#maybe if i wasn't so introverted. so shy. so insecure.
Five in a time line where reader doesn't know him? Kind of like Klaus and what's his faces relationship???????
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He doesn't take it well at all
He's never loved someone the way he loves you, so when he does go into a time line where you've never even met him, he freaks out internally
Though, then he starts to think that maybe this is a good thing
He knows everything about you. Your likes, dislikes, embarrassing memories, insecurities, hobbies, etc [I think you get my point]
^ He can use this knowledge and use it to make himself seem like the perfect guy/boyfriend
While you did like him in his timeline, there were moments where he wasn't the best boyfriend, but now he has a second chance
He'll 'accidentally' run into you and see you holding a book/sketchbook/notebook/journal [Whatever your interest is] and he'll pick it up before being like "Oh, you like ____? I like it, too. I can never find anyone else who likes _____"
He knows you're shy and easily scared/introverted, so he knows this is a hit or miss, but thankfully you take it really well. You were excited someone shared the same interest as you. You start babbling about it, while asking if he wanted to get a drink or food
He's quick to take up the offer. He didn't want to waste a second with you
You do think he moves incredibly fast. You never had a guy like him show such an interest in you, so you're taken aback by his enthusiasm
He doesn't want to scare you, but he can't help himself
He does begin to scare you when you realize he knows everything about you
He doesn't tell you about his powers, until you start to avoid him in fear
You're surprised when he appears in your room, going through your drawers, before tossing you your journal/diary
"You should put a lock on that"
"How- What are you- How did you get into my room?"
He sits on your bed, ignoring you
"Hello? Five?"
He looks at you, holding one of your stuff animals in his hands. If you had known he would sneak in your room, you probably would have hidden that.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
He gets off the bed, stepping closer to you, until your back hits the wall. He throws the stuff animal over his shoulder, before making direct eye contact with you. "Why. Are. You. Avoiding. Me?"
"I-I-I ha-haven't be-been doing that- Avoiding you I mean-" You stutter over your words, causing him to deeply frown
"Don't patronize me. I'm not fucking stupid."
"I've been busy," You quickly lie, mentally applauding yourself for coming up with that so quickly
"Doing what?" Five humored you, deciding he'd try and let you defend yourself. Maybe you weren't avoiding him. Maybe he was being paranoid
He groans, looking away from you, annoyed. Why were you really avoiding him? He thought things were going great? But apparently he was wrong...
What he didn't realize is that he was coming on to strong
There was silence in the room and you were scared, because he still hasn't said anything and he's not looking at you
Finally, after what feels like eternity, he speaks
"Can I tell you something-Well, let me showing something."
You were a little confused, but he pulls you towards the bed and pushes you down. He takes a deep breath, before making direct eye contact with you.
"You can't freak out. Promise me?"
"It can't possibly be that bad-"
"I'm serious. Promise me"
''Fine. I promise."
You think he's over exaggerating and blowing this out of proportion, until he fucking disappears
You look around the room confused and then he suddenly appears behind you, holding a soda. It was the one you had downstairs that you had been waiting all day to drink
"How did you do that???"
"It's complicated," He tells you, rubbing the back of his neck
"That's so cool!"
You ask him to do his talent over and over. At first he was annoyed, but then he realizes that you were probably going to break up with him, but now you were more interested in him than you've ever been
You practically become obsessed with him
He doesn't mind, in fact he finds it hot. His timeline version of you was never obsessed with him. You were just a lovely couple, but this version of you was practically as bad as him and god he loves it so much
He wants to keep you forever
And he will. You're never getting away from him
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hi luv :), i have a frank castle and reader request. something like the reader is an introverted & quiet person and when being introduced to his small group of people at a small gathering like karen page, she feels inadequate & insecure and everyone’s attention is on karen. but he always notices every little thing about reader & knows she can be talkative, especially with just him, reassurance and maybe smut in the end, tysm :’) <3
hii lovie!! my thing for him has resurfaced lately so this is perfect, but no smut in this one, really sorry. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
frank castle x f!reader
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word count. 652
warnings. none, just fluff. frank being so bf😔
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You and Frank shared many similar characteristics - both quiet individuals, preferring the company of oneself over the hustle and bustle of others. But amongst the likeliness laid many juxtaposing traits. Frank had the charm and confidence to initiate a conversation with a stranger - to talk as if he'd known them a lifetime, whereas you were the polar opposite. You had trouble stirring up a discussion with someone you didn't know - to talk freely without fear of embarrassing yourself.
You're the kind of person who requires time to warm to someone - who needs a blanket of security to feel comfortable enough to open up. There were very few that have made you feel that way, the main being your boyfriend, Frank.
Through Frank's unquestioning love and reassurance, you've learnt he is a pillar you can rely on to feel comfortable - someone that can make you feel safe in unfamiliar settings. He's the kind of person you use for a sense of comfort.
So when you find yourself a shy, queasy mess surrounded by Frank's friends, you know you can count on your boyfriend to coax you out of hiding if needed. You wanted to mingle, to join in on the conversation -with the help of liquid courage- but you couldn't form any words for the life of you.
There wasn't much you could do other than nod and smile as Karen shared stories about her work. You wanted to ask her questions - get to know her, to get to know more about the woman who's helped keep your boyfriend alive, but as others chimed in, steering the conversation, you decided to stay quiet, nervously biting your straw as you tapped your foot to the bar music.
Frank sat beside you, cornering you in the booth, a protective hand on your knee as he sipped on a beer and caught up with his friends.
You wanted to speak up - ask questions about them, talk about something that interested you, but as you finally buckled up enough courage, the conversation drew to a close, and the others went to the bar to refresh their drinks.
The second the table empties, Frank turns to you, his face full of concern. He wanted to ask what had happened - why you cocooned yourself after promising to try. He wanted to ask what had you all turned around, why you hadn't said more than five words, but as he noticed your subtle frown, he knew now wasn't the time.
"Wanna go home, mama?" Frank quietly asked, slipping his hand into yours, his thumb brushing comforting strokes over the back of it.
"No, no. I'm good," you lie, flashing a faux smile.
Frank could see right through you - he always could. He knew you were lying to spare his feelings, pretending you were enjoying bar night for the sake of him. He found it admirable for you to put yourself in the depths of discomfort so that he could catch up with old pals.
And as the others rejoined around the table, Frank began to gather your things, whipping up an elaborate lie to avoid putting you in the spotlight - saying how it was getting late and he hadn't eaten yet.
You said your goodbyes with genuine smiles, hugging his friends before leaving the bar.
Your arm wrapped around Frank's as you quietly walked down the late-night street, following after his lead. He knew you felt worn down and tired from your evening out, drained and wanting nothing more than to be in the comfort of home, so he suggested grabbing take-out to enjoy on the couch.
You stopped past one of your locals, ordering all your favourite dishes to reward you for your efforts tonight. And after eating your body weight in take-out food, you spent the rest of the night snuggled on the sofa watching shitty tv, recuperating.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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eeulysian · 4 months
hm enough smut for today, i kinda got tired of it.. sigh, maybe i ate too much. anyhoo, what do u feel about [insert charac] x shy!reader? ^_^ lllike imagine chRCter being all extrovert, party addict, and fun then there's this little lost zoul clinging on the charactwr's arm TT it's be such a cute relationship i swear.
idk what character that would be fit for this role...
reader being shy and possessive after the party (overthinks a lot as well.. im not romanticizing that btw) AKSJDHJEBDHEHEJWHEHU——
“you were talking to them the whole time, u shouldn't have brought me here with u.. they didn't need me there anyway,” tsk. tsk. character ends up cimforting and doing whatever reader wants becuz they neglected them wayy.. too much. (if this even makes sense, im half asleep writing this)🦈🦈🦈🦈 ermm.. im not requesting a fic btw! ur free to make it into one tho. :D
I LOVE THIS TROPE SOO MUCH. its one of my favourite tropes. its like, in terms of animal tropes, it would be golden retriever x black cat. the characters i have in mind for this areeee.... topaz, serval, bai yi, beidou, elysia and kafka. i think all of them would definitely be a perfect fit for this kind of trope. not a fic but just a little short imagine!!
forced to be invited to this rich kid's mansion party by college gf!(char) because she wants to taste the drinks there, eat the food and have fun with other people. you kept refusing at first, because your introverted ass cannot handle crowds. you'd look like a small, crying kitten in the midst of the crowd. you know you'd be pushed here and there, hearing crazy screams and shouting, with rave music in the background and you hated it. in the end, you gave in and was dragged to the mansion by (char). in there was so many people, chatting, laughing, having fun and dancing to the music. (char) saw a friend and ran after them, forgetting you were there with her. 30 minutes passed, you were standing in a corner, a little further from the crowd and you started getting anxious, wondering where she is and why she just left you like that. you decided to just swarm and squiggle into the crowd to find her, feeling your social battery get drained even more. and you spotted her talking with her friend, because her hair color just stood out alot. you ran after her and shyly hugged her from behind, trying to silently tell her that she forgot about you and that you're still here. she flinched a little, but knowing it was you, she gave you an apologetic smile and told her friend that you're her girlfriend in case they were confused.
