#just saw this on instagram and thought i'd share
ueasking · 2 months
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Last year, I went through a dark period no one could tell because I hid it very well when I saw my friends I was still able to chat with them, joke around, and have a good time
During that period, I would often go to the gym alone, and push myself till I was exhausted, so that I'd get a dopamine boost which would make me feel better! And help me sleep better
Since I didn't have anything else to do, I thought that I might as well get in shape and be prepared, and perhaps when the time comes a suitable role might come my way! This went on for two three months
One afternoon, 君君 messaged me and said there's this bl drama, would you be interested? They'd like to chat with you There are going to be some shirtless scenes and fight scenes, it's the character "Wei Qian" in the drama adaptation of the novel "Da Ge"
This was my first time hearing this name, I had not yet read the novel and I had no idea what this character's personality was like, or what type of story it would be
I just felt this jolt in my heart, a wonderful feeling that I couldn't explain
I said: Okay! I can do this! I think I'm ready!
Then, I finished the novel "Da Ge" in three days And that was when I finally understood, why I felt that in my heart upon hearing this name
It's because Wei Qian's life is full of darkness and melancholy… and in some ways, I'm living some aspects of his life. Feeling uncertain and lost about the future!
Reading the novel, I felt like I was being comforted and saved It was like looking into a mirror… seeing all these images in my head… Wei Qian, it's you who has come to me, isn't that right?
Actors have this saying, which I wholeheartedly believe, "Characters/roles have souls, and it's the role that comes to you, not the other way around. They have something to say through you! If it's meant to be then there's no escaping it." And I believe that Wei Qian has come (to me)!
Perhaps you could sense this dark period? Through cosmic resonance, you found your way to me! Is there something that you want to say through me?
To all the people who are feeling lost and stuck in the darkness, please believe that someone's going to be by your side that's just like the sun
Wei Qian, thank you for coming to me! For letting me become you! And I'd like to thank myself, for being able to take on most of the dark and melancholic parts of your life, during that period of darkness
We've made it through that period of darkness together… Regardless of how this show does, you are the most important present that I received last year! One that I'll remember for the rest of my life!!
Unknown is more than just a BL
It's about all of our lives!
Everyone is working hard to get by! Work, family, providing for one's family, paying bills, and paying off student loans! You might feel as if you're suffocating under it all, but you're still persevering because you have something important to protect, something to live for!!
We all have our hardships that no one else knows of, that we don't want others to know about! But… as long as you're alive, you'll be able to find your way back home!
Episode three airs tonight at 8!!! The unknown stories continue on Let us walk on together
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perplexingly · 7 months
I've been wanting to write a description of the Watermill Theatre's Lord of the Rings musical for these who were unable to see it, so I'll mention some of the things that stood out to me.
Also first of all, I saw that @emeraldskulblaka was kind enough to compile a masterpost about the musical, sharing the available videos and audios here
Now to the Watermill production:
The audience was encouraged to come 30min before the start of the show to celebrate Bilbo's 111 birthday.
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During that time the actors were playing music, talking with the audience, playing games with the audience, I almost got hit in the face as Gimli in front of me failed to catch a ring that was thrown at him : D I saw there are some recordings of this part around, eg:
While still outdoors, the play started seemlessly with Bilbo's iconic birthday speech. After his disappearing act (in a puff of smoke), we moved indoors and while the audience was settling down, Frodo sat on stage all sad perusing letters
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This stage is very tiny but they used it in a clever way; eg. there were moments when, to show the distance, the actors would say their lines behind the audience on the upper ring. They would also utilise the doors at the center stage or the ladders on the sides to climb on. The lighting also gave each scene a lot of character:
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Also each actor doubled as a musician, often playing on the edges of the stage but still in full view, giving this interesting illusion of environment.
I think my favourite moment of using actors as parts of the environment was during Sam and Frodo's Now and for Always duet: once they started singing, Bilbo came to sit on the edge, in the shadow, just looking at them, and with each verse a new hobbit/musician came behind, hanging out in the shadows and giving this dreamy idea of Shire. And when Sam fell asleep, there was Rosie coming a bit forward to caress him.
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Another such wonderful moment was near the end, when Frodo could go no longer and Sam helped him. The earlier situation when Sam fought off Shelob with Eärendil's light reminded the viewer of Galadriel's - and the elves - indirect help. And when Sam put his arms around Frodo to guide him, quietly, in the shadows around them illusions of elves appeared to show them the way and to catch them when they stumbled.
Speaking about the plot point - act 1 encompassed the first of the trilogy while the second act the other two. To achieve this condensation in the second act, most characters that were not directly related to the fellowship were either removed or merged with other, eg. Denethor and Theoden were combined into one, with the Rohan/Gondor politics removed altogether. But honestly, I thought it was the smarter choice, as we get the time to get attached to the main cast.
One more thing I'd like to mention were the practical effects. While ents were just an off-stage voice, when they were talking there were leafs falling down from the ceiling. But the most impressive was Shelob, which was a giant puppet with real-like leg movement, mostly in shadow except for the reflective eyes. I saw that there's an early test for Shelob posted on Instagram:
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Also, I talked about Gollum in an earlier post, but I just wanted to make a quick illustration of the adorable moment between Gollum and Bilbo that I saw in the epilogue:
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getvalentined · 3 months
FF7 Fandom PSA
This is not a callout post, this is a warning about a genuinely dangerous abuser who uses fandom spaces to acquire victims.
Apparently my abusive ex is ingratiating himself into fandom spaces again, so if you're in the FF7 fandom please keep an eye out for someone calling himself Pix or Pixeled.
The details of what he did to me specifically are available in a post from almost exactly two years ago, readable here. Other people have shared their own stories, but I don't have the energy to dig up all of them. Trigger warnings for gaslighting, emotional abuse, violent threats, forced isolation, manipulation, and more that I'm definitely missing.
Known usernames:
Instagram: midgardsomrnights, pixeledartsy, okgoosefus, pixeledpalace
AO3: pixeled, pixeledxxx
tiktok: pixrexpen, gaywrathlet
FFXIV: sarielperedhil (on Brynhildr)
ko-fi: pixrexpalace
Other: pix pendragon, pixeled pendragon, pixrexpendragon
Some of these are current, most of them are not; he's no longer active here or on Twitter that I'm aware of, so I'm not referring to his usernames there, but he uses some combination of parts from these for his usernames everywhere so they followed the same theme.
This is not "fandom drama," this is a sincere warning to anyone in his orbit to be careful and be safe. Please love yourself more than he wants you to.
With that in mind, there are more personal details under the cut, discussing the fallout of going public with his abuse and more of his behavior; no screenshots on these because it's years in the past, not all of the related accounts and spaces still exist, and back when I was first gathering evidence I had to stop before it lapsed into the territory of emotional self-harm.
Same trigger warnings as above, plus racism, (implied) sexual exploitation, sexual manipulation, and discussion of Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
I want to be very clear that I was not the first person to go through this, I was just the first to go public afterward. I have lost relationships with people I thought were friends by doing so, and actually been referred to as abusive in response to my initial thread on Twitter letting people know what he'd done. I've had people who used his treatment of me as an excuse to join in with hurting me go on to co-opt my abuse to make themselves look like victims, claiming that we were best friends until he drove us apart—or worse, to use him as a complete stand-in for their own behavior, implying or outright stating that he forced them to isolate me from friends and fandom activities and treat me like shit, all while these people have me blocked on every possible platform where I could reconnect with them.
Pix was the Bad Guy of early 2022 on FF7 Twitter, and while he deserved the title, not everything everyone said about him was true. Not everything everyone said about me was true, either, but people tend to take anything connected to fandom as "drama," even when it involves literal abuse.
One thing I never told anyone except my closest friends is that Pix drove me to the verge of suicide multiple times. He put up videos insulting me to be "funny" and got friends laughing along, when I asked him to stop teasing me all the time he exploded and said that he was allowed to express himself however he wanted and if I had a problem then I should break up with him so he could finally kill himself guilt-free, he told me that he wasn't going to placate me anymore by saying "I love you," he told me in public spaces to shut up because I didn't know anything. He used racist slurs against Asian people behind my back and told everyone who called him on it that I'd told him it was all right, leading to a continuing belief among some circles that I have some deep internalized racism toward my own fucking ethnicity.
He told me that his mother saw me as a whore and a homewrecker, because I'd seduced him away from his boyfriend of eight years—in spite of the fact that I told him outright I did not want a romantic relationship with him because he was already in one, and I wouldn't be party to cheating. When I went public with what he did, he claimed that I pressured him into a romantic relationship, neglecting to mention that he'd been pushing for one almost since we met and that I'd shot him down because he was already with someone else. He said that I'd forced him to break up with his boyfriend, and seemed to be implying that I'd somehow sexually exploited him because I'm a cisgender lesbian and he identified as an aro/ace trans man at the time we broke up. When we got together, he identified as a bisexual nonbinary person.
To be completely honest, though, his orientation and gender identity doesn't even fucking matter with regards to the implication that I exploited him because we never had any form of sexual contact—unless you want to count RP, which I don't, and if I did I would be calling him a cheater because I was not his only RP partner.
To be completely clear, we were in a long distance relationship, thousands of miles apart, and we had no sexual contact. We never sexted, we never had phone sex, we never even exchanged dirty pictures. Our relationship had no sexual element whatsoever. He eventually told me in no uncertain terms that if/when we got married, he wasn't going to sleep with me because he didn't have a sex drive anymore due to trauma, and that since I loved him so much I'd have to be happy with that.
He would remind me of this when my Body Dysmorphic Disorder began to relapse constantly from the amount of stress he had me under, because my experience with the condition is rooted on my lack of physical femininity and leads me to see myself as completely sexually repulsive. When I was triggered and trying to untie the knot in my chest that made me want to throw up at the thought of my own body, he would remind me that I didn't have to worry about being too ugly for sex with him, because he was never going to fuck me anyway. That it didn't matter if I was disgusting, because he found all bodies disgusting, so really I was lucky to have him. He didn't even care that I was disabled and that my arms and legs are too long, that my joints slip out of place all the time, that the way I have to move sometimes to keep from hurting makes me look "weird and stupid." I was so lucky to have him, because even though he was very aware of all those things, he didn't actually care. He wasn't going to fuck me anyway.
The last Christmas card he sent me literally had the words "You deserve a high-five!" printed on the front, and on the reverse he'd written something along the lines of "okay but you know I'd be sure to miss and slap you in the face, sorry not sorry."
He made my life hell in every possible way, and people said it was drama because we met through fandom—and that I deserved it, honestly, since I was so fucked up and he was such a good person for even caring about me in the first place. I deserved it, people said, since I turned around and stabbed him in the back after he'd done so much for me for the years we were together. It was just fandom drama, they said, and I was just thriving off the social capital it allegedly earned me.
