#kimetsu no yaiba reference
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Uppermoon 3 Akaza Character Sheet
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Summary: An AU surrounding a mysterious purple haired boy with green tips and pupils that sometimes look like buttons! Oh, and can't forget about the creepy doll this boy takes everywhere and I mean everywhere.
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Trigger Warnings here though because this AU is very messed up and bloody.
🚨 T.W.: Ambiguous Interpretations of Love, Character Deaths, Denials, Identity Theft, Mentions of Blood, Body Possession, Gore, Memory Gaps, Negligence, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotic Breaks, Pyrophobia, Stalking, Suffocation, and Suicidal Thoughts, Survivor's Guilt, Toxic Love, Messed Up Morals, and Murder.🚨
Plot Points:
Okay, to begin this Dark AU, I will start with Izuku's backstory!
His backstory begins during the beginning of quirks or meta abilities as they were first called. Izuku lived with his mother, Inko, and an ambiguous father, Hisashi. He was 5 then but when the quirk wars started everything went to hell.
Neither Midoriya's were rich but they weren't that poor either. Every once in a while money was a concern but they were satisfied with how they were living.
That is till the quirk wars broke out.
Hisashi, without either Inko or Izuku knowing, joined All for One's side in the war and wanted to drag his family alongside him so, they could get a meta ability like Hisashi, which in no surprise was fire breathing.
Now this is where stuff get messy since there's a sort of timeskip because I haven't had time to think very heavily on it.
So, I'm summarizing, but considering the time and moment I'm talking about, Izuku and Inko are in a war, times are tense, and meta abilities both on opposing sides can get gruesome.
Especially, since Izuku has caught AFO's attention which puts Inko in a tight position. And some background in Inko's character in this AU, she's a qualify trauma nurse, she came from a middle class family, and her family does have a history with mental health.
Inko, in her part, was feeling the pressure of the war as she helped many people, often times neglecting Izuku because of the amount of carnage that has been left behind.
Izuku for this part, tried his best to help his mother and to lessen the burden by behaving quietly. And keep in mind that Izuku is still 5, coming close to 6, Izuku while a bit clueless on what's going on knows that there is danger.
Something bad is happening.
Which leads me to this point in his backstory, the big catalyst. Izuku is 7 this time around and his mother can't handle it anymore. She can't handle the stress, the blood, the meta abilities that target her world. She was already on the brink of her sanity when Izuku hugged her.
It was a simple hug.
Either due to the stress, the trauma, or a combination with her fear of meta abilities, she, in the most vague and subtle themes, "kills" Izuku.
She isn't very responsive when Izuku asks what is she doing but she repeats the words 'Love,' 'I love you,' and 'I hate you.'
And when she does come back to her senses, she's terrified, she couldn't believe she's done this. Izuku is barely holding on to life, when he staring at Inko asking if she meant what she said. She denies it. She tells him she didn't mean to. She didn't mean to hurt him.
And Izuku can still see this; her pain. He hates it. Izuku with what little time he has tells his mother that no matter what he stills loves her. And that when this big war is other they'll both live happily ever after.
Keep in mind the language here.
Inko still denies the fact that Izuku is dead and does something so, mortified here, and that was to stuff her own son into a doll and carry him everywhere. Which is why I put a FNAF reference.
She carried her 'son' everywhere and no one really bat an eye to it but maybe just a bit. It looked wrong and it felt weird.
And at some point in time, an attack happens in the place where Inko was stationed, and in her final moments she tells the doll; she tells her son to 'Stay safe... Be happy... Mommy... loves you.'
That's Izuku backstory, however, we're yet to finish the Quirk Wars section of Izuku's character.
Now, it's during the moment where Inko 'protects' her son and her death that some black goo comes out of the doll.
The black goo gently lays a 'hand' on Inko and 'cries.' The black goo being a part of Izuku that never passed away.
Which is where things get confusing.
Because I was debating on giving Izuku a quirk or not since I wanted an explanation as to why Izuku's spirit remained/how the black goo appeared.
But then I decided, eh, let's reference something I comprehend which was FNAF, now, I'm not going to deep dive into FNAF lore because it's confusing nowadays but I'm referencing it's earlier games.
