#made me WHEEZE tho
tokyo-terror · 1 year
Request here 🙏🙏🙏
Could you possibly.. *leans on Bugatti with graves wrap on it + an inflatable eagle and American flag flying from the bonnet* write some hcs for 141 + König with a gn s/o that has had a really bad day and just needs some comfort? So eg, just being pampered and having their hair washed, being told they’ve done well, that people are proud of them and love them, etc?
Ive been having a really shitty past few months with my depression and anxiety and it’s really overwhelmed me so I’m kinda projecting.. 🧍🏼🧍🏼
If you can’t do it, that’s ok!!! No pressure <33
But if you can, may your skin be clear and may your crops flourish 🙏🙏🙏 (with america rizz) (im british)
i hate brits but ill make an exception for u 🫶 /lh i hope ur day gets a littol bit better for u pookie :< ik how hard it gets fr <3 we r in this together :)
cw: depression (not delved into !!)
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simon "ghost" riley:
☆ this guy getss it !!! he doesn't open up much about his feelings directly but let's all be fr and agree he's not the most mentally stable
☆ your self care day is hiss self care day, thrives on cuddling and using you as weighted blanket while he rubs your back
☆ has himself a tea while you both cuddle, and trust me it's good tea. the night might turn into a cuddle and see how many teas simon can make before you run out
☆ before you fall asleep fully he kisses the crown of your head and says that he's proud of how far you've come
john "soap" mactavish:
☆ tries to be more lowkey w how he comforts you because he doesn't want to come off as overbearing
☆ has mastered the perfect balance of praise and touch, he holds your hand while you tell him about your day and he makes comments trying to sympathize w you
☆ lets you scritch his mohawk while he tells you how much he loves you and how glad he is that you're around and here with him
☆ lays his head on your chest when you both go to sleep so he can listen to your heartbeat and tap your arms to the beat of it, has both of you asleep within 5 minutes
john price:
☆ kinda awkward with comforting but he tries his best, he's always a little bit confused about how somebody like you could be so upset about anything
☆ he knows that it's not his place to fully understand though, so he sticks to doing what he does best: being an old ass man
☆ showers with you and washes your hair while you vent (or not) about how you've been feeling, he stays mostly silently except for humming to let you know he's listening
☆ towel dries your hair and changes the bedsheets to clean ones so you can be fully clean because he's a firm believer in being a little more tidy can greatly improve somebody's feelings
kyle "gaz" garrick:
☆ king of pampering in general, he's waiting on you hand and foot constantly. honestly he probably knows it's going to be a bad day before you even start your day
☆ he's always making you food to eat throughout the day, little snacks that aren't too big but are just enough to keep you energized and full
☆ ditches his military soaps for your nice ones when you take a shower, secretly (not rlly) loves when you laugh at him building bubble beards on himself and doing price impressions
☆ making you laugh is his goal in life tbh he's constantly cracking jokes while you both cuddle, some of them are so bad it's funny
☆ another guy that genuinely understands everything you're talking abt, his anxiety also makes him have awfulll days and due to being the military around lots of people he's learned coping mechanisms
☆ takes hot showers with you a lot in general, but even more when you're having one of those days. he's already washing your hair and face as soon as you get in
☆ lets you braid his hair while he talks idly about how missions are and how he adores you, though he says that in german. you've picked up on him saying cheesy stuff in german though so it's fine :)
☆ lets you sprawl out on him like a starfish when you both finally go to sleep, around 2am because of how many shows he wanted to watch with you
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slutdge · 1 month
bunch of 18y/o queer ppl weeping about their crush turning 21 or whatever, then the camera pans to judas in a lobster bib eating a 60 year old. giving a cheerful thumbs up to the cameraman
Strong contender for fave anon I have ever received
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notamortician · 6 months
My boyfriend created a Tumblr account some weeks ago, and today he got jealous because you were liking more reblogs of mine than him. Now I have 100 notifications, he's trying to like them all.
he simply has to get on my level that’s all smh /j
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tenacquity · 1 year
i don't think my pkmn mutuals realize the amount of stress they put me under as i continue to resist the urge to replay, like, 5 games at once
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itoshi-s · 1 year
when rin…. when he- when rin does …. you know when he … that thing … when rin does that thing you know rin rin rin riN RIN RIN
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also congrats on 1k my love so incredibly proud of you mwah 🫶
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river bbie yes yes i know .. i know it's when he- WHEN HE -
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
Ngl i must admit that some people thinking Ghost is an actual dad to someone prolly has to be the biggest wank i've ever seen, all because of the army humor and dad jokes lol don't people know that these are like told by basically almost everyone? even in interview Neil talks how the writers went for that route but everyone was too busy being innappropriate towards actors to pay attention lol
What are the contradictions mate, can we list em?
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makes you think don't it
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giftedpoison · 2 years
Being ace is just understanding someone wanting to fuck Slenderman sooner than you'd understand someone want to fuck Jeff the killer or eyeless jack.
