#like yeah it really was that simple to make her helmet
the vks had the ugliest looking helmets, should've been those helmets with the full visor, made em all look dorky as shit, everyone's design minus' Carlos' looked stupid too
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these fuckers would've looked so much cooler and gone better with the outfits 
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also, watching Harry flip down the visor with one hand as he drove off? i would've fucking screamed
also the canon helmets are moped helmets, not safe for motorbikes and it would've been easier to hide the fact they used body doubles for the riders of the bikes, like yeah they did do a good job of hiding the faces when it wasn't the actual actors but it just would've saved them the trouble
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augustinewrites · 8 months
satoru absolutely does not know how to ride a bike idk how i know this but i know cw: suggestive content, mdni
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“that was…good,” satoru settles on, still unable to properly articulate. he whines, still a little lightheaded and breathless as you roll off of him with a laugh, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before tucking yourself into his side.
“just good?” you tease, fingertips gliding over his chest. “if i’d known there was going to be a review, i’d have done that thing with my hips that you like.”
you roll your hips against his thigh, sending a warm chill down satoru’s spine. 
“don’t do that,” he warns, but his face is flushed and he can feel himself getting hard again. “unless you want to leave the kids at your dad’s for another night.”
“oh! speaking of the kids!” your sweet movements stop abruptly, causing him to peek one eye open to send you a long suffering look. “my father bought the kids bikes yesterday, and i told him you’d teach them how to ride them.”
now, it’s no secret that gojo satoru is good at a lot of things. 
he can manipulate the infinity around him and exorcise special grade curses with the flick of his wrist. he knows the words to every avicii song and can make mug cakes that don’t always explode in the microwave. 
there’s only one thing he can’t do. 
“i remember when my dad taught me,” you sigh. there’s a fondness in your eyes as you describe the memory. it’s something special and cherished, and satoru wants that for his kids. 
“this isn’t funny, shoko!” 
“you’re right.”
“thank you—”
“because it’s hilarious. gojo satoru, the strongest sorcerer of our time, never learned how to ride a bicycle.” 
she trails off in a fit of laughter. satoru hasn’t heard her laugh like this in a long time, and he’d be ecstatic if her amusement hadn’t come at his expense. 
“i didn’t have anyone willing to teach me!” he tells her, huffing. “it was all cursed technique this and cursed technique that. not to mention bikes are literal death traps on wheels.”
“motorcycles are death traps on wheels. bicycles are for babies,” she corrects, though he can still hear the laughter bubbling in her response. “why’d you even agree to teach them?”
“because she did this super hot thing with her hips, but focus!” he whispers harshly. “i can’t teach the kids how to ride a bike! what if i just bought a car—”
“only you would try to buy a car for an 11 year old.”
“not for megumi. tsumiki’s basically 13. she can start learning so when she’s old enough—”
“so tsumiki is going to learn how to drive before you learn how to ride a bike? you are so tragic,” she snickers. 
well, it sounds lame when she puts it like that.
he looks up when the sound of the shower running stops. “and you’re useless,” he growls into the phone. “i’ll ask nanami.” 
[shoko]: i heard gojo’s teaching the kids how to ride their bikes
[you]: yeah :) i’m so excited!
[shoko]: me too.
[shoko]: can you send videos?
[nanami]: I would also like to see videos. 
[you]: sure. but why the interest?
[shoko]: bcs i care about them and want to celebrate their achievements
[you]: you didn’t come to megumi’s violin recital because you said you valued your eardrums. 
[nanami]: It will be a fun moment to look back on when they’re older. 
[shoko] yeah that ^
[you]: fine i’ll send videos.
the sun is just beginning to set and the city beginning to settle when you take the kids to the park. 
“i really think—”
“satoru, we are not teaching megumi how to teleport to school.”
“but if he uses the shadows—”
you thrust a helmet into his hands, stern look shutting him up immediately. 
“fuck,” he mumbles once your back is turned to help the kids. he shoves the helmet onto his head and buckles it tightly.
the kids walk over to him with their little bikes, the huge helmets on their head making them look like bobble heads. 
you document his torture with a quick photo before giving him the floor. 
“riding a bike is…super simple,” he tells them, patting the seat of your bike. “you get on, put your feet on the pedals, and…pedal.”
the kids only stare at him, confused looks on their cute faces. 
“maybe you should just show them,” you suggest. 
“why don’t you show them?” he quickly deflects. please please please—
“no! i’m taking the video!” 
satoru grips the handles of the bike tightly. he’s faced the worst of the worst, died and come back to life. he could ride a stupid bike.
he kicks at the stand your bike is leaning on, getting it up on the fourth kick. he swings his right leg over so he’s straddling the seat, his feet planted firmly on the ground.
it can’t be that hard, can it?
“watch and learn, kids.”
he takes a breath, then pushes off and places his feet on the pedals.
the bike rolls forward slowly. it’s wobbly at best, but he’s doing it. he’s doing it! he picks up a little momentum, heading off into the sunset—
“satoru! don’t lead them downhill!”
sure enough, the path in front of him leads down a slight decline. he squeezes the brakes and jerks to the side, sending him toppling over the bike and into the grass.
as he lays in the grass, dazed, megumi and tsumiki bike right past him. he’s sure the former even rolls his eyes.
“they have training wheels,” he says when you run over to check on him. “they’re cheating—”
“do you not know how to ride a bike?!”
“i never learned,” he grumbles, cheeks blushing at the admission. 
“oh, honey,” you sigh, brushing some grass from his shirt. “why didn’t you just tell me?”
you kiss his brow, unable to hold back your laughter as he pouts. “you were so excited about me teaching them. didn’t want to disappoint anyone.”
“you could never disappoint us,” you tell him firmly. “now come on, i’ll teach all three of you.”
so you teach him, holding onto the back of his bike until he’s steady, until he’s confident enough to do it on his own. 
he’ll get the hang of it eventually.
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delulujuls · 4 months
i'd give you the whole world if i only knew its price | ls18
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am i a lance's girlie? no. am i becoming a lance's girlie? dont look at me
he seems so sweet idk why people hate on him
summary: lance's love language is giving gifts and when it came to giving something in return he'll accept only one way
warnings: none
pairing: fem!bffreader x lance stroll
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The little girl sat on the curb, tears streaming down her rosy, tear-stained cheeks. In her tiny hands, she held her shattered helmet, unfit for further use. The girl wasn't crying because her father had scolded her for accidentally damaging the helmet. Instead, it was because, until she could find a replacement, she wouldn't be able to race with the other kids. That is, if there were any funds available for a new one.
Seeing the seven-year-old in tears, a slightly older boy, aware of the reason behind her distress, approached her with his newly purchased helmet in hand, crouching down in front of her.
"Here, you can have mine."
The girl stopped sobbing as he sat beside her, handing her the helmet, which she hesitantly accepted.
"I can't take it, my dad doesn't have any money left."
"You can take it, I always have two helmets with me."
The boy smiled at her, but uncertainty still lingered on her face. He glanced toward his father, who stood under one of the tents, observing the children a few meters away. Seeing the tearful face of the girl and the joyful expression on his son's face, he also smiled slightly and nodded.
"See?" he said, squeezing her hands that held the helmet. "My dad agreed. You can take it as a gift."
While her face was still wet from tears, her eyes no longer radiated sadness. Looking into the brown eyes of the boy, he nodded and he stood up, extending his hand.
"By the way, I'm Lance. Now, come on, it's about to start!"
"Please, Y/N, don't be like that."
The boy slumped onto the hotel bed, closely watching the girl's face on his phone screen.
"I'm sorry, Lance, but I can't."
She replied, her phone propped up against a coffee mug, engrossed in browsing job listings on her laptop.
"Why can't you just take it as a gift?"
Y/N scoffed and shook her head.
"Every month you give me some gift, Lance. Last month, as a 'gift,' you bought me a Birkin bag, and I don't even want to know how much it cost."
"You said your bag was falling apart, I wanted to make you happy."
She sighed and shifted her gaze to her phone. Lance looked at her attentively with his puppy eyes, visibly concerned. He wasn't seeing any problem here.
"The bag is gorgeous, and you have no idea how much joy you brought me," she said with grattitude in her voice. "But even a simple Target bag would make me happy, you know?"
"Yeah, probably. But this one is okay too, right?"
She laughed and shook her head.
"It's beautiful. Thank you very much."
Hearing her words, Lance breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her smile, he did the same.
"So, if you want to repay me, let me fly you to Bahrain."
She lowered her gaze, and the smile faded from her face. Barely scraping by on bills and struggling to find a new job, spending her remaining money on plane tickets was the last thing on her mind. Even if, it could cover just one ticket.
"I can't afford to visit you, Lance."
"That's why let me take care of it. We haven't seen each other for so long, and I want to finally see you and start this season together," he said, looking at her worried face. Money meant nothing to him; he could send a private jet to pick her up, just to have her with him. "Please, Y/N."
She sighed and shook her head.
"I feel so embarrassed. I'll never be able to repay you for all of this."
"So, is it a yes? Can I book the tickets?"
He asked, hope in his voice, and a smile slowly crept back onto his face.
"Fine, but no more gifts this month, okay?"
"I'll try to meet that condition."
Lance and Y/N had been friends since the day he noticed her crying next to the carting track, holding her damaged helmet. They remained friends through all the years of go-karting, and their friendship persisted even when Y/N had to give up racing due to financial reasons.
At first, though she shudders at the thought even now, she hated Lance with every fiber of her being. It wasn't him she despised, but the obscene amounts of money his father had, providing him with everything he could dream of. Y/N was aware that Lance had both many fans and critics, so every time she came across unfavorable comments about him online, she felt embarrassed. After all, she used to cry and curse him every night, even though deep down, she didn't hate him; she just disliked the situation he was in, which she was not allowed to have.
Lance himself knew that without money, he would never have entered the serious world of motorsport. Numerous training sessions, expensive lessons, academy tests – Lance knew that money secured his current position, but talent couldn't be bought. He knew he could drive, and even the people who hated him online knew it too, disliking him simply because he succeeded. Being in Formula 1 cost the Canadian a lot, as he constantly felt like he didn't belong there. Even in the paddock, despite rarely facing personal comments, he knew many saw him as the boy with his daddy's big money. Lance often felt lonely, so he deeply appreciated every moment he could spend with Y/N. No one was as important to him as she was.
However, Y/N focused on being an ordinary teenager after giving up her motorsport career. She finished high school, got into college, even found a job and rented an apartment. Although her life didn't unfold exactly as she wanted, she stayed connected to motorsport through Lance, whom she supported as much as she could. Now things were getting complicated again as the season was about to begin, meaning she could only cheer for him from her couch. But for Lance, there were no such limitations. If he could solve a problem with money, he would. Furthermore, Lance found immense joy in showering Y/N with various gifts. Giving her presents was his love language, something that Y/N had no clue about.
"There she is."
Lance smiled at the sight of his friend, who stepped out of the taxi in front of one of the Bahrain hotels. She returned the smile, hugging him.
"I was talking about the bag, but it's nice to see you too," he teased, pointing to the Birkin she was holding, prompting her to playfully nudge him. Lance chuckled and embraced her, taking her suitcase and leading her inside the hotel.
"I hope the flight was okay and you're full of energy because we're going to a team dinner tonight."
"So, basically your dad is inviting us to dinner?"
She asked jokingly, looking at him as they entered the elevator.
"Technically, yes, my dad is inviting us to dinner."
Y/N laughed, "Well, Lawrence Stroll can't be refused."
Shortly afterward, they were on the right floor where both of them had their rooms. Lance handed her the key card and when she entered her room, she noticed a bouquet of roses and a small package on the bed.
Turning around, she saw him biting his lip, trying to hide his smile.
"Yes, yes, I know, we had a deal. But these roses were practically free and the little gift next to it is, let's say, a shared one."
He explained, putting aside her suitcase. She also placed her bag down and approached the bed, picking up the bouquet of white roses. She smelled one and smiled, feeling their pleasant fragrance. Lance smiled too.
"You're impossible, you know that?"
"Open the gift."
He encouraged her, leaning against the wall.
She smelled the flowers once more and put them aside, taking the small package wrapped in black ribbon. As she untied it and unwrapped the light-colored paper, she discovered the familiar shade of green. It was a long, satin dress with thin straps, in the characteristic color of Aston Martin. She smiled to herself.
"I guess this is for tonight's dinner?"
Lance nodded, "Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful," she ran her fingers over the fabric, "I hope you have a shirt in the same color."
He chuckled.
"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."
Indeed, at the agreed-upon time, Lance showed up at her door, wearing a shirt in the same color, black jeans, and matching shoes. He smiled at the sight of his friend, who opened the door ready to go.
"You look gorgeous. The color suits you."
Y/N laughed and closed the door behind her.
"That's good because otherwise, I would have to wear the white dress I brought with me, and someone might think I'm supporting Haas."
Lance laughed at her words, pleased to spend these few days with his friend. Honestly, he only stopped feeling lonely when she was around or when they had the chance to talk on FaceTime. Of course, it wasn't the same as having her physically by his side.
The evening passed in a pleasant atmosphere and time flowed effortlessly. Lawrence invited everyone who had arrived with Aston Martin to Bahrain, so instead of reserving a specific number of tables, Lance's father rented the entire restaurant for the evening.
Celebrating the team's excellent work during the winter months, the tables were adorned with champagne and white wine. Y/N had forgotten how weak her head could be, so after two glasses of wine during dinner, a slight buzz started to occupy her mind. Apologizing to Lance under the pretext of going to the bathroom, she stepped outside, sitting on the balcony. Despite being February, Bahrain offered pleasant temperatures, and even after the dark, a warm breeze caressed her exposed arms.
"Here you are."
The girl jumped, hearing his voice.
