#like yeah they have the special interests and social awkwardness but also
stglennfucker · 2 years
And if I say Napoleon Dynamite is the best movie ever made about autistic people?
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pinkkittysaw · 6 months
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pairing: mike schmidt x plus sized! female reader
summary: you spend the night at your boyfriend’s place
word count: 5,735
content: NSFW (minors + ageless blogs DNI, you will be blocked!) post canon (but still in the year 2000), established relationship, dry humping, oral (f! receiving), fingering (f! receiving), minor pussyjob, breast/nipple play, protected sex (use of condom), intimacy kink, both reader and mike have pubes
a/n: does anyone else miss blockbuster? because i do 😔 long live physical media! also i did my due diligence and calculated prices of things to my best of my ability for the year 2000 so even if my price match isn’t EXACT, it’s close. this ended up…unexpectedly softer than i thought it would. never did i think i would be stringing sentences together like this to describe mike from FNAF but alas, here we are ^_^
dividers by @/kimjiho1 & @/saradika
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"See ya, rugrat," you say to the eager girl as she hugs both you and her brother at the entrance of their front door. She huffs, only slightly, when you ruffle her brunette curls, sporting a faint pout once she pulls away from your hold. You chuckle, kneeling to her height, before attempting to fix the mess you created, smoothing out the hairs that lay atop her head the best you could.
"Call us if you need anything, okay?" Mike repeats for the nth time that night since Abby started getting ready.
"Yeah, yeah." Abby dismisses her brother completely, heading toward the car parked in the driveway after she decides that her hair looks satisfactory enough.
It was a Friday night, both you and Abby had sleepover plans, her at a friend's house and you over at Mike's. Abby was so devastated when she found out that your sleepovers fell on the same day as each other—intentional planning on both your and Mike's part—that she almost bailed on her school friends. It was only when you promised to have a special girl's night with her the next time you stayed over that she eventually yielded, going through with her original plans for the weekend.
She was initially invited by one of her school friends. After Mike had sat through one of the world's most awkward conversations with Abby's friend's mom—one he made sure to recount once they arrived home—he decided that it was probably in her best interest to let her go out and socialize like this while she was still young enough to do so, despite whatever unspoken worries he had about her going off and spending the night on her own for the first time.
"Love you!" Abby yells from the rear car door before opening it and getting inside. The seats are filled with excitable little girls and one slightly apprehensive mom who smiles at you through the windshield. Though the sound is slightly muffled, Mike repeats the same words back to his sister.
He may not be the most outwardly affectionate person, but after taking even the tiniest glimpse into their lives, it's obvious that he cares. Whether that's shown through him triple-checking her pack before she leaves for the evening, giving her friend's mom a list of her safe foods so that she doesn't go hungry, or reminding her numerous times that she can always call home if she needs to because no matter how independent she's become, it's okay to still need your older brother. Although you're sure Mike would say that he's anything but a good older brother.
Abby waves to you both as the car pulls out of the lot before she turns back to her friends again. You and Mike stand waving in the entryway as it turns off onto the street, leaving an empty spot in its wake.
"She's come a long way," you comment, turning your head towards him as he continues to stare out onto the pavement.
You're unable to help the way your eyes roll at his statement, though it's lighthearted in nature. "It's thanks to you, you know." You nudge him in the side with your elbow.
"I think you had a hand in it too," he chuckles, smirking as his eyes meet yours.
"Just accept the compliment, Mike." You pat his shoulder, then turn on your heels to head back indoors, with him following suit.
"So...what should we do now?"
"I got a spare ten; wanna rent a movie?" You reach down for your wallet that's tucked in your overnight bag sprawled on his couch, pulling out the ten-dollar bill and puffing it between your fingers. "Let me treat you, baby," you coo, twirling around with the money in hand.
He scoffs a little at the display but still reaches for his keys and jacket off the rack. "Let's go."
The drive to the video rental store is a short one, as most of your time is spent lip-syncing songs to Mike that play through the static of his shitty radio.
Once you arrive, you divide and concur. Since Mike got to choose the movie last time, it was your turn, leaving him in charge of the snacks. You take your time leisurely perusing through the aisles, trying to find something that looks interesting enough before making your way to the "New Releases" section. It takes a while before anything catches your eye, but as you keep wandering, a title eventually jumps out at you.
You pick up the VHS and make your way over to check it out. Mike's waiting for you at the end of the aisle, his arms filled with popcorn, soft drinks, and candy. The two of you walk side by side over to the counter, where he drops all his snacks, and you slide over the movie. He lifts the corner of the box to look at the title before the case makes its way toward the cashier.
"American Psycho?" He asks, raising a brow.
"Yeah." You hand over the cash and your ID. "A coworker of mine said it was good, plus the trailer looked...interesting." You smile. "Why? Are you scared of a little horror film?"
"In your dreams."
"Guess we'll see about that, won't we?"
After thanking the cashier and collecting your bagged items, the two of you head back to his car.
It's not long after that the two of you arrive back at Mike's place, having changed out of your day clothes into pajamas.
After feeding the tape into the VCR, you plop back onto the sofa, sinking into the cushions, popcorn in hand, and snuggling into Mike's side.
Around six minutes into the movie, you comment in between bites of popcorn. "I know this movie is rated R, but I honestly wasn't expecting to see Christain Bale's ass."
Mike doesn't say anything in return, just side-eyeing you with a simple "Uh huh."
By the time the credits roll, both of your tummies are full of salty popped kernels and sweets, the evidence of which lies on his coffee table in the form of empty bags and wrappers.
Your bodies have shifted positions since the movie started. He's lying on his back, his body spread along the length of his couch, with you on your tummy nestled on top of him. Your cheek is squished against the space between his neck and shoulder, breathing him in while his chin rests on top of your head, his fingertips drawing slow circles on the small of your back.
The sensation makes you drowsy, both due to his warmth and the methodical motions of his fingers lulling you into an almost slumber.
"So, were you scared?" You tease, breaking through the serene atmosphere.
"Hm?" He mumbles, slow blinking himself to a higher state of alertness. It seems as if he too has been lulled into falling asleep on the couch alongside you.
"Were you scared?" you reiterate.
"Definitely not."
"Yeah... it felt more like a thriller than a 'horror' movie, I guess."
Mike hums in agreement, the two of you lying in silence before he speaks up again. "We should probably get off the couch now, hm?"
You groan a little, not wanting to move from your comfy position on top of him.
"Says who?" You fold your forearms across his sternum, settling your chin on top of your hands.
"Me." He quips, "It's getting late."
You huff, maneuvering your body so you can stretch and look at the clock on his wall. "It's only ten p.m." His eyes aren't open, but they don't need to be for him to tell that you have a pout on your face.
In your best attempt to dissuade him, you settle yourself back in the crux of his neck. "The night is still young."
"Says the one who was snoring up a storm on top of me a few minutes ago," he titters, poking your sides lightly so you'll fold in on yourself. "Using me as her personal pillow."
You don't engage anymore, choosing to stay right where you are in silence. If you don't talk, then no conversation needs to be had, and you can stay where you are. 
"Fine," he grumbles, effectively giving up. "We can stay like this a little longer." His fingers change positions now, moving from their persistent prodding to dragging the tips up and down your spine underneath your shirt.
"You're warm."
"You're warm...and snuggly... and safe." You plant a kiss on the exposed skin from the opening in his shirt.
"Safe? Never heard that one before." He smirks to himself amusedly.
"Don't start all that now," you tell him, looking up from your spot nestled in his neck.
"It's true," he retorts, "not sure any of my former employers would agree with you."
"First off, your previous employer was an actual madman. Secondly, I'm not one of your employers; I'm your girlfriend, and thirdly, you should know by now that I don't give a fuck about corporate."
Mike looks off to the side, not meeting your eyes. "You're not exactly a good influence on me, you know," he jokes.
"I never claimed to be." You move to lift yourself more and stroke his stubbled cheek with your finger. You sigh, "Look, I get that you haven't always been the most pacifistic person in the past, but...I mean it when I say I feel safe with you. And I know Abby is safe with you too, alright?"
He doesn't have the words to articulate the feeling that those words dredge up inside him, so he simply nods.
"Good." You lay back down on his front, staring up at him. "Wanna know one of my favorite things about you?"
You stage the question like it was a guessing game, but since he's unable to guess any good qualities about himself, all he responds with is "What?"
"Your eyes. So pretty."
The corner of his lip turns up in a smirk. This isn't the first time you complimented his eyes, and it surely wouldn't be the last. The warm, rich browns that make up his irises are sweet in color, despite him thinking they were as plain and boring as can be.
