#logan howlett rp
old-man-wolverine · 3 months
Urgh, kinda want to start rping again. So, uh.. hit me up if you want to start a thread or something! ✨
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convergeads · 1 year
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𝙰   𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚁   𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼   𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽   𝚃𝙷𝙴   𝙼𝚄𝙻𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴   has  ripped  worlds  apart  and  spat  them  back  out  again,  leaving  many  without  the  home  they  have  known  and  loved.  as  a  result,  the  survivors  of  each  apocalypse  have  come  together  in  one  world  in  particular :  earth  199999,  the  home  of  the  mcu.  
convergencefm  is  an  18+  discord  roleplay  dedicated  to  exploring  the  lives  of  marvel  characters  as  they  try  to  survive  amidst  a  multiverse  which  is  collapsing  in  on  itself.  refugees  from  each  destroyed  world  are  now  calling  this  earth  their  home  after  the  destruction  of  their  own,  but  some  are  finding  it  more  difficult  than  others  to  adjust.  others,  like  S.W.O.R.D  and  the  x-men,  are  preparing  to  fight.  
we  are  now  accepting  muses  from  the  live-action  spiderverse  ( including  venom )  and  are  looking  for  both  peter  parkers  outside  of  the  mcu,  venom / eddie brock,  doc  oc  and  other  muses  etc!!
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What is reality? Well, it turns out, it’s just what you make it. Following the Mad Titan's Snap the world has changed. Heroes have risen and fallen, realities born and crumbled. At the heart of it all we have EARTH-PRIME, a melting pot of multiversal activity. Avengers and X-Men. Champions and Asgardians. Welcome to a world nothing like the ones that had come before and the ones that surround it. This is a multiverse of both MIRACLES... and MADNESS.
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layla4567 · 1 year
Imagine with Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
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Summary: You are a mutant with the power to grow plants, flowers or roots. Basically you manipulate nature at will. You always seemed to be on your own and didn't hang out with many people, but a certain boy with silver hair caught your eye. Too much
Warning: None, just cheesy love :)
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I was in the school yard trying to find a good place to study quietly. It was supposed to be free time but I took the opportunity to review some notes in my notebook, so with my books in my arms hugging them I went downstairs and headed somewhere under the trees, but unfortunately my favorite place was taken by Jean and Scott. It was a hundred-year-old cherry tree with beautiful pink flowers that fell to the ground in a showy carpet of petals. I didn't want to bother them even though they were my friends, so I tried to look for other empty trees that are far from people, I can't concentrate if I have people around me talking loudly. Sick of not finding a good spot and inwardly cursing my bad luck, I leaned my back against the outer wall on the west side of the school and sat like a Buddha.
I was quite hidden from the other students thanks to the massive walls of the mansion. In front of me there were more trees that expanded in a forest and nobody near me. Perfect I thought, I enjoyed my solitude even though not many understood it. It's not that I don't like to be with someone, but from time to time I needed some alone time with myself.
I was reading my history notes when in the distance I heard Peter's shrill laugh. He was a few meters away from me but I had good acute hearing. Of course he couldn't see me since I was hidden behind the wall, but I could see him. Slowly I got up and stuck my head out a bit to spy on him. His back was to me and he was talking to a blonde girl, I don't know what they were talking about but it must have been something very funny because they were both laughing heartily.
I felt my cheeks burn and frowned, Peter was on his hips while that blonde played with her hair and looked at him smiling. It's been a while since I had mixed feelings with Maximoff, was it love? no, no, impossible. I pushed that silly idea out of my head. How could I like Peter? He was a hyperactive idiot who likes to run fast and can't sit still, as well as playing practical jokes. Oh but when he smiles.. It's like the day is brighter or the sun shines brighter with diamond intensity, and those cute dimples on the side of his cheeks make him look adorable...! No! Stop __! I can't fall for his charms, not now!
While trying to get those thoughts out of my head, I noticed how the girl was getting closer and closer to him. Alarmed, I slightly extended my hand towards where the two of them were and concentrated on the vibrations of the earth to extract roots from it. I slowly raised them until they reached Peter's wrist which now rested on the side of his hip. I mentally ordered them to hold on to his hand firmly but without hurting him and with a downward yank with my clenched fist I sent Maximoff sprawling to the ground.
The boy was so focused on talking and everything happened so fast that he didn't feel anything and when he wanted to realize it he was already lying on the ground with his hands resting on the grass so as not to break his jaw
"What the fu-" -He exclaimed in surprise as he looked everywhere trying to figure out what happened.
All he saw was people cracking up, including the blonde girl he was talking to, except for a brown head poking out of the corner of the school walls.
Annoyed, he jumped to his feet and said addressing Laura, the girl he was talking to
"Excuse me for a second, I have unfinished business"- He said smiling and then with a buzz he ran away and disappeared from where he was.
¡Oh no he saw me I'm sure he saw me damn! I thought. I was wondering fearfully where he had gone when I turned around and the notebooks I still had in my arms fell from fright.
"AHH PETER!! ¡Don't do that!"- I yelled closing my eyes and covering my face
The sprinter had stopped right in front of me looking at me funny and with crossed arms
"I could tell you the same. Since when do you humiliate handsome guys in front of everyone?"
I rolled my eyes in frustration, now I would have to put up with his sermons camouflaged as immature flirtations.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about"- I bent down to pick up my books but he was faster
"Don't play dumb __, I don't know any other student who can do what you do, which by the way is a very nice superpower"- He handed me the books with a sly smile, the one I knew so well and that made me blush.