"y/n, i'm sorry i accidentally left you behind. it wont happen again, i promise", she told you, but you still felt a little insecure that she just... left you like that for a friend. "no it's fine, maybe i shouldn't have been here anyways if i wasn't so important. i don't like parties anyways." you blurted out. she noticed you looked and even sounded sad from that tone, she knew she was going to have to make it up to you with hugs, kisses and snacks when you two get home tonight. she apologizes once again, and tells her friend that she'll be going home earlier to avert her attention more to you. she feels guilty, but she knows you meant no harm and you can't help feeling like that. but she just loves taking care of you and reassuring you anyways, no matter if you guys have huge differences, contrasts and are considered total opposites by others. they say opposites attracts anyways 🤭
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
Hey ive a small request. I just thought of yoosung route with an mc who....actually knew him for a long time and had secretly crushed on him and admired him when both of them were in school. It is pretty canon that yoosung was a popular kid at his school and had many girls crushing on him. One of the girls happened to be mc who cant help but admire him from afar. Back in the day yoosung was the first guy who had been kind and sweet towards her and that stuck with her for the rest of her life. She never confessed her feelings, thinking that she might be "too weird" for him (since she was one of the "weird girls" of the class because of her shyness).
She however never found out about his grief regarding rika, she has a faint memory of him appearing sad on the day of graduation and she has no idea why...it just felt very unusual of him from her perspective. She mustered up some courage to ask him why he is sad but he pushed her away by plastering a fake smile and saying "im actually fine dont worry", she knew he was lying but that day she couldnt ask him more and force him to talk. Few days later she moves out to a different country with her family
Fast forward to current time she ends up being stuck in the apartment because she could not say no to an obviously shady man and finds the same guy she had once admired.
Because the mc here is a very socially awkward person, I am pretty sure she would end up only inviting a handful of people so its going to be the normal ending instead of good ending (which basically means that she would meet him at the hospital and not at the party)
So how do you think the reunion will be. I love your writings very much i want to see your take on this
Life can be so peculiar.
You can meet people by who's side you will end up spending the rest life with, by pure chance. Or, you can lose the one person you thought understood you more than anyone else could. It's unpredictable. And that's a thought that is both terrifying and relieving to ponder over late in the night, when there is nothing else fot you to do but just lay there and stare at the ceiling of your bedroom, deep in thought.
It was unexpected to meet Yoosung again, to say the least. It seems like such cliche story, ripped straight from some generic k-drama and not real life, doesn't it? A shy, closed off kid meeting their popular high school crush further down the line, when they are both now established adults with their own individual lives. But, then again, maybe it wasn't as strange. It's not like you went through some mind-boggling 'glow-up' in these few years, like characters in k-dramas usually do. You were still the same introverted and kind of nerdy dork you were in high school, just a bit more capable of putting up a somewhat acceptable front in public.
Yoosung, though? He was almost an entirely different person.
Well, not entirely, but he was still a far cry from the popular and academic boy you knew back in high school. Not in a bad way, per se... But, it still shocked you quite a bit once you got to know him fully. Then again, it's not like you have really known him at all until now. That doesn't mean your past crush on him was superficial by any means, but it was still rather innocent and puppy-like on your end. You wanted to get to know him better, to see sides of him you couldn't see when he was in public... but, you were far too insecure and skittish to be so bold.
Alas, life had other plans for you.
His hair was not the same neatly styled brunette you remembered. In its place, was a new bright blonde hue that fit him surprisingly well, layered in an adorably casual look that made your heart skip a beat the moment you saw his selfie in the chat, when you first joined. His choice of clothing was more free-spirited, less classy and uptight. The type that made you wonder how his shirts would look and feel on you if you were to borrow them. And his overall attitude seemed to have become a bit more carefree and lighthearted. These major changes surprised you. But, they weren't unwelcome by any means. They intrigued you. Made you want to talk to him, and learn all the ways that he has changed in these couple of years.
Thankfully, you were a bit more chatty behind the safety of your phone.
With chatting, you could take your time and make sure your wordings are correct. You didn't have to just say the first thing that came to mind and then follow through with it. You could express yourself accurately. And you would use that lucky opportunity to its full potential.
Yoosung's apparent active neglect of his studies was surprising to you. The straight-A student you knew back in high school was completely different from this older Yoosung. Maybe you should have been put off by this particular negative change of his, but it only made you grow concerned for him. The more you talked, the less... happy he appeared to you. Sure, his attitude was cheery and carefree on the surface. But, sometimes, you would read upon a phrase or two that would make you pause, your brows furrowing in concern and your heart clenching in your chest, despite it being passed around like a light joke or something.
I don't really know what my talents are.
I don't really know what I want to do.
I just play games to get rid of stress or feel less lonely.
Trying to find what you're interested in itself is a luxury.
It felt like... he just gave up on himself. On his future, and, subsequently, his own happiness. That thought was gnawing at you. It's like he didn't... believe he was capable of finding fulfillment in life, so he gave up on trying altogether. It wasn't right.
Although he may have neglected his studies, he remained the same passionate and lively person you fell for in back in high school. His drive was still there, but it was almost like it got fizzled out due to something you couldn't quite figure out yet. You did remember him seeming rather... downcast back at your graduation. No, he looked downright crushed.
You have a distinct memory of wanting to approach him and inquire about his wellbeing. Maybe you could have offered for him to come and spend some time with you. Yet, as always, you were far too big of a scaredy cat to do so.
Things had changed since then. You may be shy and timid, but you weren't going to let your fears and insecurities hold you back from doing something you knew in your heart was right. Not when life has given you a second chance like this.
And so, that's how you got here. You finally got to see him face to face after eleven days of complete and utter rollercoaster of emotions. Meeting Yoosung in the hospital ward wasn't how you planned it... but, you were just glad to see him smiling and safe.
Furthermore, his smile was meant for you. An observation that left you reeling as you walked sheepishly into his hospital ward, knowing that everyone has left to give you some alone time. It was just you and him now.
He smiles wider, as if he's excited to finally hear your voice in person, no longer muffled by his speaker phone. You can see him straining a little bit to sit upright, but ultimately deciding against it. "Hi."
So much to say, yet so little time... You find yourself just staring at him for a few moments, before deciding to just go for it. Considering everything that happened during these eleven days between you two, there was no need for you to be cautious or distant. He was pretty straightforward with you about his feelings. Much more upfront than you could ever be. And, some part of you was still in disbelief that he has actually come to love you in such a short amount of time.
It was too good to be true.
You reach his bedside and sit on the chair placed neatly next to it. Without thinking much about it, you reach out and place a gentle hand on his palm, his skin soft and warm under your touch. It makes you smile almost inadvertently. "It's... so good to finally see you. Are you alright? We were all so shocked when Seven..."
"-I'm okay. You don't have to worry." Yoosung cuts you off in a soft tone, his smile turning a bit bashful, and you feel his fingers cautiously intertwining with yours, almost like he was testing the waters, wanting to see if you will pull away from his touch. Of course, you didn't. He sighs, seeming to be enjoying the comfortable silence for a brief moment, before continuing, his thumb warmly brushing the back of your hand. "I promise I'll tell you everything a bit later. There will be no secrets between us. I just... I want this moment to be about us, you know?"
Your heart flutters in your chest as you nod in response to such sweet words. You knew what he meant, though. You really did. He was brave enough to say it openly while you weren't. "What... do you want to talk about?"
You opt to give him the initiative here. To see where this would go. He hums softly, pondering for a few moments before replying, his eye always fixed on you. Not like you could blame him. Finally talking to him face to face and not having to imagine what he actually looks like, was having the same effect on you. You two might be more similar than you think.
"...I just... I can't help but think that this was fate, you know? That Rika really did bring you to me. To help me find what I have lost back when she left us. To help me move forward with my life." He licks his lips, and you give him an encouraging nod, letting him know that you are indeed listening. Rushing this was not necessary. He seemed to appreciate your gesture, with an adorably sweet smile tugging at the corners of his mouth that made your heart swell. "It's funny... I was so popular back in high school, I had so many people I called my friends, and yet, I barely have seen them since then. Yet, the one who made their way back into my life like a hurricane was... you."
You can't help but chuckle and shake your head a little bit. "I would say it was the other way around... but, I am flattered to hear that."
You sway in your seat, unsure if you should mention it or not. In the end, you make the decision to be truthful. You two are technically a couple now, after all. It's only right to be honest with him. And... a huge part of you was always longing for a chance to tell him what you were far too scared to tell all those years ago.
So, you go for it.
"...How surprised would you be, if I told you that I actually had a huge crush on you back in high school?"
You watch his eyes widen and his mouth fall open as he just stares at you for a few moments, completely taken aback by your revelation. It was both endearing and a bit embarrassing to witness. You chuckle nervously, feeling your cheeks grow warm as you look down at your hands locked together, suddenly far too shy to look him in the eye.
"You just seemed so out of my league back then... You were the popular guy - one everyone liked. And, I mean... who was I? Just an anxious mess always sitting in the back of the class. Invisible and weird. So, I... never really approached you about it." You pause, your expression growing a bit somber as you call back to the day of your graduation. An event that was meant to be a moment of triumph and joy. A celebration of the start of your future. Yet, for you two, it wasn't anything like that. "What I always regretted the most, though... was not talking to you back at our graduation. I could tell that something was wrong, but I was too much of a chicken to actually do anything about it. So, I... when I walked into that apartment, and realized it was actually you... I don't know. I just felt like life has given me a second chance. To make things right this time."
There are a few minutes of silence between you two, nothing but the muffled noises of the hospital bustling with life on the other side of the door, and your shared breathing. Despite this, it's not suffocating or uncomfortable at all. It's oddly peaceful. You know he's processing all that you just told him, and you feel strangely calm as you give him all the time he needs before he responds.
