#my ass who joined from the faith fandom
naurimastaur · 10 months
Seeing them for the first time, again
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Summary: losing a lung and your friends to wkcd meant Gally had a pretty shit year. What’s the harm however, in seeing a familiar face?
Pairing: Gally (maze runner) x nb!reader
A/N: this is so cringe but I’m so obsessed with him Idc if this flops with the dying tmr fandom// also this is my first attempt at angst so go easy on me
“Hey everybody relax, we’re all on the same side here,” Gally called out amongst the chaos. The faces of his old friends turning towards him in apprehension. The familiarity of his voice momentarily pausing their act of rebellion, the concealment of his face enhancing their confusion.
“What do you mean, we’re all on the same side? Who the hell are you?” Thomas, ever the skeptic, interrogated.
Gally’s eyes weren’t focused on him however, for lingering in the back was the reason he joined the right arm to begin with; y/n. Wretched and messy but all in one piece, they stood in front of him.
It was like seeing them for the first time, all over again.
Gally had heard the familiar siren of the box’s arrival. He wasn’t remotely interested most of the time on seeing who came up with it. On this day however Gally had overworked himself, and the idea of joyfully revelling in a greenie’s newfound terror seemed like a treat.
Towering over the box he spotted a figure hiding amongst the supplies, crouched like a caged animal, eyes wild and ferocious. He had to admit his curiosity was peaked, most greenies were crying at this point. This one however had looked at him in rage, a hand lingered behind their back.
“Where the hell am I?” They snarled, chest slightly heaving, the only real indicator of their fear.
“Your new home,” Gally had replied, a sarcastic smile on his face. His gaze never left the greenie, whose eyes had regarded each and every teen boy in front of them with predatory caution.
“Why can’t I remember anything?” They questioned, eyes never focused on one person.
“All part of the glade’s charm,” Gally said, before he had reached out an arm for them to take. His admiration controlled his limbs before his brain did.
The greenie considered his offer before they had hauled themselves up, and bolted towards the maze doors. Gally hadn’t bothered to run after them, leaving the job to someone who actually cared like Newt. He had however returned his gaze to the supplies, noticing one of the crates was missing a shard of wood, no doubt a fault of the greenie’s.
He had to admit he was enamoured from that point onwards.
Now they stood adjacent, mirroring their first encounter. Y/n was looking at him with rekindled fury, this time paired with their tainted memories. Their gally had died back in the maze, physically and figuratively. This version was a stranger; a defying act against fate.
The fire within them was awakening once again, where it was quieted by the nature of the glade, it now burned with the raw desire for revenge.
Their wrath was overcoming their joy. For where their heart was aching for the comfort of Gally, for the ease of his embrace, the overbearing rage was all-consuming.
Wkcd had taken Gally, that much they were certain of. This was a trick, a taunting illusion created from the depths of their imagination and wkcd’s tampering. Their time confined within wkcd’s laboratories meant they were forever trapped in their own mind, never knowing for certain what was real.
What was real was that there was a time when Gally had been theirs, when his company mellowed their temper and gave them faith. But those feelings had died with him, things were different now. They were both different; no longer two sides of the same coin but two puzzle pieces that didn’t quite fit anymore.
( why did I write this cringe corny ass ending)
A/n: might write a part 2 if I’m feeling silly. Also, why did I describe y/n so animalistic? Bc I’m so crazy and quirky and I can do what I want!!!! If you’d like to leave a request for any character for me to write, feel free I’m open to any! To my Weasley twin enthusiasts I will write them again don’t sweat it, I’m going through a phase<3
@thescrunkler despite you not being in a tmr phase, you’re getting tagged anyways x
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
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Fic-to-Art #25: A decade-long journey with Sokka and Azula
Yep. I can't believe it's been a full decade either, but here we are. Ten years later and it feels like it was yesterday, almost.
On this month on Patreon, I figured I'd just make a larger sort of tribute to my long journey as a fic writer. I've had ups and downs, big moments and small, but ultimately, that I've had the chance to be here for as many years as I have is certainly a privilege, and one I don't take for granted.
I've met lots of great people because of my participation in this fandom, particularly in the Sokkla community. I've honestly made some of the best friends I've ever known through the past ten years. I've graduated from university, I've grown in many ways as a person, artist and writer, something that kid right out of high school would have never imagined possible when she first set out on this journey with zero clue of how far it would take her, and how important this would be for her in the years to follow.
After all this time, it feels like the red string of fate from The Reason has woven itself through all my stories afterwards, resulting in a very curious relationship between all these stories and the one that started it all. I mean, technically it was OoPB that started everything X'D but The Reason is by far the flagship of that particular setting. I haven't even revisited those stories in forever, but I really am glad that I did it for this particular purpose.
Alright then, if you would like the specifics regarding which story is being referenced (in case you don't know), keep reading!
The Reason, the source of the red string that then spills down into the rest of the artworks!
Gladiator Part 1, the handshake that started it all.
It Had To Be You, their unintentional first date!
Gladiator Part 2... this is honestly just a general thematic Sokkla make-out session, which as we know they were very likely to do throughout Part 2 x'D
The Love Advisor, reading a book together for the first time.
The White Lotus International Games, their rejoicing after they rushed their finals to watch each other winning at their competitions.
Matching Heartbeats... I picked the Yakuza AU as a reference to this one because people really missed it this year. But DAMN did those tattoos kick my ass to kingdom come, most difficult part of this entire mini project x'D
Underneath Starlit Skies, I picked the final scene of the Happy Family prompt because I couldn't decide on a better scene from any of the other prompts that year hahaha.
Leap of Faith, here I chose my personal favorite story from this year, Toph matchmaking Sokka and Azula, with Sokka in his councilman outfit and Azula in her ambassador attire.
Gladiator Part 3... spoilersssssss!
Alas, it was crazy to work on a project like this one on relatively short notice and pull it off regardless. I did know I wanted to do something like this, should the chance arise, and it kinda did? So I'm really glad I could finish it, maybe not exactly on time (two days late actually), but still within this month, haha.
I really hope you guys enjoy this massive piece, thank you to everyone who has been supporting me for the last decade, whether those who have been here all along, those who have only come by my work recently, as well as those who come and go. That my stories have touched anyone's lives is a miracle to me, and one I won't ever stop cherishing.
Thank you for ten years of Sokka and Azula <3
(... and as ever, feel free to join my Patreon too if you would like to do so...)
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super-paper · 4 months
Any thoughts on the leaks from the new chapter??
I really enjoyed the dialogue between izuku and tomura this chapter, especially that unhinged look on izukus face as he says he'll rip the damn rug/cover with his own hands if he has too. And that last panel between izuku and toshi, the "you can be a hero!" scene but now saying he needs to let go of ofa...wow, cinema.
Overall i liked it, but I feel a bit aprehensive about certain things, especially after seeing opinions on twt. I knew izuku would most likely give up ofa at the end of the series, so im sad about it (dont get me wrong, izuku giving up ofa of all things so he can save tomura is beautiful,,,,, but im just a big fan of izuku with ofa and everything that it means 😭 i want him to keep his haunted quirk and ofamily). But then on twt everyone was so hyped up and talking about izuku getting New Order.. which left me confused not gonna lie, bc other than Star pointing at something, I didn't get any idea of Izuku getting her quirk. But again, my reading analysis could be in the mud lol. Some say Aura Might is gonna give up his place for Star in ofa, or afo is joining the fight with his trump card, others say the quirk will spread to class 1A, so when izuku opens the vault door, the vestiges of 1A will help him. I have no idea, anything is possible i suppose. As for izuku, while I think at some point he will give up ofa, I think he might hesitate at first (??) Like toshinori, he connects his worth to having a quirk, so emotionally speaking it won't be easy for him in my opinion. But let's see!
I'm gonna be a bit mean for a second and say that "Izuku getting New Order" and "Class 1A shares OFA (Monoma Neito found dead in Miami)" are by far my least favorite fandom theories lmfao.
Anyway, you're definitely right on the money about this also being a battle Re: Izuku's own self perception and who he is without OFA. Izuku and Tomura's biggest hang ups boil down to how they both perceive themselves and how that perception was essentially forced onto both of them by other people until they both internalized it as "fundamentally true" (Izuku believing that he's worthless/useless, Tomura believing that he's evil and that he's having a ~peachy-keen~ time rn). Chapter 412/413 have set the stage for this conflict to finally come to the forefront, so I'm excited to see where things go.
As for Star, people who believe her quirk is "the will of heroism that's gonna get passed on to Izuku" are missing the point of her character, I feel. Star's quirk was cool, but it was also another shining example of a quirk "not being what makes someone an actual hero"-- Star used her quirk to do some pretty fucked up things during her fight with TomurAFO, and ultimately, the moments where she chose NOT to use her quirk and chose NOT to prioritize "the greater good" over everything else are actually her defining heroic moments:
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(^ the implication of this scene being that her vestige stopped short of obliterating AFO because she found Tenko hidden inside him)
Izuku has already inherited "the will of heroism" as Star defines it. The will of heroism is more or less "noticing that someone needs help and choosing to act on it." There is beauty in simplicity and trying to work "Izuku obtaining new order" into the mix takes the focus away from that, I feel. Star notices Tenko needs help, and instead of using the last embers of her existence to extinguish AFO, she instead uses those embers to reach out to Toshi and point out where Tenko has hidden himself. Toshi alerts Kudou, who then decides to place his faith in Izuku's ability to save Tomura's heart, and so on and so forth.
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(A certain someone else also inherited that will, but he's just being a massive fucking tsundere about it. Can't wait for someone to finally call his ass out when the inevitable mind-meld happens.) (/hj)
Anyway, I feel u regarding the OFA vestiges-- but at the same time, I think it's good that they're finally being allowed some autonomy in how they choose to go out considering how they lived/died in the first place. I still maintain that we're gonna end up whittling OFA down to Yoichi, Toshi, and Nana bc they're the three most deeply connected to Tomura (in addition to having the most unresolved feelings and lingering regrets centered around Tomura/AFO). I also think it's pretty neat how "One for All" is now coming apart at the seams because they're starting to work together for "the one" rather than the "all," if you catch my drift ;)
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tacticalhimbo · 7 days
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welcome to my wild ass corner of the internet — here's some important information taken from this post [link that can be reblogged]:
I've joined the writer's portion of the ficsforgaza initiative to help encourage fundraising to vetted fundraisers to aid those in Gaza! Please check out the blog's guide on participation as well as their FAQ. Make sure to check out the other writers taking requests!
WHAT YOU DO: Donate to any of the vetted fundraisers found on the blog, or the blogs they have reblogged information from, and send me an ask or DM with your request!
It is mandatory that you include proof of donation for this. Please redact personal information! I will verify proofs where needed with the blog organizers. Example: hey jay! i donated to the palestine childrens' relief fund and would like a fic featuring [character] and [character] with [prompt]. here's proof of my donation! [attached image]. There will be NO anonymous requests! It's harder to verify things that way.
For every $1 you donate, I will write 100 words. My limit on this will be $20, or 2000 words. That's the average wc for most of my fics.
WHAT I DO / MY PERSONAL GUIDELINES: Safe for work (SFW) content only! I don't feel comfortable writing smut for people.
YES: OC x OC, OC x Canon, Self-Ship or x Reader, Canon x Canon, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, pretty much any dynamic or theme goes! NO: Proship content. I do not feel comfortable with that, and I do not endorse any of that kind of stuff.
FANDOMS: Cyberpunk (Edgerunners & 2077), Disco Elysium, Dragon Age, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Fallout, Far Cry, Hitman (World of Assassination Trilogy), Metal Gear, Outer Worlds, Rainbow Six Siege, Red Dead Redemption 2, Reflect Studios franchise (Welcome to the Game, Scrutinized, Dead Signal, etc), Resident Evil, Skyrim, Splinter Cell (games only)
Full DNI / BYF criteria [below; originally linked NeoCities page]. Examples of my written works can be found here, with fanfictions toward the bottom of the page!
I will try to publish requests as soon as possible! I've luckily got a decent bit of free time, but I am also chronically ill and have a life outside of Tumblr! There is no real deadline with these things, as the main goal is (again) helping people and families in need. That should take precedence above all else.
