#king bradely
demon-blood-youths · 3 months
An Unlikely Truce Against Common Enemy || Drabble
Hi everyone! This is Deamon-mun writing a funny drabble for @the-silver-peahen-residence regarding the asks. So here is the cast.
----- Cast -------
The JJK cast ( Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Noabra Kugasaki and Maki Zen'in. All are rped by Peahen mun )
Mineta from BHA and a OC named Bradely ( also rped by Peahen-mun)
Oda's Demons ( Hayato Itachi, Iku Gash, Moudo Namzu, Shukaku Shōtsū, Syuuta Masamune ) rped by me.
Taz Hellion and Kisho/Daichi rped by me.
----- Summary -----
Someone went to the campus of Jujutsu Tokyo High one night. Yuuji and the gang find out who was responsible as they found evidence and so they went to Nagoya. Where the famed Oda's Demons faction lives. How will this play out?
In Nagoya City, where the Oda clan ruled. Three middle-school delinquents are hanging out near the vending machine, vaping and talking about current events.
"Hey! Did you heard?" One delinquent said with messy bangs.
"What?" A second asked with a pompadour haircut.
"I heard some Oda demons went to Tokyo and got into a fight with some school, guys" He informs his two buddies.
"Huh?! How is that news, Jin?" Said the third who has bleached blue hair.
"Yeah! I bet the fraction already beat them up!"
"Yeah, but that's the thing...I heard one of the students there beat up Hayato the Wind Blade!" Said the man with the messy bangs named Jin talking to Seiya with the pompadour and Teru who has blue hair.
"Shit, for real? Whose is it?" Seiya asked.
"I don't know but there are rumors that it must be the Tiger of West High."
"Hah? Isn't the Tiger of West High from Sendai? The hell he's doing in Tokyo?" Teru asked.
"Maybe he must of move to Tokyo due to school or some shit." Said Seiya.
"I don't know, man. But I'm telling ya, it's a rumor. Don't know if it's real or not but I saw Hayato came back with a cast. So it's gotta be." Said Jin.
"You should keep quiet man, you can't let one of the Oda guys hear you, or else we get beat up. Besides! We're going to join them, remember?! We can't go in if we talk shit about their upper ranks!" Said Seiya.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry!" Jin sighed.
"Hey, you three!" The three became startled as a voice calls them out. Shit! The three prepared themselves that it must be the Oda faction. But they were surprised to see something unexpected. A different group approached. A huge group. Three boys and three girls. What the? Jin narrows his eyes at this. Their uniforms. They seemed familiar but he couldn't pinpoint which.
"Yeah? Whaddya want?" Seiya said, looking at them with a scowl, didn't like to be spooked. But for some reason, Jin senses there's something is going on. The three boys and two girls look a bit pissed while one girl looks worried.
"Where can we find the Oda clan around her?" Said a brunette with her hands on her hips, frowning.
The three delinquents blinked at the group and looked confused. The tall dark one whose hair is spiky like a sea unchrin, crossed his arms, "Well? Do you?" He asked.
Then Teru goes, "You wanna know WHERE the Oda fraction is? You gotta be out of your damn mind!"
"Yeah! What business ya got with them?!" Seiya said. Is this another rival faction or what?!
"Something we need to talk about." Said black sea unchrin. The three look at the group like they're crazy. Because they know what a 'talk' means and it is anything but. Jin goes, "Man, if you wanna know. The Oda faction is in charge of pachikos, arcades, and some shitty loan sharks! You guys will be screwed-"
"It's fine." This time, Jin gulped and so did his friends. They see a guy with pink hair with an undercut. He has scars...under his eyes. That guy looks serious and had that look where you don't want to fuck with him. "So...where. are. they?" The pink-haired guy questioned.
"Er..well...they must be in one of the izakaya next to King Maō Parlor. That's their usual spot. Izakaya Bandai. You won't miss them." Said Jin with his two friends nodding in agreement. Then the pink-haired guy smiles, "Thank you." And so the group leaves with the foreigner girl saying a quiet thank you to them with a bow. The three delinquents look at each other, "Do you think?"
"Nah. Couldn't be it...." Then the three delinquents decided to go to iazkaya where the members of the Oda fraction hangs out.
----- Izakaya Bandai ----
Hayato and his teammates, Moudo, Iku, Shukaku, and Syuuta were hanging out. Hayato is eating his meal which is goyza. His favorite food along with some tomato juice and miso soup.
Iku is sulking. After his display at the Jujutsu High, he was punished and suspended from his usual activities for the time being He is drinking his coffee can. Shukaku is talking with Moudo and Syuuta about the meeting and Rioto.
"So..hold on. Rioto goes to a school for sorcerers. Jujutsu Sorcerers? The ones that beat Hayato?"
"Only one!" Hayato interjects. He will acknowledge Yuuji Itadori won fair and square so he needs to recover and train so it won't happen again. The other two don't count as much as he hates to admit.
Shukaku nods, "Yes. Only one and two gave Hayato some trouble." To which Hayato groans but keeps on eating, "Plus Iku..."
Iku clicks his tongue.
"Got defeated by a man named Sukuna, a demon inside Itadori Yuuji. He's seriously stronger than a normal demon! It got my tail between my legs." Shukaku smiles wryly. "But...Rioto went to the one in Kyoto and he told me that there are interesting humans there as well. One that manipulates blood, one that controls human-sized puppets. He called them cursed corpses, non-living objects." The boy continues, "Then there's one that can fly on a broomstick, and oh! There is one who claps his hands to switch objects and people's positions! He said it's disorienting. Almost like my ability!" Shukaku chuckles.
"What about the ones from Tokyo?" Syuuta said. Shukaku begins, "I saw three of them first hand and Rioto's intel proves to be correct. There is one named Fushguro which Rioto nicknames...Dark Lord who summons creatures from the darkness. Or rather....from my observation, he uses shadows as a medium to summon otherworldly creatures. So he isn't too far off." Shukaku chuckles.
"Guess Dark Lord fits, huh?" Syuuta laughed. Moudo speaks up, "And there's a girl who uses nails and hammers! She's really scary."
"Doesn't sound that scary! Nails and hammer?!" Syuuta hums. Shukaku chuckles, "Actually...she is. For some reason, her nails are imbued with cursed energy. Plus, I saw her carrying a straw doll. I was tailing the folks for a while...like a few hours and got a gist of their abilities. But the interesting one is Itadori, he is a fighter much like Hayato yet a human housing a cursed spirit like Sukuna. I wouldn't be surprised if this Sukuna is a demon. It makes me wonder why Sukuna hasn't Yuji signed a contract with him"
"Where is Rioto getting all this information from?"
"Most likely his idol, Daichi who doesn't mind telling him about it."
"You mean that cringed hero guy that Rioto watches every day?"
"That cringed hero guy bested Rioto in a duel. Rioto tells me that Daichi is as strong as his friends." Shukaku reminds him. "How long he's going to be there?" Moudo asked. Moudo likes Rioto. He's nice and helps him out with his mud-earth abilities. In a way, he looks up to Rioto as a fellow brother.
"Until he graduates..." Shukaku said. "But...it's not bad. He visits from time to time after he is followed for a moment. I made sure to erase any suspicion. Oh! I meet his friend, Kamo Noritoshi! He's pretty nice!" He said.
"Where's Rioto, anyway?" Hayato asked.
"With Oda as we speak." Shukaku smiles. The members of Oda were drinking and talking until they hear comottion from outside. Hayato stops eating and hears comottion. That smell.
Doors opened with two Oda followers thrown down onto the floor. Then several people came in. Hayato blinks while Iku is in disbelief before glaring, "Oh what the hell?"
"Eh?" Shukaku blinked and so did Moudo and Syuuta. Shukaku knows those faces. Speak of the devil...
"Where's Oda?!" Yuuji Itadori yelled.
"What the hell?" Hayato said, standing up. "What are you doing here?"
"Don't give us that! You came to our school, you creep!" Nobara shouted.
"Creep?!" Hayato growls, standing up now. "What the hell are you talking about?! We didn't do anything since the match!"
"You came to the girls' room and took their stuff!" Daichi yelled. Shukaku widen his eyes at this. But it isn't because his bangs are covering his eyes. "Wait what?' Moudo is shocked by this. Syuuta laughs, "Wow! Who are these punks?" He stands up. "Do you have any idea who we are?!"
"Um...Syuuta!" Moudo warns him. Syuuta laughs, not hearing Moudo as he walks over to the group. "You guys come here and accuse us of shit without proof. Who do you think are! Even if we, it's not girls like you! You ain't that pretty!"
"Um...Syuuta!" Shukaki goes to interject as Syuuta starts to manipulate water from his glass and starts to form at the top of his palm. Syuuta is wearing his beak mask and it opens, revealing sharp teeth. "Now how about you-"
Several feet flying and Syuuta hits the wall. Syuuta with widen eyes made contact with the wall after Yuuji threw a punch to shut him up. Syuuta crashes onto the ground. "W-what?!" Syuuta asked stunned.
"Yeah.....sorry! Those are the guys we're talking about." Shukaku informs him.
"That's him?!" Syuuta yelled. Hayato grits his teeth, "I don't know where you get the idea like that but we didn't steal anything! Hell! I don't even come near your school!" Hayato said.
"Then explain this." Megumi shows Hayato a purple armband with the bright gold-yellow Oda crest on that. Shukaku raised a brow at this.
"I don't know anything about someone stealing and your girls' stuff!" Hayato said. "What kind of stuff did we steal anyway?!"
'You stole our panties and bras!" Noabra yelled. This silences the Oda faction as they look at them in disbelief.
"P-panties?' Moudo choked as Hayato's face turned red, "We didn't stole something like that! What the hell?!"
Iku scoffs, "Look at these stupid morons." Iku begins, getting most of Jujutsu High students to glare at Iku while Taz is worried. "Why in the hell do we have to go so much trouble to steal your underwear? That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Do you hear yourself?"
"Then how do you explain the armband-"
"Maybe because you wanna find a fucking excuse to mess with us! Shit, we already apologize and now you come here with this?! Do you think we're the kind of people who do something like this?! If we're stealing something, it wouldn't be shit. It would be weapons and other important stuff."
"That's a good point." Megumi said coldly. "So you stole weapons?"
"Ha?! If we did, we will admit! But we didn't steal shit!" Iku points out, "if anything, it must be from your school and someone doesn't have the balls to fess up!"
"You bastard..." Yuuji is getting sick of tired of Iku's attitude. Iku stand his ground. He remember last time when he got hit. Not by this punk but that fucker named Sukuna. Of course, he is not in the mood to bring him out. But he did see one red eye under Yuji's eye as if daring him to say something to him.
"Okay then. Let me tell you this! First off, Moudo is too chickenshit to try that shit." Iku begins, so the other party can see some sense at least.
"HUH?!" Moudo blinked.
"Shukaku over here doesn't do that shit because he's not into that." Said Iku.
Shukaku nods, "Yep, yep! I wouldn't do that. I have standards!"
"Hayato is a skirt-chasing girl-obsessed dumbass."
"HEY!" Hayato yelled. But Iku continues, "But he won't cross a line of breaking into some girl's house and stealing someone's underwear. Hayato considered that some fucked-up shit!" The Oda members were surprised that Iku stood up for him. Yuuji widen his eyes slightly at him. The last time they met, Iku didn't want to apologize and blames Hayato entirely even if he had some part in it.
"AND! Syuuta over here just met you for the first time!" Iku jabs a finger at Yuuji's chest while jerking a thumb at a Syuuta who is being helped up by his squadron.
"As for me! That kinda thing is so fucking low, I don't do shit like that." Iku said. Shukaku adds, "And besides...wouldn't your school know who enters your school regarding that field spell?" He points out this with a question.
By field spell, they must mean the barrier that detects anyone passing through that has cursed energy. Demons carried cursed energy however...their other members either have low or no cursed energy.
Taz did tell her friend that the smell didn't come from any of the key members since the smell was new ever since the armband is discovered. So her friends suspect, it must be a non-demon member that Taz hasn't smelled before. But there is someone that can do this.
It couldn't be...right? She did say that Mineta was involved but when he did join the Oda clan? Maybe Mineta was hired to get panties. They need to get to the bottom of this.
