#mainly by not passing it onto anyone else but ALSO by dealing with it hell yeah
ariadventures · 1 year
I understand why my mom wants so hard for me to be in a relationship to the point of her immense pressure.
Cishet normatives and baby obsession aside (an admittedly big aside), she’s expressed wanting to make sure that I’m taken care of. In our vulnerable moments which are the few times we’re able to communicate a little of the hurt and fear we have for one another, she’s been so afraid that after she and my father pass, I won’t have anyone to watch over me. A part of her will always see me as a child because I will always be her child. And she doesn’t want me to be alone in life. And as an immigrant, she has internalized that the only people who will ever be there for you, understand you 100% are your partner and children.
There’s a lot of asides like I mentioned, like the obsession with passing down the family line, and the narrow view that only romantic relationships can be truly fulfilling, but otherwise - I get it. Spider notices I don’t respond to a question with yes/no and instead with an excuse and gently prods for my true feelings and response. Sarah exclaims ‘FINALLY!’ as I decide to buy muffins for myself (even though they weren’t on sale) because she says I decide to treat myself to something that makes me happy maybe 1 in 50 times she sees it. She sighs in exasperation after she tells me I should see a doctor and I respond ‘I’ll look into it’, because she knows the bad habit about me that means I never will. Spider decides to make dinner for me even after she’s worked all day, because she wants to cook something for me, and for a brief moment there’s just the dim lighting of the kitchen and us switching back and forth between discussion about silly porn game mechanics and our hurtful pasts and our future together. And it’s good. It’s so good. I get why she wants this for me and I know why she’s concerned.
I wish I could give it to her. I wish I could beam all the knowledge and feelings in my head about everything I have here to her so she’d know that I’m okay here. There’s so much to overcome about it it’s laughable. It’d be a difference of cultures. It’d be coming out about sexuality/orientation. It’d be coming out about my partner’s gender identity and it’d be coming out about my gender identity. It’d be having to explain the intricacies of poly and exactly how my relationship works. It’d be so many things that feel like the outright denial of her lifestyle. Sometimes I think about whether it’d be possible. Sometimes she shows a glimmer of understanding and compassion for others, and it makes me wonder if I could have that too.
When we had first moved here, our house was broken into and what very little we had was taken. She lost all of her family heirlooms that her mother’s mother’s mother’s mother had passed down over the ages. It’s an eternal secret - we could never tell my grandmother for fear of her health, and we never did. And sometimes I think the most compassionate thing I could do for her is do the same.
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mister-mickey · 9 months
Idk outsiders sick headcanons because I’m a sucker for sick fics
- he hates being sick. Nobody in his gang is good at taking care of sick ppl
- you may think soda would be, BUT HE IS NOT!!! Soda is caring but he would forget things
- darry takes care of himself, which makes him miss his mom a lot :(
- so he’s just miserable the whole time. Luckily for him, he’s a big boy with a strong immune system, so it never lasts for long
- never gets sick
- at least, when he does it’s very light and over very soon. God favors this man too much
- but when he’s under the weather, everyone is nice to him (especially Steve)
- he feels guilty when he’s sick because it’s hard for him to be there for other people emotionally when he feels yuckie.
- baby 🙄
- jk but the gang treats him like he’s just a lil tiny baby when he’s sick. He gets pillows and he gets to sit on the couch and watch whatever he wants (normally he would get pushed off the couch and onto the floor)
- he cries if people are mean to him while he’s sick. If darry doesn’t give him soup STAT he gets the sniffles
- after he gets better the meanies (Steve and Dally) make fun of him for it
Two bit
- he goes to his house and makes his mom take care of him because she babies the hell out of him
- he makes his little sister watch tv with him and keep him company, she always gets sick after him
- he makes less jokes, especially if he feels really gross. He never does anything to make himself feel better though (taking medicine mainly)
- overall he’s very good about resting
- if soda and darry are the best at recovering, Steve is the worst. He has the weakest immune system, he gets sick and he STAYS sick.
- he’s out for a week for something as simple as a common cold. All his sick days are used up.
- he’s useless and pathetic. He can’t even be mean. He also looks awful
- in fact he’s very sweet when he’s sick. Once he snuggled up to Johnny and talked about how much he loved him (Johnny got sick afterwards but it gave him a much needed ego boost)
- he tries to stay away when he’s sick, he doesn’t want to get anyone else sick
- usually Dally figures it out and forces him to come to the curtis house. Then Johnny gets babied, which he finds very annoying
- but he always recovers faster when he’s around them. He feels awful when someone gets sick after him though
- anyways he doesn’t usually have more than a cough or a runny nose, but darry makes him sleep in his bed with like ten blankets on top of him
- he’s a jerk when he’s sick. He knows he can get away with it so he does.
- curses ppl out and then begs them to come back after they try and leave. Learned puppy eyes from Johnny so he could pull this off
- refuses to rest. Once darry had to wrap him in a blanket like a burrito and hold him until he passed out so he would go tf to sleep
- he likes to cough at ppl when they make him mad. Sometimes darry just can’t deal with it and drops him off at Bucks lmao
- refuses to be sick
- at least, refuses to let other ppl know he’s sick. He could be dying and you wouldn’t be able to tell until he passes out.
- which happens… frequently. More than once, Dally has had to drag Tim home because Tim just dropped.
- sometimes if he doesn’t have plans he lets himself rest, but he usually doesn’t have time for that.
- she turns it into everyone’s problem. She’s already the princess of the family, being sick makes it 1000x worse
- Tim and curly either do whatever she says or face her wrath (she has blackmail on both of them)
- also super cuddly, if curly comes in to give her some soup, she snatches him up and he’s stuck there until she falls asleep.
- same goes for Tim (which is why he sends curly)
- he just gets sleepy. It’s the one time tim and Angela really see him as their little brother (like they always know, but it’s so clear when he’s sick)
- they fuss over him so bad. Tim and angela get so worried because like… he’s never like this!!! He’s quiet! He’s not breaking things! He’s just lying there all day!
- it takes him forever to get through a bowl of soup because he keeps falling asleep
- also!! His curls get very frizzy and tangled. He looks pathetic and it just tugs at Tim and Angela’s heartstrings. (They have curly hair too, but curly has the perfect length to look sad and losery)
- he’s always sick with mark. They’re never sick separately
- he’s a big boy though, like… sickness passes through very fast
- he usually has to take care of himself and mark because his mom is busy, so when he shoudk be resting, he isn’t.
- also he’s def bad at self care, he still goes out and does things even when he feels gross. He ends up falling asleep in some randos house
- always sick with bryon, always gets taken care of
- he’s short and scrawny, sickness hits him like a Victorian orphan child
- he still goes out though. He and bryon will be blowing their noses at a party because they didn’t want to just stay home
- normal person! She just reads and sleeps.
- her heart gets super tangled though, so she puts it into twin braids
- makes M&M keep her company, which he does because they’re good siblings!
- just like Cathy, he is well adjusted and knows how to care for himself.
- his little siblings sneak into his room and cuddle with him. He knows he should tell them to leave so they don’t get sick, but he loves it too much
- his dad is nicer to him when he’s sick, M&M will be half asleep and then he wakes up because his dad is checking in on him nervously
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leviackermansgoodgirl · 6 months
Bare with me on this yall cause it's my first legit written out post here. (Has 97% to do with Levi Ackerman tho)
💥TRIGGER WARNING💥 mentions of Death, Car Accodent, CHSA/SA, cursing, mental health
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I'm going through what feels like a living hell right now and thankfully as always Captain Levi to the fuckin rescue!
I found out last week that my 29yo cousin passed away in a horrible car accident and this week I was then told he was on the wrong side of the road at 3am on his way to work and had to be identified through dental records as the vehicle caught on fire and his body was burned beyond recognition... my real world boyfriend found out last night that his 12yo female cousin has been repeatedly assaulted by her foster father for we don't know how long. Plus my bf also got hacked on FB and started getting cyber bullied and roasted.
So to stay sane personally, I've basically been deriving my comfort from writing in my book that's about our dear captain and y/n (aka myself too) where Levi is listening to my character explain about being Beaten to death by a horrific boyfriend but she's saved when doctors bring her back and she's dissociated explaining this event while he's trying to control himself not to go hunt that bastard down...
Anyways I got to thinking (my real world bf has focused mainly on his problems much less on me or my grief and even when he does it's not in the ways I need...) I feel like with how perceptive Levi is paired with his own trauma filled life experiences, that he'd basically be the perfect partner especially for anyone that has/is dealing with trauma.
Levi would immediately notice when somethings 'off' whether it's anxiety, depression, ptsd, a breakdown etc. He'd immediately ask you what's wrong or going on bc he knows you aren't okay and gods help you if you try to say 'Oh its nothing/I'm fine' you're 100% getting the arched eyebrow look. He'd sit you down and ask you what you need or what he cam do to help you right now so that you're completely in control and his actions will match your words perfectly because he cares about your needs and understands how difficult it can be to bring up when somethings up.
He'd focus singularly on YOU NOT HIMSELF OR HIS PROBLEMS BECAUSE YOURE HIS PRIORITY RN! He never interrupts you or points the conversation or cathartic session towards himself because HE KNOWS YOU NEED THIS! When you stop talking because you're getting emotional and know you're about to break, he'll grab onto and hold you tight against his chest stroking your hair soothingly telling you
"It's okay babygirl. Just let it out you don't have to be strong right now I've got you."
And not a single piece of you doubts him which allows you to be fully vulnerable.
I feel like levi would've actually studied everything he could about all different manner of trauma, it's effects on the brain/emotions/ personality... so you never have to explain or even question yourself because when he notices you beating yourself up emotionally he will explain why what you're feeling and how you're behaving is perfectly understandable and 100% valid while reminding you not to be so hard on yourself.
"Show yourself the grace, compassion, and understanding that you give to everyone else in the world you encounter love. " he'd remind you.
I really need Levi to be beside me right now but I fully admit just thinking about having such an incredible perfect partner helped me so much!
PS: sorry for the long winded cathartic spill yall in really hurting tonight and Levi is where so much of my comfort is based right now.
Love yall!!
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darthwheezely · 3 years
dating fred weasley and being a ravenclaw
wow i am a SIMP for this man! this ain’t new info but! he is truly such a divine man and like…yeah i had to- also this might be longer because Fred has a lot more things to cover in terms of this and his own issues sksksjjs
warnings: light smut, angst at parts, wicked hot men named frederick gideon weasley, mentions of sexual degrading and not the hot or kinky kind :/ basically dudes being scumbags
people that might like this (?): @whiz-bangs78 @wand3ringr0s3 @gcdric @thatdumbbitchxx @pansydaisy​@vogueweasley @slytherinsunrise @thehufflepuffwife @theweasleyslut dm me to be on the twins taglist or for requests for blurbs/ships/one shots :)
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fred thinks you’re an actual literal on god 111% angel sent by god
i swear-
he basically runs into (…literally) when escaping from filch, and knocks into you coming out of transfiguration
and i shit you not, he catches you by the waist like mid dip
oh my GOD please I’m in love with him
Fred Weasley, professional jackass, looked down at you hand still on your waist. He grinned at you and winked and you swore to god you heard the sparkle sound effect. “Hullo, gorgeous.” He heard filch scream “WEASLEY!” and broke away from you, pulling you up and pushing you off of him, leading a running filch to slip in the middle of the hallway, the hall erupting in laughter: including you. Fred inhaled harshly, heart pounding at you laughing at something he managed to pull off. “I’ll…I’ll see you again, yeah?” You froze smiling in place. “Um…yeah…yeah you will?” “Yeah?” He grinned. “Yeah.” With another wink he sped off down the hall…
he couldn’t stop thinking about the wicked hot girl in the hall
god what house was she he thought?
oh shit she had blue on fuck she’s a ravenclaw he thinks. why does he think like that?
she’s outta my goddamn league, he thought before he could stop himself
“Freddie, I know you’re not giving up on the idea of this girl this easy.” George shook his head smirking in the Hall.
“I’m not giving up on anything - she’s just…too good for me.”
“Mate, you know nothing about her except how her eyes ‘sparkled like the stars’ or some whack Tolstoy shit like that…besides, you always did love a challenge, yeah?” At that Fred grinned.
“Georgie, I was thinking exactly the same thing…”
frederick gideon weasley knew what he had to do
i swear he probably skipped like a half a day of classes just running from classroom to classroom tryna find your gorgeous self
he also probably was like “anyone seen a literal angel around” and everyone was just like ~please shoot this kid he cannot be deadass~
anyway, he’s starting to run out of breath guys, pobrecito is about to give up for the day and throw in the towel but then
then, fellas and foals-
he sees you
sitting in the center of the quidditch pitch
reading a book and writing in your notebook
and god when i tell you he physically had his ass floored
i mean, Jesus Christ, it’s the way you were just serenely sitting in HIS favorite place in hogwarts, not even in the stands, just absorbing life in the ACTUAL PITCH just
just being there
“What are you doing here, love?” You look up and see Fred, chest heaving, rosy cheeked and fucking glorious. He looked otherworldly with the sun at his back, seemingly glowing. “Knitting a sweater.” You said coolly, and gave a small smile. He bit his lip and made his way over to you and sat down in front of you.
“I’d like that sweater somewhere else, gorgeous.”
“Where, in your mum’s dirty laundry?” He scoffed
“No silly, on me but I’ll take that option too ;)”
You scoffed back and rolled your eyes. “On you? Please, this is made to fit an actual person with a body, Fred.”
“And I don’t have a good enough body for it?”
You bit your lip, gathering courage to look straight back at him. “I wouldn’t know I haven’t seen it.”
and that alone has Fred Weasley garnering a massive tent in his pants
He gulped. “Whats your name, darling?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
He grinned, blushing wildly. “Y/N, you’re never getting rid of me now”
that, my dear, was the truth at its finest
for the first time, he’d found a woman that matched his energy
his banter his intellectual mind was finally satisfied by this beautiful, honest, blunt girl that made him
be quiet. be at peace
“freddie, don’t fucking prank first years you’re better than that”
“Fred, please don’t be a bully. You’re not an unkind person so don’t act that way, okay? Come on”
it’s about three to five days of just non stop flirting
constantly leaving him breathless and without a rebuttal, again something no one has ever been able to do
after this period, he’s eating in the great hall, not having talked to you today and bouncing his knees violently
and he sees you get up and leave the hall
this prompts him to get up and run after you
“Y/N!” You turn to see him running full speed behind you, and you smile widely, blushing a fair ton as he stops in front of you, chest heaving. Your smile falters as he doesn’t say anything “Fred, w-what’s wrong?” He then bites his lip “I’m sorry but I have to” and presses his mouth to yours. You kiss back immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck as he backs you up against the wall. The kiss is hungry, passionate, and after a few moments he pulls off you and leans his forehead to yours. “I need you.” He says hoarsely. “And I need YOU, Freddie.” He smiles and you wrap your legs around his waist…
from that moment, you two are inseparable
we are talking handsy too
oh fuck this about to get fluffy as hell
freddie basically waits until you’re out of class and then will pin you against the wall and kiss you like he hasn’t seen you in years
“My angel, it’s been far too long.” He says breathlessly, smiling wide before giving you a kiss attack, sending ammunition of kisses all around your face, making you giggle uncontrollably. “My love, it’s only been an hour,” you say in between full body laughter. He then stops, looking at you very seriously. “Darling, that simply will not do,” he clucks and then throws you over his shoulder, sending you into fits of laughter again as he takes you to your next class.
you and fred have so much sex
empty classrooms
in his dorm
in your dorm
in the locker rooms
in the library
“Freddie, harder baby, please” you gasp out as he’s thrusting inside of you at a rhythmic pace, him slipping into you like hot oil, skin slapping as he has you in the shower. “How much do you need me, angel? Cmon love I wanna hear your words...” “yes, yes I need you please” you moan as he hits a new angle “That’s my princess, taking me so well, do you love it when I fill you up? Fuck you so good you can’t walk?” You nod and throw your head back. “Freddie, I’m gonna come” “Good girl, princess, come all over my cock” He growls setting a faster and harder pace, as he chants your name like a hymnal, his hips and movements getting sloppier as he finally releases into you, chest heaving and presses his lips to your forehead.
“Where should we try next, gorgeous, hmm? I think snape’s office should do it, he won’t even know us from the grease stains from his nose” this earns him a smack on the arm
fred marks you up constantly too
wants everyone to see how much his “good little princess” really feels
anything that says “I choose/belong to fred weasley” he’ll make you do
and you adore it and think it’s hot as fuck
he’s also marked his name onto your thighs and boobs before
george basically accepts the fact that you’re his new baby sister too, and when fred isn’t there will protect you like it ashsajdsahjsa
by this i mean fred has employed him to (but mainly george just does it because he loves you too)
but basically
during potions, draco slides in next to you and propositions you:
“How about we strike a deal, Y/L/N?” He looks at you smugly. You roll your jaw. “Yeah I agree, you shut the fuck up and let me pass our project, and I get all the credit without you destroying my handiwork?” He flares red and grabs your wrist. “I know Weaselbee the fourth probably tastes like the rest of his family - trash - but how I about I let you try something different, hmm?” You immediately pull away from him when he releases and make an attempt to focus back on your book. 
fred obviously hears about this because some slytherin guys in the hallway are talking about how much Y/N wants to suck Malfoy’s dick
he’s not stupid, he knows you get sexualized by that dumbass constantly, even before y’all started dating
basically he finds draco in the boys bathroom, corners him, and beats the fuck out of him 
“if you ever get near my girlfriend again, i swear to godric i won’t be so nice next time - don’t wanna get your balls cut off before 17 do you?” 
oh and he’s stupid hot when he’s mad btw but we all been knew
he finds you where he always finds you once you start dating, in his dorm stop his bed
He swallows thickly at the sight of you clearly upset, watching you sit up immediately tears welling in your throat as you begin to apologize. “Freddie, love, I didn’t do anything I promise I didn’t want him to come onto me-“ “Y/N, it’s never your fault. You have to trust me with that I...I hate seeing people hurt you love.” He pulls your body into him whne he reaches the bed, touching you like you’re porcelain, careful not to break you. “I know I get violent and angry or pouty when guys do that to you because I feel like you’ll either choose someone else or I can’t protect you and...you mean everything to me, my angel.” He whispers into your hair, tears stealing on his cheeks. “I promise no one will hurt you anymore because I love you and loving someone means you do anything for them.” He babbles like a small boy, convincing himself of everything until he realizes he’s said it and he inhales. “Y/N y-you don’t have to say it ba-“ “I want to say it back. Remember? I love you and I need you, Fred.” You look up at him softly, chin on his chest and he smiles through tears on his face. “And I love you and I need YOU, my love.”
fred knows you love him and choose him over everyone but again
he gets insecure
in the way George is scared people won’t see him as Fred
fred is afraid you’ll find someone better
someone more stable and less quick tempered
you guys have fights sometimes that end in frustration or angry sex
but fred is always there an hour later sitting outside your dorm door praying to god you forgive him for his mistake
he’s never abusive or malicious
he just gets impulsive with pranks or doesn’t consider feelings sometimes
molly is so thankful for you and hugs you immediately as you walk through the door whispering
“Thank you for making my son feel how he deserves” and your eyes water lightly murmuring a thank you
you instantly catch bill’s attention as he notices the way fred is so much calmer and confident with you around
he seems more sure of himself, and not as angry
his temper too is calmer with your presence, as if the very essence of you is soothing to all youre around
he is, so so in love with you
and yes he can be brash
and yes he can be insecure
and yes he can be impulsive
but yes he would do anything for you
but yes he sees you like no one else can
but yes he knows you struggle and he wants to be there
fred weasley is absolutely incandescently in love with you
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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maemi324 · 3 years
Hey there friends! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve actually posted something. 
Let me just say, Happy Holidays! I hope you are having a wonderful and safe holiday. 
This fic was inspired and written for @butterscotchbaku​ and @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku​ based on some requests I had written in, as well as just ideas passed back and forth. 
I hope you two are having a wonderful day and may that continue into the new year! Thank you for all you’ve written and done!
Pairing: Izuku/Fem.Reader
Warnings: mentioned beatings, mentioned assault but nothing described in detail. all very vague. uhh violence, or hinted at violence. Edited only by me, so i may have missed something.
 I think that’s it. 
I hope you two enjoy this! 
Cigarette smoke hung heavily in the room, walls filled with generic knickknacks and warm colored walls gave the meeting a false sense of pleasantness. To any unsuspecting person, this was any other meeting room, one long table with rounded edges and somewhat padded chairs, the head of the table having the one most plush. 
Hell, even the people occupying them would have anyone turning up their nose in disinterest. Nothing but business men and women in dark, smart looking suits.
But you knew better. Sitting at the head was the infamous Izuku Midoriya, known under the name of Deku, direct descendent of the greatest Mafia leader Japan had ever seen; All Might. 
And here you sat, comfortably in Izuku’s lap, your temple pressed against his neck as you listened to his voice rumble on towards the other members. You were hardly paying attention to what was being said as you glanced around the room to the others.
Katsuki Bakugou- Dynamite, or TNT if you were feeling particularly cheeky. He was head of interrogation, finding out who knew what and definitely had too many ways of making people talk, and only one sure fire way of keeping them quiet. 
Todoroki Shouto- Bakugou’s counter in interrogation. He was mainly there to keep Bakugou from killing every target. He could control his temper, sure, but Todoroki added a sense of cold unease to their targets. He was effective against the folks who didn’t rise to Bakugou’s jabs and threats. He tapped the ashes of his cigarette into the small dish provided.
Kirishima Eijirou- Red Riot-another strong man and a third in the interrogation squad. He kept Bakugou from grousing the entire time, as well as leveling the two tempers in the group. Though he was a strong man, he was also incredibly sweet. You recalled that, while dealing with some unsavory characters that had children- typically rescuing the children at the other parents pleading- Red Riot was a favorite with them, his bright smile and charm keeping them distracted as Bakugou and Todoroki dealt with the problem.
Iida- Ingenium-was the getaway driver, best out of the best. He somehow always managed to get them out as quickly as possible while still following the law. It made losing the police all the easier. Ochaco Uraraka, or Uravity, was the treasurer, in charge of keeping account of all of the mafia’s funds, who owed them money and why. For more problematic clients, she was a stickler down to the very last penny. 
There were others, but those were just the ones in the room at the moment. You sighed softly, adjusting in Izuku’s lap. Someone at the end of the table was pleading for something. You could tell by the unimpressed glare on Izuku’s face that it was going south for whoever this was- a blond man with an inferiority complex for certain.
You glanced down at your left hand, engagement ring shimmering brightly despite the warm fluorescent lights. It wasn’t very large, an emerald surrounded by diamonds. He’d only given it to you a few days ago. On a rare day, you were able to go out with him in public-the benefit of a mask and some contacts while on the job- you had decided to flit about a few museums. The ring caught your eye immediately, the prized possession of some rich so and so, dating back who knows how long in their family.
Maybe it was because of how brightly it matched your lovers eyes, but the ring called to you. You didn’t mention a peep to your lover however. You knew he would have taken it right then and there. You rather liked coming to this museum, with added security after a robbery, you would have to frequent it less.
Your lovestruck fool of a man decided to do it anyway. He’d said that the plan went off without a hitch, though the smudges of dirt and a bit of blood- not his own- said otherwise. At the time, you had to question why, sure he’d robbed plenty of other places, gifts for trips that took longer than expected, but a place that you favored going?
“I’m just crazy about you doll, You deserve the best of the best. The way you eyed that ring, I knew there’d be nothing else that would be more perfect for you. But, it’s not just because you fancied it that I got it for you. We’re together, we always will be...but I want to make it more official. I wanna be yours forever, and I want you to be mine. What do you say doll? Marry me?”
You couldn’t say yes fast enough.
A gentle nudge to your shoulder brought you out of your daze. You looked up to the love of your life.
“What do you think dollface? What should we do with Monama?” 
You sat up in his lap, watching as the blond shivered in his spot, a smirk on your fiance’s face hidden by his fist as he leaned against it.
“Monama, what is it he did again?”
“Well Doll, he owes us money. He swears he’s good for it, but this is the third time he hasn’t been good for it.What should we do with this foolish, foolish man?”
Monama...ah yes now you remembered him! A little wanna be Mafia leader who went under when he ran out of money. He placed bets with other rival gangs against Deku, proclaiming that not only could he and his group get it done, but get it done better. 
There were times when they had, though just barely. It was hardly enough to keep a betting pool aimed against Deku however. Everyone but him seemed to know it. The overconfidence in his group and underestimating Deku lead to his downfall when Deku pulled off an impossible mission without even having to undo his tie.
When these gangs came to collect, he begged Deku to allow him and his group safety, help paying off the debt. Deku agreed, but in return, he had a year to earn the money back, only adding interest when the blond began getting too cocky. 
“I just need a little more time! A day, give me a day!” he pleaded, voice shrill and desperate. 
You winced, brows scrunched in annoyance.
Honestly, you didn’t care for Monama, and weren’t all too excited for his continued presence in the gang. You looked down at your nails idly.
“Have Dynamite follow him for a day then. If whatever magic he seems to think he can pull off, doesn’t in fact pull off, then he can have fun beating the change out of him. Or, whoever he’s seeing to get the money can pay it” You figured, even though he’d be annoyed at the idea of tailing that worm, Bakugou would have a good time beating it out of him.
Izuku gave Bakugou a look, who only snarled in response. A tilt of his head and Bakugou got up from his chair, footsteps heavy as he grabbed Monama by the arm, “Let’s get this over with you pathetic extra,” rolling his eyes as Moana sagged in slight relief, gratitude spilling from his lips.
Izuku held up a hand, “Let Red Riot escort him out for now. We have some business that you’d like to be here for I’m sure”
Bakugou’s eyes widened a fraction, a grin making its way onto his face as he shoved Monama towards Kirishima.
As Bakugou took his seat and Kirishima exited with Monama in tow, another man entered the room, a small man with purple hair. You recognized him as Mineta’s father. His son’s invention, a sticky substance that rendered anything in its grip as good as stuck, was what kept him in the group. What had him on thin ice however, was his treatment of the women in the group, all things he learned from his father. Izuku left Iida to beat it out of him however he saw fit. All it would take is one more strike. 
His father, however, was all out of strikes. The way he leered at you and the other girls had you all walking on eggshells around him. You only came forward to Izuku about it after you and the others had confided in one another. He had groped at you after a party the gang had thrown. It was the first and last time he’d ever made a physical move towards you.
You could feel the man's lecherous eyes on you, making you lean into Izuku, his body blocking the man's gaze. 
While you told him your story, Izuku’s face had remained calm, though the cup he had been holding shattered into thousands of pieces. He knew there were rumors about the senior, but to have it be found out as fact, and not just rumors from other gangs... He was furious, you knew that, and you knew somehow, someway, that Minoru senior would pay.
“Doll, why don’t you go talk to YaoMomo about wedding dresses, hm?” You nodded your head, though hesitant to leave the safety and comfort of his lap. You knew you were safe with Izuku by your side, but that didn’t mean you were comfortable passing by this...Disgusting being. His gaze softened and he hooked his arm around yours, escorting you personally towards the door.
Izuku tilted your head into a sweet kiss, his thumb rubbing comforting circles onto your side.
Izuku opened the door for you, but before you left, he kissed you again, deeper, sweeping away the sickly feeling of being watched with his tongue as it danced with yours, one hand cupping your jaw to pull you close.
He pulled away all too soon for your tastes, hand leaving your jaw, “Actually, maybe talk with her about the cake too, this may take a bit...” he turned away from you, eyes turning cold and jaded as the door closed.
“It’s about to get ugly in here”
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
So... I've been watching KH rewrites.
And while I'm not rewriting ALL of Kingdom Hearts, but I have a few ideas to change 358/2 days:
The organization has an agenda: find and kill Sora, Riku, and Kairi so they can stay out of the way, but with Sora sleeping, Kairi safe on Destiny Islands, and Riku running all over the place, their jobs just got harder.
The change the title to 358/3 days, because Axel's in on this too. This is the sea salt TRIO we're dealing with, not sea salt duo.
We see a majority of Roxas's beginner days, like before, but in between them, we see Xion with Axel, mainly because Xemnas trusts him enough to be able to incapacitate Xion, if she gets too fired up.
Oh yeah, Xion doesn't really look up and smile at Roxas when she first sees him. In game, her mouth just opens in a gasp and she clenches a fist. In her first days, she's strictly in 'attack anything that comes near me' mode because she's scared and confused. We see it happen when Demyx waves a hand in front of her face and she literally jiu jitsu throws him to the ground.
Xion stares at Roxas and Axel and follows them individually. Axel finds it creepy and warns her not to get any ideas while Roxas pretends not to notice.
Xemnas is more proactive, checking on and somewhat favoring Roxas and Xion, Roxas more than Xion at first before fully switching over to team Xion. Everyone notices, especially Larxene, and it's not a good thing. Except for Axel, who's okay to stay out of Xemnas's attention.
