#maybe I will look into it tomorrow... 6am is NOT the time to go down a rabbit hole via wikipedia lmao
kalloway · 1 year
am I the only one who, for some reason, thought the Warhammer 40K series played like X-COM and not like an FPS?
but also at the same time I didn't even know there were video games of it, I thought it was like a TTRPG, I have never felt this confused about a series I've never touched before lolol
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inupibaldspot · 3 months
I don’t want to hide it!
Pairing : actor!Gojo x actor!Reader
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : Both you and Gojo are in the entertainment industry and one unspoken rule and maybe somewhere in the contract is that you can never reveal you are in a relationship | artcredit
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You breathe out as you look out at the dark starry night, a haze comes into vision indicating how cold it actually was.
There was a buzz in your pocket making you reach into your jacket pocket and smile when the name popped up.
Satoru <3
I’m here,baby. 2:47am
Just then a dark car with also dark tinted glasses drives through and parks near you were standing. You quicken your footsteps as you wave at him. “Don’t come outside.”
“Sorry.” Of course he doesn’t listen. “What did you say?” Gojo steps out of his car as he quicken his steps to you; he was dressed in black from head to toe, with a hat trying to hide his hair and a mask to hide his face. Just like you.
You both were always public’s eyes afterall. Gojo was a singer turned actor who was probably in him prime. You were also an actress,about three years into debut yet you had a huge impactful movies under your name.
Gojo’s hands go over to the door handle of the car and opens it for you, his other hand wraps it to your back as he holds you in. His masked lips places a kiss on your forehead. “You look so divine, babe.”
You laugh. “Even though I’m covered like this.” You bring your hands up where you then place your chin on your hand.
“Of course.” Gojo nuzzles closer. “I can recognize that fat ass anywhere.”
“Gojo!” You shriek out, as you puff at Gojo’s words. The man laughs as he pull away when you are sat in place and closes the car door. He then walks over and sat on the drivers seat.
As soon as his butt hits the car seat, his first reaction is to pull down his mask as he leans into you and places a kiss on your lips, your mask pulled down by his left hand. Your heart takes a leap and you press your lips to his. Instantly, Gojo cradles your face, refusing to separate from you.
Gojo doesn't stop, sensuously kissing every available surface of your lips until he's tired of waiting to kiss your lips once more. You give in and let yourself fall until the point of no return - even if Gojo was the devil incarnate, you would gladly hand over your soul for an eternity of his love.
Building up every once of strength in you, you hold onto his jacket and pull away from the kiss. You blush when Gojo looks at you, face smeared with lipstick. “We shouldn’t stay here for long. We could get caught!”
Gojo growls as his feet place on the clutch and break before driving with the gears in place. “I don’t get why we have to hide it. Our contract has nothing restricting us.”
You sigh. “You know we don’t know how the public will react…” 
Gojo said eyes at you and sees that your eyes were lowered and you were nervously playing with your own fingers. Shit…he made you feel bad.
He forces a smile and places one of his hands on your thigh making you look up at him. “So princess, are you gonna tell me what you’ve been doing today.” He asks.
You smile, the tense air finally dissipates. “I had to shoot an ad at 6am and then a 13 hour shoot in the woods for my new movie.”
“Shit babe.” He says concerned, both his hands on the steering wheel as he makes a turn and parks the car. They were in a secluded area by the river side. “You sure you don’t need to sleep?”
You shake your head as you place one of your hands on Gojo’s face, lips curled into a small. “I want to spend my time with you. Besides, I was taking cat naps in between sets.”
“So what were you doing,my prince?“ Gojo smiles at your words.
“I was watching the avatar the whole day.”
You laugh “yeah?”
“Oh—that’s right!” You clap your hands together as you look at him. “Tomorrow we are scheduled to emcee at that music show.”
“I think I did hear something like that from Ijichi.” Gojo taps his temple when his finger as he remembers his manager in tears begging him to listen. “But I didn’t know we were partners.”
“Satoru…you have to be careful on stage.” You peer in close to him face, eyes begging him to listen. “Don’t be obvious.”
Gojo leans in quick as he pecks your lips making you blush in surprise. “Fine. What ever you say, princess.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The next day,you nervously bite the inside of your cheeks as music blasts in the background; all eyes were focused on the idol group performing right now. Beside you,stands tall Gojo Satoru who has a glow near him as he mentally gushing on how adorable you looked, all dolled up and ready for the camera—so pretty.
Ijichi nervously bits his thumbs,all nervously. The company including him knew about Gojo’s relationship with you, at first the company tried to threaten him to break up with you but then Gojo threatened them back with termination of contract. The company can’t afford to lose their main money maker! So they decide to let the relationship stand but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t beg and pay every paparazzi to not release any pictures.
With every look and smile Gojo gave to you Ijichi’s job was on the line.
Suddenly a different type of music was playing making all idols make way toward you and Gojo; an interview session were to take place.
“Welcome back—!” You smile at the camera then at the ground where the members smiled and bowed back. So pretty.
“Oh my!” You smile cheerfully at the idols who await your expression. So pretty.
“That was such a show! The performance struck right through our hearts!” You smile and look at him, his blue eyes into your. Gojo almost can’t breathe. So pretty.
“Right Gojo-san?” So pretty.
Your beautiful face contours slightly as he takes on a worried expression. “Right Gojo-san!” Oh—right… He was Gojo.
You gulp hard as you quickly look to the idols, “it seems as if Gojo-san is still in awe from your performance.” making the audience laugh. From then on Gojo tried to act normal—he really did! But every time you speak, he is giddy with emotions.
Somewhere in between nervous laughs and in this case, chewing on his nails; a man rushes to him. Breathing heavy as he places a hand on Ijichi’s shoulder. “We’re fucked…”
Ijichi gulps.
The man who came up to him, one of Gojo’s managers lift up his phone where what is written on the screen.
[⭐️EXCLUSIVE] Actor Gojo Satoru and y/n on a date!
There were pictures of you, who was slightly unrecognizable from all the cover up of clothes but there was a mole on your body with could be traced back to you.
There was another picture where Gojo comes out of the car, this one surely couldn’t pass. There was a peak of his white hair slipping through hat, and his blue eyes ever so recognizable. The freaking paparazzi even routed how Gojo’s car went from his residence to yours at such odd hours!
And finally the nail in the coffin where he takes you home hands by your waist, with you nuzzled into his jacket waddling forward with a peak of lipstick smeared on his face. A lipstick shade you’ve been always seen wearing during casual days!!
Ijichi grabs his hair before his phones buzzes…an endless buzz which will probably cost him his job.
Now the audience seemed to buzz, showing each other this exclusive new of the people who are literally right infront of them. How entertaining! The mass now seemed to take various pictures in real life by the audience and others screenshoting the music show you guys were emceeing, all obviously trying your best.
Then another posts starts posting on all the gossip post with Twitter having a field day with it in particular.
[⭐️Hot!] Gojo Satoru can’t really seem to get enough of y/n! Hahahaha
The post contains pictures of Gojo staring lovingly at you when you were emceeing, when you laugh he laughs, when you smile he blushes.
The comments under the post was entertaining though.
What ever he is being accused of, he is guilty.
Ahhh—he is definitely a shojo male lead
The company doesn’t even need to say anything! The proof is infront of our eyes.
Wow! Gojo is so funny! y/n is working so hark to make up for it.
The company of Gojo fell into despair because at how the stocks where falling for the company, they were mildly surprised and extremely pleased when the stocks went flying up and up— because after the pictures went viral; it seemed even overseas, there were a whole new audience now interested in their love sick actor!
Mean while Gojo was simply happy he didn’t have to hide their relationship, no more stuffy dates all covered up, no more keeping 100m distance from you in public places and no more hiding your lipstick stain over his lips and peppered all over his neck, to his chest and maybe even lower.
Who knows maybe he even show up on the red carpet like that one day.
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 2 months
Thinking about; C.SC dog walk meet cute
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I just watched two people walking their lil doggies meet and greet each other like it's a regular occurrence and it's cute af so now this is on my mind
Wordcount; 833
A/N- I didn't name "your" dog both because my mind blanked and I thought you can just imagine it to be called whatever you want that way <3
-Other Writing - More Coups thoughts; 1, 2 & 3 [all three are NSFW]-
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A month or so back you moved to a new neighbourhood with your cute lil doggo
Of course, a dog needs walking and your dog likes routine a hell of a lot so every morning you take her for a walk down the same route
And although it's barely 6am during these morning walks thanks to your job starting at 7am, there's always this guy walking his own dog
Every morning regardless of the weather, you see this guy in sweatpants and hoodie, hood pulled up to shadow his face walking his little white dog
It always amuses you that although the guy looks like he couldn't care less how he looks, the dog is always brushed neatly with cute bows and clips and an adorable raincoat or jumper when the weather calls for it.
