#many characters and himself reveal that he's selfish not kind
tatatatatara · 10 months
Me seeing posts that say Kaneki is kind: well yes but actually no
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Mike vs Selfishness
The sheer number of people who misunderstand Mike as a character, even as fans of his, face one major flaw; they root his actions in self interest. They believe he is selfish. Even with positive connotation, this is wrong.
For some reason, it seems that the world has decided we must have balance between selfishness and selflessness between characters— if Will is selfless, then Mike must be selfish. This is the very trap that the writers set in S4. Their intention was to mislead and misconstrue. Will is shown to be giving up many things over and over and over for Mike, so he’s painted as the selfless hero (which he is). Mike? We mostly see him from others’ perspectives, meaning we only see him take. He isn’t aware of the sacrifices being made for him, but the show is producing the image of him never sacrificing in turn. Your mind will naturally lead you to view him as selfish because of the lack of reciprocity being shown. They want you to go blind to Mike’s sacrifice so the reveal hits that much harder.
But we aren’t blind. Mike is a character so inherently good that even stripping him of any sympathetic connection with the audience cannot hide the love and kindness inside him. The writers are true to their characters, so no amount of hiding will keep Mike’s true nature repressed— you just have to look, and look we have.
If we’re to look at Mike and know he is not what we perceive, how is it that so many people fail to understand that he is as selfless as any other character? Mike is not a boy with a monster hidden under his skin waiting to take what it wants despite how often we see this description of him floating around. This idea is in omnipresent in so many analysis posts or by those who say they’re fans of his imperfect characterization when that isn’t what makes him imperfect.
For example, it seems to be commonplace to believe that Mike is dating El to hide to some degree— not necessarily as a beard, but as an excuse for his behavior; his prioritization if her; his avoidance of Will. Rather than using El as an excuse, it’s much more plausible that Mike legitimately puts El above other people sometimes. When you look at Mike’s story with El it is so very blatant that he wants to do things for her and help her and make her happy. The very beginning of their friendship in S1 had been Mike seeing El and wanting to help. He rescued her and let her stay and took care of her when he first found her— sending her back to Pennhurst was not malicious or uncaring. He genuinely thought it was best for her at the time.
As Mike gets to know her he learns of her tragic past and comes to admire her as a person for her strength and sense of justice. El has lived a life of anger and sadness and abuse and Mike knows this. He sees a good person who has known nothing but suffering and wants to help her live the happiest life she can lead and Mike believes part of her happiness comes from being with him. Of course he’ll do it. He may not love her romantically, but he loves her so strongly in other ways that he’s willing to pretend for her sake. He’s been pretending since the end of S2. She moves to kiss him and he freezes, but they end up at the Snowball together anyway.
He’s giving too much of himself. He takes it too far and abandons intrinsic parts of himself for her happiness— this includes movies, hanging out with friends, music, and more than anything else, Will. Not Will himself but the part of him that belongs to Will. The part that loves him.
Mike’s selflessness reaches the furthest extremes. He’s willing to kill himself for Dustin with zero hesitation. He’s willing to abandon his personhood in hopes El is happy. He’ll shoulder the blame in fights with Will and hide the truth when he realizes Will never meant to hurt him. In fact, he tries to prevent Will from ever realizing he’s angry with him and continues to push him away during the fight at Rink-o-Mania. Mike consistently backs away from any confrontation where he has to address himself and his wants and his feelings when they aren’t there to help others. With Lucas at the beginning of the season, he backs down the second Lucas explains himself. During the rain fight, he’s calm and apologetic until Will brings El into it. Mike will always try to redirect things away from himself and Will is the only person who wont let him.
Normally, selflessness doesn’t take such intense and demanding forms. It doesn’t hurt others. Selflessness is usually shown as positive altruism or as an isolated punishment upon the self. Mike falls into the end of self punishment.
Self punishment always leads to unintentionally hurting others. Usually, se’d see this displayed from the perspective of the punisher. We don’t have Mike’s perspective. The punishments he imposes on himself are not visible to us.
Mike is a good, selfless person. He’s so sacrificial and feels so inferior that he doesn’t value his side of the story and acts as a servant to the happiness of the people around him. He’s rarely confrontational about issues that center around his wants and his feelings. When I say Mike is the prime example of a character who is a victim of themself I mean that he will destroy himself to hand out the pieces to people who he thinks need them.
There is nothing about him that is selfish or holds expectations that can’t be broken down. Mike’s rare selfish acts crumble like worn towers and his sacrifice will never be enough in his eyes. It’s all self imposed, but self imposition does not equate to selfishness. That’s what people miss about his character.
Mike is selfless in the most destructive, dangerous way positive. He has lost any sense of self importance, and that’s pretty clearly reflected in his monologue in the van (which happens to be the only time he really opens up and immediately calls himself stupid for it).
BASICALLY: mike’s not selfish he’s just selfless to the point of destruction and hurts people. hurting people is not inherent to selfishness . bro is big stupid and lives to please lmao
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to-mah-to27 · 4 months
I truly don't know if I have to will to make this into a full fic but I can keep continuing the plot
for those of you who did not see it, I'm talking about this post au where Shun is the main character and it is the story of the Jet Black Wing
Ok so season three comes to a head when Aren finally catches Saiki in the act, but Shun isn't there and he confronts Saiki. And Saiki says "You have no idea the complexities of this problem. Just a naive kid playing hero." and Aren tries to fight him but ends up getting hit over the head and his short-term memory erased.
The beginning of season four is a replay of that confrontation but from Kusuo's point of view. And we're like whaaaat because in all three seasons prior we have never been in Kusuo's point of view before.
In season one it seemed like it would only be from Shun's point of view because he is the main character. But then after the reveal, it makes more sense that we don't see through Saiki's point of view because we aren't meant to root for him after all. And then in season three the point of view regularly shifts between Shun and Aren, further emphasizing that Saiki isn't meant to be there.
So when season four starts in Kusuo's point of view it is a big deal. And it is the same fight but from his point of view and Aren confronts him, telling him the same things he's been listening to Shun say for the past three seasons ever since he got Black Beat in his arm and he had to start following him around to make sure that he couldn't interfere with his plans. "Why are you trying to destroy the world! There are so many innocent people who don't deserve to die! What could you possibly hope to achieve?" And Kusuo responds the same as he did in the finale that Aren doesn't understand and he's just naive and wants to play hero. But even as he says it he is thinking that it isn't true because really it's -Shun_ who he believes this about. And he's been saying in his head over and over and over as he justifies that he still has to do this.
Because the world is a terrible place full of selfish, greedy people who pretend to care on the outside but will take any chance they can to use people and then backstab them. And since humanity has so clearly failed they need to be eradicated and start over from scratch.
And in all the time he has spent with Shun, he has seen all the ways the hero breaks that perception by being kind and giving and genuine in his intentions to help, expecting nothing in return. So he has been telling himself that Shun doesn't count, that he's just some naive kid who doesn't get all the evil in the world, who doesn't understand it or see it and he's only acting the way he is because of a sense of pride at being a hero.
But since Aren joined, he's had a sense of inner turmoil about this that he's been trying desperately to ignore, because Aren has those same kind, honest intentions Shun does.
Aren, who was one of the power-hungry people he employed to help him destroy the world, only for them to realize in the end that they were going to be destroyed too. Aren, who is strong and perceptive and who readily knows about the ill intentions of many of the people they meet. He isn't naive. He isn't even trying to be a hero. He just wants to help Shun, whose forgiveness gave him a new chance at life.
Then he erased Aren seeing him use his powers to sabotage Shun and for the rest of season four every once in a while there will be an episode from Kusuo's perspective, showcasing his inner conflict about these two people disproving what he knows to be the dark truth about the world.
Shun can tell that his good friend and ally Saiki is struggling with something, and he tries to help and to get Saiki to open up about it. But Saiki has never been the talkative type, so he can't quite get it out of him. Not knowing of course, that it has to do with something Saiki would never tell him, that he is the very enemy they have spent so much time fighting. And Shun's words of faith in him from season two echo is Kusuo's mind.
Is there a way to destroy this world without destroying these two honest people? Does he have to make them hate him in order to do it? Will Shun's spirit break when he finds out the truth?