And now he's back and making new friends, but it's fine because this all happened years ago, and everyone with a brain should be able to see that it's just fandom drama. But it's not. It never was. Don't let him convince you otherwise.
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albert-tsum · 2 months
I just want to give my thoughts on the whole "Wesker preys on Rebecca due to the photo in RE2" rumors since it still seems to be relevant and discussed about? (atleast there are posts, asks and comments on Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest and probably Tiktok and Twitter about that from this or last year)
Tl:dr I don't think he ever felt something for her* and if I'd be sure he preys on her I wouldn't have this tsum and account
Soo just a few reasons why I think so and information I came across when I was researching this, this post will be way too long but here we go
*if you have official canon information saying he is into her pls write me but I didn't come across smth like that (yet) and also feel free to inform me if my information are false
1) it's an *easter egg* most likely put in by the devs for the player to see and not meant to be canon information (you have to search the desk multiple times, I think that indicates it's an easter egg and not any canon information they want the player necessarily to know)
2) the RE devs love *fanservice*, just look at e.g. some outfits of their female characters, putting the device control on Jills chest etc so it's not unrealistic that they do that shit to Rebecca too even tho she's only 18
3) the picture was *undeveloped* so Wesker couldn't even know what the photo looked like, also there is no evidence or indication that he took the photo like some people assume, they simply could have placed a camera on or in his desk to but there isn't
4) it has smth like "new member/recruit" written on its back (and yeah it was kinda weirdly translated as "rising rookie" in RE2 but I think that meant the same as the japanese text) so it seems to be a official photo given to the STARS captains and showing her in (an official RPD) Basketball uniform would show that she's athletic, smth important for her job und the uniform is designed by Capcom bc as I said they love skimpy outfit fanservice stuff (also she is knowingly posing for the photo so it's not a creepy stalker pic made without her permission)
5) the desk is *most likely shared with Enrico Marini* who is the actual captain of BRAVO team, the team Rebecca is a member of and not ALPHA team which was lead by Wesker
6) also some canon stuff about the interactions of Wesker and Rebecca:
Well, the only canon interaction between them has Wesker shooting her without hesitation, if they wanted him to be into her they could simply having him try to abduct her and showing her the tyrant in RE1 remake to impress her but no he doesn't care about her and is focused on Chris
(Also I saw some fanart, posts etc where they depict Rebecca being the fav of STARS Wesker while hating Chris which is bs bc he rarely knew Rebecca since she just joined a short time before the mansion incident and Wesker compliments Chris, saying he is his best man and is proud of him)
7) also in RE0 when he and Birkin are watching Rebecca and Billy they could simply put a creepy line from Wesker about her but he is just neutral about her
Also there is no notion that he tried to come after her post RE1 or to observe or abduct her
Sooo, sorry for bringing that topic back, maybe I'll delete this later because it's unnecessary but I just felt like writing that
PS: I am fully aware that Wesker is a horrible human being and it's understandable to hate him but that doesn't automatically mean he's a sexual predator
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5am-mist · 1 year
Guess the secrets out!
°pairing°> bella ramsey x costar!reader
°summery°> you star as one of bella's love intrests in a recent film one night on live you say something that sends the internet into a spiral
°requested?°> nope!
~°A/N°~> i had this idea and thought i'd just write it, hope you like it! I did proof read it :))
°word count°> est. 442
After staring as Bella's love intrest on one of your most recent films, you were bound to receive alot of feedback from fans. Some thought your preformance was amazing, others weren't so supportive and a whole bunch began shipping you and Bella together. So when you were sitting across from the interviewer and she asked,
"is there anything going on between you and Bella?"
you weren't exactly suprised. The thing is there was. You and Bella grew very close over the course of filming, co-workers became friends, friends became best friends and best friends became partners. You and Bella both agreed to keep it private, people could be alot and neither of you wanted to worry about that at the time.
"We're best friends, nothing more."
You were lying through your teeth but you had come to an agreement and you were going to stick it.
The interview wrapped up and to say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You started your car, making your way to you and Bella's shared appartment. You hadn't checked your phone since leaving the interview because in all honesty you just wanted to get home.
You opened the apartment door, making sure to lock it behind you. As you took off your shoe's you contemplated shouting out to Bella that you were home or just making your way over to the room. You chose the latter. The bedroom door was closed, it confused you at first but you were far to tired to dwell on that.
Opening the door you saw Bella sitting at the desk talking to their phone, you assumed they were on a facetime call with Pedro (who was one of the few people that knew about your relationship).
"Hii" they said smiling at you. You loved them more than anything in the world. You loved how much they cared for you. You loved how his eyes would slightly crinkle as he smiled. You loved his giggle that you were certain was going to be the death of you. You loved everything about her. You smiled weakly, the extent of your exhaustion hitting you harder than you previously thought.
"Hi babe I'm gonna go shower im so drained," you didn't think twice about that sentence you didn't have reason to. Bella however froze in her seat only to keel over in laughter seconds later. You turned on your heel trying to see what could possibly be so funny but when you saw the instagram live chat scrolling a mile a minute you went pale before breaking into a fit of laughter yourself. "Well i guess the sercrets out" Bella managed to say through laughter.
Safe to say that you two were trending for weeks after that.
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Dance with me (Charles Leclerc)
Although Ferrari's strategy is going somewhere, albeit all over the place, Charles and Y/N are quite sure about their feelings towards eachother
Note: english is not my first language. It took me a bit but I've managed to do a part 2 to Stomp your foot. Also @ ferrari, get your thoughts together so that, while the boys get the results they deserve, I can write about good things too, please and thank you. There is also a little Mariana Zapata reference, if you know you know 😏
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: Ferrari's season, curse words, mentions of gender inequality
"Y/N is on her way here to spend the day with us", Charles reminded his family as they tidied the table from breakfast. He messaged you when you posted an Instagram story of the beach view from the room you were staying in Ibiza, asking if the meet up he proposed in Hungary was still up, the two of you finding a day to get together after your friend had gone home and before you left for Maranello. "So we're finally meeting the Y/N you're always talking about, I feel like I know her already", and Charles rolled his eyes at his brother Lorenzo's antics, "It's true, it's always Y/N this, Y/N that, oh Y/N likes that ice cream flavour too, and I stopped listening to you talk about her a long time ago", he finished as he headed upstairs, and Charles was about to bite back with a reply when he heard the doorbell, heading there to open to, he assumed, let you in.
You parked the rental car in front of the house Charles had sent you the address for, checking the door number on the message before ringing in, hearing footsteps on the garden path before Charles opened the small gate, "Hi Y/N, glad you could join us", he greeted with a kiss on each of your cheeks, "Hey Charles, thank you for the invite once again", you smiled as he stretched his arm so you entered the property, excusing yourself in through the open front door and taking in the house before Arthur's footsteps down the stairs caught her attention, making her turn her body to see the younger driver, "here's my favourite engineer, it's a shame Ferrari swooped you from the academy", Arthur said as he greeted you the same way his brother did. "You two know eachother?", Charles asked, the confusion clear by his expression, "I filled in for Prema Racing when one of their engineers was unable to attend for two races", you explained, "you're not the first Leclerc I'm ordering around", you giggled as Charles took the information in, "you never mentioned it when I talked about her", Charles said, and despite feeling like he might have outed himself, Arthur smirking as he saw his brother put his foot on his mouth, he simply shrugged, "there are many Y/N in the world, how could I know?", he teased as you walked into the outside area, "And here's another person who has ordered Leclercs about for a while, Y/N, this is my mother Pascale, mum, this is Y/N". "Hello, it's so nice to meet you. Thank you for welcoming me here", you said as she greeted you with a tight hug, "hi dear, it's so nice having you here, I'm the one who's glad you could join us. If you ever need tips on making them listen to you just let me know", she winked, "Charles isn't the problem, it's the other men that usually don't listen to what I say", you replied as you watched her head to the big window that led into the kitchen, "Can I offer you anything from the kitchen, darling? Maybe a drink...?". Taking the box from your tote bag, you explained its content "I'm good thank you! When my friend was here, we went to this shop that had these cakes with cookie ice cream in them and I thought I'd bring some for you", you offered as Pascale went to grab the box, thanking you before heading inside to place it in the fridge, "I told you you didn't need to bring anything", he said, "like I ever listen to you", you teased, "You really should, I have some great ideas and things to say", he said before his older brother made his presence known as he laughed, "you really don't sell yourself short, not at all. Hi, I'm Lorenzo, the older brother", he said as he greeted you.
You placed your tote bag on one of the sunloungers like Charles told you to before he grabbed a some beach rackets, "care to join us for a game? I promise we will go easy on you", he smiled as you stuck your tongue out at him, leaving your sandals as the four of you headed to the large grass area.
Lorenzo teamed up with Arthur while you and Charles made the other team as the net delimited the area for each pair. When Charles said they were very competitive between them, you'd never think it was like this. The balls were hit with great force, given that you were playing with athletes, but you dealt with athletes since you joined race early on, you knew competitiveness at a high level but this was beyond that, every now and again hearing muttered brotherly offenses between the brothers whenever one of them scored a point, Arthur and Lorenzo (only?) glaring at you when you scored the points as Charles highfived you. After playing for hours, you and Charles managed to win two out of the three games they had set to play after the first one ended with a one point difference between the duos, Charles hugging you while he lifted your body off the floor, "put me down", you squealed as he finally complied, "See? I know how to order you about", and little did you know he would probably do anything you asked him to if it meant you kept that beautiful smile that was now on your face forever.
"How about a swim now? I could use it to cool off", Lorenzo suggested as you grabbed the rackets and a ball to place them back in their bag that was next to the sunlounger you had placed your things on, seeing Pascale removing a cover up she was wearing so that she could join, "Why do I have the feeling that if I wasn't playing with them that would've been much uglier?", you said to her as you saw Arthur purposely throwing a ball he found at Charles and then pretending it was unintentional, "Oh definitely, yesterday Charles lost and he didn't speak to them for an hour, they take these games very seriously!", she chuckled as she made her way to get in the water. You rummaged your bag for a little pouch you had brought, reapplying the sun protection lotion on your face, Charles snickering at your white face, "what? At least I know how to behave in the sun and, as much as I like to work for Ferrari, I don't need to sport their colours all the time", you teased back as you rubbed the product in, checking your reflection in the window to see if you had done it properly, you hands moving to the button of your shorts so you could undo it and get ready to join the guys in the water, taking your flowy top off too.