You've definitely noticed the way that when the dog is wearing a jacket, the man is wearing one that almost matches It's pretty fucking adorable, really
It takes a few weeks and just vague waves of greeting from across the street before you two actually cross paths properly
On this day, there's some kind of worker barrier on the path ahead of you, so you cross the road and walk on the other side
Your dog is not happy about this at all so you literally have to carry her across the road and when you put her down, she plops her backside down and refuses to move or look at you
"Having trouble?" The amused male voice makes you look up from where you're crouched in front of your dog trying to convince her to keep walking and you'll cross back over in a minute when it's possible
Of course, it's the hoodie guy, from this close you can see that he's got a face mask on and you briefly wonder if he always does
Shame, you had been kind of curious about what he looks like
"Yeah, she's a creature of habit." You sigh and point over to the barrier causing him to look over and hum in understanding
"Ah, yeah, Kkuma is the same." He motions to his dog, today wearing a cute frilly harness with a matching bow between her ears.
"You look absolutely precious, Kkuma." You inform, causing the dog to perk up and trot towards you. "May I?" You ask the man, hand lifted a little. He nods and you think he smiles by the curve of his eyes, so you look back down and offer a hand to Kkuma who sniffs it then happily moves closer to allow you to give her attention.
"And may I?" The man asks, now crouched too, closer than before by a fair amount, motioning to your own dog. You nod so he reaches out.
At first, your dog entirely ignores him but he makes a soft little sound and that gets her attention
Soon you're both crouched there petting and cooing over the other's dog, each of whom is lapping up the attention happily.
"Ah, we should really go." The man comments after catching sight of the time on his expensive watch. "Gotta get this one to the sitter ready for me to get to work."
"Oh, same, actually." You agree after checking your own much cheaper watch so you both get up
Just as you're leaving he calls out. "Hey uh, it's nice to meet you, maybe we can make this the new routine?"
"Maybe, if you tell me your name, stranger with a cute dog."
"It's Seungcheol," You tell him yours in return which he repeats softly. "Same time tomorrow?"
"Same time tomorrow,"
It's not many mornings after before Seungcheol asks if you two would like to join them for their evening walk
And then you both develop new evening habits and discover a new route to walk together
Conveniently, it takes you by the lake and stalls there where he always buys you both a hot drink if it's cold enough and something else if he can't use that excuse
It occurs to you early on that the evening walks feel very much like dates
But officially, your first date comes after a few weeks of morning and evening walks when Seungcheol finally reaches for your hand to entwine your fingers and asks if you'd like to meet earlier tomorrow for dinner
He says you, of course, can bring your dog because he plans to cook for you at his place anyway and Kkuma will love to spend more time with her bestie and-
You cut him off by pressing your connected hands to his lips You wanted to kiss him but decided it should probably wait until at least the first date
And of course, as soon as Seungcheol has his arm around you on the couch after dinner to watch a movie, both dogs curled up together on Kkuma's bed, you take your chance and kiss him
When you leave later, it's with another kiss and a promise of 'same time tomorrow'
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A/N; Alternative title is "Same time tomorrow"
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skwpr · 5 months
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Have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle? No? How about the 80/20 rule? They are one and the same. This is a rule that says that 80% of the result you get comes from 20% of the effort you give. This is from Wikipedia: The 80/20 rule is an axiom of business management that “80% of sales come from 20% of clients. This means if you aren’t giving the right kind of effort, you’re probably not get 80% of what you want.
1 . Answer questions | Study smarter, not harder
Reading your notes over and over again is not the best, or the smartest way to study. Sure, it’s great, and helps, but sometimes you can get more out of a different way of studying smart. One way to study smarter and not harder is to answer questions. Get questions from past exam papers, from online, or just make up questions form your notes or textbooks. This is a way to form super rapid connections in your brain. It makes exam taking so much easier than if you only read, read and read.
2 . Organize your notes to study smarter
When I say that you should organize your notes, I mean that you need to be completely aware of how all your study notes look like, whether it’s your class notes, textbooks, or study notes. Learn your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to school.
What subjects are you good at? What subjects are you bad at? What topics do you like? What do you find easy? That’s not all. Are all your notes up to date? Do you have all the notes you need? Do you have the textbooks you need? You need to fix up all the notes you don’t have. This will help you to learn how to study smarter and not harder!
3 . Set a strict routine to study smarter, not harder
This is one of my most recommended tips to study smarter and not harder. If you get into a strict routine and tell yourself that every day at 10am you will study, it will be really easy to study. Routines are very important for human beings. It makes us very efficient. If you study every day like clockwork, it means you will get better grades!
Sticking to your routine is important. That means you have to take other factors into account. These include, sleeping on time, eating right, and taking care of yourself in general. Set a time for studying right now. Are you a morning person, or maybe a night owl? Use this to your advantage and set a study time. If you try it out, you will see how much it helps you out.
4 . Be in it for the long run
Studying is about being in it for the long run. What does long run mean, you ask? This is when you know that you aren’t going to be studying for only one night every exam season. You need to finally accept that studying is going to be a big part of your life for a few years, depending on what stage of education you are at.
Face it – being a student is your only obligation right now. It’s the time to learn new things and decide on your career path for the next stage in your life. That’s why it’s important for you to have the right mindset when it comes to studying. The right mindset is what helps you to study smarter and not harder. Because you know that it’s not about the all-nighter the day before the exam. It’s about constantly refreshing your knowledge.
5 . Set realistic goals
Getting motivated and pumped up is great. It happens to me all the time. I watch one youtube video and think, yes! This is my time to finally shine! I have so much energy right now, I could do it all!
Don’t tell yourself that you will study all your notes, all your textbooks, and everything in between in one hour, or one day. It’s just not possible, or feasible. Break studying down into chunks. Set a smaller goal. Here is an example of a goal: Tomorrow at 6am, I’m going to wake up and study for at least one hour. That’s a more reasonable goal. It helps you to study smarter, not harder.
6 . Work on one new habit at a time
While it’s great to want to immediately begin to study smarter, you need to dial it back. And I mean that in the most compassion way ever. Don’t get carried away with wanting to transform your entire life overnight. It isn’t sustainable.
Choose one good habit that you will start today. Here is an example: Tomorrow, the moment it hits 2pm, I’m going to sit down at my study table and do some studying. That’s a really good goal. It teaches you the importance of a routine, and it ensures that you will study every day and stick to your goals.
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Steve loves a clean car. His BMW is always neat, in and out. He forces the kids to take all their garbage with them as they spill out of his car and looks for leftover crumbs after they ate, absolutely not caring when he begs them not to. He washes it thoroughly every Saturday morning, never skipping it. Everyone knows it's his busy morning, and don't bother him. Usually Robin comes over and makes herself at home, but she knows he won't even look at her until he's done.
"You don't think it's a bit much?" Eddie arrived a few minutes after Steve started cleaning one morning. It was a hot day and Steve was in his old short basketball pants, and wasn't wearing a shirt. He had music blasting from the car radio, and he ignored Eddie completely.
"Stevie," he tried again, walking closer to him, "come on..." He batted his eyelashes and smiled teasingly.
"Eddie, please," Steve said impatiently while scrubbing the back windshield. "I'm cleaning."
"I can see that, and that's why I'm asking, don't you think it's a bit much? you do it every week."
"No, I don't. It's important to me." He took a deep breath, not letting Eddie ruin this for him.
"I don't get it," Eddie shrugged, "it'll get dirty again the second all your munchkins get in tomorrow, so what's the point?" He leaned against the car with his hand, imprinting his palm on the window.
Steve was getting visibly angry now, trying to talk without raising his voice, "the point, Eddie, is that it's important to me, okay?" He threw the dirty rug into the soapy water bucket, crouching down to clean and reuse it, "please, make yourself busy, find something inside to eat, get in the pool, I don't care. just- please, let me finish."
Eddie shrugged again, "as you wish, Stevie boy, enjoy your pointless task." and he disappeared into the big house.
Steve pinched his nose bridge and took a deep breath, and then got back to his routine.
Steve woke up spooning Eddie from the back. He took a short look at his watch to see it wasn't even 6am. It was a Tuesday, and both of them didn't have work until the afternoon, so technically he could just go back to sleep and enjoy a late morning, but a plot has started to write itself in his head.
He stayed there for a few more minutes, hearing Wayne coming in and going straight to his room after his shift, and then he slowly detached himself from Eddie, doing his very best not to wake him up. He successfully got out of bed and out of the room, and closed the door behind him.
