#morpher helmet
morpherhelmetuk · 17 hours
Defining Cycling Safety
The revolutionary flat-folding helmet from Morpher helmet redefines riding safety by fusing unparalleled convenience with exceptional protection. Its special shape makes it easy to fold flat and pack in a suitcase or briefcase, which makes it perfect for bikers who are always on the go. Morpher satisfies all safety requirements and guarantees that you can ride in safety and comfort at all times thanks to its quick-folding mechanism and multiple international patents. 
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stoneillustrations · 1 year
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I also ended up spending a LOT of time on these helmet mods and Grimm Morpher designs. So here are those as well. If you like these and wanna see more mashups, smash the #mashup below.
Thanks to my followers for all the likes and reblogs over the years. :)
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asknarashikari · 6 months
Takaharu: *visible confusion*
Sentai reactions?
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Sweetie they pull out weapons and morphers and transformation trinkets literally from nowhere or their ass. Do you think they worry about how all that face/head gets stuffed into a helmet
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dstevensartgallery · 1 year
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RIP JDF Shocking absolutely no one, Tommy was my favorite Ranger growing up. Was even able to make a full white ranger suit a few years ago which, sadly, I've had to part with, but I still have the helmet and morpher. I had originally planned to unveil this as a print at a convention that I will be at this weekend, but the printshop I ordered from said there was going to be a delay and that I won't be able to get the prints until next week. Hence why I am putting this up earlier, rather than at the end of the month like I normally would with Patreon rewards.
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matt0044 · 9 months
Cosmic Fury is doing Super Megaforce right.
I know the bar was set so phenomenally low by the latter but it's more how Kyuranger elements are being adapted as part of Ryusoulger's adaptation.
Megaforce could've made it work by starting with a team that operated on its own before inheriting the powers of their predecessors could've worked but having their pirate suits as just a power up kind of made it weird. See no further that Gosei's lack of a simple explanation for Jake going green.
Here, Cosmic Fury is to be an upgrade from Dino Fury given the new suits (love 'em or hate 'em) are designed based on the latter. It feels like the old team we grown to love but in new digs rather than getting a completely different suit and passing it off as an extension.
I guess they could've drawn more inspiration from Kyuranger's suits below the helmet. Definately needs a team insignia for the black chest area ala Overdrive at least.
For Megaforce, they should've taken the opportunity they had with the first season finale where the rangers can use their morphers to launch attacks. Robo Knight could revive them but only temporarily until Vrak vanishes, leaving them to demorph for good before the Armada arrive.
THAT would justify them receiving totally new powers and totally new asthetics from the ground up. Basically an overdone homage to Zeo. Them having new weapons would explain their new fighting styles as they adapt on the fly. At least a little.
That and at least justify the pirate theme by calling them rebels to the Armada's self-imposed authority onto Earth. Heroic pirates were a thing.
BTW, I will bust a gut if Ryusoulger Ten Years After happens with Cosmic Fury suits adapted and modified as a power up. Make it SPD all over again. XD
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strangeduckpaper · 1 month
Power Rangers Rewrite: Mighty Morphin'
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Season 1 & Background
Because the Boom Comics actually expounds on their backstories, Rita & Zedd have their comics backstories. Rita is specifically from a planet known as Bandora, which has a lot of magical practitioners, including an organized order of witches.
Bandorans are taller than humans, and to a human eye always look a little sickly.
The Power Coins used to belong to a multi planetary team (the Zyu Rangers) with explicitly Alien Zords resembling the 2017 movie. Rita killed the Green Ranger and took that Coin, thus control of the Dragonzord.
The 90’s Zyu Rangers interpreted the Zords on the Coins as artistic renditions of Earth animals, thus minorly reformatting the Zords when they’re finally brought to bear.
Jason actually beats Tommy during their fight like in Zyuranger.
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Season 2
Grace Sterling gets introduced, and Zordon tells the story of the 1969 Rangers.
The Stone Canyon Trio are introduced, giving an outside perspective to the Rangers.
Zedd doesn’t arrive…yet. He does send messages to Rita in the form of nightmares.