"You want to know what your eyes are telling me?"
"What?" You smile sweetly at him.
"That you're looking up at me like you want something."
"Maybe I do want something." You shuffle further up his body, settling yourself onto his lap, plush thighs surrounding his hips as you hold onto his forearms for stability.
"And what's what?"
You lean over him, slowly descending upon him, your face hovering just above his. "A kiss?" You wiggle your eyebrows up and down as if to entice him more.
"Go ahead."
"Could always change my mind."
"Meanie," you pout, but you meet him the rest of the way anyway, his lips melding with yours.
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Trying to describe your relationship and the intimacy that came along with it was difficult. Trying to describe Mike was difficult. The closest thing that comes to mind is a skittish cat. He wasn't standoffish in the sense that he couldn't talk to anyone, but trying to get anywhere other than skimming the surface with him was a challenge, like a game of tug of war, a delicate balance of push and pull. If you charged forward too quickly, he'd retreat into a corner, baring teeth and claws.
It wasn't his fault, not necessarily. The death of his younger brother being the major catalyst as to why he kept himself so closed off. A death that he blamed on himself for the longest time.
He stayed approachable enough to get along with others on the barest of levels to not cause any problems. for the most part, and any attempts at digging in any deeper than he was willing to allow were met with resistance. If he never gets close, then he never has to lose, even if it means leading an even lonelier life down the road.
The only long-standing relationship he had left was with Abby. His final tether to humanity was the little sister whose life he was holding together with glue sticks and string.
To be honest, it was amazing that you got as close to him as you did. After his short stint at the run-down pizzeria, he asked you out, deciding that he was done trying to flee and cling to the past. It was time to start living in the present, taking care of those who needed him now while he still could.
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The kiss is slow, meticulous, and intimate. A word that never used to be in Mike's vocabulary. It's warm. He's warm (and slightly squishy). The heat builds to a simmer inside your tummy.
His hands slide from your thighs to the fat of your hips, squeezing the flesh between his fingers as he pulls you closer against his pelvis, causing a slight whimper to fall from your lips. All you want to do is melt in it, sink into the heat, and slowly let it consume you.
One of your arms wraps around the back of his neck while the other hand cradles his stubbled cheek. It was strange how a man could make you feel as if your whole heart was being consumed all at once. Sickly sweet words come to a boil on your tongue, but you swallow and exchange them for something more simple and primitive. Moans fill the air of his living room, with the more primal part of you taking over.
Your hips begin to rock gently against his, your tongue prodding at his teeth. The groan that comes out of you is a plea for entrance, one which he happily grants, parting his lips and allowing you to swallow him whole.
"That's it."
The kiss becomes a clash of teeth and tongues, nipping at each other's lips while wet muscles glide against one another.
You're not exactly sure why, but kissing Mike like this, in a way that's so raw and unrefined, makes you unbearably needy, not just in the pit of your stomach but in your heart too. You've grown to like this little life you've built here, tending to the seeds of your relationship with care. It hasn't been perfect per se, but it's been yours. You love it. You love his sister. You love him and you can't decipher whether that scares you or not. Excitement and anxiety both make your heart beat to the same erratic rhythm.
He's gentle with how he holds you. Square palms and thick fingers knead the flesh of your sides before sliding down to your rear to give that a firm squeeze as well, his hands guiding your body, rocking it back and forth on his half-hard cock.
A juxtaposition: knuckles once bloody and bruised, calloused fingers with skin split around the nails holding you, caressing your body as if it were velvet. If he were a bit more needy, drunk on love, he'd swear to the heavens that you were softer.
His hands move from your ass to breast, his fingertips delicately sliding up the curves. It's not the first time he's "discovered your body," nor is it the last, but all the times you have sex, which is not often enough, it always feels as loving as the first.
Thumbs brush against the ribs that hide beneath your shirt, soft in a way that makes your heart flutter before they reach their destination, swiping against the soft, stippling peaks of your nipples, your bra having long since been removed earlier that night when you returned to his place. Palms grasp at the fat of your bosom, kneading the flesh.
The roll of your hips increases while your lips separate from his, laying forehead to forehead as you pant lightly against him, breath cascading down his features. The grip of his fingers on your side tightens as he tries to stall your movements. "Stop...stop..." he puffs into your mouth, slight perspiration building on his brow from the heat.
You pout as your hips come to a full stop, peering down at him beneath you.
"I don't want to blow all over the couch," he explains.
"What a lovely mental image you've just given me," you snort, swinging your leg over him as you try to get up, only to be stopped by his hands once more.
"I never said I had a problem with getting my bedsheets dirty, though."
His lips clash with yours as he walks you backward down the hall toward his bedroom. You stumble through the door and crash onto his bed while he flips on his bedside lamp before collapsing on top of you. Another whine escapes you as you feel his hard-on through his PJ bottoms.
"Mike," you exhale, holding onto his shoulders for support.
"I know, I know."
He repositions himself and you, by extension, so that he's lying on top of you properly. Lips move from yours to the corner of your mandible, planting quick kisses all over your skin as if trying to consume you. His facial hair tickles as it brushes against the skin of your neck, causing you to shrink up slightly while releasing a fit of small giggles.
You cling to every part of him just as he does to you, pushing up your shirt to lay claim to every inch of you. Though it's not fully removed, the material is left to rest above the swell of your breasts as he kisses his way down your sternum. He's deliberate as he moves down your body, attempting to cover as much of you in his sweetness as he can.
He takes extra care when he reaches your tummy, fingertips limber and gentle as he caresses the skin. Your eyes stay locked with his as his lips meet the curve of your stomach. Tender kisses are placed across it, showing appreciation for all of the parts of your body, not just the ones you've deemed worthy of his attention.
Sex wasn't always this "easy" between the two of you; even after dancing around each other and finally getting into a relationship, that didn't make all the vulnerability of the act any easier.
He wasn't bad at it by any means; he was just a little misguided. Although sometimes you regret having taught him as well as you have, especially now that he knows how to push all your buttons. 
His palms slide up your legs, from calves to thighs, fingers nestled into the waistband of your underwear and pajama bottoms, tugging them off in one fell swoop. A singular kiss is placed at the height of each thigh before he spreads your legs, exposing your sex to the cool air of his bedroom.
Nothing is said, but he does sit there for a moment, kneeling on the bed above you. When he finally does make his descent upon you, he presses a kiss so delicate right on the pudge of your mons. Then he moves to your left inner thigh, then the right, back and forth, back and forth, scrupulous, patient, and SLOW. The point of which is to get you as wet as possible without having directly touched you yet. It's made abundantly clear when he echoes those same thoughts back to you.
His thumb runs through your slit, dipping into your entrance, enough so that he barely breeches through, collecting some of your slick on the rough pads and dragging it up to your clit, rubbing tentative circles on the bundle of nerves.
"So wet," is all he says while continuing, circular motions with even pressure.
Lucky for him and (un)lucky for you, he can go as slow as he likes tonight, taking all the time in the world to warm you up, despite all your incessant whining.
He leans back to pull off his shirt, revealing a cute tuft of brown hair in the middle of his chest.
"You can be as loud as you want."
He lays on his stomach, right in between your legs, landing a singular kiss straight to your cunt before dragging the length of his tongue from your entrance to clit, giving that a kiss as well. He repeats the action a couple more times before settling himself right on your pussy, nose nestled in the wirey hairs of your mons. The wet muscle worms its way to your pulsing hole, digging in deep to drink down every drop that leaks from you.
It's always difficult to maintain eye contact with him like this; his almond irises are blown so wide that it's as if only his pupils remain. He licks and laps at your cunt like it's the only thing he was made to do. He worships your pussy like it's his favorite thing in the world, and has to prevent himself from humping the bed while he indulges himself in your taste. Even though he knows you find it hot as fuck whenever he cums just from eating you out, he needs to feel you stretched out on his cock.
Though unspoken between the two of you, you know that if you stare at him for too long while he makes out with your cunt, you'll cum way quicker than you mean to, and you know if you cum too quickly, he'll lay there and tongue-fuck you right through your next orgasm, because as much as he eats you out for your pleasure, he eats you out for his pleasure too.
Most of the time, you don't feel like giving him a big ego, so you tilt your head back and screw your eyes shut as his lips pucker around your clit and suckles it into his mouth. Even if you don't meet his gaze, he knows the effect he has on you just by the way your fingers rake through his curls, rooting themselves in his scalp while whimpering praises into the aether.
The pet name used to make him groan and roll his eyes in frustration, but when you're spread out like this underneath him, it's his most favorite sound in the world.