"Hayato-sama!" A member of Hayato's squad barges in, "We got a problem!"
Oh now what...
"What is it?" Hayato asked.
"Someone is messing with our girls! Some guy tried hitting on one of them and kidnapped one! It's Tsuru! She got kidnapped!"
Kidnapped?! The jujutsu sorcerers thought.
"WHAT?!" Hayato shouted this time in anger, getting up from his seat. First the sorcerers, now this?! Today is not his day. Hayato goes to leave not before looking at Yuji and the others, "I will deal with this later but right now, I gotta save one of my own first! Also, I will track that fucker who went into your girls' rooms with my smell, deal?!"
Yuuji blinked but nods. "Okay....deal." He said,. Yuuji is a patient person and hearing that Hayato got mad that someone of their own got kidnapped, he can't get in between that. It's much bigger than stolen underwear. The two groups walked out and hoping Hayato keeps the end of his deal.
"You know...this reminds me of something..like a week ago" Shukaku begins to which Megumi looks over to him with a look. "What's that?" He asked before Shukaku went to explain the way there.
------ Somewhere -----
Inside a restaurant where they sell fried chicken. Two boys treat themselves on a job well-done One of them is Mineta, the infamous pervert known for stealing the panties of the opposite sex. He and Bradley are with two other boys who are of a similar mindset.
"I told you the plan worked didn't it?" He said. Mineta laughs as his new friend, Bradley is laughing. Both clink their glasses together while Bradley has his arm wrapped around a fair-skinned beautiful girl in a school uniform with brown short hair wearing a feather hairclip who is uncomfortable being here.
"Yeah...I couldn't believe it. I didn't think that planting an armband you took off from a gang like that would work. We haven't been caught yet!" Mineta said as he had the goods in his bag. The goods he nabbed from the Jujutsu High girls.
"Yeah! I told you it's a smart move! Nobody will know it's us. Once they find it, they're going to go down and fight them!" Said Bradley with a grin. "Instead of us!"
"Anyway! How do you know those Oda guys?"
"Everyone in Nagoya knows about them! I came here in search of beauties and they stopped me! A guy named Hayato always taking the girls and the girls around here loved him! It pisses me off"
"Yeah! One time, I was messing around in a host club and that damn bastard stepped in and throw my ass out of there!" Bradley said. "I saw him again when I was asking some high school girls to hang out with me. Got my ass kicked again! So I got mad and came across one of their group, beating them up. Some of their members are so weak. Nobody knows who though but me!" Bradley laughed.
"Wow! You're a genius!" Mineta said with two boys nodding their heads in agreement.
"Yeah! I got my revenge and you got your goods! Hayato is going to be pissed when accused of stealing panties! That is going ruin that bastard's reputation with the ladies, alright. Hayato wouldn't let that shit down and beat the shit out of those Jujutsu High guys. Ain't I great, sexy?" He asked. The girl narrows her eyes, "You're disgusting."
"Hey! If you get to know me then you would be all over me. I don't get why you see in that guy, Hayato!" Bradley goes on. Tsuru glares at them but then her eyes light up, starting to smile, and to which Mineta and two other pervert pales.
"I mean! I'm the toughest and the smartest. Those Jujutsu guys have no idea what we did! Mineta said that they're the scariest but to me, they're so dumb that their so-called magic didn't realize that we entered their school last night. I mean...what do they do? Curse people? It's so lame. Yeah, the girls were so cute, I can't help but take pictures of them." Bradley laughs.
"And you managed to snag the goods! I mean...we both got we what wanted. I bet those Jujutsu students had no idea that they were tricked into believing it. Not only that, I took into the fact that those two groups fought each other once over some girls! So yeah! I did it!" He laughs.
"Bradley!" Mineta starts to tremble in fear as two angry people stand behind a sitting Bradley too invested in bragging about his so-called executed plan.
"Saying what?"
"What?! It's true! Hey! You know! We should see the fight and see who owns it. After that, maybe I should snag that raven-haired cutie from that school, or maybe that brunette with the short hair or oh! That cutie with orange markings on her cheek! Or that blondie. She looks super cute! I wanna grope her a-"
"BRADLEY! STOP!" Mineta screamed with tears in his eyes. Bradley blinks, "What! I'm just saying-"
Bradely's words were caught in his throat as he slowly turned over to his shoulder, seeing two pissed-off guys. Hayato and a guy wearing a Jujutsu High uniform as he has pink-haired hair with an undercut fashion. Hold on...he sees this guy somewhere.
"W-wait...you're that guy from New York." Bradely stammered. Yuji glares at him. "Yeah. I never thought you were the one behind it. But I can't be surprised."
"Oh well...."
"You fucking little shit, you got some guts framing us." Hayato growls.
"And break into our school and try to trick us with that plan of yours by having us fight against the Oda guys!" Yuji scowls. And they're not the only ones. There were people from the Jujutsu High and Oda faction pissed off. Looks like they heard it all straight from Bradley's mouth.
"Oh yeah! That's the guy that my squad talked about. He snatches one of our armbands from us." Shukaku said in a cheerful voice. Megumi cracks his knuckles, "You don't say?" He said, glaring at the creeps right now.
"Heh." Bradley grins nervously while Tsuru snakes out of Bradely's hold. "Hayato! You're here! This creep groped us and took me to this place!" Said Tsuru holding his arm and pointed at Bradely angrily.
"Did he now? Don't worry, I got this." Hayato said, patting Tsuru on the head, assuring her that everything was going to be fine while baring his teeth at Bradley.
Sweating bullets, Bradley laughs now, "Oh come on! I was joking! I didn't mean all that. It was a prank bro! I-" A resounding smack is heard as Yuji smacked the shit out of Bradley. Out of his chair and onto the floor. Mineta screams, telling his friends to run.
"MINETA! GET BACK HERE!" Yuji shouted, seeing him run or rather crawl under the tables of people sitting there, causing panic to escape to the outside.
"No way! I won't get caught again! Not again!' Mineta thought because he didn't want to bear the full brunt of Itadori's fury. Bradley can deal with that!
But he and his accomplices didn't get very far. His escape route is cut off when a giant skeletal hand blocks his path in the alleyway. Mineta and his friends cried out in terror seeing a huge skull with glowing red eyes looking down on them. Iku is standing in their way, glaring at them with a sneer. "Think you can outrun us in our turf?" Iku said.
Megumi grabs one creep and knocks him out with a punch. Another creep that is like a lizard tries to scale the walls but Nobara hits that one with her nails using her hammer, impaling the lizard creep's sleeves to the wall Iku helps out by taking the lizard off the wall and drops him between the two angry sorceresses.
"This is what you get for taking pictures!" Nobara yelled, hitting the creep with her toy hammer. Meanwhile, Daichi keeps firing at Mineta which the little pervert hero student keeps dodging. "HOLD STILL! YOU LITTLE-!" He yelled as Eito squawked angrily. Moudo helps out by trapping Mineta in mud. Mineta gasps, "NO!" He yells before he got blasted by a fireball.
Meanwhile, Bradley tries to fight Yuji and Hayato off.
"You bastards! I ain't afraid of you! You never stop me from getting sexy women! I am HIM!!" Bradley activates his quirk by turning his arms into metal and preparing to duke it out against the two.
But he was no match for the unlikely tag team beatdown that Yuji and Hayato delivered. It was straight-up jumping to which Tsuru and Taz saw justice being served. Tsuru is cheering for Hayato while Taz hopes her big brother will be alright and win this fight.
"You piece of shit! Who do you think you are?!" Hayato hits Bradley with a whirlwind punch, making the pervert spin in the air.
"Take this, you asshole! How dare you do that to my little sister and my friends!" Yuji punches him in the gut making Bradley bounced across the ground roughly.
Both boys were cursing Bradley out while beating the shit out of him in the process. Soon, the one-sided fight is over and Mineta, Bradley, and their accomplices are rounded up and tied up with rope in the middle of the street. Beaten and scared.
"Ugh! I can't believe I have to buy another set of panties!" Nobara groans, glaring at Mineta and Bradley. Taz is upset while Maki comforts her. Tsuru goes to the girls, "I can help you guys buy new ones! I can show you some stores that sell them affordable and of good quality." She tells them.
"Please do." Said Maki. With that, the girls left with Tsuru leading the way. Now it's the boys taking care of this mess.
"What should we do with them, Itadori?" Megumi asked. Daichi is frowning, "We should curse them! Gojo-sensei gave us permission to beat them up."
"Hmmmm...." Yuji thinks. Already, he can hear Sukuna suggesting punishments for him to enact. Very visual and a bit gory for his taste.
"Now..boys...can we..." Bradley starts to negotiate but nobody wants to hear it.
"SHUT UP!" Three boys shouted at Bradley angrily. Mineta is shaking and is ready to cry.
"If I may...." Shukaku said. "How about you lend these troublemakers to us?" He suggested to the three sorcerers. Hayato nods, "Yeah! We can put these little shits to work!" He tells Yuji and his friends.
"After all...these guys think they're so smart that they thought their plan can work. Trying to mess with us both." Iku added. Syuuta nods. Now thinking about it, Yuji makes his decision. He looks to Hayato, "If you want them, take them. These guys brought trouble to your town and took your friend so I'm not against that, to be honest."
"Good." Hayato nods. "Anyway...nice...uh...bitchslap you give this creep! That was good."
"Thanks!" Yuji grins, "Also that whirlwind knock the air out of him! And oh! Sorry about barging in and accusing you of something you didn't do." He apologies.
"Eh. It's fine. I would be pissed too if something happened to my friends who are girls." Hayato said. After that match, Hayato did a lot of reflection. "Like Tsuru for example." Tsuru wouldn't like it if she knew what he did back at Tokyo. Ugh. Seeing Bradley reminds him about the bad choices he made. It really hit him personally.
Iku snaps his fingers for the Oda members to take Mineta, Bradley, and their two accomplices away.
"Wait! Where are we going?!" Mineta cries, panicking.
"Yeah! You can't do this!" Bradley yells. Shukaku chuckles, "Don't worry! You're going to pay for your crimes with some community service!"
"Meaning you guys...especially you two going somewhere far away that nobody will save you. Not even the pro-heroes." Iku smirks so evilly. This got Mineta and Bradley scared shitless. Mineta looks to Yuji and his friends, "Hey...hey! Come on, Yuji! I'm sorry! I promise I won't do it again! Think about my classmates! What will they think if I go missing?!"
"Yeah! Mineta is a pro-hero! He has friends." Bradley nods.
Yuji stared blankly at the two before sighing, "I will let Midoriya know. But you know? You two need to think about what you did" He said it.
"Midoriya might agree with us that you need help so this is a better time than ever." Said Megumi sternly. Daichi nods in agreement.
"Take him away," Megumi said. Iku grins. Bradley and Mineta were crying and pleading with the Oda members but their words fell on deaf ears as they were being taken away. And so this leaves, Hayato, Moudo, and Shukaku with the Jujutsu High boys. There was this awkward silence...
"So!" Shukaku smiles, "You guys must come a long way! How about you and your group stay for the night? We will offer to pay for the hotel!" He smiles at the group. Yuji, Megumi, and Daichi look at each other.
"You know! I'm kinda tired." Daichi replied to which Megumi sighed, "Fine." He shrugs.
"Okay! Why not? We can tell Sensei about it." Yuji smiles.
"Great! Follow us!" Shukaku gestured for them to follow. Hayato follows them along with Moudo. And so, the relationship between the Oda faction and Jujtusu High is the start of getting on good terms with each other after dealing with a common enemy. Bringing a truce between them.
As for Mineta and Bradley, they are forced to do hard labor by the Oda faction with Iku watching over them. "You miss a spot!"
"This freakin sucks!" Mineta cries.
"Don't worry...we will find a way out of here," Bradley said. Mineta huffs, "Yeah right!" As they continue to clean.
To be continued??
15 notes · View notes
myechoecho · 9 months
My Dearest, ep 8.
Honestly, good on Gil Chae for calling Jang Hyun out on him making everything a joke. I know he's deflecting and protecting himself but he's hurting Gil Chae. She is trying to sort out her feelings. She tries to explain about the dream and yes, she gets sidetracked by the shoes. But he interrupts her and wants to know if this is her way of asking him to buy her shoes. And yet she still wants to explain but he dismisses her so of course she demands buy her shoes to save face.
