#magic CONSTANTLY despite being a 'pegasus'
Round 1, Group A: Matchup 5
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Seiji Sagara vs Pegasus Seiya
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Seiji Sagara
plain messy brown hair and brown eyes despite being a main supporting character. every other main supporting character has a fun hair colour or personality but Seiji looks like a video game NPC. and his personality is supporting and having a crush on his main female friend (the protag) and being into sports. he also dresses generic in just a plain hoodie and cargo pants.
he has the most iconic lines in the entire series: "as a man this fires me up" (about fried chicken) and "do horses still exist?" and he's the brains in his duo with him and his protagonist friend Megumi. he's so fun and please give him a break for dealing with the stuff his friends (the magical girl team) get up to. deserves more love.
Pegasus Seiya
He’s got your typical brown hair, bangs in the face style. The anime is old (1986) so consider that. He’s also the angry kinda dumb main character who falls in love with the main girl, is constantly getting power ups and is very dramatic (I’d kill for him). To see his design (or a similar one) in a more modern style, check Pegasus Tenma. He’s his ancestor and they look alike. 
LOOK. Saint seiya is iconic, and outside of the English-speaking bubble, one of the most famous and relevant animes out there. Saint seiya defined a lot of tropes used to this day, to a point where the cliques in the anime cannot be considered as such because they were either created or solidified there. It’s queer, it’s fun, it’s colourful and has a lot of important messages, most of them carried on by seiya himself - of determination and being a kind person and relying on others. Seiya himself is a huge himbo who drinks his respect women juice and is just an adorable goofball.
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yandere-daydreams · 10 months
the classic/fantasy barbies were the shit mannn i dont like the modern ones as much.. i mean ican still enjoy them i just have a low bar lol but the classic ones.. well maybe jts nostalgia but damn i love me some classic princesses and fairies. However despite this ive never seen magic of the pegasus. even though barbie is essentially the entire reason why i love the sound of horse clopping (AGAINST THE FLOOR. LIKE HIGH HEEL CLACKING BUT WITH HORSES. NOT MLP SEX OR WHATEVER)
as we near closer and closer to the event i am ascending constantly into my final state as a Barbie Historian (Animated Movie Variant). so far in my research, i've come to the conclusion that there are pretty much three phases in the Barbie Timeline with some overlap, those phases being the Plain Barbie Era -> the Animal Side-Kick Era -> the Pop Era, defined by the plot-relevence of deliberately markable animal side-kicks, the overuse of catchy pop songs, and the lack thereof. personally i love a jam and usually can't stand the animal sidekicks (miette of barbie and the three musketeers my absolute worstie), so i'm kinda enjoying the more recent stuff. magic of pegasus still peaked, but y'know, aside from that.
they also become, like,,, funny on purpose? at some point? and while i love genuine camp, i also adore the concept of someone in a writers' room deciding that ken's going to get kidnapped by fairies but it's totally fine don't worry because they all think he's a funny little dude and sorta treat him like a communal pet. that is a batshit decision to make but also the most in-character thing for ken and i am able to appreciate that.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Roundup: DM!
Favorite main character: Joey Wheeler
Okay, let me just fully reveal all of biases here: Heart of Gold, Dumb of Ass. Characters who have never experienced a single thought in their entire lives because their brain is too busy running Friendship.EXE 24/7. Real golden retrievers of people. I wanna look at a character and know that the only thing running around in their cavernous, empty skull is *sparkly heart emoji*
Joey Wheeler is perhaps the pinnacle of this thriving subspecies. I don’t know what more to say than that. He just makes me happy.
As someone also suffering from Chronic Dumbass Disorder, I always adore shows and media where idiots are included in the friend group. It’s very easy to preach love from a pulpit of Smart, Successful, Capable, Well Rounded Characters. But the character that’s allowed to screw up? To constantly be just shy of achievement, but never feels any angst for it, because they know it’s not what their friends love about them. It’s the reciprocal act of loving like an idiot. And that being enough. 
Very good. 10/10. Inspiring to us fellow himbos.
Favorite antagonist: Marik Ishtar
And, at the complete opposite end of the Character Tropes I Go Bananas For scale: Maverick Blishtar. 
While I’m a tad shy of the proper age to truly have nostalgia for DM, there’s no denying the sheer style the first series burst out of the gate with. And Marik is truly the pinnacle of Battle City Iconic. Amazing gender. The perfect blend of (then) contemporary street fashion and ancient egyptian iconography. He’s just. So fantastically yugioh. 
And then, on top of that, he’s such a genuinely well grounded character, with a backstory and motives that feel very human, despite being about literally underground cults and ancient magic. Marik is, fundamentally, an angry, sheltered teenager, lashing out at the world with an anger too big for his age. You know: a teenager. As much as I adore villains like Pegasus and Kaiba, Marik manages to have the Campy Gay Villain Style while also being a very understandable, and surprisingly relatable, villain. 
(And, quick note, my other character weakness, aside from Pure Of Heart, Dumb Of Ass, is any fictional character whose arc can remotely correlate to the struggles of living with depression. I just. Cannot stress enough how impactful it is to every version of myself as a Consumer Of Media. I’m cutting myself short here, because this is meant to be a quick review and I might make an essay on the topic someday, but I wanted to touch on it very lightly, because it is not only a major reason why I adore Marik, but it’s gonna come up in my reviews of these shows again and again. Yugioh is a show that depicts depressed characters in a way that just. Makes me feel felt. And that’s important for me to say.)
Favorite side character: Mai Valentine
Anyway, heavy stuff out of the way! Mai “Girl” Valentine, everyone! 
She is very neat. :)
I mean, what more is there to say about a self sufficient, young woman who’s perfectly comfortable with her self, acts as a guiding older sister to the main friend group, and also rides a motorcycle??? Absolutely nothing. She is a lovely lass. 
I mean, you could talk about how she is the first victim on yugioh female characters having their most interesting character development when they’re momentarily evil, which, yes, is not exactly the most feminist win. But! There’s too many overly long think pieces one could write about shonen anime girls, and that’s not what I’m setting out to do today! And besides, the pattern is more worthy of criticism than its individual examples. So, here’s your complimentary grain of salt. Now, back to my favorite harpy lady.
In her first duel, she claims to have esp, when in fact both fake-psychics and real-psychics are a dime a dozen in this world. You know what’s actually impressive??? Being able to pick out individual strains of perfume from a forty card deck that’s been doused in as many fragrances. Beating up an entire biker gang while also on a bike and by throwing pieces of cardboard as weapons. Spending days trapped in the shadow realm, surrounded on all sides by magical projections of her own loneliness and fear of rejection, then coming back to life and deciding to use this once in a lifetime opportunity to play the fun prank of temporarily faking her death and making her friends think she’s gone forever. 
What a gal.
Favorite duel: Yami vs. Yugi
Probably my favorite thing about the entirety of DM. Yes, there are some fantastic duels in the series: Yugi vs Pegasus, Bakura vs. Yami Marik, Kaiba vs. Ishizu. But the final fight between Yami and Yugi is where I truly got yugioh. 
I originally started watching yugioh as a time filler, something I could throw on in the background as a white noise while I sewed, or a wind-down right before I went to bed. While the characters were fun, and the monsters very cool and colorful, I found it very easy to zone out whenever duels took centerstage. I actually went digging through my old discord messages before writing this review, and found this quote, from myself, that really summarizes my thought on duels at the time:
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But then I got to the finale. And everything clicked.
For once, I saw the card game as not just a brightly animated frame-filler, but an integral part of conveying the story. I wasn’t just waiting for Yugi to play enough turns until he could claim his inevitable victory; I was on the edge of my seat to see exactly how he would outmaneuver his opponent. And I genuinely cheered and gasped and got choked up watching it all unfold.
The finale fight was when I truly became invested in the card game aspect of yugioh, not just as a framework on which to hang the most insane anime worldbuilding, but as a truly unique way of delivering narrative that you can’t get anywhere else.
The time taken for deckbuilding does a lot to set up the duel. Yami and Yugi having to go through their shared card pool and picking out which card from the formerly homogeneous playstyle is truly theirs. Yami goes for the flashy monsters; the royalty, the big beasts, the cards he had a personal connection to in his past life. While Yugi has cutesy-er monsters that are more than meets the eye. The entire dramatic question of the finale is “Is that enough?”
Can those smol kidsy monsters match up to the King of Games partnership? Can they surpass it?
And then the actual duel, and the back and forth finishing of both arcs is wonderfully represented in the plays. The entire premise of this show started off with a vengeful ghost, violently punishing anyone who he can trick into a game, and now here he is, playing a fun game with a friend and actually enjoying himself. There’s gentle ribbing and friendly conversation during a duel for almost the first time. And yes, that’s mostly because all the opponents up till now have been villains trying to rob/murder people, but that goes even further to show how much Yami has grown! Because he used to be that villain dark magic baddie! Yami goes out with a smile and a thumbs up, happy to finally lose his crown.
On Yugi’s end of things, he proves that scrappy friendship he’s been touting around through the entire show can stand toe-to-toe with literal gods. And through Yami, he’s learned not only how to stand up for himself, but the technical skills of the game, leading to his victory. The Yami-Yugi dynamic is PERFECTLY summed up by the shiny, radiant god of the sun, equally matched (and eventually beaten!) by a pink marshmallow.
The Yami vs. Yugi fight is where I coined the phrase that has been guiding my principles in enjoying this franchise: The Rule Of Duel. That in any good yugioh fight, the game should strive to spend 50% of itself building and conveying character. And 50% of itself being PURE UNAPOLOGETICALLY AWESOME.
The closer a duel comes to that perfect Rule Of Duel ratio of 50/50, the closer it is to being the platonic ideal of yugioh story telling.
And by that metric, the Yami vs. Yugi fight is damn near perfect.
Favorite arc: Waking the Dragons
I know. I was surprised too.
At first, this choice was determined by process of elimination. Like I said, for most of its runtime, DM was very passive viewing for me, since I had yet to be bitten by the yugioh bug.
But as I started to think on it more, Waking The Dragons really is my favorite arc of the original show. Look, it has “dragons” in the title! That's like, a guarantee on 100% more dragons!
I think it’s in the fact that WtD feels like it has the least internal friction between the manga, the anime, and the 4kids dub. Probably because there isn’t a manga to conflict with. The americanized saturday morning cartoon feel isn’t fighting as harshly with the heavier tones, and rather, Dartz’s insane magic atlantis story feels just as natural as Seto Kaiba himself; ridiculous, over-the-top, and perfectly at home in the wild worldbuilding of the universe that runs on card games. Also, as a mythology nerd, this arc completely blindsided me by having a bunch of researched and under-utilized details about its Atlantis, like using Plato’s concentric ring city, non-greco-roman architecture, or the names of the dialogues for the arc’s dragon trinity.
Also, it’s some of my favorite character growth for Yami; forcing him to deal with consequences to his actions. Yugi and Yami are the central duo of the show, yet get very little story diving into their actual interactions and relationship. I really liked getting to see that dynamic explored, as well as Yami’s god-king complex brought down a peg. Good growth, good adventures, and just the thickest veneer of kids television charm.
Listen, sometimes, it’s not about the writing. It’s about how many dragons Seto Kaiba can summon before the building explodes.
Greatest strengths of the series:
Undeniably, its sheer style. Yugioh DM changed the entire definition of shonen drip. Its eclectic mix of occult, punk, and streetwear, with the sharp points of ink and eyeliner alike, really is something to behold. And applaud, seeing as how many works are still drawing influence from it, over two decades later. Duel Monsters really set the bar with such a strong visual identity and I think, without it, the series simply wouldn’t have grown into what it is today.
In terms of writing, the narrative bandies about a strong sense of duality, on what the “good” and “evil” parts of the self really contribute to as whole person. Marik is probably my favorite example, exploring whether that darkness in the soul should be eradicated, even at the cost of ones self.
 And the answer is: it shouldn’t.
Obviously, Yami Marik is defeated because, come on, this is an action driven card game anime, but the idea that og Marik was willing to sacrifice himself to do it. Killing the thing inside you at any costs. Including your own life.
Don’t do it. Instead, focus on making as much of yourself the you that you want to see survive. Overtake the Yami. Preservation of the self is the most radical form of self care, yet also the most difficult and tiring decision one can make. And it’s worth making.
Because there’s always. Always. A chance to heal.
Weakest points:
Those narrative high points, however, do come few and far between. If I could levy one criticism against DM, (as a story, not a show) it’s that it’s long. And it sometimes lacks direction. You really feel as DM violently jerks back and forth between being a pg-horror, an advertisement, a kitschy adventure anime, and a saturday morning cartoon, like a confused bumper car on a rusty track. None of the elements are bad, but they’re all somewhat fighting with each other. They haven’t properly coalesced yet into anything more than the sums of their parts.
The duels haven’t hit their stride yet either. The fights are long, and they rarely feel like they convey anything more than twenty minutes of screentime with a three minute ad break. And there’s so many of them. For every Yugi vs Kaiba, there’s at least a dozen Yugi vs. Random Joe We Don’t Really Care About. Again, early days of the formula, this is very much a trial by fire that will go on to be the foundations of some of my favorite Yugioh Serotonin.
(Also, I have no idea what is actually going on in the final season and at this point I’m scared to ask.)
Most yugioh moment:
When Kaiba loses Battle City, and grumpily announces to everyone that he will now blow up the entire island. Then flying away in a giant dragon shaped jet.
(Kaiba actually contributes to 98% of The Most Yugioh moments in the entire franchise, so I’ve disqualified him from any future runnings but. I can’t deny him his crown, not when I’m standing amidst the landscape of his kingdom.)