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strawberri-syrup · 10 months
oh i forgot how unpleasant laughing myself into suffocation is oh my god augh
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luvvixu · 5 months
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how to tame your boyfriend
content: bf!gojo, mentioned of sex and sexual stuffs, 16+, fluff, drabble, does not contain any smut, i think gojo's like this can't blame me
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wanna know how to tame your annoying (and horny) boyfriend when your flight is delayed?
that's very easy. just buy him some lego and he would go on instant mute.
"i can't believe you really bought satoru—a full 27 years old ass man—a set of legos?" your friend from the other line, shoko, wheeze and at the same time confused for your action to tame your boyfriend.
sighing hardly while massaging your temple, you answered. "i had to, sho. he won't stop bothering me to have a quickie since our flight was delayed and he was bored."
your flight overseas was delayed for three hours because of some maintenance needed to be checked in the aircraft. now, satoru thought it is a good idea to spend those three hours having a passionate fornication.
of course you immediately dislike the idea even though you are tempted too. you value your morals, ethics, and dignity. unlike your boyfriend, he has no shame and would even proudly tell some random people that you are his by some marks solely created.
"could've played with his phone but seriously, why lego?" shoko was still laughing, now that you opened your camera and showed her your boyfriend who's literally sitting on the airport floor with bricks of lego on his hands.
satoru looked so focused and unbothered, which is an extremely good thing—like he couldn't stop whispers in your ears, whining about how needy he is right now and how badly he wanted you. but now he's occupied, it is the greatest relief for you.
"first, his phone is dead and was tempt to buy a new fucking phone just because he said charging using a power bank takes a lot of time. had to smack the shit outta him and force him to get out of the apple store."
yep, the idiot forgot to charge his phone before you left for the airport. now his phone is dead, the desire to buy a new one instead of waiting for his phone to be charged in a powerbank is crazy. although, money is not a problem for the head of the gojo clan—he got figures that cost more, more, more than your annual salary.
"second, lego made him focused and entertained on building it, not for having scandalous sex with me. i feel like he's being my child than being my boyfriend at this moment." you joked, lowering your voice so your big baby wouldn't hear you.
"you said it yourself that satoru is a full package." shoko rolled her eyes, but she's not wrong tho. satoru is everything, he could easily afford things and could even make some things impossible to possible.
shoko let out a laugh. "anyway, gotta go now. got a client in an hour so bye my boo, mwa!" sending also a virtual flying kiss to your platonic friend, you both bid a farewell to with sweet smile on your faces.
as you ended the call, you turned your attention to your boyfriend who's now almost done on his lego that he's been occupying himself for like an hour now.
you made to take some photo of him and post it on your close friends in instagram because this scene of your boyfriend is literally a wholesome and definitely iconic. satoru glanced at you when he heard you giggle at some adorable shots of your boyfriend.
"what are you laughing at?" your boyfriend glanced up to you, confused and warily.
you shook your head, holding your laughter to not raise any suspicion. "nothing babe, just focus on fishing your lego instead of other things."
satoru showed you the figure "oh but i'm finished and we still have like an hour before our flight…" he paused. your mouth hangs wide, questioning about how the hell he builds almost five hundred tiny pieces in just an hour?! truly your boyfriend was really something but this is wild.
"how did you—"
"can we have a quickie now?" satoru smiles sheepishly.
your face turns more sour at his shameless request. although you understand that satoru is a man in need, but his neediness sometimes is really out of place and it took a lot of effort just to stop him from doing so.
"no, satoru. instead, we're going to have a quickie stop at the lego shop to buy you some more entertainment."
your boyfriend pouted at your answer like a hurdled puppy. "but i'm enjoying it more when i'm inside you."
that completely took you off guard.
"... tempting but no."
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townieleesims · 2 years
@greatbritishsimchallenge: I'm so sorry your game broke 💔
me too, i was having so much fun!! 😭 i even tried putting them in a new save :( but journey still cant eat or feed her baby without glitching out and i cant for the life of me figure out what’s causing it 😭😭 
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boozenboze · 1 year
I've been thinking about this, so basically what about the 141 reacting to the reader who used to work either really dangerous reptiles? Like he used to be a snake handler, or crocodile wrester stuff like that, also he has a ton of scars from tho past jobs. Thank you 😊
Tf 141 x ex!Herpetologist!pMale reader
Summary:While on patrol you and the rest of 141 run into a rattlesnake.They are suprised when you tame it and you later have to explain that you usef to work with reptiles
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Females She/Her snd She/They DNI
Before you joined the military you used to be a zoologist.Specifcslly a herpetologist since you worked with reptiles.You’ve worked with aligators,snakes,iguanas,any reptilian that comes to mind you’ve worked with.After a few years of doing that you quit your job since you wanted to do something more thrilling.So thats why you joined the military.
A few years had passed since you joined and during that time you had joined Task Force 141.When Price first saw your file the first thing he found was interesting about you was your past occupation.He does still question why someone of your previous occupation would wanna transition to something so dangerous.It was your decision though so he didn’t have much reason to judge.It was also mentioned that you had a snake with you as well.