Yoosung gently tugs your hand, a silent request for you to look up at him, and you grant him that request without any reservations on your part. His rosy eye is soft as he looks at you, and his brows slightly knit together, but it is not an expression of displeasure or unhappiness. Rather, it's a look of curiosity and disbelief that makes your breath catch in your throat. You remain silent, though, just waiting for him to come up with his piece.
You told your truth. Now, it was his turn.
"All this time... All this time you were right there, by my side, and I didn't even know it. You really are my blessing, aren't you, Y/N?"
His voice shakes as he speaks, his throat bobbing as he clearly attempts to swallow his emotions. It doesn't seem to work, though, as you can see his eye glistening slightly with unshed tears. So much for not getting emotional. As you gently squeeze his hand, you feel yourself becoming quite choked up too. A small laugh escapes you: a natural response to a rather emotional exchange happening between you. "I wouldn't call it that... I was too much of an anxious mess to do anything for the majority of that time. I'm still that awkward, scared kid, to be quite honest. Just a little bit more mature now."
Yoosung shakes his head, and an adorable pout takes its place on his cheeks. He almost seems offended when he hears you talk about yourself in this manner. "You are so much more than that."
"Yeah?" You smile, finding his insistence rather cute.
"Your words, your encouragements, your trust in me - it all gave me strength to let go of my grief and move forward with my life. Before you came along, I... I was just adrift. After Rika passed, I... I honestly felt like a big part of me died with her. I no longer knew who I was, or what I was meant to do, or if there was any point to what I do, if all my efforts could be just ripped away from so cruelly. I gave up on myself. Truth is, deep down, I didn't believe I could be happy. But, you..." he squeezes your hand, laying his other palm atop of it now as well. "You came along, and you believed in me, when no one else did. You encouraged me and told me that it's never too late to seek out that happiness I thought I lost. You never judged me, never made fun of me. You just... listened. Listened and accepted me for who I was. No, you saw things no one else saw, not even me. I can finally say that I am proud of who I am, and that's because of the way your words have motivated and encouraged me. You are the most brave and amazing person I know. And I'll be damned if I don't tell you that every single day from now on."
You're at a loss for words when faced with such a heartfelt speech. It's just too much. In the best way possible. You are pretty sure you can feel a couple of tears sliding down your cheeks now, as a tiny laugh slips from your lips. You wipe your eyes with your free hand, sniffing.
"...I forgot how great you are at giving motivational speeches."
Your blunt response makes you both laugh, a new lightness filling your chest as you suddenly feel all your nerves fade from your mind. Yoosung didn't make you nervous. Not at all. You knew you were safe with him. Just like you always took his problems and struggles seriously, he would do the same for you.
"I wasn't the class president for nothing, you know."
"That you weren't."
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faces-ofvenus · 1 year
BABE here I am, since requests are open. Okay so um bear with me because I barely request, but I've been lately thinking about how a Modern Lucerys would be like with an extremely shy & awkward reader?
Like, she can barely make/maintain eye contact (and when she does make eye contact she lowers her gaze to the ground), is very quiet and awkward, stutters, blushes and giggles easily, but she clearly tries to approach him in small ways by gifting him small things like flowers or drawings?
also: you don't have to write this if you don't want to, angel! 💕
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Anything you ask me I will do 🥰😔, and yes I loved writing this, as much as I am outgoing, I would be all shy with this beautiful boy
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Perhaps you are each other's biggest stalkers, for all your friends (both his and yours) it is simply surreal the obvious passion that two people have for each other, but simply the shame, the shyness and a bit of insecurity prevent you from even exchanging a few words.
You and Lucerys obviously met at school when I say this is very, very young, you both sat on opposite sides, always apart, as if fate was trying not to bring you together, but your eyes and attention, always turned to each other.
You feel so ashamed to talk to him, it's just so hard, your nervousness, the butterflies in your stomach, sometimes even your head that seems to be more dizzy than normal, being in your circle of friendship an introverted person or not, everybody knows that you are very shy, and sometimes quite insecure about everything about yourself.
When your eyes would turn to him, your heart would beat fast, as if you had run a marathon or something, it was so obvious, but whenever your gaze would go to the side, and your eyes would cross, you would feel yourself choking on your own saliva, it was so obvious!? Did he notice? It was comical to see your disguise and embarrassment, like, yes yes, this wall is so interesting, the ceiling has never been so beautiful, or simply the way you looked at the opposite side.
Lucerys thought it was so adorable, he always believed that you weren't really looking at him, well, he was always looking at you, and the reactions were almost the same, but he didn't feel that interesting, to get attention, especially your attention.
Unlike basically his whole family, he wasn't coveted, he didn't feel so bad (sometimes he did) because the only person he wanted was just, the one who seemed to try to avoid him he doesn't blame you, ever, but it hurts, he just wants to be noticed, then eve of Valentine's Day, notes and chocolates, started arriving, chocolates, candies, letters, in his wallet, closet, he was so confused....
His heart fluttered at the possibility of it being you, even if in his head it was something stupid, but he felt Jace's mocking glance whenever he saw the candy decorated with hearts, yes maybe a little bird in love had come to him asking what his brother's favorite chocolate flavor was, with NO pretense whatsoever, to give it to him, oh little bird.
Whenever you saw him with some of his gifts, your smile grew in such spontaneous ways, yes your friends are talking to you, but why do you look like you're not listening, and you're looking at a certain Velaryon with the most psychopathic smile possible, when you came back to reality, nervous laughter came out of your lips, you were mad, when he turned to face you, you just grabbed your friend's arm, and quickly left the place.
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It was such a ridiculous idea, yes you know, just go talk to him, they said, but it just wasn't that easy, at the same time your body longed to show everything you felt for him, all the appreciation, all the feeling.
It started with letters, drawings, chocolates, and even FLOWERS, everything you would remember him by, seeing him receiving them from afar, the way he wore the loofah scarf you gave him, (yes you knew that Harry Potter is simply his favorite book, and maybe you are the only one who really paid attention to that) the way he ate your chocolates, and even the way his cheeks flushed when he saw your drawings (whether they were "pretty" or "not").
All this couldn't supply what you felt, but at the same time, it gave you a certain comfort, you knew that he would never look at you, you are? Most people simply never paid much attention to the shy girl in the room.
You looked around trying to find some sign of him, it was finally Valentine's Day, so it wasn't too strange, you're sticking a letter of declaration in a "random" locker at school, people were doing this all the time, wanting it or not, you wanted so badly for him to leave you something, the smallest thing if anything, lost in your thoughts you didn't even notice the reason for your mental discussion coming up.
Lucerys looked at you in pure shock, it seemed as if your eyes were deceiving him, you, s\nmaybe the most beautiful girl in school, were standing in front of his locker with a letter in your hand, yes you could only have got the locker wrong, but the possibility that it was for him disturbed him in such good ways, taking the courage it gave him he went to meet you in large, hurried steps, clearing his throat slightly to get your attention, he could feel himself combusting when your eyes met.
— aah... You...misplaced the locker, the letter... Oh I mean... Hi — FUCK, he didn't even know how to finish a sentence properly, at that moment he just wanted to bury himself, his flushed cheeks said it all.
You were so shocked that you couldn't even speak properly, your eyes had nowhere else to run, holding the letter close, you sighed loudly, you couldn't escape anymore.
— Ah...Hi...yeah, no it's not, I was wrong actually, this letter is for you...I hope...it doesn't mean just read it I don't know. — you handed it over and quickly upset you ran off wondering which nearby ground you could bury yourself in.
You didn't want to see his face, his reaction, this situation was simply so terrible, your conflicting feelings oscillated between elation and despair, in a way that you couldn't tell one from the other.
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The next day you honestly hardly wanted to go, to be more specific, you didn't want to step outside your house ever again, but you still forced yourself to go, since you had been sick for so long, missing was no longer an option, you had arrived earlier than you expected, maybe trying to avoid all possible acquaintances.
When you sat down in your class, you noticed a note with a heart in the middle, and a small box of chocolate on the side, you looked around anxiously, the room didn't seem so crowded, and he... It wasn't there, when you opened it you read it quickly, that declaration of love, of the purest adoration, that you never thought anyone would have for you, those words, and at the end one, you want to go out with me.
When you looked up Lucerys was looking at you hopefully, his whole face resembled that of a tomato, or something that looked like the purest of crimson, he was holding a small flower, his favorite flower.
— So... You want to, I don't know, go to the movies with me, or maybe a park, restaurant... whatever.
And clearly you knew answer.