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rasshu-benaio · 1 year
KnY Poneh AU🐴
(Demon slayer/My little Pony Synopsis)
- In the world of magical ponies, evil rears its ugly head once more as a corrupt and cursed alicorn named Muzan, watches over the world waiting for when he can finally take it over. A secret system of the worlds most powerful warriors called “Hashira” protects and fights against Muzan to prevent his influence over others but he has his own army… the 12 Moons. In exchange for devastating powers, creatures sell their allegiances to the corrupt alicorn, but are stricken with the same curse that prevents them from going out into the sunlight… Now deemed as Demons of their former selves, these minions fight, kill, and eat their own kind to get stronger, prompting the leader of the Demon slayers to take action, “All demons must be Executed”.
Notable characters
Rasshu: the pegasus warrior that prides herself on her sweet speed and evasion tactics. Shes one of the older slayers members and she often guides younger members to prepare them. Despite being extremely loyal to her purpose, she is deeply involved with a highly ranking villain. Only her and her leader know about this traitorous act but it seems like she’s influencing this said demon to switch sides… (she might have a slight demon trait in her)
Kyojuro: One of the most well respected Hashira despite his lackluster race: an earth pony. He radiate positivity as he represents their cause to cleanse this earth of demons! With his affinity for flames, he is known as the flame hashira! Though he might be one of the weaker members, he’s still extremely skilled as he uses his flame prowess to ignite his own weapons in battle! Friends with everyone and best friends with the sound hashira! (He is horrendously bad at social queues)
Giyu: A quiet pegasus that has witnessed the murder of his found family. Seemingly traumatized by the experience, he stays silent with most but he fights with vengeance for his fallen brethren. His affinity is water magic, as he can coat this weapons in a water like magic that helps cut through the necks of demons! He often gets bullied by the insect hashira, but he seems to be ok with it? Giyu seems to sightly respect Rasshu for being his sensei’s Hashira partner in the past. (He seems to a small crow as his pet that he love’s deeply)
Mitsuri: The most nurturing and happy earth pony you’ll ever see, the love hashira! Original under kyojuro, she became a hashira and now she fights alongside the best of the best! Her abnormally strong body allows her to plummet enemies in an instant!? She actually has a crush on most of the hashira but she REALLY wants to date the Serpents hashira! (She once had a crush on Rasshu, mistaking her for a stallion)
Obanai: A fragile bat pony that was taken in by the leader but now a strong Serpent hashira. This pony was born into a majority female demon controlled house hold so now he holds resentment for most women, except the sweetest pony, Mitsuri. He is one of the most skilled hashira as he fights along side his snake partner and utilizes snake-like magic to batter the opponents! (He knows Rasshu’s secret and absolutely hates her for it)
TENGEN: THE FLASHIEST OF THE HASHIRA! THE GOD OF FESTIVALS!!! This bombastic unicorn loves to fight with big blasts of magic infused attacks! He is also extremely fast and him and Rasshu tend to race constantly. With being so loud and flashy, he has a strenuous relationship with Obanai… Deemed as one of the weakest hashira, he looks up to his best buddy, Kyojuro… (He was actually raised to be a ninja like warrior so he is great at evasion IF he shuts up)
Sanemi: A scary dragon/pony hybrid that strikes fear into everyone. Deemed as the wind hashira, Sanemi uses his dragon like magic to control the wind around him to aid in killing his enemies! His ways are so ruthless that fellow hashira tend to get worried for the demon’s sake. Obanai seems to be his only “friend” since they are both similarly ruthless when fighting demons. (Gyomei is one of the few ponies that witnessed Sanemi’s gentle side)
Gyomei: An extremely gentle Yak that has tremendous physical power. He is around the same age as Rasshu, placing him as being the second older active hashira. He has a calming aura that seems to attract animals of all kinds. Not wanting to fight, you can see him meditating alongside nature but when he does fight, it’s terrifying. He is undoubtedly the strongest hashira when it comes to physical power! (He is so sweet that no hashira seems to hold any resentments against him… he often invites his co hashira to tea)
Shinobu: a small unicorn that is deemed as the insect hashira. She aids and heals up any of the injured slayers so she has a decent role to play in the demon slayer corps! But don’t let her small stature fool you, she cant slice up demons like the others but she creates poison that eats away at even the strongest of demons! She has a sweet expression but she holds a large amount of anguish behind such a sweet face. (She seems to have a bit of interest in the water hashira, Giyu… or maybe she just likes to bully him)
Muichiro: The youngest slayer with the hashira rank; the mist pillar! This young unicorn seems to be a tad bit forgetful as he never seems to remember much. Because of his young age, he gets coddled by most of the hashira in his area. Even if hes super young, hes a hashira for a reason as his ability to fight is extraordinary! Using mist to hide his movements and confuse his enemies! (He actually refers to Rasshu as aunt Rasshu, even if they aren’t related… now every young slayer does this to her)
Sakonji: A retired pegasus that used to fight along side Rasshu back in the day until he got badly injured. The former water pillar, he trained many slayers like Giyu and Tanjiro but many of his students died to a particular demon hellbent of revenge… After breaking his wings, he lives alone after failing to protect his students… he still teaches what he can to the creatures seeking to become a slayer… (sometimes he shows up to hashira meetings to see whats going on)
Tanjiro: A new young slayer that wants to fight to save his little sister and change her back into a normal pony. This earth pony seems to have the power of the sun itself like the original slayer from the legends! He’s very hopeful as he trains each day with his friends. He fights to finally confront the evil alicorn himself! (He is so dang innocent and sweet but he’s also so naive)
Zenitsu: A jumpy unicorn embedded with electric elements! He’s terrified of monsters and demons but he still fights along side his friends! Many hashira are annoyed by his screams of terror and most wonder why he’s a slayer to begin with but he has his reasons. His electric powers allows him to be a dangerous opponent to be reconned with. (He had an OBVIOUS crush on Nezuko to the point that it’s nauseating)
Inosuke: The wild pegasus that was raised by wild boars! Somehow this monstrosity of a pony made his way to the demon slayer corps and found himself a few friends to join up with. He’s pretty dumbfounded but his recklessness is a nice wild card for demons to deal with! Creating his own magic powers, he is deemed as the creator of the beast style! A rough and crazy fighting style that trumps a lot of expectations! (He is easily defeated by his opponents if they give him shiny things or acorns)
Nezuko: The one exception to the “destroy all demons” rule as this cute pony is actually a demon! Turned by the great Muzan himself by accident, she’s extremely powerful and will help out her brother in tough times! She is mute and innocent as she stays with her brother in a small pouch since she is able to control her size. Funnily, since she became a demon directly from muzan, she is an alicorn demon like him, she just doesn’t know all of her powers yet. (Sometime when no ones around, Zenitsu will visit and talk to her)
Kagaya: the leader of the Demon slayer corps. He is a fragile unicorn with no magic to spare due to his family’s curse. He is ultimately weak with no powers or fighting prowess what so ever but he is the loving leader of his members… he has vowed his life to defeating the one scar in his family’s lineage, Muzan. His family’s sole purpose is to defeat Muzan. (His father, Daichi, was Rasshu’s original leader but he died recently)
(Part two will be about the 12 kizuki and their summaries) this was fun, i hope others find this cute AU
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silent-dragon · 2 years
Homeland of Armonye Dorm Students
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Edited map from game
The artisan circle is the name of the alliance of the 7 Kingdoms of the Sinterra region. All kingdoms but Ash & Colden are on good terms yet that hasn't always been the case. Currently a prince from each and noble youths from the kingdoms attend the Royal Sword Academy but that may change as the others may join later.
Info on each kingdom below
The Red Wood Kingdom of Ash
First kingdom of Sinterra and main one in the circle. A kingdom built around an active volcano and air very disturbed by its ash in the air. The ash has strange properties that has affected all life around it. Despite the trees being of many varieties they all bear red toned wood. Ores of many types of metals can be found in the walls near the base of the volcano so mine shafts are commonly built to harvest them.
Dragons and lesser winged creatures call the volcano home so are native to the land. They have become the symbol of the kingdom as most are called "Ash Dragons" as they were born covered in the ash from the volcano. They bear blood red eyes with small pupils and are the friendliest. It's common to see them being used as military mounts,work helpers,and pets.
Rarely some of the humans of the kingdom are born with the same eyes as the Ash Dragons. "Ash Touched" is what they are called. They are prone to aggression often. Fire magic is natural to them and they are immune to any damage by fire or heat. Dragons are likely to befriend these people quicker and they are known to make sounds like dragons when grunting,etc. A body sense seems to be absent in them as well as often being born blind,deaf,etc. They tend to live shorter lives as randomly have a chance to spontaneous combust the older they are though some that were young did so. It is said when this happens they are reborn as a dragon. Ash Touched individuals are seen as a land treasure and often kept together under the royal family's care. Two of the three princes were born as Ash Touched.
The People: Often stubborn and well built as used to extreme heats and work with fire constantly.
• Known for: Raw metal ores except silver,Metal Weapons,Red Tree Wood,Ash Touched
Creature: Dragons
Silvery Castemont Kingdom
lore coming soon
• Known for: Raw Silver ores,Silverware,Flowers
Creature: Pegasus
Pleasure Kingdom of Caskcut
lore coming soon
• Known for: Entertainment,The Arts,Wine,Love
Creature: Fennec Foxes
The Undergrove Kingdom of Fields
lore coming soon
• Known for: Farming,Food,Livestock Animals,Cooking
Creature: Various Livestock and Wild Game
Forest Kingdom of Dustfinger
lore coming soon
• Known for: Beautiful Nature,Textiles,Sleep Products,Retirement/Vacation Spots
Creature: Squirrels
Ice Post Kingdom of Colden
lore coming soon
• Known for: Medicine,Pharmacology,Postal Service,Chocolate
Creature: Various Messengers Birds
Kingdom of Sand Thorn - Wrath
lore coming soon
• Known for: Quartz,Silk,Military,Mercenaries 
Creature: Wolves
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envihellbender · 1 year
Potential child units of the male students in Black Eagle house in FE3H?
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Next Generation
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Name: Ada (a way to honour Edelgard)
Class: Dark Mage / Dark Bishop
She has waist length black hair that’s mostly straight but ends in waves, pale green eyes with black rings underneath them from insomnia, and a soft, heart shaped face. She is extremely smiley and giggly, with a morbid sense of humour. This is often disconcerting to people. She’s a practical joker as well as fiendishly intelligent academically, but often struggles with her work ethic and physical activities such as running, horse riding, etc.
She has a sometimes difficult relationship with her father, he wishes for her to he as devoted to Edelgard’s children as he was to her but does not want to repeat his father’s mistakes… However he does not realise Ada wishes to find her own way and make her own decisions due to an independent streak. Ada plays many practical jokes on Hubert, or attempts to, and to everyone’s surprise Hubert does eventually retaliate and get into the spirit of things.
Name: Oskar
Class: Thief / Assassin
He has blue eyes that clash greatly with his light ginger hair, and an olive skins tone. He’s tall and lanky, preferring to keep his hair short. He spent most of his childhood desperate to be a noble knight like his father but he was always too awkward, clumsy, and physically weak to do so. As a teenager he discovered his talents were in stealing, lockpicking, and swordplay. He’d often mischievously break into his parents’ room, take one or two random items and hide them somewhere else in the estate. He fancies himself as a Robin Hood type, stealing from criminals and the corrupt nobles and giving to the poor… this often doesn’t go as he intends however. He’s quite shy and socially awkward, he does try to make friends but it often doesn’t go very well. To Ferdinand’s horror, he detests tea and hot drinks.
He generally has a good relationship with Ferdinand but he constantly fears he’s a disappointment to his parents. Ferdinand is constantly scolding him for stealing and attempting to force him to be interested in politics to no avail. They do however bond over reading fiction and sparring.
Name: Freya
Class: Valkyrie
She has long green hair that she wears in a plait, pale skin, and dark blue eyes. She’s loud and boisterous, often preferring running around outside to reading inside. She has a lazy streak reminiscent of her father, but usually when it comes to things such as her being on kitchen duty and academic studies. She does however sleep quite late in the morning and go to bed in the early hours, similar to her father. She adores magic but hates the boring studying that is required, she is an extremely talented flyer, preferring that over anything else. She has a great love of animals meaning she has bonded quite strongly with her Pegasus. She does also love other creatures and is often trying to convince her parents to take in new pets or sneak them in under their nose. At last count she had two Pegasus, three horses, six cats, five dogs, and a trained falcon.
She generally has a very good relationship with her father despite him trying to find her tasks to distract her for long enough so he can nap and she won’t try to push him to do strenuous activities with her like hiking, Pegasus riding, sparring, and the like. She is often showing him new animals she’s found and he will find books on them so she can find out about them at length. Often she reads them after nudging and he tells her some interesting facts. This is the only time he can get her to read but they do bond over learning about animals, and also monsters.
Name: Eike
Class: Wyvern Rider / Wyvern Lord
In appearance they are fairly similar to Caspar but with black hair, they are significantly more skittish than him though and a few inches taller. They do not enjoy fighting very much, and do everything they can to avoid Caspar intense training regime whilst Caspar is nonplussed as to why. They are very artistic, often painting and giving their creations to their loved ones. They prefer to stay out of military endeavours which their grandfather constantly disparages. Caspar doesn’t understand it but generally supports Eike’s decisions to avoid combat. One thing that does convince Eike to be involved however is being given a pet Wyvern that they adore. Their Wyvern is beyond spoiled, given the finest meats, and Eike spends more time with them than anyone else.
