#m tech in space science
nuovos00 · 3 months
New age industries like FinTech, EdTech, HealthTech, SpaceTech, etc., are picking up momentum and are forecasted to have a sustained model of growth. NUOVOS helps you begin your journey and get a step ahead of the curve.
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xtruss · 10 months
Scientists Find Origin-of-Life Molecule in Space for First Time
— By Jess Thomson | August 8, 2023
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NASA image of the Tarantula Nebula star-forming region taken by Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera. A molecular cloud in interstellar space has been found to contain carbonic acid for the first time. NASA, ESA, CSA, AND STSCI
molecule common to Earth and usually associated with life has been detected in the depths of space by scientists.
Carbonic acid (HOCOOH), which you may know as the chemical that makes your soda fizzy, was discovered lurking near the center of our galaxy in a galactic center molecular cloud named G+0.693-0.027, a study published in The Astrophysical Journal revealed.
This marks the third time that carboxylic acids—this class of chemicals, often thought to be some of the building blocks of life—have been detected in space, after acetic acid and formic, and the first time that an interstellar molecule has been found to contain three or more oxygen atoms.
"Our observations have allowed us to know that carbonic acid, which until now had remained invisible to our eyes, is relatively abundant in space, which makes it an essential piece to understand the interstellar chemistry of carbon and oxygen, two of the fundamental chemical elements in any prebiotic process," Víctor M. Rivilla, a researcher at the Spanish Center for Astrobiology and co-author of the study, told German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW).
"This result confirms that the path we have chosen is the right one to search for, and detect more molecules that we suspect were key to the appearance of life on our planet," he concluded.
Carboxylic acids are a type of organic compound characterized by a carbon (C) atom doubly bonded to an oxygen (O) atom and singly bonded to a hydroxyl group (―OH). Carbonic acid in particular is formed when CO2 is dissolved in water, meaning that it is present in increased concentrations in our seas due to CO2 in the atmosphere.
Many theories as to how life on Earth evolved suggest that primitive life may have emerged from a primordial soup of chemicals when our planet was very young. Some have suggested that these chemicals, including carboxylic acids, may have arrived on Earth from space, traveling via comets and meteorites to the forming planet.
Carbonic acid has been previously detected on other astronomical bodies, including the icy moons of Jupiter, in some meteorites and comets, and even on Mars and Mercury, but until now, has not been seen in interstellar space.
The authors explained that the discovery of these more complex molecules in the interstellar medium may reveal clues about the origins of our planet and the life upon it.
"The presence of prebiotic COMs within extraterrestrial material thus firmly suggests the existence of carboxylic acids of increasing complexity in the ISM (interstellar medium), including amino acid–related species. Within this context, considerable efforts have been devoted to hunting for other acids, such as propenoic or acrylic acid, propanoic acid, cyanoacetic acid, glycolic acid, hydantoic acid, and glycine, whose identification in the [interstellar medium] remains elusive."
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Any RPGs about being an unethical mad scientist or being a mad scientist's creation? Like creating an orangutan with buzzsaws for hands, a horribly mutated two-headed crocodile, grafting a rocket launcher onto a demon's back, giant biomechanical monstrosities, etc.
THEME: Mad Scientist’s Paradise
Hello, so I have a few games that seem specifically tied to mad science, but I also found some games about mutant animals that are a bit more focused on a post-apocalypse. I hope they are still close enough to what you are looking for!
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Metamorphosis BX, by Tragos Games.
Metamorphosis BX is a post-apocalyptical MiniBX hack in which you'll roleplay a hybrid survivor in an ever-changing world in which a cataclysm fragmented time and space. It is light both in mechanics and tone, aiming to be fun above all.
This is one of the games where your strange mutations and abilities don’t necessarily come from mad science; but I think they could, if you wanted them to. This is a game that employs the use of roll-tables and gives your characters both benign and malign mutations, with different sized pools of different size dice for your hit dice. What is interesting is that you have a list of different dice pools on what is called your hit dice double-helix, aka HDDH - taking your highest dice from your dice pool every time you take a hit. This encourages your characters to end fights quickly, or avoid them when you can - and it also makes for a highly lethal game.
Mutants in the Now, by Julian Kay.
In the ‘80s and ‘90s, they ruled the streets, kick-flipping off of villainous faces and slipping into the shadows. Then, they vanished from the world of tabletop gaming.
But they’re back. And ready to KICK BUTT.
Mutants in the Now is a retromodern retake on the mutant animal role-playing games long past and left behind by licensing. Mutants fight to survive, thrive, and make the world better for themselves and humanity.
I’m not entirely sure what the origin of your mutation is in this game, and it seems that’s the point. The source of your mutations is meant to be a mystery, although big tech corporations, alien conspiracies, and psychic ninjas are all on the list of potential bad-guys. The game itself has a multitude of good reviews, with a lot of praise for the flexibility available to you at character creation, and a large amount of love for the random tables.
If this game sounds interesting but you want something a little less scienc-ey, you might also want to check out the Mutants in the Next supplement, which adds in cryptids, mythical beasts, and a post-apocalypse setting to throw at your characters.
CyberRats, by Alex Rinehart.
You are genetically engineered Operatives addicted to Biotech, a glowing gel that gives you superhuman powers. 
The world is being invaded by extraterrestrials known as Interlopers. You have been employed by a megacorp to ensure that the aliens don't win, and that if they are stopped, it's you who does it, and not some rival corporation.
Winning won't be easy. But it also won't be enough. The right corp must get credit.
Can you stop the aliens? Will you sabotage the military to steal equipment and defense contracts from your competitors? How many Operatives will you lose before you taste victory?
Cyberrats, an illuminated RPG.
Here’s a game all about being lab rats - literally! Cyberrats is a fast-paced shoot-em-up about genetically engineered rats addicted to the substance that gives them super-human powers, up against a terrifying alien threat. Your characters can be altered biologically, but also cybernetically, so I have a feeling rocket launchers and exo-suits are on the table here!
If you want to hear what this game plays like, you can check out the Cyberrats Radio Hour, a 30-minute episode full of alien combat and explosions.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones, by ChrisAir.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones is a 48pg biopunk facility-crawl for Mothership RPG, inspired by the body horror of Cronenberg’s The Fly and a twisted take on Metroidvania “save stations.” This zine is the first installment of The Sleeper Crew Adventures zine series.
PCs wake up in the Mountain Forces R&D Facility, dropped smack center into the plans of a scientist gone mad in her love for the dead despot that once owned the world. Players must gather clues, navigate NPC motivations, evade monstrosities before they Become the Mutants.
This is less of a gonzo scenario and more built for fans of horror, putting the player characters in a hostile lab environment and threatening them with a number of mutations as they try to find a way to stop the mad scientist big-bad of the adventure.
This isn’t a standalone game, but rather a module for Mothership, which is a game set inspired by Alien and has many, many different kinds of modules that you can run in many different horror scenarios. This module looks rather extensively developed, with printable maps, a set of VTT tokens, and art for all of the listed NPCs and Creatures. If you want a game full of suspense and horror, you should check out Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones!
The UPLIFT, by Kurt Potts.
The Uplift is a tabletop RPG about cybernetically uplifted animal heroes saving the galaxy with superpowers! Think Guardians of the Galaxy, but you're all playing Rocket.
You awaken to find you are both less and more, you are both old and new.
You play animals who've been cybernetically uplifted by some mysterious company or lab. Through your adventures you may get the chance to learn why this was done to you, but by then it may not matter anymore. You're a hero and the galaxy needs saving.
Describe yourself in four steps, and let the GM describe to you the situation the crew finds themselves in. You roll 2d6 for pretty much everything you try, with modifiers for advantages and disadvantages. Each character will have one super-power that allows you to add a third d6 to certain rolls, to increase your chance of beating the difficulty score. You can risk personal injury or busted implants on a failure, and then spend downtime later to fix yourself up.
I like that the designer of this game took the basic rules of WSCA games and combined them with tools like clocks and downtime, which are commonly seen from Forged in the Dark games. It allows the players to deal with bigger setbacks during play, because you know you’ll have a chance to fix them down the road. That being said, you can still choose to die a heroic death if you still want to!
Science & Sabotage, by Live Real Press.
You are a team of evil mad scientists, hell-bent on creating a doomsday device that can bring the world to its knees.
Unfortunately, there is competition for the honor. You must finish your device before they finish their device. 
You don't have time to play fair.
This is a game where you actually get to play the mad scientists, rather than their creations. It’s built off of the famous Lasers & Feelings structure, so you just need a d6 or two to play. Race against a rival team of mad scientists to be the first one to destroy the world - or at least, to threaten the world with destruction. This is probably good for a single one-shot, or perhaps, if you want to combine it with one of the other games here, you might want to use this game as a set-up for the event that destroyed the world, or perhaps your scientists are instead racing to be the first to cause mutations on a global scale!
Blister Critters, by stillfleet.
Pick your favorite varmint, grab your dice, and roleplay as a cartoon animal on a radiation-blasted Saturday-morning show!
The humans are gone just like the ozone layer, and the world they left behind is overflowing with danger…
In this innovative and surreal game, you play as a small animal who can wield bizarre mutations called Blisters as well as physics-bending Nonsense powers. These strange abilities—artfully developed within the Grit System—will help you survive in a vast, cruel suburbia populated by fellow Critters and their feral counterparts, Beasts.
The sun will mutate you and give you special powers as you scavenge the piles and piles of loot that the humans have no more use for. The tone of this game is very much like a Saturday-morning cartoon, but you can also turn up the gritty dial and make it about the harshness of this new world if you want to. Blister Critters uses a number of different polyhedral dice, with larger dice assigned to traits you’re good at and smaller dice assigned to traits you’re… not so good at. Your character also has two pools that can diminish: Health and Grit, which represent your hit points and your energy respectively. Your Grit can be spent to power the special abilities given to you by your Blisters, so the course of gameplay will likely require balancing your resources as you work through various obstacles.
The Kickstarter has finished for this game, but you might want to keep an eye on it so you can see when the final product is published. In the meantime, you can also check out the Quickstart, as well as the entries to the Critter City Crawl Jam.
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh
We are 57% of the way to our funding goal for AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, with 19 days to go!! This awesome anthology featuring non-binary and genderqueer characters in aetherpunk settings has been in the works for a year, and we’re optimistic that we’ll reach our funding target so that we can publish the book as an e-book, trade paperback, and hardcover. Slow and steady, race winning, you know the deal. 😀 Things have definitely slowed down, as is normal for this stage of the campaign, so just a note that we’d always appreciate your help with spread the word about this project so that more people will know it exists! You can find our “main” posts about the campaign on different platforms using these links:
Patreon (public post)
Thanks in advance!!
