#like it was literally there in EVERY SINGLE BOOK how did i not notice 😭 art
rose--hathaways · 2 years
richelle mead: *literally foreshadows dimitri being turned strigoi for three books*
me when he gets turned: 😧
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onewingeddove444 · 11 months
★How the bachelors would react if they accidentally made you cry
word count: 1.1k
-would probably not even notice you're crying at first
-his expression would change so quickly
-kind of knew he had it coming though, since a lot of the stuff that flies out of his mouth is....well😇
-would IMMEDIATELY start taking the blame, saying things like "nahhh i didn't actually mean that i lied haha no idea why i said that i'm so stupid" ((starts blaming it on his hormones being affected by working out or something😭😭))
-hesitates at first, but pulls you into the tightest embrace you've ever felt ngl probably hurts a little lol
-his way of apologising to you is saying "you can punch me as hard as you want, i deserve it!!!!"
-starts treating you like royalty for another month, to the point where it becomes annoying
-every time you bring it up, even as a joke, he basically drops to his knees and starts apologising all over again
-if you thought this man was already dramatic as it is....lord🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
-would try to be cool about it, while in his head he's already pressing a dagger to his neck, saying that he has now betrayed his heart and doesn't want to go on any longer
-the moment he sees tears flowing down your face, the only word able to come out of his mouth is a soft "no, no, no..."
-he'd probably start crying with you😭😭😭
-starts whispering the most loving and kind things about yourself into your ear
-literally compares you to the most breathtaking images you could ever envision
-alternative scenario, where he just drops to the floor and starts begging for your forgiveness, even though what he said wasn't really that bad
-after that, he checks up on you every 5 minutes, to make sure you're not upset with him
-would swear on his life and soul to never hurt you again ((mind you it was never that serious😭))
-writes you so many short poems...atp they just become a whole book
-probably hurts him more than it does you lmao
-you crying would be too much for him already...but crying because of him?? ouuu
-is ready to completely retract what he said, even if he's absolutely right, that just doesn't matter to him anymore
-he just stands there for a good amount of time, since he really doesn't know how to deal with these kinds of emotions
-this might just be the first time this man has made someone cry because...let's be fr☠️
-would do that thing where he cups your cheeks and wipes your tears with his thumbs ((after that he's kinda clueless though😭))
-this literally being his worst nightmare...in his eyes hurting you is the equivalent of failing as a partner...and he's not really allowed to fail too often🙁
-would wait 30 years until you're not upset with him ((it takes you exactly 1 minute btw)), and after that it's flowers delivered to your doorstep every day of the week
-even if it were to be a one-time occurrence, he would NEVER EVER forget it, and he would always justify spoiling you with it ((using the 4 cents he makes from the clinic👎))
-he is not that smart when it comes to verbalising thoughts please forgive him
-says things like "aw man you're crying😔😔😔😭😭“
-if he's holding a drink or eating something, he offers it to you, even if there's a single bite/sip left of it
-refuses to smile until he's 100% sure you've forgiven him, otherwise he just looks like this: :--(
-low-key fighting for his life not to pull out his phone and google "how to comfort crying person wikihow"
-once you tell him that it's okay between you two bro gets jolly, running around in circles, giggling, twirling his hair and laying down kicking his feet up
-the thing he did that upset you could've been minor, but that still doesn't stop him from saying "man...😔🤦 i'm so glad this chapter is behind us now.." like okay???😭😭😭 ((bonus points if he describes this as a "rough patch" in your relationship))
-tries making something for you after, fails miserably, resorts to showing you cool skateboard tricks he learned off of youtube
-learns his lesson and actually thinks more before he says something ((to the best of his ability))
-promises to write a song about your love and go platinum ((shows it to sebastian and gets banned from writing lyrics for the band forever))
-freezes immediately
-literally unable to get a single word out, what is he supposed to do in his situation😭
-manages to whisper "i didn't mean..." and proceeds to go quiet after that
-he's been living a sheltered life for a very long time, so he's really scared that whatever he says it will only hurt you even more
-you can definitely see his expression change...not only does it soften but he looks UPSET upset, mostly with himself
-pulls you into a hug, hoping that it'll help a little bit ((it does, bro seems like a good hugger))
-asks you if there's anything he can do to cheer you up, and let me tell you he'd really do anything
-does not let you go for the rest of the day, having his arm wrapped around you, holding your hand, even if it's just the pinky fingers touching
-you have to keep reassuring him that it's okay now, he literally hits you with the "are you sure you're not mad at me?" every 3 seconds just to make sure you guys are good🙏
-lets you touch whatever you want in his room, i'm talking elementary school pictures, old sketchbooks, it's all yours, no matter how humiliating
-yeah he is PISSED he's made you cry, he might've been mean when he first saw you, but now??? that is just not allowed in his mind idc
-jumps to self-deprecation immediately, talking about how he's an asshole, how he always fucks things up (🙁)
-just takes the whole blame on himself, no problem with that
-kind of saw this happening in the nearest future, that man does not have a very good opinion of himself let's be honest😭
-you could tell him you forgive him and he'd be like "nah don't do that wtf i don't deserve it😔"
-doesn't try comforting you at first, since he just assumes that you might never want to see him again
-but after the dust settles he reassures you that he's going to do everything to make sure this doesn't happen again
-sends you musty frozen pizza in the mail in retaliation (sigh🙁)
-would love to pretend this never happened, but making you cry really took a hit on his self-esteem, however it also made him think about how to be the best partner you can have
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #20
• Is it just me or do most saturnian moons (Aqua/Cap) tend to grow up with single mothers who only care about making money and having multiple boyfriends? Lmao.
• I feel bad for Gemini risings with Aries mercuries because they’re so genuine and they might be very chatty but it’s their biggest love language.🤎 I think this might also apply to just about every other Gemini rising too!
• I feel bad for Aries moons with Libra mercuries/risings because yes they can be a little hot headed but they won’t be flat out bold and they might beat around the bush a lot! On the other hand though when they’re really arguing with somebody they might switch to intellect and surprisingly demolish that person.✋🏽
• People with mercury at a Fire degree (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 23, 29) love to exaggerate things! Calling myself out too, chile!😩😂
• Virgo suns with Cancer venuses and Leo mars can be very sweet and caring but also very scorning, abrasive and wants themselves/their partner & kids to look/dress their best almost all the time! Pretty much the always picture-ready type moms.
• You better believe that even if a Sagittarius moon won’t say it they might feel hurt and start detaching until they’re completely gone out of your life and you’re left wondering what went wrong.
