#like books literally sucked just as much as any other piece of media and in modern times they suck much more because its deprecated media
Personal Do Not Read Witchy Author List
There will be a google doc with updates as I find more authors to avoid. These are all my own personal opinion and I do take the author's actions into account when judging their ability to write legitimate information.
TW: Slavery, serial killers, racism, TERFs, creeps, neonazis, asylums, and a slew of other super unsavory things. I tried to make this list as PG as possible while highlighting the issues with these individual people. 
*Alestier Crowley. *
   He's a literal piece of garbage. Misogynistic, thief of a toooon of closed practices, has entire cults still dedicated to him, called himself a voice of God (both Abrahamic and apparently like 5 Egyptian deities??? I mean excuse me sir how about no??) He also declared himself ‘above’ Gods back in 1922 calling himself Ipssissimus. I hate Crowley so much I have literally stuck a picture of him to a dartboard before. He can suck an egg in the afterlife. He also put his own wife in an asylum for 'alcoholism’ because she wanted a divorce. The only thing he ever did right was get kicked down a flight of stairs at a temple once by a poet.
*Anastasia Greywolf*
   Appropriates at least Jewish practices if not every Indigenous practice there is. Wholeheartedly encourages people to use magic instead of going to a doctor for things like oh I dunno EPILEPSY And claims she has spells for like Marvel-level super powers which uh no Ana. You don't. Lots of Christianity for a supposedly FULL pagan and wiccan author. Her spells are all controlled like...so wrong. So, so wrong. Don't ask please. I can't begin to describe it. Advocates for smudging and uses phrases like "Cherokee Rituals", and the Romani G-slur. 
*Gerald Gardner*
   Made his own branch of wicca, the first technically, and his own coven had to make rules just so he wouldn't spill everything to any reporter that asked. Used Crowley as a main resource.
*Jason Miller*
   Claims to do Hoodoo. A horrible formatter, and generally super dismissive of being a rootworker and other potentially closed practices, has not been initiated. Has claimed that anyone can petition/pray to Papa Legba without initiation because "Vodou is a congregational religion/practice". From the Vodou and Haitian Vodou practitioners I have talked to that is VERY incorrect, it may be congregational but you still have to be involved in the community to be trusted with those practices because so much of it has been bastardized for media and racism purposes. He is also a student of Catherine Yronwode, who is another SUPER problematic figure in the Hoodoo/Rootwork community.  
 A link of his own words on culture appropriation which includes mild inaccuracy towards Indiginous Peoples and that they don’t ‘own’ certain practices when it’s very clear the wording of those practices DOES in fact come from those peoples. He’s fine with people being Yogis, or Shamans, or calling satchel spells mojo bags, and other such phrases and won’t correct people if they use such words out of context because “language changes”. Also says if someone within a practice says it’s closed to go to ANOTHER AND ANOTHER until you find someone willing to teach you??? That’s not how it works sir.
Source: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/on-cultural-misappropriation/
*Lisa Chamberlain*
   Not an actual person. This is a ghost writer name for a bunch of garbage literally copy and pasted from wikipedia into books. I wish I was kidding. 
*Lisa Leister/Lester/whatever other spelling she's used.*
   Such a major TERF. Like JK Rowling level TERF. Claims magic comes from a womb so anybody that doesn't have one isn't a real witch. Like WTF lady.
*Raymond Buckland*
  Where to start...uses the G-slur often. (His grandfather was romani so it blurs the line of blood quantum.)  Very sexist and obsessed with the idea of a woman getting uh...undressed for rituals while men stay dressed and more things I cannot say ina PG space??? As magic?? VERY anti-minor and LGBTQA+. Toxic, just plain toxic. Can't do it. I have read his Blue Book and it's the least problematic thing he wrote. I'm alright with it.
*Silver Ravenwolf*   WhOOO boy. So super anti-christian, which is fine and dandy...if you didn't claim to be in a lineage of braucherei/hexerei. Wiccan, like the type of wiccan that says no other witchcraft exists and yet has written folk magic books??? She really needs to make up her mind. Claims Satanists don't actually exist. Claims most Jewish powers worshiped "the Goddess" (whoever that is)??? Very cult-like language about "not telling friends and family about your new life/reality/experience/whatever". Also SO MUCH APPROPRIATION. SO SO MUCH. She also gets her history wrong, on a lot of basic information that most non-witches know about like say the Salem Witch Trials.
*Catherine Yronwode* Ooh man. So Catherine Yronwode’s career started as a comic book artist. She’s worked on such things like the Elvira comic, DNAgents, and a gaggle of super controversial trading cards which included the Kennedy Assasination, a serial killer collection, and the AIDS epidemic. Of which she was sued for using one half of the Hillside Stranglers duo in said killer trading cards without his permission, the judge sadly threw the case out because and this is a quote, “ If Bianchi had been using his face as a trademark when he was killing women, he would not have tried to hide it from the police.” There were two more from her comic days, but those aren’t super relevant besides the one that pushed the envelope of what sort of trading cards should be sold to children. On the magical side of things, I will be blunt here: As one of the ‘big bads’ of the Rootwork/Folk/Hoodoo community? I really REALLY dislike her. She has made numerous false claims about New Orleans/Haitian Vodou and that it’s only a very recent practice, non-religious, and slaves never used it because it didn’t exist yet??? History books and entire generations will disagree. An example would be this link of an open letter to her written by a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and someone she wrote a whole article about: https://conjureart.blogspot.com/2013/10/open-letter-to-cat-yronwode-and-lucky.html
She owns a few different websites namely https://www.luckymojo.com/, has written numerous Hoodoo based books, and actively has accused numerous people who have asked her for sources and or disagreed with her of plagiarism and has slung more mud that you can shake a stick at. 
She also praises a book on Marie Laveau and yet discredits herself by calling New Orleans Voodoo a new religion/neopractice??? She’s just confusing as all heck to me.
*Christian Day*   This guy’s just a creep. One stuck in the early 2000s mall goth phase even though he’s over 50. He also appropriates Hoodoo and owns two Hoodoo shops as well as multiple other witch shops in Salem and recently New Orleans on the French Quarter (Which is pure tourist fodder and not a reflection of true New Orleans Voodoo/Vodun/Rootwork). He has also harassed ex-employees so badly it’s landed him in court. His book The Witch’s Book of the Dead also reads very much like a list of accomplishments rather than anything useful. All about his television spots and experiences doing that. (Did I mention he was in an episode of Ghost Adventures? Yes, that one with Zac Bagans??? And it did not make us witches look too great, honestly speaking.)
Sources for Harassment Claims: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salem-witch-gets-protective-order-against-warlock/
*Yvonne and Gavin Frost*   I dunno how else to say this, I really don’t. These two? Pedophiles. Multiple writings of theirs included not-safe-for-work-or-children rituals that must include minors. Avoid. AVOID AVOID. AVOID ANYONE WHO USES THEM AS A RESOURCE! This should NOT be okay in any circle. They are VERY used within the Wicca religion so please be careful!!
*Orion Foxwood* Some of his information is very sound! I can’t fault him there. He does have a tendency to blend different traditions without actively TELLING you he’s blending them though. He’s and this is a direct quote, “He is a witch and Elder in Romano Celtic-Traditional Craft, High Priest in Alexandrian Wicca and teacher of the Faery Seership tradition. He is also the founding Elder of Foxwood Temple and a primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, a national network of covens in his line that have united to preserve the ways of his Elders. He was the co-director of Moonridge, a center for metaphysical, Craft and Faery studies in Maryland” That’s an awful lot of traditions to juggle and not only write on but actively teach. He also performs conjure, which in of itself might not be an issue but Conjure usually blends into Hoodoo really quickly if one isn’t careful! A lot of the traditions he talks about from his family sound quite familiar, he’s clearly from Appalachia but his books on the subject blend in his other practices instead of keeping them separate. 
*Starr Casas*   She’s in the same category as Orion, only she doesn’t necessarily give her credentials to be teaching Hoodoo, and even wrote a whole book filled with Hoodoo love spells. She also co-owns a French Quarter Conjure Shop, which if you ask any practitioners from New Orleans...is catered to pure tourists and not a true example of the crafts from the area. 
