#lou and haz
28larry369 · 2 years
Moments when Louis got butterflies and was all blushy with Harry 🥺.
When Harry was pulling a funny face :
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When Harry told him he loved him back:
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When Harry touched his hand:
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When Harry was looking at him and he just:
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When Harry was serenading him:
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When he got shy and just:
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Where he acts as though Harry just hung the moon and collected the stars for him:
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lonnieontherun · 5 months
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Christian Slater & Lou Diamond Phillips in "Young Guns 2." (gifs by @stozzibof)
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larrylimericks · 2 years
To the Larries who raced unabashed To the Garden from summer’s-end Bash To see both Larents play, The same city, same day, Stuff of legends, your rainbow-streaked dash.
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thebreadvansstuff · 11 months
this is so random but can you explain your username & headline thing to me.. like is it a joke i’ve missed or canon?
Hi, anon! It's only my favourite Haz n' Lou moment!
Let me explain...
In 2014, One Direction were put in the back of a bread van, in order to sneak past the fans and see Christ the Redeemer. Here's a picture of them!
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That is all explained in the TV Special (starts at minute 25.59).
Now, if you listen closely, you can clearly hear certain noises and whispers coming from the boys.
To my interpretation (and many other fans', as well), it goes like this:
27.08 - Smacking *kissing* noises
27.12 - Someone: *shhh*
27.13 - Louis: Sorry lads
27.14 - Harry: Lou...
27.16 - Louis: We just made out (??)
Louis kissed Harry in a bread van.
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sassylav · 1 year
Okay so imagine this: two possible lovers are forced to publically not be together. One of them played a movie character years ago in a school play. Then years after that incident their "possible" s/o dresses up as that character for Halloween in front of the eNTiRE wORLd. THEY ARE GIVING HINTS, RIGHT?! YES HARRY AND LOUIS I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWO
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mlths · 14 days
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The very first time I was touched by a man...
A primeira vez de Harry e Louis não poderia ter sido mais interrompida, até o dia em que decidiram ir para uma escapada de fim de semana na cabana dos pais de Styles para terem um tempo a sós. Só havia um problema...ambos garotos nunca tinham se relacionado com homens antes e Harry tinha um caso sério de manha, o que Louis descobriu ser a coisa mais excitante sobre ele em seus momentos íntimos.
[hbottom, ltops - tradicional!] primeira vez, sexo anal/oral, body worshipping, inexperiência, cum play, praise kink, descoberta sobre kinks, conversa sobre revezamento...
Harry e Louis eram apenas garotos com grandes sonhos quando se conheceram, olhar para o futuro em um distante horizonte era mais fácil do que olhar para o agora e lidar com todas as mudanças que a puberdade trouxe para ambos. Para Louis era um pouco mais fácil devido aos dois anos a mais de experiência do que o mais novo que estava lidando com a fase de ereções que vinham a cada observada de diferentes corpos, mas a mudança em comum veio quando em dia Tomlinson se pegou pensando em um par de olhos esmeraldas enquanto se masturbava no banheiro e Styles sentiu seu pau se endurecer com a doce voz do mais velho, que estava sem camisa, em um ensaio.
Não poderia ser mais confuso e complicado, seus primeiros beijos haviam sido garotas, o primeiro pornô, hétero, as primeiras punhetas e pensamentos, todos por garotas, Louis até mesmo havia tido sua primeira vez com uma e Harry acreditava que a sua também seria, até que os dois se aproximaram um pouco mais e tudo mudou muito rápido.
Após o orgasmo levado com a água e a ereção escondida por uma almofada, eles se estranharam, se ignoraram, se escreveram e cheios dos sonhos com os olhos opostos...eles se encontram, se admiraram e decidiram que era hora de lidar com o horizonte que está perto e é preciso olhar detalhadamente para observar, já que o do futuro está longe demais até mesmo para dois jovens que se sentem invencíveis.
"Harry..." Louis chamou batendo leve na porta do quarto do mais novo. "Posso entrar?" "Oi Lou...entra!"
Harry estava todo enrroladinho em seus cobertores e era possível ver um rubor em suas bochechas demonstrando a timidez por ter o mais velho tão perto de ti. "Quer me ajudar a fazer macacão?, a sua receita de molho branco é melhor que meus dotes culinários" "Tudo bem Lou, você quer fazer agora?" Acenando, os dois vão em direção a cozinha andando devagar, com os corações batendo rápido de nervosismo por estarem sozinhos.
O macarrão fica pronto em um silêncio ensurdecedor, a mesa é posta por Harry que se assusta com o barulho a garrafa de vinho sendo colocada na mesa por Louis, duas taças em sua mão direita. Harry ri baixinho com isso, o de olhos azuis sempre o tratava como igual, mas esperava que acabaria bebendo suco de uva no final da noite.
"Pode beber um pouco se não contar pra sua mãe"
Os dois comiam sem silêncio, o som da comida sendo mastigada e o vinho engolido eram os únicos sons ouvidos, eles queriam falar, perguntar se era do mesmo jeito, a confusão e a vontade, mas era tanta vergonha que até mesmo Louis se mantinha em silêncio.
"Lou...posso te perguntar uma coisa?" "Claro, Haz"
"Você já sentiu tesão por alguém que não deveria?" Louis engole seco pela pergunta inesperada e uma chama se acende em seu peito com o pensamento de que Harry não era tão inocente quanto ele pensava, o quanto ele gostaria...
"Como assim? Tipo uma mulher mais velha?" "Não...alguém mais velho, sim, mas não uma mulher..." Harry olhava para suas mãos que se ocupavam com a taça de vinho que já intoxicava seu organismo o suficiente para o dar coragem de fazer tal pergunta.
"É...não seria alguém que você não deveria sentir tesão, Haz. Não pense assim, tá tudo bem se sentir atraído por homens." " Eu sei disso Louis, tô perguntando se, você, já sentiu." " Já..." " E por quem foi? Você tomou alguma atitude?" " Por que essa curiosidade do nada, Harry? Por acaso você está ficando com alguém, hein?..."
Harry se sentiu mais envergonhado que possível, ele não sabia o que responder ao mais velho, como falar sem falar, sem deixar claro que era ele o seu sonho pecaminoso, sua violenta vontade.
" Não! Eu só estou curioso, você sabe...na minha idade provavelmente tinha ereções por qualquer garota que respirava, e eu também. Mas outro dia aconteceu por um garoto e eu só queria saber se eram só hormônios ou, não sei! outra coisa"
Louis também olhava para sua mão, não queria admitir, vai que deixava escapar que o mais novo o enchia de desejo, mas ele sabia que tinha que dizer algo, que deveria tranquilizar Harry de alguma forma, o deixar confortável e o fazer entender que poderia ser quem ele quisesse ser.
"Na sua idade não, pequeno, mas acho que a curiosidade acontece sabe, em qualquer idade e é normal. Não sei se foi atração ou algo assim, mas entendo o que você está falando, com certeza os hormônios ajudaram, mas acho que é outra coisa"
"Como eu faço para saber se é outra coisa, Lou, eu não quero ficar com estranho com ele..." "Que nem tava comigo? Foi por isso?" " Você também estava estranho comigo...foi isso?"
Seus olhos se encontraram após um longo tempo observando a mesa, eles sabiam a resposta, é claro que sabiam. Os dois se levantaram e Harry teve seu pescoço tomado pelas mãos de Louis que acariciavam sutilmente a pele cheirosa e macia daquela área, eles se olhavam intensamente, o medo presente no olhar, mas vontade falava mais alto, gritando para que juntasse seus lábios e vivessem o momento.
