#midoriya inko headcanon
writersmorgue · 8 months
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It’s wednesday 🔪
Thanks to both of the anons who submitted this!
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fractiflos · 7 months
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secretlyakobold · 1 year
Tokoyami has a high cold tolerance bc dark is cold
Only Todoroki's left side blushes
Mina was black *is pink now*
Mina has a super high pain tolerance bc acid girl
Mineta is romance repulsed
Bakugou and Mic are hard of hearing. I don't think they're deaf bc their quirks should give them a higher sound(?) tolerance
Snipe is mostly deaf bc gun
The doctor that tells Midoryia that: if he keeps breaking his arms he may won't be able to use them, is Shinsou's dad
Aizawa secretly hates coffee bc and uses caffeinated gum bc it takes to long to drink coffee
Mic is tone deaf, i will die on this hill
Inko and Hajime are on a break (mama and papa midoriya) like they are struggling and stuff but aren't getting divorced until midoriya turns 18 for legal stuff
Hagakure's head is shaved
Hagakure's from a nudist family
There is a special biology/health class about the hetromorphic/animal/mutation quirks
Quirks make transplants and blood donations more complex. Like you need a blood match AND similar quirk for it to be compatible
Gunhead and Thirteen are besties
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autumnmobile12 · 14 days
My Hero Academia: Inko
If the DFO Theory is true, I want the plot twist to be that Inko is a former villain who straightened her life out after she found out she was pregnant.
Like that's not even her real name and her 'levitation' Quirk is way stronger than she makes it out to be. Never caught or even identified, but she forged her documentation and paperwork anyway just to be safe.
I'm not saying she resorted to villainy out of maliciousness; it could've been desperation but she always had an exit strategy planned.
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Izuku having a day off, just to relax and class was not informed. Entire class freaks out thinking izuku went on another vigilante arc and run around like like headless chickens looking for him.
Izuku was found at an animal shelter were he was petting a therapy kitten
Izuku now is required to have a tracker at all times.
But bestie, you are so correct 😭😭😭
Izuku is convinced by his mother and/or all might to take a day off
He doesn’t think much about having to tell anyone where he’s going or what he’s doing, but he wants to take a walk!
Well, tragedy strikes when someone asks if he wants to train or study with them. He’s Not In His Room.
He isn’t in his room????
Why isn’t Midoriya problem child izuku not in his room or anywhere to be found on campus right after a vigilante stunt?
Things devolve from there.
No notes this time, but is that a good or bad sign? Who’s to say?
Aizawa is so tired. He is loath to admit that he cares for his problem child, but he is still his to protect and where the fuck did that little shit run off to now?
Why can’t this small child with a literal hero complex just talk to him for once in his all too young life?
All might, despite being one of the ones to encourage izuku to take a day off, is very much freaking out
Where is his boy?
Where is he???
Class A is. So stressed. Aizawa doesn’t want them to help search for him, because he tries to remind them that it could just be nothing, maybe he went home to see his mother! That sounds like him!
But after a call to Inko, he is even more tired. Midoriya is not there. Inko is now worried as well.
He tells the class not to go searching for him, but nobody listens.
I like to think that inko is the most calm in this situation. She’s like, oh, he’s probably just going for a run or walking around! Yeah, he likes to be outside! He’s such an energetic kid! I’m so proud of him! And class A and the teachers are just in shambles
Eventually, they pass an inconspicuous little pet store on their search for the green bean
Someone sees a fluffy green head of hair and all but sprints into the shop with little explanation other than, “THERE!”
Izuku is none the wiser about the hectic day his friends and mentors have been having.
He had turned his phone off :(
He didn’t want to frighten the kittens if he got a call :(
They’re so soft, guys and they just want love and affection :(
Aizawa stalks up to the store in all his angsty ways like the grim reaper and tells izuku that UA is going to implement a system where leaving the campus requires a staff member to be told beforehand and to accompany the student. No exceptions.
It’s a shame no one had talked to nezu really. He had been watching the whole time. Ah, love and learn. Maybe next time
I love this prompt so much, dude 😭😭 thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed!!!!! Have a good and safe day/night/evening/etc!!!!
