#leo in 10th house
lunadileo · 3 months
👑 Leo Placements. The Crowned One 👑
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⚜️ LEO IN 8H: Your charisma and self-confidence help you receive and enjoy financial prosperity throughout your life. You easily gain recognition and approval from others. You love sharing success and spoil your loved ones. Possessing great inner fortitude and bravery, you can handle any challenge with authority and self-confidence. You are controlling and possessive in love, physical pleasure and intimacy with your beloved is something you really enjoy. ⚜️ LEO JUPITER: You are very expressive and have a big heart. You draw others in with your charismatic and ambitious personality. Your strong unwavering beliefs and grandiose way of speaking inspire others. You have a natural power of persuasion. You are very energetic, prosperous and have a gift of mentoring and leading others to success.
⚜️ LEO ASCENDANT: You have a larger-than-life attitude. Like the sun itself, you radiate so much powerful and warm energy wherever you go. You have regal features and manners like a straight posture, fearless look in your eyes, gaining all the attention when you step into the room. You love to wear expensive designer clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery. Your sense of style is posh and chic and you are a trend setter. ⚜️ LEO IN 2H: You have a great sense of self-worth and know that you deserve the very best in life. You are a big spender and have a lavish lifestyle. Being generous with people you love and spoiling them with expensive high-quality gifts make you happy. You are very successful in gaining financial security and living in comfort. You possess strong values and can easily influence others. ⚜️ LEO SUN: You are like the Sun itself, full of passion, creativity, confidence and energy. You lead others with warmth, strength and generosity. You are the life of the party and enjoy being in the spotlight. Your natural desire to express your self makes you a great actor, public speaker and influencer. You have a lionhearted spirit that roars with passion and conviction. ⚜️ LEO LILITH: You are extremely magnetic and have a diva personality. Being pleased and satisfied is important for you in romantic and intimate relationships. You love yourself and express your emotions dramatically. You find most pleasure in being treated like the queen and being adored.
⚜️ LEO IN 10H: You are here to shine in your chosen career and be in the spotlight. You are a natural born leader skilled at mentoring others and creating a powerful position for yourself. You are courageous and talented, likely to select the entertainment industry as your field. You are confident and determined in your goals and aspirations. ⚜️ LEO MARS: You always make a strong impression on others with your passionate and demanding energy. Your kingly/queenly sense of entitlement propels you toward achieving your goals. You take an active role in everything and you don't forget to have fun, be playful and enjoy life on the way. You demand unwavering respect and recognition for your hard work and impact. ⚜️ LEO PLUTO: You are all about dignity, honour and authority. You are magnetic, original and dominant. You are passionate about things you want to accomplish and love it when others recognise your success. Being assertive and strong-willed, you strive to gain a deep sense of self. You love having a good time, to entertain and spend time with your friends. You are free-spirited and live your life being confident in yourself and your abilities. © 2024 Credits to my blog @lunadileo.
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mystic-scorpio · 9 months
[Based on your 10th house sign]
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[copyrights reserved ©️mystic-scorpio]
- there is nothing like a "10th house sign calculator" in the internet so it's best we do it the traditional way.
-pull up a natal chart calculator site and enter your data.
- I'd recommend:
- Now when that's done, you'll just have to scroll down and find the 10th house sign .
-Good luck! (Not that you'll need it, but yea)
♈︎ 𝔸ℝ𝕀𝔼𝕊 in 10th House
- They are focused and work very hard.
- Inspiring and motivating people is their jam! They make excellent leaders.
- However these people must stay cautious of their impulsive nature.
- They are likely to make rash decisions which can negatively affect their career.
• business man/woman
• members of executive department in any field/industry.
♉︎ 𝕋𝔸𝕌ℝ𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- They are likely to be dependable, trustworthy, and good with responsibilities—qualities that could help them rise to leadership positions and authority in their chosen profession.
- They possess the valued quality of seeing the big picture, which can be very helpful in whatever profession they choose.
- Most people with this placement WANT money and also MAKE money. (Cha- ching!)
- They can struggle with rigid and obstinate approaches to their professional life/public image.
• banking
• real estate
• financial services
• any kind of art
♊︎ 𝔾𝔼𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕀 in 10th House
- Folks who have Gemini in the 10th House love talking and they love to be heard. So, naturally they decide on a career in which they need to talk a lot.
- When it comes to their work, they’re very good at transmitting their ideas and talking about what they’re thinking of.
- This placement can have a flexible and dynamic effect on a person's career and public image.
- They want adaptability, intellectual stimulation, and communication in the career they've chosen.
• writing
• public speaking
• media
♋︎ ℂ𝔸ℕℂ𝔼ℝ in 10th House
- Your career is like your second home.
- These folks look for an emotional attachment with the job they do. You wanna enjoy everyday at work doing the things you love.
- You are sensitive to people's opinions and try to create a likeable reputation. However you cannot take criticism sportingly.
- You help others regularly in your professional life, but you may lack ambition sometimes.
• medical careers
• social welfare/ counselling
• education
♌︎ 𝕃𝔼𝕆 in 10th House
- These folks have tremendous ambition and HATE working under other people.
- They are great leaders who dominate in a professional setting. (They are that charismatic boss you fall in love with in fanfictions/ rom-coms. Lol.)
- Any position of authority seems to make them want more because they always want to be in charge.
- These folks are interested in building up a good reputation at work and infact, they are highly admired and looked up to.
• entrepreneur
• performing arts or arts in general
• politics
♍︎ 𝕍𝕀ℝ𝔾𝕆 in 10th House
- Folks with Virgo in the 10th house are extremely organized, have excellent attention to detail, and have a strong work ethic.
- They excel at any task that calls for precision or perfection.
- Their capacity for problem-solving and analytical thought makes them productive workers. (Having them as your work-mate is a blessing.)
- These folks are known to worry about their image very much, they want to look flawless in front of others.
• personal finance
• engineering
• editorial work
♎︎ 𝕃𝕀𝔹ℝ𝔸 in 10th House
- When Libra is in the tenth house, people approach their professional life with harmony, balance, and diplomacy.
- They excel at building cordial rapport with subordinates and superiors. (You know that one guy who's always getting along with everyone perfectly?)
- Those having Libra in the 10th House may choose a profession in which they need to collaborate with others frequently. (...and the best team worker award goes to...)
- These natives have the capability to build a perfect public image.
• corporate lawyer (or any law related jobs)
• counselling
• human resources
• customer service
♏︎ 𝕊ℂ𝕆ℝℙ𝕀𝕆 in 10th House
- Folks having Scorpio in 10th house have a never ending motivation to achieve no matter what's going on in their lives.
- When you need to get something done, you make sure you're getting the help that's needed.
- It's a given that you love control. (I'mma act like i didn't see that coming-)
-You don't like chasing the superficial and you have an affinity towards getting to know the human psyche.