"You weren't around for half an hour, and I had the waitress check if something happened to you in the bathroom."
"I needed some fresh air."
Y/N replied, smiling at him. She noticed Lance's steps were a bit unsteady and a blush adorned his cheeks. When he sat next to her, she giggled.
"I can't believe we got tipsy."
Lance chuckled and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit dizzy."
Still giggling, the girl rested her head on his shoulder. Lance wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his cheek on her head.
"I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad you invited me."
"I'd give you the whole world if I only knew its price."
Hearing his words, Y/N raised her head and looked at his face. His brown, gentle eyes gazed at her affectionately and a faint smile played on the corners of his lips. Lance tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb.
"I hate that I can't give you anything in return."
Lance smiled, "Actually, there's something you could give me in return."
The girl raised her eyebrows inquisitively.
"You could be my girlfriend."
Y/N blinked several times, unsure if her slightly intoxicated mind was playing tricks on her or if she understood Lance correctly.
"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Oh, God, you have no idea how much."
The girl smiled and, without saying a word, cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed him. Lance hugged her even tighter, returning the kiss, feeling a burst of fireworks in his stomach. He could bring her joy with money, and she could do it in just one way.
"I love you, Lance."
With love.
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sea salt
percy jackson & gn! reader — reader comes back to camp after a long summer away
tw - implied alcoholism (not of reader but of a parent)
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Just call it fall. No one calls it autumn.”
The curb digs into the backs of your thighs, shorts not doing much for the growing chill.
“I call it autumn.”
“hm. Weird.”
There’s a girl who lives down the street from you, by the stop sign on the corner. She has eyes like chocolate and ribbons in her hair. Her name is—
“Penny, I don’t get why the leaves here never turn. They go from green to brown. It’s stupid.”
She takes a long, contemplative sip from her juicebox. “Weather ain’t cut out for it. It gets real pretty upstate, though. That’s where you’re going tomorrow, right?”
A beat. Right, the ‘boarding school’ you go to every school year.
“Yeah. Right. The scenery’s beautiful.” Penny takes another loud sip. “Apple?”
“Grape.” She shows you the box as if you needed proof. You wrinkle your nose.
“Penny!!!!” Someone screeches. It echoes, bounces around the neighborhood in the fading light.
Her brother rounds the corner, bicycle helmet dangling from one hand, blood dripping down his knees.
“Holy hell,” Penny swears. She stands with an apologetic glance. “Have fun upstate. Send me pictures of the le—"
You laugh. “I will! You better go tend to him. He’s clearly in critical condition.”
She rolls her eyes. “How dire.” But she jogs over to him anyways.
One by one, the streetlights flicker on. There’s a melancholy that comes with the dusk that you can’t shake.
Penny’s left her juicebox.
You start home.
It feels like you’re suffocating the second you step through the front door.
It’s simple. Get the taxi money from the drawer in the kitchen, go back to your room, stay there until you can leave tomorrow. Just this one thing.
Just this last thing.
The floorboards creak as you walk through the kitchen. There are glass bottles and crumpled cans on the counter. You toss them in the bin and make a mental note to stay away from Dad.
The drawer sticks the first time you pull on it, so you pull again, harder. It scrapes open.
You grab a twenty and some change and concurrently nick yourself on the stapler. Blood wells. You hiss through your teeth.
Dad is in the living room on the couch, knocked out. His breath is sour.
You tiptoe upstairs. Just one more night. Then you can leave again.
The door slams shut behind you.
You shoulder the duffel bag and close the trunk of the car.
“You sure this is where?” The taxi driver is a stern looking lady. Her hair is streaked with gray.
“Yep, I’m sure.”
You’re at the base of the hill.
“Really? Because there’s nothing here.”
“I’m meeting someone here,” you say, attempting a sure smile. “Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”
She stares at you for a moment, eyes narrowing. “‘Kay.”
The taxi sputters off.
You’ve never understood why they made the entrance to camp so damn steep. This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, muttered with every footfall.
The grass is making your ankles itch.
It’s all worth it when you cross the camp boundary, though. You can feel it, like a shift in the air. You breathe it in, feel the pressure in your chest start to dissipate.
Someone calls your name, excited and breathless. You turn and immediately are sent stumbling back by a blur of orange.
They smell like cut grass and salt. Not like sweaty salt, but like sea salt. It’s nice.
“Hey, Percy.”
He laughs into your shoulder, arms wrapped around your back.
You let your head rest against his. Gods, you’ve missed this place. You’ve missed him.
Your eyes sting. The orange fabric at his shoulders bunches as you hug him tighter. He rocks back and forth on his feet but lets you cling to him.
You’re the one who pulls away first.
“You okay?” He murmurs.
He could feel the tremble of your fingers when they were laced behind his back.
“Yeah. Why?”
Percy searches for something in your eyes. You’re not sure what though. Maybe an excuse to pry about the watery sheen to them.
He doesn’t pry, though. Instead, he leads you back to the pavilion, hand in hand.
By the time you’ve settled in, the sun is dipping below the pine trees. Yesterday at this time, you were on the curb with Penny. Now, you sit before a roaring campfire, the gloom of dusk chased away by kids giggling and music playing.
The smoke is sweet smelling. It draws spirals in the sky, dusty gray stark against orange streaks.
You’re somewhere off to the side of the benches. It’s too loud right next to the flames.
Percy’s shoulder is barely brushing yours.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t stay here for the summer.” His voice is quiet. It dissolves sweetly with the smoke.
“Me too.”
You can feel him turn to look at you, curls ghosting the shell of your ear.
“I missed you.”
You turn to look at him, to really look at him. There’s something sad behind his eyes, but it’s barely there. It flickers in the firelight. Maybe it’s what he saw in yours.
“Me too. It’s good to be back.”
You link your pinky with his and he smiles at you, sickeningly sweet.
It really is good to be back.
The fire roars. You let your head drop to his shoulder. Percy drops his head too, his cheek to your temple.
That night, you text Penny.
hey. you were right; the leaves are really pretty upstate. hope your brother survived. x
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fiddleleafedfig · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic | April 23:rd Teacher AU | Also inspired by this incredible post | 971 words
“It’s because I’m gay.”
Dora’s words had echoed in his head for the better duration of two years.
Two years.
Jesus Christ.
It sounds more clear now that there isn’t an ever pressing haze of alcohol clouding his brain. But alas, he frankly can’t afford to be an alcoholic anymore. He wasn’t even that good at it. A bottle of wine every evening and Remus just turned into a weepier version of his otherwise quite bleak self and watched old rom-coms on tv until he fell asleep on the couch.
But an English teacher’s salary isn’t hefty enough to really support a proper addiction and Remus hadn’t ever been the type of person to steal a car or break into someone’s house just to fuel his habit. With his luck he’d get caught right away anyway.
“This can’t come as a surprise, Rem, we never even had an active sexlife.”
Sure, fine, maybe they hadn’t. But they had been married for years; university best friends turned adult lovers and confidants turned married at twenty five and divorced at thirty three.
The divorce had at least been simple, easy, just like anything else about their relationship. One second she was there, dying her hair in the tub and staining it all bubblegum pink — the next she was moving out and downloading lesbian dating apps.
Remus munches salad from his little packed lunch. He should be planning his classes whilst having lunch — he refuses to, he’d rather sit here all bent-backed and pretend that the salad actually tastes better, that he isn’t regretting moving across the country to get away from it all. That his new life isn’t sinking his mood just like the old one did.
There’s a knock on his classroom door.
Remus looks up from his sad salad. “Come in?”
The door, covered in prints of Shakespeare plays and old illustrations of Of Mice and Men and other English class classics, opens to reveal the knocker.
Sirius has his hair in a bun today, black strands tied back and into a scrunchy that could rival the cheekiest of cheerleaders’. Other than that he is in his usual all black attire, all except his rainbow colored lanyard which holds his keys and the miniature periodic table keyring.
Sirius smiles. It’s all gray eyes that look like they’re sparkling under the hideous fluorescents and can make even the toughest lunch lady blush.
“Hi Remus, is this a bad time?”
Remus tries to swallow the tightness in his throat.
He can’t really deal with Sirius popping by like this, he’s done it quite frequently since Remus’ first week.
“No, not really,” he says, trying to keep his hands from fiddling and his eyes from darting around the room. “What can I help you with?”
Sirius shrugs, careless and relaxed. “I was just wondering if I could borrow your stapler. Seems like mine’s wandered off.”
Sirius drives a motorbike to school.
Remus saw him get off it in the parking lot not too long ago. It felt like the world stood still or maybe moved in slow motion when Sirius removed his helmet and shook his hair out, kitted out in leather. Then his neck got all hot, for some god forsaken reason, and he had to go splash cold water on his face before facing his students in the first period.
So many of Sirius’ supplies have gone missing in the short time where they have worked together.
“Erhm… Yeah, sure— absolutely,” Remus stumbles through sentences as he stands to go fetch the stapler in the supply closet. He turns the little key and quickly looks over the closet, a bit too aware that Sirius is coming closer; if he isn’t misinterpreting the scuff of boots on the floor.
He grabs the stapler, turns around. “Here.”
Sirius is right behind him, right in front of him now. Looking up at Remus with his easy smile and rows of lovely black lashes and… and… and pink lips.
“Thanks, I’ll give it back as soon as I’m done, okay?”
Sirius leaves. Remus has to go sit down, he’s feeling dizzy.
“Are you even attracted to me, Rem? I mean— it’s fine if you aren’t. Maybe I’m not your type or something.”
There was always something hidden in Dora’s words, at least in those words. Remus hadn’t come any closer to figuring them out, not even two years later.
He just sits in his darkening apartment, playing those words over and over whilst watching-but-not-really-watching tv. He should really go over to Sirius’ classroom tomorrow. You know, just to make sure he remembers to give the stapler back. And it has absolutely nothing to do with what Dora said those years ago, nothing at all.
In the following morning, Remus dresses in his good shirt and wrestles with his hair for a touch longer than usual. Why? Don’t worry about it.
He goes into work with a determination and anxiety churning in his belly.
He walks up to Sirius’ classroom, a print of Neil deGrasse Tyson on the door, and knocks.
Deep breath.
Sirius opens the door. Light eyes and smiling lips and an overall undeniably beautiful face.
Stapler, that’s what he’s there for.
“Will you go out with me?”
What?! No!
Remus was supposed to ask about the stapler!
Sirius just looks back up at him, glittering eyes and widening smile. He doesn’t say anything.
Remus tries to backpedal. “The stapler — I really need my stapler, that’s what I meant.”
Sirius just smiles. “So I just missed the point two second window of going out with you?”
There’s cotton in Remus’ ears, ringing in his brain. “No— I mean… Wait— Did you want to go out with me?”
Sirius’ smile looks like it’s almost too big for his face. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Kind of Girl I Could Love | Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: Bob has a secret admirer, but he's convinced it's actually Jake and Nat messing with him. 
Warnings: Pure fluff
Length: 1900 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader
I wrote this for my Love Is In the Air playlist! Check my masterlist for more!
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It started out with a simple note.
I like your glasses.
Bob held the note card in his hand and glanced around the deck of the aircraft carrier as discreetly as he could. There were people everywhere. Anyone could have left this for him to find on his seat inside the cockpit of the F/A-18 that he shared with Phoenix. 
I like your glasses.
Bob didn't even like his own glasses. There was nothing to like about them. They made him look even more awkward than he already felt, and he couldn't wear anything else, or he wouldn't be allowed to be in the Super Hornet at all.
So he scrutinized the handwriting, but it didn't look familiar. And that's when it dawned on him. Phoenix and Hangman were just messing with him. They did this from time to time. One time they covered his car in post-it notes. Another time they hid his helmet bag from him. 
He rolled his eyes and scrunched the note up in his fist. Bob was completely unremarkable. Nobody would ever leave him this kind of note. Nat and Jake should have known he wouldn't fall for it this time.
Bob found a second note a few days later.
Your smile is nice. I wish you would smile at me.
He sighed and tilted his face up to the heavens. Great. Now he was going to have to call Nat and Jake out on their little pranks. He could feel his cheeks flushing pink this time. It was so embarrassing that his teammates thought it would be funny to do this to him. Nat knew how shy he was, and how he wished he could find a girl to date. 
Bob glanced around again. There were a few women on deck at the moment. None that looked like they would be remotely interested in him. They were all either too old or too attractive. And who would have access to his cockpit seat anyway? 
It wasn't a good idea to get his hopes up when he just knew who was behind this. 
"What's wrong with you?" Nat asked as she climbed her ladder. "I already apologized for eating your croissant! I didn't know you were saving it for later!"
Bob shook his head. "This isn't about the croissant, Phoenix. But I wish you and Hangman would stop picking on me."
"Huh?" she asked before boosting herself into the seat in front of him.
But it was time to get to work, so Bob crumpled up this note as well and tossed it into his helmet bag. "We can talk about it later," he mumbled as he started his preflight safety routine. 
Now things were getting out of hand. 
You look handsome in your flight suit. Tall and strong.
Bob took another close look at the handwriting. It looked fancy and feminine, but nothing like Nat's. He supposed Jake would be able to imitate something like this if he really tried. 
"Hey, Hangman," Bob called to him. 
Jake turned and shrugged at him from the top of his own ladder. "Yeah?"
"Can you just knock it off?" Bob asked, waving the note card in the air.
Jake squinted like he was trying to see what Bob was holding. "What are you talking about, Bob?"
"The notes!" 
But it was too late, because now all of the conversation was being drowned out by the deck speaker system. The final mission announcements were being made as Phoenix got settled into her set. 
Bob would have to talk to them both later.
"I know I'm an easy target, and I know I don't usually get annoyed, but please. Please, just stop."
