#sanji as the fool.....
quilfish-swan · 2 years
going insane thinking about making anime tarot cards............
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marimeigh · 2 months
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pranks with the strawhat pirates
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wigglesdtuff · 2 months
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poor george
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marchessa · 9 months
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Bickering idiots.
One Piece (2023) S1E8
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pierogiy · 2 years
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woah cool dog
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sanjifucker42069 · 8 months
Good Boy
It was a warm day on the Going Merry. It was mid-afternoon and you were alone on the ship, busying yourself by swabbing the deck. The rest of the crew was out on their own journeys, Nami and Usopp shopping, Sanji gathering supplies, and who honestly knew what Zoro and Luffy were up to. You hadn't felt like travelling, you were docked here for a few days, and you really wanted to just rest. But that was this morning, and now you were bored. You sighed, perhaps you should've planned something too.
"(Name)!" You spun around at the sound, seeing Luffy waving both arms at you. Beside him, Sanji carried boxes of supplies. Your eyes softened. Moving to the gangplank you wave back at the boys.
"Ahoy Captain!" You joked, eyes shifting to Sanji and winking. "And ahoy handsome chef. What brings you to my ship?"
Sanji softly smiled at your antics, whilst Luffy boarded the ship excited. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Luffy grinned, grabbing your shoulders. You laughed. 
"So no hat?" You joked. Luffy shook his head. 
"Where is everyone?"
"You two are the first ones back." You shrugged, turning to Sanji. "Can I help ease your burden there, Sanji? That's a lot of stuff."
The man huffed humorously, jostling the boxes in his hands to be more comfortable as his long legs boarded the ship. He shot you a lopsided grin. "And subject a pretty lady to manual labour? I don't think so." 
You giggled. Damn that man and his charisma. Luffy buzzed with excitement next to you. "You all good there? Did you eat a hive of bees before you got here?"
Luffy ignored you, instead badgering Sanji. "Can we give it to her now, Sanji? Please?" 
Give you what? You cocked your head, confused at your fellow pirates' attitude. You shot a look at the chef, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged.
"I suppose so." 
"Yeah!" Luffy pulled something from his best, handing it to you. "(Name), we got you something. Look, look! Isn't it cool?"
You gasped. A book. It was a modest size, covered in a gorgeous (colour) cover. You ran your fingers over the cover, feeling its coarseness. Eagerly you untied the side tie. The paper inside was gorgeous, a creamy ivory paper with a thickness that made you excited at its possibility. It was lightly textured, perfect for any kind of medium. Truly a beautiful sketchbook. You fawned over it. How did they know? You'd tried to not let it show that you were almost through your current sketchbook. You forced your eyes to acknowledge the two, happiness swelling in your chest.
"Ah Luffy it's perfect! You're such a good boy!" You praised, cradling the book to your chest. You quickly drew the captain into a bear hug. Luffy laughed, scratching the back of his neck. Beside him, Sanji pouted.
"It's no big deal (name), we can't fulfil your dream if we don't have something to draw in!"
"I helped too love." You heard Sanji flirt. He was just joking, well, half-joking. Well, no, if he was honest he really wanted a hug. But he couldn't just outright ask for a hug that wouldn't look cool. So he tried to hint lightheartedly. It didn't bother him too much when he noticed you roll your eyes, chuckling.
It did, however, bother him when he saw you turn your body to him. He didn't really think you'd acknowledge his flirtations, so when you outstretched your arms and pulled the tall man into a surprisingly strong hug, he blanked.
The hug was warm, firm, and he could feel all of you against him. You smelt so good, smiling of sea air, soap, and something uniquely you.
"Well thank you too." You laughed, squeezing him for emphasis. "You're also a very good boy."
