#my cats (nietzsches) brother
tchaikovskym · 1 year
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meemoop · 4 months
Hiiii whats your top 5 fav books (this is because of the cat"s name)
Goodness, I couldn’t tell you my top five (I love too many), but I can give you the list of books I’ve given a 5-star rating on Goodreads! I can confidently say that The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky is my favorite book of all time, with a close second being Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
Fyodor Dostoevsky's books:
The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Devils (or The Possessed)
The Idiot
White Nights
Other authors:
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque
The Road, by Cormac McCarthy (I cried so much, but I seriously recommend).
VERY High fours: God is Dead by Friedrich Nietzsche, Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
I will never stop recommending Dostoevsky. Nietzsche said: “[Dostoevsky] is the only psychologist from whom I had something to learn.” After reading his novels, it seems I have lived ten years in one. Thank you for this ask! The answer is very long but when it comes to books I’ll go on forever and ever! 💕💕💕🫶
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philosopherking1887 · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
Thanks for the ask! It's taken me 3 days to answer because I've had job stuff to do, and it's also hard to pick my 5 favorite fics when I've been in several different fandoms in the past few years... In one sense, all my favorites right now are the ones in my current fandom -- they're the only ones I'm still emotionally invested in -- but I'll also pick out what I think are my best ones from my previous fandoms. In order from earliest to latest:
1. The Third Time. Fandom: MCU (Loki & Thor, Gen), rating: T, warning: Major Character Death. Summary: "It appears that, as they say on Midgard, the third time is a charm, eh, brother?" After the battle of Ragnarok, as Loki is dying -- for the third and final time -- he and Thor have a last conversation. The phrase "cats all the way down" is uttered, oddly enough.
This is the first fic I posted on AO3 back in 2015, and I still think it's one of my best-written. People also keep finding it and leaving nice comments, which is validating.
2. The Tree of Knowledge. Fandom: MCU (Thor/Loki), rating: E. Summary: "Loki kissed me. What in Hel was that about? was the first thought that entered Thor’s mind when he woke up. And I kissed him back." The day after Loki and Thor got stoned together and Loki kissed Thor -- purportedly just to prove a philosophical point -- Thor looks for an explanation from his evasive brother, and comes to realize that his own feelings for Loki are not what he had thought they were.
The second installment and "getting together" fic in the first of my long-running ship fic series (I guess I do this for my ship in every fandom?), Whatever is done from love. Gratuitous Nietzsche quotes are also part of my pattern.
3. The Hypothetico-Deductive Method. Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Aang/Katara/Zuko), rating: T. Summary: Uncle Zuko is visiting Air Temple Island, and 15-year-old Kya begins to suspect that Something is Going On between him and her parents, Aang and Katara. Tenzin is skeptical; Bumi is amused; and Kya decides to investigate and gather conclusive evidence that her suspicions are correct. Awkwardness, uncomfortable conversations, and amateur spy shenanigans ensue.
I think this is the best one from my relatively brief but strangely productive stint in Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom, which mostly happened while I was brain-foggy post-Covid in 2020. (I couldn't focus on reading or writing philosophy, I could barely even watch TV without having to rewind a lot because my attention kept wandering, but I was writing fic really fast.) As usual, it's part of my big interconnected series, The Three-Body Problem, but it can be read on its own.
4. Had we but world enough, and time. Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Garak/Bashir), rating: E. Summary: After attempting to destroy the Founders' homeworld in "Broken Link," Garak has been sentenced to six months in a holding cell on Deep Space 9. Julian continues visiting for their weekly lunch, and they are allowed a picnic in a holosuite during the hour that Garak is allotted for daily exercise. They get some (unauthorized) exercise, and Julian says something he's been meaning to say.
Not the first fic I wrote in my current ship series, The Spy Who Came In from the Cold, but the first big one, and still, I think, the best-written.
5. Stepping into the Rubicon. Fandom: DS9 (Garashir), rating: T. Summary: On the way back from the Gamma Quadrant following Enabran Tain's disastrous attempt to destroy the Founders' homeworld, Garak comes to Doctor Bashir's quarters complaining of a headache and ends up spending the night.
Another "getting together" fic as an early installment in an extended series. No Nietzsche quotes in this particular fic, but there is poetry.
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
Cheshire Callback
For @moceit-appreciation-week Day 6: Role Reversal
Word Count: 753
Characters: Patton (Deceit), Janus (Morality), all others mentioned
Rating: G
Warnings: none (?)
It was supposed to be his day off, relaxing and rejuvenating himself. And he would have been happy to enjoy a little cat nap away from the magician and the overworked student, if he didn't feel a disturbance that threatened Thomas' balance. Patton sighed and got up, adjusted his purple bowtie, and grabbed his tailcoat. He adjusted his blue fingerless gloves and placed his old top hat on his head, making sure the blue band wouldn't distract him. Once he was set, he sank out with one goal in mind.
Janus was pacing around in his room, over thinking this latest conundrum. Should Thomas go to the wedding or the callback? Thomas valued his friends and he made that commitment first, but they wouldn't really miss him if he wasn't there. And then there was the callback, which could advance his career, and he'd been working so hard, he could be a positive voice and role model for thousands of people. It could do more good in the long run.
"You know, you'll wear a hole in the carpet if you keep that up," a sweet but cool voice greeted him. Janus paused and let out a huff through his nose. He should have expected this impromptu visit.
"Deceit," he said as if he were addressing a student, "Would you mind coming back during office hours?"
"Come on, Morality, we know each other well enough that the formalities are just silly!" Patton giggled, "And you need to take some time to rest."
Janus faced him with a scowl, but he couldn't appear terribly threatening in a yellow sweater vest and glasses. He was far too cute, like a brand new professor dealing with a rowdy new class at uni.
"No need for that sourpuss, professor!" Patton giggled and swung his legs from his perch on Janus' bed. His unnaturally wide grin was full of sharp teeth and his round glasses glinted in the light. His whiskers twitched as he waited for Janus to break his facade. He could never stay mad at Patton for too long.
"Now isn't the best time, dear. I have to work through so much in a short amount of time," Janus sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He could feel the weight of this decision pressing on his shoulders.
"What did you tell Thomas?" Patton asked and stood up, examining his claws and gloves—he was damned if he had a hangnail or a loose thread!
"I told him that I need some time to think things through that I don't want to rush any decisions," Janus sighed and adjusted his glasses. Patton approached him and wrapped his arms around him.
"That's so stupid of you!" he jeered. Janus snorted and shook his head.
"Intelligence aside, I need to think, hopefully without getting into Aquinas or Nietzsche."
"And you're stuck," Patton sighed and purred softly, "What does Remus want? Your sweet little prince has been shot down so many times, he's not doing so well."
"Remus?" Janus scoffed, "He wants his linguistic little brother to be kinder to his scripts."
"I thought Roman was older," Patton pouted.
"There's no telling which one is older. But in actuality, I think Remus wants to go to the callback, but he also wants to be an honorable friend. He's torn. Roman has already posed the important question: what does Thomas value more? And my student is panicked over all the possibilities."
"You know, it's a tough decision, and if you spend too long dwelling on it without a break, I can promise you won't have to deal with my little angel," Patton cooed and nuzzled his shoulder.
"You don't have Virgil under lock and key?"
"You know he's an escape artist. Especially when he has too much going on in his head. You need to take some time to rest," Patton hummed and kissed his neck. Janus melted into his embrace and sighed.
"I don't know if I can rest."
"You have got to be kitten me!" Patton hissed and held him tighter. Janus laughed and grabbed his hands, spinning out of his grip.
"How am I supposed to rest when my Cheshire cat is so playful?" Janus teased and booped their noses together. Patton giggled and kissed him quickly.
"I'm a cuddly kitty, and you are the perfect snuggle buddy. So do keep your loving husband waiting."
"I wouldn't dream of it," Janus chuckled and led Patton to the bed, happy to take a break with his frisky kitty.
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nunc-flore · 5 years
have some concept playlists !!
chill in various moods and genres!
chill in classickal [ when music gets so good u wanna straight up eat it ]
chill in celthicc [ breeng thy begpeipe lass ]
chill in archaic [ enjoy your symposium lads ]
chill in swing [ feelin pretentious today? i got u fam ]
chill in techno [ when the world sucks. no exceptions. ]
chill in arab [ beautiful tunez from the lands of the sun ]
chill in lo-fi [ beep boop bzzt? ]
chill in medieval ballads [ smasheth thou instrumenth, brother]
chill in funk [ funk up lads]
chill in indie [ your raw tenderness starter-pack]
don’t chill in punk [ oi! oi! oi! ]
chill in 80s bops [ what is technicolor if not a digital rainbow ]
chill in norse [ Heill þú farir! heill þú aftr komir! heill þú á sinnum sér! ]
chill in soul [it’s not the waking it’s the rising // nina cried power]
chill in 70s wood-chopping jams (still a stub) [chill, man]
chill in opera [ angelic crowds chanting "he needs some milk" ]
chill in jazz (still a stub) [ sweet music playing in the dark ]
chill in 20s-to-50s music that's not jazz nor swing nor soul [dance and drink like it's the 20s y'all (please stay clear of all the nationalism and the crippling sense of collective doom, thank you) ]
chill in yeehaw [ april is the cruellest month, ain't it? ]
chill in ye olde shanty [ a-hoy captain! ]
and many more, as time goes by!
actual concept playlists
summer indie - guitar themed tracks about life and death and all that’s in between
ingenium voluntatis - r e d  y e a r n i n g  but make it existential. it starts well but something happens. probably society and its non-sense rules. 
the apocalypse and other related catastrophes, merrily told by yours truly - the world is ending and shit is going down. but is it? are you certain this is the world and not some other unnameable thing? are you already dead? is it the apocalypse you dreamed, the one you’ve been waiting for, or is it too slow-boiled? deathly, rotting acceptance of the end of times, with a hint of child-like storytelling.
gotta go FAST -  it’s 34°C. the streets are a desert. you’re 20 minutes late. run.
daydreaming on main - can we stay like this forever? lost in a neo-classical painting, full of celestial things, and symmetry, dreaming away.
dreamy drum pop - is it a dream? are you in love with a dream, in the street of some ancient, modern city, following their shadow? or are you just having a bad case of hypotension? we may never know.
an evening in beige - cruelly posh but in a classy, bitter, hollow way
ready for the lazarus pit, shaka-brah! - a collection to sell your soul to a demonic entity of your choosing to. mostly dark techno, but with a classical twist.
chillin! - or the "dude put on some good music" playlist - when you’re chilling with laid-back pals and they ask you to put on some music and you need a quick, safe, society-tolerable playlist to hit shuffle on and leave there
sweet music playing in the dark - jazz n stuff, some old gems. also, the songs quoted by Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier.
time. - feel the flow of endless thing going by. the clock is ticking, but what the hell is time, anyway?
audiobooks!! - it’s what it says on the tin, my dudes. including: macbeth, metamorphosis, orlando, the call of cthulhu, iliade, the time machine, the tell-tale heart, the black cat, dr. jekyll and mr.hyde, pride and prejudice, black beauty, treasure island, the phantom of the opera, de profundis, frankenstein, carmilla, beowulf, dracula, the raven
fuck this, keep running - from society. from civilization. it’s just you and your ideas against the world, kid. let’s go give them hell. they will never take us alive. 
oh gee golly what a disaster - oh, this is bad. //  that's so sad alexa play this playlist
a witch in the woods - in the throat of the forest, whispered chants and incantations. it’s the voice of the survivors, the ones that escaped the pyre. hush now and dream.
till the end of the world and back - it’s ride or die. the cavalry's here and it's here to stay. 
italian oldies - italian culture. every italian i've ever met knows every single one of these by heart somehow.
