#me going into class tomorrow when we do Clown
catindabag · 4 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (68)
*We need tents, bro* Read [this] first.
Mizzen: Yo, Blondie, when will the food man arrive with my salmon? I’m
Coryo: For the last time, Mizzen, we just have to wait-
Mizzen: I’m done waiting! Where is my salmon and lemon sauce?!
Coral: Gremlin, shut up-
Mizzen: Where is Mr. Salmon and Mrs. Lemon sauce?!
Coral: Mizzen, stop-
Mizzen: Where are they, Sea Witch?!
Coral: Ugh. I’m not dealing with you today.
Mizzen: *is now shouting at the sky* Mr. Food Man, where art thou?!
Coryo: It’s been 5 f*ckin’ minutes since we called the Pizza Palace! Your stupid salmon can wait!
Mizzen: But-
Coryo: We haven’t even ordered Dill’s Green Bean Casserole and Wovey’s pie from the other store!
Mizzen: Mr. Salmon-
Coryo: My sweet boyfriend is still on the phone negotiating with some bastard wearing an ugly pizza clown suit for Panem’s sake!
Mizzen: Mrs. Lemon Sauce-
Coryo: *turns to Sejanus* My love, the little gremlin is bullying me!
Sejanus: *is still on the phone* Mr. Cheesy Clown, could you please wait- No? What do you mean no?! My gorgeous fiancé is getting bullied by a kid right now- What do you mean by difficult?! I’m not being difficult! You’re the one who won’t sell me a f*ckin’ salad for 10 bucks- Hello? Hello?!
Coryo: Babe, what’s wrong?
Sejanus: My Coryo, my love, the ugly clown from the Pizza Palace just hung up on me!😭
Coryo: The audacity! Should we sue?
Sejanus: Hug me! I’m sad!
Coryo: Come here, Seji Pie.
Sejanus: Yey! *hugs Coryo*
Coryo: *comforts a “sad” Sejanus* There, there. We can just order again from the other Pizza Palace across the street.
Sejanus: Can we order some bread?🥺
Coryo: Are you going to throw it?
Sejanus: Yes. I want to throw bread at that mean pizza clown, my love.
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want, Babe. We could even do it tomorrow after class.
Sejanus: We should throw 2 breads-
Lucy Gray: Why do you want to throw freshly baked bread at a clown?
Sejanus: Because it’s the right thing to do.
Lucy Gray: I don’t get it.
Sejanus: Because that f*ckin’ clown is dead to me!
Lucy Gray: What?
Sejanus: He’s dead to me!
Lucy Gray:. . .☹️
Sejanus: Isn’t that right, my love, my Snow Angel!😍
Lucy Gray: Coryo-
Coryo: It’s a District 2 thing.
Tanner: Really? Throwing bread to the “dead” is a District 2 custom?
Coryo: Yes. Yes, it is.
Tanner: That’s bullshi-
Marcus: Blondie isn’t lying. I even threw bread at Sejanus before he left D2 for good-
Sejanus: That was a gift!😭
Marcus: No, it wasn’t! You and your evil scheming old man are dead to me now and forever!
Sejanus: Marcus, you meanie!
Marcus: I’m not Marcus!
Sejanus: Sabyn, help me!😫
Sabyn: Sorry. I can’t and won’t. You and Mr. Plinth are technically dead to me as well.
Sejanus: Coryo, hug me again!😭
Coryo: My love, calm down. I have to call the other store and order Dill’s casserole-
Mizzen: Can we order bacon pizza? I never had bacon pizza before.🥺
Coryo: No.
Mizzen: Bacon pizza-
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Mizzen: *evil smiles* Ok.😈
Dill: *coughs* By the way, are you guys only here to provide us food?
Coryo: And water.
Dill: That’s not the point.
Coryo: If you want beer or posca, just ask Anderson or Dennis. Those two will give you a crate for free.
Dill: What about our other essential supplies?
Coryo: Other essential supplies?
Dill: You can’t expect me and Wovey to just sleep on the ground without pillows. We want pillows.
Lucy Gray: And I want love-
Sejanus: We can’t provide you love.
Treech: We don’t want your stupid love! We want gear!
Otto: Outdoor equipment!
Coryo: Like what?
Dill: Beds, blankets, pillows-
Circ: Television!
Teslee: A clock!
Lamina: Firewood?🥺
Panlo: Portable toilets!
Ginnee: Torches and marshmallows!
Hy: *coughs* A doctor.
Lucy Gray: Hair curlers! I want hair curlers and makeup!
Coral: Duct tape. The largest and strongest one that you can find.
Coryo: Why would you want me and Sejanus to buy you duct tape?
Coral: So that I could shut Mizzen’s mouth at night.
Mizzen: I heard that!
Coral: *turns to Mizzen* Go to your corner and stay there until the sun sets!
Mizzen: No!
Coral: Then shut up and cry!
Mizzen: No bacon pizza for you!
Coryo: One extra large duct tape it is. Anything else?
Coral: An ice box for my beer and some good quality rope.
Coryo: Sure. We’ll give you 2.
Coral: Thanks.
Treech: How about a birdcage?
Coryo: Why do you want a birdcage?
Treech: I’m allergic to rainbow colored birds.
Lucy Gray: Hi.
Treech: Shoo! I’m allergic!
Lucy Gray: Let me sing you a free song about the birds and the bees instead!😀
Treech: Leave me alone, you weirdo!
Lucy Gray: You can’t ignore me and my songs forever, Treechy!
Lamina: Can I have a box of tissue?
Coryo: We’ll order a truckload just for you.
Lamina: But-
Coryo: Do you want 2 truckloads?
Lamina: Make it 4.😭
Coryo: No problem.
Brandy: I want a knife.
Coryo: No weapons allowed.
Brandy: A sandwich maker.
Coryo: Too expensive.
Brandy: A talking bird.
Coryo: Lucy Gray is enough.
Brandy: A spoon?
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Sheaf: Can we just order some high quality camping gear instead?
Coryo: You guys want a tent?
Dill: A big tent would be nice-
Jessup: A neon green inflatable tent that glows in the dark!
Lucy Gray: A dome tent with a recording studio inside!
Treech: A tunnel tent that can fit in my pocket!
Sheaf: A yurt that can accommodate 40 raccoons and a bear!
Panlo: Ew. No. I don’t want to share a yurt with a bunch of rabid rat-dog creatures every night!
Sheaf: Panini-
Panlo: They might have rabies!
Sheaf: It’s gonna be fun!
Panlo: For you! Not for me!
Sheaf: Don’t be a coward!
Panlo: *turns to Coryo* Blondie, do me a favor and ask your sugar daddy-
Coryo: Boyfriend.
Panlo: Ask your clingy sugar daddy to buy us 24 cabin tents and some comfortable sleeping bags before the day ends.
Coryo: I have to ask the Class President first-
Panlo: Please! I beg you! I can’t deal with these people anymore!
Marcus: And I can’t deal with that “thing” hugging you all day.
Coryo: What thing?
Marcus: *points at Sejanus* That thing.
Sejanus: Marcus is so kind and so shy around me. It’s so cute.☺️
Marcus: Ew.
Coryo: But it’s just the first day-
Panlo: I was stuck with them on that ugly ass train for 3 straight days, sweetheart!
Sejanus: Coryo’s my sweetheart!😠
Panlo: Go back to crying!
Sejanus: Babe, Bread Boy Pablo is hurting my feelings again!😭
Panlo: Blondie, please!
Coryo: Fine! We will go to the Capitol Home Depot later and buy you your tents!
Hy: *coughs* And sleeping bags.
Coryo: Cute or simple?
Hy: Simple-
Sol: Cute! We want cute!
Hy: No. Listen to me-
Sol: Blondie, my partner is sick. He’s asthmatics. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.☺️
Hy: *coughs* That argument doesn’t make sense!
Coryo: Cute it is.
Otto: And don’t forget 5 pillows each.
Coryo: That’s too many-
Otto: 5 flower pillows. Don’t argue with me. I’m right.
Coryo: Fine.😑
Sol: Coloring books.
Coryo: That- *whispers to Sejanus* Babe, are coloring books allowed?
Sejanus: As long as they’re pro Capitol or pro Ravinstill.
Coryo: *turns to Sol* We’ll buy you a box of cheap crayons and a Bichon Frisé puppy coloring book.
Sol: Ok.😢
Ginnee: How about romance novels and banned books? Are they allowed?
Coryo: Odyssey or Iliad?
Ginnee: Twilight.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television. 32 inches. Flat.
Coryo: Can’t.
Circ: I won’t bother you again.
Coryo: It’s still a no-
Circ: I will cry.
Coryo: Fine! We will buy you your f*ckin’ flat screen TV! Happy?!
Circ: Very.
Teslee: Yey! Best escort ever!
Coryo: I’m not an escort.
Tanner: Whatever you say, escort.
Coryo: I’m Birdy’s Mentor!
Lucy Gray: And escort!
Sejanus: My escort!😍
Facet: Can you buy me a hot pink tent? I want to sleep fabulously.
Coryo: Sure. Sparkly or shiny?
Facet: ✨Sparkly✨.
Velvereen: Can mine be a huge white PVC wedding tent?🥺
Coryo: No. That can’t fit inside the tribute’s enclosure.
Velvereen: How about a medieval cube tent with an electric fan?
Coryo: Do you want to add some weird raccoon tapestries to make your little royal abode more cozy?
Velvereen: Please.
Coryo: Anything else?
Wovey: Monopoly.
Coryo: Which version, sweetie?
Wovey: Cheaters Edition.
Coryo: Ok.
Bobbin: Posca.
Coryo: A bottle or-
Bobbin: A crate.
Ginnee: Make that 3.
Dill: *turns to Reaper* Hey, Reaper, do you want anything?