• Tbh idk why but Libra mercuries also be out here saying mean, out-of-pocket stuff just not normally in people’s faces so maybe that’s why their friends might not take them seriously.
• Whereas Aries mercuries probably have a reputation of arrogance and downright disrespectfulness but they can also be very nice especially if you’re close with them. You’ll notice they just like to cuss for fun lol.
• Scorpio mercuries need to stop being on interrogation mode!😭
• Gemini mercuries be telling some of the funniest stories and their facial expressions/hand gestures make it even more funnier than it has to be.😭🤣
• Dear Cancer mercuries, you guys are so thoughtful and caring Ilysm!
• Capricorn mercuries, you’re not boring and I love how also detail oriented you are!
• Can I just say Cap mercuries so be out here clowning too! 😂 I have a close friend who’s a Cap sun & mercury and she says funny things often, she just has a very articulate way of speaking but besides that she’s hilarious!🤣
• I recently noticed people with Air/Earth placements tend to have speech impediments and other stuff. E.g. my little sister is a Virgo sun/moon & Libra stellium and she can’t pronounce the letter ‘R’. I have a Gemini rising at 23 degree, Capricorn mars & other air placements and I used to have a speech impediment and developed selective muting. 💀
• Having Air/Fire placements can be such a challenge! 😭 My Aries mercury just be saying anything along with the super chatty Gemini rising but then later my Aquarius moon has a pep talk moment and makes me say “Why the fuck did I say that? Now they’re going to think I’m—” 😂😂😂
• People with harsh aspects between the sun and pluto might be known as open books but they might become self-conscious about it and have the urge to remain a mystery yet they can’t help but overshare!😭
• They might also think about it often! Like it might haunt them.💀
• Gemini venuses are soo fun!! I’d literally take these people with me if I was to go on a road trip because they’d keep me entertained and we could just goof around & talk about anything lol.
• You might also find yourself attracting/being attracted to people who’s venus sign is your rising sign!
• Pisces venus, for the sake of your own life please stop staying in toxic relationships because you fear being abandoned and think it isn’t worth it because you’ve been with this person so long—LEAVE. ✋🏽
• Cancer venus, you know I love you but sometimes you gotta stop trying to control people. 😭
• Scorpio venus, with you I feel like we’re always on the same page and see eye to eye in most things/interests.
• Capricorn venus you are literally one of the most giving venus signs! I literally love you!!<3
• Sagittarius mars men having a thing for smacking their girlfriend’s butt.🤣
• Leo mars want only the best of the best especially if there’s Taurus in the mix!
• While Libra risings might develop people pleasing tendencies, Gemini risings tend to develop social anxiety.
• I’ve seen so many Gemini suns always point out that they either have or think they have a mental illness. Especially ADHD.😨😰
• Yes Earth suns are normally very chill and grounded. But add some Air and especially Fire in the mix and they’ll be the most erratic, short tempered people you’ve seen!🙃
• Fire mercuries/mercuries at Fire degrees, how does it feel to get shouted at your whole life then gas-lighted and blamed when you turn out to be a sharp-tongue individual?
• Gemini moons and their many 1-3 Am shows in their rooms.😭 Same for Aqua and Libra moons but Gemini moons do it more often lol.
• If somebody is very generous, bold, funny, and gets pissed off/defensive very quickly then they’re an Aries dom.❤️‍🔥
• Taurus moon, why are you so stubborn?
• The best thing to hear is “Okay fine.” From an Aquarius/Taurus moon when you’ve finally got them to change their opinion that they stubbornly wouldn’t let go of lol.
• 9H moons tend to be very attached to their ideas/opinions/beliefs. I can testify😂
• I’ve noticed some 2H moons tend to stress eat?
• 7H moons looove music and fashion!💗
• 9H Aquarius moons are normally cultured people.
• Fire moons are the loyalest friends hands down. I said what I said.✋🏽❤️
• Scorpios suns with Sagittarius moons/mercuries somehow be coming up with the funniest life-stories??😭🤣
• I’ve noticed Sagittarius mercuries tend to be awesome yet underrated songwriters! E.g. Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe who wrote most of their songs😩🖤
• Say what you will but some Leo risings literally exude not only a very charming but bright aura! David Lee Roth is literally your typical Leo Rising!🦁🌞
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house-of-daena · 9 months
al haitham is just Meant to take dick. he thought if he ever had sex with someone, he'll be the top, but when you came along with your massive arms that hooks right under his knees to pump him full with no way to escape, your massive thighs around his neck making him choke on the fat cock down his throat, and your filthy tongue whispering the most obscene things rigjt into his ears that he cant help but get so desperately turned on that he cums right away? the thought of topping gets thrown right out the window, he wants to be your pretty little pillow princess forever. he wonders how he got himself to this point, from being the cold, calculating grand scribe thats indifferent about most things and people to glancing at your lower half everytime you walk past and getting hard from just thinking about the risky things both of you could do in public space like this. how he donwgraded himself into a cock hungry whore, wanting to take you from every possible hole you can fit into. if it doesnt fit? he'll make it.
IH MY GOD HI you just came out of fucking nowhere 😭😭😭 i am so normal about alhaitham .. why is he so.. fuckable to a fault...
nsfw utc
oh my god you have no idea how much i love idea of stripping him from his pride. like who would've thought alhaitham of all people would turn out such a whore for you,, people who notice wonder how you got the acting grand sage from this guy who's usually serious and cold to be looking at you with hearts in his eyes.
i like the idea of alhaitham watching you from the corner of his eye, then when you walk out of sight, to somewhere more private with a smirk on your lips, he just knows what you want, and he'd be stopping whatever he's doing, following you to where ever you went.
i hc that alhaitham has terrible oral fixation for your cock that if you don't let him suck on it for at least once a day he would go mad. he will be on his knees for hours on end, sucking your cock for all it's worth. he doesn't care if there's streaming down his cheeks, drool dripping down his throat and onto the floor, his thighs trembling, his lips all swollen and his jaw is aching. if you dont force him to stop, he will suck you until he can't anymore.
literally thinks about ur cock so much its not even funny,, like he's so addicted to it. sometimes he'd reflect on himself on how did he turn out like this, then he remembers every single filth that comes out of your mouth, and he's shamefully getting hard from it.
oh my god i bet he's read of so many books about how to take dick better. mostly so you can easily use him however you'd like. so don't be surprised for your cute lil scribe to have a plug up his ass when you bend him over his office desk :3
100% agree with you , he's just made to take ur cock no matter how much he tries to deny him :( also good i love imagining getting manhandled... yeah you're bending him in so many different positions as if he's nothing bc you just have complete reign on his body and he will never say no., he never fights it whenever you bend him like he's just some fuck doll >3<
make sure to degrade him when u fuck him! for a guy who is pretty prideful at times, his hole gets really tight when you call him your dirty little slut :3
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prince-kallisto · 4 months
Crowley’s curious eating habits and the significance of soup
This sounds really out there, but PLEASE here @moonlightequin1 and I out 😭😭😭 We had a very impromptu “theory” collab again, but to us it felt like less of a theory, and more of like…this is what is literally happening in canon.