Your opposite hand drifts to squeeze and knead at your breast, tugging at your nipple. His hand comes up to meet yours, warm and grounding, as he begins to work at your clit even more, sucking it more vigorously than before. Your hips begin to buck against his face, the scratch of his stubble giving your inner thighs a delicious beard burn as the heat begins to reach a boiling point in your belly. His fingers squeeze down on yours against your breast while your fists tighten in his hair.
You look down at him finally, and it's as if he can sense you're watching him because his eyes immediately snap up to meet yours. You can barely make out the slick coating his face in the low lamplight.
He works overtime now that he has your full attention, dragging his hand from your breast to your tummy, giving it a gentle squeeze before bracing his forearm across it, allowing for leverage as he sinks one, then two fingers into your cunt. He's quick but not rough with his movements inside you, curling in just the right spot to make you see stars.
Though your hips are restricted by him, you hurdle toward your impending orgasm. You reach down to meet his hand, and he happily clasps his fingers with yours, breaking eye contact with him when the coil finally snaps. Your back arches while your hand tightens around his, nails digging into the skin of his scalp, moans dribbling from your mouth with every passing second.
He eases you down from your high, kissing his way up your body before pulling off your shift completely and meeting his lips with yours, giving you a taste of yourself. You moan into the kiss, clinging onto him for dear life as you begin to wind down. He knows you're all set when your touch goes from frantic grabbing to gentle caressing.
He looks down at you; your expression is happy and a smidgen dopey, but nowhere near fucked out yet.
"Think you can handle some more?"
"Your tongue game isn't that good."
He scoffs. "Still coherent enough to give me lip, I'd say you're good."
He sits up, reaching toward his nightstand drawer, fishing out a box from inside.
"Oh, a new box of condoms..." You rise to your knees. slinging your arms around Mike from behind, your tits pressed up against his back. "Were you expecting to get laid tonight, Michael?" you tease, slowly kissing his neck.
"You say that as if it wasn't your idea to spend the night when Abby had her sleepover." He fiddles with opening the box, tearing off a single condom from the rest.
"If I recall, you weren't opposing the idea either," you goad, trailing your lips onto his freckled shoulder. "It's good that we're being responsible; now come here. I want more kisses." You take the condom from between his fingers and place it back on his nightstand along with the box as you urge him back down on top of you.
He obliges, his lips meeting yours as you trail all over each other's bodies. His hard cock lays in between your thighs, aching and throbbing with need, so you decide to grant him a little relief. You slide your hand into his boxers and slowly stroke his cock. His breath hitches slightly, bringing amusement to your face as your lips brush against his.
"So hard for me already, poor thing." You nuzzle into his face a little, sliding your nose against his as you lick into his mouth, silently asking for his tongue once again. He gives as much as he can, panting into your kiss.
After just a few minutes of lazily jerking him off, you slide his pants lower on his thighs, bracing his cock right in between your slit and slowly start to rock your hips back and forth. The kiss becomes lazy, just tongues caressing each other while moans echo throughout the room, every vein from his cock brushing up against your clit as the two of you rock together. The heat and slick making both of you quiver.
You release him on the brink of going too far, choosing to then reach over for the singular packet, the shiny foil catching in the light.
"Can you manage to put this on, or do I need to do it?" you jest.
"I got it." He sits himself on the edge of the bed, plucking the condom from your grasp. You hear the sound of the package tearing, and soon after his bottoms are gone too, both of you nude together.
"So, how you wanna do this?" he asks while rolling on the latex.
"Wanna be in your lap."
"Are you sure your legs can handle that?" he chuckles, caressing your thigh.
"My legs aren't made of jello," you retort, getting up on your knees while he scoots backward.
"Alright, but no complaining if you get tired."
You crawl over toward him, and he reaches out for you, taking hold of your hips as you swing one leg over both of his.
"Hi," you say as you're face to face with him, one arm slung lazily over his shoulder, grazing his back, the other resting against his cheek as your finger strokes his cheek.
"Hey," he chirps back.
You give him a quick kiss, moving your hand from his face to his cock, feeding him through your entrance, and sinking down on him slowly, the two of you groaning into each other's mouths. Your tummy folds in on itself as you reach the base.
You're not sure if you'll ever get used to the intimacy of it all. No matter how many times you go through this, you wonder if the feeling of overwhelming consumption will subside. If one day, it won't feel like Mike is looking right into your soul every time you have sex.
You whimper slightly as you settle, his girth stretching you out deliciously. You cup his face as your lips search for his again. His hand moves to caress you, one hand gliding down your spine and the other grabbing the fatty flesh at the bend of your hip joint. They never stay in place, though,  always on the move, making sure no part of your body is left undesired.
You roll your hips for the most part, bouncing only every so often when you want to feel the stretch of being filled again, mostly wanting to enjoy the feeling of being so close together, so connected. Taking simple pleasures in the feeling of him just being inside you. The hairs that spackle the base of his cock work to add pleasure to your clit. 
He kisses his way down your neck, smiling against your skin as he does it, taking in deep breaths of your scent while his hands continue their caress to your breasts, making sure to show them the attention that he neglected while he was eating you out.
His lips move toward your nipple, kissing it before letting his tongue lull out of his mouth, flicking it back and forth.
"Mmm...Mike." Your cunt clenches around him at his efforts, your fingers curling into the hair that sits at the nape of his neck.
His opposite hand slides to your front, rubbing up and down along the curves of your body til it settles on the other breast, rolling the nipple between his digits. His tongue traces around your areola before sucking the nipple into his mouth.
"Christ, Mike," you whine as he locks eyes with you, the movement of your hips quickening with every suck.
This is the only time you get so whiny, when the two of you are in a position like this, so enraptured with each other, in each other's pleasure. You become so sweet and pliant.
He detaches himself from your nipple and eases you onto your back, grabbing the fat of your thighs and pushing them toward your chest so he can fuck you like you need, like you both need. You're not sure if Mike will ever admit to this, but he needs the intimacy as much as you do.
He's deliberate when he sinks back into you, grinding when he reaches the hilt.
When he pulls out, he develops a slow rhythm, one you can both enjoy with its progression. Despite its calm nature, every thrust of his heavy cock ruts into exactly where you need it, rubbing against the spongey spot inside you that makes your toes curl, that lights a fire in your belly and makes you needy once again.
As the moment continues to build, on the precipice of climax, he speaks to you through the haze of pleasure.
"Still need me to kiss you to cum?" He taunts. He knows the answer.  It's been the same ever since the two of you got together. The intimacy between the two of you gets you off more than anything else. 
You pull him down til he's practically on top of you, his body weight against yours, your tummy folding up so nicely as you lay nose to nose. His scent and his skin on yours grounds you like nothing else. You don't even mind the stretch of your thighs as he holds himself against you.
"Don't act like you don't need this too." You extend your neck in an attempt to push your lips forward on his. "You enjoy intimacy more than your grumpy face lets on." Your eyes are just barely glazed over, the same dopey grin plastered on your face as you reach out to him.
"Shut it," he huffs, pressing his lips into yours for a searing kiss, fucking into you with as much vigor as he can muster. The springs of his mattress squeak wildly as he fucks you through it.
As much as he tries to deflect, he knows it's the truth too. He needs the closeness as well. The intimacy, the skin-to-skin contact, the sweat, the heat, the love
You mewl into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him tightly. Your orgasm sits just beyond the horizon, your cunt clenching down on him harder and harder with every sloppy smack of his lips against yours. The need and desperation grow as your bodies cling together, never wanting to part, edging closer and closer to ecstasy.
You glide your hand down to your clit, rubbing in tight circles as your orgasm crests, taking over your body and moaning into his mouth loudly as you pull him down even further. You're reduced to nothing but babbles and whimpers as he fucks you through your orgasm.
You feel the same words as before bubble up on your tongue. He's here, his body encapsulating yours as close as humanly possible; he's so warm, so safe. He's here, he's yours, and you love him.
You let the words escape you this time, refusing to let them fizzle out into nothingness.
"I love you, Mike," you whisper in his ear.
It's not more than a few seconds later that he's spilling into the condom, his hips still sloppily thrusting and letting out an unexpectedly loud groan while clinging to you.
The air settles, and Mike is still nestled inside you. Your fingers comb through his hair as he brushes along your side, leaving a kiss on your skin every so often, enjoying the afterglow of sex. 
You're the first to break through the silence.
"Shower now or in the morning?"
"Morning," he groans, somewhat groggy after everything that went down. He pulls out, getting up to remove the condom and tie it off, tossing it in the waste basket under his nightstand, making a mental note to dispose of it properly later.
"I'm gonna go pee, then we'll snuggle up for the night," you tell him as you head toward the bathroom before he has a chance to trap you in bed with sleepy cuddles.
