#maybe someday i figure out her whole life story
hotpinkstars · 2 months
I once started playing Star Honkai and now, remembering the initial moment of the game, I can propose this idea
What if the Reader was a child or teenager who considered Kafka, the Blade, and the Silver Wolf to be family?
The Reader's real family might not be the nicest ones, so they might have run away from them at some point and bumped into these guys. Or maybe their real family is fine, they just happened to become friends with these characters and started to see them as more family figures
Just an idea based on thoughts about Kafka's mother, who I didn't want to let go of when she said goodbye to us at the beginning of the game. I don’t know, it just really got to me so emotionally. That yes, I could be just a vessel with a weapon for you, not a real person, but you are the first person I see and that makes you my parent, right? You shouldn't leave me
Perhaps someday I myself will write something in more detail about these thoughts. In the meantime, a small request for family relationships or communication between the Reader and the characters, yeah
(if you don't write for this game or these characters, that's fine)
🍞 anon
FOUND FAMILY - blade, kafka, silverwolf x reader (platonic)
- you meet these three, and you instantly click!!! they enjoy your presence alot, and start treating you like family...
- HI MY FAVORITE (only, but still favorite) ANON!!!!!! i'm sorry this is so late but i love this request huhuhuhu 😛 so i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this!!!!!
- might be ooc for them.... (it's 10 at night and i'm sleepy today was so busy ME AND MY FAMILY ADOPTED A CAT TODAY SHES SO CUTE WHO WANTS A PHOTO ahem anyways...) reader doesn't have a good homelife, wc 1.6k
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Everything started when you ran from home.
You’ve always resented your homelife; your parents were always yelling and/or fighting, your siblings have all moved out to fulfill their dreams and career paths, and you didn’t go to school very often, leaving you with few friends. 
To say you lived a lonely life was an understatement. 
You were running through the rain, not giving a piece of mind to where you were going and where you may end up. You looked through the windows of other houses as you were walking down the sidewalks of the xianzhou loufu, seeing families coming together, spending time together, etc. You didn’t necessarily feel like thinking about your situation right now, so you kept going, focused on the path in front of you.
As soon as you got into the Exalting Sanctum, you sat down and took a break. It felt nice to get off your feet, taking the time to scroll on your phone. 
As you were about to get up to buy yourself a cup of tea, you heard someone's voice behind you.
“Psst, you, child with the h/c hair,” a woman had said, looking straight at you when you turned around to see who she was talking to. “Come here.”
You do as you say, thinking about what could happen the whole time. She didn’t look like she was from around here, and she didn’t sound like she spoke the native language.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” you ask, curiosity lacing your voice. She chuckled in response to your question.
“Save the questions for later. I have one for you though,” she took a seat at your table, motioning for you to sit back down. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you’ve left home. You seem troubled.”
You sigh, leaning back in your chair, harshly setting your phone on the table in front of you. “It’s a long story that I’d prefer not to talk about right now.”
She nodded, seeming to understand, before she got up and took your hand. 
“Do you need a place to stay? If so, I am willing to provide one.”
Your eyes slightly widened at her offer, and you hesitantly nodded. 
“By the way, what's your name?” she asked, starting to walk, giving you the hint to start following her. “You can just call me Kafka for now.”
“Call me… y/n,” you grinned, and she grinned back at you. You two stood shoulder to shoulder, despite the slight height difference. She seemed comfortable to you.
“Well, hello there, y/n, it’s nice to properly meet you,” she extended her arm, silently telling you to shake her hand. You do, and she pulls away rather quickly before picking up her pace. “I’m going to take you to meet a few other people, if you don’t mind.”
You stayed silent, and followed her to the destination she had in mind.
You don’t know what you expected, but it sure wasn’t what was presented in front of you.
You must have been slow, you thought, to not know Kafka was an enemy, a stellaron hunter, and she’s brought you back to the headquarters. You didn’t know if you wanted to run and shout for help or continue following her, but your feet kept stepping in the direction she was going.
“Your face makes it look like you know where we are,” she stops at last, turning around to face you. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You nod slowly, trying to force a small grin. She laughed at your efforts, continuing her path down a long hallway with one hell of a staircase. The first office you popped into was a gray haired womans, wearing a really intricate- maybe cyberpunk outfit with a pair of blue and purple sunglasses balancing on the top of her head. 
You step inside to see her feet resting on the table, a game controller in hand. Kafka knocks twice before entering, taking the controller from the woman before setting it down on the bookshelf. 
“Kafka, who have you brought now?” she blew a gum bubble, rolling her eyes slightly. 
“This is y/n. They’ve run from home, and I feel generous today, so I’m letting them stay temporarily,” she took a seat on the leather sofa on the other side of the room, taking some warm water from the pot in front of her, and plopping a teabag into the mug. “Would you two like any?” You shook your head, and the woman just looked at Kafka. 
“So, what's your name?” you ask, and the woman goes a little wide-eyed at your question. She settles before answering.
“Silverwolf. I am Silverwolf.”
“Nice to meet you,” you smiled slightly, and she admired your boldness. Talking so casually in front of a stellaron hunter? Do you even know who she is? Yes, yes you do, and you felt incredibly intimidated. 
Kafka soon led you out of the room, taking you to meet one other person, who she claims isn’t the greatest communicator and will likely not speak very much. She told you not to take it to heart, and he might warm up after a few weeks. 
“Am I even going to be here for a few weeks?” you tilt your head, and she chuckles once more. 
“I don’t know, it’s up to you.”
She stepped right into the other person's office- this person looked a lot different from the other one you just met. Instead of seeing colors and hearing clicking noises, the room was dead silent with a coat of dark paint on the walls. Everything seemed so bland in this room, and a man sat in the grand leather chair behind the desk in the middle of the room, completely ignoring your entrance. He looks up at Kafka, his eyes saying it all.
“This is y/n. I found them outside in the Exalting Sanctum and I decided to bring them back. They ran away from home.”
He nodded. 
“Awh, is someone shy?” Kafka lightly teased the man, making him get out of his seat and come over to where the both of you were standing. “Get used to their presence, because I don’t know how long they’re staying. Oh, y/n, this man's name is Blade.”
“Hello,” you say carefully, not wanting to pinch a nerve. This man looked capable of aggression, and he most certainly was.
He nodded back at you, and that was the last communication you’ve had with him that night.
The days seemed to continue that way. You’d occasionally stay with them, but you’d go back home when they were on missions. They’d explain how dangerous they could be, and Silverwolf would provide you with stories from her travels.
“And you’ll never guess what. The Trailblazer had to fight Kafka, and they won! I won’t let her live this one down…”
“Look, I found this in Penacony. It’s a really cool place, I think you’d like it.”
She’d sometimes bring you back little souvenirs. You’d always accept them with so much gratitude, and, depending on how important they are to your or how expensive they were, they’d either stay at your home or your room in the headquarters.
Though, to say it took a long, long time for them to warm up to you in such a way is an understatement. We’re talking around 6 months, or whatever amount of time that adds up to in their universe.
But once they did, they seemed to really enjoy your company. They treated you like they were your biological parents, they’d always have so much adoration and care in their eyes when they’d look at you, and they loved to spoil you.
Considering they’re stellaron hunters, they probably make a good sum of money. Silverwolf has tried to make you take on her interest in video games, so you two could play together and have something in common, and it’s kind of working! She starts you off with a cheaper console, but she ends up upgrading yours when you show more liking and interest into the games she also likes.
Kafka likes to just have little gossip sessions with you!! Or at least I feel like she would. Oh god she so would.
She’d get so into it, especially if you were a girl. Boy drama? She wants to hear every single thing about it! But if you’re a boy and you have girl drama, she wants to hear too! But she’ll try to give more advice on how to get the girl you want (and it almost always works).
And with friendship drama, she’ll always be the one to step in if necessary. She’s not gonna be one of those people who just step into their kids drama (those people absolutely suck) but she’ll get in if she needs to. She wants to hear all about it though.
Blade is a little bit different with his ways of showing his appreciation and adoration towards you. Usually, you understand that even being in his presence is enough, and him allowing you to talk his ear off is a pretty big feat in itself.
He likes to hear you talk, and especially likes to have deep conversations, me thinks. He’s the type of person to not as easily be engaged in small talk, so very deep, detailed conversations pull his attention right away.
Overall, the three of them care for you like you’re their blood. And at this point, they’re more like parents than yours are, so you can talk about them as if they really were your blood without any hesitations. At the end of the day, you’re lucky to have such people surrounding you.
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hallowbees · 2 months
good evening rottmnt community. so i haven't written fanfic in almost a decade, but whilst taking a break from working on a rottmnt fanfic, i have written... another rottmnt fanfic. i wanted to play around with different povs and tenses than i usually use, and decided to use casey jr and the future timeline to try it out - it was super fun to write, so i thought why not share it!!
you're a lifesaver, casey jones
fives times casey jones junior saves the resistance, and the one time it doesn’t feel like a victory
five months old
You’re only five months old when you save the resistance for the first time. You’re so young.
The shattered remains of a home cradle you, muscle memory from the years of keeping a family long gone safe and warm, and even if you can feel the wind as it whistles through the cracks in the bricks and the sky looms red, enemy drones and rubble floating above you like a cot mobile, you don’t cry. Your little life has already taught you the harshest lesson of the apocalypse, and it’s not that crying won’t get you anywhere; crying will get you somewhere alright, six feet deep in a grave if the wrong ones hear you. Of course you don’t actually know that, not in that way at least, but you do know crying only ever wears you out. Tough lesson to learn, ain't it kid, but you learnt it well. You might just make it yet. 
There’s no telling how long you’ve been here- could have been five minutes, could have been forever, it's all the same to you. It’s unlikely that there are any coherent thoughts rattling around in that little brain of yours yet, but if so, they might sound something like this; I miss you, I miss you, where did you go? I’m hungry, it hurts, I miss you. Where did everyone go? I miss you. The same thoughts plague most brains these days, everyone’s got a ‘you’ to miss. We’ll all be ‘you’ someday, if we’re lucky. God, this is all quite morbid isn’t it, little one? It’s okay, though. Remember, this is a story about how you save them. It’s a happy story, you’ll get your happily ever after, even if they don’t all live.
She looks a lot like you, strangely. It’s something about the eyes, dark and strong, and the general aura of defiance. Maybe that’s why she finds you first, she feels a kinship in your ‘warrior spirit’, as she calls it, ‘a true fighter’, she calls you. ‘They are a baby, babies cannot fight. Primarily because they are still in the very early stages of fine motor skills development and cannot wield weapons yet, amongst other reasons.’ another voice says, but he doesn’t know just how hard you already have fought, will fight still. You’re there, and that is everything these days. She comes to your defence, proclaiming you ‘the strongest fighter of the resistance’, and ‘silence, purple one!’. You can’t tell that the second shout isn’t aimed at you, but what you can tell is that it's warm in her arms and now you only see her and not the broken sky above you. It’s not ‘you’, and you’re still not sure where everyone went, but this still feels comfortable. This feels like home, you think.
That’s the moment you break, and the tears start. You cry, and you cry, and you are surrounded by her. Her voice is low now, a tone rusty in use but so sure of itself as she tells you that you’re okay, you’re safe, she’s got you. ‘Poor thing, they must be so scared.’ comes a new voice, and there's a blur of orange (once you figure out what orange is, it’ll become your favourite colour, one of four favourites) over her shoulder. ‘Ain’t we all.’ comes a low rumble from behind. ‘They won’t be anymore. We’ve got them now.’ she says, and that’s how you meet your strange little family. Some of it, that is - there are more, an aunt and a grandfather or two, so many people ready to love you. 
She doesn’t just give you a name, she gives you hers. You’re Casey Jones Junior, a reminder that something always comes after. You don’t know yet how badly Casey Jones Senior had needed that reminder - she’s spent her whole life in pursuit of what’s next, in hopes that its greater than what’s now (a promotion, a resurrection, a fabled leader) and despair that it never is (better luck next time recruit, they could do it all without her, she breaks the chains that spell his downfall herself). When she finds the apocalypse next, she starts to think that maybe nothing next would be quite alright, but then there’s you and for the first time she truly feels like she’s on the right track. 
She carries you home, her family around her and in her arms, and Casey Jones Senior resolves to keep fighting another day. 
four years old
In your defence, such a sharp weapon should have never been left in your curious reach. In his, there's so much to keep on top of when you’re spearheading a resistance that if a sai or two get misplaced in the process, can anyone really blame him? Your hand is being patched up as he is berated once again, because ‘you know that weapons stay on you at all times, Raph’, and ‘why are they even sharp? Aren’t sai meant to be blunt?’. He groans out something about being a stupid teenager once upon a time, wondering what would happen if he sharpened his weapon the same way his brother did his swords, much out of the same curiosity that got you into this very predicament. He sounds like he might cry, but you can’t work out why. It’s your palm that's bleeding, and you didn’t even make a peep. That might have been the problem, though - no one noticed until your blood was smeared across the floor and that’s a sight no one can stomach. You were scooped up quickly, and he looks haunted. ‘He’ could have been anyone in the room.