Which is FNAF 1 and FNAF 2, maybe a bit of FNAF 3.
Now back to Izuku's lore, at some point someone finds Inko's body and sees the doll which the person picks up.
However, when the doll is picked up that's when the black goo reacts.
Again, I'm trying to keep it subtle with the themes, but in short term, the black goo suffocates the person and takes over the body.
This is when Izuku wakes up again, there's no indication of physical change in the person's body per se, however their pupils, very subtly, look like the center of a button, and their hair has hints of green in it.
Is the person dead? Yeah, most definitely.
But what happens to the doll?
The doll, essentially, is Izuku's main body, its 'protector' and Izuku continues to take over people's body because he can't stop body decay.
Which is where we get to the present!!! Yay!!
Now, for clarification reason, Izuku takes over people's body not only because he needs it but out of 'love.'
Whenever, Izuku kills someone he thinks he's doing this out of love. That by killing them he is promising them a better future and that they won't have to worry anymore.
Izuku becomes that person, he lives this person's life whether they be male or female.
He thinks he's doing them a favor and by definition showing his love for them.
Now, remember that when Izuku technically died, he was 7, his "love" is strictly platonic/familial.
His last concrete memories about his life were that his mother was stressed and that he wished he could take away her pain.
Izuku, much like Inko, denies the fact his mother killed him. He refuses because in a messed up way, they both loved each other.
Call it a darker/messed up version of the unconditional love a parent and their child has for each other.
So, he genuinely believes that killing and taking over their life, is showing love, appreciate, and care. That by doing so, he's helping them live a better life by taking the burdens and stress like he tried doing when he was alive.
It's years before someone makes a connection because Izuku tends to bury the bodies of his "family" in beautiful hidden sceneries in his new body.
Heck, he goes as far to put a mini tombstone and list of accomplishments they have done and prays for their reincarnation to live a easier and simpler life.
The only possible reason why he could get caught or have a case is by the black goo that he leaves behind after taking over the body.
The process of taking over a body last a solid 30-40 seconds, Izuku tries to makes it easy and quickly for the person he's trying to show his love for.
Either the police find a body Izuku used as a host or people dig up the grave of that person who went missing suddenly and they always found some traced of black goo leading into an investigation.
Izuku for this part of his story took over the body of one Akatani Mikumo leading to where we begin a new section of his character's story.
Now please keep in mind this is another timeskip because I genuinely was stumped here since I thought of this moment before making a concrete plot point.
"Mikumo" meets someone who after studying his character, personality, etc. was named Aizawa Shōta.
Now this Aizawa is young, a teenager just like Mikumo.
However, Mikumo acts more childish, more playful, more young because again, Izuku was 7 when he died, his spirit didn't age and despite having multiple lives, heck, years, he's forever a 7-year-old. Which definitely doesn't sound familiar to a particular anime I love to reference.
Aizawa found Mikumo odd since he acted like a child and he continues to do so till he figured Mikumo's—I mean Izuku's secret.
This is where the timeskip happens because this part is iffy for me. I haven't thought too much on this part either but I know things will get messy here because not only does Aizawa find this all too fucking creepy, but an investigation, and the ongoing loom of UA's entrance exam come crashing down on him.
So, he's stressed to the fucking max.
Now this timeskip happens when "Mikumo" and Aizawa are in their second-year which we all know is where things get depressing.
And this gets depressing.
Because not only does Aizawa loose Oboro, he loses Mikumo as well.
Now, this timeskip skips over the part where Izuku/Mikumo bond with Aizawa despite the oddity/creepiness/messed-up morals Izuku has.
It was just something about Izuku ('s charisma) that made Aizawa hesitate on giving him away. On letting the police know the culprit because again not only is Aizawa a kid here (by technicality); he's also raw on emotion.
He looses Oboro first before loosing Izuku.
This moral dilemma leads to Izuku's identity being found and for fear to take over.
Now, Izuku's investigation, aka case, was meant to be to catch the culprit/send him to Tartarus, however, after realizing how old Izuku is; how death was probably the only way to truly capture him.
In a rare moment, in time, a kill call gets to be made for Izuku.