Reaper: *is still busy praying* Panem, give me the normal one. The normal one who’s rich like a Ravinstill but not a Ravinstill.
Dill: Reaper-
Reaper: Give the f*ckin’ Ravinstill to Dill instead! Give it to her!
Dill: Not again.😑
Coral: Watch and learn, Shorty.
Dill: I’m not short-
Coral: Yo, Ash from the trash!
Reaper: Are you talking to me?!
Coral: Yes, you!
Reaper: Say that again! I dare you!
Coral: Ash no cash, what do you want from Blondie?!
Reaper: A one way ticket home!
Coryo: Not available.
Reaper: Normalcy!
Coryo: Sorry. That’s impossible.
Reaper: Sleeping pills!
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Reaper: Your pretty ✨feet pics✨!
Coryo: Heck, no!
Sejanus: You better watch out, Reaper. You better watch out!
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greeneyedsigma · 2 months
Who’s-Who: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo?
Drake: ICARUS?
Drake: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Luffy: You don't think I can fight because I’m a girl!
Kid: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Who’s-Who could fight in that dress either.
Who’s-Who: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Kid: I will send my army to attack!
Kid: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*
Hawkins: What do you think Zoro will do for a distraction?
Who’s-Who: He’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Who’s-Who: ...or he could do that.
Hawkins: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something.
Drake: You left me, Luffy, and Kid in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Hawkins: I did that on purpose, try again.
*while waiting outside the principal’s office*
Who’s-Who: What are you in for?
Drake: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you?
Who’s-Who: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver.
Drake: We live very different lives.
Who’s-Who: Yes we do.
Luffy: I was voted “friendliest classmate” in high school.
Hawkins: I was voted “most likely to become a clown”…
Kid: You think that’s bad? HA! I was voted “most likely to get rabies”!
Who’s-Who: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Drake: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Who’s-Who, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Hawkins: Would never stab anyone.
Drake: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Luffy: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Who’s-Who: Would stab without warning.
Kid: Would stab as a warning.
Who’s-Who: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Drake: Um...Neat.
Drake, lying face down on her bed: I said "Neat," Kid. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Kid, fiddling with his arm: Don't beat yourself up too much, Drake. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Luffy confessed her love for me?
Drake: Didn't you thank her?
Kid: *drops his screwdriver and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked her.
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live-from-flaturn · 5 months
27 !
"Mr. Raven" - MC Lars
Oh my goodness, the opportunities... Here we go!
Chay slams his face into his crossed arms and lets out a long, pained groan. "I think this is going to kill meeeee."
Kim flies through the door two seconds later, fists raised and eyes wild. His shirt his half-on, half-off. "Babe?!"
"Phi, did you stop in the middle of getting dressed to rescue me from my English homework?"
"To be fair," Kim blows a strand of hair from his forehead. "I thought you were hurt. You said it was going to kill you."
"I say that about my homework all the time."
Kim hides his flush by bending over Chay's desk, and Chay lets him have this small victory by pretending not to notice how adorable he looks when his ears turn red. "Do you want any help? I have to translate my lyrics all the time. And I like English poetry, most of the time."
Chay knows that Kim does his own lyrics in English. He's seen the tweets. He's giggled at the lunch table with his friends once or twice over 'baby clown' and sworn Big to secrecy on pain of puppy-dog eyes.
"Sure, P'Kim, I'd love your help. It's very sweet of you. I just need to memorize the first stanza of this poem well enough to recite it for the class tomorrow."
"Of course! It's a good excuse to spend time together and it means your work gets done sooner. What are you reading for today, anyway?"
"A creepy poem. 'The Raven' by, uh..." He squints down at the page, "Poe."
Kim clears his throat and gazes down at the tiny scanned print, somewhat blurry from the university's fuzzy copying machine. He recites the first line under his breath and frowns at the rest in silence.
"Alright, let's do this."
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
Ok phew im pleasantly exhausted with this person, and relieved that there's a limit. I'm still second-guessing myself after manicgate and had been carefully asking myself "am i unnaturally 'funding' energy I don't have because someone is paying attention to me?" but today was a balanced day where I STILL spent ~7 hours with them, in addition to like working on other projects! Spending time alone! Developing my program for Saturday! Got a chip repaired in my car windshield (thanks for nothing louisiana) and went on a walk in a weird park. Took care of all my responsibilities, ate three meals, etc.
My friend slotted nicely into the other things I was doing. We had an extremely chill morning as a duo at the clinic with 3-5 protesters throughout the sessions, all of whom were intimidated enough not to talk to us OR approach any clients, which I've never encountered before. Wonderful. We literally sat in camping chairs with our feet up in my trunk reading for the majority, although I feel like when we both have the energy, we never run out of things to talk about. Then we co-worked this afternoon a few hours after the end of our clinic shift at their favorite spot to work (which I'd never visited before). I came back to the beach and resumed normal life. They pinged me after dinner to ask if I wanted to voice chat (??? idk, that's new) and I said thank you and that I was catching up on TV.
it didn't feel clingy or anything, it feels like when you're a child and your best new friend from class wants you to come over to play and how nice and validating that is. but I'm just like... respectfully, no, I'll be seeing you in person in <12 hours at the clinic again, and then we're coworking (finishing a major project together tomorrow! Phew glad to be done) and then after dinner (where im committed elsewhere), I'm going back to their place again for stronglifts.
I'm enthused that they're enthralled by my... friendship (or whatever??? If it's not something beyond friendship, they're intellectually very down to clown in a way that i've never experienced before without it leading to something distinctly non platonic) and it's nice to be where I'm at in this dynamic (an equal give and take of time and resources, reliance and support, jokes and down to work shit, and reassuringly i'm almost never the one initiating).
Anyway, I'm just like. Okay! I'm sated. We good. Would love to talk to you tonight but I'm also not at that "let's chit chat with irl voices while I'm sleepy" stage yet, although the potential for that is something I would've def hardcore jumped on before I was concentrating on centering and more eager to define things. I don't wanna do the co-dependency thing again any time soon, even when somone has planted many green flags, even with someone my community has verified independently as a good person who isn't just love-bombing me, even with someone cute and smart (and unexpectedly significantly stronger than me? holy shit??). Reaching an organic limit of energy I can set aside for them feels like a really healthy place to be with it right now.
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circusxxxprey · 10 months
The General closed his eyes. 
"Princess," he said through grinding teeth, "shut up."
I grinned at him. "Gonna make me?"
The inhuman clown's red eyes popped open, glaring at me. I braced, but my grin didn't fade. This might be the advantage I needed. While he was getting pissed at me, the idiot who snuck into this hell circus after me could, and would, escape. Oh, General Jester had many tricks he could pull, but that didn't mean I had none of my own.
The biggest trick would be getting out of this misadventure unmolested.
The General growled from where he sat. 
"I should have made you the reward for this stupid talent show." His head snapped towards the one beside him, the old military cap almost falling off. "Why did we let her participate?!"
Ahmose Kem raised his head from the table and looked back at him, unimpressed. 
"Why are you complaining to me?" The vampire raised his lip in a sneer, revealing a single fang. "This whole thing was your idea."
The clown groaned, the cheery and bloodstained tablecloth crinkling as he slumped down onto it himself.
"If I have to hear one more damn equation, I'm going to throw something," he said.
I scowled. "Sorry for putting my homework to good use for once."
Ahmose Kem propped his head up on one hand, the golden rings on it glinting in the light. With his other hand he pulled the hood of his white linen robe over his head.
"Wake me when the real fun starts," he said.
I cast a nervous glance at the General. He looked up from the table at me, and narrowed his eyes at me.
My phone went off. My gaze dropped down to the pocket of my hoodie. Tucking my math textbook under my arm, I pulled it free.
"Hey, babe? Where are you? I'm at the front of the place like we said we'd meet up. I don't really wanna stick around, this place is creeping me out…"
I didn't look at the two sets of eyes staring daggers into me. A cold bead of sweat formed on my temple.
"Oh yeah!" I said, my voice all syrupy sweet. I turned on my heel and headed towards the tent entrance. "Sorry, I lost track of time. You can go home, I can call an Uber."
"Are you sure?"
The silence behind me felt like a threat. I didn't look back.
"Course I am! You're safe to drive, right?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Uh, catch you in class tomorrow, right?"
"Bet so!" I said. "Have a good night!"
"You too. G'night."
As I put my phone back in my pocket, Ahmose Kem spoke from somewhere far too close by.
"So how many people do you think got away while she was distracting us?"
Something made of wood smashed to the ground, and shattered into pieces.
The General shouted, "Johnnie, you little shit!"
I ran.
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alwayzraven · 2 years
Kardeşlerim Ep 53
Omer told the guy who came with aunt Sevgi (I think his name is Ismail) not to call the police and that he will pay back the money Harika stole. Omer visited Suzan in prison. He told her that Harika left and she was surprised.  Berk called Aybike in the evening.
Berk: "I didn’t see my sweetheart today because we didn't have school, I've missed you, so I called you, I can’t call you?"
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Aybike: "No you can call me but we talked half an hour ago, you know that right?"
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Berk: “Do you know how many times I have stopped myself from calling you during that half hour?”
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Aybike: “So you’re saying I should be thankful”
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Berk: “Kind of”
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Aybike: “Anyway, were you able to study? Are you ready for the exam?”
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Berk: “No sweetheart, I am not ready. Can you tutor me tomorrow at school?”
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Aybike: “If you’re going to focus on the lesson then yes but if you’re not going to focus and instead dream about spending summer break with me then no, you can do that on your own ”
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Berk: “What can I do ? That’s what happens when we don’t spend much time together, I daydream when I see you ”
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Aybike: “Look, you’re starting to become sweet again, I am going to hang up ”
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Berk: “Okay, okay ! No sweet words ! My wild girlfriend”
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Aybike: “ Say it again”
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Berk: ”My crazy girlfriend !”