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rrxaiky · 2 years
"𝐓𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮" - 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬
CW. TW - Character death (Implied: Silver, Malleus, Lilia) , angst (all), breakdowns (Malleus, Silver), breaking up (Sebek) , murder (Lilia), suicide (?, implied: Silver) GN reader- They/them (Malleus, Sebek) + No pronouns used. (Lilia, Silver)
A/N: Possible last post before finals.
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⧉ 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚
How could one be so attached to another that he was willing to keep a withering body? As Malleus was always, always, no matter how hard he tried... He'd scare anyone near him away... He was unable to make friends... Until he met them. A kind, loving soul that was willing to stay by his side who he had dreamt of not only taking their hand but for them to be by him for eternity.
Yes... He could have both. A selfish, selfish desire. Just with a little magic... Just with a little power... He could preserve their once rotting body for as long as he lived.
Malleus held their hand in his, looking at them with a thin smile he could reveal to only them after their death. Eventually, after staring at their closed eyes, his expression grew to be pained, distressed.
He was supposed to be strong.
Droplets of tears fell from his eyes to their cheeks, and he cried out, "Give me my (name) back..." under his breath, chanting it with broken sobs in between. He didn't know how many times he had uttered those few words, but at last, he had found his voice strained, and he finally knew no matter how much he cried or wailed... He had already lost them.
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⧉ 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞
Ahaha... This couldn't be true. It can't be. He was just in a nightmare... Right? Right?!
He knew he shouldn't have turned his attention away from you. With the chaos that had arose overtime, he needed to protect everything around him, and he had been doing well... Until he saw you being mercilessly killed by an enemy.
His eyes widened as he tried his best to fend off whoever was trying to fight him, his guard lowered a little after witnessing what had happened. Everything around them had darkened. Was it nearing night? The moon hung high in the sky as screams continued to fill the area, Lilia occasionally snapping his head towards you to see your lifeless body on the ground.
If he only had paid a little more attention to you... You wouldn't have had to suffer like this, he thought. And if only he hadn't thought such.
Just seconds after he turned his head, he felt a piercing pain in his abdomen, and the object piercing him left his body and abandoned him to fall onto the ground. Eyes shaking as he stared at them and as the clouds covered the light of the moon from shining down at the warzone...
He knew he had lost his moon.
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⧉ 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭
If he didn't focus so much on being a knight... If he wasn't so loud... If he didn't act before thinking, would he still be with them? He could only blame himself for losing them. He was the one who broke their heart first, not them. They tried their best to be supportive, cheering Sebek on whenever they could.
Now, whenever he was training outside of with Silver or Lilia... He'd find everything so much more exhausting. He no longer had someone watching at him with soft eyes, or sometimes reminding him to take breaks.
He hated every second of it, no matter how much he tried to deny it.
He hated himself for letting them go. Why didn't he realize earlier that he loved them so much? As a human, as a friend and as a lover. Sebek was sick of training. He didn't want to train if they weren't with him anymore, and although it hurt him to see them so happy without him, they were now freer than a dove. In fact, a dove so free that could easily fly high up into the azure sky to be left alone by other beings...
Beings like him.
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⧉ 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫
"I don't want to do this." Silver mumbled, the tip of his cold blade just barely pressing against your chest. Why couldn't someone else do it? Why was he the one who was tasked to kill you... Why did the both of you have to suffer? Maybe you deserved it as a traitor... But he was innocent. He didn't deserve to feel what you had in your heart.
You reached your hand out to touch one of his cheeks, and Silver felt his heart break, bit by bit, knowing that that was the last time you'd ever touch him so warmly. You couldn't live. You betrayed all of them...
"Don't be sad... You know you have all the rights in this world to be mad at me." "I lied to you, so just kill me already."
How could one just... Say that? He knew you wanted him to quickly end it all, but he just couldn't, not for the life of him. The strong feeling of guilt, anger and emotions that would take over his body if he did was too much to handle.
Seeing this, you lifted your hand from his cheek, gabbing onto the sharp sides of the blade, blood being drawn from your hands.
"Hey Silver... If you don't want to do it, I can do it myself, you know." Silver opened his eyes as soon as he heard you finish your sentence. His expression only made you tighten your grip on his sword.
"What...?" Silver managed to choke out. "You heard me, and you know what I mean. You don't have to kill me if you don't want to..." You continued on, and he felt everything go silent. He heard it right both times.
"So... You don't need to tell them you didn't kill me."
"Just say the job's been done... Okay?"
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Reblogs + follows appreciated! <3
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lansplaining · 6 months
Protagonist-centric readers will do anything but admit that their MCs did lie and impact other characters' decisions. It's not the side-characters fault that they did not know the whole truth because *drum roll* they weren't told anything and/or was deliberately lied to.
LQQ being hated bc he impaled XL in a coffin for a long time but like... XL admitted to killing the King of Yong'an and committing the bloody massacre so what was LQQ supposed to do? Sit down and ask his Guoshi for the truth when we know damn well XL will just continue to admit to it? XL didn't want to tell LQQ the truth to protect LQQ and the two groups of people, and that's completely admirable, but what LQQ saw was his Guoshi stabbing a sword through his father's chest and admitting to everything so him reacting the way he did was completely valid. The single act of killing the king was treason 100x already, and as the son of the king, LQQ's reaction was not out of the ordinary. we don't want XL to suffer and be even more traumatized, but XL already knew that the consequences wouldn't be pretty and lied anyway. idk why fans can't grasp that.
Or for JC's case, HE IS LITERALLY THE ONE PERSON ALIVE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD WHO ACTUALLY DESERVES SOME KIND OF EXPLANATION FROM WWX HIMSELF, THE MAN WHO ACCIDENTALLY CAUSED WN TO KILL JXZ AND INDIRECTLY KILLED JYL DESPITE CLAIMING THAT HE HAD EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL. These two aren't strangers to JC at all; they're his sister and his brother-in-law, or more importantly, his sister's beloved husband and father of his nephew. He deserves to be angry and bitter at the one person who did all that, and there is no time limit for how long he should remain bitter and angry about it. The GCT was a whole mess and they both made HUGE sacrifices out of love but the only one whose sacrifice is made invalid is JC because one, it was short-lived and two, they already didn't like JC so no matter what he does for WWX, it will be seen as something negative.
I don't even want to get into the hell-hole regarding LXC but... damn...
the revelations after a character found out the truth should be "oh man, so that's what really happened" not "this character was a dick because they didn't know about the major sacrifice the MC made for them that would only be revealed many years later, and it's not even voluntary because someone else told the truth, not the MC themself"
I'm not the first nor am I the last person to say this but a protagonist is just a character we see, mainly, from their POV or the character that we follow the story through. That's all there is to it. I feel like a lot of danmei readers have yet to read a variety of stories about an MC that's completely shit but serves to tell a story just as important and interesting.
okay, first of all-- people hate LQQ?? The sweetest, most violent himbo of all????????????? even Xie Lian doesn't hate him for what he did??????
i have nothing to say to such people
i'll be honest, it is really only relatively recently that i've fully come to realise how completely Jiang Cheng deserves an explanation or even just acknowledgement of any kind from Wei Wuxian, and how cowardly and selfish it is that Wei Wuxian refuses to give it. and I say this with a heart full of love for WWX-- he is dealing with Some Trauma (tm) but that doesn't mean his refusal to even speak to JC isn't hurtful and unfair, even if it's what he needs... but man everyone in fandom and fanworks is focused on WWX taking what he needs in this situation and not even remotely considering that just maybe he also justifiably owes something to someone he harmed and who he supposedly (formerly?) cared about (i think he still cares)
the lan xichen thing is literally inexplicable to me and i will never understand it
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animanightmate · 1 year
We need to talk about this bad boy
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Émile Bonnaire. Adventurer, mercantile traveller, ladies’ man. Likes a drink, likes a laugh, loves to tell tall tales. Flamboyant, fun, and impressively fleshed out by the tiny, dapper, gravel-voiced charms of James Callis. Even his name derives from the French for “a good time” (or, depending where you look: “good bloodline”).
We first meet him accompanied by jaunty music on his way from the docks to a tavern, tipping his hat to interested women with a smirking flash of big, dark, pretty eyes, before roaring his intentions to pay for everyone’s drinks as he bursts through the door.
A bit of a rogue, Bonnaire. A bit of a weasel too, but a funny one. And he has an excellently aggressive wife.
