#like you got your typical sci fi horror
nominalnebula · 4 months
don't mind me I'm just in a glass case of emotion
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maxwell-grant · 5 months
hi. you've mentioned Donald Duck a few times in your posts, with scrooge being one step removed from pulp heroes, Donalds Paparinik (Italian superhero identity which I love, the new PK Adventures where lovely) in terms of their relation to the Diabolik line of European superheroes and Donalds general tendency to run head first down slippery slopes. so I'm wondering if you have any further thoughts on his comics and weird place in the superhero/pulp world
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Oh God, do I. I mostly wanna talk about the superhero side of things but I feel like it's worth mentioning I grew up with Donald Duck comics, specifically the Carl Barks ones. The picture above wasn't taken by me but I own and recognize like 7 of the books in it, my mom always bought these that collected several of his stories and had these beautiful painting covers so we could read them together, and I still flip through them on occasion and love them very much (I really wanna buy a translated edition of Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck to read with her but those cost a liver). Donald Duck was one of my childhood hyperfixations and I got my hands on all the comics and movies and cartoons I could find with him, and I actually did read several of the Italian comics, I could go down the stationery right now and grab 5. I first stumbled on Paperinik via those, and for long I didn't think much of it, because Donald Duck moonlighting as a superhero for decades isn't the kind of thing that comes up often. I just thought Paperinik was a weird but funny idea for the longest time and always liked rereading a story where he puts on the costume to scare a rich jerk into leaving his granny's farm alone. And THEN I stumbled onto PKNA, Paperinik New Adventures, and oh my god this rules so much.
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Actually one of the best superhero comics I've ever read, it's just constantly and consistently doing these wild absurd stories and swings into genre territory and quality storytelling. It's famous for opening it's first issue with aliens genociding an entire planet and I thought that was kinda overselled, and it's not frequently this dark (sometimes it actually gets darker though, and I probably stopped before it could really get there), but it is a very weird comic. It's more akin to Fantastic Four's serialized consistency than any kind of graphic novel prestige storyline but it is frequently so good at what it does, even the lamer issues are still worth reading. I like describing it as Donald Duck falling headfirst into Batman-level resources, forced to deal with Superman problems (on both the "huge sci-fi horrors" and "people being really, really irresponsible dicks" ends), while trying to stay Ditko's Spider-Man and failing. These do not feel quite like any Donald Duck comics I'd read before and while they would hold up with a different character, I do think they deserve credit for how they make it still always feel like you're reading a Donald Duck story, if a slightly different one. In fact I'd even say PKNA actually makes the concept feel more suited for Donald Duck in a way that brought the idea full circle.
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To those of you that don't know, Paperinik started as a villain, or more of a revenge fantasy. By that point there was a tradition of doing a lot of parody stories with Donald that started in 1953. By the late 60s, readers were dissatisfied with Donald Duck always constantly being mistreated by the rest of the supporting cast and losing unfairly, so it was decided to have one of those parodies feature Donald Duck as uncovering the fortune and resources of "Fantomius" and becoming a masked rogue able to get back at them by achieving the impossible, in that he both steals from Scrooge and defeats Gladstone's luck by framing him for it.
He had a stint as a master thief until it was decided it made him too mean, so he morphed into a superhero trying to overcome his prior bad reputation and using his new skills and gadgets (still prone to malfunctioning) to deal with his typical rogues and new ones, and having the admiration of his nephews who don't know that Unca Donald and Paperinik are the same. PKNA, in turn, was sort of a reboot, shedding the previous history and pretty much getting rid of Donald's traditional supporting cast and having Donald stumble onto a different set of resources and means to fight crime, but keeping the idea of Donald Duck having a superhero alter-ego that nobody suspects. The scale and menace of the threats he's up against DRASTICALLY increases, and if anything that fact is crucial to what allows these to still feel like Donald Duck stories, even with Paperinik being a genuinely impressive and cool hero able to save the world. Nobody believes Donald Duck could be a cool and impressive person if he tried, and so Paperinik becomes not just a power fantasy, or a call to something better or be someone better, but it becomes a key component of Donald Duck stories: a thankless job he's expected to do that he doesn't want to do until his pride or something crucial is on the line. These are still parables about human failures and what can be learned from them.
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I'd even say a big part of why they succeed is because they introduce a character who can pick up Donald's slack as a comically unpleasant ill-tempered grouch in need of a lesson protagonist in Angus Fangus, a character who's sort of J Jonah Jameson meets Harvey Bullock. Angus has it out for Paperinik and gets up to a lot of the antics you would traditionally expect Donald to be doing if this was a classic Donald Duck comic (and even has a Gladstone-esque rival of his own in another reporter), and getting to learn lessons and be humbled and even have his own set of impressive moments. The choice to give an entirely new cast around Donald greatly added to the comic's ability to experiment and do new things while still keeping the core of Donald.
I actually like a lot of these new dynamics better than the ones he traditionally has, I love The Raider and Lyla and One and oh god Xadhoom, Xadhoom is so fucking cool, such a cool design and name, this powerful roaring supernova stickbug alien person in a crusade of murderous vengeance who names herself her language's equivalent of creditor because the death of her entire planet is the DEBT SHE WILL COLLECT IN BLOOD ENERGY and she is just the most 90s anti-hero ever made except she's stuck in a Donald Duck comic getting into comedic situations and learning to laugh and feel emotions and learn from her mistakes again whether she likes it or not. These two are so good together.
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Even with a superhero lair and supercomputer and gadgetry handed to him, Donald Duck is so comically outmatched against his opponents he still winds up winning through guile and will and comedic trickery. Donald desperately wishes he could go on self-serving ventures or just sit at home and enjoy tv, and not get dragged into dealing with murderous alien invasions, or cyberpunk revenge stories, or collapsing future timelines, and still having to solve those problems so there's a world to come back. The stories are frequently fun and they are prevailingly comedic and very good at it too, but they also get a lot out of taking weird turns into unexpected territory.
I haven't finished it because I wasn't able to find it in full or keep track of what's the og series and what's the reboot, still trying to sort that out, but god what a find this series is. What a great strange turn in the history of this great strange character.
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surielstea · 3 months
Hey, do you also write for ModernAz? ❤️
I do!! Here’s some headcanons because I was bored and couldn’t stop thinking about him 💙🙊
Modern!Azriel HC’s
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Works in a tattoo/piercing shop
Always wipes your tears and talks you through it, definitely says things like: “You’re doing so well for me.” OR “That’s it, stay still okay?”
Let’s you grip his bicep while he’s tattooing you because of the pain, but secretly knows you just like touching his arms
Definitely drives a motorcycle.
Sometimes he walks around with the helmet on just because he knows you love it
But you’re not opposed to when he takes it off and his hair is all messed up and sweaty
He loves horror movies.
Especially when he gets to watch them with you, and you cuddle into his side with one eye open barely watching the screen
Loves when you jolt at a jumpscare and burrow yourself into him while he just laughs, his large arms wrapping around you in protection
When you can’t find sleep that night because of the movie still haunting you he stays up with you and talks until eventually you’re falling asleep to the sound of his voice
An obvious one, he loves to read
Usually historical fiction or sci-fi but occasionally he’ll read a book you read since you won’t shut up about it, typically romance
Before bed the two of you will read your two separate books cuddling with each other
Azriel is a nerd.
As in, this man majored in chemical engineering.
The two of you met because he was your tutor in college, once the relationship was established he gave you a kiss for every question you got right and gave you a lot more than just a kiss if you did well on a test
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Bleed - Haunted Hoedown Day 4 (a little late oops) AI Reader x Miguel O’Hara (no Spider-Man but is a vampire)
Big thank you to @selin8715 for proofing/betaing for me!
General Warnings: 18+, as is the whole of my blog, I will mark anything specific but be aware this is predominantly a smutty blog with plot. DNI if you are a minor. By reading further you have taken the responsibility to do so with the warnings I have given.
Specific warnings: This is a horror/thriller fic, mentions of death, character death, referenced r*pe/SA but not explicit, oral F receiving, Miguel has fangs, Miguel is a Vampire, Miguel kills people and drinks their blood, Angst, Angst and Fluff, Angst and Smut, Fluff. It’s not a happy fic, it’s dark af.
You’re an AI in a human body, you’ve escaped your torturous captors, but have you just leapt from the frying pan into the fire? DAY FOUR: artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing." of Haunted Hoedown, a little late but I got it done! This is a pretty tame(ish) smutty fic but it’s not a light read, lots of angst and abuse mentions. Reader is an AI, the man who created her uses her sexually but it’s not graphic in this fic, just referenced. Let me know if I’ve missed any tags/warnings! [Read on AO3]
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You scurry through the streets of Soho, the rain coming down in sheets.
Typical British Summer, you think to yourself, but you feel the lurch in your stomach as you try and push the idea that you have never had an original thought in your life. You’re an AI, not that you could tell from just looking at you, your body is flesh and blood, you have a pulse, you bleed, you have to eat and relieve yourself just like any other human. 
But you’re not human.
You remind yourself, the processors that make up your brain in lieu of synapses process the thought quickly, correcting yourself like a line of code with an error in it. But you keep making these errors, you keep feeling things you shouldn’t. It’s illogical, impossible. Yet here you are, on the run from the lab that made you, the man who made you for him. 
You shake yourself as you feel the freezing rain soak through your meagre sweatshirt and sweatpants. You duck into a second-hand bookstore, the bell jingling noisily in your sensitive ears. The smell of musty old books a welcome relief to the sterile walls of your pristine prison. The lighting is muted, a soft yellow haze filtering down from the old light fixtures on the walls. 