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barid-bel-medar · 11 months
Hello! If the ask game is open: AU where Izuku goes to a different doctor for his quirk visit thing and for some reason this changes everything
The reason everything changes is because the man doesn't diagnosis Izuku as Quirkless due to an extra toe joint. Instead he advises Inko to take Izuku to get more in-depth testing done which leads to an interesting discovery. Namely that Izuku does have the genetic markers to have a Quirk, but the Quirk factor that should be there is missing.
Like someone stole it.
Hisashi/All For One is trying very hard to figure out a good excuse to give his wife that he totally didn't take the decently powerful telekinesis Quirk Izuku should have!
Inko does not buy the shit excuse he gives her.
This leads to problems.
Like a certain Number One coming knocking when and where All For One is least expecting it.
All For One would be incredibly offended to learn about how All Might eventually both married his ex-wife and gave his son One For All Quirk.
Or he would be if All Might hadn't smashed potatoed him.
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BNHA/MHA headcanon:
(This is one of my previous posts but in an easier to read format for some people)
When izuku is diagnosed quirkless his mum signs him up to martial arts, parkour, and ballet classes so that he can defend himself.
BAMF Quirkless Izuku is born! (Inko also gets very buff)
All might never gives Izuku his power but Izuku is determined to be a hero anyway.
*on the day of entrance exam*
Izuku: *shows up quirkless and even buffer than in canon*
Robot: *appears*
Izuku: *casually punches robot so it breaks*
Teachers: *unaware he is quirkless* omg
Izuku: *running through and just single punch breaking these robots*
Teachers: Omg!
Zero pointer: *appears*
Uraraka: *hurt and trapped*
Izuku: *runs forward without thinking and flying side kicks robot*
Zero pointer: *dents and falls backwards*
Teachers: wow that strength enhancement quirk of his sure is powerful!
Nedzu: he's quirkless.
Nedzu: *sips tea manically*
Izuku: *lifts rubble trapping Uraraka* are you OK?
Uraraka: Oh um I'm ok. Thank you for helping me. I think I hurt me leg.
Izuku: Oh! Please allow me to help! *shifts to hold the rubble in one hand and pick up Uraraka with the other. Starts walking to recovery girl*
Uraraka: *still being carried* ummmm... are you going to bring the rubble with us?
Izuku: Oh! Oops silly me! *carefully places rubble on ground and keeps carrying Uraraka*
Izuku: um recovery girl? This girl is hurt can you help her? Thank you! *leaves*
Recovery girl: why young lady, are you OK? your face is completely red!
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thesoffgengar · 2 years
i have a headcanon that mitsuki has a soft spot for izuku because of a similiarity they have,
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dialogue from the draft of a fic that will never see the light of day,
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jeathewonderer · 1 year
At the point, I'm going to have to start believing in Dad for One after the amount of family relationships the bnha fandom has gotten right. Like we got "Dabi is a todoroki" (which wasn't really hidden) and now "Geten is dabi's cousin/related to rei" like...i know both of those are todoroki-centric but at this point, I'm like i have to jump on the Dad for One and Inko is a Shimura bandwagon🤣🤣
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xanderio1 · 7 months
Afo: 😧😔
Izuku: 😩🛐
Shigaraki: 😗
Mama inko and mama mitsuki: 🩴😠☺️
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pro-fixation · 1 year
So we know that Inko wasn't really rich and since she was a single mother it was quite hard to provide for her and her son, right? (Bless her beautiful soul)
So how did Izuku get so much All Might merch, cuz you cannot tell me those shit weren't expensive af.
I hc that Izuku participated in a shit ton of All Might quizzes as a child, so he just won all of these merchandise and you know what? Inko cheered him on from the sidelines because she will do that. End of discussion.
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grimalkinmessor · 10 months
'All for one as Hisashi Midoriya' headcanons?