"Don't fall in," he smirks, feeling proud of himself, and you grin at him for being an idiot.
As you go to wash your hands after finishing up, you hear a muffled. "I love you too" through the bathroom door.
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laikabu · 3 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically… what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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graceylacey · 3 months
is laios touden happy?
I keep coming back to the question that a lot of Dungeon Meshi (manga) fans seem to be asking: is Laios happy at the end?
My two cents on this is: well, yeah. He actually is.
He’s sacrificed a lot, it seems, far more than all of the other characters. He’s the driving force behind the reason they survived to save Falin - through eating the monsters. Only in the end, he’s not able to explore dungeons, be near monsters (RIP his special interest) or even eat without feeling 30% empty. It’s a real tough bargain.
But that’s the whole point. And that loss makes the story so much more impactful to me.
When talking with the Winged Lion at the end, Laios’ true desires appear. But we can see through Mithrun, Thistle and Marcille’s time as Dungeon Lords that The Winged Lion seems to expose really selfish wishes that, whilst having good intent, don’t end up benefiting others the way the Dungeon Lord wants.
Obvious as it may seem, Laios’ true main wish IS to save Falin over the course of his storyline. It’s what drives him despite having other, arguably impossible, desires that he longs for.
Even though Laios wishes to become a monster, this desire has never overtaken his motivation in any other part of the narrative.
Yes, he loses a lot. But he’s gained Falin.
It seems obvious, but that’s the key to why I think this is a good ending for him. It’s about sacrifice. Itsusumi is a great microcosm for this - you have to do things you don’t want to do, eat things you don’t want to eat. You also have to give up things you don’t want to in order to gain more.
The similarity between Dungeon Meshi and Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) is wonderful to me. Both stories explore the giving and taking of life and the goals of our lives. 
At FMA’s conclusion, Ed sacrifices his ability to do alchemy; the reason the whole story started. It cost him and Al so much, but also helped them recover what they’d lost and literally save the world (are we starting to see the similarity?). Whenever I reread FMA, it’s sometimes hard watching Ed give up all his talent and everything he worked towards. What does he have without it? But for him, in that moment, it’s not such a difficult price to pay to get his brother back.
Maybe Laios is not aware of how much he would lose when he defeats the Winged Lion. But we do know he wants his friends and Falin to be saved, even if he dies. But that’s the thing! Both he and Falin are prepared to die to save their loved ones, but what about being prepared to LIVE to save their loved ones?
In our lives, we won’t often be sacrificing our lives for people, but we might be faced with a choice to give up things we love for people we love. Losing his life would be the easy way out (a great example of this is through Mithrun. It takes conscious effort to live. It seems so much simpler to die). Losing your dreams is hard, but that’s what it ended up costing for the safety of not just Laios’ friends but the world. He made that choice, now he must live with it. Even if he’s not fully happy at the end of the narrative, he still can be. You can be happy without having everything you desperately desire. That’s Dungeon Meshi.
Dungeon Meshi’s theme of neurodivergence fit into this really well. Personally, I think Laios is the perfect person to become King, possibly because he doesn’t think he should be. We know it’s not necessarily what he wants to do most. Heck, we know he doesn’t even like people that much and they don’t even seem to like him. But that’s what will make him the perfect candidate. Unlike others, he doesn’t have some high and mighty vision of becoming revolutionary at the end, nor does he have misconceptions about his abilities. He is genuinely righteous and humble, whilst having his flaws.
Laios knows what it’s like to feel different, outcasted by the world. But despite being awkward, strange, having weird interests and an inability to read social cues; people that once hated him ultimately end up having his back. There are bound to be others like him in his world (and ours), who don’t feel like they belong within humanity. People that would want a benevolent leader who genuinely cares and is enthused about things that don’t fit the norm because he doesn’t either.
It’s not his dream job but I believe he will eventually settle into it. We see this in the extra chapter where he willingly gives up his sword. That hit me hard. It felt a bit like a betrayal, like he was giving up who he was and everything he had worked for. But maybe it just shows that it’s okay that he couldn’t achieve all his desires. At least now Falin can achieve hers, and wasn’t that his fear for so long? That she would be lost and alone without him?
But now, because of Laios, Falin has the ability to choose her own path. She can choose make to leave as he once left her without the fear and guilt that Laois felt with his own departure. It shows both of them that it’s okay for them to take separate paths. They can grow and change and love each other from wherever they are. That protection, that survival and that connection between people is at the heart of Dungeon Meshi to me.
Both Laios and Falin choose to live. When Laios eats the Winged Lion’s appetite and Falin returns it’s down to their own decision. The choice to eat; the choice to experience life the way it was intended, with all its thorns. When they eat the monstrous parts of themselves they choose to be human, they choose the consequences of life, they choose to change and to go forwards. They are two sides of the same coin.
It seems only just that after all Laios has been through and after all we’ve seen him do, he should be allowed a perfect happy ending. But that’s just not Dungeon Meshi, is it?
There will always be sacrifices. Dungeon Meshi is not just about accepting life and death, but also accepting the possibility that you may not achieve everything you want, that things will not always go to plan but that you can always achieve other things despite this. 
Laios has made his choice to become King. Just like the choice to eat, it’s another part of life and of moving forward. Think of all the good he could do. I think he can be happy. That’s life.
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transboysokka · 6 months
tell me about autistic Zuko (modern au or canon. Like how he grew up, why it’s justified in canon, how people around him react to it/are they assholes or not) bc I’ve been thinking about him but I can’t seem to articulate all my feelings into words and you’re good at that <3
hahahaha gladly here is a smattering of Facts and Evidence, in no particular order
Fact #1: His special interest is the Avatar. That boy’s done so much research!! (I’m joking with this one and yet… 👀)
Evidence #1: His father was embarrassed of him when he was a kid. This could have been for a variety of reasons including that he’s gay but also if you are trying to raise an heir of a powerful nation, you would see a lot of autism symptoms as a weakness, especially things like awkwardness, difficulty making eye contact, etc
Evidence #2: He doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends growing up which can also be explained in different ways but a kid just following around his sister and her friends all day? sus
Evidence #3: The way he rehearses what he’s going to say to Aang at the Western Air Temple… and the awkwardness of it makes it So Much More… it’s the most really, THE autistic of scenarios. We GOTTA practice big conversations like that before they happen, we just do…
Evidence #4: He borrows from other scripts for social interaction. You know when he’s trying fo get along with everyone at the air temple and he makes tea for them and try to tell a joke? Why does he do that? Because he’s mimicking Iroh, who is probably the most outgoing person in his life, and following exactly what Iroh does to be friendly and ingratiate himself with others…
Evidence #5: Missing social cues. I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head but I think we’ve all seen it. Also “That’s rough, buddy” is something he TOTALLY stole from someone else because he had no idea what he actually was supposed to say in that situation
Fact #2: now HERE’s a guy who feels deeply but is SO bad at expressing or controlling his feelings. Remember when he was worried about the comet and instead of talking about it just ATTACKED HIS FRIENDS?? oof yeah
Important Headcanon #1: Zuko is really sensitive to texture and has ARFID, which does have a high overlap with autistic folks. This “pickiness” causes real problems for him, especially when he’s v busy being the Fire Lord…. He tends to eat the same foods a lot to sustain himself (fire flakes) and makes the same exact tea for himself every single day. He DOES like to bake and cook though, and is quite good at it, even if he won’t eat it all
Headcanon #2: Our boy’s special interests are history, dao swords, and baking
Headcanon #3: Not a fan of eye contact
Theory #1: Our boy Sokka def has that ADHD and I just don’t think it’s that common or easy for ND folks to be in a relationship with NT folks (I have no proof of this but just think about it for a sec) so therefore Zuko must be neurodivergent
This is a big ol’ mess but for a MUCH more comprehensive and comprehensible Auristic Zuko explanation, please refer to this masterpiece of a post which I just found after spending a bunch of time answering this ask lolol
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kalisseo · 2 months
I've seen people complaining that the fandom loves more/used to love more tophabe instead of the poc sapphics canon relationship because yeah white men toxic yaoi !!!
but I feel like, at least the main reason it's just that people liked Topher more ?? because he was the only character with REAL flaws, all of the new clones were just "nice + a silly trait", specially frida who's just ~chill~
also really, a lot of topher fans like him because they relate to him too, and a lot of them reflect themselves on Topher (other thing i noticed is that they only relate to these specific things: he used to be always alone, only talks to one person, socially awkard)
ME myself used to like him for the same reasons (still do but In a less amount)
meanwhile Frida is just a ~chill cool girl~, I feel like she's the least interesting new clone, she already solved all of her problems, and yeah that's okay a character can be that but personally i find her boring
kahlopatra can be interesting, but because of CLEO, in s3 she was the one who started all their arc (at least that's what I remember) also they can do a lot with the fact that frida is the first one to love cleo as a person and not as an object, at least since the start, she always treats Cleo with love and respect because she genuinely loves her
but anyways I loved how they managed their relationship in s3, it felt natural
personally if frida was the one with noticeable flaws and a socially awkward weird girl who never talks to anyone and just draws and paints all the time i would have fallen in love with her 💔
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Adhd Sanzu propaganda because I want to, I already convinced someone:
He's a chaotic gremlin (Not need to explain that).
