#like omg how do these people have jobs where they work from home but basically crap around all day
titsthedamnseason · 2 months
does anyone have one of those corporate jobs where you actually do nothing? because i would love one of those
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calmcoldevening · 4 months
Hellow! I just comeback to tumblr after a long time away from this magic space and i wish (and request if is possible 👉🏻👈🏻) if you can write a one shot where the reader was adopted after Charlie finished a family, she was a baby then and grow up as a Hewitt basically so Thomas is her “step brother” but when they grow and they start doing the “family business 🔪 “ they protect each other, he protects her physically and she protects him emotionally also she finish some girls who make fun of Thomas, basically they found that both have feelings for each other…hope i didn’t ask a mess 🥺 by the way, i love your content 🖤
Omg, thank you so much, really ♡⁠ And I like your idea, so I hope you will like it))
Thomas Hewitt x reader
Tw: mention on murders, cannibalism, a little hurt/comfort, reader and Thomas are not the real siblings, jealousy
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Almost no one remembers how you got into this family anymore. At one point, Hoyt just carried you in his arms, frowning at Luda. The woman carefully picked you up in her arms, your big curious eyes looked around the room and the people present with interest. Surprisingly, you weren't scared, even though you didn't understand where you were. People were talking loudly, but you didn't understand any of it.
But it only took a couple of minutes, and a strange man appeared in your field of vision. Kid. He was a boy of about five with long black hair, and his face was covered in bandages in some places. The woman said something to him, and the boy awkwardly approached you, looking at your little body with curiosity and some fear. You smiled almost reflexively and held out your hands to him. The woman grinned and gently laid you down in the boy's arms. You curled up blissfully on his chest, closing your eyes and relaxing. The boy started rocking you. It was so nice and warm. You fell asleep almost immediately.
Thomas. That was the boy's name. Thomas Hewitt, your older brother Tommy. He has always been kind and gentle towards you. Of course, your whole family was good, even if it was peculiar, but still Tommy seemed the most dear to you. It has always been so.
The boy was constantly protecting you. At home or in the outside, it doesn't matter, Thomas always tried to be with you, like your personal guardian angel.
As the years passed, Thomas was already in school. You were about four years old when you started noticing something was wrong. Tommy came home from school, and his body was covered with a lot of bruises, dried blood was visible on the bandages. It happened a lot. But when you tried to ask Thomas about it, he was silent, turning away from you.
Your childish mind was still unable to make up a whole picture of such situations.
So the only thing that came to your mind was to cheer Tommy up. He was sitting on the bed when you entered the room. Awkwardly walking with your little legs, you came closer to him, smiling. Without thinking twice, you climbed onto the bed next to him. Taking one of his hands, you began to glue small patches on his wounds.
"It hurts, brother?" you ask softly, looking up at Thomas. The guy can't help but smile. He gently runs his free hand through your hair, and shakes his head negatively. You giggle contentedly and put your arms around his neck, climbing into the boy's lap. Thomas hugs you back tenderly, and in those warm hugs you feel like your brother is protecting you from the whole world.
Already in the middle of school, Thomas started working with Charlie at the slaughterhouse, but you just stayed at home after graduation. By nature, you were a child who was much weaker than Thomas, even though you were very smart and cunning. Besides, Luda didn't want you to see all these horrors of murder from such an early age. You didn't resist her views.
After all, after school you worked at one of the grocery stores in the city. Even if they didn't pay that much because of your age and the fact that it was your unofficial job, it was already something. Therefore, every day you brought home either money or food immediately, which Luda was immensely happy about. Unlike Tommy, you grew up to be quite an active and curious child, you were often the first to take the initiative in various matters. Therefore, at the age of ten you were quite good at helping People around the house, and at fifteen you were already fully cooking. You didn't particularly like the fact that Luda spends almost all her time doing household chores, so you tried to give her as much rest as possible. She was very happy to have such a child.
As the years passed, the city emptied as time passed. The closure of the slaughterhouse has greatly affected the peaceful course of life in the city. After a while, only your Hewitt family remained in the city. It's not that you love other people, it's just that you were sorry that the usual way of life was changing. But as long as you're with your family, you don't care about other people.
Due to the fact that there was not much food in the city, and it was not possible to travel outside it often, gradually you did not have enough food. You just accepted it, and you didn't ask any questions.
Until one day Charlie gave some strange speech.
You could feel the tension in the air when you all gathered at the table. It was a little awkward. The room was dark, with only a small chandelier above the table being the only source of pale yellow light. As usual, you folded your hands on your chest in prayer before eating, when Charlie said a prayer to God. No, not Charlie, Hoyt. Your eyes were darting around the room. You saw the tense shoulders of the Woman and the way her forehead wrinkled because of the eyebrows drawn together. Hoyt wasn't as tense, and yet there was some excitement in his voice. Uncle Monty was no different from his usual self, he just kept quiet.
Eating people. It was.. strange. Wrong. How could Hoyt say that in order to survive, you have to eat people? And this strange soup with rather tough meat.
You looked at Tommy. He was sitting next to you, his huge figure only added some kind of horror to the atmosphere of the room. And yet, under the table, he took your little hand in his big palm, squeezing it in comfort. You understood that it was necessary. If Tommy said it was necessary, then you will obey. You nodded curtly and started eating.
Gradually you got used to the new way of life. You spent whole days helping People around the house or at her gas station store, and in the evening you spent time with Tommy. You are used to strange strangers appearing in your house several times a week, and new meat appears on the table that evening. You no longer paid attention to the screams or the blood, you lived as usual. The only thing you didn't like was that Tommy was now more tired and exhausted by the end of the day. After working with meat for a long time, he would come to your room, you would sit on the bed. He would climb onto your bed and put his head on your hips, seeking comfort. You began to gently stroke his tangled black hair. He closed his eyes with a smile. Your hands gently find the clasp of the mask on the back of his head. Thomas reflexively tenses up at first, but immediately lets you take off the mask. He looks up at you and you smile, caressing his cheeks with your hands. Every time such a sight made a pleasant warm feeling appear in your chest, you wanted to see this smile more often. After a long hug, you fell asleep on the same bed, cuddling up to each other.
Such a life has become commonplace. And although you tried to be indifferent to all the victims who come to this house, in the end, they will all end up being your dinner, you couldn't ignore how these pathetic bastards treated Tommy. Especially those screaming and crying girls.
Thomas was sharpening a knife in his basement when you went down there and saw a girl tied to a table. Her makeup was smeared, and her face was red and swollen from crying and screaming. She was obviously pretty tired already. And yet, the girl continued to try to pull out, shouting some obscenities. She probably already realizes that she is doomed. And yet, her body is still filled with animal fear. You walk down the stairs, your arms folded across your chest. Thomas is not paying attention to you, he is completely focused on his work. And from there he stands over the bound girl. His palm slowly slides over her trembling stomach, breasts, and finally stops on her face, caressing her cheeks. Your heart strangely, almost painfully contracts at the sight of this scene. The girl wriggles and cries, calling Thomas a freak and a brainless animal. You can't see his face, but you can feel him frowning. In an instant, he raises his hand with a cleaver over the girl and forcefully drives it into the girl's body, cutting her fragile neck with an unpleasant crunch. She gurgles, choking on her own blood. You slowly approach Thomas, hugging him from behind. Your hands are clutching the fabric of his shirt under his apron.
"She's lying, Tommy. She's just stupid. You are not an animal, you are the most wonderful man in the world," you whisper and feel him relax under your embrace. He throws the cleaver on the floor. The man turns to face you and wraps you in a tight hug, burying his nose in your hair. He's always been soothed by your scent.
You were really annoyed by these rude victims of the girl. That's why you often began to deal with them yourself. Something inside you rejoiced when you silenced their vile mouth.
You were in the kitchen, as usual, making an apple pie. Humming something to yourself, you moved around the kitchen in a relaxed way, enjoying the cooking process. Suddenly, you heard the faint crackle of the stairs leading to the basement. The third step from below was flimsy and always creaked. But under Tommy's weight, it was a more distinct sound. Now the sound was almost inaudible, as if someone was sneaking around, trying not to attract attention. When you turned around, you saw a fragile girl covered in blood. Her right hand looked like a bloody mess, so she held it with her good hand. Was it Tommy's toy? A strange anger has boiled up inside you. You grabbed the knife you were using to cut apples. It was a sharp knife that Hoyt sharpened for you not so long ago. Slowly approaching the girl from behind, you abruptly wrapped your arms around her, exposing the blade with the tip to her stomach. The girl was filled with an almost animal panic and she reflexively rushed forward, trying to escape from your grip. She made it worse for herself. Her flesh was instantly pierced by a sharp blade. You felt her body convulsing, and cherry blood instantly stained your hands. The knife went into her stomach almost to the hilt when she went limp in your hands. Hoyt would probably scold you for spoiling the meat right now. But you don't care. It felt so light and pleasant when you finished off this girl who called Thomas names not so long ago when he dealt with her friends. No one dared to call your boy that, absolutely no one.
But it wasn't any easier for Thomas.
He saw all those sidelong glances from the victims, all those lascivious smiles in your direction. It annoyed him so much. Thomas killed such victims with particular cruelty. You were his gentle and innocent flower, who had been kind to him since childhood. Thomas cherished you. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happened to you. Your soft hair, sweet smell and sweet smile. All of this made his heart flutter. But in those moments when the escaped victims tried to take you with them, his chest was filled with a feeling of anger and hatred. No one will dare to take away his flower, his ray of light in this dark life.
But there was something strange about it, something he couldn't explain. When the victims tried to flirt with you, unaware of the danger, or when they touched you unobtrusively, his blood boiled. There was something else besides the desire to protect. Mine. Mine. MINE. The voice kept repeating in his head when some guy at the gas station tried to hug you. That same night, he cut off his limbs. There was something else besides his brother's affection. It wasn't right, was it? But all your smiles, touches, and tenderness made Thomas want you for himself alone. He wanted to hold you close and show you in every way that he loves you. He loves me very much. Will you understand him? Or do you only see him as a brother? Thomas knows, he clearly remembers the day when Charlie brought your baby to this house. Even then, Thomas swore with his heart that he would protect and take care of you. You're not his blood sister, so maybe...? Will you love such a freak? After all, all the victims talked about him that way. A freak, an animal, a monster. Do you see him differently? He doesn't want to scare you or disgust you, no. He wants to love you. He wants you for himself.
It was a surprisingly rainy day. You were sitting on the porch, hugging your knees. The rain was pounding on the roof of the house, and there was a strong smell of humidity and wet dust in the air. There wasn't a soul around. There haven't been any new victims in the last few days, so you could definitely rest. Luda, along with Hoyt and Monty, went to a nearby town to check on someone from relatives, so you and Thomas were alone. Quiet and peaceful.