Larxene is a bitch. As in she not only tells Roxas to not use his keyblade, but also to hold still so she can kick him.
Lexeaus is a little kinder. He does still hit Roxas within an inch of his life, but he lets Roxas hit back, as hard as he can. Roxas does so, hitting him in the side, like by the abs, but not completely, and it only hurts Roxas more than Lexeaus, the big guy fights a pitied smile and tells him to try again. Roxas does so, hitting harder, and Lexeaus grunts and fakes it to look like Roxas really did hit him hard. Roxie boy apologizes, but Lexeaus brushes it off, complimenting that Roxas is a more than qorthy choice for the keyblade.
Zexion is not a fan of Roxas, because he looks too much like Ventus. He eventually has a silent kinshio with him and acts A LITTLE friendly towards him, but nothing serious.
Vexen has to be kept on a leesh so he doesn't lock Roxas in his lab and scientifically check him out. AT LEAST BEFORE HE GOES ON A MISSION WITH HIM. After that, he wants nothing to do with the kid.
Axel is a little weirded out by Roxas, at first, but warms up to him.
Marluxia is a little creepy in that while he trains with Roxas, like practice missions, he gets face caress-y and Roxas later asks Axel if he can not go on missions with Marluxia.
Xemans does not get like that with either of Roxas or Xion; all he does is ruffle/play with their hair and pat their back and shoulder.
Saïx sees Axel's growing connections with Roxas and Xion, and he gets meaner because of it.
Roxas has his own version of anti-form or rage form, in the form of non-form, where he takes on a look very much like a mix of the samurai and dusk nobodies; he's bendy, fast, and hard as shot to lock onto, target-wise, but get hit and there's next to nothing that's going to save you. Roxas can only use non-form when he has no other optiin, and that's because he hates using it with a burning passion. Whenever he uses it, he has a hard time seeing things, so he relies on his hearing and any bright lights that catch his attention. Game wise, this is his limit break. When his health is low, non-form is activated with a cool looking transformation.
Non-form is the reason why Roxas is Xemnas's favorite, at first.
Xion doesn't talk to Roxas at all when they go on missions together, at least not until Roxas goes into non-form to save her, even though she doesn't really need saving.
Demyx was initially chosen to watch Roxas, but he saw the kid, newborn, scared, and confused, go into non-form and damn near attack him until Xemnas kicked him away. Saïx was the runner uo, but he gave the role to Axel, who successfully calmed Roxas down enough for the newbie to return to normal.
Xion warms up to Roxas, but is cold towards Axel, who returns the feeling, but also makes a deal with her; in front of Roxas, they have to play nice together or else Saïx is going to snitch to Xemans, who will have Xion ripped apart piece by piece until there's no putting her back together. Behind Roxas's back, however, they can fight all they want, as much as they want. Hell, they can even try to kill each other. BUT ONLY BEHIND ROXAS'S BACK SO HE DOESN'T SEE IT HAPPEN.
Roxas is given pretty lenient missions and it's not just because of his connection to Sora and Ven. It's also because of how unstable Non-form is.
Oh, yeah. Roxas hallucinates and hears both Sora AND Ventus, but it's only when things get too quiet. Xemnas has Axel keep an eye on him because he made friends with Ventus as Lea and had contact with Sora. If anything, the redhead can keep Roxas stable enough for them to bring him to Castle Oblivion and find Ven, when he's ready.
And he'll be ready when he dual wields keyblades, which Xemnas KNOWS wil happen because he's Xehanort and Xehanort apparently knows all.
He doesn't know enough because there's another person who can dual wield: Xion.
Xion is still a replica, but this time is made with fractures of Kairi's and Sora's hearts, Kairi being able to wield a keyblade because it got passed down from Aqua to her by accident and Sora because he's Sora.
When Axel is sent to Castle Oblivion and is reported as gone, Roxas's reaction is much more severe. First mission with Xigbar goes fine until the end, where Roxas not only gets hallucinations of Sora and all that, but also because he's experiencing a new emotion: GRIEF. He goes into Non-form and goes insane. Xigbar directs him to a dark corridor, where he's released right into the castle in The World That Never Was and starts destroying anything amd everything that moves before going all aroung the castle.
It soon becomes a really darkly comedic game of Catch The Kid Without Killing Him Or Letting Him Leave To Another World.
No one's fully successful, except for Saïx, who also goes berserk to stop and hold him so Xemnas can collect him. Roxas struggles in Saïx's arms and lets out scream after scream until Xemnas comes to get him and snap him out of it.
Roxas leaves Non-form and is led to his room by Xemnas, who compliments his ability to imitate emotions, despite not remembering how to.
Roxas, already trying to keep it together, breaks down again, and Xemnas holds him close, letting him get it all out, and explains that this is why they fight and need to fight warriors of the light, including Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
After that, Roxas is only allowed on recon missions until he's stable again.
It's fine though, because Axel makes it back a week later, saying he got knocked unconscious by Sora. He escaped and made it out a-okay, leavung out the part where he may have merced Vexen and Zexion.
Roxas is still glad.
Axel reports to Xemnas and Saïx and euns into Xion.
The threat still remains, but he's still playing nice for Roxas's sake.
Over time, Axel and Xion learn to get along and even become friendly enough to be sarcastic and jokey with each other.
It also helps that Xion also deals with hallucinations and her way of dealing with them is by running. Axel and Roxas followed her and came face to face with a GIANT heartless, maybe a more threatening version of the Dark Side.
All three fight it, but it knocks Xion and Axel away, the redhead gets up and is almost smashed into the ground before Xion lunges, going into her armored form. Roxas follows as well, in his Non-form.
The two make quick work of the heartless amd Roxas struggles to turn himself back, where Xion does it perfectly.
Axel compliments the work, but hugs onto Roxas before he can lash out at a frightened Xion, telling him to play nice or they're not having any more playdates and he'll be locked in his room 24/7.
Roxas turns back and he and a surprised Xion pass out, leaving Axel to groan at having all the icky jobs; he got the crap beaten out of him amd wants to pass out with the two children, but instead has to carry them back to the castle so neither die on his watch.
They all recuperate and pat themselves on the back for their victory.
Xemnas congratulates them as well, having let himself in the infirmary because he heard what happened.
Axel reports that they're all fine and the heartless is gone, and Xemnas is more than glad to hear it, at least before her turns to Roxas and asks if he was hurt, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He's fine, just a little dizzy, but fine.
Xemnas is more than glad to hear it, pushing back Roxas's bangs and playing with his hair a little before leaving them all to heal, ignoring Xion entirely.
She doesn't take it personally and instead remarks about how nice it was of Xemans to join them, for once.
Axel agrees with the sentiment and makes Roxas and Xion promise that they're won't be anymore surprise runaways like that again.
They agree, though Xion asks if surprise ice cream can be exempt.
Axel smiles and exempts surprise icecream.
They all become real friends after this point, and it includes them poking fun at each other("Er, I don't know my past so I'm gonna go Saïx berserk on anyone who asks, der, der, der"), sarcasm(Xion: "There really is no hiding from Saïx, is there?" Axel: "Well, there's always under Xigbar's bed, but no one's ever returned, so tell me how it goes."), and light name calling, like hot head, burning britches, and smoke and more smoke for Axel, hoodie and emo band for Roxas, and little miss pissed off for Xion, because she's funny to make annoyed and angry.
And they try more than sea salt icecream, like doughnuts, cakes, and eventually healthier foods that are still sweet.
Roxajs and Xion gonon missions together and eventually start more than a friendship.
Axel keeps an eye on them whenever he can and begins lying to Xemnas, saying neither are really progressing with their powers, but are maintaining, so there's that at least. Xemans is not convinced and asks an old question, considering how Axel has possibly the best memory out of everyone here: What happened to Sora? Axel feigns ignorance, because he TOTALLY helped Sora take out Marluxia.
Okay, but what about Naminé? More ignorance because she up and vanished. Maybe Sora stole her away or something, who knows? Teenagers do weird things.
Xemnas, more than a little fed up, notes that Axel's getting close to Rozas and Xion and admits that as much of a shame as it would be to waste resources, it'd be even more tragic to lose their own numbers, maybe even Saïx as well, despite how cold he's turned toward Axel. If it makes him feel better, he doesn't need to do the 'icky job,' Saïx can do it for him and he can simply watch.
Axel steps down and Xemnas twlls hom to tell the truth next time, if he doesn't want to lose anymore friends.
There will be a part 2 of this
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 4 | previously: part 3 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, mention of violence but there isn’t any
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi friends!! okay so this part is a little longer but it’s important for what’s to come ;) because i just couldn’t help myself, there’s a little song reference in there, hopefully you catch it,, maybe it’s important *wink wink* anyways, taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added 🖤 enjoy xx
Four: it’s what’s on the inside that counts
It’s been over 2 weeks since your fight with Bakugou. The two of you haven’t spoken since, leaving your classmates a bit nervous. You were stubborn and so was he. The only problem was, neither of you really remembered why you were fighting in the first place. You two fought often, that was obvious, but something about this last fight felt different. As if you and Bakugou genuinely wanted to hurt each other. In the past, it was mainly for your own satisfaction just to fight someone. You and Bakugou had disliked each other for so long that you couldn’t even think of a solid reason for why you hated him. You soon came to realize that you barely knew anything about Katsuki Bakugou...and that bothered you.
“LISTEN UP! Prom tickets will be on sale after school today in the common area. You can also buy them at the door but just know they’ll cost more. So I recommend you have your money ready and get in line early because I only have a certain amount for presale. Thank you that’s all!” You announced to your class. “Oh and pass this information onto the other classes please!”
You hopped down from the desk where you were standing and brushed your skirt down.
“Do you need help setting up?” asked Deku. You looked over at Bakugou, who was supposed to be helping you but since the two of you weren’t on speaking terms, that wasn’t really an option.
“Uh sure that’d be great,” you said.
“I’ll lend a hand as well,” chimed in Iida. You laughed.
“Guys all I need help with is moving a table and a few boxes,” you explained.
“We are happy to help!”
You, Deku, and Iida set up the ticket selling table. You placed the poster of the dance in front of the table. Izuku grabbed the box of tickets and looked through them.
“Y/N did you make these?” He asked. Your face got warm.
“Uh yeah, it’s not a big deal though,” you insisted.
“It’s excellent artistic work Y/N! You should be proud!” smiled Iida.
“Yeah it’s super cool!”
“Thanks guys,” you gushed. You sat down at the table and pulled out your notebook and pen.
“Alright! Who wants the honor of buying the first ticket?”
“You should, after all you planned the dance,” said Deku. You smiled.
“I guess you’re right.” You picked up the first ticket, wrote your name next to the #1 spot in your notebook, and put your money in the cash box.
“Okay. Who’s next?”
The line of people never seemed to end. You got in the groove of writing down their name, number, and putting away the money pretty quickly.
“Hey Momo! Uh you’re number 35,” you said to your classmate.
“Thanks, here you go!” She smiled, handing you the money.
“Y/N!!” cheered Mina, “wait is this the theme?” Mina pointed to the design on the tickets.
“Uh yeah it is,” you smiled.
“‘My Emotions Feel Like Explosions When You’re Around’,” read aloud Deku.
“I LOVE IT!! It’s super cute and honestly I would expect nothing less from you and Bakugou!”
Right. Bakugou.
“Uh yeah. I'm excited to see how it turns out once we get all the decorations.”
“Do any of you have dates yet?” asked Denki as he paid.
“Wow Denki is that your only concern?” laughed Jirou.
“I haven’t even thought about that,” said Iida.
“Planning on asking anyone?” You asked aloud.
“I am…” mumbled Deku.
“Wow Izuku wonder who?” said Kirishima sarcastically.
“Who are you gonna ask, Deku?” You asked. No one said anything. You turned around and saw all your friends staring at you.
“What…it was just a question…”
“Wait, you're like genuinely asking?” laughed Denki, “I thought it was obvious.” Deku hit Denki’s arm.
“It’s fine, it will be better if it’s a surprise anyway,” said Deku.
“Do you want someone to ask you, Y/N?” asked Sero, handing you his money. You put the cash in a box.
“I honestly don’t care. I wasn’t even planning on going to Prom before Aizawa forced me to plan it,” you admitted.
“Well we are all glad you’ll be there,” smiled Iida.
Your friends had all gone back to their dorms after a bit. There were still about 20 people in line for tickets and you were exhausted.
“Cafeteria closes soon dumbass,” said someone. You whipped around. You groaned.
“Well Katsuki, I’m kinda busy if you can’t tell,” you huffed.
“Go eat. I’ll finish up here,” he said. Your eyes grew.
“Wait what-”
“Go on, you only have 15 minutes before they close dinner. I've got this,” he insisted. You got up from your chair.
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“It can’t be that hard if you figured it out.”
You rolled your eyes
“Whatever. Just pick up when you’re done.” You began to walk down to the cafeteria.
Two weeks of not talking to me and that’s all he has to say?
“Grabbing some dinner?” called Iida behind you. You smiled.
“Yeah , Bakugou is finishing up the ticket sale.”
“Nice. I’ll join you.”
“Thanks Iida.”
“Cold soba?” questioned Iida, “You never get your soba cold.” You looked down at your tray of food.
“I guess Todoroki converted me,” you joked. Iida raised a brow.
“Alright Y/N, what is it? We both know you hate cold food,” he said. You picked at your soba.
“I’m fine honestly,” you mumbled.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Bakugou, would it?” You whipped your head to look at Iida.
“That’s more like it!” He smiled. You chuckled.
“Well would it?” He asked. You shrugged.
“I guess this whole dance is stressing me out. Bakugou and I haven’t been very productive lately ,” you admitted. Iida sighed.
“Well this might be a stretch but you could try to make peace with him.” You groaned.
“I’m not making peace with that angry pomeranian until he apologizes.”
“Why can’t you just apologize?”
“BECAUSE I-I, I don’t know. My own stupid pride I guess.”
“You two need to overcome your differences eventually. Who knows, you guys might have more in common than you think,” smiled Iida.
“You’re the worst, you know that,” you joked.
“Wait really?”
After dinner, you laid in your dorm room, staring up at the ceiling. You knew you should get some of the planning done but you also would rather just forget about the stupid dance. After about 10 minutes of contemplating, you headed down to the basement.
As you walked down the stairs, you remembered that Bakugou still had your notebook. You went down anyway, hoping to get some work done on your laptop instead. Much to your surprise, the door was propped open. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what could be behind the door.
“Hey Bakugou…” your voice trailed off as you saw that no one else was in the room.
He must’ve left the door open so I wouldn’t ask him for the keys.
You set down your things and sat down on one of the tables. You pulled out your laptop.
“I figured I’d find you here,” A raspy voice said. You looked up to see none other than Katsuki Bakugou, holding your notebook.
“Oh hi. I just thought I’d get some work done,” you explained.
“How’d you get in?”
“Uh you left the door open,” you explained. Bakugou huffed. He took a seat at the same table as you, setting down your notebook.
“Here dumbass.” Bakugou threw something on you and it landed on your head.
“What the-” You grabbed the soft material off of your head. Your eyes grew.
“You said I owed you a new shirt, so here it is,” he said. You looked at the brand new t-shirt, a smile on your face.
“Yeah well I didn’t think you’d actually buy me one…”
“I mean I did rip your other shirt pretty badly. I-uh-I’m sorry about that.” Your eyes widened.
“Did you just say you’re sorry?”
“Yeah and I’m not saying it again.” he huffed.
“Bakugou I’m sorry too,” you said. Bakugou tilted his head.
“What are you sorry for?”
“I guess for everything. Well, maybe not everything because I don’t regret kicking your ass for 3 years one bit but I am sorry for that fight the other day. I almost killed you,” you explained nervously.
“Key word ‘almost’. I guess I almost did too,” he joked. You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Here’s the thing Bakugou, I don’t know anything about you yet I hate you with every ounce of my body. I guess I want to hate you for a reason.”
“What the hell does that mean, nerd?” He questioned. Your face got warm.
“You know how they say, ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’? Well,I want to hate you for what’s on the inside,” you laughed. Bakugou raised a brow.
“And what about you? The only thing I know about you is that you’ve got a short temper and your shirts rip easily. I barely know you either…”
He was right. Probably the only person who knew anything remotely deep about you was Iida, and even that was still somewhat surface level. You didn’t pick UA to get too comfortable with your classmates, even if you were friends, since in the real world you would be competing for the number one Hero spot. Maybe that’s why most of them were intimidated by you.
You patted on the top of the table, hinting for Bakugou to sit with you. He groaned and joined you on the table.
“This is stupid,” he mumbled. You rolled your eyes.
“Come on just try. And just to clarify, we are doing this for research purposes only. I’m convinced by the end of this I’ll still want to rip your head off 24/7,” you said. Bakugou nodded.
“Yeah I mean not like that could change.”
“Exactly. Okay so you first. What is it that makes Katsuki Bakugou a horrible pain in my ass?” You smiled sarcastically. Bakugou chuckled quietly.
“What do you want to know, dumbass?”
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick ]
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Obsession, Chapter 10
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‘Mmm, kitten. I can picture you now. Restrained to my bed, naked, with only a bow wrapped around you, so I can unwrap you like a present… The perfect present. Take my time with you, licking every inch of your skin. I bet you taste delectable, darling.’
Robyn bit her tongue and tried to keep quiet as she listened to the pervert on the other end of the phone.
She was sitting at her desk in her bedroom, she had been trying to do some work when Tom called her. Like he did every night since his first phone call over a month ago. It always turned to him speaking filth to her, telling her all the dirty things he would do to her.
If she hung up on him, he would just keep ringing her until she answered again. She couldn’t turn her phone off because it was her works phone too, she had to be on call for her boss in-case a new story came in. So she had learned that it was easier just to let him talk and get it over with, it saved time.
After Max’s death, there was no way she could continue to cover The Choker’s story. Especially because of how close he was to her, stalking her. The roses and chocolates kept coming. She had binned the roses and chocolates once, which angered him. He had called her up demanding an explanation as to why she did that, then he warned her if she did it again, he would start hunting her friends. Rattling off a few names to her to prove that he meant business.
So every new bunch of roses went into the vase on the windowsill in the living room. She blamed herself every day, wondering if she did something wrong to get his attention.
She worked from home now mainly, and she didn’t go out with her friends. She was too scared he would latch onto one of them and kill them. She didn’t trust him not to go after everyone she loved.
Pinching the bridge of her nose while he kept purring seductively right into her ear, she tried to ignore the feeling between her thighs at his words. But it was hard, he had a wonderful voice, and he certainly knew the right things to say to get her worked up.
But she would never let him know that, or act on it. He was a murderer, he didn’t deserve to win.
She had threatened to go to the police with all the information she had. But he just laughed and threw that back in her face. Saying it wasn’t a crime to send fan letters and flowers. That he was too well respected at his work, he would easily be able to get alibis, there was no evidence linking him to any of the murders. And of course, she was scared he would go after her friends.
Figuring because he hadn’t tried to actually approach her yet, she thought, or hoped, he wouldn’t kill her. Maybe he was just obsessing over her for a little while. She hoped that maybe he would move onto someone else soon and forget all about her. That maybe his threats about making her his were just that, threats.
When she did go out, she was almost always followed by him. He didn’t care about being so sneaky anymore, blatantly stalking her. But she still never got a good look of his face, he always had a hood up. He was a hell of a tall guy though, looked quite lean yet with broad shoulders. Going by the murders, she knew he was strong. So didn’t want to get on the wrong side of him.
Yet at the same time, she was so angry and just wanted her life back. While she was still grieving over Max, she knew she needed to start living again.
But it was a difficult thing to do with a serial killer being obsessed with you.
Tom was stroking his cock while he spoke to her, telling her everything he wanted to do to her. Again.
Once he made himself cum, making a mess on his stomach, he let her get back to work. Much to her relief, she couldn’t hang up on him quicker. He was irritated, he desperately wanted her. Physically.
Now that Max was out of the way, he did try to resist just a little longer. To hold off until he was properly ready for her. But he was struggling more and more every day. The obsession with her was just growing far too strong within him, he wasn’t going to be able to contain it for much longer.
So he started the ball rolling.
Robyn heard the following evening that her doctor, Doctor Scott, had been killed by The Choker. There was also a break in at the surgery he worked, it was thought to be The Choker. Since the burglar used keys to get in, Doctor Scott’s keys. But it was weird, as nothing was taken. But it was shown on the CCTV a hooded figure going into the building.
Robyn wondered what the hell Tom was playing at. Was he just toying with her? Or someone else? She wasn’t sure if it was directed at her or not, since Scott had been her doctor. But he was hundreds of other people’s doctor, too.
She had to stop taking everything he did as personal. He was a serial killer, after all. It’s what he did.
A few days later, her friend Faye was on the phone.
‘Come on, Robyn. You’ve not been out in months. Please come with us, it will be fun. It’s Sandra’s birthday after all.’ She pleaded.
‘I dunno…’ Robyn sighed. She desperately wanted to get out of the house, to go and enjoy life again. A night out with the girls would be just what she needed.
‘Pleaseeeee!’ Faye begged.
‘Alright. But I’m just going to have a few drinks. And I’ll meet you at the club, and leave apart from you all. I don’t want to attract him to you.’
‘Ok, deal. It will be so good to see you again!’ Faye said excitedly.
Robyn was nervous, she knew she shouldn’t be doing this. But she pre booked an uber to collect her, hoping that Tom wouldn’t have time to follow. So he wouldn’t know where she was going.
She knew as soon as she got there she would relax. And on the journey there, when there was no sign of anyone following the uber, she allowed herself to get excited about her night out.
Robyn sat at the bar with a few of her girlfriends in the club, drink in hand while she swayed back and fore to the music. It felt so good to be out.
A tall shadowy figure stood in the corner of the club, watching her every move. Watching the way her hips swayed whenever she went to the dancefloor to let loose, the pretty blue dress she wore hugging her figure beautifully.
When Robyn ordered another drink, she foolishly left it at the bar when one of her friends dragged her, yet again, to the dancefloor.
The figure made his move. He swiftly crossed the club and as he passed the bar, he stuck his hand out and dropped a small pill into her drink. No one noticed as it quickly dissolved, everyone was too busy wrapped up within themselves and others, lost to alcohol and music in a sea of sweaty bodies.
He headed out into the crisp night and made up camp just along from the entrance. Biding his time.
Robyn felt funny. The drink suddenly hitting her, even though she could’ve sworn she hadn’t had many. But she definitely didn’t feel right and she knew something was wrong.
She headed to the cloakroom to get her jacket, well, stumbled there was more apt. Her vision was starting to get fuzzy and her limbs felt heavy. Just managing to hand over her ticket in return for her jacket, the woman watching the cloakroom sneered at her. ‘Ridiculous how drunk people get.’
Robyn barely registered what she said as she started to make her way outside. But as soon as she hit that fresh air, she thought she was a goner.
She stumbled to the side, but strong hands captured her just before she fell into the wall.
‘Woah, easy there, darling.’ A smooth voice reached her ears. One she was sure she had heard before… But she was struggling to focus, trying to remember where she knew that voice from.
The world was spinning, all she knew and could feel was being held against someone. Alarm bells were ringing within her at that voice, she knew she had to fear this man. But she couldn’t place why.
‘Come on, let’s get you home.’ He said softly, his large hands holding her and guiding her down the street.
‘No!’ She garbled out as she tried to push away from him. But she was far too weak, her bones felt like jelly. And even if she hadn’t been drugged, she wouldn’t have stood a chance against him anyway.
‘Shhh, shhh. Come now, kitten. Don’t want to make a scene now, do we?’ He said firmly.
It suddenly hit her. She knew who it was. It was the same man that had been toying with her for the past seven months. The same man who had, up until now, kept his distance from her. Or so she’d thought, anyway.
It was Tom.
That voice was the same voice that called her every single damn night for the past month. Saying barley anything else but utter filth to her with that sinful voice that she so wished wasn’t so captivating.
But what terrified her the most. Was the fact that the very hands holding onto her so strongly, were the same hands that had committed such evil, despicable crimes that made her skin crawl merely thinking about.
What he was capable of…
She did not want to make him angry, in fear of becoming another statistic on the news.
When she started to comply, not trying to get away from him, he hummed in approval. ‘Good girl, that’s better.’ He purred, leading her away.
But not far down the road, her legs gave way as she lost consciousness. So she was scooped up into his arms and carried home. Her purse was raided for the key as he let himself into her home and carried her straight through to her bedroom.
Robyn was still out cold when she was laid down on her bed and her clothes were carefully removed.
Tom breathed in sharply as he took in every inch of her, his heart hammered in his chest at finally having her like this. Stripped naked and so vulnerable to him.
Slowly stroking up her inner leg, he marvelled at how soft her skin was. Unable to resist, he lifted her foot and kissed her inner ankle. Then he started working his way up her body, kissing and licking as he went, until he came to the main prize.
Breathing over her softly, he pressed soft kisses to either side of her cunt. Then slowly started to lick her, delving between her folds and up over her clit. He draped her legs over his shoulders and continued eating her out like a man possessed.
Robyn’s body was reacting well to the assault, he could feel and taste her getting wetter. But she started to come round briefly, though she still felt like her body was so heavy and as if her mind didn’t belong to her anymore. She managed to glance down, her stomach churning when she saw a strange man with a head full of curls down between her thighs. A beard scratching against her sensitive skin while his tongue focused on her clit, forcing her to cum even though she didn’t want to.
She tried to reach down to push him away, but she just couldn’t. She passed out again, her mind going blank.
When she came to a little while later, it was to the sight of the man above her. In any other circumstances, she would’ve said a very attractive looking man. One she was sure she recognised somehow... He was smiling sweetly down at her as she tried to scream, because she felt a very large presence pushing into her, forcing her body to accommodate him, whether she wanted to or not.
‘N… no…. p…’
‘Shhh, hush now.’ He whispered, leaning down flush against her he stroked her hair and kissed the side of her lips. ‘Relax, kitten. It’s about time I took what’s mine.’ Was the last she heard before passing out once again as he thrust deliberately into her.
When Robyn woke in the morning she felt so groggy, like she had the hangover from hell. She could barely remember what happened last night as she sat up, her whole body felt achey and like she had been hit by a bus.
She didn’t remember drinking that much. In-fact, she couldn’t remember anything from last night after dancing with her friends to her favourite song, it was all blank…
But when she got out of bed and stood up, she paused as her blood ran cold.
Parting her legs, she reached down between her thighs and whimpered as she felt a very sticky mess there… Slowly dribbling out of her and down her inner thighs.
‘Oh no.’ She cried, panic hitting her.
She was naked, which wasn’t exactly unusual because sometimes she did sleep naked. But having a man’s cum inside of her was NOT usual since losing her boyfriend.
Running into the bathroom, she jumped straight into the shower and did her best to get as much of it out as possible. Then she just sat there in the shower, in tears. Shaking. Not knowing what to do, or even who did it.
But then she realised… what if he was still here?
Shaking with fear, she turned the shower off and grabbed a towel. Wrapping it tightly around herself, she slowly made her way out of the bathroom and inched her way through her house. Checking in each room carefully, then she darted for the door and made sure the chain was on.
Only then did she relax a little.
Though not for long. A few hours later, after much contemplating of what to do, her phone rang.
She glanced at the number. She knew exactly who it was. In a weird hope of desperation for someone familiar, no matter who they were, she answered it quickly.
‘I think that’s the first time you’ve answered me so quickly, kitten.’ The voice on the other end of the phone purred.
Then it suddenly dawned on her. The voice, it was so familiar… She couldn’t place him last night, why he had been there… But she had heard that same voice last night, and now she knew why it sounded SO familiar.
‘You… You were there last night.’ She stammered.
A low chuckle reached her ear. ‘I was indeed. I must say, it was nice to finally lay claim to what belongs to me. Even if you were unresponsive… This time. Do you know how becoming you look when you cum?’ He growled.
Robyn let out a sob, it had been him. He had been inside her home… Inside her. Before hearing anything else, she hung up on him and turned her phone off.
She slid down the wall and started crying.
Not only was he a serial killer. And a stalker. He was a rapist too.
And she knew that she was not just his victim. No. She was his toy. One that he was having fun playing with.
She screamed, not just in fear or pain, but in anger.
Now she knew that his threats weren’t just threats. They were promises.
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
hey there! so glad you're back, and happy new years btw!! idk if you're taking prompts atm so don't feel like you have to write this straight away (since you just posted a new fanfic anyway, and it was worth the wait as always), but i was thinking maybe you could write something with wattson and loba? because on this current season, loba is trying to be nicer to her, to kind of make up for the S5 accident, and i mean we love to see that character development lol. cheers!
A/N: Hi, happy (very late) New Years! I’ve actually picked up Loba as my secondary main, so I was really excited to write for both her and Wattson. This story is based on quest events from season 5 and onward, as well as the Legends’ dialogue mainly between Loba, Wattson, and Crypto (this video kind of shows the lines, but I couldn't find the one I originally watched). I was also inspired by a post from @thebliznet, which helped the story along a lot. Thank you for allowing me to mention your post and the blog! I hope this story is to your liking anon :). I had fun writing it.
