#might as well as save everyone the headache
daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
I know it's mostly only done for crossover purposes, but I do think it's hilarious when the Batkids have little to no reaction whenever Bruce brings a new kid home.
No questions asked, just immediate acceptance.
Oh, there's a random child at the breakfast table whom Bruce hasn't bothered to inform anyone about yet?
Aight, well it looks their messed up family just acquired its newest member. Welcome to the fucking club, kid. You have no fucking clue what you're in for, but don't worry. It's only going to get more bat shit insane from here.
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yeonban · 1 month
Negative Character Traits. Below is a list of 102 negative traits to describe your character. Bold the ones that fit. Tagged by: @hunting-songs Thank you!! Tagging: @effigist, @antinomos, @minban, @blindfoldcd, @furiaei, @gameswillbeplayed, @halchron & whoever else wants to do this!
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Aggressive - pursuing one’s aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so Aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant Arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities
Belligerent - hostile and aggressive Big-headed - conceited or arrogant Bitchy - malicious or unpleasant Boastful - showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities Bone-idle - lazy Boring - not interesting; tedious Bossy - fond of giving people orders; domineering
Callous - showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others Cantankerous - bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative Careless - not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors Changeable - irregular; inconstant Clinging - overly dependent on someone emotionally Compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one’s conscious wishes Conservative - a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics Cowardly - lacking courage Crass - lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence Cruel - willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion Cynical - believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
Deceitful - guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others Detached - separate or disconnected Dishonest - behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.* Dogmatic - inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true Domineering - assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way*
Fastidious - very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail Finicky - fussy about one’s needs or requirements Foolish - lacking good sense or judgment; unwise Foolhardy - recklessly bold or rash Fussy - fastidious about one’s needs or requirements; hard to please
Greedy - having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power Grumpy - bad-tempered and irritable Gullible - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
Harsh - cruel or severe
Impatient - having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked Impolite - not having or showing good manners; rude Impulsive - acting or done without forethought Inconsiderate - thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others Inconsistent - not compatible or in keeping with Indecisive - not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively Indiscreet - having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain secret or private Inflexible - unwilling to change or compromise Interfering - tending to interfere in other people’s affairs Intolerant - not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own Irresponsible - not showing a proper sense of responsibility
Jealous - feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
Lazy - unwilling to work or use energy
Machiavellian - cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics Materialistic - excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented Mean - one who makes no effort to understand or empathize with others Miserly - of or characteristic of a miser Moody - given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness
Narrow-minded - not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views; prejudiced Nasty - behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way Naughty - disobedient; badly behaved Nervous - easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung
Obsessive - a person who is affected by an obsession Obstinate - stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so Overcritical - inclined to find fault too readily Overemotional - having feelings that are too easily excited and displayed
Parsimonious - unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal Patronizing - apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending* Perverse - showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences Pessimistic - tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen Pompous - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important Possessive - demanding someone’s total attention and love Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Quarrelsome - given to or characterized by quarreling Quick-tempered - easily made angry
Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly Rude - offensively impolite or ill-mannered* Ruthless - having or showing no pity or compassion for others
Sarcastic - marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt Secretive - inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information Selfish - lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure Self-centered - preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs Self-indulgent - characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants, especially when this involves pleasure or idleness Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish Sly - having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature Sneaky - furtive; sly Stingy - unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous Stubborn - having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so Stupid - having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense Superficial - not having or showing any depth of character or understanding
Tacky - showing poor taste and quality Tactless - having or showing a lack of adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened Touchy - oversensitive and irritable Thoughtless - not showing consideration for the needs of other people Truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
Unkind - inconsiderate and harsh to others Unpredictable - behaving in a way that is not easily predicted Unreliable - not able to be relied upon Untidy - not inclined to keep one’s possessions or appearance neat and in order Untrustworthy - not able to be relied on as honest or truthful*
Vague - thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth Vengeful - seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury Vulgar - lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined
Weak-willed - lacking the ability to resist influence or to restrain one’s own impulses; irresolute
* = Depends on who you are. There traits aren't an inherent part of how he'd act with 99% of people, but they do come very naturally when facing off against those he cannot stand or who he believes deserve it.
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godseeker-yharim · 6 months
anita: "luke.... i'm worried about kenny tonight. would we know if something happened to him? what if he already went to go fight yharim?"
luke: "i'm not sure he would. not so soon. he's smart enough not to rush in. and even if he did want to, he would have to find the aerie."
50 feet outside, kenny is hidden and "pspspsp"ing at nugget to try and feed him some actual nuggets he got from some harpies
You joke but this is absolutely something he would do, and probably has done at least once. He's very sneaky and he loves his large, fluffy adopted son a whole lot. (Honestly, he's likely around a lot more than anyone thinks. There are many benefits to being a rogue...for the rogue, of course.)
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evilminji · 2 months
You know what I would kill to see?
Nedzu, in the Zone.
He IS a registered Hero, after all. He probably gets calls for missions. Failing that, he's still legal allowed to intervene. Like, say, if some poor four year old were losing their shit? Got separated from their mommy, their headache, which has been getting Ochier ALL DAY has finally gotten Really REALLY bad... and they... they just CAN'T! So they melt down.
Whoops. Four year old with portals.
In a crowd.
Luckily he, Mr. Principle, is a "cute" looking sort of Hero. And as an educator, well trained in de-escala-*CRASH!* Some jackass glory chasing young thing, with no care for innocent lives around them, smashes onto the scene. Terrifying the poor child. Which obviously makes their non-existent control WORSE.
Starts throwing the word "villian" around.
Nedzu is going to EAT his license in front of him.
The poor thing is hyperventilating, crying, clinging desperately to Nedzus suit. Things are being flung from portals. Sucked into portals. He's seen no less then 53 SEPERATE dimensions on the other side of those rifts. At least two were to the open void of space.
He narrowly dodges a portal straight into the heart of a volcano. Can feel the blistering heat singe his fur. Alumni from HIS school, at least, have arrived to actually SAVE people. Get the crowd away from the danger zone.
And to think, all he wanted was some tea.
How this MORON doesn't recognize him, he has no idea. His graduates are actively SHOUTING his identity, for heavens sake. Yet the glory hound continues to chase his so called "villians" at the expense of everyone around him.
He's about to throw the boy to a near by police officer, to get to safety, when the worst occurs. The tract of land he was about to push off of disappears beneath them. The boy's mother screams. He activates High Specs, world slowing as his mind rushs. Twisting, he throws the boy high.
The portal closes before he can see if it is Eraserhead or Cementoss who will be the one to catch him. The odds were 68.3% in Eraserhead's favor. He hopes... Aizawa, does so take these things quite hard, he hope he will not blame himself.
There was no way to catch him in time.
He was already gone.
Gravity arrests, slowing to a drifting meander. The air thick with something the burns his sensitive nose. Green. Everything is a very peculiar green. This is not a planets or if it is, it is countless times larger then Earth. A gas giant of some sort? There does not appear to be a horizon.
In the distance, an almost stereotypical spaceship changes destinations. Now aiming right for him. It seems aid might be on the way. With nothing better to do, he waits. They slow to a stop, a hatch opens, and... oh? A young Hero student! Hello there young man! I am Mr. Principle of the illustrious UA!
And just? Danny? Trying to return this small furry alien guy back to his alien hero school? Getting the run around and "hmmmm, let me look that uuuup *takes forever* yeeeeah, soooorry. You're in the wrong department. You'll have to fly like three days to this OTHER department, fill out 260 forms, and dance for our amusement. Byeeeee~"
Like? He just wants to get this guy HOME! Why are you all LIKE THIS!?
All while Nedzu is " :) My, this is FASCINATING. I am learning new things, battling wits, learning new languages, AND guiding a promising young mind towards a future of Better Heroics? Delightful! This is practically a vacation!"
He even stops by the Fentons for dinner. Some fudge. A little light destruction of Goverment branches on the side. Just? A Grand ol adventure of Nedzu.
Danny suffers through bureaucratic hell. But Nedzu? The most mentally stimulated he's been in years. His crops are watered and his fur is groomed. Thriving! New toys!
Then?? He just... shows back up to work.
How did he return? Where has he been?? Who is this glowing green Hero Child groaning face down on his very expensive carpet? *sips tea* wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy! *maniacal Nedzu laughter*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @spidori
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scara-writes · 10 months
orange juice
Beta Female Reader x Y! Omega Male
Beta X Omega I rarely seen those so why not. Let us make it more spicy by making the lead yandere. I still don't understand some concept in omegaverse so... I'm gonna make my own rule lol.
Just a heads up, grammatically errors incoming. Not proof read. Anything that is in this fiction does not meant to offend anyone. That is why it's called fiction.
CW: yandere, cursing, mention of killing.
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"H-hello!" You turn around to see a familiar face visiting your spa. His pretty purple eyes were eccentric the way it brightened up when he saw you acknowledging him. It's the pretty boy you've saved last week from being pick on by the Alphas.
He was surprised that a beta like you actually didn't get intimidated by the presence of them. Well technically you did, but you pretended to be a police officer showing your fake badge and that 'back-up' is on their way to apprehend them when you noticed they were not buying your bluff at first, thankfully the Alphas that were hovering on him retreated. It was kinda funny they weren't intimidated by you until you held out a fake badge that could get them in trouble by their own law.
That idea was dumb but most people always fell for your trick, though you might get in trouble someday for the false identity which is why you only use it for emergency. Long story short, your aunt taught you this for survival in this dog water society.
At first, the pink haired male glared at you, you could careless about him since you were getting annoyed by the fact that they are giving a ruckus outside your spa and its driving away your customers. You don't want your boss finding out about this. The Alpha who guards outside the house is still taking care of his wife, so all the responsibility falls onto you the only beta employee present the rest are omegas because the other betas and alphas employees has different schedule. You were the 'strongest' among the employees inside.
You stare at the omega for a second.
The heck did you do? Why's he glaring at you?
You mentally shrugged before turning around to go back to your shop, not waiting for him to whether or not he should thank you.
A sudden angry shout from him made you pause from your tracks, "You are the same as those men earlier! I-I don't need you to save me!"
You turn to him with a deadpan look. "What are you on about?"
"Y-you think omega's are powerless and need to be protected, that's why you saved me, right?!" You can see he was quivering a little bit, his eyes are starting to show disgust look towards you. "Y-you think we don't need a jobs or—or we just need to sit still and look pretty—to be use like an incubator!" You can feel in his voice that his emotions must have been bubbling out seeing that his talk is becoming incoherent.
You scratched your head and sigh irritation, "Calm down dude. First of all, that is how Alphas that are 'leading' the society viewed omegas which is bullcrap and I don't believe in that, People who thinks like that need to check their brains in the nearby hospital. Also, I believe everyone can be independent and take care of themselves long as they can, I could careless about what the society says they can't control my life. True, omegas may be weak in nature against others but that doesn't mean all of them are weak or they are only used to look pretty for giving an offspring, they can be independent too if they wanted to. Second, you probably know how to handle them seeing you are very composed earlier but this loud noise is giving me a headache and my customers are leaving because how noisy it was. Now, If I offend you in someway well then I apologize. Bye." You gave him a small lazy wave before turning away not waiting for his response, quickly strolling back to your parlor.
So here he was, late at night. You in a closing hours shift since you are the only masseuse left in the parlor on work except your friend who was waiting for you in the employees room clock out for the work and playing, from the game he just downloaded in his app called something impact. Gin san impact? Gone wrong impact? Whatever it was you were hooked when you saw it earlier and will probably download it once you got home.
"Ah yes, welcome." You acknowledge him, awkwardly. You didn't expect him to meet you on your work. He trudges towards you requesting for service menu. You quickly handed him the said item on what were on the lists of your parlor was offering for customers, telling him to sit down while he read the list of services. He skims around the menu for a few seconds before pointing at the service list and you wrote it down; Shockingly, you witness the stranger you met a week ago was going for too many services.
"Oh umm... We are 2 hours closing in. So I think I can only do the first three." You told him. He gave you an 'oh' before agreeing he will try the others the next time when he visits.
"Do you have a partner?"
He was surprised at your sudden question. So you cleared your throat."It's.... In our protocol to ask our customers...and We know that it is personal question."
You can tell he was weirded out but he told you he doesn't have one. You muttered alright and went ahead to take the menu from him. You put them back on the rack as you walk pass him to put the sign close from the glass entrance before going to a cabinet to carry a towel and some thin white cloth for him to change. You wrote his room number and guide him to his room.
He stood up and follows you.
Through out the walk you can feel him staring at your move, making you feel a little tense as the walk in the hallway of doors feels like forever.
You twisted the knob before letting yourself inside first. He smiles at you and walk inside, you gave him the items you brought earlier telling him to change and knock on the door when he is ready.
That's weird, last time you met him. He was very resentful and now he was being smiley and friendly to you. You don't mind at least he was tolerating you for now.
You closed the door behind you putting on surgical mask since some others weren't comfortable smelling their pheromones.
You heard a knock and a small 'I'm ready' and you go in.
He was sitting down. His top were bare, abs were shown on his frame except for his lower part since it was covered by the thin cloth you gave earlier, you can definitely see how smooth his skin was—no scars just a little bruise on his left thigh which is something you definitely won't asked, you quickly look anywhere before he catches you staring at him. The towel were neatly folded along the clothes he wore earlier at the other table.
The pink haired omega was looking at you and he did caught you staring but you don't know that. A small smile escape on his lips. You cleared your throat and lit up three incense candles for relaxation and turn on a relaxing music, you went on the other side of the room where the sink was and washed your hands, sanitizing it using your own towel. You look back at him to see that he was still gazing towards you. He was still sitting, you assumed this must be his first time going to a spa or massage parlor since he should be already laying on his stomach or he must be waiting for you to give him an order since he ask for three different types of session. "You should lay on your stomach so we could start now."
"Why are you wearing a mask?"
You stop applying oil on your hand at his question before resuming again. "...both parties might not be comfortable when a pheromones were smelled."
There was a silence between the two of you.
"I'm going to start now." He nodded, doing what you'd asked earlier and close his eyes. The small round stones were place on his spinal before proceeding on messaging him with your oily hands.
The first few minutes were the same awkward atmosphere except for the jazzy music on the background, Both of your hand slides to his shoulders, wrapping around and gave a small squeeze. You hear him whimper.
"S-sorry!" You shrugged his apologize saying that is normal for customers.
"I umm didn't say thank you when you saved me last week..."
He continued,"sorry for bothering you with your customers."
"Don't mention it. I actually didn't plan on going outside if it weren't for my coworkers since like I mentioned last time you can handle them pretty well." You bit your tongue inside since you don't know how to talk back when someone compliments you or apologize to you. You only wanted to let him know that
He must have noticed that so he continued, "...I didn't catch your name earlier."
You answered him,"It's (Y/n)..."
"(Y/n)." The way your name rolled on his voice makes your body feel a little bit weird.
"(Y/n), huh.. that's a weird name for a beta." You blink at him before chuckling at him. "You're weird. It's a normal name."
He giggled. "My names Luke."
"Your name doesn't suits you." You teased him before telling him to turn around so you can do second session.
He obliged scoffing at you as he lay back down on his back. "H-hey! Luke is pretty cool name."
"I never said it wasn't, I said it doesn't suit you."you gave him a smirk which he pouts. He look cute when he did that.
"The badge you'd shown were fake wasn't it?"
Ah shit, someone noticed it. No use of hiding it then.
"..uhh..yeah, I use it only if things goes out of hands."
The two of you talk for a bit laughing resuming the second session until it was time for his third and final session which is to massage his face.
"Is this your first time... Ummm..doing service for omegas?" His voice were small but you didn't notice he was anticipating at your answer. You hummed thoughtfully before answering. "Hmmm.. not really... I get omegas as my clients but I guess I would say this is the first time that I could finish my sessions with them."
He seemed confused which made you continue, "Ummm... Most partners of theirs were jealous and would almost instantly attack us, telling us that we shouldn't touch them, but we know that we were only doing our job as masseuse so. Of course, the customers paid us of any injuries or damage properties as well as others, we don't blame them, and it was starting to get out of hand.... Since, we don't have any other choice, we hired an Alpha to stop any ruckus. I would lie if I said I don't want to hit one of my clients' unreasonable partners."
"Oh..." You noticed his reaction when he got your question earlier about his status.
"He already went home though. He excused himself just earlier, his spouse needed him so we let him go now." You tell him. He must have realized there was no guard around earlier. Just you at the receptionist counter.
".. What's your thought about Alphas?"
"nothing much, regardless how some of them are uhh... unreasonable when it comes to greed. I'm pretty sure not all of them are all like that."
He didn't respond but you caught him rolling his eyes before closing them. He muttered something but you didn't quite catch it.
You slide and pressure your oily hands on his, you heard a purring, making you look around the room in confusion. Was there a cat somewhere?
You scan your eyes around the room for a bit more only to register that it was actually coming from him.
A little heat coming from your cheeks but you squash it down the feeling as it was inappropriate, it was good thing you were wearing a mask before he can see your reaction.
You didn't do anything about it and continue your work. Luke on the other hand felt euphoric, your hands were doing the God's work. He hasn't tell you what he felt when you save him from the bunch of alpha's trying to court him. He was grateful—no, he wasn't grateful; he was lightened up the fact you view omegas like a normal person and not dehumanising or infantilize them—considering you are a beta and has nothing to do with omega but still! He just felt happy that he wasn't the only one who has that kind of perspective.
You cleaned him up with a towel, you noticed his eyes were half dazed as if he was relaxed, you told him that he can now change back, as you blew off the candle and turn off the jazz music, washing your hands again and drying it off with your own towel. You put the other materials back to where they belong and look at the timer to see you over time. You opened the door and twisting it open to see your friend/co-worker.