A man was watching you through the open front door. Your gentle image warmed his heart in a pleasant way. Maybe...?
You heard heavy footsteps approaching, and your body almost reflexively relaxed. A warm blanket was placed on your shoulders, and Thomas himself sat on the porch next to you. Even sitting down, he was much taller than you. Thomas stared ahead for a long time, watching the chaotic raindrops. His dark hair was even more curly from the humidity. Finally, he turned to face you, looking down at you. His blue eyes bored into your face for a long time. Finally, he took your hands in his, squeezing them gently. His rough thumbs massaged your hand skin in gentle circles, he frowned a little, obviously thinking about something.
Then he dropped one of your hands. The man pointed at himself. Then he put his hand to his lips, kissing her, and brought his hand to his heart. Then he pointed his finger at you.
I. Love. You.
Your cheeks instantly flushed when you looked down. Your heart was pounding wildly in your chest, echoing in your ears. Did he have the same feelings for you? Or did you get it all wrong? But you are a family..
"I love you too, big brother," you say in the most innocent way, looking at the wet wooden boards of the porch.
Thomas frowns and grabs your face with his free hand, forcing you to look at him. You look up, meeting his eyes. The man's blue eyes are filled with longing and a strange warmth. He shooks his head.
You feel overwhelmed by emotions. How have you always been able to communicate so clearly, even without words? Some kind of pleasant tender feeling blossoms in your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and burying your nose in his shoulder. The smell of metal and dust mixed with the sweet natural scent of his body. The smell that always calmed you down. Thomas hugs you back, stroking your back with his big hand.
A little later, you pull away. You have a strange strong desire, his lips look full and beautiful to you. Leaning forward, you gently kiss him through the mask, he responds. Your kiss is wet and clumsy, but filled to the brim with feelings. Thomas squeezes you tightly in his arms, wanting to shut you off from the rest of the world. You are his, his and only his. You may not be his sibling, but you are his family.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
1: Magic is a Metaphor < 2: Morgana is a Lesbian < 3: Merlin is Gay > 4: Arthur is Bi
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Again with the whole metaphor thing, Merlin's entire character is about having to hide his identity and wishing that he could be free to be himself so that he wouldn't have to lie about how much Arthur means to him. So that's all very gay, but he's also just very queer-coded generally. There are so many jokes about him being more effeminate or wearing women's clothing, most notably in this episode where he dresses in full drag and then takes the opportunity to shamelessly flirt with Arthur. Unhinged.
Basically every other character seems to just assume that he's gay, at least towards the end, because Gaius and Arthur are in utter disbelief that Merlin would be 'seeing a girl'. And of course he isn't, he's actually sneaking around with that druid guy, leading Arthur to question how courting a girl would leave him 'walking with a limp.'
I also think it's very interesting how often Merlin has to pretend to be attracted to women to avoid people discovering his secret, like with Gwen in Series 1 or Morgana in Series 2. Or this scene, where Gwen and Merlin are the only people not affected by the Lamia's seduction charm and they're trying to figure out why. And Merlin says, 'it doesn't affect you because you're a woman'. And firstly, Gwen is like, 'so what?' So, bisexual queen. And then Merlin says, "it only affects men," and Gwen says, "so then why haven't you fallen under her spell?" And Merlin is just like, 'oh shit, I don't know. I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't be seduced by a woman.'
Now, you might be saying, "but Merlin is attracted to women! what about that one female love interest he had for literally one episode who immediately died?" Oh, you mean:
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I'm sorry to all of the Freylin shippers out there, but this was so clearly just the writers' last-ditch attempt to make Merlin straight. If you think about it, Freya also 'has magic' if you catch my drift, and that is the only thing that she and Merlin have in common, and the only thing that they talk about. And if you look at their dialogue out of context, it really doesn't seem like it's magic that they're talking about. It's just gay/lesbian solidarity. Also, never forget when Colin Morgan accidentally referred to Merlin's potential love interests as "him or her." So who else could he have been thinking of?
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Merlin definitely had a crush on Lancelot. From the moment that they first meet, he just keeps going on about, 'omg, isn't Lancelot so strong and brave and chivalrous? God, I hope he becomes a knight, he would look so good in a suit of armour.' And then he says to Gwen, completely unprompted, "so just for the sake of argument– Arthur or Lancelot?" Why are you thinking about that Merlin? Then that scene ends with Merlin and Lancelot getting drunk and stumbling home together and waking up the next morning having shared Merlin's single bed. So take from that what you will. I don't necessarily think that anything happened between them, not because I think Lancelot is straight, don't get it twisted, just because I think he's a fucking virgin.
But certified pansexual manwhore Gwaine on the other hand, oh they definitely fucked. And it's a very similar situation to Lancelot, Merlin's only flirting technique is just to find some buff guy who's just saved his life and be like, 'oh my god what can I possibly do to repay you? Maybe you could come back to my place and I could tend to your wounds and then we could go down to the tavern, have a few drinks'.
And it works. Merlin literally used his job as apprentice physician to the Knights of the Round Table as his own personal Grindr, and i love that for him. But, of course, these are just side hoes to Merlin's main bitch, Arthur.
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You can deny everything else that I've said, but you cannot deny that Merlin was in love with Arthur. And don't even try to say, 'but it's just because it was his destiny'. Because, yeah, like that's any less gay. They're two sides of the same coin, destined to be together, Merlin 'uses magic only for Arthur'. Come on.
Also, it's pretty clear that Merlin cares about Arthur more than he cares about his destiny, throughout the entire show. But it culminates in this scene in series five where, because of very contrived plot reasons, Arthur has to choose between legalizing magic and saving the life of Mordred. And Merlin convinces Arthur not to legalise magic so that he will let Mordred die. He literally enables the genocide of his own people and condemns himself to a lifetime of suffering just on the off chance that he can spend a bit more time with Arthur.
And if that isn't heartbreaking enough, of course, every action that Merlin makes only confirms Arthur's fate. And after he very platonically dies in Merlin's arms, as dudebros do, what does Merlin do? does he go back to Camelot and live a full happy heterosexual life? Of course not. No, he spends the next one and a half thousand years just waiting at Arthur's resting place, waiting for the day that Arthur will be resurrected and they can be together again. What the fuck kind of Greek tragedy, Achilles and Patroclus level shit is that? That is fucking gay.
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obeymesheep · 1 year
Husband Energy
Lucifer, Mammon
gn reader!!
OMG SOOO LONG!! hope everyone enjoys this, i am planning on doing all the brothers just on my own time! thank you so much for being patient, it's the end of the semester so i had lots going on, and was also working on this which is much longer than normal!
Lucifer probably bought the ring the day you told him you loved him. It's no small feat getting the demon of pride to fall in love with you, let alone a fall in love with a human.
He kinda sets you up a lil, just a little trick. He has you believe that he's proposing at the restaurant, its very mean, where he gets down on one knee... to tie his shoe, or these long speeches about how much he loves you, and how he never wants you to suffer so that's why... he's paying the bill. When you get home, a little disappointed, you cuddle up with him with a glass of brandy, and confess what you thought tonight was. Lucifer chuckles and pulls out a ring.
"Is this what you wanted love? I apologize for the tricks, but seeing how badly you wanted me to ask was too cute to pass up. I promise you will never spend another night alone, and I will forever hold you in my arms"
Lucifer doesn't let you touch anything!! He is a perfectionist, so apart from the occasional opinion needed he does basically everything! You do have to pull him away from everything just to let him enjoy the fact that you're engaged :(
The wedding is flawless, and goes unblemished by any snot nosed kids, mean and nosy relatives, or clumsy brothers. If you're going more human, everything is draped in pure white, with a classic ceremony, you both also in white, you exchange vows and kiss. However, if you decide to go the demon way and bind your souls together, Diavolo has to officiate, and it hurts a lot, very few people attend, at most it's Mams, Barb, and Simeon, but! a very large reception is thrown afterwards! You're glowing and in bliss throughout the entire party, people come up and congratulate you, with lots of food and drink!
Y'all do not move out of the house, you just can't, his brothers are not equipped for it and Lucifer doesn't want to leave them. However for a couple days after the honeymoon the brothers spilt so you can enjoy your time as a married couple.
You are expected to do most of the housework, and Lucifer prefers when you're at home (assuming we've graduated??? from RAD) instead of some job where he can't guarantee your safety. BUT you're basically excused from dinner duty, you have no obligation to feed anybody, or do any dishes!
You soon come to learn the you and Lucifer already acted like an old married couple, the soft good-morning kisses and the glasses of wine after a long day, but it's also a learning experience for both of you, Lucifer learns to sacrifice time for you, and you learn to trust that Lucifer won't make any life changing decisions without you!!
Mams is super happy for the both of you and is glad your now an in-law! Leviathan is a little jealous that Lucifer got married first. Satan is LIVID when you announce the engagement and feels very betrayed it's takes a while for him to come around... Asmo is very overjoyed about the whole ordeal and is very involved!! Beel is also really happy and is super happy to have you as an in-law!! Belphie feels a little apprehensive about it, none of them have ever been married and feels he is the only one worried about the dynamic :/
It's sooo impulsive, i like to think he didn't propose with a ring, with maybe like a sword, or a crown, he is pretty non traditional and wants to pick something that means a lot to him, and it will probably be a treasure brought with them from the celestial realm. Mammon almost proposes a lot, he runs into asmo's room with a sigh "i almost proposed :("
You guys go out to Mams favourite casino, dressed to the nines, and ready to have a drink while Mammon wins some games! At the nights end, Mammon surprises you with a night away at a expensive hotel room. In that moment everything was right, you keeping him company while he smoked on the balcony, he pulled out the treasure.
"I want ya to be mine forever, not Lucifer's, not Levi's, not Asmo, mine! So please, let me make you mine.."
Mammon is such a good haggler and always knows the best vendors. The work load is pretty even, Mams has pretty hard opinions, and wants to help make the day special.
You guys have a demon wedding, when he said he wants to make you his, this is what he meant, to him human weddings are far too temporary, but if it means a lot to you, he will allow you two to also have a ceremony because he does think it's really romantic, at the demon ceremony, Lucifer, Asmo, Luke, Solomon come, and at the reception lots of demons are there, Mammons pretty connected so lots are his guests, though this also means there's lots of presents!
You definitely leave the house, into a smaller one near by, there's lots of tears from the other brothers. You're house is very suited to your tastes, and breakfast visits from the brothers at least happen once a week <3
Mams really falls into the 'wife' roll, his modeling gigs are pretty all over the place, so if you have a more stable schedule, Mammon does lots of the house work, while you cook/plan most meals!!