:))))))) - am i happy? am i on the edge of a mental breakdown? have i gone completly insane? gee golly! who knows
stars, who am i? - did someone say existential crisis?
personal hyperuranium - my happy, serene place. when everything is too much close your eyes and listen to this. 
young punks, get off my lawn - wreaking havoc with ur gang  / girl gang.
self torment - me @ myself: why r u like this
razzle dazzle jazzle - you like jazz? 
knightess in a shining armor - heroines with swords, here’s to you
playlists inspired by stuff!
songs to be a flamboyant asshole to - swag walk. i blame anthony jantony crowley for this. 
the mad prophet - loosely inspired by friedrich nietzsche’s theories
the star traveller - laugh hard, run fast, be kind // inspired by the thirteenth doctor
getting to it, that's not the hard part. it's letting go. - i left my heart, 3 friends, and 37 gold bars in the sierra madre // inspired by Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money
pew-pew // (i'm three ounces of whoop-ass) - "Another female operative broke into my house and attacked me." "What did she want?"  "Dinner." | a killing eve playlist
les mis, les amis - those brave fellows. honestly, squad goals.
prince(ss) of verona - inspired by a theatrical performance of Romeo and Juliet, in which the prince of verona was. well. she was powerful.
can't stop, won't stop - healing boost of healthy, uplifting electro music comin your way! ispired by Overwatch’s Lúcio Correia dos Santos 
chloe eliz4bet2 price m0od - hella punk but also hella sad // inspired by chloe price, from life is strange
rachel amber mood - hey i've just met you and this is crazy but heres my number so let's burn down a forest maybe // inspired by rachel amber, from life is strange
musical journeys!
a Comedy. | a musical journey. - someone falls from grace and gets thrown into the world. lands in a forest. confused, resolves to survive at any cost. killing, stealing, partying, fleeing, living. eventually, with time, discovers a gentler, happier way to live. they still throw the best parties. doing no harm, taking no shit.
calliope bae gimme a hand wouldn't ya: a musical journey - a tale of poets: young tragedies and cursed gods; laughs and fights; transcendental roadtrips and hellhounds; parties and their aftermath.
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lonelymakne · 4 years
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AU “What are you doing inside my head?” “You can hear me too?”
Part 1
Part 2
(Dialogue “.....” Thoughts ‘...’)
It’s 14th September, fall quarter in Kyoto High School. The Senior year is stressful with making decisions about your future and preparing for exams which will decide your future. Surprise, surprise I do not use my “super powers” to cheat during tests. Okay, maybe sometimes, but not intentionally. I still can not control my mind that well to not hear other people’s thoughts, so now and then I hear some answers during tests. However, I try my best to not, therefore I study hard in order to finish test as quickly as I can that I do not hear other people.
Summer before a senior year was a wonderful time. I spent time with my family and friends. My friend Yerim (our friend group gave her a nickname Choerry, but she doesn’t like it, we still call her that to annoy her) and I went to Osaka for a week and to Tokyo for four days. We had so much fun and looked at some universities. But, summer ended and it is school-time.
I’m a morning person; I enjoy waking up before sunrise, make myself cup of coffee and watch it rises. Kyoto may be not a big city full of life, but it has it charms, and beautiful sunrises, and sunsets. The alarm rings at 5:40 a.m. I wake up really early because school starts at 8, and I take a train to get there.
I’m going straight to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and do my “skin care” (wash my face with the cleanser, put some toner on, and apply a moisturizer). My hair do not want to cooperate with me most of the time, so I just to try to make them look decent by brushing them. Done with the bathroom.
Uniform is ready and hanging in the closet. I do not really like wearing uniform but at least I don’t need to think what to wear everyday.
“Luna, breakfast is ready,” Mina says while banging on my door.
“Okay, okay stop banging. I’m coming.”
Just need to grab my backpack and my phone. While coming down the stairs I can hear mom thinking, ‘I need to make list of groceries to get for the dinner, and Minhuyng will pick up Mina from school today.’
“Good morning, mom. Good morning, dad.”
“Good morning, Luna. Please don’t forget to feed Starlight.”
“Okay, mom.”
Starlight is our cat. She is very very white, so we named her starlight.
“Dad, can we go to the comics store after school?” Mina asked.
“Sure, only if you help your mom to wash dishes.”
Wow, this girl is obsessed with comics. She got passion.
“I will be home late, me and Yerim are going to the library after school to work on our science project.”
“Okay, just be careful and don’t be late for a dinner.”
“No problem, Ma.”
All of us were finishing our breakfast. And randomly dad’s thoughts popped out in my head, ‘ I need to ask Luna what to buy for Yoona’s birthday.’
I wish I could just send a message to my dad through telepathy, however, it doesn’t work like that. Every time I hear something, but people don’t hear me back. I will just tell dad later what mom wants.
It’s 7:20 I need to head out. Grab my coffee with me and go to the train station.
“Bye everyone, I already need to go!”
“Good luck at school!”
I hope Yerim won’t be late again, we all the time meet each other at the train station.
I get there and of course this girl is not there yet. If we are late because of her I will murder her. Oh, I see that purple head.
“Choerry you are late again!”
“I’m sorry my brother is a dickhead and was in the bathroom for an hour, so I couldn’t even wash my face.”
Yerim thought to herself, ‘She knows I hate when she calls me Choerry. This girl will kill me one day.’
Yeah, she gets annoyed because of Choerry, but she knows I call her like that only when I’m “mad” at her.
“No worries, Yerim. We will just kill your brother and bury him in you backyard.”
“Please do so. He is just too much sometimes.”
“Our train should come in 5 minutes.”
“Good, I was so scared that you will leave without me and I will be late.”
“I would.”
“Wow. Luna, you are so mean!”
“You know I’m joking.”
“Of course, I do. After 5 years of friendship I know everything about you.”
The train came and we got inside. I don’t like to sit on the train, so me and Yerim stand next to the doors.
“Your purple hair is fading.”
“I know, they’re more pinkish right now. Are you going dye yours?”
“Mmmm I don’t know yet, I’m okay with brown for now.”
“You should go blonde.”
“I will think about it.”
I try to not hear Yerim’s thoughts, but I feel more comfortable to hear hers than some strangers on the train. ‘There are some boys from our school.’ I turned around and saw Hyunjin and Jisung from our school at the back of the train.
I said, “I didn’t know Hyunjin and Jisung take the same train as us.”
“Me either. We have been taking this train for four years and I have never seen them.”
“Maybe we just never recognized.”
“Probably. By the way did you read Nietzsche for supplement resource for philosophy.”
“Yeah, I tried to read in Japanese, but end up reading in English because translation was bad.”
“I wish my English was as good as yours. I didn’t understand shit.”
“I will help you during lunch.”
“What would I do without you, Luna?”
“I don’t know either.”
We ended up laughing.
It is our train station. We got out from the train and started waking to school.
“How’s student government?” Yerim asked.
“It’s okay, Seungmin is on mine and Ryujin’ asses.” I’m in the student government as the club in my school. It is pretty fun, but most importantly it looks good in college applications. Seungmin is the president, me and Ryujin are Vice Presidents, Sumin is the secretary, and Jaemin is the treasurer and marketing “manager”.
“Knowing Seungmin, he is.”
“Yeah, he takes his job seriously, him and Ryujin argue all the time about whose idea is better, and I’m their buffer. It’s funny to witness those fights.”
“We almost at school. I’m not ready for the morning Calculus.”
“I have AP-Calculus and still don’t know how I ended up there. I hate math.”
“It’s a mystery.”
I can see the gates of the school already. We come inside of the school and go right to the lockers.
My head gets flooded with people’s voices.
‘I forgot to do my homework. Shit.’
‘I can’t believe my parents grounded me.’
‘Where is Jisung? I need this hamster.’
Oh, that was probably Seungmin. He all the time calls Jisung hamster. I turn around and see at the end of the hallway, Seungmin. His eyes searching around for Jisung.
“Okay, you better help me with philosophy homework because Lia got sick, so you are the only English genius I know, and that dude Nietzsche doesn’t make sense in Japanese.” Ryujin says when she walks up to mine and her locker.
“Wow, so I will have a whole lecture during lunch I guess.”
“Please do.”
“Yeah, I didn’t understand it either,” Yerim says.
We part with Yerim. I and Ryujin have AP together while Yerim has calculus.
We walk into the classroom. There is not a lot of people who take AP. It’s me, Ryujin, Seungmin, Jisung, Hyunjin, Lia, and Yeji.
I sit with Ryujin on the 3rd desk.
“I have some cheeseme (tea) to spill.”
“Oh wow I’m intrigued.”
“I will tell you during lunch.”
“Okay. You spill some cheeseme and I will lecture you and Yerim.”
Mr. Chen comes into the classroom and bell rings.
“Good morning, guys. Today we will start new lesson, but first we will look at the problem on page 35.” I open my textbook on page 35 and Mr. Chen starts solving the problem on the desk in order to give is an example. Everyone is quiet. I write down the example on mine notebook.
‘Fuck, I will kill Felix and Jisung. Why the hell they posted this video.’
Who was that. I look around and think on who might thought of it. It might be Seungmin or Hyunjin.
‘Seungmin will probably help me to kill them.’
Okay, that was easy to figure out. What did they do to make him so mad.
Mr. Chen was done with the example, so I started to copy notes from the board.
‘That’s stuff is confusing.’
Agree with that indeed.
‘What are you doing inside my head? Who are you?’
‘You can hear me too...’
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uncloseted · 4 years
Back again with the costume designer talk -- Yes, I agree with the mischaracterization of all the characters in s6. It felt like last series' plots and endings had been thrown out the window. While watching s6, it felt like a different show all together. Everything that made every character unique was gone. Was there any reason as to why Edward was gone? Also, you stated that Matty likes Victorian and gothic culture. What are other characters' interests? I know Alo's are nature/punk; Rich: metal
Totally.  I think series 5 got a lot of backlash from older fans who no longer felt like the characters were relatable and were very vocal about that fact on Twitter, and so they decided to go completely in the opposite direction because maybe people would like that instead.  And I think that’s a real shame, because like I’ve said before, I think series 5 is some of the best, tightest writing that Skins ever did.  As far as Edward goes, I think he left to work on Secret Diary of a Call Girl. My impression is that he was trying to balance both jobs in 2010 and then felt like it was too much.  Katie Newham, who took over, was Edward’s assistant costumer, so I think he assumed that she would be able to just pick up where he left off, which ended up totally not being the case (and which is what makes me think she comes from a styling/costume construction background as opposed to a costume design one). 
Canonically in terms of interests, here’s what the characters like:
Franky likes “making stuff,” The Catcher in the Rye, The Little Prince, Clockwork Orange, Graphic Novels – Dark Knight, Manga - The Rose of Versailles, Arcade Fire, Burial, Crystal Castles, Nirvana, Corpse Bride, Seven Samurai, Let Me In, Bad Santa, Spirited Away, Vertigo, Harold Lloyd!,  Dexter, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica, and taking photos.  
Alo likes his weed, his van, his dog, Youth in Revolt, The Dharma Bums, The Velveteen Rabbit, Blitzen Trapper, Wolf Parade, Dog is Dead, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's, Fruit Bats AND Filthy filthy filthy filthy filth. Borgore, Excision, DatSikk, Funtcase, 16 Bit, Into the Wild, Grizzly Man, Where the Wild Things Are, East of Eden, The Jungle Book, Backdoor Sluts 9, The Hangover, Ninja Warrior, Party Down. Summer Heights High. Babestation. South Park. Family Guy, Lookwell, porn, and Victorian porn.
