful on the pitch with her.
Everyone knows that the risk of miscarrying is higher before the third month so they all take care not to knock into her as much or, at least, to not hit her head on.
Magda, it seems, is the only one completely stressed out of her mind. She sends regular texts to check in with Pernille. She calls every day (once in the morning and once in the evening).
If she didn't have commitments in England then Pernille's sure that Magda would have flown over daily.
By the second month, you're the size of a kidney bean.
The symptoms have gotten a little worse by now. The tiredness has been replaced by sore breasts and the spotting by morning sickness. It's still manageable and Pernille doesn't even think to tell Magda until she misses a morning call in favour of hunching over the toilet and spewing out her guts.
"Her heart's developing now," Magda's voice comes through the phone, echoing around the tiled walls of Pernille's bathroom," And her brain too. Do you think she'll be smart? I think she'll be smart."
"We don't know if it's a girl yet, Magda," Pernille says. She's still leaning against the toilet but Magda's voice is safe and soothing.
"I know it's a girl," Magda replies, an air of finality in her tone," A little Pernille."
"She's your egg. She'll be a little Magda."
Pernille can hear the smile in Magda's voice as she replies," I made you admit she's a girl."
At the end of month three, you're the same size as a lime.
The morning sickness is extremely bad now and Magda even flies out when she hears from Nilla that Pernille had thrown up on the side of the pitch one morning.
"This brings back memories," Magda quips as she holds Pernille's hair back.
"Of what?"
"Crazy parties in our youth."
"We're still young, Magda. Becoming parents doesn't automatically make us old," Pernille sits up and takes the washcloth from her partner.
"Yeah, but we're more mature now. No more crazy parties and throwing up."
"None recently," Pernille corrects. She smiles for a moment before hunching over the toilet bowl again.
Magda rubs her back. "I've taken a few weeks off," She says," You keep getting sick."
"No, I've already made my decision. International break is soon anyway. Our next match isn't too difficult. They don't really need me."
Pernille can't find it in herself to argue about it much, with the way that she sags against the wall and stays within arm's length of the toilet.
Magda kisses her stomach. "You're making your Momma sick," She says," You've got to leave her alone. You're still growing in there."
At month four, you're around the size of an avocado.
The morning sickness has stopped completely now but the soreness in her breasts doesn't subside at all.
It's completely coincidental when, one evening as she's changing her shirt, Pernille catches the sight of herself in the mirror.
She's got a baby bump now.
Instantly, her hand goes to touch it, as if she could feel exactly where you are.
She takes a picture and sends it to Magda.
She can see that it's been read but Magda doesn't reply for hours until finally...
MAGDA ❤️ you look so beautiful that's my new lockscreen
It's month five. You're the same length as a banana.
She could have found out earlier but Pernille waits until Magda can make the trip to find out your gender.
"A girl." Magda is still convinced as they sit in the waiting room, her hand stroking over Pernille's knuckles. "I know she's a girl."
"We'll see."
Pernille feels a bit vindictive so has the doctor write your gender on a scrap of paper, folds it up and hands it to Frido (who has come to visit).
"Huh?" Frido says as she looks down at the scunched-up ball of paper.
"You're in charge of that," Pernille says," Magda doesn't see it, she doesn't take it before the gender reveal."
"You guys are planning a gender reveal?"
Pernille shakes her head. "No. You are."
By month six, you're as big as an ear of corn.
You move around a lot now and Pernille never forgets the look on Magda's face when, one evening, Pernille grasps her hand and places it over her swollen stomach.
You kick almost every day and Pernille rubs her stomach softly as Frido hands her and Magda a knife.
"I bought cake," Frido proclaims," Because this is a celebration and you can't go wrong with cake."
Someone (Pernille's not sure who) on the Wolfsburg team rolls it out.
"If it's blue, it's a boy. If it's pink, it's a girl," Frido explains even though it really didn't need explaining. She's taking her role as future moster very seriously and it's slightly amusing.
"It'll be pink," Magda says," I know it will."
Frido rolls her eyes. "Then cut it. But...just wait until the camera's on. Okay! Ready? Ready!"
Magda's hand is warm around Pernille's, who is holding the knife in her own. They make two cuts into the cake, one after the other, and then pull out the slice.
"A girl," Pernille says softly, smiling as her team celebrates around her. She looks up at Magda, whose eyes are glistening with unshed tears.
"A girl."
Month seven and the only thing different is now you're the size of a large aubergine.
Her doctor has said that you can hear now so she spends countless nights with a pair of headphones on her stomach, playing voice notes Magda has sent throughout the day for you.
It's amusing. They're mostly nonsense, Magda just talking about her day and all the things she looks forward to doing with you but it's incredibly sweet and Pernille ends up crying every time.
Month eight comes around and now you're the same size as a cabbage.
Pernille's back aches more than ever and you enjoy sitting on her bladder so she has to take a bathroom break more often.
The highlight of the month comes when Magda comes over and lifts her bump, allowing Pernille to sag against her and feel slightly weightless for a little bit.
At month nine, you're the same as a head of lettuce.
She and Magda have been arguing over names for months now. There's a list pinned to the fridge and each of them takes a lot of pride in crossing out the other's suggestions in healthy competition.
Your last name is still up for debate too, as is your middle (but, somehow, Frido's gotten in on that action and has been texting Pernille suggestions for weeks now).
Pernille's having trouble getting to sleep too and you get more active than before. Rather than kicking though, it's your little fists thumping against her stomach (something that, many years in the future, she will tell Zećira was you foreshadowing).
Her doctor told her it was normal but it's still a bit disconcerting to see the tiny imprints of your even tinier fingers poking from the inside out.
By month ten (and Pernille hates that she's been lied to and pregnancy does not, in fact, end in the ninth month), you're the same size as a pumpkin.
She feels ready to pop but restless at the same time.
Magda's meant to be flying out later today but Pernille is in desperate need of some fresh air so she pulls on some clothes and gets herself ready to head to the Wolfsburg grounds.
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tonyboneysblog · 4 days
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
wordcount: 3.2k
warnings: none
notes: daddy’s…home? genuinely so excited to write the next chapter cause if you notice the timeline, something big is coming😈😈
summary: you, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
You haven’t gotten a text from hawks in the past four days, which puts you in a sour mood.
technically it’s a little bit of your fault for kissing his forehead- but if the little shit would have just let you explain…
what’s even worse is that your unable to watch the sports festival- fucking hospital job.
And when you finally get home from that hellhole, Fumikage will be sassy cause you weren’t able to watch him.
He wouldn’t be angry just..slightly disappointed?
Then when you cuddled up in your nest yesterday you see that damned hawks plush you spent 30 dollars on…
So here you are at this amazing place of work! against your will of course.
Currently you’re at the water station- until you were rudely pulled away due to a pro hero getting hurt…as usual.
You open the door to see a younger, dark skinned woman with white hair and the cutest bunny ears on her head.
She looks at you and starts waving happily…your heart would feel warm if it weren’t for the blood on her face.
“Names Mirko!” Oh, you know her! Your sister used to be obsessed with her…well for a short period of time but still obsessed no the less.
“Mirko, how you feeling today?”
She sends you a thumbs up, “terrible!”
You chuckle softly and walk over towards her, accompanying another one of the doctors.
“What’s her condition?”
The doctor sighs, “nothing too serious, we ought to check her for a concussion though..and she’ll have to at least spend one night here.”
“With those injuries it should be longer no?”
The doctor shakes his head, “can’t keep Mirko tied down for too long.” Then proceeds to just…walk out.
But Mirko doesn’t let it stay too quiet.
“So, your name is?”
You smile softly, “ Y/N Tokoyami.”
Mirko looks like she’s pondering for a moment..looks as if she knows you from somewhere.
“I swear I’ve heard that name before..” she says quietly.
You smile again, “you probably have, so is there anything you need?”
Mirko puts her attention back onto you, “nah, I’ll be alright.”
“Really, Why’d the doctor call me in then?”
“Because I complained my ass hurt, I’ve been laying in bed all day.”
You chuckle, “that all?”
She nods her head quickly.
“Well, let’s hope you don’t get a bed sore kay?” You shoot a thumbs up towards her, same she did to you earlier.
Then you walk out, wondering why she even needed you…
But Mirko knew why, hawks told her you were nurse and she wanted to she what all the fuss was about.
Truthfully, he’d been talking about you every time she saw him while on patrol.
She supposes his ramblings are correct, you’re cute.
Then again Mirko has never really pinned hawks as the mamas boy type, and you echo the motherly type.
But you’re sweet, maybe that’s why he’s so attracted to you?
So, Mirko pulls out her phone to bother hawks about his little high school boy crush.
she took it the the group chat though, little asshole.
carrot foot
Found ur gf hawks
caw caw bitch
caw caw bitch
carrot foot
Mirko sighs and answers it.
“Where is she, she look cute?” Hawks says frantically.
Mirko shakes her head, “again hawks, get a grip.”
Mirko can hear the wind howling into the phone, of course hawks is flying while on the phone.
“Answer me.” Hawks says sternly.
Mirko immediately starts rambling about the very small amount of information she has on you, “Damn you got a mommy kink or something, cause that woman is a MILF. I mean M.I.L.F.”
“What- what the hell does…no?” Mirko can pick on hawks confusion through the phone.
“Hawks, man, that woman echos mother. Here she is mothering throughout the halls of a hospital!”
“Mirko, what’s your point here.”
“I mean she’s hot dude, get your head in the game…or in her i don’t-“
Mirko can then her hawks yelling loudly out of shock, “GROSS MIRKO, DONT MAKE JOKES LIKE-“
If he yelled any louder you could probably hear him in the halls.
Mirko laughs loudly, “Don’t get your panties in a twist, I’m joking.”
Then there’s an uncomfortable silence on the phone, a little too long for comfort.
but then of course hawks breaks it- as him usually does.
“I mean, I wouldn’t mind…”
Mirko starts laughing again, “aha! Damn dirty bird- go get your wings ruffled elsewhere man!”
Hawks responds quickly, ignoring Mirko comment.
“I gotta go- I see a best jeanist and I’d like to go pull his ear.”
Mirko huffs, “fine, but he isn’t your wingman-I am.”
Hawks laughs softly and hangs up, leaving Mirko in silence.
Until you walk in.
“Oh, there’s my favorite nurse!” She beams.
“Do you mind if I watch the sports festival in here? My kids in it..”
Mirko nods her head, “I don’t mind- need to look for recruits anyways.”
So, there you and Mirko sit watching the sports festival together.
Many times throughout it you had to put a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from screaming and alerting the others your not technically working at the moment.
but during every break in the sports festival, you rushed and did your actual duties as quickly as you could.
Then when you came back, and the 1V1 battles have already started.
And of course your gorgeous boy conquers and destroys the competition.
One after another, what was most surprising to you was seeing todorokis and midoriyas fight, aggressive and raw.
made you vividly remember that was the boy who tripped on his own ice..
You were a little scared that’d he have to face your Fumikage.
Instead it was Katsuki Bakugo who faced him, and after that fight he’ll be the only kid who doesn’t get your end-of-semester cookies.
I mean cmon! Grabbing your son by the beak?! Unbelievable…angers you to your core because who does he think he is?!
But it’s fine.
Fumikage would’ve won if it were anyone else.
But Fumikage still got third, and you can shove it in all your friend’s faces that your son is awesome and that they could never.
Because Fumikage is one of a kind.
You look over to Mirko after jumping for joy for your son’s new shiny medal.
“He’s a good fighter, y’know I know someone all birdy like that.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yea, hawks.” She says bluntly.
You can feel the color drain from your face, hawks low key, high key broke your heart after your last interaction.
“Oh… well I’m sure Fumikage will consider an invitation from him.- if he wanted to work with him.” You say while tapping your fingers together.
Mirko pulls out her phone, typing something, you don’t know exactly what but…it’s whatever.
carrot foot
yea your cooked bud
caw caw bitch
Mirko seats down her phone next to the table, where you can hear it buzzing loudly…
“Uhm are you gonna check that?” You say nervously.
“Nah, he’s fine.” She says as she finally relaxes into the bed she had been complaining about all day apparently.
“Ah…okay?” You then hop out of the seat, making your way back to your work.
You should get him an apple pie to celebrate, or maybe just straight apples cause Fumikage will go crazy either way.
Hawks briefly crossed your mind again, what was his favorite again? Wasn’t apples you know what…it was probably something dumb- just like him…
dumb, dumb, dumb man.
enough of him, you have work to do…
right after you call Fumikage!
It rings, but he doesn’t answer? Which is weird because Fumikage always answers his phone unless it’s dead.
Yes that’s probably why, he’ll call you right back when it charges.
But Fumikages phone was in-fact not dead, he was just…distracted?
Fumikages eyes squint slightly, “What could you possibly want.”
It’s hawks he’s being so standoffish with, but hawks just sends him a soft smile.
“It’s the sports festival, of course I’d be here.”
“You decide to stalk me instead of my mother?”
Hawks goes quiet, his carefree smile faltering.
“Not exactly..we got in a small spat.”
“If you’re trying to get me to talk to her for you, it’s not gonna work.” Fumikage starts to walk away before hawks grabs his shoulder.
Then dark shadow comes out.
Hawks steps off slightly, “that’s kinda freaky…”
“Kinda like your face.”
Dark shadow looks over to Fumikage, “that wasn’t even a good comeback.”
“Shut up dark shadow.”
Dark shadow scoffs and folds his cute little shadow arms with what looks to be a pout on his face.
Hawks face completely loses the carefree smile, “I’m serious when I say I’m not here for you…well not technically.”
“What do you mean by that.”
“Yea, what do you-“
“Dark shadow…”
Hawks lets out a small breath, “I was interested in you being my sidekick due to the skills you showed off on the fie-“
“Not interested” Fumikage says curtly.
Dark shadow whips his head over to look at Fumikage with surprise, whispering something in his ear.
“He’s number three- you can’t just reject an offer from him!”
“I can, and I just did.”
Then it’s silent, Fumikage doesn’t mind though.
Hawks sighs softly, putting back on the smile Fumikage hates so much.
“Well if you ever rethink it, my agency will always be open.”
“I hope retribution comes for you in the darkness of your home.”
Hawks stays quiet but then his face twists into confusion, “what does that even mean..?”
Fumikage huffs and if he had hair he would most likely flip it whilst walking away.
Fumikage leaves hawks standing outside, utterly confused in what Fumikage was even talking about.
Maybe that’s what you meant when you said Fumikage was unique…
speaking of you, you were still at that darn hospital.
Fumikage was aware of that, you always worked a lot but the times that you weren’t working you tried your best to spend them with him.
Until Mr. Pro-Hero decided to come into your life..
The first time Fumikage really noticed your relationship with hawks was when you had the talk on the balcony.
He knew he wasn’t going crazy when he thought someone was under a blanket, a blanket you don’t even use may he add.
Then the next day when he went up to your balcony, the blanket was in-fact no where to found.
Then he caught him in your kicthen, Fumikage debated on even eating the cookies because maybe hawks terrible aura rubbed off on them.
They were delicious but that’s not the point!
Then hawks wanders into Fumikages home, which was locked, uninvited looking for you.
Only time Fumikage could tolerate hawks was when he had to save you from the bar.
But then his tolerance shot down when he walked in on the two of you coddling each other.
Then he heard the “little spat” you and hawks had which is why he rushed into your room so fast.
Honestly, who does that damn fowl think he is?!
Fumikage explains all of this to poor dark shadow, who truly just wanted to watch a movie with him.
“Sounds rough.” Dark shadow says quietly.
Fumikage huffs, “It’s worse than rough dark shadow, it’s appalling.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so…extreme with hawks- Momma seems to like him.”
“Correction, liked, my mother will never participate in any romances with that man again.”
Fumikage ends the conversation there, but dark shadow would like to expand on the topic.
“It was nice of hawks to offer you that side kick position.”
“well being nice doesn’t cut it.”
Finally, the conversation about hawks is finished, Fumikage only ranted for 4 hours this time!
And he’d finished 3 movies in that time as well…maybe the hospital will let you off early.
So Fumikage and dark shadow fight the urge to rest, which they both utterly fail and fall asleep on the couch.
You come in around 5:30 so they never stood a chance, not after the day Fumikage had.
You walk into the door, spotting only Fumikage.
You stumble over towards him, sitting on the floor and brushing your hand through his feathers.
Fumikage is knocked out, so he won’t wake up if you pick him up.
You use all your remaining strength to pick Fumikage up, making your way towards your bedroom.
It’s been a minute since Fumikage got cuddles from his mama.
And also you seriously doubt you could carry Fumikage back to his room, then walk back to yours without passing out onto the floor.
You place Fumikage under the warm covers, then yourself.
You then wrap your hands around Fumikage as tightly as you possible could, as if someone would take him away if you didn’t.
Then you rest, same as Fumikage.
Same as hawks.
And hawks truly needs to thank you for whatever you did to make him stop having those nightmares.
barely dreams now, and if he does it’s always weird shit.
usually has you in it too.
nevermind, you probably cursed him and overrode whatever put that nightmare spell on him.
a curse that just makes him dream about you.
Now he really wishes he talked Mirko into getting a picture of you, he misses you bad.
Maybe a text wouldn’t hurt? No, too risky- you’re probably still mad at him.
Maybe he could worm his way back into your life with that weighted blanket, if his plan worked he could probably steal it back anyways.
It still smells like you, which is weird because he’s had it for awhile.
That’s probably his favorite part of the day now, getting home, taking a shower, cuddling into his mostly bare bed and just sniffing that shit like it’s coke.
Kinda like how some people spray lavender onto their beds to get sleepy, he just smells the hell out of that blanket.
He wishes he was able to snatch another item from your house that smelled like you.
Fumikage doesn’t really smell like you, he noticed.
He smells kinda like wood? And also a little fruity too.
You wouldn’t really guess fruits and flowers from looking at him but maybe your scent rubbed off on him too.
Honestly, hawks kinda feels like Edward when Bella first walked into that classroom though- hawks wouldn’t be covering his mouth to avoid the smell, he would be INHALING that smell.
He would never admit that the night that he comforted you out on that balcony he didn’t even go home and change, he kept that uniform on.
The coat didn’t truly smell like you, but the under shirt did.
Maybe he’s going a little crazy, sure he’s real kept together most the time but- the things you do to that poor man.
And Mirko- peacefully sleeping in the hospital, she may be hawks wingman but she needs her rest too!
And when you wake, you’ll have to go right back to the hospital.
doesn’t men’s you can’t talk to your son before you leave though.
“Mama.” Fumikage says sleepily, awoken from you moving all around the room.
You perk up now your son’s awake, “Fumikage?”
Fumikages eyes a still closed, fighting to go back to sleep.
“Did you see me, in the sports festival?”
You run your hands through Fumikages feathers, “Course’ I did.”
Fumikage smiles softly, “guess who talked to me after..?”
“All might? I saw it on-“
“No it was hawks, invited me for an internship.”
You jaw slacks slightly, “did you accept?”
“No, not after what he’s done.” Fumikage says with a little rasp in his own voice.
“You should’ve.”
You sigh, “hawks is number three- doesn’t matter what he did to me Fumikage.
Fumikage stays silent, suddenly now regretting telling you.
You kiss his temple, “thank you for thinking about how I’d feel though. Don’t let my emotions or relationships get in the way of your future.”
Fumikage nods, understanding your point of view.
“Are you leaving for work?”
“Yep, it’s not a long shift though.”
You open your bedroom door, “I’ll see you later, Fumi.”
Then walking out of your own house, making your way to the hospital.
Once you walk in, your infact greeted with Mirko!
and hawks.
“Ah, my favorite nurse!” Mirko cheers excitedly.
“Mirko! Shouldn’t you still be on bed rest?”
Mirko chuckles, “glad you’re worried about me toots.”
You gasp a small bit at the nickname, “Oh!”
Mirko places her hand onto her hip, “Hey, didn’t I see you hear like 7 hours ago, why you already back?”
“Duty calls?”
Hawks chuckles at that, wasn’t even funny.
Mirko throws an arm around hawks, “this was the birdy boy I was talking about!”
“We’ve met.”
suddenly there was an awkward silence.
Hawks wanted to throw himself out a window, you wouldn’t even look at him.
Mirko taps her foot nervously.
“Hawks…” you say his name softly.
His head perks up form Mirko hold, “yeah?”
