#my fic**
ceoofyearning · 1 day
Say Yes to Heaven - Lucien
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Pairing: Lucien × Reader
Summary: You find the bed empty upon waking up. Bundled in your blanket, you head out to find Lucien and demand that he warm you up.
Tags & Warnings: Fluff, suggestive but nothing explicit (if i miss anything, let me know)
Word Count: 1077
Links: Masterlist
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Sunight creeps languidly through the heavy drapes, heralding the persistent call of the waking world. The day has come, and in minutes, the entire room is bathed in golden light. You’re forced to relinquish the last dregs of sleep clinging to you. You roll over expecting to find Lucien beside you, only to see that his side of the bed is empty. You run your palm over the sheets and find them still warm.
With one last stretch, you pull yourself out of the bed and onto your feet. You wrap the blanket tightly around your shoulders, not ready to give up their warm embrace just yet. The manor is deathly quiet as you pad through the hallways as if the rest of the world is as reluctant to wake too. The persistent chill of winter remains in the air, the tiles as cool as ice beneath your feet. The blanket trails on the floor behind you, and you can already imagine the legendary scolding Jurian would give you if he were to catch you. You imagine Vassa would only laugh at you, if she wasn't too busy being a bird.
Thankfully, no such altercations occur, and you find Lucien sitting in the library, busy reading what you assume are reports from Prythian. He’s lounging by the fire, clad only in his rumpled, unbuttoned tunic and plain trousers. His legs are carelessly spread, his cheek resting on his hand - the picture of relaxed nonchalance. Lucien wears finery like a fine suit of armor, his bravado like a sword secured at his hip, and it’s rare to see him so unguarded, so candid. When he spots you, all bundled up, by the door, a bemused expression makes its way across his face.
“You left,” you sniff indignantly.
His only response to your complaint is a smirk. So you pad deeper into the room until you're standing in between his legs. The smug look on his face only seems to grow at the increased proximity.
“Why?” He asks. “Did you miss me?” Lucien’s eyes trail down your body with deliberate slowness, stalling over your exposed thighs. His hand comes up to grasp the side of your hip, a movement made instinctually, naturally, as though his existence only makes sense when you’re there, with him.
You don’t deign to respond, but you let him pull you onto his lap. He wraps his arms around you, tucking you under his chin as he continues to read. You sink onto him, enjoying the heat that perpetually radiates off his body. He’s basically a sentient furnace, your love. Your hands trail beneath his shirt and he jolts the moment your cold hands make contact with his skin.
“Mother’s tits, you’re freezing.” He exclaims, wiggling in his seat.
“Because you left,” you retort, running your hands languidly over his back. Goosebumps rise in the wake of your touch. “This is your doing, miscreant.”
Lucien cackles but recovers. “Apologies, my lady,” Lucien says with exaggerated gravity, his hand over his chest. “I’m adequately chastised. I’ll be sure never to abandon you in bed again.”
“You better,” you threaten, trying to fight the smile from emerging on your lips. “Or else I’ll find someone else to warm my bed.”
Lucien stiffens, holding you tighter against him as if readying to fight off anyone who dares to draw near. With his hand on your chin, he lifts your head to meet his gaze.
“What was that?” He speaks, something dangerous lingering in the depths of his words.
You raise your brow in challenge. “I said, if you keep leaving me I’ll find-“
He shuts you up with his lips on yours, but it’s a soft fragile thing. His lips move against yours like the back and forth of a waltz. Lucien pulls you tighter into his embrace, enveloping you in the scent of sandalwood, cinnamon, and smoke. You melt against him and think that you could stay like this forever, as long as you’re with him. You want to lay here even as the world cracks and burns around you, until the both of you are covered in ivy, moss, and memory.
As if sensing the direction of your thoughts, Lucien deepens the kiss. Your lips willingly part for him and he licks into your mouth, eager for a taste. His hands are molten against your skin, kneading the pliant flesh of your hips from where your nightgown has ridden up. You can feel his chest expand as he inhales your scent as if reminding himself that you’re with him, in this moment, and there you will remain until your body gives out from the force of loving him.
Eventually, the two of you have to break the kiss. Just there, his forehead on yours, breathing the other in. Idly, you tap your finger over the freckles on his chest, parsing them like constellations in the night sky. You wonder what prophecies you’d be able to divine in the shapes they take. You press a kiss on the freckle over his beating heart, and Lucien shudders beneath your touch.
You move to the wealth of freckles spread across his cheek, over his nose, then on his chin. Lucien pretends to be preoccupied with the reports, but it’s a losing battle. There’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, and you plant a soft, chaste kiss at the upturned corner. You kiss him like he’s an object of worship, and only your heart, your body, your whole being would be a worthy sacrifice.
“Is that the only thanks I get for being your sentient, walking furnace?” He teases, brow arched, but not unkindly. “Threats and a few kisses?” Beams of sunlight hit his face like a lattice of amber, accentuating his sharp features, and setting his russet eye ablaze. And it strikes you just how damn pretty he is, scars and all.
“I’d prefer it if my sentient furnace did not walk away at all,” you retort, raising your brow in turn.
“Ungrateful,” he teases, even as he begins to trail tender kisses over your neck. “You’re lucky I adore you, dearly.”
You huff, pretending his words haven’t set you aflame in a way only he can.
“I suppose,” you begin, tapping your finger over your chin. “I could be persuaded to thank you properly if you go back to bed with me.”
Lucien glances at the report and pretends to consider it for three whole seconds, before setting it down the table with finality. He smiles, as bright as the sun, beautiful, blinding, yours.
“Let's go then,” he says, as he easily carries you back to your room.
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Hello! I’m new to this fandom & I’d love to hear your thoughts. 💙
i’ve been so obsessed with Lucien recently. I made art of him and I love how people kept mentioning his freckles so here is we are. + I hate the cold and had the thought that Lucien would be the perfect person to cuddle up to in winter.
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moon-river-me · 3 days
hey i saw you're open to requests!
What about a hotch x reader fic where he's reunited with an old friend on a case and he gets all flirty and flustered? No angst, happy ending if poss 👀
Aaron Hotchner x lawyer!reader
sfw, reuniting, fem reader <3 no haley or jack mentioned and no specific season
Eyes meet across the room. Warmth fills his gut. He knows those eyes, he memorized those eyes, he loved those eyes.
“Aaron?” your voice still sounded the same, like honey and warmth, like the soft and lulling pitter patter of rain on a spring’s night. Just how he remembered.
You made a B-line for him, at a determined speed. That’s another thing he remembered about you, so determined. Throughout all of law school you both would compete, for anything and everything, you almost always won.
“It’s really you, huh?” looking at him with so much admiration he needed to break the contact. “So, what’s a hotshot FBI agent doing here? Come back to beat the score.” You jest, hitting his elbow with your own. The score was something sacred back in your university days. It was a tally between you two, one that would update every time one of you got a higher grade, an award, a commendation, or stayed sober the longest, the last one was always biased. He fondly remembered nights of drunken giggles and takeout while watching badly written court tv shows on your thrifted couch.
“Oh no, those days are long gone. Any more tequila and my liver will go into failure.” A ghost of a smile paints his lips.
“I still get flashbacks after a mere whiff of the thing.” Your laughing sounding more of an amused snort, not caring who saw you. That was something Aaron always loved  liked about you, not once in the entire time he knew you did you ever care about how others viewed you. You were so uniquely you that he truly believes if another you appeared one day, the earth would stop spinning.
Emily and Morgan walked up behind him; he could see their smirks through the back of his head. “Hotch, I didn’t take you for a tequila connoisseur,” Derek was in view now, offering his hand to you, “Derek Morgan.”
“y/n l/n,” you state as you shake, “and you should have seen him in our second year of law, god I thought I was going to have to drag him to emergent care some nights.” Your words were embarrassing, but your eyes were filled to the brim with joyfulness, you make eye contact once again and it is as if the world stops. “But of course I was no better so I would be a hypocrite to say anymore.” You grin, your lip getting a slight tug from your teeth. Aaron felt himself blush as his brain began to create images of that lip, and those teeth, and that smile, and oh those beautiful eyes.
You noticed the change in his demeanor, you always had. Except this time, your eyes twinkled in victory. “So, what do you guys need?” you turn you head towards Emily, although your gaze is stuck like honey to Aarons eyes.
“We were told that you were the prosecutor for the case we are working on. We came to discuss some things about the trial.”
“Oh of course, let me just grab the file. One second.” You turned to walk to your office; it was just principle that Aaron followed you, no other reason.  “Come on agent Hotchner, the file isn’t going to find itself, I need your expert profiling skills to uncover it.” You laugh as you reach your office. Aaron looked at his very amused coworkers and felt the flush of his cheeks get 2 shades darker.
“I don’t know who she is or if they have a history, but he followed her like a dog.” Morgan states, a belly laugh following as he finishes his senses.
Emily observed you through the glass, your head thrown back in laughter, and Hotch’s eyes staring at you with something that could only describe as a child on Christmas morning.
“He is whipped.”
short and sweet but trust me I will start doing longer ones.
requests are still open, please give feedback.
ik it's not the best but I hope you like it.
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lizthewriter · 2 days
red wine supernova / regina george
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SUMMARY  regina george has made you the new victim of her attention. it's a different kind of attention than you expected from her.
QUOTE  "she was a playboy, bridgette bardot, / she showed me things i didn't know, / she did it right there, out on the deck, / put her canine teeth in the side of my neck," - red wine supernova by chappell roan
WRITTEN  6.3.2024
you've always been introverted and shy - some people were loud, rambunctious, easily likeable. easily sociable. it had never been that easy for you - anxiety rumbling at the bottom of your stomach every time you spoke to someone new, hands trembling and voice stuttering as you spoke in front of the class. it didn't help when others began to tease you for it - it only made you more reclusive.
but then, she noticed you. everyone knew who she was. regina george. queen bee of the mean girls, the plastics, the fake and bake's, whatever people liked to call them these days. and believe me, no one wanted to be noticed by regina george, not the way she noticed you.
it started out as small, targeted comments in the lunch line. on your clothes, on the foos you ate, on the way you did your hair. cute, girly tips hidden behind the pretentiousness of a pig with lip glass. okay, perhaps that was taking things way too far. she was gorgeous and she wasn't completely terrible. you just couldn't figure out why you were so special to be one of the few victims of her attention and insults.
but now she was making it obvious to everyone that she had taken some odd liking to you. swinging her arm around your shoulder and calling you pet, playing with your hair and giving you beauty tips with thinly veiled conceit, things like that.
you tried to stay away from her as much as possible, but unfortunately that was impossible. world history and of course, for your final project, you abaolutely had to be thrown with her.
regina plopped down in the seat next to you as people scattered across the room to find their project partner. aaron was sitting practically next to her, but she wasn't even watching him. she seemed to give all her attention to you lately. "hey babes, looks like we're stuck together."
you laughed nervously. "yeah, looks that way," you responded in a small tone, staring down at your notes. "so i was thinking, i'm very educated in world war two discourse, i was hoping we could do our project on -"
"you know, you should totally come over my house this weekend." most of your classmates around you froze and glanced towards regina. she never invited anyone but the plastics at her house. "i can show you how to do makeup - i'll even let you borrow my lip gloss."
"you never let me borrow your lip -"
"oh my god, will you stop taking things so personally gretchen?" regina responded, not even turning around in her chair to face gretchen, who was sitting behind her. regina gestured to gretchen and rolled her eyes, finally returning all her attention to you. she grabbed your hand and started to trial her fingernail around your hand in circles. "what do you say, pet?"
"umm, i'll bring my notebook so we can work too," you responded in an uncertain tone.
"and don't worry girls, if you want to have a party, i still have all of my old nas cd's downstairs!" regina'a mother exclaimed as she left the room. you and regina were situated on her bed, sitting rather close to one another. as you reached to pull your notebook out of your bag, regina pushed your hand back down so that your notebook was firmly back in it's place.