Now why do I call it rare? Well, because heroes, in this age and time, learned it was better, by moral standards, to capture the villains then to just kill them.
Also, to progress and learn from the past.
The Quirk Wars were violent, bloody, and quite frankly a dark part of Quirk's history, so, just like in a history class, heroes learn and become better than their ancestors.
Which is why I like to believe that unless the crimes committed are beyond from just being atrocious and or treason, having a villain killed is rarely, if ever an option.
But why does Izuku get a kill call?
To be honest, thinking of this as the creator of this messed up AU, the only true way to "capture" Izuku is via death.
Izuku is basically immortal, the only weak spot he does have is the doll that used to be his body.
And Izuku never parts from the doll; its his doll. His soul. His body. He's tied to this doll with both mind and spirit.
Which is why people find him or any of his host creepy because they see this doll that looks weird, it's old, and it smells odd.
If Izuku looses the doll, he cries and whines, and begs for it to come back to him like a child loosing his or her favorite toy.
And one fact about the doll is that while the doll is part of Izuku's spirit it essentially is its own entity.
It can't really speak because it's a doll but Izuku can have full-blown conversation with it whenever he couldn't make friends.
The doll like I have mentioned is Izuku's protector. It's two entities but one body. Like Ume and Gyutaro.
Which is where we come back to Izuku and Aizawa!
Now, I already established the kill call made for Izuku and this was by chance really but the police used fire to kill Izuku. Again another FNAF reference.
It wasn't the original plan, they wanted to secure an area and destroy Izuku and the doll in the process but fire happened and Izuku is dying. Again.
Which is where we get emotional Aizawa because not only did he started to care for Izuku but he was loosing him like he was loosing Oboro all over again.
However, there are explosions and fires.
Izuku cries and whines about not wanting to die and that he was begging the doll, his doll to help him but neither of them could do anything.
The doll was flammable. Which is why Izuku always strayed away from flames or fire, forming a fear from it. He always associated fire with danger and war. Not safe. NOT SAFE!
So, Izuku's only other option was to have someone save him but who would save a bad child?
Who would help an evil child?
Izuku is in distress and when he see the doll melt, die, and wither is he reminded of his past, once again, and he sobs because he's bad. He evil!
It's not like Izuku is coming to terms about it, he still denies that his mother killed him because she couldn't handle the situation anymore, but it's more of Izuku coming to terms that his love, his affection, his adoration was never right.
It was wrong.
That he was bad and that this was his punishment for not obeying the quote on quote rules.
Which is how Aizawa finds Izuku, the doll semi- burning and Izuku loosing his life.
They have a heartfelt moment, Izuku apologizing to Aizawa for scaring him, that he shouldn't have done such things, and that this was his punishment for being a bad boy.
Aizawa, much like Izuku, is in distressed and tries, and he actively does try to get the doll and Izuku out but Izuku cries out in pain and asking for Aizawa to stop.
Another moral dilemma for Aizawa because he doesn't want Izuku to die; he doesn't want to see the child he learned to love wither away.
However, Izuku begs Aizawa to let him burn despite the fear he holds on dying, especially, by flames.
The doll is just about be to completely burned and Izuku asks Aizawa to 'Live and strive to be better... than the past... Live a happily every after, Big Brother.'
Now, hear me out! This scene and time is 100% influenced by season two of Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Entertainment District Arc, it's a rough plan out but thinking of Daki and Gyutaro, I think Izuku in this AU and Aizawa's relationship would be somewhat similar to Daki and Gyutaro.
Aizawa acting as the rational and Izuku as the childish, forever child, minus Aizawa giving Izuku backhand comments.
Aizawa was just tired and trying to not anger Izuku because he wanted to live and after spending quite a long time (2+ years) with him, he learned to go with the flow and take it with strive.
Adaptability is a great tool, you know?
Now, time for end scene where Aizawa promises Izuku he'll do his best to live his best life because that was all Izuku wanted out of life.
Izuku's character wanted a life out of war, happiness, and peace. He wanted to make people smile and live peacefully and hopeful that they could accomplish anything. Izuku was young when he first died and he was stuck on that mindset no matter how many years passed.