Jake and Nat both looked at him from across the table as they ate their dinners later that night. 
"Stop what exactly?" Jake asked. "Is this what you were trying to tell me earlier?"
Bob's cheeks flushed. He couldn't believe they were going to make him spell it out like this. 
"The notes, guys," he said, pulling the newest note card out of the pocket of his flight suit and sliding it across the table. "It's not funny."
Jake and Nat both leaned closer to read what was written there, pretending they had never seen it before. 
"You have a secret admirer?" Nat asked, her eyes darting up to meet Bob's.
Jake grinned. "Someone has a crush on you."
Bob took the note and crumpled it up. "I know it's you two, so can you please stop!"
Nat and Jake looked at each other. 
"Did you write it?" she asked, and Jake shook his head.
"Did you?" he asked, and she shook her head no as well. 
Bob didn't think he should believe them, but he really, really wanted to. Just the idea of someone thinking about him in that way made him want to smile. 
"It's not us," Nat said with a grin. "But we'll help you figure out who it is." 
Bob didn't want to get his hopes up. But when he thought about who might have access to his cockpit, he immediately thought about the mechanical crew. And when he thought about the mechanical crew, he thought about you. 
He had seen you out on deck the other day, but you were so beautiful. Way too gorgeous to be leaving the notes. Just the prettiest smile. Sometimes you said hi to him, and he'd get so flustered, he could barely respond. 
It was too unlikely though. And he wasn't even sure if it was a woman leaving the notes. 
"I have an idea!" Nat said as she checked the air pressure in the tires. "Why don't you leave a note?"
Bob thought about it for a second. "I guess I could do that."
So he left a note on his seat asking who you were.
And the next time he climbed the ladder, there was another note card waiting for him. 
I'm too shy to tell you who I am. But I work closely with your jet. And I have a crush on you.
Bob's heart was pounding. There was nobody on the tarmac at the moment, so he showed the note to Nat.
"The plot thickens!" she said as she read it. "I wonder if it could be her."
Bob looked in the direction that she had nodded, and there you were. You had your hair pulled back away from your face, and you were wearing your typical jumpsuit. And you were smiling, your eyes catching Bob's for a split second. 
"Nat. Come on. She's so pretty.
Phoenix just laughed at him. "You're a catch, Bobby! Even if it's not her, you can still ask her out."
But he just shook his head and muttered, "No, I couldn't."
Bob got two more notes the following week. 
Your accent sounds cute. Where are you from?
This person has heard him speak before.
Bob had only ever been complimented on his accent when Jake had as well. Everyone loved Hangman's Texan drawl, and only mentioned Bob as an afterthought. But when he wrote a note telling you he was from Montana, and asking you as politely as he could if you were a woman, Bob got another note in response.
I've never been to Montana. Yes, I am a woman. You sound smart and organized in the air.
If it wasn't for the fact that this woman had mentioned his glasses, Bob would have been convinced these notes were meant for Jake. 
And now Bob was facing a different problem: the aircraft carrier would be arriving back in San Diego in a few days. His missions were finished. He didn't have much reason to climb up into his cockpit now, and he still didn't know who the notes were from.
In a final effort to try to bring his admirer out of the shadows, Bob wrote one final note and bypassed all of the mechanics to leave it on his seat. 
When we dock in port, would you like to meet in person? Near the Admiral Kazansky memorial statue? I'll wait there as soon as I get off the carrier. I hope you'll be there too. 
On his way back across the deck, he saw you dressed in your jumpsuit, and you smiled and waved at him. Maybe Nat was right; he could still ask you out no matter what, even if you weren't the one leaving the notes for him to find. 
But he felt a connection with the note writer. She seemed to like him as he was. He never had to show off or pretend he was confident like Jake for her to notice him. So he would wait, and hopefully in two short days, there would be someone meeting him at the statue. 
Bob was starting to sweat through his khaki uniform, and it wasn't even that hot outside. 
"Are you sure I look okay?" he asked Phoenix, and she continued to make a fuss over him.
"You look so good," she promised, combing her fingers through his already tidy hair and readjusting his glasses. "Here, open up." She popped a mint into his mouth, and Bob rolled his eyes.
"I highly doubt I'll be kissing anyone, Phoenix."
"You never know, Bobby. I'm still holding out hope that the cute mechanic is your note writing secret admirer."
Bob let Phoenix lead him down the ramps when their deboarding group was called. He was so nervous now, he just wanted to go right home and pretend none of this had ever happened. 
"Go find your girl! Text me later!" Nat told him, pushing him in the direction of the statue. 
Bob wound his way slowly through the crowd. His heart was pounding. What if nobody was there? What if nobody came? What if it was just Jake waiting for him after all?  He felt sick, with clammy palms and an upset stomach as he neared his destination.
"Bob?" a soft voice called to him, and his eyes drifted up a uniformed body, his eyes coming to settle on your face.
"It's you? The pretty mechanic?" he asked, and when a smile found its way to your lips, you nodded.
"Yeah. It's me. Are you disappointed?" you asked, twisting your fingers around each other and shifting your weight from one booted foot to the other.
"D-Disappointed?" Bob asked, setting his duffel bag down next to yours. "No. I was hoping it was you. I still can't believe you noticed me."
You giggled, a cute, surprised expression on your face. "Bob, you were the most noticeable guy onboard!"
Bob inched closer to you, but you didn't back away. You actually stepped right into his personal space and ran your palms up to his shoulders and kissed him softly. Desire bloomed through his body, and as you pulled away from him, Bob leaned down for another kiss. His glasses bumped your cheek, but you didn't seem to mind as you kissed him over and over, until he felt a little dizzy. 
His glasses were askew, but he could clearly see the gentle flutter of your lashes as you opened your eyes and gazed up at him.
"Do you want to go grab lunch with me?" you asked, your expression so open and your face so pretty. "I want to hear all about Montana in your sexy voice."
"Yes, of course." Bob blushed and fixed his glasses, but he scooped up both duffel bags and followed you along the dock, listening to you gush about how strong he was. 
The last thing Bob heard as he disappeared into the crowd with you was Jake wolf whistling and Nat yelling, "Go Bobby!"
Bobby!!! So noticeable!!! Thanks to @thedroneranger for helping me shape this fic together!
@eddiemunsonreader @wintercap89
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resi4skz · 3 months
Title: Starstruck (pt1)
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Pairing: Chan!idol x Fem!reader
Part 2 , Part 3
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"The usual place?" Luna asks as I finish up decorating a cake that was due tomorrow.
"Yeah. Erica and Julie wants to go there too. Just make a reservation for," I glance at my watch. "5pm."
As she makes the reservation on the phone, I glue the white and pink fondant petals on the 2 tier cake with edible glue. It was a cute and simple cake for a 1yr old. Turning the cake turntable, I admire my work before placing it in the fridge for pickup tomorrow. "Hey, so he uploaded a video again."
I haven't turned around so fast in my life. I quickly walk over to her as she hands me her phone. Excitedly, I press play on the tiktok page she had left me. Music comes on as a man in a white skin tight full sleeve top and baggy pants comes on. He dances, showing his dance skills. I had been following him ever since he had 2 videos on his page. Now he has millions followers and loads of comments under each video.
The only downside? He wears a helmet in each one so no one really knows who he is. He's usually seen roaming the city of Seoul or videos like the one I'm watching. "Good lord, woman. You're starstruck."
I give the phone back and clean up the kitchen quickly. Sound comes from her phone and I start singing along the song 'Star Lost.' It's a song I always listen to when I need some cheering up. It's from the kpop group Stray Kids, a very popular boy group all around the world. Luna and I had always wanted to go to one of their concerts but with owning a bakery and orders piling on, we never had the time. But we both followed them on their instagram and bubble. Although I only had one bubble, the leader, the one and only Bang Chan.
After dinner, the four of us went our separate ways as we lived in different areas in the city. But I decided to stop by Han river to take a night stroll. It was nice this time around as it was getting a bit warm. Smiling, I close my eyes to feel the warm breeze of summer approaching.
I resume walking, enjoying the sound of the waves. There weren't many people around as it was pretty later and I liked that, less people to worry about. My phone buzzes as I approach a corner.
L: are you home yet?
As I'm about to reply, I walk into something. Or someone. "Ah, I'm sorr-"
My words stop in my throat as I blink at the person in front of me.
Am I seeing things?
I rub my eyes. He's wearing biker gear this time. But no helmet? I blink a few times at the back of his head. What is he doing here? It's when he turns around is the biggest surprise of my life. The black curly hair, the sharp jaw and those lips. I definitely know those lips. When my land on his eyes, I let out the biggest gasp. "You're....you're....."
"Shhh!" He says, putting his finger to his lips as he glances around. "Shit, I didn't expect for my identity to go this way."
"Holy shit. You're Bang Chan AND the biker dude?!"
Sighing, he closes his eyes, nodding his head. "Yes."
"Okay. I need to sit down. Or pinch myself," I said, transfixed at the man in front of me. "This is a dream, right?"
He laughs softly, his dimples popping. Oh my god. His dimples. "You're definitely not dreaming." He reaches up and pinches my arm.
I flinch, hissing at the sharp pain. "Ow!" Okay. Definitely not dreaming. "But what are you doing here?"
"I was trying to find a spot to film a tiktok."
I watch him fiddle with the zipper of his biker jacket. "May I?" I asked, stepping closer to him. Once he nods, I place my hands at the front of his jacket and.....holy fuck he smells so good. Mentally cursing at myself, I pull the zipper down and step back.
"You're welcome," I replied smiling.
His phone buzzes and he pulls it out of his biker pants, turning around to take the call. After a few seconds, I take it as a sign to leave. As I'm scrambling my brain whether to tell Luna about what just happened when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, it's him again.
"Damn, you walk fast," he pants, his helmet dangling around his hand.
"Uhm, did something happen?" I asked, concerned.
"No, but," he fishes out phone again. "I wanted to ask a question."
"Would you want to come to our concert?"
I almost choked on my spit. "W-what?"
"Our concert? It's this weekend."
"No. I heard you. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why do you want me to go to your concert?" He gives a shrug to my question. "Is it to bribe me so I don't tell everyone about you?"
He gives another shrug and I laugh. "Oh my god, it is!"
"Look," he begins. "I can't have this going out otherwise my company won't let me hear the end of it."
Which was true because his company was shit. "Okay."
We exchange phone numbers. I stare at my phone with his number. Holy cannolli. I have Bang Chan's number. "I'll text you the details for the concert. Make sure to come to the backstage, yeah?"
"Alright, well, see ya," he says with a wink before putting on his helmet and sprinting away.
A little later when I'm home getting ready for bed, my phone chimes. Thinking it's Luna, I pick it up but freeze when I see the name on the screen.
C: did you get home okay?
Y/N: yes, was just getting ready for bed
C: oh? It's only 11pm
I snort at his text.
Y/N: only you would think it's early but I have been up since 5am and would like a 10hr nap with no interruptions
As soon as I hit send, my phone rings loudly making me jump. "Jesus." But it's him calling. "Hello?"
"A 10 hour nap? That's not a nap."
"It is for me."
"You're one weird woman but I like you."
My heart skips a beat. "Sure. Everyone likes me. You'd like my cakes too."
"Cakes?" He asked.
Ah, right. "I own a bakery with my friend, Luna."
"Maybe I'll come by sometime to taste your cake."
"Wait," I blink at his words. "You want to come to my bakery?"
He chuckles, music to my ears. "Why is that so surprising?"
"I mean," I began. "It's not everyday I get to hear that THE Bang Chan would visit my bakery."
"Alright, well I'll let you go."
I dream about a biker thay night.
The following night, he invites me for coffee. Then later we're back at Han River again, walking and talking. After a few minutes, we reach his bike and he grabs his helmet. Gosh. How is the little things he does I find very attractive?
The next few seconds go by fast, my brain not comprehending what happened. I feel something soft and wet on my right cheek, eyes widened as I reach to touch when he steps back. Did he just....
"Let me drop you home?"
I could only nod as I suddenly didn't have the ability to speak. And as I sit behind him on the bike, I was having trouble finding a spot to hold onto when he grabs my hand and puts them around his waist. "That's much better," he says starting the bike. And we were off.
By the time he reached my apartment complex, I'm still stuck on the kiss he gave me on the cheek. "Y/N?"
"Huh?" I snap my eyes at him as I see him with his hand out for me to climb off the bike. "Oh!"
"So, Y/N."
"Will I see you again?"
Is he talking in a sense of a date? Wait, he's asking ME on a date???? "At the concert?"
"And after," he said.
"After?" I blink, my brain going in overdrive.
"Yeah, I wanna take you out," he replied.
"Are you asking me out on a date?"
"Yes," he chuckles.
"But we just met."
He takes a step closer and tucks my hair behind my ears. What is happening? "Yeah. It's not everyday everybody gets star struck."
Holy moly. His brown boba eyes are so pretty. I can check off many things on my bucket list with him being number 1. "But you're an idol. And I'm just a normal human who works in a bakery."
"So, wouldn't it be weird for you to go out and be bombarded by paparazzi?"
"Good point," he nods. "But I have my ways, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. Bang Chan just called me a sweetheart. "Right. I forget you know almost everyone in the industry."
"It's a curse."
"What? Hello? It's not a curse. If I was like you, I wouldn't have trouble with social anxiety," I exclaimed. "I wouldn't give a fuck about anyone saying anything to me then."
He snorts, laughing. "You're so cute."
"Sorry, sorry," he says. "But it's a fact that I do know everyone and everything."
"See? You get it. While my introverted mind can't even fathom being in crowds," I huff, crossing my arms. When my eyes meet his, he's staring at me with such fire in his eyes. I squirm on my spot. "What?"
"Nothing. Just wondering if I should come up and show you what an extrovert can do or just leave before I do something drastic."