Foi o que eles fizeram, seus lábios se juntaram em um selinho tímido seguido de outros pequenos beijinhos que se tornaram um beijo vergonhoso sem língua, um jeitinho de tentar conhecer a boca um do outro, aprender o que faz ofegar, a língua de Louis foi que fez o primeiro suspiro sair dos lábios de Harry, quando a passou de leve por sua boca aberta sem saber o que fazer. Styles a deixou que entrasse, esperando para seguir o que mais velhos iria fazer, acompanhando os movimentos lentos enquanto sua mão caminhava por suas costas de forma carinhosa e Tomlinson puxava de leve seu cabelo, o fazendo delirar. Eles terminaram o beijo com mais seilinhos e sorrisos bobos.
O primeiro crush de Harry Styles foi Louis Tomlinson e eles conversaram, era mútuo.
Depois do primeiro beijo muitos outros foram trocados, as escondidas claro, até as coisas esquentarem pela primeira vez e a urgência de uma conversa surgir.
O namoro veio após a conversa, ainda escondido, nenhum deles estavam prontos para as outras conversa que surgiriam, seus amigos poderiam achar estranho e seus pais acharem que era melhor eles se afastarem um pouco ou então impor limites que eles não poderiam controlar, então eles esconderam e começaram a tentar vivenciar momentos íntimos juntos.
Harry era tímido e pidão, Louis era febril e incontrolável, juntos eles eram uma combinação e tanto, Tomlinson não vai a hora de tirar a inocência para fora do corpo do de olhos verdes, de o ver se perder no prazer e fazer tudo que ele pedia e Styles estava pronto para pedir e obedecer, para aprender a como tocar o outro, a como gozar e como sentiria seu pontinho que aprendeu que tinha na aula de biologia.
Só tinham um problema, a casa tinha outros moradores e seus pais os visitavam sempre, toda vez que tentavam fazer alguma coisa eram interrompidos, seja pela gritaria em uma partida de videogame, seus pais chamandos seus nomes, alguém querendo ir ao banheiro, os gemidinhos altinhos que eles deixavam escapar só por se tocarem.
Algo tinha que ser feito ou eles seriam as duas primeiras pessoas que morreriam de tesão. Até mesmo suas composições poderiam se comparar a livros eróticos, seus humores estavam péssimos e suas bolas pesadas.
Até que Harry teve uma ideia, ele pediria a cabana de seus pais emprestada para um fim de semana, mentiria dizendo que precisava de um tempo sozinho e Louis iria com ele, escondido, eles teriam 48 horas inteiras para aprenderem juntos como fazer o outro jorrar e tremer de prazer e então, talvez eles estariam prontos para as conversas que teriam que ter.
Eles chegaram na cabana no mesmo fim de semana em que Harry a pediu emprestada para seus pais, eles sabiam o quão cansativo era para seu garotinho conciliar o fim de seus estudos com o recém sucesso de sua banda, por isso o apoiaram quando o mesmo disse querer passar um tempo sozinho...com Louis, o que eles não sabiam, o que era melhor.
Os morenos estavam nervosos, não sabiam exatamente o que fazer, mas eles haviam feito pesquisas, Louis até mesmo tinha comprado camisinhas e lubrificantes diferentes, até pensou em comprar algum brinquedinho que ajudasse a preparar Harry, mas decidiu que por enquanto ele preferia seus dedos. A decisão do mais novo ser o passivo da vez veio em uma conversa da travesseiro depois de terem sido interrompidos, Styles era curioso e queria muito saber como era ter sua parte de trás tocada, já Tomlinson estava um pouco aflito com isso, pois já havia tentado brincar lá uma vez e não foi tão bom, então os dois concordaram que por enquanto Harry seria comido e se um dia Louis quisesse experimentar, eles poderiam tentar.
Uma vez dentro da cabana, eles arrumaram os pertences dos próximos dias em seus lugares e foram para o jardim no fundo casa, a vista era maravilhosa, com uma banheira de hidromassagem que ficava em frente ao quarto principal que tinha acesso a essa parte da casa também.
Perto do pôr do sol, eles decidiram trocar de roupa e ver a passagem do dia para noite na banheira, enquanto Harry se trocava, o mais velho arrumou umas frutas e vinho para eles comerem e abriu as portas do quarto para facilitar quando forem para lá. Logo entraram na hidromassagem e se deliciaram com as frutas.
O vinho começava a fazer efeito quando Harry sentiu seu estômago repuxar e seu cuzinho piscar querendo atenção, de forma manhosa ele se pôs ao lado de Louis e deixou beijinhos em sua nuca enquanto o abraçava com força. Tomlinson percebeu a nítida mudança no mais novo e logo tratou de retribuir apertando de leve seu quadril e acariciando seus cabelos enquanto se deliciava com os beijos dados no lugar certo.
Os beijinhos inocentes se transformaram em mordidinhas de amor que seguiram até a orelha do mais velho, o fazendo suspirar e subir suas carícias para a cintura do mais novo, depois passou de leve por seu peitoral magro e sutilmente brincou com seus mamilos que logo ficaram durinhos, tirando de Harry um gemido manhoso e necessitado por mais toques safadinhos. "Lou...por favor! Eu quero tanto você"
"Porra, Haz, você vai acabar comigo se continuar gemendo desse jeito! Me deixa saber o que você quer, amor, pede pro Lou vai, mas pede com jeitinho".
O jato da hidromassagem que passava no meio dos dois corpos acabou indo direto para o pau do de olhos verdes quando ele se aproximou de Louis, o arrancando um gemidinho sofrego de seus lábios vermelhinhos. Harry rebolou devagarinho ali, tentando esconder do mais velho que estava se dando prazer sozinho, mas Louis percebeu, é claro.
"Que coisinha mais safada que eu tenho aqui, quer que eu te deixe aqui sozinho gozando nessa banheira, Harry? Me pede o que você quer!" Ele diz imperativo, queria dominar o prazer de Harry, que ele dominasse o seu.
"Lou..." Logo Styles estava pressionado na borda da banheira, tendo seus peitinhos chupados bem gostosinho e o jato forte estimulando seu cuzinho, pelo tecido do short.
O prazer era demais para o corpo virgem de Harry, ele gozaria logo, mas queria mais que isso. Sua timidez não poderia o impedir de pedir para Louis o que queria, mesmo sem racionar direito o que estava acontecendo, ele puxou os cabelinhos da nuca do de olhos azuis e o forçou a olhar para ele.
Com os olhos piedões e cheio de lágrimas pelo tamanho prazer, a boca inchada e aquela aura sexual que o cercava, ele mordeu os lábios inferiores deixando a mostra os dentinhos de coelho, e lambeu a boca de Louis antes de pedir: "Lou, me leva pro quarto! Eu quero que você me deixe molhadinho e pronto pra você."
Aquele foi o fim, a simples menção insinuando o que estava para acontecer foi o suficiente para enlouquecer Tomlinson, que agarrou o menino pelas coxas gordinhas e o levou para o quarto iluminado apenas pela pouca luz da lua e um abajur de lâmpada amarela que deixava tudo mais sexy e aconchegante.
O mais novo foi colocado no centro da cama, logo sentindo o corpo quente em cima de si, causando uma vontade de o ter contra ele para sempre. O peso e a temperatura quente o deixavam estranhamento confortável, querendo ficar ali para sempre. A submissão natural do cacheado fazia Louis ficar louco, era fácil mudar o garoto de lugar e fazer dele o que bem entendesse.
Eles se beijavam com uma vontade ardente, o calor que emanava de seus corpos os deixavam cada vez mais ofegantes, o primeiro gemido de Harry veio com os beijos que foram deixados em seu pescoço que seguiram por sua clavícula, até voltar para sua mandíbula, em um pontinho no osso pontiagudo perto da orelha que fez o mais novo vazar.