Good boy. Sanji really didn't want to admit how much he liked that. Neither did he really want to unpack all that. He didn't want you to catch on to just how much he liked that, so he quickly squeezed you back before pulling you back to arms length. You stared up at him confused. You heard him clear his throat. Sensing his discomfort you let go, patting his shoulder.  Any hurt you may have felt you covered up with a bright smile, clutching the sketchbook to your chest.
"I'm gonna start sketching immediately!"  Before Sanji could respond, you were retreating back to the girls' room, keen to get to work.
It was a cool night. Sanji was lying in his hammock, sleep evading him. The thin cotton blanket resting over his chest. Beside him, he heard Zoro's annoying snoring, Luffy to his right muttering something about meat between snores. The nose symphony slowly chipping away at his sanity. At least Usopp was quiet, he supposed. He wondered if the girls' had to put up with this. His mind wandered, what were you up to? Were you sleeping away without a care, or were you possibly scribbling away in that little book? Sanji sighed. He wondered what you drew, you always seemed so at peace. Sanji considered getting you another one, even if it was mainly to hear your praises. Gods, he'd do anything if he could please you.
"Good boy." Sanji breathed. You were going to be the death of him. He felt his heart flutter. Yeah, he guessed he probably was whipped for you. He let his mind wander. What if he fully hugged back? Would you reciprocate? Would you kiss his cheek? He felt himself flush. He could imagine how soft your lips would be, how you'd pull back with that sweet smile. If he was lucky maybe he could-
Sanji felt a growl bubble in his throat. He couldn't thrive in these conditions. Savages, having no respect for romance. Swinging his legs over the roped edge, he jumped out of the hammock, stalking his way out of the guys' quarters.
Instantly, he was hit with the cool night air. If he wasn't awake before, he was now. He lazily wandered along the deck, supposing he should probably rearrange the pantry for the ninth time if he was awake. Bare feet padding along the hard wood, he inhaled deeply, the salty sting of the sea invading his nostrils. Nearing the galley he saw it. A light at the front of the boat? Confused and intrigued he crept closer. Who the hell would be up at the hour? And then he saw it. 
You wrapped up in a blanket, scribbling away in your old sketchbook. Sanji felt a soft smile creep up. You looked so cute, periodically looking up to study the scene in front of you. He felt like swooning, the way the moonlight kissed your hair, the way you seemed to sparkle, a gem in the cold night. 
"What are you doing up sweetheart?" He mused, secretly relishing in how you jumped. You clutched the book to your chest, exhaling deeply as a grin formed. You whipped your head to meet the handsome chef.
"Sanji, you scared me! I'm drawing the moon. It's so pretty tonight." Your grin made him flustered. "Why are you up?"
"My bunkmates are bad for my beauty sleep." He feigned annoyance. You laughed. 
"Yeah sure, like you need beauty sleep." He felt his stomach do somersaults. You opened the blanket, tapping the wood next to you. "Got a seat right here. Surely you must be cold?"
Sanji wasn't. It was a pleasant night. However, he'd be an idiot to pass up such an opportunity. He settled down next to you. You drew him in, settling the blanket around his shoulders, dragging him further against you, giggling as you went. 
"Comfy?" You asked once he stopped squirming. Sanji was hyper aware of your thighs touching, you leaning into his side. 
"Yeah." He breathed out. He felt his nerves buzzing, watching as you all but snuggled into him. He needed to calm down. "You like the sketchbook?"
"Love it." You beamed up at him, turning back to scribble marks down. Sanji felt his heart swell. "It's got such nice quality paper. Where did you even find such a thing?"
"Markets. Looked like it had your name on it. Luffy wanted to get you this one that was huge, but you like thicker pages, so this one just seemed like a good fit. 'Sides, I'm sure you've finished your last one."
Sanji's breath hitched as you leant your head on his shoulder, arm gripping his. "You remembered that? Gods you're good to me."
"Only you love." He managed to choke out without sounding too flustered, adding a wink to further sell the facade. You giggled. "What have you got in there anyway?"  
