#fe3h next generation
envihellbender · 1 year
Child units of BE ladies ?
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Next Generation
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Name: Johannes
Class: Cavalier / Paladin
Johannes is tall and lanky, dwarfing Edelgard by the time he was a teenager. He has light brown hair which he keeps short and smart, he has closely cropped sides and a fringe that risks falling into his eyes. His eyes are a light purple just like Edelgard’s and shares her pale skin tone. However, his is healthier, he has rosy cheeks and plenty of freckles. Edelgard made sure he was taken care of as a child, never wanted for anything and never had to fear for the dark. He is an extremely loyal person, to a terrifying fault. His hackles are raised whenever the slightest insult is aimed at or implied about his loved ones.
Johannes was born with what in our world would be known as Cerebal Palsy but his own world didn’t have such a name for it. Unfortunately he instead was called a variety of disparaging names, and every time one was said in ear shot of the Emperor she made sure to make an example of them. As a result, Edelgard was determined to figure out a way he could spar with others his age and attend the Officer’s Academy just like he wanted. After hassling several of her subordinates - mostly Hubert, Ferdinand, and Linhardt - they created a mechanism which meant Johannes could ride a horse with ease and fight in a way he wouldn’t have been able to on his feet. He excelled faster in his lance training than anyone expected, many were amazed with how he took to it. He was an extremely tough opponent, and the first time he beat Edelgard in a duel she nearly cried she was so proud.
Johannes likes cats, music, gardening, fishing, drawing, and taking naps. He dislikes gossip, cruel jokes, dancing, the church, and rodents (a phobia inherited from his mother.)
Name: Gabriel
Class: Trickster
Gabriel has short, untidy purple hair, with brown eyes that are little the bark of a tree. They have a heart shaped face, and freckles primarily on their nose. They’re short and chubby, they find fading into the background rather easy and preferable. However, unlike their mother they love socialising and parties. They enjoy spending time with their friends, and whilst they dislike being the centre of attention they enjoy being on the sidelines and watching people have fun. They’ve inherited the mothers love to carnivorous plants, drawing, and painting. However they find reading and writing extremely difficult, in the modern world they’d probably be diagnosed with dyslexia. They are fine once someone reads the information aloud, then they can process it properly.
Gabriel identifies as genderfluid and enjoys presenting in different ways depending on the day. They are however happy with their birth name of Gabriel, as it feels gender neutral to them. Bernadetta calls them ‘Gabby’ which they accept but if anyone else does their fury will not be contained. They have always enjoyed lockpicking, simply to watch mechanisms to see how they worked and for the thrill of hearing it click. They adore sword fighting as well as using a bow, they love target practice with their mother, they do it every morning and sometimes Gabriel looks forward to it so much it gets them through the day.
They like sweets, stuffed animals, carnivorous plants, birds, their friends, parties, and fashion. They dislike reading, spicy food, fishing, gender stereotypes, and singing.
Name: Nellie (short for Manuela)
Class: Mage / Warlock
Nellie had always been more rough and tumble than her mother, she had her bright blue eyes and long wavy dark brown hair. But she kept the latter hidden in a messy pony tail and hated wearing dresses ever since she was a small child. She was shorter, and slimmer. She never knew who her father was but it never bothered her, she knew he hurt her mother and in her eyes that made him the scum of the earth.
Dorothea always hoped that her daughter would follow in her footsteps as a member of the Opera company. Nellie enjoyed singing, and wasn’t too bad at it but it wasn’t her true passion. As for dancing, she hated it. She could never get the hang of it and never showed up to lessons. Dorothea attempted to push her but due to Nellie being just as stubborn as her, gave up. After a long, explosive argument where Nellie asked why Dorothea never tried quite so hard when it came to Nellie’s interests Dorothea had a wake up call. After that their relationship improved dramatically. Dorothea found that they did share some common ground, Nellie may have hated performing but she loved watching operas primarily for the stories involved. She adored listening to her mother sing. Her primary passions however were magic and herbalism, and she was exceptionally talented at both.
She likes poisonous plants, reading, magical creatures, magical history, spicy food, and the songs her mother wrote for her. She dislikes sewing, dancing, parties, nobility, and fish.
Name: Mairenn
Class: Wyvern Rider / Wyvern Lord
Mairenn has black hair and light brown eyes with the same brown skin tone as her mother. She keeps her hair in traditional braids and has gorgeous red facial tattoos that swirl across her cheeks and around her eyes. She lacks the subtlety in fighting that her mother has, she could never get the hang of a bow and arrow or a sword but she was a natural with an axe. She also soon discovered how much she adored being the air, flying as high as possible on her beloved Wyvern before swooping back to the ground at a great speed. She had the bravery of her mother but an impulsive brashness that often got her into trouble.
Petra was deeply concerned when Mairenn expressed interest in attending the same Officer’s Academy she had. It was hard to explain to her daughter why, she had been forcibly taken to a foreign country and had no choice but to try and assimilate. She wanted Mairenn to have the freedom she never had and for her to embrace her culture. However, eventually she relented, accepting that giving her daughter freedom meant allowing her the choice to attend the academy. Mairenn made a promise to keep her faith to the old ways and Petra was relieved to hear that Mairenn despised the Fodlan Church more than she did for how they harmed her mother.
Mairenn likes nature, animals, learning everything about Brigid’s history and culture, sparring, swimming, climbing, and flying. She dislikes waiting for any period of time, the cold, the Fodlan Church, losing her independence, and tea.
Name: Diedrich
Class: Brawler / Grappler
Diedrich towers above his mother, by age ten he was taller than her, and by 15 he’d grown to over six foot tall. He’s broad shouldered, muscular, but a soft gut. He has a messy, patch of brilliant red hair that often falls in his eyes, and soft brown eyes. He often has a smile, being quite optimistic and charming by nature. He has dimples, crooked teeth, and is missing the tip of his right thumb from an old fighting injury from when he was 12. He wears a brace on his right knee, that was from an injury he earned jumping in a too shallow river at age 14.
Monica is extremely protective over him, still seeing him as the tiny little toddler who’d always go running off and getting into trouble. With a glare she can still cause him to cower to her will. He often comes home bruised and worse for wear from a brawl, or even a monster or beast he needed to fight and overpower. He always has a grin on his face and an embellished tale of his heroism but his mother nearly always responds by scolding him when she finds out. She has ensstilled in him a great devotion to the Empire and to Emperor Edelgard herself, causing him to be the youngest General the Empire has seen in centuries.
Dietrich likes swimming, running, fighting, sparring, sweets, fairytales, and learning about the history of the Empire. He dislikes enemies of the Empire, anyone who gets close to Monica without him ensuring they are not a threat, and chores.
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elegantmadness · 1 year
Eternal RP Search
As the title indicates, I'm pretty much always on the lookout for some new RP partners! Please keep reading if you might be interested! c;
Basic Info:
I'm (old af) 33 now, so I'm only looking to write with partners 18+. This is non-negotiable.
I default to third person past tense; I'm happy to switch to present tense if that's your preference, but I won't write in first or second person for RP purposes. In the same vein, I can't write with a partner who uses first or second person. Sorry guys!
Expect there to be some NSFW content; I don't fade to black. That said, I'm happy with smut-focused threads or plot-focused ones with NSFW as more of a side feature. Please let me know your limits so I don't step on any toes! Also expect at least some mention/discussion of kinks.
I'll write over email, in gdocs, or on discord. Please do not ask me to join your server/group RP or to RP here on tumblr.
My post length tends to fluctuate from 4+ paragraphs to novella, though I'll never give you fewer than 4 paragraphs. I cannot tolerate one-liners or super short paragraphs; I absolutely want someone who can give me at least 4 paragraphs per character.
My posting frequency can, admittedly, be a little sporadic, though I won't make you wait more than a few days for a reply. Ideally, I'd like a partner who can offer something similar -- 3-5 posts per week. I don't generally do rapid-fire, and if posts get slower than once per week I start to lose motivation.
I tend to prefer m// and m/f pairs, though in certain circumstances I'd be happy to double with f//. I'm also happy to include trans, nb, and characters that otherwise fall outside of the binary.
I will not exclusively write tops for your bottoms, men for your women, or canon characters for your original characters. I am, however, happy to double/triple/write casts/write poly so we can each write what we like.
Here I'll list all the fandoms I'd be interested in writing; I'm going to keep the info bare-bones to avoid making this post any longer than it already is, but I'll also add in a gdoc link with more comprehensive info. Characters in red are ones I wish to write; if no one's in red, I'm fine with writing any.
Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core-focused)
I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters. Doubling is absolutely on the table, but please note I have zero interest in writing Clerith, Cloti, or Zerith; otherwise, please don't be offended if I have no interest in a pairing you offer.
I could also be potentially interested in including characters from other Final Fantasy games (Squall, for instance, or Lightning). I'm familiar with 7, 8, 10 + 10-2, 12, and 13 (but not 13's sequels).
AGSZC (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
AGS (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth polycule)
SZC (Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
I'm also familiar with Three Hopes, though, admittedly, I'm not hunting for pairings with Shez or Arval. You're welcome to ask about them if you'd like to double, though! I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters.