You looked really good, Charles' eyes scanning your body as you folded your clothes neatly on the end of the lounger, the dark forest green of your swimsuit hugging your body complimenting your gorgeous figure, making the Formula 1 driver gulp, his brothers noticing his reaction and chuckling, the snickering between them going unnoticed by their middle brother as he watched your strong legs strut their wait into the steps, "Anyone seeing you would think you work for Aston Martin instead", he somehow broke the transe he was in, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable from his stare, "Seb is a good man, after all he was the one to teach me where the good coffee was at Maranello", you said and Charles looked at you, "Seb too? Really?", he mused, "I have been working in Ferrari longer than you have, I know many many people", you said once you submerged your head to wet your hair for a much needed dip, coming back up and smiling back at Charles as he shook his head. You were going to be the death of him, that much he was sure.
You were helping Pascale finish setting the table when Lorenzo handed you a tray with the bowl with the meat for the grill, "Can you bring this to Charles, please? And maybe stay in there with him and make sure he doesn't let it burn, we have everything under control here and you're our guest, too", he smiled as you excused yourself and made your way to a shirtless Charles that was lighting the fire in the grill, "the meat is here", you said simply as you watched him, "Shouldn't you put a t-shirt on? You could hurt yourself", you expressed your worry, not that you wanted him to cover his beautiful and well shaped torso, but safety came first. Smiling at you, "I think I can handle it", he said as he managed to get the fire to last for a little bit before it started to die down, "wait, there's salt here, let me just", you said grabbing the bowl from the tray and taking a bit on your hand before throwing it in the wood sticks, the flames livening up again, "You're a do it all, aren't you?", he smiled as he poked at the embers a bit, "in my case, you have to learn how to do it otherwise people will treat you like a child and assume you're a fluke, unfortunately", you reasoned while looking at what he was doing, not wanting to look at his face after you blurted that without thinking much first, but he picked up on it. Grabbing the the tongs to place the meat on the grill, "How come?", he wondered simply, "when you're the only woman in the middle of men, it can get quite intimidating until you find your ground and learn to stomp your foot. They're always assuming I need to be helped and that's the only way I'll get anywhere. And I haven't. I got into Ferrari with my hard work, my own blood, swear and tears, and I pushed through everything and every occupation to be able to become a strategist", you explained, the outskirts of what you had read after the Hungary GP about your position on the team taking a toll on you. You could only handle so much.
Checking the meat, Charles turned to you, tapping your arm so you could look at him, "I have been in the business for a good time too, and maybe you know a lot of people too", he tried to bring a smile to your face, succeeding as your lips curved upwards, "but trust me when I say that I never thought less of you because you're a woman, I actually think you fit really nicely in the team and there have been so many improvements that were all your doing", he said, the genuineness in his voice making the words sink into you easily, the butterflies on your belly dancing a melody of their own. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you", you nudged his side, wanting nothing more than to hug him but refraining from doing so as you were still tiptoeing around your feelings for him, sometimes feeling like they were reciprocated but the nagging option of it affecting your job still present on your thoughts.
Pascale was looking at you as she placed the drinks on the table, noticing how her son's body language showed some hesitation to touch you and how you nudged him, seeming to want more out of it before resuming to laughing along to something Charles said, the smile on his face bigger than ever, "those two are taking their sweet time admiting what we all know", Lorenzo mentioned, Arthur humming in agreement as he placed the bread basket on the table.
"But why did it happen like that? That's my only question", your assertive tone was heard in the room, not rasing your voice to be heard as you knew that it was not how things worked out for the best, "we win as a team and loose as a team, we fail and conquer together. We all know that what happened out there today was not what we work for. Carlos deserves more. Charles deserves more. Ferrari deserves more. Tifosi deserve more. So much more. So I think we should really think about what we need to do to make it better. I've expressed my concerns and ideas and I hope you, too, think about it and bring them to the next meeting", you finished your intervention in the debrief meeting.
After a mixed feelings Dutch GP for the team, positive since Charles had managed to get on the podium but negative about the way things were handled for Carlos, everyone was quiet as they tidied things around the garage once you left that tense debrief, heading to the hospitality's balcony to get some fresh air and gather your thoughts. Hearing footsteps, you look over to see both Ferrari drivers, "Hey Y/N", Carlos said, "Hey guys", you replied, "Again, sorry we couldn't do anymore", you honestly said, upset at how the afternoon turned out despite a slight happiness that Charles was back on the podium, even though not in the spot you knew he wanted to be. "The guys, they were showing us the recording you have from what you discuss in the pitwall. And thank you", Carlos said looking at you and seeing in your eyes that you knew what he meant. When you noticed the rear tyre missing, you were pissed off, looking at the situation with your fingers rubbing circles on your head, the words just coming out of you as you defended Carlos and talked to his side of the pitwall, no one being able to tend to your questions and back to the pit stop area, groaning as you looked at that mess, your mumbled words after he managed to finally go caught by the system showing just how disappointed and frustrated you were about the decisions that were made, "Isa is downstairs, so I'll get going. See you guys later", the spanish driver said as he waved goodbye. Sitting next to you, Charles noticed your clear distress, "you're not the only person making the decisions, you shouldn't be taking all of this on your shoulders", he said, despite he himself feeling all the emotions about his own race, "fuck, this is just so hard, week after week, as you guys must feel it even worse, that we're failing you", you let out, taking Charles' honest silence as an (rightfully so) agreement, "we have Monza next week, and I'm going to make sure everyone in this garage knows what they're doing, I promise you", you said as Charles grabbed your hand in his as he squeezed them together, wanting to share some of your hope and resilience.
Monza really was a whole different atmosphere, the fans that gathered making it an unique race. You were putting on your yellow t-shirt for the celebration weekend when you noticed both drivers in their new suits that matched everyone else's tops, "you guys really look like minions, people on the Internet are right this time. I'm sorry, but that's the first thing I thought of", you said, "But we are handsome minions", Carlos said, noticing your eyes checking Charles out, "the handsomest", you replied, your eyes kept on the monégasque's face before you excused yourself and let them recover between the free practice sessions, Carlos speaking up as soon as you were out of earshot, "Honestly mate, if you don't make a move on her, I will make it for you. You guys are so into eachother it's actually insane", before he sipped on his water, Charles' eyes following you was you moved some pieces around.
Qualifying always got your nerves going, already being known in the paddock by how you could never sit for long during the three sessions, "Do you think we can get them both on the podium today?", Xavi said while you looked at the data, the beggining of Q3 approaching, "at this point I feel like if we can, Max is quick but maybe Charles could have an advantage, because looking here", you said as you pointed to some graphs and the notes you had scribbled down.
When Charles and Carlos were in the first two spots, you started feeling hopeful that, despite still having to work with penalties for the race the next day, the pace seemed to be there, your heart thumping on your chest as you tapped your foot nervously as Charles' data improved after the warm up lap, and when Xavi yelled "And P1!" into the radio, you did your happy dance, not having a care in the world about what others thought as you watched the Tifosi erupt in cheer.
Team dinner was going really well, everyone happy with how the day had gone and feeling hopeful for the race as they dug into their plates, the nights chill still not bringing the mood down. When nearly everyone decided to go inside for a liquor the owner of the restaurant offered, only Charles, Carlos, Isa, Xavi and you stayed behind, speaking until Isa noticed how you and Charles weren't particularly interested in whatever they were talking about and started having a conversation of your own, "I need to get something from the counter, amor, can you come with me?", she asked as her foot nudged Xavi's, the two men getting the hint as they left the table, you and Charles carrying on your conversation until one of your favourite songs rang through the outside speakers, "C'mon", you said, getting up, "dance with me, we need to celebrate today", you explained as you pulled Charles by his arm, your hand holding his as he spun you around, the both of you giggling like mad until Charles thought this was it, under the italian starry sky on an empty patio, his hand cupping your cheek as his forehead touched yours "tell me to stop and i'll stop, I promise", he whispered as his eyes flickered between your lips and eyes, your mouth pressing on his taking him by surprise for a second before he responded the affections, his other hand cupping your other cheek as your hands grabbed each of his wrists. Interrupting the kiss for air, Charles giggled as you hid your face in his neck, your lashes tickling him as his arms circled your waist, "it's going to be hard, but I promise, if you'll allow me, that I'll protect you and support your decisions at the same time. You are my equal, my partner and my teammate, and I want to navigate these feeling with you", he whispered in your ear as if he was telling you his deepest secret. Looking up at him, you smiled, "I want that too" before his lips latched on yours again, dancing together as the newfound addiction seeming hard to suppress.
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our-aroace-experience · 6 months
ok so here's my ace/arospec story
i learned about being ace
oh i don't know
12 years old maybe
i searched it up after reading about it online
"aroace definition"
it went something like
"being both aromantic and asexual"
i searched up
at first i thought it was a bit strange
i hadn't learned yet
to distinguish
between romantic attraction and sexual attraction
because i didn't know
people actually wanted sex
people actually saw someone and went
"i want to fuck them"
i had a crush on a childhood friend of mine
at the time
(a guy. i am a girl.)
i'd always assumed i was cishet
grew up in a conservative christian household
slightly offtopic but honestly my parents were great
not stereotypical conservative christians
both allies
they had friends who were trans and gay
i'd checked out queer media from the library
and they were fine with it
back to the story
so since i had a crush on the opposite gender
i assumed ofc
i was cishet
well ofc i wasn't into sex, i was just a kid
but at age 13
almost 14
i was alone
in a hotel room, no parents, on instagram
that's the only time i could get that
late night phone time
when i didn't have parents around
i found @i.put.the.ace.in.disgrace on instagram
scrolled through every fucking post
on their account
and on the #asexual tag
i related to those posts
a lot
a suspicious amount for someone supposedly allo
even though i was just a kid
yeah maybe i'd grow into it
maybe i'd feel attraction one day
but not now
and who the hell was going to tell me
what i could or couldn't identify as
so i tried out the ace label
spent hours and hours
wondering if it was right
if i was really ace
if i wasn't too young
but going back to being allo felt wrong
so i decided to keep the label
the first person i came out to
was an online friend
they were so amazing and supportive of it
i love them so much for that
they said i'd been on their gaydar for a while
(a message i still think about
when wondering if i'm really ace)
felt sick the next day
i'd always been an ally
supported my queer friends
arospec aspec trans homosexual i supported them all
but it made me sick
to think about me
being queer
it was sort of rough
but i got through it
came out to my friend and her mom
they were cool about it
i knew i'd be safe
they weren't ecstatic or super happy
but they accepted me
that's what they said i remember it
i was a hot mess that day too
stuttered over all my words when trying to come out
and they still accepted me
i love them
i decided to hint at my identity to my mom
talked about not liking sex
i checked out a few ace books
from the library
my mom took me aside
i don't remember her exact words
it went something like
"it's natural to be curious
but you can't be ace at 14
you're not trying to be
are you?"
i managed to convince her i was allo
had to be more careful then
i'd only had one crush.
one crush who i'd liked as a friend first.
you see where this is going, don't you?
i didn't
i'd heard that aces had not very many crushes
so i assumed i was just Really Really Asexual
and i couldn't be aro hahahaha
i'd been in love before!
aros cannot be in love!
oh by golly i was wrong
i started questioning
(only one crush?
my friends are all over their crushes
and i've only had one??
maybe i'm not as allo as i thought)
i debated over gray-aro and demi-aro
picked demi
it described my experience more accurately
came out to aforementioned friend
then aforementioned online friend
they were chill about it
(fucking love them)
then i 3d printed a black ring
and a white ring
and aro
and this is maybe the best part of the whole experience
i had friends who were stereotypical conservative christian
they complimented my aro and ace rings
and so did my mom
and that made me really happy for some reason
shit that was a long ask im sorry
thank you for sharing! i hope your mum comes around to you being aroace one day
also side note: this reads like a poem it’s so well written!
