#like it's been in the show since the beginning in literally every season idk they could have. just not done it.
bylertruther · 2 years
season five isn't going to be the byler show because we all have brains and recognize this is an ensemble sci fi show obviously, but it is kinda funny to hear people argue that because the duffers specifically point out in their pitch that will is gay and gets kidnapped soon after realizing it, then in season one have everyone who isn't "in the know" assume that this occurred because he's gay, thus really linking this realization with his disappearance both supernaturally and also to those outside of the main cast. this means that you can't separate the two. there's more to it of course, but will being gay and the consequences he faces for that is intertwined.
not only that, but they then reveal his kidnapper to be will's perfect character foil--love vs hate, light vs dark, hope vs despair, optimism vs cynicism, freedom vs subjugation, light wizard vs dark wizard, etc.
vecna spends all of season four preying on those who are traumatized and "other". he enshrouds them in their darkness until they succumb to it and believe it to be true, and gains strength from their despair.
what does will spend all of season four doing?
he stays by mike's side and banishes his deepest, darkest insecurities by basking him in his light. he listens to mike's worries and his secrets and tells him no, you're wrong, you're absolutely wrong and here's why. this is who you really are: someone worthy, capable, and strong. don't listen to that voice in your head; it's lying to you, mike. he gives mike hope and a way out of his darkness. he frees him from the grips of self-hate out of the goodness of his heart, not because he stands to gain anything from it.
vecna uses people's darkest and scariest memories to trap them and will uses one of mike's happy and safe memories to help him.
vecna gains strength from pain and rage and will gains strength from love and acceptance; acceptance that he felt from mike all his life and then acceptance that he specifically received from jonathan in the back kitchen.
time and time again, season four made sure to show us that they are two sides of the same coin and will's story cannot be extricated from mike and his romantic love for him, so like... season five is not going to be the byler show, but it also ... kind of is going to be the byler show lmao.
if season five is going to feature will then automatically it will feature mike and if it features them then it will pick up on their unfinished plot from season four and if love and acceptance are vecna's weaknesses and love and acceptance are what byler feel and receive from each other then... how is it not the byler show?
obviously other stuff is going to happen because they're not the only two characters in a romance show, but like ... to act like season four [for them] wasn't all about their relationship, the unsaid things that sit between them, and how will's love for mike is not only what made him able to finally say i love you to eleven for the first time but also precisely the love that he was trying to get from her, and that somehow that isn't going to bleed into season five and be resolved and be the exact kind of love and acceptance that will defeat vecna because will's otherness is rooted in his queerness and season five is literally his coming of age and also he's the focus and we'll be exploring his relation to everything because he is In Fact Actually connected to Everything and always has been is just .... weird. and nonsensical.
#mine#like. it isn't but it literally is the byler show idk wht to tell u man. every ending has a beginning and will is that beginning.#his disappearance is tied to him being gay. his otherness is BECAUSE he's gay. his first trauma was homophobia.#milkvan is bones bc mike said ily due to will's confession but will's confession does not apply to eleven. she doesn't feel that way.#she TOLD us and mike she doesn't feel that way and they showed that with how they ended the season. when mike realizes what he's been#searching for has been right beside him all along paired with will being in the most danger he's ever been in.. do you really think it#won't lead to some realizations? when their season four plot was literally their relationship being built up? when s4 showed u how#every problem that mike has with eleven is nonexistent with will? when they told us that the one person mike can't lose is will? will's#weakness is the trauma tht stems from his otherness and once he receives that love and acceptance vecna won't have anything#to draw strength from in him. and since this is stranger things we KNOW that love will defeat evil bc it always does. like. what's#not clicking. not every single second of every single episode is going to be byler falling in love being boyfriends and no one is saying#that lol but to act like will's gayness is not inherently tied to the plot and his coming of age and like will being a focus doesn't#automatically make mike a focus too especially since he's 'figured some stuff out' but still has more stuff to realize it's like. i just#don't understand tht sentiment. they cast will knowing he was going to be a big component of st. the show started with him and it ends#with him. and they said in s4 that mike is the leader guiding everyone. n tht without heart [aka mike] will would fall apart.#literally what is not clicking someone explain it to me bc i don't understand. 🤨📝🧐
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
not many fans of a ship can say they've been serviced like stydia fans were serviced
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emo-batboy · 11 months
Battinson on SNL
Idk how popular Saturday Night Live is outside of the US so there will be some links for context. That said, as a New Jersey native, I think Battinson would totally watch the show. And since he's a celebrity...👀
To promote WE’s newest charity fund, Alfred signs Bruce up to be a guest host on SNL (à la this post) The announcement is made, and everyone’s like “oh this is going to be a disaster. That man can’t even hold eye contact or speak a full sentence without crying.”
But oh, that’s why it’s so funny.
Now, hear me out. Bruce’s strengths are displayed best when he’s himself. That’s why he’s so popular in Gotham. That’s why the internet calls him Relatable TM and a Disaster (Affectionate) and “Poor Little Meow Meow.” It’s his ✨ essence ✨
But he tends to get overwhelmed or self-conscious onstage, right? Because he can’t be Himself himself if he has time to overthink something. So after a few meetings with Bruce, the writers of SNL figure out the perfect way to keep Bruce from getting anxious.
They decide to load this episode with as many skits where Bruce plays different caricature-like versions of himself as possible. The objective? Make him break character and laugh so he doesn’t overthink. And if he breaks character, he’ll still technically be in character because he’s playing himself, you know? Genius.
So that’s how they go about structuring the show. During the few days they have to write, they decide to take everything about Bruce’s public image and either ramp it up to 11 or turn it on its head.
He speaks quietly? Turn it into a running gag. He dresses in all black? Make him emo. He tips well? Add that in too. He’s “depressed” and “sad?” Literally, all he does on screen is laugh and break character. What’s not to love?
Of course, Bruce also gets to decide what skits are in each episode as well. (Refer to this if you have no idea how SNL works.) He loves the idea, though, and he has a surprisingly dark sense of humor which bleeds into some of the sketches. They add in a few skits without him, and they’ve got their lineup.
It’s the wildest episode of the season. Here are the highlights:
It’s the big night, everyone’s excited to see Bruce Wayne hosting a live sketch comedy show with no idea how it will turn out.
To begin his monologue, Bruce walks on, opens his mouth to start talking, and immediately two cast members appear as stagehands to set up six microphones in front of him. He is already struggling to keep himself together.
Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m host- Cast Member: *adds one more tiny microphone to his chest* Bruce: “You may be wondering why I’m hosting tonight.”
It’s working. The audience loves it.
Halfway through, Kate McKinnon comes out in a dark cloak with a chalice. “Your sustenance, my lord.” *sees camera* “Oh. Sorry. Carry on.” And she shambles off. Bruce has to take a second before continuing.
Bruce knows when (most of) the jokes come. It’s literally on the cue cards, but he still falls into a fit of giggles.
There are a few more gags, including Lex Luthor peeking out from behind the band set-up, all teasing the show to come.
Overall, an amazing way to set the tone for the episode. Expectations have been set. Then the skits begin!
(Oh but before I forget: During every single live skit with Bruce, the writers have scheduled for one of the cast members to run in dressed as a stagehand and put an extra mic on him. They do not tell him when it will happen.)
Between the monologue and the first skit, he has to do a really fast quick change, but to everyone’s surprise, Bruce is a natural. (Huh, wonder why.)
The skit is called Gotham PTA Meeting. We open in a meeting room full of stereotypical PTA moms setting down baked goods and gossiping. And apparently, there is a new PTA member attending today 👀
Right as the meeting starts, he enters. Bruce walks in wearing the most emo get-up imaginable. He’s got a Nirvana shirt, a comical amount of eyeliner, black skinny jeans, chain accessories, metal rings, AND a clip-in extension to give him fringe.
Someone immediately runs in and puts another mic on him.