Same way that happened with Kakucho and Izana. Sanzu's days and life revolve around Mikey (I don't think I need to put examples here). Mikey is Sanzu's special interest and I'm saying it without shame! (Maybe a little bit of shame only)
Sanzu doesn't have sociallization skills. At all. But in a specific way that gives me adhd vibes (putting the trauma a part). Sanzu as a kid is sweet but weird. We can see him not reacting to Baji's tantrums in a way that yeah, can be bc he's used to, but also, his focus is not there. He's awkward in a way that makes me think that he's used to not fit in, to be look as a weirdo every time he talks. So he does the "I'm not gonna talk at all because when I do people hates me". Then, as a teen no division wants him because he's "a wild horse". Excuse me? Have you seen half of Toman? It's because he's weird and doesn't fit in, the wild part would not bother them so much on it's own.
Sanzu doesn't have a middle point. He's always extreme. When he followed Muto became extremly quiet and calm, almost like a shadow (again, it could be literal thinking of the orders Muto gave him).
His weird poses once he's not hiding himself anymore. All the Bonten scene, he's just doing his show, talking too much, too loud and too fast.
All the energy he have also in Kanto Manji. He's so hyped with being with Mikey. Acting loud, being weird and saying things that are only funny in his head bc he forgot to explain the joke (besides the cryptic timeleaping things I mean).
I know in Bonten and Kanto Manji Sanzu is unhinged, but there is something in the way he does it, not caring at all if people gets him or not. It screams adhd "fuck you all i'm not masking anymore" mood so badly!
The katana. The freaking katana is so over the top and so dramatic. And he obviously cares about his katana a lot, he never drops it in the fight against Toman, not even when Taiju sends him flying.
The teatricals of his plans in general. He kills Mucho with a katana in the place where the Kanto Incident took place. And he takes his mask after doing it. Such dramatic and aesthetically pleasing way of killing people.
The train. Hello? This is not NT thinking. Killing everyone, okay, sure. But with a train? What? And he brings his katana just in case? No middle point legendary level here.
He plans chaos. He literally thinks for days how to do the most random and chaotic unhinged thing ever! (The train, the train!)
He have literal thinking. Mikey told him to "smile" so he does it once he's finally serving his king. A big grinn all the time.
His addiction. Since adhd brains don't have impulse control, we tend to be addicts more than the average (I know this part doesn't prove it but it checks too).
The way he have so much beef with people that is happening only in his head. Yeah, he's a hater. But also, I can see a lot of rejection sensitive dysphoria and overthinking because he's mind is telling him everyone would reject him.
He was childhood friends with Mikey and Baji. No one is neurotypical there xD
Visual stimulation. Bright pink and so many vivid/strident colors. C'mon, his bike is pink and pretty! That aesthetic makes my adhdbrain happy. He's obsessed with pink in a not at all NT way.
He's hypersensitive and can't handle some smells (Takemichi, I'm so sorry for you).
Twisted sense of danger over here too. But different than Kakucho. Where Kakucho runs towards danger, Sanzu is the one causing it directly.
Sanzu being banned from meetings in the final timeline. Because he doesn't know when to shut up since he never did masking here.
THE UNMASKING METAPHOR! I left this one for the last because I just realized yesterday and it's beautiful. When he enters the 5th Division, he stops being loud and wild (he's still weird bc Sanzu). The same moment he starts wearing the mask. There is something there, a ND teen who doesn't fit, who is tired and just want to be like the others, being told to "just do that for not driving so much attention on you". And he does it. He wears the physical mask and he starts acting different, doing masking (not literal this time). Until he frees himself of the physical mask. And he stops masking his symptoms, his full personality. He doesn't give a shit anymore about getting too much attention, he's so sick of hiding, that he thrieves in attention now (even in the final timeline does that, he's a youtuber). Unmasking legendary level! (And hardcore masking when he does it)
Edit bc I was sure I wrote this but apparently not: Sanzu has no interest in forming new relationships either. Like Kakucho with Izana, he only does with Mucho because Mikey told him to. But even if he has zero interest in forming new bonds, he's still the center of attention (after unmasking), still being there loudly, being a big part of what marks the dynamic of the group. The "I don't wanna make new friends" but "I can't stop talking and being loud in a group", also a classical adhd mood!
So... I think that's all I can't think for now. It's probably messy and chaotic but hey, it's a post about adhd, so that's fine, right? 🙈
@just-sp-in-inginthevoid spreading adhd!Sanzu like I promise.
Ps: here is the Autistic Kakucho Propaganda in case someone is curious. This two are a pack and they hate it so much 🤣
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melodramaschild · 1 year
OMG BAE AS SOMEONE WHOS AUTISTIC YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASK TWICE!!!!!!!!! Okay so what about dating Sirius and obvs people notice you’re different and whenever someone makes a comment about you rambling about your special interest or thinking your rude for missing a social cue or just being kind of awkward he is instantly there like “I will cause you permanent damage if you don’t stfu” it’s okay if not I’m just so happy you’d want to write for autistic readers
All my love bae <3333333
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Sirius Black x autistic!fem!reader
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Sirius listens to you. Oh so carefully even when he knows what you will say. He will gladly listens to you any time of the day, even when you’ll be repeating yourself.
He’s standing behind you, eyeing everyone in the room and holding your fidgety hands behind your back. Well… you’re holding your other wrist, your hand tightly wrapped around your wrist that you can feel the burn of your own touch. Fingers of your free hand are hooked in Sirius’ fingers.
Sirius can help but feel very very deep intimacy in this touch. The way you let him touch him, the way you trust him enough to touch you, to help you, the way you’re searching for a support in him.
You’re trying your best and your hard while you have a conversation with his dumb cousin that is probably also his brother. You’re masking and he can tell. You’re swallowing your rights, agreeing with things you would never agree to and you’re stuttering over your “Y-yeah.”s and “D-definitely, definitely and totally agree with you.”
Sirius smirks for himself. He knows that you’re trying to sound so polite and like you do agree with him, but now you sound like you’re only mocking him and he can’t help but enjoy it.
It looks like you’re using sarcasm without even realising. Even tho you’re just trying to mask. He comfortingly rubs the tip of your fingers with his thumb, telling you not to panic because he knows that you noticed the way how his cousin’s face dropped with the “Are you fucking with me now?!” glare at you.
He knows this glare all too well. It’s always the glare that is full of pure hate towards you and your behaviour. It’s the glare when neurotypical people realise that something is off with you. It’s the glare when they realise how weak you’re and how easy it is to hurt you. It’s the glare when their subconscious realise that you’re not like them, not like others, that you’re not one of them.
When the glare comes into a devilish venom smirk.
“Your girl,” he points at you like suddenly you’re not there, like suddenly you’re something less them them. Suddenly your touch on his feels like a touch of a ghost, like you’re not really there. So cold and so scared. “She’s damaged, isn’t she? Foking mental in her brain, huh?”
He’s cruel. How can you always be the one who’s saying offensive things when people like him keep saying things like that.
Sirius tenses up, teetering on a edge to break his face into a blood. Sirius knows that you don’t like when people are fighting, that it makes you scared. Sirius also knows how bad are you dealing with your own anger. And he also knows your huge sense of justice that you would probably approve his broken bloody face but…
But it’s you, it’s you who he wants to caresses face with his hands. And he doesn’t want them to be covered in blood.
“I will cause you a permanent damage if you don’t shut the fuck up.” He hisses through his teeth, his hand locking with yours behind your behind. Both of you looking for each support.
He stands there for a bit. “Fock you and your loopy girl, both of you are foking mental.” He shooks his head and with many other mean words spoke under his bread he is leaving.
Leaving you and Sirius standing there, in each other’s comfort company. You cock your head, looking up at Sirius who’s already looking down at you. “Thank you, love,” you whisper and smile at him. He smiles back, his thumb back at stroking your skin. “A kiss?” He smirks at you and you laugh. “Yes please.” you agree before you stand on your tiptoes, reaching for his sweet lips.