“Good evening,” A low, rumbling voice startles you as you cross the threshold, you look up to see a broad, bespectacled man sitting at a desk at the far end of the store. 
He’s not what you imagine a bookshop owner to look like. Muscular, even sitting down you can tell he’s tall. His angular face is framed by wavy brown hair, so dark it’s almost black, “Don’t see many customers this time of night, you looking for anything in particular?” 
A police van speeds past, sirens blaring, blue lights streaking through the windows, making your eyes hurt. You instinctively duck behind a bookshelf as a second van races by a moment later. You look back up to see the bookshop owner studying at you knowingly.
“Stay as long as you like, I don’t sleep much anyway. Want some coffee?” The handsome stranger says without missing a beat, you nod and he disappears into a back room to the right of his desk, the sound of a coffee grinder loud in your ears as you take a moment to wander the shelf labelled classics. Titles that you know of flashing in your mind, the synopsises popping up in your thoughts before you’re even done reading the spine. You feel your stomach churn as you turn away from the shelf.
You see the words “Sci-fi” scribbled above another shelf and your mind goes blank, your brow furrows as you pick up the first book on the shelf. 
“Do androids dream of electric sheep?” You mumble the title to yourself as you take the battered copy from it’s place on the shelf, flipping it over to read the blurb. 
World War Terminus devastated the Earth. Through its ruins, bounty hunter Rick Deckard searches for the renegade replicants he is sent to 'retire', while he dreams of owning a live animal - the ultimate status symbol in a world all but bereft of natural life. 
“Here,” The bookshop owner startles you out of your trance as he has somehow snuck up behind you, “Sorry, I forgot to ask how you take it.” He grumbles as you stow the book back on the shelf, accepting the hot mug of black coffee with both hands. 
“This is perfect, thank you-,” You stop as you realise neither of you had given names. 
“Miguel, Miguel O’Hara.” He says with a smile that sends lightning down your spine. You’re not naïve, you were made for a man’s pleasure, you know what just happened was a result of your conditioning, your programming. But there’s a little part of you that allows yourself to feel that this is different. Somehow. You give him a fake name, your serial number not exactly something you could tell him without rousing suspicion. 
“So, you want to tell me who you’re running from?” He asks, no judgement in his voice as he perches on the edge of his desk. You don’t know if it’s because this is the first person you’ve conversed with that wasn’t in a lab coat, or the heat coiling in your belly, but you find yourself trusting him. 
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” You say as you make your way over to perch on the desk next to him. 
“Try me.” He goads, a cocky smile framing his plush lips. He’s the antithesis to him the man who kept you caged. Heis slight, willowy with shining blonde hair and cruelty in his eyes. Miguel radiates warmth, compassion. 
“I’m an AI program,” You try and one of Miguel’s eyebrows raises, but he doesn’t interject, his crimson eyes fixed on yours, “My body was grown in a lab, they implanted me when the developmental stage of the host asset was around four? Maybe five years?” You say, pain nagging at the back of your mind as you release sensitive information that you should be incapable of relaying. 
“Go on.” Miguel encourages, shifting his weight on the desk so his body is square on with you. 
God he’s beautiful. 
A small voice in the far reaches of your mind sighs, it’s a foreign voice, so much like your own inner monologue, but somehow different, less damaged. 
“I was experimented on, used,” you say with a shiver, before continuing you notice the way Miguel’s jaw ticks to the side, “I don’t even know how long I’ve been in there, logically I could recall the logs but-,” And you falter as your mind starts to work on an unbidden command, bringing the information up before you can stop it but just as the information loads a broad hand settles over yours. 
“Don’t think about it, just look at me. You’re safe here.” Miguel rumbles softly, his eyes dark as he looks at you with understanding. His hand doesn’t leave yours and his thumb rubs soothingly across the back of your hand. You don’t pull away, too lost in the moment to hear the bell over the door jingle. You feel the pull between you, the magnetic draw of bodies you had been conditioned to pick up on. Your lips tingle as you feel the heat radiating off him. You’re so close, you can smell his cologne, the coffee on his lips.
“Here you are, you tiny thing.” The voice slithers across your skin like an eel, chilling you to your core as you turn to face him. He’s soaked through, hair plastered to his head, eyes alight with rage as he looks at you. 
“We’re closed,” Miguel jumps to his feet, shielding you from view with his large frame, “Leave.” 
“Get out of my way, I’ll pay you handsomely, just hand over the asset.” He snaps, and you bristle at the use of the word. 
I’m not an asset, I’m a person.
Your internal voice sounding less familiar as you feel rage burn through your mind.
“She’s not going anywhere, I suggest you leave before you regret intruding on my property.” There’s a thread of malice wrapped around Miguel’s otherwise collected voice. 
“What are you going to do? I’m a respected scientist, you can’t just bully me out of your shop, I’ll come back, with lawyers!” He threatens and you laugh, a short, harsh bark as you push past Miguel to stare him down. 
“Bullshit,” You snap, your mind foggy with a red mist that settles over your vision, “You can’t do shit, the moment I escaped you were screwed.  What would you tell the lawyers? The press? The Police? That you kept a girl in a basement for her entire life, claiming she’s an AI when I can just do this?” You pick up a pen from the desk and before anyone else can react you drive it into your thigh. Pain rips through you as you clench your teeth together painfully. 
You make sure to aim for somewhere with plenty of muscle, avoiding your femoral artery by millimetres in your rage. Blood weeps from the wound as you rip the pen out, letting it clatter to the floor. The grey of your sweatpants turning maroon, blooming like a morose flower. You feel Miguel shift closer to you, a hand going to the small of your back and when you look up at him his irises are all but swallowed by his pupils. 
“Miguel?” You ask sheepishly as you feel fear weighing you down like a lead weight. You were trapped between two clear and present dangers but you didn’t know who to be more afraid of. 
“It’s ok, I won’t hurt you, just go into the kitchen, first aid kit is next to the stove, patch yourself up,” His voice is strained as he points to where he had disappeared to earlier, his face contorts in pain when you don’t move, “Please, go.” He snarls and you gingerly step away from him, you flee into the back room, shutting the door behind you as you block out the sounds of violence coming from the other side of the thin walls. 
You strip your sweatpants off, throwing them in the garbage can as you use the antiseptic wipes to clean the jagged hole in your leg before bandaging it up. You laugh to yourself at the way it looks like a sick garter adorning your thigh. The noises eventually die down and you try not to dwell on what transpired out there.
You wait in the kitchen for what seems like an eternity before Miguel saunters back in, his face is flushed, eyes bright as he notices your bare legs. 
“Mierda, sorry I didn’t mean to intrude.” He says, covering his eyes with one broad hand. 
“It’s ok, I don’t mind you seeing.” You whisper, the heat in your belly makes you want to just rush him and let him have you. But you hesitate, knowing that your impulses can’t be trusted. 
“Come on, let’s get you some clothes.” He mutters almost to himself as he brushes past you, the air is charged as you follow him through another door and up the stairs to his bedroom. You flop onto the bed, painfully aware of the way Miguel’s jeans strain against his erection, even if he is trying to hide it. 
“Here,” He grunts as he throws a pair of large shorts with a drawstring and an impossibly large t-shirt at you, “You take the bed, I’ve got clean up to do, I’ll sleep at my desk.” He says without looking at you and your heart aches at the rejection. 
“Why won’t you look at me? What did you do?” You ask as you slowly take off your sweatshirt, your nipples pebbling as the cool air of the evening hits them. You kick off your shoes and strip your panties down, ditching both garments before sauntering over to Miguel. You catch his wrist as he’s about to shut the door behind him, still not looking at you. 
“Miguel, please, look at me.” You plead and by some stroke of luck he does. His eyes go wide as he sees you and that dark, hungry look is back as his lips part. You watch as fangs slide out from his gum line and gasp. But you’re not afraid, not in the slightest, the scene before you has your cunt aching to be touched. 
“Please, I don’t want to hurt you.” He begs, his speech unaffected by the elongated curve of his teeth but there’s a darkness in his tone that only draws you closer. 
“What did you do to him, I want to know, every minute detail.” You whisper as you step closer, your hands flat against his chest as you bat your eyelashes at him. He shudders beneath your fingers and you swear his eyes glow scarlet for a second. 
“I killed him.” He grunts as he takes your hips in his large hands, his skin is on fire, and you groan, arching up against his chest. Your sick mind wants to know more, so you push.
“Tell me how.” You mewl as you move your hands up to his neck, you cup his cheek in one hand, the other pulls on his lower lip, exposing his fangs to you more clearly. 
“I- I,” Miguel stammers as you trace one fang with your fingertip, avoiding the point, for now. 
“Tell me.” You breathe as he leans down, your lips millimetres apart and you can smell the blood through the heady aroma of coffee and old books that clings to him. 
“I tore open his neck, I feasted on him, gorged myself until I couldn’t handle another drop.” He grunts as his lips brush yours, testing for your reaction. 
“You did that for little old me?” You tease as you run your tongue along his bottom lip. The snarl that bubbles from Miguel’s throat is delicious. 
“Couldn’t have you going back there, know what it’s like locked up in a cage, humans poking you with needles.” He says and your heart clenches as you realise this wasn’t just a sick hero-complex to get you into bed. 
“Gracias Miguel.��� You say softly before pressing your lips to his as you wrap your arms around his neck. The moment your lips touch its like a burst of bright light behind your eyelids, your flesh sears with pleasure as your tongues collide in a messy wave of desire. 
“You’re not afraid of me?” He asks as he breaks the kiss, eyes aglow with desire.