When you met the rest of Task Force Soap, Gaz took an immediate liking to you. They asked a lot about your previous profession and you were happy to inform them. Gaz was quite nervous when you said that you had your own snake with you. Apparently, you owned a 20ft Burmese python and it was currently just slithering around in your room. That is one of the most dangerous snakes in existence for wuite obvious reasons.They would’ve thought it would be a disadvantage to have such a large animal with you but that wasn’t the case. Your snake was big enough to crush a fully grown adult which was helpful if an enemy was overpowering you.
When they first saw your python they thought it was very beautiful.Ghost secretly wanted to hold it when he saw how it wrapped loosely around your neck.You gave them all a chance to pet it and they learned that despite your snakes size it was very friendly.It gave Soaps face a few kisses and even wrapped around Gaz.Ghost just stood there watching them interact with the snake
"Damn this dude is heavy."Gaz wheezed as you took your snake back.You looked over at Ghost who was staring intently at your snake so you brought it up to him and asked.
"You wanna hold em?"Ghost looked at you then back at the snake who was staring into his soul.He nodded as M/n stood closer to him,allowing the snake to slither around the tall mans shoulders.Ghost eyes visibly softened as the snake pressed its nose against his mask before licking it.
"I guess he likes you ey L.T?”Soap asked as Ghost murmured a yes.
"Listen he may be friendly now but the bastard has bit me on occasion.Hell the bastard bit my inner thigh cause I wasn't paying him no mind."You explained which made them blush.The thought of you having marks on your thighs,hell Even anywhere brought some dirty thoughts to their heads.
“Ya think we could see em some time?”Soap asked suggestively as you laughed in response.
“Maybe another time,plus it’s A LOT of scars that I have.”You explained as they hummed in response.
“I gotta go feed this fellow before he decides to have a human snack,I’ll see y’all later.”You waved them off while taking your snake with you.Now there is only one thing that is left for you to know.
Sooner or later that snake won’t be the only thing leaving marks
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adorethedistance · 10 months
I Love You - Trevor Zegras x Reader (18+)
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, SMUT, oral f!recieving, rough sex
Words: 1956
Summary: When Trevor accidentally lets it slip that he's in love with you, the heat of the moment confession turns into the fuck of a lifetime.
A/n: I wrote this piece in one sitting and decided to not proof it extensively lol. It's not bad tho so enjoy! Minors DNI pls pls pls
“Spiderman would not beat Captain Marvel in a fight!” I sit up to passionately declare to an amused yet startled Trevor. As I sit up to straddle his hips, he subconsciously draws his legs up to rest against my back. Trevor looks at me with gentle shock, clearly not expecting me to get so fired up about the statement he’d just made. 
I’d been laying with my head on his chest for a while as he and I talked about the wonders of growing up. Then, somehow, the topic of aspirations led to childhood, leading to superheroes, and now to hypothetical super battles. Once the initial shock wears off, Trevor’s eyes flash with stubborn delight and he pushes back.
“Spiderman would absolutely win.”
“Why?” I ask, preparing to deconstruct any argument he throws my way.
“He’s got Spidey-sense so his reflexes would be quicker.”
“Okay, that doesn’t mean shit!”
“Why not?!”
“Because Captain Marvel has actual powers and MCU spidey only has spidey-sense, which is really just mega anxiety.”
“No way!”
“You’re just mad because I’m right. JAMIE?!” I scream into the empty hallway. “Oh my god, wait, he’s not even here!” I begin wheezing laughing at my own brain fart. Trevor also begins to laugh, though it’s clear he’s laughing at both my wheeze and the embarrassing moment beforehand.
“I told you he’s out with some of the guys.”
“I forgot to ask, why didn’t you go with?”
“Because I wanted to see you,” he says as if that statement didn’t just make my heart swell a million times larger.
“Not that I don’t appreciate your choice, but you never miss guys’ day.”
“What? Yes, I do!”
“When?” At my question, Trevor pauses still trying to come up with an answer. “See?”
“Well, I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to spend time with you...”
“What? Why?”
“Because I love you!” Trevor and I both fall silent for a moment. Lips slightly parted in surprise.
“Did you just-?”
“I don’t think so-”
“You totally did!”
“Well…” He trails off again, “I do.”
Reaching forward, I extend both arms to hold his face and I lean down to kiss his lips. The kiss deepens as it lingers and I hum a happy sigh into the connection. Trevor finds our passionate rhythm and his hands that were originally resting on my waist trail down over my hips and onto my ass. I can feel him fighting a smile through the kiss, which causes me to smile. The small laughs between us are gone just as fast as they came, and I keep one hand on Trevor’s cheek while the other slips into his hair. Gripping my hand in the strands on his neck he moans softly into the kiss. 
The heat of the moment leads me to begin grinding down on him, desperate for any sort of friction that could provide release. I trace the tip of my tongue down his neck, nipping soft bits of his skin between my teeth. Trevor groans at the sensation in tandem with the movement of my hips. The sound is so erotic it makes me want to ravage him immediately. I pull off of his neck for a brief moment to mutter,
“Bedroom. Now.” And Trevor doesn’t need to be told twice. He sits up sliding one hand under my ass and the other across my back to carry me from the couch to his bedroom. I marvel at how strong he is, how effortless the motion is for him. Trevor tosses me down on his bed with ease, a lustful smirk occupying his features as he admires the sight of me between his unmade sheets. 