“Sorry that Fumikage rejected you…I know how he is.”
Hawks can feel his heart beating in his ears, “it’s all good- doors always open.”
You nod softly, looking away.
The three of you just stand there in silence, Mirko foot tapping repeats.
Then she breaks, “Mrs Tokoyami, sorry for holding you up-You got a job to do!”
You jump in surprise, “ah- your right, it was nice talking to you both!”
You quickly walk away to clock in, Mirko and hawks make there way outside.
She scoffs, “had the perfect opportunity.”
Hawks rolls his eyes, “I wasn’t gonna apologize to her in a hospital.
“I’m going to put you in the hospital/ what the hell even was that back there?!” Mirko exclaims.
Hawks pushes her arm away, “I was nervous.”
“Doors always open!” Mirko mocks him.
“Oh quiet down.”
“I’m your wingwoman- giving you a perfect chance and you fuck it all up.”
“It wasn’t that bad-“
Mirko smacks the back of his head, “Hawks, shut your trap.”
Hawks doesn’t reply, walking next to Mirko throughout the less populated areas of town.
Mirko snaps her fingers, “You know what, I can fix this.”
“You can?”
“Of course I can, I’m Mirko.”
Hawks groans softly, already annoyed by the days events.
Mirko starts her plan, “clearly she cares a good bit about her son-but there feeling are mostly separated for different things.”
Hawks nods along.
“So instead of getting all cushy with her son again, you need to fix it with her- clearly your not gonna getting through with her son based on what you told me earlier.-“
Hawks interrupts, “her son is always home though.”
“Don’t interrupt me, he goes to U.A. I bet they have some trip for passing the exam.”
“How are we supposed to find that out?”
Mirko groans, “let me talk, I’m always going to that hospital for some reason- I’ll find something out…she likes me unlike you.”
Hawks looks away with a pout, “Don’t say that…”
“I’ll say whatever I want, I’m your wingwoman.”
Hawks and Mirko continue their walk up until they get to his agency, since Mirko doesn’t have one.
Though Mirko continues walking, “See ya later, Hawkey.”
“Where are you going?”
“To my house?- don’t fuck up anything else while I’m gone.”
Hawks huffs lightly, walking into his own office.
He has so much paper work to do, then the commission will be badgering him later for “doing it wrong” according to them.
He can’t wait to just be home.
Be home next to you.
or…your blanket at the very least?
…he really needs to fix this.
TAG LIST: comment to be tagged!
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh @camejlo-35 @marsbars09 @tharae514 @yoongiwantsme @kimahrii @pink-jello-fish @l1vvvvv @0-seonghwa-0
if I still somehow didn’t include you in the tag list, just go ahead to ask box! :D
(seonghwa, I’m so sorry if it didn’t tag you because I genuinely couldn’t find your blog for the life of me ): )
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mistydeyes · 9 months
cold coffee and sloppy notes
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summary: As the 141 returns home, they're always more than happy to support their favorite student as you work towards your degree.
pairing: Task Force 141 x student!civ!Reader
warnings: none :) all fluff
a/n: i thought this was fitting as i'm now officially back in school! good luck to everyone who is also heading back and feel free to reach out if you need any help or just want to destress :)
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price - defending your thesis
"How's it going in here, love?" John asked as he entered the living room. He observed the TV that had your thesis defense presentation and the collection of papers and notecards on the table. "It's…okay?" you said, almost questionably. In fact, it was not okay. You had gone over your presentation to the fictional group of panelists thousands of times but always tripped up on your words. He could sense your distress and enveloped you in a comforting hug. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked as he rubbed your back lightly. "I don't know," you mumbled, "I just need to get this presentation down." He took a step back and made his way to the couch. "Then present it to me, and I'll give you some feedback."
“Good morning panelists,” you began nervously as you clasped your hands together. “Take a deep breath,” John corrected and you sighed before taking a seat next to him. He placed a comforting arm around your shoulder before you leaned into his side. “What if they don’t approve of my research?” you shakily spoke as your mind flooded with the possibility. You had spent 4 years researching this topic and the only thing in between you and your doctorate was your thesis defense. “Well you can’t go in like that,” he advised, “researchers can smell fear.” You lightly punched his shoulder as you both laughed. “I’m serious!” you exclaimed, “What if they tell me I wasted all these years?” You sighed again and he placed a gentle hand on your cheek. “You’re the expert on this topic, you just have to show them that,” he reassured and you smiled back to his soft gaze. You spent a few moments like this before getting up again and trying to go through your presentation.
You looked down at the coffee table of notes before John snatched them in his hand. He held them gently in his lap before looking back at you. You were about to object when he placed a finger to his mouth. “Love, if you keep a script then you’re going to sound like wet cardboard,” he explained as your face twisted in a mix of emotions, “I doubt they’d want to sit through another boring defense.” You took a moment to compose yourself before he gestured for you to start again. “Good morning panelists,” you repeated, with more vigor than the last time, “I am Y/N, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of…” Even if tomorrow you left as a candidate, you knew that you would have John’s unwavering support through it all.
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soap - mathematics work
As you lay on the loveseat with Johnny, you groaned loudly. You stomped your feet childishly on his lap which caught his attention. He looked up from his phone as you frustratingly erased at the paper. "You alright?" he asked and you shook your head. This assignment for your maths class had taken you hours and you still could not figure it out. The words on the page began to blend together and you were at a loss of where to start. "I don't understand why I took a maths class," you mumbled and put your forearms above your head. Soap patted your leg reassuringly before trying to peek a look at your notebook. "Let me take a look," he offered and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Thanks, babe but I don’t know if you can help,” you said, chewing on the end of your pencil. “Try me,” he joked as he looked at you. Deciding it didn't hurt to let him try, you threw over your notebook with impossible equations and problem sets. You took the time to check your phone and take a break from your calculations. After a few moments of him thinking out loud and throwing out various “hmmmms” and “I sees,” you sighed as if you were wasting his time. You were about to take the notebook back when he hit a eureka moment. “Pencil me,” he commanded and you passed it over to him. After a few more scribbles and mental math, he presented you with the solution. “Here ya go,” he said smiling and you couldn’t believe he found an answer. Your eyes scanned over the sloppy handwriting but you were able to see it followed the equation you had learned and the answer was reasonable.
“How-how did you do that?” you asked as you looked over his work. You hoped it was correct but we’re at a loss for his sudden stroke of genius. “‘m more than just a pretty face,” he joked and you pushed you eyed him suspiciously. “I’m serious, Johnny.” “Think ‘bout it, my job is all about maths,” he explained, “demolitions is about figuring out how much ya need, how big the building is, and where the pressure points are.” You shook your head in disbelief. He was right after all, geometry was so integral to many professions even if you didn’t enjoy it. "Thank you," you smiled and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss, "might just ask for your help on all my assignments."
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gaz - studying
Kyle returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea, surprised to find you had overtaken the living room floor with your textbooks, notes, and electronics. You had been at it for hours now and Kyle was more than happy to make dinner and clean your flat while you worked. The room was filled with a mix of classical music and lo-fi beats. Somewhere in there, he could've sworn he heard the Coconut Mall theme song. "Hey, you," he called and you looked up at him. He noticed the bags around your eyes as you pushed back your blue light glasses. "How's it going," you weakly asked and motioned for him to sit. You shuffled a few papers around on the couch behind you as he maneuvered through the mess.
He placed your favorite cup of tea down on the glass table before settling on the comfortable seat. You sipped it gently and savored the taste. "Decaf?" you asked, looking back at him, and he nodded. "I don't think you need more caffeine," he chided as you rolled your eyes in response. "I just have so much to do," you replied before looking back down at your organized mess. You always dreaded finals season and would procrastinate studying until the last week. Despite having copious amounts of notes, you were at a loss to remember all the material asked of you. You wished there were more hours in the day to study.
“Love, you should rest,” Kyle gently suggested as he put a hand on your shoulder. You leaned back into his touch, groaning at the eye strain and the now persistent headache. “I don’t know if I’m ready,” you whispered, trying to overcome your anxiety and disappointment in your lackluster study habits. Kyle massaged your shoulders as you closed your eyes. “We’ll wake up early tomorrow and I can help you study in one of those cafes you love,” he offered and you nodded with a smile on your face. As you relaxed into his soothing motions, he stopped before cupping your tired face. “Let’s go to bed and start again tomorrow, yeah?” you again nodded, this time eyes heavy with sleep, before you followed him to bed.
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ghost - reading and revising
When you were nose-deep in a textbook heavier than his tac vest, Simon knew to vacate the room. You were a model student and Simon would always let you know when he returned home. While you loved seeing your boyfriend, you also enjoyed his clean flat without any flatmates. You’d often lug your materials to his and request a table to organize everything. After five minutes, Simon would walk by to see you with a stack of textbooks to your side and your iPad propped up in the center of the oak table. He also noted the sticky tabs and highlighters organized by some unknown hierarchy delicately placed in arms reach. You were your own tour-de-force and with your large headphones, it was only you and your revisions in this world.
Simon didn't mind the peaceful atmosphere. It often allowed him time to clean his flat from the accumulating dust or exercise in his bedroom. "Just tell me if I'm being too loud," he'd whisper before you put on your headphones, tuning out the world. He would leave you until you finished or you found him in another room. It was a functional routine and Simon enjoyed it. This time, you had a large exam coming up and Simon had run out of errands and chores to do. As he entered the room with some paperwork in hand, you nodded in approval before returning to your work. Every so often, he would look over at your hunched-over figure and smile to himself.
Eventually, as the sun began to set, Simon decided to return to the paperwork another day. He closed up the manila envelopes before stretching slightly and making his way to the door. He was pondering what to order for dinner when he heard you take off your headphones. “Can you stay?” you said, barely over a whisper and Simon stopped in his tracks. He looked over to you but your eyes remained trained on the minuscule font. “You want me to stay?” he questioned as he walked back over to the couch. As he reclined himself on the seat, you looked up. “If you don’t mind,” you smiled, “your presence is reassuring.” Simon let out a soft chuckle at your explanation. It wasn’t every day someone told him he was a comforting presence in the room. "I can stay for few," he replied, "but we're getting dinner in an hour and you're taking a break." He laughed as you shooed him away with your hand before returning to your productive state. Simon closed his eyes and rested, knowing you wouldn't mind. Hopefully, your headphones were loud enough to drown out his snoring.
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hanggarae · 10 months
when you spoke to me..
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doctor!joshua x f!reader 4.1k words, readers ex keeps texting her to take him back, fake dating au, honestly doesn’t focus much on joshua being a doctor other than at the beginning but he still is a rich doctor, fluff, angst, one sided love (?) (you’ll get it when u read it), part of waves will take us far away series !
why were hospital layouts so complicated sometimes? now you’re accidentally in the room of a really cute doctor embarrassing yourself while you fumble with your phone trying to find the correct room your friend was in.. but wait is he smiling at you?
“you what?” you screamed to your friend over the phone, “who the hell is stupid enough to go on a hike when they have a broken leg?”
“ankle. it’s a broken ankle. besides it all worked out in the end right? at least everything with cheol got cleared up” she giggled, and you sighed remembering the crush she’d developed on her doctor of all people.
“yeah yeah i guess, look you get some rest i’ll come visit you tomorrow with jeonghan. feel better alright!” you let out another deep sigh when your friend hung up. you loved her but she really did make some terrible decisions sometimes.
the bed sheets were warm beneath you, it’d started getting warmer as spring approached and you knew you were definitely grateful for it. the cold weather always made the skin on your hands rough.
the notification sound on your phone went off. confused you checked your phone again in case it was from your friend. you let out a groan when you read who the text was from. ‘i’m sorry i miss you’ read the text from your ex. you’d blocked him weeks ago but he kept finding ways to contact you through new or his friends’ accounts. annoyed, you put your phone on mute and put your head on your pillow ready to sleep.
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balloons tied to your wrist and three gift bags resting on your forearms, you walked through the hospital halls keeping a lookout for any staff that could help you find where the room you were looking for was.
you didn't usually visit this hospital so you weren’t familiar with the setting. room 139. you just passed 122 so surely you can't be far, right? after walking for a few more minutes, you found room 139. something seemed off though.
you were sure jeonghan had told you that he was already here and after peeking your head in, you couldn’t catch sight of him. weird. maybe he just stepped out to grab something. oh well.
pushing the door open you could've cried at the sight in front of you. yeah you were right to be wary. instead of your friends you were met with an elderly man currently getting a cast on his arm.
“i am so so sorry” you said breathlessly as you tried to get out of the room. before you did, your eyes met with the second doctor in the room, was he.. laughing at you? ‘jerk’ you rolled your eyes before walking out of the room.
turning on your heel, you gave one last apology before trying to find the correct room. before you could make it far, you felt someone grab onto your arm to get your attention. ‘what the hell did he want?’
“can i help you?” you told him curtly.
“i can help you if you need actually. i’m guessing you’re here to visit someone and it wasn’t that man back there” he smiled at you. okay now you felt bad. he was just a cute doctor that wanted to help you out.
“oh.. thank you” you smiled at him, “uh this was the room that my friend has told me. i’m visiting her, she had a fractured ankle..”
“oh!” his eyes widened, “do you know who your friend’s doctor is? is it choi seungcheol?”
“oh that’s right!”
“yeah come with me i’ll take you to where it is. you were in the wrong ward”
you frowned. why would the hospital use the same numbering system for every ward? it’s so over complicated. whatever. at least you were getting there now. you continued to follow doctor.. well actually what was his name?
“excuse me doctor? what’s your name if you don’t mind me asking”
“hm? oh i’m doctor hong but you can call me joshua i don’t mind” he smiled again at you, and when you saw it you don’t know how you managed to dislike him at first when he had such a kind smile. “and what’s your name?”
“my name’s yn. sorry for making you go through all this trouble by the way, you must’ve been busy”
“oh no don’t worry about it, i wouldn’t have offered if i didn’t want to”
after about ten minutes of walking joshua showed you to where the room was, and you saw all of your friends. thanking joshua one more time you made your way in before waving back at him.
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when visiting hours were done, you and jeonghan we’re making it out of the hospital together before you heard your phone vibrate a few times in your pocket.
you groaned at how it kept going, knowing it meant that it was your ex that found another way to contact you.
“you know, this should be considered borderline harassment at this point. he won’t leave you alone!” jeonghan sounded annoyed when you both confirmed it was your ex texting again, “he’s got no shame too, he’s the one who cheats and now he’s begging to have you back”
“i don’t even care anymore, i planned on getting a new phone and number soon anyway. so he can have fun texting the phone that nobody’s using” you sighed, exasperated at his efforts.
you’d told him weeks ago to stop contacting you, that no matter how much he did this wasn’t going to ‘win you back’. he was a terrible human being and you didn’t want anything to do with him.
“oh? yn?” you heard a familiar voice call out not too far from where you and jeonghan were.
turning to identify where the sound was coming from, you relaxed when you saw it was the doctor that helped you earlier.
“hi joshua, you getting off work now?” you waited for him to catch up to you.
“yeah. hey jeonghan” he waved to the man smiling deviously next to you, “uh yn do you have a ride home?”
“she doesn’t! i had to meet my parents for dinner right after so i couldn’t” before you could answer jeonghan was already doing it for you, faking a pout. “but hey, you could take yn home, couldn’t you shua?”
“if that’s okay with you yn i’d be happy to” joshua smiled at you again, that same too sweet smile.
“if it’s not any trouble to you” you told him sheepishly, “then i’d really appreciate it”
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joshua’s car was nice, you could tell he took good care of it, making sure everything in the glove compartments were organised and that the seats were as clean as the carpets. you’d spent the time talking and getting to know each other. falling into conversation with joshua was too easy, almost as if you’d known each other for years. you’d learnt about how much of a kind person he was, but he never bragged about it, just about how incredibly grateful he was to be able to give to others. there was no way someone as nice as him really existed. and he looked that good too? oh it really wasn’t fair.
but you can really never have too much of a good thing because here came the 703rd call from your ex in the last few weeks. groaning you decline it but then came the bombardment of texts saying how he ‘loved you and didn’t mean it’.
“is that your boyfriend?” joshua asked, and if you weren’t so distracted with blocking the new number he was contacting you from, you would’ve caught the masked disappointment in his voice.
“thankfully no. but i don’t want to bother you with the whole story” you turned to look at him, but he was silently telling you to go on, like he doesn’t mind if you vented to him despite only knowing him a few hours. from what jeonghan had told you after being friends with joshua for a few months now, he was definitely a good listener. “he’s my ex. we’d broken up like a year ago or something but a few weeks ago he kept trying to reach out again out of nowhere. i’m guessing he realised that no girl wanted him so he thought i’d take him back”
“and what he’s just been bothering you for the last few weeks? have you tried telling the authorities?”
“i’ve thought about it but he’s harmless. i saw him at the store about a week ago and he didn’t even approach me. he’s all bark and no bite. i think if he sees i’m with someone else he’ll definitely back off” you sighed rubbing at your temples, you could feel yourself getting a headache already.
“are you? with someone else i mean?” he looked nervous. it was so cute.
“no, but why do you ask?” you asked him with a teasing lilt in your voice.
“well, my parents have been annoying me for weeks about finding a partner. so how about we just help each other out and pretend we’re going out with one another?”
it honestly was a good idea but you couldn’t help feel a little disappointed that it would just be fake dating. joshua was fun though so you’d push back your own brief hurt in favour of at least hanging out with him more often.
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‘morning !! do u think u can meet me at this cafe at around 3 today ? need to ask u smth’ read the text that joshua had sent you today. it had been a few weeks since he drove you home and you’d both been texting back and forth getting to know each other more, and he mentioned that you both might have to meet soon last night. you texted him back, and agreed to meeting up. after getting ready, you left the apartment at around 2:30 to get to the cafe that joshua had told you about.
you texted joshua again to let him know you were outside and he told you that he was waiting at the table near the window on the left. when you stepped in you found him immediately. he was dressed casually, you’re guessing he didn’t have work today.
“hey, do you want me to grab you something to drink?” he smiled at you, helping you with your things.
you looked over the menu before he recommended something, promising you it would be good as he’d visited the cafe a lot. he went to place the order before joining you again at the table.
“did you have work off today?” you asked him.
“oh yeah, i don’t usually work fridays” he took a sip of his drink, “but anyway. the reason i asked you here was because i was wondering if you could come with me to some dinner my aunt’s hosting this weekend. her daughter graduated and my parents mentioned they wanted to meet you”
this weekend? that’s so sudden. i mean it’s not like you really had any plans anyway but it was still really sudden, “i’m free so i can go just.. well how formal is this dinner? like should i dress up or..” you trailed off, mentally trying to remember everything in your closet and if you had something fit for the occasion.
“it’s pretty formal i guess” he said sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck, “it’s at some fancy restaurant and i’m going wearing a suit. of course if you need me to i can definitely help you find a dress!”
“don’t worry about it” you laughed, pulling out your phone so you could find a picture. “i have a few formal ones but this is one i wore to my friend’s engagement party a couple months back, you think this’ll be alright?”
joshua looked at the picture, lips curving up into a smile before he met your gaze, “you look really pretty in that dress”
you flushed, taking a sip of your drink while thinking of a way to not let him get the upper hand, he can’t make you fall for him it wouldn’t be fair.
“thanks.. i just remembered! i have a high school reunion on the 30th. are you busy that day? i’m pretty sure it’s a friday”
you saw joshua frown thinking over it before opening what you’re guessing is his calendar app on his phone, “nope. i don’t have anything that day so i can go with you”
“great! my ex should be there too so after that he should stop bothering me too”
maybe it was all just in your head but you felt like you saw joshua tense a little at the mention of your ex, “has he texted you since?”
“i think he’s finally getting the hint. he doesn’t text as much anymore thankfully”
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you were finishing up the last touches on your makeup when you heard someone ring your doorbell. you checked the camera to see it was joshua, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. you let him in, instantly taking note of his appearance.
you could hardly appreciate it from the cameras but in person you could see in detail how the suit he was wearing hugged his figure so well. the suit itself was black paired with a white button up and a purple tie.
“i remembered your dress was purple and thought i’d match the tie with it” joshua told you sheepishly when he saw how focused you were on it. “these are for you! i saw jeonghan today and asked him to make a bouquet for me”
you took the flowers, grinning at his thoughtfulness and thanking him, “is jeonghan still trying to win over your guys’ surgeon friend?”
joshua laughed at your comment, remembering how jeonghan had once called him at 3am to know what type of flowers his friend likes, “yeah he is. think she’ll say yes any day now”
you hummed, nodding. “how much time until we have to be there by the way?”
