#kuina ace of swords
quilfish-swan · 2 years
going insane thinking about making anime tarot cards............
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Zoro kisses n Zoro things!!!! His hair is honestly so confusing to me and I have no idea why,,,, like??? How do I draw that?!?!?
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hauntingblue · 3 months
#ran out of tags at one and a half episodes...... anyways we coninue with:#episode 898#the dog is right to just run from that shit lmao ajdhaks#btw the bead necklace on the straw doll of hawkins reminds me i still havent figured out why ace wears them.... like i get its spriritual#but past that point..... if someone reads this please do not tell me this is my media analysis homework for one piece#i need to figure this out myseld lmao#also i keep thinking about stand proud and like how to this moment no op opening has surpassed it for me....#maybe the we share the world one in the aspects of boppability but not bangerism for example... and the water 7 one is on par w the epicness#idk i will keep pondering#hawkins just going up and down with his sword ajdhskdj#i forgot about the gorillas akdhaksk#schachi!!!! and bepo and penguin!!!!#AND LAW!!!!!!!!#do we think zoro is just turned around sighing bc otama being sick so young reminds him of kuina......#i feel like he is in catastrophe mode.... we need to go quick cause she is going to die so i will fight and now that she is going to be#cured she is also going to die anyways so he can't even look#zoro saying kiku is big and luffy saying big mom was eveb bigger.... exactly... many such cases of women#otama just you wait till they get you to sanji girl.... also i want her on board.... it's only fair#what are we learning from one piece today: 1) children go hungry 2) famishes are man made#relevant today#this variation on zoro's theme..... banger#when i saw those tights i though okiku revealed herself as maroimo island foreigner and was about to fight lmao#just werid associations my brain makes lmao#episode 900#<- CHRIST#talking tag#watching one piece
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penkura · 27 days
OP Men and Their Kids
Note: Hey, this is something I wrote randomly one day instead of paper I needed to work on. :) Don't worry, the paper was finished and turned in. I will also fully admit I have baby fever at this point in my life, I just gotta get a man lol. These are just some headcanon blurbs about a couple OP men and their kids, how many they'd have, the genders, that's all! Hope you like it!
Part Two Here!
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Ace has a daughter, then another three years later. He's happy with just those two, he's a great girl dad and his oldest keeps his last name even if she gets married; he cries when his babies get married. If you can convince him to have one more, it'd be a third girl, you wouldn't even complain about it. Ace would cry again, holding her after she's born and happily introducing her to her big sisters. He sees himself, Sabo, and Luffy in the dynamics between his daughters. Your youngest daughter might be a crybaby, but she's the more adventurous of the three and her sisters are her biggest protectors. You're all his girls and Ace couldn't be happier.
Law has a son first, then five or six years later a daughter, both fully planned and prepared for. Then surprise, there's another little boy two years after your daughter, totally unplanned but welcomed all the same. All three are beyond loved, the daughter is definitely named Cora. Your daughter might be a little bit spoiled, but Law tries to even it out amongst the three, that pirate captain side of him coming out as he tries to make sure they're all even. On nights when the five of you settle in your living room, Law still can't believe how lucky and blessed he is to have such a loving family again.
Penguin has two daughters within four years of each other! Girl dad all the way, until the third child comes along and it's a boy, a total surprise, he'd fully expect another little girl. He finds it even more fun to have all three of them, the girls are protective of their baby brother, it almost reminds him of he and Shachi with Law when they were still teens. It's even more apparent how your children parallel that relationship, when your youngest daughter, at six years old, brings your two year old son to you when he's crying from a nightmare, you're both able to comfort and quell his tears. Penguin feels lucky to have all of you, and wants nothing more than for you to all be safe and happy.
Sanji! Has a son AND daughter first, a cute little set of twins! He dotes on them and gives them all the attention they need. Eventually another little girl comes along, then one more boy a couple years after her. Sanji loves them all, but his girls do get just a tad more attention at times, especially once they realize that giving him puppy dog eyes net them whatever they want. Your youngest son attaches to him like glue, wanting to be with Sanji all the time, and he can see the similarities in how alike the two are, minus the abuse of course, and it makes him want to protect your youngest son from the world at times. 
Zoro has a son, one that isn't planned at all. He hadn't even expected to have kids until this little baby boy that looks just like him comes along. After that, he expects that to be it. No more kids, just the one, just your son, until not even three years later you're pregnant again, with a little girl that's just as unplanned. Everyone is shocked, but when she's born, Zoro is instantly wrapped around her tiny finger and she's spoiled rotten by him. Your kids are both loved beyond belief though, both learning how to use a sword as soon as they're big enough to do so. Zoro is the one to convince you to have one more when your daughter is about five, and its a set of twin boys that make you swear off more kids in the end. They also start learning to use the sword one day, your third child falling into the three sword style that just inflates Zoro's pride even more. And yes, his daughter would be named Kuina.
Note 2: I would absolutely marry Zoro and have his babies in a heartbeat. I'm sorry Penguin, I still love you.
Note 3: If you saw this briefly yesterday, no you didn't shut up 😆
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ohnoitstbskyen · 10 months
hey skyen, you mentioned about kuina that she seemed transmasc to you and in my experience i think more people see zoro as a transmasc person, the reason being is his want/need to break gender stereotypes rather than enforce them. through kuina, his story to become the greatest swordman is inherently about breaking gender roles. and personally i think a lot of transmascs see this as their relationship to cis women. (especially in how kuina pushes zoro into the "weak" category with him and parrots sexism without knowing how it affects him) i also think his story is WAY more satisfying from a gender perspective if you see him as transmasc, regardless of if its intended or not. (the truth is that theyre BOTH transmasc, actually, why not?) (idk if you read fanfiction, probably not, but the fanfiction Burning Man on ao3 really goes in depth with transmasc zoro. its also the best fanfiction ive personally read for op)
Yeah, I can absolutely see that.
On related lines, I've also seen an interpretation of the story that Kuina and Zoro are the same person, and that Zoro's flashback depicts a metaphorical series of events rather than literal, where he battles with his assigned identity over and over as a child and can never "beat" her, never overcome or break out from under her.
But when he realizes that his assigned identity is miserable and in pain, and that all that even she wants is to be a boy, he has to go through the trauma of seeing her die, and go out into the world as truly himself. Through that lens his quest to become the greatest swordsman in the world is, in part, a quest to spite every motherfucker on Earth who told his past self that he would never be able to transcend his assigned gender.