He saw the pain, the grief, and the toll life—war—had on people and in a messed up way, he decided to take that burden and help those to live their best life.
Izuku wanted, in a dark, messed-up way, he learned from his mother, to help people be their best selves and live a happily ever after like he promised his mother.
He wanted to live blissfully with his mother because in the time Izuku was born and died, misery, pain, and corruption was all he knew; what he hated the most.
Aizawa does try to keep his promise but there are times where his fight withers away. Where life and death have a blurry line that Aizawa couldn't differentiate from.
But he makes it.
He lives a life that he's happy with and almost religiously says good morning to the shrine dedicated to both Izuku and Oboro and good night whenever he comes home after a patrol.
In a way, he's still mourning but has come to terms that life is full on unfairness and having to loose two friends—family members—wasn't his fault.
No matter how much guilt he holds for making it out alive.
However, this rush of emotions he gets when he meets another Class 1-A he has too teach is unexplainable.
He feels like a teenager for a moment because Izuku is alive. Once again.
And no, this time as an actual human boy.
Izuku reincarnated.
However, a key difference here is that Izuku is quirkless. He never gained OFA and got to UA purely by rescue points. Maybe a few villain points but mostly rescue points.
Aizawa didn't look too deep into Izuku's file since the name not only felt too raw for him but the colour as well.
But he takes a good look at Izuku in the first day and instantly recognizes him as his Izuku. His little brother.
The green hair, which were similar to the green tips Izuku had, the mannerism, Izuku always loved to ramble about something he was passionate about, and yet what took the cake here were his eyes, emerald green irises with permanent—not temporarily—pupils that looked like the center of a button.
Izuku was reborn and this time... with a second chance at life.
Izuku much like canon Izuku, faced discrimination for being quirkless, and for being weird.
However, the reason Izuku acted as such was because of his past life, Izuku isn't aware of his previous life and he might never find out but he knows that he's special in a way.
That he acts odd.
And as for the quirkless part, it's like his punishment for what he has done in previous life. Izuku can be blamed for the deaths he created, however, mental health is no joke and for that, some outside force or God took mercy on him for just a bit and let Izuku be reincarnated again but without a meta ability to call his own.
This was karma insuring that there wouldn't be a redo and that this Izuku face the consequences of his actions.
So, yeah, this Izuku is a sort of mix, of his past life and canon Izuku but for the most part he gets a hopeful ending.
A second chance.
And Aizawa can't help but breathe a bit easier.
Will Aizawa and Izuku reconcile? Yeah, sort of.
Aizawa wouldn't actively seek Izuku out and vice versa but little by little Izuku will see Aizawa as a big brother figure/someone to trust both by how Aizawa protected his class—and him—and by his instincts.
Again, Izuku is a reincarnation and I love the trope of a reincarnation remembering or at least having choices be influenced by their past life(ves).
Same goes here for Izuku.
Will Izuku remember his past life? High chance no because Aizawa isn't trying to make Izuku remember nor is Aizawa wanting Izuku to remember. Maybe he had a thought or two but on his part, seeing Izuku as a kid, as a child who still is a firm believer in helping people—morally correctly—this time around brings peace to Aizawa's heart.
And another fun fact—Inko reincarnated too! So, both Midoriya's get reincarnated together and get a second chance!
And while this AU is messed up and turns lighter towards the end, I couldn't help but just make it that way?
Like I could've just ended with an open ending or even just a happy ending but I wanted for once to make this happy or at least hopeful because in no way am I justifying Izuku's actions but I'm also not wanting to this make so miserable.
Also, I'm taking into account, the ages here and mental health for both Izuku and Inko, people can only take so much and some people just can't recover from that.
Not even Izuku this time around.
But hopefully he can with his third (fourth?) chance at life!
Now why do I say third. Well, in short, Izuku's first life was his human life during the beginning of the Quirk Wars, his second life was him being a sort of unrested soul, and third being his "second" chance in life with his karma insuring that the past won't be repeated another time.
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So, yeah! That's my Puppet AU! One of my more darker AU's but not necessarily the darkest, since I have a God AU that his probably darker or similar to this but the answer if it had a hopeful or happy ending is unsure!