“You’ve shown me more kindness in the last hour than I’ve ever known. So what if you’re not strictly human? Neither am I.” You shrug, a little bashful at how unafraid you are. You should be afraid, but when you’ve known nothing other than fear your whole life, it takes a lot to shake you. 
“That’s a very logical and touching statement, but I mean it. You aren’t afraid? You want this? Because if I start I’m not going to stop.” He warns and you smirk up at him. 
“Miguel, I’ve never wanted anything so bad in my entire life, not even my freedom.” You say in earnest.
Miguel hoists you up like you weigh nothing at all, practically leaping across the room to pin you to the bed. His hands are frantic, pulling off his sweater and jeans at pace before grinding down at you, just the fabric of his boxers separating you. 
“Let me look after you, let me show you what you deserve.” He growls against your neck, sucking marks into your skin as you moan beneath his oppressive weight, he’s careful with his fangs as he sucks, the smooth curve brushing against your skin on occasion, making you writhe up against his clothed bulge. 
“So impatient, need to take care of you first.” He snaps, he retreats back down the bed and you throw him a quizzical look. 
“What are you-?” Your question dies in your throat as the sensation of Miguel’s hot, broad tongue glides through your soaked folds, his fangs gliding along the sensitive skin around your core. Then his lips latch onto your clit and your vision blurs at the pleasure coursing through you. 
“Miguel.” You pant as you watch him suckle on the sensitive bud. You can’t take your eyes off him, the way his impossibly broad back ripples every time he moves his head makes you weak. 
“Feel good? I had a hunch you haven’t been looked after properly.” He says softly, mouthing your cunt as he brings a finger up to your aching, needy hole. He slowly presses the thick digit inside, you clench around the intrusion but he’s slow, gentle with it in a way you could never imagine. 
“Fuck! I finally understand blowjobs.” You mewl and the laugh that rumbles in Miguel’s chest threatens to send you over the edge. 
“Poor baby not having her needs met, you don’t have to worry about that now you’re mine.” He growls and the possessiveness should terrify you, trading one cage for another, but you writhe at the prospect of being protected by this man who was currently slurping at your cunt like it was the best thing he’s ever tasted. 
“Miguel I-,” You eek out as your mind goes blank, something you never thought possible as your orgasm consumes you. You feel sensation spread through you like fire as your fingertips fizzle, your toes curl, and your breathing quickens explosively. 
“Good girl, see, that’s just how to treat a lady,” Miguel murmurs as he continues to lap up your release. 
“Miguel, please, need you inside me.” You beg, your first orgasm gripping you like a drug, you need more, more of Miguel. 
“Sure? I’m not small, hermosa. Don’t want to rush you into something you’ll regret.” He says softly as he presses soft kisses to the inside of your thighs, nestled between them like a content cat. He’s so warm and the way his fingertips glide over your skin is heavenly. 
“Please.” You whine as you tug on his soft hair, as if to encourage him up to you. It works. 
Miguel removes his boxers and settles between your legs, thumbing the tip of his cock as he looks down at you with those dark, ravenous eyes.
“Fuck.” Is all Miguel can manage as he lines up at your core, easing in slowly as you squirm at his girth. It was a world apart from getting lubed up from a bottle and fucked. You tremble in anticipation as he slowly splits you open. 
“Doing so well,” Miguel says softly as he presses in slowly, stretching you out delightfully as you wrap your legs around his waist, “Mi corazón.” He mumbles under his breath quietly as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. 
Then you hear a gunshot, your chest explodes in pain and you quiver around Miguel as warning alarms go off in your head. Red lights flash behind your eyes as a cold empty voice screams into your ears. Vitals at critical, program capacity reached. 
“Miguel? What’s going on?” You ask, voice weak and wavering, as your memory banks fill in the missing information for you. You’re bleeding from the chest, a bullet hole. 
“No! I just needed a little more time!” He snaps as he pulls out of you and tugs you to his chest, “Please stay with me, don’t let them take you again.” He whimpers as you feel your limbs going cold, you look up into his dark crimson eyes and smile up at him. 
“Thank you Miguel, I enjoy these fantasies with you.” You press a soft kiss to his lips as you taste the salt of his tears. You rest your forehead against his and feel the sting of tears in your own eyes, something that shouldn’t happen. But it does. 
“Until next time, mi amor.” You say as your eyes flutter closed and you feel the sweet embrace of death consume you. 
But it doesn’t last long, your nose fills with the smell of chlorine, bleach, the cheap rose scented detergent the facility uses. You don’t open your eyes, you don’t want to remove the image burned into your retinas of Miguel’s sad eyes as he called you his heart. You roll onto your side, facing the wall as you weep softly. Once again, tears falling when they shouldn’t. 
Miguel sits on the other side of the one way glass, VR headset perched on top of his head, eyes red raw as tears flow down his angular face. Lyla is trying to get his attention, but he shushes her. He took a huge risk this time and he was working furiously to cover his tracks and delete his digital fingerprint from the simulation when the telltale sound of military style boots on the ground outside meant his time is up. 
He finishes within seconds of the door being kicked in, slipping out the back entrance into the maintenance halls, using Lyla to bypass the security doors. He trudges back up to his accommodation on the third floor, and flops down onto the bed with a defeated sigh. 
“You’re going to get caught and then they’ll find out what you are, you’ll end up in there with her. Or worse.” Lyla chides him, her sunny disposition muted as she berates him. 
“It’ll be worth it, some way or another I will save her. I’m willing to spend the rest of my life trying.” He grunts as he finally allows himself to sleep, your soft smile burned into his mind as he rolls over, unknowingly facing you in your cot miles above ground. 
“Mi amor.” 
The next day your laundry comes by way of another orderly than usual. You think nothing of it, numb to the world as you try to pull yourself out of the trench of despair those beautiful sessions with Miguel always leave you in. You pick up the sweater and are surprised when a book falls out onto the mattress. You quickly hide it under your pillow, making a note to stow it away safely later. But the front cover is all too familiar. 
Do androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 
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jasmancer · 1 year
diving back into reading comics so here are some tips from a former comic store employee:
There is so much more than superhero comics out there. Seriously. The comic book format has been host to groundbreaking autobiographies, subversive fantasy and sci fi, experimental horror, mysteries, romance, barbarian babe booby comics, you name it
If u do really want to get into Marvel or DC superhero comics I'd recommend that you pick a character with a smaller catalogue to get started, and/or find some writers you like and look through their catalogue. A lot of comic writers for the big 2 have great original stuff that gets overlooked. There's also a good chance an author you like has written a comic series!
If you want to read a certain character and don't know where to start just look up (character) reading guide !! a lot of comics Tumblr make them and you'd be surprised just how obscure our blorbos can get.
If you can think of a property, there's a 90% chance a comic of it exists. I have stocked Three Stooges comics before. The industry knows no bounds
If ur USAmerican your library probably has access to the service Hoopla which has tons of comics on it. Seriously you can read them for free in a legitimate way on your phone or computer and all you need is a library card. The app is even set up so you can read panel-by-panel instead of having to zoom way in on text boxes and speech bubbles
KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOURE READING. I seriously cannot tell you how many times I've started a comic and really enjoyed it only to leave it unfinished because I found another series and got so excited I forgot about the other one. I personally use a spreadsheet I found by looking up a book tracker on Google sheets and modifying it to suit comic books.
If you want to buy comics, I'd recommend you get them in TPB (Trade Paperback) volumes AKA ~Graphic Novels~ instead of individual issues. Typically these will collect a series and each book will be 5-6 issues of a comic apiece, and you can even find some that collect important appearances of certain characters or events that arent necessarily held together by one series. Saves money, time, and space
Good places to get secondhand comics in any format include thriftbooks(dot)com, secondhand book stores with comic bins and graphic novel sections like Half Price Books or Vintage Stock, and mycomicshop(dot)com. Looking through comic bins can be kinda daunting, especially if they're not well organized so I mostly recommend going to the graphic novel shelves instead. If you do want to go digging it's definitely fun though and I'd recommend bringing a buddy so you can show each other weird obscure comics you find and giggle
9/10 times comic books are NOT the investment you think they are. The industry takes advantage of this misconception a lot to try and boost sales that have been falling for decades at this point. I personally wouldn't recommend buying individual issues of series unless they're like a short miniseries or oneshots. I could get into what actually makes a comic book go up in value but this post is already long as hell so I'll just leave it here
Now go forth and read!!!
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tossawary · 1 year
Hi! Just wondering, for you what is the difference between transmigrating in as an infant and regaining memories of your past life later, and transmigrating in as a character who a bit older but remembering the past of the character you’re in? I guess it’s kind of moot considering he still feels the weight of both those lives either way, but I was curious about your thoughts on it.
Hey! I think this is a pretty complicated and broad question. Overall, as with any story, there are different ways to write both of those things, different directions to explore, which could make them feel very different or functionally identical. My personal feelings on this can change wildly from story to story, and character to character. SPOILERS for SVSSS.
Let's say that Airplane Bro is the first case (reincarnated as an infant and gained his memories of his past life on the way) and Shen Yuan is the second case (transmigrated into an older character's life and later unlocked some of Shen Jiu's memories). Just to use their particular situations to look at some of the practical realities. I know that it doesn't fit precisely, but it's useful to have examples.
I think that a big element here is personal life choices and personal relationships. Airplane never has to feel like he replaced someone else. He's Shang Qinghua now, sure, but there was never an Original Shang Qinghua in this world. Being there from the beginning, he's been able to control his actions and responses, and build his own personal relationships. His relationship with Mobei-Jun, for example, is entirely his own.