I visbly gulp. Holy shit, Christopher. "Uhm."
But he just smiles at me and wears his helmet with the visor up. "I'll see you at the concert?"
He gets on his bike, revvs it up a bit then he turns around and winking at me before driving away.
When I'm settled in bed, nice and cozy, my phone buzzes. "Luna if this is yo-" But my eyes widen at the name popping up.
C: sweet dreams, babygirl ;)
I cannot wait for the concert.
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Late Night Report - Dick Grayson x (f)Reader
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Words: 1189 Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Reader Warnings: Mentions canon-typical violence, sappy Summary: Dick can’t wait to see you after patrol, and he starts daydreaming aloud to his sulking brother. Author’s Note: There is no actual dick and yn interaction in this, he just talks about how much he loves you. Jason also has a girlfriend. This is based entirely on the photo above, and it came from this Pinterest post. This is also like really based on the daydreaming and headcanoning @cafeacademia and I have been doing the last week. 
And, if you’re more of a Jason lover, I have written his perspective of this photo about him missing his girlfriend (you ;) )
Dick / Full Masterlist
It was nearing the end of patrol, and Dick was so thankful. It was supposed to be a simple, quick patrol around Gotham to tie up some loose ends on a case with Jason. But when those loose ends turned into fighting two separate gangs, the two hours out of the apartment quickly became closer to five. 
He was exhausted.
Dick was also upset that he couldn’t head home yet. All he wanted was to see you and end the night doing what you two were planning after the “short” patrol. He wanted to eat some takeout, watch some TV, cuddle, and probably kiss (a lot). 
But no, he had to wait for Batman to be done with the police so he could give him his report, and then he can go home. And Dick knows that Gordon likes to get every detail from Batman as possible, and with how big this night was, it was going to take a while.
Dick decided that instead of trucking it all the way back to the Batcave (and then all the way back to his apartment), he’d just wait on the rooftop nearby. He sent Batman his location and waited, kicking his feet over the edge of the building and looking around the city from above. He was sweating and tired, and it was late with very few people out on the street, so he took his mask off to let his face breathe a bit. He’s always very aware of his surroundings, so if, by some miracle, someone got onto the roof, he would have his mask on before they saw him.
“You waiting for him, too?” Dick heard the deep voice he recognized as Jason. Though, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t slightly jump. Dick turned his head to see Jason approaching from the other side of the building. They were supposed to be working together tonight, and did for about ten minutes until all hell broke loose.
“Yeah, he’s still talking to Gordon. I didn’t want to go back to the Cave, would rather just give him my verbal report here then head home,” Dick explained, watching as Jason walked closer to him and eventually sat next to him. “I promised I’d be home like three hours ago. I did call to say I was going to be late, but I always feel bad.”
Jason tore off his helmet and domino mask, sitting them behind him. “Yeah, but at least they’re understanding. Hell, to date any of us, you have to be. Especially when they aren’t in the same business,” He sighed. “I’ll make sure you get to talk to him first since I don’t have to be home by any specific time.”
“I appreciate that,” Dick said and looked away from Jason and up at the sky. “But yeah, she’s always very understanding. Always has been. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” Once Dick started thinking and talking about you, it’s nearly impossible to get him to stop. Jason knows this, and no matter how much he’s sulking tonight, he’ll let Dick talk it all out. Jason has learned how to tune him out and has been for years, and Dick won’t even notice.
Dick kept going. “We’re going to watch some TV reruns, she’ll order some takeout, and we’ll eat the greasy takeout on the couch while watching the reruns,” He explained his to-do list for the rest of the night. “I always love our more elaborate date nights, but I adore the time we get to ourselves in the apartment. The cute, intimate moments just between us. I love showing her off to the rest of the city and the press, but there’s just something about being able to be us in our own space, you know?”
Jason hummed in response, not listening at all to what Dick had to say. Dick noted the hum from Jason as one he has heard far too many times when Jason tunes him out, so he moved his view of the sky to look at Jason. “Are you listening to me?” Dick asked.
“Mhm,” Jason nodded again, his chin resting on one of his hands while he looked like he just watched someone kill a kitten.
“I think you’re ignoring me,” Dick crossed his arms.
Though Jason can tune Dick out, he knows the gist of what was said. It’s the same idea of what he says every time he talks about you. “No, I heard it. Not like I haven’t heard it before,” Jason sighed again. “Why do you always say the same things about her? You’re like a broken record.”
“Because I love her,” Dick revealed. “I should probably tell her that, shouldn’t I?” He asked.
Jason only half-heartedly shrugged in response. “Come on, give me more than just that. I know you’re upset your girlfriend is out of town, but can’t you at least pretend to be interested in what I have to say?” Dick asked.
Jason contemplated the best way to answer that question. Again, he’s heard the same spiel about you a million times, and you’ve only been together for a few months. He worries about what Dick will be like further along in your relationship: will he stay this sappy? Will it get worse? Could he possibly ever mellow out a bit? Well, only time will tell, he guesses.
Luckily, Jason was saved from having to answer the question Dick asked by boots landing on the roof. Before they even looked over, they both knew it was Bruce. He can be as stealthy as he wants, but they will always know. “What are you still doing here, Dick?” Bruce asked as he stood looking down at his two helplessly in love sons.
“Uh, waiting to give you my report,” Dick said as he grabbed his mask and clamored to stand up. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Dick could barely see it, but Bruce’s eyes squinted in what he thought was confusion. “I thought you would’ve left to get home. Considering you had plans, I mean,” He said. “But if you want to go ahead and give me your report now, I’m all ears.”
He knew the verbal report would take a good chunk of time, and Dick never looks a gift horse in the mouth. Without hesitation, Dick threw his mask back on, turned to face the edge of the building, and smiled. “I’ll email you my report tomorrow!” He said. “Bye, guys!” Dick shouted as he fell from the building, catching himself before he reached the ground. 
Both Bruce and Jason watched Dick disappear as he headed back home. Bruce looked down at Jason, still sulking, and stifled a laugh. “Well, considering you have nowhere to be, do you want to give me your report now?”
Jason groaned. “Sure, sit down, old man,” He said, patting the concrete that Dick had just vacated. “You never let me leave before giving reports.”
“You don’t ever wait around long enough for me to let you,” Bruce shot back as he sat down. “So, how’d things go on your end?”
@i-am-not-the-real-alice @designer--sunglasses @cirrec @glossierkisscs @ineffablebean @rloyal @criminalmindsmoodrn @iamninaanna @super-multifandom @ifilwtmfc @sitherin-mxschief
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spahhzy · 7 months
Free as can be~
Ashley sighed into her sleeve for what seemed to be the umpteenth time, causing Andrew to look down from his book he was reading.
"You okay Ash?" He asked, shifting himself to next to his sister.
"Just bored..." Ashley said with a pout, and Andrew rolled his eyes.
"What? You mean living motel to motel on the run from law enforcement, cults, and an organ harvesting firm isn't exciting enough for you, " He said sarcastically as Ashley tossed a pillow at his face.
"Nope," she said, giggling before suddenly her stomach growled.
"You should probably go get something from the vending machine, Ashley." Said Andrew, which cause Ashley to grumble.
"I don't want no stupid cookie again... let's go out to eat! " Said Ashley with enthusiasm rising up and standing on the bed.
"Wah, oh come on, Andy, I know for a fact you have gotten sick and tired of cookies by now," Ashley argued back.
"What part of 'on the run' did you not understand?" He countered, and Ashley huffed before crossing her arms.
"We're only on the run cause you keep killing people," She said as Andrew breathed deeply, knowing his sister is right and wrong in what she said.
"But that doesn't mean we can't go and eat nice every once and a while" She complained.
"Ashley, it was just last week that I took you to a restaurant, and you almost stuck a fork down our waitresses' throat." Andrew complained as Ashley looked at him with a surprise look.
"That hussy was undressing you with her eyes. You could have gotten sick!" Ashley explained. 'Only I can do that!' Is what she wanted to add as well.
"Yeah, well, what's to say you won't do that at another restaurant, Leyley?" Andrew questioned, and Leyley held a hand over her heart.
"I promise to be on my best behavior...scouts honor"
"You were never a scout, Ashley..." said Andrew as he got up from the bed.
"And for good reason, you'd probably murder the camp counselor if they tried to touch me," She said, and Andrew knew she was right, he probably murder anyone their that tried to take his leyley from him.
"Fuck it, why not we'll go to a Benny's Diner how about that?" Ashley cheered jumping on the bed like she was a child.
"Yes, food! Actual none vending machine food!" She said and Andrew just smiled before tossing a pillow at her head causing her to fall off the bed.
"Get dressed dumbass"
Andrew looked out the dinner window as Ashley was eating happily away at her meal.
Across the street from him was a bar, he was assuming it was some sort of biker bar with how many motorcycles there were.
Looking at the machines, Andrew minds began to slip into a memory of some simple times.
"Wow, Andy, I can't believe you blew some of your college money on this, Mom's going to be pissed," said Ashley as she walked around a nice black motorcycle.
"I make enough to put it back Ashley, sides since when did you care about what mom thinks?" Andrew said as he cleaned off the bike a little.
"I don't, just surprised is all...my big Andy thinks he's so cool now, huh? " Teased Ashley as Andrew sat on the bike, ignoring her.
"Gonna attract all those whores to aren't you? Gonna have them ride along with you, hmm?" Ashley said with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
"That's going to be hard to do with you around," He said to her.
"Wow...tell me how you really feel?"
"Oh, leyley if I did, I'm almost certain I'd be in jail," Andrew teased back causing Ashely to blush and look away, not at all liking how her brother can sometimes...sometimes push her buttons, suddenly the bike road to life as Andrew revved it a couple times.
Enjoying the noise it made.
Ashley shook her head, finding truth in the saying 'boys will be boys' and looking at Andrew's smiling face, butterflies began dancing in her stomach.
Ashley snapped out of her stupor as Andrew tossed a helmet into her direction.
"Come on, leyley, it will be just like old times on the bicycle we had remember?" She must have remembered.
Their folks got him a bicycle for his tenth birthday. Ashley didn't get a bicycle, just coloring books, so on her birthday, he stole pegs off the other kids' bike and attached it to his bike so that Ashley could always ride with him.
It was the best gift Ashley got on that day, being able to ride free with her big brother and it was a great gift for them both as It was one of the rare instances in their childhood where they could just enjoy being kids.
Andrew never forgot the big smile Ashley had that day of being able to ride on a motorcycle with him.
Andrew sighed, which caused Ashley to stop her rampant chewing, looking at Andrew. Ashley reached over with her fork and poked him.
"What's wrong, Andy?" She said with a mouthful, and Andrew bonked her on the head.
"I didn't need to see your mouthful," He said to her. Ashley giggled before swallowing.
"I'm sure you love seeing me swallow something else" She wiggled her eyebrows at him and Andrew almost snorted out his coffee he was drinking.
"Still...what is on your mind?" She asked, setting her fork down and taking a sip of her soda.
"Just reminiscent, I guess..." He confessed to her as he returned his gaze back to her.
"Ooh are you reminiscing about my fat fucking tits again?" this time Andrew choked on his coffee and began coughing and blushing as Ashley laughed causing the other occupants to look at the pair strangely.
Andrew tossed a piece of toast at his sister's head.
"Hey! That's perfectly good toast!"
The pair had finished their food without a hitch, and they swiftly left the diner after paying.
Now, it was time for a short walk back to the motel.
They proceeded past the bar where the group of bikers were, and as they proceeded to walk on by one biker in particular decided to try his luck.
"Hey sweetie, why don't you come over here and get the ride of a lifetime?" He said to her. Ashley just ignored him, giving him the middle finger, but Andrew, on the other hand, was silently fuming at how these bikers were looking and leering at his leyley...
"Lookie that boys, she's a real fiesty one, huh?" The leader said, earning a laugh from the rest of the gang. Andrew clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, Ashley sensing this took his arm and hugged it as they both walked past the biker.
"Hey, when you're done with the stooge, I'll ne waiting for you, Lil lady," said the leader as they Andrew and Ashley both rounded a corner out of sight.
Nothing was said as they made their way back to their motel, Ashley was a bit worried at seeing Andrew upset, but also...kinda liked how possessive he was.
Giving out a yawn, the food now giving her the sleepies.
"Get some rest, Ashley," Andrew said as he walked over and put a blanket over her.
"You...coming too...bed too?" She said, trying to stay awake, and Andrew just chuckled.
"After I clean up some stuff around the room, not really tired yet," He told her as Ashley violet eyes drooped more and more.
"Mmkay...love you," She said before finally she was out like a light.
"..." Andrew bent down before placing a kiss on her forehead as he looked at her calm expression.
He sat back down on the couch and waited a good whole hour to make sure Ashley was still asleep as he suddenly sat up from his couch, went into the kitchen, and procured his cleaver. Grabbing his jacket and stuffing the cleaver in his back pants pocket, he opened the door before stepping out into the darkness, giving one last look at Ashley before quietly closing the door.
"Man, did you see the tits on the dark-haired girl...what I would do that woman," said the sleazy biker as all his friends laughed and cheered him on.
"Alright, gang, I'm heading out. Don't cause too much of a ruckus," laughed the leader as he started his bike, the exhaust garbling loudly as the group cheered and said their goodbyes.
The biker drove for what was about five minutes when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that same dude that was with that beautiful woman earlier leaving the diner.
That man was Andrew, and he was leaning against the wall next to a dark alley smoking a cigarette.
Pulling over to the curb, shutting off his bike and pocketing his keys in his black stained vest, he leaned on the same wall right next to Andrew.
"Hey buddy, so tell me, how's that hot piece of ass been treating you?" He asked Andrew said nothing as he smoked his cigarette.