He opened the cupboard under the kitchen sink, looking for cleaning supplies. He found a sponge, some rugs and a bucket, a window cleaning solution and dish soap. He sighed and took them all out, and then grabbed a few plastic bags and slowly got out of the trailer, trying not to drop anything.
When he placed everything on the gravel, the sun started to come out and birds were chirping. He took a deep breath in, he loved the morning air, before everyone woke up it felt cleaner, somehow.
He opened the hose and started filling up the bucket with water, and added the dish soap. He then threw in the sponges and rugs and let them soak.
He opened the front door of Eddie's van, prepared for a mess, but not that much of a mess. Actual food was all over the floor, which made Steve wonder how the pedals even work. The dashboard was sticky and empty snack packages were all over the place, but mostly stuck between the chairs. Steve couldn't blame it all on Eddie, because he knew the Corroded Coffin guys took the van sometimes too. He also couldn't remember when was the last time he actually was in the van. When they went out together they almost always took Steve's car, mostly because Eddie's driving made Steve fear for his life, but maybe also because he just didn't feel comfortable in Eddie's car? He couldn't tell.
He started picking up trash into a plastic bag. In the beginning he went slowly, trying to touch as little as he can, but when his hand dipped in a brown thing he hoped was melted chocolate, he gave into it and grabbed piles of dirt, filling bag after bag.
When he was done with that, he started hitting the seats, making crumbs and sand and probably living things jump into the air. He then took out the car's carpets and shook them from all the crumbs he just dropped on them, banging them on the ground and giving them a wipe with a soaped up rug. He cleaned the air-conditioning vents, the windows from the inside and made sure the stirring wheel didn't glue to his hands.
He finished the interior of the car after 6:30am. He shut the doors and opened the hose again. He sprayed water all over the big van, getting it all wet. Then he took the soap, and squeezed the bottle, covering the car with green stripes.
He took one of the sponges out of the bucket and started scrubbing. He scrubbed every single inch on the van, the windows, the door handles, the bumper, the licensing plates, the wheel rims and even the exhaust. He knew it didn't make sense, but he did it anyway.
He opened the water again, washing the car from all the foam, and watched the dirt dripping down, exposing a shiny van, that smelled like clean dishes. He took a dry rug and went over the entire van, wiping away the excess water and leaving it nice and ready to go.
He got rid of the now dirty water bucket, washed all the rugs and sponges and threw away the ones that weren't usable anymore. He took everything back inside, put it in its place and hopped in the shower.
When he joined Eddie in bed, the latter mumbled in his sleep, "where did you go..?"
Steve kissed him on the cheek, "just the bathroom," and he fell asleep again with Eddie in his arms.
The two boys woke up around 10am, stumbled out of bed and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. Steve was cooking eggs while Eddie made them both coffee when he gasped and ran out of the trailer. Steve looked through the window to see Eddie running and then standing in front of the van in shock, turned off the stove and ran out too.
He placed himself next to Eddie who slowly turned his head towards him, "what the fuck..." He whispered.
"What?" Steve asked, innocently.
"Did you do that..?" Eddie was still half whispering, and opened the driver's door, "Steve!" He sat in front of the wheel, "this entire car smells like you! you did this!"
Steve completely forgot he sprayed his aftershave in the car when he finished cleaning. He also couldn't tell from Eddie's tone whether or not he was happy about this whole thing, so he just said, "yeah..?"
Eddie jumped back out and hugged Steve tightly, and then gave him a wet kiss on the cheek, "thank you."
Steve, who was utterly confused, pushed Eddie away a bit, examining his face, "are you okay?"
Eddie beamed, "of course I'm okay! my van is clean and smells like you, and you did this all for me. I honestly don't deserve you, Stevie."
"What??" Steve threw his hands, "I thought it'd piss you off! I did that to piss you off! why aren't you pissed off??!"
Eddie was the one confused now, "why would I be pissed off? also, why would you even want to piss me off in the first place?" he crossed his arms and tapped his bare foot on the gravel, trying to erase the amused expression off his face.
"Because," Steve opened, "You always annoy me and tease me about how me cleaning my car every week is pointless, so I thought you just hate clean cars altogether, so I decided to clean yours. You're supposed to be pissed because you think clean cars are pointless." He finished and crossed his arms too, mirroring Eddie.
Eddie started laughing, loud and hard, and came to hug Steve again, "Gosh, Stevie, my sweetheart, I love your clean car. I love how you're so tidy, I love to see how the kids subconsciously copy you and clean after themselves, I love how you always put everything back in place, I love how there are never dirty dishes in your sink, and never piles of dirty clothes waiting to be washed. I love how you mindlessly pick up my stuff around my room and dust the record player, I love how you change my bedsheets. If anything, me picking on you for cleaning your car was out of pure jealousy. I wish I was a bit more like you. I know we never take my car because it's so messy, but I wish I could drive you some places without feeling bad about the way it smells," Steve made a face and Eddie giggled, "Okay, I don't have to drive, but thanks to you, we actually can take the van now. It's a lot more compatible for road trips and camping. We can do those things now." He smiled and Steve smiled too.
"I'm sorry I did it behind your back..." Steve said looking down and Eddie held his chin back up.
"No, it's for the best. I don't think I'd be able to handle the embarrassment, seeing the condition of this car," he made a disgusted face, "thank you for bringing it back to a normal state. I promise I'll try to keep it as clean as I can." He put a hand on his heart and Steve released a chuckle.
"Yeah, okay," He raised an eyebrow, "or you can just ask me to do that, I actually do enjoy it."
Eddie rolled his eyes and pushed Steve into the van, "I still don't believe that, Stevie boy."
He started the car and they drove off, with Steve holding onto his seat and begging Eddie to slow down.
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buglord-isaac · 1 year
Life Model - Part 1
Four weeks off sounded like a living nightmare for Ghost. Training and fighting was what kept him in routine and out of destructive thoughts. But… being shot in the leg did cause… issues. For his time healing, he had to walk with a crutch under his right arm, so he didn’t put weight on his injured right leg. Price had forced him to take those four weeks off, and had sent him to a paid-for apartment in a nearby city. Surely, he must’ve thought, Ghost would find *something* to do in a city.
For the first week, he sulked in his room, laying in bed until he eventually went stir crazy and started exploring the surrounds. Coincidentally, that week of sulking and not moving did wonders for his leg. Sure, he wasn’t able to walk on it yet, but it was a whole lot less achy when he was out walking.
He started by establishing a walking route. This apartment he was forced to stay in was in the outskirts of the city. It would take an hour to walk to the city centre and an hour back. This was what Ghost decided to do. An hour to the city centre, buy food, go back ‘home’, eat, go walking in the nearby park.
This new ‘schedule’ turned out… rather good. The walking made him feel more useful. Less stir crazy. He was able to soak in the sun, or what warmth from the sun seeped through his jumper and mask. It was refreshing.
On the third day of these walks, Ghost noticed a community noticeboard full to the brim with papers advertising jobs, sales, events, and various religious preachings. Maybe here would be where he would find something *entertaining* to do.
“Group Prayer” - no thanks. Ghost didn’t particularly believe in that mumbo jumbo.
“Join the army!” - been there done that.
“Markets on Sunday morning! 6am!” - he’d consider it. Markets always had the best food.
He flicked through some of the notes until he found a hand written one pinned up with two blue pins. The penmanship was phenomenal.
“In need of life models to draw. Quiet environment. Music or no music. Any body shape, any gender, any clothing choices. Text me:”
This… wasn’t something that would usually interest Ghost. But today, after being cooped up in an apartment for months… it piqued his interest. He took a photo of a few of the notices, then made his way back to the apartment. He had bought a few food items that he could store and eat, as well as some fancy looking tea to drink while doing mundane and brain numbing shit such as reading a book Price had given him.
He made a cup of said tea, no sugar and no milk, he was sweet enough already (he lied to himself), and sat down at the tiny dining table. Here, he could write the dates of some of the interesting events from that noticeboard. When he got to the life drawing advertisement, however, he put down his pen and journal and texted the number.
He was acting on a whim and he knew it, but this would surely be more interesting than staying home.
“I saw your notice in the city. I think I would be interested in being drawn.”
The number responded almost immediately.
“Nice!! When are you free? :)”
Emoticons… stupid.
“Any time. The sooner the better.”
“Oh sweet :) tomorrow? I live about half an hour away from the city.”
“Any time in the morning, then we can have all day. Sound good?”
“Cool!” The number sent their address. “I’m Johnny, by the way.”
“Ghost. I’ll try to come around 10:00AM.”
“Sounds perfect, see you then :)”
Tomorrow, 10am… with this overly friendly man named Johnny who he’s never met… fun. Ghost sipped his tea and sighed. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind him having a mask on and crutches. He *had* said anyone could be drawn. And yet… he felt as if he had to warn him.