Characters I'm absolutely not looking to write/write with: Bernadetta, Annette, Marianne, Rhea, Flayn, Hanneman, Constance, Manuela, Petra, Mercedes, Hilda, Ignatz, Raphael, Ingrid, Seteth, Lysithea, Caspar, Hapi, Monica, Leonie, Alois, Cyril
Sylvain/Felix (I'm willing to play Sylvain if you want to play more than one Sylvix thread)
Hubert/Ferdinand (I'm willing to play Hubert if you want to play more than one Ferdibert thread)
Yuri/Sylvain (I might be inclined to play Sylvain depending on the plot)
Dimitri/m! or f!Byleth
Star Trek
I'm familiar with TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, AOS, PIC, and PRO. I'm personally looking to write an original character opposite a canon, and while I'm happy to double up I'm fine if you want a canon/canon pair or canon/oc in return.
Please note that I have no real interest in writing characters from TOS/AOS or PRO. I'm also less-than-enthusiastic about PIC, so I'd really like to stay away from those storylines.
I would, however, thoroughly enjoy a more complete crossover of TNG/DS9/VOY (or any of the two).
Please do not ask me to write Chakotay/Seven of Nine.
Julian Bashir/f!OC
I've played through everyone's routes, though I'll probably want to reacquaint myself with whomever you ask for since it's admittedly been a while.
I'm shamelessly asking for poly here, but please don't be alarmed that I'm asking for 4 -- I don't imagine they'll all be played in the same scene often if at all ^^; I will happily write any of the other LIs in return, however!
f!OC/Sanosuke | Saito | Souji | Hijikata
The Wayhaven Chronicles
What I'm looking for here is a little hard to explain, so please bear with me! While I'm not averse to simple doubling, I'd really enjoy a poly or polycule situation with the male love interests (Adam, Nate, Mason, & Felix).
In the case of a polycule, however, I wouldn't want to focus on the romantic/sexual side of things between the boys, though I like the idea of the intimacy and closeness it potentially lends itself to the RP. In such an instance I would absolutely love to write an MC or OC, but I'll happily discuss it and compromise so we're both content!
I know it hasn't been released yet -- and won't be for quite some time -- but I love the idea of playing in the world. I absolutely want to include all the LIs, and like above would be happy to indulge in poly, simple doubling, or a polycule (to be completely honest, I'm most interested in the polycule here).
I'd even be happy to focus only on the canon characters and not include OCs at all, but I'm glad to include them too. I just really want the opportunity to explore the boys and the world better.
That's pretty much it for fandoms I'm actively searching for, though you're welcome to check my gdoc for more information and for other fandoms I'd potentially be interested in! (Persona 5's in there, as well as some other IF titles and otome!)
If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out either here on tumblr (through a DM is preferred, tho asks are okay too) or on discord (Resoan#4408). Hope to hear from some of you soon!
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxv makes me so emotional oh my god 🥹🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxv. ]#i love love love final fantasy so much like. video games in general i cld rlly ramble abt each of my interests for hours like i'm#v much ffxv mood rn. god esp that one story two years back i've mentioned it so much here atp but IT REALLY IS SO PERSONAL N#CRINGE???? IDK IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED A BIT but like embarrassed /pos like. it's me. younger me. n i'm still v fond of it.#..still makes me shy though but even more i finished writing that uh oneshot back then w noctis#childhood friends to lovers uhuh secretly in love but both think it's unrequited uhuh#why has that always been among my fav tropes.. I DON'T EVEN RLLY HAVE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS? there's nothing irl that inspired it at all.#but then ^ that's also w my uhhhh original characters n then my wol too in ffxiv honestly n#even with other characters.. a v similar sentiment w claude n like lancelot or lucifer. ffxv / fe3h / gbf were my top 3 back in 2020#botw hades octopath acnh & other ff were games that i rlly rmb then too. but ever since ffxiv i haven't been able to play much other vgs 😭#the witcher 3. nier automata demo. code vein demo. genshin. hzd. rdr2. ac odyssey n lots more but god i've barely finished any#OH I NEARLY FORGOT.. I'M SO SORRY must be bcs i was listening to it earlier so i thought i already wrote it but kh3 yes#AAAA WAIT I'M RAMBLING AGAIN I WAS GNA WORK ON SOME STUFF BEFORE I SLEEP 🥹 sleep by 3 for more hours or by 4 so i can uh#get some stuff done before tmrrw? i will. do my best this week as quickly as i can so i can.. rest? my mind rlly needs a rest i think ><#yk what i can always write n do more the next day yeah i'll sleep no later than 3:30#i think i'm going back more to my old self again but i'll do my best to not isolate or distance myself too much i don't want to destroy#things even more like. in that. dream n. in the past when. i thought i was over it but i think those wounds r reopening#but i'm stronger than them n. fuck. it's the same as before n that's why i'm crying that's why i'm so afraid that's why it hurts so much#but i've written too much here. it hurts so much but even if it feels too similar to.. back then it's. not the same it's not the same#i've improved i've gone this far i've made friends i've made so much memories. but i'm so afraid that i'll fuck up again n#i think i'm like this bcs. oh ffs my dream told me basically that i really do think i already fucked up. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry#the past.. present. the future. too fast too much n it's just like before n that's. why i'm helpless to it. i can do better but this#i forgave them but maybe i haven't forgiven myself. entirely at least. so. the familiarity of this rn is keeping me frozen in place?#n then other stuff r so overwhelming too n fuck i don't want to think about this anymore i'll be fine i'm fine i can do this on my own#..no. i can't do that again. fuck i'm crying so much why does this feel the same as two years back#i'm sorry please don't forget me please don't leave me please tell me i didn't fuck up please don't tell me i did it again#i'm sorry i was doing better i was healing but i'm back to this again i know better but i can't do any more rn n i'm sorry i'm so sorry#fuck it i'll wipe away these tears. it feels so empty inside but i'll feel better somehow by the morrow. i don't want to be a burden nymore#i know it's bad n i don't want all my progress to be for naught but.. no i can't fuck this up again but i feel i alrdy have. i'm sorry. gn
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hyunnie04 · 2 months
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crown prince! bang chan x reader, fluff, royal au | m.list
wc: 1.1k words
a/n: dipping my toes into writing something a little out of my comfort zone! this is also lightly (heavily lmao) inspired by one of my fave games fe3h and it's support conversations.. 👉👈
you had no idea what chan might’ve wanted from you when he had invited you out for a cup of tea on the courtyard. it was unlike him to host such frivolous activities like tea parties out of the blue since he was quite busy these days, dealing with his royal duties and what not.
you haven't really crossed paths with him since your academy days and even now, you only ever caught glimpses of him here and there because of your parents' business involving relation matters, so the sudden invitation came as a surprise.
the said academy was for royals and nobles alike, shaping them up to be the future leaders for the next generation. it was how you both came to know each other. chan is the crown prince of the kingdom up in the frigid north, revered to be one of the strongest knights the kingdom has ever seen. polite, charming, not to mention extremely good looking as well.
you however, is just the eldest child of your family. house l/n had strong ties with the kingdom, your parents being close with several affluent families and being valuable members of the kingdom’s council.
"here we are." felix, his right hand man and closest friend, had stopped in front of the cobbled steps, leading down to the beautiful courtyard before sending you a grin. you thank him earnestly, giving him a smile back.
from a distance, you could see chan sitting quietly in the meadows, the lush grass and flowers crowding at his feet, cupping his chin in thought as the wind lightly blows through his hair.
he looks serene compared to the stressed look he adorns whenever you see him hunched over the castle’s conference room, going over his army’s battle tactics.
you bowed upon reaching his presence, the sunlight illuminating his handsome face. “thank you for inviting me, your highness.” chan stands right up, a slight shock on his face before swiftly recovering.
"i told you before, y/n. there's no need for formalities, just chan is fine." he sends you a warm smile and pulls out a chair for you.
the spread before you was amazing. tons of decadent pastries and cookies were laid in a dessert tier, making your mouth water in anticipation. 
“please, help yourself to some tea.” he takes the beautifully painted porcelain pot, pouring some of the aromatic tea in your cup. the steam from it flows up to the air, filling the table in it's light and refreshing scent. the atmosphere starts to dwindle into quietness, the breeze and wildlife surrounding you filling in it's silence.
"...was there something you'd like to talk about?" you cock your head to the side. he looks a little flustered, but ultimately nods. 
"-yes, actually." chan sighs out while he traces the rim of his tea cup, evading your curious eyes.
"did...your parents ever bother you about marriages?" he slowly manages to get out, stumbling through the sentence.
the tea cup you held in your hand freezes in place. now that he had mentioned it, your father and mother always brought up the idea of marrying. they were always pestering you, wondering when their only child was going to settle down. they stopped one day however, just like that. you wondered if your years of rejecting the idea itself had worked or they simply got tired. but you wondered what brought this on? were his parents arranging him with someone?   
"forgive me, i do not mean to be so straight forward." chan coughs into his hand, noticing the lack of reply and turned his head away in slight embarrassment.
