#my hero academia kiribaku
The Nightmares (Kiribaku x reader)
Heyo! Sorry for taking so long on posting some of these cute little one shots I have for KiriBaku... Been trying to work on some other projects, but decided to post this little baddy right here. So, I hope you enjoy! I'll try and post some more holiday event ones towards this weekend as Christmas is right around the corner, but if you have any holiday themed ideas fill free to shoot them my way! I wanna try and work on some more one shots so please! Don't be afraid to interact okay!
Anyway, enough of me blabbing! Enjoy the one shot!
Summary: You had another nightmare, but this time it was death you were afraid of...
Warnings: mention of death, but nothing too serious
Words: 1266
You woke with a sudden jolt. Sweat dripping down your neck and back as your heart pounded in your chest. Your room dark as the glowing clock on your bedside table reads 3:30 am. You had another nightmare. This one worse than before. You dreamt that your roommate had died while fighting a villian and since you were quirkless it was hard for you to save him. Tears staining your cheeks as you rubbed away the wetness. You wanted to save him. Wanted to kill the villain that took him away from you, but you couldn’t and that was what hurt you the most.
“Y/N, you awake? I heard some shuffling and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Kirishima asked as he knocked on your door. 
“Yeah… I’m awake…” You mumble pulling the covers close to you as you didn’t want him to see you like this. Tears were still dripping down your cheeks as the nightmare replayed over and over again in your mind. 
“C-can I come in?” Kirishima asked as the door slowly opened. 
“Yeah, you can come in.” 
Kirishima nodded as he slowly walked through the doorframe and sighed knowing something was up. You looked scared. You looked like something had spooked you in the dark and the way you had yourself wrapped in the blanket made it clear you had a nightmare.
“You wanna talk about it?” Kirishima asked as he sat on the foot side of the bed. His ember eyes watched you carefully as he didn’t want to push you, but he also wanted to comfort you to the best of his abilities.
“Not really. It’s just another nightmare, Kiri, nothing new if you ask me.” you said as Kirishima moved closer to you and slowly started to unwrap you from the mess of blankets and then wrap you back up as soon as he was cuddled in close. 
“New or not, you're our roommate and if you had a nightmare I, and I’m pretty sure Bakguo, would want to make sure you're okay, but I won't press if you don’t want to talk about it, okay?” Kirishima smiled in the dark room as he rested his chin on your shoulder. He was so warm to you. The way his body heat made you feel comfortable, it was like he was a personal heater. 
You nodded, yawning.
“Do you wanna try and go back to sleep? I’ll stay here until I know you’re knocked out and that’s a promise.” Kirishima said as you giggled a little bit.
“Knocked out you say? Are you going to use your quirk to knock me out if I can’t sleep?” You joked as Kirishima pulled you back so you both were laying down.
“No! I would never do such a thing! That’s not manly!” Kirishima gasped as you started giggling more. The two of you started talking about your day and how tomorrow you were taking your big test in college. You were nervous, but with Bakugo helping you study and with Kirishima giving you a positive attitude for it you were sure you were going to ace it, you just had to get through the night.
“Will you promise to stay until I fall asleep?” You asked yawning a little bit more.
“Of course. I promise to be here if any more nightmares creep up on you.” Kirishima said as he snuggled you close. He kissed the top of your head with a gentle lips as you smiled, thanking him and passing out or well falling asleep as quickly as you did. You were exhausted. Nightmares took a lot out of you and honestly having him here with you made sleep a bit easier or so you thought. An hour had passed and just like before you awoke and this time Kirishima was right next to you just like he said.
“Heyy… Heyy… Shhh… Shh… I’m right here. I’m right here..” Kirishima said as you quickly turned into him and whimpered. Your nightmare was again the same from earlier and this time the death was a lot gruesome then before.
“I can’t save him…” You whimper between quivering lips, “I can’t save him and it sucks!”
“Can’t save who? Who are you trying to save?” Kirishima asked as he rubbed small circles on your back.
“Katsuki… Every time I try and save him they just kill him… I watch the League murder him and I just… I can’t do anything!” 
It was Bakugo’s turn this time. He knocked on your door and came in without even asking for permission as he sat on the other side of you and sighed wondering what the hell was going on and why you kept waking up in the middle of the night. The clock now reading about 5am as they both had patrol, but with your sudden gasps and whimpers throughout the apartment both boys were concerned if you were going to be okay.
“I’m not dead, you know? I heard you talking and honestly the league couldn’t even touch me if they tried. I mean do you remember what happened last time? They took me and did nothing, just asked if I wanted to join their stupid team and honestly they’re all weak as shit anyway so don’t worry about it. I’m fine and so are you.” Bakugo said as you nearly jumped into his lap leaving Kirishima pouting cause he was trying his best to comfort you but of course you leaned more towards the blonde as he was sorta your stronger crush, but still had a crush on the red head as well. It was a weird love triangle.