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
🌼hiii can i have a (separate) matchup with mista and jonathan, sfw and nsfw for both pls? if u can’t do both then just mista is fine 🫶🏻
i’m a cis girl (afab) and my pronouns are she/her, i’m 5’2” w long brown hair and i’m on the chubbier side LOL oops!!!
i’m a v introverted/shy person so i don’t have a wide variety of irl friends but instead a few close knit friends. however i do try to go out of my way to be nice to people whether that be like…picking up something they dropped, asking if they need help with anything, idk im just a people pleaser and one of my biggest fears is coming off as “mean”
i’m into watching anime, reading, crafting, and also musicals! i’m such a broadway nerd it’s not even funny lmao it’s probably my #1 fandom
i feel like the way i would act around my f/o would be lovey dovey without laying it on tooo thick. like i love giving/receiving cutesy nicknames like “honey, sweetheart, my love” as opposed to the regular ole “babe” 😪 my love language is gift giving so i’ll def spoil them with little things that make me think of them, like their favorite candies, maybe a new game we can play together, or just anything that catches my eye hehehe🤭
tysm in advance you’re the best!! ❤️
I really tried to do Jonathan, but inspiration just wasn't on my side, I hope you like it anyway:( but I like the dynamic between you and Jonathan, so as soon as I can put it on paper, I'll edit this post, or post Jonathan's part separately
Mista x you ✨
>Guido definitely is the "excuse me, she asked for no pickles" to your "really, it's fine (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ"
>Even though he's an extrovert, and certainly not shy, he doesn't have many friends apart from the Bucci-gang, so he can relate to you, and is happy to know you choose your friends wisely
>Adores you kindness, he thinks you're such a cute little thing, helping people wherever you go
>But he realizes that your insecurity plays a part on that, he'll encourage you to set healthy boundaries and cherish yourself the way he cherishes you
>You're so awesome!!! Please listen to him
>If you're with him in Naples, it's likely you will get scammed frequently by people who claim to need help. He can recognize these scams easily, but if you're on your own, you may fall for it
>After you tell him about it, he'll pepper little kisses to your face, and tell you it's not your fault for being nice, all you have to do know is tell him who did that to you, and they'll never bother you anymore
>There's perks to your boyfriend being in the mafia and being able to intimidate people easily
>If you apologize and say something like "I'm sorry that came off mean" he'll tell you it's okay to not make every single sentence you say sound nice, sometimes you're talking about something serious, or something you're passionate about, and you get emotional, that's okay
>Canonically both his favorite movies are romance ones, so you can be sure he's getting into romance animes and plays
>On the surface, Mista is the "I don't get why they sing all of a sudden" but internally he's belting to every song
>He gets into musicals as soon as you introduce them to him
>His favorite musicals are Legally Blonde and Anything Goes
>Calls you chickadee afterwards tho 💀
>Cries to Burn from Hamilton every single time
>I think he has a thing for reverse harem, it's just so cute! The protagonist has so many options, and still chooses his true love over princes, millionaires, models, you name it
>This is also powered by the fact that he has literally no clue what you see in him, yet he can still be sure you would always pick him
>He's so glad you're affectionate, he's soooo touch starved
>He's good with the rougher part of crafts, he can build you a table, but he can't do origami to save his life
>He probably calls you "babe" at the start of your relationship, but then realizes he gets a better reaction out of you when he says something more classically romantic
>Calls you bambolotta, which means "little doll"
>He deadass stops functioning when you give him a gift
>He'll get teary eyed and kiss you out of excitement, but then will try to unsuccessfully play it cool (he's just like me fr)
>He tries to repay all of your love during sex
>He's dedicated to make you feel just as good as you make him feel
>Loves to leave marks on the fat of your hips and chest
>Speaking about chest, he pays special attention to your boobs, making sure you're getting extra stimulation
>Not gonna lie, he's into some raunchy stuff, but I think your doting nature will soften him up, he's not vanilla either, but focuses way more in your pleasure
>He does get excited and lose some common sense, but you have a safe sign/word for those cases
>Gets addicted to fucking you silly, you're so overstimulated you can't protest when he's pampering you, cleaning you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear
>"Please, please let me do this, bambolotta, let me spoil you the same way you do with me"
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thestargirlfromoon · 2 years
Saeran X Reader
Like the first kiss
One shot
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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In the night Saeran and Mc enjoyed each other's company as they watched the rain together through the window while showing deeper feelings for each other.
It was night and it was raining, the cold air came easily through the window where I was, it was nothing new that I loved the rain. In moments like this I felt my anxiety and all my insecurities calming down with every drop that fell.
-Mc? I turned to face the owner of the voice that called me in a soft tone.
-Saeran, hi. I couldn't help but smile, it's been a month since we rescued Saeyoung. After all the hustle and bustle the days have been calmer though that also meant my mind was unoccupied. When I turned my attention to him he was looking at the window i was looking before and looked back at me.
“Are you busy? I am bothering you or something?” He asked shyly, Saeran had a habit of trying to make sure he's giving me space to make me comfortable since we moved in together.
-Of course not, I already said that your presence would never disturb me in any way. I felt my heart warm, I was still getting used to having a boyfriend as careful and attentive as he was. Saeran is my first boyfriend and it's not news that he's new to this too, I've always been a shy and somewhat introverted person which makes our relationship a little difficult and I feel that Saeran feels obliged to act carefully with me for that, not to mention that I'm kind of defensive and I end up sounding kind of rude unintentionally because I feel stressed in busy places. Fortunately I can think well about what I say to him since I don't want to say something stupid that makes him disappointed in me or sick of me. If I weren't like that, maybe Saeran would relax more in my presence.
I sighed at the thought, which unfortunately did not go unnoticed by him.
-What are you thinking angel? He calmly sat beside me.
-Don't worry, it's nothing. I tried to push my frustrating thoughts away but ended up letting out another sigh in the attempt.
I felt his hand gently hold my face, my face felt like it was boiling even though it was raining outside. I looked away from his intense gaze hoping my heart would calm down.
“Can I hug you?” He asked carefully.
Again he looks intimidated, do I make it look like I don't like him touching me? Or have I not made it clear enough that I love his presence? How can I show him in a clear way? I mustered up some courage and kissed him.
I started to wonder if it was a good idea, but that doubt passed as soon as he reciprocated.
The only time I took the initiative was in the garden and I have no idea how I had so much courage, maybe it was the fact that he was crying and I was frustrated on the day because he thought I despised him, later I cried in my room and spend all night worried because after our kiss he ran away, I really thought that I blew it.
"Mc, I love you." Saeran whispered with a sweet smile and then returned his attention to my lips.
I whimpered a little with the kiss when I felt his tongue on mine, I wasn't used to that kind of affection and physical touches, which is actually a little embarrassing but Saeran didn't seem bothered by it in fact he even comforted me by saying that with him it was the same.
"Me too..." I replied embarassed to his sudden confission as we leaned our foreheads together.
-Do you love ice cream too? he asked in an innocent tone.
-You know what i meant to say, but well... coming to think of it I love ice cream too. I reflected and he giggled, his laugh was so tender I couldn't help but laugh along.
-Are you too shy to tell me? The question was simple but for some reason it took me back to when we were in magenta and he asked me what kind of things I wanted to do with ray and where did I let my imaginations take me and after asking to kiss him.
I felt my face burn at the memory, it was like it was the first time we were kissing and exchanging affection, I still couldn't get used to it there was always something that made me feel this agitation and embarrassment. Saeran surprise me in so many ways since his attitude from going from fearful to affectionate and from teasing to embarrassed, there was so much about him that it made me love him more and more.
I noticed that his face was also very red and that I had been staring at him for a while when I was lost in thoughts.
I immediately turned my gaze toward the window to watch the rain and forget the tension from staring at him for so long.
His hand landed on top of mine and I held it, watching the rain together was something precious...I always feel euphoric and very tender and I hope that one day I will be able to express clearly some of these feelings to him.
(Sorry any error i'm not fluent in English ^^)
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝/[Memo] ( I forgot the memo thing when I sent Kezzie's u-u;; But uh - gimmie the Bunny boy! Either verse )
| Send me 📝 and i'll give you a random amount of headcanons/facts about my muse! So i'mma set this up like this first things that apply to all my verses and then spefics one and then stuff for our muses specifically uwu cause Bun bun on my mind so I have lots to share and say XD.
~ Usagi in truth falls in love very easily. Hes a bit of a hopless romantic, where he struggles is actually confessioning his love. Because of this first love.
~ Usagi's first love was Mariko from his home village/city. Who he lost to his childhood rival/friend. Which has always kind of sat with Usagi.
~Because of this Usagi has fallen in love a few times but has also had his heart broken a few times.
~ Usagi is a vegetarian maybe obvious since he is a rabbit after all but, he will panic if he ever eats meat by mistake somehow. Going so far as to purify himself with rituals and salts if need be till his guilt is washed away u_u
~ No matter the verse Usagi is very competitive and doesn't know how to stand down from a challenge. Even verbal ones.
~ Usagi when he is mad will do the mature thing and show his back to whoever pissed him off. He also puffs out his cheeks.
~ Usagi always tends to use people's full names with honorifics (Josielynn is an expectation)
~ Usagi may seem cool calm and collected but he has a pretty bad temper.
~ Usagi can purr uwu and umm if you want to hear it pet his ears, if he likes you he'll let you untie them even if it feels nice and will leave him a purring content bun uwu
~Usagi actually takes pride in his appearance and is good about him grooming habits
~Next To Leo I think Usagi would get along with Raph well because he does have his own anger issues. I could see them enjoying sparing
~ Usagi has no idea what Donnie is ever talking about but he is always impressed and does tell them this which likely compliments them or for rise Donnie hits his ego ~ Usagi always treats Mikey like a younger brother happy to give them his attention
~ Openly swears without care
~ Can sleep with his eyes open, and yes it is creepy to see sometimes he does it without realizing it. ~ Is introverted and a bit shy
2003 verse
~ After he tried to help Leonardo in (The episode I won't shut up about u_u ) he actually stopped talking to the turtle for a time because he felt he failed his friend and wasn't able to help them in the end (also cough cough rp wishlist thing here uwu cough cough)
~ actually has a cellphone given to him by the turtles. In his dimension, he keeps it off to save the battery its a very old model phone though XD
~ The more romantic of the three when it comes to being a partner.
~The most likely to charge into a fight when challenged
~Has a strong dislike for ninjas but the turts especially Leo are expectations to him.