PTA Mom: “Oh, Bruce! You made it! Did you bring a snack?” Bruce: “I brought lemon bars.” PTA Mom: “Why are they black?” Bruce: “They match my soul…they’re also vegan.”
He talks like a moody teenager. HE CONSTANTLY has to brush the fringe off to the side to read the cue cards. And because there’s so much eyeliner and he’s sweating a bit from the lights, it starts running everywhere.
PTA Mom: “Bruce, you’re a little quiet. What are your thoughts on increasing the school lunch budget?” Bruce: *eyeliner dripping down his chin* “I think it’s a great idea.”
For a pre-filmed skit, they bring back the Chad character with Pete Davidson.
It’s 2 am, and Chad is working at a 24hr drug store in Gotham. He’s reading Twilight (the book is upside down) when the lights begin to flicker.
He turns around and tries the light switch, turns back around, and JUMPSCARE it’s Bruce dressed as Edward from Twilight.
Yes, he IS sparkly.
Bruce is awkwardly holding a bunch of items, all concerning. He plops down a few knives, several raw meats, Sudafed. Chad: “Oh hey.” Bruce: O_O “I’d like to check out please.” Chad: “Lit.”
Chad’s “No Fucks Given” energy and Bruce’s “Please Do Not Perceive Me” energy clash like titans. The whole skit centers around it.
Bruce: *sweating bullets* “Oh. You’re reading Twilight?” Chad: “Just the title.” Bruce: *throws the book through the window at lightning speed* “It’s not very good. You should probably read something else.” Chad: *shrugs* “Okay.”
Chad: “ID?” Bruce: “ID? For what?” Chad: “Sudafed.” Bruce: “Oh. I don’t really need that, actually.” Chad: “Already scanned it.” Bruce: “Haha. Of course.” *awkwardly produces a scroll from his pocket that says Bruce Wayne DOB: 1901* Chad: “Okay.”
Bruce checks out, Chad picks up a porno mag or something, and we see Bruce turn into a bat and fly off through the window behind him.
The next skit they have is Celebrity Family Feud: Billionaires Edition. Again, Bruce plays himself, but he’s more of a background character. Instead, the skit makes fun of billionaires as a whole.
Bruce’s team consists of Kylie Jenner, Lex Luthor, and Oliver Queen. So just imagine three Lucille Bluths standing beside one another. 
Bruce’s bit? He just keeps handing cash to Steve Harvey every time he breathes in his direction.
Host: "We got the richest man in the world: Bruce Wayne!" Bruce: *hands him a roll of cash* Host: "Oh, what’s this for?" Bruce: "It’s your tip. I always tip." Host: "Oh, Mr. Wayne, you don’t usually tip the show host. I’m also a millionaire myself." Lex Luthor: *snatches it* "Well, if you’re not going to use it, I will…for charity, of course." Host: "Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night."
Just a ton of fun quips, the usual.
At some point, Harvey says, “That’s batty.” Bruce: *ducks* “Where?!” Host: “Oh, I don’t mean Batman. He’s not here.” Bruce: “You don’t know that.”
This time, the mic bit is a bit different.
Host: “We asked 100 billionaires: How much does a loaf of bread cost? Top three answers are on the board.” Bruce: *hits buzzer* Host: Bruce, your answer is? Cast Member: *runs in with a megaphone and holds it in front of Bruce* Bruce: “TEN DOLLARS?”
Board dings! That was the #1 answer
Brucie Wayne for the win
Next is a skit that dares to ask Gotham, “Why would anyone live here?”
The skit begins with someone opening a press conference for Wayne Enterprises. “And now presenting: Bruce Wayne!” Bruce walks in…
But it’s not him. Instead, it’s one of the cast members dressed in a black suit with horribly gelled brown hair.
Everyone in the audience is wondering where the actual Bruce is before another cast member runs onstage crying, “Help! Help! I’ve just been robbed! Somebody call Batman!”
A mini version of the bat-signal lights up…
We hear some generic hero music play…
And there he is: Bruce Wayne dressed in a horribly cheap Batman costume
(They got the cowl ALL wrong btw)
Bruce puts his hands on his hips in a weird superhero pose. Bruce: “I’m Batm-” Cast Member: *runs out to attach another mic to his costume* Bruce: “….I’m Batman!”
Cue all of the gags and digs against Batman. The fake Bruce faints then starts crying under a table. Someone calls Batman a furry. Bruce is barely keeping it together the whole time. Lord help him, but he asked for it. He approved the skit.
Bruce: “Looks like a job for my bat taser!” Cast Member: “Isn’t that just a taser with a bat on it?” Bruce: *whispers* “You shut your mouth.”
He saves the day, the police take the thief into custody, then Batman myStErioUsly disappears. Bruce: “Look over there!” *runs off* Cast Member: “Oh my gooood, how did he do that?”
Finally, they have the Weekend Update where Bruce comes on as himself for the final time.
Since they got his permission, the writers switch out some of Bruce’s jokes last minute. (Think Bill Hader’s Stefon which notoriously caused him to break character because the writers would mess with his cue cards.)
News Anchor: “Here to promote his newest humanitarian project: Bruce Wayne!” “Mr. Wayne, what a pleasure to see you today.” Bruce: “Thank you. This is probably the longest I’ve been out of the house.” News Anchor: “Since the Riddler catastrophe?” Bruce: “Since ever.”
News Anchor: “So Mr. Wayne! Before you make your announcement, any life updates?” Bruce: “Yes, actually. Just a few days ago, I adopted five- *starts losing it* five more children.” News Anchor: “Wow, really? So you have eight kids now.” Bruce: “Uh huh. *tears streaming down his face* One more orphan and I get the tenth one free.”
News Anchor: “So where can people find you online?” Bruce: “Well, I don’t have social media because I’m afraid of people, but sometimes I’m on Twitter.” News Anchor: “What about a phone call?” Bruce: “Oh no, phone calls- *giggle* phone calls give me fainting spells.”
It’s a great way of finishing the show, with the most genuine version of Bruce. Then, he gets to what’s really important!
News Anchor: “So if they can’t reach you on social media or on the phone, what else can our viewers do, Mr. Wayne?” Bruce: “They can donate to the Wayne Foundation’s newest charity called The Arts Initiative. It funds programs for the arts in underdeveloped school districts nationwide. I’ve already donated $30 million, and I’ve pledged to match every dollar donated within the next week.”
And that’s what he’s here for :) They share a link for where and how to donate. The anchors praise him for his charity, which he deflects because he can definitely afford this, and the 90-minute broadcast is over.
The camera pans away with the whole cast waving goodbye, and Bruce is seen keeling over with laughter.
Along with some of the other skits, these four specifically go viral. WE raises a fuck ton of money, and everyone loves Bruce.
LOVE YOU ALL!! Let me know what you think :D
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littlepinksapphire · 11 months
Question for older Critters: Were people this skeptical of long-game ships in previous campaigns?
I started watching campaign 2 during quarantine and didn’t really join the community till campaign 3 started. While Imodna and Dorym are probably the most popular ships of this campaign, they get backlash too. Mostly from people who think there’s no way that it could happen. Even when cast members allude to it both in and out of the game, people will either put their heads in the sand or say it seems forced.
Were fans like this about Fjord and Jester? Jester flirted with Fjord from the beginning and we didn’t know Fjord’s feelings till the end of the campaign. They talked about it on Talks Machina as well, but did people call it forced then?
Prior to recent events, I saw a lot of people saying they felt Laudna seemed uncomfortable with Imogen’s crush on her (ngl, I think they were projecting their own feelings about the ship on to Laudna). Did people say that about Fjord?
I’m sure all the major ships have their haters, and idk what Imodna haters are saying right now (I am quite literally on cloud nine and cannot hear them), but I can’t help but notice this particular brand of criticism directed at two queer ships.