"T-thank you.."
The only thing I could do was mumble a thank you, trying to hide my face with my hair so that my blushing would not show.
"Also, I know you're dying for me, or do you think I don't realize how you look at me sometimes in class? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me"- He winked
I opened my eyes in surprise and sighed annoyed to turn around, but as soon as I took a step forward, Peter came back in front of me at the speed of light, making my hair fly a little because of the speed and the wind.
I was startled a little and closed my eyes angrily
"Stop it Maximoff, you stress me out"- When I opened my eyes, he was still standing with that stupid smile that I loved and hated at the same time, it seemed that he liked to make me angry.
´"Ugh don't call me Maximoff, you sound like my mom"- then he made a disgusted face that made me laugh
"Aww see? You really love me"- and he pointed a finger towards my face touching my cheek while pouting
I quickly removed his finger while I kept smiling sideways
"Ok, enough of the talk, I need to study, so if you don't have anything else to say, go away."
"Whoa whoa ok the cat is sticking out its claws, well I won't bother you anymore if that's what you want"
"Thanks"- I slid back down the wall to sit down again while my eyes were focused on my handwriting.
Peter was already turning to leave when he quickly turns to me and yells at me.
"Jealousy!"- And he disappeared as if he had teleported away before I could hit him.
"Peter Maximoff!!"- I yelled but it was useless, I yelled into the air because he had already left
I went back to concentrating on reading as best I could but I was still upset, he always seemed to get his way. Jealous, me? yes of course.. I laughed ironically
but not even 30 seconds had passed when suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek, it was a quick soft touch as if someone had kissed me..
I couldn't help but smile tenderly at that display of affection. Damn dumbass and adorable Pet, I couldn't get mad at him. Even with a smile on my lips, I continued reading in silence.
"Hey did you see that?"
"See what? oh wait I know don't tell me let me guess, Peter and __ bothering again, right?"
"Bingo! I don't know when they're going to take the first step, it's obvious that they like each other"- Said Jean biting into an apple
"Leave them, they love each other in their own way"- Scott said as he played with a stone, throwing it into the air to catch it again.
"Oh you mean Peter talking to girls and __ getting jealous while hitting him with her magical roots?"
They both burst out laughing imagining the scene.
"Yep, so romantic"- He laughed
And so they both stayed laughing under the cherry tree and looking at the two almost lovebirds, each one in a corner of the yard.
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
i know, i know i said I wouldn't do this again but guess what? I have a lot of free time and wattpad one shots tempt me
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paarthurnax59 · 1 year
"Happy Memorial Day, bro."
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Summary: It’s Memorial Day and you pay a visit to Steve Roger’s grave, your twin brother, with your husband and your kids. When facing his headstone, you are confronted with grief and guilt. Logan then decided to help you bring the closure that you needed.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x sister!Reader, Logan Howlett x Rogers!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, abandonment, reader is depicted as being Caucasian, grief, talks of suicide.
Important note: Regardless of how you feel about American politics today, please keep the comments respectful and do not dishonor those that paid the ultimate price for sustaining peace in the world. All who leave disrespectful comments will be blocked. 
Also, if you have served or have family members that served, whether be American or any other countries military that have passed on, please share!
 As Logan pulled the classic car up to Arlington Cemetery, you grabbed the flowers and photos, along with an American flag that Bucky helped you fold up. Both he and Sam were going to meet you after you had visited the cemetery with your kids, Charlotte and Joey, both nestled in the back sound asleep from the long car ride. Unbuckling your seat belt, you looked to the crowd of people. Mourning families and couples standing in front of the headstones of their deceased loved ones who paid the ultimate price. You saw as many people lay solemnly on the ground of the graves. There was this one older woman that you saw brushed her fingers on the headstone in front of her, as the tears began to fall from her wrinkled cheeks. 
“Baby?” You heard Logan’s voice, snapping you out of your trance, making you look into those beautiful hazel eyes you had grown to adore. “You alright?” He asked as he touched your face, gently stroking your smooth skin.
“I’m okay…just feels weird being back here again. Almost three months since the funeral.”
“Yeah, I know.” Logan replied as he got closer to you and kissed your forehead with a comforting hand on the back of your head.
    It had been three months since your twin brother, Steve, had passed away. After he returned the stones, he went back to the 1940’s and had the life with Peggy. The life that you had with Logan, a home and a family. He never truly got over her. The woman that was the very first, possibly the only woman, to show him interest while he was still your scrawny, older brother. When Steve went through the platform and disappear, he didn’t come back. Instead, you all looked to the lake and saw an old man sitting on a bench. That old man was your big brother. 
    He told you about when you all had defeated Thanos and how he wanted to leave this time and go back. You objected at first and even got angry at him for even abandoning you once more. The first time in the ice, and now to go back to the 40’s. Leaving behind his niece and nephew, his family to chase some dream that died the moment he crashed that plane in the 40’s. You refused to talk to him after a few days after that. Bucky had to literally drag you to the site where Steve had to return the stones. Logan was at your side the entire time as Steve gave you one last look before leaving through the time machine, never to return. Looking back, you began to think differently, and it was eating away at you.