“By the way, I’m a military officer on a break because I’m injured. I have a crutch and I will be masked the whole time. Is that okay?”
“Perfectly fine. I like variety.”
Johnny responded so fast…
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
Just a Little Off the Top!
Reader gets top surgery, Shoresy gets… points for trying to help reader recover
Shoresy x masculine enby/ftm reader (request from anon, I hope you like it! :) also, I’ve not had top surgery nor am I enby/transgender but I used my own experience with surgeries and did as much research as I could to do this story justice <3)
Warnings: cussing, mentions of medical drains and blood
You checked your phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, but you needed an answer, quick. Your top surgery was tomorrow and though you originally had a ride to and from the hospital lined up, your best friend had a family emergency of their own to deal with.
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, y/n, but my mom is in the hospital down in the states by herself and I need to go see her as soon as I can. Is there any way I can line someone else up to get you there? I feel horrible!”
“No, no, it’s totally okay, I understand! She needs you right now, I can find another person, no problem!”
It was a problem. Everyone you knew was out of town or had important plans they couldn’t reschedule. You didn’t want to cancel surgery since you had this date lined up for months, but if you didn’t have a ride, you couldn’t get the procedure done. Sighing, you flung your phone across the room and onto the couch.
“Fuck,” you softly whispered, placing your hands on your head in frustration. All of a sudden, your phone began to ring. You looked at the caller ID and answered.
“Shoresy! How goes it?”
“Hey y/n! You wanna hit the barn tomorrow, play a little two on two with the guys?”
You paused. Yeah, you really wanted this surgery, but if you couldn’t get it done right now, you might as well take out your disappointment on the ice.
“It’s a definite maybe. I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow, but no one’s around to drive me to and from the hospital. I’ll cancel it and let you know if I’m up for a skate. How’s that sound?”
There was silence for one, two, three seconds—
“Y/n, what the fuck?”
You were taken aback while he continued. “Why didn’t you ask me? I’ll drive you.”
“O-oh,” you stuttered, “thank you Shoresy! That actually would be really great. I just figured you were so busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Bother me? We’re friends, aren’t we? Friends help each other out. That’s, like, rule number one of friendship. What time should I be over?”
“6:30 am. Bright and early,” you answered with a big smile.
“Alright. See you then!” The call ended.
You couldn’t believe your luck. Of course Shoresy would pull through, he always did. He was your most dependable friend. He would be the best boyfriend too, but you doubted he saw you that way. You were just someone he liked to play hockey and get drinks with. Nothing more. You could live with that, even though it hurt, because Shoresy was just one of those guys that it was worth just knowing. He was such a bright light in everyone’s lives and you were grateful he liked to be around you too, even as just friends. As you prepped your bedroom for your recovery, putting in extra pillows and blankets to be as comfortable as possible, you noticed the extra pep in your step. You were ready for this surgery and you couldn’t wait to live as your most authentic self.
Beep, beep, beep.
You groaned. Your alarm flashed 6am, signaling it was time to get up and get ready for the big day. You took your shower, put on your sweats, and brushed your teeth. You were nervous and hungry, and neither of those things could be remedied so you sat on your couch until you heard a knock at your door. When you saw Shoresy, your heart fluttered and you weren’t sure if it was from your anxiety surrounding your procedure or the fact that he looks especially handsome in the early hours of the morning.
“You ready to go?” he asked, flashing you his signature missing tooth grin.
You nodded and made your way out to his car. The hospital was only 30 minutes down the road but the ride felt like it was taking forever. Shoresy, for once in his life, kept quiet so as not to bother you in the wee hours of the morning and because it looked like you were gonna puke. He could sense the tension in the car that the soft radio chatter wasn’t helping with so he decided to make light conversation.
“So, y/n, what surgery are you getting done?”
You gasped internally. You never told him! Of course all of your friends knew how you identified, and all, of course, were nothing but accepting, but you never mentioned getting top surgery. Why? You didn’t know. Maybe you were nervous? Of what? People get surgery all the time, this was nothing different.
“Well, actually, I’m getting top surgery,” you told him. Shoresy gave you a quick glance before his eyes went back to the road.
“Like, top surgery?” he asked, using one hand to gesture across his chest.
It was silent for a minute.
“Well, shit, y/n, you better heal up fast because me and the boys aren’t gonna take it easy on you on the ice! Just ‘cause you get surgery doesn’t mean we’re not gonna keep slamming into ya.”
You started smiling. “Oh fuck you, Shoresy!”
“Fer what?” he asked, laughing.
The rest of the car ride went well and you were able to relax a bit. Just being around Shoresy helped to calm you down, even when you were in your hospital gown, waiting to get wheeled into the operating room. When the nurse finally came in to wheel you away, your heart starting beating a bit faster and your breathing got a bit heavier. Shoresy must have noticed the changes in your demeanor because he immediately grabbed your hand.
“Y/n. You’ll be alright. I promise. I’ll be right here, waiting for ya.”
You nodded as Shoresy gazed into your eyes. He seemed like he wanted to say more but there was no time.
“Okay, away we go!” said the nurse, and the last thing that was on your mind before the anesthesia knocked you out was Shoresy’s reluctance to let go of your hand.
The lights were bright as you opened your eyes. At first, you were slightly confused as to where you were, but when Shoresy entered into view, you remembered your surgery—oh! Your surgery! That’s why your chest was aching so bad. Even with the compression bandage covering your chest, you were beyond elated with the results. Your chest was finally flat! You broke out into a big, loopy smile and Shoresy matched your energy, giving you one right back.
“Told ya you’d be fine,” he said with a wink. You registered his hand resting on your leg and it felt comforting. There was no one else you’d rather see by your side at this moment. After a few more minutes, you had to get your hospital gown off and get back into normal clothes. Shoresy was quick to volunteer to help you instead of the nurse. Thankfully you were dealing with the after anesthesia sleepiness and slight delirium or else you would’ve been a blushing mess as Shoresy dressed you. He was extremely careful, keeping you seated on the bed to put your zip up hoodie on. When it came time for your sweatpants, he gently put each of your legs into the holes and pulled up the pants to your thighs. Only then did he help you stand for the quickest of seconds to pull your pants up all the way and you were sat back down in an instant. When it came time to get transported to Shoresy’s car to go home, he and the other nurse helped you sit into the wheelchair. The nurses gave your paperwork with instructions for at home care to Shoresy who stored it in the bag with the rest of your belongings. The wheelchair ride to the car and the car ride home were filled with silence, mostly because you were falling asleep on and off the entire time. Stealing a glance or two at his open mouthed, slightly snoring passenger, Shoresy would smile to himself.
How did I get so lucky to know someone like them?
Getting you up to your apartment proved not as difficult as you both thought it would be. Shoresy was extremely strong yet inexplicably gentle, both of which proved perfect for this situation. He steadied you as you walked by keeping his right arm snaked around your waist as his left held a tight grip on your left arm. He felt you lean into him and almost snuggle into his beefy frame. Shoresy was surprised but certainly wasn’t mad at this affection. He’d always appreciated your company and your jokes, and your skills on the ice were amazing. Sometimes, though, he’d prefer to see the fingers you held onto the hockey stick with intertwined with his own and he found himself jealous of the beer glasses that were able to feel your lips before he ever could. He never knew if you felt the same but he just hoped that if you saw how good he could take care of you, maybe you could come to like him as more than a friend one day. Lost in his thoughts, he noticed you two were already at your door. He lead you into your bedroom and had you sit on the edge of your bed while he unloaded your things and organized your medicines. You didn’t need to take any yet but you noticed your wound drain was filling up.
“Hey Shore? I gotta empty this drain. Could you help me up please? I know it’s gross so if you could just help me into the bathroom—“
“No way am I letting you do that on your own. I got it.”
You cringed looking at the mix of blood and fluid that accumulated in the drain poking out of your bandages.
“Dude, it’s really nasty.”
Shoresy scoffed, grabbing the small measuring container to dump the contents of your body in.
“There’s nothing in there that’s grosser than a grown man’s adult tooth landing on your cheek while you’re constructing him a new face punch by punch.”
You couldn’t argue with that logic. Shoresy worked fast to limit your discomfort with the drain moving too much. He was kneeling in front of you as you sat on the edge of your bed and you took the time to study the man in front of you. His backwards cap he always wore sat perched on his head. His nimble fingers worked efficiently with the drain and you appreciated that his nails were actually, surprisingly clean. His long eyelashes were so pretty that you could just stare at them all day, as were his eyes that were currently studying you too.
“Whatcha thinking about?” he questioned you. You didn’t know how to answer.