Before either of us can say a word, I’m tearing his sweatshirt and the soft baby tee underneath it, off of my feverish body. The choice to forego any kind of bra was purely coincidental. Or maybe I knew deep down that I needed him this bad. Regardless the action leaves us both topless, and his smirk now grows into a lustful grin. 
“Fucking hell, I’m a lucky guy,” Trevor says as he takes in the sight of my bare chest. I remain laying down but extend my hand to reach for him. Trevor takes the cue, interlacing our fingers before dropping his head to pull my right nipple into his mouth. I gasp softly as he sucks the hard bud, grazing the flesh with his teeth, causing me to moan fully. 
He puffs a small laugh of arrogance before harshly sucking a love bite into the side of my tit. He works quickly, placing a kiss on the mark once he’s finished before repeating the motion on my left side. I tangle both hands in the back of his hair. Gripping the tufts for my own expression of pleasure. My hands idly follow as he pulls off of my tits and leans up to kiss me once more. He sucks my bottom lip roughly before kissing his way down the length of my body.
The kissing ceases as he encounters the waistband of my pajama shorts. Hooking his fingers in the band he looks up, pausing for a moment to check in. I nod a fervent ‘yes’ and that’s all the encouragement he needs to yank off my shorts and my thong in one swift motion. He discards the clothing somewhere behind his body, staring down before meeting my eyes once more. He wordlessly quirks a brow. Such a fucking tease.
“Please,” I say, knowing exactly what he wants to hear. Trevor happily obliges, roughly lifting my legs. He braces himself with one hand on the underside of each of my thighs, pushing them so that my knees flank my marked breasts. His head dips lower. Licking the surface of my pussy with his wide tongue. I breathe out a pleasured sigh at the first contact. He continues licking up and down the length of my sex, lingering at the top to swirl his tongue on my clit. I moan softly at the action, causing him to swirl harder before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. 
“Ah, Trevor!” I whine as he continues to pleasure me. His hands drop from holding my thighs to then open me up more, momentarily pulling off of my clit. The right hand spreads my pussy apart while the left lifts from above; I shudder at the feeling of the crisp air against my exposed clit. He snickers darkly before licking the bud, causing me to cry out in pleasure.
“Oh fuck!” 
His pace quickens. The movement speeds up as I feel my high building further and further. And just as fast as he had begun, he pulls away from my core once more.
“Agh, you dick!” Trevor just laughs and fake pouts at me.
“What’s wrong?” He asks snarkily and I roll my eyes. The act is surrendered without much of a fight as Trevor unties the drawstring on his sweatpants and drops them. His boxers quickly follow; he's already the hardest he’s ever been. I sigh at the sight and then scooch further down the length of the bed. With my hips right on the edge of the mattress, he reaches down to slowly trace his tip through my slick folds. He moans at the initial contact. I can feel myself getting wetter as he does. The things this boy’s moans can do to me is humiliating.
Then, Trevor gently pushes the tip into my dripping hole. He takes a moment, allowing me to adjust to his size before pulling back out again. He fucks in and out of me with the tip until I whine out of impatience. Trevor takes the hint and without a moment to spare immediately pushes all the way inside me, bottoming out in one quick movement. I groan out a cry, relieved to feel him again, but desperately wanting more.
“Fuck me, please,” is all I have to say before he begins thrusting in and out. The pace of his thrusts are steady and wonderful. If I’d know he could fuck like this from the beginning, I wouldn’t have wasted time playing false modesty. He continues to fuck into me, moaning at the sensation in time with his thrusts. 
“Harder,” I sigh and Trevor merely smiles. He thrusts with a bit more force but I can tell he’s holding back. “It’s okay,” I say tauntingly, “You won’t break me.” Trevor seems ignited by the promise and begins to fuck harder and deeper. I loudly moan out with each thrust, reveling in the pleasure of feeling him inside me. 
I can feel  my orgasm building but before I can utter another encouragement he pulls out completely. “Wha-” I try to ask but Trevor quickly uses his impressive strength to rough flip me over. Laying face down, on my stomach, he grabs my legs and pulls me back to the edge of the bed. From where he stands, he pushes back in to fuck me harder and faster from behind. I cry out in immense pleasure and reach my right hand out behind me. Trevor interlaces our fingers and uses the position to pin that arm on my back, using that as leverage to go harder.
I could scream with how intense the pleasure is. As he continues fucking me I feel my high building once more. Trevor senses my peak through the way my pussy is clenching his dick, and he begins moaning louder at the sensation. Fucking faster and harder, he holds one hand on my back, the other on my shoulder to keep my from moving away from the end of the bed. I use my free hand to grip the fabric of his sheets in my fist. Each thrust gleaning a louder, more intense cry than before, building higher and higher.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” I squeak as he fucks me hard. The swelling mix of his pants and moans indicate he’s also close. 
“Fuck. Me too, babygirl.” 
“Please please please please please,” I whisper as I near my high more and more. As my orgasm envelops me, I go silent reaching for the peak of my high. The intensity of my squeezing around his dick amplifies, and the added friction is enough for him to climax simultaneously. He doesn’t let up his pace, allowing the both of us to release at the same time. 