"Lou...porra, faz mais", o mais novo estava sedento por mais, sedento por Louis, ardendo em fogo que queimava de dentro e o fazia arrepiar quando tinha a língua igualmente quente dançando por seu corpo, até chegar em seu mamilo. O mais velho contorno a auréola, soprou o lugar molhando e com lambidinhas de gatinho, foi preparando a carne para ser chupada com mais força.
O montinho de carne era chupado com força na boca de Louis, que se deleitava com o conforto de mamar nos peitos lindos de Styles. Logo o outro biquinho foi tomado com a mesma vontade. Harry gemia baixinho, ainda com vergonha, e puxava devagar e com carinho o cabelo do mais velho, mostrando o quanto estava gostando da nova sensação.
"Haz, meu bem. Eu quero tanto te ter pra mim, você quer também? Vai me deixar te ter, amor?" Louis ia descendo os beijos pelo tronco, até chegar perto do umbigo do mais novo e passar a língua ao redor, descendo mais até o cós da peça de banho, onde deixou mordidinhas enquanto abaixava o short pelas pernas bonitas.
"Louis! Eu quero tanto, me chupa por favor!" O prazer era tanto que Harry sentia que ia desmaiar, beijos molhados eram deixados pela parte interna de sua coxa, perto da suas bolas, onde Louis soprou devagar, depois beijou sua virilha e finalmente tocou em pau endurecido. "Ahhh, Lou, vai logo! Faz mais!"
Com lambidinhas de gatinha, Louis foi chupando devagar, passava a língua de leve na glande e se deliciava com o gosto do mais novo, algo como sal e vinagre. Depois chupou um escroto de cada vez e desceu para o períneo, " Lou, aí, faz no meu cuzinho." Obedecendo seu pedido, a próxima lambida foi no cuzinho vermelhinho e apertado de Harry, Tomlinson lambuzava aquela parte até que estivesse o suficien para impulsionar a língua para dentro.
"Haz, vou colocar um dedo, se for demais você me fala." Com carinho e cuidado, um dedo foi colocado aos poucos, Louis tratou de chupar só a cabecinha para aliviar o desconforto que logo passou, Harry tratou de rebolar devagarinho para adentrar mais o dedo dentro de si e seu pau na boca do de olhos azuis.
Logo outro dedo foi colocado, Louis fazia movimentos de tesoura e procurava pelo pontinho do mais novo enquanto focava só na cabecinha. " Lou, tá doendo um pouquinho, coloca mais lubrificante, por favor!". Tratou de colocar mais nos dedos e continuou com os movimentos.
Harry não aguentava mais todas as sensações novas que estava sentindo, sentia como se alguma coisa estava faltando e só queria sentir logo Louis dentro dele. Tomlinson também estava na beira para começar a roçar o pau no colchão embaixo dele. Desesperados para se sentirem mais intensamente.
"Tá pronto pra mim, amor?" Acenando rápido, Harry concordou ansioso já se ajeitando melhor. Louis pegou a camisinha que estava na cama e foi colando quando uma mão o parou. "Lou, não...quero sentir você de verdade." Era demais para o mais velho aguentar, mas ele sabia que seria mais fácil entrar em Harry com o preservativo e apesar de saber que estavam limpos, nenhum exame tinha sido feito.
Ele queria que seu Haz estivesse confortável, que o atrito que pele com pele faria ia ser mais doloroso. "Amor, assim vai ser melhor, vai doer menos e depois se você quiser, nas outras vezes pode ser sem." Harry apenas concordou baixinho e ergueu a cabeça em busca de beijinhos que foram dados de imediato. "Loulou, pode gozar nos meus peitos? Eu realmente preciso sentir você."
Com um gemido mais alto que esperava, Louis apenas disse vários "sim" e foi colocando devagar seu pau grande dentro de Harry. "Você é tão apertado, amor, tá me sentindo em todo lugar? Vai me deixar saber quando eu puder me mexer tá, me deixa saber se você está gostando. Tão bom pra mim."
Harry rebolava e se contorcia, era demais e ainda sim, ele queria mais. Louis dava tudo de si e ele queria recompensar, gemidos e barulho molhado, junto com os tapas secos que o contato da banda pequena e branquinha com as bolas cheias de porra faziam. "Louis! Me come devagar! Toca no meu pau, por favor, Loulou, eu sou tão seu. Quero ser seu bom garoto para sempre."
As estocadas diminuíram, mas logo ambos gozariam facinho. Masturbava de leve a glande babada do mais novo e espalhava moridas de amor pelos mamilos eriçados, Harry o abraçava apertado e mordia o pescoço com as presas pequenas, queria marcar Louis como seu também.
"Haz, vou gozar, amor." Avisou quando tirou seu pau devagar do cuzinho que piscou com a falta de algo. Tirou a camisinha e se masturbou rápido em cima do peito vermelho, Harry apertava suas bolas e inconscientemente colocava a língua para fora. Com um último gemido, porra branquinha foi deixada pelo tronco do cacheado.
Louis, ainda ofegante, masturbou Harry que de forma agonizante, esporrou em todo tronco, juntando suas porras ali. Deitados ofegantes e felizes, eles ficaram um tempo ali, curtindo o corpo quentinho um do outro e seus batimentos rápidos, o suor e o cheiro no ar.
Harry, depois de um tempo, pegou um pouco da porra nos dedos e levou a boca, provando seus sabores juntos, ele queria tanto provar Louis.
" Amor, você vai me matar assim. Gostou da gente juntinho?" "Sim, Lou, quero a gente assim pra sempre, eu te amo!"
"Também te amo, amor. A gente vai tá assim para sempre."
Louis o levou para banheira já preparada no banheiro, com os dois deitados na água quente, ele também pegou um pouco de seus gostos nos dedos e o levou na boca, depois brincou um pouco ali, desenhando um coração, antes de deixar a água lavar.
Depois de limpos eles deitaram na cama, abraçadinhos, Harry, a concha menor, empurrou a bunda para mais perto do pau murcho do outro, só para sentir assim pertinho. "Lou, da próxima vez, quero sentir você, seu gosto e seu cuzinho. Quero um monte de coisas também, sempre com você." O cacheado falava meio adormecido e o mais velho só ria com a boca raspando nas costas e nuca, sabendo que que em algum futuro próximo, ele estaria no lugar de Harry.
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dreaminrainbows · 1 month
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This is our place (we make the call)
“Lou, Lou,” Louis is woken up by a soft poke into his shoulder and an even softer sounding voice. It takes him a few minutes for his brain to actually start functioning again. “Haz,” he grunts, groaning as he lifts his head from the pillow he was drooling on just now. He turns around sluggishly to lay on his back instead of his stomach to look up at his boyfriend who's standing next to their bed. The lamp in the hallway shines enough light into the room for him to see Harry standing in his pink satin short PJs, pigeon-toed, his knees locked and his toes digging into the carpet nervously. He's looking down, pinching his lower lip with the thumb and index finger of his right hand and hugging himself with the left, shiny chestnut shoulder length curls falling around his face, almost hiding it.
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lunarheslwt · 2 months
Drabble: "do you still like me" "it's 2 in the morning"
“Lou. Wake up.”
Being rudely pulled from the blissful arms of sleep, yet unwilling to be awake, Louis frowned, eyes still scrunched shut. Harry? He merely hummed in response, hoping that Harry would take the hint and let him sleep.
“Hey.” Nope. Harry was whispering loudly, mere inches away from him. “I've a question.”
Groaning into the pillow, he grunted out, “what?”