“Raph’s sorry, lil’ guy.”. He’s gentle, so gentle, as he kneels before you and takes your bandaged hand. “I promise I won’t leave ‘em out again like that.”. There’s no promise that you won’t get hurt again, because no one likes to break a promise, but the way he smiles at you, still so gentle, makes all the pain go away.
“Can I hold ‘em again when I’m bigger please?” you ask, and of course you can’t see it but there’s a little sparkle in your eyes as you look up at him, glimmering like the stars that are still above you even if you can’t see them anymore, in the sky that no longer belongs to Earth. Let's look on the bright side though; it could still be ours again someday.
“Um… if your Mom says you can, then sure thing, buddy. But only when you’re older.”. Your mom will say yes, she always says yes because there is nothing that a Jones cannot do, so you cheer and throw your tiny little arms around his far bigger neck. You can’t hold all of him, so you just squeeze extra tight so he still feels the love all over. A hand comes to pat you on the back, and you certainly feel loved in his hold. 
“Why’d you want to hold ‘em so bad anyways, bud?” he asks, and you grin. It’s big and toothy, with a little gap right at the front where you lost your first tooth, and thank god that you lost it in the natural way, and not the way most people lose teeth these days.
“I wanna be just like Uncle Raphie!”. He melts, and the tears are back. Rather than wipe them away though, he just squeezes you closer. 
It’s one of the last memories you’ll get of Raphael, so please hold onto it. Hold onto it just as tight as you held onto his neck that day, held him long enough for the blood to seep through your bandages and make its mark on his skin. 
Well, anyways - there’s a conversation later that night that you’re not privy to. You’re probably fast asleep by your mother’s side when the clock strikes this antisocial hour. 
“He’s so little. Too little. Casey shouldn’t be even thinking about holding weapons yet.”.
Yet, yet, yet, it’s always yet. Weaponry is waiting for you in the future, and no one can lie, there are keen eyes on you as you play around the resistance base, to spot any signs of affinity for particular weapon types and fighting styles (you’re fast, get up close and personal, and there will be a brute force behind your hits if you really want there to be - someone offhandedly mentions hockey and the blueprints are already being drawn up). 
“Maybe it would be better to start him young. It is inevitable, after all.”. That’s probably the toughest pill for them to swallow, that when you grow up (if, if you grow up - that would be even harder to choke down if they would let themselves even consider it) you’ll be thrown to the front lines. 
But hey - we’re looking on the bright side, remember?
“C’mon guys, enough with the doom and gloom! Think of it this way - at least there will be someone to keep on fighting after us. And he’s going to be far more prepared than we ever could have been. Seriously, he’s like, the apocalypse nepo baby.”. You’d be shocked by how funny the apocalypse could be sometimes. It has to be, because if you don’t laugh you’ll cry, and you already know where crying gets you. It’s not the best joke, but it gets a snort from someone. “He’s got no choice but to succeed. I’m calling it now, Casey’s gonna be the one to end this someday. ”
“S’not much of a bright side. He’ll still have to fight.”. 
“Chin up, big guy. Look at what we’ve achieved already. The kind of things Casey’s going to do with all of us behind him? It’s looking pretty bright to me.”. It goes unsaid that most of them probably won’t be there to see it, but it’s enough for now. The thought of you seeing the other side of this war, even if you have to fight for it tooth and nail, it’s enough to let Raph truly think about what the end of the apocalypse could look like for the very first time since Hell arrived on earth. He thinks of the stars, how they’re still shining brightly and how we will see them again. He can even see a small smattering of them in the bleeding sky when he lays dying a few days later, and his final thought is that maybe we’re already starting to turn the tides. 
seven years old
Most people will probably tell you that celebrating a birthday is a waste of time, resources, and energy. The most cynical of the bunch would probably tell you that we don’t actually know when your birthday is, so why are you so confident that it’s today? But, and please don’t repeat this language, fuck them -  you’re seven years old, and isn’t that just incredible? You feel like the luckiest seven year old in the entire resistance (you’re only one of three in this branch, and Laura’s leg got broken yesterday, so your competition isn’t exactly tough) when your culinary wizard of an uncle manages to scrape together some sort of cake. The adults around you grimace a little when they bite into it (culinary wizard he may be, but there’s only so much magic can do), but you think it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted. It’s dry, and sticks to the roof of your mouth, and you’d hesitate to call it chocolate, but you go in for a second helping, and no one stops you because it’s your birthday! There’s more than enough to go around; your family has gotten a little bit smaller, after all. They’re never truly gone though, because you can always see his red bandana, and you’ll always share your name with her. You don’t really remember anything more than a grey blur, but your grandfather’s famous battle cry continues to echo across the frontlines. You make sure to enjoy your second helping even more than the first, just for them. 
There is one slice of cake left, and it has no business sitting on the plate looking all lonely like that. You’re not sure exactly why he didn’t show up this time, but you’re not going to let your special day pass by without seeing him. It may be your day, but the things that make you happy are so much sweeter when you share them; you think it might be because you love your family’s smiles more than anything else in the whole entire world. Pushing yourself up from the comfortable pile of mostly everyone you love on the floor (if some missions had been shifted around to make sure everyone could be here for you today, then no one was going to complain), you pick up the plate and go to find the missing piece of your family’s jigsaw puzzle.
“Where are you taking that, Case? Trying to sneak a third helping?”. Voices are light, and maybe it’s the most at ease you’ve ever seen your family. Today really is special.
“Nope, it’s Uncle Donnie’s and he’s gotta eat it today because tomorrow it’s just cake and that's much less exciting than birthday cake.”. You’re on a mission, just like the ones your uncles and aunt go on, ones you can’t wait to join them on someday, because you don’t want to be anything other than just like them when you finally grow up. Your aunt has even begun teaching you how to fight, and she always tells you what a natural you are (she feels so guilty about it, because it would be so much easier if you weren’t going to be such a powerhouse on the battlefield; there would maybe be cause to clutch you close to her chest and never let you go otherwise).
You might hear what’s said as you leave. “Casey, buddy, maybe you shouldn’t…”. You don’t let it deter you, even if you do.
“Nah, I say let him try. Maybe he’ll finally get through to that brilliantly dumb brain of his.”.
You guard the cake with your life as you run to the lab, because you can’t possibly wait a second longer to see him. This is the one thing that could make your day go from amazing to perfect. Call it your birthday wish, even if you didn’t have a candle to blow out.
You’re not actually sure when you last saw your uncle beyond a fleeting flash of purple at breakfast time, and that one night last week you had a standoff in the corridor at 3am, because you had a nightmare and wanted your Uncle Mikey, and he needed more coffee (if it was just a bit lighter, you’d have seen his damp eyes, and maybe would have figured out that he needed to seek out his brothers just as much as you). You know when you’re going to see him next, though - in about 30 seconds, because you’re standing in front of his door.
Knock, knock, knock. There isn’t a pattern, you just bang on the door with one hand, careful to balance the plate on your other. Bang, bang, bang. You’re greeted with the rhythmic bang of a hammer in response - or at least you think at first, it doesn’t take much waiting to realise that he probably hasn’t heard you. 
Knock, knock, knock. “Uncle Donnie! I have something for you!” you shout, right at the top of your lungs. Bang, bang - “Just leave it outside the door, I’ll get it later.” - bang.
Well, in that case - you sit down, cross legged and leaning against the door. Because sure, you’re bringing him the cake, but you’re really here because you miss him, and just want a little bit of his time. You think that sounds like a fair exchange; he gets a slice of your best birthday cake ever, and you get five minutes with your beloved uncle. Neither of those come around that often, so you should both make the most of it.
He must have underestimated your attention span, because he has the audacity to look shocked that you’re still there when he opens the door and you fall backwards into the lab with a shout of surprise. It’s only been 20 minutes; you’d wait so much longer than that for him. Miraculously, even in your speedy venture to the floor, the cake is still sitting neatly on its plate, and you hold it up with a wide grin. “I got you cake!”.
A million miles an hour is probably a gross underestimation of how fast your uncle’s brain goes at any given moment, for better or worse. The look on his face suggests that for a moment, his thoughts are speeding even by his standards, and then they promptly smash into a brick wall. You can tell by the way his eyes get a little bit too wide, and his mouth falls open a little - it’s an expression you only see in the rare moments he feels like he’s failed, although all you can see is a success - because there he is! You’re still grinning up at him from the floor, even if your arms are starting to shake from holding the plate up. He shakes away the expression, and quickly takes the plate from you. Only to swiftly discard it on a nearby workbench though, in favour of kneeling down and leaning over to look at your blinding grin. 
“Casey… is it today?” he asks, still a little too wide eyed. You giggle a little, because what else would it be, tomorrow? He does genuinely look lost though, so you nod. It’s rare that you know something that he doesn’t, but even if it might feel cool to outsmart the smartest person you know, you fill him in. “Yeah, it’s today! And it’s also my birthday.”. He’s quiet for a moment, teeth worrying his lips as his eyes flick away from your face. “And I’m seven.”.
“Not until 6:47pm.” he says, almost automatically. Once he realises what he’s said, his panicked eyes flick to the screen on his wrist, and you think he’s checking the time.
“You haven’t missed it! I made sure to keep looking at the hands on the clock so I could come and see you before you miss it.”. It’s the time that the scouting-turned-rescue mission seven years ago got back to the base, and an official mission report was made. ‘Baby boy, approximately 5 months old, found in rubble. No others found in immediate vicinity.’, submitted at 6:47pm. It’s never bothered you that it’s not the exact day or moment you were born, it’s the exact day and time your family became just that, and that's what really matters to you. None of your uncles know the exact time and day they were born either (the debate of who’s older still rages on till this day, not even the end of the world can put that argument to rest), so it means you’re just like them. You still can’t imagine wanting to be anything else. 
“Okay.”. He stands up, and offers you a hand. You take it, giggling as he pulls you up a little bit too far and your legs dangle. You kick them for a second, before he notices and puts you back firmly on solid ground. “I have two forks.”. 
You sit in the bean bags he has stashed in the corner of the lab, and the two of you share the last slice of birthday cake. He struggles more than the others to hide his distaste for it, but you think it tastes the best it has yet. The lab door has been left open, and you know that it’s not by mistake, because it could have been shut with a quick tap of a screen, but it stays wide open as the rest of your family files in. You’re all slotted together perfectly when the clock strikes 6:47pm, and you hear your Uncle Donnie sing the loudest as your family wishes you a happy birthday. You think it’s because you’re sitting closest to him, but everyone else can see the way his chest expands as he takes deep breaths, putting his all into his well wishes.
It was easy for him to forget that life isn’t over yet, even if what he’s been burdened with is creating and creating until he has something that will prolong it just that little bit longer. Amidst the cheers of ‘hip hip hooray’, he remembers that moments like this are exactly what he’s toiling away in the lab for. They haven’t gone anywhere yet though, and he doesn’t want to let even a single second of it pass him by again. Donnie actually smiles for once, because you are seven years old now and that really is something incredible. You see him everyday at breakfast after that, with actual food rather than just a mug, and he always has a fork for you. 
eleven years old
You’re just about in the double digits the first time you actually realise that you’ve saved the resistance. It happens so quickly - you’re still not old enough to be out on the field, but it’s all hands on deck when the krang brings the fight to your front door. Maybe don’t say this to anyone else, but you sort of think that it makes your age a moot point - if you can fight like hell when the hallways are caving in and there's pink, pink, pink everywhere, then surely you can join simple scouting missions? No one quite understands why you’re so eager to be out there on the field, and maybe you don’t fully understand either (you definitely don't understand just how dire it is out there, they’ve done a good job of keeping that from you so far), but you know that it’s what you want. It’s what all of your heroes do, after all. You know for a fact that your uncles wanted to be just like their own heroes when they grew up, and now that you’re finally getting taller and your arms are starting to gain a little muscle, why can’t you follow in their footsteps? The only difference is that their heroes were on the TV screen. You’re lucky enough to see yours in the flesh every single day. Two of them, at least. Purple now flutters alongside the fraying red. 
At first, it’s no different from all of the other hounds. It’s gross and dripping, what you think must be teeth gnashing and shockingly red. You’re not stupid, you know that it can’t be krang blood, you don’t think they even have it, but nothing can deter you from swinging your hockey stick right into its side (and you know you could do so much more than just crack it’s bones into tiny little pieces if someone finally listened to you and removed the child lock that Donnie was forced to add), sending it flying sideways. A little blood never bothered you, and it’s a good job, because you’re covered in it. Some of it might be your own, but there’s so much adrenaline pumping through your veins right now that pain doesn’t even stand a chance at stopping you. You feel so alive as you wipe some of that blood from your face (definitely not your own, you’d know if you had a head wound), but your heart stops as you see what was laid beneath the hound. 