Generally their relationship with Caspar is good, they enjoy meal times with each other and have the same immense appetite. Caspar hangs every painting that Eike gives him on the walls of the estate and proudly shows any visitor they have. The only time they argue with each other is when Caspar pushes Eike into training or any military action. That is the only time soft spoken Eike shows any fury at all.
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electric-inksanity · 2 years
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OK SO since I was talking about my OC and the G5 special, I FINALLY have a drawing to show you all!
Meet Sapphire Symphony, the secret heir to the kingdom of Unicornia. Despite having both wings and a horn, she possesses no magic or any features that the G4 alicorns do (I’ll explain in a moment)
There’s a lot of lore behind her (a lot of which is still messy and incomplete), so I’ll leave that under the cut if you’re interested!
Okay so before I explain anything, I need to make something clear.
I have very limited knowledge of G4 of MLP. I was a G3 kid and didn’t take a ton of interest in G4 when it came out. I know G5 takes place in the same world as G4, but since I don’t know much, I 1) will not be following G4 rules exactly and 2) will use various lore from G3 instead (most of which comes from The Runaway Rainbow).
Now onto the fun stuff!!
So in G3, alicorns were not a thing. They just didn’t exist. So a while ago, I made a G3 OC who was an “alicorn” simply as a result of a “birth defect” I guess you could call it. When G5 came out, I wanted to translate that over somehow.
Sapphire Symphony is not a G4 alicorn. Even though she is technically a princess, that is not why she is like that. The wings and horn weren’t a result of magic or royalty status, she was simply born that way. In G5, each pony race is divided, and the same is true for when Sapphire was born. Being a child of a unicorn and a pegasus was already rare and scandalous enough, but having a horn and wings made her a true outcast.
Her mother (Pearl Treasure) was the princess of Unicornia (idk if it’s present in G4, but I’m specifically referring to G3’s Unicornia) who ran away to try living life freely. She secretly met a pegasus, and she eventually fell in love with him. They had a child and planned to live together hidden away from the world. One day though, the pegasus disappeared, and the princess was taken back by the Royal Guards. The queen, horrified by the “freakish” child, demands she be sent far away from Unicornia. The princess is constantly berated by the queen and forced to suffer through strict training and punishment in order to mold her into the perfect and proper heir to the throne.
Sapphire spends most of her childhood in seclusion. She’s not fully aware that the people outside will see her as a “monster”, but she knows something is wrong with her having wings. Every time she goes out, she’s told to wrap them tight and keep them covered. One day though, she runs away, hoping to find freedom to be herself elsewhere.
She comes across the kingdom of Unicornia. The presence of a newcomer worries the kingdom, thus alerting the queen (who is now Pearl Treasure). She sees the newcomer and instantly knows it’s her long lost daughter. Furious, she brings Sapphire to the castle, claiming her to be a “runaway guard”. Pearl locks Sapphire in the dungeon, determined to keep her secret.
Sapphire, who is greatly confused, begins trying to search for a way out. After testing the walls, she accidentally finds a secret passage, taking her to a room full of Unicornia’s artifacts, history, and records. Eventually, she comes across a record detailing Pearl Treasure’s secret child. Realizing she is the child, Sapphire confronts the queen, which is met with a violent response. She orders that Sapphire be moved to a different cell and that this one is abolished.
Wary of Sapphire, Pearl forces Sapphire to become one of her personal guards so that she can always keep an eye on her. Left with no choice, Sapphire Symphony becomes Pearl Treasure’s personal guard against her will. She’s berated by the queen for every wrong move, and Pearl frequently attempts to beat her into submission. Oftentimes, she intentionally aims for the wings, causing them to lose more feathers and make Sapphire hate the pegasus part of herself.
Overtime, Sapphire Symphony becomes bitter. She hates the unicorns for the way she’s been treated, she hates the pegasi for “abandoning” her as Pearl says and for providing her with wings, and she hates herself simply for existing. With each passing day, she plots ways to make her escape.
One night in her new cell, she finds another secret passage leading back to that same room (the reason for this is that the palace was built to detect royal blood). While looking for an escape route, she finds an old dusty wand hidden away in a corner. When she picks it up, it glows very faintly. After doing some research, she learns that this is the Crystal Rainbow wand (that’s the name I’m giving it, the movie didn’t give it a name), an ancient artifact of Unicornia once used by royalty to create rainbows. As Sapphire learns though, it can create more than just rainbows. With a big enough imagination and enough willpower, the wand can create illusions of anything. In fact, with enough practice, the wand can create illusions so realistic that they become real so long as someone believes the illusion is real. So Sapphire begins using every possible spare minute away from the queen to grow the wand’s power.
During a grand meeting with the entire kingdom, Sapphire strikes, taking down the queen and her army with the power of her illusions. Extensive negative use of the wand begins to change Sapphire though, and she becomes more corrupt and fused with the wand. Fueled by her hatred and desire for revenge, Sapphire uses the wand to take over the castle and make herself queen.
Of course, she gets reformed later on (which this is her reformed version by the way, the corruption changed her appearance a bit) but this post is already long enough. As I’m sure you can tell, the story definitely isn’t fleshed out and missing things to it, but that’s the general idea.
If you actually made it to the end of this post (which I’m sure no one did) then I love you and I hope both sides of your pillow are always cold 🖤
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squiddlysq · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
horse etc
*shaking mlp lore & turning the lights on & off* welcome to hell welcome to hell welcome t
Anyway !!
Gordon & Coomer are just a unicorn & an earth pony respectively. Classic. Very cool of them to be normal.
Bubby is THE ULTIMATE BEING as usual. Black Mesa fused unicorn & dragon genes to try to make some sort of,, intellectual batpony idk point is Bubby was the perfect blend of genes,,, hes The Ultimate Being,, His cutiemark reflects that ! He got it the moment he was born ! It’s just some shadow the hedgehog shit to show that he’s achieved that status just by being born lmao. It went directly to his head & stayed there he’s such an asshole. Bubby is a bitch & I love him so much
Tommy is a pegasus !! :) !! Nothing weird about him just a pegasus :))) !!! ((Tommy gets to be a secret alicorn because I Love Him & also he canonically the son of an eldrich being which is all alicorns are if you rlly look at it))
Benry is a batpony/thestral ! Both because they are only ever shown in canon as guards so. Fitting. & also because i refuse to give benry flat teeth. (He is also... not Really a thestral... if you’re into mlp you already fucking know what he actually is, if you’re not into mlp he’s the same species as the guy the DISCOOORD IM HOWLIN AT TH song is about. ie he’s an immortal mismatched chaos creature & he exists to Cause Problems) (His cutie mark is therefore totally fake but he lov vidyo gaem.. he wants vidyo gaem cutie mark...)
Darnold is a griffin !! Just cause I thought it’d be cute nothin much to say about it
Forzen is a dragon cause he’s a big beefy bastard
Sunkist is Tommy’s creation ! She’s a dragon infused with alicorn magic so now she’s immortal & has Powers
& Gman is jst an alicorn. He has power over time the same way Celestia has power over the sun or Cadence has power over emotions by which I mean he’s OP as hell. Fuck That Guy
(For anyone interested Tommy’s domain as an alicorn is life !! He can manipulate genetics & heal & shit he’s very very powerful !!!)
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miraculouswolf99 · 2 years
Abuse of Power
(Contains Chloe Salt, Lila Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, and Mayor Bourgeois Salt.)
If there was one thing that all of the heroes hated, it would be anyone that would get away with their crimes. After all, if they were allowed to get away with everything that they do, then they would most likely grow up to be criminals since they would actually believe that they could get away with these things because they have gotten away with things for their entire lives.
White Wolf and Beautifly did not have much experience with that. At least, other than the queen bee wannabes back in their home country that tried to get away with their actions but was actually punished by their parents, teachers, or both. So, it was sadly something that was really only a big problem in Paris.
And the problem's name is Chloe Bourgeois.
Chloe definitely has had a very complicated last couple of years. Her mom had left her and her father for a long time to run her fashion critic business in New York until returning the previous year. And during that time, Chloe had become one of the biggest bullies in Paris that constantly used the fact that since her father is the mayor, she can do whatever she wants and always gets away with everything she does. But then she had accidentally discovered the bee miraculous, transforming into the hero Queen Bee on live television. She actually then started to get better as a person until Ladybug decided to no longer give her the bee miraculous because her identity was known.
Things had started off with the usual Chloe reactions. She whined, complained, and threw tantrums that a five-year-old would be jealous of. She also started to demand that Ladybug give her back the bee miraculous. She even went as far as to get a Bat Signal-like light to shine a bee symbol into the sky every single akuma attack to try and get Ladybug to give her back the miraculous. Like everything else in her life, Chloe felt entitled to the bee miraculous and had pretty much tried to claim it as her own despite how it did not actually belong to her.
And the longer that Ladybug went without giving it to her, the more bitter that she got. Even after being told by Ladybug that she would not get the miraculous back, she still would constantly demand the miraculous to be given back to her. It was the first time that she had ever been denied anything in her life since she usually got everything she wanted because of her father spoiling her.
So, she had done the unthinkable. When Hawkmoth managed to get his hands on the Miracle Box, he went to Chloe and offered her the bee miraculous in exchange for her teaming up with him. And she did with almost no hesitation at all. She let him akumatize her into Miracle Queen, which was basically an upgraded version of her Queen Wasp akuma form. Her swarm of magical bees could control people.
She used her powers to take control of nearly everyone in Paris. But the worst part was that because Hawkmoth had the Miracle Box, she had exposed all of the temporary heroes. Meaning that Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Ryuko, Pegasus, and King Monkey could no longer be called upon because that would put them and their families in danger.
Now, it was back to being just Ladybug, Cat Noir, White Wolf, and Beautifly. And while four heroes were better than two, it was still not as good as when they had an entire team behind them.
Now, one would think that things might have been looking up at least a little bit. Such as Chloe now actually getting punished for what she had done. And without Chloe, that would mean fewer akumas being caused because she would not be around to bully others. But, that would be wrong.
Once again, Chloe was being allowed to get away with everything that she had done. Her father and the police all refused to do anything to punish her. Of course, most of the police wanted her charged, or punished in some way, but the mayor and Lieutenant Raincomprix both did everything they could to prevent that.
It was driving almost everyone in Paris crazy. Everyone knew about Chloe teaming up with Hawkmoth and yet nothing could be done because of how corrupt her father was.
Of course, that was nothing compared to just completely and utterly PISSED that Alya was. She had been a superhero, a dream that she had since was a little kid, and that had been taken from her because of Chloe. With her identity exposed to Hawkmoth, she and the other temporary heroes could not get their miraculous again since Hawkmoth knew their identities. It would put them and their families in danger if Ladybug tried to keep them on the team. If the rest of Paris was ready to riot, Alya was ready to go to war in order for Chloe to be punished finally.
And as for the remaining heroes, they were clueless about what to do. Yes, they were looked up to by almost all of Paris as well as being seen as the only way to fight against akumas since the police could not fight against their powers. But, at the same time, they did not actually have any real authority. So, as much as they want Chloe to finally face some consequences, they did not have the power to do so. At least, not in the normal sense, anyway.
"No, you can not turn her into an ice statue," Ladybug tells White Wolf for what felt like the millionth time.
"Why not," White Wolf pouted like a little kid. "She deserves it and it's not like she would actually die since my Winter's Touch power is magical and it would be more like she is frozen in time."
"You gotta admit, m'lady, that it is a very tempting offer," Cat Noir snickered.
"Am I the only sane one here," Ladybug asked, looking up at the sky.
"Yes," Beautifly answered. "Yes, you are."
"Just be lucky that White Wolf is the one offering t use his power and not me," Cat Noir stated. "Though, using Cataclysm on her is also very tempting."
The four heroes were at the top of the Eiffel Tower talking about what they could possibly do. They were currently lucky that Hawkmoth has not made any more moves yet, but that did not mean that they were not on high alert. Not only did he still have Chloe as someone he could akumatize at any time because she was willing to team up with him, but he also had Master Fu's tablet with the translated Miraculous Spellbook on it. With it, he could repair the peacock miraculous and they could be seeing a lot more sentimonster in the future.
"We need an actual legal way to handle this," Ladybug tells them. "We may have these powers, but that does not make us above the law. We'd be no better than Hawkmoth if we use our powers in that way."
"What legal way do we even have when it comes to Chloe," White Wolf crossed his arms. "With her father and Raincomprix doing everything they can to keep her from having any type of consequences, there is nothing we can do."
"Literally all of Paris knows what Chloe did and still nothing is being done about it because of them," Beautifly said.
"Not to mention how her teacher and that principal at her school have also been protecting her," Cat Noir added. "I have heard how they have been pretty much a protection force for her at school. Especially since Alya is REALLY mad about no longer being able to be a hero."
"I heard that Alya and Kim have both gotten more detentions than anyone else has all year because of the number of confrontations that they have with Chloe," Beautifly says.
"Can't we try and use the temporary heroes to get Chloe punished," Ladybug did not want to try and resort to anything underhanded. "They all witnessed what Chloe had done after they got unhypnotized. They know that she did not forget what she had done, unlike all other akumas. And such witnesses like that are very strong in court."
"Except that, it could easily be explained that they could be lying about Chloe in order to just get her in trouble," White Wolf says. "Alya and Kim were both akumatized because of Chloe. Luka's sister was akumatized because of Chloe. Max is friends with both Kim and Alix, who were also akumatized because of Chloe. Nino would also be upset about Alya being akumatized because of Chloe. Kagami might be the only one that could work, but they could still say that she is trying to lie because she is jealous about Chloe being so close to Adrien."