Bonnaire is the kind of person who gets other people into trouble but always slips free himself. Pay attention - that’s going to be important later.
Once he’s successfully wriggled his way back into the clutches of the Musketeers, he treats Porthos (and us) to the glories of his exotic wanderings, revealing himself to be something of a liar, or just prone to exaggeration and fawning.
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So far, so funny.
Except that the people he’s pissed-off have a habit of finding him, and again it’s those around him who pay the price. Our lads drag a potentially mortally wounded Porthos on to Athos’s old house and, despite comedy punching, it’s clear that things have taken a turn for the serious. The music is cluing us in, you see.
And it turns out that being beholden, duty, debts owed, and notions of family and belonging are massive themes here. As well as definitions of humanity, of who gets to be chattel. Of who gets to own the enacted tragedy.
Porthos rails and growls, and Bonnaire defends himself, claiming that the barbaric (“disgusting” - thanks, Athos) acts he’s perpetrating in the name of profit are “strictly business”. Not prejudice. Porthos spells it out for us, time and again: people are not belongings, everyone is free, no man has a right to own and dispose of another living soul. Except Bonnaire is. Except Athos has. Except the King and Richelieu do, and will. Arguably, these men who kill for duty, as Maria Bonnaire threatens for love (and is killed for revenge) are part of that same culture of disposable humanity.
The episode shows us this, asks us to consider a multi-faceted view of people and their motives and actions. People can be noble and be murderers. People can be friendly and polite, and ruthless killers. People can be charming and fun and human traffickers.
We have a problem in this fandom. A pretty big one, and frankly an old one too. Dumas, for example, seemed to be showing us an unredeemably monstrous Milady while simultaneously demonstrating that, in the society where she found herself, she had little choice - drown, or by killed for a witch, essentially. Tragic, noble, beautiful Athos drowns his sorrows under a nom de guerre, and charges at well-armed enemies in a bid to escape from a crime that d’Artagnan labels correctly as murder right from the get-go in the books. And in the show, Athos condemns Milady over and over for the sins that he himself commits, of killing at the command of the powers-that-be, forever drawn to and repulsed by a woman who shows him all-too-clearly what they both are, and have chosen to be. And yet certain facets of fandom cannot see Milady as anything but evil, and Athos as thoroughly blameless. So many adaptations (or perceptions of them) see Richelieu as nothing but a big old panto baddie and d’Artagnan as a beloved puppy who never did anything wrong. Hi. We have some things we need to address. Dumas gave us a raft of characters who are frankly horrible, selfish, violent people, every one of them flawed in some way, every one of them with issues they need to face, sins to atone for. We do the source material an injustice if we reduce them to simply Good Guys and Bad Guys.
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And here, in response to an adaptation deliberately rendered for a modern audience, with dozens of layers in every interlocking scene and arc, people persist in seeing Bonnaire as a funny wee guy who was merely a bit greedy. But he’s funny and flash, so no real harm done, huh? Oh, he’s misguided, not evil! 
The late, great Terry Pratchett broke down millennia of debate by saying that evil starts by treating people as things. Oh, it may head elsewhere, become more granular and a matter of opinion, but actually it’s pretty simple: don’t treat people as commodities.
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The people who watch that episode and come away uncritical Bonnaire stans stagger me. This one isn’t even subtle - not only does he leave his beloved wife to die; not only does he lie and cheat and slide away from accountability at every turn, but Porthos roars (and later mutters) an absolute and no-holds-barred, emotional and intellectual take-down of the ethical nadir, the moral pit that is perpetrating slavery. He outlines in pitiless detail what it really means to the individuals (“Men, women, and children!”). He show how the long-term effects of that abuse, even once freed, shorten a person’s life, have resounding repercussions through generations. And he must feel so alone - the others holding him back from hurting Bonnaire, Athos telling him “Yes, it’s horrible, but it’s legal, and we have our duty to take this man to the Cardinal,” before ducking out of said duty himself to go on an drinking binge epic even by his standards. The others are more sympathetic, but still follow the course set for them by their superiors.
I want to tell the Bonnaire fans: yeah, he’s supposed to be fun and funny. You’re supposed to pick up that people can be interesting and quirky and ABSOLUTELY, THOUGHTLESSLY EVIL. That evil isn’t just the simple, unattractive thuggery of Labarge et al, it’s men doing ruthless things for the good of their country or for profit or for love or for power. It’s people feeling desperate and it’s people feeling dutiful. It’s not any one thing (except, at root, commoditising people), and just because they sold the role, doesn’t mean that the actor didn’t understand that either.
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This is the message that I want them to understand: evil can look pretty. Evil can be charming. Evil can seem absolutely harmless. Evil can make you laugh, feel flattered, feel affection, feel pity. Yes, there are moral grey areas in the world, but human trafficking is not, cannot, and will never be anything other than irredeemable savagery. Slavery is cruel and vile and inhumane. And just because something has never been condemned in law, does not mean it is justifiable if it diminishes lives.
And just because you find someone attractive does not mean they’re the good guy. Come on, now.
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nirashiyahell · 6 months
My Problem With The Fandom's Treatment Of Niragi; And Why His Fans Are Apart Of It.
Wow, a controversial post about a controversial character! Have fun reading and leave your opinions in the comments or reblogs, remember we are all human beings, thanks:)
Let me preface that I absolutely DO NOT CONDONE HIS ACTIONS and you are able to like/enjoy a character without agreeing with their actions or what they stand for, which brings me to my first point: he is not a good person in any shape or form, he does not have decent morals, and he is not a good. person, but no one in the show is. 1. The Gray Morality Of The Characters In Alice In Borderland
This is something I had caught on to by I think near the end of the first season, and it was reinforced throughout the second season of the show, let's take one of the most beloved characters, Chishiya, as an example: his character obtains a large favoritism boost because of the handsomeness of the actor he was played by, which is an unfortunate curse that many medias face, I say curse because most of these characters are separated from their complexity, and the only striking factor they posses is how physically attractive they are.
Chishiya Shuntaro, while not the main character, has quickly become a fan favorite because of the reasons stated above, now let's look at what makes him a really good antagonist (please note: I will be comparing both the LA and manga!); to start off, he is incredibiy selfish, a trait one must have to survive the games, he is shown to be a very "lone-wolf" type of character since his first few seconds of screen time, despite having Kuina by his side, which is a change that differs from the source material, likely made to have him appear as more likeable; in all the games we see him in season one, he is almost never in a group for more than a few seconds, in the hide and seek game, he wanders off to search for a high position to watch over the players and how the shooter moves, thus isolating himself. He does not view the players as people, surviving in his same situation, but rather shields, guinea pigs, chess pieces, anything that he can manipulate; he makes Arisu trust him enough to manipulate him in the 10 of Hearts game, and does not care of the known consequences that Arisu will face for that. The whole thing about his character in the first half, is that he cares only himself surviving, at the cost of other people, no matter who they are.
He lacks empathy and simpathy, well withing the entire season and the first half of the second season, I dislike this season in regards to how they handled his character, before reading the manga, I was not aware of how many panels were left out that showed, empathized his selfish nature, instead putting him in a game he wasn't even apart of in the first place, all for the sake of some sympathy towards him: all in all, I did like the Jack Of Diamonds game and understand why the writers chose this path for him, and Ippei's interactions with him were a good parallel (and a possible moral dilemma) for him, Ippei was sweet, selfless and caring, traits Chishiya does not have, they end up forming a bond that is quickly cut off because of Ippei's sad death, he acknowledges the boy's kindness, and then returns to his former self; he does not show any more compassion, until a crucial game. The King Of Diamonds was also a game that could have been done a bit better in my opinion, yes it's still a great arc, but it neglected a very important dynamic with a character; Daimon, though again, very short-lived, the interactions with her showed that Chishiya does not inheretly hate humanity, more so he does not care for it, most of the time. Kuzuryu was done well, he revealed a worldview that Chishiya was blind to until then, and actually feels something rather than indifference for the ex-lawyer's death.
