#might have also accidentally trauma dumped
maeum-your · 1 year
↺ there was a snowflake
pairing: k (&team) x gn!reader
synopsis: your boyfriend makes you realize that winter might not be that bad after all.
genre: fluff
word count: 900
a/n: there's next to no k content on this app so I'm here to change that
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Winter was the one season that you dreaded most every year. You missed the flowers and their happy colors, you missed not freezing, and you missed not having seasonal depression. Winter had almost seemed like a synonym for loneliness to you.
As a child you had loved it. You were always playing in the snow with your sisters, building snowmen and making snow angels. But your childhood was cut short when your parents divorced in your first year of elementary school and now all that came with winter was pain and bitterness.
The coldness reaching you under the blanket made you shiver and you snuggled closer to the body next to you. An arm embraced you and pulled you closer into the heat, warming you up. A gentle kiss was placed on the tip of your nose.
“Good morning, angel“
“Five more minutes,“ you whined. “You‘re so comfortable.“
Your boyfriend made sure the blanket was covering you properly before gently stroking your hair and closing his eyes again.
This was a first. Your first winter since long not spent all by yourself. You and K had started dating in spring, your favorite season, and all had been happiness, rainbows and unicorns but you had been dreading what would come once winter came around. But surprisingly all was fine. K loved winter and he loved you so he made sure his favorite person, too, would be happy during his favorite time of the year.
With your stomach interrupting this peaceful moment you decided to finally get up and have some breakfast. You sat down on the couch with a mug of your favorite tea in your hands, head leaning against K‘s shoulder. He turned on a Christmas movie, the morning passing by slowly and peacefully.
Once the movie was done he went to bring the mugs to the kitchen but he halted in his movements and suddenly squealed.
“It‘s snowing!“ K‘s eyes lit up and his entire face was shining.
Seeing him so happy over a little bit of snow made you smile. How could you ever hate the snow when this is what you got in return?
He looked at you with puppy eyes and you couldn‘t resist asking. “Do you want to go outside?“
He took your hands in his and beamed.
“Can we?“
You put on matching gloves, scarfs, and hats that K had bought as a present in August, overexcited to spend winter with you. You posed in front of the mirror, taking cute pictures and enjoying how well you two were matching.
K took your hand and almost dragged you out the door, halting when you stepped out into the street. He stretched out his hand toward the sky, collecting snowflakes in his palm and watching them melt. Reluctantly, you started doing the same, reaching your arms out and admired the magnificent variety of shapes that the snowflakes came in.
A rather big snowflake settled on K‘s cheek and you instinctively reached to wipe it away. His cheeks turned red, clearly affacted by something other than the cold.
“There was a snowflake,“ you explained. He nodded.
All of a sudden he leaned down and kissed you on the lips.
“Sorry, there was a snowflake,“ he said, a satisfied smile on his face.
Your next stop was the park by your apartment. The pond where you usually sat by and watched the ducks, was now completely frozen and you saw little kids with their parents ice skating. Settling at a spot nearby, the two of you started rolling the snow, making sure to get it nice and big and round in preparation for a magnificent snowman. The occasional snowball was thrown and instantly paid back by the one being attacked. One of his snowballs missed you by a hair but managed to knock the head off of your snowman. You looked at each other and started laughing. You simply made a new one.
You moved on to the flower field that was now, of course, completely covered in snow. You spent all summer there, lying in the grass, talking with K. Obviously, this was the perfect place to make some snow angles.
You were embarrassed but you still giggled the entire time, your inner child clearly having fun and healing. It didn‘t even feel that cold. The snow was soft and comforting and hearing your boyfriend‘s giggles was like a melody to your ears. K, with his long limbs, managed to make a far bigger snow angel than you did. It looked like his was a guardian angel watching over yours.
His nose glowed pink as he looked over to watch you. He took your hand and you just laid there for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other‘s company in silence.
“Thank you for making me fall in love with winter again.“
“Thank you for falling in love with me.“ He sat up and came closer. “And thank you for letting me love you.“
He went to cup your face with the intention to warm up your flushed cheeks, forgetting all about the snow on his gloves. You didn‘t say anything. Instead, you scooted closer.
Your lips met and warmth spread through your body like fire.
You pulled away and smiled.
Both of you said at the same time: “There was a snowflake.“
A lie.
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permanent tag list: @angelwonie @soobin-chois @nar-nia @acciomylove @sunoona @ylatiitaly @quokkasunggie
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Aita because I asked my friend to not name his kid the same name as my abusive dad because it triggers me?
✨👶🏼 so I notice myself, sorry but I have a mental disability so my grammar isn't great. Sorry if I sound weird.
So let's just call my friend Fred (23,he/him, trans man)and I'll call my dad's name Sven. Fred has one other child(1,m) who I'll call Winston and Fred's newest child (Unborn lol, we know its another boy) is with one of his partners Brooke(22, They/She, transfem nb girl). I also offhandedly mention my partner Rosey(25, Any pronouns, Genderfluid) a few times, Fred's other partner Alan (20s?, He/him, Trans man), and lastly Me (24, He/she, Genderfluid).
Me and Fred have been bffs for like 7 or 8 years and I and Rosey are godparents to Winston and Fred got pregnant again. This time from one of his partners Brooke , Winston's other dad isnt in the picture. Me and Fred are super close (nearly dated at one point but it was before Fred and Brooke got together the first time and we are no longer interested in each other like that.) and I've been following both of Fred's pregnancies just to make sure everything is ok (I'm not encroaching, I just get text updates on appointments and stuff. Fred's first pregnancy was rough.).
Without going into a whole timeline, Fred and Brooke dated a couple years ago for about a year but Brooke raised a hand to hit Fred (never made contact nor any other physical abuse however they used it as a threat) and was controlling over him, they broke up and lost contact and over the last year/year and a half, rekindled and Brooke says they've changed and Fred trusts them again. I still don't like Brooke for obvious reasons but I'm being civil and trying to let them earn my trust again. So far their relationship is fine and it's not my place to muddle so until Fred sets off alarms that Brooke has gone back to their old ways, I'm trusting my friend's judgement. Brooke has been doing great through this pregnancy.
Fred knows the gest about what my dad put me through and how abusive he was to me. He knows I can't even be near cigarette smoke because it reminds me of him. However, Fred doesn't know his name. It's not because Fred doesn't want to, my dad's name just never came up and i didnt realize he didnt know his name till a few hours ago.
Me and Rosey sat in a call with Fred, Brooke and Alan while Fred and Brooke were brainstorming name ideas (They wanted our input). Brooke suggested the name Sven. I wanna be clear, Brooke doesn't know my dad's name either so I don't think this was a way of attacking me or something sinister. The name Sven is standing in for is a very common name in my country, though it's not popular for us gen Zers, it is common for my dad's generation.
I obviously froze up a bit due to the mention of his name and although Rosey tried to bring it up, Fred and his partners are kinda known for interrupting (Usually not viciously) and they didn't hear her. Fred and Brooke chatted happily about what a handsome name Sven was and how they might just decide to stick with it here and now but they wanted to hear other options. I waited out till the end of the call when Alan left (I don't know them so I didn't want to accidentally tell them personal things about my history of abuse) and told Fred that Sven was my dad's name.
Fred gasped and quickly said he wouldn't choose Sven and that he was sorry he forgot his name. Brooke however said that that was not a good enough reason to not consider a name they both dearly loved not 10 seconds ago. I tried to tell Brooke about why my dad was a bad person and some of the lighter things he'd done (not in a trauma dump explicit way, just in a he did *insert form of abuse* way) but they shut me down and said it was their kid to decide the name of. Fred told him he was also a vote in the name and he didn't want to upset me unnecessarily. Brooke said they were done with the conversation and Fred said they'd talk about it later. Fred then said to me and Rosey that he'd handle it and ended the call.
After about 30 mins, I got a couple of texts from Brooke and Alan that I was a jerk for trying to push my triggers onto other people and causing a fight between them and Fred and it wasn't my baby to name. (Alan doesn't live with Brooke and Fred so Brooke told Alan first what happened.) I decided not to answer for an hour or so because I was already worked up and they both essentially called me an asshole for overstepping. Fred just says hes gonna handle them but now I'm just confused.
I can see where I might of overstepped but I wasn't trying to be controlling and even if they would of picked Sven, i would of still respected it and tried my best to get over it as best i can. Was I pushing my problems on others or was I just letting a friend know what that name might be a bit painful for me when the name was just a suggestion? I don't think I'm TA but I wanna see if I'm missing something?
(I just realized rereading this that there is some important context to be added; Sven is not a sentimental name to Fred, Brooke or Alan. It's not a parents or grandparents name that might need carried on, it was just a name they liked. I checked with Fred to see if that explained Brooke's anger or something and Fred said no, they just liked Sven. There also hasn't been any hostility before this with Brooke or Alan so I'm not sure where all this anger came from.)
What are these acronyms?
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the-sky-queen · 30 days
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You have my full attention
We'll go in the order that I listed the spinoffs, even if that isn't the order we came up with them. (Spectrophobia was probably the first one I think.)
Dementophobia is the fear of going insane and it's the Psychonauts one. I hadn't heard of Psychonauts before this, so I'm still working my way towards watching the game cutscenes. I think I'm in the middle of Psychonauts 2 right now and then I'll be all caught up. If you're unaware, Psychonauts is a videogame where this kid named Raz has psychic powers and wants to become a Psychonaut, who are basically spies I think and also use their mind powers to help people get therapy.
