#la curandera
betweenthebarses · 1 year
Curate mi niña con amor del más bonito.
Natalia Lafourcade
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alinavgo · 2 years
Cierre mi herida, Nana, que de ella ya no brotan luciérnagas, sino larvas.
Close My wound, Nana, for there aint no fireflies anymore, only grubs sprout from there.
"La curandera" en Cuentos tejidos II de Paola Klug
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seekdestr0y · 9 months
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Curanderismo: Mexican American Folk Healing by Robert T. Trotter II & Juan Antonio Chavira
“At least six major historical influences have shaped thebeliefs and practices of curanderismo by Mexican Americans in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: Judeo-Christian religious beliefs, symbols, and rituals; early Arabic medicine and health practices (combined with Greek humoral medicine, revived during the Spanish Renaissance); medieval and later European witchcraft; Native American herbal lore and health practices; modern beliefs about spiritualism and psychic phenomena; and scientific medicine. None of these influences dominates curanderismo, but each has had someimpact on its historical development.”
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ibuprofeno-s · 7 months
Cúrate mi niña con amor del más bonito, y recuerda que tú eres la medicina.
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iamwinklebottom · 1 year
Santa Muerte La Rosada Rose Quartz Glass Seed Bead Necklace: Love, Self Love, Self Worth & More
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This beautiful handmade piece will be charged with the pink aspect of Santa Muerte on my personal Santa Muerte altar until purchased. Santa Muerte La Rosada has assisted me with self love extremely without causing negativity to sprout from loving myself so much.
This stone is a gentle usherer into truth. Rose Quartz are beautiful and power crystals. I personally believe that it is now overlooked because of how easily available it is.
Rose Quartz is very beneficial; when worked with closely is will improve your self worth and self love. It will add love in all areas of your life high vibrationally and open your eyes to see where your love is being misdirected. These pink stones also help you heal your heart chakra and inner child.
It is very good for the energetic heart space, but also works well in healing and maintaining physical heart and overall chest health. Rose Quartz also purifies the fluids in the body and assists with the circulatory systems. Please be sure to do your own research; I find new things all the time.
Channeled Message For Buyer: “In order to be blessed with unwavering divine love,
… you must master divinely loving yourself,” - Santa Muerte La Rosado
Length: 12”
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pvrseide · 1 year
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( @ihuerfanas​ )               ‘  ¿eres invitado de mi abuela?  ’  pregunta después de haberse detenido en el marco de la entrada de su casa al detectar presencia desconocida, acostumbrada a que la gente del pueblo acudiera por los servicios de doña marce pero aún así sorprendida por la hora que era.  ‘  ¿ella ya sabe que estás aquí? ¿puedo ofrecerte algo?  ’
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paseodementiras · 1 year
Vida de María Sabina. La sabia de los hongos
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No sé en qué año nací, pero mi madre María Concepción me dijo que fue en la mañana del día en que se celebra a la Virgen Magdalena, allá en Río Santiago, agencia del municipio de Huautla.
-Álvaro Estrada
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inabooknook · 1 year
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro
The premise of this book was so interesting. Alejandra, the main character is stuck with a generational curse, the curse of La Llorona who has followed her since the birth of her daughter. The story was so well done, and very informative and interesting. I learned a lot of things about curanderas, La Llorona herself, and Mexican-American culture that I would not have known about before. The story follows Alejandra as she starts experiencing more and more serious run ins with the curse, and goes about trying to handle the situation without causing worse things to occur. As I said, the story was nothing like anything I have read before, which honestly was a breath of fresh air since I was able to find out about things outside my usual realm of understanding. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes supernatural things, but also enjoys mysteries.
This ebook was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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mujermedicinazenu · 2 years
Maldito o Aojeado?
Maldición o Mal de Ojo? sea cual sea tu creencia recibes lo que das, recoges lo que siembras, solo tu puedes decidir si es aceptable o no hacerlo.