Arisu, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of Chishiya, he's the protagonist that would be deemed "morally white" and he is at the start, but his morals have changed in the course of the show, because who does not adapt does not survive: he is a very emotional character, he lets his heart speak rather than his head, this is shown to be a disadvantage, as he gets manipulated easily, but it is also why Arisu gained allies in almost every game, because he was able to show compassion towards other people, he cared about saving others, even if it put him in danger. He suffers for every death he comes across, blaming himself for it because he believes he could have done something, but that does not mean that he's not morally gray; Arisu, for the most part, is stuck in a toxic cycle of self-hatred, which lead to him either shutting down or having miscommunication with the people he cared about, like in the King Of Clubs.
Niragi, in contrast to the other two characters is A VILLAIN. A villanous character is meant to oppose the main cast and bring constant or reaccuring conflict to the story, they have twisted morals, selfish motives, and a foul mouth: this character does things that the audience is SUPPOSED to be against, whenever something happens, the audience is actively NOT supposed to condone it, a villain is meant to be disliked, but it's not the end of the world if he does end up being liked. Niragi Suguru is an extreme of that stereotype, his worldview is animalistic, he sees people as weak, things to prey upon, which is why he attempted to prey on Usagi during the panic of the game in the end of the first season: again, I am no way defending his actions or justifying him, he's a terrible person who committed terrible things, but he is an extremely well-written character. Niragi does not start off as what he is currently, pre-Borderlands, HE is the person people prey on, he is put in vulnerable situations that often cause him to be physically injured, and no one cares, therefore his anger goes unchecked, untreated which leads to mental health issues: before the Borderlands, he is not agressive, he is not assertive, he is not power hungry, he was a victim of serious, repeated bullying that went unseen by people he was meant to trust: in the Borderlands, there is NO law, NO social etiquette, just humans fighting for their lives, this is where Niragi gets the confidence he lacked all those years, this is where he becomes the predator and ceased to be the prey.
2. Niragi's Fans
Niragi is physically attractive, his actor is pretty, apperently that's enough to be defended for, and the reason why someone could possibily not hate his character to death. Liking a character based on looks solely should not be considered liking them at all, and it should absolutely NOT be defended, especially if the character is in the wrong: when people talk about the fans, it's mostly in a mean way, as most of them like him for his attractiveness, not all of them, most. which is why both the character and whoever admits to liking them, is looked down upon at best, receiving death treats is rather expectable at this point, that's not the only reason though; a large majority, if not everything, on the Niragi tag is NSFW-related, no character analysis, no character quotes. Just. Smut. I find it revolting for a character, any character, to be reduced to physical pleasure, there's rarely fluff and EVERYTHING is x reader. He did not have that final scene with Chishiya + that character development realizing he was at fault for his actions to be reduced to a sexy bad boy.
TLDR; I'm too emotionally attached to this burnt man so I'm mad about people not seeing him as a character.
(I was really sick while writing this, sorry if it's all over the place!)
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theblackinnkeeper · 4 months
My top ten Danganronpa ships
Since it’s Valentine’s Day I decided that i should show my top ten Danganronpa ships for the world to see
Now here are some rules
One all of this is my own opinion if you disagree that’s fine but no harassment
Two I do not ship same sex couples for reasons I won’t elaborate on so if you don’t see your favorite slash ship on here then tough luck
Three these ships aren’t just ranked on personal preference but other factors such as screen time chemistry or others so that should set the tone now let’s get in
I’m also tagging @hopeymchope @freezethunder and @wydstepcat to give a list of your top ten ships (you don’t have to follow my rules)
Number 10
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Nagito komaeda x Mikan tsumiki
So why do I ship these to together? Because Kodaka said they’re kokichi’s parents! UP YOURS KOMAHINA’S HAHAHA
In all seriousness these two make a surprisingly good ship because of surprisingly compatible both being some of the most mentally broken members of the class as well as nagito being one of the classmates to stick up for Mikan so there’s that and because there’s so much potential in the dynamics for this ship be it the nurse/patient dynamic or just being the insane couple. The one thing holding this ship back is the lack of interactions between the two which is why it’s so low on this list but this should be a good way to start the list right?
Number 9
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Byakuya togami x toko fukawa
If your still reading this please put down the pitchforks and hear me out
So you’re probably wondering why I’m putting a ship like this well I’ll explain
As well all know togami starts the game off as a selfish jerk who only cares about winning and doesn’t seem to care about anybody and is more than willing to use toko as a tool for his amusement so with that in mind how could I ever ship something like this.
Well most of the appeal of this ship mostly comes from the development of the two characters in general.after Sakura’s trial makes him reconsider his preconceived views about bonds he starts to treat everyone slightly better and even gives toko a few compliments (which admittedly isn’t a bit much but hey it’s progress) and later in the series we see him actually sticking his neck out for other people so admittedly most the appeal for me stems less from their current relationship and more for what it might look like after both of their development which is why it’s low on this list and honestly togami’s insults don’t seem to bug me as much since toko seems to be enjoying this a bit too much
Number 8
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Shuichi saihara x kaede akamatsu
You know it’s true love when you see a girly looking detective boy who’s scared of his own shadow fall out of a locker
In all seriousness these have a nice dynamic between the two partnering up to stop the killing game in the first chapter.kaede helps encourage shuichi out of his insecurities which makes it more tragic when she’s revealed to be the culprit through the rest of the game kaede’s death serves as one of shuichi’s biggest motivators throughout the game
Now as for why it’s so low we’ll most of their dynamic stays in chapter one so
Number 7
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Miu iruma x kiibo
News flash lusty girl falls for walking tin can
With how raunchy and egotistical miu is I didn’t think to much of this ship when I heard about it added on by the fact the kiibo was a robot (sorry that was robophobic of me) and when I see they’re dynamic it’s surprising wholesome with miu showing genuine kindness towards kiibo and kiibo being the only student who isn’t gonta to be sad she died and I haven’t even talked about the “maintenance” so yeah number 7 good ship
Number 6
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Nekomaru nidai x Akane owari
Ahh yes the gym couple
Nekomaru and akane’s relationship isn’t just fun to watch it’s also sad to think about with how much they spend training with each other (and how many sexual innuendos they have with each other) it doesn’t take long to see why people like especially when it comes to Nekomaru sacrificing himself for Akane and his death being Akanes big motivator throughout the rest of the game really shows how much these two mean to each other
Number 5
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Sonia nevermind x gundham Tanaka
What’s better than one over the top edgelord two over the top edgelord
Sonia and gundham is one of the ships that pretty much everyone can agree one (save for the yaoi/Yuri fans and the kazuichi fans crying in the corner) with just how over the top they are together and their shared interest in the occult and much like with Akane gundhams death helps drive Sonia as a motivator for the rest of the story well what do you know
Number 4
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Kaito momota x maki harukawa
The luminary of the stars and his murderous girlfriend
Kaito and maki is one of the ships that have one of the strongest developments in the series. Maki’s arc in the series revolves around her dropping the aloof assassin thing kaito is one of the biggest factors in it. Throughout the game kaito constantly tries to reach out to maki to get her to finally open up not only inviting maki to train but also pushing her to open up as well to the point of arguing with shuichi when it’s possible that kaito killed kokichi and tsumugi using kaito to break maki like she used kaede with shuichi overall this is one of the best ships in the series I just prefer these next three
Number 3
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Fuyuhiko kuzuryu x Peko Pekoyama
One of the ships we all can agree on
Honestly this ship surprised me and I didn’t like it until further examination in the beginning we see Peko seem to know kuzuryu better than most but it isn’t until chapter two when the whole story comes out.we learn that Peko is fuyuhiko’s childhood friend who was raised to be both a servant and a hitwoman for the kuzuryu clans heir (fuyuhiko) and was raised to be a tool since birth however we know that her feelings for kuzuryu are 100% genuine and she will do anything for him even take a murder out of his own hands so she can take the fall for him but what if kuzuryu well this is best displayed in chapter two when he confesses that he didn’t care that Peko was raised to be a tool and just wanted to be with her and was begging for her not to go to the point where he tried to interfere with the execution and got slashed in the process. The amount of devotion between the two is fantastic and bittersweet and the same time when you have a couple so devoted to each other they are willing to face death for the other
I’m not crying you’re crying!