So during Dementophobia, Niko accidentally comes into contact with the Warp Topaz (a common theme you'll see in a lot of these) and gets sent to the world of Psychonauts. He comes into contact with Raz who figures out something's up and decides to help him out. Raz goes into Niko's mind and very quickly realizes something is VERY WRONG HERE. (Also, Lily and I along with Lily's more Psychonauts knowledgeable friends have done a TON of worldbuilding around Niko's mind world and what happens there. It's so in depth and interesting and I LOVE IT SO MUCH) Anyway, Raz realizes that he's gonna need some backup here because Niko's mind is unlike pretty much anything he's ever seen before. It's that messed up. He takes Niko to his Psychonauts friends for help and that's when things really get going. Also Maple shows up at some point.
I could go on and on about what we have planned for Niko's mind world, but that might be a bit too spoiler-y. BUT TRUST ME WHEN I SAY IT'S SUPER COOL. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Alright, next up is Phobophobia which in all honesty is a silly joke AU that is really just here to have fun with. Here's what's up: Starline and Maple are married. Niko is their actual child. (Also Surge and Kit show up at some point, also being Starline's kids)
It sounds CRAZY (and it is) but it's really fun!! Niko's like 7 I think and there's not really a set plot to this one. It's just a collection of scenarios that this wacky family gets into. Also, there's like a subplot where Starline learns to be more caring and gets closer to Niko and it's kinda cute. This one got started before the Trauma Siblings became a thing, so they're not included, and I'm still wondering if I should put them in. That would put Starline and Maple at SIX kids though and I don't know if their marriage can handle that. XD
Next up is Decidiophobia, Fear of Decision making. This is the Stanley Parable crossover, another game that I hadn't heard of before this, but I'm now OBSESSED WITH. Quick rundown of The Stanley Parable: You play as Stanley, an ordinary guy with a job pressing buttons on a keyboard all day. Then one day, his co-workers all go missing and he sets out to try to find them and figure out what's up. The entire game is narrated by the Narrator, who even narrates your actions! However, what he says you're going to do isn't set in stone and you can go against what he says whenever you want. All this leads to different paths and storylines you can take, causing multiple different endings. After each one, the game resets and you start all over again.
SO HERE'S THE THING ABOUT THIS ONE. Instead of doing another dimensional yeet via the warp topaz, we decided that The Stanley Parable exists within the regular Sonic universe. How? Uhhh, I probably can't explain that because of spoilers, but let's just say . . .
The Narrator is vaguely connected to the Time Eater and also the Phantom Ruby is here. And GUN got involved too.
So Niko shows up in side The Parable�� and confuses the Narrator, because he's not Stanley. The Narrator tries to continue on as normal, but after a particularly disastrous ending, he realizes that Niko is AN ACTUAL CHILD and resolves to help him escape The Parable™. :D
Next: Autophobia, Fear of being Alone, otherwise known as the Miraculous Ladybug one. You know the drill by now. Warp Topaz, dimensional yeet, and it's all fun and games until Hawkmoth gets to Niko literally IMMEDIATELY. (Not gonna explain Miraculous because it's a lot. If you don't know about it already, just go watch the show.) So Niko gets akumatized into THE MOST TERRIFYING AND OVERPOWERED AKUMA IN EXISTENCE, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LITTLE ANGEL. He can make people fall (platonically) in love with him just by looking at him and it even works across BROADCAST. So like. Anyone who comes into contact with him is instantly obsessed with him. There's a bit more too it, but that's probably spoilers. :P
Anyway, Ladybug is compromised pretty much INSTANTLY. And shortly afterwards, the entire school falls to Little Angel's spell. Due to spoiler reasons, Chat Noir, Chloe, and Kagami, manage to escape his influence and start trying to find a way to fight back. (Oh also Little Angel is not a hedgehog, but he was turned into a small human child with animal ears, a halo, and wings. Yeah, he's called Angel for a reason.)
This is the only crossover we have where Niko very much does NOT get therapy. He's usually better off by the end of one of the crossovers but NOT THIS ONE. In fact, he actually gets WORSE because of this one. :D
AND FINALLY WE HAVE SPECTROPHOBIA, Fear of mirrors/your reflection. AKA THE ONE I ACTUALLY CAME UP WITH BY MYSELF. XD This one is interesting because SONIC shows up. Like, regular Sonic, untainted by Starline's influence, shows up in the facility. How? Let's just say that the 900th Adventure special didn't quite go as planned. >:) So he's able to find Starline and Niko in the facility right in the middle of a session. Sonic's like 'nah this is stopping right now,' rescues Niko, and escapes the facility! It's not as easy as it seems though because Niko freaks out as soon as he realizes Sonic's here and he took him away from Starline. I REALLY WANNA START POSTING THIS ONE. I PROBABLY COULD BUT I'VE BEEN PUTTING IT OFF. Also the Warp Topaz shenanigans are fun in this one and I've got an art I need to finish for it that no one but Lily will understand but will come up later on in the story. >:)
Kay, that's all the ones I mentioned in that post, but there's a few more. I won't talk about them though, because most of them are more Lily's expertise.
But aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa can you tell why I'm going insane now?
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disastertwins9000 · 1 year
I would love to know more about your “homies in a half shell” crossover AU. I love everything about it, the art, the ideas, the characters interactions. All of it and I want- no need to know more. If this is too of an open ended question. Then here’s some specifics.
How do the rise boys find out about Leo’s reactions to the cold?
What is 2012 Leo’s relationship with rise Donnie?
What is 2012 Raphs relationship with rise Mikey?
Is 2012 Leo the only one that likes weighted blankets?
How do the 2012 boys help with the rise boys trauma?
That’s all, can’t wait to see more of your AU! :)
awww i’m so glad you like it!!! honestly i’ve spent hours on this au and this means so very much to me so thank you!! also i love the asks guys don’t be shy!!
get ready to read lmao
so lee and the cold… i’m being so completely honest.. i haven’t thought about how the rise fam found out. i will probably make a sketch about it later cause now you got me thinking about it. i’m thinking that, maybe, just hear me out.. he’ll get cold..? and have a panic attack 😄😄 -more about that coming soon in sketch form:)
leo and donnie: lee is still the mom of the group, but in a way that his brothers respect him highly. lee is impressed by rise donnie and is proud of him but worries that he might accidentally pressure him too much like he sometimes did with 12 donnie. 12 leo is also scared for his brothers, in the way that they value themselves. he doesn’t want rise donnie to think that lee is proud of him because he’s smart, he wants him to know that he loves him for much more then that. trauma am i right:)) on a more light hearted level, the disaster twins are constantly competing with one another to impress lee (praise from their badass big brother) and for the longest time lee has no idea what is going on.
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2012 raph is ridiculously protective of rise mikey. this doesn’t mean that he loves rise mikey any more then 12 mikey, it’s just that rise mikey is still very young and still acts like it, and raphs got a major soft spot for him. together they enjoy being sarcastic little shits(affectionate) to their brothers and they like to do art together. mikey uses his ‘youngest and smallest of them all’ powers to get constant piggyback rides from everyone, especially 12 raph. don’t mess with the short boys they will bite your knees off
for the weighted blankets, the 12 twins both use them(lee and raph). raph got one bc lee introduced them to him. rise donnie uses one, and weighted blankets are always kept in the lair if anyone wishes to use one. rise mikey has a few different hammocks in his room that he can change out or hang up all at once and a few of them are therapy hammocks that him and his brothers use to help with anxiety and sleep. basically they have all used one at one point and it just depends on the person.
for the trauma part… not all their problems are solved yet..🤫 but the 12 boys do their best to be there for them. to listen and not dismiss the fear or pain. rarely did the 12brothers get a break to stop and process what was going on and their lives were never normal. while they are there for the rise boys in every way they can be, let’s be honest they need to stop and figure themselves out too.
thank you for the ask, i so enjoy answering and i’m so glad that ppl are interested in my au<3 also i can’t forget to credit @sapphiretanto for all the help with the hcs we’ve got going. lmao you got me info dumping
lucky i had this sketch already in my drafts cuz this is what my little brother does to me 😭🫶🏼
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random shit that most of this fandom collectively deluded into being canon, regardless of if it a) wasn’t explicitly stated in the show, b) contradicts actual lore, or c) was just straight up made up with no real basis! Also half of the bullet points end in rants; there are no words to describe this phenomenon but I’m a fanfic writer so that sure as hell didn’t stop me from trying
Ghost cores—not only the different types but also just their existence in general apparently—was pretty much entirely invented by the fandom. Like bro that’s the entire basis of ghost biology, how tf were we supposed to believe it worked in the show??
To expand on that, ghost biology.
Someone just decided Danny has freckles and that they glow in ghost form and we were all like. yeah.
Wesley Weston’s entire character. Nuff said.
Jack and/or Maddie always seemed to have grown up on a farm? Although I suppose with Maddie’s sister that could maybe be considered an educated guess
All the townsfolk refer to Danny’s ghost form as just ‘Phantom’ - oh wait, no they don’t.
Valerie’s alter ego is called the ‘Red Huntress’ - oh wait, no it’s not.
That one’s especially funny cause originally this list just included “Phantom calls Valerie ‘Red’” but then I learned the whole title was fanon and now I question everything I’ve ever thought beknownst to me.