~ The more willing to open up, but only to those he trusts
2012 Verse
~ Usagi is seen as being virtuous and perfect but he has been described as being possessed by a demon, and demonstrating a blood lust when it comes to fighting.
~ I like to think this is what Jei may like about Usagi, seeing how he himself is a demon. And this is why they broke up Jei brings out Usagi's 'worst side out but because he loves so strongly? he can't truly let go of them uwu
~ Usagi has a hard time letting others in, so used to his life of solitude
~Is the most adverse to PDA, won't even hold hands. Alone though with his partner? then he far more loving and softer. He just won't allow himself to be seen in public being soft even with an s/o.
~Alone? then yes you'll get kisses uwu
~ When Usagi and Leo have fights, or if Leo upsets Usagi somehow he only refers to them as Hamato for the whole time he is upset.
~Leo can be jealous yes, but Usagi? can be very ridiculous when it comes to being jealous
~ Usagi despite his confidence actually is a bit insecure when it comes to his and Leo's relationship due to his first love and heartbreak. It's why he confessed to future Leo he assume they broke up. It's a kind of fear of his to lose someone he loves (ironic considering what I have to happen to him uwu)
~ Only two people can get Usagi to agree to pretty much anything Leo and Josielynn. ~Easily folds to puppy-dog eyes he knows it and those who use them on him know it too.
~Has let Josielynn put makeup him before
~ rabbits will rub thier cheeks against things to mark them with thier scent, and Usagi tends to nuzzle his cheek against Leo a lot. This is why Leo is always getting covered in white strands of fur XD. Usagi refuses to not nuzzle his boo uwu.
~ Isn't against PDA like holding hands and little kisses here and there, but will get flustered over nicknames or terms of endearment being used. Or a loudly more expressive display of love like s/o yelling out across a crowd they love him. It will fluster him.
~ despite this I’m pretty sure Usagi old publicly declare his love for Leo if Leo was being stupid enough to think there’s someone out here better for the rabbit. He will shout from the roof top if he has to! XD
~ The least subtle of the three, especially since he tends to express his emotions the most physically.
~ Normally he refers to Leo as Leonardo-san even after they date and get married uwu. But sometimes he'll call them Leo it's rare when he does so. He just respects Leo far too much
~ Usagi can be accused of having rose-colored glasses (having pink eyes don't help his case) because he tends to sing the praise of those he's close to over thier faults.
~ He will and is quick to call out Leo for being stupid at times though. Look he loves ad adores his boyfriend but also Leo you are an idiot but your his idiot uwu
~ Spoils the heck out of the baby
~ Usagi lost out on time with his own father so he tries to make sure to spend time with his own son.
~ ROTMNT He feels guilty that he had to leave his son, his future self at least so he wants to let them get to know him
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bestruction · 3 years
AOT characters in your first date with them
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Unconventional and charming.
Eren wouldn't want to take you on a common date. Please don't understand him wrong. In his mind, there's nothing wrong with dinner, candles, and flowers. It's cute and romantic but...Everyone does it and he wants to do something you won't forget even if you don't get together. 
Does that mean he will take you to eat something at 3 am? Take you on a walk without a place to go?  Maybe to eat all the possible ice cream flavors and decide which is the best? 
All that in one day? Hell yeah.  
His boyish vibe would be something positive to the date if you like funny boys. It's not like he tries to be funny. He only says or does something that makes you smile because he's a natural dork. 
Sometimes he can get insecure about it. Like, he spills something on his shirt or says something stupid in his eyes and then starts to think if you want to run away because he seems immature and awkward. 
So when he sees you smiling or only trying to help him casually, a warm feeling will fill his chest. No matter how much he tries to keep this "I don't care about what other people think" imagine, and when it comes to strangers it's true, but with people that he cares about? He's a baby who needs words of affirmation. 
If you are the type of person who doesn't talk too much, don't worry, he will take the lead. Of course, not to annoy you. I mean (he might try to annoy you sometimes) he's gonna make a ton of questions because he wants to know you. 
It would be one night that would take the whole night to be over, but when it's finally over, you feel like it wasn't enough. 
You will lay down on your bed with an "I want more" taste on your tongue, just like on his. 
After a time of exchanging smalls flirts and looks, you and Eren finally would have a date. You were at your room just suffering from the summer heat when he texted you and suggested meeting each other to have some ice cream and talk. It seemed to be a casual suggestion. Like he didn't have anything in his mind but honestly? Jaeger boy was planning to ask you out for a long time, and now he was freaking out because he finally did. Plus, you said yes. 
There was something about seeing you walking so calmly to him that night. To see you so comfortable around him made his heart miss a beat. Little did he know that inside you, you couldn't be more nervous. 
"Ready to get some ice cream?" 
"I'm ready for anything to relieve this heat."
In the future, after months of dating this idiot, you couldn't explain how one thing led to another to other people. But somehow, Eren convinced you to try all the flavors of ice cream because, according to him, it was so fuckin hot that it would be a shame don't taste the others. Actually, It's the kind of idea that could only have come from him.  
The idea of going to eat something salty later to balance the flavors could only have come from him. You two went to a nearby restaurant, and after ordering something to go, decided to eat walking around the city. Honestly, at this point, he was just trying to spend more time with you. He didn't want the night to end and was hoping you would think the same, and to his surprise, you were. 
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A special slow burn.
Although she doesn't talk much, Mikasa is not a shy person. At the moment, she felt like she should tell Eren her feelings, she did, and when soldiers needed encouragement in season one? She gave them courage with that kind of messy speech.
Of course, she's still the type of person who prefers to listen to someone. Being introverted and shy can be similar things, but definitely not the same.
Sometimes because she's too lazy to say something. Sometimes because she doesn't have much to say. And sometimes because she gets so mesmerized by the person or object that she wants to hear, learn, and admire. 
Not exactly in a romantic way, It's just her way of seeing the world, calm and quiet, like her personality. 
 Definitely the type of girl who gets lost in her own head. 
And that's exactly why it could take time for your first date to happen. 
She will get so lost in the feeling by your side that she won't say anything at first. It would be a surprise to her to feel such a deep connection with someone besides Armin or Eren, which would make her fear to say something to not ruin your friendship. 
What if you don't feel the same, and things just got weird? 
Again, she's not shy, which means that when she notices a sign from you, she'll finally say something.
 Your first date with her can be anything, she's happy as long she's spending time with you. 
In other words, it would only be a matter of time. One that could accept a little help from your friends to go faster. 
Eren and Armin wanted to go to the amusement park, and that's how you ended up going out at night with them, Mikasa, and a few others like Sasha, Jean, and Connie. How do they convince everyone? Being incredibly annoying, especially Eren. In the end, everyone agreed that it wasn't a bad idea to relax and to shut up both. 
The night was cold. Cold enough to make you want to go home and crawl under your blanket, but all the excitement from Sasha and Connie as soon as they caught sight of the park lights were worth it. It was like watching the two of them go back to being two kids if they ever stopped being one. That, and of course, her. Mikasa was there as usual. And as usual, You were trying not to get caught while looking at her from head to toe. 
"At least try to disguise it better" Sasha hit your shoulder with hers lightly, laughing clearly at your face, according to her, in love.
"I don't know what you are talking about" 
"Yeah sure, love bird" 
It was no secret that you had a crush on the serious Mikasa, except for her, but that was about to change tonight because your friends decided to play cupid with you two. You like her, she likes you...Why take so long? 
The plan was simple: put the two of you alone on the Ferris wheel so you could have a romantic moment, in Jean's words. Believe me, that was way better than the other options. Connie wanted just to make you two buy food and then leave you alone in the park. Sasha asked the two of you to go with her, and before getting on the Ferris wheel, she said she wouldn't go with the excuse that she was scared of heights and for you to go anyway since you've waited so long. Honestly, she felt like she deserved an Oscar when she saw you guys walk into the cabin. 
You made a comment about the park lights being beautiful at night being seen from so high, to which she responded by saying that you were also lit by them. The way you smiled and looked at her, at that moment alone, was the sign she had been waiting for, and the way she came closer to your face slowly, maybe to torture you a little or to make sure you wanted it, became an even better kiss you had been waiting for. 
It took a lot of patience to ignore the jokes about her lipstick on your lips later as if they didn't expect it already  but none of that mattered just the warm feeling Mikasa had left in your mouth.
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dokueshi · 3 years
𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: sorry for delaying posting again. but I started going to a new school which is huge and I don't know anybody there and it stresses me out a lot. ╥﹏╥ however, I hope everything will be fine soon. and I also hope yall better than me. <3
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: @ravenina14
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mention of kidnapping and a hired killer, but nothing bloody.
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𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
☾︎ Annoyed. That's a good word for his feelings.
☾︎ Soulmates irritate him, he doesn't think he'll ever need a soulmate, it will be just unnecessary ballast, besides Dazai has never been in a serious relationship and has become strong so why would he be different?
☾︎ and he never thought that he would ever meet his chosen one.
☾︎ But hey! he was wrong, bc one day he got a message from an anonymous sender that his soulmate was in danger, giving him the location.
☾︎ Did he want to go there? no, because he didn't care. But a small part of him yes, because he wanted to know if his soul mate was strong.
☾︎ He didn't want to go, but at Gin's persuasion, he agreed and went to "check" you out. And, oh god, if only you could see his face when he saw you.
☾︎ (Y/n) (L/n) - detective of the Armed Detective Agency, was kidnapped by the foreign mafia who fought the Port Mafia. You turned out to be his soul mate.