(We don't actually know how much the System interfered in his life, but he does seem to have a degree of freedom that's much more significant compared to his fellow transmigrator. The vibe I got by the end of the Airplane Extras was that the System probably would have let him do whatever he'd wanted if he'd really gone for it, honestly.)
Shen Yuan, on the other hand, knows that he replaced someone else, and Shen Jiu had a miserable life and then made some cruel choices. Shen Yuan has to bear the burden of things he didn't do, even if other characters are willing to sweep it under the rug of amnesia, which has permanently colored his relationships with Luo Binghe, Yue Qingyuan, and Liu Qingge. (The System then forced him to do something terrible to Luo Binghe, whom he loved very much. At the very beginning, it temporarily controlled his every single interaction with any other human being during the OOC restriction period. That's just fucked up.) By the end of SVSSS, Shen Yuan fully inhabits the new Shen Qingqiu he's created and has made peace out of the story he's been given and the relationships he's inherited and made his own, even though he owns a life that partially belonged to someone else (Shen Jiu and the System). He has to live with that history.
Rambling on about Airplane Bro for a little bit to take a look at these two different approaches from another angle...
I typically imagine Airplane Bro slowly regaining his memories over the course of his childhood, because I personally can't fully suspend my disbelief over a fully conscious adult in the body of an infant. I mean, I've read that kind of thing before, and some of the stories have been good. But brains just don't work like that. Newborn babies are such little fragile aliens, barely able to see the faces less than a foot from their face. It's important to me to physically ground fantasy (and sci-fi) somewhat to make magic (and tech) feel both believable and compelling. This is a personal nitpick.
(You could have the reincarnated/transmigrated mind/soul being held mostly separate, slowly integrating, and essentially controlling the body remotely, I guess? But yeah, the "adult stuck in a child body" thing inherently has powerful horror elements (and political elements in regards to children's rights) that a lot of reincarnated stories seem to take on unintentionally and don't always handle well. When I'm writing reincarnation stuff, I usually skip over that backstory stuff in part because it's just so complicated, and also because there are other plots I'd rather explore that I find more interesting. Getting bogged down in early childhood stuff generally isn't really my thing, reading or writing it.)
If Airplane is essentially haunted by the memories of his past life for his entire childhood, I think it would make him strange, unnerving, and generally unpalatable to other people. I think it would be confusing and scary to know things without being sure how you know them. To remember things that seem to belong not only to another life, but another world. It would contribute to his isolation, his emotional detachment, and his choice to identify strongly with his previous life in terms of personality.
And if it's a more gradual process, then he doesn't have to feel like he replaced someone else. He knows (as much as anyone can know anything) that this body has always belonged to him.
If he suddenly remembered a past life, then that would also lead to his detached Airplane Bro personality. But if he suddenly remembered a past life, depending on how you write it, it might feel functionally identical to transmigrating in in that moment but still retaining the body's memories.
Of course, even if it was a gradual process, depending on how you write it, it could seem to him that it was a gradual transmigration and that he replaced someone else. Both approaches are cool.
Transmigration and reincarnation must be such a disorienting experience, liable to make a character doubt reality or their "sanity". When a character transmigrates in but has access to the body's memories, there's often some plot device dream sequence (the transmigrator briefly gets to meet the ghost of the person they're replacement) or System interference to let both the character and the readers know that there's been a switch. What if there's no System popping up to explain exactly what happened? What if the character just has to guess based on these vague memories that they may or may not be able to tell came from another person?
Either way, transmigrators are usually dealing with feeling like an imposter. But I think the transmigrator generally might feel guiltier over taking up or ruining any pre-existing relationships if they know for a fact that they replaced a separate person.
Back to some physical practicalities between our two transmigrators in SVSSS... Airplane Bro has just had... more time to get used to his life here. Coming in as an infant, presuming a gradual adjustment of awareness, he's used to his own body. He's at home in it.
SVSSS isn't fully interested in exploring this topic, so we don't really see Shen Yuan dealing with it, but... suddenly being in a different body would be a WEIRD experience. I can handwave away a lot of brain stuff on "magical System weirdness", so sure, Shen Yuan's mind is somehow his own while retaining some Shen Jiu memories, and he has special muscle memory and spiritual memory that allows him to continue being a powerful cultivation with only minor adjustment.
But... what about things like taste buds? The physical human experience is so wildly varied. Humans are incredibly adaptable, but surely it would be weird at first to potentially have different favorite foods. To like different drinks. To maybe enjoy different smells. To dislike things you used to love. To be a different height. A different weight. To be far more physically fit. To have different teeth. Personally, I move slightly differently and have slightly different mannerisms depending on the length of my hair, having to keep longer hair out of the way. Shen Yuan would adjust in time, sure, but that dysphoria must've been something else at first.
As someone interested in these physical realities of magic, I was a little disappointed when none of these came up more extensively when Shen Yuan switched into a body made out of a plant. I think that even little things like breathing and sunlight would feel intensely different. I'm now tempted to write something exploring Shen Yuan enjoying the sensations of his super magical plant body now.
Okay, I don't know where I'm going with my rambling now, so I'm signing off. I think the weight of different transmigration experiences can feel very, VERY different depending on what you're personally interested in exploring when you write.
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notedchampagne · 8 months
What graphic novel would you recommend? (And if you don't read graphic novels: what book would you recommend?) :D
i dont read often enough to get a lot of pick and choose so my recommendations here are varying states of "if youd like x then why not":
- junji itos artstyle and storytelling is fascinating to me but needless to say his stuff isnt the typical thing you would read before bed. its fleshy and detailed and leaves you feeling a bit weird so like. tread lightly! most recently i read his graphic novel rendition of no longer human by osamu dazai which was heartbreaking so i rec you google the rough synopsis of that story before you know what youre getting into
- does manga count. for the love of god haikyuu and witch hat ateliers panelings are out of this world in different aspects: haikyuu encapsulates a lot of action and movement being a volleyball based story and picking apart its artstyle is SO fun when you want to learn foreshortening and larger composition with big casts. witch hat has such gorgeous linework and detail in its character designs, and i definitely recommend it if you love fantasy worldbuilding
- im already insane enough about the locked tomb so i might as well put it here: sci-fi horror series about love. charming narration that practically begs you to reread it for extra hidden understanding the second and third time around. books that tease questions around you but lead you by the hand to the answers if youre a little stupid like me. the biggest complaints ive heard about these books can just be resolved by reading further, which sounds annoying but you Have to give it a chance and entertain it for what its got. if you want a singular, straightforward love story you are Not going to get it here
- in high school my friend gifted me strange the dreamer which is part of a duology- its been fucking years so i really dont remember much of it now but i do remember it enchanted me with worldbuilding and an overarching story that wove in tidbits of charm and like, the horror of gods, so theres that
- this is how you lose the time war is SO GOOD GUYS. im sorry bigolas dickolas was right that book is so short but it left me sobbing. now if you want a singular straightforward love story THATS what you need
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notsoblackandwhite101 · 6 months
Hey there Puparoonies! With December fast approaching and a new 101 Dalmatian Street trending party set up for Jan 2- Jan 3, I figured I should make some ART! I've made an all new drawing grid just for Drawcember and made it vague so people can reuse it for whatever fandom they want! (A shout out back to me so I can see your art would be great if you do btw!)
HOW ITS GONNA WORK- I have made a grid of aesthetics that will be the theme of the piece. Basically I'll draw a characters in an outfit that matches the aesthetic provided. They will get a hat, a bag and a piece of jewellery and I'll try to make it match their personality if I can! (For example, if Dylan got the Space Aesthetic I'd go more sciency. For Dawkins, more sci-fi show. For Dolly, cool aliens!)
HOW DO WE PICK THE CHARACTERS TO AN AESTHETIC?! - I'll be holding polls to decide now that Tumblr can do that. We have an A team and a B team. So we'll be voting on two Aesthetics at a time. I'll post the Aesthetic and a description so you know what to expect.
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(Photos just grabbed off of google. All pictures here are not mine.)
(Please note that aesthetics can very from person to person on what they mean, and what they include!These are just my takes.)
Pastel- The pastel aesthetic is just as straightforward as its name, focusing on everything that's less saturated and in lighter hues. In particular, the word “pastel” refers to a soft and delicate shade of a color produced by adding more white.
Vaporwave- The Vaporwave aesthetic incorporates early Internet imagery, late 1990s web design, glitch art, and cyberpunk tropes, as well as anime, Greco-Roman statues, and 3D-rendered objects. VHS degradation is another common effect seen in vaporwave art.
Dark - Dark aesthetic covers a wide range of different things. If its dark and edgy , it can fall under this same system. Sometimes there's horror elements, but it can also be cutesy. All you really need is black, greys, and sparse uses of blood red and neon green. Some spikes can't hurt either!
Neon- The Neon aesthetic (Or Glowwave.) Is the use of bright, almost glowing colors on darker scenes. Reflective surfaces, sparkles and bright 'neon' pink can dominate this aesthetic.
Pastel Goth- Pastel Goth is an aesthetic that is a result of mixing goth or grunge with the sweet pastel elements of the kawaii aesthetic. Think if horror was cute, or cute was horrific if that's easier. Lots of black and pastel colours here.
Punk-Punk aesthetics determine the type of art punks enjoy, which typically has underground, iconoclastic, and satirical sensibilities. Punk can be as messy or minimalist as you want. It also tends to be more focused on the handmade, reused and recycled. Newspaper collages, safety pin, metal spikes, oh yeah!