Ayla was standing at his door listening to him talk with Aybike. Sengul called Aybike so she had to hang up
Aybike: “Anyway, my mom is calling me, I am hanging up”
Berk: “Okay sweetheart ! Sending you lots of kisses ”
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Ayla: "Oh please send her more kisses. Keep it up ! Don’t listen to your mother, son ! Well done ! "
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Berk: “You’re not saying anything worth listening to, mom ! You’re saying give up on Aybike ! That’s an offer I can’t accept !  ”
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Ayla: “So she is very precious and important to you, right? She is important to you to the extent of going against and hurting your mom’s feelings, right?”
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Berk: “Let’s not say to the extent of going against my mom but to the extent that I want my mom to like her ”
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Ayla: “Oh please, no Berk ! She is not a good fit for us, son !”
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Berk: “ She is not a good fit for us ?  ”
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Ayla: “Yes, she is not a good fit for us”
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Berk: “I think it’s enough that she is a good fit for me mom”
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Ayla: “Anyway, in the end, this is just high school love, it will pass now or later, there is no need for me to worry ”
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Oh boy do I have some bad news for you miss Ayla 😂
The door rang. Akif came to tell Ayla that he is selling the school and he doesn't want her to cause any troubles for him because he needs the money to get Suzan out of prison.
The next day, a buyer came to look at the school. Tolga heard about this and he told Akif that he can convince his father to buy the school. Tolga's plan is to make his father buy the school so he can kick the Eren's out of the school. What can I say? He never disappoints ! Truly a clown ! I thought his relationship with his father wasn’t that great 🤔
That day, Aunt Sevgi came to school with the Eren squad. Doruk ad Berk hugged the girls and aunt Sevgi was kind of confused so Oglucan explained the situation to her.
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Oglucan: "Aunt Sevgi, this handsome friend over here is Doruk, he's going to come ask for Nouran's hand soon, and the other handsome guy is Berk, he is our sokran's fiancé (he meant Aybike here since she calls her sokran)"
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Doruk and Berk were confused.
Sevgi: "Nice to meet you son, I am Sevgi"
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Then she turned to Oglucan and said: "What did their mothers feed them when they were kids? Why are they 2m tall?"
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Oglucan: "I don't know what they put in their food but I wish they put the same thing for me"
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Sevgi and Oglucan were such a funny duo during this episode 😂
Tolga and Emir thought she was a professor. She made them jump as a punishment. Then the math professor came to the classroom and he told the class that they have a surprise quiz today. Berk and Doruk made a bet with Aybike and Asiye. If they got a higher grade than them, the girls will do whatever whatever the boys want. Aybike scored 60 on the quiz while Berk got 90. This doesn’t make any sense btw because Aybike is always studying so I don’t understand why they always try to make it look like she’s an average student 🙄 So Berk won the bet. The first thing he did is call his mom. Aybike heard him and said:" I feel like I am going to regret making this bet"  😂
Berk went with Aybike to a café. His mom was also there. He planned this meeting with the hopes of fixing the relationship between Aybike and his mom.
Aybike: “I don’t understand, why did we come to this place? ”
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Berk: “ I won the bet and you will do whatever I want sweetheart, that's what we agreed on from the start and you’re not going to complain about it”
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Aybike: “Okay, I am not complaining ”
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Then she turned and saw that Ayla was there.
Aybike: “You’re mom is here ! you’re mom is here ! ”
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Berk: “I know, calm down ! I arranged this meeting”
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Then Ayla saw them 😂
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Aybike: “You arranged this?”
Berk: “Yes, I wanted to melt the ice between you and mom for a long time now but I couldn’t ask you because you would’ve said no, now that I got the opportunity to do so, I thought I should take advantage of it”
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Aybike: “Well done, what you did is really great Berk ! If I knew you’re going to do this I would’ve tried to score 100 in the exam and I would’ve even asked for additional questions and I would’ve solved them correctly but I wouldn't have come here”
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Berk: “It’s too late sweetheart”
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Aybike: “I swear to god I am going to beat you up and pull your hair out”
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Then they went and sat down at Ayla’s table. Berk started talking about this family’s tradition of having tea at 5pm 😂
Berk: “Drinking tea at 5 pm is our family’s tradition. We learned it from my grandmother. She used to prepare biscuits and tea at 5 pm and she would gather us around her”
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Ayla: “Berk, does Aybike know that your grandmother lives in London? That’s where the tradition of having tea at 5 pm came from. It’s a family tradition”
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Berk: “No mom she doesn’t know”
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Aybike: “ I don’t understand, what difference does it make even if you were the grandson of the queen of England”
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Berk: “Okay Aybike, please don't get hung up on that ”
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Then he turned to his mom
Berk: “Mom, Aybike makes delicious cookies ! You really won’t believe how good they are”
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Ayla: “I am sure they are ! She probably puts sugar, dough, oil and all the unhealthy stuff in them  ”
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Aybike: “What sugar? What dough? What oil? I use air, water and gas and it comes out delicious”
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Berk: “Mom please don’t exaggerate ! What will she put in them except those ingredients”
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Ayla: “She can make them however she wants but sweetheart, Berk doesn’t like sweet cookies, just so you know”
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Aybike: “No he likes them”
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Ayla: “I gave birth to Berk and I raised him ! No one knows him better than I do, right? my son doesn’t like sweet cookies ! He eats healthy”
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Aybike: “Ms Ayla, I am sorry to say this, but he probably doesn’t like the ones you make because he eats the cookies I make ”
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Berk: “Aybike, why would you that that right now?”
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Ayla: “I am saying he doesn’t like them ”
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Aybike: “Unfortunately, he likes them, he likes them”
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Ayla: “Son, do you like them ?”
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Aybike: “Berk, just say it, don’t you like them?”
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Berk stuffed his mouth with a cookie to avoid answering 😂😂
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Berk: “My mouth is full I can’t speak, I am sorry ! Should I ask for the check ?”
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Ayla & Aybike: “Yes”
You know what? He deserves this 😂 Why did he think it was a good idea to have these two sit at the same table 😂 Istg it’s like he is asking for another break up ! I really don't get it ?? Ayla gets along with Sengul but not her daughter ?? I saw a spoiler saying that Aybike and Ayla will get in trouble together but I don't know if that's true
Sengul received a letter with the court's date for her divorce. She was very sad. Aybike and Oglucan remembered that they went on a picnic as a family and they had a really good time together. So they thought if they can go with their parents on a picnic again, it might remind them of how happy they were back then and they might not divorce. Unfortunately, Orhan came with Gunul to their picnic spot and Oglucan and Aybike's plan failed.
Tolga came to the chicken coop to tell Omer and Asiye that his dad is buying the school and he will kick them out. Aunt Sevgi heard him. That same morning, someone reached out to Akif and offered him an “investment opportunity” . This was definitely sevgi because she later asked Ismail when he came to the chicken coop if he did what she instructed him to do. I think she is offering him shares? But I am not sure if it’s in her company. I think we’ll know more about this in the next episode. Ismail (he's probably her assistant) asked her when she'll tell the kids who she is. She said she can't tell Omer that she is the reason his parents broke up. She is his grandmother (his father's mom). I wonder where his father is ? is he alive ? is he dead and if they are planning to bring him to the show is he going to have an interesting storyline or are they going to butcher his character like they did with Resul daddy (I miss him btw). I don't think Omer and Asiye heard her conversation with Ismail because the teaser shows that she is still staying with them.
Overall, I think it was a good episode. I hope they keep the same pace for the next 3-4 final episodes.
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 2 years
Sports Day (J-US x Reader)
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Pairing: J-US (Lee Seungjun) x gn!Reader
Requested?: Yes
Genre: High School!au, Sports Day!au
Trigger Warning!!: Reader is anxious about embarrassing themselves
Summary: Though you tried avoiding participating, you get paired in the three legged race together with class president Seungjun.
Word Count: 1,004
A/N: Actually ONF are not on my writing list but I’m making an exception. It took me super long to write this (I’m super sorry about that), partly because I don’t really know ONF, but also because I originally went with an e2l plot and then decided to scrap the idea. The sports day idea came to me while I was reading webtoon, I hope you like it too :) - Admin J
The door to the classroom opened with a loud thud as the class president Seungjun walked inside, waving around a sheet of paper. The whole class got quiet, excited to hear what this was about.
"Everyone, sports day is in a week, so the teacher asked me to assign who will be participating in which sport."
Cheers and groans were going around the classroom equally after his announcement. Personally you weren't a fan of sports day, not because you weren't athletic but more because you didn't feel like embarrassing yourself in front of the eyes of the whole school. So you tried your best to avoid participating.
"Alright, so the last event would be the three legged race... anyone up for that?" It was quiet in the classroom, if this was a cartoon there would probably be a cricket sound effect. The class president sighed, "I guess I'll do it then, but I need someone to be my partner."
That's when it happened, one of your pencils decided to roll off the desk and cause a noise that had everyone looking at you. "Hey, Y/N isn't participating in any event yet!" Someone noticed and before you could even protest your name was already noted down next to Seungjuns.
His eyes lit up as he send you a smile, that you couldn't even return, still too perplexed about what had just happened. Then he walked back out to give the list to the teacher.
~*~ After classes were over, you were about to leave school grounds when someone called out for you. As you turned around you found Seungjun sprinting towards you. He halted next to you, gasping for air, "Y/N, since we're participating in the race together, should we practice some time?" You guessed he was right. Since you already had to participate it wouldn't hurt to practice.
"How about tomorrow after class? We can meet up on the sports field." You suggested and Seungjun agreed instantly, "I'll bring a ribbon to tie our legs. Can I walk with you for a while?" His question caught you off guard, but since you were walking in the same direction anyway you didn't mind.