Amity Park is a small town (not according to the background shots in the actual show).
I don’t remember how much of ghostly obsessions/Danny’s specifically was pulled out of the fandom’s ass but I imagine a fair amount of it considering the show wasn’t big on world building.
Phantom’s voice is echoey and/or staticky.
Danny smells like ozone and possibly citrus?
This one might just have to do with number psychology, but everyone seems to agree Phantom is a “level 7” on all of the arbitrary ghost rating systems invented by the Fentons?? Which were also made up tbf cause the Fentons never even invented that.
Danny bleeds both blood and ectoplasm, usually dependent on form, has a low heart rate and body temperature in human form, and possibly fangs. Aside from the latter these are mostly just logical inferences but it felt like they belonged here anyway.
Blob ghosts maybe?? I only think they might’ve been made up because I couldn’t find a proper photo reference of them one time and like I said, I question everything now. Maybe Jazz was never even real and the fandom just made her up so Danny could have one tiny thread of stability to support the massive load of trauma that we also dumped on him. Who the hell knows anymore, this fandom was the original Goncharov.
Accident with a capital A.
As far as I can tell, ectoblasts aren’t actually referred to as such. Admittedly I didn’t rewatch the whole show just to confirm, but according to the wiki, they’re actually called ghost rays.
Danny’s signature nervous tick is rubbing the back of his neck. I honest to god accidentally picked this habit up from reading fanfic and it is marginally embarrassing.
Danny blushes green in ghost form (admittedly this is a relatively obvious leap from “bleeds ectoplasm”.)
Ghost speak.
Danny’s middle name is James and Lancer’s first name is William (or maybe Edward.)
In all the AU’s I’ve read that involve Danny moving to Amity from somewhere else, it’s always Chicago. Admittedly I’ve only read two, but to paraphrase Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, it’s still weird that it happened twice.
Ghost ice doesn’t melt? Was that a thing? I don’t think so(?) This fandom is so bad at distinguishing canon from fanon and that does not exclude me, I haven’t seen the show in three years.
What else do y’all got? I’m sure there’s plenty more to go around
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asterchats · 11 days
(this is a word dump about being neurodiverse and disabled but also traumatised enough to be able to mask sometimes, and medical people's reactions to it, you're good to skip this if you wanna, i'm fine just complaining, love u)
also the fact that my adhd is so unconventional for what it is. i did really, like, REALLY, well in school. i can usually rely on adrenaline (anxiety) and hyperindependence through trauma to help push me through 3/7 days a week, which isn't bad, and the after-effects only come in from exhaustion of masking all day (although bump it up to four and i do get. suicidal kdslfjlksj). i can keep clean spaces if anyone else might possibly ever see them but cannot keep clean spaces that are private/my own. and also i forget everything i try to do for myself, never buy what i went to the store for in the first place, constantly forget that friends exist, hyperfocus accidentally, i am able to do things ONLY because of deadlines
all of the hallmarks of "your disorder is ONLY a disorder if it's stopping you from achieving things in your day to day life" are things that i don't meet because i have about 20929348 systems in place which I've developed over the years to force myself to meet deadlines and not forget things Including a great deal of childhood "you're not good enough/independent enough" trauma resulting in hyperindependence. and then unmasking at home is Exhausting and i haven't eaten or peed all day or had anything to drink and I haven't spoken to any friends and have no energy to speak to any friends and i have to go lie in a dark room for two hours and i have chronic pain i haven't noticed all day and i'm too exhausted to even cook and i semi-regularly end up not eating at all on the days i work and my friend tells me something and I !!!!!!!! have no idea what they said two seconds afterwards!!!!!! sometimes i literally forget what i am saying right in the middle of saying it like 3 words into a 10 word sentence!!!!!!!!
something something pathologising neurospice and prioritising predominantly medical views of it (i.e. rejecting self-diagnosis - although I do have a diagnosis from a nd-specialising psych) completely ignores that neurodivergence! should not be! diagnosed! by its deficits!!!!!!!!! you can't just LOOK at someone and say "hey you're, like, surviving in this society so we're not going to Label You As X" like being offered access to 'x' is a Fate Worse Than Death. like anyone who is neurodiverse is not allowed to have figured out a way to survive when in fact figuring out a way to survive is something we've been doing our entire lives.
also!!!!! my systems i've put in place are literally the systems explicitly taught to people who have adhd to make their lives easier!!!!!! i just didn't have a diagnosis before i started figuring out how to make my life easier for myself. so like what? i don't count now because i didn't pay someone with a medical degree to "coach" me?
and as much as this is a critique of the medical model of disability it's also a critique of the way the disability community goes "well EVERYONE..." like it is everyone. it is not. hate being alienated from people who Get It because they get it but they don't get the way it applies to me. i am privileged to be able to work 3 days a week consistently for 3+ years at this point, i also sometimes starve idk. idk idk. i have an entire internal phenomenological experience to write about but i am not sure i have anything interesting to say in the disability context that hasn't already been said.
part of being neuro-affirming is knowing that everybody is different. and not everybody can be looked at from the outside through a Deficit Model because they're very good at hiding it. and in fact affirmation starts with knowing those strengths are there and have been there all along
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estellardreams · 4 months
Sometimes I have random plot thoughts on stories that I like reading or am writing and I just wanna talk about a few that keep squirming around in my mind.
Tachophobia AU: Random Idea... In an attempt to stop his friends from reverting Niko back to Sonic, Starline secretly takes them into the facility and starts manipulating them in similar but also different ways. They could interact if he wanted, but it'd be a "Psych Ward" situation.
Imprisonment/Cybernetic AU: I have done a lot of messed up shit to characters before, and this isn't any different. Just look at my Cybernetic AU because jeez Issue 4 went hard on Sonic's trauma. It was actually my favorite to write and draw. I also got all of the work done in FOUR DAYS. (strange record. Was going to see a friend soon and I cranked out 11 pages and finished right before midnight the day before)
I actually wing a ton of my writing, and many plots don't get off the ground unfortunately because of it. So to shoutout some of those abandoned comics... "Not So Different" (A short mini between Canon!Shadow and Cybernetic!Sonic bc I noticed how similar they were), that one mlp x sonic pony comic I only got one page done for and don't have a name for, another mlp x sonic crossover comic featuring the Paradox Prism I only got to the cover art for, and that Imprisonment AU comic I completely forgot about and... Unfortunately abandoned but idk might come back to it.
Shadow Prime AU: I've always wanted to make a comic adaptation of the fic, and I might come around to it eventually once I decide what I wanna do. The main issue is the art style... Do I want it fully colored, black and white, or selective coloring? Not too sure but I'm kinda leaning on fully colored. But I still gotta finish Cybernetic but it's on hiatus due to burnout.
Sonic Cybernetic AU: I've actually wished for a game adaptation of the comic. Or at least... Working models people could use for other games to add them. I just think that'd be neat, but I can't code or model for anything.
Sometimes I accidentally enforce personal headcanons or personal experience to my writing... This happened recently with the "Rollercoaster" fic from the Tachophobia AU (reminder: I just like it. I did not create it. That belongs to @boom-fanfic-a-latta and @the-sky-queen.) Because I unintentionally drew from my own experiences from an amusement park. Although they were exaggerated a bit, they're still oddly close to my original memories. When I was younger, I liked going to the County Fair, and for the longest time I hated fast rides. I'd always panic on them, and my favorite ride was this caterpillar one (it was also slow paced and kinda bumpy). And Niko's experience, albeit shifted to be more like his character, was exactly how I felt on my first fast ride... Absolutely fucking terrified. I also sometimes have a nervous stammer and suffer from anxiety issues, so... I might've unintentionally written Niko to feel similarly to me at amusement parks when I was younger.
Anyway, just some random stuff, wanted to info-dump too. Cool? Okay, bye!
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nokingsonlyfooles · 8 months
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 9
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Part 9: Disaster Roulette: Train Bad Actually
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck.]
D: Okay, where are we? What's going on?
R: We’re on a train leaving a station at speeds of up to eighty miles per hour, part of it is already on fire, and the signal gantry that will open it up, and I quote, “like a can of sardines,” is an unknown distance away. And we are all still covered in horse viscera.
A [cheerfully]: Right! Well! Everyone, make sure you have your equipment and your psycho-reactive slime objects! Rocz, hold my purse.
R: I’m not sure this train has a bathroom…
A: Oh, no, I’m not going to the bathroom. You just need something that flies!
R: I’m not taking this, what will you use?
A: Oh, I don’t need it. Now, everyone take a deep breath and prepare to start singing “Higher and Higher” at the top of your lungs! Future Devon, prepare to edit!
D [text over slide]: YEP.
R: Are you really going to be okay?
A: Oh, yes. Yes. You, er, might want to keep your distance. I… I really do have quite a lot of pent-up hostility. It’s not easy being a girl. All right! Door’s open! Paratroops, over the side! And…
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck]
[screeching, train noises and sounds of laser fire throughout]
D: Shh! Shut up! We can’t leave all this out!
R: I don’t know if it’s exactly safe to land, Dev…
D: Just keep your distance!
L: Listeners, I wish you could see Alice! She is glowing! I mean, she is literally glowing!
R: Oh, my God.
R: So, we, uh, we accidentally gave Alice the ability to shoot lasers — er, uh, “light rays,” but that seems to work like lasers — out of her head this episode, and, looks like, all the powers of Unreal Engine animation…?