So long as you assume that Kuina's father is playing along with it to the point of setting up a grave for his dead daughter who never was, it does explain why he would let Zoro take away the Wado Ichimonji, an incredibly important and valuable family heirloom, and treat Zoro so much like a direct son.
The Three Sword Style already represents Zoro carrying Kuina's spirit and memory with him always - his two-sword style in the hands, her one sword style in his mouth - and in this reading the style would be carrying the memory and pain of his childhood with him, and letting it empower him to become greater than anyone without his experiences could ever be.
It's one of the nice things about One Piece, I think, that it is open to these kinds of interpretations. Luffy being aro/ace is basically canon, which I appreciate a lot, and nobody can tell me Nami and Vivi didn't have a mutual crush going during Alabasta, and there is no understanding of Ace I will accept where he wasn't the most bi/pan wandering disaster the Grand Line had ever seen since Roger.
I do hope the actual explicit text of the manga will catch up to that someday... I was really happy to finally see some actual transmasc rep with Yamato, and a bit more playfulness with gender in general in characters like Izou and Kikunojo in the Wano Country arc, and honestly canonically transmasc Zoro or Crocodile would be enriching to both of those characters, I think.
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general-cyno · 7 months
apparently it's the 15th anniversary of zoro's sacrifice in thriller bark (not sure if manga or anime though) so yknow. time for more zolu of course
one of the many things about zoro and luffy is that despite how their approach to certain situations might differ at times, they're still pretty similar at their core, sometimes to a comical degree (see: their definition of what a hero is back in fish man island arc). and this understanding of how the other works is what leads to moments like jaya,
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this little one in water 7/enies lobby,
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and follows consistently all the way to wano arc.
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and I was thinking the other day about how their childhoods too kinda mirror or parallel each other's in a way that emphasizes (to me, at least) how special zoro's particular protectiveness toward luffy is, and why luffy relying on zoro that way is just as special.
the specifics of their childhood stories are different but both luffy and zoro have a turning point of sorts that's marked with the grief and loss of sabo and kuina, respectively, which leads them to say these:
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(I cropped the panels, but luffy's also crying here)
it's important to note zoro and luffy had dreams/aspirations before this, to become the greatest swordsman and luffy's secret thing that we've yet to learn about (that ace, sabo and the crew now know). however, losing kuina and sabo is what prompts them to, on top of that, strive to become stronger for other people's sake. for zoro, it's his way to honor his friend and fulfill their shared dream. for luffy, it's to avoid losing the people he loves.
throughout the story, zoro and luffy end up expressing similar frustration and sentiments due to this. there's zoro innerly chiding himself for being too weak as he trains in the aftermath of arcs like little garden, alabasta and thriller bark, where the crew get stuck in situations in which zoro isn't able to help as he wishes he could (the wax cake, the sea prism stone cell, kuma). there's luffy swearing he won't lose a single member of his crew even if it kills him (the davy back fight) and reproaching himself for not being able to save any of the straw hats in sabaody, with the worst of it right after losing ace in marineford.
(and man do I have thoughts about bon turning into zoro, out of all the straw hats, back in impel down.)
anyway. as to why all of this is meaningful - when zoro agrees to join luffy, he mentions that his goal to become the greatest swordsman is all he has. yet as the straw hats go from journey to journey, and with a certain emphasis in luffy, you can see how zoro's view slowly shifts. he's now driving himself to become strong to protect them as well, to the point he's willing to set aside his ambition and offer his own head in exchange for luffy's, if it means he can ensure luffy's life and safety. that's huge. as mihawk inwardly points out, zoro has something, someone he values even more than his ambitions and pride. and it's through his adventures with luffy and the crew that he becomes closer to achieving that initial dream of his.
whenever people wonder why zoro's as loyal as he is to luffy, aside from all the reasons why luffy as a character has earned that loyalty through his actions, I also remember that one line koushiro said to zoro in a flashback: "the pinnacle of swordsmanship is the power to protect what one wishes to protect and cut what one wishes to cut. a blade that injures all that it touches isn't really a sword." while sure, it works in the context of later power ups like haki, imo it perfectly captures zoro's character growth too and what luffy's given him. the current zoro isn't lost or directionless with only one purpose in mind or to live for, bounty hunting as a means to survive. he has a home to return to, people to cherish, to protect and keep getting stronger for, people who nurture him in turn. kuina's death is something zoro couldn't have prevented, and losing people in accidents like those is something that could happen again, but still within the limits of what's preventable - zoro can protect his friends now.
as for luffy... zoro kinda steals the spotlight when it comes to grand gestures of loyalty/devotion and being the MC of the story means luffy fights for different people (both crew and non crew), carrying their wishes and hopes as if they were his own. he gets help and learns from others as well and all members of the crew are important for luffy to achieve his dream one way or the other, but the way he relies on zoro specifically is so subtly meaningful to me. we don't get as much insight on luffy's inner thoughts, still, we do have context.
for someone like luffy, who is at his innermost genuinely terrified of being alone and losing the people he loves, the fact that he trusts zoro to protect and keep everyone safe (even luffy himself) is so good. as shown above, luffy vowed to become strong in the first place to ensure he'd never go through loss like sabo's again and this vow is all the more renewed after ace's death. luffy has to be strong for everyone but... the fact that he can trust zoro to follow his lead even when others might not understand his reasons to do x or y, that he's so unwavering in his faith that zoro will protect the others when luffy can't, entrusting the people he cares about to zoro, whom luffy also cherishes - it's all pretty special. everyone in the crew has their strengths and zoro may not be the only fighter, but all of them, including sanji, fall under his protection whenever it's needed.
it's not only about raw strength though. zoro's also there to set luffy straight and remind him of what's important when the circumstances arise, like in water 7 or punk hazard. and even when they don't necessarily agree, like wrt vivi's situation after the reverie in marijoa, luffy knows when zoro's right and acquiesces (albeit grumbling a little) because, once again, he's also aware that zoro wouldn't just risk everyone's safety. luffy listens to him. and their reunion in wano too, luffy's sheer happiness at the sight of him again, is a very clear example of how much luffy adores zoro even beyond all that.
although luffy isn't aware of what happened in thriller bark (that we know of), zoro's actions are proof of why luffy trusts, has faith in, and relies on zoro as much as he does and why it's so important for luffy to have him by his side, considering how afraid he is of being unable to keep his loved ones safe. this is more on a speculative note, but I can imagine how comforting that must be for luffy - to not shoulder that on his own.
happy anniversary!