Rich is��mostly defined by what he doesn’t like: he doesn’t like pop music, Simon Cowell, beautiful people, Radio 1, ITV, rapping, beatboxing, middle-class wankers, racism, sexism, Death Cab For Cutie, The Smiths, religion, Downton Abby, Tracy Chevalier, nu-metal, Empire magazine, Kerrang (wankers), drum machines (except when carefully used in Grindcore or Cybergrind – see Cutting Pink With Knives and Noism), synthesizers, Beth Ditto, public displays of affection, the city centre at the weekend, trance, techno, house, dubstep or any music made by skinny white people with computers, Kanye West, JLS, any show about fucking cooking or cooks, townies, chavs, narcissistic politicians, teachers, the song ‘Wait and Bleed’, the second solo on ‘Master Of Puppets’, artichokes, JK Rowling, any film or tv show with fucking vampires or zombies made after 1986, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee. He does like metal (”ugly, angry music which you’d probably hate because you don’t understand it”), Atlas Shrugged, American Psycho, The Illuminatus Trilogy, Slayer, Napalm Death, Black Sabbath, Raging Speedhorn, Noism, Atari Teenage Riot, Venetian Snares, Behold The Arctopus, Godflesh, Cathedral, Sleep, Sepultura, Pantera, Soul Fly, Slipknot (2nd album only), PPK, Anal Cunt, Pig Destroyer, Jesu, Sunn 0))), James Plotkin, Earth, Brain Donor, Chrome Hoof, Hair Police, Mayhem, Wolves In The Throne Room, Burzum, Wolf Eyes, Ec8or, Dark City, Split Second, Blade Runner, Near Dark, Braindead, Halloween, The Thing, The Fly, and Alien.
Mini likes “Shopping. Shoes. Sushi. Sex. (”yes, always in that order.”) Sour apple martinis, putting effort into her appearance, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, yoga, Pilates, fashion, fragrances, dubstep, Katy Perry, Harry Potter, Twilight, Dreamgirls, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, The Hot Chick, Legally Blonde, Clueless, Mean Girls, Crossroads, Inbetweeners, Misfits, Come Dine With Me, Party Wars, True Blood, Gossip Girl, 90210, The Hills, and ANTM.
Liv likes dancing, HST, Philip K Dick, The Animals of Farthing Wood, Only Forward, Dubstep, Hard DnB, Die Antwoord, Kids, A Scanner Darkly, Dazed and Confused, Bright Young Things, Anchorman, Blades of Glory, The Other Guys, anything in which Mel Gibson dies, Banged Up Abroad, BSG, Firefly, South Park, Twin Peaks, Hollyoaks, The Gilmore Girls. 
Nick likes Rugby, Sex, Winning, Drinking, being awesome, “all sorts” of music, R’n’B, Mumford and Sons, Rocky, Bourne, Borat, and anything with action or the funny, Sport and Friday Night Lights.
Matty likes absurdity, Friedrich Nietzsche, William S. Burroughs, Clive Barker, Hakim Bey, Splatterpunk, Maurice G. Dantec, Anton LaVey, Robert Walser, H.P. Lovecraft, Antonin Artaud, Raymond Abellio, The Art of War, everything Edgar Allen Poe would have listened to if the synthesizer was created before 1964, David Lynch, My Own Private Idaho, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Shortbus.
Grace likes so many things. Jane Austen, ballet, theater, lucid dreaming, not having to wear a school uniform, collecting pennies, making wishes on things, animals, vanilla ice cream, The Big Book of Fairytales, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Northanger Abby, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma, Lolita, Jane Eyre, Little Women, Ballet Shoes, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Great Expectations, Tess of The D’Urbervilles, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Tom’s Midnight Garden. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Wizard of Oz, Tales From The Brothers Grimm, Matilda, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Death of a Salesman, Cyrano de Bergerac, Macbeth, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cymbeline, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, The Winter's Tale, music that moves her, Casablanca. Sabrina. 42nd Street. Meet Me In St. Louis. A Star Is Born. The Wizard of Oz. An American In Paris. Mary Poppins. The Sound of Music. Annie. Singing In The Rain. Top Hat. The Gay Divorce. My Fair Lady. West Side Story. The Red Shoes. Grease. Fame. Dirty Dancing. Moulin Rouge. Chicago. Cleopatra. The Philadelphia Story. The Shop Around The Corner. An Affair To Remember. Some Like It Hot. Roman Holiday. Meet John Doe. La Belle Et La Bete. Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Romeo and Juliet. Disney films, Jeeves and Wooster. The One Show. Strictly Come Dancing. Anything on the Disney Channel. So You Think You Can Dance. Downton Abbey. Agatha Christie’s Poirot. The Forsythe Saga. Any Human Heart. Upstairs, Downstairs.
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mohini-musing · 5 years
On Surviving
We can call this an addendum to this one : https://mohini-musing.tumblr.com/post/183816166262/given-with-the-best-intentions
To live is to suffer,
To survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
               ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
 The class is a requirement. It ought to be the easiest thing on his load for the semester. Maybe it would be, if he could stop thinking so hard about everything. Meaning? What the hell is that supposed to be? What great cosmic need could there possibly be in growing up with a father who was less of a role model than the one James refers to as a biological contributor? What brilliant enlightenment does that knowledge being front and center do for any of them? He hadn’t made any secret of his childhood, but it wasn’t a thing they put much energy into examining either. Besides, if James could survive growing up bouncing from home to home, ship out, and come home not exactly in one piece, surely Steve could avoid whining about dear old dad knocking him around on the wrong side of a bender.
He blames Tasha and her little shiny bottles. The kid never seems to be without them. James warned him against letting her have more than two at a time, and when he tried to follow through with that instruction Tasha laughed in his face.
“Oh sweetie, that’s cute,” she told him. “I could have a half dozen and walk a line just fine. My brilliant brother’s a little behind on current events.”
She proceeded to demonstrate the truth of that one, knocking back little bottles of vodka until her eyelids finally drooped and she curled up like a cat on one of the beds in a hastily arranged hotel room.
When they got home from that adventure, he asked her to show him what the appeal was. She obliged. Enthusiastically. He’s not as much of a lightweight as he had feared, but what he is, apparently, is a very cuddly, very introspective crybaby. There were pills. There was puking somewhere in the mix, and there was a hangover that hurt enough he’s definitely not trying for a second go.
“What did Nietzsche do to you?”
It’s an effort not to snap at Tasha. She means well. She almost always means well. Slipping sedatives to James when he looks the slightest bit tense, downing pills of her own when the wind blows the wrong way, knocking back her little vodka bottles because small ones are okay and big ones are not. Even if the quantity is probably the same either way. James says it’s because the little ones are easier to hide. Steve thinks it’s because they’re not supposed to know she refills them from a huge one under the sink.
She’s kneeling in front of him now, and he doesn’t know when she got so close. One hand is outstretched, but far enough away not to touch without permission. She’s like that. With James. And with him now, he supposes. Cautious. Respectful. Gentle. Steve doesn’t want to be treated gently. He wants her to not know. He wants drunken confessions to be subject to retraction.
“Survived,” he grumbles. It’s not an answer. Or maybe it is.
She cocks her head a moment, moves over enough to see the text, and her eyes rake over the paragraph.
“Ah, yeah, that one. Ask James about it sometime. He has opinions.”
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vaskianwarrior · 6 years
The Foster Brother AU | Pt. 1
Egeria had always wanted a large family. She didn’t want to hear the pitter patter of feet, she wanted to hear a stampede. To trip over the centipede of footwear lined at the door. To need an industrial washing machine that she and Theomedes would take turns packing. Every child, she’d told her husband, longed for a sibling. Someone to play with, to fight with. Someone to have their back in times of need. Someone to teach. Someone to love and protect. Perhaps this opinion stemmed from her own lack of siblings. Egeria couldn’t fault her parents for anything else, except their inability to give her sibling. She understood that it was a choice they had made, for economic reasons, or whatever the spiel had been when she’d demand a brother or sister of them. It was wrong, she thought, to deny a child a permanent playmate.
That was, of course, until she tried to carry out the same wish for her own son. Conceiving and birthing Damen had been difficult to begin with. Weening off birth control, her body stabilizing, hormones returning to normal. That, she knew, would take time, and she was happy to wait it out. The next problem to deal with, was her husband. He already had a child, and took to reminding her of this every time she questioned why they couldn’t conceive.
“Clearly the problem isn’t me. Can’t you just be happy with Kastor?” Theomedes would whine, eyes glued to the television instead of his lingerie clad wife.
The suggestion didn’t sting any less every time he made it. Egeria loved Kastor as though he were her own child. She wasn’t just his stepmother, but his best friend. When Hypermenestra made Kastor call his father every week with personal updates, he always demanded to speak with Egeria. They understood each other, in the way that children and adults could. And Kastor understood that it was Egeria who made his father’s house a home. She attended his sporting matches, decorated his room, and introduced him to new foods. When the adults were talking, she would play games with him, help him colour in. He told her his secrets, and she kept them safe. If he wanted to visit whilst his father was away on business (which he often did), Egeria would pick him up and bring him home. Feed him, bathe him, read him to sleep, and love him.
But something was wrong, and Kastor knew this. The house wasn’t complete. There was a part missing. And it wasn’t until he was in kindergarten that he picked up on what it was.
“Dad, why don’t I have a brother? Or a sister? Adrastus has both!” His curious eyes held his fathers. It was a genuine question, and it terrified Theomedes that it was coming from the mouth of his six year old son. That Egeria had been right when she had told him that all children want a sibling, at one stage or another.
So they started trying again, earnestly. Vigorously. Insatiably. And when that failed, they turned to science.
In Egeria’s eyes, Damen would always be her little miracle. Her extraordinary baby boy. The first round of IVF took, much to the astonishment of Egeria, the nurses, the doctors. Even her husband. They had been prepared for failure, had been told by the doctors to not get their hopes up. And yet, Damen persisted. His mother had wished him into being, and he was not going to disappoint her. Morning sickness. Aches. Pains. Absurd cravings. Bedrest. Every indication that he was ready and kicking (literally, day and night), he gave. I’m here momma, I’m coming.
Kastor, now nine years old, was excited at the prospect of finally, finally, having a sibling. Though too old, he still crawled into bed with Egeria, bringing her tea and a new book to read. It was more comfort than his own father was providing, who had decided that a work trip was more important than his bedridden wife in her final trimester. Kastor placed his hand on her swollen stomach, and felt a kick. He recoiled in disgust.
“What’s wrong?” Egeria pulled him closer, smoothing his hair with one hand, and using the other to place his hand back on her stomach.
“The baby hit me. I don’t want to touch it.” Kastor withdrew his arm again, his brow furrowed, eyes not meeting Egeria’s.
“The baby didn’t hit you,” disbelieving eyes fell on her. Kastor knew what he felt. “They were giving you a high-five, saying hello brother!”
A small smile came over Kastor and he again looked towards the bump beside him. “Hello,” he whispered, his hand creeping out to touch Egeria’s stomach. Again his hand was met with a kick. Kastor squealed with laughter. Egeria smiled. What beautiful friends her husband’s children would make. Kastor, with his caring soul, and her sweet baby, too young to know anything but goodness. She couldn’t wait for that day to come. To watch them grow together and love each other. Welcome a new sibling. And another.
Though fate, it would appear, had different plans. Birthing Damen was an ordeal. The doctor already feared that he would be too big for Egeria to safely birth in a natural way. People who saw her in the waiting room assumed she was carrying twins, not a single child. Then, when Damen did decide it was time to enter the world, he decided (like he would for the rest of his life) to try and enter feet first. The doctor, unable to coax the baby to twist, decided to circumvent Damen’s plans and remove him via caesarean section. Egeria would later tell him that he entered this world feet first, her miraculous and steadfast boy.
There would be no more children after Damen. Theomedes wouldn’t allowed it. If a child could not be conceived naturally, then they wouldn’t be conceived at all. She had Damen, she had Kastor. Why would she ever need more? But as Damen grew older, her husband grew colder. Kastor was cast aside, sent from one boarding school to another until he eventually stopped contacting his father, and subsequently, Egeria. Theomedes found comfort in one secretary after another. He didn’t notice when Egeria changed the locks on the house. And when he eventually did, he never returned. Damen heard from him every year on his birthday. Egeria only heard from him twice. The first was the serving of divorce papers. The second was to announce that he had late stage testicular cancer and that it was spreading. He doubted he would survive.