• researchers
• investigators
• psychologist
• forensic accountants
♐︎ 𝕊𝔸𝔾𝕀𝕋𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- When Sagittarius is in your 10th House, you are likely to attract many professional opportunities throughout your lifetime and you'll have difficulty committing to one path.
- These folks may have an easygoing approach to their career and even without putting in a lot of effort they are likely to have success. (Remember those students in school who got straight A's without studying? I smell 10th house in Sag.)
- They may experience professional growth in a foreign country.
- You'll have a good reputation at your workplace but might lack discipline.
• managerial positions
• scientist
• writer
♑︎ ℂ𝔸ℙℝ𝕀ℂ𝕆ℝℕ in 10th House
- If Capricorn is in your 10th House, you are very ambitious and goal-oriented.
-You view your career as your priority in life and you are willing to put a lot of hard work in order to succeed in it.
-These folks are well-respected by other people and some may view them as authority and fear them.
-People born with Capricorn in the Tenth House are very cautious as far as their career is going.
-They're dutiful and committed to obtaining recognition from others. They want to be powerful and to have a good social position more than they want money.
• CEO or manager
• doctor
• property owner, financial manager or banker
♒︎ 𝔸ℚ𝕌𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- Folks born with Aquarius in the Tenth House prefer to work in teams, so they can be found in big corporations or doing things in organizations.
-They want a good reputation and to be known as steady, eccentric and smart.
-Aquarius in the 10th House tends to give people the sense that they want to change the world for better. For example you may be concerned about technological advancement, human rights, and individual freedom.
- They're usually really fun to work with.
• astrology or astronomy
• computer science, space science
• engineering
• politics
♓︎ ℙ𝕀𝕊ℂ𝔼𝕊 in 10th House
- These folks have several talents and are good at many things, but no one can beat them when it comes to spreading messages to the world. For this reason, many artists have Pisces in their Tenth House.
-Pisces in the 10th house means that your originality, as well as your ability to dream, create, and empathize with others is the foundation of your professional reputation.
- However these natives are known to run away from responsibility and do not respect any obligation. Therefore it can often be estimated how long the career of someone born with Pisces in 10th House is going to last in a particular place.
• artist, dancer, actor.
• musicians or singer
• acupuncturist or naturopathic physician.
• counselor or psychologist.
NOTE: your career traits maybe be influenced by other factors on your birth chart as well.
A/N: that's it for today, see you in the next blog!
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1111jenx · 8 months
The dark side of having 10th house placements is that people will always assume they know YOU when they really don’t. They only know the “you” you present to them, consciously and unconsciously.
10th house placements a lot of the time face identity crisis very often. Its almost like they have an EXACT sense of who they are at their core but it conflicts others’ IDEA of them which equals to struggling to balance best of both worlds, externally and internally.
All 10th house placements I know have this immense sense of selves that are very fascinating yet confusing sometimes. If anything I think the assumption that “its lonely at the top” suits them extremely well.
A great outlet for them would be having loved ones with Cancer or 4th house placements around them btw:D I think their nurturing energy can really make the 10th house people feel that sometimes, being alone with them and their thoughts are not so bad haha
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astrosouldivinity · 8 months
Beauty Placements/Degrees° in Astrology
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Taurus Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. + Libra Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Both of these signs are ruled by the planet Venus. Venus represents love, luxury, art, & beauty. People with Venusian energy in their chart tend to be naturally blessed with the beauty that Venus provides to them.
Leo Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by the luminary the sun, Leo’s naturally stand out from the beauty the Sun provides to them. Their beauty is like warm sunshine being engulfed in pure bliss. You cannot help but stare even if it blinds you in the process. Absolutely gorgeous.
Pisces Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is gifted with a dreamy & ethereal type of beauty. They are literally a fantasy come to life. Naturally, they embody a walking fantasy & adapt into your deepest darkest desires. They give off siren vibes. But their beauty is truly out of this world.
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Lilith/Jupiter/MC. Ruled by Mars & Pluto Scorpio is gifted with a dark & mysterious type of beauty. Danger awaits you & you know this in your soul but you proceed anyway. Scorpio is transformative in nature which can be addicting. Their dark allure will keep you obsessed & craving more.
Cancer Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus. Ruled by the luminary the moon, Cancer’s embody a dark feminine energy. It’s deeper than the ocean & as emotional as a raging river. They are nurturing yet fierce. They exude a mysterious contradictory energy you can’t help but want to know more.
10H Sun/Venus/Mars or 10H Stellium- fame placements especially in 10H Sun or Stellium. These individuals will naturally stand out. They are masters at embodying celebrity energy too. But many models tend to have their Mars, Sun, Venus, or Neptune in 10H.
Libra degrees 7, 19° these individuals tend to be conventionally attractive & poised in appearance. They literally radiate perfection. But they are so beautiful their features seem too perfect to be true. They have an unreal type of beauty truly unforgettable.
Gemini Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/MC. + Venus in Gemini degrees 3, 15, 27° they tend to be viewed as extremely beautiful. They will usually have a unique one of a kind look/aesthetic to them as well. Masters at communicating, they have a way with their vernacular. They are quite adaptable with their aesthetic too.
1H Stellium/Aries Sun/Moon/Venus/MC- it girl placements fr
Scorpio degrees in the ascendent/rising 8, 20° gives you an irresistible femme fatale type of beauty. Your beauty is alluring & even dangerous. I think you guys are aware of this too & may even use it to your advantage.
Taurus Degrees 2, 14, 26° these individuals will have an earthy, grounded, down to earth type of beauty about them. They tend to be naturally beautiful & have an aesthetically pleasing vibe to them overall.
Leo Degrees 5, 17, 29° exudes main character energy. These individuals will naturally standout. They have a star quality about them. They can easily influence & gain respect from people as well.
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safiredreams · 5 months
♥️ more astro notes ♥️
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Venus isn't just about beauty, it's also about grace and how you interact with others, how you socialize and connect with people.
People who have Venus trine/sextile Moon are often very sought after and very well liked.
Leo's can be over performative, they can come off as try hard and annoying if they try to overcompensate for their fragile egos.
Although Libra Mars people tend to not enjoy being too aggressive they are actually quite prone to arguments.
Undeveloped Cancer Mars people can find it hard to not overreact and throw tantrums, they can be quite dramatic when upset. They also tend to view a disagreement as a personal attack on them.
7th House Moons are very sensitive to how others feel and they often put other peoples feelings above their own.
Pisces and Sagittarius Venus people are very much in search of that one ultimate soulmate.
Capricorns don't like lying and usually don't waste their time on that unless they want to climb that career ladder.
Aries Moons react fast, they are very easily pushed past their breaking point. They do tend to get over their upsets a little faster than most other Moon Signs.
Taurus Moon people tend to be well provided for, unless of course it is aspected by planets like Pluto, Saturn or Uranus.
Scorpio women tend to be very sweet and nothing like the Scorpio description we know. Until you get to know them they resemble more fun signs like Sagittarius or Geminis.
Venus conjunct MC is very concerned with how they look and how they are perceived by the world at large. They put in a lot of effort into how they present themselves.