Then he basically calls her trash and "not pure" for liking someone else's fiance and that she should be with him because he's worldly and seen it all. She rightly smacks him. And yes, I do not approve of some of the tricks Gil Chae tried with Yeon Jun but she had already started to move beyond that. It's no wonder that she lashes out and says that she cannot let go of Yeon Jun.
We see that later in the episode Gil Chae had already let Yeon Jun go. It's Gil Chae who reminds Eun Ae that nothing happened with the invaders - they fell and tore their clothes. And that the one who makes Yeon Jun happy is Eun Ae.
The Crown Prince is in world of hurt. I suspect that this will not end well for him.
Jang Hyun has a trade business going making money which leads him to neatly trapping the Khan's head henchman.
What Yeon Jun advised the King was right. So of course the King "rewards' him by sending him to Qing. And when he refuses he's braded a traitor and jailed and his home taken away.
Gil Chae looking for Jang Hyun to return except he's locked up. And and now Gil Chae thinks he's dead. ANGST. Then she finally sees his face in her dreams. I am not ok.
I cannot believe next week is the last two episodes before the show take a break until October.
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throwawaydracula · 2 years
The reaction to Stoker transcribing accents/dialects is just so fascinating to me because it's really not that uncommon in older English language pop fiction. Here's a bit of The Pickwick Papers, by Charles Dickens.
‘Wery glad to hear it,’ said Mr. Weller. ‘Poetry’s unnat’ral; no man ever talked poetry ‘cept a beadle on boxin’-day, or Warren’s blackin’, or Rowland’s oil, or some of them low fellows; never you let yourself down to talk poetry, my boy. Begin agin, Sammy.’
If you're wondering what the hell kind of English accent does that v/w shift, the answer is 1830s Cockney, although apparently Dickens did miss the mark himself just a bit. George Bernard Shaw had this to say about it:
“When I came to London in 1876, the Sam Weller dialect had passed away so completely that I should have given it up as a literary fiction if I had not discovered it surviving in a Middlesex village, and heard of it from an Essex one.”
Shaw also cited James Elphinstone's translation of Martial into the phonetic Cockney of the late 1780s:
Ve have at length resoom’d our place, And can, vith doo distinction, set; Nor ve, the great and wulgar met. Ve dooly can behould the play, Sence ve in no confusion lay.
Note here Elphinstone's convention of rendering 'u' with a double 'o', which Stoker also uses. Going back to Shaw, one of the more amusing notes in the play Pygmalion is attached to Eliza Doolittle's opening line:
THE FLOWER GIRL. Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y’ de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel’s flahrzn than ran awy atbaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f’them? [Here, with apologies, this desperate attempt to represent her dialect without a phonetic alphabet must be abandoned as unintelligible outside London.]
I concede that Stoker leans harder into this attempt at capturing Cockney than he needs to; yes, Thomas Bilder's accent comes across a bit cartoony. Dickens didn't lean quite as hard, and Shaw just gave up after giving an example. It just wasn't particularly beyond the pale. I mean, look at this bit of 17th century West Country dialect from Lorna Doone, published about ten years before Dracula:
“I wor over to Exeford in the morning,” John began from the chimney-corner, looking straight at Annie; “for to zee a little calve, Jan, as us cuddn't get thee to lave houze about. Meesus have got a quare vancy vor un, from wutt her have heer'd of the brade. Now zit quite, wull 'e Miss Luzzie, or a 'wunt goo on no vurder. Vaine little tayl I'll tull' ee, if so be thee zits quite. Wull, as I coom down the hill, I zeed a saight of volks astapping of the ro-udwai. Arl on 'em wi' girt goons, or two men out of dree wi' 'em. Rackon there wor dree score on 'em, tak smarl and beg togather laike; latt aloun the women and chillers; zum on em wi' matches blowing, tothers wi' flint-lacks. 'Wutt be up now?' I says to Bill Blacksmith, as had knowledge of me: 'be the King acoomin? If her be, do 'ee want to shutt 'un?'
Note that R. D. Blackmore was dead serious about capturing this dialect. He did intensive, painstaking research. The point was not to mock these characters, it was to try to capture, through language choices, a spirit and mood particular to a time and place. It matters who has this dialect and who doesn't in the narrative. While Stoker didn't have such lofty ambitions, don't think the point is to mock either. I think it's Stoker trying to do the old 'capturing local colour' thing. He wasn't alone in that. Off the top of my head, Sholem Aleichem transcribed a Jewish German's accent phonetically in some story whose title escapes me in order to differentiate him from the Eastern European Jewish characters with whom he identified. I've seen people hammer Brian Jacques (a much more modern writer) for the same thing Stoker's doing, and I guess it's just been normalized for me. Do know if you go on reading fiction from the place and period-- especially pop fiction not intended as high art, like Dracula-- you will encounter more of this kind of thing. It was a convention. Conventions come and go.
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scarfandsword · 1 year
hiiii i finally got to bradely james in vikings valhalla and i'm deceased the momment he spoke i was screaming i am incoherent and inconsolable over this king arthur i am seeing
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Yuji Naka : Fellow Sega representatives. As you can see that we decided to make a game with a new character made by Naoto Oshima, by the people of JRPG and Manga company Square Enix. But hey, we are all in this together for the new video game that I produced to be the successor to Nights. Well, At least it's 2021...And it means we're going to have Balan Wonderworld released in the year 2021, am I right fellas?
Sonic : [to Nights] A new game made for a company of JRPGS and Mangas, (scoffs) That's a random idea since Sonic 06, and besides. What's the worst thing that could happened?
"FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021."
[Cloud walks out of the studio surrounded by Balan cutouts]
Balan Developer : Did you enjoy the new game, sir?
[Cloud furiously punches the developer]
Square Enix Employee 1 : (after reading newspaper) Oh, dear lord! Have mercy on me! (faints)
(a melee breaks out. a couple of employees and characters including Disney and Marvel assaulted the Balan cutouts.)
Square Enix Employee 2 : Delete! Delete!
(another employee shreds the documents while another group fights)
Edward Elric : (set in a fiery aura) I'M ON FIRE!!!
( A couple more employees and characters vandalize the vending machine. A group of three men; Axel, Roy, and Sephiroth, drinking poisoned Kool-Aid before suffocating. A group of the main characters of Soul Eater are killed by Death the Kid before turning the gun on himself, killing himself)
Liz Thompson : Goodbye, cruel world. (turning the gun on herself, killing herself)
Patty Thompson : Goodbye, sweet life. (turning the gun on herself, killing herself)
(cut to the bathroom where a Janitor walks in on an employee hanging himself while Winry and Riza were fighting)
Janitor : Oh my Goodness! This is terrble!
(cuts to King Bradely's office)
Square Enix Employee 3 : I got the weekend's sales numbers of Balan Wonderworld, sir.
(Bradley gets up, runs on table and jumps out of the window from the top floor and laughs)
(a limo pulls up to the Square Enix Headquaters)
Barret : Who wants to see when Barret works?
Children : Me! Me! I do! I do!
(Bradley crashes through the limo, scaring the children)
Announcer : The publishers of SEGA and Square Enix returns from Yuji Naka's Balan Wonderworld claimed over many lives. In 2022, the United States congress memorialized the terrible tragedy in Japan by establishing March 26 as Balan Wonderworld Day.
(Screen shows Balan's face with the words "Never Forget. 3-26-21". It is revealed that Balan and the group were all watching a video)
Balan : So, guys. What do you think?
Sonic : That sketch looked funny and you know it!
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@realmofthedragon​ from X
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Sansa was a woman of ten and six when she was told she was going to marry a prince, it would be a year later before she got to meet him. She prepared herself that morning, dressing in a warm black dress with her family’s crest dangling from her neck in silver and her hair braded prettily. She was the prettiest girl in Winterfell, or so her suiters had told her, she was not so sure about that.  She stood with her family to greet the King and Queen, her bright blue eyes seeking out the prince who was called out by his mother. She was nudged foward by her own mother and curtsied “it’s nice to meet you, your grace-- was the journey long?” Sansa had hoped he would come on dragonback, but no such luck as it were.
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hinakyuu · 1 year
hey hey brades do not bump the lyon king
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princesstillyenna · 2 years
Ok but Claude going to the sens is kinda hilarious? Like here he was a thirsty rookie seducing Danny and now he has to witness Brady politely pine after jimmy.
Anonymous asked:
The sens are trying really hard to become the gayest team on the league
Anonymous asked:
Is my heart still a little torn that giroux isn’t a flyer anymore? Yes. Am I happy that he ended up in the sens purely because his family seems really happy? Also yes.
(And ottawa is closer to philly than florida is, so I guess in the gc verse Danny would also be happy? idek)
kk, because first of all, I CANNOT deal with the energy of BRADY TKACHUK being CLAUDE GIROUX'S CAPTAIN. I cannot. I absolutely cannot. There's just... there's too much happening there.
Secondly, vintage GC Claude was king of just SEDUCE THE MAN. BE NAKED ALWAYS. BE RUBBING YOURSELF ON HIM WHENEVER POSSIBLE. EVERYTHING PHYSICAL THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES LATER and of course Brady is VERY MUCH THE OPPOSITE OF THIS Brady wants to take a more thought out approach - and that's ok Brades, we love you ok? But are they going to be able to understand each other in this??????
Are they fuck.
On top of that, we throw in Alex DeBrinkitten. Who has been in a relationship with Dylan since before the beginning of time. Who considers himself y'know, a mature experienced man in regards to relationships... EXCEPT HE'S ONLY EVER BEEN IN ONE
I pity the rest of the Sens, I really do.
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theatreinpractice · 2 months
Influences on acting practitioners
That´s of my list of my influences on acting
Hey my little angels! whats up ?
here my list of acting practtioners that inspires me :), whats u ?
Scott Chambers
Ed Speeler
Jonah Hauer - King
Josh Hutcherson
Sam Reid
David Stakston
Benedict Cumberbatch
Martin Freeman
Tom Blyth
Walker Scobell
Andrew Garfild
Toby Maguire
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Pratt
Misha Collins
Henry Cavill
Collin Morgan
Bradely James
Alexander Vlahos
Ryan Reynolds
Matt Smith
Stuart Mackey Sam Marsden Shane Harper
Grant Gusting
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: June 1994
The two most famed wrestling alliances of recent years, The Four Horsemen and The Dangerous Alliance, have dwindled to insignificance. The reason why are clear, and give warning to any would-be future group
By Kostya Kennedy
[At the start of 1992, The Dangerous Alliance was poised to take command of WCW. By year’s end, Medusa Miceli was pummeling Paul E. Dangerously in public, and the Alliance faded into oblivion.]
Even in America, a land where personal success is valued so highly, individuals grow stronger by affiliation. If we look to those who govern this land, we don’t merely consider names. We think of, “Bob Dole, Republican,” or “Bill Bradely, Democrat.” And never did we concern ourselves with Clarence Thomas, until he vied to become “Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.”
Titles, membership to brethrens, the representing of a whole–these things add volume to each individual voice.
[Wrestling’s most dominant mega-group was The Four Horsemen, who ruled WCW during the latter-1980s. In this 1988 version, J.J. Dillion (kneeling) advised (left to right) Arn Anderson, Barry Whindham, Ric Flair, and Tully Blanchard.]
What’s more, groups can accomplish more and strive forward more rapidly than any man or woman, no matter how great. It was not Martin Luther King Jr. alone who overcame the laws of racism, but the thousands who were part of the civil rights movement. It has never been one man, one general, who fought for America in wars overseas, but a collection of soldiers, fighting side-by-side with a common aim, a common bond.
Once we could find such venerable groups in wrestling. Groups that bore distinction and pride, wielding great power and maintaining an image of battling forward as one. When you thought of Arn Anderson, you thought, “A horseman.” When you thought of Steve Austin, you thought “Dangerous Alliance.”
“There is no greater honor than being a member of The Four Horsemen,” Arn Anderson said recently. “That’s been true since the day we were born.”
[Rick Rude’s presence helped Dangerously establish the Alliance as a force to be reckoned with in 1992 (left). A year later, Dangerously created another Alliance in ECW with stars like Don Muraco (below), but that also fizzled.]