You can learn all about the campaign, the book, the merch, and the authors, by visiting our Kickstarter campaign page!
And, today we’re introducing two more contributing authors: Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh!
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The Light Organ by Flore Picard
About Flore Picard: I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Links: Instagram | Twitter
This is Flore’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: The Light Organ
Tags: angst with a happy ending, capitalism is the real villain, coming out, disabled character, emotional hurt/comfort, family, fraught family dynamics, illusion, in the closet, magic use, mechanic, musician, non-binary, parenthood, present tense, science fiction with magic, teenager, third person limited point of view, transphobia (mentions of) (past)
“No, no, no—the organ, the light ring—it’s all about the imagination, not the mechanics,” Kas exclaims, gesturing widely to encompass the aether pool behind the glass.
“I’m just here for the tubes,” the tech—Gilbert—says flatly.
His face betrays no emotions, not even annoyance. Kas almost wishes he would yell or be rude, if only for the sake of feeling like they’re having an actual conversation, but Gilbert has always been polite. He just never seems to care.
“Fine,” Kas gives up. “We’ve got glitches. They started about a week ago. It could be a leaking tube, I’m not sure.”
“What kind of glitches?”
“It’s as if… as if the story stops responding to me. I know how that sounds, but I swear that’s what happens. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s getting worse. Earlier, I powered everything up to tune it and it kept flickering.”
“Flickering,” Gilbert repeats, mumbling into his neatly trimmed beard.
Kas grabs a cane in each hand and makes their way to the organ’s seat. “I can show you.”
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You’re Gonna Get Older by Alec J. Marsh
About Alec J. Marsh: Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Alec is one of the editors for Aether Beyond the Binary and has also published multiple titles with Duck Prints Press. His novella To Drive the Hundred Miles (modern, f/m, trans male lead) was recently successfully crowdfunded and orders fulfilled. His two erotica stories Heart’s Scaffold (sci-fi, m/m) and Study Hall (modern academia, m/m) are part of the Contributor Short Story Bundle add-on.
Title: You’re Gonna Get Older
Tags: arranged marriage, christian, coming of age, coming out, cults, fraught family dynamics, friends, in the closet, lesbian, midwest, misgendering, non-binary, north dakota, past tense, post-apocalyptic, relationship of convenience, religion, song fic, teenager, third person limited pov, trans man, trans woman, transphobia
There was a radio in the room, an old two-way they had found on their last visit and hidden in an empty supply closet. It was still there. They slid open the battery pack and snapped in a fresh battery from their aether lantern. Chips of the meteor had been encased in metal tubing to mimic the lithium batteries of the Before, but they were precious and had to be used sparingly. Stardancer knew better than to use precious energy on something this frivolous.
They popped the battery cover in place and pressed the power button. It crackled to life. They cradled it like it was made from glass. The dials made a tak-tak-tak noise as Stardancer scrolled through channels. Music came through softly. It faded in and out, cut through with static, but it was music, and not the kind made on an acoustic guitar. They adjusted the antenna and turned up the volume.
It was like nothing they had heard before, fast paced with a heavy beat. Even over the fuzzy AM connection, it was invigorating. They wanted to dance. They wanted to sing along with words they had never heard before. The singer screamed their triumph, and Stardancer felt invincible.
There's no time like right now to become a backer and help us reach 100% funded! Check it out!
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oceaniakiddo · 3 months
welcome to my blog, oceaniakiddo!!🪼🪷
i’ve finally got round to making (at least a filler version) intro post!!! 🌊🌸
my name is Leo, i’m 23 & from london, my little age is 1-5 and im queer and genderfluid! i use any pronouns but mostly prefer he/they so you cant go wrong with them!! 🦈🐚
i am autistic/adhd/t1d/hypermobile and a multitude of other conditions but i won’t list them all haha!! kinda tldr: i am disabled/chronically ill 🫶🪼
i luv:
the ocean
elementary cbs
criminal minds
modelling with clay
music in general
theatre and theatre tech
game theory & co
chuckle sandwich
the sturnilos
james marriott
jack manifold
renee rapp
eddy burback
specifically dni, aside from the standard dni: no k-nk/agepl-y/abdl/ddlg etc/transphobes/queerphobes/fatphobes/anti agere/tories/ed/sh/wilbur, dream, or george supporters/m@ps/p-dos/no trauma dumping/ transmeds/anti endogenic systems/anti systems in general/anti blm/israel supporters/russia supporters/ anti science/the list goes on, use common sense!! 🙏🦈
mdndm = minors don’t dm me! i don’t mind minors interacting but i am an adult, even in little space. please look after yourself online!! also i dont use tumblr dms anyway 🪷🐠
i am not a regular poster but i love putting together mood boards that directly relate to my little space, i won’t take requests because if i don’t personally understand it i might misrepresent it and i don’t want to do that to anyone else’s safe space!!! i also don’t have the energy or time!! 🐚🌊
any pics/gifs/videos etc that i post or reblog are not mine unless i explicitly say so, i get most of my images from pinterest which dont have sources 99% of the time ☹️🦈
okay, have a great day and remember your little space is valid and a safe space, it’s a coping mechanism and supported by licensed professionals around the world, whether it’s voluntary or involuntary for you!!! everyone experiences it differently, for different reasons, and embraces different parts of age regression so please be kind and respectful and honour others’ dnis when you know what they are!! 🪼🐠
more on little space:
mental health hotline international directories:
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New SpaceTime out Wednesday....
SpaceTime 20231025 Series 26 Episode 128
The dramatic history of the Andromeda galaxy
A new study has unveiled the violent history of our nearest neighbouring big galaxy M-31 Andromeda.
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Quartz crystals discovered in clouds of hot gas giant
Astronomers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected evidence for quartz nanocrystals in the high-altitude clouds of WASP-17 b, a hot Jupiter exoplanet 1,300 light-years from Earth.
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Understanding the Sun’s heating process
It’s one of the greatest and longest-running mysteries of the Sun -- why is its outer atmosphere hotter than its fiery surface.
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The Science Report
Discovery of a link between women eating ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of depression.
Queensland’s rare southern greater gliders faces more challenges to its survival.
ChatGPT might be better than doctors when it comes to managing depression.
Alex on Tech: big tech wants your money and turning your old analogue camera digital.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. Later, Gary became part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and was one of its first presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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camaro-and-smokes · 8 months
Chapter 1: LV-444
Summary of the fic: Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington were well known xeno hunters. Well, in their respective circles, of course. That weren't military or huge galaxy-sized tech businesses. Or even closely legal entities. Okay, they were doing what they did when the money was right, no questions asked. And they were good in what they did. They got even better when Eddie Munson, a crazy scientist, joined them. They had the gear, the knowledge, everything. All was going smooth, smoother than it had for a long while. So, they docked on Space Station U.D. on the orbit of planet LV-444. It was supposed to be a short, a few days long maintenance stop on their way to do some client work. Unfortunately, the client work seemed to have found them a bit sooner than expected...
MIND THE TAGS - S E R I O U S L Y. This is a horror/scifi/creature movie crossover and loyal to the film. If the image below makes you queezy, this is not for you. Unless you like that queezy feeling, then, happy reading :)
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M/M Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: MetalSandwich Movie Mania, Movie: Aliens (1986), Aliens AU, Horror, Body Horror, Blood, Blood and Gore, Gore, Xenomorphs, Aliens, Metalsandwich, Mungrove, Harringrove, Science Fiction, Military Science Fiction, Crossover
Chapters: [CH01] [CH02] / ?
Read on AO3 >>
Notes: This fic hits more than one of the @now-showing-at-the-hawk-events Metalsandwich Movie Mania 2023 categories: Scifi film, Action film, Horror/creature feature film and iconic movie - since Aliens is THE scifi film of the 80s and still one of the best horror/military scifi films ever made. I tried to fit in some romance too, but if you know the film, space for romance is, uh, limited. I'm a huge fan of space opera because of this film, so it's been an absolute joy to write this.
Billy held the long, pointy head in front of Eddie’s face and nudged him until he awoke. “Argh!” Eddie screamed in horror, scrambling away when the first thing he saw was an eyeless stare and the row of pin sharp teeth of the deadliest creature he’d ever come across. When he realised it was Adam’s head, he hit it hard enough it fell off of Billy’s hand. “Jesus H. Christ, Hargrove! Get that fucking thing off my face!” he shouted.
The long, pointy skull flew on the floor with a hollow clank and continued its way skidding over the cabin floor and lodged itself under a bunk on the other side of the room, its deadly grimace shining under the bunk like a...well, like a monster under the bed.
Billy flopped on his bunk, cackling. “You should’ve seen your face! We’ve been hunting these bastards for years and you still get scared when you see one. And besides, it was Adam. You should’ve recognised it.” “I wouldn’t have wanted to have Adam an inch away from my face even when it was alive, you asshole! I almost shat my pants,” Eddie exasperated. Billy grinned. “Nah, you weren’t even close. And if you would’ve, we still would’ve remained as your family.” Eddie couldn’t hide a small smile. “Fuck you,” he muttered as he got up, throwing his t-shirt on Billy and going to the head.
Steve walked into the cabin. “Okay, I see that you both my darlings are awake, so allow me to finally get some shuteye, will you?” he said and flopped next to Billy, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. “Mother can take care of the flying for now, since all she needs to do is to follow the beacon of the space station. But as I already told you, she’s not working as she should. Somebody needs to take a look at her.” Billy wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulders and placed a kiss on his temple. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of when we get to LV-444.” “The ship needs to be docked manually,” Steve said with a wide yawn. “I’ll take care of that, too. You just have your beauty sleep, princess,” Billy said and stood up. Steve grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. “I didn’t get my goodnight kiss,” he said. Billy smirked and leaned down to kiss him. “Sleep. Me and Eddie take care of the docking.”