“I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cumming,” I whine as he twitches, jerking slightly as he finishes inside of me. The both of us finish with a symphony of moans and whines, falling into one another’s pleasure as we do.
Trevor then pulls out of me and collapses on the bed beside me. As I turn over, I feel his cum start to leak out of me but I’m too exhausted to do anything about it. When I finally muster the energy and look up at his sweating face, I smile and laugh breathlessly due to the rush of endorphins.
“Holy shit,” I say as best as I can with my dry mouth.
“That was easily the best sex we’ve ever had.”
“Agreed.” We fall silent again for a brief moment, Trevor resting his eyes in the interim. I look at his handsome face and smile as I think about how he’s completely and utterly mine. “I love you, Z.” His eyes flutter back open and he smiles sweetly. He sits up to look at me fully and say,
“I really am the luckiest guy in the world.” Trevor then leans down and places a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. 
“I’ll get you a towel and then you should probably pee.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.”
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Sorry vivi for not specifying but i ment as in his son oscar😭 love your work lots tho
I saw this and felt so dumb 😭😭 buuut I can make it work. (Again, adding the tags in later)
Series Masterlist
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Holding six year old Oscars hand, Y/N walked into her husbands office, her hand on her pregnant belly. "Carlos,'" she said and her husband looked up from his work. "Our son has something he wants to tell you."
Beaming, Oscar let go of his mothers hand. Be was practically his mother's double as he ran to his father, clutching his favourite toy rabbit. "Daddy! I want to be a race car driver!" He shouted as Carlos sat him on his lap.
But the smile Carlos gave him back was a sad one. Y/N cleared her throat and stood at his side, running her hands through his thick head of hair.
Carlos squeezed Oscar tight. "You know, Mijo, your Uncle Oscar wanted to be a race car driver too?" He asked him.
Little Oscar shook his head. With his rabbit on Carlos's desk, he twiddled with his fingers. "Is he the one I never got to meet?" He asked timidly.
"Oh baby," said Y/N as she reached down to smooth out her sons hair. "He would have loved you."
Carlos sainz was an incredibly rich and powerful man. He paid for his son to go karting until he was competing.
Even though he was incredibly busy, he never missed a race. Even when Oscar was karting, he never missed a race. And then when he moved up into formula 4, formula three, formula 2 and, eventually, formula 1.
The first time Oscar raced in Australia, he visited his uncle Oscars grave. He took flowers, knowing it would make his mother proud, and placed them on the grave of Oscar Piastri.
"Hey," he said to the headstone. He thought of the rabbit Teddy bear that was back in his hotel room, the rabbit that had once belonged to his uncle. "You never met me, but I'm Oscar, Y/N and Carlos's kid."
He sucked in a deep breath. "When I was a kid, I wanted to be a racer. And I made it. My parents told me all about you and how you wanted to be one too. I even use your driver number from your Karting days."
Every race Oscar won was for the uncle he never met. When he got his first drivers championship, he did it for his uncle Oscar. His entire career was for his uncle Oscar.
Carlos's first born was his pride and joy. But he was to be a racer, not the head of the Sainz family. Carlos was more than happy with that.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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kisses4lao · 6 months
leans into the mic ... period sex with kenshi ..... ? /nf
blind or not, either works; do what you want, comrade i j- i just need him very badly PFFJNRHJFJ
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here's a pic of your favorite pookie shmookie wookie bookie boo beekeeper btw (wheezed typing it but i am, in fact, putting respect on his name bestie)
Oh em geee
How could I resist when you add such a breedable pic of pookie shmookie wookie bookie boo of who is also a beekeeper???? I simply cannot
I've been kind of into Kenshi as of recently,,, most fics with him are poly with Johnny and that's cool and all but Johnnys just not for me 4 realz
Tw/cw: AFAB reader, blind Kenshi it's relevant to the plot, you guys are dating but it's only mentioned like twice, humongous blood kink(it's Kenshis), pet names (princess, beautiful), smiley Kenshi, he's just happy to be there, probably incorrect sento usage, finger fucking, cursing, piv, pwp ish, reader is embarrassed bc period blood smells, Kenshi is a man tho so he doesnt care
Not proofread get over it
Kenshi has always been a loving and compassionate person. Given that you're his girlfriend, he's shown a side of himself that he's shown very few others. He's a man who loves date nights and taking things slowly just as much as he loves doing things in the heat of the moment.
Period sex was something he was more than willing to do. If he thought he could help your pain by outweighing it with pleasure, he'd be on his knees in mere seconds. As much as he loves seeing you squirm underneath him, he'd be more than willing to just cuddle you until it was over. At the end of the day, the choice was always yours.
He couldn't help but want to take you in those moments, however. Something about you bleeding for days on end did something to him. While he knew that you must hurt, your cramps have been killing you all day and you can't walk because of them, some part of him just wanted to have your blood dripping from him as he made love to you.
In short, dating you was how Kenshi realized he had a blood kink. It's mild to the point he doesn't think about it often, but when you're on your period, he practically goes insane. All he wants to do is be near you, to touch you, all that good stuff.