“about 45 minutes, it’ll only take us fifteen minutes to get there from here” he told you, checking his watch that you could just tell was expensive. you nodded again, telling him you’ll be right out after putting your dress on and grabbing a few things.
joshua waited on your couch for you to finish getting ready, scrolling through his phone to pass time. after a few minutes, he looked up when he heard you clear your throat nervously.
“you look amazing, yn. really, you do” and joshua wasn’t lying. he always thought you were pretty and right now was no different. but joshua bit back those thoughts though, admitting to himself would mean he’d also have to admit that he can’t ever have you. “so uh, you ready to go?” joshua winced at the lump in his throat and the way his voice cracked ever so slightly, and he was grateful for the fact that you were checking over the things in your purse one last time so you didn’t notice it.
you nodded and the both of you made your way to his car.
joshua was oddly quiet on the car ride, opting to just play music to fill the silence. when you arrived at the restaurant, joshua opened the door for you and helped you out. “the restaurant’s technically part of some five star hotel” he explained when you looked at it a little confused.
“ohh it looks really pretty” you smiled up at him while he held your hand leading you to the entrance.
joshua told the receptionist his name and she led you both over to where joshua and his family were waiting. when you actually saw them, the nerves finally hit you. what if you accidentally let slip that you and joshua weren’t really dating? what if you embarrass joshua?
joshua seemed to take notice of your nerves, squeezing your hand gently and whispering a “you’ll be fine, they’re going to love you”.
and it seems joshua was right. the night did go smoothly and you congratulated joshua’s cousin for her graduation. his family was kind, they didn’t once make you feel awkward or uncomfortable, instead complimenting you and making sure you didn’t feel left out.
by the time the dinner was over you were honestly sad that you’d have to leave his family, they were so fun you wanted to be with them more often. you left for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and when you came back you found joshua looking for you.
“joshua? what’s up?” taking note of how he looked a little annoyed and out of breath.
“yn i’m so sorry. my uncle just told me now that they’d booked rooms for all us to stay at the hotel tonight. if you feel uncomfortable with it i can just say you have a work thing tomorrow and we can’t stay” you really didn’t mind staying, but you were surprised and did feel guilty that they paid for you. he wasn’t saying it for your sake but you knew joshua secretly wanted to stay. his job makes it hard for him to see his family often so he’d appreciate this time with them. at the same time, you knew that staying would only make you more regretful of the fact that joshua didn’t feel the same about you.
“it’s fine, i don’t mind staying”
surprisingly enough, you’d managed to fall asleep pretty quick considering when you fell asleep joshua was still taking a shower.
when joshua got out he saw you on the bed and couldn’t help the soft smile breaking at his features. he saw your phone was still unlocked, a video still playing. ‘you must’ve fallen asleep watching it’.
he was about to turn it off before rolling his eyes at the texts from your ex again. he was about to block it for you until an idea crossed his mind. joshua fought mentally with himself as he debated whether or not he should go through with it. he sent a picture the two of you had taken together earlier to your ex, a ‘can u leave us alone ..?’ text attached to it while he silently prayed you wouldn’t think he was crossing any lines by doing so.
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you met up with joshua a lot more after the dinner with his family. but the both of you getting closer was not doing anything to help your own feelings. joshua by no means felt the same about you. when you’d gotten to know joshua and the people close to him, you learnt that he was always the bold one when it came to people he liked. he’d always be the one to ask someone out, the one to go the extra mile for them. so the fact that he hadn’t done that for you, or even implied he wanted to, it wasn’t hard to assume that he just simply didn’t like you in that way. joshua wanted you as a friend and nothing more or less and you just had to live happily with that.
the reunion was soon. you’d texted joshua about it again, reminding him the address and time it was. you noticed your ex stopped texting you and part of you felt a little disappointed at it. you were grateful he finally took the hint but sad because what if this meant joshua wouldn’t have to keep up the act anymore? you were aware you probably seemed crazy and pathetic clinging onto a fake relationship that was only proposed for convenience, but that’s how you felt and you couldn’t help it and were too tired of it all to make an excuse.
dressed in a plain black tee paired with black slacks and a blazer, joshua picked you up for the reunion. as hard as you’d tried to make it seem like nothing was up, you knew joshua could tell. you silently hoped he would just assume it’s nerves because you still hadn’t thought of a way to tell him that you wanted to break off the agreement of fake dating.
why was this so complicated? it’s not like you two were actually dating so it’s not like it’s an actual breakup, but it still felt like you were losing something. what if joshua only talked to you so much was because he needed someone that was willing to pretend to be his girlfriend?
you shook the thoughts out of your head as you both pulled up to the place the reunion was being held. stepping out, you could already see some familiar faces, smiling and hugging them whenever they came to greet you.
the night went by with you catching up with old classmates, introducing them to joshua too. it was scary how well he was able to get along with people instantly. you were honestly surprised that your ex hadn’t bothered you all night, guess he saw joshua and backed off.
when you decided to leave the reunion, joshua suggested you both grab dinner somewhere. the food served at the reunion wasn’t the best so the both of you hadn’t eaten much all night. and that’s how the both of you ended up in the parking lot of some takeout place, laughing while you both told stories of your high schools together.
it was fun, and you hated the part of yourself that always made you overthink. ‘none of this is even real, joshua doesn’t care about you like that. so stop thinking this means the two of you are really dating’.
“yn, what’s wrong?” joshua sounded alarmed, and it was only then you took notice of the tears welling up in your eyes, rubbing aggressively at them immediately.
“think that the contacts are just irritating my eyes, don’t worry” you assured him but he still didn’t look satisfied with your answer.
“here let me help you-”
“it’s fine joshua” you sighed, “look about this whole pretending to be dating thing. i really can’t do it anymore. pretending to be in a relationship with you is killing me-”
“fine. i’m sorry if i did something to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. it was stupid of me to send that picture to your ex-”
“what picture?” you looked up at him confused, what the hell was he talking about?
“the one i sent to your ex and i told him that we were happy and to leave us alone..”
“is that why he stopped bothering me? oh well i didn’t know about that but thanks because it’s the only thing that managed to shut him up”
“wait what? so then what are you mad at me about?” he pouted.
you stayed silent. you knew exactly where this was headed and if it carried on you knew it’d lead to you spilling your guts to him, and you weren’t sure you could do that. because if you did you’d lose joshua forever.
“nothing, don’t worry about it” you mumbled, going back to swirling the plastic spoon around the ice cream in your cup.
“no no no” you heard joshua say, his fingers holding on to the underside of your jaw gently so that you turned your attention to him. “tell me, yn”
“i can’t” you whispered, tears welling up again, “if i do i’ll lose you forever. i don’t think i can do that, shua” you knew tears were freely spilling past your eyes at this point but you couldn’t care.
“yn, i promise you, you’re not going to lose me. i love you far too much to let you go” you still shook your head at him sniffling and unbelieving of his words. “yn you mean so much to me that i’m willing ignore my feelings for you because i know you don’t feel the same way. you mean so much to me that i’d rather wake up knowing i can’t have you the way i want then to wake up not having you in my life at all. you mean so much to me yn, so please don’t think i’d try leaving you”
you sat, stunned at joshua’s confession. it was like he could read your heart and turned all the feelings and words you wanted to give him into his own. he looked at you warily for a few seconds, scared you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings. if only he knew how much you’d been thinking the same about him for months.
you inched closer to him, closing your eyes as you brushed your lips over his. joshua tensed before melting into the kiss too, and your heart grew warmer and how you could feel him smile into the kiss.
when you both pulled away, you were both smiling, “you know this doesn’t serve as a confession right? i want you to list every single thing that made you like me!”
you laughed at his words, whining “no don’t make me say it, you just want to tease me”
“oh so you’re allowed to hear me pour my heart out to you but if i wanna hear you say it back it’s too much?” he jokingly pouted, bringing you closer for a hug while he fought off his own giggles hearing yours.
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🏷️ @smilehui @suzuyamitsuki @minhui896
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gracesimp · 2 years
tenth doctor x fem!reader
Summary: it's rare, but sometimes in the universe, people meet their soulmate. Upon first touch with one's soulmate,a connection is formed. A physical and mental bond. What happens when the Doctor meets his soulmate?
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Nearly eight billion people live on Earth. With the possibilities of life on other planets and different worlds, the belief of soulmates wasn't unwarranted in any way. The belief, however, of meeting your destined partner was a little harder to accept. Maybe it was one of the cruelest tricks of all. Knowing that they were out there - somewhere - but unlikely to ever meet them.
The Doctor often talked about miracles. The gift of the universe. Rare, though that makes then more magical when they occur. Never when you're expecting nor prepared. The Doctor was neither when the present of a miracle was handed to him, but he couldn't be more grateful if he tried.
Rose Tyler ran into the console room, a spring in her step, yelling out for the Doctor and squeaking in surprise when his head popped up from under the railings.
"Whistle, would you?!" She moaned, resting a hand on her racing heart as the Doctor laughed. She rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at him when his smile widened.
"What do you want to do today? We could go to the future! There's this planet, yeah, that's literally made of diamonds! The sky shines so bright, you have to wear these really blocky sunglasses that they invented especially for sightseers." He chuckled, words spewing out faster than his poor companion could comprehend.
"OR, we could go back in time! I could take you to meet Cleopatra..ooh, actually, maybe not. I think she's still mad at me for winning that game of cards. Sore loser-"
"Doctor!" Rose cut his ramblings short, failing to keep her amusement hidden. "I need to go home. Just for a quick visit." She said, reaching into her pocket and taking out her 'super-phone' before she waved it in front of his face. "I've not seen my best mate for a bit. I'm beginning to miss her." She frowned.
The Doctor hesitated slightly due to a strange feeling running through him, but it was gone as quick as it came. He shook his head then began to press random buttons.
"Sure, where does she live?"
"Nah, I already messaged her, she's meeting me at home." The blonde told him, receiving a low groan from the alien. She turned to him, eyebrow raised. "What?"
He cursed under his breath, kicking his feet on the ground in defeat. "Nothing, just means we've gotta see your mum."
After a little struggle with parking the tardis, the two had finally landed in the correct time and place. Rose immediately hopped up from off the floor after she had been struck down by the dodgy driving and ran out the door.
The Doctor was taking his time, slowly shoving his arms into his brown coat, unable to shake this weird feeling. He moved towards the door, ready to leave, when the tardis began to trill. Her lights flashed teasingly and the Doctor narrowed his eyes. "What do you know?" He asked. "What are you not telling me?" He didn't earn a response other than some more flashing lights and a playful wheeze from his ship. "Whatever." He huffed when the tardis mentally nudged him with a tiny sense of urgency and made him feel compelled to walk out the door.
Doing as instructed, he shoved the door open and was met by his blonde friend, who simply rolled her eyes at him before linking their arms and pulling him towards the estate. "Could you take any longer?"
"You wouldn't understand but it takes time to look this good." He mocked, running a hand through his messy hair.
"Oh, shove it." She nudged him hard.
After countless amounts of stairs, the duo had finally made it to the Tyler residence. Not bothering to knock, Rose walked straight in, dragging the doctor with her. Jackie came running at the sound of her daughter, embracing her tightly in a hug. The Doctor subtly tried to slip away, but was unfortunate and the oldest Tyler spotted him, pulling him in, uncaring of his arms flying around awkwardly.
They pulled away and Jackie turned to her daughter, crossing her arms across her chest. "What have I told you about that bloody phone? Just one call, please!" She cried, and the Doctor sniggered at the embarrassment on his friend's face at the telling off she was receiving.
"Sorry." Rose mumbled, slyly elbowing the Doctor in his stomach, ignoring the groan of pain that replaced his snickering.
"Right, anyone for tea?" Asked Jackie, sauntering away into the kitchen, noting Rose's shadowing footsteps.
"Ooh, tea. Lovely! Milk and six sugars, please!" The only brunette spoke, following Rose into the living room and deciding to ignore the disgusted look on her face. He shoved his hands into his pockets, eyes making rounds across the room. Messy, but a natural kind of messy. Like it had recently been cleaned, but there were signs of life. Such as the magazine that was just thrown on the sofa and a stained mug abandoned on the table. He liked it.
"Yeah, I'll have a cup please, mum." Rose shouted into the kitchen. "Y/n not here?"
"No. You know what she's like. Always late, that girl." She chuckled while she poured the water into the cups.
"I'd better go help her." Rose said, excusing herself from the room.
"So, go on, where've you been now? You been taking care of her, Doctor?" The mother questioned, smiling softly when he answered with a 'She takes care of me!'
"Good, that's what I like to hear." She smiled, taking the milk out of the fridge when the doorbell rang. "Ooh, that'll be y/n!"
"Doctor, can you go let her in?" Rose asked, peeking her head around the door, hands full and a tin of biscuits under her chin. He chuckled at the sight, nodding as confirmation.
He opened the door, ready to greet Rose's friend, but stopped in his tracks at the sight of her.
Her reaction was similar. She smiled brightly, but it slowly dimmed at the stranger in front of her. Her eyes took all of him in. His messy hair, his freckled cheeks, his honey brown eyes that adorned specks of caramel.
The Doctor did the same, watching as she took a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. Looking at her lips as they parted in surprise. The feeling he felt earlier only intensified when he trailed his eyes slowly down her body, taking his time and savouring every detail.
When they locked eyes again, a mutual blush was shared. No words had yet been spoken, but somehow an understanding was made. Neither could quite tell how long they had been stood in silence. Maybe a few seconds, perhaps a few minutes. Neither cared, both wishing to live in this moment for as long as possible.
Alas, they were interrupted. The blonde came marching to the door, whacking the doctor on his head as she placed her hands on her hips. "What are you doing?" She rolled her eyes, watching as the Doctor reluctantly tore his eyes away from the woman still standing outside. "Invite her in, idiot!"
The Doctor sputtered, blush deepening as he brought up a hand to rub the back of his neck. "O-Oh, yeah," he coughed. "Come on in."
Y/n smiled shyly, ducking her head as she walked by.
Rose tutted, leading her into the living room. "You'll have to excuse him. Still training him. When we first met he had no idea what was socially acceptable or not. He's why my job blew up. Still, good job he's got me, eh?" Rose giggled, tidying around a bit.
Y/n laughed a little, trying to ignore the tall man who had reentered the room.
The Doctor coughed, tapping Rose repeatedly on the leg as they sat down. Ignoring him, Rose turned to Y/n, attempting to start a conversation but losing her nerve at the neverending smacks she was getting from the Doctor. "Oh, my God, what?"
"Are you not going to introduce us?"
"Oh, right. Y/n, this is the Doctor. We travel together. Doctor, this is y/n. We've been best friends since primary." She smiled fondly.
"Lovely to meet you, y/n." He grinned, reaching out to shake her hand in greeting.
"Likewise." She smiled, taking ahold of his hand. Both of their grips tightened as gasps escaped their lips. The room and the sound of Rose's panicked yells faded away.All Rose could do was watch, confused, as golden energy began to course through the veins in their arms.
The pair had been engulfed in pure ecstasy, all three of their hearts racing. Y/n clung on tighter to his calloused hand as she began to see visions. Strange, random flashes that didn't make any sense, but she somehow knew that eventually they would. She saw as shadowed figures danced in the moonlight. She heard echoed laughter, she could see stars and supernovas. Flashes of a blue box began to appear. A little blue box, not so little at all.
It was strange. It was like she was experiencing memories that had yet to be made. Some of them felt as though they weren't hers. Perhaps a tad longer than she'd like to admit, she was able to conclude that she was walking upon the memories of the Doctor. She could see his past faces, his former companions. She could even see the first time Rose ran into the tardis, then out again, then back in. She listened to all the astonished cries of 'it's bigger on the inside!' and she could feel the joy the Doctor felt for hearing it.
And lastly, a soft echo of a whisper could be heard. A name kept hidden. A name so secret the power of it alone broke her from the transelike state.
They both came to with a deep gasp, losing their grip on each other as the room reappeared. Y/n's head bobbed a bit, feeling too heavy and her hearing was diluted. Rose and Jackie's yells felt so distant. A sharp burning sensation struck her head as she cried out, unable to see the Doctor rubbing at his own temples, or the hiss he released before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she allowed the darkness to consume her.
Hours had passed by before Y/n woke up. She let out a soft wimper as she took I'm her surroundings. She was tucked up in Rose's bed, still wearing her clothes. The Doctor had a soft smile toying on his lips when she let out a noise of surprise upon finding him sitting at the edge of the bed.
"Hello." His voice was low, almost talking in a hushed whisper.
Y/n smiled back and rearranged the pillows behind her so that she was sitting upright. "Hello."
The Doctor nodded to the side of her and she looked at the bedside table. "Tea?" he asked, pointing to the hot cup situated on the otherwise lone table. "Just how you like it."
Y/n picked it up, raising an eyebrow at the, what she had previously discovered, timelord.
"Don't worry, Jackie didn't make it." They both shared a chuckle and he watched as she took a little sip, moaning in delight.
Silence filled the room as y/n placed the cup back down. She just stared at the man, and he did the same.
Seconds had passed before she broke the quietness. "Doctor.. What happened before? I mean, it was weird. It was like.. I was seeing into your life. And even now, I can feel things that aren't mine. I just don't understand." She frowned.
The doctor leaned over, taking her hand in his when he felt the twinge of her panic, able to make it subside just by his touch.
"I don't believe it." He whispered, brushing his thumb across the small mark on the back of her hand. One that had not been there before. One that now matched his. "Y/n, have you ever heard of soulmates?"
The woman nodded, replying softly with an "of course."
"Well, sometimes, very rarely, but sometimes, people meet theirs. I've only ever heard about it in stories, I never thought it would happen to me." He said, now searching her face with his eyes. "Y/n, you're my miracle."
And she was. She saved him in every aspect.
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multific · 1 year
Attached to You
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: I'm not a doctor nor am I medically trained, so, there are things here which are incorrect. Please ignore them and try to enjoy the piece as it is. Thank you.
Summary: After a one-night stand, you find out you are pregnant, thanks to your doctor's bad advice, it turned out that your pills weren't effective. Leaving you with a baby, you have lots of decisions to make.
"I only told you because you deserve to know. I don't want anything from you. I will deal with this myself." 
Your words rang in his head over and over again.
It had been almost two weeks since he last saw you and now, he wasn't sure what he was doing.
Billy couldn't stop thinking about you. How you smiled at him even when he could see you were close to a breakdown.
It was all meant to be one night. Something he had done many many times before.
When he saw you sitting alone at the bar, he was quick to make his move. Flirting with you was easy as you blushed at every word he said. He soon learned about an ex of yours, the guy, as you explained, was rather obsessive about you and didn't want to let go of you, which is why you were hiding in a bar.
And so, Billy took this as a sign and brought you home.
It wasn't meant to end like this. He always made sure to have a condom with him. All the time. Of course, the one time when he doesn't, he gets someone pregnant...
But even so, you didn't look mad, you didn't demand money or anything from him. You just smiled and moved on.
He didn't even know your name. All he had is a phone number.
"You can delete my number as well. I won't look for you. All I wanted is for you to know since you are the father."
A word that scared him.
A word which meant nothing to him as he too, never had a father.
The realization hit him like a cold shower, he didn't have a father, so he knows just how hard it is to grow up without one, and here he was, the exact same as his.
He will have a child, who won't know their father. Who will go through the same pain as he did. Who will see their mother slowly crumble under all the pressure.
He is no better than his own asshole father.
This was unfair. 
He could run. Men could run from the responsibility since they weren't attached to the baby, but women couldn't.
Billy felt like a piece of shit. 
It had been almost two months since he last saw you.
And he couldn't help but wonder what 'dealing with it' meant for you. Did it mean you got an abortion? Or did you keep the child?
This was eating him alive.
He needed to find you and have another conversation with you. But you didn't pick up the phone nor did you reply to any text he sent.
He set out to the club he originally met you.
"Why the fuck did I think a pregnant woman would be in a club?!"
IF you were still pregnant.
The next couple days were awful for him.
Trying to find you, he went to the café you invited him to, no sign, he went to a hospital and asked if they knew about you. But of course, they couldn't give out any information.