No Thunderzords, the Zyu/Dino Megazord survives, since I wanna keep the Dairangers (Thunder Star Rangers) in my back pocket.
In the same vein, Tommy doesn’t get the White Tiger Power Coin after losing the Green Power Coin, instead he gets a White Brachiosaurus Power Coin that ties him to Titanus, which itself is reformatted to serve as armor and weaponry for the Zyu Megazord.
Tommy’s Ranger Suit is white and gold, with the MM sculpted mouth helmet and Dragon shield, but with elements of the Dino Thunder Black suit, while Saba is literally just a repainted Bracchio Staff.
Before Tommy comes back, Rita launches the Dark Ranger’s scheme from the comics, which comes to an end once Tommy arrives, destroying the Dark Ranger’s Power Source (A Dark Mockery of a Zeo Crystal?)
The Rita putty escapes, albeit heavily wounded, to fight another day.
Kiya comes to Earth following the Dark Rangers, chasing the power source used. She sticks around for a while.
The first half of the season ends with a final confrontation with Goldar when he attempts to throw Angel Grove into the Dark Dimension during Jason, Trini & Zack’s graduation, and is struck down by Tommy and Jason. The Stone Canyon Trio helps.
Jason, Trini and Zack decide to take a gap year, and are given the Omega Morphers to help Kiya hunt down the source of the knockoff Zeo Crystal, while the Stone Canyon Trio take their places.
Rito arrives afterwards, with some new mercenaries to give the Rangers trouble, including Dayne. Scorpina, meanwhile, leaves, vowing vengeance against the Rangers.
Their adventures include a crossover with the Masked Rider of Edenoi.
The season finale is Zedd’s arrival, Serpentera in tow, and challenges the Rangers to combat.
He destroys the Megazord with Serpentera, before taking them on 1-v-6, rendering the Power Coins useless one after the other, until only Tommy is left with his powers.
Tommy tries, but Zedd captures him, and brings him back to the Moon Castle, leaving the other Rangers to lick their wounds and wallow in their powerlessness.
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Season 3
With the Power Coins useless, the Omega Rangers out of contact and Zordon unable to access back-up Ranger powers, Zordon sends the Rangers to Ninjor to create powers of their own.
In the meanwhile, he calls for reinforcements, the Rangers of Aquitar (known as the Doron Rangers), with more on the way.
Zedd sends more monsters to delay the Rangers, and gathers forces fromDark Spector, including Master Vile, to attempt and summon the dark god Lokar from the Talus Dimension.
The Rangers pass Ninjor’s trials and gain their Ninjetti Power Coins and Zords, with all new suits coming with them.
They have elements of the American Ninja Ranger uniforms, the Dairangers, with MM helmets remodeled to reflect their new Zords.
Meanwhile, Tommy is being held by the villains, where he strikes up a friendship with Finster, who eventually helps free him.
During this escape, he finds remnants of the tools used in the corruption of the Green Dragon Power Coin, and takes it.
The Rangers return to Earth and meet the Doron rangers. There’s some chafing, especially between Billy and Cestro, though that rivalry shifts into something more…amorous.
Tommy arrives, Finster by his side and arcane secrets in hand. Finster and Alpha duke it out at least once.
In the background, we’re introduced to new transfer students Tanya Sloan and Kat Hillard. Kat gets mind controlled but it gets broken.
Eventually, Finster, Alpha, Tideus and Delphine figure out how to reactivate the Dragonzord, dormant since the loss of the Green Power Coin, and Tommy uses the power of friendship to bring it back under control.
Master Vile attempts to interfere, but the Rangers strike him down with Ninjor’s help. 
Deciding to take advantage, the rangers attack the moon palace, reinforced by the Masked Rider and the Omega Rangers (Now with Yale replacing Kiya)
The Rangers win, destroying Serpentera, and wrecking the moon base, though Lokar is summoned.
In order to seal him, the Mighty Morphin Rangers sacrifice the Ninjetti Power Coins to do so, while Tommy’s powers once again become unstable.
In the aftermath, the rangers disperse. Kim goes off to pursue her gymnastics career, Billy leaves for Aquitar as a representative of Earth, NASADA, and Prometheus.