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bidisastersanji · 5 months
Circus One Piece AU with sword swallower/knife thrower Zoro and tightrope walker/aerial act Sanji please and thank you
They (and the rest of the crew) grew up in the « Thousand Sunny » circus together:
Sanji’s adoptive dad, Zeff, is the circus cook who always tells a different, wild story about how he lost his leg (it often involves a lion, even though the circus doesn’t use animals in its show, despite its lion logo)
Zoro’s parents both died in an accident when he was young and his relatives (Shimotsuki) took him in. His childhood friend Kuina had an accident and is now a wheelchair user- she handles the circus social media and marketing with Nami
They both have had crushes on each other for years but don’t dare to fo anything because not only what if the other feels the same but what if it doesn’t work out and they have to leave their circus family- so instead they keep bickering and pigtail pulling
I think it’s common for circus performers to have many abilities but specializing in certain things so let’s just assume most of them are good at basic acrobatic/circus things
Sanji is an aerial artist (aerial silks, hoops etc) and tightrope walker and Zoro is good at sword swallowing, stage combat and knife throwing
A lot of the crew are orphans who were adopted into the circus family from many countries the circus has passed through, so they have little accents and have the best time celebrating everyone’s different traditions and holidays
Usopp is a magician, Vivi does diabolo, Franky a strongman, Robin does Trapeze, Luffy is known for his contortionist act but also does some clowning, Ace and Sabo do fire performances, Brook is their communal grandpa in charge of music, Jinbei is the cool dependable uncle in charge of setting everything up to regulation and navigating their caravan where Nami tells them to go
Although she does Chinese pole, Nami is growing up to be the person who’ll take over the circus management/strategy- she wants them to make bank and strategizes on what acts they do, innovative acts and staging they can do etc
Luffy’s dream is for their circus to be the best in the world - they’re already going around different countries but he wants a full international tour, eager to take over after his grandpa (ringmaster) passes it on to him
Chopper is the adoptive son of the troupe doctor (Kureha) who does some equestrian tricks (voltige) but mostly studies hard to be a doctor too. He’s still a kid but everyone is else is an adult
Sanji often gets really distracted by Zoro during practice times- their outfits are revealing and he’s so buff and like what else can he do with his mouth goddamn
He only once called Zoro a « sword swallower » when he was a (still closeted) teen to try and bully his friend/rival but Zoro just grinned at him and said « proudly » and Sanji almost died from that mental image and never used that insult again (he might have gotten a nosebleed)
Naturally Zoro is also dumbstruck by Sanji’s beauty and grace on the regular- and he often gets in trouble for watching Sanji’s act and almost missing cues
The gang always gets into so many shenanigans in every new city they travel to and they love each other so dearly
One day a video of Zoro practicing goes viral (because he’s hot and talented) and Sanji is definitely not responsible for a few dozen views on that video
Zoro always gets a little jealous and annoyed when he finds Sanji flirting with local girls
And that’s all the ideas I have for now! Please feel free to add to this!! I’d love to see what you guys would be fun to have in the circus AU
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natade-art · 2 years
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kuina lives au #8374 u can't see it but kuina has wado here
ID: first of three images is normal pre-timeskip Zoro standing next to Kuina. Kuina wears a white sleeveless top, green hakama pants with a pink sash, a brown leather belt, and a blue embroidered haori over his shoulders.
Second image is a page of sketches in blue lines. Kuina and Tashigi side by side, Tashigi sheepishly smiling and holding her sword to her chest while Kuina looks sullen: captioned “transmasc swag but in different ways”. To the right, Kuina holds up an image of younger Zoro and asks “have you seen him he’s green and very stupid”. Under these is Kuina sitting, looking serious, fist clenched, labeled “cool rounin looking for brother”, and one more sketch of Tashigi berating Kuina (no dialogue) and Kuina thinking with an exasperated grin “she sounds just like I did...”
Third image is just two sketches in green: Zoro laughing at Kuina, asking “so, brothers, huh?”. Kuina embarrassed and annoyed says “do I need to beat you a 2002nd time?” with the context “started saying he was looking for his brother out of convenience and it stuck” to the side with an arrow pointing to him. Under them it says “they are brothers now”, followed by a sketch of Kuina waving and introducing himself to the Straw Hats, with Usopp and Nami thinking “this is Ace all over again” end ID
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
"I can't reach my nose from here,” Luffy whined, unable to pick his nose.
“Quit that idiot! You are about to witness an execution” Buggy snapped at him.
“Oh cool! I've never seen one before who's being killed?” Luffy asked.
“You are dumbass!”
“I'm sorry please let me go,” Luffy pouted, it was no fun being stuck like this, he wanted to live and go on adventures, he wanted to eat good food, to spend time on the Marry with his Nakama, to meet up with Ace again. He still had yet to become the king of the pirates!
“As if I'd just let you go, you rubber idiot!” Buggy shouted at him, his pointy shoe resting atop his hat. “Any last words?” The annoying clown asked him. When Luffy didn't immediately respond, he kept going. “Well whatever or not you say anything, it does really matter. It's not like anyone will care what you have to s..”
“I'M THE MAN WHO WILL BECOME THE KING OF THE PIRATES!” Luffy screamed at the of his lungs, declaring his interactions and ambition for all to hear.
“Is that all you have to say…" You stupid rubber brat!?” Buggy laughed at him, kicking the wood he was trapped under.
“Wait!” A familiar and welcome voice shouted from the crowd. In the distance, he could see Sanji and Zoro fighting to get to him.
“Sanji! Zoro! Help me outta here!”
“So you have come, Zoro! Well, it's too late now! Your precious captain is going to die!” The obnoxious clown began to laugh maniacally above him. “Bear witness to your captain's last moments!”
Oh looks like this was the end after all, Luffy would miss his friends. Maybe Nami could become Captain, they could still go to the Grand Line and achieve their dreams without him.
“Sanji! Zoro! Usopp! Nami!” He called each of his nakama by their name, his heart felt full with love. He wished them all the best. “Sorry but it looks like I'm dead,” he stated with the widest grin he’d ever smiled, looking much like the man executed in that same spot 20 years ago.