He didn’t.
Damen took the loss hard. Despite being a shit husband and father to Kastor, Egeria had to acknowledge how good he had been with her son. Not a single birthday was missed. School trips were paid for, as was tuition for a decent school. He attended every football match, where possible, and let him know that he loved him.  What Damen needed, what they both needed, Egeria decided, was a companion.
Fostering had always been locked away in the back of Egeria’s mind. It had been her back-up option if conceiving her own child hadn’t come to fruition. There were so many displaced children in the world who needed not only shelter, but an adult to love and care for them. In the early days of their marriage, Egeria had suggested the idea to Theomedes. They would be the perfect candidates. A married couple, a large house and a disposable income. They could mould the life of not one child, but many, and they wouldn’t have to face the pressure of conceiving naturally. One could easily guess what his response was.
But now that her household belonged to only herself and Damen, there were no restrictions. It would be harder for her to gain approval, sure. She was a single mother to a teenage boy. But she lived in a decent part of town and already worked with children day in and day out. Damen was a straight A student who, without doubt, would later find himself with a sporting scholarship to the college of his choosing. The positives outweighed the risk, and soon the pair found themselves with another young boy living under their roof. Then another, and another. They came and went. Moving on, moving out, moving up in the world. Eventually Laurent found himself in their care, and he stayed, now sat in the kitchen awaiting the first new arrival in his two years of living there. The engine of Egeria’s car rumbled in the drive, and Laurent lowered his book.
He stood at five-foot-five, his voice barely broken and skin baring not a single blemish. The driveway dwarfed him, and Laurent had to practically lean out the window to get a decent look at the new arrival. No older than thirteen, he thought, watching the boy stride towards the house, no sign of fear or nerves. Unusual for a child in his predicament. More often than not, the boys who entered the same doorway held themselves a little tighter, eyes avoiding, voices absent. But not this boy.
No, this boy burst through the door as though he had lived here his whole life. Dressed in floral cut-offs, heart-shaped sunglasses, and a shirt that read my eyes are up here tied at the back and cropped above the navel, he made himself at home.
Already in the pantry, he spoke. “Do you guys have any suckers?”
“Huh?” Laurent watched in astonishment. The audacity of this boy. This child. Even cats had more manners than him.
“Lollipops – candy – anything sweet?” His head was still buried amongst boxes and cans.
“If you can’t see it, we don’t have it.” Laurent rolled his eyes and turned back to his tattered copy of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil.
“No…” the words were soft, contemplative. Then, “you seem more of the sour sort.”
Before Laurent could open his mouth with a retort the boy had taken off, sauntering down the hallway and opening every door he passed. Assessing each room. Making faces. Closing doors.
“I take it you’ve met Nicaise?” Egeria laughed from the doorway, a small, fluorescent suitcase tucked under one arm, her handbag in the other.
“I guess I have,” Laurent sighed.
Nicaise. Even the name sounded troublesome.
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I’m bored so why not.
1. What’s your middle name? Taylor
2. What are you listening to right now? Silo by Citizen
3. What was the last thing you ate? Saltine crackers
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My girlfriend
5. Do you drink? Not really, I dislike alcohol
6. Do you smoke? Yes, cigarettes and weed
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Smile, and eyes
8. What is your hair color? Brown
9. What is your eye color? Dark brown
10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? No
11. Dogs or cats? Cats. But I do love both
12. What’s your favorite animal? Sloth or Cat
13. What’s your favorite television show? Forensic files
14. What’s your favorite movie? I have many. Donnie darko, inglorious basterds, pulp fiction, the Alien movies
15. What’s your favorite band/singer? Circa Survive
16. How old are you? 21
17. Do you have a crush on anyone? My beautiful lady
18. What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
19. What’s your favorite color? Forest green and black
20. What was your most embarrassing moment? My existence?
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Ha learning to not do that
22. What were you like when you were a kid? Shy, a loner
23. What would your dream house be like? Answered
24. What last made you laugh? Memes
25. What is your favorite word? Fuck
26. What is your least favorite word? I don’t like when people refer to soda as “pop”
27. What turns you on? Humor, intelligence, just being a good person
28. What turns you off? Fake open mindedness, ignorance, aggression, lack of communication, and manipulation
29. What is your star sign? 🗿
30. What are your favorite books? I’m reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
31. Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers
32. Do you like to dance? No
33. What is your definition of cheating? Flirting or anything beyond that
34. Have you ever cheated on someone? Nope
35. Do you regret anything? Yes
36. Do you have any phobias? Yes, thalassophobia
37. Ever broken any bones? No
38. Ever come close to death? Prefer not to answer
39. What is your religion, if any? None
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? Yes
41. Are looks important in a relationship? Yes, you have to be physically attracted to the person
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? My mom
43. What is your favorite season? Autumn
44. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, 4
45. Do you have any piercings? Yes, 4
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 3
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Yes lol
48. Who is your celebrity crush? cara delevingne
49. Are you a virgin? No
50. Do you get jealous easily? Eh I try to stay clear of jealousy now
51. What is your favorite type of food? Mexican or Italian
52. Do you ever want to get married? Yes. Used to shudder at the thought, but that’s since changed
53. Who was your first kiss with? My ex boyfriend freshman year
54. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes
55. What is your idea of the perfect date? Art museum, animal shelter, and food
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? Yes
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? The ability to sing
59. What is your saddest memory? Not going into that
60. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
61. Do you believe in soul mates? Sure
62. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Many times
64. Would you go against your moral code for money? No
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? I prefer to keep those things unknown
66. Who are you jealous of? No one
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? No
68. How long was your longest relationship? over a year and still going strong
69. Is the glass half empty or half full? Half empty
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Listen to what I have to say
71. Who is your most loyal friend? My girlfriend
72. Are you in a relationship? Yes
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Everything. She makes me feel safe, she also calms my anxiety. She’s my better half
74. Are you a bad person? Idk, I’d hope not
75. Are you a lover or a fighter? Lover, but a fighter when I need to be
76. What did you do on your last birthday? Got drunk in a hotel
77. What is your favorite quote and why? “We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed. What you gonna do?”
78. If your best friend died, what would you do? Obviously mourn their death
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Can’t pick just one
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Spend it isolated in the woods with the people I love
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? Most of them are strange
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? In a relationship
83. Who were you in a past life? Who knows
84. What is your happiest childhood memory? When we would go to California and stay in Ventura
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Lol yes
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Yes
87. If you were the president, what would you do? Anything better than our current moron of a president
88. What is your ideal career? Answered
89. What is your political affiliation? Democratic
90. Are you conservative or liberal? Liberal
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Both can qualify as perfect, no need to choose
92. Do you like kissing in public? Yes
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Oh god, everything
94. Where would you like to live? In the woods somewhere in Europe
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? All of the notoriously haunted places
96. Describe yourself in one word. Shy
97. Describe yourself in one sentence. I don’t know how to interact with other humans.
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sugarcyanide · 7 years
God Among Men
This was going to be a submission to an anthology. My life tumbled and changed and I never submitted. I am posting it here to share, for now.
A God Among Men By Sugar Cyanide
Sometimes you don’t choose your Gods they choose you…
I should preface this with a little background information about myself. I have always been a rebel without a cause and become more of a rebel when given a cause. When everyone is turning right I must go left, usually, the reason is arbitrary at best. The more someone pushes me to go with the herd the more I will fight them and I do enjoy a good fight.
Many moons ago when I was a young Gothling, a wannabe Baby Bat. I had just graduated from high school and was living on my own. While attending the local community college I fell into a group of outcasts. (As one social outcast can only find another.) I soon found what was affectionately called Freaks Corner a section of the cafeteria where all of us misfits hung out. We were there in between classes, during classes and some of us didn’t even attend school there anymore. It was here in Freaks Corner where I graduated from a research Pagan to a practicing Pagan. Freaks Corner was my Mecca, it was everything I always fantasized about in the French Revolution cafes, where writers like Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas met till the wee hours of the morning drinking and debating, right there in modern Suburbia. It was here that I met my first real-life Pagans. People who knew about the things I was just learning and not some faceless screen name half a world way via an internet connection.
They were some of the very worst kind of Pagans that I could have fallen in with. I learned much during my time there everything except what I was taking classes on. In between LARPing Vampire the Masquerade and playing Magic the Gathering was discussions on Nietzsche, Satanism, and Anarchy. This is also where I met my first Unofficial Teacher.
I say unofficial because she refused to teach me. She had taken many a student under her wing but always refused my requests. Finally, she told me that she only teaches those who are not naturally gifted. That she was the “Special Ed” teacher. I never fully accepted this flattering refusal and figured that there was another reason she would never tell me. As one who was never easily deterred, I learned much from her by simply watching and observing.
In this group of people, there were those who dabbled in things they shouldn’t. Soon their eyes started to gleam with a sheen that is a characteristic often associated with movie villains. Everyone in the group started to go off their hinges a bit and the rumors ran rampant. There was talk of demon summoning and animal sacrifice, none of which I was a part of nor saw. I shrugged most of it off as vicious gossip and did my best to not get involved.
My life took a turn as it does and I was pulled away from the group. I would not run into any of them until years later. I had just come out of the Broom Closet to my then husband and was looking for those of like mind that I could share my beliefs. I ran into the old group from Freaks Corner who had graduated to taking up space in a local coffee house. Upon running into my old mentor this time I was drawn into the web like that of a fly to a spider. She had a habit of holding court at a friend’s place around the corner where she would proceed to channel and let herself be ridden by the spirits of her choice, much to the awe and amusement to those in her audience.
At the time the things I experienced in that room was extremely convincing and scary. The things I took part of in my own ignorance. Looking back now I do wonder how much of it was real and how much of it was a great manipulation, an answer I shall never know.
It was during such a session that the name of Set was brought up. She had stated that someone in the group had caught his attention and that he would be watching them. At which point my eye was drawn upward and what did I see? It was like a great ripping of the fabric of reality someone one had pulled way the ceiling and was peering in. With big eyes and a Cheshire grin staring right at me.
Now understand I am not an Egyptian reconstructionist and never was. I did not know who Set was at the time and didn’t really know the Egyptian Pantheon. I was still searching and that was simply not a direction my quest had gone. While I am thankful for those who research and preserve the Egyptian traditions it was simply a path I had yet to cross.
That moment of meeting Set was in the fall. The following was a year of hell. Set was literally invoked into my life and he literally destroyed everything that was not needed. For those that read Tarot, it was like getting the Death card and the Tower card in the same reading. I was completely stripped bare of everything that I had built up from before that time and had to completely start over from scratch. I lost my home, my business, divorced my husband and became seriously ill. He was a sandstorm that came into my life and stripped me down to my bones. His only response to my pleas for mercy was. “I like my children strong you will survive or perish. Anything else matters not.”
I have learned that Set is the epitome of Tough Love. Sink or Swim. I do not regret that time. I learned so much in such a short time. While the learning process was painful one does not forget those lessons because the pain has etched them into your memory. And the rewards of survival the rewards of succeeding after such tribulations are great. My reward was Rocky.
Set is still apart of my life. Sometimes he visits and drops wisdom bombs into my life. Other times he just shows up for a chat.
My God comes to me at night. He whispers in my ear, “Come, you must tell my side of the story”. I pull my overly tired body from the warmth of my bed. Sitting down at my desk, I proceed to transcribe his words as they are dancing the air.  He sits beside me on my beat up cat fur covered couch in a suit cut to fit like a glove. Dark royal blue with a soft slate gray pinstripe, a crisp white shirt underneath with the collar open at his throat. His carrot orange-red hair is swept off his face as his finely woven dreadlocks fall to his waist. He smiles at me with a big toothy grin. Chewing on his cigar the gold rings flash on his fingers. It is a cross between corporate executive and old school mobster. Just enough thug, as they say, to know he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. “Write my story,” he says his voice a low rumble next to me, “tell my side.”