It reminds me of Korrasami back when season 4 of the Legend of Korra aired. Obviously there was studio pushback to keep that relationship censored, but people still refused to read the subtext that was there. And here, we have bafta award winning actor Laura Bailey making subtle, intentional choices to make it clear she’s playing the long game, looking forlornly in the distance with every gay thought she has, as well as king of angst Liam O’Brien pining into a walkie talkie rock about once a month and people are just like “I love strong, same sex friendships”. I just really think if Imodna was a straight ship, way less people would have been skeptical about it.
And on the meta side of things, do people really not think the players talk about this stuff outside of the game? Like do they really think Marisha hadn’t long since given Laura the go ahead to attempt a romance? These are things that have to be communicated about as both players and actors. Making sure everyone is comfortable first is of the upmost importance, and these people are close friends and long time coworkers. They trust one another and are professionals at their craft. Idk, I just feel like this part never gets taken into account on either side.
Ok, I think I’m done ranting. These were just some thoughts and questions that’ve been brewing well before we had a huge sapphic win, I just needed to purge them from my system. Anyways, I fucking love this show, petty ship squabbles aside. Let me know what you guys think.
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Have you heard or played this game called "The Quarry"? If so what would Ren be like if he was in that game? I've been hyperfixating over both games and I cant get the crossover out of my mind lol
✦゜ANSWERED: I actually got to play the game with Mon (my (irl) bestie) a while back, and I've had Kaitlyn brainrot ever since uwu
This ask also got long because I have A LOT to say about The Quarry!AU Ren gksdgbjsdgk. Also!! There's going to be spoilers for the actual game! IK it's been out for a while now, but if you ever plan on playing it, maybe skip this ask and come back another time!! <3
Okay!! So! Ren probably told the other councillors that he went to Hackett's Quarry to gain more experience as a music tutor, when in reality, he only joined the stupid program so that he'd get to spend the summer with you.
Would constantly show up to your camp activities with the kids and ask if you needed any help. Mainly because he was free right now and had nothing better to do. (He had to clean the kitchens...)
They would be insanely overprotective of you even if there was no one else around, and it would only get worse if Ren ever gets bitten (read: infected!Nick).
Realistically speaking, the only way Ren could possibly get bitten is by protecting you. Because if he had the choice, this man would literally lock the both of you up in the security room (that he tooootally had no clue about), and would just wait out the night there instead of walking aimlessly around the camp and getting stalked by hunters and werewolves.
I doubt they'd do anything to help the other councillors, and would instead watch them meet their demise through the security cameras.
If you were to witness them meeting their gory demise though, then Ren might put up an act and pretend to care. Maybe press a few buttons and switches in hopes that it'd somehow help them — when in reality, he's just flicking the audio channels on and off.
If you didn't want to camp out in the security room for the entirety of the night, then Ren would be glued to your side and won't ever let you out of his sight.
He'd let you carry the shotgun if it made you feel safer, but wouldn't mind using it himself if you thought that was the better option. Though... he'd probably forget that it was a gun at first and would try to smack the werewolves with the recoil/stock end before realising that, wait, this isn't a sledgehammer? It doesn't work that way?
Ren has seen enough horror movies to be able to put all the (cliché) pieces together, and would probably figure out what was happening by the time you (Abi) push Leon (Nick) into the pool.
Ren would 100% be like, "Oh, they don't like water? Alright then. Cool. C'mon Angel, we're stealing a kayak and sleeping in the middle of the lake tonight ^^ We can look at the stars while we confess our feelings for each other—" "Oh wow MC, you look hot holding a shotgun." "Shut the FUCK up you buff ass RACCOON, I'm having my moment >:(" "Ren, don't be mean to Teo."
If Ren does get infected, then he's just going to be extra clingy and creepy compared to usual. He'd be sniffing you every chance he gets and would try to rub his scent all over you. They'd probably be extra horny because even without being a werewolf, Ren is still very much addicted to your scent.
The real/[REDACTED] side of him would slowly start to surface, and would constantly ask you questions like "who do you love?", "D'you like me?", "No one can protect you like I can.", "You smell s'good. Come closer.", "Need to taste you. Now.", "I want t'be inside you."
Once he fully turns, I'd really like to say that he wouldn't target you simply because his sheer devotion to you would outweigh his animalistic urges. Idk if that's canonically possible in the game, but I'm gonna pretend it is because I can hehe :)
Everyone else is fair game though, especially any of the councillors that got a bit too close to you at the beginning of the season. All the people who tried to be friendly with you? Those who tried to kiss you during that game of Truth or Dare? Yeah, they better start hiding because Ren will be seeking them out.
He probably won't try to interact with you while in his werewolf form because he's afraid of scaring/hurting you, but would instead stalk you around the camp and fend off any other threats that go near your vicinity.
By the time dawn comes, Ren will be seeking you out and ensuring that you're alright. If anyone dared to hurt you while he was occupied with hunting down the other councillors, they'd be dead meat. Especially since they have a shotgun in their possession now :)
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baconpicture · 7 months
Darcy's Relationships
just a random Darcy realization that I don't know what to do with.
So, in season 2 everybody was getting paired up in 1 on 1 conversations with someone that wasn't their love interest to have a conversation that benefited at least one of them but usually both with the almost exclusive exception of Darcy (the literal only others are Sahar, the 3 rugby boys and Mr. Farouk). This makes sense considering she already struggled to open up to Tara who she's known and probably loved for years but it just really shows how closed off she actually is like after Tara walked off after calling her out at the louvre and she switches to a big grin the split second she turns to Nick and Isaac before immediately dropping it the second they're in front of her.
Okay so my realization Is that not only does she not have any 1 on 1 conversations with anyone that isn't Tara but every time she has a meaningful connection with someone its always not only while she's with Tara but also because of Tara. For example, Tara introducing Nick and Elle to Darcy and also Sahar introducing herself because of Tara's excitement about prom where I believe Darcy doesn't even say anything to Sahar apart from nod I guess otherwise letting Tara take the lead until that lunch where Darcy makes a joke to the group. Infact, I think the only time we see Darcy try and make a friend independent of Tara is when they meet Charlie for the first time but for the most part it seems like Tara is always on the lookout for new friends and Darcy just seems content becoming friends with Tara's friends.
I don't know if this is because Darcy is actually a lot more introverted than she seems or if she's too codependent on Tara or perhaps this is just the only way she's learnt she can make friends. As in if they became friends with Tara first and she just throws herself in as a package deal considering Alice did say Darcy didn't have many friends to begin with at Higgs because people thought she was weird. And Tara and Darcy have apparently been friends since year 7 and Tara seems to be sort of popular so it would kind of be a logical plan. Also, in that case she probably would have tried to make friends with Charlie by herself because she felt safe enough to do so. Idk the last whole scenario might be projecting on my behalf and either way we have not seen her connect with someone without Tara being there as is the point of this post.
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*Long rant warning* I know it’s been repeated to death this season, but I am so pissed at production this season. This was truly a top tier cast imo (based on entertainment/messiness), and I can attribute all of my frustrations to production.
Ive hated how they edited the show this year (I’ve been pretty vocal about being salty about the Americory edit obviously, but they also barely showed Izzy and painted Cameron as a hero; I really don’t think non-live feeders have a great understanding of the characters on the show)
The Zombie twist is quite literally the worst twist of all time. The invisible HOH was a flop and they still let Jag compete AND win the following HOH. Honestly besides Path to Power (which in hindsight, I kind of wish didn’t happen, but I was pretty stoked with it at the time), every game twist has been awful
The comps have been incredibly similar and have favored male competitors. (I mean COME ON, they used the SAME veto comp for both double evictions)
And overall just very questionable decisions. Why wasn’t Jared removed after saying the r word? Why were they protecting Cameron SO MUCH on the live feeds? It got to a point where if a contestant mentioned Cameron’s name, they would automatically switch the feeds! Like that doesn’t make him look better — I’m just even more suspicious of him! Why would they cut America’s “I love you” in her goodbye message (especially since she said it *before* they had said it to each other — if Cory had heard that for the first time on live TV, that would have been such good TV!)? I feel like there were just a lot of decisions that kind gave a slap in the face to super fans/live feeders. They’re trying to hide things that CLEARLY we are able to figure out.