Number 2
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Makoto naegi x kyoko kirigiri
The hero and the heroine but which one is which
What can I say that hasn’t already been said these two probably have the most progressive relationships in the series from unlikely Allies to devoted partners these two have earned their place in the fandom
And now for my number one pick a tragic ship that was simply never meant to be
Number one
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Hajime hinata/izuru kamakura x Chiaki nanami
This is probably the most tragic ship for me on this list by a pair with a bond so strong it transcends memory
The pair consists of a boy with no talent but wants one and girl who has a talent but sees no value in it and both end up positively impacting the other hajime started to realize talent isn’t everything and Chiaki starts to see her talent can be useful sadly thanks to someone beating(literally) it into hajime that he’s nothing more than a talentless scrub this leads hajime into the kamukura project and Chiaki suffers a tragic death impaled and betrayed by the person you loved most as she’s in tear because she didn’t want hajime to be talented she just wanted him alone (reminds you of another couple don’t it) but hajime’s love for her remains enough to get izuru to start shedding tears over her death
In 2dr2 Chiaki is hajime’s closest ally backing him up in trials and keeping him out of trouble all this comes to head when Chiaki is revealed to be the traitor and hajime is in the most denial he’s ever been in he doesn’t want to believe that his closest friend is the traitor but sadly is forced to do so
In the final chapter hajime’s memory of nanami is enough to inspire him towards the future and even helps deal the final blow to junko
Regardless of your stance on this ship its clear that these two have a strong bond that still persists regardless of it and that makes this my favorite Danganronpa ship of all time
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
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nyantodamax145 · 6 months
Let me preface this by saying that I am also part of the demographic of “EN Sucks at Reading”. Well, I can *read*, but I kind of suck at interpreting characters sometimes so bear with me and share your thoughts because I’m very bad at literary analysis and can only understand surface level themes without anyone to guide me but I’m trying my best
And not JUST because my husband played a pivotal role in the event okay
Spoilers under the cut!
I haven’t played through Under Tides yet so I’m missing a teeny bit of context, but oh my god
Laurentina “waking up” and recovering her memories? Alphonso and Garcia doomed to sixty years alone aboard the Stultifera Navis and sailing her towards her slow decay? High Inquisitor Dario’s sacrifice and the light of his lantern refusing the burn out, JORDI being WAY MORE TALENTED THAN HE GIVES HIMSELF CREDIT FOR, STRAIGHT UP REPAIRING A LIGHTHOUSE AND A BOAT BASED ON OLD BLUEPRINTS AND FINDING THE STULTIFERA NAVIS AND SAVING ALL THREE HUNTERS AND IRENE AAAAA
Wait ok let me try to gather my thoughts cause there’s specific things I want to talk about.
Thiago being unwilling to let the Inquisition into his town because he still held a grudge against them ultimately led to his death. He wanted to puppet the Church of the Deep who had infiltrated Gran Faro into pushing the Inquisition out of the town, but was selfish; he wanted to have his cake and eat it too; he wanted to preserve Gran Faro and its legacy, but in the process he let the Seaborn fester and take over the whole place silently, while the Inquisition couldn’t do anything to help because he was simply a stubborn old man. It’s doubly ironic because as Carmen reveals, his Aegir wife was also a part of the Church of the Deep. I would like the theorize that his wife was the one who perpetrated the spread of the Nethersea Brand in Gran Faro, but that’s just headcanon.
Laurentina and Amaia. They’re connected to each other through the Seaborn Cells in their body, and the experiments Specter was put through, and in many ways you could consider Amaia “Specter’s” creator in a sense. Laurentina and Specter really are two different people, and we can see the moment Specter disappears and Laurentina wakes up. But even after Amaia “becomes one” with the Seaborn, Laurentina still calls the abomination by the name of “Amaia”, and I wonder if it’s due to a lingering sense of connection, if only in the sense that they are mortal enemies. It’s kind of like Laurentina knows that Amaia is still in there. Which, well she is, she became part of We Many.
I seem to have missed a critical piece of information regarding Skadi that was covered in Under Tides, so I’ll be skipping over that. Once the Under Tides record restoration comes around I know what I’ll be up to.
JORDI! MY GOD YOU DID SO WELL! Can you imagine piecing together incredibly complex technology only through luck, instinct, and some tattered, centuries old blueprints?! He says he’s an ordinary person but what kind of ordinary person can do all that?! He’s at the very least got incredible skill to interpret old blueprints, and make something as old as that lighthouse to work! Like AAAAAAA I’M PROUD OF YOU ALSO YOU NEED MANY BLANKETS AND SNUGGLES YOU HAVE SO MUCH TRAUMA.
Irene reporting to Dario’s lantern at the very end made me cry ok. She wanted her Maestro to know that she gave it her all, and although the conclusion wasn’t satisfactory she still accomplished a lot. It hurts to know that she had to find out through the very things she was fighting, the things she saw as abominations of sin. It’s like the refused to believe it until she saw Saint Carmen’s face and accepted it.
And the fact that the Stultifera was circling above an Aegir City the whole time… so close, yet so far. The Abyssal Hunters both succeeded and failed, and while they found “home”, they couldn’t return.
There’s… a lot. And I’m no good at literary analysis. I just point out things that I like…
It’s 11 pm, I’m tired, and I’m trying to process everything I just read.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Ouji-sama ni wa Doku ga Aru - By Jun Yuzuki (7.5/10)
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It's great when an author takes a silly premise to the next level. Comedy is hard to balance, but there's a good mix here. Excellent best friend side characters. A genuinely motherly female lead that is the quintessential "mom friend". Makeovers. Cross dressing. A kind of decent portrayal of bisexuality? Wow. This could have been a gem, but there are a few glaring flaws.
Souta is a beautiful boy. People try to confess to him every day. He's a deadly kind of beauty that defies gender...and he's spoiled. His best friend, Rizu, spoils him too much. So, he acts overly cute even though he's almost 16.
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There is ALOT of cross dressing in this manga. It's kind of presented in a fetishistic way. Kinda? But the other students are very supportive of his hobby. Rizu also thinks he looks amazing as a girl. His genderless charm is a running gag. Souta makes lots of men fall for him...to keep them away from Rizu. When Rizu decides to get a boyfriend he puts on a wig, and seduces the guy. It's kinda heartbreaking because the guy Rizu chose is really nice. He honestly breaks up with her and says he's fallen for someone else.
Then Souta takes off the wig. He sneers and leaves two broken hearts in his wake.
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Souta is mega toxic, but he and Rizu are a good couple. Eventually. I swear. Souta uses a girl to make Rizu jealous. It works. The cute girl is actually Rizu's stalker. That stalker is a genuine lesbian with feelings for Rizu. She's also kind of one of the worst characters in the series. Every scene with her in it is worse because of her specifically. I don't like her. Firstly she's a negative representation of a lesbian. I've seen way too many "predatory and clingy" lesbian characters. I know exactly why it's a thing and I don't like it. Miyu isn't a real romantic prospect. She's a joke. Miyu goes on a fake date with Souta to get information about Rizu...because she's that blindly obsessed.
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Romance with a fully grown adult is fine though. Rizu's new teacher is a hottie...who eventually confesses to her. Yup. Call the police. He's not a serious romantic contender either. He's just an obstacle for Souta to punch, but...ugh...this character is also attracted to Souta. He likes pretty people. He starts to like Rizu because she's so kind. He also gets way too much screen time. He romantically puts his job on the line to confess...to a 15 year old girl.
Excuse me I need to go throw up.
Anyway the teacher character thankfully becomes more and more of a joke. He fights with Souta alot...and Souta's fans start shipping him with the hot teacher.
Extra gross.
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The gross fujoshi girls that ship real people start harassing Rizu. They treat Souta like an idol that isn't allowed to date just because he cross dresses and is handsome etc. It's sick. I was happy when they were confronted for their shitty behavior, but then it's also a joke. The girls blush and faint when he yells at them...because his anger is hot.
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The second half of the story is much, much better than the first. It would be a 9/10 if I was magically allowed to cut out ten chapters. By the midway point Souta is frustrated. He loves being pampered, but he wants Rizu to see him as a man. He is also tired of lying. He barely knows what his real personality is under his mask. He thinks she will be afraid of him if he reveals his true self, and he's actually right. Souta is a horny, possessive, unreasonable and selfish teenage boy that acts cute on purpose. He does it specifically so he can cling to Rizu and watch her all the time. He gets away with shit that guy friends usually aren't allowed to do. His friendship with Rizu is very unhealthy. They don't have healthy boundaries, but that's what he wants. He has trapped himself under his own cute persona.