A few hours later Billy sat down on the pilot’s seat of their ship, commercial assault vessel Petrini, and put his headset on when the space station on the orbit of LV-444 hailed them. “This is Space Station U.D. LV-444 actual. Please confirm your status and state your business.” “U.D. actual, this is Executive Officer Hargrove of the Commercial Attack Vessel Petrini. Our Mother has been misbehaving and someone needs to inspect her. We’ve understood that your station has someone who knows how to do that on an ex-military vessel. Sending you our initials now.” After a moment of silence, the U.D. LV-444 actual replied, “Petrini, your initials have expired. Please send us updated ones.” “Shit,” Billy muttered. He searched a file on his screen and looked at the first ones on the list. He quickly typed the initial codes on the field where he could send them to the space station. “Sorry for the confusion. Here are the updated ones.” After a moment of silence, the space station returned on the line. “Your initials check out. Please, for the future, keep the initials updated for a smooth transition to station space.” “Yes, ma’am,” he acknowledged the request. No way was he telling that they didn’t actually have initials of their own but a list stolen from a vessel that probably would never set foot in space this far out and that he had to type the initials by hand to the required field. A proper hailing system would naturally give up-to-date initials automatically. But some things they had weren't actually legally acquired, so... “Our station maintenance crew can do the work for you. However, the next available time slot for commercial vessels is in two days from now.” Billy muted the mic to groan. Then he unmuted it. “Acknowledged. That works for us.” “Docking permission granted. You may proceed to dock O-7. Please note that U.D. is a military station with limited civilian access.” “Acknowledged. Proceeding to dock O-7. Petrini out.”
Eddie slumped to the second pilot’s seat next to Billy. “Do I have to stay on the ship the whole time again?” he asked. “They said the civilian access is limited, not forbidden. Besides, none of us could really access any military stations unless we were 'subcontractors'. But it doesn’t hurt that I’m ex-marines with Harrington.” “Yeah, I’m just the monster geek,” Eddie scoffed, and readied systems into docking position on his side of the dashboard. Billy looked at him and interrupted his own preparations to reach his hand out to Eddie. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. You’re the reason we’re out here. You’re precious cargo. For a lot of reasons.” Eddie glanced at him, not convinced. “Right. And it’s not even really me. It’s just what I can do.” “Come on, Eddie. Don’t make me get up and cuddle with you to assure you’re important while we’re in the middle of docking. You’re the sole reason we are on this mission. You’re actually important.” “Well, you shouldn’t have woken me up with Adam in my face. It made me grumpy,” Eddie said. Then he pointed a finger at Billy. “And by the way, if it broke when it hit the floor, it’s on you and you’re going to catch a new one for me.” Billy’s eyes grew wide, and he turned slowly to look at Eddie. “You’re kidding? Right?” “Messing with the one who handles the monsters has dire consequences.” Billy swallowed and returned to his task in guiding the Petrini into the correct docking ring. Not that he wasn't experienced with the xenos. Eddie just had ways to make him do what he told him to do. After a while, Billy reached his hand out again, this time squeezing Eddie’s arm gently. “Hey, I’m sorry. I really am.” When Eddie didn’t reply, Billy let go and returned to doing his own check-ups. He’d have to come up with a way to do something nice for Eddie.
The space station grew larger on the screens that displayed the view from outside sensors. It was a ring that had several other rings around it, each a dock. They were assigned to dock on O-7, which meant that they were going to dock on the other side of the station.
Billy activated the docking systems. “Unable to engage the automatic docking sequence,” Mother, the ship's AI, said. “Yes, Mother, I know,” Billy replied to the AI. “Manually overriding the docking sequence." “Affirmative. Manual docking sequence activated," Mother confirmed. “Okay, let’s go,” Billy said and guided the ship towards the correct docking ring.
While they flew over the station towards their dock, they had the time to admire the view of the planet LV-444. It was magnificent. The station was a mere speck in the orbit of the gas giant and it filled all of their screens almost in full. The surface of the planet was in a never-ending turmoil, dark clouds swirling on its surface, forever changing their patterns. The planet was called a planetary gas station: it had high levels of helium, neon, and other gasses in its atmosphere that were needed either in production of fuel for ships - or weapons. Which was why the military station was located here.
Once the ship was docked, Eddie went to wake up Steve. He sat next to Steve on the bunk and brushed his hair gently with his hand. “Hey, Steve, pumpkin, wake up. We’re here.” Steve let out a deep sigh and turned on his side, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s waist. “Come to bed,” he whispered. Eddie smirked. “Would love to. Can’t. We just docked. I need to find those new batteries for my hunting suit.” Steve rolled on his back on the bunk and let out a breath. “I had already forgotten the whole battery thing. I’ll come with you.” Eddie grinned. “Does Billy know you just assigned him to be in charge of Eve?” Steve chuckled. “He’s going to be so pissed when he hears about it.”
Billy walked into the cabin. “I’m going to be pissed about what?” His jaw went slack when he saw both Steve and Eddie grinning at him. “No. Fuck no. I’m not going to...Shit. You’re both going?” Billy’s voice went from groan to whine, “Eddie, you can’t leave me alone with her!” He looked at Eddie deadly serious. Eddie chuckled. “You’re supposed to be the ex-marine who fears nothing, yet...” “Hey, any marine, active or not, who has even a sliver of self-preservation skills left, agrees with me. Eve is fucking huge, all teeth, and she hates me with vengeance. I can't handle her.” Billy glared at Eddie and wrapped his arms around himself. Eddie got up and walked to Billy, hugging him. Billy wouldn’t look at him. “There’s no need for you to go down there," Eddie assured Billy, "and she doesn’t want to leave her habitat. Neither of you want to interact with each other. You’ll be fine.” “You better come be quick about it," Billy mumbled.
Eddie and Steve exited their ship and started to walk towards the commercial section of the space station. “Why did you need the new batteries for the hunter suits again?” Steve asked. “Weren't they supposed to be self-charging?” Eddie looked to his feet for a moment. “Uh...that might have not been the whole truth.” Steve stopped. “What do you mean?” When Eddie noticed that Steve wasn't by his side any more, he turned around. “I gathered parts from wherever I found them. Yes, some of them are self-charging. One in your and one in Billy's suit. The ones in my suit are not.” Steve tilted his head and smiled a sad smile at Eddie. “Why didn't you say so?” “Well, I did now, didn't I?” “I mean,” Steve said and walked to Eddie, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “that if you'd told me that sooner, we could've snatched some of them on the last gig. There were plenty of them in that warehouse and we didn't take them with us since I and Billy thought we wouldn't have needed them. You need to talk to us.” “I know,” Eddie groaned. “But it's not easy. I've been doing this stuff alone for so long and...” Steve interrupted him. “I know. But you have to start trusting us more. Especially since we have Eve. We need to work as a team with her. It means trust. Right?” Eddie nodded as they started to walk again.
They arrived at the commercial section and started to look for a electrical part dealer. They knew there was one on all space stations, but they were the legal ones. Now, finding one that wasn't so strict about registering the sale to the legal systems was another thing. And as sure as there was a legal dealer, there was always one of the later too—especially on a space station this big. Luckily Eddie knew all the tricks to find one. He'd been doing the crazy scientist stuff by himself for a decade and it had taught him more than any schooling ever. And ever since giving birth to Eve he'd ascended to a whole new level. Except that while he was the one who could control her, he himself sucked at shootings and booby trappings and making safe spaces on an enemy ground – stuff he should've known how to handle. But he was a scientist, not a marine. That's why he had Billy and Steve. They had gotten a bit over halfway of the commercial section when an alert started sounding from all the speakers around the area with the pleasant voice of Mother: “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” Steve and Eddie looked at each other. Eddie frowned. “A breach that's severe enough for us to escape the station? This station has parted structure, right?” he asked Steve. “Yeah. That doesn't sound right. They should be able to seal just the breached part.” The alert sounded again. “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” Steve's brows knitted together. Then he glanced at Eddie, worried. “This is also a research station. New fuel solutions.” He paused. “And weapons.” Eddie bit his lip. “Could they have...” “Fuck. Anything is possible.” Eddie looked at Steve for a while before speaking, “You've seen this before, haven't you?” Steve sighed. “I hope not. On the last station like this—part military, part research, part commercial—the bastards were all over. The shit had already hit the fan.” “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” “Should we get going then?” Eddie asked and started to run back towards the dock where they'd docked Petrini.
After Eddie and Steve left to find the parts Eddie needed, Billy spent the first hour dozing off on the pilot's seat and listening to the radio chatter of the space station - illegally, of course. When the chatter suddenly became irregular, accompanied by calls for help that stopped in the middle of the call, Billy perked up. Icy coldness spread into his stomach and he hailed his companions through their scrambled team radios. "Eddie, Steve, please come in." No reply, only radio static that crackled a little from time to time. "Eddie? Steve? Please come in. It's Billy." Still nothing. Shit, Billy thought, this is bad. He turned the space station radio frequency back on. It was still all screams and irregular calls for help. He squeezed his eyes closed. "This isn't happening", he groaned. "This ain't fucking happening". He once more tried to hail Eddie and Steve on their private radio. He listened to the radio static for a while, when he recognized a familiar set of clicks. Three short ones, three long ones, three short ones. His stomach dropped. Eddie and Steve were in trouble. And since they used morse code, they most likely were hiding and couldn't speak. He'd seen this before. Only, he'd been the first one to come to the scene when the shit had already hit the fan and the results were running rampant. Though this probably wasn't far from that situation. They were here probably just a few days earlier than back then on that other station. He took a deep breath. He would have to find them.
Then a realization dawned on Billy. He buried his face in his hands and cursed. “Ffffffffffuck.” The only way he’d have any chance of finding Eddie and Steve quickly was to take Eve out for a walk.
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theyungihven · 2 years
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Sweetest Devotion ☆ Yunho
Pairing : alpha ceo yunho x omega secretary male reader
genre: romance, fantasy, office au, a/b/o universe
word count: 5.8k+ words
warnings : mentions of blood, unprotected sex, blowjobs (m receiving), claming, breif mentions of trafficking
networks : @underworldnet
tags: @star1117-archives ♡
The soft sunlight falls on the chairman's desk where he sits, in all of his glory, signing the documents and the pile of contracts that need his final approval to kick-start the project. His eyes carefully span across each line of the document, pointing out any errors in the final document which needed to be revised by the head of the concerned department. 
The perfectionist attitude towards work is what he says, brought his company to great heights in 10 years after its founding in the chairman's sweet 20s.  Quantum tech, the company pioneering in areas of advanced science and space travel is a booming business in the share market, as it has never faced a great loss in its history and the chairman swears by it every time in his meetings.
Charming as the very first time you'd seen him, he sighs, dropping the fountain pen on his desk and spilling its ink onto the office writing paper. But he has you, his saviour of a secretary to clean up his clumsy messes occurred in moments of peer pressure such as this, where he sighs again dropping his head low which hits the desk.
