#look. I was a quiet kid. I never yelled. rarely made noise of any kind
myname-isnia · 5 months
Honestly this cold would be 5x more bearable if the way our mom used to treat colds when we were kids wasn’t so insanely traumatising
#if you were never physically restrained above a bathtub with a jet of salt water being forced up your nose your opinion on colds is invalid#look. I was a quiet kid. I never yelled. rarely made noise of any kind#but when mom filled up that salt water bottle? I began screaming so loudly you’d think I was being murdered#it was like I was possessed. kicked and fought and grabbed onto furniture as mom dragged me to the bathroom#my sister was the same#and of course the mutual screaming set mom off so she yelled too#it was so fucking awful#and the reason we were so against it is because water up your nose is the worst feeling in the world#we are biologically wired to not want to drown. why the fuck would someone come up with a treatment like that#it got to the point I would try to hide the bottle just so I could avoid it#I learned how to breathe silently no matter how blocked my nose was so mom wouldn’t hear#eventually the came a day when my sister struggled against mom’s hold so much that instead of pushing snot from her nose does to her mouth#the salt water pushed it back into her ears and she spent weeks with an infection#that paired with the fact I threw up a few times following these procedures made mom READ UP ON THE TREATMENT FOR THE FIRST TIME#AND FIND OUT HOW FUCKING DANGEROUS IT IS AND THAT THE ONLY REASON IT TOOK LIKE 3-4 YEARS FOR THE FIRST EAR INFECTION TO OCCUR WAS SHEER LUCK#it could have been so much worse#it could have gone to our brains or something and given the rural town we lived in we wouldn’t have even received proper medical attention#after that incident mom finally stopped doing it. thankfully#but she still treated it like one big joke. offering to get the salt water whenever one of us had a cold. laughing at our loud NOs#vi and I talked about it just yesterday#she was about 3-6 years old when it was happening and while she doesn’t remember much from back then she remembers that fucking treatment#every time I look back and think ‘hey. maybe mom wasn’t as bad as I make her out to be’ I make sure to remember this#even if the treatment wasn’t dangerous. if both your kids are screaming bloody murder at the mere implication of it being done to them#maybe you shouldn’t force it upon them. what kind of mother does that.#mine. apparently#so now that I have a cold. despite mom being 2000km away. I’m still scared she’ll show up somehow and do it again#even though it’s been 9 years since the last time she did it. I get a cold and feel like I’m 8 again. powerless to do anything against her#if you notice similar thoughts of helplessness as a common theme in my writing. this is why#it’s the trauma :)
0 notes
hereforhalstead · 3 years
Tell me that when you’re sober
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader 18+
• Requested: Yes:
“I fucking love you”
“Hang up and tell me when you’re sober”
• Warnings: Swearing - PURE FLUFF
• Summary: Jay isn’t happy with you bringing work home but leads to a confession he’s wanted to tell you for a long time.
• Words: 4215
• A/N :I slightly adapted this to fit it better and intended for this to be a short fluff but 4000 words later.. here we are😅Thanks so much for your request and hope you enjoy!
You groan and throw your pen down onto the table, this case was really getting the best of you and frustrating you to no end. You look up at the time to see ‘10.30’ flashing in the green light back at you. You run your fingers through your hair which was now borderline greasy with how much you had been absentmindedly running your hands through it as you’re deep in thought. Eyes burning from how much you had been straining them and a slight blister on your finger with how hard you’d been holding the pen as you cross examine the notes intently.
You didn’t realise how quiet the apartment was, the faintest noise from your neighbours TV and the cars rushing past on the street below was all you could make out. This wasn’t like you, you basked in the liveliness and thrived in busy environments, the ones where you barely have time to think so therefore don’t spend much time on the outcome. You picked the pen back up to click it on the papers that were spread out in a manic like fashion in front of you, it made sense to you but if someone else was to see they’d think you’d just picked up the lot and thrown them down in a huff.
You scan over the CCTV stills and traffic cam screenshots, as if you hadn’t been staring at them for god knows how many hours and by a much needed miracle something was going to jump out at you and you’d have your lightbulb moment. Instead, you’re greeted with the same dead end paths and pointless thoughts you’d been fighting relentlessly.
You hear the keys turn in the lock and normally you’d be out of your seat and over to him in a heartbeat, your feet hitting the floor as if you were a kid at Christmas on your way to see what Santa left under the tree but today wasn’t that kind of day. You tried to tell yourself it was just because you were tired and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to admit you’d had another night of little success after being warned about bringing the work home by Jay several times. He always loved to prove a point and you weren’t about to let him get another one over on you, you couldn’t handle those eyes boring down on you as he stands behind you to examine you work, even if it meant lying to him.
You jolt in your seat as you feel him rest his hands on your shoulders before dropping a kiss to the top of your head “why are you still working? How many times have I told you..” he trails off but you’re quick to cut him off with your best ‘I’m fine’ smile “Jay, I’m finally getting somewhere” you falsely admit and feel the pit of guilt instantly form in your stomach as his eyes light up, he probes his thumbs into your skin in a light massage “proud of you” he softly confesses as he continues kneeding your skin.
If you weren’t so determined to get this case tied up this easily would’ve lead somewhere else but you had your focused mind at work and nothing was going to change that. He remains standing over you as you scribble pointless notes onto your notepad, highlighting the odd name and photo as you go as if to convey you had some trail of thought but really you were just buying yourself time until he left your side.
A few minutes go by but to you it feels like hours, you hate what you’ve become in that you find yourself dreading seeing Jay when you bring your work home. Knowing he was right in what he says and that he only says it because he cares but you always wanted to prove yourself and especially to him. He managed to get you into Voight’s good books after pissing him off one too many times, you had a back bone and even though most of the time this was an admiral quality it sometimes backfired.
You and Voight disagreed regularly but you had now learnt how and when to bite your tongue for the best result in cases but there were times you just couldn’t. After coming to blows and being sent to ‘get some air and cool off’ Jay was quick to plead with Voight for your job back and luckily it worked and you were back in the department the next morning. This lead to you now feeling this internal debt had to be paid to your boyfriend to prove you deserved your place and it was worth him sticking his neck on the line.
The pair of you became increasingly serious, starting as partners with the occasional flirty comment or glance soon lead to the regular sting of jealousy or worry which was now the feeling of emptiness when you weren’t together. Some may say you moved on fast, having only been together just under a year and already basically living together. However, due to the uncertainty of your job you decided to not hesitate and wait for when everyone else said it was right and do what felt right for the pair of you. Even if this did mean earning raised brows from Jay when he comes home from a late night to see you hunched over a stack of paperwork that you’d bought home, god knows how many times you’d seen him do it but for some reason it was a different ball game when it came to you.
It pulled at your heart how caring he was, always keeping an eye out for you and sometimes even more for you than himself. As much as there’s endless amounts of perks for dating your partner it sure did come with its consequences and you learnt them faster than you were expecting. Jay throwing himself into danger because it meant protecting you, you leading on suspects on undercover missions to try and get them to confess to which Jay hated and heated debates on the best way to handle a case were just a handful to name a few.
But, despite all of those you truly wouldn’t have it any other way, as you see it as spending as much time with him as possible and being grateful to have him beside you and always in your corner no matter how he feels, he will always back and argue for you.
After Jay strolls into the bedroom to change into some comfier clothes you start to fold some of the papers to create a bit more space, the thought of waking up to this mess wasn’t the ideal situation as you’d find yourself working on them at the crack of dawn and hardly in the right frame of mind to work. That was Jay’s one rule that he never budged on ‘put it all away before you go to bed’, he had hammered this into your head hundreds of times that it became natural for you at this point.
Neatly shuffling the papers to stack them in a pile on the side, helped you to resist the temptation to take a peak at the late or early hours when you should be asleep. He caught you one time glancing at an open file at the dead of night and he was not happy to say the least so knew he had to put his foot down. He knew you were like him and would work until a case was done but unlike him, you rarely knew when to stop.
He would know when his vision starts to loose focus from staring at a screen for too long or he gets a headache from the scrunch between his brows as he examines some notes that it was time to call it a day whereas you, would pop a few painkillers and carry on.
You hear Jay’s phone ring from the other room, not really taking much notice as you continue to fold the papers and shuffle them in a pile but can’t ignore when he comes bounding out of the room over to you “Baby, Adam and Kim are down at Molly’s. You wanna go?” He asks and normally you struggle to turn down such an invite but tonight you just weren’t feeling it and it’s as if you not replying instantly already told Jay you didn’t want to go as his face falls “let me call you back” he mumbles into the phone before shoving it into his back pocket.
He continues in his strides over to you and crouches down in front of you, taking your hand in his as he places a light kiss to your palm “please don’t tell me you’re going to sit here and work and make me go to Molly’s alone?” He pleads, eyes in puppy dog form as by now he knows the best way to get to you.
You run your hand over his disheveled hair as he leans into your touch “I think I’m just gonna have a shower and head to bed” you lie through your teeth, knowing full well the second he steps out the door you’ll be back knee deep in your files with the added extra of knowing you won’t be interrupted by your concerned boyfriend.
He scans your face with a concerned look on his own, lightly running his thumb over your knuckles as he sighs “you promise me you’re not going to carry on working and that you’ll give yourself an early night?” He rightfully asks, you nod in response thinking to yourself that you can’t verbally promise as you were one to never break promises and especially when it came to Jay.
He reaches up to plant his lips on yours, lingering them for a few seconds before standing tall in front of you “give me a call if you want me come home”. He reaches to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and you instantly regret not allowing yourself for be bundled into his arms as you crawl into his lap for the night but you knew you weren’t nearly as done with the case as you’d like and the only way you could continue was if he wasn’t there.
He heads into the kitchen to grab the coat he left on the counter but is back at your side within seconds, placing a glass of water on the table in alongside another kiss being left on the top of your head “make sure you drink that please baby” his voice slightly elevates in concern and you can’t contain the smile that spreads on your face at his worry for you.
“have a good time” you call out to him as he heads for the door “text me when you’re in bed and I want proof!” He yells over his shoulder and without looking you can see the smirk engraved onto his face “get out Halstead” you tease, earning a wink from your boyfriend as he exits the apartment to leave you again in total silence.
You pick up the glass of water he left and take a sip, struggling to think of the last time you hydrated yourself and thankful he knows when to think of these things for you. You lean back in your chair and cross your legs beneath you, slight hunch in your back from the pain of being in the chair for so long and now wishing you were still receiving the massage from Jay that you desperately craved. You shake your head to clear the the thoughts and pour yourself back into the notes. Re reading the interview script over and over again, eventually reaching for your phone to find the recording you’d sent yourself before you left the district to be able to listen back at home.
You chew the inside of your cheek at the sight of your lock screen, a photo you’d taken of Jay on vacation just after the pair of you became an item. His back was towards you and he didn’t even realise you snapped the photo of him looking out from the balcony window at the gorgeous beach front below, reminding yourself that everything you do is for him. As cringy as it sounds, you longed for his approval and praise as he was always so vocal about it, wrapping you in his arms after you finish a case report, sitting you between his legs as you work late on a report with the occasional kiss to your shoulder to remind you her was there or the way he just knows how’s to give you that look that says ‘you’ve got this’ was what kept you going.
You click play on the recording and sink back into your chair as it plays, leaning your notepad on your legs as you listen along. Laughing to yourself when Jay looses his temper or Voight makes a snarky comment to which they both laugh to made the listening all that much easier as it seemed to drag on for hours.
You checked the length of the audio on your phone and the combined clips had only been playing for just over an hour. With the faffing around when Jay came home and the breaks you took to replay certain parts, the time had soon passed. The clock now beaming down on you with the time flashing ‘12.45am’ made you toss your head back in frustration. You’d been round and round in circles, still getting no where and conscious of the fact Jay would be home soon.
You certainly didn’t want him to find you like this as you’d never hear the end of it, you have a stern word with yourself and play back Jay’s warning of packing everything away as you finally close the files you’d been staring at for far too long. You push them to one side and prop your head on your elbows on the the table, you finish the glass of water that had been sat at your side that was truly collecting dust at this point due to you forgetting about it. You glance down at your phone to see a text from Jay flash up on the screen
‘You in bed yet baby? Not seen any proof..’
You roll your eyes as you just know he’s been impatiently sat there waiting to hear from you ever since he left just a few hours earlier. You stare at the screen to debate whether it’s best to ignore it and pretend you’re already asleep or to lie to him again for the second time that night. You’re soon interrupted as his name lights up the screen, his toothy grin staring back at you from the contact photo he had set for himself after a night out reminding you how ‘you always make me smile so you deserve to see it when I call you’.
You hesitate to pick up but know he won’t stop until you answer, after having a few drinks the last thing you want is for him to bound home to you in a mood about how you didn’t answer his call. You sigh and slide the button to answer the call and can barely contain your laughter as you hear his drunken slurs on the other end of the line
‘You haven’t answered me you know?’ he moans, annoyance in his tone but also sounding like a child who hasn’t got their own way at the same time. You laugh to yourself but careful to not let him hear as this wouldn’t go down well “ was asleep” you hang your head in shame as you yet again lie.
‘Why are you lying to me? You were working weren’t you?’ He accuses and you’re stumped on how to reply, even without being with you he knows you better than anyone to which you always seem to forget. He huffs on the other end of the line after he doesn’t get a response, knowing he has you cornered. ‘Y/N please, just get to bed and I’ll be home shortly’.
“I’m just packing it away Jay, I only had a few more bits I wanted to do. I promise” you nibble on your fingertips in slight nervousness as he continues to groan down the phone.
‘What, like how you promised me you were gonna give yourself an early night you mean?’ He questions but you’re quick to reply “well actually, I never promised I just nodded” you chuckle to yourself, feeling clever with your response but Jay isn’t happy.
“Y/N I’m just looking out for you, I care about you too much to see you draining yourself over these things” he begins and before you can get a breath in he carries on his drunken rambles “I love you too fucking much to watch you not look after yourself, as much as I love to be the one who takes care of you I can’t be there all the time so I need to know you can put yourself first baby” you’re silent after his admission, unsure if he’s even aware of what he’s just spilled out
“Do you know what you just said?” You tease, trying to lighten the subject but the sigh on the other end tells you he was still in a mood.
“Yes Y/N, I said I love you too fucking much to watch you destroy yourself” he expresses in outrage but you were in too much of a shock to think of a clever reply “hang up and tell me that when you’re sober Jay”.
“I’ll be home soon” he cuts the conversation short before ending the call, you take a moment before placing your phone back on the table and you try to comprehend what just happened. He said I love you.
Fair enough it wasn’t in the way you had envisioned, him confessing his love for you as you lay wrapped within his arms or him accidentally spilling his admiration during a teasing session you often had but he still said it. Whether he meant or it was just a drunk slip up was another question. You couldn’t let yourself say it back in case he woke up tomorrow and didn’t remember, it would pain you to let the last piece of your guard down for him to take it all back the next morning and the whole thing becomes a distant memory.
You finish tidying away the papers, patting yourself on the back for the great job you’d done of making it look like you hadn’t spent hours on end sat at that table, it now gleaming the exact way it did this morning. You place the glass back onto the kitchen counter and trudge into the bedroom, thudding down onto the bed as you lay staring at the ceiling. Wrapping yourself in the comforter and attempting to close your eyes but nothing was enough to push down that anxious feeling in your stomach. This isn’t how you should be feeling after your boyfriend says I love you for the first time and even though you’d both wanted to say it for a while it still didn’t seem real. You didn’t deserve him, all the things he does for you and the way he takes care of you didn’t seem feasible in your mind that it would happen to someone like you.
Moments pass and you hear the front door shut, his attempts to be quiet made you laugh into the pillow as you hear him lightly walk across the hardwood floor. Bumping into the doorframe as he enters, grateful the comforter covering your face to avoid him seeing your amusement of his drunken self trying to be quiet and navigate his way to the bed. You stay laying on your side, hand tucked under the pillow beneath your head and the other resting on your stomach. You hear his belt unbuckle and watch hit the beside table as he gets himself undressed, tempted to turn over and help him but knowing he would still moan at you for being awake no matter what state he was in.
You force your eyes closed, keeping your head slightly buried into the pillow as you feel the bed dip beside you. Within seconds you feel the all too familiar comfort of his arm latching around you, pulling you into him in one swift motion as he tucks his head into the nape of your neck. Your heart flutters as you feel him place a kiss to your back before further pulling you into him, any chance of a gap between the pair of you was well and truly diminished.
You stay facing away from him, now far too comfortable to move and knowing he will be asleep within seconds, as long as he was by your side and you were wrapped tightly within the safety of his grasp he would sleep anywhere. You soon feel the light puffs of air to your skin as he falls into a sleep, the occasional nudge into your back as he gets himself comfortable but after a while he lays still to signal he was finally asleep.
You lay there trying to ignore your thoughts, cursing yourself for being such an over thinker as the one who had sent you into this spiral now laid passed out beside you, unbeknownst to the panic he set off inside you as he falls deeper into his slumber. You run your hand up and down his arm to sooth yourself to sleep, thinking to yourself of how you’re going to forget what happened and tomorrow will be a new day.
You awake to the sunlight peering through the window, annoyed at yourself for not closing the blinds before you went to bed as the rays shine in your eyes. You turn in Jay’s grasp and jolt in his arms as you’re met with him softly smiling back at you “morning” he groans, his normal groggy morning voice now made more intense with the slight hangover he would soon be facing. You drop your head to lay on his chest, pressing your lips to his skin as he runs his fingertips up and down your spine and resting his head on top of yours as you lay in a comfortable silence. “Good night?” You break the air, knowing he certainly wasn’t in the mood to be talkative but if you didn’t have some form of interaction from him you’d go insane.
“Wasn’t the same without my girl” he tightens his grip on your waist, a soft pinch of your skin as he teases “but she was at home working when she promised me she wouldn’t, clearly choosing work over her boyfriend” he huffs into the top of your head as you bury yourself further into his chest.
“don’t go there” you warn as he chuckles in response “choosing to look at old case notes than spending time with your boyfriend, that’s a tough one” he continues to ramble, you detach yourself from him and turn to face him with stern look “I said don’t go there”you warn but he pouts his bottom lip at you as he raises his brow. You narrow your eyes at him and he cracks his serious exterior, bringing his hand to the back of your head as he brings it to him to connect his lips to your temple “It’s a good job I love you” he mumbles into your skin, pressing his lips onto yours for a brief second before allowing himself to pull back and admire your expression of shock.
“You remembered?” You question, still nervous he wouldn’t have a clue what you were talking about. “Of course I remember, you think I’d forget when I first tell my girlfriend I love her?” He tilts his head as he asks, you lean your head down onto him as he clears his throat “would help me if you said it back though, bit embarrassing if I’m the only one to say it” he jokes, grin encompassing his morning glow as he gloats “I love you too idiot” you roll your eyes at him, bringing your lips onto his for a chaste kiss. He brings his hand up your back and tousles it into your hair, keeping you in place as your lips intertwine before pulling back and running his eyes over the happiness beaming from your face “you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that”.
inbox and requests open🥰
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luminnara · 3 years
Goddamn, Shit-Sucking Vampires | Lost Boys x OC  CH 1
Summary: Vera is an unusually vicious bloodsucker who's never stuck in one place for very long...until a mysterious feeling pulls her right to the murder capital of the world: Santa Carla, California. Now, she needs to figure out why exactly she's there, where she fits in amongst the boardwalk's nighttime denizens, and how to cope with her own personal vampire-related problems. Poly Lost Boys/OC, starts just before the movie
Also posted on AO3
My requests are open!
Chapter one | Chapter two
Warnings: Blood, gore, smut, all that good stuff
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Vera had been to a lot of cities, some of them twice, some of them three times, some even more, but none of them were quite as unique as Santa Carla. The boardwalk was crawling with lost souls, kids with nowhere else to go, and she was one of them; no family to call her own, no real friends, barely any possessions…Vera was a wanderer, a lone soul, a lost girl. She drifted from town to town, hanging around for a day or two if nothing interesting happened before moving on...and honestly, nothing very interesting ever happened. 
Sometimes she took the bus, if she had the money from odd jobs or pick pocketing her meals, but for the most part, she was left to her own devices. She traveled on foot when she had to, avoiding major highways unless she was feeling up to a fight. During the day, she took refuge under bridges if she was broke, or motel rooms if she had a little cash. If she felt particularly frisky, sometimes she even managed to seduce locals into helping out, but for the most part, she only had herself as company, traveling by night for no reason other than an insatiable wanderlust and nobody else to spend her time with.
Nothing had ever held her in one place. She had started traveling a long time ago, when she realized she had no reason to stay in her hometown. Plus...people started to grow a little bit suspicious when they noticed too many bodies cropping up. The world was changing, and for someone like her, it was best to stay on the move.
After that, it became a habit, and she got used to wandering and never having a place to call home. Did it ever bother her? Sometimes, when she was resting, it did. She could stop and look at the stars, with some kind of foreign aching in her chest, but it was rare that she thought about it. It had started up years ago, and she had forced herself to get used to it. She had never found any cure, and while she lingered around the east coast, it had finally dulled to a strange, quiet pain. A constant throb in her chest, next to her heart, some kind of strange tightness that she was happy to forget whenever she could. It was becoming more frequent, though, as she neared California, and she chalked it up to the fact that she had been alone and hungry for far too long.
She would have to do something about that soon. She hated feeling hungry.
Vera hopped off the bus when it stopped in Santa Carla, a coastal town that boasted a crowded boardwalk and just the kind of nightlife she needed. From the road, she could see the bright lights of a Ferris wheel and even a roller coaster, and she couldn’t help but smile. She had always liked fairs and carnivals. They were fun and exciting, and good places to pickpocket. Plus, the chaos made it easier for her to go unnoticed.
At the bus stop, she was greeted with boards and telephone poles covered in missing persons ads, and it was an oddly comforting sight. She would fit right in.
“Murder capital of the world, huh?” she said to herself, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She had seen the graffiti on the back of a big WELCOME TO SANTA CARLA sign on the way in, and the flyers only added to the town’s reputation.
Yeah, this place was worth checking out.
The pier was bright, neon signs and carnival rides lighting up the night. Kids and adults alike were enjoying their summer, stuffing themselves with treats or screaming their way around the roller coaster. It all looked fun, she had to admit, and maybe once she had a chance to grab some cash she could hang around and enjoy herself. She could use a break from running constantly, and she was finding that the boardwalk was already making her happy. 
As she walked through the crowds, Vera spotted every kind of person, from middle aged parents toting along a family of four to dirty vagrant children to punks to a couple of weird kids lurking around the comic book store. There were pizza places, cotton candy carts, all sorts of dine in restaurants and bars...Santa Carla seemed like it had everything, but mostly, it was a good place for someone like her to spend some time. 
She sat herself down on a railing, trying to ignore the hunger pains she was feeling as she people watched. Beyond the homeless kids and the weirdos, the boardwalk was full of partygoers, and it looked like summer vacation was in full swing. There were a million smells in the air—cigarettes, weed, funnel cakes—but none of them really caught her attention. She let out a sigh, leaning her chin on her hand. She hated being indecisive about dinner. 
“Ugh, Surf Nazis,” a woman whispered to her friend as they ran by. 
“Gross,” the other wrinkled her nose.
Vera looked past them to the men that were shouting about their asses as they left and she snorted. 
“What’s wrong, girls?” One of them yelled. 
“Come back, we’ll show you a good time!” Another cackled, tossing an empty beer can over his shoulder. 
Vera rolled her eyes. Disgusting, pathetic creatures, all standing around a trash can as they smoked. They smelled awful, she realized with a wrinkle of her nose, and it wasn’t just from their smoke. They were nasty, leering at girls and laughing loudly with each other when the women they were bothering scampered away. 
Well, they weren’t her first choice, but at least she had found a meal.
She hopped off the fence and sauntered in their direction for a moment before turning, giving them just enough time to notice her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw them perk up, and before long, all four of them were following her through the crowd, shouting profanities as she made her way down to the pier. 
“Hey baby, where you goin’?” one yelled, jogging to keep up with her pace. 
Vera looked over her shoulder. “Down under the boardwalk...unless you’re chicken.”
She heard a chorus of hoots and whistles and grinned to herself. Men were so easy. 
“I call first dibs!”
“I wanna piece of that ass!” Another yelled.
They always did. Vera was a short girl, only around five feet tall, and stocky. She carried her weight in her legs, giving her thick thighs and a round butt that could never quite stay covered by the denim shorts she loved to wear so much. 
Boys liked the way she looked. They liked how she seemed so easy to grab, so soft, so touchable. As the Surf Nazis followed her down the rickety stairs to a secluded spot under the boardwalk, their hands were already moving, unbuttoning pants and reaching for Vera as if they were entitled to her. She smiled sweetly as she backed into the shadows, cooing for them to follow, grinning sickly when they obeyed. They always did, like lambs to the slaughter, never clever enough to recognize her predatory gaze and dangerous movements until it was too late. 
Sometimes, if they were lucky, they could catch a glimpse of her bra or panties before it was over, but tonight, Vera had little patience for the dirty fingers that tried to pull her shirt off and her shorts down. Their faces leered down at her, even in the darkness, grunting as they palmed themselves through their pants.
She gave them a second to enjoy it before her lips twisted into a sick grin and she reached for them, nails like claws and teeth like fangs. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of their screams, but the waves crashing against the sand drowned the grisly noises out. As she tore into them, she laughed, loving the way they were so terrified now that they had completely lost any sense of power over her.
 Boys always liked the way she looked, until she was covered in their friends’ blood.
David was having a boring night. 
His boys were under control for the time being, lounging on their bikes next to him. Paul and Marko were laughing loudly, occasionally punching each other just for the hell of it, and Laddie was reading a comic as he clung to Dwayne. Star had decided to stay home for the night, and nobody was complaining about that; at the thought of her, David growled to himself, grimacing at the reminder of the troublesome bitch. Max had wanted a daughter and a good mother for Laddie, and what had they ended up with? A mopey, whiny little cunt who refused to kill and feed like everyone else.
Feed...damn, he could go for a snack. He could practically taste blood in the air as he thought about grabbing a bite, fangs threatening to lengthen. He hadn’t even thought he was that hungry, but now that he was thinking about it, it was bugging him, and when David got the urge to feed, there were very few things that could stop him. The hunger would sometimes gnaw at him the way it did a newborn, and even Max was occasionally put off by it. It was something he expected from a younger vampire, like Marko, maybe, but David? His appetite could be insatiable, truly monstrous in a way that most others’ weren’t. 
The boys picked up on his hunger and he heard a few growls of agreement before he nodded for Dwayne to take Laddie back to the cave. The kid was never allowed to go with them when they hunted, and Dwayne was capable enough to grab something for himself if he didn’t catch up with them. Ever since Laddie had gotten his pesky little hands on their bloody wine bottle, they had been stuck with him, and if Dwayne hadn’t turned out to be so good with the kid, David would’ve been irritated beyond belief. 
It all worked out, though, and Laddie fit in well with the rest of the group. David just had to keep reminding himself to be patient. 
“Anybody catch your eye?” Paul asked as his brother took off down the beach with their youngest member.
“Absolutely fucking no one.” David sneered.
The tall blonde straightened up to sniff the air. “Get a whiff of that, though…”
David paused, mimicking Paul. He was right. There was a metallic scent on the breeze, the sweet smell of fresh blood. It made him thirsty, and as he led Paul and Marko down the boardwalk, it only grew stronger.
“Shit,” Marko mumbled as they started down the stairs to the beach. Once they had broken free of the crowd, the scent had hit them like a train, and even David was having trouble controlling himself.
“Careful,” he warned, voice coming out with a ragged, heavy breath. 
Murders happened in Santa Carla all the time, and not only because of the Lost Boys. It was a rough place, full of drugs and vagrants, and the violence only helped them blend in. Someone had probably gotten themselves in trouble under the boardwalk, and at this point David was just hoping that the killer was still around to sate his hunger. They never fed from corpses, so stumbling across them never yielded any good results unless they were in the mood to rip them apart for shits and giggles.
David was not in the mood.
He led Paul and Marko off the stairs and through the sand, hurrying now as the blood filled his senses. It was so fresh, and there was so much of it...this wasn’t normal, even for the murder capital of the world. What kind of sadistic human would cut someone up enough to spill so much blood? What the fuck was going on under his boardwalk? Sure, it was something he would do, but other than his boys, who could possibly be that brutal?
It was in the shadows of the pier that he finally got the answers to all of his questions. 
Just like the blood had, her scent hit him like a freight train. He could tell Paul and Marko were just as confused by the way they stopped and hissed, fangs already out as they looked down at the bodies littering the sand. It was a gorey scene, throats and stomachs ripped open, Surf Nazis gutted with their pants down. 
And in the middle of it all, she had the audacity to glance up at David, and then completely disregard him as she turned back to her final victim. She wasn’t worried in the slightest about the three males, and that pissed David off a little. When he would have snarled a warning at her insolence, he found himself distracted instead, head tilted and lips parted as he drank in her scent and checked her out.
She was wearing shorts that barely covered her bloody legs, ratty combat boots on her feet and an equally ratty denim vest over a ripped up black shirt. Her ebony hair was cut into some sort of shaggy mullet,  falling around her shoulders. It was long and wavy and glossy, but tousled and messy, no doubt thanks to feeding. 
He could only stare in shock at the black-haired girl that was feasting on a Surf Nazi. He couldn’t decide if he was angry at someone else hunting on his turf or happy to find a real female vampire, one that wasn’t stupid and whiny like Star, but the one thing he knew for sure as he took a step towards her was that he was just the tiniest bit turned on.
Paul and Marko could both smell the tiniest hint of their leader’s arousal, and it excited them. They weren’t used to supernatural girls, and the thought of getting a turn with her was enough to make the air heavy with the scent of lust as they followed David. 
Paul let out a low whistle behind him. “Shit, first time I wouldn’t mind bein’ a Surfer. I’d take a little of that sugar right now, know what I’m sayin?”
The vampiress lifted her head from her victim and smiled, drunk on blood and high off the hunt. “I don’t usually share meals, but I’ll give you the rest of this one if it gives me a free pass back outta here.”
Paul tensed to take her up on the offer, but David stopped him. “Free pass?”
The girl sat back from the still-whimpering Surf Nazi, blood running down her chin. “Figure you wouldn’t want me in your territory. Sorry. Didn’t realize anybody else was here, else I’d have been moving on already.”
David smirked. “No need, sweetheart.”
She furrowed her brow. 
“It’s feeding time, boys. Grab a snack.” David grinned, allowing Paul and Marko to surge forward and rip into the Surf Nazi. He watched with a twinge of annoyance as Paul turned from his meal and pressed his bloody lips to the girl’s, but that annoyance turned into surprise when she kissed back, albeit lazily. 