Edit: Link to Ray’s Twitter thread that discusses what I did above the cut! ^_^
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So I’ve been noticing that Crowley has mentioned soup or stew, especially in the manga and novel which came way after the initial in-game books. In the novel, he gives a soup pot to Yuuya, his unified exam voiceline has him trying out tomato stew, and in the manga, he says he was KIND enough to not turn Grim into stew. As if implying that if he weren’t so kind, he would’ve served Grim for dinner by now- fully capable of both cooking and eating a monster like Grim.
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Crowley is very raven/crow inspired, and Ray and I think it’s more literal than just his outfit. We think these are a shared trait in Raven/Crow Fae. Because…Hm??? Crowley’s first instinct is to eat Grim- who is first believed to be a monster!! Perhaps this comes off as a joke at first, but in the second Valentine’s Day card merch, Crowley says he ate the gift that we gifted him. But…the thing is, it was an inedible object, and Crowley couldn’t even tell the difference. He even calls it DELECTABLE, but apparently it wasn’t food. He tries to save face by saying “…he was joking,” but the pause is very telling in that he did indeed eat the gift.
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Ravens and Crows scavenge carrion and even literal garbage. What’s also interesting to note is that Crowley’s favorite food is “Wild Game,” which is wild animals that are hunted for consumption. As Ray put it, he likes his food fresh from the hunt. It feels very in-line with Crowley being a Raven/Crow Fae, but when you think about it…isn’t it a very odd specification? Crowley comes across (or at least tries to) as a gentleman. He even made the Culinary Crucible to encourage healthy eating habits for the students. Wild game is indeed said to be healthier, but when you consider that Crowley suggests eating a monster, and eating (and enjoying) inedible gifts, it seems like he can eat just about anything because of his own nature as a raven/crow.
But what about the soup? Considering that Crowley doesn’t really talk about food much, isn’t it interesting how nearly every time, it’s related to soup/stew despite it not being listed as his favorite food? Look at the screenshots above, and notice how he mentions soup in every single medium that Twisted Wonderland has been written in so far: The game, the manga, and the novel. Each a mention of soup.
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Well, when I first mentioned this to Ray, I mentioned that Crowley’s mentions of soup reminded me of how General Lilia says that Levan summoned a pot to make soup for him and Meleanor. Because…of course I did lmao, I’m one of the resident Crowley-Levan theorists here! 🤣 But the more Ray and I discussed it (Aka freaked out lmaoo), the more we realized that this connection might be more important than we thought. You see, Levan was praised for this action, as Meleanor told him that he was “the only one he could rely on.”
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And circling back to Crowley’s favorite food being Wild Game, and the implication that he genuinely thought about eating Grim who is a monster…General Lilia was in the habit of eating wild rats and lizards. And even now, Lilia’s cooking is pretty much inedible- where things get riddled with liver where it really doesn’t belong lmaoo.
When putting this all together, it all feels quite strange. Crowley can eat inedible objects and think it’s delectable, he repeatedly mentions soup/stew, his favorite food being hunted wild animals, and doesn’t seem to hesitate at eating a monster. And why not, Crowley’s was interested in tomato stew as Lilia’s favorite food is listed as tomato juice 👀
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Since Ray and I love Crowley very dearly haha, we naturally go to an angsty direction with him when discussing our theories. But food is very strongly associated with memories and nostalgia. The experience of eating, especially with others, includes many of our five senses. Food can have you “relive” the emotions of a time you once experienced in the past. It’s often very symbolic of the experience.
Think of what the strawberry tart meant to Riddle, for example. Of the tart’s forbidden sweetness, of how he disobeyed his mother just wanting to be with his friends. Or even Malleus with his disliked food being “full-sized birthday cake” and his favorite being shaved ice, and how these experiences came from being alone on his birthday!
TWST uses food in their storytelling very deliberately- not only for backstory/memories but for character relationships. Think of how Cater pretended to like sweet things when in actuality he despised them and only Trey noticed it (relating to his own personality of being trendy and cool, but rather detached to the people around him), and sweet things brought back memories of how his sisters used to force him to eat sweets that he didn’t even like. OR how Kalim’s least favorite food is curry, because Jamil was once put into a coma after taste-testing Kalim’s poisoned curry. But hey, even though curry was banned in Kalim’s banquets because Kalim was so terrified from the incident, Jamil’s favorite food is curry anyway! Or Azul’s favorite food being friend chicken disliked food being “healthy foods” despite constantly eating it due to his weight insecurities. Jade and Floyd’s favorite foods relating to octopus. Trey and Vil even have stories as to why they hate MUSTARD AND MAYONNAISE respectively.
I could go on and on, but I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I refuse to say that “it’s just soup” or “it’s just wild game.” There’s a wide array of foods mentioned in the game, to the point of each character having their own unique favorite and hated food listed. There’s a story behind their preferences, to the point character relationships are established and strengthened through food.
This is not just for the students, but for the staff too. Trein’s vichyssoise establishes him as a traditional and old-fashioned (and “elegant”) man, Vargas’ raw eggs and Sam’s chicken gumbo connects them to the movies they’re twisted from (frog meat is said to have the texture and a bit of the flavor of chicken. So Sam’s favorite food being chicken gumbo is a sly way to imply the frogs from the film!)
And in the end, there is the soup, the tomatoes stew and juice, and the wild game meat. If something as specific as a full sized birthday cake means something significant to a character, why not the specification of wild game? It’s just…interesting that Crowley’s mentions of food ties back in some way with the very very few mentions that Lilia makes regarding Levan. Perhaps Crowley’s mentions of soup and wild game means more to him than first meets the eye? 🥣
Anyway it’s so over for me, local theorist crying over a bird eating soup 🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎
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rosesocietyy · 8 months
Brilliant people have said everything that needs to be said about this much much better and I don't got anything substantial to add but I just have to get this off my chest cause y'all I'm still in disbelief
like this is a grown ass person btw oh I simply have to laugh😭
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this perfectly exemplifies literally everything cringe af and wrong with these "assigned welcomers". this is just my scapegoat but there are way worse I've seen
First of all, get a job. how, at your fossil age, do you have time to spend all day scrolling through every single iwtv related post and arguing with people who say anything even slightly damning about lestat (which mind you, is literally just objective facts about things he did). I'll dm you a McDonald's application hell I'll even put in a referral for you out of the goodness of my heart.