*Shawn Engel*   I’m gonna be blunt here. More appropriation of the Jewish practices, Hoodoo, and other information that is just plain UPG without saying it’s UPG and encourages throwing hexes at political party members solo. I read The Power of Hex and had to put it down numerous times just to gather myself and not throw it away, I don’t know if it was tone or sheer level of appropriation...likely both.
*Kate Freuler*   Of Blood and Bones is chock full of Hoodoo, full stop. Only acknowledges that something comes from Hoodoo once and also gets basic mythology information on the Deities she mentions wrong in some cases. Also a lot of the book seems to be UPG because the bibliography is super small for a 300 page book.
*Dorothy Morrison*   I picked up Utterly Wicked once. A very odd book full of Hoodoo and Vodun spellwork and misinformation, the author is also Garderian Wiccan so even the writing of a book full of hexes is slightly...concerning compared to the Wiccan traditions and redes. Odd is the best I have to describe how I personally feel. I will say this again: Voodoo Dolls are not used to cause pain, stop bastardizing that single aspect of the practice. Thank you.
*Helena Blavatsky*
 I dunno how else to say this either, her philosophy and occult knowledge, called Theosophy is a portion of what inspired Hitler. Pure unadulterated racism veiled in a ‘Atlantian Race Theory”. Horrible stuff, read for a class project once and felt disgusting.
*Christopher Penczak*Whoo boy. On the surface he seems alright, one of the first ‘male’ witches I had ever heard of except for Scott Cunningham. But the more you dig into his work the more inaccuracies and Christian bashing you see. For example: Christianty was the first patriarchal society. Uhm...I believe you’re kinda forgetting the men who ran Rome and Greece there sir. He also fully proposes the ‘burning times’ were like a ‘witch holocaust’. NO! NO IT WAS NOT. You can’t compare the hundreds of years and MAYBE a thousand-ish people dying to the millions that died in the short timespan the Holocaust was a thing. Fuck Christopher for that comparison and also for claiming it was a ‘burning time’ to begin with. (History says that most were hung...or tortured. Burning is a very small number of that list in general. 
He makes a lot of sweeping statements and sees witchcraft as a religion and NOT a practice. He whitewashes, fully harps on the Wicca = witchcraft = religion thing and THEN hones in on the difference between “white and black” magic and how cursing is evil and yet highlights certain practices that actively practice...cursing...as they have for generations??? He (atleast) doesn’t demonize Satanism but does still backhand the idea anyway, that they CAN’T be witches because witches only ‘heal’. Cultural appropriation and fetishization of ‘Native’ practices while calling them primitive all in the same breath, I just can’t with this guy. I really can’t. 
*Amy Blackthorn* 
Owns a tea brand called ‘Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends’ she is white. When questioned by BIPOC individuals she complains and blocks them instead of explaining why she chose the name Hoodoo for just teas. TEA. She is also the author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke (A book on smudging yikes on trikes), and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. 
Proof of blocking: https://thisblackwitch.com/2016/04/01/blackthorn-teas-whose-culture-is-it-anyways/
*Tarl Warwick *
Is more commonly known as Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube and other social media sites. Has written a pile and I mean a PILE of occult based books including ones on Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, demons, solomon, folk plants and healing, Kabbalah, and many MANY more. 
He makes no claim to being Jewish, and given his political wishy washiness, and multitude of controversies which includes claiming the Holocaust wasn’t ‘that many dead’, Charles Manson deserved release because he was ‘extremely innocent and didn’t kill anyone’, and fairly recently also wrote and published a book on Critical Race Theory and why it’s ‘garbage’. I can’t support him no matter how accurate some of his information may be (if any at all). 
*Temperance Alden* This really pains me to say, Temperance in her Wheel of the Year book made a claim that birth control “stunted her magical abilities” because it affected her hormones…in OTHER words unless you are a perfectly hormone producing WOMAN you don’t have great magical power. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. That is a slippery slope to claiming medication will harm you, not to mention how TERF-y it is AND completely disregards that magic is for well…everyone. Such a stupid gatekeep-y concept. 
*Sarah Kate Istra/Dver*
Advocates for using ‘spirit animals’ regardless of Indigenous beliefs and concerns. Is also a known ally with the Piety Posse, a neo-nazi group of pagans who claim the term polytheist can only apply to them and if you aren’t a Hellenistic pagan…you aren’t pagan at all. They also advocate for animal sacrifices, blood tests to prove purity, and other horrible HORRIBLE stuff. 
*Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis*
Obvious Neo-nazi, keeps images of swastikas on his personal blog, and not the ones that the nazis stole from, the nazi one. And super SUPER transphobic.
*Edward P. Butler*
Major persecution complex, spends half his twitter complaining about how monotheists are destroying…I dunno…everything? Also defends Krasskova quite heavily. Antisemetic as well.
*Galina Krasskova*
Hellenic pagans watch out. Defends the AFA. A ringleader of the Piety Posse. There’s a lot more horrific stuff about her and I won’t go into extreme details. But TW: Romanticizes SA with deities, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Compares debating to the holocaust, lots of victim blaming, gatekeeping, and screams folkish. 
*Diana Cooper*
Racist. Hard stop. Also appropriates chakras. Has a weird belief that food controls skin color and that Africa will never be a good country because it’s the solar plexus of the universe…or something like that. I got 20 pages into the book and literally couldn’t go any farther. Did I mention this book was supposedly on dragons???
*Judika Iiles* So much appropriation, advocates for making altars and working with closed deities. Lots of incorrect information including dangerous spellwork like obsession spells. And one in particular that has roots in a racist stereotypes. Avoid please! 
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments - Part 6
Part 6 of maybe (?) more to come that is.
A page from JM and JK’s book of “How do we do the couple in the group without others noticing it (or so they thought)”.  
cr./to the owners of the media in this post.
Let’s start with Jikook selfies.
Innocent looking, not hot boyfies posing what so ever.
Super subtle... 🤣🤣
Why don’t we start with the piece de resistance? 
This was literally shown at the BTS exhibition.  The lighting.  The pose.  The angle of the camera. The sultry eyes, swollen lips, JK looks like he might not be wearing a top, JM’s upper body seems to be blacked out (there are photos circulating with JM bare chest but they seem to be an edited version of the actual photo that was shown at the exhibition, said photo with JM’s chest blacked out).
Nothing sus what so ever.  
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Ok then...
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And this one...Bon Voyage Hawaii.  The night they slept in their own room together, after JK ‘lost’ the game they were playing not on purpose at all (wink wink).  No, seriously guys, he’s absolute shit at that game, he didn’t lose on purpose, and that definitely wasn’t a happy dance he was dancing there after not losing the game on purpose...
This is the only documentation of them in that room.  No cameras entered that room (other than their own).  And if they did, we definitley did not get to see any of the footage (unlike our footage from their ITS night escapades).
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Let’s round up this part (the selfies) with a not at all bf selfie coming off their Tokyo trip.
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Moving on... to other very subtle, not “I have bf privileges at all”, moments...
Like these ones here...
Where’s your hands at Mr. Jeon?  Where you going with those hands of yours, eh?  
And once again staff member’s back to the rescue...
Everything that followed in that moment was definitely not boyfriendie either.  Not JM’s reaction, nor JK’s scolding.  Nope.
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And if hands is what we’re talking about, what is it you are doing with your hand Mr. Park?  Not to mention that insistent JK claiming what’s his, no matter the cost (in this case a hit to the privates).
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Ok, so here they were definitely caught off guard.  JM’s reaction was smooth like butter.  It’s JK, same JK that was caught just leaning into JM staring up at him.  Same JK that 'walked away’ from the whole thing stress written all over his face while hyperventilating.  
Yes, it looks like a pretty intimate moment.  JK looking up at JM, not the camera.  But his reaction, that panic you can see on his face...
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JK being real subtle teasing his boyfriend.  Cause man, boy was sucking on that corn ice cream, like his life depended on it.