She smiled as her lips moved against his, a hand moving to tangle in his wild hair. Fire tore through Paul and he growled, pushing her down until her back hit the sand and her chest touched his as her breaths turned into frenzied pants. 
Hands ran down her sides, hard nails digging into her skin as Paul nipped at her lower lip. With a whine, she arched up against him, tugging at his hair until he snarled.
“Paul,” David growled a warning. 
Paul sat back up with an irritated grumble, licking his lips before plunging his fangs into the Surf Nazi and leaving Vera alone.
David had to admit, he had never met a female vampire that wasn’t stuck in limbo like Star. They seemed rare, or at least they were around California, but Max had always told him that girls of their kind were a special breed. He was already feeling a tug toward her, some kind of something pulling at his chest whenever she moved, and before he knew what he was doing, he was crouching down to suck up the last few drops of blood while his boys turned their attention to the killer.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” Marko asked, playing with a strand of her hair. 
“Vera,” she answered with the sweetest voice either of them had ever heard, practically a purr. 
Paul sighed, leaning in again. He was head over heels already. “What brings you here to our little corner of the world, Miss Vera?”
She blinked, and they were fucking mesmerized by those lashes and those hazel eyes. “Just passing through, boys. Don’t wanna step on any toes.”
Paul groaned. He wanted her to stay. She smelled amazing, and when she had returned the kiss he hadn’t even realized he was giving her, he felt jolts of electricity shoot through every part of his body. 
He wanted more.
“Damn, babe, you’re breakin’ my heart,” he said, holding her face so that he could lick blood off her chin.
“No fair,” Marko nudged his brother. “I want a taste…”
David looked up from the drained corpse, listening as his boys slurred with love drunk voices. Max had warned him about females, about those with foreign sires. They could trap you in a web of lust, keep you dumb and happy there for as long as they wanted, rob you blind and kill your entire family...but somehow, he got the feeling that Vera wasn’t even trying to fuck with them. There was no misty, foggy sensation that would signify magic, no eye contact, no focus. As he rose to his feet, he realized he was walking towards her of his own accord, the only spell being that strange, unspoken one that kept pulling him to her.
He had an inkling of what it could be, but he didn’t dare get his hopes up.
“Got a place to stay, darling?” He asked as he shoved his boys out of the way and knelt before Vera. 
She leaned toward him, a sweet smile on those bloody lips that told him she was confident enough in her ability to handle them all. She was calm, completely in control of herself, even when faced with three healthy male vampires. Her eyes were half-lidded, long lashes fluttering whenever she blinked. 
When her tongue slipped out to lick blood off her lips, David’s eyes widened at the sight of something he had never seen before. It was split in two, each side moving of its own accord easily. Paul let out an eager noise, Marko shoving him with his shoulder to try to get a better look. Vera just laughed at their fascination, pulling her tongue back into her mouth and smiling. 
David could feel her breath on his cheek as she took in his scent and he couldn’t help the shiver that went up his spine. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her better than Paul had, to fuck her and hear his name on her lips. He wanted to show her how strong he was, to impress her, to prove himself for some reason. He would kill a hundred surfers if he had to, if it would grant him her favor. He would sit out in the sun and burn himself if it meant he could be hers. 
He had never felt this way about anyone, and it was pissing him off.
Vera laughed to herself. She could smell his desire, and she knew that it was because of her. Just like those Surf Nazis, these vampires wanted her, but at least she liked this little pack. What’s more, that aching in her chest had stopped when they showed up, and she had a feeling she knew why. 
It was a little bit terrifying, though, and she wasn’t about to stop and think about it. 
“What are you suggesting?” She asked, brushing her fingers along his cheek, a smear of blood following. 
“Stay with us,” he breathed, blue eyes locked with hers. 
“Darling, I don’t even know your name,” she quipped, never shifting her gaze. 
“David,” he said with a slight growl as he felt himself getting lost in her eyes. 
“David,” she repeated, voice soft and breathy. Her hand moved to cup his cheek and he leaned into it, nose twitching as he smelled the fresh blood in her wrist. It was sweet, sweeter than any blood he had ever encountered before, and all he wanted to do was sink his fangs into her flesh and get a taste.
Vera heard a sigh and finally took her eyes off David. The other two were watching, just off to the side, staring hungrily at their leader and the new girl. 
“And what about you two?” She asked, hand sliding down to the side of David’s neck to keep him in check. She was confident enough in herself to handle him, but at the same time, he put her on edge. There was no way she was going to let her guard down around him yet.
That was the thing about female vampires, though; they had the uncanny ability to always put on a facade, and Vera was no exception. David made her nervous—they all did, honestly—but she wasn’t about to let them know that. 
“Paul,” the tall blonde said quickly, rushing forward as if he would die without her touch. He pressed his nose against her throat, breathing her scent as if he was starving. 
“Marko,” the smaller one followed, desperately reaching out to touch her hair. 
“Paul,” she purred, earning a growl. “...Marko…”
Another growl. 
They acted like they needed her, all three of them, but they were behaving themselves. She had no doubt that if she gave them the go ahead, she would be naked within seconds, but for the moment, they were listening to her. She had never experienced something like this before; usually, other vampires ignored her, or threatened her until she left their territory. These boys seemed to adore her, and she had to admit, she liked it. 
“Paul, Marko,” David said roughly. “Clean up so we can go home.”
With a groan, the younger two did as they were told, dragging Surf Nazi corpses into the ocean before wiping their hands and faces clean. 
“You’re their leader,” Vera said, more as an observation than anything else. “Are you their sire?”
David smirked as he helped her to her feet. “Depends on how you look at it.”
She raised an eyebrow. “There’s only one way to look at that, David.”
He melted when she said his name, leaning in to catch another whiff of her scent. It was sweet, like honey, sticky and sick, and all he wanted was to drown in it. “What have you done to me, Vera?”
She smiled and took his hand, raising it to lick blood off of his fingers. “Nothing on purpose, I promise.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t mind,” Paul suddenly grabbed her from behind, arms snaking around her waist as he buried his nose in her black hair, inhaling deeply and letting out a happy sigh. The feeling of her there in his arms, pressed up against him, was enough to make his fangs slide out again, and he couldn’t help but swipe his tongue up the side of her neck.
David snarled, snapping only inches from his brother’s face. “Behave.”
“You say as if you are,” Vera snorted, giving David a gentle push and easing her way out of Paul’s grip. “But you boys are all very sweet. I don’t mind the attention.”
“Oh, you have our attention, sweets,” Paul whistled as she turned and bent over to wash her face and hands at the water’s edge, giving them all a good view of her ass. A low rumble rose in David’s throat as he appreciated the sight, and Marko echoed it. 
“So greedy,” Vera mocked as she straightened up again. “Are you this nice to every bloodsucker that hangs out on your boardwalk, or is it just me?”
“Just you, that’s for sure,” Marko said, almost cackling.
“The others aren’t so delicious,” Paul cooed with that signature laugh. 
“Oh, aren’t you a charmer?” Vera said, walking back to them. Now that her arms and legs were clean of blood, they could see that she was covered in tattoos, and David wondered if she had them as a human before she was turned, or if she had found some way to make the ink stay in her regenerative skin.
Paul gave her a cocky grin and David rolled his eyes. His brother was such a flirtatious bastard. He was a lady killer, literally, even more than David was, but Vera didn’t seem to mind his advances. She seemed comfortable with Paul, taking it all in stride.
It made David just the tiniest bit jealous. 
“Come with us.” He said it more as an order than an offer, extending his hand out to her. 
“Unless you got somewhere better to go,” Marko joked. 
“And there ain’t nowhere better,” Paul snickered.
“There aren’t too many places to hide from the sun on a boardwalk,” Vera snorted. She was finally coming down from her high, the thrill of the hunt fading again and giving way to her less monstrous personality. “I was going to have to find a good spot anyways…”
Now that she wasn’t operating solely on instinct, she could take a moment and think about her situation. Three male vampires, none of whom had tried to kill her for stealing prey in their territory, seemed to be absolutely obsessed with everything about her and wanted her to go home with them. One had even kissed her and she had kissed him back, because it had felt so right. She allowed them to touch her, to taste her skin, to share her meal. They were stronger than her, and they outnumbered her, but she still felt like she was...in charge? 
David, the definite leader of the little pack, was looking at her hopefully. His face was stony, but she could see excitement in his blue eyes, and when she smiled, there was a spark of something in those irises. 
“Just don’t kill me in my sleep,” Vera joked as David took her hand and began leading her back up to the boardwalk. 
“No promises,” Marko leered as they followed.
“You look good enough to eat, babe,” Paul growled playfully, lunging forward to cop a feel of her ass. 
Vera only laughed, but David snarled dangerously at his brother, moving his arm to Vera’s shoulders and pulling her against his side. 
“Relax, you big angry beast,” Vera said with a grin, raising her hand to his chin and giving a teasing scratch. 
David huffed and Marko hooted with laughter. “Damn, she’s way more fun than you, David!”
“I dig this chick,” Paul snickered.
“You better share her,” Marko whined.
David smirked as they climbed the stairs back up to the boardwalk. Could he manage that? He only ever shared things with his brothers, but even then, he was terrible at it. Vera had some kind of magnetic pull on him, yeah, and his mouth watered at the thought of keeping her around, but Marko and Paul were both obviously into her...and she was into them. 
She was into all of them.
He needed to talk to Max. He honestly hated having to ask his sire for help or advice, and he avoided it whenever he could. Max had never been very nurturing, despite wanting everyone to act like a big family. It worked out for the boys, sure, but Max was…not a great father. A patriarch, yes, always seated at the head of the metaphorical table, but he was cruel and cold towards David, and he had been from the very start. He thought they all needed a stern hand to keep them in check, and David didn’t like that. 
Still, Max let them run free, and he knew more than David did about their own kind. He was helpful, sometimes, in his own way, and his son was going to have to defer to him. He had questions about Vera, about the pull he felt toward her, and Max was the only one with the answers.
As they returned to the boardwalk and joined the crowd of humans, Vera was pleased to see that the sea of people parted for the boys. They stepped aside, glancing with mixtures of emotions at the little pack. Girls looked dreamy, parents grabbed their children, Surf Nazis raised their lips in sneers. Was it because of their reputation, or did the humans somehow know that they should be afraid of the predators that stalked Santa Carla? She hoped it was both. She hoped that these boys were wild and rowdy enough to rule this boardwalk, and she hoped that they liked her enough to keep her around. 
She glanced up at the sky, a few stars twinkling despite the light pollution from the city. For the first time in a long time, she wasn’t itching to hop on a bus or hitch hike to the next town. For once in her life, Something was occupying her mind, and the wanderlust was giving way to another, completely foreign feeling. The ache in her chest was gone, but it was replaced by a strange, burning, almost longing that she had never felt before. It was almost similar to the emotions she experienced during bloodlust, but she was in control of herself. Her fangs weren’t poking through, her eyes weren’t shining...she was happy and her hunger was sated, so where was this coming from? 
She was still avoiding the one train of thought that would bring her to the right conclusion. It was just too much to consider, especially with everything happening so quickly all of the sudden. 
They came to a halt when they reached their bikes, Dwayne already back from dropping Laddie off. From the looks of it, he had grabbed a bite on the way, jeans stained with fresh blood that the humans would just assume was from a fight. 
Vera stopped. There was another male here? She was finding it hard to believe that she had stumbled across a pack of four males without any females, but she couldn’t smell much in the way of estrogen on them. It was just odd; vampires didn’t usually live in bachelor groups like these, but she supposed it wasn’t entirely unheard of. It was just strange that they hadn’t found any girls they wanted to keep around for all eternity.
Most people got lonely eventually. Maybe these four were all actually lovers...but she hadn’t seen any marks that would mean they were claimed, and she hadn’t smelled or sensed anything that would lead her to believe that they were serious.
The one leaning against the bike was tall, long dark hair falling around his shoulders and a curious, but serious, expression on his handsome face. She felt frozen under his gaze, uncharacteristically nervous, like a deer in the headlights. It was like he could see right through her, and she didn’t know if she liked that or not.
“Dwayne, this is Vera,” David said as he tugged her along. She found a way to make her legs work again and followed, letting a smile curl its way onto her lips when Dwayne bowed his head to her. 
“And she’s tough,” Marko said, bouncing over to his bike. 
“And she’s gorgeous,” Paul took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss as he passed her.
“I can see that,” Dwayne said, his voice deep and smooth, a seductive smile on his lips. 
David narrowed his eyes, but tried to hide the movement with a smirk. “Keep an eye on her. I’m going to visit Max.”
“Oh, I’ll keep both eyes on her,” Paul winked as he beckoned for her to sit behind him on his motorcycle. 
David rolled his eyes, desperately trying to not make a scene. “Control yourself. I’ll be back.” 
He pressed a kiss to Vera’s head, inhaling deeply before leaving her side and stalking off down the boardwalk. He could already feel his sire tugging questioningly at his consciousness, curious as to why David was so eager to speak to him. His son had always been good at blocking him out, keeping his mind locked down unless he needed something or there was trouble that called for Max’s attention. The others were more open, but Max didn’t have as strong a link with them, and while David was supposed to be his prodigal son, he was so...secretive. Private. Closed off. For him to be willingly heading to the VideoMax store for anything other than annoying him or hitting on Maria out of boredom, something very important had to be going on, and Max was beyond itching to know what it could be. 
“Who’s Max?” Vera asked, joining Paul to perch on the back of his bike. 
“David’s sire,” Marko answered. 
“A grouchy old bloodsucker,” Paul grinned. 
“He runs the video store. He hates it when we crash.” Marko laughed. 
“But...that cashier is pretty cute,” Paul said, thinking of Maria. “I’d love for a bite of—”
He was cut off by the breath leaving his body when Vera wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his back. 
Marko hooted with laughter at his brother’s reaction and Dwayne let out a chuckle. Paul was absolutely speechless, and Vera wasn’t even making skin on skin contact with him. 
Until she felt him tense, smirked against his back, and slid her hands under his mesh shirt. 
If Paul could blush, he would have. He would have been a shade past tomato red. The feeling of her fingers running over his abs was all he could focus on for a moment, and all he wanted was to kiss her again, feel her again, maybe get a little tongue action...
“You’re supposed to behave yourself, Paul,” Marko taunted as he caught a whiff of the lust in the air and felt his brother’s excited thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah,” Paul snarled. “I don’t need this shit from you.”
“I’m just repeating what David said,” Marko said defensively. “You’re the one who can’t keep it in his pants.”
“Well, aren’t you just the perfect little angel?” Paul shot back. “I’m the one with a goddess on his bike, might I remind you.”
Marko scoffed, lip raised in a nasty little snarl. “Not for long, Paul!”
Vera smiled as they bickered. Paul’s arousal hung in the air, but she didn’t mind; in fact, she liked it, and she hugged her arms around him tighter as he squabbled with Marko. She was eager to get back to wherever it was that they called home, and she was eager to sleep surrounded by them and feel truly safe for once. She was used to being alone, and she wasn’t scared of it, but she was always on edge, always ready to run or fight. It made her a light sleeper, and the concept of not having to worry was more tantalizing than any of these boys were on their own. 
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Author's Note: Hi that isn't my GIF. But this is my fic and I would really appreciate it if you told me how you thought it was, and if you especially like it, my requests are open friends. :3 I have the spicy sad right now, and needed a little angst with a happy ending. Ok, be fed I guess.
This has 3,000+ words, are you proud of me or what!?
From the prompt: As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday. Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has until then.
"Hey Tommy? I was thinking."
"That's a shit idea, you should stop doing that"
You swiped at the back of his head.
"Shut up you ass, I'm serious."
"Hi serious I'm- OW fucking hurt is what I am it's a joke, learn to take a-AH." You hurdled a handful of playground pebbles at the 17 year old.
"Alright, alright gorgeous, hit me- No! I meant hit me with the question you little shit." It was getting hard to breathe when he got you to giggle so hard.
You're laughter died down. You looked down, unsure if you could look at his face when you said this.
"I don't have a boyfriend." He abruptly stopped laughing, hiding the obvious fact that he almost choked on his own spit. You breathed a laugh again.
"I don't have a boyfriend. And you don't have a girlfriend." Your smile slipped off.
Tell him. Tell him, you're almost there. I don't have anyone, and you don't either except we do we have each we have each other we have-
You looked to Tommy, his boyish presence fitting on the swing set made for much younger kids. You were much younger kids when you met for the first time, on this very swing set. You think about telling him you fell in love with him when he pushed Jackson Paloski down on the asphalt because Jackson said trailer-trash can't play on the nice swing set. You didn't know it was love though, you were in the fourth grade but your heart still beat a little faster and when you asked him if you could sit beside him during lunch he huffed and complained, showing off he was moody and tough and haughty, but he very obviously made Michael Welsh move from his spot beside Tommy so that the pretty new girl could take her place beside him. And you stayed there. For years. Right beside him.
You felt the breath leave your lungs as you thought about telling him you can't stop thinking about him lately.
Can't stop hoping your skin will touch when he asks you to pass him something.
Can't help feeling like punching every girl that makes a scene trying to gain his attention. You're usually so focused on glaring at the girl that you miss the way he shrinks in on himself, the way he actively turns his body to you.
You think about telling him. And how telling him could mean you could do more, be more.
You think about telling him. And you think about him pulling away from you, gently gathering his things as he stumbles over how to let you down easily, unaware that that's not an option any more. Tommy letting you down would mean shattering.
You clench your jaw. His eyes try to tell you something.
"So. So since. We don't have someone." You look toward the Shell gas station across the street. Tommy wets his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue.
Your throat twinges, the twinge you get when you're trying to hold back tears. You shrug to yourself and let out a breathy laugh.
"So since we don't have hot dates, we should make a deal." You make your voice upbeat. You know Tommy can call your bullshit but he doesn't, sit's quietly.
"If by the time we're 35, and we don't have a, someone, to, ya' know. We should get married." Your heart clenches. "If we don't have. Like if I don't have a husband, and you don't. Have a girl, or-" Tommy is quiet. White hot panic races up your spine. You look over at him.
Tommy looks-
He looks like he's frozen, like he's still a few sentences behind, and you're about to throw in the towel and swallow a few of these pebbles so you'll choke and die and won't have to hear his laughter tear apart your heart.
Then Tommy blinks and kind of hunkers in on himself, looks anywhere but you, eyes shifting and darting. His smile isn't his when he manages it.
"Oh, you're so on, sweetheart."
It's not quite right. The atmosphere is still tense and you feel like there's a conversation you're meant to be having, like there were supposed to be different words spoken and heard during that time.
But having Tommy, even if it's like this, even if he doesn't want you like you ache for him, is better than not having him at all.
Beside you, while you hurt quietly beside him, watching the sun set, rocking back and forth on the too low swing, Tommy swallows down self-hatred and overwhelming feelings. Instead, he schemes.
It's been five years since you've made your little deal with Tommy. Five years, and every single time you've tried to move on from the man, it's ended in catastrophe.
The time you two had just graduated high school and drove to Tommy's house so his older brother could congratulate you two. Brendan had had a buddy over that night, not much older than you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't flush appreciatingly at his sly smile toward you and the way he actively tried to add you in on the conversation.
The night ended rather abruptly when Tommy had spilled hot tea all over the guys front. Tommy was always collected, and it was rare moment when he was clumsy. Never mind the fact that Tommy never drank tea, and actively made fun of you drinking the stuff.
Or the time you two reluctantly went to Brendan's wedding. You loved Tess, and thought they were a great couple, but stomaching an entire ceremony of the two being gross and affectionate, all while you and Tommy couldn't boo and throw miscellaneous items at them? The entire evening was spent with Tommy snuggly against your side snarking quietly in your ear, so close you could feel his warm breath on the entire side of your face.
Yes, your plan of moving on was going swimmingly.
Then Tommy went to the bathroom, and a handsome man smiled at you across the room. You tentatively smiled back, and he moved as if to cross the distance. Then immediately stopped, his face dropping and his eyes widening slightly as he spotted something a little over your shoulder. You saw him clear his throat and veer toward a large group laughing.
Your felt your face slightly warm and your heart drop a little, self consciously looking over your shoulder.
And let out a noise of surprise.
Tommy stood behind you, so close for a second you thought a very well dressed wall had somehow appeared while you weren't looking. You had just enough time to see 'The Expression'.
Tommy was an amazing fighter. And all throughout high school, he made sure while he minded his own, he could also hold his own, and everyone knew it. He had developed an expression, one that scared every single boy in this town shitless. It was a mix between unbridled rage and open invitation. The message was pretty clear and universal.
Come get some.
You usually laughed and teased him about it, because to you it just looked like he stubbed his toe and he was trying not to yell.
You weren't expecting to see it at his brother's wedding, and you certainly weren't laughing now.
In a blink it was gone from his face, and he turned to you with his beautiful sweet smile, the smile that showed just a little peak of his slightly messed up front teeth. He usually reserved that smile for you. You had never seen anyone else on the receiving end.
"Tommy, why were you just-"
"This blows, I just passed Tess and Brendan flirting. They're already married, why would they keep doing that." He rolled his eyes, moving to your side as his hand disappeared behind your back.
"Tommy did you just square up to the guy checking me ou-"
"Brendan's friend is here, the one who can can do a Kick Up."
You stared at each other for a long moment. You felt his hand barely ghosting over the small of your back. His eyes where sharp, a little desperate.
"There's also a rumor he killed a guy with just a playing card."
You licked your lips. He raised his eyebrows, his lips getting distracting.
"Shit Conlon, why didn't you start with that, take me to him."
Or the time, more recently, when you went to a match to watch Tommy completely destroy his opponent. You loved going out to see him fight. Loved the adrenaline and the satisfaction when Tommy won, making him less timid, a little more rowdy and confident, a little more touchy and feely.
You've kind of given up on the whole moving on thing, even if it was driving you up a wall.
Tommy had just won, and you were eagerly waiting to congratulate him, excited to hug him freely, without him wondering why you were hugging him to begin with. And maybe to hold on a little tighter. Maybe to allow your hands to rove a little more freely.
Hey, was it not a night for celebration?
A man started to chat you up. You smiled patiently and gave some noncommittal grunts and affirmations as you continued to scan the crowd, looking for the familiar mass of Tommy, all hard edges and bulk. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet.
The guy moved closer, making a joke you didn't really hear. You laughed, your eyes darting and searching.
"You look beautiful by the way. I saw you watching the fight, crazy that you're into this stuff. Not a lot of women I know cheer like that."
You finally glance over to the man, but quickly get back to standing on your tip toes, looking above heads.
He doesn't even look that bad, and it's obvious he wants to get your number. He's just not the man you want chat with, and definitely not tonight. Not on a night that Tommy just won, and a night he'll want to come over to yours, joking and teasing, touching you much more confidently than he normally would. Falling asleep much more easier with his head on your lap.
You tamp down a smile. You wouldn't want this guy to get the wrong idea.
"You know, there's a really good Thai place down the road- Ah, fuck, watch it buddy. Can you not look where you're go-" You hear the man choke off the sentence, trying not to smile as you imagine the other guy. probably a lot bigger than he is. Wouldn't want to completely ruin his night by laughing at the guy.
"Fuuck me, buddy, sorry. I did not know who I was talking to." You could hear the man swallow. "Hey, I think you did great in the ring tonight, real good job of... Knocking that guy out. With one punch."
You whirled around, smiling so wide you felt the strain on your cheeks. There was only one guy who did that tonight.
Sure enough, Tommy was standing there. He had put on a shirt and took his gloves off, but he was still sweaty and breathing hard. He completely stanced up, like he is in the ring, and his expression was-
Well, you chalked it up to the testosterone flowing freely through the place. Probably just mad that he ran into another dude.
It still didn't stop you from running and jumping directly on him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, legs completely circling his torso. You giggled into his neck, exclaiming how proud you were of him, how good he looked out there, completely stroking his ego, but not caring at the moment.
You felt his arms immediately span your back, feeling like his hands where trying to be everywhere at once. That was new. That was new and you couldn't say you hated it.
What you didn't see was the look on Tommy's face. The cold calm of someone who just threw a punch so hard at a man who was bigger and faster than him and shut his shit down. Directed at another man, much slower and smaller in comparison.
You didn't see the stranger's face pale, but you distantly heard the sound of chairs clatter to the ground as he turned tail.
Five years of pining (not so) quietly for Tommy, the man you had fallen in love with, but without a doubt did not love you back.
Tommy knew without a doubt that he loved you.
All those years back in fourth grade, when he let it slip that his favorite snack was those crackers with the cheese filling, and you showed up with a whole pack of them to share, smiling this big goofy grin with your beautiful eyes and warm presence.
God how could he not.
The problem was how he was supposed to convince you to like him back. Him, Tommy, who fought most of his way through high school, who didn't like to get too close to people, who didn't like eye contact or conversation that ran too long or too forced. Who loved you though.
And who was very annoyed at the boy flirting with his girl.
It never failed to make Tommy's blood boil. He knew he had no right, because for one, he spent five years doing his damned best to break up every chance at you leaving him.
Just until you guys turn 35, right Tommy boy? You can probably keep that up.
Tommy breathed in a shuttering breath.
He just wanted to buy you your favorite drink at your favorite café. That's all he wanted to do. And maybe find and excuse to hold your hand without burning up from the embarrassment of actually having feelings (can you imagine?).
But of course, some dick-head always noticed how beautiful or kind or warm you were, and had to take their shot.
Well, Tommy was fucking sick of it.
Tommy thought of all the times, and there were a lot of times, when he had to step in and derail the situation. He knew this would be the last time. He had to do this, get rid of the unrelenting ache he felt while going to sleep, looking at you, thinking about you.
Tommy moved toward the you and the man you were talking to like he was entering the ring. With the mindset that he could get totally and irreversibly hurt, but he was gonna fight to the bloody end beforehand.
"Do you need directions?" Tommy asked as he slid up behind you, closer than he would have ever before. He felt your confusion even if he couldn't see your face.
"What?" The man was just as quizzical.
"Oh, I was just asking if you needed directions or if you could get lost on your own." Tommy raised his eyebrows, setting his hand on your hip, trying not to think about the many, many questions you'd have about that.
The man thought about arguing, but then he really looked at Tommy. Looked at you, then back to Tommy. Decided he didn't want to bleed tonight, and huffed out an angry sound.
You at least waited until he was out of ear shot before whirling on him.
"What. What was that?"
"Ok, I know what your probably thinking-"
"That you're out of your mind Tommy?! Are you kidding me right now? 'Get lost?' Get outta here with that shit, what was that?"
The two of you were pretty far back in the shop, but he still lowered his voice to make sure no one was bothered.
"Ok, yes, you're mad, I can see that-"
"Oooooh well I'm glad you can see that Tommy." You felt your face start to turn red, feeling exhausted and confused. "Explain. Explain to me Tommy, that every time a guy wants to have a nice, civil, God forbid, flirtatious conversation with me, he high tails it out of there just as fast, Tommy, explain."
Tommy felt an expanding ache somewhere behind his left eye.
"Ok. Ok I'm gonna say something stupid-"
"You always say something stupid, stupid-"
"Can you just. Can you let me finish." Tommy felt exasperated and a little insane. He was about to confess in a coffee shop to the girl he loved and things would never be the same again because she was about to leave, but fuck it if he wasn't at a boiling point.
"Ok. You know how we made a deal?" You looked at him, raising your eyebrows.
"About who could spray the most whipped cream in their mouth? Yeah it's me, it'll always be me. So you got so mad you're trying to, what, make sure I die alone, I don't..."
"What? No can you not, can you focus right now?" Tommy's palms were starting to sweat and he clenched his eyes shut tight. He breathed in and let it back out in one harsh huff. "When we were seventeen-"
"When we were seventeen you said that if we weren't married by the time we were 35, that we should marry each other." He watched as your eyes widened and your face warmed a little. "Well, the deals off. I'm not doing it any more."
Tommy wasn't sure what to expect, but the flash of utter pain that tore across your face was not it. You stepped back, looked like you were about to bolt, your eyes wild. You tried to pull yourself together but it was really hard to breathe. No matter how many times you tried to prepare yourself for this day, you could have never imagined how it actually almost brought you know to your knees.
"So. Here's the new deal. If in like, five minutes, you're still single, and I'm still single..." Tommy swallowed hard, licking his lips. "We should just." His eyes darted to your lips.
You froze. Tommy caught his lush lower lip in between his teeth. He'd never been more nervous his entire life. So nervous for the inevitable laugh, the pity laced rejection, because really, it was one thing to be friends with a shy awkward boxer, but another to look at him and think, 'yeah, that'll do.'
Tommy had approximately five seconds to wallow in self deprecation and pure terror before he had a handful of you, and something that suspiciously felt like lips on his lips. But that's funny, because he's almost positive that that's not the case.
Then he felt your tongue swipe his lip and decided he cared fuck all and proceeded to get lost in you, your breaths, God he could feel, taste, your breath as you both got consumed by each other.
Someone coughed disapprovingly your way. The two of you broke apart, panting slightly.
"Ok, ok please don't. I really don't want you to hit me but I'm really fucking dense, right, and I just have to ask, you did that because you. You like like me- OW I said I didn't want you to hit me!"
You felt yourself laughing, felt your never ending ache subside and your love sky rocket.
"Oh, you're an idiot," You pecked his lips, he tried to catch your mouth fully but failed. "You are such and idiot- Oh my God we're both idiots holy- Hey. Hey, you, you've been. Have you been sabotaging-"
"Did you hear that?" Tommy tilted his head and looked toward the ceiling. "Ope- oh yeah. No. yeah, that's for sure the sound of-" He cut off, dropping his serious expression, grinning as he leaned down and kissed your mouth again, this time taking your words and any objections, affectively cutting off any questions that would leave him looking stupid.
You two would need to sit down, to talk about how you've felt all these years, how you were both so stupid that you both refused to confess to each other.
But for now, you lost yourself in the taste of Tommy, and the heady feeling of someone you've loved for seemingly forever, loving you back.
Real Quick: Would you be mad if in the next fics I write I called this man Tomithy? Asking for a friend.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 years
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The Night of the storm.
X-orcist au. Dreams, Demons and Desires.
Synopsis: pre X-orcist, where the story starts. The worst night of Dreams life, and the last night of Nightmare's. Angst piece. Make sure to check the tags for potentially triggering topics.
It hadn't been an intentional kiss. Not planned. Not anticipated.
All those years Nightmare had dreamed of doing it, the nights he'd stayed up hugging his pillow. The times he'd let his mind wonder to the sound of Dreams voice. Every dream he'd had where he'd wake up shaking and warm afterwards. It was a longing that had pulsed in his soul for years, which stretched far beyond the brotherly love.
He should feel disgusted in himself right? It was his own dust and bone, something untouchable to him. But in this moment he couldn't have cared in the slightest.