He was pouting.
The pink haired male saw him through the doorway before you close the door behind you, and starts talking with your friend. His purple eyes realise he was an omega.
He felt a little pang from his chest.
"Hey, I thought you said you are going to clock out once it hits midnight~!" Tyrenn whined out. He tried to help you carry the items you were holding but you refused as the both of you struts back to the employees room, "He's the last customer."
You threw the towel and the cloth at the hamper before stretching yourself up. "Man, I'm tired." He threw you a bottle of orange juice and you catch it, twisting the cap open and drink a little bit before clocking out of work. You grab your bag and change at the changing room with your casual wear and goes outside from the employees room only with your co-worker. He tells you that you're gonna be excited on what he discovered on the game he played earlier while the both of you starts trudging at the main lobby where the counter was.
Luke was waiting, his eyes brightened up when you arrived. he waited to give you his money but your friend who was clinging at you took it from him, thanking him for accepting your service, putting them at the cash register before locking it.
He lick his dry his lips before turning to you, "Umm...thanks again. The service was great. I-I'll see you next time. It was nice meeting you." He smelled the scent of orange juice that you were holding. It was half full, there were some in the corner of your lips.
Tyrenn grabbed the bottle from your hand and you let him drink it as you start conversing with your last customer.
You nod at him, noticing he was a little taller than you. "Likewise. Should I call you a taxi? It's already past midnight."
He shook his head, smiling. "No it's fine! I live few blocks away from here." He put his left hand on his pocket while the other one was slowly pulling the glass door where he comes in.
"Oh, Be careful. I just heard that there was a serial killer roaming around this time at night killing Alphas. That doesn't mean you should be careless about it. You might never know when the killer change their mind on killing the others." You warned him. The pink haired male nodded again, smiling even more when you're worried for his safety. Tyrenn waved him a goodbye before talking to you again about the game he played earlier as he clings even more to your arms. Luke's eyes slightly twitches at the scene.
"Yes, yes I will! Thank you again!" He walked out of the parlor smiling. When he is few blocks away from the spa, his smile disappear.
He might change his mind on killing your friend though.
want more of him? Tap here
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Platonic!Yandere!Strawhats x reader (GN)
Summary: Slightly exhausted from never having any time on your own, you decide to swindle a little bit to get to spend a day alone with nature. What could go wrong? It's not like your crew is unhinged and obsessed with you, right? Right?!
!Minors do not Interact!
TW: Obsession, Yandere, Dark content, Threatening (not against Reader), slight infantilization, drugging, Reader discretion is adviced
Day 3 of my Yandere Writetober
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Today was the day. The day you'd finally have some time for yourself - you had planned everything perfectly. You'd tell Luffy, Nami, Lysop and Sanji that you'd spend your day off with Zoro watching him train and you'd tell Zoro that you'd go shopping with Nami.
Zoro always left the ship first when you had your days off where all of you were off doing your own thing, so you'd leave the ship with him and once you were outside you'd tell him you had forgotten something and that he should leave since you'd be going with Nami anyways, so you'd go back onto the boat and get your journal (that was definitely not sitting in your bag, what are you talking about).
Zoro would leave thinking you were with Nami while you'd sneak off and the others would think you had left with him. You'd get back onto the ship before Zoro would make his way down and tell him that Nami had accompanied you back when you started to have a headache and when Nami and the others returned they would think you had come back with Zoro who would probably be napping by then.
If you were really lucky then maybe they wouldn't even talk about it and your little ruse wouldn't be uncovered, then you might be able to do it again sometimes.
Of course, you didn't want to lie to them, honestly, you didn't enjoy it one bit. They were your closest (and only) friends and they had become like family to you so lying wasn't your first option, but you had tried anything else by then.
Every time you docked at a new harbour and had no important mission to attend, Luffy declared the day a chill-out day where everyone could go off on their own to enjoy a little alone time since you were usually basically skin to skin 24/7. Except, somehow, you always ended up spending the day with one of them.
Either Zoro would make you watch him train under the guise that he wanted to help you learn some self-defence (when you mentioned the flaw in his logic that you never did any training, instead always watching him, he insisted that it was about seeing the correct form first and ended the argument, given that he was the expert), Sanji would take you to the market to buy ingredients or keep you in the boat to make you try his new recipes (always something that had similarities to your favourite dish to make sure you enjoy it) and Lysop would take you to some bar or another lively area where he told his stories in which he always was the one who saved you from mortal danger. Nami was probably the best to spend the day with. She made an effort to do something you enjoyed as well, or at least she tried until she found herself seeing something pretty in a shop and dragged you in to do some shopping - she loved seeing you in the cutest outfits and made sure to buy you something pretty every time she got to spend the day with you.
Luffy was definitely the worst, you loved him like a brother and he was the best captain you could imagine, but he was so... energetic. You'd always been more of an introvert, enjoying being alone with nature and your thoughts, and he - with his endless optimism and his hunger for adventure - was not that, in the best way possible. It was just really exhausting. He always got the two of you in some trouble one way or another and even though he always managed to get you out of it again, it was really stressful for you.
You had long stopped asking why you were never allowed to go off on your own, it always got you the same answer: 'Y/N, we just want to make sure you're safe after all you were not got at fighting like the rest of the crew. We just want to protect you.' You knew that they had a point, you had never learned to fight and you were never courageous enough to raise a weapon against someone else, even when they might have deserved it - which is also one of the reasons Zoro insisted on your 'training sessions'. Honestly, a little child playing pirates could probably beat you to a pulp easily.
Sometimes you wondered why you had even become part of the crew, but the others always squashed those doubts by telling you how important and helpful you were. After all, you were an expert in most things flora and fauna and had extensive knowledge of many different cultures, which often helped get the crew out of sticky situations and often helped when Zoro got you lost again and Luffy couldn't keep going from hunger.
But even though you weren't a fighter, you figured that you'd be fine for one day on a peaceful island without any large predatory animals, it wouldn't hurt anyone if you spent one day going on a walk through the beautiful nature and finally getting to spent more time journaling about the beautiful flowers and bird on the trail.
Which is why - while you hated lying - you didn't feel too bad about fooling your friends. And it was definitely worth it. You found some beautiful specimens of rare Venus Fly Traps and rare hybrid roses, along with a beautiful field of Symphyotrichum - also known as Asters - filled with hundreds of beautiful butterflies which made great models for your doodling.
It was so relaxing that you didn't even spare a thought towards what your crew was doing right then, which was - looking back at it - maybe not too clever, because somewhere else on the island, Zoro decided that he had enough training for the day and that maybe he should try to find Nami to spent some time with you and by some strange miracle did not get lost on the way there.
So imagine his surprise when he saw Nami, on her own, looking through some shop window. Imagine Nami's surprise when she looked around and caught sight of Zorro's green hair and her excitement of seeing you quickly faded at the fact that you were not standing there with him.
Zorro jogged over to here. "Isn't Y/N with you?" "I thought Y/N was training with you?" Both of them asked at the same time and quickly realized that something was wrong. They split up to look for the rest of the crew hoping that you may have just changed your mind and decided to hang out with one of them instead.
It was clear to say that they did not become calmer once all five of them had gathered and realized that you were, in fact, with neither of them. They split up once again to find you and it was safe to say a lot of people were threatened that day (mostly by Zorro) as they combed through the island, looking everywhere they could think of to find you, slowly but surely growing more and more agitated and slightly violent, leaving a trail of disturbance and in some cases destruction behind.
You, none the wiser, were on your way back to the boat since it was about half an hour before Zorro would usually quit training and you wanted to be sure you were on the boat before him, with a little pep in your step. The smile could not be wiped off of your face, or at least you thought so.
You were proven differently when you approached the harbour and found Zorro holding one of his swords to the neck of one of the harbour workers in a very, very threatening manner.
Quickly you hurried over, quickly getting back into the habit of trying to defuse the situation. "What's going on?" you shouted once you were only a few feet away. Zorro quickly looked at you, first with a look of confusion then of immense relief. He let his sword fall and rushed over to you, so quickly that you couldn't even process it before he had you squashed in his arms in a hug so tight that you had trouble breathing. One arm was pulling you towards him, and the other was pushing your head against his chest where you could hear his quick heartbeat.
You could hear someone running away, you assumed it was the poor harbour worker who had just had a near-death experience, as Zorro mumbled something about you being safe, and how he would not let you go again, but you couldn't hear him properly with one ear pressed against his chest and one against his palm.
You tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he only tightened it. "Are you okay?" you whispered even though you probably wouldn't even be able to understand his answer, which wasn't necessary because he didn't answer. Instead, you heard him screaming loud enough for it to reach your covered ears.
"Guys, I found them!!! They're okay!" You could make out a lot of steps coming towards you and soon you were getting whiplash from getting thrown around to so many different people all embracing you tighter than the last ones and every single one seemingly being more opposed to letting you go again.
In the end, you found yourself - somehow - being held by Luffy like a cradled child, who - also - pressed your head against him. "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? We were worried sick about you," he questioned anxiously.
"What, no! No one hurt me, I'm A-okay, no one hurt me. Why were you worried?" "What do you mean why? You were gone, you weren't with Zorro like you said," Nami responded, quickly followed by Zorro, "And you weren't with Nami like you told me."
You couldn't help your face growing so very warm and darkening in colour because of the embarrassment of being caught in a lie. "Well," you started, not being able to help it that you pressed your face even closer towards Luffy, not able to stand the disappointment you imagined in their faces - unaware that they all couldn't help but coo over how precious you looked like that, "I may have swindled a little bit, I- I just wanted to spend some time on my own, I wanted to go through nature and journal again for once, I really didn't mean to make you worry."
"You could have told us, I'd gladly go through walks in the forest with you, who knows I might find some nice fresh fruit for some pastries on the way," Sanji said and you elected to ignore the fact that you had mentioned it towards them and that part of the whole idea was you having some alone time, but you figured you were already in enough trouble as is.
"I'm sorry, I really am, next time I'll say what I like outright," you sighed earnestly, now slightly concerned about the fact that Luffy still hadn't let you go.
"I don't think there'll be a next time soon, it's probably best if one of us stays on the boat with you from now on, just until we're sure we can trust you again, okay?" Zorro exclaimed and the others seemed to agree with him.
"What? No? I'm not a child, you can't just keep me locked away. I get that you want to protect me, but I'm my own person, I can make my own decisions and if I want to go on a walk I can go on a walk, now would you please let me down?"
Ignoring your request at the end of your rant, Luffy shook his head and shushed you slightly, "I know this is a lot to take in, but we just want to protect you, you're too frail and fragile to be alone in this dangerous world, so we'll take care of you, okay? Now I think it's time for a nap, don't you think so?"
You tried to argue that they should stop treating you like a child right that instant when suddenly there was a little vile of liquid brought to your lips and you couldn't help but swallow it in shock. You tried to fight back against Luffy's grip, tried to ask them what the hell they were doing and what was happening, why they were suddenly acting so strange, but every move felt like you were weighed down by a thousand tons and your words came out slurred and more and more quiet before you couldn't keep your eyes open and fell into a deep, disturbed slumber. Unaware of how much your life - and your position in the crew would change.
N/A: As a new blog, I'd really appreciate a like or a reblog or maybe even a comment if you enjoyed ❤️
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0vereasy · 5 months
Life’s Creations and Love’s Manifestations - Dr. Ratio x Female Reader- Chapter 3
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Summary: Your promotion as one of the heads of the Security Department at Herta’s Station was full of many headaches, one of the biggest being a visiting scholar from the Intelligentsia Guild, and delegate of the IPC, Dr. Ratio.
When you were forced to team up with him to solve several crises emerging at the Station, how will your tense relationship change? And what exactly is the Doctor hiding?
Taglist: @96jnie @boomie-123 @a2tral @ukiyo-ikigai @poemzcheng @kpopmenace143
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A/N: Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a fun New Year’s Eve - I spent mine in a way I think the reader would, drinking with friends. I’m officially back in Uni now, so updates will be slower (~1-3 updates a month) but my semester is lighter so I’m confident I’ll have the time to update. In other news, I officially finished pre-farming for Ratio! He’s gonna be the first character I max out traces for!
Chapter 3: Touch Deprival
“Question: Are you sure you are alright?” as usual, Screwllum’s voice was monotone and flat, sending no hints to reveal how he was feeling at the moment. Consequently, he had to express his feelings in other ways, rubbing your shoulders soothingly as you tinkered with the camera equipment in front of you, “Affirmation: it is your day off, you can easily save this task until tomorrow.”
You couldn’t have looked any more different from this morning, crop top and shorts now replaced with comfy sweatpants and a button-down white shirt which looked suspiciously similar to the one your robot companion wore under his suit jacket. Your back was pressed firmly against the front of his metallic body as you both sat on the floor in the Seclusion Zone in a room full of two things; plants and the little creatures that Ruan Mei abandoned after leaving the Space Station a few hours ago. A few of the little creatures hoped around freely, as if happy for the company, “Given all of this,” you gestured to the creatures around you, “we should’ve put cameras down here months ago,” you let yourself lean further back against your companion, savouring the feeling of his arms kneading your tense flesh, “might as well get it over with before someone else decides to run a fucked up experiment down here.”
He didn’t rebut the content of your statement itself, rather responding with a simple, “You did not answer my first question, dear,” his metallic hand trailed further down your back, massaging the space near your shoulder blade through the white shirt. You muffled a groan at the relief that shot through your body, a sign that had him continuing the motions with a firmer grip. You didn’t know how the robot managed to give the most amazing massages, but his hands were definitely missed whenever he was forced the leave the station. 
“I mean, as good as someone can be after almost dying a few hours ago, I guess,” your tone was neutral, your gaze and fingers focused on the security cameras in front of you, which you were attaching to camera mounds to place on the walls around the Seclusion Zone. You knew if you dared to look back at Screwllum, he would see through your words in an instant. His title as a genius wasn’t just for show after all, “I mean, it obviously was scary when it happened, but I can’t take up more of your time. Herta’s probably already out for my head after you left your meeting with her early.”
“Affirmation, I did not tell her the reason of my sudden departure,” he replied, one metallic hand drifting from your back to your face, tilting your head so that, even from in front of him, you two were forced to make eye contact, “It was hard not to abandon my work when you texted me to inform me you were using the bathtub in my room with no context,” he let his hand drift from your cheek to cup your chin, “I care about you, my dear. I don’t want you to push yourself.”
Ah, the bathtub. It was silly really, how someone like Screwllum, who couldn’t use a bathtub in the first place, had one in his quarters while you were stuck with a shitty shower with absolutely no water pressure. It just so happened that all the guest rooms in the Space Ship were equipt with bathtubs, and though Screwllum was a frequent visitor of the station, he had no official permanent quarters of his own, though, at this point, the Station staff just gave him the same room in the Space Station anyway, making that particular room his unofficial permanent quarters.
Of course, when you finished cleaning the incubator room in the Seclusion Zone, hands covered in smelly bug guts, you had abandoned your computer and water bottle in favour of taking the elevator to the floor housing the living quarters and used your FOB to unlock Screwllum’s room solely for the purpose of his bathtub. With your one-track mind on trying to get the smell of bug off of you, you had neglected to check your phone after sending Screwllum a text letting him know about your tub use, which ultimately led him to check on and fuss over you, a pattern of behaviour that was still ongoing now.
“And I appreciate your company, as always,” you flash him a smile, pushing the camera you were working on to the side so you could turn and face him, straddling your legs over his own. You pressed a brief kiss to his cheek before pushing your body against his own, sighing at the familiar feeling of his hands wrapping around you, “But you’ve been with me all afternoon; go take a few hours, finish your work,” you let your hands trail down his chest, shuddering at the cold feeling of his metallic frame below his suit, “I’ll be here when you’re done - remember, you still owe me dinner and drinks.”
“How could I forgot?” Screwllum chuckled as you pressed another kiss to his cheek, though he made no movement to leave. You both knew why; the answer hanging between the two of you, but remaining unspoken, as if you two were playing a game to see who could avoid bringing it up the longest. To avoid doing so, you snuggled yourself into his chest, inhaling the scent of his laundry detergent as he rubbed a cold hand up and down your back.
“Ahem,” Screwllum’s hand stopped moving at the sudden sound of another voice breaking the relative silence, albeit the irregular mewings of Ruan Mei’s cat-like creatures, in the room. You forced yourself to sit up, regretfully removing yourself from Screwllum’s arms to face the new presence in the room. “Sorry if I am… interrupting something,” as per usual, Dr. Ratio’s features were hidden by the alabaster head, leaving only his toned body on display to you and Screwllum, who exchanged looks as you moved to sit beside the robot.
“You are,” was your simple reply. You forced yourself to grab another security camera from the mess of items you had scatted on the floor around Screwllum and yourself, attaching it to the camera mound to control your anger at the Doctor’s presence, “You can go away now.”
“How rude, to think you would treat a delegate of the IPC like this,” he placed his hand to his chest in mock offence. You pictured his eyes rolling underneath the alabaster read to aid to the sarcasm radiating off of his body, “I expected more from you.”
Noticing your anger and lack of motivation to carry on the conversation, Screwllum allowed himself to speak, “I don’t believe we have been formally introduced,” he stood up, you frowning at him as he took a few steps forward, sticking a hand out to the Doctor, “I am Screwllum, number-”
“Number 76 of the Genius Society, ruler of Planet Screwllum, leader of the resistance against Rupert I,” Doctor Ratio rambled out the list of title, counting each on his fingers like a child may do when trying to solve a math problem, albeit the Doctor’s action was clearly mocking in nature, “Don’t patronize me, Mr. Screwllum. I work for the IPC, of course I am aware of your identity.” He huffed, removing the alabaster head to reveal his own features, hair slightly out of place due to the action. He looked unamused, crossing his arms with another dramatic huff.