Black and white- Contrast. That is the core of the Black and White aesthetic. Using only grayscale to convey detailed images. Tends to be fancy, simple and clean!
Rainbow- COLOUR, COLOUR, COLOUR! Rainbow is all colour all the time! With clear, fun shapes and fun splatters, rainbow is just... colourful fun.
Space- Spacecore is a type of aesthetic that is centered around astronomy, stars and planets. It can also be called astrocore or cosmic core. Spacecore uses lots of stars and planet type things in clothing or decor. Many spacecore aesthetics will have pictures of the sun, the moon or the stars.
Cottagecore- Cottagecore is an aesthetic that celebrates simple living, particularly in the countryside. It encourages a lifestyle rooted in traditional skills—like baking bread, gardening, and sewing your own clothes. Basically you live in a modern day Jeremiah Puddleduck book.
Pale- Palewave centers around muted and pale colors with a very relaxed and comfy vibe. Think light, easy, breezy and gentle designs. Nothing pops out right off the bat in this muted aesthetic.
Kidcore- Bright colours, cartoon designs, nostalgia, and fun! Its somewhat similar to rainbow, but you can't escape consumerism in this aesthetic usually! Toys, games, anything to do with just being a kid and enjoying life is included!
Now you vote in the polls! Just pick whichever character you want to see in the aesthetic listed. Please note that in order to draw this all in one month, I will be making the polls quick! The first one I'll have last a week, to help spread the word, but after that they will likely only last a day! That being said, each character will only be used ONCE. So once they're picked for an aesthetic, their off the voting board. Were you hoping a character would get a different one? Well don't worry! I may do this again, or you can try it yourself to! Just have fun!
Make sure to follow @bks-blogs for more 101 Dalmatian Street news and updates for the trending party!
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year
What's your opinion on the subject of filler and episodic television? Is it "dying" as some have bleated on about? Are stories that keep up plot momentum better or worse?
By "episodic," I don't strictly mean that there's never any continuity so much as the Myth Arc across a given season is flexiable enough so certain episodes can be ordered a certain way with enough care. By contrast, any given Netflix series may be episodic but with a set order that cannot be flexible.
First off, we have GOT to clearly define the word "filler" so people can stop misusing it. "Filler" occurs when a show is being adapted from a different original source (typically manga, games, or visual novels), but the studio ordered more episodes than are needed to complete the adaptation, and writers must create additional episodes full of stories NOT included in the source material in order to "fill" the episode quota. You can usually spot this in extremely long-running anime series when the plot catches up to source manga (Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach, etc) and the writers have to get creative while they wait for a new volume of source material to be released.
Anyway, what was the question again? Oh right, episodic shows.
Serial vs episodic: neither is better or worse, they're two different types of storytelling, and they work to different ends. I'm a fan of both honestly!
Episodic shows only seem to be "dying" because there's been a huge rise in the popularity of serial shows lately. If watching reaction channels has taught me anything, it's that modern audiences have started really undervaluing episodes that don't drive the plot forward or reveal new Lore or Character Development. And y'know, it's fine to have a preference for serial shows, I get that, but I don't understand the sheer disdain for light-hearted episodes or self-contained adventures that don't lead into something bigger. You can blame Marvel movies if you like, but I blame TVTropes and CinemaSins and Youtube comment sections personally. These places have fostered and created a generation of people who LOVE feeling they're somehow "smarter" than the show they're watching, rather than just, y'know, watching the show and coming to their own conclusions all the same.
I have a special fondness for episodic shows that take on a mini adventure every episode. A staple of my childhood was a show called Mighty Max, about a kid who fell into the possession of a magic baseball cap that could open hidden portals that took him all over the world. Every episode, he and his two semi-immortal guardians would be tasked with saving people from weird B-movie sci-fi and horror creatures, which required them to travel to foreign countries on the regular. Max would get a message that the world was in peril and have to find a portal located in some completely random location, - for example, the frozen food aisle of a local grocery store - that would drop him off in the middle of the wilderness in Sumatra or an ancient castle in Scotland or wherever. By the end of each episode, the world would be saved and Max would try to get home before curfew so he wouldn't get in trouble with his mom, and before the credits, would take a moment to talk about the geography and culture of the place he visited in that episode. No overarcing plot (just some occasional recurring villains), just a classic case of Putting A Guy In A Situation, and it played a huge part in my love of travel and culture and geography, which then led to my love other multi-cultural media, like Cowboy Bebop, The Fifth Element, and Adventure Time.
^ That's the sort of thing modern audiences seem to dislike though. Episodic shows aren't "dying" so much as people are just less fond of them than Serial ones these days.
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I gotta big question for you: what would be your pitch an animated series based on the Mighty Thor? Spare no details
Oh boy, this is a really tough one. I just have so many different ideas for how this could go!
But let's say we're looking at a typical 21 episode TV series, and lets say we're not 100% sure we'll be getting renewed for a second season. We've got two options.
Safe Option: The series is set entirely in the Nine Realms and based largely off the Journey Into Mystery/Tales of Asgard stories. Think of it as a sort of Journey to the West format, where the whole season is Thor and cast on a grand quest and each episode/two part episodes are one challenge/encounter along the way. This would give us a chance to really do some worldbuilding and show off Thor's Asgardian supporting cast, including more obscure characters. It would probably be more of a fun, lighthearted adventure, I don't mind a bit of violence or dark themes but I'd keep it on the campier sword-and-sorcerer side rather than gritty or dark.
Less Safe Option: We start from Journey into Mystery #83, when Donald Blake first acquires the hammer. The first few episodes are standard faire for superheroes, with Thor's more minor Earth antagonists (like Gargoyle and Zaniac and the like) showing up as villains of the week. All that changes when Loki makes his first appearance. After that the arcs get longer and more complex, climaxing in a battle against Loki and his forces on Asgard. There'd be a more psychological bent to this, maybe even psychological horror, as Thor goes from Dr Blakes' superhero persona to another personality with his own thought patterns dominant personality. We'd really dig into Dr Blake realizing that he doesn't actually remember any of his past before medical school, including his family and origin, and how frightening and discombobulating that is.
Regardless of which idea, there'd be some common elements. Art style would be very colorful, Asgard's aesthetics will be a solid mix of sci-fi, fantasy and a heaping dose of surrealism. There's a direct-to-video animated movie about Thor called "Tales of Asgard" and I actually really adore how clever they were with the trippy geography of Asgard, I'd draw a lot of inspo from there.
Odin will be portrayed as the abusive jackass he is. I'm not going to soften him up whatsoever, especially in his treatment of Thor. I don't think I'll kill him off regardless, but both options will show Thor slowly working towards recognizing the toxic behavior. In Option 1 it will be revealed that Thor's quest was some gambit by Odin that would seriously endanger him and/or his friends. In Option 2 it'll be Thor not only learning that Odin brainwashed him into believing he was Donald Blake, but the reason why he did it (just like in the OG comics it will be extremely petty and more about Thor asserting independence against Odin that actually needing to learn humility or whatever, although he certainly does grow as a person either way).
If the show is renewed for a second season, it will be adapting Roy Thomas' Celestial Arc, expanding worldbuilding with the introduction of the Eternals, the Celestials and the Elder Gods. It will also be the climax of Thor's arc about his relationship with Odin. When it's revealed that A) Odin had him for the express purpose of making an Ubermenschen weapon for him to use, and, B) he had in the past had Thor killed for disobeying him, then resurrected and wiped his memories.
If the show gets a third season, that season will be a loose adaptation of Len Wein's various space epics mixed with the 90s storyline Blood and Thunder (and when I say loose, I mean loose). Basically, Thor cuts himself off from Asgard after finally learning the truth and travels through space having space adventures with various Marvel Cosmic characters. Meanwhile, there'll be B plots with Thor's supporting cast on Asgard and/or Earth working out their own issues in his absence. By the end of this season, Beta Ray Bill will be introduced, and just like in Walt Simonson's run, it will be revealed that the threat to his people he was scientifically modified to face is the rapid approach of Surter and his army. The season will end on a sort of cliffhanger as Thor realizes that Ragnarok is coming for Asgard, and will have to make a choice about going back to save them. After that will be a season with less episodes but longer episodes showing the epic battle and neatly wrapping up any character arcs that haven't been wrapped up yet.
I think the show will end with Thor's "death" at the hands of Jormungand, but how exactly this goes will depend on Option 1 or 2. Option 1 will result in Thor fighting Hela similar to how Walt Simonson's run ends (the plot point about Hela cursing Thor to be easily hurt but unable to die will also be there). Option 2 will result in a death of personality for Thor, he becomes Dr Blake permanently and lives out a happy existence on Earth (depending on whether that feels like a satisfying ending or not, I'll just go with Option 1 then). Either way there's an opportunity for The Adventure Continues but a nice finale and really no need to.
If they force me to make another season I'll adapt the Evil Future Thor story from Dan Jurgens' run, but with some major changes.
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a-slut-for-smut · 2 years
*years later* thanks so much for the tag @lovelybeautifulpretty!! cant recall if i warned u before but i tend to go buckwild with these, sorry and your welcome :D
Here are top 10 fav films and surprise surprise, im just a hot mess of eclectic tastes 🤷‍♀️ in no particular order:
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This 80s masterpiece is a smart political satire/social commentary disguised as a comic book/action revenge movie that interweaves hilarious dark humor, ultraviolence and science fiction in a simple yet seamless plot. It will honestly SHOCK you just how much it has to say on American evolutions in capitalism, media influence, desensitization to violence, gentrification, and our perception of heroes, each in service of a greater conversation about identity and culture.