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All while:
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But JM, he got this:
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Run editors: “Such a jokester”...
Ok, and what joke is that exactly?  You know, the not gay one, that is.
Now to the special relationship between JK and JM’s butt.  
We have the stares.
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And we have the smacks.
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Not the first or last time we talk about this, but you see, there are those very special moments where you look and go: “well, that’s REALLY too much”.  Even for the butt loving JK, who will hit any butt (well of the people he knows, loves and that won’t have him charged for sexual harassment, that is).  JM does have a very special affiliation with JM’s back side, and I have spoken many a times about it, with MULTIPLE examples, lol.
But, pun intended, these few examples are JK kind of crossing a line between what can be perceived as a friendly butt tap and a whatever you wanna call what he was doing, lol.  
Oh, and do I have to talk about JM’s reactions too?
Shall we start?
And side note: I’m not gonna describe each and every one of these, mainly because they are beyond description, lol.
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The difference between the members reactions is priceless.  Hobi smiling and laughing, cause it’s real funny.  Is it though?  Cause Jin doesn’t seem to think it is, lol.
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And then you have the others just ignoring it, like it ain’t happening in the room and on camera.
I also kind of wonder how these moments made it to the content.  I guess there is just so much you can cut...
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You know what? 
Scratch that.  It’s not suspicious at all.  Super subtle.  You see, JK, he missed out on his boxing workout on those days, and what better boxing bag than JM’s ass(et)?  See?  Super innocent.
But then, what do we call this?
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Or this, for that matter?  Cause believe you me, I’ve been racking my brains to find a logical, or even semi-logical explanation for this one, and even my criminal mind has not yet found a way to explain this one off.
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As I was about to wrap it up this moment just revealed itself, and although I have already posted it in my Coway clip post, I couldn’t pass the opportunity, not with this JK supposedly being ‘subtle’ post, right?
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This man, a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook, has mastered the art of finding his way to JM’s side.  Near or far, no obstacle will stand in his way, not even a leader or a very scary Suga.  In this case, at the sight of a walking away Mr. Park Jimin.  He notices and speeds into action.  Road Runner is no match for a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook.  Not with a Park Jimin in sight.
To be continued?  You guys tell me.
But I do need your help.  Send me moments and ideas you would like to see in this series of posts.  You can leave them in the comments or DM me.
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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dvrcos · 2 months
ok so I'm giving a bunch of qs for the character ask game except I'll give 2 characters
Kevin day and Aaron minyard (bet u didn't see that one coming did u)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Hmm might send more abt other characters if I feel like it
Thank you anon I love a chance to rant about these two idiots endlessly <3
1. Like/dislike about the character
Aaron: he’s genuinely such a complex character and I think that’s what drew me to him initially like this boy has so much going on but desperately pretends like he doesn’t
Kevin: he is canonically a fucking bitch and I can’t help but love that
2. Favorite canon thing
Aaron: I think right now all of his commentary in the first book is my favorite canon thing about him like he’s such a snarky asshole. Like genuinely the scene where Neil pours the water on the ground and then throws the glass at Aaron and Aaron just goes “mature” lives rent free in my head forever and always
Kevin: “I’ve never been skiing before” and then immediately having a panic attack
3. Least favorite thing
Aaron: internalized homophobia womp womp
Kevin: dating a Raven womp womp (i don’t hate Thea literally at all I just don’t like that he stays with another Raven but that is my opinion)
4. Them in a different pieces of media
Aaron: this is most definitely recency bias but The Maze Runner bc he would fit in with those assholes too well (him and gally would be besties)
Kevin: Harry Potter/the marauders feels like the right answer but it also feels lame as fuck (I can also see him in the maze runner as well)
6. Something you have in common with this character
Aaron: Scorpio <3
Kevin: I am also a little bitch sometimes
7. Favorite fanon thing
(Me trying to remember what’s canon and what’s fanon)
Aaron: him with a lip ring and also being a little skater boy
Kevin: the similarities between him and Wymack for sure
8. Least favorite fanon thing
Aaron: I will never stand for aaron micheal minyard hate
Kevin: and I will never stand for kevin day hate either
(I just don’t get how you could hate these assholes like yes they suck that’s the whole point)
9. Could you be roommates with them?
Aaron: maybe I don’t think we’d talk to each other and idk if I could handle that
Kevin: tbh yeah probably
10. Would you be best friends with them?
Aaron: I think we’d be acquaintances at best
Kevin: absolutely not
11. Would you date them?
Aaron: yeah I think whatever he did to swoon Katelyn would work on me as well
Kevin: I would have a raging crush on him but I could not stand his personality irl (I say that with all of the peace and love)
12. My headcanons for them
Aaron: he has terrible circulation and is always cold and has chronic migraines (this is me projecting) and he is a chronic clothing stealer when it comes to his partners clothes (cough cough kevin)
Kevin: he always tries to sign with team in or near cities where the other foxes are located because he doesn’t know how to function without being near his people (cough cough aaron)
13. An emoji that represents them/one they would use frequently
Aaron: 🤓/😐 or 🥱 (he is bored with you !!!)
Kevin: 🫠/🙂 (he doesn’t know it’s passive aggressive at first but uses it excessively after finding out)
14. A fashion aesthetic for them
Aaron: he will always have an early 2000s skater boy aesthetic to me
Kevin: elevated basic featuring a lot of PSU and USC merch
15. Favorite ship for this character
(I don’t even know if I have to say it)
Aaron & Kevin: kevaaron forever and always
16. Least favorite ship with these characters
Aaron: idk honestly I feel like I don’t see many Aaron ships outside kateaaron and kevaaron (I’m pretty sure andrew/aaron exists out there somewhere and I’m choosing to ignore it for my own peace bc hate is not a strong enough work)
Kevin: Kevin/Riko
17. Ship with them I don’t hate but don’t mind
Aaron: Aaron/Jean like I see the vision I just cannot get behind it
Kevin: Kevin/Robin like I don’t mind it at all I just also do not get it but I also don’t know anything about Robin
19. Their canon relationships I don’t like
Aaron: I do like kateaaron and that’s the only canon Aaron relationship (unless I’m dumb and have forgotten but oh well)
Kevin: Kevin/Thea I am so sorry I cannot rally behind you
20. Ideal best friend for this character
Kevin: Andrew and Neil are perfect
I also think they would be very good friends if they gave each other a chance and got to know each far away from Exy bc I think they’d get along and have a lot in common but they have such varying opinions on the thing most of their lives revolve around
22. What I like/don’t like in fics about these characters
Aaron: I don’t like when he blindly hates the other foxes (especially Neil and Andrew) in post-canon fics like his relationships with them are complicated but not blind hate and I love when he’s competitive and also I love when writers delve into his past addiction and trauma and let him heal
Kevin: I love love love to see him get to be nerdy or talk about his other interests outside of Exy and I don’t like when he is like a crazy health nut womp womp
23. Favorite picture (fanart) of this character
Aaron: this art altered my brain chemistry to the fullest extent of that phrase
Kevin: this one and this one tbh even though I don’t really ship kevneil
24. What characters from my other fandoms do they remind me of
Aaron: regulus black
Kevin: maybe remus lupin idk kevin day you are an anomaly my little disaster boy
25. My first impression vs now
Aaron: I was really fucking confused by the Twinyard switch the first time and now he is my fucking baby live laugh Aaron Minyard
Kevin: I thought he was the love interest for most of the first book until I looked up andriel LMAO and now he is babygirl and I love him so much (even more so after reading TSC)
Thank you again for letting me rant about these stupid little idiots I adore <3
Character ask game here
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sailorgundam308 · 7 months
BG3 introspection bit
This one isn't edgy or funny. I just feel like sharing, prompted by seeing how, indeed, BG3 is one of the greatest if not THE greatest pieces of entertainment we've got in a long while. But I know for so many people it turned out to be much more than just that. That includes me. To make a long story short, I've been living a full world away from my loved ones for almost a decade, in a place that is particularly hostile towards me. I'm here out of necessity and choice, since my other option happens to be worse. It's been shockingly lonely, until I grew used to the isolation. Still, I made do. I make do. Around a few years back, and especially last year, things took a turn for the much worse. I've spiraled into a very, very dark place, which in turn isolated me even more from other people - but also from myself.