He wasn't fully sure what had happened to lead him to kiss Dream, all he knew was that they were. It should have felt so wrong, but instead it was a feeling of warmth that he'd never experienced before. He loved it.
Nightmare made sure to take in every sensation as it happened. Dream tasted sweet, just as he'd always imagined. Something warm and honey-like.
He could hear the sound of their kiss and the ruffle of their clothes as they pressed together.
Their head pieces clinched as Nightmare moved closer again. There was a lot of heat spreading through his non-existent veins and a deep craving for more that he needed to satisfy. At that moment he felt Dreams hands rest on his chest, gripping his coat. He paid no mind until he felt Dream apply pressure.
Violently and suddenly, Dream shoved his brother away parting them.
Nightmare stubbled back, feeling upset at loosing his grip. But when he turned his gaze back to dream, the disappointment faded..... Replaced only with a twisting, ill feeling.
Dream’s chest was pounding with each breath, as his whole body shook. Night felt his soul sink when he looked at Dream's expression. The shock in his eyes was shifting into that of disgust and horror.
With a low clap, Dream slapped his hand over his mouth as if he was about to be sick. In fact it looks like he might just be.
The words rammed around Nightmare's head and made his soul clench. He released in that moment what he'd done. Now he felts like he was going to be sick.
A sudden flush of every lewd thought he'd had for Dream in the past, pops into his mind. Even worse he remembers every time he'd had to excuse himself to relieve them. Each new memory greets him with a sick feeling.
"why would you... How could you!?"
His brothers voice sounded like white noise and was just barely in focus. His head swarmed with a million excuses, trying to justify or cover up his actions. But nothing could ever be convincing enough. Voices screamed in his head for him to lie, to say it was a mistake or an accident. But he couldn't.
His silence caused Dream to start crying. The slightly younger twin felt so confused and violated. His emotions tossed wildly inside him like snakes. How was he supposed to feel in this moment?! His brother kissed him!.
He near screamed in desperation. A cry for this to all be a joke or a miss understanding. But instead his brothers next words practically broke him.
"I love you Dream"
The tears streamed down Dreams face, as his body continued to tremble. Every part of Nightmare wanted him to wipe away those tears. To hold him close like he always had. To make it ok. But how could he when he'd caused them?
"Dream I can't help it..... Everything about you... Its like you were made for me"
There was a feeling like a dam braking and his confession poured out of him. He told him everything. How long he'd felt this way, how he'd tried to stop but he couldn't. How every day he felt like he fell in love with him all over again and how no one else had ever made him feel the same.
Though all this Dream stayed quiet and listened. His tears fell silently down his cheeks and soaked into the top of his scarf.
"who cares what others say..... All we've ever needed is each other"
There was a glassy look in his brothers eyes, as he continued to cry, and it was unbearable to see.
Nightmare reached his hand forward "Please don't cry Dream Its ok it-
It was a sharp pain as Dream slapped his hand away, hard.
"don't you dare touch me! "
Dream tried to sound threatening, but it was impossible as his voice broke. He backed away from Nightmare, as if fearful, until his back hit the wall.
"You c-can't ever touch m-m-me ever again.... y-you're sick!"
That made Nightmare angry. How was he sick? He wasn't in control of his feelings. It wasn't his fault that Dream made him feel this way. The bright, happy-go-lucky brother had done this to him. It was his twins fault so what right did Dream have to call him sick?!
If Dream really wanted to see something sick...
He could ram him against that wall, kiss him until he was breathless and touch him everywhere. What a joy it would be to have Dream shake beneath him, Nightmare knew he'd have Dream clawing at his back by the end of it. He'd fantasied of it many times and in that moment he had every desire to take what he wanted.
But as he looked again at Dream's tear stained face, he knew he couldn't. He could never do that. It frightened him that he'd considered such a thing for even a moment. Maybe Dream was right..... he was sick.
He took a step back.
"Dream.... I"
But his brother shock his head.
Dream could feel burning shame on his face. It was a boiling hot feeling spreading through him quickly. It felt like he was on fire and he couldn't fully understand what he was feeling. All he knew what that his brother caused it and he wanted to get as far away from Nightmare as he could.
"You're a sinner! It's disgusting..... I... I...d-don't want to s-s-see you ever again"
Each of Dreams words dripped poison, it sent pain through Nightmare, hitting him over and over. It was like something was piecing him, smashing each of his bones and crawling at his insides. Having Dream reject him was something he'd tried over the years to emotionally prepare for.
But..... to have his brother look at him this way. That way. The same way many others did, with fear, disgust or perhaps even hatrid.....
He needed to run.
He didn't hesitate for another moment, not wanting to look at what he'd done for a second longer. So he ran. Ran past Dream, who had sunken into a crying mess on the floor, and out of the door.
It was raining outside and the wind swept the droplets into his face, stinging it. Yet the cold did nothing to sooth the burning heat running through him. Shame, sadness, lust, self loathing and heart break beat him in rhythm with the rain as he continued to run.
Where was he running to? He didn't know. Did he really even have anywhere to go?
It was a thick downpour of rain and he could hardly see through it. He didn't even really know what direction he was going.
But it didn't matter, as the world around him was just a blur at this point. Nothing mattered to him any more. He'd crossed a line he never should have even gotten near and the consequences were torture.
All he could hear was the sound of his feet slapping the wet ground and felt his soul twisting and wrenching as if it were battered by the wind. He turned in a new direction and kept running.
He stopped and caught his breath, doubling over slightly. He tried to collect his thoughts and quiet his hammering chest. But froze as he saw a blinding light and heard the sound of screeching tires.
It was the sound of police sirens which eventually drew Dream to get off of the floor. He was still trembling, as the memory of his brothers actions was still extremely fresh. So fresh that he could still taste him on his tongue. But he stood up none the less.
Dreams throat was burning from sobbing so much, and it stung as his swallowed the saliva in his mouth.
The sirens continued, and prompted a slight curiosity from Dream. Shakily, he made his way across the room and to the front door. It was still open from when Nightmare had left. He made sure to close it when he stepped outside.
It was still raining, it had been raining all night. Storms had always used to scare Dream as a kid, but Nightmare had helped him get over that phobia. Making a game out of it, hidden in pillow forts. Something safe, cosy and warm.
Tonight it felt slightly scary again.
Wiping the rain water from his face, he looked up the road to the source of the noise. There was an array of cars and people, stood in a circle around something. It was a small town they lived in, so this kind of thing was rare to see.
With his soul still hammering, he started to approach the scene. 
As he got a closer look his soul completely stopped. A boiling hot feeling rain through him, followed by a deep coldness. Like being plunged in icy water.
unconsciously His pace quickened.
"no... No"
As the scene came fully into view, he broke into a run.
"no no please NO!"
This wasn't happening. This couldn't happen. He couldn’t be seeing this.
Before he could fully reach his target a pare of arms grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Sir you're going to need to stay back"
"NO" He screamed, fighting against the police officer's grip.
He continued to struggle, desperately trying to reach his twin, who lay still and lifeless on the tarmac.
"YOU PROMISED YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME!" he said, yelling as his voice turned horse "PLEASE!" he sobbed "I love you p-please..."
He stopped struggling, completely defeated  "P-please.... D-don't go".
As the police officer's grip lessoned, Dream dropped to his knees, unable to stand for another second. He had no strength. All he could do is sob as the world came crashing down around him.
Nightmare still lay motionless, his blood spreading under him like wine on a white carpet, mixing with the rain, making red swirl in all directions.
There was no hope in Dream that he was just unconscious. As much as he desperately wanted it to be true, he wasn't naïve enough to really believe it.
He was dead.
Dream pushed himself up slightly, pathetically dragging himself across wet floor in Nightmare's direction. This time the officer didn't stop him, most likely out of sympathy. But Dream didn't care.
Dreams strength failed him again once he was close enough to see his brothers face. Still, cold and bloody, it truly broke him. He fell down onto the road again. There he lay, a couple inches away.
He said, summoning all his strength to reach his heavy arm forward to grasp Nightmare's pendant, which lay just within reach.
"I'm.. so sorry" he whispered, as his fingers closed around the metal star trinket.
Weakly, he put his head down on the road and closed his eyes. Feeling numbness overtake his body and rendering him still. The ran poured. The people around him bustled. But he could hardly hear it.
He was alone.
Original nightmare and dream belong to jokublog
X-orcist au by me and @zu-is-here. Based off of the artwork by @zu-is-here​
Dreams, Demons and Desires version of the au belongs to me.
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axther · 3 years
hero of many, princess of none
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in which Bakugou and Kirishima, trying to attempt a quest, meet a strange young woman.  for @reddriot​ 
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Life in the borderlands was not easy. 
It was long and toiling, with the twin suns making the days hot and the years long. The sea of sand that stretched across half of the planet could turn into tundra in a day. There used to be kingdoms built on top of kingdoms on top of kingdoms, but they were all sent to dust and to pain. 
And alone survived a girl. 
She was a child. She alone survived the ruin of a thousand empires, waiting above the sand and snow. She alone was the last heir of a kingdom that never was. Even when the wind ripped off the skin of lesser men, she did not die. 
The little princess walked in a state between heartbreak and duty. Why did it happen this way? Why her? Every question was raised. Every god heard a plea. But none answered. 
So, the little princess wandered the borderlands, lonely and divine. And through the years, she grew, with skin like armour and eyes like a stone. She could look out at the great dunes like a hawk and see a single creature. She was armed to the bone, no inch of her left open. She was weary, but stood for those that had no king or knight to protect them. Those that abused what they had were forced to face her dark fury. She became the Mirrored Darkryder, for the fleeting steps in the night that forced the hand of her enemies and the mirages that she seemed to leave in her wake. 
She was the hero of many, and princess of none. 
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Good inns were rare. 
Bakugou Katsuki sat at the bar of an inn, with his best friend and dragon shifter Kirishima. They were off on some quest that his mother made him do, after a day of barking at each other, and was told not to come home until it was done. It was something about a bear, blah blah blah, Bakugou really didn’t care. He just wanted to get it over with so he could go back to fighting the enemies of his people and essentially becoming a war hero. But here he was. In an inn, trying to figure out where said bear was. 
Kirishima was chatting happily with the bartender and no less than three patrons, waving his hands about and laughing freely. Bakugou felt sour. He wanted to kick everyone in the room and make them shut up. But alas, he needed information, and inns were the only place to get it.
“Hey, dumbass.” Bakugou hissed, nudging Kirishima’s shin with his foot. “Ask them about the bear.” “Oh!” Kirishima looked at Bakugou with a huge grin. “I already did! They said there is no bear like that.” “What?!” Bakugou barked, rising from his seat, fury welling up in him. “What the hell do you mean?!” 
“Apparently there’s no bears around here.” Kirishima shrugged. “Only wolves.” 
“That doesn’t make any fuckin’ sense!” Bakugou looked at the bartender, gritting his teeth and almost frothing at the mouth. “We’re looking for the White Bear!” “White Bear?” The bartender winced, and Bakugou realised the whole bar started going quiet. The conversations went null, all eyes on them. 
“White Bear…” One of the young ladies said in a hushed whisper. “He’s our lord.” “A thief,” An older man hissed, gripping the table under his worn hands. “He steals our crops, our women, our animals. Our way of life.” “You won’t have to worry about him.” The bartender leaned back, beginning to wipe down a glass. “He’s being taken care of.” “What?” Kirishima leaned in, curious. “What do you mean?” “The Mirror Darkryder,” The girl whispered with reverence. Heads bowed down, and the candles in the room seemed to flicker. “She acts for the people. We asked…” “She will save us.” A youth, maybe Bakugou’s age, rose with a justice-ridden look. Kirishima seemed wholly into the mysterious saviour thing the village had going on, but Bakugou scoffed.
 “What, you hired an assassin?” “She’s no assassin.” The bartender hummed. “Some say she was born out of the sands of the Borderlands. Others think she’s some sort of...god. I dunno. But she’s the protector of the people. If someone sends a messenger into the Tenebris Woodland with a plea for help, the plea will be answered.” 
“We hope that the White Bear will be better, in some way.” The girl sighed, having the last word. “In death, or in life.” 
Bakugou felt his blood chill, and he turned to Kirishima. He seemed almost awestruck, with a gaping mouth and wide eyes. There was a moment of pure reverence before a traveller walked through the door, breaking the tension. It was raining like hell outside, and when the figure walked in, they were soaked through. A certain air made them feel almost dangerous, like a plague in human form. They seemed weary, sighing before plopping into a chair next to Bakugou. The inn went back to its loud state and the lights went bright again as if nothing had happened at all. Kirishima looked around in a bit of confusion, raising his eyebrow. 
“Huh? That was weird.” “How can I help you, stranger?” The bartender talked over Kirishima, leaning over to the traveller. They lowered their hood with a tired sigh, shaking their head to reveal a young woman. She was beautiful, even in her exhaustion, and the bartender swallowed a bit. “Miss?” “Right, uh...whatever is filling.” “Of course.” The bartender left to go get something, leaving her with Bakugou and Kirishima. He leaned over Bakugou to give the traveller a toothy grin. 
“Hi there! Are you visiting?” “Hm?” She looked at him with a surprised glance. “Oh, yes. I’m just passing through.” 
“That’s awesome! So are we!” Kirishima skedaddled around Bakugou to squeeze between the two of them. “What’s your name?” “I’m YN.” She smiled softly, tilting her head. “And you?” “This is my bro, Bakugou!” Before Bakugou could protest, he was tucked under Kirishima’s overenthusiastic arm and noogied.
 “Shut the fuck up! Don’t you fuckin-!” 
“He’s my best friend!” Kirishima grinned, letting go of Bakugou. “And I’m Kirishima. Dragon shifter extraordinaire!” 
“Don’t just tell anyone that-!” “Neat!” YN grinned, lacing her hands. “I’ve only met a handful of dragon shifters before.” “Wait! You’ve met any at all?!” “Why, yes!” She nodded fervently, giddy.  She seemed like a total sweetheart, as opposed to the initial aura of “don’t interact or else I’ll kill you”. Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the candlelight, and when she leaned into her hand, her cheek was squished. There was a kind glow about her, and Bakugou felt his unease slowly melt away. 
“When?” His words were less suspicious, and more inquisitive. “Was it with the nomads?” “Oh, no.” YN shook her head happily. “It was in the mountains, a small family of them. The children were such small things! Their scales hadn’t even shed yet.” 
“Oh!” Kirishima had a hand over his heart, seeming almost faint at the idea. “That’s so cute! Bro, bro, remember when we were kids?!” 
“Fuck off,” Bakugou rolled his eyes, peeling away from Kirishima’s side in embarrassment. “I don’t fuckin remember.” “C’mon, you still have my scales on your armour!” “Shut up!” YN started laughing, and the sound was whole. It was peace, welcome changes, the twin suns through the green trees. Both Bakugou and Kirishima paused, leaning in and going quiet to listen. It wasn’t like bells in the noise, but in the motion; pealing, tumbling, ringing everywhere. When she laughed, the whole world stopped to listen. And the two stared. 
“So.” Bakugou broke the silence as soon as she stopped, not wanting for the conversation to go dead yet. “What are you in town for?” YN tilted her head again, and pursed her lips. She seemed to be in thought for a second, before nodding. “I’ve been taking odd jobs through the Borderlands and the Meseta. The sort of stuff people wouldn’t do...normally.” “Like…?” Kirishima paused, trying to make sense of it. “Like...yanno…” “Oh! No! Not like that!” YN waved her hands, flushed before taking a sip of her drink. “Not like that.” 
“Then what is it?” Bakugou frowned. Before he got his answer, there was a yell from outside, and everyone looked towards the door. YN seemed to have a dark sparkle in her eye.“Neither of you are grossed out by blood, right?” “Huh? No. Why?”YN rose from her seat as people began pouring outside, and Bakugou watched her go with a confused scowl. “What the fuck was that about?” Bakugou got up to leave and Kirishima followed, a cautious and curious glance in his eyes. They both stepped out of the inn, and saw everyone crowding the town square. There were double the people in the bar, and when Kirishima saw what everyone was looking at, he recoiled and grabbed Bakugou’s arm. In the middle of the town square was an elaborate sacrificial stand, with several spears placed in a circle. The two longest were in the centre, on a pyre that burned bright into the night. One had a long, dark cloak on it, which miraculously hadn’t caught fire yet and waved in the thick night wind. The other was the head of a grisly young man, with his eyes wide with fear and tongue lolling out. He still had colour in his face, but the blood was trailing down the spear and onto the pyre. It was a morbid sight, but villagers were dancing around it in joy. 
“He’s dead! The White Bear is dead!” 
“She did it!” 
Though the sight was one to behold, Bakugou and Kirishima both slowly relaxed once they realised that their work was done for them. Bakugou glanced over to see YN looking at the pyre with a satisfied look.
“Well, they’re happy.” She crossed her arms, looking at them out of the corner of her eye. Bakugou noticed that when her black cloak moved, it showed a whole set of weapons around her waist and thighs. One had blood on the handle; an embellished dagger with a white bear motif. 
“It was you,” Kirishima whispered, clearly reaching the same conclusion as Bakugou.
 “Maybe it was.” YN shrugged. 
“You took his own weapon?” Bakugou couldn’t help but be impressed. 
“I never said that.” Despite her refusing to answer, it seemed more out of obligation to keep her ‘identity’ a secret, as opposed to actually lying to them.  “Wow.” Kirishima looked at YN with wide eyes. “So you...what, you go around saving people?” “Me?” YN turned back to the pyre, a smile on her face as she watched it burn. “I would never. That’s made for people who have far too much free time on their hands.” Bakugou scoffed. “Like the Mirrored what’s-her-nuts.” “Exactly.” YN sounded both ready to burst in laughter, and posh at the same time. “Like the Mirrored what’s-her-nuts.” 
“Where will you go?” Kirishima’s voice was laced with concern.
 “Oh, I don’t know. Wherever the sand and the dirt takes me, I suppose. Wherever the Mirrored Darkryder is needed most.” YN turned with a flourish, her cape flicking behind her as she slowly walked into the woods, fading into the dark with what felt like too sudden of an exit. Bakugou looked at Kirishima.
 “Do you think we’ll ever see her again?” Kirishima sighed, eyes wide and looking at where she seemed to become shadow. 
“No.” Bakugou shook his head, feeling as though the moment was something monumental. 
“I don’t think we will.” 
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transraptortrainer · 4 years
Brooklyn unboxes Kenji's feelings about a certain fanny-pack-wearing, Anky-loving boy they know... Inspired by @theswampspirit 's post!
[FANFIC | Rated T for mild language. Spoilers for Camp Cretaceous S1!]
It was yesterday when they had found it. Footprints by the monorail, both that of small shoes and small dinosaur feet, trailed their way towards the main park. It was the first and only sign that their friend Ben had survived the attack by the pteranodons, and was still on the island with them. 
However, despite their optimism, the kids had yet to find anything else. Rainfall soon after had washed away what remained of the prints, and even then, they were at least a day behind Ben - wherever he was going.
From the south dock, they traveled north to the golf course and reluctantly decided to settle there for the night. Small buildings, parking lots for carts, and rest stops for golfers dotted the grassy plains here. Brooklyn and Kenji remained at a concrete building, keeping the fire going as Darius and the others searched for supplies in the surrounding shops. 
Brooklyn dipped a rag into a small creek and wrung it out slightly. Little bird baths like these were all the kids could manage so far. Unless they found some hot running water at the hotels in the main park, they wouldn't exactly be at their freshest until they were rescued. Not the greatest state of affairs, but "kinda clean" was better than "brachy-behind air quality". 
To her right, Kenji sat, exhausted by their long day of travel. Brooklyn thought about the kind of person she had assumed Kenji to be when they first met, and then compared that to who he ended up being. Sure, he was still a jerk, but only sometimes. Perhaps the most surprising change was how distraught the boy had been after the group had lost Ben. 
The fanny pack, previously dubbed "dork pouch", was tied around his waist, where it had been for days now. He never removed it. Even when Yaz offered to carry it instead, he refused to give it up. At first it was just...sad...it stood as a reminder that they had lost a friend. Brooklyn had wondered if she was the only one who was tired of looking at it and being reminded of the guilt. 
But then there was yesterday. Sammy had spied the prints in the ground and was tied with Kenji for being the first to utter the idea that Ben was still out there. Ever since then, Kenji seemed more like himself. More like everything was alright in his world. 
"You really do miss him, huh?" Brooklyn asked, airing her thoughts in the vaguest possible way.
"What?" Kenji replied, baffled. "No! Who are we talking about? I mean, what kind of monster wouldn't miss his friend-" 
Brooklyn watched speculatively as the boy floundered at the question. It was hilarious, honestly, because who wouldn't think that Kenji, the idiotically boastful yet resourceful smartass, struggling to respond to a simple question was funny? And let's be real, that use of "friend" felt all the more ridiculous as Kenji's hand instinctively rested on the fanny pack around his waist. 
Brooklyn raised an eyebrow and returned to wiping the dirt from her face and hairline. In the past day, the chance that Ben might still be alive felt so much greater. And on another note, it brought her a lot of guilt considering how quickly she assumed the frail, clumsy germaphobe hadn't made it. She had to hope that Ben's feelings wouldn't be hurt. But those signs they had found...it had to mean something. 
"I'm just saying, you've seemed in muuuuch better spirits since yesterday," Brooklyn replied, dragging her sneakers in the loose dirt and piling up a shapeless mound. "Out of all of us, I know you were the most...lost by what happened." 
Kenji scanned Brooklyn's face cautiously, some form of shock in his eyes. Maybe being raised a rich, only child with absent parents had something to do with it, but he always seemed so surprised by how well everyone read him. Maybe more so by the way no one took his bullshit for an answer.
"M-maybe," he finally said. He rubbed a palm against his neck, his brows furrowing. "Maybe!" he said again, seemingly just in case Brooklyn hadn't heard the first time. He looked at the ground, a smile coming across his face, but only briefly. "I wonder how he's doin' out there…" 
Brooklyn rinsed the towel in the stream before snapping it dry and laying it out flat on the rail. "If I know him, he's probably desperately searching for some sanitizer," she joked with a chuckle. 
"If he's not camped out by a log he also tripped on earlier!" Kenji retorted, and the pair's laughter echoed around the clearing, accompanied by the crackle of the fire. 
However, it wasn't long after that Kenji grew quiet yet again. Brooklyn could tell this was one of those rare moments where he actually thought before he spoke. Leaned over his knee, he propped his head up on his hand. "But I wonder if he thinks he's alone here…"
That's a lot of wondering he's doing, Brooklyn thought. She had half the mind to make a joke about him using his brain too much, but that kind of sarcastic reply seemed more like Yaz's territory. "C'mon, Kenji. If we didn't send help back from the mainland, there's no way his mother wouldn't have. He has to know that." 
Kenji nodded slowly, his thumb tapping the fanny pack yet again. "Plus he's got Bumpy, right? Anky-saurus-es or whatever are tough! Not tough enough to take the Indominus, but…" he added. 
"Right!" Brooklyn said with an affirming point of her finger. Whimsically, she plopped onto the concrete ledge across from Kenji and observed him more. 
Now, she didn't want to come off as too people-watch-y. That couldn't be good for the size of Kenji's head. He'd probably say something about how everyone looks to him for guidance or something else indicative of his constant attention-seeking behaviors. But even now, Kenji seemed well within his own mind. 
Still thinking about Ben, she decided. 
The two of them were pretty sweet together. Kenji liked to act like he wasn't a fan of Ben's cuddly and apprehensive nature, but surely he couldn't have hated it that much. Why? Because any good content creator knows when there's more than meets the eye. Maybe Kenji just needed a little push to make him realize. And Brooklyn was a master reporter, of course. If there was one thing she knew, it's that people love to talk about themselves.
"Ben's probably thinking of us too, don't you think? If he's out there, I mean," she began, tipping her chin up to look at the glimmering stars. "Maybe even thinking of you right now." 
Kenji stirred, a small, tired smile making its way into his voice. "What do you mean? After I was such a jerk to him, I kinda doubt it."
"Really?" Brooklyn turned back to him, surprised. 
Gesturing uncomfortably, Kenji seemed to regret his word choice. "Just that...you know, I yelled at him. Said that stuff about Bumpy." His voice trailed off with a surprising guilt. "I - we took him for granted, and it was...shitty of us."
Brooklyn nodded quietly. "Buuut, you also saved his life, you know. I think it's pretty clear that you made him feel safer," she stated warmly, pressing her hands together. 
Kenji shuffled awkwardly, keeping his eyes on the dirt. "You think so?" he asked, before quickly adding, "Not that it matters to me, obviously… Wait, did he tell you that?" 
Could he have been making it any more obvious? Brooklyn giggled, rolling her eyes. "You could call it intuition, or just common sense, seeing-things-because-I-have-eyes?" She lifted her legs onto the bench, laying with her back rested against the wall. "What do you think he'd be doing if he were here now, with us?" 
"Besides churning up some kind of dino baby food for Bumpy?" Kenji said plainly, raising a brow. "He'd probably be flinching at every little noise, just like the rest of us, and clinging to m-" he cut himself off, a first ever blush faintly hitting his cheeks.
"Bingo…" Brooklyn exclaimed quietly with a wink. "Which brings me back to my first question, Mister Kon. You miss him, don't you?" 
Kenji frowned. "If he was here clinging to my side, I'd obviously tell him to relax and let up his superhuman grip!" He paused, drumming his fingers on his knee. "Except I am kind of cold anyway, so if he wanted to sit with me then whatever."
"Soooo, you're telling me if we did find him," Brooklyn prodded. "You definitely wouldn't sweep him up in your arms and smile like the kid with the most candy bars on Halloween?" 
"No!" Kenji replied indignantly. A moment passed. "...Well. Ugh, don't rule it out, I guess. Should've known you were just trying to get me to admit something embarrassing…" 
She smiled softly, placing her hand on her chest proudly. "Well, Brooklyn is the name, annoying pestering is the game."
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
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“KINGDOM OF RED": Chapter 2 (Pages 93 to 146)
The wall was badly broken.
Suoh, who dropped out of school after completing the supplementary lessons, was sitting on the bench at the bus stop. He wasn't waiting for the pass. It was a hot and humid day in which the sun was raging even though it was June. So on the way home, he buys ice cream on a stick and sit on the bench at a cabin-style bus stop in the shade to eat ice cream.
The bus stop is no longer in use (at least Suoh has never seen a bus stop here), and it seems like it has been left unattended and has forgotten to check out. The roof and walls to prevent rain and wind are made of wood and have corroded over the years. However, it is useful to avoid the sun. The road was up a hill and the bus stop was near the bottom of the hill.
Moist, gentle heat envelops his body. It was windy, but the wind direction was bad. The wind blowing from the side is blocked by the wall and does not hit Suoh. This stop was good for umbrellas, but it was also a windbreaker. There is no choice but to look at the state of the tree swaying in the wind.
Quiet early summer afternoon. The first to notice it were his ears.
From a distance, he hears the sound of a bicycle's wheels spinning at tremendous speed. He wondered if he was getting closer, "Ooh!" He hears the voice of a child screaming.
And the wall was broken.
The corroded wooden wall was completely destroyed by a bicycle that rushed down with tremendous force, and a child riding on the tattered bicycle appeared in front of Suoh. He was thrown from his bicycle, fluttered in the air for a moment, rolled on the ground, hit a wall opposite the wall that his bicycle had destroyed, and stopped.
"What the hell..."
The boy frowns painfully, almost upside down from the impact of rolling.
He meets Suoh, who was sitting on the bench at the bus stop and eating ice cream. The boy opened his eyes and said, still in an upside down position.
"Are you hurt?"
Even if he thinks about it, the questions are absurd.
The boy, groaning, finally gets up from a prone position and checks his body. Then, he squeezes the brake on the bike that fell and jerked.
"I thought I was lucky because the bicycle was thrown in the dumpster, but it looks like the brakes were broken. I'm sorry for the surprise. I'm glad I didn't hurt you!"
The boy said that with a smile on his face. A cool breeze blows through a large hole in the wall of the destroyed bus stop. The child's pale hair ruffled fluffy.
Is he a high school student? He was a childish boy with a well-organized face and a slim figure.
"Well, it wasn't the case since you were relaxed. I'm going!"
The boy suddenly seemed to remember something, but as soon as he stood up, he frowned and stopped moving. Apparently his leg was injured.
"Ugh. No use. Sorry, can I hide for a bit?"
The boy hid behind the bench without Suoh's consent. Suoh wasn't particularly interested, so he left him alone and ate the rest of the ice cream.
Before long, he hears several jerky footsteps. Three bad-looking men run. At first glance, they are wearing a fashion that spared no effort so that they could be recognized as bullies. The dangling gold accessories make a jarring noise.
A man with a shaved head calls out to Suoh.
"Has a high school boy come this way?"
Suoh didn't reply. Perhaps that attitude was annoying, one of the men clicked his tongue.
"Hey, answer what I ask you!"
When Suoh was still silent, he was touched from behind on his back. The boy hiding behind the bench. It seems to be a sign to do him a favor.
Suoh opened his mouth, thinking it would be troublesome.
"I do not know."
"You lie! It's the kid on the bicycle that fell over here!"
From behind the bench, he hears a faint, impressive sound. Apparently, he did not know that he would be caught on a bicycle. It can be silly.
Behind the terrifying bully before Suoh, the other two compare the bicycle to the destroyed wall and turn their necks, saying, "What happened?" "Is that child okay?"
"I do not know."
When Suoh told him that, the shaven-headed thug got enraged and grabbed Suoh.
But before his hand grabbed Suoh's chest, the boy hiding behind the bench came out and stopped the bully. The child, holds the bully's hand, shakes his hand and smiles.
"Sorry I was here."
Suoh was amazed.
Didn't he want them to hide him? No, he really didn't want to hide behind Suoh, but he wondered what to do if he hid and came out later.
The man who was about to grab Suoh also grimaced in frustration. After exposing a face of direct surprise for about two seconds, he felt relieved as if he had returned to himself, and forcibly pulled on the hand that was paired with the boy. He slides the back of the bench and forces him to tip over, and the boy is dragged in front of the men.
"You can't run anymore. Where did your father go?!"
The bully held the boy with his hands and pressed his rough face closer to the boy.
"I don't know. Like I said before, my uncle often goes on a trip, so if I go on a trip, I don't even know where to go."
Even if it's scary, he doesn't seem scared at all. He is used to this situation or he is just nervous? However, even though it wasn't sexual harassment, he seemed to be in trouble.
"Liar! I wonder if you became a decoy and let your father escape!"
"Well that's correct."
"So you're admitting that you let him get away!"
"That's right. If you ask me, I'm in trouble when they ask me. No, I'm still in trouble, right?"
Apparently, it is not exactly this child who is being persecuted, but the child's father.