"I'm sure she's a real freak in bed to ain't she" It took all of Andrew will power not to grab the man's throat and tear it out.
"Hey, I have an idea... Why not let me have a crack at her? I'll pay you for it, hmm?" He asked, and Andrew was inches away from slicing his throat.
"How much are you paying?" Andrew asked, hating himself for saying those words, but if everything worked out, then he would do what he needed to do.
"For a glorious pieace of ass like that, all the money that's in my pocket which is..." The man patted himself from pants pockets to vest pockets before finally procuring money.
"$777.77" He told him with a sick grin on his face, Andrew looked at the money as he looked like he was considering the offer.
"Let's talk about this more... discreetly," He said, making a motion to the dark alley as the sleazy biker grinned, thinking he was going to get his dick wet tonight.
Walking like he won the lottery, he entered into the alleyway, Andrew not too far behind as his green eyes glared balefully at him as he reached behind and grabbed his cleaver.
"Alright, let's dis -" he was cut off real quick as sharp steal found itself ingrained into his face, the biker could only gargle as Andrew gripped at the cleaver hard and ripped it from his face.
"As if someone like you will ever touch my leyley... see you in hell, " He said as he began relentlessly hitting the man's head with the cleaver over and over.
Andrew, finally out of his rage, looked at his work. He sighed, another body to his name. This one, though, was like that warden...another sleaze and one that he was happy to kill.
But now it was time to clean up. Luckily, he brought some gloves.
It took him less than a half hour to chop away at the body before throwing it into the dumpster.
Finally, it was time to just throw the clothes out, too, as he grabbed the bikers' vest, a key fell out and onto the floor. Inspecting it, he took a look at the end of the entrance of the alley to see the dead bikers motorcycle.
Andrew smiled.
Ashley awoke to the sound of the TV playing in the background. She looked at the time on the alarm clock.
Looking around the room, She called out again.
Panic began to set in as a million thoughts went through her head.
'Was he taken?'
'Was he killed?'
'Did some floozy seduce him?'
'Did he....leave me?'
And before she could answer any of those questions, she heard the loud rumbling a bike make its way into the parking lot of the motel as she suddenly realized that Andrew went out to go fight that biker for how he talked to her.
While she would be swooning over the fact that her Andy was fighting for her honor, she had realized that Andrew was one man, and he couldn't just take on a small gaggle of bikers and if one was here that meant...
"No! Don't think such thoughts... just go and interrogate this stupid biker and find out where your Andy is, " She said to herself, going under her bed, pulling out her revolver. She stormed the front door, ripping it open and aimed the gun at the biker.
"You better tell me where my fucking Andy is you bastard!" She shouted as the biker quickly held his hands up.
"Ashley what the fuck!?" Came the voice inside the helmet, Ashley was so close to pulling the trigger and blowing this fuckers brains out when suddenly the man took the helmet off revealing.
"Waaaaah Annnndy!?" said Ashley as she tossed the gun back inside before running up to him as Andrew caught her in a hug and spun her around.
"I'm not going to ask what the whole gun thing was," Andrew said to her as Ashley nuzzled her face into his chest, relishing I'm his warmth.
"I...I thought I lost you to those stupid bikers," Ashley mumbled, and Andrew shook his head.
"No, leyley, I wouldn't dare leave you." He told her in earnest as he suddenly stepped to the side.
"So... like it?" He asked her, and she looked at the bike and then back to him.
"How did you get this?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously, and Andrew just whistled but was slapped on the shoulder.
"What it was Free nighty nine!" He said with a serious face, and Ashley just looked at him with an expression that said 'really?'.
"Okay, it was a generous donation," He said to her, putting a hand on his heart when he said that.
"Did you kill that man?" Ashley asked.
Andrew remained silent.
"Whaaaat! Since when were you the moral compass!" Complained Andrew much to Ashley's joy.
"I'm not, now you know how I feel when I have to deal with you"
"Oh go fuck yourself"
"Come fuck me yourself coward!"
Andrew just sputtered and blushed, not wanting to continue.
Ashley looked over the bike before sitting down on it.
"Very nice, hey, this reminds me of your old bike you had before our folks sold it off!" She told him as she started to reminisce about all the places Andrew had taken her to.
Andrew let her talk as he went behind her and pulled out another helmet.
"Hey Ash"
Ashley caught the helmet and looked at Andrew who just smiled.
"What do you say, leyley? Shall we ride again like old times?"
Ashley smile was very bright even in the dark of night.
Starting up the bike, Ashely sat behind Andrew before straping on the helmet. She wrapped her arms around Andrew's chest.
Carefully and slowly, they both drove around the parking lot before Andrew finally decided to go onto the main road. Looking behind him, Ashley nodded to him, ready to go.
Putting throttle, the bike glided smoothly on the open pavement as the exhaust reverberated off the city walls.
Ashley laughed in happiness as she felt nostalgia and warmth over take her while also enjoying the freedom and closeness with the man she loved.
Andrew was content, regardless of his situation. As long as his Leyley was happy, nothing else mattered.
The two sailed into the darkness, free as can be.
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Touchdown - Chapter 4.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1083
Warnings No real warnings here. But I fell in love with him even more when writing this chapter. Just imagine those eyes on you.
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As you typed the final few words of your latest post, your eyes fell onto the photo that was at the bottom of the screen. Travis was celebrating in the endzone, his face animated through his helmet, fists clenched down by his side. You caught yourself gazing at his eyes, bright and wide. Just as you were about to send the post, an internal email alert flashed up in the bottom corner. ‘London Games’. You looked back to your post and sent it out to the social media accounts. Before you could look back to the alert, Hannah rushed to your side. 
“So, are you up for it?” 
You stared up at her, your eyes blank. 
Hannah’s wide eyes changed instantly to confusion, “You haven’t read it have you?” 
“Read what?” 
Hannah grumbled some incoherent words and she grabbed the mouse of your computer and opened the email. Your eyes scanned across the many wordy paragraphs before you spied your own name, next to Hannah’s, hiding in amongst a long list of others. 
You pointed to the screen, “Why are we-?” 
“We’re going to Wembley! They want us to go to the London Games and report for the social medias!” 
You felt a small burst of excitement mixed with apprehension, “What? Really?” You turned to Hannah with a guilty expression, “I don’t think I’m ready for anything like that. I’m still very new to all of this.” You waved an arm, gesturing towards the room. 
Hannah’s mouth twisted, “Don’t be silly! I’ll be with you; I can do most of the talking if you want?” 
You paused. 
“It’s a weekend in a hotel, taking photos and whatnot. Simple!” 
If only to shut Hannah up, you nodded your head. She turned on her heels, satisfied that she had convinced you, and bounced back to her desk. Your eyes flickered back over the email and you searched for the playing teams, so you could prepare some information. 
‘Seattle Seahawks & Kansas City Chiefs’ 
“Well, this is exciting!” Jess’s eyes were wide and animated, putting her book face down and shuffling across the bed to make more space for you.    
You continued leaning on her doorframe, “I know. I’ve been hating sitting at that desk so often. I won’t actually be doing any reporting, so to speak, but at least I’ll get out of the office.”    
Jess patted the space on the bed next to her, “What are you going to wear?”    
“That’s hardly important.”     
“Y/N, are you joking?” Jess leaned back in horror, “You might end up on the telly!”    
You snort a laugh, “Yeah sure, the new girl who doesn’t know the first thing about American Football is front and centre on ITV.”    
Jess shrugged her shoulders, “…in the background, maybe?”    
You slowly walked over to the bed and fell down backwards onto it. As you stared up to the ceiling, Jess' face appeared into your view, “Wanna watch a movie and fall asleep?” 
You smiled gently, “You read my mind.”     
Wembley Stadium is huge. And you could only fully experience it's sheer size once you were in the centre of the pitch. As your head was starting to become dizzy from looking around at the thousands of empty seats, a few colleagues were making their way towards you.
“Y/N, we’re going to head to our viewing box now.” Richard, one of the stations managers gave you a wave, “I think Hannah was going to go out to the entrance to take some photos for the social media pages, you wanna go with her?”    
“Yeah sure, thanks.” 
Richard was a heavy-set man, with a very closely shaved head. He always wore dark jeans and a black polo shirt. With him was Pete, a tall, thin man with rounded glasses who always seemed to be on his phone. There was a woman with them who you had seen only a handful of times around the office. She was very beautiful with long, straight blonde hair and a slightly sour facial expression. Richard nodded and smiled warmly before turning away with the rest.
Taking one last look around and a deep breath, you started heading to where you assumed the entrance was. Each corridor looked vast and empty, it was early in the morning and the spectators weren’t permitted into the stadium yet. There was a press office that you had seen earlier to collect your pass but aside from that, you were exploring the building blindly. Your head turned quickly whilst you searched for the door but all you could see were bars and toilets. Slightly ahead of you on the left was a set of large blue double doors with a shiny plaque across each of them.
‘No Spectator Access’.  
You paused for a second.  
You weren’t exactly a spectator in the literal sense. The door pushed open easily with a quiet squeak. The corridor ahead of you was narrow, a stark difference from the wide spaces on the other side of the door. You meandered your way through the blank walls and endless doors hearing muffled noises behind each one on your way.  
Suddenly, there was a deep laughter from behind you as one of the doors opened quickly. Half a dozen large men spilled from the room, all chatting loudly between themselves. You pressed your back against the cold wall so they could move past you when one of the men caught your eye. He was tall and broad, with short buzzed dark hair and a hint of a beard that had been recently trimmed. His light eyes almost twinkled as he laughed and his smile was wide that it made his eyes crease to almost nothing.  
It was Travis Kelce.  
As he moved passed you, his eyes locked with yours and you could feel your heart stop for a second. A short breath escaped your dry lips as they moved into a half smile. Travis glanced towards his companions quickly before turning back to you. He winked, cheekily. Your tongue darted out of your open mouth to moisten your lips and you could swear his stare moved down. Your chest seemed to be rising and falling slowly and your knees slightly weakened. Feeling for the painted brick wall behind you to ensure you didn’t lose your balance, he almost looked as if he was about to say something before his head whipped back around and he disappeared around a corner, leaving only the sound of laughter and excited chatter.    
I hope everyone is enjoying where this is going! New chapters will be posted soon, and a quick heads up, there's lots coming! If you want to be in my taglist so you get a notification for the next chapter, let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | Epilogue
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Smuuuut. Oral (m receiving). Fingering. Body worship. PinV sex. Creampie. Mild cockwarming if you squint. Tiny bit of sub!Din but you realllllly gotta squint.
Author’s Note: Everyone thank @ablondieproduction for this. Also, ya know how I said the last part was the finale? I lied turns out. Gif from @obikenobis
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Wedding Night
“Well, well, well —you leave with a kid and come back with, what? A princess?” Peli greeted as Din held his hand out to his wife, helping her off the ship. Grogu was in his other arm. 
She still wore her gown, stained with her blood as well as Credence’s, and it trailed behind her as she walked off the ship. Peli stood with her hands on her hips, staring at the three before her in confusion and disbelief. 
“Peli,” he returned with a nod. Immediately, the mechanic reached out to take Grogu in her arms, and the child coped excitedly at her. “This is my wife.”
“Excuse me?” Peli exclaimed, and even her droids stopped what they were doing to see what was going on. “You got married and didn’t invite me?”
She laughed —bright, genuine and the only thing that Din wanted to hear for the rest of his life. “It was a bit last second,” she offered simply, extending her hand to the mechanic to introduce herself. “I’ve heard your mechanic skills are the best in the galaxy.”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly what he told ya.”
Din let out a sigh –vaguely resembling a chuckle – nodding back to the Crest. “Think you can fix it in the next week?”
Peli moved around the ship, examining it closely. “What the hell did you do to do this thing?”
“Got married,” he offered as a simple explanation. Next to him, she elbowed his side with a playful grin. 
Peli stopped and looked back at him, brow raised. “Mando, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were messin’ with me.”
“But you do know better, Ms. Peli?” She asked, grinning still. 
The mechanic scoffed, making a face. “Just Peli. And I do. Which means that you two actually got married on this thing —what? During a firefight? How romantic.” 
Both laughed at the last comment’s clear sarcasm, earning a giggle from Grogu who basked in the joy that came from both his parents. Peli seemed struck by the sight, and Din wondered if he’d ever actually laughed in front of her before. He couldn’t remember the last time he properly felt this happy, however. 
“Y’know what? Lemme watch the kid for the night,” Peli offered, bouncing Grogu on her hip. Din knew she would offer that regardless, because she always did. However, her next offer threw him off. “You two go get yourself a room and really enjoy your wedding night.”
Din thanked the Maker for his helmet, because the blush that he felt took up his neck and face and seeped over his features. But his princess didn’t hesitate to take his hand, her grin turning to an eager smile. 
“And as a wedding gift —I’ll charge ya half what the repairs are.”
Din rolled his eyes, but she was pulling him towards the exit of the shop without a second thought. “Thank you, Peli! You are wonderful.”
He swore, as he was hurried out the door, Peli said to Grogu, “Maybe you’ll get a sibling tonight.”
There was no hesitation as soon as they got into their room at the inn. Her hands were on him, revealing his face to her. Anyone else would have called her desperate for how she touched him –how she needed to taste him on her lips and see every part of him like it was the first time, every time. The dark curls that fell over his eyes, which could hold every star in the galaxy if she could capture them all. Everything about Din Djarin was beautiful, and she thanked the Maker for every second she got to touch him.