☾︎ He had heard your name before, but he wasn't interested in you because you were weak. You were a bit above average, but for him it wasn't impressive.
☾︎ Knowing this, he decided to save you, and he did it very quickly. He got rid of the enemies and took you safely to the port.
☾︎ You asked him several times why he helped you, he always replied by saying how weak you are. (ofc).
☾︎ Honestly? He wasn't happy, but at least you weren't as annoying as the rest of the Agency and Port Mafia, so he gave you a few weeks to show him what you can do. (of course you didn't know anything).
☾︎ These few weeks have been the hardest weeks of your life. All the days, Akutagawa caused you problems, he always wanted you to get a mission in which he was involved, and when someone else from the agency did it, he lost interest and stopped doing it for a short time to come back with redoubled strength.
☾︎ Like, damn, he even sent a paid killer to see if you can handle him.
☾︎ But yeah, you won't believe what happened next! Aku accepted you,he thought you were strong enough to be in his presence.
☾︎ And don't worry, it's not the end, Aku will gradually reduce if you can deal with stronger opponents, and when you are on the right level, maybe he will be more interested in you.
☾︎ Akutagawa is introverted so please be patient, he's cold and gloomy but when he trusts you and shows his inner self, you'll have a soulmate who will give his life for you.
"𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦"
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𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐞
☾︎ He had heard of soulmates before, and even found it a bit romantic, but as everyone knows, he prefers crime stories.
☾︎ Just like Aku, he didn't think he would ever find his soul mate.
☾︎ So what was his surprise when one evening while he was writing his new novel, he felt a strange tickling on his eyelids. At first he thought it was his long fringe, but as the tickling continued, even as he curled up it, he got scared.
☾︎ He ran scared to the bathroom and looked at two equal lines of eyeliner on his eyelids, it was... at least weird.
☾︎ He'd heard that some soul mates might have the same marks on their bodies etc, but he didn't think it worked with makeup too. He didn't know who to ask for help, and if anyone could help him.
☾︎ So he had no choice but to ignore it, it wasn't that hard as his hair covered most of the makeup, but there was a problem when you were painting your lips.
☾︎ Poe has a mood swing, so when he found out that he had a soul mate he was first happy to find someone to understand him, then he was unsure because he had doubts that you might not like him, and then he was determined to find you.
☾︎ So he gave up writing novel so that he would have plenty of time to research. He even asked Ranpo for help, but he refused him, saying that he should do it because you are his soulmate.
☾︎ It motivated him, but after months of searching for you, he lost that motivation, he was really sad and everyone saw it.
☾︎ He wanted to rest for a moment and calm his mind, for this he went for a walk in the park and sat down on one of the empty benches away from people.
☾︎ Suddenly a young, shorter woman sat down next to our favorite writer. She was pretty, but Poe caught the eye of her makeup. He was similar to the one he was wearing now.
☾︎ It wouldn't be weird, a lot of women could do this makeup, but everything seemed the same.
☾︎ There was a good chance it was her! His soulmate showed up to him after such a long time! He couldn't just let her go! He wanted to impress her, so he decided to play someone confident.
☾︎ And it was a bit successful, but after a while the brave mask began to disappear and show the real Poe. But it didn't bother anyone, the conversation was nice and calm, comforting. Poe has never felt as good as now.
☾︎ He was already sure you were his soulmate.
☾︎ Poe had mood swings from time to time during the conversation as well, but you didn't pay attention to it, it was especially lovely when he bragged about beating "the best detective" and turned into a blushing mess when you complimented him.
☾︎ You don't even realize how happy he was when you gave him your phone number and asked for another appointment.in short his heart danced macarena
☾︎ He has never dated a girl so he was glad that you would be the first one, the more that you were his soulmate and it was nice to talk to you.
☾︎ Poe may sometimes act cold and confident, but he's actually a shy and insecure guy who needs support and love just like everyone else, so please take care of him.
"𝐌𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 ���� 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭!"
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . someone send me cute dad suggestions because i am running🏃out of ideas💡 i'm also finaly done with dad! akaashi hcs in my notes, so feel free to request ( even non-dad related ones ) because i lowkey have no life👉👈🗿
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➜ it would come as a shock to him honestly ─ you guys used protection and he was atleast careful despite having lazy smex half of the time
➜ but what shocks YOU the most was that he didn't want to get rid of the baby ─ he just couldn't, it was a child he co-reated with the love of his life, how could he ?
➜ you were quick to come with an agreement with him, his soft smile tugging on his lips to form, the smile 80% of the time would come out only for you ( shoyou & kuroo )
➜ he was also lowkey excited, he texted shoyou and kuroo about it as they both congratulated him and were already trying to do dibs on who'll be god father
➜ and you've noticed that he was bit more affectionate with you when you were in your pregnancy, his head on your lap as you play with his hair ─ which he usually doesn't like people doing?? and would every now and then kiss your tummy while playing his games
➜ i want to h*ld his hand
➜ and k*th him
➜ he's like a mother cat on pregnancy, but with you ─ never lets you do work, saying that he already has it under all on control, very protective of you and literally hisses at other people coming near you LMAO WTF MAN
➜ tries to be as knowledgable for your pregnancy as much as possible ─ just like the other dads in my hcs, they want YOU to feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and want YOU to feel supported
➜ has already bought EVERYTHING you needed, even extra ones and has booked appointments left and right
➜ like mans hasn't done this much effort after volleyball ngl
➜ but just like everyone else ─ he's terrified, he doesn't know alot of these things and of course you're the only woman he has ever gotten pregnant and he doesn't have any experiences in these type of thing whatsoever
➜ doubts were not uncommon ─ if he ever was going to be a good father to his child, if he was even a good fiancé to you, was he even worth to have a child with ?
➜ this bb boy CRIED when he heard you guys were having twins, TWINS; like as in a girl and a boy
➜ when kaori and kazu were born, kenma wasn't aware that he could fall in love all over again
➜ is this even worth mentioning because everyone probably knows this?? he s p o i l s  them big time
➜ whenever he's working late at night, he'll always be the one telling YOU to go back to sleep and he'll be the one to take care of the kid for the night
➜ and by kid, i meant kazu because somehow??he??got??his??father's??sleeping??schedule??
➜ and it's how he sleeps by
➜ sometimes whenever you wake up, you find yourself alone in the bedroom and whenever you look at either the game room or your childrens' room, you would always find kenma lying with his children on couch-bed ─ kozu and kaori on each side of his head, kaori having her small little fingers holding and sometimes tugging onto her dad's hair
➜ and sometimes you would also join them
➜ but most of the time, you would head to the kitchen and make some breakfast
➜ and usually kenma would wake up and put his kids back to their crib and he'd go look for you, finding you cooking as he would wrap his arms around your waist as he hugs you from the back
➜ i just wanna get myself a gamer boi kenma
➜ since he gets a lot more clingey whenever he wakes up
➜ whenever he's streaming USUALLY, kozu would sleep on his lap like a cat while kaori is sleeping in his head?? Idk how??
➜ while his fans literally PAY him to show his adorable kids, some even commented how they're all so cat-like and alike with their father
➜ one time while streaming, he was probably ranting tf out of a game he wasted his money on and warning his fans not to buy it because it's basically a scam
➜ and while he was in the middle of ranting, his daughter comes in while holding a blanket on her as she rubbed her eyes looking so much like a small kitten, he literally STOPS DEAD ON HIS SWEAR WORD AS HIS EYES WIDDENED while the people in the chats are either fangirling how CUTE his daughter was or DYING because mans was almst about to swear and interrupted himself
➜ before he could react a bundle of energy comes into the gaming room, you hot tailing on his tracks as you came into the room while trying to retrieve kozu
“ kozu!! don't come in there ahH ─ ” you blushed as you looked at both your boyfriend that has an amused eyebrow cocked up, and onto the camera before laughing and smiling at it since his fans ADORE YOU
➜ when you finally got your hands on your son, you smiled at your daughter as you signaled her to come over to you
➜ but before she could come to you she was already lifted at her father's lap
“ it's fine, i'll have her with me ” he said as he nodded at you, placing her gently in the middle of his lap as his arms encaged her while he played his games
➜ before leaving with a pouting kozu on your arms you threw a peace sign at the camera for his fans, closing the door on the way out
➜ let's just say that it lowkey went viral because it's literally so cute
➜ sorry i just HAD to reference that interview that got viral before
➜ one time where you fell asleep with both of your children curled up to you in the bed, kenma just finished a long stream as he walked to the bedroom hoping to fall asleep ontop of you yet finds two cute cat looking children cuddling you
➜ he quickly took a photo or two and made it both his home and lockscreen before sending it to shoyou
➜ and then sliding himself onto the covers as he, himself, nuzzled himself onto your warmth
➜ the relatable dad, idk why but i really see him getting along with children especially when they're teenagers ─ i just, i COULD SEE IT
➜ especially kaori😭 since she inherited his introverted and somehow shy side??
➜ kaori : *slids down the chair after coming home from school* i wanna die
➜ kenma : same
➜ he would introduce video games to his children AHH
➜ would even play violent games with them because why not?