Suoh grabbed the wooden ice cream stick that he had finished eating and tossed it in the trash next to him. A dirty, rusty metal trash can with the sound of a wooden stick falling and a clicking sound.
The men turned their eyes as if the sound reminded them of Suoh's existence.
"Hey, who are you? Do you know him?"
"I don't know. He was there when I got rid of my bicycle."
The boy said before Suoh answered. It seems like he is trying to get involved without permission and the child doesn't want to get him involved anymore.
Suoh sighed and looked at the men. Ignoring their faces, if he looks at each one, he can see a tense atmosphere running between the men. The shaved man, who was holding the boy in his hand, gulped and released the boy's hand. He can see the child blinking as if surprised.
"What are you doing?"
The words thrown at Suoh were terribly devoid of content.
"It is a demon."
Suoh said in a low voice...
"Get lost."
The air sways. In the movement of the air, he realized that these men would not approach. He can tell by the smell that he is willing to fight.
"What, cheeky..."
One of the guys said in a silly voice, maybe he couldn't retreat. Another person touches his elbow.
"No, don't waste it here. It's not our job to deal with an unrelated child."
With that word as a hint to retreat, the men returned the brilliance. "Next time your father goes somewhere, ask him where he's going!"
Suoh stayed behind with the boy and somehow looked at his face.
The boy's eyes were wide and he was looking at Suoh.
The two brown eyes reflect a lot of light and shine. His focus was on Suoh's eyes, direct enough to look like a prisoner.
For a moment, Suoh was a bit confused.
He feels like he hasn't been able to face such a straight line of sight from a non-hostile opponent these days. Most of the people who come are those who are trying to sell a fight, and most of the people who are not, look away as if they thought they would be bitten if they looked directly at Suoh. Even people, like Kusanagi and Honami, who try to communicate with the surrounding people, rarely look directly at this point.
The child's eyes, which pierce his gaze from the front in an attempt to identify the other person without any intention, are like when a child observes a person. He felt that uncomfortable straightness.
The boy said, looking at Suoh.
It was an oddly cautious tone that he could tell that he was afraid to bow his head.
When he frowns without understanding the meaning, the boy tilts his neck, which had been tilted to the left, again to the right, giving him a thoughtful look.
"Hmm... It doesn't feel right..."
He can't see what the story is. It was okay to throw him out, but he was a little worried about what this kid would say next, and he look forward to the next words.
The boy suddenly seemed to have some inspiration and said.
As soon as he said that word, the boy became confident and nodded.
"Yes, King is the best fit."
"What are you talking about?"
"The story of your name."
The boy said with an innocent smile.
"Can I call you King?"
"Do what you want."
Amazed, this time he left the boy and began to walk. The boy came out to chase him and yelled, "Ouch!" It seems he forgot he had an injured leg and moved.
"King, wait a minute! I can't walk!"
He stopped and looked back reluctantly. The boy laughed happily. With a simple smile like that of an old friend, he approaches Suoh.
"Sorry, but could you give me a hand?"
In the end, Suoh was replaced by a child's cane.
He didn't have the righteousness or the kindness to keep up with him, but for some reason he was caught up in the boy's rhythm. There was no such thing as listlessness in the way the boy spoke and interacted, rather it was not strangely clingy.
Speak frankly and dryly, with no signs of compassionate or intrusive appeal. The ease with which the boy would not get hurt or angry at all, even if he declined his request, on the contrary, may have made Suoh feel like he could get a little more involved.
The boy grabs Suoh's high shoulder as if he is dangling and walks so as not to put his weight on his injured leg.
“The people I mentioned above are debt collectors. My uncle loves gambling and just got into debt."
"Oh, that's my dad."
When he was skeptical about some of the words spoken by the boy and repeated like a parrot, the boy complimented.
"I think those debt collectors aren't bad people either. They don't normally blame me, but I helped my uncle escape today, so I think I pissed them off."
"Where did he go when you let him get away?"
"I don't know. Like I told those people, I haven't asked."
While lending his shoulder to the boy, listening to his words, he finally came to a small apartment.
It's an older, two-story apartment that's rare these days. The inner door to the first floor was open.
"That open door over there is my house. I ran away in a hurry, so I left the door open."
The metal door that seems to make a cheap noise when knocked is wide open. Next to the door was a name tag with the words "Ishigami". What hides the back of the room is a thin, hand-made piece of fabric that looks like it was made by joining pieces of fabric together. Beyond that, there was a small tatami room that integrated with the kitchen. It's messy, but not crowded. Daily necessities and messy and unclear sundries are boxed and decorated as a small display, and it can be seen that the owner of this room is living happily as is. However, as a sign that he had run away, he saw a container of hot water lying on the ground.
When the boy removed his hand from Suoh's shoulder, he entered the room, believing that Suoh would naturally approach, and without a doubt, he said, "King, is it okay with Gobocha?"
"What is Gobocha?"
"As the name suggests, it seems to be gobo tea. The neighbor told me it was good for my health and she bought it, but I didn't like the taste. She gave me a drink, so when I told her it was not delicious, she gave me a lot."
The child takes a teapot with tea from the refrigerator, stirs the drink and pours it. He put two cups on the table and looks at Suoh with a smile.
Suoh walks into the room, takes the drink in one hand and drinks it. The flavor hasn't changed much, but the scent that comes out of the nose is definitely that of Gobo.
Hydrate his throat with a very cold tea with an unusual flavor. At first glance, the house did not appear to have air conditioning, but a cool breeze was blowing in through the open windows. There is a clink. When he rolled his eyes, a wind chime that looked like handmade was hanging from the curtain rail.
It's still good now, but he thinks it's hard to spend time in this house when summer comes around, but this kid laughed that he didn't have a cooler and enjoyed the little tricks to avoid the heat. It felt like this.
"It was incredible what happened a moment ago.", said the boy with a smile.
"A moment ago?"
"When you got rid of the debt collectors. King, you saw them and they all ran away."
Suoh snorted a bit at the comment. The boy also narrowed his eyes in a funny way at Suoh's appearance.
The boy drank his tea in one sitting, took a breath, stood up with his crooked leg elevated, dumped tap water into a plastic bag, threw in some ice, and tied it up. He wrapped it in a towel and put it on his ankle. Keep talking gently while quickly treating the affected area.
"Keep in mind that there are colors, shapes and temperatures."
Suoh frowned at the sudden comment. The boy still has a slight smile.
"No, I could see the sign, I'm not saying I'm like an expert or something."
After trying to apologize, the boy looked away, perhaps trying to remember what he had just seen.
"I could see King's signal growing in the narrow space. I think they could see it too, so they ran away. I didn't run away simply because I wasn't afraid of King's eyes."
The boy continues talking while looking at him.
"It doesn't mean I feel the line of sight, you don't emit a beam from your eyes, I'm not talking about that. But it's true. It's the first time I've seen a person's intentions so clearly. It's like I've seen a ghost although I shouldn't have been inspired."
Suoh glanced at the boy. The child smiles vaguely and looks down to bite into something.
"Is there color, shape or temperature?"
"There was. King's sign is... the temperature is high and it feels red. Then it grows like a glow."
It was like listening to a children's poem. The boy shook his eyes as if trying to find a suitable expression.
"Yes, it was like a flame. Everyone knows that if you touch it you will get burned, that's why the King sign scares everyone. But, although I know it is scary, fire attracts people."
Once, the child removes the ice pack from his leg and observes. Suoh looked at him and said in a low voice.
"What is that?"
"Huh? What?"
"What is King?"
The boy slowly blinked his big eyes a few times, and after a while, he bowed his head.
"Because you are like a King."
"What do you mean?"
The boy changes the tone that seemed calm until then and speaks like a child.
"When King looked at them and made a great sign, I thought you were a king! You were like a great king!"
"It was like a flame from a little while ago."
"The flame looked like a king."
"Was it even covered with a crown?"
"Well maybe it's a little different..."
The boy also made a pensive little face and made his eyes shine.
"You are a lion. You are like a lion with strong fangs. A lion would be the king of beasts."
Suoh sighed and stood up.
He couldn't keep up. Or rather, he had been with him long enough.
The boy didn't try to stop Suoh, who was about to go home, and said, "Oh, are you going home? Thank you for today."
"See you."
The boy responded to Suoh's miserable greeting with a bright smile.
"See you again, King!"
See you, the words were not just greetings.
Then the boy appeared many times before Suoh. He appears casually as a dog or cat that you often run into during a walk, and when he thinks he have been following him for a while, he easily disappears.
After repeating such a thing several times, Suoh got used to the boy's existence. He come to accept him as a familiar dog or cat.
Those who have been close to Suoh so far are those who fear him, or those who have a sense of hostility. There are even those who borrow Suoh's power, try to use him as a shield, or feel the illusion that they became stronger when they were close to Suoh.
With the exception of Kusanagi, who never entered Suoh's territory, even when he was near Suoh, and drew a refreshing, clean line. Kusanagi's way of taking a distance was refreshing to Suoh, probably because most of the people who sided with Suoh were the ones who stepped in and hit him, or the ones who came up and tried to lean on him.
In comparison, that boy enters this area, both physically and mentally. However, if he want to lean on him, he don't and disappears. After all, he looked like an animal without human thoughts or speculation.
Suoh himself is called a beast and is used to being treated like an animal. Such a beast got acquainted with a friendly dog ​​and cat.
It doesn't make sense for Suoh to wander around town.
He does not have a positive desire to play, nor does he want a place to stay. Like a fish swimming in a tank of water, just walking around town.
Suoh has never felt a clear inconvenience in his life. Although his parents died early, he had a legacy he could live with. It was his eccentric grandfather who became Suoh's guardian after his parents died, and did little to interfere in Suoh's life with minimal discipline when he was young.
There is no shortage and there is no particular bond.
Still, Suoh felt that this world was narrow.
A world in which people are crowded and various emotions intertwine, as if walking is going to hit their shoulders. There was always a vague feeling of obstruction, no, a strong feeling of irritation.
(Your parents were laid back and nice people.)
His grandfather once said while drinking. He wondered why a child like him was born to such human beings.
(But it may have been unusual for me to freely accept a child like you.)
He was a stubborn and silent grandfather. He became ill and was strongly recommended to be hospitalized, but refused to decide where he would die. He hated hospitals and terrible treatments that would only postpone death, with a force that could be said to be hatred.
(I live freely and die. You also live freely.)
His grandfather stretched his back and looked at Suoh, even though he was thin from illness and had black, depressed eyes.
(You decide how to deal with that annoying thing in you.)
His grandfather's finger pierced the middle of Suoh's chest. He doesn’t hear what his grandfather said was a nuisance. However, he intuitively felt that it was related to this vague sense of obstruction that constantly envelops Suoh.
Suoh swim in the city like a fish. A town called Shizume where he was born and raised. People crowd and cross, it looks beautiful, it is also like a sweep.
Suoh doesn't hate humans like his grandfather. If the horses meet, they will meet each other and there will be no feeling of revulsion towards each other. Sometimes he finds it fun to hang out with Kusanagi.
Still, as Honami said, he certainly thought it was easy to be afraid of the people around him.
He doesn't hate humans. However, the intertwined human thoughts and feelings strengthened Suoh's sense of obstruction.
The "troublesome thing" in Suoh is probably why people around him are afraid of him and call him "beast", and that boy calls him "King".
"Oh, it's King."
Suddenly, he hears a bright and familiar voice.
Suoh, who was walking through the city smoothly, stopped. There is only one person who calls Suoh as King.
As expected, see the boy sitting down. The boy was in a circle of friends in front of the play center.
Suoh tried to pass by with a glance, but the boy was quick to say something to his friends around him.
There was no reason to wait, so Suoh continued without loosening his legs. The boy takes a brisk step and stands next to Suoh, looking up with a loose smile.
"It's the first time I've met you at night, King."
The boy said that, in a tone that was funny.
Suoh doesn't respond in particular and stomps on the dirty street surface.
By the way, Suoh vaguely thought that this boy would appear only at certain times of the day.
After school, he was playing near the place where he first met him, which is also Suoh's school route, and he was waiting in front of Suoh's high school while being nice to the students. To Suoh, this boy was a creature that haunted bright places.
"Did you go out at night to party despite being a kid?"
After saying that, he realized that it is surprising that this boy plays in Shizume at night.
The boy smiled after blinking his big eyes.
"A child is not much different from you, King."
"I'm going."
He thought he was a boy who was 12 years old at the most and had just entered high school. He's probably lower than average, and he has seen him in uniform multiple times, but didn't feel like he was wearing it.
However, there is not a big difference between twelve and fourteen, and in that sense, the difference between Suoh and this boy is not that great.
"Where are you going, King?"
Suoh candidly replies to the listening boy as he walks with a step that seems to bounce slightly beside Suoh. The boy was a guide.
"Does that mean it's not destiny?"
"That does not exist."
"So why are you walking?"
"There is no reason."
It is like a fish swimming in a tank of water. The boy looked at Suoh again for a while and laughed softly.
"After all, King is like a lion."
Eat, sleep, just walk around the place. Certainly animal behavior.
The boy doesn't want to know about Suoh, even though he follows Suoh. They meet in town, move on, and then go home.
Suddenly, Suoh realized that he didn't even know the boy's name. He was a bit surprised and speaks in the first person. He hangs around and talk nonsense, but he never asks for a name.
The boy looked at him as he spoke.
"Name is…"
It blinks, clicks and blinks twice. Then the boy also grimaced that he finally realized the fact that they did not know each other's names.
"Tatara Totsuka."
Totsuka rubs his nose. He felt stagnant for some reason.
A boy who calls himself Tatara Totsuka says with an impulse...
"I don't know King's name!"
Suoh simply called himself Suoh, while looking at the surprised boy.
"Suoh Mikoto."
The boy spoke the name in a tone like singing a spell, and his eyes were round.
"It's amazing that I have heard about the name and the rumors, King is Suoh."
"Did you know? Hmm, didn't you know?"
It seems like he didn't know he was the same person, even though he called him King and knew about Suoh's rumors.
Suoh was amazed and glanced at Totsuka, and tried to remember what he was caught up in.
"Name plate."
Suoh said, remembering an earlier event.
"The name of the front card is different."
Totsuka made a surprised face.
"Do you remember well?"
When he found him, he met this boy with an injured leg and brought him home. At that moment, he saw the front card of the house. He didn't want to remember it, but it seems like it stayed somewhere in his head.
"Uncle's last name is Ishigami. But I'm a collected kid, so my last name is different."
Totsuka revealed the origin in a light tone, which seems heavy from the point of view of general sensibilities.
"Was I three years old? I don't remember much, but it seems like I was dropped off at the park. I knew my name and I was carrying a small backpack with some money."
"Didn't you change your last name?"
"Yeah. Well, it doesn't mean I can't find a father. Until then, I thought I could live in that house for now. So it looks like we're living together."
That's probably why he calls his father "uncle." Considering how he met Totsuka, his father does not appear to be a legitimate type of adult, and may be living with him with the intention of having a small presence rather than as a father.
The slight freedom, kindness and somewhat dry atmosphere of the child, despite his original personality, can come from his birth and upbringing.
Say the name for the first time. Totsuka replied lightly.
"Because you follow me?"
It is a new question. Totsuka looked lightly and crossed his arms to think.
"Why is it exciting?"
Involuntarily returns the word like a parrot. He frowns and sees Totsuka walking beside his.
"There's a lot of fun in the world, but that's definitely not the case, is it? But there's something I can definitely say when I'm with King. I feel like it's there."
It's an awkward and fluffy answer.
"I do not know what it means."
"Well, in a nutshell..."
Totsuka thought for a moment and nodded aloud.
"I will be a servant of the king."
Suoh had a very strange face. If Kusanagi were here, he thought he would have an astonished face.
"Servant of the king?"
"That's correct. Who is there besides King?"
Totsuka smiles and says it as something natural.
After a while, he realized that Totsuka is a person who is very interested in various things. It seems that the interest in Suoh is only temporary. Suoh took a deep breath, wondering if it was useless to take him seriously.
"The king's servant is faking his current pastime?"
Totsuka also put on a serious and thinking face. The silence this time is unexpectedly long. This child, who usually speaks firmly, takes time to respond only when he thinks deeply.
After spending a long time thinking, Totsuka said...
"I feel different."
"I can't explain how I feel, but it's not my hobby. I like to try different things, but this is not the case."
Despite the irrelevant reply as usual, Totsuka's tone was unwavering. He thinks he's a funny guy. He looks like an idiot with a lack of screws in his head, but there are times when he seems to be looking at something different.
Totsuka said in a serious tone. He always speaks in a soft tone that seems to include a smile, so the mood changes when it becomes serious.
"I wonder if I want to stay away."
What? He tries to ask, but before that, he notice a sign of the way to go.
He turns his gaze to him. Three men stood up. It is a trio of a large man, a man of medium height, medium back, golden hair tied behind him, and a tall, thin man. Although the face and body were not alike at all, the atmosphere created was exactly the same. They are the ones who often intimidate their environment with their appearance and attitude. They seem to be floating in the surroundings, which the general public would avoid if they walked, and they blend into Shizume city at night as a background.
The men's eyes caught Suoh directly.
Suoh stops and ignores those who get in the way.
There was a distinct smell of hostility in them. For Suoh, the smell he got used to. The aggressive will is exposed in the eyes of the men to whom it is directed.
Totsuka calls Suoh. It doesn't seem awkward, but it is a voice with a soft color.
"Go somewhere."
He told him in a low voice, but there was no sign of Totsuka moving.
Suoh didn't look at Totsuka, he just looked at the ones standing in front of him and waited for the next action.
"You are Suoh Mikoto."
A large man standing in front of him said that. The upper arm muscles extending from the black tank top are tight and swollen. More than a threatening act, it was more like an unconscious force at the signs of battle.
The men look at each other as if they are talking to each other.
"Do you know Mitsuha-san?"
Mitsuha. Suoh looks for the name in his head and remembers it. He remembered him because he was a strange guy. The man who knew Kusanagi. Suddenly he came and got into a fight with Suoh. He's used to getting into fights, but he's never done it like that.
Was the full name Mitsuha Kurayama? It seems like he was a famous guy in Shizume. Kusanagi said he was rampaging almost like a street demon, equivalent to suicide.
Suoh remembered Mitsuha Kurayama's eyes.
Behind the dull color, there is something that burns violently, the eyes that glow black.
That eye had a reminiscent color. The irritation and resignation the man had were familiar to Suoh.
"What did you do to Mitsuha-san?"
Says a big man with a grumpy voice. To call him Mitsuha-san, they must have been members of Mitsuha Kurayama's group. After losing to Suoh, Kurayama obeyed Suoh's words to disappear, and disappeared from this artistic district. Are the remaining subordinates looking for the missing team leader?
Perhaps he was frustrated by Suoh, who was just looking back without answering, the big man distorted his face. However, he doesn't grab it in frustration, but licks his lower lip in a hasty gesture.
"Did you kill him?"
Suoh is momentarily absent when asked a tense question despite being intimidating. A peaceful voice echoed before Suoh understood its meaning.
"Ah, I've heard that too. It is rumored that Suoh Mikoto killed a person named Mitsuha Kurayama."
Suoh saw the owner of the voice that did not fit the content at all. Totsuka makes a smiling face without feeling tension by removing the poison.
"But you didn't kill him, did you?"
In a noisy situation, Totsuka is creating a loose atmosphere by himself. Suoh clicked his tongue.
"What if I killed him?"
"What should I do? But you didn't kill him, did you, King?"
Totsuka says that with a face that seems to respond to a test of confidence. The men around him also seemed crazy because they did not adapt to the situation.
Suoh gets tired and opens his mouth to end the matter quickly. "I faced him because he sold me a fight... So after I hit him, I told him to disappear, and he disappeared."
The men mutter under their breath at the explanation.
"Did you beat Mitsuha-san?"
"Don't be silly, why would Mitsuba-san listen to you?"
The men said that. Suoh no longer responded. Just be quiet and look at the men in front of him.
The men were ready to attack Suoh. There are no signs of quitting. The hostility and aggressive will that emanate from them smell stronger. It is the smell of a beast that rises at the signs of violence.
The big man in the lead in a black tank top stepped forward. After that, a flashy blond man and a tall, thin man spread sideways as if trying to lock Suoh up. All three are in a combat pose. Suoh warned Totsuka who was behind, "Go away.", Without turning around.
"Damn. How dare you say you beat Mitsuha-san!"
The big man said that while raising his big arm. A powerful fist slices through the air and hits Suoh's left cheek.
He hears a buzzing in his ear for a moment. The hit part is hot.
A momentary sensation of shaking the world and the heat.
It was permission for Suoh to break free. A sign that he, who is forced to live in a small world, will rush to the front.
The edge of his mouth lifted. A smile comes naturally. The big man who hit Suoh looks into Suoh's eyes.
He shook his shoulder. The flashy blonde in the back yells and jumps up in a hurry, as if grabbing his foot for a moment and taking it in. A tall, thin man pulls a knife from his back pocket and raises the blade with just a snap of his wrist.
Hostility and targeted harm. It is a familiar feeling. Sparks that continue to fall punishing. It is annoying and frustrating. However, it was also true that he feels liberated from the narrow world only at this moment. He knew it was just a momentary illusion.
Suoh stabbed at his fangs and giggled, stepping out of the tight little place that was pushing him inside.
The big man, turned into a big lump on the street and spread conspicuously. The black tank top is damp with blood from the nose. The skinny man is crouched on his stomach, and a blond man with a puffy face is trying to provoke the large man to pass out, with a sigh.
The deal was completed in five minutes.
Suoh has a fist with the blood of one of the three men, wiping it loosely on the waistband of his pants.
The passing heat is easily removed, and he suddenly remember it with a cool head.
What happened to Totsuka?
Before the fight started, he was aware of him, but after it started, he completely forgot about his existence.
"Hey, help me!"
When the blond man managed to lift the large man's body, he hysterically called out to the other thin man. The skinny man looked down the street, holding his stomach with one arm. Find the knife that fell and try to pick it up. He can no longer see the fighting spirit anywhere. He guesses he's just trying to collect it.
But before that, a slim hand reached out and picked up the knife lying on the street.
It was Totsuka.
He has a slightly embarrassed look on his childish face and slowly bends the butterfly knife to close the blade.
"Put down the knife!"
Totsuka said that, thinking that he would pick it up as it was, simply handed the well-bent knife back to the thin man. The man looks great.
The blond man called again in a voice mixed with irritation and impatience. The skinny one grabs the knife with a complicated look, and when he puts it in his pocket, he stands up and goes to his friends. The blonde and the other grabbed the tall man by the arms and dragged his body.
Suoh didn't say a word and sees the men's backs.
"Hey, you're strong." Totsuka said.
The admiring voice is a bit old-fashioned and feels relaxed.
"If you stay with me, you will get hurt."
"Hey. I'm running away fast. More than that, take this."
Totsuka gives him a soda. It was a can of cola that was sweating a bit on the surface.
"Your face. Put it on while it's cold."
He seems to refer to the cheek that received the first blow. In other words, when Suoh started fighting and was beaten, it appears that Totsuka went to buy a cola from the soda machine.
He thought he was a fuzzy guy, and that he was scared and lost.
Suoh receives the can of cola that Totsuka offered him and puts it on his cheek. Feel a little tingling and a pleasant coldness on his cheek. However, it got troublesome in a few seconds, put the can down and grab the tab.
"Oh, if you don't cool it down yet, will it swell later?"
"Shut up."
"Is it good? Is it really good?"
Suoh caused a jerk, even though he was skeptical of Totsuka. Immediately after that, a column of brown bubbles stood in front of him.
It's bright enough to be inadvertently overlooked, with cola bubbles gushing from the open can.
Shining in the light of the city center at night, the tail sprouted out with a refreshing sound and fell on Suoh's head.
Suoh stared at Totsuka's face, glue dripping from the tip of his chin.
Totsuka was also blessed with the cola and his face was drenched.
Totsuka laughed as if he couldn't bear it. He shakes his wet head like a dog to get rid of the water, holds his stomach and laughs.
"Ahahahahaha, I didn't think it'd gush out until now. Wow, I got wet too."
"I shook it."
"It would have been safe if you had cooled your face properly. Anyway, I've never seen such a good way to release. Unsurprisingly, King has something!"
Suoh was in awe of Totsuka, who laughed and wanted to take a picture.
He has never seen anyone approach Suoh like this ordinary stupid student.
After all, this is probably stupid.
Suoh laughed inadvertently. Certainly the current way of squirting glue was quite wonderful. Is a carbonated drink something that spreads great?
Something was wrong with something that didn't matter. It felt cold and a little comfortable when it came down, and it was slimy with peripheral skin and was sticky. When he rubbed his lips, it was sweet.
It's rubbish, it's not good, but it's kind of weird.
When he saw it, Totsuka had round eyes.
Looking back to see why he made that grimace, he smiled more than ever.
"Haha, King laughed!"
Totsuka laughs happier than before.
Suddenly, Suoh hit Totsuka's head lightly with his fist. Totsuka held his head as if it had hurt, but was laughing.
Suoh pointed with his mouth and capped the glue that was left in the can. When he tried to walk with Totsuka who was still laughing without discipline, he felt the signals of several people approaching him.
"Totsuka, what are you doing?"
"That person is Suoh Mikoto, right?"
They were the guys who were with Totsuka at the game center a little while ago. The smell of hostility isn't even dust. Just a little fear and a little curiosity mix and get closer.
Totsuka finally laughs and looks at the guys who seem to be friends.
"Ah, yes. Suoh Mikoto."
He said the name they just said, and after that, Totsuka…
"He's King!" Totsuka added.
"Why King?" "It's a nickname?" The boys mysteriously bowed their heads and Totsuka responded with a smile. Inevitably, he was dressed to be surrounded by boys even with Suoh.
While standing in the center of the children and drinking cola, Suoh suddenly remembered his teacher's words.
(When someone who can easily break through the walls that seem to surround you appears, you will become a central figure among the people. As if the things of now have never happened.)
It smelled of annoyance. But for some reason it wasn't unpleasant.
Nogi played with a butterfly knife in his hand as he endured the tingling of his lean body huddled and beaten.
Rhythmically, the metallic sound of the knife opening and closing sounds soft. The blade and handle of the knife flap like a butterfly and rotate as the wrist is moved slightly. After practicing a lot, he has been able to do it without being too conscious of his hands.
"Damn it, what is that 'Mikoto Beast'!"
Sakata angrily hits the table hard with his fist. The boastful muscles that stretched from the black tank top trembled. Suoh fainted him, but he woke up while being carried. It seems like his pride got hurt because he was suddenly stretched out, and his face was still bright red from a while ago with embarrassment and anger.
Kyosuke was cooling his face with a wet towel. The hair in the back is untied, and the blonde hair sticks to the face. This man in parentheses was worried that his front teeth had been broken and he had been silent for a while. The blood-soaked front teeth are carefully tucked away in the breast pocket.
The three were in a bar, where an acquaintance worked part time. The interior, which was based on black, was dark, and not very clean. The store was empty, with just a couple drinking cocktails and a hooded man sitting with his back to the back table.
Glancing sideways at the wild trees spreading negative aura in the wind after the fight, the pair secretly exchange words with a disgusting face as if they were planning to go home. The single male guest didn't even turn around.
Nogi, Sakata, and Kyosuke were members of Mitsuha Kurayama's team.
Kurayama was strong, bad, and cool. They even felt that they could take over the world if they followed him. He felt like Hidekichi Toyomi, who was a peasant who followed Nobunaga Oda.
Nogi has been crazy since he was a kid. His house was poor and his parents were not interested in Nogi. His face was not ugly, but there was nothing to see, and the slim body was somewhat ugly. Still, he was good when he was in elementary school. He had athletic nerves, so if he could play sports, he could rank high in elementary school and among the neighborhood kids.
However, since he was in high school, he has been ridiculed a lot. At best, he had no passion or patience to pursue a sport, and he immediately threw it away. Nogi, who was used to being treated as mere leftovers, joined the bad group. When it came to bad luck, few people were stupid in front of him. Being a feared man didn't feel bad. Even with a face that had nothing to do with it, if he dressed in street fashion and behaved appropriately, he could play with a woman who roamed the city. It got even more fun after he started dating Sakata and Kyosuke, whom he met in town. Sakata, who is big and proud of his power, is a bit fluffy to ruin the leader's style, but his fighting strength is good, so if he was riding that horse, Nogi could also dominate. Kyosuke, who is proud of the number of women he has, is annoying and conceited, but if he stayed with him, he could get along with a woman.
He kept chasing only the funny things in front of him. He felt that if he followed Mitsuha Kurayama, he might see more funny eyes. So one day when Mitsuha suddenly disappeared, he was confused.
It is said that Mitsuha Kurayama was crushed by Suoh and disappeared as Suoh ordered. What a fucking brat.
And although the three attacked together, they suddenly lost.
Crash, crash, crash.
The opening and closing of the knife Nogi is playing with becomes violent with irritation.
Suddenly, Nogi remembered the high school student who was on Suoh's side. In fact, he met him before. From the above situation, it seems likely that he does not remember the other side.
Nogi and Totsuka met while hanging out at Shizume. The guys who were walking together at that time knew each other. In other words, the relationship is from acquaintances to acquaintances. Acquaintances started talking to each other, so somehow everyone in the place knew each other. He forgets what they were talking about, but Nogi showed Totsuka a knife action.
With just a slight snap on his wrist, he can instantly open and close the bent knife. Seeing the knife spinning with a slight metallic sound, Totsuka's eyes twinkled, "It's amazing!" It was just nice to be respected. He was in a good mood and told him the various heroic stories that he had lived through so far. He talks about the kind of fight he experiences, what kind of bad things he did, and how scared he was. Totsuka didn't spew out the words of respect that he had when he saw the action of the knife, he just said, "Hmm. If you do that, you're an ordinary person."
It was a bit stuffy. He felt as if a painful part had been hit. Nogi is an "ordinary person", as Totsuka says, when he is not with anyone. He was only strong when he was with someone and he could be great.
However, Totsuka's words were so clear that he was sick, but not angry. Somewhere in his heart he had the feeling that he was convinced it was so.
When he remembered that moment, his feeling of frustration spun and he calmed down. He means, it doesn't matter.
Nogi closes the blade of the knife and stops his hand.
"Now it is okay."
Mitsuha Kurayama is gone. He respected his with a strong feeling of admiration for being a dark hero, but he lost to Suoh Mikoto, abandoned the team members, and ran away somewhere.
It may be time to return to the "common person." Nogi is already eighteen years old. He can't avoid it forever and has to find a job to eat.
Sakata looked Nogi in the eye.
"Will you withdraw without revenge?"
"Ok. Mitsuha lost to him and ran away with his tail between his legs. What does it mean for us to get revenge?"
"One, even if I put Mitsuha-san aside, the truth is that he beat us! Let's just leave it at that!"