"Oh! You wanna see?" You sounded shy, looking up at him. Sanji nodded. You offered him the older sketchbook, apprehension clear on your face. Sanji began thumbing through the paper. "I know its not brilliant but-"
"Darlin' these are stunning." He praised, tracing an intricate sketch of Merry with his fingers. You beamed next to him when you couldn't detect a lie, a blush forming on your chubby cheeks. Sanji stared at the pages, in awe at your skill.
There were sketches of the others, one of Usopp holding a mop, a detailed one of Zoro napping. His eyes caught a particularly beautiful portrait of Nami against the tangerines. He gasped. You'd captured her beauty expertly. He turned the page, there was a spread of sketches of his crewmates, of Luffy and Usopp playing on the deck, sketches of Nami plotting her maps at the galley table, even a few of Zoro exercising. He felt a frown form. There were none of him. He didn't mean to feel so selfish, but you'd captured the crew with such liveliness and love. He certainly didn't realise you had been studying his face intently. 
"What's wrong?"
Sanji sighed, realising he'd been caught. He figured he'd broach the subject with humour. Plastering a fake smirk on his face he turned his attention to you. "These are incredible (Name), they look great, but am I not model material?"
You extricated yourself from your hold against him, getting to your feet. Sanji immediately felt disappointed by the loss of touch. "Wait here." Your voice was shaky. 
Sanji sighed sadly, he shouldn't have said that. Instead he did as he was told, waiting patiently for your return. You must have been gone five minutes, five aching minutes for him to consider his mistake. When you returned you were holding something behind your back, looking visibly uncomfortable. Sanji raised a brow.
"Love I didn't mean you had to paint a portrait of me now." He laughed softly. You thrust a book in his face, eyes scrunched shut. He delicately tried to take the book but you didn't budge.
"Promise you won't laugh?" You asked shyly, peeking open one eye. Sanji frowned. He'd never laugh at you. He nodded. You relaxed your shoulders, agreeingly giving him the book. He was going to open the book but he took in the way you fidgeted in front of him.
"You not gonna sit back down?" You shook your head, not trusting your voice. He sighed. With no hesitation this time he opened the book. 
The first used page he came across were small sketches of him working in the kitchen. There must have been four or five small, quick drawings, but that was unmistakably him. In awe, he turned the page, greeted once again by drawings of him, bigger this time. You'd sketched his face while he was cooking, clearly oblivious to your staring. He felt himself freeze. That was him. It was clear there was a lot of time put into this. Just how long were you staring at him? He thought you were drawing the food, not him! He felt himself blush, embarrassed by the revelation. Keen to see more he continued through the book, seeing sketches of only him. You'd sketched his hands, his eyes, so many little drawings of his face. There were even sketches from his sparring sessions on the deck. These. These were all him? He felt a bit lightheaded. When he made it to the last used page he stopped. There was a rather intricate drawing of him smoking, leaning over the Merry's bannister. It left him breathless. There was so much detail.
"Uh." Was all he managed to force out.
You blanched. "Oh! I'm sorry, I've weirded you out. I..." He saw you reach out to take the book back, his grip tightening. 
"I like drawing you, wanna make sure I get your features right." You muttered. Sanji tore his face away from the page when he heard you take a shaky breath in. He looked up and jolted at the tears in your eyes. 
"(Name), I-"
"I'm sorry. It's really creepy right? I'll stop, I promise."
"These are all me?" He managed dumbly. You cringed. He felt his heart thumping loudly. 
"Yeah...That's your book."
"Do the others?"
You shook your head, tears starting to fall. "Just you. It's weird, I know-"
"I love it." He breathed out.
Sanji stared up at you, closing the book with care, and setting it to the side. He grabbed your trembling hands, trying to coax you down to his level. You followed, dropping to your knees. 
"It's beautiful love. You've made me look beautiful."
"You are beautiful." You muttered. 