The Horsemen left a mark on wrestling like no other group in history. Even for a wrestler of such individual greatness as Ric Flair, bearing the “Horseman” name was reason for pride and strength. 
For lesser competitors, the value of affiliation was even greater. Paul E. Dangerously was just another manager until he collected competitors like Austin, Bobby, Eaton, and the sometimes indomitable Rick Rude for his team.
Today, the alliances as we knew them are gone. The Four Horsemen is a shadow of its former self, a fractured and almost insignificant group. If anything, the name Ric Flair–synonymous with leadership, courage, championships, and legend–is only weakened by the phrase “Four Horseman” that sometimes lingers after it.
And The Dangerous Alliance, soon after its attempt to re-form in ECW, is for all intents and purposes a thing of the past. 
As we reported in the April issue of PRO WRESTLING ILLUSTRATED, there has been talk among wrestling insiders of a future megagroup managed by Jimmy Hart and including two mat greats–Flair and Hulk Hogan. The group is still rumor. Hogan’s next career move hangs in limbo, and whether he will join WCW at all remains to be seen. There have been rumors he may wrestle Flair instead should he join Ted Turner’s federation.
[The Horsemen were still a formidable entity when they confronted Sting in 1990 (left), Sid Vicious, who was involved in a stabbing incident with Arn Anderson last year, was briefly a Horseman in 1991 (below).]
But if our analysis is correct, and there is reason to believe it is, we issue this simple pointed warning to those men and whoever else would join them: Don’t do it. Don’t even think about it. It won’t work. 
What happens in wrestling, a sport predicated on individual intensity, is that egos get in the way. In 1992, The Dangerous Alliance appeared to be sailing along, gathering power, when dissension suddenly struck. The rifts between the glory-hungry members grew until Madusa–The DA’s Director of Covert Operations–came to blows with Dangerously. And when Dangerously, still reeling from his beating, tried to start up again in ECW, personality clashes like those between Eddie Gilbert and The Dark Patriot kept the group from ever gaining any momentum. 
“That was different,” said Arn Anderson. “Those guys weren’t real professionals like us. The Four Horsemen will never die. Sure we had some rough times, but we faced them together and we’re still going strong.”
Going strong? The days of Windham, the Andersons, Tully Blanchard, and Flair were indeed glory days. But today, the Horsemen are hardly even an entity. Flair is too consumed with his own brilliant career to spend too much time on the group. Ole Anderson is merely a sometimes adviser, and Arn Anderson is only recently back competing after the brutal hotel-room fiasco with Sid Vicious.
The Horsemen, in retrospect, have been dying for some time. They never should have taken in Paul Roma, a wrestler below their caliber who refused to show respect and who bolted to team with Paul Orndorff. Even in the days when Vicious was a team member, there was great antagonism. Many felt that Vicious had three reasons for joining the Horsemen: money, money, and money. He brooded at being in Ric Flair’s shadow, particularly when he was setting up opponents so that the “Nature Boy” could know them down.
Now the Horsemen’s search for a fourth member borders on the sad and embarrassing. The stable’s standards continue to drop (Roma is evidence), and worse, few want to be associated with the once-vaunted group. On more than one occasion, PWI has learned, the Horsemen have approached top wrestlers, only to receive polite refusals. Who wants to get involved in a clash of egos? Who wants to be another Ric Flair bodyguard, the probable status of any new Horseman?
If even a group as powerful and dedicated as The Four Horsemen can dissolve, there is no hope for anyone. Wrestling is where individuals thrive, where tag teams provide the excitement that comes out of combined effort. There’s really no sense in alliances. Ever hear of a group of boxers fighting each other? If you’re listening, Messrs. Flair and Hogan think again if you really are considering a place in Hart’s would-be stable. You’re both all-time greats on your own. Why risk two good things for none.
[Perhaps the latest edition of the Horsemen would have succeeded if they had picked someone other than the selfish Paul Roma, who eventually abandoned the stable to join Paul Orndorff. They also needed a fourth active wrestler on the roster.]
0 notes
The perfect villain
This is a topic that, as a writer, I have been obcessed with. You’d think it’d be so easy to make a good perfect villain. Mostly because when I ask others what they think a perfect villain is, they say its someone who is fully evil. But the problem with that logic is that when a villain is truly evil, they become flat. Like a apple. Its delicious and simple. All they want to do is evil for the sake of evil
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But just so you know, I will not be mentioning the Joker or Darth Vader. I just get sick of hearing about them.
Not that silly villains aren’t amazing. They make us laugh and bring something interesting to the story, but they’re hardly perfect
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imagine villainy, like any other characteristics, is like a apple pie. Yes at the base there is villainy ( the apple) but when you add other ingrediants and characteristics you can make a satisfying villain. But its not as easy as saying “ oh he’s evil and clever” without actually trying to show this side.
We might not want to admit it, but for a good story you need a good villain. That means spending as much time developing your villain as you would your hero. They can’t always be a distant character that you only talk about till the end. Then you get something like Galbatorix from Eragorn who is without a doubt the worst villain ever made. Too much hype and not enough flavor.
So we do get villains who are actually interesting and we get past the whole “I’m evil because I’m evil” to I’m evil for a reason” or “I’m evil with a cause”
Like agent Bishop from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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He works for the government but became obcessed with keeping earth safe after being abducted by aliens in the Civil War. After that it became his lifes mission to protect the world from aliens to the point he has to transfer his body into a new vessel every few years to stay alive. Which seems a characteristic of a hero but take in the fact he uses that justification to unaplogetically torture aliens, and kidnap presidents. And we get some good substance
As is with out next example, my FAVORITE villain of all time
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Slade from Teen Titans (2003)
Yes, his mission is purely destruction and power like our classic villain ontop. But he has a amazing intellect that is demostrated by tricking others to work for him, and planting traps for his enemies after his death. But there’s also a charismatic side of him that lures weak minded individuals to him (like Terra). And a deep setted pride that shows that he hates to loose. Actually SHOWS when he has to spare the Teen Titans to save his Apprentice.
Normally this wouldn’t do it for me, but take into fact he made a deal with the literal devil to come back to life, and fight said devil for his own interest then we get a deeply selfish character who simply wants the sky to burn. But he’s again, not perfect. A villain doesn’t have to be perfect to be your favorite.
If you really take the Apple Pie metaphor into consideration. A perfect villain is someone who is evil, but is also capable of human characteristics. Maybe even a few characteristics we’d see in a hero. Maybe he’s the kind of villain who refuses to hurt kids, or maybe he’a vegetarian. Or maybe he’ll take a hit for another character becuse he cares about them, maybe even the hero. MAYBE he’s willing to work with the hero to further his goals.
But that brings us to another problem, a villain can not seek redemption. Yes I love this trope, but the perfect villain can not ever seek to redeem himself. No matter his characteristics. He can be friends with the hero, he can have a house full of kittens, but he can not seek to save himself. He can even save the heroes life. But. Not. Redeem. Himself
So for that reason I was sure I’d never find a villain who could represent the perfect villain, atleast in my mind . Then it occured to me
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King Bradley
Now THAT’s a villain. Manipulative, selfish, powerful, yet what really makes him nearly perfect is his relationship to me. When i first read/watched Full metal alchemist I really liked Bradley. And even though the show kept saying ‘he must be evil!’ I couldn’t bring myself to believe it. And up until his death I begrudingly still liked him. Yes everything he did, he did unapologeticslly. Without regrets. He WIPED OUT A COUNTRY.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. What do you think makes a perfect villian? Who is your favorite? I wanna know!
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maguro13-2 · 18 days
The Dark Picture ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt.15 ~
Winry : Edward, let me release a stress relife so I can breathe in and breathe out just to tell you this nicely. (inhale and then exhales) What the hell we were thinking!? Why would our author make us befriend a 70-year old demon queen by mistake!? Don't you realize that?
Edward : Hey, it's not my idea, I didn't know it was her, pretended to be Maka Albarn and she's literally the queen of demons full of ink. Yeah, I am idiot and I felt guilty, guilty as charged. Yeah, this is the queen who we've been looking for.
Winry : So this is her, a queen known as the Ink Demon Queen.
Edward : Well, it's totally not my problem. That I got something on wrong the foot here, Winry. No seriously, you got something on your foot do you.
Winry : Of course, I found out that my sandals were covered with ink and do you know the worst part its...I got Ink on my feet! These perves in the future are going to look at it on the net for free! But honestly, please pretend you didn't even look at it wearing glasses.
Edward : Oh right. (takes off shades) So, what did you have something in common with Ink on your feet?
Winry : Oh I don't know, humanity is always into fetishes, It's no wonder that something from dirty things that I can't never take off!
Edward : Then what did you do with them?
Winry : I tried washing them off, but they wouldn't come off and I believe it's...magic or something. Here, don't look. (the ink on her feet magically turns into pair of sandal shoes) Now do you believe me? It turns out the Ink on my feet can magically turn into footwear, it also have the ability to do this. (the Ink converts into shoes with spiky cleats) Woah, too spiky, giving something nice to wear on. (the ink converts into straps) Wrong, you know I don't like that I see what you did there, I need something "Nice" to wear appropriately. (the ink converts into soap shoes) Nice indeed.
Edward : That is seriously a weird idea from the queen, what is this stuff that you have ability to turn anything on your feet.
Winry : It's called the "Mark of the Ink Demons', other wise known as the Ink Demon Tattoo.
Me : (whispers into Winry's ear)
Winry : Oh right! The Mark of Ink Demons have the ability to give me...(in a booming voice) SUPER STRENGTH!!! (lifts up table with her super strength) Pretty rocking hard, huh, Edward?
Edward : Woah! super strength! Is this what the 70-year demon queen give you superhuman strength? Okay, I understand. But maybe it might be too effective for you to handle the power of demon strength.
Winry : Heh. You have a good point though. I wonder if this could work in martial arts, I have to meet someone from Xing who knows about Martial Arts and someone who goes with a amputee for disability, oh I know, how about Lan Fan. I heard that her arm was cutt of by herself after Bradely accidentally stabbed her in the arm, but it was no accident, it was threatning for action.
Edward : Wait, what happened to her army.
Winry : She left it for a dog as a decoy.
Edward : That's an usual setting. So are you building a new arm for her.
Winry : Yeah, I am automail genius, trust me Edward. The next time we see our wold's face, the next time you truth first, Mr. Strife had some business to take care while he's getting his first debut in this first action movie from Sony.
Edward : Well, you are right about. So his movie was a hit in Japan. Can't wait to see it on DVD or on the theatre.
Lan Fan : Hey, you must be Winry Rockbell. So after losing my arm to a dog as decoy when King Bradely impaled my arm by accident. That wasn't Dante who ordered King Bradley, it was that homonculous named Father was trying to reach Godhood.
Winry : Wait, how did you know it was...*Bamboo Bonk* Edward, your father was such an idiot.
Edward : I should've known by that now, I guess that was the truth after all. Okay, I'm seriously joking.
Inky Albarn : Hey, Automail girl, how's the new tattoo strength that I have giving you.
Lan Fan : Eh...?
(Lan Fan Screaming in horror)
Winry : Yep. That's the Lan Fan alright.
"Meanwhile at an amusement park..."
"Stage 3 : Circus Park (Not Billy Hatcher)"
[Circus Park (Original Ver.) - Mariko Nanba]
Female announcer : Welcome to Circus Park.
Shadow : So this is Circus Park. Not a bad place for an etsablishment, but these humans are not here to have some fun, they're here for a total wreckage at this place. Alright this is my chance to say this line first. *clears throat* Where's that Damn Fourth Chaos Emerald? I nailed it! (sees the white emerald that is powered in Tails' Tornado) Oh, there it is! Tails has it!
[Flying With Tornado - Jun Senoue]
Tails : Wow, I didn't know that Eggman built a theme park made out rings when it was back at the casino and he gathered it from around the world. I gotta get those rings back in order to test out those special stages that Installed for Sonic.
Shadow : Wait a sec, I gotta get that emerald before he--*BOOM!*
Shadow : Great! Now I have to get that emerald by collecting rings or help the doctor clean their mess.
Tails : Shadow! G.U.N is here, my plane got boomed by Eggmans or something like that happened, and he has gathered rings from around this theme park. You gotta help me shadow!