Second, Lestat is not a real person. he's fake, a made up character, the figment of someone's imagine, non-existent, people hating him will not affect your life in anyway shape or form. He didn't assign you as his PR agent I promise you'll live. "They'll never accept him" ok and?!?
Question, and I'm genuinely asking, is this their first time in a fandom? why is someone having a different opinion about a character they love enough to send them into hysterics like?? 13 year olds on anime twitter have a better grasp on reality that y'all do get a grip!
And like the above posts have talked extensively about, I most definitely noticed whose posts a specific bunch of them love to go under to share their dog shit "explanation" that nobody asked for. When a black person sees Louis being brutalized by his white lover what do you expect their reaction to be? oaur wow this white french slut is so pussy cunt slay period queen? "but louis is flawed too" do you hear yourself? do you listen to yourself when you speak? can you activate the barest hint of brain activity to understand why we would react differently to what we're watching than you would and that knowledge of the source material has nothing to do with it? Just because you read those shitty books and posses no empathy for black people in media doesn't mean you gain some higher understanding of "gothic romance ".
"No but the thing is you don't understand this is a gothic romance and they're supposed to be monsters and lestat has suffered saur much and he's also the real main character so you must love him" so now how exactly does that negate their point about him being an abuser? quickly! sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up when black people are sharing their thoughts on the show cause who the fuck are you fr and what convinced you that you have the right to argue with them about THEIR experiences. that tweet that said white people act like God left them in charge, yeah.
Funny enough, half the people that are so gung ho about him now didn't even fw him at all when they only read the first book. wow it's almost like you were allowed to sort out your feelings about him on your own without insects disguised as people in your mentions calling you slow for not licking his feet.
I despise so much in this fandom. From the bottom of my heart I really truly do. I don't know what I was expecting, I guess more common sense and maturity because the average age in the fandom is quite high compared to other fandoms I've been in but nah, just mfs screaming and crying bc ppl don't jump up and down and scream yipee! everytime their white fav commits abhorrent, disgusting crimes.
I was so caught up in the euphoria of an anne rice property finally being given to skilled creators who'll pick it apart and say something poignant with it that for a moment, I forgot I lived in a world where majority of its audience would sadly be the anne rice crowd.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Can I pls get hcs of Law & Kid with an s/o that mocks them when upset. Ex: the captains be like “don’t do this or this” and their s/o makes a funny face and repeats their words “dOn’T dO tHiS oR tHaT” I woke up giggling imagining their reactions 😭
a/n - I’m dying oml 😭 this was so funny to write istg you anons have the best ideas ever-
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid a lot so I’m sorry in advance 💀
Mocking Law & Kid <3
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- “Y/n! Are you even listening to me?? What you did was absolutely dangerous and stupid!”
- Law was on another rant to you about how you have to be more careful, and less “carefree”
- “You always put yourself in danger, don’t do that again!” He shouted angrily, sighing with frustration
- You were fed up, you heard this every single damn time you screwed up something (which may I say was quite frequently- I’m sorry I’m rlly mean wth 💀)
- you made a face, trying to make the same brooding, rbf expression Law always had
- You made your voice go deeper, trying to impersonate him
- “YoU alWaYs puT yoUrseLf iN daNgEr, dOn’t dO thAt evEr aGaiN-“ You said, mocking his tone of voice, crossing your arms with a pout
- He immediately turned around, this man was speechless
- did you just try to impersonate him?
- first off he was screaming inside because he was questioning if he actually sounded like that or not
- secondly, wtf did you just say to him???
- He literally just left the room, leaving you alone and pouting about what he was telling you earlier before your impersonation of him
- Throughout the rest of the day, he didn’t talk to you at all, in fact you really didn’t even see him much
- You started to feel bad.. You knew all he wanted was for you to be safe since he cares about you so much
- So you decided to go look in his office, and when you found him, he didn’t look at you at all
- “Law- I’m sorry about earlier- I know you just want to protect me.”
- “… Do I really sound like that?” He asked with a disgusted looking expression on his face
- If that’s what he actually sounded like, I think he’s gonna puke
- You froze, that’s what he was mad about??
- You laughed, that’s literally the only thing he was mad about-
- “Law- no you don’t sound like that- dummy.” You said, bonking his head with your fist with your signature smile he always loved to see
- He smiled softly, sighing as he got back to working
- You ended up keeping him company for the rest of the day while he worked <3
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- your ass had just been saved by kid.. yet again
- It wasn’t your fault that he was always the one to come rescue you! (It kinda is but nvm that rn 👍)
- “I always have to come save your ass! Just don’t get captured next time!” He shouted with frustration, sitting down in his chair with a sigh
- You huffed, crossing your arms at his reaction
- Didn’t he care about saving you? Was it all just a burden for him?
- You made his signature angry face, showing all of your teeth at once like he did
- “I aLwaYs hAvE to CoMe aNd sAve YoU! dOn’T gEt cAuGht nExT tiMe- yeah that’s SUPER easy Kid.” You said, storming out of the room, leaving Kid alone to contemplate what the fuck just happened
- Math was not computing in his head right now
- Did you just try to impersonate him?
- Huh?
- what?
- confusion
- then anger
- then yelling, “I DON’T FUCKING SOUND LIKE THAT!” Loud enough for you to hear all the way down the hallway
- You couldn’t help but snicker a bit at his reaction, hiding out in your room
- oh hell nah Kid’s angry now
- He started to make something that you absolutely despised, loathed with your entire existence
- he spent around two hours making 15 of them, and once he was finished he chuckled pridefully
- They we’re cockroaches, 15 robotic cockroaches that he could control with a remote
- He immediately took them all towards the closed door of your room
- He placed them through the space between the ground and the door, making them crawl inside all at once
- At first you didn’t notice, you were reading a book, relaxing on a chair in the corner of your room
- You heard the little tapping of the legs on the ground, and then you saw them
- You screamed, seeing 15 of the hugest cockroaches you’ve ever seen start to crawl towards your way so quickly
- Kid could barely contain his laughter from outside your door
- “SOMEONE- KID! HELP ME-!” You screamed, trying to throw different things at them.