“Come on, let’s get the kids up.” Your husband interjected, making you nod your head in agreement and got out of the car and to the back seat. “Munchkins? Wake up. We’re here!” Logan gently shook your daughter while you unstrapped your son from his car seat. The little two-year-old boy began to stir from his sleep as you picked him up and into your arms. You thanked your lucky stars that he didn’t start crying. 
“Daddy…” Your four-year-old girl awoke from her sleep and hugged Logan as he got her up from her own car seat. “Where are we?” 
“We are at Arlington Cemetery, little munchkin. It’s where many of the brave soldiers are buried.” Logan explained to his child. Both you and Logan decided long ago that you would be honest with them when it came to grim topics, like death. Seeing the line of work, you are both in and all of the things you had seen, it made sense to let them know of the nature of the world.
“Like uncle Stevie?” She asked sadly, making the both of you look at each other with gloom.
“Yes, Like uncle Stevie, angel.” You replied.
   Steve and Lottie, Steve’s nickname for her, were as close as an uncle and niece could get. As soon as she was born, like Logan, Steve was wrapped around her finger. Whenever Steve would come over, it was the best day of the week for Lottie. Playing tea parties, having sleepovers at his place, baking in the kitchen, trips all around the city. the Zoo, Coney Island and Central Park, you name it. Lottie adored Steve and he loved her just as much. It was one of the main reasons that you got so angry at Steve for leaving.
     Lottie was devastated when she found out her uncle Steve wasn’t coming back. At least, not how she remembered him anyway. You tried you best to explain to her that he wanted to go back to the 40’s, so he can have his own life. She still didn’t understand, which you were sympathetic. She was only a child and trying to explain quantum time travel were complicated to her already. All she thought was that her Uncle Steve had abandoned her. She didn’t eat or sleep for days after she was told Steve wasn’t going to return. You took her to the hospital when Steve was struck ill. She eventually was able to warm up to him again and Steve had shown her all the pictures of his own family. Of her aunt Peggy, and his son and daughter. Tony and (Name), naming both after the most important people in his life. You were happy for him, but at the same time had wished he would have found his happiness here in this time. 
   After the funeral, Lottie had stayed in her room. Barely speaking a word to anyone, even her own parents. It took a long time for her to cope with her beloved uncle’s death. You even had Morgan visit her, seeing as they were also very close one another. Time was the only thing that was going to heal her, just like you. 
“Let’s go, you got everything? You need me to grab anything?” Your husband asked and you shook your head.
“No, just take Joey. I got everything.” You answered and handed him your son, who was very happy to in his father’s arms. Grabbing all the stuff, your family strolled into the crowded cemetery. 
   As you walked into the cemetery with your family, you watched all the many people swarming the place, paying their respects to the honored dead. A few crying widows, children standing with their parents in front of headstones and parents mourning for their deceased child. Even fellow veterans kneeling in front of their fallen comrades’ final resting place, the lucky ones that made it back. It would make one wonder how many times you had come here before Steve was found in the ice. Kneeling in front of the graves of both Steve and Bucky, talking to them both like they could hear you. How you considered yourself lucky that you were the one Rogers that made it home. You were a nurse, like your mom, serving for the US Army, but still fought with your fellow commandos. There was never a guarantee of coming home from war. Once you had met some cooks that had to take up arms in the heart of battle. Back in the day, it didn’t matter what your station was or rank. You fight in the most dire situations. It what it meant to be a part of the military. Everyone is counting on you for something. 
“More crowded than I thought.” Logan interjected as he carried to two tired children across the hallow grounds, staring at all the people as they come by. 
“Yeah, it is.” You agreed as you continued to walk the historic cemetery. A few people recognized you and walked up to both you and Logan and thanked your for saving the world. As you continued your forlorn march through the grounds, you reached yours and Logan’s destination. Steve’s grave, lying next to your father’s grave, who died back in the first World War. 
“Here we are.” Logan said as he placed down both his children. “Let me get those, sweetie. You can place the flowers down.” He turned to you and grabbed the flag and pictures. Logan stood back a little with your kids, allowing you to place the flowers by his grave. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward and placed the flowers on your beloved brother’s grave. Red poppies, that symbolized remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. A flower used commonly for occasions such as days like today. Memorial Day. Logan then placed the flag which was encased in glass and some of the pictures of Steve form both the forties and the modern era. You all stepped away and as you did, your little girl stood by you, clinging onto your leg, sniffling as she looked at her uncle’s gravestone. Your son soon joined in with you as he stood by his older sister, despite no knowing what was going on. Logan walked toward you, placed his arm around and sighed.
“I feel guilty, you know.” Your voice cracked as you look at Logan with the saddest expression that he had ever seen you make. Tears started to seep from your eyes.
“Why? You have done nothing wrong.” He asked truly growing confused as to why you, his wife, felt like you had to say such a thing. Logan and Steve may not have always gotten along, but one thing he knew for certain was that your brother knew Logan loved you. 
    You two had met back when you were serving as an Army nurse in the 40’s. He was serving with your brother as part of the Hollowing Commandos. Your eyes met and the both of you could not look away when you were both in the same area. You had dated for a time, but when you lost Steve in the ice, you broke up after due to not getting over your supposed brother’s death. You traveled around the world when you found yourself meeting the Ancient One, sorceress supreme. She had revealed to you of the great potential to become a powerful sorceress. You accepted her training and through the decades severed her and the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Never aging or growing ill. Throughout the years, you grew close with the ancient one. Sharing with her about your grief and loss, of both Logan and Steve. 
“All things that are meant to be… will come to pass in its own time.”