Unleashing Your Inner Wolf- After Wattson’s accident, Loba has kept a watchful eye over her. This is especially true after Revenant has sworn to ruin the thief’s life. When the murderous simulacrum joined the Apex Games, Loba was hellbent on killing him herself. But, this wasn’t a job she had to do alone. Loba had all of the Legends wrapped around her fingers with the dirt she had on them, and she was pleased to have them at her disposal. The job was simple: find the artifacts she needed, locate Revenant’s source code, and end his miserable existence. So, when Wattson wandered into the building alone to retrieve an artifact, her plans literally went up in flames. Not only was she further away from what she wanted, someone nearly died, and it wasn’t the demonio. Loba secretly thanks the gods for Wattson’s recovery; the engineer has a harsher view of the world now, yes, but she’s alive. It was the first and last time that Loba would put someone in danger on her behalf. After having her as a teammate during a couple of games, Loba discovers some new, interesting information: Wattson spends a great deal of time speaking with Crypto. And, the thief finds their nervous, awkward interactions absolutely adorable. Loba decides to take the engineer under her wing to teach her the art of flirting. But first, she has to teach her the most important lesson out there: self love. Wattson finds her lessons a bit unorthodox, and is reluctant to open up. So, Loba’s first job is getting her to smile...and maybe laugh, too.
When Crypto fell on the battlefield, Loba was quick to toss her bracelet and teleport to his aid. She had a Guardian Angel backpack and there were fences set up within their hideout to deter an enemy push. She was just slipping her bracelet back on when someone else rounded the corner and ran over to the downed hacker. It was Wattson, who put her Interception Pylon in the center of the room to deny incoming projectiles. The engineer heard an angry “bloody hell” from the explosive expert outside, which made her grin inwardly. Natalie knelt down and rubbed her hands together to generate a charge. Unlike the rest of the Legends, the engineer revived her teammates by using her equipment like a defibrillator. 
“Got you Tae J---ohhh…” Instead of pulling him up, Wattson accidentally dropped him back onto the floor, covering her mouth with both hands. Crypto landed with a heavy thump and a groan. 
“Ugh, Natalie..” The hacker winced, prompting her to start the revive again, her mind still racing to finish her sentence. 
“J...Joules and Watts are tied for my favorite units of measurements. And yours?” Natalie giggled nervously after she successfully pulled the man back onto his feet. She looked over her shoulder to see Loba staring at them like they each had two heads. But then, the enemy Bangalore shot at her through the window, giving the engineer and hacker a welcome distraction. 
“...I’ll get better at this. I promise.” Wattson smiled and pushed a Phoenix Kit into Crypto’s hands. Crypto sighed and put the healing item to use, giving her a small smile of his own. 
“Thank you, Natalie.” Tae Joon huddled in the corner of the room to stay out of enemy sights. This prompted Natalie to put another fence at the doorway that would lead to them. No one was going to get in and hurt her friend; not if she had something to say about it! So, when she heard someone approaching, Wattson immediately pointed her Mastiff at the door, ready to take down whoever managed to slip in. She yelped and fired at the thief when she stuck her head in; fortunately, there was no friendly fire allowed in the Games. 
“Relax, it’s just me.” Loba frowned and walked further into the room. “The whole squad’s down and a wall of death is coming our way. We need to move.”
“Got it!” Wattson hopped to her feet and offered a hand to the hacker. Crypto reached up to take it but froze, looking over Natalie’s shoulder. For some reason, the thief was still looking at them. The engineer arched a brow and, since she didn’t see what he saw, she grabbed onto his hand anyway. “Let’s go, Crypto. Allons-y!”
Crypto stood without a word and followed the engineer out of the room. Wattson didn’t release his hand even when they were well inside the ring. The hacker cleared his throat and gave the woman’s hand a gentle, but urgent squeeze, and she promptly let go of him. But, since Loba was trailing behind them, she saw everything, and a knowing smirk graced her lips. 
Loba found the engineer in her room after the match was over. Her high heels sounding throughout the hallway announced her arrival way before she did. So, by the time the thief sauntered to her doorway, Wattson was already facing her. 
“Ah, there’s the little heart breaker in the making…” Loba grinned and leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed against her chest. The engineer furrowed her brows and pushed her organized clutter further back onto her desk.
“Huh? What’re you talking about?” Wattson appeared even more confused as she approached her. Loba glanced to the woman’s desk; besides the textbooks and random sticky notes everywhere, the thief didn’t see any obvious signs of a romantic rendezvous. No roses, no letters, and worse: no shiny trinkets. 
“I used to think hand holding was a dying art. No more lingering touches, or a bat of the eye. Nowadays it’s just sloppy grabbing, a couple minutes of heavy breathing, and then...nothing.” Loba let out a wistful sigh as stood behind the younger woman, putting her hands on her shoulders. “It’s all quite dull, if you ask me. But then, I saw you and Crypto holding hands…” 
The realization hit Wattson and her face turned pink. For a moment, she was at a loss for words, so the thief continued. “And it was so refreshing to see. It’s subtle. Innocent.  And yet...intimate. Especially with the right person.” 
Wattson hopped out of her chair and faced the thief, her pink face quickly turning red. “I...I didn’t...I wasn’t...he was injured!” She stammered, suddenly unable to meet Loba’s teasing gaze. “I only held his hand to make sure he was okay!”
“Oh, of course, beautiful. That’s kind of you..” Loba chuckled and stepped in front of her. She knelt down, “In fact, it was so kind that it must’ve stuck with him the whole time he watched you walk away~.”
Wattson looked up with a gasp and finally met her gaze. Her face grew even redder as she struggled to find her words again. “...Crypto and I...we--we’re just friends. That’s all. I’m sure he was just...um...w-watching my back. His drone is very useful on the battlefield.” She put a hand on the back of her neck; it was burning hot, just like her face. 
Loba didn’t want the engineer to pass out on her, so she took a step back to give her some breathing room. “I can’t argue with you there. But...what do you think of him?” She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “He’s  on the quieter side, I’ll have to admit. But he’s very handsome, no?”
“...Well..maybe...” Natalie toyed with the ends of her shirt as she looked to the corner of the room. There was a radio that Octane gave her a while back, and Loba caught her looking at it. This made the thief smirk again. 
“Where’d you get that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a radio like that before.” Loba strutted over to the little device and picked it up. Natalie perked up and hurried over to gently take it from her. 
“Oh! Octavio gave this to me. He spray painted it using my favorite colors.” The engineer visibly relaxed and finally allowed herself to smile. Loba’s eyebrows rose and, grinning, she couldn’t help but to tease her again. 
“Oh, so there’s two people vying for your affection. You like to have options.” Loba giggled when the engineer’s face turned a deeper shade of red. “I like how you think. There’s so many beautiful people out there...why limit yourself to one?”
“No! It isn’t like that, really!” Natalie insisted and put her radio back down so she didn’t drop it. “I mean...Octavio and Ta---er, Crypto, are attractive, yes.  But I wouldn’t flirt with them! Because...well, I...don’t know how.”
Loba wanted to laugh, but this new bit of information surprised her. She arched a brow and crossed one leg over the other. “You don’t know how?”
“Well, I know how.” The engineer corrected herself and fiddled with her hair next. “But I don’t know what to say! Plus, I don’t want to make things awkward between us.”
Loba’s eyes softened; the engineer was too cute. “Aw, it’s alright, doll. A little harmless flirting every now and then doesn’t hurt anyone. Keeps things interesting, if you ask me.” She smirked, playfully nudging her side with her elbow. Natalie stiffened and pursed her lips.
“That’s easy for you to say. You flirt with everybody.” The engineer muttered, giving her a coy smile when Loba feigned offense. 
“Oh, come on,  I do not flirt with everyone. I’m very selective in who I choose. Not everyone is worth my time.” Loba fired back with a grin. It didn’t seem like she was winning the engineer over, so she decided to switch tactics. “I suppose you can say there’s a certain elegance to flirting. If you’d like, I’ll show you. Free of charge, of course.”
Wattson looked up at the woman skeptically. The engineer didn’t know her as well as some of her other friends, but she didn’t believe that she would steer her wrong. “Er..how do you propose to do that?” 
Loba beamed at her and gestured to her closet with a manicured hand. “Put on your favorite outfit, then stop by my room.” She grinned and sauntered back out into the hallway. She looked over her shoulder and saw the uncertainty lingering in her eyes. She sighed, “Trust me, beautiful. I won’t embarrass you. I know just what you need to have whomever you like flocking over to you.” 
“...Okay, Loba. I’ll be there in a moment.” Wattson smiled and waited for her to leave so that she could change clothes. 
Natalie opted for a simple outfit with her favorite Nessie shirt and jeans. She stepped out of her room and closed the door behind her. Then, she wandered down the hall until she got to the thief’s room. She could hear music playing as she approached the door, and found the thief idly swaying to the beat when she stepped into the room. 
Loba beckoned for the engineer to come closer, another smirk on her face. “Come on in. I don’t bite.” She snickered, her cocky smirk giving way to a small smile. “You look cute.” 
“Merci. Um...so what will we be doing, exactly?” The engineer peeked behind Loba to see a pole in the corner of the room. She blinked; what on Earth was this woman planning? 
“Well, before we work on making your special Legend fall for you, I think you could use a bit of a confidence boost.” Loba smiled and strode over to her pole, hooking an arm around it. “I’m going to teach you how to pole dance.”
Wattson’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates, and her face turned a bright shade of red. Loba immediately put up her hands.
“Hold on, it’s not what you think. I didn’t say you were stripping, nor does pole dancing have to involve it. This is about doing something fun, something that makes you feel sexy. Because when you feel good, you look good. And others notice it too…” Loba smiled at her hopefully and extended a hand. “Won’t you give it a try, love? If at any point you don’t like it, we stop. Simple as that.”
“Umm...a-alright…” Natalie blushed even more as she took the thief’s hand. Loba beamed excitedly and led her to the pole. 
“Wonderful. Now, let’s just set the mood.” Loba had the best wireless speakers that a thief could get their hands on, and she switched the current song to something slower.
“Mmm, there we go. So! The first thing you want to do is take your dominant hand, and reach high above your head.” Loba demonstrated what Natalie needed to do on the opposite side of the pole. “Then you want to...ah, hold on.” She let go of her side of the pole and walked behind the engineer. “Make sure your shoulders are down and back, like this…” 
Loba took her shoulders and gently maneuvered them in the correct position. Her nails gently brushed against them as she drew back, causing the younger woman to squeak and flinch. The thief looked down at her with an arched brow. “...What?”
“Pardon (Sorry), Loba! It’s just...your nails are long, and that tickled a bit.” Natalie smiled sheepishly and rolled her shoulders. Loba chuckled and stood behind her again. 
“Oh, not a problem.” The thief put her shoulders in the correct position one more time; then, smirking, she stood back in front of her to continue the lesson. “There we go, perfect. Next, you want to stand on your toes, and take three steps with the leg closest to the pole. So, like this…” 
Loba walked Wattson through the rest of the steps for a basic, fireman spin. The engineer caught on quickly but, although she was performing the moves correctly, her overall movement was pretty stiff. It didn’t help that Octane wandered down the hallway, drawn to the music, and curiously poked his head in the room. He wasn’t wearing his usual mask and was eating a candy bar; but, when he saw Natalie pole dancing, his jaw dropped...along with his snack. Thankfully, Natalie didn’t notice him because of the music and her focus; Loba, on the other hand, heard the sound and she glanced at the door. She narrowed her eyes at the daredevil, mouthing ‘get out, or you’re dead.’ She grabbed her staff and pointed it at him to show that she wasn’t messing around. Octane held up his hands and, nudging the candy bar back towards him with his leg, he picked it up and took off down the hall. After a few more spins, Wattson stood up straight and looked up at the thief. 
“Loba? Did I do it right?” Natalie panted a bit and rubbed the back of her neck. Loba turned back around; the engineer got the moves down to a T, but there was still something missing. She looked so shy, so unsure of herself...and, perking up, Loba knew exactly what she needed. 
“You did, and I’m impressed. I don’t see many people catch on to this sort of thing so quickly.” She complimented, slowly making her way back to her side. Wattson re-assumed the position by the pole, assuming that they were going to practice again. The thief chuckled. “There is just one, tiny thing I think you need to do…”
Wattson looked up at her and stepped away from the pole. She was flattered by the compliment...but, the mischievous glint in the she-wolf’s eyes made her falter.  “Okay...what is it?” 
“...Smile.” Loba grinned and latched her hand onto her hip, giving it a quick squeeze. Wattson yelped and lurched away from her hand, but Loba was quick to close the distance. When the engineer pushed her hand off of one hip, she just squeezed the other one instead. Loba already had her laughing before she even pinned her down onto the mattress behind her. 
“Nohohohohoh! Nohohohoh Lohohohohba, dohohohn’t!” Natale panicked and tried to roll away from the she-wolf. She arched her back when Loba’s manicured nails found her sides, giggling loudly. “DohohoHOHOHOHN’T!”
“Don’t what?” Loba grinned and gently poked at her belly, tracing five manicured nails up and down her torso. Wattson’s giggles picked up to laughter and she bucked her hips.��
“DOHOHOohohohohn’t tihihihckle mehehehehehe!” The engineer squeaked and struggled harder when the thief slipped her hand underneath her shirt, clawing at her bare stomach. “LOHOHOHOHBAHAHA!”
“Oh, that tickles? I had no idea.” Loba smirked and lifted her shirt up to give her better access to her stomach. She slowed her tickles to gentle, featherlight strokes along her tummy. This still made the engineer laugh, but not quite as hard. “Why didn’t you tell me you were ticklish before? That would’ve made things much easier.”
Natalie giggled uncontrollably and sucked in her belly to try and escape the tickles. Not only did it fail, but Loba kept up the slow, teasing pace, which sent ticklish shivers up her spine. “N-Nohohohohohoh ihhihiht wohohohohuhuhldn’t!” She tittered, another laugh escaping her as the thief gave her hips another squeeze. 
“Yes it would!” Loba snickered, kneading her thumbs into the woman’s hip bones. Wattson squealed and bucked her hips, but Loba didn’t let go of them. “A smile can bring even the hardest of men, and women, to their knees, falling for you...”
The color came rushing back to Wattson’s face as she squirmed in the she-wolf’s iron-hold, giggling. “Okahahahay! Okahahahay I’ll smhihihihle MOHOHOHOHRE!” Natalie shrieked and laughed when Loba’s fingers scribbled back into her stomach. “STAHAHAHAHAH!”
“Oho, yes. You certainly will be smiling more...” Loba teased and swiped her nails from one side of her tummy to the next. She laughed at the squeal it produced, which only encouraged her to tickle faster.  “You’re stuck with the big bad wolf, and she’s going to tickle you to pieces~.”
Wattson fell into a deeper fit of laughter and increased her efforts to escape. The thief’s fingers strayed away from her stomach and scritched to her lowermost ribs. Natalie’s eyes widened and her laughter went up a few pitches as she rocked side to side. “NOHOHOHOHOH! PLEHEHEHEAHAHSE DOHOHOHOHN’T!” She begged, pulling at her trapped arms repeatedly. Loba had her arms pinned underneath her thighs and despite all of her struggling, they didn’t move an inch. “LOHOHOHOBAHAHA NOHOHAHAHAHAHA!”
Loba raised a brow and grinned, suddenly swiping her nails up the entire length of her ribs. Natalie squeaked and arched her back, causing the thief to giggle. “I think this is a good spot..” She purred, resting her hands back onto her lowermost ribs. She kneaded in between the bones and moved up her ribcage. The engineer kicked her legs against the bed and laughed louder, which made the thief smirk. “Aw, does that tickle? That looks like it tickles so much..”
Wattson turned crimson at the teasing and she shook her head, filling up the room with her laughter. Her laughter was so infectious that Loba laughed along with her, poking her fingers into her uppermost ribs. “No?” She tilted her head to the side when Natalie shrieked and threw her head back, laughing. Then, grinning, the she-wolf leaned in and repeatedly tweaked those ribs. “Are you sure?”
Wattson shook her head even harder and whipped her body around, trying to avoid her long nails. When that didn’t work, she opted for attempting to buck Loba off of her...which also failed. So, the engineer continued to laugh herself silly and make futile attempts to escape. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I-I MEHEHEHAHAHAN--AH!” The thief leaned over and blew a raspberry onto her bare stomach. “DOHOHOHOHN’T DOHOHOHOH THAHAHT HAHAHAAHA!”
“Do what?” Loba chuckled and blew another raspberry, snickering when the engineer bucked her hips again. She blew another raspberry on a different spot on her stomach, and then another one somewhere else. She resumed wriggling her nails on her uppermost ribs while she continued blowing on her stomach, sending the engineer on a one-way trip to hysterics. 
“THAHAHAHAHT!” Wattson screamed and shut her eyes tight, her laughter sounding squeakier each time Loba’s lips made contact with her stomach. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP THAHAHAHAHT! PLEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHSE!”
Loba paused, pretending to think, only to resume tickling the younger woman’s ribs and stomach. “Hmm, what if I don’t want to stop?” She hummed, swiping her fingers back down the length of her ribcage. The engineer yelped and snorted, making Loba giggle again. “What if I find it enjoyable to make you laugh so much?”
The thief eased up on the tickling so that Natalie could speak. Wattson’s laughter died down to giggles as Loba squeezed her sides and hips. “Iheheheheheheheh ahahahahalready ahaahahahaham!” She tittered, snickering as Loba stroked her nails up her torso. Loba wriggled her nails in slow, circular motions just underneath Natalie’s ribcage, causing her to jolt and giggle harder. “I’m ahahahahalrehehehady laahahahaughihihihng!”
“So you are. But, I think I can make you laugh a little bit more, no?” Loba smirked and tickled further up her ribcage. This time, she pressed her fingertips into the bones and kneaded each rib individually. Wattson’s eyes bugged out and she squealed, dissolving back into laughter. 
“NOHOHOHOHOH! YOHOHOHU DOHOHOHN’T NEEHEHEHED TOHOHOHO!” The engineer yelled, kicking her legs out again as she laughed. She twisted her torso around, but Loba kept up with her struggling and focused on the most sensitive ribs. Her laughter and squirming grew more desperate by the second, and Loba took advantage of her adorable state to lower herself back towards her stomach. By the time Wattson noticed, it was too late; Loba took a deep breath and ducked her head down, blowing a raspberry right over her navel. Natalie shrieked and thrashed around violently, but this didn’t deter the she-wolf. “NAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHP! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHP IHIHIHIHIHIHT!”
Loba was still blowing the raspberry as the engineer cackled out her demands; she made sure to empty her lungs. Then, instead of complying, she brushed her fingers against her uppermost ribs again while she blew another lung-emptying raspberry over her navel. By then, Wattson was howling with laughter. After a few more raspberries, Loba reached up further and burrowed her nails into her armpits, prompting a sudden shriek of desperate laughter. 
“NONONOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA! PAHAHAHAHAHS IHIHIHCI! PAHAHAHAHAHAS IHIHIHIHCI! (Not there! Not there!)” Natalie screamed and pulled at her arms as much as she could. Loba smirked widely and stopped tickling, but kept her nails pressed into the woman’s armpits. 
“Well, well, well...look what I’ve found…” The thief purred, applying just a little bit of pressure to make her shiver and giggle. “This spot must be terribly ticklish, huh?” She slowly raked her nails back and forth where her armpits began, looking down at the engineer with a smile. “Call it woman’s intuition.” 
Wattson sputtered and giggled heavily, teetering on the edge of laughter. She gave her arms another sharp pull, but it didn’t do anything to free them. When she didn’t respond with understandable words, the thief gave her armpits a quick scribble, making her shriek and laugh. “YEHEHEHEHS! Ihihihihiht tihihihckles! Sohohohohoh leheheheht mehehehe gohohohoh! Plehehehehease…” She pleaded, staring up at the thief with nervous, giggly anticipation. 
Loba playfully tutted at her and shook her head. “Aw, Natalie. When have you ever known me to walk away from a gold mine?” She simpered, sneaking her hands underneath her arms and scratching away at her hollows. 
Wattson screeched and burst out laughing, bucking against the mattress. The thief focused on the very center of each armpit, where the muscles split. Loba almost toppled over from how much Wattson was squirming; so, for a moment, she believed that the younger woman would somehow be able to free herself. So, keeping her fingers buried in her right armpit, the thief shifted her weight so that she could reach above her bed. 
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOHOHOHOHOHBAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHN!” Natalie cried out, squirming as far to the left as she could to try and get away from the intense sensation. “DOHOHOHOHOHN’T TIHIHIHIHCKLE THEHEHER--HEHEHEHEHY!”
While Wattson was laughing, Loba lifted up her left arm and slipped her wrist through a restraint above the bed frame. It was soft, black, and made out of nylon, but sturdy enough to keep her arm in place. The she-wolf stopped tickling to do the same thing to her right arm. Now, she had easy access to her armpits and torso. Loba settled back down onto her waist, making a dramatic show of wiggling her fingers in the air. 
“There we go, much better.” The thief began, grinning as Natalie paled and tried to tug her wrists free from the newfound restraints. “Now there’s nothing in my way…” She whispered tauntingly, lowering her hands even closer to her exposed armpits. Wattson’s eyes were locked onto Loba’s wiggling nails and she squirmed, already giggling.
“Nohohohohoh wahahahait! WahahAHAHAHIT!” Natalie squeaked and jumped when Loba held her nails just inches from her armpits. The she-wolf cocked her head to the side and smirked at her. 
“...Yes?” Loba chuckled, wiggling her fingers in the air again. She wasn’t even touching Wattson yet, but the engineer squealed and giggled harder the closer her fingers got. 
“PLEHEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHA!” Wattson yelled, her arms twitching from how much she was trying to pull them down. The phantom tickles caught up with her and she started laughing, making the thief laugh in turn. 
“What? I’m not even touching you!” Loba giggled, barely pressing her fingertips to her armpits. The engineer screamed and bucked her hips; now, Loba was laughing almost as hard as she was. “Seriously? I don’t even have to do anything, do I? You’re too ticklish for your own good.” She smiled, letting her words hang in the air. Just when Wattson thought she was going to attack her armpits, the she-wolf switched gears and started stroking her sides. 
Wattson shivered and wiggled, biting her lips to trap the giggles. Loba arched a brow at her and, grinning, she jabbed her fingers into her ribs. The engineer flinched and grinned widely, shaking with the laughter that she refused to let free. 
“That’s not going to work, love…” Loba sang, rubbing her fingertips between the bones. Wattson gasped and let a few giggles slip out, but she was determined to hold out. Loba leaned in again and slowly started scratching her way up her ribcage. “I know you want to laugh. And, it would seem that I’m exceptionally good at making you laugh…” She continued teasing, causing the engineer to giggle even more. The thief continued tickling her ribs and even her stomach before finally descending on her armpits. Loba dug five wiggling nails into each armpit, causing Natalie to scream and cackle loudly. 
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON LOHOHOHOHBA! AHAHAHARRÊHEHEHETE ÇAAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHARRÊHEHEHETE ÇAAHAHAHAHA! (Stop it! Stop it!)” Wattson shrieked and threw her body around, laughing harder when Loba tickled faster. Loba chuckled and jabbed her fingers into her armpits instead, making the engineer let out another cry of laughter. 
“Sorry, beautiful. But I never did pick up on the language of love. You’ll have to translate for me..” Loba jeered, scribbling away along the poor woman’s armpits. Wattson tossed her head back again and shook with laughter. Any words that she tried to say were lost as she desperately tried to escape the woman’s devious nails. Loba kept up the tickling for a good five minutes before slowing the scribbling down to slow, gentle strokes. “You know what? There’s something I meant to ask you..” She remembered, slowing the tickling down even more so that the engineer could breathe and speak. 
“...Whahahahahahahat?” Natalie panted and snickered, grateful for the small break, but still twitching from the residue tickles. Loba, since she noticed how especially ticklish her right armpit seemed to be, traced a nail just around that particular armpit. 
“You know, all of this talk about flirting and charming others has got me wondering...who is it you have your eyes on?” The thief inquired, taking that same nail and poking it into her armpit at random intervals. Wattson snorted and pulled at her right arm, her cheeks reddening. 
“I-I dohohohn’t hahahahave mhyhy ehehehehyes ohohohn ahahahanyoohohohne…” Natalie giggled; when the engineer looked up at her, there was skepticism written all over her face. And that one, lone finger poking into her armpit noticeably picked up speed. “I’m sehehehehrious! Lohohohohbahahaha plehehehehase!” She tried again, rolling her body to the side and frantically giggling.
“Aw, sweetie. I’ve been doing this sort of thing a long time. I can always tell when someone has a crush…” Loba purred, starting to poke all five of her fingers into that same armpit. Wattson yelped and turned her face into her shoulder, loud laughter mixing in with her giggles. In fact, she was giggling so loud that the thief had to speak up so that she could be heard. “Would you like to know what else I’m good at?”
“NOHOHohohohohohohohoh!” Natalie rejected and resumed kicking at the mattress. She was dangerously close to laughing; so, the thief positioned her free hand by the woman’s left armpit while continuing to tickle the right one. 
“I’m also good at picking out lies…” Loba muttered with an evil grin, spidering her all ten of her nails against both of her armpits. Wattson started bucking her hips again, hysterical laughter filling up every last corner of the room. 
“I’M NAHAHAHAHT LYHYHYHYING! AHAHAHAHAH I’M NAHAHAHAHAT!” Natalie argued, her trapped arms twitching in place as she fell deeper into hysterics. It didn’t matter how much she pulled or bucked; her arms stayed above her head, and Loba was having a blast tickling her super sensitive armpits. The thief decided to drag her nails along her outer left armpit while she continued tickling every inch of the right one. “PLEHEHEHAHASE LOHOHOHOBAHAHAHA  I’M NAHAHT LHYHYHYINHG HAHAHAHA!”
“Yes you are! Just tell me who it is. I’ll keep it a secret.” Loba promised and, smiling, she flicked her nail against her left armpit. Wattson squirmed to the right and squeaked, so the thief did the same thing to the right armpit. She laughed when the engineer jumped to the opposite side, so she kept on alternating the pokes, amused by the little ‘dance’ she was doing. 
“IT’S NOHOHOH OHOHOHOHNE HAHAHAHAHA!” Natalie insisted and shut her eyes, her laughter completely taking over her. “I DOHOHOHOHN’T HAHAHAHAVE A CRUHUHSHAHAHAHAHA!”
A small part of Loba believed her, but another part of her wanted to keep tickling just a bit longer. She could tell the engineer was reaching her limit, though, so she wanted to give her one last good tickling before she stopped. So, with a small sigh, Loba grabbed onto her right arm with her left hand. Then, with her right hand, she pressed her fingertips into her uppermost rib. Wattson arched her back and kept on giggling but, when she tried to pull her arm down again, it didn’t move at all. The restraints were already keeping her limbs still anyway, but Loba’s grip made it virtually impossible for her arm to have the slightest movement. Natalie froze as the panic seeped in. 
“Last chance, beautiful. Tell me who you have the hots for, and I’ll stop.” Loba demanded, vibrating her fingers against the bone. Wattson shook her head and laughed, pleadingly looking into the she-wolf’s dark eyes. “If you don’t...well, let’s just say I’m sure you’ll come around…” She continued warning, smirking as she slowly inched toward her armpit. “So? Who’s that special Legend?”
Wattson breathed heavily, her body going rigid in anticipation of the incoming tickles. She kept her eyes on her just in case she decided to have mercy...but Loba wasn’t so easily swayed. The engineer scrambled to provide her a satisfactory answer, but she took too long, and the thief wasn’t a fan of waiting. Loba kept a firm grip on Natalie’s arm as she wriggled her nails into the right armpit, scribbling along the area where the muscles split. 
The engineer thrashed in Loba’s grip, convulsing with laughter. She repeatedly shook her head and tried to get even the smallest bit of leverage on her arm, but the thief wasn’t having any of it. So, Natalie didn’t have a choice but to take the tickles and laugh her head off...which is exactly what she did. 
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Wattson gave up on trying to speak and resumed laughing into her shoulder. “SAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“No can do, love. I gave you plenty of chances to come clean. And you didn’t take them.” Loba donned her best pitying voice as she fluttered her fingertips into her left armpit, now tickling both armpits. Wattson squeaked and scrunched her nose up from how hard she was laughing.  “I told you what would happen…” She whispered, leaning over to resume blowing on the engineer’s stomach. 
Wattson yelled one more time before her laughter became silent. She was too tired to struggle, so she laid limp as the she-wolf tickled her. Loba stopped the tickling altogether when she didn’t hear anymore laughter, reaching above the bed frame to undo her restraints. The engineer’s arms felt heavy as she finally brought them down, trembling and giggling. 