For the past couple of seasons, I’ve been pretty firm in thinking that they come up with things ahead of time to avoiding rigging the competition and at the end of the day, they just care about making good television and don’t have “favorites.” It’s very well that I’m biased this year because my favorites are America and Cory, but my god, I feel like this season just had so much blatant favoritism from the start, specifically towards Cameron and Matt (I think Jared was in there to begin with, but I do think they turned when they started to see the writing on the wall)
Idk rant over. I’ve really enjoyed watching this season (despite the rather bleak ending that is possibly coming), but I don’t think I could ever recommend it to people because I don’t think the episodes/show does it justice and I think that the producer decisions post-jury have ruined the endgame.
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autumnoficarus · 7 months
i'm devastated but like in a good way, and I have a lot of lokius thoughts I need to jot down before i pull a timely and become spaghetti
spoilers for season 2's finale below !!
so in this house, lokius is alive and thriving - because listen:
Firstly, i've seen a lot of people upset with the finale and while that's super valid, here's some positive thoughts on why I kinda sorta dig what was given to us.
the recap never included that one ship while catching up on the main plot points of everything that has happened since the show's beginning. I think that should be pointed out idk.
from a fic writer standpoint the fact that Loki spent CENTURIES??? (+however long fighting sylvie and having repeating conversations with HWR) Like literally a huge chunk of time we don't see trying to fix things has so much potential. I'm giddy abt that ngl
That when Loki needed advice most, he time-slipped to Mobius to ask him his opinion. Not only that, he time-slipped to when they don't know each other yet, because he wants a Mobius who is unbiased. He's aware that were he to go to a place in the timeline where they're now close, Mobius would try and talk him out of abandoning all hope.
He knows, much like with Mobius' story, he's been hesitating to look past himself - to see the bigger picture, instead of what he wants. That hesitation has led to years and years of consequences, Loki failing each and every time, similar to how the officer of Mobius' story delaying the prune of a variant led to an eruption of consequences that resulted in the harm of their comrades too.
What Loki wants is save his friends, ultimately. At first, he wants to save his friends and be able to experience life amongst the timeline branches with them. He tells Sylvie he doesn't know where he would belong without them. What Loki realizes in the end is that to give them the choice he believes they deserve, he has to make a choice of his own. In the end, he finds belonging (at least for now, because I refuse to believe this is the end of TVA Loki's storyline) in putting those he loves before himself and what he wants, something Loki has done only a handful of times throughout the entire Marvel series. He needs that growth character-wise because, as we know, he will be involved in the next big phase.
I think that Loki time-slipping to ask Mobius for advice parallels last episode's 'it's about WHO' again. Who has given him the chance to be a better version of himself the entire show? Who helped him overcome his deep distrust in others, learning to care for them instead - so much so that he sacrificed himself to protect them? And again, Mobius is who Loki went to when he was lost and his words are what guided Loki to the decision he made.
A Sylvie and Mobius scene where Sylvie is seen caring for Mobius in the aftermath??? Mobius wasn't offering comfort to Sylvie, he was depicted as more distraught than she was. In fact, I'd say they really wanted to get across how 'alone' he felt with Loki's absence, standing watching a life he never knew from afar.
(there's a whole unpacking i want to do here about how we previously saw Loki looking longingly across the street watching Don's life too, before whisking Don away from his mundane family life for a greater purpose; something about Mobius looking at that life and recognizing there's a missing piece to it, and it's back in a place he no longer feels he fits because the TVA is missing something too; something about Loki 'supposedly' finding where he belongs, but not Mobius. those are thoughts for another post though lmaoooo)
I think they left Mobius' arc open-ended because he still hasn't achieved that greater purpose. That's (hopefully) because it's meant to be fleshed out in either a later season or next movies to come. And (hopefully x2), that purpose becomes Mobius helping to somehow save Loki from his current fate.
The final moments?? Hello??? Mobius' voice echoing as we pan in on Loki holding the branches together, teary-eyed with a soft, melancholic smile??? Seeming to be listening in on Mobius amongst the branches??? Mobius' 'let time pass' because he doesn't know how to move on from losing Loki?? Come onnnn, the tragic angst in just those shots were CHEF KISS
Overall, I know it's a let down not to have an actual canon status but I mean - were we really expecting the mouse to come through for us??? At least, we didn't get a 'no homo' moment so I count that as a win against rickey the rat. Lokius survived the finale, and that's what really mattered for me tbh.
Like idk, I could also be biased because I kinda, really dig tragedy and slow burn angst. And that's what this finale gave us, along with so many possibilities !! Them being separated leaves so much that can happen !! Like, like - Mobius has the opportunity to have an arc about saving his bae from holding time together indefinitely - from Loki's greatest fear, being left alone. Mobius getting into marvel shenanigans in an attempt to reunite with Loki somehow is beautifully romantic to me ya'll idk. I am delusional and I fully embrace that fact.
Okay honestly this isn't even ALL MY THOUGGHTS I HAVE MORE but this is getting long so I'm stopping here (currently: sending morse code signals out to help pull me back from the brink of insanity)
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deliverance-guy · 11 months
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Imagine being such a lazy and incompetent writer, that you not only forget to give one character closure but at least two.
Rant incoming:
You can do so much with Narek's character and I would have loved seeing him getting a redemption ark, exploring the cult of the Zhat Vash and interacting with other people than his sister. Dang, let him realise that he has been brainwashed since his childhood, allow him to overcome his prejudice and trauma with the help of Laris or even Elnor and make him a powerful ally through the plot, which could have been so strong and interesting to watch. But no. They literally forgot about him and Chabon’s clarification, or better his planned fate doesn't make sense. Why should he be brought into federation custody?
A) What he did was horrible, yet inside of romulan space and under romulan laws dedicated towards a then illegal life form who has most likely signed a contract agreeing to said laws and possible consequences of conflict with the police/ the Tal Shiar. As a result, they shouldn’t be able to arrest him for anything since he was also way too young to be involved into the destruction of Mars.
B) Moreover, he recognised his mistakes and showed a will to work on himself. Prison will only make him loose that short window of change of mind and harden his believes, since he spends the whole time with himself and we all know how thoughts can spiral into hate and frustration rather than understanding and reflection. His whole world collapsed around him and instead of taking the shot to work with him, they leave him alone with his thoughts and the urge to find someone to blame for his misery?
Even though I am heartbroken to what they did to the La Sirena crew, I felt like they had some sort of resolution inside the seasons and their arcs, not perfect or satisfying but still (we don’t talk about how the writers ripped everything apart in season 3, that is another essay worth of rant). I deeply mourn for what could have been and are beyond mad they threw out Soji and Elnor so fast. It just felt cheap. I can understand why they did it with Elnor, to give Raffi a motive to work through her guilt for manipulating him (which kind of got brushed off and came out of nowhere so idk why you couldn’t leave him in there and work through it alive and together).
For Soji, why give us Core when you don’t plan on doing something more with here than give the actor and Spinner something to do. How great would have been it, if Soji met her look alike and got to understand the origin of her “bloodline” and the reason behind her creation, something she desperately longed for. Let her find acceptance for herself and the confidence in her skin she deserves. Let her be more than some diplomate and a tool to portray the conflict between Agnes and Rios. The money I would give to see both of them coming up the agreement to work together and Soji’s decision to change her job from an anthropologist or doctor (I am not sure what her profession fell under) to an ambassador. SHOW US, please. To be honest, I can’t see Paramount doing a show with the watchers and Core, so why waste that time with a plot you could have given to a character already established in the season before, a whole audience was thrilled for?