"don't be a bore, let's have some fun first," regina responded with a roll of her eyes, popping her lollipop back in her mouth. she grabbed you by the arm and hauled you all the way over to her vanity, turning on the lighting and grabbing all the possible makeup in sight. "we are giving you a makeover."
she grinned at you, and in that moment you couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. you decided to go along, for the sake of it - why upset her now? she could have her fun with you and then you could go back to working on your project. "all right, i guess."
she started to pull out all sorts of makeup application devices you either recognized and didn't use or had never seen at all. she tapped her phone and punk rock music began to blare through the speakers in her room - you found yourself suprised at her music taste but said nothing, only tapping your feet along to the beat.
she began by brushing your hair and pulling it back with a headband, giving her free reign to do whatever she wanted to your face. she started out with skincare, washing your face and applying a face mask.
"so, what do you like to do in your free time, or whatever?" regina asked you in a bored tone, though her eyes seemed rather interested as she looked down at you. enamored, almost, but that must have been a trick of the light.
you started to name a few hobbies but before you knew it, the two of you were deep into conversation about various different things and surprisingly, as she did your makeup, you found yourself opening up to her, becoming louder and louder, while she somehow became more dormant - less mean and commanding and more, understanding and listening.
"okay, take a look!"
you turned around and faced yourself in the mirror. you smiled widely as you felt rather pretty, wearing the makeup regina had put on you, sparkly yellow eyeshadow and pink mascara. you saw regina biting her bottom lip as she looked at you in the mirror - suddenly you felt shy again and felt a blush fall over your cheeks.
"how do you like it?" regina asked as she turned you to face her.
"i feel really pretty . . . thanks," you mumbled shyly, staring down at your feet
"you are really pretty," she told you in a low tone, placing her finger under your chin and raising your head so you met her eyes. "you're so fucking dumb, how long will it take you to realize i like you, pet?"
she laughed at your confounded expression. you felt your face turn a tomato red and you buried your face in your hands, feeling embarrassed. "i thought you were making fun of me!" you exclaimed between your fingers.
"i was endearingly teasing you, or whatever," regina said in a defensive tone, though she was still falling over laughing at your expression.
"this isn't a prank, right?"
"of course not! now let's finish this dumb project so i can take you out on a date, hoe."
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hazbinshusk · 1 day
husk x reader. written for @rileyglas. alastor has always enjoyed finding new ways to torture his favorite little bartender, and when he notices husk's eyes lingering just a little too long on you, he finds a new method of torment. husk can only take so much before he reaches a breaking point, so when you arrive at his door later that night, what else is he to do than claim what's his? 1.7k
featuring: jealous husk, possessive sex, and my first attempt at writing alastor.
(reader is afab and husk uses phrases like 'good girl'. Alastor calls you a 'lady').
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Bambi ass motherfucking bastard.
Husk can’t help but glower as he watches that infuriating, nauseating grin spread wider on the Radio Demon’s face as he listens to you laugh from across the room. Alastor had summoned you away from the bar, from Husk, twenty minutes ago and the cat has been glaring daggers ever since. Even the ever-persistent Angel has given up on trying to wrest a conversation from the bartender, simply rolling his eyes as he picks up his drink and meandering off to find someone else to talk to.
Your back is to the bar and yet you swear you can feel the prickling on the back of your neck that means you’re being watched. When you dare a glance behind you, Alastor notices immediately, and gallantly sweeps an arm towards the bar.
“Why, how rude of me, my dear!” he announces, touching a hand to the small of your back as he guides you back over towards Husk. “Here I am taking immense pleasure out of your company and I’ve gone and neglected your needs.”
You’re a little surprised by the way he urges you back towards the bar but you go along with it obediently, taking a seat on the stool at the far end. Your eyebrow arches at the way Husk avoids your eye, his lips turned down in an even deeper scowl that you’re used to seeing. You turn your head to give Alastor a slightly uncertain smile. “It’s fine, I don’t need—”
“Nonsense!” Alastor waves you off, turning his attention to the bartender. You notice his smile widen incrementally as he meets Husk’s eye. “Husker, my good man, I’m sure you can fix the lady a drink, can’t you?”
Husk nods tightly, and Alastor continues talking as he turns to fulfil the request.
“You are a darling little thing,” he tells you, and you flinch slightly as he reaches up to touch his fingers to your chin. He tilts his head back and to the side at a bone-breaking angle to meet the cat’s eye. “Wouldn’t you agree, Husker?”
Husk sets a glass down in front of you a little too hard, the glass meeting the wood with a thud. He picks up the bottle he’d just poured from, taking a long, heavy slug from it. He meets your eye for a moment, studying your face before shrugging. And even though you know he doesn’t mean it, you still feel it sting. “Sure. Whatever you say, boss.”
Alastor chuckles, the sound distorting slightly. “My, my, we are testy today.” He turns his attention back to you, leaning his face down towards yours. “You’ll have to ignore my poor pet, my dear. I’m afraid his customer service leaves something to be desired.”
You clear your throat uncertainly, picking up your drink. You take a sip, letting the liquor warm your throat. You speak quietly. “Thank you, Husk.”
He meets your eye again, lips tightening into a thin line. “‘s fine.”
“Ah, maybe you’re just the thing to help teach him manners, after all!” Alastor says with amusement, and with a glance towards Husk, reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His smile widens even further as you hear a growl rumble quietly through Husk. “You are one of many talents. I can’t wait to see just how many you can share with me.”
*             *             *
Husk is still stewing hours later in his room, feathers fluffed out in agitation as he paces across the carpet. He starts at the sudden, soft knock on the door, his ears flicking towards the sound. His eyes widen, annoyance leaching from his features when he hears, “Husk?”
He strides across the room, and even though he recognizes your voice – part of him swears he already could anywhere – he’s still somehow surprised to see you at his door.
“Hey,” you say with a small, awkward smile, your hands clasped together in front of you. “Are you… are you okay?”
“’m fine,” he says cagily, and you notice him glance down the hall behind you.
He shakes his head, avoiding your eye. You see his claws flex by his sides. “What’re you doin’ here, doll?”
You feel that same tiny thrill you felt whenever he let the pet name slip in private, and you swallowed. “I wanted to… you seemed upset. At the bar.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says with a sigh. His tone turns bitter, his tail whipping back and forth behind him. “You should be… ain’t you supposed to be sittin’ through one of Al’s broadcasts right now?”
The radio demon had invited you up to his tower for the evening, but you hadn’t realized Husk had heard that. You nod slowly. “And you’re… mad about that?”
You roll your eyes, tossing up a hand in exasperation. “Damn it, Husk, just tell me what’s—”
Your request dies on your lips as he reaches out and grabs your waist, tugging you into his room and kissing you, hard. You freeze for a moment in shock, feel his claws flex against your ribs, feel his teeth graze your lip. Then you’re kissing him back, and Husk groans into it, bringing you tighter against him.
The door is kicked closed and you’re forced back against it, your breath leaving you in a huff as your back meets the wood. Husk’s kiss is rough and deliriously needy, his body flush against yours. You find yourself twining your fingers in his fur, carding it through the soft fluff of his chest and up to his shoulders. He growls against your lips as your fingers find his cheeks, his wings curving around to cage you in against the door, trapped by his body against yours.
You hear a whimper and realize it’s yours when Husk presses his thigh up between your legs, his claws digging so tightly into your hips that you’re sure you feel them break the skin. When he finally allows you to breathe again, he moves his mouth to your neck, the rough edge of his tongue sending a shiver into the small of your back.
“Husk…?” you whisper in a shuddering breath. Still, he can hear the question in your voice and he speaks against your throat, voice hot and rough and so addictive already.
“Don’t like him talking to you,” he admits, teeth scraping against your collarbone. He lathes his tongue over the same spot and your eyes roll back. “Don’t like the way he fucking looks at you.”
“Who? Alas—” Husk growls, low and aggressive in the back of his throat, and you suddenly decide it’s better not to mention the other demon’s name. Still, the sound doesn’t repel you, instead you feel the fire blooming in your belly flare, and you swallow. You feel the need to reassure him somehow, and you bring his mouth back up to yours. You push the suspenders down his shoulders before fumbling with the fastenings of his pants, and Husk moans into your mouth as you slip your hand into them to palm his growing erection. He presses his forehead against yours for a moment before kissing you again. You let out a squeak of surprise as Husk bands his arms around your thighs and lifts you as though you weigh nothing at all.
He almost chuckles at the sound and you wrap your legs around his hips, whispering fuck as he presses his cock up against you. With your skirt now bunched up over your hips there’s almost nothing between his cock and your warmth, your wetness, and Husk curses.
“Not his,” he mutters into the kiss, so low you almost don’t recognize it as words. He slides his cock up against your cunt, and even through your underwear it makes you moan. Husk echoes the sentiment, dropping his head against your shoulder. He rubs his forehead against your collarbone, the side of your throat, and your jaw, his paws clutching at your thighs. He sounds needy, almost desperate. “Tell me…”
“Tell me.” he entreats again, his lips brushing against the hollow of your throat. You can feel his fur tickle against the swell of your breasts. you reach between you, fingers brushing against the firm line of his cock before pushing your underwear aside. Husk whimpers at the first slide of his cock against your bare cunt. “Please…”
“I’m not his,” you assure him breathlessly, and the next words slip out without thinking when you feel the head of him pressing just inside of you. “I’m yours.”
Husk thrust himself into you and you both moan aloud, your head falling back against the door. Husk’s mouth finds your throat, and you shudder as you feel a rumbling purr roll through him.
“Say it again,” he orders brokenly. His cock is stretching you, the small barbs along its length making you cling to his shoulders, his back. He exhales heavily, unevenly as your fingers graze the spot where his wings meet his back. “Please, baby, say it again.”
“Yours.” Husk’s lifting you and pulling you down with each thrust, your thighs meeting his hips with a brutal, agonizingly delicious force, the feathers of his tail tickling against your calf. “Fucking yours, Husk.”
“Christ,” he laps at the curve of your breasts, presses kisses far too sweet for the way he fucks you to your sternum. Husk’s eyes are blown wide whenever they meet yours, his purr echoing in your ears. “Fucking Christ, yes… yes, you’re mine baby… fucking mine…”
“God… fuck, I’m gonna…”
“Feel so fucking good, kitten,” he tells you and you let out an almost pained moan, as he touched claws to your clit. You buck up against his touch, eyes squeezing closed as the movement sends him deeper inside you. His tail is wrapped around your calf so tight it’s almost painful, but you can’t think of anything other than how good it feels to have him inside you, filling you, marking you with his teeth and his claws and his tongue. “So fucking good for me… tell him who you belong to an’ you can cum, baby… be a good girl and tell this whole fucking hotel you’re mine…”
“Fuck, Husk!”
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bruisedleftknee · 1 day
I just think that Noah...
❥ Noah running a warm bath for you after a long day of being out of the house.
❥ Noah massaging your feet while you're in the tub. But then slowly finding his way between your thighs.
❥ Noah keeping eye contact with you while he forces his fingers inside your cunt untill he has three digits in.
❥ Noah saying "You're so wet for me aren't you? Making a mess in the bath cause I'm touching you" while your head in resting on the corner of the tub.
❥ Noah stretching your walls with his long fingers and saying "Can you take another one? I'm sure you can" and sliding the fourth one in.
❥ Noah smirking at you when he sees your eyes roll back the faster he fucks you with his fingers.
❥ Noah telling you 'No' after you beg him to give you his cock.
❥ Noah sliding a vibrator inside you keeping his hand on your clit to pinch it whenever he wants.
❥ Noah smirking when he sees tears running down your face everytime he pinches your clit a little harder and putting the vibrator on max speed.
❥ Noah putting his other hand on your mouth to keep you quite but then pushing four fingers inside your mouth till your mouth is so full that you can't make loud noises anymore.