Okay, I can answer this, but you should know that no matter what the reason my AFO does anything is because "Yoichi". Literally the only reason. And I almost always think of him as 'Hisashi Midoriya', or at least Izuku's father; it's only in very specific AUs that I don't. So almost every headcanon I have for him is when he's Izuku's father.
I have a few headcanons for him here already, so you can take a look at those too :3
☣️ -All For One met Inko when she was moonlighting as a vigilante. Yes, I originally proposed this as their backstory for KTDO but that's because I see it as their normal backstory, just with Yoichi being less alive. All For One saw this little hoodie-wearing, green eyed, ass kicking vigilante take down several of his men, and immediately wanted to get to know her (You can guess why). She proceeded to punch him in the face. This, because All For One is a freak, solidified his interest in her and he started to actively court her.
☣️ -All For One never came out as All For One to Inko, even after they were married, so Inko thought she redeemed this poor misunderstood but powerful villain, and she hung up her metaphorical vigilante cloak whenever he hung up his villainy. EXCEPT that All For One never actually DID give up villainy, he just wanted Inko to stop bothering him about it, so he blew up a random building and pretended it was his Base of Operations so that he could come crying to Inko about how he'd changed and they could be together now. Inko accepted this, suitably wooed, and they started to live together.
☣️ -When Inko first announced that she was pregnant, All For One didn't want to keep it. He's sired bastards before and he's always made quick "work" of them whenever the mothers came crying to him about it—can't have another version of All For One running around, after all. But, because All For One was originally drawn to Inko because she reminded him of Yoichi, he held off, hoping that his hair color and Inko's eye color would mix and create a mini Yoichi for him to smother and place all of his 200+ years of obsession upon :D Of course, that baby turned out to have dark curly hair, but by that time All For One was already so attached to the idea of having a child that seeing Izuku with his own eyes just solidified Izuku's place in his little family. AFO just decided he'd try for a Yoichi clone again later. (Shimura Tenko feels a disturbance in the force...)
☣️ -All For One was around a lot during Izuku's first five years of life, because AFO needed to make sure that if Izuku developed a Quirk like his that he could take it or nullify it somehow. But fortunately for him, Izuku turned up Quirkless, with the extra toe joint and everything! The perks of being a man born at the Dawn of the Age of Quirks! There's a sixty-five percent chance your child will be Quirkless! However, this unfortunately coincided with All Might's return to Japan, and so All For One kind of,,,,abandoned his home duties to track down One For All. He was still in and out of the house very periodically in the next five years, but then when Izuku was ten All Might ripped his fucking face off :D And AFO can't explain that away with a 'work accident' to Inko, so he just....never went back. Oops.
☣️ -All For One handed down more than just Quirklessness genetically, he also handed down his preferences (....I'm not gonna say it but you can look at my ship list for conformation on that—). Izuku prefers sweeter foods because his father prefers sweeter foods. Izuku likes analysis and logic dissections because his father likes analysis and logic dissections. Their brains work the same way in that they'll hyperfixate on something if they don't know it, devour everything they can about it, but once they've cracked it open and eaten everything there is to know? They throw it away and move onto the next thing. It's boring, they need more stimulation now—ooo is that a telepathic fire Quirk? 👀👀
☣️ -The fire-breathing Quirk that All For One posed as his only Quirk for Inko was actually a dragon Quirk. But Inko never told anyone this because she was afraid that Izuku might face further discrimination as a mutant, even though neither he nor AFO ever showed any visible mutations. That dragon Quirk was one of the first Quirks that All For One stole on purpose, back during the riots of his youth. He can cover his skin in white scales and make his teeth sharper, see in the dark, make his nails into claws, and of course breathe fire; it's a very versatile Quirk, and he used it so many times to protect Yoichi that it became dubbed in his mind as the Horde Family Protection Quirk. That's also the reason that he doesn't use that particular Quirk when fighting One For All holders: because he doesn't want to hurt any part of Yoichi, even his ghost, with the same powers he once used to protect him.