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When Rizu was young Souta was her closest friend....right? She has been with Souta for a long time, but there was another boy. A cute boy. A different boy. Souta doesn't look very cute in his old photos. Rizu realizes, with horror, that her cute friend form primary school isn't Souta.
Why the hell is Souta pretending to be that boy?
He's just a complete yandere that's why.
Tatsumi is Rizu's second cousin. He comes from a wealthy family, that neglected him. Rizu's mother took care of him for a while. Rizu took care of him too. That's where she got her motherly personality. Then, Tatsumi had to return to his parents. He learned to draw Rizu, and then his callous parents respected his talent. They aren't loving, but they were willing to send him to art school.
Rizu doesn't know any of that. Souta literally manipulated her into forgetting her first love. How? Well, poor little Rizu was traumatized after her closest friend left forever. Tatsumi wasn't allowed to contact her, because his parents are strict assholes. So, Souta started acting cute. He took on the role of Tatsumi, and Rizu eventually forgot about him.
That's....pure evil wow. Souta says he originally did it to make her smile come back. Losing Tatsumi made her depressed and stuff, but then he didn't stop. He also hid Tatsumi's love letters. He's a real bastard.
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Tatsumi returns looking handsome. Souta does everything he can to scare the other boy away, but Tatsumi cares about Rizu. He's kind of a womanizer now, but she was his first love. He's willing to date her and treat her right. He doesn't trust Souta.
So, Souta contacts Tatsumi's family. He lies and says Tatsumi came to Japan to slack off, and then Tatsumi is shipped back overseas.
Wait. Rizu appears at the last second. She didn’t know that Tatsumi's family was emotionally abusive. She begs him to stay, because she wants to see him happy again. Their friendship grows. Rizu realizes that she still loves Souta. She's dating him at this point. Tatsumi accepts that they will be friends maturely near the end.
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Near the end Souta starts acting like his true self. He gets in trouble, and his rich father tries to ship him to boarding school.
Take your pick.
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The couple elopes. Souta is pretty evil, but he's also a good boyfriend. When he's together with Rizu they shine. They're an ultra compatible happy couple when Souta's possessive nonsense doesn’t ruin the day. Souta's father realizes that his son is at least serious about getting married. He backs off a little, and then the end comes. It's summer. Rizu and Souta go to the beach with all of their friends. The creepy teacher gets booted offscreen. It's a happy ending.
(Just so you know Rizu has a pretty clear fetish for crossdressing. It's like...a big thing throughout the entire series. Souta wears a full makeup and a wig at the beach, because it's Rizu's birthday and he knows she likes it. The teacher, and several minor characters, are bisexual. Including the nice guy that dumped Rizu. The author kind of misses the mark, but there is some positive representation here.)
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sweetcloverheart · 9 months
Clover Rants Miraculously: Power Of Love (Not) So Strong
I think I (and many others) complained about this already, but it annoys me that the show hypes up how being a good person means being a loving, empathetic person and how love can overcome evil selfish intents...only then to proceed to punish the characters for being loving empathetic people and rewarding evil selfish intents
Marinette realizes she was in the wrong for humiliating Lila like she did as Ladybug and apologizes? Lila becomes her greatest enemy in and out the mask.
Adrien accepts Felix's apology for tricking his friends and tries to be friends with him again? Felix uses it to help screw over his partner and give their main enemy a huge power bonus.
Marinette tries to empathize with Chloe and give her a chance to be good? Chloe betrays her to Hawkmoth and the resulting events of this cause Marinette to lose Fu as a mentor.
Adrien accidentally causes someone to get Akumatized because he lies about his and Ladybug's relationship status? Ladybug takes the blame for this.
Gabriel controls and manipulates his son at every turn? Just a man who loves his family. Clearly a misunderstanding on Adrien's part. Can't he see how much his father loves him!
Adrien realizes telling Marinette to let Lila be was a bad move and tries to help her convince Alya and Nino something's off? He's immediately dismissed and is claimed to only be saying that because Marinette's his girlfriend.
Marinette helps Chloe almost humiliate Kagami at the movie premiere to try and break her and Adrien up? She gets rewarded with being allowed to sit next to Adrien (Sorry Mari but that was absolutely bad on you)
Nathalie realizes Gabriel doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself anymore and quits? She still continues to let him commit crimes and doesn't even try to give the heroes a hint on how to find/capture him
Bustier recognizes Chloe clearly has something going on at home and tries to be kind to her? She's presented as wrong for doing this and gets fired later on
Andre continuously enables his daughter's (and wife's) worse behaviors and uses his position as mayor to aid in her torment of the city and her classmates as he prevents her from facing consequences? He's given a brand new sparkly undamaged daughter to dote on as he abandons his position to live out his abandoned dreams of being a director.
Chloe secretly gives Bustier a birthday gift to make up not initially getting her one? Bustier throws in back in her face to try and emotionally browbeat her during a teacher-student meeting.
Felix helps his uncle become even more dangerous and powerful and leaves Marinette with tons of trauma from the act? He's given immediate forgiveness despite never apologizing and allowed to keep his miraculous (that he had previously used to commit mass genocide with mind you), despite his identity being known to everyone and others on the team being bench for less
Chloe makes an attempt to actually be nice (by threat of Adrien ending their friendship)? She has to be threatened into keeping it up the whole time by her butler with Mr.Cuddly, and then is humiliated when the toy is exposed to everyone
Audrey constantly neglects her family and insults her children to their face? Presented as just Normal Parent Things™
Lila is finally exposed as a liar and revealed to have nearly messed up everyone's future class schedules/graduation forms alongside Chloe? Doesn't hurt her a bit! In fact, now she can go sneak off into one of her fake IDs and cause more trouble, and Chloe pretty much gets a slap on the wrist for what she did.
Bustier gets Akumatized over being fired and the fake video of Andre, and is clearly not in her right mind as she hunts down the mayor? Ladybug and Chat lead her straight to him and all but help her demand Andre resign (IDGAF he did so willingly that scene was not a good look for anyone involved) and Bustier is given the title of mayor, qualifications be damned!
Chloe gets used by Gabriel, Lila, and Tomoe to terrorize the city in a way that clearly couldn't have been done by her alone and is made obvious there's another party involved? She takes the full blame and is taken away to be abused by her mother forever in New York while the actually masterminds get away scotfree
Marinette decides to sympathize with Gabriel despite everything he's done to her, Adrien, Kagami, and the city and tries to convince him to work with her to find a way to save his wife? Gabriel not only backstabs her, but uses his control "shared love" of Adrien to manipulate Marinette into hiding the truth about what he's done as Hawkmoth as the show rewards his obsession "love" for Emilie by letting him make the wish in his final moments and getting him praised as a hero to all of France!