Being so far away from familiarity and the things I love worn me down, and disconnected from who I am and what I enjoy. To the point I effectively stayed in a limbo, frozen in time, empty, for the past years. It's been way more scary than when I was obviously and loudly sad or depressed, because at least then I had energy to react in some way. As an artist by profession and by passion, it was even more concerning that I could not create ANYTHING - words, images, even concepts. My mind had been simply silent, dead. I quite literally spent the last 3-4 years just existing, going to my job like a mindless clockwork because otherwise I wouldn't be able to make rent and end up getting deported. I knew I was utterly and completely lost, and had no idea what I could grab onto to pull me out. It was as if I couldn't move - I did not really wanted to, somehow.
It happens to everyone, I think, that sometimes a seemingly random thing that you engage with unexpectedly becomes a sort of lifeline. It happened to me once before, during a complicated part of my teens. And now it seemed to have happened again because I decided to play Baldur's Gate 3. I mentioned before, I am a bit older and have played BG1 and BG2, and also DnD and the like. I've always been the nerdy artsy type, and it had always fueled my imagination and gave me energy to keep creating, keep moving, searching, growing.
It was really a struck of luck that I heard the news that BG3 was a thing. I was so isolated I did not engage with any piece of media anymore - I watched no news, no movies, no series, read no books. When I think about it, it's really scary how I felt absolutely nothing, how truly empty of any will to live I was. But it's been wild for a while now. I happened to be on 'vacation' when BG3 got released, and I was sucked into it like I was desperate. And I probably was. I needed anything to take me away from where I was, who (or the lack of) I had become. The game did just that. It's not a coincidence I put 750+ hours in it. I could not stand looking at my own circumstances and somehow I managed to finally escape anywhere else. While I recognize I went to the opposite extreme of (problematic) engagement, I also saw how my mind seeemed to switch on again after a while - as if I was reminded of how it used to be.
Ideas, cohesive thoughts, images, the unavoidable urge to move, to create something - all these things that made me ME started to come back.
I remembered how much I enjoyed fantasy, fiction, having ideas, organizing, planning, making things come true - how much just marking a paper with a pencil brings me joy. How my own mind can be rich and exciting, and how I have the skills to translate those impulses into reality. And that is what made me, all my life. It's hard to explain how I feel after 4 years not creating a single thing, having no impulse or creative idea and watching life pass in a haze, now I feel like I'm finally reconecting to something precious. My doctor even pointed it out, how it seems I'm finally waking up after years, coming out of whatever dark hole I've been in.
While it's been a short while, I'm very aware this is essentially a hyperfixation, but for someone who (even though I tried) could not feel anything towards anything for so long, this seems like a blessing. And I'm doing my best to make a stair out of it - use the momentum to branch out into other things I know I need and miss, the other things that have always been part of my life that I'd let go of.
I'm probably not the only one who clicked with this game, and it somehow pulled us out of strange, scary places. Even though it's a lot of projection on our part, people in such situations need something they relate to in order to project onto, to grab to float. Not everything works, it must be something special to the person at the right time. Lucky me that Baldur's Gate 3 happened when it did, the way it did, and that I was where I was.
I'm really, truly happy I stumbled onto the news of the game, for whatever reason took action to actually buy it, open and play it. When I did, I had no idea it would be the lifeline I'd grab onto. But it's been, and it meant so much to me. That's all of my sad introspective blurb. I have no way of explaining how thankful I feel to everyone who put this game together. While it wasn't the intention of the creators, BG3 gave me the push I so desperately needed and that nothing else had managed to.
I'd still be lost in a very dark place without it.
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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genlossneg · 11 months
Oh my god I literally cannot convey to you that stumbling on this blog felt like seeing the sunlight again after being trapped underground for months. I thought I was crazy for finding fault with genloss because I have not seen any actual valid criticism anywhere and I thought I was losing my mind for not seeing the glory that is the, ‘next wave of indie horror content’.
There’s more horror in an average retail store on any given weekend than this entire series has in its three episodes.
Christ I don’t even know where to begin with this thing.
I’m not a film student but I’ve read the other film student anons’ posts and they are so incredibly right. There is so much about the series that felt hastily thrown together and I also loathe the phrase ‘intentionally bad’ when it’s something that’s been hyped up for as long as it has and yet, fell so incredibly flat. I have never been more bored, irritated, and confused watching a piece of media before, and have continued to feel this way as I watch diehard fans of Ranboo tout how great of a series it is?
Hey, Boobers- cmere, let me tell you a secret, genloss ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.
It’s a lukewarm, lackluster production at best, and if I didn’t know going in that this was supposed to be Ranboo’s passion project, it literally feels like a school assignment he had only the bare interest in putting together. God this thing has no soul. It has no spark. And it hurts so much to know that this is what this great incredibly hyped-up project became, because from how they talked about it, it's obvious Ranboo loves this thing, and I wanted to love it too.
But it ain’t good. And someone should’ve told him long before now it needs massive edits, and I get it, getting hard criticism is painful and isn't fun, but if it makes your end product better, your piece of entertainment content more enjoyable for the consumer, then you gotta listen and bare it.
I’m an author and I know they do it because they love me, but whenever my editors are like ‘ayo this shit is whack wtf you talking about’ it does hurt my pride but!!!! But!!!!!!!! I go back and take a harder look at that section and sometimes I stand by what I wrote, but other times I now see what was wrong with it and make the edits. Sometimes entire concepts have to get cut to trim down the story and make it more cohesive and that also sucks, but you just tuck those ideas away for later or another project, and tbh I do not feel like anyone did this with the genloss concept.
This entire story feels like it is stapled together and there is literally no through line!! It is a random bag of ideas mashed together to form what I imagine an AI would generate if you typed in ‘mall, horror, evil cooperation’. Fuck it hurts. It hurts so much to be someone that is so passionate about storytelling and writing to see genloss get the attention it has, and for Ranboo to be praised for their ‘excellent writing skills’.
I do understand this was probably their second real attempt at writing a story for public consumption (first being his character’s arc in the dsmp), and like, nothing anyone writes on their second attempt to tell a story is gonna be great. Mine wasn’t, no writer’s is, and that’s okay I really genuinely get that, my problem is how the production was hyped up, how the budget was apparently blown on so much wasteful crap, and then how no one with experience telling stories took a look at his concept before production began.
It makes me sick to know that box cost 18k. Do you know what I, and many other small creators, could do with that kinda money?
This was a few weeks ago? Maybe last week? But Ranboo said over here on the tumbles that they were thinking about genloss in written form, IE a book, and I think I literally blacked out I got so angry. I am also writing a book (hahahaha hi it is not easy!) and I honestly don’t think it's half bad, but I have still been fighting tooth and nail to get eyes on it and nothing makes me angrier than knowing Ranboo could slap some half-baked shit into a word doc, get whatever kind of fancy printing they wanted, and sell more copies than I likely ever will.
I don’t wish anything ill on the dude, he seems like a nice person and I hope he succeeds, but jesus christ, someone needs to be real with them on their writing and story construction. TBH I think a large part of the problem is how rabid his fanbase is, so any kind of criticism gets buried under threats and just, people blowing smoke up his ass, and that is not helpful to him as a creator!! Dude wants to grow and improve, stop telling them genloss is the best thing since sliced bread!!
Let him get his feelings hurt over this, let them take that and make it their drive, let him know he can do better.
If you keep settling for mediocrity, you never push yourself to do something great.