“Secretary y/l/n?” The chairman calls in a tired voice as he barely slips the words out of his lips. You fail to listen to them as you're lost in your dreamland while you stare out the clear glass window. He moves his arm a little to tug on your sleeve and it directs your attention at him. He looks up with his pleading innocent big round eyes then points at the mess on his desk.
“Sir, you've got to be careful with your favourite pair of shirts!” You worry about his favourite white dress shirt as you force him to sit up and push his chair a few inches away from the desk. The material of the clothing is one of finest and it has been tailored to fit the curves of the man you serve, which increases its worth more than your existence.
The weakness of your sick body resurfaces again as you have trouble standing straight and start losing the balance of your feet. You support yourself against the desk, as you wipe off the ink smeared on the desk with paper towels, under the prying gaze of your boss. Droplets of sweat roll down your forehead, as it wets the stiff collar of your shirt and you feel yourself close to collapsing at the very moment. Can he just stop staring? The predatory gaze of the chairman did nothing but just worsen your state plus the tight waistcoat makes it harder to breathe normally. 
“Are you alright, Mr. y/l/n?” The devil in disguise, your chairman asks, arching an eyebrow. He knows his secretary well and zoning out at such serious times is a habit his secretary dreads from the bottom of his heart. Your hesitation in answering him draws his attention. So he studies your face searching for something, as if he's concerned about your health.
“I'm alright, sir.” You answer without any effort, as you wipe the sweat gathering on your forehead with a handkerchief while standing beside his desk and your back facing the mirror you were staring through a moment ago.
“Knowing you, secretary (y/l/n), you're someone who said ‘I'm okay' while suffering from covid last month.“ He mutters, darting his eyes at you while studying every inch of you as if he's intrigued by your very existence.
“I apologise about that, sir.” You mumble, shifting your gaze to the hardwood floor underneath your shoes. “I dread burdening other folk, especially you, with my troubles.“ As an apology, you bow diligently in front of him and adjust the strap of clothing tracing the curve of your waist.
“It's okay, I understand but....you look so close to fainting right now, secretary y/l/n.” His eyes lay on you again as if they never left your figure in the first place. “Is there something you're hiding from me?” He asks with an emotion you've never heard, laced in his voice which now echoes in your ears. Your  cold and narcissistic boss, asking if you're alright? Never in your wildest dreams....or maybe this is a wild dream of yours.
“Sir, its-...... i-” You shutter, failing to find a believable lie to say to your boss. It has never been a hard task until this moment where his very existence in the room makes your breathing and the beating of your heart irregular. How are you going to tell him something very personal? You are in your twenties anyway, and with a profound mind you could get hired anywhere else.
“I'm not hearing a no again. As my personal secretary, I will be held responsible for overworking you.” The chairman hisses with anger laced in his tone as he slams the desk, standing up from his seat. He raises his eyebrows as he rolls his eyes and you nervously gulp at how the simple act stirs heat in your stomach.
You press your lips together, gathering some courage to spill the truth, knowing there was no gain in hiding information from your boss who definitely knows about your infinite lies. “It's- It's due to the blood transfusion.... l-last week, sir.” You shutter, forcing your eyes to look at the floor instead of meeting his piercing gaze. Damn, why is it suddenly so hot in here?
“Oh, did they not test it before giving it to you?” He tilts his head, as if plotting a crime in his head and the subject of the crime is your doctor.
“The thing is... sir... the tests came out fine....but the donor was an omega.” There is a high potential your lips might end up bleeding at the end of this interrogation by the rate you bite them whenever he asks you something though it has never been your thing. 
Perhaps, today marks a change in you. A beginning of something new?
“And?” He arches his eyebrows in a comical way which makes you almost laugh in the midst of the serious situation. 
“My doctor suspects I might go into a false heat because of the hormones.” At the end of your sentence, you were oh so sure the chairman's eyes flashes a dark tone of red through his irises. It is similar to the colour of the wine he prefers; deep red as a human's fresh blood dripping out its wound.
The atmosphere turns heavy, as the chairman takes deep breaths in attempts to calm himself. You start feeling a little uneasy and decide to leave the awkward conversation after the embarrassing confession and run out of his office. 
You hurry to grab your briefcase from the reception of his front desk and mutter a “I'll explain over text” to your assistant, then rush down to the lobby which has been a few floors of steps down. The elevator is just, not your thing. Plus, the chances of getting caught by the security are higher in it.
“Secretary y/l/n!” You hear someone yelling your name from the distance as you try to rush to the entry of the building, while speeding through the lobby. 
The voice sounds too familiar so you don't turn around and continue your pace until a hand wraps itself across your wrist. They turn you around, only to face your boss looking at you with great distress and concern plastered on his face. 
He breathes heavily due to all the running with you being the main cause as everyone in the lobby stares at you two, whispering the heavens know what.
“Sir? Are you alright?” You ask him, making sure he's alright. It's a habit that you've come to adopt whilst caring for him all these years.
He moves closer without any hesitation, close enough for your lips to touch each other. He then brings his lips closer to your ears and whispers, “you see all these people? They won't hesitate to pounce on you any moment. So come with me and you'll be safe.”
Within the extremely close proximity of your hot and handsome chairman, all you could do is nod your head to whatever he whispers in your ear as his breath flutters against your earlobe. Your eyes find their way to his fingers wrapped around your wrist, which he never lessened as he uses them to drag you back to his office. 
You enter the familiar office of his on the highest floor, fitted with highest grade material and the exquisite decorations that were added to enhance the space are way out of your pay grade. It is clearly unexpected when he seats you on the premium leather couch reserved for his special guests and rings his front desk for a coffee. 
Being a dedicated secretary you know his caffeine preferences at this time of the day, a vanilla latte with extra sugar but the extra order of a cup of espresso with a chocolate steals your breath. 
He knows what type of coffee you drink and even the additional preferences? What is with him and his sweet kdrama lead attitude today? It is so unlikely of him to act like it but....you're different too today. Are the Greek gods of fate bored on their thrones in the heavens today? Seems like it....
“Thank you, sir.” You thank the chairman as you sit a metre away from him on the same couch. Your eyes still quiver to meet his gaze as they focus on the watch you wore to work today. They widen in surprise when you realise it's your gift to him on the company's 10 year anniversary.
“It would be a shame if I didn't even remember your coffee preferences, when you know my entire diet.” He chuckles, fidgeting his fingers as he looks around the place, afraid to share the same gaze when he realises you noticed the watch on his wrist. 
“You never fail to flatter me, sire.” You mumble, eyes coincidentally falling on his slender fingers decorated with accessories which strangely dry your throat.
“I suppose, you barely know about the a/b/o anatomy.” His voice draws you out of your trance as a strange lavender scent fills the air and your chairman strangely likes it as he breathes deeply. Did he ask the staff to change the fragrance of his humidifier??
“I fear I skipped biology class at school sir.” You shyly mumble, rubbing the back of your neck as you grow embarrassed about skipping the biology of high-school. 
“It's alright, I've got you covered!” He almost chimes, grabbing the writing pad laying on the glass table in front of him, as he flips the cover open and proceeds to place it on his lap. You pass him a pen as he has broken it after dropping it on the desk earlier and he returns a soft smile at you which makes your heart oddly flutter.
You observe the movement of his fingers and the lines and letters they trace down the paper similar to a questionnaire with enough space left for writing answers. 
“Here are the five main things about wolf anatomy. Pheromones, Heat cycles, Marking/claming, the Secondary sex and Mating.” The words  he mentions make you uncomfortable in your seat since you are aware of some of them thanks to your loud roommates. “Let's start with the sub types or secondary sex, shall we?” He marks it number 1 with a circle around the number and you take a deep breath. You nod to agree with his question?It sounded more like his orders or were you used to his everywhere sounding like order ready to be taken care of? 
“Within the wolf communities, we have 3 subtypes. Alpha, beta and omega.” You try to take in the information in an anatomical sense but all your brain does is relate it to physics experiments. 
“Oh, are they like a hierarchical order?” You question him, humming as your brain questions their origins. You swear the look on his face is utterly comical when he hears your words and sighs.
“No no it like decides whether you can reproduce or not.” The chairman says, as your eyes fail to focus on his words and are rather interested on the ring he wears on his index finger.
“Ah, as in sterile and fertile groups?” Your mindless questioning tests his patience but he curls his hand into a fist to retreat his anger. 
“It's more complicated than that, Mr y/l/n. Listen carefully.”
“Yes sir.....” You divert your eyes to the floor in fear of getting scolded again. 
“The alphas basically are the male sex of the wolfs, meaning they can fertilise the eggs of the female sex, that are omegas.” His words light a bulb in your ocean of thought even though his speech is a bit different counting the awkward subject but nevertheless you understand it.
“Ohhh, so you can reproduce....” you blurt out without any second thought and his earliest turn red with embarrassment.
“Where did you hear that?” His question sounds more like a scream which shakes up your whole body from its resting place. 
“They call you the big strong alpha outside!” and like a complete idiot you point outside with your index finger.
“You are a bit comical today, secretary y/l/n. I like it.” The smirk creeping up his face makes you want to kiss it off his lips because it does something to the heat coiling in your stomach. It adds more fuel to it, making it burn harder and sending you down the road of devastation.
He observers your facial features for a while before continuing his lecture. “Anyways, betas are the ones that are sterile. Even though they can't reproduce, their group is prone to human trafficking for sex trade.”
“That's...a bitter truth I failed to hear all these years.” You nervously retort your eyes off his lips and trail along the curve of his thighs in the tight fabric of the pants.
“The most prone are omegas, secretary y/l/n. Being the female sex, meaning they have a uterus and can give birth, are most prone to sex trafficking. Major factor is their heats..”
“What happens in heats?”
“Did your doctor not explain the cycle?”
“Umm..sir..I kinda..”
“I understand. We might lose focus under stress.” You weakly smile, pressing your lips together and rub your sweating hands against the fabric of your black jeans. 
“Moving on the pheromones”  He continues while glancing in your direction every other moment to make sure you don't run away or your state doesn't get worse? But he is the fatal cause of your deteriorating state and the mess you are in the moment to be exact. “So these are hormones, sex hormones to be exact.”
“Ohhh like oestrogen and testosterone in humans”
“Yesh, my dear, but let me finish” He fakes a cry of distress and attracts all of your attention, sending you into panic mode.