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astroaid · 3 months
Where You May Meet Your Spouse
This is the method I have seen most reliable in the chart’s of people I know in real life. The method is to locate where your 5th house ruler is in the natal.
The logic behind this method is that 5th house is associated with romance&dating. Locating its ruler in the natal can indicate where initial sparks appear. This can show us the place of meeting or themes of first dates.
7th house is mainly known as the relationship house but these are your long term connections with friends, lovers & business partners+clients.
However, I do see the house placement of natal venus (for wife) & jupiter (for husband) being accurate in vedic. All the different methods can get confusing so take this as entertainment. Don’t shut down potential partners because they don’t fit what the tarot or astro posts told you. Don’t stress over any of this at all. No one can be 100% sure of anything.
Also, I have made this post before on my now deleted blog. Just in case any of this sounds familiar. But I did not create this method. It has existed long before me.
5th H Ruler in 1st H:
ex1. My irl friend has an aries 5th house. Her natal mars is in her first house conjunct venus (her 11th house ruler).
She met her boyfriend through instagram.
11th H is associated with network and 1st H is associated with our self & body. Instagram is a prefect manifestation of these two houses coming together.
ex2. My other friend has 5th H sag. Her natal jupiter is in 1st H too. 1st H is associated with our body and appearance, she met her boyfriend at a hair salon.
5th H Ruler in 2nd H:
Unfortunately, I don’t have an irl example for this. However, possible examples are somewhere related to your resources. So maybe you’re at work, maybe you’re running an errand like grocery shopping.
Signs, planets in either 5th or 2nd may provide further insight.
5th H Ruler in 3rd H:
Again I don’t have irl examples for this. However, possible examples are meeting at community events, through friends/siblings/cousins. Places where you are mentally engaged with what’s going on as 3rd is our social interests. Ex: Library, transportation, mutuals on a social app.
5th H Ruler in 4th H
Generic manifestation of this placement would be meeting through the family or in the hometown.
My irl has an aqua 5th house. Her natal saturn (the traditional ruler of aqua) is in her 4th H. She met her boyfriend at a small party and went home with him that same night. Aqua is non conventional and associated with groups. Ofc this is very specific, I know not everyone with this placement is down for a hook up. This goes to show signs, planets in either houses + aspects are all very important.
5th H ruler in 5th H:
My friend has a pisces 5th house. Her natal jupiter (the traditional ruler of pisces) is in the 5th house. She has met many boyfriends through acting. 5th is associated with acting/entertainment and recreational activities/hobbies.
Other possible manifestations of this placement are meeting where children are involved. Or where self expression is important.
5th H Ruler in 6th H:
My mom’s friend has a taurus 5th house. Her natal venus is in gemini 6th house. She met her boyfriend at a company/work party. 6th house as association with daily routine/health, coworkers, pets, acts of service and obligated duties. She did say she felt like she had to be there due to her job and did not enjoy herself until she started chatting with him.
Other possible manifestations of this placement could be meeting at the gym, on a hike, doing something for your pet.
5th H Ruler in 7th H:
This doesn’t mean you’ll meet your partner while one of you is in a relationship. Possible manifestations of this placement are meeting through friends or business. Friend or work partners to lovers. Meeting while working in a group setting - group project.
5th H Ruler in 8th H:
My coworker has an aries 5th house. Her natal mars is in her 8th house conjunct her 10th house ruler. She is dating another coworker. And told me her ex was a coworker from a previous job!
This is ofc very specific so other possible manifestations of 5th ruler in 8th are…
8th is the death/rebirth house. So possibly when you meet one or the other is ending something/starting something new.
The place of meeting may be a secret due to being a somewhere taboo. or something a bit controversial like money, sex, literal death, slightly sus power dynamic is involved.
5th H Ruler in 9th H:
My aunt has a pisces 5th house. Her jupiter is in her 9th H. She met her spouse at vet school. 9th is associated with higher education.
Other possible examples of this placement could be… meeting where religion, higher beliefs are important. meeting where travel or foreign culture is the focus.
5th H Ruler in 10th H
Most obvious manifestation of this placement would be meeting in the workplace. Place of meeting could be where reputation/status or image is a focus. 10th house is a masculine house. You could meet where the masculine has authority over the feminine. Not in a weird way, like example: you’re both customers, they see you confused in the lamp aisle and they’re an expert in lamps that can come over to help.
5th H Ruler in 11th H
My mom’s friend’s boyfriend has a taurus 5th house. Natal venus in 11th conjunct MC. He is the one who met her at a work party. 11th is networking and mc is career, put them together and work party is the most literal example possible.
Other possible examples for 5th ruler in 11th could be.. meeting through friends or social media or a place where humanitarism/social awareness is important.
5th H Ruler in 12th H
12th is associated with what’s hidden, subconscious, endings, isolation and that can make it a tricky house. Luckily, I have a irl example. Uncle has a Capricorn 5th house. His natal saturn is in his 12th house. His wife was his long time, long distance friend. In a way, the romance was “hidden” for a long time. Saturn is an energy that brings delays too so the fact they were friends for years before seeing each other in a romantic light is very saturn. Their marriage is the best and longest lasting relationship of I know.
Other manifestations for 5th ruler in 12th could be…
meeting abroad, somewhere one is a bit isolated. for example, meeting while on a stroll alone. meeting later in life. meeting when healing is taking place - this sounds deep but could simply be meeting when having steeped out for a smoke break.
TYSM for reading. Would appreciate if you could share your experiences or if you can come up with better examples for the placements I didn’t have real life examples for. <3
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nefertitiacai · 11 months
THE MASTER MANIFESTERS (astro observations)
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Just to note: every person can become a master manifester. These are just some of my observations. Enjoy!
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧ It's 5:55 while I'm typing this.
🎖️ Part of fortune/ Pars fortunae in the second house or Taurus can manifest food that they crave and skincare/make-up products easily. (They can also potentially cook well).
🎖️ If a person lets down a person with prominent Leo placements (especially if it's in Sun, Mars, Mercury, or Saturn) and prays for their downfall then I must say that they will certainly be disappointed. Since Leos are fuming and you insulting them just fuels them to be more driven in their aspirations. It surely helps them manifest great things while proving haters wrong simultaneously.
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🎖️ The power that Jupiter in the 12th house natives hold when it comes to manifesting is immaculate. They just have stored a lot of good karma from their past lives is what I believe. The 12th house also rules the subconscious. The majority of our daily actions are done subconsciously due to habits and having Jupiter over this house comes in handy for these individuals. They are also mentally strong.
🎖️ Sagittarius or 9th house Moon/Venus/Jupiter can manifest philosophical, spiritual, or books with knowledge of higher studies pretty easily. They may have an upbringing with wise parents or their parents may also have a habit of reading, or just meet wise people & partners who gift/suggest them books.
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🎖️ If you are a person with 11th house placements then I'd suggest you manifest things by using technology and social media (for example: by making Pinterest vision boards).