You and Mammon really fall into a cute routine, Mammons an early riser, so he's doing his skin care and getting dressed while your sleeping, then slipping back beside you to watch you sleep, when you wake up, you go make breakfast, while Mams definitely cuddles you from behind, things like that <3
Lucifer is really proud of how grown up Mammon has become and the partner he chose. Levi is probably not surprised and is only shocked that Mammon finally did it. Satan is touched at the pairing and like Lucifer is proud of Mammon. Asmo is once again through the roof just at the simple fact there will be a wedding. Beel while very happy is a little sad that it means Mammon will move out. While it takes Belphie a little while for the news to really sink in, is only a little salty of your choice in partner.
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desafinado · 1 year
Hello! I really love your writings, they're lighthearted and interesting to read. I also love your characterization for the characters! Would it also be alright for me to request some fluffy domestic headcanons for Alhaitham or Kamisato Ayato with their s/o as their wife? Thank you and have a nice day! <3 <3 <3
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 happily ever afters (?)
°。⋆ alhaitham, ayato x reader (separately)
°。⋆ sickening fluff, nicknames/pet names galore, suggestive (omg)
note: hi hi! thank you so much for your support and feedback !!! as for your request, why not both! hope this satisfies your domestic/fluffy desires !! also… i like framing marriages as happy endings with a question mark, because i think that pretty much encapsulates my perspective on it. you hope it is a happy one and you’ll strive to make it such, but you’re never gonna be certain of it.
(alhaitham, ayato) | (zhongli, diluc, kazuha)
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alhaitham ♡
i’m desperately thinking malewife, and i will bc these are my hcs so damn it.
he didn’t completely quit his job, but if you work as well… expect him to be babying you just the tiniest bit.
he made a promise to take care of you so he very much will.
cooking breakfast/dinner when he notices you coming home a bit more tired.
buying groceries (most importantly, your favorite snacks) while he's out.
leaving little notes around the house whenever he has to leave for work (whether it be a few hours or days).
you can also expect him to rant more nonchalantly, aka welcome the inner sanctum of his thoughts he must repress in front of higher ups in order to be “polite”.
“i mean what kind of buffoonery must you partake in to even have that idea? the mental gymnastics you must do in order to get from point a to point b is-” “dear, breathe and drink this tea for a second.”
in turn, you’re also often the one to keep him in and check and remind him of his own needs (whether it be emotional or purely basic like eating and sleeping).
in relation to this, you’ve implemented cuddle breaks where if you feel he’s going too far and in too deep, you can drag him into a cuddle session for an hour.
he’s usually silent the whole time, but you can see the clear progression from him grumbling about it to melting into your arms.
also they rarely ever last for just an hour and sometimes it might even escalate (suggestive yes) if he's feeling particularly clingy.
lets address the elephant in the room, alhaitham has been touch-starved for most of his life, so you coming in and giving him all the affection (with no question or judgment whatsoever) is the best thing that has happened to him.
his little smile when you hug him from behind or leave a kiss on his forehead.
anyways, back on track, most people don’t even realize you two are married but you both don’t really care either. it's just funny to hear/see their reactions.
“dinner with someone you're calling your beloved? yeah sure, that’ll be interesting” “you can disrespect me, but i will [redacted] if you so much as think about disrespecting them.”
living individual lives doesn’t stop either of you from being particularly clingy though… whether it be you storming into alhaitham’s office demanding for him to just hold you tight or alhaitham skipping work to have you kiss all his stress away.
you’re both pretty upfront about your emotions, because you don’t want to lose anything to miscommunication… (even if sometimes, it might be a bit embarrassing)
at the end of the day, you two are married… and he couldn’t have asked for a better partner to lay himself vulnerable to.
how can you say no when his eyes are practically speaking for his heart; a vision of longing and yearning so crystal clear. you’re running a hand through his hair, and as every second passes he only leans in to your touch. he looks up at you for a second, debating whether or not he interrupt the comfortable silence; he eventually looks back down, but you’re not one to ignore that and brush it off.
“my love, what is the matter?”
another moment passes before he finally gathers the courage to say the words trapped in his throat.
“i know we’ve been over it, but i can’t believe i’m yours… and you’re mine. i’m just thankful, is all. i hope i can always be the one you can rely on, as you are to me.”
a minor blush dusts his cheeks as you giggle softly at his flustered state. it wasn’t unusual, but it certainly made you feel happy, being able to fluster the stoic and pragmatic alhaitham.
“and you are, my love. celestia could send rains of fire and stampedes of thunder, and i would only ever run to you. i’ve entrusted my soul to yours, whether you know it or not, and you’re not getting rid of me so easily.”
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ayato ♡
lord kamisato, this. lord kamisato, that. he does not care, he will take time out of schedule specifically for you and only you.
because no one could compare to the way you call his name, when you wake up first thing in the morning, your voice still groggy, or while you’re both walking in the garden and you spot a beautiful flower.
you specifically request him not to make you any food though, because there's a 20% it will be inedible (the chances are low, but never zero)
instead, he’ll order your favorite pastries and have them delivered every morning in time for breakfast.
once he leaves for work, you both are very reluctant to let go… as if you’re not gonna sneak into his office every hour or so.
having you sat on his lap, arms around your waist while he’s going over documents.
if he has some plans that require him to be out and about, he takes every chance to sneak away and have a secret little moment or two with you.
this only escalates during festivals when his stress levels reach new heights. you steal him away, so you both can actually enjoy the festival the way everyone else is.
hearing him quietly chuckling feels as though you’ve been welcomed into an eternal paradise that only you two know of.
on the rare occasion that you don’t see him the entire day, you change or do things around the house to it feel more like a home for the both of you
ayato’s been complaining about back pain? you spend the day searching for a pillow that fixes that (worse comes to worse, there’ll be a new mattress when he comes home…)
the walls feel a bit bare and drab? you’ll just frame and hang up some of your favorite memories together.
you’ll also often find yourself experimenting with new boba recipes and having him try them all when he comes home; because of this pastime of yours, his favorite milk tea flavor has gone through a variety of changes.
anyways, when he does come home from work, you very much try to leave it outside (unless he truly needs to get things off his chest by venting).
he just wants to spend an evening with you watching a movie, having homemade dinner, or simply cuddling in bed.
the rest of the world fades into obscurity whenever you’re holding him close, face snuggled into his chest.
you’re just whispering compliments and words of comfort, because archons know he doesn’t hear it enough (/srs i feel like he gets used to the courteous praises coming from his colleagues and such for doing a good job, but you telling him how pretty his face is, is simply unmatched)
to hell it be damned, he fought for his marriage to you and he will fight everyday to protect the home you’ve both built together.
“in the kitchen!”
your voice makes itself known as ayato is quick to rush to the kitchen to see what you’re up to. there’s some flour scattered on the counter and floor as well as some unwashed dishes in the sink, and you’re in the middle of it all, giving him an awkward smile.
“i was just trying a new recipe and tried making pearls, i’m sorry about the mess…”
you laugh awkwardly as he only moves faster towards you. the moment he reaches you, he takes both your hands, soft and still covered in flour.
“i’m sure it turned out great. your hard work clearly shows.” he chuckles, bringing a hand up to your face stroking your cheeks. “i think… it’s missing a personal touch though. would you mind?” he closes the gap between you both, his lips barely grazing yours, waiting for your confirmation.
“indeed it does. i’ve missed you… a lot.”
your lips eventually find his and you can’t help the smile that creeps on to your face. its moments like these that you cherish and keep in your heart; these memories of him that belong to you forever more.
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 10 months
Crush On An Archer PT.1
a/n: Hey! Omg long time no see! I kinda maybe lost interest in writing for a bit there but tbh I think I'm back. No promises because I don't want to promise and then break your hearts but also I realllyyyy enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoy reading it! Will def be making a part two in coming days so stay tuned. LMK if you want to be added to the taglist, I am going to put some tags of past taglists below just in case they are interested in reading :) ALSO! Special shout out to @scmg11 because their writing is honestly what made me wanna get back into it. So,,I hope you enjoy!
Kate X Fem!Reader
Concept: Reader has a crush on Kate (school/Uni setting) and she doesn't know how to tell her.
Warning: Cussing, mentions of smut, IM TRYING TO WRITE SLOW BURN BUT BEAR WITH ME ITS NEW!
Word Count: 2.7k
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You’re a month into your summer vacation and things couldn’t be more…boring. You love and appreciate your parents dearly for putting out the money so that you could attend a prestigious school in New York with a kick ass archery team but does it ever suck to be this far from all your friends for four months. To make the situation work, your dad had to transfer jobs to another state that pulls in a little more money annually with slightly more affordable housing but that means you aren’t even near the people you grew up around. Rural Mississippi is a fairly big step from living in Boston. Boston at least had people, out here it’s like you’re lucky if you get to meet a neighbour because the land has us all so far apart. In all honesty, although it’s boring, you really have one specific reason for being so bummed out. Towards the end of your last semester, you got started getting closer with one of the girls a year younger on your team, Kate. Typically the older girls competed and practised together and the younger girls did the same. Although you two were only a year apart it’s just how things worked out, so you didn’t cross paths very often. However, one day you were walking home from class, stopped to get coffee and basically bumped into her. The meeting was really brief but it was enough to make you catch feelings almost instantly. 
Your interest in her grew as you followed her on Instagram and she followed back. Obviously you took a peak at her page and scrolled to the bottom laughing at the really cringey posts from 2015 she had still up. All you wanted to do was talk to her again but you didn’t know how, although she was a year younger than you she intimidated you so much. Her deep blue eyes were honestly enough to make you stutter whenever you had the chance to talk to her. A month had gone by already and you could not wait to get back to school so you could see her again. Luckily, coach has yearly “team-building” days before the season starts and they’re about half way through the summer so hopefully you can talk to her before then and maybe convince her to hang out when you come back to school. 
Over the next week or so you liked a few story posts that she’d upload every now and again but the day finally came where you felt like you could swipe up and respond to it…y’know…maybe spark a little conversation. 
“Damn Bishop, is this a new bow?” In response to a story post of her showing off some of her off season training. 
“Haha yeah it is, flips out and everything…it's really freakin’ cool.” She replied almost instantly and that made a giant warm smile come across your face. 
Shit– what do you say back? Your main goal was honestly to keep the convo going so you could subtly mention down the line hanging out with her. 
“Yeah that’s sick, wow I’d kill to try something like that out.”
“Well next time I see you, please by all means give it a shot” She replies back.
“Might just have to take you up on that. How’s your summer going anyways?”
