#lmao jihoon discourse
necronatural · 9 months
Project Moon Discourse part 6: It's Over (It's Never Over)
My project moon tag is dedicated exclusively for details on this situation make of that what you will
Last time on Project Moon: Geonggi Youth Union and Project Moon User Association (protesting fans faction) gets a legal threat from a an actual legal firm (none of them say as much, but the contents appear to be specified to the Youth Union, so likely a copy-pasted message). PMUA were asked to not ragepost until the Youth Union finished talks with Project Moon, but THAT completely fell through, so they just post it with a translated reply. Kim Jihoon gets MAD mad and says that the Geonggi Youth Union were going after PM to promote their campaign standing! Youth Union says what the fuck are you talking about, how would we do this when it was being handled internally and the public would only see us apologizing? The crux of all this legal threatening is because Vellmori resigned, therefore it wasn't 'unlawful dismissal'.
And now some new updates:
IT union vice chairman Hwanmin Kim realizes that on September 8 the Limbus Company Twitter sent him a cease and desist. Over Twitter DMs. I'm not kidding
A user has translated Hwanmin Kim's explanation of why talks broke down with the Geonggi Youth Union in this Twitter thread. In short: unless Vellmori expresses a desire to be reinstated their hands are tied, as the laws don't adequately protect workers. It seems the "political motivations" accusation is rooted in the fact that the YU is respecting that they can't represent Vellmori's worker rights unless she asks, yet are still campaigning against PM regardless.
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The surrounding climate of Korean gaming companies policing women's speech and how the PM case blew up because of that climate has been recorded in a news article that tracks situations as recent as the whole PM/YU/PMUA showdown. You can read it here. They reached Monggeu (the artist for Leviathan) for comment, and Monggeu noted "they asked me not to say anything too 'PC' when I was hired". Another staff member said PM treats workers 'not as people, but as parts'.
HamHamPangPang addresses a rumour that fan gifts are being thrown out, saying the stored items were damaged. Main response has been "with no notice though?" and "how the fuck did that happen?" with some gift-givers noting they have photo evidence of their goods being stored safely. Most people are actually rather forgiving of the manager (HHPP has been totally exempt from all the blowback towards PM's mismanagement thus far) and are casting suspicion on Kim Jihoon.
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Most importantly of all, Kim Jihoon posts an apology on the Limbus Company twitter, which is a hell of a thing after the Notes App Ragepost. He far more cordially explains that he says he posted a notice with 'vague wordings', despite the fact that it very explicitly stated 'she violated our rules, and thus we won't be working with her in the future' - the only vague aspect was how Vellmori left the company. I suppose this is a polite way to say 'we fucked her over in hopes the DCInsiders would feel they successfully drew blood and leave the company alone'. At no point does he specify the original DCInside harassment beyond 'the artist was free to go after them legally', just as Hwanmin Kim mentioned.
Also this:
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It's actually an otherwise reasonable apology and I think it's encouraging that he will finally work with his employees when they come to him with harassment, but he at no point is clear on why on earth it required international protest for him to do so.
But he had time to interject that he wants the Geonggi Youth Union, Hwanmin Kim, and the PMUA annihalated. OK dude
Personally, I support further protest and not spending money on Project Moon titles, this time strictly over refusal to denounce anti-feminist harassment or comment on their mismanagement. Also it's all but explicit the offer PM gave was "either resign and escape by letting DCInside feel they won or stay on and sue them by yourself, we don't want to rock the boat by helping you" and I'm pissed
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
yessss i get so happy when people recognize how attractive woozi is!! so many people write him off because he's short which is horrible. let's be real, if he was taller everyone and their mama would be thirsting over his body because he's ripped and has wide ass shoulders. i for one am happy he's short and i would be just as happy if he wasn't. who the fuck cares jesus christ. it's not like you can change your height. it's not like how tall you are has a link to how nice you are or whether you help old ladies cross the street. it's genetics we can't change so why is everyone so hung up on it. i also hate when everyone pushes the cute label in his face because it's so obviously linked to the fact that he's short. like yeah he has his cute moments, but he's a grown man leave him alone. let him rest. i'd be pissed if every moment of every day everybody was calling me cute and dismissing my authority. he's my bias because i love his personality. i'm also the type of person who finds inteligence, ambition and emotional openness to be incredibly attractive. that's what drew me in. then i realized how insanely talented he was and that i'm really into his humor. and on top of that you have his very unique visual, that i can't place in any visual category. and boom, that's my guy. he's hot and you're all just scared because he isn't the tallest. stop it, get some help. and when you've let go of your toxic beliefs, come seek us big brained people. we might forgive you for your sins. sincerely, a jihoon lover who's over it
Okay I have many thoughts so let me try and organize them lmao.