“Affirmation; your tongue is as sharp as your looks, as I have heard, Doctor,” Screwllum’s tone was even, though he retracted his outreached hand, which had gone unanswered, plainly and obviously, making the tension in the air obvious.
You resisted the urge to groan in frustration, instead stating, “Why are you here, Mr. Ratio? I’m sure you have better things to do than lounge around in the Seclusion Zone all day,” you resisted the urge to smirk at him, “keep this up and I may just report you to your employer for time fraud - its not like you’re doing any work around here anyway.”
“You’re the one who told me to come here, remember?” he questioned, leaving your quip unanswered and raising an eyebrow. He sighed at the blank look at your face at his words, as if disappointed, “Pity, it was quite a dramatic comment, I would have suspected you to remember it. What was it again?” he put a hand to his chin as if in thought, though the mocking smile told you the words were already committed to his memory, “Ah, yes, ‘We are definitely having a chat about this later’ that it.”
“Yeah, later, as in not now,” you said drily, pointing to the army of cameras surrounding you, “I’m clearly busy.”
“I seem to recall that you entertained a conversation with me just fine earlier today when you were also busy,” he sighed dramatically, leaning against one of the tubes full of plants cultivated by Ruan Mei, “I suppose idiots truly can only multitask for so long during the day; pity, I truly enjoyed our conversations.”
You opened your mouth, a retort on the tip of your tongue, but were silenced when Screwllum spoke first, “I do not mean to interrupt,” he spoke, glancing between you and the Doctor curiously, “However, I do need to depart to a meeting,” he turned from the Doctor, walking to where you sat and placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “My dear, don’t you think allowing Mr. Ratio to accompany you may allow you to finish this task quicker? I’d hate for you to waste more time on this venture.”
Screwllum’s shining green eyes bore into yours, almost as if he was daring you to rebut him. You knew what he was playing at as he rubbed familiar, soothing circles into your flesh. It was another silent dare, for you to bring up what you knew was on both of your minds. Of course, you didn’t, an action you knew that your companion expected. Your eyes drifted briefly to the Doctor, who was watching you two curiously as if you were a math problem that he couldn’t quite solve. 
“Fine, fine,” you relented, putting your hands in the air in mock defeat, meeting the Doctor’s eye, “I’ll let you stay, only if you help me put up these cameras once they’re ready.” You hated the smug look on the Doctor’s face at your words as if he had emerged victorious from the exchange somehow, his hands moving from being crossed at his chest to instead resting on his hips like some sort of superhero. 
“Quite bold of you to ask a mere visitor to help you with such a menial task,” he started, though he walked towards you and Screwllum nonetheless, “However, if you insist, I suppose I can help. The Station will benefit from my adept hand, after all.”
“Ah, yes, I can already hear Lady Asta gasping in pleasure when she see’s your expert camera placement,” you rolled your eyes as you shoved another camera into its mound, earning a glare from the Doctor. Once again, Screwllum saved the day, breaking the silence before he could retort.
“With that settled, I will take my leave now,” he gave your shoulder a small squeeze, your eyes transfixed on the Doctor, whose eyes were equally as focused on the small act of intimacy, “Conclusion, I will see you later tonight, my dear.” He let his metallic hand remove itself from your shoulder after being sure to give it one last squeeze.
“Can’t wait!” you smiled at him, dragging your eyes away from the Doctor to watch your companion retreat, keeping your focus on his form until he was completely out of your sight, before you reluctantly dragged your eyes back to the Doctor. He stood a few feet away from you, as if unsure exactly where to go or what to do. You huffed at his reactions, “What, does a genius like yourself not know how to socially interact with people? Sit down already!”
“You must forgive me, the IPC doesn’t provide lessons on social etiquette regarding sitting on the floor,” he replied drily, awkwardly taking a seat next to you on the cold metal floor of the Space Station, his eyes looking over you as you continued your work with the cameras, “We sit in chairs, like civilized people. I do not understand your logic of working here.”
“Come on, Doc, live a little, sitting on the floor never killed anyone,” you shrugged, your voice light, but lacking the usual passion you preferred to give to your retorts. Too tired to really care, you ignored his gaze to continue your work, “Plus, it’s easier to work here anyway, saves me lugging cameras around later.”
“I must say, you lack your usual passion that you provide to our oh-so-delightful conversations” he scanned the immediate surroundings as if searching for something, “Is this what you’re like sober? I dare say you make a much more entertaining conversationalist when you are slightly tipsy.” It’s only then that you realized he held a bottle of wine in his hand, a brand you didn’t recognize, “Drink then, so we can speak like intellectuals.”
“Wow, aiding my alcoholism? You must be in a good mood,” you raised an eyebrow in suspicion, though you were quick the grab the opened bottle anyway, taking a few large gulps of the wine. It was a dry wine, definitely not your favourite, but it was strong, the red liquid burning your throat as you swallowed. 
“You could at least pour yourself a glass first,” the Doctor shot you a glare, grabbing the bottle to wipe away the stain of your lipgloss at the opening, “I’m beginning to suspect you have no concept of manners.”
“Do you see any glasses around here?” you retorted, both you and the Doctor looking around the room, the only signs of objects other than cameras or plants being Ruan Mei’s little cat-like creatures. That seemed to be enough to shut up the doctor, at least briefly, as he spent the next few minutes watching you construct cameras and drink wine in silence. Of course, though, the Doctor could only stand to exist without hearing his voice for so long, leading him to break the silence.
“You did not answer my earlier question,” he replied, voice even, though containing less of an annoying edge than usual. Aeons, what was it with these men and their persistence to get an answer out of you today, “Why are you colder than usual?”
You shot him a glare, standing up from the floor in anger, as if you wanted to punch him right then and there. Of course you didn’t, instead allowing yourself to pace the room, a few of the cat-like creatures hopping alongside you as you did, “You really have to ask me that? And you call yourself a member of the Intelligensia Guild?” you scoffed, pausing your pacing to stare him down directly, thriving in the way he squirmed slightly in his uncomfortable seat on the floor, “Not only did you use your stupid looks to sneak into the Seclusion Zone, but you witnessed Ruan Mei’s psychotic experiment, knew what was going to happen, but didn’t tell anyone about it, instead basically sending myself and the Trailblazer to our impending doom!” Your words were cold, harsh, streaming out like a river, as if you couldn’t hold them back any longer, “I know were not exactly friendly, but holy fuck, draw the line somewhere, right?”
He held his hands out in front of him, arm muscles flexing as he did so, “I understand you are upset, however-”
“Upset?” you scoffed, a sarcastic laugh leaving your lips, “Wrong, I’m pissed off! Is my life a joke to you? A few more seconds of fighting that stupid thing and I wouldn’t be here right now!” you pointed an accusatory finger at him, “Imagine if we did die, huh? Were you just goint to lounge around the Space Station as if you didn’t send us to death without the tinest warning? Or were you going to celebrate since I was finally out of your hair?”
“I wouldn’t have let you die,” he replied, tone cold, disappointed even, as if you were in the wrong for claiming he would do such a thing, “I’m sure you noticed that I returned to the Seclusion Zone before you left.” You had noticed. Of course, you did. You had been forced to halt your cleaning job temporarily to get the Trailblazer back to the Storage Zone. Mysteriously, despite the Trailblazer never having pressed the button for the elevator, the elevator was awaiting your arrival, as if the previous user had taken it downwards to the Seclusion Zone, despite you having seen the Doctor taking it upwards before you headed off to your impending doom. The Doctor took your silence as acknowledgement, “I was prepared to aid the two of you in defeating the creature if required.”
You didn’t speak for a moment, processing the new information to add on to what you already knew. You weren’t sure of what to make of the elevator incident til now, not knowing if the Doctor came to help you or mock you. Somehow, you found the later to be more preferable than the reality. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you rebutted, sitting down on the floor again, keeping a few feet distance between you and the Doctor, “Knowing that you could help me defeat a monster that you failed to tell me about in the first place?”
The Doctor sighed dramatically as if he was a child caught stealing from a cookie jar, before beginning to speak, “I… apologize for my actions,” despite his extravagant sentiments before speaking, his words were surprisingly genuine, his usually snobby voice reduced to a volume barely above a whisper, “I was confident in your ability to hold off the creature, however I should have told you about the threat it posed… I am sorry.”
You blinked dumbly a few times before bursting out into laughter, scootching closer towards the Doctor to grab the wine bottle, taking a swig between your giggles, “Wow, it’s that easy to elicit an apology out of you, Doc?” you smirked, “I should’ve recorded that shit, ahhh it was so satisfying!” 
“You-” he glared at you, yanking the bottle out of your hands in anger, “Were you faking that temper tantrum the whole time? Are you capable of holding any conversation without emotional manipulation?” You continued to giggle, laughs only edged on by the warmth rising to the Doctor’s cheeks, which he tried to hide with his hands.
“I mean, I was, and am still upset,” you shrugged, snatching the bottle again from where he placed it on the floor to take another swig, sighing at the taste as you pulled the bottle away from your lips “But, why would I let that get in the way of me teasing you?” she mused, “Maybe I should’ve took it further, hmm? Waited until you got down on your knees and begged for my forgiveness before-”
“Enough of this insolence!” he exclaimed, an angry blush on his clear skin, “I have never met someone with so much gull; someone so infuriating!” he again snatched the wine away from you, though he failed to take a sip from the bottle.
“Hey, hey, you deserved all that after what you put me through today!” you pointed an accusatory finger at him before standing up from the floor, “Now come on, Doc, these cameras aren’t gonna put themselves up, huh?” you grabbed two of the cameras from their resting place on the floor, gesturing for the Doctor to do the same.
“And why would I help you exactly?” he questioned, crossing his arms across his chest, “may I remind you that I am your guest? If anything, you should be grovelling to me to fulfil my every wish.”
“You would like me on my knee for you, huh?” you teased, raising your eyebrows suggestively, causing the Doctor to open his mouth in rebut, though you were quick to cut him off before he could speak, “But you told Screwllum you would help, so too bad.” He sighed incredulously at your words.
“That was before you tricked me into apologizing and embarrassed me!’ he retorted, breathing heavily, as if relieved to finally let a retort escape his lips.
“Embarressed you in front of who exactly?” you cocked an eyebrow, looking between the Doctor and Ruan Mei’s creatures, “I don’t exactly think they’re the type to spread gossip ya know?” The Doctor and you watched as the creatures continued to jump around aimlessly, “So come on already, the sooner we do this the sooner we can leave each other alone.” The Doctor sighed, though he picked up two cameras nonetheless, trailing after you as you made your way through the Seclusion Zone. Your first step was the area overlooking the primary home of Ruan Mei’s creations, who seemed to longue by a toilet-like device nearby to where you were sitting. You easily began positioning a camera at the corner of the wall a few feet away from the toilet, allowing the device to display a view of the whole area.
“May I remind you that I have no loyalty to the Genius Society; I do not owe Screwllum my word, nor do I owe you anything,” the Doctor rebutted after a few moments of silence, as if he had been thinking of the retort, “However, I will help you this time out of the kindness of my heart.”
“Wow, isn’t this amiracle,” you ensured the camera was at least partly secure before turning to face him, placing a mocking hand to your chest, “The asshole Doctor caring for others? I’ll make sure to remember this moment; make sure to have your ghost writer reach out to me for your next autobiography so that I can tell them all the wonderful times we had together!”
“You read my autobiography?” he raised an eyebrow at you, though you didn’t notice due to your back once again being turned to him. You sensed the change in his tone though; less snarky and self-centered and more teasing, “I never knew how much of a fan you were; you should have told me Ms. Y/N, I would have gladly signed something for you.” You finished positioning the camera, turning to glare at the mocking smile on the Doctor’s face, “Is your propensity to teast me related to your infatuation with my work? It would explain why you make it you life’s mission to cause me strife; its akin to a child pulling their crushes hair on the playground!”
You scoffed, the Doctor trailing after you as you walked to the other side of the room near some plants that had been cultivated in the Seclusion Zone, and near a place where a few other of Ruan Mei’s creations had been lounging. The creatures were quick to give you some space to position the camera, “You wish, Doctor, I just find your reactions amusing,” you mused as you fiddled with the camera, “Screwllum lent me the book; I’ve got to say, eight doctorial degrees? Like holy shiy, at what could you’ve possibly learned in the eighth that you didn’t already learn in the seventh?”
A moment of silence passed again, you figured because the Doctor was looking to retort again. You weren't complaining though, the silence allowed you time to realize how fuzzy your head was becoming from the wine, and allowed you to find a suitable spot on the opposite side of the room near a staircase to plant another camera. You briefly glanced at the Doctor as you grabbed one of the cameras from his hand, earning no notable reaction. With a shrug, you tuned and began to position the device before the Doctor spoke again, “If I may be so bold… what exactly is your relationship with… Mr. Screwllum?”
“Huh?” you weren’t expecting that question, nearly dropping the unsecured camera, which you barely managed to pick up before it hit the ground. You turned to face him, as if searching his face for the intention behind his words, “What, you’re worried I’m taken? I’m flattered, Doctor, this is the second time today you’ve implied you wanted me to worship you on my knees. You sure don’t hold back on your kinks, huh?”
“Are you capable of responding to anything seriously” he exclaimed awkwardly, brushing off your attempt to deflect the situation. His eyes scanned your figure, taking in Screwllum’s button-down shirt that trailed down to the top of your upper thigh, “You clearly have… some romantic relationship with each other. I am merely curious how a man of his standing has the ability to put up with someone like you.”
“Believe it or not, I’m quite a pleasurable person to be around, you just bring out the worst in me, Doc,” you joked, pondering if you should place the camera or focus on the Doctor, but opted for the latter after you determined your next words, “The relationship Screwllum and I have is pretty simple - were just fuck buddies.”
You weren’t exactly sure how the Doctor would react to that information, though you would have never expected the mere word ‘fuck’ would cause him to open his mouth like a fish, sputtering as if he was speechless, his face red with embarrassment, “W-What?”
“What, eight doctorial degrees and you don’t know what the term fuck buddies is?” you cocked an eyebrow, a smirk growing it’s way on your features, “Ya know, friends with benefits, a situationship, meaningless sex, booty call-”
“I understand the concept!” the Doctor practically shouted, as if begging you to shut up, his face growing redder, “I just cannot comprehend how someone like him would be in a… sexual relationship with someone like you.”
“What, like you can’t picture how we do it?” you questioned teasingly, curving your middle and pointed finger in a ‘come here’ motion, “Come on, use your imagination, Doc! I’ll let you know that Screwllum is great with his fingers!”
Your actions only seemed to spiral the Doctor further into an embarrassed mess, one of his hands moving to attempt to hide the heat on his cheeks, “That is not what I meant,” he sighed, frustrated, “I merely wish to understand how one of the most notable men in the universe ended up being close to a mere security guard.”
“Oh,” you shrugged, turning away now to refocus on the camera, “I mean, that’s nothing special really if I had to be honest. Screwllum visits pretty often, so naturally we ended up talking at some point,” you looked over your shoulder at the Doctor, “Plus, haven’t you seen him? Dude’s smoking hot, of course I’d flirt with him after we got to know each other. It’s as simple as that.” By the strange look the Doctor was giving you, you were pretty sure he didn’t share your enthusiasm regarding the attractiveness of robots, not that it really mattered - more for you to have after all. 
“And yet you’re not dating,” the Doctor commented, trailing after you again as you once again wandered around the room to the wall opposite the stars to put up another camera. You barely glanced at him this time as you grabbed the last camera from him, quickly turning away. 
“We're not dating,” you kept your tone as casual as you could, focusing your attention on positioning the camera on the wall. You doubted the Doctor was the best at picking up on emotional cues, but you wanted to be safe nonetheless by avoiding his questioning gaze.
“I see,” he spoke simply before continuing, “I suppose that’s self-explanatory,” he commented offhandedly as you continued to avoid his gaze while focusing ion your work, “You don’t seem like the type to commit to a long term relationship; both you and Screwllum must have greater satisfaction with this… arrangement.”
God, if he was going to make you talk more about your sex life, you definitely would need more wine in your system, “Ah, Doctor, falling into assumptions of character?” you murmured as you secured the camera, “I expected more from your eight doctorate degrees.” Not seeing a way out of the inevitable, you half-hazardously finished placing the camera before wandering back towards the wine to take a swig, the Doctor once again on your heels.
“I do not understand your assertion,” he watched you impatiently as you took some swigs, the bottle nearly drained before you forced yourself to stop, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You were quick to grab two more cameras, motioning the Doctor to follow you once he grabbed two more of his own.
“... I was not the one who suggested our relationship be casual. It was Screwllum,” you once again kept your tone even as the Doctor followed you up the first flight of stairs, where you decided to place a camera beside the door to an experimental room. You looked at the Doctor over your shoulder after a moment of silence, “What, no witty remark for that one, Doctor?”
“I am merely confused,” he confessed, his tone curious. You preferred him more when he was mocking you, “I must admit, I am not familiar with your relationship with Screwllum, but he clearly showed care for you earlier.” Your mind wandered back to the robot, his touch on your skin, his reluctance to leave, the way his fingers expertly massaged your flesh, the way you were straddlingly him when the Doctor had found you. You shoke your head, as if to brush the memories away.
“That’s the thing,” you commented with a shrug, turning to face the Doctor now that the camera was secure to the wall, “At the end of the day, Screwllum will never seriously date someone because of who he is,” you shrugged, as if speaking those words didn’t pain you, “I obviously see him as someone extraordinary who is honestly a lot kinder than a lot of humans I know,” your eyes trailed down to the ground floor, eyeing Ruan Mei’s creations, “But at the end of the day, he’ll always be scared that he can never truly love me because he’s a machine,” you admitted, “Screwllum doesn’t think he’s capable of genuine love, so he won’t get himself in a situation where someone feels that way about him on a deeper level.”