“It’s alright, kind of boring though. All my friends from school move back home and I am working for my mom’s company over the summer so it all is just kind of dull. I miss going out and having fun. Wbu?”
“Yeah, I hear that. I am SO bored here. I would kill to fast forward to the fall, I miss being at school honestly. There’s only so much I can do by myself here during the summer.”
“Ugh right! I want it to be school again too but don’t get me wrong, I love the summer, the weather is great here recently and the nightlife is amazing too. I just have nobody to go with, you know.”
“Yeah I get it. Trust me, if I could be there to go out with you I would, there is definitely no nightlife here haha.”
Shit. That wasn’t too forward was it? She is taking a while to respond to you. She hasn’t even opened the message yet. 
*4 minutes later*
“Well, you’re going to be around for that team-building thing coach has us doing in a couple of weeks right?”
“Yeah, I should be.”
“Well, we can go out then if you want? Me and a few friends had plans but they’re all on the team and I’m sure they’d love to have you there too.”
“Yeah, that sounds great I’d love to!”
The conversation pretty much ended there and your contact with her was fairly limited, just a small comment here or there until you finally got to fly back to school for summer training. You settle back into the apartment you left a couple months ago, everything is still a mess where you left it but the kitchen and living room are even filthier since you are not around to clean up much after your roommates. You decided to wait until your team practice to talk to Kate about hanging out again. You didn’t want to come on too strong but also a small part of you feels like she forgot what she said months ago and you won’t end up seeing her, not outside of team stuff at least. 
You grabbed your gear and headed to the field where practice was being held. You saw some of your friends from last year and decided to catch up with them before coach pulled you all in to start practice. You were trying your best not to make it obvious but your eyes were tracking all around you looking for Kate but she was nowhere to be seen. 
*Whistle* “Okay team! Let’s bring it in. First, I just want to say thank you to everyone for making the effort to come back to campus for this, meeting I–”
“SORRY SORRY SORRY!” You hear the coach interrupted as footsteps are fast approaching the circle of archers. 
“Hi Kate.” Says coach.
“I am SO sorry. My driver was running late and then there was traffic because of a giant accident, I think there was some battle in the streets again, I don’t know, either way, my bad coach, won’t happen again…I promise.” She says with the most adorable grin that is absolutely saying she will be late again. 
“It’s alright Kate, it happens, I was just telling the team how thankful I am that everyone could make the trip back to campus for this.” Coach went on to talk about the drills you were doing for the day and man was it hard to not be in awe watching her. You tried your best not to stare all day because the last thing you wanted to do was make it obvious but fuck it felt impossible. The day came to an end and you packed up your gear, Kate was talking with the other seniors on the team as they were gathering their things and started to head out. You could feel your window closing to talk to her but interrupting her conversation with her friends and “inviting” yourself out with them just felt too weird and uncomfortable. If it wasn’t meant to be then it wasn’t meant to be but you would kill to be able to just spend an hour with her. 
You watched as she started to walk away towards the parking lot with her friends when all of a sudden she motioned for them to hold on a minute and she turned around and jogged over to you. 
“Hey y/n! Sorry we didn’t get to catch up much during practice, I saw your shooting though it’s looking good.” 
Yeah…your face is bright red. Control your shit. 
“Anyways, me and a couple friends are going out later tonight to a party that one of their friends is hosting. It’s like a Hawaiian beach summer nights themed type of party so if you have something like that to wear, that would be great.”
“Yeah, I might have something, I’ll take a look when I get home.” 
“Cool! I’ll text you the address once I get it off my friend and I’ll see you there?”
“Yeah, sounds good!” 
“Here, why don’t you put your number into my phone, I don’t like using DM’s that much.”
You take Kate’s phone out of her hand and fill out a contact for yourself, praying that she can’t hear your heart beating out of your chest. 
“Cool, thanks, I’ll send you a text in a bit.” She says with a smile and then runs off to re-join her friends. 
It seems silly sitting by your phone and literally watching the minutes tick by waiting for her to text you but that’s all  you could do. The anticipation felt like it was killing you. 
Your phone finally buzzed with a mystery number attached, “Hey y/n! It’s Kate. So…slight change of plans.”
Fuck. Is she bailing? Your eyes were glued on the three dots as she typed and you watched as they disappeared and reappeared. 
“Turns out the party is actually around the corner from my place so if you wanted to just come here first, we could pre-game and shit and then walk over together? My friends said they were going out to get their hair done so they’ll be running late.”
“Hey Kate, yeah no problem that works for me just send me your address and lmk what time you want me there.”
Kate dropped a pin of her location to you with the text attached telling you to come over at 7pm. 
7pm rolled around and you were already there outside but you kind of felt like you should wait another minute or two so you weren’t RIGHT on time. Or is it weird to be a minute late? But wouldn’t being on time be weirder? Whatever, you decided to just wait a minute and then knock on her door. 
Knocking on her door was the most nerve wracking thing you ever did, you were genuinely shitting bricks. 
“HEY! Come in come in!” Kate eagerly yells at you as she swings the door open. She’s wearing shorts with a bright purple bikini top and a button down Hawaiian shirt over top that doesn’t have a single button done up. Are you starring? Yes. Probably? Absolutely you are. 
“Make yourself at home, feel free to grab a drink from the fridge, my roommates are out of town and left all their alcohol so help yourself.” She said with a laugh. 
You heard that right? Her roommates are out of town. Just the two of you…you never know. 
You grabbed a drink from the fridge and took a seat on the couch next to her and yeah…the drink started going down faster than usual because of all the nerves in your stomach. The two of you made small talk for awhile but the conversation started flowing a little more naturally about 2 drinks in. Were you still kind of awkward as hell? Yeah…a little. But at least you warmed up to her a bit and weren’t acting so weird. About an hour later, her friends showed up and grabbed you guys to head over to the party. Honestly, things were going so well with just the two of you that you didn’t even want to go to this party but if it meant you got to spend more time with her then there you were. You got to the party and you honestly knew practically nobody. You weren’t exactly a social butterfly but Kate clearly was. She was talking to EVERYBODY. The boys at the party especially loved her. There was lots of laughing and flirting going on, you could feel the jealousy building but acting out was definitely not an option. You ended up socialising with a few of the other people at the party but for most of the night you stuck by Kate’s side, the two of you got pretty drunk together, pouring shots for one another and dancing in the pit of people to extremely loud music. There was a point where it felt like it was just you and her and nobody else was there while the music was blasting into your ears and the two of you were jumping together to the beat and singing out the lyrics to whatever song was on at the time. Kate got really close to you until some guy would come and pull her away in an attempt to make a move on her. Although, it never actually happened. Kate always ended up finding her way back to you. At one point she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the middle of the crowd as the two of you sang (screamed) the lyrics to “love story” into each other's faces. The party, as all do, started to simmer down. You guys actually ended up being some of the last people at the party, you stuck around to the point where the music was gone and most people were just sitting around chatting halfway sober. 
“Hey, I think I’m going to go home, I am super tired right now.” Kate says to you. 
“Okay, I’ll walk with you, I left my bag at your place anyways so I have to grab it.” 
“Right, sounds good.” 
Although the two of you had been singing and dancing for hours, she looked just as perfect as when you left and you were trying your hardest not to stare at her while the two of you were walking side-by-side. 
The walk back to her place was pretty quick, when the two of you got inside you went to grab your bag and get your things together. You were desperately trying to figure out what to say to her while you were organising your stuff. You didn’t want to come on too strong but you also want to make sure that she knows you had a good time…I guess just tell her exactly that?
“I had a really good time tonight, thanks again for inviting me.” You say as you’re leaning against the wall in her hallway. 
“Of course, anytime. And I did too. We should really hang out more when we come back to school.” She replies. 
Kate walks towards you and stops about a foot away leaning up against the doorframe to her bedroom. The hallway is super narrow and all you can think about is pinning her against the wall while you kiss down her neck and pull her tight by her waist. 
“Yeah I think so too. I guess I should probably head out.” You say as she looks at you with the softest eyes that you swore said “please stay”. You lingered for a second longer as the two of you were looking at each other, tired, kind of tipsy and on the verge of ripping each other's clothing off. All you wanted was for her to actually ask you to stay a little longer but before she had the chance you were already walking towards the door. 
“Have a good night y/n.” She says. “Text me when you get home safe.”
“I will. Sleep well Kate.” You reply as you turn to look at her with a smile and step out the front door. 
That goodbye felt different. It felt like there were still feelings in the air and lots that wanted to be said that wasn't. It felt like the perfect opportunity with nobody around after an amazing night together has passed but you regret none of it. Although you weren’t able to get a confirmation on whether or not Kate even likes women like you do, you knew there was definitely a type of tension between the two of you that she definitely noticed.
-- END OF PT 1 --
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms
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finelinevogue · 2 years
Just watched a video of this baby having a meltdown after seeing his parents wedding picture because he “wasn’t invited” and I am on my knees 🧎‍♀️begging you to please write something about this because it would be the absolute most adorable thing 🥺 you absolutely do not have to though if you don’t want to, just thought it’d be such a cute concept and if anyone could do it justice it’d be you 🥰
ahahaha omg this would be sooo cute okay okay;
January 5th 2027
Violent sobs escaped Hazel's chest.
You had been showing her some photo albums, wanting her to see all her past birthday photos. There were loads from when she was one years old, that of course she didn't remember, where she had cried the whole party for literally no reason.
There were a few albums on the shelf which contained photos of you and Harry, rather than photos of Hazel, but she wanted to see them anyways.
You did not expect the activity to end in tears.
"That daddy?" Hazel pointed to Harry, who was dressed in hi 'Fine Line' outfit for the album cover shoots.
"Yes baby, that's daddy."
"I have that outfit." She said, looking up at you for gratification that she had remembered correctly.
"Yes, good job. It was for your 'dress up as your favourite hero' in school day, wasn't it?"
"And daddy is my hero." She nodded and giggled.
You had arranged with Harry Lambert to have her outfit made, without your Harry's knowledge. It had been a surprise on the day when she walked down the stairs in tiny white trousers and a silk pink shirt, along with the pink suspenders and black boots. She looked amazing and Harry couldn't help but cry when he saw his mini-me. He even went and got changed into his own 'Fine Line' outfit so they could have some photos together.
You still have those photos set as your lock and home screen
A few photos showed you and Harry on various dates. There were a couple from a charity ball that you attended.
"You look like a princess, mummy." Hazel commented and it made you pout with admiration.
"Thank you Haze. Do you want to see mummy's wedding dress?" You gasped, thinking that if she loved your ball dress than she'd better love on your wedding dress.
It had been a collaborative dress between Gucci and your mum. Gucci had made the basics of the dress, fitting it to your body perfectly, but your mum had added on all of the delicate lace and decorative flowers herself. It had taken her over 72 hours of labour, but she wouldn't have traded it for the world.