You were all he could think about. 
You and the baby he might have already lost.
Billy didn't feel like himself. 
And then, one day, he spotted you. As he was walking down the street when he noticed you on the other side. 
He followed you like a creep.
Dodging people, running. He followed you. Tried to call out but since he didn't know your name, it was difficult.
You went into a pharmacy and he stopped by the front door. His heart was beating fast, not only from running.
"Hi. I have some pills prescribed for me." he could hear you say. The pharmacist took a look and turned to you. 
"Can I ask for your full name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
"You have... pregnancy vitamins prescribed by Dr Drew."
"Correct." you smiled. Oh God, that smile taunted him.
"Alright, let me get that for you."
He felt himself calm a little. Pregnancy vitamins. Why did they have to prescribe those for you anyway? But this meant you still had the baby.
"So, since this kind is... stronger, we recommend you take only one daily. If you skip a day do not take two the next day. Technically these are not vitamins, they are just called that. Is your pregnancy i-"
"The doctor said these are the best for my condition. So I need to take them."
"These are for you not the baby." she was rather rude as you tried to ignore her.
"I know."
"Alright, anything else I can give you?"
"Do you have any of those shooting creams? For when the skin stretches?"
"For the stretch marks? We have one, which is cold and another which is warm. One helps shoot the skin the other helps the marks to be less visible."
"I would like the one that shoots the skin, please. That would be all."
Billy watched as you paid for everything before he quickly exited so you wouldn't notice him.
Pregnancy vitamins... for you not for the baby. And you had a condition?
He watched as you walked away, but as you did a man ran into you. The man continued on while you nearly fell over.
"Watch where you are going, Asshole!" Billy pushed the man as he passed him, before he helped you. "Are you okay?"
He only realized that he was now holding your arm as you looked up at him. When did he get this close to you?
"O-Oh, yes. I'm fine thanks." he saw it in your eyes, you realized who he was soon after as you took a step back. "Thank you." you adjusted your bag before starting to walk and he knew he couldn't let you leave.
"Can we-Can we talk, Y/N?" he suddenly spoke up and you turned to him.
"If you want to." he nodded and you guided him to a nearby park and sat down on a bench.
An awkward silence filled the air. 
He knew he needed to talk. 
He took a deep breath.
"I was scared when you said you would deal with it, that you meant... abortion."
"I'm not going to lie, I thought about every option. It was one of them but... I decided against it."
"I-I heard you at the pharmacy..."
"Oh, you were there?" you looked up at him, genuinely surprised. 
"You got some meds..." he nodded as he pointed at your bag. 
"I-The doctor said it is okay to take pregnancy vitamins. But it turned out that I was the one needing them, not the baby. The doctor said my body puts the baby as a priority and takes away nutrition from me. We found out during my eight weeks when I asked the doctor if it was normal that I feel very dizzy. He did some checks and yeah. But... why are you asking me this?"
"Because for the last weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about you and the baby."
"You don't have to. You are not guilty or anything."
"I grew up without a father. I saw my mother going through so much shit. I don't want you to go through all that. I want to be a father to my child. Someone I never had."
You took a moment to fully digest what he just said. He waited anxiously for an answer. 
"Look, I will have a baby soon, a baby who can become attached. If they become attached to you and then you later decide that you don't want to do this... I believe that is worse. So, while I do appreciate your concerns, I was nothing more to you than a quick fuck. It is... unfortunate, that I got pregnant, but as I said it is something I am dealing with. So, please, if you don't mean it, don't get involved. You might think now that you want to be a part of this because you pity me or whatever, but if you change your mind..."
"I don't want to change my mind. Yes, it was meant to be a one-night stand but I can't ignore a child. My child. I'm not a coward. I want to be a part of the life of this little one." 
You looked into his eyes, trying to figure him out. He looked serious. Maybe he really had a change of heart during the last couple months. You pulled out your wallet and a picture from it. You handed it to him.
He looked at the ultrasound.
"I'm currently 11 weeks along. The baby is 41mm long. The doctor said it's the size of a fig. We don't know the gender just yet, but they are healthy."
"Healthy. Good." he wanted to hand back the photo but you didn't take it.
"I have more at home, you can have that. I have a check-up next week, you could come if you have time."
"I'll be there."
You stood up and were about to walk away when you turned to look at him.
"If you don't come next week. I mean without a good reason, I don't want you to come after. I am already very attached to this little fig, and I don't want them hurt."
"I'll be there, text me the time and place."
You nodded before saying goodbye and walking away.
He stayed, looking at the picture.
"My little fig." he smiled before he too, headed home.
Honestly, you were shocked to see him at the doctor's the next week. 
Every time he showed up.
He started to take you out to eat afterwards and started to ask more and more questions.
Billy asked you to move into his place which you didn't want but you did go over to his place many times.
You spent most of your weekends there. And lately, you even spent your nights there. In a separate room, but you did stay.
"What are you doing?"
"Shhhh! I heard babies can hear voices, I'm talking to them so they would recognize me when they are born." you shook your head as you continued to look at stuff on your phone. Subconsciously, one of your hands found his hair. You started to run your fingers through his locks as he continued to softly speak to the baby.
"We should get married." you nearly threw your phone at the TV.
"What?" you sat up so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. He moved with you as he sat in front of you. The expression on his face was as serious as ever.
"You heard me. Marry me?"
"Why would I... What? No. Just because of the baby? That is-"
"Logical. We get married, you take my last name and the baby does too. It is logical."
"Did you hit your head or something?"
"What? Why?"
"You? Marriage?"
"Like in the old days? You get the woman pregnant and so you have to marry her?"
"I was thinking more about the baby and you. In case something happens to me, you two would be good on money."
"I don't want your money."
"I know you don't, I am giving it to you and the baby. We don't have to, but you can think about it."
"I honestly don't know."
"I know you probably wanted to marry out of love, fuck I never wanted to get married but here I am. With a baby on the way and with you. You are such an amazing girl, Y/N. I'm happy that you are the mother of my baby."
'"I'm very glad to hear that Billy, however, marriage is a big thing. Now don't get me wrong I have heard about people getting married for less and I'm not the biggest in the love department either. I truly believe you should marry someone you can see yourself for the rest of your life with and not be crazy in love with them but..."
"You told me this before. You said 'but you still believe that there should be love for marriage and not like love between friends.' And then you started crying because you couldn't explain yourself fully and I had to get you ice cream."
"What would make you want to marry me?"
You placed your hand on his cheek.
"You might think now that its a good idea. You might think now that you would want me by your side forever, but I know Billy that one day, you would look at me and be disappointed that you married me because of our baby. One day you will be in a club, surrounded by girls and drinks and you won't think of me or our child, I want a loyal husband, and I wouldn't want you to throw the accusation at me, saying that you only married me for the baby and you would end up hating me."
"You believe that would happen? That I would regret it all and I would... what? Blame you for it?"
"You think that lowly of me?"
"No, I think that lowly of myself." you let out a sigh. "Look Billy, tell me that we are not here just because of the baby. You wouldn't be here if I wasn't pregnant. You would be out there as you were before. You don't want me, you want the baby. And that is completely fine. And it is all I can ask for. For you to love the kid. That's it."
"But I do love you. You are the mother of my child. How can I not?"
"Billy, please. You only care for me because of the baby. And I know that and it's okay."
Billy wanted to tell you that it wasn't true. That he truly cared for you. More than you could imagine.
He wanted to lift all of your insecurities and show you just how amazing you were.
But he did. Because he was afraid. 
Not of losing his old life, but of losing you. 
If you didn't believe him like this, he will prove his love in other ways.
You smiled as you saw the roses on the table. They looked amazing. 
Beautiful white roses with a little note.
You debated picking it up and reading it until you saw your name on the paper.
'To my beautiful wife' it read on the inside and it made you scoff.
Since when did he become such a romantic?
You let out a long sigh. 
Billy was trying way too hard. You were afraid one day he will realize this is not what he wants and just pack up and leave.
You were terrified that he will make you get used to his closeness and then pull away, leaving you to fall alone.
You really tried to keep your distance, to not fall in love or to not harbour feelings that would hurt you.
You really tried but it was very difficult because each time you saw his eyes sparkle as he looked at you, each time at the doctor's when he asked something about you or the baby, it made you feel so safe and happy.
When he asked you to marry him, you were ready to say yes. It was your first thought when he asked the question but then you realized your situation.
He doesn't love you to get married. He wants the baby around and that's fine.
You felt like you were lulling yourself into false realities and you couldn't let that happen.
Not with you becoming a mother.
Not with you knowing about his past. It felt like wherever you went you could see girls staring at you, eyeing you up and down. The dark thought of who he had slept with was always in the back of your head.
You knew you should let it go.
But it is easier said than done. 
You were making lunch when Billy arrived home.
"Here you are. I actually wanted to go out for food, but I guess its too late now."
"Yeah, maybe tomorrow. Thank you for the flowers." you gave him a small smile.
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, they are beautiful."
"And the card?" 
"Yes, wrote it myself actually. Did you like it?"
You turned back to the oven and got the pan out. Billy only shook his head as he smirked before he left to take a quick shower.
Soon, he joined you at the table.
Eating the chicken you made.
"I have an appointment tomorrow."
"I know. It's baby gender time." he smiled.
"Yeah. What would you prefer? A boy or a girl?"
"Either is fine really. What about you?"
"I thought I wanted a son, but lately I have been imagining a little girl and I realized I would be fine with any really."
"Should we have one of those crazy gender reveal parties?"
"Oh gosh, no! You know I hate to be the centre of attention. I'm fine if the doctor tells us."
"Just an idea. Then I can at least finish their room."
"Oh, I did order more things. I wanted to wait for you with the furniture though. Since you want to paint the room."
"We will know the gender tomorrow, so I can paint this weekend, then we can look at furniture and finish it up in a couple weeks." he nodded. "We are a good team, Y/N."
"Yeah, we are." you agreed as you finished your chicken and went to wash your plates.
Soon, you felt his arms move around you as you put the dishes to dry.
The way he held you, you let yourself imagine what if he loved you. What if the baby wasn't an accident? What if he wanted to be here for you?
"Y/N, marry me."
"Billy," you groaned as you turned in his arms, seeing the serious expression on his face you fell silent.
"I am serious. I love you both so much, please, marry me." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, it was a jewellery box so it had to be a ring. And as he opened it, sure enough, it was. A rather expensive looking one at that. "I want to give you and our child the world. I want us to be a real family. Would you marry me?" You needed a moment to think.
"Yes. I will marry you." he smiled as he placed the ring on your finger, pulling you in for a breath-taking kiss.
"I love you so much." he said as his lips moved to your neck. His hands grabbed the back of your thighs as he lifted you and carried you to the bedroom.
"I love you too," you whispered to him as he began to remove your clothes, kissing your baby bump.
His eyes were filled with love, you couldn't look away.
The next day, you lay on the examination table with butterflies in your stomach.
You will finally know if you are having a girl or a boy.
Billy stood beside you, holding your hand as he smiled.
"As you can see, the head, two little hands and legs." the doctor said pointing everything out on the screen. "Are we ready to know the gender?"
"Yes." you said as Billy squeezed your hand.
"Let's see... Looks to be a little girl." she said as you looked at Billy whose eyes were glued to the monitor, smiling softly to himself.
"Then we can get the pink shoes you have been eyeing." you said as he finally looked at you.
During a recent trip to the mall, you found him in the kid's section when you were looking for some clothes. You found him standing there with a pink princess shoe in his hand as he smiled at the pink glittery object.
"Looks like we can." he said before he moved to place a kiss on your forehead.
You were really glad you judged him wrong.
You were glad he turned out to be a loving person and he grew into his potential. You knew he will be an amazing father and husband. 
Judging by the small smile on his face, it said it all.
The little girl had him wrapped around her tiny little fingers and she wasn't even born yet.
When the doctor left to print out the photos for you, he turned to you, kissing your lips.
"I love you so much." he said before moving back to look at the screen. In the end, it was Billy who became attached to you and your daughter. You felt a wave of happiness wash over you as all of your insecurities and worries left your body.
All that was left was happiness. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​
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bat-writer · 11 months
we need a part 2 to the pregnant reader please and thank you 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Love your work btw!!!
A/N: i didnt think the lash would do so sweep but HERE WE GO! I also turned this into a mixture of head cannons and a regular fic
Warnings: descriptions of birth and delivery
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You were actually overdue by a couple of days. Your baby was supposed to come during last week, but they decide to take their sweet time.
However, this meant it was just more strain on your body. Unfortunately I meant your back eight more your feet started to swell and you were honestly very ready to be over with the pregnancy.
The doctor had told you to move around as much as he can’t to try and get labor to start the barista shoes and wanted you to rest and not push yourself more than you had to
Finally on a rainy night you started to have contractions! It was felt more like a cramp and lasted for about a minute or so, so it was still a bit early
Bruce was up right away and ready to go but you stopped him
“Labor can take hours hun, especially for a first baby. Let’s wait it out a little bit and we can get going alright?”
You were WAY TOO CALM in this situation. Bruce was baffled. But, he listened to you and instead had asked Alfred to have the bags and car on standby for when you were ready
Bruce was very supportive and attentive to your every need. He’d squeeze your hips, massage your back and anything else thay would sooth the contractions
“Just let me know and we’ll be at the hospital in no time” he would whisper to you as he rocked you side to side
Once it was time for you to get to the hospital, he made a phone call that you were on your way. Of course, he was never wanted to be seen as someone who abused his power or his name, but in your case, he only wanted you to have the highest of quality in things
So he made sure to book the hospital suite with only the best labor and delivery nurses of your choice.
Yes, he actually printed out the resumes of the nurses in the hospital and let you choose😭😭
This is Bruce Wayne. Batman. This man was the embodiment of fear some wood, even say that he did not know what fear was very different. In fact, he’s never felt more fear than he does now looking at you. He knew that this is a process. The millions of women go through but he still couldn’t help but feel like a child not know what to do.
You were squeezing his hand and your eyes were squeezed shut while you were trying to ride out this contraction. Sure he’s seeing you during your period, and how it was painful, but this was a whole other situation where the pain continue to escalate, and all he can do right now to see if you was to give you support
Once you arrived at the hospital Bruce help you out of the car by one of the nurses rolled out a wheelchair for you to sit in. He followed the nurse closely as he try to keep a close eye on you if his predictions were correct, you should be about 4 to 5 cm dilated
“ your doctor should come in a few minutes to check on your dilation. Please feel free to get comfortable and hit the call button if you need anything.” the young nurse informed you as she rolled get you into your room, and handing Bruce your hospital gown. As he helps you to get dress he also takes time to admire. Of course, it was always tractor for him, but he was also admiring all the hard work you have done in the past nine months.
“ do I really look that bad that you’re staring at me that much?” You asked him
“ no, not at all. In fact, far from it” he said, with a smile when you kiss your forehead. “I’m just admiring my work is all” he quips
“Ha ha mister slick- oh oh ahhh” you he’s in pain as you lean on your husband for support. It was basically like leaning on a brick wall.
“That’s in just breathe. You doing great.” he tries to comfort you to which you respond.
“ easy for you to say…..you don’t have a babies head prodding…..at your vagina” you breathe out between
“ fair enough, darling. You’re right, but I know that you really are strong and you’ll get through this. The contraction lasted for about two more minutes. After that you felt completely zapped from energy. Bruce helps you get into bed in a few minutes later your doctor walks in.
“ hello Mrs. Wayne how are we doing today? Are we ready to have a baby“ she asks trying to lift the mood give her a very pinned thumbs up, and she completely understood. “ All right I’m gonna give you a quick check just to see how far we are in dilation.” She says before checking and measuring “ looks like you’re about 6 cm just 4 more to go! Let me or the nurses know if you need anything else. She dismisses herself from the room.
“Only 6?” You groan “ and here I was thinking that I was around 8” you chuckle
“ well, you said it yourself, these things take time, especially if it’s a first“ he then comes and sits next to you on the bed and brings you into his arms. You can always sense whenever you needed “tell me what is on your mind“
“… because this entire time I was kind of in a trance about the pregnancy. I didn’t really take time to reflect on what’s really happening“ he knew you way too well for you to try and fake it and say you were fine. So you had just came out with it “when I felt the first contraction that’s when it honestly started hitting me that it was time….. and that it’s really happening” you admit
“Yeah it is…” he said still just listening
“I Just….feel overwhelmed” you sniff as your eyes well with tears “i don’t know what I’m doing or what’ll be good or bad for the baby”
“ well let’s look at it this way you do amazing boys. You force moves. Are you awesome like a mother would. That doesn’t excuse your feelings and fears about becoming because it’s something scary.” he comforts you “ but you’ll have me and the boys every step of the way”
For the rest of the night you were going through the motions of each contraction. Your doctor came in every hour or so to check on you. the boys even stopped by while they were in patrol for the night! They said once the baby was born they’d come back to visit again. You really appreciate them for coming by and seeing you, it made it just a bit more bearable. You had made it up until 3:26 am when it was time to finally push.
Bruce held your hand as you pushed with any energy you had left. You had always heard about women who explain the birth story and how it was the worst pain they had ever felt. It’s not that you didn’t believe them but now you can completely confirm what they were saying. This had to be the most intense pain that ever felt in your life. You didn’t know if you wanted to cling onto Bruce and have him comfort you or curse out for him doing this to you.
Either way, he would have taken it because he knows you are in a position he could never really experienced. But he tried his best to support and comfort you through the process.
“ That was a good one you’re doing great” he’d encourage you as he wiped your sweaty forehead. He may have looked very calm and collected, and so he was absolutely freaking out. You were in immense pain, and he can virtually do nothing about it. Here you were in front of him, sweaty screaming, and crying. All he was doing was feeding you ice, chips, and water, and letting you squeezes hands. Take me as you want.
“ you’re almost there. I know you feel tired, but you’re almost there. It’s almost over.” in fact, was speaking half truths because you truly do not know how much longer until your baby was in the world with you.
“ I know this is difficult, but I know you’re stronger than this. On the next count push with everything you have.” of course yes remember you were married to Batman meaning he was gonna push you until you were successful. Course in a loving way because he just wants. And in this case it’s for your health, and the babies health.
“Aaaahh!” You push again and fall back on your pillow panting
“Breath hon, breath. You’re doing good” he encouraged you.
It took you about an hour and a half from that first push to get her out. You don’t think you would experience anything like labor and delivery again. While it was something scary, painful, excruciating…… It also turned out to be something wonderful.
You were in Gotham’s best hospital with your newborn baby girl laying on your chest. She was only taken off to be cleaned and weighed. She passed all of the health tests with flying colors. And from what the nurses say, she is a perfect baby. Bruce, of course following in observing their every move.  he loves you so deeply and his love for you only grew more and now it is shared with the person that was made with that love. He really could not ask for more.
Bruce was absolutely gobsmacked. He didn’t know what to say or how to react he just felt this immense, warm happiness and relief in his chest.
“Look honey…we have a girl” you smiled tiredly “she’s so beautiful”
“She really is…you are incredible. I’m so proud of you.” He complimented you laying a soft kiss to your lips.
“Here, why don’t you hold her?” You said lifting up the tiny human for him to take a hold of. His large hands supported her tiny body. The same hands that were used to fight crime no carry the life that he had made with you out of love.
Funny enough, she had the pout you claimed he did and that Damien got from him. You know that he looked at it he has to agree she does have his pout. But it looked better on her than it did him. She was perfect. Especially her eyes. She has your beautiful Y/E/C eyes, his favorite thing to look at
“did you make up your mind on a name?” He asked as he sat in the chair next to your bed.
“Well i was thinking of one but I could decide if you would like it or not” you answer
“Anything you pick will be perfect”
“Well. I thought Ila (eye-la) would be nice”
“I agree it’s a very pretty name,” he agrees
“But.” You add “I want her to have a middle name”
“Ans that would be?”
“..Martha” you smile “Ila Marth Wayne”
“Y/N…really? He asked with wide eyes. You wanted your daughter to carry his mothers name?
“Of course hon. It’s the least I can do”
Bruce looked down into his hands and saw how the entire world and multiverse slept peacefully in his hands. His beautiful Ila.