"it's alright." you place your cup down on its saucer, secretly admiring how the tips of his ears redden so quickly. "but now that you've brought it up, yes i have."
"i see," the tea was abandoned now, left to cool in the summer shade. “i’ve heard my father speak about an arranged engagement for me a few years ago.”
you politely nod, urging him to continue. now you’re curiosity is piqued. although, you’re not entirely sure why he had come to talk to you about this, plenty of your shared friends and acquaintances had gotten proposals and arrangements.
“that was back then, however. my father got tired of me refusing to settle down and dropped it all together." you rest your chin on your palm, his words strikingly familiar.
“he never told me the specifics but i’m pretty sure he was talking about you.”
something between a choke and a sputter left your lips, “what?”
“it’s true.” he says it as if it wasn’t earth shattering news for you. "father wanted me to marry the heir to house l/n."
you could only gape at him akin to a fish, not knowing how to digest the information given to you. 
"truthfully, i didn't know you well back then, that's why i declined." chan shifts in his seat, unfolding his legs and turning fully to you. so that was why they had stopped. "but i would have been happy to accept it now, if i had known it was you.” 
an intense heat started to creep up your neck upon his confession, a rosy hue dusting your cheeks and tinting your ears impossibly red.
“you mean-” chan nods at your conclusion and smiles, his eyes crinkling in amusement. he would have accepted?
“i don’t think we would have been close if we were married.” you say whilst scooping up a spoonful of cake, distracting yourself from the violent wave of emotions you felt. it was contradictory, but chan seemed to hum in agreement.
“i think you’re right. i’m glad we met this way though.”he sucks in a breath- a cute habit of his that you have observed even back then. 
chan then asks you in a soft voice, staring deep into your eyes. “we can start over if you’d like.”
“i’d like to get to know you.”
you lean your elbows on the table, the wind flowing gracefully through your hair as you muster out a grin. "i would like that."
the rest of the afternoon was spent comfortably in each other’s presence, finally eating the sweets laid before you two while catching up.
“t’was such a pleasure.” chan offered his hand for you to hold when it was time to retire back inside, placing a chaste kiss on the ridge of your knuckles. 
“my, my. you flatter me.” you chuckle, covering your mouth.
from the corner of your vision, you could faintly make out felix in the grassy meadow, sitting down in what seems to be his own table and sipping his own tea. he sends a cheery thumbs up upon seeing you and chan glance at him. chan’s face reddens, hiding sheepishly in his hands as you laugh.
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elpisofhope · 3 months
Heya guys! 3H's 5th anniversary is really soon, and I think enough time has passed since its release, we've developed our own definitive opinions about the characters and routes, I'm putting out a survey regarding the characters.
It would really help me if you filled it out. I'll put out the results later next month, and compare them from when the game first came out.
Please reblog for larger sample size!
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oh look fandom hates when I speak the truth again so I'm just going to repost this everywhere.
Most people do not understand Claude, and the loud ones especially misunderstand his character. Claude was never slutty meme frat boy. Joe Ziega made this worse. Things have actually gotten better after Hopes as Claude in Hopes is in line with Claude in Houses just overt characterization instead of implied.
The Marianne support is especially interesting because Claude for all his charm is sooo clumsy at interpersonal relationships. He knows he hurt Marianne and doesn't know how to fix it so the best he can come up with is to make the relationship transactional, he learned one of her secrets so he gives up one in exchange. He has leverage and vulnerability over her so he gives up some of his secrets and becomes vulnerable for her because in his minds that helps make up for things, makes things fair again. 
Claude's like an onion many layers. He's been hurt by people too many times to be vulnerable with others but he also likes people and genuinely wants to help them which leads to this contradicting behavior of wanting friends and to be loved and understood while also being terrified of genuine emotional intimacy. Also, like Claude always hated Rhea he implies in Houses he'd rather have her dead and Fodlan would be better without her.
For Felix I get into details later but I saw a weirdly high proportion of Felix depictions in fandom being trans or asian like higher than any other character Even the actually brown characters like Petra or Dedue or Claude had less non-white "screentime" in fandom than the canonically fantasy European Felix (Petra in general is woefully underrepresented in this fandom), which was paired with a lot of transphobic and racist stereotypes. And then there's the disturbing prevalence of homophobic stereotypes when Felix shows up in fandom. 
Felix is like a magnet for homophobia, transphobia, and racism. Fandom disproportionately )like more than any other character I have seen) makes him every gay, trans, and asian stereotype under the sun (why people race swap him I will never know). And what's worse is that these people think they're woke leftists without ever examining their own bigotry and start crying screaming sending death threats when confronted about it. Sis do some self reflection on how the way you ship really is just latent fetishizing of gay, trans, and brown men. 
And you know it's controversial because I get downvoted into hell every time I say this by people who lack media literacy, won't self reflect on their own subconscious bigotry, and won't accept the truth. Which just means I should say it more.
fe3h fandom often tacks on a lot of bigoted stereotypes onto Felix instead of engaging with his actual in game characterization (well that last part is a problem of fandom in general but I digress). For example in gay ships Felix tends to more often be the submissive, bottom, feminine, trans, or non white partner. All of which is fine but starts getting suspicious when all these traits are conflated with each other and even more suspicious when this is contrasted with Felix's partner (I think Sylvain and Dimitri are the most popular ones?) which is usually a dominant, top, cis, and white man. Again nothing wrong with any if this but suspicious that this seems to be the most common (by a large margin) characterization in fandom. To break it down it plays into classic right wing talking points that how in same gender relationships one partner is the "man" and one partner is the "woman". Again fem/masc pairs are fine its in combination with the rest of the stuff. Next is the classic transphobic talking point about how transmen aren't real men or as masculine as "real" men, which is the justification for corrective rape. Next is the classic racist stereotype that asian men inferior to white men by being more feminine (aka lesser, because racists also tend to hate women) and less masculine than again "real" (white) men leading to being pushed out of most career paths and only allowed lesser jobs like laundromat. And again nothing wrong with any of these traits individually or in combination when when it happens every time with little variation and all people can do is parrot right wing bigot talking points, these something fishy.
Oh hey I forgot the misogyny. Like a lot of this loops back to (what I presume is) internalized misogyny in the authors and artists, because all the points I talk about above in some way intersect back to the basis of misogyny that female is bad. And it isn't which is why I'm always confused why the (female dominated) fandom clings so hard to misogyny. I noticed in fanfiction before I just stopped and blacklisted the whole thing is that Felix tended to be written differently than the other men which connects with the observation that fandom makes Felix the "woman" in gay pairs.
Anyways yall need intersectionality, a history lesson, media literacy, and self reflection (because everyone carries bigotry within them, we live in a society it's unavoidable. It's not the choice of having no bigotry or not, it's the choice of being aware of it and actively counteracting it, or not and having it leak through).
I don't have any problem with shipping or shippers. I don't understand the appeal most of the time but whatever, I'm mostly neutral about it, doesn't bother me when I see it (although tag so I can blacklist if it personally doesn't jive with me). What I CAN potentially have a problem with how it is done however if someone it just regurgitating bigoted stereotypes without any sort of meaningful contribution to the discussion.
(Sometimes with like really out of character stuff like different personality, different setting, shipping two character that have never interacted in canon, I think these people just want to write original stories but are cowards, but whatever do what you want. )
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mwezina · 5 months
Queen of Wands & FE3H
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The Queen of Wands is a supporting and nurturing archetype, making sure that everything is running smoothly behind the scenes. She is challenging and encouraging, but practical in her views of people and their uses. She will nurture those who will be helpful to her kingdom and to her King, but will not hesitate to weed out those who hinder her cause. 
As much as I would have liked to put this as Edelgard and said the black cat is Hubert, I actually have to say Hubert von Vestra is the Queen of Wands himself. As usual, gender expectations are reversed for the Black Eagles, as Hubert is the one that supports Edelgard, instead of a woman supporting a man. He runs everything behind the scenes, including espionage and procuring demonic beasts. While his supports with Bernadetta and Linhardt showcase a caring side to him, it’s still important to remember that he won’t hesitate to dispose of others if he deems them a threat to his King, Lady Edelgard. In addition, he very practically sees citizens as pawns for his and Lady Edelgard’s cause, using them as fodder or shields against their enemies. 
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I like that inspecting Hubert through this lens allows him to take on some of the gentleness and tenderness that touches him in other parts of the fandom. I think I agree that he is more of a supporting character and a queen figure to the rest of his classmates. I do think that some of the aggression and fierceness of the Wands cards in general doesn’t quite fit Hubert. But the Queen of Wands is described as the “Water of Fire”, so perhaps he is demonstrating the more underhanded and fluid ways that ambition can play out in a leader. 
What do you think? Who would be the best fit for the Queen of Wands in your eyes?
Previous: Knight of Wands
Next: King of Wands
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bayalexison · 5 months
[FE3H] The Bachelor
Title: The Bachelor Characters: Dimitri/Byleth Summary: Byleth works part-time at a café inside Fhirdiad General Hospital. During one of her shifts, one of the doctors there, Doctor Dimitri Blaiddyd, visits the café and is immediately enamored by her. She too is very interested in him and they start seeing each other.