“Want to leave?” He asks as he notices that more and more people are filling the room. “Yes please, it’s getting… too much.”
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
I'm curious about the autism HC/Fanon's for different characters. I know there's a few characters that are commonly mentioned to have autistic characteristics (Ichika, like all of wxs ect) but I do wonder how many characters could have parallels or things about them which would suggest autism or similar neurodivergence. Would love an in depth (or slightly in depth) look into this.
Sincerely, an autistic fan who sees herself in way too many characters
Full disclosure that I am not autistic. At least I don’t think I am. So I’ll try to do an overview but feel free to correct / add anything.
Rui is very coded as autistic. I want to do a full post on this one day (currently in the process of translating some magazine “interviews”), but to give a quick rundown: he infodumps a lot (there is a card of him doing this), his interest in engineering and platypuses easily reads like a special interest, he has difficulty processing, understanding, and occasionally expressing his own emotions despite being able to read other people well, he is sensitive to textures and tastes in food (he dislikes fruit that tastes like vegetables, like melon or cucumber), list goes on. Also other people have constantly called him weird and isolated him for this, which is a thing that happens to a lot of neurodivergent people. Revival my dream touches on this a lot so I suggest reading the flashback chapters in that event.
Toya as well is another character who I think is autistic-coded, and I see this pointed out by the fandom a lot. I made a post about the fact that he is sensitive to textures in food a while ago and most people tagged it saying that he was autistic lol. Also the fact that he isn’t good at expressing emotions on his face earlier on in the game reminds me a lot of Rina from Love Live who is pretty much agreed upon to be autistic. Oh and then there’s his habit of staring and not picking up on social cues. So a lot to back up this one as well.
Shiho is one I see brought up a lot too. Iirc the main reasons I’ve seen pointed out are her more direct way of speaking that can come off as mean when she isn’t trying to sound that way, lack of a filter (ties into the last point), as well as her intrest in music that could read like a special interest. Also like Rui people tended to keep their distance from her because they thought she was cold and unkind even though she isn’t.
Also as I was writing this, multiple people said that Ichika is autistic in the tags of her birthday post so yeah that’s something. I’m guessing because her interest in Miku could be read as a special interest, as well as her general awkwardness in social situations and overthinking.
For me personally, I’ve always read Emu as having ADHD but I could understand why people might read her as autistic or both as well.
Other than Rui and probably Toya and Shiho I’m not sure how much of any coding was intentional, or whether it happens to be that you can read it that way, but there’s no harm in seeing yourself in a character and coming up with headcanons. This isn’t the greatest post about neurodivergent coding in prsk and I’ve definitely seen better ones in the tag but I hope this helps a bit.
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Book Review 21 - A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
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I honestly entirely forget who recommended this to me, but I owe them a thank you. Absolutely not something I would have ever picked up on my own, but a really enjoyable read. My exposure to Novik’s work is extremely limited, which is to say I’ve read Spinning Silver, but I’ve been vaguely meaning to give more of her stuff a try for a while. Didn’t enjoy this as much as that on a few levels, but that’s just the YA/adult genre jump as much as anything, probably.
It is very much a YA book, more than anything I’ve read this year (even more than Iron Widow, probably). From the entire plot being about making friends in high school being a literal life or death struggle to El “most powerful mage ever but only for evil things she tries to avoid so only a half dozen people ever realize how special she is’ Higgins to the booklength awkward teenage ‘literally unclear whether we are dating or not’ romance. So! Broadening my genre horizons some, I suppose.
El’s internal monologue was a bit of a trial for the first half of the book or so, I’ll admit. Not to say that it didn’t ring true to life, but she was just so incredibly fifteen, you know? Generally became significantly more tolerable once she started actually acting and coming out of her shell instead of devoting herself entirely to angsting about how much everyone hated her and trying to convince herself that she was a machievellian villain in waiting.
Though, to pick a nit that probably annoyed absolutely no one but me – I’m willing to accept El’s magical savant-ness as the price of admission, but the whole gradual reveal with her mom actually being world famous felt...odd? Cheap? Like in the beginning she’s very firmly characterized as this kind of head-in-the-clouds well meaning but not particularly perceptive or effectual hippie type, and then it’s gradually revealed that she’s actually the best healer in the UK and has set the global standard for a lot of spells and-. And it’s not like the reveal was actually doing anything dramatically, except making early book El’s isolation and lack of friends even more self-imposed, which was hardly necessary at that point. (Honestly ‘supporting cast go from being nobodies to retroactively being world-famous in their fields’ is the sort of decay I tend to associate with long running serial fiction. Weird to see it happen over the course of one book.) But that’s really just a minor pet peeve.
Orion was a great character, or at least a well-done example of an archetype I adore. ‘Selfless, heroic and dedicated to the point of it being kind of offputting/creepy Chosen One type who is (and I can’t emphasize this enough) not the protagonist. Partially because ‘there’s a much more conventionally heroic adventure story happening 5 degrees to the left’ just makes most stories a little bit more amusing, but also because someone really earnestly believing ‘my entire life is a means to a higher end, a fine tool set to a magnificent or at least a necessary purpose’ reliably drives me absolutely insane about them. That said the only reason I’m not absolutely certain he turns out to be either secretly evil or destined-to-be-the-antichrist is because the end of book cliffhanger makes that almost too obvious and on-the-nose.
Taking a bit of a step back, it’s interesting that the book didn’t really have any individual villain? Like, some other students are antagonists at times, sure, and there are plenty of horrible gribbly monsters (I adored basically all the horrible gribbly monsters), but none that really last as antagonists? Either defused or convinced to step aside/help or brutally murdered with magic. The entire finale was basically extreme high stakes facility maintenance. So yeah, interesting, not my usual expectation of YA.
I mean more broadly the actual villain is of course the entire fucked up system, both social and metaphysical, underlying the school. The role of a brutally competitive education system as recruitment method allowing particularly competent or promising immigrants and members of the lower classes to join a ‘meritocratic’ elite while also filtering out the most troublesome or incompetent children of that elite and using their failure to legitimize the easy inheritance of all the others is, perhaps, a slightly on the nose analogy. But, again, kind of the price of admission.
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For character bingo Scrooge McDuck
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He's socially awkward to the max but hides it like a pro.
He can't do a news interview without sounding absolutely insane (see: Jaw$!")
He has OCD about his money (which is also his special interest).
He WILL. NOT. GIVE. HIMSELF. A FREAKING. BREAK because he hyperfocuses on work ALL THE TIME (he just like me fr fr).
He enjoys his own company but would literally Die if he suddenly had no-one to turn to (see: The Shadow War, his "old man meltdown")
He wears One (1) style of clothing that probably isn't even made anymore so he has to either make it himself or have it custom made but he does not care because he's RICH AF and it makes him feel comfortable to have that constant in an ever-changing world.
So yeah I feel like Scrooge is undiagnosed neurodivergent but that's just my silly little headcanon as an autistic person myself.
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eeclare · 1 year
Hot take (not really)
Gene and Tina are most definitely autistic. They’re the two characters in the show that show the most obvious autistic traits; Gene does have meltdowns on occasion (best example of this is season 7 episode 8 “The Laser-inth”) and has a major special interest in music, as well as his general lack of understanding in social situations (like when he talks about his bodily functions at inappropriate moments). Tina vocal stims CONSTANTLY. Like. It’s one of the things her character is known for! I’ve heard people say that she’s not stimming because she only does it when things are going wrong or when she’s stressed/anxious but stimming is often a self-soothing method. So yeah, she stims. She has a major special interest in horses and idk her erotic friend-fiction does not strike me as neurotypical lol. And of course there’s her general social awkwardness lol how could I forget that
Louise, Bob, and Linda are neurodivergent for sure!! And I think that a great argument can be made for Bob being autistic! In fact, i do headcannon him as being autistic, just as an autistic person that is masking almost constantly. The only time he lets himself unmask is when he’s doing something that pertains to his special interests (burgers, cooking, Thanksgiving) or when he’s doing something he’s invested in! There’s also the fact that he humanizes inanimate objects like cooking utensils and food (among many, many other things) but that’s not necessarily an autistic trait in Bob, I honestly think it’s more of a trauma response to him having a really rough childhood. He’s also shown to have a really hard time in social situations and he often feels like something is wrong with him, or that he’s too different from everyone else to really fit in. This is actually something that all the Belchers are shown to experience throughout the series. Back to Bob though, while I think that this feeling of being too different and not fitting is likely due to autism AND his rough upbringing all in one.