☣️ -I'll end on a fluffier note related to the one above. Izuku knew that his dad had more than one Quirk. Not just because he puzzled it out, but because one of AFO's favorite father-son bonding activities were snack breaks on top of really, really tall buildings. He'd break out a flight Quirk and take Izuku up in the evening or in the middle of the night or early in the morning, when Inko wouldn't catch them, and set them up on a building ledge so they could watch the stars/sunset/sunrise together and share an orange or animal crackers. Sometimes All For One would tell Izuku stories about his childhood that he couldn't tell Inko without blowing his cover, or even just sing for him. He also maaay have had to save tiny Izuku from falling off a building once or thrice, so Izuku knows that he has at least four Quirks. Fire-breathing, flight, telekinesis, and duplication. Of course, Izuku never tells anyone—he's a very good little secret keeper. Not even AFO knows he knows :3
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mamashenanigans · 2 years
(A lot of people love this post. Please follow me for more crazy theories and head canons….puh-lease?)
Everyone is all “Oh, yeah AFO knew the whole time Izuku is his son” etc and so on, blah blah blah.
Now, hear me out:
AFO has NO idea.
He had a relationship with Inko early on, but she found information that her lover may be a villain. She tried to talk to him about it, but he was either always too busy or would try to brush it off. He considered moving on, but the sex was too good and Inko did have such a lovely shade of green eyes. AFO hated to admit that a part of him enjoyed pretending to be an “average” businessman and partake in the art of companionship. Inko begrudgingly lets the Hero Commission know about her suspicions and, while her lover is on a business trip, they greet her at her apartment and inform her that they believe her lover is a infamous villain. They won’t reveal anymore than that as they worry the knowledge would only destroy what safety they plan to give her. Inko, without even getting a chance to say anything to AFO, is whisked away and put under a Witness Protection program. Her last name and origins are completely changed to protect her from AFO. She finds out she’s pregnant soon after and raises her son to believe his father is always on a business trip. She still can’t help but use the first name of her lover when explaining to Izuku about his father: Hisashi.
So, fast forward to the eventual battle between healed AFO and Izuku. Neither know who the other is. AFO goes into a monologue but is suddenly interrupted by a SMACK-chancla to the side of his head. He whirls around and, at first, doesn’t recognize the fuming woman glaring daggers his way until she yells, “Hisashi! You son of a bitch!!!”
And that’s the reveal.
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cobbleztone · 2 months
The fact that Bakugo got onto UA despite what he has done makes no sense, so i have a headcanon/theory on why he got in:
Aldera hid everything he did, believing that if Bakugo got into UA, the school would become famous as a hero went there. This meant that no one, not Inko Midoriya, Maruso Bakugo, Mitsuki Bakugo, or anyone that should know what's happening, is told so Bakugo will get into UA with a perfect yet false record.
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Okay, headcannon for Izuku's quirk being able to hear animals speaking. Like when he turned, a bird landed on his window and he can hear them wondering if someone could give them something to eat so Izuku gave the bird a bowl of seed.
!!!!!!!! I LOVE THATTTTTTT !!!!!!!!
Koda and izuku are best friends and Disney princesses
My question is, can the animals understand him too? I’m going to say that they can, but if you want a situation where they can’t, that’s totally valid!!!!! Tell me and I’ll do a different set of headcanons for that!!!!
I like to imagine like,,, 4-5 year old izuku hanging out in his room and a bird flies on his window sill talking to themself about food, and little izuku is just in AWE
He’d be completely overjoyed
You cannot tell me that the absolute ray of sunshine that toddler izuku is would not be like, “oh my gosh, animals, I can understand animals, can they understand me? Do they like me? If I talk to them, will I be talking in bird or do they understand Japanese? I’ll get you seeds!!!!! I wonder if it’s all animals or just birds? I wonder-“ and his brain is going a mile a minute while he just runs into the kitchen trying to ask his mom if they have any bird seed
A very confused inko gives him some bird seed and asks if he’s okay, and he’s trying to articulate that he thinks he got his quirk, but he’s an excited 4 year old with adhd, who just heard and understood a bird and is thinking about what this means for his future career as a hero, so give him a moment
He does tell her what happened, and she asks him what the bird is saying and if the bird can understand them, and he says that they can, and he’s just so happyyyyyy
Angst time, because I am a horrible person /j
Hisashi Midoriya is not happy because the quirk is likely a mutation of some kind as it doesn’t have anything to do with fire breath or attracting small objects
So, he does a deadbeat dad thing and dips
Izuku feels so guilty over it, but he can’t bring himself to hate his quirk (good) he gets to talk to animals! He can help them!!