"As much as I hate to admit it, White Wolf is right," Cat Noir said. "I hate not being able to do anything, but Chloe has been getting away with everything for too long."
"Not to mention how much of a toxic cycle seems to happen around her," Beautifly says. "Almost every adult around her bends to will. Her father, Raincomprix, Bustier, Damocles. With so many adults that constantly do whatever she wants, it is a cycle that almost never ends because it repeats itself over and over again."
"And me giving her back the bee miraculous multiple times probably did not help that," Ladybug facepalmed. "I knew her identity was known and yet I went right to her when her father was akumatized. If I had gone to someone else and never gave her back the bee miraculous after she became Queen Wasp, this might not have happened."
"Look, as much as White Wolf and I usually disagree with a lot of your actions, this was almost all Chloe's fault," Beautifly tells the ladybug hero. "Yes, you made the wrong decision to give the miraculous back to Chloe during Maladiktator and even during Heroes Day as well, but Chloe made all her own choices."
"If anyone is at fault, it's the adults around her," White Wolf said. "Between her father always giving her everything she wants, her teacher telling all her bullying victims to forgive her, and Damocles never letting anyone punish her, Chloe grew into the most entitled person in Paris. She fully believed that she could get whatever she wanted just because she wanted it. So, when you denied her the bee miraculous, that was probably the first time in her life that she was ever denied anything. And she couldn't handle that."
"It definitely explains a lot," Cat Noir says. "I have lived in Paris all my life, so I have also known about Chloe for all that time as well. Whenever she is denied anything even slightly, even something as simple as just having free time, she will go to any lengths to get what she wants."
"That explains that fire department incident that happened before Despair Bear," Ladybug said. "As if Chloe would ever be willing to stand around and be taught how to bake something. She would never want to 'get her hands dirty.' Plus, it is well known how much she hates the Dupain-Cheng family and the Tom Dupain was the one teaching that class."
"I have had their pastries before and it is no wonder why they are known as the best in Paris," Cat Noir was currently looking very hungry.
"We'll get you a bowl of milk later, kitty," White Wolf teased the black cat hero. "For now, we need to find a way to get Chloe to actually pay for what she has done."
"There has to be some way to override the mayor," Beautifly says. "If he won't do anything, there has to be someone in power that would be able to finally have Chloe dealt with."
"Well, why not go to the president," Cat Noir suggested. "His name is Emmanuel Macron, right?"
Literally, all three other heroes facepalmed at the suggestion. It was so simple that they were annoyed that none had thought of it sooner. Ladybug was especially annoyed because she had lived in Paris all her life and yet she did not think of that. There was a reason why she was the one with the Lucky Charms. Because she was built more for complicated plans that always worked out in the end. Cat Noir was definitely a lot more simple when it came to any plans that he came up with. 
"He is aware of what has been going on in Paris," Ladybug said. "Especially after what happened in New York, which almost caused an international incident since a French terrorist almost caused World War III."
"He would be the one to have more power than the mayor," White Wolf says. "Maybe if we go to him, he could actually do something about Chloe. Especially if we give him any and all evidence that we can gather."
"Witness statements from civilians that saw Chloe's behavior after she was de-akumatized," Beautifly started a list. "Video statements from the temporary heroes. Character witnesses from her classmates. And we can also provide statements as well since we saw everything as well. There might even be some street cameras that recorded everything as well."
"And isn't Max, who was Pegasus, a computer expert," Cat Noir remembered. "He does have that little robot boy with him all the time. Maybe he could help with that."
Since Adrien was in class with Max, he knew very well to not call Markov a "thing" or anything else that would make it appear like he thought Markov was an object. He really liked the little AI and found him adorable. And since Markov was able to be akumatized, he certainly was not fully a robot since he had actual working emotions.
"Maybe this time, there will be some actual punishment that will stick," Ladybug said.
The four heroes all did as much work as they could. Especially since things in Paris were only getting worse because of Chloe and her father.
Chloe had pretty much ramped up her bullying into physical abuse. She now believed that she was utterly invincible since she got away with helping Hawkmoth. She constantly tripped Juleka and Rose whenever they were walking to their desks. She ripped up three of Nathaniel's sketchbooks, including one that had the newest drawings for his and Marc's comic. She dumped a bucket of paint onto a dress that Marinette had been designing in the art room. She had used her influence over Damocles to get Mylene banned from being in any school play. Not to mention also using her influence over Damocles to get Nino's headphones, Alix's skates, Rose's perfume, and even Markov all confiscated and locked in Damocles' office "because they annoyed her."
Her father was no better. Many of his staff members at both City Hall and at the hotel have quit in protest of how corrupt he was and how he handled everything his daughter did. But when they did that, the mayor then had them blacklisted from the careers that they had the most experience in and from jobs that related to the careers that they loved. They all had to settle for jobs that they hated but had to do to support their families. Alya had to convince her mother not to quit the hotel because she knew how much her mother loved being a chef. She could not imagine the pain her mother would feel if she was blacklisted from being a chef anywhere since it was her mother's dream. Not even her hatred of Chloe would make her put her mother through that.
The heroes all worked to gather as much evidence as they could to bring to the president. 
Ladybug recorded all of the temporary heroes. Not only to get their statements about what had happened during Miracle Queen but to also ask them about any and all experiences they had with Chloe or her father. Beautifly was the one that went to Max, after she had also rescued Markov from Damocles, and had him check street cameras to see what they saw. And to their luck, the camera caught the entire battle with both perfect audio and visual proof of Chloe's actions. White Wolf and Cat Noir were the ones that got statements from regular civilians about things they all knew and had seen both Chloe and her father do. The ones blacklisted by the mayor were more than happy to spill all the tea that they had on him not to mention how there were dozens of people that had something to say about Chloe and her behavior.
They did not even have to wait a week before they had more than enough evidence on both members of the Bourgeois family. It was very ironic that someone as horrible as Audrey "Style Queen" Bourgeois was actually the nicest of the family after everything they discovered about Chloe and the mayor.
They gathered at the Eiffel Tower again, Ladybug holding the horse miraculous so that they could teleport right to the president. All they did was nod at each other before Ladybug combined her miraculous with the horse so that they could open the portal. Ladybug used Voyage and the portal was opened.
Macron nearly jumped out of his skin when a bright blue portal opened up in his office. Papers were literally thrown into the air when he jumped. He was about to yell for his guards and press the alarm button until he saw who stepped out of the portal. He was shocked to see the four heroes come into his office.
"Sorry to burst in on you like this, Mr. President, but we had no other choice," Ladybug tells him.
"Ladybug, Cat Noir, White Wolf, Beautifly," Macron greeted all of them. "I am already aware of Hawkmoth, so what else would there be for you to talk to me about."
"We have recently battled and defeated someone that was a willing accomplice to Hawkmoth," Cat Noir tells him. "And because of this person, all of our temporary heroes have had their identities exposed, which puts their lives and the lives of their families in danger."
"This person also caused the previous Guardian of the Miraculous to give up his role and his memories in order to keep Hawkmoth from getting his hands on the rest of the miraculous," Beautifly adds. "With the role being passed to Ladybug, that puts more responsibility on her shoulders, which means less focus on finding out who Hawkmoth is."
Macron listened to them and he was honestly shocked. He ordered the mayor to keep him updated constantly on the actions of Hawkmoth. He wanted to make sure that he knew if the terrorist had a rise in power that could spread his akumas beyond Paris and into other parts of France. So, for him to not know that there was someone that willingly worked with the terrorist was shocking to him.
"If you have defeated this person, then why come to me," he asked them. "Were you somehow aware that I did not know about this?"
"We took an educated guess that you were not told based on who this person was," White Wolf stated. "But this person is exactly why we are here."
"Who is the person that worked with Hawkmoth," Macron asked them.
The heroes all shared a look with each other, getting as serious as they could.
"Chloe Bourgeois," Ladybug tells him. "The daughter of the mayor. And that is probably also why you were not told about her teaming up with Hawkmoth."
Macron definitely did not expect that. He had met Chloe a few times when he visited the mayor of Paris as part of how he always checks in on the leaders of individual cities as part of his responsibilities to all of France. He needed to make sure every city had the best leader they could have. And while he thought that Mayor Bourgeois lacked a spine when it came to his daughter, he was definitely a lot better than that fencing teacher that wanted to turn back time to the dark ages since that was when his ancestor ruled Paris with an iron fist.
"I am aware of Miss. Bourgeois's behavior problems, but are you sure that she was willing," Macron had to make sure. "After all, I am aware that akuma victims always forget everything that happened while they were akumatized."
The heroes all nodded, making the president worry.
"Chloe was different than all other akumas," White Wolf said. "All akumas have completely different personalities since their negative emotions are enhanced when akumatized. It is why they have such a drive to seek revenge, deliver justice, seek out the truth, and every other goal that they have when akumatized. But, Chloe was exactly the same while she was Miracle Queen."
Ladybug placed her yo-yo onto the president's desk. Her yo-yo was the easiest device to use to present their evidence since it came with a very easy-to-use holographic screen that appears over the regular screen when it is needed. Since all their communicators were connected, Beautifly sent the video that she had gotten from Max and the camera to Ladybug's yo-yo to be played. 
Macron watched the video. He easily recognized Chloe since she looked a lot like herself even when akumatized. He was visually horrified when he watched her out all of the temporary heroes right in front of Hawkmoth and Mayura. And he was only made even angrier when he saw how all of them were teenagers, which meant that they and their families would only be even more helpless without them being able to use the miraculous anymore.
He did think that it seemed like every other akuma fight that he was aware of. Sure, Chloe did act the same as she normally did, but that was not real proof. It was only when it reached later in the video that he got the biggest shock.
"As you can see, Chloe remembered everything even after she was de-akumatized," Beautifly said. "And even after she was defeated, she actually tried to grab onto another akuma that Hawkmoth sent to her. But after Ladybug stopped her, she tried to use all the miraculous at once to get the upper hand. It was a good thing that she did not know the transformation phrases nor knew how to fuse the miraculous together. If she did, we would have been in trouble."
"I can not believe that a teenage girl would actually team up with a terrorist," Macron was so shocked.
"That is because Chloe wanted the bee miraculous," Ladybug tells him. "But, that is partially my fault. I had gotten the bee miraculous from the Guardian to use against Chloe's mother when she was akumatized into a very powerful villain. But, in all the chaos, I lost it when it was knocked out of my hands and it fell down the Eiffel Tower. Chloe found it and then transformed into the hero, Queen Bee, on live television."
"I am already aware of her being Queen Bee," Macron says. "I don't think anyone in France is unaware of that."
"But that is part of the problem," Ladybug continued. "Chloe might have been trying to impress her mother that way, but she also did not know how to actually be a hero since that would actually require her to be selfless. But she only knows how to be selfish. Her first 'act' as a hero was trying to save a subway train from crashing, but it was only going to crash because Chloe used her miraculous power to paralyze the driver. A lot of people could have been hurt or even killed because of her actions."
"And not only that, but Chloe also refused to give back the bee miraculous when Ladybug and I went to get it from her after we saved the train," Cat Noir said. "After that, she had been akumatized into Queen Wasp. We managed to get the miraculous back after that, but Ladybug was forced to give the bee miraculous back to Chloe during Maladiktator and Heroes Day. Because of that, Chloe felt entitled to the bee miraculous and had claimed it as her own even when it never belonged to her."
"But, Chloe could not accept that," White Wolf says. "Even when Ladybug told her that she would not be given the bee miraculous again, she still believed that it was hers. She even got a bat-signal-type spotlight to shine a bee symbol into the sky whenever an akuma happened in hope of getting the bee miraculous again. But, the thing was, she never said it was to get THE bee miraculous back but to get HER miraculous back. She actually believed that it belonged to her. And the more that Ladybug denied her that, the angrier she got."
"Chloe had never been denied anything in her life," Ladybug said. "She has gotten away with bullying, cheating, threatening others, abusing others, and has basically turned her school into a living hell for everyone around her."
"And even before that, Chloe was basically a human breeding ground for akumas," Cat Noir added. "She has caused the most akumas out of everyone else that has ever caused one. Especially since others are usually caused by accidents, misunderstandings, or just general bad days. But with Chloe, she treats people so badly that it is a shock whenever she is actually not the cause of an akuma."
Cat Noir then put up the videos that he and White Wolf had from the interviews that they did with the civilians. Macron was shown many people that had been affected by both Chloe and her father.
"She locked me in the bathroom just so that she could stand next to her obsession in the class picture," Juleka said.
"She made fun of my stage fright and tried to replace me in a class movie we were doing just so she could force a kiss on Adrien," Mylene says.
"She called me a monster just because I was the first person akumatized," Ivan added.
"She once told me 'once a villain, always a villain' because I became Stormy Weather and yet she was akumatized more times than me," Aurore said.
"She pretended to be Ladybug during an interview that I was having just so that she could lie about 'Ladybug' being best friends with 'Chloe'," Jagged Stone said.
"She got my music video shut down and also basically banned me from performing in Paris just because she did not get to play Ladybug in my music video," Clara Nightingale says.
"She got my dad fired just because he would not investigate someone that she accused of stealing even when there was no evidence," Sabrina looked like she had not stopped crying for days. 
"She ripped up my letter to Prince Ali when I asked her to give it to him when she was meeting him," Rose never liked talking bad about anyone, but Chloe was her exception. 
