#legal disclaimer
Legal Disclaimer
The Sojourner’s Rest is an adult establishment, catering to adult patrons of eXtrEMe GiRth varying needs from across many different dimensions.
The Proprietress is 18+ and only 18+ patrons are admitted. The Proprietress is not responsible for any minors who arE cLaiMEd By tHe VoiD get lost in the forest.
The Proprietress reserves the right to anNiHiLaTE deny service to any patron found violating the establishment’s policy of universal love, acceptance, and compassion.
Check ‘#the sign’ for a list of welcome kinks.
LoOk At tHe @multidimensionalbulletinboard oR eLsE
dOn’T bREaK kaYfAbE
ThERe iS No stATuE.
Welcome to the Forest
Nestled into a grove in a verdant forest, itself the heart of an inter-dimensional nexus, sits an idyllic cottage. This is the Sojourn’s Rest, an establishment that patronizes those who are passing between dimensions, putting them up for a night, as well as providing refuge for those that has become lost in the Forest. Smoke drifts up from the stone chimney, and a warm light emanates from the windows, inviting you to come inside, to mingle with whomever may be inside, and to rest…
…Or, you could ignore it, and press on through the forest, in search of the portal which will bring you to your destined dimension. Just don’t get lost~
Guest Book bellow~
(Pictures of guests may be outdated!!! So hard to find film in the Forest!!!)
Residents of The Sojourner’s Rest
[A picture of an adorable woman is pinned here. Her vibrant red hair is luscious and long, flowing freely down her back to her waist. Her emerald eyes shine with enthusiasm, and a bright smile dimples full, lightly freckled cheeks.]
Lucy Loveless
110lbs., 5’4”, ?? y.o.
Human B&B Proprietress
Ayyy, lmao, it me, ya gurl! (I miss the internet so much). I figure if I’m going to take down information about my guests, it’s only fair I do the same for myself. I run the Sojourner’s Rest — which is actually my second, and much more successful B&B. I’ve just always liked taking care of other people, so this just seems like the job for me! I’m not exactly sure how I got here, or how long I’ve been here, but even if I could get home somehow, I don’t think I would go. I’m much happier here, and it’s not like there was anyone who’d miss me.
Guests from Faerûn
(Picture to be added)
180lbs., 6’1”, 20 y.o.
Githyanki LV 12 Battle Master Fighter
Str: 20, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 8
This one scares me… always hissing, always making noises that feel like swears… It’s like living with cat that hates you. A mean, hissing cat you really want to rub the belly of but it won’t let you. But instead of a cat, it’s a muscly frog lady, and instead of getting scratched by claws, you get run through by a giant silver sword. So, you know, it’s risk versus reward.
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150lbs., 5’6”, 40 y.o.
High Half-Elf LV 12 Light Domain Cleric of Selûne
Str: 12, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 20, Cha: 10
In the name of the Moon, she will punish you! Haha! Uh… Anyway, she really likes the whole ambiance of the cottage, she’s especially fond of the flower garden. She has a love for life I’ve seen before; the kind you only develop after years of not living.
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Karlach Cliffgate
220lbs., 6’1”, 30 y.o.
Zariel Tiefling LV 8 Oath of Vengeance Paladin LV 4 Battle Master Fighter
Str: 18, Dex: 10, Con: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 10, Cha: 18
She’s like a big teddy bear! A big, muscly, flaming teddy bear. And I don’t mean flaming as in, flamboyantly homosexual. (Although, c’mon, look at her) She’s literally flaming, there are little holes in her that fire comes out of, and her hair is also kind of fire? And not like, as in really cool and awesome. (Although, c’mon, look at her). It like, glows and is hot, but it doesn’t burn up. That all said, she’s a big sweetie who I bet is great for cuddling on a cold night~
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Minthara Baenre
170lbs., 5’7”, 100 y.o.
Lolth-Sworn Drow LV 5 Assassin Rogue LV 7 Gloomstalker Ranger
Str: 8, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
I don’t understand how a person can just be mean. I get some people are mean, but to just be mean? Nothing else, and for no reason? I can’t imagine how a person ends up that way. She’s rude to the other guests, so full of herself, and gets violent at the drop of a hat. She is — and I never thought I would say this about a person — totally beyond any kind of redemption. And I want her to spit on me.
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Leslie Applebottom/‘Lez’
40lbs., 3’0”, 34 y.o.