I’m thinking I’ve never wanted to kiss a man more in my entire life than I do right now.
“I’m just thinking I’m grateful for knowing the most caring person to ever grace this Earth.”
As he stood, he let out a short laugh.
“Of course, y/n, I’m here for you no matter what. Always.”
He didn’t mean for the “always” to slip out, but maybe it was for the best. Maybe that one word could convey all the feelings, the unyielding yearning, he felt for you that he didn’t know if he’d ever be brave enough to say out loud. He quickly turned away, before you could see the blush he sported from his face to the tips of his ears, to record how much liquid was in the drain and dump it into the toilet. When he came back into your room, he noticed you had fallen asleep once more. Shoresy gingerly laid a few blankets over your body, hoping to make you as comfortable as possible. He took note of the time, realizing you needed to take some medicine in an hour. Weighing his options, he could either sit in your family room on your couch, where he could potentially miss your waking up if you needed anything, or he could softly sit next to you on your bed so he was there if you needed something. Naturally, he reasoned sitting next to you would be the best option, for your health and well being, of course (he couldn’t find it within himself to leave you alone right now) (you looked way too cute at that moment for someone who just got out of surgery). After he took up the spot next to you, what happened after that, he wasn’t sure. It’s like he wasn’t in control of his own body; there’s no way he’d have the confidence to do this otherwise. As he saw your chest slowly rise up and down in the state of sleep, he leaned over and gave you the softest kiss on your forehead. He didn’t want to risk waking you so his lips barely ghosted your skin, yet he still broke out in goosebumps over the affection. Normally he wasn’t so shy about people he liked, but this was different. You were different. He saw a future with you, one where you could hit the ice and then come home and have ice cream together. One where he could make you laugh and look forward to hearing that sound come from you every day. He wanted to do your laundry, your taxes, make you dinner, make you smile. He wanted to make you his.
“I love you,” he whispered, the sound barely making a dent in the quiet air. Luckily for him, you weren’t totally asleep just yet. You hoped your faking continued to be convincing as you ever so slightly moved your body in closer to his.
We’re definitely having a good conversation about this when I wake up.
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mindy mindy
Request: Mindy! There's barely anything for her…sad. Maybe a movie date? It seems to be her type of dates
my taglists are here (I added one for SCREAM) + you can requests here at any time
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Mindy screamed at the TV as the end credits and Halloween’s classic theme song rolled in.
‘’What the fuck was that?!’’
You opened your mouth to place a word, but the horror fanatic beside you spoke before you.
‘’Everyone was looking forward to the final face to face of Laurie and Michael, and they made three-quarters of the movie about this knock-off Michael Myers? No. I can't accept this. This is an offense to the franchise and the fans. They completely ruined the reboot trilogy.’’ Mindy shook her head and took a sip of her soda, utterly offended by the movie she just watched. ‘’The only good part about this movie was smushed into the last fifteen minutes. For the rest, I’d like to erase it from my head.’’
‘’What did you think of the movie?’’
You took a short moment to think.
You weren’t a cinephile intellect like Mindy, you didn’t even have a Letterboxd account. Your brain wasn’t trained to analyze or formulate a critique of every movie you watched. You simply watched movies for your personal entertainment.
At the same time, you didn’t want Mindy to think you had nothing to say.
The movie credits ended, bringing the TV screen back to the streaming service main screen with a loud noise and Mindy shut it off.
She reached for the bowl of popcorn, pouting when seeing only kernels at the bottom. ‘’When do you have to get home?’’
‘’No later than eleven,’’ you replied, relieved for the change of subject. ‘’I have work tomorrow.’’
You sighed, wishing you didn't work the opening shift. The morning rush was the worst. Not only did you have to wake up at 6am on a Saturday and put on your uncomfortable waitress uniform, but you also had to deal with impatient and hungry customers.
God, you hated your job.
Mindy checked the time on her phone and nodded. ‘’Good.’’ She turned to you with a smile. ‘’That means we have twenty-seven minutes to do this,’’ she said, then grabbed your shoulders and smashed her mouth on yours, needing to make up for the bad movie she just watched by ending the night in a good way.
You laughed into the kiss, but kissed back, bracing yourself on Mindy's thigh to prevent yourself from falling on her. She pulled you closer and you relaxed in her space, kissing without urgency or desires to go further. 
Hands gently roamed, over and under clothes, and grabbed at each other. Her rings were cold on your warm skin, causing small goosebumps. You trailed your lips down to her jaw and neck, eliciting a soft moan. The sound made you wish you could spend the entire night in Mindy's company, kissing her, touching her, loving her. 
‘’This is much better than Halloween Ends,’’ she stated, taking a short break to breathe before attaching your lips back together, this time taking control of the kiss and swiping her tongue over your lips to deepen the kiss. 
The touch of her tongue brushing yours made you moan into her mouth, fingers absentmindedly squeezing her side. 
‘’Much better,’’ you confirmed.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos​ @xjennyx2 @jennasslut​
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight
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angellbarnes · 1 year
sparks flying
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day 1 - firefighter AU
pairing: firefighter!Bucky x reader
summary: a real life firefighter to crush on? say less. with you’re clumsiness you’ll definitely be needing him around a lot more
word count: 1.3k
warnings: just idiots with crushes fluff, (small) fires
A/N: so this is officially day 1 of my 30 day writing challenge! I’ve been gone from writing for wayyy too long. I’ve had a lot going on in life and in my head tbh but now I’m ready to saddle up again and hopefully this will be a good n fun way to bring back my writing! I think this is a cute one to start the challenge with. please like, comment and reblog, it means so so much🤍
A couple of weeks ago…
“Wanda, stop!” you yell. “You know how ticklish I am!” You’re fighting against her as she pins you down. Nat is cackling beside you, laughing at your struggling.
“Say it! Admit you like him!” She cries.
“No! I’ll never!” You cry back.
A relaxed girls night seemed like a good idea before truth or dare was involved, and it led to both Nat and Wanda forcing you to admit your schoolgirl crush on Bucky, a firefighter in your neighbourhood.
“Then I won’t stop.” You’re fighting for breath at this point, before you kick your leg perfectly, or unfortunately, to knock over a candle on the side. It falls to the carpet and everyone’s eyes widen.
“Shit!” You exclaim. You grab a pillow and hit it over the flames repeatedly. You exhale heavily when it’s out. You turn and see Wanda and Nat smirking as Nat is holding her phone to her ear. “Wha- Nat, no!” You say sternly, you can see her plan smug on her face. She holds her finger up at you as she starts speaking.
“Hey, Steve, we just had a small fire over here, maybe you should come over to make sure it’s been put out properly… Yeah, just a candle, nothing major… Ok, thanks babe. Oh, and you should probably bring Bucky too, if he’s around. Cool, see you soon.” She hangs up.
“Seriously?” You deadpan.
When they arrive, you’re sitting on the sofa with Wanda and Nat opens the door. Of course, behind Steve, Bucky comes striding in too. Wanda wiggles her eyebrows at you, poorly hiding her grin. You simply roll your eyes.
“What’ve we got here then?” Steve remarks, blankly staring and, frankly being unimpressed, at the charred patch of carpet beneath you.
“I just knocked over a candle. It is absolutely no big deal and it’s clearly out.” You reply, tight lipped. Avoiding eye contact with the looming brunet beside him, as if you’d drop dead if you were to. “What would we do without you two though?” You sarcastically add.
“What even happened?” Bucky asks, and you finally look at him, in the eyes, as you silently die inside while searching for a reason other than the truth.
“Wanda pushed me into it, and then it fell on the carpet.” Bucky raises a suspicious brow at your answer.
“Ok,” Steve says. “Just maybe try to keep candles upright from now on. We should go, Buck, and get to that bar before it’s too busy.”
“You guys are going out? We’ll come with!” Nat jumps up and pulls Wanda from the sofa, stretching her hands out to you next.
“I would, but I’ve got an early shift tomorrow. A 6am start is not what I want on less than 7 hours of sleep.” You reply, honestly this time.
“Ugh, fine.” Nat whines. Everyone starts to head out as you hold the door. You say bye to everyone and wish them a good night as Bucky hangs back.
“Shame you can’t come tonight, maybe next time?” He leans in the doorway and you think your heart actually skips a beat.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You can’t help but smile as he flashes a cheeky grin. He begins walking out and you admire his frame. It’s a shame he can’t put out the fire roaring inside of you right now.
“Have a fun shift tomorrow!” He calls out.
“Oh, I will.” You shut the door and roll your eyes and the feelings he gives you.