Kenshi wouldn't even realize he had a blood kink for the longest time. He'd be so overwhelmed by the feeling of his hands and cock covered in blood and practically getting high off the smell he couldn't focus on anything but finishing. It was only until later when he was laying in the bath tub with you that he'd realize that he's never felt like this with anyone, just you. He'd eventually come to the realization that period sex gets him so turned on because of his blood kink and ends up embracing it more.
That being said, when you got the news Kenshi was blinded due to a series of unfortunate events, you had spent sleepless days and nights waiting for him to come home.
And he did.
It took you both a while to get used to his new living condition, but you made it work. Since one of his senses got removed, this meant his other senses were heightened. Taste, hearing, touch, but most importantly, smell.
His sense of smell got much stronger than he'd expected, he could smell practically anything, but he had specifically made it a point to familiarize himself with your scent. Your perfumes, body wash, shampoo, just you in general. He made sure he knew what you smelled like, that way he knew it was you.
So when you got on your period, he could tell before you did. You and him were sleeping together, cuddling as usual. He woke up first and upon waking up, he was hit with a smell he hadn't noticed the night before. It was a familiar one, just much stronger than what he's used to.
He was practically stunned. He didn't really know what to do, considering you guys haven't done much since his premature blinding. He felt like waking you up, telling you that he needs you as he began to feel the familiar feeling of his cock straining in his boxers.
But he resisted. He had to, would you really want to be woken up over this? He was able to watch you slightly through sento, being mounted on your wall in front of your shared bed, he could see you both decently enough. You didn't show any signs of movement, nor signs you were awake.
He could feel your soft breaths puff onto his collar bone as he could feel his cock twitch. He could feel you shifting in the bed as he watched you through sento. He could see you were starting to wake up, and cuddled into his chest more.
You placed small kisses on what he thought was your face (it was the top of your head but don't tell him) as you woke up more from the feeling. Your small giggles filled the room as you playfully pushed back, locking him into a sweet kiss before laying your head next to his.
"Morning Kenshi," was all you currently had the strength to say. "Morning beautiful" He replies back with his usual smile. He always loved calling you pet names, specifically in the morning, so this wasn't out of the usual.
What was unusual, however, was his heavy breathing. It was slightly faster than usual, and specifically through his nose... You found this odd, obviously, and you began to think about what could be different. It was obvious enough that he was soaking in your scent, he always has, but nothing was out of the usual. Nothing that you knew yet, at least.
You had thought back to last night when you and Kenshi had bathed together, you always had taken showers and baths together, but due to the fact he can no longer see anything, you've decided to help him with such. You used the same body wash, the same shampoo, conditioner... Nothing that he hasn't smelled already.
Then, it hit you. You were on your period. Of course you were, your body just had to choose the worst possible time for you to get your period. You internally sigh as you now understand why Kenshis been acting odd.
Kenshi could see you contemplating through sento, he could see how embarrassed you were. He felt bad for thinking such dirty things, maybe he shouldn't have been feeling like this, but he couldn't help it.
It wasn't that you were embarrassed by the fact you were on your period, it was that fact that he had an enhanced smell now. You knew that Kenshi was into period sex, it's just you thought it'd be embarrassing with the smell. You sigh aloud and get disappointed in how your precious pair of panties that you liked oh so much now have to be period panties.
Kenshi knew that you were upset by this, he just didn't know what to say. Should he come out and just say how the smell turned him on? It smells like you, just, enhanced. That's what he liked about it. It smelled like you, the pussy that he'd give his life for, THATS what he was into.
"I'm- sorry. It must smell bad-" he cut you off.
"It doesn't. It smells like you. Not your hair products, not your perfume, you. It's amazing to be able to know what you smell like, this is just enhancing it. I like it, honestly."
Although sweet, it was weird. You just didn't exactly expect a man to understand this sort of thing. You felt somewhat relieved, just a bit weird about the situation. He could tell by your facial expressions that you were. He took your hands in his and continued speaking.
"Your scent, knowing you're here with me throughout everything I'm going through, it brings me comfort. You bring me comfort. Knowing you're here, next to me, fills me with a joy you wouldn't believe. So no, waking up to the scent of you would never disgust me."
How poetic. He pulled you into a small kiss, relishing in how amazing you taste. He could smell a small bit of arousal form in you, panties getting some how wetter as he puts his thighs between your legs, prodding at your heat.
You whimper at the feeling, opening your mouth slightly in the process. Kenshi takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring it as he felt you grind on his thigh.
His hands unclasp themselves from yours as he took one and dragged it to your panties. Slipping his hand inside, he can feel the heat radiate off of your pussy, practically begging him to touch you. He gathers your wetness on his fingers, pushing one inside you as his thumb plays with your clit.
You moan out and break the kiss in the process. You lay your head next to his as your breathing became harsh, gripping the bedsheets as he continued his motions. "God I wish I could see you, I know you look beautiful like this." He bit his lip as he could feel you clench from the praise.
He slips in another finger and earns another moan from you. Kenshi could feel his cock twitching in its confines, begging to be inside you, but he needed to wait till you were properly stretched. You, however, had different plans. You could see the tent in his pants, and you were practically drooling over it. You placed your hand on his bulge, Kenshi lets out a surprised moan from it.