But that’s just my two cents. Thank you for letting me word vomit in your inbox, I have been going crazy and I will likely be back <3
-the author anon
this blog is collecting anons representing all the creative aspects of gen loss like pokemon. first film student anon. now author anon.
but in all seriousness i'm glad this blog is a breath of fresh air for you <3 you're right! my first couple attempts at writing (mostly fanfiction, some original) i am very glad they do not exist online. part of writing well is being kind of really bad at it for a bit. ive taken a writing class (in college) and the entire foundation of that class was "we will write and then your classmates will give you feedback" and it made a lot of my work so much better. feedback is like. how you get good and i feel like you're right, the fanbase does drown a lot of that out (hence me making a dedicated blog!)
i hadn't heard of the gen loss book concept before this but. i can't imagine it would be super great at the current form of gen loss is in. and writing is so much more than "here's the plot" like. establishing a good setting and sense of place and making us actually connect with the protagonist and. author anon that awakened something in me
Let him get his feelings hurt over this, let them take that and make it their drive, let him know he can do better. If you keep settling for mediocrity, you never push yourself to do something great.
anyways. great thoughts! reposting that quote for those in the back :)
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Ella Enchanted 2004 Sucks #4
Part of my periodic ongoing series of me ranting about this absolute garbage piece of media in comparison to the perfection of the novel.
Today, let's talk about how they made the curse into a joke and prioritized visuals and gags over the horror of the curse.
This is a curse where if Ella is told to do something, she MUST do it. No matter what, that is horrible. Even if it's something you'd be willing to do, to have no choice, no way to fight back, is a literal nightmare.
Yet whenever they can in the movie, they make it into a joke. "Hold your tongue" turns into Ella literally holding her tongue with her fingers. The hard part in this isn't that Ella is forced to remain silent, unable to have a voice, but oh no, she was embarrassed at school by doing something weird! HAHAHAHA. Ella's running away and told to freeze while she is in midair and can somehow defy gravity and stay suspended in air. Wow, isn't it so cool how the curse makes her able to overcome the law of physics for literally no reason other than the visual of it? Even when she is being threatened with being eaten by ogres, with Slannen telling her how to fight, the tension turns into a joke as Ella karate-chops her way out of it. Let's not focus on how this curse is LITERALLY THREATENING ELLA'S LIFE when instead, why not make it so she's actually like a knockoff Marvel superhero, equipped with ill-timed humor and illogically acquired combat skills?! They even turn it into a joke with the not-even-mentioned-in-the-book-uncle has Ella "shake her booty" before landing the big command. So again, the curse is funny because Cary Elwes is being silly and making Anne Hathaway dance a funny dance, LOL.
Why. Did. They. Make. This. Curse. A. Spectacle. And. A. Joke.
Because it's funny, because it's for kids, because it's not that serious. But it's not funny, ELLA LITERALLY HAS NO AGENCY. THERE IS NO HUMOR OR ANYTHING COOL ABOUT HER CURSE. Taking away that dread lessens the curse's impact, consistently makes it an inconvenience with only an occasional command have an impact. And kids GET this curse, at a time when you often have no choice, but making it into a joke so often cheapens the impact the curse has.
Do you know what the curse did to Ella in the books? It made her into a different person. Not some dumb command where suddenly for no reason she became blonde or something, but she literally became HAPPY that she was cursed and had to obey every command, even a command to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather. Then there were the times she almost led herself and a gnome child to their deaths, she was starved, she was almost eaten by ogres, she was worked to the bone, she was forced to give any money she had to Olive, she was forced to forgo her own needs to be a slave to her stepfamily.
Right, something that brings that much danger and pain to a character just screams the peak of humor and visual gags, obviously.
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raincandy-u · 5 months
ive been thinking on this for a bit now but i honestly am so fed up with the treatment of characters who most likely have abandonment issues in media. its always seen as a villainous trait and more often than not used for some "big bad" in a piece of media. as someone who has these struggles myself this is becoming exhausting to see.
even pieces of media that i love or hold pretty great affection for can fall into this and its just so disheartening. i'll drop an example, the murder of sonic the hedgehog is such a fun and entertaining little vn that i was enjoying so much and then that ending part hit. i just feel like there was no reason for the stuff with the train to happen... it added nothing to the story and it just kind of made me feel bad.
i understand that abandonment issues arent like a great trait to have, and i understand that they can result in pretty terrible behaviors that are not great for the people around you if you dont keep them in check. i am fully aware of all of this. however, can we have no sympathy for the people who actually have to deal with it all? the people who actually face them? the people who have to go through emotional anguish and just act like it's all okay for the benefit of those around them?
another example would be book 4 of infinity train, morgan did not have to be like that for the story that took place to happen. kez could have found min and ryan for literally any other reason. infinity train does this yet again with both amelia and simon, but i will let this slide as the whole point of the infinity train itself is to basically provide therapy, so for people in the show to have that kind of trait just makes sense. even if what happened to simon makes me also pretty bummed out...
i guess the point of this is that, it all just kinda sucks.
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3 thing ask:
2, 6, 11, 33, 34, 37
Three movies you have rewatched many times
1. Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron. I went through a phase when I was nine/ten where I’d rewatch this movie multiple times a week for… like a year 😅
2. Bolt. Underrated movie!! This was another one I looped when I was younger, and I tried writing a fanfic about it when I was eleven maybe but gave up after one page or something lol
3. The Good Dinosaur. Yet another one I looped when I was younger :) I saw this one in theaters too!!
I went through a major animation phase when I was 9-13. All these + How To Train Your Dragon were pretty much all I watched aksgaksgaksg
I still have all my animash edits saved :) Perhaps I will share them someday…
Three characters that inspire you
Ooh man, hmm…
1. Tommy (DSMP). This answer seems silly at first, but I’m always touched by how much and how hard he tries. He tries so hard to be good, and to help people, and to never give up on people, and it’s amazing. It’s rare that I find characters who are so, for lack of better words, good. He’s just a really good kid.
He also loves most everything he touches, and he loves hard. He loves so hard that it’s impossible to not see it, to not feel it, to not be changed by it, and that’s freaking powerful.
(I’m really having to Think about this question, because while I like a bunch of characters, I’m not often inspired by those characters)
If I had to describe Zelda in one word, I’d choose “selfless”. So, so selfless. It’s crazy.
The things she does for her kingdom and for Link and for the things she cares about is near-unmatched; she’ll do hard things for the good of others, and I mean really hard things. Heartbreaking, painful, scary things that I honestly probably wouldn’t do.
I think she’s really neat :) And I think I could learn a lot about being selfless from her.
3. Goshhhh I’m kinda drawing a blank here ummm
*spongebob time-passing-screen-thing with the french guy*
Okay so I literally hopped off tumblr for the night and came back to this question twelve hours later lol and I still cannot think of a character :’0
Three books that you would recommend everyone to read
1. The One And Only Ivan :D This is one of four stories that has ever made me tear up, and the only story that has ever made me cry. It’s just… ough. It’s beautiful and unique and it’s amazing it’s amazing it’s amazing I CANNOT tell you enough how amazing this book is oh my gosh-
2. What Beauty There Is by Cory Anderson. I read this one very recently, I think in December, and… wow. Absolutely stunning. Just… wow. It’s haunting—that’s probably the best word for it—and beautiful and deep and dark and tragic. It’s the sort of book that made me feel a bit heavier while I was reading.
(Also one of the four stories that has made me tear up sooooo)
There is a bit (not a lot at all) of swearing, and one scene that bordered the lines between PG-13 and something above PG-13; it was like… I don’t know, it’s kinda confusing. It was sort of sexual but nothing really ended up happening. It was more like an implication or a suggestion.
But other than those things, the book was fantastic and I highly highly recommend!!
It’s one of the coolest and best stories I have ever hekkin read and it’s so sad and so amazing and so well-formatted and so interesting and so OUGHHHH
I need to reread this again 😭
There’s like, one swear word maybe? Two? Hardly any, really. But there’s definitely some disturbing scenes that would make a lot of people uncomfortable, so I’d advise caution.
But yesssssss this story is so good I’m gonna scream 😭
Three scented candles that you love the most
Gonna be perfectly honest here, I don’t like candles all that much. I just… eh. I don’t see the point. Not my thing.