A beat of silence. That only served to further awaken him. And then-
“Do you still like me?”
Louis’ eyes flew open, if only so he could shoot the boy next to him an incredulous look. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, he turned to the opposite side for a moment, squinting at the neon digits, before turning back to face Harry, face lit up only by the dull light from the clock.
“Harry. It's two in the morning.”
“Yes, but do you?”
Louis stared at him. What the fuck. Harry stared back at him, blinking owlishly.
“Haz. I'm literally married to you.”
A few seconds dragged, before he caught the very corner of Harry's lips twitching inadvertently at that. Why this absolute little-
“You're not answering the question,” he whined, actually having the audacity to pout at him. As if this entire scenario wasn't ridiculous. Louis was half sure he was dreaming.
“You woke me up. At 2 am. To confirm that I, your husband, still likes you.”
Harry nodded seriously, though his eyes betrayed him. “It's a very important question.”
“Goodnight, Harry,” Louis deadpanned, closing his eyes for good measure, trying to bite back a helplessly endeared smile at the loud protest he was expecting anyway.
“Louuuu, no wait!” There were hands tugging at his arms, trying to tug him close, keep him from going back to sleep. He fake snored obnoxiously in response, grinning at the snort it drew from Harry.
“Since you're not answering, I'm gonna have to take it as confirmation that you do not in fact still like me.”
Sighing in mock exasperation, Louis opened his eyes again, pulling Harry close and throwing one leg around him so he was trapped. Not that the boy was complaining, if the breathy chuckles were anything to go by.
“Well, we cannot have that, can we love?” he asked, squeezing him in his arms lightly.
“No we cannot.”
“Mostly because you will throw a tantrum till I answer and clarify that yes, I do like you very much, still.”
“I do not throw tantrums excuse me- I am not a child!” Harry gasped, swatting at his chest playfully, then snuggling in close.
“Oh? Yeah no, of course, of course,” he pacified, thumbing at his soft cheeks. “You are a baby.”
“My baby.”
That shut him up quickly, protest dying on lips that curved into a wide, pleased smile. He didn't have to see it, but he could tell he was sporting a tiny blush, feeling the warmth under his fingertips.
“That all you needed, huh,” Louis murmured softly, leaning in to peck his lips chastely. “Just some attention at 2 in the morning. Why are you even awake, hmm?”
Harry shrugged. “Couldn't sleep. Because someone convinced me to sleep in awfully late yesterday, so my routines gone to shit.”
“Excuse me if I just wanted to cuddle and stay in bed with my favourite person for a while longer,” Louis grumbled, “you need attention at 2 am, I need attention at 10 am.”
“I didn't need attention, I asked a very important question!”
“Sure, babe,” he allowed, then cupped his cheeks. Because really, who was he but a man helpless not to humour his husband because he loved him so much?
“To answer your question, yes I still like you. The most, even.”
Twin dimples made their appearance. He would be the death of him someday.
“In fact, I actually love you the most, even”
Harry gasped dramatically. “You do?? That's a relief. I love you too.”
Rolling his eyes, Louis tugged him close till he could tuck his head beneath his chin. “Glad we sorted that out. Now sleep or I'm revoking my statement.”
Harry didn't protest, seemingly content, and Louis closed his eyes as their breathing evened out. In a few minutes, sleep clung to his closed lids once more.
“Lou. Do you think I'm pretty?”
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hlficlibrary · 4 months
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✤ New Year's Eve Fics ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by lucythegoosey / @harryrainbows {E, 95k}
Harry was in the biggest boy band in the world. He was also one half of the best (or worst, depends on who you ask) kept secret relationship in the music industry.
Now, almost five years on, after One Direction has broken up, and Harry and Louis' relationship has as well, a video threatens to put everything at risk.
One determined Irishman, a massive publicity stunt and two begrudging exes are all it takes to bring One Direction back to life and maybe, just maybe, Harry and Louis' mangled love life too.
Or: Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
2️⃣ baby we could be enough (i'll make this feel like home) by orphan_account {M. 52k}
“Did you clean the table?” Harry asks Louis once Rose is done speaking, now occupied with trying to see if she can reach over and touch Harry’s hair from where she’s sat. At Louis’ nod, Harry frowns. “You didn’t have to do that. You’re my guests here, I could’ve dealt with it later.”
Louis just smiles easily, though, adjusting Rose on his lap so that she’s facing Harry better. She manages to tug on a loose wave of hair, and she makes a noise of triumph that both Louis and Harry smile at.
“I don’t mind,” Louis murmurs to Harry, even though he’s looking at Rose. “This one here seemed very excited to talk to you.”
And, okay. Harry can’t help but think of how domestic this feels, all of a sudden.
[harry is a photographer who's trying to find his place. louis is a single father with a smile that feels like home.]
3️⃣ Can’t Hide It, You Might As Well Embrace It by supernope {E, 67k}
Together since they were teenagers, Harry and Louis are professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They may also secretly be married.
4️⃣ And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works {E, 35k}
“Lets move back a bit yeah?” Harry clutches at his waist with a free hand and tugs him to move through the crowd until they are almost at the back of the group and settles them both beside the far wall. “There. That better?”
Louis looks up at him, as if he’s a tad dazed. “Uh, yeah, thanks. Can’t really see much from back here either though.”
Harry lifts a shoulder and grins at him, placing a hand on the wall behind Louis to pen him in. “We’ll just have to create our own fireworks then, won’t we?” He says it jokingly with a wink, and Louis laughs but he seems nervous. He must know that Harry is harmlessly flirting. Harry flirts with everyone after all, including Louis.
“Do you think this is a good idea Haz?” Louis asks quietly, almost too quietly in the clamour of the room, his head bowed as he scuffs his shoe on the carpet.
“Stop over thinking it Lou, it’s one kiss. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Or The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
5️⃣ six feet beneath the moon by @starseas {NR, 25k}
AU. takes place over one night. harry and louis meet at a going away party.
💎 like cranberries on a winter evening by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou {G, 57k}
Louis hates Christmas. With good reason, too. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When research for his next novel leads Louis to the website of a quirky little hotel in Northumberland, there is exactly one room available for the two weeks that Louis really wants to get away from his family.
Will the fairy lights, kind smiles, homemade pastries, and genuine friendships awaiting him in Harry Styles’ hotel be enough to cause Louis a change of heart?
💎 Never Walk Away (A Man Can Be Kind) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove {T, 8k}
Louis and Harry have recently ended their three year relationship. But maybe a little holiday magic can bring them back together.
“I don’t know why you’re so nice to that louse,” Oli says as the taxi pulls away from the curb.Louis glances back through the window. Harry is still standing on the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, watching them go. “He’s not a louse,” he says absently.“He hurt you.”“I hurt him,” Louis replies. “And he didn’t mean to. It was inevitable. It’s not his fault. It is what it is.”Oli is silent for a long moment. At last, he sighs. “Someday you’re going to have to stop being afraid.”
💎 Rapture by @allwaswell16 {E, 3k}
It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
Or, a vampire Harry fic because what says the holidays like Victorian vampires?
💎 so c'mon c'mon (and dance with me baby) by theweightofmywords / @lil0 {NR, 3k}
Determinedly, he rushes back to where the DJ’s loud music can drown out his loud and racing thoughts, where there is free champagne, and where there is a kind man, hopefully, still waiting for him.
His chest unfurls with relief as he spots Harry, now with a martini in hand. He is standing steadfastly at their cocktail table, and Louis feels an odd sort of kinship when he sees his new friend. Harry straightens up as he sees Louis approaching.
“Did you find-”
“Let’s dance,” Louis cuts him off. Thankfully, Harry doesn’t ask questions.