It’s your aunt, or what might be left of her - you can’t tell if her chest is still rising and falling or not. She’s teetering on the edge of just being another body in the makeshift morgue, which you know is nearing full already. Your body wants to freeze, your tears want to fall, your voice wants to scream, but listen, here’s what you do instead: drop to your knees, bring your ear right up to her mouth to here those wheezing, determined breaths, then immediately pull the hoodie over your head to first clear enough blood to find the wound, and second put pressure on it as you scream out for help. You’ve got this. You’re doing so well, kid. Just remember to take a few breaths of your own in the middle of all of this chaos. 
Help doesn’t come, but another hound does. You don’t let it get close, as you put those little muscles to use and scoop her up. This one won’t get to her. It snarls at you, and you snarl back, flashing your matching bloody teeth. You turn and run before it can even think about pouncing, and even though she’s heavy, you’re still fast as you jump over rubble and dodge bodies you don’t have time to think about trying to save.
The medbay is still standing, proving that the decision to make it the most out of the way and difficult to reach location in the base was at least somewhat strategic. The krang hasn’t reached it, and based on the mutters of ‘code green’ and ‘it’s over’, they won’t this time. It’s still yet, yet, yet, as you know, but it’s not now so you shove your aunt onto a bed and don’t even wait for an adult to start grabbing bandages and needles. They do still take over eventually, because it doesn’t matter that you just saved Commander O’Neil’s life - you are still just a child. Just barely in the double digits. Hopefully one day you’ll realise this was never an insult, instead it was maybe the greatest display of love they could give you. No one escapes the apocalypse, but they still tried to give you routes out of it. The corridors are all collapsed now though, and you grip your hockey stick tight in your blood-slicked grasp as you watch your aunt be pulled back together into one piece. 
April’s probably the one person in the resistance whose resolve has never shaken, but that’s not to say it can’t still be strengthened. When she wakes to see your bloodstained hoodie discarded by the cot she’s found herself on, she’ll of course panic for a second. Thankfully, someone will quickly fill her in, tell her that the blood is her own, and the unbelievable story of the little child who dragged her from the jaws of the hounds. She’ll believe it though, because for starters, you're a Jones, and a Jones can do anything, of course. You’re also a Hamato, and if there’s one thing Hamato can’t do, it’s leave family behind. This spells the start of your official tenure as a resistance fighter, because your age is something you’ll outgrow, but your fighting spirit is something you will not.
It might also have something to do with the fact that much of the resistance lay dead all around you, their blood still clinging to your skin, but what do we always say? Look on the bright side. Stars are still shining, buddy. Time to join your heroes in taking them back.
fourteen years old
You don’t even have to do anything this time. You’re off somewhere with your aunt, maybe training, maybe laughing, ideally both. 
The way you save the resistance this time looks something like this: sparks of molten magic, and a pull he’s never felt before. He can’t deny it, it does feel like hope, but hurts like hell as it starts to crackle up his arms. He’s swiftly stopped, not by his own will, but he’s grateful when the fire splitting him apart fizzles out. It’s very quiet in the aftermath, because they know what this means. It means it’s possible. It means it's going to cost everything. 
They decide that it would be worth it though, if it gave you a chance. There’s no one else they believe in more than you. It’s been said for years, as far back as the days where the only time you shed blood was when you mishandled sai that now just sit and collect dust; you’re gonna be the one to end this someday.
That day should be far off in the future though, when they’ve had time to give you the mission brief, hand over the supplies, and give you a tight hug, not goodbye but good luck. There isn’t really a point dwelling on it now. Mikey just smiles as he tugs the bandages tighter around his arms, and relishes in the fact that they finally have a plan B that might just work out this time. It helps to reignite the optimistic fire he was reluctant to tell anyone was starting to burn out. 
+1. sixteen years old
You’re only sixteen years old when you save the resistance for the last time. You’re so young. I think it might really be the end this time, kiddo. 
You don’t even flinch when I bleed on you, you just tell me that you’ve got me, just as I had you all those time you scraped your knee or bruised your elbow. Not to be arrogant, but you said it yourself - you learned from the best. Sorry. I know it’s not about me, but there’s very little left these days to focus on. Let’s keep the attention on you though, because you’re about to finally save the resistance once and for all. 
All that needs to be said is ‘hope’, and Mikey knows it’s time for plan B. There’s no time for anything we’d planned, no explanation, no hugs goodbye or good luck, but the belief in you never wavers. Not for a second. You’re Casey Jones-Hamato Junior, remember? There’s nothing you can’t do, except leave your family behind. I won’t say that out loud, because you’ll argue that you are in fact leaving me and Mikey behind. Technically, I’d argue you’re leaving us ahead, because soon we’ll be the future. Again, I won’t say that, because if my last words are going to be a joke, I at least want it to be a good one. What you’re doing, in actual fact, is giving us a second chance. I don’t doubt for a second that you’ll find us back there. Our sky may now be lost, but they’ll take you to the highest rooftop and show you every single shimmering constellation and you’ll finally know an Earth that firmly belongs to us. Oh buddy, you’re going to love it.
The last I see of you, you’re crying. It’s one of the first things I saw you do, and now it’s the last. That first time all those sixteen years ago, I think you only started crying because you knew it was finally safe to call attention to yourself as Casey held you in surprisingly gentle but strong arms. Now, I can’t kid myself, I know it’s because you’re scared, and I’m sorry. But hey, you know how I like to look on the bright side - at least the last you see of me, I’m smiling. 
I hope that’s the last you see, at least, I know it won’t be long as a hound throws itself at me. There’s only one thing on my mind now, and it’s that you really are gonna do it. You’re gonna be the one to end this today. 
I’m real proud of-
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absolutely-esme · 10 months
My Headcanon for Liminals
I've been having a lot of fun posting headcanons, and I'm starting to realize just how many I've built up over the years, so here's another one.
So I've stated before that part of the reason why Danny and Vlad are so different is because Danny was inside of a portal when it turned on whereas Vlad just got a face full of energized Ectoplasm and other assorted nastiness. The still human and already ghostly halves of Danny fused into a cohesive whole in order to survive the opening of the portal and continued supporting eachother. Vlad's human half forcibly integrated his resistant ghost half as it formed in an effort to survive. Rather than a cohesive whole, Vlad is two dischordant halves.
That said, I do not consider Vlad's state the default result of humans being exposed to ectoplasm.
Part of it is because the exposure was violent and his human body was so incredibly unwell that it made sense for the part of him with less emotional attachment to it to want to escape. This illness did not stem directly from the ectoplasm. We know this much because other people exposed to ectoplasm did not get ecto-acne, and figuring out the involvement of the cola was what allowed the Fentons to cure it.
Part of it is because Vlad has a superiority complex. This means that, in any given state, Vlad considers his current way of being superior. As a human, Vlad considers humanity superior. As a ghost, Vlad considers ghosts superior. This leads to a whole lot of clash between the parts of his psyche which each consider the other half to be lesser. Combine this with the fact that each half despises the illness and associates the illness with the other half, and you get a whole lot of internal toxicity.
For the average person with ectoplasm exposure, there wouldn't be so much of a clash. They would take on some ghostly traits (more and more over time, with continued exposure) and maybe start doing some prep-work for ghosthood, but they wouldn't be trying to leave their human lives early. They probably won't have insane healing factors like Danny, but they won't be tearing themselves apart like Vlad either.
They're preparing for the afterlife, but they wouldn't be so eager to discard the human life they are still living. If you've ever had a favorite hoodie that you wore all the time until you loved it to pieces and it came apart at the seams, that's kind of the feeling. It's not the end of the world when you can't wear it anymore; you can wear other jackets when you're cold, but you want to hold onto it for as long as you can.
The more someone is exposed to ectoplasm (in terms of both frequency and amount), the more ghostly they will become over time.
A random person who just happens to live in Amity Park on the opposite side of town from Fenton Works and and was somehow never at the sight of a ghost fight, will probably just experience a slightly increased awareness of ghost-related stuff and perhaps a slightly smoother transition when their time comes.
Other kids at Casper high, who attend school with Danny every day and get caught up in ghost attacks sometimes will probably start to form the wispy beginings of their ghostly self. Sometimes you just catch a glimpse of what sort of ghost they are going to be. They may also develop some slight powers while still alive.
You look at Paulina carefully shaping and lacquering her nails into something both beautiful and dangerous, and for a split second you just know that, someday, she's going to be all claws and glittering scales and passionate pursuit of her goals. She will transcend the human form and shape herself into a work of art of her own design and a powerhouse none can deny. Then she turns to her friend and giggles over a funny story, and the moment passes; she's just another kid steadily making her way to adulthood.
She's just another kid until some jerk at the mall oggles her a little too blatantly and her jewelry flashes brighter than the lighting should allow, blinding him so that he trips into a fountain, and Paulina smugly watches him sputter before turning to walk away with a satisfied spring in her step.
Sam and Tucker, Who hang out with Danny every day and frequently explore the ghost zone with him, will start forming more of the foundation of their ghostly selves and probably develop more powers sooner. They are more likely to develop to a point of being able to take on a ghostly form while still alive.
Typically, a halfa formed through extreme, prolonged exposure like this would have a bit of separation between their human and ghostly halves, but without much discord between the two. However, with Sam and Tucker spending so much time around Danny during their formative period (and having so much less contact with any other ghost than with him), it's entirely possible that they would subconsciously learn the integrated system approach, in much the same way people pick up habits of speech from the people around them.
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Guess what? It’s Vanellope’s turn
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So, one of the chief complaints that gets tossed around about RBTI is how Vanellope “went Turbo” by abandoning Sugar Rush for Slaughter Race. And while I get some of the criticism, I have to push back on some points.
Folks say that gamers will notice Vanellope’s absence & get the game unplugged for good. First, she’s been missing for at least a decade and no one noticed. Second, her outfit & kart don’t match ANY of her pictures on the game console and no one cared. Third, KING CANDY’S gone and his death didn’t lead to the game being unplugged. That’s the power of the Random Racer Roster - no one notices if an old character disappears or if a new character is added. They think it’s just chance.
Turbo forced himself into Roadblasters & Sugar Rush, completely hijacking the latter’s programming to make himself the guy in charge. Vanellope was INVITED to stay in Slaughter Race.
While the movie clearly meant to make it a stupid joke about “Oh, those Disney princesses, always wanting Something More,” we can’t forget that Vanellope was abused, ostracized, and mistreated during her Glitch decade. If Wreck-it Ralph was a standalone movie, it’d be ok if she took charge in the end but became a benevolent ruler so no one would experience the pain she had to suffer because the movie was 90 minutes long & folks needed to get home for work the next day. But with a sequel, it’s not out of the question for Vanellope to need some time & space away from Sugar Rush to figure things out. MAYBE she’ll come back someday, MAYBE she’ll stay in Slaughter Race forever, but she deserves a break.
So, no, I don’t have a problem with Vanellope wanting to expand her horizons and try some new things.
In RBTI, however, the execution was incredibly flawed. The press leading up to this movie said the story was meant to be akin to friends going their separate ways for school, one friend being ready to move on while the other stayed behind. But the film made it feel like Vanellope was trading up, not moving forward. The whole thing went out of its way to make Ralph the worst possible choice for Vanellope, replacing him in her life with Shank.
And I’m not hating on Shank. She was clearly made to capitalize on Gal Gadot while Gal Gadot was a marketable star, and the character doesn’t do anything to try to one-up Ralph in the Surrogate Parent department. It’s all the narrative’s doing.
Oh, Vanellope said “Cool” to Ralph living in the garbage once and Ralph kind of trauma-dumped about how living in the garbage sucks ass? Well, Shank & her friends live in a super-cool dystopian dumpster fire & they think it’s AWESOME!
What’s that? Ralph & Vanellope spent a long time baking her first kart, which didn’t look anything like the perfect sample kart but Vanellope loved anyway because it was HERS & her love for her imperfect kart gave Ralph a sense of pride for doing something right for the first time in his life as well as recognition that perfection is overrated? Then the two bonded more as Ralph helped Vanellope learn how to drive & unlocked her dormant driving skills? Well, Shank just GAVE Vanellope her own race car during an Alan Menken musical number & they flew through the sky, so same thing really.
And again, Ralph’s character was COMPLETELY ASSASSINATED to make him look worse compared to Shank! They went back to his stupid beta version from the deleted scenes that was super whiny, kind of gross, and impressively stupid so Shank would look smarter, sleeker, and more put-together. They made him throw a temper tantrum outside of eBay when he didn’t understand the rules of bidding & blubber like a baby when he got caught trying to steal Shank’s car so Shank would be the more emotionally stable one. HE PURPOSEFULLY CRASHED SLAUGHTER RACE & ALMOST KILLED VANELLOPE so no one would want to see her stick with his clingy, insecure ass.