"She destroyed my family heirloom just because she did not think it was worth anything since I was the one that owned it," Alix was still furious even when the miraculous cure had fixed her watch.
"She outed my old crush on a friend, vandalized one of my drawings, and insulted my art as a whole all on my birthday," Nathaniel was speaking up instead of being shy this time.
Of course, White Wolf and Cat Noir also got interviews with Marinette, Adrien, Lyon, and Vallia. Since the civilian interviews were separate from the former hero interviews, they had to be interviewed as well. Lucky for them that Cat Noir managed to make up a good enough excuse when Adrien needed to be interviewed and the same was said about the other heroes as well.
Adrien had put up with a lot from Chloe. He believed that she was a good person since that was the side that he knew from all the years he had with her since she was his childhood friend. But now, there are some things that not even he could explain, excuse, or forgive. Nino is his best friend while Alya, Kim, Luka, and Max were also his friends. And Kagami was very special to him. He would NEVER be able to forgive Chloe for outing them as heroes and putting their lives in danger like that.
"She tried to have our father's flower shop in Paris closed down because he would not sell her a rare Ghost Orchid flower that was well known to be at the Garden Family Sanctuary back in Greece," Lyon says.
"She tried to steal the family medallions that my brother and I wear because she wanted the sapphire and rose quartz gemstones that they are made out of," Vallia said.
"She clings onto me as if I am some type of trophy to be won," Adrien shivered and rubbed his arm that Chloe usually grabs onto. "She has also lied to tons of people about me being in love with her. She even tricked me into signing a poster that she had already written a declaration of love onto as a fake Valentine's Day present from me. I've been her friend since we were kids, but I can no longer make any excuses for her. She dug herself into this hole and now she has to lie in it."
"She has been nothing but a bullying, spoiled, heartless, brat for over ten years," Marinette really needed to get it off her chest. "It's one thing to just be either copying her mother or lashing out at the world because of her mother leaving their family for New York, but what Chloe has become reaches FAR beyond anything that either of those things could explain. She stole one of my designs for a fashion design contest and tried to pass it off as her own. She sabotaged my great uncle in a cooking competition just because he was making something she did not like on top of how he was related to me. She's gotten over sixteen people akumatized, including almost her entire class, her own father, and so many others. My parents were on that train that she tried to crash just to show off her miraculous powers in front of her mother. She tried to get me banished from Paris just because I said that she was not a hero. I once said that Chloe did not have a heart, and Chloe has never done anything but prove me right."
And then the videos changed to the interviews that the two male heroes did with those that were affected by the mayor. And while there were not as many as those who there was against Chloe, there were still a lot of people that hated her father. And it was not just hatred, as they actually did all have real issues with Mayor Bourgeois. 
There were plenty of people that spoke out about how he blacklisted them from the careers that they were good at and what they dreamed of doing. And it was just because they quit since they did not approve of how he was letting his terrorist daughter walk around with no punishment at all. There was even a woman that started crying during her interview because she was a single mother and she was worried about not being able to take care of her kids since finding a good-paying job was so hard because of being blacklisted.
There were also plenty of cops that were interviewed as well. They were the good ones that all wanted to arrest Chloe for what she had done. They vented their frustrations over how the mayor and Raincomprix were stopping them from righting such a serious wrong just because they bent to the will of a spoiled brat. And not even just that, but all the other times where they had been forced to not investigate Hawkmoth. Every time any of them were caught trying to figure out who Hawkmoth was or, at least, where he was, then they would have their jobs threatened.
They were told that it was the job of the heroes to take care of Hawkmoth, but none of them actually believed it when they were told. All of them were sure that the mayor was taking bribes from Hawkmoth in order for the police to not search for him. And since the heroes were so busy with the akumas, they were unable to go after any leads to Hawkmoth. Especially since the only suspect they had was taken off the list because he was akumatized.
But then came the interviews that were like the cream of the crops. The interviews with the former heroes. And they definitely all had plenty to say about Chloe and her father.
"I built an AI named Markov, who actually feels human emotions realistically enough to be akumatized," Max says. "And she got him confiscated as if he was just a toy because I refused to do her homework for her."
"She's tried to have my family's houseboat taken away from us several times a week even when we have all the needed paperwork to show that we have full permission to live on the boat in that part of the Seine," Luka said.
"I saved up for months to get her a special jeweled broach for Valentine's Day," Kim was kicking himself for ever having a crush on her. "And not only did she harshly reject me, but she also sent a humiliating picture of me to everyone in the class. She also got me kicked off the swim team because I refused to carry her books around for her."
"She tried to have me blacklisted from ever being a real DJ or film director for literally no reason other than that she wanted to," Nino was almost as mad as Alya. "She got my headphones confiscated even when I was not using them just because they were something that made me happy."
"She has tried to get my mother and I banished back to Japan just because I am dating the boy that she is obsessed with," Kagami said. "She has no concept that Adrien is his own person and it is his choice about who he chooses to date. But she believes that just because she wants him that she can have him."
"I am sick and tired of her getting away with everything horrible that she does to everyone," Alya was on a warpath. "She's broken into my best friend's locker, destroyed a gift that she made our teacher for her birthday, treated her supposed best friend as a slave to do her work for her, had gotten me suspended for taking a picture of her locker when she was the one that left it open in the first place, made a fake video of herself as Ladybug praising herself about all her actions as Queen Bee, tried to get my blog shut down when I refused to post anything about Queen Bee, and has just basically been the worst human being in all of Paris."
Ladybug then closed her yo-yo and took it back. She would make copies to give to whoever else would need them, but she would be keeping the originals so that she would always have them. Just in case the mayor or Raincomprix were able to get the copies to "disappear" before a trial could happen.
"We know that Chloe is still just a teenager, but nothing excuses what she has done," Ladybug tells the president. "She is old enough to know right from wrong, but she simply doesn't care. Chloe only cares about Chloe."
"Hawkmoth could have actually won when she became Miracle Queen," Cat Noir says. "And who knows what could have happened if he got his hands on our miraculous. But all Chloe cared about what getting what she wanted. She needs to finally be taught that actions have consequences."
"Her father is doing everything in his power to stop that from happening," White Wolf pointed out. "He has always done everything he could to keep her happy. It was why he shut down Clara Nightingale's music video when Chloe was not cast as the lead."
"Chloe's most well-known catchphrase, other than her saying 'ridiculous, utterly ridiculous' a lot, is pretty much her threatening to call her father," Beautifly said. "She is like a much worse version of Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter."
"So, that is why you came to me," Macron put two and two together.
The heroes all nodded.
"You are the only one that can override the mayor," Ladybug tells him. "We have put up with a lot of crap from the Bourgeois family for a long time, but we have reached the end of all our ropes. Things need to change before they get any worse than they already are."
Macron looked at all four of the heroes in front of them. He knew that they were all young, but seeing them in person revealed that none of them could be older than sixteen. And just seeing the tiredness in their eyes, he could easily tell that all of them could really use a break in everything that was happening. And since Cat Noir had said that Chloe has been the cause of so many akumas, then getting her off the streets actually could give them the break that they needed.
"I will see what I can do," Macron had a fire in his eyes.
The heroes hoped that he actually could do something.
It turned out that the heroes did not have to wait very long.
Marinette was running late to school, as usual, when she had to come to a sudden stop right in front of Dupont. There was a big crowd of students standing in the doorway and on the steps of the school as well. And looking at where they were staring, she could understand why they were all just standing there.
Chloe was being dragged into a police-like car. But the cars looked like they were a lot more secure than anything she had seen in Paris. The only time she had seen a police car that secure was when Sabrina's dad had been akumatized into Rogercop, which had also changed his police car as well into something a lot more high tech and dangerous.
Chloe was currently being dragged into the police car while she was literally kicking and screaming. She kept going on and on about her father being the mayor and they couldn't do anything to her. But the ones putting her in the car only rolled their eyes and didn't care what she was saying.
Marinette went over to where Adrien, Lyon, and Vallia were all watching this happen.
"Do I even want to know," she asked them with her eyebrow raised.
"Chloe is being arrested," Lyon did not beat around the bush when he delivered news like that. "It seems that the President of France has finally learned what she did as Miracle Queen."
"Guess she's not much of a queen anymore," Vallia giggled.
The two Greek teens looked a little too happy with what was going on. Not that Marinette blamed them.
"At least someone is finally doing something about her," Marinette says.
"I wonder when the school is going to start partying," Adrien chuckled. "After all, didn't a party start seconds after Chloe had announced that she was moving to New York last year?"
"You mean the party that you did not approve of," Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"You are never going to let it go, are you," Adrien asked her.
"I can not help but love teasing others," Marinette giggled. "I introduced Alya to Jagged Stone last month and she actually fainted. And when she woke up, a did a perfect impression of her when she would tell me to just be myself when I was nervous and could not speak properly."
"Word has it that the president is also currently at City Hall arresting the mayor as well," Lyon said. "Abuse of power is a serious thing when it is used in the way that the mayor was using it."
"I hope this also helps the people that the mayor blacklisted after they quit working for him," Vallia stated.
"I hope that this helps everyone," Adrien says. "I also heard that the president and his most trusted officers will be doing in-person interviews with as many people as they can."
"I guess that would help even if they have seen videos like what would be on the street security cameras," Marinette said.
The show was soon ruined when Damocles, who was looking really red in the face from what just happened, ordered all the students to get to class. Even when he was hated by almost the entire school for how he always lets Chloe get away with everything, he was still their principal, so they listened to him.
Everyone went to their classes, but that did not stop them from talking about anything but Chloe finally getting what she deserves. By the time Marinette finally found Alya, the reporter hopeful looked like Christmas had come early. Literally, the entire school looked ready to throw the biggest party ever. Not even Hawkmoth being defeated would make them this happy. But that was mostly because Chloe has been terrorizing all of them for a lot longer than Hawkmoth has. 
Bustier's class was probably the most excited out of them all. Especially Marinette, Nino, Kim, Sabrina, Juleka, Max, and Rose. All of them have been in the same class for a long time. Nino had a different one the previous year, but his vacation away from Chloe ended when he was once again back with the rest of them.
Marinette was the one that first approached Sabrina.
"Hey, Marinette," Sabrina tried to not look her in the eye.
"How are you doing, Sabrina," Marinette asked her. "I know that things have been really hard for you, lately."
Sabrina might have been the person closest to Chloe, thinking that she was the blond's best friend, but she was also the one that was tormented by Chloe the longest as well. Sabrina just did not know it because of how she had been basically brainwashed by Chloe. And it did not help that her own father had been in the mayor's pocket for so long.
"I...I've been better," Sabrina did not want to lie. "Mom's taken custody of me and I've started therapy. But, it is still going to be some time before I actually feel okay again."
"You will get there, I'm sure," Marinette comforted her.
"Mom thinks so as well," Sabrina said. "She only says that I need time."
"Your mom sounds like a smart lady," Marinette softly smiled at the redhead.
She knew that Sabrina's parents went through a very messy divorce several years ago. Sabrina's mother was a lawyer, so she was infuriated by her husband's lack of a spine and lack of a moral compass when it came to the mayor. But when they divorced, Sabrina's dad was able to have full custody of her while her mother only got visits every weekend because of his "connection" to the mayor.
"She's trying to make up for how she believes that she did not fight hard enough for custody of me during the divorce," Sabrina says. "I don't blame her for anything since it was not like she could have done anything when the mayor backed up my dad during custody agreements. She did not have the needed power back them."
"Well, I hope that you will be able to have a much better time at school and at home from now on," Marinette tells her.
"Thanks, Marinette," Sabrina smiled at her.
Everyone went back to their seats and Marinette joined Alya in their usual seats. But she kept an eye on Sabrina since she was still worried about her. Sabrina's mental state after being Chloe's slave and minion for so long could not be the best. And with everything going on, she really worried about the next time that the redhead would be akumatized. She was dangerous enough as Vanisher and Miraculer.
"How's she doing," Alya asked Marinette.
"She's making slow progress, but that is better than no progress," Marinette says. "I think Chloe finally being arrested with probably help a lot."
"That pretty much helped everyone," Alya giggled. "I have never been so happy in my entire life."
Marinette also giggled since she was definitely happy as well. Bustier soon came in, even as everyone was still happily chatting. But unlike all her happy students, the teacher looked sad.
Everyone, even while very happy for Chloe finally being out of their hair, got out their books. They still wanted to at least try and have a normal day before they all went home and celebrated with their parents. Especially Juleka since she knew her mother was going to be REALLY happy when she finds out.
"I am sure that you all saw what had happened outside of the school a few minutes ago," Bustier started. "And in light of that, I am giving you all a very special assignment that might be of great help to someone in need."
The class all shared slight looks with each other. They were all confused by this. They knew that their teacher was very nice, but they had no idea who this "someone in need" was. But, they all had a bad feeling about what this could be about.
"What is she talking about," all of them were thinking.
And that is when a bomb is dropped on them after their teacher passed out paper for them all to write on.
"Chloe is going to need all the help that she can get," Bustier says. "And as her classmates, those that know her the most, today's assignment is to write a letter about all the good things about Chloe that you know. I am sure that this will really help during her trial."
That definitely was something the class did not expect at all. They knew that Bustier was known as the nicest teacher in the school, but this was a level of nice that took to a toxic level of niceness. They all shared looks again as their eyes widen.
Chloe had tormented them all for years. She had bullied them, destroyed their things, called them every mean word under the sun, not to mention endangering the lives of some of them when she exposed them as heroes. None of them had anything nice to say about her on a good day. So, they definitely had nothing nice to say now.