Please don't feel pressured to donate! I know things are rough for everyone across the board when it comes to finances! If you happen to have the extra money and would like to contribute to this cause, then please do so! This applies even to those who may not want something out of it. I've shared many fundraisers and resources, as have countless others, and there are proper channels to help people out <3
now, here's a bit about me:
name. jason (jay or jas works too) pronouns. they / it / xe / pup & es / xier (auf deutsch, bitte!) age. 24+ languages. english (and sometimes german) misc. chronically ill / disabled (long covid, impaired vision, impaired hearing), neurodivergent (autism, adhd, c-ptsd), regrettably from florida
and my blog:
do not interact if you are… racist / xenophobic antisemetic / islamophobic / discriminate against non-christian religions queerphobic / terf / tehm / transmedicalist / misc. exclusionist misogynistic ableist pedophile (apologist) / "pro-ship" pro-ana / pro- eating disorders a nazi, right winger / conservative, trump / desantis / maga supporter, pro-police / pro-military, believe all lives matter (aka: discredit blm and similar bipoc-focused movements) etc etc.
i support human rights for all folks, plain and simple. if you're willing to make any exceptions because "xyz group makes me uncomfy and i heard from fox news", i do not want you here. i do not care for you. you deserve rights, too, but you are not entitled to my time or energy.
i reserve the right to block or refuse interaction in accordance to my safety / comfort. any content i post across my platforms is for me / those who request it. don't like it? keep scrolling. my content may not be suitable for all audiences, but i ensure to do my best in tagging potentially mature and / or upsetting content material. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need specific things tagged for your viewing pleasure.
here are some navigation links (that may or may not work):
mutuals / besties. hev [tag] | delia [tag] | vendetta [tag] | ollie [tag] | avarice [tag] | alice [tag] | my brother [tag] | my dog [tag] | my three cats [tag 1 ; tag 2 ; tag 3] | stray cat we've practically adopted [tag]
creations. ocs [tag] | writing [tag] | fics [tag] | art [tag] | gifs [tag] | edits [tag] | virtual photography [tag] | neocities [link]
information. general [tag] | mutual aid [tag] | neocities [link]
sideblogs. pistolenprinz (rdr2; link) | jessepinkmanbf (brba & bcs; link) | devitalization (gamedec; link) | tacticalvalor (multimuse rp; link) | simply-jason (archive url; link) ... t******** (nsfw multimuse rp; mutuals only) | j******* (rpc/rph; not-affiliated / purposefully separate) | s************ (nsfw sideblog; not affiliated / purposefully separate / will give to mutuals if requested; you will learn things about me tho fjsdlkfjsdlfj)
more below the cut.
potentially frequently asked questions:
why do you type in all lower case? easier to read, easier to type.
didn't you used to go by [x]? i won't say, usually. i have posted about some of it before, but i'm not gonna trudge anything back up. personal name changes are part of my gender journey, url changes are for a reason / because i can.
i saw you used to do paid commissions! will you open those again? maybe. it really depends on how i can take payment and whether or not i feel safe doing that. accessible payment methods risk me being outed, and in the most unsafe state in the united states for trans* folk... i would rather not risk that if i can avoid it.
do you take writing / fic requests that aren't paid? sure! i don't mind writing things or creating things for people free of charge, as long as you actually... respect it. don't steal my shit, don't claim you wrote it, etc etc. i know i can't stop you, but i can (and will) shit talk you and drag you through the mud if i catch you doing it. i know my worth. don't try to play me because you're an insecure fuck.
why do you sometimes write trans*? isn't the asterisk redundant/problematic/etc? afaik, no. it's a habit i picked up while writing about trans folk in an academic context where my audience was primarily cis. it literally means nothing more than showcasing that trans is an umbrella term that includes various labels (e.g., transgender, transsexual, transmasc, transfem, etc etc.). if someone has made it problematic, or used it in discourse/exclusionary circles, i am not aware of that. and if that is enough to make you think i'm an exclusionist... why are you even here? genuinely.
can you tag posts with queer as "q-slur" or something similar? no. queer is my identity. don't like it, don't stick around.
some terms i use to describe my identity and orientation include:
cybercoric (coined by fairystar-fag)
cyberdog (coined by burgerlabs)
cybertransmasc / cyber transmasc (coined by grief-chapter)
gender outlaw
and some fun facts about me include:
i'm a college graduate with a bachelor's degree focused on social work and correctional support management. i aim to work in mental health advocacy, and want to focus on marginalized / underrepresented populations.
i've also gotten into formula 1 again, but i used to be a more consistent fan during the mid 2010s (shoutout sebastian vettel). if you wanna know who i'm out here cheering on, here's your one-stop shop!
carlos sainz — ferarri (2024) charles leclerc — ferrari (2024) george russell — mercedes (2024) lewis hamilton — mercedes (2024) yuki tsunoda — red bull (2024)
fandoms i'm in / enjoy include but are not limited to:
alien isolation
amanda the adventurer
american mcgees alice
among us
better call saul & breaking bad
bojack horseman
the boondock saints
the boys
call of duty
criminal minds
cyberpunk edgerunners & cyberpunk 2077
dark souls
dead by daylight
death stranding
disco elysium
dragon age
dungeons and dragons
the elder scrolls
faith: the unholy trinity
far cry
ghost recon
grand theft auto
god of war
heaven will be mine
his dark materials
l.a. noire
the last of us
local 58
love, death + robots
mafia: the definitive trilogy
mass effect
metal gear
the metro saga
monster hunter
the outer worlds
rainbow six siege
red dead redemption
reflect studios (wttg, scrutinized, etc)
saints row
scp foundation
snowpiercer (television series)
sons of the forest
splinter cell
stardew valley
star wars
squid game
tell me why
watch dogs
the walten files
we happy few
wilsons heart vr
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Hey. I've noticed, even doing what I can to cull out tumblr's porn bot problem, that I've gained a few hundred followers in the last month or so. I see a lot of fresh likes, but very little conversation. So while this post is to invite that, I want to break down what's really going on here in the current fandom malarky.
The long-skewed conversation in this fandom has kind of presented an image that I bite. But for what it's worth, I bite assholes, which is why I'm doing everything I can to paywall and ask screen them away so I can zen.
I cuss a lot. But like, this fandom gotta understand. While the majority are from a very privileged and "refined" culture bubble, and the upper class came to rule the dialogue via convention paypasses to content and the illusion of access, not everyone comes from that shit.
just like the show is telling you from deep in the soul of New Orleans, like I warned you, nobody has to take your shit either. If I want to dip my hair in holy water and camp the vampires to death so help me god I will. I literally told you this a year ago, that you weren't ready for this shit. That it would be in your face, breakdancing, loud as shit, and not giving two fucks about your civility culture.
Now those old paypasses are dated and they're literally watching what republicans would scream as The Great Replacement happening at conventions, like I also warned, while we shake our mardis gras gay asses in your face, also just like I warned.
And now the open homophobic comments come flying out of hookerwitch, and a bunch of concern trolls are trying to pearl clutch that we aren't Model Minorities and Model Gays that fit THEIR view of how we should behave. No, eat shit. This is stonewall, and I don't want anyone to forget who in SPN fandom threw the first brick, and half the wall shortly after.
So now they're hate stalking and literally devoting a majority of their lives and energy to try to break past my walls and bother me, and I don't think they're understanding their own emotional investment here. They spend hours or days master planning to break into my server just to hear about me complaining about how gassy I am, or send one shit anon they thought about how to phrase for hours to try to troll, and most of it just gets screened, so they get angrier, and the hate capping and accusation throwing and pearl clutching to muddy up the dialogue begins, but we put a pin in the big racist and homophobic shit showing its face from the same recurring names. whether that be 2po, hookerwitch, whomever. Doesn't matter. Same ciswhitehetpatriarchy bullshit different day.
I cuss. I cuss about a lot. I am very enthusiastic about cheeseburgers and will say I will break a fuckers arm for a texas toms cheeseburger, and people have the context to get what I'm saying, and the culture and tone I'm speaking it in, rather than bad faith trolls. But those same bad faith trolls tried to hurt people I care about, so when they hear a real counter-threat to their threats, they hyperfixate on it, as they have, because they're scared.
They're scared because they realized they're running into my people in every greet, in every hall, in every op line. Sometimes literally. And they don't know until it's too late, and it's a different person every time, and they're realizing outside of the social club they sold themselves as small, elite and privileged that they lived in like a bubble, the convention space isn't their own any more than the show they're realizing they lost, and frankly, who they lost to, and how.
So my no bullshit attitude on concern trolls needn't scare away comments and additions from new blogs. You see my reblog ironworked and mattzerella and geeky panic additions a lot, and it's not bc we have some. Secret Connection or whatever. It's that they get it. And they have good content that always improves my content.
So whether that be adding your voice to posts (some have expressed being shy due to 2po/scripthunt/crowded table's doxxing patterns, I get that), or joining the server--remember, the Clubhouse section is free and still a lot of content. Any hour of any day you can check the Events calendar and find at least a radio event if not a group watch, a stream, a movie, a meta discussion section, a day you can take over the radio yourself, whatever. There's a lot of room.
If you follow me because you recognize the difference of someone that's very war torn as a fandom vet that has reached his end goal and is over totalitarian bullshit flying around passing itself as discussion, when it's just the noise of a cause that already lost and is getting cleaned out--by all means. Add.
The server says there's an illusion of me as some rabid dog, when I'm just really FUCKING excited about barbeque, don't let anyone tell me how I should FUCKING talk or live, and do not let anyone fucking TOUCH anyone I FUCKING care about. And they realized their time is ticking on literally everything and for the first time in their lives, they're genuinely afraid, and good.
But if you aren't that kind of problem person? Come on in. The server will probably feel like home. Or add to my posts or DM me on tumblr, though I WILL ignore and block any blatant sock accounts for the same reason as everything else.
But if you're here, slowly finding peace with the show, and looking for a garden to enjoy it in, come on in to POLOL, or message me. I'm really just a teddy bear deep down. Thing is papa bear will rip an asshole's ass apart if he fucks around in his turf or with the baby bears he already didn't cull himself in his land. But if you ain't one of those people? I just wanna cuddle and simp and talk about Supernatural and jung.
If that sounds like you, reach out some way or another.
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beloathedamia · 3 months
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[ID: Welcome to my blog!]
Here we have tons of magical things, like rants, random rambles, endless reblogs and more! What are you waiting for? Join us!! One of us, one of us!!
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[ID: About me ]
I go by many names but for simplicity's sake, you can just call me Amia! I have NPD, PDID, BP and more. I'm also bodily a minor, so 'minors DNI' people please go away! I'm a transfemmasc genderfluid girl who's questioning hir sexuality and I use shi/her/he/they/fish and don't mind shx/hxr!
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[ID: Fandoms! (Off the top of my head)]
Here's a list of some fandoms I'm in!
Project sekai
Honkai star rail
Genshin (kinda)
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Class of '09
Good omens
And more!
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[ID: Do not interact]
If you refuse to translate your typing quirk
If you use fonts with no translation
People from school (please)
People named Elliot (he's stinky) /silly
Of course, I know I can't stop you if you wanna be an ass and interact anyway, but this is for people that might assume I'm okay with them interacting that are on this list and wanna be nice and go away. I have a little too much faith in society.
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[ID: Oh em goshers! Be my moot!]
Please interact if
You're a system
You're a xenogender user
You age regress
We have any of the same fandoms
You have one of those cool coining and graphic blogs
Your name isn't Elliot /silly
You hate radqueers
You love queers!
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here there be words!
Hello, have a pinned post for an introduction! I’m scrollsfromarebornrealm, this is my Tumblr.  I primarily post Final Fantasy XIV, and very rarely deviate from that. 
Also getting the OOC stuff out of the way! I am a 30+ biracial queer Fandom Old woman. Do not come at me with racist bullshit, TERF bullshit, purity culture bullshit, sexist bullshit, ableism bullshit, Nazi bullshit--anything with hate will have me showing you the door and telling you to fuck off. Healthcare, food, clean water and shelter are necessary rights for all, Trans Rights are Human Rights, Black Lives Matter, I am anti-censor but don't be an ass, tag/warn/hide content responsibly, do not go after people who do, you are in charge of your own damn internet experience and I sure as hell will not fucking change my style to please you. If this is a problem, leave. Now.
Mostly I will do reblogs, along with screenshots and writing with the following characters:
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Riven Fortemps, Warrior of Light
Originally a daughter of Old Sharlayan, a series of events led to Riven ultimately coming to Eorzea to seek out adventure.  She holds the rank of Master Arcanist from Mealvaan's Gate, along with the title of High Summoner, being the first person to master summoning since the age of Allag. After the events of Heavensward she was fully adopted by House Fortemps and took their surname as her own. In a committed relationship with Estinien Varlineau. 