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wc-confessions · 1 year
i have a question for you. what’s your fav warrior cat. if so, tell me about them…
tigerclaw. ramble under the cut but basically hes a cool villain i think a lot about how he could have been better if the erins and the publishers werent pussies
anyway hes such a complex character and the result of how living by the code so devotedly can fuck up your views and just how terrible clan life is. there are many cats who are examples of this but tigerclaw is so special to me in his way of exhibiting this. if you really consider it, he truly believed he was doing something good and bringing the clans to how they should be. like he grew up with the code being heavily enforced and the adults around him that he idolized and trusted selfishly using the code to justify their actions and beliefs. like its not only thistleclaw if you think about the enviornment he lived in. whats more doesnt really help that he was already seen as a threat or a nuisance as a freaking kitten. of course hes going to grow older and assume theres a certain path for him, and that he should trust and encourage the code no matter what. i also dont believe him wanting to be leader or deputy was him being selfish or knowingly evil, rather, him believing he was truly meant for those roles. therefore it was only right for him to do what he must to get his way to make things as they should be. he viewed himself as someone rightously abiding by the rules established by his ancestors, someone worthy to set the clans in their places and lead them to rightousness. then having to witness changes to the clans def prbly set him off further, and he just knew in his head he was the one. i can admit that his actions seemed hypocritical considering his relationship with sasha and the way he went about things, but i truly believe they were like more than they seemed. for one i dont think he believed he was going against his beliefs or perhaps he recognized this but didnt think it was a bad thing if he was still making 'right'. then i think he also had this mindset that his actions were a part of a greater plan or what he believed to be a part of his plan, that he jad to do certain things make choices to reach his goal. additionally, becaise of the way he grew up, i think he believed it was better to sort of repress his emotions. like i think a lot of his actions were driven by his inner emotions and there are times where he kind of breaks the whole cold frame and we get kind of a different character (my Favourite scene is when he kind of expresses like a different, emotional side after meeting his kids again even if he doesnt outright share his feelings and for a moment as he witnesses this firestar sees him as a person not like the enemy in his story that drove him to that point. but then hes unsure if its some sort of ploy. then thats never brought up again bc the early wc the erins just Did That)(another scene i wanna talk abt is how prior to the reveal hes shown to be kind of fearful of ravenpaw giving away what hes done before he just plots to get rid of him does anyoneremeber when firestar catches him freaking out at the gathering and wonders why the fuck is he acting weird. i really think at some point he just got better at being evil lying cold etc it was never something he was good at or born with it it was developed and fed). it just makes you wonder if everything was better what kind of person would he have been. then his relationship with others ugh hes shown to be caring and hearty within the clan in the start even tho its SO MINOR. i believe it just says a lot about him. hes respected nd he likes his place he believes hes deserving of leading the clans to greatness he can do it and everyone makes him believe so but then there are those who want to change those ways theyre threatening him and his ideal way of the clans built so perfectly by the code and its pure people. i could go on and on but i dont want to make this too too long
but idk i feel like a lof of the things about tigerclaw early on are ignored because people focus on the depiction after tpb. in which hes another soulless power hungry bad guy also he hates his kids despite what we are shown before. because early on in the series you can see the erins wanted something interesting for him and his relationship with firestar with other characters, his way of thinking, the way he priorities the code, how his enviornment altered him. and yet thats all thrown away all the concepts are replaced its poorly developed and its just makes me go bangs my fist why why why we could have had it better fuck the erins
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egg-emperor · 6 months
It's funny how much of the material involving Eggman that's come out since Frontiers feels like such a deliberate response to the fandoms uwuification. Having Sage outright declare her motivations are soully to serving Eggman and furthering his world conquest in Final Horizons. His role and dialog in MOSTH. Him being his same animal kidnapping self in Superstars. And now Dream Team being THE Eggman game lol. It couldn't be more in your face that everything that people had been saying about what Frontiers and Sage meant for Eggman since before that game even came out was wrong wrong wrong. Starting to think SEGA is even more annoyed by the fandoms shenanigans than we were.
Lol yes I'm so fucking happy, it feels great to be this happy and at peace with all the official/canon media. All of it has been so vindicating lately with so many strong in your face pieces of dialogue and scenes that blatantly prove that villainous Eggman isn't going anywhere and are impossible to interpret in any other way, confirming that the OOC fandom depiction of Eggdad does not exist within the actual source at all, just like it didn't in the highly misinterpreted Frontiers in the first place. People didn't believe that it was possible for so many people to get it wrong but so far all the official media since, even in Final Horizon has been vindicating us! And Ian Flynn's words on the writing for Frontiers is just a bonus, it's all there in the actual media itself.
And I love that there's no way they don't know about fandom's shenanigans. Especially not the English side of Sega/Sonic Team but surely the JP side too with Kishimoto looking at feedback on Twitter and Sonic Channel posting Eggman and Sage art that must've brought in tons of people cooing and gushing over a version of the dynamic that doesn't exist. Yet no official media since tried to cash in and change what they're really going for to appeal to them. People can keep trying to delude themselves into thinking what they want is in the text but Eggman hasn't stopped being an evil asshole bastard man, his life doesn't revolve around Sage and being Wholesome Domestic Father™ before being a person and any time he's been around her or mentioned her since hasn't been OOC.
So they're really sticking to their guns and I love that! Of course they wouldn't just decide to change what they were doing with their own characters just because fans wanted them to but it was an irrational fear of mine due to just how popular it is to misinterpret and portray as highly OOC, it's immensely so to the point it's inescapable. But the fact that a year later from the initial release of Frontiers and they still haven't gone heavy on it like that in any official media is a great sign. No games that have released or even Sonic Channel or the social media both Eng and JP. Hell, not even Prime or IDW have! And Ian Flynn stayed adamant on the dynamic of Eggman and Sage being unsettling and shallow and that she can only make him worse and that he's still a bad person.
We got Murder of Sonic where Eggman revealed he specifically programs creations with life-like personalities so they develop the desire to admire him and fulfill a bounty because they want a reward, making them work harder and compete against each other all to do his dirty work and fulfill his selfish evil desires. We got Sage supporting Eggman's evil actions and selfish priorities and desires and him being very reluctant and frustrated with working with Sonic in Final Horizon. We got classic diabolical animal capturing Eggman in Superstars. We got Dream Team where his dreams are all about himself and nobody else and he's still kidnapping and attacking kids the same as ever too. And the Sonic Channel story where he has selfish desires and attempted trickery and manipulation too!
Nothing about him has changed at all! In fact it really does feel like it's just being emphasized even more almost like it's some kind of response to fanon lol. Canon has always been on my side and it was delightful and freeing of all disappointment, anger and stress when I finally realized that base Frontiers actually didn't suddenly break that and neither has Final Horizon or any other media since. If you understand, accept and enjoy real game canon Eggman you'll never be let down! I'm very happy and content with everything we've been getting and I'm much more comfortable and hopeful about Eggman in future media too thanks to all of this. And as long as we have that I'll happily ignore 99% of fandom and keep on appreciating the actual canon media that I really adore XD 💜
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thranduel · 2 years
honestly, i would’ve been fine with byler not being canon in volume 2. i’m even fine with them not explicitly having will come out to anyone either because i understand that he’s still accepting himself and everything is really hard for him at the moment (although i would’ve loved if he came out to jonathan or they made it more obvious because there’s still people in denial that he’s gay and that really pisses me off but whatever)
but what i’m not okay with is the fact that they used will as a plot device to further mike and eleven’s crumbling relationship. mike’s monologue wouldn’t have happened if will didn’t push him to say it, and that honestly makes me feel sick. his painting reveal was supposed to be a special moment for HIM and mike only. it wasn’t supposed to be about eleven. again, i understand will couldn’t confess in that moment and he wasn’t ready to come out but i just find it so ridiculous. i really thought that mike and eleven would realise they don’t belong together romantically, mutually break up and then will would feel comfortable to give mike the painting and mike would realise what it meant even before will had to say anything. THAT is what i was hoping from a character who used to be so kind and observant and caring towards his best friend. but instead he treated him like shit for nothing, didn’t even notice when he was sobbing in the car, didn’t realise he was talking about himself during the car monologue and only said he loves his girlfriend because will pushed him to??????
it’s a joke and it’s just insulting. all will did was stand around heartbroken and they had the audacity to put him in between mike and eleven in the background in so many scenes. their relationship would’ve been over if will wasn’t so selfless and caring. and although i love him for it sometimes, that boy deserves to be selfish and put himself first for once. seriously, i’ve had enough. he’s too kind to people who don’t deserve that kindness. he didn’t have to encourage mike or give him that monologue but he did and he knew he was breaking his own heart in the process. it just feels like such a huge slap in the face. i just want my favourite character to be happy
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mdhwrites · 11 months
My Adventures With Superman Episode 3 Review: A Welcome Chance to Breathe
Non-Spoiler short version: If the first two episodes were a bit rushed and bursting at the seams, this one takes a couple steps back, takes a deep breath in and then strides into right where it should be with confidence. The humor is on point, characterization continues to be really strong, the foreshadowing is good for what’s coming later and the final line has SO MANY IMPLICATIONS that have me excited for where it might go. Also, if anyone was worried the romance wasn’t going to matter, well, I would say this episode puts it to bed that they understand that good romance also plays into character growth and the like and means a push and pull in things which has me increasingly excited to see more of Lois and Clark. Both as individuals and together. Also, has the best Superman fight yet so far I’d say so just very good all around.
Now time for the spoilers!
I’m actually going to work backwards from the ending because it’s a cliffhanger to me that really helps explain how Lois behaves in this episode. After all, I kept going “LOIS NO!” as I watched. Not in a bad way but in a comedic “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” fashion. After all, she lies, steals and tricks even Clark during this episode which does mean she’s having a push and pull with the lesson she learned in the first episode but...