Sanji couldn't take it anymore, he pulled you flush against him. You squeaked, falling into his chest. His arms came up to hug you tightly. 
"I'm the luckiest man in all the seas." He smiled. That managed a laugh out of you. You peeked up at him, eyes wide and cheeks tear-stained. "I was really jealous when I saw you drew everyone else. Don't know how I never caught you drawing me."
"I'm sneaky." You joked, earning a laugh. You snuggled against him. 
"Can I kiss you?"
Your eyes shot back up to him, choking on your own spit, all you could manage was a a strangled, "What?"
"Wanna reward my little artist. So can I kiss you?" Sanji spoke as if he was talking about the weather. You nodded dumbly.
Wasting absolutely no time, Sanji caressed your face, softly. He started softly, before crushing his lips to yours. You squeaked happily, moving to try and get closer. Your lips moved in tandem, sharing kiss after kiss. You felt electricity shudder down your spine, sweet sighs escaping. Sanji felt like he was on cloud nine, committing all of you to memory, tracing your lips as if he needed to map it to mind.
Unfortunately you needed to breathe, and you pulled back, eyes sparkling. You panted lightly, trying desperately to catch your breath. Sanji took in how flushed you look, lips swollen from his attack. You were grinning wildly at him.
"Wow." You breathed. Sanji laughed. "You're really good."
Sanji mulled over your words for a second, before throwing caution to the wind. Fuck it, he got to kiss you, he supposed anything else right now was a bonus. "Am I your good boy?"
What Sanji didn't take into account is how his flirty demeanour can come across as purely teasing. You groaned beneath him. Sanji got his hopes up at the sound. but you pointedly looked away.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it seemed funny at the time."
Sanji's heart fell out of his ass. Ow. But you had kissed him? 
"I'm not?"
"What?" You looked at him inquisitively, taking in how hard he tried to hide his dejection behind that smile. You brightened, the puzzle clicking together. "Wait. You like that?"
"No!" Sanji lied. He didn't like the cheeky grin you were now sporting, it always spelt bad news for him.
"Oho I think you do. That's why you were being weird! You were jealous that I called Luffy a good boy?! I thought it was because I hugged you. You like me, that's so cute."
"You literally have a sketchbook dedicated to me."
You giggled. "No, we're past that. You like being called a good boy?"
"I like being called your good boy." He muttered. You giggled, causing him to further frown. Soon, he felt your soft hands on his cheeks. 
"Ah, you really are so cute. My heart. Kiss me again good boy?"
"Stop teasing me." Sanji pouted, cheeks red. You laughed.
"Nuh-uh! You tease me constantly, I finally have some ammunition of my own! Wait until you have to put up with me calling you pretty boy."
You peppered his face with kisses before finally planting a smooch on his lips. Sanji grinned into the kiss, pulling you further into his lap. You nipped at his lower lip. He obliged, parting his lips for you to attack. Sanji sighed as you thrust your tongue into his mouth. Gods, he could die now and be happy. 
You were in absolute heaven. If you'd known Sanji would be this receptive, you would have kissed him months ago. And his blush? Gods, you could grow addicted to flustering him. Pulling back with a wet smack, you stared down at him, taking in how beautiful he looked under you. With a delicate hand you lightly cradled his chin.
"Would you be a good boy and model for me someday?"
Sanji cocked an eyebrow. "We that far ahead are we?" 
You laughed at his hidden meaning. "I meant just letting me draw you properly, but I wouldn't say no to staring at your naked body."
Sanji blushed, his ears burning and mind racing. He covered it up with a cough. "Are you going to be like that from now on? What happened to my cute little artist?"
Your grin was more of a smirk, Sanji mused. He liked when your mischievous side came out. The idea that this would be a regular occurrence made him dizzy. You kissed his cheek. "Now that I know you like me I have no need to be shy. You're stuck with me."
"And what a shame that is." Sanji smiled, resting his head on your shoulder. You laughed. 
You really could get used to this.