#wol riven #riven fortemps #ffxiv smn #ffxiv summoner #ffxiv dnc #ffxiv dancer #wol x estinien #estinien x wol #wolstinien
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Augustine Bishop (nee Seymour), Warrior of Light
Former gladiator and Halonic Paladin.  Augustine is the first part of the Ishgardian Trio.  Initially he and Riven first met when she came to Ul’dah, offering his sword to assist her in her adventures in Thanalan.  They would meet again during Vishap’s assault on Ishgard, teaming up once again to keep the great wyrm away from the city.  When he learned of what happened at the banquet Augustine immediately offered his sword once again, becoming Riven’s first Companion and a full-fledged Scion. 
#augustine bishop #augustine seymour #ffxiv pld #ffxiv paladin #ffxiv mch #ffxiv machinist
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Reinhardt Sauveterre, Warrior of Light
The second of the Ishgardian Trio, and an active-service Knight Dragoon.  Reinhardt’s Echo landed him in the hands of the Inquisition, but thanks to Riven’s intervention, was released.  For his own safety he would be assigned to her as a bodyguard, but the pair got on so well that following the Dragonsong War, Reinhardt would be permitted to permanently join the Scions.
#reinhardt sauveterre #ffxiv drg #ffxiv dragoon #ffxiv monk #ffxiv mnk #companion reinhardt
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Mathye Bishop, Warrior of Light
The last of the Ishgardian Trio.  Formerly a Knight-Dragoon, Mathye would become the Congregation’s most skilled healer, serving as a battle-medic and mid-tier priest.  His own Echo abilities would come to light before the events of the Vault and he would join Riven’s party as they invaded the heart of the Halonic faith.  After the Dragonsong War he would also join the Scions, and has been Riven and Crew’s dedicated healer.
#mathye bishop #companion mathye #ffxiv whm #ffxiv white mage #ffxiv sge #ffxiv sage
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Sebastian Astralyas, Warrior of Light
A former associate professor of Old Sharlayan, Sebastian left his homeland seeking a drastic change in his life.  His Echo abilities came to the attention of the Scions, and he would join the organization shortly after his initial arrival in Eorzea.  After the party’s first fight with Zenos, he would join Riven and the others as an extra sword-for-hire.  Initially their relationship got off to a rocky start. But as Sebastian began to adjust to his new life in Eorzea, matters between him and the others improved. Following the Eorzean Alliance’s overall victory in Gyr Albania, Sebastian decided to stay with the quartet.
#sebastian astralyas #companion sebastian #ffxiv gnb #ffxiv gunbreaker #ffxiv blm #ffxiv black mage
I also have an Archive of Our Own account, but to read any of my works will require you to be registered with the website. Due to the threat of AI scraping, I have locked my account to members of A03 only.
More links and tags coming soon (still in progress!)
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
paraselenae | doll's eyes
pairing: eric peterson x louie clemente x john tempesta (blood & chocolate)
genre: erotica of the kinky caliber
fandoms: testament
*18+ only; minors dni*
Warnings: dirty talk
*Please note that you are responsible for your own media consumption. I came here to write and relax, not police you.*
Summary: eric, louie, meatloaf, and a telephone
Word Count: 3269
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Lou had come over for one evening, and I was eager to serve him some dinner, especially when he told me that Angie was out of town once again and Alex seemed to have an inkling for something homemade and belly-warming. I was just eager to feel up Alex again, especially since he had gained a little more weight and had an actual little belly going on his body, this little roll of fat that poked out from over his waistband like a little tender chocolate Swiss roll straight out of the oven. 
I had this longing within, this feeling to touch that little roll on his waist and give him some kisses at the same time. I knew that he wanted that closeness, that soft, tender feeling, even though he would never admit it. 
A knock on my door that evening, and I greeted Lou wrapped up in a little windbreaker there on my front step. He had brushed his hair extra nice that evening so it almost floated back from his head in the form of a rain cloud. 
“He’s not coming over,” he told me as he stepped inside and hung up his jacket on the hook next to the door. 
“What! Why? What happened?” 
“He told me he’s not feeling well,” Lou replied with a shrug. “—he told me he's got a splitting headache and his stomach’s really upset. His mom made him some chicken noddle soup and he’s staying in bed.” 
The thought of Alex being all curled up in bed with a big bowl of soup to keep his belly warm and full tickled me a bit, but the boy needed to recover, though. I fetched up a sigh as I shut the door behind Lou, who then stood in the middle of the room with his head tilted back a bit and his eyes closed. 
“Smells good, doesn’t it?” I asked him. 
“You bet your ass it does,” he told me as he ran his fingers through his smooth hair. “What’s on the menu for tonight?” 
“Well, since I thought for sure I was going to have two people here with me tonight, I made a big meatloaf and some mashed potatoes and gravy.” 
“Ooh! Well, I'll be happy to oblige, though, Eric. You know me—I like your cooking about as much as Alex does.” 
“Yeah, but you’re Mr. Drummer, though,” I pointed out. “You don’t have that cute little roll coming in on his waist.” 
“I know, that thing is cute, isn’t it?” 
“It’s as cute as he is.” I flashed him a wink, and he chuckled at that. We walked into the kitchen together, and I served us a pair of plates full of slices of meatloaf straight out of the oven as well as little piles of mashed potatoes and that chicken gravy that I felt so proud about for mastering. 
“Not to give myself too much credit, but I think you’ll really like this gravy, Lou,” I told him as I handed him a fork. 
“Really?” he chuckled at that. 
“Yeah, it’s just chicken broth and the roux, too. But I’m really priding myself on it, though.” 
Lou took another whiff of it, that time with his eyes closed. 
“It smells wonderful, Eric,” he told me, and he padded into the living room. I followed suit right behind him with my plate as well as the fork in hand. I was still slightly disappointed that Alex was unable to join us, but I had faith that his mother knew what to do with him for the evening. I still couldn’t help but picture him back in his bed, all curled up tight and with his head snuggled down into the pillow like a young boy. A young boy, with his little belly, cozied up back home with his mama to take care of him. 
“Well, look at this way, Lou—the next time he comes on over, we’ll know what to do with him.” 
“I hope so,” he confessed. “I don’t know if I can do this.” 
“I made a big meatloaf, yeah,” I said as I took my seat next to him on the couch. It was so weird not having Alex there in the recliner across from us, but I had hope that we could make do with what we had on hand. I looked down at my plate, at the slices of meatloaf leaned upon each other and the pile of potatoes, and I figured it was for the best, given it was me and my best friend in the whole wide world for the evening. 
“How’s Angie, by the way?” I asked him as I sloughed off a piece of meatloaf from the top slice. 
“Oh, she’s great,” he replied. “We’re thinking of getting a new couch and a new little get-up for the living room once we have more money coming in. We can have game nights and stuff.” 
“Oh, how fun! Oh, god—this is a stupid idea, but you know what we should do for game night?” 
“What’s that?” 
“It’s stupid, I mean, it’s really dumb, but it popped into my head and now the cat’s out of the bag.” 
“What is it, Eric?” Lou chuckled at that. 
“The three of us—you, me, and Angie—should play strip poker. All three of us.” 
Lou gaped at me, complete with his eyebrows raised up. 
“You really want to do that, Eric?” he asked me in a low voice. 
“Like I said—dumb idea. I don’t even know why I thought about it. I guess it’s from the fact that Alex isn’t here with us and he’s given me so many thoughts as of late... I’m really wanting to do something kinda—you know. Fun. Daring. Especially since I know how—you know—the two of us are.” 
“You’d really want to do that?” he asked me again, that time in a near whisper: I had never heard Lou’s voice that husky before in the time that I had known him. 
“Well, if it’s something—you know—” I cleared my throat. It didn’t help matters that I had just eaten a whole big piece of meatloaf and I had my mouth full right then and there, either. I chewed it as slow as I could just to relish the flavors of the meat as well as the ketchup on top. I then swallowed and licked my lips to pick up the residual ketchup. 
“It’s something that you want to do,” I finished, also in a low voice. He pursed his lips together, and his eyes swept over me. My best friend in the whole wide world, and yet he was looking at me like that. There was something so wrong about it, and yet there was also something so right about it as well, like we were supposed to cross this point somewhere down the line in our friendship. 
His eyes dropped down to my plate on my lap, and then he returned to his plate for a few more bites of meatloaf as well as some potatoes. 
My face grew warm from the very mention of the thought. 
It was a stupid idea; I was certain of it. But the way that he looked at me right then made me reconsider it. 
We were silent for about a minute, and yet each second felt like a minute in and of themselves. And then he spoke again. 
“If we play strip poker, would Alex join us?” 
“If he wants,” I pointed out. “I’m not gonna lie, though—it'd be nuts if he joined us.” 
Lou almost choked on his meatloaf at that. 
“Really, it’d be crazy if Alex joined in on the fun there,” I said with a straight face, and I realized what I had just said to him right then. “Especially since he’s gained some weight. Can you imagine him stripping off clothes whenever he has a losing hand or he loses a little bet or something?” 
“The whole thing,” Lou blurted out. “The whole damn thing.” 
“Yeah. I can see him doing it. He might be a little reluctant but I can actually envision him doing just that for us. Like, we get full houses respectively, Ang gets a royal flush, and he gets two pair and he takes off his pants. I can see him doing it, Eric.” 
“Can you see me doing it?” I blurted out, and he turned his head for a look over at me. He swallowed down a bite of mashed potato, and all the while, his eyes locked onto my own. I could feel his rhythm, the beat of his heart, all of it, and all without even so much as touching his body or feeling close to him. I started to wonder if all this dining in had to do with it, especially since Alex was more than obliged to lift up his shirt and show us his little belly after he had eaten. There was something going on there inside of Lou’s mind, and I knew that the food had to do with it. 
“I can,” he said, and his voice was once again, low and husky. “I can imagine you doing it. I can also see you cooking in the buff.” 
“That might be hard to do,” I told him with a wag of my fork. 
“Why is that?” 
“Well, because somewhere along the way, I'll be cooking with hot oils and being naked, it could probably splash up and burn my skin.” 
“It won’t,” he assured me. 
“It won’t?” 
“It won’t.” 
“Why is that?” 
“’Cause you’ll be wearing an apron that says ‘Kiss the Cook’ on the front,” he quipped with a little crack of a smile. 
“’Kiss the Cook’, not ‘Fuck the Cook’?” 
“We can get you ‘Fuck the Cook’ if you’d like, you’d have to ask an erotic seamstress or something for it.” 
“An erotic seamstress?” I asked him. “Is there even such a thing as that?” 
“If not, there should be,” he quipped. 
I raised a fist for him to bump it, but he licked his lips instead. 
“I want to see you,” he began in a near whisper, “in that kitchen, with an apron, cooking something fried, be it empanadas or those little donut holes at Hanukkah, completely in the nude. I really want to see you do it.” 
“You want to watch me?” I asked him, and he brought his face close to mine. 
“I want to be right behind you as you’re doing it,” he whispered to me, and I raised my eyebrows at him. 
“Where is this coming from?” I whispered to him. 
“You,” he said with a wag of his fork at me. “It’s coming from you.” 
He leaned back and took another bite of meatloaf, and that time, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. My hunches were right as they usually were. I let out a low whistle and leaned back in the couch cushion as more warmth swept over me. 
On one hand, I was glad that Alex was back home sick in bed, just so that Lou and I could have a moment alone together. But then again, there was a part of me that wanted him there with us, all so he could watch us and probably get off from it. I knew how he was, especially after he had eaten. He would never admit it to either of us, but I saw it in him. I saw it in his eyes for the most part. 
I returned to my plate and took another bite of potatoes, that time with a bit of gravy. I had every right to be proud of that gravy, so lush and warm and with the right amount of spice and pepper. I shook my head about as I relished in the flavors for a moment, and then I returned to Lou, who had also indulged in a bite of the gravy, but on the meatloaf that time around. 
“You know what we should do?” I suggested. 
“What’s that?” 
“We ought to get John on the phone—Tempesta.” 
“What for?” 
“Have you had a conversation with him before? Dude’s a riot every time.” 
“How do I hear him?” he asked me. 
“I have this little thing on there that puts it on a speaker of sorts,” I told him. 
“Wow, technology rules,” he muttered, and I learned across the arm of the couch for the cordless phone. I checked the speed dial, and then I pressed the zero-button followed by the eight-button. It rang once, twice, and then— 
I pressed another button on the actual base of the phone itself, and we were treated to some crackling on the other end. 
“Hello, hello?” 
“Hey, John!” I called out. 