"Ms.Bustier..." Alya tried to say something.
"I know that some of you might not have had many good moments with Chloe, but she really needs the help," Bustier did not let Alya talk. "Once they see that she just needs to be shown love and kindness, then they will let her go. Just write all the good things about Chloe that you can think of."
While Bustier might believe that what she was saying was a good thing, her students did not feel the same. All of them looked at each other even more. Sabrina, in particular, looked horrified at the thought of being forced to write anything nice about Chloe. 
Alix was the first to say something.
"Write all the good things about Chloe, that's easy," she said, then crumbled up the paper in front of her and threw it behind her. "Nothing. Assignment done."
Bustier looked shocked at what Alix had just done.
"Alix has never said anything more right in her life," Alya followed her lead and crumbled up her paper as well. "We can not write anything good or nice about Chloe because there is nothing good or nice about her."
"The black panthers at the zoo where Alya's dad works are nicer than Chloe," Kim stated.
"The irony," Max stated since he was very aware of what Kim did that got Alya's dad akumatized.
All of the students did the same as Alix and Alya. They crumbled up the papers and threw them away. Well, they recycled them since they all knew that Mylene would have their heads if they were disrespectful to the environment. Lila was the only one that did not do anything to the paper. But, why would she have anything against Chloe when she was also secretly working with Hawkmoth.
"I find it hard to believe that you actually want us to do that," Marinette looked like she wanted to throw up.
"Marinette," Bustier gasped at what Marinette had said.
"Chloe dug herself into this hole and it is not our job to dig her out," Marinette continued. "She bullied us, tormented us, got almost all of us akumatized. She has been nothing but our tormentor for years. And not that she is finally getting what she deserves, you actually want to try and excuse the things that she did? What kind of teacher are you?"
"Marinette, that is no way to speak to me or about Chloe," Bustier actually had the gall to scold Marinette.
"And that is no way to speak to Marinette just because she is telling the truth," Lyon spoke up. "Vallia and I may not have been in this class as long as others have, but even we know that Chloe does not deserve the help from anyone in this class. Not after everything she has done to them."
Vallia then spoke up after her brother. "Taking away myself, my brother, Marinette, and Adrien, since none of us have been akumatized, Chloe has been responsible for literally everyone being akumatized other than Nino, Max, and Lila. And she has not once apologized for any of her actions that caused those things to happen."
"I doubt that Chloe has ever said the word 'sorry' in her life," Nino crossed his arms as he almost growled.
"That word is probably not even in her vocabulary," Max said.
"Children, please," Bustier tried to calm them all down. "I know that Chloe is not the easiest person to be around..."
"Not the easiest person," Marinette was on her feet this time. "She had Juleka locked in the bathroom, she ripped up Rose's letter to Prince Ali, she bullied Mylene over her stage fright, she called Ivan a monster, she got Alya unfairly suspended, she called Sabrina invisible and pretended like she didn't exist, she sent an embarrassing picture of Kim to the entire class, she ruined a bunch of Nathaniel's drawings and sketchbooks, and destroyed Alix's watch, she stole my hat design for the contest Adrien's father had here. Chloe has been nothing but a bully for over ten years and now she is a terrorist finally getting what she deserves."
"Marinette, that is no way to talk about Chloe," Bustier scolded her again. "We talked about the Marinettes of the world."
"Stop," Adrien was the one that stood up this time.
"Adrien," Bustier was really shocked at this.
"There is nothing that can excuse Chloe's behavior this time," Adrien actually glared at their teacher. "I believe in taking the high road when it actually would work, but this is NOT something that can be ignored. Chloe WILLINGLY worked with Hawkmoth just because she was not getting what she wanted for once in her entire spoiled life. She exposed all of the temporary heroes. Alya, Nino, Kim, Max, Luka, and Kagami now all have their lies in danger because Hawkmoth could try and get to Ladybug, Cat Noir, White Wolf, and Beautifly through them. They and their families are in danger. Nothing can excuse Chloe's actions when she causes something like that to happen."
"But Chloe was akumatized," Lila spoke up for the very first time. "Why is everyone so sure that she all that stuff willingly."
"Of course, she would stick up for Chloe," Adrien turned his glare to Lila, shocking her. "She did trick me into leaving Ladybug to Oni-Chan's mercy by faking being injured. She probably was delighted to hear that Ladybug almost lost that time."
"The proof was given," Max said. "I helped Beautifly find the needed footage of Chloe willingly helping Hawkmoth. And I have to say... it felt SO good."
"Way to go, Max," Kim gave his best friend a high-five.
"I can not believe you all," Bustier was shocked by what was happening. "I have taught you all that love and kindness are the way to handle others. This is not what I taught you."
"You did not teach love and kindness, either," Marinette snapped. "What you were teaching us was to be doormats and that people are allowed to walk all over us and treat us badly with no consequences being ever given to them. It is not our job to make Chloe better through kindness and love. It is the job of the adults. And it is the adults that failed because they brought Chloe up to believe that she can do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted with no consequences. Well, it is about time for those wrongs to finally be made right."
"You enabling Chloe has only served to make her worse," Adrien tells Bustier. "Letting her get away with everything she does while scolding others when they are rightfully upset with her just proves to Chloe that she can do whatever she wants no matter what."
"You actually had the gall to give Chloe credit for the present that Marinette made you and then she destroyed," Alya was also on her feet. "Chloe broke into Marinette's locker to do that and yet you did nothing to make Chloe think that what she did was wrong. You actually took Marinette aside instead. That is wrong on so many levels."
"You victim blame and that only makes it so much worse," Lyon said. "Scolding people for being upset with Chloe even when they have every right to be. Bullies need to be punished, not their victims. As a teacher, it is your job to protect your students and yet you left them at the mercy of a heartless bully who never has and never will show any remorse for her actions."
"Athena, as the goddess of wisdom, would be very disappointed that a teacher like you exists," Vallia said. "Your theory about love and kindness might work in fairy tales, but this is the real world and Chloe is finally getting some real-world consequences."
"Sit down, all of you," Bustier raised her voice for once. "I am completely appalled that you are saying these things. Chloe is a sweet girl that only needs to be shown kindness. Now, you will all sit down and write nice things about her before you all get detention."
That definitely made all of the class snap. They were all on their feet and shouting at Bustier that they would never have anything nice to say about Chloe. They hurled every insult that they could about the blond brat at their supposed teacher. None of them could believe that she was so sure about Chloe that she would allow them to suffer just to try and prove herself right. It was all so intense that most of them would have missed the policeman that came through the door if not for the fact that all of them had auras of authority around them. The room soon went silent.
"Caline Bustier," one of them asked.
"Yes, the teacher answered.
"You are under arrest," another said as they put her hands behind her back as they also placed handcuffs on her.
"What! Why," Bustier was shocked and confused.
"For child endangerment, child abuse, and helping a criminal," one of the officers said.
"I have never helped a criminal a day in my life," Bustier protested.
"Does the name Chloe Bourgeois ring a bell," another officer asked her. "Helping someone that aided a terrorist get away with their crimes makes you guilty of helping a criminal."
"That owl-obsessed principal of yours was also arrested for the same crimes," a third officer said.
The class was speechless, but it was not like they did not think something like this might happen with how often the principal and Bustier excused everything Chloe has done. Karma must have been working overtime to deal with all of these corrupt people.
Chloe was sentenced to juvie for the rest of her teen years before she would be transferred to a maximum-security prison for her crimes. Her father did not end up any better since it was proven that he was taking bribes from Hawkmoth to not have the local police search for him while the heroes dealt with the actual akumas. He was given life in prison. The same was the sentence given to former policeman Raincomprix since he was almost as corrupt as the mayor. Bustier and Damocles were not sentenced to prison, but they both had their teaching licenses revoked with no way to get them back while they were also blacklisted from ever getting any jobs in education ever again.
Now, the heroes only had two more issues that they hoped to deal with as soon as possible. Hawkmoth and Liar Rossi.
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nitw · 3 years
things that are canon in the my little pony friendship is magic universe:
there's a venomous plant called "poison joke" but it doesn't actually make you ill. the only thing it does is alter your appearance in funny and stupid ways, like making you super clumsy, making you as small as an ant, or giving you a way deeper voice
all ponies are called ponies but sometimes they also use the word "horse" and it's kinda confusing
rainbow dash getting bullied as a kid was solely responsible for everything that happens in the plot. like the 6 main characters would never have gotten as far in life as they have or even met each other if it wasn't for baby rainbow dash wanting to show off to her shitty classmates. god bless
the most powerful ancient relics in the known universe, that the villains of the show are constantly trying to steal in order to become unstoppable and/or destroy the world, are the physical manifestations of friendship and you can literally only bring out their full potential if you're a group of 6 close friends lol
^^^ this, however, is later revealed to just be a metaphor? their powers CAN still be manifested without them because "tHe FRIENDSHIP WAS INSIDE US ALL ALONG TM" despite that we've seen that they DO wield magical powers, even when just 1 pony is using them????? IT'S SO VAGUE
in the equestria girls spinoff where everyone is a human in high school (which is still 100% canon to the show btw), twilight from the pony universe eats a meat burger for lunch. this is never questioned
there are talking anthropomorphic cat people that live in a completely seperate region. they're never described as anything other than "cats" even though regular cats are kept as pets. also we like only ever see them in the movie
cows are intelligent talking creatures just like the ponies in this world, BUT THEY'RE STILL KEPT AS DOMESTICATED LIVESTOCK???? NOT YAKS OR BISONS THOUGH, ONLY COWS
it's never explained how monarchy works here, but princesses usually have the highest authority. that being said, sometimes ponies just. BECOME princesses. out of honor or something. like a princess can make another female pony a princess and suddenly they have power and responsibility over their own region. it's just like that. also if the new princess is born a unicorn or pegasus, they'll physically transform into alicorns by either growing wings or a horn through magic
france (supposedly) exists somewhere. like just real actual france.
SOMETIMES when a character randomly bursts into song, that's what's actually happening in the story and it's seen as weird and inappropriate. other times it's a perfectly natural musical number
an annual holiday called "hearth's warming" is both foundation day and christmas at the same time
ponies can play guitar, contrabass and violin with their hooves somehow
in the future, pinkie pie gets married to literally weird al fucking yankovic's ponysona and they have a child
feel free to add more if you remember any, this show is bonkers and i love it
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere Fairy Tail Hc’s
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, delusions, clinginess, overprotective behavior, manipulation, stalking, blackmailing, threatening, sabotage, kidnapping, killing
Hibiki Lates
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✨Hibiki is a semi-delusional Yandere. I admit it, he obviously is quite perceptive and intelligent so he isn't a fully delusional Yandere. Still though he can't help, but think of his darling as something more. He's a womanizer and rumors say that he's had many different girlfriends at the same time. But with the sudden entrance of his darling something seemed to change. He suddenly turned extremely obsessive, wanted to know everything about them and he could never stop thinking about them ever since. So even if he knows that some things he does aren't technically right, he views this whole situation as some sort of destiny and that his darling is his only one. He's quite infatuated with his darling for that reason.
✨Manipulative and overprotective. Hibiki obviously has his charm upon his sleeve and there is a reason he's been voted for several years in a row as a boyfriend every girl would like to have. Problem is that if his darling is looking for a serious relationship, they might ditch him since he is a womanizer and they wouldn't want to be with someone who hangs out with numerous women at the same time. Hibiki has to prove something in here and he is aware of that. But he's a determined and persistent man and he will make sure that he'll court his darling successfully and he isn't above making himself look better than other possible competitors. And a man has to protect his lover after all so of course he is more protective, though he overdoes it in order to look more like a gentleman.
✨Hibiki might just experience for the very first time in his life how real jealousy feels like when you have someone you want to love and cherish for the rest of your life. As someone who is constantly being talked over and the knowledge that he is everyone's dream man give him a certain confidence and since he is a polite man, he never really lashes out on someone. But he learns quickly that he dislikes it when someone else tries to charm his darling the way he does and that e likes it even less when they react flattered by it. Such experiences never really fail to make him a bit more possessive since it's a brilliant reminder that he wants no one else to steal you away from him.
✨He ensures protection as good as he can, but if his darling is a mage themselves he naturally admires their strength and respects it when they can kick someone's asses all by their own. We did see in the Grand Magic Games that he isn't exactly strong when it comes to brute strength so in that aspect his darling might actually surpass him, but he is smart and great in other things. He has without a doubt his own little fanbase and has influence due to his popularity so it may very well be that he uses this against people he views as serious threats and destroys their reputation just like this. He does this more with people who harrassed the s/o or make their life hard rather than people who try to snatch his darling away and make them theirs. In such cases he rather trusts his own looks and charms.
✨Assuming that he does manage to become his darling's boyfriend, it might be not very likely that they would break up very fast since Hibiki almost appears to be the prefect boyfriend, he's probably just a bit too much. But since Hibiki views the whole reason you two met in the first place as fate he of course doesn't plan on letting his darling leave now that he's found true love. He uses manipulation over violence since he sees himself above such brute methods and in general he prefers blackmailing and bribing over physical force the moment he fails to solve an issue the normal way.
✨It's really not seen as anything serious when he first is seen in public with you, but when it is suddenly made clear soon after that he stopped looking at other women and stopped flirting with every women he's encountering, it's made clear that this is due to his relationship with you. His teammates and Ichiya congratulate him soon after for having found the real passionate love. Hibiki is actually a bit careful around his teammates when you're with him since they are womanizers as well and for that might behave the same with you which does make him jealous a bit. I think he has no real problem being extremely cheesy and romantic with you even in front of others. That guy does give his darling space even if he can be rather clingy from time to time, but if he misses them he tends to try to communicate per telepathy.