🎖️ Listening/ saying affirmations while practicing mindfulness can be really beneficial for mercurians especially if they struggle with anxiety.
🎖️ Aries and Pisces placements can be "delusional". If it's done with a positive connotation then they will manifest great things.
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🎖️ If "lucky girl syndrome" was a person then I would say they would be a Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune dominant.
🎖️ And if listening to subliminals was a person it would be someone with prominent 12th house placements.
🎖️ Scorpio/Capricorn/10th house/8th house/ Venus-Pluto/ Venus-Saturn placements 🤝 manifesting that revenge glow-up. Their glow-up literally leaves people to be awestruck. You know the quiet and timid kids in school transforming and who have turned into a baddie when you meet them at reunions.
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🎖️ Saturnians are also very skilled people when it comes to manifesting. Their indifferent nature makes them detached from the outcome and once they start working for the things which they love then they are set to become great achievers and manifesters. Their stoic and patient demeanor is indeed very admiring.
🎖️ Natives with Jupiter in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) or houses (4th/8th /12th) can manifest through feelings. (meditating and visualizing the feeling which they will potentially feel if they got what they desired for example: visualizing the feeling of joy you get when you receive an email saying that you're hired.)
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢
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♇ ARIES/MARS IN THE TENTH HOUSE �� there'd be much people who would perceive you as competition. you could influence people to become more ambitious, people would think of you as someone who is passionate. you might have some people that would think of you as prey because they're intimidated by your success, therefore would rather pick on you than motivate themselves to become a better version of themselves. there could be some arguments about you, you might feel like you have to explain yourself all the time.
♇ TAURUS/VENUS IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who would perceive you as very feminine or stylish, there could be a raise of fake people around you because there'll be people who think you give them benefits for being around you. people might be slow to take in your success, it's more like a, "really, that person?" the type of person to receive a lot of fan-mail because of fans, you'll likely have much more people contribute to you because there'll be people who would perceive you as a likeable person to work with.
♇ GEMINI/MERCURY IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who would perceive you as very inquisitive and trendy, someone who is really gone with the wind. you'd definitely have people react very gossipy, you might get tired of people continuously having your name in their mouths, howbeit, people would be quick to adapt to your success, though, you might have a lot of people talk behind your back because of this, a lot of envious people. you might attract a lot of crazy people as well.
♇ CANCER/MOON IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who would perceive you as someone who is quite deserving of the fame, you might have a lot of people from the past be like, "oh [Y/N]? i know them i used to chill with them, definitely having people cling onto you and use your name to get stuff. there'll definitely be people who are emotional due to what you were able to achieve, could be passive envy or actually have people be proud of you.
♇ LEO/SUN IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ certainly there'd be a very dramatic reaction, you could be that type of person who takes over people's time lines on social media for a bit, there might be others who might be annoyed because of how much people speak about you, they'd definitely be people who will take pride of what you have been able to become, but beware of people trying to move themselves into your life and attempt to control what you should or should not do. a lot of people would look up to you and expect much from you as well.
♇ VIRGO/CERES IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ certainly there'd be people who would have a very critical reaction, there'd be tons of people who would be like, "who is this person and what is this person up to?" might be the type of reaction where people could attempt to dig out your past. on the other hand, people might quickly see themselves in you, or it could go in a way where there'd be numerous of people who would service you and become like those fans who would always back up the celebrity they idolise.
♇ LIBRA/JUNO IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ certainly there'd be people who would quickly like you, [or be quickly envious of you], but there'd be a lot of people who are interested in who you are and what you bring. might be the type of reaction where people would wonder about your romantic interests, and might find people find you romantically interesting, a lot of suitors, people would be on their toes to see your next make up style or what you wear next. might have a lot of people think you're their soulmate, would most likely get along with higher status people.
♇ SCORPIO/PLUTO IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ certainly there'd be people who would be memorised and taken of for you. this placement is an obvious beacon of having people intensely want to have you/obsess over you and stalk you. the type of reality where people would wait to pounce on you whenever you do something wrong, you'll have a handful of people sexualising you as a person and similar to virgo and ceres in the tenth house, you'll have people speculating about your past; you'll have a lot of power over people and there'd be people who would want power over you.
♇ SAGITTARIUS/JUPITER IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people very optimistic about your success, you would most likely take people by storm. it'll be very hard to ignore your fame, people would think of you to be someone who has achieved a lot so the success is worth it and admirable, you could have a lot of people stick by your side and even argue for you. there could even be a lot of debates about what revolves around your persona and what you do, if you were a sports celebrity you might find a lot of people gambling over you.
♇ CAPRICORN/SATURN IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people very bitter about your success, might be the type of success where there either won't be much people appreciative, or you will feel admired more when time passes by. this placement is definitely the type of one where authority figures want to dictate what you do, certainly do not allow that to happen. you'll have people support you financially and give you the legacy you desire to have.
♇ AQUARIUS/URANUS IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people have a very mixed reaction, there could be people who are proud, people who are shocked and people who did not want you to accomplish whatever you have wanted to accomplish. people's reactions would be abrupt but at the same time it would make a lot of noise, you'll have people attempt to advise you in your next decisions, and you might attract a lot of bossy people. you could be someone who is quickly liked on the internet.
♇ PISCES/NEPTUNE IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people have a very interesting response, there'd be people who would immediately project into you and make you into someone who you are not. thus giving you this path where you might attempt to complete everyone's expectations or you would have to continuously tell people that you are not who they think. there'd definitely be a rise of emotions to the people who are around you, and there could be people who would hold back what they think or feel.