“Who’s this?” 
“It’s Eric,” I replied. 
“And Lou,” he followed up. 
“Oh, hey guys! How’re ya doing?” 
“We were just curious if you were doing anything right now,” I said. 
“Uh, nope—I was just about to grab a bite to eat, but I can chat for a bit, though. It's gonna be a while before I have to go to rehearsal for The Cult, so I have time. Have you guys seen Alex? He looks like he’s put on a bit of weight, but he looks great, though.” 
“Yeah, that was my doing,” I said with a straight face. 
“Wow, really?” 
“Yeah, he’s been coming over here to eat dinner with me most nights and he just scarfs it right up.” 
“Huh, wow. He sure does like to eat.” 
“He really does,” Lou joined in. 
“What’cha guys eating tonight?” 
“Meatloaf and mashed potatoes,” I replied. 
“Oh, god, that sounds so good. I'm thinking of Chinese at the moment.” 
“Someday we’ll go to China,” I vowed. “Hopefully.” 
“Yeah, hopefully,” John chuckled, albeit a nervous chuckle. 
“And hopefully, we become a cult in our own rite as well,” Lou joked, and John chuckled again, that time around a heartier chuckle. 
“The cult of Testament with the cult of The Cult,” I added. 
“Maybe we can get both bands to come together on the stage,” John suggested with a clearing of his throat. 
“Yeah, we’d like a little bit of your meat, John,” Lou cracked, and he laughed out loud at that. 
“A little bit of your meat with some salsa as well,” I added. 
“Salsa, as in—dance?” he asked us. 
“Salsa as in play your ass,” I clarified, and he laughed again. “The three of us, getting down and getting with it through our asses and our bellies.” 
“I like how we’re talking about Alex, next thing we know, we’re talking about circle jerking to one another.” John let out another bout of loud laughter over the phone right then, and then he fell into complete silence. 
“What’re you thinking about?” I asked him. 
“You asking me or Lou?” John piped up. 
“Both of you, actually.” 
“I’m thinking about a lot of things,” John confessed, that time in a lower sound of voice. “Thinking about dinner, thinking about rehearsal and tours...” 
“Yes, but what are you thinking about, John?” Lou clarified for me, even with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. 
“Are you thinking about us?” I followed up. 
“As a matter of fact, I am,” he said, still with a low sound of voice. “I am thinking about you guys. I am thinking about—both of our bands getting together up on stage and having some fun together. I am thinking about—all of us, sweaty and in the nude, too.” 
“In the nude and with nothing more than our instruments to protect us,” I followed along with another bite of meatloaf into my mouth. 
“Nothing more, nothing less,” he continued. “I’m not gonna lie to you guys. I do think about these things a lot. I think about bands getting together and performing onstage in the nude. I think about it with Anthrax, especially.” 
“Especially with you and the ‘Not’ Man mask on your head?” I asked him, and he cleared his throat at that. 
“The ‘Not’ Man stays on during the act,” he assured us, and Lou almost spat out his meatloaf at that. 
“Well, if the ‘Not’ Man stays on, then I shall whip out my sword,” I said still with a straight face; I looked over at Lou, who brought a hand up to his mouth, and a soft pinkish blush bloomed across his face. John let out a shuddered sigh, and I knew we were going places with him. 
“Tell me, John,” I started again. “What’re you wearing right now?” 
“If I say what I'm wearing, you ought to say what you’re wearing right now, Eric,” he quipped back at me. 
“Go ahead,” I said with the tines of the fork pressed up to my lips. 
“I’m wearing nothing but my underwear right now,” he started. “It’s stretchy and light blue and it looks like it could come right off if you tug on it too hard.” 
“Oh, damn,” I started. 
“You got anything else on?” Lou piped up right then; I looked over at him and the fact that he still had his hand up to his mouth to stifle some laughter. 
“My body is all oiled up with some coconut oil,” he continued, and all the while, his voice was low and silky, as if he was right there next to us and propped up on a pillow. “You know, I've got those lanky drummer arms like Lou does.” I shifted my weight and my heart skipped a few beats at that. “My hair is wet, like I'm combing right now—” Indeed, there was the sound of the teeth of a comb grating on his end. “I’ve got a little beard going on right now, and I kind of want you fellas to touch it—” 
“Whoa,” I blurted out. 
“I want you fellas to touch it and then get me off right here on the couch,” he continued, still in a low voice. “Frankie’s gonna be filming the whole entire thing, too.” 
“Frankie Bello?” Lou choked out. I looked over at him again and the fact that he had set his empty plate off to the side and spread his legs apart. I could feel it moving between my legs as well. 
“You bet,” John continued; at that point, his voice was almost down to a whisper. “Frankie’s gonna film it and—we’re all going to enjoy the damned thing.” 
“Am I going to be naked and cook for all of us?” I asked him; I really had to use the bathroom right then. 
“If you want to, Eric,” he said with a slight little chuckle. “Be careful, I might put some of my New York beats into that chili you’re making, too.” He chuckled at that again. Lou and I glanced at one another. 
“He’s too good,” he mouthed at me, and I nodded at him. 
“Some New York beats into a vat of chili, and then we’re gonna salsa around with our asses out in the open—” 
I pressed the button and hung up. Lou let out a low whistle. 
“Damn,” I muttered. 
“Yeah, that was hot,” he said. “And you were surprised by me.” 
“Phew. I really have to use the toilet now, too.” 
“I do, too,” he added. “I’m a little afraid to get up, though.” 
“It’s okay, you just ease up to your feet like you’re balancing a Faberge egg on your shoulder—would you like seconds?” 
“Please. May as well, since Alex isn’t here.” 
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, October 20
BUFFY: Remember that. Not a being in here wouldn't be glad to rip your throat out. CLEM: Buffy? Girl, how ya been? BUFFY: Clem! (gets a good look at him) You look great, so toned. (they hug) ... CLEM: Oh, my God! It is so good to see you! I saw this great show on the History Channel the other night that I knew you would love, and then something went all flooey with my TiVo. BUFFY: You know what? Can I talk to you for a second over here? (Buffy and Clem step away and Buffy whispers something in Clem's ear.) KENNEDY: (under her breath, to Rona) You think she dated him too?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Night Buffy Was Bested by ILLYRIAN (Buffy, Willow, Xander, unrated)
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The Cyclone by myrabeth (COMPLETE! Spike/Buffy, unrated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not - Ch. 1 by hulettwyo (Spike/Buffy, Xander/Willow, E)
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Got Your Six - Ch. 12 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Après - Ch. 20 by Ninereeds (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Seven - Ch. 32 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Daughter of Aurelius - Ch. 52 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Did You Ever Know - Ch. 4 by violettathepiratequeen (PG)
Consequences of Bargaining - Ch. 11 by All4Spike (PG-13)
Baby Love - Ch. 22 by Niamh (NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: my friend asked me if I wanted a portrait, I couldn't resist by malvydaina (Buffy, Faith, worksafe)
Artwork: Doppelgangland She’s Back—and in Glorious Color by goofwarrior (Vamp Willow including process video, worksafe)
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Sims: BTVS (Cuff It) [sims dancing] I hope you like it. Just something silly by Spritebubblegum (Buffy and others, worksafe)
Artwork: Sailor Spuffy’s Tattoo Parlor by cawthraven (worksafe)
Icons: Rachel's Banners - Page 9 by RachM (various, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22: 5.14 Crush by handsofabitterman
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PODCAST: Struck by Baby Lightning - Angel S03E10 by Pop Culture Role Call
[Recs & In Search Of]
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[novel recs with synopsis and] Who is excited about the new Buffy novel series (starting with "Bloody fool for love: A Spike prequel" by William Ritter)? recommended by 312Michelle
Spuffy fanfic reccomendations? requested by Ok-Musician2210
[Fandom Discussions]
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idle thought #406 by madimpossibledreamer
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Wait, is Giles actually a librarian? by neurodivergentdisaster
consistently funny to me that the library [has a big ass cage in it] by juniperhillpatient
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Why do you love season 2 of BTVS? by Willow Tara
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What if Angelus got the Chip instead of Spike? by Almighty_Push91
Thoughts On Season 6? by Defvac2
The Xander Harris Challenge (say something nice about him) hosted by HummusOffensive
Just finished 'You're welcome' in AtS by Raven_Ann
The article from 1999: Why the controversial finale of 'Buffy' didn't air last night [3x22 postponed] by Elementaryfan
Beer Bad is a great episode. by MistyNarwhal
What is the worst season across both shows? by rednax2009
what are our favourite scariest episodes of the show? by Specific_Purple_6017
Why Angel and Spike handle their souls differently by Athoshol
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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The Third and final date is now almost sold out [BTVS meetup in the UK] by Novel-Chicken8422
James Marsters has covid
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neonreflections23 · 11 months
~Blissful Death~
Chapter Three
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Fandom- Identity V
Paring- Naib Surbedar (Mercenary) x Oc
Au- Man in Red Essence, loosely following the essence trailer and skin descriptions
Major Content Warnings- Implications and Mentions of Torture, Prominent Themes of Death
Word Count- 4763
Chapter Summary- The Banquet is now and Ulysses was ready to party until a young man cut to disturb the festivities. Even with the glits and glamor, there is something seriously wrong here, it even has taken ahold of a dear friend.
Notes/Comments- This is the longest chapter I have at the moment and I am predicting chapter four will be even longer with what I have planned. Chapter four is currently being worked on and will take me some time, but please enjoy the three chapters I have so far! I had way too much fun making Naib a major bitch ass in this one. Also I lowkey made an office reference cause I couldn’t stop laughing at the idea.
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Both Ulysses and his stomach yawned as he shuffled out of the blackened room. Naib was nowhere to be seen when he woke up in bed alone, most likely taking care of personal affairs for the day. Though, when Ulysses got into his room to change into a modest outfit, his stomach once again cried out. It's been a while since he ate proper food but with the prospect of a feast coming, it’s hard not to salivate at thinking of potentially delicious dishes on an elaborate table! He can hardly wait!
Knock knock
He opened the door to see a tall-necked woman waiting for him. She looked lovely, but it seems there is a flower covering part of her face! That's not even the strangest detail, she is carrying a cat that is as big as a human! It has a piercing gaze that conveyed it would do anything to protect its owner.
“The Lord has sent me to fetch you for the feast we shall have this morning and into the dusk. Are you ready to join us or do you need some time to get ready for the day?” She inquired, stroking the thin black cat.
“I just need to finish getting a proper outfit on and freshen up. I’ll be quick!” He replied as he threw on a lovely coat adorned with ornate detailing. The colors complimented his pink hair and eye, so it was nice to wear such an ensemble rather than what he used to wear back home where it was just simple shirts and slacks. He soon quickly dashed into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get his hair tamed. “Alright! I’m ready!”
“Then follow me and Apostle to the banquet hall. The Lord has a special seat for you near him. You are quite blessed to be able to sit alongside him. I’m quite jealous!”
The walk through the castle grounds was full of chatter compared to being guided by Violetta. The tall servant introduced herself, Ann, and her feline friend, Apostle, the inseparable duo. Before the Man in Red saved them, she told of how the world punished her for her strong faith and she was left alone only having a cat to accompany her in this cruel plane. It was until the community sheltered the two that they could finally worship and remain at peace.
“They do worship here..?”
“Yes. We all praise and serve our Lord as he is the gateway to eternal life. He saves our souls from natural death as we feed him our fear and dismay. We all last endlessly as long as we are with him.”
“Really? How is that true?”
“I was supposed to die due to a fatal illness I contracted thanks to my time without a home or proper sustenance. By giving up the fear of my heart to our Lord, my mind and soul were freed and so was the pain.
This all took place six years ago when the coven was growing quickly.”
“I see…I am glad he was able to help you and that you are alive and well.” He fell silent. There was a strange urke at the entire conversation. Worship, eternal life, fear? He didn’t want to question the implications of it all as it is a special day. Better not try to ruin it by asking unnecessary questions. Questioning the very group who saved him would be impolite anyway.
The three soon entered into a large banquet hall, a long table was set full of mouth-watering food, yet there were some odd plates and containers in the mix. As they got closer, passing through some crowds of people who were waiting, Ulysses gagged at the sight. There was an assortment of insects and worms wriggling on some plates! Ann seemed to take notice as she was quick to usher him to the very end of the table where a rogue and silver throne stood. The chair near it looks extremely comfortable with royal purple cushioning and small hanging stars and crosses on its frame. It looks brand new compared to all the other decorated seats at the table and it even was tailored just for him with its aesthetic.