Eggman : Shadow, it's an emergency, The G.U.N ROBOTS ARE HERE TO SABOTAGE MY BEAUTIFUL PARK! Do something to get rid of them.
[Circus Park's Theme by Mariko Nanba plays]
Shadow : Alright, you wanted to win you some rings and getting rid of the humans, then I got your back! Let's see how this park is really entertaining right now, but you first, Give me that DAMN fourth emerald!
Tails : You just sore!
Shadow : My bad. Just let me help you get those rings, then I will take care of G.U.N'S business.
[montage begins+Inaudible]
Egg Pawn Carnie : Step right up here, folks. Hit the bell and the winner will receive the prize!
Tails : This is it, Shadow, this is the last one that Eggman has built this park, the High Striker! All you have to do is hit the bell and win a prize.
Egg Pawn Carnie : You heard him, hit the bell and win a prize.
Shadow : Okay...(kills G.U.N Soldier with a hammer)
Egg Pawn Carnie : Big winner!
Tails : Okay...That was seriously not a great idea on how you win this game.
Shadow : F*** this, I'm going to get the bottom of this!
Announcer : You got...the Omochao Gun.
Omochao : Wait-I didn't sign up for this!
Omochao : (Screams)
Egg Pawn Carnie : Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ourselves a real winner! Here is your prize. (gives the fourth Chaos Emerald)
Shadow : Finally! It's mine! It's all mine! Oh, I mean, I took out all the robots, The G.U.N Robots were sent here as a distraction to destroy the theme park, wait...Ahh sh**! I knew it! I forgot about Black Doom having trouble with G.U.N, wait a sec. Is Black Doom at the forest or at the--
Tails : he's busy dealing with G.U.N at the city...
Egg Pawn : (via radio) Hey, Eggman! We got some trouble! Some idiot has awakened a 2000 year old fortress and I want you meet our Sky Troops at the Sky Troops Zone! Please we need your help!
Eggman : What!? Why didn't you tell me that before! I'll be right there! Just give me a moment! Why did I even think about this before?
Shadow : Who's the idiot that awakened the Temples at the canyon? Oh wait, I did that part. I forgot about Black Doom handling the Sky Troops thing! I forgot about that part! *Instant Transmission*
Tails : Shadow! Where you are going!? What am I gonna do with all of these rings!
Tails : (pops out) Why did I even think about banking my own account with this currency?
"Somewhere at the destroyed Prision Island..."
"Stage 3 : Prison Island (Post-Space Colony Ark Inicident)"
[Event : Team Chaotix by Jun Senoue]
Charmy : Oh wow! Collecting these five top secret disks at this abandoned military base is such hit mission, this is what Vector told me about these top secret disks, they've been scattered around I got four of these in my hand, but where's the last one? Is it here? Or here, or there? (Charmy checks everywhere to make sure the last Top secret disk is found) Nope. Uh-uh. Not here, not in my mom's underwear. Oh man! I don't know where that top secret disk is at, it's gotta be here somewhere! Where it's at? where's the last one? DOESN'T ANYBODY KNOW WHERE THAT GOD DAMN DISK IS AT!?!
??? : Psst! Hey, Honey bee. I got you something right here.
Charmy : Wh-Who said that?
??? : I'm talking to you of course. You're lucky that you want to find something that is something like treasure.
Charmy : Treasure, you say!? Well, that's the stuff I wanted to hear about! But I still don't know where that Top-Secret Disk located at?
??? : Looking for this? (holds out a Top-Secret Disk)
Charmy : (in awe) The Top-Secret Disk #5! Where did you find this!
??? : It's probably a secret, also. You might wanna have this, it goes to Nintendo HQ in Tokyo, but you might wanna give this to bring information about the Dark Picture.
Charmy : ...Yeah, the Dark Picture? I may not know about the Dark Picture? Did you say anything about the Dark Picture? Anyway, Is it weird that something like this was gonna give me personal information? Who are you anyway?
[Mystery Girl - Takahito Eguchi]
??? : That is not of your business, I come from a distant time. There isn't much time left, please. Do whatever it takes to make Black Doom feel his sorrow for anything he did with that Black Hedgehog, I beg you to look further when the Time Eater is getting stronger from destroying all of those who lived in the Ohkuboverse 1000 years ago.
Charmy : Okay then...you do with that? I might business with the guys and do whatever it takes to get m submission to make Black Doom, he'll feel sorry for ruining Shadow's life in the past. So will he ever make himself cheer up.
??? : You got yourself a point. Please, take care of yourself and feel free to see the light of day.
Charmy : No sweat! It'll be a piece of cake to unleashed the information! Thanks for everything, mysterious person. (leaves) Can't believe that a mysterious person would able to seek forturne to look into these top-secret disks.
??? : I have a feeling that I have many blessings for someone in the past to feel like having a bad father is no reputation, and I even look to see a brighter future without someone who isn't a bad father. But if Black Doom can be really a bad fathers, then bad fathers needs to be punished for their sins against another. That's why I wanted him to give him information about the truth about Shadow's life from 50 years ago. (the mysterious person unhoods to reveal herself; It's Sage from Sonic Frontiers) Please me...Forgive me, Father.
~ Mission 14 : Mysterious Girl From the Future ~
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everyroymustang · 7 years
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needcake · 2 years
For the fic recs please provide me with an ass ton of EngPort or SpUk fics because I have a thirst for them that I can not seem to quench
1) Engport:
and i am thankful for the love these rocks have always given, orphaned
England is reading, and Portugal feels awfully ignored.
Let’s start short and sweet. This one is bedroom fun without the smut, just some fun kissing and delicious dialogue with a lot of Shakespearean quotes.
The Englishman’s Wine, by @rikujo
An evening, well spent with wine and familiar company for comfort.
This one is absolutely delicious, it has that old couple energy, that seasoned love, it has some really lovely dialogue and it’s an absolute must read! (And if you like it Rikujo has another fic called Embers that is also absolutely lovely!)
welcome home, by @brazilian-hot-mess
just a collection of all the writing games and asks from tumblr here on ao3. just in case the hellsite collapses one day.
The 5th chapter of Maju’s drabble collection is this really soft and special engport with the prompt exhausted parents kiss and it really captures that essence??? It’s short but it’s SO SWEET 10/10
Blood of the Sea, by VodkaMojitos
Arthur Kirkland is a British noble. He's gone down to the port looking for someone who catches his eye. In comes a Portuguese pirate who immediately catches Arthur's eye. But this night will not end as one of them plans.
This one was tricky to find because it’s not listed as engport even though it absolutely is?? But it’s a fantasy vampire/monster AU and even though it’s short (and it leaves us wanting more D:) it’s so good and it has this incredibly pull to the story. The only way it could be better it’s if it had 40k words to it ;o;
for i want what i cannot have, by @portu-cale
Not at all, Arthur, Afonso wants to say, you're so much stronger and braver than I could ever dream to be.
Read this one. Please read this one. Portu is an incredibly writer, she puts so much detail, so much care in crafting every sentence that reading her fics is to be completely absorbed into her worlds. And this fic in particular is so dear to me because I’m so weak for young love ;A;
First off, I have to say if you like engspa I can recommend you anything @maivalkov and @helian-skies have ever written for this ship because everything they touch turns into gold and I can rec their entire body of work with my eyes closed and guarantee you’ll find something you’ll like.
THAT SAID you might want to start with:
The Bird of Brading’s Keep, by @maivalkov
If you should visit a tavern at night, and find a wandering bard, pay them a coin and listen well. They will tell you the tale of a man, who can see what others do not.
It is a legend of mermaids, nightmares, and the infamous Brading’s Keep.
It is the story of unfortunate Arthur, who despite his sleepless nights, might not be so unlucky at all.
I absolutely love this fic. Maiva went above and beyond with the world building here, it’s layers upon layers of lore, it’s mermaids, legends, sailors who want to make a name for themselves, young lovers who finally find each other despite adversity, big life-changing kisses, it has everything!! World really becomes real when you read it, Maiva’s style is so enchanting and amazing that it pulls you in completely. If you have never read her stories, I highly recommend that you start with this one!
Time and Patience, by @helian-skies
Arthur wants the King to fall and his dynasty to burn, but targeting the King himself is an impossible task. Meanwhile, all Antonio wants is his freedom—freedom to make his own choices, to live his own life, to be his own person. Their paths cross and then twist and turn to places they never would have imagined. In the end though, all paths much reach their destination.
This fic by Helia is the first part of a bigger series that I’m only half-way through myself, but this one in particular is an absolute must-read. This is a royalty AU that could easily be a book series (it kinda is though?? because the word count is insane), the plot is so good and it builds really slowly, it welcomes you in by giving you these little morsels of information that absolutely hook you in, and by the time you realize it you’ve already read 20k and you can’t wait to know what happens next. It starts off with an assassination attempt and it will make you hurt inside by the end of it (in a good way <3).
And last but never least:
Gatito, by @maivalkov
Gentleman in the court, and scoundrel at the port, Arthur raids ships in the name of his Queen. It's easy money and a laugh, he says, until the storms bring a prize far grander, and complicated, than that of gold and jewels.
Now this!!! This is Maiva’s big boy fic. It’s a pirate/fantasy AU, and as I write this it has a word count of 148k and we’re still 5 chapters to the end! Maiva is such a talented amazing writer, she creates these sentences that absolutely baffle me because they’re so well-crafted, everything she writes just jump off the page and makes me want to giver her a million kudos! There are some action scenes in this fic that made me literally get the shivers and that’s how I knew I was absolutely hooked. I’m trying really hard not to spoil anything but at the same time I really want to talk about all my favorite scenes?????
All I know is that this fic is what I think of when I think engspa, and I think everyone who likes that ship should read it and then come talk to me about our favorite scenes and leave Maiva a big gushing review because she deserves so much love
I hope you enjoy these!
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insomniac-dot-ink · 4 years
Eyesight of Fools and the Lucky
There is something wrong with the air.
It started slow at first, it felt too humid, a little stickier and wetter than the weather forecast predicted. I thought nothing of it, but then it started to get thicker, heavier, stranger. I could feel it licking across my skin and edging it’s way into my nose and mouth.
There is something wrong with the air.
Whenever I look, it is slightly yellower, a canary color, and more than anything it is wrong. Wrong as water coming out dark from the faucets and footsteps in a hallway that you know is empty. It just shouldn’t be.
It started the day I visited my friend at the hospital. I had promised after all and he was an old friend from all the way back in grade school. We had been inseparable then: playing make-believe errand boys to the king and knights and elaborate games where we won gold and mastered wolves and stopped forest fires.
He was always a skinny, sickly boy with an imagination that kept us busy for hours and days. I remember looking at him from across the forts we would build and staying there, rapt, ready to listen to anything he would say.
In retrospect I would call that a first crush, but he became much more distant after I came out in high school. Gradually at first, and then all at once he stopped talking to me. So I try not to call it a crush.
I had no idea why he called me since he hadn’t spoken in years, but I had been struggling to find freelancing jobs recently so I had time. The hospital was a big building built like various rubix cubes had been glued together in huge boxy shapes.
The outside was plain and looming and the largest building in a field that had a desolate empty feel to it. I parked in the similarly empty lot and locked my door twice, checked my phone for messages, ignored the one about late rent, and finally stopped stalling in order to go inside.
The rooms were cool and sterile and had that hospital smell that is somehow the closest and farthest smell of death that I know.
The receptionist pointed me toward a room on the third floor. Urgent care. And I she didn’t meet my eye as I spoke to her. I wondered if she could somehow tell I was uncomfortable and not really ready to be here.
Room 309 approached much more quickly than I would have liked. I took deep even breaths as I stood before the little window and tried to spot my friend Dave before he spotted me. I had to make sure I saw him first this time.
Dave was still small and stalk-thin with red hair and eyes like meadows. He was surprisingly more lively than I expected: no bags under his eyes or pale translucent skin, no indication he was deathly sick. He spotted me as I peered through the window and gestured.
“Come in! Come in.”
I warily stood behind the door and opened it crack to step in. Dave gave me a wide smile and kept waving. “You have no idea how good it is to see you.”
I eyed him thoroughly and stepped over, “it’s… good to see you too.” I tried not to show how prickly I was feeling on the inside as I drew close to his bed.