"Princess,, you're goin' to make me cum if you touch me like that. Good girls keep their hands to themselves, yes?" He questioned you as he continued his pace of finger fucking and clit rubbing.
You try your hardest to stifle your moans, but your back arching to the feeling of Kenshis fingers curling inside you wasn't something you could ignore. Your chest pressed against his as your soft hand squeezed his forearm.
Your whines and begs for release made Kenshi go faster, making you cum harshly in his fingers. He placed his fingers in his mouth, swirling his tongue around them and letting out a moan at the taste.
"Delicious as always, you treat me so well." He laughs as he climbs on top of you. He takes off his boxers and you make quick work of stripping yourself as well. He gives his hard cock a few strokes, he can feel you staring at him as he does.
"Look what you do to me princess, all for you." He gives you a cheeky grin before aligning his tip with your opening. He pushes himself inside you at a slow pace, taking in how your walls cling to him.
As he began to thrust into you, he could feel your blood painting his lower abdomen. He felt lightheaded as he could smell you on himself, small droplets of your blood fell down his thigh and he can feel himself cumming.
Luckily, he can control himself. Not when it comes to thrusting into you, though. Kenshi hooks both your legs onto his shoulders, his hands place themselves on your waist as he lifts you up enough to where his thighs are below you, keeping you elevated at all times. Hes thrusting into you at a high pace, high enough for your body to be shaking with every thrust but not enough for you to be overwhelmed.
His harsh pace continues as his hands angle you slightly lower, making him repeatedly hit your g-spot. You cry out his name and your hands fly to his head, tugging on his hair as he feels himself get closer.
"Close- Kenshi- I'm so-" you moan again as his grip on your waist tightens. Kenshi has to use sento to see you, but luckily, he was able to move the sword to a different position. He was able to see just how painted he was- how you both were painted in blood. His hips begin to falter as he gets lightheaded with pleasure once again.
He was also lucky enough to see your back arch as your head fell back in pleasure, coming on his cock in the process. "You did so good for me princess, I, ugh, I'm goin' to cum so hard for you," and seconds later, he lets out a deep groan before collapsing onto you, cum leaking out of your now abused hole.
It took you both a few minutes to get your breath back. Once you did, you just laid with each other for a bit. As you played with Kenshis hair, he rolls over, exposing his lower abdomen to you.
"You're covered in blood." You giggle out. Using sento again, he was able to see himself. He was actually, and within seconds he had turned back to you.
"Up for another round?" He asked with a smile.
A/n: to everyone who's been using my asks to say they appreciate my fics and the videos I use for headers, I love you. Except for that one person that said size kinks were disguised pedophilia, please stay far away from me
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themultifanshipper · 6 days
As much love as the fans showed Yuki, one little-known fact about him was that no one would ever love him quite as much as his wife did. And they expressed it a bit too loudly for everyone else’s liking.
Warnings: I almost vomited from the fluff, nasty sex to counterbalance tho, putting food in places it should not be, physical injury (burn), then more disgusting fluff. Cringe dialogue. Tried something new writing in the 3rd person so tell me if it’s okay
They were still very much in the honeymoon phase, only having been married for a year, but they were truly, madly, deeply, disgustingly in love. Emphasis on the disgusting. Because they fucked anywhere and everywhere, all the damn time.
It was becoming a problem, in particular for Daniel, who had asked that the walls separating their driver rooms be soundproofed, and to never be on the same hotel floor as Yuki.
Because Yuki was insatiable and so was his wife.
There they were, in Yuki’s massive kitchen, while she made dinner and Yuki watched her, glass of wine (not his first) in his hand. How lucky that he married a woman whose father was a world famous chef. She’d insisted on making him something special for their 1 year anniversary, so he just sat on the other side of the kitchen Island while she worked away at her pots and pans.
“You know I love you, right?” He asked.
She looked at him with an amused twinkle in her eye. “I would hope so baby, otherwise why did you marry me?”
“For your amazing smile, of course! And your father’s money” he smirked at her.
“Well then thank god I made you sign a prenup then!”
They both giggled and sighed like lovesick fools, and sent each other flying kisses from across the island. If anyone else had been there, they would probably have been sick, especially Daniel, who knew way too much about their sex habits to be fooled by all the lovey-dovey PDA they always shared around everyone.
She’d finished all the prep and had just turned the stove on when she climbed onto a chair to open the top cabinet which contained more bottles of expensive wine.
That’s when Yuki noticed. She was wearing one of his shirts, which was slightly big on her given his build, that part he already knew, but as she lifted her arms, he noticed she was wearing nothing underneath. Literally nothing.
She was cooking for him (that on it’s own enough to get him in the mood) straight up shirt-cocking it (shirt-pussying it?), Winnie the pooh style. In a shirt with his name on it.
It was all too much for little Yuki Tsunoda as he slinked off his chair and made his way towards her. He made it halfway around the island before she noticed and scolded him.
“Nuh-huh, get out of my space baby. This is my kitchen tonight!”