So instead of doing scented candles, I’ll just list three of my favorite scents in general 😅
1. Vanilla :)
2. Certain flowersss maybe?? Some of them smell nice? Like vanilla but with honey and sort of like yogurt now that I think about it.
But a lot of flowers don’t smell like anything to me, so meh.
3. Uhhh
(This question is making me realize that my sense of smell is either not very strong or I just don’t… care that much about it lol because this is hardddd)
3. Like. Food. Good food. Yyyyyes.
Three people in history that inspire you the most
This is making me remember that I really do like history, and I like learning about history/people in history, but it is MISERABLE trying to find history books that aren’t hard to read or incredibly boring. So unfortunately I don’t know as much history as I would like :(
And I do like a bunch of people in history, but like the character question, I’m not often inspired by them.
Three languages you would love to learn
1. ASL!! I’ve been wanting to learn this one for years but haven’t been able to figure out how :’0 I would really like to take a class, but they’re surprisingly difficult to find.
2. Dutch! I think it’s super satisfying to listen to and I think it’d be fun :D
3. FRENCH!!! I technically know a little bit of French, but definitely not enough to say that I truly speak it.
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 1 year
there aren’t many perks to working in the indy publishing world, I’ll be honest. it’s relentlessly exhausting, damn-near thankless, and the pay is shit. but one perk—one of the few—is that I have no problems whatsoever enjoying a piece of literature while also hating the author deeply. like, none.
 I can love a book and hate its author in the same way a kindergarten teacher can love their students and hate the students’ parents. authors will pour all their insecurities and repressions and cognitive dissonance and petty little bitter indignant thoughts into a story, andr eally think they’ve masked the truth under a dozen layers of metaphor... failing to realize that all dozen layers are completely transparent. and that’s assuming they’re remotely aware that this is what they’ve done. so then, it’s up to some poor hapless editor to fix as much of that shit as they can without the author getting defensive on a personal level. because the more defensive the author gets, the more they dig their heels in, and the more ground that editor has to concede, and the more the book suffers for it.
but! tragically! even bad authors—even the thinnest-skinned, least self-critical people on the planet—will sometimes come up with really fun and cool concepts! concepts that you know could have grown into much better and cooler stories, if only the creator wasn’t so determined to get in their own way. when my friends in childcare lament the influence of garbage parents on their otherwise sweet, clever, considerate students, I hear in them the same despair I feel when I think of Harry Potter, or Star Wars, Lovecraft’s entire body of work—of all the stories that could have been so much more in the hands of an author with some modicum of self-awareness.
which, incidentally, is why I love transformative fanworks so much! because you get to see those concepts turned over into the hands of someone who gives a shit. someone who sees the potential of these stories to speak comfort to the outcast. you get to see how much more nuanced the themes of prejudice in Harry Potter could have been if Hermione had been a Black girl, or if Harry had Indian ancestry, or if the worldbuilding elements like house elves and goblins had been handled in holy shit literally any other way. you get to see Lovecraft’s fear of the Other reinvented by the same minority groups Lovecraft himself hated so viscerally. you get to see queer readers of Dracula lovingly melt down all the internalized homophobia in the text and re-cast it into a young woman’s quest to avenge her murdered girlfriend.
I know some people draw clear distinctions between criticizing a dead author vs a living one, but to me, there are only two that matter. first being that, when I criticize a living author, there’s a chance—however slim—that they might actually hear me (in which case, good); and the second being the responsibility to not financially support a living author—which I personally don’t find difficult because, on top of being a fundamentally spiteful person, it’s not like I have disposable income anyway.
beyond those two points, I don’t see much value in not interacting with a story you enjoy just because the author fucking sucks—especially if you’re already someone who engages with stories critically. by “critically,” I don’t mean you spend hours writing long, meta essays about racist implications of, idk, how slavery is portrayed in the Star Wars movies (although I do love me some metatextual analysis!). but if you consume a piece of media and your first impulse is, “Man, I really loved the central idea, but it’d be so cool if that one character had been explored with more nuance—if that one plot point was given more emphasis—if this one arc had been done just a little differently....”—in other words, if you don’t consume fiction as a passive vessel—that’s already critical engagement.
and I guess this is why I find it worrying, the way people draw hard lines between enjoying a problematic author’s works if they’re living vs dead. like enjoying Dracula despite its many harmful themes is automatically more okay than enjoying shit like Harry Potter—even if one enjoys both from the same critical angle—simply because Bram Stoker’s dead and Joanne (derogatory) isn’t. that’s why it worries me to see people fretting over whether or not they’re “allowed” to enjoy problematic contemporary art. not financially support it. not defend it. but wringing their hands over the moral implications of engaging in any way, be it by making fanart, or reading fanfic, or even just revisiting a book they already own.
so, from someone who works with authors for a living: yeah, it’s completely possible to enjoy a work of fiction while hating its author. like if you’re truly worried, then you shouldn’t support the work financially. if you’re truly worried, then you shouldn’t defend the bad to uphold the good. but if you’re truly worried that just enjoying the story makes you a bad person? then I can only assume you’ve not met many published authors. like, sorry, but if you feel like you have to like a writer personally in order to enjoy their work, I have bad news, because a good hmm ~70% of authors—even the ones who aren’t raging bigots—are some of the most annoying, myopic, whiny, entitled, self-defeating people you will ever meet. because they’re people. they’re not the gods of their little imaginary worlds, whatever they might want to think.
opinions may differ, but far as I’m concerned, a story is only the product of its authors’ mind in the sense that you are a product of your upbringing. it’s a factor of one’s identity, sure, but it’s far from the only thing that makes you who you are.
in fact, I’d go so far as to say that by interacting with problematic fiction—thoughtfully, critically, compassionately, creatively—a reader can shine new light into the shadowy corners of all that a story could have been. and if that new light throws into sharp relief the flaws inherent in the source material? so much the better.
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Hell Followed With Us || Andrew Joseph White
★★★☆☆ ½
Let me start off by saying that this book means a lot to someone who means a lot to me. By nature, this means that I have a soft spot for the book.
However, that does not stop me from forming an opinion on it.
Okay so first things first: I read this book in two days. It is a very captivating read. I was very easily sucked into the story and became intruiged by the character.
First one up is the main character: Benji. It is refreshing to see a trans masc main character especially in a horror book. As soon as he showed up in the text i felt protective over him. He is a newly out trans boy that is 16, I've adopted plenty of those in my run as the trans town elder (yes I'm only 23, that's what you get living where I do)
I also really liked that there were other types of gender identities shown. This book is a cesspit of diversity and representation: I love it!
However, there is one character that I have qualms with when it comes to his representation. One of the love interests: Nick. He is an autistic gay man, but as I said to my group chat last night, I just don't like the representation he's giving us.
I say this as an autistic trans gay man: I do not like the way he is portrayed. Autism is a spectrum, everyone reacts to things differently. However, he is written in a way that feels like every bad autistic trope from mass media mushed together. He very much reads the same as that one autistic doctor from the tv show that was always over logical and showed no emotion ever. The Good Doctor, that's what it's called.
Not only that, but he refers to Benji, a newly out trans man who is going through horrific body horror to the point of literally calling himself a monster, as Seraph and uses it/its pronouns for him. After Benji explicitly says he uses he/him. Now, as you all know, I have nothing against using it/its pronouns and will gladly do so, but doing it in this manner is misgendering and dehumanizing. There is a difference between wanting to use those pronouns and being called them behind your back after you explicitly state you do not want to be referred to using them.
And this whole this was Nick's redemption arc. His entire redemption arc was about calling Benji 'it' and then saying sorry. Then it's over and never mentioned again. Just like that.
And then, to make things worse, the other love interest (because, yes, this is in fact a love triangle) is Benji's abusive fiance. An abusive fiance that tries to kill him on more than one occasion. So you have to choose between that piece of garbage and someone who doesn't get redeemed.
As y'all can tell, I'm a little incensed at this book. "But Andi," I hear you say, "you gave the book 3.5 stars? It doesn't sound like you enjoyed it that much."