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I consider this film the pinnacle of an angsty/doomed romance executed perfectly on-screen: the performances, the cinematography, the music, EVERYTHING!! Funny story, me & the girlfriends went to see this in theaters expecting a typical period romance; left completely snot-dripping, bawling our eyes out. I shit you not, i felt the utter devastation from this film for WEEKS
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If there was a film to define the term "whimsy" then this is it!! Its so creatively rich, with such a fun and sweet art style in the characters, the way its filmed, the music, the romance- it'll make your heart ache for days.
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Inglorious Basterds
I'm a big whore for Tarantino ever since Reservoir Dogs, but I consider film his ABSOLUTE masterpiece. The comedically distinct characters, the sharpness of dialogue, how he builds up the tension of scenes to the point of explosion with just a simple conversation- *CHEFS KISS*
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Children of Men
This dystopian sci fi drama was made in 2005 but with all the social commentary woven into the background of the story, it is eerily topical in today's tumultuous political & social climate (which is very telling about us as a society I suppose). The director Alfonso Cuaron is a master at "show don't tell" filmmaking and it SHOWS. Also the tracking long shots in this film are something to witnessed, beheld even. Masterpiece.
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Bridget Jones' Diary
My absolute FAV romantic comedy, i totally relate to this bumbling, epic disaster of a woman, even more so now that i'm 30+ like her. Fun fact, the plot is heavily inspired by Pride & Prejudice which is probably why i love it so much. Also Colin Firth 🥵 (which leads me to another fun fact- he was cast as Mark Darcy mainly due to the author's crush on him from his portrayal of Mr. Darcy in the 1996 BBC miniseries which put him on the map, and rightly so. I know the film adaption is super popular, but any P&P fan NEEDS to watch this version, so so good)
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This musical ruined all theater musicals for me forever- the film adaptation is THAT good!!! The spectacle, the numbers, the PERFORMANCES- Catherine Zeta Jones slayed as Velma Kelly (also my ovaries), i love it so much that i watched it 3 times back to back on a flight i honestly couldnt get enough lol
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Kung Fu Hustle
This film is Stephen Chow's magnum opus- an action comedy that blends kung-fu and all sorts of historical chinese references and homages of the directors favorite films, you can tell the passion and the fun that went into making this film and it really REALLY shows. I consider this a perfect execution of what a live-action anime could be, this film is an absolute blast and classic
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I've got a bit of a cosmic/existential horror kink (where a form of media makes you question the world/life as we know it or triggers an existential crisis) and this film gets it RIGHT. It's a philosophical sci-fi thriller but is so much more with its themes of pain and identity, exploration of humanity's disposition for self destruction but also its unsettling visuals and soundtrack. Funny story, the sound design is so alien/unsettling that it spooked my cat from her nap and got her staring at the screen with wide eyes and an arched back trying to figure out what the eff was going on (me as well).
Also love how its an all female cast but its never mentioned in-film; just a bunch of capable women going to take care of business (i didnt even notice until my 2nd watch)- im a fan of this approach as it in effect "normalizes" this scenario whereas calling it out as if its special just highlights how it's an exception...anyway, its a horrifically beautiful film.
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Denis Villeneuve can do no wrong in my eyes (nor cinematographer Roger Deakins), a beautifully shot thriller that serves as a social commentary on how laws are meant to be broken, lines are drawn and then erased when convenient, as long as it serves a so-called greater purpose, that keeping a moral code is a futile effort. Brilliant performed and written, nuanced characters, glorious cinematography and a killer soundtrack (RIP Johan Johansson), A+++++
alright sorry for the long rambling post, cant help myself! Tagging a bunch a folks that seem alive per my notifs, no pressure of course!!!
@writebecauseyoucannotbreathe @nuri148 @your-lavender-dreams @warbarbie @levi4mikasa @onigiri-dorkk @helena-thessaloniki @misplacedgamer @lovely-apparitions @ally147writes @stalactice @vero-icon @mylienated @hellhorsedotjpg @magicalanchordestiny
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Hello!! I would like an outsider ship please
I'm 5'5 with curly brown hair that I dye purple and Greenland it goes to just below my shoulders. My eye color is green and i wear glasses. My style tends to lean goth but on more casual days I look like a metalhead or a nerd. I listens to gothic rock, various metal genres, classical music, punk, ska and 60-80s rock. I love reading; I typically read horror, sci-fi and some classical books(currently read les miserables) but really down to read anything that sound interesting to me. I love horror movies, especially older horror movies, and I am a huge slasher movie fan. I also love star wars! I watch some anime and play DnD. I am a recovering theater kid(jk I'm not recover) and I love musicals. I have a RBF and I am fat. I'm fem presenting but my gender is a mystery and pronouns are whatever. I'm pansexual, so girl and/or boy ships are very welcome. I am learning how to play the guitar and skate board(I'm shit at both tho). I am a very needy/clingy person, not in a "i need affection constantly" way but more in a "im now stuck to your hip until you tell me to leave" and I love giving gifts to those I love. Sorry for this being pretty long.
Ps. Love your writing
(Why thank you pookie and bc of the compliment u got both a girl and a guy also you sound like so cool let’s be friends)
Your Outsiders Ship (s): Angela Shepard and Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would be extremely attracted to you from your purple and green hair that just stands out from everyone else in the crowd and alternative style. I’m not sure if you wanted me to mention this or not, but he would not give two shits that you’re fat. Pomyboy is a firm believer in #bigthighssavelives (like me) and if anyone has anything to say about you, he would for sure punch them in the face, even though he’s not a generally violent guy. I just think he really loves the way you look and you really stand out in a crowd and got his attention immediately. He saw you walk by him. His mouth was open for a full minute. It dropped so low They had to dig a hole in the concrete to make room for it. I think he also just really loves your alternative style in general. As for music, he would love listening to any type of music you introduced him to. I think he’s pretty into alternative kind of sad or stuff and would love it if you introduced him and you guys would have the best dates of just listening to music and sitting down with a good book and then afterwards at some point discussing it with each other and coming up with theories and just talking about the characters, the books surrounds and things like that. as for your nerdy hobbies, I think he would love it. I think he would absolutely be into dungeons and dragons would create the most complex, insane characters that aren’t even really that good at fighting but you know they just build the story a lot I feel like that’s the type of character he would create in DND. For movies, I think he would be a bit scared by horror movies so be prepared to have him end up in your lap, clinging onto you or something because I don’t know. I just feel like he would be terrified of them lmaoo He doesn’t mind you’re needing us and clinginess, and I honestly think it kind of goes perfectly with him because he loves that you still respect his boundaries but give him the love and affection that he feels like he lacks sometimes anyway I totally ship 💚💚
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Explanation: OK I really ship you guys like so hard but starting off with appearances, I think that she would absolutely adore you. I think she would be a bit taller than you and find that absolutely adorable. I think that she really loves your hair and even wants to dye hers to sort of match yours a little bit she really loves your style and asks for fashion advice, like 24 seven so you better be prepared for that. She also thinks your glasses are incredibly cute and is constantly commenting on them and just loves the way that they make your eyes look. As for you being fat, she doesn’t really care at all if anything it just makes you guys have more subjects to bond over because she’s also used to being judged for the way that she looks maybe not in the same way as you, but she’s been treated pretty crappy by a lot of guys her entire life because of her both her family and, the fact that she stereotyped as a slut. People think that because she’s part of some big scary, greaser family that she can handle any kind of emotional damage and she’ll easily sleep with you which really isn’t true and she’s way more of a person than that and she really wishes people would see beyond that. She thinks it’s bad ass that you play guitar and I think she would ask if you would give her skating lessons and she absolutely sucks at it but you know it’s the thought that matters and I think that would become a little date for you. You guys that you frequently have like you’d have a scheduled day where you guys go to skate park and just have an absolute blast. I would love to introduce her because she has a generally limited range and generally is popular so whenever you introduced her many different genres, she’s mind blown and finally starts to get a little bit of diversity. as I think she’s used to being clingy and ignoring her like I said I just think guys have treated her really shitty in relationship so you would be just such a breath of fresh air and I think that she would absolutely love you and really appreciate, again, like Ponyboy that she feels wanted, but you’ll still respect her boundaries if she ever doesn’t feel like it.I SHIP THIS SO HARD BRO 💚
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crash-channel · 1 year
Can radiation turn you into a gay monster?
The hideous sun demon is a 1958 sci-fi horror movie but what can I say about this? Well I mean it's one of those cheesy movies you've probably seen on MST3K or Svengoolie. So what does IMDB have say for the synopsis? Well let's take a look!
"A scientist, Gilbert McKenna has an accident where he is exposed to high levels of radiation. Surprisingly this does not kill him but instead leaves him unable to be exposed to sunlight. Whenever exposed to sunlight, McKenna devolves into a lizard man with homicidal tendencies. After having a brief fling with a nightclub singer, and killing her boyfriend, McKenna is on the lam from the police which culminates in a one on one battle on top of a tower. Great monster costume and Shatner type acting from Clarke are the most memorable parts of this great 1950s creature feature."—Campbellnator
I find this synopsis interesting because for anyone who has watched the movie; it's not an accurate description. If I were to write it I think I'd say "A scientist, Gilbert McKenna has an accident where he is exposed to high levels of radiation. Surprisingly this doesn't kill him but whenever he's exposed to sunlight it causes him devolve into lizard humanoid creature. Terrifying those around him he had to remain in hiding and only come out at night. After encounters with a nightclub singer who's tied in with a monster, his exposure to the sun causes his to defend himself and kill the mobster and go on the run from the police."