Eve Tearm
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💛Eve is pretty much alike to Hibiki in this matter. He as well is a semi-delusional Yandere. However, he isn't like Hibiki a more intellectual character yet and different from Hibiki lacks the more serious side. He is younger after all and views that as part of his charm so he has a far more stronger side to himself than Hibiki has. Because Eve falls much more faster in love than Hibiki does and for that has a much more stronger view on destiny and that him and his darling are meant to be. He is protective as well. He might be younger and maybe less experienced than his other friends, but he as well wants to prove his dedication and love to the s/o.
💛Obsessive which should be obvious. What kind of lover would he be if he wouldn't know how to make you happy and how to always surprise you pleasantly. Something that still marks a big difference between him and Hibiki is the fact that Eve actually turns out to be more on the shy side once he's really fallen hard for his darling which is why he at first tends to be a bit more on the stalkerish side before Ichiya, Ren and Hibiki encourage the young man to go for this beaty before someone else takes them away from Eve. That includes them as well, they are womanizers. Eve uses manipulation less than Hibiki does since he is surprisingly bashful, but he will sweet talk things more harmless and appealing if he has too.
💛Eve is less possessive than Hibiki is and overall is less jealous. His darling gets their freedom and can talk to others all they like, he can endure them having friends and spending time with others. He is somewhat more cautios around other members of The Trimens for clear reasons. It isn't like Hibiki and Ren don't respect the fact that yo are Eve's lover, but being charming and flirting with women runs simply through their blood and so they might subconsciously accidentally and up doing just that. Eve of course is respectful with his friends and they understand him and stop quickly as well. In front of strangers flirting he still retains that more mature approach similar to Hibiki, but just like him he shares the dislike of seeing other people being all gentleman and nice to you the same way he is. He's not shy when it comes to making it to others clear that you already have him.
💛Similar to Hibiki he will share the same respect and admiration in case you are a wizard yourself and for that have spells up your own sleeves to fight for yourself, though in case of a sudden battle Eve would like to fight right besides you. Even with his whole soulmate belief Eve still mostly turns away from the idea of killing someone as long as it isn’t an emergency situation. He likes discussing it out as well and in the case that someone does try to cause troubles, you have a guild ready to help you out since Eve naturally won’t let anyone harm you. He can sabotage certain situations as well where odds are put against the person he views as a threat.
💛Assuming that you are part of Blue Pegasus, you two would already spend a lot of time together so there would be no need for him to kidnap you since he constantly hangs around you in the guild, regarding clinginess he can be more extreme than Hibiki is. He is younger and more delusional after all. And since he is seen from everyone in the guild as sie sort of younger brother he would definitely be able to count on their help in case something should have happened that caused you to be mad at him.
💛The wizard, despite higher clinginess, still respects the fact to hold back in public more than Hibiki would. Ren and Hibiki most likely triggered him to go out of his way and talk to his darling way back when he was still a secret admirer and didn’t know how to set up a good scenario and how to talk to them. Has a more submissive nature to him so he would like his darling to be the one to lead this relationship whilst he follows along and does in the meantime things to please them and make them happy. But similar to Hibiki he stops flirting with other women as we for the sake of you.
Ren Akatsuki
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🎆Funnily from all three of them, he probably is the most lucid one. But he still only is a semi-aware Yandere to have, he's stained ith the same delusions as his team members. He can view many of his habits as rather unusual and he knows that as well, but in the end his belief in the greater love manages to overcome most of his doubts and insecurities whether he's wrong about his feelings or not. He mostly tries to show his feelings in a more tsunderish form, but in the end he as well is far too much lovestruck to come over as very cold and his darling can tease him greatly for it. From The Trimens he's notably the most possessive Yandere to have.
🎆Protective and manipulative. No matter how cold he may try to act, he'll always defend you from others and save you when you do trip into some issues and even if he complains afterwards that you should have been more careful, he was very worried and that's evident. Ren is subtle about his manipulations as well, mainly because he wants his darling to love him without him having to use bribing and other sorts of lies and tricks, but similar to Eve he will do it when there would be the need for it.
🎆He doesn't get along very well with other men except Ichiya, Hibiki and Eve for the real funny reasons because he views other guys as his rivals in love (don't expect girls to be safe from this either, he'll merely be more polite). And Ren is the most rude about his jealousy because even if he is more embarrassed to show how much he really do loves you, he sure as hell won't have others flirt with you and take you away from him. He's the passive-aggressive type with such people and his feelings for his darling are always made obvious during such times. In front of people like Hibiki and Eve he is less harsh, but it doesn't stop him from shooing them away when they are suddenly all over you as well.
🎆He might just be the one who would be the easiest triggered from all of them to act when someone starts looking more and more like potential troubles for the s/o and the relationship. I would say that with love rivals he wouldn't be violent, more focused on just scaring them away and use threats and warnings to stay away the moment someone becomes very persistent on having his darling. If it comes to people such as bullies or perverts he has a faster way to react because simple flirting isn't anywhere near as worse as being catcalled or otheriwse humiliated. But just like with Hibiki and Eve I really only see him killing someone when the circumstances are very bad and the person turns out to be a possible death sentence for his darling if he doesn't do something. Anything can happen in the heat f a battle.
🎆Despite his tries to come over as a Tsundere, he still spends a lot of time with his darling which kind of blows his cover up, but that really isn't something new. Ren isn't necessarily clingy unless someone triggered his jealousy extremely or recently something bad happened to his darling and for that reason he decides to accompany them for safety reasons. Kidnapping is still something he wouldn't really consider since, as already mentioned, he is the most self-conscious Yandere to have from those three.
🎆How you can tease him about his constant tries to come over as a Tsundere despite easily getting flustered around you is really funny. Ren wants to look cool in front of his darling which means he obviously doesn't want to embarrass himself whilst you're watching so he always tries his best. He cools his interactions with other girls extremely down after he's courted you since he obviously cares about you more than anyone else. He might still fall back into the habit of simple flirting, but he learned his lessons quickly when you had enough of it, avoided him and did the exact same thing with Hibiki and Eve who naturally flirted back. He got quite mad at them afterwards for this, though they only helped you giving Ren a taste of his own medicine.
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mpanighetti · 3 years
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Halloween Zero-to-Thirty Challenge Rating Challenge
October 15th Prompt: Undead
Lichmare (Challenge 14)
When a pegasus' wings are severed, and the fires of the Nine Hells burn at its soul, corrupting its form into that of a living nightmare, it can be said that a creature of good has died on that day. But the fiendish form can perish again, and transform into a new being altogether, one of decaying flesh and ragged bones, whatever remains of its soul persisting within a phylactery. This twice-dead-but-never-dying monstrosity uses the twisted magic of a lich to extend its life unnaturally, becoming a terror known as a lichmare.
Like any lich, this equine variant must constantly keep its phylactery full of life force to sustain its form (faililng to do could result in a demilichmare, an abomination of a portmanteau too terrifying to consider further in this written record). This effort tends to come in the form of trickery; the lichmare might present itself in a billowing cloud of smoke as a tempting prize for adventurers seeking impressive mounts. The rider learns too late of their steed's malicious intent as they are transported into the Ethereal Plane so that they might be better bucked and trampled to death without interference.
Through all these gruesome transformations, the lichmare never truly loses its love of oats and hay,despite its inability to gain sustenance from such worldly pleasures.
Large undead/fiend, neutral evil
Armor Class: 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 144 (17d10 + 51)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 90 ft.
STR: 18 (+4)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving Throws: DEX +8, CON +8, WIS +7
Skills: Arcana +7, Athletics +9, Insight +7, Intimidation +8, Perception +7
Damage Immunities: fire
Damage Resistances: cold, lightning, necrotic
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses: passive Perception 17
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Challenge: 14 (11,500 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Special Traits
Illumination. The lichmare sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light is an eerie green color which functions in magical darkness. Invisible creatures are visible within this light.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the lichmare fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery with sufficient stores of oats, a destroyed lichmare gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.
Spellcasting. The lichmare is a 17th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The lichmare knows the following warlock spells, and satisfies all component requirements with a verbal neigh:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, fire bolt, prestidigitation
1st–5th level (4 5th-level slots): banishment, blight, danse macabre, enervation, hellish rebuke, negative energy flood, scorching ray, scrying, sickening radiance, wall of fire
6th-9th level (1/day each): eyebite, feeblemind, finger of death, power word kill
Turn Resistance. The lichmare has advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead.
Multiattack. The lichmare makes two attacks with its hooves.
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Ethereal Stride. The lichmare and up to three creatures within 5 feet of it magically enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. Unwilling creatures can resist this plane shift by succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.
Legendary Actions
The lichmare can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The lichmare regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Cantrip. The lichmare casts a cantrip.
Hooves (Costs 2 Actions). The lichmare uses its hooves.
Frightening Graze (Costs 2 Actions). The lichmare grazes on some grass but also gives some serious creepy side-eye to one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to the lichmare’s graze for the next 24 hours.
Death Whinny (Costs 3 Actions). The lichmare emits a cacophanous whinny heard up to 300 feet away. Each non-undead creature within 30 of the lichmare that is able to hear the whinny must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage and falls prone. On a successful save, the damage is halved and the creature does not fall prone.
[id: monster stat block for lichmare, depicting a horse with its skeleton showing throw decaying skin, its mane and feet wreathed in flame]
[Original prompt]
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jayrockin · 4 years
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I developed more Lore for my MLP OCs, because, well, no one has managed to stop me yet
Charbones (the unicorn) and Thunderstruck (the pegasus) are a married couple of warlocks who live in a giant spooky tower a few hours outside Ponyville. Their patron god is Discord, and although they are very low-tier villains their reckless pursuit of arcane knowledge and magical experimentation often ends up trampling through the lives of townsfolk. Twilight Sparkle and co usually end up getting involved when things get out of hand.
Their son is Flickering Flame, a pegasus living in Ponyville who was never terribly interested in the family business and just wants to run his candle-making shop in peace. Unfortunately, despite loving their son very much, Charbones and Thunderstuck don’t have great boundaries and constantly meddle in Flick’s life.
Glyph is a magical construct who moves through books and paper. Originally created by the warlock dads for pest control; she dwells in their library eating silverfish, bookworms, trespassers, and the odd water stain. Anything alive she consumes becomes marginalia artwork somewhere else in the book collection. Despite not being able to speak, she has quite a mind of her own and will take any opportunity to roam. Best beware, if you borrow books from the warlocks’ library, to make sure Glyph isn’t hiding in the pages.
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mishamalda · 3 years
Casualties of Perspective: An Analysis of Díthorba
Introduction to Díthorba
Díthorba is an enemy boss character in the fourth game of the Fire Emblem series, Genealogy of the Holy War, recently added to the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes. She is a Heavenly Knight of Silesse, an elite pegasus knight. She is most often portrayed as something of a mustache-twirling villain, comically evil; however, the truth of her character is a much more complex one. Kaga told me so. I’m writing this essay because I got her in Heroes and I have ADHD. It’s a love story for the ages.
Context: Politics of Silesse & The Heavenly Knights
Silesse is, in general, a neutral country; during the game, it does not serve as a power, but a battlefield, suffering its own civil war rather than taking part in the larger battle. The history of Silesse is sparse, with its characteristics centering on the fact of its foundation being by Crusader Ced: as such, it is principally peaceful. The martial strength attributed to the characters from Silesse lies in their association to wind, whether that be through flight (in pegasus and falcon knights) or magic (in wind mages).
Among the pegasus knights, there are four elite warriors who are considered the best in the country. These are the Heavenly Knights: Annand, Pamela, Erinys, and Díthorba. Annand is the captain. Both Pamela and Díthorba express jealousy toward her that borders on hatred— and toward one another and Erinys, as well. The Heavenly Knights, despite being the crown jewels of a country which values peace, are thus shown to be an order constantly at one another’s throats. This may be because of the intense stress that they must have undergone in order to become as skilled as they are, or it may be because of the competitive nature of their stations. Regardless of the origin, however, this tension makes the eventual shattering of the order understandable.
During the events of Genealogy of the Holy War, the conflict in Silesse revolves around an attempted coup d’etat. The queen of the country, Lahna, is not of Silessean royal blood, having married into the royal family, and was therefore seen as not capable of holding the throne after her husband passed. Her son, Lewyn, was meant to take the throne, but his uncles, Lahna’s brothers-in-law, saw him as weak, and together they attempted to take the throne. Díthorba held these views as well, stating in her Heroes lines that she believes Lahna “invited crisis to Silesse”.
The coup was eventually settled by Sigurd’s army, and both of Lewyn’s uncles were killed, along with Díthorba and Pamela.
Motivation and Morality
In the context of the political situation in Silesse, it becomes easy to discern Díthorba’s motivations, although her morality is still gray at best. Unlike her counterpart Pamela, who fights in the name of her own lust for power, Díthorba seems to have some desire to see her country changed for the better. When speaking on her hopes in Heroes, she remarks that her two greatest wishes are to see her country thriving and her daughter happy.
Díthorba does express a desire to become the captain of the Heavenly Knights, actively competing with Annand and Pamela while dismissing Erinys as an “amateur”. She is consistently portrayed as ambitious and proud, and only seems to question herself when she is defeated and killed: unlike Pamela, who is proud to the end, Díthorba’s dying line is “What have I done?”, implying at least a measure of self-awareness. Extrapolating from this quote, it may be assumed that Díthorba genuinely did want what was best for Silesse, and it is only upon seeing her own pride disproven, her arrogance torn open and her weakness exposed, that she recognizes the reality of things. In this we see the keystone of her moral code revealed: to seek strength and success both in herself and in her country.