Early in their relationship, Dimitri showers Byleth with luxury items and attention that causes her to feel very uncomfortable. She brings that up during their romantic trip to a mountain resort, only for him to offer her a marriage proposal instead.
Warnings: NSFW. dubious consent, noncon, impaired consent, non-consensual drug use, aphrodisiacs, emotional manipulation. This isn't my usual fluff Dimileth stuff, so tread carefully!
Second piece for @dimilethfever Dimileth Winter Exchange! This is a treat for @flatsuke!
Excerpt: "Good morning, Miss."
Byleth was snapped out of her woeful musings when her next customer showed up. She could tell he was a doctor based on his white doctor's coat and badge. His bright blonde hair was tied in a half-ponytail, and he had shimmering blue eyes like ocean waves. He seemed to be on the younger side compared to the other doctors who dropped by here, but she was certain he was several years older than her. She had seen this particular doctor in and out of the hospital a few times, but he just came to the café now.
You can read the rest of the fic on AO3!
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amiharana · 1 year
Do you even need me to request kpop revalink
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(kpop idol revali for reference)
i'm just going to put your two asks together lmao
this idea is so big-brained and on brand. i was originally already beginning to write about link and zelda being in an idol duo (an idea i borrowed from my concepted fe3h kpop idols au LOL), but this lines up better with revalink's canon interactions ^^ maybe zelda can be analogous to IU or taeyeon or another huge kpop soloist
i'm going to continue in the assumed world where HYRULE CORP is the main company, and the companies link and revali are from are subsidiaries of HYRULE, i.e. revali is under Hebra Ent. and link is actually from a smaller, newly acquired company called Necluda Music. i'm gonna pull an olivia hye on link and say he actually only trained for one day before the managers decided they wanted him to debut, because he's actually a fucking prodigy; he passed the audition with flying colors, and the vocal coaches and dance teachers think he's already debut-ready 🫣 in contrast, i'm going to pull a jihyo on revali and have him be a trainee of 10 years LMFOAKJDHFKDJ should i pull a TWICE on RiTO and have them form via competition/survival show too?
warning for the below. this was extremely self-indulgent and perhaps indecipherable because i used so many kpop terms. but i had a lot of fun writing it.
at this time, RiTO have been rookies for a couple months now and are preparing for their next comeback with a mini album (their debut was only a single), when revali gets the news that their new sister company Necluda Music (what a dumb name, revali thinks) will be debuting a brand new soloist by the name of LINK, with who the company wants to demonstrate a better way of connecting the fans to their idol. revali is still a little bitter about having to debut in a group, even though teba and his hyungs (KDJFJKDFJD) are helping him deal with the bitterness better, so revali can't help but get a little frumpy and sour. but when he hears that this kid has only trained for ONE DAY (alexa play 'just one day' by bts) and is debuting already, he is absolutely beside himself with anger.
"what do you mean he only trained for a day before they decided he would debut?" revali screeches, slamming the door of the practice room open. kass jumps and yells in surprise, where teba and harth's eyes widen at the sound and they spin to look at revali. mimo doesn't even flinch and continues stretching. "i trained for ten years since i was a child, and this kid gets to debut like it's nothing?!"
teba relaxes and sighs. "there's nothing we can do about it, revali," he tries to say as calmly as possible, but he's already a little irritated with revali's attitude. their maknae has yet to mature. "we're not even under the same company. if necluda's ceo thinks he's ready to debut, then he debuts. and if he fails, then he fails."
"but don't you think it's unfair, hyung?" revali says, stalking into the room towards his leader. "we trained for years for a chance to debut, and he doesn't even get hours before they shove him onto the stage. what's so special about him?"
"we'll find out soon enough," harth grumbles, and turns back towards the mirror to continue stretching with mimo. "he debuts in a month, doesn't he?" mimo hums in affirmation.
"just because link was able to debut sooner does not negate your talent, revali," kass says gently. "you worked very hard to get to where you are now, and you were finally able to debut, a feat most trainees may never achieve. you are an extremely talented vocalist and dancer, and they're calling you the it boy of this generation of idols. you should be proud of yourself, you know!"
revali tries his best not to blush at the compliments, but his cheeks pinken anyway and he pouts, crossing his arms and looking away. "i suppose you're right..."
teba claps a hand on revali's shoulder. "try not to worry about it so much," he advises. "focus on your lessons and practicing the new songs. comeback is just around the corner, and it'll do you no good kicking up a fuss about that kid." revali nods and they start practicing for their new song. but try as he might to heed teba's words, revali can't stop thinking about this mysterious new soloist and just exactly how talented he could possibly be to debut so soon...
(the night that link debuts, revali is ready. he has youtube open on his laptop huddled in his bed, watching the countdown to the music video and a furrow in his brow. he's had the video open all day since he got the notification that the video would drop tonight and he's waiting. he has to know what this link kid has that his 8 year old self didn't.
it's everything. link naturally has everything that revali didn't. his voice, his body control, his charisma, all of it. begrudgingly, he has to accept that link does have what it takes to debut so soon. and that he isn't so bad looking. no, revali does not like him, KASS GET BACK HERE—)
link's debut is extremely successful, a single called 'LEGEND' with a kid-becomes-superhero concept. link has a very "boy next door" look to him, so of course the girlies are about to eat him up, he's a cutie and everyone wants to bring him home to their parents ☝️😹 bro is breaking both hyrule corp's records and industry records, he's already on par with the corporation's top soloists zelda and ganon, and fans are calling the three of them together as the "Triforce", since they're a triple threat for hyrule corp 😁 people are predicting how many music show wins link is going to get and whether or not he's going to chart on billboard and how high, longevity vs freefall, how many views the mv is going to get in 24 hours, etc
and revali is furious. RiTO is going to start losing its hype if link ends up charting on billboard or get more music show wins than their debut did. sure, the kid's good but he can't be better than revali! revali would rather die than let link be better than him.
the other members are more optimistic and try to pay less attention to link's debut, choosing to focus on their own comeback. meanwhile, every day that revali walks into the practice room, he's a little ball of burning, spitting fire, talking about how their debut was so much better than link's and that he doesn't understand the hype. but in the middle of talking shit, revali kind of accidentally reveals that he's basically been keeping up with link's promotion schedule? "i watched the studio choom video, it wasn't even that good. he's relying too much on the backup dancers and camera angles." or "apparently, he's performing on inkigayo too. let's hope that it'll be better than his music bank stage. hmph."
it's not until link does an interview on one of those variety shows when the host asks link who inspires him the most, that revali's entire life gets flipped upside his head. "ah," link says, his cheeks flushing pink and smiling shyly, "well, i have a lot of people who inspire me, like my family or zelda-sunbaenim, but the person who inspires me the most... it would be RiTO's revali-sunbaenim."
revali is watching the interview in the living room of their shared dormitory, sat in the middle of the couch in between all of his members, all of their eyes widening. his mouth drops and his eyes bug out of his head. "what?!" he nearly shouts.
mimo shakes his head. "couldn't have seen that coming."
"oh, revali from RiTO?" even the host is surprised. "can you tell us more?"
"sure," link says, beaming. "i've always admired revali-sunbae because he's a very talented performer and he was a trainee for such a long time. i remember seeing him on tv for hebra entertainment's old competition show when i was a kid, and i was so moved by how he refused to back down when the judges told him he was too young to debut. of course, this industry is not safe for children, but revali-sunbae's passion to perform and his determination to debut was so cool!" link's cheeks darken a little more and he smiles shyly at the camera again. "ah... and he worked hard and debuted well in his group, with a successful song and concept."
"haha, that's amazing, link-ssi!" the host laughs. "if revali-ssi was here or if he was watching, what would you say to him?"
"revali-sunbae," link says, staring at the camera with sparkling eyes, "thank you for inspiring me to aim high and to chase after my own dreams. your determination and talent motivates and challenges my own performance and i will always strive to perform as well as you. i hope we can meet and work together one day. fighting, revali-sunbae!" he stands up from his chair and does a full 90º bow, to which the host of the variety show laughs in surprise and claps.
"wah, you have so much respect for revali-sunbae, who would've known!" they remark. "revali-ssi, if you see this, please treat your hoobae well!"
the interview continues with other unrelated topics, but revali is still staring blankly at the tv screen, mouth still agape and eyes wide. there's just no way that happened just now. link? inspired by revali? motivated and challenged by revali?
"hello, earth to revali," harth says, waving his hand in front of revali's eyes. it breaks his gaze and he shakes his head. "are you back with us yet?"
"he had to have been lying," revali immediately insists.
"why would he lie?" mimo muses. "he remembers you from that shitty old competition show and it clearly had an impact on him as a kid. you can see the genuinity in his eyes,"
revali cringes at the memory of being on that show and how he acted as a child, but shakes his head again. "he could be saying it to associate with us and boost his popularity!" okay, to be fair that was terrible reasoning, but revali is scrambling to pull any cards to explain why link would be lying about being inspired by him. he had to be lying... right?
"i told you, revali, you're the it boy of this generation of idols," kass snickers. "of course you're going to have fans."