So the short and cute things go hand in hand. Now I know the fandom didn’t just decide he’s cute one day. To be completely fair he was typecast as “the small cute one” by the company upon debut. It’s a thing they do to make it easier to get into the group. Some of the stereotypes are super easy to recognize. Seungcheol is the leader and “Dad” of the group, Jeonghan is the mom, Seokmin is a the sunshine member who’s always happy, Soonyoung as the hyper one, Seungkwan is the sassy one, Chan is the maknae on top, and so on. Some of these stuck around but of course ones like Minghao being the “cool cutie” were going to be easily outgrown as the group matured. And they’ve addressed it themselves. Wonwoo saying that he likes getting chances to share his thoughts and feelings. Seungkwan pointing out that because Mingyu is deemed a visual by the company is role is essentially “shut up and look pretty” even though he actually has a lot to say but doesn’t get to talk or speak his mind nearly as much as Seungkwan.
So when new fans in particular see him as cute it doesn’t surprise me. I mean they push it even to these days, using his cutest moments and adding little squeaky sound effects here and there in Going SVT to reinforce that he’s the cute one. It doesn’t surprise me that that’s the first thing people say. Heck the first video my friend every showed me of him was the oppaya aegyo. And I like cute so I ended up looking up more about him lol. 
All of that being said, I think most of us have been in the fandom long enough to know that he is more than that. I do get a bit sad when the only thing people say about him is that he’s cute because he is all the other things you said. I mean I won’t comment on the muscles because they scare me I don’t really care about physical body with my sexuality (nor, I should point out, am I actually attracted to any idol. Like I can say Jihoon is good looking but I’m not sexually attracted to him or any other idol). But he is very smart, and kind, and really loving when he’s close to people. The whole team loves him to bits and he loves them and it really shows. He pours his whole heart and soul into this team and cares about it with everything he has and that’s probably my fav thing about him. So leaving it at “cute” 100% sucks (tho he is far from the only member that suffers from this). 
(I also get sad when people call them all talented and leave it at that without acknowledging hard work but I have a whole other rant on the “talent wall” but like ultimately I think he’s talented but I find the fact that he’s super hard working wayyyyyyy more cool and interesting than just talent.)
I don’t know though if I agree that people overlook him just because he’s short. Now maybe they totally do and I just hang out with the right people who don’t say shit like that, but what I’ve found about biases is that they choose you. You walk in blindly and one or more of them just drag you into their lane lol. I have a handful of tall girl friends and I do know that there can be a level of teasing and insecurity can arise from your height. And I feel like short boys have it just as bad, if not worse with the way people are about masculinity. Buuuuuut I don’t know how much that affects bias? I mean unless your biases are just “this is who I would date/fuck” which is... a really strange concept to me personally tbh. So I like your enthusiasm on the whole thing, though I’m not sure I feel the same about where it all stems from.
As for biases, every fandom has their favs. It’s a sad thing about being a fic writer that if I take a good idea and give it to a less popular member it will get overlooked point blank. Seventeen has it’s most popular, overall the hhu but particularly Wonwoo and Mingyu. I love them, don’t get me wrong, but like more than half the carats I know Wonwoo and/or Mingyu is the top of their bias list. They are both wonderful, but it does mean that when I write things for them it’ll get way more attention than for the others. As for Jihoon, he isn’t the most popular but he isn’t the least popular either. He sits in the middle ground a lot of the time. I wish they were all even and everyone loved them all equally but alas.
I am really glad that in the last couple years they have been breaking out of their roles here and there. Moments like Soonyoung’s Hit the Road episode really stand out to me and just his general insistence that he’s introverted and shy even though a lot of people don’t believe it and think who he is on stage is who he is irl (which, sidenote, I loved that he talked about performance headspace and stuff cuz it’s such a cool thing hehe). I know everyone will always have their favs and it’s all good, I do too even if I wanna even out my writing so they all get equal attention but I hope that them showing us more of themselves allows us to see them all more complexly.
In the end, I love the spirit, but I won’t be condemning anyone lol. Adn let’s not get into the topic of sin. I try to keep that off this blog sakdjlajsldka
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hearttoshu · 6 years
If you could pair up your mutuals with a member from Seventeen (besides their bias) who would you pair them up with and why? P.s i love your blog!!!
AHHHHHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I’M CRYING T-T I’m honestly so happy you’ve made my day! 