And Laris... Cutting her off for nostalgia porn and claiming it was out of budget? How cheap is this please?! She deserved way better and not being tossed in the trash so carelessly by so called fans! If you don’t want her in the main storyline, fine. Just give her an ending. A sentence or brief interaction. She and Picard were literally a couple, so why deny her the interaction with Beverly and her stepson?
You can say what you want about star trek Picard but I think we all can agree on one statement: Picard has been such a massive mess in terms of carrying the plotline, characters and ideas throughout the seasons to a point were it almost felt like they have been completely different series from the beginning. Every season had such an unique idea and character developments, which got tossed aside and completely ignored in later episodes.
I know enough people have talked about this already but I needed to get it out of my system.
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Hii i know im late but either kuron allura or lance for the ask game thingy you rbed like two days ago?
(i know i always pick these three but idk i just rlly like hearing your thoughts on them<3)
Yay!! I am so sorry this is late. Also heads up this gets long and really salty-
favorite thing about them- He's trying so much! He is not great at it and he was very much Doomed since the beginning and he lost every agency he never had to begin but my god he was Trying! He did not know he was a clone but he felt he that he isnt him and Haggar was still scouting in his head but he was still trying until he couldnt, my god i love him!!
least favorite thing about them- Other than the fact he fucking died??? Kuron babygirl please dont go behind your teams back and dont yell at people, i know you are Going Through It™ but still
favorite line- "Like i am not like myself" HAHAHAHA HAHA FUCKING KILL ME!!! orz
brOTP- Lance and Kuron relationship that lives in my head and has a special place in my heart, also Veronica and Kuron because i am too deep in That au i will make it a thing if only just for that au
OTP- Do i have to answer this one? I guess Kur.ance if you twist my arm but to be honest i still prefer it as platonic or qpr. I am not much of a shipper and he has aroace swag to me. Oh, also Kuron/getting to live as his own person aka the best ship ever
nOTP- I guess Kuron/Keith and Kuron/Lotor? Mostly because my rather uhhh negative opinions on Keith and utter disappointment with Lotor's character and annoyance with both of their stans
random headcanon- i have already talked about him being fan of reading but did you know he also writes sometimes? It is not *great* and almost all of them are wips because he is never sure how to end a story but he is trying
unpopular opinion- if i see one more "Kuron the evil mean clone" i will scream.
Other than- ok. You know how much i love him right? He is one of my favourites and i like him more than Shiro, you know that right? I need you to know and remember that when i say the next part.
Entire clone arc was just not needed. Like you could have had the same effect with Shiro being mind controlled and i personally feel it would have been better. Clone arc just overcomplicated an already messy plot, added even more elements and questions that went absolutely nowhere, left behind a shit load of plot holes, became the final nail in the coffin of Shiro having any possible arc or development, and added a new sympathetic character just to kill him off as a plot device.
And the entire "You are my brother Shiro, i love you" who is it for? Literally who is it for? It would have been much more heart wrenching if it was mind controlled Shiro but we clearly established that is not him. That guy is not Shiro, and Keith as i recall had like 3 on screen conversations with him, 2 of them being strained and then Keith just fucks off with the Blades for most of 3 seasons. It is not for Kuron cause narrative is insistent that he is ~evil~ tool and later on they use his body to get Shiro back. So like, who is it for? Other than to show how sad and angsty and great and amazing writers pet Keith is of course but that is the whole goddamn show.
Like i love him and he did not deserve any of That and i am going to keep making up aus where he lives but the entire pointlessness of clone arc angers me so much
song i associate with them- Being a basic bitch here but Control by Halsey
favorite picture of them-
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honestly every scene with him having long hair is just>>>
favorite thing about them- Allura is just so genuinely kind, like she goes from one traumatic event after another and loses everything she had and she is rightfully angry and hurt and upset but she still remains kind and does everything so that others dont have to go through what she did and so she sacrifices what little she still had
least favorite thing about them- why is she fucking dead 🥺🥺? Girl wake up, also as much as i love her i am not forgiving her for entire using-Kuron's-body-to-bring-Shiro-back.
favorite line- "So how would you rate your bloodlust level from 1-5?" Let her be silly please!!!!
BrOTP- Allura and Shiro!! Also Allura and Hunk!!! And a number of interactions between Allura and Lance post s3 too!!
OTP- Free my girl hasnt she suffered enough?? (I do have soft spot for early season sha.llura moments and many allurnce moments)
nOTP- i guess l0tura and k@llura? For similar reasons as above
random headcanon- pre-Altea's destruction Allura was the most daredevil person ever. You could dare her to eat a ghost pepper and she'll do it just to prove she can
unpopular opinion- No longer saying 'the situation is much more nuanced' and 'she was traumatized, it is understandable' about the galra reverse racism bs and instead going she was 100% in the right actually. If this fandom can forgive Lotor for getting thousands of alteans murdered and straight up lying to the woman he says he loves about her own people and forgive Keith for abandoning his teammates and almost getting them all killed by claiming they were sad and traumatized than they can also forgive a black coded genocide survivor not liking a race that has been colonizing and murdering the entire universe for 10000 years including her own people
song i associate with them- Queen of Nothing by Crane Wives
favorite picture of them-
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Look at her smile
favorite thing about them- my boy?? My most favourite boy??? Literally everything?? Ok but seriously i have talked about this before but he is complex to me, i love there is so much duality in him he is someone who is kind would die for a person he met like 2 days ago and did not get along but also is just an absolute obnoxious cunt. He is an emotionally mature guy who understands his own feelings but also is just sooo douchey class clown. He wants to be a cool talented hero, he has the capacity to be that but he wants to be seen as one and in his attempts he ends up screwing himself over and comes out looking as anything but that<33!! And he is loyal and goofy and lovable i love him
least favorite thing about them- i would not have liked this fucker if i met irl specifically s1-s2 him at all. Also the fact they did not even give him an arc like why would you do this to him. Also his fanbase, i cant tolerate 70% of his fanbase and the fact that i still love him is a testimony of my love for him itself given i have hated characters and left fandoms for far less
favorite line- "You ever notice how far the planets are from each other, Coran?" Why did they have the goofball say shit like this if he was meant to be just a goofball
brOTP- Everyone <3, he deserves more friends but mostly Hunk, Kuron, and Allura
OTP- i like most Lance ships actually, though there is a specific han.ce au i have in my head that i adore
nOTP- *sighs* kl4nce. It's just sooo Everywhere, i go to Lance's tag and it is all this ship, nearly every s8 fix-it thinkpiece i have seen moans about how Lance was reduced to Allura's bf only to reduce him to Keith's bf and all of them yell about how the only problem with vld was that kl didnt become canon as if all the racism in the show doesnt even matter, and i am so goddamn tired of this like i cant even joke about Lance having terrible taste in men witjout someone bringing Keith up, and i dont hate the ship (and sometimes i even enjoy it) but i am done with this
Random headcanon- he can play violin pretty well! But he also hates playing violin
unpopular opinion- this is coming from someone who only likes and cares about Lance ships but i think he shouldnt have had a romance arc with anyone. I have said this before but he is so obsessed with keeping facades and the romance loverboy is one of those facades. At most he should have had like last one out of beach city episode from steven universe, where he gets a partner by just being himself instead of the flirty loverboy persona
song i associate with them- Top of the world by Greek fire
favorite picture of them-
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He looks great when he is on the verge of death
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canonizzyhours · 6 months
idk if this is appropriate since it isn't about canon izzy directly but i need somewhere anonymous to complain about 'the canyon.' i'm not in a lot of fandoms so i don't know if this is normal fandom behavior or what. I hope it isn't. this has been a uniquely upsetting experience for me. I have, like, next level autism for this show so of course i had to find Every single scrap of information about it and in the course of my obsessive 'research' i encountered these guys a lot, almost from the very beginning.