   She told you at one point about the pain you had endured. That whatever is meant to be, will happen. You trusted her words, believing and hoping things will work out like they are meant to. When word broke out that Captain America had been freed from the ice, and was alive, you left for the States as quickly as possible. You arrived by portal at SHIELD headquarters, ready to welcome your brother back home.
   When he first saw you, he was in shock of how you remained young and spry as you were. You told him that you had become a sorceress of the mystic arts. Over the years, you fought together, against Loki, aliens, genocidal robots, dark warlocks, and the Brotherhood of Mutants. He stayed with you through the good and the bad times you had in this time, just like when you were kids fighting off bullies in Brooklyn. 
   After finding your ex, Steve helped you through Logan had no memory of who you were. After you helped Logan gain back his memories, you started relationship from square one. Overtime, your love for each other had restored and blossomed. The two of you wedded within a year, with Steve as Logan’s best man and Natasha as your maid of honor, with Charles conducting the ceremony. Thus, your married life with Logan began. Soon, after you both had two children together, Charlotte Stephanie Howlett and Joseph Logan Howlett. Named after the most important people in your life.
   Even though Steve had said he was happy for you, you could help but noticed the Longing gaze he had when he watched you and your family. Looking as though he was missing out on something, or someone. While in this era, his entire life was dedicated to duty and keeping the world safe. Barely even had time to rest or even start a life of his own. You finally were starting to realize, he needed to leave in order to live the lie he wanted. He needed to go back to a time where everyone believed him to be dead. To be with the one whom he never stopped loving, like you with Logan. Suppose that runs in the family.
“I should have been more supportive of him, you know. Of him wanting to go back to the forties.” You admitted sadly as the guilt started to take hold of you while you looked deep into Logan’s eyes and then the tears started to fall. Logan held onto your hands tightly as you started to sob. “Ever since he was rescued from the ice, Steve always felt like he was out of place. He was like a ghost, trapped in a world where he no longer belonged.” You continued as you cried, leaning into Logan all the while he rubbed your shoulders tenderly. “He wanted it, the life you and I got. Marriage, family, a much quieter existence and not be forced to go off and fight all the time. He was never going to have peace unless he left. I feel so selfish for trying to make him stay.” You cried harder as Logan wrapped his arms around you and held you as close as humanly possible. “All because I didn’t want to lose my brother again. I have lived for nearly seventy years without him. I lost my father, my mother and now I lost Steve. My twin brother.”  Your two children looked up at you, knowing that you were in serious distress. They both surround you with tiny arms trying to engulf you in a hug to calm you down. 
“Don’t cry, mama. We wuv you.” Your daughter mumbled as she too sounded like she was about to cry. 
“Ma!” babbled your young son as he reached up and pulled at the hem of your dress, who was feeling exactly what his sister was feeling. You looked down and smiled as your son’s brown eyes widened with some tears in his eyes. The sorrow from your being so strong that it was affecting your own children. 
“Joey, my sweet boy.” You said as you picked him up and kissed his sweet face fiercely and he cuddled close to your head. Logan had his little girl right in front of him and placed a warm comforting hand on her beautiful, blonde covered head. 
“Sweetheart, if there’s anything in this world you are not, it’s selfish.” He calmed you down as you snuggled closer to your boy. “When I first met you, all those years ago, I couldn’t believe on how a beautiful woman like you could be so compassionate, caring and brave all in one.” He continued. “I saw on how much you cared for the injured and the wounded during the war. Even the enemies that had surrendered, you still gave them medical treatment even when others refused to help them. Not once, did you stop until every person had gotten aid. Steve and Bucky basically had to pull you away from the infirmary tent because you nearly burnt out from treating people.” A small smile creeped on your lips while the tars still fell down your pale cheek. “I wanted to ask you out so badly that I felt like the stars aligned perfectly when you said yes. I was so in love with you then that I wanted to ask you to marry me after the war had ended.” You chuckled at the memory of the short courtship that you and Logan had during the war. “Then…Steve went into the ice, and you were devasted. You were a shell of your once bubbly and loving self. I yelled and screamed at you to get over him. That he was dead and never coming back.” He sighed with a remorseful huff making him think back to the day of when you two breaking up. “Then you left. I regret it every day of my life for letting you walk away after that fight. However my stubborn ass-“
“Language, James. We have the kids here with us.” You interrupted him. 
“God, you really are his sister.” He joked and you giggled despite the serious and heartbreaking conversation you both were having. “Anyway, I was just too stubborn to go back and help you through your loss. So, I went back into the army and fought like hell until I met Stryker. I got these,” He held out his fist and the adamantium claws came out. You weren’t sacred of them and reached out your free hand and touched them carefully so that you would not get cut. Logan then retracted them and went on with his story. “Then I lost my memory. For over twenty-five years, I had no idea of who I was or where I was going. I had no purpose or self-worth even. I was just going through the motions as I fought cage match after cage match, trying to make petty cash so I could eat. I was miserable and was alone with no one by my side. Every time…I looked at my claws…I wanted to just…end it.” He admitted making you cry again. You knew of Logan’s attempt at taking his own life, but you only heard it from Charles and Rouge. Never had you heard it through his own lips, like he was confessing an unpardonable sin. It truly made you hate yourself for ever leaving him in the first place. 