➜ you'd prolly have to scold him after though
➜ the biggest achievement was when both of his children listing game consoles on their christmas lists
➜ and it was on the top of the list
➜ but kenma, being the kanbe(kambe??) daisuke he is, he bought all the things on that list
➜ he knows his kids are supposed to be studying at school ─ he knows it, he really does, that's why he made them go to school
➜ but he couldn't help but play along with his children on the imessage games when he DEFINITELY knows that they were in the middle of history class
➜ and you'll just find out it through the family gc seeing them spam the chat with games and screenshots of their scores while comparing them😭
➜ he always knew how to communicate with his children ─ perhaps it was because of the reason that they are his children
➜ but whenever his daughter comes to him complaining about human interactions and wanting to stay home while his son complains about school being in the way of gaming ─ he's just like : WE SEE EACH OTHER
➜ baby boy is a lazy bum, but he will never hesitate to participate and contribute to his children's life ─ not only through things, but also with just his guidance and presence
➜ your pregnancy may have come across as an accident, but it was never a mistake to kenma.
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➜ after getting married for two years now, you couldn't help but want to start building a family with kuroo
➜ LIKE WHO WOULDN'T?? this is kuroo tetsurou we are talking about
➜ unlike oikawa and bokuto ─ YOU were the one having the baby fever
➜ your friends and colleagues already having or talking with their partners to start or adopt
➜ but of course you were lowkey insecure, why wasn't he even mentioning that he wanted a family with you? does he think that it was a waste of time? or maybe he doesn't want to start it with you ─ maybe you were the problem?
➜ but unbeknownst to you, tetsurou also wanted to start a family with you ─ he wanted a lot of children, actually. but he doesn't want you to feel pressured ─ since you guys are still youthful, there's still a lot of time to think about it
➜ and most of all, he doesn't want to start a family with anyone else BUT YOU
➜ whatthefucksanaol sir eye ─
➜ and he's already talking to bokuto behind your back about wanting to start a family with you ( and of course kenma )
➜ it's quite eerie honestly
➜ you, thinking it was only just a slight baby fever with all your friends wanting them as well, tried dismissing your thoughts
➜ but your mind said nO❌🚫 RIGHTS✅💢
➜ and kuroo could notice the slight change in behaviour with you, it was subtle but he was quite perceptive
➜ with his cat eyes intently watching you as you tried avoiding his gazes because all you could think is HAVING A BABY WITH THE SAME EYES AS HIM FIIFJJCJC
➜ it was fine until he confronted you about it
➜ kuroo ─ for me, is someone to face a problem head-on, it's just his personality, so it wasn't a surprise that he seriously yet carefully and nonchalantly confronted you while you guys were about to sleep as you layed your head on his lap, taking in his warmth
➜ and that's where mans dropped the b*mb💣
“dollface? is everything alright with you?”
➜ just imagine kuroo's concerned voice is all that you could hear along with the palpitations of your heart as he caressed your cheeks, brushing off the hair covering your face as he puts down science pun book he had on his hands on the nightstand
➜ now i can't help but imagine that scene from the special/bonus chapter from bj alex with chanwoo and MD on the bed, that scene where he tries to confront chanwoo about that bruise on his face? ughshshsj
➜ all he heard was that you wanted to start a family with him👉👈 and now he's seconds to going FERAL and push you down the matress
➜ 😳🔞
➜ but mans was quick to get himself back to reality, a bashful smile tugged on his lips as he nodded at you, kinda disappointed that you had to be the braver person in the relationship to bring out the topic and it wasn't him
➜ mans is competitive okay
“ . . . why don't we start now? ” he slyly grinned, y'know, that cheshire cat grin
➜ let's just see you guys didn't sleep at all that night
➜ kuroo was, though not surprisingly, good and knowledgable with pregnancy, not like he secretly researched about it that one time when you guys got a pregnancy scare that started all his wild thoughts about you carrying his child um ─
➜ and this is kuroo we are talking about lmao
➜ i think he has his insecurities but was never doubtful of himself being a father, LIKE MANS HAS TAKEN CARE OF A WHOLE ASS VOLLEYBALL TEAM ─ but he knows there is a difference between being a father to his child and being a good one
➜ i wanna m*rry him too😡
➜ you gifted him a daughter, his first born. the first time he saw her, GOD WAS THIS THE BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN HIS LIFE
➜ like who knew you guys could create someone so beautifully mashed of both him and you ─ but you disagree, as even by the youngest age of four months or three, you could see the literal resemblance of your husband on her
➜ and it was uncanny, her eyes were the ones you dreamed of your children having ─ molten golden ones of tetsurou's, her cat-like grin and sly personality
➜ she was always quick to lean on her father's warmth, and that made kuroo CRY and you kinda jealous
➜ but nevertheless, you knew that there were plenty of times to make one that loves you just as much taiga loves tetsurou
➜ and you did get it, second born after only half a year, was tamaki, which has taken both your personality and tetsurou's, while having your appearance.
➜ but you were quick to notice to comment that tamaki has gotten kuroo's shy personality while he was young, he would always shy away from his sister that kept clinging onto him since she has never had a playmate other than her uncles from nekoma's old volleyball club
➜ kuroo was to say the least, really happy when he sees your two children getting along with each other since he, himself, has grown up alone with no sibling and without a mother
➜ and as he looked at you playing tamaki and taiga as tamaki got you all wrapped around his finger while taiga was looking for her father, he couldn't help but smile
➜ believe it or not, taiga first said your name ─ not tetsurou's
➜ in your face kuroo
“ come on, say dada !! ” your husband patted his thighs to make a sound as he sat on the bed while your daughter just ─ once again, leaned on his touch, nuzzling her face onto his warm thighs while giggling
➜ he dropped his phone to the bed whining, “ mama! look at her ─ ”
“ ─ mama!! ” your daughter imitated his words, both leaving you guys stunned and wide-eyed as you laugh in shock while tamaki was jealous you gave his sister more attention and now tugging softly at your hair,
“ . . . mama? ”
➜ also belive it or not, tamaki was the one who got his father's sleeping habits of having two pillows on both sides of his head
➜ and it actually??comes??off??nice??and neat??
➜ at the age of 7, your daughter was already picked to represent her class on a science fair AND YOU BET TETSUROU IS SO PROUD OF HIS DAUGHTER
➜ would be such a supportive dad
➜ visits tamaki and taiga's volleyball games ─ like atleast all over them, and would bring along his old teammates to it maybe just to relive old memories because you BET that they're attending nekoma
 ➜ would always have these little traditions and inside jokes with them and you
➜ especially science ones
➜ what do we expect? HE'S LITERALLY A DORK
➜ they just vibe with each other ngl, like kuroo is just a down-to-earth guy and could get along with BOTH your extroverted daughter and introverted son, since he was both of them in a moment from his life
➜ uncle kenma would always bring in gifts for them because they're literally now his cats because they are now cats
➜ sorry i don't make the rules
➜ my husband, kenma, does😋
➜ your kids LOVE HIM though, especially tamaki being a bit like kenma ─ both, growing a soft spots for each other
➜ whenever some of his old teammates would visit, taiga is always on uncle lev's back while yaku scolds him to put her tf down or else she'll fall
➜ tamaki on the other hand, is just safely sitting beside his uncle kenma while he watched him play games ─ which he has also grown to love
➜ doesn't let your kids forget to eat and makes them eat even if taiga's in the phase of wanting to be sexy gorl tingz ─ DADDY KUROO SAYS NO RIGHTS🚫
➜ overall, kuroo couldn't ask for more, he was so proud of his children no matter what they do through and through and of course you too ─ for carrying his children, bringing them into the world and being patient with them
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how you get the boy; edited with follow up
Hi! I wanted to ask you about some advice if you are okay with it.. So I'm really shy and introverted right? But not in my brain if that makes sense.
I wasn't like that when I was younger I was even quiet extroverted but when i was in high school I started to get bullied maybe not as much as some people but it still effected me and I started to keep myself apart from most people. I had already started doing that when i was in middle school but after the bullying it got worse and it wasn't just being shy anymore i just lost my confidence. So now here i am in college with almost no friends from my classes, never had a boyfriend in her life and just alone. Don't get me wrong i love my alone time and I'm pretty good at keeping myself company with my hobbies so this wasn't a big deal to me but I started to like this boy and now I don't know what to do? I'm this confident, witty person in my head ,for god's sake even way before i became an army my friend would tell me i'm the girl version of Jk in every way(btw he's my bias now so she hit jackpot but that's not the point)but I can't seem to show that side of me outside and it's not because of him i just got so used to being the shy girl idk how to change that in any occasion now.
Let's say I built up the courage and talked to him and everything went great idk what to do after that either?? My friends don't get it because they've done the deed way before and it's no big deal to them but to me it kinda is because i've never done anything so i'm both scared and insecure about it. I know I shouldn't care about being late and it's no big deal but I can't get my mind out of it.
Yeah that was my little rant, sorry about that but your answers to others to this day had always made me safe I didn't know who to ask about this... if you'll decide to answer it thank you in advance <3
Man, I hate that you were forced to change to protect yourself. Fuck bullies. Is this why JK is learning boxing? Violence is never the answer but also revenge isn't a question, right? XD
(I am 100% joking, pls don't beat anybody up... or at least don't tell me)
The way you are describing it seems like your introversion is a learned behavior that you adapted to protect yourself from things outside of your control. Just as you have learned to act this way, you can learn to act how you are "in your brain".
You could consistently expose yourself to situations where you actively choose between "initial reaction" (how you would usually react) and "desired reaction" (how you want to react). This is called cognitive behavioral therapy, which is just a fancy way of saying you are basically reintroducing and rebuilding associations little by little. Saying hello and have a nice day to a cashier. Complimenting a stranger. Having a conversation when you normally wouldn't. Then, as you do so, you need to be aware of your own thoughts. Your initial reaction might immediately be, don't say anything, they don't care, but these are negative thought patterns and you can put a stop to it. No, I am putting out positive energy to the world and some people will appreciate it. Instead of thinking about things you might want to do, do them. In order to break the cycle, you must rebuild a new one. It will take time. It will be jarring for you since you have to actively think about how you are acting and thinking, however if this is your natural personality, it may be easier than you think.