“I’ll tehehehell yohohohu...I’ll tehehehell yohohohu..” Natalie gasped for air and sat up, pulling down her shirt and rubbing her arms together. Loba chuckled and shook her head, crawling off the bed to give her some space. 
“No need, beautiful. I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough. And I’m sure whoever it is will love hearing you laugh just as much as I did.” She winked, giggling when the woman’s cheeks reddened. Loba strode away from her just to turn off the music. Then, she returned to the engineer and sat beside her. The thief’s expression became more serious and she turned to face her. “Mind if I give you some advice on pursuing this mystery lover of yours?” She quipped and offered her a smile...but, something about the way she asked made Wattson look up. And, when she did, the smile also disappeared. 
“Yes? What is it, Loba?” Natalie put her hands in her lap and eyed her curiously. Loba sighed and stared at the wall for a moment before looking at the engineer. 
“I haven’t always been honest with you. With anyone, really. Because after I lost my parents...well, I didn’t think any of that mattered anymore.” Loba admitted quietly, frowning for the first time in the time she and Wattson spent together. “I learned that the world is a cold, unforgiving place. And as long as I got what I wanted, nothing else mattered. I had to claw my way out of the slums to get where I am now, so if I broke someone’s heart or stole some old guy’s jewelry, so what? At the end of the day, I took care of myself. Because I didn’t have anyone to do it for me.” She sighed, putting one hand over the other as she remembered her parents. Wattson blinked and opened her mouth to speak, but the thief held up her hand.
“I don’t want you to feel bad for me, Natalie. I’m fine. I’m just...what I’m saying is that once the demonio joined the Games, I realized that I didn’t have to do everything by myself anymore. I lied to you, to everyone, to get what I wanted. And..I almost got you killed. I just want to tell you that no matter who you fall for, always take care of yourself first. And do it by yourself. That way, no one else gets hurt if things go south…” Loba affirmed, looking directly into the engineer’s eyes. “And if they’re dishonest with you, make sure you walk away.”
Wattson’s gaze didn’t falter as she looked up at the thief. She took on a serious expression, too. “You did what you did to avenge your family. I don’t blame you for that..” She answered firmly, which surprised the thief. Loba expected anger, rage even….but she got quite the opposite. “If Revenant did that to my family, I’d…” The engineer trailed off, suddenly getting louder, her eyes momentarily engulfed with fury. But then, she calmed down and sighed. “I don’t even want to say it. But, I also think that people can change for the better, if they want to. I’ve seen it myself.” A smile sprung onto Natalie’s face as she put her hand over Loba’s. “So no matter what you choose to do, Loba, I forgive you. You’re a part of the Legend-ary family now, for better or worse!” Natalie giggled and beamed up at the woman. Loba chuckled and patted her hand; she wasn’t the emotional type, but the engineer’s words made her heart feel warm. 
“Thanks, Natalie. Now, it’s getting late. And I have some...things, I have to take care of. Why don’t you go break some more hearts and tell me about it tomorrow?” Loba quipped, pulling her hand free to poke Wattson’s sides. Wattson lurched away from her and laughed, hopping off of the bed. 
“Okahahy...I’ll see you around, Loba!” Natalie smiled and bid the thief farewell, hurrying out of her room and down the hallway. Loba noticed the slight strut to her walk as she left, which made her heart swell with pride. 
Aw, they grow up so fast… 
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parachutingkitten · 4 years
A Totally and Completely Uneventful Night
The beginnings of a short little dewlet fic for y’all. Hope you enjoy!
“No! No way am I doing that!” Louie stood up. “Getting there early, organization, teamwork, dealing with tape. No way! Louie is out!” he announced as he started towards the door.
“I already signed you up,” Huey stopped him, crossing his arms. 
“Come on guys!” Webby rolled her eyes. “It’ll be fun! All of us working together, setting up decorations, having some best friend bonding time! Plus, then we’ll be the first ones there!”
“Why the hell would you want to be the first ones to arrive at prom?” Louie squinted at her.
“Extra time at the photo booth!” Webby smiled.
“Look, I know it’s a lot to ask,” Violet sighed. “But I’m head of the planning committee, and the only other member so far is Huey,”
He smiled at the mention of his name. 
“And this is my big project for senior year! So I really need this to work out, and so many things have already fallen through, I just…” she sighed. “I really need this to work.”
Dewey had been unusually silent for the duration of this discussion and he wasn’t exactly sure of the reason. He speculated it might be a combination of things. He hadn’t slept especially well the previous night, and he hadn’t had breakfast yet, both of which meaning his energy level was far below par, but most likely the main factor was Violet herself. It had been a while since he’d really talked with her. Senior year had been taxing on both of their schedules and neither of them really ever had the time to just slow down and hang out. And it hadn’t been until this moment, when Violet forced upon him the concept of prom, a signifier of the end of senior year, that Dewey realized just how much he had missed talking with her. He admired Violet quite a lot, and seeing her standing before him at her breaking point really made his heart ache in a way he had never quite felt before.
“We’ve got your back Vi,” Dewey assured her. “Come on, I mean the duck boys can handle a little party set up, right Louie?”
“I hate it!” he started. “I hate it so much! You have to try and roll up the tape to stick stuff on the wall, but you don’t stick it to itself right the first time, so it ends up in this lopsided ball, and you try to unstick it from itself, but then it’s lost its sticky-ness! But even if you do get it right the first time, the piece is always too small to actually hold anything, so you just have to throw it away! So then you start overcompensating, and you run out of tape, and you have to go around asking people for tape! Do you have tape? Do you have tape?! No! No one has tape! Because they all made the same mistake you did!” Louie’s hands clenched into spastic fists as a few heavy breaths went threw him.
“How about we find a non-tape related task to delegate Louie to.” Huey whispered.
“What’s the theme this year anyway?” Dewey asked. “I don’t remember it being announced.”
“A Night in Paris,” Violet answered, a smile gracing her face.
“Paris!” Webby squealed, grabbing onto Dewey’s arm. “It’s so atmospheric!”
“And it’s a lot of work.” Violet pulled out notecards from her back pocket, uncoupling them from the colorful paper clip that held them together. “Here’s a reminder of the date and time you’ll need to be there along with a list of things that it would be really helpful if you could bring.” She started passing them out to everyone in the room, Dewey looking down at the small pink card. So much information in such little space. “And keep in mind, as representatives of the planning committee, you will be expected to follow the dress code.”
“Oh my gosh!” Webby jumped. “We should totally go together, and then we could dress up all matching! We could make our outfits out of that fancy flip sequin fabric-!”
“I’ve added a rule banning excessive sequins specifically for you,” Violet stopped her, handing her a card. “I don’t want anyone being blinded.” 
“Well… I guess we could just do normal sequins,” Webby reasoned. 
“Wait-” Dewey broke his train of thought, his eyes turning to Webby as his mind caught up with her proposal. “You want to go with me?”
“Well yeah,” Webby chuckled. “That’s what best friends are for, right? I mean, no one wants to go to prom by themselves.”
Dewey looked at her a moment trying to figure out what it was about this that felt wrong. Webby was in fact his best friend- always had been- and going to prom with friends had always been his plan. Not to mention the idea of showing up in matching blue sequins was definitely alluring, but something just felt off. His eyes drifted across the room, trying to look for his answer.
“What about everyone else though?”
“Oh Louie’ll be fine.” Webby shrugged it off. “No offense Louie.”
“None taken,” he shook his head.
Dewey stared at them a moment, still confused. “What about everyone else though?”
“Huey and I are going together!” Violet smiled. “Mainly so that we can get their extra early for more set up time.”
“Plus-!” Huey chimed in. “If one of us gets pulled away for managing duties, we’re not abandoning anyone!” 
They shared a confident high five, Dewey still a bit dumbfounded. 
“Hold on, let me get this straight, the first one of us to get a date to prom… was Huey?” Everyone glanced around at each other, letting the information process. “This is not at all how I thought senior prom would go,” he mumbled. “I mean Louie going alone isn’t actually that unexpected, but Huey… that’s weird.”
“I don’t know, I think we can find a date for Louie.” Webby crossed her arms.
“You really don’t have to-” Louie broke in.
“Maybe you could go with Lena!”
Louie chuckled. “Lena’s like 14.”
“Lena’s immortal,” Webby rolled her eyes.
“Lena is out of town for the next two weeks.” Violet interjected. “So my sister will not be going with anyone, none the less Louie.”
“No offense Louie.” Webby chimed in.
“Again, none taken,” He shrugged.
Dewey glanced around the room a bit skeptically, still feeling a bit uneasy about the set up. “Well, I guess everyone’s set then,” he sighed. “I don’t know why I’m so worked up about it.”
“You’re nervous about prom, big deal!” Webby teased him. “Come on, let’s go figure out our outfits!” 
Dewey followed her as she headed towards the door, still a bit dazed, perplexed about what it was that felt off. 
“I’m thinking we do blue and pink because, you know, it’s us.” Webby rolled her eyes. “But also, that gives everything a cotton candy kind of feel, which I think will really set us apart.”
“You sure nothing feels weird about this Webs?” Dewey stopped her before they could leave. “I don’t know, something’s wrong. It just doesn’t quite feel like the quintessential high school experience I’ve always imagined, you know?” 
Webby stopped, turning into the room again. “Actually, I think I might know your problem.”
“What?” He asked. 
“There’s no drama.” She shrugged. “Think about it, in every prom movie ever there’s always someone who needs to work up the nerve to ask someone, or their crush is going with someone else, or maybe they just broke up, so they both have to find rebound dates, only to end up together again by the end of the night.”
“That’s it!” Dewey jumped. “How is it that this all worked out so smoothly?! There’s no way. There’s got to be someone who’s hiding something.”
Webby leaned in, both of their eyes turning to the room. “Who do you think it is?” she whispered. 
“It could be Huey.” Dewey offered. “I mean, he seems like the quirky awkward protagonist that could have girl problems.” 
“True, true,” Webby nodded in agreement. 
“But it could totally be Louie. Not going with anyone. I mean, who wants to go by themselves? Is he waiting to ask someone special?”
Webby gasped, turning to him. “Goselyn!”
Dewey smiled, turning to Webby, struggling to keep his tones hushed. “Because she’s in a different school district! He would need special permission to get her to come, so he’s worried about even asking, because it’d be such a big commitment!”
“Or maybe he was secretly going to her prom,” Webby offered. “but all this set up stuff puts a wrench in his plans, that’s why he's so opposed to helping out!”
“Oh my gosh, what if he pulls one of those ‘tries to go to both at the same time, but ends up revealing himself in the end’ things.”
“And by the end of the night we all know about their secret love!”
“Oh my gosh, it’s all so real!” Dewey turned to look back at his brother, now slumped over on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
“Louie ever shown signs of liking Goselyn before?”
“No,” Dewey shook his head. “But like, what’s the other option? We have a normal prom? I don’t think so.”
“Come on, let’s bolt before we get too suspicious.” Webby nudged him, opening the door again, both of them slipping through and giggling as they headed towards Webby’s room. 
“Man, I am so excited for prom now! Matching outfits, set up shenanigans, drama, secret love, we’re going to have everything!”
“I’m just happy for Violet.” Webby brought down the tone as they reached their destination. “She’s going to throw the most boss prom the world has ever seen. She really deserves a win to round out the year.”
“Yeah,” Dewey sighed. “Violet’s like a superhuman, she does absolutely everything and supper well too. It’s kind of crazy when you think about it.”
“I still don’t know how she does it,” Webby shrugged, hopping onto her bed.
“I feel kind of bad. We were really close junior year, even early this year, but we’ve both been so booked recently I feel like I haven’t talked with her in ages.”
Dewey plopped down next to her on the bed, Webby raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t even know you guys were that good of friends.”
“Really?” Dewey chuckled. “We used to hang out all the time. We did lunch together last semester, we would carpool during the winter, she helped me with my homework all the time. We’d even get ice cream after school sometimes if we were both staying after for musical rehearsals.”
“She wasn’t in the musical last year, was she?”
“She was in the orchestra.” Dewey corrected her.
“...huh.” Webby sighed.
“I guess I just wouldn’t pin you as two to hang out one on one.” Webby straightened up, now more interested in the conversation.
“You kidding? Violet’s great! She’s so smart and fun and she’s down for literally anything. I swear we could talk for hours and not run out of things to say.” Dewey could see Webby was still a bit baffled. “I don’t know, I just always feel so... happy when I’m around her. It’s kind of infectious, you know?”
Webby’s eyes narrowed as a smile graced her face. “...yeah.”
“You’re totally right though.” Dewey leaned back, laying down. “She deserves the absolute best prom night possible.” His eyes traced the outline of the glow stars stuck to Webby’s ceiling, lost in a bit of a daze for a moment.
“Dewey?” Webby started.
“... Nothing,” she sighed. “I just think we might have more drama than you’re anticipating."
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diegolabhont · 4 years
I didn't mean to fall in love with you
Chapter One
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing:  Poppy Min-Sinclair x Trans!Male MC  (Beck Hughes)
Genre: None (in this post, al least)
Rating: Anyone can read it, really.
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
Can someone explain to her how a person who claims to be so disinterested in the ranking was magically climbing to the top twenty?
Poppy didn’t buy it for a second, she always knew Beck were going to be a pain in her ass ever since the first time she saw them looking at her as if they weren’t impressed, but she wasn’t fully aware of how much.
“You don’t have to worry about them, Poppy” Chloe said while the strawberry blonde retouch her make up in the mirror inside her own room. “Beck is just a dude”
“Transphobia much, Chloe?” Veronica murmured playfully, wanting to start drama among her streaming fans.
“No! What I'm saying is… Beck's brain works as a regular dude, right? How much smart can they be?”
“Ha! That´s rich coming from you” Veronica laughed.
Both girls started a discussion about related shit, Beck’s brain, hormones and else while Poppy put on the mascara. Completely silent, thinking.
She treated Beck as a common enemy, she attacked them just like she would to any other lost lamb trying to be the wolf but it was not enough. Even one of those plans exploded in her own face: ruining and breaking Beck's guitar caused that they not only get a flashy and beautiful new one, but sang side by side with the one and only Jaylen Riaz, making a huge performance. Even better than hers, which was something painful and humiliating at the same time, especially after Veronica told her Beck’s YouTube channel had a followers increase, making them even more popular.
Chloe was right on something: Beck’s brain worked like a dude, and if she had learned something was that men in general were manipulable. Take a look at Michael, he was dumb as hell. Liam was a douchebag. Luis, Ford… well, they… they´re there. The only golden boy among them was Carter, and yet, he wasn´t that hard, she just gave him what he wanted in that party and after that, everything ran smoothly.
And that´s what she needed.
Poppy´s look changed, her eyes sparkled in a very malicious way and a smile crossed her face for a split second. She now had a plan, and unexpectedly, it was a Chloe attribution.
“Maybe if we accused them of cheating…?” Chloe suggested, but Poppy knew better.
“That won´t be necessary, Chlo” Poppy intervened for the first time in a while, making both girls look at her intrigued. They knew Poppy, and the little smile she had on her lips as she applied lipstick was a proof. The blonde was onto something juicy. Veronica ended the live and awaited. “Beck will be mine.”
It was kinda lame to her, but finding Beck completely alone under the football stands playing guitar was at least convenient. They were an eye candy from the start, that was a fact. The way that white t-shirt embraced their body was something else to see, her mind went back to the second time she saw them. The sassy rock star kind of look Beck had, even the haircut was perfect, Poppy knew that was a Zoey Wade signature and she kinda thanked her for it. Beck was damn fine, that fact made easier her plan to be honest.
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Beck stopped playing, literally frozen in place as a statue.
“What did you just say?” Their tone of voice was cold, almost insulted. Did she just get it wrong? No, she´s never wrong. A Queen can´t be wrong, especially a Min-Sinclair queen.
“It was a compliment, Farmsville” she said, rolling her eyes.
“That´s not a compliment” Beck chuckled, putting the guitar aside. “I mean, I don´t mind, but if you are going to use that to the trans community… It~ may not end well” Poppy frowned, a little pissed off. She was doing an effort, no-one had ever heard a compliment from her and this little sh… “But thanks.” Beck offered her a sweet smile a second before turn it into a mocking one. “You do pass pretty well as a woman, too”
“Go fuck yourself!”
“And now she gets it!” They started laughing, making her really angry. Poppy walked away fuming, her head up high and a killer look murdering anyone who dare crossing ways with her.
That stupid ASSHOLE. Did they THINK they could disrespect her?! To HER! She was the number ONE, the fucking RULER of the entire school. Beck was lucky enough to be in her radar and they just throw stupid shit like that!
“To be fair… I did say it first”
“I thought it was a COMPLIMENT” She fight against herself. “What am I? Some trans expert?!”
“No… But I can be. I mean, to destroy my enemy…”
“I have to know them...”
Even thought she was still mad about it, Poppy tapped wildly though her phone. She needed to do something, and she knew just the thing.
“It´s ON, jackass”
POV: Beck
Top fifteen. Everyone was losing their shit because they were now top twenty and Beck... Well... They just didn´t want it.
And yeah, sure, that was kinda good. The students in Belvoire had begun to pay attention to their music as well, Beck even caught a few of them listen to songs Beck wrote and some other cover as well. Their art was taking off and that was awesome, don't get it wrong, that was something Beck wanted for so long, but...
They were afraid.
What if it was because of the stupid ranking?
What if Beck just wasn´t that good, and the only thing people would want was that Beck who studded up against Poppy Min-Sinclaire and lived to tell? Even Zoey, she was talking about popularity, Belvoire elite, and some “Person to watch-out” or shit Award which yes, was huge! But… Beck really was afraid that it was Beck who puts the music high and not backwards.
What if…
What if Poppy really messes all up?
“You know… You do pass pretty well as a man”
Poppy´s words in their mind caught Beck off guard. What was her deal anyway? She came and said some weird shit, and...
Actually, everything in that interaction was weird as fuck. And not just that, Beck meet Taylor by accident later that day in the ice cream shop, they both talked a little and they found out she had a big crush onto some random guy Beck didn´t knew before.
Of course Beck was the matchmaker! They even helped her by carrying those stupid anti-diarrheic pills to the lion´s den. Ok, yes, maybe~ Beck should´ve had given them to someone and not just let them in the front door… But it wasn´t their fault that The T found out!! Poppy was losing it, and of course it was them to blame.
Why can´t they just have a normal life… with normal problems… and not… this?
“I´m dead… I´m actually dead…” Beck thought while burying their head on their hands, tired.
“Beck? Hello? I assume you heard the details of the assignment.”
“Ehm… Yeah! Totally” Beck said with a “confident” smile that nobody believed in, Professor Roberta even frowned before going back to the lecture, while Beck tried uselessly to catch something about the assignment from their classmates´ laptops. She hated Beck anyway, but it wasn´t good news to be always in her bad side.
“Shit! Shit! Shit! … What did she say?”
“Mass comm is all about reaching people far and wide, so this project is meant to give the voiceless in our own community a voice by…”
A penetrant gaze nailed their nape, giving them chills. Beck immediately looked for that one hawk over them and not to their surprise the person found on the other side was that deadly beauty called Poppy Min-Sinclair, watching Beck as they´re a prey. Feeling really drove up the wall, Beck winked playfully at her, expecting her to look away or some rude expression towards them.
But no.
Scaring the shit out of them, Poppy actually smiled back at Beck. A sweet, flirty smile that left them feeling their heart racing as crazy and their cheeks burning red, her dark eyes so into theirs that all their system collapsed... What was happening?
“Earth to Beck!”
Professor Roberta yelled, making Beck jump a little in their sit, breaking all eye contact between them both. When did Beck turn their body completely to watch Poppy? Of course the professor was mad, Beck was practically giving her their back! As faster as they could, Beck took the right seat, being even more embarrassed now while Poppy let go a chuckle, they could hear her from any other laughter just as clearly as if she were so close.
“Oh, sorry. I… Sorry”
“Find your community service project partner please” Professor said. Beck gathered their things and head into the aisle, looking around, praying to find someone whiling to work with them and, mainly, explain to them what was that project about. The thing was everyone had already a partner. Everyone except for…
The strawberry blonde was gazing Beck as sure as someone who´s waiting for this chance can be. Smiling that same smile that caused them to feel butterflies in their stomach… Beck wasn´t sure if they were aroused… or scared.
“Professor Roberta… I need a new partner” Beck practically begged. “I´m sorry. I just can´t work with Poppy.”
The pretty but odd teacher was about to say something. Something bad based on the expression on her face, but a perfect made-up laughter cut her words, as Beck was feeling how a soft and warm hand hooked to their arm.
“Nonsense, professor! I am pretty sure we´ll be working just fine.” Poppy said, a relaxed expression drawn on her porcelain face. “Let´s go, Hughes.”
Ok, Beck was now scared. As both of them walked out the classroom, Beck´s brain was running wild, thinking about every and each form Poppy could use to disappear them from the face of the earth. Ironic, Beck survived Farmsville but they´ll be totally done in New York. Ha! Life hates them.
“Listen, I know what you are thinking…”
“... but the last thing I need right now is having my GPA taken away. So I´ve already figured it all out. We´re doing an animal shelter commercial for our project. I can ask daddy to borrow the equipment and crew”
“Didn´t think of you as a daddy person” Beck laughed, a little more repose.
“Shut the fuck up, Farmsville. This will be easy, so all I need you to do is… Oh my god.”
Poppy stared at her phone completely in shock, color draining from her face as it was sucked by a dementor.
“I have to go. We can figure out the deets later, I´ll text you where to meet me”
Then, she just left. Beck took a deep breath and let out a hiss.
“Gosh, this school is going to kill me!”
They said, who would have thought a class could be so much?
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taegis-gf · 4 years
Forbidden - Part 2
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Dealer!yoongi x Reader
Warnings ➜ smut, oral (m receiving), non-protected sex, tiny bit of angst
Summary ➜ You never meant to lock eyes with the beautiful stranger at Namjoon’s house party, you also didn’t mean to completely fall for him, knowing exactly how dangerous it was.
Word Count ➜ 7.6K
Part 1 here!
NB: if drug-taking in fics isn’t for you/or makes you uncomfortable, also reader is literally getting with a drug dealer so if any of this isn't for you  - please don’t read!
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The next morning you wake up with a killer headache and a dry mouth.
You turned to your right and saw a passed-out Taehyung lying next to you. Your eyes widened as you quickly tried to recall last night’s events.
After your phone call with Yoongi you had gone back downstairs and partied. Hard.
You remembered at about 5am you were too tired and Jin had announced you could sleep in any of the bedrooms, Taehyung had followed you to talk but you both had just ended up passing out.
You smiled, remembering Taehyung had been concerned with no ulterior motives, you two were just talking complete nonsense however for about an hour before you both had just fallen asleep.
You reached out to the bedside table, where you had left your phone and checked the time.
10AM it had read, only 4ish hours of sleep? Why the hell were you awake?
You saw you had a message from Yoongi, but you were pretty sure you needed a few more hours of sleep if you wanted to text back anything that made actual sense.
You did, however, make the valiant effort of plugging your phone into a charger before passing out again.
When you woke up again you didn’t know how much time had passed.
You reached out for your phone again to see it read 1PM, Taehyung was still miraculously passed out beside you. 
You took a minute to examine his features, how the fuck did anyone deserve to be that beautiful? Especially after a night of partying? Jackass, you thought before sticking an elbow into his side.
“Tae,” you called out in a singsong tone. “Tae wake up.”
You earned a small groan from him and knew you were getting somewhere.
“Taeeeeeeee,” You called again. 
You rolled over onto him, straddling his hips and leaning into him.
“Tae wake up!”
Semi awake - you knew this because he had consciously grabbed your hips to keep you in place – he groaned again, probably unaware of who you even were.
“Wake up you loser!” You said, cupping his cheeks and shaking his head side to side a little.
“M’awake.” He replied, his grip on your hips tightening when he finally realised who you were.
He smiled, his eyes still closed.
“Hm, I always have dreams of waking up with you on top of me like this.” He murmured.
“Never thought it would happen though.” He said as he slowly opened his eyes.
You were 100% sure you’ve probably never looked worse but Taehyung only smiled wider when he saw your face.
“I was just trying to wake you up…” You trailed off, suddenly very aware of how your crotch was literally sitting on his.
You rolled off him, leaving him to fully wake up, pulling your phone off the charger.
You remembered the message from Yoongi, unlocking your phone. A smile crossed your face as you remembered the events from last night.
Yoongi: hey, text me when ur awake 
You grinned even harder, typing your reply.
You: hey sorry my lazy ass is only awake now, i stayed in Jins, let me call you when im home and showered T_T
“God, you must have it bad.” Taehyung said from beside you.
You glared at him “I don’t know what you're talking about.” You replied.
“Well if how hard your smiling at your phone is anything to go by, you must clearly have it bad for somebody.” He said.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m going back to my dorm.” You said, standing up, feeling a little dizzy.
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you.” He said, winking.
You mimicked gagging as you threw your shoes on and fled Jin’s house.
As you stepped out of the warmth of the shower and wrapped a towel around your hair, you threw on a long t-shirt and got settled into your bed.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your recents, hitting Yoongi’s name, you watched it as it began ringing.
You became a little nervous, your mind thinking back to everything that had gone on last night.
You put the phone up to ear listening to the sounds as you closed your eyes letting out a heavy sigh of exhaustion.
They sprung back open as soon as you heard the “Hello?” from the other side of the line.
“Hey.” Was all you could manage, your anxiety sky rocketing.
“Hey,” Yoongi replied. “So how bad is your hangover?” He asked.
You laughed and scoffed. “Leave me alone! I am currently dying and in serious need of unhealthy food.”
“Maybe I can help with that?” He asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice like you were going to tell him no.
“What do you mean?” You asked, a smile on your face.
“I can pick up anything you want, bring it to you. We can talk.” He said.
“Oh yes please that sounds amazing!” You said, glee overwhelming you.
“Okay text me what you want and your address.” 
And with that the conversation ended, you quickly jumped up to dry your hair and put on a pair of shorts.
When there was a knock on the door you leapt up, heart about to beat right through your chest.
You opened it up with a smile and Yoongi smiled back holding up food in one hand. You grabbed his hand and pulled him in.
Your dorm room was small so you didn’t really have any other choice but to sit down on your bed and pat the space beside you.
“Here is the chicken strips your majesty ordered.” He said, sitting beside you.
“Thank you so much, you have no idea how hungry I am.” You opened up the bag getting stuck in like some depraved animal.
“I didn’t know you lived in a dorm,” He said, gazing around your room.
“Yeah,” you said, munching on fries, you swallowed and began again. “I’m in my 3rd year.” 
“Wow, I don’t know…I pictured you to live in some ridiculous mansion like the rest of them do.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“No, believe it or not, I am in no way rich, far from it actually, I met them because my mom used to clean Namjoon’s house actually, she used to bring me along. That’s how we all met.”
You weren’t ashamed that you had significantly less money than your friends, far from it actually, your mom was a single mother who did her best for you.
“Oh really? That’s actually quite surprising.” Yoongi said, his eyes skimming over your face, meeting your eyes.
“I’m not ashamed! Those rich dicks help me a lot actually, they’ve definitely made sure I didn’t I go hungry or anything, they treat me well, I’m super thankful.” You said, taking another bite of your food, it was going down a treat.
“Thank you for the food, I have some money in my coat pocket-“ You made a move to stand.
“Please, it’s on me.” Yoongi said, putting a hand on your arm to stop you getting up.
You laughed. “I probably just made it sound like I’m some sort of charity case.”
Yoongi shook his head, “Not at all, I just wanted to do something nice.” 
You looked up at him again, his dark hair was falling into his eyes a little and you couldn't stop yourself thinking about how beautiful the man in front of you was, even if he did look a little serious at the moment.
“Listen,” he began, “about last night, I hope you don’t regret it.” He said, he wasn’t looking at you anymore.
You put the rest of your food to the side, wanting to move closer to him.
“Of course I don’t.” You reassured him. “Do you?” You asked.
Yoongi looked at you once again, “No.” 
“See? We both don’t regret anything. I’m glad.” You said, resting a hand on his thigh.
“I want to talk though,” He started, his eyes focused on where your hand was. “I know it’s no secret. What my job is.”
It was your turn to listen to his story and you did, you nodded, letting him continue.
“I know what I said to you the first night we met, and I won’t lie, I still feel like that a little, I’m a first-class scumbag, right? I mean what else kind of person deals drugs.”
He said, scoffing at himself.
He kept going, he clearly wanted to get everything out on the table.
“I never wanted this, my dad’s side of the family are all like this, my mom ran off, I guess she was afraid of him, but she didn’t take me with her. I grew up with this and I never wanted to do his dirty work for him. I tried to fight him on it but what can I do? He wouldn’t let me leave. I know I’m a bad person, I try so hard not to be, I only sell to people I can trust, no addicts, no one underage, just mainly rich kids who want to party, ya know? I know that doesn’t make it any better…”
You could tell he was struggling to get this out, but it needed to be done.