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♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE FIRST HOUSE ⟶ definitely someone who would be popular, many people would react to you, you would have a lot of people approach you and want your skills for their projects. would be the type of career where'd you have a lot of companies want to work with you because of how you quickly took the world by storm. people might speak about your appearance a lot or your energy, the type of person to influence others and have a lot of people copy you because of it. a lot of people might crave to see you or crave you in general.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE SECOND HOUSE ⟶ definitely someone who would have people negotiating about them, for some reason, there could be people who speak about your wealth. a lot of people would want to better your reputation if it is bad, friends of the family might mention you a lot, your immediately family would likely communicate about you to each other, you can easily have people be interested in buying what you advertise, there'll be people who would want ownership over you and be very possessive.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE THIRD HOUSE ⟶ definitely someone who would have people speaking about them continuously, might be the type of person that is pushed into people's faces all the time. people might think they cannot escape you, people would think of you as someone who is very clever which would have people want to step up into your level. could cause petty disputes to other influencers/celebrities who would try to leech onto your success, people would notice that you are a very brand-able person. there'll be lots of people who would have their opinions by you and others would think of you as someone who gets away with everything.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE FOURTH HOUSE ⟶ definitely someone who would have people want to protect them all the time. a lot of passive reactions, people would be like, "yeah they're maybe able to do this...but they're also so and so," might have a lot of competitors, some people from your family might feel the need to compete with you and become an enemy. this could be because they might've been compared a lot to you. might have some people want to speak about your home life.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE FIFTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people have a very passionate reaction to you being famous. definitely influencer placement, this would also have people speak about their hidden affection to you, people would try and find all ways to be relevant in your name. you'll find people being more appreciative and interested in your projects and creations. there'd be people who would think of you to be someone who is very fun, you'll see people try to hang out with you a lot, you'll take the stage of people's lives as well.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people attempt to bring trouble into your life, besides that, there'll be people who would be respectful about your skills, you might find yourself having people signs NDA's. a lot of people might want to sign you into deals and squeeze out all the advertising you can give them. you could be the type of person who might quickly hire security guards and maids. you might get nervous to put out stuff because people would always have something to say and nitpick everything.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people want to cling onto you because they know that they're most likely going to receive somewhat fame while being around you. like some of the other placements, you could have people open about wanting to have a relationship with you, but there'll be others would be open about not liking you. you might get signed into many things, and the people you usually hung around with might start seeing you in a different light. people might want you to achieve, "the impossible". beware of the people you associate with.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE ⟶ this could make people want to give you their money, this is also a beacon of people trying to get your money. beware of energy vampires, people and the general public wanting to find out everything about you. there'd definitely be people who are self-righteous about needing to know every spec of your life. you could receive very intense and obsessive fans, or very obsessive haters that stay watching everything you do. future spouse's family might cause problems or help. other people might think you're in private clubs like three-mason or the illuminati.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE NINTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who might even worship everything you do, you might have people travel to meet you. might attract foreign fans and might work behind the scenes in the industry. there'll be people who are grateful for your contribution and might have people want to learn off you, you'd be perceived as some time of guru, a lot of people would be devoted to your creation, and there might be a rise of romantic offers.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE TENTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people behind the scenes that would always push you into the public eye. people might think of you to be someone who is an industry plant and you might even be one. people would think of you to be the industry's pet, [for example teacher's pet], there'd be a lot of favouritism, your father's side of the family want to insert themselves into your fame, and sometimes you might feel like you can never catch a break. could be seen as someone who easily climbs the social ladder.
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who would like what you bring to the table, people would think of you as someone who is authentic and original, people might think of you to be someone who understands social media and gen-z or the other younger generations. people would think of you to be someone who brings people together and someone who wants the world to be a better place or at least someone who thinks other people should be decent. some other people would think of you to be someone who does things without a reason. people might think of you to have a lot of acquaintances in the industry as well. people would follow much things you do, might attract copy-cats
♇ PLANETARY RULER OF THE TENTH HOUSE IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE ⟶ there'd be much people who would think of you to be someone who wants to be private when you step into the spotlight, this placement is a big indicator of someone having numerous people projecting onto you, a lot of para-social relationships would be made as countless of people will live through you. some hidden enemies might want to cause affliction, a lot of people might conspiracies about you, rumours, some people might even think you're apart of the illuminati.
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cyb0rs · 11 months
Astrology Observations
Semi +18
Capricorn women are badasses nuff said. They know how to put on a brave face and they do it whilst looking super chic and put together.
Evolved Aries men are the best men out their when it comes to their loyalty. They’re also the men-babies of the zodiacs, in a not so negative kind of way. They love to be babied.
Unfortunately, underdeveloped pisces women can be gossipy catty and superficial.
8th house synastry isn’t always so bad. If both individuals are mature it can be very very very beautiful. Their love for each other runs soooo deep. It’s hard to separate them from each other and the sexual chemistry that this synastry brings is the best in my opinion it is soooo deliciously intense and raw. Both individuals just want to devour the other they simply cannot get enough of each other.
Since we’re on the topic of s*x if you don’t already know by now, men with well aspected Jupiter-Mars are well-endowed down there. phew 😮‍💨
Weirdly enough, Mars-Saturn men are well endowed down there as well.
Pisces mars men are usually growers not showers 😉
Sagittarius mars men are allegedly hung too
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(i need to stop talking about genitals oh my god)
Contrary to popular belief, Aquarians have a tendency to be cliquey and crave to be around the cool/popular kids i.e the rebels and it could be to some extent a result of them being picked on by said social groups or/and having really strict parents that restricted their freedom.
Leo rising men are usually super sturdy with big bulky bodies and they’re hella strong naturally even if they don’t work out. E.g., Jungkook from bts.
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Saturn in the 10th house is a fame indicator but it can bring unwanted fame due to them succeeding in their career hence attracting so much attention 
Chiron in the 11th house makes an individual have little to no friends or having poor social skills or being severely bullied or betrayed by friends
I remember reading a while back that Scorpio rising women, tend to have very contrasting hair and skin tones. So, they might have super pale skin and jet black hair, like Dita Von Teese and Lana Del Rey.
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Developed Cancer women are so cute, they have the cutest mannerism and the way they talk is so adorable no matter how old they. They’re so maternal and are all in all the sweetest. Examples of those cancer women are SNSD’s Seohyun, Tamera & Tia Mowry and Rachel Brosnahan
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
♂ Mars & your anger
Mars represents your action and energy. Its a firey planet and can be used to consider how you express and deal with your anger
These posts are general and won't resonate 100% because we have to consider other aspects too
This is for entertainment purpose only.
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♂ Mars in Aries/1st house
The type to express their anger with their whole body. Fuming with anger is literally made for them. The type to cause a scene when angry and is very expressive of their anger. Gets very aggressive.
♂Mars in Taurus/2nd house
The type to calculate why they are feeling this emotion. Likes to wait to get the whole situation before taking any action. The type to fight for what's their. Gets annoyed when someone touches what's their.
♂Mars in Gemini/3rd house
The type to not show their anger and keep it inside them but in reality wants to leach out on you and scratch your face. Likes to mask out their emotions and forces themselves to believe they are alright.
♂Mars in Cancer/4th house
The type to cry when annoyed or angry. Probably can't argue without crying and always seeking revenge. The type to silently wish for your downfall and cuss your whole bloodline. Looks like an angry kitten.
♂Mars in leo/5th house
The type to socially humiliate you and the type to show the whole world what you did wrong. Probably becomes a big bully and like to pick on you. The type to go for your head and pull your hair.
♂Mars in virgo/6th house
The type to get defensive but also goes back and forth if they are angry or not and tries to find the roots of their anger. Probably the type to get physical in an argument. The type to give you silent treatment.
♂Mars in libra/7th house
The type to not realize that they are mad at someone. Have to decide if they wanna be angry or not. Likes to fight and then make up. Like k*ll and make up ehehe. Likes getting into arguments.
♂Mars in scorpio/8th house
Self destructive anger. The type to destroy everything that's comes in their way or is in front of them. Perfect example would be how morally gray characters express their anger. The type to emotional blackmail.
♂Mars in Sagittarius/9th house
The type to blow up all of a sudden. You won't even know what they are angry about unless they tell you what you did room. Reminds me of lines "only those who cannot express themselves intelligently would to such crude substitutions in vocabulary".