Thank you for reading this post and for your patience, really, because this is one of my longer rambles since this AU was stuck on my mind for days.
The reason why I called it 'Puppet AU' was because of Izuku's methods. The main inspiration here was the song 'Daze Daze' by ENHYPEN where the lyrics 'daze, daze, daze, can't control my body, dance, dance, dance, this sweet scent, red fangs too. Enjoy this carnival, wow, wow, wow.'
Which helped create the bases of it, I'll probably ramble more about how this AU came to be on a later date but for now, that's all I have for tonight!
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful time! - Bye-Bye and rest well, Gemini!
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honehonn3honey · 1 month
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Greenie babie 2022
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sweetreichel · 10 months
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A little gift for @demonslayedher, inspired by (fic spoilers!) Shinobu's cute outfit in The Wasp's Nest.
reference 1 - reference 2
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definitelynotgideon · 29 days
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hoe-4-the-clones · 10 months
Akaza: "Kyojuro, become a demon or forever hold your peace."
Tanjiro and friends: "Rengoku, don't say yes. Run away now!!!"
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redcallisto · 1 year
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softichill · 2 months
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Pose + foreshortening practice ft. Boarboy
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minobe-household · 2 months
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aaaaaa happy valentines from yuuto!!!! i went way too overboard with this lmao but i bully her too much. i'm letting her be pretty as a treat
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akiranzee · 7 hours
★ • ° — “The life you had been living on was hell and dark. Nothing you ever did made you happy, as the only thought that runs through your mind was to avenge the death of your family. But why? Why, when you finally killed that fucking demon, did you still not feel happy? Even in the verge of your last breath? Ah, maybe that’s because you saw the look on their face. Maybe because you saw their eyes and thought your decision one more time. ‘Why did it have to be this way?’ You thought, as your breathing slowed down, finally finding the answer to your question. Maybe it’s because you didn’t want to leave them yet.”
xiao, yelan, zhongli, gojo satoru, giyuu tomioka, sanemi shinazugawa, dazai osamu, tanjiro kamado, atsushi nakajima, kunikida doppo, kyouka izumi.
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Sword Smith Village Design Shinazugawa Genya Character Sheet
(He looks considerably less scary than the older character sheet)
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Hello there, it's me :)
I'm back with another ramble AU!!! This one has been in my back burning for quite sometime now, I haven't talked about it? At least, I don't think so but here's the ramble about my Karmatic AU!
What does karmatic even mean?
There are two different meanings for it:
In Hinduism & Buddhism it means an action seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, either in this life or in a reincarnation.
In Theosophy it means the cosmic principle of rewards and punishments for the acts performed in a previous incarnation.
(I copied and pasted the definitions from Google! So, it's not in my words!)
I was genuinely surprised that karmatic was even a word because when I was typing it I was just thinking about a quirk's name. Not an entire AU! When the word didn't have a red squiggly line underneath I was shook that it was a word.
Now onto the Plot Points -
First off, this is a vigilante Izuku AU! However, there's a twist here, Izuku comes from a legacy of vigilantes. Izuku is currently the ninth stand in of the vigilante that only came to be known when Inko, Izuku's mother, came to light.
That means, for a long time, the police force believe Izuku is older than what he actually is.
Izuku does have a quirk and it's called Karmatic (yes like the AU. Keep in mind the quirk came first before the AU.)
Karmatic like the name suggests it's a karma based quirk. Your actions dictate the colour of your string and depending on what colour your string is, you will feel a difference between pain or happiness.
^ That's the summary of it. I can explain it in depth later in the post.
There will be a BioDad!AFO, however, in this AU Izuku hates his father. He hates AfO for doing one of the biggest crimes against the Midoriya Family.
That is; killing one of their kins. Inko was in the battlefield where All for One and One for All met once again. Inko was in her own words, assisting All Might to taking down AFO (her fiance at the time.)
Inko regretted almost marrying a man, the man, her entire family was trying to defeat for generations now. She regrets but oh did she love him all the same.
She dies in the battlefield. She asks All Might to protect her baby, to save her baby, All Might was confused on that but he nods. Sealing the promise and she, Inko, passes away with a heavy heart.