“Ugh, stupid fucking lights!” You growl and the flickering bulb above you, which eventually goes out altogether. You know it’s not the lightbulb because you’ve only just changed it. The same thing happens in your bedroom and the kitchen. Determined, you set out to find the light panel for your flat, which is somewhere in the building. You finally find it and open it up. You see your flat number and, beneath it, some switches and screws and wires you’ve never encountered before.
“Fuck it.” You take out your screwdriver and just head into this unknown world. You try a few switches and screws when a couple of sparks fly. You jump back with a slight shriek. Your eyes widen and your hand covers your mouth as the sparks turn into a small flame.
“Nooo. no, no, no, no, no, shit, shit, shit.”
The flame begins to grow and you look around, with no luck, for some sort of fire extinguisher. The nearest thing is a fire alarm. Brilliant. 10 in the evening and now the whole building is going to hate you.
“For fucks sake.” You press the alarm and run away from the scene of the crime before people can see you near it.
Everyone is stood outside, cold and annoyed, when the engines arrive. With everyone in gear it’s hard to tell who’s going in. You’re all waiting for a short while before they tell everyone it’s taken care of and you can start heading back in. The firefighters begin taking off their helmets and masks. You notice Steve and – shit – Bucky. You don’t have time to get away before he spots you too. He heads over.
“Hey. I’m starting to get used to this building now.” He comments. You chuckle lightly. “I’m worried you’re heading towards becoming an arsonist.” Your eyes go wide.
“How did you know it was me?” You whisper-yell. His eyes widen in response, brows furrowing.
“We didn’t. I was just making a joke, but now I’m actually concerned about you.” He folds his arms and laughs as you slap your hand to your face in stupidity.
“Oh. Shit. Uhh, there’s no getting out of this, is there? Oh god, are you meant to arrest me or something? Ok, here’s the plan: I never said or did anything. Sound good?” You reason, realising you’re just continuing your idiocy. He just smiles in response before nodding his head toward the building.
“Should I walk you up? Just to make sure you don’t start any more fires.” He quips and you scoff, rolling your eyes and playfully elbowing him.
“Fine. Just to make sure.”
“You do realise I’m going to be telling Steve about this?” Bucky says when you reach your door. “And then he’ll tell Nat, who will then tell Wanda.” He smirks, leaning against the doorway again after you step inside. God, you love a man in uniform. Although, you’d like him more out of it–
“Oh, I’m prepared for that.” You look back into your apartment, and at that patch of carpet from last time, and why it happened. “Did you want to come in?”
“Uhh…” He begins. You mentally scold yourself. He clearly doesn’t want to. But then again, he’s still in uniform.
“Oh, shit, are you still on duty? Or you don’t want to. Either way, it’s fine. Sorry for asking.” You ramble.
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m actually technically finished now. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to that bar now? As long as you don’t have another early shift tomorrow, that is.” You light up inside at his question, and can’t help the grin that spreads across your lips.
“Yes! Yeah, that sounds nice, I mean.” You shyly look at the floor and notice he steps forwards. He lifts your chin with his finger so you’re looking into his eyes.
“Uh, there’s actually something else I wanted to ask you…” He begins, and you both instinctively begin to lean into one another.
“Yeah?” You reply softly. The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers into your lips and your breath hitches.
“Yes.” You pull him into you with his jacket and his lips press against yours. Suddenly, another fire is igniting. But a much, much better kind. The kiss is deep and long-awaited, both of you trying to get closer, while already being flush against one other. Finally you part, chuckling and biting your lip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Thank god for my lack of my electrician knowledge, huh?”
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khodorkovskaya · 11 months
it feels im 8 yrs old again and it's the last day of school and tomorrow im going to montenegro for 3 months. like i am so excited you guys!!!
im getting the train at 6am tomorrow and lucien is meeting me there. his plan was for me to go today and spend the night at his parents' but they don't want me at their house cos im not family lol. he said im gonna meet them nevertheless. but they're old money. like actually old western european conservative money. and ive never met people like that before.
im very excited to meet his parents bc i need to know his origin story! like why is he the way he is??? apparently he had a very strict upbringing. and his parents are mega rich. and i feel like now the term "old money" has been tied to the whole aesthetic trend on tiktok, so it kinda lost its original meaning. but his parents are basically, yeah... conservative, protestant, very secretive life style, probably brought their children up with like super strict table manners like what fork is used for what, etc.
they're very cold too. like i was brought up with more eastern values. and even though my family isn't super traditional in that sense, i was still taught that hospitality is important and that you have to bring a gift every time you go to someone's house and stuff like that. whereas conservative western mentality isn't really like that. and his parents are in their 80s so yeah, they're a whole different breed i feel.
have you guys ever met like actual old money people? what was that like? and i don't mean just "rich people who aren't flashy". but like actual generational wealth people.
also panda has a theory that lucien's parents are in a cult lol. like mormons or jehovah's witnesses or sth.
when lucien was trying to convince his parents to let me stay over he was like "yeah, she's anti-alcohol and she doesn't drink and she's very very religious and modest". lolllll
speaking of being religious, church today was so good! my church crush handed me the music sheet and looked into my eyes and i said thank you and that was the highlight of my day lol. i still don't know his name. but it's fun, you know? to have a little crush i look forward to seeing every sunday. and honestly i don't really want to get to know him because he comes off as very arrogant and intellectual and snobby and i don't think we'd vibe. like at some point he sat down and man-spread and went on his phone. likeeeee. but then i see that after every service he goes up to all the icons to kiss them and lights candles and every time he does the cross thing he bows down to touch the ground (which i never do btw). but yeah im enjoying having this little crush a lot and i want it to stay that way.
maybe he's a reddit orthodox kind of guy, now that i think about it...? like i watched one video about orthodoxy cos i wanted to see who bishop irinei was and now my youtube recommended is full of these orthodox chad memes like "little dark age" that kind of stuff yknow. maybe my crush is the kind of guy who watches these things. cos like what else would a guy my age be doing at a church choir? likeeee
anyway, yeah! super stoked for tomorrow! idk if i'll post much about skating camp cos im gonna be hanging out with lucien and skating 24/7. but i promise i'll post a pic or two! <3
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softsky-daily · 6 months
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The clouds were such interesting shapes today.
Positive thing: I'm officially done with all the school stuff I have to do.
Unless something else comes up, all I have to do is get through work tomorrow and then it'll be vacation mode all the rest of the month. Well, there's two other days I'm working, but that's after my California trip and not too bad. I doubt there'll be any work to do anyway but a paycheck always helps.
The plane ride is about 6 hours so not super long but also not short by any means. I actually enjoy traveling by plane so I'm excited for it. Since I'm departing at 6am I figure I'll be tired and just sleep, but I'll be bringing my laptop for entertainment too. I can rewatch all my 逃げ恥 scenes.
My friend that I'm meeting there and I agreed on going to this place called WaBa Grill when I arrive. Apparently it's some Asian grill chain he likes, and when I looked at the menu it did seem pretty good. We can't check into the hotel until afternoon so we'll need to kill time somehow too. Since he's driving everywhere I didn't want to impose too much but I did see this Japanese market down-a-ways from the airport that looked interesting so maybe we'll go there.
Just gotta get through tomorrow. One more day.
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findingmypeace · 11 months
I feel like my dread and panic about going to treatment this time is completely unlike any of the other past times. I feel like my treatment stays in the past were about very different things than it will be this time. I’m no longer putting the pieces together of why I do what I do or feel the way I do, like I have for so, so long. Now it’s all been figured out. It’s time for the next step. That means it’s time to address the things that are just barely under the surface but also so deeply buried. It’s an immense amount of pain, hurt, and anger. I can label it attachment trauma. It's also my experiences with R, K, my parents, etc. It's a life time of hurt that has been buried and replaced by the eating disorder and various attachment related behaviors.
And then there is last Fall. That was like the icing on the cake. A repeat of all of my trauma all at once. I don’t know how I survived. Even the smallest reminder of July-Nov 2022 and I start crying. I can’t go there. I can't even look at a picture of K. The events of last July-November are fresh and that's why it hurts the most. But than also a lifetime of...hurt from my parents. I feel like the minute the surface is scratched there will be an emotional explosion. And that absolutely terrifies me. I can't. I can't even imagine that moment.
All of that does not involve the other half of the battle in my mind: weight, food, drinking fluids, and NOT purging. That never ending battle truly feels torturous because it's constantly there. It never leaves. And it's already started despite not having been admitted yet. I do NOT want to go through what I've referred to in the past as the war in my head. Should I, shouldn't I. What happens if X? What is the best option for the ed (ie: which is lower in calories or this vs that). And the thing that tortures me the most: the fucking stupid power struggles. Oh and feeling like I'm a horribly annoying burden because I want to ask for support.