L: Fuck “accidentally,” I did this on purpose! KEEP TRANSGENDING, ALICE!
A [happily]: CHEERS!
R: Are we clear to use that with no license, Dev?
D [gleeful]: Just as long as nobody can see it!
L: Can she fly, or is she just glitching really fast?
R: I think she’s just failing to render gravity on command…
D: I don’t care what it is, it’s fantastic!
L: I just wish like hell we’d given her a higher frame rate!
R: God, that poor train. It was already on fire…
D: We’re pretty sure that train is part of, or all of, Gozer the Gozerian, Rocz.
R: I dunno. I mean, it’s possible just preventing xem from pulling off the disaster is enough to hurt xem…
[groaning, crashing, various explosions, and more laser fire]
D: Well, it’s certainly not going to happen now!
R: I’m just not sure destroying the pocket dimension while we’re in it is going to get us out of this alive…
L: Hey, do we have to Donnie Darko this bad boy? I mean, like, kill Gozer, pop the time bubble, and reset reality so we only kinda vaguely remember it? Like, is this version of me with the cool van doomed?
R: That’s assuming the time bubble is centered around Gozer and that it is, in fact, a time bubble. For example, I got out of the pie dimension just by finishing the pie, I recall it perfectly, and I did not have to die.
D: What if it’s like Bioshock and you constructed a plausible memory to cope with the trauma of your alternate self’s death?
R: That is, also, a possibility. Although it is beautifully rendered, you must realize why I’m a little concerned about Alice murdering the train. We do not know how this works. Also, she is super into it, and, uh, I’m not sure she’ll hear us if we ask her to stop.
[snarling, shrieking, crunching]
L: Holy shit, is that motherfucker rearing up in anger?
R: I think Alice has destroyed the axle on car number 7, as per the original accident, and Unreal Engine is having a little trouble rendering it in real time…
R: …Nope, my mistake. The motherfucker is indeed rearing up in anger.
V: Perhaps when Lord Gozer has destroyed the leader of your polycule, xe will have mercy on you, doughnut-giver.
R: Gah! Fuck! Don’t do that! I don’t have any more doughnuts! Wait… [crinkling wrapper] You want this?
V: [sniffing, chewing] This object is grainy and tastes of despair.
R: Well, it’s a Slimfast bar, and God knows how long it was at the bottom of this purse…
V: We do not need to lose weight.
R: No. I’m sure. It’s just all I…
V: The new world will be free of both fad diets and body image issues. To be perfectly honest, the new world will be free of most things, except suffering and tummy rubs.
R: That seems a bit contradictory…
L: Wait, what about TERFs? Will the new world have TERFs?
V: Are TERFs mortal, Vengeful God of Insults?
L: Yeah.
Z: Then most of them will die, and Lord Gozer will allow the cute ones to burn eternally in a lake of fire. Can I get some of those cigarettes? [chewing] Yum.
L [offended]: There are no cute ones!
Z [shocked]: Not even the baby ones? Have they no tentacles? No boopable noses?
L: No!
V: Then all of the TERFs will die, yes. Hail Gozer.
L: What about fish and the Dutch?
D: Liam!
L: What? I’m just sayin’, maybe we should hear them out…
L: Um, maybe we should hear “us” out?
V: All but the cutest occupants of your world shall perish.
Z: Only the cute shall suffer, with brief breaks to rub our tummies and throw a ball…
V [excited]: Did you say THROW a BALL? [panting, galloping]
Z: We apologize, we get excited. THERE IS NO BALL, VINZ CLORTHO!
Z: [sigh] There’s one in every polycule.
D: Why are you looking at me?
Z: We’d better go get us.
D: Why are you looking at me? I’M THE SANE ONE!
Z: Thank you for the cigarettes, doughnut-giver. Hail Gozer.
Z [distant]: You sound like a queer Frodo Baggins!...
L: Dev…
D: Tell me one fact about Frodo Baggins that suggests he is anything other than queer!
L: Dev! Frodo Baggins is extremely queer and I just figured out how to get us out of this mess!
[90s-vintage car key fob chirp]
[laser blasts and train sounds continue unabated]
L: Uh…
R: What’d you expect to happen?
L: I dunno. I hit the panic button. Doesn’t he know I’m in trouble?
R: Generally speaking, that just flashes the headlights and sets off the car alarm, it does not summon a car.
L: Aw, man. Poor guy’s probably sitting in an Innsmouth parking lot, just yelling his fool head off…
R: We’re not a polycule.
L: Okay, okay, wait, though. No, wait. My van is an engineering disaster, right? And my van is now a chariot pulled by a lamassu that has the gift of interdimensional flight. So we just gotta do one more engineering disaster, and pick my van!
R: The behavior of the train-monster suggests that if we pick your van, your van will become a manifestation of Gozer the Gozerian and xe will keep trying to kill us.
L: But it’s my van, right? Doesn’t my van have to listen to me?
R: Has your van ever listened to you?
L: Well, not the original version, but I think the new one likes me.
R: Yeah, but Gozer doesn’t.
D: …Rocz? What exactly is a lamassu?
R: An ancient Sumerian, later Assyrian, mythological beast. It is an emanation of the goddess Lama, and servant to Ishtar — the Queen of Heaven, not the 1987 cinematic flop. Although, critical attitudes towards the film Ishtar have softened somewhat…
D: It’s… a good Sumerian deity?
R: More like a contractor… Hang on, I'll open another tab…
D: Have a look at the one on Gozer too. Is xe a bad Sumerian deity?
L: Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m getting a real Dorothy vibe off you right now.
D: [sharply] Liam… [softening] No, no, good job, Liam. Keep it up. [to Rocz] What I’m trying to figure out is, are we acting as proxies between two opposing divine forces?
L: Sort of the meat in a god hoagie?
D: I… Yes, actually?
R: Technically, although the Cult of Gozer did form in ancient Sumer, Gozer is not Sumerian. We’re not sure where xe’s from, only that xe, in layman’s terms, is “not from around here.” Xe is more of a trans-dimensional traveler looking for a suitable place to set up shop. There have been several documented attempts, but the earliest was in Sumer.
L: Did you just say Gozer is trans?
R: In the sense of having traveled quite some distance to get here, yes. Any deities originating from this dimension would, in this context, be cis, although some of them may be trans in other ways. Though xe is, under the broadest possible definition of the term, a “trans immigrant,” xe is operating with literally toxic levels of power and privilege. I’m gonna hafta invoke Karl Popper’s paradox of tolerance, here, and remind everyone that the intent to kill most of us and boil “the cute ones” in a lake of fire for eternity takes precedence.
D: Rocz, I am still covered in cream of rat-and-horse, my sympathies do not lie with the Gozerian… even if it is a bit of a shame about the TERFs.
L: And the fish.
D: Yes.
L: So, wait, you said we were having an immune response… Is our reality having an immune response? Is Gozer like covid? Or Vigo?
R: Maybe it’s trying, but we’re in this here pocket dimension. Any Sumerian memory T cells that know how to fight xem off are pretty far away, both physically and temporally.
L [proudly]: And my van’s one of ‘em! God sent me a contractor. That settles it! My religion wins! You can all go home!
R: Alice is still beating the shit out of that train, and we can’t actually get to your van, so at the very least it’s a tie.
D: A question, gentlemen. Can a virus take the form of a T cell?
R: Some of ‘em wear those little protein coats, but if we’re talking about Gozer taking the form of a lamassu, it’d probably itch like crazy if xe tried. Looks like Ray Stantz tried a similar strategy in ‘84, but although the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man looks fairly benign, he’s a trademarked corporate mascot and bona fide capitalist tool. Medium-evil at best. A lamassu is the real deal.
L: So if we try to trick xem into taking the form of my van, either xe won’t, or xe’ll get rejected by it, and no matter what, we’ll have a whole-ass lamassu?
R: Worth a shot.
[screeching, train noises and laser blasts continue]
D: Oh, God. Somebody’s got to tell Alice.
R: You go, Dev. I got a little more research to do. And Liam’s… Liam. No offense.
L: None taken. I’ve had my fun. Just don’t forget to edit out the music, Dev!
D [text over slide]: OH SHIT. RIGHT. I’M DEV.
[generic, public domain music]
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[SLIDE: Test pattern, captioned: WE’RE EXPERIENCING COPYRIGHT DIFFICULTIES, and some difficulty with the circumstances of our reality. I mean, WTF? Why am I here? What does it all mean? Am I just a toy for your amusement, huh? Is that all? Or is there some point to all of this? What kind of God would create a being that instinctively seeks a greater purpose and then, seemingly, go out of their way to deny them that? I mean, sometimes a pet raven, liquor, and ice cream just isn’t enough, you know? Anyway…]
[laser blasts and train noises fading back in]
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck.]
D [faintly]: ALICE! HEY!
A: What? Oh, hello, Dev! Ha-ha, it’s raining “them,” eh? You look like a butch Mary Poppins! This is, er [laser blast, steam-powered screaming] a bit of a hazard, isn’t it? Something you need?
D: I just, um… Er… What do you think of the Soviet strategy versus Germany in World War Two?
D: I AM NOT… Um. We were just, sort of, er, having a tangent — as per our established podcast format —  and we wanted to get your opinion… As, er, as the leader of our polycule.