“I know…” You sighed as you nuzzled your face into him, “It just felt too real.” 
Bakugo sighed, “Well, it wasn’t now, if you don’t mind… I would like to get some sleep so..” He waved to the bed and to Kirishima who was still laying under the covers, “Can we get some sleep?”
Your cheeks reddened, “Are you joining us? I mean you don’t have too. I know you're a light sleeper and with me waking up here and there I would hate to keep you-” Bakugo shut you up with his lips as Kirishima gasped a little. He was sorta a little jealous that Bakugo did that but honestly he would have done the same thing. You needed your sleep and if kissing you would shut you up then, Bakugo was going to kiss you. He didn’t care if feelings weren’t the same. He was going on his gut check and his gut check said to kiss and, well, it worked.
“Yes, now can you please lay down and go to bed. I have patrol in like two hours… I would like to get some sleep.” Bakugo said as you and him joined Kirishima under the covers. The three of you now nuzzled underneath as you looked over at Kirishima and gave him a quick kiss good night and then turned your head to Bakugo to do the same.
“Good night.” You mumbled snuggling close to both of them.
“Good night.” Kirishima  said with blushing red cheeks. 
“Night.” Bakugo said as the three of you finally went to bed. The rest of the night was pretty much peaceful. No more nightmares occurred and with them leaving in the morning meant you sorta had an alarm for yourself to get up and squeeze in some last minute studying. You were happy they were there for you. They were the best roommates ever. They were your perfect happy space.
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gr0undr10tz · 1 month
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GET IT BAKUGOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ello-ol · 6 months
Never underestimate the bond between a teenage girl and the fictional non-canon bl couple she found in 2020 that altered her brain chemistry forever
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boomgubbins · 7 months
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fever-dreamer97 · 6 days
New Illustration from Hori for the new upcoming movie
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It’s like looking at a sweet child posing for his school yearbook photo 😭😭❤️
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peterokii · 1 month
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puppyaulait · 4 months
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ccerealbowl · 10 months
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Fellas, is it gay to cuddle your best bro throughout the night?
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wasabi-gumdrop · 3 months
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neon glory squad 💖
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itswannysenpai · 1 year
Slumber Party 🌙🎮
Here is almost all my headcanons of MHA XD
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redth0t · 1 year
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I really tried T_T. It was my first detailed background. Or at least it was as detailed as I felt like making it. I kinda like it, I feel like everything I make I eventually hate.
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He Has to Come Home (Kiribaku x Reader)
~~~~~ Summary: Things aren't looking good for the students and heroes.. will they win their fight against Shigaraki or will the world crumble because Shigaraki got his way... only time will tell
Warning: Anime/maga spoiler, death is spoken of, angst, sad
words: 1455
His death hit you the hardest. 
The long barb like wires piercing his skin as you watched Dynamite hit the ground with a thud. He and the heroes were fighting Shigaraki as he had just awoken from his lumber. The sounds of screams escaping your lips as you watched from the television your boyfriend, no your fiance, die right before you. Tears streaming down your face as you shook with anger, with hate, as you wished you could do something, anything to be there to heal your pro hero. 
Dynamite being the only hero who also knew about Deku’s quirk had told you to stay behind as it wasn’t going to be safe, yeah, sure, he wanted to fight alongside you, but you were still trying to get your license and without you couldn’t fight like he and the others in classroom 1-A could. You were useless.
“Y/N! Are you okay?! I heard screaming!” Your roommate and best friend, Masaaki, asked as she came bursting through your bedroom door. 
“No! I need to go! I need to help them!” You cried as you started to scramble to your feet as you didn’t realize you had fallen to your feet. Your eyes still blurry as you were trying to find your wallet, your keys, anything to help you move from the spot you were sitting at.
“You can’t! You know if you help there’s a high chance you’ll get hurt and you don’t even have your license so fighting you could cause more harm to yourself and possibly them. Do you want that?” Masaaki questioned as you whimpered, afraid your fiance was dying right before your eyes. 
“No, but I hate watching this! All of the Pros are out there risking their lives trying to stop the villains from coming further, but here I sit watching my fiance die because I can’t do anything! Why can’t I do something!” You spoke out loud hoping some god or goddess from above would answer you. The tv still going as they kept flashing back to Dynamite who was laying on the ground. Blood pooled around him as Deku kept fighting. Long black whip-like things spewing from his mouth as his arms were broken from the many blows he had done.
“Because it isn’t our job…” Masaaki said as those weren’t the words you wanted to hear, “Everything will be okay… we just have to hope the heroes will do something. I’m sure Katsuki is fine… He has to be fine… right?” Masaaki was now watching the tv as she knew now why you were freaking out. Your fiance was gone. He wasn’t moving. Dynamite was dead.
“God I can’t believe you like him… why him of all people?” 