Today, I have a story to tell. My brother’s name has been known across the millennia and I with it, as his murderer. While his story has been told and retold across the centuries, mine has been lost. I have played my part and done my duty, but the world has changed and our names have become mere echoes of the past. My duty is over and now it is my turn to share my tale.
Several millennia ago when the world was a much simpler place, a Tribal King celebrated in the news that his Queen would give birth to twin sons. It was a joyous occasion indeed, for one son was a blessing but two was a gift from the Gods. The King was most joyous for He was a hardened man and had fought many battles. Life was difficult and many died young. Having two sons was a great boon indeed for Him and His kingdom.
The day of birth came and the Queen was in labor for hours. Eventually, Her first son arrived, he was small, smaller than normal. He barely fit across both of the King’s palms. The Midwife feared he would not make it through the night. Shortly thereafter, the next baby was born. He was significantly larger than his brother and his skin was as pale as fresh milk, his hair was bright reddish white and his eyes shone red as blood. The Midwife almost dropped the boy out pure shock after she pulled him from his mother. Seeing the mother passed out from exhaustion, the Midwife laid the babe down in his cradle and fled. She was afraid that the King would blame her for this Demon Child, (and rightfully so for that boy was me.)
It took the King’s men a matter of days to hunt her down. She gave herself away by sharing her knowledge of the King’s Demon Child. It was only natural for the King to blame her. He couldn’t blame Himself and certainly not his Lady Love. Someone had to take the blame. I wasn’t quite old enough to shoulder that responsibility, just yet.
Despite my Father’s distaste for me and my Mother’s horror, I grew up in the comfort of love that only one twin brother can have for another. We protected each other; him, me from Father’s wrath and I; him from all the larger boys that would dare bully him. We were polar opposites. I was overly large, pale, red-eyed and haired, sensitive to the sun while he was smaller, dark complected with skin as dark as night and loved to bask in the sun’s afternoon rays. Our differences didn’t matter, we loved each other. Until one day that all changed.
I always felt, that my place was at my brother’s side as his protector. I knew that he as the elder of the two would ascend the throne of our Tribal Kingdom. I felt him no envy. It’s a tedious job being King and much simpler being a soldier. I was willing to give him my life for he was the only one that loved me.
One day a Great Wise One came down out of the mountains. Upon arrival, He demanded to speak to the King. ( In my ignorance, I was surprised that such a meeting was allowed. ) He came bearing a tale of a great slithering beast that would devour us all. I merely thought he was a mad old man but my Father clearly knew better. When the Great Wise One produced a scale that was the size of a chariot and reflected the colors of dawn, I knew He told no madman’s tale. The Wise One demanded a tribute: my Father’s best soldiers to fight the beast. My Father said He would send aid under one condition. The Wise One must find a suitable wife for his eldest son. The Wise One chuckled, saying he would do better and bring wives for both his sons. At this, my Father exploded into a rage, denouncing me as his son, saying that a demon such as I could have never come from his seed. I had always known my Father’s disdain for me, but there is knowing and then there is displaying it for the whole world to see. My Father sent me with the Wise One saying he could spare no one else, fully expecting me not to return.
After having prepared for the journey; shoring off my waist-length locks, burning them as was custom. The Wise One and I set upon our journey and I said farewell to the only home I have ever known, in full acceptance of meeting my death.  Alas, that was far from happening. Shortly into our journey, The Wise One revealed his true glimmering nature. He was no old and feeble wizard but a God. He told me that it was true that I was not my Father’s son and to my surprise nor my Mother’s child. Neither was my brother, he said with a toothy grin, " I created you both from Earth and Sky, my children, and implanted you both into your Mother’s womb. Come, my child, let us fight this beast like the Gods that we are."
We had walked miles and traversed much ground. We traveled in a way no human can truly fathom. As you put one foot in front of the other, the whole earth spins,  traveling miles in one stride. At the time I was so in awe of my new situation, I was quite dumbfounded and could not properly begin to take in everything that was happening. We eventually arrived at a place in-between. It was neither of the heavens nor of the earth and yet as above so below, so the landscape mirrored what was known to me.  We had journeyed into the Underworld and boarded a sailing barge.
The Shining One had said we would find the One That Slithers in the deepest of waters.  So I stood at the prow of the barge with my spear ready. At the first sign of the large iridescent scales, I struck without hesitation. The battle ensued for what seemed like hours. As I became covered in the beast’s gore, my muscles grew sore and the ship rocked in the mighty turbulence of the waters. ( I felt myself growing weaker and started to fear I would fail when the Shining One cast his light upon me giving me a strength I never dreamed possible. )  
When I thought all was lost, with one final blow, a great sound was released from the beast and the waters trembled no more. I had won, I had defeated the beast.  The Shining One looked at me with a sadness in his eyes, “You have defeated the Great Evil and have saved the world of man for yet another day but this victory comes at a price,” as a tear slid down his cheek.
I took the head of the Great Serpent as my victory trophy. We returned as we came, the light of dawn’s first rays lighting our way. I carried the head of the Great Serpent received much attention. When we had returned to my home we had a great entourage with us creating a spectacle upon my Father’s doorstep. My Father came out to investigate what all the excitement was about. Upon seeing the head of the Beast in my hands I saw pride for me in his eyes for the very first time. “Son,” he said loudly, "you do our family a great honor.”
It was in that moment that I had gained my Father’s love that I had lost my brother’s. The Wise Shining One kept his word and brought twin sisters from the Kingdom in the lower lands. Shortly thereafter, we were wedded. After a short while of peace and celebration, I was once again called upon to defeat the Great Slithering Beast. I parted sadly with my new bride, unsure if I were to return.
Alas, duty called and I was the only one with the strength to do what was needed. This soon became an endless cycle, for this beast was of no earthly making.  It would soon recover from its most grievous injuries and I would be called away yet again.  My wife grew tired of my absences and she started looking for companionship elsewhere.
My brother, having never forgotten how I replaced him in my Fathers eyes, plotted to replace me in my wife’s. I never blamed my sweet wife nor her calculating sister. I had been gone a particularly long time and my wife was fat with child. I was tired when I returned, but seeing her full of life made my heart soar.
It wasn’t until later that I learned that I wasn’t the only possible father. After a while, it began to eat at me that my brother had taken the only thing that had ever meant anything to me. I still continued to battle the beast, for it was a never-ending war. In time, our Father passed and my brother took his place. I realized one day that the Battle Of  The Beast was the only thing I had that my brother hadn’t taken from me. After a while, I could not bear to touch my wife, which drove her even more into the arms of my brother.  As my son grew I could not see myself in him.
I came to a place where I didn’t want to fight the Demon Beast anymore and the Demon spoke to me during one of our many battles. He told me to build a vessel fit for one person and bring my brother to him. The Beast will take it as a sacrifice and I would be free of my brother and his greediness.
I was weak, I was hurt and when I came home and found my brother in bed with my wife, I did as the Beast spoke. I crafted the finest vessel, gloating how it was made for me. When my brother sought to take it, as he had taken everything else, he was trapped. I gave him to the demon serpent, who drowned him and rent him to bits. I was free from my brother or so I thought…  
The Beast did take my brother to the Underworld, where he eventually rose to be King, while I united the upper and lower Kingdoms and created peace in our land.  Until my brother’s son wanted revenge for the loss of his father and the cycle started all over again.
For I am Set, and this is my story of how I became a God among men.
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lapinchatain · 7 years
Anonymous Sequel chapter 7
Evie closed the door of the apartment behind her and was at a loss for a while. She knew she needed some fresh air and someone to talk to. Maybe a cigarette as well.
It wouldn’t be Agnes though, as she had already left London. They used to have afternoon tea together in the cafeteria of the faculty’s library, and Agnes would always complain about the dry texture of the blueberries scones there, saying it tasted like Italian bread. She went to a hospital in Exeter for her year one at FP, and by that time she had already been living with her boyfriend for two years, and had never left there since then despite her constantly whining about the “snobbish English middle-class” that apparently inhabited all over the area.  Daughter of a working-class family in suburban Edinburgh, she seemed to be fixated on the notion of social classes that everybody was so keen to avoid talking about. She had told Evie once that she would never go back to the North again, as if the memories of her gloomy childhood and adolescence were even more unbearable than the English. Agnes’s boyfriend (“Will be ‘fiancé’ pretty soon”, she announced proudly, while Evie found the word comically incongruous with the impression he gave) was from Cardiff, and seemed to be completely incapable of resisting the temptation of sweets and pastries, just like Agnes. Evie had imagined being at Agnes’s wedding and could only see herself at a loss among the cheering and applauding crowds, an outsider to common people’s ordinary happiness and contentment. It was so easy for some people to settle into a routine from a young age that sometimes she couldn’t help but feel envious. She wouldn’t ask how they could manage to do that but it didn’t mean she wasn’t curious. Maybe beneath the apparently peaceful and tranquil life there were some shocking scandals, dark secrets and horrifying truths, just like herself. “I have a twin brother who’s studying at East Anglia,” she would tell people. “Lovely! Do you see each other often?” Maybe they would never presume that they were sleeping together in the first place. People needed this safe and soothing appearance of normality, so that they could deal with their own eccentricities and freakishness alone (or not) in the dark.
It was during the trimester now and Clara wasn’t in London either. Evie knew Clara in her last year as an undergraduate student, and had soon acquired a nameless fondness for this new comer, as if she could be her younger sister. Clara wasn’t even eighteen years old then, in her tight cropped top and high-waist jeans shorts, black ankle boots and choker necklace, neat cat eyeliners and gleaming red lip make-up, an outfit completed by a vividly colorful kimono shawl, looking like a spoiled rich girl who only cared about new blazers from forever 21, cruise parties and Italian exchange students, and would never lead you to associate her with an orphan who brought up her younger siblings on aids from charities and scholarships. “The appearance can be deceiving,” she told Evie with a grin by the time they already knew each other a lot better. It was an autumn evening, the members of the faculty’s charity association had finished a fundraising bazaar for a group of cancer patients and were having a night out, and when Evie stepped out of the pub for some fresh air, she found Clara smoking a thin blueberry flavor cigarette alone at the entrance. She offered one to Evie generously, who politely turned it down. For Evie, indulgence was only reserved for special occasions (like the summer when she and Jacob graduated from university. They went to Paris together for a weekend and had barely left the bed. Jacob called for room service on a whim and almost laughed his head off when he heard her shout to the door “I’m really sorry, please leave the breakfast outside” in French). Although Clara didn’t strike Evie as a smoker.
“God have mercy,” Clara said, “Every time I see unfortunate people like these, I’d feel less sorry for myself. Nietzsche once said that our compassion for others is in fact a satisfaction with our own fluke. How ironic.” Maybe she should rather be studying human sciences instead of medicine? There was something cold and instrumental about medicine, which was rather a tool to fix the body than an inquiry into the soul. Was medicine more human in medieval catholic hospitals than today?  Clara seemed to be especially interested in people’s motivations.
“Speaking of which, sometimes I think that a family should follow a certain model. Of course, it doesn’t mean that today’s dominant heterosexual nuclear family is naturally legitimate. But in a dysfunctional family, everyone’s role seems to be chaotic. Maybe it’s better to not have parents at all than to have bad ones.”
Did Evie have a functional family? Had she been traumatized in any way? How about Jacob? It seemed unbelievable that they had never thought of it before. Evie felt a slight sting in her heart.
“I’ve been sleeping with my brother since we were fifteen.”
Clara raised one eyebrow slightly, blowing some smoke out, and Evie could smell the blueberries in the air. “If I choose psychiatry in the end,” she finally said, “that would be a very interesting research topic.” Evie doubted that their case had anything to do with mental illness, but at least she knew that it wasn’t a mistake to tell Clara about it.