The dress became so hyped that people started requesting similar dresses for their own weddings, which is now how your mum has managed to set up her own business for clothes making. She absolutely loves it. Harry is a huge fan of her work and often goes to her for his formal outfits now, paying her far more than he would have to pay at Gucci just because he loves her work that much.
"You had a wedding?" She furrowed her eyebrows at you and you didn't know where the sudden change of emotion came from.
"Yes, with daddy." You said, flicking further on in the album to get towards the start of your wedding photos. "See, there we are."
You smiled as you looked back at some of the happiest memories in your life. The way you felt on that day was one of the greatest experiences of your life.
Whilst you were smiling you didn't realise your 3-year old had started crying until you felt her body shake beside you. You turned to see her bottom lip was wobbling and she had streams of tears falling from her eyes. Only when you started speaking to her did her wails become more obvious.
"Hey, baby. What's wrong? Are y'hurt?" You asked quickly, scanning over her small body to see if anything was wrong.
When she didn't respond and kept on crying you tried to pull her into your arms, but she refused. She kicked up a fuss and tried to clamber away from you.
"No, mummy! NO!" She shouted and climbed down from the sofa, before running away outside and towards her playhouse.
Harry had been gardening outside and was stunned when he saw his daughter run past crying. She shut the door of her playhouse behind her and Harry quickly stood up from bedding some plants so he could go see her.
Before he opened the door he knocked.
"No!" She screamed again, her body still racking away with sobs.
You had slipped on some old shoes to walk outside, walking over to where Harry was crouched down outside the door. When he heard you coming his head shot around to you and you could see the concern built up within his eyes.
"Did you know she was like this?" Harry asked you, standing up to greet you.
"Yeah. We were just looking through old photo albums and then I showed her our wedding photos and she burst out crying." You said softly, not wanting to speak in a panicked tone in case it made Hazel more upset. Hazel hated knowing she made you upset, but sometimes she couldn't help it.
"It's okay. It's not your fault, y'know that?" Harry double checked with you and for once you knew that it wasn't your fault.
"I know."
"Let's try talk to her again." He took your hand and you both crouched down outside her playhouse again. Harry knocked on the door three times, but there was no answer. He tried again.
"No daddy!" Hazel shouted again.
"Hazel Mae, if you don't open the door for me right now I'm going to come in myself. I just want to know what's making you sad, baby." He sternly told her off, but only because he loved and worried about her so much.
"You're making me sad." She said through a sob.
"Well then come out here so you can tell daddy off and then I'll see how I can apologise. Hmm?" It was like he'd been a dad for fifty years with how wonderful he was with your daughter.
Instead of responding, Hazel opened the door and rubbed her eyes. It was a known fact that she got heavily tired after having a breakdown, just as you did. You both knew though that you had to speak to her about her behaviour before she fell asleep though. Her eyes were puffy and distressed, whilst her lips were still tight in a pout.
"Come here, please." Harry spoke very softly, opening his arms out for her to come to him first.
She walked over to him and used her small arms to best wrap themselves around Harry's body. Harry hummed in delight when she hugged him back, feeling like he was slowly getting through to her. He kissed the side of her head a few times, before pulling her back from their little squeeze.
"Y'gonna hug mummy too?"
"Okay." She nodded and walked to where you were kneeling on the grass. You opened your arms out for her and gave her the sweetest hug, feeling so much better that she was calm in your arms. You hated seeing her cry.
"Kissy?" You asked and pouted your lips for her. Hazel leant in to give your lips a quick kiss, before collapsing her little legs to plant her bum in your lap.
You kissed at the top of her head and stroked your hand up and down her arm to soften her breathing some more. Harry sat down too, making it look like he was firmly planted within the little family meeting.
"Y'gonna tell mummy and I why you were sad?" Harry asked, stroking his thumb over her cheek to grab her attention.
"I wasn't there." She said as if you would automatically know what she meant.
"Where Haze?" Harry asked, but you cut in before she could answer herself.
"Our wedding." You spoke quietly. "Were you sad you couldn't come to our wedding, baby?"
"Yeah." She nodded sadly.
You and Harry looked at each other with a smile, happy to know that this wasn't some other urgent or traumatic matter that you'd deal with together. This was something that you could work around. Harry gave you a knowing nod, telling you that he had this under control if you wanted him to.
"Mini-me, you weren't here when mummy and I got married." Harry told her and that quickly got her attention.
"Where was I?"
You had to turn your chuckle into a cough as you mentally thought about how Harry would answer this one.
"You were still in mummy's tummy."
Close enough, you thought.
"I was in there?" She pointed at your tummy in awe. Every knew thing she learnt was crazily fascinating and you would not be surprised if she turned out to be a child-genius.
"Yes, baby, you were." You held her hand over your stomach, reserving yourself from crying over the thought that once upon a time she was pressing the inside of your stomach, but now she was touching the out. It was still a real pinch-me moment.
"So I guess I was at the wedding."
"Yeah. I guess you were." You smiled, kissing her on her forehead for being so smart.
"Sorry for crying. I just got sad that I wasn't invited."
You and Harry looked at each other again, silently conversing how proud you were of your daughter for apologising without prompt. It just showed what great parents you are.
"Hazel, believe us, if you were around then you definitely would've been invited. Mummy and I just had to have a wedding before we could invite you." Harry explained and you got all teary at how good of a dad he was being.
"Maybe we can have a pretend wedding? In our garden?" You offered and the way that Hazel's face lit up was as if you'd just told her that you next house would be made of sweets.
"Yes! Mummy! Yes please!" She got so excited that she got up off your lap and started to dance around you both. That was until Harry caught her and brought her in for some monster-tickles. Her laugh was second to none and it made you ecstatic thinking about how you'd brought a happy child into the world - even if she was a handful sometimes.
You wouldn't change you smiley family for the world.
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lorrainestea · 1 month
Tales of The Empire - Morgan Elsbeth story thoughts:
Honestly about the whole series, I'm happy we got more Morgan content, but it still seems to... Shallow? I hoped we would know about her life before, at least two minutes of showing her just chilling with her friends and mom and living her life before everything turned rapidly. It would be even more tragic to see how she lost herself after the horrors she witnessed.
Also loved the woman from the Mountain Clan, good job at taking care of traumatized teenager who's mom was killed right in front of her eyes and then be like "Hey, come here and look how your home is burning and everyone you loved is dead and burning, but you just live in peace now and forget all your fears, they're stupid". Morgan acted stupidly and harshly when she wanted to destroy the rest of the droids, but omg she herself said she was a child, a traumatized child feeling guilty about her mother's death and just wanting to protect others. She felt like she must do something to protect them and of course in her head made sense that go in a fight it's the only option. She needed understanding and something better than being basically told "Calm down". And then that woman told Morgan she knows her destiny and she feels sorry for her? Ma'am that's a child that just lost everything, how about a little sympathy and try to help her otherwise when "Don't worry about anything, everything is okay" for some very strange reason didn't work?
Not to mention that we didn't even have a chance to see Morgan dealing with her emotions properly. Idk how about you, but if my people were all killed, my family was killed, I was almost killed and my culture, one part of me, just disappeared and my whole life changed this dramatically, I can imagine losing a will to live when there would be nothing left for me anymore. And again, I would need someone by my side who wouldn't even have to understand, just be there for me and see my point of view.
So let's agree Morgan needed therapy more than anything and let's move on.
Oh and for some reason Morgan lost her marks but not the crescent one on her forehead and Merrin apparently never lost hers? Like what?
They skipped the part of her life I was so curious about, I mean how exactly did she start designing weapons? How exactly did she get her post on Calodan and how did she build her lil gang?
And to her meeting with Thrawn... Look, I didn't even read the whole first Ascendency book and I still agree Eli Vanto should be there if anything else doesn't make sense (**ahem** Morgan designing TIE fighters that she would never design because Thrawn used a design of Chiss technology **ahem**). Also was it really so clown of me thinking we're gonna get deep dive in Morgan's relationship with Thrawn? Was it so naive to think they were like a mentor and a student and Thrawn saw potential in her and helped Morgan direct her ambitions and plans because it was somehow convenient for both of them?
Or am I supposed to believe that this was their whole relationship and the reason why Morgan was willing to sacrifice everything and risk everything to pick him up from a distant galaxy?
I love Morgan, I'm happy we got an extra 30 minutes of her and Diana could once again give her life, but this didn't help to completely see under the surface where the iceberg is.
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animeomegas · 10 months
Hello, I would LOVE to pick your brain in relation to this post you made:
Basically, the post where you talk about a dream you had where Omegas go to a special school after regular school where it's decided if they'll be a house spouse, used for breeding, etc.
A guilty pleasure of mine is reading about, and fantasizing about stories/aus where a certain group of people are deemed more "submissive" and that determining their role in society. I really like BDSM univeres for this reason, as well as the Obey Me Pet Au.
Anyway, I would love to hear about your dream as well as your thoughts on how this society works! Like, are Omegas rare? Or are they as common as any other dynamic? How is it determined what role they take on in society? How long do they stay as the school?
Omg, yes, hello!! I would be so happy to expand on this. Tbh, I also have a guilty pleasure for those same kinds of stories, so this post is going to be a long rambling explanation of my dream and of how I imagine a system like that functioning. Also, if you want to talk about this or ideas adjacent to this, please send more asks or DM me and we can indulge in the guilty pleasure together haha. I also love BDSM AUs and the Obey Me Pet AU! @obey-me-headquarters
(Also, did you mean to attach a different post to this? Perhaps this one ?)
WARNING: This is all going to be societal level dubcon and noncon.
Okay, first things first, let me outline my dream:
The dream was sort of from Sasuke's perspective on his graduation day from omega finishing school.
He sees Itachi and his parents in the crowd watching. Itachi graduated a few years before and was sorted into a 'housewife' omega type, so he is sitting with his alpha.
Itachi is wearing a cute pink skirt and an adorable chastity cage hehe. It was clear that his alpha had complete control over his wardrobe and had chosen his outfit for the day.
Itachi is the kind of omega who found great happiness through this system and so really believes that Sasuke is going to find the same happiness at the event.
However he is wishing that Sasuke ends up in a role that allows him to still be in frequent contact with him, as some roles would allow that more than others.
Sasuke is pissed though.
He doesn't want any of this at all.
Naruto gets sorted first and gets told he's a breeding type, but a breeding type with a job. He must have at least five pups and he also run a daycare and look after other people's pups as well.
He is happy about it, and Sasuke begrudgingly agrees that it suits him, but that he himself would hate to get assigned that.