Zoro sliced and diced anyone who got in his way. Wave after wave of weirdos, clowns and circus freaks that made up Buggy's crew met their end at the tip of his swords. Sanji by his side fighting just as hard to get to their Captain. It couldn't end this way before they even made it to the grandline. He should have gone with him! It was his duty to protect the crew.
What good was his swords, his dream, his ambitions if he could protect those that belonged to him! If Zoro couldn't save the man who had saved him! He would be dead if not for Luffy. No chance to fulfill his and Kuina’s dream.
“Move it!” He yelled slicing into yet another body, they were all just cannon fodder to hinder him in his quest for Luffy. “Come down and fight me you coward!” Zoro screamed from behind Wado clenched tightly between his teeth.
Where were the Marines who were supposed to protect this town and its citizens? There were more than just pirates here. There were innocent citizens screaming and running from the grave danger they were in. The World Government yet again proving to be useless as always once again.
If only he could just cut down that damn execution platform then everything would be fine.
If only he could kick down that execution platform then everything would be fine. Sanji thought to himself as he kicked his way towards his captain. He knew Zoro was beside him doing the same with his new swords. To hear the peril in Luffy's voice broke Sanji's heart. Luffy should never sound like that! Unless he was asking for more food. Just what was this clown's issue with Luffy and Zoro anyway?
“Bastard!” Sanji cried out filled with rage and desperation.
“Sanji! Zoro! Usopp! Nami! Sorry but it looks like I'm dead,” Sanji watched helplessly just like everyday as a child. Too weak to stop what was happening before his eyes as his captain smiled as the sword drew near to his neck.
“Don't say that, you idiot!” Sanji pleaded, this couldn't be happening.
There was a flash of lighting and the rumbler of thunder Sanji saw the executioner's platform explode, its smoking remains soon soaked with the falling rain. In the rumble stood Luffy unharmed as if he hadn't been about to die. The strange clown with the vendetta was covered in charcoal.
“Looks like I did survive!” Luffy chuckled, placing his hat atop his head. “How lucky! Thank goodness!”
“Hey…” Sanji turned to Zoro who also was standing there lost. His swords sheathed once more as Sanji continued on with his question for his lover. “Do you believe in a god?” Sanji had never been much of a believer himself. The ocean was his goddess, he knew she could be harsh and cruel but he loved her all the same. She was his first love, she was a part of his dream. He had spent the majority of his life on her. But this couldn't be anything other than a sign from something divine.
“Enough talking and let's leave this damn town already. We've got more trouble on the way,” his ever so blunt partner stated.
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one-idea · 6 months
Kuina, Zoro and the lookalike
Master post
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You know what I’m not done talking about it.
Here’s another idea from my reverse strawhats/parallel dimension strawhats
So this is in the east blue. We’re going to loguetown.
So this is really weird to Ace. Being in the town his father was born, raised, and was executed in. Like what a mess of emotions for the dude.
(The crew won’t know about the Gol D. Roger connection until water 7 when Tom tells them stories about Gol D. Roger)
But that’s not who we are focusing on today.
Yes Kaya gets a weapon in Loguetown.
Yes Reiju gets in a cook off.
But again we’re not taking about them.
We are talking about Kuina and Zoro. Or Kuina and the face stealer that looks like Zoro.
I was thinking about it and it would be weird to have Tashigi in this as her whole thing is she looks like Kuina. And the whole thing doesn’t land if Kuina is alive. So switch it to a person who looks like Zoro.
(I found out that Kuina and Tashigi were both named after flightless birds and wanted to keep the name similars going. I looked up the meaning of Zoro and it was sky/moon soooooooo)
Kuina goes off on her own. Maybe looking for supplies to take care of Wado Ichimonji (I don’t think Kuina develops a three sword style. I think she’s still fighting with just the one) and while she’s at the sword store a young man walks in.
He can’t be older the 16. He has striking green hair, an athletic build and a cocky walk. He struts in asking about a sword. The owner of the store seems exasperated as the boy goes through swords quickly. The boy makes a joke about being too strong for regular blades.
His eye catch’s Wado and his interest is peaked.
When he goes to talk to the girl holding the sword she looks like she’s seen a ghost.
Kuina can’t wrap her head around what she’s seeing. The boy looks exactly like Zoro! But that can’t be. Zoro was dead. She was at his funeral. She had mourned him. How dare this stranger walk in wearing his face, having his attitude, this was a mockery of her best friend!
She leaves as quickly as possible but not before learning the man’s name is Tsukin. Even their names share meaning! (Zoro’s meaning sky/moon and Tsukin meaning moon)
Later on after getting her reckless captain out of trouble and running for their lives back to the Merry, Tsukin is there blocking their path. Because of course the lookalike is a marine. And of course he loves fighting.
She stops to duel him while Ace and Reiju race ahead. She beats him with ease. But as he lays there on the ground with both of his swords knocked out of his hands he starts to argue with her about how she needs to do the honor of killing him. And it’s so familiar. He never once questions her strength because she a girl, she was his equal from the moment he realized she knew how to wield her blade.
And it’s so achingly familiar.
She leaves after yelling at him to stop pretending to be Zoro. (A very confusing day for both of them to be honest)
Sailing away she’s quite upset. Ace is to, he just about died on the same scaffolding his father did. That’s when Reiju brings out the barrel for them all to announce their dreams before the grandline.
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joyish-little-boy · 6 months
One Backstory to Rule them All
Anyone else think about how Sanji's backstory parallels every other Strawhat's backstory?
1. Luffy - Luffy is the most obvious, as they quite literally flashback to Shanks losing his arm right after Sanji explains how Zeff sacrificed his leg for Sanji. It's interesting the parallel here - because Shanks sacrifice is what took Luffy a step further in his dreams and made him determined to be the captain of his own pirate crew rather than simply joining Shank's crew, which is what he wanted to do previously. Now, for Sanji, Zeff's sacrifice had the opposite effect and Sanji chained himself to Zeff and what remained of Zeff's dreams rather than being pushed forward by it.
2. Zoro - I find it interesting that all of the Monster Trio parallel each other in their backstories in that all of them constantly lost when they were kids. Zoro lost 2001 times to Kuina, Luffy lost 50 fights to Ace and 50 to Sabo every day, and Sanji was constantly being beaten by his siblings. Each were called weak by those beating them, and each grew past that. What's also interesting to me is that there's the specific method of losing in Sanji's losing montage that's a direct callback to Zoro's backstory, as Oda includes multiple scenes of Sanji being beat at fights with wooden swords.