Evie knew that Henry was a good person and that he loved her, if making chicken tikka masala for her and bringing her hot croissant and brown sugared latte on Saturday mornings when she was still asleep qualified as love. Evie wasn’t particularly fond of romantic gestures and what she liked about Henry was rather some details that revealed the kindness of his nature. Once they watched The Magdalene Sisters together on the couch in the living room of his apartment, and Henry seemed to be in a state of deep shock and empathy when the movie finished, murmuring something like “this is a piece of art about human suffering and injustice”.  Things like that didn’t leave her with much choice but to like him, and seemed to make his parents easier to put up with. They weren’t bad people, Evie knew that. Henry’s father came to Britain from India as a young engineer, bringing his wife along with him, as well as his predilection for spicy food, military discipline and harsh education for his son, who instead seemed to be a perpetual disappointment to him. “I told him that I’m not interested in electronic components and only want to make a difference by saving people’s lives”, he told her, “but I would never have this degree if it weren’t for Mother.” Luckily it wasn’t how his father treated Evie, apparently. Or not yet.
It wasn’t that Evie didn’t like this solemn mister who considered his own words as of utmost importance and his docile and submissive wife. But she was still surprised when Henry proposed that they spend the summer holidays together with his parents in Swansea.
“You’ve already said no to traveling to India with me this summer,” he insisted. “At least you can consider making some compromise?”
Evie didn’t see the point in making compromises. Either yes, or no. Or had the individualism been so overrated today that the institutions were gradually becoming unable to hold people together? Family is the smallest institution, after all. Maybe she just wasn’t ready to face any pressure from Henry, or from anyone.
She thought of Jacob, of her nearly motherly love for him, of his face smeared all over with whipped cream on his birthday cakes when they were children, his hands tightly in hers while walking home in the night. She wouldn’t tell Jacob that, but sometimes when she saw his face while he was asleep, there was a knot in her throat, and that she would be gripped by some mad, overwhelming horror every time she imagined anything that might happen to him. People always said that you wouldn’t understand what love was until you became a parent. Maybe they just didn’t understand her love for her brother, Evie thought, and it could even surprise herself by how deep and fundamental it was. This love made her weak and vulnerable, but gave her a “sense” and “purpose” of life. Her life wasn’t of her alone, it never was, and she was always ready to change it at any moment for him, without reservation. Had anyone ever found the limit of love? Did love have a limit?
Evie took out her phone (her emergency contact was Jacob, though she never asked him who his emergency contact was) and dialed Jacob’s number.
“Hey,” she tried to make herself sound calm, “Can we meet? I had a fight with Henry.”
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amethyst-labyrinth · 7 years
Under the Jellicle Dawn
Chapter three. 
The Rum Tum Tugger was not cat that felt guilty about things he caused. Knocked and break something off a shelf? The humans shouldn't have put it where he could break it, their fault. Being a less then ideal role model to the younger toms? He was only being true to himself. Being accused of being a heartbreaker? He never asked for anyone to fall in love with him, well except for Mistoffelees, he was the one cat that Tugger had asked to love him, wanted to love him, and needed to love him.
Which was why he felt an odd sensation of guilt rise though him. It had been his idea to do a magic show for the tribe, instead of bringing his father back discreetly like Mistoffelees had suggested. He just had to show him off and then after the ball leave him alone to face all the petty jealous cats in the tribe all the while he losing energy ready to pass out any minute. What if he hadn't found him when he did and Mistoffelees had indeed walked to their human home on his own and his weaken state was hit by a truck while crossing the street?
What kind of a mate and friend did that make him? Mistoffelees could have been laying dead somewhere and Tugger would have been none the wiser!
"I think it was the enchanted hairbrush that did it," Mistoffelees said giving Tugger a small smile. "That kind of thing requires." He paused yawning. "A lot of magic. Shouldn't have bothered making it, you messed up my fur again anyways."
"Now whose fault is that?" Tugger asked him tenderly.
"Mine? You're the one who kissed me first."
Only because you were close enough for me too," The smaller cat replied yawning again resting his head against Tugger's chest. He could fall asleep like this; Tugger's fur was so soft. Just a few minutes standing there was what Mistoffelees needed then he was sure he'd be able to make to their human home. Suddenly the tux found himself being lifted up into Tugger's arms.
"Tugger! Wha…?
"Shh," Tugger soothed. "Misto, you're falling asleep on your paws. There's no way you can make it back to our human home, and I would carry you back, but as you know I can't keep my Jellicle forum outside of the junkyard without your help. So my dear Mistoffelees I am taking you to my den so you can sleep. Don't fight with me on this!"
"I can walk! You don't have to carry me like a kitten!"
"And have you tripping over your owns paws? You're liable trip and fall on something sharp and rusted, it's for your own good really."
"You sound like my mother."
"Lovely queen she is too."
They were quit after that. Mistoffelees closed his eyes, he rather enjoyed being carried by Tugger, not that he'd ever tell the Curious cat that, he just felt so safe and cared for he was almost asleep when his ears perked up.
"Munkustrap," The tux said worriedly.
The protector of the tribe hadn't known about his powers or true appearance, this wasn't going to end well. What would Munkustrap do, say? Throw him out of the tribe? Accuse him of being in cahoots with the Hidden Paw?
Tugger tensed up having a similar train of thought. His griped tighten as his brother approached the two toms.
"Is everything oaky?" The striped tabby asked.
"You tell me?" Tugger asked evenly.
"You're carrying Qua…Mr. Mistoffelees. Is he alright?"
"He's beyond tired, saving father from the hidden paw took a lot out of him. He needs his rest!" Tugger said harshly. "So if you have a problem with him, you'll have to deal with me!"
Munkustrap was a little taken aback by his brother's attitude towards him. He had never seen Rum Tum Tugger so protective of any cat or so hostile towards him before.
"Whoa," The protector of the tribe said holding up his paws. "I come in pace. I was hoping I could talk to Qua…Mr. Mistoffelees."
"I told you he's tired," Tugger told his brother in a less harsh tone.
"He can answerer for himself," Mistoffelees said sounding irritated. "Tugger, put me down this is embarrassing!"
"Oh and I suppose it would be less embarrassing if you were to fall flat on your face instead?"
The Magic cat huffed and in one surprisingly graceful move he slipped out of Tugger's grasp and landed on his feet though did wobble slightly.
"What would you like to talk about Munkustrap?" He asked the tabby.
"Father explained the reason for your deception and that it was his idea. He knew that after what happen with the Hidden Paw another cat with powers joining the tribe would not have gone over well the others and I-I wouldn't have trusted you. I wouldn't have seen any good in you only evil."
"He's not evil!" Tugger yelled. "Misto is one of the kindest cats I know!"
"I know that!" Munkustrap was quick to replay. "I know that because I got to know him for who is. I hate Macavity," Munkustrap began. "He has powers he using them for evil so I believed all magic cats were evil and I hated them without even knowing them. I was blind and that blindness could have cost me a really good friend and I'm ashamed."
Tugger wasn't sure what to say. And then a sleepy voice said.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
The two brothers looked at Mistoffelees in awe at the profound words. He truly was a clever cat.
"I read off the quote of day calendar at our human home," He said yawning. "Some human named Friedrich Nietzsche said it." He was also a well-read cat. "Is that all you wanted to say? That you would have hated me if I were honest with you? And because I lied to you, you like me?" Mistoffeless asked him wondering he was too tried to even properly understand what the protector was saying.
"Er-something like that," The Tabby said scratching his ear. "Also you have my blessing to become mates with Victoria."
"Wait what?" Cried both Mistoffelees and Tugger cried.
"I know how close to the two of are."
"Not that close!" The Magic cat said becoming more awake.
"Mr. Mistofelees, it's alright, I approve."
Normally Tugger would have found this funny. Two cats who are mates and another cat doesn't know trying to setup one of the cats with another cat, but since Mistoffelees was his mate it was not funny, not mention that Victoria didn't need any false hope, the poor kit had enough heartbreak in her life as it was, first her father dies before her eyes and ears had even opened, her mother then becomes mated to Munkustrap only to die giving birth to hers and Munk's son Victor, and now her stepfather was trying to set her up with a cat who already mated!
"But I don't want to become mates with Victoria!" Mistoffelees whined. That did cause Tugger to chuckles slightly to his mate starting to get cranky was a rare entreating site.
"And just why not?" The gray tabby asked sounding offended.
"I'm in love with another cat!"
A look of understanding crossed Munkustrap face.
"Cassandra is mated to Alonzo," He said gently. "I know it's hard when the queen you love, loves another, but…"
"I'm not in love with Cassandra."
"It isn't Jemima is? You know she's still just kitten."
"No, it's not her ether," Mistoffelees said sounding even more tried. Oh why, oh why didn't he just teleport to his human home after the ball? Right now he could be curled up asleep in his favorite spot in the garden, under the catnip bush, closing his eyes and picturing the garden he could just smell the plant's intoxicating sent, a soft purr rumbled from his throat, his slightly keened the air.
Tugger knew he had to tell his brother about Mistoffelees and himself, perhaps it was time to give his brother some clues and let him figure it out for himself.
"Say Munk," Tugger said pulling Mistoffelees closer to him. "Do you remember what Misto called me during my song?"
"Yeah he called you a terrible bore."
"Very good," Tugger said. "Now can you tell me what happened moments before he called me that and after?"
"Yes, Rum," Munkstrap sighed wondering why he was humoring his brother in the first place? "You put your arm around him and then once he called you a bore he throw your arm off and walked away."
"And what did I do?"
"You walked away as well."
"Now would you call being called a 'terrible bore' an insult?"
"Ah small one yes. Rum what dose this have to do with Mr. Mistoffelees' love life?"
"Everything, just bare with me. Now when I'm insulted I usually retaliate correct?"
"And yet I did not, I just simply walked away without so much as even a bop to the head. So what dose that tell you?"
"That the two of you have close relationship if he's able to get away with insulting you."
"Yes, the key words being close and relationship," Tugger told him emphasizing the two words as he began to caress Mistoffelees who at this point had fallen asleep.
"Um Rum," Munkustrap began. "I don't you should be doing that to him."
"Oh Misto doesn't mind. In fact he longs and craves my touch," Tugger said before licking the tuxedo cat's cheek.
"No Mommy! I don't want a bath!" Mistoffelees mumbled.
"Misto! Wake up!" Tugger shouted.
"Wha? You're not my mommy!" Mistoffelees yelled confused causing the gray tabby to snicker at him.
"Of course I'm not your mother," Tugger said exasperated.
"What's going on? I was asleep!"
"I'm trying to tell Munk something important and I need you to be awake for it. Now where was I? Do you remember what Bomba called me?"
"A curious beast," his brother told him.
"Would you call that a complement?"
"In your case yes."
"Now Bomba clearly has a thing for me."
"That's an understatement," Mistoffelees said. Tugger licked the side of his face in response. "One of these days you're going to lick me bald."
To that Tugger gave the magical cat, a love bite on the shoulder much to the bewilderment of his brother, who just prayed Mistoffelees wouldn't end up hurting him when he finally got feed up with the other's antics.
"Now," Tugger continued. "I have rejected Bomba."
"You have?" The gray Tabby asked shocked. "You don't want her as your mate?"
"That is correct oh brother of mine. For I too am in love with another cat," He said nuzzling the magical cat. "Let's fast-forward to after father's disappearance. I sang a song for Mistoffelees about Mistoffelees, about how amazing he is! Have I The Rum Tum Tugger ever sang the praises of any other cat wasn't our father?"
"So what dose all that tell you?"
Munkustrap being a logical cat thought over what Tugger had told him logically and came to only conclusion. His eyes widened when he realized who it was.
"Well I never would have believed it. You're so different from each other, but well if you're in love with Bombalurina then I'll I wont meddle."
"No!" Cried both toms putting paws too their faces.
"How did you come up with that?" Tugger asked wrapping his arms around Mistoffelees waist.
"Why else would you reject Bomba? If not because, your best friend is in love with her?"
"Because I don't want her! And Misto is not in love with her! He's in love with me and I'm in love with him." There he told him, maybe not way they had planned, but at least now he know.