Muchas personas llegan a mi preocupadas porque les puedan hacer o porque creen les están haciendo daño mediante algún hechizo de maldición, otras muchas llegan con un mal de ojo fuerte, la mayoria de ellas, creen que ambas son lo mismo, por lo que no saben exactamente que les sucede ¡que no cunda el pánico! este post es precisamente para ayudaros a entender y diferenciar desde el punto de vista…
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Herbalism book reccomendations 📚🌿
General herbalism:
The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook by Green J. (2011)
20,000 Secrets of Tea: The Most Effective Ways to Benefit from Nature's Healing Herbs by Zak V. (1999)
The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guid by Easly T. (2016)
A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions by Gaby A.R.
American Herbal Products Association's Botanical Safety Handbook (2013) 
Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine by Hoffman D. (2003)
Herbal Medicine for Beginners: Your Guide to Healing Common Ailments with 35 Medicinal Herbs by Swift K & Midura R (2018)
Today's Herbal Health: The Essential Reference Guide by Tenney L. (1983)
Today's Herbal Health for Women: The Modern Woman's Natural Health Guide by Tenney L (1996)
Today's Herbal Health for Children: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Nutrition and Herbal Medicine for Children by Tenney L. (1996)
For my black folks!!!
African Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies by Sawandi T.M. (2017)
Handbook of African Medicinal Plants by Iwu M.M. (1993)
Working The Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing by Lee M.E. (2017)
Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies by Mitchell F. (2011)
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and non-Herbal Treatments by Covey H.C. (2008)
The Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalism: Transform, Heal, and Remember with the Power of Plants and Ancestral Medicine by Rose K.M. (2022)
Indigenous authors & perspectives!!
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Kimmerer R.W. (2015)
Gathering moss by Kimmerer R.W. (2003)
The Plants Have So Much To Give All We Have To Do Is Ask by Siisip Geniusz M. (2005)
Our Knowledge Is Not Primitive: Decolonizing Botanical Anishinaabe Teachings by Djinn Geniusz W. (2009)
Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: ethnobotany and ecological wisdom of indigenous peoples of northwestern North America by Turner N. (2014)
A Taste of Heritage: Crow Indian Recipes and Herbal Medicines by Hogan Snell A. (2006)
Medicines to Help Us by Belcourt C. (2007)
After the First Full Moon in April: A Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine from a California Indian Elder by Grant Peters J. (2010)
Latin american herbalism works!!
Earth Medicines: Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera by Cocotzin Ruiz F. (2021)
Hierbas y plantas curativas by Chiti J.F. (2015)
Del cuerpo a las raíces by San Martín P.P., Cheuquelaf I. & Cerpa C. (2011)
Manual introductorio a la Ginecología Natural by San Martín P.P.
🌿This is what I have for now but I’ll update the post as I find and read new works, so keep coming if you wanna check for updates. Thank you for reading 🌿
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napakmahal · 4 months
Anon because I feel like I’m about to say smth cringe lol but how about a fic with a (possibly Psych major) reader that’s got a holistic view of the world with Tadashi? Would be interesting to see what that information brings concerning Baymax’s plan of care and how a relationship would form with Tadashi like dat ya dig
Idk mostly inspired by Natalia Lafourcade’s song María La Curandera (it’s in Spanish, you’ll have to search up the translation if you’re curious!) also growing up in an immigrant household with care alternatives to things maybe a doctor would not take seriously/ not being able to connect with a patient due to beliefs and or language barriers.
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Can I just you’re actually so real for this. This is NOT cringe pookie okay. First of all, love my psych classes but also second of all my family is so holistic. We’re from the Philippines and the hospital is reserved special for if you’re dying. (Btw that’s bad, go to the doctors please)
You don’t fight with your boyfriend…like ever. You don’t like fighting and he thinks fighting i childish. But that’s not to say you two agree on everything. Exhibit A:
“At least with my remedies I know I won’t be overdosing on cough syrup.”