♂Mars in Capricorn/10th house
The type to destroy things when angry and prepare a PowerPoint on why they are right and what you did wrong. The type to become fierce like a stray cat. Only believes evidence. People fear their anger.
♂Mars in Aquarius/11th house
To be honest I think these people rarely get mad or when they do it's because of their friends or society? The type to start a revolt. Probably becomes so demanding and dominant that you would want to quit.
♂Mars in Pisces/12th house
The type to get angry on little things or on a completely different topic. The type to wait for the perfect time to strike and sometimes let's karma do his job. An undercover villain who plans for your whole life to collapse.
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astrobaeza · 7 months
potential careers for your midheaven sign! 👩🏽‍💻💼🔎
Astrology can indicate what areas of life you might naturally excel at, your talents, and even your destiny. The Midheaven or MC is a point in your birth chart that represents your public persona, reputation, and how you choose to present yourself to the public. Your MC suggests what most makes you feel alive and your legacy in yor lifetime. Though it will take years for you to grow into your MC sign, you can use your Midheaven sign, ruler, placements and aspects to both to identify what career path might suit you. This is helpful for people especially in their 10th house profection year, where themes of career, reputation, and legacy are significant or even if you just want to prepare for the future.
Disclaimer: These are recommendations for what might be easier or more natural for you! REMEMBER: You can be anything you want in this lifetime!
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(For example, The Weeknd has an Aries Midheaven – he is a trailblazer, leader, and icon in the music industry with a unique sound. Also the first to win many awards and to hold a lot of coveted titles --> very Aries-like)
ARIES MIDHEAVEN --- themes: bold, passionate, self-starting, trailblazing, aggression, leading
☆ ruling planet: Mars
☆ recommended careers: entrepreneurship, athletics, anything where you can lead yourself
TAURUS MIDHEAVEN -- themes: classy, tasteful, beautiful, talented, artistic, wealthy
☆ ruling planet: Venus
☆ recommended careers: beauty, musician, modeling, makeup artist, fashion designer, arts, photographer, finance, anything involving aesthetics, design, visuals and money
GEMINI MIDHEAVEN -- themes: good communicator, intelligent, versatile, witty, charming, vocal
☆ ruling planet: Mercury
☆ recommended careers: journalism, performance, teaching, writing, the Arts, design, fashion, sales, public relations, advertising, commentator, observer, translator and broadcaster
CANCER MIDHEAVEN -- themes: nurturing, kind, sweet, affectionate innocent, intuitive, ambitious, security driven
☆ ruling planet: Moon
☆ recommended careers: health workers, chefs, real estate agents, social workers, ministers, politics, musician, nanny, teacher, doctor
LEO MIDHEAVEN -- themes: confident, fun, creative, flamboyant, visible, competitive, 'superstar', popular, entertaining
☆ ruling planet: Sun
☆ recommended careers: performing arts, acting, politician, spokesperson, social media influencer, reality TV, anything that allows you to shine
VIRGO MIDHEAVEN -- themes: precision, diligence, organization, detail-oriented, communicative, practical, moral, skillful
☆ ruling planet: Mercury
☆ recommended careers: medicine / healthcare professional, engineering, hospice care, accountant, HR, manager / administrative jobs
LIBRA MIDHEAVEN -- themes: beautiful, elegant, charming, social, harmonious, diplomatic, collaboration, communication, aesthetics
☆ ruling planet: Venus
☆ recommended careers: decorating, fashion designer, beauty industry, musician, lawyer, counseling, therapist, law enforcement, customer service, human resources
SCORPIO MIDHEAVEN -- themes: power, control, allure, mysteriousness, enigmatic, strength, magnetism
☆ ruling planet: Pluto
☆ recommended careers: researcher, psychologist, investigator, finance (tax, banking, investing), scientist, occultist, politician, s3x work, mortician
SAGGITARIUS MIDHEAVEN -- themes: wisdom, education, knowing, funny, bold, personable, philosophy, energetic, honest, sincere
☆ ruling planet: Jupiter
☆ recommended careers: sales, teachers (specifically university), travel consultants, comedians, preacher / spiritualist, pilot, flight attendant,
CAPRICORN MIDHEAVEN -- themes: power, status, drive, ambition, respect, honor, recognition
☆ ruling planet: Saturn
☆ recommended career: CEO, doctor, manager, banker, property owner / investor
☆ AQUARIUS MIDHEAVEN -- themes: innovation, influence, freedom, orginality, service, socialization
☆ ruling planet: Saturn / Uranus
☆ recommended career: scientific or mathematical fields, engineer, innovator, astronomy, astrology, engineering, environmental science humanitarian work
☆ PISCES MIDHEAVEN -- themes: enchanting, talented, creative, intuitive, dreams, passionate
☆ ruling planet: Neptune
☆ recommended career: musician, director, author, healer, psychic / occultist, spiritualist
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xeeroo08 · 8 months
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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hausofneptune · 10 days
✾ persona chart series ✾ venus
[astro notes no. 011]
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this one accidentally ended up being extremely detailed and a bit longer than my usual posts, but i wanted to make sure i brought up how these aspects/placements can manifest in terms of creativity and finances since those characteristics of venus are rarely ever acknowledged. these notes/observations are all relative to the placements in one's venus persona chart, not the natal chart. as always, energy manifests differently for everyone, so if it don't apply, let it fly.
the venus persona chart is representative of your love nature, creativity/aesthetic, and money. it's indicative of how you show up in relationships, how you express yourself creatively, and have you approach and navigate your finances. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ascendant in leo can manifest as being perceived as a partner who carries themselves with an air of self-assurance, and typically indicates someone who's drawn towards "power couple" types of relationships
↝ these natives tend to place a lot of value upon how their relationships are viewed by others. they usually seek out partners that complement them and their lifestyles, and may even go as far as viewing their partners as extensions of themselves, for better or for worse
↝ in relationships, they seek out people that they feel they can build powerful, stable connections with. they crave a partnership with a balance between individuality and collaboration.
↝ they also have an allure about them that draws others in. they can come off as youthful and childlike in romance, as well as in terms of their of appearance and behavior.
↝ these natives can also excel as artists and business owners/positions of leadership, and could even find financial success through their creative endeavors
༄ mercury in the 7H is indicative of valuing mental compatibility in relationships, and being drawn towards people who can speak through their feelings and navigate challenges in a collected, fair manner
↝ these natives typically want to be intellectually stimulated by their partners, and may enjoy learning with them or from them as well.