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
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Is it sad that I immediately thought of AL when I saw this? I don’t know if it’s the fact that the 3rd year of my husband’s passing is quickly approaching, or what, but it infuriates me how AL treats Michael.
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Hi there! Still playing catch up on Asks here, but first my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your husband. To lose someone you love dearly must be incredibly painful, and especially near to the date of their passing. I'm so sorry.
As for your question, it's both sad and not sad at all that you thought of AL, because I actually had someone send me this exact cartoon just days before I got your Ask, also in reference to her. So you are definitely not the only one who had that thought, it seems.
I'm grouping your Ask along with the one from @phantomstars24 because today we got another new post from AL on Instagram that merited discussion. Probably everyone has seen it by now, but for those who haven't, the post contains a cute picture of Michael with a puppy:
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But when we look at AL's caption on the post, that is where things take somewhat of a turn:
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The caption seems to be referencing what is in the pictures she posted, but one word in particular stands out: "Trolls." In the pictures, we see deer, the girls, other family members, puppies. But if you Google pictures of "Scandinavian trolls," this is what they traditionally look like:
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So if we consider those images and then think of AL's pictures, the only thing in them that seems to fit this description is Michael, which would mean she is calling him a troll. It's actually not surprising or out of character for her, as it does fit with her long-running pattern of making snarky/mean comments about Michael's looks.
What makes this all even stranger is that Michael went on a tweeting spree on the 8th and 9th (answering a lot of GO-related questions in particular):
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And then AL posted an Insta story of him throwing an airplane with the caption of "Family holiday is going well," followed by this reply from her to a fan who shared the video on Twitter (to whom Michael had also replied during his Twitter spree):
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To recap: Michael was on a family holiday in Sweden last weekend and spent most of it scrolling on Twitter, for which AL passive-aggressively called him out (suggesting that he was happier/paying far more attention to Twitter than to her), and now she posts the pics from the trip and calls him a troll.
I mean...you can spin things a lot of ways, but this doesn't come across too well from any direction, especially given how she made sure that she looks good in the picture of her (and because I don't think there is any flattering or complimentary way to call someone a "troll," as it's meant to describe something as ugly, unattractive, etc.). However if there is some other meaning or if I'm just reading too much into this, I welcome folks to comment on here with their thoughts, because I'd love to hear other perspectives.
It's ironic, too, that she used the caption "Family holiday is going well" when so much else seems to indicate otherwise. Thinking about Michael in that puppy picture among the other pics in that post, you can see how he just doesn't quite "fit." Not just because he looks different from everyone else (recalling AL's pointed mention of "curly blondes"), but because there is a community there that he is not part of, and for someone like Michael, for whom community is such an important thing, him being a stranger among these folks makes him stand out even more, and for all the wrong reasons.
So yes, I would agree with your assertion @lepqueen of that cartoon being reminiscent of Anna, and I share your sentiment in disliking the way she treats Michael. I just keep thinking of how different the reaction would be if Michael had a history of commenting on her appearance, or if he called her a troll. The uproar would be staggering, I imagine, yet somehow no one blinks an eye when it's her doing it to him. Things that really do make you wonder...
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imaginidol · 10 months
Baekhyun: Second thoughts & Second Chances
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Baekhyun raised the volume of his car radio as he slowed his car to a halt in front of a stoplight. The night was quiet and there were very few cars around him. He’d worked a long day, and now he couldn't wait to get home to rest for the evening.
The songs on the radio were old western throwbacks, a small station Baekhyun casually liked very much. The current song playing was Dean Martin's Everybody Loves Somebody.
Baekhyun hummed along to the song, not particularly thinking of anything at first.
It wasn't until about halfway through the second verse that Baekhyun caught up to the message behind a few of the lyrics;
Everybody finds somebody someplace, There's no telling where love may appear.
Baekhyun had found many “someone’s” at different points of his life, though none of them had ever lasted very long.
The boy reminisced on his last love,
"Just a few months ago," he pondered, "we were doing so well."
Crazy how everything changes, he thought.
The light in front of him turns green, and he continues the rest of his drive home quietly lost in thought.
It wasn't until later that night when Baekhyun was sitting alone in his kitchen that he realized how much he really missed you. And it wasn't the only sudden night that he was in his sudden feels about you, either. The thought of your past relationship together would repeatedly resurface when the smallest of things reminded him of you.
Song lyrics, couples walking in public, heart-shaped donuts at a sweet shop's window.
There was always something that tied his thoughts back to you.
“Ah,” he sighed as he scrolled through your profile whilst drinking a glass of wine at his bar table.
You still look just as great as you did when I first met you.
Baekhyun sipped his wine slowly, his thoughts recalling a promise that he’d made you once, though it never really came true.
I'll always come back for you, especially when our relationship hits a rough patch. I think you're worth fighting for.
Baekhyun put his phone face-down onto the marble countertop and rubbed his eyes in frustration. When he closed his eyes, he saw you and him sharing treasured memories together, the sounds of your laughter and the feel of your soft lips against his.
When he opened his eyes, nothing more than an empty living room and the distant sound of the AC greeted him, and all the memories of you had dissipated into nothing.
What am I doing?
The tired boy poured himself a third glass of wine and began sipping it steadily. He wasn't totally buzzed yet, but he definitely would be going that route if he didn't stop thinking about you.
He decided that the only way to give himself a peace of mind was to check up on you after all these months of not doing so.
Baekhyun opened a new conversation with you on Instagram and hesitated for a moment to consider what he had to say.
What could you possibly tell someone after you broke up with them?
He feels his thumbs typing away until a half-coherent message is written out.
[Baekhyun: Hi, I hope I'm not disturbing you if I reach out like this..]
To his surprise, the <Online> bubble next to your name turns green, and he sees that you've read his message.
His heart falls heavy into his chest as he scrambles to think of what to say next, assuming and hoping you'd reply. To his surprise, you did.
[New DM: Hi Baek!! :) Long time no see!]
Baekhyun mindlessly typed away at his phone, the lingering effects of his wine eventually kicking in and convincing him to just say what he had on his mind.
[Baekhyun: I don't mean to pop up so suddenly, but I was thinking about a promise I made you that I realize now, I never kept..]
[New DM: Oh? What promise?]
Baekhyun took a deep breath before taking another long sip of his wine.
[Baekhyun: That I'd come back for you, even after the worst]
[Baekhyun: I didn't do that for you.. I guess I'm here to apologize, though maybe I should've done it more formally than over instagram]
[New DM: <is typing...>]
[New DM: Baek, it's been months since our breakup... I hope that guilt hasn't been eating you up this whole time. You deserve better..]
[New DM: But I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about you the same way this whole time]
Baekhyun felt himself relax for a moment, hoping that perhaps there would be a chance at rekindling what you once had all over again if your feeling truly were mutual.
[New DM: But I also feel like I should tell you before this conversation progresses any further... I've fallen in love with someone else...]
At that, Baekhyun puts his phone back down against the table and rests his head over his crossed over the marble counter.
And there it is...
I made the mistake of letting you go.
Baekhyun's eyes filled with drunken tears of sorrow and regret, the sound of your incoming messages making his phone buzz and the countertop vibrate.
But the exhausted and heartbroken boy did not pick up his phone again, nor was he prepared to face the conversation with you that would surely soon ensue.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that you'd moved on so quickly.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that the breakup was stupidly caused over sasaengs who'd threatened to leak your personal information online if he hadn't broken you off.
He wasn't prepared to accept not doing more with his authority.
He wasn't prepared to accept the fact that he didn't think of any other gateway to protect you, and his response was to break the beautiful relationship you once shared, and how it shattered your heart in the process.
He wasn't prepared for the worst,
losing you to someone who would now surely protect you more than he ever could.
My intentions weren't to harm you.
I wish I got to tell you this.
Instead, the oven clock in the kitchen ticked away into the night, and soft, exhausted snores eventually filled the voided air of the otherwise quiet, empty apartment.
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Heyyyy first, I want to say that I love your writing!!!
I saw this prompt in tiktok and I thought that it's kinda cute. I'm not sure if you do Larissa Weems x Reader x Marilyn Thornhill though but anyway.
Larissa and Marilyn are together. One time they're talking about how they're struggling to get a baby in their relationship. A baby as in another person they can be in a poly relationship with. Reader heard this but they thought baby like as in a child. So being close with the two, she offered advice and told them that they can help them if they needed it. Larissa and Marilyn just looked at each other and they both agreed to pursue reader and get them as their baby. It's up to you how it goes, it's totally fine if you don't write this! Thank youuu
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Innocent Offer {l. weems & m. thornhill}
summary: req above !
relationship: larissa weems x fem!reader x marilyn thornhill
extra/warning: this req is so cute 😭
You had sat on the couch in the corner of the staff room at the start of the second break and since then everyone had left to go to their next periods. You were mindlessly scrolling through your instagram when two figures walk in oblivious to that fact that you were there as well. Looking back down at your phone, you move closer to the two ladies wanting to hear what they were talking about.
"Larissa! We've tried so many times to get one, don't you just want to give up?" You looked over at the two, Larissa was scrolling through her phone whilst Marilyn had her head rested on the table.
"Trust me darling," she placed her phone down and gave Marilyn a comforting hug whilst you watched. "We will get one for our own, just have some patience." Thats when it hit you, they were trying to get a baby. Watching the two of them from your corner, you couldn't help but feel bad for the two, they deserved the world after everything they had done to help you over the years that you had worked here and now you had the opportunity to return the favour by being their surrogate. You walk over to the two and sit down across from them.