“Baby, with all due respect I’m not using herbs to get rid of a respiratory infection.”
Another thing, you love Baymax. You really do. You were there to help build him, he knows you personally but he has nothing to do with your health. And that irritated Tadashi to no end. Flu season had come around and it seemed like everyone was getting sick. Including you. The basic fever, cough, headaches, and disgusting amounts of phlegm hacking out of your throat. Yet, you denied any help from your boyfriend’s healthcare robot.
It made him upset because you could get better so much faster if you let him use his extensive medical knowledge on you, and yet you still said no. But nothing about your ideologies had created such tension until recently. When he caught you doing something he deemed unfathomable.
Almost a week into you being sick, he’d seen you chopping onions late into the night after making his lemon tea.
“What are you doing?” Tadashi looked over at you after coughing up a chunk of bloody phlegm from his own throat.
You sniffed, clearly congested. “Cutting onions.”
“For what?”
“My socks.”
“I’m sorry?”
Surely he must have misheard you. You and him had been together for years and he knew all about your home remedies. There was a stained food processor in your house from when he had joint pain in his wrist and you had him eat turmeric paste. When Hiro had unknowingly given him stomach flu you went out and bought efficascent oil and rubbed it on his stomach. He’s seen you gargle salt water, chew on peppermint, put baking soda on bee stings, eat raw garlic, and drink cranberry juice for your menstrual problems but that one took the cake.
“Do you want some?” You’d asked it so innocently but your tone could have changed if you’d seen the look of utter disbelief on his face.
The both of you had been sick for a week in an endless cycle of eating strawberries, and oranges, taking magnesium, and eating spoonfuls of grainy raw honey. All of that to him seemed fine. Even he understood to a certain extent you couldn’t just take medicine all the time. But when he offered to buy cough syrup, ibuprofen for throat pain, Tylenol for cough headaches, and other flu medications you shut it down. He was free to take all of those things to make himself feel better and he swore it did.
But you were in so much pain and it seemed like whatever you were doing wasn’t helping. Just that morning, Tadashi rubbed your back while you had a 10-minute coughing fit that was so bad there were streaks of blood in your spit. You’d cried when a pounding headache hadn’t left and he felt so helpless knowing there was nothing he could do about it.
Tadashi stuttered. “W-Why are we cutting onions for our socks?”
“You put them in your socks and then you sleep with them on, my mom swears by it. But if you have like sensory problems that’s okay, you don’t have to.”
“Baby don’t you think- maybe you should just take something for it?”
You scoffed because you already knew where this was going. “You’re not funny.”
“I’m not trying to be funny. It’s just you’re so sick.” His voice dripped with concern.
Just as he’d said it you dug your face into your elbow and started coughing. The loud, raspy, crunchy kind of cough. Almost like the universe was on his side. Then came the cough headaches. The one thing you had allowed Baymax to scan you for and nothing else. A build-up of pressure from consistent coughing and sneezing in your head could cause pounding headaches.
The second he saw the grimace on your face, Tadashi jumped up from his study table and ran over to you. Pulling you in for a hug and gently pushing his fingers through your head. But that was also the time he decided he couldn’t take this anymore. His girl was in pain and crying over a sickness he could use his brain and his bot to figure out how to cure.
“I can’t take this anymore.” He confessed still holding you. “Please, will you let me give you a Tylenol?”
“T, no.”
“Why not? It’s so obvious you’re hurting. I know you don’t like taking medicine. I get that, but you just aren’t getting any better.”
You gently lifted your head off Tadashi’s chest and looked up at him. “So are you and you’ve been taking medicine.”
“But I feel like I’m getting better.”
“Hunny, you threw up an hour ago.” You deadpanned.
He racked his brain for a positive way to spin the horrible retching experience. “O-okay but that’s-um, that’s the body’s way of making itself feel better.”