His helmet was discarded to the nightstand without much thought, and her mouth was on his as soon as it was out of the way. Din responded with fervor, yanking his gloves off and tossing them aside so his hands could card into the hair at the base of her neck and pull her into him. His lips were chapped, but soft and pliant against her’s, allowing her to be in as much control as possible. She liked how he melted into her touch; how he let her decide how far it could be taken. The feeling made her shiver in excitement, and she felt a rush of desire wash over her. Her tongue traced his bottom lip, before she pulled it between her teeth. Din is who deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth and exploring the depths of her. 
When they broke apart, foreheads resting against one another, she closed her eyes for a moment to breathe. Din’s hands were still in her hair, though loosened now, as he peppered short, sweet kisses over her cheeks, nose, eyes –wherever his lips could touch. 
“I need out of this awful gown,” she breathed, opening her eyes to look up at him.
“I happened to like the dress,” he admitted, just as breathless. His fingers traced over the scales of the armor that covered her body, trailing down as he lifted the skirts, showing off the remnants of battle. “Bloodstains and all.”
“You would,” she teased, reaching up to run her fingers across his jaw with a soft smile. 
While it would not be the first time that she and Din touched one another, it would be the first time she could see him when they did. And she wanted to see everything. The blindfold heightened every other feeling, but to see him –every part of him –was something that she had been longing for the moment they landed on Sorgan so long ago. 
The stubble along his jaw scratched her fingers, but she basked in the feeling as she mimicked his motions. Her eyes traced over the armor covering his chest, over the mudhorn signet that matched her dagger, as well as the mythosaur that was etched into his pauldrons. She had felt him under her hands before; the skin under the armor. The scars that littered his body from battle and blaster shots. There was something about feeling him that dialed her desire up higher and higher, but being able to see him…Maker help her, she was growing impatient.  
She wasn’t a fool; she knew by marrying him that they would not have a peaceful life. Such was the way of the Mandalorian. But what moments of peace they had –moments like this, in that inn, alone –she was going to savor and enjoy. 
“I want to see you,” she finally whispered, looking up at him. “I want to see all of you, Din.”
She watched his throat constrict as he swallowed; how his breath hitched when she said his name. Her hands traced back up to his shoulders, slowly but surely beginning to remove the armor that hid him from her. Din stood, allowing her to take her time –to appreciate everything that he had to offer her. As she moved her way down, taking pieces of his beskar with her, she admired each part of him she could. With the beskar out of the way, she pulled the pieces of his flight suit next, all but tossing the top pieces off onto the floor to reveal the broad expanse of skin she had only ever touched blindly. While he still wore the bottom half of his suit, she was content –if only for a moment –to admire what she saw before her.
Her fingers traced over his collarbone, down into the dip that formed right at the base of his throat, then back up over the otherside. There were scars all over –ones she had felt before but could finally see properly. New ones –still fresh, still trying to be held together –and old ones alike marred his skin, but as she touched each one, she couldn’t help but find each one beautiful in its own right. 
Din’s hands reached for her waist, but she shooed him away with an adoring smile. “You’ve been able to see me this entire time,” she reminded him gently, slowly bringing herself to her knees in front of him. Her hands unfastened the buckles of his boots, slipping them off him with ease, before her hands reached back up to his stomach. He swallowed again, meeting her gaze as her nails dragged down his stomach and stopped just above the button of his pants. “Let me see you come undone for me.”
Her lips pressed against his lower stomach, her tongue just barely grazing over the skin there, as her hands worked the remainder of his flight suit off of him. His hands were trembling by his sides, and when she looked up at him, his eyes were closed as if he was trying to hold himself back. A devious smile spread over her lips, and Din hummed as he felt it against his skin. As she pulled the remainder of his clothes off of him, she pressed soft, wet kisses lower and lower until she was sitting on her knees with him bare before her. 
“Look at me,” she ordered, though her voice was soft as her nails dragged over the exposed skin of his thighs. 
Din finally opened his eyes, dropping his gaze to her as she carefully took his hardened length in her hands. He sucked in a sharp breath, trying to keep himself composed, but she didn’t want him composed. She wanted him undone from her touch, her mouth, her love. 
She’d felt him before —his size, buried deep inside her —but she wanted to feel him everywhere. And so with a careful stroke of her hand, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to the tip of his cock. He let out a strangled sound, legs shaking. She hummed softly, glancing up at him once more, before she pulled back just slightly. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed,” she commanded, pushing him backwards. 
He didn’t hesitate to follow orders, sitting down and spreading his legs open for her. She settled between his knees, leaning her head against his thigh to simply admire the beauty that was her husband —staring down at her with pleading eyes. 
“Look at you, mesh’la,” she murmured, earning a groan from Din as she used his language against him.
“Please,” he managed to finally say, and she couldn’t deny him her touch any more. 
Sitting up on her knees, she took him in her hands once more and dragged her tongue over the underside of his cock. He threw his head back at the sensation, nails digging into the sheets of the bed, as she licked the head and budding precum clean off. Then, without warning, she wrapped her lips around him and took him entirely into her mouth, allowing herself only a moment to adjust to the feel of him on her tongue. 
His hips bucked involuntarily, but her free hand —the one not working his cock as she began to suck him off —dig into the meat of his thigh. A silent warning to wait so she could take her time. His breathing was heavy, but his eyes stayed on hers as she set the pace. Her tongue traced over the veins of his cock, back over the head, and she hummed in delight as one of his hands found purchase in her hair. 
Still in her bloodstained gown, on her knees in front of him, she slowed her motions —allowing Din to use his grip on her hair to control her next movements. There was a moment of hesitation —as if he was waiting for explicit permission. So she pulled back with a satisfying pop, a string of saliva shining between her lips and his cock. 
“Fuck,” was all he said, staring down at her with his hand tangled in her hair. “I-I need you, riduur. I won’t —I can’t last —,”
But she simply hummed in response, pulling back entirely to rest her hands in her lap. She looked up at him as he sat up fully, waiting for him to make his move. Din leaned forward, his hand in her hair guiding her up to meet him in a heated kiss. It was all teeth, and tongues, tasting himself on her as he started to pry the gown from her body. 
Unlike his beskar, her armor was only held on by a handful of buckles that trailed up her spine. Once undone —the dress simply dropped to her feet, pooled there like a sea of chainmail, blood and tulle. The underwear she wore —that, and nothing else —were the next to be pried off of her and when it was out of the way, Din’s hands were on her hips and pushing her into the sheets of the bed —all without breaking their kiss. 
Her hands tangled into his hair, bringing him as close to her as she could manage as his hands roamed over every curve of her body. He laid on his side, half on top of her, and he pulled her knee up against him. His fingers, thick and warm and quick, delved between her thighs and he groaned when he felt how wet she was. 
They broke apart, just enough to touch their foreheads together, as Din pressed a finger into her. She arched into the touch, his free hand gripping the calf that was pulled against him as he pulled out and pressed back in at a slow, almost painful pace. A second finger joined the first, and she gasped at the feeling of him inside her —she desperately needed more; needed him. 
“Please, Din,” she begged, taking his jaw in her hands to make him look at her. Seeing him —seeing him see her —made her heart swell as she gasped from his fingers curling inside her, against a string of nerves that made her cry out. “Oh Maker —Din —I —,”
His pace didn’t slow, however —he sped up his ministrations, trailing his lips over her jaw and down her throat. She writhed under his touch, each bite and kiss like fire under her skin, as she clenched around his fingers. Her hands pulled at his hair, tugging the curls between her fingers as she cried out his name as if he was her Maker and his name was the only prayer she needed for salvation. 
But too soon, he pulled his fingers from her and she fell into the bed with an empty, cold feeling where he once was. Din brought his fingers up, tapping just barely against her lips and she didn’t hesitate to take them into her mouth. Tasting herself on his fingers only fueled the fire that was blazing through her, and when he pulled his fingers from her mouth, she hauled him back into a kiss. 
He was hard against her thigh, and she was desperate to feel him fill her again. Snaking her hand between their bodies, her fingers wrapped around his cock once more. His moan was swallowed into their kiss as his hips bucked into her touch. With each buck of hips, she could feel his head just barely brushing against her core. 
“I love you,” she whispered against his lips, wrapping her leg around his back to pull him closer. “I love you, Din.”
Understanding what she wanted, he shifted just enough to press into her slowly. “I love you too, cyar'ika. More than you could ever know.”
She kept her eyes on him as Din slowly but surely bottomed out in her, filling her with all of him. He dropped his head, burying his face in the crook of her neck as their bodies connected and filled with warmth. While she wanted him to move, and bring her over the edge that she was already teetering off of, she also wanted to see his face with his cock buried inside her. 
“Look at me,” she begged, pulling his face away from her neck. 
He took a breath, opening his eyes slowly to look down at her. Her hands found his jaw again, holding him there as she pressed her heel into his back, trying to bring him even further into her. He rested on his elbows above her, slowly pulling out of her before thrusting back in. 
She gasped, throwing her head back as he set the pace —slow at first, but picking up speed as he pounded into her. Her fingers dug into his jaw, keeping his eyes on her as she opened her mouth in a silent cry.
He pushed himself up, drawing her in by her hips, as he thrusted into her —hard but passionate, meeting her eyes as he pressed his hand against her lower belly. She gasped at the sensation, arching off the bed when his fingers brushed against her clit. She cried out his name, chasing his touch, pleading with him harder, please, oh Maker!
Din was clearly eager to please, drawing his hips back and pulling out almost entirely —only to snap them back again and fill her. There was no helping herself as she closed her eyes, grasping at the sheets as he kept it up. His fingers circled her clit, pressing down and following the grind of her hips as she begged and pleaded with him. 
His other hand gently wrapped around her throat, fingers just under her jaw to guide her gaze back to him as his thrusts became erratic. Her hands wrapped around his wrist, meeting his gaze as the buildings coil inside her finally snapped and she screamed out his name. 
But his movements didn’t stop; spurred on by the clenching of her cunt around his cock, his movements only got harder and faster as he fucked her through her climax. Even as she came down from the moment, eyes full of stars and tears, he didn’t slow until with one more —two more thrusts —and he was spilling over into her. She could feel his cock twitching inside her, feel the warmth of him spreading throughout and dripping out of her. But she didn’t care, falling back into the bed as he dropped to his elbows above her once more. 
They stayed like that for a long while, with him buried deep inside her and their foreheads touching. The room was thick with sex and pleasure, and eventually, Din slid his softening cock out of her. She whined at the loss, but he buried his face in her neck once more, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close to him. 
She let out a sigh, running her hands through his hair. Din rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him to lay on top. He reached up, pushing the hair from her eyes, and she rested her hands on his chest, smiling down at him. 
“Gar cuyir bid mesh'la,” he whispered, touch lingering on her cheek. 
“Mm, can I guess?” He nodded, returning her smile with one of his own. “I think you just called me beautiful.”
“I did —because you are.”
“So are you, Din.”
Taglist (CLOSED): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @lovelessprick @mxtokko @ellepascal @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance @dilf-din @tizylish @ruleroftides @aheadfullofsteverogers
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pryllee · 3 months
Sly Kitty
Scara x Fem! Reader
College + Modern AU, flirting with small hints of suggestive ideas, slight use of biker! Scara :D
A/N: Idk what to add in the content things. But I hope you just like this
Taglist:: @swivy123
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
You let out another tired sigh, reluctantly walking into the warm bathroom. You notice the bathtub is already filled with also water... Thats ice cold.
Taking off your clothes, you settle into the tub, shivering from the harsh temperature difference—the air was warm that made you felt relaxed yet the tub was ice cold.
Atleast it's sure to wake you up now.
Getting out the bathtub causing water to splash below, with a more energized look on your face. You looked at the other pair of clothes on the right, it had black cargo pants and a white turtle neck shirt.
"Hm, this is his moms fashion preferences..."
The colors were basic but you had to admit the pairing was good, honestly. Black and white are basic colors but they seem nice to the eye, it's simple but can feel elegant.
Or does he have the same tastes? Well to be fair, he could've just picked whatever.
But before you wear them, you need to dry yourself, and so you did with a towel.
You step out with the clothes, feeling warm—but still kind of cold... so you rub your hands vigorously closing your eyes till you heard something drop onto a floor causing a small thud.
Purple eyes widening in shock as tea packets and packaged desserts roll onto the floor spilling out of a paper bag.
"Why is she wearing my clothes... Oh my Archons—don't tell me yo.." The womans words are interrupted as Scara rushes to slam his hand on her mouth to stop whatever foul non-sense she was about to speak.
"No. I did not, shes just a classm... friend that came over. She offered to cook for me, and Keni." He spoke in a stern tone.
"Uhm... Is that your mom you were talking about?" You asked, pointing awkwardly trying to be polite with your tone. The lady nodded,
"You can just call me Ei, and Kuni talked about me? Aww how sweet of you!!" Trying to go in for a hug with one foot in the air and arms wide open, but Scara places both hands on her seemingly over-excited face trying to avoid her reach.
She swiftly walked closer over to you, "Speaking of which, she can just keep that outfit, I'm starting to grow out of it..." She sighed, retracting her arms crossing it instead with a saddened tone.
"Oh– uhm, you don't need to gift me it! I'll hand it back after I make sure it's nice and clean after...!" You held your hands low, speaking with a shy tone.
"Oh it's fine really! I'd have so mu...—"
"AHEM. I think we'll get going now, bye mom." He coughed with a fist up to his mouth, his cheeks seemingly showing a light tone of red as grabbed onto your wrist hurriedly leading you to the entrance.
You both put on your shoes, as his mom yelled out; "Haaveee fuun, you two! Wait... what is her name?" The last part being whispered to her self with a quizzical tone.
You both put on your shoes, before he led you outside to a motorbike nearby beside their houses fencing.
"Huh...? Is this yours?"
"Yeah, I use it sometimes. Why do you ask?"
"Nothing, just surprising that you have one..." Hes a biker? When the actual heck did he become one? Also on further inspection hes wearing a compression shirt under the slightly zipped jacket... Wow.