Onto Linda and Louise. To me, they’re the most ambiguous out of all the Belchers. There are some episodes that I watch where I think that they totally could be Autistic and then in other episodes I think “meh, not so much”. There’s for sure some ADHD in there though (same could be said for Gene). They do both show that they have an issue with authority figures though, which is an Autistic trait, but it could also just be that they’re generally rebellious characters lol
All this being said, I want to state right here and now that I totally accept that not everyone thinks the Belchers are autistic. That’s completely valid! I recognize that neurotypical people often project themselves onto TV show characters that they relate to. What I’m saying though, is that there are a lot of signs that most (if not all) the Belchers are autistic/neurodivergent. I really love Bob’s burgers discourse, and if anyone wants to help me out with Linda and Louise then please do :) I find that I have a harder time with them because they’re just not characters that I am able to relate my own experiences to
I hope that this post is coherent, I don’t really post all that much, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I just wanted to share my thoughts with everyone
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justgowithitplease · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a QSMP romantic (or platonic) match up please? This is my first time requesting one so I apologise if it is phrased a bit awkward, i’ve re-wrote it like five times and compared it so so many other matchup requests 💀. Feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like doing it. :)
I am a AFAB pansexual person that uses any pronouns with my MBTI being INFP-T. I am rather short (~5’3) with a slightly plump body. I have bleached hair with brown roots, blue eyes and am lathered in freckles alongside being gifted in the front and the back ✨. I dress both fem and masc but more on the fem side due to the lack of masc clothing that fits me properly and I have been told that I typically have a more gothic style though I typically throw in random splotches of colour. And I am the oldest of four children.
My hobbies include gaming, DnD, reading, listening to music and making art and I am working to become a fully fledged psychologist. I have a tendency to warm up to people pretty quickly depending on if we have similar interests or if my social battery is high and have a tendency to be a bit of a scatter brain and struggle with undiagnosed mental health issues. Also I am attempting to learn how to cook! (alongside my other twenty forgotten hobbies 💀). I also find myself being able to drink a lot but only ever doing it whenever their are fruity drinks or at special occasions.
I am physically affectionate and my main love languages are acts of service and physical touch(not really caring for PDA), though I can struggle with communication. I like to collect and make small an abundance of small things and give them as gifts instead of giving one larger gift. I hold my close family and friends close to my heart, even if I do act closed off a lot of the time.
Oh, and I am also making an attempt to lean Spanish (gave up on Swedish) :D
As for my dislikes, I don’t have many apart from anything political or historical in a war scene. Oh, and loud noises or being ignored in any form.
Thank you so much and remember to take care of yourself and take breaks. Kisses to the chef cuz you are always SERVING!! <3
Thank you!!!! As for the breaks, absolutely not. Gotta be chulking 24/7, 365, at a million %
I match you with...
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The black hole closet
His side - black tshirts, jeans and beanies
Your side - black blouses or dresses, jeans, and hairpins
No light reaches that space
If you guys have a cat it is hiding in there and never being found
"Mamí!!!" He calls from inside the closet "Yeah?" You respond from wherever you are in the room "I can't find the kitty" He whines softly "Jichaels disapp-AAUGH!" "Alex? Y'okay?" You say as you walk over to the closet, worried He steps out of the closet, holding your black cat at arms length as small cuts on his hands bleed. He's glaring at the cat as he sets it down on the bed "Fucker was hiding behind your shoes and grabbed my hand while I was looking for him. Jichael sucks ass." He says, glaring at the kitty who was now rubbing up against your legs
Called you mamí as a joke but bro...he doesn't think it's a joke anymoreee!!!
He'll spend nights up learning how to play your favorite games (if he doesn't already know how to play them) just so you two can play together
If he does know how to play it, he'll throw the game just so you can 'teach him'
"I thought you said R2" He giggles as he gets blown up "L2. R2 is emotes." You laugh as the character does some stupid pose with the death screen in front of it
Begged Charlie to teach him how to play DnD so he could play with you
"No, Charlie, PLEASE!" He begs, moving his curser to follow Charlie's MC character "I-i-i....I'LL GIVE YOU JUANA FLIPPA BACK JUST TEACH ME HOW TO PLAY DNDDDDDDDDDDDD"
He doesn't read much, but he likes when you read
Free cuddles
You're trapped in your book, zoning the world out when you feel a weight on your shoulder "...hello sir, can I help you?" You ask, looking over at your boyfriend "Mhm. Can you lift your arms up above your head real quick?" Alex asks You do so, albeit slightly confused. He quickly rolls himself to lay on top of you with his head in the crook of your neck
His love language is also physical touch, as well as...restaurants?
He's a foodie, no doubt. And he loves you, no doubt.
So he combines them
"How do you feel about Ecuadorian food?" He asks you one night as he gets off stream "Never had it." You respond, flicking through a book "why?" "I found a restaurant 20, 25 minutes away. Wanna go?" He asks with a grin, not telling you that the reservation is just first in line for random restaurants this week
He has a little shelf behind his streaming set-up dedicated to the little things you find for him
Whatever it is, it goes on the shelf, gets pinned to his bag, or goes in his phone case
"Bro1 how the fuck is your phone case still on?" Noah giggles as Alex's phone case comes off on the corner "Dunno" Alex mutters as he tries to put the case back on "Just take some shit out-" Noah says "ITS NOT SHIT" Alex says as he gets the case back on "My girl got it for me and I love her."
He LOVES that you're learning Spanish
He gets to teach his native language with the person he loves
He'll change the language on Netflix too 'make you learn faster', though
"Alex I can't under stand half of this." You say as you try to use context clues "Shhhh. Jane just confronted Rafael about Mike" Alex says, gently covering your mouth with his hand as he shovels popcorn into his mouth
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ecargmura · 3 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 4 Review - Meet The Nekoyashikis
Oh my gosh, Mayu’s mother Sumire is beautiful. And she’s voiced by Chiwa Saito, meaning she’s Homura Akemi and Yona. That’s a crazy choice to have for a mother character and I’m rolling with it. It’s interesting to see what the Nekoyashiki family will bring to the story now that Mayu and the cat Yuki are introduced. Iroha’s mom Yuko and Sumire are really pretty. I wonder if Satoru’s mom will be pretty too…
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Mayu is very socially awkward. She gets anxious around people and it stems from her being a loner at her old school. Her only source of comfort is being around her mom and Yuki. Fortunately, meeting Iroha at the grand opening of Pretty Holic has her hope that she’ll be good friends with her. I’ve seen people make comparisons to Kokone. While they are similar, their reservedness are different. Kokone doesn’t tense up or care too much about her solitude as she preferred being alone. Only when she started befriending Yui that her awkwardness started showing. She was still willing to talk to people and doesn’t shy away when conversing. Mayu, on the other hand, is a mess when it comes to talking to people. So yeah, while both are reserved, they’re different.
Yuki is a typical cat, but I do like how her and Mayu’s relationship differs from Iroha and Komugi’s. The Inukais have it to where Iroha is like Komugi’s not-that-much-older sister while the Nekoyashikis feel like Yuki is the much older sister to Mayu. I like seeing a different type of relationship with the main duo. I also really like the interaction between Komugi and Yuki with Yuki behaving like a typical cat; she even did the tail slap, a sign that cats are stressed. My favorite part of the episode was Yuki punching Komugi for getting too close. I can tell these two are gonna be hilarious once Yuki gains the ability to change into a human.
Pretty Holic makes a return in this show as it did in previous iterations. It was a hybrid stationery shop in Hirogaru Sky and a makeup shop in Delicious Party that Kokone is a fan of. In this iteration, it is a makeup shop that Mayu’s family runs. The fact that this is the emptiest Pretty Holic I’ve seen so far is saying something…. I also like how Sumire forbids pets from entering. In the case of dogs, the cosmetic scent could be harmful to them and that they could accidentally swallow small items. This is very smart to inform. I watched an anime called Dog Signal where the main character Miyu tells a client to stop wearing perfume when around her dog as it can ruin their sense of smell. I know that pet owners want to bring their pets everywhere, but in cases like these, one has to think about their pets’ safety. Also, I love how Komugi is spewing confidential information to Yuki about herself while Sumire and the three granny customers are at hearing distance. This is like Yui, Rosemary and Pam-Pam rambling about Kome-Kome and Recipeppi stuff when Takumi is right in front of them in Episode 3 of Delicious Party.