Well, the major goal for the team in this episode is to get an interview with Superman. Even when they technically swap cases to the ‘Inter-Gang’ one, the villains for this episode, Lois is actually using it to just get put in danger so Superman will come rescue them and she can spring an interview on him. She didn’t let Clark in on the plan, though neither told Jimmy. She also never actually gets in the way of the investigation or the like and is doing good work, just for questionable reasons. Also, when this is revealed and Jimmy says it was what they did with Livewire (I also love the idea that Jimmy is going to probably end up naming like at least 50% of the Rogue’s Gallery), we get the great line out of Clark of “THAT WAS ON PURPOSE!?” Poor... Poor Clark.
And potentially poor Lois. Her last line, the last major line in the episode, is “He’s a liar.” She gets her interview after all and Clark is honest. He’s figuring himself out, figuring out his powers, etc. like that. The closest to a lie is not being willing to give a name but she technically didn’t ask for one. Then he says he’s just here to help the people of Metropolis and asks “Isn’t that what matters?”
Well... The first episode brought up whether or not Lois was doing these cases for the people... or for herself. Well, the Superman case is technically not useful to the people. They may want more information but aren’t the crimes going on more pressing if your focus is actually on the people? That’s what makes the first episode justified. It’s kind of what makes her lying and stealing justified too... But not so much the fact that she’s still trying to trap Superman who’s just doing good. Like she pointed out in the first episode: “He wouldn’t have helped me otherwise! Not like he did with the lady and the bib... Or with me and Flip... Or when he brought donuts for everyone!”
It’s starting to build the impression that Lois’ real point of contrast with Clark is that if Clark is optimistic and will always save everyone... Lois is pessimistic but will do what she can anyways. She expects people to be selfish. To look out for themselves. To do whatever they have to to get ahead. She’s taking this same mindset to journalism and it’s blinding her from the people in front of her who are genuinely just good.
But this doesn’t mean she’s a bad person and a little gray morality next to Clark’s white morality is a good thing. She still won’t hurt people and Superman actually states that why he was willing to do the interview was that when he told Lois and Jimmy to go, they stuck around and helped people because Lois’ true nature is still good. She still puts others in front of her... But she’s willing to bend the rules if she thinks it won’t hurt anyone and will help her. That’s not terrible but she needs to be doing it for the right reasons and it’ll be interesting to see the push and pull on this.
If it seems like I’m spending a lot of time on this, it’s actually not because the rest of the episode isn’t interesting but that it’s what matters most to me. I LIVE for characters and interesting hooks like these are my lifeblood. But that doesn’t mean just a good cast playing well off of each other doesn’t work well too, such as the Inter-Gang.
Inter-Gang is three people, Roughhouse, Mist and... I never quite caught their leaders codename and I can’t remember her actual name. They’re good low level criminals though to show that the stolen tech that Livewire got sent to the rest of the thieves in Metropolis is going to be a major player in the problems being caused, at least for now. They use each others real names when doing crimes, they’re generally not good at what they do but they’re also tired of being mocked which makes them prime tinder to misuse and abuse experimental tech, such as the freeze ray they use that then jams and then goes into hyper drive when they smash it with strength gauntlets.
Edit: The leader is the apparently the eventual super villain “Silver Banshee” and thank you to the person who let me know!
And while I got it wrong, I thought he was gaining X-Ray vision this episode, the foreshadowing to Superman’s heat vision and that being what saves the day is done well. His powers are developing now that he’s actually using them and embracing them so he keeps having moments where his eyes go blue and then red, first the color connected to his adrenaline state and then specifically the laser eyes. This gives him a headache and he stumbles a bit but then it moves on until he’s almost frozen, the leader of the gang screams for help after her tech won’t save her and BAM! LASER EYES!
It’s keeping to the show’s formula so far, including having a vision at the same time like when he saved Livewire, but that’s okay for now. We’re still in the early days and the addition of new powers will help keep solutions fresh. Frankly, if this is how the show is going to be in general... Cool. I’m here for it. It’s a good start to what to expect the majority of the season to probably look like and it’s funny, exciting and smooth.
And that includes the animation. There was maybe one time I thought something looked a little clunky but it came off as a deliberate choice for the moment, rather than a mistake or something that needed another pass. Otherwise, the animation was nice and clean and the fight against the Inter-Gang was still short, not as short as Supes versus Livewire though, but satisfying and looked really good, putting one of my big fears from the first two episodes to rest: That this animation studio was going to struggle to do Superman fights well. We already know they can do stuff like Slade versus Livewire well, this is the same team that did Korra after all, but Superman and his flight, and his brute strength, is a very different beast to tackle.
But I have been given good reason to trust in the animation team now just as much as I’m trusting the writers so I’m definitely looking forward to next week.
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What characters could be in Camilla's kin list? Same question about Lance and others :D
Eyyyy 💕
Thank you very much for your question! I hope I was able to choose characters close to our lovely SVE people. This is my first time making this list, I hope I understood everything correctly 😅
Carmilla ("Castlevania"), the queen of vampires (in the Netflix series, she is the general of Dracula's army). She is shown as a femme fatale, seductress and manipulator. Dangerous, bossy, does whatever she wants. Of course, in the games and Netflix series she is terribly selfish and cruel, but still she reminds very much of SVE Camilla (I thought at first that it was Carmilla who inspired the creation of Camilla. Even their names!). High kin.
Bayonetta (game "Bayonetta") - if SVE Camilla was carrying around guns, I'd scream that this is the "Literally Me" category.
Fujiko Mine (manga/anime "Lupin the Third"), a talented thief, cunning and seductive. Able to go to great lengths to achieve those riches, has had many relationships, loves to live luxuriously and is very talented at everything. I prefer Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro and anime season 4 for SVE Camilla, as there Fujiko showed more or less (kinda?) tender feelings and compassion, whereas in the original manga she acts solely out of her own interests. Nevertheless - a strong, intelligent and capable woman that almost always gets what she wants. High kin.
Zagreus (game "Hades") - Zagreus is often shown to be humble, good-natured, and sarcastic in the game. I mean, his cheerful, though somewhat unruly nature allows him to easily befriend many people, treating those of lower status as his equals, though he respects his elders. In my opinion - he's almost like Lance's SVE. So "literally me" category.
Zorro (I will choose 1975 film, because it's my favorite) - man with a mask, a master swordsman, a noble defender of the weak and a punishment for criminals. Not without a sense of humour, always ready to rush to the aid of those in need and has a high sense of justice. It would be funny to see Lance in a mask, where after he would then reveal his identity to us.... Maybe a little controversial, but I still think it would be the high kin here.
(There was supposed to be information here about Lance the dragon trainer from Pokémon and a joke about how he and SVE Lance are very similar, but then I remembered that SVE Lance was inspired specifically by Lance from Pokémon. So we'll skip that one).
Geralt of Rivia (book version + game trilogy) - monster hunter, loner, sarcastic, builds himself up to be emotionless and cold, yet has a sense of empathy, stands up for the weak, intelligent and almost always sensible - should I go on? Very high kin.
Van Helsing (2004 film, not the book version) - somebody give me that meme with the two Spider-Men pointing fingers at each other, because oh boy, those two monster hunters are like two peas in a pod! "Literally me," period.
Dettlaff van der Eretein (The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine) - a reserved and cold loner vampire that is trying to find his place in the world, carries a universal sadness inside him and harbours a small hope for simple happiness? Yes, please! I could write a whole list of how similar Dettlaff and Isaac are in character traits, but we'd sit here all day. So I'll give him the "literally me" verdict and we'll go down the list.
Tyrande Whisperwind ("Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos") - Alesia's constant references to the Yoba, kind nature, determination and desire to protect the people made me think of the phrase "By Elune", which I often heard when going through the company of Night Elves (ah, good old Warcraft...). So considering that Alesia leads the men to defend the walls of the Castle Village from the threat, is full of bravery and courage, and always mentions her god, with Tyrande she is very similar. I can safely call this a "literal me" category.
Elita-1 ("Transformers: Generation 1"). Autobot, a skilled and ruthless warrior, yet gentle and kind to her allies. In the animated series and most comics, Elita is cautious and constantly strives to make sure her squad is safe. However, if something goes wrong, she is willing to do anything to keep her friends and subordinates safe. Not much is known about Alesia yet, but from the dialogue we have so far, I get the impression that Alesia will be the same - brave and willing to lay down her life for her friends. High kin.
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