"You didn't seem to be too excited about sports day, do you not like it?" Seungjun made small talk during the walk. You shrugged, "It's not that i dislike it, I'm just scared I'll embarrass myself in front of everyone." "Oh, but why would you? Sports day is about having fun, don't worry, no one will laugh about you if you make a mistake."
Well that was easy for him to say, everyone loved him. People would never laugh about him, you however would probably be like a clown show for them. "Remember Y/N, we're a team, so I'll make sure you don't have to be embarrassed!" Seungjun called out with a smile before your ways parted. ~*~ The next day you met Seungjun at the sports field as promised. When he tied your right foot together with his left, you realized how close the two of you had to be for this game. It got you nervous, but not uncomfortable, however you wondered how Seungjun was feeling about it.
"Alright should we walk up to the line there? We can start slow in the beginning." If he was affected by the close proximity he didn't show it at all. As you started practicing it went well in the beginning, but as Seungjun picked up the pace, you eventually stumbled over your feet and since Seungjun was connected with you it ended with the both of you toppled over on the ground.
"I'm so sorry." You profoundly apologized to Seungjun who was laughing. "Y/N, I'm fine, really. Are you?" He asked as he pulled you up with him, considerate of the fact that your feet were still tied together. "Yeah I'm fine." You dusted off your knee, which hurt a little bit, but it would only be a bruise.
"Ok, lets try again. How about I do this." he suggested putting his arm around your shoulder to stabilize the two of you, "this way I can make sure to catch you if you fall." It was sweet of him to ask for your consent. With this new strategy your running quickly improved and your tempo finally synched up. ~*~ When sports day came around you were beyond nervous. Sure thanks to Seungjun practice had gone well, but could you perform just as good against all the other competing teams?
"Hey Y/N, you ready?" Seungjun popped up behind you, draping one of his arms over your shoulder. He was still sweaty from participating in the soccer match and his cheeks were glowing red from exhaustion. "I guess, but are you?" handing him a bottle of water to refresh himself, he took it happily.
After drinking half of the bottle he used the other half to pour it over his head to cool down. You screeched when some of the water splashed on you as well and pushed him away lightly, while he laughed about your reaction.
Seungjun and you had gotten quite close due to training together quite a few times. You were sure that definitely helped in improving your tempo together as well.
"All students participating in the three legged race come forward!" a teacher announced through a megaphone. Seungjun and you moved forward, along with the other participants. Before the race could begin someone checked that your feet were tied together correctly.
As you were getting ready Seungjuns arm wrapped around your shoulder as practiced. The two of you nodded at each other, determined to win. After the kickoff you started running, not focusing on the other pairs around you, just as Seungjun had told you during practice.
You hadn't even realized you won until your classmates came storming over to congratulate you. However before they could reach you Seungjun had already embraced you in a bone crushing hug, "See! I told you Y/N! You won't be embarrassed!"
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It was a good day. I had a good time at work. And I made a bunch of art. The pretty great Tuesday.
I slept okay last night. I woke up a bit cold though. Jamess woke me up about an hour early and covered me up and I went back to sleep. When I woke up for real I wasn't thrilled but I was okay.
My hair looked great and I was very cozy in my outfit. I grabbed my totebag. Made a snack. And kissed James goodbye.
I had a nice drive in to the museum. Even with traffic. I stopped for breakfast and ate in the parking lot.
I had three programs today. So I went to set up the assembly line. Jim joined me so I could show him the video. And then Rosia came and I showed her some stuff but I don't know what was wrong with me but I wasn't the best trainer. Mostly because she told me Gaby showed her so I was questioning myself about what she knew and what she didn't.
I ended up sitting and talking to Jordan for a while. He got a haircut and it looks really nice! And we would chat a lot today. It's nice having friends at work.
Once the group got there there was some confusion about how the groups were broken up. But it was whatever. I let Mike handle it. And then I had my group and me and Rosia headed back to the classroom.
We honestly had a great time. There was some timing issues because towards the front of the one line there were three kids who were struggling but we figured it out. And it was great. I had a really good time and they finished all their cars and it was excellent. Rosia did a really good job for her first one! She would have two more chances today so I hope it kept going well!
Next I had my tour. Meril joined me. We had to wait for Jordan to split up the group. And so we had some time for them to check out the car. And then tour time.
Which went well but man do these kids have so many questions and were just jumping around. But it was still fun.
After the tour they had lunch. And I would go and eat my sandwich. And chat with Jordan and Meril. We talked about how shitty the health care system has treated us. How the body mass index is a crock of shit. And it was fun. Infuriating but fun.
Finally we had the cannery. I was leading that and it was good. I got distracted by a couple kids who were trying to be class clowns but just weren't actually funny. But the entire group was good and did excellent jobs. The other educators did a great job too. Mostly. There was some weird timing stuff. But then they were done. I had a good group for shuckers. I let them do an extra oyster because they were enjoying it so much.
And then it was time to say goodbye. Which was slightly awkward because the teachers had them in a specific way and I didn't understand. But we got them on the bus and I went to do supply stuff.
I went to talk to Stanley and Phil about a lightbulb. And then back to do car parts with Jim and Rosia and Cindy. We talked about weird dreams and cruises and food. I got really tired though. So I would leave a little early.
I had some emails about art with a heart. I have been approved for all three of my desired locations! Background check passed!
So once I was home me and James went through the wall calendar so I could write down everything and we found a couple conflicts but I sent off emails to get those sorted out and I am pretty set until the summer. Working every day of the week basically but I feel excited, also tired, but mostly excited.
I would work on art a lot. I demolded my bears and it worked great. So I was able to cast the resin pieces and I did it 5 times throughout the evening. And overall they came out great. I also figured out how to use the extra resin to fix the last batch and fill in any miscasts. And now they are painted and we'll see how they look tomorrow and if they need more layers or what.
I would order pinbacks and me and James talked about ordering stickers. We also talked about doing some debt consolidation so we can get a smaller interest payment. And then James made a special potato soup. And while I had a pretty bad headache I felt happy being with James. And Sweetp. Who insisted on laying on my chest and purring so much.
I would eventually take a shower. And get all comfy. And that's where we are now. I am very sleepy. Today was an early day. And tomorrow will be too. But I am there all day all day. So it will be a lot. But I think it will still be very good. I hope you all have a good night's sleep tonight. Take care of each other. Goodnight!!
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Watch The Throne...& YOUR MOUTH!
Why recent comments made by Alabama head coach Nick Saban were uncalled for.
Alabama coach Nick Saban has gotten under everyone's skin for his reigning supremacy in NCAA college football, but his recent statements really took me out & ticked me off. Nick Saban singled out Texas A&M & Jackson State University, stating that these schools "bought" and "bribed" its recruiting class and highlighted the unintended effect of name, image and likeness rights while attending an event in Birmingham with local business leaders. My 2 questions are, why now and what are you worried about, Mr. Saban?
I will say that he isn't the first coach to call out the NIL ruling. In February, Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin quipped, "Texas A&M was going to incur a luxury tax in how much they paid for their signing class."
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As stated on ESPN.com:
Saban said Alabama players made $3 million "doing it the right way" last year and that only 25 players were able to leverage NIL opportunities.
That prompted a stern response from Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher, who is also a former assistant coach under Nick Saban. During his signing day news conference the following day when he said that coaches spreading rumors about deals promised to recruits were "clown acts" and "irresponsible as hell."
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The problem with NIL, Saban said Wednesday, is "coaches trying to create an advantage for themselves."
Saban said coaches know how much money is available from their schools, whether its alumni groups or booster clubs & millionaire business people that pool their resources to offer deals to athletess and how much a coach can promise their players.
"That's not what it was supposed to be," he said. "That's what it's become. And that's the problem in college athletics right now. Now every player is saying, 'Well, what am I going to get?'"
Saban said people blame the NCAA, "But in defense of the NCAA, we are where we are because of the litigation."
Last summer, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that said limiting education-related benefits violated antitrust laws. In the wake of that decision, the NCAA adopted rules that were far less restrictive, including allowing athletes to profit from their name, image and likeness.
NCAA rules prohibit a school or its employees only from paying athletes directly for their NIL rights.
"If the NCAA doesn't get some protection from litigation, whether we gotta get an antitrust or whatever it is, from a federal government standpoint, this is not going to change because they cannot enforce their rules," Saban said. "Just like [Alabama basketball coach Nate Oats] said, we have a rule right now that says you cannot use name, image, likeness to entice a player to come to your school.
"Hell, read about it in the paper. I mean, Jackson State paid a guy $1 million last year that was a really good Division I player to come to the school. It was in the paper, and they bragged about it. Nobody did anything about it. I mean, these guys at Miami that are going to play basketball there for $400,000, it's in the newspaper. The guy tells you how he's doing it."
The Jackson State player Saban was referring to is Travis Hunter, a five-star prospect who flipped his commitment from Florida State and signed with the HBCU program during the early signing period in December. Jackson State coach Deion Sanders denied the rumor that Hunter had been offered more than $1 million.
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Sanders responded strongly to Saban's comments Wednesday night, tweeting: "You best believe I will address that LIE Coach SABAN told tomorrow. I was & awakened by my son @ShedeurSanders that sent me the article stating that WE PAYED @TravisHunterJr a Million to play at @GoJSUTigersFB! We as a PEOPLE don't have to pay our PEOPLE to play with our PEOPLE."
Saban's comments on Miami referred to former Kansas State men's basketball player Nijel Pack, who transferred to the Hurricanes in April. Shortly after, it was announced that he signed a two-year, $400,000 NIL deal with Florida-based health tech company LifeWallet.
Saban said he has told players that they will all get the same opportunities from Alabama's collective but made the distinction that, "You can go earn however much you want."
"I tell the recruits the same thing: Our job is not to buy you to come to school here," he said. "And I don't know how you manage your locker room. And I don't know if this is a sustainable model."