He chuckled lowly, “you don’t have to speak softly. I have this room to myself.”
I nodded and looked him over, “how are things?” I cringed. That was probably the wrong question to ask people in hospitals. Things were obviously bad.
He drew a deep breath, “better than they were.” He said simply and then clapped his hands together, “listen, I would love to catch up, but there is a reason I called you here.”
“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows and leaned forward.
He met my eyes and they were dark, but somehow still had that spark in them. “I’m on a journey to make amends with people which is why I called you here.”
I couldn’t help but give a small smile, “Is this for borrowing my scooter in the fourth grade and breaking it?”
He had a deep, resounding laugh for such a small man. “That. And a little more.”
“My hamster then? Or my mom’s skirts.”
He rolled his eyes, “you always were a funny one.” He sighed, “No. I don’t have much time left, Lars. I wanted to apologize for being so distant in high school.” He met my eyes again and I didn’t like it. “I know it’s when you needed a friend.”
Dave had always been the lucky sort. No one came after him in high school or even really looked him that closely.
I took an unconscious step back from the bed. “Uh,” I rubbed the back of my neck, “No. I mean. I get it, most kids don’t know how to take their friends coming out and it’s over now and I und-”
“What?” Dave looked back at me quizzically and his smile faded slightly, “Lars, I didn’t get distant ‘cause you came out.” He wilted slightly, “I wouldn’t.”
My eyes went wide, “why then?” The words spilled out before I could stop them and the worst part was that the hurt I felt was still embedded there.
He gave me a sad look and gave a small flick of his hand, “come here.” He sat up in bed, “closer.”
I hesitantly leaned toward him and tried to convince myself that it wasn’t like this hundred pound guy was dangerous or anything. He grabbed my neck and jerked my head towards his mouth with surprising force.
He whispered directly into my ear. He whispered something strange and garbled and then he fell back into the bed as if exhausted.
“I’m sorry.” He said without really looking at me, “you should know that.”
“Uh,” I said and tiredness leaked off of him as he fell against that pillow and I blinked and tried to remember the words he muttered in my ear. But they were gone in the way a dream is after you wake up.
“Protect yourself out there,” Dave said softly, “it’s good to know people’s intentions.”
“Right.” I said awkwardly and we exchanged a number of pleasantries until I was allowed to carefully see myself out.
I passed a nurse on her way into his room and she gave me a strange look, “Visiting Mr. Bradely?” She asked softly and I nodded. “Careful with that one.”
“Okay?” I left quickly after that. And then the air started to change.
Thicker, stranger, bad. It got yellow and then more yellow and soon I saw the world through a filter of deep color. It wasn’t until I was staring at a client during a new meeting that I started to see something else too. The air around her changed and morphed: it become a tangible cloud of blue that surrounded her in all directions.
Wendy glanced up and eyed me through her blue cloud, “what are you looking at?”
“Nothing.” I jerked my head back down. “Let’s get to work.”
It entered my head all at once: this woman wanted to under pay me when we were done. She was planning on accusing me of taking too much time, no matter what I did. I don’t know how these ideas entered my head but they entered so strongly that I balked.
“Can get back to on the contract?” I asked Wendy and stood up stiffly. “I just remembered I have another client I might have to do the next month. So you might have to find someone else for this job.”
“Alright?” She said with a bemused tone and I was already gathering my things and trying to get out.
What the hell was that? A voice in my head asked but I didn’t have any answer. I simply darted out of the room and out of the building. The street was no better: it was busy with passing people and things forming around them.
A young boy with earphones in had a pink cloud around him. A middle-aged woman had a bright green one with streaks of red.
And the thing around me was yellow. Bright yellow.
And something was very, very wrong. ------------ I went to an eye doctor that afternoon and they told me nothing was wrong with my eyes other than they were weak and I needed glasses. I pointed out the fact, I already wore glasses and they waved me off.
I considered going to a doctor next and having my head checked but something stopped me. I got on the bus instead and saw that the bus driving was very bored with a grey cloud around him. And that the kid in the back was tired beyond belief. The woman with a polka-dot red dress was excited.
I saw something I shouldn’t about the people around me.
I took a bus all the back to the hospital and had Dave’s words ringing in my ears: it’s good to know people’s intentions.
It was dark by the time I got into the reception area and ignored as the secretary said visiting hours are over. “I’ll just be a second!” I yelled over my shoulder as I got toward the elevator and already knew that she was too sick of her job to actually call security. She hated the security guys.
I bounced on my heels in the elevator and tried to formulate what I needed to say. But none of the words seemed to be right: did you do something to me? Is this a prank? Am I losing it?
I didn’t matter. I ran down the hall and burst into 309 with my heart pounding. I small man sat there with his expression placid. Had Dave always been that small?
He looked up slowly and stared at me. “It’s a gift.” He said simply. “For leaving you.”
I screwed up my face at him and took several angry steps in his direction, “bullshit. What did you do to me?”
He shrugged, “you can see through people now.” He explained. “As I see people.”
I threw my hands up in the air, “why are you even in this hospital?!” I cried and stomped my way over to him.
He shook his head with forlorn and looked up to me, “that’s the wrong question.”
I rolled my eyes, “why did you give me these weird colors then?”
He smiled. “To thank you.”
He seemed even smaller at that moment. As if he was shrinking. As if his red hair was becoming brighter and even more stark in the dark of the hospital room.
“For what?” I finally asked and he reached up to me.
“You know why I stopped seeing you?” He was whispering again. “Because I could tell. I could see it in your aura. And I was afraid, terrified of.”
I stared blankly back and I shook slightly. “I-I,” I stuttered with some sort of teenage embarrassment coming over me after all these years. “You saw it?”
He nodded and then leaned forward to kiss me hard on the mouth, once. And then pulled back, “thank you for loving me.”
I looked down and Dave had shrank and in its place was something that shifted and moved in all the wrong ways. Colors, sounds, something that shouldn’t be. People always say that magical creatures should look human but slightly off, human but different, but I think they’re wrong now. It jumped down to the floor with all of its sound and color and out the window after that. He must have landed alright, Dave always was the lucky sort.
The air is still strange after that, oh so strange, but my cheeks were wet with tears and the air around me was blue with heartbreak. And everything else he left me.
I’ve started getting more clients now. I’ve started to become the lucky sort.
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dani-luminae · 4 years
Rewrite the Stars AU
Inspired by this ask and the ensuing ideas.
A little bit of an AU on my story Rewrite the Stars: What if Lia had been around for the events of Descendants 2?
@lady-of-the-spirit Hope you enjoy! Fair warning, according to my Word documents, this thing measures out at a whopping 14 pages long!
PS: unfortunately, Morph does not appear in this.
Lia had escaped from space pirates and crash-landed on this planet called Ixosl. Then she had befriended Ben, King of the kingdom of Auradon. Lia didn’t know or understand much about Auradon, but she knew one thing for certain: she cared deeply for Ben, and would let no one hurt him.
Ben had a girlfriend, a girl named Mal, from the prison known as the Isle of the Lost. Mal seemed like a sweet girl, soft-spoken and elegant, with pale blonde hair and lacy dresses. But apparently, that wasn’t the case. As proven when Ben came back from a date with her, absolutely devastated.
“She was lying to me. Using magic to cheat and trick me. She tried to put a spell on me right in front of me,” he told Lia later that evening, as she sat in his office and listened to him talk. “I had no idea that she was putting herself through all of this, but she acted like I was responsible for torturing her.”
“Did you try to talk to her about how you felt about her lies and magic?” Lia asked him.
“I tried. She wouldn’t listen to me. All she cared about was herself,” Ben said, staring blankly at the paperwork on his desk.
“She wouldn’t even talk through it,” Lia said. “She just wanted to explode and have you apologize to her. You did nothing wrong.”
Ben didn’t answer. Then, Evie came into the office with a note. Mal had run back to her island prison home. Ben, distraught, blamed himself and decided that he had to go after her and bring her back. Evie decided that she would go with him, and gather Jay and Carlos to escort him. Lia invited herself and wouldn’t take no for an answer, because she didn’t want Ben to get hurt.
On the Isle, things didn’t get any better. After a series of quick and utterly ineffective lessons from Evie, Jay, and Carlos, they managed to track down Mal to an old hideout. Ben went in to talk to her, but he returned dejected, and told them that Mal was refusing to come back. While Evie and the others were too concerned with getting ahold of Mal, Lia comforted Ben, when they were abruptly ambushed by pirates, and Ben was captured. Lia was told by Harry Hook to deliver a message to Mal: “If ye ever want to see the king again, have Mal come to the Chips Shoppe tonight, alone. Uma wants a little visit.” Lia, seeing no choice, agreed to deliver the message.
Mal showed a whole new side of herself, spiteful and haughty, and blamed Lia for Ben’s disappearance. Mal claimed that if Lia had been quicker and faster with her sword, Ben would never have been taken. The result was that Mal got a dagger pointed right at her face. Seeing that Lia wouldn’t take the blame, Mal shifted to blaming her friends for even bringing Ben and Lia to the island. Evie, Jay, and Carlos made no attempt to stand up for themselves. When Mal went to visit Uma, the captain of the pirate crew that now held Ben hostage, she was told that Ben would only be traded back for the Fairy Godmother’s Wand, which could break the barrier that contained the Isle and let Uma’s pirate crew run free. Mal lost trying to stand up to Uma, and so Mal and her friends started to make a plan. Lia was noticeably excluded from this plan, so she took it upon herself to patrol the docks every hour, ensuring that Ben was still safe on Uma’s ship. It was called the Lost Revenge, and the crew had Ben tied to the mast. On one occasion, Lia had sauntered up the gangplank, her sword and dagger swaying on her belt, and asked an audience with the captain. It was granted.
Uma came out onto deck to meet Lia. Uma was a girl with dark skin, almost the same shade as Lia’s, and turquoise hair that matched her fringed captain’s coat. Lia was impressed by the mere sight of her.
“Captain Uma,” Lia said respectfully. “I’m –”
“Lia Hawkins,” Uma said knowingly, with a snort. “Beasty-boy won’t shut up about you.” She nodded towards Ben, tied to the mast just a little distance away. He was facing away from them, and didn’t seem to realize that Lia was here. “So,” Uma said, walking in a circle, assessing everything from Lia’s swords to the way that Lia braided her hair. “You’re the famous Lia.”
“I’m famous to you?” Lia wondered if that was a good thing or not. “I’m flattered.”
“Come off it. Did Mal send you to try and re-negotiate?” Uma asked flatly. Her First Mate, Harry, crept up behind her with a maniacal glint in his eyes and a hook in his hand. “I’m not going to renegotiate.”
“I’m not here about her,” Lia said, “But I wouldn’t be running her errands anyways. I came to talk to you.”
“Talk to me? For what?”
“To ask why you’re doing this. I don’t understand the Isle and Auradon. This entire planet is new territory to me.”
“I’m not even going to pretend that makes sense to me,” Uma said, her hands on her hips and still trying to assess Lia’s threat level. “This island is a prison. We get Auradon’s scraps and trash while they live a life of luxury over there, without a care in the world. And you know whose fault that is? It’s Ben’s dad’s fault.”
Lia had met Ben’s father. He was pleasant enough, though a bit close-minded. “I’m sorry,” Lia said. “No one deserves to live in a prison like this. If I had known, I would have done whatever I could to help. I will, now that I know the truth. I have an idea. If you release Ben –”
“No deal,” Uma interrupted coolly. “But if my way fails, then what the hey, we’ll give your strategy a try, since you clearly have one.” She meant it, albeit half-mockingly, though she had full confidence that her plan would work and there would be no need for Lia’s idea.
“Deal?” Lia offered Uma her hand for a handshake.
Uma looked down at Lia’s hand, rolled her eyes, and said, “Deal.” She shook hands with Lia. “Now get off my ship.” Lia obliged, going back to patrolling the docks every hour.
At noon the next day, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos, returned, with Lonnie. Mal was carrying what looked like the Fairy Godmother’s Wand. Evie carried a backpack full of smoke bombs. Harry balanced Ben precariously on the end of the Lost Revenge’s plank while Uma sashayed down the docks to make the exchange. But Mal had no interest in calmly handing over the Wand. She taunted Uma, insulted her and antagonized her while Harry leered at them and called out promises of how he could hurt Ben. Lia gripped her swords tight, standing back and watching. How could Mal stand there and taunt Uma while Ben was inches from plummeting to his death?