at first i thought it was funny and cute, like when people are hot for hannibal lector or some fucked up little guy. they wrote the worst ever fanfiction. that was fine, I could forgive that. but then they started saying things like 'if you watch it from izzy's perspective you'll see that he's the real hero and ed is the villain.' like girl no I've watched it 96 times and never once found this authoritarian incel karen good or relatable. the one that really got me was 'in any other show he'd be the protagonist.' yeah bro that's why i like this one? go watch one of those?
by like the fourth month they already had a bizarre victim complex. I just avoided talking about him completely because they would get really rude and start in with the guilt trips if you mentioned izzy even in a neutral way, let alone if you said anything about homophobia or psychological abuse. they called people abusive and homophobic and racist (?) if they said anything negative about fictional white man izzy hands. they threatened to sue someone. remember when there was an essay about him in a zine that was actually pretty positive? and most of the comments online were about how the actors and writers would definitely read this and be heartbroken. probably cry. maybe not even want to make the show anymore. it was a fan zine.
i didn't even like izzy except as an antagonist, but somehow they almost convinced me that i was watching it wrong. i started to seriously think, like, what if the writers were on his side all along? what if they really were making the main (queer, indigenous) love interest abusive and my very favorite thing was not as good as i thought it was? why not, when i've always had to twist a story to pretend it's for me? maybe i'd done it without realizing this time. i would have been so disappointed. and the way season two was done, there was like a week where i think i really believed it. it made me feel like i couldn't trust my own judgement. probably I was depending too much on this one tv show for serotonin because I cried a lot during that time, but you know how it is. the point is, it should have been a fun time for me but it was not.
i was so happy when he died, though. that cheered me right up and i'm fine now. i know I'm being dramatic and none of my complaints are very important in the grand scheme of things (i didn't even get into the racism) but they almost fucked up my Autism Favorite Thing for me and i want it to be documented somewhere that i will never forgive them for that <3 <3 <3
related posts: #29
(so i'd have posted this anyway bc of recent posts talking about questioning their views of izzy bc of the prevalence of canyon takes insisting he's a protagonist etc. but even without that, this blog was literally created because of a need for a space to talk about canon izzy and a need for acknowledgement that fanon izzy has become very widespread, mostly due to the canyon actions you mention. so it's difficult to separate the two when the blog was partially born from people thinking they were the only one to feel this way!)
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wigglebox · 1 year
okay, final predictions for the finale rant/ramble/whatever you want
Questions answered
i don’t believe literally everything is going to be answered simply bc there has to be a balance when you don’t know if you’re gonna get another season. i personally believe that there has to be a balance of some questions answered with some still remaining simply bc for every percent of a chance you have of NOT continuing, you have a chance OF continuing. 
So here are the questions i think will get answered:
We’ll figure out where they are in terms of space and time
We’ll figure out a LITTLE bit as to why Dean is doing what he’s doing 
We’ll figure out who the Akrida Queen is 
Here are some of my musings going into the finale:
I personally believe everything is taking place in The Empty. If you’re new around here, I am a BIIIIIIIG subscriber of the Chuck Won theory, and in order for this theory to work in my head, I need it so that Dean was never actually in Heaven when it came to 15x20. Neither was Cas. 
It’s my personal opinion, and I’ve chatted about this on @endofthebookpod with @jewishdeanwinchester and @evergreencowboy who also have brought this idea up, so i guess it’s a collective opinion lmao, that this is all taking place in the empty. 
There’s also the First Draft theory that @evergreencowboy has mentioned on the podcast way back in the beginning and that we keep mentioning because it can also coexist and blend with the theory that they’re all in the empty. 
I think theories of this taking place in The Empty were solidified with the last episode and Limbo and the circus and all that. Fake happiness, accepting and processing reality to snap out of it and break free, etc etc. 
So yes, I do believe they’re in The Empty. I’ve been hoping that Dean’s been in The Empty for a long long while, even before the show, given the Chuck Won theory. It will make me SO happy if this is where this is all taking place. 
I don’t believe Cas will be seen. 
This may be an unpopular opinon but I don’t want any Destiel reciprocation on screen until the continuation. I personally want the prequel to exist as its own thing with some character development for Dean in the background. 
Now, I don’t mind parallalels and threads to Destiel — we’ve even gotten those already — and I don’t mind Dean mourning or mentioning Cas. But, I physically don’t want to see him until there’s an Empty rescue primed and ready to happen in the continuation. 
I am aware of the fact that Cas is awake in the Empty, everyone and everything is, however it feels like it’s too soon to reunite Dean and Cas on screen and I wouldn’t want that happening on a spin-off — i need it to happen in a continuation. 
However, it would be very sweet if there were mentions/threads/insinuations to the relationship/how dean feels, etc etc — with just the knowledge that Cas doesn’t know it yet. 
But, above all else, I really want this show to exist as its own thing and as world building and rule building for how the Empty works if that’s indeed where they are. The Empty has virtually no rules for its existence other than a select few from OG SPN so if this is indeed The Empty, a pocket universe inside The Empty, what have you — then I would hope that more rules are established for it. 
Questions remaining
Here are my questions remaining and that IDK if they’ll get answered in the finale but I’m okay if they aren’t
Why is Carlos so associated with death imagery?
Was John talking with anyone when he ‘died’ for a hot second in the vampire episode? And if so, who?
Who is The Witness? [I think if they’re real it’s either Chuck or it’s Dean] 
Are these the real John and Mary? 
What exactly are the Akrida? Does The Empty hold them and since Jack woke everything up, they’re out and about?
Are Gabriel, Chuck, and Rowena OUR Gabriel, Chuck and Rowena? Or are they actually from the 70s? [my guess is that they are ours, and that’s why we’re in The Empty]
Is Betty an Angel?
Why does Dean have the samulet dangling from his car?
Why isn’t Sam there?
Where TF is Deanna?
Okay I think that’s it for now. I probably have more. 
But lord I’m so excited for tonight. 
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I just realized the show really did make it very obvious that Derision is just one massive retcon since last season Marinette willingly went to the public pool and was completely fine heck she even went underwater accidentally
Meanwhile according to the script for Derision merely planning to go to the pool was enough to trigger PTSD flashbacks, while getting splashed by water there was enough to put her into a panic attack
Things that it's retconning re: Marinette's behavior:
1.) going to the pool. Marinette has gone to the pool a few times. Or at least planned to. She went to the pool with Kagami in 'Mr. Pigeon 72', she showed no fear of water throughout Siren(and no reaction re: someone tried confessing to Kim and it went sideways), and in Gorizilla she had planned to go to the pool with the rest of the class until Adrien sidetracked her
2.) saying that we should take all of Marinette's weird ass stalker behavior seriously, but blame it on Chloé(just Chloé. Not Kim or Sabrina)
3.) That she has such feelings about the whole 'pranked and humiliated' thing in the first place despite previously trying to do worse to Kagami and potentially causing even more accidental harm/potential negligent death and life ruining during that episode.
4.) Making Kim an asshole. Like he was /kind of/ a jerk, but it was 90% dumbass not realizing he's being a dick. Now he's the 'it's just a prank bro!' type and is totally okay with the shit Chloé has done.
5.) Speaking of Kim being a dumbass: Somehow he doesn't realize Ondine is in love with him until now???
6.) Marinette's stalker ass behavior being part of trauma where she insists it would be how she is with any crush, despite never showing that behavior toward Luka or Chat Noir. Just Adrien.
7.) The entirety of how Marinette acted in Origins (and honestly throughout the entire series but I digress). Derision shows her terrified of Chloé. Paranoid about every step, quiet and not talking to anyone, even faking sick to skip school. In Origins? She's annoyed by Chloé, but not scared. Just exasperated. She's friendly to the class. She's even able to stand up to Chloé and protest when she's ordered around. And all that /before/ getting the confidence boost of successfully being Ladybug!!