Unable to compute the situation, you opt for the only measure in confusing situations; apologise,  “Sorry, chairman.” and you did. Buy the look he gives you after raising his head, sending shivers down your spine.
“Call me sir!” He orders, as if it's running an errand for him.
“Just call me sir.”
“Yes sir.” You nervously gulp, looking around to change the topic. “about the pheromones...?”
“Oh yeah... the pheromones...they are like scents, flowers released to attract bees.”
“So... that means…” your cheeks burn with hotness and you find yourself unable to think straight. “I'm sorry if I'm bothering you sire. I apologise if my condition is causing you any kind of distress.”
“I'm alright, secretary y/l/n.”
The moment of peace is interrupted by his receptionist walking in without knocking and it turns the soft expressions on your chairman's face into sour ones as his smile falters, replaced by a scowl. She places the 2 cups of coffee on the coffee table then almost says something but the chairman's dark gaze has her fleeing out his office.
“ Is my sickening scent making you nauseous, sir?” 
“Well...it is sickening indeed...but im alright.” Your eyes fall back onto the curve of his thighs and you notice he's oh so clear boner straining against his tight fabric. 
“Shall I sit far away, so it doesn't affect you much?” You say nervously gulping as your mind flashes the image of his erection even when you look away as quickly as you can. 
“I'm okay...we have stuff left, Mr kang.”
“Sir, please continue if you only can.” Your eyes finally meet his soft ones which quickly look away as if trying to hide something for you. He clears his throat, and looks at you again, a little long for now. 
“Are you alright sir?”
“We shall leave, secretary kang. I'm done for the day.”
“As you wish, sir. Let me make the arrangements.”
As you find the chairman's driver's contact and dial his number, the chairman slides his burberry coat onto your shoulders and whispers, “this will cover your scent for a while.” You breathe in his strong oud wood scent which covers your weak lavender scent and makes you feel at ease. You slightly bow, thanking him for the generosity and he returns you a warm smile which makes his lips curl up, showing his sharp canines.
The walk down the lobby is a fest of attention as everyone stalks you both from head to toe after the incident a few minutes prior in the same place. A stern gaze from the chairman drives them back to their work and then he looks at you with warmth in his eyes as if it's his way of saying “I've got it covered' and your heart skips a beat.
Things take a soft turn when Mr. Jeong asks his driver to lend him the keys as he wishes to drive himself home and without a question, he is handed the keys as asked and opens the door for you to sit then walks across the car to get himself inside the automobile.  
The atmosphere in the car is comfortable for both to breathe normally and exchange a few words as the young chairman starts his lecture for a little crash course about the wolf anatomy to you who never indulged in studying biology.
“About the heat cycle, you have the paper right?” He says softly as his eyes focus on the road ahead of him while he tries his best to drive in the 'insane' traffic of the metropolitan city.
“Yes, sire, I do have the writing pad with me.” You hold the writing pad which you snatched from his office the moment the paper attached to it contained important information. 
“Note this down.” He says and your hand is a machine ready to record his words on the paper and so you do, write what he says as you cannot devalue his words saying 'I'll remember this' because it could get you fired the very minute. 
“Heats are basically breeding cycles. Alphas have their ruts and omegas have their heat, which usually last upto a week.” His words make you gulp nervously but not listening to them is not an option. You write it down as your cheeks burn with embarrassment and he drives the car with the scariest expression you've even seen on his face. HOT!!
“In the next section, the mating one.” He points out using his index finger of the free hand which isn't on the steering wheel. “You can write, it's an act of claiming or marking your partner.”  Excuse me? What kind of beauty and beast stuff is this? You mark the one you love? “Also, after mating, their heat cycles sync up to help them......in helping each other i suppose.” The chairman clears his throat then turns into the next lane as he pulls over in front of the pharmacy. “I'll be right back, y/n. Stay right here and lock the door.” His authoritative voice works wonders on you as you nod at his orders and lock the car door after he steps out of it.
You take a deep breath, relaxing yourself in the car seat as you pull out your phone to call your fellow roommates, to inform them about the embarrassing events with your boss in his office. Their reaction is out of this world, just as you expect it to be when they learn about your heat and how your boss reacted to your pheromones.
They are excited to hear more from you, judging from the screaming and shouting and your boss is nowhere to be seen so you spill every detail on the phone. Sadly you have to end it when he returns but a message graces your phone from your doctor and it says 'important' in all caps which has your heart stop beating for a second. 
“These are scent blockers, heat suppressants and some other stuff to help you.”
“Umm. Sir...you shall see this..” You glance at the message and back at his face in uncertainty of what you've read and hand him the phone because he has proven to possess more brain cells than you even could in the morning. 
His eyes glance at the screen as he reads the text and they stare there for a whole minute while you nervously bite the inside of your cheek. You observe how his eyes widen, and he bites his lower bite as he mumbles, “I'll be back” with nervousness laced in his soft tone. With that he opens the car door, slips out of it and runs back to the pharmacy with the cover of medications he had just handed you over a moment ago. 
He gets back after a few moments of utter despair of you wondering if this is the end of everything and you're going to die but he gives you a reassuring smile which melts your heart to the pit of your stomach. Why does he have this effect on you?
“Is my condition worsening, as every minute passes by?” You ask him with teary eyes and guilt in your voice as if you have yet to ask forgiveness from your best friend for stealing their chips.
“Do you have a partner to spend your heat with, y/n?” He asks you in the most serious tone, the one with which he orders you around like a dog in the office and it hurts your Oh so fragile heart as your lips curl into a frown.
“Um-  no?”
“Not anyone you can trust too? Like someone close? Your doctor clearly stated not to spend it alone, as it might be painful.” His voice turns a bit soft, homely almost as he fidgets his fingers resting on his thighs.
“Well...you're the only alpha I know and whom I'm close enough to. People dont give a damn about humans these days. Even if you're tall as fuck.” You sigh, as you fake cry in front of your boss who sports a concerned expression on his face.
“I mean only if you are willing to..... also there's no pressure!”
“ I like you, Mr.jeong.”
“I always have ever since the first day I was appointed, as if I was inclined to your very being. I know I can be quite serious at work but I'm just trying to be professional in front of someone who fills my stomach with butterflies by doing the bare minimum.”
“Secretary kang, i- I never expected this from you.”
“I'm sorry, if I have breached the contract sir, but....” 
There is a pause in time as if everything just stopped for a second. 
“I don't think I can hide it any longer.” You say, the thing you've been dying to say since the aroma of his favourite earl grey tea hit your nose in the morning. “Your scent..... is doing something very strange to me. Because, why do I care if you'll leave me alone to spend this heat? What are you even doing this to me?” You let the string break and the dam collapses, giving your emotions the chance to flow out. 
You bawl out, with no care in the world and the chairman does the courtesy of talking to you in his embrace. The immense pain in your chest surges as you take deep breaths but something about being in his warm embrace, his arms around your body, calms you down the very instant. 
“I'm sorry, y/n. I'm really sorry.....for making you cry.” 
You break the hug and face him in utter disbelief but before you could say anything he shushes you by placing his index finger on your lips. 
“I know I've been a fool for punishing you all along. The very reason I hired you was, you attracted my attention. To be honest, you demanded it, as if, as if it belonged to you.” He is breathless by the end of it as if he has been dying to tell you this from the moment he first saw you in his life. “Yes, yes I like you too.”
He brings forward his hand to cup your cheeks and looks into your eyes with his soft ones that are so close to tearing up. “Infact, I like you so passionately that...that you're the only thing I can think of everyday, ignoring everything else in this world. You have no idea what you do to me, y/n. The very idea of hearing a ‘no' from you or you leaving me scares me the most.” And he breaks into tears, letting his head down as he dwells his heart out in your hands that support him. 
You draw him closer to your chest and whisper sweet nothings into his ear in attempts of calming him down. It works as he now looks up at you with red, puffy eyes that still hold their softness and warmth. You stay still for a moment or two until he finishes admiring your face, then mumbles ‘I'm going to kiss you'  softly and places a chaste kiss on your lips. But you pull him in again, not having enough for his soft lips and kiss him passionately as your lungs beg for air. 
You pull apart, gasping for breath and he chuckles, pressing his forehead against yours. “What is it?” You question him breathlessly, and he returns a fond smile.
“Nothing” He says, softly as his nose brushes against yours and your eyes meet his warm brown ones. He then pulls aways saying, “I don't want us to spend the day in here.” and pulls the hand bream, steering the car onto the main road. 
You discuss how embarrassed you were in the morning, when he had asked you to confess. After listening to your side of the story, he breaks into a fit of laughter. “Were really going to quit, y/n?” The question echoes in your mind as you rethink your decision and wonder what would have gone down if you did quit at the very moment. Would he still fetch for you or would this moment where you are playfully bickering ever take place?
You are pulled back into reality as he parks the car in front of his oh-so gorgeous house and pokes you on the arm with his index finger. You glance at him as his raven hair falls over his eyebrows. He isn't any less than a perfect man at the moment, who sends your heart swooning to the pit of your stomach. 
What have you even pulled yourself into? 
Your stomach curls at the thought of him lying about everything but you pushing it aside, you reassure yourself that it's just trust issues and paranoia acting up. 
Yunho opens the door for you, taking your hand in his as he holds it while you both walk on the pavement leading towards the greenhouse; his favourite place to relax and unwind and, so do you now, as you both make yourselves comfortable on the couch placed at the end of the Mirror Palace, which you had named the greenhouse.  
His housekeeper, whom you're very familiar with, walks in, asking if you need anything and informing that you both can enjoy the night in peace as everyone has gone home early. At which, your cheeks burn up due to embarrassment.  She also hands you a pair of comfortable clothes to change into as the one you are wearing look awful tight. But Yunho denies it, saying he'll need it later, as he sits on the couch, which leads to you and the housekeeper shyly blushing. 
"Get back on the couch before I drag you again" He says in a stiff tone, the one he used before to threaten you as his eyes roam all over your body. It curls the heat in your stomach, and drives to the edge when he grabs you by the waist, making you sit on his lap. 
"You didn't have to say that, you know" you mumble in the thin distance between both, as he gazes up into your eyes. 
"I thought you'd run away" He says with a teasing smile as his grip tightens on your waist. 
"Why would i-... oh...my pants!" Realisation hits you in the face like a truck, but it's too late as you feel the warmth of the liquid sliding down your inner thighs and the wetness of your pants. "Is this normal? I'm not dying, right?" You say as tears cloud your eyes in worry but he is quick to caress your cheeks and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. 