“And yet you have feelings for him,” the Doctor commented as you walked into the experimental room after the first flight of stairs, placing another camera on the other side of the door. Your mind was foggy now with the wine, as if you knew you should stop talking but couldn’t. Maybe one of the Doctor’s degrees was in psychology, considering he seemed to know exactly how to make you spill your inner demons. 
“I think I did at one time,” you said honestly, “But I accepted that whatever I wanted with him won’t ever occur, and I moved on.” With the camera secure, you turned to face the Doctor, “You’re awfully curious about my failed love life, huh? What ‘bout you? Some cute chick waiting back at the University of Veritas Prime?”
“I have no time for romance,” he spoke plainly, crossing his arms over his chest disinterestedly, “There are much more pressing matters for someone of my standing to deal with than something a fickle as a relationship.”
“Spoken like a true virgin,” you clasped your hands together with a mocking smile, “How sweet, Doctor,” you turned away from him, the Doctor again trailing after you as you left the room and walked up the second flight of stairs, “Though, honestly, if I had to deal with your attitude everyday, I wouldn’t fuck you either. I’m sure hearing your voice day after day everyday while getting a degree would be enough to drive me to drop out. I pity all the women who had to deal with you year after year.”
“Very funny,” he spoke, sarcasm dripping from his tone, “Unfortunately for you and myself, many women have the propensity to throw themselves at me,” he sighed, as if recalling the incidents, “They are dull minded and not worthy my time, attention, or energy.”
“Hmm, curious,” you commented, unceremoniously climbing on top of a few metal boxes at the top of the stair case to reach an adequate area on the wall for your camera, “And yet you seem to always find me for some obnoxious conversation? Does that make me special?” you turned, smirking over your shoulder.
“We simply keep running into each other, you are not special,” the Doctor brushed off your comment, shooting you a judgemental stare as you descended from one pile of boxes to make your way to another file on the opposite side of the landing, grabbing the last camera from his hands before climbing up the boxes again.
“Awww, don’t be shy, Doc,” you teased, eyes focused on the camera instead of him, “You know there’s more to it - you’re the one who sought me out this time, after all,” you looked over your shoulder once the camera was secure, “If you’re falling for me, might as well tell me now so I can reject you before it’s too late.”
You turned back to the camera, one foot taking a step back so you could better check the accuracy of the angle. You gasped when your foot felt nothing to rest on, flailing your arms as your body began to fall backwards, cursing the stupid wine as you did so. Through your drunken haze, your mind attempted to think of any solution to get yourself out of this situation, though any logic snapped away when you felt him.
Doctor Ratio was quick to react, arms wrapping around your waist as your body fell, pulling you away from the boxes and closer to him. He made a small grunting noise as your body collided with his chest, his warmth surrounding you as he pulled you close to him. In his arms, you truly realized the extent of his physique, feeling the muscles in his chest against your back, and truly acknowledging the size of his arms as he held you against him. His body was hot, almost unbearably so, your body used to the cold metallic arms of your usual partner. It was comforting though; as if you were wrapped in a blanket. What overwhelmed you most, though, was his scent. His clothes smelt clean, as if they were fresh from the laundry, giving him a soft smell, a harsh contrast to his more harsh figure. However, as if to cover the softness up, there was a hint of cologne, nothing too strong but definitely something there that tickled your nose as you inhaled the musky scent. His breath tickled your exposed neck as he breathed, giving you goosebumps despite the overwhelming scent surrounding you.
“If anything, it seems as if you are the one falling for me,” he whispered into your ear, voice lacking its usual arrogance, replaced by something you wanted to label as flirtatious, but were afraid to do so. He chuckled at your lack of response, “It does feel nice to finally have you at a loss of words - as if I’ve finally reached a checkmate against one of my opponents. 
“No wonder women don’t like you,” you forced yourself to speak, voice lacking the confidence you wanted it to possess, “you just see them like chess pieces - a game to you.”
“I can reassure you, you’re the only one entertaining enough to resemble a challenge,” he laughed, making sure your feet were on the ground before he moved to release you. Your head was practically spinning then, a mix of the alcohol, closeness to the Doctor and some resemblance of dignity that was now absence after your tumble. You immediately felt cold at the absence of your skin, a feeling you usually were okay with. But now… now all you were craving seemed to be heat. 
He let out a yelp when you pulled his body back to yours, your back against his chest again, “Aeons, this is embarrassing,” you muttered, before turning your head to look at him, “...but can you hold me a little longer?” He hesitated slightly, looking you in the eye as if to see if you were testing him somehow. When you merely stared back at him, no hint of a smirk on your features, he sighed, moving his arms to adjust to your body again. You sighed in relief at the feeling of his arms wrap around your waist again, resisting the urge to nuzzle back against him.
“How drunk are you exactly?” he groaned in annoyance against you, though he didn’t make a move to leave your side, “This type of behaviour is ridiculous, even for someone as idiotic as yourself.”
“It’s not my fault that I want some comfort!” you defended, words slightly slurred now from the alcohol “You try fighting some stupid mutant bug and washing bug guts off yourself for two hours, and get back to me about how you feel!” you huffed, forcing yourself to move away from him, “Just forget it, let’s go grab more cameras and-” You gasped when he pulled you back towards him again, this time picking you up bridal style. The feeling of his strong arms against your legs made your shudder, the less PG part of your mind wondering how they would feel in more skin tight pants compared to the sweats you wore now,  “What the hell are you doing, put me down!”
“As if I’d let you walk after you almost cracked your skull open,” he scoffed, descending the stairs with you in his arms, his demeanour completely normal despite your weight in his arms, “Though I must say, your comments do make your behaviour this evening much more understandable.”
“I’m not some stupid puzzle for you to try to solve, bastard,” you resisted the urge to flail your way out of his arms, not wanting to fall on your ass again today.
He ignored your protests, continuing to speak, “I have to say, my intentions of asking about Screwllum were to try and dissect the curious behaviour you too displayed,” he began, descending the second flight of stairs, “If there truly is no romantic feelings between you two, why did he hesitate to leave? Why did he continue to touch you for as long as possible.” The Doctor carefully placed you down on the floor near the cameras before placing his hands on his hips, not batting an eye as you reached towards the wine, “It makes sense now; the anger, the reluctance to be alone, the mentions of fighting to the death.” He paused for a moment as if adding dramatic effect.
“You were scared. You don’t want to be alone. You want someone to comfort you - it is the only thing I can hypothesize behind Screwllum’s motives to suggest I remain here with you after he depart - he was worried about you.”
You downed the rest of the wine, bottle now empty as you placed it down, “Why do you have to be so smart? It’s annoying,” you murmured, the bottle falling to the ground as you failed to place it down properly, “So what if I wanna little comfort after almost dying, isn’t that normal?”
“And why, exactly, do you want this comfort from me?” he asked, cocking a curious eyebrow at you. 
It was a question you asked yourself too - why him? In all honesty, your two, now three, interactions with the Doctor had all been a pain in your ass, keeping you from doing something else that you wanted to do to deal with tiring conversation with some pompous asshole who had no desire to do anything but insult you… Yet you had to admit, the conversations were fun after all. Compared to the other people you surrounded yourself with at the Space Station, Doctor Ratio was new; exciting. He wasn’t afraid to poke your buttons to see what response he would get, something that you couldn’t really say about any of the other researchers. You supposed to closest thing was Herta, but even she couldn’t be bothered to talk to people most days, too focused on the damned Simulated Universe to give a shit about you. That was it - it had to be. You were craving something, or rather someone, who could challenge you, and it just so happened that this Doctor could.
…Not that you were going to tell him that, though. 
“I don’t exactly got a lot’a options here,” you gestured at the room, the only surroundings being Ruan Mei’s creations, “What, am I gonna rant to a stupid cat thingy about my fear of death?”
“You could have saved the rant for Screwllum,” the Doctor commented, eyes flickering from you to the empty wine bottle, “But you instead agreed to rant to me - you are smarter than to make excuses for your actions.”
You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest, “Aeons, and you say I’m the emotionally manipulative one - how did your stupid fancy University teach you to get information out of people so easily,” she sighed in defeat, “I’m not the type of person who wants to reflect on my emotions, and you’re the type of person to give me a distraction, that’s all there is to it.”
“I see,” the Doctor smirked, confidently sitting down beside you on the floor cross-legged, his knee briefly touching yours as he readjusted, “I’ve got to say, this sudden confession of your feelings towards me has me flustered. Perhaps it is you who wants to grovel at my feet, despite you suggesting the reverse.”
“Oh shut up, asshole,” you groaned, wishing you had more wine to drown your sorrows in. You attempted to stand up, extremely wobbly on your feet, “Lets put the rest of these stupid cameras up so I can get the hell out of this place.”
The Doctor grabbed your wrist as if to steady you, though the action didn’t seem to cure the wobble of your figure, “You’re clearly not in the condition to continue working. Why don’t you rest here and continue work later…” he trailed off, as if thinking how to finish his sentence, “...when you’re not stumbling around like a light weight.”
“Lightweight!” you exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at him, “You try drinking a bottle of wine and see how you act!” The Doctor ignored your words, gently pulling you to the ground, placing one of his muscular arms around your waist, as if to prevent your escape.
“Just go to bed, the Station will be better off for a while without you stumbling around down here,” he stated bluntly, repositioning you so that you could rest your head on his chest, the rest of your body curled up beside him.
“At least let me sleep in my room,” you groaned, wiggling against his grip, “No offence, but my bed is a lot comfier than you’re stupidly buff chest.” He snorted slightly at the comment, arm still firmly holding you in place.
“You can barely walk,” he reminded you, “And I do not think either of us would benefit from the rumours that would result from me carrying you towards your room,” you could practically hear the gossip now - its not like researchers had much better to do than start baseless rumours anyway. 
“Ugh, you’re so stupid, Doctor,” you mumbled, accepting your fate and shifting your body slightly to get more comfortable, “You and you’re stupid eight Doctorate degrees, why are you so fucking frustrating?”
“Veritas,” he said softly, making you open your tired eyes to look at him. He gazed down at your figure from where you on his lap, “My name is Veritas. If we are going to be familiar enough to do… whatever this is, you may as well call me by my first name.”
“Veritas,” you tested the name on your lips, “First telling me to sleep on you, and then telling me your first name? What’s next, a marriage proposal?”
“Just shut up and sleep,” he huffed, holding you against his chest, letting you rest your body weight on him completely. You could hear his heartbeat as you rested there, a sound so unfamiliar to you considering your usual cuddling partners. However, somehow the rhythmic thumping was relaxing - a sign of life that showed you that there was someone by your side. It scared away any thoughts of that Aeon-forsaken bug that threatened to invade your mind.
“Dr- Veritas,” you corrected yourself sleepily, “You’ll stay with me, right?” your words were muffled as you spoke into his chest, eyes fluttering with the sleep that already wanted to flow over you.
“It is not like I have much of a choice given our current predicament,” he sighed, though his grip did not loosen on you. You smiled at his words, though your mind briefly wandered away for a second.
“I wanted to ask you,” you said softly, “Early today, you told the Trailblazer that you stumbled upon Ruan Mei’s research after coming down here for your own purposes…” you mumbled, forcing yourself to finish the question despite the desire to sleep, “...Why exactly were you down here in the first place?”
He was silent for a moment, though it was so brief that you wondered if you had made it up, “I will tell you when you awake, I promise.” You nodded, tired mind finding some sort of solace in his words, allowing you to finally let sleep overtake you.
It's only when you wake up the next day, Screwllum shaking your arm urgently, that you realize the Doctor went back on his word.
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likedovesinthewindd · 11 months
Need some hobie x reader, well I'll help you solve that problem.
May I request hobie x spider reader but she's a pink spider with a little bit of a bimbo in her. Her and hobie are fighting an enemy something happens and hobie has to save her. When he does she looks at him and goes "my hero" all lovey dovey. Then of course hobie has to respond with how he's not a hero but during his rant reader kisses him. Hope you like ❤️ might send a few more if you don't mind
hobie w his pink gf is gonna do it for me every time. also this isn't really in fic format i hope you don't mind!
hobie brown x fem!reader
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✮ you joined the society around the same time hobie did, and right off the bat the two of you hit it off. you quickly became close friends, even though you were complete opposites.
✮ you shamelessly spent a lot of time on your appearance. you were a spider-person after all, so if people's eyes were gonne be on you, you might as well make it worth their while. you had a pretty pink suit, the most beautiful pink design with big chrome covered eyes and finished with finger holes so everyone could see your pretty nails.
✮ hobie would always make fun of it too. he'd grown to calling you names like malibu barbie, because there wasn't a day you weren't wearing pink.
✮ so fast forward a bit the two of you are on a mission to go and capture an anomaly, and things went south fast. it gets a knock or two in with you, and before you know it you're being knocked into a wall, hard. your head is throbbing almost instantly, and your vision's blurry. you could see the anomaly get ready to get another knock in, but just before he manages to hit you, hobie's effectively stopping him. it's the last thing you remember before you close your eyes and fall unconscious.
✮ the next thing yk you're waking up in one of the cold medical facilities at HQ, with one hell of a headache. jess is one of the first people you see, and the first thing you ask her is where hobie is. she tells you that he's at the canteen, that he's been here since you've been bought in.
"Sleeping beauty wakes, everyone," Hobie says to no one in particular as he makes his way into the small room, standing next to the bed. "You alright?" he adds, voice more serious and concerned. "I'm fine," you say. "Although my head is killing me," you added, looking down at your lap, and a whine escapes your mouth when you look down at your hands.
"What?" he asked and you shove your hand in his face. He takes your hand in his, assessing it with a frown. "What?" he asks again. "My nail!" you squeal and he laughs in reply. "Could've been worse, Barbie," he says and you roll your eyes at the nickname. Then an idea hits you; something you know will piss him off.
You squeeze his hand, giving him a smile as sweet and sultry as you could muster up. "Could've been worse, yes," you start, "but atleast you were there to protect me. My hero." And at once you could see the frown forming on his face.
"I'm not a hero," he starts, and you have to stop yourself from laughing. "Because calling yourself a hero makes yourself a self-mythologizing narcissistic..."
And as he's rambling on you notice how he's still squeezing onto your hand, so you flip it over so that the back of his hand is on top and place a small kiss onto the skin. The action stops him in the middle of his spieël and he gives you a suprised look. "Why'd you do that," he asked quietly and you shrug. You usher him closer, and he does so wordlessly.
When he's close enough, you place a big fat kiss right on the apple of his cheek, making a smack sound as you pulled away. At once the lanky man changes to a bright pink hue all over and you smile at the irony of it all. "You're pinker than me, bee," you say with a laugh, and he only gives you an irritated hum, although you know he could never ever stay mad at you.
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a/n: don't really like this might rewrite it later.
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mandyarin · 3 months
Spring has come to me
Shohei Ohtani x Reader (female pronouns)
Synopsis: A story of love between the team physician and the superstar of the team.
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Author's note: Hey y'all this is my first ever fic! I have been reading fics since forever and have been contemplating on making my own for the longest time and well my first piece is dedicated to Shohei Ohtani, since not much people write for this talented gorgeous man, I figured why not. Feedbacks are highly appreciated, altho pls don't be mean :< i didn't check for grammar or punctuation mistakes so I'm sorry for dat :>> there might also be some mistakes abt team technicalities and dynamics sooo :3
Working as part of the Dodgers' medical team was not really the dream but the opportunity was dropped into your lap and you'd be a fool not to take it. Spring training has started but not everyone on the team has been on the field as consistently as the star player of the team, Shohei Ohtani. Without fail he has been on the stadium even before beginning spring training. As part of the medical team you have been corresponding closely with the rehabilitation personnel that works closely with the players, most notably Shohei. It was slightly different from working in a hospital but certainly a lot less work and stress. Although the higher ups breathing down your neck making sure the star was going to be alright might be causing you a headache. You weren't much for baseball or sports in general, what with being an over achiever who seeks validation through academics, never having much extra curricular unless it involves the academe, despite that though, you have certainly heard of the name Shohei Ohtani and the ripples of his achievements.
You were at your office, contemplating the best course of care to be administered to common baseball injuries and rehabilitation, personalized treatment, the best apparatus to use. Your mind running through every possible scenario and making contingency plan for each. Not only is your skill and credibility as a professional on the line but also a player's professional career. Everything has to be perfect. Nothing more, nothing less.
A knock came through the door, "Come in" you called.
"Hey would you like to meet the players? They're out on the field right now, I figured we introduce you", Called out a staff member as he entered through the door.
"Yeah, sure. Let me just save this and I'll be right out."
There wasn't much distance to walk out on the field, you see the long stretch of players talking amongst themselves, stretching, checking out their equipments.
"Alright, everyone listen up. This is the new team physician joining us this season. She will be corresponding with the medical staff and personnel in ensuring the best care and treatment for every single one of you. She is one of the best in orthopedics. I expect that you guys will heed her advices regarding to your health." The team manager gathered everyone near him and had me introduce myself to everyone present.
Everyone had the opportunity to introduce themselves, accompanied by a handshake. Soon it was the superstar's turn. A hand that shook yours in greeting, dwarfing it in his roughed up hand. He gave you a smile that reached his eyes, you like his eyes, you decide. Like crescent moons as he gives a slight chuckle.
It wasn't all that hard to get occupied with Shohei's matters, you had to correspond with his surgeon about his recent surgery, you had to be in constant communication with the physical therapist in charge of him and you had to plan and administer the best care for his current state. One might say that you are too focused on him despite being the team physician but that is just the effect of having a $700 million player in your care. Not a thing spared if it's for his well-being. Besides he's the only player in the current roster with the most recent surgery done and you'll be damned if he's not good to go when the season starts.