8.) Idk if this technically counts but I'm counting it anyway! Adrien's feelings on straight up homicide! Literally at the beginning of this season he was all "Oh, I know Monarch is a supervillain that has been making our lives literal hell for the past year and has nearly cause so much death and destruction, but I feel bad about accidentally cataclysming him!". And now in Derision he's like "Idc if I considered you a friend most of the time, you made Marinette cry once so you deserve death!"
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holographicbegonia · 11 months
Bro I am so confused.
Okay, Miraculous Season 5 Finale, uhhhhh
Mega confusion and discussion spoilers under the cut
I thought it was going really well! There was a lot happening in a little time, but it all seemed to be explained at least a little bit. I literally just finished it so here’s my thought process:
I love me a good ol’ crossover in film and animation when they bring in all the past characters from movies, old episodes, etc. And I thought it was really cool! Bringing the United Heros, Fei, Alice, hehehehehe and
*spongebob voice* hiii lukaa
Luka, Jagged, and Penny become part of the Order of the Guardians? Okay yeah whatever I’m not gonna question it. No I am: LIKE I UNDERSTAND LUKA BUT WHY IS JAGGED DOING MIRAKUNG FU-
it was a cool fight scene. Seeing everyone use their powers and working together was fun!
On the other side of the episode-/ we all got thrown for a LOOP man
Does anyone else think it feels really weird how, Prior to the end of the episode, Adrian had like- two scenes? While, yes, he can’t do much without his miraculous, it was weird not getting an update on him and kagami while they’re in confinement. Also while we’re here, lately all we’ve been talking about is how they’re finally revealing the whole sentimonster thing, and why Adrian responds to every command of his father, YET EVERYTHING HE DOES IN THE BEGINNING HES DIRECTLY DISOBEYING GABRIELS ORDERS?? I’m confused
And the big thing, the miraculous’.
I’m a little surprised you’re even able to unify tikki and plagg considering using them together for a wish summons REALITY BITCH OVER HERE/
Marinette immediately gets her cover blown to Gabriel, same with him. So now, it’s personal. Marinette had a pretty calm reaction to EMILIES BODY (dead? Comatosed? Idk anymore) and caught on pretty quick to what Gabriel wanted- and I thought it was going so well! Marinette talked him down, the boomerang trick was cool, the butterfly miraculous, one of the only og miraculous left, so we should keep it safe, GETS FLUNG INTO WATER// which also, Lyla walks in the Agreste Manor mid-fight, but unless I missed it, isn’t seen until the end with the miraculous. You’re telling me she swam through that green ass basement water and got the miraculous?
I genuinely though Gabriel was gonna fold. After seeing the video on Natalie’s phone. Knock some sense into him that, this isn’t what she wanted. I mean, SURLY they’re not gonna let him do the Big Bang thing this entire show over the course of 8 years has stopped him from doing. Yknow since it’s been explained multiple times over 8. Years. Surly with the amount of destruction it does, and we have new seasons coming, they won’t let him do the thing.
Also, side note: the kwamis real form look really really cool but I NEED to see Pollens real form cause ik it’s BEAUTIFUL.
So, Yknow how Sass explained in pretty EASY TERMS to Luka how the wishing works?
Red Pen, Blue Pen.
This entire time we’ve been under the impression that in exchange for bringing back Emilie, everything would change. The people, the earth, everything currently in the world. A completely alternate universe where everything is different, except that Emilie is alive. The whole reason we’ve been rooting for Cat Noir and Ladybug to win, is because Gabriel winning was, morally, wrong. Romantic and sad, yes, but his entire mission was to destroy everything and everyone in his way to get his wife back. People DIED (kinda) Families ruined, worlds changed, and this was all before he made the wish. The whole conflict of the show so far was that yes, we’re rooting for our superheroes, but we also feel bad for Adrian and Gabriel losing Emilie: so we understand where his anger comes from.
This IS THROWN OUT THE DAMN WINDOW. bro idk if I blinked and missed something, if I did, lemme know, but/ everything was fine???? Are you kidding me??? i THINK what they were trying to get past, is that the person making the wish, would also choose what happens? I’m still trying to figure out so heres the possibilities in my brain.
Gabriel wished, and realized he was dying, so he gave his life in return for Emilie. (Unrealistic? Emilie (or her sister) is shown in the end, but if that were true and for some reason everyone remembers the past before the wish, Adrian would be freaking out a bit.)
Gabriel wished, knew he was dying, had his reunion, and gave his life for Natalie. This is why they didn’t have him outright say the wish, and instead have Gimmi read his soul. (While this is a little more realistic, after he saw the video, it leaves a lot of plotholes and issue to figure out.)
Gabriel wished for Emilie, and by pure chance, he was the trade. (Also unrealistic?)
It really depends, Natalie is seen at the end, much more healthy than previously, sitting next to either Emilie or Amelie. If it’s Emilie then there’s a whole issue, because the characters shown still had a memory of the world before? People would notice she’s there, while in comparison, a lot of people didn’t know Natalie was sick.
The end just, ticked me off. Five seasons, the emotional heartache we went thru believing that Gabriel would ruin the whole world, just for something so…anticlimactic? I know they’ve been building up Lyla as a villain much more recently, but completely killing off Gabriel takes out so much conflict out of the still-ongoing show. It’s an event we never thought would actually happen. We were built up to believe everyone and everything in the show would be gone, and that’s why it couldn’t happen. That yes, Gabriel knew the wish would destroy the world, but that he would give the entire universe for his Love, and his son to have his mom again. That’s what made it SAD and ROMANTIC and THEY THREW IT OUT???? Instead we get the same world, where everything kept going on. The destruction from the battle was fixed, Ms. Bustier won the election and changed a lot around Paris. The kids are all hanging out summer-style, Luka gets to stay in Paris (yes!) Adrian and Marinette get their kiss, and everything is good. I believed it was explained to Paris that, Ladybug and Gabriel Agreste worked together to defeat Monarch, and Gabriel died in battle? And yet in this last scene there’s little to no mourning or confused feelings from Adrian. He has the ring scene, but besides that: his father whom he recently has come to hate, because he started to see just how selfish he was to his mission in Paris, was actually cool and killed supervillain so it’s okay. LIKE- YOU CANT JUST DO THAT.
Marinette still remembers what happened, everyone remembers the day before the present. Everyone remembers their Kwamis and their powers. Lyla still had the butterfly miraculous. Ladybug and Cat Noir are…still needed? For something at the end? Is this the bad alternate reality where they defeated Monarch, so they went into retirement and had the ugliest children known to man? ITS JUST CONFUSING.
If we knew that Gabriel’s wish would just sacrifice one thing, we would have been fine with him wishing long ago because we didn’t have empathy for him yet. However, our explanation was Red pen, Blue pen. Not Red beans in exchange for Green Strawberries. Gabriels now death leaves too many open holes.
Is Alliance not a thing now? Is Tsurugi-San off the hook? Does she know what happened? Marinette knows Adrian is a sentimonster now, and in turn, SHOULD HE EVEN BE ALIVE RN? There’s a lot of rules for sentimonsters, but with what’s all happened I’m suprised Adrian still exists? Is Lyla just going to take over as Hawkmoth-Lyla? Is she going to have some big ol wish now, because we as the fandom had too much empathy for Gabriel?
It’s confusing, it’s also 8 am. So I’m going to eat and reread everything I just wrote to try and process. Have a good day everyone and PLEASE Use this to have a discussion on the episodes cause I’d like everything to be a little clearer. Thank you!