❥ Noah enjoying seeing you drool over his hand and praising for taking whatever he's giving you so well and telling you how good you're doing.
❥ Noah pushing the big vibrator deeper inside you till he can see it in your tummy and saying "You wish that was my cock, don't you?"
❥ Noah not letting you cum whenever he sees you're close just to make you whine even more cause he enjoys seeing you whining and begging him to give you release.
❥ Noah not letting you cum just to take out his hard cock out when you don't expect it, come in the tub, bend you over and fuck you senseless.
❥ Noah fucking you so faster and harder till you cry even more from the pleasure. Telling you "Why are you crying? If you can't take it just tell me" but you want him to keep going.
❥ Noah pulling out the second he feels your muscles tensing and leaving you with the emptiness that he knows drives you crazy just to make you beg for it even more.
❥ Noah putting his weight on your bended body and coming closer to your ears to tell you "Be good and beg for it."
❥ Noah waiting for you to beg him, "Cum inside me, fill me up, P- Please" but not doing anything till he sees more tears on your face.
❥ Noah rotting inside you more and more after you satisfy him and filling you with ropes and ropes of cum. Pulling out slowly and making you cry for more.
❥ Noah fucking his cum back inside you and playing with your clit till you finally cum.
❥ Noah telling you how good you took him and how proud he is of you.
❥ Noah sitting you on his lap in the tub and caressing your flushed skin, leaving kisses on every part he can reach.
❥ Noah telling you how much he loves you after fucking you silly and you smiling telling him you love him too.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 days
Chubby F! Housewife Reader X M!Yandere Streamer OC Jasper
Part 3!
Part 1 Here!
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CW: fem! reader, reader referred to as she/her, ML! Masturbation, HJ, pet names for reader(pretty, gorgeous, talks of creampies, live streamed torture, blood, gore, murder,
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He sat and watched you at first, just watched.
Just like he promised himself.
That thought was thrown out the window the moment you laid over that chaise lounge, what a gorgeous sight you were. Your perfectly voluptuous body wrapped in a silken night robe, why wasn’t this a painting in his bedroom— Hell why not a mural on his ceiling that he could see every single night.
His hand is already in his pants, pulling out his long, pierced cock. He’s teasing the tip and playing with his metal ring. He can’t help but wonder if you’ve ever been with a guy that has their dick pierced… If you’ll be shocked.
Oh just imagining your little innocent housewife reactions to things like that has heat racing in the jet stream of blood that’s rushing to his dick.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” He wishes so badly you were with him.
How he’d fuck you up against this window so hard, your bare tits pressed up against the glass. Instead of staring at you down there, he’d be seeing your husband; shocked at his chubby little wife with her pussy spread wide, sheathing a man that can take better care of her. Best of all her elated expression at everything about it.
That’s the part that has pre mixing in with the lubricant, your expression. He wonders what you’d look like, brows hiked up, biting your lip.
“Oh f-fuck pretty, you’re so gorgeous” He wants you underneath him. Looking up at him with your pretty eyes, your arms hooked around his neck, legs locked around his mid section. He’s gonna fill you up so good. All the way to the brim and over.
He has at least some restraint… Oh~ the second he does fuck you, he’s going to be so pent up, he almost laughs maniacally at what he’s doing; edging himself to a pretty thing he “can’t” have.
You’ve been there for a while, and he’s been there watching you. He’s starting to really notice that something is wrong, even without knowing you for very long, he can tell you aren’t just napping anymore.
Jasper leaves for just a minute to collect a camera and cables from another section of the home before returning and setting it up facing you. He labels that one ‘sun room’ in his phone, and then heads out to his very conspicuously inconspicuous white van.
He’s gonna check up on someone real quick…
The tracker he put in your husband’s car pings him at an office building, but when Jasper hacks the security system his office is empty up there… Hmm, how curious indeed.
He calls your husband’s receptionist, and he tells Jasper that he’s in a meeting at the moment.
When he looks at the cameras to confirm it’s funny that he’s just not in the building anywhere visible at least.
He’ll just make a copy of your husband’s phone later. He’s got a feeling… Not all bad. He’s in a state of slight turmoil, on one hand he’d be ecstatic to find out your husband’s cheating or something else terrible so that he could swoop in, but at the same time, he’d rather you not get hurt.
He muses his hair frustrated as he contemplates problems and how to solve them.
For right now, he’s late for a livestream.
The clone he made of your phone lights up next to him, and he sees you typing a message. Before he can read it, he watches you erase it, and then it dims once more.
“Hey Y/N! hope you’re alright, what’s been up?” He texts you… Gods, he really shouldn’t have right after… That’s so suspicious! But, he’s so deathly curious! He wants so badly to know what was on your mind, and what you almost shared with him.
His heart thumps, and his face reddens. He puts his hand onto his fist as he waits for a response, watching both phones…
It’s been days.
The gnawing boredom has almost fully made its comeback, when your phone clone lights up on a table behind him, he isn’t looking.
“Count backwards from one hundred, everyone~”
“Fuck him up!!!”
“Can i have his underwear?”
“Oh shit! First time here! i cant wait!”
“Welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!” his chat is zooming by in front of him, but Jasper is still able to pick messages out and reply to them individually.
“Mmmf! mmmmmmf!!!!” A man with some socks stuffed in his mouth screams and writhes against barbed and razor wire restraints.
Jasper removes the leather strap that was wrapped and tied around the man’s mouth and hits the back of his head to get him to spit the socks out.
Guttural screams fill the van, and the docks they’re parked at. Birds in flocks fly off at the sound.
“Hey Jasper, you got a text from your other phone,” Issac bounds over, dropping them both into his (kind of full) hands.
“Howdy Jasper! sorry i went on a mini vacation! what have you been up to?”
He stares for a second thinking about how he’s been watching you through your windows for the past, oh, little over a week. You definitely did not go on a vacation. But he won’t ask, he doesn’t want to make you think about excuses.
Dev.In clears their throat, knowingly.
“I have to go.” is his answer as he slits the man’s throat and stops the livestream.
Jasper jumps into the driver seat and steps on the pedal.
In his van he’s going so fast the metal is rattling as he practically rolls over on every turn through suburb. Issac constantly “weeee!’s” in the back. In mere minutes he makes it home, and into the house before you can see him.
You arrive as he’s leaned up against the door, heart pounding in excitement making him almost dizzy! It’s exhilarating, he might have to have more torture streams just to give him that added bit of fun to his evenings when he has to feign innocence for you.
You knock on the door, and he answers it instantly. Shit. He’s so stupid, he thinks to himself, hopfully you don’t suspect anything.
Right away he notices that your eyelid is slightly more closed than usual and that you’re wearing a touch more makeup than usual in that spot making it more suspicious.
His mind instantly goes to your husband.
That might just be him pushing his own agenda onto you, so he doesn’t say anything yet.
However, it gets too hard not to when you’re walking away, and he almost desperately wants you to stay.
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messyhairdiaz · 1 day
Unhinged request for eddietommy:
"Your hugs are nice." 💚
odd man out
eddietommy (within buddietommy) - rated g - 4k words
Even after three months, Eddie’s sure this is all still a dream.
There’s a new well of happiness everywhere Eddie turns, and he’s still not sure how to wrap his head around it.
Not all that long ago, he thought happiness like this was something he’d let slip through his fingers and he’d never get another chance at it. He never would’ve dared to fathom that happiness was right there in front him in Buck.
And, perhaps even more surprisingly, in Tommy as well.
He’s just not all that sure Tommy would say the same.
read on ao3
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I bound a book!
Hello, I just bound this, which is I guess basically my second proper bookbinding project that I have fully finished. Also my first time binding a fic that I wrote myself, so the entire process from writing through typesetting and binding was my project.
Book information:
Title fonts - Frosty, Body font - IM Fell English, bound in octavo format with a square back bradel binding. Cover graphic printed onto book cloth with an inkjet printer. Edge painting underlayer with J. Herbin Émeraude de Chivor and sprinkled with Golden high flow acrylic in Iridescent Gold Deep (Fine), and Windsor & Newton ink in silver. Endpapers are paste paper I got at Codex this year. Book cloth is something from Book Craft Supply, though I am not sure what because I got it in a mix of samples in a kit. Anyway, I am really happy with how it turned out!
The fic: Mountain's Depths which I wrote for the Rare Kinks Buffet Prompt Fest 2024.
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More pics below cut:
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wrap-around cover image, before casing in:
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 day
I'll Show You Magic ✨
Buddie | Explicit | 7k Magic AU, s2 rework, witch!Eddie, witch!buck, strangers to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers (yes all of that is possible)
Happy first Thursday without 9-1-1! Here's a little fic to help get through it.
A man appears from the back who is definitely not the old woman that Lucy described. This guy is tall, nearly Buck's height, with dark brown hair that looks so soft Buck wants to touch it; he's got soft brown eyes and a jawline that could cut glass. He's also rocking a little stubble that makes Buck go a tiny bit weak at the knees. He has the urge to bite , but he does his best to shove down.  "Who the hell are you?" Buck asks before his brain to mouth filter is fully online. He can't help himself! He just saw the guy's arms (extremely muscular with tattoos of vines that weave their way up his wrists until he can't see them because they disappear under the sleeves of his tight tee shirt). He can't be blamed for his behavior. "Eddie," The guy - Eddie - says with an amused little smile pulling at his mouth. "I'm guessing you're Buck. Lucy said you’d be coming in and that you don't have much of a filter." “Lucy needs to learn when to shut her damn mouth,” Buck huffs and Eddie laughs. Buck’s been in the shop for less than thirty seconds and he’s already put his foot in his mouth. “She said a little old lady owned Diaz Boticaria s-so I was expecting to see a grandmother type person, not uh, not you.” “What, I don’t have grandmotherly charm?” Eddie asks with a smirk and Buck is so fucked holy shit. This guy has the kind of easy confidence that Buck has been trying to emulate for years, the kind of confidence that radiates off of him. 
Read on Ao3
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osaka-lilac · 1 day
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you're my fucking hero: the critic's review | strollonso | 7.1k | mature
The reviews have finally rolled in for the romantic drama of the fall that has shocked audiences and critics around the globe. And one film critic is here to give it all to you. Spoilers for this film are littered throughout this review directly from the publishing house. We hope you enjoy, and support indie film wherever you are.
a quick note: this essay has been in the works since the beginning of the year. thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the past six months. to @no00000000: thank you for creating the wonderful dirtbag au that has captured my imagination and helped me break out of my fic-writing shell. thank you to @raapija for not only helping with the poster designs but also supplying the BEST soundtrack for this film (that is mentioned in the review). thank you also to @vampire-on-main for using his html brain to make a double spaced work skin bc without them, the essay would be unreadable (long paragraphs my beloved). thank you so so much for the countless others that have hyped me up and essentially made this possible. couldn't have done this without you. thank you.
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jordyn14 · 12 hours
hiii can you make one where the reader has surgery and joe takes care of her your imagines are so good !!!
Livin’ the dream?
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Pairing: Joe burrow x fem first person reader
Words: 9225
Notes: I combined this with a request asking me to write about the foundations recent golfing invitational. But omg I was not expecting this to be this long, I just kept writing and writing… I hope you enjoy though!! 🫤🫶🏼🫶🏼
Taglist: @wickedfun9
I sat in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to bring in Joe since I was awake. A week ago, I got into a car accident which not only totaled my brand new car, but broke my Tibia, which, if you're not aware, meant I needed surgery. Better yet, the surgery just had to be scheduled for the day before the 2nd annual Joe Burrow foundation golf invitational, which I had so much fun at last year. To say I wasn't in the best mood was a complete understatement, given that both Joe and his parents wanted me to just stay home and recovery from the surgery, especially since I would need to be on crutches for a while.