Even with that, Nogi inwardly thinks that they can't beat him. Kyosuke was silent and compared Nogi and Sakata with sullen eyes.
Nogi searches for a reason to be okay with Suoh, and as if he had guessed it, he sharpened his mouth and said carelessly.
"Did you see who the Beast Mikoto was with? It's a boy. Is the beast with a boy like that? Let's throw he away. It's worth it."
It is a vain defeat. Still, it was better than admitting that he couldn't get his hands or legs out. Sakata still has an angry red-black face, and even if he is looking for a counterargument, he moves his mouth.
"It's worth it, isn't it?"
Suddenly, he hear a voice behind Nogi. The hair on the neck is erect.
He turned around to repel it. The bent butterfly knife slips from his sweaty hands and rolls across the floor with a thud.
A man stood up.
It has a slim but strong body. How to lose weight with firm muscles, which is different from normal weight loss. He wore a hood over his eyes, but he took it off. Sharp, deeply carved features and golden hair were exposed. And the upper half of the right ear, decorated with five piercings, does not exist as if it were torn off.
Nogi pursed his lips. The breathing and heartbeat are faster.
It was Earless Mitsuha.
This man who was a wolf made a team and quickly made it huge. Fearful of being violent, he suddenly abandoned his huge team and disappeared.
Mitsuha Kurayama is right in front of him.
Nogi swallowed the words. The other two are also amazed. Sakata, who had turned his face red and black with anger until a while ago, now has a fair complexion, and Kyosuke, who was worried about his broken teeth, is also opening his mouth.
"Suoh is it worth the effort?"
Kurayama said again. He bows his head with an innocent look like a child.
He was afraid of the innocent gesture. He felt anxiety throughout his body that he did not know what to do in the next moment.
Kurayama has a 500 ml bottle of Deutsche Beer in one hand. He moves with a slight movement.
If he weren't good at drinking or were already drunk, beer that overflows from the edge of his mouth runs down his chin.
"Mitsuha-san… you are here. Why until now…"
He says with a shaking voice. Originally, he was a bloody person. Even his assistants did not know where he usually lives, and in the end, Nogi was unable to contact Kurayama directly.
He does not recall exchanging words face to face except for greetings.
Kurayama picked up Nogi's knife that had fallen under his feet and started to play with it in his hand.
With an insecure hand, it looks like he is about to cut his hand. He is apparently not used to handling knives.
"I had to disappear a bit, so I hid."
Kurayama opened his mouth lazily.
"I promised."
Kurayama said in a completely confused childish tone. Sakata asks intimidatingly with a confused face.
"Who did you promise?"
"To Suoh Mikoto."
Nogi and his colleagues instinctively looked at the name. It bothered them that the name, which was heavily wrapped as a cause of Mitsuha's pain, anger and abandonment, was emitted from Kurayama's mouth.
"Did you fight Suoh Mikoto?"
When Sakata asked that question, Kurayama nodded.
"And I lost. I promised to hear what he said if I lost, so I had to disappear. That's it."
Kurayama says while playing with the knife. Although he was slow a while ago, he improved in no time and the speed of opening and closing the knife increased steadily.
Nogi swallowed the words. Kurayama seems sincere. Still, he didn't understand why he was bound by the promise to Suoh. Kurayama looked at Nogi's face. It makes he feel like he has read his inner feelings in his expression. Kurayama actually seems to have read his heart.
"I was looking forward to keeping my promise to Mikoto. That guy is interesting, isn't he?"
He had no choice but to nod at Kurayama from a distance. Nogi and the others tug their jaws awkwardly.
"Suoh Mikoto it's worth it, isn't it?"
Worth it. Nogi's spine chills when he remembers his words, which he said as a loss. He nodded deeply again, trying to get into Kurayama's mood.
Kurayama returned a smile. The hands that turn the knife are becoming more and more sophisticated, almost the same as those of Nogi, who has been practicing for a long time.
"I promised to disappear, but now I am free. Please ask me about my entertainment."
Kurayama intimately fixed the knife he was playing with like a sword. He throws it out suddenly. Nogi's entire body stiffened.
He immediately thought it would kill him.
Kurayama threw the knife. Fly straight into Nogi's face. Nogi couldn't react and suffocated.
The knife grabbed right next to Nogi and flew back.
"Oh, in the middle."
Mitsuha Kurayama said happily.
Looking back, the knife was stuck in the center of the dart board at the back of the tent.
Sweat trickled down his armpits. It hits so hard it hurts his heart.
Kurayama smiled innocently and said, "So, will you ask me?"
"Oh, Tatara. Isn't that funny to you?"
As soon as he opened the door, Mikio Ishigami, Totsuka's father, said. When he returned for the first time in a week and the first greeting made Totsuka, who was preparing a meal in the kitchen, a little surprised.
"Welcome back, uncle. For the moment, don't say it now."
"Yes, I'm home. And... sorry, I had a light when I ran away."
Ishigami looks uncomfortable and has a shy smile. Apparently, when he escapes from debt collectors, he feels guilty for Totsuka.
Totsuka's uncle Mikio Ishigami is a bastard.
The look is medium in size, and while he's not particularly cool, he does look like someone not unpleasant, and he looks quite young thanks to the naturally permed fluffy hair that doesn't seem too bad. He has a friendly personality and is not a bad guy. However, he was a selfish person and could only do what he liked.
What's worse, gambling makes up a large part of his "favorite". The Ishigami family were poor to a level that felt life-threatening at times, as they only worked when they felt like it, and the money they put in quickly melted into the gamble. When Totsuka was a child, he used to gather wild grass and cook because he ate alone while Ishigami was away. Thanks to that, Totsuka is still familiar with edible herb.
"Yeah. Debt collectors wouldn't even catch me and sell me."
"If they sell you, I'll buy you back correctly."
"Should I thank you?"
"It's okay if you think you're on a big ship. I've made money and paid the debt."
"Oh, did you win? Horse racing? Boat race?"
"The horse listened to my wish."
"Hey, then I have to thank the horse."
After making a slight exchange, Totsuka remembers his uncle's first words and bows his head.
"By the way, did I look happy? I'm crazy about potatoes."
"No, I don't think it's fun to do it now..."
Ishigami sits in front of the chabudai and puts on a thoughtful face. Totsuka returned to his frying pan. The potatoes are starting to brown nicely. The oil entwined with the potatoes made a delicious sound.
"You always manage to live without leaving me fragile and without coming home for a while, and I always find something fun."
"You should have fun, right?"
"Of course, it's better to have fun."
Ishigami nodded and then looked at Totsuka more closely again.
"However, I feel like something is a little different from the usual "it seems fun". I think it seems like you've found more "cool stuff"..."
Totsuka opened his eyes. He never thought this guy would say such a thing.
"Uncle, isn't it amazing?"
"Is that true? After all, I am you..."
Ishigami said it with a good face, and along the way, he looked like he was in trouble and made him cover his mouth. He tries to say, "I am your father", but it seems like he got scared along the way. This person wants to be Totsuka's father, but runs away to avoid facing the role of a father. No, he knows that a parent's position of responsibility just isn't right for him in the first place.
"I've been living with you for a long time."
Totsuka smiled at Ishigami. Ishigami also laughs like he's relieved.
"So what happened?"
"I met a great person. Maybe the world will change."
"A woman?"
"Is a man."
Ishigami was disappointed, and easily shifted his interest from the subject to the issue at hand.
"What are you doing anyway?"
When he came home from school today, the neighbor shared the potatoes that her relatives sent her. She is a person who usually cares about Totsuka and gives him (the last time she gave him gobo tea).
"Potatoes? In other words, is it a potato?"
"Yes. I can't make meaty potatoes because I can't buy meat. But the seasoning is meat-potato-style, and I use the potatoes with no waste. When I bake the skin-on potatoes until golden brown, they are fragrant and delicious."
His face glowed as he lifted and displayed the contents of the pan that was on the stove in the kitchen.
"Relieve me. I have money today. If it's meat, I'll buy the best. Marbling."
"Man, I don't use marbling for the beef potato."
"Well then what should I buy?"
"Okay, I'll buy it."
When Totsuka smiled, Ishigami nodded and took the crumpled 10,000-yen bill out of his pocket and presented it.
"You can buy whatever you want."
"Are you really rich today?"
When Totsuka laughs and receives the money, he goes to the front door and says he will go.
When he was called and looked back, Ishigami also had a shy and awkward smile on his face.
"Sorry, for several things."
Totsuka had trouble answering for a moment, but immediately thought that it was not a word for an answer, and left the house saying, "Meat, but wait for it."
The days have gotten longer recently. It is almost night, but there is no sign of sunset and the sky is a beautiful blue.
The weather is unstable at this time of the season change, and while it looked like a summer production before, it was a bit chilly today.
Totsuka walks down the path to a nearby supermarket while looking up at the sky. When he reached into his pocket, the ticket he received from Ishigami made a loud noise.
Ishigami is the type of person who has no money to transfer. Even if he does get money, he will spend it immediately, so there is basically no way to raise his standard of living.
However, Totsuka had no complaints. He thought it would be nice if Ishigami had fun, and he is not dissatisfied with living with Ishigami. Even in a slightly difficult life, he can enjoy the ingenuity of living there and living happily.
However, generally speaking, Totsuka was an unhappy child. The person who picked him up when he was abandoned, was divorced (the person who was Ishigami's wife was drawn to his kindness and joined, but became desperate over his inability to live). Totsuka lives alone with his uncle, who does not earn much money and leaves Totsuka, who is still a child, alone at home and is out for days.
Once, Totsuka's living conditions were judged, he was deemed to have suffered abuse and was about to be protected.
It was a bad situation for Totsuka, so he survived with his own ability, and Ishigami also survived by acting like a real human being.
If Ishigami was burdened by Totsuka's existence, it would have been safe to go to another sheltered place, and he would be sure that he could live happily again. However, as Ishigami was willing to live with Totsuka as always, he was not convinced that they would take him out as a poor child.
He think he should escape from a difficult place. Totsuka is by no means a patient child. It doesn't feel like he is enduring a difficult life. So Totsuka is not sure that the place is difficult.
It should be difficult due to this situation. He is sorry for him and for this situation. It was calmer for Totsuka to have such a frame than unrelated people trying to cover him.
Ishigami doesn't seem to have such a "frame".
Suddenly, Totsuka thought of Suoh with someone.
Usually, he doesn't "frame" anyone. No, he himself exists as a natural thing in the world, he hates "frames" that try to fit all humans.
When Totsuka met Suoh, he thought he was like a lion.
Those who live instinctively without being bound by the human framework.
He really felt that he could see the aura coming out of his body. In words, it's just a feeling of intimidation, but the moment he sees it, Totsuka is big and strong.
He felt that he met a beast that lived in the desert. But in fact, this is not a desert.
In the city where many humans live pushing "marks" against each other, the beast seemed terribly difficult to live there.
Looking at the beast that walks through the city in search of a desert that does not exist, Totsuka wanted to show the beast that there is also something fun in this city.
He still doesn't know what to do, but he follows Suoh as he is driven by that urge.
He would like to show "fun" to Suoh, who seems to be crouched, stiff and frustrated, and see where he goes.
(You one day...)
When the words that a person said to Totsuka when he was a child crossed his mind, it had a strong impact on his back.
Something slammed into his back with force, and Totsuka choked and flew forward. He hit the street and rub the asphalt hard. The impact on his back was so strong that he felt nothing immediately, but when he got up with his arms raised, he felt a hot tingle on his rubbed cheeks.
Totsuka looks back.
What he saw there was the silhouette of three men. One of the silhouettes carried a long stick that looked like square wood in his hand. Backlit, the sprayed stick looked like a black shadow.
Unaware of the situation, Totsuka watched the stick go down.
The stick was knocked down on the left side of Totsuka. The impact to the limbs and severe pain tore through him.
A crushed voice escaped from the back of his throat.
When the sight that had been torn away for a moment returned from the shock, the struck foot felt hot and painful, and, on the contrary, the body felt terribly cold. Sweat breaks out.
Scared by severe pain, Totsuka raised his face as he curled up on the ground as if he was holding his injured leg. Look at the faces of the three men around him.
It was a familiar face. The other day, a trio who sold a fight to Suoh and got beaten up. A large, muscular man, a man of medium height with long blond hair down his back, and a tall, thin man. There was a uniform smile on their faces. A face that seems to be afraid of something, but is undoubtedly drunk with the uplifting sense of violence.
There was only one possible reason for them to attack Totsuka. Finding an outlet for anger with a weak man who was on Suoh's side, despite the pain and shame at having lost to Suoh.
(Hey, I get away fast.)
He remembered his words to Suoh. The escape leg was crushed. He can't even stand up, not just run. Most of the time he has a hard time.
Then he should try talking to them. Even when entangled with someone, Totsuka was good at removing damage from that person by speaking.
But now the pain is distracting him, and nothing comes out of his mouth except a harsh, rapid breath.
The big man let out a laugh like a sigh.
"If you have a grudge, face Suoh."
At the same time, he kicks Totsuka's shoulder who was lying on his back.
The blond man also gave a tight laugh and jumped on Totsuka's belly and stepped on him. He could not breathe due to the strong shock and pain. A feeling of fear that internal organs are about to explode hits him.
From there it was already spoiled.
Picked up, hit, rolled and kicked. When he held his arm to protect his body, they kicked him severely and stepped on his finger.
Severe unconscious pain and greasy sweat. The body is shocked by excessive pain, and the stomach turns upside down and vomits.
Totsuka was shaken with pain, but when the surprise of the sudden pain subsided, he felt a part of his head go quiet and his thoughts returned.
This is "violence".
He believes that, as if he realized it in his soul.
So far, he has seen the "violence" up close. He has seen the fight scene and seen Suoh defeat these men in front of him with violence. To some extent, Totsuka has been mistreated by others.
However, now that he has been exposed to an assault that destroys the human body, he has realized for the first time that the core of Totsuka's body is "violence".
These people were completely drugged. They laughed, uttered dirty swear words, almost meaningless. Atrocities make people nervous. Fall into a milky state due to violence.
Unlike the men who were excited by violence, Totsuka, who understood violence and began to move from the turn of confusion and fear to the turn of patience, was calm.
A bit of discomfort was reflected in the men's eyes.
The men are intoxicated and excited by the violence. However, at the end of that expression, there was certainly a color of "fear".
Are you afraid of getting here? Do they feel guilty, even slightly? He tries to find out, but cannot make up his mind.
When he was looking at the men with his body curled up to reduce the damage even slightly, he recognized the thin man. He took a deep breath and said with his lips without cheating.
"I don't want to see sore eyes!"
Saying that as an excuse for something, the man's leg kicked Totsuka in the head like a soccer ball.
His consciousness darkened, as if the lights in the room were off.
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dew-itowo · 4 years
Baby Anakin part 1
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(So sorry this took so long.)
Fives and Echo were usually the source of Rex's headaches. Pranking people, getting others in trouble. You get it. They're maniacs.
So yes Rex was having a God damn stroke over this. His General is litterally a kriffing baby for Jango's sake!
On minute he's sassing the queen of hoodoo the next he's a little baby naked as day in his pile of robes. Honestly he deserved it. Karma was after all a bitch. But it didnt hinder any kind of hilarity to the Arcs.
Reaching down to the little General Echo giggled. "Aw, now look what you got into Jetti. Rex told you it was bad idea." Anakin's eyes watered and his lip quivered. As if Echo were his mother he held the back of his fuzzy head and pulling him close to his chest. "Oh hush now. I'm here. You're okay Jett'ika." Fives looked almost as shocked as Kix. Wide eyes like he hadn't expected a joke to go so far.
"Dont you comfort him" Talzan hisses, reaching to grab Echo's arm. Receiving a deep set, viscous glare from the Arc trooper.
"Watch your tone Witch, or I'll give you something to complain about when I knock your pretty teeth in."
If it weren't for Fives and Kix's shock with how protective Echo just got, Rex would've been in a corner rocking himself to insanity. "Turn him back now." Someone said over the low growl coming off of Echo. Everyone's eyes, including the tiny Generals, finding Rex. He hadn't even recognized his own voice. "Turn him back, or so help me Jango you'll never know pain like I'd give you Talzan." It was a thought at best.
"Bad little boys who threaten get punished Captain." Even Dogma cringed somewhere in the crowd of troopers aiming their rifles for the hag.
The tiny Generals hand flat against Echo's chest plate as he watched Rex. With tired, big, impossibly blue eyes. Rex found it hard not to love the adorable tiny Jedi. Though Kenobi would be on his death bed the moment he saw him like this.
"Turn. Him. Back." Fives growled having enough of this. Though so hypocritical.
"I can't." She yelled, setting Anakin to cling onto Echo and the peice of his robe hed been wrapped up in. Troopers instinctively moving closer to Echo and Anakin. Protecting the Ad.
Fives looked quite unamused. "Why?"
Talzan glare at the floor. "Because the moment He's like this the spell cannot be reversed." Rage boiled deep in Rex's core. Setting his nerves on fire.
"How long does the spell last." Echo whispered angrily. Trying to comfort Anakin.
"A week to a month depending on how it affects the person." A sigh on relief left Kix. As the acting mother of the 501st, or at least how he acts, Kix couldn't deal with the reality of raising up a once full grown himbo. It was just too much. And even Echo wasn't fit to take care of a baby let alone a force sensitive baby. Kenobi on the other hand knee kids, but has never cated for a baby. Maybe hed be more fit?
It was all so confusing when Rex found himself in his quarters with the tiny General in his lap, asleep like nothing had happened. He looked so peaceful like this. Holding onto Rex's index finger with his tiny hands.
Maybe once or twice he'd held a baby during campaigns. When mothers often came to thank them. Bringing their children along to see the soldiers. One time being quite memorable when a little blond human girl and her mother asked if any of the men were hungery. Of course Rex tried to decline by saying they had rebuilding to do. But the woman and her adorable daughter insisted heavy. So Rex and the others joined them for dinner. All sitting and eating, laughing, talking, telling stories to the young, listening to stories for the old, drinking, singing, dancing, living. Anakin looked so happy to see Rex and the others just let loose and have fun. To forget about the war, the death and the greif. To just live a little. Maybe that was why Anakin always pushed them to have fun on leave. Pulling Tex out of his office and dragging him to 79s where hed inevitably forget why he was there in the first place and go back laughing like it was normal. Drunk as a wine aunt at a family reunion. Holding onto Anakin and giggling the whole way there while the Jedi just laughed and talked with him more. Staying with him till he fell asleep, then moved Rex to his bed.
Anakin made a happy noise if Rex's arm as he slept. The Clone enjoying the peace the rarely came when around this jedi. Thanking Jango above for the one moment of breath before Kenobi lost his shit tomorrow over this.
"Gods Rex wont you let go of the General?" Jesse teased faux annoyed with his Captain. Pressing sass into his tone.
Rex chuckled looking down at Anakin on his hip. "No I dont think I will. And plus he enjoys being held." He sighs smiling softly. Kixs voice wasn't one to be ignored usually but his bantha shit was still bantha shit.
"I bet he thinks hes the Jett'ika's buir now." He laughs earning a glare from both Anakin and Rex.
"Can it Kix, you're one to talk." Someone oo'd. Perhaps Fives who watched with Echo from where they shoveled Food into their faces. The table going quiet as the Medic sputtered and finnaly gave up.
"Oh shut your shebs." He groaned letting Rex have the last word. Laughing at Kix's frustration while waiting for the boys to finish eating. Anakin watching the same. Eyeing Echos untouched ration bar carefully.
"I think Tinykin is hungery." Fives chuckled, nearly choking ofn his food. Anakin made a sound of anger at the nickname.
"Fives, dont call him that. You know he cant defend himself from your teasing." Echo scoffed.
"Suddenly you're a mother now."
The men laughed.
"Ha ha funny Echo. Like you didnt baby him on Dayhomir like a god damned wet nurse." Echo paused. Holding back a smile at the funny insult.
"What's a wet nurse?" Fives asked looking genuinely confused. Rex could see the internal conflict in Kix's eyes on whether he sound explain it to a dumbass or let Fives be an confussed dumbass. Either way both option were tempting.
"Kix can tell you later. Tight now I need you all to act like nothing wrong when Kenobi gets here and leave the sheb beating to me." They nodded. There was not a fate worse than death. If... You have met Kenobi. His lectures where fatal. Boring you so bad you die inside and then out like a disease. Eating your guilt up like apple sauce and topping it of with a punishment that had you bored out of your own sanity. It's why the 212th was always so well behaved. Because Kenobi was not merciful when it came to punishments.
"Good luck Rex." Jesse breathed almost looking concerned for his captain.
"Luck doesnt exsist Jesse boy." He whispered walking away toward the landing docks where Kenobi would be waiting now. Having stalled already for too long.
Gods have mercy...
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Bad Memories
Pairing: Mick Mars X Reader
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Synopsis: While you are trying to enjoy your peaceful morning with Mick, your sister calls you with az unexpected demand. Your past comes up again which you don't like.
(I will correct the mistakes tomorrow)
Being the girlfriend of a musician meant constant tours and music all the time at everywhere. Seeing the guys almost every night on stage playing their chosen instruments made you jelaous. Then you remembered that you wouldn't stand on stage and play. Never.
It was a rainy and overcast October day. You and Mick chose to stay in bed a bit more since you had nothing to do that day. Your head was laying on his chest which was rising slowly. You loved listening to his steady heartbeat. His fingertips were caressing you bareback while his other hand were behind his head.
"Miiiiick. Please!" You asked nicely.
"Yeah?" He sighed.
"Would you be so kind and make some coffee?" You looked up with puppy eyes. He rolled his.
"I made it yesterday, too." He stated. He knew that these kind of peaceful mornings are rare and tried to enjoy every second of it.
"Good point. Then give me 5 minutes." You murmured into his chest. After a while you heard Mick's quiet snoring making you drift back to sleep, too. A loud ringing noise woke you up from your peaceful dreams.
"I will kill whoever this is." Mick groaned reaching for the telephone. "It's your killer, what do you want?"
"Hey, Mick. It's me, Isabelle. Sorry if I woke you up." Your sister apologized on the other end of the phone.
"Oh, hey. What's up? Haven't heard from you like in ages!" Mick's face brightened up while you frowned thinking who this lucky person could be.
"Nothing special, just the usual. Is (Y/N) there? I really need to talk to her." She asked.
"Yeah, sure. Is there a problem?"
"Well, nothing serious." Mick handed you the phone.
"It's (Y/N)." You said with a quite sleepy tone. You sat up while pulling some blanket from Mick who answered with a pillow behind your head. "Hey!" You snapped making him smirk.
"It's me. Your sister." Isabelle started to get annoyed. "(Y/N)! Are you here?"
"Yeah. What is it?"
"You know there is gonna be a party. Here at university. A Halloween party."
"That's good, I guess?" Making a phone call this tired didn't help.
"Sure. Also, me and some guys formed a band you know."
"Really? You haven't told me." It was good to finally speak to her. It was quite a long ago since you have a nice sister to sister conversation. You glanced around in the room and spotted an oversized tee on the ground. You got out of bed which was hard cause Mick didn't let you at first. You couldn't help it cause you felt the urge to walk when you were speaking on the telephone. "And... what's the name of the band?"
"That's what I call creative." You giggled.
"Wasn't me who came up with the idea, you know." Isabelle huffed.
"Maybe you should've asked Mick. He has some ideas." You glanced at the guitarist who tilted his head not having any clue why he was mentioned. "So what's the deal, sis?"
"There is this party and the head of the uni asked us to perform."
"Congrats. That's a big thing!" You cheered.
"Let me finish. So yesterday our guitarist, Mike, had an accident and broke his arm. He sure won't be able to perform."
"Oh, that suck. I'm so sorry. Also, sorry for not performing." You played with the wire of the phone.
"Well, don't be. Cause I have a wonderful idea!" She had a devilish smile on her face, unfortunately you couldn't see. If you could, you would've known what she was up to. "There is a girl I know who could play instead of Mike."
"Good to hear. Is she at the uni, too?" You asked still not suspecting a thing.
"Not exactly although one of my best friends." She said sighing. "I'm talking about you, (Y/N)."
"What?" The blood froze in your veins. "You aren't serious, right?"
"Don't tell me you are still not over what happened years ago!"
"I am...just.. it's pretty hard." You were rubbing your arm with the other.
"Please, (Y/N)!" She begged. "It will be fucking cool, I promise."
"I don't know. I haven't played since then. I will mess up."
"Give the phone to Mick."
"Heard me. Give me the guitar lord." Isabelle ordered. You handed the device back to Mick who took it happily. He was really fond of your sister.
"Did you manage to solve the problem?" Mick asked while he was eyeing your worried facial expression.
"Almost. Would you refresh my sister's guitar skills in two weeks?" Mick's eyes widened while you shook your head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mick asked watching the red light from the car.
"Tell you what?" You were looking out the window to avoid eye contact. You knew what he was talking about and it wasn't your favourite topic.
"That you can play the guitar."
"I thought I can have secrets. And it's not a big thing."
"If you say so." He was watching you from the corner of his eye. He noticed that you were worried, well, rather freaked out. "Would you mind telling me why are you like this? Or is it a secret, too?"
"I fucking knew." You pulled your hoodie's strings stronger so nothing could be seen from your face. You crossed your arms and didn't say a word.
"You look like a kid who didn't get her Barbie." He chuckled.
"Haha. Very funny." You murmured.
"Aren't you happy that you can meet with Isabelle? Cause I sure am!" He smiled. Sometimes you were wondering why he liked your sister this much. Mick only tolerated people. "Hey. Mars to Earth. Are you here?" He asked while poking your belly making you giggle.
"Stop." You tried to catch your breath. Mick smiled, he loved hearing your laugh. "And I'm sorry for my behaviour. It's just a quite sensitive topic for me. Only Isabelle knows about this and she doesn't think it's important." You were playing with the strings of your hoodie. "I guess, you want to hear the story."
"Only, if you want to. But yeah, I would love to hear it." He smirked. You took a deep breath and started you monologue.
"Not a long story, don't worry. So years ago some friends of mine formed a band. It were the boys and me. We were a cover band but tried to create some original ones though I was the only one who wanted that."
"Sadly, I can relate." He sighed.
"I'm sorry." You took a look at Mick who placed your hand into his. "Unfortunately, this was the minor problem. After one of our concerts, I had an accident. I fell of my motorbike. I broke my arm and one of my legs. The doctor said I was lucky." You had a sad smile on your face. Later, deep down you wished you had died instead.
"We were on a so called mini tour, we were performing at universities and high schools. Since I was at the hospital I felt horrible because we couldn't perform. At least, that's what I thought."
"You were replaced, right?" Mick squeezed your hand feeling sorry for you.
"Yes. But that wasn't my problem. I thought they were my friends. They didn't even visit me. After, I recovered more or less, I went to our place where we usually practiced. There was a new guitarist, a guy, who told me to fuck off." You laughed. "I was on my way to punch the guy, but our singer stopped me. He asked why I was there and that he fired me. His reason was that they didn't want a girl in their band and that I wasn't playing well anyway." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A tear ran down your face and your eyes were gloomy. You chest was heavy but you tried your best not to cry.
"Fuck them. Fuck them for embarrassing you. And where is that famous band now? Nowhere! Darling, I'm so sorry. But they don't deserve your tears." He wiped your tears with his thumb. "And I'm sure they still regret their decision. If you play as good as good pictures you take they are a dead band." He pecked your lips making you smile.
"Are you ready (Y/N)?" Your sister asked. You and Isabelle's band along with Mick were at drummer's garage and were about to practice. It was the 5th day and you were improving. That's what Mick said though you didn't believe him. You nodded and started to play "Live Wire." On the set list there were Mötley, AC/DC, Van Halen, Scorpions, Bon Jovi and many more. An old good feeling took over when you touched the strings. Your fingers remembered and it made you happy. During the solo, Mick was admiring you, he adored your concentrating face and he noticed that you were enjoying it. When the band finished the song you were still in shock how good it had turned out. Mick was clapping as well as the others.
"Wow, (Y/N)! It was hell of a solo." Robert, the singer congratulated. Isabelle was the bass player, Tim the drummer who owned the garage. You ran your fingers through your hair in embarrassment. You still didn't get used to compliments regarding your play.
"Thanks. And are you sure Mike isn't angry?"
"Nah. He said it's pretty cool that the girlfriend of Mick Mars will substitute him." Tim snickered. "Also, he is apologizing for not being here. His mother didn't let him."
"Poor little 22-year-old boy." Isabelle chuckled putting down her bass. She walked over to you and took Mick's precious guitar from your hand.
"Don't worry. I won't smash it on the floor." She yelled seeing the guitarist's facial expression.
Halloween. Costumes, candies, and spooky decoration everywhere. You wished you could dress up as a witch or something cause that fluff you called your hair was hidious. Vince lent his bandana as a mascot and Mick one of his guitars.
"I look horrible." You looked in the mirror dealing with your hair.
"Babe, this is how we normally look on stage. You look badass. Also, very sexy." He murmured to your neck hugging you from behind.
"He is right, sis." Isabelle came back to the dressing room with a bigger fluff. You held your hand over your mouth not to laugh loudly. You noticed that Mick's was in the same state.
"I think I will go. Find those idiots and keep an eye on them." Mick said while pressing one last kiss on your cheek and left the room.
"(Y/N)! Listen, you will be great. Just remeber to relax. Take a deep breath and the key is to enjoy. Concentrate on the music, feel the music. Watch Mick, pretend you two are the only ones in the room." She placed her hands on your shoulders looking in your eyes.
You were the last one who stepped on stage and the crowd were already insane.
"Alright, alright ladies and gentlemen. Before we start this hella concert, I would like to introduce our temporary guitar player, (Y/N). You will see a powerful sister duo on stage tonight. Prepare yourself. The show is beginning. Are you READY?" Robert screamed in the microphone as the crowd shouted as one person.
During the concert you felt an energy which you couldn't compare to anything. You felt powerful and you thought you could accomplish anything at that moment.
"I would be scared if I were you, Old Man." Vince stated as he was watching you from the side of the stage with Mick. "We might get you replaced with (Y/N). She is sexier." Mick kicked the singer in the ankle making him groan.
Taglist: @leatherandheels @safari-karrot @littlemisscare-all @crazyrockrlady
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
Hero |  Bo Sinclair x Reader
MAJOR WARNINGS!!!: Contains mention of abuse, sex trafficking and lots of other triggering topics. Please do not read if you cannot handle such things. This will also very obviously have at least mild gore because it is literal serial killers! You have been warned. 
Summery: Bo and his brothers accidentally saves a girl from a sex trafficking ring. Instead of murdering her, they allow her to stay in Ambrose. Bo doesn’t expect to fall in love with her, especially since she clings to him and relies on him for comfort. 