"It's perfectly normal, my love." His lips graze against the tip of your ears as they trail there for a moment, then move towards your neck. "It's called slick, my love." 
"Oh...I know what it is... please don't explain!" His tongue circles the soft skin of your neck, lapping on it delicately as he then sucks on it which only adds fuel to the wild heat in stomach. A soft whimper of pleasure escapes your lips and you are quick to cover your mouth in embarrassment. 
"I didn't get to kiss you properly, back then" Yunho says softly, as if drunk on the sweetest liquor while he pulls aways with a sly smirk on his lips. His brown eyes are hazy, with their warmth still present, but with a glint of mischief. He then licks his lips, as his gaze flickers between your teary eyes and soft lips. 
"It would have been a disaster." you make a brave decision to lean in and your lips lay dangerously close against his, with your warm breath fluttering over them. 
It is not in the slightest surprise to you when he procures your lips and tightens his hold on your waist, only to brush your thigh against his erection straining in the cafe of his pants. His hands wander across the span of your clothed body in desperate attempts of grounding himself. 
The dress shirt keeping your decency falls down as his fingers fiddle with its buttons and soon you're half naked in front your boss. He stares at your sweaty chest with lust gleaming in his eyes and you bite your lips in embarrassment. He then proceeds to widen his thighs apart, unbuckling your dress pants in haste. They are dragged down to your knees and further down with one hand and he lifts up your waist with another, as if you're made out of foam. 
You wrap your legs around his waist in attempts of securing your balance, only to realise he's bare underneath you. Your cheeks flush as they meet his eyes, but being the tease he is, Yunho presses down your hips against his unclothed groin. 
His fingers caress the flesh of your buttcheeks, as they then travel lower towards your clenching hole, whose rim he circles with the pad of his index finger. You bite harder on your lip as he attempts to press his finger into your wet hole which provides him friction. 
You raise your hips a little to chase the friction as your eyes turn hazy but it ends up in pressing the head of his cock against your hole. It urges you to bite your lower lips in attempts of hiding your moan but Yunho uses his thumb to unleash your lip trapped underneath your teeth. 
He places a chaste kiss to them as his hands caress your face, his hands leaving the arch of your hips and your balance trips but he quickly catches you, chuckling away the mistake. 
You are then placed carefully on the couch with your back against the soft fabric and his broad figure leaning over yours. He leans in, lowering himself to your level as he captures your lips again while his hand finds solace in the curve of your waist. 
His fingers brush against your hard cock as he takes it in between his fingers, rescuing it from the dreadful hardness. It escapes numerous moans from your lips as he pumps your length against the soft skin of his finger's hold, which tightens every minute and chases the warm fuzzy in the pit of your stomach. It is not long before you reach your limit, patting Yunho’s thigh as he had asked you to when you are close to heaven. So you did, as he twists his wrist in a certain way and as he had promised, he blesses you the magnificent sight of heaven in his presence. Oh dear lord!
The next moments is fuzzy as your brain gives up when his oh-so big length pushes into your hole as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. But you promise yourself one thing; to hand in the resignation letter after your heat ends.
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exceptionalzed · 2 years
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3 characters at school headcanons
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Here’s my headcanons for how I think the Z-O-M-I-E-S 3 characters do in school!
Zed: We already know Zed is at the top of his class, but in general, I don’t think he’s too worried about his class rank. At least, not until it affects college. He works hard in school mostly to make sure he can stay on the football team and in order to be able to make up for all that he wasn’t able to learn before joining school with the humans.
Addison: Like Zed, Addison is more concerned with her extracurriculars (cheerleading) than her actual school classes. This isn’t to say she doesn’t try; rather, I think she actually does fairly well in school. I just don’t think it’s a huge concern for her compared to cheerleading and joining all the different groups in Seabrook together.
Eliza: Alright, Eliza’s smart. We all know this. She’s got all the smart-people classes down, you know, science, math, computer tech, all of that. However, I think where she struggles may be the creative electives she has to take.
Bonzo: Bonzo is more or less the opposite of Eliza. While he’s not bad at his regular classes, he most certainly excels in electives, namely languages, music, and art. He does well in these classes simply because he enjoys them so much, it’s more of a passion for him than just a regular school class.
Bucky: Bucky sucks at school. He probably failed a grade at least once... dude isn’t very smart. He especially doesn’t have any common sense considering he flew out into space on the ship that probably vaporized him. The only reason he hasn’t been kicked out of school due to his incompetence is his cheerleading skills.
Bree: Bree is generally pretty average in school. All around she’s quite smart, but she also has her moments of struggling in certain classes where she may go to someone like Eliza for a bit of help.
Willa: Alright, hear me out, Willa does not do good in school. Not because she’s dumb, but because she simply does not care. She does not see the point in trying to learn math or ancient history, and she especially doesn’t care about government. She would rather spend her time studying hunting tactics than the pythagorean theorem.
Wyatt: Wyatt does good in school. He finds a lot of the information genuinely interesting, and he thinks it’s a good idea to try well in school, especially since his sister doesn’t seem to care one bit about it. He does have to study to maintain his good grades, but he’s generally seen as a good student.
Wynter: Wynter does not try. She is all over the place and does not enjoy having to sit down for hours a day just to learn about Napoleon Bonaparte. She simply gets way too bored and distracted. Amazingly enough though, she does manage to keep average grades. Whether or not that’s because she is cheating off of Wyatt is yet to be determined.
A-spen: A-spen does... ridiculously well in school. Like so well it makes a lot of “less intelligent” people dislike them. So well to the point where you just want to scream into your laptop while you struggle to write an English essay. Even though A-spen isn’t familiar with Earth history or culture, they still do amazing in those classes simply due to how fast they learn and how curious they are.
A-lan: A-lan also does enrangingly well, but he isn’t really trying to learn anything. The only reason he would ever want to do well in school is to leer it over someone else’s head. Honestly he would prefer to be out and about the city trying to beat every world record there is than sitting around learning things.
A-li: A-li, like all aliens, does superb. Alarmingly superb when it comes to things like archery or learning ancient torture tactics in history. The only problem is that her anger issues may cause her to be suspended once or twice (launching pencil sharpeners across the room is, in fact, frowned upon).
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All the books I reviewed in 2022 (Part I: Fiction)
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Every year around this time, I round up all the books I reviewed in the previous 12 months; both as a convenience for readers and to remind myself that I don't need to feel quite so horribly guilty about all the books I *didn't* review (to those authors: rest assured, I still feel horribly guilty).
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I should probably mention here that I had a book of my own come out in 2022:
Chokepoint Capitalism (co-authored with Rebecca Giblin)
A solutions-oriented look at how concentration in the tech and culture industries screws over creative workers, filled with detailed proposals for unrigging these markets and getting artists *paid*:
Before I get to this year's books, here are links to previous editions. These are also good books and deserving of your attention!
* All the books I reviewed in 2021: https://pluralistic.net/2021/12/08/required-ish-reading/#bibliography
* All the books I reviewed in 2020: https://pluralistic.net/2020/12/08/required-reading/#recommended-reading
Now, on to 2022!
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I. Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson
An ambitious, sprawling tale of an eccentric Texas truck-stop magnate who unilaterally begins a program of geoengineering in a bid to cool the Earth by doping the stratosphere with sulfur. A great look at the social and technical dimensions of geoengineering, filled with Stephensonian grace-notes, from superb use of language to delightful, idiosyncratic characters.
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II. Dark Factory by Kathe Koja
Koja – an incredible, versatile writer who has pioneered multiple genres of fiction – presents an "immersive novel," about a high-stakes Bohemian party scene of mixed-reality artists, wealthy dilettantes, weird theorists and the very serious business of fun.
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III. Aspects by John M Ford
The long-awaited, unfinished first volume of a steampunk fantasy series, with an introduction by Neil Gaiman; "what Game of Thrones might have been, if the author had been fascinated by trains…communication and politics, magic, redemption, and the forms that love can take." A book of quiet – but stunning – erudition. Every aspect of Ford's world – its politics, its history, its geography, its magic, its technology, its economics, its mythos – rings true. What's more, every part of it fits together with the rest of it in a way that is so believable that it feels realer than our own world at times.
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IV. Up Against It by Laura J Mixon
The cracking first volume of WAVE, a space-opera series that manages to be both original — full of smart new ways of looking at science fiction ideas — and old fashioned — full of the kind of whiz-bang action-adventure that made so many of us fall in love with the field in the first place, about high-stakes administration of a space colony, where being good at your job is the utmost praxis. Republished as part of the Tor Essentials line.
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V. The Animals In That Country by Laura Jean McKay
An extraordinary debut novel, about a plague of understanding that sweeps across Australia, leaving the infected cursed with the ability to communicate with animals. It's an inversion of the standard trope of people and animals communicating with one another and finding mutual understanding and peace as a result. McKay sets herself the (seemingly) impossible of dramatizing human-animal communication without anthropomorphizing the animals, and then pulls it off – brilliantly.
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VI. Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey
A gothic horror/haunted house novel that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It's a spooky tale of body-horror and homecoming that's full of twists and turns and unexpected villains and heroes. Vera's father Francis Crowder was a serial killer, but he loved her. He built the house she grew up in with his own hands, including the soundproofed basement. He did bad things, and he went to prison for them, and Vera never saw him again.
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VII. A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys
A spectacular first-contact novel about complicated utopias and networked conflict – it's a wild ride, where the protagonist is a perfect match for the world, where a century of incredibly hard, smart work has carried us through the climate emergency, to the point where it's possible to believe that, over time, we will stabilize our relationship with the only known planet in the known universe capable of sustaining our species.
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VIII. When Franny Stands Up by Eden Robins
Here's the McGuffin of this debut novel: The advent of World War II and the rise of woman comedians (filling in the vacuum left by the departure of all the men) reveals the existence of Showstoppers: involuntary psychic reactions that woman comedians can induce in female audience members when they're really cooking. A book that feels simultaneously  utterly contemporary and like an old, beloved classic.
Next up: Kids books!
Image: Matthew Petroff https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:George-peabody-library.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: Interior of the George Peabody Library in Baltimore.]