She was another reason he caught and became better for create a better Gotham
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wifeofasith · 7 months
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Warnings — Dead dove - do not eat, psychologist!Anakin x reader, manipulation, coercion, captivity, blindfolding, tying up, drugging, loss of consciousness, both Anakin and reader are mentally ill, scissor play, undressing, dub-con, implied murder, hinted homicide, hinted torture, stalker behavior, implied APD, implied suicide, Stockholm syndrome? Generally a messed-up piece of work.
Word count — 3k
Notes — A small project for my friend. Not something I'd normally write, but I took it as a challenge. Not exactly smut, but it's hinted & characters make out. Make sure to read the warning list and be mindful. Wrote it in a different point of view to make it as gender neutral as possible. NOT PROOFREAD.
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After seven visits and a night of consideration, I've come to the conclusion that Doctor Skywalker wasn't the correct mental health specialist for me. And it wasn't because he was bad at his job, no, quite the opposite. Anakin Skywalker was an attractive male in his forties. He never shared details about his personal life, and despite that, he managed to create an impression of a person I've known for months, if not years, of my life.
Anakin scared me. Not intentionally, of course. It was what he's supposed to do — pick up the details of me, the patterns of my brain, my movements, and my involuntary fidgeting. He was a modern mind reader, and I couldn't help but wonder if he's aware of every thought I've had when he sat in front of me, with his legs crossed, glasses hanging on the very tip of his nose, a linen button-up with the last button left free. Could he hear what my inner voice was saying during those stolen stares? The gentle tapping of a fountain pen on his notebook told me he could.
He wasn't the only one digging for specifics, though. His purposeful, secretive behavior made me want to figure him out. As if he were my medical project and not the other way around. I knew that it wasn’t ethical; part of his job was to keep the outside world, including his own, off his patients' brains to avoid influencing them. But I needed to know more. Anakin Skywalker was my psychologist, and I was utterly and entirely obsessed with him. Maybe that's exactly why I should stay in therapy. For one reason or another.
It was Tuesday morning, and I woke up especially early for my supposedly last appointment. I wanted to take a longer way to his office and connect all the pieces of private information my ill brain gathered and processed about Anakin. There were plenty of assumptions, facts I couldn’t know for sure, and guesses about his life that were possibly altered by whatever’s been lurking in my brain. However, I loved the image. In my head, Anakin was divorced. The absence of an expensive stone on his ring finger forced me to come to that conclusion. A glimpse of his phone wallpaper portraying two toddlers told me he was a father of two — a boy and a girl with the same gentle but intense stare he wore. The bundle of keys on his office desk told me the kind of car he drove, how many locks his house had, a keychain of his assumed favorite hockey team hinted at what he enjoys doing in his free time. Oh, and he was a smoker, that’s for sure. You could never miss the smell. No matter how many mints he swallowed before my visits or the scent of soap he used to wash his smoke-stained fingers, the cigarette trace was always obvious. But I didn’t mind it, not one bit. His natural smell mixing with the dirt of an addiction on someone who’s supposed to be an example of a perfect intellectual man was like knowing his dirty secret — it was arousing.
I came fifteen minutes early. My doctor worked on the third floor of a five-story commercial building; it was an environment I deemed to be perfectly suitable for a man such as Anakin. Modern architecture surrounded by enough green to not appear like a dystopian haven. And it was an excellent choice for a psychologist office, initially. Personally, however, I thought it was too perfect. Everything surrounding Anakin was a bit too perfect, from the way he carried himself to the choice of his work spot — it always rubbed it in for me that there are people doing okay, people who aren’t chained with the issues of their own heads, uncaged, people who can enjoy that perfect organic modernist dream.
I was going to spend the punctual sixteen minutes outside on a bench before stepping inside and greeting the doctor with a new wave of depression to discolor some of his lively world; after all, that’s what he’s signed up for. I sat down comfortably, not too far from the main entrance, admiring the surrounding park while judging parents chattering around while their strollers were left unattended near the children’s playground. It was enjoyable to see and possibly figure out the mindset of all the strangers and passersby. I felt like my own kind of psychologist, but I never had any intentions to help the people I marked as dysfunctional in one way or another. I lacked some empathy, yes, but that only made my life easier; I wasn’t as attached to problems that weren’t my own, and I could analyze people without their lives influencing mine. My doctor’s fairytale was unfortunately disturbed by the raspy voice greeting me.
“Good morning. You’re early.” Anakin greeted me with a welcoming yet slightly surprised tone. “I’m glad.” 
The coffee in his hand told me otherwise; I could only assume though, but he probably expected to spend a good ten minutes alone in his office, enjoying the morning with a hot latte and with no bothering from his patients before his workday even started.
“Good morning.” I nod too nonchalantly for my own liking. It was obvious I was forcing the tone, and if someone is to pick on such a small detail — it’s him.
“Let’s go; I don’t mind starting early.” He smiles, and I can once again can tell what a liar he is.
I follow him inside a white-lit lobby area, where he’s greeted by a few people he’s familiar with. He walks with masculine confidence, and I find myself feeling so disgustingly small beside him, small and insignificant. I wonder if he’s ever aware of the effect his demeanor has on people. It pisses me off and excites me further. It’s a case of mental masochism, and I’m a pathetic victim.
After a few second elevator ride, spiced with his initiated small talk, we enter the office. He offers to make me a cup of tea, giving me a choice of peppermint and lavender. I was about to decline when I reminded myself that it was my last time here and that I had never drunk lavender tea before. So I agree, encouraging him to be generous with sugar.
“Can I assume you being oddly early to come means an improvement in your mood?” He asks as he brews my beverage. It’s almost as if he’s not even working yet, not taking notes and analyzing me, but I know it’s just a facade to make me feel more comfortable.
“Perhaps. More so that I don’t think I’ll be visiting anymore.” I confess and go along with his play.
“Can I ask why?” His broad back turns from me, and I’m greeted with his handsome face. There was no hint of confusion or surprise; you would think he'd expected me to say that.
I shrug my shoulders, following his hands as he stirs my tea and pushes a delicate porcelain cup forward. His voice is nice, but I would much rather stare at him than watch his miserable attempts to help me.
“I don’t think therapy is necessary. Not anymore, at least.” I take a sip of a hot lavender drink, my hands taking the cup involuntary to avoid speaking further. The brim touches my lips, and I hiss in pain from the burning liquid. I swear he chuckles at me.
“I would like to continue seeing you.” He crosses his legs and leans back in his chair. The gaze he’s fixed on me, mixed with the weird silence after he stops asking questions, is making my insides squirm with anxiety. It’s never like that around him.
“You see, y/n, you are an interesting case…” Anakin pushes his glasses up with his index finger, rocking his chair slightly. “You’re an obsessive stalker.” He blurts out as a wide grin spreads across his face. “And I dislike misbehaving patients.” His face is becoming more blurry as we speak, and I feel myself sinking into the velvet cushion of an armchair.
Fucking lavender tea...
I couldn’t tell if I was out for days or mere minutes, but I’m pretty sure if the familiar smell of cigarettes hadn't reached my nostrils, I’d still be asleep. I opened my eyes only to be met with a dark cloth concealing my sight. I know I’m still in Anakin’s office because the sensation under my restrained wrists is of the same velvet chair. I remained still, in hopes of figuring out what’s going on. Only one thing was clear: I shouldn’t have came today yet alone drank tea. That's a gut feeling for you. The blindfold is weak around my eyes, and I guess it’s less for hiding the view and more for intimidating me. Good job, doctor.
“Oh?” Anakin gasps mockingly. “You’re up early, little bird.” He’s standing behind me; one of his hands snakes up my neck, fingers twisting into my hair. “Good.” He tightens the cloth around my eyes.
“There’s something about you. You’re as annoying as you’re pretty, and I can’t decide if I want to keep you as my little pet or get rid of you and mask it as the tragedy of a weak-minded person.”
I can sense him walk away and then make his way back into his chair in front of me. I sat up straight, settling my head towards him to show how little his words were frightening me. My mind’s been playing games on me since I can remember myself, and a mere human couldn’t scare me with ropes and threats when my own head was a prison of torture most of my life.
“I urge you to make that decision now before your next patient finds us in this roleplay of yours.” I tug the restraints on my hands.
Anakin laughs; I can hear him light a cigarette.
“Yeah?” He pauses, probably taking a puff. “You’re stupid. You don’t think you should be scared?”
I know I should be; in fact, I am not mentally ill enough to be oblivious to how messed up my situation actually is. But I’m not scared, and that scares me way more than being held hostage by my own psychologist.
“So what then, doc? Don’t keep me waiting.”
I can feel Anakin rise from his seat and slowly make his way to stand in front of me. I can’t see him, but as he towers over me, I lift my head up. There is that sense of feeling small again. Maybe it’s less about his confidence and more about how twisted his mind is to lure in people like that.
“Do you think I haven’t noticed? You… Digging through me, trying to figure me out... Watching me. You’re sick.” He grabs my chin. ”You’re sick, and it pisses me off.”
“So you decided to tie me up?”
He sighs, and I’m pretty sure he’s fed up with my poor sense of judgment.
“No, I decided to tear up your dignity piece by piece to show you who’s the real maniac between the two of us.” He yanks the blindfold off my face, and I can’t help but wonder if the initial purpose of it was to do just that. It's as if he’s planned every single second of our sick encounter.
His piercing deep blue eyes star into mine intensely, filled with overwhelming emotions of visible hatred and lust, and I am no longer sure if I want to scream into his face or bite his lips off in an intense session of kissing. I want to make him bleed through both pain and pleasure. Can he tell what I think this time too, or is he sane enough to be unaware of the disturbing thoughts spiraling in my scrambled brain?
“Don’t look at me like that.” He says it with a disgusted tone.
“Do you not enjoy my stare, doctor?"
I don’t know why I said that. I don’t know why my tongue moved in such a seductive manner when I spoke to him. Maybe it was the fruit of his manipulation, making me feel safe, making me trust him, and then turning me into a mindless vessel that craves his approval. Or maybe my problems dive deeper into my body, and it’s just who I am. Maybe sickness excites me.
Whatever the reasoning, it seemed to amuse him. Though I still couldn’t read if his amusement was based on hatred for that twisted attraction he obviously felt towards me, part of me wished it was later.
“You’re a masochist.”
“And you’re a sadist.”
Anakin raises his eyebrow. “So you agree?”
We were both right, but I wasn’t just going to sign up for him hurting me. Or at least not this easily. As I wonder how this is going to go, he leaves the room.
I like to think he’s keeping me because he finds me desirable. It doesn’t exactly make the whole captive situation better, but hell, it’s satisfying when you’re entertaining enough for a man such as Anakin to consider not murdering you instantly. For other eyes, it would make his image less perfect, but to me, he’s becoming better by a second.
Anakin comes back with a pair of metal scissors in his hand. He towers over me again, this time raising my chin with a cold blade.
“You’re not letting go of that stare, are you, darlin’?” He bites his lip, looking down at me.
The stinging blade traces down my neck, sliding over my right collarbone. The thicker skin he reaches, the more pressure he’s applying, yet he's not breaking the flesh, only leaving a red, tingling line. It drags over my clothed shoulder and down the sleeve of my shirt. He does it slowly, not breaking eye contact, as if he’s done it a thousand times before. I question if I am as special as I thought I was.
“You have no idea what I am going to do to you.” He leans down to whisper as he hooks the cutting edge under the cuff and cuts into it.
A cold sensation sends shivers up my arm when he lets the two blades rip through the material all the way up to the neckline, leaving my left limb completely free of clothing. The dust particles tickle my nose, causing a sharp inhale, which he mistakes for fear.
Not a chance. It’s better than just undressing me; it gives a sense of foreplay, whether before sex or murder. He repeats the same process on my other sleeve.
“You like playing with your food?”
Anakin grins widely. I think he’s liking me more and more. "Oh, how I’ll enjoy devouring you, my sweet dessert."
He drops down to his knees, placing his hands on my thighs to keep them apart and give him more access to be closer to me. He cuts into the hemline of my shirt and rips it across the middle, parting it and exposing even more of me for his eyes to eat. He doesn’t stop there and digs the point of the scissors into my chin, causing a painful sting. I look into his eyes, clouded with darkness, biting my teeth together to avoid hissing from the ache.
“Mouth.” He says that, and my lips part involuntary, as if he had control of my own body.
He slides the scissors fully into me, leaving only the rings hanging out.
I clench my teeth against the metal to prevent myself from choking. Anakin looks at me proudly, as if saying how good I am for listening to his orders. He grabs the waistband of my pants and commands again.
I lift myself up, and before I know it, I’m almost entirely naked, tied to a chair, with scissors digging into the back of my throat. And I don’t think ever in my life I’ve been this turned on by a mere thought of being hurt.
He stands up, grabbing the tool out of my mouth and yanking it out without any consideration. With trembling hands, he starts cutting the ropes off my wrists.
“I’m about to die from the feelings you make me feel.” He groans.
Once my hands are free, I clash into him like an animal freed from a cage who’s been deprived of meat. His lips lash onto mine, and his arms grab my thighs and lift me up against him. He’s kissing me, and my body’s burning with sickness and desire. Anakin carries me to his desk, sweeping all the papers and stationary on the ground with a loud, crashing sound, breaking whatever’s fragile and unlucky enough to interfere with our twisted fantasy.
Anakin’s teeth graze the skin on my neck as he throws me to lay on the wooden tabletop. He digs his teeth into my flesh, making me gasp. He’s marking my body with deep red bruises, and I wonder if it’s to hurt me, taste me, or make me see the sars. I’m pretty sure all three things are happening at the same time, though.
He pulls away for a second just to force his tongue into my mouth. And I kiss him. I crave him. I want to make him feel weak for not killing me; I want to make him feel vulnerable for giving into his desires, but the only one who’s feeling small is me. Just like every other time. I keep kissing him, tasting his spit in my mouth as it smears over my chin from how hungrily he’s working. And he keeps devouring me. He keeps devouring me, and I can’t force myself to stop him.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Cup of Juju
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Addison Montgomery x reader warnings: maybe some language, just some cute fluffy flirting. a little drabble from a request that's been sitting in the inbox for like, 2 years LOL. oops. Taglist here. Buy me a ko-fi.
Seattle Grace had been your placement for a few years now and as chaotic as things could get, you found that it was exactly where you wanted to be. You’d been specializing in obstetrics and had been debating transferring to a different nursing program considering the lack of an OB attending until The Addison Montgomery walked through the hospital doors and you knew you were staying put no matter what. She was incredibly talented, hardworking, admirable, professional and as friendly as she needed to be, but she would always fall into the group of fancy high level doctors who half the time didn’t even realize just how much work the nurses were putting in. It wasn’t anything against her personally, it was just the way things fell through the cracks and honestly, she was better at getting to know patients personally than others around the hospital.
You were sitting at the nurses station, a single ear bud in to keep an eye on videos playing on your phone while you were finishing up a couple of charts and discharge paperwork. It had been a relatively uneventful day, a couple of check ups on moms and babies, some who were staying for another night and some who would be out of there before you could even punch out. The view in front of your phone was suddenly blocked, the white flash of a doctor’s coat before a coffee cup remained sitting on the counter. You glanced up to see Dr Montgomery standing on the other side of the counter with a soft smile on her face.
“Thank you?” You cautiously raised a brow, “or is this some sort of bribe to deal with the mom in two oh eight? Because I’m pretty much done your charting already.”
“You know I was coming back after lunch to finish that.” She replied in a near teasing tone, leaning against the counter, “and it’s not a bribe, just… good juju. Half sweet vanilla with oat milk, right?” She said with a little shrug and your head tilted as you continued to stare at her and she suddenly faltered, ducking her gaze while her cheeks pinkened.
She was about to step away from the counter and pretend like it never happened when you finally reached for the cup, cautiously taking a sip to not burn your tongue. You let out a near dreamy sigh as the flavour and warmth spread through your body and Addison couldn’t help but smile when the corners of your lips curved up.
“Juju, hey?”
“I mean, you’ve been my scrub nurse for over a year now, I figured it would be a decent way to start an actual conversation… maybe even convince you into joining me for coffee one morning?”
“What?” Your brow furrowed as your head titled once again and Addison let out a groan, her face dropping into her hands.
“Oh god. I completely misread things… you’re one of the ones who calls me spawn of Satan behind my back, aren’t you?”
“No!” You nearly jumped up out of your seat, “no, no. Sorry! I just..  I— honestly didn’t think you even knew my name. And honestly if I was going to call you spawn of Satan it would be to your face, not behind your back.” She glanced up at that, a small chuckle on her lips.
“So what do you call me behind my back?” She asked with a raised brow and it was your turn to blush, though she didn’t give you time to fully answer, “and of course I know your name, why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you’re The Addison Montgomery… you always have a million things on your plate, and half the doctors on this staff don’t know the nurses names unless they’re sleeping with them.” You paused, “and from what I’ve heard sometimes even then they get them wrong…”
“God.” She muttered, rolling her eyes because you were in fact, correct, leaning back against the counter, “well I do in fact know your name. You’re y/n Fossen, you’re without a doubt the best scrub nurse I’ve had, I’m pretty sure I got your coffee order right and…” she surveyed you for a moment, her lip tugged into her mouth, “your drink of choice is gin, but with soda… and extra lemon on the side instead of lime.”
“Have you been stalking me Dr Montgomery?” Your voice softened as to not be overheard, raising a brow at her and she chuckled, her own voice lowering.
“No. I just happen to have a bad habit of staring at pretty things who are also incredibly smart and happen to be absolutely adorable when they’re blushing.”
“You don’t say.” You murmured over the rim of your coffee in an attempt to hide behind it and she laughed, the smile lingering on her cheeks.
“To get to the point, I’d really like to buy you a drink tonight, maybe dinner?”
“You already bought me a drink.” You raised the coffee up in your hand. Before she could reply, the call light went on over room two oh eight and practically the whole floor groaned. You moved to stand from your chair but Addison held up a hand to stop you.
“No. I’ll deal with her.” She paused after a couple of steps, “are you really done my charting?”
“Okay well then drinks really are on me tonight.” She flashed you a dazzling smile before making her way down the hallway and you knew the one on your face in that moment was a dreamy one.
Turns out all it takes some days is a cup of good juju to secure a date with the stunner you’d been lowkey crushing on for a year. From that day forward, if you were ever offered juju, you were definitely going to take it.
@svulife-rl @temilyrights @summergeezburr @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @hbkpop @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @borg-queer @swimmingstudentchaos891 @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @disneyfan624 @littlegaybabe @mysticfalls01 @bumblebear30 @solemnnova @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @narvaldetierra @dxtery @kellykidd @poisonedcrowns @summergeezburr @temilyrights @alexxavicry @anya-casablanca  @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @wandsmxmff @7thavenger @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @msvenablesbitch @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay  @sapphicprentiss
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heavens-moonlight · 4 months
Author’s Note: Well, here we go...The game has finally started but who will survive? As always, let me know your thoughts and all comments are greatly appreciated! ♡
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The dorms are much more spacious than anticipated as Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won beeline for the sole coffee table in the middle of the room, occupying either side. You instead, opt to unceremoniously plop yourself down onto one of the sizeable bunk beds, plugging your phone in to charge, having depleted the power source earlier on the bus ride over.
With a familiar chime, the battery icon flashes, but you do a double take as you realize the bar has gone back up to more than 50%. "That's strange..." you whisper more to yourself than anyone, but Yoon-Seo hears you.
"What is?"
You flip over onto your stomach and turn your phone screen toward her. "Look." You point to the upper right corner, forefinger tapping at the yellow bar, lightning symbol on display. "I'm sure it was at 26% earlier but all of a sudden it's paused at nearly double what it was previously."
"Maybe you mixed up the percentages?" Yoon-Seo suggests.
"I don't think so..." You scratch your head in confusion as Yoon-Seo shrugs, neither of you having a clue in the slightest.
"Electronics are good when they work," Jung-Won says, padding over to the chair by your head where Yoon-Seo left her backpack. You place the phone face-down on the nightstand and see her slip a small gift box inside the unzipped bag, making a shushing motion with her pointer finger against her lips. Smiling, you mimic the locking of a key and throw it away behind you, keeping Yoon-Seo's birthday surprise between the two of you. "Ugh, I need to take a coding lecture but my laptop's failing to connect to the internet."
Yoon-Seo scoots her back against the side railing of your bed and crosses her arms, tsking at Jung-Won. "You keep badgering me nonstop for reading, but who else except you would willingly study during a school trip?" Yoon-Seo shakes her head. "Stop acting like the top of the class, Madame Mensa."