Well here's the thing: I actually really enjoyed it. I loved the story line, I loved the sacrilege and body horror, I loved how tense I was reading the entire story.
I think the writing was clumsy and too fast paced, but the plot line was there. I also loved how visceral the descriptions were. Like, this is Dead Dove: Do Not Eat levels of body horror and viscera.
It was great! I think it should have gone through a few more rounds of drafts and editing before it got published, and someone should have told Andrew that the love interests are both living pieces of human garbage, but all in all it was a good book. Oh, and the dust cover is beautiful.
I won't recommend it to anyone though.
I am planning on writing little things like this every time I read a book just to help me keep track of them. If I don’t write down my opinions and thoughts right away I am liable to forget them. I am hesitant to call these a review because i’m really just not comfy with that lol I will do my best to make sure I appropriately tag and warn about topics. If I miss any please let me know!
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spoonyruncible · 2 years
So, this one is gonna be controversial but I'm gonna talk about a trend I absolutely hate and makes me feel concerned.
I haven't seen "Thor: Love & Thunder" but I have seen people bitching that there was no trigger warning for cancer.
Here is the thing, my rabbits and my debutantes, cancer is actually a trigger for me. When my mother was literally dying in the hospital someone I considered a friend showed me the movie "Before I Wake". It's a wonderful movie, it even fits into a genre I call 'happy horror' where the monster is beaten and some end the movie better than they started it. But the villain is actually a (spoilers) child's trauma over watching his mother die of cancer, something he interpreted as a monster eating her which caused his psychic powers to create a monster that ate people who dared to loved him. I cried so hard I threw up.
See, the thing is.... I do appreciate trigger warnings. The site doesthedogdie doesn't exist for no reason. But demanding, insisting, on trigger warnings? Getting pissed when they aren't there? That's insane. This isn't a "I didn't have it so the kids today shouldn't have it either" kind of thing. I think learning to digest and select media is a vitally important aspect of growing up. I don't think I'd be a better person if, when I picked up "Daughter of The Blood" it had come with a warning that my 11 year old eyes were about to read the most fucked up shit they ever did see. I very much believe you need to develop the skills needed to say, "This isn't for me and I'm not going to enjoy it. I can leave at any time, it's only a book or it's only a movie or its only a show, but it is something I can walk away from. No one is holding me down and making me consume this."
This isn't a thing where I'm like, "Toughen up! Life is hard and you have to be harder!" It's just about being realistic about what the world will be. Maybe the smell of a creamsicle will send you running. That doesn't mean you get to ban creamsicles. Maybe fireworks scare you to pieces. The 4th of July and New Years will happen anyway. Perhaps sexual language upsets you, but even kids are going to say "Aw, balls," when they're annoyed. If you're hurt by ordinary moments then you're going to get hurt a lot. I wear headphones and tinted lenses because the world is too loud and too bright for me. I still get stung. But you're not going to win a fight trying to beat the world into the shape you want it to be, you gotta just figure out how to live.
It's that I do like that we're doing better about triggers, I really do, but I think insisting, demanding, is goddamn bonkers. Guardians of the Galaxy makes me cry whenever I watch it because I saw my mother look just like Peter's mom did and no one raised a single bit of fuss. Graphic depictions of cancer very much do suck if that's a trigger for you. But, for chrissake, it's legit fascist bullshit to whine every time you see something that makes you feel anything other than perfect. Nottajoke, I'm very serious that policing art and expression from the left is concerning. Marvel is barely even art, but this honestly reads identical to when the right flipped their shit over Baymax showing a transman buying tampons. This kind of handwringing nonsense is why there's no proper difference between TERFS and tradwives. I hate it. Once you start putting the hammer down on trigger warnings that's begging for book bans, Huckleberry Finn has the n-word, it has bad language! Lolita has child molestation! Books have words and concepts! Have you read Beloved? It's awful how many bad things happen!
Stories are there to be stories. You can pick and choose the ones you engage with, but you don't get to be mad if there's something upsetting you didn't expect. Sometimes the surprise is a part of the story that's important. Sometimes you don't know what will upset you. Freak out about anything other than fucking stories, please, there are reasons to complain about them but not because anyone is entitled to perfect comfort all the time every time.
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finsterhund · 4 months
Doing shit like watching Anaconda while high has made me realize that an integral part to how humanity has demonized snakes in culture is by depicting the animal as an inherently sapient serial killer with a vore fetish and then proceeding to try and gaslight the audience into believing it's just a normal naturally evolved animal without human comparable sapience.
Sharks get a bad portrayal too of course but if anything the "mindless killer" depiction sharks get is less of a drastic demonization than "this ambush predator goes out of its way to torture fellow sapient prey first even if it's not at all advantageous to its survival" that snakes get.
There's a scene where the snake somehow curls its coils like they're a prehensile tail around prey before THEN LOOMING OVER and slowly going to swallow. When snakes literally lead in with a bite and then reflexively curl their coils in a similar motion to how alligators death roll to rip pieces. Like. That snake is intentionally doing something stupid and unnatural for the benefit of the audience. It's showing off. The snake is fully aware of the theatrics. There's no way this animal can be how snakes evolved in our real world. That thing cound understand the trolley problem. That thing could probably be taught to work a call center or pay taxes.
Jurassic Park always felt pretty realistic despite wildly inaccurate mutant dinosaurs because while clever, you get the sense that say for instance the raptors in particular, are behaving like real animals. The things they do are within the realm of possibilities for what we know about the species and modern comparisons. They act like birds! Like corvids. Then you fucking have pennywise-tier "fear seasons the meat" snake making sure his throat pouch looks real nice in the wide shot angle.
Ironically the most realistic portrayal of a hypothetical man-eating snake is Kaaa from fucking Disney's jungle book. The OG motherfucker. This bastard is in a 2D cartoon singing and using hypnotism and shit but still within this cartoon slapstick ass universe behaves more like you expect a snake would. Fat lazy and stupid. Just find a way to get the prey to give itself over to you. Sure. Fuck it I don't care. I'm gonna nap in this tree until something comes and bonks me on the head.
With that being said I also do find other creatures that aren't anatomically modern bipedal hairless apes having comparable sentience and sapience to us in media to be deeply fascinating so you must understand that I do have some fondness for the serial killer snake bullshit. But yeah. It kinda sucks people do it to a real animal though.
Then I have my monsters where I'm like, not trying to deny they're like, sapient, but there's evolutionary similarities between them and lizards. Because fuck it. That's cool. But I'm not gonna like, throw real life geckos under the bus for the sake of giving added "legitimacy" to my fantasy creature. Just fucking own it that it's a fantasy creature. Like tremors did. Fucking love tremors.
Idk where I was going with this.
Human media in its portrayal of snakes as an inherently evil animal has always really leaned into "this snake is sapient and likes to hurt things on purpose" pretty much since square one. It's actually really depressing. My mom is absolutely fucking terrified of snakes and every time someone tries to get to the bottom of why it's because she's attributing human reason to the behaviors of a wild animal. This is a fucking tube of stinky boy that likes to be fat and warm and safe. It is the most basal of instincts to want to be fat and warm and safe.
Anyways I love snakes if you couldn't tell. And I don't mean to insult them by calling them big dumb lazy fat stinky idiots. You can also call human babies these things. I'm just saying they literally don't have a thing going on in those cute little stubby heads of theirs even remotely comparable to malice. Provided they feel safe they are one of the more docile types of animals out there.
I think humans just want to see dragons where there are no dragons. I'm sorry you can't see a dragon. I'm really sorry. I wish we had dragons too.