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(Y/n) sat in the front seat of the truck. She was the last to be delivered to a very rich man in New York. Tears streamed down her dirty face. Honestly, she just wanted to go home. She wanted to run away but she knew she didn’t have a chance, especially with her hands cuffed to the seat she was in. The man next to her very rarely spoke. Silent until she did something he didn’t like. She was bruised and uncomfortable, tired. But she didn’t want to sleep. She never wanted to risk it. He was pretty handsy, despite knowing his boss would kill him since the buyer wanted an “untouched” lady. 
Her stomach churned. She wanted to vomit. The vehicle was extremely hot as they drove through the middle of no where. The sun was sinking down and his truck puttered and made a strange noise. The truck was slowing down, practically crawling. He cursed annoyed and pulled off the side of the road. He tossed a blanket over her to hide her while he got out of the vehicle. He opened the hood and looked it over. He was city boy and had never actually fixed a truck before. He cursed and pulled out his phone. 
“My damn truck is a piece of shit...” He shouted, she stayed low as to not get the brunt of it. He kicked the tire on the truck arguing now. (Y/n) wished she wasn’t stuck in the truck or else she would make a run for it. She tugged at the chains and cursed softly. 
How long will she be here? 
She didn’t know. However, a tinge of hope built up in her chest when bright headlights came over the hill. It was a beat up truck with deer hooves hanging on the mirror. A scrawny man walked out. Her captor cursed again and moved to shove her down further to hide her. She winced as her wrist was tugged, pinched and slightly cut by the cuffs. “Ya need some help, buddy?” The happy looking guy spoke. 
“My truck is being a piece of shit.. I don’t know shit about it.” The scrawny man looked at the truck. “Ya ain’t far from Ambrose. My brother works there and he’s pretty good at fixin’ cars. He’s pretty cheap too.” The man whose name she never got cursed again and looked at his watch. If he didn’t the delivery would be late. If he was careful maybe he could get away with it. “Fine.”
“I can tow it.” He said with a bright smile on his face. “Unless you think it could make it.” 
“No, it should be fine.” Towing would be really risky. He climbed back into the truck and covered her more. He whispered to her harshly. “If you say a damn thing I will kill you” He flipped on the vehicle. It groaned to a start, whizzing as they drove to the small and strangely empty town. It was eerily quiet, but perhaps that was just because it was so late. It was a small town, the rules were different. 
“I gotta go get ‘im” The thin man, now known as Lester stated. “He don’t like people going into his gas station when he’s not there though.” He looked a little nervous. He was going to have to wake up his brother who honestly didn’t take things well. But it was a new tourist! He drove off and (Y/n) stayed down, softly sobbing. She was so close to being saved and yet so far. As soon as the damn truck was fixed she would be off to New York to be abused by some rich asshole. “Shut the fuck up” he whispered once Lester was gone. “I don’t care how rich the bastard is. I will fuck you up if you make any more noises” This time he had a pocket knife in his hand. He slid it down her cheek, leaving a burning trail of blood. “Don’t test me, bitch!” That’s when a broad shouldered dark haired man in a blue truck finally arrived. He looked tired, like he was just woken up. Most likely was. (Y/n) only got a glance of him, but despite his grumpy looking face he was handsome. It was a strange thing to think at a time like this but what else could she do? Her mind wasn’t exactly the healthiest at the moment. 
Now she could hardly hear them as they went into his gas station. She pulled again at the chains hoping for some weakness anywhere. It only cut into her wrists more. Blood dripped down them and she cried in pain, frustrated from her whole situation. Her sobs were as silent as they could be. 
“You know, you can use the facilities at the house. Lester can take ya so I can get to work.” The man nodded as he was lead off by the scrawny man. He left reluctantly. He was hoping the gas station had a bathroom but they were insistent for some reason he found suspect. Once in the house he found himself in a room alone. Or so he thought. After washing his hands, his eyes lifted to see a frozen masked man. He screamed when he felt a pair of scissors go into his ribs. The man screamed in pain pushing the masked man away and slamming out of the locked door back into the main parts of the house.
Meanwhile, Bo was digging in the truck. He pulled out different parts tiredly. Honestly, he wished he could go back to bed but wanted to get some of the easier things out of the vehicle while Vincent his brother was taking care of the tourist. All for one tourist. That kind of pissed Bo off but was to tired to go yell at his brother. He’d do it in the morning. Bo stretched and moved to open the door to the truck grabbing anything that seemed like it was useful. Then he noticed the blanket. It was unusually shaped. He frowned, grabbing it and pulling it. 
Bo’s face was filled with surprise at the pretty girl crouched down in the floor boards, crying. Her hair was dirty and hardly had any clothes on her body. His eyes trailed to the cut on her face then up to her wrists. He cringed, thinking of his own experiences as a kid. 
“Well, I’ll be. That man is just as much of a bastard as we are.” Her eyes widened at that. What did that mean? She sobbed softly, Bo’s blue eyes looked at her with a bit of concern. She was just another to be added to Vincent’s collection... yet. Something about her made him feel awful at the idea. She was already scared and probably seen some shit just as bad as what went on in this town. It also didn’t help that she was exactly his type, if he was honest. Vincent can go fuck himself. 
He walked back into a garage, grabbing some cutters. With a bit of force he broke the handcuffs. Two more cuts and she was completely free. “Come on, darlin’” He was shocked by what happened next. She threw her arms around him, clinging to him like a koala. “It’s alright. I got ya” This was strange. Normally they would run from him. 
“Come on. Let me clean you up.” He carried her into the garage, instead of taking her down stairs to his own fun chamber, he sat her on his metal work bench. He had a small first aid kit and began attending to her wounds. Bo was never this gentle to anyone is his life, but here he was. He knew pain like that oh so well. He knew exactly how to care for it. “There. No more tears, sweetheart. Someone as pretty as you shouldn’t be cryin’“ He tried to lighten the mood. “Come here.” He walked off and grabbed a set of coveralls. She was practically naked and honestly though she could use a bit of extra comfort. “You can wear this. It’s a bit dirty but...” He shrugged. (Y/n) took it shakily, not minding him there while she slipped it on. It fit well enough, smelled like cigarettes and motor oil but it was alright. It was better than the sickly peppery smell of the man delivering her to New York. 
“Fucking shit!” Speaking of, there he was walking into the garage. “You little bitch fucking escaped. Get in damn truck, you stupid slut.” He began to advance stupidly forward. Bo stood between her and the man. “You aren’t going to take her, man.” Bo grabbed a heavy tool off the bench. “She’s going to stay right here in Ambrose,” The man grunted and lunged at Bo, only for Bo to bash him in the skull. Fuck that guy. Vincent will just have to get over it. He continued to bash him until he was a barely twitching pile of shit. When Bo looked up he saw Vincent in the drive way. “I’ll get you two new tourists, Vincent. Just let me take care of this one!” Vincent obviously said nothing. A nod. That’s all. He wondered in deeper towards (Y/n). She didn’t seemed phased by either the gore or the strange man touching her cut cheek. “It ain’t too deep.” Bo told his brother, joining them rubbing the blood off his hands. Vincent nodded again and moved to grab the body of the man to take him up to the House of Wax. 
Then she did it again. Ignoring the blood, she reached forward and hugged Bo tight. 
“Thank you, your my hero...” She sobbed. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re safe here.” He held her tightly against him. “What’s your name, little lady?” “(Y/n)”
“I’m Bo. You can stay with me, alright? I’ll take care of you” He said softly, brushing his fingers on her cheek as she cried again. What the hell was he getting himself into? 
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innittowinit · 3 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children  (chapter 21)
Fic summary:
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
sometimes school gets tough but friends are always there to lend a hand right?
Chapter word count: 1433
Yeah… It was starting to get a little obvious that Eret was avoiding them, when they had passed him a note in science he immediately bunched it into his pocket, when they tried to catch him between lessons he acted like he was in a rush and when they tried to find him at break it was like he had just vanished into thin air. Wil wasn’t stupid. He had been suspicious since the texts started to diminish but now it was pretty much just a plane fact, as much as it pained him to admit, he had hoped this time would be different and they could actually keep a friend for once but he guessed that was just wishful thinking.
Really, it wasn’t common for Wil to be the one zoning out in class, that was definitely more something Techno would do, but of course anyone would be a little distracted if they were trying to figure out friendship issues when they were so inexperienced. Maybe that’s why he hadn’t noticed Techno tugging on his sleeve at first.
A little flashcard was slid across the desk, a note from his brother it seemed. ‘Can we leave for a bit? I need a break’
Obviously, the note had to be short to fit on the small piece of paper, plus it wasn’t necessarily needed considering Wil could usually understand the problem from the tugging alone. Not wanting a repeat of the ticket-booth incident, Wil scrambled in his pocket for a little laminated slip of paper, hopping up and quickly going to the teacher’s desk to place it before ushering his brother out of the room.
Recently, the staff had been trying to help them a little more, Wil thought it definitely seemed like their therapist had emailed them or something by the looks of it, that or they had noticed how shaken up Wil had been recently and wanted to try and be as accommodating as possible. That being said, recently they had each been given a little pass that could let them leave the classroom without question if they gave it to a teacher, meaning they’d no longer be getting in trouble every time one of them was just having an overall bad day and wasn’t able to deal with that environment.
Once out of the room, Wil breathed a sigh of relief and started to lead Techno down to an empty classroom where they could hopefully talk about why the card had to be used.
Now that they were alone, Techno was visibly more comfortable, going forward to sit on one of the desks as he fiddled with his ponytail. More often than not, there wasn’t some big emotional gesture whenever they left, sometimes a TA would come and find them with some work they could be doing on their own but generally they seemed to understand that sometimes they weren’t in a state to be doing the work.
“Are you okay then?” Wil hummed as he hopped up to sit on the desk too, flopping backwards a bit. “I think that’s the first time I remembered to give the card in first”
“I’m okay, just a lot of noise in there” A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned his head on Wilbur’s shoulder, gently pushing Wil’s thigh a little bit away from his own since having thing’s touching him when he hadn’t consciously decided for it never really helped with sensory overload. As always though, Wilbur was understanding, always trying to be careful with Techno whenever he needed a break.
“I was thinking..” Techno had hummed “we can just like...talk to Eret, right? Like if we tell him it’s important and that we noticed he’s been running off lately, no way he’d just leave then, Right?”
Wilbur gave a solem little nod, appearing to finally accept the reality that maybe they had messed up and pushed their friend away. With a little bite onto the inside of his cheek, it was obvious that he was mulling over their past few interactions, searching and scanning for any kind of answer for how they might have hurt him.
“We need to meet up with Dream and his lot after school though so maybe we should leave it till tomorrow? I know Phil will be there but I don't want to risk getting all emotional again”
With another nod, Wilbur took out his phone, tapping on the old arrow buttons until he got to Eret’s contact, just wanting to review what they had said to him once more.
Message history:
Saturday 7:34 PM Eret: *Image attachment* Eret: Reminded me of you two lol
               Wilby Soot: Much agreed, Much agreed Wilby Soot: Hang out later?
Eret: Cant, busy :/ Another time
       Monday 4:45 PM Wilby Soot: Tech wants to know if you’re gonna play mc with him
Eret: Homework UGH Eret: Busy man sorry :/
       Tuesday 8:58 PM Wilby Soot: Let us know if we overstepped any boundaries okay x Wilby Soot: We aren’t really used to this stuff, we care abt you tho
It felt a bit depressing to be looking over all the old messages, the feeling was akin to when you eat too much and wake up in the middle of the night feeling super nauseous.
Alas though, life never seemed to go easy on the two brothers as the door to the door to the empty classroom’s door swung right open. At first, Wil had thought it was a teacher coming to deliver some work for them to do but as he heard the familiar sound of yelling and laughter, he soon realised the much more likely reality of it being a group of boys who were skipping class.
Quickly, fight or flight seemed to kick in, letting him shuffle back over to Techno and grab hold of his hand, just in case. It was pretty much a given that they were going to be getting made fun of, sure the majority of students left them alone now, taking about them behind their back at worst, but the kind of guys who carelessly skipped without any reason definitely felt like the type that would tease them for being so close. They didn’t understand. They wouldn’t understand. They just hadn’t experienced life like they had.
The mantra repeated in his head as he controlled his breathing, forcing his eyes to the floor as he waited to be laughed at. This wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence but that didn’t mean it was all nice and fine, he just had to keep himself calm, for Techno, he couldn’t let his brother be stranded without someone who could interpret for him.
The laughter had pretty much died down as the group came to stand in front of them, seemingly now aware of their presence in the classroom, but the teasing didn’t start straight away. Certainly, this felt like something strange so Wilbur gingerly lifted his head back up only to be met with the familiar tall frame of his friend.
Surrounding him there was a group of other boys who all seemed to carry themselves in a similar vein, all very stylish and put together, a stark contrast to the twin’s hand-me-down clothes and patchwork sewing spots. Wilbur couldn’t really identify all of the boys, some were from their Year but some looked a bit older, maybe year 9’s or year 10’s.
“Uh...hi. Guys, this is Wilbur and Techno...I uh.. I know them from class”
The familiar sound of muttering was echoed around the room as the boys seemed to try and decide what they were going to do with them. Predictably, it was all the usual ‘oh they’re the quiet ones’ ‘The tall one is really clingy’ stuff, at first it would hurt them but they’d grown a pretty thick skin by now, they didn’t really care about what a bunch of random guys thought of them.
They didn’t care. It didn’t matter. They were used to it.
They didn’t care and it definitely didn’t hurt that Eret hadn’t introduced them as friends and it absolutely absolutely didn’t hurt at all that these were the people he was hanging out with.
“Dude, these your little friends, man?” One of the heftier boys had laughed, elbowing Eret in the ribs lightly as he teased him. That didn’t hurt either, their affection and friendship being used as an insult.
Eret looked at them for a couple seconds, expression unreadable.
“Man no way! I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with them!”
Oh wow.
Okay fuck.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (8/?)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did... helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Part 8: Varian may seem like quite the happy child, but just because he's in a better home doesn't mean he's forgotten where he came from.
Warning: Child Abuse
Read the rest on AO3
All aboard the traumatized baby train! Choo choo! Warning, there is some explicit child abuse in here. If you don't want to see the worst of Ulla's abuse I would skip the italicized flashbacks.
Sorry this took so long, I couldn't decide how I wanted this chapter to play out.  A big thanks to the Varian Angst, Scar Varian, and Team Awesome discords for helping me with this! If you wanna join in on the baby train dm me  for an invite to the scar varian server where we pit baby in a gladiatorial hunger games against other au varians. He won today!
I know a lot of you are just here for dadgene baby varian fluff I SWEAR I'm doing a halloween spooky chapter, and then the next chapter is just gonna be a bunch of requests/cute drabbles. 
It started with a simple question. 
As Christmas bled into the New Year, and the days grew warmer and longer (Corona truly was the sun kingdom), Eugene pulled Lance aside and asked, “Ok, Lance, why are you here? What do you want?”
“W-ha, what? I don’t want anything! Come on, Flynn,”
Lance rolled his eyes. He’d been kind enough to call him Eugene around Varian, so as not to confuse the child, but otherwise he refused to call him that silly name. “Eugene,” he emphasized. “There’s nothing that I want! I’m perfectly happy to be here, since your girlfriend was so very kind in letting me stay for the holidays, and I just wanted to see how you were doing, and spend time with my nephew…” the list of excuses kept growing but Eugene didn’t buy it for a second. He stared at his friend, unimpressed, until he dropped the act. “Ok I need your help.” 
That night had been full of hijinks, stealing, getting panned, stealing back, and more hijinks. By the time Varian woke up the next morning, Lance had left the castle, Arianna had her ring back, and Eugene was exhausted. So exhausted, in fact, he assumed his headache was a result of it. Turns out he was wrong. 
“You definitely seem to be coming down with something,” the nurse murmured. Rapunzel and Varian had dragged him down there the second he gripped his head in pain. “You said you were up all night?”
Eugene rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “It’s… been a crazy week,” he admitted. 
The nurse tutted, sighing fondly. “Spend the rest of the day in bed, and don’t let anyone in. While I doubt it, it could be infectious, and we don’t want an outbreak in the castle.” The adults devolved into conversations about medicines and soup and other adulty things, oblivious to Varian’s growing panic. Finally, he cried out, “No Eugene for a whole day!?” The noise sent shockwaves through Eugene’s skull, clashing against his brain hard enough to make him visibly wince. 
“Inside voice, kid,” Eugene moaned, and his kid at least looked apologetic. “It’s just for the day, I’ll see you tomorrow.” That didn’t soothe the child’s fears, if anything, it made him more upset. Crocodile tears bubbled in baby blue eyes and the whimpering Varian threw himself at Eugene, grabbing onto his shirt. 
“Don’t leave me!” He wailed, once again worsening the headache. Eugene sighed, and wrapped his arms around him. With quiet shushing and a few rocks back and forth, he managed to get Varian at least calmer. 
“Hey, hey, it’s not like you spend every second with me, what’s got you so worked up?” 
Varian whined, shaking his head. He didn’t want to tell Eugene, or Rapunzel, or anyone really. They always get so sad when he talks about it. 
Or rather, her. 
“Maybe he’s coming down with something too?” Rapunzel whispered to the nurse, who smiled and shook her head. 
“I think he’s just a little cranky.”
“Varian, bud,” Eugene raised his voice, and the sad boy lifted his head up. “Why don’t you go take a walk with Ruddiger, hm? Go get your cart. I’ll come get you in the morning.”
Varian didn’t want to leave his dad, not for a whole day, but he listened anyway. If he didn’t, Eugene could get sicker! And he loved Eugene, he didn’t want Eugene to be sick for any longer! So, with some reluctance, Varian detached himself for Eugene and off he went. 
“He’s such a sweet thing, how do you do it?” The nurse sighed fondly. “My kids back then were a nightmare and a half.” 
Eugene nodded sagely. “It’s all about boundaries. Kids need discipline and structure.”
Rapid footsteps pounded against the floor, and Varian came tumbling back in. “Wait! One more hug!” He cried, launching himself back into Eugene’s arms, who gladly nuzzled into his son’s unruly hair. He blew a wet kiss onto Varian’s cheek while he was at it. 
“Right, discipline,” Rapunzel muttered under her breath. 
A quick stop to Varian’s room and then the garden netted him a Ruddiger in a cart. The raccoon sat atop a mountain of pillows with his arms outstretched, ready to nab anything he saw fit. Normally, they’d be racing through the halls, screeching with delight. Varian would target the heels of passersby, glancing the wheels of his death machine at people’s feet. In particular, his favorite target was Nigel. The man had such a funny reaction! Sure, it usually ended in Varian being forced to give an apology, but the hidden snickers of everyone around always made up for it. 
Nigel usually tries to hide from him now. 
But Varian wasn’t really in the mood to chase him down, nor target anyone. Instead, for once, Varian decided to wander around his home. He’d been just about everywhere and explored everything, but it still all felt so… foreign. The old paintings glared down at him, ancient kings and queens who knew this wasn’t where he belonged. 
He kept waiting for the ball to drop, for his mom to scoop him up and for them to move on to the next village. 
He wandered around the corner, passing by the King’s study, when he heard his name whispered through the half opened door. Well, it was either his name or someone named Fairian, and he didn’t know anyone like that. Curiosity won out, and the small child peeked inside.
Frederick sat at his desk, sighing down at a letter. Arianna stood by his side, rubbing his back in sympathy. 
“The nobles aren’t thrilled about Varian, still,” the King complained. “And… I don’t blame them.”
“Is this about the party?”
“No, this is about the line of succession. If Rapunzel and Eugene get married, Varian is technically in line behind her. And he’s not of royal blood. It’d be one thing if Rapunzel adopted him, but he’s Eugene’s son. She’d be his stepmother.”
Arianna raised a brow. “Why are we worried about this now? Can’t Rapunzel and Eugene have a biological child? I’m sure Varian would love to be a big brother.”
Varian had no idea what the conversation was about, or what any of these words meant. He fidgeted at the door, debating whether or not to leave.
Frederick said nothing, staring harder at the letter in front of him. 
The queen’s eyes narrowed. “Is this still about how he doesn’t like you?” Frederick slammed his head onto the desk, and let out a yell of frustration. As if the door was on fire, Varian jumped back at the noise. However, he slowly crept back to the door. 
“Ah, ok, so it is.” She patted his back.
Sighing, Fred stood up. His shadow loomed over the entire room, landing in the doorway where a trembling child watched on. “No, it’s not that. The rocks.” At the queen’s silence he continued, “The infernal black rocks. They’re here, in the capital. Searching for Rapunzel. I just know it.”
“Quirin said they come from the moonstone.”
“Which means it’s here on the island somewhere.” The royal eyes hardened into steel. “I want more nightly patrols. The moonstone must be found, and it must be either destroyed, or taken back to the Dark Kingdom. Do not tell a soul, not even Rapunzel. No one can know.”
Baby blue eyes glanced downward in horror at the last part. 
When Varian was 3, they moved for the 10th time. 
For this village, momma demanded he keep his head down. He never left the house unless she let him, and that was a rare enough occurrence. So rare that when they went to the market, people were shocked Ulla had a son. 
But sooner or later, they were found. They always were. 
Ulla scrambled around the house, throwing what meager possessions they had into a case. In contrast, Varian occupied himself by happily playing with an alchemy textbook. He was finally starting to read, and while he couldn’t make out most of the words, simple ones like ‘the’ and ‘force’ delighted him. His momma’s normally pristine bun was a wreck, with hairs flying in every which way as she raced around the house. 
“Ugh, not again!” She moaned. “I swear, Varian, you’re going to get us killed one day! Do you want your mother to die a violent and horrible death, Varian? Do you want for us both to be torn to pieces or burned at a stake? Do you!?”
“No momma,” the toddler whimpered. He barely understood what any of those words meant, let alone the concept of death. All he knew was that his momma was mad and it was all his fault. 
Ulla stuffed a few clothes into the case and slammed it shut. “I swear, I have half a mind to leave you behind!” 
Varian’s eyes welled up with tears and he blubbered, “No, momma! I sowwy!” He stood up on the bed, reaching his arms out for comfort. She ignored him. Instead, she peeked out the window. 
A large, burly fist busted through the glass. Ulla managed to dodge out of the way in time, but couldn’t stop the scream Varian let out. He burst into hiccupping sobs, and a large black rock spiked up through the ground, nearly severing the intruding hand. 
“Witch!” The man in the window screeched. Spittle flew from his mouth. “Get out here so we can kill the lot of you! In the name of the King, you’re all under arrest!” 
Rolling her eyes, Ulla scooped up her son. Honestly, the only reason Varian was still alive was because she had hope. Hope that all of this would be worth it, hope that she could either get the stone out of him, or she could mold him into her weapon. So far, both have proven to be failures. Case in point. He seemed to only be able to use his power when upset or angry. She couldn’t rely on emotion like that. It’s why she didn’t have any feelings. Control, knowledge above all else. That was how she worked.
Which was why the baby really screwed it all up. 
“Would you shut up!” She hissed. After grabbing their belongings, she flung open the back door and made a run for it. “You know, I could really use a rock or two right now, Varian. Impale our attackers, scare them off? Anything?” The child only whimpered. “Useless.” An arrow whizzed past her ear. Groaning, Ulla dropped a case, reached into her pocket, and threw an alchemy bomb in the general direction of the arrow. She didn’t turn to see if she hit her target, the screams were enough. Varian, who was perched on her shoulder and facing back, winced. He’d seen her explosions before, they never got easier.
“I swear to god, Varian, if you run me out of one more town, so help me, I’m leaving you behind,” she growled. But Varian knew she wouldn’t. She said that about the last 4 towns. 
If he was spotted, he’d be in major trouble. It was bad enough he hadn’t told Eugene about the rocks, he was just… it just… hard. His momma hated him and she knew, and Eugene loved him and he didn’t. What if he told Eugene, and he turned him over to the King?
He wanted Eugene! He wanted a hug, a promise that Fred would never hurt him! But alas. Instead, Varian scampered down the hallway. His tiny legs moved as fast as they could carry him. From his cart, Ruddiger chittered anxiously, unsure about the destination or if it was a good idea. Varian didn’t care. He just needed to get away. Keep moving. 
Finally, he slowed to a stop. Breath after breath puffed out of exhausted lips, and Varian slid down onto the floor with a whimper. He hated this. 
Voices sounded from around the corner. Was it the King? Did he know Varian overheard him? Panicked, the child scooped Ruddiger up from the cart and hid behind a large plant. The raccoon complained with angry chitters, but Varian shushed him. 
Cassandra rounded the corner, two other maids by her side. They all carried mounds of laundry, too tall to see over, only around. 
Conversation was light, it sounded like the same gossip they always had. That was until Cassandra, unable to see, stepped right on top of the cart. Her foot flew with the wheels, and down went the handmaiden with a shriek. Clothes were flung into the air along with her, and she groaned in pain.
“What was that, are you ok?” One of the maids asked, dropping her basket to help her up. The third maid kicked the cart aside. 
Cassandra let out a grunt. “Yea, just my tailbone,” and with that, she scrambled to pick up her laundry. Varian had half a mind to run out and help her, but the paralyzing fear of getting in trouble kept him in place. He hadn’t meant to hurt her! Just like with the rocks, it was an accident! It always was!
“Stupid cart,” the third maid brushed Cassandra off. “Honestly, I wonder what goes through that kid’s head sometimes.”
“Experiment 87,” Ulla stated, speaking aloud as she wrote. The quill’s loud scratching, normally deafening, was drowned out by the hum of machinery and electricity. “The rocks seem to respond to electricity, acting like a conductor. The subject responds only to emotional distress,” The last part was said with thinly veiled disgust. “So, I have decided to combine the two concepts into one experiment.” Satisfied, the woman stood up from her chair and rounded around the room. 
Their house in Old Corona was their biggest by far. Ulla had grown up here, played here, dreamed of a moment like this here. Perhaps sans the electrically charged chair and terrified child. 
But hey, beggars can’t be choosers. 
Varian trembled like a leaf in the wind from his restraints. The leather bit into his skin, metal buckles pinching and tweaking. He didn’t dare struggle, though. That would just make Momma angry. She fiddled with the settings, humming in delight as the machine responded beautifully to her commands.
“If we give the test subject a series of controlled shocks, it should ignite his flight or fight response, which seems to be the biggest trigger of rocks. This is just the prototype, of course. If this initial test is successful, I’ll begin work on a collar, or some other portable device. As powerful as the chair is, it’s impractical.” Ulla wasn’t speaking directly to Varian. She never was in these situations. When he asked, Ulla insisted it was because she was a scientist. But the rambling was just that, the rambling of a deranged woman who longed for power by any means necessary. 
She glanced up at her son’s terrified eyes. They welled with tears, lip trembling. “Oh, I almost forgot!” She rummaged through her pockets and fished out a piece of fabric. “Open your mouth, Varian.” 
He shook his head, or at least, as best as he could in the machine.
His momma rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, this is for your own good! We’re learning how to control your rocks so you don’t ruin this life for us! Old Corona is our last resort. The sooner you learn to control yourself, the better. So stick this in your mouth and let momma work.” 
Varian couldn’t stop the hiccup that came when he opened his mouth, but Ulla took the opportunity anyway. She shoved the fabric between baby teeth, and pulled a nearby lever. 
The machine crackled with energy. Blue lightning sparked, lighting the room in a near ethereal glow. It would be beautiful if it wasn’t so painful. 
Through the fabric, Varian let out a shriek, louder than he’d ever screamed before. It was a strange mix of painful and unpleasant, that odd feeling of his body vibrating. Varian had experienced pain before. He’s gotten bruises, scrapes, the occasional burn from getting too close to momma’s experiments. And this certainly wasn’t the first time he was the test subject. But it was definitely the worst. 
He screamed again, and a black rock shot out of the ground. Ulla’s eyes gleamed hungrily.
Then another. 
And another. 
Obsidian, pure and black, gleamed as it grew closer and closer, spiking up through the floor and towards the scientist with ill intent–
Ulla slammed down on the kill switch just as a rock sliced too close, cutting a clean streak of red through the palm of her hand. She and her son cried out in unison.
All was quiet, save for the broken sobs of a frightened child. 
But Ulla didn’t care about that. She nursed her injured hand, thoughts a violent storm.
Her plan had worked… too well.
There really was no working with him, was there?
“More like what is he being taught,” Cassandra joked. “It’s fine, I can use it to carry the laundry before I drop it off at his door.” Hey! Cart thief! Ruddiger growled low in Varian’s ear. Varian didn’t really notice. He was trying to stifle his cries. He could still feel the electricity, the phantom shocks sent shivers down his spine. 
While Cassandra and the maids focused on the cart, Varian snuck around the plant and broke off into a sprint. This time, it wasn’t so much fear of the people, more the fear of his mind. He had no idea what was happening to him. All he knew was that he kept remembering things, awful things, the stuff he left behind when Eugene took him in. 
On any other day, whenever he was scared, he could toddle around and plead to the nearest maid to point him to Eugene. On any other day, he could beg for a hug or a show of affection, a reminder that Varian was here to stay, that he was safe. On any other day, he could happily wander the halls, knowing if he needed anything, Eugene would be right there. But he wasn’t allowed to see Eugene at all today. 
What if Eugene decided after today that he liked the peace and quiet? What if Eugene didn’t want Varian around anymore? 
Ruddiger tucked himself tightly around Varian’s shoulders, purring sweetly. The vibrations normally calmed Varian, even lulled him to sleep, but not today. Varian flinched violently when purrs jostled his neck, and he instinctually batted at it. Get him out of the machine! Get him out NOW! 
Ruddiger didn’t take kindly to that. He was trying to soothe his friend, and this is the thanks he gets? A striped tail whacked angrily against Varian’s face, and tiny teeth bit down on the child’s neck. 
He let out a shriek, and a single, massive rock spiked through the floor. Marble lay ruined at its base, and shredded carpet floated through the air. 
The two friends froze, staring in horror at the intrusion. 
The clanking of armor and heavy footsteps echoed behind him, before stuttering to a stop. Varian whipped his head around, and came face to face with a shocked Quirin.
The man took a step forward. “Son–”
“–Listen to me,” Ulla whispered. They were in a quiet alley, away from the festivities. It was so bright out today, it was as if the sun itself was here in Corona! Laughter and music verberated from the nearby square. But Varian wasn’t focused on that. His momma looked happy, excited even! She had all day! It was so rare that Varian got to see her smile, much less at him! 
“I need you to sit here and wait for me. Can you do that, Varian? Can you be good? It’ll make me very happy.” 
Varian nodded fervently. He wanted nothing more than to make his momma happy! She always seemed so sad or angry, and nothing he ever did seemed to cheer her up. In fact, his presence only made it worse. So for her to be happy because of what he did? It was heaven!