"It's true," Mistoffelees added. "Rum Tum Tugger and are mates."
"And before you say anything, yes father knows and approves as dose Misto's family."
Munkustrap look at then blankly again for a few seconds before throwing back his head and laughing.
"He's gone mad from the shock," Mistoffelees whispered.
"Okay, Okay," He said between giggles. "I get it, you're not ready to settle down. You could have just said that in the first place."
"What?" Asked Mistoffelees.
"You and Rum here in love and mates! That's the most ridicules thing I've ever heard!"
"You don't believe us?" Tugger asked his brother.
"Rum, you are the queen's tom and Mr. Mistoffelees, you're so unimpressed by him half the time you act like you dislike him. I'll buy you being friends, best friends even. I've seen the way you joke around with each other, but if you're in love with each other then I'm the Great Rumpus cat!"
"Well you are the protector of the tribe," Mistoffelees said rather crossly. "That puts you closer to him then rest of us."
"I don't mind you dating Victoria, as long as you're honest with her and explain…"
"No, no, no!" Mistoffelees yelled. "I am not going to date, woo, curt, or mate with Victoria! Tugger and I are mates! We are not in an open mate-ship."
"What about all your flirting?" The gray tabby asked his brother.
"That's all it is, just flirting, a little bit of fun and I'd stop if Misto wanted me too."
"I'm sure," Munkustrap said skeptically.
"It's true," Mistoffelees said yawning. "Tugger can flirt with a chicken for all I care, oh wait he has. And just because I don't fall all over myself and worship him like all his fans do, doesn't mean I don't love him any less."
"Sure you do. And you Rum, I'm sure you must love that."
"As a matter of fact I do," Tugger said. "I will admit our relationship is somewhat of a love/hate nature, we do love to annoy each other after all and we do have our lovers spats, but we are also very loving to one another. It would surprise you, brother how loving and caring we are too one another," Tugger said tenderly nuzzling Mistoffelees who once again had fallen asleep.
"Look I get it, Mr. Mistoffelees doesn't want to mate with Vicki. I wont press it, so the two of can stop pretending your mates."
Tugger's ears went flat and his tail began to thump side to side in exasperation.
"Why can't you believe us?" Tugger asked.
"Because it's ridicules! You in love, with a tom no less."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tugger demanded letting Mistofelees go in his rage causing him to fall on the ground. "I can love just like any other cat!"
"Rum I didn't mean you're not capable of love."
"I'm on the ground," Mistoffelees said waking up.
"Then what did you mean? Protector?" Tugger growled, causing his brother to flinch slightly, Tugger only called him that when he was truly angry with him.
"What am I doing on the ground?"
"Well you know how you are," Munkustrap said.
"I know how am, but I'd like to know, how you think I am!"
"Rum, like I said you're the queens tom. You surround yourself with queens."
"They surround me."
"You love the queens! You lust after them!"
"Sure I love my fans, but I don't lust after them! They lust after me! I've never fooled around with any them!"
"Was I sleeping on the ground?"
"So what you fancy toms and not queens?"
"I am attracted to both, but Mistoffelees is one cat I love. I sang a song for him after all."
Munkustrap didn't doubt his brother being attracted to both genders, but he still couldn't fathom what his brother was telling him, but not wanting to fight with his brother anymore decided to agree with him.
"I stand corrected, you two are truly in love."
"You always have to scoff at everything I tell you," Tugger said knowing his brother was lying.
"Just forget it okay? Now if you will excuse us," He said going over Mistoffelees and slinging him over his shoulder as he began to walk away Munkustrap cried out.
"What?" Tugger asked.
"It's Demeter," The gray tabby began.
"I'm not going to mate with her ether!" Mistoffelees called from over Tugger's shoulder.
"She's gotten the idea in her head that your Macavity's son and that you could turn out to be evil like him."
"My father is Cat Morgan! You've met him! He introduced himself to you!" Mistoffelees said trying to climb down from Tugger only for the Mane Coon to hold onto him tighter.
"I know that," Munkustrap told him. "And I've told Demeter that, but well she thinks your mother had an affair with Macavity and lied to you about your father."
Mistoffelees's ears went flat and a growl escaped his lips.
"Father, is talking to her trying to make her see reason, but well maybe if you talk to her and explain…"
"Misto doesn't have to a explain himself to Demeter!" Tugger said angrily turning to face his brother. "Or any other cat for that matter!"
"Tugger, put me down," Mistoffelees told him.
"Misto…" Tugger begain.
"My mother! No one insults my mother with out repercussion! Now where is she? I demand satisfaction!"
Tugger maneuvered Mistoffelees around so the two cats were face to face.
"Believe me," He told the smaller cat. "I plan on satisfying you later."
"Tugger if you don't put me down right now I will use force."
"Go ahead." And with that Mistoffelees began to try to bop Tugger on his nose with his paw. Unfortunately being half asleep his aim was very off.
"Misto babe, this isn't working," Tugger said while laughing. "Now I am taking you to my den so you can some sleep."
"The homemade taffy on the larder shelf," Mistoffelees began. "I have pictures of you after you got up to your ears in it. I'm sure your fan club would to see what you like without your fur."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"You are a mama's boy, you know that?"
"The first time she met you, she washed your face and you let her."
"Fine, lets go see crazy paranoid Demeter," Tugger putting Mistoffelees down.
"Rum!" Munkstrap yelled.
"Don't call her that! Demeter has been though a lot, she can't help that she's over cautious she's learned the hard way what happens when your not."
"That doesn't give her the right to start badmouthing Mistoffelees or his family. So where is she anyway?"
"At father's tire."
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maiathebee · 7 years
Comprehensive Bibliography Of BTS
This is just a list of material referenced, alluded to or related to BTS’s concepts, music, photobooks, albums and music videos.  This is not a fan theory, or an attempt at one! Anyways here’s the precursor to my scholarly paper, lolllll (I’m not joking though).  I’ll update it as we goooooo....
Also, I know almost nothing about the School trilogy, but it’s my understanding that there’s not a lot of outside source material.  I could be wrong though.  Does it reference mangas and stuff??? send me a msg if you know.
(just a reminder that while BTS is remarkably involved in the creative direction of the group, the formation of a kpop groups’ era/concept is made by a large team of people, and therefore the members probably haven’t even considered or explored upwards of half the material on this list).
(asterisks mean that these works are not directly referenced by BTS in their interviews, lyrics or imagery, etc, but which are still tangentially related)
BTS book club list is as follows:
Shim Cheong - a Korean Panseori tale (Dark and Wild)
Demian by Hermann Hesse (Wings)
Seven Sermons to the Dead by Carl Jung (Wings)*
The Collected Works of CG Jung by Carl Jung (Wings)*
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by F. Nietzsche (Wings)
Beyond Good and Evil by F. Nietzsche (Wings)*
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K Le Guin  (YNWA) 
The Moral Philosopher and The Moral Life by William James  (YNWA)*
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (YNWA)*
Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob (YNWA)
Then here’s the film club list:
She and Her Cat (dir. Makoto Shinkai)(short film) (HYYH pt.2)(this is according to Bang PD)
Lost River (dir. Ryan Goslin) (Young Forever)
Big Fish (dir. Tim Burton) (reason here)  (YNWA)
The Helpers/No Vacancy (dir. Chris Stokes) (YNWA)* (tbh this seems fairly coincidental to me, which is why it gets an asterisk.
Snowpiercer (dir. Bong Joon Ho) (YNWA)
BTS music playlist:
Wild For The Night by A$AP rocky (Dark & Wild)
Friday Night Lights by J.Cole (Dark & Wild)
2001 by Dr. Dre (Dark & Wild)
花樣的年華 - Zhou Xuan (HYYH pt.1/pt.2)*
Nevermind - Nirvana (HYYH pt.2)
Wasted Youth (HYYH pt.2)
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd (Young Forever)
Passacaglia in D minor (BuxWV 161) - Buxtehude (Wings)
You’ll Never Walk Alone - Louis Armstrong (YNWA)* (100% this isn’t a purposeful reference, but it’s a good song, y’all should listen to it)
BTS’s art history class bibliography:
Julius Caesar on Gold by Basquiat (Young Forever)
Tricycle by Basquiat and Warhol (Young Forever)*
Orange Sports Figure by Basquiat (Young Forever)
The Fall of the Rebel Angels - Bruegel the Elder (Wings)
The Landscape with the Fall of Icarus - Bruegel the Elder (Wings)
The Lament for Icarus - Draper (Wings)
La Pieta by Michelangelo (Wings)
Personnes by Christian Boltanski (YNWA)*
Further Analysis (and more fan-theory type stuff) in chronological order,  under this read more~~
I’m not sure there’s meant to be a single “correct” reading of the group’s narrative or story. Even in Wings, which drew its story fully from Demian, the ultimate narrative of the BST M/V is more vague.  While there might be a complete and overarching narrative that Bighit is trying to create with Bangtan’s concepts/mvs, I think it’s more likely that there are a lot of narrative threads running through the story, and some are maintained longterm, some are relevant only to as specific chapter, while others are merely aesthetic/cosmetic.  I have a feeling that even longterm narrative ideas are sometimes allowed to fade away for the benefit of moving the story forward at the pace they want. 
Dark and Wild
Shim Cheong is just a throwaway simile on hip hop lover.  I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to the idea that seeing Shim Cheong again allowed her blind father to gain the ability to see.
References like the one to Wild for the Night on hiphop lover (they also tweeted about the song back in 2013) don’t really do much except show that they genuinely like/listen to American rap and also it explains at least 66% of the dumb mistakes Rap Monster has made, probably, my poor problematic child.  Hip Hop lover references a ton of artists, but I just included the ones that are mentioned by more than just name.
The Most Beautiful Moment In Life (pt.1/pt.2)
Zhou Xuan is the first media reference point for HYYH (花樣年華)(It’s what the Chinese title for In the Mood For Love is based on). The lyrics refer to forgotten dreams.
Wong Kar Wai’s In the Mood For Love (花樣年華) is not listed, as RM mentioned in the interview that this was not associated with their album. 
Notes of a Desolate Man by Tianwen Shu is excerpted in a Taiwanese literary anthology by the name of  花樣年華, and I though think it relates thematically, it’s merely my own personal association~ There’s no indication that BTS or Bighit even knows it exists.  Tianwen Shu is greatly influenced by Lu Xun, who wrote the anti-confucian societal norms novel, A Madman’s Diary. 
Nirvana t-shirts are a go to for BTS’s stylists, probably MOSTLY because they fit their preferred grunge image, but the word “Nirvana” fits well into the ideas of tragedy/death, utopia/dystopia and idealism that BTS plays with, while Nirvana the band is obviously a good reference point for realistic portrayals of youth culture and music which speaks to young people, particularly the crazy popular Nevermind (ahem Yoongi’s intro song) with Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come As You Are.  (further fan theory here)
It’s crazy to me that Bang PD found inspiration in a five minute anime about a cat, but read the wiki summary and you’ll believe him:  “When it's over She cries and becomes depressed. Chobi does not understand what the conversation was about or what happened but concludes that it was not her fault. He stands by her and comforts her. Time goes on and it becomes winter. She continues going to work and moves on with her life. In the end Chobi and She are happy with their life together and say in unison, 'This world, I think we like it.’”
Fire (Young Forever)
Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” thematically deals with youth/nostalgia (Shine On You Crazy Diamond: "Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun").  It includes critiques of the music industry and the cliches that the group had to deal with.  The narrative of Wish You Were Here is very much in line with Bangtan’s overall group narrative.
Lost River (a phrase you can see on a wall in the Fire M/V) is a film about a poor community, and specifically a mother and her two sons, going through crisis.  The film includes a scene of a party in an abandoned high school and ends with both a house and a car on fire. The film has an open ending which leaves room for an improved future, but the film is primarily about the limited possibilities and opportunities
As far as I can tell, the “Basquiat” paintings in the fire M/V are just imitations rather than references to specific paintings.  They’re probably being used just as an aesthetic choice - Basquiat’s art was a synthesis of street art, outsider art, social commentary and post-expressionism.  However, his life is also relevant narratively: he died young at 27 and he first gained fame as a graffiti artist.