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trying to articulate the weird way ppl treat literature because theyre afraid of it and refuse to be mean to it and actually criticize it and its so hard to explain bc its nearly exactly the same as fandom ppl reading way too much into trash pieces of media desperately hoping its better than it really is but on the polar opposite level where its entirely about authorial intent instead of pretending media is entirely self creating
#hearing people talk about hemmingway books that just totally suck fucking shit like wow his artists soul.. such deep meaning and pain...#and its literally just about how hes going to kill himself#because every single hemmingway book is about how hes going to kill himself because he literally had a gene that makes you kill yourself#like obviously suicide is a serious subject of artistic expression throughout history but it doest inherently generate value#i feel like ppl will treat literally any boring ass topic like some profound statement as long as its in a book deemed Literary enough#even if the book just totally sucks shit and fails as a piece of art and even as a piece of entertainment#like even as much as i love paradise lost i wouldnt consider it to be particularly deep or profound media in its message#like its a really interesting character study and recontextualization of biblical canon#buit some shit like silent hill 2 has much more to say about the human condition and Life Lessons or whatever than it#and tons of books regarded as untouchable fonts of artistic wisdom were just completely popular entertainment at their time of publication#like its no secret that whats considered artistically valuable will always be affected by classism#but the particular kind of intellectual elitism around the written word is so fucking annoying#like books literally sucked just as much as any other piece of media and in modern times they suck much more because its deprecated media#suicide mention
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kiingocreative · 3 years
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The Structure of Story is now available! Check it out on Amazon, via the link in our bio, or at https://kiingo.co/book
Performance coach Tony Robbins says that the quality of our lives depends on the state we live in every moment of every day. That state, whether we’re happy, sad, frustrated or excited, depends on three things:
• Our physiology — the way we move our bodies, the way we breathe and what we do with our face.
• Our language — the words we use, whether spoken out loud or inside our own head, to describe our experiences.
• What we focus on — the things we see versus the things we block out or fail to notice.
Today, I want to zone in on that final piece, because what we focus on is key, and it will in turn affect the way you move your body and hold yourself, and the language you use. I see this play out so much around me in general, and in the writing community in particular.
At any given time, the things we focus on determine how we feel and what we make of a situation. And what we focus on, in turn, is governed by the questions we ask ourselves every moment of every day.
Take your writing journey for instance:
If someone leaves you a negative review, do you ask yourself whether this means you’re a failure and your work is a failure? Do you ask yourself how dare that person belittle your work with a bad review? Or do you ask yourself what you can learn from this? Could you ask yourself how good it is that this person was honest in their feedback, so that readers with similar tastes won’t buy your book—and therefore not spend money on a read they might otherwise dislike and rate negatively too?
See how different questions would illicit different points of focus, and therefore different states? Some are more conducive to a positive mindset, whilst others tend to nurture frustration.
‘Why’ Questions: The Endless Loop.
And so it goes that by asking lousy questions, we get lousy answers. Because our brain has this tendency of taking any request we give it and processing it, regardless of whether or not it’s good for us. It’ll scour through the recesses of our mind and go on and on until it finds an answer.
‘Why’ questions are the worst, because there’s often no clear answer, or more than one possible answer to them, and it sends our mind on a chase to find as many possible reasons, processing like a headless chicken, often going around in circles, leaving us ruminating.
Take our example again: What if you asked yourself ‘why is this person leaving me a bad review?’
Now unleash your brain on that one, and let it roll with it—you may get:
• Because they didn’t like the book.
• Because my book is terrible.
• And if my book is terrible, then that makes me a terrible writer.
• Maybe I should just stop writing.
• Who was I to think I could do this?
• I’m clearly not good enough.
• Or maybe they left a bad review because they’re an idiot and didn’t get the brilliance of my work.
• Clearly they’re a moron.
• Maybe I should track them down and tell them just that.
• Maybe I should rally everyone I know on Instagram to shame that dimwit for leaving that review.
• …
… this can go on, until it loops back to the top and starts again. Sounds familiar?
What kind of state do you think you’d be in from obsessing over those disempowering, angering questions, never able to get closure because the loop has no logical end?
Empowering Alternatives.
My own experience of asking myself lousy questions, and my interactions with others within the writing community, have left me convinced that writers need to start asking themselves more empowering questions.
Because the way we tend to ask questions to ourself—those that breed anger, and resentment, and self doubt—ultimately only bring us back to two fears that sit at the root of it all: the fear that we’re not good enough, and the fear that we won’t be loved (or appreciated, or liked). These fears can be crippling. And that can’t be good for anyone’s art anywhere.
I’m writing this today to give you some more empowering alternatives. Some that I have used along my journey and have helped me improve.
Here are four examples:
#1 — gearing up for success:
• Instead of: ‘Why are other writers so much more successful than I am?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What I can learn from other writers to become more successful myself?’
There’s a lot of comparison out there. We know we shouldn’t fall into the trap of it, but it’s easier said than done.
If you see fellow writers thriving with their writing, their social media strategy or their exposure, try modelling what they do that is working and find what, from that, works for you.
Better even, reach out to people and ask them for advice—most people will be more than happy to share, and it’s a great way to build a network!
#2 — boosting sales:
• Instead of: ‘Why am I not selling books?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What I can do to increase my book sales?’
It can be discouraging to have published something, and to see your sales figures stalling. If you start wallowing in self pity through disempowering ‘why’ questions, you’re bound to start spiralling.
Instead, make a list of what you could do to help your sales along.
Here are some ideas that come to mind:
• Seek out book clubs and put your book on their radar. See if they’d been interested in reading your book and having you for an author Q&A when they’re done reading the book.
• Look into running promotions on Amazon (like discounted eBooks).
• Go local! Reach out to your local community and spread the word (cafes, local bookshops and libraries, local Facebook groups and communities etc.) and give them a chance to support a local.
• Contact your old school or university and enquire about showcasing you and your book as an alumni success story.
• Build genuine connections with fellow writers, avid readers and book bloggers. These relationships are a fantastic way to increase your reach and spreading the word about your book—and as a result, improve sales.
• Offer to do a read and review swap with a fellow author, where you read and review each other’s book.
• And so on.
If you start asking your brain to think outside the box, it’ll do just that!
#3 — the writer’s life:
• Instead of: ‘Why can’t I be a full-time writer and have financial security from writing?’
• Ask yourself: 'How is my present occupation helping my writing?’
• …And then ask: 'What can I do to increase my revenue from writing?’
This is one topic that’s been crossing my mind a lot, and I suspect many of us out there have pondered it at one point or other. If asked the wrong way, this question can send you spiralling into a frustrated state.
I don’t write full-time at present, and I have had my moments of daydreaming hours away, wishing I could live off my craft. That never led to anything very productive.
What I have found helpful however has been to focus on what my day job enables me to do with my writing:
• It takes away the pressure of earning a full income from writing.
• It gives me time to write and experiment with my craft in different forms.
• It enables me to look into ways to monetise my writing at my own pace.
• And that’s made for much more exciting trains of thought!
#4 — social media guru:
• Instead of: ‘Why can’t I manage to grow my Instagram reach?’ Or ‘why is social media sapping my energy?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What can I do to create a healthier balance when it comes to promotion efforts?’
Social media is a tricky one. It has incredible benefits if leveraged the right way, and it’s an amazing tool to get yourself and your work out there. In fact, I recently wrote a piece on the immense value of joining Bookstagram for writers.
But it can also be a drain, because the mechanisms of social media are built on the principle of addiction. It’s literally designed to suck you in and make you crave more, and fear that you’re missing out and not doing enough.
To avoid falling into that vicious circle, I’ve found it much healthier to ask myself how I can find the right balance to achieve what I want with my social media presence whilst also keeping my sanity. What this ends up being will look different for different people. If you’re unsure where to start, think about what you find challenging about maintaining your social media account, then what you find helps with your peace of mind, and try to find a middle ground somewhere in between that meets your needs.
Ask and thou shalt get.
I’m a firm believer in our ability to manifest our reality—at least to some extent. If you focus on all the wrong things, then your reality will look challenging and bleak.
If you train yourself to look for constructive ways forward and to get yourself excited about making the journey smoother for yourself, then finding that sweet spot that works for you can be a fascinating journey.
And that all starts with asking the right questions. Finding the right point of focus. Writing can be a wonderful, yet at times confusing and challenging journey. So do yourself a favour: where possible, take away those mind blocks that stand in your way!
Different questions about your writing journey illicit different points of focus, and therefore different states. Some are more conducive to a positive mindset, whilst others tend to nurture frustration.
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