You two were going in circles. But Tadashi was not backing down. He was adamant that you get better if it was the last thing he did and you knew it. Last year Hiro got sick with a particularly horrible kidney infection. So bad that when he’d tried to walk to the restroom he collapsed on the floor physically unable to move. After that none of your friends ever really saw Tadashi for almost two weeks. Right after school, he’d sprint home just to take care of him. That was his thing. Your boyfriend lived to take care of people.
Some people in the world don’t care about anything you’ve ever done and something you will do. Like doctors. Doctors don’t need to know how good or bad of a person your friends think you are in order to take care of you. Finding people like that is rare. Tadashi is one of those people.
And you, one of the people he loved and cared for most in the entire world wouldn’t let his extensive knowledge on healthcare help you feel better. And no matter how many times you reassured him, he couldn’t help but feel like you being sick was his fault.
“How about this,” He suggested, moving his hand from your head to your face. “I will do your onion-sock thing if you let me give you cough syrup. Just one spoonful and then we’ll drop it. Sound fair?”
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you slowly nodded your head. Out of relief, you were going to let him do something about how you felt, Tadashi leaned down and kissed you right then and there. It was extremely counterproductive and he couldn’t have cared less.
That night, you let your boyfriend spoon artificial cherry-flavored Robitussin into your mouth. And he let you put loosely chopped pieces of white onion in his socks while he slept. For the record, neither of your immune systems ever really recovered in that one night. And yet-somehow, you woke up feeling the best you had in over a week.
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enero-19 · 5 months
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María ,La Curandera. (^o^)o
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chiquititaosita · 4 months
La Bruja jean kirestein x latina reader
Reader is a healer, and uses herbal remedies and folk magick/medicine to help cure Jean’s empacho (blockages) from las jefas (bosses) he’s afraid of anything that’s not a doctor. He’s a skeptic fr fr. However this little curandera is just healed his wounds but did she heal his heart too?
@honeybleed @killxio @imissyuuji @timietate
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he’d see you in the village of wall rose inside of the Karaness district. So kind. So loving. And so sweet. You were passing out food and crops to the poor, and you were always busy. But now he sees you in Marley. You both are in disguises. Cleaning and organizing the food stamps. It’s because you’re so intellectual they call you La bruja. A witch. you’re not even a witch. It’s just the home remedies you Perform it’s perfect. However there’s one particular day Jean and his squad had set up camp. And you come in.
“Mr Kirestien?” A calm sweeet voice pops into the tent. Jean is full of sweat on his face coughing, and feeling like a dying mess. And he never gets sick.
“Yup..” cough ”that’s me.” You just chuckle as you’re starting to sit up him up.
“how are you feeling?” She asks him with her two braids with the ribbons.
“Could be better to guess.” He grumbled sitting up, and flinched when you have an egg in your hand. “You’re not going to squash that on my head right??” you just chuckled.
“No, I’m going to cook you and feed you to Los pollos.” She laughs and shakes her head rubbing the egg all over him slowly saying a prayer. “Why so tense?”
Jean was always tense for real. Maybe it’s the pressure of the military police, or is that how he is after witnessing death so much. “Why so nosy?” He thought it would be adorable to be such a smart ass. You rolled your eyes. “You have a lot on your plate…” she mumbled as she’s now cracking the egg into a cup of water. “Ahh I see now.” Jean looks at y/n with a dumbfounded face
“Let me guess i got a curse placed on me.” He snorts, starting to wheeze. And then cough. “No. You actually have empacho. A blockage.” She explained and made the young man prop up as she poured him some water into his mouth. As he’s just been feeling queasy. Nodding. Then hacking because of how much mint is helping him breathe through his nose.
“Gah!! What the hell!” You then respond ”is something wrong?”
“You mad mad woman you’re supposed to make me feel better not try to kill me!!” There he couldn’t help to hear you giggle, and then that giggle would turn into a cackle. A true laugh a man hasn’t heard.