Finally, Ben was brought down to the docks. Mal handed over the Wand, and Ben’s bonds were cut and he was freed. As Uma raised the Wand and shouted a spell to break the barrier, nothing happened. Angrily, she snapped the fake Wand in half, and shouted, “YOU DO NOT ALWAYS GET TO WIN!” It was like an order to her crew: attack.
Lia knew how to fight pirates. With her sword and dagger at the ready, she leapt into the fray, keeping herself near Ben at all times. Evie launched the smoke bombs, and under the cover of confusion, they escaped, slipping into the limo that had brought them here and leaving the Isle. Only then did Mal realize that she had left something behind.
In the limo, Lia sat next to Ben, gently touching his arm and asking, “Are you alright?”
Ben nodded, smiling at her. “I’m fine, Lia. You don’t have to worry about me. That was some pretty awesome sword skills back there. It was amazing to watch.”
Lia smiled back at him, relieved. “That’s good to hear. That you’re alright, I mean.”
Ben looked at Mal. “I’m really sorry things didn’t turn out the way you wanted.”
Mal just looked back at him and shrugged. “I mean, as long as you’re safe, that’s…”
Ben looked out the window. “At least I finally got to see the Isle. They’re my people too. Uma helped me see that.”
Mal’s expression morphed into disbelief. “Ben, Uma captured you,” she said, like she was trying to explain things to a stupid child.
“She’s an angry girl with a bad plan,” Ben said calmly. “Not so different from you when you first came to Auradon, Mal.”
Mal scoffed at the comparison between her and her hated rival and looked away. “Awkward,” said Carlos’s talking dog who had hitched a ride.
They returned to Auradon. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos all walked off to have a friendly chat together. Ben hesitated, looking after Mal like he wanted to follow her. But instead, he turned and walked after Lia instead. “Lia,” he asked her, catching up to her in one of the gardens, “Will you come to Cotillion tonight? I’d really like to see you there.”
He wanted to see her at a royal event like Cotillion? Lia nodded, barely disguising her excitement. “I’ll be there.” Then, she hurried off to get ready.
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Cotillion took place on the Royal Yacht, a towering grand ship decorated in the Auradon colors. Everyone wore beautiful dresses or tailored suits, and Lia was no exception. She arrived in a flowing pink dress with golden beads, long arm jewelry, and a shining golden circlet like a bird. She surveyed the deck with a smile, glad to see everyone having fun. Jay, Evie, and Carlos were all there, each with their respective dates, as well as Ben’s parents, and the Fairy Godmother who held her real, shining magic Wand.
There was trumpeting fanfare. “The future Lady Mal!” Mal appeared at the top of the steps in a blue-and-yellow dress, with her new purple hair braded nicely. She descended the steps, smiling, and Evie went to meet her. Lia applauded politely with the rest.
As Mal stepped onto the deck, she spotted Lia, and her smile faltered. “Lia? What are you doing here?” Mal asked. In her mind, Lia was still to blame for Ben’s capture and every that had followed. And besides, Mal didn’t quite like the way that Ben smiled at Lia.
“Ben invited me,” Lia said. “I mean, he asked me to be here. So here I am. Why are you here?” She added, not impolitely. “I thought you and Ben were still broken up?”
Evie acted like Lia had just physically slapped Mal. Mal’s eye narrowed slightly. “That’s none of your business,” Mal hissed at Lia.
Lia said nothing, remaining dignified and calm. It will be my business, if you hurt Ben again, Lia thought.
The trumpets came again. “King Benjamin!” Ben appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in a handsome royal-blue suit with golden accents. The golden crown rested on top of his head. Lia caught her breath, enchanted at the sight of him.
Ben walked down the steps and to Mal, who was supposed to become his Lady of the Court. He bowed to her, and she curtsied back to him with a smile, as if all – from the disastrous date, to events on the Isle, to the tense conversation in the limo afterwards – was forgiven. But as Ben straightened from his bow, he said, “Mal… I wish I had time to explain…” He turned around and looked up at the top of the stairs.
And there stood Uma, glowing in a teal mermaid dress with golden decorations. Everyone gasped at the sight of her, and Mal’s jaw dropped, stunned speechless. Uma descended the stairs and Ben took her hands. He kissed her hand. Mal watched, her eyes filling with tears. Lia stared as well, slightly confused. How had Uma left the island?
“I’m sorry,” Ben said to Mal. “It all happened so fast… something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection.” He turned to Uma, looking at her dreamily.
Mal shook her head, scrambling for words. “I’m sorry… what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that –”
“It was love!” Uma exclaimed, a smile unlike any smile Lia had seen before on her face. “It was. I just – I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?”
“We are,” Ben said to her, his voice soft.
“I know!” Uma beamed at him.
Mal looked back to Ben, trying desperately to understand. “Ben,” she said.
Uma giggled and pulled Ben close.
“Ben,” Mal repeated, a little louder. “Did you go back for her?”
“He didn’t have to,” Uma explained. “I dove through the barrier before it closed. And I’m an excellent swimmer, so…” She shrugged like, figure it out. Mal stared at her, mute with horror and shock. Uma stepped towards her, taking her hands. “Listen, Mal. I just wanna say thank you. I really do. For everything.” She threw her arms around Mal in an embrace that made Mal recoil.
“Don’t you see, Mal? You were right!” Ben said. “You knew we weren’t meant to be together. That’s why you never told me you loved me. Thank you.”
Mal stared at him, looking devastated.
Ben and Uma began to waltz across the deck. A stunned crowd looked on, Lia among them, though she was quite pleased to see Uma so happy and serene, and Ben smiling so much. If Uma had helped heal him from his pain over losing Mal like he had, then Lia would support them both.
“Not too thrilled I risked my life for him,” Carlos said, watching Ben waltz with Uma across deck.
Lia glanced at him, slightly alarmed.
“We’re with you, Mal,” said Lonnie, taking Mal’s hand.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here,” Jay said.
Jane raced up the steps, eager to have Mal see Ben’s surprise, even if Ben had shocked the kingdom with his sudden affection for Uma. “Unveil the gift! They need to see it! Now!”
The gift was unveiled: a towering stained-glass portrait of Ben, kneeling before Mal. And not the blonde Mal. The purple-haired Mal. Lia tilted her head, slightly confused, but she smiled at the sight nonetheless, because romance was always so sweet to her.
Mal’s eyes filled with tears again. “Ben did that?” She asked Evie.
“Yeah, he did,” Evie said, nodding.
“Evie… Ben knew who I was all along.”
“And he loves the real you, M.”
“A true love.”
“Told you,” said Carlos.
Ben looked up at the stained glass in surprise, his oddly vacant expression changing to a look of contemplation. A flash of anger crossed Uma’s face. “Cover that thing back up!” She ordered, but no one did. Trying to save face, she turned to Ben and asked sweetly, “Why don’t you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?”
“I have an announcement!” Ben shouted. “Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady. So, as my gift to her, I will be bringing down the barrier once and for all!”
A gasp spread through the crowd. Even Lia felt herself reeling from shock. Bring down the barrier? Let the villains roam free?
“Fairy Godmother,” Ben declared, “Bring down the barrier!”
“I most certainly will not!” The Fairy Godmother said, gripping her wand tighter.
“I am your king!” Ben yelled.
“Obey him!” Uma commanded.
Mal’s eyes lit up, because she just realized what was going on. “You guys! He’s been spelled!” Then, bravely, she stepped forward, onto the deck, to face Ben. “Ben!”
Ben started to turn towards Mal, but Uma stopped him. “No. Eyes over here. You love me, remember?”
“No, you don’t,” Mal told him.
“Yes, you do!” Uma argued. Then she spun around and ordered the Fairy Godmother, “Bring down the barrier.”
“I do not take orders from you.”
“Ben!” Uma commanded.
Ben turned to Uma once more. But Mal suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Ben’s arm, and pulled him to face her. Ben blinked when she did this, but didn’t pull away. Mal said, “Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I didn’t believe that I was good enough, and I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself.” She pointed up at the stained glass. “But Ben, that’s me! I’m part Isle and part Auradon. And you saw us for who we were and who we can be. And, Ben… I know what love feels like now. Of course I love you. I’ve always loved you.” Mal threw her arms around Ben and kissed him.
Lia’s eyes brightened, knowing that this should break the spell.
But when Mal pulled away, nothing had changed. Ben still looked as dazed and blank as he had before she kissed him. Uma grinned. Ben said to Mal, “I’m sorry, Mal. I don’t love you anymore.”
Mal’s eyes fill with horrified tears and she turned and fled into the crowd, unable to handle what had just happened. Ben watched her run away, until he caught sight of a shimmer of pink in the crowd. For the first time since he had arrived here, he spotted Lia, in her elegant gown and her shining crown, and the sight of her transfixed him like no spell ever could. “Lia?” He said, barely audible, his eyes clearing slightly. Uma narrowed her eyes.
Mal looked back, tears in her eyes, and saw how Ben was staring at Lia. Sadness suddenly turned to anger, and Mal pushed Lia forward, out of the crowd and into the middle of the deck. “Go on, Lia. Talk some sense into him,” Mal said, her voice shaking with emotion.
Lia stood there in the middle of the deck, facing Ben. She wasn’t sure what to say. Everyone was staring at her, trying to see what she would do. Ben stepped towards her, even ignoring Uma when she tried to take his hand. “Lia,” he repeated, staring dreamily at her, as if it was she who had him under a spell and not Uma.
“Ben.” Lia took a step towards him, not certain what to say. She felt like the kingdom was relying on her, now, to fix this. She didn’t know how to fix this. But she did know that, in front of her was a young man who had been told that he and all his decisions thus far were wrong. Mal blamed him for her actions. Evie, Jay, and Carlos blindly followed Mal. Even Ben’s parents had raced to console Mal instead of trying to help their son. And Lia refused to do the same. She wouldn’t tell him that he was wrong.
“Ben. I trust you and your choices, no matter what they are.” Lia stepped forward and moved to kiss him on the cheek, but just as she did, Ben turned his head, and his lips met hers.
Mal made a small noise of outrage, while Uma looked on with wide eyes.
Lia pulled away and gazed into Ben’s eyes, which suddenly seemed clear. He looked back at her, wide-eyed, and whispered, “Lia?”
“Was that –” Lia began.
“True Love’s Kiss?” Both of them, Ben and Lia, said at the same moment.
Whether or not it was True Love’s Kiss would have to wait for another time to be discussed. Uma spun around and lunged at the Fairy Godmother. “Give me that Wand!”
The Fairy Godmother jumped back, panicked, and held the wand out of Uma’s reach. “Seize her!” She yelled for the guards.
The crowd swarmed Uma, but it was no use. Uma darted to the railing and started to climb. The guards charged forwards, but a barrier of light, from Lia’s powers, stopped them. “No!” Lia said. “This isn’t the right way.”
“What are you talking about? Guards, seize her!” Mal shouted.
Uma backed up against the rail, facing the crowd as the onlookers surrounded her. But Lia, refusing to let this situation spin out of control, forced her way to the front. “Uma, listen to me,” she said. “You can help us. Instead of making more enemies tonight, you can make allies. Join us. Join Auradon. Help us get your crew and all the other kids to Auradon.”
“Save your breath!” said Mal, who hadn’t moved from the stairs. “Uma’s nothing but a villain, through and through.”
Uma glared at Mal, and her golden shell necklace glowed bright golden. Then, before anyone could do anything else, Uma climbed over the railing and dropped into the sea below.
“Hayi!” Lia shouted, racing to the railing with Ben and the rest of the crowd, peering down into the waters below. There was a glow under the water. The surface began to bubble, then boil, and a blast of seawater exploding upward, sloshing over the yacht and soaking everyone instantly.
Uma rose up from the sea, a towering, tentacled Sea Witch. Lia stared at the sight, not afraid, just surprised. Where she came from, a form like that wasn’t something to be unnecessarily afraid of – but given how so many people on the yacht shouted and screamed, this was a problem.
Uma sloshed another wave over the yacht, sending everyone stumbling. Lia tightened her grip on the railing, trying not to lose her footing too much.