He gestures for you to hop, and you do. He suddenly places a helmet on you lifting the shield enough to see your eyes from underneath.
Also grabbing a helmet from the side, wearing it on his head, "Hold on tight, dear"
You heard something be mumbled at the last of his message—but before you could ask he set off which shocked you a little, grabbing onto the back of his jacket tightly, almost hugging him in the process horrified.
The scenery you both had to pass by was intriguing, even though it was short moments, it was still breathtaking. The greenery surrounding you flashing by.
It was cold, but in a good way. The air smelt like rain with a small presence of nostalgia.
It feels like you've been here before, but you can't remember. The feeling was probably from a long time ago when you were a child.
Till you reached a rather distant shop, surrounded by plants. Chioriya Boutique, the sign read.
"This place mostly isn't open whenever the bigger version of it is open in the city."
Oh, the name seems oddly familiar now.
"Oh, that place thats went trending for its clothing near the Mall?
"Yeah. It's a smaller version for other people that live near here." He answers, with a hint of sympathy in his voice. Stepping inside the shop as a familiar bell was heard from above.
It was empty—or atleast it felt empty. Sighing in the cold air that came for Air Conditioning felt nostalgic, like those old shops. A voice could be heard from the side, making both your heads turn to find the source.
"Hello, welcome to Chioriya Boutique. How do both of you fare today? The seamstress currently isn't here." She asks, returning to her apparent original spot, behind the receptionists desk with fabrics cluttered around.
"Uhm... Fine?" Speaking with a doubtful tone, you answered her question... That was probably rhetorical.
"We're looking for slightly oversized plain t-shirts in her size. Do you have any?" Scara pointed at your torso with his index finger making you smile awkwardly in confusion.
"Yes, we should have some in the back." The woman held her palm out, showing a door on the side apparently being a different section.
"Come with me." He took your hand once again, maneuvering you over into the room.
Mannequins. It filled the room, various types of plain or designed T-shirts.
You felt the fabric, rubbing them with two fingers. How comfortable, it's fine silk, appropriately stretchy a little too.
Most of it seem to be slightly more expensive than the average types, the fine handiwork makes up for it though.
"Hm, I wonder what the seamstress is like..." You whisper to yourself, placing two fingers under your chin in thought, also earning a confused look from him in the process.
"Shes polite enough. A little bold, can be stern too. If thats what you're asking." He speaks, selecting a beige shirt that seems to perfectly fit you.
"How pretty, her choices of color." You smile, this reminds you of someone, yet you can't tell all that well.
"Hm. You remind me of her a little. Your appearance, that is. But I'd choose you in terms of who would be prettier." Showing a mischevious smile at the last sentence, till you smack him in the head out of embarrassment.
"Ugh, shut up with the corny compliments..."
"Don't you like them?"
You scoff in response, "Mainly, no. And what do you mean by me looking similar? Wait no, scratch that. How did you choose a T-shirt that seems to fit me perfectly?" You raise a brow.
"Lucky pick, it wasn't on purpose..." He pauses, wheels turning in his head. "I DID NOT do whatever weird ass stuff you think I could've possibly did." His eyes narrow, in a sarcastic look of disgust.
Extra A/N: Sorry about this being probably too short, didn't want to make anyone mad about me taking too long for a part 2 though. Sorry! 😭
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hero-of-courage · 9 months
Here are some short writings from Linked Galaxy!
Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
Warriors snickered unashamedly as Four pulled a stormtrooper helmet over his head. The two of them and Legend had snuck aboard an imperial cruiser and were in need of disguises. The captain decided to tease the boy as he adjusted the plastoid armor on his shoulder.
"You've definitely gotta be the shortest stormtrooper I've ever seen." The man chuckled.
Four yanked the helmet off and leveled him with a glare.
He muttered bitterly, "Hand me that cadet helmet."
Legend slid in next to Warriors in full armor. "Honestly, he should really be posing as a captured Ewok or Jawa instead."
Four roughly pulled the cadet helmet over his head and growled in a filtered voice, "Shut up or I'll stun you."
Legend knocked on the top of Four's helmet with a daring smirk. "Try it. We'll see how this op goes when you're dragging my limp body around."
The captain cut in with a mock serious tone, "Don't do it, Four. It won't go over well."
Four scowled underneath the helmet. "Why did I have to be assigned this mission with you two?"
Where's your padawan?
Time peeked over the crate carefully. Standing at attention, in front of their escape was an outrageous amount of troopers. He sighed then turned to address the two boys next to him.
"Now, this is a tight situation. We are out numbered by a lot and our chances of getting out of this hanger with guns blazing is out of the question." He shared a glance with his former apprentice. "I think it best to employ stealth-"
Time glanced around. "Twilight, where's your padawan?"
The sound of an explosion and screaming bucket-heads rang out behind him. "That's him isn't it?"
Twilight rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah..."
Time pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'm going to have a word with both of you later. Let's get moving before Wild gets himself killed."
Point and Shoot
Legend fired his blaster at an approaching trooper and swiped his gun. After examining it briefly, he tossed it to his companion.
Hyrule fumbled to catch the weapon as Legend spoke, "There. Use that."
Hyrule turned the blaster over in his hands, looking for the grip. "I have never used a blaster before."
Legend stared at the younger boy blankly for a moment before continuing his march down the hallway. "What am I going to do with you, kid? It's simple. Point and shoot."
She's a good speeder!
"Rusl can drop us off at the spaceport and then bring Epona back home so we don't have to worry about leaving her," Twilight summarized his plan for leaving Ordon.
Time raised a brow. "You named your speeder?"
"She's a good speeder!" Twilight defended himself with his arms crossed over his chest.
The exasperated master shook his head. "I'm not going to argue about this."
Please tell me we won't...
"Please tell me we won't have me launched full speed in an escape pod into an imperial space station?" Wind huffed after speaking what seemed to be utter nonsense in a down right serious tone.
"I'm sorry?" Sky leaned forward to glance at the boy in concern and confusion. "We uh won't do that?
Wild grinned like a mad man. "Yes. Yes we will."
Four is a droid?
"Who needs a droid when you have Four to fix things? Am I right?" Wind elbowed Warriors next to him.
Legend chuckled. "Do you think he can make it past the detectors in a cantina?"
"Probably not," Wild jumped in. "Not with all that scrap metal he carries around with him."
Four's eye twitched and he gripped the wrench in his hand. "I am so close to strangling all of you."
Warriors didn't bother to hide his amusement. "He's got the attitude for it too."
"Say goodbye to your heaters. Don't come to me to fix it when you're all freezing in your rooms tonight."
I'm a fighter pilot!
Sky stumbled into the captain's seat of a freighter and scanned over the controls frantically.
"How does this thing work?" He yelled towards the back of the ship.
Legend stopped his decent down the ladder in shock. "I thought you were the best pilot!"
"I'm a fighter pilot!" Sky shot back in frustration. "I've never seen a ship like this before!"
Legend blinked at him in disbelief. "This is a simple freighter! How have you not seen one?"
"My people never traded with outsiders!" Sky explained as he guessed at the switches and successfully started the engines. "The biggest ship we have besides our loftwing fighters is the Skycarrier itself!"
"Blast it all!" Legend swore as he mentally declared this conversation a lost cause. He let himself drop into the lower turret position. "Just figure it out! I'm manning the guns!"
How'd you get so skilled with a lightsaber?
"How'd you get so skilled with a lightsaber?" Twilight asked as he and Sky boarded their home ship.
Sky pondered a moment. "I was trained by the ghosts of ancient Jedi."
Time, who happened to hear them as they entered, spilled his caff in surprise.
"Is that right?" Twilight grinned.
Sky nodded. "I think facing off against two supposed long dead Sith Lords was a big part of it."
The captain, who had walked past them at that moment, turned to face the eldest in the corner.
"Did he just say what I thought he said?" Warriors spoke in a panicked tone.
Time didn't reply as he cleaned up his spilled drink.
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eggtartz · 2 years
Angry/Souya meeting the reader who always smiles all the time just like Shinobu, (not a Shinobu reader, just a example :D) Like she's smiling everytime, the smile never leaves her face😭
but when she got Angry she literally has veins popping out of her face and she's REALLY strong. And she started to catch Souya eyes but other members also are into her, AND SMILEY IS TOO😲🤭
Things are about to get spicy 👀🔥
a/n : forgive me this might not be as good as my other writings, i wrote this while crying. thankyou anon for requesting and enjoy 🫶🏻
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summary : "she's.. just like anikii" - souya kawata
you met souya first time when he was at the local shop, picking up stuff for the toman gathering that evening. he couldn't choose between the soba noodles or ramen noodles for that night and you said from behind him.
"soba tastes better cold, ramen tastes better hot. if you're expecting someone to like come right away, ramen might taste better. but the night is gonna be chilly tonight so soba is better then right?" you said while taking the same soba and ramen packaging from the shelf and grinned at him. bizzare for a woman, especially a sweet woman like you to talk to him considering he's nowhere attractive.
"yeah, uh. soba might be better" he stuttered a bit that made you smile more. you then pushed your trolley and walked pass him. as he was about to pay, he saw you and you accidentally met his eyes too. you instantly bloomed a smile at him and waving him goodbye as you exited the store.
back at the shrine, toman was having a barbeque and a simple gathering between divisions. that night, souya was sitting in a circle with the other captain and vice divisions. the other members were chatty but his thought went to think about you. your smile was really pretty, he thinks that's the first time a girl smiled so sweetly at him. girls never looked at him as he always looked angry, giving more attention to nahoya instead.
"anikii, i saw a girl today" he blurted. the members went silent.
"oooo he has a girlfriend now? ooo.."
"i knew souya would have a girlfriend one day, good job souya kun!"
"who's the girl? who is it c'mon spill spill!"
the members interrogated him when he doesn't know much about you. just your smile was charming and he loves your smile so much.
"let's go back to the store then maybe she'll be there, then we all can meet her!" mikey said with a grin but draken frowned. "the girl would be terrified. let them settle down first and make everything official then we could introduce ourselves"
the members agreed and everyone went to the store souya mentioned. they were parked at the furthest spot, where no one could see them if they don't squint enough. "okay souya kun, signal us when she's here okay?" mitsuya talked through the phone while waving a thumb at souya who was standing at the entrance.
souya gave a thumbs back. in a second thought, he actually wanted to back out thinking it was rash of him to do this just to meet her again. but he stayed there and waited for you. any sign of you. he saw cars speeding up and parked but the passenger or the driver wasn't you. he kept waiting but grew hesitant again. he was worried he was going to make a fool out of himself.
he heard an engine sound that died down nearby and saw the rider had a helmet with a tinted visor. "wait it's you! hi stranger!" the person behind the helmet exclaimed. he recognized that voice, it was you. taking off the helmet, you ruffled your hair and switched off the motorcycle engine. "uh hi. i wanted to uh see you again so yeah" you thought he was really cute, veins popping but no sign he was angry at all. his facial expressions like he's furious but no tense energy at all from him. pulling his hand, you grabbed him inside the store.
"so i didn't catch your name? my name's y/n! and you are..?" you prolonged the question, extending your hand to shake his. "souya, kawata souya" he said while shaking hands with your soft hands. "nice meeting you souya, now i do think you're here not just to see me no? is there any else specific reason why you wanted to see me?" you teased him, making his veins bulge even more and him blushing even harder.
"well, i wanna bring you to eat somewhere sometime if you want?"
"but you don't have to if- what?"
"you heard me. let's go grab something to eat now souya kun!" you smiled at him and pulled him to the parking lot and wore your helmet while climbing the bike. you giggled a lot on your way there, souya behind you struggling to place his hands. you two were about to enter when a girl rudely bumped into your shoulder. "what the hell? what's wrong with you" the girl raised your voice.
"excuse me? you're the one who bumped into me"
"huh? now you're blaming me? you wanna fight or something?" the girl challenged you but you deeply sighed and smiled at souya as a signal for him to go in first. souya went inside but was concerned until he saw the trash lid being thrown. you were still smiling but this time the smile holds a different meaning as you slap the girl's face with the trash lid. the glass that blocked the restaurant from outside muffled the sound but souya could hear the girls cries.
"she's.. just like anikii" souya said to himself.
"oh! look at her, beating up the girl" pah said while trying not to gawk at you. "the girl's fault, shouldn't have touched her first" draken said, who was too in awe. nahoya didn't watch much but kept an eye on his brother so his brother won't cry or do anything drastic. nahoya was impressed with your strength no doubt, who knew behind those smiles was a person with a bad temper too?
"oh she's finally going in, can we go inside too there's ice cream there" mikey asked with sparkly eyes. the other members sighed and tried entering the restaurant subtlety. you noticed though, who wouldn't when pehyan was staring right at your soul?
you sent souya back home that late evening and said you had a great time. "i hope i can see you again y/n"
"of course. you have my number, just call me okay?" you said behind the helmet. but then you took it off and pulled him close to you, then cupped his cheeks. you pecked his cheek, his forehead and his nose before releasing him. "goodbye souya, see you again!" you said while speeding up on the bike, disappearing on the streets.
souya couldn't move. nahoya shaked his shoulder. he couldn't move either. souya was a blushing mess, going in the house covering his face while his ear caught a lot of teasing from his brother.
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salty-an-disco · 1 month
Man. The character poll got me looking at my designs with new eyes, and I feel like rambling about it, so Imma just do it.
(pretty long artist ramble under the cut)
The thing about me is that a lot of the choices I make when I’m designing something are mostly intuitive/subconscious; just me following a Vibe and seeing what works for the feeling I want to pass on. Not to say I design stuff without thought, I’m just not aware of those thoughts until the design’s done lol
All this to say the character poll got me analyzing my own designs and realizing what my intuitive brain was going for when doing these aissmdmfjdm
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this was the first ever concept I drew for these guys, and you can already see some of the building blocks for my final designs here.