“What? What’s so funny?” He cocks his head. As you calm down and sigh wiping your eyes. “This.” You breath as you make your finger into a circle. “This is funny.” You then just sit down in the tent. Reading and performing your prayer rituals. “I will be here for at least two days. Three days including today.” She smiled winking at him and then grabs the the big plants to smack him.
“Lay down.” You command him, and you sounded like you were on top of his case. He smirks at you. “Or what, Missy??” He gives you that arrogant smile haughty laughter. You just slapped him with the leaves since they are palm leaves. Stinging his skin..
Then it happened day after day. During those three days. He’s felt a connection with you. Mamacita. Homeboy even loves your cooking. So when he finishes. And it’s your last day. “So um. I wanted to say thank you.” He coughs out his thanks.
“Did I hear gratitude?” He rolls his eyes as a playful scoff escaped his lips. “W-what no.” He crosses his arms frantically like he’s panicking. And then reveals his flowers of tulips in his back pocket.
“These are for you.” You blush smiling all sheepishly and hop up to your step and kiss his cheek. He stammers and looks at you with a sheepish look that made him all smitten. “S-say, I was wondering… since you saved my life…? How about I get you a job on the force??”
“Is this your way of asking me to come with you?” You giggle, and you also said yes.
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francesca-70 · 4 months
- Come faccio - mi chiese -
A lasciarlo andare ? Non vederlo piu’, non sapere piu’ niente di lui .
- perché devi figlia- rispose la curandera guardando verso l’antica quercia .
- vedi , nulla davvero ci appartiene ma chi abbiamo amato ha mescolato con noi il suo corpo astrale .
- che significa?
- che vi siete intrecciati come i rami dell’edera , ma non nel corpo , quello e’ momentaneo, nello spirito .
- ma a me non basta .
Sto male , voglio ancora vederlo e toccarlo e parlargli .
Non ce la faccio .
- non ce la devi fare - rispose sorridendo la donna di cui nessuno conosceva l’ eta’ .
- non ce la devi fare perché non sei tu a decidere : l’amore improvvisamente e senza merito arriva , come un canto di uccelli a mezzanotte .
E cosi’improvvisamente e senza motivo se ne va .
Ma non finisce mai.
Continua in quest’ altra dimensione .
- quale dimensione ?
Chiede la ragazza soffiandosi il naso avvolto dalle lacrime .
- la dimensione dell’invisibile. Dove vivono i maestri, i sacri spiriti, gli esseri di luce e le forze superiori .
I vostri spiriti congiunti e intrecciati salgono su fino a li , fino a diventare impercettibili e tuttavia continuano a vivere .
Vedi cara : l’umano non accetta che cio’ che può vedere e’ pari a un granello di sabbia a confronto dell’oceano.
- sto iniziando a capire ma fa ancora male .
- lo so bambina .
Non scacciare il demone del dolore : ogni volta che il cuore si spacca, si allarga un po’ di piu’ ma solo se lo lasci fare.
Se respingi, fingi , rigetti indietro, ti stordisci con le frivolezze , ritornera’ piu’ forte e ti chiudera’ il cuore .
E un cuore chiuso, e’ cio’ che di peggio puoi dare al mondo .
- gia’ in passato , Signora ho chiuso il mio cuore per non soffrire piu’ ed e’ stato sempre peggio !
- certo! Dimorare nelle tenebre e nella paura non e’ mai bene cara .
Non cercare di capire il dolore , lascia che ti travolga come un’onda, fatti lieve come piuma , lasciato attraversare come burro , ma se chiudi il cuore allora i demoni danzeranno sul tuo petto e ne’ gioia ne’ dolore toccheranno piu’ il tuo ventre .
E questo equivale a morire .
- si , ho capito .
Ho capito che essere forti significa stare 5 passi indietro.
Lo lascero’ andare ...
- domani sera , con la luna piena, da sola , vai in collina e pianta un ulivo .
Le sue foglie argentate saranno nutrite dalla tua leggerezza .