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patchworkideas · 1 year
Yugi/Atem, M Rated
Alternate Universe - Subnautica Fusion, No Subnautica Knowledge Required, Happy Ending, Science Fiction, Survival, Adventure, Romance, Grief/Mourning, Trauma, Fluff, Communication, Cultural Differences, Ancient Egyptian Religion - Freeform,
Includes but not very graphic: Sex, Injuries, Infection, Parasites, Politics, Death (not main characters and off screen)
Atem, Crown Prince of Khemet, a world only recently introduced to the wider universe. On the way to an arranged marriage to an alien princess he's never met. Hoping to save his people.
Yugi Muto, head engineer of the Gandora and grandson of the captain. The ship his home, the crew his family.
4546B, an unexplored ocean planet.
Two survivors. One lifepod.
Chapter 1
Atem wasn't even surprised anymore.
Exasperated, desperate, but not surprised. The last months had been getting progressively worse after all. Really, he should've expected this.
"Listen," he hissed with the little patience he had left, "I am not some spoiled tourist. Lives depend on me getting there in time. And if you can't get me there," he gestured derisively at the broken parts of the supposedly top class ship, "then tell me who can!"
The man looked at him calculatingly, before finally relaxing and drawling, "Well, you are trying to leave Federation space, so your pickings are slim. Needs a whole lot of paperwork to even get permission. That alone would take most ships days - if not weeks - at the very least to set up. Buuuut - I think I do know someone who could help you. Far as I remember old Solomon still has his permit, and is flying in that direction anyway. I meant to meet him here while both our ships filled their tanks. But I already sent him a rain check after your emissary in spe insisted the repairs couldn't wait - so he's likely not staying long. He's over in Bay 613. I can send a message, but if I were you I would run. No telling how long he's gonna wait."
Atem cursed in a highly un-princely fashion and gave the order - in his native Khemetian - to grab the most important gifts. They didn't have time to carry all of them over.
Grabbing one of the rings from his hand he turned to the man again.
"Send that message. And continue the journey as soon as you've finished your repairs. I will meet you there."
Handing the solid gold ring with its precious stones off to the man, he pulled out his rather new tablet for quick directions. It had definitely been overpriced, gift or not. Not even two month old and already much slower than it should have been. Stupid, cutthroat Federation tech-
Atem finally rushed forward. Blind, desperate hope to prevent a senseless war in his heart. To provide a future for his people.
Or at the very least buy them time to prepare with his own life.
"Only a fool would willingly travel through Zorkian space. Nevermind visiting their homeplanet. So no, I will not be flying you there. But!" the old man continued before Atem could further voice his desperation.
At this point he wasn't above begging and he feared it showed.
"I know there's a trading station with a direct connection - if you are fool enough to step foot on one of the Zorkian ships too. I can get you there, but it's going to cost you. Not that you will have use of any of your luxury where you are going."
"Thank you for the warning, Captain. I believe that this should suffice?" The number on the check was not a bad one for the distance, but admittedly on the low side considering they were leaving Federation space. Before the old man could voice his open displeasure Atem continued, "I will double it if you get me there in under a month."
"Triple. This old lady isn't made for speed, and on top of running her ragged she will need a whole lot more to drink."
"Deal." Atem agreed, aware of the calculating glint in the man's eyes. There was something about the captain that warned Atem not to underestimate him. Despite the jolly nature he had at first shown there was clear intelligence there. If they negotiated for long, like his people usually did, he feared the price would only rise.
And he really didn't have the time.
Nor the stomach, if he was entirely honest with himself. In which case he would have to admit that he would likely not be doing much negotiating at his destination either. Or ever again.
Honesty was overrated.
Captain Solomon blinked, and looked at him for a moment that felt like an eternity. Atem couldn't read him, even though that was literally what he was trained to do.
With people of his own culture, rather than planets all over the universe.
Not being able to read even a simple ship captain was disconcerting. Disheartening, really.
But in the end the captain laughed. They shook hands and that was that. Atem's fate was once again sealed.
And if there had been a hint of pity in the old man's eyes when he told them where to go, Atem ignored it.
He had been getting entirely too good at that.
Perhaps the pity for once had not been for his coming fate, but rather for the immense discomfort he and his people would be facing the next weeks.
"The cargo bay. They expect us to sleep in the cargo bay?!"
"They don't usually transport passengers. It was hard enough getting passage at all, and we all agreed before leaving that our mission is more important than our comfort. Did we not?" Atem admonished his attendant. Shada? Shadi?
He had read up on all six of them before undertaking the journey. Each of them volunteers without family. High enough up the hierarchy to matter, low enough they weren't irreplaceable.
The least he could do was remember their names.
But Atem was tired, tempers were high, and most of all he just wanted his friends right now. Mana who could make anything look like a good thing, could make him laugh when he was crying. Mahad who always knew what to say, who had fought tooth and nail and had to be restrained when Atem left anyway.
Atem couldn't let him come along, as he would have if given the chance.
And he couldn't not go. His people needed him.
Even with all that in mind he was still glad when one of the crewmen came by and at least fabricated them some beds.
A young man - boy? - with wild, colorful hair. Same height as his, but Atem was short for a Khemetian. And Federation people all seemed to be giants.
Quickly silencing his attendants muttering, he nodded his head in thanks - a federation gesture he had picked up from their diplomats.
There was nothing comfortable about this journey or the destination, but at least he wouldn't already be hurting all over when he arrived.
Chapter End
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ao3feed-supercorp · 11 months
Hanging by Multiple Multiverses
by walkingintomyhead
To say the least,Tony was losing hope by the minute. All signs pointed to the avengers losing the fight against Thanos, and all he could do was…watch? No, no, of course he could do something, he was one of the smartest guys when it came down to tech and science, so why was it now that he just couldn't think of a solution? As he was moping about his lab, he remembered a gadget Fury once talked about with him, something about it being able to send a message far out in space; he didn't know if he could make it and have it work, but as a last resort, he sure as hell could try.
And try he did.
Words: 1353, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Fanny (Black Widow movies), Lucky (Hawkeye), Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Nick Fury
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Clint Barton/Laura Barton
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe, Soft Natasha Romanov, swearing probably, Soft Wanda Maximoff
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/1bjnYJV via IFTTT https://ift.tt/1bjnYJV
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rogesims · 1 year
LOOK WHO'S BACK! A few months, patches and Reshade/Gshade presets later, the Harris household crossed the portal opened by the Strange Sim. Just as they magically appeared, their memories slowly adapted into the new reality.
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This was the first time Tito and Moe saw each other in their madeover selves. T: "Welcome to our new reality, babe! You're rocking this short hair!" M: "You don't look so bad yourself, mister!"
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"I guess we have a teenage son now?", Moe said. Leo had suffered some space-time stretching and crossed over a lot older than his old toddler self. "Look guys, I can actually speak now. And I don't poop my pants anymore!" 
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"We're in Glimmerbrook, it's a three hour trip from Evergreen Harbor. The highway is at the end of this road here. We're gonna have to teleport from there."
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"It seems like we're a couple of packs behind. We missed cows and glitchy weddings, and we're living in the new High School pack town."
"High School pack? Does that mean I'm gonna start Gen 3 as a teen? No offense Mom, but we need an Heir Refresh in this Legacy."
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Tito, Moe and Leo walked all the way to the Glimmerbrook Brewery, by the Pinewood Highway. "According to this accessory map, Copperdale is Southwest from here." 
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They took a pickup from the parking lot across the road (it was debug so no one would miss it), and starter driving to Copperdale, where a new legacy story begins... 
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The Harris arrived in Copperdale. They now lived at a small building in the Prescott Square, first floor apartment. If they wouldn't live in Del Sol Valley anymore, at least this was a very NICE change of scenery! 
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This is their living room. Thank the Watcher they could bring all their pictures with them when they crossed!
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This is Tito and Moe's bedroom. Moe kept her Starlight Accolades as a memory of times past, even if she would keep it all for herself!
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Leo got the other bedroom. Can you tell he's a bit of a geek? 
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In this new universe, Tito's younger twin siblings don't exist. Instead, his parents had Willow, who's a teen sim. She has a few more weeks to graduate, and moved to Copperdale to study at a local community college affiliated to Foxbury, a great tech uni from the United Simdom. 
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And this is their cozy kitchen, where Tito has been practicing his Gourmet Cooking skills to find a nice job and save the simoleons he needs to complete his Restauranteur aspiration! 
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This universe Moe has a Social Justice degree, and is trying to raise the Political ladder, one step at a time!
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Willow have been diving head first on her books. She wanted a distinguished degree in Computer Science, and she'd have to work hard for it. Not to mention the scholarships!
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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A. Full grown fire drake (70 feet tall) for size reference
B. Main Thrusters
C. Wing Thrusters for Maneuverability
D. Cockpit
E. Front View w/ Solar Sails
F. Offensive Add ons
G. Defensive Add ons
H. Sky Rings (for hovering)
I. Recreation/Training Upper Tower/Fin
J. Front View
K. Dining Hall
L. Hangar Bottom Tower/Fin
M. Self Sustaining Pods
N. Space Screen
O. Cold Storage Silo
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First Main Floor
P. Misc Pod 1
Q. Garden Pod
R. Library Pod
S. Misc Pod 2
T. Outdoor Pod
U. Social Pod
V. Storage Tower Base
W. Engine Room (Beneath 1st Floor)
Second Main Floor
X. Personal Living Suites
Y. Dining Hall Close up
Z. Bow end Elevator
Third Main Floor
1. Storage (non food)
3. Art Studio
4. Gym
5/6. Pool/Spa
7. Workshop
8. Sick Bay
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Rajin is the main setting of my story. She is a massive air/spaceship traveling between worlds while self sustaining internal functionalities for life and comfort. Capable of carrying hundreds, but a crew of only 5 individuals made her into their permanent home for several years while they take to exploring the deeper and darker reaches of the Universe.
General overview…….externally, Rajin is inspired by the sun and betta fish with its tall upper and lower fin like structures and wings. A series of see through pods line the bottom section. Every part of Rajin….engines, sky rings, even the walls and floors are alive in a sense as they shift very slightly with the pulses of elemental magic running all throughout the ship.
Speaking of elemental magic, Rajin is powered by the 8 main crystals containing, ice, air, lightning, earth, water, fire, dark, and light energies. The balance…push and pull between the larger dark and light crystals power general to warp speed travel. Most other space ships currently depend on advanced tech, special fuel, and orbital rings for space exploration and this is only within a series of metropolitan like planets/systems including Youndre. Every other world is considered independent/isolated even depending just on magic vs. science. The other crystals aid in basic/beneficial functions like heating, cooling, lighting, providing clean water, and nutritional vegetation.