“Ok momma!” He chirped, bouncing on the balls of his feet. 
“Now, don’t go anywhere, ok? Especially not back to Old Corona,” She booped his nose, and he giggled. “And don’t ask anyone where I am. It’s not important. Ok?”
She sighed, staring down at him. Her eyes clouded with sadness, familiar and yet… foreign, this time. It seemed more bittersweet. “Farewell, moondrop,” she whispered. And with a pat to his head, she left the alley, back into the crowd. 
Varian was a good boy! He’d sit and wait! And wait he did! For nearly 2 days! Through hunger and thirst, even sleeping right there in the alley. But soon enough, he had to move. 
He’d hated it. He’d hated making his momma upset. Surely she’d be coming back, so he couldn’t leave the alley long! Then she’d get nervous!
So he came back. Only leaving for food and water, he came back, day after day, sitting in that alleyway, waiting. 
Until Eugene showed him she wasn’t coming. 
She never was. 
The terror was too much. It felt as if the walls were closing in on him, suffocating him, clawing at his lungs and preventing him from breathing. 
He took one step away from Quirin. Then another. The man seemed pained, and reached out.
Varian bolted. 
He didn’t care if Eugene was going to be upset. He didn’t care if Cassie would yell about his cart. He wanted his Eugene. 
He wanted his Dad. 
Tiny legs, exhausted from the day of running, pounded through the castle for hopefully the last time. He knew the way by heart, and he was able to easily lose Quirin (if the man was even chasing him). Finally, he reached the familiar door. The guilt of waking a sick Eugene was heavily outweighed by his terror, his craving of someone who loved him no matter what. The door easily swung open, banging into the wall. 
Eugene sprang up like he’d been shot. “WHA-WHAZZAT? What’s happening?” He cried, eyes searching wildly for an explanation. The only one he got was Varian leaping into bed with him and curling up to his chest.
“Daddy, I- I’m sorry!” He coughed, sobs so violent they caused him to shake. Tiny hands gripped Eugene’s shirt with a vice like grip. 
Eugene blinked, flabbergasted. He’d never seen Varian cry this hard, not even after a nightmare! And wait, he called him Dad? Daddy? But his questions could wait. Right now, his son needed comfort. 
“Hey, hey, shhh, it’s ok Bluebird,” Eugene’s strong arms wrapped around Varian, pulling him close. “You’re ok, I’m not mad, I love you.” The last one got a blubbery, garbled response Eugene couldn’t make out. The kid blew harshly into Eugene’s shirt. 
“Oh, ew,” Eugene muttered, but otherwise didn’t complain. He rocked Varian back and forth, shushing him quietly. 
Finally, warmth, safety, security. It was so relieving, so relaxing, Varian began to doze off. He’ll tell Eugene what upset him later. 
When Rapunzel came to check on her boyfriend, she found them both sound asleep. The little boy was still cradled in his dad’s arms.
“Boundaries, huh,” She sighed.
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Mama Bear Drabble 48
Drabble prompt: "I couldn't let you leave without telling you that you are important to me."
By: @funkylittlebidiot (posted with permission).
Laughter rang loudly throughout the living room, cut off by yells and curses as Peter once again beat Thomas at Mario Kart. Cassie and Harley sat on the couch, yelling encouragements or distracting the players. William sat back as he watched it all in fond amusement.
Though the scene warmed him and he could still barely believe that he was experiencing it - that he was part of it - he felt like his battery had been depleted.
He needed some peace and quiet; time to think about everything that had happened over the last two weeks.
From living on the streets to having a warm bed to sleep in, a group of people to stand by and support him, and friends who liked spending time with him,… it was quite the change.
William still felt like it could slip through his fingertips at any moment. He wanted to enjoy it while he could, but he didn’t trust himself not to get attached. He always did, and fate had never before been on their side.
Even though he hated to admit it, he usually got attached before they’d even arrive at the new foster home. He’d always been too much of a dreamer, couldn’t stop his heart’s excitement at the possibility that this next family would be it, would be theirs. No matter how many times he had been wrong, he couldn’t stop hoping.
He got up out of his seat, quietly as to not alert anyone of his movements as he went in search of a quiet corner.
He was good at that; finding holes to hide away in. It was the first thing he did when arriving at a new foster home or school.
The tower was huge, however, and he hadn’t felt the need to, here. He’d found ten promising nooks on his way from the elevator to his room when he’d first arrived, so he figured he could find a place if he needed one.
Besides, it was the first place where they'd had their own rooms.
His first plan was to just head into the kitchen, but when he passed the open door to Tony’s study, he noticed something of interest in the corner.
Glancing around nervously, he took a step inside and was reminded of what Stephen had told him when he’d arrived, about having questions.
“FRIDAY, am I allowed to be in here?”
“Of course,” the voice confirmed from the ceiling. William wasn’t sure he’d ever be used to that. “There are no restricted areas in the tower, except for some parts of the lab and Stark Industry floors.”
“Thank you,” he responded, walking over the chessboard that had caught his attention.
He’d always been intrigued by chess. It had always seemed like this whimsical thing wealthy people just had standing around; the older, prettier, and less used, the better.
Though he’d always eyed the chess tables in the park or library with longing, he’d never had an opportunity to learn.
He took a seat, enjoying how the little nook was quiet despite the yelling still emanating from the living room, and how its spot against the glass allowed him a gorgeous view of the city below.
“Yes, William?”
“Can you play chess?”
“I could tell you which pieces to move in my stead, yes.”
“Would you teach me?”
The next hour was spend playing chess against the AI. Once he’d learned each piece’s movements and the aim of the game, it seemed so simple. Still, he never came close to beating FRIDAY. He didn’t mind, though, just enjoyed the game and how it was engaging his mind.
“Bishop to G4.” William leaned over to move FRIDAY’s piece, thinking over the board critically before making his own move.
“You left your queen vulnerable, William. Knight to E3; check.”
“Damn,” William muttered under his breath, before moving his tower to protect his queen. “Any advice on what I should have done instead?”
A soft knock on the doorframe startled William, freezing when he noticed Stephen in the doorway.
“May I interrupt?”
He nodded on autopilot, watching Stephen’s every move as he walked over and took a seat opposite him. “So this is where you’ve been hiding?”
William couldn't be sure if he was imagining the hint of amusement in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he started, eyes wide, “I asked FRIDAY if I was allowed to be in here and -“
“Of course you are,” Stephen tutted, sending William a reassuring smile. “The other kids just don’t usually come in here. They wouldn’t find anything interesting.”
William didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t bother. He had learned it was best to stay quiet; to just follow the adult’s lead.
“Would you mind if I cut in, FRIDAY?”
“Of course not, Doctor Strange.”
Stephen eyed the board critically, before moving a piece and glancing back up at William. “So, how have you been settling in?”
William kept his gaze on the board, using it as an excuse to hide the warmth spreading up his neck. He tried to think of what piece to move, but he was too nervous to focus.
“F-Fine. Vision and Wanda are very kind for sharing their floor with us.” He felt better after the words had left his mouth, able to breathe more easily now he didn’t have to worry about giving a response. He thought for another second before making his move.
“They’re happy to share,” Stephen smiled as he made his own move.
“They want to take us out for furniture and stuff…,” William blurted out, something that had been on his mind. They’d been trying to postpone it as much as possible, but they were getting more and more persistent. Sitting here in the quiet of their chess game, he, for some reason, felt compelled to bring it up. It felt like a safe space; as if they had nothing better to do than discuss what was bothering him. “Though it’s not like we have any money.”
“Of course you do,” Stephen said matter-of-factly, not even looking up from the board as he studied his next move. “What’s ours is yours.”
“William, you’re part of our family.” William’s heart stopped when Stephen looked up and met his eyes in a stern gaze. They were a clear blue and fierce, removing any room for debate. “First thing every new kid learns is that we have more than we could ever spend - if some of it goes to making you happy, it’s a worthy cause.”
William didn’t know what to say. He found refuge in the game, looking away from Stephen’s eyes to focus on the board again.
“You haven’t told me how you’re feeling,” Stephen noticed as he was quick to move a piece as if he’d anticipated William’s move. “‘Fine’ isn't the full extent of your feelings, I’m sure. It must be a lot to take in.”
“Not really.” William shrugged, surprising himself by how easily he had said the words. “I mean, we’re used to moving around a lot and living with strangers… it’s just that this place is obviously a lot nicer than we’re used to.”
He made his move, waving off his words. “I don’t want to get accustomed.”
William looked up in time to catch Stephen frowning at him and cursed internally at having said the wrong thing. He'd been getting too comfortable again. It was hard not to when his intuition didn't pick up any red flags from Stephen - which was rare when it came to adults. He quickly ducked his head, trying to hide his blush.
“You’re not going anywhere, William.” Stephen’s voice was firm and determined, convincing William to glance back up at him. “You or your brother.”
The yelling from the living room, which had been a hum in the background, grew louder. William pretended to get distracted by it as he couldn't come up with a response.
Stephen sighed as he followed his gaze, glaring in the direction of the living room. There was a loud thudding sound before someone yelled an affronted “MOM!”.
William hesitantly glanced towards Stephen. He wasn’t expecting him to get angry - he had seen enough in his two weeks here that he knew Stephen wasn’t the type. He knew normal parents don’t usually get upset about some noise, but he hadn’t expected him to roll his eyes with so much fondness either. It seemed too out of place.
“It was nice sitting in the quiet with you, William,” Stephen turned back to him with a smile, though he did seem genuinely regretful to leave, “but I’m afraid duty calls.”
William nodded, turning back to look at how they’d left the board. He wanted to finish the game with FRIDAY, and leave Stephen to resolve whatever was going on, before joining the rest again.
“One thing,” Stephen said, causing William to look up at him again with a questioning expression. “I can’t leave without telling you that you are important to me. You and Thomas.”
William swallowed against the lump in his throat, not sure how to react, but Stephen wasn’t yet finished. He took a step closer to him, placing a comforting hand on William’s shoulder. He looked up to meet his eyes, finding Stephen watching him with a soft smile.
“I know that might seem hard to believe after only two weeks, but we get attached quickly.” He grinned, lightly squeezing William’s shoulder before stepping away. “Like it or not; you’re stuck with us.”
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Little Accidents, Big Developments
Chapter 3: Roman’s Remorse
[This is an age regression story]
Chapter Summary: Virgil tries his best at a big kid game, Logan supervises, Roman makes a mistake, and Patton tries to console his little prince.
Chapter word count: 7,500
Other chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / bonus
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
‘Come hither, squire,’ Roman called down the hallway. ‘The handsome prince awaits our rescue!’
 Quick footsteps met his ears and, after a moment, Roman saw Virgil hurrying around the hallway corner. There was a large bundle of green fluff in his arms.
 ‘Vee, no,’ Roman groaned and threw his head back. Did this baby know nothing about playing Knights and Dragons? ‘You can’t cuddle the dragon! We just defeated him, he’s supposed to be dead.’
 Virgil pulled Minty closer to him and frowned at Roman. He was probably pouting behind his pacifier, too.
 ‘Don’t look at me like that,’ Roman narrowed his eyes at his brother.
 It wasn’t very often that Virgil was able to play games with Roman. Being so young when he regressed, baby Vee didn’t usually have much energy and always liked to do stuff like nap and play quietly with his soft toys. Boring stuff that Roman wouldn’t be able to put up with for more than two minutes. Though that morning, Virgil had been in a rare, playful mood. Roman was never one to miss an opportunity, so he roped his little brother into playing make-believe with him.
 But Virgil wasn’t really getting the hang of this game. He couldn’t keep up when Roman ran from room to room to escape their enemies (the roles mostly being filled out by their various toys). Then, when their enemies inevitably caught them, it was hard to defeat them because Virgil didn’t like hitting things - even if it was just pretending. If that wasn’t annoying enough, now he was cuddling their most recent kill!
 ‘Go put him back,’ Roman demanded and pointed down the hallway.
 Virgil just whined and hugged the toy tighter.
 ‘Let him cuddle the dinosaur, Roman,’ Logan’s muffled call came from where they had left him in the living room. (He was the evil wizard whom Roman valiantly defeated a few minutes ago.)
 ‘But it’s meant to be a dead dragon!’ Roman yelled back.
 ‘Cubble,’ Virgil argued quietly, his eyes pleading with Roman.
 Roman didn’t get why Virgil tried to talk with a pacifier in his mouth. It just made him sound silly.
 ‘Fine, whatever,’ Roman sighed. Yes, and, after all. He tried to get back into character by standing tall with his hands on his hips. ‘Why, young squire, it appears you have adopted the dragon’s harmless, orphaned offspring!’
 Virgil nodded enthusiastically and giggled.
 ‘And now we must scale this tower and rescue the prince of my dreams!’ Roman declared.
 He pointed to the top of the stairs where his teddy bear, Aladdin, was slumped on the landing.
 ‘Thairs?’ Virgil lisped, pointing at the stairs.
 ‘No, tower,’ Roman corrected. Whatever happened to suspension of disbelief? ‘Come on, we’re wasting time! He’s gonna get bored and find another knight to marry!’
 Roman started climbing the stairs on his knees and made an exaggerated effort to make it look like a gruelling task. He heard Virgil start to climb up carefully behind him and grinned. Virgil always followed him whenever they played together and it made Roman feel important. His baby brother copied him because Roman was older and bigger and braver and he would protect Vee from anything that might hurt him!
 There was a small gasp and Roman whipped his head around just in time to see Virgil stumble off from the third step. He had apparently not wanted to let go of his toy while climbing and lost his balance. The regressor fell backwards and landed on his butt at the bottom of the stairs. It didn’t take long for his face to crumple.
 ‘Dad!’ Roman shouted quickly.
 He wasn’t too worried about his brother being hurt; Virgil hadn’t fallen far or very hard. It wasn’t like he was a real baby who could hurt himself so easily. But he was a crybaby. The sooner their dad got there, the sooner Virgil would quit blubbering, and the sooner they could go back to playing.
 ‘What’s up, my sweet spoonful of royal icing?’ Patton called, popping his head out from the kitchen.
 The corners of Roman’s lips pulled up at the silly nickname. Though his smile dropped when Patton gasped, his eyes on Virgil who was now crying silently on the floor.
 ‘What happened?’ Patton asked, hurrying over to the sniffling boy.
 ‘He’s fine.’ Roman rolled his eyes and plopped down to sit on the step he was on. Dad worried way too much. ‘He only fell a little bit.’
 Patton ignored Roman and kneeled on the floor beside Virgil, running his hands over Virgil’s head to check for any bumps. Virgil whined, trying to dodge the touch and reaching his arms out to him.
 ‘We can cuddle in just a sec, sweetie pie,’ Patton said.
 When he inevitably found no injury he scooped Virgil into his arms. Roman’s heart sunk. It wasn’t that he needed a hug. He wasn’t the one crying, after all… But it didn’t feel nice being left out.
 ‘Poor baby, did you have a little tumble?’ Patton cooed.
 Virgil nodded and buried his teary eyes on Patton’s shoulder.
 ‘Barely,’ Roman grumbled and rested his head on the banister with a pout. ‘Dunno why he’s crying about it.’
 ‘Any small slip is enough to trigger fear, Roman,’ Logan said, approaching from around the corner of the hallway. ‘Virgil clearly had a bit of a scare.’
 Roman stayed quiet at that. He obviously didn’t want Virgil to be scared, but it happened all the time. It was hard to have fun when Vee kept getting upset every few minutes.
 ‘Are you all right, little one?’ Logan asked as he kneeled down beside the two on the floor.
 The nickname made Roman frown. Since when did Logan start using terms of endearment? And how come he never talked to Roman like that?
 Instead of voicing these thoughts, Roman instead opted to make an exaggerated gagging sound.
 ‘Roman,’ Patton scolded, ‘that wasn’t very nice.’
 ‘Mom never used to say that stuff,’ Roman mumbled, picking at his fingernails.
 ‘How did you fall over, Vee?’ Logan asked, ignoring Roman completely. Roman grit his teeth.
 Not crying anymore - finally - Virgil pulled his face off from Patton’s shoulder and pointed at the staircase.
 Realisation dawned on Logan’s face. Roman didn’t like the way his mom looked at him like he had done something wrong.
 ‘Is this what you meant when you said you were climbing a tower?’ Logan questioned. ‘You tried to lead Virgil up the stairs?’
 ‘Well… yeah,’ Roman said quietly, not sure why it felt like he was going to be told off. Again.
 ‘Roman, you shouldn’t try to take Vee up the stairs on your own,’ Patton said gently. ‘You know he’s not very stable on his feet when he’s regressed.’
 ‘But what else could be the tower?’ Roman countered. ‘We can’t climb anything else.’
 ‘No, you can’t. But you must let either me or your Dad help Virgil up the stairs in the future,’ Logan said firmly. ‘Do you understand?’
 Logan’s hand had rested on Patton’s shoulder while he was speaking. The three of them were crouched together on the floor now, all holding each other and looking like a perfect little family.
 Roman saw red.
 ‘Yeah, I understand,’ he growled and crossed his arms. ‘I understand that you think I’m a bad brother!’
 ‘I never said that,’ Logan argued.
 ‘You’re not a bad brother, sweetheart,’ Patton said. ‘We just want you to be a little bit more careful in the future, that’s all.’
 ‘But it wasn’t my fault he fell!’ Roman cried indignantly. ‘He was still holding his toy, he should’ve held onto the handrail!’
 Virgil whimpered when he raised his voice and Patton pulled the boy into his lap, shushing him gently. Roman winced at the reaction. He knew his brother didn’t like loud noises or arguments and Roman did want to apologise to him… but that would kind of ruin his whole argument.
 ‘We’re not saying it’s your fault, little prince,’ Patton said kindly. ‘Are we, Logan?’
 ‘Not… entirely,’ Logan hesitated. The glare Roman sent him was well-deserved, Roman thought. ‘Though it may prevent future injury if next time you instead ask one of us to help Virgil.’
 ‘He’s not hurt, though,’ Roman whined. Why did they think he wasn’t taking proper care of his brother? It’s not like Roman pushed him.
 ‘No hurp,’ Virgil babbled through his pacifier and held his hands up to Logan, showing that they were uninjured.
 Roman felt a warmth in his chest at seeing his little brother stick up for him.
 Logan’s posture softened and he reached forward to tickle lightly at Virgil’s palms with a soft smile. Virgil giggled and his hands retreated to clutch onto his dino toy again. It was kind of cool how Virgil got his voice to sound like an actual toddler’s, Roman had no idea how he did it.
 ‘You’re right, little prince,’ Logan said quietly.
 He seemed to have cooled down a bit after playing with Virgil. Roman wished he could get Logan to stop being grumpy so easily. He probably wasn’t cute enough.
 ‘Your brother didn’t hurt himself this time, but we don’t want it to happen again just in case next time he does hurt himself,’ Logan explained patiently and Roman pouted at the thought. ‘Does that make sense, Roman?’
 ‘Yeah,’ Roman mumbled to his feet. He really didn’t want that to happen. ‘Fine, I won’t do it again.’
 ‘Thank you,’ Logan said kindly. ‘You are a very caring big brother, aren’t you?’
 Roman looked up, feeling a spark of joy. Mom was smiling at him now.
 ‘Yeah!’ he agreed enthusiastically and darted back down the stairs.
 ‘Careful!’ Patton winced and held his hand out to him in case he fell.
 ‘No running down the stairs, either,’ Logan sighed.
 When Roman reached the bottom he kneeled next to Virgil carefully. ‘Still brothers?’
 Virgil nodded eagerly. Then he seemed to think something through for a second before dropping Minty and leaning forward to latch onto Roman in a tight hug.
 Roman blinked for a moment then wrapped his arms around Virgil’s shoulders, sighing in relief. He always made sure to check they were still brothers after something bad happened, just in case Virgil changed his mind about wanting Roman as his big brother. He really didn’t want Virgil to change his mind. It wasn’t a nice feeling when brothers got split up.
 ‘Aww, you little cuties!’ Patton gushed and ruffled Roman’s hair.
 Roman swiped the hand away with a grumble, but there was a slight giggle behind it. The movement caused Virgil to let go of Roman and he cuddled back into his papa. It didn’t bother Roman too much; everyone knew Patton gave the best cuddles.
 ‘I think you’ve both run around quite enough today,’ Patton said, wrapping his arms around Vee protectively. ‘How about we all have some quiet time together?’
 ‘But we didn’t finish my game,’ Roman pouted.
 ‘Sorry, honey. I don’t think this little baby is up to playing anymore,’ Patton whispered with an apologetic smile. He rocked Virgil slightly in his hold and the younger boy’s eyes shut instantly.
 ‘It appears your squire has been captured,’ Logan suddenly announced in a deep, airy voice.
 Roman’s heart leapt in excitement and he grinned up at his mom. That was the evil wizard’s voice!
 ‘This… sleep siren has used his wily charm to incapacitate your little friend,’ Logan indicated Virgil who sighed sleepily and nuzzled closer to a very confused Patton.
 ‘So the evil wizard has returned from the dead! I thought I had bested you on the moors,’ Roman cried and leapt onto his feet and into character.
 ‘Foolish mortal, you cannot best the greatest wizard of the land,’ Logan replied very seriously and stood up swiftly. ‘I shall kidnap the handsome prince for myself.’
 ‘No,’ Roman whinged and stomped his foot. He wanted to marry Aladdin!
 ‘That wasn’t very knightly of you,’ Logan smirked. ‘You’ll have to do better than throw a tantrum to defeat me.’
 ‘Well… I secretly put some wizard glue on the floor before you got here,’ Roman said triumphantly, proud of his fast-thinking, ‘and now you’re stuck!’
 ‘I’m the greatest wizard of the land,’ Logan frowned, ‘I could easily -’
 ‘Logan,’ Patton whispered and shook his head up at him.
 ‘Fine… Ahhh,’ Logan cried monotonously, tugging at his leg which he kept firmly on the floor despite his best “efforts”. ‘My greatest weakness: imaginary glue.’
 Roman laughed and scrambled up the stairs to claim the teddy bear.
 ‘I saved the prince!’ Roman cried to the people at the bottom of the stairs, holding the toy up in victory.
 ‘Hooray!’ Patton beamed and started very gently clapping - probably for Virgil’s benefit.
 Virgil had apparently woken up slightly from the commotion. He copied his papa by tapping his hands together, giggling quietly.
 ‘Alas,’ Logan sighed, ‘I have been beaten.’
 ‘Evil has been defeated!’ Roman yelled proudly. ‘Now me and my prince can marry and live happily ever after!’
 ‘Kith,’ Virgil squeaked and pointed at him.
 ‘No, his name’s Aladdin,’ Roman corrected. What kind of a princely name was Keith?
 ‘Kiss?’ Patton repeated.
 ‘Oh, that’s right, Virgil,’ Logan said then smirked up at Roman. ‘Did you not say you would marry the prince, brave knight?’
 ‘Yeah?’ Roman frowned.
 ‘Well then, you may now kiss the groom!’ Patton giggled.
 Roman looked between them and Aladdin and felt a blush warm his cheeks. It was suddenly a bit embarrassing to marry his teddy bear in front of his family. But they were all staring at him and clearly wouldn’t look away until Roman complied.
 Well, he had to give his fans what they wanted… He shut his eyes tightly and pressed a quick peck to the teddy bear’s mouth. They all broke out in laughing cheers and Roman smiled shyly back at them.
 Virgil nodded lightly and then dropped his head back to Patton’s shoulder. Roman guessed he was happy with how it turned out.
 ‘Mazel tov!’ Patton cried happily. ‘Or should I say muzzle tov. Y’know, ‘cause he’s a bear?’
 ‘Congratulations to Roman and Aladdin,’ Logan said, ignoring Patton’s pun. ‘Now, I think that wraps things up rather nicely. Wouldn’t you say, Roman?’
 ‘Okay, fine,’ Roman admitted and walked back downstairs with Aladdin still clutched in his hand. ‘I guess my game’s done now. Thanks for playing with me Mom and Vee.’
 ‘It was my pleasure,’ Logan nodded much too formally.
 ‘Baby, do you want to say something to your brother?’ Patton whispered, jostling Virgil gently.
 ‘Wuvoo, Wo-Wo,’ Virgil mumbled tiredly without opening his eyes.
 Roman’s eyebrows shot up. Virgil had never said that to him before!
 ‘Uh… love you too, Vee-Vee,’ Roman muttered quietly, twisting Aladdin’s fur between his fingers.
 ‘Ohmygosh,’ Patton squeaked, and his face was red with how much he was clearly trying to contain an outburst of emotion. He clutched Virgil tighter. ‘You - I - They -’
 ‘Alright, I suggest we move into the living room to watch a Disney film before your Dad figuratively combusts,’ Logan muttered to Roman.
 ‘Lilo & Stitch!’ Roman yelled instantly.
 Virgil appeared to wake up at that and his head raised off of Patton’s shoulder like a meerkat’s.
 ‘Are you happy with that, sweetheart?’ Patton asked him.
 ‘Thich!’ Virgil babbled and started bouncing lightly on Patton’s lap. The moral side had to quickly tighten his hold to stop him from sliding off completely.
 ‘I’m quite sure that’s a yes,’ Logan chuckled and led the way to the living room.
 The movie was well underway and Roman was splayed out on the carpet, his head propped on his hands and his legs kicking idly in the air. He sucked at the straw of his sippy cup happily, for once not adding his input to the movie. It wasn’t often he watched a Disney film without bouncing around in excitement, commenting on it constantly and reciting the lines to his favourite scenes. But this time he was pretty tired from running around so much earlier. (Though he definitely would have denied his exhaustion if either of his caregivers pointed it out.)
 Virgil’s previous enthusiasm didn’t last for long either. His love for the movie had given him energy enough to toddle into the living room with the others, but as soon as Patton sat him down on the couch he had melted right into it.
 Around half an hour into the screening, Roman heard something drop on the carpet behind him. He twisted his head to see Virgil’s pacifier had dropped right by his feet. Lifting his gaze he could see that it had fallen from where Virgil was now drooling into Minty’s fur, fast asleep.
 Roman giggled. Silly baby! It couldn’t be that hard to keep a paci in your mouth. He crawled over to pick it up. His caregivers always gave him lots of praise when he helped to clean up after Vee.
 ‘Oh, thank you, sweetie,’ Patton whispered, holding his hand out for the pacifier.
 Roman looked up to smile at him but paused. Patton and Logan were glued to each other’s sides, their heads resting against each other and their hands intertwined in Patton’s lap. Roman’s smile twisted into a knowing smirk.
 Patton blushed and gently dropped Logan’s hand, while Logan cleared his throat and sat upright.
 ‘No problem, Padre.’ Roman dropped the paci in Patton’s waiting hand then winked at them both before turning away.
 He crawled back to his place on the carpet and collapsed onto his stomach again. There was a heavy, sinking feeling inside his belly, though it didn’t have anything to do with the sudden movement. He felt unsure of himself after that interaction. Was it too grown-up of him to have winked at Patton and Logan? Was it weird or wrong that he still thought of them as Patton and Logan, and not just Dad and Mom? He picked at his fingernail.
 Roman sometimes felt iffy about how easy it was to come out of his littlespace. His brother’s regression seemed so much more… real than Roman’s age dreaming. Even now, Virgil had just fallen asleep on the couch like an actual baby, but here Roman was teasing his caregivers because he could tell they were attracted to each other. Was a child even supposed to notice something like that?
 He turned his attention back to the film with a sigh and did his best to fall back into his littlespace. He couldn’t break character like that again; Logan and Patton wouldn’t want anything to do with him if they knew he was just pretending to be a kid.
 ‘Excuse me,’ he heard Logan announce quietly. Then there was some shuffling and the sound of the door opening.
 Logan had clearly left, though Roman pretended not to notice. Kids weren’t meant to notice.
 ‘I’m sorry I bit you… And pulled your hair… And punched you in the face,’ Lilo said on the screen.
 ‘Apology not accepted,’ her rival, Mertle, replied. ‘Now get outta my way before I run you over.’
 Roman frowned at the film and rolled over to pout at his dad.
 ‘What’s wrong, little prince?’ Patton asked worriedly.
 For a moment, it almost seemed like all of Patton’s attention was directed at him. But then Roman noticed that Patton had pulled Virgil’s feet into his lap and was stroking his legs softly. Roman felt a spark of jealousy in his tummy. It wasn’t fair, Virgil always got cuddles and strokes; even when he was sleeping apparently!
 ‘How come Mertle doesn’t just say it’s okay and then play with Lilo and Stitch?’ Roman asked. He tried to insert enough childish confusion into his voice to garner sympathy.
 ‘Aw, sweetheart,’ Patton cooed. ‘That would be lovely, but it’s up to Mertle if she forgives Lilo.’
 ‘But Lilo is cool and nice and she apologised,’ Roman said, not needing to feign his confusion anymore.
 ‘She still hurt Mertle’s feelings, though.’ Patton absentmindedly ran his fingers over Virgil’s ankles, eliciting a happy hum from the regressor.
 ‘But Lilo is the hero,’ Roman argued, ‘and people are supposed to like the hero!’
 Virgil whimpered quietly in his sleep and curled into himself a little.
 ‘Remember, quiet voices,’ Patton whispered with his finger held against his lips.
 Roman copied the action and giggled quietly. It was fun to copy his dad.
 ‘It would be very kind of Mertle to forgive Lilo,’ Patton agreed, ‘but sometimes just because you say you’re sorry doesn’t make it better.’
 Roman didn’t feel very good hearing that.
 ‘The most important thing is that Lilo did apologise,’ Patton said cheerily.
 ‘I guess,’ Roman muttered.
 ‘Patton,’ Logan’s voice suddenly called from outside the living room, ‘could you please assist me with… something?’
 ‘Do you think you can be a big boy and watch your brother for me?’ Patton asked, seeming excited for some reason. (Big Roman knew the reason. But little Roman shouldn’t have.)
 ‘Okay, Dad,’ Roman nodded, smiling innocently.
 Patton very carefully lifted Virgil’s feet off of him and onto the couch, sighing in relief when he didn’t stir. He stood up from the couch but hesitated when he looked back down at the napping boy.
 ‘I’m gonna take really good care of him, I promise,’ Roman said, knowing his dad would be nervous to leave the baby. Maybe separation anxiety worked both ways sometimes.
 ‘I know you are, little prince,’ Patton whispered then reached down to squeeze Roman’s foot teasingly before quickly tiptoeing out.
 ‘Da-ad!’ Roman giggled, curling his toes away from the ghost tickles. He peeked over at Vee to check that his laughter hadn’t disturbed his little brother. Virgil was still deep asleep, so Roman turned back to the film happily.