And this “Vanellope traded up” vibe continues in other media. Like the “Sugar Rush Racers” books I mentioned before. Vanellope spends MAYBE five off-page minutes with Ralph before he takes a nap & the other Sugar Rush Racers ask Vanellope if they can join her in Slaughter Race for a bit. Then during the story, Vanellope’s always referencing either the Disney Princesses (which she apparently does a LOT according to the other Racers’ reactions) or her new life with the Slaughter Race characters. There’s ONE mention of that time Ralph was WILLING TO DIE TO SAVE HER LIFE, but that’s it. No mention of making her kart together, no talk of their heart-to-heart in Diet Cola Mountain, no acknowledgement of the training montage or the time he trashed her kart because he thought he was saving her life, then his going back later to apologize & really help her get her life back by winning the race. Nothing. Almost like their adventures together meant nothing. And there’s no mention of OTHER adventures they might’ve shared between movies, despite the Sugar Rush Racers casually mentioning the time King Candy banished two of the recolor racers (which opens a WHOLE can of worms about why he didn’t just do that with Vanellope, or kill her outside Sugar Rush before trying to delete her code & reprogram himself into the game, but whatever). And at the end of the second book, when the Racers are told they can go back to the arcade, Vanellope says she wants to spend “a hot minute” with Ralph before going back to Shank & her crew in Slaughter Race. Implying they’re her REAL family.
I truly believe if the authors of the books COULD have left even the mention of Ralph out, they would’ve. He has been thoroughly Scrappy Doo’d by Disney, and it fucking HURTS!!!! HE’S THE REASON VANELLOPE EXISTS!!!!!!! AND THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!
And still, I need to know why? Why does Disney hate him? Why does Disney want US to hate him? WHY are they trying to bury him?!!!?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED DURING PRODUCTION OF THIS STUPID CURSED SEQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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theflybitteneye · 6 months
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To do:
Fix her hand (oopsie I broke it.)
Finish sewing her bloomers.
Finish sewing her blazer.
Finish her stockings (including a stump cover for her leg.)
Make her wig.
Make a hat (bowler or bonnet? Still undecided.)
Make her shoes (booties? Slippers?)
Make her umbrella gun (inspired by the real life Bulgarian Umbrella.)
Here's my thicc, steampunk, WW1 black-and-white, vaguely Silent-Era cartoon, one armed, one legged prostitute-assasine Smart Doll WIP. If that seems like a dense concept, you need to get on my level of neurodivergency, clearly.
The idea behind her is she's like, this "exotic entertainer" in a vaguely turn-of-the-century WW1 steampunk setting. She officially employed under the ruse of being something like an all-in-one, singer, dancer, conversationalist, "professional company and party attendant for high-powered men and women" escort. Soft, feminine, "silly," and physically disabled, she's actually a highly effective contract killer who gets away with it by acting like a helpless empty headed bimbo who uses people's own mysogyny and people's prejudice against her being obviously disabled and a sex worker to her advantage.
The kind of backstory I had in mind was that she managed to survive a bombing of her hometown when she was little that took both her right limbs and caused severe nerve damage. Due to an error in message decoding, her town was reported to be taken by enemy forces. The monarchy, taken by spurise by this development and panicking due to the geographic advantage of the localtion for attack on the capital, opted to hastily bomb it without any other evidence or confirming how the opposition's army could have taken the town without them knowing until now. They didn't know until after the whole area had been leveled they just blew up their own citizens over a mistake. It left her (pun not intended, but welcomed, ha) fighting to balance chronic pain and addiction to painkillers for the rest of her life, and surviving on sheer spite for authoritarian incompetence. She loves destroying the lives of high powered figures as much as she loves being paid for it. Because her ability to feel pain had been altered so drastically, she can take a hit, stabbing, and even a gunshot like it's nothing so long as it isn't lethal. The extreme sports of "when life gives you lemons." Her go-to weapon is her parasole that fires small poison pellets at close range, that can also be converted into a disguised sniper rifle by swapping out attachments. Her signature trick to things going tits up is letting herself get battered up a bit, than crying on command like a helpless girl. Pitiful as possible. She can hold her own in a brawl, but it's often more effective to let her targets attack her and make a big scene. Have them die slow painful deaths hours later when their organs give out seemingly out of nowhere in the company of witnesses after she's long been "saved" by her handlers. Assault being common for escorts in her line of work, no one thinks the wiser. Even if they do, she's just a "poor, simple, crippled girl" who just got beaten up by a client, how would that make them look if they accused her of fowl play?
I'm not really writing a story persay in mind for this character, it's more so just the fun of character development and narrative through character design, but maybe I'll use the idea somewhere someday. Really I just love that contrast of innocently dangerous, and wanted her to physically embody that. As an animator, obviously, that Silent Era aesthetic is something I'm living for. Osamu Tezuka is post-WW2 obviously, but the vibes I'm kind of going for is if he worked for Fleischer Studios. Blackjack, but make it Out of the Inkwell.
Her eyes are handmade and hand painted out of acrylic, and her body's obviously very heavily moded. I gave her much more generous cleavage, and tried to give her the chubbyiest thighs, tummy and butt I thought I could get away with, but, looking at her I think I might have been able to give her some more pudge. For anyone unfamiliar with the issues with trying to mod base dolls into plus sizes, the joints can pose problems when making it look right. I prefer dolls with more extreme figures and bodies and like the challenge and look of making dolls with different body types and fat distributions, so I'm experimenting more and more with doll "mid-sizifying" I suppose you could call it. Eventually I'd like to get to trying to do a full like, proper "plusizification." Taking a thin doll and trying to put like, an approximate 100 lbs on her if nothing for the joy of the logistics of it alone. It'd be cool to try it with a Smart Doll or Dollfie Dream, something with an interior skeleton. I think that'd be the best results. I think I might as well make body parts to fit over those endo skeletons from scratch, though. I only have Smart dolls at the moment to work off of, but if anyone is interested in commissioning some chubby to full plus-size Smart Doll custom option parts, let me know. I'll happily give you a discount while I'm just experimenting with all this.
Her head is of course also moded. I wanted her to look like she was punched, so her cheek is swelling a bit. She's a Smart Doll Journey if I remember correctly.
Her leg is a mixed media. Fabric, wire, metal, a pen. Those interior skeletons make Smart Dolls fantastic to put robotic limbs on--- extremely easy to attach. I wanted it big and cartoonish, the foot looking like a big heavy oversized metal boot, and also to look like a highly engenieered peg leg instead of a proper prostetic. Vaguely inspired by Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon's leg, which the suggestion it's spring operated. You know, antiquated but advanced as most fantasy steampunk is.
Her tattoos are all flowers that have some meaning in Victorian flower code. The big one on her chest being an anemone. It represents a warning or notes something as "forsaken." Used to ward off evil spirits, disease, death, and bad luck. So it's kind of an omen of bad shit happening. A protection and a bad sign. Because I'm trash I'm tempted to name her "Anne Amie." "Amie" is the feminine word for "friend." It also sounds both like "anemone" and "an enemy" when run together out loud. That might be a play on words, punny name so loaded it might rip a fabric in the universe, haven't decided yet, but there you go. I might just decided I accept my crimes against the English, French, and flower-based languages. We'll see.
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zmediaoutlet · 10 days
okay first of all. Lovee the takes on each character/ship dynamic. second this one is kind of a given so I completely get it if you don't really have any opinions at all about them but I was wondering what your thoughts are on Sam/Jess. Obviously most people just think about them in the existing dynamic of the show but idk! Personally I find their dynamic to be really interesting in the context of what Jess is representative of to Sam. Especially in that time of his life. So I guess it's more of a question of if Sam/Jess is interesting to you, what makes it so and your thoughts on that.
As a backup question to that, thoughts on Dean/Jess? Dean/Jess/Sam?
eyyyy continuing the wine party into post-workout saturday morning tea party --
to be honest friend, I'm falling into the "most people" category here because my real opinion about Jess is that she... basically isn't a person. And I love that for her, sincerely. Some characters really are tools in a story to spin in forward, and I am soooooo tired to death of all the carrying on about "fridging" and whatnot. Some characters are characters and some characters are narrative tools and, yes, bad luck to the angry ladies out there, spn is a show built on super classic-traditional bones about men who are getting revenge for the dead wife and what they learn along the way. That's good and fine. I'm into it.
with that aside, and given that she is a tool, I just -- don't... care about her. Like I thought about writing a fic one time as a demonstrative exercise called "Five Personalities Jessica Moore Could Have Had," because she's such a blank-slate (again, correctly!) in her like five minutes of screen time. We can't even count the djinn dream of Jess, because that was a pretty vision dreamed up by Dean to hurt himself worse, lol.
but as you say, her being representative of something to Sam is legit interesting -- he didn't fully engage in the relationship, he was gonna marry her without telling her the truth -- like a gay man desperately hitching himself to a nice wife in some misguided attempt to "fix" it. Like if he just tried hard enough he would be someone other than who he is. Which is the whole Sam-at-Stanford story, really. And it's an important part of his story -- the hero has to go away from home and return to it with a better sense of who he is -- but it makes Jessica entirely figural and metaphorical instead of being, again, a person. Like when Sam says in whatever late season ep that he "still thinks about Jess," I'm left going... really? Because even by late in the first season he's reoriented into the family revenge story, not specifically the for her revenge story. But if we reorient that to "I still think about the life I could have had" -- that, I believe. And she'd be part of that. Whatever her actual personality was. Apparently she made cookies. How... fridged wife of her.
WITH all that said, what I'm most interested in with stories that circle around Jess are stories that completely ruin that relationship, haha, because the whole point of it in the larger frame-story of Supernatural is that it has to end so Sam can get back to his real life. So -- if it's an AU where Sam for some reason stays at Stanford and they do get married, I'm only interested if their marriage kinda sucks and they get divorced by year five. (e.g. maybe, like his mother, he pretended he could be 'normal' but he keeps sneaking out on hunts after all, and Jessica thinks he's cheating, and they end up dead bedroomed, etc etc.) Or, if it's set during Stanford, I'd go for an almost horror-story dramatic irony fic where she's introduced to this tall hot guy by her smiling blond classmate Brady and we can see fate rearing up to grab her by the neck, and she feels almost compelled to stay, and she doesn't know why when Sam keeps obviously not telling her things but she forcibly dismisses it from her mind and goes he'll tell me someday. And then it's November 2nd. :)
Dean/Jess similarly I guess I'd only be interested in from a symbolic sense -- Dean attempting to get closer to Sam any way he can in the period of not-talking. I have no interest in Jess living -- her job is to die -- so it'd have to be still at Stanford, and it'd be a really tight window to make it work in a way that wouldn't screw up everyone because Dean isn't a piece of shit and Jess (being a figural Nice Girl who Dies) can't be a cheater. Maybe in the very early Sam and her have only gone on like one date but they're not an 'item' yet, Dean sees her at the bar after Sam leaves and decides he'll take her for a spin...? Eh, that's too mean. So, I guess not for me. And I never like ot3s so the other one is not for me either. But if you can make it terrible and Jess dies at the end anyway, maybe!
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softpine · 3 months
did we enjoy hanging out at the virtual bar last night ..... sorry i didn't finish answering the asks i fell asleep on the floor listening to lover you should've come over on a loop for 3 hours anyway here's the rest 😌 i may not be drunk anymore but i answered them quick fire mode for that authentic experience fjkjsds
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i feel like as she's gotten older, caroline became the retrospective/morose kinda drunk and that's beth's natural state so it would be like a healing therapy session for sure. mikaela gets sloppy lmaooo so she would be blabbing about things no one asked, probably dropping some crazy anecdote that no one can tell if it's true or not. danny just gets stupid horny fjksjds sorry, gotta kick him out after 2 drinks or you'll see a lot more than you ever wanted to
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he earned it!!!
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honestly i never do anything for my sims birthdays because there's just so many of them 😭 but tom bought him a brownie from the dining hall and stuck a candle in it, then they gathered some friends and went out for drinks later but casper paid the whole tab with danny's money lol and his friends back home got on a group phone call to wish him happy birthday 💖
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it suuuuuucks :( i know it's necessary and someday it will feel good and hopefully my relationships will be stronger because of it, but in the meantime i just feel like a toddler who doesn't have the words to describe how i feel so i just cry a lot fjkjsds it's definitely easier to give austin the benefit of the doubt because i can relate, but that makes me want to see him improve more than anything. i don't want to live my life in such a closed-off way anymore and austin probably doesn't either... he just isn't at that stage yet where he realizes it's a problem, so it's frustrating to witness him act like this 😭
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BETHHH all of the above!! (well except HOA, because fuck HOAs) we've seen her volunteer as a chaperone for school dances, she's definitely asa's most involved parent in his school & general safety. caroline liked interacting with other parents when asa was little, because she was a young parent she wanted to soak up as much parental experience as possible. on the other hand, mikaela felt embarrassed about how she was the youngest parent in the room when she was putting casper through school/sports so she tended to keep to herself, but she did eventually embrace her status as a soccer mom and then football mom lmao. i can see her and beth in a bookclub :')
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yeah he's at the tail end of his tour right now, he only has a few shows left. in the last post with caroline & asa in the hospital, mikaela was actually on the phone with danny but it didn't really make sense to include in that scene, so i moved it to the next time we'll see asa's parents. so i can't say too much about him yet!! but yeah he did take a SUPER long break, so his team is not going to be happy if he asks for another. he tries to keep his family out of the spotlight and only shares nonspecific information about them, but of course he taps into his emotions when writing music so i'm sure a lot of his family struggles come through, just maybe not in the way a casual listener would hear and think "oh his son has had mysterious health problems his whole life" or anything like that!