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Can I get your opinion on something? how do you feel about Ravi lately. Because I’m happy we’re seeing more of him but I also feel like they kinda gave up on giving him his own personality? Last season he was his own person: he was an introvert, a bit shy and hesitant but still competent and emphatic. and now he’s. well. He’s Buck. All jokes and random facts. last episode every time he spoke (especially at some point when he said statistics about something i don’t remember) I found myself thinking “that’s something Buck would say”. Idk it’s probably a me problem (i read an interview where they said “he’s gonna butt heads with buck because now he’s the cheeky one” so I’m probably focused on that), we still don’t know much about him and it takes me at least a few episodes to understand characters. Hoping we’ll see more of his backstory (praying for a Ravi begins) and his relationships with other characters and I’ll be able to get him better.
It’s important to me that you (and everyone else) know that you can literally always ask my opinion on anything. Anytime. I love saying words.
Honestly, I never was part of the Ravi fan brigade (tho I’m really happy that he’s back) so my thoughts on who he is as a character are kinda ?!?!?!. His re-intro was phenomenal I thought, a great little retroactive explanation of where he’s been and why he’s been there—with the level of emotional depth that 911 is so good at giving.
I thought his “are you sure that’s a good idea”/“I did tell you it was a bad idea” this past ep felt on brand for him, but I also didn’t really clock his characterization that much in seasons past, beyond him being sort of hesitant in a way that made sense for a new kid Buck was harassing at every turn lmao. Moving him away from that hesitance now that he’s developed professionally makes a lot of sense to me, but again, I’m no Ravi scholar.
I like the idea of him being somewhat Buck-like but maybe a little more…grounded? Like as the newest member and also the one that’s existed outside the 118 in the LAFD, it’s kinda fun to have him side eying the team. I definitely didn’t read his characterization in this most recent ep quite as Buck-like as you did, but I get the concern. They both kinda emanate little-brother energy and I would hate to see Ravi turn into a Buck-redux.
I do think 911 is trying to prep for the next stage in the show tho, and bringing Ravi back is a key play in that imo. Like, clearly Buck is in the homestretch on the emotional journey he’s been on since s1, which presumably means getting linked up with his ~forever person~ in the next season or so. And reintroducing Ravi and giving him some familiar, Buck-like character traits might be their way of moving Ravi into that “star single hot firefighter” role Buck’s been filling for 6 seasons. Not to be Buck round 2, but to hint hint nudge nudge at the audience that he’s gonna step up into a similar role narratively; youngest on the team, still finding his footing in the 118 AND in the world. I think that’s a big reason we got the fire academy setting too, with named characters who had really distinct personalities despite having so little screentime—they need to be ready to sub in some new firefighters if they want this show to run much longer, whether the main cast stays after contract renewals next season or not.
That’s all massive speculation from me, but I just cannot get the idea out of my head that they’re readying themselves for the next phase of 911, and you mentioning Ravi’s characterization being reminiscent of Buck just kinda. Slots right in with that crackpot theory of mine.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
my thoughts on the TBB season 2 finale
I’ve been more than open about my feelings at this point. I enjoyed the majority of The Summit actually, it’s just Plan 99 that I wish I could erase from my memory forever LOL
you know what, I’ll just go ahead and name everything I did like about these episodes, since I’ve done plenty of complaining already 😝
like I said, I did genuinely like The Summit as an episode. there were a lot of really great moments up until everything started to go wrong (thanks Saw Gerrera, I hate your guts 🙃)
the beginning part on Pabu with Phee. oh. my. GOSH. that was the cutest thing ever. Tech/Phee is officially up there with Kanera and Han/Leia as one of my favorite SW ships 🥰 awkward Tech was SO cute. and relatable 😝
Tech being so adamant about rescuing Crosshair, oh my heart, he misses his brother SO much 😭💙
I have to continue to talk about how freaking happy I am that Echo is back. idk how often he’ll be around in the next season, but I hope the group permanently stays together now. I missed him SO much 🥺
Wrecker was SO funny and sweet in this episode. the part where they’re like “we need to be precise” and they ALL turned to look at Wrecker, OMG that was literally the funniest thing to ever happen in the entire show 🤣👌🏻
Tech Spiderman swinging up to that sensor tower was 👀
Team Sneaky going off to do sneaky things, while Team Chaos handled the homing beacon, LOVE to see it. I was so proud of my baby girl for getting through the hanger, with Wrecker watching her back the entire time 🥰
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seriously why was this episode just one big Rogue One reference LOL
when Tech and Hunter went off, and Tech was like “it could take forever to locate the problem”, and Hunter almost immediately finds the hidden bomb, I love my man so much 😙
that part when Team Sneaky was fighting off Stormtroopers and Hunter used one of the bodies as a human shield, babe please I’m already simping 🥵
as much as I hate droid deaths, Wrecker stepping on the mouse droid and it getting stuck on his foot was so silly 😆
and now for what I enjoyed in the accursed Plan 99...
gonna start off with an obvious one... Hunter sniper shooting down that ship with his little DC-17 blaster in one shot. sir. SIR. IM ALREADY STUPIDLY IN LOVE WITH YOU PLEEEEEASE 😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵
as horrible as it was, from an artistic perspective, Tech’s “death” was an absolute masterpiece. since I already knew that was going to happen and had even watched that moment in a clip on Twitter with the sound off, what really did me in was the music (darn you Kiners 😭💔) and Omega’s reaction. that’s what got me sobbing fr. I can appreciate something from an artistic perspective, even if I don’t like the subject matter 😞
the part where Omega was woozy after the crash mimicked the end of Reunion with Hunter after he’d gotten shot by Cad Bane, and I genuinely loved that 👌🏻
THE WHOLE SCENE WITH HUNTER COMFORTING OMEGA OMFG MY DADGUM HEART. him smiling when she woke up, the softness of his voice, brushing the hair out of her face, putting a hand on her shoulder and then wrapping his arm around her for comfort... and then to top it off, the way he gently brought up the idea of living on Pabu and asking her if that’s what she wanted to do too. I am WEEPING over this man 😭😭😭💙💙💙
as mad as I am at Cid, it was obvious she meant what she said about Tech. and she genuinely felt bad for what she did. I want her to come back in season 3 and do something to make up for doing that. she HAS to 🥺
as much as I hate Hemlock with every fiber of my being... “who knew Clones are so paternal?” WE BEEN KNEW MY DUDE. sorry, but I’m going to relish in every single confirmation that Hunter is Omega’s dad tyvm 😊
I’m terrible, I know, but I genuinely love to see Hunter in a state of despair, so him picking up Tech’s broken goggles with that sad look on his face was *chef’s kiss*
I was very proud of my girl for taking charge and trying to rescue her brothers. proud mama right here 🥺💙
also, again, I’m sorry, but the whump in this episode was very good. I might’ve enjoyed seeing injured Hunter and Wrecker in the hands of Imperials a little too much 😝
the absolute BEST scene in this episode (and one of the best scenes in the show period)? ECHO IN THE WALKER. OMFG. Ham and I SCREAMED. and to top it off? “Echo?” “Gotta be Echo.” THE BEST THE ABSOLUTE BEST THAT EPISODE WAS WORTH WATCHING JUST FOR THAT MOMENT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I once again state that I love seeing Hunter in despair and permanently have that look of pure horror he made while watching the Imperial ship fly away with Omega engrained in my mind forever, thanks 😌 and he had tears in his eyes I SAW IT. STOP SAYING HE DOESN’T CRY PLEASE 😤
last thing I’ll say about Hunter I swear lsdkfjghlgfkd. but uhh, that last part about him saying how they’re gonna find Omega no matter what it takes... my man’s about to enter his Joel Miller phase and go John Wick on the Empire and I HAVE BEEN WANTING THIS FOR SO LONG YES PLEASE GO FRICK THEM UP BABE 😍😍😍
the way Omega was genuinely happy to see Crosshair again... the way she desperately tried to wake him up... ohhhhh next season is going to break me in the best way possible 🥺🥺🥺
that’s everything I think! time to wait impatiently for season 3 now✨
......why tf did I have more positive things to say about Plan 99 than The Summit lolololol
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