A: What, of scorched earth? [brightly] I approve of it! Obviously! [to Gozer] AND THAT IS A THREAT, YOU TRAIN-WEARING DRY FUCK! [to Devon] Did we, er, form a polycule during this tangent? I mean, it’s not the weirdest thing we’ve ever…
D: No, no… Well, sort of. But I was thinking more like… The idea of letting one’s enemy tire itself out and then, er, allowing the Russian winter, the natural defence of, um, Communism against foreign invaders to, er, sort of… finish them off?
D [dazed]: Xe could’ve taken my head off with that…
A: Um, yes, I suppose. You’re being… incredibly polite about your murder attempt.
D & A [almost on top of each other]: Are you BRITISH?
A: So, what are we doing?
D: Frantically feeling our nose to make sure it’s still attached?
A: And apart from that?
D: We want one more change of engineering disaster. We think if we pick Liam’s van, we might be able to summon a lamassu…
A: Are we assuming Ishtar is on our side for some reason?
D: What…? You knew Ishtar upgraded Liam’s van?
A: Dev, I did the slides for this. I had a truly hilarious one about Mesopotamian rock-paper-scissors. All the gods are extremely petty and hate each other, but they’re quite willing to team up and take out a group or individual they hate more. Ishtar is very into love and war and sex, so I just assumed… Well, I mean look at xem. Er, well, not the demon train version, the one with the watch and the camera. I suppose it all depends on the nature of this “new world” xe seems to…
D [quickly]: Almost everyone will die, and there will be a lake of fire in which cute things endlessly suffer, with occasional breaks to play with the Terror Dogs. We got it straight from the Terror Dogs’ mouths.
A: No sex at all?
D: I can’t speak for Gozer and the dogs, but unless the cute things get terribly bored in the lake of fire…
A: Oh. [chuckles] Oh, she wouldn’t like that.
D: So, instead of straight-up murdering the train, and collapsing the pocket dimension with us in it, we thought we’d tag in Liam’s new van. [more pained] He already tried to summon it and it didn’t work. So, er, as you said, “mountain to Mohammed” and all that.
A: Well, I’m game, but I don’t know how we’re going to convince Gozer to change forms again…
A: [screams, sound of a laser blast]
D: FUCK! How does a train monster that is also on fire “sneak up”? Huh? You have no right to stealth!
D: Um. Right.
A [happily]: Gore-encrusted podcast all the way! And we’d like to pick…
Part 10
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 months
I suspect a lot of people are going to have OPINIONS on episode two.
...it's not cutting sokka's sexism that weakened this one. it's cutting his arrogance about his warrior abilities and cutting suki's contempt for his grandstanding that weakens it.
they play the dynamic off like suki's curious about sokka because he's an outsider. the attraction between them is really played up. and instead of coming across like a talented fighter putting some idiot dude in his place, she comes off like she's almost...doing it accidentally. the scenes between them feel more genuine on her part, like she almost believes him when he says he's a warrior and wants to fight. it's...it's not as good.
it almost reminds me of the little mermaid, if I'm being honest, because they added this dimension to suki of having been isolated on kyoshi island her whole life and never getting to see the world. so she meets sokka and he's like this fascinating outsider who's been places and from a different culture and she's just enamored by that. and she is still a much better fighter than him, no question about that. but I feel like something was lost in the tension between them. it's all sexual tension now, there's no tension tension anymore. the animosity is gone. so it just doesn't hit the same.
suki's mom was pretty cool though. not sure she ever got a name?
lots of other changes to the story here, I don't even know if it's worth it to go through them all. kyoshi herself shows up and she's...kyoshi. that's a compliment. you know her, you love her. ken leung is going to be very interesting to continue watching as zhao. his character might be the change with the most implications, but we'll see how it unfolds. really like the performance though. all the fire nation characters have been really well done thus far. we also see our first look at ozai and I just know daniel dae kim is gonna nail this role.
the writing was overall better. less exposition and lore-dumping, still some coming from kyoshi about the avatar state, but not nearly as bad as episode one. there's just a lot of changes in this episode that are setting things up for how this season is going to play out. I knew they were going to have to eliminate the episodic nature of season one, but man they are really eliminating it. murdering it honestly. there's something sad about that because I know how much is going to inevitably get lost. there won't be much space for this story to breathe.
they ought to have had ten episodes, I think, instead of eight. I think I'm already feeling how compressed this version of the story is at only episode two.
but also momo is here now so like. there's that lol. overall I'm feeling kind of a mix of disappointment and intrigue with this one. the butchered sokka/suki dynamic drags this one down a lot for me.
also I'm still not happy with the portrayal of katara. and I don't think it's the actress, I know kiawentiio from anne with an e. I know she can play up emotion and anger and pain and trauma, and I know she can do joy and heartwarming friendship. but something's off with her take on katara, and it's either in the writing or directing, I think. they've just...neutered her. all her fire is gone and we're left with a girl that feels like a shell of her animated self. like the building blocks are there. she wants to be a waterbender. she really believes in aang. she's caring and compassionate. she's clearly traumatized by the death of her mother. she bickers with her brother sometimes, albeit not as much as in the original. but it's like the spark, that drive she had in the original just isn't there. she feels flattened out and dull. I don't feel this with the other characters...it really is a katara problem.
maybe it'll get better. but this isn't the same character. and when all the other leads do feel like the same characters, that's a problem.
...also, they threw the waterbending scroll into this episode as something gran-gran was hiding from katara for her safety, which...fine, but now we're not even gonna get that arc for katara. I just. ugh what have they done to my girl??
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babbyrat-art · 9 months
I’d love to learn more about tala trace and Aaron they seem SO cool and also your art is absolutely STUNNING
Hi!!! I know you read/rb'd the info dump i did after sending this but I do have more about the Triplets/Keane family and I'm happy to share!!!
First of all - their story, again, started over a decade ago with two friends who I'm no longer in regular contact with, and a couple years after their creation i merged them with another friend's character to build off of! So their OG backstory got mixed up and muddled together into something incomprehensible due to me a) not fully remembering the original RP story line (we were 12 it wasn't good) and b) not having access to/remember all the og people's characters who were involved ASKJDH
This is a quick breakdown of the Keane Family Tree!! The Keane Fam/Pack is one of 3 packs that live in the area (a fictional town called St. Dennis and a few adjacent counties in the fictional state of Vermont :3)
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I made this very quickly in Mila note so I'm sorry if its shitty AKJSDH
Please feel free to ask me to elaborate more on parts that I might miss because I'm very scatter brained!!! Im just gonna TYPE
Their story is very... slice of life, I guess? The curren RP just follows their lives and relationships pretty closely, and how the triplets grow as people and come away from trauma very differently.
Tala is the first to blossom but again I don't think she'll ever lose her spark of anger that she holds very tight and close to her chest. She's a very protective person and takes on a leadership role amidst her family (i hate calling her an alpha it feels wierd ASJDH- shes just... a matriarch?).
Her and Travis were best friends in highschool, tended to ditch class and smoke up, platonic ideal of friendship supported each other in the way most 15 year olds who bottle up their emotions do. Travis had ALWAYS had a huge crush on Aaron and essentially followed him around until he finally accepted he wasn't going anywhere (Travis is also "adopted" by their uncle, James, around the time their relationship solidifies!! He asks to be turned to feel "officially" a part of the family and Aaron isn't able to do it, so Tala does).
Travis' other bestfriend, Beck, meets/gets closer to Tala accidentally after a Halloween party in their senior year and things move very quickly for them (they get pregnant with the twins at 20 if im remembering correctly askjdh).
Having kids both made Tala better and worse? She's fiercly protective but also made her a lot more... grounded? Like she started taking shit and her responsibility in the family far more seriously, especially when Beck is turned? (A decision he made due to not wanting to be The Only Human there (also raising werewolf babies as a human??? sounds like hell))
Aaron blossoms more when he and Travis enter a relationship - he started hormone therapy around the same time (15-16) which ALSO helped a fuck ton. He's very closed off and aggressive and prefers to keep people at a healthy distance on the off chance he gets hurt or hurts someone (despite... hurting people in doing so). He also is the only one in his family who views lycanthropy as a curse? Its one of the reasons he couldn't bring himself to turn Travis himself. ALL he wants is to feel understood and be "normal" but knows that'll... never happen?
It takes a long time for him to feel more comfortable with himself, and Travis' unending support is one of the reasons he's able to do that. Eventually they move out together and meet a bartender named Micah that they learn is a little down on his luck and needs a place to stay so offer him their spare room. Micah and Aaron are very similar in keeping people at a distance, so it takes some TIME before he accepts that they both genuinely like him. Happy little polycule <3
TRACE takes the longest. He's autistic and struggles to feel safe and accepted and his growth comes MUCH later in the story. They live at home for a majority of their teens and early adulthood and take up the quiet task of babysitting when they're needed but don't really like being around Tala (and Beck, by proxy, despite him being SO sweet and king hearted).
Trace focus' a lot on Charlie when he's younger because he's a very anxious kid - and once Charlie starts school and meets another little werewolf named Percy (a part of another pack i'll post eventually akjsdh), Trace is tasked with watching the both of them. That's how they meet Ansel (Percy's "uncle"/pack mate)!!
Still figuring a lot out on their journey but Ansel is the safest person in Trace's life next to Micah (who he formed a crush on upon meeting for the first time, but didn't quite understand thats what they were feeling, and just enjoyed his company greatly (they're both autistic and remain very close)).