↝ they may be very big on manners and be turned off by any impolite or rude behavior demonstrated by a romantic interest, as these natives tend to want a partner that carries themselves in a way that is favored by others
↝ this is another placement that can excel in business, specifically, they may have innate skills related to legality/contracts and partnerships. this can also indicate a natural talent or gift for creative writing or singing
༄ venus in pisces indicates someone who has an underlying dreamy, potentially unattainable approach to love and romance
↝ these natives can be hopeless romantics at heart, and may feel a sense of being all-encompassed by their love for their partners/crushes at times
↝ they can come across as ethereal or otherworldly to others. they also tend to be very artistic and express themselves in a way that is viewed as “poetic”
↝ falling in love for them can feel like a “movie” at times, they can feel devoted to their lover and deeply romanticize the connection they have with one another
↝ attraction is usually less physical and more emotional, as these natives tend to crave a spiritual, more soulful bond in their relationships. these are also the types who could gravitate towards people they want to heal or “fix” at times
↝ they may have to work towards not viewing their partner/relationship through rose-colored lenses, as well as practicing communication and instilling boundaries
༄ moon in capricorn can indicate a prioritization of stability and structure in one’s relationships
↝ this placement can manifest as there being some form of emotional distance between the native and their partners. they may either take the role as the “colder” person in their relationship, and/or be drawn to people who are emotionally avoidant in nature
↝ they can carry and express themselves in a way that is perceived as mature and poised. they're typically not spontaneous in love, they can be picky and take a while to find a partner and settle down
↝ they tend to be very keen on giving and receiving acts of service as they're usually not very big on grand, stereotypical displays of love
↝ these natives can also do very well in leadership positions, having a stable foundation in terms of both their home lives and careers is of great importance to them, and they may find discomfort in impulsive situations/relationships
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༄ sun conjunct moon grants the native with an innate passionate, nurturing approach to love
↝ these natives are typically very proactive and deeply committed in their relationships. they have an intuitive nature that aids them in recognizing and understanding their partners needs instinctively
↝ people with this placement tend to be very attractive and charming. others tend to be drawn to them due to the captivating energy that they emanate
↝ this is another aspect that can indicate artistic talents, they can be extremely dedicated to their craft and are also driven enough to achieve any creative goals they set for themselves
↝ they may also need to work towards being more objective at times, as these natives have a tendency to rely on their gut instincts and may struggle with knowing when to operate evenhandedly instead of emotionally
༄ mercury square mars can indicate having extremely quick judgement. there can an overly-combative atmosphere to one's romantic relationships
↝ these natives may struggle with not thinking over their thoughts and feelings before communicating them, which can lead to conflict between themselves and their partner
↝ they may also encounter power struggles in their relationships, as they tend to assert themselves in a way that can trigger their partners, whether intentional or not. this can also result in a sense of control over one's personal/artistic expression that may hinder their skills and capabilities
↝ with the evolved version of this aspect, the native will display restraint and approach their thoughts from a more mindful perspective. once these skills are developed, their innate driven nature paired with their calculated communication skills can lead to success in both their relationships, creativity, and finances
༄ saturn in the 10H can manifest as matters related to one’s career or public-facing identity playing a significant role in their relationships
↝ there may be difficulty in finding a life-work balance that affects how these natives can show up for their partners, and they may feel some form of pressure to adequately show up for one or the other
↝ with this aspect, the father, or any prominent authority figure in youth, may have a significant impact on how they view and navigate relationships
↝ this can also indicate being attracted to a partner that excels in their own personal career and is highly favored by the public. they themselves may feel as though they cannot show up in relationships earnestly if matters related to their profession aren’t in order
↝ in youth specifically, they may have struggled with feeling pressure or restriction surrounding their creative output. with age, they may find that they are often rewarded (even financially) when exercising their artistic talents, despite the insecurity they may have
༄ ascendant trine pluto indicates having extremely captivating (potentially sensual or “dark”) energy that draws others in
↝ these natives can go through many changes physically or feel inclined to change their appearance frequently. they can also experience constant rebirth in relation to their identity, and may feel as though they’ve “lived many lives” in a sense
↝ they tend to be very passionate in love, a characteristic that their partners are captivated by. due to their spiritual nature, the people these natives attract may also find ease in being vulnerable around them and expressing their fears/secrets. they're also usually heavily intuitive and naturally gifted at reading a room and everyone it
↝ the native's eyes tend to be a very prominent physical feature as well, others may feel enchanted by their gaze.
↝ they can also encounter themes of control in their relationships, creative output, and finances. they can frequently encounter situations where they instinctively want to fight for control, and/or attract people that attempt to control them
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༄ sun in the 6H typically manifests as themes related to the native's lifestyle and routine having a significant impact their relationships (and vice versa)
↝ those with this placement are usually the types who take on the role of caretaker in their relationships, and overall enjoy being of service to their partner as well as having that energy reciprocated. they could also have a pet (or multiple pets) that they care for with their partners.
↝ these natives could also enjoy having partners that they share similar habits with, and want to set goals related to their health/wellness or their work. they may also do well quite literally working together, whether that be in terms of running a business or simply having a productive, motivating bond with one another
↝ this can also show up being extremely dedicated to one's creative endeavors. they could have a very organized approach to their artistic expression, and even gain financially through their endeavors
༄ venus square pluto can indicate having a romantic life that is marked by intense power struggles
↝ these natives are usually characterized by their intensity in love, they can come off as seductive and magnetic, but there's usually an underlying "darkness" that hides in their allure. they're usually exceptionally skilled artists as well, whatever their craft may be, and tend to have a knack for being able to recognize peoples' weaknesses
↝ they can encounter themes of controlling, jealous, manipulative and potentially unhealthy behavior in their relationships. they themselves may demonstrate these characteristics, and/or be drawn to people who behave this way towards them (consciously or subconsciously)
↝ per pluto's influence, these natives will experience a breaking point where they either choose to keep this inner intensity concealed, or they liberate themselves from their false sense of control
↝ the evolved state of this aspect would look like someone who shows up in relationships in a productive, healthy way, as well as having the wherewithal to know when it's time to step away from what's no longer serving them
༄ moon trine jupiter manifests as being characterized as a very benevolent, nurturing lover
↝ there's usually a "warmth" that these natives emanate. they're usually very positive in nature, and a source of inspiration for their partners. they tend to have a very big imagination and a sense of wanderlust that their romantic interests admire about them
↝ those around them may find them to be sweet and engaging individuals and in turn be very drawn to their energy. this can lead to great creative/financial opportunities, but boundaries should be exercised as their giving nature can attract those with negative intentions
↝ these natives can also be very spiritual or religious and be drawn towards partners that they share similar beliefs with. their outlook on life and personal philosophies could play a big role in how they emotionally connect with their partners, and they could also feel called to express their passion through their artistic talents
༄ venus in the 8H is indicative of encountering constant calls for transformation or rebirth in one's relationships
↝ these natives usually find that their partners lead them to some form of personal or spiritual evolution. they may also gain money or gifts through their relationships, and tend to luck out at times in regards to their finances
↝ this can also be indicative of being drawn towards partners that the native has to "figure out" in some way shape or form. they enjoy exploring the mind and psyche of their partner, and typically strive to fortify a connection with them that is very deep and spiritual
↝ they can also be very passionate about taboo topics such as sex or death, and dedicate themselves to exploring the darker side of life through their creativity. they may also be drawn to darker aesthetics, or have an air about them that is mystifying and intrigues others
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1111jenx · 7 months
I think earth houses in synastry is severely underrated. I truly enjoy seeing this in synastry chart especially if they’re well aspected!! As someone who literally has a 10th, 11th house stellium and Aquarius in my 7th house, I naturally gravitate towards a more Saturnian, earthy energy in relationships haha
Don’t get me wrong, I do LOVE an intense 8th house synastry or a fiery 1st house synastry and even a homey 4th house synastry but there’s just something about 2nd, 6th, 10th house overlay thats extremely comforting.
