#just to make things clear
mistamorgana · 13 days
‘rayemma is canon!’ this , ‘no, noremma is canon!’ that …
we as a fandom need to stop worrying about the little things and worry about the big things , like whether i redraw this as emma or ray
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To The TWST Community...
TW: A semi-rant post, but really, it’s just me asking everyone to please listen to what I have to say... it’s not much but I hope you could just hear me out.
Yes, it’s about the “Cupid-Lolita” case, but also every other issue similar to this. I am not picking sides with anyone, but I want to address something really important to me so please... if you can, hear me out.
Also, please don’t come after anyone. No one wants that either.
I think everyone’s heard of the whole “Cupid-Lolita” incident and after reading different posts about the situation, I genuinely cried. I really felt it. It was really overwhelming, and yes, I am a sensitive person.
Honestly, I didn’t really know there was tension before, and I probably should have paid attention... but the past is the past. I only wish to ask of our community to please... we need to stop fighting.
I know it’s ultimately inevitable that two people would end up arguing one way or another, or how tensions can arise one way or another, but really even so it could be better if we could at least talk it out rationally. Yes, yes, it’s... awkward (well that’s an understatement) for us to do so, but we have to try. If one of us are open to reason with the other party’s feelings... the other would most likely try to do so. It wouldn’t mean you two would surely reconciling with one another, but at least the situation was handled calmly.
I know... feelings get the better of us. I would know, I literally just said I cried about something that wasn’t directly my problem, but I did because... I don’t understand why we fight and hurt each other.
We are a community, and we should strive for unity. Of course, there are many of us that can’t get along with other “many of us” within this fandom, but we really shouldn’t let our emotions get the better of us...
Whoever’s at fault in this issue doesn’t matter. This includes for every other issue similar to this one.
This issue, let me remind you, shouldn’t teach us to distant ourselves, 
it should teach us in how we can be more of a community. A united one. What we learnt shouldn’t be taken for granted, and we shouldn’t just stay disappointed. We should change, to strive to be a more united fandom! I’m guilty of this too, but I want to change!
I sound gullible, yes, but would you really want to see writers, artists, even worse your moots fight?
Then let’s be peaceful, and strive to heal, not to wound.
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just-michael799 · 1 month
Just a Reminder, No One Or ANYONE On Tumblr Should Do These Things To Me. Ik I Did Something Wrong, But I Proceed You Do NOT Do Those Things. It Can Stress Me, Very Stress Me. So Please Only Proceed Art Request Or Q&A Stuff.
I'll Still Be Active, But Please, This Is Important!
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freeyouthnow · 6 months
blog info
this is a blog dedicated to youth liberation, where i reblog posts about youth liberation (and occasionally other important issues) and write about it myself. i would call myself a radical youth liberationist, as what i want is the total liberation of youth to have the same rights as any other person, without exception (and yes that includes whatever you may be thinking of).
i am always open to answering questions, though let it be clear if you're trying to debate me i'll just block you. it's also fine to @ this blog in posts generally related to youth liberation.
who runs this blog?: wouldn't you like to know
how old are you?: doesn't matter.
stances (on other topics)
i'm not a proshipper and i don't like them.
i support endo systems. you do not get to decide what happens in another persons head.
my server
i run a server for youth liberation, which you can request an invite to from here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoJ6J_6WETy8Rl1HD_NB-2C0rJkX0t51fGtRHmCF3nZIillQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
please be patient, as i sometimes forget the form exists and thus forget to check it.
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lost-my-sanity1 · 2 years
okay fuck wait- what if wave did actually knew everyone's name(in his class, before the gifted class formed) all along but decided not to out pang infront of miss ladda in the middle of the cafeteria???
we all know wave has trust issues and he has a cool exterior. he shows he doesn't care about what others say. but in reality he does care. and he cares about everyone too.
so when he saw this cute boy with dimples and without badge in the cafeteria, he was actually being the jerk gay (who doesn't know how to flirt so will bully their crush). but then things went out of hand but he atleast had the decency not to tell on pang infront of everyone.
it makes sense in a way... don't you think?
or.... jjshsjdgd what if after that incident in cafeteria, wave kept an eye on pang and- no no no thats a forbidden territory don't go there-
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Wait I just realized that Dracula didn’t kiss Jonathan’s hand directly, like, WHAT??? You’re telling me he didn’t do THIS:
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I hate you heat I hate you sun I hate you summer I hate you sweat forever and ever amen
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ruporas · 14 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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what are your sources
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From episode 0 and episode 6 of tti
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forgettable-au · 6 months
Sans do you ever feel that something might be missing?