“Please sit and wait for our Lord. Once he has come, you can partake of the dishes on the table.” She was about to take her seat, but she paused looking at her lord’s chair. Ann quickly touched its frame before frantically making her way to her seat farther down, setting Apostle down to explore the area.
After a few minutes, the entire congregation sat at the table waiting patiently for the host. Across from where he was seated, a man in a large-brimmed hat was shooting Ulysses skeptical glances. When the unicorn asked for his name to hopefully quell his curiosity, he simply stated “Kevin Ayuso.” before ignoring him completely. Violetta was quick to scold Kevin on his poor manners as she hunched her large shell in an empty spot next to Ulysses.
“Don’t mind him! He works closely with our Lord and is one of his most trusted servants. Kevin is just jealous of the special attention you received when he should be happy for you.” She stressed the last three words casting an annoyed look at the servant’s way. “He was a former cowboy before he sought refuge here. He can’t shake the habit of not trusting our new members even when he was appointed as assistant to the Lord.”
“Assistant Lord. I keep things in order while he is out taking care of personal affairs. Yesterday I had to make sure this place didn’t fall apart while our Lord was wasting time watching over this guy while he was in brief comatose!” Kevin snapped to correct her.
“Assistant to the Lord.”
“Least I don’t carry useless burning flowers everywhere!”
“At least I haven’t attempted to take our Lord’s place in the past and play god.” Violetta was quick to shut him down, he was reduced to grumbling curses at her. The spider turned toward her newfound friend, switching the subject. “Don’t worry too much about fitting in and pleasing everyone. As long as the Lord adores you, that’s all that matters.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.” Even with that reassurance, it was hard to ignore Kevin staring in frustration as the wait continued.
The stifling delay thankfully was put to an end as the sound of heels against hardstone signaled Naib’s arrival. Kevin jumped at the sound, nervously pouring red wine into a dark goblet for his master. Everyone sitting seemed on edge from excitement. The Man in Red soon stood by his throne and raised the cup, smiling with beaming confidence.
“Subjects. Today is a momentous occasion as we welcome our newest member to our sacred cause after five long quiet years. We shall share the fruits of our labor with our new friend and make merry. We will dine, drink, and dance until nightfall! Before we begin, do you have any words to say, Ulysses?”
“Uh!” He felt like he was being put on the spot. He almost dropped the wine glass as he got up to meet everyone’s gazes. “Yes, I do! Um. I just wanted to thank you all for welcoming me. I don’t truly know if I will stay or eventually leave, but I am just happy that I am not treated like some kind of outsider-“
“But you are! He doesn’t belong here!” A voice cried out. A young man in blue slammed his palms on the table to make himself known. His anger wasn’t even directed at Ulysses, his scowl was on Naib. “My Lord, you brought someone not of this world and held him against his will. Why are you so set on this without thinking about it?!”
Ulysses was about to interject before Naib put a gloved hand over his mouth, gently caressing it with his thumb.
“Now is not the time or place Edgar. If you wanted to ask me this, you should have done so without causing a scene like the immature child you are.” The entire table was swept in silent giggling and laughter, it seemed that Naib was bathing the energy of it all. “I chose to have Ulysses here to have a proper home as he wished. There is no captivity. I granted him his wish just as I have with you and many others.”
“For your information, I am eighteen, you are just seven years older than me-“
“Yes, yes. We all know that. We all attended your birthday party last year.”
“You didn’t tell him about what you did, did you?”
“I know not what you speak of-”
“The prisoner you brought! You and your lackeys have brought someone from the Overworld and shoved him in the dungeon! I saw all of it before you went to your quarters last night. I saw how you tried to get information outta him by beating and tormenting the man!” Ulysses’s blood ran cold upon hearing this revelation, he gave a worried look to Naib but he was quick to unhand him and speak louder.
“That man I brought in was an intruder meaning to harm our guest. I found him while in the Overworld making a trip to the Safe Side. He was in my garden looking for Ulysses to kill him. I brought him to the dungeon to figure out what he wanted and why he was so intent on murdering him. He told me what happened and how he and the townspeople drove Ulysses away. This was a private matter that was resolved. There was no need to pry over something that never concerned you.”
“No excuses. You are lucky I am gracious and won’t punish you for meddling in private affairs and speaking out of turn. Now, sit down and enjoy your food and drink.” The brunette shut himself up and slumped in his chair as everyone continued to hide their amusement. Naib waved a gesture to the corner where a long-haired gentleman, a woman in a dark nurse’s outfit, and another in ballet wear stood at the ready with various instruments. Their melodies filled the air as the entire room was filled with merrymaking. It was as the Lord deemed it even as his guest was trying to make sense of the sudden news. No room for questioning. Just the absolute. Even if everyone is now set on partying, the pit in his stomach never went away as he sat uncomfortably in silence. Yet the unicorn couldn’t help but stare in awe and get settled in the mood while partaking in the dishes before him, scarfing at each delicious mouthful. Both Violetta and Naib chuckled at the sight, on the other hand, he looked at them in horror as they casually devoured the bugs and worms from their plates. Just witnessing it almost made him lose his appetite if it weren’t for the fact he was beyond famished.
Once he ate his fill, Ulysses went onto the dance floor to enjoy the music. It was easy to get lost in it as he was now prancing and swaying to the flow. The song they played was one he used to sing back home, back when he used to get chased away and shunned for his looks, back when things were different.
His voice lifted as he sang to his heart's content knowing his voice would be drowned out by the merriment. It felt like time was frozen and all there was was him being swept up in the music. His frustrations and worries faded as the song progressed to its climax.
“Sweet soul from beyond the garden wall,
Won't you stay warm with me this fall?
The autumn chill will redden your face,
So come inside and take your place.
The warm fire will soothe your soul,
as I lay with you and let the warmth take hold.
Sweet souls from beyond the garden wall,
Won’t you stay with me this fall?
The autumn chill will redden your face,
So come inside and take your place.
How I wish for these days to last, but soon the autumn will pass.
Sweet soul, please return soon as I will long for you,
Don’t let the winter turn you blue.
Won't you stay with me?”
The performance was put to an end and the entire dance floor was showered in applause. It was alien to him. The crowd had smiles on their faces instead of ones of annoyance or anger. It all was genuine. Even the grouch of an assistant was applauding from his seat as he and Naib were discussing matters, though it is easy to see that the lord wasn’t paying attention to the topic at hand and was itching to dance.
Even as the merriment progressed, Ulysses got to dance with almost anyone who asked and drank a fair amount of booze. A tipsy idea formed. Why not ask Naib to dance? Everyone is too drunk or too scared to, so he might as well do so. Ulysses weaved through the dance floor and shuffled over to the throne. Naib seemingly perked up at the sight of him now giving Kevin the hand, which made the other sputter in frustration.
“My Lord-“
“Ah ah! Remember what I said yesterday.”
“Right, right. I just came to ask if you would like to dance with me, Naib.”
“No one has ever asked me to dance before. How sweet of you! Come! Let’s go before Kevin bores me to death!” Naib jeered as he took Ulysses by the hand and ran onto the dance floor before Kevin was about to make a retort. They both were laughing and jiving as the music now was in a lively tune and just seemingly felt like they were in a world of their own making, one of just joy and carelessness. Kevin tried to weave through the roaring crowd, but he was soon blocked out of the forming crowd now watching the two. From awe or shock? A mixture of both as the members felt it was even unheard of to dance with the Lord of the Castle, it was like seeing a new side to their fearless leader dancing with his new favorite guest. Naib was soon made aware of the watchful eyes and the music coming to a stop, he cast an annoyed glance at everyone and waved them away. “Ugh. Nosy subjects truly irritate me.”
“What was that about? Why are they surprised to even see you dancing?” The music soon played again into a soft waltz and they took each other into a simple box step to the rhythm seeing the crowd disperse into dance pairings or back sitting at the table, Ulysses now speaking slightly above a whisper.
“Oh don't mind them, they are just jealous. Like I said, no one really asks me to dance and yet they seem offended you are the first to do so. Ironic to think about really. I usually spend events like these sitting at the throne watching it all and talking with Kevin or Margaretha.” He quickly nodded over to the ballet dancer playing in the band where she waved over. “I never danced with anyone, not for years anyway. The last I can remember was back when I was a boy when my father ruled before me.”
“Ah, well I’m glad to be one of the first. You deserve to have fun too, even if you are some leader.”
“I’d rather it be you than anyone else to be honest. Most are either too scared or never act on anything. You? I’ll take as many dances as I can get, even if we would dance til dawn and dusk.” He was about to hold the unicorn closer, but he faltered and heaved a sigh. “But I suppose you have a lot of questions about what Edgar was talking about earlier, don’t you?”
“Um- Yes actually. Why did you bring the prisoner here? Why didn’t you let him go?”
“Why would I let someone with the intent to kill go back home? He was one of many who drove you away from your home. It is only right to take him away from his.” Naib’s demeanor darkened with his statement. “I am surprised you are wanting to give mercy to a man who wants to kill you.”
“Well he never did succeed in that plan, and I doubt he will try again from what Edgar said. You pretty much put him out of commission!”
“I didn’t. I was just administering due punishment. The prisoner is fine and is just in confinement for now. I will figure out what to do with him soon.”
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“Promise me you won’t hurt him again. Your words aren’t convincing me, so promise me.” Ulysses raised his pinky finger once they both stopped dancing. “Swear on it.”
“You still believe in the power of pinky swear? Makes me feel nostalgic.” Naib locked his gloved pinky finger with the other. “If that’s what pleases you, then so be it. I swear I won’t hurt him, even for information.”
They separated the finger lock and went back dancing the day away. The hours were a blur as many of the congregation had long since left and some stayed behind to clean up after the party. Naib even had to leave to tend to some matters, but Ulysses stayed to clean up the table, though he jumped when he saw one of the “dishes” crawl away from the table. Thank goodness he never ate any beetle or worm that was offered…
“Hey, you!” The unicorn turned to see it was Edgar standing before him bearing an annoyed mug. “I need a word with you privately.”
“Why? You can just talk to me here.”
“Too many people around who’ll eavesdrop! You saw how everyone here is a busybody from how everyone stared at you and the Lord.” Edgar quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking their way, but everyone was too set on cleaning up to even bother. “Look, just come with me.” He didn’t bother asking as he just tore the unicorn away from the dining hall and went to a dark corner deep within the halls of the castle. “You are in danger if you stay here and I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation. You need to get out before something happens to you!”
“Why? Everyone here has been nothing but kind to me. Even the Lord-“
“He hasn’t told you the truth! Have you ever wondered why he’s been treating you like some pampered prince just within the two days you are here?”
“I have, but I asked him about it yesterday night-“
“And he told you that you were soulmates? You really buy that bullshit?”
“How did you know that?! Wait. Were you spying on us?!”
“I had no choice. I had to figure out why he acted the way he did. He never treated anyone in this castle that special before. He may be good friends with his inner circle and acts charming to all of us, but he never went as far as he did with you.
Have you met him before? Give it to me straight!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about! Back home, there were legends about him wandering the dangerous side of the woods, but that was pretty much all I knew of him! I was even surprised to see he even existed cause those stories are usually told to keep children from going into dangerous places!”
“Yeah yeah yeah. When did those stories come about? Hm? Answer me that!”
“About 10 years ago. Why?”
“Fuck. He really has been looking for you.”
“Edgar spit it out! What do you mean he was looking for me?! You are scaring me a bit!”
“Look, when I eavesdropped on you two, I didn’t know when you went to bed, but I know that when you were asleep he was talking about how much he missed you and kept wondering if your eye healed.” Ulysses froze, only looking more confused and worried the more he talked. “That’s why I was asking if you knew him before. Since you don’t, then there are three possibilities. One, you may have lost your memory of him through time or by force, two, you never were associated with him and he sees you as a different person, or three, he is being delusional from loneliness. I am more inclined to think of the first option.”
“W-well I never met him! Even if I try to remember him from before our meeting, nothing comes up. I am just surprised that he even knows that my right eye was damaged.” Ulysses took off his eyepatch and opened his bad eye to show it was completely grayed out. “I can’t see out of it, but back when I was small it hurt almost every day unless my mother applied special medicine on it.”
Edgar inspected his face closely and just heaved a defeated sigh. Ulysses was quick to tie the eyepatch back on.
“I don’t know if Naib had something to do with it, but it’s hard to even ignore the facts. You two must’ve known each other and I am gonna find the truth. If you remember anything, tell me immediately! He purposely lied about how he knew you, so don’t fall for any more of his lies.”