“My dad’s a hardass, he doesn’t even do any of the dirty work though, just sits on his throne all day keeping his hands clean. He threw me into this, his own son, said he wanted me to get a taste of what it was like out there, he said I won't have to do it for long but I needed some toughening up as he put it.”
You were listening intently, afraid to speak. Him saying this made it all so real.
You knew what he was doing was wrong, but the fact that he was basically being forced to do it made your heart ache, he didn’t ask to be born into that life and running away from home when your father was that kind of man…it wasn’t an option either you guessed.
“I’m not making excuses, really I’m not, I just... I like you a lot and there is no way I can take this any further without you knowing all this. I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” He said. 
You looked at him, he was still looking down unable to meet your eyes, was he really that ashamed?
A part of you wanted to tell him you didn’t want to see him again, to not let yourself get into this sort of situation, but something about him was so damn infatuating, you wanted to keep seeing him, get to know him, his hobbies, his hopes and dreams. You wanted all of him.
It had been a while since he spoke and you realised you hadn’t even replied to him, too caught up in your own thoughts.
“Look I get it, I’ll just go.” And as he made a move to stand you hastily grabbed at his wrist.
“No please don’t go Yoongi. Please. This was just a lot to process, I’m sorry. But I definitely don’t want you to walk away.” You said giving him a -what you hoped looked- reassuring smile.
Yoongi smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I know it’s a lot, that’s why I don’t date, or get involved with girl’s at all for that matter. But then I saw you at Namjoon’s party…I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were, I’ve never felt like that before seeing someone for the first time.”
Your heart swelled.
“I thought the same about you, I mean I tried to flirt from the damn bathroom.” You said, laughing a little.
“I know,” Yoongi replied, laughing a little too as he recalled the memory. “I said that cheesy line as well, I felt like a damn moron for that.”
You laughed harder. “Don’t worry, I liked it.”
“You were drunk!” 
“I wasn’t that drunk…well actually…” You trailed off as you recalled.
You both were laughing hard now. 
You couldn’t believe how natural this all felt, being like this with him. 
And that’s how the rest of your afternoon with him went, just talking about anything and everything, you were getting to know each other and it felt amazing.
So when he announced he had to go you had pouted and he gave you a quick kiss on your pout and promised to call you.
You were sitting with Jungkook in your local coffee shop, both stressing about assignments, but avoiding them like the idiots you were.
“This has got to be the worst week of my life, I feel like I’ve been hungover for about 5 days and this essay is due in 2 days, how do they expect me to write five thousand words whilst trying to party? I go to college to party, not to work.” Jungkook was moaning, you weren’t really listening to him, you rolled your eyes.
“Jungkook you’re gonna flunk out if you don’t start doing some work.” You said sighing.
“They can’t flunk me,” he began with a cocky smirk, “When your dad’s on the board there are some perks, for example, doing the bare minimum and getting away with it.” 
You scoffed at him, hitting his shoulder.
“And where is that attitude going to take you in life? Hmm?” You were tired of dealing with his rich boy antics.
“I don’t know, hopefully surrounded by some good pussy and parties 24/7.” 
You were pretty sure if you rolled your eyes any harder they were going to fall out of your head.
“Well, unlike you, I have to actually put some effort in, I’m going to the library, it’s due on Monday.” As you got up Jungkook stood with you.
“I’ll walk you over.” He offered and you didn’t decline.
As you walked across the grass, Jungkook had his hands in his pockets.
“So does that mean you’re not going to the party tomorrow?” He asked.
You shook your head a firm no, that was the last thing on earth you needed to be doing.
“Awh no fun, I hate it when you’re not there.” He said and you gave him the side-eye.
“What are you talking about? We barely speak at parties, you're always too busy trying to get laid by the first brunette that walks through the door.” You stated.
“Oh come on! Not fair. Me and you know how to have a good time, you’re the only person I can count on to get as fucked up as me.” He said, smiling at you.
You hit his shoulder again. “Why are you so proud? Us embarrassing ourselves isn’t cute.”
“It is so.” He retorted.
You just shook your head, walking in silence until you were back on campus.
“Hey look… isn’t that Min Yoongi?” Jungkook asked, nodding his head in the direction he was in.
You shot your head up immediately, Jungkook was right, Yoongi was there. Standing in front of what you could only assume was his car, it was sleek, black and look like it cost more than a house. 
You looked away, turning to Jungkook. “How do you know who he is?”
“A lot of people on campus know who he is, he’s infamous, you know he used to go here? He dropped out, turned into… ya know…a drug dealer.” Jungkook said lowering his voice. 
“He refuses to sell to me. I’m pretty sure he’s Jin’s dealers though, I see him around sometimes.”
You widened your eyes in surprise, smacking Jungkook on the shoulder for what had to be the 15th time today.
“Ouch! What did I do now?” He said, faking hurt.
“You tried to buy from him? What are you, some sort of idiot?” You scolded.
“He’s a cool guy Y/N, I’ve heard the rumours about him selling to only a select few, but I thought I’d chance my arm anyway, see if he was down, he most definitely was not.” Jungkook said, laughing at the obviously funny memory.
“Jesus Christ Jungkook, you really are shameless.” You stated, distracted.
Yoongi had spotted you, he wasn’t making it obvious but he stole a few looks your way.
“Is he…looking at you Y/N?” Jungkook said, suddenly aware of the situation.
You immediately turned bright red.
“Oh my god, he is!” Jungkook half-shouted. 
“Jungkook oh my god, shut up!” You said back at him, suddenly irritated at his childishness, if anyone were to find out about you and Yoongi – well let’s just say Jungkook would’ve been dead last on your list.
“I can’t believe this…wait, how do you even know him?” He asked, he stopped walking and suddenly turned to you, going into full blown interrogation mode.
“I don’t! Well not really, I just talked to him at Namjoon’s party once, I didn’t even know who he was.” You said, it technically wasn’t a lie, you just couldn’t let Jungkook know it had went so much further than that.
“Jesus…” Jungkook breathed out, he was clearly in deep thought.
“Please stop making it sound like such a bad thing Jungkook, it isn’t that deep!”
“He’s a fucking dealer Y/N, do you know how dangerous that makes him!?” He shot back, clearly worried for you, it would be almost endearing if you hadn’t felt such a strong need to defend Yoongi.
“You know he doesn’t even want that life? His dad forced him into it, he didn’t have a choice in the matter…” You trailed off, hoping Jungkook would be reasonable.
“How well do you know him really? I’m sure that makes it seem like it’s all okay Y/N, but it doesn’t.” He wasn’t budging on his opinion.
You wanted to fight him on this, but honestly, how could you?
“You didn’t...get with him…did you?” Jungkook asked, seeing how worked up you were getting up over the situation.
“Jungkook, I swear to god, if you don’t stay out of my business, we won’t be friends anymore.” You shoved him out of your way and stormed on, you heard him call your name but you ignored him.
As you were walking it suddenly hit you, Yoongi had just witnessed your whole confrontation, he hadn’t been close enough to hear but anybody with two eyes could clearly see you and Jungkook had been arguing.
You didn’t look over at Yoongi, you put your head down and powerwalked all the way to your dorm.
As you closed your door you threw your bag on the floor in anger. Who the fuck did Jungkook think he was? He wasn’t in charge of your life you were a grown woman.
You began shedding clothes, suddenly feeling too hot, you were getting far too worked up, ready to burst into tears.
Your phone was buzzing incessantly in your back pocket and you finally took it out, looking to see who it was;
JK: iMessage(s) (8)
Yoongi: iMessage(s) (2)
You sighed and threw your phone on the bed, you couldn’t bring yourself to read any of them, your head was hurting and you just wanted to crawl into your bed.
So you did. 
It was only 2pm, but a nap couldn’t hurt, your problems would still be there when you woke up, but you could avoid them for a few hours.
When you woke up, it was due to the sound of your phone vibrating once again, you didn’t know how long it had been doing that exactly, but the fact it had been seeping into your dream, you figured it had been a while.
You picked it up from beside you and squinted at the bright light in your face.
Incoming call: JK
You hastily declined the call and when you did you saw the notifications on your home screen.
JK: iMessage(s) (14)
Missed calls (6)
Yoongi: iMessage(s) (5)
Missed Calls (2)
You groaned at the time, you’d been asleep for about 2 hours, but Jungkook obviously had a lot to say to you, you knew he had been saying everything to you out of his love for you, that he didn’t mean to be mean or hurtful. Heck, you knew what kind of situation you were in and damn you and Yoongi had beat that horse to death the first time he had came over to your dorm, you were taking it slow, unaware of where you two wanted to take this, but you both knew how badly you’d wanted to keep seeing each other.
You took a deep breath and unlocked your phone, staring at the messages Jungkook had left first.
JK: Y/N I’m sorry about how that went down, we need to talk
JK: Please don’t ignore me, I know I annoyed you
JK: I know I didn’t even take the time to really hear you out
JK: You know how much I care about you
JK: How could I stand by and let you just do something like that?
JK: Wht kind of friend would that make me?
JK: please please don’t shut me out
JK: I love you so much don’t be mad at me :(
JK: I promise I wont say anything to anyone
JK: I do think you should tell Jin though
JK: Y/N please pick up the phone
JK: Im going fucking crazy sitting here
JK: I just need to know you don’t hate me :(
JK: ik Im being a stalker here, but just one word to reassure me you’ll talk to me again is all I need :( ur my best friend
You sighed heavily as you scrolled through his texts, he was obviously annoyed at himself and clearly demented at the thought you may never speak to him again.
You put your anger aside to type one quick reply.
You: I don’t hate you, I just don’t know how to talk about this with you yet, give me time.
He typed a reply right away.
JK: okay !! I understand im so glad you replied i love u tho
You really needed to set things straight with Jungkook but you knew you both needed to speak to each other in person, you would in due time.
As you took another heavy sigh you clicked over to yours and Yoongi’s text conversation.
Yoongi: Hey is everything okay with you and your friend (jungkook I think, im not sure…) 
Yoongi: I wanted to come say hi but things look a little heated, do you wnt me to come over?
Yoongi: im sure youre busy I don’t want to be that person who worries over not getting a reply, but I really do hope ur ok…
Yoongi: ive tried calling u sorry if that’s annoying lol, let me know ur okay?
Yoongi obviously didn’t realise your argument with Jungkook had been over him, so how could he know you couldn’t even tell him what you two had been arguing about, you didn’t want to lie to him he clearly seemed to care, but you thought the truth would be more damaging than good as you began to type back.
You: hey im sorry! Ur not annoying i just accidentally fell asleep, sorry if i left you to worry about me although it is very cute tho,,,, me and jungkook were just talking about one of my close girlfriends, he said something about wanting to fuck her and i got angry…it’s the norm with me and him, nothing to worry abt 😙
You read over what you typed about 5 times, hoping it was believable, you pressed send. 
You lay in your bed waiting for ten minutes before you got a reply.
Yoongi: it didn’t look like nothing,,,my offer to come and see u still stands ya know… im still about campus 
Your heart felt heavy. 
You thought about how much you wanted to see him, and you knew that even though Jungkook was right he was also so very wrong.
You: yeah i would actually really like that…you remember where i am don’t u?
After about 10 minutes you heard a knock on your door and you bounced up from your bed, you probably looked a hot mess but you didn’t care, you just felt giddy at the thought of seeing Yoongi.
You pulled open the door and were practically beaming at him.
“Hi.” You said.
“Hi yourself.” He replied as he walked in, you took a step back still watching him as he closed the door behind him.
You were still awe of how effortlessy beautiful he was, the dainty silver chain around his neck, his hair was getting a little too long but the way it was falling into his eyes made him even more beautiful.
“What is it?” He asked a small laugh escaping him, clearly confused by your staring.
“Nothing really…I just think you’re cute.” Your eyes widened after you finished speaking, that sounded a whole lot better in your head.
Yoongi let out an amused scoff.
“You think I’m cute?” He retorted.
He took a step towards you and you felt your heart rate began to go a lot faster.
“Well…I d-,” He was getting closer. “I don’t know – it just slipped out.” You said.
“It just slipped out?” He repeated.
You had never felt more flustered in your life and it only got worse as he finally got close enough to rest his hands on your hips and pull you close to him.
“Do you…wanna watch a movie or something?” You asked, god he really was fucking you up.
“No.” Was all Yoongi said before he leaned in and kissed you.
You welcomed his kiss immediately, leaning into his touch and wrapping your hands around his neck, teasing the ends of his hair with the tips of your fingers.
You slowly began incoporating your tongue into the kiss and let out a pleased moan when Yoongi began lightly sucking on it.
“You make the prettiest noises…” He said breathily between your kisses.
“Hmmm.” Was all you responded.
“Even better hearing them in person rather than over the phone.” He stated.
You froze a little feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the memory of Yoongi talking you through your orgasm over the phone.
“I must’ve jerked off to the memory of that about a million times, god it was so fucking hot,” You were staring wide eyes at him, you could feel the familiar heat growing between your legs.
“R-really?” Was all you could mutter as Yoongi began kissing your neck his hands reaching round to grab at your ass.
“Are you kidding me? Of course, you sounded amazing baby, you did so well for me.”
You could feel yourself getting more flustered by the second, all you could think to do was to kiss him again.
As you both grew more heated you let Yoongi guide over to your bed and your stomach was doing flips in anticipation.
You let him lie down and crawled over on top of him straddling his hips.
You pulled off your top leaving you in your bra and Yoongi just stared at your chest.
His hands reaching up he moved round to unhook your bra.
You shuddered at his touch and slender fingers getting to work and when he finally let your bra slide off your shoulders his hands reached up to palm at your breasts and you let out a small moan when he teased your nipple with his fingers.
“You’re beautiful.” He murmured.
You could feel him under you, growing hard and heavy.
You began grinding down allowing you both to have some friction.
“Fuck, I could come like this.” You moaned, grinding down on him harder.
Yoongi was smirking, “Yeah why don’t you try?” He challenged.
You smiled back at him, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, you went to town.
“Fuck, I can feel how big you are Yoongi.”
You swore you felt his cock twitch at that.
“Want you so bad, so fucking bad.” You were talking yourself up now, getting yourself more and more worked up, you were so close.
“Yeah? Show me how bad you want me baby, fucking use me.” Yoongi said while he continued to tease your nipples, he sat up slightly, using his mouth to suck one into his mouth.
“Fuck!” Was all you managed before you came undone, riding yourself on Yoongi through your orgasm.
“You really weren’t lying.” Was all Yoongi could manage before you began moving your body down his.
You pulled his jeans down, revealing the outline of him through his boxers, your mouth watering.
You palmed over him, “You really are big, fuck.” You whispered, almost to yourself.
“You want to suck my dick baby?” He offered.
You nodded like a crazy woman, you wanted him so bad and him asking you something like that only spurred you on.
You pulled his briefs down letting his cock spring free.
“Jesus.” Was all you could say.
Yoongi laughed, clearly amused at your reaction to his dick.
“I mean it’s no Jesus but I appreciate the compliment.” He said.
You laughed, hard. You couldn’t believe you had his dick in your hand and he was making you laugh like an idiot.
“Okay stop or I won’t be able to do a damn thing.” You stated, trying to get your breath back.
“Hm okay sorry I’ll stop.” But his smile still remained as he watched you.
You just smiled as you lowered your head taking him slowly into your mouth.
You wrapped your hand around what you couldn’t put in your mouth, beginning to really get to work.
You heard Yoongi’s breath hitch and let out a small groan at your actions and mentally congratulated yourself.
“Fuck you’re good at that.” He said breathless.
“Hmmm.” You moaned around him.
“Ah fuck baby please.” He said an encouraging hand on your head willing you to take more of him in your mouth.
So you did just that, you took more of him, he hit the back of your throat and as you tried to suppress your gag reflex Yoongi clearly appreciated what you were doing.
He moaned and oh god it is such a sexy noise you wanted to just start touching yourself then and there, you were insatiable.
After a few more minutes your jaw was beginning to ache but you never faltered wanting to finish the job, it’s Yoongi who stops you.
“Babe stop, I don’t wanna come like this. Wanna be inside you.” He stated and you felt yourself suddenly become nervous, looking up at him you could see his fucked out expression and it only turned you on more, you pushed your nerves to the side; you trusted him, and you’d wanted him this way from the moment you set your eyes on him.
“Do you have a condom?” Yoongi asked as you sat up to remove your skirt and underwear.
You turned to him to see him taking his shirt off, only to pause when you remembered you couldn’t even remember the last time you purchased condoms.
“Shit…No actually, I don’t.” You said.
Yoongi looked at you laughing a little in disbelief.
“No it’s okay, I’m clean and I’m on the pill!” You said as you straddled him, you weren’t going to let this ruin your first time with Yoongi.
“I’m clean too, to be honest it’s actually been a while-“
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” You interrupted him, “you still want to do this then?”
You saw his cock twitch at your teasing and you laughed a little only to gasp in shock as he grabbed you by the hips and all of a sudden you were underneath him.
“Of course I want to do this.” He said into your ear.
“Then do it, fuck me Yoongi, please.” You could hear the neediness in your voice but you didn’t care.
“Should I use my fingers first babe, I can stretch you out first-”
You didn’t even let him finish, too eager. “No, I’ll be okay I think I’m wet enough from already cumming. Please just hurry.”
Yoongi laughed and buried his head into the crook of your neck and let out a groan of frustration before pulling away and looking at you, he gave you a small kiss before muttering something that sounded something like what are you doing to me? But you weren’t sure.
Yoongi lined up at your entrance and you were already so wet the tip slid in with ease.
You let out a small whine as the initial feeling, you couldn’t believe this was finally happening.
“Baby jesus chirst…you are so wet…so tight…fuck you feel amazing.” He said.
You merely nodded in agreement, you didn’t trust yourself to speak, he was all in the way in you now and you had to bite your lip to hold back a scream.
“Please…move…Yoongi.” You managed.
And with that Yoongi started thrusting into you, hard.
You were moaning loudly completely lost in the pleasure.
“Baby you sound so pretty, keep moaning like that, you want me to fuck you harder?” he asked.
He was breathing heavily but when you gave him a small yes he complied, fucking into you at an unbelievable pace, your body started moving a little up the bed but Yoongi grabbed you by the hips to keep you in place.
“Yoongi just like that oh my god just like that.” You moaned.
Yoongi reached his hand down to rub at your clit and you jerked at the bolt of pleasure, it was almost too much. Almost.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you like this…” Yoongi murmured, “underneath me moaning like this.”
You smiled “Really? Did you get off to the thought of this a lot?” You asked teasingly.
“Fuck more than I care to admit.” He breathed out.
You lifted your arms to wrap them around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
He was hitting you deeper now and his relentless attack on your clit was only causing you to reach your end quicker, you put your face in the crook of his neck and let out a loud whine.
“Baby, are you close already?” 
Yoongi had slowed now but he was rubbing your clit faster and you could feel your orgasm about to wash over you.
“Yes – fuck – I’m gonna come.” You said.
Yoongi was panting heavy, picking up his pace again, he could feel you clenching around him and you knew he was just as close as you.
“Come for me please baby.” And with a few final strokes of your clit, your orgasm hit you like a train.
You were lost in yourself, lost in your orgasm you took a moment to come back down to earth you put your hands on Yoongi’s shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist encouraging him to come.
“Baby please come, please fill me up.” You said in your fucked out moan.
And he did, spilling inside you the feeling of him filling you up was so blissful you moaned again.
“Oh fuck,” Yoongi whispered you almost didn’t hear him,  but the way he said those words just confirmed he had enjoyed himself just as much as you had.
When he pulled out of you you were both still breathing heavily, the both of you so fucked out you couldn’t even speak yet, Yoongi rolled over to lay beside you.
After a minute of silence Yoongi finally spoke.
“That was-“
“Amazing.” You finished.
Yoongi laughed, leaning over to kiss you, a small affectionate peck that left you smiling like an idiot.
“Let me get you a cloth.” Yoongi offered, getting off the bed he pulled back on his underwear and walked into your small en-suite.
You could feel Yoongi’s cum seeping out of you and as gross as it was it only caused you to smile knowing what had just happened.
“Here.” Yoongi said, as he walked back out handing you the cloth, it was hot and you appreciated the fact he had taken the time to do that for you, it was sweet.
“Thank you.” You said sitting up to clean yourself.
You climbed off your bed aswell, throwing on Yoongi’s shirt to cover yourself up.
“Looks good on you.” Yoongi said.
You scoffed, “I’m gonna shower I’m sure I look like a mess…give me a minute?”
“Yeah no problem –” Yoongi was muttering as he reached for his phone to check it, after a second he was bouncing up.
“Actually I’m sorry I have to go – god I really don’t want to be that guy that just leaves right after…” He trailed off, his eyes wandering over your body until you realised he was looking at his own shirt on your body.
You nodded trying not to show your upset at the events that were unfolding in front of you.
You hastily reached for your dressing gown to cover up your naked form as you pulled his shirt up over your head.
“Y/N please don’t get quiet on me like that, you do know I care about you and I would not be leaving unless this wasn’t an emergency, right?” He said as he pulled on his shoes and stood up.
He made his way back over to you and took both your hands in his, encouraging you to look up at him.
“I’m sorry, I really am, please don’t be upset, please tell me you understand.”
It took everything in you to nod and give him a small smile.
“I’m fine Yoongi, go, I understand.” You lied.
He took another 10 seconds to further examine your face to make sure you weren’t upset, you were definitely giving him a convincing enough expression.
He gave you a small nod before grabbing his keys and phone giving you a small peck on the lips and leaving out the door.
You let out a huge sigh, you felt tired again.
You woke up the next morning feeling groggy and confused, you couldn't even remembering falling asleep again, you took a deep breath as you remembered yesterdays events.
After Yoongi had left you had stood there for a minute before you let the shame wash over you, you felt like you had just been used for a quick fuck, you wanted to believe Yoongi wasn’t like that but it was hard not to when he was already out the door even as his cum was still freshly inside you.
You had showered for a long time, trying to rid yourself of the negative thoughts that were overwhelming you.
Yoongi wasn’t like that, he had shared himself with you, told you details of his private life and in turn, had listened to your story as well, but was this a regular occurrence with him? 
Was the time that you were able to spend together going to be far and few between?
You decided the best thing for you was to simply distract yourself so as you sat on your bed you opened up your laptop to get started on the assignment you had due, you decided to switch off your phone, you knew if you didn’t you would be checking it every 5 minutes waiting on a text from a certain someone.
A few hours passed as you really began getting into your work you figured you’d be able to get it finished by tomorrow, but a sharp knock on your door made you jump out of your skin.
“Y/N open up please.” You heard a muffled voice come from behind the door.
It was Jungkook.
You took a deep breath, you hadn’t been mentally ready to see him for a while, but here he was.
You stood up off your bed, walking to the door you hesitantly opened it just a crack as you peered out to him.
He looked good as usual, black jeans, black cap and that damn black leather jacket.
He immediately looked at you as you poked your head through the gap in the door.
“What do you want Jungkook?” You asked, you really weren’t in the mood to get lectured right now.
“What am I, some stranger? Let me in and we can talk.” He said moving closer to the door.
“Jungkook – I’m really not in the mood right now.” You said.
He pushed the door open anyway his strength no match for you.
“What are you deaf now? I don’t wanna talk Jungkook.” You stood back from him as he closed the door behind him, he really did look huge in your small dorm room.
“Please just let us talk this out, you know I hate fighting with you, the other guys… I will freeze their asses out when they’re mad at me I don’t care…but with you.” Jungkook looked at you with those bigs eyes and you let out a huge sigh, you had a soft spot for him.
“Okay, let’s talk.” You said with a heavy heart, you weren’t ready for the dose of reality Jungkook was going to hit you with.
He took a seat on your bed, your dorm room didn’t even have a desk so everything had to happen on your bed, you cringed a little when you realised you hadn’t even washed your sheets since you and Yoongi had had sex on them.
You took a seat beside him folding your legs up underneath yourself.
“You wanna tell me how this happened?” Jungkook said, you got the vibes he wanted everything out on the table.
“I wasn’t lying yesterday. I met him at Namjoon’s house party the other week. He was there because you all cried in Jin’s face about getting coke.” You said, you were definitely on the defence.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows a little, you know he could tell you were going to be snarky about this but he had the patience of a god when it came to you, lord knows you could be difficult.
“Okay…” Jungkook began slowly, “So you two just…what?”
You rolled your eyes. “Jungkook, I saw him at Namjoon’s party I flirted with him even after I found out who he was, I saw him at Jin’s again and he kissed me…he actually was here yesterday…” You didn’t know what else to say, how do you tell your best friend you were fucking a drug dealer, it wasn’t exactly something you just said, but you knew Jungkook was smart enough to already know what you were saying.
“What?! You mean you two have already…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence, he trailed off looking like he was deep in thought.
“Aren’t you moving a little to fast here Y/N? I mean if you only met him at Namjoon’s party then –“ You took second to blink at Jungkook before hitting his shoulder.
“Excuse me?! You fuck the first girl you see at any party within an hour of meeting her and you’re going to lecture me about whoring it out?!” You weren't really that angry more in shock that Jungkook had actually said something like that to you.
Jungkook laughed a little at your reaction “I didn’t mean it that way, I’m sorry I guess it’s just because of who he is…you have to know this is a bad idea right?” He was looking at you a lot more serious now.
You nodded solemnly, “I know Jungkook, fuck, believe me, we both know.”
“But…let me guess, he’s not entirely what I’m picturing? Cause I know damn well you wouldn’t let get this worked up over someone if you didn’t like them a lot.”
Sometimes you forgot how attentive Jungkook was, a lot of your relationship was joking around with each other so when shit got serious you were reminded of the fact that he actually cared about you a lot and that he actually knew you pretty well.
“Yeah, it’s new but…I like him a lot, although I’m not even sure if the feelings are one hundred per cent reciprocated. Maybe it’s just self-deprecation thinking that… I don’t know it’s been so long since I’ve wanted to see someone more than once. I forgot how hard this shit is.” You scoffed out a laugh, you were pretty sure you sounded stupid but you weren’t sure how to talk about this.
“Please, are you kidding me? If the feelings aren’t reciprocated then he is a total dumbass because any guy would be so lucky to have you.” Jungkook said.
You didn’t know where to look, Jungkook speaking like this to you felt foreign.
“I know that was cheesy,” Jungkook laughed a little. “But it’s true, I mean look at Taehyung, he embarrasses himself all the time trying to get you to go out with him.” 
You rolled your eyes.
“All Taehyung wants is a quick hump and dump.”
Jungkook scoffed “Are you kidding me? I’m pretty sure Tae’s been in love with you from the moment he set his eyes on you, remember when he gave you his favourite toy to play with and we all were in shock cause it was the first time we’d seen him share anything.”
You laughed at the memory, but Jungkook had no idea what he was talking about, Taehyung only saw you as a friend and possibly another notch on his belt.
“Listen what I’m trying to say is Y/N, at the end of the day this is your choice obviously but please be careful, please, I can look out for you but I don’t think I stand a chance against a drug lord’s crew if it came down to that.”
You looked at him in shock. “Jungkook don’t say shit like that oh my god! Nothing like that would happen!”
You shivered at the thought for a second, thinking about how you only saw Yoongi and not his world, it probably was as dangerous as Jungkook was imagining.
“I’m sorry okay, I’m just going to be worrying like crazy from now on, you know that right? Let me be the overbearing overprotective friend please.”
You let out a heavy sigh choosing to not say anything for a moment as you got lost in your own head.
“Y/N, I respect your choices always. But please be careful.” 
You nodded, “Thank you Jungkook, and you know I will.”
“Listen I gotta go but I’ll text you okay?” Jungkook said as he stood up.
You stood up with him following him to the door.
He leaned in and gave you a hug, it was warm and you felt safe in his arms for the short moment they were around you.
You really did have great friends you thought.
With a quick goodbye, Jungkook left you alone with your thoughts.
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crow-writes-stuff · 4 years
Trapped Thoughts
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Whumptober 2020, running out of time, collapsed building, Dazai-Typical Suicide References (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai doesn't care if he dies, Dazai doesn't die, introspective Dazai, Mild Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 2 of Soukoku Whumptober 2020 Summary:
Dazai gets trapped under a collapsed building. He takes the time to think about his relationship with his former partner.
Dazai stares into the darkness surrounding him. He can't really believe his luck if he's honest. The fact that he's still alive comes close to being a miracle. Mostly because this time he hadn't intentionally tried to get himself killed. No, no. This time he was just doing his job. Which on multiple occasion had almost killed him, but that's not the point. The point is that he's currently stuck under a pile of rubble that just moments ago used to be an office building. And he's pretty sure his right arm is broken. Once again. He sighs. The good doctor Yosano is going to chew him out for that. If he gets out of here alive, that is.