This kind of synastry is so so growth-oriented, to the point that both parties naturally feel like a better person around one another! And whats so bad about a love thats evident daily? Through the casual act of services or unspoken actions?;)
The kind of love that all you feel is stability and comfort, the kind of love that may not also be passionate 24/7 yet constant and reassuring, the kind of love that push you to be better, to make plans for the future, to be present in every moment of your life. The kind of love where you both cruise through the wealthy neighborhood, pointing at houses and saying “that one day, that’d be us”. The kind of love that you cheer each others on for accomplishing every small steps of your path, of every achievement that brings you both closer to your goal. The kind of love that instead of experiencing endless heated arguments just to say “but i love you” in frustration, you both stare in each others eyes and know that deep in your bones you’d make it work.
That to me is just some of my favourite things about earth in synastry. The quiet and unassuming kind of love, thats deeply felt in your heart and constant through it all 🤎
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astrolocherry · 8 months
Astrology Midheaven in Fire Signs (Aries Midheaven, Leo Midheaven, Sagittarius Midheaven): Honourable sacrifice, emergency response, speculation and investment, manufacturing, devoting talents to the pursuit of one of them as a profession Midheaven in Earth Signs (Taurus Midheaven, Virgo Midheaven, Capricorn Midheaven: Business, trade, healing crafts, retail, cuisine, mechanics, accountants, jewellers Midheaven in Air Signs (Gemini Midheaven, Libra Midheaven, Aquarius Midheaven: Scientific and academic pursuits, thinkers and speakers, media, travel - vocations at altitude Midheaven in Water Signs (Cancer Midheaven, Scorpio Midheaven, Pisces Midheaven): Healing arts, incline to employment on/near water; attendants of spiritual/religious ritual - mortuaries, burials, matters surrounding birth and death Midheaven Taurus/Libra Venus in the 10th House: Signifies inclinations for perfumery, cosmetics, apparel & costumes, flowers, wines, cuisine, finance, financial advising Midheaven Gemini/Mercury in the 10th House: Teachers, salespeople, writers - all those who live by literature, informants, academics Midheaven Cancer/Moon in the 10th House: Produces teachers, nurses and carers for children, the elderly, & vulnerable people, storywriters, musicians Midheaven Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 10th House: Offices of magistrates, judges, tutors, business - specifically foreign trade
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rendezvouz-fling · 13 days
Synastry/Composite placements as I’ve experienced it.🥂
Aqua Moon conjunct Aqua Sun - I was the moon person and they were the sun person. I felt very comfortable with them and felt like they projected my inner thoughts/behavior. They felt very zen & accepting to me. They were also very understanding and fun to be around. Overall very familiar energy.
Pisces Sun conjunct Pisces moon - I was the sun person and they were the moon person. This really goes both ways with me. I either find them extremely childish and overly sensitive or quiet reserved, kind and humble. Anywho, they somewhat feel like an extension of me but a more sensitive one. (I literally feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them most times💀)
Pisces Sun opposite Virgo moon - I was the sun person, they were the moon person. Ugh I can’t express how many times I tend to clash with these people. All I’m for they’re against, all I’m against they’re for. I like that they’re punctual and practical people which is great, yet some of them nag too much and tend to be straight pessimists…
Leo Rising - I have this with my best friend whom I've known for almost 7 years now and it's honestly the best composite rising I've experienced so far! We're always cheering each other up and on to do great things and have fun. We always have each other's backs. We like to troll people sometimes and act like comedians. 😂 We exaggerate things and agree to each other's delusions. Act like we're on top of the world and we can take on anything/anyone together. And there's this strong sense of loyalty between us. Literally ride or die placement!
4H mars/8H mars - My mars falls in my best friend's 4H and I'm very affectionate and nurturing towards her. I listen to her and make her feel validated. I also feel like I've gotta protect her in a way. It comes as no surprise that she sees me as a sister, given the 4H is related to family. On the flip side, her mars falls in my 8H and she acts protective over me. Like if someone said something that hurt my feelings or if they just started the minimalistic of arguments, she's quick to jump in at my defense. Ironically, her Natal mars is in her 4H and mine is in my 8H so maybe that's why it also feels pretty natural to us.
8H asc/6H asc - So, I have this step cousin who's rising falls in my 6H and he acts hella reserved. Not specifically cold, just doesn't talk to me much. My rising falls in his 8H and I always feel so shy around him for no reason. I'll wanna say something but just keep it in my thoughts. Very indirect talking and shyness. We have Virgo rising in composite.
Aqua Venus - If it's in water houses (4/8/12) there's a more affectionate nature, bonus if it's at a water degree. That goes for all composite Venus anyways. Aqua Venus tends to feel like there's emotional detachment. Like when you get too close they pull away or vice versa.
11H asc - I can't begin to stress how awkward and uncomfortable this overlay isss. It depends though, me being a Gemini rising, I find it more uncomfortable with Leo risings sometimes, than I do if my rising falls in a Cancer rising's 11H. I love Leo risings though.
Gemini Rising-Gemini Venus - My ex's Venus falls in my 12H and doesn't even touch my rising, yet it was love at first sight. He loves telling me about his day, playfully teasing me. He's also hilarious and has a very similar sense of humor as mine. We have Aries sun/mercury/venus in composite.
10H Pisces Venus-Pisces mars - My ex's mars conjuncts my Venus and he used to be very protective of me. Very much the "my girl this, my girl that" type. 😂 Because Pisces falls in my 10H, I've always seen him as very chill, responsible and easy going.
Cancer rising - There's always a nurturing vibe there, no matter the other placements. I had this with an ex and we talked a lot about having kids, there was also a sense of family there. It tends to be a very sweet placement, where one of you (or both) are sweet talkers.
10H mercury - I had this with an ex and they thought I was very smart and would often ask me meaning of certain things. 🥲 I also find others who have their mercuries in my 10H are very well spoken and give off sophisticated vibes.
3H - I am a suckerrr for people who have placements in my 3H *cough* Leo placements *cough* I just find them so intriguing and that we tend to have a lot in common!! I usually bond with people over music, so I find that Leo venuses/mercuries have the best taste and put me onto a lot of music! Leo moons that fall in my 3rd house, opposite my 9H Aqua moon and I tend to get along with them better than those that fall in my 2H. Leo suns that fall in my 3H feel like those curious siblings that wanna share and know everything! Definitely a personal fav!!
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