"Y/N?? How long have you been here?" Larissa looks at you in shock, making her partner raise her head to look at you.
"Long enough to hear your issue," You start not noticing the look of horror the both shared. "I understand how terrible it is too feel this way, my parents had the same issue. If it makes you feel any better I'd gladly do it for you. Think about it, and get back to me but for now I really need to get ready for my next class." and with that you stand back up and leave the room, leaving the other two speachless.
"You think she really means that?" Marilyn asks looking at her girlfriend in pure shock, already knowing that she wants you.
"Well, I really hope so otherwise I don't know what she means." A hum is the response, "But you need to go to your next class otherwise you'll be late. Let me deal with this new information for now." She finishes kissing Marilyns head softly, sighing as she watched her other half leave the staff room.
Larissa knew that her Marilyn wanted you and she couldn't deny that she thought you were attractive. Somehow she had landed herself at the door of your classroom, just able to make out you at the front of the classroom. Slipping into the classroom, she is able to stay at the back without being noticed. Watching for a few minutes before sitting down next to one of the students who quickly sat up straighter amusing Larissa.
"Can anyone tell me what Crackstones goal was?" You ask the class spontaneously, looking around for someone to answer. No hands raised and just as you were about to say it yourself a hand goes up in the back. Nodding relieved that someone was paying attention.
"He wanted the world rid of Outcasts, and it seems he failed miserably." The voice who answers makes you freeze in your tracks.
"Principal Weems? What are you doing here?" If students weren't already paying attention they were now, craning their necks to look at their Principal.
"Came to check on how you were doing. Am I not allowed to do that anymore?"
"I- of course you can! It's just you've never come to my class before." You point out causing a few students to laugh, looking down at your watch to check the time realising that there was ten minutes left. Allowing the students to leave early you walk around your desk to your cupboard
"Y/N, Did you really mean what you said earlier?" Your boss asks, as she looks down at your figure which is bent over looking for something.
"Of course! You and Marilyn deserve a child and I'd be honoured to be able to help." You smile, but it drops the moment you see Larissa's face go from curiosity to surprise. "You meant a child right?"
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mliter · 3 months
Do you know who Awni El-Dous is?
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A kid with a loving family, a lot of video games, and dreams.
One of those dreams is to become a Youtuber. He would upload videos of him playing his favorite games. Him killing it on PC games like CSGO and PUBG Mobile. He was very serious about this goal too, often coming to a distant relative of his for advice on how to make his channel better. Striving to become his competitor. Like many of us, he idolized creators that turned their passions and hobbies into careers. He wanted to be like them, having followers and fans.
Over the course of 2 years, he managed to reach one of his first goals of 1 thousand subscribers. Upon reaching this goal, he filmed a video on a bustling street in Gaza properly introducing himself & thanking those supporting him.
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"So now folks, let me introduce myself: I am a Palestinian from Gaza, aged 12 years old. The goal of this channel is to reach 100,000 subscribers. And 500,000, then 1 million, and God willing to reach 10 million subscribers with your support and love."
Awni was one of the first casualties in Israel's ongoing genocide. Killed in a strike on October 7th, 2023. As the world learned about who he was and what he dreamed of, it came together to blow him past 1 million subscribers.
A popular Kuwaiti Youtuber by the name of AboFlah caught wind of this and discovered his instagram account in a video. His mouse wanders to the direct message button, hoping that he didn't know him.
You can see the exact moment he discovered that Awni absolutely idolized him. Sending him messages that he never saw.
In tears, he reads the messages that Anwi sent him.
"You're my role model and everything I wish for. I hope you never stop posting." "I swear, i love you and love your videos. Keep going, legend!" "Nothing compares to Palestine's winter in Gaza; the atmosphere is legendary. We're drinking sahlab. It's so good. We're also eating roasted chestnuts. I hope you come to Palestine. Much love."
After this, Aboflah would use this video to ask his followers to help Awni achieve his dream, even in death. Now, his comment section is full of celebratory comments congratulating him for reaching his goal, and mourning. Wondering why a boy like this had to die.
As i said before, Awni El-Dous was a kid with a loving family, a lot of video games, and dreams. Aboflah put it best. A lot of people see themselves in Awni. I absolutely do. I was uploading videos with the same dreams as him. I felt the exact same enthusiasm he displays in his descriptions, sharing his gameplay. Boy's no different than me.
As our (western) societies discourage supporting palestine in any capacity, talking about it is the least we can do. There's many stories like this. Palestine is full of people similar to you. I thought I'd share the story that resonated with me the most. There's probably one out there that will too. Just keep talking about these people, man.
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hazywrites · 11 months
A Stark Christmas
Pairing: Robb Stark x Reader
Summary: It's your first time helping your boyfriend and his family pick out a Christmas tree, and he is very opinionated on the matter.
Warnings: Mentions of death of a family member
Words: 1,297
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47295508
AN: Hi my lovelies! I found this draft sitting on my computer untouched, and I really miss the holidays about now so I thought I'd share! This is my first time writing for Robb, but I hope you all like it. Please let me know what you think and if you'd like more holiday preferences for the GoT boys! As always, thank you for reading!
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You were currently squeezed in the middle row of the Starks’ van. Sansa was seated to your right and Arya to your left, with Nymeria between her spread legs. The arrangement left you with barely any room for your own legs, so you kicked them up onto the center console and watched as the hyperactive husky jumped onto her owner’s lap, licking Arya’s face frantically and then smushing her nose against the window until someone rolled it down for her. Sansa was busying herself trying to get the perfect angle to take a group selfie. She looked lovely in all of them, and you tried to help by striking a cute pose or two, but Arya’s side of the picture came out blurry each time due to her constant movement. Sansa settled for cropping her younger sister out of the picture, posting only the two of you to Instagram with a myriad of holiday-related hashtags. You heard Theon begrudgingly breaking up a fight between Rickon and Bran in the back row. Suddenly, you felt a ticklish sensation on the bottom of your foot and shrieked, kicking your legs so much that Nymeria got excited and jumped at you as your boyfriend, Robb, looked back at you with a devilish laugh.
“How are you liking your first Stark Christmas?” He asked from the passenger seat. You rolled your eyes.
“I love it! I liked the part where we finally arrived at our destination.” He laughed at your sarcasm.
“We are a proud family. We don’t go to Home Depot-“ he scrunched his nose as he said the words, “for our Christmas trees. If you’re going to marry me one day you gotta get with the traditions.” He said it so casually, but your stomach erupted with butterflies. You two had been dating for a year and had never talked about marriage before. You were still a bit young to be thinking about it, but just the thought that Robb saw you in his future filled you with warmth. His half-brother, Jon, also seemed to pick up on Robb’s slip-up, teasing him about it for the rest of the drive. Robb just puffed out his chest and proudly doubled down on his statement, but you spotted the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks.
When you finally arrived, Arya and the younger Stark boys had taken to chasing Nymeria through the tree lot, Jon trailing behind to make sure they didn’t get into too much trouble, while Theon tried to impress Sansa by identifying the types of pine. It was an unspoken arrangement that Robb would be choosing the Christmas tree this year. Ever since his father, Ned, had passed, the family looked to him as the man of the house. Catelyn hadn’t even had the energy to come tree shopping this year. It inspired you the way the Stark children were keeping their spirits up and keeping their traditions alive. You just worried about your boyfriend, having to be the ‘strong’ one all the time. You squeezed his hand reassuringly and he smiled, leaning over to give you a quick kiss as you two looked along the rows of trees.
“I don’t know the first thing about tree shopping,” you confessed. You’d mostly said it to distract him, but it seemed to have worked. The spacey look in his eyes was replaced by a playful, judgey one.
“Yeah, they don’t teach you that on Amazon, do they?” He unconsciously raised his left eyebrow as he spoke, a quirk you loved about him.
“It was one time,” you groaned.
“A white, plastic Christmas tree,” he recalled with disgust. “Wasn’t it one of the mini ones, too?”
“My dorm has mandates on that sort of thing,” you whined. “A real tree is a fire hazard.”
“A fake tree is a relationship hazard,” he quipped. “No girlfriend of mine gets—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” you shoved your gloved hand over his mouth, earning your palm a bite that made you yelp and drop your hand in turn. “Show me how to choose a good tree.” The corners of his lips wobbled slightly, but you watched him try to keep his expression straight.
“I don’t know,” he confessed softly. “My dad used to go on and on about it but I never really paid attention. I didn’t think I’d have to do it on my own so soon.” The winter breeze carried his last words away, a whisper floating between rows of silent pines.
“You’re not alone,” you reminded him. “You’ve got your brothers and sisters, and Theon, and your mom… and me.” You focused on the button of his jacket as you said that last part. You didn’t know if it was presumptuous to count yourself in with his family, but you’d meant it. You wanted him to know he wasn’t alone. That you were there for him. Cold gloved fingers gripped your chin and raised your gaze to meet his ocean blue eyes.
“I know that, love,” he said. For a moment, you did nothing but look at each other. His eyes, his expression was so open. It was the most vulnerable moment you two had shared, yet not a word was spoken. You dared not breathe, afraid he would close himself off again. But he didn’t. He just looked at you, speaking with his eyes.
‘I love you,’ you thought as hard as you could. ‘I’m in love with you.’
Then slowly, he leaned in, his hands slipping into your hair. Your eyelids fluttered shut instinctively; your heartbeat quickened as your icy lips met his soft, warm ones. How did he always feel so warm? You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks as Robb kissed you slowly, so slowly. His soft lips brushing your own made you feel dizzy and lit a fire inside you at the same time. Even a year in, he still made you so nervous.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. You couldn’t think of anything else. Just the feeling of him gently sucking on your lower lip and releasing it. His breath fanning your face as he sighed out. Your heart was so full of him you could burst. His hands on your waist, his eyes shut, his forehead leaning against yours for just a second before he slowly opened his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N,” he breathed softly.
“I love you,” you whispered back.
One look at your face and he was kissing you again, his lips fervently locking with your own. You reached up to caress his face but he caught your hand, cradling it against his chest.
���Hey, GET A ROOM!” Theon’s voice called out from behind you. Jon’s deep laugh followed.
“There’s children here you know! Did they even pick out a tree?!” He asked, earning more laughter from Theon. Robb groaned and your eyes fluttered open in time to watch him flip them off.
“Yeah, that one,” he gestured with his head to the tree closest to you. His eyes never left your face as you turned to look at it. It was crooked, and short, with uneven branches that drooped low. You were no tree expert, but even you could tell it was quite ugly.