Aisha also leaves to join humanitarian aid.
Tommy, a bit adrift, decides to stay with Adam and Rocky, and possibly form a new team.
After all, while they did beat them up, they never saw Rita, Rito, or Zedd actually fall…
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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LAST TIME ON MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS AND THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II: Casey decides to take a leaf out of Tommy’s book and betray everyone to work for Rita, because apparently everyone thinks they can be Tommy nowadays.  The MMPRs and their new besties, the TMNT, are combining their mouthful-named, rainbow-colored teen powers into one to get to the bottom of this.  It’s MMPR/TMNT II #2!  
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- HEYYYYY SCORPINA it’s been ages!!  This was obvious but I guess this confirms the MMPR/TMNT crossover books are in their own “canon” since at this point, Scorpina should be in Drakkon’s dimension
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- Boom is truly like if we can’t give Rita a new outfit every story arc we’ll die
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- since last time I was distracted by Dan Mora Tommy’s beautiful hair I’m gonna take the moment to nitpick that.  This is not how Green With Evil went.  Unless we’re retconning the Sword of Darkness into Tommy’s childhood sword
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- but speaking of beautiful hair FLUFFY KIM!!!!!!!!!  It was NOT that long back in the first issue but [Kim voice] you know the helmet really does mess with her hair
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- wow nice color scheme these Dimension X morphers have.  Surely that’s not going to play into anything later
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- everyone’s reading the Krang dialogue in this ‘87 cartoon voice, right.  If you’re not, you really really should.
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- POWERBUNGA is extremely good
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- Leo’s line in the final panel is genuinely very very good.  One thing I do like about this issue is we’re finally getting some interactions between the Rangers and Turtles that share their covers, rather than the assigned Turtle friend from last book.  There’s fun character dynamic potential to be had from switching things around  
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- Except for Kim who still just hangs out with April but at this point I need to savor morphed April whenever I can 
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- no comment.
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- I know I just posted about this but. Casey.  You know Tommy didn’t beat up his friends, free hordes of dangerous villains, or call people slurs when he went undercover with the villains, right.  Maybe you just kinda suck
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- Dan gave Alpha eyes in this sequence?  My impact, obviously (it was not my impact.)
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marcthesparx · 2 years
I don't usually like to "cross the streams" as it were, but over on my "fandom account" (hate that term lol), I've been getting into cosplay. Specifically Power Rangers/Super Sentai. This is my Jungle Fury Blue/GekiBlue cosplay. Still not 100% complete, missing the boots and helmet. But I'm in love with the body suit AND I made my own straps for the Morphers! I did this Cobra Kai mashup/crossover as apparently I can pull off a Jonny Lawrence, especially now I've got some blonde in my hair 🤣. There are also Power Rangers x Cobra Kai crossover figures coming from Hasbro soon as well, so the timing is apt! My other account is on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube at PRUnreleased if you're interested.
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lmkwritings · 2 years
Can I please request a fic thing of being Mei’s gf & trying to put together a last minute costume bc u was busy?
ong i’m doing that rn.
to say this night was a disaster was an understatement- mei had her costume all finished up and ready, the metal of her suit costume shone in the low lighting. it was, (frankly) embarrassing that you had forgotten to do yours.
you were going as your favorite power rangers- her as Ivan, and you, as Tyler. both from Dino Charge.
your suit wasn’t finished- mei had your morpher, and your com. she dealt with the technical stuff for you. she had your helmet as well.
“i just want it to work like a real helmet- y’know? i don’t know if spider queen or someone is gonna attack. need to keep your head safe!” she’s so sweet to you,,,
sighing heavily in defeat, you stare disdainfully at the costume on your body. it was too tight on your chest and thighs- which would prove to be a major problem if there were any men out late.
running a hand through your hair, you pull it back, and slip on your boots- thrift store, but some quick adjustments fixed them up. slipping on the armor- foam, mind you- you grab your keys and left your building.
mei was disappointed you hadn’t put much effort in the costume- but was very understanding when you explained you were caught up in a lot of shit back at work.