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Maybe he felt like that at some point, maybe for a long time. In the present, I think he's made some kind of peace with it.
Also, I really like the ask blog format, but I don't really mean this to be an ask blog.
So when writing questions, try to refer them to me instead of the characters. That way, they don't have to break the fourth wall lmao. I really wanted to answer this one tho
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rendevok · 10 months
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favorite thing ♡
the inspo:
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aaaaand some inner dialogue for your viewing pleasure:
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steviesbicrisis · 8 months
A Barbie AU where the Kens decide, in order to get some recognition, to get individual names.
Steve, who’s just a Ken very good with kids, is having an identity crisis after his Barbie, journalist Barbie, broke up with him.
Not even picking a name as unique and special as Steve, so much different than Ken, managed to cheer him up.
Everyone keeps saying he should be happy about the change, and discover who he is outside of Barbie’s orbit, but he can’t see what was so wrong in their relationship. He loved waiting all day for Barbie to look at him, even if it was for a brief second.
As if going through an existential crisis wasn't enough, he has to do it under the constant mocking of his archnemesis, Ke- Eddie.
Eddie, with his long curly and annoyingly gorgeous hair, who has a sense of style he would give all of his rollerblades for, and who's always there to notice whenever Steve makes a mistake.
Eddie even has his Barbie still by his side, cheerleader Barbie, and every time Steve sees them together he gets a sick feeling in his stomach, like a tummy ache. Doctor Barbie visited him a couple of times and found nothing wrong with him, he imagines he's a little jealous of Eddie for being with a Barbie.
Steve talks about this with Polyglot Barbie, his best friend, annoying her to death.
"Why are we talking about Ken, again?" she interrupts Steve's retelling of his last encounter with Eddie.
"It's Eddie" Steve corrects her.
"Right," she nods. She's very supportive of their silly-name-thing (how most Barbies call it), but she still has trouble remembering all the names, "why are we still talking about him?"
They're hanging out at the park, sitting under a tree, Barbie's leg on top of his, and they're holding hands. It's nice. Steve is happy to have a best friend like Barbie.
Steve looks up, meeting Eddie's gaze. He's sitting at one of the picnic tables not far away from them, doing nothing besides glaring at Steve.
Barbie squeezes his hand to get his attention back, and Steve looks away.
"Because he keeps tormenting me! he's even glaring at me right now, I'm gonna get stress wrinkles!" Steve finally replies, in a distressed tone.
"You're being dramatic," she says, matter-of-factly, "Eddie isn't so bad with you. You know, he kinda treats you like his Barbie."
If Steve had a beating heart, it probably would've stopped right at this second.
"You know, he's always looking for you, he is always giddy whenever you give him a crumble of attention. He hangs out where you hang out... why do you think he's sitting all alone at a picnic table, just staring at you?"
"Maybe he's waiting for his girlfriend" he suggests.
"Are you talking about Cheerleader Barbie?" she giggles, "she's not his girlfriend, trust me."
"But he picks on me! all the time! Like this morning, I tripped and he made a comment about my legs!" He gestures at his legs with his free hand.
Barbie tilts her head to the side "you mean this morning at the beach when he held you in his arms for ten minutes to prevent you from falling and Barbie had to tell him to let you go?"
"… yeah” he manages to say. He hadn’t realized how long Eddie held him in his arms, he was upset about almost falling in front of him, but he also liked the feeling of his arms around him.
Everything feels different now.
Barbie's look softens "How does this make you feel?"
"I don't know" he answers, honestly "I just can't stop thinking about him."
A loud noise at their right startles them off of their conversation. They turn around to see Eddie lying on the floor, a trash can at his feet.
Steve doesn't give himself the time to realize that Eddie has probably heard their entire conversation and has tripped on that trash can because of it, he just rushes to Eddie's side to help him out.
Eddie stammers while Steve pulls him back up, not making much sense.
Steve is used to see Eddie as an intimidating guy, someone to compete with for Barbie’s attention. He never realized how much he liked to have Eddie’s attention instead, nor how he loved to give that attention back in equal amount.
“Nice legs” he tells him, repeating the same words Eddie told him that morning.