Also if you like him and haven't talked to him, but you're already thinking about doing the deed... lol, slow down. What if you talk to him and don't like him? Being in a relationship and being friends are two completely different things. Even if you're just casually bonking, values have to line up, trust needs to be built. People who move fast either make horrible mistakes or know exactly what they're doing. So take it easy and get to know him first. Find similar interests, get involved in his, see if he's interested in yours (if he's not, that's sus).
Everyone's first time is different and most women's first times are, ahem, trash. XD Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. You have to see if he's even worth it first. You should feel comfortable in your first time and when the time comes, do what feels good. Sure, it might be awkward and weird, so what? You'll improve time after time. This isn't the end of the line. This is a beginning. Cherish it as a fun experience, but don't put it on a pedestal.
You're not late. There's no timetable for when people should start having sex. That would be odd. Besides, after you start having consistent sex, you'll start to realize
"Wow, my first time sucked compared to how I am now!"
oh right and how you get the boy
Just be yourself. If he wants to be part of the journey, awesome! If he doesn't, yeet him. He doesn't deserve you at your best if he can't handle your worst, right? (but honestly I think you're fine, this is you trying to regain who you are as a person and has very little to do with him XD)
Aggh i love your answer you have no idea!!! I've been thinking the same think myself too for some time and that's a big part of why I wrote to you because I'm not dumb right? lol if I can be that person when I'm alone or how I was that person when I was younger that means I had that in me. I guess I wanted to make sure so thank you!!
Oh and for the boy it's not like I've never talked to him, I do. Because it's a small class we've had conversations but not TALK talked just us you know? That's what I was trying to say but ig i put it out wrong. I was never the one to just like someone because of how they look or things like that so my crush to him already comes from his thoughts mostly, that's why I was also asking about the deed hahah but I get what you mean.
Thank you again for focusing on the important question and forgetting about the boy till the last minute ahahha!!
Oh, haha, I was missing that detail and super confused, I was thinking, why is she talking about doing the deed so fast LOL but that makes more sense. Yes, I think, in time, once you take pause and assess how you're acting / thinking (if that's learned from the previous bullying or how you truly feel), you will be able to bring out your extroversion again and hopefully you will feel a lot more like yourself. It will take practice and time, but you can do it. :)
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
yessss i get so happy when people recognize how attractive woozi is!! so many people write him off because he's short which is horrible. let's be real, if he was taller everyone and their mama would be thirsting over his body because he's ripped and has wide ass shoulders. i for one am happy he's short and i would be just as happy if he wasn't. who the fuck cares jesus christ. it's not like you can change your height. it's not like how tall you are has a link to how nice you are or whether you help old ladies cross the street. it's genetics we can't change so why is everyone so hung up on it. i also hate when everyone pushes the cute label in his face because it's so obviously linked to the fact that he's short. like yeah he has his cute moments, but he's a grown man leave him alone. let him rest. i'd be pissed if every moment of every day everybody was calling me cute and dismissing my authority. he's my bias because i love his personality. i'm also the type of person who finds inteligence, ambition and emotional openness to be incredibly attractive. that's what drew me in. then i realized how insanely talented he was and that i'm really into his humor. and on top of that you have his very unique visual, that i can't place in any visual category. and boom, that's my guy. he's hot and you're all just scared because he isn't the tallest. stop it, get some help. and when you've let go of your toxic beliefs, come seek us big brained people. we might forgive you for your sins. sincerely, a jihoon lover who's over it
Okay I have many thoughts so let me try and organize them lmao.
So the short and cute things go hand in hand. Now I know the fandom didn’t just decide he’s cute one day. To be completely fair he was typecast as “the small cute one” by the company upon debut. It’s a thing they do to make it easier to get into the group. Some of the stereotypes are super easy to recognize. Seungcheol is the leader and “Dad” of the group, Jeonghan is the mom, Seokmin is a the sunshine member who’s always happy, Soonyoung as the hyper one, Seungkwan is the sassy one, Chan is the maknae on top, and so on. Some of these stuck around but of course ones like Minghao being the “cool cutie” were going to be easily outgrown as the group matured. And they’ve addressed it themselves. Wonwoo saying that he likes getting chances to share his thoughts and feelings. Seungkwan pointing out that because Mingyu is deemed a visual by the company is role is essentially “shut up and look pretty” even though he actually has a lot to say but doesn’t get to talk or speak his mind nearly as much as Seungkwan.
So when new fans in particular see him as cute it doesn’t surprise me. I mean they push it even to these days, using his cutest moments and adding little squeaky sound effects here and there in Going SVT to reinforce that he’s the cute one. It doesn’t surprise me that that’s the first thing people say. Heck the first video my friend every showed me of him was the oppaya aegyo. And I like cute so I ended up looking up more about him lol. 
All of that being said, I think most of us have been in the fandom long enough to know that he is more than that. I do get a bit sad when the only thing people say about him is that he’s cute because he is all the other things you said. I mean I won’t comment on the muscles because they scare me I don’t really care about physical body with my sexuality (nor, I should point out, am I actually attracted to any idol. Like I can say Jihoon is good looking but I’m not sexually attracted to him or any other idol). But he is very smart, and kind, and really loving when he’s close to people. The whole team loves him to bits and he loves them and it really shows. He pours his whole heart and soul into this team and cares about it with everything he has and that’s probably my fav thing about him. So leaving it at “cute” 100% sucks (tho he is far from the only member that suffers from this). 
(I also get sad when people call them all talented and leave it at that without acknowledging hard work but I have a whole other rant on the “talent wall” but like ultimately I think he’s talented but I find the fact that he’s super hard working wayyyyyyy more cool and interesting than just talent.)
I don’t know though if I agree that people overlook him just because he’s short. Now maybe they totally do and I just hang out with the right people who don’t say shit like that, but what I’ve found about biases is that they choose you. You walk in blindly and one or more of them just drag you into their lane lol. I have a handful of tall girl friends and I do know that there can be a level of teasing and insecurity can arise from your height. And I feel like short boys have it just as bad, if not worse with the way people are about masculinity. Buuuuuut I don’t know how much that affects bias? I mean unless your biases are just “this is who I would date/fuck” which is... a really strange concept to me personally tbh. So I like your enthusiasm on the whole thing, though I’m not sure I feel the same about where it all stems from.
As for biases, every fandom has their favs. It’s a sad thing about being a fic writer that if I take a good idea and give it to a less popular member it will get overlooked point blank. Seventeen has it’s most popular, overall the hhu but particularly Wonwoo and Mingyu. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but like more than half the carats I know Wonwoo and/or Mingyu is the top of their bias list. They are both wonderful, but it does mean that when I write things for them it’ll get way more attention than for the others. As for Jihoon, he isn’t the most popular but he isn’t the least popular either. He sits in the middle ground a lot of the time. I wish they were all even and everyone loved them all equally but alas.
I am really glad that in the last couple years they have been breaking out of their roles here and there. Moments like Soonyoung’s Hit the Road episode really stand out to me and just his general insistence that he’s introverted and shy even though a lot of people don’t believe it and think who he is on stage is who he is irl (which, sidenote, I loved that he talked about performance headspace and stuff cuz it’s such a cool thing hehe). I know everyone will always have their favs and it’s all good, I do too even if I wanna even out my writing so they all get equal attention but I hope that them showing us more of themselves allows us to see them all more complexly.
In the end, I love the spirit, but I won’t be condemning anyone lol. Adn let’s not get into the topic of sin. I try to keep that off this blog sakdjlajsldka
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ian-writesss · 3 years
Memories from when we were 10. The fact that you're still the same. Shy and introvert. Your parents only talk about your brother and you don't utter a single word. In the past few years since we stopped talking I haven't heard your voice at all. It seems like you don't want to interfere but the good trait is, you are different. If you want something, you want it. And it's good because in a world like this you need to ask for it or the world will step on your needs. You are just like me. Bold in between the 4 walls we call a home and as quiet as autumn outside those walls. He said you're really strict when it comes to teaching. Is that a way of yours to set your emotions free? She said you don't speak that often and you are the most sensible one. It made me happy, everything does when it's about you. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I want my first ever best friend back. The one who would look into my eyes and make me laugh. The one who would listen to me when I said I wanted to be the red player in ludo despite yourself wanting the same colour. The one who watched me fall but was the only person who didn't laugh. The one who would let me cheat in subway surfers. The one who held my hand and ran with me when I was scared of the chained dogs in the park. The one who scolded his brother when he hurt me. The one who was always mad at everyone but never even glared at me. I was really bad to you if I think about it. I never let you caress my cat while watching jab we met. I was selfish. I wanted everything to be mine. You and the cat. So maybe i was jealous that you were holding the cat and not me. I regret not accepting the flowers. I regret every single decision of my life. Because in between debating on something that wasn't important at that time, I lost my best friend. So when i think about what you said that day, the reasons fall short. But I on the other hand, gave you so many reasons to say what you said. It still hurts me because you had no right to say that and it's only because of you that I feel insecure about me to this day. It's going to stay with me for life and I hate you for it. But at the same time all of it goes away when I see you again and I hate me for that.
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