He didn’t listen as he ran the rest of the way and kissed her, arms weaving around her waist. The advantage of being almost the same height was that neither had to bend their head awkwardly, their bodies just slotted together perfectly. He grabbed at the back of her thighs and she wrapped them around his waist, enjoying how much strength he possessed as he didn’t even flinch.
He plopped her on the counter between the stove and the fridge, the cold marble against her heated flesh making her gasp against his lips. Without looking and without breaking the kiss, one of Yuki’s hands trailed down between her legs, the other going into the meticulously organised fridge.
She pulled away, needing oxygen, and saw what he’d taken out: a can of whipped cream. Uh oh. He grinned at her, shaking the can, and she raised an eyebrow at him.
“And what, pray tell, are you going to do with that?”
He smirked “I am going to decorate my entrée.”
She rolled her eyes as he pushed on her chest to lay her down before pulling up her shirt over her tits. He then proceeded to squirt whipped cream over them, making her gasp. Finally, he produced a jar of sprinkles from god knows where and threw a generous amount over the cream.
“cakes” he said simply, making her wheeze because what the fuck Yuki, but she didn’t laugh for long as he wasted no time diving in, tongue first, liking up the quickly melting cream.
The coldness of the cream had made her nipples hard, and he took the opportunity to suck on them harshly, making her whine and grab his hair while he licked up every last drop of his handywork. Then he spent a few minutes worshipping, licking and nibbling every bit of bare skin he could get his mouth on.
Once he was done and she was panting, he lifted her legs and ordered her to hold them open, exposing her to him completely. And as he suspected, she had already made a puddle on the counter, making him groan and cup himself through his joggers, that were well tented by now.
“Naughty, not wearing anything underneath. Is this what you expected to happen?”
She nodded quickly “Yes! Please Yuki, touch me.”
His fingers tapped around her thighs, never getting anywhere near where she needed them most.
“And who made you wet like this, hmmm?”
She huffed impatiently “You did Yuki, been thinking about tonight all week!”
He raised his eyebrows as he shook the can again. “Really? I must savour it then.”
He squirted a healthy amount all over her pussy, not wasting any time with sprinkles. The heat from her skin melted it almost immediately, drops rolling down her flesh, across her ass and onto the counter. He trailed his finger through the mess, slipping it into his mouth as he moaned, the taste of the cream mixing with her slick made an absolute banger mix.
The madman didn’t waste any more time, he buried his face into the mess between her thighs, lapping up as much of it as he could and using his very skilled tongue to bring her to the edge in minutes.
She came with a loud cry and her hips bucked into his mouth, spreading a mix of cum and leftover cream over his face as he let her ride the wave, her hands firmly tangled in his hair.
When her body finally stopped thrumming with aftershocks, she pushed herself up to kiss him, but before their lips could meet, she shrieked.
She had left the stove on, and in her haste, put her hand straight on the scorching surface.
Yuki immediately picked her up and brought her to the sink to run her hand under the cold water.
“Are you okay baby?”
She nodded, whimpering as the feeling slowly faded from her hand from the cold and he kissed her cheek, arms around her squeezing tight.
“Why don’t I finish dinner while you go put some aloe on it?
She nodded again, and when she felt like her hand was going to survive the trip, she shuffled off to the bathroom.
After dinner, they lay in bed snuggling, while Yuki kissed each knuckle carefully over and over.
“I’m sorry” He whispered.
She giggled “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, baby. It was entirely my stupidity that led us here.”
He buried his head in the crook of her neck, kissing her skin softly “I love you”
“I love you too, Yuki”
He smiled and tightened his hold around her waist and they both fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other’s arms.
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The fact that Yuki is looking at pierre in that pic keeps me awake at night.
Hope you enjoyed this, will probably write more things like this (that is a threat)
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lynaferns · 4 months
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I'm not totally convinced with the colors but ñeh, it's like a concept. Finally got to redesign this little guy.
It's a Curious Forest Spirit, they are always watching, hidden away, witnessing everything that happens in the forest. It is very docile and friendly, if they like you they may approach and hang out with you. They won't let themselves be seen if they sense aggressiveness, they can read your soul. They prefer avoiding conflict and will sneak away of most situations but they'll attack if they feel cornered.
It's a little smaller than a cat. Yes, they are fluffy, soft and squishy, and they purr. They don't mind being squished if it's gentle. They just vibe.
They're very light too so their wings can lift them. When folded, the wings harden and get darker to keep them protected when they aren't using them.
There are different colors, patrons and types of leafs the tail ends with, they rarely have flowers tho. This one in particular is friends with Syra and Fayne.
I don't have a name for this yet, I made this OC like in 2017-18 or so.
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I found in the pc an old picture of the first design. It was originally completely black with orange eyes
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It was heavily inspired by a Toothless plushie I still have. I blurred out the original name in this image because, honestly, it's embarrassing. 14 year old me really went to google translator and typed random shit to see what would come out in japanese and-
I'm wheezing-
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^^This was the original name, it's supposed to have a line over the 'o' but I can't do that with my keyboard so...
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^^This was supoused to be the name, I think. idk. I stopped using this to name my characters lol
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