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The difference being that Kuina is a decent human being and doesn't abuse Zoro. She calls him weak, but ultimately respects him as a rival and Zoro respects her in turn. Luffy also eventually earns that respect, though Sanji never does which leads to a noticeable difference in how Zoro and Sanji see themselves and their places on the crew - Thriller Bark I think being a perfect example of how Sanji believes that he's replaceable in a way that Zoro doesn't.
3. Nami - Nami and Sanji were both kids that found themselves in abusive situations, though at different ages. For both of them, their abuse centered around a man who's belief in their own superiority led them to a sense of entitlement to what was theirs. Arlong believed in his own biological superiority and Judge believed in the superiority of the Vinsmoke name, as well as genetic superiority which led him to experiment on his own children. Arlong values the lives of fishmen, the lives of the rest of his crew over the lives of Nami and the rest of her village. Judge values the lives of his other children over Sanji, seeing him as a failure for the way he was born (although it's also mentioned he blames Sanji for what happened with Sora). I think another very interesting parallel in their stories is the role of their respective older sisters. Nojiko and Reiju both privately support their younger sibling but both cannot stand up to the abusive figure in their lives. Nojiko gets tattoos to match Nami's to help her feel less alone, she listens to Nami, and does her best to try and support her through the 8 years of hell (8 years being another parallel to other members of the crew including Sanji). Reiju for her part laughs along with her brothers, but never lays a hand against Sanji and does her best to patch him up after everyone is gone. Their actions are indirect and discreet, save for the final fights, and that muted care is a very interesting part of each of their characters and it's why, I think neither of them felt it was their place to accompany their siblings on their journey. When Nami leaves, Nojiko lets her go, like she's always let her go. And Reiju pushes Sanji to leave, just as she pushed before. That regret of not being able to help more will stick with them forever.
4. Usopp - Usopp's backstory is all of 5 seconds long and still manages to parallel Sanji's somehow??? If I had a nickel for each strawhat who's mom was sick and died from illness when they were young, I'd have 2 nickels-
5. Chopper - HOO boy the parallel of your biological family hating you for the way that you were born and neglecting/abusing you for it hits right on Chopper's blue nose. Now, it's not all bad for either of them, though - considering they each had someone that accepted them for who they were. Chopper had Hiraluk and Sanji had Sora. Hiraluk inspired Chopper to be a doctor, emphasizing he had the most important qualification - a big heart. Sora meanwhile cried about how kind Sanji was to Reiju and her nurse, when he told her to "get better soon", calling him the "sweetest boy in the world". That kindness - that caring nature, is something that Hiraluk and Sora would do anything to protect and it's so evident that these two cared deeply for their kids. It's why Hiraluk ate that poisoned mushroom and encouraged Chopper to become a doctor and Sora ate the ruined food despite her fragile constitution and asked Sanji to cook for her again! This is love, baby!
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These two kids were willing to risk so much to bring nourishment and care to the ones they loved, BOTH standing up to their biological families - Chopper fighting through his old herd of reindeer to get the mushroom, and Sanji sneaking out risking his father's wrath and braving the storm and wild dogs to deliver the food. Hiraluk and Sora are Chopper's and Sanji's source of encouragement which kick start each of their passions. And both of them tragically die which is honestly just heartbreaking. But all hope isn't lost, and both Chopper and Sanji find a new mentor, ones who are strict - but do care a lot for each of them, and help them develop the discipline they need to learn their respective crafts. Kurehara and Zeff are interesting parallels, both tough older mentors who are sharp of tongue and strict with their new apprentices. They can be this way without discouraging Chopper and Sanji, because the passion has already been ignited and so it's easy to see how they're good fits for helping these two live up to their full potential.
6. Robin - the big parallel with these two boils down to these two scenes and I sob about both of them.
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Saul and Reiju, telling them to set out to sea, placing faith in the vastness of the world, knowing that they've done everything they can for now and planting that seed of hope that someday Robin and Sanji will meet people that can give them what they deserve is just such a touching moment. While this parallel is interesting, what's also interesting is the ways in which these two characters differ. The danger that Robin runs from is something that chases her, whereas the danger that Sanji runs from is his family and once he's made it onto the boat he's free. Robin thought she would never be safe, Sanji thought he was safe up until the wedding fiasco. And precisely the thing that hurts Sanji - the fact that his family wanted him gone - is so different from what's hurting Robin - the fact that she'll never be left alone by the government. Robin is wanted for the skills she and only she has, her story is (wo)man vs world, her bounty set at 79,000,000 which is the literal value on her head. Sanji is unwanted for the skills he, and he alone (in his family) lacks. There's no bounty, no one goes after him. His story is man vs self and undoing the damage that was done to his psyche as a child. It's so fascinating to me the way that both of these characters are saved by the crew in similar but such different ways, the way that each of them wanted to die, but for different reasons. Robin wanted to sacrifice herself because she's been betrayed and hurt by the world so many times that she couldn't trust in the strawhats' love. She loved them too much to risk being hurt like that again. Sanji wanted to sacrifice himself because he'd rather die than inconvenience the crew. Rather than not believing in their love, he doesn't believe he's worth that love, preferring to solve his problems on his own. And I think that it's so fitting the way that both of their stories intersect in Wano, with Robin being able to protect Sanji and Sanji finally believing in his own worth enough to ask for help. They're such different characters, with Sanji wearing his heart on his sleeves and Robin holding her's close to her chest and such interesting mirrors of each other.
7. Franky - they're cyborgs, what else can I say? The difference here is clear - Sanji's body was modified without his consent, whereas Franky modified himself. They're also both unwanted children, with Franky's parents abandoning him on Water 7 whereas Sanji's father was happy when Sanji left.
8. Brook - the parallel here is in the loneliness that both of them experienced, and really Sanji just got a taste of what Brook went through. Sanji and Brook were both parts of different crews before they were on the strawhats, albeit Sanji as a child and for a very short time, whereas Brook was with the Rumbar pirates for a longer time as an adult journeying very similarly to how the strawhats are now. Both were the sole survivors of their respective crews after being attacked, and though Sanji had Zeff on the rock, neither of them communicated with each other for the first 70 days after their initial agreement. Sanji felt a taste of the 50 years that Brook had to go through, with no food or water or way to escape off his abandoned pirate ship.