“That one?” You asked, eyes widening. “Are you sure, because I know Christmas trees are super important to you, and—“
“Shut up, Y/N,” he murmured, pulling you in for another kiss that left you weak at the knees. Catelyn had raised an eyebrow when you all arrived home and presented her with Robb’s tree choice, but you had all been so busy laughing and decorating and watching films and baking that Christmas that somehow, that ugly little tree became the most perfect thing you could imagine.
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gucciwins · 2 years
His Story 
harry has a story he is finally ready to share
Word count: 13,782
A/N: hi friends! this story I got the idea for in January and it took me forever to finish. it's different from what I usually write so go easy on me. I'd love to hear your feedback. and remember that I love you
Harry Styles - The Rockstar has been loved by all. Not a single person could miss him as he had sold out tours from his days in One Direction to when he went solo. Styles started in small venues and has now built up to stadiums. Styles could be doing stadiums on every tour run, but he always seems to have new surprises up his sleeves. Styles’ biggest reminder is to his fans that he would not be where he was today without them.
And that is why many people continue to love Harry Styles because it is not only about him but the fans around him.
Today’s story is not about the rockstar. No, it’s about the father and husband that he has been for the last twenty years and not a single soul knew about (except his family and close team.)
Today on his twentieth wedding anniversary (a few days after), Styles is here, ready to share a story that no one could ever believe. How he created a family with no hint from the media? Well, we’ll find out together. 
At twenty-five, Styles became a father to twins Milan (17) and Siena (17). At twenty-eight, he became a father of four. Another set of twins. Edin (14) and Camden (14). But the most important date to Styles that changed his life is that at twenty-three, he married the love of his life. 
The question is, how did Styles hide a marriage and family for so long? Well, he can thank his wife. Everyone knows her name, no need for me to say it. She has not left the news since Harry dropped a wedding photo on his Instagram that had not been used in a few months since his last tour ended three months ago. 
Fans thought it was an album announcement, but to their shock, it was a wedding announcement. Styles left a trail of broken hearts, except everyone knew he was off the market, just never with who. Her face is always hidden, and we admire him for that.
He decided to share because he lost a bet with his children. Styles has let me disclose that it included his wife and how much money she would spend if he got her the right kind of mad. His children were adamant she wouldn’t touch a dime, and Harry was sure they’d be thousands short. 
His children won, and Harry slept on the couch for the night. Or so he says. 
There is not a single image of his children online, and he says it will stay that way until they decide. And well, the Styles children do love secrets just like their father. Styles shared that growing up not involved in that world allowed them to see their father differently. They’d seen him on stage countless times, but no one would ever see the father who stayed up to finish the last-minute science project because someone forgot to mention it or bake different types of cookies because his daughter wanted to enter a bake sale and only reminded them three nights before. 
It’s safe to say we know the rockstar and not the father, although few have had the pleasure of having him as both. 
The interview is taking place in Styles’ estate. There was a coded security and triple identification check before I was let in. Not that I minded, not one bit. I was about to do the interview of my life. 
Exiting my car, I grabbed my leather bag that had seen better days, ensuring my recorder and notepad were inside, and a few different pens were.
As I walked to the door, I tried my best to calm my nerves, I knocked on the door, and to my surprise, Mr. Styles answered. He was dressed in casual (expensive in my eyes) white linen pants with a few paint stains that were not noticeable at first glance. His top was a lovely yellow Bode button-up we saw him wear while filming “Don’t Worry Darling.” Styles’ hair was styled to perfection, and it left me wondering if he did it himself or if his management had him bring in a stylist knowing the article would be privileged one photo, and I was hoping we’d score one with his wife, but alone would work as well. 
We’d have to wait and see (unless you scroll to the bottom or flip the page, you’ll see.) 
Styles welcomed me, and to my surprise, there was not a single soul around. We heard tinkering in the kitchen as he led me to the living room, stating it was just his manager. I was taking it all in; the house was well taken care of but was lived in if the small dent on the door had any say. It didn’t have an empty feeling. There was a table by the entrance for keys and a fresh vase of hydrangeas blooming as if just picked from the ground. I looked a little closer, and it seemed there was a chip on the top of the vase. I didn’t dare ask but knew that it had a story. 
Walking into the living room, it was spacious with lots of room to sit and walk around. The first thing that caught my attention was a large mahogany bookcase that seemed to have been refurbished as part of the wall. There were an endless amount of books. It was organized in a way I didn’t understand. It wasn’t colored, it had to be authors, or by the look of the top row by the year it was published. 
On the velvet green couch that was calling for someone to sink into were two cats on a creme blanket. The all-black cat with one white boot was dozing on the blanket as the other orange, and dotted white nose was on the arm gazing at me, sizing me up, I assumed, until it rolled over, no longer finding me of interest. 
There was a large dog bed by the bookcase. I assumed they must have been running around. I secretly hoped it would make an appearance. 
As Mr. Styles offered me a seat, he settled on the couch with the cats, running a ringed hang over one, and I watched it stretch out, never opening its eyes. I sat in a love seat diagonal to him, and that’s when I caught sight of the most beautiful backyard view with French patio doors. There were flowers in full bloom as well. A rocking chair that seemed to fit two people had knitting supplies next to them, and I could only assume the couple spent lots of time there. 
Styles was very welcoming, asking me how I was and if I found the drive okay. He was easy to converse with, as if we were old friends just catching up. I expressed how much I enjoyed his last tour and how creative it had been with the stage stating it was great to see the band together. 
He joked, saying it was Sarah Jones’ band even now, stating that Mitch Rowland wouldn’t leave him alone. 
We segued into his life and if he was ready to share the story. 
Personally, I was excited. 
Professionally, I was calm and ready to listen. 
Now here is Styles to tell you his story.
 Please note that I got to hear it in person while you, the reader, get a written copy. There are some winners in life, and I’m glad to be one of them. 
I can’t believe I’m telling the story– 
As Styles is speaking, a woman with beautiful hair that rivaled anyone I knew and clothing that looked new yet well-loved adorned her body. (I would come to learn she was wearing a custom Dior. Her husband liked supplying her with the best even if she fought him on it and lost.) She set tea and water on the coffee table scattered with different poem books, many even I hadn’t heard of. 
She smiles politely before looking at her husband, “thought you’d both like something to drink. Know you like to talk.” 
I see Styles’ gaze soften as she takes him in. Styles reaches for her hand, placing a kiss on her palm before leaning into her hand. “Thank you, my heart.”
She tries to hide her flush, but I see it. It’s as clear as day how in love they are. 
Twenty years and it’s like they are the only two people in the world. 
“Hello, a pleasure to meet you.” I address her politely. 
“You as well.” 
“We have it on record you’re Dr. Styles.”
“Correct.” She confirms.
“Is that how you’d like to be addressed?” I ask courteously.
“Mrs. Styles is fine.” “Dr. Styles is good.” They both reply at the same time. They turn to look at each other sharing a look. 
Mr. Styles raises his hands, “Mrs. Styles, it is. She’s the boss.” 
“Noted, thank you.” I offer. 
“Would you like to stay?” He asks his wife.
She smiles, “I’ll be around. Can’t have you get parts of the story wrong.” 
“Because you know it perfectly,” Styles teased.
She laughs, and Styles lights up like a Christmas tree at the sweet sound. “I’m the writer, dear.” She leaned in, pressing a kiss to his forehead before he squeezed her hand, letting her walk away. 
Right, I'll begin. Our story begins in 2015 after my last show with One Direction. After that show finished, I was set to take a flight out to LA. There was a party my friends wanted me to attend, and I loved a good party. I had some time before boarding and decided I needed a book. Thankfully, there was a small bookshop I noticed, and I had about an hour to kill. I didn't have a large suitcase, only traveling with my duffel. 
There was someone with a broken carry-on, a book tag as their identification. But that wasn't what caught my attention. It was her multicolored scarf that looked well with her outfit and not like she was puked on by a kindergartener with markers. 
I knew I had to learn more, so I approached her. I felt confident. When I walked toward her, I saw she had a Bukowski book in her hand. She flipped it to the back, reading the summary, and I jumped in. 
"That's a good book."
"Is it?" 
She doesn't even look up at me, but it doesn't stop me. 
"Yes. My friend recommended it to me?" 
"Was this friend a man?"
I am getting nervous now, "yes." 
"That explains it." 
"Explains what?" I asked.
Finally, she looked up at me, and I forgot to breathe. She has the most gorgeous eyes, and they were looking at me, and I wanted to wrap her up and keep her forever. 
"What authors have you read?"
"Uhh…Bukowski, Rob Sheffield, Murakami," I listed. 
She frowns, "did you notice a problem?" 
"Well, this is a gift for a colleague. He's a reader, and well, we don't get along. I got him for secret Santa and decided to gift him a book he'd hate, but he's too polite to reject in front of others." 
"Kind of devious." 
"What are you getting him?" 
"I have just the book." 
She walks away, and I can't help but follow.
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Sure, stranger."
"Would you like to go—"
"Going to stop you right there, mister." 
She smiles; at least, I think she did. I was too busy mending my heart, trying not to panic. 
"I've got to go." 
Then she's off to pay for her book, and I lose her in the crowd. 
I think that's the end. I'll never see her again. 
Instead of trying to find her like a creep, I wallow, grabbing Alaine De Botton's book Essays in Love off the shelf. Walking to the counter, I placed my book, and the woman at the register looked at me hard. And I think she's a fan until she says there was a book I should buy. 
Joan Didion's The White Album is placed in front of me. 
"A girl with a colorful scarf. Said you had to buy it." 
I don't think twice before paying and leaving. I opened the book, and on the dedication page is writing hers, I assumed. 
It read: Not the best taste in books, but I can teach you. Know you wanted a date, so here's my number. Give me a call. 
I did, right that second. 
His wife laughs, "you did not." 
Harry turns, pouting at her, "I did." 
"You called me a day later." 
Harry lets his shoulders drop. "Fine." 
I went to my gate and read the book, deciding I needed to give it a chance if I ever thought I could stand a chance. 
Well, we didn't stop talking after that. 
We went out on a date two days before Christmas. Ice skating. Worst idea, she was good, and I was clumsy. She held my hand while I kept to the side like a child. It got to the point where she let me sit down, and she skated for a while longer, saying they had to get their money's worth. 
"Sorry to interrupt," I voice. Mr. Styles just nodded, gesturing for me to go on. "Did she know who you were? The band was huge, like them or not. Your fame was undeniable." 
Harry sighed. "She said she didn't. My wife has her doctorate. She's a professor or was for a long time. Her head was always stuck in a book, never time for new music."
I laugh, and he joins me, "she's a fan now. All that matters." 