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it's honestly been really fun to write!! he's such a stoic figure and his inner monologue is too, but there's a lot he doesn't say even to himself that's just simmering under the surface...
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@forgotten-pixels omg it's funny you bring this up!! when i first introduced mac in the story, i wasn't thinking at all about genetics, i just picked a coat pattern i thought was cute and randomly decided he would be a boy, but then right after that i switched my major to biology and took a genetics class where i had to do a whole research project about chromosomal abnormalities and used male tortoiseshell cats as one of the focuses because they have an extra X chromosome which can also occur in humans (though obviously we don't get cute patterns because of it..... sad!) but male tortoiseshell cats tend to have a ton of health problems & lowered life expectancy because of this abnormality, so if we were being entirely realistic mac probably wouldn't have survived into adulthood. but since this is the sims i decided pets can never die fjksjds i did think about doing a silly retcon where once mac is no longer a kitten he runs away for a few days and returns pregnant because oops he's actually a female cat but 1. again, this is sims so who cares about realism and 2. there is no way in hell beth would be irresponsible enough to not get her adopted stray cat fixed as soon as possible. so i just scrapped the whole idea lmao but yes!! mac is just an exceedingly rare kitty :P
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aww i'm sorry i think you sent this a couple days ago, but thank you for thinking of me 🥺 i hope you had a good day!!
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noo you didn't make me feel rushed at all!! i totally get wanting to know, i wish i could be more consistent but i've given up on expecting that from myself jfkjsdj but yeah don't fear, he's not really dead dead hehe
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oh i love this for them, thank you so much 💖 i don't know anything but just from what you've said, i think leo & aries makes so much sense for finn and asa because like they literally were never supposed to be together or even meet in their lifetimes but by god they will NOT let that stop them 😌
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@morrigan-sims AHHH yeah i honestly have nothing to add to this fjkjsds you said it all !! i could comment more but that would be spoilers territory so i'll just leave it with saying i love hearing everyone's predictions, it makes me happy that you know these characters well enough to see into the future a bit 🥺
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he wouldn't do anything to hurt (physically or emotionally) asa's family, nor would he knowingly let asa hurt them himself. so...... honey you've got a big storm coming i guess 😭😭
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she loves animals, particularly reptiles & amphibians, she'd be so great working in conservation or education about animals especially for kids 🥺
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she has a vague idea of how certain people would react... she thinks stevie would probably believe her (at least partially) because she's always been pretty open to unexplainable phenomenon, but she falsely believes that stevie wouldn't be able to keep a secret (she doesn't know that stevie has been keeping asa & finn's secret for a decade now...). she would never want to tell elaine, because she knows elaine doesn't believe in anything supernatural and would probably assume she's experiencing actual delusions. that just leaves asa, who she might have considered telling, except that she knows how badly he's struggled with his own mental health so she would never want to potentially make it worse by confusing his reality in a sense...
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oh yeah i definitely cannot comment on this one jfkjsds
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asa truly does not think about consequences or the future. you wouldn't assume this is the case because of how quiet and thoughtful he seems, but he chooses to live in the moment and deal with problems as they arise, not a minute sooner. for him, there's just no way he'll ever be without finn, no matter what he has to do to make that happen or what he has to give up..
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pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
Have you ever considered what a meeting of Alois would've been like with the current Dadbastian development? The anime and the 2nd season were both pretty bad in terms of uncomfortable fanservice and handling things very disrespectfully, but thinking back on Alois' character now as an adult, I really pity him as a clearly traumatised and intensely disturbed child, who through abuse has, much like Ciel, developed more 'adult behaviour' that is not appropriate for his age as a defence mechanism. It's probably thinking a bit too optimistically for Dadbastian to extend concern for those outside of his immediate phantomfam, but would you think that maybe, just maybe, Alois could trigger the same kind of protective urges as Ciel? Alternatively, if you were to write something similar to Coattails but instead for Alois and co, do you have any headcanons on how you'd otherwise depict their relationship? Dad Claude? Dlaude??? Thank u for indulging my whimsical ass & sorry for the wordvomit
Hi, anon! As a fellow whimsical ass, I'll do my best to answer your question. Boy, okay, lots to consider here...
First off, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the phrase "current Dadbastian development", but I'm going to assume you're referring to what's happening in Coattails because I don't think there's been any Dadbastian development in the manga that I've missed.
Second off, our feelings on Alois are the same. I was nineteen when season 2 came out and I didn't like it at all, I found its handling of certain themes pretty deplorable and I mean. It was a mess. At the time, I felt indifferent to disturbed by Alois, and ultimately just went away pretending the whole season never happened. However, the current fandom has made me realize that Alois is a character with a lot of potential who was definitely in the wrong hands. It's very sweet to me how many fans still care for him as if he were their adopted son and have come out with some extremely creative and realized content of him. It gives me a better appreciation for him and what he could have been.
So now to actually attempt your question. Again, assuming you're asking about Coattails, Sebastian is only really interested in being a parent to Ciel and a caretaker of varying degrees to the rest of the Phantomfam members. I think he would be able to feel sympathy for Alois's situation, but he's no bleeding heart. I'm not really sure what the scenario is here where somehow Alois and Sebastian are getting to know each other and also Alois might want Sebastian to help him over another person already in his life? It's a little difficult to answer...
And if it was in regards to canon Seb, well... yeah, he's pretty disinterested in anyone that doesn't directly benefit or threaten his contract. I don't think he would do anything to make Alois's life better.
While I hate canon Claude, I certainly think fan content can utilize him as a father figure if they made some tweaks to his character. My bud Em has explored that in this fanfic that I enjoy, and I think she's probably a better judge of Dad-Claude than I could ever be (she might even write a longer story about it someday!). Sort of going off her example, I would keep Claude's awkward/stiff personality intact and get rid of his bad-touch vibes (obviously). Unlike Coattails Sebastian, who is accustomed to big emotions but is new to love specifically, I don't think Coattails Claude would be used to feeling anything outside of his own control. He's also not very playful so he would probably have to learn to let go of things and I just realized I'm describing Bambi's dad's journey in Bambi II so god fucking dammit I did it again—
tl;dr there are so many people who can answer this question better than I just did but uhhhh I hope this was okay 💁‍♀️
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torreshalstead · 11 months
It Seemed Like a Good Idea - Chapter 6
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Summary - Hailey’s US visa was due to expire, which normally wouldn’t be an issue as the CPD would get it renewed but due to a backlog of paperwork, this wasn’t possible. This meant Hailey was faced with the real possibility of having to leave the country, her job and everything she held dear. That was until Jay offered up a solution which would allow her to stay in Chicago, in Intelligence, with him - they could get married. Getting married was a good idea, right?
Chapters - 6/18
Chapter Title - The Written Proof
Notes - absolutely blown away by the response on the last chapter so thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter! AO3 Link
‘Wait so let me get this straight,’ Mouse’s voice echoed through the speaker of Jay’s phone. ‘You, the law abiding cop, want me, your not so innocent friend, to change the metadata on some photos and edit your text and phone records? And you won’t tell me why?’
‘That’s about the thick of it, yes,’ Jay said with a sigh. He knew it was an ask and a half. It would have been a lot to ask of Mouse even if he gave him the full story but he was keeping him in the dark. Having Will know what they were doing was already a big enough risk, they couldn’t have their secret in the hands of someone who by his own omission was less than innocent. Jay trusted Mouse, he trusted him with his life and he had done so on more than one occasion, but this was something bigger. It wasn’t just Jay’s life on the line here, it was Hailey’s too. And it was Jay’s job to protect her.
He heard Mouse laugh down the phone, ‘I’m in.’
‘Really?’ Jay said, a little shocked with how easy his friend had agreed to it.
‘If you say you need it done, then you need it done,’ Mouse said nonchalantly. ‘Just checking, is this for a case or something else?’
‘Something else,’ Jay admitted.
‘Okay then brother, I’ll do whatever you need. Come over in an hour or so, bring both the phones and I’ll see what I can do.’
‘I’ll owe you one Mouse,’ Jay said, running his hand through his hair. This part of the plan was making him a little nervous, even if he’d admitted the opposite to Hailey this morning when she had asked. He had told her that it would all be fine, no problem at all. However his mind had been full of images of them both in cuffs being perp-walked out of the district. It wouldn’t get that far, and if it ever did, there was no way he was letting Hailey take the fall for it. It was his idea. This whole thing, it had been his idea.
‘I’m sure I’ll cash in on that someday,’ Mouse said with a chuckle before ending the call.
Before Jay had too long to spiral about the fact they were really breaking the law now, he heard the front door open and he greeted Hailey with a warm smile.
‘Hey,’ she said, her arms full of shopping bags. ‘I may have gone a little overboard but I thought better safe than sorry,’ she lifted both her arms to demonstrate and Jay chuckled.
‘Well we don’t want the apartment looking bare,’ Jay got up to relieve her of some of the weight. ‘Okay, maybe a little overboard,’ he said once she passed over a couple of the bags and he felt just how heavy they were. ‘Did you buy every frame in Target?’ He joked.
‘No, but I did go to HomeGoods as well just so we had a variety,’ Hailey dropped all the remaining bags onto the coffee table, rubbing her hand over her wrists where the bags had started to cut in.
‘And you got the photos printed too?’ Jay asked, starting to decant the bags and stack the frames according to size. There were some small ones with plain frames, some larger ones, a couple with different shapes for the photos, and one large one that he already knew was going to take pride of place on their shelves.
‘Yep, I just got them all and figured we could see which ones we liked?’
‘Sounds like a plan. Oh I spoke to Mouse,’ he added.
‘And he’s okay with helping us?’ Hailey asked, pausing from unpacking her own bags to glance up at him.
‘Meeting him in an hour,’ Jay nodded. ‘I just told him I needed a favour, he doesn’t know anything else.’ Hailey hummed in response, turning her attention back to the stacks of frames.
‘Sorry you have to lie to him,’ she said quietly after a moment. ‘I don’t like putting you in that position.’
‘Hails, we talked about this. It’s a necessary evil but if he knew, he’d understand. They all would, you know that,’ Jay said, taking a seat on the couch although Hailey kept her back firmly to him. ‘I need to bring your phone too, you going to be alright without it for a bit?’
‘Oh, of course, I hadn’t thought about that, but yes, I’ll be alright. I’ll get all of these put together and put up. Do you have any preferences about which ones we use?’
‘No, just leave me an empty one?’ He asked. They had discussed putting a photo on each side of Hailey’s bed, and Jay knew exactly which one he wanted on his side, but knew if he asked Hailey to frame it, she’d say no. When they had been taking photos on the dock of the lake house, it had taken him a couple of tries to get the timer set up properly so there were some candid shots of just her at the end of the dock. In one of them she had been laughing, he couldn’t remember what he had said or done to cause such a reaction but she looked so happy, so free. She looked beautiful in it, and he had known as soon as he had seen it, that that was the one he wanted in a frame. But she had blushed when she had seen it, it probably hadn’t helped that he had told her it was a beautiful photo. But it was, and Jay wasn’t in the habit of lying. Especially not to Hailey, not about that.
Hailey paused and turned to look at him before nodding, ‘yeah I can leave you one if you want.’
‘Thanks,’ Jay said, relieved that she wasn’t questioning him on it. ‘I’ll pick up some dinner on the way back from seeing Mouse?’
‘I’m feeling Thai if you are?’ Hailey suggested.
‘Thai it is then.’
Jay had been sitting in Mouse’s rundown studio apartment for over an hour, both his and Hailey’s phones were connected up to a number of monitors and goodness knows how many wires. He had no idea how Mouse was doing what he had requested and he really didn’t want to know how many rules they were breaking, or at least bending by doing what they were doing.
‘So I’m changing the dates on the photos to random days over the past 2 years? Or 18 months?’ Mouse asked, not looking up from where he was typing away feverishly.
‘18 months would be fine, maybe the ones at the lakehouse more recent, the ones at the Bean the oldest?’ Jay suggested. He knew the ones they had taken at the lake were the most romantic, and if they truly had been in a relationship then a weekend away wouldn’t have been something they had done right in the beginning.
‘I got it,’ Mouse said. ‘I’ve gotta say though mate, this girl. You’ve lucked out with her.’
Jay couldn’t help but blush slightly. ‘Thanks man,’ was all he could say. He knew Hailey was gorgeous, had known it for a long time, and he would be incredibly lucky to truly have her as his own. But he didn’t, not really, he was just her best friend. And as much as part of him may want something more, he loved being her friend. He wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardise that, she meant too much to him for that.
‘Don’t know what a girl like this is doing with the likes of you though,’ Mouse chuckled.
‘You almost done?’ Jay said, not wanting to acknowledge Mouse’s comment. It hit just a little close to home for him.
‘Almost with the photos, then I’ll need a little more instruction about what you want done with the texts.’
‘Great, I promised Hailey I’d get dinner.’