Finally, there is all of that in my head AND I've never had so much fear about food and fluids before. I am so scared of that first time with a plate in front of me and being expected to eat it and drink the fluids that come with it.
It all adds up. It's way too much. Trauma being brought to the surface, emotions coming to the surface that I've stuffed down for over 6 months or even years, maybe my whole life. Fighting so many aspects of the eating disorder, and finally, not being a part of the life I've built for myself and love. My job, my friends, my independence. I really don't know how I'm going to do this. If I have to do this than I need LS and RY with me. I can't do this alone. I can't do this with strangers who barely know me.
I don't want to do this. I don't want to feel the pain. I just want to go to work tomorrow. I'd even do a floor shift at the female house when AM shift starts at 6am and the floor staff have the pettiness of high schoolers. That would be so much more fun and fulfilling than dealing with all the chaos behind the scenes.
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yuyuonabeat · 2 years
~~~~~NO BOYS PT:1~~~~~
Pairings:bff!Heeseung x f!reader
Genre: hybrid. Smut. fluff. angst.
Word count: 1,123
Warnings: some cursing, a few pet names here and there, topic of food. Mentions of TxT members. Might add smut in upcoming parts.
A/N: This is part one of this ff. Please lmk if I should make more of ENHA related ffs<3.
“Behave. I’ll be home by 6am on the dot. Remember NO BOYS INSIDE YOUR ROOM.”- said your brother Soobin as he waved goodbye whit his big long floppy ears up as he’s always been so overprotective of you.
You can’t really blame him, he’s your big rabbit older brother after all. And the fact that you have 12 male friends, always activates his overprotective side.
You are all one big friend group. But even still, sometimes you guys forget and get a little too comfortable and close with some of them.
Like with your deer hybrid bff Lee Heeseung who you call “Bambi”. He’s handsome charming points are enough for Soobin to worry about.
Or perhaps maybe the many times you go out with your squirrel bff Kang Taehyun for 3am walks around the park.
You always say you don’t have a favorite, but Bambi and Fluffy Tail are definitely the two you mostly hang out with.
But then there’s Mr.Bear, aka Choi Beomgyu, aka the L.O.Y.L. You two have been dating each other for exactly 4 months now. And although everything with Mr.Pretty Lashes has been a fairy tale, he’s asked for some time alone so he can heal his mental state. Beomgyu has been dealing with fragile mental health and self hate for some time now. And although you all have offered to help him or get him professional help, he always rejects and prefers alone time.
////Going back to the present////
Soobin has a date night with a girl he’s been interested in from school. Now you’re left alone with the tall deer who’s looking for snacks in your kitchen.
You told Soobin you had a sleepover with Seung, and he did have a date planned so he just shrugged the thought of his little sister having a boy with her all alone the whole night and went to his date. Finally letting you breathe for once.
Heeseung sat on your couch in the living room of your house as he was drinking his favorite strawberry milk. You two were planning on a marathon of Stranger Things whole 4 seasons since you two go nuts for the show.
Like the big fans you were. You two had matching baggy sweaters with the words “Stranger Things” printed on it. Looking at the ethereal tall deer who had his antlers adorned with Christmas lights to have the ST theme from when Will disappeared and his mom, Joyce hung up the lights on the wall.
They even switched colors. Your eyes were glowing full of love in “awe” at the adorable view in front of you. Seung was super desperate to watch ST Season 4 with his favorite white rabbit, aka you.
He looks over to you and notices you’re staring at him in “awe”. His eyes dilate whenever he sees you. He can’t deny it. You’re extremely attractive. Even so that all your friends are super whipped over you. Always complimenting you on how cute and pretty you are and how your pinkish floppy long ears are your charming point.
You can barely breathe since the guys are always asking you out to the park, the movies, the aquarium, Ice cream walks around town and more. But you never mind. You love and enjoy their company.
“Yah, Floppy Ears, you’re staring.”- Seung says as he flashes you a warm smile.
“Oh. S-Sorry. I-I uh, should we start the marathon?” - you say as you start to get shy.
He pats down the side of the couch next to him for you to sit. You immediately go and do so.
“Did I just stutter?”- you ask yourself. Nothing much weird but still off.
As you start watching Season 4 you notice the atmosphere around you become warmer and warmer now hotter and hotter. You see from the corner of you left eye, that Heeseung is smiling at the TV. His doe like eyes dilated and glazed. They were shining more than ever.
A few minutes go by and you start to lose focus of the TV screens. All your senses going to Heeseung’s breathing and heart beat that now was driving you insane. Even your legs are triggered making you squeeze them shut to stop whatever it is that you’re feeling as Seung’s cologne is the only scent in the whole room now. Sweat now forming on your forehead and sweaty palms.
Your heartbeat raising like a race you have to win in order to succeed or you’ll be doomed. You wipe off your forehead with your sleeve. Heeseung notices your actions and chuckles.
You immediately look at his eyes that are now almost completely black from how dilated his pupils were. A little caught off guard you gasped and sat straight.
He notices and looks at you with concern. His eyebrows frowned as he’s confused by the actions of his rabbit friend next to him.
“Writing duty calls!!”- you said to him as you stood up from the couch and ran near the stairs to go to your room upstairs.
“But we’re only on episode 5, Y/N!!” - Heeseung said as he whined at your urgency to write when you’ve both been waiting for Season 4 to be out for so long.
“Yes, Lee Heeseung, but if I don’t write this down I’ll forget about it fast. Give me a second, Bambi. I’ll be quick, babe.” - he rolls his eyes and pouts at you.
You go up the stairs to your room, leaving the poor deer in the living room who now happens to realize you just called him ‘babe’. He shrugs it as you sometimes are a bit flirty.
You close your door and lock it.
“Babe?! Y/N, what’s wrong with you!?”
You ask yourself with your hands on your head as the word ‘babe’ keeps repeating in your head reminding you the sudden pet name you just gave your friend downstairs.
You start to freak out suddenly realizing you’ve been acting weird since Soobin left.
“Why am I sweating? Why is my heart raising?” You try to calm down. Maybe worried that you’re starting to catch feelings for Heeseung.
“What NO! It can’t be that. He’s my friend and he’s even slept on my bed next to me. Why am I feeling like this now!?”
You feel bad, wrong and guilty. You have a boyfriend, Beomgyu. And you also lied to Heeseung by saying ‘you have to write something’. You just needed some time alone to stop this sudden wrong feelings.
“What should I do? Maybe I can tell him I feel sick and need to be alone? No! He’s been waiting too long for this day with me. I can’t just bail out on him like that.”
////To be continued////
A/N: Please lmk if you like this. Ep. 2 will be up tomorrow or soon. Thanks for reading this <3!!
Honestly I’m not sure whether I should make/upload pt.2 of this since it’s completely gone to shits due to my lack of thinking. The fact this ff was from something I actually had dreamt of is also very much the reason why I’m unsure whether I should continue or not..
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awrldalone · 1 year
9th January 2022, 4.17pm
The year starts today for me. I said so before it begun for everybody else, it was not a last minute decision to extend the old year. If anything, I decided to skip a few songs, press forward for a few days. I did some things, which I will eventually talk about, one of these days, but I have to admit that unraveling this ball of yarn all at once and knitting it into a piece of writing is hard. There are too many knots and I am not an expert knitter. I barely own a metal hook, and even then, I left it at my place in Maastricht, and I am not there yet.
And so 2023 starts today. I have some goals, like usual, and from here I can only go up. A few days ago I was telling M. that mentally I am in a similar position to early and mid 2021, when I was at my worst. Except this time I hold the torch of memory and I am trying to do better, even though I feel just as lost in this darkness. Light is of little use in pitch black nothingness. Yesterday night I cut for the first time in four months. I did not bleed as much as I expected, or would have liked, I think my legs were not fully healed yet, and today I felt them weak while waiting in line to board the plane. I will not do it again. If not for myself, for the fact that cuts are not nice to see, no one likes a wounded dog, and even when hunting one always tries to hit the rabbit in the eye to kill it, not in the tender meat.
And so 2023 starts today, at the bottom of everything but so high up in the air.
I realized I need to be busier, more mechanical, with less time, because forcing myself to have a routine will perhaps make existing easier.
Tomorrow I will wake up at six, and my morning will look like this:
6AM — The alarm on my phone will ring. I will leave my phone to charge not next to my bed, but underneath it, because I find that the hardest part about waking up is not opening the eyes but getting out of bed, and given that my bed is situated on top of my desk, like a bunk bed for one, I need to force myself to climb down the stairs.
until 7AM — I will jump the rope a thousand times. I bought a new one with my sister. It’s light and thin, when it hits your leg it hurts like a bitch. I like that I can swing it very fast and make it go around my body two or three times in a single jump. I will also do one hundred push ups. I can do twenty five in a row, for four times. I can also do fifty, twice, but I tend to move sloppily down the end, so I would rather stop earlier and push my body up properly. All of this will not take me an hour, but half an hour at most. For the remaining time, I will wash myself up, dry my hair, put on clothes.