- He chuckled, opening the door and lifting you up, letting you hide your vision from the cockroaches
- While you couldn’t see, he used his abilities to be able to grab them all at once, then throw them out the window quickly
- “Look at this.. I had to save you again, dumbass.”
- “Be quiet Kid!” You shouted with a frustrated look on your face
- He laughed at your reaction, but when you found out what he actually did I think you beat his ass so fucking hard 💀
- man couldn’t breathe for a minute after you whooped his guilty ass
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a/n - moral of the story, don’t impersonate these dudes 💀
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fr0st-km · 2 years
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GN! S/O . NO warnings(?) . HEADCANONS/DRABLE
NOTE : guess who finally went out of their grave? Anyways, have these headcanons of my favorite boys as an apology for disappearing 😢
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- He thinks that you are an interesting individual, an attractive one, to be exact.
- You can be as quiet as a mouse and as shy as a rabbit, perhaps you have the side of an enthusiastic one too <3
- He noticed that you have a thing for sharp items. For ex: He noticed you staring at a knife with awe in the Mostro Lounge’s kitchen. Is this normal or…?
- Jade also realized that you don’t really have the specialty in cooking. He knew immediately after her tried your…curry…Since he didn’t want to make you feel bad and all, he continued eating with a suffering smile on his face.
- He ended up having a stomachache in the end so you had to carry him all the way to the infirmary. You went really fast and Jade was so damn confused on how quick a human being could be 😭 you’re as quick as he is when he’s in his eel form underwater.
- When he asks how your agility is so high, you keep on making excuses too like “Oh— uh…I joined a track club back in middle school!”
- Yeah he knows you’re lying and is hiding something…Perhaps use his unique magic to confirm it…
- My guy new something was off about you ever since you two had met.
- Especially when you insisted to help him on cooking 😰 when he instructed you to cut the tomatoes, you did cut the tomatoes perfectly but along with the CUTTING BOARD????
- He deadpanned at you in shock while you went into apology overload. How can you even…
- Just like Jade, he noticed you have a thing for sharp items and is very much concerned.
- But he does know how good you are at cleaning. When he visited the Ramshackle dorm, it was spotless! He’s impressed, really. But the dorm still needs a lot of makeovers…
- Then he learns about your special abilities. You have very quick reflexes and superhuman strength. Even though you always wear heels, you can run with ease and with just a single hit, you can send a man or two flying to a wall.
- You could seriously break someone’s ribs without even trying and having the intentions to do so (haha…)
- In general of Idia headcanons, he never expected to date someone like you. YOU’RE LITERALLY A BEAUTY HELLO????
- He finds you to be rather interesting! Especially with your superhuman strength.
- One day, he asked you to get the manga book he ordered online since he was too scared to interact with people. However, you dragged him out of his bed and made him follow you, Idia yelled for Ortho’s help but his younger brother just shrugged and agreed with the fact that he should go outside more. Great betrayal Ortho 😢
- During the walk to the gates, apparently a magic wheel was rushing towards you both out of nowhere. Covering his head with his hand, Idia thought that he was about to die when all of the sudden he heard something crash onto a tree. The magic wheel crashed into the tree while the student riding it was on the floor unharmed. The fiery-haired male realized that his lover was the one who sent the magic wheel flying towards the tree, such superhuman strength!!
- Next thing you knew was your boyfriend on the floor unconscious. 😰
- Like Jamil and Jade, he also realized that you…Have a thing for sharp items…
- I’ll be damn honest with the fact that Idia fears you so much that every time you visit him he’d have a pale face and stutter more than he used to. You thought that he was just embarrassed but he’s actually so scared 😭
- He really does find you intimidating 😢 But a reminder that he has a thing for attractive and intimidating ppl 👁
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Note: I’ll be answering those 50+ asks later, too lazy to do it now 😢
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Do you think you can do anything with like a Dally x reader with
“Why do you think I’d ever like her?? I have taste, man”
Cuz the whole gang is like “dally you seem to hate literally everyone except her (and Johnny BAHAHAH)”
And it’s just lots of shipping from the gang and dally realizing like “ohhh shit I do like her”
Taste <3
Two bit walks up to Dallas with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “What the hell are you doin man?” Dallas questioned the boy. “Nothin just thinking of the fact that you like y/n.” Dallas looked at him and almost laughed. “Why do you think I’d ever like her?? I have taste, man.” Two bit frowned at him. “She’s a really sweet girl and I think anybody would be lucky enough to even get to look at her once.” Dallas looked up at him. “Well if you think that way why don’t you go date her!” He said harshly to the dirty blonde kid, his New York accent coming through strongly. That’s when you walked in, looking ever so beautiful with a bright smile that would sweep anyone off their feet. “Hey boys! What’s up?” Everyone looked up from what they were doing and smiled at you, greeting you as you walked in. Sodapop hugged you, greeting you very kindly. He has always had a big heart. Since you were kids it only seemed to grow bigger. Dallas felt a pain in his chest.- No. he was only imagining it. It was in his head. You hugged everyone and you walked to Dallas and smiled. “Hey Dally, what’s up?” He felt his chest tighten as he takes notice at how you hugged everyone but him. He wish he never acted like he hated hugs..especially your hugs. You gave the best hugs. And he declined every single one of them. Keeping up a front that he wish he never started. “Good.” You walked to the couches smiling, sitting next to Ponyboy. “Hey pone, what you up to?” He looked at you with his grey green eyes. “Nothin’ just reading this book I got.” You smiled at him. Dallas loved your smile- what? No he didn’t that’s crazy talk. He say next to you. “Hey doll, how have you been?” He always called you doll. The gang started their “ooo’s” and Dally looked at them. “Cut it out, man.” Johnny was mumbling about how much Dallas liked you. “What did you say to me you little shit?” Johnny shook his head and said “nothin’.” You got up and walked to the door. “I’m gonna sit out on the porch for a second.” Everyone said “okay” and you walked out. Everyone immediately started jumping on Dallas goin on about him liking you. “What are you guys talkin’ about, man?” “You like her!” Soda pop said loudly. “What?! Nah, man. I don’t like her.” Steve gave him the ‘really bitch’ look to him and said “Dally you seem to hate everybody BUT her” and everyone laughed. ‘Oh shit. I do like her…maybe I love her’ Dallas thought this and groaned. “Ughh maybe I do so what?” Everyone screamed and was like “YES! We got him to admit it!” And running around the house. Little did he know you heard the whole thing from outside. And you walked in and sat right next to him, a lot a little close. And gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. Leaving him flustered and staring off into space.