As I sat in my thoughts, just glaring down at my leg which was covered in a huge and ugly cast that Joe would definitely want to write on at some point, the door opened up. Expecting it to be another doctor since it was only a few minutes after the nurse left, I didn't look towards the door. Then, I heard Joes voice which practically brought me to tears. "Hey, how are you doing?" Joe asked me. I quickly looked over to him with a sigh and as soon as I did, Joe gave me a small smile, knowing I was upset that I needed surgery. All I wanted to do was have him wrap me in his arms and hold me forever, and also take me to the golfing invitation tomorrow.
"Ooh, where to start? One, I have this ugly cast on my leg, and two, I can't even go to the invitational. I'm livin' the dream." I said with an exasperated sigh and leaned back against the hospital bed, staring straight up at the ceiling as Joe walked over to me. I could hear joe start to chuckle and then he grabbed onto my hand and gave it a small squeeze, trying to reassure me. "Maybe if you feel up to it you can come, but it you're in pain, I just want you at home. I don't need you falling down some steps or getting hurt again." Joe said.
Ever since this accident, he's been treating me like I'm super fragile. I know I broke my leg, but he didn't have to keep worrying about me like he has been. Every time I need to go to the bathroom, he's always sitting on the bathtub across from me and watching my every move so I don't fall, saying things like, 'I don't want you to get a concussion when you fall, or worse, have a brain bleed when you hit your head.’
"Joseph, I only broke my leg, I'm not going to try and go up or down some stairs without someone's help." I said and glared over at him. "Well who knows with you, I'm just trying to keep my baby safe." He said with that adorable smile. Once again, I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, counting down the minutes until l could go home and get out of this sad and depressing hospital.
Once we got home, Joe sat me down extremely carefully on the couch and placed my crutches next to it. As soon as I sat down, our dog Tucker ran over to me and started to sniff at my cast like crazy before jumping up onto the couch for some pets. "Did you miss me buddy? I missed you, yes I did." I said in a puppy dog voice while rubbing his belly when he rolled over onto his back. For the past week he's been at my best friend's house so l didn't have to deal with him, considering that I had a broken leg and Joe's been at OTA’s.
“Okay, do you need anything? Pillows, Blankets, food, drinks, a computer, books...coloring books... legos?" Joe asked me, trying to think of every possible thing that I could need. I laughed a little bit at his concentrated face as he kept racking his brain. "Can you get me some Oreos and Maybe my Stanley?" I asked him with a smile. "3 big ice cubes?" Joe asked me. I nodded quickly with a smile and watched as he walked to the kitchen to grab what I asked for.
While he did that, I reached over and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Although I've watched it about a million times, I turned on the vampire diaries since it was my comfort show and then saw Joe walking back over to me with the Oreos and water bottle. "Hey, you should've asked me to do that, you need to rest." Joe said. I squinted up at him like he was stupid and scoffed a little bit. Joe set down the Oreos and water bottle next to me and then held up his hands as a surrender. "What?" He asked, confused at why I was looking at him like that. "How many times do I have to remind you that I only broke my leg? I didn't break my arms. Turning on the tv isn't going to wear me out.” I said.
"Okay, well still. I've been hurt numerous times and every single time you've been there to help me. Therefore I am here now to help you. Y'know, it feels good to not be the helpless one for once." Joe said and plopped down next to me while taking a bite out of an Oreo. Reaching over next to me, I grabbed the bag and grabbed one out of the bag and let out a huge sigh as I bit into it. "Well aren't you just enjoying this. You have a never ending supply of Oreos thanks to your amazing husband and you even have your own butler.” Joe said while laughing at how I was eating my Oreo. My eyes were shut and I kept shaking my head. Yeah, I was probably enjoying this way too much.
"y'know what could make this better?" I asked him with an excited smile. Joe pretended like he was thinking about what he could do to make this any better, but then his smile dropped and he looked over at me seriously. "Tomorrow's still a maybe." Joe said. I groaned and leaned back against the couch while crossing my arms over my chest in a kiddish way. "This is so not fair. You're the one that's going to regret making me stay home. I'm like your emotional support person." I said and kept glaring at the tv with my brows furrowed. "Just to clarify, You're not like, my emotional support person...You are my emotional support person." Joe said.
"Well then you should," I said and stopped halfway so I could yawn, "let me go with you." I said and then started to rub my tired eyes. "C'mere, you should take a nap." Joe said and patted on his lap. I couldn't help but smile as he patted his lap, wanting me to rest my head on it. “Yes sir." I giggled and started to shimmy my way over to Joe. While I tried to move over without hurting my leg, Joe reached over and grabbed a blanket out of the blanket basket and waited for me to lay down with my head in his lap.
I let out a few groans while grabbing my leg under my knee to move it on the couch, trying not to hurt it too much. Once both of my legs were on the couch, I rested my head in Joe’s lap and he sprawled out the blanket so it was covering me and then he started to run his fingers through my hair, knowing it helped me fall asleep. “Hmm, that feels good.” I hummed with a smile on my face as I shut my eyes. I could hear Joe chuckle a little bit at my tired state, but before I knew it, I was out.
I woke up with a deep inhale a little while later, my leg starting to ache, and I needed to pee so badly. Now awake, I noticed that instead of being on episode 5 of the vampire diaries, I was now on episode 7. Dang. Usually I could never take naps this long. Fidgeting a little bit, I looked up to see Joe who also fast asleep. I giggled a little bit at how he was sleeping. Since I was laying in his lap, he was forced to sleep upright with his head back on the couch and his mouth was hanging open because of the position.
With a sneaky smile, I reached up and put my finger in his mouth to wake him up. There was no way I was going to try and go to the bathroom on my own without him. Since it’s my first time using crutches, I was still extremely nervous about trying to do anything that may potentially make me fall, because with my luck, I’d break my wrists and be bed bound.
As soon as I stuck my finger in his mouth, his eyes shot open and he quickly looked down to me and scanned my whole body, expecting something to be wrong. “I’m up, I’m up. Are you okay?” Joe asked me, not even wondering why I just stuck my finger in his mouth. “Yes you big dummy. But can I ask you a favor?” I asked him with my best puppy dog eyes. “Of course, what do you need?” Joe asked me before reaching over and grabbing his phone from next to him, completely ignoring the fact that I put my finger in his mouth. When his screen lit up, I smiled at the picture of us at our wedding before my eyes found the time and I shot up a little bit. “Shit. We slept a long time.” I said. “I know right.” Joe chuckled before putting his phone down.
“My leg really hurts and I have to pee so extremely bad right now. Can you help me? I’m kinda scared to fall.” I asked Joe. “Yeah, baby, of course.” Joe said and waited for me to sit up to get up himself. When he got off of the couch, he held out both hands towards me and I grabbed both of them after sliding my legs off of the couch. Once my hands were in his, he carefully lifted me off of the couch. I couldn’t help but blush when I saw his huge bicep muscles as he pulled me off of the couch with ease. “Damn. That was hot Joey.” I giggled slightly once I was up. Joe just chuckled and then grabbed my crutches. “Alright, you able to walk with your crutches? Or can I carry you?” Joe asked me with that adorable smile, wanting nothing more than to carry me.
Although I wanted him to carry me, I knew it was best for me to just use my crutches so I could get used to using them some more. “I probably should get used to getting around with them.” I said. “Don’t worry, It’s easy. You’ll be hopping around here like a speed demon soon enough.” Joe said and handed them to me. I slipped them under my arms and lifted my leg off of the ground. “Yeah, sure.” I said with a laugh and started to head towards the bathroom. Tucker just stared at me from on the other couch next to the one Joe and I were sleeping on. Luckily he was already used to seeing crutches since Joe had to use them when he tore his acl.
Very carefully, I went to the bathroom while Joe walked right next to me the entire time, making sure I didn’t fall. If there was one thing to know about me, was that I’m extremely clumsy, meaning Joe was like a helicopter parent right now. When we reached the bathroom, Joe opened up the door and walked in first and when we got to the toilet the toilet, he grabbed both of my crutches and then leaned them on the bathroom counter before returning to me and helping me pull down my pants and sit down. “Thank you, Joey, you’re the best.” I said. “I’m just making up for the fact that you had to help me shower when I tore my acl, this is nothing.” He smiled down at me. “The showers I actually enjoyed.” I said with an exaggerated wink. Joe just rolled his eyes and said, “I’m going to grab your Advil, I’ll be right back.” I watched as he disappeared out of the bathroom and then I could hear the medicine cabinet opening up.
Once I was done going pee and Joe returned with the Advil, he once again helped me up and walked right next to me as we made our way back to the couch. “Oh my gosh, Joe. What about working out? I have to work out.” I said, wondering how I was going to work out any time soon with this huge cast on my leg and with how much my leg’s been bothering me. “You’ll be able to work out, but give it a little bit for your leg to start feeling better. Don’t rush into anything just yet.” He said and helped me sit back down on the couch. “Do I just put my crutches down and hop around? I can’t do legs anymore…oh my goodness.” I said and leaned back on the couch and stared straight up at the ceiling, a small feeling of dread over taking me. Joe just chuckled at me before plopping himself down next to me. “I think you’re forgetting that I went through this as well. I’ll help you, don’t worry about it, okay?” Joe told me and grabbed the blanket and threw it over the both of us.
With a groan, I rested my head on his shoulder and nodded. “Okay fine.” I said. Before we got too comfy on the couch, Joe leaned forwards and grabbed the three Advil pills and handed them to me along with my green Stanley cup. “Thanks.” I said and took them from him. Everyone always told me I had a high pain tolerance, but right now my leg was killing me. I quickly downed the pills in one big gulp and then handed my Stanley to Joe so he could set it back down. “Hey Joey?” I asked him. “Hey baby?” He said and smiled over at me. “I’m a little bored. Can we build legos or something? Get my brain working a little bit?” I asked him. Joe looked down at me like I was stupid before he scoffed, “uhh, of course. You already know the answer to that.” I laughed as he got off of the couch quickly and headed to the place he keeps most of his legos.
When he returned, he drug the coffee table a little closer to us so I didn’t have to move my leg too much and scattered the little Lego pieces all over it so we could start building. “After this, I’ll make dinner. What sounds good?” Joe asked me. I raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. There are some occasions where Joe cooks because he actually enjoys it. He likes getting all kinds of ingredients and making new things. But usually during this point in the off season he is so extremely focused on his body and the food he eats that he always has the chefs come over to make our meals. “Really? You’re going to make dinner tonight?” I asked him. “Yeah, I figured that we didn’t need any more people over here, especially since I knew you would be a little tired after your surgery. So, what sounds good?” He asked me.
What sounds good? How about everything? It feels like I haven’t eaten in forever. “Maybe some chicken Parmesan and a Cesar salad?” I asked him. “Mmm, that actually sounds so good right now. If we finish up with legos in 30 minutes I’ll have dinner ready by 6:30, does that sound okay?” He asked me. “That sounds more than okay, you’re amazing.” I said as Joe dove right into the legos and started to connect some of the pieces. He was like a little kid sometimes, which was so much fun. He always kept our relationship so alive, funny, and wholesome, which was something I desperately needed after having only terrible relationships before him.
The next day, I woke up to the sound of Joe’s alarm going off from his night stand and immediately sat up to access my leg and how it felt. From next to me, Joe sat up and turned off his alarm and started to rub his eyes and then he stretched. I looked over to him while he stretched with his eyes closed. His arms were up in the air, and I could see his perfect muscles. My eyes scanned over his pecs, his abs, and his his huge biceps. Every single detail all the way to where the blanket stopped just above the waist band of his boxers. I gulped a little bit at the sight of him and tried not to get too worked up considering we had somewhere to be soon.