“Logan, I’m sorry. I should have been there. I never should have-“
“Let me finish, honey. Please.” Logan softly interrupted you, making to you listen to his story. “However, I odiously couldn’t. I would heal after every attempt. Every cut and wound, I would just heal. Leaving no scare, scrape, or mark on my skin. There was nothing, like the void that I was so desperate to fill.” He looked down and saw that Charlotte was now the one hugging him, obviously feeling her father’s suffering. How you got so lucky with wonderful children like these two munchkins was beyond you. “Then I met Rouge, Charles and the X-men. They helped me to find answers of who I was. I helped protect and train the kids at the school. They gave me a purpose, one that I was satisfied with.” He alleged as he stroked his daughter’s hair. “But…every night…along with the nightmares…someone was there…calling out to me…telling me to hold onto her hand…saying that everything was going to be okay.” He whispered intensely, like it was deep, dark secret kept hidden deep, buried underneath all of the malice and hardship. “That voice…reaching out for me…was you.” He said in your ear, making your gasp and your heart race like a comet. “Somewhere out there, even though I had no idea of who or where you were, I knew you held the missing piece of me. I asked Professor Xavier once, but he said that he was not abled to see your face. Only able to hear the sweet sound of your voice.” Logan whispered in your ear, which made you blush. It’s amazing that after all these years, Logan still had this effect on you that made you so weak in the knees. “So, I ignored them, no matter how many times my dream image of you came back to me in my mind. Then the day came that the Avengers came…then… I heard you. Yelling at something your brother did as you came walking down that jet, cute as a button and fierce as a mountain lion.” You felt the smile form on his lips as he confessed his thoughts from the past. “I felt like I strayed into a daydream. Like my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I had the professor tell me in my head saying that he heard your voice as well and it wasn’t a mind games. When you saw me…you stopped in your tracks and tears began to well in your eyes. At that moment, I knew you knew me from somewhere. You came running to me, trying to embrace me like your life depended on it.” He picked up his pace in his tone, he sounded almost excited with the prospect of meeting you again like it was the first time he met you. “However, something deep inside of me, a much darker part of me, wanted to reject you. Shove you aside and stay as far away from you as humanly possible. So, I pushed you away, distrusting you in an instant and denied any interaction with you.” He said as you think back to you’re your experience meeting him again after all this time. You believed that because you broke up with him that he didn’t want anything to do with you and even hated you after that. When you talked with Charles about it, he said it was because his mind was at war with him. Fighting for who gets to be in control, Logan or the demons that were plaguing his mind. You wanted to help, you wanted Logan to end his suffering and bring his memories back. “Looking back, I hated myself for it, even then, I believed that you didn’t deserve it. I was too damaged and broken, so pushed you away so you didn’t get drag into my mess. A few days later I overheard you and Steve talking to Charles. About the possibility of getting my memories back.” That information surprised you. You didn’t think Logan was listening to your conversation with Charles.  
“Charles told me that it might be too dangerous, but I refused to give up. I didn’t want to give up on you again, Logan. Walking away from you in the forties was the biggest mistake of my life.” You confessed to him, feeling like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
“I know, and I couldn’t be more grateful that you did.” He replied. “I told Charles that I agreed and would do my part as well to get back my memories. When you came to me with the spell, I was apprehensive, but I was more than willing to trust you, despite the battle that was going on in my head.” He acknowledged, thinking how risky it was to help him. “I was told of the risks…the risks of you being braindead.”
“It was worth the risk, Logan. You were worth the risk. Always were.” You sweetly talked to the love of your life. Logan truly didn’t know what else to say to that. You were willing to risk being a vegetable for the rest of your life it meant getting him back. 
“And you succeeded.” He remarked with a kiss to your head. “What I’m trying to say, (Name), is that you are not selfish. Not even close to such accusations. Steve was your brother and you wanted him to stay. Nothing more.” Logan held you close as your entire family looked at Steve’s name that was scribed into the marble stone. “You were the best sister and the best wife and mother that anyone could ask for.”
“Best mama eva!” Lottie shouted and hugged you by your legs. You chuckled and bent down to kiss your daughter’s head. 
“And you are the best daughter ever.” You claimed as she looked up at you. You looked to both family as you stood there looking at Steve’s grave for a little while longer. Soon, Buck and Sam came along to pay their respects to their best friend ns see you, Logan and the kids. You all stayed there for a while longer before heading to Sam’s place for a Barbeque. You packed up all the pictures and flag before heading out, leaving the flowers behind. One last time, you look back at the headstone and smiled before leaving with your family.
“Happy Memorial Day, Bro.”
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garth-enthusiast · 9 months
I'm in the process of translating an old RP my best friend and I did back when we met.
It was a Cherik roleplay.
And it was hella cringe (I was 15 cut me some slack)
But here's a ooc moment :D
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We were true philosophers
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captaincanklezzz · 10 days
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DARLINGS, GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM JAIL Coming at you live with a new little goodie. Me and my beautiful friend have created a discord server for all of you X-Men roleplayers. Unlimited ocs Plenty of open canons interactive staff and mods Plenty of RP channels LGBTQIA and Religion friendly
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skinchambers · 5 months
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Storm, Rouge, Wolverine, & Jean Grey
Summary: You go out for breakfast with the X-Men after a sleepover.
Continued from: Night at the Mansion
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\Chapter One
When I was offered the opportunity for breakfast with my best friends I jumped outta bed at the opportunity. I felt like a child on Christmas all over again. Rising out of bed like Dracula, my eyes jetting around the room as I try to wake up despite the internal excitement. My eyes wonder over to Wolverine. He surprising actually sports a jacket now, over his tank top of course.