Ambition alone does not make a villain. In different circumstances, Díthorba may have been a great servant to a better cause. Her desire for power, though a factor in her choices, is peripheral to her actions in the civil war. Serving Myos does not actually further her in the Heavenly Knights. By shattering Silesse, she does stand a chance of becoming the new commander, but the order as an order does not exist thanks to the civil war; therefore, she cannot be acting in her own self-interest. She provides a contrast to Pamela in this respect.
Despite this, Díthorba is by no means a good person. She may be serving a cause that she believes to be right, but her methods are terrible, and she is not an honorable knight, threatening extreme violence to Erinys when confronted and failing to show her basic respect. Though from her own viewpoint she is doing the best thing for Silesse, she does not present her side of the conflict to her enemies— although, again, since the enemy she has dialogue with is Erinys, this may be due to the deep antipathy that the Heavenly Knights hold for one another. It is next to impossible to judge Díthorba’s morality from the player’s perspective. She is shown through a lens that does not allow her to be good.
Relationships, Attachments, & Misha
Díthorba has very few attachments. Her only known associates at the time of her death are the Heavenly Knights, who— as stated above— do not act as friends or even allies. This is likely why she is defined as a traitor: although she may have technically been “allied” with the Heavenly Knights, they provided no reason for her to consider them her friends. Her duty was never to the other Knights, but to Silesse, and she did attempt to fulfill it in her own way.
The only loving attachment Díthorba has is found in her daughter, Misha. She never mentions her in her battle quotes— again, this is an issue not with her character but with her framing as an enemy— but does mention her in Heroes, as referenced above. Misha, who is a playable character in the intermediary game, Thracia 776, references Díthorba not only in her quotes but in her personality. Misha expresses great affection for her mother, and resembles her in being a pegasus knight. When she is captured, it is said that “The Pegasus Knights of Silesse value honor above all,” further shining a light on not only Misha’s but Díthorba’s actions.
Furthermore, Misha is serious and proud, similar to her mother, but is presented as a hero, not a villain. Although her morality is also questionable, her cause (feeding the orphans of Silesse) is unequivocally good. Misha fights in a war she knows is wrong in order to save innocents, and when her actions lead her own soldiers to their deaths, her honor demands that she die with them. Like Díthorba, she is complex, and they seem to be very similar in many respects; the difference between them is that in Thracia 776, Misha does not have to be your enemy. The picture this retroactively paints of Díthorba is a tragic one. A person with a cause she thought to be just, fighting on the side of someone she thinks to be the best choice for her country, never given the chance to see the truth of it— Díthorba is not a villain, but a flawed hero whose heroism only exists in her own warped view of the world.
To redirect back to the relationship itself, Misha’s unquestioned love for her mother (and the same affection from Díthorba in Heroes) provides a softer facet to the broken image we receive. It can be assumed that Díthorba treated her daughter with love and kindness, and fights for her future as much as for Silesse, but we are never allowed to see any of Díthorba’s warmth. In including this detail, Sigurd’s action of killing Díthorba— thus orphaning Misha— becomes a tragedy, not a victory.
Díthorba will always be an incomplete personality. General ideas may be extrapolated about her, but she is a casualty of perspective, unable to be shown in her entirety simply because Sigurd’s army does not have the luxury of coming to understand her. However, enough of her is revealed that her relative honor becomes painfully apparent. In different circumstances, or in a different story, she could easily have been something more than just more meat for the Sigurd grinder.
Also, she’s a lesbian, because I say so. Thanks for reading!
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glitchedfoxx · 3 years
LCU Info Dump
Here’s a quick briefing on what Lost Curse Universe is, since you guys have, no doubt noticed me posting about it
Relating back to this post that I made earlier today, I’m gonna actually share some stuff about Lost Curse Universe. I don’t know why it’s taken me like a year to get around to posting about what LCU even is, but you know what I may be a little stupid, ok? 
(Long post ahead)
ANyways, I don’t have a whole lot about the AU fleshed out because I haven’t really had a chance to talk to people about it and build off of other people’s ideas and input to make it into something, but I have a little bit of an idea. It’s basically a canon divergent AU splitting off from the story of the FSA mangas, but Green never put the four sword back and they continued to live on as separate Links. Wow, real original, I know. 
The actual setting of GU is a few years after the events of the manga, everyone’s around their late teens/early adulthood in age, and over time, since they split off at a young age, each boy kinda went through puberty a little differently, pretty similar to how twins start out looking the same but they can end up developing differently despite having the same DNA. 
Over time, the individual Links ended up changing up their fashion a bit to tell each other apart better, outside just having different colored tunics. Although the base tunic is the same, they all have accessories added on that makes it unique to them. (If we’re being honest here Blue probably thought it was stupid that they all dressed the exact same and insisted that they change up their clothes so that he doesn’t have to dress the same as everyone else. The others played along.)
There isn’t a whole lot about the AU in terms of storyline, because in all honesty I just wanted to create a way of drawing the boys that was unique to me, so that people can see the designs and go “oh that’s glitchedfoxx’s design!” or something like that, so sorry for not having any sort of storyline or plot to share with you guys, but that will probably come in later once I start actually thinking about the AU more and building it together with you guys.
I can share a little bit about each boy individually though!
Green remained the leader of the group, and he often directs the team on missions they go on together. As they grew, Green ended up being around 5′7″, the second tallest of the group. The defining feature of his outfit that sets him apart from the others are his metal chest plate (that he very obviously either put together himself or stole from another armor set that he adamantly refuses to wear the entirety of because “it’s uncomfortable”), along with a decorative fabric draped over top of it to give his outfit a more “knightly” appearance. He also made the executive decision that he gets to have the Pegasus boots, probably because he’s the leader of the group or something so he gets the cool stuff (his wording, not mine). While the others over time honed different combat skills, Green decided to stick to swordsmanship.
Next up, Red. As the shortest of the group, he drew the short end of the stick when it came to his growth spurt as a teen, only being around 5′3″. His choice accessory was a yellow bandana, adorned with the symbol of the Gorons to accent the fiery theme in his outfit and choice of weapon. He also bears shorter sleeves, and fingerless gloves. Although he does have possession of the other elemental rods, Red has a soft spot in his heart for the fire rod, probably because he likes making things match and the fire rod matches his name and outfit. Although still a skilled swordsman himself, Red overtime chose to hone in his magic ability, and has officially-unofficially deemed himself a mage.
Now for Blue. In stark contrast to Red, Blue is the tallest of the group, although not much taller than Green at around 5′8″-5′9″. Over time, Blue has chosen to omit the sleeves on his undershirt, leaving it as a tank top, claiming “sleeves just get in the way”, although it was in poor taste given his recklessness and as a result has a big number of scars all over his arms. To make up for his lack of fabric on his arms, Blue has a decorative belt of fabric around his waist underneath his leather belt, accenting his blue tunic with a deep red. He also bears some very warrior-esque leather wraps around his forearms, so at least he has a little bit of protection. Just like Red, Blue knows his way around with a sword, but prefers to use his hammer because it doesn’t require thought to use and makes him feel powerful. He’s not very smart, but he has brute strength to make up for it.
Then, Vio. Vio is average height, coming up about an inch shorter than Green at around 5′6″. He’s arguable the most eccentric in his choices of accessories, hiding himself underneath an asymmetrical cloak with a cowl hood, and armoring himself with a golden shoulder spaulder and leather gauntlets. He’s also chosen to replace his sword sheath with a quiver, choosing to focus his energy towards archery, although he does still carry his sword around in case of close combat emergencies. 
Lastly there’s Shadow. Shadow adorns the same look as Green, par the decorative draping. He’s near identical to Green in every aspect, from his clothes, to his height, even down to every single freckle and scar being the exact same. Eerier still, every time Green gets a new scar or blemish, the very same marking will appear on Shadow, constantly mimicking the green hero. Although, Shadow can’t do much, as he has some issues connecting to the light world given the uh... less than pristine condition of the dark mirror.
That’s pretty much all I have, I probably could’ve gone more in depth into their personalities, but I don’t want this post to get too long. Besides, I can’t just hand everything to you guys, you guys can get to know them on your own terms! If you took the time too read all of this, thank you for giving me the time of day, I really appreciate it.
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envihellbender · 1 year
Kids of the Blue Lion girls !
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Next Generation
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Name: Torben
Class: War Monk
Torben is surprisingly small in build, he’s shorter than his mother, and is slimmer as well. He has chin length blonde hair and a fringe which is just out of his eyes that he pushes behind his ears so he can focus. His eyes are deep brown like chestnuts. He has pale skin and soft pink lips, and he blushes a deep red when he’s embarrassed. He has thick eyelashes, and thin eyebrows. He lost his eye as a child due to an accident involving knocking of a spilled elixir that splashed into his eye. The whites are now a deep scarlet and the brown iris turned pale, he can’t see properly out of it and prefers to keep it behind an eyepatch. He wears a soft white one with leaves sewn into it. He’s soft spoken, often having to repeat himself, and often goes unnoticed. He dresses in a soft almost feminine manner, he enjoys light blouses, cardigans, bows, and flowers. So, when he began training as a War Monk, people were extremely surprised.
As Torben was growing up there were some jibes from the other knights to Ingrid, they said she was raising the girl of the generation due to how he preferred to play with dolls and sit and read rather than play rougher games with the other boys. They said Torben could be a Pegasus Knight since he was hardly going to grow up a man anyway. Ingrid tried to shield her son from this so he could become whoever he wanted, and it partially worked. When Torben showed an affinity for healing magic everyone assumed he’d become a bishop… However, during his training it was discovered that despite his lean muscle, he was excelled at hand to hand combat. Those who previously mocked him watched in awe as the five foot three seventeen year old put a his instructor on his back in the first thirty seconds of the spar.
Torben was often called a “Momma’s Boy” growing up, he clung to her hand constantly as a child and hid behind her when meeting strangers. Ingrid was often told she coddled the boy too much, but that close relationship continued into Torben growing into a kind, thoughtful, strong and independent young man. He likes plants, fashion, books, tea, drawing, and the Pegasi his mother rears. He is something of a germophobe and dislikes coffee, small spaces, and loud high pitched noises.
Name: Amelie
Class: Swordmaster / Mortal Savant
Mercedes said Amelie always looked exactly like Emile, mostly due to her almost white blonde hair and brown eyes. She also had a similar facial shape and the same frown, Mercedes insisted. Amelie kept her hair with a straight fringe and in a practical ponytail. She was taller than her mother, broad shouldered, and showed herself as extremely independent and capable when she was very young. Her mother wanted her to be a priest like herself or a knight like Emile, instead Amelie had a fascination with swords and combat magic. When she was a child she’d sit in the training grounds, staring in awe at the dexterity of the sword fighters. She saw parries and strikes as being similar to dancing, she studied the footwork and it wasn’t long before she picked up a wooden sword and started practising herself. She was often covered in scrapes and bruises from her constant sparring.
Amelie always resented being compared to Emile, she loved her mother but always felt smothered by her. She kept a close grip on Amelie, so tight through fear that she’d lose her just like she lost Emile. Amelie was always compared to him, when she liked her mothers baked sweets she was just like Emile, when Amelie looked after the stray cats she found she was compared to her Uncle, when she’d scowl and complain about anything she was just like Mercedes’ long lost, presumed dead, brother. It created a rift between the two, especially when Amelie discovered that Emile was the infamous Death Knight. A terrifying killer people still whispered about. Amelie confronted her mother, and their relationship grew strained afterwards.
Amelie likes climbing trees, being high up, sword fighting, weapons, fish, cats, meditation, and cloud gazing. She dislikes the church, being compared to others, being stuck inside, and she has a phobia of the dark.
Name: Aria
Class: Brigand / Hero
Aria had her mother’s bright ginger hair, and freckled face, but she was much taller in stature. Annette only came to Aria’s shoulders, and had to stand on her tip toes to ruffle her hair or kiss her on the cheek. She had pale green eyes, which often had black rings around them from how she’d regularly stay up late reading or star gazing. She also had a scar on the bottom right corner of her face, a jagged cross on her lower cheek and chin that passes over her nostril and lip slightly. She got it as a teenager when she was just starting to get good with an axe, when some bandits attacked their little village, she went rushing in desperate to prove herself. She managed it, just about. She and a few other villagers drove them off - but Aria came home to her mother and father weak and bloody. She’d taken an axe to the face, and they worried she wouldn’t make it. Thankfully she came through, and despite Annette’s anxious protests, Aria wasn’t swayed from her dream of becoming a legendary hero who kept the vulnerable people like those in her village safe. If anything, she was even more encouraged.
Aria grew up on a farm with her mother and father, her mother would sing as she worked and Aria adored hearing her. She’d dance as her mother filled the farmhouse with her voice, and especially loved the songs Annette wrote for especially her. Aria had a close relationship with her parents, even if they often argued about her not completing her chores on the farm. She wasn’t particularly interested in the hard work but enjoyed playing with the animals. When she was fifteen, their sheepdog had a litter, and she took in the smallest, weakest one who they didn’t think would make it. Aria nursed him back to health, and helped raise him. He’d go running with her every morning, and slept on her bed every night.
Aria’s likes singing (especially the songs her mother creates), gardening, fairytales, animals, swimming, gathering fruit, and horse riding. She dislikes hot drinks, fish, crowded enclosed spaces, negativity, and being controlled.
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