It will take All Might years to figure out who the baby was, where the child went, but trust me when they do meet there will be Dad Might or Uncle Might either one because Yagi will try his best to keep the promise he made to Inko. His dead crush.
To summarize it, Inko and AfO dated and were close to be web until Inko found out who he actually was. She was also friends with Yagi at the same time and when the battle of All Might vs All For One came to be Inko assisted Yagi into defeating her fiance, their enemy, and died alongside the crossfire leaving Izuku to be into raised by the Clan.
The Midoriya Family follow a clan structure which can be complicated at times because sometimes the family enforces traditions and sometimes they don't. They are very pushy on who would be the new vigilante since Inko died and they have hesitation on giving Izuku for a number of reasons.
One of them being that Izuku is still quite young, he's still a flipping baby! Two they aren't sure if Izuku will even want to be a hero or a vigilante. While they are pushy on who will be the next head vigilante they don't want to force it upon the children unless they do want to be.
The Midoriya Family has 💸💸💸
Maybe? Dadzawa or some sort of family figure Aizawa because in this AU, Izuku is quite literally an adult trapped inside a child's body. This boy will need a support system!!!
There will be a heavy influence of Egyptian mythology into this because the vigilante outfit quite literally is inspired by Egyptian mythology.
Izuku's personality is as follows:
Izuku is confident and mature who focuses a lot of his time to find where his father is. Izuku is bold, eccentric, and shameless. He's morally grey but close to the line of amoral, and has a bit of sadistic tendencies because of his quirk.
His theme song is definitely Killing Butterflies or along those lines.
There will be a battle between Izuku and AfO and when that happens Izuku so kindly reminds his father that the one in control is quite literally Izuku. Which is where AfO is reminded of Inko. They'll fight during the Kamino Ward so that'll be fun. :)
Now onto the main reason why this AU was created - (keep in mind I'm still trying to fix some stuff about this quirk and keep it along the lines of karma and strings with a hint of colour psychology. I would appreciate some tips but keep it kind or straightforward because I will cry if it's rude. :'D
Karmatic is an emitter quirk based on the belief of karma. The quirk lets the user see strings that others cannot see for themselves. Each string is unique and different in colour and shade. The darker it is the more 'bad karma' you've accumulated and it's the opposite when it comes to the lighter shades, 'good karma.'
The strings themselves let ths user do a number of things, for example, the user can puppeteer people, minor healing like scratches or bruises, give people a sense of hope and renewal or the opposite which is fear and dread, and finally minor memory sharing.
The memory sharing part does not go both ways however. What I mean is that Izuku can access the memories of the person and feel what was happening like he was the one in the memory but the person cannot see Izuku's memories or feelings.
Now, onto the drawbacks.
Karmatic is quite a taxing quirk, it requires a strong sense of mental, emotional, and physical health because it literally drains the user of their sanity. Karmatic's aspects that I listed off literally takes something from the user to balance out their karma.
Keep in mind, Izuku will never know what his karma is like or the colour of his string.
The minor healing uses the user's happiness, the memory sharing has physically backlashes because the user is quite literally in the memory as the person, and the puppeteering drains the user stamina. He can't control more than three people and even just two or one make Izuku so tired.
Izuku also has a weak bond with his emotions because the strings use up his emotional health to establish a connection to the person if he were to puppeteer them.
Karmatic is a nice quirk, cool even, however, the drawbacks are literally the worst. Mental health will be a supporting theme to this because the main theme here is "Learning to heal slowly but surely."
I forgot to mention because I know I tagged Kimetsu no Yaiba references. Izuku's fighting style follows Mitsuri, Shinobu, and Uzui's.
I can't and won't let go of my head cannon that Izuku is flexible as fuck. He incorporates his flexibility with a sword similar to Mitsuri but here's the Shinobu's part, the tip of the sword is the only part that doesn't changes, and Izuku uses explosives but rarely.
Thanks to Hatsume Industries, Izuku's main weapon is a sword that can change into three different modes, the first is pen mode, no one would suspect a thing, the second mode is the whip-like sword where the tip is like a stinger, and finally the katana/sword mode where the whip-like sword stiffens and turns into a katana.