9. Jimbei - honestly I don't really have a good comparison for these two, other than they're both people who when confronted with the cruelty of others chose irrational kindness. Jimbe eventually learned how to live with and respect humans, and Sanji wouldn't let his family die, even after everything they put him through. They're both people who derived their codes of honor from others - Jimbei from Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime and Sanji from Zeff. Idk maybe there's more there, but i don't really have too much to say about these two
Anyways, idk i just think they're neat 👉👈 and the way that Oda threw in parallels to all the other character's when completing Sanji's backstroy is so fascinating to me
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turntechgaykid · 3 months
How I imagine the Strawhat Crew in a Demon Slayer AU:
If you have any ideas please comment I wanna hear it (for any one piece characters)
Luffy: made his own breathing technique called 'Rubber Breathing' and has Nichirin Knuckles
- Garp tried to train Luffy, Ace an Sabo to become slayers (Sabo still has his 'death' an is taken in by Dragon)
- Luffy meets Shanks who ended up teaching him some of his own breathing technique
- Ace & Sanji only learned enough from Garp to master Flame breathing.
- (Ace: Has Nichirin Knuckles Sabo: Has a Red Nichirin blade)
- (Ace was captured by Akainu an almost killed after years of training with Whitebeard bc they found out he was the son of Gol D. Roger)
- (Sabo uses a Mix of Flame breathing and Serpent breathing)
Zoro: uses Wind breathing an has 1 Green and 2 Black Nichirin blades
- Kuina wanted to be the Hashira to Defeat the Demons but her father (who is an ex Hashira) said women can't be Hashira, Kuina ended up passing an Zoro took up her wish
- When Luffy finds him he's been captured an strung up by a Demon (Morgan), Luffy frees him and they kill the Demon together
Nami: uses Thunder breathing and has a Orange Nichirin blade
- Her mom was a Retired Kinoe who took in Nami and Nojiko after she found them in the wreckage of a village
- Arlong was a Demon who took over her village, she made a deal with him that if he didn't kill the villagers she'd bring him other people to use/kill. He intended to turn Nami into a Demon too but Luffy (, Zoro, Usopp & Sanji) killed him and saved her
Usopp: doesn't use breathing techniques. has Nichirin ammo and uses a sling shot
- His dad is a well known Kinoe who suddenly went missing and he's never met him
- Luffy, Nami & Zoro are sent to his village bc there's been many reports of Demons in the area (Kuro) they meet Usopp when he almost dies trying to fight the Demon Jungo
Sanji: uses Flame breathing. Taught by the retired Water Hashira and has Nichirin Boots
- Meets Zeff after escaping Judge when the ship he was on was attacked by Demons, Zeff saved him but both end up stranded an starved til they were saved an Zeff retired
Chopper: has a Pink Nichirin blade. Wishes to one day heal the Demons
- Was trained to be a doctor but idealized Slayers an became one, mixed the poison an precision parts of Insect breathing with the unpredictable and ferocious nature of Beast breathing to make his own breathing technique
Robin: uses Flower breathing and has a Purple Nichirin blade
- When she was 8 Aokiji was ordered to destroy her village bc it was believed they were all Demons in hiding or hiding the upper moon Demons
- She learned how to use breathing techniques on her own an became a Slayer to find out more about The Demon Slayer Corps for a certain upper moon 6 before Luffy gives her a new reason to live
Paulie/Franky: Swordsmith, makes swords and specialty weapons for the crew
Brook: uses Sound breathing and has a Silver Nichirin blade
- Was trapped by Lower moon 1 for many years but is saved by the crew
Jimbe: uses Water breathing and has a Blue Nichirin blade
- Fisher Tiger ran a dojo an took in many orphaned children including Jimbe (and Arlong) but was killed by a Demon and Jimbe decided to become a Slayer afterwards to avenge him
Yamato: uses Beast breathing and has a Nichirin Kanabo
- Kaido was grooming Yamato to become very strong as a human before turning him into a Demon but when he was 8 Yamato met the Slayer Oden an vowed to be just like him when he grew up
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melonteee · 4 months
you say you have a "hope that sanji dies" cuz you love tragedy - do you have any specifc thoughts or plot hopes to expand on that?
disclaimer: i mean this in just all good fun speculation or wishes cuz honestly we aint oda so who knows bruh 🤷‍♀️
like, the way i see it, him dying wouldnt just make wci 1000 times worse in retrospect, but i cant see it not utterly devestating luffy considering... well, luffys everything.he literally says he cant become pirate king without sanji! i mean, i guess oda could play it off as a honorable battle death or 'dying as yourself' but it could also go the 'you cant save everyone' route? kinda like ace, but a little to the left?
and if you bring in the possible discord amongst the crew of the death pack with zoro, it just creates even more problems beyond 'oh fuck whos gunna feed luffy'. we're talking water seven usopp leaves levels of discord
(....also why do sanji girlies like hurting him so? pudding, i have more in common with u than i thought)
My biggest thing with it is... Sanji's thing is worth, right? He thinks if he mutates and loses his emotions, Luffy won't want him, so he may as well die.
But, with the death pact he made with Zoro, what about ZORO.
Zoro hasn't said it out loud, but one of his biggest fears is obviously losing a crewmate - it's losing a loved one. He never wants to lose someone like he lost Kuina again. This feels very obvious to me, and it's why he fights to the extent he does.
So? I want Sanji to mutate, and I want the death pact to happen, because I want Zoro to hit a wall.
To never lose again, to be the greatest swordsman, WHAT must he sacrifice? To carry out a promise to his friends, to both Kuina AND Sanji, is this really worth it? Is this the right thing to do to reach his goals, and to go through with a promise?
Is it worth taking out a crewmate?
And then of course, for Sanji, if Zoro says he can't do it, he just can't kill Sanji, imagine how much that will make Sanji realise...he IS valuable, he HAS worth, no matter HOW he ends up. So what if he turns into a cold, unfeeling soldier? That's still Sanji, he's still somewhere in there, and Zoro dropping his sword would truly make Sanji realise that.
OR it can go the other way, and the death pact will go through - where Sanji can die happy, and Zoro can fulfill his friend's promise.
This is why it's so interesting that the death pact is SPECIFICALLY between those two. Because I'm not saying Zoro values Sanji over any other Strawhat - of course he doesn't. What I'm saying is, Sanji's situation is so specific to his being and emotions, and he KNOWS Zoro takes promises to heart.