“it’s okay y/n- as long as you put your best into it, i don’t care! besides, it’s just a costume- i like who’s wearing it more.”
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Lightning Collection Remastered line announced with MMPR Blue and MMPR Yellow
Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Power Rangers, the final Lightning Collection reveal on today's Hasbro Pulse stream was the announcement of the Remastered line; re-releases of previous figures at a Deluxe pricepoint with more accessories, the newer pinless bodies and greater paint applications. Naturally for the anniversary, the line is being started with re-releases of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; with Blue and Yellow the first to be revealed.
With all the improvements of the line, the newer Trini and Billy figures are rendered in much cleaner sculpts with additional paint given to areas such as black lining on their belts and extra details on their helmets and morphers. For accessories the two naturally come with their signature weapons - which also feature much higher degrees of paint applications to make them fully accurate to the show - but also feature new grounded effect parts to give the image of a powerful aura, and new much higher-quality headsculpts than the original release; with Billy featuring his glasses as a separate removeable accessory. All three modes of the Blade Blaster are also included with high-quality paint apps such as silver on the tips.
Finally, specific parts are included to represent the morphing sequence -- a separate open morpher accessory and hands to hold them like in the sequence are included in the box so that you can re-create the mid-morph. Aside from these, the hand options included are a pair of fists and a pair of weapon-holding hands for Billy; and a pair of weapon-holding hands, a right chopping hand and a left fist for Trini.
Lightning Collection Remastered MMPR Blue and MMPR Yellow release as Hasbro Pulse exclusives in May 2023 for $33.99 each, with pre-orders available now.
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morpherhelmetuk · 8 days
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Spreading Awareness About the Importance of Bike Helmets
Discover the role of educational campaigns and initiatives in raising awareness about the importance of bike helmets. Explore resources, tips, and training programs designed to empower cyclists to make informed choices for their safety.
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benis-chillin · 1 year
So we just got our first trailer for "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once and Always," and it's got a tiny thing that bothers me.
And no, I'm not talking about the zords looking bad. They do, but that's not the topic of discussion.
No, today, we're talking about necks.
You see, traditionally on Power Rangers, whenever the rangers are helmetless, they wear these puffy collars to imply that the neck connects to it. Like as seen here on all but the two female rangers(though they do have it on the show):
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However, when the helmets are on, they of course have a full-on hood under there to keep things seamless. It's a nice little trick to help the actors get their facetime.
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However, ever since Hasbro took over...The necks have been kinda screwed up for some reason?
For example, in Beast Morphers, the necks were entirely absent when the helmets were off, leading to the morph sequence giving them bobbleheads when the helmets came on. Something that they probably could've fixed if they actually put an actual, physical helmet on the actors during this sequence to help with the shift.
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Dino Fury was a bit of an improvement in this regard, since they actually did put SOMETHING of a neck piece on there, so the helmets could be more properly sized, even if they still look off because of weird effects crap.
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Once and Always has the correct collars when the helmets are off, but for some reason, they seem to have used both a hood, AND the collar when it's on? So it looks really weird.
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For reference, this is what the neck is SUPPOSED to look like when the helmet is on:
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As a closing note, Cosmic Fury seems to be using the same kind of neck pieces as Once and Always, so hopefully, they don't commit the same mistake, cause it just looks REALLY off. I know #neckgate is a very weird thing for me to go to war with, but it bothers me that it's a thing when we went on for 25 years with no problem before a new owner somehow screwed up a basic thing.
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ahaha my power rangers au i'm so sorry
I realize this doesn't look like much of anything but my "OOOH POWER-RANGER!CHEVALIER" song came on and I decided to finally work on some concept art.
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I don't know why I was imagining him not having a cape, but his exosuit heccin has a cape now.
The helmet design, taking cues from the OGs (and some gnarly concept art I found of suits that never made it into the most recent movie), will be tiger-themed but also have a crown motif. The other guys' exosuits will follow the same theme. I guess you could call it Power Rangers: Noble Beasts :D
The color scheme is very similar to his outfit in-game, and a lot of the paneling and trim-design will follow that as well.