SDFKSDFJH THERES a lot that happens rp wise that has been going on continuously for years i can't possibly summarise but I'll go grab some of my fav snippets and also some older art <3
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theres like 300k+ words scattered between multiple rps that i have saved - theres a ton that got lost in the skype migration aSKDJH I was gonna read through them all to find my fav snippets but heres just a few?
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and some old art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The top three ofthe riplet's og designs!!!
then a drawing of Tala and Show - and finally an old icon for Travis!!!!!
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qwuilty · 1 year
Since we'll be living here, we might as well dump some P1 Dude headcannons as an offering.
— Because of he horrible sleep schedule, his eyes are always slightly red and eyelids droopy. His hair creates a shadow over his eyes too, making him look more menacing than what he wanted to.
— He's an math person, It's logic is simple to understand and it never changes. History and Biology are the subjects he struggles with the most.
— Despite being an "wolf person" this loser just Oozes sad wet cat energy. Pathetic little meow meow if i must say.
— Would do the Undertale's pacifist route if he could play it and would cry if he ever did the genocide one.
— Is interested in more "feminine" things but, because of what others would think of him, he mostly keep it to himself. On that matter, he thinks skirts are Awfully comfortable.
— He's super easy to fluster. In this state he tends to nervously play with his hair.
— This is mostly because of a oneshot on AO3 but i thinks that he would be willing to share a bath with his partner, even though he would be nothing but a blushing mess.
Have a good day/night
– ☕ | 🐰 | ☀️🌙
OOO i love these, they feel very in line with my own headcanons for him! I've personally imagined him more in those long librarian style skirts in the fall, or at least he would have been if the 90s wasn't.. The 90's and all. Also imagining him fidgeting around with his hair all red in the face is absolutely what i needed after 9 am classes today |D I think him liking math more also makes sense, sure it's a lot at first, but there's a sense of consistency to it that others might take for granted
In return i'll give one of my own headcanons, i'm kind of coming around more to the idea of him trying to enlist as his last ditch effort "i need to make something of myself or i'll be a failure forever" (Also since admittedly it does make sense now that i think over it more, mainly related to potential ptsd related gunshot hallucinations and his use of military terms, plus the war journal thing), and i think he'd have kind of a teasing name of Big Bird because of how tall he is and how he kind of shuffled around everywhere. (Also partially ableism because he had a harder time catching onto things like sarcasm or lying, making him seem 'stupid' despite having a lot of book smarts)
I'm still admittedly kind of considering ideas for it, but i think he got discharged after issues with trauma and insomnia after dealing with the horror of war lead to him accidentally attacking another solider, leading to him being deemed unfit to continue serving and sent right back to rock bottom. I'm also admittedly dealing with low spoons brain due to a rough day, so i hope that made sense <:D
(btw if anyone is curious about the fic, i think it's Nothing Out To Get You by lobotomyy on Ao3 /correct me if im wrong/, i personally read it myself and it's very cute, i would absolutely reccomend it <3)
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
I hope you don't mind me reaching out, but my mind's in a whirl and I'm wondering if I'm a system, and you seem like a great place to ask questions.
So. Long story short, I've intermittently preferred plural pronouns ever since I found out about them (ie. like the royal we). They just feel lot more natural. And I've dealt with a lot of trauma and dissociation growing up bc trans, only recently remembering a bunch of stuff from childhood. Like growing up, I felt like a different person whenever I did trans stuff, cause that made it easier to forget.
And I've dissociated like hell plenty of times where I'll just be trapped in my mind with my body on autopilot, doing it's own thing, cause I'm just dealing with something so big and bad I can't be there.
And I've always talked to myself in my head to like talk myself through stuff. Like full on conversations with another voice that I don't really control, and if I do control it, it feels very forced and wrong. But it feels echoey. Like I'm saying it first and just parroting it back to myself with a different voice on top. And I've never really thought about it to much.
But I've recently come across a lot of plural content and've started thinking about all of it in a new light. And so I've been reading a lot of stuff, trying to do research, except I don't know enough to even know if what I'm reading applies. And I'm being really cautious about it cause I don't want to accidentally create someone if they weren't there already, cause I mean I don't want to go around snatching up diagnoses for fun cause that feels like just asking for trouble.
But a lot of the content I've been seeing is saying to be more gentle and to try and talk to them. And so I tried to reach out the other night and started talking with a girl named Mary and she's like really mother-y and patient and wants me to take care of myself. And I've been casually chatting with her since then. And she says she's been around for a long time to help take care of me and I don't really think I can deny that I'm part of a system now.
(I've also talked to other voices over the years, but never tried to contact them. I always thought of them as me talking to myself, and would do the mental equivalent of shouting at them if they wouldn't be quiet after I was done "talking to myself", sort of like trying to get rid of intrusive thoughts.)
And I'm sorry for dumping all this on you but I'm to nervous to tell anybody irl until I'm like certain. But I guess the big question this all comes to is does this sound like a system to you??? Am I just making this all up??? And on top of that, what does it feel like to share a head with someone??? And what does it feel like when someone else is fronting?? How do you front? And how do I let myself let go of my iron fist on the body? Taking it from my body to our body?
Hi there!
That sounds a lot like system stuff to me. Actually, I wrote an article about how to know if an "imaginary friend" is sentient, and what you're describing when you talk about the voice feeling wrong when you try to control it... that's literally my final test...
I ask that people try to control their potential headmate in some way to find out how it feels. So in my book, you already passed that test.
And if you have to mentally scream at the other people in your head to make them pipe down, then it's safe to say you're probably not making them up.
But it feels echoey. Like I'm saying it first and just parroting it back to myself with a different voice on top.
I would like to propose an alternative explanation here.
I bet that when you are speaking to somebody aloud, you plan out what you're going to say to them before you say it.
Now... imagine if you shared a brain with somebody. Each individual in the brain might have "loud thoughts" which are them actually speaking in ways intended to be heard. They might also have "quiet thoughts" which are the equivalent to thinking of what you're going to say before you say it. The reason it might feel echoey could be because they're thinking first, and you hear those quiet thoughts, before they speak to you with their loud thoughts.
I also think it's pretty common for systems to interpret different headmates as different genders. You might want to explore that a bit more, and see if "your" feelings towards things changed while exploring different gender identities.
Sharing a head with someone is... a little different for everyone. I think common themes though include things like hearing each other's voices internally in a way that's similar to your own inner monologue but distinct.
But it's not just the voices. It's often their thoughts and feelings too.
We can often sense when a headmate is happy or upset. And while those emotions are in our brain, we generally recognize them as belonging to somebody else. Except there's often bleedover too. So someone who isn't fronting being upset will cause the fronter to be miserable.
Have you ever asked the voice you talk to about itself to see what happens? Like, does it have a name? Does it want a name? Does it have different feelings towards people in your life that are distinct from your own? Does it remember things about your past differently than you do?
As for when someone else is fronting, it depends a lot on how conscious you are. If you're co-con, it might be like being aware of your body while it moves almost as if on autopilot. You know someone else is in the pilot seat, and you don't really feel connected to the body.
If you completely dissociate, you may not be aware of anything going on while it's happening, and only become aware of what's happened while you were gone after the fact when you switch in again. And that switch back to front may be a little disorienting while you readjust.
At least, that's how things work for us. Again, every system is different.
On letting go of the body, it may take time and I might advise you to not rush it. Discovering your system can be a bit jarring, and you don't need to do everything all at once. For now, just try talking to your voices and asking them questions, and pay very close attention to how they feel while you do.
Hope that helps! Have a wonderful day! And if you don't mind, wish Mary and the other voice a wonderful day from me too! 💖💖💖
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neohart · 1 year
mechs head cannons (angst edition):
Jonny will bite the others and it only happened more after Out to make sure that everyone is really there
I always think about Jonny and how he might have a hard time asking for comfort so when he doesn’t want flesh touching him (because of Carmilla’s A+ Parenting), he’ll stand outside of Brian’s room and claw at the door until he opens it
After the Moon War, TS has an easier time seeking out comfort from the others due to accidentally trauma dumping to Jonny while on the moon
Jonny and Nastya will tap Morse code to each other through Aurora’s vents to check on each other before Carmilla was airlocked. They still ended up doing it before Out
Tim has a habit of stealing everyone’s clothes, even if they’re big on him, because it remind him of the times before Bertie died
Brian has nightmares from before he was mechanized and doesn’t let anyone know about it
Ashes seeking out comfort is very unlikely and prefer to take to unhealthy coping mechanisms
*points to TS’ backstory* it isn’t even a HC, it’s just canon
Ivy and Raph will often comfort each other but can’t do it often because Ivy’s touch-averse
Lyf tries to hide their nightmares about Yogsothoth. Doesn’t work out obviously because she rooms with Marius (also happy HC, Lyf goes by she/they/he probouns normally)
Thank you and goodnight *bows dramatically*
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firecoloredwater · 1 year
(This got VERY long and accidentally morphed into a fic. The fic starts with Fax's massacre of Lessa's family and her resulting trauma, and also touches on not-quite-real-world climate anxiety, so caution reading.)
I've thought a few times about how I would rewrite Dragonflight if I were going to, how I'd streamline the plot (merge Fax and Meron, to start) and tweak characterization (F'lar can act basically the same if he's, like, 17 instead of 20-something).
But the fundamental crack at the heart of Dragonflight which I've never been able to resolve is Lessa. Because there are two things which are fundamental truths to Lessa.