Lightfoot Halfing College of Lore Bard
Str: 8, Dex: 16, Con: 8, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 20
I never thought someone so small could be so intimidating… and I never thought someone so intimidating could be such a sweetie! Always in a chipper mood, compliments my cooking, offers to help out around the cottage (she’s very handy!), even plays music for free! She seems to be the one who resolves any conflict among her friends, using her words to make sure things don’t come to blows, but she’s not afraid to use her aforementioned intimidating presence to solve problems as well! Seducing them to make them docile also doesn’t seem to be off the table…
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Dame Cynthia Hale
180lbs., 6’, 30 y.o.
Human LV 12 Oath of Ancients Paladin Zariel Tiefling LV 5 Fiend Warlock LV 7 Broken Oath Paladin
Str: 8, Dex: 8, Con: 16, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 20
Dame Cynthia may just be one of the most polite guests I’ve ever had! So gallant and chivalrous, and dashing in that shiny heavy armor~ I guess I should expect nothing less from such a pious and selfless knight! A hero using her own body as a shield for the innocent! …Of course, Humans don’t have horns and tails, and Paladins don’t smell of sulfur, yet she wants me to believe that’s what she is? I’m not that naïve. I would not recommend bringing it up to her, though. She crushed a mug with her bare hand when I did, and she likes me!
(Picture to be added)
135lbs, 6’2”, 269 y.o.
Wood Elf LV 12 Circle of the Moon Druid
Str:8, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 20, Cha: 12
Now this is a tricky one to keep track of! She’s a cat as often as she is an Elf, and a bear twice as often as that! When I asked her about her name, she said that she changed her name when she changed her real body’s look, and I guess if you can change your body as easily as you can change your name, why wouldn’t you? I would give myself extra arms to clean better… She’s a good guest, very mellow and good spirited, and would be a pleasure to be around if it weren’t for her… well, smell. It’s funny, of all the animals I’ve seen her turn into, a skunk is not one of them, but I always smell one when she’s around…
(Picture to be added)
Maddison Murphy/‘Paunch Drunk Murphy’
200lbs., 5’7”, 42 y.o.
Human LV 8 Way of the Open Fist Monk, LV 4 Thief Rogue
Str: 8, Dex: 20, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 10
So, I think she used to be called ‘Punch Drunk Murphy’, being that fighting drunk was her whole thing, but the ‘a’ got added when she developed a, well, paunch from all her drinking. Not much has changed there, though now she relies on throwing her weight around rather than using any strength, and nobody can hit her because she wobbles around so much. She’s… boisterous, let’s say. And very fond of her drink, obviously. I’d prefer it if she were less rowdy, but she’s not technically breaking any rules, so I can’t really do anything about it… Hard to believe she’s technically the oldest of her party. And a mother!
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Talica Dahlmass
140lbs., 5’6”, 47 y.o.
Drow Half-Elf Necromancy Wizard
Str: 8, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 20, Wis: 10, Cha: 10
She’s the most level-headed and calm of her friends, and honestly? That makes her the scariest. She’s cold. Calculating. Charming Conniving. She knows what it takes to get what she wants, and she’s willing to do it. If helping will get her what she wants, she’ll help. If hurting advances her goals, she’ll hurt. It makes no difference to her. That kind of raw, self serving ambition never leads anywhere good. And everywhere she goes, an aura of death hangs over her… I swear I smell rot on her as well…
(Picture to be added)
150lbs., 5’8”, 22 y.o.
High Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer
Str: 8, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 20
Definitely the most… unpredictable guest I’ve ever had. It’s almost like she doesn’t think about what she does, she just acts on impulse. That has to be it; I can’t think of a rational explanation for half the thing she does. One minute she’s cleaning her clothes, the next she’s setting them on fire. One minute she’s beating someone within an inch of their life, the next she’s kissing them (although that seems to be the common theme for this bunch). One minute, there’s light and life in her eyes, the next… someone else is in there…
(Picture to be added)
Grymglain Stoneflow
200lbs., 4’4, 44 y.o.
Deurgar LV 12 Berserker Barbarian
Str: 20, Dex: 16, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 10, Cha: 8
She won’t come inside the cottage. Instead she sets up a tent outside whenever her group comes to visit. I respect a person who feels at home in the wild, forgoing the comforts and stresses of modern living in favor of a life in oneness with nature. And I’m especially impressed she hasn’t been claimed by the Forest. I just wish she wouldn’t ‘forage’ in my garden. At least she shares the meat from her hunting, but I bet it’s only because she thinks I’m a better cook than her…
(Picture to be added)
Hidi Goldseeker/Hide ’n Seek
40lbs., 3’4, 33 y.o.