Qualcosa crescerà da questo strappo ma solo se lasci che la luce lo disinfetti .
E cosi sara’ per la pianta .
E la ragazza ando’ .
Con la luna calda di agosto a piantare il suo amore finito tra o cespugli di ginestra .
Scivolo’ dentro se’ per un po’
E la curendera non la perse mai di vista .
Da lontano, la vedeva con l’ occhio interiore e lei inviava ogni sera gli spiriti del bosco a vegliarle il sonno ...
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
Spanish Vocab List - El bosque de la bruja / The Witch’s Forest
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I started this list all “let’s talk about trees and flowers” and then it took a hard turn into “now say you meet Baba Yaga in the forest...” and I’m not going to apologize for the spoopy witchy vibes
la bruja = witch [also technically you can see/use el brujo for “male witch” or “warlock” though often “witch” in English comes across as distinctly feminine]
el aquelarre = a coven, a witches’ coven
la hora bruja = the witching hour la hora de brujas = the witching hour
la brujería = witchcraft
el curandero, la curandera = healer [sometimes santero/a which has multiple meanings - it can be “witchdoctor” but also a practitioner of santería which is a mix of religious and folk traditions]
el hechicero, la hechicera = sorcerer, sorceress
el mago, la maga = mage / magician
el encanto = enchantment, charm / magic spell
el hechizo = magic spell, charm, hex
la maldición = curse
el maleficio = curse
el mal de ojo = evil eye
la caldera = cauldron [or “caldera” of a volcano]
el ermitaño, la ermitaña = hermit, recluse
la escoba = broom
la magia = magic
mágico/a = magic, magical
el hado = Fate los hados = the Fates
el hada, las hadas = fairy, fairies el hada madrina = fairy godmother
el/la vidente = seer el clarividente, la clarividente = clairvoyant, seer
el/la médium = spirit medium
la nigromancia = necromancy el/la nigromante = necromancer
la rueca = spinning wheel
la manzana envenenada = poison apple
malvado/a = evil, wicked
malo/a = bad, evil
bueno/a = good
la guarida = lair, den
lanzar un hechizo/encanto/maleficio = to cast a spell/charm/curse
la poción = potion
elaborar = to brew, to create  [in other contexts it’s “to elaborate”, but in the context of food or drink it means “to make” in the sense of “to labor over” - the idea here is that it requires time and effort to fully make it and get everything right, so it’s used for “brewing alcohol” or any mixture that requires significant time or specialized creation, and potion making in a fantasy setting]
el bosque = the woods / forest / woodland el bosquecillo = small forest [sometimes “copse of trees”]
la selva = forest [often more wild] / jungle
el jardín = garden
el huerto (de fruta / de frutales) = orchard el huerto = vegetable garden, personal garden [el huerto generally means “a garden for growing food” and can be either “(vegetable) garden” or “orchard”, but in English an “orchard” is specifically more “fruit”; but it could be either]
la arboleda = grove, collection of trees
el sol = sun
la luna = moon
la estrella = star
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain
la nieve = snow
la tormenta = storm la tempestad = storm, tempest
el rayo = lightning / bolt, lightning bolt, thunderbolt
el trueno = thunder
el granizo = hail / hailstone
la niebla = fog
la neblina = mist, fog
el amanecer = dawn
la mañana = morning
el mediodía = midday, noon
la tarde = afternoon / evening
el atardecer = evening
el crepúsculo = twilight
la noche = night
la medianoche = midnight
la madrugada = early morning, the wee hours of the morning
la víspera = eve (of something), the night before
el ocaso = sunset
diurno/a = day (adj), daytime / diurnal, awake during the day