Being in close proximity with him made you realize things about him. The talent he has and the grit he puts in everything he does on the field makes him the amazing player that he is, you have not seen someone as dedicated as he was in their craft. He's meticulous in his actions, moves with intention. Careful and purposeful. When he is off the zone, his laughter rings, albeit like a hyena. Wide smiles and the carefree way he carries himself. So carefree but so sure. You have never seen him look like he was out of place in his new team. He always looked like he belonged where he is, wherever might that be. An energy so magnetic but the type of magnetism that pulls you in slowly, carefully, like a smooth caress and then when you least expect it you were pulled into his orbit and you were none the wiser.
It started when he would be in your space. Rushing towards you as he finishes his set, like he has a special radar that is exclusively for you. Whether you're observing him or the other players or talking to other staff members. Nothing will stop him from going to you. Smiling down at you with a boyish smile, engaging you in conversations like "What have you been up to?", "Are you here to supervise?", "Are you here to see me?", "I'm gonna practice my batting today, can you check my form?". It flustered you at first but it has been such a common occurence that it has failed to phase you anymore.
Then, he would message you outside working hours. Sending pictures and videos of his adventures with Dekopin, fully taking advantage at the fact that you are weak for cute animals. You guys would talk about the everyday mundane things like the weather, food, hobbies and many other things. Then came more personal questions that dug deeper to reveal more of each other. A peek inside this amazing athlete, the person inside. Grasping the melancholy he feels, the little joys in his days, the trepidation that tomorrow brings, the pressure of the pedestal that he was put on. He seemed a little more human, a little more relatable. A little more like a boy who dreamed big and is now living it but still grasping at what was lost.
Then came the invites. Inviting you outside working hours for food, hanging out at his home, tagging along at Dekopin's vet appointments and anywhere else you could think of. Of course, there is definetely skepticisms and wariness with all these invites. He was a man who has his whole country watching him through the media's lenses, whether it be from reputable sources or the tabloids. For him to be seen with a woman was a sentence. Sentenced to be lump into rumors and gossips. The man of the hour and his partner. It was a headline just waiting to happen. But you reasoned with yourself. Surely they are aware that you are one of the team physicians, right? Surely they'll think it's just an appointment outside working hours, a bit unconventional but people wouldn't think you guys are together, right? Right. No one will think so. You were just a team doctor hanging out with one of your team's player, nothing more. You said in your head like a mantra, as you accept his offers to go out. Truly hoping for it to be the case.
The realization came to you on a quiet night. You didn't mind the closeness of Shohei, you didn't mind that he would come running to you whenever he sees you, in fact you enjoyed seeing him jog to you and grace you with that ever so handsome smile of his. He fills your head with mindless ramblings and chats, you think you would hate it since you have learned to value silence as your companion but you found out you didn't. His voice and presence now accompanies you too. You found that you didn't mind being linked to him. You didn't mind if your face or name will be plastered on a headline on Japanese newspapers or tabloids by tomorrow. You didn't mind people writing about you and your relationship. It really doesn't matter. What matters is if he is happy, it matters if he is comfortable with you accompanying him to whatever and wherever and well, he is happy, he is comfortable. What matters is that you love him. You have learned that Shohei has wormed his way to your heart slowly but surely and he is there to stay, taking hold of a chunk of your heart. Ready to hold his hand tightly and face the world. Courageously love and be loved.
Shohei was intrigued by you, you were young, the youngest physician he has seen on the team and yet you managed to be one of the best orthopedic in the country and landing a job at Dodgers, well he might have also been struck by your outwardly appearance and honestly he isn't shy to admit that. You are beautiful.
You are a constant presence in his training, checking up on him and the others, taking special care of him and his recent surgery. He noticed how you're a little stoic, maintaining that air of professionalism like an armor, your brilliance showing through the improved physical care of the players and everyone surely took notice of it. But you were also coy, giving him small smiles or chuckles when he finds courage to talk to you or when you're assisting him on his rehab exercises, putting slight pressure on his forearms and chest, eyes shyly meeting his. It never fails to makes his heart flutter like a teenager.
You had a strong wall built around you, from past hurt, perhaps? He doesn't know but he vowed to himself that he will do anything to break it down or climb his way up over to you. Meticulously planning everything to give his heart and to have yours.
Shohei figures that you love cute and loveable things and he thinks Dekopin could be the best wingman for the job. He was cute and loveable, the perfect tool, the perfect excuse to message you. He knows you couldn't resist and from then on he would talk and talk until you'd answer, he didn't mind waiting he knows you're busy and he knows you might not be used to it. It's okay he'll glady start the conversation if it means getting to talk to you. He's patient and he will wait until you come around. The conversations turn personal at one point and he saw a little more of you. The anxious, perfectionist that is a tad bit hard on herself. A tortured genius, if you will. He can sympathize with you in that regard, with both being young people on such peaks of successes, people from your respective fields waiting on your next moves, ready to pounce when the chance arises. It's exhausting but he figured he wouldn't mind being exhausted together.
Shohei knows he's always being watched, he knows paparazzi are lurking at corners near the stadium, near his home, and wherever places he frequents to. He admits it is a little selfish of him to invite you to his home, or wherever outside work. He knows there is a big possibility of getting caught and photographed but he couldn't give a damn. He doesn't care if people speculates about his romantic life if it is with you. He doesn't mind giving out a statement that you and him are at a stage of getting to know each other. He doesn't mind declaring to the world that he only has eyes for you. He knows he's selfish, the press might hound you and pick you apart so he's careful when inviting you out. Always at odd hours, using an unusual and discreet car, making sure to cover your face when arriving and leaving his home. Yes, he is selfish but he is not to put you in any kind of pressure and danger. He cares about you too much to be too selfish.
On a perfect breezy midnight of spring he received a call from you, asking him if he was awake. His heart quickens, mouth dries a little, he answered you "Yes", with a light waver in his voice.
"Alright, wait for me, I'm coming over."
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Be safe."
His heart stutters in his chest, you have never called him first, never initiated on coming to his house, he was a little scared but your voice seems resolute like there is something that has to be done and he hopes deep deep in his heart that it is what he think it is.
You came knocking on his door after a few minutes and Shohei almost falls over trying to get to the door to get you. And there you were in your full glory, a little disheveled in your most comfortable sweater and sweats. The breeze caressing your hair, your skin. Shohei can't believe that he starts to get a little jealous of the way the breeze kisses you and be so upclose to you. You also take him in, in his loungewear shorts and thin sweatshirt, tousled hair and a slight pink tint to his full cheeks.
"May I come in?"
He's stunned for a little bit then clears his throat and replies, "Of course, come on in. Don't mind the mess Dekopin just destroyed another one of his toys".
As you guys shuffled inside his home, the air stills and there's an undeniable tension between the two of you. Shyly meeting each other's gaze for a minute and like magnets you draw towards each other. Timidly, you put your hands against Shohei's chest, both your hearts jumping out of your ribcages at the action.
"Is this okay?", you asked looking up at him through your eyelashes. Eyes flitting between his eyes and his lips. Shohei noticed the action and wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you impossibly closer to him, he needs to feel you, he needs to feel your skin on his, your breath on his skin, your lips on his.
"Yes", he replied as he carefully places one of his hand on the back of your head. Slowly inching towards your lips.
"Is this also okay?", he asked lips almost touching yours as he spoke. You didn't waste your time and finally have your lips meet in a sweet embrace that slowly deepened into a dance of lips flitting at each other. The kiss was sweet and sensual, just like him, you think. The kiss was everything the both of you have hoped for. A kiss that says everything and a kiss that seals everything. You finally break away from each other to catch your breath, but lips still touching each other, exhanging breathes, panting on each other's lips.
"Thank you for being patient with me. I love you." You said to him, lips touching his as you speak. He gives you a long peck.
"I'll be here always waiting for you, I love you too. I love you." He utters to you sweetly, saying the last part in his native tongue. Conveying all the love he has in those words. He hopes that you can feel his sincerity, if not then he'll just have to show it to you every time until you can feel it.
Truly, spring has come and bloomed love both to you and Shohei.
A/N: I've been inspired by what the phrase "Spring has come" mean to both Korean and Japanese language ik its not yet spring but yeah I just rlly wanted to write about this. Hope you guys enjoyed it <3
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tenebraevesper · 4 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1)
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Welcome to the first part of my personal elaboration on the topic of why ''Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow!'', or in other words, why Prime!Shadow is one of the best written iterations of Shadow's character.
Will I try to make proper arguments for his character writing? Of course. Will I also be biased as hell just because he's my favorite character? Absolutely!
So, if you can handle both of that, we should dive in!
Before I start, I suppose I should give a brief overview of Shadow's character and how he had been handled through the years. The general consensus seems to be that Shadow was at his peak as a character from Sonic Adventure 2 to Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) (as well as Pre-Reboot!Archie Comics during Ian Flynn's run), being someone who was deeply traumatized by the death of his sister Maria Robotnik, had his memories manipulated to get revenge on humanity, only to sacrifice his own life to save the world Maria cherished, losing his memories in the process and trying to carve out his own path, only to finally solidify his role as a protector of the world, even if his methods aren't always the most peaceful ones.
So, where does the idea of edgelord Shadow come from?
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Yeaaahh... let's just say that Shadow's own game, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), didn't do him any good in the character department, because it seems that all that people remember was that one time SEGA decided to give Shadow a gun and let him deal with an alien invasion. The confusing story routes didn't help either.
In time, Shadow's character went from a complex and layered character to something akin to Vegeta (no offense Dragon Ball fans!), much to the disappointment of everyone who understood character before he underwent this transformation. Also, I'm not counting Boom!Shadow in this because Sonic Boom is a different universe and its own thing, but I won't argue against the fact that Boom!Shadow's characterization as a complete jerkass didn't do Game!Shadow any favor either. That's not even mentioning the Sonic IDW Comics, where Shadow had many mandates tied to him that even the writers found it annoying to write him (although with the most recent arc where Shadow was shown, it seems that the mandates have loosened a little).
Of course, I might be missing out on some information, but this is the general gist of the history of his character. So, when Sonic Prime revealed that Shadow would be one of the major characters, you can bet that I was nervous about how he would be written and I decided to keep a close eye on his characterization; and honestly, I went from genuinely pleased to excited when I realized that Shadow was being written as a very compelling character. Not only that, but he also appeared to have gone through subtle character development over the course of the show.
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Starting from the very beginning, I'm certain that you remember how Shadow's first appearance was basically him punching Sonic at the end of Episode 01: Shattered, a very impactful first impression that left us with more questions and headaches. The following episode, Episode 02: The Yoke's On You, gives us more details in regards to why he punched Sonic, seemingly out of the blue.
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Shadow's proper introduction kicks off with him searching for the Chaos Emerald... and I have to ask, when was the last time we even saw Shadow genuinely smile? Was in the Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games franchise? I don't really remember.
In any case, being clearly happy about finding the Chaos Emerald, he speeds off, only to suddenly sense that something is wrong and is met with a giant blue pulse of energy (released during Sonic's fight with Dr. Eggman) and a vision of Sonic using the Paradox Prism energy.
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This expression just screams ''Something bad is going to happen and it's Sonic's fault! I'm going to kick his ass before he does anything stupid!''
We then follow Shadow as he searches for Sonic, clocking him square in the face for something he hasn't done yet. Eh, I'd say that this one wasn't really deserved.
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Even before Sonic starts explaining his relationship with Shadow, we immediately get an understanding of Shadow's character. He is serious, works alone, quite fast and powerful, prefers to fight over talking things out, is willing to do anything to protect his home and clearly has a history with Sonic. Sonic proceeds to add how Shadow is his biggest rival, a buzzkill and that he totally roller-skates.
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''They're air shoes!''
Did... Did Shadow just break the 4th wall? Did he just make a joke? Dude, not even Boom!Shadow got to do that and Sonic Boom was the epitome of wall breaking!
Yeah, let's just say that my jaw dropped when I heard this, realizing that Shadow's character in Sonic Prime will be different than what we got used to see.
So, after knocking the Rings out of Sonic (I mean that literally), Shadow questions him about what he has done, with Sonic pointing out how Eggman is the bad guy, clearly confused about why Shadow is attacking him.
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''You literally shook the world!'' ''That's because I'm good! And powerful apparently! Jealous?''
After a bit of teasing from Sonic, he and Shadow get into a race, during which I had noticed something. While Sonic keeps teasing Shadow (and also having fun fighting him), Shadow tells him to stop and listen for once.
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''Clearly you're angry, which is normal,... but I'm supposed to be on a bit of a mission here, Shadow!'' ''What mission?'' ''None of your business.''
Sooooo, have you noticed it too? Because there is something very telling in this interaction. If you haven't, I'll let it play out until the end. Anyways, to continue, Shadow knocks Sonic into a rock, with Sonic confirming another aspect of their relationship.
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''Ughh, I know, we're fighting again. Don't worry guys, I'll calm him down.''
We now know that this certainly wasn't the first time they had a fight and it won't be the last time. Sonic points out that, whatever beef they have, they aren't going to settle it this way. While Sonic is right, I will admit, I had to gush over the excellent animation and fight choreography. X3
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Sonic then hears an explosion from the cave where the Paradox Prism is and tells Shadow that he needs to get to his friends, only to get punched for his troubles.
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''Learn to focus!''
Now that the flashback is over, what exactly is going on between the two?
First of all, the main thing I have noticed is that both Shadow and Sonic seriously have a problem with communication. Shadow knows Sonic is about to do something stupid, and from his actions (aka choosing violence over talking) he is trying to prevent Sonic from doing whatever he was about to do. It does paint Shadow as a bit of a jerk, but Sonic isn't completely innocent here either.
An observation I had made was that Shadow probably knows that if he tried to just talk to Sonic, Sonic would either blow him off and run away or just tease him back, which was confirmed when Shadow asks him on what kind of mission he is with Sonic responding that it's none of his business. I imagine that there were previous events where Sonic was doing something stupid and Shadow tried to stop him from making things worse, and that violence was indeed the answer to Sonic's antics.
If Sonic had explained to Shadow what the deal is, I'm certain that Shadow would help him out. Perhaps Shadow could've told him about his vision, but going by Sonic's behavior, Sonic would probably not listen to him.
This brings me to my second point - this moment establishes that, if there will be character development for Shadow, it will be mainly through his interactions with Sonic and them learning to work together and listen to each other, something I'm really excited to talk about in later episodes.
The flashback continues in Episode 03: Escape From New Yoke, where Sonic does the old ''Hey, look behind you!'' trick and Shadow falls for it, hook, line and sinker. Sonic knocks him into a wall and speeds off to where his friends are fighting Eggman, leaving Shadow to recover and follow him.
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I do like how Shadow just shakes his head here. Even if he doesn't say much, you can clearly see what it is going through his mind. He's angry at Sonic, but acknowledges that this is just typical for his blue rival.
in Episode 07: It Takes One to No Place, we see that Shadow manages to reach the Paradox Prism cave, just as Sonic is about to shatter it.
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''Chaos Control!''
Unlike Sonic's friends and Dr. Eggman, Shadow manages to use Chaos Control, preventing him from being shattered just like the others.
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Instead, he finds himself floating in The Void. I'll leave what happened to him in The Void for the next part, but what is important to note is that he cannot enter the individual Shatterspaces, but he can communicate with Sonic every time the latter gains enough speed to use the Paradox Prism Energy.
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''Sonic, it's broken! It's all broken!''
Sonic is at first freaked out, thinking he's just hallucinating. I suppose that explains why Sonic keeps ignoring him in any subsequent appearances, despite Shadow trying his best to contact him and trying to explain him what to do, like telling him how he's lost in The Void and for Sonic to keep moving and to not stop (which also leads Sonic to find out how he can travel between Shatterspaces).
I suppose this can also be interpreted as ''Sonic leaves Shadow on read''. X3
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Once Sonic accidentally gets out of No Place in Episode 08: There Is No Arrgh In Team, he is confronted by Shadow, who is absolutely furious. Not that Sonic notices, given how he had a really rough day himself.
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''Shadow? Ugh, I don't have time to deal with whoever you are. I just wanna go home.''
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''Home? Home doesn't exist anymore BECAUSE OF YOU!''
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Considering what Sonic had done, yeah, this punch was definitely deserved.
As I said above, the first eight episodes are here to establish Shadow's character, his relationship/rivalry with Sonic and his own flaws (mainly the lack of communication on his part, choosing to fight Sonic instead) and it is clear that in order to overcome those flaws, he will have to work with Sonic (calm down Sonadow shippers, we didn't get there yet), something I'm excited to explore in the second part of this analysis.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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taurusreads · 1 year
what do you need to know right now? 🤎
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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what does spirit want to tell you?