I'm so so so SO interested to see if this death pact will EVER go through. There's so much that could happen with it, so even if Sanji dies or not? Fingers crossed!
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opswordsmenzine · 2 months
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We're releasing the bracket early! See you all tomorrow when the first round of eliminations begin!
Elimination Round
⚔️ Warabide (wielded by: Hawkins) VS Shigure (wielded by: Tashigi)
⚔️ Enma (wielded by: Oden) VS Funkfreed (wielded by: Spandam)
⚔️ Ace (wielded by: Roger) VS Nidai Kitetsu (wielded by: Sukiyaki)
⚔️ Durandal (wielded by: Cavendish) VS Sandai Kitetsu (wielded by: Zoro)
⚔️ Gryphon (wielded by: Shanks) VS Kiribachi (wielded by: Arlong)
⚔️ Yoru (wielded by: Mihawk) VS Shusui (wielded by: Ryuma)
⚔️ Kikoku (wielded by: Law) VS Wado Ichimonji (wielded by: Kuina)
⚔️ Napoleon (wielded by: Big Mom) VS Soul Solid (wielded by: Brook)
⬇️ Way of the Blade's other socials!
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moxie-girl · 7 months
I wanted to just put together a post with all of my ideas so far for the straw hat Uta au… (under the cut cause it's long)
the gist of the au is that the main strawhats are all replaced by other characters from their backstories/islands/etc? it's a little confusing to explain but here's what I got so far: (list is in recruitment order, not by role)
Luffy -> Uta (Captain) Uta in this AU ate the gum-gum fruit instead of Luffy (who then ate the sing-sing fruit.) her dream is to be the pirate king, but she doesn't have quite the same deal with Shanks as Luffy does, mostly because I think it'd be funny if the crew was ambushed by Pirate Emperor Shanks and Uta was just like "oh!! that's my dad!!! :D" Uta also grew up on dawn island in this au, because after she ate her devil fruit, Shanks thought it was too dangerous to keep her on the ship (since the WG was kinda after her.) she's a little less than a year older than Ace+Sabo b/c I messed w/ the ages a bit and I wanted her to be the older sister (like half of the crew in the beginning are all older sisters lol but that wasn't even on purpose…) Uta's fighting style is pretty similar to Luffy's, but she has a bit of a head-start on Haki since she spent so much time with Shanks.
Zoro -> Kuina (Swordsman) Zoro's not actually dead in this au, just fyi, because I didn't want to kill off any of the canon strawhats, but his accident did put him in a coma for a while, and he kinda lost most of his ambition and is still struggling with his lost dream… Kuina picked up 3-sword style to "take him with her" and prove to him that it's not an unachievable dream. she's got a bit of a complex still from some of the stuff her father said, and insists on being a "swordsman", not a "swordswoman," which is why when Uta approaches her and says she wants to be the pirate king, that is part of what convinces her to join. Kuina also uses Wado Ichimonji more than Zoro does - I noticed in canon he typically uses his two other swords and only uses Wado when he needs to use three-sword-style, so Kuina is kinda the opposite - she uses one-sword style more as well.
Nami -> Nojiko (Cook) I wanted to not keep all the switched characters' roles exactly the same as their canon counterparts, so I decided to play more with cocoyasi island's tangerine groves and make Nojiko a cook who specializes in tangerine dishes. I imagine she learned to cook to try to make the simple foods she had growing up more appetizing, and continued after Belle-mere died because she had to keep Nami fed. She still worked as a thief for Arlong, same as canon Nami, but instead of his navigator, her role was basically his servant in that she cooked for him and the other Arlong pirates. she fights with Belle-mere's rifle, mostly a mid-range fighter, but she can also use it as a blunt weapon Benn Beckman-style, and does this more after Uta mentions that her dad's first mate fights like that.
Usopp -> Kaya (Doctor) this one's kinda a no-brainer role-wise, and also I really can't believe the canon strawhats didn't get a doctor until like 90 episodes in like?? how are they not dead tbh. Usopp in this au grew to hate Yasopp for leaving instead of admiring him, but Kaya as a kid would also listen to Usopp's mom's stories about Yasopp and was excited by the idea of being a pirate. Kaya also wants to be a doctor because Usopp's mom died from a disease that was potentially treatable, but the doctors on syrup had no idea how to. this Kaya also chafes a lot more under Kuro's strict rules, and he was particularly upset because she kept "squandering" her family fortune on things like medical textbooks and expensive tutors. Kaya fights mostly with scalpels, because I'm an absolute sucker for characters that use scalpels like knives, and at some point on their journey (maybe Drum?) she learns to coat the blades in poisons/paralytics.
Sanji -> Reiju (Navigator) Reiju in this au is the sibling who the enhancements didn't work on, which Judge hates even more because Reiju looks so much like Sora. Sanji is technically Stealth Black, but he actually secretly does have emotions, the physical enhancements just worked on him. He still wants to be a cook, and one of the reasons Reiju wants to map the world is so she can find the All Blue for him. Reiju has a pretty similar backstory to canon Sanji, as in dungeon -> escape to a passenger ship -> shipwrecked with attacking pirate, etc, but the (currently unnamed) pirate she was shipwrecked with wanted to map the way to raftel, and instead of being stuck on a rock, they're stuck in a wrecked lifeboat, where they could theoretically get to an island if they had any navigational gear, but they didn't. Reiju is a bit paranoid about getting lost, the same way Sanji is about wasting food, and she aslo fights with kicks, because how could she draw detailed maps if she damaged her hands? (the only difference is that she wears sharp stiletto heels and tends to stab people with them.)
Chopper -> Vivi (Strategist/Diplomat) (+ Karoo) When this au's strawhats go to drum, they technically already have a doctor, but since Kaya can't treat the bug bite they still need help. Kaya learns a lot from Kureha, but since they don't need a doctor, Chopper stays on drum (for the time being.) Instead, at the end of the alabasta saga, Vivi entrusts her kingdom to her father and Kozha, and decides she'd rather be free and joins the strawhats. her job is kinda vague, but it's basically to try to deal with any situation the strawhats get into diplomatically, though they end up resorting to violence most of the time anyway. she's also the crew's planner, since Uta has a little more respect than Luffy for a well-thought-out plan (but not much!) Karoo also joins the crew, and is their "cute animal mascot" in place of Chopper. I imagine the fact of Vivi having the "will of D" is better-known or leaked somehow in this au, because there has to be someone on the crew who's a "D." Vivi fights using her peacock slashers, obviously, though they get a couple major upgrades at some point.