8AM — This year, like every year, I want to read one hundred books. In 2022 I read ninety-something, but this time I will reach my goal, mostly because reading is one of the reason I have not fully given up on life yet. I tend not to escape in books, but I do like learning. Ever since high-school ended, I do not study fifteen things at once, and I miss the variety. Obviously, I still love fiction, up until a few moments ago I was reading Life For Sale by Yukio Mishima. The point of all of this is I want to read for an hour. It’s something I like, something that makes me somewhat happy, and something that will make me feel richer. One of the goals of this year is to become rich with knowledge and experience.
Then the day can start at nine. If needed, I will have to sacrifice the reading, or delay it until the night time, but for this month it should not be a problem, as all my classes start late, between eleven and one p.m.
At night, I also want to reserve some time to specific activities.
8PM — A whole hour to cook and eat. I like spending time with V., and usually when we dine together we end up talking until late, so I will be more lenient with what I do at night than what I do in the morning.
9PM — Poetry. Stories. Essays. Maybe even a book. A whole hour to force myself to produce even the ugliest of verses. I have a few poems I am working in, so I will be busy for a few days. When uninspired: painting. I want to learn how to go beyond the basic techniques I know.
11PM — Bedtime. Seven hours is plenty of sleep for me.
Obviously, these strict schedules are nothing but an outline. I need to study, prepare for class, I want to go to the gym three to four times a week, and I want to hang out with my friends. I feel better when I leave the house, or when people come at my place. Therefore, all these rigid rules will be flexible.
My father called me the most strict and obsessive person he knows the other day. He also calls me hysterical sometimes. I wonder how the two can co-exist. I wonder how I can be hysterical when I do not even have an uterus. Whatever. Such a rough words for a disease that doesn’t exist. Whatever. I wonder if he doesn’t know many people, or if he doesn’t know me. The point is - I will be flexible. I always have been. With myself less than with others, but I am still learning.
This year, in fact, I want to learn. Like every year, obviously. But this year I want to learn, or rather discover, what will be of me. I would be lying if I said I have not thought about the future a lot lately: where will I be in September? I was about to type “where will I find myself”, but I decided not to phrase it that way because I will not find myself anywhere, but rather I will go somewhere actively. I am a ship without a compass, but I will learn how to read the stars and find my way.
I want to learn how to cook good and healthy food, I want to learn pottery, I want to learn good French, I want to learn about art and fashion and philosophy. I want to learn how to sew and make clothes.
I also want to act with a sense of aim. As I have already said on my birthday, 19, and therefore 2023 as a whole, is the year of reaping the fruits, tasting the apples and low-hanging peaches: I have worked under the scorching sun and the freezing rain for a year, and I will continue to do so for my whole life, but from now on I want my fields to yield a good harvest.
This harvest can come in all forms. The one I wish for the most is publishing what I write. I did it once, I can do it again.
I want to feel fulfilled, full of life.
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quinntheqslur · 17 days
Today was the first day of classes! And I'm gonna be honest, maybe I'm speaking too soon, but it was GOOD to be back. I had Writing for Children first thing in the morning, which was very introductory vibes but I got to love on Ducktales and Gravity Falls, and then I did my viewing homework for that in the student union before TV Story Analysis at 3:30. It took me, yes, most of the day to plod through my various tasks, but that's mainly because I got back into the Unresolved Mysteries sub and that's always time well spent. I also took a body-melting shower and ate really well (latte, chicken noodle soup, and a Territory chicken pastor bowl-- thank you, Zep!). And then I finished my OMITB rewatch and got two episodes into my The Bear rewatch.
Tonight, I went to watch Ellie do burlesque at a dance open mic in a cute little neighborhood-y bar on the Lower East Side! It wasn't a huge crowd, but a really rowdy one, lol. I'm Ellie's only non-dance friend that went-- I invited Emily, but she turned me down. Ellie says that's normal and that Emily never does anything, she sleeps from 10pm to 6am and only does work and knitting and anime. Which... now has me hyper-paranoid that she's judging me for being a fucking whore, I guess. Which is unreasonable, since I haven't been in my slut era here and likely never will be again because I'm unappealing, and she has no way of knowing what my life was like in Vegas. So I shouldn't feel these bugs crawling under my skin. ANYWAY.
The open mic was really fun! Ellie crushed it with her dance, as did her friend George who sang a song and has an amazing voice, and was very fun to chatter with. Plus I had two strawberry rum cocktails that were SHOCKINGLY good and packed a wee punch, woohoo. We did stop at McNaldo's on the way home (I know, I know, I am the grossest but I didn't have a full meal) but... idk. I'm in a good spot, I think. It was a good day. I only feel mournful because it's quiet, lonely nighttime. And I'm trying not to look too hard at it.
I have fucked it up and taken two trazodone, btw. I'm trying to ease myself into an earlier sleep schedule which means going to bed like an hour earlier than normal. So wish me luck and all that.
OH, and I did the dishes today! And tomorrow is for more CHORES (laundry and the drugstore and vacuuming the house)! And I have a real friend right down the hall! And I'm gonna be okay, okay, okay. I don't need a family 2022 and earlier back. I'm making a new life all on my own, day by day. Showing myself I can even when I didn't believe it.
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the-good-projxct · 1 month
Feb 23rd, 2024
11:32 pm. Sitting up in my room at Aunty Bome’s. Listening to only you by Karun. 
I had such a chill day. SUCH A CHILL DAY. Like I need to emphasize that to the max. I stayed on the phone all night with Munene. All night dawg. From midnight till 6am. That is wild. And it's not the first time, we be having 6-8 hrs calls like monthly. Anyway, mapenzi moto moto. We talked about so much and like, yeah, I am happy happy. I dunno, I wanna say I am fallin’ in love. Or I have fallen in Love  but it feels simpish. Like, what does that mean? What does life look like now that I have fallen in Love with the man that I’ve loved since he was a boy? What does being in Love look like compared to Love? Anyway, these are the thoughts I am having and yeah. Love is beautiful. Life is Gøod. God’s plan is the only plan. I woke up around 11, took a nice hot shower then went downstairs, food was ready, I ate then sat outside. Then sat inside. Then I went and ate lunch and some cake. Then I went and laid down upstairs. Then it was supper time. I ate supper then I laid on Aunty Bome’s bed and chatted with her then I came to my room and laid on my bed to play on my phone. So…I am a professional chiller now. I am a pro loungist. That was the goal and here I am. Pure baby girl energy. On the real though, I am going to look for a volunteer gig next week so  life will not be as chill for one day of the week. And another day I will go to the cafeteria with my grandma. So two days of activities, one day visiting family and four days to be a loungist. I wanna take my loungy ways to the club. Hello Impala, here I come. Im just tryna see some rugby niggas do rugby nigga shit while I lounge. I don’t even want them niggas no more. My CBC interview dropped today, it sounds cool. I sound so different. Zaneta said I sound like them and mom combined. Ahhahaha real. They cut out the part where I said I cannot grow living in the swamp that tried to drown me. I dunno but it cheesed me that they cut that part out. THEN. THEN. CBC used a photo of AmirahSun as the main pic for the interview. LMAO. I mean, I like the payback bc Amirah been calling me a light skint nigga for far too long. And I call them my  twin. But surely CBC, during Black History Month could not tell two niggas apart? Low key funny, high key embarassiiiinnggg. The podcast drops tomorrow. How do I feel? Ready. Like it is time. But also a bit edgy. Multiple truths. I kinda like that the cbc interview came out and I liked the interview. It kinda prepares me for listening to the podcasts, if I decide to. I might never btw. I have a bit of a headache so maybe I am not a professional loungist. Maybe too much lounging is not good for my health. We shall see. I noticed that people with big tiddies breach in their sleep like whales. I am people with big tiddies. So when I sleep on my chest and move around, my tiddies end up in an uncomfortable position. So I lift up my half body, move my tits sometimes very slightly and lay back down. A breach. No? I feel like whales might be feeling weird pressure/discomfort on their chest or whale tiddy area and need to come up to adjust their yitties and release pressure. So yeah, whales, tiddies, breaching and I have commonality. These are the things that I can spend like a Good chunk of time thinking about bc why not. It's funny. Back to Karen I go tomorrow. For another round of lounging. Life is Gøod. I am Gøod. I am Saint. Ase. Ase. Ase. Ase.
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