Louis and Harry meet at a corporate holiday party, drink copious amounts of champagne, dance like fools, steal rich people's food, and possibly, just maybe, fall in love.
💎 Know What You Need by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense {E, 3k}
Harry always thinks he knows what he needs, but Louis knows better.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
Hold On I Still Need You • Part One
Okay, angst warning! There is an injury (not graphic) but it does get very emotional. I do promise though that nobody dies.
Mood board by me (it does have audio so please brace yourself)
"Please pick up. Please, please, please..." Harry muttered, biting the tip of his thumb as he listened to the phone ring.
You have reached the voicemail of-
"Fuck!" Harry's phone dropped to his bed as he began pacing his room, mumbling to himself as he tugged at his hair.
It had been four days. Four days since he had heard from him. Four days since he'd woken up to an empty bed. Four days since- No. No, he couldn't, wouldn't, think of that. He needed to be strong. If not for himself, then for Louis.
He paused his pacing and stared at the phone on his bed, the blank screen almost mocking him as he debated his next move.
He'd already messaged and called everyone that Louis would go to, desperate for a sign that he was okay. When that failed, he'd run around their town, visiting Louis' favourite places to go.
There was one place Harry hadn't searched, that he couldn't bring himself to search just yet.
Maybe it was the fear of not finding Louis there, or worse, finding Louis there of all places. There with all the memories he'd tried so hard to forget.
He couldn't even ask one of his friends or family to go there. Not after what happened last time. Not after he'd almost lost him.
"Louis, get down from there," Harry called as Louis grabbed hold of a precariously balanced plank of wood, ignoring the younger boy's pleas, "Louis, please!"
"Come on, Haz, it's perfectly safe, look." Louis chuckled, as he moved his foot from the tree trunk to a branch close to him.
The crack that followed would haunt Harry for the rest of his life, as would the scream that escaped his own mouth as Louis fell to the ground.
It was like Harry's body had froze, a helpless feeling filling him as he stared at Louis on the ground, limbs at an odd angle and barely moving.
A weak groan from the fallen boy made Harry spring into motion, rushing to Louis' side and falling down to his knees.
"Lou?!" Harry called, hands hovering over Louis' body, hesitant to touch him. "Lou, can you hear me?"
A pained whimper came from Louis' mouth, his hand moving as if it was searching for something. Harry cautiously placed his hand near Louis', nearly crying when the boy grabbed hold of it tightly.
"I'm here, Lou. I got you." Harry whispered as he used his free hand to pull out his phone, shakily dialling emergency services and placing the phone on speaker.
"Emergency services, which service do you require?"
"Um...ambulance, please." Harry answered, voice shaky as he gripped Louis' hand tightly.
"Putting you through now, love."
"Stay with me, Lou," Harry whispered, shuffling forward and bringing Louis' hand to his chest, "Stay with me."
Please let me know your thoughts (if you need to yell at me, that is absolutely fine). Part Two should be out sometimes soon (let me know if you'd like to be tagged)
~ Ash <3
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28larry369 · 2 years
Okay so this is from the leaks don’t listen if u don’t want to but we heard it already so don’t come at me for listening to it.
However I would like to talk about this...am I going crazy or do you all hear Louis in the back vocals?
Listen especially to 1:32....1:35 and 2:32 as well as 2:52 and you hear it clearly
ps this is just what I hear don’t be mean and TPWK :)
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bluepeachstudios · 6 months
THERE’S AN EVIL GHOST??? OH MY GOSH!!! Please can we haz details? <3
It's something Li and I have talked about. Basically Ghost escapes Big Mama and ends up right in the hands of Rise Bishop and is... stuck there for a few years.
Draxum busts him out.
Ghost is. Not doing well. Draxum uses that to his advantage to convince Ghost that he needs to keep yokai safe, and he needs help. So Ghost, in his Darkest Hour, helps Draxum make four prototypes for soldiers. Their growth ends up disrupted (thanks Lou) and so they're with four baby turtles now.
Draxum's partial to just getting rid of them but Ghost insists he wants to keep them. So Draxum is like "sure, these can be your project while I make fully grown soldiers."
Ghost isn't doing well and he's stopped caring about people but if he wouldn't give his whole soul for these babies.
Even if it means keeping them safe from humanity like Bishop.
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neondiamond · 2 months
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🪷 Recently Read Fics - January & February 2024 🪷
Hiii happy 2024 everyone! January was a bit of a busy month which meant I didn’t actually have the time to put together a fic rec for the first time in two years, but I am back! I still didn’t read as much as I usually do but, these are all of the amazing fics I read over the past two months (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 🤍
🪷 Hold On I Still Need You by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k, T)
The one where Louis goes missing and Harry desperately tries to find him.
🪷 miles away from seeing you by @loveislarryislove (1k, T)
Harry is in his final year studying marine biology, and is doing an international exchange at the University of Auckland. His boyfriend Louis stays behind in England, but they keep in touch regularly through texts, snapchats, video calls, and more.
This fic is entirely told through images of social media posts and conversations
🪷 Daydream by @allwaswell16 (2k, T)
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
🪷 ‘cause i built a home for you by angelsueavenue (2k, NR)
Harry doesn’t believe that baths can induce labor. His alpha, though, is prepared to prove him wrong.
🪷 What’s in a Name by @hellolovers13 (2k, T)
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
The name on his arm disagreed.
But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
🪷 In Jest by @londonfoginacup (4k, T)
Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top.
Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it.
Harry would really like to know which.
🪷 You’re Already Home by @londonfoginacup (5k, G)
It's Christmas Eve and Harry's life is normal. Then he finds someone's barred the door to his favourite hiding spot -- the old groundskeeper's cottage -- and suddenly Harry's life isn't normal anymore.
🪷 knowing you’re in love with me is the greatest gift of all by @greeneyesfriedrice (6k, T)
Harry just wants to fall back to sleep in his husband’s arms, wanting to treasure the quietness of Christmas morning before their kids wake up and realize what day it is.
That dream is short lived when there’s a small shriek of joy from downstairs.
🪷 Cold Hands & Warm Hearts by kingofthefridaynight (16k, E)
a wintery uni au, where they spend time with their friends, play in the snow, drink wine in their dorm and Harry loses at Scrabble. Also, they might have been in love all along.
🪷 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k, E)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays.
Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected.
Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
🪷 To you I can admit, I’m just too soft for all of it by @starryhaze28 (28k, NR)
“Harry?” Louis asks when he hears the frantic crying coming through the speaker. “H, darling what's wrong?”
Concerned, Louis puts on his shoes as he keeps hearing the sobs. It’s the middle of the night and the phone call has definitely pulled Louis out of his deep slumber, but Harry is crying, and Louis has to be with him.
“It’ll be okay, baby, I'm gonna come over, okay? You just- Haz you have to send me your address, yeah? Can you do that for me?” Louis asks, trying to remain as poised as possible as he presses his phone between his ear and shoulder so he can grab his jacket.
“No.” Harry cries out. “It's all wrong, Lou- It’s-” Another sob. “I hate it, Lou, I hate it so, so much, make it stop.”
🪷 You’re Not My Type (still I fall) by @imogenleewriter (38k, M)
His mum is going to kill him!
Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something.
She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater.
Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to.
He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
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sassylav · 1 year
Okay so imagine this: two possible lovers are forced to publically not be together. One of them played a movie character years ago in a school play. Then years after that incident their "possible" s/o dresses up as that character for Halloween in front of the eNTiRE wORLd. THEY ARE GIVING HINTS, RIGHT?! YES HARRY AND LOUIS I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWO
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mlths · 2 months
Pequeno spoiler de " The very first time I was touched by a man..."
me deixem saber o que vocês acharam!