“If that’s the case, I shouldn’t have made him promise to not hurt the prisoner he brought-“
“Promise? You should’ve been specific when making that promise! Follow me!”
Edgar soon ran off leaving Ulysses to stumble trying to keep up. The lad dashed through the halls and it soon got harder and harder to see as they both were reaching the depths of the castle. The door to the dungeon was ajar, so Edgar was quick to get inside and run through the empty jail until he reached the very end. There lay a man in the candlelight in a shoddy cot heaving sobs as he held onto the chain on his neck. Ulysses gasped at the sight and tried to get the door open to no avail. Locked. Edgar took notice and was quick to pull a hairpin out and started to work the lock.
“Hey! Are you okay?!” The figure jolted up and ran to the bars in disbelief seeing the unicorn. “Luca?! What are you doing here?! You got a black eye!”
“Ulysses! I am so happy to see you! I’ve been stuck down here for hours and I saw the Man In Red! He stood there letting his servants just beat me up for info and asking why I came to find you.”
“I never would’ve expected you of all people to do so! Why were you on the Other Side?”
“The townspeople drew straws to decide which of the men would go and hunt you down and I just so happened to be unlucky!”
“You know this guy?” Edgar was puzzled as he jimmied the lock open with Luca running out and hugging the two. The lad in blue was quick to squirm out of the embrace leaving Luca to just squeeze the unicorn.
“You have no idea how happy I am! I wish they didn’t force me to go out in those woods and end up getting captured. At least I know you are safe, Uly!”
“Ulysses, please explain who this idiot is!”
“Luca is a friend of mine who was the only one who never drove me away. He and his family are one of the nicer people in the entire town. He and I tend to explore the beach sometimes and he’d collect hermit crabs to bother his stepdad with.”
“Hey! I wanted to finish Plan ‘Annoy the shit out of Alva’ today, but I got dragged into this! I am just relieved that the red guy and his goons didn’t come back at all today.”
“Wait,” Edgar interjected. “The Lord never came down here?” He furrowed his brows now letting that sink in. “He didn’t plan on torturing you because of Ulysses.”
“Wait, Uly stopped him?”
“More specifically made him promise not to hurt you. Naib never is good with promises as you’d have to be specific about them to avoid his dumb loopholes. Seems to me that doesn’t apply to Ulysses.”
They both looked at the unicorn and he couldn’t help but feel small in their gazes. He was about to comment, but the sound of heels echoed through the halls. Naib is approaching! The trio scurried with Luca going back and laying in his cell cot and Edgar quickly locking the door, both the lad and unicorn ran into a dark cell to hide under the cot within. They hid their breaths as the clicking of heels against the stone grew closer.
Naib soon came into view and stood before Luca’s cell now smiling and chuckling to himself. He knocked at the bars which made the prisoner meet his gaze.
“I came to check on you as I mentioned yesterday. Today’s feast was a wonderful time and I even brought you treats from the party.” He gloated as he dug into his pockets and threw worms and bugs into the cell. Luca yelped as he was quick to brush away the assault of vermin, the scene made Naib laugh even more. “Ah, but don’t worry if I am going to hurt you. I made a special promise to my special guest that I wouldn’t. You got off quite lucky to have been shown such unconditional mercy from the very person you were going to kill.”
“I keep tellin’ ya, I never came to kill him! I was forced to!”
“Save it. You had a knife in your hand and the intent to kill. No one dares cross over to my garden and expects to get away with it.”
“What about Ulysses?! He doesn’t get punished?!”
“What about him? He returned to me after years of separation. That’s all that matters. You are just an urchin who came uninvited.” Naib spat at the floor with his face twisting in disgust. “You do not know how special he is or the value of his soul. Ulysses doesn’t deserve any more punishment as I was the one who plagued his eye by accident.”
Both Edgar and Ulysses exchanged looks, one filled with terror at the confession.
“Why bother telling me this anyway?”
“Because you won’t be escaping that cell and blabbering about it. That I know for a fact. If I dare find out you even escaped or been outside this cell in secret, I might have to break my promise. Understand?”
The prisoner gulped down his nerves as the Man In Red took his leave out of the dungeon. Edgar and Ulysses let out a breath now seeing it’s safe now as they crawled and got up from hiding.
“Hey Uly, you good?”
“I don’t know, but I know for damn sure we can’t break you out yet. We can’t leave you in there either or else he’ll keep tormenting you like that.”
“Hey don’t worry about me being here. If I’m being honest, this is the safest place for me cause I know he won’t do shit if I stay. Blue boy did say you have favor with him, so maybe you can convince him to free me!”
“You really think that’s gonna work?” Edgar was quick to cut in. “I mean, you saw him. He is beyond reason!”
“Yeah, but we gotta give it a shot or else me and Luca are stuck here. This world isn’t our home.” Ulysses went up to the bars and held the prisoner’s hand tightly. “I’ll do what I can to let you out. It might take me a while, but I’ll do my best.”
“Gotcha. I’ll wait patiently for any news. Just go for now. I’m afraid that butterfly bitch is gonna come back and I don’t want you two to get caught.”
The trio exchanged goodbyes, Edgar and Ulysses left the dungeon, and the two went their separate ways. It took time to get to the residential sect of the castle, but the unicorn stopped to look at the seventh door again. He debated looking inside, but he shook off the growing feeling.
Too many discoveries in one day. Maybe it is best not to understand and just take in the information given.
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gffa · 2 years
I'm pretty new to the sw tumblr fandom, would you mind telling me what the pro/anti jedi "discourse" is about? absolutely understand if you don't have the time for that of course haha
Hi! Oh, I’ve tried like five separate times to write a short summary of What Jedi Discourse Is About, but it’s hard for me to put into a nutshell, because I really want to try to be fair and objective, but also I have experienced a lot of shit in this fandom and I’ve lost a lot of patience for it.  (This is not aimed at you!  This message was totally fine, I’m just still disgusted with some people’s behaviors towards other fans..) As short as I can make it:  While people run the gamut from “the Jedi were monsters and a cult and they hated Anakin and it was their fault he fell and Order 66 was totally deserved” to “well, the Jedi were pretty awful, but the babies didn’t deserve to be murdered, I guess” to “the Jedi did some things wrong and some things right” to “the Jedi were right and their decisions were understandable because there just weren’t any good choices”, and many people are incredibly insufferable about it along the way, whether anti-, neutral-, or pro-, as all subsections of fandom are, and there is a very common tendency for pro-Jedi fans to get bombarded with people trying to argue with them. (There was a time when I literally could not make one single post about the Jedi without someone trying to tell me how wrong I was.  This is why my anon is off and why I block when people are only here to argue.  Things are calmer now, but sometimes people still get a bug up their ass and won’t leave us alone--sometimes for literally A YEAR they’ll keep badgering someone.) The discourse is usually centered around the definition of “attachment”, whether or not the Jedi were a cult, the idea that the Jedi suppress emotions, the Jedi were baby thieves, the Jedi were totally cool with slavery, the Jedi were corrupt and stagnant and bad for being drafted into the war, the Jedi were super mean to Anakin and it’s their fault he fell, the Jedi weren’t blood families so they don’t really count as family, the Jedi kiiiiiiinda deserved their own genocide because they weren’t nice enough, etc. There are plenty of people who are chill about their Jedi criticisms and I usually get along pretty well with them (babes, this post isn’t about you guys, I promise), but there are a LOT of people whose behavior is fucking atrocious towards pro-Jedi fans and that has kind of poisoned the water between us in a lot of ways, so when we’re talking about the shitty behavior in fandom, it’s about the people who just will not leave us alone or who constantly feel the need to come yell at us on our posts. Basically, it’s about a lot of different issues (I feel like if I listed them all, it’d just be starting things up again), usually centered on whether or not the Jedi were emotionally healthy, whether or not they were corrupt for fighting in the war, and whether or not they were responsible for Anakin’s choices.  Pro-Jedi fans feel that Lucas’ commentary is very “the Jedi are right about the Force and they really didn’t have any better options about joining the war and Anakin’s fall is his own fucking fault” and that a lot of criticisms the Jedi get are bad faith, unsupported by the actual source material, or outright racist because of their Buddhist influences and that much of what gets criticized is those Buddhist origins. But it’s a complex, many-tentacled issue, so that’s the best overview I can give, as well as, you know, I am pro-Jedi so my experiences are from the pro-Jedi side, I register these things far stronger than someone who has a different experience!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Storm you will not believe this. Kind of old but I was waiting for help to translate this to English. Hopefully the following story will make you laugh in pure disbelief and not make you too angry. So I’m trying to make army friends in my country (non-English speaking) so I joined a group chat to get to know some new people. It’s going well, and we tend to talk about topics once bangtan bombs or vlives go up etc. So around the time BTS on corden dropped, there’s a pic of Corden carrying JM where JM’s lower half looks wowww. I bring this up in passing amongst a slew of compliments to the other members too, add a lil peach emoji, but nothing too much- pretty much standard praise for our chat. One of the members of the chat replies to my JM message ‘Hmm I don’t see it. Tae has the nicest ass in the group let’s be real’ . At this point I’m confused and affronted cause - 1. Blasphemy and RUDE 2. Even If that’s your opinion I didn’t ask!! and 3.There’s certain features that members get particular praises for, otherwise army (and the members!) wouldn’t have coined phrases like namtiddies, CGV, worldwide shoulders etc. So while, absolutely Tae has a lovely booty, let’s not act like that diminishes that there is a whole fandom dedicated to jibooty alone, including Mr. you-have-to-touch-his-thighs himself (war of hormone Tae, I’m also looking at you!!!). So I’m looking at this message and this message is looking at me, and for the life of me I don’t know how to reply nicely. Thankfully someone changes the topic of conversation and the other members promptly follow suit. One of the ppl in the chat private messages me and apologises for what happened and says that it happens ALL THE TIME and that the girl is a tkkr, as if that explains anything?!?! I ask them for more clarity and they explain ‘She doesn’t like it when people praise jimin’s booty so she tries to convince others that tae’s is better, cause tkk are together and jk as the type of guy that he is must like the guy with the better figure’. So I’m looking at this message and this message is looking at me, and so I leave my phone, wash my eyes and come back to the same message, which is still looking at me. I have lost all brain cells, my desire to live and my faith in humanity. Ladies, nb’s and gentlemen, jimin is not allowed to have an objectively nice booty because of tkk. Apparently this is something some tkkrs have gotten into trouble for before. Storm, I must estimate that I have lost 7 years of my life because of this. The connotations of this scream homophobia, fetishisation, sexism and sex negativity to name a few, holy hell. Do you know when something is so dumb you just have to laugh or you’ll lose your mind? This is a 21+ group, someone over the age of 21 thinks like this!!! Needless to say, I did leave this gc, since they allowed this behaviour to go unchecked long enough for their to be history of altercations. Extra tidbits - 1. This only applied to jimin and not the other members (no shit sherlock) though yoonbooty and tiny waist jk have been brought up and praised before (as they should, kings!) 2. Same applied whenever anyone brought up jm’s lips too, but not Jin who is co-member of the bratz line (hmmm I wonder why). I knew that some tkkrs were bad, but the fact that someone would be so pressed that they can’t even let jibooty be, has really taken me to a place of disgust I doubt I can ever recover from…Anyways who needs army friends when I have BTS and your blog, am I right!!! What are some of your fav jibooty and bratz jm moments? Mine are the aforementioned James corden pants or let me keep you warm by slapping the jibooty and lip makeup for the blood sweat and tears m/v and stages.
Well.... thats... alot.... lmao I'm glad you left that GC. I don't care whose ass you prefer lmao to do so only because of a ship is weird as heck and clearly its for the reasons of being a petty bxtch only then. But regardless. Anon. If my husband questions as to why I have a bunch of ass photos on my phone now, imma send him your way. Thank you! Lol I'm going to throw in a lot of members appreciating the jibooty gifs though too
Thanks for showing off Jimin...
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Take it easy Tae 😂🤣 he is just really out here staring hard lmao
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We've lost Jungkook.... 😂
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Took your time there Yoongi....
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Yes, I agree Jin 🤣😂
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Choose, part 4. (Reader x Jack Sparrow or Will Turner. )
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean, Will Turner, Jack Sparrow.
Warnings: None lmao
Words: 2.3 K
First - Former - Next
It's been a while since my last update, so here you go!