He's pretty sure by now that the information about the bomb had intentionally been incorrect. It had to have been a trap for the Yokohama Police. Too bad the Agency had been asked to help out in a pinch. In the beginning, they had thought it would be easy to either get the bomb disarmed in time or at least get it out. Dazai had realised only moments before the explosion that this was not the case. He really hopes Atsushi and Kunikida made it out in time. As far as he knows, he was the last person in the direct vicinity of the bomb. And the building had mostly been evacuated when they arrived. So chances are, he's the only one stuck.
And if anyone asks, he's doing a pretty good job not dying thus far. The moment he woke up, he slowed down his breathing. He's in a little cave that appears to be held up by a solid steel beam above his head. At least that what it feels like. It's too dark to see, so Dazai has to do with his sense of touch. The fact that the beam stopped not only before squishing him like a fly but is also preventing everything else from crushing him is the aforementioned miracle.
By now, Dazai has managed to somewhat sit up, his back leaning against a particularly large stone piece. He's not sure how much air he has left. The dust makes even his slow breaths hurt, and he has to fight the urge to cough. That would just be a waste of oxygen, really.
Dazai closes his eyes and leans his head back against the debris. No point in keeping them open anyway. At least this way, he can imagine the darkness being his own choice.
Maybe he'll actually die here. A small smile steals its way onto his face. It's not the way he had hoped for, though. The smile fades away. His arm is throbbing, and he doesn't dare move or touch it. He's been doing a great job of ignoring the pain thus far. He can keep doing that as long as his mind is otherwise occupied.
So Dazai thinks. He thinks about Atsushi, who is probably panicking with worry. He thinks of Kunikida, who is likely doing the same thing, only masking it by yelling. Kunikida might already be trying to get a search party for Dazai. They'll have a hard time moving the debris without accidentally killing him in the process. Dazai can think of one person that could get him out. He doubt's the Agency is going to ask for his help, however. They probably won't even think of him.
Dazai smiles and lets his thoughts wander freely into the direction of Nakahara Chuuya. He'd probably help if he knew that Dazai was stuck down here. Chuuya has always been a bit soft-hearted and ridiculously loyal. He'd complain about it, but he wouldn't waste any time in helping out.
Dazai is always filled with a certain amount of regret when he sees the tiny redhead. A lot of regret, actually. In fact, Nakahara Chuuya occupies two spots on his list of biggest regrets. They come right after Odasaku. The first is making him join the Port Mafia. The second is not asking him to leave the Port Mafia together with Dazai.
Because Chuuya is the kind of person that helps little old ladies carry their groceries. He's the type that mourns the death of every single one of his subordinates. He's the kind that can literally get stabbed and poisoned by someone he trusts, and still give up his freedom to ensure their safety. Chuuya is not the kind of person that should be in the Port Mafia. And yet, it's Dazai's fault that he is.
On his better days, Dazai is able to rationalise his guilt away. Somewhat, at least. It was Mori that got Chuuya to join. Dazai only helped achieve it. It was only logical to keep Chuuya in the Port Mafia when Dazai left. Dazai was the bigger target, and Chuuya had found his place. It is for the best that he has one person left there, that he can always count on.
At times like this, Dazai just thinks about the kind of person Chuuya might be now. If he had never been forced to join the Port Mafia. If Dazai had never entered his life. The Sheep would probably still have kicked him out at some point. They were already terrified before Dazai ever entered the picture. It probably would have been less violent though. But at least Chuuya would have been free. Free from people that keep him around because of his ability not because of who he is. And Dazai is undoubtedly the person that knows Chuuya best. In turn, Chuuya knows Dazai better than everyone else. They weren't partners for nothing.
The one thing Dazai doesn't regret is that Mori can't force Chuuya to use Corruption anymore. Unless he wants to lose one of his best fighters, of course. And probably a huge chunk of Yokohama. Dazai never liked seeing Chuuya after Corruption. The damage seems to increase with every usage, and his partner takes longer and longer to fully recover. One day, Dazai might not be quick enough to stop him in time.
Dazai shakes his head, coming out of his thoughts. He doesn't want to think of a world where he survives longer than Chuuya. It's not meant to be like that. Regardless of how much Chuuya might hate him now, Dazai knows that they'll still have each other's backs no matter what. Dazai chuckles to himself when he remembers how worried Chuuya was when he thought Lovecraft ripped his arm off. He still cares. It's a bit of a sad thought. Dazai knows that he hurt Chuuya a great deal in the past. And still, the other doesn't even hide his worry when Dazai gets injured.
He's getting light-headed, Dazai notes. The air has grown thinner since he first woke up. The thought of staying alive longer than Chuuya seems even more ridiculous now. He's probably going to die here. Oh well.
The Agency members are going to mourn him. They might not know him as well as they think, but they're all good people. They care. Mori is going to be disappointed, and it brings Dazai joy to imagine his face when he hears the news. The man had always hoped Dazai would one day change his mind. However, they both know that it would have never happened anyway. And Chuuya... Chuuya is going to be so angry. He told Dazai once, after yet another suicide attempt, that he would be the one to end his life. Dazai hadn't believed him back then. And now, he got beaten by a building of all things. Yeah, Chuuya is probably going to curse him to hell and back.
Dazai relaxes his body against the stone. He's not going to be conscious for much the longer. The pressure on his lungs to get more oxygen is increasing by the second. He has to force himself not to hyperventilate. That would just make him pass out faster. Not that it matters much anymore. He presses out one last sigh. He had always hoped that he could at least apologise before his death.
Dazai welcomes unconsciousness with a smile. At least he won't be awake for this.
A red glow makes him wonder if there actually is a hell. He's never really believed in an afterlife, but he doesn't discount the possibility now.
A rush of air hits him, and he finally forces his eyes open. He can breathe. His vision is blurry as he looks around. He definitely is still enclosed by debris. It has started glowing faintly red however and Dazai can't help but smile. So he's not dead yet. Above him, the steel beam lifts up into the air, revealing a light grey sky. The figure holding the pillar aside with one hand is all too familiar.
"Found him," Chuuya calls, and only moments later Atsushi appears next to him. He jumps down, careful to avoid Dazai when landing. "You're alive! Dazai-san, we were so worried." Judging by his voice, Atsushi's close to crying if he hasn't done so already. He picks Dazai up as if he weighs nothing and gets them both out of there. Behind them, the red glow recedes, and the rubble settles back to the ground.
Atsushi only sets Dazai down when they have left the radius of the collapsed building behind. He gets to sit on a nearby bench where Yosano is already waiting for them. Dazai barely reacts when she checks him over, rolling her eyes at his definitely broken arm. She doesn't seem particularly angry with him, however. She was probably worried as well. Kunikida soon stalks over, scolding Dazai for not getting out faster and endangering himself. Dazai grants him a lazy smile, which only leads to an increase in volume. Kunikida definitely was worried. Atsushi is already crying with relief again.
Dazai's focus lies mainly on a certain redhead, however. Chuuya has followed them but is keeping his distance. Not that Dazai is surprised by that. He smiles at Chuuya and earns a sharp look in return. Well, he certainly deserves that.
Yosano sighs and straightens. "You'll be fine. By the looks of it, I'll have to set your arm, but that can wait until we're back at the Agency." "I'll get the car," Kunikida immediately says, as Dazai thanks the doctor. He's not looking forward to his bone being forced back into its proper position, but he at least trusts Yosano to do her job well.
Yosano looks over her shoulder and then takes Atsushi by the arm, claiming that they need to check something. Dazai's not listening to her excuse, but he shoots her a thankful smile anyway.
Only when they're out of sight, does Chuuya approach. He quickly looks Dazai over before sitting down next to him on the bench. A moment of silence stretches between them before Chuuya asks: "You're okay?" Dazai grins at him. "Of course." Chuuya rolls his eyes, but Dazai catches the small smile.
The police have by now closed off the area. "This had nothing to do with us, if you're wondering," Chuuya says after another stretch of silence. Dazai laughs him off. "I wasn't. This is really not the Port Mafia's style." Chuuya hums in acknowledgement and Dazai finally asks what's actually on his mind: "How come you're here anyway?" Chuuya shrugs. "I was close enough to notice the explosion and the collapse. When I went to check it out, the tiger boy saw me and said that you were still inside," he sighs, "The kid was almost hysterical. I couldn't just walk away." Dazai nudges their shoulders together, ignoring the pain he causes himself. "Aw, so you didn't stay because you were worried about me?" "Fuck no," Chuuya snaps but doesn't move away.
They stay like this, shoulder to shoulder, watching the people around them. Finally, a car approaches and Chuuya stands up. "Hey," Dazai says before he can leave. Chuuya stops and looks back at him. "Thanks." Chuuya avoids his eyes as he answers: "Sure. Try not to get into any more trouble today." "You know me." "Exactly." Dazai laughs as Chuuya takes off. They really will always have each other's backs, no matter what.
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imaginesandideas · 4 years
always been you
Tumblr media
an alternative story of Warren Worthington
pairing: Warren Worthington x reader
word count: 12.7k
content warning: depictions of wounds and injuries, mentions of violence, angst
author’s note: this is an introduction to my Professor!Warren AU series. The following part introduces Warren’s new life after the Apocalypse, his journey to self acceptance, opening up to the world and finding meaning. Little did he know that he’d find it all in one person. You.
 He was stumbling, tripping over his own feet. It felt as if darkness could swallow him whole, and in a way it did exactly that, leaving mere marionette behind. Emptied of purpose, aims, dreams. Whenever he’d roam he couldn’t stay, not for too long. Being a mutant was enough of an issue in a world full of hatred and prejudice. Who’d trust a freak with broken blades coming out of his back, all bruised and bloody. 
 “Fuck.” Warren hissed leaning against a nearby tree. 
His head was pounding, heaven knows why. Maybe it was the shitty weather, maybe alcohol, maybe all these nightmares he’s been having whenever he tried to close his eyes, maybe all of the above. Anyone else would stay away from the trees with all the lightnings gracing the sky, but really, what else could he possibly lose. If he died then, nobody would even look for him, bury him, hell, nobody would even miss him. His parents probably thought he’s been dead for years anyway so what’s the difference. He sniffled, gaze mindlessly shifting between wet grass of the field and forest. In these circumstances it seemed like an old habit. Either way he wouldn’t be even able to protect himself if someone was actually after him, but having control over his surroundings was giving him some sort of peace. Sounds funny after all he’s been through.
 Peace - he wondered closing his eyes in a selfish attempt to calm down. Selfish because he shouldn’t be allowed rest for the rest of his life. That’s what his brain would tell him. Everyday, every minute. For all the damage he’s done, for all the blood he’s shed, all the pain he’s caused. If there’s still justice anywhere in this world then it’s right here, under this tree in the middle of the storm, with nowhere else to hide. 
 It’s been minutes until he eventually passed out, remaining blades of his wings serving as additional shield. It was a loud rumble of thunder nearby that woke him. It came flashing in front of his eyes with battlefield flashbacks and ache in his back. He inhaled sharply, hands grasping at the damp soil beneath him. 
 “It’s just rain. Just some fucking rain.” He chuckled to himself. His heart rate seemed to slow down at the thought. Watery droplets run down his forehead and cheeks, nearing the corners of his mouth. He could taste his own blood, as well as salt and dirt sliding off his skin. Of course he wasn’t expecting blooming flowers on the way, but it’s been weeks since he’s had a good look at himself in the mirror and taken actual shower rather than splash water onto his sore limbs. Long months of hauling from town to town has began to bother him some time ago, mainly because now, after Apocalypse was defeated, his path was gone. Some could say he’s lost his way, but that happened long before Germany, long before all of that gore and pain.
 He could still recall his mother’s voice telling him to “find the right way” but reality where mutants are either killed or exploited struck him to the core soon after, and ever since then he just stopped looking. Why seeking the light when it doesn’t truly exist? So he started drowning in hoodlums, shady places and people who never really cared, never really stayed. Alcohol did. Only always evaporated too quickly.
 So there he was, crawling like pathetic, incomplete creature in search of someone who could put him back together. Someone who’d glue his feathers back so he could fly up to the sun one last time before crashing into the ocean. Because that’s what he was made for, right?
The loud knocking at the front door alerted everyone in the mansion. The lights were out, only few teachers awake in the kitchen and some in their rooms, most likely preparing for the next day. 
Naturally if someone dared to come knocking at this hour, it had to be something serious. Students who have woken up despite elders asking them to stay in their dorms and teachers gathered on standby. Something like this would happen so rarely that missing it would be like a crime. The thrill of uncertainty. Maybe there was some sort of danger creeping behind that door. Something to be afraid of, or something to be dwelling on during lunches or classes for the next few days, maybe even weeks. Something foreign, unknown.
 Because never in the history of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters a young mutant whose sordid past was more than known to those residing at the mansion, had appeared at its door in the middle of the night with severe serious wounds, bloodied and dirty despite the pouring rain outside. Never, until it happened, that night.
 He was staggering and mumbling something that sounded like an apology, when deeply shocked Hank McCoy and Peter Maximoff called in to help, carried unconscious mutant to the infirmary, away from curious and concerned looks.
“Go back to your dorms. There’s nothing to look at.” The most respected voice echoed soothingly in the hallways as four men passed another set of open and half-open doors. “Everything is under control, you can go back to sleep.” 
Students moved out of their way at an instant, some willingly, some encouraged by the Professor and his powers of persuasion, to put it mildly. 
 The double door leading to the lab and infirmary closed with a thud.
“We should have just left him there! What the hell is he even doing here?! He was supposed to be dead!” Hank growled. There was no doubt that their guest was heavy. Even more so the wings attached to his back themselves. All that was shocking enough, and now they we’re forced to take care of the passed out mutant.
 Professor caught up with the men, but the hallways seemed to go on forever with the unconscious guy hanging off their backs. Maximoff was silent the entire way, only occasionally grunted from exhaustion. McCoy however was clearly distraught, agitated even. 
“He shouldn’t even be here!”
“Hank, please. I’m sure there’s a reason for him coming here right now.”
“And even more reasons to leave him at the gate.”
“Hank! For heaven’s sake, just let him explain everything once he’s more lucid.”
The mattress saged under the weight of winged mutant and both bearers moaned loudly stretching their limbs. The room was almost completely dark until Professor turned on the lamp on nightstand. Light shone down on the laying mutant and the look itself was a horror show. Though Xavier didn’t even flinch, Peter did.
“Is he even alive?”
Professor reached for the wrist of the mutant. His skin felt piercingly cold, but there was still a weak pulse.
“Barely. We need to warm him up.” He exclaimed looking at disheartened McCoy. The taller man sighed loudly. 
“Okay, but I don’t take responsibility for him and whatever he’s up to.”
“I do. Now go and bring medical kit.” Hank halfheartedly nodded. Professor turned to Maximoff which immediately caught his attention. “We’ll also need some towels, blankets and clean clothes.”
“Supply closet?”
 It all felt so natural, so casual. As if time did not exist and his whole existence has been this way forever. Freedom. All of sudden he was back in the air, flying as high as ever. He could practically feel mist of rain on his face as he was nearing the clouds. His wings were so lightweight now, like he wasn’t even flying, just floating. He really missed the feel of wind combing through his feathers, messing up hair, pushing at his chest. 
 But when did this all become so real? He couldn’t even recall the last few minutes, so where precisely did time go?
“Angel?” Eyes shot open and in a matter of seconds he was back on the ground. Trapped as he’d probably say, but the pounding in his head wouldn’t allow him to put the pieces together just yet. There had to be someone else to do it. “That’s how they call you right? You’re okay, don’t freak out! We’re here to help you.”
Muffled, yet in a way irritatingly buzzing voice was coming from his right side. The world was as blurry as reminiscence of past hours, or maybe days, he couldn’t really tell. 
“Fuck. Where am I?”
“Umm, Xavier’s? School for Gifted Youngsters. Or X-Men headquarters. Whichever you prefer.” 
As Warren was slowly regaining his vision, the source of the voice vanished only to come back later with a glass of splooshing water.
“Here.” Warren sat up and reached for the glass hesitantly. The guy looked familiar, there was definitely something about his hair and witty attitude that one could not miss. Too characteristic to overlook. “Professor will be here soon. He’s been waiting for you to wake up for days. We all did actually.”
Days. He’s been unconscious for days. And he couldn’t even remember how did he get there in the first place. 
The noise of double door being rapidly pushed open made both their heads turn. Angel suddenly froze. Memories he thought he’d gotten rid of smashed him in the face, like a bucket of icy water. Three pairs of eyes landed on him immediately, one kinder than the other. But only one pair would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
White as a chalkboard he finally realized his primary mistake. One he’ll have to deal with sooner than he’s ever expected. The past caught up with the present, and now it was heading right towards him.
A streak of light.
 What brought him here that night? He couldn’t even recall after all those years. Maybe it was destiny, maybe blind luck. But all these years ago when he landed with a loud thud on Xavier’s polished marble floors, all wet and unconscious, it was probably the best night of his life so far. The most important one for sure.
Cause everything has changed since then. Yes, he had to face the inevitable and clash his past with hope, the future he thought he couldn’t afford. But Xavier has led him the way, he’s showed him the thin line of light and gave him a chance. And for the first time in his life Warren was determined to own it.
Before he fully came back to his old self and the mutant community, he had to go through painful process of retrieving his old wings. After Apocalypse was defeated by X-Men, and therefore Angel was no longer under the effect of his power, his wings began to return to their original form. Much to Warren’s contentment, once he’d realized where cooperation with the superior mutant led him to. The process however was slow and incredibly painful. He was a mess in every sense of the word, and with Xavier’s guidance and McCoy’s wearing patience he was finally able to heal.
Before that though, he kept hiding for some time, sleeping in abandoned barns and houses in the outskirts, occasionally stealing some money or food from unsuspecting such neighbor people, or kids who went too far from their regular after-school routes. But no safe house was safe forever. Sooner or later he had to change the surroundings and look for more secure hideout, while continuously getting through the renewed process of fledgling. He was almost like that young boy many years ago. Lost, embarrassed, forsaken, left out in his pain.
Once he came to the mansion he couldn’t even remember why would he do that in the first place. But with time, and help his memory started to finally put the pieces together.
It was the other one of Apocalypse’s ex-horseman Ororo, along with that blue mutant he remembered from cage fight back in Germany, and then, from the battlefield, who’ve found him and persuaded him to give Xavier a chance to put him back together.
“Look at where you are now. How long will it last? Months? Years?” Warren was sitting on a hideous couch he’d found on the street during one of his nightly escapades. The room was dingy, dank, just as the rest of the building, which most likely served as a factory back in the day. There were empty boxes and cans busted all over the place. It didn’t feel like home. More like a detention.
Warren wasn’t necessarily fond of encountering Nightcrawler again. His shoulders and wings were tense as he glared grudgingly at the other mutant, too focused on the bitter taste of revenge creeping behind his back to even listen.
“Warren?” Storm stepped forward, regaining his attention. “Give yourself a chance. He can help you.”
“Nobody can.”
“So help yourself. Do it now before it’s too late. Please.” 
He didn’t go with them that day. Nor did he change his mind the next day. It took him few more weeks, few more dangerous circumstances to amend his attitude towards the possible prospect. 
Maybe it was the fact that he was getting tired of running away. Maybe it were his sore wings that affected his decision. But all in all he’s packed up his petty possessions and left, leaving his past behind in a way. The night he arrived at Xavier’s doorstep, he was so weak they had to carry him to the infirmary. He stayed in some sort of coma for few days. He’s never slept better in his life.
Once he’s gotten acclimated in the mansion and around other mutants, he’d have these long conversations with Professor - about life, his future, what he wanted to do now that his old life was no longer present. Warren wasn’t used to talking. Not much, not at all. Especially not about touchy subjects.
It’s all been moving forward really slowly. He’s never really felt supported by anyone, neither his parents, nor other mutants he’d met on his way of becoming who he was. He had troubles controlling his feelings. The thought of letting go and finally moving forward was utterly terrifying, cause it meant that he had to lose the meticulously crafted mask he’s been keeping on for years. It also meant that he could finally follow his dreams, and maybe that scared him even more.
  For half a year, the trauma of what happened kept coming back to him during his sleep, denying him any sort of rest. He stopped counting all the times he’s woken up in the middle of the night, breathless and covered in cold sweat. And since he could rarely sleep after his night panic attacks, he’d often end up sneaking out the mansion to fly around, sit on the roof and watch the moon till the sun began to rise. There were times when he wished he could buy himself enough alcohol to drown in it, but that was out of the question. After drinking he wouldn’t sleep at all, anxiety hitting the deepest spots within his heart. So he tried to avoid it. Ultimately, he decided to stick to the cigarettes, only occasionally reaching for a bottle in moments of withdrawal. Even if that meant side eye from teachers every now and then.
Like infection attacks immune system, Warren was forced to battle his  demons. His head was often full of doubts, even to the point of planning a way to get out of his new whereabouts and starting life from nothing. Just like he did back home in Long Island.
Xavier on the other hand, out of everyone, saw the wit and potential buried underneath the rough mask Warren chose to wear to protect himself from people. And slowly Warren opened up just enough to absorb and explore the paths of his life he thought he’d burn the bridges to. 
He refused to make friends because never really felt like he deserved them, especially among mutants aware of his history. Never feeling like he could be considered interesting, he chose to stay away from the group, only occasionally exchanging few words with Ororo, or the nosy and unfortunately ubiquitous Peter Maximoff. He was the first face Warren’s seen after regaining his consciousness after all. Others either didn’t trust him enough to share their time with him, or felt too intimidated to do so. 
Cause it wasn’t very hard to be intimidated by rather handsome, bright-eyed blonde, with wings so big he could be considered an actual angel. He wore them high and with pride, ever since he got them back. The metal ones were too heavy for him to carry. Both physically and mentally. So he was feeling like a brand new person when the last piece of metal fell of his shoulders. It has given him new, indescribable power that he had yet to figure out what to do with.
Encouraged by the professor, he decided to continue his abruptly terminated education. Due to his unsettled background, he was inclined to join younger group, the one he could keep up with, without feeling ashamed by his gaps in basic knowledge. Unsurprisingly for Xavier, he was making a lot of progress, gradually regaining his interest in school topics and also his confidence in that matter.
It was his confidence that led him into thinking that science classes, were going to be suitable for him, since he enjoyed maths as a kid. Unbeknownst to him, Xavier’s right-hand’s lessons weren’t as carefree and painless as he thought. Once on the list, he kept coming to the Friday afternoon class, as if to prove himself that he did not commit a fatal misleading. Situated in a far-back row, he used it as a opportunity to get a closer look at the people he was attending the classes with, occasionally sketching them or other random things that caught his eye. Like McCoy’s gesticulating. Perfect for practicing figures in motion.
“Warren? Hello?” Hank called out from above Warren’s clearly occupied head. The curls on his head bouncing lightly to the rhythm of song in his earpods, the black wire thoughtfully hidden underneath his  hoodie. Hank narrowed his brows. Of course he wasn’t even making notes.
“Worthington.” as if called names, Warren raised his head frowning to meet McCoy’s displeased expression and crossed arms. He never liked his name. Simply hearing it in a slightly different, more demanding tone ignited the fire in his veins. Memories of home coming up at him like daggers in reappearing in his wounds. “You’re not paying attention. Again.”
“Fuck.” Warren muttered quietly and pulled out the headphones. It was 5th time he was caught on not participating in the class. Embarrassed, he quickly gazed around the room to note that all eyes on were on him, some of them hostile, some just curious. After all he’s never really been active in the students’ group, both during and outside lectures. And he knew that watching someone else get punished was always entertaining.
And then, he caught a glimpse of what he have imagined smart eyes looked like. If he hadn’t been lost for words already, he totally was at that moment. Of course he knew them, he’d seen them many times before. But never on himself. A pair of the most beautiful eyes, framed by sleekly lifted lashes with kindness and attention beaming from underneath.
“Are you even here? Hello?” McCoy was utterly fed up at that point and Warren was snapped out of his thoughts for good.
“Yes, yes! I’m sorry. I just- I don’t even know. I should probably leave.”
“Yeah probably. And I should probably thank you for attending my classes. I bet it was a... tedious experience.” McCoy exclaimed walking backwards to his spot next to the desk. Warren let out an audible sigh and stood up to pick up his belongings. As he shoved his notebook and physics books (which were masquerading as his engagement in the topic), once again he lifted his gaze. But now the lesson was back on its previous track, and nobody dared to look in his direction. Pathetic, he thought of himself.
Throwing gym-like drawstring bag over his shoulder, he slowly headed to the door. He kept his head low, not willing to draw any more attention. The damage was done, and all he could do was make himself as unnoticeable as possible. Good thing the class wasn’t mandatory, but he could already see Xavier’s disappointed look. The doorknob squeaked and Warren bit his lip before nodding a short goodbye in McCoy’s direction. Going backwards, hand resting on the handle to pull the door to a close, he looked up from the floor. McCoy only shook his head with a huff and continued the monologue. Short glance over the people in the class, but nobody dared to give him the slightest bit of attention. Except you. The piercingly smart eyes. 
The air got stuck in his throat again, only now he came back to his senses much sooner. That is, after you smiled sincerely at him while putting a strand of hair behind your ear. Such a gentle yet casual gesture. He felt his neck turn redbrick shade of red almost immediately, and he swore he heard a loud bob of his own adam’s apple. The door slammed closed and for the 3rd time in less than 5 minutes, doctor McCoy couldn’t help the frustrated roll of his eyes.
That day Angel decided, that maybe this tiny moment was worth the agony of quantum physics.
 Weeks, months were slowly passing by in the safety of Xavier’s mansion. Not that Warren complained though, he’s missed not having to run, the silence. But it took him some time until he’s finally found a place for himself in this newfound home.
At some point Warren started spending more time in the library than in group classes, reading, going through old materials - some of them very far from topics students were meant to pass. At first, he kept coming back to avoid all the curious looks he’d get in the hallways or at the park. Only freaks spend their afternoons between the book shelves right? But in fact he preferred the peace and quiet the library always provided, and in fact, he always felt like the lectures were lacking in knowledge he desperately sought for.
That way, after he has finally loosened enough to befriend something else than books, he’s found his kind of company, consisting of school’s mightiest outcasts and truants, like Peter Maximoff himself. From brief, and rather superficial talks they shared, Warren found out that he only resided in the mansion every once in a while “killing time” as he’d joke. In a way, despite quick mutants’ naturally abrasive behaviour, Warren started to relax in his presence. Occasionally cracking a sharp joke or two, he even laughed, thus gaining more hospitable looks from others. In fact, having Maximoff and soon also Alex Summers under his wings, has provided him with a growing circle of charmed students. His tough boy facade was becoming more inviting with each passing day.
It was just another weekend, finally some time off both for the professors and the students. You were at the dining room, chatting with Ororo, laughing at some joke she just made. 
 On a day like that one everyone was likely to be spending time with less efficiency, mostly clogging time with casual talking or doing stuff you normally wouldn’t have the time to do on a schoolday. And so you were, head finally out of the books, eating lunch in the common kitchen before meeting with other girls in the park by the mansion. Ororo became your best companion so naturally, you didn’t even question her presence by your side during the day. You liked her wit and how different she was from you. How her extroverted attitude would penetrate your rather reserved shell.
You almost snorted through your nose and Warren, who’s just appeared in the doorway, couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his cheeks. Your smile was so soft and friendly. And your voice? Oh shit, he could envelope himself in it, and he would stop complaining about anything for the rest of his life. 
You scrunched your nose at the friend in front of you and shoved another spoonful of your food up your mouth, completely unaware of his dreamy eyes following your every move.
„Warren what the hell?! How much longer are we supposed to wait?”
“Water, idiot. You said you’re gonna bring us something to drink. Jesus!” Peter rolled his eyes helplessly and sprinted up to the fridge to get a chilled bottle of soda. 
It was clear for a while that something was bugging Warren. There were times where he didn’t feel physically present, and boys would have to snap him out of that state by throwing pieces of paper at him during lectures, or punch him in the ribs on training classes. Somehow the most perceptive among his friends, yet it took Peter a minute, and 3 cans of rapidly drunken grape soda, to realize why Warren disappeared for much longer than he had is intended to. And why the hell was he blushing?
“No fucking way.” He half whispered, half yelled making Ororo and few other students turn in their direction for a second. That threw Warren back to reality. Peter wiped his lips with the back of his hand and placed another empty can on clear, shiny counter. Warren glared at him.
“If you wanted it fast, then you should have ran up here by yourself dickhead. I’m not some speedy-goddamn-gonzalez okay?”
“You’re so red! It’s adorable!” Warren all of sudden felt the warmth radiating off his cheeks, which only made him blush more, now that Peter have exposed him aloud. His eyes were slanting, trying to figure out if you’ve heard them or not. He noticed that Ororo was back at whatever topic you were previously discussing, and he sighed in relief. But his mind went blank again when his shifty eyes locked with yours, making him unable to move. He caught a tiny smile forming in the corners of your lips and Peter swore the boy could melt any second.