Then Shikamaru gets sorted as an 'exceptional case'. Whispers spread across the room because it was one of the rarest categories.
'Exceptional case' omegas have special skills, for example a very high intellect, and it means they get given special circumstances.
In Shikamaru's case, he must still be mated to an alpha, but he will be allowed and required to get a high powered job. He must have at least one pups, but if he doesn't want more, his alpha can't make him because it would impact his career.
He basically gets to live as a normal working member of society.
Sasuke is insanely jealous because that's the classification he wanted and is nervous because the chance of it happening twice in one graduation is incredibly slim.
Then it's his turn to be sorted.
And I either can't remember any more or I woke up at that point 😅
So how would I imagine classifications to work?
What kinds are there?
The classification list is incredibly long, but not every school offers every one ever year. It's based on what's available.
I think that omegas would be kept in their home areas, so if they live rurally, there's probably fewer classifications available to them.
The common classification types include: House spouse, breeding, public service, sex service, private service etc.
They would each have many, many subsections, for example public service could be childcare or even a teaching role at omega schools. Breeding could mean something as simple as having a specific goal for number of children, or it could mean being a professional surrogate. Sex service could mean a bunch of things from a high end style escort, to working in a brothel or in a specific household with a specific person/couple.
More rare classifications include: Exceptional cases, entertainers, full-time roleplays, specially chosen.
Exceptional cases, as mentioned, are omegas so skilled that they are more beneficial to society when they can use those skills. They aren't allowed to be unmated, but their alphas cannot force them to do certain things that other omegas might be subjected to.
Entertainers normally have lots of musical talent, or are exceptionally beautiful and good at acting, or maybe dancing of various kinds.
Full-time roleplayers fall into categories like littles, pets, etc.
Specially chosen omegas are basically bought by very powerful or rich people. Like, if the monarch or political leader picked out an omega, then they would do whatever that person wanted. This is very rare for obvious reasons.
Obviously there would be hundreds more, with so many sub categories and omegas getting a combination sorting is very common too.
How is a category decided?
I imagine it would be based on a few things. Mainly:
Physical health
Job availability
Personal interests
Physical health: Obviously an infertile or sterile omega wouldn't be a great choice for a breeder. But in general, certain categories are more physically taxing than others, so an omega who can't do those roles for whatever reason, won't be assigned them.
Temperament: Omegas are all pushed towards certain personality traits, like being obedient and docile, but some take to it more than other. An omegas who gets into fights with staff or other omegas will be less likely to be mated. Omegas who struggle with the childcare classes won't be pushed towards roles with childcare. I imagine there are some babysitting exams for this.
Job availability: If there are no jobs for a certain category, then omegas probably won't be sorted into it. If they are really, really fit for the role, they can be moved somewhere where there are job openings.
Skills: Pretty self explanatory. What classes did the omegas get the highest marks in? Do they have any special talents?
Personal interests: This one is the most interesting in my opinion. I imagine that omegas would have personality quizzes, interviews and tests. Their teachers would definitely give statements too. But also, I imagine they'd be hooked up to things to measure their brainwaves while they're shown different roles, kinks or porn etc. So feelings of arousal or excitement are shown through brain waves and trusted much more than the omegas words.
Other comments:
I think omegas would be a bit rarer than betas and alphas, but not to an extreme degree.
Any classifications that involve getting mated, involve the finishing school and family of the omega working together to find a compatible mate.
Some already have mates lined up or are chosen by very rich or powerful people before they graduate.
A horrible system of course, but... hot in fantasy 😏🤭
Do you have any ideas about how the system would work? I'd love to here them! <3
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charliesinfern0 · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
literally all my fics it’s out of my hands if I ever get one done or not lol
seriously though uhhh I do have a fic idea it’s an aichi cafe au fic where ai owns a cafe and she’s literally the only worker there lol shes finally moved out of her dad’s house and is trying to make it on her own. She makes it work tho bc she’s a robot and she can do a lot at once. One day when business is slow there’s a cat sitting outside and meowing and ai goes to it and is like “aw kitty :) are you hungry? let me get u something to eat” and she goes back in to get smthn for the cat to eat and when she comes back out ichi is there and this is like their first time meeting in this au. Ai is like “oh, is this your cat?” and ichi is just staring at her looking mortified and then he just SPRINTS away and ai is just left standing there like “uh… ok then” and she places the bowl of food down for the cat.
the cat keeps on coming back, and sometimes more cats come over too, so she leaves out a bowl of food and a bowl of water for them whenever they come back. the cats catch the attention of customers, so more people come to her cafe. ai is grateful for the business, but it’s starting to overwhelm her a little and also she has just been feeling really lonely ever since she moved to Akatsuka, so she posts up some help wanted ads around the town.
cut to ichimatsu sitting in his living room staring at the help wanted poster he had gotten from when he went to the grocery store with osomatsu the other day. he doesn’t know why he grabbed it, but he did, and he hid it from osomatsu in his hoodie pocket as he walked out of the store, and he kept it hidden until he finally worked up the courage to stare at it for like an hour, his thoughts racing like “why did I even take this home with me, it’s not like I even have a chance of being able to get a job, let alone have the chance of being able to work with a cute girl you dont even know… this is her phone number on here right? a cute girls phone number…” and then he’s like “IDIOT THATS PROBABLY JUST THE PHONE NUMBER FOR THE WORK PHONE THERE!! AND ITS NOT LIKE SHE HANDED IT TO YOU PERSONALLY, YOU GOT IT FROM A FUCKING HELP WANTED FLYER” and as he’s like banging his head against the floor one of the stray cats he takes care of hops in through the window and like is being all cute and ichi is like “awesome yes a distraction I’m never going to think about this ever again because I have no chance of ever being able to exist in society” and then the cat just takes the flyer and runs away and ichi is instantly booking it down the street trying to chase after it.
back at the cafe, ai is just doin her thing, and she thinks about the guy that ran away from her a while ago. Her mind has been wandering back towards him lately, wondering what was up with him and why he ran away. Just then, she hears the cat meowing outside, and is like “omg it’s that same cat!” And she goes out and right when she does ichi runs up and then he freezes when their eyes meet and ai looks down and sees the help wanted poster in its mouth and then she looks at ichimatsu and asks “do you want to work here?” because 1) this is quite literally kismet via cat 2) he must be the one that attracted the cats to come here and 3) she really needs the help. and ichimatsu is just staring at her like 😦
hard cut to ichi standing behind the counter with an apron just over his hoodie wondering how he even ended up in this situation lol
it’s basically just a cute slice of life fic where ai and ichi work at a cafe together and get closer to one another ^_^ ai also ends up meeting his brothers and many other characters, and she starts to feel more at home in Akatsuka, and with ichi <3
the whole fic was inspired by Music For Animal Cafes by Nobonoko. I have all of the chapter names written down and almost all of them are based off of some of the songs from that album, is some of their other EPs and singles (some of these i might change and I might add more if I actually get to writing this lololol):
We’re Open! (We’re Opening! from Music For Animal Cafes)
Cat in a Sea of Soap (Cat in a Sea of Soap EP)
A Little Background Mewsic (B-Meowsic I and II from Music For Animal Cafes)
Raining Cats and Dogs (Storm from Music For Animal Cafes)
Chat au Chocolat (Chat au Chocolat from Music For Animal Cafes)
To the Moon and Back
10:30 In the Morning (10:30 am Single)
Strawberry Cake (Strawberry+ Album)
Change the Channel (TV2 EP)
Coffee, Hearts, Machines (COFFEE MACHINE from Music For Animal Cafes, and My Heart is a Machine Single)
Six Cats Ate Six Plates (Three Tigers Ate Three Plates from Music For Animal Cafes)
Hope To See You Again Soon! (Thank You! from Music For Animal Cafes)
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leejenowrld · 5 months
i really wanna know how they would decorate their house when they move in together hehehe!!
also, imo i would say i prefer jeno’s pov > alternative side of the fic bc i feel like the latter would change my (and probably others) view of the current loving jeno we have 😣 but its really up to you as i’m sure you have many great ideas <33
omg i love this!!! it’s gonna be long and filled with descriptions and some cute behind the scenes facts so stay tuned!!!! you will fall for yn and jeno even harder ugh
(also i might make a jeno pov but show some unwritten/unseen scenes that can make me explore a different side to his character, maybe his conflicted side idk i wanna do smth fun hehe)
ok so some fun facts, jeno basically built this house for her when they grew older 😭 i’m talking like 24-27. seeing as though he has a strong background in architecture and engineering, he knows about all this stuff and idk he just had a lot of input in the building of the house and he designed everything. it’s so sweet :( jeno worked his ass off in so many jobs at one time just to be able to do this
yn had no clue this was happening. it was genuinely a surprise and he had it hidden for so many years, imagine the reaction when she found out?? safe to say she was crying to him all night long in their new and beautiful room in their new house 😭 they both work incredibly hard, have good jobs and worked their asses off in education and their grown up jobs so it’s safe to say they deserve and have earned this luxurious house. also since yn didn’t know about it, jeno did design the layout and most of the interior, he knows what his girl likes :) he designed it for her, her style and her color schemes, his style is different but he honestly didn’t care. he wanted to do this for her, he’s so endlessly in love with her and just wanted to do this for the love of his life :( he wanted to build her a home that she loved and that they could grow up in its so fucking cute
let me start off with they’re rich rich like they’re both hard working so i imagine their house to reflect that
ok ramble after. the house 🖤🖤
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i’ll start off with their shared bedroom.