Iroha and Komugi are tasked to search for more GaruGarus. Special Niko Animals, ones with sparkling jewels on them, are called Kirarin Animals and collecting nine of them will restore Niko Garden back to its former glory. However, I do think Iroha and Komugi’s tendency to ignore Mey Mey is a bit of an issue that hopefully will be addressed later on. I get that Komugi has a short attention span because she’s a dog, but Iroha, a human, should take these Niko Garden matters seriously and not drop everything onto Satoru. Speaking of which, Iroha just seems like someone who can’t lie or pay attention. She could’ve easily said that Komugi is her sister or a relative, but she just flubs hard with that and she even gives the impression that she’s a bad dog owner because of this. I know this is a kids’ show and I shouldn’t take this too seriously, but sometimes, the writing can be a bit asinine. I just hope that someone, whether it be a Precure, Mey Mey, or a villain, will call Iroha out on not paying attention to important details.
I like the relationship between Mey Mey and Satoru. A few episodes ago, Mey Mey had a bias towards outsiders, but now Satoru is his favorite child. It’s like night and day now. It’s adorable how clingy he is towards Satoru and the boy is even his emotional support. The fact that Mey Mey has a sheep-shaped smart phone is adorable as heck; he uses it to call Satoru when he’s upset. Cute.
Now, with the scene with the GaruGaru, I did like that it was foreshadowed that the GaruGaru of the day would be a Tanuki as there was a shot to three unhappy Tanuki in the beginning and how Komugi put on eyeshadow around her eyes like one. I was surprised that Friendy knew about Tanuki behavioral patterns… Despite that, the Tanuki GaruGaru is the first small one they encountered as previous ones were large. This means that their sizes vary and that some could even be difficult to purify due to their size and speed. Now the question is…will GaruGarus be just mammals or will there be insects and sea creatures too?
For now, this was a cute episode of fully introducing Mayu and Yuki into the story. When will they start school? When will Yuki and Mayu become Precures? I’m honestly anticipating the next episode. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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17magpiesinatrenchcoat · 11 months
TELL US YOUR PK HEADCANONS!!! (if you wanna)
Oh HELL yeah
I’ve already said a bunch of these on ig… but you guys get to have more 😈😈
putting a cut here bc it’s fuckin long lol 💀💀
My fan name for him is Astennu!! Means god of the moon.. and WL’s name is Faraway :D
pan/polygamous: ]
autistic ofc bc I love projecting he's very bad at masking too, he's good at keeping up one specific persona (typical cold ruler mask..) but as soon as someone doesn't act the exact way he expects them to do he doesn't know how to react, and the mask slips, very practiced and good but only in very specific circumstances, another reason why he's so antisocial
he is good at heart and has strong morals, but they're usually overpowered by fear, so he usually just does what's easiest instead of what's right, even though it hurts him more in the long run
he doesn't give a shit about gender, everyone just started calling him a guy and he was like "ok lol"
likes singing and is quite good at it too!! (or. in the case of my au, he was before his voice got messed up)
NO spacial awareness whatsoever, always gets lost in thought, constantly bumping into shit, , he has a bunch of gnarly scars just from that
his godly powers are too much for his mortal-ish body, he regularly gets sick bevause of them, and it was even worse before he used most of them to create hallownest, he was basically permanently in pain lol LOSER
he can't control his glow, so it betrays his emotions a lot (and he can accidentally flashbang people when he feels really strong emotions)
refuses to be vulnerable at all. pushes everyone away, somewhat consciously too, believing himself to be a burden and that they'd be better off without him
drinks literally nothing but coffee {or the hallownest equivalent to it anyway)
very bad memory (projecting again)
he doesn't know how to interact with. people. much less be a parent. he's a terrible parent LOL he tries but he's just not good at it whatsoever
kind of a shitty immune system due to his powers making him sick so often, another reason he's reclusive
ameteur painter (he doesn't understand it much but it makes lurien really happy so)
his special interest is just. inventing intricate technology in general, he completely hyper focuses on it and would spend literal days doing it if it wasn't for wl dragging him out of his workshop LOL
EXTREMELY deadpan and can be very rude without realising it
Stuff always gets stuck in his horns and he usually doesn’t notice until it gets pointed out (which usually take hours bc wl and lurien think it’s funny lol)
Literally does not know how to make connections with people whatsoever every connection he has made has been accidental
dating both lurien and wl obviously 🫶🫶🫶(wl is also dating dryya but I haven’t put much thought into that one yet I should) the gods do not care for monogamy
Hmm.. for his relationships with some of the other characters..
realising that I have not fleshed out his relationship with wl really omg what’s wrong with me I need to fix that ☹️☹️ but uh here’s the other characters for now lol
him and lurien are both deranged autism buddies <33 lurien does not take any form of authority seriously at all, and doesn’t like taking orders (pathological demand avoidance, autistic thing, pretty sure I have it lol) and so.. he never like. acted like pk was a god. he just treated him like a normal person. and pk had no clue how to react to that so he could not keep up his mask around lurien at all.. so eventually they ended up realising they have common interests and ended up becoming friends.. and later.. hmmm?? they are both incredibly awkward and socially inept lol so it took way longer to happen then it should 💀
but yeah they have a very funky dynamic LOL they can talk for hours about their common interests <3 and hmm.. their dynamic is basically this
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He never thought that much of herrah other than being vaguely scared of her;; but she fucking hated him LOL she thought he was an inept cowardly moron
but.. the more time she spent as queen, she grew to understand him a lot more as she felt how much that role and pressure could tear someone down
She still doesn’t like him that much, but she understands why he is the way he is now, and tries to be nicer bevause she knows how it feels
He and monomon have a very weird relationship.. they’re kinda friends but also kinda fucking hate each other LOL;; like;; theyre really fucking mean and hostile to each other but it’s not really genuine, it’s more out of habit than anything, and they do care about each other and look out for each other, it’s just sort of the manifestation of them both being emotionally inept assholes who don’t know how to communicate, so they sorta take it out on each other, but neither of them mind, they know neither of them actually mean it
so yeah sorta like;; idk weird ass friendship where they both pretend to hate each other to vent at how shit the world is but they both know neither of them mean it bevause the anger isn’t directed at each other at all, and it’s kinda become a game between them who can come up with the most ridiculous insults LOL
Uhhh I guess that’s it lol!! Yeah I said there was a lot 💀 if you have any questions or more headcanon ideas for me… well you know where to find me 💜💜
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larkermarker · 9 months
Some spooky month oc refs
Ok wooo this was a long time coming. I have 6 & 1/2 of these guys and I’ve tried to draw them all in the same style like three times. Tried to do this once last December and again in March. Got two of them done so far a few days ago.
I’ll start with some of the first characters I made (or headcanoned a design for) all the way back in November of 2022.
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Character info and some extra doodles below if you want :p
Levi Sulphur
My boy. My pride and joy. His initial character did a 180 from a grumpy college student to a college student struggling with what he wants to do with his life. Levi’s a sweet guy who is a bit socially awkward. He tries his best not to inconvenience anyone. Even if that includes burying his feeling so he’s not a bother. He’s there for other people if they need a shoulder to cry on. He does have a jealousy problem that he’ll never admit. Who wouldn’t be envious of all the people around him that have their life together when he doesn’t?
Levi doesn’t have a job but he lives with his dad and younger brother. He loves to game and watch movies, especially with his brother. The two of them have a close friendship. Levi volunteers for almost anything to get himself out there and to maybe meet new people. Volunteering at a special event a certain candy store was hosting may have also lead to him developing a big dumb crush on a certain clerk. He commonly gets mistaken for his uncle so Levi and the police are very well acquainted by now.
Ethen “CB” Sulphur
Yeah this is where the “6 and a half OCs” comes in. CB is just Costume Bob from the fifth episode that I’ve shoved a bunch of headcanons into. I gave him the name “Ethen” before we knew the background vamp guy was named Ethan. I didn’t want to change my hc name since he and Levi’s names are a play on the demon Leviathan. So I just refer to him as CB to make things less confusing.
The nickname CB in my hc came from his mom when he was younger. Nobody knows what it actually means besides her. And one could only try to guess since Mrs. Sulphur is no longer around. His personality is basically the same from the episode he originally appeared in. Just gave him an interest in demons and Mokey’s Show. Also he tries to help others around him but he ends up getting in trouble most of the time due to bad luck. Also his open book and defensive attitude doesn’t tend to help. He also doesn’t have many friends outside of his older brother and Susie. CB gets jealous over how well others can befriend his fellow peers when he struggles to fit in. CB has a grudge with the Hatzgang but can’t do much about since he’s older then the trio and doesn’t want to come across as petty against kids younger than him. No matter how much he wants to, especially with Roy, punt them into the sky. So overall he’s not a bad kid he just has terrible luck in general.
My hc is that for Halloween CB went as a demon from the Mokey Show’s Christmas specials. He doesn’t think much about his actions before he does them.
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