"shut up," revali growls, crossing his arms and curling in on himself. "there's just no way..."
but where there's a will, there's a way 😊 almost immediately after that clip of link's interview comes out, the RiTO social media accounts' notifications are blowing up asking for revali's response. fans are trending revali and link's names, and a portmanteau of them as "revalink". all the tweets are about how cute link is looking up to revali and how revali and link would make a good pair, and revali just can't stop flushing as he scrolls through the trending tags about all of these comments. and strangely, revali's managers aren't even mad about the situation. "this could be good for publicity," they say. "since link's debut was so popular, showing good feelings towards each other might make RiTO more popular too. please reply to link and say something nice to him. maybe congratulate him on debuting or compliment him, just make sure you say something nice."
so at the insistence of his managers, revali does exactly that and only that. he goes to the RiTO twitter account and tweets out a short, but polite, "@/LINK_NCM Congratulations on your debut :) Fighting! -Revali" and though he means it to be only short and polite, that is not how the internet takes it. instead, it feeds the flames of this whole #revalink thing and suddenly, revali has dating rumors with this new rookie.
kpop websites like allkpop and koreaboo are posting articles with clips of link's interview and revali's tweet with dumbass headlines like "RiTO's Revali responds to new soloist Link's plea: Are the two seeing each other?" there are analysis videos talking about how link blushed when he mentioned revali, so they must be dating, right??? like for goddess's sake, all link said was that revali was cool as fuck and that he was inspired by revali, it didn't mean that they were seeing each other! not that revali would mind if they dated. what? he didn't say that.
revali is lying facedown on the floor of the practice room having screamed for about half an hour to let go of his frustrations, but the irritation still pricks up and down his spine. teba and harth find him like that when they enter the room and rolls their eyes.
"stop screaming, you're going to ruin your voice," teba says. harth walks over to crouch by revali and pushes him to roll him over onto his back. revali lets himself get rolled but glares at his members.
"this is ridiculous," he spits from the floor. "how could something as irrelevant as a compliment spiral into the most convoluted dating rumor in the entire world? there was nothing that could have indicated i felt any sort of way towards that imbecile in my tweet so why on earth is the internet exploding with such nonsense? it's simply just...!" revali rolls back over onto his stomach and screams. "asinine!"
"keep your voice down, or we're going to get noise complaints," teba says, pinching in between his eyes. "this is just the way the fans are, which is why we have to be careful about what we say about or how we interact with other artists. there's nothing wrong with link looking up to you, but regardless of whether or not you acknowledged him would have blown up either way. if you didn't say anything, fans would think you're blowing him off and being disrespectful. and even if you said anything less, fans would still think you've been secretly seeing each other. it's impossible to eliminate speculation in environments like this." teba crouches on the other side of revali's facedown body and sighs, softening his voice. "nothing else can be done to remedy the situation other than to let it die down. just keep being polite and hope that the fans find something else to go crazy over. now come on, we're reviewing the b-side choreo today."
"this is ridiculous," revali mumbles again, but he stands up and dusts himself off. "if this is what happens when you acknowledge other idols, i am never tweeting or being nice to anyone ever again. i'm deleting that cursed app off of my phone and you can all make up fake tweets for me."
"don't be dramatic," teba responds, gently tapping the top of revali's head with his palm. "now get to stretching while we wait for mimo and kass."
you know how music shows will have idols be the hosts, introduce the performing idols, and interview them and shit? now what if link and revali get selected to host together 😊 to be honest i don't really watch that many music shows if it's not a clip of the performance i'm watching for, like i don't sit there and watch throughout the entire music show lolksdjhkd so i don't really know what the dynamics of idols hosting together is like? i do know that they usually have cards they read off of tho lol
the managers tell revali that he's going to host M Countdown or some shit and he's like Cool I guess, who am I hosting with? and they reluctantly are like. Erm. Link. and revali's eyes go wide and red with anger, he's ready to throw a fit, until teba claps a hand on his shoulder and tells him to calm down.
"i told you not to be dramatic," he says, as revali silently fumes under teba's hand. "you're making a big deal out of nothing."
"out of nothing?" revali hisses. "does mnet want me dead or do they want me to kill link first?"
teba bops him on the head and revali squawks. "don't make threats or it'll be me who makes you a first kill," he says. "just be polite and read off the cards. you're already a good actor, your fanservice was top notch even though you hated us all at first."
"i already apologized for that," revali grumbles rubbing his head. "but it's different with link."
"is it because you like him?" kass teases.
"no!" revali squawks. "because i still can't stand the thought of that upstart training only for a day before getting to debut. i don't care that he's vocally talented and has great control over his body. i want nothing to do with him!"
"i bet if he was on masked singer, you'd recognize his voice right away," kass sighs. revali screams and goes barreling at his fellow member, teba holding him back.
THIS POST IS GETTING SO LONG NOW but imagining revali finally meeting link at m countdown and link is just. so completely starstruck when revali greets him and his manager. he bows at a complete 90º angle again (he would have down a full floor bow if his manager didn't pull him up), and looks up at revali with bright sparkling eyes.
"a-ah, hello revali-sunbaenim!" link says, nearly squeaking. "it's a pleasure to meet you!"
revali bows slightly in response to be respectful, but the squeak in link's voice and his sparkling eyes... intrigue him. "it's a pleasure to meet you as a well, link-hoobaenim," he lies cleanly. but is it really a lie?
link is still staring at him in his fanboy mode, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, and his manager elbows him. "y-yes!" he stammers, jumping. "ah i'm sorry i'm so nervous, revali-sunbae, it's just really cool to meet you in person and i'm excited to work with you!"
revali hums, link's words stroking his ego just a little bit. "you haven't hosted a show before either, have you?" he says.
link shakes his head frantically. "no, revali-sunbae, this will be my first time hosting a show."
and revali stares a little bit at him. "hm. let's do well together, then, link-hoobae," he says, nodding and then turning to walk away back to his green room. "see you later."
as he walks away, he swears he hears link squeak again. "purah manager-nim, he's so cool!" and revali fights the smile trying to make its way onto his lips. cute. what? he didn't say that. he does not think link is cute. (maybe a little...)
when they start filming the MC portions, revali can't keep his eyes off of link. the blond is bright and cheery, ever smiling and enthusiastic, and revali can't help but play off of his energy. the film crew hands them their card prompts and signal for them to start talking with a thumbs up.
"hi everyone! we're counting down to the greatest acts of the kpop world here at: m countdown!" they greet together, and then link introduces himself.
"i'm the hero who will fight for you, LINK!" he says, holding up a peace sign and pressing one of fingers into his cheek, winking.
"and i'm the wings that will take you to the sky, Revali," revali says, saluting and winking as well. "and we are your brand new MCs for the season." link cheers, shaking his hands jazz-hand style.
"revali-sunbaenim," link then says, reading off of his cards, "it's our first time being MCs ever! are you nervous?"
"i'm not nervous at all," revali says smoothly, glancing at his cards. "are you feeling nervous, link-hoobaenim?"
"ah, maybe a little bit," link says, rubbing the back of his head and smiling shyly at the camera. "i'm only a rookie standing next to the awesome it boy of our generation and my role model! i want to do well!" he winks and raises a fist, pumping it into the air.
revali cringes internally. who is writing these cards? "oh, i'm flattered, but you debuted well, our favorite superhero-next door. link-hoobae, how old are you?"
"me? i'm a year younger than you, revali-sunbaenim," link says, looking at revali with wide eyes. revali can't tell if he's just acting or not, with how real the surprised look on link's face is.
"ah, well in that case, just call me hyung," he says, faking a smile. truthfully, he doesn't want link to call him hyung — they don't even know each other like that yet — but it's part of the script, so he has to read it out. revali is seriously going to chew out whoever wrote these cards. "you'll feel more comfortable if you call me hyung, right?"
and it's like link forgets his line for a moment, just staring wide-eyed and mouth agape at revali. if he focuses, revali thinks that link's cheeks are pink now. but link jumps right back into the script, "ah, yes, revali-hyung! i'm more comfortable now, thank you." he turns back to the camera, still smiling shyly. "ah, revali-hyung is so cool, he makes my heart beat so fast! which reminds me, the group who has a comeback today will make your heart beat fast too!"
so they list off everyone who's performing today and what songs, they go over who the top artists of last week were, more dumb MC skits, some short interviews with some of the performing groups, and the entire time, revali can't get his mind off of the way link said "revali-hyung". he thought he was going to hate it, but... he actually doesn't mind as much as he thought he would? weird.
when the MC filming is done, they step out of the shooting area and link immediately turns to revali and bows at the same 90º angle he did last time. "revali-sunbaenim, i'm so sorry," he says. "i didn't realize that the cards were going to say that, i won't call you hyung if you don't want me to." revali stares in surprise but link stays in his full bow.
"link-hoobae, please stand up," he finally manages. slowly, link does, but he keeps his eyes downcast, his brows furrowed into a crestfallen expression on his face. "it's fine, i didn't know either. please don't worry too much. please keep referring to me as sunbaenim when we are not on the set. thank you for being respectful of me, link-hoobaenim."