I’m not putting it above because the film is super inappropriate, but the phrase “enter the void” is used in the Run M/V, and could refer to the Gaspar Noe film of the same name.  The title of that film is, in fact, a reference to The Tibetan Book of the Dead.  However, the term “void” (and the images of the void in the M/V) could just be a reference to five elements in Japanese Buddhism (including fire), particularly the Book of Five Rings.  But this is me getting uber fan theory, lol.
Another graffitied phrase in the Run M/V is “wasted youth.”  This could be one of three things; a reference to the hardcore punk band, Wasted Youth, an allusion to Fast Times at Ridgemont High which also includes a scene featuring “wasted youth” graffitied on a wall, or the phrase isn’t an allusion, but merely a description of the M/V concept.
The relationship to Demian needs its own post, so I won’t even go into it itself, but the tangential references it spawned are as follows:
The paintings in the Wings video are all in reference to Demian but are also all biblical/mythological in nature, based on the book of revelations, Ovid’s The Art of Love,  and the crucifixion.  The religious references, however, are dulled down -- Jesus is not fully sculpted, leaving him to be a vaguely carved form and allowing the image to stand more as an allegory for the relationship between mother and “son” in Demian.  (some further fan analysis of the art here)(and more specifically on the use of icarus).
The Passacaglia is also a piece which is referred to in Demian in the part of the book where the narrator begins to find spiritual fulfillment through music and art, something BTS talks about a lot.
Demian draws lot from Carl Jung, particularly his ideas about symbolism, archetypes and psychoanalysis.  The book specifically alludes to Jung’s Seven Sermons, and the idea that Abraxas is the ultimate being, uniting both god and the devil.  Thematically, through Demian, this deals with themes of forming ones’ own moral code, and ideas of will and strength of character, with good and evil being both at odds but also simultaneously part of everything. This theory/concept in largely influenced by Nietzsche, most especially his Beyond Good and Evil.  Together these are all philosophies which pull away from the ideas of societal norms or strict social structures and place a premium on personal/creative expression.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (quoted in the Wings photobook and BST M/V) also furthers this idea that good and evil are “a wheel.”  It posits that Truth (not morality) is the highest virtue and that idealists flee from reality (SEE: Icarus).  The novel also introduces the idea of the overman, which is a gross idea and super problematic, but I can it being applied thematically to BTS as the idea of a ‘fully realized self.’  Zarathustra is a figure Nietzsche borrowed from Zoroastrianism.  (this writer has more ideas on some connections to Nietzsche).
You Never Walk Alone
“Omelas” and the theme of walking obviously references the Le Guin story, which is inspired by the William James essay, which in turn borrows ideas from Dostoyevsky.
Namjoon’s reference Snowpiercer plays into the video’s visual narrative (an inescapable cycle, the train, the cyclical nature of seasons, laundry is a cycle [2mjjk theory speaks to all these, lol]) as the story is about a train which circles the globe, in a world stuck in perpetual winter. Unlike the more environmentally-focused graphic novel, Snowpiercer the (korean-directed) film is intensely focused on class inequality, a theme which runs through BTS’s albums (see particularly Baepsae, but it’s a concern relevant to their School series, since most pressures put on students are related to social class) and which is of incredible concern to Korean people, and therefore is a common concern of a lot of Korean art.  Bong Joon Ho’s other film works are all very heavy on social commentary  (the host deals with the american military and politics/activism, sea fog also talks about social inequality... etc...), so referencing one of his films is a pretty clear statement that you are making a critical commentary on something.  Like the Le Guin short story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, the film is about a dystopia in which the upper class/middle class/general public is reliant on the continual suffering of another (in this class the lower class or last train) to survive.  Trains provide a very easy metaphor for class given their class divisions into separate carriages.  This was also applied in another Korean blockbuster from the last year, Train to Busan (dir Yeon Sang-ho), which included some pretty transparent commentary on the negative effect that an apathetic, self-serving, lazy (male) middle-aged, middle-class could have on the survival of families and younger generations.
Most fan theories agree that the clothes in the M/V are a reference to the sewol ferry disaster.  Here is the fan explanation for how that connects to Boltanski’s Personnes.
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thesumofallmyfears · 7 years
Decapitation: What's your favourite and least favourite candy?... My favourite chocolate is Green & Blacks salted caramel, favourite sweets, giant haribo strawbs, and apples (though I've not seen those for years). I wont eat anything with nuts, white chocolate, with coconut, or sour sweets.
Cannibalism: Do you like video games(which ones)?... I still have a Sega master system II, it's not my original with built in Alex Kidd, it's a replacement my brother got when he broke mine about 15 years ago, built in Sonic, I miss Alex. I play it occasionally, Sonic, Lemmings, ActionFighter, along with a few wii games, I use to enjoy playing Rayman, and Crash Bandicoot on my brothers, I think it was a PlayStation, I like platform games. Not as into computer games as I use to be.
Amputation: What is one thing you wish you could say to your past self?... I always struggle with this question... I believe we are products of our family, environment, so unless the advice is to runaway, I can't imagine anything I said would be that helpful in the long run, damage done so to speak.
Guillotine: Who's your favourite person?... My nieces.
Eaten alive: Do you take care of yourself?... Not as well as I could.
Disembowelment: What's your favourite type of gore?... Blood, I can take most of it, doesn't bother me, not as keen on gore that involves bones.
Internal Bleeding: What's something you want to achieve before you die?... I'd like to find someone to share my life with.
Heart Attack: Describe your ideal house?... I'd like to create a period home interior that would match the homes build/architecture, my tastes spans very-late-Georgian~Victorian~very-early-Edwardian eras; arts & crafts, gothic, William Morris prints/wallpaper, 19th century art & antiques, taxidermy (none of that weird morph stuff), solid mahogany/oak furniture, roaring fireplaces, bay windows, some window seats, high ceilings, airy, copper pots and pans, wooden floors.
Homicide: Do you keep your room clean?... Always have.
Suicide: Describe your crush?... I don't currently have one, that are not famous peeps.
Lethal Injection: Do you have a favourite quote?... "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." ~ Nietzsche
Gunshot: How long does it take you to take a shower?...Varies, 10+mins, depends on tasks to be undertaken.
Car crash: If you could take a road trip where would you go?... Don't drive, or have friends, so it's not something I consider.
Impalement: What's something you wish you could unsee?... Anyone from TOWIE, in particular GemmaC.
Failed Surgery: What kind of pet would you want to have in the future?... 2 Great Dames, 2 Sphynx cats, Sheep, Goats, Ayam Cemani, Norfolk Grey, Barnevelder, Orpington, and Marans chickens, rescued corvids, basically a menagerie of anything that catches my eye.
Drowning: How long does it usually take for you to fall asleep?... Can be as little as 15 mins, too hours and hours, usually 15-45mins.
Asphyxiation: What keeps you up at night?... My thoughts rattling around my mind, regret, dreams, AUs/stories I create while I try to sleep.
Burned at the Stake: What's something you got away with?... I can't think of anything.
Disease: Describe your ideal funeral?... I'd prefer not to have a service, as long as science has what they like, the rest to be cremated, can't everyone just meet at a restaurant or a pub and just have a get-together. I'm an Atheist, so I really don't see a point, in terms of what my family would do, well really, they'll do what's good for them, and since I'll be dead, I wont give a shit.
Crucifixion: Have you ever taken the heat for someone?... Nope.
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reneehearts · 4 years
🌼🌿botanical asks🌻🌙
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? Unicorns or fairies
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls? Soundcloud
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read? Gone Girl
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? Depends on who it is
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month? I feel like a lot has happened this month I can’t pick one thing
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? Take chances
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? Ocean
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits? For the most part, at least a general idea especially on weekdays
apricot drift; how do you feel right now? Tired, anxious,’excited, nervous
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having? I can’t remember last nights but the night before that, I got in a huge fight with my best friend :(
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now? Something sweet
lavender dream; turn ons/offs? Turn one- great body, humor, kindness turn offs- not caring about health, thinking that things should be handed to you, obnoxiousness
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why? Last weeeeek? Like Wednesday or Thursday
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? I really don’t even know who that is tbh
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream? Lick or eat off spoon
honey perfume; favorite movie ever? Remember the Titans
desert rose; do you like yourself? Sometimes
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? Yes I met the Jonas brothers and pierce the Veil and kinda saw zac Enron
night owl; how many countries have you visited? 2 including the one I live in
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle? Nope but I’m supposed to your one in April!
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? Gotten very very very wasted almost BO drunk in NYC with ppl who didn’t know the city - I’m shocked I made it home
lantana; what’s on your mind right now? Life, love, health
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign? Leo ♌️
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself. My favorite food ever is ice cream, I love Australian shepherds and monkeys, I’m in grad school, I was a dancer growing up, I can lick my elbow.
daphne; do you believe in karma? I think so
queen of the meadow; ever been in love? Yes
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? I admire a couple people, the list has gotten smaller and smaller tho as I’ve gotten older
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child? Those baby Mickey Mouse books
remember me; did you make someone laugh today? Yes
iris; do you believe in ghosts? Not really ghosts, maybe more spirits
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit? 1920s
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not? Depends, would I be living forever at the age I am now or should I get older and older and older and have a shorty quality of life
primula; what makes you sad? Animal abuse, lack of compassion in the world, the greediness only the world, when people don’t treat me they I want to be treated
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not? So far, yes
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most? Either my mom or dad
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today? Cereal, chewy bar and protein cookies
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life? Kinda
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe? Narnia
violet; favorite tv show? Friends
sunflower; share a favorite quote. The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who can’t fly” Nietzsche
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like? Wake up around 9:30 -10 have a leisurely breakfast and cuddle with my pup, spend some time outside bc it will be nice and sunny! Go to a festival/craft fair/the beach and enjoy the fresh air with a friend or s/o and then shower, get a little dressed up, for for dinner and drinks, go home and have a couple more drinks and 😉 and then finish it off with dessert and cuddling
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies? Reading, dancing, spending time with my dog, watching baseball
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you. I don’t have one off the top of my head
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? Travel to Germany
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger? Older
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why? There are a handful of people and it’s because they support me and make my life enhanced, Each in their own ways
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read? Water for elephants, gone girl, the likeness
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character? Minnie Mouse
magnolia; coffee or tea? Coffee
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? Loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person? Dog
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction? Ice cream/social media
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy? I’m gonna be honest...not really
moonflower; what’s your favorite color? Purple
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? Parents it’s prettt good, sister it waivers
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person? Probably more morning
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness? Yes and still do
clover; how would your friends describe you? Kind, funny, caring, sweet
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? Mostly introvert but extrovert around the right ppl
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? Nothing I’m embarrassed about
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words. Kind, observant, intuitive
lotus; best memory as a child? Being with my Pop Pop
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color? Light brown and blonde
dahlia; do you like crystals? Sure, why not
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? The fact that not everyone can afford housing and has healthcare
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house? From buzzfeed quizzes I’ve taken- hufflepuff
calendula; biggest pet peeve? When ppl don’t use their blinkers/are bad drivers in general, when people interrupt me or anyone else, people who are always late (no consideration for others time), when two radio stations are playing the same song at the same time, and I’m sure there are others I just can’t think of rn
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? Depends on my mood and how long th e cocktail party is and who will be there haha
blazing star; share a secret. I really can’t think of something that NO one else knows about, I disclose different things to different ppl depending on my relationship with you
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier? Happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? No clue
bluebell; do you wear glasses? Yes!
nymphea; forest or river? River
orchid; do you like exercise? I like the feeling after exercise and feeling strong and for but the actual exercising part? Not really lion
pansy; do you like poetry? Not really
morning glory; any special talent that you have? I can lick my elbow
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