nocturno/a = night (adj), nighttime / nocturnal, awake at night [as a general example las clases nocturnas mean “night classes” which is literally “classes at night”... as opposed to las clases diurnas which would mean “daytime classes”; in the context of school you could say tengo una clase nocturna y otras diurnas “I have one night class and others during the day”]
el árbol = tree arbóreo/a = arboreal, related to trees
el arbusto = shrub, shrubbery
el seto = hedge
la madera = wood
el tronco = trunk / log [also in anatomy “torso”]
el tocón = stump (of a tree)
la leña = firewood, log (for firewood usually) el leño = a log el leñador, la leñadora = woodcutter, lumberjack
la corteza = bark (of a tree) [also means “crust” for bread or the earth]
la copa (de árbol) = canopy las copas = canopy (of many trees)
la rama = branch
la raíz = root
la savia = sap [sometimes it also means “lifeblood” or “vitality” or “vigor”]
la hoja = leaf [or “blade”, or “sheet of paper”]
la flor = flower
el pétalo = petal
la semilla = seed
el tallo = stalk / stem
la hierba = grass / herb [sometimes spelled yerba] el césped = grass, lawn
la hierba mala = weed [lit. “bad grass”]
la especia = spice
la vid = vine
marchitado/a = withered, shriveled, dried up
la espina = thorn espinoso/a = thorny
la baya = berry
la hiedra = ivy la hiedra venenosa = poison ivy
el hongo = mushroom, fungus la seta = mushroom, toadstool el champiñón = mushroom [idk if it’s used everywhere but you see this at least in Spain for edible mushrooms sometimes]
el moho = mold
el musgo = moss
el liquen = lichen
la zarza = bramble, briar
silvestre = wild, growing in the wild
comestible = edible
el veneno = poison, venom envenenar = to poison venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous envenenado/a = poisoned, having poison in it
letal, mortal = deadly
el roble = oak
el arce = maple
el sauce = willow el sauce llorón = weeping willow
el fresno = ash tree
la pícea = spruce
el acebo = holly
la haya = beech
el pino = pine tree
el corno / el cornejo = dogwood
el álamo = poplar
el alcornoque = cork tree
la adelfa = oleander
la secoya = sequoia / redwood
el mangle = mangrove el manglar = mangroves [a collection of mangroves]
la rosa = rose
la violeta = violet
el lirio = lily [sometimes la azucena]
el jacinto = hyacinth
la hortensia = hydrangea
el girasol = sunflower
la malva = mallow [malva can also be “mauve”; also el malvavisco is “marshmallow”... literally “sticky/goopy/viscous mallow”]
la malvarrosa = hollyhock
el botón de oro = buttercup [lit. “gold button”]
la digital = foxglove
el narciso = daffodil, narcissus
la lavanda = lavender
la lila = lilac
la nomeolvides = forget-me-not
el loto = lotus
la menta = mint
la caléndula = marigold
la belladonna = nightshade
el acónito = aconite / aconitum, monk’s hood, wolf’s bane el matalobos = wolf’s bane [lit. “kills wolves”]
el muérdago = mistletoe
el rocío = dew, dewdrop, morning dew
el ajo = garlic el diente de ajo = clove of garlic [lit. “tooth of garlic”]
la cebolla = onion
la calabaza = pumpkin / gourd
el maíz = corn [also el elote in some countries] la mazorca = corncob, ear of corn
el trigo = wheat
la salvia = sage
el jengibre = ginger
la canela = cinnamon
el diente de león = dandelion [lit. “lion’s tooth”]
la escoba de bruja = witch hazel [lit. “witch’s broom”] el avellano de bruja = witch hazel [lit. “witch’s hazel”]
la pimienta = pepper [spice]
la sal = salt rociar sal = to sprinkle salt espolvear sal = to sprinkle salt / to dust with salt
la hoz = sickle
el arado = plow
la hoguera = bonfire / campfire, fire pit
el hogar = home / hearth
la guadaña = scythe
la cosecha = harvest
el arco = bow / arch
la flecha = arrow
el mortero = mortar el molcajete = mortar [some countries, especially Mexico]
la mano = pestle [otherwise it’s “hand”]
el mortero y mano = mortar and pestle
moler = to grind molido/a = ground
el molino = mill
la tabla / el tablón = floorboard, wooden board
la viga = beam / rafter