Jung-Won doesn't look up from her laptop screen, monotonously correcting the nickname. "Mensa is the name of the organization. You're supposed to say Mensan for the people. How many times do I have to tell you?"
You laugh at the habitual repartee between them, but get cut off by a ding signaling an incoming notification. Peering over Yoon-Seo's shoulder, you eye as an app materializes on her home screen, one you don't recognize nor have you ever seen it in the default bundle all phones come with.
"Jung-Won, what's this? I said I don't need it."
"It's really not me. I haven't touched your phone at all."
Curious, you grab your own phone and glance down at it, the same little round-edged square making its appearance. "Yoon-Seo, I have it too. Neither of us downloaded it or scanned the QR code when we arrived."
[ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇɢɪɴ sʜᴏʀᴛʟʏ. ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀssɪɢɴᴇᴅ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. ]
"Mafia game?" As you touch the screen, an envelope unfurls following animation. "Wasn't this what they were playing earlier on the bus?"
"Yeah..." Yoon-Seo confirms distractedly, verifying her own occupation. "I guess I'm a civilian, not that I expected to be anything else. How about you guys?"
"I'm also a civilian."
[ ʜᴀɴ sᴇᴏʟ-ʜᴡᴀ ɴɪᴍ, ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴏʟᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ. ]
"Me too," you fib, hoping that it wouldn't be questioned. You weren't a very good liar to begin with and hoped this would pass. Maybe there would be a reward for winning the game, but either way, at least you knew your closest friends were on the same side as you.
Still, for some odd reason, it didn't seem fit for you to reveal your real character. Being a doctor seemed too important of a role to just go around telling everyone willy-nilly. The three of you rarely kept secrets from one another, and so you trusted that a white lie for the game this one time could be forgiven.
Before any of you can discuss the odd happenings of the unexpected game further, paragraphs pop up in successive order, outlining the standard rules:
𝟣) ᴀʟʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀɴᴛs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛʟʏ ᴀssɪɢɴᴇᴅ ᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴛɪᴢᴇɴ, ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ, ᴘᴏʟɪᴄᴇ ᴏғғɪᴄᴇʀ, ᴏʀ ᴀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ ᴄᴀɴ ᴘʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴀɴʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀɴᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ sᴇᴇ ғɪᴛ, ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏʟɪᴄᴇ ᴍᴀʏ ᴄᴏɴғɪʀᴍ ᴀ ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ's ɪᴅᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴄʜᴏᴏsɪɴɢ.
𝟤) ғʀᴏᴍ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀʟʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴇs ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅɪsǫᴜᴀʟɪғʏ sᴜsᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴠᴏᴛɪɴɢ.
𝟥) ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴏᴄᴋ sᴛʀɪᴋᴇs ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀɪᴛʏ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄɪᴘᴀɴᴛs.
𝟦) ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴠᴏᴛɪɴɢ ᴄʟᴏsᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴇᴍɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ sʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴀsɪᴅᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ.
𝟧) ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ɪs ɪɴ sʟᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇ sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ᴅᴀᴡɴ.
𝟨) ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɪɴ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴀɴ, ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏʟɪᴄᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ. ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴀɴs ᴏʀ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴏᴠᴇʀʀᴜɴs ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ, ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴɴᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇᴅ.
[ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀs ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴄᴀsᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs. ]
You're still trying to wrap your head around the summarized instructions, sensing that there was much more to the game than meets the eye. Why was there no outlining of the individual tasks required for those with specialized occupations? How many of you were assigned to each role? What happens after execution?
Jung-Won's voice interrupts your thoughts, the thread of worries pausing in its unending tangling inside your mind. "If you push a name, a vote gets cast apparently."
"You elected someone already...?" It was quite obvious how much Eun-Ha pushed for Yool determinedly in the group chat, and reluctantly, you and Yoon-Seo follow suit, knowing full-well Yool's obsession with the game and his caliber for winning streaks.
Pensively, you start scrolling through the partakers' list, seeing your classmates' yearbook photos, including your own. Being the overthinker that you are, your mind starts spinning with all of the possibilities on how this game could end, but you had no clue why it even began in the first place. The awareness of budding anxiousness courses through you as a slight breeze from the window sends goosebumps raising on your arms at the late revelation. "But guys...why does this app have our identifiers?"
Yoon-Seo turns to you, eyebrows knit together in agreement. "Right. We didn't even sign up earlier. Who granted them access to gather this protected information?"
Jung-Won bites at her nails, eyes shifting back and forth across her phone screen, the glare of its light reflecting off her glasses. "The internet isn't working either. How are we able to play the game anyway?"
Silence encases the vicinity around your trio, no one knowing what to say to the other, all questions remaining unvoiced and unanswered.
"Why don't we go back down to the lobby and see if there's anyone we can ask?" you propose, Jung-Won and Yoon-Seo readily assenting.
The reception desk as you head downstairs is as empty as it was the moment you came in, maybe even more so as reticence settles over the expansive building, the sky having gone ominously dark from a single look out the glass doors of the entrance.
"Our teacher hasn't come back yet? He left so long ago..." Yoon-Seo walks around the reception desk, circling for any clues. "Nothing could've happened, right?"
"What if he got into an accident?" Jung-Won states bluntly, drumming her fingers against the marble countertop.
"Yah, don't say it like that..." you warn. "Words can be dangerous. You don't know what it can subject someone to."
Before Jung-Won can list more outrageous possibilities, Jun-Hee sidles up on the opposite side of the counter where you're spinning back and forth in the chair slowly, lost in thought.
"Hey Jun-Hee, do you know when Seonsaengnim will be back?" Yoon-Seo directs at him while she flips through the binder of contacts placed beside you. "These numbers aren't what we need at all. They're just for the retreat center's use like maintenance and all that."
Jun-Hee shakes his head. "I can't reach him." He pulls out his phone, only to sigh and slip it back inside his pocket. "Are any of your guys' devices working?"
"We don't even have service." You look around once more, surveying areas within your eyesight in case any adults would spontaneously reappear. "Shouldn't there be at least one staff member or at the very least a security guard on patrol at night?"
"I guess they all went with our teacher." Jun-Hee walks up next to you and settles down on the counter to your left.
You raise an eyebrow. "Every single one of them? They didn't think to have anybody stay behind as a chaperone?"
"Well, when you put it that way..." Jun-Hee begins. "It does seem a little unnecessary for all of them to up and leave."
"Then, what do we do now? How long do we wait?" Jung-Won stares at the clock ticking away. "It's barely nine o'clock. Surely, it wouldn't take him twice as long to pick up the others and return here, right?"
"There must be a phone in the staff lounge," Yoon-Seo stops her rummaging around under the desk long enough to say. "Jung-Won, let's go and search there."
"You're leaving me here alone?"
"Not alone," Yoon-Seo waggles her eyebrows so only you can see. "With Jun-Hee, of course."
Jung-Won conceals her smile behind her hand not so discreetly and begins to drag Yoon-Seo away. As they pass, Yoon-Seo pats Jun-Hee on the shoulder and cautions him. "If she gets lost, you'll be in big trouble."
He turns to her. "You've known me since we were babies, who do you take me for?"
Yoon-Seo merely ignores him and follows Jung-Won upstairs happily, an extra spring in her step, making it known how proud she was of herself. Rolling your eyes unnoticeably at their less than subtle tactics, you could only hope they were actually going to find a phone and not saying that purely for reasons of ulterior motives.
The hush after is stifling without the buffer of Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won. Jun-Hee is staring straight at you, hands bracing the counter on either side of him waiting for you to say something, but you're staring down at the floor, purposefully refusing to make eye contact.
"Are you mad at me?"
That was the last thing you expected him to say. "Of course not." You look up at him briefly, but what a mistake that was. With you lowered in the chair and him sitting up on the raised desk, your eyes meet his lips first and your mind automatically reels back to the kiss on the bus. Darting your eyes back to your lap immediately after draws out a weary sigh from Jun-Hee.
"Even now you can't look straight at me. At least tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it." When you're thinking of what to reply with, Jun-Hee grabs the chair's armrests by your sides and pulls you in closer, leaning his head down so that his form towers over yours. With nowhere else to look now, you're forced to gaze upward and the expression on his face has your stomach tightening in knots, guilty. "Now you're finally looking at me." A beat passes before Jun-Hee's eyes become downturn. "I'm sorry."
Your gaze softens as you glance into his dark brown eyes, seeing your own image in his irises. "I'm the one that should be sorry." You place your hands that were settled in your lap onto his forearms, and he instantly gazes down at the contact before looking back to you, his attention unwavering. "Don't ever apologize to me when you didn't do anything wrong, Jun-Hee."
His eyes dart back and forth between your own, questioning. "Then why have you been avoiding me? Did something happen while I was sleeping earlier on the bus? If there is or I made you uncomfortable in any way—"
"No, no, it's nothing like that," you're quick to salvage the situation and dismiss the notion entirely, even though he couldn't have been more spot on. He had always been an observant person. This you knew too well.
I didn't want you to find out my feelings for you and lose you as a friend all in one.
Instead of the full truth, you tell him only half of it. "I didn't want you to find out how tired I felt and have you worrying over me. I know you're the class president with greater, more important responsibilities, but I also know, above anyone else, that I can't burden you with my troubles just because I'm your friend."
"Seol-Hwa, even then, you could've told me." His hands move to rest on your shoulders. "You'll always be my top priority." In a much quieter voice he says, "And I'll always worry about you."
He looks you dead in the eyes, expression open and filled with warmth. "I don't like when you're sad. You look the prettiest when you smile." You don't even get a chance to get a word in before Jun-Hee plows on, turning his head away slightly. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was abashed to be saying the things he did. "In the gymnasium earlier, you were laughing so carefree with Yoon-Seo. It's been a while since I've seen you like that with me. I can only be happy if you're happy..." He's almost sulking, his countenance like that of a kicked puppy.
You laugh genuinely, your head hitting the back of the chair. "Kim Jun-Hee, are you jealous of my friendship with Yoon-Seo right now?"
"I got you to smile this time!" He grins back brightly at you and the two of you sit there looking at one another, neither grin dropping. The soft exhalation of his laughter trickles into your ears once again, Jun-Hee being so content with having you in his presence, and you bask in how happy the sound makes you. Any previously existing tension disintegrates in an instant, and oddly enough, you feel closer to him than ever.
The moment gets cut short when a text from the app's group chat comes in, a start contrast to the discussion earlier, votes having already pooled in for Heo Yool.
[ 💬 sᴏ-ᴍɪ: ʟᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴏɴ-sᴇᴏ, ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴏʟ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴɴᴇx. ɪᴛ's ᴜʀɢᴇɴᴛ. ]
The oddly specific and demanding tone of the message irked you to no end. "What is this about?" Never once have you seen So-Mi try to interact with your friend group voluntarily.
Jun-Hee waves his hand dismissively. "For the event tomorrow, we're interviewing everyone about the trip and the general experience."
"Even in this situation?" you ask incredulously.
Jun-Hee chuckles. "You know how So-Mi is." His eyebrows lift pointedly.
You pat his thigh accidentally, having missed his knee entirely and feel the muscles tense beneath your hand although he doesn't move away. "Don't you find it odd?"
Jun-Hee tilts his head, equal parts confused and curious. "About...?"
"Everything." You gesture around. "The lost signal, the disappearance of supposedly responsible adults, this automatically installed app that has our personal data, and the mafia game we're all in even though we didn't choose to play?"
Jun-Hee mulls it over for a second. "I honestly have no idea what's going on." He ruffles your head affectionately. "But don't worry so much. I'm certain once morning comes, everything will be alright."
"I sure hope so."
Your conversation quietens as heavy footsteps pad across the glossed floors and you squint to see the figure in the distance.
Jun-Hee turns around at your discovery and notices your classmate's bloody nose, a spark of recognition flashing across his eyes. "Where are you going?"
Joo-Won looks from Jun-Hee to you, and back again nervously, seemingly deciding whether he should say something or not. "W-Well, the guys wanted to see me for a second. So..." he stammers out.
You frown, knowing of the relentless bullying Kyung-Jun's group puts him and Da-Bum through.
"Wait there," Jun-Hee directs, hopping off the desk, and Ju-Won picks at his fingers, clearly on edge at the impending encounter.
"Be careful," you add in as an afterthought before he can leave.
"I will, now that I have you fretting over me." Jun-Hee smirks cheekily.
"I'm being serious, Jun-Hee." You fix him with a stern but caring gaze. "Try to be less confrontational. It won't be good for you or Ju-Won to get on Kyung-Jun's bad side."
He nods, understanding. "I'll try my best." Waving, he begins to lead Ju-Won away, the latter shuffling after with his head down pitifully. "I'll see you soon. Don't go anywhere where I can't reach you!" Your eyes trail after their distancing forms, agitatedly until you can no longer hear their footsteps echoing down the hall.
Not even a full minute has gone by before Yoon-Seo and Jong-Won show up again, trudging down the same stairs they climbed up less than an hour ago. Judging by their walk and the look on their faces, their search must've proved unsuccessful.
"Nothing came up?" You fall into place with the two as your all make way toward the pool.
"The phone lines..." Yoon-Seo begins, dishearteningly. "None of them worked. Every single ring had us fooled."
You stare at her in shock. "But—"
"We tried contacting 119 and even picking up incoming calls immediately, but no one answered." Jung-Won hangs her head despondently.
"This trip is starting to take a very wrong turn..." you hypothesize out loud. You don't even get to explain to Yoon-Seo and Jung-Won your reasoning before Na-Hee comes by, skipping over joyfully, oblivious on how to read the room.
"You all came." Na-Hee grabs your hand and Jung-Won's in each of her own, motioning with her head toward Yoon-Seo to enter. "Yoon-Seo, you should head inside." Without questioning it, Yoon-Seo does as she's told.
You slip your hand out of Na-Hee's nippily, and her smile wanes faintly, somewhat hurt. Hyun-Ho had confided in you that he liked her, but given what you knew about Na-Hee, you weren't fond of the idea. Not wanting to disappoint him, you don't say anything when he brings her up, but the things she has been a bystander for following in So-Mi's schemes never sat right with you. Silently, you hope that one day Na-Hee would come to her senses for Hyun-Ho's sake, but you've been proven wrong time and time again.
"Are these solo interviews or what?" you inquire curtly.
"They want to record Yoon-Seo first. You can come in a bit later."
"Can't be that special of footage." Jung-Won pulls you by the elbow, sidestepping Na-Hee and pushing the doors open of her own volition.
You're met with So-Mi, Ji-Soo, Yu-Jun, and Woo-Ram, all crowding around Yoon-Seo and singing her happy birthday with a makeshift cake comprised of stacked choco-pies.
So-Mi steps forward, offering Yoon-Seo the sweets and urging her to blow out a single measly candle that wasn't even lit beforehand.
"Since when have you done stuff like this? You barely give her the time of day." Jung-Won eyes So-Mi suspiciously, voicing your same exact thoughts.
Yoon-Seo is way too nice, proceeding to thank So-Mi. You, on the other hand, didn't buy into the latter's nice girl act whatsoever, and clearly, neither did Jung-Won.
So-Mi shoots Yoon-Seo a saccharine smile. "Don't mention it. We should celebrate since we're friends." The word doesn't roll off her tongue easily, openly not a genuine desire. "We brought a present too." You narrow your eyes at the group as they're trying to hide their shrewd smiles, albeit unsuccessfully. "Let's start with a birthday beating and plunge!"
Instantaneously, you try to drag Yu-Jun, leaving Jung-Won to fend off Woo-Ram, away from Yoon-Seo with no luck. More force would just topple all three of them straight into the water. You didn't particularly care if the boys fell to the very bottom depths of the pool, but Yoon-Seo shouldn't get soaked, no less on the night of her birthday. She didn't deserve this horrible of a treatment for simply being too trusting, genuinely wanting to see good in everyone with no ounce of judgment or malice.
So-Mi guffaws hysterically in the background, bent over clutching her stomach like the sight is the funniest thing she's ever witnessed. "Put her down," she orders in between giggles, wiping away a tear from her eye. "She's about to cry." Standing akimbo, she bites back her sneer, turning to the rest. "We went too far, didn't we?"
"You think?!" Jung-Won rounds on her, eyes blazing with anger.
You haul Yoon-Seo back up to her feet as the boys scatter, high-fiving. As she stands up again after you've barely let go of her hands, So-Mi swiftly shoves her over backwards, sending her diving into the water with a loud splash, droplets flying every which way.
"Are you crazy? How could you do that?!" Jung-Won kneels next to you by the edge of the pool, watching as Yoon-Seo resurfaces.
"You ok?" You reach out a hand to her, close enough that she can grip your fingertips.
"Yeah, I will be."
You breathe a sigh of reprieve, but it's rather short-lived when Yoon-Seo starts kicking madly underwater, her arms and legs flailing before she sinks beneath, no longer visible.
"Yoon-Seo!" you shout, but hear no response.
"What a funny 'prank' to you guys, huh?" Jung-Won yells crossly at So-Mi's group, everyone standing shell-shocked. How they have the conscience to even feel the tiniest bit of remorse is beyond your understanding.
The group tries to urge Woo-Ram to go in, but in hindsight, being on the receiving end of the prank didn't seem so appealing anymore.
Livid, you turn around to heave So-Mi backwards and she goes tumbling to the ground, the silver platter she was holding in one hand clattering and smashing cake crumbs all over her. For whatever reason, Ji-Soo is still recording, but you could care less about the captured situation. "Be glad it's not the pool I pushed you into." She's stunned enough that she can't find it in her to form words.
Na-Hee opens her mouth, outwardly wanting to apologize, but swallows the excuses when you glare at her in turn. "I was right about you all along. You'll never change."
You kick your shoes off and jump in after Yoon-Seo without hesitation, Jung-Won screaming for you in the background. Thankfully, Yoon-Seo is still conscious, but scarcely, and you manage to guide her toward the rungs of the poolside ladder. Jung-Won yanks Yoon-Seo up and over the edge, throwing a hand down to you.
"Yoon-Seo lost her shoes. I saw them earlier but couldn't reach them, so let me retrieve them too."
Jung-Won looks into the chasmic pool apprehensively, more concerned after what happened, but nods in acknowledgment, going back to propping Yoon-Seo up. "Come back quickly, Seol-Hwa."
Everyone is huddling around Yoon-Seo while you plunge back under, holding your breath comfortably as you grab her sneakers. Right as you're swimming on the path of return, something cold clamps onto your leg, refusing to let go. The vice-like grip tightens, pulling you downward to drown in darkness. No matter how hard you kick, you can't resurface due to the invisible power.
"Seol-Hwa!" Jung-Won calls out to you, frightened. "I'm going to get help, hang on!"
The last thing you see are spindly, mottled, black fingers, color washed out grey in the lighting; something sinister and otherworldly. As it curls tighter around your ankle, so too does your chest constrict, the coldness of the touch seeping into your bones and you find the sense of prior trepidation returning in full force before everything sinks into oblivion.
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Lungs burning and head throbbing, you open your eyes groggily, the pristine white walls of the infirmary slowly coming into focus. In the bed next to yours, Yoon-Seo is still asleep.
The digits on your left hand are numb, and you look over to see Jun-Hee gripping it like a lifeline, head resting atop his arm by your knees. Your body protests as you turn on your side, muscles stiff, trying to draw your hand free. Reaching out, you card your fingers tenderly through his hair, the ends still yet to dry. Did he jump in?
After a while, he wakes up with a start, eyes flickering to your face. A shaky sigh of relief escapes him seeing the tiniest of smiles from you, any prior sense of unrest vanishing.
"Are you in pain at all?" He cradles the back of your head, helping you sit up as you dangle your legs over the bed's edge, seated knee to knee with him.
"How long have you been here with me?" You sweep the fallen fringe away to the outlines of his face, fingers lingering against his forehead. "You should've gotten changed at least." Your hand falls back to your lap when you can see his eyes better, unshielded. "You'll grow sick at this rate, Jun-Hee."
"Says the one I'm stressing over."
"I'm fine now," you assure.
"Why didn't you wake me up as soon as you came to? Do you know how terrified I was?" His brows are furrowed in concern still, and you lift your hand again to smooth the crease lines away.
"But you rescued me," you speak quietly.