"of course, revali-sunbaenim!" link says and bows again. "i look forward to filming with you again, revali-sunbaenim!" he bows once more, which revali returns and part ways. he stares curiously after the blond who hurries back to his own green room. huh. i mean... maybe revali wouldn't mind too much if link called him hyung from now on. not that he'd admit that out loud!
anyways the longer that link and revali MC together, the more they kinda become like this compilation of eunchae and chaemin. they start ignoring the cards and just bicker (read: flirt aggressively) for five minutes straight and at first their managers and the show staff are like, PLEASE just stick to the script. but the fans are super into it because they're all revalink shippers 😭 so they just let revali and link bicker/flirt during the show as long as they follow the script and the views skyrocket because the chemistry is insane LMFAOKJDFDK
i just think. kpop idols au revalink ☝️😃
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mimzalot · 9 months
I've talked about this before but in writing: my big ol' elaborate FE3H AU where Claude never learns of his connection to the Alliance thus has to figure out his ambitions from the other side of the map while slated to become the King of Almyra and confined to intense security under Nader due to numerous attempts on his life.
fic includes increased tensions between Almyra and Leicester since Holst was killed during a clash, forcing Hilda to become General in his stead. Lorenz elevated to Leader of the Alliance while remaining a puppet for his father's goals. Lorenz's political marriage with Hilda, both at the mercy of duties forcibly undertaken. diplomatic chats between Lorenz-Ferdinand and war table conferences with Edelgard-Hilda. Leonie leading a commoner's revolution in light of Gloucester's neglect though lacking the political knowledge to make a lasting impact. Khalid sneaking into the Alliance as a commoner to assist Leonie's efforts, working his unification angle from the ground-up, while keeping his Almyran political power in clutch. Lorenz captured during conflict where he 'meets' Leonie and Khalid. Hilda simultaneously considering combining forces with Edelgard as pressure mounts from all angles. so much drama ensues.
this is the fic I never got off the ground bc I got sidetracked by studying world religions in an attempt to make an accurate cultural/political system for Almyra LMAO but here's an excerpt anyway since I did write a few pages and I was excited to focus a bit on Nader and Khalid's funny little bond
[news of fighting in Almyra, a recent victory. Nader makes an off-hand remark about casualties to Claude eating breakfast] His next mouthful soured. A gulp of tea forced it down, making room for a smile that was too brief and pinched to be convincing. Nader did young Khalid the favour of pretending not to notice, and went on a step further to change the subject. “And what about you? Anything else going on?” Nader refilled their cups. “Saw a caterpillar yesterday.” Khalid offered flatly. “No way. Orange?” “Green!”
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naturecalls111 · 9 months
I didn't know you played fe3h! If you've got the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts about the game, favorite character, favorite house, etc! Have you played any of the other Fire Emblem games?
I love love LOVE it. Recently I only play on hard or maddening mode, usually with New Game+, because I actually really enjoy the "repetitive" nature of the combat and playing on a more difficult level requires me to think a little bit more about tactics + makes me feel more accomplished when I level up or unlock a support chain. Otherwise I think some characters are like. Totally broken in how strong they are and it lowkey makes the combat portion of the game less technically rewarding.
Favourite character just on an overall basis is by far Dedue and it's not even close. I love everything about him and could base an entire post on him alone. I think he's so complex and his relationship with Dimitri (and the entire Blue Lions house, really), beyond just my shipping of them, is so zealous and important to me as a narrative. When I unlocked their final support and it's revealed to us that Dedue, in his heart, has always wanted the same thing as Dimitri - to be able to call him a friend, to be able to call Dimitri by his name, as equals, argh I could cry just thinking about it. He is so kind hearted, he is so gentle, he is so funny, he is so Good. (CF route Dedue doesn't exist to me because if he Did then I would be in a catatonic state of sadness for the rest of my life, and SS/VW Dedue also makes me too sad to think about, but AM Dedue, cries, all his supports are really so very interesting)
And then in no order past that, my favourites are Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, Petra, Edelgard, Hilda, and Linhardt. (Ok maybe it's a little bit in order...) Gameplay wise especially I love Dimitri and Hilda, I think they're utterly overpowered, and I recruit Felix no matter what house I go into... Felix is like my easy win when it comes to battle, he simply dominates. Half the time he is my MVP because I send him off alone knowing he'll do the vast majority of the work without ever getting hit back lol
My favourite house is so obvious through my favourite characters - I'm just too partial to the Blue Lions, I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYYY they have the Faerghus Four... and DimiDue... and Sylvix... and Mercedes my forever wife (I literally marry her EVERY TIME... my big booby nurse wife)... and Ashe who is my underdog archer 5ever... All the support chains in Blue Lions makes my heart really fluttery and happy, I think they feel overall like the house that is closest to each other? Ingrid and Felix have their issues with Dedue (though to be fair Felix has a grand issue with everybody in the beginning except Annette it seems LMAO) but I think barring that (which gets mostly resolved anyway) I think they're a very tight-knit group with mutual love and care for one another in a way that seems inherent to the house. Those things seemed to be needed to be honed a little bit more in the other houses through exposure to each other and effectively experiencing the war together. I think the Golden Deers, to me, felt the coldest to each other in the beginning.
Which brings me to say that my next favourite house would have to be the Golden Deers. They are so, so, so, so damn funny and lonely and nuanced and the dynamics within the house are so animated and chaotic, WAY more than the other houses. I blame Claude, Hilda, and Lysithea's presence LOL, both of whom I love deeply - I think the GD's make for an incredibly funny ensemble cast and Lorenz's general existence is like a threat to human kind I'm mostly obsessed.
And then it would be the Black Eagles. The Beagles have some of my favourite support chains in the game, I really love them. I can't explain it briefly, but there's something that feels very poignant and heavy about playing the BE house. For me it's a very different experience than playing the other houses because the relationships they build feels so tied to past and emerging pains that there feels to be a perpetual tension even after I finish playing (and, again, I always recruit Felix so the BE/CF route becomes EXTRA trauma central, Felix's dialogues are actually heartbreaking in this route and I am still not normal about from the first time I had to face the fact of WHAT I DID TO HIM WHEN I RECRUITED HIM TO THE CF ROUTE...) Also Beagles has Caspar/Dorothea support chain and it actually makes me howl laughing every time I go through it. I love Caspar.
Quick irrelevant side note, it's still stupid to me we couldn't bring Jeralt back. I honestly never care to complain about "lazy writing" for games like this because there's SO MUCH WRITING to be done that like, yeah, fine I get that Jeralt had to die, but "it's fate" doesn't cut it for me. I'd rather Jeralt died away from Byleth so that Byleth had absolutely no possibility of reviving Jeralt or even trying to save him.
Another side note, Felix not being able to have MLM endings is the biggest mistake the game ever made. How do you write one of your gayest characters to be straight. And you know what, on that note, I don't believe in Bi Linhardt either - we need more bi guys in general and then Linhardt should be gay, NO WOMAN deserves to deal with his BS lmao.
Last side note, F!Byleth is the real Byleth. I only ever play M!Byleth on my CF routes because I always marry Linhardt and he is strictly MLM to me fhufhskdjf
I haven't played the other Fire Emblem games but I have plans on playing FE: Awakening and maybe FE Warriors: Three Hopes if only to see DimiDue interacting again with new support chains :3c I watched it already but I want to earn it.... Ask away if somehow there is something I DIDN'T cover - thank you a million times for the ask, I love FE3H so very deeply and will always talk about it given the chance....
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envihellbender · 1 year
GD girls’ children units ? :o
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Next Generation
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Name: Cora
Class: Dark Flier
Cora has the same form of albinism as her mother, causing her to inherit her white hair and pale, freckled skin. Unlike Lysithea however Cora had pale blue eyes with sore light pink eyelids. She had chin length hair that is thin and a little shaggy with a fringe which she keeps in a hair clip so it’s out of her eyes. She was an inch or so taller than her mother, a little more muscular and a little plump - particularly in her cheeks, thighs, and belly. She isn’t particularly fascinated with her appearance, preferring to focus on practical clothing, hairstyles, and the like.
Lysithea has a strange relationship with her daughter, she never expected to live long enough to have one or to see her grow up. As such she can be quite over-protective of Cora, and paranoid of who the family associated with through fear of Those Who Slither in the Dark getting to her daughter. She is extremely open and blunt with Cora about why however, which results in a teenager who whilst she resents her mother’s actions is fairly understanding about them. Their relationship goes through a lot of hardship, but they never lie to each other about anything serious. As a result, Cora got taught magic at a young age, Lysithea would allow her to watch her perform combat spells and dark magic.
She enjoys taking care of the horses, and is greatly attached to her own Pegasus. She has inherited her mother’s sweet tooth, and love of reading. She does not however have her mother’s work ethic, she finds it easy to devote herself to things she’s interested in such as animal care and magic, but anything else she struggles to focus on.