Robin -> Bon Clay/Bentham (Intel Officer/Entertainer) Robin still betrays Crocodile and helps the strawhats, but she runs off and joins the revolutionaries for a time instead. Instead, Bentham also betrays Crocodile, since he's grown to like Uta and the others, and joins the crew. he has two roles: his devil fruit allows him to gather intel when the crew needs it and confuse enemies, and he enjoys dancing and storytelling and does this in free time on the ship. the crew doesn't have an official musician, since Uta still loves music and grew up with this au's Luffy, who has the sing-sing fruit, so Uta and Bentham both play that role in a way. since both he and Vivi were in baroque works for a while, they often make references to that time like: "hey remember that time we did [super fucked up mission story none of the crew are willing to ask if is actually true]." Bentham's dream is not only to find the okama kingdom, but also to spread the okama ideal around the world so that more people understand it, which stems from his backstory - his parents disowned him because they weren't accepting of his identity :(. he fights with the okama kenpo style, and often trains with Reiju since their fighting styles are very compatible.
Franky -> Paulie (Shipwright) Paulie also wants to build a ship that sails the world, though he's less open about this ambition for fear of ridicule. after enies lobby - where Franky and Iceburg are captured to find the pluton blueprints - Franky decides to stay (for now) to help rebuild the galley-la company and fix up the sea trains with Iceburg. the ship the strawhats get built isn't the Sunny (if/when this au's Luffy sets sail, he'll eventually end up on the Sunny.) since I'm discarding most of the movie canon, their new ship is the Tot Musica: the figurehead bears a resemblance to the demon, and it's a bit more steampunk in design, since Paulie draws more inspiration from the sea trains and his style isn't the same as Franky's more high-tech designs. the Tot Musica's special features draw from stored solar power to work steam engines (like those in the sea trains) and to make an allusion to the sun since the ship isn't named after it. Paulie has a hard time at first on a ship with so many girls since he's so easily embarrassed lol… also he fights using a variety of ropes of different widths/strengths and with different weights/other objects tied onto them.
Brook -> Perona (Archeologist) the crew still help Brook out, but he decides he wants to sail a bit on his own to see how the world has changed. instead, they pick up Perona on thriller bark and she decides to join! I'm playing around a bit with how Perona's devil fruit works, and saying it also allows her to speak with ghosts to some extent. Perona gained an intrest in history because of this, and at one point in her childhood asked a ghost she knew to teach her lots of languages - this ghost was an oharan who died before the island was destroyed, so they taught her how to read poneglyphs without thinking it was a big deal. this ghost taught her enough that she is considered an honorary oharan archeologist, and she meets up with Robin at some point in the story and they get along pretty well. Perona's personality is still pretty close to canon, like her obsession with cute things (she loooves Karoo) but her dream is to find out more about the void century, since not even any ghosts she talks to can tell her about it. she fights using her devil fruit pretty much the same way, but she also has a tendency to see ghosts following people around and comment on it to unsettle them, like "oh your grandma is so disappointed in you :("
additionally, while most other canon characters stay the same, there are two other characters I'm adding, who also serve the purpose of rounding the supernovas up to an unlucky 13…
Lami Lami and Law both live in this au, and they're unhealthily codependent and attached at the hip. Lami is the Heart Pirates' first mate, though she's basically the co-captain. she and Law were both rescued by Corazon, since while both he and Doflamingo saw Doffy in Law, Cora saw himself in Lami. she's more of a medicinal/chemical based doctor as opposed to Law, a surgeon, and she fights using chemical concoctions and bombs - think a little like Honey Lemon from BH6? Lami originally doesn't have a devil fruit, but during dressrosa, since I haven't worked out how but I know Ace lives, the coliseum prize is Cora's devil fruit, which she obtains and eats.
Vicky "Punk Vicky" Victoria (the girl from Kidd's backstory who died & he named his ship after) is the captain of the Kidd Pirates, who are called the Punk Pirates in this au. Killer is still her first mate, and Kidd is the shipwright/mechanic/main fighter(?). Kidd still has the biggest bounty, due to property damage - something she's very frustrated about. I don't have much to work with for her, considering there's only one canon doodle of her, but to fit in with the punk-rock designs of the rest of the crew, I imagine she wears heavy/dark makeup, dyes her hair different bright colors (the mental image I have is her having a different hair color every time the strawhats meet her) and wears clothes with lots of spikes and patches. Vicky's main weapon would be a spiked baseball bat, and she's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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kalofi · 10 months
Hi! I’ve seen your art before I ever read one piece, but I have to say it really motivated me to do it!! Now that I’ve read it -> literally just finished. I have. No idea what to do w/ myself lol. But! I finally know who the characters in your art are and I hope you have a great day!!
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hi sorry i’m soooo late responding to this but i love your take on death in one piece and i totally agree. there are constant depictions of characters honoring and remembering their loved ones through things they do, items they carry, ideals they hold etc etc. luffy, along with the fire motif he shares with sabo, also has his scar! it’s painful and probably hurts to remember but i think it’s also a reminder of ace, and how much he was willing to sacrifice for his little brother. how much he loved him. zoro has his sword for kuina ofc but he has his chest scar as well! as a reminder of his promise to her long ago, his promise to mihawk to surpass him, and his promise to luffy to never lose again on his journey to become the pirate king’s swordsman. then ofc there’s nami and her tangerines like you said, sanji and his cooking ofc, chopper and his medicine, robin and her love for knowledge/history, franky and his expertise in ship making, brook and his music and so on and so forth. law with his tattoos as well, is a cool one to point out. then there’s the whole legacy of the strawhat and the people and dreams that it represents as well. i don’t know i just think the symbolism in one piece for honor and family and death and grief and remembrance is so potent and continuous throughout the story if you take a second to look. basically i just said what you said with more words but yeah you’re totally right i love it as a theme throughout the story it’s sooo cool
AND YES DEFINITELY WATCH BARON OMATSURI GOOD GOD!!! fun fact i saw an edit of that movie on instagram and that’s what finally pushed me to start watching one piece. and ofc i’ve watched the actual movie itself many times over and have forced friends who don’t even know anything about the show to watch it with me but if it weren’t for that movie. i would have never contracted the one piece disease
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