While my eyes were on Joe’s faultless body, I didn’t even realize that he had caught me staring until he cleared his throat and said with a chuckle, “excuse me, my eyes are up here.” I quickly looked up into those bright blue eyes with a small laugh and began to stretch myself, although there was nothing for Joe to stare at since I was in one of Joe’s oversized LSU tee’s and a pair of shorts, which was my go to sleeping outfit. “How does your leg feel?” Joe asked me. It hurt. I quickly nodded with a smile. “It feels surprisingly good. Let’s get ready.” I said. Joe just looked at me sternly, making me cave right away. He could always tell when I was lying. “Fine, it hurts. But I still want to go. Please.” I practically begged him.
With an eye roll, Joe swung his legs over the side of the bed so his back was facing me, giving me the perfect view of his extremely muscular back and shoulders. “Damn.” I accidentally said out loud, making Joe crack up laughing at how shocked I looked when I realized I didn’t say it in my head. “Of course you can come, I need you there. But if your leg starts to hurt or you don’t feel up to it anymore, then tell me and I’ll either drive you home or get someone else to. I don’t want you to be miserable and in pain all day.” Joe said.
I immediately sprung up a little bit and shuffled my way out of bed and then grabbed my crutches that were leaning on the nightstand. “Yes! Oh wow, I’m excited. Last years was so much fun.” I said all excitedly and hobbled over to the bathroom to beat Joe so I could go pee. With the little time I had to actually move around last night considering how exhausted I was, Joe got me moving so I could test out my crutches and get the hang of them, so today was a little easier to maneuver around.
Right after Joe and I ate breakfast, it was already time for us to start getting ready for the event. Per Robins request, we had to get there before anyone else did and be extra early, so to make her happy, we made sure we would arrive right after she got there. Knowing her, she was probably already there, though. Currently, Joe was in a really good mood and feeling optimistic about the whole event since it was such a great turnout last year for the first ever invitational, but I knew that after a few hours and after numerous people requested pictures with him, he would totally be over it. Therefore, I was soaking in every second I had with a happy and currently people loving Joe.
When we were ready, Joe helped me get into the car and put my crutches in the back seat before walking around to the other side and getting in himself. Even though I ironed a pair of golf shorts and left them on the bed for Joe to wear this morning, he opted for a white tee shirt and shorts with a pair of Ugg slippers. I knew his mom would be on his ass eventually about his choice of outfit, but luckily he was bringing a change of clothes to better match the vibe of the event once speeches started and the food was brought out. Unlike Joe’s lazy outfit, I wore a cute little pink and white sundress and since I didn’t want to worry about having a hard time walking around, I wore my favorite white converse shoes-well, shoe if we’re being technical since the cast covered my whole foot as well.
When we got to the event, it didn’t take long for people to start piling in. Not only people who were invited to the event were pulling in, but also caterers and the people who were helping run everything for today. So much for being early and avoiding all of these people.
Once Joe parked in the very front of the parking lot closest to the building, he quickly got out and walked around to the front of the car to get to me. While he did that, I opened the door and slid my right leg out of the car and then picked up my left leg to try and maneuver it out of the car without bumping it or making the pain any worse than it already was. “Hey, hey, let me help you. Don’t hurt yourself.” Joe said as he grabbed my crutches from the back seat and then leaned them on the car. “I’m fine, I’m going to have to do this when you aren’t here.” I said. “Yeah, well, I’m here now, so let me help you.” Joe said and grabbed my purse that was resting on my lap.
With a small eye roll, I faced Joe some more so he could help me out of the car. Even though I felt like a complete baby, it was nice not having to worry about bumping my leg or getting out of the car and falling down since Joe was here. Joe put both of his hands under my arms and then pulled me out of the car. The entire time, I watched his face as he lifted me up with ease, not even phased by it in the slightest. My face flushed red slightly when I was placed on the ground, so I quickly looked down at the ground while grabbing my crutches. “Are you okay, did that hurt at all?” Joe asked me, a slight hint of worry in his voice after shutting my door and looking at me. I could tell he was scanning my face to see if I was okay.
I looked up at him with a sigh and nodded. “Yes Joe, but if you keep treating me like I’m fragile, I’m going to lose my mind.” I said with a small laugh. Joe sucked in his lips a little bit, realizing how much of a helicopter partner be was being right now and then he stood out of the way so we could start heading inside to greet Robin and Jimmy and maybe even my parents if they were here yet. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Sha’ll we?” Joe asked me with a smile. “We sha’ll.” I giggled and started to walk after him, making sure not to place my crutches anywhere that would make the crutches slip out from under me. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in front of all kinds of people and have people take pictures of me on the ground.
Joe stayed by my side the entire time, but I couldn’t help but notice how much he struggled to walk slowly. With his long legs, his strides were always super long, fast, and spaced out. With my less long legs, I always had to take bigger strides to keep up with him. But now, with me being handicapped, I can tell he’s struggling to take shorter strides and to stick with me since I usually have to stick with him. There were so many times where he would start walking fast before catching himself and having to focus on walking slower all over again.
Before Joe had to leave and go play some golf with various people, we first made our way over to Robin and Jimmy who were flying around and trying to make everything perfect. As soon as Robin spotted us, her face lit up and she started to speed walk towards us. “Oh my goodness how are you?” She asked me when she got to us, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking me up and down. “I’m okay. It’s pretty sore and practically aches all the time, but we’re getting by.” I said. While I said this, Robin took a step towards Joe and gave him a tight hug. “I love you, Joe.” She said once they separated. “I love you too mom.” Joe smiled down at her, though I could tell he wanted to get the show on the road. “I just feel so bad. Joe kept us in the loop with everything after your surgery, but I haven’t talked to him about the actual surgery. Did everything go good?” She asked me.
From behind Robin, I could see Jimmy finally spot us and make his way over to us. “The doctors said everything went well. Broken Tibia’s are normal for car crashes so it was nothing new, y’know?” I said with a small shrug. “Well that’s good. I’m just glad you could make it. I know at first I just thought it would be best if you stayed home, but Joe needs you here. You keep him…semi sane.” Robin said and laughed at Joe when he shook his head down at his mom and started to walk over to his dad instead of listening to his mom talk about him. “Trust me, I know. Yesterday he told me I was his emotional support person.” I laughed as she stuck out her bottom lip, finding it adorable.
If we had a number one supporter, it was Robin. Of course there was always Jimmy who supported us no matter what, but Robin was a lot more vocal about it and showed it a lot more.
Once Robin and I talked for a few minutes and then I greeted Jimmy, my parents arrived so we all talked together and caught up a little bit. Another thing about me is that I hate being the center of attention. But can you guess what happens when you get into a car crash and total your car, break your Tibia and get surgery on it, and then end up in crutches with a huge cast on your leg? Ding. Ding. Ding. You become the center of attention.
We only talked for a little bit though since we all had to part ways. Much to Joe’s dismay, he had to finally leave me. Luckily he wasn’t too annoyed about it since he was going to play golf instead of something he doesn’t enjoy. Robin and Jimmy were greeting a bunch of people, and since I needed space from my parents who were- like Joe-helicopter parents, I escaped them.
For a little bit and as a bunch of people started piling in, I made small talk with numerous different people and introduced myself to a lot of people I didn’t know. Eventually, I ended up away from a lot of the crowd so I wasn’t worried about hitting anyone, putting my crutches on people’s shoes, saying excuse me every 5 seconds, or falling. The alcoholic drinks were being passed around on little trays, so I leaned against a railing overlooking the golf course and snatched a drink from someone’s tray.
By now, Joe and the rest of the people he was golfing with were already out of sight, so although I didn’t get to watch Joe, I still watched other people and mentally critiqued their forms in my head; although I suck at golf and shouldn’t be anywhere near a club.
All of a sudden, I saw someone walk up to me on my right out of the corner of my eye and jumped a little bit. I whipped my head over and started to laugh a little bit when I saw that it was only Sam Hubbard. “Damn-you scared me.” I laughed. Sam started to laugh as he leaned on the railing next to me with a drink in his hand as well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughed and then gestured down to my leg, “I’m actually surprised that you’re here. How’s the leg?” He asked me. I sighed and looked down at the huge cast covering my leg and foot. “A pain in my ass pretty much sums it all up.” I said, the both of us laughing.
Not wanting to stay on my injury subject any longer, I quickly changed the subject before Sam could ask me something else about it. “So where’s the fiancé? I was hoping she’d be here today, make me less bored.” I said. Sam took a sip of his drink and shook his head while facing me more. “Her family is in town this weekend. She really didn’t want to miss it, but her family really wanted to see her. Plus with the wedding coming up and all.” He said. “Oh my gosh for sure. I get it. Plus weddings are stressful so the more they can help her plan some things and take some of that stress off of her shoulders the better.” I said and took a sip of my drink.
Resting my hand and glass on the ledge, I began to swirl the liquid around in my drink and watch as the sun reflected off of the glass. “Exactly. It’s not for a while, but she’s still trying to plan everything out to make sure it’s perfect.” He said with a smile and stared off out into the golf course for a few seconds. “We’re girls, it’s what we do.” I laughed a little bit. Sam raised his eyebrows quickly with a nod and looked back over to me. “Good to know.”
Looking to my right, I could see Robin next to the microphone where speeches were going to be held after Joe returned from golfing. She was checking the microphone to see if it was working properly and was looking around to make sure all of the decorations were in the right places. Since I was looking over at Robin for a few seconds, Sam followed my lead and looked in the same direction, wondering what I was looking at. “Oh yeah…speeches. That should be fun for Mr shy Joey B.” Sam said. We all knew how Joe burrow got during speeches, even when it was family and friends and people that were all there to support him. He was a shy person at heart when it came to standing in front of a crowd and talking, but not when it came to playing football for millions and millions of people.
“I might help him pregame before his speech so he’s less nervous up there. I might even push him to take an edible.” I said. “Or you could work some magic before the speech. Y’know, release some tension and all.” Sam said with a quick raise of his eyebrows up and down a few times. I let my jaw hang open at his suggestion before hitting him in the arm slightly. “That is so not funny Hubbard.” I said with a scoff. “It wasn’t supposed to be funny because it wasn’t a joke.” Sam laughed and watched as my face flushed red, making me look away from him. “I can’t with you sometimes.” I shook my head and drank the last sip of my drink.
After a while, I left Sam and started to hobble around somewhere else, making some more small talk with some people. While I was making my way around though, I noticed that my leg was really starting to hurt, causing a slight wave of nausea to wash over me. There were far too many people around me right now talking and walking about, so I decided to go find Robin and ask her if there was anywhere that I could go to be alone for a little bit until my leg felt better.
Once I made my way to Robin, she looked me up and down with a slight worried look on her face, able to tell something was wrong. “Are you okay? Is it your leg?” She asked me and started to rub my arm. “Yeah, it hurts pretty bad. Is there any where I can go to prop my leg up for a little bit and get away from everyone?” I asked. Robin scanned the whole area and then nodded. “Yes, of course. There’s a room that’s vacant right now with a couch so I’ll just stick you in there until you feel better. Is that okay?” She asked me. “That sounds amazing.” I said with a sigh and gave her a smile smile.
Robin guided me over to the room where I could get away from the commotion. The whole way there, she kept her hand on my back and made sure that I was okay while walking. “I’m sorry about this, I wouldn’t have come if I knew how much my leg would hurt.” I said, feeling bad that I had to leave so soon after the event started and make Robin stop what she was doing. “Don’t be silly, this is nothing. We need you here,” Robin said and opened up the door and holding it open as I hobbled inside, “take as long as you need, okay?” She told me. “Okay, thank you.” I said. With a smile, Robin said, “of course, anything for my favorite daughter in law,” and then shut the door, leaving me all alone.
Now that I was all alone, I let out a loud groan while walking to the couch and then plopped myself down on it, practically melting into it. I placed my crutches on the ground and then used the pillows to elevate my leg. Almost immediately, my leg felt better. Once I was situated on the couch, I grabbed some Advil out of my purse and then took a few pills to try and dissipate some of the pain so I could get back out there as soon as possible.