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pile one
overall energy: ten of pentacles
for some of you i see that you may be struggling with your own thoughts a bit. the cards were being very sporadic and many of them were flying out at the same time. i think some of you might have a tendency to shut down when there’s a lot going on, like your beak. just kind of shuts off and it feels like a “no thoughts head empty” kind of vibe. spirit wants you to know that it’s perfectly fine for you to take time for yourself. focus on your mental health, and do what needs to be done for yourself before going to help someone else. you can never be the shoulder to someone until you can take care of your own well-being.
i also think that some of you have projects going on regarding your career. be very selective with who you give information to, as not everyone is your friend. sometimes it’s better to keep the information you have to yourself rather than telling others about it, because some people may not always have your best interest at heart. i see that this is something important to a lot of you, something that you’ve been manifesting for a long time. im hearing “dream come true”. these things were brought to you by the universe because you asked for it, waited patiently, and put in the effort to receive it, don’t let someone pretending to be your friend interfere with that.
on the same note of your work/career life, try not to overwork yourself! it’s great to love what you do, and it’s amazing to want to do it all the time, but make sure that you’re not pushing yourself past your limits. everyone has a breaking point, a moment in time where everything becomes too much and it takes a toll on you mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. take time out of every day to check on your own health, and give yourself the love that you deserve!
channeled messages: headache, work, fashion, warm weather, yellow, 555, celebration, milestones, manifestations, something about being in the dark, secrets, self care, bubble baths!
pile two
overall energy: the star
there’s a lot of things that this pile wants to do, but you feel like there’s not enough time to get it all done. spirit wants you to remember that life is a marathon, not a sprint. you have ample time to do the things that you want in life, so don’t beat yourself up too much! there’s also a message of balancing out your work and home life. it’s okay to want to prioritize things, but make sure you have room in your life for the rest of it too! there’s plenty of time to figure out your career/life plans, so make sure that you give yourself time to have fun also! go bowling, see a movie, or just stay inside and stare at the tv. whatever makes you feel good should also be on your list of priorities.
i also see that for some of you, you’ve been wanting to get into a relationship. spirit is saying that healthy relationships stem from people who are emotionally and mentally ready, and sometimes it’s okay to admit that you’re not ready. being able to understand when you’re ready for a relationship and when you should just focus on yourself is an amazing strength to have, and it can save you from a lot of unfortunate situations in the future. spirit wants to make sure that you can discern when you are and are not ready for love, so you can focus on the things that are really important to you.
i think now would be an important time to focus on your work. focus on establishing yourself in the career you’re currently in, and completely immerse yourself in doing what you love. im also getting the message that some of you might possibly have a particular interest with someone that you work with. look within yourself to truly know whether you are ready for any sort of relationship, or if you should just focus on your own well-being. and be honest with yourself! no growth happens by ignoring the truth.
channeled messages: retail, D.D.D - the boyz, kpop, literal dancing, heartbreak, partnership, music, connection, dreams, soulmate, patience
pile three
overall energy: knight of wands rx
let out your inner child! some of you have been wanting to do something new for a while now, and spirit says go for it! if there was anything that you’d been wanting to try, some place that you’d been wanting to go, take a leap of faith and try it out! it’s never too late to do something new, life is all about making new memories and experiencing new things. i feel like some of you haven’t had the time to do things that you’ve wanted to, any i think now is the time to make room for it!
if some of you are in school, use your free time very wisely. you get a couple months out of school, so take the free time to experience all the things you didn’t have time to before. for anyone who is working, if you’ve been considering taking time off, do it if you can! spirit wants you to start trusting your instincts more. we all have intuition, some peoples are just stronger because they use trust in it and use it more often! trust in your own intuition and follow what your gut is telling you to do! you’re not missing out if you take the time to do what you want, nor are you lazy or a fraud. you deserve to take time to yourself, just like everyone else does.
if you’ve been cooped up in the house for a while, spirit always says to go outside for a little bit! i think interacting with nature can be very healing for some of you. take a walk, go for a run, or just enjoy the scene of nature! im seeing a lot of green, a lot of trees and grass, as well as a park/playground. maybe some of you have kids, or this is something that you like to do! go outside and do the things you used to do as a kid, and reignite that spark within you!
channeled messages: games, sun, playground, recreational parks, soccer, running, exercise, listening to music while walking, tanning, vacation, happiness, relaxation, 333, laughing, joy
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ghostyycat7 · 7 months
The healer and the hunter -Zoro-
Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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Readers name and gender is not mentioned.
A/N: This is just a small thing I thought about. I might make this into a series for Zoro
WC: 939
You had been on Luffy’s crew since almost day one. The straw hats found you on an abandoned island. You were on a pirate crew, but the waves and the storm that your crew passed through caused a wreck. You were no captain but only a healer. The pirate’s kidnapped you once they learned you were a healer. That doesn’t matter now. You're on Luffy’s crew; The straw hat pirates.
You and the others were currently at The Baratie. A fancy 5 star restaurant. You’ve been there for only a day and everything has turned to shit. Luffy was washing dishes, Usopp was getting drunk off his ass, Nami and Zoro were playing some alcoholic game, and you were sitting next to some man at the bar. You don’t know him, but he started talking to you. You’ll admit you're pretty drunk and you can’t help but be a flirt when you're drunk. Even though you were a flirtatious drunk, this man was not it for you. You’d rather have Zoro than anyone in this room. You couldn’t talk to him when he’s busy drinking, so you sat at the bar and kept taking shots and sips of your drink.
A little later Usopp came up to you and started lying to the people around you. He was telling a tale about how you saved a sea beast. You could hardly hear anything or anyone thanks to the alcohol. You did make out the sound of Zoro shutting up Usopp, “hey, Stop talking about her and talk about your own stories”. You weren’t sure why Zoro said that, but you were kinda glad since the last time someone heard you were a healer you were kidnapped. The next thing that happened shocked you. Two large arms snaked around your waist then picked you up. You yelped at the sudden grab. You tried to get out of the mystery arms till the person spoke, “calm down”. It was Zoro’s voice. You angrily replied to him, “I can’t calm down if you don’t tell me you're picking me up”. You’re not sure where he’s taking you but it was out of the restaurant, then to the Going merry. He took you all the way to your room. You were so drunk that when he laid you down in your bed you passed out.
You woke up the next morning with a painful headache, but not as painful as what was about to happen next. You walked into the gallery to see nami yelling at Zoro, Usopp looked scared, and Luffy had a confused expression on his face. Once Nami had stopped yelling you spoke up, “What is going on here?”. Nami replied very angrily, “ Zoro is going to get himself killed”. She continued to yell at Zoro. At the end of it Zoro ended up saying, “You said it yourself last night you ‘don’t have any friends’”. With that Nami stormed out of the room leaving everyone. Luffy talked to Zoro then left with Usopp. “I know you were screamed at for an hour, but what is going on?” you didn’t want to disturb Zoro as he cleaned his swords. Zoro lifts his head, “Why do you care?”. You sat down on a chair in the gallery, then shrugged at his question. “Maybe because I enjoy having you around. It’s nice to have a real fighter. Plus I enjoy the times….” your words slowly drift off as you thought back on the late nights with Zoro.
~Both you and Zoro would spend nights together when neither of you could sleep. It was enjoyable and calming. Sometimes you’d spend the night in silence, other times someone would talk, or both of you would talk. One time he tried to train you so that way if you needed to you could use a sword. It didn’t work out very well. You had slipped and grabbed onto his shirt. You fell onto the hardwood floor and Zoro landed right on top of you.~
Your thoughts were interrupted by Zoro’s voice, “You enjoy what times?”. You look up into Zoro’s eyes. “Remember when you tried to teach me how to use a sword” he nods his head, “But then i slipped and you fell on top of me”. He nods his head again. “What does that have to do with me fighting Mihawk?” he asks. “Well I’m just saying don’t die out there because I want to enjoy more of those kinds of moments with you”. You got up from your chair and walked out of the gallery. 
You were in the baratie at the bar when you saw the famous Mihawk walk by you, then sit down a few chairs away. You got up from your chair and sat down by him. “Listen I know you're going to duel Zoro today, I also know he’s not as strong as you. Injure him as you please but don’t kill him” You didn’t look at Mihawk as you said this. “Injure him as I please but don’t kill him. Those are strong words” You can feel Mihawk’s yellow eyes on you. “I’m a healer, so if you hurt him then I can fix the wounds. I can’t fix death” You finally look him in his eyes. He nods his head, “Fine if he doesn’t win then I’ll only injure him, but that's all I can say. It’s up to him if he wants to be killed”. Mihawk then gets up from his seat. Right before he exits the room he says one last thing to you, “The fight is about to begin”.
Taglist is open just send a request:
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May I request a fic about vet!skykid reader and the sully family, where reader goes out with the kids and spider, when they get ambushed by Quradrinth (idk if I spelt it right), and they get taken with spider. And Quradrinth’s crew starts to run experiments on them to see what they are. Later they end up taking reader with Spider when they hunt the Tulkun. Then when Lo’ak and Neteyam go back for Spider, they save reader as well. (Also, Neteyam doesn’t get shot.) Everyone goes back to the Metakiyan clan and gets patched when the Sully see that reader has a lot injuries from the experiments?
"I wanna go home.."
Sully family + spider x vet!reader
Genre: angst/comfort
Warnings: violence,death threats,experiments,war?,near death,lots of injuries,swearing,a bit brutal about a certain procedure for (___)
Pronouns: they/them
You guys...I love you guys so much, I absolutely love this kind of angst request where reader gets hurt. I like torturing people in fanfics so this is perfect but I'll try not to make it too brutal with the experiments, ENJOY THE FOOD ANGST LOVERS. Also note that the reader will be a bit shorter than spider
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"where's spider and (___)?" Jake asked kiri who was crying "they took them. They took spider and (___)." Kiri sobbed between the sentence, neytiri was comforting her by hugging her "...shit."
"STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Spider yelled witnessing the crew doing experiments on (___) who was chained on a bed. What kind of experiments you might say, well glad you asked it involves using sharp tools,needles,lots of blood samples,and other things you don't wanna know. "STOP IT PLEASE" spider begged trying to get out of the chair he was strapped into, they eventually stopped the experiments but (___) was barely moving hell I don't think they're even concious, spider quickly went to their side trying to wake them up "s-shit, dude wake up don't die on me just yet. C'mon stand up!" Spider panicked, he didn't wanna lose you yet. You were the only person he knows in the room. Once again they took spider and strapped him in the chair, they took (___) and strapped them in a machine. They turned it on and the things infront of him started circling and the fact it has lights made it worse since a headache started occuring, not even just a headache it felt like your head was about to explode so you started doing everything you can to get out of the machine. The lady with a hat started talking "where is Jake sully?" She said hoping to get an answer but you didn't talk you can't.
"stop it please!" Spider pleaded, the longer you were in that machine the harder for you to stay up "y'know this will all stop if you just tell us where he is." The lady said but you barely heard the words she said, everything EVERYTHING was barely there you can't see,hear,or even comprehend clearly, not with this thing on you "their mind is blank, it's all blurry." The lady said looking at the hologram of your brain". "THEY CANT TALK, STOP IT YOURE GONNA KILL THEM!" spider pleaded again noticing that (___) was moving in and out of consciousness, they also stopped struggling which was very weird. Quaritch can't bare to hear spider again and stopped the machine, this made the lady look at quaritch with a look of confused and a bit of anger. (___) was unconscious and had a nosebleed, spider managed to get out of the chair and went to (___) side who was on the ground in a bad condition. "general, let me handle these." Quaritch said the general looked a bit shock and said "this better be worth it."
Spider was in a room with a table in the middle, he went under it somewhat giving him comfort that he's safe but what he is worrying right now is (___) they were nowhere to be seen and that made him worried what could've to them. Were they dead?are they alive?are they doing experiments on them again? All those questions were not helping him in the current situation he is in. The door opened which made him defensive and hugged himself, the person crouch down and saw it was the guy who stopped the machine but even tho he did that he was not gonna trust him that easily. Once he saw he was going to the other side of the table he took the chance to try and escape but unfortunately the blue caught caught what he was doing and quickly grabbed him from going further "whoa whoa, easy tiger easy." He said putting him on the table that was weirdly gentle since he thought he was gonna be rough, spider was about to do it again but a big blue hand stopped him from doing so. He tried escaping the hand by lashing out trying to push his hand out of the way but he was much bigger and stronger than him so it was quite impossible to do so. So he calmed down a bit, the blue guy raised his hands showing that he wasn't gonna show harm "we good?" He asked, spider looked everywhere BUT him.
*timeskip to where they save spider because I'm in a hurry*
"dude c'mon hurry!" Lo'ak said to spider "wait, (___) is still in there we need to go and get them!" Spider said running inside the ship "lo'ak let's go, like spider said they are still in there!" Neteyam said grabbing lo'aks hand dragging him inside the ship, spider opened a door which leads to the lab (___) was in. They were tied on a wall, they looked weak and in pain so they quickly got them out of it "hey Birdy, don't worry we'll be out of here." Neteyam said cutting the ropes helping you stand up "C'mon let's hurry up or else-" "oi! What are you do-" before the crewman get to finish finish his sentence (___) quickly took the gun from lo'aks hands and shot him "...damn good aim bro." Spider said, all four of them quickly running to find an exit but some of quaritch's crew found them so they quickly his behind the pipes near an open water but they can't just go into it or else they'll get shot, neteyam was trying to shoot the crew "GO GO!" Neteyam yelled spider and lo'ak quickly jumped but (___) stayed not wanting to leave neteyam. Soon after the bullets ran out and they had to jump "when I count to 3 we jump." Neteyam said looking at (___) who nodded "1,2,3!" Both of them quickly jump, the crew trying to shoot them. "There you guys are, c'mon hurry up." Spider said swimming lo'ak was about to follow him but saw neteyam holding (___) up "w-whats wrong?" He asked knowing damn well what happened "they got shot." Neteyam said holding (___) up more since it looks like they were starting to choke on the water "hurry, over here!" Tsiyera said who was riding her ilu, neteyam quickly swam towards it and laid (___) there. He quickly started to look for the gunshot wound and in relief that they just got hit in the shoulder and not somewhere major.
"kiri and Tuk is still there." Tsiyera said lo'ak looked a bit hesitant and said "we can't go back." He said the iku swimming faster.
The gang saw Jake landing on a rock which made them shout at him so they can get his attention "Dad! Help!" Lo'ak said making the ilu go towards him, neteyam was at the back holding (___) up while putting pressure on their wound "Please!" Tsiyera pleaded, you looked young, too young and you were losing alot of blood, you are not gonna die young. Once they were close enough Jake helped them get (___) of the ilu and made them lay on the rock, Jake gentle looked at (___)'s back and sighed "the bullet didn't went through, t-that's good." He stuttered a bit stress by the situation "lo'ak put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding." He said, lo'ak quickly followed his demand putting pressure on the wound, he saw that the gunshot wasn't the only thing that harmed you but cuts and bruises were scattered around your body making him worried what quaritch had done to you, he looked at spider and asked "what happened to them, why are they covered in bruises?" Spider looked a bit puzzled and said "i-i can expl-" but before he could finish his sentence neytiri went down on ikran and went by Jake side "what happened, are they ok?" Neytiri asked a bit worried, neytiri considered as one of her own she basically raised after you lost your own home and kept you under her wing, she watch you grew and seeing you in this state made her angry on who hurted a "harmless" angel like you "kiri and tuk are still in the ship." Tsiyera said, Jake and neytiri looked at eachother and nodded neteyam was about to tell them that he's gonna follow but Jake beat him to it "all of you stay here and monitor (___)'s condition." Jake knelt down on one knee infront of lo'ak and neteyam "right now I need you guys to protect (___) from any harm, that is an order. So please, don't fail this one mission for me." He said rubbing both of lo'aks and Neteyam's head.
*timeskip to the village*
The family reach the village and saw tonowari and Ronal who were waiting for them tonowari was about to speak but Jake quickly stopped him "I need you to help them please" Jake pleaded, Ronal quickly led them to a marui where medical stuff were prepared. The metkayinas watch as Ronal patched up the cuts and bruises you had but she was frustrated at the gun wound, Tsiyera was hugging lo'ak looking away from the scene because she can't seem to ahndle seeing (___) in pain afterall you were simply a child "the gun wound is too deep, I don't have the right equipments to get it out and it looks like they don't have much time if the gun wound isn't treated." Ronal said looking at Jake, neytiri closed her mouth and cried. Jake quickly thought and said "I need my friend norm to come here and help me with this." Jake said to tonowari who was a bit hesitant whether to say yes or no "please, I need them alive. They are still too young to die." Jake pleaded again, tears was pricking up in his eye, tonowari looked at Ronal for an answer who suprisingly nodded her head "alright." Tonowari nodded.
"give me the tweezers (I think that's what they call it)." Norm said as they quickly handed it to him, he hesitated a bit and Jake noticed it "w-whats wrong?" He stuttered not liking on what's going to happen, norm sighed and had a stern look. "Kiddo, what I'm going to do will be a bit painful. Can you take it?" Norm asked he didn't want you to die but this was gonna be painful without anaesthesia, once he saw you slightly nod he prepared them "take the children away-take them away!" Norm yelled at the metkayinas and neteyam who had Tuk, norm rarely gets serious like this so Jake was a bit nervous "I'm gonna count to three. 1,2,3!" Once he finished counting he put the tweezers inside your shoulder trying to find the bullet as quickly as he can, the tweezers touching your flesh,nerves,and bones made you feel an unbearable pain. You tried to hold it in but you can't you simply just can't, all you could do was let out a blood curdling scream that made the na'vis have goosebumps from. Neytiri and Jake was affected by it the most since you were like their child after they started taking care of you, lo'ak had to take Tsiyera away because of how much she was crying. The other metkayinas also went away because they couldn't handle seeing a child let out a bloody scream, some even covered their mouths, and some even muttered pitiness.
You were mumbling 'stop' 'please' 'it hurts' but they can't do anything, neytiri was crying as she was trying to comfort you and calm you down. All of them felt helpless,useless as they watch you experience the pain, hell even Ronal felt sorry for you and as for tonowari he had the look of horror. You might be thinking, is it really that bad? Yes, yes it is. I could animate but I simply cannot animate something disturbing but finally norm took out the bullet, he quickly instructed them clean the wound and patch them while he prepares for the sedate. Ah I see, why did he not do it in the first place? The dumbass helicopter just arrived with it, that's what.