"I thought you were dying in front of me and that I wouldn't be able to save you in time. I can't lose you; do you know that?" His hand comes up to cup your face delicately, barely daring to touch it wholly, almost afraid you would disappear if he did. "You're someone I can absolutely cannot let go of." You don't realize you're crying until Jun-Hee runs his thumb over your cheek, wiping away the twin trails of tears. You're not usually one to cry, but in this moment, you were overcome with emotions. "Why are you crying?"
"I was worried. Not for me, but for you." His hands are shaking where they're pressed against your face. You put your hand over his, expecting him to pull away at your next words. "I know you like to avoid the water as much as you can after..." you trail off, teardrops still falling. "You willingly jumped in to save me when I know how deep-seated your fear runs."
He smiles sadly at you. "I found out that the care I have for you outweighs any of my existing fears." His hands have stopped shaking and you drag them down, yours coming along with it to hold them together. "I told you earlier to not go someplace where I can't reach you but after this, I'm willing to follow you to the ends of the earth. Even in death, as long as it's with you, I wouldn't mind the thought."
Your heart stutters in your chest at the sincerity of his words, and you know that your feelings for him would never fade. Not in this lifetime. "Jun-Hee..."
"Seol-Hwa? Jun-Hee?" Yoon-Seo's trembling voice has the both of you looking in her direction, but Jun-Hee is yet to release your hand.
"Yoon-Seo..." you reply, eased now that she's awoken. "How are you feeling?"
"I can't recall what happened at all." She holds her head, staring blankly ahead. "But somehow, I find I'd rather not remember." Yoon-Seo moves over to sit on your cot, back-to-back with you. The warmth radiating from her is welcoming. "Seol-Hwa, thanks for always being there. You're a good person through and through."
"Tell that to yourself." You smile and lean your head back against hers. "What are friends for?"
"Saving one another's lives now apparently," Jun-Hee jokes, lightening the atmosphere.
"Then I owe you one," Yoon-Seo continues. "I'll be your Superwoman next time."
"You and Jun-Hee really are like one another. What did you both do together when you were babies to make you fearless like this?" you question, exasperatedly fond. "Readily giving up your life for another person?"
"Only because we know you'd do the same. That kind of sincerity comes once in a lifetime."
The door creaks open just as Yoon-Seo ends her sentence, So-Mi's group filing in self-consciously, Jung-Won leading them in with her arms crossed.
"Apologize," Jun-Hee states emotionlessly. "Right now," he emphasizes, leaving no room for argument. "Pranks are supposed to be harmless, not harmful."
So-Mi grimaces at his harsh tone. "I'm sorry," she's quick to apologize. "Seol-Hwa."
She's not looking directly at you but past to the side of you, gaze straying to your hand in Jun-Hee's where he's absentmindedly rubbing circles with his thumb into your palm, not aware of his own actions. One corner of So-Mi's lip twitches, but aside from that, she doesn't comment on it. If the others have noticed, they don't say anything either.
"I'm not the one this should be reserved for."
You see her bite her tongue, annoyed at having to repeat herself once again, but not yet dropping her fake performance. Plastering on the most pitiful puppy eyes she can conjure up, she shifts her attention to Yoon-Seo, still pale. "I do feel guilty. We truly just wanted to wish you a happy birthday." So-Mi forces the waterworks on, squeezing one teardrop out at a time.
"I don't think I've ever been pushed into a pool as a birthday present before," Jung-Won mutters not so quietly under her breath.
Yoon-Seo elbows her subtly. "It's okay. Don't cry, So-Mi."
You and Jung-Won both whip your heads toward Yoon-Seo, in pure disbelief. Neither of you would've accepted that half-baked, insincere apology.
"Really?" So-Mi's eyes widen on cue, as if she didn't expect Yoon-Seo to be so pardoning. "Will you forgive us?"
"Of course, I accept. I'm alright now, so let's just put it in the past."
Jung-Won doesn't attempt to hide her distaste as she groans aloud. "Yep, totally fine. You just almost went and saw King Sejong is all."
"That's enough," Yoon-Seo whisper-yells.
"Alright, everyone out," Joon-Hee cuts in, feeling the tension in the room. "We'll all talk later."
So-Mi is the first to leave, unmistakably irritated and shamed at the same time. No matter how hard she tries to mask it, you see right through her well-crafted persona. Na-Hee lingers, the last one to exit. Before the door slams shut, she catches your eye, but in finding a look of indifference staring back at her, she turns away without saying a word, the light from the hallway dimming once more.
"That wench spilled crocodile tears."
"Jung-Won ah," Yoon-Seo expresses tiredly. "She said she was sorry."
"I don't care. It wasn't genuine. She acts up because you're the only one that gives way to her."
Yoon-Seo gets up to drag Jung-Won away and out into the hall as the latter begins to raise her voice. Their conversation lowers, but you can hear the last bit of it as they step outside.
"What would you like me to do then?"
"You don't have to do anything," Jung-Won reasons. "I'm only saying I don't tolerate her or her victim mentality, and neither should you."
"Shouldn't we head out too?" You turn to Jun-Hee.
He shakes his head lightly. "Stay and rest a bit more."
"I really am fine." You give his hand a squeeze in affirmation. Despite saying so, you continue to shiver in only your thin white button-up still damp in random patches from being submerged earlier.
Jun-Hee opens the backpack by his feet and tugs out his uniform cardigan, wrapping it around your shoulders. "Here, put this on. You're still cold to the touch."
"Then what about you? Sitting in wet clothes isn't comfortable."
"I have extras I brought with me." Jun-Hee's name tag still pinned to the sweater falls into his line of vision and he can't help smiling to himself that you haven't noticed it's positioned right over your heart. "Plus, it looks better on you anyway."
"It what?" You lean forward, tilting your ear in his direction, not sure if you heard correctly or if they were still water-logged.
"Nothing," Jun-Hee evades, suppressing his smile. It seemed too far-fetched a thing for him to say in either circumstance, so you leave it be, not wanting to wander down the winding paths of your own thoughts. He crouches down and draws the heel of your socked foot to rest on his knee, his free hand untying the laces of your shoes placed to the side.
"I can do it myself," you tell him, flustered from all the attention you were receiving.
Without looking up, Jun-Hee proceeds to put your sneakers on your feet. "I know you can." He goes so far as to knot them tight, tying bows on both sides. "But I want to do it for you." His fingers reach out to trace the shoelaces all the way to the ends of the aglets, remembrance in his eyes.
Embarrassed, you put your feet back on the ground but he looks up at you, eyes twinkling with mischief. "You kept them."
"Of course, I did." You gaze down at your shoes. "You gave them to me."
His own white sneakers come into view, and you wonder why you never noticed his laces, dyed in your favorite color, and yours in his own. "So did I. I didn't think you would."
"Why not?" You toe his shoes with yours. "Just because we made them during summer camp a few years back? A gift is a gift," you reply, nearly pouting.
He laughs at the faux cross tone of your voice, but as his eyes trail upward, the sound chokes and dies off at the end. "Uh...your shirt's now see-through..." He coughs awkwardly and stands up, looking away, a slight tinge of pink dusting his cheeks. "I'll see you out there." Jun-Hee picks up his backpack, hurriedly slinging it over one shoulder before turning to look back at you once more before leaving.
Only a short bit of time has passed, but the moment you step back out with Jun-Hee's cardigan on, you slam straight into Hyun-Ho. He steadies you by the upper arms, eyes widening upon seeing you. "Seol-Hwa!" Before you can react, he throws his arms around you and gives you the most suffocating of hugs, larger form squeezing you tight as his arms encase you, rocking back and forth.
"Hyun-Ho. Can't. Breathe." Your voice comes out punctuated, every pause a ragged intake of air.
He lets go soon after, yanking your head every which way to assess for any injuries.
"Ouch!" you exclaim. Hyun-Ho doesn't know how to control his strength so every pat comes out more like slaps. "Alright!" You try to push his hands away but they're hell bent on checking your well-being. "Ok! That's enough!" You say with finality, laughter bubbling up as your cousin continues to shake you around like a rag-doll. "Yah! If I didn't have any bruises, I sure do now!"
Hyun-Ho steps back, chiding. "Where's the thank you, huh?"
"For giving me new injuries?"
"Is that how you repay me?" Hyun-Ho scoffs. "I was the one who found you in the pool first."
"Y-You were?!" You splutter. "How come no one told me?"
"I said I found you. I wasn't the one who saved you." He shrugs like it was common knowledge.
"Aish." You shove his shoulder but he stands his ground, not budging an inch. "And you're thick-skinned enough to request a word of thanks?"
"Obviously." He flicks you on the forehead, drawing a scowl from you. "I went and got Jun-Hee for you."
"Ok, and...?" You're more baffled than ever.
"Geez, this ungrateful brat." Hyun-Ho tries but fails to hide his smirk. "Who do you think handed you over so you could be carried by Jun-Hee all the way to the infirmary?"
"You looked more comfortable in his arms than on my back, but really, it was no big deal." He shrugs. "All in a day's work for me."
"You—" you point a finger at him, gawking and at a loss for words.
"Also, nice change of outfit by the way." He raps his forefinger on Jun-Hee's nameplate, nails clacking on the piece of plastic. "I know it's your favorite brand."
You gasp as you finally notice, immediately unpinning the white rectangle and slipping it in your skirt pocket. "I'm going to kill him," you mutter under your breath.
"Why not kiss him instead?" Hyun-Ho jests, knowing well enough by now to evade your incessant slaps to his back, running down the hallway as you give chase after.
The two of you come to a stop when the rest of your classmates congregate from the other end of the hallway where Jun-Hee and So-Mi were making an announcement about retiring for the night and trying to contact the teacher again tomorrow morning.
Yoon-Seo taps your shoulder from behind and tilts her phone screen toward you where a timer has popped up.
Before anyone can so much as take a step toward their rooms, the intercom comes to life.
[ ᴠᴏᴛɪɴɢ ᴇɴᴅs ɪɴ ᴏɴᴇ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ. ]
With everything that has happened since you got here, the mafia game had slipped from your mind.
Suddenly, Yoon-Seo's meter starts counting down from 59 seconds, and with the ding comes a renewed sense of excitement from everyone around you, sleep long forgotten.
While Yool and his friends incessantly chatter away, trying to place blame on one another in good fun, you're the exception. Questioning the origins of the game, you feel a sense of foreboding, an ill-omened current in the air. You were known among your friends to have good instincts, but you hope against all hope that this time, your intuition wouldn't be true.
Jun-Hee walks over beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder that makes you jump out of your skin. "Seol-Hwa...? Did you hear anything I said?"
Hands trembling, you grip onto the rolled-up sleeve cuff of his shirt. "I...don't think we should've voted."
You eye the shaking numbers on Jun-Hee's phone screen, growing shades redder by the minute as it nears zero. He doesn't get a chance to reply as successive announcements come in.
[ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴀs ᴄᴏɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ. ʜᴇᴏ ʏᴏᴏʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ]
Seconds later, Yool lets out a guttural scream of agony, clutching the side of his head.
"Oi, look at this kid. Gosh, he's just begging for attention again," Eun-Ha utters with clarity, unfazed by Yool's prankster tendencies. While everyone laughs at her statement and his actions, you study his face contorted in pain, veins popping up in his neck.
That kind of intensity isn't for show.
"Jun-Hee...Something's not right," you undertone tremulously, fingers slackening from the grip you had on him. The moment those words leave your lips, Yool falls to the ground, slumped over.
As his friends crowd around, Jun-Hee is rooted to the spot, intertwining your hand with his, holding on tight. You can tell he wants to go help as well, but he keeps throwing glances down at you and ultimately decides against it.
A sickening cracking sound has you sliding your eyes slowly over to see Yool's neck snapping rearward, the rest of his body contorting into a standing position in descending parts. Like a puppet controlled on a string, his limbs bend in odd angles, much more grotesque and inhumane compared to his earlier stint in the gymnasium. As his head straightens again, screams ring out down the length of the hallway.
You press yourself against the wall, finding it hard to breathe as you look directly into Yool's rolled eyes, now completely white, no irises in sight.
The White Butterfly's Murder.
You knew. You knew that butterflies were often seen in the spring as a divination of death, a harbinger of impending demise if it were to encircle someone while in flight. But to have it be white, the color of innocence yet also the color of surrender, you can't help but to wonder if these were all signs you should've heeded. Would we still have ended up here?
Eyes are windows to the soul, they say. Here, you realize, now stands a soulless individual.
Eun-Chan and Yeon-Woo have both fallen to the floor in a heap, staring up at their now unrecognizable friend with nothing but absolute fear in their expressions.
A mindless Yool throws himself side to side, intentionally crashing his head against pictures framed on the wall, glass shattering into a million pieces and raining the floor with shards akin to glitter.
But not all that glitters is gold.
You can't tell if it's the glass reflecting light, or if your tears are distorting your vision, but the scene hazes and blurs, turning into the illusion of a haunted nightmare you so desperately want to wake up from.
The horrific effect doesn't end there as Yool proceeds to crouch down and thump his head repeatedly against the floor, prostrating himself as if he's paying for sins he doesn't even remember; sins he can't even begin to atone for.
Blood is pouring in rivulets down his face, pooling around him like the expanding rings of a target, leaving only the center for his body to stay dead centered.
A broken sound escapes from your lips and Jun-Hee pulls you into his arms, shielding you against him, screening your eyes from having to look any further. Where your ear is pressed against his chest, you can hear the pounding of his heart, but even that sound alone is not enough to drown out that of Yool's head bashing against linoleum.
You squeeze your eyes tight, hard enough until you see spots, but these faint flickers of light are not lucky stars you can wish upon tonight.
If you could, you'd wish to be able to wake up. To start again from the beginning.
But you can't.
Rather, frozen in this cruel reality, you can only escape once you cease to wake up again.
And Yool does just that.
A thousand footsteps running toward a bitter end.
A crash as hope falls apart.
A thud to cease the beating of a heart.
And then...complete silence.
Before you lose consciousness, you feel that same vice-like grip from the pool return in full force, unbreakable chains around your heart.
This time, you're not sure anyone will come to your rescue.
This time, you don't know if you'll make it out alive.
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© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Pump (II)
Summary: When you start producing milk too early into your pregnancy, you and Dean are introduced to a special piece of equipment. And a new kink. WC: 2.7k words Warnings: A/B/O dynamics. Fluff. Smut. Lactation kink. Masturbation. Smut. Dirty talk. People watching porn. Vaginal sex. Praising kink. Knotting.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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You flipped the pages of your baby book, trying not to move too much as you reached for a marker, underlining a cute girl's name.
It was the name of a constellation!
"Dean, wouldn't the name Cassiopeia be good for a girl?" you asked from across the room, seeing your husband in the kitchen.
"Cassucopia?" he asked out loud, moving the milk into more secure packaging.
Your milk.
"Cassiopeia," you corrected him. "You know, like the star? And the constellation?"
"Well, you know our deal, I name the boy and you name the girl," he said playfully.
You huffed. The goal was to pick a name you both liked!
Before you could say it, though, your pump was done.
"Dean, I'm finished," you called out.
You always needed his help with this part.
Your husband walked over and sat by your side, ready to remove the suction, but stopped himself.
"Huh, what's up with this one?" he asked, squeezing your left breast a little. "Not much milk out of her?"
You squirmed, feeling your cunt warm.
"Dean," you whined.
He knew talking to you like that made you needy.
"It's normal, isn't it?" you pouted.
He clicked his rogue.
"But I know my Omega," he cooed, massaging your tits, and the suction got a little stronger.
You squirmed, trying not to moan as his grip became firmer.
It didn't hurt. Actually, it was the exact opposite.
"Just a little more," he hummed. "We don't want to underfill, baby."
It didn't take long for your tit to start leaking again.
"There we go," he praised you, kissing your cheek, continuing to milk you, to keep the supply going.
He kept going until both containers were full and equal, and you panted as Dean unlatched the equipment, squirming.
"Alpha," you whimpered, horny now.
Dean looked at your face sweetly
"Yes, my princess?" he cooed.
You whined, embarrassed, and he booped the tip of your nose.
"I'll go drop off our milk," he told you. "Doctor Gabriel said it is one of the best milk they had ever received in the hospital bank, you know?"
Your face flushed at the idea, and you almost wanted to present yourself to him right now.
"Thank you Alpha, but..."
"Don't worry," he kissed your forehead. "I'll fuck you when I'm back."
You watched him leave, pouting, but tried your best to calm down.
You could be fine on your own. Your body was still very sensitive, and you didn’t want to walk all the way upstairs, so you laid back on the couch, and checked social media on your phone.
As you did, you couldn’t help but have your eyes drift to the logo on your pump machine.
Shurley Equipments.
They had to have social media, right?
You googled the name, and they were there!
It wasn't much, just ads for their pumps and social work. They were involved with a lot of charities, for orphan babies and lonely Omegas.
Very nice.
Digging deeper, though, you found their career page, and a job listing for Omegas in their company.
And that brought you to a rabbit hole.
The listing was very generous, and you finally saw a video link explaining everything on their website.
A tall man with dark hair and blue eyes was standing in front of the camera, looking all charming.
"The Shurley Family works hard to benefit families, be it the traditional ones and modern families, who need special care with the most important things in life: giving your pups the best in the world."
You tilted your head.
Well, that was nice.
"Omega breastmilk has been proven to be substantially beneficial to a pup's health and even more so after their weaning age, but it is hard for Omegas to keep up with production, especially in the modern world, with things moving so fast," he explained. "Families without Omegas sometimes also struggle to feed their young, and don't like the idea of giving their little ones something artificial as a store-bought formula."
You gasped. Oh, never!
Pups deserved milk, good milk.
"We provide real milk, working with charities to give Omegas who donate their milk a safe space to be a part of it. Still, sometimes that is not enough to meet demand, which is why we've decided to use our resources to give Omegas a better option."
He gestured to someone to come over, and your eyes widened at the beautiful woman by his side and- oh, Lord, you thought your D-cups were big?
Her tits were enormous!
"Here at Shurley farm you can make a difference!" he smiled at the camera. "Milk is very important to us, and the Omegas who provide them for us are our best-valued workers."
You squeezed your legs around your couch pillow.
"If you are over the age of 18 and would like to be a part of this, and want to see a demonstration of what your work life could be if you join our family, click on this link," he pointed at the top of the screen.
You shouldn't click on it, right?
You shouldn't…
Before you knew it, your thumb pressed on the option and you were taken to another video segment.
It began with a warning that there was nudity and should not be watched by those younger than 18 however this was for purely educational purposes, and your heart rushed a little bit in your chest.
The same man as before - Castiel, you could see the subtitle - was back with the Omega, her large breasts looking even larger and more tender.
They were full.
"Now, breast growth for lactation is common, but it is also a known fact that Omegas' chests tend to grow more than average," he explained. "And some Omegas are even more special, because their breasts fill up with even more milk. So much, indeed, that normal pumps won't work for them."
Your face burned. That would explain what Doctor Gabriel said before.
"Now, we do not hire Omegas who are pregnant or breastfeeding children under the age of five. They should be home, caring for their families and nursing them naturally. However, our Omegas are treated with a hormonal drug to induce natural milk production. It's exactly the same hormone Omegas naturally produce when they are nursing."
He pulled a pill bottle and the Omega explained the contents, but you couldn't focus on it, instead watching Castiel assembling the equipment. It was like the one you had at home, but bigger and maybe better.
Castiel smiled at the camera.
"We here at Shurley Equipments care for the safety and comfort of our Omegas. You can even call us a big pack!" he chuckled. "It is very common for Omegas to feel aroused during the milking process, and we give them the privacy and meanings to make themselves as comfortable as possible."
You humped your pillow a little bit, seeking comfort.
"This afternoon, our lovely worker here has allowed us to monitor and document her process."
He moved the Omega on her back and pulled a machine with a large knot toy, shiny with lube and temptation, and you gasped.
"We give all our Omegas privacy during this very private moment. They have very comfortable offices with everything they might need," he affirmed. "Of course, a few of them enjoy being in the company of their friends, because of their sense of community."
The Omega squirmed, and you watched as he positioned the toy near her very wet cunt.
"As a good company, we give them the freedom of choice every day," he assured you, holding her hand, and she took it very quickly. "And compensate them appropriately, of course. But if you are watching this video, you've seen the details of our job offers already."
The machine activated, ready to fuck her, and they suddenly cut to her breasts being milked.