Eddie stops his incoherent stream of words when he hears him “what?”
“You heard me” Steve says.
“I did” Eddie admits. He pulls the trash can back up, to have an excuse to not look at Steve when he asks “you can’t stop thinking about me?”
For some reason, that’s the easiest question Steve has ever had to answer to “yes, I can’t.”
Eddie jolts back up startling Steve, the trash can falling out of his hands and hitting the ground once again.
“Cool” he says, using all of his willpower to hide his excitement by keeping a relaxed face, failing miserably.
“I guess” Steve grins. Knowing he has that effect on Eddie is making him the most confident he has ever felt in his life.
“So, since you can’t stop thinking about me…” Eddie repeats, in a tone that Steve would’ve mistaken for a mocking one until few hours ago “…we could hang out on the beach later. I’ll bring my guitar.”
“I’ll bring mine too then” Steve replies immediately.
Eddie panics “We can’t both have a guitar!”
Steve crosses his arms on his chest “who says that?”
Eddie opens and closes his mouth a couple of times then mutters, defeated, “fine.”
“Great!” Steve takes a step forward and gives Eddie a peck on his cheek “I’ll see you later.”
Eddie, who makes a face again trying to hide his excitement, nods and turns away “cool.”
He walks away slowly, towards the park’s exit. Right by the gate, he throws himself into an hedge. Steve can clearly hear him when he screams words along the lines of “FINALLY”, “I HAVE A DATE” and “SUBLIME”.
Steve turns to Robin who has witnessed the whole thing, while Eddie is still screaming random words from the bushes.
“I think I’m in love.”
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shepscapades · 20 days
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 13 — Cub!
I’ve been waiting to design cub for AGES so this was so so fun :D had to go out of my way to make him as much of a Freak (/aff) as possible <3
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twinstxrs · 2 months
idk if this is accurate but i’ve felt like in previous seasons riz & gorgug have been one of the inter-bad kids dynamics we’ve seen the least of & this season has been so great in that aspect. gorgug having helped make some of riz’s magic gear. riz helping gorgug with his studies. the shared birthday party. gorgug’s gift to riz being something he himself made to protect riz. riz’s gift to gorgug being something he illegally grabbed to protect gorgug. gorgug who utilizes rage to put his body on the line for his friends & riz who will take deep levels of mental stress for his friends. even though it was within the context of a joke, riz calling gorgug an “absolute sweetie.” like yea they might not be in a band together or both part of a presidential campaign team or owlbears teammates, but they’d go to war for each other, because they’re best friends.
#riz gukgak#gorgug thistlespring#fantasy high#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#these kids are all so self-sacrificing but i do think riz gorgug are the most clear (& juxtaposed) self-sacrificers#riz will mentally tear himself to pieces and get lost in cases and take on ungodly levels of stress for those he loves#gorgug will use himself as a human shield. he will take hit after hit if it means his friends are okay.#and they’d both do the other thing too. riz would let himself get hit for gorgug. gorgug would pull all nighters & take stress for riz.#even if mechanically they can’t or it wouldn’t make sense. they would if they could.#also#the starstruck barry mechanic of being a guard is so gorgug. it’s soooo gorgug like that’s literally him#anyways love this tall green guy & this short green guy so much#especially because gorgug is tall & considered intimidating but protective in a deeply kind way#while riz is short & underestimated but protective in a deeply vicious way (affectionate)#i hope this makes sense but i think riz is primarily ‘i would kill for you’ & gorgug is primarily ‘i would die for you’ maybe#this does not mean gorgug would not kill for riz or riz would not die for gorgug. they both would.#but those are the primary ways their love manifests due to the nature of their strengths/personalities. To Me#idk this is all just me saying stuff when i should be sleeping 😭#sorry if i missed a riz gorgug moment in the main post btw i’m tired
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chattematsu · 10 months
[4.0 archon quest spoilers]
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niobefurens · 1 year
The rules of civility.
Service communication.
Some of you may wish to consider that some of us are not as internet savvy as yourselves.
There is absolutely no need to infer criminal intent if someone hasn't complied perfectly with your standard of netiquette.
A friendly reminder might work just as well.
I am digitally impaired as well as physically impaired.
Do you have a link for this, please?
BEFORE you assume I'm VOLUNTARILY REFUSING TO CREDIT would be more appropriate.
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