There's another button where it releases explosives but Izuku hardly uses them but when he does, you know crap is up!
Maybe OP? But that's how I image Karmatic Izuku fights.
I have no concrete name for the vigilante that the Midoriya Family carries as a legacy but I know I want to incorporate 'Veil' into the name.
Also, the one who started the Veil legacy was alive during Yoichi's time which is why Izuku is the ninth because for every One for All user there was a veil vigilante as well.
The mask they use hardly changes but there are alterations made for when someone does take up the mantle. It's very faint but it's noticeable once someone looks for it. (Which is how Aizawa found out Izuku was younger than what they suspected.)
I think I explained what I wanted to say, I know didn't say anything about USJ or how Izuku views others but that'll be for another time. Sorry for any grammar mistakes it's too earlier but too late for me to fall asleep and I couldn't help but do this since I couldn't fall asleep.
I hope you enjoyed the ramble I made! And peace out! See you next time! >;D
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rion-isnot-an-ai · 1 month
New reference sheet for Hanako!
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(Zoom for better quality ⬇️)
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Fox breathing forms
Breathing technique created by Hanako Kimura
Speed is a key factor when using these techniques
Derived off of water and wind breathing
First form ~ Spirit Dance: the user twists and bends their blade in a dance-like pattern as they gracefully dash forward, slashing everything in its path.
Second form ~ Running fox: the user dashes at blinding speed behind the target and slashes at any part of its body. The cut is clean and swift, but powerful to ensure damage
Third form ~ Cold, choking wind: the user circles around their opponent while using their sword to cut them from all directions
Fourth form ~ Sharpened tail slice: the user leaps up over the target, in midair, they swing their blade in 1-9 vertical or horizontal slashes at the chest, head or back, depending on when the slashes are delivered. This attack is very useful when the user is attempting to cut off their opponent's neck.
Fifth form ~ Merciful spirit: the user steadies the grip on their sword and decapitates the opponent with one clean cut. The attack is used when an opponent surrenders
Sixth form ~ Fox in the wind: the user uses blinding speed to move to various spots around the opponent while slashing them with their sword. It is difficult for the opponent to counter-attack, due to the speed the user is moving
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For reference, this is the height difference between Hanako and Obanai:
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Voice claims Here!
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Final battle survivor
Family (Survivor AU)
Demon AU
Modern AU
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Other links:
Roleplay blog: @ask-hanako-kimura
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sweetreichel · 1 year
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In that moment, he saw what she meant by lonely. And he thought that maybe, like the different sides of the same coin, they could belong together.
Back with the giyushino agenda! This time fueled by Buriko (@demonslayedher)'s Low-Key Marriage AU.
As I've said before, I imagine they got to know each other at the Butterfly Mansion. Kanae had a hunch about them; Giyuu always followed Shinobu with his eyes (because he liked how vocal she was) and Shinobu was slightly different around him too (she was subconsciously attracted to him). Kanae talked to Giyuu, and many of those times she talked about Shinobu, so even if he wasn't that close to her (he was a Pillar already), he felt like he knew her a little.
Shinobu saw Kanae and Sanemi by accident one day when they were being affectionate with each other. Kanae always talked about how precious it was living life beside a loved one, but Shinobu never realized it could be a reality for people like them. Kanae's last wish for her was that she married and lived a happy life.
After Kanae passed away, Giyuu noticed Shinobu's drastic change in behaviour and deep inside him he thought Kanae wouldn't want her to change her ways, but he thought he didn't have the right to judge what the sisters would feel.
When Shinobu, as young master of the Butterfly Mansion but not yet a Pillar, approached him with this proposal, he thought she must have been the one feeling lonely and agreed in reaction. Shinobu had been playing with the idea in her mind; she wanted to honor her sister's wishes but at the same time she thought it was useless, so she convinced herself that she was picking Giyuu because he'd never agree to it (although subconsciously he was the only one she considered thoroughly).
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She just realized what he said and he just realized the implications.
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only-lonely-www · 10 months
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Assorted Hashira sketches
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starryknight565 · 5 months
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