If I may be so bold to give my take on this, the way I see it is that Nick Saban, for the first time in his college coaching career feels threatened. For the first time, he needs to watch his throne. From what I can gather from his statements, he knows that a new dawn is rising and that his dominance is just about over, as well as the days of athletes depending on their coaches is over. Maybe I'm biased, since I tend to lean towards cheering for anyone that can beat and silence the Roll Tide pride of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, but these uncalled for statements just adds fuel to the fire.
Even for a coach of his caliber, his statements were off-color, ridiculous, unfounded and hypocritical. Yes, I can see why coaches, recruiters and scouts would take issue with these young men that see the NCAA route as a marketing stepping stone instead of a right of passage to the NFL draft and a chance to earn a college degree, but in defense of these young men & the NIL ruling, you scouts, recruiters and coaches are recruiting kids, most of which that don't come from a football legacy or come from means and do have one intention in mind when they get to signing day. That intention is to make something of themselves and to protect their well-being by becoming a brand, in case an unforeseen act of God should happen that stifles their football career. It use to be that, for the athletes, its either go pro or go home. Now, with the emergence of alternative pro leagues like the USFL, the return of the XFL in 2023 and the opportunity to play oversees in the CFL and leagues emerging in Europe, Australia and Japan, the possibilities are boundless.
Of course this might hurt the integrity of college football as a whole, with athletes tossing college education to the side, but think about how many of these young athletes were tossed to the side because they couldn't go pro or because one injury killed their hopes and dreams. Think about how many sports agents, booster groups, athletic directors and business people promised these young people the world and as soon as the slightest controversy or injury happens, they go from being the college town sweetheart to being treated like a leper. Yet, men like Nick Saban question the NIL and its intentions. My question to Mr. Saban is, please tell us how you built your powerhouse team for the University of Alabama, which is one of the biggest party schools in the nation & a University known for its athletic dominance instead of its degree programs? Now, if I'm wrong about the University of Alabama, please show the world, including skeptics like me, the Univ. of Alabama's academic excellence & how you built your football dynasty "squeaky clean"?
Here's the brutal truth: NCAA athletics is a money-recruiting machine. On the surface, its an organized collective, to boost the financial budgets of colleges and universities in our nation and to showcase athletic talent from our young men and women, but the underbelly of it is riddled with unnecessary rules, back-alley style deals, bitter rivalries that have spilled over from the football field to the office of the Dean & athletic directors and predatory-like money making schemes that is still a salivating dream for any gambler or anyone in organized crime trying to make money. It is also a marketing machine. It has been since the Catholics vs. Convicts days, when I could recall the flamboyant marketing for primetime games. In case you are unaware of what the Catholics vs. Convicts rivalry is, go google Notre Dame vs Univ. of Miami & you'll see what I mean, but I digress.
I'm not mad about that. I'm not mad about any of the factors I just mentioned. If I'm mad about anything, its old timers and haters like Nick Saban who take issue with athletes, some of whom they recruited themselves, from neighborhoods of obscurity, whose dads did not play college or pro ball, wanting to get in on the money, whether they go pro or not. The way I see it, the NCAA & anyone with the same mindset, has bled these athletes dry long enough. Whether an injury happens or any circumstance should arise, athletes absolutely need something to fall back on. Not to be dismissive of educational institutions or academic opportunities, but times have changed, especially at the post-secondary level. Traditional college isn't for everyone and an associates degree or a bachelors degree just doesn't cut it anymore.
Mr. Saban, instead of watching an athletes' wallet or their marketing brand, you need to watch your throne. Your rivals in the SEC conference & all the HBCU schools have figured you out & Alabama's days of dominance are numbered.
This situation with Nick Saban reminds me of a scene I watched on the show Game of Thrones, where Joffrey Baratheon and his uncle, Tyrion Lannister, were throwing verbal jabs at each other, accusing one of being more "terrible" than the other. This conversation, unknowingly foreshadowed the end of Joffrey's reign as king. I leave you with the following scene below. Imagine Joffrey, the blonde hair young man as Nick Saban and his rivals as Tyrion, ready to clap back. The point is, you can look at the NIL as a monster all you want, but, you cannot suddenly cry foul when your competition becomes what you have built yourself to be. Dominance fades, like the reign of kings:
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That is all.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 6 months
447 of 2023
Created by joybucket
Pt. 2
I love pink. 🩷 I'm Goth, but I still wear pink. I mostly wear black, but I also wear pink sometimes. I don't think hot pink eyeshadow really looks good on anyone. I've worn a pair of hot pink Converse. I would love to drive a pink car. I've owned a pink phone. I've owned a pink phone cover. I've owned a pink iPod. I've owned a pink laptop. I live in a big city. I live in a high-rise building. I've been to Chicago. 🏙️ I've been to NYC. 🌆 I'm a city girl. I've been to the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago. I've been to London. 🇬🇧 I've been to Tokyo. 🗼 I've been to Paris. 🐩 I've been to Seattle. City lights calm me. 🌃 I love Minnie Mouse. 🩷 I've had my picture taken with Minnie Mouse. I've walked through Minnie Mouse's house. I think I look pretty in pink. 💖 I own a pink dress. I welcome Christmas music at any time! I own a pink Christmas tree. I like pink Christmas trees. I own a pink sweater. I own a pink winter hat. I own a pink coat. This graphics looks like someone I know. ^ I have naturally straight hair. I straighten my hair every day. I wish my hair were naturally straight. I own quite a few pairs of chandelier earrings. I enjoy putting outfits together. I own a sweater dress. I own a heart-shaped necklace. I look very young. I'm still a little girl inside. The shirt I'm wearing has words on the front. I've talked on my cellphone at some point within the last 24 hours. 📱 I'm wearing a pink shirt. 👚 I own a pair of pink sunglasses. (yeah for lolz) I own something from Victoria's Secret. I'm wearing a loose top. I'm enjoying a hot drink right now. ☕️ I have my hair up in a ponytail. I'm wearing a headband. I take surveys as a way to relax. I don't actually even really like the color pink. I enjoy playing Truth or Dare. I like surveys that ask juicy questions. I've done something really stupid on a dare. I've done something dangerous on a dare. I've injured myself playing Truth or Dare. In a game of Truth or Dare, I usually choose Truth. In a game of Truth or Dare, I usually choose Dare. I've dared someone to do something dangerous and then later regretted it, because they got hurt. I like to giggle. 🤭 I'm thankful for funny jokes that make me laugh. 😂 Life is what you make it. I've been the class clown. 🤡 I enjoy watching stand-up comedy acts. I enjoyed watching stand-up comedy, but I could do without the dirty jokes. I like to watch funny TikToks. I wish someone would help me find the real me. I don't know who I really am. I want to take a year off to travel and to find myself. I don't often let people see the real me. Nobody knows the real me. I'm afraid that people won't like me if they see the real me, and so I hide. 🫣 I try to cover up the real me by acting like everybody else. I'm not perfect. (who is?) I'm not normal. I'm afraid people won't like me once they find out I'm not normal. I'm not even sure I like the real me. I hate myself. I love myself. 🩷 A lot of people hate the real me. I wish I knew what was going to happen tomorrow. I hate it when adults put pressure on me to plan out my future, because I want to just take life day by day. I have no idea what I want to do with my life yet. I'm scared of what will happen in my future. My future is in God's hands. ✝️ Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. I understand that life is about risk, and that life itself is a risk. ….and that if we don't take risks, we're not really living. I want to live life on the edge. It's always been my dream to risk it all. Life is a crazy ride!
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dumbbitchfrommars · 8 months
on another note (please let me distract myself from my pathetic past times) - MY PRESENTATION WENT REALLY WELL! well as well as i am capable of. i was reading from the cue cards the entire time but my script was good and so were my slides. i was shaking but my voice was steady, and my knees didn't buckle from the adrenaline-anxiety, so i think i did pretty fucking fantastic. for the others who are used to presenting and dont know the depths of my shame associated with a lifetime of crippling anxiety - its easy to critique my lack of connection with the audience. but in all honesty... IT IS SUCH A PRIVILEGE AND AN HONOUR TO RECEIVE SUCH CRITICISM. like, my presentation was substantial enough to even receive comments. and you understood what i said, and you listened to me, and it wasnt completely terrible, and i didnt have to watch myself so i survived. and i did it!!! it makes me cringe to imagine seeing myself up there not even glancing up at them for a second but sometimes you have to do what you can to get through difficult situations. i am so fucking proud of myself. like... i can hear my inner child jumping for joy. im actually fucking traumatised from the one time i tried to present in grade 7 and the dickhead class clown made fun of me for having badly made slides. in retrospect... he was criticising me because i was the teachers pet and was probably jealous of how smart i really was. and its easy to pick on someone whos already shy. but man did that fuck me up. and that shyness carried on into high school. i cant believe no one saw me and thought hm, she looks like shes struggling, maybe she needs counselling. maybe she needs help. maybe she deserves a little compassion. instead everyone took advantage of their power over the girl raised to be a people pleaser and subservient to authority. NOW LOOK AT ME YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! i wont listen to bullshit from anyone. not kim telling me oh, but makeup wont get paid as much as here, oh youll probably only get around $28 an hour. GUESS WHAT BITCH, I GET THE SAME EXACT RATES AS THIS SHITHOLE. and ill be even happier doing it. no more drunks, no more creeps, no more druggies, no more aggros, no more smelly homeless weirdos, and no more energy vampire coworkers.
fuck you scott for being less mature than me, someone probably less than half your age. i am the adult when youre around and it must make you so fucking insecure. anyway. i always get like this before the weekend when i am forced back into that hell hole place.... at least i dont have to deal with the annoying ones tomorrow. and fridays are usually more fun because there are more young people heading out for the night.