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it’s very minimalist, very blue color scheme that they both vibe with. this is really the only room that doesn't scream 'girly' because it's also his room and idk i just think it makes sense to have their shared master bedroom like this
they have a very luxurious en suite
they have the best view, jeno knows that yn is a sucker for views and pretty scenes so you’ll see that around their house. the neighbourhood they’re in is filled with nature and pretty sights
they tend to people watch from their view in their shared bedroom and it’s so mf cute. yn will be standing in front of the window and jeno will come up behind her, back hug, so close to her (kinda same vibe as the ending of mfal) and he will kiss her cheek so softly and whisper sweet things into her ear 🥹
they also have those windows that people from outside can’t look into so you bet jeno has her pushed up against the windows screaming his name more times than none ;)
yns ‘girly room’
he built yn her dream room 🥹 it’s a girly and pink room, she’s just a girl. it has all her cute skincare and her vanity and her makeup like you might not think it but she loves this type of stuff!! she’s a whore for it, her and retail therapy go hand in hand and jeno knows that and made sure to give her a room that it just her, a room where she can wind down in. he put the most effort and thought into this room, he wanted it to be perfect for her. it also has her book shelf!! and her cute reading sofa. it’s her safe haven. it’s a good place for her to chill in when she needs to get away and when she feels anxiety and that’s exactly why jeno made it for her :(
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it’s kinda a private room for yn lol like she likes to keep it away and keep it to herself because it’s just the biggest gift jeno has ever given her (the entire house is duh)
but she loves to chill with jeno in here 🥹 they’ve had their softest sex moments in here
as well as their rough sex!! hell yeah. this is the room where yn keeps her lingerie lmao
the kitchen
i’m not completely satisfied with the photos i found but oh well, just the vibe is that it’s very girly lmao. keep in mind jeno designed this, he did it for his girl ❤️ he truly doesn’t give a shit like he put what she wanted above his own needs, he thrives off that shit, he loves giving her love and just giving. he is so in love i can’t express it enough
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yn can’t cook for shit so he is always here making her meals and food :( he will always ask her what she wants for dinner, he will always make what she wants above what he wants
imagine him as a dad cooking for his family, making the pancakes in the morning 🥺
imagine how much sex has happened in this room… fucking insane
living room
one of my faves, it just screams home. i don’t have much to say to say about this room, just enjoy the pics 🫶
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just imagine the fluffiest and biggest and comfiest sofa, the cuddling and sex that happens on there 🥺
the movie nights man!!! they invite all their friends too it’s the cutest shit ever
the garden
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so girly
so many flowers
it’s just beautiful
so many butterflies come in aswell 🥹
jenos camera roll is just filled with photos of yn in this garden like he’s obbessed
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
What are your favorite Lisa Kleypas books? Besides Devil in Winter and Dreaming of you of curse haha
Oh, good question!
I read both Then Came You and Again the Magic this year, and I really loved both of them. AtM is a beloved dark horse in her backlist, from what I've seen (I feel like a lot of her newer, i.e. largely Ravenels readers don't pick it up, which is probably for the best as McKenna is kind of metal compared to her more recent heroes). It's so fucking good. I love high angst, and I also think she did a great job with the secondary romance. ALTHOUGH... I'd be lying if I said I didn't think the book might be a teeeeeny bit better if the secondary romance was a companion novella versus being folded into Aline and McKenna's story.
Then Came You seems controversial because the hero calls the heroine a bitch or a slut or both, and I'll be completely honest... If I'm IN IT with a book that shit does not super bother me. If you have not sold me to the point where I can see the hero or heroine or both cross a line and still love the book, I probably wasn't that into the book anyway. The party scene where she shows up in a faux transparent dress like Eve with the snake and he's like "FUCK. MY. LIFE." is one of my favorite things. The scene where he beats her at cards and then hauls her upstairs to fuck her while baby Derek Craven is all "SORRY LUV THEM'S THE BREAKS"? Derek Craven: The Early Years in general where he's trying so hard to work on his accent and also angstily standing behind curtains?
(Also: Kleypas at her best just fucks so hard. After I finished this book I read the first chapter of DoY to see how well they flow one after the other, and omg the consistency of Derek being older and actually having gotten his accent down pretty good, but not being able to carry it when Sara first meets him because he just got his face slashed and also just watched a tiny hot chick shoot a man dead in front of him??? After all that work trying to impress people when he finally meets the love of his life he's basically coming back from a near death experience so he can't maintain the facade??? MY. BABY. BOY. MY. PRECIOUS. INFANT. BABY. HOT MAN. HE WAS BORN IN A DRAINPIPE!!!!)
But also, with Then Came You... the bear scene. I find the bear scene to be the kind of thing I just love in romance... typified.
Seduce Me at Sunrise is a fucking banger and I love it so much. I will always have an issue with how Kleypas portrayed Cam and Kev's Roma heritage (though I will say, I think it's not quite as bothersome to me with Kev because Cam, much as I enjoy him, is very "that is my defining character trait" whereas Kev is like... a guy, and it feels more like he's a human and not a walking stereotype) but this book dude. It's Wuthering Heights if they were both fundamentally decent people with good families (I mean, she has a solid home life) and it's GREAT. I love the controversial thing Kev does that everyone hates so much lol. It's one of the most human things I've ever read a romance hero do and I was like "YES. LET HER DOWN BECAUSE YOU ARE A FLAWED SELF LOATHING PERSON AND THAT'S WHAT Y'ALL DO." It's great writing.
I also really loved Married by Morning. Definitely not as much as Seduce, but a lot. I personally feel incredibly strongly that Leo Hathaway is what all these West Ravenel stans THINK West is, except Leo actually fucks hard, tells her to tell him to touch her pussy (fundamental) and has a legit personality. West has plenty of personality as a shithead! Once he "reforms" which happens before his fucking book lmao (what is the point) he has the personality of a cabbage. Leo is introduced as a total wastrel who like. Legit tells Kev (I think it was Kev) don't be like me or you'll just wake up every morning covered by your own tears and cum. Which is. One of the most ludicrously pathetic things I've ever read. And also was when I went "I need him". But after he shapes up, he's still funny??? He's snarky? A rapscallion? A slut, perhaps? And Catherine just has zero time for it. No patience for shenanigans. As she should not. I love that she's basically his employee. I love that after they kiss he's like "huh" and then just decides to doggedly pursue her. It has serious shit going on, but it is more of a romcom than a lot of Kleypas books I read.
Oh, It Happened One Autumn, of course. Controversial but brave and also true: even if you think you love Devil in Winter, I promise you don't love DiW as much as you think you do if you haven't read Autumn. I think they are basically companion novels, lol. Do they work alone? Obviously. But DiW was a solid 4 outta 5 for me (not a 4.25, not a 4.5/, not a 4.75, a solid 4) and then I read Autumn and reread it and it became a 5. And I'm so glad I did, because Autumn is also so great. Autumn is hilarious, and it's one of my favorite book for Wallflower interactions, aside from Evie who I think is stuck in like a basement the entire time, only to pop up at the last minute to proposition St. Vincent. (Also: a little wild that the other girls would basically be like "Godspeed, hope that bitch is good" when she was gone for long stretches with like ominous letters.) But the perfume scene??? Annabelle being like "I shall test this aphrodisiac perfume" only to show up with like dark circles underneath her eyes from getting railed within an inch of her life by Simon the entire night all "it was a mistake"? One of the funniest things Kleypas has ever written. Westcliff's entire existence in this novel? One of the funniest things she's ever written. The scene where he fingerbangs Lillian in the butterfly garden and is all "well damn Lillian if I got that far with you imagine what would happen if a man like St. Vincent, who actually gets bitches, did it???" High comedy.
Of her new era, Marrying Winterborne is the only one I'd consider a favorite favorite. It's really simple, but super well-written. Like, I honestly don't think the PLOOOOT is the strongest thing (I found Helen's internal conflict to be something that should've been revealed earlier in the story, for sure) but the character beats and love story are really good. It has a lot of great small moments--Helen getting frisky because of headache powder, the general department store stuff (Rhys Winterborne: the most powerful owner of a Kohl's you've ever met, the man is swimming in Kohl's Cash, SWIMMING), obviously "five fucking minutes". It's super good.
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localvoidcat · 1 year
also holy shit there's a lot of stuff for your ml au FVGBHNJ (i tried maybe getting info abt it but omg there's so many posts and i dont feel like going through all of them /lh i just do not have patience). is there a post that sums up the au? bc i think someone has asked abt that before and i have no idea where that post would be FVGBHNJ /nf though bc i probably sound annoying -coward anon
i’ve been needing to write down my rewrite of the plot, so i’ll put it here!
this au starts the same as vol 1. mark gets the call, he goes to cesar’s house, he gets followed by the alternate, and he’s trapped in his room for three days.
however, he runs out of bullets while firing at the alternate, just before he’s able to take the last shot, and ends up taking the only other alternative: jumping out of his bedroom window. he breaks his leg from the impact (he did not think it through fully and just kind of. flung himself out), but he manages to get away from the house. he does go back in to get his cat, but then he books it out of the house and drives away.
the alternate, of course, hasn’t left his side. not wanting it to harm anyone around him, he decides to not involve anyone in it, so he basically ends up. kind of faking his death between the state of his bedroom and the refusal to go back to mandela. his family doesn’t really try to find him when he goes missing.
meanwhile, cesar survived his suicide attempt. the cameras in his house ended up broken, however, and between his mom being killed with what seems to be the same weapon he used, and mark’s disappearance, he’s listed as a suspect instead of the alternate. with his best friend and his mom supposedly dead, and the cops after him, he has no choice but to flee mandela county as well. things are not fun for this man
cut to seventeen years later. mark’s been living in bythorne, albeit under a different last name. alt cesar is still tormenting him, but he’s gotten used to it. everything’s going decent for him, until one day when he’s walking home from work and he ends up getting hit by a van.
the bps van, which is being driven by adam and jonah. after a quick discussion over whether or not they should try to hide the body, they realize he’s alive and decide to bring him back to their place and convince him not to sue them. or arrest them. or any number of things that usually happens when you hit someone with a car.
mark wakes up in the bps headquarters (which is just. a shabby apartment the three of them share) and hears people talking. these people end up being adam, jonah, and sarah, who mark hasn’t seen since she was 3. obviously she doesn’t recognize him at first considering how different he looks and that she was 3 at the time, but she eventually does. heathcliff siblings end up being reunited, but there’s still the issue of. well. adam hitting mark with a van.
his solution is, of course, letting mark join bps and get some of the money from their next job. begrudgingly, mark says yes.
the next job is the one from vol 2, which means that they have to go to mandela county. upon seeing cesar’s house, mark freaks out, but he still goes inside anyway.
cue to the argument between adam and jonah. just as adam’s about to go in the basement, mark stops him and makes him wait while mark explores the basement instead. adam’s pissed about this but he listens to mark (considering he’s like. a decade older than him) and goes back to the car with jonah.
once in the basement, mark is confronted by six, who reminds mark of his encounters with him during his childhood, as well as all of the alternate stuff in general. in a moment of panic, he shoots the tv and tries to get the hell out of the house.
all adam and jonah hear, however, is a gunshot. adam assumes mark killed himself and drives off, leading to another fight between adam and jonah, who doesn’t think they should have left him behind. they end up getting out of the car and physically fighting in the snow, before they finally decide to stop and go get mark. they’re both visibly messed up after this fight i think they do this every week. mandatory beat the shit out of each other day you know how it is
meanwhile, with mark, he tries to chase after the car, but struggles due to the fact that it’s a vehicle going at max speed, and his leg is still bad due to never getting it checked out when it was first harmed. it’s here that he’s confronted by an alternate, that takes his appearance and runs off.
when adam and jonah find “mark”, they chalk up his odd behavior and silence to just an alternate encounter, and go back to bythorne. actual mark is left having to walk all the way back until he can find a car.