“Come on! Get up Sugah!” Rouge yells waving her hand up like she was Doctor Strange.
I finally realize that I don’t have anything that are actual clothes. I run to Storm asking her if she could run me to my house so I can get some clothes. Instead she throws me a look & a smirk. Throwing me light tan pants with a navy blue sweater.
“That should work honey.” Storm says as a smirk comes across her face. I feel seen by her, as if she was a caring mother.
“Everyone ready?!” Logan shouts with even more gruff in his voice than last night.
In just a moment everyone runs over to Logan, dressed in pure perfect outfits like we were at a gala.
“Let’s head out!” Logan yells as he swipes Scott’s keys off the table in the main hall. A smile even coming across his face as if he’s proud of stealing Scott’s keys. He hurries us out the door quickly like a father who is messing around with his kids.
Chapter Two
A bell rings throughout the hall of the diner, the door swinging open with the ding in unison. The calming feeling of classic music comes over me, the wall covered in posters of Elvis, Dean Martin, & Frank Sinatra. Filled with the 50s feeling like we were really there.
“Hey kid, over here!” Logan yells waving his hand in my direction.
I was too busy zoned out to even realize the group had already sat down. I quickly head over to them, moving in-between Rouge & Storm. Plumping myself down inside the leather booth seats, feeling every inch of my body sink into them like they had been quicksand.
"You okay (Y/N)" Storm asks glancing to her right towards me.
"Yeah yeah! Sorry!"
Glancing to my right as to see what Rouge plans on ordering, she flips between different types of waffles like they aren't just waffles at the end of the day.
"So how did everyone sleep?" Logan springs up out of nowhere.
"Considering I was in a bed with three others, pretty good!" I reply trying to get closer to him.
"You know I can read your mind right? You can't lie about sleep near me." Jean says as she stares at me from across the table.
It felt like years had passed in that moment, our words & laughs engraved into the table itself. Flowing throughout like melodies in classical music. Until our food finally comes, steaming out & perfectly fresh.
"Will you want an extra fork for your stack of pancakes sir?" The waitress asks Logan.
"I'll be fine." He says with a smirk at the end, letting his claws out as he picks up all six pancakes at once.
The woman gasps with fear, as if she has never seen a mutant before. She speeds walk off like she had a firework up her ass. In that moment we all laugh so hard Rouge spits out her waffles. Even the other tables begin to look over at us in confusion, until they're met with heavy judgement filled glances. The laughing ceases, the diner falls quiet. Everyone stares at us with hate in their eyes.
"I think it's time we go." Logan angerly lets out as he grabs his leather jacket.
"GET OUT OF HERE YOU DIRTY MUTANT!" The diner folk yell as they begin throwing their food. Yet Jean is here for us, she stops the food all in mid-air. A smile runs across her face as she looks over to me & Logan, a moment shared between us as we break into laughter. Which ends tragically as soon as we turned back around to the door. A man stands there, looking into my eyes. A cop with shaky hands, I can see the fear in his eyes. He looks into mine with hate, with anger, thinking I'm a mutant. The gun shakes in his hand as Logan is still too busy laughing about the food with Jean. BANG! I collapse to my knees as a bullet enters my shoulder in pure shock. Logan stops his laughing turning immediately towards the officer. Anger runs through his face as Logan throws the cop through the window like it's nothing. A tear runs down my face as I clamp my hand around my shoulder. The bullet going straight through.
"Come on kid! Lets get you back!" Logan yells as he lifts me up in a hurry. Jean in anger sends everything throughout the diner flying.
To be continued...
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mymistakewriting · 26 days
something else i love about X-Men Evolution is how Logan and Rogue developed a father daughter type bond. You can tell they both care a lot for each other, and its one of my favorite things about Logan in this show, how he developed a close bond with a lot of the kids at the institute. His and Scotts relationship in the series is absolutely one of the best versions of it.
Honestly, the handling of Logan in Evolution is my favorite thing. There's a lot of nuance to Logan that is captured in the show that even some more recent comics skip or forget about - like how protective he is of those kids at the Institute.
Getting to explore his relationships with others with those nuances intact is SO refreshing.
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awolfofsteel · 11 months
"Mч ɯhole lıfe I ıgnored mч ınstıncts. I ıgnored ɯhαt I reαllч αm. And thαt ɯon't ever hαppen αgαın."
— ROLEPLAY 21+ ||
— CANON | AU ||
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untoldtalesrp · 8 months
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"I did a lot of things," Laura confessed to the three-dimensional generated enemies. "Stealing babies wasn't one of them!" Then again, she knew her words would fall upon deaf ears. These thugs weren't real. Whatever this room had managed to conjure wasn't real either. She believed the threat these thugs posed wasn't a real challenge to her either. What Scott Summer was thinking? He knew she was the clone of Wolverine. Dispatching them was an easy business. He knew she was capable of ending them without much trouble. So, Cyclops compelled X-23 to think all of this was some form of a trial that didn't test her combat abilities.
As the first two thugs approached, Laura pushed the back of her boot into the knee of one of her aggressors. Bones snapped. All of this seemed real, although it wasn't. Read More Here.
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awhitewolfbucky · 10 months
We were both survivors, stolen of our choices.
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we were both unaware of our past but I knew him. I knew him from somewhere.