 A few minutes went by in peace. Roman did his best to giggle quietly at the funny training montage in the film, but soon lost out and was cackling at Stitch’s silliness. He heard a shift behind him, but Virgil didn’t cry or say anything so Roman just kept watching the film. Vee probably woke up then got too distracted by the movie to care about his papa being gone,
 When Lilo pulled out her diagram of how bad Stitch was, Roman rolled his eyes at the screen.
 ‘Why do people always use red to show badness?’ he asked, then turned around to see Virgil. ‘Red is an awesome colour!’
 Virgil was sitting ramrod straight and looking at him with wide eyes.
 ‘What’s wrong?’ Roman asked, frowning. Virgil usually looked sad if his papa left the room, but this time he looked scared in a different way.
 Virgil’s mouth stayed firmly shut and he pulled his legs to his chest. It was very slow as if trying not to alert Roman to the movement. It didn’t work though, and quickly drew Roman’s attention to a big wet patch on the couch cushion.
 ‘Oh, shoot, did you spill your juice?’ Roman said and shuffled around so he could sit on his feet to get a better look.
 He was confused to see Virgil’s sippy cup still half-full on the floor where he had left it. Then Roman looked back at the couch and his eyebrows shot up. Virgil’s butt and the top half of his jeans were even wetter than the couch. Roman’s mouth dropped open and he looked back up at Virgil’s reddening face.
 Laughter rose in Roman’s chest. ‘Wait, did you -’ he snorted and covered his mouth.
 Virgil sat frozen stiff.
 ‘Did you just pee your pants?’ Roman asked incredulously, his face stretching into an amused grin.
 Virgil’s head shook rapidly, even as his hands clutched the wet cushion so tightly it looked about ready to tear open. It was the least convincing thing Roman had ever seen.
 So he burst out laughing.
 ‘Oh my gosh,’ he gasped through his chuckles, ‘I can’t believe you actually -’ His amusement was suddenly drowned out by a choked sob. Roman was stunned into silence and sobered from his amusement instantly when he saw the look on his brother’s face.
 Tears were dripping from Virgil’s chin and he looked completely horrified, shaking in his seat and hugging his knees tightly.
 Roman’s blood ran cold. What the heck was he doing?!
 ‘W-wait, I’m sorry,’ Roman immediately said, voice shaky and completely devoid of humour. ‘I didn’t mean it, Vee!’
 Why was he making fun of his baby brother? Why did he laugh at him? He scrambled to kneel in front of Virgil on the carpet, trying to make eye contact with him to show just how serious he was. Virgil shut his eyes tightly.
 ‘I’m sorry,’ Roman said quietly, ‘please don’t cry.’ He placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, trying to stroke him like Logan and Patton sometimes did. As soon as he made contact, Virgil flinched violently and his eyes flew open. He looked terrified of Roman.
 ‘I-I’m not gonna hurt you,’ Roman whispered because his throat was too tight to speak any louder.
 Virgil just whimpered and hid his face against his knees. His shoulders shook as he cried.
 ‘I’m really, really, really sorry,’ Roman choked. As he listened to Virgil’s sobs, tears were quickly welling up in his own eyes. Why was he so mean? He was such a bad brother!
 He was yanked out of his thoughts when he realised the sobbing had died down and mutated into shallow gasps. ‘Vee-Vee?’
 The younger side was trembling all over and wheezing into his knees.
 ‘No, no, c’mon, you gotta breathe,’ Roman said desperately, his heart lurching. He tried to remember how Logan usually fixed it when this happened. ‘In and out. Just, um - I think four seconds in and then…’
 The wheezing only got worse. Virgil’s hand flew up to his hair and pulled hard. Roman wanted to hold his hand and stop it, but he wasn’t supposed to touch Virgil when he was like this.
 ‘Please, please don’t panic,’ Roman begged uselessly.
 If Virgil had a panic attack now, it would be all his fault… Roman wanted to cry, but he couldn’t cry now! Virgil needed help, he didn’t need Roman to be an emotional mess. Roman’s own breathing picked up and he looked around the room frantically, as if their caregivers would appear out of thin air. He needed to find the grown-ups.
 ‘I’m getting Mom!’ he yelled and jumped to his feet. ‘Don’t worry, baby, we’ll be right back!’
 He didn’t waste any time in sprinting out of the living room and down the hallway. He burst into the kitchen, panicked to see it empty. A quick glance out of the window showed the backyard was barren too. Roman growled and ran back out, ready to look for them upstairs. But then he noticed the laundry room door was shut. It was never shut.
 He didn’t bother giving it any more thought before rushing over and kicking the door open with a loud bang.
 ‘Guys, quick!’ he yelled upon seeing them, then froze in shock.
 Patton and Logan had been pressed up against each other and were clearly heavily making out. They quickly tore themselves apart at Roman’s entrance; Logan yelped and jumped away from Patton while Patton gasped and promptly choked on his spit.
 ‘I…’ Roman shook his head. This was not the time to worry about what he’d just walked in on! ‘Sorry to interrupt, but -’
 ‘What have we told you about knocking?’ Logan yelled, voice a pitch higher than usual as he fumbled to shove his glasses on his pink face.
 ‘That it doesn’t matter if Virgil’s having a panic attack!’ Roman shouted back, then darted out of the room, knowing they would follow.
 His feet pounded against the floor, matching the pounding of his heartbeat. Each heavy step was accompanied by the voice in his brain that screamed my fault, my fault, my fault!
 He burst into the living room and halted, knowing he should hang back until the adults knew what to do. Virgil was curled up tightly on the couch where he had left him, gasping in wet, uneven breaths that almost sounded painful. Roman’s throat ached.
 ‘Oh,’ Patton breathed when he ran in behind him. His eyes had clearly settled on Virgil’s accident. ‘Poor baby…’
 Logan rushed past them both to sit by Virgil’s side on the armrest, and Roman took it as a cue that they were allowed to approach him. But when he tried to move forward, his arm was quickly tugged back. He whipped his head around to look at Patton in betrayal.
 ‘I just wanna help!’ Roman defended.
 ‘We can’t crowd him,’ Patton whispered, his grasp firm on Roman’s arm.
 Roman felt nauseous with guilt. Of course they couldn’t crowd him. Virgil wouldn’t feel better if Roman went near him right now. He was being a stupid kid. He had to grow up!
 ‘Virgil, lift a hand if you can hear me,’ Logan said very clearly, making it obvious why he was the one in charge in these situations.
 Roman looked over to them again and saw Virgil weakly raise a trembling hand.
 ‘Good, now I’m going to touch you,’ Logan continued. ‘Keep your hand raised if you do not want this.’
 The hand quickly dropped back to Virgil’s lap and started fiercely clawing the wet jeans at his thigh. They all knew he did this to try to scratch the skin under his clothes. Logan immediately grabbed Minty from where they had fallen to the floor and pushed the toy into Virgil’s hand, effectively stopping his harmful behaviour. Logan’s hand rested on his back and his finger started tapping an even beat.
 ‘Ready to breathe with me, Vee? In, two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four, five -’
 Roman watched on helplessly as Logan attempted to get Virgil’s breathing back under control. The breathing that was out of control all because of Roman. All because he had laughed at Vee for something silly. All because Roman was a horrible big brother!
 ‘I’m sorry, Vee-Vee!’ he suddenly cried out, voice cracking. It was childish. No, no, no, he wasn’t meant to be little right now, he had to be big so he could help!
 ‘Not now, Roman,’ Logan quickly hissed, then immediately went back to counting out Virgil’s breaths.
 Deep down, Roman knew Logan wasn’t really angry with him. He was just stressed about Virgil. He probably didn’t want Roman ruining everything all over again. But being told off made his tummy squeeze and he felt his lip wobbling.
 ‘Hey, it’s okay,’ Patton whispered and Roman felt gentle hands curl around his shoulders. ‘Why are you sorry, darling? This isn’t your fault.’
 ‘Yes, it is,’ Roman squeaked and looked down at Patton. Tears clouded his vision, but he still saw the look of confusion on his dad’s face. He squinted his eyes shut tightly, not wanting to watch it change into something worse when he admitted: ‘He wet himself and - and then I laughed at him. Then h-he wasn’t breathing right.’
 The words were torn from his quickly constricting throat, coming out choked and shaky. He swallowed painfully around the lump in his throat, but a sob tumbled out straight after. Why was he crying? Virgil was the only one allowed to be upset at that moment.
 He suddenly realised he was being gently led out of the room by his dad. He wiped his eyes and look back to check if his brother was okay. Virgil looked like he was breathing more normally now but Roman could hear his wheezing had turned into crying. Was that his fault again?
 ‘Let’s go to your room, little prince,’ Patton said quietly and gently pushed him out of the door.
 ‘You’re such a brave boy,’ Logan’s voice said behind them, muffled as they moved further down the hallway. ‘Would you like a hug, little one?’
 Roman hated how jealous he was. He didn’t deserve to be jealous. He didn’t deserve a hug. As Patton ushered him up the stairs, he tried to keep a sob in his chest no matter how tight and painful it felt. He sniffled wetly.
 ‘Shh, good boy, nearly there,’ Patton soothed.
 Roman nearly laughed. Good boy? After what he had done?
 Once they were inside Roman’s room, Patton closed the door behind them and coaxed Roman into sitting on his bed. As soon as he sank onto the mattress, Roman’s resolve broke and hot tears rolled down his cheeks.
 ‘I’m sorry!’ he sobbed, then buried his face in his hands. ‘I didn’t mean it… didn’t wanna make him panic.’
 ‘Oh, sweetheart,’ Patton breathed, then there were gentle hands on Roman’s knees. ‘You’re not in trouble.’
 Roman’s head snapped up from his hands. ‘What?’.
 Patton got up from the floor and moved to sit next to him on the bed. ‘I know that you try really hard to be a good brother,’ he whispered and stroked his thumbs over Roman’s eyelashes to rid them of tears. ‘I’m not angry with you, little prince. But you do need to apologise to Vee when he’s calmed down.’
 ‘I will,’ Roman nodded enthusiastically. ‘I’m gonna apologise so much and -’ he paused in thought, ‘- and I’m gonna give him all of my toys!’
 ‘All of them?’ Patton raised an eyebrow and smiled.
 ‘Well… maybe not all of them.’
 Patton chuckled and shook his head. ‘You don’t need to give him any of your toys, darling.’ He opened out one arm, encouraging Roman to lean against him. Roman leaned slightly awkwardly to rest his head against his dad’s shoulder. He wasn’t sure why Patton was being so nice to him when he had been bad, but he wasn’t going to turn it away. ‘Could you please tell me why you laughed at Virgil?’ Patton asked gently.
 Roman fidgeted with his hands. Why had he laughed? He hadn’t really thought about it before. He just thought people were supposed to laugh when someone wet themself. People always made jokes about that kind of thing. People at school laughed when Thomas had peed his pants that one time… but Thomas hadn’t liked that very much. The more Roman thought about it, the less any of these reasons made sense.
 ‘It’s supposed to be funny when someone does that,’ Roman said quietly. He thought back to the look of pure fear in Virgil’s eyes, the way his nails clawed at his jeans, and the way he gasped for breath. There was an empty, sinking feeling in his chest. ‘But it wasn’t funny.’
 ‘No, it wasn’t,’ Patton agreed softly, then he stroked a hand through Roman’s hair. It was a lot softer than the hair ruffles he usually gave him. ‘Virgil gets very scared when he has accidents, little prince. So it’s really important that we’re all extra nice to him when it happens.’
 Roman was surprised. ‘It’s happened before?’
 ‘Yes, a few times.’
 ‘Is it ‘cause he doesn’t like going potty?’ Roman asked, childish curiosity winning out against any adult sensibility. He remembered a couple of weeks ago when Virgil didn’t want to use the toilet. If Virgil didn’t want to do that then obviously he would have accidents. But it didn’t make much sense to Roman. ‘How come he doesn’t just go to the bathroom?’
 ‘I’m not too sure,’ Patton admitted. ‘But your mom and I are trying to find out.’
 ‘Mom knows too?’ Roman pouted and lifted his head from his dad’s shoulder. He was being left out again. ‘How come I didn’t know?’
 ‘Boy, you’re a curious kiddo today, huh?’ Patton chuckled, but it was shaky and his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Roman kept pouting and Patton eventually sighed. ‘Sweetheart, Virgil didn’t want you to know.’
 There was a heavy feeling in Roman’s chest and his throat felt tight again. ‘Why?’ he croaked.
 The arm around his shoulders squeezed tighter and his dad’s free hand reached forward to stroke his cheek softly. It felt really nice and tickly, but it didn’t make his next words any easier to hear.
 ‘He was scared you would make fun of him.’
 Roman gasped. It felt like he had been pushed down a chasm. His head was swirling and his heart lurched forward. Virgil had been scared Roman would bully him, then that’s exactly what he had done... 
 He felt his face crumple and he started crying all over again. He curled into himself and hugged his legs like he saw Vee do when he was sad. It didn’t help that much, though.
 ‘I-I’m a bad brother!’ he cried into his knees.
 ‘Oh, sweetie, no,’ Patton cooed sadly. ‘You’re a wonderful brother, Roman.’
 Roman didn’t know how to respond, he was crying too much. Then there were warm arms around him and he was lifted a bit and pulled into his dad’s lap.
 ‘Shh. I’ve got you, little prince.’
 Distantly Roman knew he shouldn’t be in Patton’s lap; Roman was bigger than his dad and he wasn’t a baby like Vee. He didn’t need to be coddled. But the way Patton was curled around him and rocking him made him feel a lot calmer. He collapsed against Patton’s chest and buried his face on his shoulder. It was warm and his tears stopped fairly quickly.
 ‘You made a mistake,’ Patton said gently. His chest vibrated as he spoke. ‘But you know now that you were wrong.’ Roman nodded dismally. ‘And I’m sure Virgil will forgive you when you explain that to him.’
 ‘Is he still gonna want to be my brother?’ Roman asked in a small voice.
 Patton held him closer to his chest. ‘Of course he will.’
 ‘But I’m mean,’ Roman mumbled, wrapping his fingers in Patton’s shirt and fidgeting with the material. ‘He’s probably gonna hate me.’
 ‘He loves you,’ Patton said.
 Those words made Roman tense up. His knuckles went white from how tightly he was clutching Dad’s shirt.
 ‘Are you sure?’ he whispered.
 ‘My little prince.’ Dad sounded sad. ‘We all love you.’
 A big wave of relief washed over Roman. Two tears trickled down his cheek, but this time his chest wasn’t tight and his throat wasn’t clogged. His lips pulled into a smile as he sniffled into Patton’s shoulder.
 A few moments went by before reality came crashing down on Roman and he wriggled out of Patton’s lap clumsily. It had been nice to cuddle for a bit, but he really shouldn’t have been acting like such a child at that moment. Being little was meant to be fun, wasn’t it? His littlespace was always full of games and toys and laughter, not tears and being rocked in Dad’s arms. He wasn’t meant to be a crybaby like Virgil.
 ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled, sitting back on the mattress and feeling a bright blush stain his cheeks.
 ‘What for, kiddo?’ Patton asked.
 ‘I don’t need to be little right now.’ He sat up taller, trying to look more confident than he felt, and sent a winning smile Patton’s way. ‘I’m a grown-up, you can go take care of Vee.’
 Patton didn’t go, he just looked really confused. ‘Ro, you don’t need to be big if you don’t want to be,’ he said gently. ‘It’s okay if you’re little right now.’
 Roman swallowed nervously, looking to his lap. That was the problem, he didn’t know if he was little! He could switch so easily between little and big, was he ever really little?
 ‘What’s up, peanut butter cup?’ Patton nudged him with his shoulder.
 Roman didn’t reply. He couldn’t tell Patton. His dad would probably want to stop caring for him if he knew that Roman didn’t actually need it. He could easily do grown-up things for himself if he really wanted to, he wasn’t helpless like Vee was. Why would his caregivers stick around if they knew that? He felt gentle fingers on his jaw and his head was tugged up to look at Patton’s encouraging smile.
 ‘C’mon, you can tell your old man anything!’
 Roman saw clear care and authenticity in Patton’s eyes. After everything his dad did for him, he at least owed Patton the truth.
 ‘I, um…’ He cleared his throat, stalling for time to gather his nerve. ‘I pretend to be a kid.’
 The room was quiet for a few seconds and Roman’s gut twisted. That was it, Patton was going to leave him.
 ‘I know that,’ Patton said slowly, squinting at him suspiciously. ‘That’s kind of why we treat you like a kid and you call Logan and I Mom and Dad.’
 ‘No,’ Roman sighed dramatically. ‘I mean I don’t ever actually believe I’m a kid. Like Virgil,’ he flung his hand out to the door to vaguely indicate his brother. ‘When he’s regressed he really thinks he’s a baby. He doesn’t understand grown-up stuff and he can’t colour properly or feed himself, right?’
 ‘Yeah, but -’
 ‘But I know I’m not a kid,’ Roman stressed, pointing at himself. ‘I’m an adult; I’m tall and ruggedly handsome and have a deliciously smooth baritone voice.’ Patton’s lips quirked in a smile. ‘And I never forget that. Even when I’m using sippy cups or playing pretend with Logan or colouring you a picture…’ He dropped his hands to his lap in defeat. ‘It’s just pretending. It’s all an act.’
 ‘Well yeah!’ Patton cried happily.
 Roman frowned, doing a double-take. ‘Wait, what?’
 ‘We know that, sweetie,’ Patton giggled and pinched his cheek lightly. ‘Isn’t that why it’s called age-dreaming and not age-being?’
 ‘Th-then why do you and Logan - you and Mom look after me?’ Roman asked. ‘I don’t need to be taken care of, I could always do it myself. It’s pretty easy for me to switch between little and big.’
 ‘Just because it’s easy for you to be big doesn’t mean you have to be.’ Patton shook his head lightly and carded his fingers through Roman’s hair again. Roman leaned into it automatically. ‘And we know you don’t really need to be cared for - at least not as much as Virgil does - but we want to do it, sweetheart. We like doing it.’
 ‘Even if my littlespace is kind of fake?’ Roman asked shyly.
 ‘It’s not fake, it’s just different from Virgil’s.’ Patton retracted his hand and Roman fought hard not to follow it. ‘If it makes you happy then it’s real.’
 ‘Oh…’ Roman breathed, then stayed quiet for a moment, letting the words sink in. He hadn’t really thought of it like that before. ‘But Vee is a cute baby and I’m -’ Roman flailed his hands around in place of coming up with an actual word.
 ‘And I wouldn’t have it any other way,’ Patton beamed. ‘Yeah, I get to cuddle Vee and bottle-feed him and it’s absolutely adorable. But I also get to play Kingdom Hearts with you and bake cookies together. And that’s just as fun!’
 ‘It’s super fun!’ Roman giggled, relaxing into his littlespace happily. Dad really liked taking care of him! Roman didn’t need to be big!
 ‘And don’t you go thinking that you have to be a baby to be cute.’ Patton held his finger up in faint warning. ‘You’re the most adorable little prince in the world, and don’t you forget it!’ He pushed his finger forward to poke Roman’s nose. ‘Boop!’
 Roman snorted and pushed Patton’s finger away with a bright smile. ‘Daaad,’ he whined.
 ‘Whaaat?’ Patton matched his tone exactly.
 ‘I’m not a little baby like Vee, you can’t nose boop me and get away with it!’
 ‘You may not be a baby,’ Patton cupped his cheek and pressed a kiss to Roman’s head, ‘but you’re still my baby.’ Warmth swelled in Roman’s chest. ‘Is there anything else you need, my sweet little prince?’ Patton asked, pulling back to look at Roman.
 ‘Um…’ Roman hummed, feigning deep thought. He knew what he wanted. The way Patton had held him and rocked him a few minutes ago had soothed him instantly, it was hypnotic. He already missed the warm feeling of being completely surrounded by his caregiver’s warmth; it had made him feel so safe and happy.
 But he was a big boy, he wasn’t supposed to want to be treated like that. He literally just said that he wasn’t a baby and only babies needed to be rocked and snuggled. Plus, if he asked for a cuddle and was told he couldn’t have one, he knew that would hurt worse than just not getting one in the first place. So he asked for the next best thing: ‘Could I maybe have a hug?’
 ‘You could have a hug…’ Patton said slowly. His lips started curling in a mischievous smirk and Roman’s heartbeat picked up in excitement. He didn’t know what his dad had planned, but that look always led to something fun. ‘Or you could get a visit from the notorious Cuddle-Monster!’ he held up his arms ready to pounce.
 Roman immediately descended into giggles and that seemed to be all the permission Patton needed. He launched at Roman and wrapped his arms around him tightly, tugging Roman’s head to his chest and pulling so that they both collapsed back on the mattress.
 Roman wriggled in his hold, trying to escape (but not really). ‘Ahh, the monster has me in his cuddly clutches!’
 ‘That’s right,’ Patton chuckled. He held Roman closer and breathed deeply. ‘You can never escape the Cuddle-Monster.’
 Roman’s eyes fell shut and he stopped fighting against the hold. He was smiling so hard his cheeks ached and he sighed in content, nuzzling his face against Patton. He could definitely see why Virgil wanted to do this all the time.
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xparadisexlostx · 3 years
So this is a little drabble in my verse with @stcriestcld. We never did really talk too much about how Beck got to SHIELD. There’s some dialogue in here I am not in love with because I tried to cut some length down. I might go back in an tweak it.
For some back story Beck works with a group who helped save her from her brother/mother (verse dependent). They masquerade as nuns under the name The Sisters of  Holy St. Marciana of Mauretania but another common name is The Sisters of Emily, which pertains to their founder as well as some of their coded language. They operate out of several “churches” as well as a convent that is a front for their headquarters. This is just a glimpse into how Beck interacts with them that I thought was fun to write out. Plus it helps me get my mind around how Beck came to work for SHIELD despite zero qualifiers. 
Exchanging favors for favors was always messy. Beck had known that from the time she was small. Witch’s deals weren’t unheard of in the magical community, but it would be a stretch to call them common. Her people didn’t tend to enjoy being held to anything--not laws or contracts--but Beck had always found that in a tight spot a clever witch could twist her words and strike a deal that wouldn’t turn around to bite her in the ass. In hindsight she should have realized that her silver tongue was bound to turn to lead at least once or twice.
When she’d picked up the drop she figured it would be the same as any other job: meet the client, make a plan, execute, and run. She’d done it dozens of times. Almost all of them, apart from the occasional retrieval of a magical artifact, were domestic violence cases. The wife of some asshole cop that no one was ever going to hold accountable for his violence, the queer kid being beaten down by their devout and religious parents, the foster teen tired of being abused in the home that was supposed to provide them refuge. The Sisters, and Beck in particular, were very good at helping people who wanted to disappear do just that. Beck agreed not because of a contract or any kind of payment, but because she’d been those kids. The difficult child with the saintly, blameless parent. That’s what most people had seen… but only because they didn’t want to see the truth. If she could help anyone trapped like she had been, she was happy to do it. After all, if it weren’t for the Sisters, her mother would have likely killed her years ago.
Beck pulled open the enormous oak door to the convent chapel and entered silently. Wood pews without cushions lined the barren stone walls up to the front, where people knelt with clasped hands murmuring softly. Wayward souls seeking the kind of religious guidance that places like this were meant to offer. They didn’t know---couldn’t know---what this place actually was.
She stepped out of the way as a small party of nuns walked two-by-two down the aisle in perfect sync. They positioned themselves in front of the wooden altar, fanning out so that there were six on either side of the entrance to the dias. A clock chimed in the distance, low and solemn, the bell sounding three times in total before beginning to echo off into the early night air. By the time the ringing had left her ears, the room was in total silence, and without looking at one another, the nuns began a slow, harmonious chorus in a language Beck didn’t understand.
Once the song began, she knew she was free to wander back into the aisle. She kept her head down, her hands clasped in front of her, and cautiously approached the left side of the chapel where dozens of flickering candles lined the wall. There the abbess stood, rosary wrapped around her aged fingers as they pressed together in prayer. Her eyes were closed, and Beck didn’t want to startle her. The witch lit a candle, mimicked the sign of the cross she saw them make a thousand times, and knelt at the altar beside the feet of the abbess in waiting.
It felt like she knelt there for an hour, struggling to sit still and quiet. Finally the singing stopped, and a gentle hand reached down and squeezed her shoulder.
“What can I do for you, child?” The abbess asked, and even in the silence, Beck scarcely heard her.
“Revered mother, I have come in search of a miracle.” She didn’t look up. Staring into the flames, she summoned tears to her eyes. 
The abbess hummed. “What would you ask of our Blessed Mother?”
Beck didn’t particularly enjoy the song and dance, but she knew the script well. “God’s eyes are so much greater than my own. My sister has gone missing, but I know none of us can stray from the Lord’s gaze. Can he see her? Can he see my sister, Emily?”
The hand on her shoulder squeezed, and raised her head to look into the knowing grey eyes of the abbess.
“Dear child, you must be so tired. Come, we will pray together.” 
Beck accepted the hand up and let the woman lead her out into the halls. There was a gate that separated the private quarters from the public area of the abbey, and she unlocked it with a skeleton key that looked older than the abbess herself. The metal groaned as the gate swung open, and Beck followed closely behind as they crossed the threshold and into the old stone corridors. They were dark, only lit by an occasional lantern hung from an iron hook.
When they came to a room near the end of the hall, the abbess opened the door and led her inside. 
Beck waited until the door shut behind them to speak. “Out of all the people to contact me, I didn’t think it’d be you.”
She could hear the older woman shuffle through the darkness fearlessly, and then the sound of a match being struck, before a vibrant flicker of firelight came to life at the end of the little wooden stick. Abbess Fina transferred the flame to a candle and took a seat at a little wooden table. She unraveled her rosary and pulled off a bead, which she rolled between her fingers until it began to glow. It clicked quietly against the wood of the table, and streams of light shot up into the air, creating a picture.
“New target?” Beck tried not to be irritated by how cagy Fina was being and how long this whole thing was taking. It was why she rarely took jobs directly from headquarters. 
The man in the shimmering picture was pale. His eyes were brown, similar in shade to his hair, from what she could tell, which appeared to have been disappearing for some time. His expression was deathly serious, and it looked like he was holding something. A file, maybe? She couldn’t be sure with the distortion. 
“Your new boss.” Abbess Fina said. She saw the way the younger witch’s jaw clenched and the dark shadow that passed through those blue eyes. “Eleven years ago my people brought you here to this abbey. We hid you for months while you recovered, and when we gave you the choice to run off into the darkness or stay in contact and help us on our mission, do you remember what you did?”
Beck pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “I asked you to make a deal with me.”
“I tried to tell you no. Said I didn’t want to extort favors from you in the state you were in.”
“And I told you that you saved me, and if it ever came down to it I would return that favor… at any cost.” Beck didn’t like where this was going.
“Beck, I’m in trouble. We all are. Ever since New York was attacked the humans have been foaming at the bit, looking to punish anything or anyone they don’t understand because they never got to string up the idiot responsible for the whole mess.” Fina said. She looked older than Beck remembered, which was odd for a witch. Eleven years meant nothing to a skilled practitioner like Fina… but stress could kill anything, she supposed.
Beck fished in her pocket for her packet of cigarettes, her noise snarled up a little as she spoke. “Asgardians have been fucking things up since the vikings. Can I smoke in here?” 
A wave of the abbess’ hand and the little window over the barren cot on the far wall flew open. Beck extended the box to Fina first, and the old woman gladly took one and lit it off the candle on the table. Beck followed suit, looking back at the image the bead was still reflecting. 
“So what is this, exactly? And how do I fit into it?”
“The mortals have made up this---organization. They call it SHIELD. It---keeps track of us and-”
“No.” Beck said, her voice taking on an immediate edge.
“Listen to-”
“No!” She wasn’t one to yell, but the venom in that word made it echo around the room. Beck lowered her voice to a whisper again. “Are you out of your mind?! Out of all the witches on Earth you think it’s a good idea to feed me to these fucking wolves? Have you forgotten that my brother is still out there, half mad off sacrificial blood magic and looking for me? You saved me from him, and now you’re going to sell me out to a bunch of suits that will dig into my ugly past. He’ll find out. He’ll kill whoever he needs to, and he will drag me back to Cali and throw me in a hole so deep I’ll never get out.”
“Beck! Listen to me!” The abbess grabbed her hand and pressed it to the table. Her grey eyes blazed with intensity as they locked with Beck’s. “That is not what this is.”
“Then what is it?”
“SHIELD’s director has made contact with a few of our agents. I wouldn’t call him pleasant to talk to, but he says he doesn’t want any trouble, and for the most part I believe him. He’s well aware that the---sensitivity of the mortals could result in another witch trials and if that happens it won’t just be you that has to fear the wrath of your brother. Or your ex, for that matter.”
Beck put her head in her hands and groaned. It was true. Fenris and Harper both wouldn’t hesitate to go to war with the humans if they started killing witches. The other clans would have no choice but to get involved. It would be a bloodbath---and one she doubted the mortals would win. Witches didn’t fight in mobs of mindless hordes, converging on a single city, fighting out in the open. Cities would burn with no indication of who started the fire. Crops would shrivel no matter how well tended. Assassins would carefully pick off anyone that mattered. Chaos would be carefully cultivated, and when people were at their weakest, then armies would rise. Their only hope would be Asgard stepping in, but they’d be breaching a treaty thousands of years old with the witches. Even if they were willing to do so, it’d likely be too late.
She had a very limited love for mortals, but she loathed war.
“So what does your new friend suggest to stop this impending chaos?”
“Our visions aren’t unaligned, Beck. Director Fury has agreed that it’s best the magical world stay in the shadows where it is. At first he asked us to submit all our agents to this index he has, but I refused. Instead, as a gesture of good faith, I agreed to send him a handful of agents to aid SHIELD in its different departments. No--wait. Before you get upset.” The abbess squeezed her hand, and Beck looked back at her. Concern was writing lines into her tired face. “I made my own witch’s deal. With him. That I would send him aid, send him some of my best people, but with my own files. The deal forbids him from digging any further. Even if he suspects the information on them is nothing but lies. In return for your help, SHIELD will pay you and help protect your identity as best they can. Just like with any other agent. I’m just asking for a couple of jobs, Beck. After that, consider our deal fulfilled. We’ll extract you, and you’ll be free to do as you please.”
“But they’ll have my face.” She said, still not convinced she wasn’t marching off to an early grave. 
“They can’t be any harder to shake than Fenris. And the deal explicitly states they aren’t allowed to track you or listen to you without consent. Please… I don’t have a lot of people I’d trust to be smart enough to swim with these sharks and walk out whole.”
“I want Boda to look at the file.”
Fina nodded. “Of course.”
This wasn’t going to end well for her. But she reached out her hand anyway, and Fina smiled as she shook it.
“Right then. So who is this guy?”
“His name is Harry Pearce. He’s in charge of the anti-terrorism department based out of London, England. He’s expecting you there in seventy-two hours.”
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