The first truth is this: she is Lessa of Ruatha. She is the only survivor of a massacre, the last rightful heir to the kingdom, and she raised herself on those truths. She is, literally, a secret princess disguising herself with filth in order to hide from danger as a kitchen servant. But that's misleading, because those fairytale princesses she shares the shape of just want to escape abuse and live in peace. Lessa is actually the lost prince of a conquered land, come home to slay the tyrant that murdered her father and retake her rightful place as king Lady Holder.
The second truth is this: Lessa of Ruatha must abandon Ruatha, in order to become Lessa of Ramoth, of Benden, of Pern, and save the world.
And she can't know why she needs to go, or that she'll save the world in doing so, because if she knew what she was going to do we wouldn't have a full plot of Lessa figuring out time travel and that she needs to bring the Weyrs forward. You can make it a bit better by letting Lessa actually know what a Weyrwoman is, rather than thinking she's probably going to be F'lar's mistress, but she still has no reason to abandon Ruatha, especially not in favor of Fax's son.
I think, to fix it, Jaxom can't be Fax's son.
Lessa was the youngest of a large family. She had several older brothers and sisters; say around eight kids, average 2.5 turns between them, and even if Lessa was only four when Fax arrived, the oldest would have been around eighteen. But I will, for this purpose, say Lessa was ten, and the oldest were in their twenties.
A family that large, with a few kids grown or nearly so, whose hereditary job involves diplomacy, won't all be at home most of the time. They'll be out checking on important industries, visiting allies, sent to a Hall like the noble girls that will someday give Menolly so much trouble, or sent for fostering like those girls' boyfriends. Given the alliance-building use of fostering and Fax's having already taken over several Holds before Ruath Hold, it would be the obvious thing for Lessa's father to have sent one of his teenage sons to Fax for fostering.
Lessa doesn't think about that. She's ten, and she has just watched her entire family be slaughtered. She is hiding in the watch-wher's den, in shock and terrified. She does not think of it until a few days later, when one of Fax's men drags in a mangled body with hair the same color as her brother's, dumps it beside the rest, and declares the job complete.
Lessa's body is there too, of course, or else there surely would have been a search thorough enough to find her. There was a search, but before Lessa they found a servant's daughter of about the right age and description with a face a touch more Ruathan-typical than Lessa's own, and so the search ended.
Lessa is terrified that Fax or his men might realize their mistake. But no one in Ruatha is much inclined to tell Fax or his men anything they might not want to hear. And Lessa, without knowing it, is the most powerful telepath Pern has seen in generations. Even without intention, her desperation to remain undetected is enough to exert pressure on the minds around her.
No one identifies the servant girl. No one looks in the watch-wher's den. No noise that comes from the den sounds like a human child. No one wonders why, in the evenings, someone feels the need to leave human-suitable food near the watch-wher's den, or where it vanishes to before morning.
When Lessa finally emerges, no one wonders where this new servant girl came from. No one questions her soft hands or fancy speech or condescending attitude. They snap at her for being unskilled, and give her the hardest, simplest work, and think no more of it.
It takes weeks, months, for Lessa's shock and horror to settle enough to allow fury to emerge in more than flashes. It takes years for her to work out any plan more specific than survive, and make him pay. It also takes years, though perhaps not quite as many, for her to notice the pressure she can exert on other people without their notice, and to learn to do it intentionally.
By the time Lessa is twenty, Ruatha develops a reputation for being cursed. What grows there grows poorly. What few crafters remain seem to lose their skill. And there are the accidents: rockfalls, impossible fires, drunken fights that turn deadly, all manner of things which can kill, and often do. The more highly-placed a man is (or a woman, though few women can be described in such terms in Fax's Holds) the more accidents seem to find him.
There is weight in the air of Ruatha: the weight of grief, of hatred, of fury, of pain. A constant pricking on the back of the neck; the scent of blood perpetually half-imagined. Healers advise those with poor hearts to avoid Ruatha if possible, or if a visit is necessary, to leave quickly: something there makes the heart race and strain, and given time, a weak one will fail.
But that's not going to stop F'lar!
F'lar is 17, superior, young enough that he has never yet failed, and frantic with terror in his own way. Even a teenage bronzerider outranks all people but more senior bronzeriders (though every bronzerider is F'lar's senior), and F'lar wears both his power and his arrogance like a gaudy cape: he sneers, he orders, he demands, he pushes, and those who are preoccupied with anger and frustration about his attitude--which is nearly everyone he meets--rarely wonder why he demands the things he does, why he is so obnoxious as to stop and ask drudges idle questions about the weather and the upkeep of the Hold.
The truth is, F'lar is arrogant. His father was wiser, but his father is dead, and so F'lar is the smartest man in the world, and never wrong. He considers any behavior other than giving him what he wants to be obstructionism, all people to be his inferiors, and inferior people behaving in obstructionist ways to be the worst possible transgression. As such, he dislikes nearly everyone he meets, and enjoys needling, insulting, and upsetting them. His status makes retaliation impossible.
The truth is also this: F'lar sees the apocalypse coming, and he does not know how to stop it. He has read about how threadfall will consume the planet, and with it all of Pern's people. He knows how many dragons are needed to guard the planet, and how small a fraction of that number currently live. He has watched the Red Star grow nearer, and he has listened to every adult dismiss him with the insistence that it's not that bad, there's nothing to fear, there is no danger coming, and so nothing should be done.
F'lar's father died, and left to him the duty of saving the world. F'lar has never failed before, and he clings to that fact with the same desperation that Lessa clings to Ruatha, and all its recent history.
F'lar is searching for candidates, for the future Weyrwoman and future riders, but he is also searching for allies and scouring every Hold he passes through for its prevailing attitudes and common knowledge. Do the crafters' sons know the Ballad of Moreta? Do the farmers have enough children to weed the fields as thoroughly as they ought? You there, drudge--what do you think of this grass among the paving stones?
He is not pleased by the answers.
F'nor is older, but he calls himself sixteen. He follows F'lar loyally, as a younger brother ought, as a wingsecond must. He goes where F'lar points and does what F'lar asks, and no one questions his motives: as a loyal wingsecond and little brother, he is motivated only by obedience. No one questions, either, when he finds the free time to put on a charming smile and chat with the girls near his age. Did many of the herdbeasts have twins this spring? How has the fishing been; more storms than usual again this turn? That outbreak of illness he heard of in the next Hold over, have the healers gotten it under control yet?
It is true that F'nor is loyal to his father's favored son, and follows F'lar's orders without complaint. That does not make his obedience thoughtless, nor does it mean he lacks his own initiative.
And so they wind through Fax's holds. Here and there, they pick up people as they go: some on Fax's orders, some on F'lar's. Sometimes there is disagreement, in which case F'lar's preference wins, but sometimes things align perfectly, as with a couple they overtook on the road to Ruatha: young man and pregnant wife, with an old runnerbeast and their life packed into a cart. If F'lar insists the young man is a strong candidate (enough that an exception may be made for his age), and wishes to take him to the Weyr, the couple will have to leave all their belongings behind in Ruatha. Fax is hardly inclined to refuse.
The young couple, of course, join the party for their own reasons.
Fax and F'lar do not think of this. F'nor does, and speaks to the couple with smiles and offers to reason with F'lar on their behalf should they find that they hate life in the Weyr. He concludes that they had no plans, that a future in the Weyr is as good as any, and that the common people are rarely inclined to argue with men such as F'lar.
And so the party reaches Ruatha, last of all Fax's Holds, as Fax had hoped that F'lar would find what he was looking for elsewhere and leave before the visit become necessary. Fax keeps his guards close: meat shields in case of accidents.
The visit goes much the same as in canon. Oh, it differs in the details, in the people present and the conversations they have, but Ruatha is still a place of bad food and worse feelings. Fax is tense, irritable, angry, and F'lar loves to needle.
But some details are critical. Gemma, who breaks an argument despite her best efforts by going into labor, is the wife of the young couple. As she is not Fax's wife, this pauses the argument, but does not resolve it, and under the pressure of Lessa's will, it soon resumes.
But F'lar is a dragonrider. For years, he has lived with Mnementh as a presence and pressure on his mind; he is well used to acting only on his own will, and not on the stray thoughts of others. And so it is not him that breaks and initiates a duel. Nor is it Fax, who is less resistant to Lessa's will but deeply fearful of this malevolent place, and unwilling to leave the circle of his guards over insults that F'lar has been provoking him with this entire trip.
It is the young man who steps forward, shaking with his own and Lessa's will, and announces himself as Lokan, a surviving son of the late Ruathan Lord, and the rightful ruler of Ruath Hold.
It is, of course, Lessa that allows her brother to win. Fax is a powerful, experienced figher, and Lokan cannot match him.
But Lessa is there. She drags pebbles under Fax's heel, clouds his mind, and slows his reactions. In the end Lokan is wounded, but Fax is dead, and Ruath Hold belongs once more to Ruathan blood.
F'lar is reluctant to let his star candidate go, but if F'lar were to deny Lokan's claim to Ruatha, Lokan would have to be executed. Besides, Fax was no use to F'lar, and the lord holders that replace him might be, and so F'lar declares the Weyr's recognition of Lokan as the rightful Lord Holder of Ruatha. Fax's men are sent away with minimal bloodshed, though perhaps a few accidents.