Name: Bichette
Class: Dark Mage / Dark Bishop
Bichette has the same brown eyes as Marianne, but her hair is her the colour of straw, and falls in dishevelled waves to her shoulders with a fringe that she often blows out of her eyes. She’s around the same height and build, with the same soft features but contrastingly to her mother she is extremely smiley. She has two dimples, and has difficult controlling the volume of her voice. She considers herself a member of the church but finds actually attending and studying it extremely boring - although she has enjoyed the choir since she was a small child. She has the same strong connection to animals as her mother does, helping her with the animal sanctuary that Marianne runs.
Marianne made a point to raise her daughter without the fear and self hatred Marianne was taught to have herself as a child. She refused to allow anyone to call her daughter a monster or imply otherwise, but was still completely honest with her about the stigma and history of her crest. As a result unlike her mother, Bichette has embraced her crest. It may be partially as a defence mechanism but she enjoys seeing people widen their eyes in terror as they try and figure out if she really can turn into a monster or not. She has a very dark sense of humour so it often is, but occasionally it’s a genuine threat (more to scare someone than it’s actually done with intent.) She finds monsters just as fascinating as any animal, and when she was little fantasised about taming and riding one. Also contrastingly to her mother she finds healing magic to be quite a dull field of study, she appreciates it’s usefulness but she prefers dark and combat magic as well as researching poisons and monsters.
Bichette likes finding stray cats and dogs to bring home to her mothers sanctuary, foraging for herbs/fruits, walking barefoot, tea, sweets, and myths and legends. She dislikes spicy food, coffee, the cold, meat, fishing, hunting, and swimming.
Name: Amory
Class: Valkyrie
Amory is quite a bit taller than Hilda, whose head rests quite comfortably below their shoulders. They have soft brown eyes, almost the colour of toffee, and the same pink hair as their mother. Only in their case they prefer keeping their hair short, their curls almost impossible to maintain. They have broad shoulders and toned arms, with a slight belly and chubby thighs. They are generally a kind and positive person, they can be a bit self centred, and they can very much lack focus. However they aren’t lazy exactly, they are extremely hyperactive and fill their day with a lot of fun, high energy things… they are just prone to procrastination and not focusing on their responsibilities.
Amory enjoys a lot of high risk activities suck as flying, diving, battle, rock climbing, and the like. In some ways they are addicted to the rush and excitement such things bring, they are also extremely charming and have the beautiful softness their mother has… but they are terrified of intimacy and flirtation and have next to no interest in sex or romance. When meeting someone new, or an existing friend they are confident and charismatic. As soon as the situation becomes flirtatious however, they immediately shut down and panic. That is if they realise that has happened, often they are quite oblivious to that sort of thing. They are fully aware that their mother has a reputation, and it’s not one they wish to discuss. They quite often hear about how their mother was a “tease”, proven by the fact that she ended up marrying another woman. Amory often felt themselves having to tighten their jaw shut as their fists shook in anger at hearing their two mothers being described in that way.
Amory likes swimming, climbing trees, being as high up as possible, finding amazing views, finding hidden caves and secrets, spicy food, horse riding, animals, and drawing. They dislike cooking, chores, sweets, romantic novels, romance in general, people gossiping about their loved ones, and the cold.
Name: Geralt
Class: Archer / Sniper
Geralt is a lanky, young man with shaggy ginger hair and amber eyes. He has a huge appetite, and enjoys collecting interesting things he finds on hikes such as rocks, sticks, leaves, bones, and such. Ever since Geralt was born Leonie was desperate to raise him just how she thought his namesake Jeralt would. She dreamed of her son being a mercenary just like her and her hero. When Geralt was more interested in hiding, climbing, sneaking around, eavesdropping, gossiping, and archery rather than mercenary work. Something which Leonie used to feel frustrated by even when her son was a sharpshooter by his teenage years. Geralt used to wake up early on days when Leonie said he was to go out on a job with her just to sneak out and spend the day hanging around the town to avoid it.
Geralt is generally quite a strange guy. He has a habit of lurking around, listening to conversations that do not concern him (rarely getting caught), watching people, showing up behind someone with them realising and speaking suddenly causing them to become spooked, and more. He has a small mouse skull on a chain around his neck, and often in dark clothes with his hood up. His clothing was often heavily patched growing up. It wasn’t that his mother couldn’t afford new clothes, it was that she refused to replace anything until it was absolutely necessary. As a result he tended to be quite irresponsible with money, seeing it as something he never got to enjoy and hates having what he spends be controlled.
Geralt likes collecting intel, gossiping, geology, trees, stars, fairytales, history, collecting things, and climbing trees. He dislikes being the centre of attention, being controlled, being put under pressure, and has a fear of enclosed spaces.
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turbles · 11 months
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(I posted this on twitter back in early March but since that platform is going down the tubes rn I'm reposting here as well for archival purposes)
Some background here. 6 years ago I took up reading fanfic as a hobby. Very quickly I realized I'd need a way to mark which fics I'd already read or tried to read and dropped, so I wouldn't keep running across the same ones over and over and forgetting I'd already read them. So I started bookmarking EVERYTHING regardless of my actual opinion on it (I'll come back to this)
Anyway eventually I realized that, via the filtering options AO3 provides for your bookmarks, I had a pretty good way to collect pointless data about my reading habits and make some really pointless graphs. So when I reached exactly 2000 bookmarks I decided to do that. as a reward to myself.
data for the original 2000 was collected from whenever I started doing this, through March 6th 2023
Caveat: obviously the possibility of human error in this data is significant. I was never consistent on whether I should bookmark all individual fics in a series or just the series itself if I read the whole thing, for instance, and I've surely forgotten to bookmark plenty of things I did read over the years. this is just for fun though so I'm not sweating it.
thank god for how detailed ao3's tag system is tbh
Anyway here's a pie of all fandoms (with over 50 bookmarks):
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For some temporal context of the above, I fucking counted every bookmark from the top 9 categories there and arrayed them by month-bookmarked so I could make this chart of growth rates:
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Genshin impact will of course continue to grow because the game continually releases new stuff and characters. Numbers spiked in October coinciding with sumeru's release. we'll see if another spike happens once fontaine releases in a few weeks from now. interestingly to me, I started been playing genshin like 6 months before I started participating in the fandom because it took me that long to get accustomed to the uh.. genshin-ness of the characters and the story, enough to start making inroads towards actually caring about the characters.
looks like FE3H grew the fastest, but it will eventually plateau like yoi, dragon age, and ffxv before it. Still kinda going strong though,since there's just lots of people writing for this fandom, and helped by the fact that it has a really large cast.
This next chart will take a little background info. So to indicate to myself something about the quality of the fic, when bookmarking I would choose to "Rec" it or not. As I said previously, I am literally bookmarking everything I read whether I loved it or hated it or it caused me pain or whatever. My criteria for whether I Rec a fic or not has never been set in stone, but THE IDEA is that recced fics were ones I overall quite liked, felt were well written and would be willing to go back & reread or had something else that made them stand out from the crowd. A recced fic isn't necessarily one I would literally recommend to people to read, and non-recced could mean anything from it was good but had one part that bothered me, to I had just read a bunch of that author's other works and this one was weaker than their others, to it was horrendous and ruined my whole day, to it was just kinda boring.
HOWEVER I did add my own more curated tag, Greatest Hits, for the ones that I really loved, that stuck with me after reading it, that I regularly desire to go back and revisit. While I rarely ever adjust my recs, I have often added (even sometimes removed) the Greatest Hits tag from fics years after first reading them.
Anyway that means this chart could be said to express in a really general way my opinion on the general quality of the writing in a given fandom:
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I found it interesting that AA has such a high proportion of recs. I think its overall lower number of total bookmarks works in its favor here, as I tend to dip toes into a new fandom by first looking at top-kudosed fics and then when I find authors I like, trawling their bookmarks for more and branching out that way. So I tend to find pretty good fics earlier in the process. the longer I'm looking through a more stagnated fandom, the less good fics I find, is I guess the logic here. So in the case of AA, I suppose I didn't get much deeper than skimming the cream of the crop before I moved on?
Comparing genshin and fe3h vs. dragon age and ffxv, which all have more similar total bookmarks, was interesting too, to explain why genshin/fe3h's ratio of recs is higher. Both genshin and fe3h have really large casts, and therefore lots of different characters and pairings to read about, so it's almost like each pairing is kind of its own pool of fics that I'm skimming the best ones out of. with DA and FFXV there's really only a couple ships I'm interested in, and their ratios are similar accordingly
because we all know. that the main draw for fanfic tends to be shipping. so here's the top 10 most bookmarked ships pie:
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and because genshin and fe3h are sizable enough to warrant a further breakdown of ships for that fandom alone, here's some pies for that:
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it makes me laugh that dimiclaude is statistically significant when really I was just trying it out and ultimately decided I really don't even care for that ship
And a growth rate chart for genshin impact ships specifically:
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so funny story, as I was playing through the liyue story chapter I was NOT a fan of childe at all, in fact I passed up two of his reruns before reading on the wiki (almost immediately after his 2nd rerun ended) a key piece of his backstory that all of a sudden caused his whole characterization to fall perfectly into place in my mind and he shot up the list to being my top fav character in the game literally over the course of like ten minutes. and yeah that was november 2021 and as you can see that's when I started really reading genshin fics LOL
forecasts have haikaveh and cynonari continuing to trend up for a little while, though the next region and thus a whole new cast releases soon and could stymie those trends. zhongchi is a staple genshin ship and imo a bit more flexible content- and dynamic-wise than many of the other pairings here, so I predict it maintains a regular gentle incline even in the face of shinier newer pairings.
