#max attacks
max-is-emo · 5 months
Intro post and tagging system
Completely rebranding my tumblr accounts:
Main is max-attack (previously emobandito01)
Whump sideblog is max-attack-whumps
And here is where I’ll use my personal tagging system and reblog anything I like (in the style of my original account)
Tagging system:
#max attacks (tag for any posts I make on this account or my other two)
#max saves for living later (general things I want to remember, like adulting, self care)
#max saves for viewing later (tv and movies)
#max saves for reading later (published books and fic)
#max saves for writing later
#max saves for learning later
#max saves for eating later (anything with food or cooking)
#max saves for sewing later
#max saves for planting later
#ma saves for acting later (the theatre tag and music I want to learn, will mostly be starkid and tcb productions for now)
#max saves for listening later (music tag for sweet jams I want to go back to)
#max saves for flying later (BIRD TAG because I love birds)
#max saves for jagering out (my hatchetfield tag, which is a strong and current special interest)
#max saves for webslinging (my spider-man tag, which is my strongest special interest)
All my other interests will be #max loves ____
This includes Watership Down, Ted Lasso, Moral Orel, Danny Phantom, Nope, Wolf 359, Avatar: The Last Airbender (written as atla), What We Do In The Shadows, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (written as rise of the tmnt), The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, the Faith games (written like that), Camp Camp, taylortut (go follow her! lovely blog with amazing writing), Dropout, Jurassic Park
I want to use my main to actually post writing snippets and ideas I have, so I made this account to keep the clutter out! I’ve been on tumblr for years, and I’m finally experimenting with what I’ve always wanted my account to be. I hope you have as much fun as I do!
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heyheresathou · 2 months
how do y'all not let the things you like consume your entire being
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leggalese · 2 months
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Big Top inspired memes and nonsense.
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januscorner · 22 days
Why I think Holyghost is T4T
So we know Grace’s mother respects trans people as she uses Ziggs’s proper pronouns, so it’s not to much of a stretch they’d accept a trans daughter. Grace’s main colors are Pink, Blue, and White (the colors of the trans flag) to the point where she even colors her sign that way
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We don’t know that much about Max’s personal life however we can peace some stuff together. We know he has a bad relationship with his dad referencing his dad calling him “a little cuck” maybe because he doesn’t accept him, his reference to Judas likely means his family is Christian only adding to it (obviously not all Christians are transphobes but a good amount of transphobes are Christian)
He seems to be friends with Steph or at least former friends, telling her to get behind him at the Old Waylon Place and offering to protect her. While obviously guys and girls can be friends they’re relationship to me at least reads as childhood girlfriends after one transitioned (from my own personal experience as a trans guy) Also adding to the betrayal and him calling her Judas.
And finally Max’s over performance of masculinity. Max is stereotypical toxic masculinity in human/ghost form. I think it at least started as overcompensating so people see him as a boy although soon after he just went mad with power. Pete mentions knowing him sense the fourth grade, Hatchetfield is a small town so while there are a few different schools a lot of the people at Hatchetfield High probably knew him before he transitioned and maybe even told the people who didn’t. It’s really hard to get people who knew you before you transitioned, especially cis people, to see you as your gender. So Max becomes the epitome of toxic masculinity, they have to see him as a guy now. Plus it’s pretty common for AFAB trans people to lean hard into masculinity at the start of their transition regardless of how they actually want to look.
Also us seeing Max shirtless doesn’t mean anything sense it’s all in Grace’s head, Grace might not even be aware Max is trans (after all who would tell her she doesn’t have friends)
Edit: I just remembered, Pete is hiding from Max in the boys bathroom, if Max is cis there’s no reason Pete would be safe there but if Max can only use the girls bathroom…
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raihyeon · 2 months
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8 Years of Favourite Characters!
Template here by @/bunsketches on Twitter
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webbelzebub · 3 months
max lives au but the threat is very much still there. he doesn't bully the nerds anymore but he's less a friend and more a feral dog that they know might snap at any moment. i love a good max lives au but I need a max lives au where he gets *worse*, actually. the nature of hatchetfield is that every timeline is doomed no matter what, it's just what causes that doom that changes. i need holy ghost co-corruption arc
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thissying · 5 months
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📷: Peter van Egmond, 2001 Formule1 magazine
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scaredofskeleons · 1 month
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the-woman-upstairs · 8 days
Friendship ended with Mad Max, now Praetorian Jack is my new best friend.
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pixelpastry · 11 months
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we are ready for business https://artfight.net/~pixelpastry
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library-whale · 2 months
So it turns out bringing Dodge Roll Attack into the “Oops! All Bounce Pads” floor turns you into a GODDAMN WRECKING BALL.
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petrichormore · 10 months
Also I just had a Thought about ElQuackity’s second death.
We know that cc!Bad really wanted q!Bad to lose a life in the explosion, and therefore to some extent q!Bad also wanted to die but…
But Bad wasn’t holding a totem like ElQuackity was and well, a totem presumably repairs any lethal damage done to its user’s body - just enough to keep them living and nothing more - so ElQuackity must’ve still been heavily injured and near deaf from being blown sky high even after popping a totem.
But Bad wasn’t holding a totem, and he also got caught in the middle of the explosion alongside ElQuackity - the difference is that none of the wounds Bad sustained healed at all. Bad survived the initial explosion on 2 hearts (which is insane) and then was attacked by ElQuackity who brought him down to half a heart - HALF A HEART - before Max finished him off. One more hit and Bad would’ve gone down, and I don’t think ElQuackity would’ve given him the chance to get back up.
Except as ElQuackity was slowly but surely killing him, Bad barely fought back. He swings his sword half-heartedly a couple times, but out of those attempts he misses quite a few.
My Thought? Maybe it wasn’t just that q!Bad wanted to sacrifice himself and that’s why he didn’t fight back as q!ElQuackity ignored q!Max in favor of trying to kill him - maybe it was because he physically couldn’t defend himself. Maybe he was too injured, maybe there was blood in his eyes and he couldn’t see. Maybe he couldn’t hear past the ringing of his ears and couldn’t think past the spinning of his head. Maybe it was all he could do to stumble backwards away from q!ElQuackity (which he does if you watch his POV - he stands there stunned in the aftermath and then turns just in time to see q!ElQuackity slam into him).
Maybe it was all he could do to just blindly call out to q!Max for help and hope he heard it.
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firstofficerkittycat · 2 months
[sexting u] ur 1960s kirk spock internalised homophobia analysis wouldnt make it 5 seconds on twitter
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Recruit s01e08: “Just breathe.”
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starheirxero · 8 months
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completeoveranalysis · 2 months
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It's almost strange seeing Fai use his magic after all this time, and I can’t even enjoy it knowing what it cost
But oh how the spell he casts here also looks like an eye as it takes them into Evil Wolverine’s Evil Branding Department HQ
Like they're all being carried by the exact piece of Syaoran that he left behind (Fai's Eye) for them to use
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Ok despite everything I do like Evil Wolverine looking completely different to normal. Evil Wolverine bleeding? Evil Wolverine almost looking scared as they show up?
WONDERFUL. Lovely sight. 10/10, only improved by Kurogane and Lava Lamp leaping into the air to attack him instantly. 
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