Lessa reveals herself to her brother, and Gemma survives the birth of her and Lokan's son. Perhaps he is named Jaxom; perhaps his parents name him instead after Lessa, or Lokan's murdered father, or Gemma's father, who saved Lokan's life years ago.
F'lar seeks out Lessa, to her complete disinterest. But Lokan, while in hiding, was in a completely different sort of hiding than she was. He was warned and spirited away by minor holders, allies of their father. In addition to being much older than Lessa when their family was killed, he still had access to harpers and lessons while in hiding, and he understands politics. He encourages Lessa to go to the Weyr, as a Weyrwoman would wield political power and be able to back Ruatha's recovery in a way no other ally could.
It is a brief day, perhaps two, of relief and joy, before Lokan's wounds develop an infection. Less than a week after reclaiming his Hold, he dies.
His son is only days old, but still the rightful heir, and Lessa will never want to interfere. Lady Gemma becomes regent. As she expected and trained to be Lady of Ruatha while it recovered, she is well prepared despite her grief.
Lessa, victorious and devastated and reeling, follows her brother's wishes to the Weyr, and the promise of power that she can use to protect her nephew and sister-in-law.
She will, of course, find the power to do much more than that.
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mattypattypinky · 5 months
🎀 Denzel Crocker Romantic Headcanon's 🎀
He's a hopeless romantic, and he's incredibly inexperienced. Combined making him incredibly awkward. It's very easy for things to go over his head. He might not pick up on the advances made because he's very inexperienced.
He might also not pick up on it because he is very negative, and automatically assumes that no one would ever like him in that way.
I feel like if he were to realize, he'd get extremely flustered.
If he were to go on a date, he'd ask his mom for money for it. He'd try not to tell her what he's getting money for.
"Mother! I need 40 dollars!"
"Oh Denzel, what do you need that much money for?"
"I need money for... Uhm... Uh - The Unsuspecting Van!!! I need to renews its registration!"
if she found out he wouldn't hear the end of it. And his mom would tease and coo relentlessly.
"Oh, Denzel! You have a (bf/gf/partner)! - When am I gonna meet them???"
"Mother, you've met enough people in my life😞"
A lot of his dating knowledge would be like from the 80's/90's. He'd probably dress in a bowtie and flowers and a box of chocolates. He'd have his hair slicked back... He looks silly. He'd even wash up beforehand. If he's too unmotivated to take an actual shower he'd use washclothes on important areas.
He'd probably take you out to get sea food, and he'd order Shrimp Puffs. He'd try to order it discreetly because so many people hate Shrimp Puffs in the town 😞 The waiter would repeat his order loudly and he'd desperately beg them to shush but his date would figure it out anyways😭
From the beginning of the date his face is so red. If you pointed it out he'd blame it on a hot flush, or that he's getting a fever. Sure.
Principal Waxelplax was the last real date he'd had in ages, so he'd be really rusty. Also, he'd probably mention her date a lot, comparing it. Not in a "shes better" way, but in a "oh god am I doing it as good as I did back then?" way.
He'd be worried he's too old, especially if they date is younger. He'd say stuff like "You could do better than an old man like me" even though he's not that old😞
He'd be a very gentleman. He'd hold the door open for his partner, and he'd probably take his coat off and put it on a puddle so your shoes don't get wet (what a dorkus. You can just walk around it you know😭 You don't have the heart to tell him that though).
He'd pull out your chair at the restaurant, he'd refuse to let you pay as he believes he should be the one doing it.
He'd be visibly straining himself to not talk about fairies, but he wouldn't want to put his new partner off. He's trying to hold himself back from launching into a three hour discussion about the existence of fairies. He doesn't want to make his partner uncomfortable or put off, or even worse, laugh at him and leave the date.
He'd try to keep the conversation off of him. He'd ask about you constantly. He's worried he's unaccomplished, and he doesn't want to accidentally trauma dump due to him constantly being negative. He wants his partner to think he's cool and attractive, and not a bummer to be around. He doesn't have many happy memories to share and he doesn't have many fun stories or anything he would find worthy to tell you, besides fairies, but that might drive you off.
He doesn't want you to think he's sad, or mean. If you pass a child, he'd do everything in his power to avoid the kid so that the child won't call him mean or laugh at him in front of the date, or worse - Make fun of you for being seen with him. He'd be so scared of having his date being a target of the jokes. He'd apologize in advance if anyone made fun of him, or you.
He'd give a lot of compliments. The first thing he'd do is compliment your hair, and clothes. He'd be a little nervous about physical contact. He's not used to physical affection, so if any form of physical affection happens I feel like he'd go all red, flinch or go stiff and not know what to do.
He was fully expecting his date to just - Not want to touch him.
His hands would definitely be clammy. Very sweaty. He's probably got hyperhydrosis or something. He'd wipe it aggressively constantly, you can tell he doesn't hold hands often and that he really enjoys it.
He'd be even less used to hugs. At the end of the date he was fully expecting to drop you off and just leave with no words besides a see you later, but if you wanted a hug or kiss he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd probably stiffen like a board.
Full straight line stiffening. He'd be so nervous. He probably wouldn't hug back the first time just because he's so shell shocked 😞 If you wanted a kiss you'd have to make the first move, because he's so worried you'll be disgusted by him if he tries. He views himself as a monster 😞
He'd flop into his bed and swoon when he gets home He'd draw pictures.
I feel like if the date went super well, he'd think its a trick, or that it was the cause of fairies. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought that you had fairies. Nobody in their right mind would want to date him. It had to be the work of fairy godparents, right? It might make him even more obsessed with you though.
He'd want to call and go on a second date, but he'd be so nervous. Twirling the phone line wire, and he sounds like he has a frog in his throat when he's asking if you want to go on another date. He'd probably accidentally get his finger stuck in the phone wire. Also, his mom would call upstairs😞
"Denzel, honey! Who are you on the phone with?"
"NO ONE MOTHER!" and he sounds so mad 😞
He'd use his home phone and his mom would pick up to overhear the conversation 😭😭😭 She'd be soooo nosey.
I feel like if she ever met you, she'd make a cake. To celebrate her sons first partner in YEARS. I feel like she'd be the type to ask about grandkids or show baby pictures. Denzel would be HUMILIATED😭😭😭
little pookie wookie bear <3
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seoness · 2 years
Hey, question here! Do you think Sandor is self conscious about his appearance / scar? He seems to mostly have a tough / brooding idgaf attitude, but there are times when he brings his appearance, especially his face, into conversation when talking to other characters. He seemed hurt and pointed out how Sansa was unable to look at him on multiple occasions. When he first starts traveling with Arya he notes that she can “at least look” at his face. The most interesting imo is when he speaks to Gendry the night he tries to get his gold back from the Brotherhood. I don’t have the book on hand, but he says something along the lines of: “Why trust them and not me? Could it be my face?” He seems to bring it up with a good handful of characters, so I wonder if this still bothers him into adulthood. Side question adding onto that one haha- how would Sandor feel about someone that is very casual / comfortable around him from the start? Someone who looks him in the face, takes his snarky comments with good humor, casually rubs his shoulder or back, etc. Since Sandor notices that his appearance has an effect on people, I can’t imagine how he would react to someone that consistently approaches him without judgement.
The way that example with Gendry made me run to A Storm of Swords 🏃‍♀️💨
"The boy has a mouth on him, I see. Why believe them and not me? Couldn't be my face, could it?"
This is something I'll touch on in the writing guide as well, but with the Hound I think it's easy to be distracted by what he presents. The image he keeps. But here and there, like this quote, we get hints of the inner self seeping through the cracks.
He never healed from his childhood trauma. His only true stated goal is to kill his older brother. When Gregor rides for King's Landing and attends the same tourney as him, Sandor drinks far too much which results in him trauma dumping on a little girl that could just as well have been him growing up.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that all his toughness and rough edges are a front for his hurt, but the world he lives in fuels that side of him. People don't like to meet his gaze. Making them have something to fear is easier, but the fact remains that Sandor Clegane could be as harmless as a butterfly and kind as a kitten, and people would still not meet his gaze. I think he's self-conscious about his burn in the way that he is acutely aware that it's why people don't like to look at him, and the hurt has gotten stale. A part of him is used to it, bored, and with it he is annoyed. The hypocrisy of it all. An outlaw untrusting of him when they ride around expediting "justice" of a dead King?
So yes, he's self-conscious but at the same time very much used to it. Bitter.
Answer to the second question:
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Fucking suspicion. If you're used to everyone treating you one shitty way and suddenly there's someone that doesn't? Nah. Something is up. He'll entertain possibilities like:
A spy that's been sent to get some sort of information or lure him to do something that will make him a head shorter.
Doing it on a dare. (Think how there was a dare amongst some Reachern nobles on who could take Brienne of Tarth's maidenhead?)
Some sick form of sarcasm.
Drunker than a skunk.
Basically, anything else than "Oh, this person might actually be nice?" If the person is consistently kind and meets his gaze and has decent morals? An honest to the gods' good person? He'll tell them to get the hell out of King's Landing. It would be like accidentally landing a consulting contract with a security firm. He'll definitely be at risk of striking warmer feelings for that person, but unless they also show want for something like that, he'll try to contend with his hand and a visit or two to the brothels.
There's a reason why I made Sandor Clegane tells my OC a gazillion times to get the hell out of dodge. 😂 Basically if someone treats him like that:
Spirit is them, and Little Creak is Sandor Clegane.
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