Deep Gnome LV 7 Thief Rogue LV 5 Champion Fighter
Str: 9, Dex: 20, Con: 16, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
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thetaxguyin · 3 months
The GST Refund Process under the CGST Act 2017
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, introduced in India in 2017, aimed to streamline the taxation system and foster economic growth by simplifying tax compliance and eliminating the cascading effect of multiple taxes. One crucial aspect of GST for businesses is the refund process, particularly under the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act 2017. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve…
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Construction Site Medical Emergencies
Construction site medical emergencies are unexpected health incidents that require immediate attention. These emergencies can range from minor injuries to severe conditions such as heart failure. As a construction safety professional, it’s crucial to be prepared to handle these situations to ensure the safety and well-being of all workers on site. This article will explore the various types of…
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
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hollow-indigo · 7 months
5000 notes and I’ll answer ANY question about ANY of my OCs. no vagueness, no riddles.
edit: disclaimer: some vagueness will have to be upheld for Wisteria lore upon request
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funstyle · 4 months
God just told me you can have as much caffeine as you want. Especially if youre already on stimulants. It's never bad for you and you cant die from it
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literalliterature · 10 months
oppenheimer was not even mentioned in many online circles until it received free advertising from the barbenheimer memes, taking advantage of what the barbies worked hard to build, which, if you think about it, is just like in the barbie movie when th
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Btw, if you really just Need A Job (tm)
I'd really recommend looking into care work
Care work here is specifically being a home care aid, a care aid or assistant at any kind of residential home.
This for usually for elderly or disabled adults - and those are the ones that tend to be most entry level, from what I've seen, but also for mental health, addiction recovery etc. (With the obvious caveat that some of these jobs will be more emotionally intense than others)
I'm so serious about this guys. I was applying to jobs in care work for just three weeks, starting a couple days before Christmas, and in that time I got three interviews, two jobs offers, and five additional interview requests
Care work needs people CONSTANTLY
because it's a huge sector but very hard for them to keep staff long-term. Partly because it can be high burn-out, and there's definitely toxic places out there you should watch out for. And partly because a lot of people think care work is beneath them
AND they ACTUALLY MEAN IT when they say they're entry level. Because it's so hard for them to get staff that a lot of them will advertise super aggressively that they will train you themselves. A lot of them will straight up pay for your CPR and First Aid certifications, once they hire you, too (and you can get a leg up on applications by getting a CPR/First Aid certification for like. $30 to $80, at least in the US). They also accept experience taking care of elderly/disabled/etc. family members as real experience
Like, obviously don't do it if you hate taking care of people, but if you're open to it, it's probably by far your best shot of getting hired rn, statistically
(eta: Genuinely disclaimer that it can be super taxing emotionally and large portions of the industry are indeed fucked, and def don't take a job in this field if you're gonna be an asshole to the people you're caring for, but sometimes you just need whatever job you can get.)
Seriously, though, the first time I applied for a care work job (in October 2023, yes short timeline, like I said there's some toxic workplaces etc. out there), I applied to like ten or fifteen jobs over the course of a week or so. Within three weeks, I was working.
(And they did provide all of the training, fwiw)
If you need a job and no one is hiring, seriously consider looking into it
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calware · 8 months
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i love how they're all so mean to each other
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smilingformoney · 1 year
people who like snape: I haven’t read the books but I love the films. snape is pretty cool I guess
people who love snape: here is my 5,000-word essay analysing snape’s childhood based on these three sentences from the books, and here is my 10,000-word dissertation on why snape smells like cinnamon based on fuck you that’s why he smells like cinnamon
people who hate snape: actually, if you read all the young dudes ---
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cloudiness · 2 years
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Inspired by this anon request @just-an-inchident 
disclaimer: these are fake
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Navigating the Challenges in Construction Safety
What are your biggest challenges? In the realm of construction, safety stands as a paramount concern. Navigating the challenges in construction safety is not just about compliance; it’s about protecting lives. This article explores the multifaceted challenges in construction safety and offers insights into overcoming them effectively. Regulatory Changes and Construction Safety Navigating the…
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ariadne-mouse · 4 months
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feyheart5 · 2 years
No more an Amazon affiliate
Well, I didn’t meet their requirements so I’m now out of that program. I’m fine with it because it was a side thing anyway. If any of the book links etc don’t work let me know and I’ll correct them. ❤️ Happy reading!
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arowinter · 15 days
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did you guys know i have autism about these dragons
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witherroze · 1 year
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