Internally, Rajin was restored and rebuilt to provide personalized living for Eldoron, Jessie, Orion, Ian, and Trish while in mid hyperspeed for weeks on end. Outside of each of them having large house like rooms, they also have access to shared recreational, nature filled spaces, look outs,….etc.and being able to prepare ahead with training rooms and a smithy/leather crafter workshop for armor and weapons.
Everyone plays different roles to upkeep Rajin while also supporting each other…..i.e. Eldoron sets its courses and manually flies/lands the ship, Ian improves and repairs (by encouraging Rajin’s self-healing properties), Jessie runs the sick bay and aids in harvesting and cooking, Trish helps with plant and animal care (including the care of the creatures she temporarily holds for rescue), and Orion helps charge and balance the magic between all the crystals to keep everything stable.
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lastavenged · 5 days
Muse list w/ brief bio
This post will be updated as muses are added and removed. I will put this under a readmore for sake of length.
you are welcome to like this post.
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Pepper Potts // set solely in 616 comics // mid 40s // human, non-powered but iron suit // fc: jamie clayton // trans woman, she/her // bisexual
formerly Pepper Potts is known as Tony Stark's executive and personal assistant, now she is presently the CEO of Resilent (a tech & city building company) as well as the owner of the nation's largest media outlet, as well as infrequently superhero known as Rescue
[ pepper headcanon tag ]
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Karen Page // set both in 616 & an adapted Netflix only (selectively excludes films & d+ shows) "mcu" verse // mid 20s to late 30s // human, non-powered // fc: deborah ann woll // cis woman, she/her // bisexual
616 setting - flexible on timeline (throw arc for karen), but focus on Paige Angel arc, in which Karen is the midnight host of a call in radio show and does a lot of outreach work // NCU setting - varies on setting, working on adapting a "Paige Angel arc" for her, but she is a journalist and office manager of N&M
[ karen headcanons tag ]
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Greer Nelson // set in 616 // 30s to 40s // no longer human, mystic weretiger // fc: adria arjona // cis woman, she/her // bisexual
After returning college to finish her bachelors in biology, and became the lab assistant of Dr Joanne Tumolo. Whom she would aid her in the creation of a superhuman serum, Greer would don a costume and become the vigilante The Cat until she is poisoned with radiation by Hydra. Tumolo would save Greer's life, by revealing she (Tumolo) was a Cat Person and would transform Greer to the mystical warrioress Tigra (this would be permanent and only can appear as she once was a human by an amulet). PRESENTLY, she is a single mom, raising her five to seven year old son William, and doing vigilante work with the Midnight Mission
[ greer headcanon tag ]
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Clea Strange // set in 616 // none applicable // faltine, non-human, mystic energy // fc: natasha o'keeffe // cis woman, she/her // bisexual
Daughter of Umar the Unrelenting, niece of Dormammu, former disciple of Stephen Strange, as well as his (ex) wife. Former Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. Presently, she is resides on Earth and is currently the Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension and is the Warlord of Manhattan.
[ clea headcanon tag ]
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Nadia Van Dyne // set in 616 // 18 to 23 // human, tech genius and powered by pym particles // fc: n/a // cis woman, she/her // aromantic asexual
Daughter of Maria Trovaya and Hank Pym. She was raised in the Red Room's school for geniuses, Science Class. After fleeing from Russia and making it to America, she went in seearch of her father, Hank Pym, only to find he had died. With help from Matt Murdock and Janet Van Dyne, Nadia got citizenship and established herself in America, living in Hank's old home in Cresskill, New Jersey. Here she introduce herself to the Aveengers and would form Genius in action Research Labs (G.I.R.L.) speficially meant for young upcoming geniuses with an emphasize on girls in stem. She would take the last name of her adoptive step mother, Janet Van Dyne, and serve as teammate for both the Avengers and Champions.
[ nadia headcanon tag ]
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Singularity // set in 616 // unknown // a sentient singularity, a universe hopping pocket dimension // nonbinary, she/they/any // non-applicable
Singularity first appeare in Battleworld's doman of Arcadia and made friends with the A-Force. Singulairty scarificed themself to save Arcadia. The next known point in the multiverse they appeared was in Earth-616 and united the 616's version of A-Force to take on Antimatter. Singularity can travel through space, time, dimensions, and multiverse at will and random; she is known to want friends and help heroes.
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Linda Carter // set in 616 // in 40s // human, non-powered // fc: robin tunney // cis woman, she/her // heterosexual
Linda Carter is one of New York's many nurses and general practioners who service the superhero and low income communities. Famouly, she has opened the Night Nurse clinic, a private clinic spefiically meant for superheroes, vigilantes, powered individuals, all without any charge. She addtionally keeps a network of other "Night Nurses" a shared monkier for medical professioners who provide similuar services. Famously, she has dated Doctor Strange and Hawkeye
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Gamora // based solely on Eidos-Montreal's GotG game // in her 20s in Zehoberei years // Zen-Whoberi // fc: n/a // cis woman, she/her // lesbian
Gamora Zen-Whoberi, formerly Gamora Zen-Whoberi Ben Titan, is one of the main characters in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy game. She is the adoptive daughter of Thanos, and a former assassin regarded as the "deadliest woman in the galaxy". Pardoned due to her contributions to the Resistance, she is currently a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy alongside Peter Quill, Drax, Groot and Rocket.
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Mantis // based solely on Eidos-Montreal's GotG game // young adult for a Lamentian // Lamentian // fc: n/a // genderqueer, she/they // lesbian
Mantis is the tritagonist in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy game. Known as the Celestial Madonna to the Priests of Pama, Mantis is a close friend of Gamora and a valuable ally to the Guardians of the Galaxy in the fight against the Universal Church of Truth.
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The Hunter // protagonist of Marvek's Midnight Suns by Firaxis game // was 27 at time of death // Half-human, half-demon // demi-woman, she/they // lesbian
Centuries ago, Hunter was born the only child of an ordinary man and a powerful immortal. When Hunter’s father fell victim to a plague, Hunter’s mother, the sorceress Lilith, was consumed by grief. Her inner turmoil twisted her magic and led her down a path of darkness until she became a demi-goddess of evil. Hunter was raised in secret by Lilith’s sister, Sara, as a weapon against Lilith. When Hunter came of age, they fought against Lilith with the Old Midnight Suns. In the end, Hunter proved the only hero strong enough to defeat Lilith and restore peace. However, the battle was won at great cost, and Hunter was slain alongside their demon mother. Both were buried for centuries, until Lilith was awoken by Doctor Faustus working for Hydra, her devastating powers augmented and amplified by modern technology and magic. Hunter was resurrected as well, to lead a new team of Midnight Suns. However, Hunter is haunted by their own demons of grief and guilt, leaving them to battle not only their mother, but also their inner darkness and light.
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vkq103487428 · 2 months
Week 9: Communities, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game
Gaming can be anything you want
Ever since the dawn of man, we have always been interested in finding different ways to entertain ourselves. First, it was cave painting and making weird noises around the campfire, then it became writing and reading, then making up physical games to pass the time.
Then, somewhere down the line, some absolute genius of a man (or woman, we don't know for sure) invented The Royal Game of Ur in Mesopotamia, and that action changed the course of human history forever.
This boardgame, which would not look out of place among a lineup of the latest boardgame collection at your local bookstore, was so universally loved that it eventually acquired superstitious significance among the population:
"Instead of seeing randomness, people saw the invisible hand of the spiritual realm. Landing on the Waters of Chaos in senet was no random event but a message from a god, a ghost, or even your own soul" (Donovan 2017, p. 16).
Jeez, and they say games were good for nothing...
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Fast forward to today, and games are everywhere. From boardgames collecting dust on the shelves of bookstores (seriously though, Vietnamese children should REALLY start playing boardgames again instead of burning away their dopamine receptors by watching YouTube Shorts and TikToks 24/7), to video games covering basically every single need imaginable.
You want a competitive experience with challenging gameplay? Pick up League of Legends!
You want to just sit back and have some fun with a couple of friends? Boot up Among Us!
You want to experience a heartfelt and gripping story about love, loss and regrets, that would forever change how you look at your life and the seemingly mundane experiences you go through? First off, are you okay 🥺? Secondly, play To The Moon!
All in all, gaming has come such a long way that in its current form, it literally has something for everybody.
Gaming just really brings people together
Games have always been a core part of my life. Even before I was introduced to digital devices, I was fascinated with traditional Vietnamese games like Ô Ăn Quan and Cờ Cá Ngựa.
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This love for playing games has led me to many different friend groups over the years, and while we all come from different walks of life, when we got together, only one thing mattered: having fun.
And that, in my opinion, is where gaming's the most powerful. Even though some games can be played alone, the experience has always been about connecting with other people through a medium that is enjoyed by all parties involved.
Like every other hobby, gaming really brings people from all different backgrounds together. But perhaps due to the fact that most of the interactions between members of gaming communities happen online, which eliminates the need for face to face interactions, the medium has become a safe space for introverted gamers to fully emerge themselves in their hobby, without fear of being judged (Kowert, Domahidi & Quandt 2014).
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Furthermore, gaming as a hobby is still a controversial pastime, with many parents complaining that they are good for nothing. Research has shown that 4 in 10 adults still believe that people who play video games are more likely to be violent (Duggan 2015). Parents also associate their children playing games with more conduct and peer problems, as well as less prosocial behaviour (Lobel et al. 2014).
This negative attitude towards gaming has given the communities built around it this sort of aura of mutual empathy for each other, a trait similar to counterculture and outcast groups of the past decades (Steltenpohl 2020).
Donovan, T 2017, It’s All a Game : the History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Catan, Thomas Dunne Books, New York, p. 16.
Duggan, M 2015, ‘Gaming and Gamers’, Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/12/15/gaming-and-gamers/>.
Steltenpohl, CN 2020, ‘Exploring online and gaming communities through community psychology’, Thesis Commons (OSF Preprints), Center for Open Science.
Kowert, R, Domahidi, E & Quandt, T 2014, ‘The Relationship Between Online Video Game Involvement and Gaming-Related Friendships Among Emotionally Sensitive Individuals’, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 447–453, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4080869/pdf/cyber.2013.0656.pdf>.
Lobel, A, Granic, I, Stone, LL & Engels, RCME 2014, ‘Associations between children’s video game playing and psychosocial health: information from both parent and child reports’, Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, vol. 17, no. 10, United States, pp. 639–43, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25272237>.
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