The thing that I focus most on, at first, is the overall silhouette and posing. Which is why I wasn’t worried about specific details or polishing up anything in this drawing, I just wanted to get a feel of these characters and see what kinds of shape worked best for them.
Going through each design and my process for them–
Cold was both the easiest and most difficult one for me. While I had a pretty strong idea for his overall shapes from my first drawing and knew what details were important (fluffy collar and head shaped like a water drop), specific details eluded me. I wasn’t sure what to do with its legs or cloak. Eventually tho, I decided I wanted them to be almost completely covered in feathers, leading to their white plumage with dark hands, feet, and face. Something simple, but effective, and I was happy enough with it. I was torn between a diamond or the X for its cloak’s clasp, but eventually decided the X was a more striking detail, and connected her to Spectre more.
Hero is another one that came very easily to me, but whose specific details I struggled with some. I gave him pure white eyes at first, but it limited his expressions, so I ended up giving him those black with white pupils eyes while doodling around. I figured out the helmet shape almost instantly while doing my second ever drawing of him, going for that beak-shaped helm with fiery feathers; tho the rest of his clothes I was really unsure about. Whether to give him a full set or not, if I give him a cape, or metal cladding, etc. The solution came by trial and error, simply giving him different pieces and seeing what fit best, and I eventually arrived on the set he has now!! The secondary clothes just kinda appeared as I doodled him in more casual scenes, and the hair came because I was looking at all the puffy-haired Hero designs and suddenly felt like mine was too bald lol. Overall, I’m really happy with my fluffy and smol son <3 (oh, and yeah, I always pictured him as short in my mind and never thought much about it isjsjdndjndjc)
While it too me a bit to get a doodle of Smitten out, I also figured him out almost instantly. The main thing I wanted for him was to look bright, approachable, and expressive. He’s the only one who has normal-ish eyes because of this, and the side cape was something I gave him to differentiate him from Hero and add to his dramatic flair.
Oppy was definitely the one I struggled with the most, as I had too many ideas in my head for him that all clashed with each other. He didn’t have a set design in my head for a while because of that, which you can see in my early doodles of him where I very clearly didn’t know what to do with his suit lol. His head shape was the first thing I figured out for sure, with those antennae hair strands being present ever since the first doodle I did of him, and for his suit, I just put Reigan Mob Psycho and Larry Pokemon Scarlet in a blender and that car salesman looking ass was the result (centrist politician was another vibe I was going for). I’ve been told he looks deceivingly handsome, tho personally, I just think his face is very punchable.
Broken was prolly the easiest one for me, and one I was satisfied with the first true try (I consider those first sketches up there more of a ‘test run’). I wanted them to look the most similar to Quiet (even more so than Hero), but, well, broken. A reflection of the state Quiet was left in by the Princess in the Tower lead-up. The horn tufts have been ripped off, there are a lot of slashes and cuts across its body, their feathers look unkept and like they have been torn off, and lots of its scales are missing. The sack covering its body is their measly attempt at covering their injuries, and I tried to make all the bandages look old and makeshift.
While the funny corvid face in my first attempt at drawing Contra is very neat, it just wasn’t very fun to draw or allowed them to have many expressions, so I changed it to the face you know now. The curly hair was mostly just me wanting my favorite blorbo to have my favorite kinda hair to draw, and it just so happened that it also fitted with them lol. Them being the only one out of my voices that wear pants instead of some upper body wear is something I always had in mind for them, and the suspenders were more of a little ‘extra’ thing I added to give them more of a clown look alongside with their hat. Something I find funny about my design for Contrarian is that, while it didn’t change much since my first full drawing of them, you can tell something about that first drawing seems off. A little scruffed and odd-looking, and that was mainly because I simply wasn’t used to drawing these humanoid bird things and you can really see me getting the hang of it with how I drew Contrarian, specifically.
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(even the colors saturation is something I slowly figure it out by trial and error)
Paranoid was the next one I did, and not to brag but, I think I nailed it that second try aidjkxmddkfkkfc only thing I knew about her design was that I wanted her to have large eyes and a bold spot on her head, and then everything else I just kinda drew around that. And honestly? Really happy with the result!! The bald spot ended up looking a lot like part of her brain was straight-up exposed, so I just rolled with that, and she probably has one of the most fun faces to draw. Her silhouette is also very distinct, with the cloak + fluffy head and horn tufts kinda looking like pigtails giving her a very fun shape. I just love how she turned out, not my personal favorite design, but definitely the one I’m most proud of. She looks like a weird bug and I love that.
While I had very strong images for Cheated’s, Hunted’s, Skeptic’s and Stubborn’s design, it’d still be a while before I actually sat down to figure out their details. But once I did, they all came quite easily.
For Hunted, I just wanted it to look like a Creature. I had the idea of having leaves stuck to its feathers as a sorta camouflage thing, but that’d be to much of a hassle to constantly draw, so I scrapped that and just kept the camouflage marks on its cheeks. I wanted its body shape to look slender and nimble; slightly malnourished. The head shape was mainly me wanting its beak to look the most distinct from the other’s beaked voices, more of a ‘wild’ look, and the cat-like tufts was also added for that more feral look.
For Skeptic, I went back and forth on some details, but the hat, big gloves, and scarf were the things that stuck to the end. Something I find really funny with him is that he wears no clothes besides those accessories and its just the way his feathers are drawn that gives the impression of a suit, or some kinda coat under that scarf lol. His color pallette is the one I find the nicest. It’s mainly monochrome, but I think it works well for him.
Only thing I wanted for Stubborn is Big Soft Kitty. With scars. That was about it tbh, I just wanted him to look big, stronk, and huggable, he’s just a big kitty to me.
Cheated I also knew from the start what I wanted to do with him, as you can see by how similar the first concept and final designs look. Main thing I wanted for her was this sorta ‘uneven’ look, with her clothes seeming like they used to be symmetrical before being sliced and torn up. The slices on an ear tuft and a brow is something that just sorta appeared as I doodled him.
So… yeah! This is about it. It took me a while to reach to this final result, but I’m really glad with how all my designs turned out and seeing that others likes them too makes me incredibly happy!! :D
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 14: Once upon a time ✍️
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, the whole seeing red story, Mickey and Jinx being besties, mentions of alcohol and i think that's all.
A/N: Someone wanted to see Mickey telling the whole story to Jinx, and here it is. Just love these two so much.
Follow @meigalibrary for updates!
Masterlist on pinned!
Translations: pendeja: idiot / pringado: loser / abuela,abuelita: grandma
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Mickey watches Jinx enter the Hard Deck, black motorcycle helmet in hand. These two have known each other since their academy days. If you ask Jinx who her best friend is, the answer will be simple: Fanboy. And if you asked Mickey who his best friend was, he would give you Jesse’s name. It’s always been like this. Jinx and Mickey, Mickey and Jinx. 
People called them Tweedledum and Tweedledee. It sums up their whole relationship. 
“Pendeja, I’m here!” Mickey raises his voice to catch Jinx’s attention, and when she sees him, her lips curve in a teasing smile. 
“I see that you have finally decided to grow some hair!” She leaves the helmet on the table and ruffles the man’s hair, ignoring his protests. 
“You’re just jealous of my curls.” Mickey retorts, fixing his hair. “How long has it been since we last saw each other?” 
“Well… At least eight months. That’s when I was sent to Rota.” Jinx looks at the two beers in front of her. “Aww, look at you! Getting me a beer before I’m even here? What a sweet guy you are.” 
“It’s poisoned.” 
She snorts, switching beers and drinking. “Then perish, pringado.” 
“You’re an asshole.” 
“Thanks, I had a great teacher.” Jinx takes a sip of her beer and takes off her jacket. “Well, I’m ready to hear the story.” 
“Buckle up, babe. This is a long one.” Mickey unlocks his phone and shows his friend a picture of the Dagger Squad and their partners. “So, this is the fam. Dagger Squad.” 
“The kiddos fly too?” Jesse jokes, and Mickey throws a napkin at her. “Hey!” 
“Focus, dumbass.” Mickey zooms in to show Jake and Red. “These are the leaders. Lieutenant Commander Seresin and Lieutenant Commander Seresin.” 
“They’re married?” 
“They were married. Now they’re divorced and expecting a baby.” 
“Omg, when did they divorce?” She drinks again, already sensing that this is going to be a long story. 
“Three years ago.” 
Jesse chokes on her drink and looks at Mickey with wide eyes. “Something isn’t adding up.”
“You remember Cyclone?” 
“Yeah, Vice Admiral. He once tried to get into my pants.” 
“He what?” Mickey grabs Jinx’s hand, looking into her eyes. “Did he touch you or something?” 
“Oh no, Miguel, don’t worry. It never got that far. I told him that my dick was bigger than his, and he never tried to talk to me outside working hours ever again.” 
Mickey shakes his head, while grabbing his beer. “Your dick is purple, and I bought it for you.” 
"Is it or is it not bigger than his?” Jesse raises her finger, inviting him to contradict her words. 
“Anyway, Cyclone. He was really tired, or maybe just jealous of Jake.” He points at him in the picture. “And decided to mess a bit with him.” 
“So he called his ex-wife?” She ventures, grabbing a napkin and folding it to form a little ship. 
“Yeah, Cyclone called Red Queen Seresin to be team leader, a position that was occupied by Jake. The thing is that Jake asked for a divorce three years before she came, and Red never knew why. She just signed the papers to make him happy.” 
Jinx looks outside the window, observing the waves crash against the shore. “What a great woman.” 
“She was pregnant.” 
She turns her head so quickly that she can feel a crack. “And Jake knew?” 
“No. Neither did her. Found out a few days later.” 
“Wait, so when she came to Top Gun to be the leader…” 
Mickey nods, knowing where her train of thought is headed. “He found out he was a father.” 
“What was his reaction?” 
“Well, surprisingly, his father instincts kicked in, and he was the most amazing dad I’ve ever seen. Well, Payback taught him a lot of things, but you know what I mean.” 
“Yeah. A good dad, that thing neither of us had.” Jinx chortles, reminding Mickey of his past. It wasn’t something that he wanted to recall. 
“Anyway. Jake and Red started spending lots of time together because of their son, Liam, and eventually the feelings reemerged again because Jake didn’t get a divorce because he didn’t love her anymore.” 
“Then why?” 
“Because he was threatened. Do you know SJAC?” 
“Wasn’t the CEO killed a few months ago?” 
“Yeah, Red pulled the trigger.” 
“Say what again?” Jesse queries, gesturing to the bartender to get them another two drinks. 
“Gregory St. James was Jake’s father.” 
“Jake is Jacob St. James?!” She scratches her hair, trying to understand everything. “Okay let me recap. Jake is the heir who fled 20 years ago; he changed his name and eventually met Red; they married, and the father discovered the whole thing, threatened him, and Jake divorced her so she wouldn't be in danger. Neither of the Seresins knew that she was pregnant, and Jake didn’t find out until three years later.” 
“Yeah, you got it all right. But wait, this is where it becomes interesting.” 
Mickey tells her about the threatening messages, about Jake’s past, the mole at base, the Hawaii honeymoon that didn’t last as long as it was supposed to, the kidnapping, Jake and Red’s trip to Hidden Hills, and Red running back into the house to save her husband. 
“...Is it bad to have a crush on the boss?” 
“Come on, Miguel! That’s the kind of woman you want to be when you grow up.” 
“You’re not even a girl.” 
“Hey! I’m everything. Girl, boy and everything in between.” She protests, throwing the napkin boat at his head. 
“I know, pendeja. Well, a few weeks ago, there was a birthday party. Liam’s birthday party.” 
“There’s more?” Jinx inquires, leaning against the back of the chair. “Man, this is like watching three seasons of Game of Thrones in one sitting.” 
“Shush, child. It was Liam’s birthday party, and Penny and Mav,” He points at them in the picture. “gave Jake a surprise. They were going to adopt him. He’s now a Mitchell.” 
“But that’s absolutely wonderful! If I tell Maverick that my dad was also mean to me, would he adopt me?” She ponders, her hand on her chin. 
“Nobody would want to adopt you, dumbass.” Mickey chuckles, looking for a new picture on his phone. “This girl appeared soon after, telling Maverick that she was her daughter.” 
“Now you’re kidding me. It’s impossible to reunite so much trauma in one group.” She turns in her seat, grabbing her jacket.
“She’s pregnant.” 
She drops the jacket and sits down. “Bullshit.”
“Get outta here!” 
“Rooster is the father.” 
“Rooster. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. A father.” Mickey nods, and she looks at her empty beer. “I’m gonna need something stronger than this.”
“Maybe you can come to my house later. Where are you staying?” 
“I haven’t been assigned a house yet. Do you have room?” 
“Yep, one empty room. You can stay with me.” 
“Just like the good ol’ days.” Jesse sighs and looks at him. “I missed you a lot, you know.” 
Mickey smirks. “Just confess that you have the biggest crush on me, and we can move on.” 
“Says the one that kissed me.” She teases him, a smirk appearing on her lips. 
“We don’t talk about that night.” He warns her. “But yeah, I missed you, too. By the way, how is Tobby?” 
She looks at her hands, sighing. “It didn’t work out. Marines and wizzos don’t work out.” 
“His loss.” He grabs her helmet and stands up. “Come on, I’ll show you your new home.” 
“Please, tell me that you have some tamales.” She begs, getting the jacket from the chair next to her and walking with him. 
“My abuelita brought me some yesterday.” 
Jinx hugs Mickey, almost making the two of them fall to the floor. “I love abuela Camila.” 
“Yeah, she loves you too.” 
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