In voice-over, Castiel's voice continued.
"As you can see, our machines require very little intervention, and more experienced workers can handle them on their own," he explained. "They are cleaned and disinfected after every use, to assure that the milk being collected isn't contaminated with anything before it is taken to our pasteurisation centre."
You could only hear Castiel's voice but by the moving and panting of the Omega's chest, you could tell she was probably having a really good time.
“Pleasure is a good drive, especially for beginner workers. As you can see, the milk drips out faster and in large quantities for longer," he told you. "70% of our daily production is donated to hospitals and families in need all over the country. As you can see, it's a lot of milk, and we feed pups from all across our beloved nation, so they will grow big and strong no matter their social-economic circumstance."
You were so moved and maybe too horny to question what happened to the other 30%.
"As we work expanding our business, we plan to have at least three new farms on the East Coast before the end of 2025, so if you are not from our state, you can also look forward to being a part of our family."
You couldn't help thinking of it. You didn't need the money but the thought of being laid down and fucked as your tits gushed and gushed with healthy milk, filling tanks as you were knotted over and over again...
It was a surprise when you came on your pillow, not even realising you were about to do it before your body was shaking, and you were moaning wantonly.
Under you, the couch dripped with your milk.
You were too dazed for a minute before realising the mess you were making.
"Oh, God," you gasped, reaching for the pumps, but struggling.
Dean always did it so smoothly.
You yelped when it pinched you wrong, your phone forgotten, and gasped when you heard Dean's voice.
"Hey, careful there, baby," your husband rushed to you. "God, look at you. You made a mess!"
You squirmed, embarrassed.
"Were you so horny for my knot that you fucked the couch?" he spread your legs, reaching for your underwear. "Fuck, your panties are covered in slick, baby."
Your cheeks burned. Oh, you had to tell him. You couldn't lie.
"I... I was watching something," you confessed. "And I didn't mean to get horny, Dean. I promise."
He pulled your panties off, and spread your legs over his, pulling your dress up as the cool air brushed against your skin.
"Show me, baby," he whispered.
You picked up your phone and showed it to him, and Dean laughed behind you.
"Well, look at that. We have a job for you if things go sour."
"Dean!" you hit his arm, but he held you close.
"What, you don't like being a little Omega Cow for the family?"
You squirmed, whining.
"Dean!" you protested. "It's not funny!"
"No," he slapped your cunt. "It's hot.'
You panted.
"And I know you like it too, baby," he hummed. "Look at yourself."
You did, and blushed all over when you realised you were dripping slick on his jeans.
"And look at all that milk," he pinched your clit. "You are a messy milk slut, aren't you?"
You arched your hips.
"Please, Dean."
He pulled you back, adjusting his pants, and pressed his cock onto your cunt.
"Let me give you something to squirm on."
You moaned loudly as Dean pushed his cock into you, not even waiting for you to adjust to him.
Not that you needed to. He fit perfectly.
He then typed something on phone, holding you down in place and slapping your clit over and over again, making you moan at the sting.
"Gotta keep you on edge," he breathed hard. "Gonna show you something you'll really like, milk slut."
You panted, but willed yourself to relax. You couldn't cum unless Alpha told you that you could.
Dean then showed you your phone, playing a video with Castiel and an Omega you couldn't see.
She was being milked and fucked, with cameras on the two actions and a split screen.
"Some of their Omegas do a little side hustle," he chuckled. "You gotta be in the business to find it."
It wasn't their website anymore, though, but more like an illicit site. Like a porn site. But... with their name?
"There you go," he hummed. "I bought a few shares of their company just for you, milk slut. And apparently, this is a treat that comes with that."
You were shocked, but your stunned nature was conflicted when Dean started to bounce you on his cock as the video started playing, and Castiel pulled the toy out of the Omega.
"You want a real knot, don't you?" he cooed. "My needy little Omega. Let me give it to you."
The woman whined.
"Please," she squirmed. "No condom. Please, Alpha, I need it raw."
Castiel slapped her pussy.
"Can't get you pregnant, little Omega, remember? You're too good of a cow for us to have you out of the line."
She cried as Castiel pushed his cock inside and her milk poured faster.
"Oh, such a good Omega, aren't you? All horny for your Alpha... Can't even think properly, no thoughts, just cock."
You squirmed on Dean's lap, and he pinched your clit, chuckling amusingly.
"He sure knows how to make Omegas all dazed and loopy," he hummed. "Imagine Sammy seeing this? He would pop a blood vessel."
Sam, Dean's very progressive brother, was also an Alpha.
He was a lawyer, too, very smart. Well, he was studying to be one. But you didn't understand half of what he said.
He was always very concerned about you before going to college. Stuff about Dean not treating you right, whatever it meant. He was the one who got you in contact with your lawyer.
"Should I send you to him?" Dean bit your earlobe. "Get him to fuck you, maybe he will make you into their best producer over there."
You moaned, already way gone into pleasure.
"I'll sure keep your milky when our baby is here," he promised, cock merciless as he fucked into you. "Got all that milk... Can't waste it."
You moaned, closing your eyes. Fuck, you were going to cum.
"You are a special Omega, I knew it since the day I laid eyes on you," he thrust faster. "If I only knew... would have married and bred you earlier."
"Dean," you cried. "Please. Wanna cum, please."
"You do, uh?" he cooed.
"Cum around my cock," Castiel commanded the Omega in the video. "Squeeze me in that stupid cunt. Overflow with milk for your Alpha."
You tried hard not to obey the command of the Alpha in the video.
"Well," Dean whispered into your ear. "You heard the man, sweetie."
"There you go," Castiel growled. "Cum around your Alpha's cock-"
You finally let yourself fall over the edge, moaning and crying, and the farm man moaned with you.
"Good girl, good Omega, that's it."
Dean held his arm around your waist, pinning him against his chest, and fucked you faster.
"Good girl," he huffed. "Such a fucking good girl."
You cried when his knot filled you up, driven into a second orgasm before the first was even fully done.
He kissed your face softly as you came down, holding you gently and cooing at you sweetly.
"So good, my Omega," he brushed your hair back. "So good for your Alpha."
You rode your high and suddenly felt the suction pop off.
Your milk was finished already?
"Wow, almost halfway," Dean pulled it.
He worked on it with you still on his knot, just grabbing you with a hand to lift you up and walk to the counter, laying you chest first on it.
"Oh," you gasped. "Cold!"
"Well, you are burning up, baby," he chuckled, moving to place the milk into the fridge. "Do you want ice cream while we wait for the knot to go down?"
"Well... it would be nice," you hummed.
"Alright," he petted your hair. "We got chocolate fudge, salted caramel drizzle and-"
"Salted Caramel!" you answered quickly.
You loved salted caramel, it was your favourite.
Your husband chuckled.
"Your wish is my command."
He put some into bowls and picked you up again, chuckling when you yelp, and you let him carry you into the couch again, cuddling you as he turned the TV on.
"There we go,' he kissed your cheek. "What do you want to watch?"
. . .
"The Pump" is the first part of "The Milk series". To read its sequels "The Pack" - a Sam x Reader x Dean x Jess foursome - "The Pack" - a Castiel x Reader x Dean - and "The Family" - a Jess x Reader & Sam x Reader - subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and helps me a lot through these hard times.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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fake hypochondriac
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hy·​po·​chon·​dria noun
excessive concern about one's health especially when accompanied by imagined physical ailments
summary: If an apple a day, keeps the doctor away then what keeps a pharmacist away? Whatever it is, Ghost wants to eradicate it. This man's small crush will send him to extremes. A sequel to "a panacea"
pairing: Ghost x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, fluff, and flirting
a/n: by popular vote, ghost's sequel won! don't worry though, price's will be coming real soon ;)
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The unit had been a buzz about your work as a pharmacist officer. From clearing Gaz’s congestion to the ridiculous bandage you gave to Ghost, they simply would not stop talking about you. Soap even tried to convince the doctor that he needed to visit you for a malady of reasons but your colleagues were smarter than that. You had to give it to him, the fake food coloring blood applied to his stitches was a nice touch. It became a running joke in the medical wing. Some of your closest work friends even gushed about how the men would talk about you as if you had discovered the secrets to eternal life.
All joking aside, in all your years here, people had called you pet names and made small attempts at flirting but you always had your main goal on your mind: provide the best care so they can stop bothering me. However, one man caught your eye. No one would ever know that the masked man who wore a star bandaid was the one who stole your heart.
Of course, you’d never want anyone to have to constantly come visit you on the pretense of needing medication but you valued the time spent with him. Somehow he ended up needing every single vaccination. From pneumococcal to typhoid, you wondered if you should tell him that these were all voluntary.
Little did you know, he made every effort to miss the optional clinics and went straight to you upon his return. Your soft touch and even softer laugh were like music to his ears. He didn’t know how many people were graced by your presence like this but he tried to make himself the most memorable one.
His younger self would have laughed at his antics. His mother used to say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Even though you weren’t a doctor, he would cut down every apple tree and burn every pie if it meant seeing you daily.
One day, Soap gave him an idea. The team was ending another debriefing with Laswell and making conversation as they left the room. “I wish I could visit the lass but all she does is either give me my meds or gives her whatever you call recommendations” Soap groaned as he lugged the large number of building layouts and files in his arms.
“Pharmacological and non-pharm recommendations, Sergeant” Price corrected. “You better learn their terminology, they didn’t go to school and experience those muppets at the local chemist’s for nothing.”
That was it, Ghost would ask you for some silly non-pharm recommendation like Gaz had and keep coming up with new ailments to keep visiting you.
The plan was in place, following the lunch rush he walked to the medical wing and made his way to the pharmacy.
You stood in the back, answering yet another phone call from a doctor. “As I said before, you need to find out what their reaction is to penicillin and other beta-lactams. I don’t care if they say they have a true allergy, you know anaphylaxis is the only indicator. And no, I’m not ordering something off the formulary just because your patient says they were sneezing after a bout of amoxicillin. Just call me back after you spoke to them and if you really need it, then you know where to reach me.” With that, you slammed the phone down and let out a groan. You knew pharmacology was no doctor's favorite subject but this was antibiotics 101.
Your technician came around the corner, “Captain L/N, is everything alright?”
“You know we’ve been working together for what 2 years now? I’m just Y/N especially back here in this phone call hell.” you laughed as you sat down in your chair. “I’m alright, just another medic trying to get me to order something off the formulary for kicks”
“Well Y/N, there is someone here to see you. Just a soldier complaining of a sore throat. He says the doctors won’t prescribe anything because they haven’t observed anything wrong.” Your tech responded before disappearing amongst the shelves to fill some incoming scripts.
You made your way to the front where you were surprised to see Lt. Riley wearing a face mask (although still with the ghost print). Even though he had been coming for months now, live vaccines had to be spaced out by 28 days, you had not seen his face fully. His eyes were trained down and you noted his surprisingly light eyelashes. He still had the ever-present eye black and you wondered how he kept his lashes so pristine. If it was a mascara or a brand of makeup remover you needed to know!
“Simon,” you spoke in a cheerful voice. By now, you were on a first-name basis. It only took one tuberculosis skin test for him to encourage you to call him by his name. To be fair, when you held his arm gently to measure the area he would’ve told you anything.
“You aren’t due for any vaccinations you know. You’ve cleared me out! I’m sure the doctors would think I’m sticking you for my pleasure and your pain.” you joked. You were teasing but you knew there was no way he was here for yet another immunization.
“Not this time, love. I’ve got this tickle in my throat. It hurts when I swallow and I swear Soap saw my tonsils angry and inflamed,” he replied.
“And the doctor didn’t diagnose you with bronchitis or call for your tonsils to be removed?” you questioned. It wasn’t unusual for them to miss anything but you were realistically unable to prescribe anything to him.
“Well let me take a look. If you want to head over to the vaccination area then you can take your mask off. I’m sure you are familiar with where it is.” With that, he nodded and walked toward the designated area. He appreciated your kindness and that you valued his privacy.
You let your technician know where you’d be and they waved you off saying they could handle the onslaught of soldiers if it came to it.
As you entered the corned-off area, you saw Simon there, fiddling with his mask. You didn’t understand why he was so nervous, how could someone so well acquainted with violence be nervous of a flashlight and quick examination?
“Don’t worry, I’ll sure to be quick. I just need you to remove your mask and open up wide,” you explained and fished in your pocket for your pen light. To any recruit, they would’ve made a cheeky comment to your command but Simon obliged to your ask.
As he lowered your mask, you couldn’t help but admire the man in front of you. He was gorgeous. He looked like he was carved from a model like some Greek deity. His face was adorned by various silvery scars that looked painted on a portrait with metallic paint. His jawline was sharp and his lips were blush pink with an even sharper cupid’s bow. You made sure not to ogle for too long and began your assessment.
As you pointed your flashlight, you examined his throat and tonsils, trying to find if the doctor had missed anything. But when you saw no redness and his lymph nodes weren’t swollen, you didn’t know what to say.
“Hm, well good news and I guess bad news but I’m not seeing anything here. I’m not sure what to tell you but I wish I could help” you said in a defeated tone. You looked saddened by your lack of discovery and this made Simon want to scratch his whole plan.
“But,” you began, as he put on his mask, “my grandparents would always say ‘Y/N, all you need is to get some good rest and have a cup of tea with lemon’” you explained, trying your best to impersonate your best old person voice. Simon chuckled at your attempt. God, you really knew how to brighten someone’s day, and who could not love your sweet, grave voice?
“Sorry to take your time, love, but I’ll be sure to let you know,” he said and stood up before giving you a thankful look.
“The pleasure is all mine, Simon. I try to do what I can for one of my favorite patients,” you replied. You were laying on the flirting hard, something you would lie in bed cringing about later.
With that, he walked out of your little bubble and went about his day. You watched his muscular ass figure exit as you too returned to your day.
Although you thought you had cured him with some good advice, you were visited every other day for the next few weeks as he still had the same complaint. You had recommended everything following each checkup. From spoonfuls of honey and thyme lollies to encouraging hot showers and steam therapy, you were out of options. By what seemed like his 10th visit, you were prepared to march him down to radiology and make sure that this wasn’t some terrible looming illness.
“Still having that sore throat, huh?” you questioned as he walked through your doorway. He nodded in agreement and you picked up the landline. “I’m making a quick call, we’ll get this sorted out.”
“Hi, this is Captain. L/N. I have Lt. Riley here and he has been complaining of a sore throat for weeks. Is there any way the lab could run a throat culture as well as some blood work for me?”
And that’s how Simon ended up in the doctor’s office with a cotton swab down his throat and multiple needle pricks to his veins. He should’ve picked something more benign like reoccurring IBS but then again he might have ended up with a finger up his ass instead of the swab.
Two days later, you received a notification that the results were in. To your dismay, the results showed nothing. The swab was negative for every infection and his blood cell counts were all within normal range.
Frustrated, you told your tech you’d be back and walked your way to Cpt. Price’s office.
You knocked on the closed door hoping not to disturb the man. His baritone voice echoed into the hallway as he told you to enter.
“Hi Captain, sorry to bother you,” you said noting the mountain of paperwork on his desk as well as his extinguished pile of cigars. “But I was wondering if you had noticed anyone else in your unit with a sore throat. Lt. Riley has been coming to the pharmacy for a few weeks now and no one can figure it out.”
“Not that I know of. We haven’t run drills either so I know our quiet Ghost isn’t necessarily screaming at the recruits. He hasn’t come to me either with any complaints,” he explained and leaned back in his chair. He knew that Ghost was wasting your resources so he decided to let you in on a secret.
“As their commanding officer, you know I highly value the word of my men. But I do remember during my school days, that boys would tend to lie about an illness just to get sent to the infirmary and eventually home,” he explained. “It’s no secret that some soldiers, even Ghost, show a fondness for you.”
You blushed at his response, you couldn’t imagine that of all people, the stoic Ghost had a schoolboy crush on you. Hell, you hated your school nurse and always dreaded going to the doctor. You went days before telling your mom that you might have broken your finger during recess (you can still remember her rushing to the emergency room the minute she saw your bruised and puffy finger).
“I’ll talk to him the next time he comes in, which I hope he doesn’t,” you said, “thanks for the advice. And don’t forget, I always have a pack of nicotine gum for you if you ever decide to quit.” He chuckled and politely shooed you away. As you shut the door, you shook your head as you heard a lighter flick and smelled the familiar scent of a cigar.
Right on schedule, Simon came strolling into the pharmacy. You had just finished chatting with Soap and chastised him for yet another antibiotic prescription. This time it was for an infected foot wound after forgetting to change his socks and wading in still, grimy water during a mission.
As Soap gave you a cheeky smile saying he’d be back, Ghost tried to suppress his jealousy. Why did Soap have to be blessed with a purulent foot wound instead of him? Maybe he’ll try that one next.
“Ah Simon, I’m heading out to lunch if you’d like to join. I’m presuming it’s still the throat issue so I can check it out after.” You said and reached into the fridge under the counter to grab your food.
You made sure to lock up the pharmacy and lower the protective barriers, you couldn’t let anyone access the “good stuff.” Your tech said their goodbyes as they went to the mess hall for some warm food.
It was the dead of summer but today was surprisingly balmy. You knew there were some tables outside so you pushed the exit door and sat down on one side. He sat opposite you as you opened up your salad and half sandwich.
“So, can I tell your story?” you said before taking a bite. He nodded watching you intently.
“There was a time I broke my finger during recess and didn’t tell my mom for the next 3 days. You should’ve seen her face when I revealed my oozing, bruised ring finger. The thought of missing school and recess was devastating so I hid it like a child.” you explained and held up your left hand showing how your ring finger was slightly askew compared to the others. He laughed heartily, which made you also laugh in return.
After wiping some tears from your eyes you went on, “And that’s why my mom was so shocked when I got my MPharm. She always tells my dad that she doesn’t understand how someone so adverse to doctors went into healthcare.”
“We all have our weird obsessions, plus you are a natural,” he said and was almost at a loss for words as you smiled back at him, the sun hitting perfectly on your face and dancing in your hair.
“Anyways, I told Captain Price that story and he had such a different experience. He said that as a young lad, he and his mates would do anything it would take to get into the infirmary and home. I couldn't believe kids were so smart and had the forethought to plan something like that!”
Ghost knew where this was going. He also received notification that the tests came back clear of any illness. He knew the jig was up but couldn’t run away from the confrontation.
“Now, I’m not debunking your mystery illness, Simon. But I just wanted to talk to you privately and ask if there was anything else that you haven’t told me?” You asked and knew you had got him hook, line, and sinker. His eyes glancing around and his sweaty palms were confirmation of your theory.
He took a few moments to answer and you both sat in silence. You finished the remainder of your food and wiped your hands neatly as he stroke the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“I guess I was just finding an excuse to talk to you,” he began to explain and you could see his extremities begin to grow flush. “I, uh, didn’t know how to so once I ran out of excuses with the shots, I decided to fake a sore throat,” he sheepishly replied.
With his confession, you couldn’t help but laugh. And laugh you did. Hard. It took you a minute before returning your composure.
“You know that the other soldiers can just have a regular conversation with me. I don’t bite and I swear I’ve talked Gaz’s ears off about pollen and flowers. I just feel bad now for making you undergo all those tests,” you said gently placing your hand on top of his.
“I do see what you mean though. If I had a doctor as handsome as you, I would have every illness, injury, and question under the sun.” You couldn’t leave him thinking you didn’t reciprocate your feelings. With that, it was your turn to blush.
“It’s rather childish isn’t it?” He said as he gently caressed your other free hand. “Sorry for wasting your time.”
“How about you make it up to me with dinner? I can show you that there’s more than just textbook knowledge to me” you offered, “I know a surprising amount about languages, I can flirt with you in 10 different ones.”
“It’s a date, gorgeous. I’m all ears for anything you have to say,” he said and you both looked like lovesick teens, “As long as you keep this a secret. You know the doctors would never believe me if I actually got sick.”
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After months of dating, you revealed a secret. “After I spoke to Price, I had a suspicion to check your medical record. You know I could see you never went to the doctor right? You never logged any visits for your alleged sore throat.” You said jokingly and lightly punched his shoulder. “I just can’t believe you roped everyone into it. I can have a normal conversation, babe.”
He laughed at your reveal and kissed the top of your forehead. “I just wanted to make sure your university course load prepared you for anything.”
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