Inko makes sure to tell him that it isn’t his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself
Family angst is over!
So, our dearest son, izuku feral Midoriya, 10000% sneaks animals into the entrance exam
I like to imagine that he went to the park beforehand and talked to a shit ton of squirrels and chipmunks and asked them to help him with the entrance exam if they could. He brings them food as a peace offering (irl you shouldn’t feed wild animals, I know this, izuku knows this, but he can tell them why they shouldn’t rely on humans for food, we cannot, so just bare with me)
But yes. Just imagine izuku giving a war cry to all the rodents that are, for reasons unknown to anyone but izuku, standing around the gates of the exam area, and suddenly like,,,, 3 dozen rodents just start running in and tearing wires out of robots
Koda and izuku are fast friends who bond over their love and respect for animals
They both have anxiety too and are the only (at the beginning) members of class a who know/use JSL!
Okay, something that just popped into my head because I was thinking of how he’d use this quirk in the sports festival, and all I could think of was like,,, Pokémon trainer izuku
And honestly,,, kinda love that
Like, he’s just in the little ring with shinsou (does shinsou’s quirk work on animals?? Like, if he asked a cat a question and even if they don’t understand him, they still meow at him, would they be under his control?) anyway, I’m assuming shinsou’s quirk doesn’t work on animals. So, izuku just brings in a fucking bear who he bribed with salmon earlier and shinsou is like, “wow. Fuck.”
But anyway. I like to imagine that izuku has a shit ton of bird houses outside his window at home, and this continues when they move into the dorms
Aizawa finds him one night talking to a cat in an alleyway, and he’s worried for his problem child being in an alleyway at night and why is he here???? And then, he sees the cat and understands.
Mic goes to check on the class a dorms the next day because his husband never came back last night and he might’ve run into trouble with his hell class, only to walk in on the green bean and his husband smuggling a cat on campus
Shota, you’re a teacher. What are you doing?
He had to. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.
Anyway. Class a has a new dorm cat :)
I hope you like theseeee!!!! They were really fun to write and think about!!!! Izuku and koda being Disney princesses is now something that I hold very dear to my heart 😭😭
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
For the ask game, an AU where Izuku figures out Full Cowl early so All Might, in a fit of parental pride, sends him an internship offer.
All Might 100% doesn't realize how weirdly suspicious this actually is, and makes Shigaraki immediately start wondering if the green haired kid is All Might's kid (assuming he figured Full Cowl out at USJ)
Todoroki is also not the only kid convinced Izuku is All Might's kid, though most don't leap to bastard child what is wrong with you Shouto??? Further not helping is all Bakugou can really remember of Izuku's dad, as he quickly realizes, is tall with light hair. Which fits All Might.
Izuku does have a blast during his internship! They accidentally break two walls! He gets to meet Gran Torino! He gets to watch All Might yell at his former sidekick Nighteye for being an asshole to children(?)
He also gets to meet Star and Stripe. She immediately adores him. She also immediately hits on Inko. She is one of the people who doesn't suspect Izuku is All Might's kid because she knows her former mentor well enough that even if he had a secret kid/marriage she'd have totally seen the photos by now (and is right).
All For One, in light of all of this, decides to make several things very clear including a) Izuku is his kid b) Inko is his wife and c) Star is not only dying because he wants her Quirk but also because she flirted with his wife.
Unfortunately for him he's angry enough to the point of not thinking through how bad an idea it is to pick a fight with both All Might (One For All and capable of damn near killing him six years earlier at near perfect health) and Star (reality warper who does know know his name of All For One).
He ends up a very smashed potato. Shigaraki ends up very pissed off.
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