working in alcohol is just not appropriate, safe, fun, or nurturing for a beautiful 22 year old girl. sorry guys. i got to go. its not my fault my energy triggered you because youre old and afraid of change and settled for a shitty job just because it paid well. LIFE IS FOR LIVING NOT FOR MAKING MONEY.
on that note, i know its a privilege to up and leave a job simply because the "vibes werent right". its a privilege to say money doesnt matter to me. and its a privilege to choose a job based on my personal preference and not on survival. but its a privilege we all have, if youre willing to work hard enough. im sick of lowering my voice and downplaying my strengths and my achievements for fear of pissing people off, for triggering people, for bringing their insecurities to light. LET ME WIN IN PEACE FOR ONCE. smile for me for once. pretend to be happy for ME for once.
i hate fucking pretending its not that big of a deal when its secretly a huge deal for me. i have achieved so fucking much in the last year of my life. i finished an undergraduate bachelors degree, i got a new job and excelled in it, literally made all the customers prefer me over my longstanding coworkers who are miserable with the worst attitudes even towards me who is nothing but kind and friendly. i started and honours degree whilst working part time - and im excelling in that too. because i am hardworking as much as everyone wants to pretend im not, and that im not that capable, and that i need things to be explained to MAYBE YOU SHOULD FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE. cause i clearly have a lot more going for me that you want to believe. i might only be 22 but i was raised to work hard and strive and always find something new and better to challenge me to work towards. anyway, i also went on a trip to europe this year . though it feels like ive already erased that from my memory, cause it didnt go the way i wanted it to. anyway. i know how to handle my finances, i am independent, i am strong, i push myself. i joined a gym after years of avoiding and bein afraid and not believing in myself enough to do it. I AM PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY STRONG AND GETTING STRONGER EVERY DAY. ugh . i just wish people could see that. i wish people appreciated that...
yes i was very sad to say i was leaving my job. but God instantly reminded me why i wanted to leave in the first place. why i decided to make that application, go to that interview, and pray for months on end that my time to leave would come soon. because no matter how much love and kindness i pour into that place, it will always take and never give. i am completely drained by it. i will break if i stay there. and i cannot fucking wait to leave and know that slowly but surely, every single one of the stupid, pathetic alcoholics that frequent that place will notice my absence and be disappointed that im gone. and they will wonder why, and they will realise and know, that the people there were so fucking terrible to me that i had no other choice but to find something better. that in their own little way, they contributed to me leaving.
even my manager. i already know im gonna miss him like crazy when i leave but its for the best. not only is this crush fucking relentless and so stupid, but hes not even that great, and he doesnt deserve my respect and adoration to this level. as cute and funny he is, he is just another white man. sigh
i didnt realise i had such a rant to get out... i think scott triggered me yesterday. the good thing is i dont really notice in the moment how much of a man child hes being, so he doesnt get the satisfaction of my irritation in person. but i wont forget that he dipped and i didnt get a break after being on my feet for 6 hours straight. fuck you, old man.
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hayleylwong · 11 months
reflection 05-23
9:33pm - today i woke up at like 12:30. this was disappointing bc i was supposed to get up earlier to study for my chem midterm tm. instead i didnt study until like 4 bc i had to go sit outside and talk to people and then i went to class for like five minutes but i left to go study for chem bc i thought that was more important. i went to the schoenberg music practice rooms w my friend that can play piano to take a break from studying and omg the practice room hallway looks and sounds like a psychiatric ward like i swear all the instruments blended together and sounded like clown music and the hallway was long and the doors were all like scary w one little window in them. but i liked hearing my friend play piano. then i met my other friend at feast and ate dumplings and we got to talk i wish i could see her more often. then i went to study some more w my friend from before and we had to check like 15 lounges before we found an empty table. tn im gonna do pomodoro method so i am writing this during one of my breaks. i hope i can get through everything rn i feel like it is doable i bought yerba and celsius earlier so i am prepared for my all nighter. we will see how doable it feels as the night progresses. i am looking forward to 4:00pm tm when i can finally sleep after my midterm and hanging out w people for an hour 3 times in a row.
9:44pm - omg i called today the 21st accidentally. i just realized i cannot sleep at 4 bc of club work due at 5. ughhhh it is only the beginning of the night and i already want to sleep. i have overdone my pomodoro break by 11 minutes now. it is not a good sign.
12:10am - it was not a good sign. i have watched one and a half lectures and am two hours and twenty minutes into my current break. i went to the store and got more yerba mate but it is not working. i have seven lectures left and less than ten hours before my midterm. when am i going to shower. i now cannot sleep until 7pm tomorrow. my eczema is making me itch inside my body i am uncomfortable and everything is irritating me i cannot focus but i will. i will do it i have to otherwise idk what to do no i have to i really have to. only 19 more hours of misery.
3:54am - i have watched one hour of lecture in the last six hours. i am scared. there are other peoples review notes on the white board and i do not recognize some of the words. my friend said theyre important. no position is comfortable i am hella fidgety and my skin is freaking out. i want to shower but i do not have time. my friend is abt to go to sleep and leave me. who will keep me awake. i an beginning to do the thing i used to do where i blink weird and tense my head muscles bc i feel off. i am going to hug my boy. except i just saw his explore page and let me tell you i have never seen so many asian bikini thirst traps in my life. and i scrolled through his for you page and the same girl kept coming up. tell me why when i was scrolling through the explore he said ‘ooh a white one’ like three times. like actually wtf. have i told u guys his ex is white. my chem prof is rly grinding my gears rn. i hope i does not ever find my tumblr. i hope i can focus in the next six hours. oh no that is not enough time. no no no no no
5:16 - i actually cannot think. my head is numb. but the caffeine is finally working and i cannot sleep. i am so f ed. my head does not work. maybe i am just irritable rn. i hate everything. wtf is a nucleophile and how do u tell how strong it is. i just learned but i forget. i am going to cry.
5:26 - my friend is going to sleep soon. what am i gonna do. i was supposed to be done w lec by now and i have six left. i have four hours left before the exam. i have never been so disappointed in myself. i am sad. what am i going to do. i cant cry im too dehydrated and i dont have time for that. what is wrong w me
6:26 - how am i still on the same lecture as an hour ago. i am so miserable. was this quarter really worth it if im gonna fail this class? i wasnt even good at this quarter. but it is too late now bc if i dont go through w that i alr failed. i cant even hear anything shes saying anymore but i barely have time to watch even on 2x speed
6:50 - i am struggling. thinking abt doing anything makes me want to sob. i really really hope my club does not make us do stuff for an extra week bc i actually do not think i can. that week will be spent studying for finals. ik what to prioritize now. they should make that more clear. ughhh my brain is being attacked with words. it does not like it. i hate myself rn. i need to scream
jp updates: sam is feeling good today. he is curious whether or not he asks people for contact information weirdly and is working on changing his phrasing.
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jecroisenmoi · 2 years
Daily Log 7/26/22
So decided to not go to SFC today, not tomorrow but next Wednesday. Had to book an appointment too for the PSA.
Officially enrolled I guess. Well my classmates took care of the papers. Yep, thank God and guide us all.
You might be wondering why I am doing this at like past one. Well, I just finished an article for the student publication. The funny thing is, I have passed the article way back but yep, just edited it and added more to it since the EIC requested it. Besides it's not like I'm busy. I don't think it's better but I think it is more appropriate now, since we are slowly transitioning from online learning to actually having face-to-face classes. It was pure online learning for us when I wrote the article, good thing I could still edit it. I think I was not the one designated with it in the first place. Well I don't know now that was like eons ago. The fact that we are starting classes in like a month and I think the magazine is still not finished hence the article, makes me think being an EIC is really hard (our EIC already graduated) so kudos to Kuya for being the backbone of the publication.
Anyways, nothing much today. I had lomi though, I craved for it yesterday. Mom bought it as per request. The setting was just perfect because it rained and itta perfect rainy day food, except it's not day when I ate it, it was dusk.
So, I finally finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's a good book. I think the movie provided me with a cinematic feel ( well it was a movie, what do I expect duh). But the book gave me a more in depth understanding if what the character felt. The format too was just different and I love it... So much
So I have to take a pause because I have to put the things I have used in their place. I forgot the word lol.
So there's this guy who added me on my main account again. The issue is I used to chat with him and flirt on the side after my last MU like dumped me. The thing is the jerk lied about breaking up with his girlfriend and flirted with me. Well I'm sad so I flirted back. Because I want to feel like I am wanted. Then the girl chatted me asking for our conversations and screenshots. I thought they would end there but fast forward to almost two years after, they are still together. Therefore, I conclude they are both toxic. If your wondering whether I accepted his friend request...not...yet? Just kidding. Never accepting him again... But I'm a clown so.. IDK (His visuals is the only thing I approve of (: )
I guess that was it for today.
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haoreo · 2 years
✿ 𝐬𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧 | 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥
content: jake x fem!reader, fluff!!, ft. wonyoung from ive <3
word count: 700+
disclaimer: i'm new to writing fanfics (especially oneshots) so please go easy on me. i mean no harm to any of the members, this is purely fictional. would love to hear your thoughts! :>
they said that your years in high school would be the best years of your life. meeting new people, trying out new hobbies, and making memories, both good and bad, all around campus.
you were one of the few people in your school that thought high school was pretty okay. you were president of the camera club, maintained good grades, and had a great group of friends. your high school life was smooth-sailing, you could say, not until you’ve crossed paths with him.
sim jaeyun. or jake sim, whatever.
jake, the team captain of your school’s soccer team.
jake, the class clown yet somehow still the teacher’s favorite.
jake, the one who’s crush changes almost every other week.
the jake sim, whose next target seems to be you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“you know what, ___, why don’t you just give him a chance?” wonyoung asked out of nowhere during lunch.