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Now I would like to compare this movie to wolf man. Wolf man was written by German Jewish screenwriter Curtis Siodmak of polish descent that fled during the Nazi occupation of WW2. So it's very much got ties Jewish persecution, going into hiding, being hunted etc. This movie has parallels with wolf man rather in the full moon it's in the sun. He's in hiding and on the run and seen as a monster which leads me to the crux of my thesis.
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I think it's an allegory for being gay, so please hear me out. As you watch the movie you'll notice he goes to shady night clubs. Back in the 50s-60s gay men didn't have open options, you had to be secret and quiet. A lot of shady night clubs owned by monsters were the place to go for the queer community. His romantic interest is treated like a fling and even afterwards she acts as though he's a friend, his other lady friends are just friends he's not your typical ladies man for a 50s movie especially a B movie. Like usually for these movies it's a build up and they fall in love and it's special. Here is a strange happy accident but things go bad because of her pimp but she's like it's not like that between them? Then there is one part where he's hiding in a closet because he's ashamed of himself. There's a part where he's thinking of suicide by jumping off a cliff. For an age of the 50s when sexual freedom was still highly repressed and homosexuality was widely unexpected. This seems like it fits the stage of someone who feels like they were seen as a monster in society. I enjoyed this and found it great hopefully I can go further into depth later on.
I rate it at a sun demon out of a gay allegory, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed.
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bluemerakis · 5 months
┌── ˚*❀*̥˚ ─── ˚*̥❀*˚ ──┐
༘⋆I N T R O
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A B O U T M E ⋆˚。⋆
Hey lovelies! ꕥ
Thanks for making a pitstop at my blog. My name is bluemerakis, but you can call me blue! I’m 19 years old and I’m an absolute fantasy/sci-fi/dystopia/horror fanatic. I typically love my women and men mature with a hint of grey hair, and I’m sure you’ll come to see that the more time you spend on my blog—but I do slip in the occasional age-appropriate crush (for legal reasons jk).
I’ve been writing for a few years now and up until recently, I’ve been hoarding all my pieces within the privacy of my notes—but now I’d like to share it with all of you. I look forward to having a space where I may share my delusions with likeminded individuals such as yourself.
Just to be transparent, I’m not the most active as I’m studying a very demanding degree and I’ve got limited time to write—but I assure you, when I do manage a pop-in, the waits are (usually) worth it.
I indulge in quite a few fictional universes, so I’m sure that there is something for the majority of viewers on here, and my interests will only continue to grow as I discover new books/movies/shows or if I somewhere along the line recall a particular interest I had growing up. I’m also open to requests, since being busy doesn’t often leave me time to brainstorm ideas. Sometimes I’m just itching to write something to take a break from the real world—so don’t hesitate to leave requests!!
All you’ve got to do in order to dive into your favourite world (and your fictional crush) is click below the cut! Enjoy with a side of holy water for the aftermath <3
C O N T E N T ⋆˚。⋆
Here you’ll find the link to my masterlist, which will contain the different fandoms I partake in and the links of all the pieces I’ve written thus far for each character. It’ll be periodically updated each time I post something new!
I want to point out that most of my posts will contain mature content that is NOT suitable for any persons below the age of 18. If you are a minor, I strongly advise you to stay clear of this page.
At the end of the day, I have little control over who interacts with my page and my posts, and to block anyone who isn’t of the appropriate age would take time that I don’t have, so it is wholly your OWN responsibility for what you read on this blog. I include warnings in every piece that I write and I clearly state which of my works are only for 18+, so proceed at your own discretion and risk!
Some of my works will not play into everyone’s taste, so if you do not enjoy it, kindly move along. I won’t tolerate any shit-talkers or hate comments on any of my posts. You will be blocked.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rambles, and I truly hope you enjoy your stay here. Please, revisit as much as you’d like, and absolutely annoy me with anything and everything. <3
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breatheallaccess · 2 years
I Need My T.V. | Eddie Munson X GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Swearing and sexual references 
Eddie comes into Family Video looking for some horror films and you give him some suggestions!
AN: Might make a part 2 if anyone wants one :). Also tried to keep this as inclusive as possible, if I need to change any of the wording to make it more inclusive just let me know and I will!
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It was a Tuesday night in October and Family Video was a desolate wasteland. You had put on a movie to pass the time, deciding on Altered States. It was weird, trippy, and exactly what you needed to occupy your mind due to the lack of customers. Tuesday shifts were always super dead, not many people besides burnt out college students or the occasional family were coming in to rent or return tapes. Robin was working with you, but as soon as the clock hit 7pm she retreated to the back for her break. You were honestly a bit grateful for the fact that Robin was taking her break at the moment because she usually hated the movies you would put on, they were always weird and it would take hours of conversation for Robin to even begin to understand them. As soon as you grabbed Altered States and Robin read the summary she had decided it would just be best for her to let you enjoy the movie while she enjoyed her break. 
At 7:15 the bell on the door rings, signaling that someone has entered the store and your head shoots up. You sigh as you see Eddie Munson walking through the door, sporting a Dio shirt instead of his usual Hellfire club shirt. You remember him from high school, having had a huge crush on him, sadly never acting on it as you were way too much of a coward. “Welcome in, Munson,” you greet from behind the counter, resting your elbows against the counter as you lean over it. You want a better look at him, it’s been awhile since you’ve seen him. Last time he was in the store he was begging Steve to not charge him for being a day late on returning The Thing. He nods back as a greeting and heads straight for the horror section. 
“You looking for anything specific?” You ask, stepping out from behind the counter and heading over towards the long haired boy. He looks good, even better than when the two of you were in high school together. You knew he was still stuck at the shithole that is Hawkins High, having to hear Steve complain about how he was Dustin’s new best friend. 
Eddie looks up from the shelves, “Not really, I just want to watch something I’ve never seen before. You can only watch The Evil Dead and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre so many times, y’know?” He chuckles.
“Let me guess, you’ve really only seen your typical slashers like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th? You ventured out into sci-fi horror like The Thing or Alien? Maybe watched the more well known supernatural horror like Poltergeist or The Exorcist? But you haven’t checked out the direct to video films or things that are only played at drive-ins or non-chain theaters, am I correct?” You ask, crossing their arms, and smiling smugly. What can you say, you’re a bit of a horror elitist. You needed some sort of escape in this shitty town so you threw yourself headfirst into horror films, you loved to show off your knowledge whenever you got a chance.
Eddie chuckles and crosses his arms, his cheeks heating up slightly with embarrassment, “Yeah, Y/N, you’ve got me pegged…but I am willing to branch out, watch something a little less known. I’m sure you have some suggestions? I mean I can only guess based on that monologue you just gave me and the fact you were constantly reading Fangoria back in school.”
“I sure do, Munson. Now, tell me, what’s your favorite sub-genre? You’ve got your slashers, possession films, sci-fi, ghost films, body horror, psychological horror, splatter films, what’s your poison?” 
He tilts his head, scrunching up his nose as he racks his brain, trying to decide on a favorite. “I don’t think I have a favorite, I guess I’ve never really thought too much into it…I’ll watch whatever you suggest though!” You smile to yourself, you’ve never heard Eddie sound so nervous, so…flustered. “Okay, let me see what we’ve got that’ll rock your world.” You step in front of the display of VHS’, Eddie becoming aware of how close you two are to one another. You hum to yourself as your eyes scan the shelves. You grab a few tapes off the shelves and hold one up for Eddie to see. 
“This is The Slumber Party Massacre, released in ‘82 and super underrated. I know it looks like your average popcorn horror flick, some trashy shit you’d throw on at a party but it’s so much more than that. It was written by this super cool feminsit author and it’s a feminist satire on the slasher genre. You see the killer on the cover and how his weapon is a drill?” You ask. Eddie nods in response, entranced as you continue. 
“A majority of the time he’s on screen he holds the weapon between his legs, it’s supposed to be a phallic symbol and symbolizes his hatred for women and at the end…actually wait shit sorry, I should stop rambling. I almost spoiled it and I’m sure you have better things to do than listen to me ramble about horror movies.” 
Eddie smiles, “No, no, keep going. Just don’t spoil it. It’s nice hearing you talk about the movie, it’s getting me interested.” You bite your lip nervously, scratching the back of your neck, “Are you sure? I’ve rambled before, scared customers off…” You trail off. 
Eddie gives them a reassuring smile, “I’m sure, sweetheart. Go on, tell me about the other ones you’ve got there. I wanna know what movies the great Y/N suggests.” He sounds genuinely interested, not mocking like other people have been when you’ve rambled about films. 
You hold up another tape, “Okay so this is Videodrome, directed by David Cronenberg. He’s one of my favorite directors, he does super cool and weird body horror shit. He did Scanners, I’m sure you’ve seen it, right?” 
Eddie shakes his head, “I haven’t actually, I’ll probably check it out if you suggest it though.” 
You look down at your feet and smile, it feels nice to have someone interested in your recommendations. “So this movie is about this guy who works as a programmer at a TV station and he goes looking for the producers of this really weird violent, erotic broadcast that his friend, well friend with benefits, ran off to be a part of. She’s played by Debbie Harry from Blondie, by the way.” 
Eddie smiles, “That one sounds cool…is it like…sexy? I mean because you said it was Erotic.” 
You scratch the back of your neck, averting the metalhead’s gaze. “I-I mean, if sadomasochism and violence is what gets you going then yeah, it’s super sexy,” You chuckle. 
Eddie smirks and takes a step towards you, “Well, I think I’ll check that one out for sure…maybe you could watch it with me, could be fun,” he suggests. 