I'd like to say we fell in love that winter. We didn't say it until Spring when the flowers came, and I was set to leave for Dunkirk in May and focused on my album. 
Have in mind we spent every day together, much to my liking, and her fake complaining of falling behind on work. Something I'd feel terrible about until she confessed, she got it done to focus more time on me. I whispered I love you, and she let me get on a plane to France, and then I didn't come home until August. I was in Jamaica obsessing over how she did not say it back.
It scared me. 
We'd talk like usual, but I was petrified while I was away in Jamaica writing my first album that she'd find someone new. Every song I've ever written is about her since we met, and it continues. 
It wasn't until I came back nicely tanned and album complete that she told me she loved me. I can assure you there were lots of tears that night. 
In case you didn't catch that—the tears were all from Mr. Styles.
After that moment, everything changed. I could not see myself without her. 
I knew if I lost her, I would not be the same. I was sure I'd never recover. 
I knew she was it for me. 
That she was meant to be my wife. 
While she had all these walls up (or so I thought)  keeping me out when in reality, I was so far in, she wouldn't let me leave, which is something I'm forever grateful for. 
End of the summer of 2016, we met each other's families. My family went first because I was so excited about sharing her, and I wanted to prolong meeting a family of six—seven, counting my wife. 
So I drove us down to Holmes Chapel, and there it was, the house I bought my mother in the town where we grew up in more secluded lots of space for flowers and future homes of cats. My wife had the best poker face, so if she was nervous, I wouldn't know it. It was not until we were well into our relationship that I learned to read her emotions like a book. The slightest nose scrunch and I would know what she was feeling. 
In the car, she'd tell me she was nervous. I always spoke of my close relationship with my sister, mum, and stepdad. While I knew very little about her family except that she had two parents, four siblings, and a grandparent who loved her fiercely. 
The trip home, to keep it short, was perfect. Everything I never thought would happen. Even more, she charmed them when my sister asked for Instagram and said she didn't use any. Something her family chastised her over for wanting to keep up with her. Then offered her number to my family, saying she'd love to be in touch. 
I was sweating, thinking she'd be closed off, but she bloomed right before me. I was ready to get down on one knee in that instant. 
She made them love her and laugh, which made me feel over the moon. I think I'm funny, but she has me beat by a long shot. Yes, so that trip solidified my love for her, as well as the deciding factor to one day marry her if that was something she wanted. 
It was.
After tackling and meeting my family, it was time to meet my wife. She was a wreck assuring me we didn't have to if I was nervous. She came from such a large family that, although they loved her, made her grow up independent and alone. That's the one thing that hurt me to find out, to know she felt alone in her childhood, having four older siblings. I couldn't imagine my life without my sister, but the same sentiment wasn't felt for her as the youngest. 
My wife grew up in Brighton in a lovely Victorian home in Hove Park that is passed down to the eldest child. My wife is the youngest, so we didn't get a free house. 
I stifle a laugh as his wife slaps his shoulder softly, causing Styles to laugh and turn to her with a large dimpled smile.
"Excuse my husband. He's forgotten how to speak to others above the age of five." 
"Rude," Styles mutters childishly. 
Back to the story, she grew up in a large home with many family members. She had a difficult time bringing me home not because I was famous but because no one bothered to ask how she had been doing. Each of her siblings had postponed the meeting, which made this day even more stressful as it had finally arrived. 
It was a Sunday afternoon; I had a bottle of wine and flowers in one hand and my wife's clammy hand in the other. Walking into her childhood home, it was easily noticeable what she spoke of. It was still her parent's home, and photos were everywhere, from the bookshelf to the door entrance. Twins mostly, and the occasional sibling photo of five. If you asked her parents, which I did, the answer was that she didn't like pictures. 
That was true because they made her feel not included. Because the girl I met loved posing for me no matter how much she blushed. I forced her more times than not because I wanted to look back at times in our life together from the start. Also to show our future children, which we have done. 
So I was ticked, but I hid it well. My wife says I have an excellent resting face. Moving on, there are hugs and handshakes. A wide smile on everyone's face saying how glad they are to meet me, asking me how I've been, all while my wife stands quiet by my side. 
I'm honestly not sure what to do. 
She looks like she wants to run out the door, and I'd follow her in a heartbeat. Instead, I shift the conversation to her, taking her coat and then my own. I focus on her and wait for her to whisper our code word. She doesn't, but I know she was close. We persevere and sit down for lunch. I held her hand the entire time as her family asked us questions about our relationship. 
There was one question my wife answered, and her mother said that she should let me answer, saying she had spoken too much already. Which was just a lie. I was ready to shout from the rooftop when I decided no, I'd had enough. So I called our safe word, of course, after giving them a few words of our own. Then we left, and my wife showed me her favorite spots growing up in Brighton. 
Mr. and Mrs. Styles grin at each other fondly. 
"Are you close to her family now?" 
Mr. Styles shrugs, "I doubt they'd read this. Don't like us." 
"Harry," Mrs. Styles gasps. "The answer is no. We aren't close. We tried, but it didn't work out. My kids have Nana and Pops, who adore them more than enough." 
Family is complicated for everyone, it seems. 
We celebrated a year in December. It was her first Christmas with us, and she never missed one after. 
"I joked her parents could have us for Thanksgiving." Harry laughs as if it was the best thing ever. "Cause she's English." 
Having celebrated a year, I was over the moon and head over heels in love. Honestly, our relationship went through lots of tests because of my job and how much traveling I do. It was hard, but she was my pillar through it all. She was there when the first single was released, cheering me on. Also was there when we shot the music video. She wanted to get up to fly as well, but there was too much paperwork, so I took her skydiving instead. 
He laughs nervously, "we can breeze past that." 
I nod and gesture for him to go on.
Then the album was released in May, and she was there. She did not fail me for a single moment in my life. I failed her quite a bit, though. We shall get there soon enough. The first show came, and my heart was there in San Francisco. At this point, we had been dating close to two years and had no sightings, so it was smooth sailing, right, nope. 
It was November. It was hometown shows, London first, then Manchester. It was then that we got our first pap photos, which was quite impressive. It took a year and eleven months. She was instantly overwhelmed.
When I was touring, she had come to a show; we went out for drinks after, and I held the door open for her face hidden. There was article after article, but we spun it to me being a gentleman holding it open for a stranger. She went back to school, and I kept touring. Checking in and calling as much as I could.
I remember thinking she'd end it. She went home, and I toured. Her calls and texts lessened. I had a few days off before heading to Asia, and I came home to her. She invited me in as I held back tears, thinking I'd been an idiot to show up, giving her the chance to break up with me. I rather her string me along than lose her all together. 
Instead, she tackled me with kisses as soon as I sat down, I knew we were okay. Told me how uni was drowning her about wishing she could join me on tour. Gosh, that might have been the best night of my life. We spoke of her worries as well as mine. She was firm about not wanting her name out there and how she was trying to build a career. I vowed to protect her. 
And well, I might have also put a ring on it then. I asked the morning after we woke up to the sun; she hated curtains. The sunrise woke her up each morning which I thought was insane, but while on tour, I always kept them open, feeling like I had a piece of her with me if I woke up when the sun did, just like her. Kicked me in the ass, but something I still do when I'm missing her like crazy. 
Yes, so on our anniversary we got married. Our close friends and family were able to make it because we were so well loved. We are thankful for a lot of people who chipped in to help. A good friend of ours got ordained for us. My mom lent us her backyard, my sister was my best woman, and her best friend was her maid of honor. 
It was the most perfect day. 
We honeymooned until she had to return to school, and no, I won't say more. I will say it was bliss, and I'd give anything to relive those times again.
Then in March 2018, I ventured off to tour once more. She would be joining me from Asia to North America. I'm not sure how she did it, but she did. Something about not having to intern that year. The thing is, she's so brilliant I feel like she was in university forever. Except she only had a year left, so she joined. I had time planned out to visit places that would help her thesis and relax her. 
We had fights, of course. It was healthy. I'd fight about the dishes, and she'd fight me, telling me it was my turn to wash the towels. Little things. Our worst fight happened when I was in Australia. 
Mrs. Styles excuses herself at this time when one of her children calls for her. Perfect timing is what I heard Mr. Styles whisper.
It was two weeks before she was due to join me when everything changed. 
I had gone out to celebrate a successful night. I only had one drink, knowing I was due to an early phone date with my wife. Except, something happened, and it put a lot of things into perspective. I was with my friends, all hanging out and phones out when this girl approached me. She was young, probably freshly eighteen, and she was giddy. When her friend pushed her trying to get us closer, she took that as a sign to kiss my lips, but I moved back, her lips landing on my neck instead. I called it a night then and there. 
What I didn't realize was how many cameras there were on us. My phone died, and I went to sleep like that with no alarm. By the time I woke up, it was too late. My wife was hurt, rightfully so. She was waiting for me, calling and calling and nothing. A friend texted her the article. I was on the cover with what looked like a girl clinging to me. She didn't believe it.
No one knew I was taken, so they assumed I was having a wild night. But I was–am a married man. I guess I was too tired to think of the consequences. Her sister gave her a call saying she was sorry. That no one deserved to be cheated on. That cracked her a bit, but she was holding hope for my phone call. It didn't come until hours later. I had talked to my manager before I talked to my wife.
I called, and it rang. 
I called five times before she answered. 
It was silent on the line. 
"Always, my heart." 
"That is me, but she brushed my neck. She stumbled into me, and I pushed her off. Nothing else." 
She was silent. 
More silence. 
"Yes, my heart." 
"I need time." 
I felt my heart shatter in two. We never had a fight and did not fix it, especially when I was not there in person. 
"No, please," I begged. 
"I'm in London. In our home, I get a call from everyone but you." 
"Let me fix it, please." 
"Then give me time. Time to mend. You missed our date that you planned." 
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I'll come home." I would do anything at this point. "I love you."
"I know, H." 
"Will I see you at Heathrow?" We were flying out together to Asia. I did not want her to do it alone, even if it meant more travel time for me.
"I love you."
And then the call disconnected. 
I was a mess. Served excellent writing material, but honestly, I needed her. I called her daily and sent her texts. She answered a few. When the day came to meet me, I wasn't sure if she was coming, and I understood if she decided not to. 
My wife surprised me, sitting on her luggage in the private lounge. I ran into her arms and cried. We held each other, assuring each other that we'd be okay. It was a few rocky days, but we made it through. As we have the last twenty years. 
While I apologized over and over again, she told me that she wouldn't leave me alone, not when she had promised that she'd stand by his side through the hard times. She might be upset with me, but not enough to stop herself from going and creating new memories together.