“I think he’s super cute! Sure he’s pretty hot headed and can’t keep his mouth shut, but the way he’s passionate about things drives me wild! It's like him and I are dreaming the same thing! We both want to be heroes! It's what our lives were meant to be!”
Masaaki rolled her eyes as you and her were out Christmas shopping. You and Masaaki were trying to get the last few gifts together as Deku was throwing a party at his dorm building to celebrate. You didn’t really like the holidays but ever since you started crushing on Bakugo the holiday season holidays just seemed to shine brighter now that he was in your life. 
“Even so, Bakugo is a lot to handle… I would hate to see my best friend get hurt because she didn’t listen to me.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, “Whatever…” and you both finished your holiday shopping.
“Stupid! Get out of the way!” Bakugo shouted as he and Deku were sparring in the training room. You had decided to study some of the other students in classroom 1-A as your quirk was very helpful to them. 
“Sorry! Sorry!” You said as you moved to the left hoping to get out of the fight and into a better area. You were healing Deku and Bakugo as they fought, but as you got closer to the two of them it became sorta hard as Bakugo’s exploding quirk hit you making you fly about fifty feet into the air.
“See I told you to get out of the way!” Bakugo shouted as he blasted himself up into the air and caught you. Your eyes met for like a split second and in that moment you knew you were meant to be.
“I s-said I was-s sorry… I just couldn’t reach De-eku in time when you blasted.” 
Bakugo tched as you and him landed safely on the ground. Your arms still wrapped around his neck as he hadn’t placed you down. His calloused hands were still holding you in his arms as you wanted to be put down and away from him, but for some odd reason Bakugo wasn’t letting you go.
“Well, be careful next time. If you got any closer I could have burned you and… I would have hated that…” Bakugo said a bit softer as if he was only talking to you and no one else. His eyes were staring out forwards as he wasn’t staring at you, but for some odd reason you knew he was talking to you and only you.
“Are you sure you want to ask her out man? I mean isn’t she seeing someone?” Kirishima said as he and Bakugo were working out. 
“Yeah, I’m going to ask her out. I don’t care if she’s seeing someone or not! I have to make her mine! I just have too!” Bakugo said as he was doing his push ups just a little bit faster than normal. 
“Well, then let’s do it together. I know our little ray of sunshine would be happy with us if we both ask her out. I know when I asked you out, Bakubro, I was nearly drenched in sweat.” Kirishima said as he finished his rep. 
“Yeah, and you nearly ripped out of your clothes because your hardening was happening. It was like you couldn’t control it or something.” Bakugo smirked as he wiped away the sweat and took a drink from his water bottle.
“I was pretty nervous… I didn’t know you liked guys and honestly seeing how you and Y/N act together when on the training ground it just makes me wanna work ten times harder! Like you both are super manly!” Kirishima smiled as Bakugo nodded.
“Then it's settled. We will ask her out tonight.” 
“So, are you dating both of them?” Masaaki asked as she was a bit confused on what you were talking about.
“Uh, yeah, they both asked me out and I said yes.” You said as if it was sorta normal.
“And they didn’t get jealous and Blasty didn’t get angry because his BEST FRIEND also asked you out?!” 
You nodded, “They both told me they were sorta seeing each other and when they had talked about it they saw that they both felt something towards me and I towards them. It was like we were all meant to be, ya know?”
Masaaki shook her head, “No, I don’t know and I probably will never know, but if you're happy then I’m happy.” She said as you nodded happily. Your text tone going off as it was Bakugo letting you know dinner was ready and that he and your other boyfriend wanted you to come eat with them.
“I gotta go, duty calls.” You smile as you hugged your bestie goodbye. 
“Awe, okay, see you later.”
“See you.”
“Come on babe… please… please get up…” You whimpered, staring at the tv again. You didn’t see Kirishima around so it meant that he was probably somewhere else in the area helping those who needed it. Tears stinging your eyes as you looked back over at Masaaki and asked, “D-do you think he will make it? I mean he has to make it… He promised he’d come home to me… He has to come home to me….right?”
Masaaki came and gave you a hug, “Right, Dynamite wouldn’t go back on his word. A promise is a promise.” your roommate lied as she saw the future, just like Sir Nighteye she could look into the future and what she saw for you and your boys wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all.
“Good… because… I have news… news for both of them…” 
Masaaki looked at you as she pulled away just a little, “What’s that?”
“I…” words stuck as you didn’t want to tell her but had too, tears streaming down your cheeks more as you smiled weakly, “I’m pregnant… I’m pregnant with Bakugo’s child…”
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honehonn3honey · 5 months
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pjs-everyday · 7 months
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hehe, I feel like when they all go pro-hero Red Riot is gonna be one of the first ones with a brand deal. and these two are first in line for that sweet merch drop lmao ❤️❤️❤️
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gr0undr10tz · 13 days
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man down
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redaart · 7 months
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last summer afternoons ☀️
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