"Lou...posso te perguntar uma coisa?". "Claro, Haz"
"Você já sentiu tesão por alguém que não deveria?" Louis engole seco pela pergunta inesperada e uma chama se acende em seu peito com o pensamento de que Harry não era tão inocente quanto ele pensava, o quanto ele gostaria...
"Como assim? Tipo uma mulher mais velha?" "Não...alguém mais velho, sim, mas não uma mulher..." Harry olhava para suas mãos que se ocupavam com a taça de vinho que já intoxicava seu organismo o suficiente para o dar coragem de fazer tal pergunta.
"É...não seria alguém que você não deveria sentir tesão, Haz. Não pense assim, tá tudo bem se sentir atraído por homens." ."Eu sei disso Louis, tô perguntando se, você, já sentiu.". "Já...". "E por quem foi? Você tomou alguma atitude?". "Por que essa curiosidade do nada, Harry? Por acaso você está ficando com alguém, hein?..."
Harry se sentiu mais envergonhado que possível, ele não sabia o que responder ao mais velho, como falar sem falar, sem deixar claro que era ele o seu sonho percaminoso, sua violenta vontade.
"Não! Eu só estou curioso, você sabe...na minha idade provavelmente tinha ereções por qualquer garota que respirava, e eu também. Mas outro dia aconteceu por um garoto e eu só queria saber se eram só hormônios ou, não sei! outra coisa"
Louis também olhava para sua mão, não queria admitir, vai que deixava escapar que o mais novo o enchia de desejo, mas ele sabia que tinha que dizer algo, que deveria tranquilizar Harry de alguma forma, o deixar confortável e o fazer entender que poderia ser quem ele quisesse ser.
"Na sua idade não, pequeno, mas acho que a curiosidade acontece sabe, em qualquer idade e é normal. Não sei se foi atração ou algo assim, mas entendo o que você está falando, com certeza os hormônios ajudaram, mas acho que é outra coisa"
"Como eu faço para saber se é outra coisa, Lou, eu não quero ficar com estranho com ele...". "Que nem tava comigo? Foi por isso?" " Você também estava estranho comigo...foi isso?"
Com os olhos piedões e cheio de lágrimas pelo tamanho prazer, a boca inchada e aquela aura sexual que o cercava, ele mordeu os lábios inferiores deixando a mostra os dentinhos de coelho, e lambeu a boca de Louis antes de pedir: "Lou, me leva pro quarto! Eu quero que você me deixe molhadinho e pronto pra você."
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cc-horan28 · 2 months
The Little Things You Do for @wishingforloushair <3
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Written for the @1dlibrary Valentine's exchange!
“What’s that supposed to mean, then? I’m romantic, aren’t I?!” His voice went up an octave with indignation and Harry couldn’t help but giggle at the offended look on his face.
Harry sat back up from where he was snuggled up with Louis, careful to not spill any of his wine onto the older man as he leaned forward to peck his cheek. “Sure you are, Lou,” he grinned.
The one where Harry makes a throwaway remark about Louis not being a romantic, and Louis is desperate to prove him wrong.
Read on AO3 or under the cut <3
Long note incoming:
Oof so this one was... Yeah, I had it all in my head from the start but i questioned all of it so much. It was fun to write but it turned out WAYYY crack-ier than I'd intended so hehe
I added the stalker bit WAYYY before the actual thing happened with H and I thought it was in bad taste for so long but I couldn't figure out a replacement for it :') . (I apologise if you find it in bad taste I really m sorry)
Huge huge huge thanks to Liv for staying crazy with me while I worked over this (also the moodboard ily). Nashie, Coco ily guys ty for everything. Also everyone in the 1DLibrary server, I could not have finished this without y'all sprinting with me. Much love <3
Louis is like Murphy's Law personified idk man lmao <3
So yeah, this one's for Loz
They were both amazing prompts! Much love and I hope you like this <3
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“Okay, Haz, babe- That’s the third time you’ve sighed in the last five minutes. Something has to be on your mind. What is it, love?” Louis stopped short, fingers still tangled in Harry’s hair, the other wrapped awkwardly around a crystal glass Harry had insisted on pouring his beer in, finding the can ‘unromantic’. Louis thought the can had arguably been the better option while they cuddled, but, oh well.
Harry met Louis’ eyes, face expressionless for a moment. “I mean… I’ve just been thinking- It’s about to be Valentine’s day, soon…” he trailed off, smiling up cryptically at Louis. 
Louis raised an eyebrow, utterly confused. Valentine’s day… What did that have anything to do with what they were talking about. Was he forgetting something? Had he forgotten something? He waited for a few moments, trying not to panic. A few moments later, he tilted his head slightly, motioning for Harry to continue, unable to wait any longer.
“See, it’s exactly this,” Harry blew out his cheeks and sighed again, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve been wondering-” he paused, before blurting out the rest of the sentence with the words all meshed together, “It’s almost been a decade and a half and I still haven’t managed to turn you into a romantic,” He watched Louis from the corner of his eye warily.
Louis’ jaw worked up and down for a few moments, trying to make sense of Harry’s rushed words. “ Turn me into a romantic!?” Louis exclaimed, realisation hitting him with the force of a train, “What’s that supposed to mean, then? I’m romantic, aren’t I?!” His voice went up an octave with indignation and Harry couldn’t help but giggle at the offended look on his face.
Harry sat back up from where he was snuggled up with Louis, careful to not spill any of his wine onto the older man as he leaned forward to peck his cheek. “Sure you are, Lou,” he grinned.
“Hey- I’m not a child! Don’t just say it for the sake of it! It’s- I’m-” Louis sputtered, “That’s not going to convince me! Say it like you mean it,”
Harry’s lips curled up with amusement and he pouted exaggeratedly at his husband. “Well, Louis… I mean, what’s the last big romantic gesture you made that you remember?” he asked with a small, crooked smile, tilting his head as he watched Louis gnaw at his lower lip. He felt almost bad for Louis, how seriously he was taking this, but Harry would be lying if he said he didn’t find it all just a bit funny.
“Thought so,” Harry said after a pregnant pause, choking back a laugh at the look of concentration on Louis’ face. “You look like you’re gonna blow a nerve, babe,” he said, reaching out to gently run his thumb along Louis’ jaw, “It’s not that big of a deal-  I was just wondering. Don’t stress yourself out,” 
“You can’t just say something like that and expect me to forget it!” Louis motioned helplessly, forehead still scrunched up, “You’ve got me all worried now, I- Be honest, have I been a bad husband all this time?”
Harry couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Never, Lou. I love you. So so much. You’re the best husband I could’ve ever asked for. You’re just- It was just an observation, that’s all,”
“Oh no no no. It’s you who’s got to have got it all wrong- I mean- I am romantic, aren’t I?” Louis turned to frown at Harry, folding his legs up and looping his arms around his knees.
“Sure you are, Lou. I said that ages ago, didn’t I?” Harry said with the long-suffering patience of someone who had been dealing with this for a long time.
“Not like you meant it. I- You know what, Haz? I’ll prove it to you. Keep your eyes peeled-”
“Don’t generally need to carefully look for grand gestures,” Harry interrupted with a chuckle, ducking away when Louis made to swat at his arm.
“Just you watch, you’re not going to be that mouthy when I’m through with you,”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek and was just about to say something when Louis rolled his eyes, sighing as he turned further towards him. “ Don’t say it. I know what you’re thinking and just- Don’t,”
“I didn’t say anything!” Harry burst out, palm pressed over his mouth as he tried to stifle his giggles.