Obviously I'm really excited to work on Clavis and Gilbert after Chev, but you guys know my awesome turnaround rate 😎 (sobs internally)
Emma's kind of cool in this AU in that even though she's the yellow ranger by default, she can basically use any of the other guys' morphers and borrow their exosuits and the specific features that come with them.
oh heck it's almost 3pm, gotta use my tickets for the day bye
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fivetimesaranger · 1 year
New beginnings ( sorry I’m mobile rn)
In a shower of sparks a white clad figure flew into a wall. “Do you Honestly believe you are a match for me Tommy?” The morphed form of Drakkon stepped over som rubble advancing towards the white ranger. “ Do you really think that just because you have the master morpher that it would make a difference? You’re a teacher not a ranger anymore”
Dr.Oliver slowly got to his feet, still clad in his white ranger armor with the exception of his mostly destroyed helmet, “ Man, did I monologue like that when I was evil?” He reached behind and grabbed his morpher, “ I may be older, but once a ranger, always a ranger. Dragonzord, Green Ranger Power”. Before the light of the morph even began to fade The green ranger was already moving to attack.
“Oh come on old man, I’ve done this countless times, and against, well I suppose better, versions of myself” Drakkon side stepped the attack and in one smooth movement managed to knock the older ranger off his feet again, this time taking the master morpher in the process. “ You had the chance to be great and just like all the other versions you threw it away.” Drakkon tossed the morpher to the ground in front of the green ranger. “ I will say this is the first time one of us has had this morpher, but clearly it’s as useless as the other coins compared to my power.”
It took a moment, but Tommy made it back to his feet. “ You aren’t saying anything I haven’t heard before Drakkon. You might defeat me but there will be other rangers who will stop you”
“ You’re a fool Tommy Oliver,” He reached up and slowly removed his helmet, “ and unless you join me, you will die just like the others” as he said this he reached out with his free hand and grasped the materializing handle of the sword of darkness
Tommy looked at the familiar face in front of him, then to the once familiar blade in Drakkons hand. “ So you’re what I would have become if I had never been freed.” He chuckled slightly “ I’m not going to join you Tommy. I remember being like you, blinded by hate, controlled by Rita”
“ THAT WITCH WAS BENEATH ME” roared Drakkon, “ I killed her and made my own kingdom” he smirked. “ if you won’t join me so be it” with a downward thrust Drakkon pierced the coin and master morpher with his blade. Instantly green, white, red, and black lightning flowed over the Green Ranger demorphing him and drawing a scream from the older man before he fell to the ground unconscious. “Farewell Dr. Oliver” with a dark laugh Drakkon turned and began to walk away before with a slash of his blade a green rift opened and in a flash Drakkon was gone.
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toqchange · 11 months
some thoughts/speculation now that fern as cosmic fury orange is pretty much confirmed
afaik all the ryusoulger helmets are accounted for (at least the “original” non-repainted ones) so that means they either made an entirely new helmet for fern, repainted a design they already have, or geats’d it and modded a design they already had.
i don’t mind them adding fern, but why tf is she not purple!?!? not to mention purple and green is way better than green and orange!
my only hesitation for this is that it either backfires for her or other characters story/writing wise. in that df (imo) did not handle some characters (cough javi and aiyon) well. so they either put a lot of stock into her or not enough. the show is only 10 episodes so…
related to the above, while she is an established character there is still a lot we don’t know about her that could be explored or even just her relationship to/with the other members of the team since we really only see her with izzy.
i don’t really know why they decided to add another ranger (because they can hardly handle the 6 they have now) but if i had to guess, it’s probably a way for cf to have a “sixth” while accounting for the 10 ep time constraint. with zayto off to.. wherever, maybe they just wanted six people there idk.
but also that writing team is obsessed with milestones so maybe they just wanted the first official orange pr
unrelated to all of this, i noticed zayto was last in the order of the morpher, so i think he’s going to not be a ranger like the other 5 (6) and be like a mentor-ranger type character.
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
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Genuinely think that Yellow Beast Morpher Ranger’s helmet looks like Pikachu and not a Jackrabbit.
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