when the three get back to bps, sarah can tell there’s something going on with mark, but adam and jonah tell her he’s definitely fine. it goes well for alt mark up until someone shows up at the door a day later.
it’s actual mark. upon seeing it, mark fires at alt mark with his gun. it’s made clear that one’s an alternate when it barely flinches at the bullet, and the four of them escape from the alternate, who’s started chasing them. they manage to get away for a little bit, just enough for mark to yell at adam for driving off without him, before alt mark shows back up again.
this time, it manages to inflict jonah with mad before running off. so now we’ve got mark, who now has at least two alternates on his trail, sarah, who’s only had her brother for about a week now, adam, who’s going to find out he’s an alternate very soon, and jonah, who’s now dealing with mad at the hands of alt mark.
in the meantime, vol 4 is playing out the same way it does in canon, with thatcher, dave, and evelin. evelin goes through the tapes, she gets fired, dave takes up the job at the church, all that stuff.
however, when dave encounters alt gabriel, it decides not to kill him, finding it better to force him to watch the downfall brought on by his own unknowing hand.
only problem is that humans aren’t really capable of looking at angels, even false ones, with the naked eye, and dave’s eyes end up melting out of his skull, as well as his mad getting much much worse. when thatcher finds him on church grounds, he’s understandably a mess, apologizing for something thatcher doesn’t understand and saying something about. impending doom. as one does. thatcher takes dave back to his place to try and help him, unaware of the fact that alt gabriel’s plan has already been set into motion.
because vol 4 ended on a cliffhanger, i don’t have too much of the plot after this point. all i can tell you is that mark finds out adam’s an alternate and does not take it well, jonah ends up living through his mad, alt mark makes sure to come back, bps interacts with thatcher and dave (mark punches thatcher at one point it’s really funny) and overall. shit’s fucked.
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she-waves-at-cats · 1 year
Ok, I really want to talk about it. I have thoughts that will rot my brain if i don't get them out.
I had a meltdown in karate class. (My entry for the "most autistic sentence ever uttered" contest if someone wants to organise one.)
It was my first experience of public overwhelm since my autistic realisation, so I can now see these events from a new perspective.
The how and the why: Intense day of mostly-positive experiences that included a phonecall (omg) with a job recruiter who was extremely nice to me. Also I forgot to eat lunch. By the time the evening class rolled around, I was in a good mood overall, but my brain had had enough I guess, so it started "shrinking". It was hard to coordinate movements, which stressed me out, so it was hard to recall movement sequences, which stressed me out, then we did an exercise with a partner and I was self-conscious, so I just froze... And then the teacher took notice, so he took time to individually drill me in basics, which was what pushed me over the edge. I know the basics, I'm so good at this stuff actually. I have more theoretical knowledge than any other student in that room, and he knows that, but seeing me fail once made him forget about all that. I cried. He lectured me, publically.
Here's something he thought was appropriate to say: "You're not supposed to be crying, you're supposed to enjoy the class."
Isn't this the most controlling, gaslighting bullshit an authority figure can say? You're not experiencing appropriate emotions, so I will now remind you what emotions you're supposed to experience. And I used to swallow things like that, hook, line and sinker. I used to grab myself by my own nonexistent bootstraps and beat myself into expressing emotions others can comprehend. That's what masking is, not a happy acting exercise, it's violence that you are convinced you have to exert on yourself.
But my real conclusion is that while up to a point, I could've prevented this event if I had read my own clues better (positive stress is still stress, and I was not careful managing my resources because I thought happiness was giving me more resources), OTHER PEOPLE MADE IT WORSE.
The teacher could've just let me do the exercises badly for one day. He could've just given me corrections like normal, without worrying I was not immediately improving. Without making it a whole thing where he pairs me up with another student specifically to watch me and correct me. And it's not like I didn't say "remembering things is hard for me today". He just didn't get that it means "leave me alone today, tomorrow I will remember things again". He did extra work with me that was completely useless.
And when I took my bag and left, the other female student followed me, wanting to know what happened, not taking "just a stressful day" for an explanation, kept asking if I was definitely ok, disparaged the men in the class for not knowing how to take care of a female friend, and then offered me a ride home. I let her drive me - I'd wanted to be her friend and was actually frustrated that she always came late to class and left immediately after, so we never had a chance to connect before. But man, was it hard to think of things to say in that car, when my mind was the size of a pea and my memory behind 3 vault doors.
It took a whole night of processing and then a whole day of being quiet and treating myself gently until I felt like myself again. If people had just left me alone, there would've been nothing special to process and recover from. I would've had a mediocre class, then taken a long walk home and remembered I was basically happy.
Showing that I struggled wasn't WRONG, exactly, but the problem is that if I show struggle, or god forbid a tear, people react in ways that make it impossible for me to calm down. And the worst thing is that none of the people in this story are neurotypical - we're adult karate nerds after all - but neurotypical methods of dealing with emotions are so ingrained in us, we think we will let a friend down if we don't pester them for more emotional work when they are already at their emotional limit.
I used to think that to get the support I want, I needed to communicate better. That day, I communicated. I was so articulate for someone who can barely think and talk. But people did not accept my true words at face value.
What we need is more education about autism before there's acceptance of alternative ways of experiencing stress and processing emotions. We are only taught neurotypical communication, to the point where we hurt each other.
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saetoru · 11 months
hiiii i hope you know how much i love ghe way u write haitham !!! also sooo true haitham is definitely autistic!! (me too haitham me too) i think u get how haitham is actually a quite kind and selfless person despite people think hes arrogant, egoistical and such but like if u read some if his voicelines like the one where hes asked what concerns he has he says smth not about him but how people tend to hurt themself and like cmon would an egoistical person have that concern??? also he doesnt look down on anyone its just he knows how capable he is and like ughhhh i feel like ur writing is a breath of fresh air cause like some people make it seem like hes some arrogant dude BUT HES NOT HES JUST AUTISTIC GUYS like when people say they dont like him and its just traits that autistic people usually have…. anyway thank you for sharing ur writing i love going through ur haitham tag it makes my day
but omg yesyesyes i agree he’s got so much pointing towards him being autistic and ppl will bash so many things ab him and it makes me so sad but also i’m like … maybe u ppl just don’t like traits that tend to describe autistic ppl idk … BUT i read so many fics of him being autistic and i see kaveh having adhd a lot in fics where they’re written to be neurodivergent and i think the authors i’ve read from so far have done such a good job of writing them and yeah. u get it. he’s definitely got sensory issues i know this is so real and true in my heart
AND HE IS SOOOOOOO KIND. i think ppl gloss over the fact that al-haitham doesn’t look down at anyone so much like everything about this man is so disciplined. so disciplined. like someone of his intelligence in a nation like sumeru could do sooo much bad but he literally just wants to have simple life where he goes to work and goes right home HE JUST WANTS PEACE. and his voice lines IF PPL WOULD JUST READ THEM. like the one about when ppl read difficult and abstruse books and then he says “jk i don’t enjoy watching ppl struggle lol” AND YES. THE ONE WHERE HE BASICALLY WOES ABOUR HOW PPL MAKE THEIR LIVES MORE DIFFICULT THAN IT NEEDS TK BE. he’s so caring by nature and i feel like even he doesn’t even understand that to some extent like i think he sees himself as a practical guy who just wants everyone to have peace for the sake of practicality. BUT HE ALSO JUST. CARES. YOU KNOW ?????????? they way it’s just canon that he’s misunderstood by ppl at the akademiya and he just doesn’t bother to correct them bc he doesn’t care to. THROWS UP HES SOOOOOOOOOO LOVELY I WISH MORE PPL WOULD SEE IT. i cannot tell u how many fics i read and then have to close bc. they just. THEY MAKE HIM SO ARROGANT AND MEAN BUT ARROGANCE =/= CONFIDENCE. he’s aware of his capabilities okay :( he’s not some condescending know it all. im just rly picky ab the way he’s written fjsjdjf so then i’m like. ok. i gotta write the content i wanna see 😔
but omg i’m rly glad you read and like my haitham writing sometimes i get carried away and make it so like…self servicing w the way i write him and the dialogue and then i get embarrassed to post it skfjsjfn but i’m very excited u like it I AM KISSINF U ON THE MOUF and also i am kissing ur brain for understanding him
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m0llygunn · 5 months
director’s commentary on “eddie’s notes” pls pls pls! 🫶
omg i forgor sorry i took so long to answer this BUT YES directors cut ask game link to eddie's notes
thank you for this lil directors cut request!! especially with this fic, i feel like i've never really talked about it (maybe i have?). i look at this fic with a soft fondness because to me, this was my 'breakout' fic, if you will (humour me). it was the first time i ever had actual feedback on my stuff, so it is very special to me, but also!!! it makes me rescind into my own body like i have a physical reaction to the cringe whenever i attempt to reread it so im going off memory here lol
basically this fic had a few inspos! first was the scene from the movie the first time (with dylan o'brien (<3)) where they have their first time! spoiler!!! but it goes badly and then dylan (i dont remember what the characters name is) basically blames britt robertson's character, which yuck!ew!gross!, but just the awkwardness of the scene kind of set the stage for eddie's notes.
this fic was also inspired by the way that i was doing 'research' for my other fics. For the second part of same old song and dance I was perusing reddit forums where men were describing the best blow jobs they had ever received (i don't usually care for men on reddit's opinions but i was looking for new perspectives and feeling descriptors lol), and I was taking key words and choreographing the head scene based on some of the commentary there (quite literally taking notes in my google docs), and i had this moment where i was like .....okay what the fuck am i doing right now.... and then from there the idea was kind of born.
i think my favourite part of the fic is the beginning when reader says she's a virgin and then eddie's like "oh me too" as if he didn't already say it. I think its so lame and corny and eddie coded. My least favourite part is the contingency error with the timing of day (that i added in as an after thought without realizing it messed up the timeline (it was afternoon and by the time they were done fucking the second time the sun was setting, but it was summer time which means they fucked for hours??? because the sun sets at like 9pm in the summer????? and reader who talked about living with her parent never had them come home from work??? i fucked that up but you live and ya learn))
despite the error, i do think this is a really special fic for me because it was the first time i ever felt connected to something here. also i like attention and i got a lot of attention from this <3 (seriously though, all of the kind messages i received felt life changing in a way. it sounds dramatic, but i never share stuff with people in my life so sharing something and receiving that level of positivity really reached out to a deep part of my soul and schmacked a huge big honking wet nasty kiss on it, and i'll remember it forever and ever and ever. also just having people relate to your art always feels so special, and i'll never be able to describe how cool and all encompassing the feeling is that comes with it)
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