“what and get added to his long list of failed commitments? no thanks,” you replied while angrily poking at your food.
wonyoung shrugged at you, “i don’t know, his looks aren’t bad, and he’s popular, funny, " she listed with her fingers, "plus he’s been at it for three months, which is probably the longest he’s gone for a girl.”
you had to admit, wonyoung was right. he has been trying to get your attention for almost three months now. buying you your favorite snacks, offering to bring your things, and sometimes even waiting for you at the school gates when you finish late at the camera club. (you thought that it was sweet, of course, but you would never admit it)
“well it can't mean anything, right? he’s done the same to-“
you were interrupted by a hand placing a carton of chocolate milk in front of you. your favorite.
“hey, sweetheart.” you rolled your eyes at the nickname. but wonyoung just giggled at your frustration.
jake took a seat next to you with his face only inches away from yours, “are you going to my big game tomorrow morning?”
“it's not like i have a choice, do i?” you begrudgingly reply.
being president of the camera club, you were usually assigned the bigger school events, and that includes all of the soccer team’s games. if your pride wasn’t so high, you would admit to actually enjoying jake’s games. cheering on for your school can feel exhilarating and you’re able to do something you’re great at, photography. the candid shots of the crowd and the players had a different charm to them, and it also didn’t help how jake looked great in every single photo you take of him. in fact, it kind of made him your favorite subject. which is something you'd never say out loud.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
it was the big day, and the game was about to start. your schoolmates occupied the bleachers on one side, adorned with face paint of your school colors and holding different banners and posters of all of the players. you were double-checking your camera and all your extra memory cards and batteries when wonyoung nudged your side.
you looked up to see jake jogging to where you and wonyoung were seated.
“hey, sweetheart! let's make a deal,” he grinned at you, “if we win this game, i get to take you on a date.”
your cheeks warmed at his offer, partly out of embarrassment because he said this out loud, but also because maybe his consistent efforts were finally getting to you.
“and what about if you lose, hm?” you managed to reply with the little confidence you had left.
“well lucky for you, princess, you don’t have to worry about that. i’ll make sure we win,” he said with a wink, “is it a deal?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
your whole school roared in excitement when your school’s team officially won the game. and honestly, you were excited too.
students started to file out of the venue but you stayed behind to pack up your things while also viewing some of the shots you took today, zooming into the ones that featured jake.
speaking of, jake walked up to you after bidding goodbye to his teammates, his sports bag thrown over his shoulder.
this time, you were the first to speak up, “you did well out there, jake.” he blushed at your compliment. he got compliments all the time, but it felt different when it came from you.
"i'm sure you took great photos of me as well?" he raised his eyebrows, teasing you. you simply laughed at him, poking fun at how he had to ruin the moment.
“um, but about that date, how’s next friday?” he asked, suddenly getting serious.
“sure, pick me up at 7, hm?” you moved closer to him, “oh and by the way.”
setting aside your pride for a few seconds, you placed your hand on his chest and planted a kiss on his cheek. “congratulations,” you said quietly with a smile.
jake smiled back, knowing he made the right choice to continue choose you, every single day.
aaaa hope you liked it huhu this was my first oneshot so pretty skerd here
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕☾︎-𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
- It's midnight, you have classes tomorrow morning, and yet you can't sleep, so Suna decides to help out despite being the middle of the night.
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12:43 am reads in the clock and yet sleep isn’t coming any time soon. Today was a productive day, you even felt tired in the afternoon, but now laying down in your pillow all that tiredness basically disappeared, leaving you wide awake. So you decided to text Suna, who you knew was most likely awake.
You are good friends with the volleyball team in Inarizaki thanks to Samu, and tend to go to their practices whenever you had time to spare. In the beginning things with him were a little awkward due to his stoic demeanor, but shortly after you two started to get closer and closer, ending up with you having a crush on him.
The Inarizaki team soon realized that Suna also had a big crush on you. Whenever you were around, he became more proactive practicing, he never lets you buy anything, his hoodies were basically yours, or he simply goes to talk to you in the breaks. You weren’t oblivious to this; you noticed that he was more attentive to you than the rest – and Samu “accidentally” confirmed it one day – but confessing was still nerve-wracking. What if it was just a big misunderstanding? You couldn’t just ruin a good friendship.
[You] “Yo, you up?”
[Rin🦊] “Yeah, what are YOU doing up?” “You tend to be out by now”
[You] “Cant sleep😒” “And I’m bored”
[Rin🦊] “Do I look like a clown to you?”
[You] “I mean...”
[Rin🦊] “Rude🤨” “And here I was going to help you out, guess you can deal with it alone”
[You] “Wait no!” “Pls help me🥺”
[Rin🦊] “Should’ve though of that before, sunshine ;)”
[You] “Come on, you cant be serious” “Rin…” “Are you seriously leaving me on read??”
You stare at your phone in disbelief, he could tease you forever but he rarely left you on read, especially if you two were talking. So you’re there, just scrolling in your phone waiting for sleep to appear. It’s 1:25 am now when another text comes in. “Come and open the door”.
You stand up from your bed slowly, trying to make as little sound as possible when opening the door. Suna was there waiting, tired look in his face, a extra hoodie on one of his arms.
- What are you doing here?
- You couldn’t sleep – said simply. ‘So fucking cute’ thinks Suna when he saw you in your pijamas and a low ponytail.
- Yes…and? That doesn’t explain anything
- Let’s go to the convenience store and get some food, that either helps you get tired or cures your boredom
- Rin, it’s 1:30 in the morning, we have classes in a few hours and you go to practice even earlier.
- I didn’t come all the way here for nothing. Put this on, I’ll buy you your food – says throwing you his extra hoodie, the one that you particularly like. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he would do anything for you. Even if that meant going out in the middle of the night just to help you out.
- Fine, but don’t blame me if you’re tired in practice
You two are now sitting in the convenience store eating a pot of ramen each. Both of you with tired faces, yet laughing out loud at his stories. He absolutely loves telling you all the gossip that happens in the team.
- …and then Tsumu thought it will be a good idea to throw a ball at the back of his head, the fight was so big that we had to call it a day early.
- Sometimes I wonder what’s going on on Tsumu’s head… like why?
- I don’t know, but man it was fun to watch – says while you yawn – am I boring you sunshine?
- No, no sorry…God I look so tired – you said after catching your reflection in your phone, 2:45 am.
- You do. Ouch! You said it yourself! – says with a small smile after you threw one of his cheese sticks at him. ‘And somehow you’re still the prettiest thing my eyes have seen’ Suna thinks, slightly cringing at himself but knowing how true the statement was. He could just look at you for days without getting tired.
- You’re not supposed to agree! – you said back with an annoyed tone, another yawn interrupting your giggles
- Come on sunshine, let’s get you home – says getting up taking your hand before leaving. The short walk back to your house was in a comfortable silence, both of you not wanting to disturb the quiet atmosphere while still holding hands.
- You sure don’t want to stay? Is already late and you have to head back – you say when you reach your home
- Nah, you have to sneak back in anyway, it’s not thaat far away – says with a tired grin
- Thank you for coming all the way here  
- You owe me, I only went out of my bed because it was you
- I know – you said. You moved forward to hug him by his waist, laying your face on his chest. You didn’t know if it was his words that gave you a little more confidence or it was the lack of sleep acting up – How can I repay you?
- Easy – ‘Fuck it’ thinks Suna to himself. One of his hands goes to your waist while the other takes your chin delicately, moving it so you can look at him. His eyes move down to your lips, and then up again to look at your eyes. Sleep suddenly drifts away as he slowly closes the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips together softly. After several seconds, you two pull away, a smile tugging from both of your lips when noticing your blush faces – Done. From now on I only accept this as a repayment
- I don’t mind that – You said pulling him down one more time for a quick kiss. You will talk about this properly tomorrow, too tired to make a coherent line of thought now.
- See you tomorrow sunshine – says with a lazy smirk on.
- See you – You said entering your house quietly, the smile not leaving your face on the way to your room.
- So there you were – says your mom quietly going out of her room – I should scold you for going out this late, but at least you were with Suna so I’ll let it slide for today. Go to sleep – says with a teasing smile on
- S-sure – you said while blushing. She clearly saw everything. Once in your room, you lay down putting your phone to charge, noticing a message from Suna
“Good night doll, dream about me cause I certainly will dream about you ;)”
The next morning you arrive to Inarizaki with a tired, yet happy look. You’re passing next to the gym to grab some milk when you hear someone calling you
- Chibii! Wait!! – says Tsumu coming out of the gym alongside Samu, both with a teasing grin
- Interesting, both you and Sunarin have the same tired look on, any reason? – says Samu
- Ehh…
- Hanging out with him in the middle of the night, huh? – says Tsumu showing you Suna’s Instagram story, a photo of when you where picking a ramen with the caption ‘what I do for this idiot🙄' – so…you two are finally together?
- We are. Hi sunshine – says Suna passing his arm through your shoulder and kissing the corner of your lips – Stop bothering her so early, let’s go
He takes your hand and pulls you towards the classroom, both of the twins giving a thumbs up with a satisfied smile on.
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➳who cursed the bludger? ♡
in which the reader's dominant hand is injured badly after a rogue bludger slams into it and none other than fred weasley is behind it. who cursed the bludger?
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ± 2k
tw: serious injury, a little bit of swearing
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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ft. penny clearwater
who cursed the bludger?
y/n was currently draped lazily over her broomstick, haven given up trying to teach penelope clearwater how to fly. said prefect was on the grass, smirking as y/n embarrassedly looked around.
"penny that's not ok to ask!"
"fine, fine," she pondered for a moment, "hey, what's up with you and fred weasley, huh?"
"nothing at all," y/n answered a little too quick for penny's liking.
"c'mon, y/n, you're younger than me, i should know all that happens. you two are very...flirty."
"yeah well, my dear pennysylvania, we have flirty personalities. duh."