While I waited, I went on my phone and started to scroll through Instagram. After a few minutes, I refreshed the page and then saw of the some pictures that the foundations Instagram page posted on their story. There were various different pictures from the event and a few of Joe in his lazy outfit on the golf course with 5 other people including Cody Ford. Then there was another picture with Joe and two workers from Jeff Ruby’s catering service and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. In the picture, Joe looked so incredibly tall and his hair looked amazing and so fluffy. Even though it was only a simple picture of Joe smiling, Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.
Knowing that Joe would probably be wondering where I was since he was back from golfing, I went to my contacts and was just about to call him when I heard the door open. Expecting it to be a worker from the event that needed this room for something, I quickly tried to stand up and said, “I’m sorry, I was just leaving.” As soon as I said this, I saw that it was only Joe, and when he saw me, he quickly shut the door, though I could see the worried expression on his face. Realizing it was only him and that I was in fact not being kicked out, I settled back into the couch and was about to tell Joe why I was in here when he spoke before me. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong, my mom told me you were in here. Did something happen? Did you fall or did someone step on you? Do you need me to take you home real quick? I have about 20 more minutes until I need to change and make a speech.” Joe said in a rushed manner, gesturing down to the black Nike shirt in his hands that he needed to change into before speeches.
“Joey I’m fine. My leg started to hurt so Robin took me in here so I could be alone and rest for a few minutes while you were golfing.” I said as Joe started to walk over to me, still carrying a worried expression. When he reached me, Joe sat down next to me and started to read my face before he let out a sigh of relief and nodded. “Okay, okay. Are you sure you’re okay though?” Joe asked me and started to rub my thigh. “I promise. I took some Advil so once it kicks in I’ll be good to go.” I said with a reassuring smile. Joe reached up and started to rub the back of his neck with a small chuckle. “Damn, this is weird, you being hurt and all. Usually it’s me. When my mom told me you were in here I thought the worst possible thing happened to you.” Joe said.
“Yeah, try watching you get tackled by 300 pound men and take a second to get up. Or try being out of state when I watched you tear your acl.” I said, thinking back to all of the times where I would watch him get tackled and struggle to breathe sometimes. There was one specific time back at LSU where he was on his hands and knees for a few minutes and I could’ve sworn that he broke ribs or collapsed a lung. Two of the worst things, though, was being 8 hours away from him when he tore his acl and I had to to drive all night long just to get to him, all while being terrified of the unknown. Or when he recently hurt his hand and I had to watch him try to throw a ball, but drop to the ground when he realized he couldn’t and then watch him go to the locker room where I had no idea what was wrong with him or if his season or career was over with.
Joe shook his head and leaned back on the couch while reaching down and grabbing my hurt leg. Joe was super careful while he picked my leg up and placed it in his lap so it could be elevated for a little bit. I let out a sigh of relief when he placed it on his lap and then closed my eyes. “Oh wow, that feels better.” I said while smiling. “I truly don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t imagine having to watch that and not know what happened or if I was okay.” Joe said and looked straight ahead to think about what I have to go through pretty much every single game. “So this year, maybe try not to get hurt, how does that sound?” I asked him. Joe looked at me with a small laugh and said, “I will certainly try.”
“How much longer do you have before your speech?” I asked him while leaning back some more on the couch, lifting up my other leg and setting it on Joe’s lap as well. Joe grabbed his phone out of his pocket and then looked super bummed. “About 15 minutes. Great.” Joe said with a not so pleased look on his face. I could hear the hint of worry and nervousness in his voice, so I reached forwards and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “You’re gonna do great, just like always. This ain’t your first rodeo.” I said with a smile. Joe looked down at me after slipping his phone back into his pocket and let out a big sigh. “I hate giving speeches. It’s different when I have to talk about football in front of people because I know football like the back of my hand. But this, I feel like there’s so much expected out of me for some reason.” Joe said with a little shrug. “You know food insecurity and mental health like the back of your hand too, you grew up around it. Just talk from the heart like you always do.” I said.
“How much would I have to pay you to give this speech for me?” Joe asked me with a pleading look on his face, wanting nothing more than for me to stand up there in his place and give the speech for him. “You don’t have that kind of money. Plus, this is your foundation, I only help you with it.” I said. Joe looked forwards and tried to think of a reason that he couldn’t give this speech, and when he thought of something, he whipped his head over to me. “What if I make an excuse that my hand started to hurt and needed to ice it?” Joe asked me. “One, you can give a speech while icing your wrist, and two, every single bengals fan around the world would have a heart attack.” I said and shook my head at his stupid idea.
Joe just groaned a little bit while resting his head on the back of the couch so he was looking up at the ceiling. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Most people knew he hated public speaking, especially when it wasn’t football related. When it was about football, the answers came naturally and he could milk some of the answers a little bit depending on what the people wanted to hear. But when it came to the foundation, although he’s extremely passionate about it and the good it does, the speeches and the answers don’t come as natural. During these kind of speeches he always felt vulnerable and uneasy. He wasn’t worried about messing up while talking about football since he knew how to answer every question and give speeches about it. But with this, he knew there was a possibility of him messing up and that if he did, there would be hundreds of videos from hundreds of different angles all making fun of him.
“Hey, you’re going to do great,” I said, getting Joe to look over at me again, “if you get nervous or lost, just look at me. I’ll be front and center and will try and help you in any way possible.” Joe gave me a small smile and let out a small sigh, letting some of the tension out with it. “You promise?” Joe asked me. I held out my hand for a pinky promise and when Joe reached forwards and locked our pinkies together, I said, “I promise.” With a nod, Joe put his hands on my legs and then glanced up at me. “How does your leg feel? Are you ready for me to put your legs down? I need to change my shirt.” Joe said, making sure I was okay before we had to leave. “Yeah, she’s feelin’ better now.” I said and leaned forwards slightly while he very carefully placed both of my feet on the ground, making sure not to hurt me. “She.” Joe chuckled at how I called my leg a she. “Well my legs definitely not a boy.” I laughed while sitting up straight on the couch.
With another chuckle and a roll of his eyes, Joe took off his shirt. I couldn’t help but stare as he took his shirt off so quickly and easily, and I especially couldn’t stop staring at him shirtless. My eyes scanned over his muscular shoulders, toned abs, and then his v-line which was showing ever so slightly. Right now, I was seriously contemplating whether or not to do what Sam said. I wanted nothing more than to kiss all the way down Joe’s stomach while leaving small magenta marks on his abs and pecs, and then kiss up and down his v-line while Joe struggled with holding in his groans.
While I was staring at this perfect man in front of me and imaginingwhat I wanted to do in here with him, I could tell Joe was amused with just watching me drool over him. While my eyes scanned every single inch of his infallible body, he looked down at me with that panty dropping smirk on his face, knowing I was enjoying this immensely.
I was quickly torn from my thoughts when he sadly slipped the black Nike shirt on, covering his perfect chest which was tan from being outside by the pool. “How was the show?” Joe asked me. My eyes shot up to look him in the eyes before I scoffed and stood up. “Oh as if, your body is so mediocre.” I joked and rolled my eye. When I stood up, I grabbed my crutches and started to hobble over to him. “Oh yeah, then what’s with the drool?” Joe asked me. I quickly reached up and wiped off the ‘drool’ from my mouth, but when I found none, I glared up at Joe, making him laugh. “So not cool.” I laughed while nudging his shoulder.
We walked out of the little room together and then headed for the front of the event where Robin and Jimmy were waiting for Joe so they could start the speeches. When we got there, Joe was hesitant to leave my side, but eventually left and when to stand up in front of everyone with his parents. Robin started the speeches since only her and Joe were going to be giveng one, and when she was done, she said, “and with that, I’m going to pass if off to my very loved, beloved…son. Joe Burrow.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit as she passed the microphone down to him and then winked down at me with a smile.
When Joe got the microphone, the first thing he did was glance down at me. I could tell he was slightly nervous, but I knew he’d do amazing. When we made eye contact, I gave him a quick thumbs up with a big smile to try and help him the best that I could. “Thanks, mom.” Joe said with a big smile on his face while looking over at her. Both Jimmy and Robin and a lot of the crowd started to laugh at what Joe said. When he started his speech, I could tell he was nervous, but he did amazing. Everyone listened the entire time to what he had to say and gave him their undivided attention.
After his speech was done, he handed the microphone back over to Robin who had a few words to say to end the short speeches, so I hobbled over to Joe who left both of his parents. “See, I told you that you would do great.” I said. Since Joe wanted to wait for his parents, I walked by his side to wait with him and he put his hand on the small of my back extremely discretely. I knew he didn’t like when pictures of us were taken because he valued privacy and I was completely fine with it, so when he found ways to put his hands on me without anyone knowing, I couldn’t help but blush. “I fucking hate speeches.” Joe said quietly down to me while bending down slightly so only I could hear and started to rub my back a little bit.
When the speeches were over and everyone started to either get some food or talk amongst themselves a little bit, I found a place to set my crutches on so I could have another drink, but midway through the drink, I started to get a little chilly since the wind was picking up a little bit. I had to look around the entire place 3 times before I finally spotted Joe talking to Sam and Cody Ford, so I headed over to them to ask Joe for the keys.
When I reached them, I kind of felt bad for interrupting, but they didn’t seem to care. “Everything okay?” Joe asked me and started to rub my arm discretely. “Yeah, can I borrow your car keys though? I’m going to run to the car to get my sweater real quick.” I said and greeted both Sam and Cody and excused myself for cutting in, to which they both said that it was no problem. “I can go and get it for you, it’s no problem.” Joe said and was about to turn to the boys to tell them he would be right back. “I can do it, it’s okay. My leg feels a lot better anyways.” I said. Joe looked me up and down and then said, “are you sure?” I gave him a small look before he reached into his pocket and grabbed out his car keys. After hesitating to hand me them, I finally glared at him long enough for him to hand them over. “Just be careful, please. And call me if you need me.” Joe said. “I will.” I said and slowly turned around and started to head to his car.
I walked out of the huge venue and to Joe’s Porsche that was next to Robin and Jimmy’s car. It only took me a few minutes to get to the car and put my sweater on, so I was heading back inside in no time. As I was hobbling in past people, I got a notification that someone texted me, so I moved over a little bit so I wasn’t in the way and went on my phone to see a text from Joe telling me where he and the guys moved to and that he missed me. I couldn’t help but laugh at him and how I was only gone for a few minutes but he missed me. I quickly replied back:
I was only gone for a few minutes, plus, I wasn’t with you until I needed to grab the keys from you, you’ll be fine Joey
I was still looking at you from across the venue. Just because you couldn’t see me or find me doesn’t mean that I couldn’t see you 👀👀
You are something else Joseph Lee Burrow
And you love me for it. Now hurry up please 🙏🏻🥺
Stop it with the begging emoji, I swear
If you don’t stop I’m not going to bless you with my presence lmao
Ok fine 😂
I put my phone away with a laugh and started to work my way back inside, but not without getting stopped by a few people on the way. I couldn’t help but laugh even more when I spotted Joe in the place he told me he was. Joe was currently sitting down on a couch next to Sam and Robin sat on the other side of Sam. Just like last year’s event when Joe spotted a couch, he was slouched down on it and manspread which showed off his huge thighs.
Joe must’ve seen me out of the corner of his eye while looking in the opposite direction as me because his head whipped around to look at me and when we made eye contact, he gave me a huge smile and started to stretch a little bit. “Finally.” Joe laughed. “I’m crippled, sorry that I took too long for you, you big baby.” I joked while laughing at him and then looked over to Sam and Robin who were also laughing. “See, I should’ve went instead.” Joe said while putting his hands on the couch so he could lift himself up off of it so I could sit down, but before he could, Sam quickly stood up. “You can sit down, Joe. You can have my seat.” Sam told Joe and me as he stood up, letting me sit down. “Thank you Sam.” I said and hobbled over to where he was. Joe reached forwards and grabbed my crutches and then gently grabbed ahold of my arm while I sat down, trying to help me.