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lunarmoon20 · 9 months
so you’re telling me there was a young buggy on set and his actor looked like THIS…robbed
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i feel robbed…like look at him…such a cute patootie. and the potential too
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the shanks and buggy flashback potential my god. Now we gotta wait for the other seasons
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likethelastwoman · 3 months
How does this...
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...turn into this.
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waywardgirl75 · 6 months
Usopp: Just be yourself.
Zoro: Really? Usopp, I have one day to win over Sanji’s father, Zeff.
Zoro: How long did it take for you guys to like me?
Luffy & Chopper: Instantly.
Robin: Six months.
Nami: Jury’s still out.
Zoro: See Usopp? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!
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bunitivity · 6 months
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Kicking his feet like a schoolgirl💕
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
When people ask Sanji about his favorite holiday he says it's April Fools and it isn't even a holiday and nobody gets why he says that. But Usopp always enjoys the little smile on Sanji's face and he cannot help but blush when his boyfriend tells that to people.
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wingedfable · 2 months
Happy Birthday Usopp!
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Just going to dump my (long) summarized story I had for these pictures under the cut.
And this is my final One Piece fanart so I thought I should make it look the best I could.
April Fools :D
(Too many WIPS to stop now lol)
And here are the actual final versions. :)
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Here's my whole story in a summary: A fight between Luffy and Usopp has happened and they have now reconciled but Usopp is still distant and Luffy notices that he keeps making excuses to avoid him. The rest of the group notices and hopes that things will go back to normal soon. It hurts Luffy a lot, especially since they're best friends and he has a crush on him.
And it's the middle of the school year and Luffy is failing two of his classes and since Usopp is great in those subjects Luffy asks Usopp to tutor him. He's a little reluctant at first but he later gives in.
Which leads to many study dates, giving Luffy the chance to convince Usopp to hang out with him outside of his tutoring sessions. And one time Usopp finally takes up his offer. Which leads to them hanging out more. And it feels like their relationship finally mended until Luffy's grades start to improve and he doesn't need to be tutored anymore. And Usopp gets distant once more.
After a while Luffy's grades start dropping again and Usopp has to continue the tutor sessions. Until Nami unknowingly reveals that Luffy was lying and that his grades have been good for a while now and that they never dropped a second time. Causing Usopp to confront him after school when he sees Luffy leaving, angry that he was lying to him. Which causes Luffy to get mad as well and spill that he only lied to hang out with him again and question him over why he has been so distant and how he was starting to wonder if he even wanted to be friends anymore.
After realizing how badly he hurt Luffy, he finally reveals that he was trying to get over his feelings for him. Luffy stays silent as he is trying to process the fact that Usopp liked him back, and for Usopp his silence was enough of an answer before he quickly leaves on his bike so Luffy won't catch up to him. And cries in bed thinking he lost his best friend for good. 
And in the morning Usopp wakes up to someone knocking on his front door, and opens it to reveal Luffy. And before he can even get a word out Luffy throws himself on Usopp into a hug and tells him he is in love with him too. And Usopp is shocked and brings up how he didn’t THINK that Luffy would be in love with him especially after the fight they had. Luffy says the fight was over long ago and how it doesn’t matter and they both said stuff that they didn’t mean. What matters is that it’s behind them now. Usopp takes in what he says before leaning in to give Luffy a kiss before his tears could cloud his vision. 
And when they walked into class that morning Nami, Zoro, and Sanji were happy to see their hands interlocked. <3
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
In the Netflix Spanish sub*
Sanji: Vivi and Nami can call me prince!
Zoro, immediately: Prince.
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akairokara · 2 months
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u ever get hit in the head so hard u start thinking abt tits
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maniaemagna · 2 months
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Zosan boop
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truebluesanji · 4 months
all I’m gonna say is if Sanji made me a drink and topped it off with a lollipop, but licked the lollipop first like Taz just did?
phew 🥵
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