We run from our past and all the people we were trying to protect from ourselves.
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but we know that in the end we cannot escape from our past.
@awhitewolfbucky with @awolfofsteel 🐺
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What is reality? Well, it turns out, it’s just what you make it. Following the Mad Titan's Snap the world has changed. Heroes have risen and fallen, realities born and crumbled. At the heart of it all we have EARTH-PRIME, a melting pot of multiversal activity. Avengers and X-Men. Champions and Asgardians. Welcome to a world nothing like the ones that had come before and the ones that surround it. This is a multiverse of both MIRACLES... and MADNESS.
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layla4567 · 1 year
You know what I mean
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quicksilver x reader
Summary: Y/n throws a hint at Peter that he doesn't know how to catch
Warnings: Fluff and Peter being a naive and silly child
It was a very cold winter day at school, you hated winter and weather like that. Everyone in the classroom was studying history class and they looked quite warm. You were wearing a beige hand-knit sweater with brown horizontal stripes, navy blue leggings and black fingerless gloves, yet your feet felt numb and you kept moving your legs rubbing against each other to try to get warm. Peter sitting next to you was wearing a brown jacket with a furry collar, black jeans and his typical glasses on his head. He was writing something on a notepad, you don't know what it was because you was concentrating on your own notes. Suddenly he rips the yellow paper from the pad and makes a small bun, the silver-haired boy looks up and looks around, especially in front as if he wanted to make sure no one found out. Without warning you feel that something soft hits your head, something fell to the floor. It was the paper that Peter had thrown at you. When you look up at him he looks at you with a toothless smile, trying to appear angelic. You raised the crumpled paper roll annoyed and sighing, when you opened it you could see that it was a poorly drawn drawing of the two of you (they almost looked like stick figures), Peter was holding your hand and for some reason your head was bigger than normal. Asshole. Above the drawing you could read the following words: Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you.
When you finished reading the note you rolled your eyes and looked at him like an elephant looks at an ant, he smiled even more and made a heart with both hands. Although you thought the note was a bit stupid, you felt sorry to throw it away so you put it in your pencil case. Trying to suppress a smile at the thought of that funny drawing, you confronted Peter trying to sound tough.
"Are you kidding me?? Wasn't it easier to hand me the note? You're literally 30 centimeters away "- you spoke quietly so the teacher wouldn't hear
Quicksilver leaned closer in his seat to get closer to you and whispered with a smirk
"I like to make you angry"
He was trying to drive you crazy, you knew it and you knew you couldn't fall for his game but this boy made you desperate sometimes
"Oh yeah? And do you know what an angry person can do, Peter Maximoff?"
Your tone of voice rose a little more but still a whisper. Anyway Professor Howlett heard us and told them to shut up. You both turned to face uncomfortably, Logan could be a hard guy to deal with. But you wanted to return the trick to Peter so you made a drawing on a piece of paper that you tore from your notebook and in the same way that Peter did, you threw it at his head but this time with more force, so much so that the sprinter threw a groan of pain. Logan turned around annoyed looking at you two but especially at Maximoff. Peter blushed and tried to hide the paper that you had thrown at him and that now lay on the ground, stepping on it with his shoes.
"Fine, the next person who makes a noise I will send him to detention and what Charles does with you is no longer my business"- Logan growled angrily before turning around and continuing to write on the board.
Peter dragged his foot to lift the paper while rubbing his head, opening it he saw that it contained a drawing of a hand showing the middle finger and the phrase "Fuck you" on the side. Peter looked at you and you smilingly blew him a flying kiss.
The class continued more or less the same, that is, without any other setback. When it was recess time you went to return some study books to the library. There you found Alex doing the same.
" 'Sup y/n, I see you almost got in trouble "
Alex Summers wore a gray jacket with a hood, a white shirt of which only the collar was visible and a vest on top of military green, at the bottom he wore jeans and brown boots. When he spoke to you, he did it with his usual seductive smile as he leaned back on the shelves supporting one arm.
"That's right, you said it: almost. But it was not like that. It was all the fault of that goofy Maximoff anyway"
Alex chuckled.
"You can't blame him, that's just him. We all get used to it and accept it as it is"
"But do you know what he wrote me in that note?" He denied with his head
"'Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you'. What the hell man.."
You imitated Maximoff's voice trying to use your deep voice and making faces.
The blond boy laughed out loud, bending his trunk and clapping his hands happily.
"It's not funny" - You became serious but your angry face was adorable
Alex wiped away the tears with his thumb.
"Oh come on you gotta admit it's so bad it's good"
Okay, tease if you want. I'm going to the yard. Do you want to come?
Alex appreciated your offer but said he was going to be busy studying for the exam he failed. Before going to the yard you went into your room to pick up a fleece jacket, you knew that as soon as you set foot on the front steps you were going to freeze. You patted the pockets of the jacket, inside there was a hair band from days ago, you had lost it and now you were happy to have found it. In the other pocket you kept a lip balm just in case, it was horrible to have chapped lips. You jogged toward the yard gate to warm up with your gloved hands in your pockets. You hopped down the stairs like children and on the last step you sat with your knees touching your chest and your arms resting on them. You looked at the sky tilting your head, there were not so many clouds but there was enough wind. Suddenly you felt a breeze very close to you, at first you thought it was the wind but when a boy in a beige jacket sat next to you on the stairs you turned your head surprised to look at him.