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the BohkeeNaht glazing in those comics and in the fanbase glazing said comics is making me alkdvnkvnklnLMFAO
i can't even fully blame those writers or even the current editor bcuz, despite SteevShayrun writing/dynamic being objectively worse, BN pisses me off more. I think it's bcuz the loss/tradeoff for the ship's existence is more severe IMO. in the 2000s the men in charge had the bright idea of rewriting Nat's backstory to make her a Cap supp character, and now we have to suffer bcuz there's a gaggle of "Nat" fans that dgaf about Black Widow stories or supp casts and just wanna see her in Cap comics to enact their brainwashed teacher tropey romance bs.
but imma still blame those two "we love female characters even tho we write them terribly" writers bcuz omg the writing fuckin awful, even worse than SteevShayrun writing somehow, and Bucky doesn't even have a solo comic to repair the damage that those writers have been doing to his character the past year.
but even if he did have a solo, with the current i doubt it would do anything for him. ever since ~10 years ago when they got the job and editorial authority of every Bucky appearance, his character has been getting worse, i can't fully blame those men since it's a tag team effort. that editor is part of the problem ever since they got put on lowkey.
but the glazing of the turds is what gets me. CA fans will praise anything and ignore the shite writing as long as there's even worse written shippy panels to post omfg
I agree, it pisses me off a lot, too! I don't know why natasha went from being in a relationship with bucky (which was always a terrible choice, of course) and still having her own life & solo runs & being a generally well-respected member of the superhero community to being bucky's girlfriend with seemingly no life of her own and no solo runs :/ like, why is she co-parenting that fuck ass cat with him now or something?
#Those writers are clearly doing this because there's demand, though...while I'm happy to blame them for everything ever, I think this time, I'll equally blame the fans (why is buckynat so popular anyway? I feel like it's all people who noticed mcu fans being misogynistic towards natasha and decided to ship them harder than they normally would) because #they probably know they have a hard time getting people to read their books so they're forming an alliance with people who know nothing about the characters.
Is there any cap character who is being written well rn? I agree about bucky but I feel like every single character is getting atrocious writing and stories right now and the worst part is that their fans don't seem to care. The rest of us (fans of other characters) constantly complain about mischaracterization when it happens but cap fans seem to be happy with anything they get as long as the art is pretty and their ships are together 😭 sam literally tortured someone in his latest solo run and people were totally cool with it. Every writer who wrote sharon and bucky wrote them differently. Misty & natasha deserve better than to be stuck with these people and if they don't know what to do with steve, they should stop giving him solo books. I don't know how long the current cap editor was active for so I don't know if they're the only person to blame but they're certainly doing a terrible job regardless of whether they're solely responsible for all of these things...
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ylojgtr · 9 months
for the record, i did enjoy the first 2 episodes of ahsoka, but i can't help but feel like there's an overwhelming sense of "disney" to the whole thing, just that feeling that some things are a little underbaked, not everything holds the weight or tension you expect it to or they seem to want, like some things don't feel entirely satisfying in the way they're paced and/or presented
for instance, i felt the scene where sabine is decoding the map at the tower to be so unsatisfying, like she literally just turned the sides of the sphere to match up, which is like, the exact same thing ahsoka did in the temple when she got the map in the first place? i was really hoping for a more enthralling discovery to pave the path forward, but instead we got another "eureka moment"
ive kinda noticed this in the mandalorian too, especially in s3, like with the one episode they spend following dr pershing on coruscant and you really hope for it to lead somewhere interesting with his character arc...but it just. barely comes up again. or how the darksaber is built up so much, like "ooh is it going to be used as a symbol to reunite mandalore" or smth, only for it to get broken in a kinda anticlimactic final battle...even if that was meant to be some sort of power symbolism of the empire taking over local cultures or something i just personally find it very by-the-books and like they're almost making it up as they go along, or overall just that the endings are anticlimactic. and that goes for obi wan too, such as revas entire arc
now i blame this on disney but i honestly have no idea whose fault it is, or if it's any single factors fault. there are many other common factors between the 3 shows here, but it does undeniably come in the age of disney, and ill take any chance to blame the big corporation for producing cheap shit (cause honestly, it probably is, and if it's not, im happy to cut the writers/directors/actors/crew/every other non-millionaire person some slack)
but i guess what i really want is to have some fun in the series and have it feel unique and not like another bland product. it's a show for people who love clone wars AND rebels, who enjoy the wildly different aspects of each of the shows for what they are. and i really hope ahsoka grows into a unique identity too, not just another mandalorian/bobf/obi-wan. (i should point out i do love the mandalorian too, especially its first season, specifically for feeling so unique and different from other star wars stories at the time. it sucks it's become a sort of template for other star wars media) and we know it is very possible to do so, even based off existing characters and character arcs, because andor exists and it is perfect in every way ❤️
also please let ahsoka have some joy in her life, i want to see her be fun again too and i get she's not really there at this point in her story but please let her have some peace not just another stoic jedi 😭
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hyunjinspark · 11 months
jade i hope you’re doing well, i’ve missed you and slwy so much !!!! thank you once again for sharing your writing with us 🩷🩷
It felt like a break-up except you and him weren’t even fucking dating.
His hand peeked out from under his button-up sleeve. You reached forward, not thinking before slipping your fingers between his.
The gesture surprised him, and he glanced up at you with big eyes. He squeezed your hand, finding comfort in it.
literally not even 20 seconds in and you’re already making me tear up. and yn?? her first thought is to comfort him and ask about jisung istg this girl is an angel
Your fingers settled on his jaw, to calm him, “I mean, I know that you can’t stay here forever. You were only here for the summer anyway”
It felt anticlimactic. This was why he was so nervous, why Felix was so mad, why they were fighting?
oh fuck this hurts my heart is breaking she still thinks they have the rest of the summer 😭
Hyunjin wasn’t going to be holed up in this small town forever. Everybody knew it would always be temporary, so what was the drama for?
just fell to my knees, dear god yn is breaking my heart….. she knew from the start that whatever thing she had with hyunjin would be temporary,,,, but the fact that she questions what the big deal was is so sad ?? like even though she’d be upset when he’d have to leave, i think she was already mentally prepared for that moment because she knew that they only had the summer but now even that is being taken from her. yn is so selfless, but i wish she’d act more selfishly and realise that her feelings are completely valid and it’s okay to let him know he hurt her
Of course he’d figured everything out. A man as precise as Hyunjin, of course he’d already solved for all the problems you couldn’t even foresee. But what about you?