“Alright, Alex is still waiting out there. We gotta get going. Bye Ororo, bye _____!” Peter exclaimed waving to the girls, before pushing Warren out the room, and a building within 2 seconds, flipping few things with Warren’s wings in the process. But winged mutant was too enchanted to notice that.
Warren was still dizzy, his pupils blown wide and gaze absent. 
“Hey, what’s with him again? And where is my drink?” Alex came up to them, all sweaty from the extra training he decided to do, brows forming in a frown. Peter was laughing breathlessly.
“Dude, if you’ve only seen that!”
Alex’s fingers in front of Warren’s face snapped him back to reality.
„Where were you even? Because sure as hell not here.”
Peter snorted again, earning a look from now tensed Warren.
“Okay okay! Don’t look at me like that, jeez. He got... lost.” Maximoff explained, hands raising in surrender. Warren was back to being his grumpy, neurotic self and Peter wouldn’t want to risk him blowing up. “... in _____’s eyes.”
Warren was already lashing out, fists clenched but the silver-headed boy was obviously faster, leaving Warren yet again on the losing end.
“Goddammit.” He swore under his breath, lips soon pressed together, fully aware of the fact that he could no longer hear him.
 Within next months, and despite his strenuous efforts to deny it, Warren fell head over heels. Your looks and intellect turned out to be barely cherries on top of your other traits. He couldn’t even count all the situations where he’d seen you helping out some other student with their homework or organizing science projects. He’s grown attached to seeing you in the library, surrounded by books he wouldn’t even dare to understand. He could stare at you for hours, while you’d just flip dozens of pages frowning, way too engrossed in the reading to notice his broad frame curled on the sofa. By the time of few months he’s spent there, he could list all the birthmarks and freckles on your face. He’s learned the way daylight adorned your face as you rapidly turn pages of different encyclopaedic papers. Or how you’d bit your lip while reading in a booth in the opposite corner. And how strands of hair would overshadow your vision just for a moment, before you’d gently tuck them behind your ear.
It’s been like this a while - just occasional small talks, him asking to borrow your philosophy books, even though you knew he’d never really read them. You rarely had classes together, but when you did, he couldn’t focus on the subject too much. He was far more committed to perfecting the sketch of your profile while you talked out some upcoming projects with other student in the front row. Old habits of sitting in the far back, dying hard.
 From time to time, he’d gain enough confidence to sit in with you at the library. He felt more comfortable without any witnesses around, nobody to gossip. He’d have never forgiven himself if he ruined your reputation with his bare presence.
”Umm, hey _____.” you looked up from your history papers, a pen dangling dangerously from between your lips. You raised both eyebrows not really expecting anyone wanting something from you, especially after classes when everyone was anything but interested in scientific-related topics. 
Nevertheless you recognised the guy instantly. His frizzy hair and feathers were illuminated by warmth of late evening sunlight coming through the window, enlightening his face like a halo. The angel boy.
”Hey.” you spoke up, sweet smile lighting up your face enough to make Warren’s head spin. And it almost did.
“I, well, uh. Sorry, you probably don’t remember me. We’re having literature, English and philosophy together and-“
”I remember. Who wouldn’t remember you.” another gentle smile and Warren’s heart sped up. You remembered. But why, did he do something stupid now? Fuck. Of course. It was the wings again. “You’re always sitting in the back, alone. Haven’t seen you talking to anyone much.” He stayed still as if shot in the back, pretty sure that Maximoff would probably do that if ever given a chance. Especially now. Right in front of you. Like a goddamn cupid or some other romanticised bullshit. 
“Erm, well...” he rubbed the column of his neck. “I don’t like to draw attention.” 
“I can imagine that.” Your gaze wandered gently over the bones of his wings. You could only imagine the pain he went through to get the feathers back. “Your wings look great though. Make you look reliable."
”I’ve never met a person who’d say that I look reliable.”
”Maybe you just did.” You bit your lip, blushing at your very own and unexpected wave of confidence. As you looked down he bit his lip grinning like a madman. So it wasn’t that bad. He wasn’t that bad. A fully loaded train of thoughts was going around his head. She’s smiling right? That’s good, maybe. No, no, don’t rush anything, yeah. Let’s keep it cool. Don’t fuck it up, don’t fuck it up, DON’T FUCK IT UP.
”Anyway.” he let out a small huff. His neck was getting more and more red, along with the temperature under his velvety woollen sweater. What now? “I just wanted to say hi, cause I see you around here quite often. See you around then yeah?” He was already backing away.
”Sure. And you can always sit by you know? I don’t bite.” He let out a nervous chuckle but straightened his posture nevertheless. What could go wrong now.
”But I might.” His eyes were hazy as he held a book in one hand walking backwards to the door, nearly tripping over corner of a carpet. You snorted unable to stifle a laugh. Both at his words and sight. He was completely red by then, only waving a quick goodbye and shutting the door closed behind him, something you’ve learned was a habit of his whenever he was being extremely flustered. And he was only ever so flustered around you.
 One could say, for a fact, that Warren looked extremely intimidating. With that nonchalant look, a bit buff posture and frown written all over his face for most of the time. And you felt intimidated too. By his a tad careless persona, by the way he walked - with such confidence that you could only wish you could achieve it one day. He was embodiment of that gloomy kind of charm, the one that attracts people in a heartbeat. Golden heart hidden behind uptight facade that is yet to be discovered. But you couldn’t simply overlook that his entire attitude has changed. It softened, as if someone polished his rough edges.
That certain someone, though you weren’t really aware of it, was you. He’d never admit that, not at loud, not around you. Hell, he wouldn’t even dare to ask you out. He was tongue-tied, utterly terrified that you’d surely reject him.
“She’s out of my league man, so bloody cool and intelligent. There’s no way she’d let me even hold her books on the way out of the class.”
“I agree about the out-of-league thing. You WISH you were half as cool and intelligent.” Teased Peter, earning a punch in the rib cage. The boys were sat on the bench in the park surrounding the mansion. Alex was chewing on his lip, Warren had his arms crossed over the chest and Peter was just classic Peter, sprawled wide across the seat and occupying half of the bench. This time however they were accompanied by Alexs’ younger brother Scott who - thanks to Peter, wasn’t allowed to sit, instead forced to crouch down on the concrete of the alley. 
Once the boys had realized what was the reason behind Warren’s sudden change of attitude, he was forced to reveal the truth. He wouldn’t be able to deal with it on his own after all. But Alex was slowly getting tired of hearing Warren’s constant whining.
“She suggested that she could use your company at the library right? You just overanalyze it too much.”
“I disagree!”
“Peter, please. We’re trying to get him out of his feathery shell, okay? I know you like to hassle him, but I swear it’s becoming pretty annoying.”
 Peter groaned and laid down again. Warren had a worried expression on his face. It didn’t even bother him when his silver-haired friend was being nasty to him. It was a thing you’d either had to get used to, or ignore, but at the moment he just stopped noticing. He wanted to make you notice him. His best self, how he wanted to be for you. During past months he talked to you like, 5 times maybe. Partially because he couldn’t say much, your proximity depriving him of words that’d even make any sense. He got interested in many subjects he never found entertaining, just because you were attending them. 
He’d sit in the second to last row, and observe how you’d answer to all the questions or discuss debated topic. He signed up for literature and classic theatre classes, but never actively participated. And it wasn’t like he didn’t want to, he was just sure that he’d embarrass himself. And what a failure would that be to be ridiculed in front of you. A disaster. That’s how he was feeling about himself.
“You need to talk to the chick more. If you’ll keep your mouth shut it’s not gonna end up anywhere near your bed, I’m telling you.”
“Not everything revolves around shagging Summers! She’s... she’s. Ugh. She’s special mate.”
Warren leaned forward, resting his cheek on one of his balled hands. 
“Get your wings off my view, will you?”
“Uh, sorry.” He said, already getting up, suddenly very aware of how his mutation was forbidding him from feeling fully comfortable at all times. Another one of his issues with getting to know you. What if you hated his wings just as much as he did. He wouldn’t be able to handle that.
“It’s fine, don’t be so touchy man. I didn’t tell you to piss off.”
“‘M sorry.”
“Aaand he’s apologizing again! Seriously, what the fuck man. Did someone replace you?” Peter exclaimed loudly sitting up, amazed expression on his face.
“Warren you really need to chill. Get that stick you’re keeping inside out, cause she’ll never, EVER talk to you.”
“Where did you loose your confidence even?”
Warren’s wings were hanging low off his shoulders which were also almost dangling now, making him look so much smaller, so powerless. He sighed. 
“Is he always like this?” Scott finally spoke up pointing at Angel who was now standing next to him.
“No. Someone definitely replaced him. Her name is _____.”
“Oh shut up Maximoff! I’m over your damn bantering.” Warren suddenly tensed, ready to throw hands with his friend. “I’m out. Speak ill of her as much as you please while I’m gone, but I swear I’ll kick your bloody arse if I ever hear anything about her in my presence.” He exclaimed in a raised tone before backing out the spot.
“Come on! We’re trying to help you out!” But he flied up and out of their sight, just to save some time and his own patience. 
 Being himself without the constant feeling of not being enough creeping behind his back was incredibly hard, probably even harder than getting rid of his metal wings.
The feeling of abandonment was continuously present throughout his life, and maybe that’s why it was so tough for him to let go. Warren wasn’t and could never be as light hearted as Peter. He could act confidence in front of other students, hell, even in front of teachers. But you were always making him feel so vulnerable that it almost made him sick. Nobody would like a sappy, doe-eyed Worthington...
”Warren?” Upon hearing your voice he froze in his tracks. How long has he been up here on the roof? Minutes? An hour? And who told you he’d be here? “Are you okay?”
”Uhm, yeah, yeah!” He turned around still facing his sneakers. He didn’t dare to look up at you, as if ashamed of something he hasn’t even done yet. 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I was just... contemplating.” 
“Well that’s nice.” You said shrugging. The roof was the most perfect spot for contemplating away from others. Sure, it was fun to hang around with other students, friends but everyone needs some time off. And despite all the visible changes in his behavior, you knew Warren well enough to realize that he needed his alone time more than others. „Can I sit next to you?”
„S-sure!” He blurted out suddenly very aware of your presence. 
You stepped close to the edge and slowly crouched down bringing your knees close to your chest. Warren was sat with his knees dangling off the edge. He tried to seem as casual as ever, but there was something off in his attitude.
He was feeling so stupid with all this. How much he wanted you to notice him trying, how much he was afraid of you possibly rejecting him. How fucking much he cared about you, about your opinion. How you were the only person for whom he wanted to change. 
You were the dream person in his life he never thought he deserved, yet there you were, one next to the other, awkwardly waiting for someone to finally speak up. You cleared your throat.
„If there’s any-”
„I wa- Fuck, _____ I’m sorry, I interrupted you.”
„No, no it’s fine! It’s my fault!”
„No, I just-”
„Warren, it’s fine. Please continue, I’d love to hear it.”
No you wouldn’t, he thought to himself. 
„Well, I-” He started turning his face back to you. And all of a sudden he was a goner. None of that mattered because you were actually there. You, just you. You and your curious eyes, your offering smile. „I- damn it. I completely forgot what was on my mind, you know?”
No he didn’t. You were on his mind. As always.
„Seriously? Worthington we need to work on your short-term memory.” You teased chuckling.
You gazed at the park below. From up there it was far more alluring than back on the ground, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that’s something similar to what Warren was experiencing while flying. Everything was the same, yet in a way different, minor even. Maybe that’s why he fancied sitting on the roof so much. All problems seemed small and distant.
You glanced back at him but he’s turned away from you. He’s been distant lately. It’s not like you were best friends or anything, but you really enjoyed his company and something was definitely off. You decided to break the silence.
„Well, either way looks like I’ll need to say my thing first then.” You exclaim as casually as possible and sigh. „I know you’re not into working in groups that much, but… um, there’s this international contest and I just thought, you know, that we could apply together-"
„W-why would yo- me?”
„Yeah why not.” You chuckled and his face softened slowly. „You’re- you’re my friend, and I think we could only benefit from this. Of course if you don’t want to it’s totally fine!”
„No no! It sounds… cool!”
„It really does!” He gazed up at you and that glint in your eyes… As if your eyes sparkled with the most rare shade of joy mixed with excitement and, and- adoration? No, you were just keen on joining the project…right?
Warren scratched his neck nervously.
„Well, I guess you’ll have to get me acquainted with everything.” You just nodded and he decided to play along. „Cause you know, I’m kinda dumb. Bird brain and everything.”
Your body trembled with soft laugh.
„You’re not, silly. Birds are smart too. You’d know if you listened in biology class last month.” Hurriedly you moved to stand up, Warren’s eyes followed your every move. "Wait for me in the library after classes tomorrow? I'll explain everything to you, and maybe we'll start planning already?"
You smiled again.
In a way he was expecting you to laugh at him some more but your next words caught him off guard.
„You’re much smarter than you think Warren. Don't sell yourself short and you’ll get further than most of us here. For real.” 
You finished the last sentence with the gentlest smile and winked before walking back to the ladder. Warren was in complete awe.
It took him a couple more seconds to pick the pieces together and then you were gone, behind the wall, possibly stepping down the hallway by then, but finally he’s realized that maybe, just maybe, you were right. And the fact itself of you believing in him? At that moment felt as if it was enough to keep him up in the sky for the rest of his life. 
 Angel gazed down at the park again. But he was smiling, brighter than ever before. Like the sunset that enfolds the day. Like the lamp lit in the corner of a dark room. 
Like a promise. Of better days to come.
Sooner than he would have ever imagined...
„Stop it you idiot! You’re gonna make me fall!” You shrieked  holding onto Warren’s arms.
„Never princess.” 
His hold on you tightened and you lifted off. You couldn’t even look down you were so petrified. Both of the possibility of falling and the height. But being in Warren’s embrace felt nice, comforting. As if nothing could go wrong.
„You alright out there?” Warren asked nudging your side gently and you slowly looked up. His eyes seemed to match the shade of sky, so bright and clear, with rays of sunshine streaking across the blue. For a second you thought you’ve seen your own reflection in them, like in the tile of the mirror. His excitement was mirroring your own.
Suddenly he slowed down to a stop in midair with his wings spread wide and flapping to maintain altitude.
You were staring. And blushing.
„Y-yeah, I’m scared of looking down though.”
„Then don’t. Look at me.” He smiled slightly as his cheeks turned pink. His arms wrapped around you a bit tighter. „You’re safe with me.”
„I know.” You beamed. Though the small jump of his Adam’s apple didn’t go unnoticed to you. 
„Shall we come down?”
„Yeah, I’d really like that actually. I think I prefer watching you from the ground.”
„Oh, so that’s how we’re talking now? Maybe dine me first.” Warren smirked and you were quick to look away. „I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Always so down to Earth huh?” He grinned and you scoffed a little offended.
„It’s only fair if you’ve got head in the clouds. I’m bringing balance to this duo.” 
 Over the past couple weeks you’ve gotten so close to each other that one could simply assume there’s something actually going on between you. Because in a way it was.
Ever since the rooftop conversation you became inseparable. It was still nice to hang out with other friends, but if Warren was to choose between your bantering in the park and attempting to play ping pong with Peter, it had to be you. Warren could listen you talk about poetry and explain whatever Xavier meant by colonial expansion for hours. It was easy to forget about all the other things with you. Of course the project itself was a good chance to get to know each other more. And so you’ve found out about Warren’s hidden talent for drawing, his favourite bands, and his passion for classicism, especially sculpture.
„Really? I mean, it makes sense but-”
„What do you mean <<makes sense>>?” Warren frowned and laughed dryly, as if someone just saw right through him. 
It was another evening in the park. The idea was to study in an open air but obviously you failed and again ended up talking life, both of you stretched out on a blanket and your paperwork.
You only exhaled loudly.
„Uh, you know. You kind of look like one of those yourself.”
„The sculptures?”
„Don’t make me say it.” Warren shot you a glance.
„Come on, please! Tell me I look like a greek sculpture.” Warren teased and continued his exaggerated flexing. Of course he looked as if gods themselves carved him out of marble, but you were just going to feed his sweet vanity. „We both know the truth, just say it. Tell me I’m the Apollo to your Athena!” You could've sworn you almost bugged your eyes out.
„You crave validation so hard Worthington? Also, who told you I’m the Athena type?!”
„You’re the smart one. The smartest in fact.”
„Don’t pander to me now. It’s flattering but…” You responded lowering your voice. „… I always felt like that forest one.”
„Is she the one with the arch? And animals? Alone in the woods? Then yeah, that one.” 
Warren exhaled and leaned back on the blanket. You could already feel the punch coming...
„Makes sense.”
„Wha-? Oh fuck you Warren! Playing my game against me now? Not fun.” But he only kept on laughing.
„It’s always fun if I’m doing it!” You groaned and punched him in the ribcage lightly. „You like it! I know you do! And now you won’t be able to stop thinking about it, and you won’t be able to fall asleep cause you’ll keep thinking what that winged weirdo meant, and then you’ll call me, wake up everyone in the mansion cause you’re so damn desperate to know.”
„I hate how well you know me.”
„Love you too.”
 It still felt so odd to hear it from him. For both of you. It all still felt so fresh, so new and… unexpected. Cause after all you’ve heard about him you never thought you’d end up genuinely liking the guy. And then you became his closest friend, and you liked that too.
Warren was sweet and fun to be around. Once he’s opened up about his struggles and worries, once he’s learnt to trust you it became easier for him to loosen up. He felt safe in your presence. And he actually started noticing that slight change in his behaviour. How he came to the realization remained a mystery. Maybe it was just another day with you in the library, your quiet laugh at his pathetic joke, how he no longer cared if someone was sending him unpleasant looks when you were with him, your cute little notes you were leaving him in the books he borrowed from you and his doodles you were getting with the books in return.
Both notes and doodles on loose pieces of paper of course, you taught him to respect textbooks with all the knowledge they carry. Another thing you've taught him over time. Still, he wouldn’t have admitted that he’s gotten soft to anyone. Well, maybe you. Only you. It came so naturally, like a breath of fresh air and he took it, and he couldn’t get enough. Couldn’t get enough of you in his life.
 So when you’ve finally wrapped up on your project he decided to do something to celebrate it, to thank you for everything. Out of all the students you were one of the only ones to make it before the deadline, and with all the time you’ve spent off-topic it was a huge success. Despite this you refused to organize a party, not yet, not before the results would come. And Warren didn’t complain, in fact he wanted to make it special.
“A book?! As if she hasn’t got enough of those already…”
“Come on Ororo, help a guy out! What kind of book might she need?”
Ororo let out a sigh and leaned back against the wall. They just left biology class during which Warren was so insistent on sitting with her that it was almost suspicious, until it wasn’t, cause his nagging mouth wouldn’t shut up about his idea to gift you with something.
“It’s not her birthday or anything, so what’s the rush?” Warren groaned in response, way too loud for his liking so he was quick to look around before he gave Ororo a proper response, this time quieter.
“I just wanna give her something okay?”
“Okay, okay! Chill! It’s gotta be a book?”
“I mean, she likes them, right. And I’m pretty sure she won’t mind having another one.” The reasoning was deeper than that though.
Warren wanted to give you a book, cause that was the thing that brought the two of you together. For all the books he’s borrowed, for all the books you’ve been reading together for your project, for the books you’ve recommended him and all the books you’ve given him and the ones he’s learnt to love thanks to you. 
Ororo frowned thinking.
“What about mythology?”
“Mythology Warren. She likes mythology doesn’t she? I’m pretty damn sure she was looking for something about mythology last month but she dropped the idea because of the project. You know, setting your priorities kinda thing.”
Ah yes! You did talk about correlations between ancient cultures and art one of those days. How come he missed that part.
“You’re a genius ‘Ro!” Warren whisper-yelled already backing out the hallway. “Just don’t say a word!”
Ororo mumbled something in return but Warren was too excited to listen. He was about to get you the best present in the whole universe. Or at least in Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
 How did Warren Kenneth Worthington persuade the librarian to order two copies of new edition of mythology encyclopedia instead of one was a mystery. But there he was, strolling down one of the alleyways in the park where you were supposed to meet before the party. The results came in today, but Professor insisted to present them during the celebration, just in case of someone failing. That way there’d be no winners, just everyone celebrating the journey. It was fair and in a way forced a prom-like occasion, only there was no actual dress code, just everyone dressing more elegantly and having fun. 
It was 4 minutes past 7pm and Warren was starting to get nervous. It was silly, but all of a sudden he was feeling like all this wasn’t about the party anymore. He just wanted to see you, maybe finally ask you out after both of you’ve had a punch. Or two… But you would never be late, something must have happened. Maybe you went straight to the dance hall, maybe-
“Hi there Angel.” Warren turned around and there you were, walking up his way wearing that radiant smile of yours. “Looking dashing I see.”
Considering all the possible outcomes of this evening Warren has decided to wear something more fancy than his usual attire and in exchange he went for a tailored set - black shirt and suit pants, the only one he owned. He got them long time ago but somehow they still fitted him. He blamed his mutation for it, but it felt nice to know that despite all the changes in his life, both the exterior and inferior ones, there was still that part of him that was left unchanged. And he enjoyed that stability. 
As for the outfit, he decided to keep the boots. Another constant he couldn’t let go of. Besides, he didn’t want to look like he was trying too hard, you’d probably think he was being a poser anyway. Better keep the loose facade, at least for the time being.
“Uh, you like it? Thought if we’re about to celebrate… something, I might as well dress up like it, y’know.” Your lips curled in a smile again.
“It’s nice. Very grown up mister Worthington.” Warren couldn’t help but roll his eyes a bit at your remark. But his whole face and neck was covered in a faint blush, the kind of blush that only accentuated his tiny freckles. You thought that it was cute, but Warren was glad you weren’t able to tell how fast his heartbeat has gotten.
Finally his attention shifted to you and fuck he was so doomed. It wasn’t like you haven’t dressed nicely before, in fact, you were one of very few people who managed to look great both in school uniform and casual attire. It’s just that your hair, your face, fuck, ALL of you... you just took his breath away.
“I- I mean, it’s nothing in comparison to you though.”
You exhaled with slight tension on the edge.
“It’s just clothes you know. And they’re not even mine.” You replied glancing down at your outfit. “I borrowed this from Jean, and those from Jubilee. Didn’t want for anyone to think I always dress up like a nerd.”
“I’m not anyone.”
You looked up at him and he was no longer blushing, the shade faded away into something more rich. It was like his lips have absorbed most of the color and you just couldn’t stop focusing your attention on them. Even his usually bright eyes have gotten darker, like his pupils have blown up making space for a perfect reflection of your face in them. Gloomy and tempting.
Warren suddenly cleared his throat and you backed away bolted upon realizing how close you two were standing.
“I, uh, I’ve got something for you. Just in case we didn’t win or something.” Oh, so that’s why he’s been keeping one hand behind his back the whole time. Wings were a perfect cover. What a lucky bastard.
“Warren, you didn’t need to you.”
“But I wanted to!”
“It’s not fair, I didn’t buy you anything.”
“But you did give me so much. Let me just thank you for it.” He said leaning forward just a bit before a neatly wrapped package appeared in front of your eyes. Warren continued. “Project aside, I really owe you so much and I don’t think I’d be able to do all these things without your help. Anyway, you know I’m not good at talking. Not when you can do it better, so please accept this as my gift. For the past, for what’s now.” And for the future, he thought, but it got stuck in his throat. That’d have sounded too sappy, over the top, pretendious.
“What about the future? I need an insurance in case of your antics blowing up again. Unless you don’t want to hang out anymore, now that we don’t have a scientific reason for it.”
“Oh fuck yes I want! I mean- Yeah! Of course.” Your laugh rang in his ears.
“I’m liking this enthusiasm.” You smirked as Warren handed you the package. It was quite heavy, but not stone kind of heavy. It had some lightness to it, yet imitated a brick-like form. Definitely not something you could expect.
Or could you?
“Is it a book?”
“Please say that you’re not Athena one more time and I’ll fucking explode.”
“It is a book!” You squealed excitedly and started rapidly unwrapping, careful not to tear the silver, shimmery paper. “And just because I guessed correctly I’m not Athena. If anything I’m Pythia.”
“Yeah yeah.” Smartass. Or Ororo is just another traitor. 
Warren sighed, but despite all the efforts to stay serious he just couldn’t stop smiling. Seeing you so joyous, so radiant and all blooming was making his heart grow. Yeah he could just love you, just like that, if only you’d let him.
“You didn’t! You fucking maniac!” 
Warren was suddenly pulled away from his thoughts by your loud groan. Fuck, not good.
“What the- For fucks sake! How much?!”
“H- How much what?”
“Money! Or, I don’t know, gold… fucking silverware! And most importantly - how did you manage to get the first edition of 'New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology'?!”
Warren sighed with relief.
“I, uh… it’s a secret?”
“Come on! It was released like a week ago!”
“Nuh-uh, I’m not tellin’. Do you like it at least?”
“Like it? Warren I fucking love it! I thought I’m never going to get one of my own, and now you just come up to me like it’s no big deal.”
And when you looked up at him he was wearing that dopey smile of his.
“Cause it really isn’t a big deal. I just thought that’d you’d like it and-“
You didn’t even let him finish as you jumped at him, wrapping your arms around his torso in a hug. Warren has never actually felt his heart stop, but this single moment was pretty close to it. And he felt silly, he felt stupid. So fucking in love with you that he couldn't even express it, too afraid that he's ruin it. That you'll disappear, like another memory.
With shaky fingers he reached to caress your cheek and you looked up.
"There you are guys!" Out of thin air appeared Peter, his neatly styled hair only slightly ruined by the running. No hairspray could tame those waves of his. "Smooch later, Xavier's about to present the results."
Gently you pulled away, your cheeks were flush just a tiniest bit. Warren tried to keep his posture stiff, but your eyes kept meeting and you just couldn't stop smiling at that, which was making him smile too. 
"Uhm, I guess we'll talk later then." Warren murmured and Peter rolled his eyes. He might have muttered something before speeding off back to the mansion.
"Yeah we better hurry up." You teased nudging his arm with your shoulder.
The walk back inside was rather awkward, but you couldn't quite decide why. The interruption sounded like a reasonable explanation, but thinking about what did Peter actually interrupt was even harder to grasp. Regardless, just before both of you entered the building you grabbed Warren by the arm and he stopped in his tracks confused.
“About earlier...Thank you War. Really. For everything."
And just like that your soft lips planted the softest kiss on the corner of his lips. So close he had half a mind to turn his head ever so slightly and make it proper, yet it felt wrong, like he wasn't himself ready for it yet. As if this meant so much more than what he's ever wanted. Cause it was coming from you. Genuine, like a whisper, a promise.
You pulled away, eyes sparkly as ever. Warren cleared his throat and reached out to rub his neck, the way he always did, but then for the first time he didn't. With cheeks flush pink he straightened his posture and reached for the doorknob inviting you in.
„My lady..."
"Sir." You bowed a little to play along. And fuck what anyone would say, he could wear that blush on his face for the rest of his life if it meant having you by his side, gentle and playful.
Only who could've guessed the future...
 Upon entering the hall you notice that everyone has gathered near the podium, where Xavier was presenting the results. You and Warren looked at each other knowingly and approached the scene. You were visibly tense, both of you worked so hard and now that the prize was within your reach you were afraid of disappointment. Not even your own, gods no, you were afraid that Warren would be disappointed. That all this time was wasted, that he’d think that all this was just a waste of time. That he’s wasted his time for pointless project, for you.
“But before I ask the winners to join me on stage allow me to congratulate each and every participant. This incredible opportunity and your involvement means very much, especially for our community. And for us, your teachers, for me, you’re all winners. Give yourselves a round of applause.”
You gazed up at Warren and he was already smiling softly at you. Cause Xavier, for once, was absolutely right, and no matter the results it was worth it. 
And as if he knew that you were doubting yourself he gently took your hand in his. You heard him inhale shakily, but you couldn’t tell if the anxiety of waiting was the true reason. Maybe you didn’t want to know, maybe you just wanted him to hold your hand, just like that, with his fingers tracing encouraging traces on the back of your hand. It’s going to be fine.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Among the winning teams we have...”
You took a deep breath and felt Warren’s grip on your hand tighten ever so little.
“... Jean Grey and Jubilation Lee! Applause for the ladies!” You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face with each name. You knew how hard they worked so hearing your friends cheer after their well-deserved win was making you happy too. Somewhere in the crowd you spotted Scott and Warren exchanging knowing glances. 
“And now, the last but absolutely not least deserving team…” 
All the clapping and cheering were ringing in your ears. And you could hardly see the front with everyone blocking your vision with their hands and enthusiastic jumping. You were grateful for Warren’s wings protecting you from being squished from the sides. “ _____ and Warren! Come up on the stage!”