When I sat down, Sam grabbed my crutches from Joe and leaned them against the railing closest to us. I let out a big sigh as I got myself situated in between Joe and Robin, finally taking pressure off of my leg that wasn’t in the cast. It felt like every time I sat down, I had just ran a marathon. I looked over at Joe who was currently yawning. I could tell that he was pretty much all peopled out for the day, and the event still had a few more hours to go. For the most part, Joe was introverted and socially awkward. He loved to stay inside where he could interact with very few people as possible while watching SpongeBob and building legos. That’s just the kind of person he was.
“I can tell someone’s all peopled out today.” I said while nudging Joe in the side after his yawn ended. Joe chuckled a little bit and then nodded down at me. “I love raising money for this cause, but I wish I could do it in the comfort of our home.” He said. “Trust me, I know you do.” I said and started to pat Joe’s thigh while scanning the room. I could hear Joe suck in a small breath at the feeling and then he grabbed ahold of my hand and lifted it up and off of him. I quickly looked down, confused why he moved my hand, but then noticed just how far up my hand was on his thigh. “Oops.” I laughed a little bit as I looked up at Joe’s face and saw how he had his lips sucked in and he was trying to calm himself down. “Don’t look at me.” Joe said and looked straight ahead while dropping my hand. I watched as he tried to take deep breaths in order to bring himself down. “You’re such a teenage boy, I swear.” I joked with him while looking straight ahead and placing my hand on my own lap this time. “I can’t help it. It has a mind of its own. Now stop it so I don’t get a boner.” Joe whispered down at me. “You are something else, Mr. Burrow.” I laughed. “You drive me insane Mrs. burrow.” Joe said while shaking his head, unable to hold back a smile as he stared straight ahead.
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hazbinshusk · 2 days
husk x reader. requested by @jazziesanura. husk might be part feline, but his bird-like traits affect him too. so when the object of his affection is around, ever so occasionally, he finds himself singing.
featuring: 1.2k of pure fluff and a bashful husk being a gentleman.
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There were countless reasons you liked to linger in the lobby rather than up in your room, despite the chance of being enlisted in any number of tasks by the owner of the Hazbin Hotel. You’d hung more celebratory banners than you cared to count, but still, you often spent your time curled up on one of the lobby sofas with a book or one of Charlie’s latest art projects in your lap.
Sometimes the reason you preferred it was the endless entertainment provided by Niffty’s endless war on bugs.
Sometimes it was that Angel would grace you with his presence before work and you’d find yourselves swapping overly salacious stories that would make the spider demon cackle with joy.
Occasionally Pentious would slither downstairs in order to introduce you to his latest complicated creation, and sometimes his little eggs would find themselves in a turf war with Razzle and Dazzle and you’d be in tears trying not to laugh as you separated them.
But – even though you wouldn’t admit it aloud – there really was one real reason you liked to stay in the lobby.
Because every now and then, if you were lucky…
Husk would sing.
When the bar was empty and the other guests and staff were elsewhere, occasionally you’d hear the soft tenor of Husk’s voice ebb out to fill the space between you. He never sang very loud, just a soft crooning to himself as he polished glassware or wiped down the polished wood in front of him. It would just barely reach your ears, but it relaxed you and filled you with the most addictive feeling of butterflies all at the same time.
The strangest thing about it was, whenever you asked those who also spent time alone with him, no one else had ever noticed him sing.
“What song is that?”
You’d broken your own rule about interrupting him, and you cursed yourself silently as Husk stopped mid-lyric, letting out a small ‘wrrr’ of surprise as he looked up. He looked startled, even embarrassed by the question, pale pink blooming across his muzzle.
You grimaced apologetically as you stood up. “Sorry.”
“S’okay,” he replies gruffly, his shoulders relaxing slightly. Still, you notice his tail twitch almost warily behind him.
“It’s nice,” you continue gently. When his brows furrow you explain, “The song. It’s pretty.”
“Oh.” Husk clears his throat, setting the glass he was holding down on the counter. “You, uh… you want a drink?”
Your smile is softened by the alcohol buzzing in your brain, and you lean your temple on your hand. Husk’s own lips are tilted in a similar smile as he pours the two of you fresh glasses of something he calls a ‘rusty nail’. It burns pleasantly down your throat and against your lips, and Husk hums approvingly as you toss back half the glass.
“Gotta say, sweetness, I never figured you’d be able to handle the booze as well as you do.” he notes, pouring the dregs from the shaker into your glass. “’s impressive.”
“’s not all I can handle,” you reply without thinking, and your face burns.
Husk blinks at you, eyes wide, for a moment before he coughs a laugh, shaking his head. His voice lowers and softens when he speaks next, and it send the warmth from your cheeks down to pool in your stomach. “I don’t doubt it.”
He holds your gaze for a long moment, an amused tilt to his lips, before you glance away again to take another sip of your drink. You clear your throat, trying to find a way to change the subject. You couldn’t let yourself focus on the way his expression, his tone of voice, was making you feel.
“So, uh… you gonna tell me what that song was?”
Husk glances down at the bar, rubbing a paw through the fur of his neck. “’s nothing. Just an old… ‘s nothing.”
“I liked it,” you tell him gently, your glass held just below your lips. “I always like it when you sing.”
Husk grimaces bashfully. “You hear that?”
You nod, still smiling. Maybe it’s the alcohol that loosens your tongue, maybe it’s the way that even though his tone is embarrassed, his eyes are watching your every reaction so carefully. Maybe it’s just being with him but you simply admit: “It’s my favorite thing.”
Hush flushes, dithering uncertainly for a moment before he meets your eye again. He studies your face, your expression, and your sincerity before he throws back the rest of his drink and sets the glass back on the counter. Husk rounds the bar and with a moment of hesitation, holds out a paw to you.
You raise a brow but take it, letting him pull you gently off the bar stool and lead you towards the middle of the lobby. He turns to face you, your hand still enclosed in his. His other hand comes up to hover near your waist and those butterflies swirl inside you again dizzyingly.
“…Can I?”
You nod slowly, confused, and a thrill runs through you as he touches your hip. His hand smooths over it to let his claws curl carefully against the sliver of skin between your shirt and the waistband of your jeans, and you release a shaking breath. He gives you a small, bashful smile, stepping closer to you, and his smile widens slightly despite himself when your breath catches.
“Relax,” he tells you softly, and when your free hand comes up to rest on his shoulder, he leads you into a slow, surprisingly graceful movement that’s something akin to a waltz.
His body is warm against yours and your fingers curl in the soft fur on his bicep, threading carefully through the silky hair. He hums a quiet tune for a few moments, leading you along with it, and you find yourself settling into his embrace as he begins to sing.
“I ran around with my own little crowd,
The usual laughs, not often but loud.
And in the world that I knew,
I didn’t know about you.”
His voice is honeyed and warm in your ear, his touch tingling against your back and against your palm. You wet your lips with the tip of your tongue, feeling as though you’ve been dipped directly into the melted caramel of his sweet tenor.
“Chasing after the rain
On the merry-go-round.
Just taking my fun
Where it could be found.
And yet what else could I do?
I didn’t know about you.”
You hesitate for a moment before releasing his hand to wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers twine in the fur at the back of his head. Husk’s hands take hold of your hips, sliding around to interlock against the small of your back. You hear him swallow, his voice shaking slightly as he begins the next verse.
“Darling, now I know,
I had the loneliest yesterday,
Everyday in your arms
I know for once in my life I’m living.
Had a good time every time I went out,
Romance was a thing I kidded about.
How could I know about love?
I didn’t know about you.”
Husk pulls back slightly, meeting your gaze with hooded eyes. The two of you are just swaying now, locked together in an embrace you never want to end. There’s an almost rueful curve to his lips.
“I didn’t know about you.”
Author's note: for those interested, the song is I Didn't Know About You by Duke Ellington. If you would like to hear a masculine voice singing it (although sadly not Husk's), I'd personally recommend Seth MacFarlane's version. It's absolutely beautiful.
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bruisedleftknee · 17 hours
Head empty... just thinking about how jealous Noah would get during a threesome.
❥ Jealous Noah thrusting his hard cock in your mouth as you hold the shaft with both hands, trying to work his length while he's sitting on the bed and the other girl is eating you out from behind but his thrusts keep getting harder cause he wants you to focus only on him.
❥ Jealous Noah noticing your rythm getting messy and your eyes rolling back cause she's eating you out so good and not liking it one bit cause he's not the one doing that to you.
❥ Jealous Noah getting up, bending you over and making you sit on all fours to be able to fuck your holes from the back cause you're his girl and these are his holes.
❥ Jealous Noah pounding deep inside you while the girl sits in front of you, legs open and you're licking her core. She moans and with every moan Noah fucks your wet cunt a little harder cause she shouldn't be the one having all the fun.
❥ Jealous Noah noticing the girl moan louder when you put two fingers inside her hole and pump it in and our, so he pinches your clit gently telling you "Don't forget who you belong to"
❥ Jealous Noah noticing the girl is close to her orgasm and not letting you finish what you're doing to her, grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer to him to tell you "Nobody cums before my girl"
❥ Jealous Noah turning you over, laying you on you back, holding both of your wrists above your head with only one hand, opening your legs as wide as you can physically open them and giving you all of his length in one move and making you gasp.
❥ Jealous Noah smiling at the sight of having you all to himself and nobody else.
❥ Jealous Noah not letting you touch the other girl till he's made you cum hard and pounded into you till he's emptied his load inside of you.
❥ Jealous Noah watching his cum drip out of your hole and going "All mine" and kissing you.
❥ Jealous Noah not wanting to touch the other girl cause he only wants you.
❥ Jealous Noah not liking the view he has of the other girl licking his cum off your cunt and making out with you after, while he's sitting on the couch watching you two.
❥ Jealous Noah holding you by your jaw when the girl is gone and telling you "This was the last time we did this. You're mine."
❥ Jealous Noah bending you over one more time, holding you down with one hand and pinning your head on the mattress when there's just the two of you to fuck you all he wants, how it should be.
❥ Jealous Noah not being satisfied till he's cum inside you after making you beg for him to do so between the 'Sorry's you told him with tears running down your cheeks and staining the sheets with your mascara, "I'm sorry, I only want you, just you. I'm sorry Noa- Please"
❥ Jealous Noah slapping your spent cunt when he's done with it and your thighs are shaking, "All mine."
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moonshynecybin · 12 hours
for the prompt list, #8 rosquez and the closet is the factory ducati box next year
#8: oops, we were just hiding in this closet, but then the close proximity get us too turned on not to fuck.
WORD. This got long (1.3k good lord)... fox in the henhouse concept from f1vegas look at their post here...
Vale pulls him into a closet after FP2. Marc, to Valentino’s surprise, goes.
“What was that?” He starts, frustration filling him to the brim. Pecco in the dirt, Marc one step closer to his ninth. Running through Ducati like a fox in a henhouse.
Marc doesn’t answer, just stares at him like he’s taking fucking notes. It conjures memories of when he would follow Vale’s lap in quali after sticking his own bike on pole, a moment just to catalog his strategies, peek at what lines he was planning on taking, and it thins his already narrow patience.
“Marc,” he tries again, more forcefully. His tone is quiet, he has to be quiet in here, with half a dozen Ducati engineers outside, but he knows Marc feels every inch of intention.
Marc’s posture is clamped up, arms crossed. His scar is poking out of the sleeve of his shirt, jagged and pale in the dark of the room. He blinks, calm, and Vale shifts, irritation ratcheting up. Marc does this— stonewalls him like this. Refuses to engage.
“With Pecco— what were you doing?”