One year had passed since the faithed night in Tortuga, where Y/N left everything she once knew behind, to seek the truth she needed to find within. One eventful year where she had gone alone through more than most would in their lifetime. Travelling along with different crews, battling across the seas and polishing her hastily growing reputation as one of the most fearsome pirates the world has ever seen. None dared voice their annoyance with her being a woman, for she had allies all across the seven seas. She had seen so much of the world, her confidence grown and her heart set aflame with adventure. Y/N was an even finer pirate and woman than she had been ever before.
Other pirates either wished to be her or be with her, the secrets of many slipped into her ears. It amused the young woman, and the many who worked in the brothels along the coasts. When Y/N needed information, it was not other pirates or navy officials she sought out. No, it was the brothels’ gossip she tuned her ears to. For the women there knew far more of the world than any other. All news came to their homes and it was all available for the famous pirate.
She had earned an even better reputation with them as well, as she sought out the women there the first thing she did each time she came ashore. She treated them kindly, paid for their food and brought along gifts, treating them like friends. Her actions earned her a handsome reputation with the women, and in each town she could always find a loyal embrace to keep her safe. After all, the women of the brothels ruled the cities from the shadows. To anger one of them was to anger an underground nation.
Y/N’s locks had grown long since the night one year ago, her clothing expensive and proud on her frame. A treat she gave herself due to her wide success in both informal and formal businesses. She was a true pirate, yet could strike a bargain with the British navy without a problem. After all, they too were afraid of her.
The feather on her black hat curled down to her shoulder, its size another show of her wealth and power. The weaponry which clad her shape were the most efficient, on all the ships of the sea, not even the British army able to supply her better. Only the finest for herself, the woman had decided. Dual pistols she had strapped to each side of her chest, and upon both hips she held blades, one magnificent sabre and one deadly cutlass, all adorned with the most elaborate details. These were all weapons to show, the rest she had hidden in pockets and secret departments on her curves. Small explosives and hidden blades were better kept in subtle crevices than to be seen by the naked eye when one made deals. All about the fearsome pirate screamed confidence and to show respect, and that respect she had earned many times over.
“We’ll be docked in an hour, lass,” came the captain’s voice, the merry band she was travelling with now not as roughhousing as most of her fellow pirates. Mercenaries of the law they were during the day after all, and they weren’t too keen on going out during the night when there was ale to be drunk with stories to be told in old taverns. It was a life-altering change from how they had once been, when the captain and his crew had been young and adventurous. A smirk clad Y/N’s lips when she faced the man, her fingers fiddling with the sabre’s handle. “Aye, thought it was about time to dock, Captain Henry. And still I’m not sure if I will take my leave of you when we get there, or if I will meet the navy together with you in the morrow,” her deceptive nature made the captain laugh, for he knew just how little control anyone had over the young pirate. He joined her side with a few strides to the railing, gazing at the sea from the quarterdeck.
“Aye, ye do as ye wish, lassie,” mused the older man, finding his gaze once more sought out her face. “Yer not notorious for knowing every pirate for no reason. Can’t keep ye in place forever” he snickered, his mind on the many rumours he had heard over the past year of the pirate. He had seen it himself a few times too, how the famous Y/N had stepped off one ship only to board another in the same port. Her name was known by all, whether they liked her or not. Her presence on a ship could deter a dispute between two crews, for no one wanted her gone. And those who did were quick to find themselves cornered and silenced for good after voicing such atrocious thoughts aloud.
“Oh shut your gob, “ sneered the woman in reply, earning more laughter from the captain as his head fell back to let the thunderous noise wash over the ship. A simple “Never,” Henry retaliated, winning their argument as he strode to attend his crew and ensure the docking process would flow smoothly. Y/N watched the sea for a moment longer, trained on the horizon in an attempt to find a peculiar ship. One which carried black sails. Fingers carded through her hair as she thought about her old companions, but discarded the thoughts just as quickly. A turn of her heels and the woman came to face the incoming port, nothing she wished to see there either. A defeated smile curled her lips when she ventured to help her current crew, missing the hint of black that rounded a nearby island with a course for their port.
“ Alright, lads!” with easy leaps and muscles bunched for one last jump, Y/N climbed halfway up the crow's nest and gazed down at the many faces who all gave her their full attention.
“ I’m saying this just once because Henry doesn’t seem to be able to get it through your thick skulls. If we don’t get this cargo to the bay within the first few hours of us getting to port, the taverns will be full and the brothels closed,” the crew stared at the woman, most having just woken up from their midday nap. Too many faces were disinterested, the woman sneering maliciously as she knew exactly what would get them on their feet.
“Which means, no ale and no lovers!” Y/N roared, drawing enjoyment from the panic growing in the men’s eyes. They had been at sea for a month now, and the lot needed more than the icy waters could ever offer.
“So unless you wish to mope around the ship for the entire night, alone, get to it!” the crew leapt to their feet, their rushing steps and loud cries satisfying to Y/N’s ears. The pirate’s piercing eyes found the captain who let his chest heave with a sigh, not one to question the woman’s authority. She had gotten the crew off their asses with a single threat, when he had shouted at them all day to get ready. The ship groaned when they threw down the anchor, straining against it as it still wished to traverse further. A gangplank found its hold against the port, the cargo soon to cross over it. Both the captain and Alexandra oversaw the process, to ensure their goods would be gone by the hour.
“Ye know,” Captain Henry spoke after a long while, arms crossed over his broad chest. “Ye should consider becoming a captain one day,” Y/N snapped her head to face the man, eyes threatening to fall out. “Me? A captain?” she ridiculed, shocked by his words. The captain let a snicker pass his lips at her surprise, for being able to shock the immovable Y/N was quite amusing. Work roughened hand, tainted by the deep sea came to rest on his back, clasped together.
“Just sayin’. Ye’ve got the guts and respect for it,” with a smirk the captain passed his current crewmate, stepping onto the railing. “I will leave the rest to ye, for I am in need of a drink,” a wink was sent the woman’s way before Captain Henry made his way down the docks, disappearing without a trace. His back was followed by Y/N’s incredulous gaze.
“You fucking bastard,” Y/N shouted after him, her spiteful words only a show of affection to them both. With a shake of her head and a smirk on her lips growing when she heard the captain’s faraway laughter, the pirate got back to work. With an easy step, she leapt atop the railing, gazing at the crew working by her side.
“We’re making good time, lads! If you keep this up you’re probably going to be one of the first crews of the night to get to the pubs!” Y/N encouraged them. The merry men laughed and cheered whilst their work pace increased tenfold at the praise and promises of entertainment. Even the stand-in captain dared to laugh herself, unaware of how many eyes watched her joy from far out at sea.
It started with Ragetti looking through the captain’s spyglass, minding his own business as they had yet to start preparing to get docked. When turning his eye to the port city, he could tear his wandering gaze when it laid eyes on an extremely familiar figure. Too far away to make out entirely, yet the pirate was certain of who he saw. None he had ever encountered before looked and stood like their old acquaintance.
“Oh, would you look at that!” the pirate laughed, Pintel looking over at him with a raised brow. The spyglass fell from his eye, Ragetti free hand pointing to one of the largest ships docked in the nearing port.
“Y/N is aboard Henry the Savage’s boat!” the words he spoke carried over the deck, the silence that followed deafening, the group trying to comprehend what had just been said. A moment later and the crew rushed like a stampede for the two pirates who shrieked in fright at the threatening approach. The spyglass was taken from Ragetti’s hand and passed to them all to get a look for themselves.
“I can’t see ‘er!”
“Is it really Y/N the Courageous you saw?”
“Courageous? No! Her title is the Unbeatable!
“No, she’s Y/N the Ace of the Sea! The greatest pirate yet!”
The commotion on deck drew Will and Jack from the captain’s cabin, the crew’s loud and incoherent discussions about titles and names soon finding their ears. The former blacksmith was with the crew temporarily, as he had a job to be done with them before they ventured to Port Royal. Both captain and his companion froze in their steps when a well-known name echoed across the crew over and over. A shocked gaze was shared, but the two strode forth together for they could not believe in illusions just because a name was mentioned a few times.
“Right. What’s all this then?” came from the captain’s chest, the crew jumping at the sound of his voice. Jack Sparrow regarded them all with his hands propped on his hips, the loyal blacksmith at his side. Gibbs was the first to speak and took matters into hand, roughly pulling the spyglass from the nearest pirate’s. “It’s Y/N, Jack,” his words piqued further interest in the two newcomers, the two striding through the parting crew to the first mate.
“Y/N?” Will asked, unable to hide the hope that bubbled up in his voice at the mention of her name. The blue eyes grew clearer, not the wistful one’s the crew had come to be familiar with. Jack snatched the spyglass from Gibbs’ offered hand and turned to face the port. With his gaze, he followed the finger pointing at the supposedly familiar pirate. Jack froze upon seeing who they meant, eye narrowing when he stared her down. “No, it can’t be her,” the captain muttered, more to himself than anybody else.
“Far too curvy and longer hair. She didn’t look so cheerful to everyone all the time,” the jealousy and denial dripped from the captain’s tongue, the disbelief he held in his heart fading with each second.
“Can’t be her. No way, you’re all dreaming,” Jack continued before yelping as Will tore the spyglass from his hands, the force of it almost making the captain fall overboard. The blacksmith’s own gaze sought the port for the one they spoke of, his heart beating so quickly it drowned out all sound.
He too came to stand still once he found her form. She stood proud and tall upon Henry the Savage’s railing, her hand thrown out as she barked orders to the crewmates. And there on her lips was a grin, a grin that only the closest of her friends had seen before. Now as she shared it with the rest of the world, the former blacksmith’s blood boiled with jealousy.
“It’s her. There’s no way it’s not her,” Will snarled in reply to Jack’s incessant mumbling, handing the spyglass to Cotton. Will turned to the Black Pearl’s crew, and just like the woman on the other ship, began to bark orders. Where hers had been kind and joyous, he’s were angry and determined orders, none on the ship daring to stand in his way. The desperation in his anger was evident, and the fact that their own Captain Jack did nothing but mumble was a telltale sign that this was a serious matter. Otherwise, Will would have had a sword at his neck for even attempting to command the crew. Their efforts to hurry were doubled, when Jack regained his mind only to shout orders alongside his friend.
Oh, how oblivious the woman they had sought for was, for she heard none of the shouting on the nearing ship. For her well-beloved face was already being shown in one of her favourite taverns.
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
A Sweet Stranding at Sea (NSFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor x MC (Female) This fic was for one of my contest winners, @babysukeyyyy.  I’m sorry this took me so long to write, but I really hope you enjoy it anyway! 💖 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Send us some assistance and call me back as soon as you get this, Goldman,” Victor barked as he hung up the phone and slammed it down onto the kitchenette counter.
“Victor?” MC called out from the other side of the room, wrapping the fabric of her shawl snuggly around the frame of her body. “Is everything going to be alright?”
“Of course it is, dummy,” Victor sighed, massaging away at his temples. “Unlike certain individuals that come to mind, I actually always have a backup plan in place.”
The motor of the yacht Victor rented for their seaside dinner on the water faulted dead halfway through the course of their journey. MC topped off their half-full glasses with some more champagne as Victor contacted his ever-faithful assistant. Sure enough, the one time when there was a true emergency, the evolver was unsuccessful in initiating contact with Goldman. Nevertheless, he was relieved to find that his dummy was casually sipping away at the special beverage he prepared especially for this trip. A faint tapping sound could be heard from under the table MC was sitting at, and a swift glance down revealed the swaying bob of her foot. His expression instantly darkened when he recognized the gesture as her nervous tick. Racking his brain for a way to distract MC, the lightbulb went off as Victor saw his opportunity with the goblet of alcohol in her hand.
“Knowing your luck, you’ll end up passing out drunk if you finish that glass,” the CEO chided, snatching the glass away from the tispy producer. “I’ll be taking that for now.”
“Hey, you don’t know that,” MC retorted, a slight slur rolling from her tongue. She reached out to steal back the cup, but the heel of her shoe twisted and snapped off, causing MC to tumble into the buff arms of the serious man.
“Oopsie,” she giggled while nestling her head deeper against the tautness of Victor’s chest.
Lightly digging her chin into him, MC upturned her head to ensure she was locked into Victor’s eyeline. Her hand suddenly slipped down the toned muscles of his abdomen and disappeared into the band of his pants. MC’s fingers curled around his excitement that had formed, giving him a firm pump in midst savoring the way his hips bucked against her.