In a flash you were pulled back into the place. It seemed like milliseconds were stretched out to minutes. Warren’s googly eyes were at you shortly before his hold on your hand loosened. Though he didn’t even give you time to react because he was already pulling you into a hug while already twirling both of you, successfully dispersing the crowd.
Triumph. And yet, it felt so unexpected. 
“Hey, hey! Are you okay princess?” You didn’t realize you stopped blinking until your vision got blurry and suddenly Warrens’s concerned frown was mere inches from yours.
“Y-yeah? Did we?”
“Win?” You caught that glimpse of excitement in his eyes, the sparkle that made Warren... Warren. And you didn’t even need words anymore, but they came and suddenly everything had a totally different meaning. “Yes silly!  We won! We won baby!”
 Your brain would race, it would run off to many different places, distant thoughts, memories and old experiences you weren’t able to describe in detail, except for those tiny scraps of words and images. Like frames of a film. Life’s moving so fast.
 It’s only been a week since presenting of the results but the memory itself was still so vivid. But you could only see one face, the one in front of you, the one you were planning your travel with. 
“When are we leaving again?”
You couldn’t help the involuntary roll of your eyes.
“2 weeks Warren. We’re leaving in 2 weeks. Now, can we get back to plans? We need a schedule if we want to meet during the weekends.”
Exaggerated sigh.
“Couldn’t you just pick the same uni?”
“You’re not just asking me to choose Kensington over Brighton.”
“What if I am?”
You shot him a glare but despite your efforts to play it off you didn’t miss the glint of sincerity in his eyes.
It was quite a challenge to keep your relationship the way it was after that evening in the park. And Warren was doing everything in his power to crack it. Break the established boundaries. Not that anyone has actually set them and obviously he didn’t mean to rush anything, he respected you far too much to do so. 
“I didn’t even apply there, it would make no sense if I would do it now.”
He perked up.
“But you’re considering it!”
“Oh gods… you know what? I would, but just because of you. Kensington wasn’t even in my plans.” You said and glued your eyes back to the papers spread between your bodies on the bench. Luckily the day wasn’t too windy so you were able to use some of the afternoon sun and organize your leave in more pleasant conditions. “And… you’ll be my only friend out there…”
The inevitable. Leaving familiar community for the sake of brand new experience. For the sake of possible personal growth. It was hard enough for you, but for Warren? 
Since joining the mutant underground he’s been doing everything and nothing in particular, all at once. He didn’t belong back home, among his family members, but he didn’t belong on the streets or cage-fighting either. Until then it’s all been downs and illusory ups. And whether he initially had rejected the idea or not, he’s found his place. And he was about to leave it for a while, leave America. He was wondering if it was just his mind playing with him all over again, or was it really the end of an era. He was about to leave the past behind completely. And you wouldn't be there with him, not within his reach.
“You know, I could always fly up to you. Like, Kensington during the day-“
“It’s 2 hours away. By car.”
“But I would stay the night! And we could spend the weekends by the sea. Studying!”  Warren emphasized with a rise of index finger. You smiled involuntarily. Classic Worthington. But when did he become so positive.
“Where did the real Warren go? I’m pretty sure you’re a clone, only more upbeat.”
You gazed up at his face and he was smiling. Only sadder.
“Hopefully I’m not evil clone.” He spoke up searching for your hand. Gently he nudged it. “I’ve changed. I don’t want to be unhappy anymore. I kinda think I won’t be able to if I keep you around. You’re like… my lucky charm or something.”
Another smile. And you were blushing a tiniest bit.
“The credit goes entirely to you War.” You exclaimed but your eyes remained glued to the bench, afraid that if you looked into those eyes one more time you’d actually break. Swallowing hard you straightened your posture. “Either way we’ve chosen different spots, but hopefully we’ll manage to meet sometime.” You faked a smile and Warren just nodded. He knew you better than to blindly believe in your optimism but he ran out of words to say.
Things will work out. Or you’ll make them work out. Somehow, someday.
 Weeks run by so fast. Even faster than days. You were packed up, slightly dizzy after farewell bash that Peter has managed to organize together with your mutual friends, and almost ready to go.
Given the character of the universities both of you’ve chosen and the grim reality of life as a mutant, you were meant to fly a special airline. Warren would often jokingly brag about how he could literally fly there on his own if only Xavier wasn’t so insistent on paying for your flight. You were far more pragmatic. Your abilities didn’t include flying or such long-distance teleportation, and even if they did you wouldn’t take that risk. Of course Warren was only playing but deep down you had that tightening feeling that something was about to blow up. And it was getting tighter and tighter with each passing day…
“You up?” You heard a muffled voice preceded by a knock from behind your door. 
By then you were left with finishing off the cleaning up your dorm room. After all it was hard to tell when you’d be coming back. Or if you were coming back at all… Might as well leave it as 'tabula rasa' as possible.
Another knock and you rushed to the door. Warren was biting his bottom lip in an attempt to contain his excitement, but his pose was saying something different. The old combat boots on his impatient heels were visibly polished for the occasion. You smirked at his choice of jacket though. It was that jean one with faux fur inside that you'd suggested him to buy once. Probably not that questionable choice considering London and its weather, where you were supposed to be landing. And for once he wasn’t wearing black pants but instead hardly ripped, simple jeans.
You were looking him up and down and he noticed it. Warren liked to joke that you were actually checking him out when you looked at him like that. Who knows, maybe you did.
“Gotta make an impression.” He said loud enough to bring your attention back to his face. He spread his arms and wings as if to emphasize his words.
“Uhm, and what kind of impression you wanted to make here?” You voiced your concerns waving your hand around. Warren frowned.
“Uh… artistry? I tried okay! I do have some family there but it’s not like I know everything about European fashion inherently.”
You let out an audible snort. Sometimes you really thought that Warren could sense your fears and therefore would always show up with his inimitable humor and helplessly silly comments. Always there to cheer you up when you were sad. Like an actual angel.
“Anyway, I decided to check up on you, but looks like you’re ready to go.” Warren pointed at the set of luggage by the wall.
“Yyyeah.” You stated hesitantly gluing your eyes to the floor and he nudged your chin gently so you’d look up at him again.
“You sure? You know you can tell me if something’s wrong.”
“It’s just… I don’t know. A feeling.” 
And he didn’t dig it up. Like he knew it was pointless, like he knew you wouldn’t be able to explain. 
Like you were more than just friends. 
So he just hugged you, just like you did back then in the park. Swallowed the urge to tell you how he really felt. Cause eventually he’d be able to tell you, and you needed his support. Safe with his arms engulfing you. And for that brief moment in your life your worries have melted away, somewhere where they couldn’t reach you. 
  After drawn-out hug session with your friends and receiving much needed words of support from the Professor and other teachers you were good to go. Well, maybe not good, but fine. Xavier insisted on driving you to the airport along with McCoy. You could tell that it had something to do with your inner concerns, but Warren seemed oblivious to it. All the way to the airport you two barely talked, but at some point Warren sneaked his hand around yours and you reciprocated by intertwining your fingers with his. Memories of the first time you held hands clouded your mind creating a wave of peace. Because with him everything seemed so easy, you felt as if nothing could crush you, not if he’s been through it and came back. You’ve come to meet the hell he’s been through via his words, the nightmares he’s allowed you to see. It made you appreciate your life more. Your life and him, his strength and will to fight back his demons.
His presence in your life seemed like that missing puzzle, and he very much felt the same way. But what if one day the image falls apart?
 The closer to the airport you were getting, the worse you felt. You didn’t feel sick, no, it was merely physical. It just felt as if something within you, something invisible, was being torn apart. Softly you let go of Warren’s hand, afraid that he could sense something and ask questions. You had to be brave, it was just a trip, an internship, nothing permanent you kept repeating yourself, but it wasn’t just stress of the travel. Something was happening and you couldn’t control it. A distant sensation, yet so close to your own heart you could feel it tear open.
Once you got to the airport it became unbearable, so overwhelming you had to excuse yourself to the restroom. The tension was increasingly climbing up your back, tensing the muscles around your spine and neck. And the buzz ringing in your ears, like a stun that only kept on growing and blocking you from your surroundings. 
You couldn’t even see the people throwing looks in your direction, you couldn’t even see them, only omnipresent pain invisible to the naked eye.
“_____, breathe.” Echo inside your ringing head. A soothing, distant voice. “I know, I know. Just breathe.”
Sharp inhale. Short exhale.
“Again, control your feelings. Breathe.”
Another sharp inhale, this time deeper. And exhale.
“Just like this, regain control. It’s fine. It will be fine.”
In long, out long. The buzzing seemed to fade into white noise, and with each breath it moved further and further away. Calm down, it’s fine. It will be fine.
The voice was getting closer to you, so close you could recognize it. As well as your surroundings. Cold tiles of restroom at the airport, empty stalls, three pairs eyes staring at you in shock. If only they could tell how shocked you were.
Soon enough another two figures rushed to you. You recognized one of the voices as Professor Xavier. The distant voice.
“It’s okay, breathe. You’re safe.” You blinked regaining your vision.
“Wh-what happened?”
“That, you’ll have to figure out on your own.” 
“Where’s _____?”
When Xavier suddenly decided to leave them at the waiting area Warren was certain it had something to do with your disappearance. And they made him wait, like a fool, like he wasn’t dying inside unaware of what you must have gotten yourself into. 
And so he was pacing around, concern all over his face. No words of wisdom coming from Jean could stop him from worrying. You weren’t there, something must have happened.
“She won’t be coming.” McCoy chimed in right behind Charles, but the elder mutant only nodded in agreement.
It was already settled, there was nothing else to add. Neither for you nor for him. He was left with a bunch of vague explanations and affirmations that everything is fine, that you’re just not ready, not yet. But the words just kept booming inside his head like an echo.
“Wha-? What do you mean she won’t be coming?” 
to be continued
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Thirst Tweets
Sam Wilson x Reader
Synopsis: Sam Wilson reads his thirst tweets and you get a little flustered. 
Warnings: Cursing
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You finally made it.
After years and years of hard work, tireless nights, and early mornings, you finally landed your dream job, a videographer for Buzzfeed. The position allowed you to meet so many new and interesting people. Not to mention the money.
It was your first day in the studio after two weeks of training and dumb HR videos, and you couldn't keep the smile off your face. Your fingers kept flipping and playing with your new ID badge. The security guard probably thought you were a serial killer or something since you were smiling so hard. It was hard for you to believe that you had finally made some of your biggest dreams come true. This job would be the key to becoming the next Alfred Hitchcock or Stephen Spielberg. 
You always knew you wanted to work in film. As a child you found movies fascinating, but not for the same reasons most children did. You were interested in the cinematography, the transitions between scenes and the editing. Of course you didn’t know anything about it as a child, but you quickly immersed yourself in it and learned everything you could. You busted your ass through high school to get accepted into one of the best film schools in the country and shortly after graduation, you landed this job. All of the stars were aligning and everything felt like it was fate. Sometimes you can't believe your luck. 
You had no idea how your first day would be, or what your first video would be. In the end it really didn’t matter to you, you were excited just to be in a space with so many people who were like-minded and so talented. After grabbing a granola bar from the snack table, you made your way toward your boss, Yolanda. Your bright eyes taking in everything you could from the plain light blue set. You had grabbed your folder which had information about what you were filming, but you hadn’t had much time to really look into it. All you knew was that it was an interview of some kind. And because you worked at Buzzfeed that didn’t really tell you much. 
Yolanda briefly glanced up at you and a big smile spread across her thin face. She turned back to her phone and waved you over to where she was standing. “Y/N! There’s my little protege. Come here for a sec!” You picked up your pace and tried to calm yourself even though you were practically vibrating in front of her.
She chuckled softly and shook her head. She could read your energy so easily. “I remember that feeling exactly. The excitement of your first day on the job, between you and me I threw up from the adrenaline. And while I understand the excitement you have I know it’s not the best start. But appreciate the feeling for as long as you can kid. It’s the best.”
You nodded, “Can you tell me what exactly we are shooting today? I wasn’t able to get a good look at the folder before I had to come down.” You wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Knowing the subject would help you start to plan out everything in your head. Hopefully in the future they will get you the folder before the day of the shoot. 
Yolanda smiled, “No one told you? We’re having the Falcon read his thirst tweets!”
You froze. How the hell did Buzzfeed manage to pull that off? Sam Wilson was bigger than any celebrity, nobody could even come close to the man. Everyone loved him, and he seemed to really love his fans as well. You knew Buzzfeed had influence in the industry, but you had no idea they had enough pull to land an Avenger.
You were beyond excited mainly because they trusted you with something that was such a big deal. But also because you’ve had the biggest crush on this particular winged avenger for a couple of years. 
“Oh my God, Yolanda thank you so much for this opportunity! I promise I will not let you down!” You bounced slightly on the back of your heels. 
She was shaking her head before you even finished. “I have complete faith in you Y/N. That’s why I hired you. I don’t hire people I don’t think I can’t trust to get the work done. I know you are going to do great.”
You had a thousand questions, but if Sam Wilson was coming here you had to focus. As well as calm down. . “When will he be here? I need to prepare and check on everything.” 
“He should be here in about half an hour.”
You choked. HALF AN HOUR! How in the hell were you supposed to double and triple check everything in half an hour? You immediately scrambled to your equipment and got started. You’d be damned if you had any mishaps in front of Sam freaking Wilson. 
Luck was on your side. You had just finished giving everything another once over when a booming voice startled everyone.
“CUT THE CHECK!” And with that, Falcon walked onto the set. You already knew the man was attractive, but the pictures and videos you’d seen didn’t do him justice at all. He was HUGE. Easily a foot taller than you and his arms were like telephone poles hanging from his shoulders. His signature gap-toothed grin was wide as he greeted everyone in the room. He made it a point to shake everyone’s hands as he passed them. So he definitely had manners.
Your heart rate jumped as he got closer to where you were standing. By the time he stood in front of you, your mouth was dry and your palms were sweating. 
He smirked as he reached out his hand. “Well hello there beautiful. What’s your name?”
You struggled to keep your composure. “Y/N. I’ll be one of your videographers for the shoot.” 
He reached out his hand, but when you reached out to shake it, he grasped it lightly and brought it to his lips. He slowly leaned down, staring into your eyes, and brought your hand to his lips. Your brain completely short circuited as soon as his lips made contact. Oh man, This man was dangerous.
He hummed as he straightened up, but he didn’t let go of your hand. “Well it is great to meet you Y/N. I see I’m in capable hands.” 
You could feel the heat in your face, but you tried to keep your composure. The fangirl look was not cute. “Thank you. I’ll take care of everything, don’t worry about any of it.”
He smirked and moved in closer to you. Realizing you only came up to his ribcage did some things to your insides. The man was just ridiculously big, this thought ran through your head repeatedly. It made you wonder what else about him was big. 
“Oh, I believe you. You look like a girl who would take care of me.”you almost fell over.  It should be illegal for a wink like that to exist honestly. One quick flick of his eye and you were ready to drop your panties for this man. It’s a wonder how anyone is able to fight him. 
Sam made his way to the chair on the backdrop. He had already been through makeup and wardrobe so it was almost time to start the shoot. One of the crew members brought the infamous blue container and handed it off to Sam. He grinned as he took a peek inside. “Oh, there’s a lot of these!”
There were a few more minutes of everyone setting up their equipment and then the director gave the signal to start filming. “Alright everyone, ready in five, four, three” She silently showed two and one, then threw her hand into the air and mouthed “action”.
Despite your nervousness, you were on autopilot. Your hands and body knew all of the motions and picked up your mental slack. Sam seemed completely at ease, not the easiest thing when you had at least 30 people staring at you behind blinding lights. He started to make his introduction.
“Hey everyone, I’m Sam Wilson, also known as The Falcon and I am at Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets.” He picked up the blue container, making a show of it being extremely heavy. “And from the looks of it, y’all are really thirsty.” He grinned and sent a wink directly into the camera. Your camera. 
Once you’ve recovered from yet another winkgate, you start to notice all of the things a videographer would. You already knew Sam was photogenic, he managed to make it on the paper somehow pretty much weekly, but you never truly appreciated how much the camera loved him. His skin did not wash out in the lights and the smooth brown skin did something to you. He was a naturally charming guy and his personality was incredibly likeable. You already knew this video would be a huge hit on Youtube. 
Sam pulled out the first slip of paper, and started to read it out loud. “I’d let Falcon fucking destroy me and ask if he was free the next day.” He smirked, and made sure to look right into the camera again, his eyes full of mirth. “Babygirl, I wouldn’t destroy you. A meal should be savored, not torn into.” He smirked again, then kept going, “Unless you want me to tear into you. If so, I’d be happy to oblige.” 
You felt your entire body clench as he spoke. Oh he was nasty. This was going to be one hell of a shoot. You were well aware of how nasty people were on Twitter, especially when it came to the Avengers. Sam’s tweets were always especially nasty. He was such a flirty person, so he always attracted some of the freakier people. 
He smiled really bright for the camera. “Let’s read the next one. It says ‘I want Sam Wilson to explore my guts.’” He let out a loud laugh, shaking his head. “Oh y’all are really nasty. Ok bet, I’m with it.” He leaned forward and beckoned the camera closer with his fingers. Y/N zoomed in as much as she could and still kept the frame. Sam grinned. “Sweetheart didn’t you know they call me Indiana Jones? I’ll explore every inch of them guts. I’ll find the treasure and I’m taking it with me, you hear me? I’m gonna find every secret passageway and get through all the traps. I’m leaving a souvenir too.” 
One of the crew members yelled really loudly, ”Whew!” while fanning themselves and everyone laughed. It did nothing to curb the sexual tension in the room though. It was a pleasant surprise to find out that Falcon was with the shits, everyone kind of expected him to be more PG, like Cap. They couldn’t have been more wrong. 
Sam started laughing, “Y’all are making this so hard! And you're making me hard! I didn’t know I had this many people checking for me. Y’all got a guy feeling really good!” He quickly realized his mistake. “Oh shit, sorry y’all you’ll have to edit that out.” He didn’t seem very sorry though. It didn’t help that he was staring at you the entire time he was talking. Was that your cue? You definitely didn’t need any convincing, you were already down for whatever this man wanted from you.
He shook his head and reached for the next slip of paper, “What are y’all gonna come up with next?” He started to read the tweet aloud. “Ok, so can Sam Wilson just put a baby in me?” He laughed so hard he leaned backwards in the chair. “Y’all are wild, I love it. I can’t guarantee I’d put a baby in you, but I’m definitely down to try baby girl.” You couldn’t tell if he was staring at you or the camera. 
The director motioned for a few more then they would wrap up the shoot. You never wanted this to end. This video was really gonna break the internet.
Sam grabbed the next one, smirking before he even started reading it aloud. “All I want for Christmas is a train with Falcon, Captain America, and Bucky.” He scoffed, “Alright, now I’m offended. Let me make one thing clear. If I got you, you don’t need anybody else. Hell, you won’t have the energy for someone else. Cap and Bucky have nothing on me alright?” He pointed to you, “You feel what I’m saying, babygirl?”
You nodded so hard you almost bit your tongue. He smirked, “That’s my girl. And if my amazing videographer agrees, then it must be true. We’ll do one more tweet.”
“Sam Wilson is the epitome of big dick energy. If you disagree, fight me.” He clapped his hands, “Aye! Now this one knows what’s up! Y’all already know what’s going on, I don’t need to say a damn thing. I’m not called black stallion for nothing, ya dig?” He winked at you. Definitely not at the camera, at you. Damn it, now you have to change your underwear. 
Sam looked into the camera again. “Well that’s it beautiful people. Y’all have my confidence on another level! Don’t let me run into one of y’all in the street!” He stuck out his tongue and flicked it, like he was going in on some pussy and every woman in the studio lost their shit, you included. 
The director beat all of you to it though. “Cut! Sam you can’t say that!”
Sam was laughing his ass off. “Sorry, but I had to let them know I’m with the shits. You can cut it, but at least everyone in this room knows.” He looked at you again. “YN. Was my message clear?”
You couldn’t even look at him. That man’s presence alone was too much for you. You did make sure to nod your head vigorously though. He did ask you a question after all. You got a little worried when you didn’t hear him say anything else, but that worry quickly became shock when you felt hands on your chin.
Sam fucking Wilson was right in your face. He pulled your face up until your eyes met and he stared down at you kinda hard. Like he was mad. 
“I asked you a question babygirl. Answer it.” His voice was hard and deep. 
You swallowed hard, “Yes sir, your message was clear.” He relaxed a bit and hummed.  
“Good. I had to make sure you heard it. Now I have another question for you.”
You were definitely curious. What else could the man have to say to you? “What is it?” you asked.
He smirked and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Can I tell you what my thirst tweet for you would be?” 
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sinningismywinning · 4 years
Do As You Please - 2
   Stepping out onto the street made you question, which vicinity burned your throat more. Inside the congested, smoke-filled bar, or being outside  next to the vomit that lined the pubs pavement. The motion of being pushed forward was enough to make your head spin. Thomas kept his hand politely on your lower back, to ensure you got through the crowd. He wasn’t necessarily man-handling you, but he didn’t treat you like fine porcelain china. Orange bulbs burned brightly outside of every building, you could almost hear the low buzz.
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   You didn’t know what time it was, but you knew it must have been late, since even the homeless beggars were finally resting. Tommy stayed quiet until you were about a block away from the Garrison. He didn’t know how to approach your situation. 
   Thomas Shelby wasn’t use to walking women home, unless he were to sleep with them. “Where do you live?” His low voice cut the silence, as he removed his hand from your back.
   You had always tried your hardest to not walk home at night, especially without someone else in attendance. You were so occupied that morning with your thoughts on getting to the pub, that you never thought to consider how you’d be getting home safely. Maybe it was a good thing you had the encounter that you did.
   Tommy wasn’t much of a conversationalist, especially to those that he didn’t know. “I still haven’t caught your name,” his head turned to you. “I’m starting to think you don’t have one,” he quipped. He had been asking you questions but you were too absorbed in your thoughts. Your head was pounding, and quite frankly, walking wasn’t helping. 
   “It’s Y/N,” God your feet hurt from these heels. “I live uh..” Fuck, how much did you have to drink? You had to stop walking. The motion was getting to you. “I live near Talcum Lane.” Your sentence was slow and hesitant. 
   “Aye, you’re not lying to me are you?” He questioned, no longer walking as well. You had no reason to lie, but your behavior obviously made him think otherwise. He didn’t want to intrude and ask too many personal questions, Mainly because he didn’t care, yet, he also didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
   You felt his eyes on you, and you turned to face him. The glow of a street lamp settled on his features. You were taking into account how sharp they were. Thomas, on the other-hand, was kicking himself for not knowing what he had gotten himself into. “No, I’m not lying, I just think I had too much to drink,” Were you drunk, or was your corset too tight? It was getting a bit harder to breathe, but why would you make that known?
   His eyes didn’t leave you, and his absence of words didn’t help to comfort your thoughts. “Never seen you in Small Heath before,” now it sounded as if he was interrogating. “I would’ve remembered a face like yours.” His words carried no emotion, nor weight. Since you both had stopped walking, he paused to pull out a cigarette. 
   “I try to not go to the pubs, not safe, and I’m always at work. Never home,” you explained yourself. “Hm,” he rested a cigarette between his teeth. He dragged the end across his lower lip to moisten the filter. Seemed well-rehearsed.  Maybe you were staring too much. You turned your head to evade accidentally catching his gaze.
   “Where do you work?” He was too intrigued by you to not ask. “I work at the Tailor Shop 15 minutes West of the Garrison, nicest one in town.” it was low enough to be a mumble, but he heard you. “Tailor shop?” He huffed with a amusement. “What’s someone like you, doing at the Garrison, talking to my brother?” He said taking a drag.
   “I went for the same reasons everyone else does. Stressful day at work.” You turned back to face him. “I can understand that,” It sounded as if your response had passed for his approval. You rolled your eyes, the alcohol wearing off minute by minute.
   “Don’t worry about me being on your hands again,” you spoke starting to walk once more. Just because you felt awful about his shirt, that didn’t mean you’d let him get close enough to walk over you again. You barely knew this man, and now he’s taking you home! “Yeah? Why’s that?” He enjoyed this little game. Most women would get on their knees just from his reputation, you seemed to despise him. He liked it.
   Thomas always wanted things that most people thought could never be his. He was taking more of an incline to you as the night progressed. “Because I won’t be caught dead in a scummy pub like that again,” you said making a turn down the street.
   He finished off his smoke. He threw the bud onto the cobblestone, and crushed the ash under his shoe. He couldn’t help but let out an slick smile as he followed close behind. “What’s wrong with my bar?” his voice got dangerously deep. 
   That was a sentence you weren’t expecting, and damn did it gut you. You wanted the earth to swallow you whole. You wouldn’t have insulted the place if you knew he was the one who owned it. Now at this very moment, you didn’t know who held the most irony in their hands. Him, or you. He waited for the apology. The big ‘Oh dear, I didn’t know! Pardon me!’ Little did he know, he waited for the wrong thing. 
   “Everything’s wrong with it.” You decided to ignore your conscience. It’s not like you’d see him again after this. You were brutally honest, even when it wasn’t needed. “Your pub-hand wasn’t charging people correctly for bottles of booze. I saw him give away whiskey for 2 pence, not 5,” You said waiting for a reaction. You decided to keep going. “And another thing, when’s the last time you kicked people out for over-drinking and ill behavior? I saw at least three grown men sitting in their own vomit.” You stopped walking once again. Your mouth ran and ran. 
   Once again, that rare glimpse of a smirk made its way onto his face, but only momentarily. He put his hands into his coat pocket, fiddling with the watch that sat tucked away inside. How the hell did you understand alcohol prices? He could feel his pistol holstered beneath his coat. He opened his mouth to speak, but it took an additional second for something to come out. “Well, I kicked you out, didn’t I?” his grin fell short as he retorted back to you. It seems you’ve met your match. He nudged you on to keep walking with him.
  “Well I didn’t-” you couldn’t defend yourself. “Your brother was the one who suggested me to go home, not you.” Your eyes met with his as you tried to defend yourself. “Yeah, after you spilled liquor on me.” He gestured to the stain of his white shirt. You felt bad. You really did.
   He saw your face squint up for a moment. Your cheeks burned red. The longer the walk was, the more you were getting to know the stand-off pub owner. “I’m sorry,” it took a lot for you to say that. He just nodded in response. He wasn’t going to treat you differently.
   If you could run your mouth, he’d just show you that he was better at it. A tense silence filled between you both. “Y/N’s a beautiful name,” he broke the space. “Thank you,” your voice was soft in response. Thomas knew to not involve himself with you. You were too naive, too passionate. He wouldn’t  make you a quick-fuck either.
   His mind went on and on about putting you against the side of your own building and tasting your lips. He loved women, he really did. “Do you enjoy working as a seamstress?” He questioned. You did say you needed a drink and didn’t resort to it unless stressed. He just wanted the gap of a walking distance to be filled with words.
   You mindlessly shrugged, seeing your balcony from the upcoming street. You were close to home. “I fell in love with it, but the new owners changed that. I wanted to be a teacher at first, but things just get in the way,” you hummed. Money was what got in the way. He figured it best to not push it more.
   Though he didn’t know you for anything, the thought of you interacting with kids seemed to click. You’d teach them to not take shit from anyone, and hopefully, that mindset wouldn’t get them killed.
   A part of you wanted the walk to be longer. You found yourself growing comfortable in his silence. Was he a good listener? Or did he master the art of tuning people out? He walked you up the first steps to your home. You pursed your lips as you turned from your front door to face him. “Thank you Thomas,” you nodded with appreciation. He never got use to the formality of people calling him Thomas. He didn’t feel the need to correct you just yet. He figured there would be other times to do so, even though you intended of this being your last interaction with him.
   He looked up at the sky. Dark clouds that encased over the stars, so the night wasn’t as bright. “No need to thank me,” praise always made him feel uncomfortable.
   You found yourself looking at him for a little too long. The silence sank in between the both of you. There was a silent attraction. He felt it, and the only reason you picked up on it as well, was due to his bluntness. His head tilted back down to look at you. Your eyes glanced to his lips.
   “Goodnight, Y/N,” he spoke cordially. He took a step back, letting his eyes take you in. There was a lump in your throat. You broke the eye contact first with a small smile, and turned away from him to unlock your door. The moment you stepped inside you couldn’t help but go over the tense silence you just experienced, as you leaned on the closed door. 
   “Oi, fucks’ the matter with ya?” A voice spoke out angrily from your sofa. “Been fuckin’ stayin up worried about ya, and now is when ya decide to stroll on in? It’s four in the fucking morning Y/N!” your brother yelled standing up.
  You walked past the man and went straight to your room. “I’m not a kid anymore, don’t fucking bother with it Alfie!” you yelled back slamming your door. You’d deal with him in the morning.. 
   Alfie had many connections. Hopefully he could tell you more about the reputation of Thomas Shelby. Yet little did you know, he wasn’t notorious for the right reasons.
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