“True Love’s Kiss can’t defeat this!” Uma crowed, her tentacles curling and thrashing in the restless sea. “The world will know my name!” She lashed at the yacht with her tentacles, nearly striking Lonnie and sweeping Evie into the sea.
Mal watched from the stairs as her hated rival attacked her friends. She felt a surge of white-hot anger inside her. Her eyes glowed fierce, frightening green. Suddenly, a burst of purple smoke surrounded her – and then she rose up from the deck as a massive, iridescent purple dragon.
Lia saw this happen and she gasped. Uma was not something to be feared, but a dragon was, and whether by Lia’s bias or by her intuition, she knew who the greater threat was in that moment. It was Mal.
Everyone gasped as Mal swooped overhead and bore down on Uma. Uma wasn’t daunted. “Bring it on, Mal!” Uma shouted, whirling her arms and tentacles, whipping up the sea around her. The yacht rocked, and sea spray rained down on them all. “Let’s finish this – once and for all!”
Mal spread her purple-and-green wings and dove at Uma, exhaling flames. Uma ducked under the waves, rocking the boat even more. The people, helpless to watch, staggered.
Lia lost her grip on the railing, slipped, and tumbled. She fell to the deck and Ben caught her in his arms. She smiled at him, half-thankful and half-embarrassed.
Mal dove down again, spewing flames at the sea right as Uma emerged. Luckily, Mal missed, but Uma lashed out with a tentacle that nearly caught Mal’s tail.
Ben and Lia jumped up and ran to the railing once again, watching the fight unfold. But Ben had seen enough. He roared mightily, then threw off his crown and jacket, and dove into the sea before anyone could stop him.
“Ben!” Lia cried, watching her friend disappear into the roiling water. It wasn’t safe for him down there! If Mal’s flames didn’t roast him and Uma’s tentacles didn’t grab him, he could drown. Without hesitation, she jumped over the side, after him. All she thought about was helping him put an end to this. At least, if she hit the water, it wouldn’t be such a problem; she could breathe underwater.
But she didn’t hit the water. Halfway there, there was a blaze of light that Lia hadn’t expected, and suddenly, a pair of massive wings, with glowing golden feathers, unfolded from her back, expanding like a parachute and catching her fall with ease. Lia gasped at the change, and was filled with a sudden elation. She finally had her wings!
She could celebrate later. Right now, she had a fight to stop. One powerful flap of her wings and she shot forward, skimming the surface of the sea, searching for Ben. One graceful spin, and she avoided a blast of Mal’s flames. An effortless leap, and she dodged one of Uma’s tentacles.
Ben surfaced. Lia flew down to him and hovered, extended her wings and fluttering them just enough to keep her aloft. He gaped up at her. “What –”
“I guess we’re all discovering new things today,” Lia said with a grin.
But Ben looked past Lia and saw Mal and Uma still battling. “We have to stop them!” He said.
Lia flapped her wings and dove between Mal and Uma just as Mal unleashed another fiery blast. The fire hit Lia’s wings and rebound like it had struck a shield. Mal had to dodge her own fire, and she fixed her sparkling green eyes menacingly on Lia.
But Lia’s interruption had the intended affect. The battle had lost its momentum, and Ben, treading water between the dragon and the sea witch, shouted, “That’s enough! This isn’t the answer! The fighting has to stop! Everyone!” Ben turned towards Mal, and Lia hovered closer to Mal like a threat, keeping her attention. “Nobody wins this way,” Ben told Mal. “We have to listen and respect each other. It won’t be easy, but let’s be brave enough to try.”
Uma rolled her eyes, but faltered when Lia suddenly flew up to her. Lia hovered in front of Uma. Compared to Uma’s massive size, Lia might have been no larger than a little sparrow to her – easy to swat aside, if Uma wanted to. “Uma,” Lia said, drifting slightly in the air to keep herself aloft, “I know you want what’s best for the Isle. But fighting like this will only make people more adverse to helping you or listening to you. I won’t tell you that your anger is misguided or uncalled for, because once I understood the Isle, I was just as angry. But there’s better ways than fighting. Join us. Help Ben and I make the difference you know there has to be.”
Uma narrowed her eyes at Lia. Lia was an interloper in all of this, and Uma wasn’t inclined to trust her very much. But on the other hand, Lia had just broken a spell with True Love’s Kiss, something which Mal hadn’t done, and she was definitely Mal’s enemy now. Wasn’t there some old saying about the enemy of one’s enemy? “And why should I listen to you?” Uma challenged.
“Because a pirate captain honors their deals,” Lia said. She knew that for certain, from years of fighting pirates in space. “And you made a deal with me on the island. If your way failed, we would try my way. Your way has failed. Twice now. Time to try my method.”
“Which would have me join Auradon,” Uma said flatly.
“Which would have the three of us working together – you, me, and Ben,” Lia stated. “We’ll ensure the freedom of those who deserve it. I swear it.”
“She’s right, Uma,” Ben said. “Together, with you helping us, we can make a difference for the Isle.” He held out his hand to Uma.
Uma looked at the tiny, winged girl and the king, struggling to stay afloat in the restless sea. Mal hovered behind Ben, her eyes fixed maliciously on the sea witch. Uma reached out a tentacle, as if to touch Ben’s hand – then, she seemed to have second thoughts, and her tentacle slipped under the surface instead. A second later, she lifted Ben out of the water, wrapped gently in one of her tentacles, and placed him back on the yacht. Ben blinked, slightly disoriented, dripping wet.
The sea rose up and surrounded Uma, and she disappeared from sight. A moment later, Lia swooped down over the sea, reached out, and caught an outstretched hand from beneath the waves. Her wings flapped, carrying her and Uma back up into the air. They alighted on the yacht deck once more, landing in about three inches of seawater that covered the deck. Lia’s glowing wings folded in neatly, and then disappeared.
There was flapping from above. Mal landed, closed her wings, and then reappeared in a poof of purple smoke, wearing a purple dress like the one in the stained glass, which she didn’t even glance at now.
The stormy skies parted, revealing a sky twinkling with stars.
No one knew exactly what to do after that. All thoughts of joyful celebration and dancing were gone. After much awkwardness, the stained glass portrait was covered up once more. It felt discordant to have such a brilliant monument to love when it was another girl’s kiss that had freed the king from a spell.
Mal stormed off with Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Ben tried to go to them and explain what had happened, but was met with Mal’s glowing green eyes and a snarl of “How could you?!” as if this was all his fault, once again.
Ben was lost for words for a moment. Then, before he even knew what he was saying, he said, “I couldn’t stay in love with a liar, Mal.” Mal gasped, her eyes full of tears, as if he had physically hurt her. But Ben was done letting her make him feel terrible for having thoughts and feelings that differed from hers. He turned and walked away, refusing to look back. He could still feel Lia’s kiss on his lips.
Lia walked down to a lower deck (that was thankfully much drier than the main deck) and dried herself off with her light powers. As she leaned on the railing, looking off towards the expanse of lights that was Auradon, she was joined by Uma. “People don’t want me around up there,” said Uma as she leaned on the railing next to Lia, “So I thought I’d come bother you instead.”
Lia wasn’t bothered, though. “I’m glad you joined us, Uma. With your help, things will get much better,” she said.
“What choice did I have?” Uma replied. “Run off and stay on the run from Auradon?” She liked this choice better. At least she got to stick around the only two Auradonians who had been remotely civil to her, even if one of them wasn’t really Auradonian. “So what’s with the wings? Where’d those come from?” Uma asked.
“My mother’s people believe our lineage is descended from a goddess,” Lia explained with a shrug, entirely downplaying just how ecstatic she was to have gained her wings. “Wings and birds were her symbol. That was the first time I ever summoned my wings. I didn’t even know I could. I was told that I was too human to have any of the goddess’s powers.”
“Huh. I guess it’s a momentous night for everyone, huh?” Uma said, grinning as she looked out over the ocean. All was calm now. “First you kiss Ben… then I turn into a sea witch, Mal goes dragon for the first time, and you get wings.”
“Yes. A memorable night for certain,” Lia agreed with a smile. She had to admit, when she had imagined Cotillion, she could never have guessed it would turn out like this.
“Yup. Did you think your kiss could break the spell?” Uma asked her.
Lia took a deep breath, thinking it over. “I didn’t expect it to,” she said. “I just… wanted to be there to support Ben, even if his decisions made no sense. Everyone else was against him.”
“Oh, the look on Mal’s face was priceless,” Uma gloated. “Almost worth my plan going down the drain, honestly. She was livid. She’s used to getting whatever she wants, and just once, when she doesn’t get it, and I’m there to see it. It was glorious.”
Lia stared down at the waters and gave voice to the one questioning that had been bouncing around inside her skull since she’d kissed Ben. “Am I Ben’s True Love, then?”
“I think that’s a question you need to discuss with him, not me,” Uma said. Then, behind them, they heard something coming down the stairs to their deck. Uma glanced back and grinned. “Oh – and speak of the devil, because here he comes!”
Ben appeared. He was still damp from seawater, with the crown sitting on top of his messy hair. He hadn’t put his royal jacket back on, so he was in his white shirt, blue vest and a royal sash. “There you girls are,” he said, walking up to the railing. “I was worried when you weren’t with everyone else.”
“They don’t like us a whole lot up there,” Uma said like it should be obvious. “I mean, I just tried to attack them all, and Lia here broke up the kingdom’s favorite couple since the Coronation.”
“That wasn’t Lia’s fault,” Ben said quietly. “That was me.”
Lia turned to him, looking at him with a frown. “Ben, I can’t let you keep blaming yourself for things that aren’t your fault,” she said, reaching out and brushing his hair out of his face.
Ben reached up and caught her hand where it touched his face. “But it is my fault,” he said. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, in a much softer voice, “I’m in love with you.”
“Ooh!” Uma exclaimed with a grin. Both Ben and Lia looked at her like, what? And she smirked. “I’ll just be over here. Don’t mind me!” She walked away, farther down the railing, but not quite out of earshot.
Ben and Lia watched Uma for a moment, and then they turned back to each other.
Lia stared into Ben’s shining hazel eyes. “You’re in love with me?” She asked.
“Yes,” Ben said instantly.
Lia blinked, slightly taken aback by the speed and certainty of that answer. “How long have you…known?” She asked.
Ben paused, thinking about it. “I – I don’t know,” he said. “But you were always so patient and kind to me, even when I did things wrong – or thought I did something wrong. Mal did nothing but push me away, and you were there to comfort me every time. And you defended me on the Isle, and tried to keep me safe. I just realized, this is what love should feel like. Even when you disagreed with my choices, you trusted me.” He said.
Lia smiled at him. “Yes. Because I know you and I care about you,” she replied. “And you were always so sweet and friendly and gentle when I didn’t understand things in Auradon. Not a lot of people are like that. And when you make mistakes, you want to fix them so badly… it hurts to watch you beat yourself up over them. And today… when you jumped in the water, I was just so scared to lose you.”
It felt weird to be giving voice to these feelings, when up until not even an hour ago, Lia hadn’t even realized that they were there. But she loved Ben. She cared deeply about him and she wanted to see him triumphant over everything that tried to stop him. And Ben loved her. He’d tried to hold onto his love for Mal though all of this, but she just kept pushing him away, telling him he was wrong to love her. In the end, he supposed, Uma’s spell had revealed the truth for them – and that was just as well, because if it hadn’t, he wondered if he ever would have told Lia how he truly felt for her.
“I love you,” Lia said to him.
“I love you,” Ben told her.
And then they kissed again. This time, it held new meaning and new purpose, not the clumsy accident that the last kiss had felt like.
They heard Uma snicker. They knew she had heard everything. They weren’t concerned. There was nothing she had heard that the kingdom didn’t already know: Ben and Lia were in love, meant to be True Loves.
Ben stepped back from Lia and suggested, “Let’s dance.”
“Dance?” Lia repeated.
“Yes. A proper Cotillion waltz,” Ben said, bowing deeply to Lia.
Lia smiled at him, then curtsied to him. The two of them moved together for a waltz. Uma started to sing, her lovely voice floating across the deck, providing them with the music for their dance. “There you see her, sitting there across the way. She don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her; And you don't know why, but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl…”
Lia and Ben waltzed under the star-strewn skies.
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