“But you were thinking it!” Louis mumbled, fake cross with him as he made to pour out the rest of his beer into the glass “And you say I’m the unromantic one,”
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Louis smiled smugly to himself as he cut the call, lifting his phone to check the time until the delivery. 
He’d stocked up on roses the previous day, placing them throughout the house one at a time in places where Harry could find them, even putting one in Harry’s car before he left for the studio that morning. The younger man hadn’t mentioned them yet, however. 
When Louis had checked later, the flowers were gone, so Harry must have seen them, but his husband was nothing if not unpredictable, so he chose to ignore it for the time being.
He’d called and practically begged Mitch to not let Harry anywhere near his car until it was time. He was doing his best to keep the plan under wraps, not wanting to make it obvious and so, had decided to restrain himself from asking Harry to come home early, barely able to contain his excitement. Later, they’d had a little conversation over text during lunch, and Harry had promised to be back by dinner.
Louis was holding Harry to that.
Glancing at his phone again and scrunching up his face when he noticed only a few minutes had passed, Louis strode to the kitchen, turning on the kettle to make himself a cuppa before peering into the fridge, unsure why he was relieved when he saw the cake was still intact. It wasn’t like anything would happen to it still in the fridge, but he’d been anxious all day. He wanted it all to be perfect for Harry.
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Louis perked up as soon as he heard the door swing open, quickly stubbing out his cigarette and throwing his phone off to the side, turning around to grin at Harry. “Evening, love,” he smiled, watching patiently as Harry shucked off his coat, throwing his shoes off to the side before practically falling onto the couch beside Louis, looking tired and frustrated.
“So…” Louis started, watching Harry intently “Did you like the flowers?” he asked expectantly, the other man’s reaction not what he had in mind when he had sent the flowers. He had been expecting more… Well- Anything but this.
“Oh my god, Louis,” Harry said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned towards him.
“That’s not the ‘Oh my God’ I was expecting, if I’m being honest,” Louis deadpanned, picking some imaginary lint off his t-shirt, feigning nonchalance while his mind reeled with what could have gone wrong to make Harry react this way.
“I almost called the cops here, Louis- To the house. Mitch had to intervene. He stopped me,” Harry paused, a smile betraying the strict tone he was trying to adopt, “ And I still made them go through hours of footage at the studio to confirm who put the flowers there,”
Louis sputtered incoherently, brow creased in confusion “But Mitch told you, didn’t he?” he asked weakly.
“He did but- I thought I had a stalker, I- I mean- The flowers were everywhere! By the door, yesterday? In the car, this morning? And I- The whole car was covered right now, babe. What was I supposed to think, it’s not like you sent a card saying they were from you,” Harry said, holding back from dissolving into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous the whole situation was now that he looked back at it.
“Who else would know you’re at the studio? How did your mind go straight to fuckin’ ‘stalker’?!” Louis asked, a smile creeping onto his face, “They were just flowers!”
Harry leaned into Louis’ side, full-on belly laughing now as he tried to speak coherently. He nearly called the cops on Louis, for sending him flowers. When he was the one who asked him to be romantic. It was all a bit crazy, he couldn’t lie. 
“I’m- Sorry. But I mean- You could’ve added a note,” He managed to choke out, grinning up at Louis, having somehow ended up with his head in his lap.
“I just wanted it to be a surprise! So much for being fuckin’ romantic,” Louis sighed dramatically. 
Harry decided to skip replying, choosing to pull Louis down for a kiss by the neck of his t-shirt.
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“No incidents this time,” Louis promised a few hours later, giving Harry a sheepish smile as he drew his chair for him. He’d planned on making his date night usual chicken-parma ham but then decided not to take any chances. He’d ended up ordering in and impulsively getting a cake as well.
He sat down across from Harry, taking in the sight of his face bathed in the flickering light of the candle and reflecting back to when they’d had their first proper date. It had been something similar, dinner he’d made, with just the two of them giggling over nothing the whole time, giddy at the novelty of it all.
“ ‘M never gonna get used to this,” he said, voice slightly thick with emotion, “All of this. You’re so pretty, my love. You look fuckin’ gorgeous in this lighting,” he smiled shily, “I don’t know how I was lucky enough to end up here. I’ve said that for years, I know, but I just- I look at you, at us- And we’ve come so far. It’s- I just love you so much,”
“The season’s getting to somebody,” Harry joked weakly, sniffling in what he hoped was an inconspicuous manner. “We’ve barely started and you’ve already made me all emotional,” he said, the look on his face despite his playful tone telling Louis all he needed to know. “I love you too, my soppy fool,”
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Louis stood up, rubbing his hands together like a little kid just about to be let loose on Christmas morning. He tried not to overthink it, this was his chance to make it up for the roses. Harry had to love the cake. 
“Don’t look back,” he reminded, keeping the nervousness out of his voice. He had made Harry sit on a barstool with his face away from the refrigerator, once he’d gotten the plates cleared away. He was standing in front of the fridge himself and tried not to bounce too much as he carefully got the cake out, biting his lip in concentration as he crossed over to the kitchen island.
“Don’t peek,” he repeated, bending over Harry’s shoulder to place the cake in front of him. He smiled to himself as he stuck the little heart-shaped candles in, getting them centred on his first go. He went through the drawers, looking for a lighter, swearing under his breath each time he shut a drawer he didn’t find it in.
“Try by the couch?” Harry suggested, “And I didn’t look, Lou, before you ask. I mean- It’s pretty obvious,” he added, turning towards what he thought was Louis’ general vicinity to show him his still-scrunched-close eyes.
Louis, however, was in the living room by then, groaning as he snatched up the lighter innocuously lying on the centre table.
“What would I do without you?” He asked dramatically as he walked back into the kitchen, lighting up the two heart-shaped candles. “Even with your eyes closed you’re more competent than I am,” he mumbled, stepping back to survey the setup.
The pink of the candles almost clashed with the colours of the cake, but Louis had a feeling Harry wouldn’t mind. His husband was a sucker for anything blue and green.
“What are we blowing out candles for?” Harry asked from behind him and Louis jumped slightly. 
“Well, I dunno-” Louis said, cracking his knuckles anxiously, “I just thought-” He trailed off. Maybe this was a stupid idea, he thought with a sting of doubt passing through him. Who blew out candles when it wasn’t their birthday? And even if it was one of their birt-
“Oh, I’m not complaining!” Harry exclaimed, “I was just curious, is all. Can I open my eyes now, Lou?” he added, sounding apologetic. 
Louis hummed, perching on the stool beside his, watching Harry’s expression as he took in the blue and green house shaped cake. It was simple, but in the dim lighting and with the candles on, it looked rather good. Plus, it was the sentiment that mattered. Despite all the teasings, they both knew Harry was the soppy one.
“Two hearts in one home…” Louis trailed off, motioning vaguely to the cake, “Since we’re going for big romantic declarations- Nothing more apt,”
“Wait- There’s sparklers as well,” Louis mumbled, fumbling with the lighter again as he lit them up,  
“Happy Almost-Valentine’s Day, Harry,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.
“We’re definitely making this a thing,” Harry smiled when he pulled back, “Happy Almost-Valentine’s, Lou,”
The sparklers had died down and Louis pulled them off, crossing over to throw them into the bin. When he came back he was met with Harry sitting in front of the candle, palm slapped over his mouth.
Louis stood there, staring at the cake and back at Harry, a sinking feeling of realisation heavy in the pit of his stomach. 
“No incidents, you were saying,” Harry grinned, nodding towards the cake, “Watch,”
He gave Louis a significant look before pursing his lips, blowing hard on the candles. Louis was strongly aware of the blush creeping up his neck as he watched the candle go out, only to come back to life a second later.