‘And you want to get back to your girl, I get it, I get it,’ Mouse chuckled. ‘Okay that’s the photos done. If anyone looks at these it’ll look like they were taken across the last 18 months and the data matches on ones on both your phone and hers.’
‘Thanks Mouse,’ Jay said with a small smile.
‘Sometimes I use my powers for good,’ Mouse said, taking a swig of the beer that Jay had brought him. Jay had offered to pay him for his help but Mouse had refused, saying he didn’t charge friends who needed help. But Jay had still brought him over a six-pack and if he was planning on leaving some twenties tucked down the side of the couch when he left, he would deny it if anyone ever asked.
‘So these texts,’ Mouse said, scrolling through the conversation between him and Hailey. ‘Not going to lie to you man, they are pretty flirty anyway.’
‘No they aren’t,’ Jay said, blushing slightly. ‘Strictly professional.’
‘Well I’d like someone to be this professional with me if you get my drift,’ he winked and Jay threw one of the pillows from the couch at his chair. ‘Hey, I’m just saying!’
‘Can you just add some love hearts or shit like that?’ Jay ran his hand through his hair, he hadn’t really thought this bit through. ‘Maybe some I love yous?’
‘I can definitely add shit like that,’ Mouse chuckled, turning his attention back to the screen. ‘I would ask why, but I know you’re not going to tell me.’
‘Wish I could man, but…’ he tailed off.
‘Need to know basis, I’m sure,’ Mouse shrugged. ‘Now when did you first tell Hailey you loved her?’
‘What?’ Jay spluttered on his own beer.
‘Well when did you say it and then I’ll add some in from that point onwards.’
Jay was glad that Mouse still had his back to him, he was certain his cheeks would be the colour of beets right now.
‘Oh umm, like 2 months in,’ he said, thinking quickly on his feet. ‘We had been partners for a while first so it didn’t take long.’
‘Halstead the hopeless romantic, who knew,’ Mouse chuckled as his fingers continued to work at breakneck speed on the keyboard.
‘Shut it,’ Jay murmured without much conviction. It was true, he thought, he was a hopeless romantic and his current predicament had done nothing to change that.
‘This Hailey must be really special if you’re going through this much trouble,’ Mouse said.
‘You have no idea,’ Jay muttered.
When Jay walked back into the apartment that evening, he’s struck by how different it felt. A good different. Hailey had finished putting all the photos in the frames and had scattered them around the room, it immediately gave the place a feel of a home. A home for two people who loved each other. He swallowed quickly, his throat suddenly hoarse before calling out.
‘Hey I’m back.’
‘Oh great, I was about to starve,’ Hailey said dramatically, appearing from her bedroom.
‘Because there’s no food in the cupboards for you to eat,’ Jay smirked as he started to place the take out on the counter.
‘Of course not,’ Hailey grinned as she jumped up onto the counter, swinging her legs happily as Jay passed her some food. Jay couldn’t help but smile, seeing Hailey happy and comfortable like this, it really felt like something special. Sure they had spent plenty of time together as partners and as best friends but sharing a space like this, it was like seeing her in a brand new light. And he wasn’t complaining.
‘So Mouse sorted out all of the photos and added some stuff to our texts to make them flirty like we were actually dating,’ Jay said as he opened his own order. He left out the bit where Mouse had stated that their texts were already a bit flirty, he didn’t want to make Hailey feel uncomfortable. Passing Hailey her phone, he turned his attention back to his dinner as she scrolled through the messages.
After a brief moment he heard her breath hitch, glancing over he noticed that her cheeks had reddened slightly too. It was quite embarrassing having someone else read through all your texts, he assumed that’s all it was.
She cleared her throat, ‘thank Mouse for me, these should be perfect.’
‘I will do,’ he smiled gently up at her.
‘So the next step is setting a date to have Trudy and Mouch round for dinner,’ Hailey said.
‘Still can’t believe you invited them for dinner,’ Jay chuckled. He loved Trudy as much as the next person but having her over seemed like a recipe for disaster.
‘It’ll be fine!’ Hailey responded. ‘But we should probably set some ground rules.’
‘For them or for us?’ Jay raised his eyebrow.
‘For us, if they are seeing us in our home then they are probably going to expect us to be a little more… umm… hands on than we are at the district or even at Molly’s,’ Hailey’s cheeks reddened as she spoke.
Jay choked on a piece of chicken at the thought of him and Hailey being hands-on, he tried his best to disguise it as a cough. ‘Umm, yeah I guess so. No different from being undercover right?’ He remembered her words when she had first mentioned the dinner.
‘Exactly but we should probably have some lines, what we are happy with and what we aren’t’, Hailey brushed a loose piece of hair that had fallen out of her messy bun behind her ear.
‘That sounds like a conversation that would be better with beer,’ Jay smirked when Hailey nodded and scooted down off the counter to fetch them both one from the fridge. As they both settled down on opposite ends of the couch, they took matching long swigs from the bottle before Hailey finally spoke up.
‘So holding hands and hugging, we are fine with that right?’ She asked.
‘Yep, I mean we hug anyway right so that’s no problem,’ Jay said calmly, wondering what else she was going to list off.
‘And small touches like a hand on a back or shoulder or something like we did on the photo day?’
‘Fine with those too,’ Jay agreed.
Hailey pauses before continuing, taking a long take from her beer, ‘but not kissing, I mean we wouldn’t be making out in front of Platt anyway would we?’ She chuckled, her embarrassment clear.
‘No I don’t think we would, I mean maybe on the cheek or something but not if it makes you uncomfortable,’ he said, running a hand through his hair as he spoke. Even the thought of kissing Hailey was making his heart quicken, ever since she had kissed his cheek at Navy Pier he had wanted to reach over and return the favour. His dreams had been a repeat of the same scene over and over, many a time she turned her cheek just as he was approaching and he caught her lips with his own.
‘That wouldn’t make me uncomfortable,’ Hailey said quietly, barely louder than a whisper but it was enough to wake Jay up from the semi-conscious dream he was experiencing. ‘If it was the right moment.’
‘Okay, we will just see how the evening turns out?’ Jay asked, hoping to put an end to this conversation quickly. Trying to list things he was uncomfortable doing with Hailey when it couldn’t be further from the truth was what was making him uncomfortable. He was also worried that she might be able to see through his facade, she could usually tell everything he was thinking. Lucky for him, she was clearly preoccupied with the current topic to notice.
‘Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We are both good at thinking on our feet right? It’ll be fine.’ It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than him at this point. This whole thing had been her idea but now it was actually about to happen, it clearly was fazing her somewhat.
‘Have you decided what you are going to cook?’ Jay asked in a subtle attempt to change the subject. It clearly worked as Hailey perked up as she answered.
‘I was thinking Spanakopita, it’s a classic,’ she smiled.
‘Sounds delicious, I can pick up some wine on the way home tomorrow if you want to invite them for like 7?’
‘Okay, and for dessert?’
‘I’m happy to make my Mom’s apple pie? It’s not Greek but it is really nice,’ he offered.
‘No that sounds perfect, you’ve never made me that before?’ Hailey’s head cocked slightly to one side as she asked.
‘No, it’s umm.. it’s a special one that I just don’t make often but this seems like the perfect occasion for it,’ he shrugged. Truthfully he hadn’t been able to make it for years after she passed, it would make him cry halfway through and it never tasted quite as good without having her to share it with. But in a way it felt like it was his way of introducing Hailey to his mother, he knew it was silly but he knew his mom would love Hailey, and he knew Hailey would love this pie.
‘Well then I’m honoured, and I’m sure Trudy and Mouch will be too,’ she smiled warmly, reaching out to squeeze his knee. He rested his hand on top of hers appreciating the support. Hailey knew how much he loved his mom and he could tell she knew how much it meant for him to share this with her, even if it was just a pie.
The evening was going surprisingly well, a slightly awkward start had melted into a lovely meal with good company. Platt gave Jay permission to call her Trudy which made Hailey give him a playful nudge with her shoulder as he had spent 15 minutes before they had arrived worried if he should call her Platt or Sarge and Hailey had laughed at him the whole time. Slipping into pretending to be dating Hailey was also very easy, just like it had been when they had spent time taking the photos round Chicago. It meant Jay didn’t have to second guess every time he was drawn to touch her whether it was an arm around her shoulder, a hand on her thigh or his hand on her back as he slid past her in their kitchen.
Hailey seemed to find it equally easy, she gravitated closer towards him than she usually did, leaning against him in the kitchen as he poured the wine, scooting her chair slightly closer to him when they sat down to eat, rubbing her hand across his back when talking about the trip they had taken up to Wisconsin. It was easy to forget it was all for show.
Jay almost forgot how to spell his own name towards the end of the evening. He brought out the apple pie for dinner, the one he had made earlier from his mother’s hand written recipe cards, the one Hailey had offered to help with and stood with him as he made it, listening to him telling stories about his mom and her famous desserts. She proudly told Trudy and Mouch all about it when he sat it down on the table and he couldn’t help but smile. He knew his mom would have done the exact same thing and that brought him such comfort.
When they all dug in and exclaimed how delicious it was, she leant across and kissed his cheek. He felt the warmth grow in his cheeks at the feel of her soft lips against his skin, it took everything he had not to close his eyes and relive it again and again. She’d kissed him on the cheek before, twice. Once during an undercover role and then once when they had been taking their photos the other week, he remembered both times vividly. But this was different, they were just quick kisses, mere pecks to be precise. This was a kiss. Her lips had grazed the corner of his, far closer than just a friend would kiss. She lingered longer too, he felt her breath on his cheek as she pulled back and felt the imprint of her lips. He knew he would feel it for hours.
‘It’s wonderful, babe,’ she said as she pulled back. It felt so natural, so right so he tugged her into his side in a quick hug before letting her go. If they didn’t have company he might have kissed her right there and then, just pulled her into his arms and tried to show her how wonderful he thought she was. But the realisation hit him - that if they didn’t have company, she wouldn't have done it. She wouldn’t be calling him babe, he wouldn’t be hugging her like that, she wouldn’t have kissed him. It was all for show. It wasn’t real.
After they had said goodbye to Trudy and Mouch, waving them off with their arms around each other, slotting together as if it was something they did all the time.
‘That went well,’ Hailey said as she pulled away and Jay tried to pretend that he didn’t miss the warmth of her body against his.
‘Yeah it did,’ he said, a fake smile fixed to his face. It wasn’t a lie persay, it had gone well, but it had also made Jay remember that it wasn’t real.
‘I don’t think they suspected anything,’ she said from where she had busied herself in the kitchen cleaning up and loading the plates into the dishwasher.
‘No not at all,’ Jay stood awkwardly by the door. ‘You can leave that, I’ll clear up in a bit, I’m just going to shower first,’ he said, heading towards the bathroom quickly before waiting for her to answer.
If he’d have turned back, he would have been met by a confused expression from Hailey. She had thought it had gone well, but maybe the kiss was too far. She hadn’t meant to do it, but it had just felt right but maybe she had crossed a line. She hadn’t meant to make him feel uncomfortable but by the way he scurried out of the room as quickly as he did, clearly she had. Seeing the words ‘I love you’ on the texts earlier from him, well edited to be from him, had lit something inside of her that she had unknowingly been ignoring but now it was bubbling right up to the surface. She just wished she hadn’t made him feel uncomfortable over something that wasn’t even real. Those words weren’t really from him.
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theeccentricraven · 8 months
For those who ask, "How do I come up with original ideas?" here's the scary truth, the half truth, and the 3 tips that will save you (plus seven bonus tips)💡
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Whenever I see writers post on social media asking, "How do I come up with original ideas?" or "I want to write but my ideas aren't original. What do I do?" or "Is this idea original?" it feels strange. Throughout my lifespan, I've come up with hundreds of ideas I want to write someday, no joke. I've heard authors talk about the background of writing a story. Never did I nor the authors I admire ask, "Huh, is that an original idea?" When an idea comes to you, the passion can fill you so strongly that you feel you have to make it a reality. If you don't feel the passion for the idea or hesitate to write it, you might need to question why you are pursuing the idea n the first place. This is where I get to my first point on the scary truth behind writing.
The Scary Truth 
One of my favorite writers is Shannon Hale. Years ago, her website squeetus.com featured a page on how to be a writer. One section was called, "Why do you want to be a writer?" Her theory was that there's only one good reason to be a writer: "I have so many ideas that I have to write down and share." She believed that if one's motivation to be a writer is, "I like the idea of being a published writer" or "I see other people writing and it looks like a cool thing I'd like to do", then you're going to be disappointed and less likely to be successful. She makes a good point. Wanting to be a writer is like dreaming of being a Hollywood actor. It looks glamorous to walk among the stars, but you'd have to be willing to commit to acting lessons not to mention the dark side of Hollywood life. You would only become a Hollywood actor if it's your passion you can't live without. Every successful writer that I've seen has that need to write, willing to endure the long hours and stress that comes with writing. If that's not you, this might not be for you. 