Jake and tonowari talked to eachother while Ronal and neytiri was talking to each other, Ronal was comforting neytiri after the experience (look man, I want them as besties not enemies-). "Gosh for once I'm glad I was not there to experience that." Neteyam said after lo'ak explained the situation about the procedure, aonung looked like he was about to puke "was it really that bad?" Lo'ak asked he didn't get to see the whole procedure because he went away, aonung shot a glare at him and puked "bold of you to say that, I EXPERIENCED THE WHOLE THING!" he yelled the last part before puking again "the poor child, what had they done to experience that? They looked too young too!" Tsiyera said wiping her tears, she sent a glare towards aonung and said "aonung, don't you dare make fun of them unless you want me to snitch you on mom." She said, even if her eyes were full of tears when they were walking away she still saw a glimpse of her mother's face which was filled with sadness and horror "don't worry I won't, not after they went through that." He responded
After all of them calmed down, the sully and the tonowari's family were talking to each other, you were in a small mattress and a pillow was on your head and kiri&Tuk was by your side doing your hair, something comfortable is important after experiencing something like that "spider, can you tell me what happened to (___)?" Jake asked once more and spider sighed "They kept on experimenting on them trying to find out what they are,they kept putting strange liquids in their body and basically tortured them if they didn't talk. The cuts were from the experiments and the bruises were from uhm, quaritch's crew beating up (___) if they didn't talk.." the explanation made Jake furious he was quite literally muttering threats under his breath but neytiri calmed him down "ma'jake, it's ok they are gone now. They are dead." Neytiri said silently happy that she didn't held back her anger when they were fighting in the ship finding their daughters. Spider had a look of guiltiness but no one saw that, I don't think he has the courage to say it afterall, he doesn't wanna be skinned alive by the sully family after they found out he saved their number one enemy.
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kaylatoonz · 2 months
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Movie Amy Rose 06
What if Amy gets introduced through the sonic 06 plot line kinda…
I don’t really remember much from the 06 plot so to save me the headache and to keep this short (hopefully) I’ll highlight some things I would add to a loose adaptation of 06.
Two parter- I may not remember everything from sonic 06 but I do know there was a lot going on so yeah they’re gonna need this movie to be at least two parts
Elise and Amy from another world/planet- so for this story Amy would be Elise's adopted sister. Shortly after the flames of disaster were sealed within Elise, her kingdom had some concerns on how to keep the young princess happy to prevent the destruction that would awake from her tears. Those worries come to an end when a neighboring kingdom presents a pink hedgehog for the princess to keep as a pet. Elise was appalled by the idea, dismissing it entirely, stating that the pink hedgehog will be her little sister instead. Since then pink hedgehog, Amy Rose lives with the princess doing her best to keep Elise happy despite disagreeing with Elise not being allowed to cry. Things are going well with the two sisters until the kingdom is attacked by a known entity that’s after Princess Elise. Having no choice, but to flea the princess and Amy escape to earth to find help and refuge.
Sliver is a time traveler that was tip off by mephiles to hunt down sonic to save his future
No blaze… maybe- depending on if blaze is introduced before or after this story.
Amy is the one to challenge silver ideas- basically those scenes with Silver and Amy bonding and her defending Sonic when silver attacks him. Have Silver question if sonic is the trigger and if it is right to kill one innocent person to save the world.
Time travel shenanigans with silver and shadow
Shadow’s story (plus team dark maybe)
Sonamy no Sonic x Elise- I think everyone can agree that Sonic x Elise was weird and it most definitely be even weirder in live action. So let Elise be Amy’s wing girl while Sonic and Elise are just besties.
Amy is Sonic and Elise therapy hedgehog- Amy would definitely not approve of Sonic and Elise bottling up their negative emotions( even if Elise has a good reason for it) so she would try to help with that.
Amy takes the hit from mephiles instead of Sonic- Amy’s “death” triggers both Elise and Sonic. Elise tears release the flame of disaster while sonic rage and sorrow poisons the chaos emeralds (and himself) with dark energy. This is what mephiles need for his plans. (Don’t worry Amy is saved by the power of sisterly love instead of romantic love and the chaos emeralds).
Maybe super Amy alongside super sonic, shadow, and silver- I know it might be too much to ask but a girl can dream😭
Time reset- Although I hate time reset endings (especially after the troll hunter movie😡) I think it would be neat if they pull a “your name” ending between Sonic and Amy. Despite not remembering each other they find their way back to each other again. And maybe Elise and Amy could have a bittersweet goodbye with the time reset erasing their meeting too.
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bladiegfs · 1 year
from the start...
➵ a pining reader (ft. blade)
➵ warning(s) applicable: none
➵ wc: 856
➵ it wasn't easy having a crush on someone everybody labels as 'jaded', 'cold', 'frigid', 'chronically-has-a-stick-up-his-ass' and... well, you get the idea. especially not when you're supposed to be his designated partner for this mission and the silence nearly kills you.
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God. Dear god, it was not easy being in this position.
What position, you ask? Well, sitting in awkward silence beside your co-worker and long-time crush, Blade. And not just any awkward silence— it was awkward silence just between the two of you as you board a ship. The vessel was empty save for the two of you as you traverse the wide skies.
And despite this privacy… despite you having looked forward to this, the excitement amounted to nothing. You were excited at the thought of being on a mission with Blade and Blade alone; you nearly pumped your fist at the thought of having your crush all to yourself for a few days.
But after having stepped into the vessel and sitting down on the comfortable cushion, what greeted you two were only silence.
“Good morning,” You recall greeting him earlier as you two step into the ship.
And Blade’s response? A mere “Mhm.”
‘Mhm.’ What the hell were you supposed to do with that?!
Still thinking of how to recover from that response, your eyes trace over his features, trying to be as discreet as possible— you knew he had sharp sight, and he’d definitely notice you gawking at him if you let your gaze linger for a beat longer.
Avoiding staring for too long, you take in his appearance through glances. 
His eyes are thankfully glued to the screen of his phone. Reading something, maybe? Ah, it didn’t matter. All you could think about was how he smelled like fresh laundry, how his long, dark hair shone, and how the way the sun hits him only made him all the more tantalizing.
Yes, that’s the word. Tantalizing. So close, yet so far. Sitting beside you, but he might as well be oceans away. Not only that, but he acknowledges you approximately once a week ever since you started working here— but that’s better than the treatment everyone else gets, you think. He gives you a polite nod in acknowledgement every time, probably remembering you as the lady who once organized a whole archive of tangled wires within the headquarters; a mess courtesy of Silver Wolf’s headache-inducing mini versions being complete menaces and unleashing hell within the room.
You inwardly groan. What a bland, boring, and terrible first impression. Couldn’t you have picked something cooler to do when he first casts his gaze on you? You damn nearly melted when his eyes shifted towards you that day, all while a mess of wires was around you.
Ah, his gaze… there was something about it, you thought as you look at the soft curve of his eyelashes. You’ve heard of him before you’ve even seen him. Affectionately nicknamed ‘Bladie’ by Kafka, Xianzhou swordsman, all that. You figured: he’d definitely be someone terrifying. Maybe even akin to a hideous beast. Oh, how much easier your life would be if that was the case. Instead, when you meet his eyes, your knees weakened. What a damn cliche. You thought things like that only happened in movies; the cold and emotionally constipated Gary Stu love interest sparkles the fuck out of the female lead, and romance follows.
Now, you see, the thing here is that you were not one of those female leads. And… well, whether or not Blade is a Gary Stu love interest is something that will remain a mystery forever, it seems. You’ve been sparkled into oblivion without even being the female lead. A side of you jeers, how pathetic.
“Shut up,” You grumbled, the words accidentally being spoken aloud.
“About time you spoke,” Blade says, his deep voice nearly making you jolt. He doesn’t even look up from his phone as he continues, “You’ve been looking at me for a while now.”
“Ah,” You sheepishly reply, trying to think of an explanation. Oh, sorry for spacing out into your face, Sir Blade, it was just too pretty for me to not look at! By the way, did you know I’ve had a crush on you for a while now? Ha-ha!
You wanted to smack yourself. Pulling yourself together, you say, “I was… just thinking.”
“Thinking.” He repeats.
‘Do not make this any more difficult for me or my heart will literally leap out my chest,’ you wanted to say. Instead, you opt for, “Yes, thinking about… the mission.”
“The mission.” He repeats once more, his expression changing into one of slight— just the slightest bit of— amusement.
Am I talking to an echo? You think. Instantly, the corner of Blade’s mouth tugs up into a half-smile—
“No, you’re not,” Blade says.
You blink. “What?”
“You asked if you were talking to an echo. You’re not.”
Heat travels up your face. “Sorry.”
Blade’s expression changes into that of… something unreadable along with amusement. He asks in what seems to be mock concern, “What were you thinking of?”
Still yet to recover from his reaction, you try to find the words in your head.
What a pain, you thought as you finally realize what that expression on his face is— the face of someone teasing.
What a pain, indeed. But this is progress, isn’t it?
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felixsramen · 9 months
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Warnings: mxm fxm, cum eating, oral f receiving, face sitting, grinding, oral m receiving, spitting, I might be forgetting other things let me know if i am
Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to be you to meet the cocky idiot everyone so loved? Why did it have to be you that he flirted with every time he saw you?
You wondered how someone could be so cocky and yet so sexy. Han Jisung was the epitome of sex, maybe that's why you hated him. Or maybe because of the way he'd sit there looking you up and down at any given chance, shamelessly.
Why did you come to this stupid club again is all that you think as a girl tries talking to him, but he looks as if he could care less what she's saying. That surprised you though, because Jisung was quick to bed any girl in sight, yet his eyes hadn't left your body the whole night. 
Well, maybe it was because of the arm around your body as you sit on his friend's lap. Minhos arms wrapped around you, keeping you from falling out of his lap. You weren't the only one who had noticed Jisung's eyes.
Jisung throws back another shot, clearly agitated, his hand going to his head, trying to rub away the headache he was getting from the girl talking. How long has she been trying to get his attention? Jisung didn't know, all he knew was that he hoped she'd leave soon so he could go back to watching you.
"Are you even listening to me?" She asks him. Jisung looks at the girl, finally giving her some kind of attention. He could tell she had dyed her hair recently blonde, her green eye contacts being extra.
Jisung sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "In all honesty? No. I couldn't give a fuck what you were talking about." He says and the girl puts her arm on his.
"Well, pay attention to me!" The fake blonde says. Did she not know how to take a hint? Was he not any clearer, or did he need to spell it out? Jisung sighs. He made a silent plea, hoping someone would save him, and help does come in the form of Hyunjin.
"I think you're needed over there." Hyunjin says, pointing towards you and Minho along with the rest of the guys. His eyes go across the blonde. "Alone." Hyunjin adds, and the girl seems to take the hint, finally leaving.
Jisung sighs, running a hand through his hair and letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you for saving me. A few seconds longer, and I honestly would've probably made her cry." Jisung says, and Hyunjin snickers.
"Do you always have to be an asshole Han Jisung?" Chan asks as they arrive back at the table.
"You think I'm an asshole? You should go talk to her and then come back to me." Jisung says rolling his shoulders back, his body cracking, and releasing some of the pressure.
"Do you think your gods gift to women or something?" You say venom in your voice at Jisung's words. Oh, how he loved getting under your skin.
He smirks, and that pisses you off further. "No. Maybe I'm just gods gift to you." He says cockily, an eyebrow raised, a smirk never leaving his face.
If Jisung wasn't such a dick, you'd have probably already had sex with him, but sadly, that's not Han Jisung.
"Piss off Jisung." You say as the boys chuckle at you both.
"Why? You hate me?" Jisung fake a pout before it morphs into a smirk. You really wish you could wipe that smirk off his face.
You roll your eyes. "I don't see how these poor girls sleep with you." You tell him as one of Minhos hands rests on your thigh.
"Maybe I am gods gift to women." He throws your words back in your face, smirking as the boys watch on.
You glare at him but feel Minho gently caressing your leg, trying to calm the anger bubbling inside you.
You roll your eyes. "I need a drink." You say bitterly, Minho releasing his hands from yours so you can walk to the bar and order another fruity cocktail.
The boys immediately start having conversations of their own, no longer worried about you and Jisung's banter. Yet Minho watches Jisung. He looks in your direction for a second before meeting Minhos eyes. "Do you live to piss her off?" Minho asks him simply, and Jisung laughs.
"Yes. As a matter of fact, I do." Jisung says to his friend.
"Maybe if you'd be less of a dick, you'd be able to have yours inside her. Have you ever thought about that?" Minho raises an eyebrow, trying to get under Jisung's skin.
Jisung rolls his eyes. "Maybe, but it's fun seeing her lose her mind. Is it not?" Jisung asks as Minho crosses arms.
"Don't be a dick the rest of the night, and maybe she'll ask you to join us." Minho says bluntly.
He'd never admit it, but Jisung was excited to hear that. Jisung didn't know when, but he had started finding his friend and you attractive. Would Minho join in on the fun? All of the boys knew you guys were fucking, including Jisung, yet that didn't stop his filthy thoughts about you and his friend.
"Fine." Jisung says as you return with your drink in hand.
The rest of the night, Jisung is less of a dick to you. Instead asking you if you wanted another drink when your glass was empty and if you wanted company on the dance floor when Minho didn't want to.
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe Jisung isn't a cocky idiot. You were sweaty from dancing in the crowd and against Jisung as he danced to the beat with you, his hands on your hips gripping tight against you as you grinded against him. You were driving him crazy, so he was relieved when you asked him to sit down.
"Ready to go yet, Princess?" Minho asks you. You had to have at least been dancing for two hours in the crowd of bodies.
You nod, and Minho gets up. "The boys left. I told them you could stay with us tonight at Y/Ns, and it wasn't a big deal. Right Y/N?" Minho asks, coming behind you and resting his head on your shoulder, his hands going to your hips.
You shake your head as he kisses your neck and smiles at Jisung. "See. Now let's go." Minho says as he pulls away, and you want to whine, but you knew Minho would punish you for it. 
You grab your stuff along with the boys. Minho grabs his car keys, leading you and Jisung out of the club. "Let Sungie sit in the front, Princess. I'll make it up to you." He says kissing you sweetly, but you see the mischief in his eyes.
"Fine." You say when he unlocks the car and you open the backseat, climbing in. 
Jisung looked nervous as he opened the passenger door. It was nice to see his face morph into something other than a cocky smirk.
Minho started the car, and you sighed in the back. Minho looks at you through the mirror. His eyes go to the road. Yet you notice one of his hands move to Jisung's thigh. Jisung looks nervous.
"Why so quiet now?" Minho asks, and Jisung sighs. "Just nerves." Jisung mumbles.
Minho starts stroking his leg. "Don't be nervous. You want to still play, right?" Minho asks, not sparing you or him a glance.
Jisung nods. "Yeah." Jisung says, and you can't help but let out a little laugh.
Minho looks at you through the mirror, and Jisung looks back, glaring. "Why are you laughing?" Jisung asks you, and you shrug.
"Because it's funny seeing you act like this with Minho when just earlier you were being a cocky asshole." You tell him, and his glare doesn't let up. He rolls his eyes, and Minho looks at you with a warning glance in his eyes that has you sitting back and shutting up.
"Sorry about that pretty boy. Sometimes she can get out of line." Minho says going back to rubbing Jisung's thigh, who sighs. "You're sorry, right, Princess?" Minho asks, and you nod. 
Minhos jaw tenses. "Speak up." He speaks harshly. You look down now at your fingers. "I'm sorry, Sungie." You say and Minho sighs.
"Good girl." Minho mumbles, and the praise goes straight to your core.
"She's so pretty, isn't she?" Minho asks Jisung. "Fucking gorgeous." Jisung replies back, and you can't help but feel yourself getting wetter at his words.
Minho smirks. "She really is. Isn't she?" Minho says. 
"You're gorgeous too." Jisung says, and Minho's smirk gets bigger. "Yeah?" Minho says bringing his hand up higher on Jisung's thigh. "Fuck. Yeah." Jisung says back clearly affected by it.
Minho brings his hand to Jisung's bulge now, and Jisung sighs. Minho rubs gently against it and Jisung lets out a soft moan.
"He sounds so pretty, doesn't he, Princess?" Minho asks. "Prettiest moans I've ever heard." You say back, and Jisung lets out a whimper as Minho continues rubbing him through his pants.
"Fuck. Min." Jisung says, letting out his little moans. You can't help but squeeze your legs together at the sweet sounds coming from him. Minho glances into the mirror and sees you squeezing them.
"See that, Sungie. You got her worked up all over you. You're making her squeeze her pretty legs together." Minho says, causing Jisung to moan louder.
"Fuck- Going to cum- Please-" Jisung says, and Minho takes his hand away, and Jisung whimpers at the loss of contact.
"No. Please. I was so close. Why?" Jisung whines. "You were so mean to the Princess earlier at the club. I thought I should punish you for that." Minho says, smirking. 
You lean forward, putting your elbows near the head rests. "What are you doing, princess?" Minho asks you, and you can see him raise an eyebrow even though he isn't looking at you.
"Can I taste him?" You say, and Jisung lets out a groan at your words. Minho let out a chuckle. "Of course you can, Princess. No playing with him yet, though. He might just cum early if you do, and we haven't even made it home yet." Minho chuckles, and Jisung curses under his breath at Minhos words.
With Minhos permission, you turn to Jisung. You don't even get a chance to kiss him before he's kissing you. "Someone's eager." Minho chuckles out. Jisung grabs your face and turns it into a makeout session. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, trying to taste everywhere in your mouth. He tastes just like the alcohol he drank throughout the whole night, but you didn't mind the bitter taste.
Jisung was desperate, and the makeout session just confirmed it even more. The way his lips moved with yours was urgent, like he needed to taste you. That's because Jisung did need to taste you. He needed to taste every single part of you.