“One more time,” Harry giggled, blowing out the candles and snorting out a laugh when they jumped back to life. 
“This wasn’t the plan,” Louis groaned, slumping onto the stool beside Harry.
“I don’t mind, they’re fun,” Harry chuckled, blowing out the candles again. Louis couldn’t help but smile at the look on his face. Maybe this incident wasn’t all that bad.
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Harry opened the door, shucking his coat off and hanging it on the hooks over the table, dropping his keys into the little bowl. He then stopped short in his tracks, staring dumbfoundedly. There were petals. Forming a path. Leading up the curving glass staircase. Presumably to the bedroom.
He scoffed lightly in surprise. It was all a bit over the top, even by his standards. Perhaps he had truly made a romantic out of Louis. If just asking him was all it took…
Barely aware of it, he followed the trail, stepping lightly on the petals, smiling when he felt them give a little beneath his feet. He could imagine Louis laying the petals down, crouching with his tongue caught between his teeth. He smiled to himself at the image, turning to glance back down the stairs to take in how it all looked.
He pushed the bedroom door open, the generally silent snick of it connecting with the magnet on the wall echoing across the closed space. “Lou?” he called out, lingering awkwardly in the doorway as he stared around the room. The floor here was covered with an even thicker layer of petals, and in the back of his mind, he wondered how they would clean them up.
There were also several candles dotted around the room, most of them unlit, but the low scent of something spicy was undeniably present in the room. He had the feeling he was a bit early, and- Well, he had thought Louis would appreciate it, he never stopped moaning about how long Harry spent in the studio, but- From the sight of the room, it seemed like Louis would’ve appreciated a bit more time.
He considered returning to the living room, wasting a bit of time, and pretending he hadn’t seen any of this. Maybe Louis wouldn’t have heard the main door open. Maybe he could act like he’d just gotten home. Maybe-
“Haz!” Louis exclaimed, stepping out of the en suite with a towel clasped between his hands. He threw it carelessly off to the side and crossed over the room to where Harry was standing, and Harry flinched a little, detachedly thinking about who would pick up the towel.
He shook himself mentally, realising Louis was saying something. He hadn’t registered a single word. Hopefully, Louis wouldn’t notice. “ -And I mean, you weren’t supposed to be home early- I’m not- Don’t take this the long way, I love that we can get a head start, but I would’ve liked to have at least gotten all the candles lit,” he rambled,  chuckling lightly before placing his hands on Harry’s hips and stepping closer. 
Harry bit his lip sheepishly, giving him a small shrug. “It really just isn’t meant to be,” he teased, “Every time you try to pull an extravagant gesture, someth-”
“Oi! Watch it, then. Don’t get all cheeky on me,” Louis reprimanded, smiling despite himself. 
“Just stating the facts,” Harry grinned, leaning down for a kiss. 
“I love you so much,” Louis sighed dramatically when Harry pulled away, getting on his toes to peck him, “But now that you’ve seen the surprise already, help me with the candles, yeah?”
“Yeah, I… could…” Harry cocked his head to the side, smiling smugly “Or… we skip the candles,” he teased, cupping Louis’ jaw and running his thumb over his cheekbone, “And we get to whatever it was you had planned in the bathroom?”
A flush crept up Louis’ neck from the sudden change in Harry’s demeanour. It wasn’t like Harry to take the reins, and Louis liked to pretend he would rather be the one in charge, but they both knew he loved it when Harry got like this. “Oh- I wasn’t- It… Um, later?” Louis squeaked.
“Yeah, the candles can wait for later-” Harry smirked, dipping his head down to peck Louis’ lips, then moving to press kisses along the line of his jaw. He placed his hands on Louis’ waist, barely aware when Louis took a step towards him, guiding him to the ensuite door.
Harry instinctually took a few steps back, letting himself be guided by Louis. He barely registered something nudging the back of his calves, and then heard a dull thunk. He broke off, swearing under his breath, and whipped around.
It was one of the candles. Oh-
“Fuck,” Louis hissed, grabbing the candle and blowing it out, setting it upright before looking around wildly for something to clean up the wax with. “Haz, where’s that fuckin’ towel I- Fuckin’ hell,”
Harry didn’t even stop to think, throwing the towel over to Louis and standing awkwardly over his shoulder as he mopped up the spilt wax. It wasn’t until later that he realised the better option would have been to let the wax harden and scrape it out.
At the time, all he was focused on was the small black singed circle on the carpet. Right in front of the window. 
“Oops?” Harry bit his lip as Louis turned to face him, grimacing apologetically, “It’s um- The carpet is… yeah. And the candles, I mean- I’ll light them again, later?”
“Forget the candles, the cinnamon was getting on my nerves anyway. Too fuckin’ strong,” Louis smiled back, and Harry was internally grateful for the offhand way he was taking this. He knew Louis must’ve wanted it all to be perfect, and he nearly would have gotten it right this time, if not for Harry’s clumsiness.
“I love you, Lou. Thanks for doing all this,” Harry said in a small voice, feeling warm and fuzzy as he watched Louis go around the room and blow out the candles one by one. 
“No need to thank me, Harry. Y’know that, babe,” Louis smiled, eyes crinkling up as he leaned against the table, crossing his arms and gazing fondly at the younger man. “I won’t lie… All of this- All that I did” he motioned vaguely, “Could’ve gone better, but- That would’ve been boring, at best. I mean- At least we’ll make more memories this way. No fuckin’ way to forget your husband almost calling the cops on you because you sent him flowers,” he giggled.
“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?” Harry sighed.
Louis just shook his head in response, cracking into a wide smile and holding out his hand towards Harry. “Last surprise,” he motioned towards the slightly open bathroom door and Harry grinned back, intertwining their fingers together.
The scene that greeted them when Louis cracked open the door was not the one Harry had been expecting.
Suds. Suds everywhere.
Harry watched expressions flick over Louis’ face, his own jaw hanging open. Surprise. Bewilderment. Confusion. 
Harry understood the flood of emotions Louis must have been feeling. It really was a lot of bubbles. The bathtub in the corner was nowhere to be seen, completely engulfed under a mountain of suds. Harry bet it would’ve at least come up to his knees if he waded all the way to the bathtub.
He could actually see when the realisation of how this all happened hit Louis. He watched his expression change as it dawned on him.Harry bit the inside of his cheek, suppressing his giggles at the look on his face.
“Best Valentine’s Day ever,” Harry said seriously. Louis rolled his eyes at him, looking entirely unimpressed.
“No I- For real, How did you even manage this?” he asked incredulously.
“A bit too much bubble bath?” Louis offered, still staring incredulously around the bathroom.
“A bit more than just ‘a bit’, I’d say,” Harry chuckled.
“Stop it,” Louis giggled, shooting Harry a fake-offended look, “Or there’ll be no bath for you,”
“What? You’re going to actually bathe in that ?” Harry raised an eyebrow coolly.
“Well since all the bubbles are already there , I figured- Might as well use them, yeah?” Louis grinned, stripping off his clothes as he walked into the foam, wiggling his eyebrows at Harry.
Harry shook his head and tugged his own shirt off, discarding it off to the side carelessly. He laughed out loud when Louis stepped into the bathtub, disappearing under the bubbles, apart from his head. 
Louis really was such an idiot. But he was his idiot.
“I’m not an idiot,” Louis exclaimed, sounding offended. Harry realised he said the last part out loud. Well, oops.
“I love you, Lou,” Harry giggled, getting in the tub with Louis, reaching for his shoulder when he slightly lost his balance. Maybe it hadn’t all gone according to plan, but Harry wouldn’t have had it any other way. Louis was always there for him. There was nothing more he could ask for.
All that mattered was Louis. And all the little things he did.
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