The less stacked roster fandoms don't have as interesting breakdowns, but here they are just for curiosity:
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and yeah that's all I made at the time! I only thought of it after but I'll be recording data on Ratings from now on as well. I'd also considered looking at things like average word count on recs or greatest hits fics, but absent of even more highly specific filtering tools that would probably fall under diminishing returns. maybe someday.
This was dumb but very engrossing and fun to make and I learned how to use google sheets out of it so we'll see if that ever comes in useful in my life
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shararan · 8 months
I don't really have "headcanons" as much as I like to... idk, swap around concepts? Like as one example I'll swap between different heights for a character depending on what idea I have in mind, sometimes I envision them as tall and sometimes as short. Sometimes a character's bi and sometimes gay and other times ace and like.
Idk I feel like people generally assume there's this ONE headcanon you supposedly adhere to no matter what, and sometimes I'm shocked when I'm talking to people who act as if whatever I share is some "opposing view" to disagree on? As if I'm set in ONE idea?
I'm not making sense its 5am and my meds wore off, but if I write a character as something in one fic that's just what's up in that particular story yknow? They might be something else in the next one, likely WILL even. I think I struggle being "loyal" to single specific headcanons for the same reason that I'm incapable of being a monoshipper, because ultimately I'm just obsessed with exploring as many possibilities as I can.
Hell, even my favorite ships mostly stem from how many ideas for stories and scenarios I can come up with for them. In contrast there's ships I technically do like but they also don't inspire me and so they don't really linger in my mind... which honestly is probably why I'm so much more likely to get bored of major/canon ships compared to rarepairs. Especially when fandom culture has changed so much in the last decade and there's a stronger expectation to "keep it canon" and also justify why you ship characters that "literally have never talked".
(Shoutout to SVSSS and FE3H's fandoms for always being so enthusiastic about rarepairs and coming up with reasons for why theyd work <3333)
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hepatosaurus · 1 year
2022 AO3 Wrapped!
Last year, inspired by some people on discord, I decided to actually track my fic reading for once. I’ve been logging my books and movies for a good 20 years now, so why not try that with fic? I hoped it might help me comment more too, or at least get a sort of baseline number that I could improve on. So, after crunching the numbers: I read 110 fics and 1,188,700 words across 15 fandoms (...more on that last point later)! It was a fun experiment that I’ll definitely do again, with some tweaks. Please forgive any weird numbers/percentages; I haven’t taken a math class in manymany years, and it probably (definitely?) shows. The vibes are accurate, at least.
(I posted an earlier (and shorter) version of this on twitter, but wanted to archive it here too for posterity’s sake because...twitter.)
Word count
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This is about what I expected, though I was surprised to see that I only read one 50-100k fic (only one 100k+ fic too, but that doesn’t surprise me at all). I finished up a couple long(er) fic in January (notably, one 200k+ fic), hence the high numbers there, and only read one (1!) fic in July, which explains those low numbers. Otherwise I generally read between 50-100k total per month.
More details behind the cut, aka god damn girl, you sure know what you like and stick with it, huh. (I really hope this text cut works...)
Top Fandoms
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So, about those 15 fandoms. I really did think I might have more variety back in January - like maybe I’d be able to chart fandom trends over the months, something like that! - but lol nope. My FE3H fixation is still going strong, three years later. I’ll get to those Witch Hat Atelier and Stranger Things fics in my Marked for Later pile...eventually.
Top Authors
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110 fics, 80 authors! There were definitely some repeat offenders: merionettes! desmodus! notallbees! printers_devil! epistrophic! nebulia! No names in the pie chart, but look at those pretty colors. You're all stars.
Top Pairings
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No real surprises here. I’ve been in sylvix hell since early 2020 so I knew they’d dominate, but there’s an okay showing from...other Sylvain ships...and gen! and Claude ships! Hi Claude! (Graph cuts off at 20 for my sanity.)
Top Characters
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Ha. ha ha ha ha ha ha. Surprise! Listen: I knew Sylvain would be #1, I’m not an idiot. However I did NOT realize he featured in 60% of the fic I read in 2022, jeeeesus christ man. (He’s versatile, okay!!!) Chief Blorbo aside, my Blue Lions/Golden Deer bias persists. Maybe in 2023 I'll read all those Black Eagles fics I saved? Or fic from other fandoms?? (Again, chart cut off at 20 for sanity.)
Tags, Tropes, and Ratings
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Looks like I sure read a lot of horny post-canon friends-to-lovers get-together fics with a good dose of pining, huh. That...tracks. Regarding AUs, modern AUs won (14.8%), followed by college/university, canon divergent, and modern with magic. Also fun: figure skating! magical girls! rock band! time loops!
I definitely need to rethink how I track nsfw content though - it’s very inconsistent and redundant here, and doesn’t really tell me anything. The explicit rating is self explanatory, but what’s the deal with those different NSFW and smut numbers? Where did I draw the line? It probably make more sense to scrap the latter tag and just track PWPs.
Etc: Commenting, Rereading, Reccing, and Bookmarks
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Commenting: I mentioned earlier that I hoped logging my fic reading would help me comment more, or at least find out how frequently I leave comments, and turns out that number is 46/110, or 41.8%. (Mer reminded me that this number does NOT include alpha reader comments, which is very true. ✨⛸️) Not bad, but I think 50% (or more?) is definitely doable next year. This whole practice really did help me comment more - it made me stop and think about exactly what I did or didn’t like about each fic I read, from <1k vignettes to 200k+ canon retellings. Obviously I’m not telling the authors what I didn’t like, but as for the good stuff...like, I found a lot of compliments hidden in the Comments/Notes field of my spreadsheet that never actually made it to a proper comment, but they definitely could have. I’m never gonna be a person who comments on everything, and I’m NOT going to lie and tell an author that I liked their fic when I really...didn’t? but: 50%. I think I can do that.
(also I cannot emphasize enough how great it was to have a completely private space to bitch about terrible (or not-so-terrible) fanfic. does this fic use too many repetitive epithets? does that author NOT understand Character Y at ALL? was the resolution to this otherwise decent fic just a liiiittle too rushed? tell it to the google form!!! A+ would recommend.)
Rereads: As expected! I don’t reread a ton, with some exceptions. (Honestly a lot of my non-FE fics this year were rereads of old favorites.)
Bookmarks: Without double-checking, I think I bookmarked fewer fics compared to previous years, mostly because I was already keeping track of them in my spreadsheet. I’d like to get a little better at consciously bookmarking fic going forward, though - it’s really handy to have a public, easily accessible list of my faves. (I also say this as someone who frequently raids the public bookmarks of other commenters/authors/etc.)
Recs: 46.4% “yes”! interesting. Only one hard no, and that was partially my fault for not reading tags/warnings correctly.
In an ideal world I’d have some actual fic recs here too, but that...did not happen.
This was a fun and very satisfying experiment, especially as someone who loves tracking things. I know a lot of people hate the idea of having an actual/official AO3 Wrapped, and honestly I wouldn’t like that either, but it was fun to actively (and manually) subject myself to this particular Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known Through Fanfic Tropes. I DO think it made me read fic a little more...deliberately? And therefore I read a little less fic than normal, maybe. I noticed that I hardly dropped any fic at all, either because I was more picky with what I read or I just powered through, and I don’t think that was the case in previous years. There was also a tiny bit of pressure at the beginning to start off the year with the “right” fic. Like, “oh god is my first fic of the year seriously going to be this unfinished 2nd person, woke-up-with-the-wrong-junk CYOA in which Claude and Lorenz investigate fuckplants and discover the true meaning of friendship.” (for the record, it was not my first fic of the year, but I DO recommend it.)
God this is long. One benefit of twitter is that it doesn’t allow me to ramble on like this, but oh well, that’s what you get. I really, really hope the cut tag worked.
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mwezina · 3 months
Two of Cups & FE3H
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The Two of Cups shows a union of two souls, a partnership based on affinity and understanding. We see that the two figures are opposites of one another based on their colour symbols and the wreaths in their hair. Yet, through mutual respect and love, they can build a life together, symbolised by the comely home upon rolling hills behind them. This card is the epitome of a karmic tie between two people, representing an ever-lasting love. 
For this, I connect the tie between Saint Seiros and Emperor Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg. They were true partners in life, offering support and sharing secrets. The biggest of which is Seiros sharing her true heritage and healing him with her powers, giving him her blood and lengthening his life. 
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The karmic tie between them extends generations, as Seiros never forgot his kindness even a thousand years later. I think it’s interesting that the love between them comes back reversed in the form of Edelgard, who seeks to destroy the partnership between humans and Nabateans. On a larger level, this card really represents the partnership between two species and how harmony can be achieved even between disparate parties.
Previous: Ace of Cups
Next: Three of Cups
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