el umbral = threshold
el muro = wall, outside wall, boundary line
la cerca = fence la valla = fence
la ciudad = city
el pueblo = town / people, population
la aldea = town, small town
la frontera = frontier, border
el claro = clearing (in a forest), glade
la choza = hut
la casita = little house la cabaña = cabin / cottage
la granja = farm
la finca = plantation, estate, farmhouse
la paja = straw el tejado de paja = thatched roof [lit. “straw roofing”]
el taller = workshop
la cueva = cave
la caverna = cavern
la gruta = grotto / undercroft
la roca = rock
la piedra = stone
el monte = hill, mountain / wilderness, forested area
la montaña = mountain
la sierra = mountain range [or a “saw” as a tool]
la colina = hill
la falda = slope [in clothes la falda is “skirt”]
el pantano = swamp / bog / mire
la ciénaga = swamp / bog / mire
el lodo = mud lodoso/a = muddy
el fango = mud / silt fangoso/a = muddy
el río = river el riachuelo = little river, stream
el lago = lake
el estanque = pond
el arroyo = stream el arroyuelo = brook, creek
el mar = sea
el océano = ocean
la orrilla = shore
la marea = tide
la arena = sand
el ciervo = deer, stag la cierva = deer, doe
el venado = deer [can exist in feminine as well... this word also sometimes gets translated as “hart”; also sometimes venado is the word for “venison” or deer meat]
el lobo, la loba = wolf [la loba is sometimes “she-wolf” in some contexts]
el oso, la osa = bear [la osa is sometimes “she-bear”]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [thing barn owls or snowy owls; the owls with a flatter looking face; a Lechuza is also sometimes a witch or evil spirit who snatches children said to be bird-like]
el cuervo = crow la corneja = raven [in general, el cuervo is used for both “crow” and “raven” even in literature, though el cuervo and la corneja are different technically]
el murciélago = bat
el sapo = toad
la rana = frog
la serpiente = snake, serpent la víbora = viper, snake la culebra = snake [more literary]
el conejo = rabbit la liebre = hare, rabbit
el gato, la gata = cat
la rata / el ratón = rat, mouse [largely interchangeable]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libébula = dragonfly
la pluma = feather
el diente = tooth
el colmillo = fang
el ala = wing [technically feminine; el ala, las alas]
la lengua = tongue
el hueso = bone
la calavera / el cráneo = skull
el cuerno = horn
el asta, las astas = antler, antlers [technically feminine]
la piel = skin / hide, fur [also piel can be “leather”; also the word el cuero is “leather” though not always as common]
el caracol = shell, seashell
el caparazón = shell, carapace
el polvo = dust
la ceniza = ash
la sangre = blood
el enano, la enana = dwarf
el elfo, la elfa = elf
el fantasma = ghost
el gigante = giant
el ogro = ogre
el trol = troll [creature and internet troll]
hermoso/a = beautiful apuesto/a = handsome, good-looking
bello/a = beautiful [more intense than hermoso/a]
embrujado/a = bewitched / haunted
la casa embrujada = haunted house la casa encantada = haunted house
la fiera = fiend, beast, wild animal fiero/a = wild, ferocious
feroz = ferocious, wild
la bestia = beast
el monstruo = monster
el castillo = castle
la torre = tower
la mazmorra = dungeon el calabozo = dungeon [in modern Spanish el calabozo is the word for “holding cells” in a police office or a place where someone is detained; in older Spanish it can be used as “dungeon”]
el don = gift
el poder = power, ability poderoso/a = powerful, mighty
el truco = trick
la moraleja = moral
encantar = to enchant / to delight
convocar = to summon
conceder = to grant, to bestow / to concede
bendecir = to bless bendito/a = blessed
maldecir = to curse maldito/a = cursed
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Rainbow Santa Muerte | Santa Muerte La Arcoíris
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