“Idiot, shouldn’t you be lying down instead?” Victor’s breath hitched, cursing his body for responding to the allure of her caress. MC’s well-being was always his first and foremost concern, but damn could she rile a man up with her touch alone…
“Kiss me,” MC panted, inching closer to the part of Victor’s lips. “Let’s pretend that tonight we’re the only two in the world. Lose yourself in me.”
If there was one attribute Victor prided himself on, it was his manner of restraint. He owed his success today from his prior restraint in refraining from indulgences, be it personal or professional. Victor’s self-restraint was typically one longed for when they were trying to resist their favorite sweets when on a diet, but today the CEO’s habitual desire for the fruits of delayed gratification succumbed to the will of temptation. The pads of his fingers angled around the contour of MC’s waist, earning himself a compelling yelp from his lover when he slammed her down onto the counter.
Her tongue traced along her lips, flickering them in a wetness to ease herself into taking him. Victor’s breathing intensified into labored pants as he fumbled around to unhitch the belt fasted around his pants. While MC was amused at the rare sight of Victor in a state of disarray, she was also increasingly becoming hornier. She lifted her hips to tug the panties free from her body, tossing them onto the floor to join Victor’s pants, who stood before her completely naked. Dizzy from the combination of alcohol and buzz of anticipation from seeing a full-frontal nude Victor, MC whimpered and jumped into his arms. Their lips collided and their tongues danced while exploring the other’s mouth. Victor danced around the room until he collapsed on the couch.
He flipped MC over, leaving only the view of her fine ass in his sight. This position was embarrassing, but Victor’s tongue lapping at her folds soon melted away all her inhibitions. MC aligned the angle of his cock with the entrance of her mouth. Trailing her tongue down his length, each delicate stroke she delivered was tantalizing. Satisfied by the sound of Victor’s moans ringing sweetly out into the room, MC then claimed the full the heat of his passion. Her head bobbed in tune to the lewd sounds of her arousal dripping onto Victor’s lips. She held no shame for the way her body was reacting to him, and in fact MC even felt more encouraged to let her cries of pleasure be heard when his fingers pinched at her sex to grant her the friction she yearned for.
Victor grunted in appreciation at the vison of her magnificent behind waving in his face as his fingers carried on exploring the exquisite canvas of her curves. He was taking his time worshipping every glorious inch of her womanhood with that god-like tongue of his. Her sensuous mewls were becoming louder, indicating to the CEO she was close to finishing. His cock chose that moment to twitch, urging him to lose himself into MC’s heat. They had made love enough times prior to recognize the signs they were close to their limits, and tonight was no exception that they wanted to drown in the passion of the other.
His tongue drove deeper into MC, desperate to taste more of her sweet nectar. He tugged her waist closer, madly grunting when his cock finally surrendered to the sins of his pleasure. Victor reveled at the way her body quivered from the bliss that assaulted her in the most delightful of ways as his tongue provocatively licked away the glistening aftermath. MC’s moans were becoming less frequent, and her body began to sink into his. Now concerned MC was too tired, Victor ceased his intrusion and pulled MC up onto his chest, setting his chin onto her head.
MC nestled into the warmth of Victor’s embrace. The drumming of his heartbeat left her feeling soothed and safe. The restlessness from the prospect of being stranded at sea had vanished. As long as she was by Victor’s side, she could care less where they were at-she knew in her heart of hearts that everything would be simply fine. Her eyelids grew heavy. MC fluttered her eyelashes in a vain attempt to fight the drowsiness overcoming her, but in only a few mere seconds yielded into the peaceful world of dreams.
A faint smile formed on Victor’s face while he gazed at the woman lying serenely on him. The faint smell of alcohol lingered in her natural scent radiating from her body. He could tell by her heavy breathing that MC was out like a light and declined showing signs of waking up anytime soon. Careful not to disturb MC, Victor reached down to grab his phone from the pocket of his pants. A defenseless MC grumbled something incoherent about him moving, cuddling deeper into his possession. He gently pressed a kiss onto her temple to reassure her he was not leaving, and hurriedly typed out a text message to Goldman.  
Cancel the urgency in my last order, Goldman. Come rescue us tomorrow morning instead.
Powering his phone down, Victor tossed it aside and turned his attention onto a stray strand of MC’s hair that had fallen over her eyes. Brushing her hair to the side of her face, he tucked it behind MC’s ear. He found himself growing tired but couldn’t bear the thought taking his eyes off of MC, even for the slightest of moments. Stroking the side of MC’s cheek, Victor lost track of the time as he gazed upon the beautiful sleeping face of MC, failing to notice the rising sunlight creeping into the window of the yacht.
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
You know, I've joined the Pokemon fandom only recently and I've noticed that some people in the fandom think it's kind of unethical that Pokemon are captured in balls and then "forced to fight" in Pokemon battles. You seem to like Pokemon, so I was wondering what your thoughts on that are.
I certainly don’t have my finger to the pulse of new content, but, several things of note.
Literally the first episode of the anime, as well as many others since then, have demonstrated if a pokemon doesn’t want to go into a ball they will fight it, and continue to fight it after “being tamed”. Pikachu was given to Ash “already tamed” but utterly refuses a pokeball, constantly. This is not considered abnormal, baffling, or concerning. Even the games, which simplify this for the sake of mechanics, mention at different times that legendary pokemon will challenge you specifically because they are interested in seeing you prove your worth.
In Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness, both games feature an enemy organization that manipulates pokemon into a “shadow” state that is described as shutting them down emotionally. A big thrust of the game is capturing and healing those pokemon, so it features relationship values and things that will help them heal- being sent into battle is something that help abused pokemon heal. So exceptionally vulnerable pokemon- who can be pretty much triggered and act violently or aggressively- enjoy battle.
Very much, the narrative presented by pokemon fairly consistently is a bond of souls, of person with partner, and they are working together to overcome adversity. 
I think personally, thinking of pokemon battles as like cockfighting is not really accurate- it’s worth noting that pokemon are really a lot less like animals and a lot more like alternatively sapient people. They are fully self-aware, and in the anime more than the games, you see this big time, but even in the games, friendship values are mechanically a thing! In later generations, pokemon will resist harder attacks, and hit harder themselves, because they enjoy and value the relationship they have with you.
We see pokemon can refuse to evolve, refuse pokeballs, and push their limits in many ways by extent of willpower. People who are abusive or controlling towards pokemon are characterized as worse than filth, and abused pokemon exist, (see: Ash’s charmander being left in a situation that is dangerous for it by its abusive owner before it came to Ash’s possession, and him being unbelievably pissed at its former master) and are met with compassion.
Likewise- pokemon can outright refuse to respect their trainers! In more recent anime, Ash picked up a Gengar that was abandoned by its trainer and, when realizing this, actually attacked that person, and is still rowdy and argumentative with him / lashes out if it feels it was accused of something it didn’t do. In the sun/moon series, the bewear that takes a shine to Team Rocket makes it abundantly clear she has no intention of ever being captured (by intercepting and crushing a pokeball between her paws). 
So basically, if you see pokemon battling, it’s an exercise of informed consent. In less dangerous situations, it can be thought of like a dog competition where a dog genuinely enjoys competing because the physical and mental challenge is stimulating, or even (as pokemon, as noted before, are pretty sapient) more like two people participating in a competition together as a team. 
Look how many fighting types are described as putting independent effort towards training and evolving, and how many pokemon of all types are described as territorial, aggressive, or generally willing to throw hands! Wild pokemon attack you and try to kick your ass! In the wild areas in Sword and Shield, pokemon actively chase you down trying to pick a fight. While we do see pokemon knocked out, stunned or weakened and then pokeballed, you can think of it like two shounen protagonists who only bond after beating the stuffing out of each other to reach an emotional bond- because, given the above factors, if they weren’t like “yes, I respect your power, I think we’re cool now” they could express their ill will or discomfort many ways.
And in another sense, you can look towards other installments of the “mon” genre- the idea of characters bonding with their partners, sometimes literally fusing or teaming together to do a move, is huge in this genre.
Could someone still abuse a pokemon? Yes- again, both anime and games make it clear this is something that happens, it is socially stigmatized by humans and pokemon alike (there’s an entire movie where Mewtwo is fucking pissed at having been made as a living weapon and his anger is depicted as pretty justified even if he needs to not take it out on people who weren’t his creators) and it would leave a mark, and does.
(Ghetsis, in BW2, notably, fights you with a pokemon who knows the move “Frustration” at full strength- the move “Frustration” specifically gains power the more the pokemon hates the trainer, so we can gather pretty clearly Ghetsis is not a nice trainer. Conversely, another “Team boss”, Cyrus, has a crobat, which only evolves from a golbat who has maximum friendship values- so whether or not Cyrus is a good person, his pokemon have a strong emotional relationship with him.)
And I really don’t wanna be the one to carelessly dismiss concerns, especially of depictions of animal abuse. You can raise questions if the pokemon series- in particular the games- are over-focused on battling to the point of depicting less about day to day social life with these guys- I personally really like to think about other elements of the pokemon world- but I also feel like a lot of “pokemon is literally just glorified fantasy dogfighting it’s awful and gross” takes are.... not made in good faith? not looking at the messages sent by the games in detail.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
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I want to be able to spend a lot more time on content creation. 
Especially since it’s going to be getting slimmer and slimmer to find creators still creating as time goes on now that the show is over.
I’m sure you’ve noticed my video creation rate has fallen through the floor, much less me actually planning on getting into writing fic, actually. And the fact that my wife does art, including fanart.
So that said, while my relative workweek is 37.5 hours a week, I tend to opt into 10, 20, even 30 hours of overtime to really make ends meet in a way that keeps my wife comfortable. Resultingly, after being glued at work 50-60 hours, I have very little time, much less energy, to create, which is why my content has become more rare.
I have, over the course of the fandom, provided my content: videos, fic, meta, whatever--for entirely free. And technically, it still will be free. The patreon isn’t gonna have super secret content. I’m still opting to provide it all for free. It’s just a matter of how often I CAN. But I’m opting to put together a patreon at support levels most people can afford to spare per month.
The $3 and $10 level are effectively the same, just sort of based on how much pocketchange you feel my content is worth per month/what you can comfortably afford. Do you wish I was creating general, non-specific content as often as I used to (be that vids, meta, fic, or whatever), these are your levels.
Fic reqs start at $25/mo -- you will get a monthly installment on request, you can change what your request is, etc. Details inside.
Video reqs and art commissions start at $100/mo -- You will get a monthly installment on request, can trade it up for fic req value, or stock them for longer videos or higher quality art. I may be willing to let people stock the $25 level as pay ins for these too, with the same value/based guidelines.
They also do provide various grades of access to the People of Lots of Letters server, which I know some people want but I haven’t been able to vet everyone. But this is a good way to figure out who really wants in for good reasons.
 Despite being 250+ fans strong, the server is semi-closed-access to avoid wank/bitter/drama. But I figure anyone willing to invest isn't gonna be an asshole and new friends while the fandom is thinning out is always nice and a way to find like-minded people without the drama. I am working under the general assumption that, if you are willing to invest in it, you are not here to be a raging dick. The place is legitimately a very large group of friends, not just people pretending to be friendLY while quietly suffering each other. Treat it like that.
Existing POLOL members do not need to pay in to retain access or anything like that. It's not designed to be a pay club, but in times of the fandom growing thinner, finding new hubs is good for everyone, I just want to make sure the server stays as pleasant as it is, but am also happy to welcome in new blood.
Joining POLOL at a given level from Patreon does not keep you grounded at that level forever until you upgrade. Once people figure out you’re cool, engaged, enjoying the place and jive with everyone, you’ll get ranked up to the bigger sections. The higher pay grades are sort of scales of how heavily I assume you’re not going to be a dick based on investment level, basically.
Paying is also not the only way to get into POLOL. Again, it is not a pay to play club. But I can’t possibly vet everyone that has general interest. The entry thing is basically "someone decided to be a patreon, I'm going to assume they support my work, and are probably not coming to be a dick". It's not "pay to enter", it's "if you support me, I figure you belong here.”
Not sure why there’s bad faith readers whispering about this like this isn’t a bog standard fucking thing on Patreon that they installed an entire ass integration system for because of how normal it is.
Anyway, Patreon link again: (Link)
The target goal is about $500 a month, which is pretty high and I doubt I’ll hit, but the closer I am to that, the closer I am to making FREQUENT content. I don’t exactly expect to hit goal overnight, but if you like my work, consider figuring out if what I’ve put out there for free so far is worth $3/mo or even $10 to you. Because the more people that decide that, the more of it I’ll be able to have time to make.
Please do me a solid and reblog boost this. Even if you don’t sign up.
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