Jisung pulls away, and you can't help but whine. "Bad girl." Minho says sternly at the red light. He brings a hand to your head, pulling your hair, causing you to arch your back and let out a soft moan. As quick as his hand was in your hair, it left.
"She can't help but be so needy. Haven't even stuffed you full of my cock, and you're going dumb. How disappointing." Jisung tsks at you.
You pout at him, and he just raises an eyebrow at you. "Be grateful that he gave you anything. He's better than me, and you know that, sweetheart. I would've had you begging." Minho says reminding you of how many times you've had to beg to even get him to kiss you. You never minded it though, always loving when he'd give into your begging.
Jisung's hand comes to your face, and he rubs his thumb over your lips, staring at them. It's a relaxing gesture, and you can't help but sigh. "Pretty baby. Wish you would've just told me how badly you wanted me. Would've given in if you'd just begged and didn't act like a fucking brat." He says sharply, and before you can back talk him, he's shoving his thumb on your tongue, pressing hard to shut you up. You can't help but wrap your lips around his finger, sucking on it. He watches you intently, and you feel your panties become soaked now.
"See this Minho. Stupid baby only wanted to have my fingers in her mouth." Jisung says, and you squeeze your thighs together at the degrading comment. "Would've done it long ago if I knew that's what took you to shut up." He says continuing on.
He pulls his thumb out of your mouth and wipes it across your cheeks as he smirks at you. You hadn't realized it, too focused on Jisung, but Minho had pulled into your driveway. You only realize it when Minho grabs your face to look at him, and he smirks.
"Get to finally play with you, Princess." He says, and he pulls you close like he's about to kiss you but then lets go of your face. "Let's get inside so I can fuck you and Ji dumb." He says, and unlocks the car.
You quickly scramble out, and Minho and Jisung laugh at your hurriedness to get inside. Jisung grabs you by your wrist, pulling you into his chest, smirking at you. Oh, sweetheart, I'm going to ruin you." He says as Minho unlocks your door with the spare key he had. Jisung lets go of you, and you go inside.
As soon as the door closes, Jisung pushes you against the door. He looks at your surprised expression and smirks. "Look at you. All worked up over nothing. Haven't even fucked you dumb on my cock. Is she always like this, Min?" He asks.
You look over at the blonde. He just smirks as he comes up to you both. His hand goes into Jisung's hair and gently pulls it. Jisung's head falls back against Minhos chest as he lets out a whimper.
"Oh Ji..." He says, smirking, his hand still pulling his hair. "You're just as worked up over nothing. Your boner says it all. Thinking about it, all I had to do was rub you through your pants, and you were begging to cum." He says and his words have you soaked.
Minho lets go of Jisung's hair and looks between you and Jisung. "I'm going to have so much fun with the both of you." He says while Jisung is still inbetween you both, grabbing your hips. He pushes Jisung towards you, and you can feel his boner, but he makes sure not to squish you.
"I'll give you both 20 seconds. When I come in there, I want everything off." He says kissing Jisung's neck. He lets go and backs off of you both. "1, 2, 3." He starts counting, and you quickly leave while Jisung follows behind you. Minho lets out a chuckle. Going through your cabinets to find a glass along with the wine. He pours himself a cup and starts walking into the room.
The door opens, and Minho walks in with a glass filled with wine inbetween his fingers. "I'm surprised you both listened. I mean, with all the bickering you both do, I thought you were going to be brats about it." He says taking place on the chair you had in the corner of your room. 
He sips the wine and raises an eyebrow at you both. He pulls the glass from his lips. "Why are you both looking at me? Don't let me stop you." He says smirking. "Didn't you say something about fucking her dumb, Ji? Go ahead and do it. Prove it." He says while swirling the wine in the glass.
Jisung looks at you and his hands immediately go to your body kneading it. His mouth attaches to your neck and you can already feel yourself getting dizzy. He starts sucking on it as one of his hands make their way down your body. He starts making his way down your body as he starts leaving kisses all the way down. He licks a strip across your clit before he buries his head inbetween your thighs. You let out moans as he continues licking at your clit. He starts sucking on it gently as your back arches off the bed and he brings a hand to your body forcing it back down.
Your mind is hazy as you bring a hand to his head running it through his hair. He doesn't stop, though, as he continues sucking at your clit and he brings you closer to your release.
You continue letting out moans that spur him on to bringing you closer to your release. You're so close, and he doesn't stop as you feel the coil in your stomach tighten even more. You can feel it building and try moving him away, but he just opens your legs wider, so you don't stop him. Before you realize it, the coil snaps, and you cum. Your eyes roll back as you let out a loud moan. You come down from your high, and Jisung hasn't stopped yet. Your hand tries pulling Jisung away, but it doesn't work. "Fuck J-Ji. I'm sensitive." You tell him, and he doesn't even listen to your words, still continuing to overstimulate you.
Your eyes look over to Minho for help, who stands up. You can tell he's annoyed by the way he walks up to you both. He grabs Jisung by his hair while Jisung lets out a whine.
"Stupid brat." He spits angrily at him as he pulls him away from your dripping cunt. "I give you a taste, and you can't seem to get enough. Think you're going to break my toy?" He says and you can almost see the fumes coming off him.
Minhos hand moves to Jisung's face, gripping it harshly. Jisung's mouth is practically forced open by the way Minho grips his face. "Annoying brat. Someone needs to put you in your place." He says before opening his mouth slightly and spitting into Jisungs mouth.
Minho lets go of Jisungs mouth. "Swallow it." He says darkly. Jisung does exactly what he says swallowing it down. "At least you can do one thing right." He says scoffing.
Jisung lets out a whine. "Beg for it." Minho says gripping him by the chin with a smirk. Jisung is surprised at his words.
Minho bites his inner cheek and grabs Jisungs face harshly. "You better beg for it or you won't get anything. I'll just fuck Y/N and leave you high and dry." Minho says once again a little more harshly.
"Please. Fuck I need you so bad. Please Minho." Jisung begs and Minho smirks at him. "Of course you do." He says pushing him onto the bed.
You watch as Minho kisses Jisungs chest. "Of course you need me." He says trailing kisses down Jisungs body. Minho looks at you though and pulls his mouth from Jisungs chest.
Minho beckons you to come over. You do as he says and when you reach him he smiles gently. He kisses your lips and pulls away gently caressing your face. "Pretty baby. Think you can suck Sungie off? Return the favor? If you do a good job I'll reward you." He says gently trailing his eyes over your body.
"Yes sir." You say gently and you hear Jisungs breath pickup at your words. Minho grabs a pillow from your headboard placing it on the ground in-between Jisungs legs. You sink to your knees with the help of Minho.
Minho gently takes your hair into a makeshift ponytail. You take Jisung into your mouth and he lets out a moan. "There you go pretty." Minho coos at you.
Your jaw was starting to hurt as you took him down your throat repeatedly. Minho must've noticed because then he starts guiding you to a good pace. "He's a lot. Isn't he?" Minho says to you as if you could answer.
"See this Sungie. She's struggling to take you. You're just that big." Minho says to the boy who is now pretty much whimpering as you take his cock down your throat.
Jisung is practically thrusting into your mouth. You try to focus on breathing through your nose but it's difficult with the way Minho is keeping that same pace.
You know Jisung is close with the way his moans and whimpers have increased. Minho notices it too. "Going to cum down her throat? Be a good boy Sungie. Give her all your cum." Minho says spurring him on.
Jisung thrusts pick up and you're practically choking on his cock now. "Fuck. Going to cum." He says and with a few more thrusts he does just that. Minho holds you down to take his cum. Minho eventually let's you off of Jisungs cock as you take a deep breath.
"Did so good Princess." He says as you try to catch your breath. Jisung looks at you with concern. "Are you okay?" He asks after finally coming down. You give him a thumbs up but that doesn't stop his concern. Minho rubs your back and sighs thinking he pushed you too hard.
"Want to stop?" Minho asks you with concern. You didn't want that. "No." You say having caught your breath finally.
Minho looks at Jisung. "Let's give you a second." Minho says softly still rubbing your back. Minho grabs your hand helping your weak knees onto the bed.
"Want to sit and watch us?" Minho asks you and you nod. "Okay." Minho says kissing your head gently. It was a soft contrast to what was currently happening and you welcomed it.
Minho looks at Jisung and his eyes darken. You can see Jisungs adams apple bob up and down. Minho grabs Jisung by the hair. Jisung lets out a groan and Minho smirks.
Minho continues smirking as he glances at his lips. Minho lets Jisung hair go and Jisung immediately attaches his lips to Minho who is taken off guard. Minho bites Jisungs lip lightly earning a whine as Jisung pulls away.
Minho glares at him. "Who said you could touch me?" Minho says and Jisung bites his own lip looking down. Minho grabs his face and forces him look at him.
"I'm asking you again. Who said you could touch me?" Minho asks.
Jisung lets go of his lip. "No one." Jisung says quietly. That makes Minho smirk again.
"You ask before you touch." Minho says gently letting go of Jisungs face. Minho kisses Jisung who eagerly accepts it.
Jisung pulls away practically panting. "Can I touch you? Please?" Jisung whimpers and Minho sighs pretending to think about it.
Minho smirks after Jisung lets out another whimper when Minho pulls his hair. "Go ahead pretty boy." Minho says and Jisung immediately kisses Minho once more bringing his hand into Minhos hair. Minho lets out a groan as Jisung practically grinds against his clothed cock.
Minho pulls away. "Fuck it. Was going to go slow but you're such a fucking desperate slut." Minho says taking his shirt and pants off throwing it on the ground. Jisung pulls at Minhos waistband and Minho lets him slide it down.
Jisung is taken back at Minhos size and Minho scoffs. "What? Haven't taken anything this big before?" Minho says teasing him and Jisung looks back at him.
"Go ahead." Minho says and that has Jisung taking Minho in his mouth. Minho lets out a groan as Jisung bobs up and down his length messily. Minho sees him struggling and takes him off his cock.
"Haven't ever given head?" Minho asks Jisung and he looks disappointed with himself. "It's not a big deal pretty boy." Minho says softly bringing a hand to Jisungs face caressing it.
"Let me help you." Minho says softly. "Go ahead lick it." Minho says and Jisung gives it a kitten lick which has him groaning.
"Good boy." Minho praises to him. Minho gently guides him to take him in little bit little. Minho sighs when his cock is nestled in the back of Jisungs throat.
Minho lets out a groan as he brings a hand to Jisungs hair guiding him to take him. After a while Jisung gets used to the pace Minho has set and he's taking Minho by himself.
You can't help but stare in amazement as Minho let's out the prettiest moans and groans you've heard from him. Minho hasn't noticed your eyes on him until you've made your way across the bed. Minho is biting his lip and that's when you kiss him. Minhos moans spill into your mouth.
When you pull away Minho looks at Jisung pulling him off. Jisung lets out a whine though but it's replaced with a moan when Minho pushes a finger inside him.
"So needy." Minho says fucking Jisungs ass open. Jisung is grabbing onto Minhos wrist though letting pleads of his names along with curses fall out his mouth.
"Want me to stop?" Minho says and Jisung shake his head. Minho lets out a chuckle and Jisung continues to whimper and moan as Minho pushes a second finger inside.
Minho looks at you and back at Jisung. "See this? The pretty slut likes me fingering him open." Minho chuckles and Jisung whines.
"I'm not a s-slut." Jisung says and Minho raises an eyebrow with a smirk.
"Oh you're not? You're practically fucking yourself on my fingers." Minho says and Jisung whines and lets out another moan as Minho pushes a third finger in.
"What? You flirting at a club with some random girl to make us jealous doesn't make you a slut?" Minho says and Jisung shakes his head once more.
"Wasn't flirting I- f-fuck. Just want you both. Don't mean to make you jealous. Please fuck I need to cum." Minho smirks at Jisungs words but pulls his hand out of him and Jisung looks like he's about to cry.
"Not leaving you high and dry. Need a condom." Minho says reaching over towards your drawer opening it with his teeth. Minho rolls it onto himself and lines up with Jisungs ass before pushing into it.
Minho and Jisung let out a moan as Minho bottoms out in him. "Fuck Ji. You're so fucking tight." Minhos says and Jisung whimpers as Minho lets him adjust.
Jisung reaches out for you and you grab his hand. "Sit on my face." Jisung whimpers out and you wonder if you heard him right but he pulls your hand trying to move you. You do as he says and bring a leg around his head so you're hovering over his face.
Jisung grabs your hips and forces you down so he can eat you out. Jisung laps at you like a starved man and you can feel Minho place a kiss on your shoulder.
Minho starts moving inside Jisung and you can feel the vibrations from his moans on your core. You let out your own moans as Jisung tried his best to continue but struggled as Minho thrusted inside him.
It didn't take you long for you to get worked back up having already had an orgasm. Jisung is close to as you can feel his moans getting more frequent.
You finally cum once again and Jisung continues to eat you out through your orgasm. You finally pull away coming back down and roll over next to him as Minho brings him to his orgasm.
Jisung lets out a high pitched moan as he cums over himself. Minho continues thrusting in him but doesn't last much longer because of Jisungs orgasm. Minho is clearly affected by Jisungs orgasm because he's not far behind him.
Minho pulls out after and Jisung lets out a whimper. Minho lays on Jisungs other side trying to catch his breath.
You're the first to recover somewhat and you sit up trying your best to stand up on your wobbly knees and hear a weak laugh behind you. You know it's Jisung and flick him off over your shoulder. You needed a bath. All of you did.
You don't make it far before Minho is grabbing you and pulling you back down on the bed. You whine at him and he chuckles. "I need a bath Min. So does Ji." You say softly and Minho nods.
"I know baby. Give me a second and I'll run the water." Minho tells you gently and you give up letting him hold you down.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence Minho finally lets you go. He goes through the drawer that you had put together after him coming over so many times before. Grabbing clothes and going through your drawer grabbing more clothes and going into the bathroom. You hear the water run after a few seconds and sigh.
You flip on your side and look at Jisung who looks so exhausted. "Are you okay?" You ask him and he nods slowly.
"Great. 'M great." Jisung mumbles tiredly. Minho comes back into the room and looks at Jisung whose eyes are closed.
Minho comes over to the bed and holds his hand out for you to gently take but you shake your head. "I'm good Min." You tell him and he sighs.
"Are you sure?" Minho asks you and you nod. "You could barely walk to the bathroom earlier by yourself. Are you sure you want to now?" Minho says laughing but you give him your middle finger too.
"Screw you Minho." You say getting up still wobbly.
"You have. Many times." Minho teases as you close the bathroom door behind you. Minho had the temperature pretty much perfect as you got in and sunk into the water.
It didn't take long for the door to open and Jisung to be set in the bathtub alongside you. He's awake now but you can still see how tired he is. Jisung leans his head against you and you sigh.
"You know for someone that pretty much fucks anything with legs and a heart beat you're kind of cute." You say laughing and Jisung pinches your side. You pout and rub the spot soothing it.
"Both of you stop acting like children." Minho says rolling his eyes playfully. "I thought we were over the bickering like children after fucking." Minho mutters.
"Am I wrong though?" You mutter and Minho sighs. Jisung pouts at your words. "What happened to cocky and confident Jisung?" You ask him and he just sighs softly.
"I'm not a complete asshole Y/N." Jisung says and you're taken aback at his words.
You sigh and Jisung looks as if he's about to cry. You can't help but feel slightly guilty at your harsh words. "Fuck Ji. I know you're not. I don't think you are." You tell him. Minho looks at Jisung bringing his face to meet his.
"We care about you Ji." Minho says softly. "No matter who you've slept with. We've always cared about you." Minho confesses to him. Jisungs tears finally fall.
"Fuck don't say that. You guys don't care about me like I care about you. I love you. Not just love you I'm in love with you both. I want your attention no one else's." Jisung says quickly and you sigh. You wipe his tears as he continues sobbing.
"Dummy. We're in love with you too. Just jealous. So fucking jealous of everyone who got to have you before us." You say and kiss his tear stained cheek.
Jisung immediately kisses you and you kiss back happily.
You pull away and smile at him and he returns one of his own smiles. Jisung looks to Minho and kisses him too. Minho smiles moving away from the kiss.
"Now let's you get cleaned. I'm sure you're bruised. Minho loves leaving bruises." You say rolling your eyes.
"You bruise so easily. It's not my fault." Minho says crossing his arms. You roll your eyes once again.
"I do not. You just love leaving marks." You retort back and Minho rolls his eyes.
"I thought us arguing was bad." Jisung says laughing. "Oh shut up." You say standing up out of the water and almost falling out but Minho catches you.
You sigh as Jisung and Minho laughs. "I hate both of you." You say and Minho kisses your head.
"We love you too." Minho says and you sigh. "Let me help you." Minho says and you nod. Minho helps you out and into new clothes.
Minho gently places you on the counter and you lean back. You watch as Minho helps Jisung out the tub and you can see the bruises Minho left all along him.
"Told you." You say softly and Jisung looks at hips. "I guess you're right." Jisung admits to you as he clings to Minho to keep him steady while he helps him into his clothes.
You jump off the counter carefully. Following Minho out as he helps Jisung out. You were glad you invested in that chair in the the corner of your room. Jisung sits in the chair and you help Minho remove your ruined sheets from the bed and put it into the washer. You sigh as you put new sheets on.
Minho helps you into the bed even though you could walk perfectly fine for the most part. You lift the blanket up and Minho places Jisung in the middle who is already asleep.
"I love you." You say to Minho and he reaches over for your hand. "I love you too." Minho says and you sigh relieved.
"I love you as well Ji." You say even though you know he can't hear you. You close your eyes letting sleep take over. "I love you too." You hear Jisung say as you finally sleep
Taglist:@armystay89 @stvrfir3
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