"You know you don't have to put "Fuck you" when you draw a hand showing the middle finger, right? That's redundant"
That was his kind and brilliant greeting
"I don't care"- you stuck out your tongue childishly
And that was your magnificent answer
You suddenly felt quite cold. You put your hands in your pockets and remembered your lip balm. You took it out of your jacket, uncovered it and put it on your lips. It was cherry flavored. Peter was looking at you out of the corner of his eye wondering what you were doing. While you spread the shiny balm on your lips, you already felt more hydrated. You covered the balm and were about to put it back in your pocket when you noticed Peter's penetrating gaze, he was looking at what you were holding in your hands as if trying to decipher some riddle.
"What are you looking at?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing. Nevermind"
But Peter was so verbose that he couldn't shut up for a minute.
"Well yeah, I was wondering what the hell was that"- He said pointing to the bottle that you still had in your hand
"This? It's a lip balm. Have you ever seen one? What planet do you live on?"- you laughed
"I don't know, I don't use girly things"
Peter made a noise with his lips as if he wanted to spit something out, a kind of "Pfft" that ended in a giggle.
You were about to put the balm away again when Peter asked again
"And that thing... balsam or whatever. Does it taste like anything?"
In order not to be interested in "girly things" he asked a lot of questions.
"Why do you ask, do you want to buy one?" - you teased him
"Whaaat? Of course not. It's just curiosity"
You uncovered the balsam and showed it to him, it was fiery red.
"It's cherry flavor. Do you wanna try it?"
You used to not be this flirtatious with Peter but when you were around him his cheeky vibe rubbed off on you and you started acting more confident.
"Try it? Let's see"
Maximoff grabbed the balsam with a puzzled expression. He smelled it first, and a sweet aroma tickled his nose. Without thinking twice, he licked the shiny red surface, then made a disgusted notch, spit on the ground, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"This tastes like ass, eww"
You couldn't believe it, you thought Peter would take your hint but he didn't because he's clearly a boy and they never know how to take hints. You wondered if it was normal for him to be so clumsy
"Peter! You weren't supposed to lick it!!"
"But then what did you expect me to do?"-He shrugged
You let out an incredulous laugh as you stood up rolling your eyes in annoyance.
"Ugh nevermind, dork"
You went up the steps two by two and entered the mansion with a quick step, while Peter looked confused as you left while still sitting on the stairs. Then he looked towards the horizon reflecting what made you so angry
"I don't think I'll ever understand girls, why are they so complicated?"
He sighed
Scott saw Peter in the distance and approached him with a lopsided smile.
"Hey Pet! Can I sit?"
"Yeah, go ahead dude"- he said discouraged
"Why do you have that downcast face?"
"You won't believe what just happened to me man, y/n was putting something weird on her lips..-"
"A lip balm?"- Scott cut him off
"Yes exactly, do you know them? Whatever, that smelled like cherries but tasted horrible, I'm sure you're wondering why I know it tasted disgusting and it's because I had asked her if it has any flavor and she replied that it tasted like cherry and said hey do you want to try it? and I said ok let's see what's up but when I licked it off it was more bitter than shit and I ended up spitting it out on the floor, I know it's disgusting. Anyway, she ended up getting mad for no reason and she left me here alone."
Peter sometimes spoke at the speed of light so it was hard to follow the thread of the conversation, but everyone at school was used to it by now.
Scott sighed and put a hand to his face.
"Dude, you're an Idiot"
Peter gasped
Hey! You are supposed to cheer me up not make me feel worse, now why am I supposed to be an idiot??- he crossed his arms with a frown
"She wanted you to kiss her, not suck on her balm like a retard."
"Ohh..THAT makes sense"
Scott shook his head laughing.
"Did you really not understand what she meant?"
Peter Maximoff smirked as he made that "Pfft" with his mouth again.
"Of course I knew what she meant, I was just kidding"
The silver-haired boy laughed out loud to cover it up, but the truth is that he had no idea that this had been a hint.
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witchyangels · 7 months
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Boop sharing a birthday gift I made for a bestie! This pairing is 10+ years old and still one of my favorites. We lovingly call them FlyWolf.
So, explanation: back in like 2011/2012 I was in a written role playing group— we each played a character and wrote what they did and they had to survive these tasks, it was a whole thing, but the theme was Marvel/DC crossover. Heroes stayed at the Xavier Institute and the Villains stayed in the Brotherhood House (I think). I played Logan Howlett/Wolverine, because I’ve loved him ever since I was a kid. He’s one of my favorite X-Men characters. Him and Rogue (not movie Rogue, though). And my friend played Kara Zor-El/Supergirl. Well, we did some scenarios before the rp actually started and found we loved Logan and Kara as a couple. Kara’s nickname for Logan was “Wolf” and Logan called her “Fly Girl”. Kara didn’t know wolverines were a real animal 🤣
So, yeah, a decade old otp. One of the things we first really bonded over 🥰
Logan’s costume is based off the one from X-Men: Evolution and Kara’s is based off her look in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.
🥹I’m so proud of how they came out! Like, holy shit, I did it! I finally did it! I drew FlyWolf, start to finish, and I love how they came out!!! I had been wanting to draw them for YEARS, but hated my art for the longest time. I never dreamed I would actually get this good! I’ve been so proud of my art over the last two years and it’s been surreal
Commissions are open! In time for the holidays 💜
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darlingmetamorph · 2 years
This song represents like 80% of our lives @an-angel-in-disguise
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