Does that mean there's no hope for you and you should quit? Not necessarily. I can't tell you what's best for you. I can't tell you what your purpose is in life nor what your goals should be. Only you can tell yourself this. If you are saying, "But I really want to write! I am serious about being a writer and willing to commit! I just don't know what to do about my unoriginal idea!" My reply is, that's awesome. The good news is I have three tips to help you so that you'll come out of this knowing what to do. First, we debunk a myth, or dismantle a half truth.
The Half Truth
Whenever I see people post the question, "How do I come up with original ideas/I don't know if my idea is original" the most common response from other users is "There are no original ideas." This is a fair response. Is it true? I'm inclined to say…kind of? Or maybe I should say, "Yes, but no?" I think that attestation comes from looking only at the skeleton of a story, not the story as a whole. Some people say it as, "There are only seven stories". Maybe there's only seven themes or seven concepts or seven tropes. However, themes, concepts, and tropes alone are not stories. I describe it as how every human being looks different, twins and multiples aside. Humans come in many shapes, sizes, figures, heights, eye color, hair styles, shades of skin tone, etc., but underneath, our skeletons relatively look the same. Likewise, stories can be built on the same skeleton, but they are fleshed by different shapes, figures, and colors. I personally believe that there's an infinite amount of stories out there. Lots of stories have been told and there's still more to tell. 
The other issue I have with when people say, "There's no original stories," is you don't want to let that stop you from being original. Here are some examples.
When Brandon Sanderson created Mistborn,  he didn't think, "Because the story of the hero's journey has been told so many times in fantasy, it should be OK for me to make yet another high fantasy novel of the hero's journey."
When JK Rowling got the idea for Harry Potter, she didn't think, "Oh, there's already a book about a boy who goes to wizard school called A Wizard of Earthsea, so there's no point in me writing this." 
You’re not condemned to a certain type of story when you come up with an idea, which leads to my first point.
Make it original
Another reason I find it a curious question when people ask, "My idea is too clichéd, how do I come up with an original idea?" is that my knee jerk reaction is, “You know what's wrong with it. Why don't you make it original? Why don't you change it to get rid of the cliches and make it original?" Going back to Brandon Sanderson, he's described the idea process for Mistborn as beginning with the question, "What if the hero who was supposed to save the world failed and the dark lord won?" With a little time, he thought, "What if the only way the dark lord could be defeated was by a bunch of thieves running an Ocean's 11 like heist to rob the dark lord?" Many stories are the results of writers who wanted to defy genre and turn tropes and cliches on their head. When William Goldman wrote The Princess Bride, he defied the fairytale romance tropes by making the prince the bad guy and the pirate the good guy. When DreamWorks made Shrek, it defied every trope of the classic Disney fairytale features. When you've read or seen a lot, you know what's been done before and how you can be different. Examples of where this has been done badly include Disney's Dinosaur and The Force Awakens where lazy writing produced virtual plagiarism. Instead of recycling old ideas, you can throw out the rotted food to replace with fresh produce, which leads to my second tip.
2. Use an old idea with a fresh approach. 
As the saying goes, put old wine in new bottles. Harry Potter was not the first story about a child who goes to magic school, but JK Rowling took a fresh approach with her own unique setting and relatable characters. The Hunger Games was not the first story about a game where contestants kill each other, but its powerful female protagonist, gripping plot, intense action, and thought provoking questions made it feel unique. Bumblebee feels similar to the Iron Giant/ET: The Extraterrestrial, but audiences still loved it because it has a heart and charm that speaks for itself. There's always a way to take an idea that's been used before, clean it up, redress it, and present it fresh. Oftentimes, well written characters and plot twists are what give a story its own voice. This leads to my third tip.
3. Make the writing superb
Have you heard the story of how Jim Butcher created Codex Alera? Years ago, Jim was on a forum chatting with aspiring writers. One user made the statement that the writers who really succeeded were those with the great ideas. Jim said no, the ones who succeed are those good at writing, as a bad idea can still be turned to a well written story. The two argued back and forth, ending with Jim saying, "Tell me your worst idea and I'll make it into a story that will be awesome." The user replied, "I want you to write Pokémon meets the Lost Roman Legion." The result was Codex Alera, a highly rated book of clever plot twists and compelling characters. 
One of the problems with being worried about originality is that audiences aren't likely to say, "I loved that story because it's original." They're more likely to say, "I loved that story because the characters feel so real, the plot is exciting, it had me up late, and I was so touched in the end that I cried." This is what audiences want. They're not asking for originality, but a well written story. This is why it's often said that ideas are cheap.
Ironically, there's a juxtaposition where the idea is both the most important part of the story and the least important. You should write because you have an idea you're passionate about, yet the idea is insignificant compared to how good your writing needs to be. My personal opinion is you don't find the story. The story finds you. You bait yourself by diving into the world around you. I think in many ways, the question of how to find an original idea is similar to the story of how to deal with writer's block. As a bonus, I'm adding my seven tips on how to deal with writer's block to help you out of the finding an idea rut.
4. Read a good book you haven't read before. This will not only help you learn from the good writing but stimulate your mind.
5. Read a bad book and write down how you would rewrite the book. You're not only learning but stimulating your imagination. 
6. Think about a book/movie/TV show/video game/any story where you didn't like how it ended and come up with a better ending. Again, you learn from dissecting a story while getting your creative juices going.
7. Write down a few "what if" questions. Think of how to use answers in your current project or a new project.
8. Skip writing filler and jump to the good parts. (This is more writer’s block related, but can help you to let the idea evolve naturally to a story)
9. Take time to do other creative hobbies. Depending on what you like to do, you could knit, take photos, paint, draw, play the guitar, sculpt, etc. I don’t just write. I like to cook, bake, play the harp, and cross-stitch. As a writer, you are a creator. You get your mind brewing when you are creating, even if it’s not a story.
10. Go on a walk. Or do whatever allows you to think and reflect. Listen to music. Meditate. Whatever lets you take a break and let your thoughts wander freely. 
Secret 11th bonus tip….
11. Use writing prompts. I didn’t mention this as part of the official list because writing prompts aren’t my thing. However, if you don’t know where to start or feel lost, writing prompts can be helpful.
So there you have it. My only goal in writing this is to help whoever is reading this find their calling in life, whether as a writer or as something else. Only you can find your calling. I hope you find it and get out of what's holding you back. 
Photo is by Bram Naus on Unsplash
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hecckyeah · 4 months
Okay I saw your fic behind the scenes ask game and I MUST know behind the scenes info for "So A Crazy Thing Happened At The Terra Bella Lodge"
Oh my GOSH I'm so excited to tell you all of it!!!!
First, obligatory link to said fic in case someone would like to read it! (But be warned-- I spoil everything below)
A couple of fun facts:
I can't remember for the life of me what exactly spurred this idea, but it's heavily influenced by Leverage and some of the more bottle-like episodes they've done. Very heist-y origins! Although I wish I was better at writing heists, because a Brooklyn 99/The Rookie heist would be the crossover fic of the century.
I spent roughly 15 entire hours watching episodes of Brooklyn 99 and clips of Jake and Amy so I could get their voices in my head, since I'd been on a Rookie spree and all I was hearing was Tim and Lucy, and while they're similar in some ways I needed to remember how to write Peraltiago! Pretty sure I've watched every single b99 clip that exists on Youtube
The inspiration for the Terra Bella Mountain Lodge is actually a real place!! It's a wedding venue in Estes Park, CO called the Della Terra Mountain Chateau. I've sadly never been there but it looked GORGEOUS, and if I ever get married, it'll be on my top 5 venue options for sure
I tossed around the idea of whether or not to have Jake and Amy's kids there with them, since it's kind of a romantic spot, but I opted for my own enjoyment of getting to write the kids instead of being realistic and keeping them in New York with Jake's mom or something
I listened to basically nothing except this chenford playlist I made, the whole time. music on repeat is very effective for my writing brain :)))
I had a couple deleted scenes where Jake and Amy solve the whole case from the minivan, then Tim goes and busts Lucy out by fistfighting 3 guards at once in a superhuman throwdown brawl, but I went back and added those scenes where Lucy saves herself like the queen she is since she was feeling a little too Damsel-in-Distress and not enough Badass Officer (Detective) Chen, and I'm SO glad I did. It's a better story for the grandkids ;)
Also, in previous drafts Raymond Reeves WAS the villain. I was planning him as the thief who wanted to steal some diamonds or something, but it just wasn't gelling with my brain. I think I rewrote all the scenes with him and Marcia about 27 times before I was happy with it.
SPEAKING OF THAT DUDE!!! This is one of my favorite BTS tidbits :))) Raymond Reeves' backstory is that he has about 10 aliases that he uses and for ALL of them, the initials are S.K. -- Sanford Kain, Silas Kearney . . . Because S.K. stands for Serial Killer. He was so guilty about what he did to his brother-in-law, that he purposefully branded himself forever, subconsciously hoping someone would put the pieces together and he'd finally be arrested and punished for his crime.
Vesa Wescott was always going to be in on the crime from the beginning, I just didn't decide exactly how until Ronan Reeves came into the picture :)
This is very easily the first fic I've fully drafted out from beginning to end, and it STILL changed along the way!
I threw around the idea of Lucy going into preterm labor during the snowstorm, but figured that was kind of cliche and scary and unnecessary, and I'd rather have her working the case with Jake and Amy than anything else.
Oh, and Tim absolutely breaks his no-Disneyland rule for the Peraltiago fam :))) But given that I've never been to Disneyland and have no idea what it's like, I don't feel qualified to write that fic . . . Maybe someday!!
So yeah, there you have it!! I hope you enjoyed this episode of behind the fic with yours truly 😄
[ask me about a fic!]
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mischas · 5 months
First, Merry Chrismukkah & I hope you have a happy 2024! Second, I was wondering if an O.C. revival ever happened, how would it play out in terms of story, characters, & a R+M reunion? (I see it like the final scene in Titanic, the trope where they don't get a happy ending, but still end up together nonetheless)
Hello! Same to you! Happy belated Chrismukkah! ❤️🎄
Do you mean revival as if Marissa went off to Greece? I operate in this head canon daily so I'm always thinking up random scenarios. I'm personally of the mind that she goes to Greece, comes back a year or half a year later, enrolls in NYU, lives her best New York life, visits Providence a bit to see SS, becomes besties with Seth, has a college-spanning situationship with Ryan as they mine their high school traumas. Sometimes I wonder if RM would ever really talk everything out or if Marissa would hold things against Ryan unintentionally that keeps them in the situationship phase. I also see them deciding to be a couple again for good without ironing everything out and that coming back to bite them in the ass. Avoidant babies doing avoidant baby things.
As for the others, I imagine Julie marrying Neil but still making time for Jimmy when he pops back into her life. Which Marissa and Kaitlin are more than aware of and it impacts how they view love and marriage. Enter: convenient situationships.
I also sorta head canon that Marissa and Summer are more reticent about marriage than Ryan and Seth ever are. Ryan obviously comes from a broken home but has lived with the Cohens' since he was 16 and he and Seth don't really live with frayed parental relationships in the ways Marissa and Summer do. Sometimes I think that Seth proposes to Summer and that's when their relationship falls apart. I think they'd still find their way back to one another someday but it quickly dawns on Summer in college that she's been with one guy her whole life.
Kirsten starts a foundation for lower-income addicts in Southern California and Sandy gets back into the PD's office. There's no earthquake so the Cohen home endures.
Seth gets back into creating for Atomic County and has a fun, though sometimes tense, working relationship with Zach. There's no big-budget adaptation shit going on but it's steady money and mildly successful. At some point Seth plans to create a spinoff set on the east coast but is still figuring that out.
Seth visits New York a lot for work meetings and indie concerts and stays with Marissa who becomes his bestie. They smoke weed and talk about Allen Ginsburg. Seth-Ryan time is still on the books every week but it's hard to do so when they live on opposite coasts and have different schedules. Ryan grows mildly jealous that he sometimes gets more Marissa updates from Seth than he does Marissa herself. But them being such good friends warms his heart, and it warms Summer's too.
At some point Trey dies and it forces Ryan to face some things he's been pushing down for years. I think Marissa's been working on things in therapy but it's still a source of tension between them. Marissa's all-too-understanding that Ryan's confused about his grief and he's mad that he's grieving at all. It translates into them finally acknowledging this thing between them is built on a love that is unconditional and profound and has existed since they were 16. It's a connection that they've always been scared of losing if they were to ever give into it fully. Their propensity for jumping into full-on-yet-noncommunicative commitment in their youth contrasted with their friends-who-hook-up-nature in college is a twist I like imagining them taking, especially as their lives mellow out when living outside Newport.
As for the ending up together yet sorta unhappy ending, I can see Marissa and Ryan finally jumping into long-term commitment after years of being friends who hook up and it taking a while before it all slots into place. I do think it would, but there's the idea in their heads that maybe this is a relationship that cannot last because it's never been all that successful before. And I think they both have a ton of self-loathing to work through before their hearts can be open to the possibility of happily ever after.