“Let me go.” Marc asks, and his voice is even, but his eyes— gone. Done. He isn’t even looking at Vale, is absently looking at the space of wall to the right of Vale’s shoulder.
Vale hadn’t even realized they were touching. His hand springs away from Marc’s arm like he’s been burned, and he compensates by stepping closer, crowding Marc in against the wall. Body heat simmers in the small space of the room, close enough to feel. 
He takes a rough breath inwards. He fucking hates the sight of him in that red team shirt, hates the way his eyes sink in on themselves whenever Vale tries to get him to, to do something. Bend, a little.
He never does.
“Answer me,” Vale asks, tilting his head so he’s directly in Marc’s eyeline. “Or are you too much of a coward?”
That triggers something— a flame sparks, catching at Marc’s edges, and he’s back, terrifyingly present. His eyes shoot up to meet Vale, chin lifting proudly, and his jaw clenches. The most direct acknowledgment of tension Vale’s gotten from him since they were last on track together, going on four years ago now.
“Or what?” Marc answers, casually flinty. He's not giving an inch, now, every bit of the ego rising to the surface. Marc’s back, he remembers everyone saying last year. Apparently so. 
Still, something ugly and satisfied claws in his chest at the attention, at the way he’s finally gotten Marc to acknowledge it. He knows Marc wouldn’t do this with Pecco, wouldn’t let it get this far— He’d be out the door by now, halfway to his motorhome, content in his ability to confine it to the track. Content to say he doesn’t take it with him once he steps off of the motorcycle. That careful separation of Marc the rider and Marc the person that Vale knows is entirely bullshit.
But he’s not turning and leaving. He's still here, with Vale, his feet planted on the ground like he’s bracing to throw a punch. 
Marc’s neck stretches, craning up a few inches to meet him. The only light in the room, a thin slash peeking in through the crack in the doorframe, casts dramatic shadows over his cheekbones, moody and dangerous, and his eyes are deep, dark pits. They flash as Vale refuses to yield, glimmering with that same savage energy he recognizes when he looks in the mirror. His pulse thrums, loud in his ears, and—
Marc looks older, like this. alone and up close. Tired. Anger setting his face into marble. A statue carved by Vale’s own hand.
The moment stretches tight enough to snap, coiling in his body like a spring. Breath hits his face. He can’t stop staring at the soft pink of Marc’s upper lip. Vale leans forward, on the lure, and Marc leans back, reactive, unsure. His eyes jump wildly, searching for something on Vale’s face.
And then they’re kissing like they’re starving.
He loses time after that. flashes. A hand in his hair. A wet pressure across his pulse point. Fingers working at his belt. Marc presses close and he presses closer, tugging his waistband down over his ass and spitting in his palm. Marc’s eyes close when he gets a hand around blood hot skin, nearly collapsing into Vale.
His thumb rides its way to press against the underside of Marc’s cock, wet against his fingers. Marc’s eyes squeeze shut, pretty face locking up at that first lightning sharp hit of pleasure as Vale gets his teeth in his neck and bites hard, tongue a soft counterpart against the skin there. Marc shifts, shivery, a caught sound in the back of his throat, and his lips part. Soft, overcome. A different fucking world from the way he was a few moments ago, tension snaking away from him as Vale sucks harder. He’s going to leave a mark, something obvious, shiny and purple.
“Cameras, cameras, cameras,” Marc remembers, chest heaving. He taps at Vale’s shoulder.
“Sorry,” Vale says, unrepentant, and leans in to bite again. Marc moans louder this time— he always did like it like this— and Vale has to break off to shush him.
“Microphones, microphones, microphones,” He whispers in Marc’s ear, just to watch Marc fight a smile. His own cock is throbbing, and he hauls Marc against him so he’s riding the top of his thigh. His dick bumps against Marc’s, still slick and red from spit and the friction of Vale’s hand. He catches on the picture they make for a second, breathing loud in the quiet of the small room.
“C’mon,” Marc pleads, characteristically impatient, voice hitching in as Vale wraps a hand around them both, drawing them off on long strokes. “C’mon— fuck,”
“I’ve got you,” Vale answers, still fixed on the visual of Marc’s cock notched beside his own— he thinks he can feel Marc’s pulse through his cock— 
“Please,” scrapes its way out of Marc, throaty, almost involuntary, and he’s so wet now, collapsing into Vale as his arm works faster. The sound is obscene, they’re going to get caught. He doesn’t care.
“I know baby, I’ve got you—“ Vale babbles, nonsense flowing out of him as Marc’s head burrows into his neck, breath hot and wet on his skin. “That’s perfect, you’re perfect, fuck, just like that—“
They’re both close now, breath coming harsh and fast, and the temperature in the closet is scorching, heat crowding in. Marc shudders as Vale gets in a particularly nasty stroke, and Vale can feel it, a feedback loop between their bodies winding him up every time Marc’s hot mouth skates over his skin, every time his clock jerks in his hand. He feels wild, half out of his mind, hand in his dick and on Marc’s dick in a hot rapid slide, as close as he can get without— without—
He opens his mouth, says “You should— you should let me fuck you, in here. So everyone would know, would hear. Let me put it in you,”
Marc convulses, “God,” He swears, cheeks red, and comes gasping, shooting over Vale’s fist, getting them messy. And it's the sight of his come, staining up the pretty red of his Ducati team shirt that sticks in Vale’s mind, too much, and hurtles him over the edge, a gut punch of a sensation, mouth open around a curl of Marc’s hair, sweat dripping down his back.
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lgwilt · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Thanks @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for the tag!
“Mobius speaks every language on the timeline. We all do.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Loki argued, trying to ignore the flutter of panic in his chest. “You can’t possibly speak every language on the timeline. Your minds would…” He gestured extravagantly.
“Explode?” B-15 suggested, the corners of her mouth twitching.
“Well… yes.”
“The Time Keepers program us with the basics. ‘Hello,’ ‘excuse me,’ ‘we’re arresting you in the name of the Time Variance Authority for crimes against the timeline’—that sort of thing.” B-15 paused, eyeing Loki contemplatively. “Mobius, on the other hand… it’s like he actually enjoys it. He’s fluent in Asgardian; never shuts up about what a beautiful language it is.”
Loki slumped in his chair. It was bad enough finding out that Mobius had apparently understood every single frustrated outburst and muttered aside (of which there had been plenty over the past… well, however long he’d been at the TVA) without B-15 taking such obvious delight in his discomfort.
“So this morning when I...” He trailed off, unwilling to repeat the words out loud.
“Oh, that? Yeah. We all heard that.” B-15 suddenly looked more serious. “You should probably apologise.”
I’m in “rediscovering my shamefully neglected wips” mode at the moment. A snippet from a draft kiss prompt fill, “as an apology”. Set in early season 1.
Tagging @insert-witty-user-name-here @dewdropreader @starport-seven-five @blackbirdofasgard @mirilyawrites and anyone else who see this (for this week or any other week 💚)
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Could you do "How are you?" "I have been better" for those Jily prompts?? Im absolutely obsessed with your writing!
from this prompt list
James hasn’t been here in a week. 
That probably makes him a lousy Head Boy, but wasn’t he already anyway? Besides, he’s been so busy (kept himself so busy), there hasn’t been time to hole up in here in the way he’d grown accustomed to since Halloween. 
She hasn’t been avoiding the Head Office like he has, something he’s spent a ridiculous amount of hours turning over in his head. Is it because she knows he has the Map and won’t impede on her space? Is it because she wants him to find her there? Is it because she doesn’t care at all and isn’t as pathetically miserable as he is?
He pushes into the office, with the intent of getting some homework done in his break before lunch. He didn’t check the Map, but Lily has Potions anyway.
Or—he thought she did?
“Oh.” James freezes at the door. “I thought you—I can just…come back when—”
Lily shakes her head, a quick, anxious movement. “No, it’s fine. I was just leaving. Slughorn cancelled class so we can revise before—never mind. I finished the patrol schedule if you wanna glance over it before I send it out.” She slides the parchment across the desk toward him, but as soon as he starts moving toward her, the chair screeches loudly against the floor and she hurriedly rises. “You can just…” She takes a backwards step and gestures limply toward the parchment. “Leave any notes you have and I’ll…adjust it this evening.”
"Okay," James responds, his own unease palpable in the silence that follows.
“I’ll be back around eight,” she tells him, and he knows why.
“I have Quidditch anyway.”
“Right.” He hates the way her shoulders sag in relief. She grabs her bag from the floor and takes a step toward the door. “So I’ll just…”
“Well then, er…” Lily falters, her gaze flickering uncertainly toward the door. “Bye.”
“Wait!” James blurts out, the word escaping before he can stop it, and he immediately regrets his impulsiveness. He wants to kick himself or slam his head down on the desk or something because he's supposed to be done with this. This impulse, to act like an idiot every time she's in his general vicinity. The Lily Evans Effect, as Sirius calls it.
Lily stops, her hand hovering over the door, her expression curious yet guarded.
James swallows. “If you can hang on a second, I can…I can look over this and then you can get it sent out by…dinner.”
“Oh.” She reshoulders her bag, but gives a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
He takes a seat at the spot she's just vacated and deliberately focuses on the parchment in front of him, determined to ignore, ignore, ignore the lingering scent of vanilla and oranges that she always carries with her. He hasn't been close enough to her to smell it for days, but it's like flying a broom, the way it comes back to him unbidden.
His eyes skim across the parchment, noting the familiar quirks of her handwriting. She always forgets to dot her 'i's, a detail he's found amusing since it's her own name. The cursive loops of the 'h's are large and exaggerated, evidence of her habit of going back over them. But she still doesn’t bother to dot the ‘i’s. It’s infuriating. He loves her so much.
“This looks good,” he says. “Is Parkinson still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
He nods, understanding. “Right, yeah, I see that.”
“Do you think—”
“No, I think this is better because—”
“Okay, that’s what I thought, but what if—”
“No, he’ll be fine. And if not he can just—”
“Fuck right off,” they both say simultaneously, locking eyes. He wants to laugh—or cry, maybe. It’s a fine line these days.
She looks like she’s on the verge of crying herself.
He rakes his hand through his hair and sinks back into the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him. “This is stupid. I don’t…” He looks back at her, his voice trailing off. “At least tell me…I—how are you?” His words emerge with careful deliberation, a sharp contrast to the frantic thudding of his heart.
“I’ve…been better,” she says softly, and maybe it makes him terrible, maybe it makes him a right prick, but somehow the misery in her admission gives him hope.
Straightening up, he leans toward her. “Lily—”
She cuts him off with a shake of her head, her eyes squeezing shut. Her fingers find the doorknob, a silent plea evident in her trembling form.
“Just—hang on a second, okay?” he presses. “Can we…I don’t know—”
“Please don’t, James.”
He groans, rising from the chair and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Aren’t you miserable?”
“You know I am,” she sighs.
“Then let’s—” He stops as her hand twists on the doorknob. “Please.”
“Leave it, James.”
He lets his head drop between his hands. This is worse than before, worse than fifth year, and he just—he wants to hold her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the floor, unable to watch as she leaves, again.
“Sunday,” she says suddenly.
He looks up, surprised to still see her standing there. “What?”
“I just need—the Potions practical is Thursday and you have a match Saturday, so we—let’s just get through the week and talk on…Sunday.” She looks at him expectantly. “Okay?”
“What kind of talk?”
“I don’t know, James,” she says, with a bit of exasperation. It’s halfway between genuine irritation and fondness, but James has never minded those odds before. “Let’s just see how we’re feeling after the weekend.”
“You know how I feel. You know I—”
“Will you still…are you going to the match?”
She fixes him with a frown then, and this time—he’s positive he sees fondness. “Just because things with us are…” She sighs. “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
And he just can’t help himself. The Lily Evans Effect. “Will you cheer for me?”
She laughs, in spite of herself, as she opens the door and James feels like he’s already won the match. “Sunday, Potter.”
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