You felt a surge of hopelessness, because he didn’t understand how important this was to you. How important he was.
A laugh escaped you, at the lost innocence of that sentence, “What? My list is not… important, Hyunjin” He frowned, “It was to me…”
yn has said time and time again how important hyunjin is to her but she can’t fathom that she is just as important to him. this is fine :)
You drove past Aera’s, and Hyunjin’s gaze lingered on it, long after you’d already passed it.
am i still holding onto hope that hyunjin remembers her from all those years ago? yes. is it causing me an indescribable amount of pain? also yes.
You reached over without thinking, hand settling over his, and immediately, he was calm.
the fact that her mere presence calms him i am UNWELL .
You flipped to another page, but Hyunjin’s hand reached out to stop you. You looked at him questioningly. “Uh…you can go through that later. We don’t have much time”
wait did he draw her?? i really want yn to see herself through hyunjin’s eyes, i think that will finally get her to realise how much of an impact she’s had on his life
You didn’t know he noticed so many things about you, and so your heart warmed at just that implication. Hearing him recount what you’d been going through, you also felt a little emotional.
i am going to jump out my window how is every single paragraph hitting me with a new level of despair
You have such a kind heart, Hyunjin. You put your soul into everything you do, even if that’s just talking to someone at the grocery store or something. I think if someone met you, even for just a day in their life, you’d impact them forever
wow this is so beautiful 🥹💗
You always had to wait for moments. Moments like the one in the Photobooth. Or under the fireflies. The special moments you lived for.
In the movies, they were so dramatic, but real life wasn’t like that. In the books, they were so romantic, but there was no time for love in his life.
you don’t even understand how much slwy means to me, i know that i’ll still be thinking about it for years to come. hyunyn are everything to me
His wait held so many promises. So much hope. Wait, I’m in love with you too. Wait, I’m fucking stupid for leaving you all alone in this town. Wait, please don’t leave me without kissing me goodbye. He retreated to the kitchen counter, “Wait — your sketchbook. Don’t forget to take that” 
You’d come back to see him again, and in the same breath he was coming after you. The world was really so cruel.
How could two people be so perfect for each other but be destined to be apart?
idk let’s ask user hyunjinspark 🤨
He was savouring every kiss - no half-kisses, no pecks - mouth crushed to yours like he wanted to devour you and you’d let him.
i want you to know that you write the some of the most toe-curling, lip-biting smut on this app because this entire section was so 😩🥴🫠🥵🔥🔥
but also, i loved how innocent (lol) this scene was. you mentioned it too, but it did feel like they were two teenagers experiencing it all for the first time. i think it’s a really nice contrast, given everything they’ve been through and the depth of their feelings for each other, that this is their last moment — in another life, this slightly awkward but intimate moment would’ve been the first of many and would lead to a growing relationship; it’s a really nice contrast to show how it could’ve been 🥲
He kissed you a rushed goodbye, but for the first time that night, your heart didn’t hurt anymore
It was a picture of him at a stairwell, surrounded by three boys you’d come to recognise as Chan, Changbin and Jisung. They were smiling wide, teeth on display and Changbin was making a kissing face toward’s Hyunjin’s cheek, lips pouted and ready
my 3retcha 🥺💖💖 also changbin once again being the most relatable person to exist
He revealed a cropped baby blue t-shirt, with rhinestones across the hem. The shirt rose enough to show his bellybutton piercing and clenched abs. You held your breath, staring at the pictures. A thin choker adorned his neck too, and he was slightly smirking in the picture.
WHY WOULD YOU PUT THIS IMAGE IN MY HEAD ⁉️⁉️ the day hyunjin decides to wear a crop top (if he wants to) is the day i swan dive into the earth’s core
Hyunjin in Daejon was…a sweetheart, but Hyunjin in Seoul…was a fucking menace
and when yn goes to seoul and meets this menace version then what? what about the shred of sanity i have left?
“That doesn’t sound like you” She finally said. “Yeah, well maybe you don’t know who I am anymore. You haven’t talked to me in months”
THANK GOD yn didn’t forgive her !!! yn is better than me though, ik she doesn’t want to fight but after the shit hana put her through, i’d say hana’s getting off too easy
“When I get stuck in the middle of the writing process, I think of you, and it really helps”
You’re his muse, and it’s fitting because he’s always been yours.
SHUT UP THEYRE EACH OTHER’S MUSES 😭😭😭 and when yn can finally paint about love bc of hyunjin? and when hyunjin is no longer afraid to love bc of yn and writes a love song for her? 😭
“The day you stop worrying about what other people think, is the day you’ll live a much better life, Y/N”
minho and yeonjun >>>>>> anyone else
hyunjin and yn texts and little updates to each other is so cute 🥺 got me giggling and kicking my feet
i really liked felix’s redemption arc, and i liked that, compared to how cataclysmic their conversations have been recently, this was almost anticlimactic. it does really show felix’s growth and realising his feelings/accepting yn’s own feelings. and i’m glad they’re friends again
side note but ty for not giving hana a redemption arc (yet?) bc whilst it’s clear felix has reflected on his behaviours, hana was still so inconsiderate to yn and just flat out ignored the way she’s been a shitty friend. honestly good for yn for the way she handled things
Congratulations. Kim Jieong would be honoured to have you join him as an apprentice for his Fall Program in Painting at the Atelier of the Arts in Seoul, South Korea.
You wait for his answer, but your message doesn’t deliver.
nvm i spoke too soon 😐
“We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
i know that he probably has his reasons, and with everything going on with the other members too, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. ik he’d never do anything to intentionally hurt her, so i think it’s for her own safety or something
Over the past few months, Minho has discussed all of his theories with you, about what could have happened. He’s so sure, that Hyunjin’s company is involved. You want to believe him, because there’s no way Hyunjin would do this.
lee minho has my entire fucking heart i would move mountains and the sky for this man
You swallow, “Thank you. I know you never really wanted me to move away. But I’m really glad you understand how much this means to me” “I rather you be away from me than be miserable in this little town”
felix stop making me cry 🥹🥹 i’m so happy that they’re friends again
AHHH YANG JEONGIN !!!! i hope he and yn become good friends i adore their dynamic already. also choi yeonjun once again raising my standards and being better than everyone else by just existing
The most beautiful boy in the world… stands on the other side of the shelf. You’d recognise that stance anywhere. 