"no, you don't."
"okay, i don't. he does."
"but he seems like he means it."
"of course he means it? he says it in a joking way? y'know, he means it as a joke."
"hmm, nope, i don't think so, y/n. he's looking your way right now."
"i'm probably blocking the space, let's move outta the way."
"you're not gonna play with them?"
"already play in matches, why now? let's chat."
fred was silently eavesdropping on their conversation as he heard his name.
"sooo you and perceeee??" y/n dragged out, grinning as she did loop-do-loops with her broomstick.
penny blushed, but looked disappointed, "he likes oliver."
"oh. well, f percy, what about marcus??"
"he's just marcus. we're best friends, y/n."
"my fav trope of romance is best friends to lovers," y/n wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and penny shook her head in amusement.
"my one is the opposites attract."
"hmm yeah, that's a good one too, it's really cute! say, aren't you and mar-"
"i was meaning you!"
"you and fred."
fred smirked as he listened, flicking back the bludger harshly at angelina.
"oh yes because we are totally meant for each other," y/n sarcastically replied.
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"you're doing this on purpose!"
"hmm? what?"
"oh my goodness, merlin you're stupid bro!" penny said exasperatedly.
"and you just realised. congrats, penny."
"anyway, what i'm saying is you and fred are rather like opposites. although he's extroverted and you're extroverted, you're a cute little nerd," y/n huffed at this 'i am n o t a nerd for the last time!' "and he's a class clown in the most charming way. you like reading and he likes pranking people and quidditch. you're a goody two shoes, an adorable one, but he's this foolish jock," penny looked proud with her argument so y/n laughed, "you're modest and he's very confident. and you're both hot."
y/n smiled, "i am not hot!" she giggled, "that's stupid."
"oi, ange!" penny called to angelina who looked over at her in amusement.
"is y/n hot?"
"oh, totally!" angelina casually threw the quaffle into the hoop, "10/10."
"guyyys you flatTer me," y/n stretched out as the three of them laughed, "i'm bLushIng."
"you actually are," angie quipped.
"it's a command thing. if she wants to blush, she'll blush," replied penny.
they burst into giggles again.
fred watched y/n. a rosy pink, sure enough, had spread across her cheeks. that was enough to get her blushing?
"oi, l/n!"
y/n's head snapped his way, her eyes narrowed as if expecting an insult being thrown her way.
"your lips are pretty!"
her form relaxed, "thanks! yours are too!!"
penny giggled as angie rolled around laughing.
"what?" y/n looked around.
"the way you return flirting is hilarious."
"a compliment for a compliment, isn't that what they say?"
angelina snorted, "no one says that."
"oh well i say it, so deal with it."
"hey, i have an idea!" penny brightened up.
"let's hear it!"
"let's teach y/n pick up lines, ange!"
"oh you're a genius, penny!"
"okay, so-"
a bludger came whizzing at y/n as she screamed, trying frantically to dodge it. it hit her hand and a crack was heard.
luckily she immediately hopped off calmly, taking out her wand shakily and stunning the bludger, before penny and angie helped her over to the hospital ward, fred lagging guiltily behind.
she was ordered to stay in bed rest and with drowsy eyes she drifted off.
fred watched her feeling so terrible as he saw her heavily bandaged hand, imagining how he was going to tell her that he was in fact the one that had charmed it.
the next day, she was out and about, gently cradling her hand which was broken.
"um, hey, y/n," he nervously approached her.
"oh, hello!"
"i might have jinxed the bludger to go wild," he confessed abruptly, "i'm really sorry i didn't mean to-"
"no, it's fine, really." she gave him a reassuring smile and walked off.
he noticed that she couldn't write in class. usually she was scribbling away, but she just sat awkwardly at her desk, trying frantically to get anything legible down with her non-dominant hand. the fact she was so courteous and forgiving about everything just made it worse.
by now, y/n was dying inside. she couldn't write notes, and even though she wanted to ask any willing person for a duplicate of their notes, she'd have to explain the whole broken hand thing.
"do you have history of magic notes?" y/n did puppy eyes.
"nope, you forgot i dropped out."
"do you want mine?" fred asked, smirking as he looked y/n up and down.
"you take notes?!!!" y/n was shook.
"only for you, 'cause i felt bad."
"you didn't need to!"
"i did. you want them?"
"yes please, thank you so much, you're a lifesaver!!"
"you're acting like you're not the one the bludger hit," angie quipped and y/n frowned, completely forgetting fred was still there, browsing the notes.
"c'mon, it was just an accident. and i've always wanted to be ambidextrous."
"lovely, you were struggling. i'll take all your notes. my handwriting isn't neat but i owe you."
y/n ducked to hide the light blush she could not control at all.
immediately she got a confused look from fred.
and instantly she thought of something that might make the blush go away. he didn't mean it, it slipped out, she thought and she felt her face cooling down, a slight frown appearing on her face.
"o-okay, thanks fred."
"no problems, darling," he flirted.
"that's good, darling," she flirted graciously back, bravely tilting her head up and looking him in the eye.
he took it well.
"where did you learn how to flirt so well, my little love??"
"why, freddie," she joked flirtatiously, "from you of course!"
he coughed and excused himself.
"he should really be careful with who he's flirting mindlessly with," y/n rolled her eyes.
angelina laughed, "flirting mindlessly? do you see the way he looks at you?"
"personality," y/n stated simply.
"or not."
true to his word, notes in fred's flurry of handwriting appeared neatly stacked every day. they were far too thorough and consisted of stupid flirty notes by the side. sometimes a little note, written in class, was jammed in there probably by accident:
hello freddie!
i have a crush on you 0-o, hogsmeade at 7pm on sunday?
-jamie <3, boy who sits in front of you in arithmancy
i already have my eye on someone :) not you, sorry, y/n cringed at the bluntness of his words
you are very nice, perhaps try trera rivera if you swing that way? or illinois ann if you swing all ways?
oh i'm so sorry, i didn't know that! i'll talk to both. was the gracious answer
and again! the lucky boy! this time from a girl.
i know we hate each other but give me a chance to explain myself? broom closet at 9 tomorrow ? it trailed off to something that y/n didn't even want to think about.
fuck off. i don't fucking like you, i like someone else, ffs.
was the reply as y/n laughed and made sure to give the note back to fred.
it wasn't everyday someone confessed to you, right?
she underlined all the words that simply weren't legible to ask fred about.
and aNOTHER ONE?? how did this boy have so many admirers? y/n had received 0 love letters from any boy, let alone people of the same gender. you knew you were good with the ladies (and the gentlemen) when everyone sent you these letters.
dearest frederick-
it droned quite sweetly on about him and loving him and the writing was really magnificent.
margaret perrer
hi marg
i'm really really sorry. you seem like such a nice person, and it's not you, it's me. i, however, have a friend who really adores you: kenneth. he'll be an amazing friend and maybe more.
i also already am interested in another girl, so it really isn't you. thank you for your beautiful letter, hopefully we can be friends!
oh he was very nice. feeling like she had overstepped the boundaries, she put them aside, discovering more and more but putting them all in a stack. she felt slightly insecure, especially when they all looked relatively neW?? the perfume on the flowers still smelled fresh?? who was this guy?
she sighed, finishing her read through and being thoroughly impressed with the sheer quality of the notes.
but there were around 100 words she had underlined. she skipped down into the great hall where she spotted two gingers. as soon as one (she couldn't see which one) saw her, he got up, whispered to the other something, and left.
when she approached the one that was left behind, she saw it was george.
"hi georgie!" she greeted him and thrust the papers into his hand, "where's fred?"
george shrugs, "left, for a date or something."
"oh, okay, could you translate these for me, the underlined words?" if y/n was disappointed, she didn't show it.
"oh yeah, sure, his handwriting's rubbish, isn't it."
"yes it is, i can barely read half of it."
george finished scribbling words next to the underlined ones.
"oh! and give these back to him? i'm pretty sure he dropped them in, probably got mixed up." she gave him the pile of letters, now neatly bundled in rope she had found.
"oh, yeah sure," george smirked, "of course."
"nice, well that's it, thanks for the help!"
"anything else?"
"tell fred good luck."
"right, right, mhm."
once she'd left, george took out his walkie talkie.
"got that, freddie?"
"crystal clear."
"you're pining, pffft, hahahahah," george smirked as fred sighed.
"it didn't even work?"
"which plan?"
"the one to drop the letters in."
"i'm pretty sure she read like two, she didn't seem that disappointed?"
"you're an idiot. just tell her."
"but that's boringggg."
"well drop the hints then, merlin fred you're terrible at this."
"i haven't dated a billion girls like you!"
"then learn how to date my goodness."
"come fucking back."
"hickies or no?"
"eh go for it. i wanna see her reaction and then we can decide whether she likes you or not."
fred strided handsomely in, neck littered with little hickies and his top had two buttons open, freckles and pale broad shoulders showing.
george rolled his eyes, muttering, "drama queen," as he subtlely watched y/n. she managed not to look so surprised, her eyes widening then looking down quickly at her hands.
he would have thought she felt nothing for his twin if a light pink had not dusted over her face and if angie had not nudged her with a concerned look on her face.
y/n was wondering what the hell happened, disappointment rising slowly in her.
"okay, she's into you," george whispered as fred began removing the spell, leaving the unbuttoned shirt unbuttoned.
"cool beans."
"oh and she gives these back," george smirked.
"oh look at how she bundled it! so adorable georgie!"
"you're disgusting."
y/n hurried to the library at 6pm. she had heard the book she had waited for was finally available.
as she settled down with it, a paper aeroplane hit her.
"ahh!" she screamed as she caught it.
it read:
forbidden forest, 8pm.
huh? was this meant for her? it was in neat handwriting and on the smoothest parchment, with a single flower that smelt like fresh rain.
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