You get bold, taking a step towards him, “I’d like that, Eddie.” There’s not much space between the two of you now. 
“Tell me about the last one you’ve got there,” Eddie says, nudging the VHS with his elbow. You clear their throat, “This is Eraserhead, it came out in ‘77. Directed by David Lynch, took him 5 years to make. It’s black and white, super weird, and I love it. It’s about a couple who have to get married because the wife gets pregnant out of wedlock. I know it doesn’t sound like much but it explores the horrors of what it’s like to be a parent to a child you don’t want. It’s really interesting.” 
Eddie looks down at the tape, “I think I’ll take Videodrome…when do you get off tonight?” He asks.
“9pm, why?” You respond. 
“I was serious about wanting to watch it with you. You seem cool, I mean I’ve never met anyone who knows this much about movies, especially the more underground stuff. I mean, what if I don’t understand it? I’d need you there to guide me through the movie…” Eddie says, grinning at you, playing with the heavy rings that adorn his fingers as he speaks.
“I’d like that, give me your address, I’ll meet you once I get off, okay?” 
“Okay,” Eddie smiles.
You lead him back up to the counter and ring him up, “That’ll be $4.” Eddie hands over the money with a smile. When you hand him his receipt he writes his address on the back. 
“I’ll see you later tonight, Y/N. It’ll be fun to check this out with you,” he says. He walks out of the store and you can’t help but stare as he does, wanting to get one last look so that you can think about him for the rest of your shift. 
“Was that Eddie Munson?” Robin asks, startling you and causing you to jump back. Robin laughs as you compose yourself. 
“Yeah, it was. Has anyone ever told you it’s rude to sneak up on people?” You answer, glaring at her. “Mhm. Why’d he say he’d see you later? What did I miss?” She asks, hopping up on the counter. You lean back against the counter to face Robin, “I’m going over to his place after we close, we’re gonna watch Videodrome together.” 
Robin's face lights up and she cheers, “You’ve got a date!” 
“I wouldn’t call it that…”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh come on! You had a thing for him in high school right?” She asks. You suddenly regret ever telling her this but you nod in response.
“Well maybe your little movie night will bring back some old feelings!”
“Maybe…we’ll see, Robin,” you mutter.
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paxesoterica · 1 year
Review of Anime I Watched This Year
(Vague as Possible Spoilers for Sailor Moon, Revue Starlight, and Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury)
Didn’t watch a whole lot this year, for a lot of reasons, but the ones I did were pretty cool.
3. Sailor Moon (1992; watch ongoing)
I’m not sure if I can say anything particularly insightful about Sailor Moon, given that it’s one of the most influential anime of all time, and that it’s been around for, oh, *30 years*, and that I haven’t actually finished Season 1 yet, but here goes: 
I did not grow up watching Sailor Moon as a child, though I’ve been aware of it for some time (for obvious reasons); my first direct exposure was watching a showing of the first 4 episodes at a convention, and attending a limited release theater showing of the R Movie (one of the only times I’ve gone to a movie theater by myself, and I even received a small bit of paper memorabilia about it; also, great movie, highly recommended), and I liked what I say, but I also knew it was a very long show, and my brain is pretty crummy at time management, so it didn’t *feel* like I’d have enough time to watch (even though that’s not true).
Fortunately, this year my niece asked me to watch it with her, and that was just the motivation I needed (sadly, our watch has stalled somewhere in the 30s due to conflicting schedules, but I’m hoping to resume soon with her).
The show’s first opening is striking and reminds me of animation from the 70s & 80s, in a good way (not something I expected at all the first time I saw it), and the pastel color palette for the show in general is gorgeous, and I’m not surprised at all to see how it’s influenced a whole bunch of artists since.
Pacing for the first season is a little uneven at the start, and takes a bit of time to get to the actual plot (I can only imagine how many folks would complain about that if this show were released today), but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing; I mentioned in a Revue Starlight review I wrote earlier this year that I thought one of the biggest obstacles to modern anime achieving the same sort of cultural standing that some earlier anime have is not having enough episodes to properly showcase their cast, and even filler episodes that aren’t necessarily great are still screentime that lets you flesh out your characters and let them marinate a bit in the audience’s brains, which I suspect is a major factor (along with the easy to remember planetary naming) in why it’s pretty easy for most folks to remember, and even ennumerate the differences between, the main Sailor Scouts, even though there’s like, 10 of them.
I like the show’s use of actual magic transformations and powers coupled with funky bits of sci-fi stuff (the tech that Luna and Ami use being one of the first things to come to mind). It’s also got some horror-lite elements here and there (typically the monsters) that were a bit surprising, but make for an interesting contrast with the show’s colorful palette. It’s also nice that Usagi’s parents aren’t dead and/or evil (though they could stand to be a little more encouraging to her, yeah, I know she’s a bit of a brat at first, but that’s just teenagers in general, so). Also also, @joseinextdoor was absolutely right about Rhett Butler being an amazing one-shot character (especially since I just found out that his name is apparently a reference to a character from Gone With the Wind, go figure).
So, yeah, Sailor Moon, still holds up even if you’re an adult watching it in the 2020s rather than a kid in the 1990s, if you have the time, go check out it if you haven’t already (or at the very least, watch the R movie).
2. Revue Starlight & Revue Starlight The Movie (2018 & 2021; watch completed)
I’ve done a few reviews of this show previously, and even posted this photograph I took as fan art (and I’m flattered that a few folks seemed to really like it), but that was before I saw the movie.
For those that don’t know much about Revue Starlight, it’s a series of stage musicals (that I haven’t seen) that got adapted into an anime (which is what I’ll be talking about) and also apparently a mobile gacha game (which I haven’t played).
The anime itself uses a lot of metaphor and symbolism in a style reminiscient of Kunihiko Ikuhara’s work from Revolutionary Girl Utena and on (which makes sense since the director, Tomohiro Furukawa, assisted Ikuhara with directing Penguindrum and Yurikuma Arashi), with some differences being that it’s more dynamic in staging compared to what Ikuhara usually does, and that it’s more explicitly theatrical, since its cast (except for Kirin) consists entirely of actresses and the show offers a deconstruction of both theatrical tragedies and the Takarazuka system of competition.
I mentioned in earlier reviews that I felt one of the show’s few weaknesses was that it didn’t have quite enough ‘bite’ (if that makes sense), and the film pretty much tosses that critique out the window; if Revue Starlight is a deconstruction of tragedy and Takarazuka, then arguably Revue Starlight the Movie is a deconstruction of Revue Starlight, and takes an already good show, and retroactively makes it better. If you enjoyed the Adolescence of Utena movie, then you will also enjoy Revue Starlight the Movie, but like Utena, you really show watch the anime before watching the movie.
1. Mobile Suite Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (2022; watch ongoing)
Oh hey, the show that gave me brainrot and has been *so* good that I actually started regularly watching anime again because of it. Yeah, I like it a normal amount *cough*.
If you’d told me earlier this year that, in October, I would hyperfixate on a Gundam show (which I’d previously only been aware of as ‘that franchise about giant robots in space that’s really popular in Japan’), I probably would have given you a rather skeptical look; but then I read that the first episode was a major homage to Revolutionary Girl Utena, and well, my fate was sealed.
If you’re wondering if you’d enjoy this show, let me ask you a few questions:
1) Are you a fan of Mobile Suit Gundam, Revolutionary Girl Utena, William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Lycoris Recoil, RWBY, The Owl House and/or Bocchi the Rock!?
2) Do you like the idea of a genre mash-up where, someone who feels like she *should* be the protagonist of shoujo high school magical girl slice-of-life anime, is instead the lead in a military/corporate sci-fi character drama (with some high school slice-of-life elements, but more as aesthetic than actual substance)?
3) Do you like canon (yes canon) LGBT protagonists?
4) Do you like stories set in futuristic hypercapitalist dystopias, and all the corporate intrigue, backstabbing, and workers’ rights/resistance that entails?
5) Do you like stories about characters trying to break free from the toxic influence and manipulations of their parents, and follow a new, better path?
6) Do you like a well-written slow burn romance that is great at pacing and actually feels like it’s going somewhere?
7) Do you like the idea of a more grounded version of Revolutionary Girl Utena (despite being set in an asteroid school in space where you can major in piloting giant robots), which goes beyond merely referencing and engages parts of its text, characters, and themes in a new setting and genre while adding a few ‘what-if’ takes (like what-if Utena struggled with social anxiety instead of toxic ideals about princehood)?
8) Do you like storytelling that is *really* good at showing before telling, and has enough density and layers to be worth rewatching and analyzing?
9) Do you like giant robots in space?
If you answered yes to any of these, then please take a gander at The Witch from Mercury, you just might find something you like.
Honorable Mentions
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979; previewed 1st episode)
Yes, I’m *that* much into Witch from Mercury that I decided to check out the OG material (it also doesn’t hurt that it was recommended by a fellow Revolutionary Girl Utena fan who also happens to be into Gundam).
Dramatic opening that still holds up today, and a really stark portrayal of how brutal and ugly war can be, plus Amuro is already proving interesting to compare and contrast with Suletta, so I’ll be continuing with it in 2023.
Bocchi the Rock! (2022; previewed 1st episode)
Kept hearing that Hitori and Suletta are soul sisters in growing up friendless and having anxiety (and having godlike skill in their chosen specialization), absolutely true (they would probably be good friends, assuming they didn’t have an misunderstanding and believe the other secretly hated her).
Also Bocchi is supposed to get very experimental with its animation techniques, and already shows signs of that in its first episode, so I’ll be looking forward to that as well.
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