You believe in destiny, and he has to be yours.
screaming and crying at yn’s growth so far, from rejecting love and thinking herself unworthy of it to believing hyunjin is her destiny oh i am UNWELL you are cruel for making me read this gut wrenching sentence with my own eyes
You were about to say something, but the words never made it past your lips, because he immediately looked away from you. It was as if he had never known you. Like you were a stranger.
The city of Seoul had never felt so quiet, as right now.
i genuinely have no words,,,, i was grinning at their reunion but was not prepared for him to ignore her. the way you got my hopes up too after yn called him her destiny 🥲 should’ve known you’d end the chapter with more angst 😔
okay but i kid you not the second i finished reading this i got a notification for hyunjin’s live. istg he has a sixth sense for knowing when you’re about to drop a new chapter bc HOW did this man drop love untold and dlmlu around the same time as the previous two updates and now he’s going live ??? maybe the live will fill the void in my heart after reading this chapter,,,,
once again, to call your writing beautiful would be an understatement. your prose and dialogue are so poetic and i love how you constantly keep us on our toes by mixing up the fluff and angst so we never know what to expect. it’s clear you put so much time and effort into slwy, thank you for sharing your work with us 🩷🩷 thank you for yet another incredible chapter and i’m sorry about the word vomit lol. i’m excited for what comes next for hyunjin and yn 💗
— 🎐
i look forward to all of your reviews so much istg i experience every emotion reading them. youre so funny and i thank you for always pointing out your favorite parts of the chapter ! it helps me get better and realise what you like/dislike about the story.
and youre so right :(( she did think they still had the rest of the summer…i love breaking her heart. 😄 and about the smut…i love your thinking ! it definitely is like the exploration of a new relationship and a new love except it comes as a drastic goodbye instead and its interesting (but heartbreaking) to imagine what could have been 👀
i love reading all of your little comments on everything ! thank you 😭 im glad you love yeonjun and jeongin and minho because theyre sticking around…
and yes hyunjin definitely has a sixth sense for the updates its insane haha. i also love that youre keeping track of those releases and my updates simultaneously. ☺️
thank you 🩷 youre so so kind for this message and its not word vomit pls dont apologise, i reread this a thousand times already !
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saintobio · 3 years
HWJSJEJDQHHQ I'M A MESS RN 😭 MAI MY BELOVED CAMEO & toji has my heart already plsss imagine if mc decided to push thru with the clothing line bc of toji and mai's undying support that would be so cute!!! i hope we could see them more because mc deserves to be surrounded by nice and genuine people too 😌 ps: fawk u gojo 😋💓
Anonymous said
I'm so engrossed in this fic that I genuinely felt the sheer happiness when Toji wanted to talk more about our interests. I kept on thinking that there might be some ulterior motive that's leading the convo but as soon as he widened his eyes and smiled when we shot him w that "forgot you were pushing 40" just made me feel so comforted idek 😭 until a fucking grumpy furby came in and ruined it all 😭 I love how we did that "u see this fucking face? He's satan :D" with gojo though, it felt good ⛈
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Anonymous said
toji i am in love with you ‼️ yn leave gojo pls (for now)🙏 and now we seeing some of gojo’s inner turmoil too 👀 he tryna ignore how he starting to feel
just to let you know you’re literally my favorite author on this app bc my lord the amount of DEVELOPMENT we’ve already seen in five chapters, and the way every single character has so much depth. please never stop writing 😭 please take care of yourself too 🙏 you gotta publish a book or something and you can’t do that if you don’t take time for yourself ‼️ thank you for all your efforts and incredible talent 🥰
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Anonymous said
Ok so I’m 99% sure Y/N is gonna die at the end and this makes me so sad ):
After this chapter I just want her to get closer to Toji and get the happy ever after she deserves with him and they raise Megumi together. Periodt.
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Anonymous said
Yooo this was wild. I’m all for Y/N just packing it up and being w/ Toji. He’s a fine ass dilf who cares about her and her well-being beyond her money and status. But I think that it’s really funny that Sera seems to focus only on what Gojo can do for her in terms of the materialistic sense rather than emotional. So far, he’s only been seen giving her things rather than true affection (Although that could just be because we don’t see both of their POVs that often). Not to mention the fact that Gojo doesn’t seem to love her enough to give up his money and status for her 🙃. Anyway, Gojo and his hoeish ass can go be with his beloved Sera. At this point, I’m shipping Y/N x Toji until further notice.
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Anonymous said
also.... YN seemed to be... Sick.....
- 🌸anon
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Anonymous said
AAAAAAAAAAAAA GODDAMNIT yn does NOT deserve to be treated like this 😭😭 i’m glad she found a friend in Toji, but i’m begging you to give Yn more friends she can rely on 😭😭
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Anonymous said
I love love love this series, your writing is beautiful I am in tears.
All I want is for YN to stop caring and Gojo to finally notice exactly how great she is, like everyone else sees.
BUT I hope it’ll be too late because she will already be Tojis. YN will be designing her wedding dress and she will be Megumis new step mom, and she’ll finally be loved softly. Her dad sucks, fuck his business.
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@seashellmichellee said
ngl if I were y/n I’d fucking leave Gojo for Toji WLDJAK like???? I stan a gentleman and someone who genuinely cares 😫
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Anonymous said
another great but heartbreaking update :”) canon toji is a lil uhh sus BUT SN!Toji is a sweetheart !! Imagine yn discovering what true love is really like w toji :(( he appreciates n loves her sm that he supports her dreams of being a fashion designer !! Toji eases her insecurities AND IS AN AFTERCARE KING, yn builds her own brand outside of her family while gojo and sera end up in the streets where they belong <33 in all honesty we’re in for more angst before any fluff bc you’re the author LOL
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Anonymous said
the way toji & y/n need to get together... gojo gotta look at them and be like oh fuck i messed up 💔 anyways toji+mc supremacy <3 thank you for putting it in my fav character! the way you wrote toji & mc’s interactions was SO good and so soft! you can tell toji warmed up to mc and was willing to literally protect her... he could cherish her so much better than gojo ever could 😭😭😭 can’t wait for the next chapter! you always keep us on our toes ILY for that 💗
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i am loving the toji brainrot you guys !! i’m glad you liked his introduction <33 i also enjoyed writing the zen’ins i just love them sm ?? :’) i hope toji lessened the angst for this chapter bc we are all fuming at gojo until further notice 😤
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