Aaaaand that’s really hard :,)) I’m really tempted to just pair everyone with their bias wreckers now too haha… the thing is each of my friends have biases for a reason they match well! But I’ll try hehe (and it’s super long) so ye and these are just my opinions haha (also I’m sorry I can only do a few of my mutuals that I’m familiar with, it’s because it would be too long and you’ll see what I mean…)
@bloatedboo​ ~ Seungkwan: Ok so hear me out about this I think seri is really funny and seungkwan is also really funny which is why I think they’d be cute together and also seungkwan kinda seems to me, that how people view him matters like he takes what others say about him to heart even if they’re not the nicest comments and is a bit self deprecating and Seri doesn’t much let that kind of stuff affect her so I feel like they’d be a good match in that aspect because she’d remind him he’s wonderful all the time and he’d do anything to make her smile so yea lol
@jetaimeyoongi​ ~ Mingyu: and not because he was her bias before lol but just I feel like since she’s on the dab squad she shares a lot in common with Minghao 😂 like Soph is really talented at dancing (and singing and rapping) like Minghao is and she also has a kind of bright sense of humor and since minghao and mingyu get along so well I think she’d be cute with mingyu because she’d be able to handle his puppy-like personality the best and they’d dote on each other all the time that’s CUTE
@softwonwoo​ ~ Jun: Ok before Jian was a carat I sorta guessed her bias would be jun even though she surprised me with biasing wonu hehe (though jiwoo is hella cute) and the reason was he makes stupid puns and cheesy jokes (I mean wonwoo does too) like Jin of bts (who is her bts bias haha) and he has a beautiful and light airy voice and can dance beautifully (also like Jian) and they can make dumb jokes together and be pretty people and walk down the street together and make people’s jaws drop at them like lol that’s what I initially thought and they both opt not to share too many personal struggles and internalize it and make jokes about it (?) so that’s why I think that
@starry-sof​ ~ Wonu: LOL the surprises keep coming uhhh ok so my reasoning is they both kinda have darker senses of humor ?? And they both really like books and I can absolutely imagine Sof getting fired up about something and ranting for a long time to wonu only for him to nod say ok at the end and then launch into a full deep discourse over the issue… and I can imagine them doing a show or production together since wonu is good at acting and their personalities kinda click form what I can see..?
@malikani ~ Joshua: I’m- sndkejdje XD anyway my reasoning for this is because Angie sings and so does joshu and they’re both incredibly kind people and also based on her got7 bias (bambam lol) I feel like josh (being his dork of a self) would absolutely love making her laugh and singing for her with his guitar (and again beautiful people walking on the street making people’s jaws drops istg Angie I love you so much :D)
@vinerlover ~ Seokmin: the purest and kindest type of people??? I love them both so much???? They’re literally the nicest people ever they’d match well I think since they both are very bright to me and both have insecurities… so if they were together they’d probably grow to be very amazing people,helping each other become more confident and cheering each other on!
@jeonghanniesfool ~ Wonwoo: I’M ALSO REALLY TEMPTED TO SAY UJI BUT I WON’T AIKA... The reason is she writes incredibly well and is incredibly intelligent so I feel like they’d definitely be a good match for conversations over anything and he has such a chill attitude I think they’d match in personality too 
@ksys-star ~ HOSHIILITERALLYCAN’TASTREANDSOONYOUNGAREGREAT uhhh Jun: They both have a sort of childlike and blunt humor to them and I love how they’re both slightly teasing (ANDALSOASTRETHEJUNPICSYOUSUBMITTEDTOMYINBOXARESTILLTHERE)
@urijeongcheol ~ Seungcheol: I think Grace and Cheol would be cute! She’s so incredibly nice and BEAUTIFUL AND PRECIOUS I LOVE HER and I feel like Cheol would be so smitten i can’t the idea is just too cute
@bikerwoozi ~ Jeonghan: (this is another one of those let’s put really beautiful people together and see if the world could handle it sort of deal) Chloe is very forward with what she likes and she’s so passionate about it too! I feel like Hannie is too! (also i don’t wanna just opt out and say hao lol even though Hao’s her boy too :,))
@fallingforcheol ~ Chan: I haven’t spoken to Ri too much but from the posts I see I genuinely think Ri’s a very creative and hilarious person! And tbh I think Ri and Chan would have a great time exposing everyone and making jokes about everyone haha XD
@shuuvee ~ Soonyoung: I’m causing all kinds of chaos with this I’m very sorry The reason being I think Kevin and Hoshi would balance out well! Soonyoung is very outgoing and self confident and this is what I would see as a Junhao dynamic haha where they both complete the shortcomings of the other and are always the strongest together! Plus Soonyoung being Kevin’s personal cheerleader and rooting him on in everything he does is a whole af mood
@mingshuaa ~ Jihoon: Shawna and Jihoon (to me) seem to be people who don’t outwardly show affection in the form of words like “I love you” but in the little things they do! Idk i just think they’d be cute! Also they’re both not super into skinship haha
@multyfan1458 ~ Vernon: i’mhonestlycausingsomuchchaosi’msorryeveryoneistillgenuinelyshipy’allwithyourbiaseshahaha Because I honestly find Krystal so funny and chill? Just like Hansol! And I love the both of them their senses of humor are unrivaled :,)))
@officialhoshi ~ Minghao: I’M SORRY EVERYONE LOL I just get a very comforting vibe from the both of them? Like Maya seems like someone you can talk about anything comfortably and be understanding and I feel like minghao would too gosh I’m soft
AGAIN I’M SORRY FOR THE CHAOS I HAVE CAUSED LMAO I LOVE YOU ALL and don’t take what I say to seriously what do I know :,))
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