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Hans [@tzarina-alexandra]
He is an extremely skilled programmer and hacker. He starts the story having stayed awake for almost a week to work on a very powerful virus. He passes out and ends up in the computer world, where he is treated like a Grim Reaper figure (he does get a sick looking scythe too!). At first, this is a power trip to him, until he meets and gets attached to various people in the computer world, only to see them get disintegrated by the Virus, so now he is desperate to fix the destruction he designed, but he finds himself increasingly powerless, and even begins to feel the effects of the Virus on himself.
ok so i had a dream when i was 12 and i set out to write it down into My First Novel. this girl is the first helpful orphan the main character meets, and in later drafts, her girlfriend. the government gave her telekinesis, which she uses to steal. she hates everyone and everyone hates her and she hates fun and she's always grumpy. her whole arc is about learning the benefits of Fun and Being There for Someone who is There for You, while still remaining an introvert who hates crowds and touching. her telekinesis is limited by the surface area of objects, not their weight, so she can make a piece of cardboard float and then stand on the cardboard and surf around in the air like that. she's been cooking for herself her whole life and all she knows how to make is scrambled eggs.
her name was Ling (im sorry.) and it was finally changed to Estrelya in the 4th rewrite. which is meant to be "estrella", star in Spanish, except i guess i thought no one would pronounce it right in their heads, so i added the y?? neither seem very fitting for this kid. i
had a lot of trouble writing this novel because every year, I'd reread it and say "ugh, this sounds like it was written by a 12 year old!" and then restart it from scratch. except then that one was written by a 14 year old, and so on and so forth. there's been 4 drafts now and i never got past introducing all EIGHT MAIN CHARACTERS.
the plot was that aliens landed on the planet, and these superpowered 12 year olds managed to band together strong enough that they made a Real Difference in the world and they established Peace between the aliens and Earth and uncovered all the Horrific Human Experimentation the Government had done. and the moral was Kids Can Do Things! because at age 12 i was at that point where i wanted to do big things but everyone was telling me i had to wait until i was older, i couldn't do those things how i was. and so when i got older, working on the novel felt like it was the opposite of my original point. how could i write about kids being capable when i hadn't managed to finish the book while still a kid?
maybe I'll figure it out someday, for the new kids feeling that way.
Description: southeast asian kid with long black hair mostly covering her grumpy face. white hoodie covered in grass and dirt stains. ripped jeans. bare feet. her eyes glow white and her hair flies around when she uses her powers
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ciphernull · 10 months
From 25 character asks (I'm going to be so greedy I am. maybe slightly sorry adsfnln I'm in love with a lot of ur beans);; 11, 13, & 22 for Alesko ;; 4, 7, and 11 for Vex ;; and 15 & 24 for Heskan?
[25 Character Questions for the Writer]
Who are your character’s most important people?
Presently (aka just post SoR) his two most important people are Lana and Theron. He and Lana have a great deal of mutual respect and shared interest, to the point of him considering her a genuine friend, which is quite rare considering his usual relations to Sith. And for Theron… well, there's been some rough spots between them, but ultimately, they've saved each other's lives more than once. Alesko is slowly coming to trust and open up to him more, though hasn't missed an opportunity to drive the handsome SIS agent up the wall. Or against it, for that matter.
Who had the most positive impact on your character’s life?
This question has had me scratching my head, and I don't really know why, but I want to say Keeper/the Minister? Obviously there's a lot to unpack there, and I don't feel I can do it justice in short form, but most of his core values as an agent of the Empire can be traced back to Keeper's influence. (kinda copped out but i promise i WILL write more on this someday)
What is your character most afraid of?
Alesko's biggest fear is that he hasn't fully overcome his programming. That somewhere in his brain there's still a switch, waiting to be flipped. That he could never truly escape his cage. That no matter how hard he fought, or how far he went, it was always going to end where it began--alone, in the cold and dark.
What does your character hate the most?
Sith. Jedi. Politicians. Mandalorians. The list goes on. Sanctimonious self-important hypocrites parading their screwed up ideas of justice around under the guise of some greater cause. Really, he's just tired of war. And you know? Maybe he's a part of the problem, too, but at least he's honest about it.
What does your character miss most from their childhood?
Vex grew up on a farm on Dantooine, which was about as quiet and dull as it gets. Back then, they hated it and wanted nothing more than to leave, but now that he's a bit older and the wanderlust has settled, he occasionally finds himself missing the peaceful life. I'm gonna say they miss their family's old kath hound the most.
Who are your character’s most important people?
I feel like I emphasized this enough already in the last post, but their crew means the world to them. Especially Mako, she's practically his sister, and one of the few people he would trust with his life.
Who does your character look up to and who do they despise?
This is again very WIP and kinda predictable, but I think Heskan would most look up to his master, a currently unnamed Mirialan woman. As it's traditional for Mirialan Jedi to take on their own kind as padawans when possible, she's been his main source of guidance throughout his early life. I still need to develop more about her, but I know that she's trans and absolutely has those 'older queer mentor figure' vibes.
As for despise… I have no idea. Obviously there's the whole Jedi/Sith business, but the word 'despise' feels more personal than that. No one has really emerged yet in the story that would spark that level of anger or resentment for Heskan, not enough to make the normally steadfast guardian waver. I expect this to change, but for now, I don't really have an answer.
What do they like about their appearance?
Heskan's not heavily concerned with his looks, but he is quite proud of his physique! He enjoys being active and feeling strong, and having that reflect in his appearance, especially his arms and chest (also for transgender reasons). Feature-wise, he would say he has a decent nose, nice lips, and a good smile. His hair is more of a mixed bag, because while he likes the style, he finds it a bit troublesome to maintain the locks on his own, without the expertise and extra hands of his master.
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frazzledsoul · 11 months
Kind of thinking of the dance marathon scene where Luke and Lorelai discuss kids which in retrospect seems like cruel foreshadowing that leads to nothing but...when you think about what they actually say to each other, neither of them seem that enthusiastic about the prospect. Luke doesn't seem thrilled about dealing with babies, but might reconsider...later. Maybe. Lorelai is not sure if she wants to do it again without motherhood being tied to so much of her formative experiences...but she might consider it again. Maybe. Someday. This actually isn't an obscure topic for either of them, as they are both raising teenagers, and that story doesn't end once Rory and Jess both leave home (Luke is always the person Jess fights with in his return appearances, the one he needs to make amends with, the person who lends him money, advises him on his love life, shows up for his special events...it's always Luke, not his actual mother). So the whole idea of parenthood being this special experience that will take place in this ideal far off future is never a reality. It's happening, it's always been happening, it will continue to happen.
So then we go back to the other big reference, Lorelai telling Luke "kids would be good" after they get engaged. She's not enthusiastic. When she meets the real estate agent who's handling the sake of the Twickham house and the agent mentions the house is great for tons of kids, Lorelai says "Oh, no. Not you, too." Doesn't sound like she was that in love with the prospect, even when it came time to discuss it. And of course (and this is fucking ridiculous, but anyway) she never even considers the subject in nine years of common law marriage with Luke (and he only seems to consider it briefly himself).
So....did they really want kids? Luke did by season 6, he was open about that. I think he had a real need to experience fatherhood without having an absent biological father as competition, something he never got with Rory or Jess. That's what April is for, whether people like it or not....and by the time she was introduced, ASP was close enough to the endgame to know she wanted to give Luke this because she was never going to let him and Lorelai have a baby (and if it helps destroy their relationship so she can finally live out her Christopher and Lorelai dream ship for a while, even better!) I mean, it would have been great if these two could get their shit together, blend their families, and finally have that traditional family experience, but...that's not really their story, has never been their story, and I don't think that's a tragedy. I don't think Lorelai ever wanted it, and Luke didn't want it that badly once he had April (and realized that Jess had turned out so well and hey, maybe he didn't screw up that badly the first time after all).
And even if it had happened...if it was shown to the fandom in any kind of semi-realistic detail, they wouldn't have been able to handle it. There's always this fantasy that Lorelai ends up being this perfect stepmother, but fans couldn't handle the way that was portrayed in AYITL when Luke refuses to concede to her suggestion that he force April to get a job before he spends any more money on her. They couldn't accept that Lorelai could be informed on April's life, and spend time with her, and make suggestions, but that she was not the parent and she doesn't get to make decisions for her. It was always about Luke being an evil ogre who is keeping Lorelai apart from April, that he's the real reason they aren't closer, that he is irredeemably evil for not giving Lorelai what she wants and letting her control the entire situation. So unless it ends up with Lorelai being this fantasy figure who gets to win every argument...no, this fandom could not have handled an actual blended family situation.
So, yeah, maybe it was in their best interest not to have kids.
(BTW, Luke was absolutely correct in that situation...Rory had moved her ass home, she had no real job or plans for her life until Jess showed up and gave her a push in the right direction, and Lorelai was doing zilch to actually encourage her to do something productive. So Lorelai's a hypocrite by suggesting that April is a mooch and should get a job, and her offering money to Luke for something she doesn't support is not a good idea. But yeah....this is a pretty common sort of stepparent argument about adult children).
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foreveralwaysanauthor · 3 months
Naomi's Basic Info
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Name: Naomi Seika Sato
Now, I know Naomi has only appeared maybe three times in my writing (the winter stories from 2022), but I have plans on adding her to some of my future stories, so I figured I might as well make a board for her. Again, this was surprisingly easy, and the only one I had any difficulty finding was an actress from the 60s as there weren't a ton of well-known Asian actresses. Anyway, in the 60s, we have Irene Tsu (How To Stuff a Wild Bikini); the 80s, Cherie Chung (An Autumn's Tale); the 90s, Nicole Bilderback (Bring It On); and now, Momona Tamada (Avatar: The Last Airbender).
Nicknames: Mimi, NayNay (by very few people), and Koneko (a Japanese term of endearment that means "kitten". Only her grandparents call her that, and it's mostly her grandfather)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 29
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Nationality: Asian-American
Sexuality: Asexual, but don't tell her grandmother that. The woman desperately wants grandbabies, and Naomi has no interest in ever giving her any. Her parents and grandfather know and don't care so long as she's happy, but they all know better than to tell her grandma.
Birthplace: St. John's Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, New York
Current Residence: Park Street, Rockland, Maine
Occupation: High school junior, professional figure skater, junior medical assistant at her parent’s office
Talents/Skills: Acting (mostly in high school or town productions), making flip books, animating short videos
Birth order: Only 
Parents: Kyoya Jin Sato and Hina Mai Suoh
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Height: 5’1”
Race: Japanese-American
Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black
Hair Color: Brown
Glasses or contact lenses: Glasses for reading, contacts for fun
Distinguishing features: A birthmark on her hip that looks almost like a cherry blossom, a scar on her inner right calf from a skating incident, and a single dimple on her left cheek
Mannerisms: Bopping her head to music, mumbling to herself while working on projects, and keeping the tip of her tongue between her lips when she’s deep in thought
Health: Chronic migraines, Type-1 Diabetes, and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Hobbies: Gardening, baking, watching anime and Chinese historical dramas, playing cozy games, scrolling Pinterest, writing fanfictions, and cosplaying 
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): How everyone still sees her as a child/childish. As the only child/grandchild in her family, Naomi is often babied by her family members. Her father was an only child, and her mother was the only daughter of four kids and was the golden child, leading to Naomi feeling more like a toddler as anyone who came to visit would treat her like a little doll. She appreciates their love and care, but all she really wants is for her family to see her as the near-adult she is, not some naive little girl in need of shelter from the outside world. In a way, that was the reason she and Lexi became friends. She needed someone in her life who treated her like an actual person, not a child.
Best quality (in their opinion): Her determination to succeed in everything she does. While she doesn’t fear failure or disappointing her family, she strives to be the best version of herself she can be. Whether it’s working hard at her family’s practice, learning new skating skills, or trying out a new recipe, Naomi puts her whole heart into all she does. She is a very determined individual, but that doesn’t stop her from taking breaks now and then or spending time caring for herself. 
Biggest fear: Losing her sense of self for the sake of others. Naomi is fairly confident in who she is as a person - an intelligent, pink-loving, figure skater who wants nothing more than to help her parents run their practice. However, she fears that someday, if she were to find herself looking for a different job or maybe falling in love, those people would try to change who she is for the sake of professionalism and maturity. She has taken the time to grow into who she is and finally loves herself just as she is; the last thing she wants is for someone to try to change her to meet their needs. If they can’t love her for who she is, Naomi knows it isn’t worth it, but she knows she wants love sometime down the road, and the thought of giving up her style and personality for someone to see her as a mature human being is something that deeply terrifies her. Real life is nothing like the books or movies she loves so deeply, after all, and she knows this. That is why she keeps many potential friendships/relationships at a distance until she knows they won’t try to change her.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite ice cream: Strawberry mochi
Favorite color: Pastel pink
Favorite number: 2, as the number represents balance and harmony in Japanese culture
Favorite songs: ballad of a homeschooled girl by Olivia Rodrigo, ALICE by PEGGY, and Platonic Love Song #1 by Lauren Bird
A place they want to visit: Forbidden City, China, or Bunkyo City, Japan
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