That December was special. We were going to celebrate our one year together as husband and wife, but my wife was finishing her Doctorate. The ceremony was significant to her. Everyone in her life had promised to come, including her parents and siblings, but that never concerned her. 
The only person she wanted to attend despite everyone going was me, and I almost broke her heart. 
Mr. Styles shakes his head, taking a deep breath before continuing with the story. 
My wife had to arrive earlier as the graduates had to prepare so her friend picked her up and I promised to meet her there in my reserved seat. I decided I could get a few hours in the studio at home. I know it was foolish of me, but I was so excited for her that I was filled with inspiration. Then a few hours go by, and I see I have plenty of time and get ready. As I am getting ready, I get a call from Mitch that it's packed and I should be parking already. 
"It starts at three. I've got time."
"No, H. She said she'd meet you at three after. This starts in less than an hour." 
Mr. Styles clears his throat. "See, she was living in Oxford finishing her degree, so I got us a small home for the time being. It was close by, and she begged me we didn't need a home when we could live comfortably in her apartment. We did for some time, but she deserved more. Back to the story." 
My eyes widen, and I grab my suit jacket and rush out of the house, starting the car. 
"I'll be there soon. Promise." 
"It's not me you gotta promise." 
I know this. I do.
I say a silent prayer in hopes of making it on time and hoping she wouldn't learn about my foolish mistakes. 
Traffic is not awful, but the worst happens as I am close to arriving at her university, and my car breaks down. I have no concern about dealing with that. So instead, I call up a friend who can come meet the tow truck, and I grab my suit jacket and begin to run, hoping for once I am not recognized as I have somewhere important to be. 
More than ever, I don't want to fail her. 
I'm not sure how I did it, but I see Mitch waiting for him, a classic frown on his head as he shakes his head at me. 
"It's full there. No way you make it to your seat unnoticed." 
I sigh, "shit." 
"Jeff has seats towards the back, or we can stand." 
"Let's stand." 
I was officially the worst husband, all she wanted today was to be able to see me in my seat, but all she would see was the reserved sign. 
I shot her a text and hoped she'd see it before they called her name. Now all I had to do was wait to see her after and hope she'd forgive me for being late for the most important date of her life. I was proud and nervous and shaking from how in awe I was of my wife. She was brilliant and passionate in her learning, allowing her to reach her goals, and I was proud to be by her side witnessing it. 
The list of names was long, and I was tired of waiting. I was ready to see her in the full robe with bell-shaped sleeves. The body of the robe was made from scarlet cloth, and the facings down the front of the gown and sleeves were a blue satin.  
She had come all excited, ready to show me, stripping off her coat and throwing it on the floor instead of hanging it up like she always did. The bag it came in was dropped on the floor as she quickly assembled the pieces and put them on. 
The smile on her face was contagious, and soon tears were running down my face. She looked gorgeous, and I was so proud of her accomplishments. I saw how hard she worked and all the hours she put into her research. The publications and rejections, and she never faltered. All while supporting my dreams and endeavors.
It felt like ages for her name to be called, but when they finally did, I was the first to let out a loud cheer, our friends joining in soon after. She moved across the stage, standing tall, shaking hands, and received her diploma that we'd proudly display in our home until we moved it to her office when we moved into our forever home. 
I watched her glide across the stage, graceful and angelic. As she looked out into the crowd, she looked around for only a second before I felt her eyes land on me. There was so much love pouring out of me I knew she could see it. She didn't even quirk an eyebrow at my new position. Instead, she blew a kiss and made her way off the stage. 
The next hour was impossibly slow, I had to wait to have her in my arms, but I was counting down the minutes. As soon as all the graduates were released, I rushed outside with Mitch and the rest of our friends who were there supporting my partner, my heart. Strolling too slow to my liking was my wife and her two friends by her side. One by one, they hugged her before moving toward their family, leaving her to walk down towards me with the biggest smile. 
"H," she breathed out. 
I was overwhelmed seeing her in her regalia. It was clear she was glowing after years of hard work. Her biggest dream had been achieved, and I got to be at her side cheering her on. 
I took her in my arms, breathing in her familiar scent, happy to have her in my arms. I am so proud. I'm pleased to be here supporting her as she has done for me countless times. 
"You're an idiot, but you're mine," she tells me as she presses a kiss on my cheek.
"You're not mad," I gasp. 
She shakes her head, a giant smile on her face. "You'll make it up to me. I already know." 
I hug her tight, "always, forever." 
"Let's go get some photos and then eat. I'm starving," she tells me after greeting all their friends and linking her arm with all their friends falling behind. 
"Anything the Doctor wants, the Doctor gets." 
"The following year was nothing but bliss. I was working on the next album, and my wife was working as a professor. It seemed that I started writing Fine Line as soon as my first album was finished. We were settled comfortably in life, having a daily routine where she cooked us breakfast, we texted at lunch, and I had dinner prepared when she walked through the doors." Mr. Styles sighed, lost in thought. "Every moment with her is unforgettable." 
2019 had been rushing by, and I was eager to release the album. My wife helped me choose the single, one of her favorite songs. The music video was fun to shoot, and I was glad I was able to convince her to join me in the video. December has become a big month for us, and it seemed fitting that I wanted the next album in that month. 
On December 13, my second album would be released, and it was all planned out perfectly. That's when life hits you with the unexpected. A few days before "Lights Out" was set to be released, while fans were finding "Do you know who you are" murals, I was sitting against the bathtub holding my wife's hand as we waited for the timer to ring that would let us check the five pregnancy tests she had taken to see if she was pregnant. 
To see if we were going to become parents. 
I didn't see it coming, and neither did my wife. She had felt sick and thought it was just a common cold. I was quick to look after her making her tea and my mum's famous chicken soup she loved. Except as soon as she took a single bite, it had her rushing into the restroom as she puked into the toilet. I held her hair back, telling her it'd be okay. When I rushed to the kitchen to get her sparkling water to settle her stomach, she leaned against the bathtub pregnancy test on her lap.
I stop right in front of her, taking in the small tests that have the power to change our life. 
"Do you–"
She shrugs, "I haven't made you make a chocolate visit to the store yet." 
"Do you want to do them?" 
She nods, "I think we should." 
I told her to take all five, so we could be sure. Those ten minutes were the longest of my life. Not a word was said, not because we were upset but because we were processing it. There was so much coming our way that starting a family was not in the plans so soon. 
After my alarm rang, we both got up quietly. I stayed a few steps behind her, letting her have the first look. I was too nervous to see the results because, as busy as we were, I wouldn't be able to hide my disappointment if we weren't pregnant. 
That October, when my single was released for my second album, I was at the clinic for our first ultrasound. I heard our child's heartbeat and cried because our family was growing. I cried because my wife gave me the best gift I could ever receive. Our lives were changing, and I was ready. 
It was in November when everything changed. She was three months pregnant, and we were going to another appointment. I ensured she always had enough water and was taking her vitamins. She pouted when her jeans stopped fitting, claiming they ruined the sense of style she had adopted. She transitioned to wearing oversized hoodies and my new favorite dresses at all times. 
"You know, I think this baby is growing too fast," she tells me as we wait for her name to be called.
I laugh, looking down at her hands and rubbing her stomach gently. "Why is that?"
"I'm huge," she exclaims quietly to me. "They say you shouldn't pop until around your fifth month. I'm at four." 
I can sense her worry and kiss her forehead. "Every pregnancy is different, my heart. You know that."
She grumbles under her breath, and I know I said the wrong thing. "Would it make you feel better if we asked the Doctor?" 
"Then we will." 
Soon we were called back, and I helped her change into the hospital gown and then settled the blanket over her as they waited for the doctor to come in. Not long after, Dr. Strand comes in with a faint smile and a clipboard in hand. 
"Hello, parents, how are you doing?"
After the initial questions, the ultrasound begins, and just like the first time, I can't help but tear up. That's our baby we're hearing and seeing. That's the baby my partner and I created, and she is nurturing and growing for us. 
"What?" I asked, panicked. 
"It explains why you feel like you're growing quickly." 
I'm confused but let Dr. Strand continue. She moves around a bit before pointing toward the screen. 
"There are your babies. They're kicking." Dr. Strand tells us. 
I look in awe, then she moves her hand to another blob. "This is baby B, who was hiding behind baby A." 
"Two babies," I breathe out. 
The smile on my wife's face is enormous. It's as if she knew her mother's intuition had already started working. 
"A and B. Next visit, we can check genders if you wish." She waits for a response, but we're taking a moment to let it sink in that we're having two children and not one. 
My wife has tears streaming down her face, and I know my face mirrors the same. I take her hand in mind pressing kiss after kiss. 
"Our babies," she whispers. 
"Ours," I responded. 
"We don't want to know. We'll wait. That okay, H?" She responds for us.
I nod because it doesn’t matter. I love them so much, and I know I'll love them even more, when I finally get to hold them in a few months.
We didn’t immediately tell our families. Maybe it was nerves but also wanting to keep it ours for a moment longer. There were only so many times my wife could pull off the lazy look before our friends and family got suspicious. 
Before the album dropped in December and we began to prepare for Night Only, I had decided it was time. My wife encouraged me to do it sooner, but I wanted to hold off because I knew it would not be an easy conversation. Jeff, of course, didn’t take the news well. We had just announced Love on Tour Europe and North America. Touring would become more challenging but not impossible, is what he told me. 
Except I wanted to push back the tour a bit as she was due the month tour started. There was nothing more I wanted than to be by her side for the first few months. It was a lot of back and forth, but I stayed firm on my answer. I was meant to be by my family’s side. 
December 13th was a perfect day. I had my wife in the audience of a sold-out show. My idol Stevie Nicks came out to sing a song with me. There was nothing better than the album release. Well, almost, telling my family about the pregnancy was next because she was showing now. It meant everyone had to be more protective and vigilant, making sure to never get a camera in a shot that had the potential of being released. My mum cried tears when finding out it was twins, my sister claimed dibs on being the best aunt ever (there was no doubt she would be), and my friends told me it was only a matter of time. 
A month before my babies were born, the tour postponement was announced. It was chaos, but I was in bliss, hiding away at home with my pregnant wife awaiting our children’s arrival. I knew soon enough I’d have to face it, but now I was happy to be at home. 
Mr. Styles laughs as he thinks of the next part of his story. 
My wife comes from a family of twins. She’s not a twin and the only one to have twins. Perfect she is. I’m fortunate. She never lets me forget it either. 
Mr. Styles pauses to have some coffee that his wife made for him. He expressed how the drink was perfect when she made it, and then he tried to recreate the cup when she wasn’t there, which turned out awful. 
“I use a secret ingredient,” she shares, squeezing her husband’s hand. 
Mrs. Styles returned to join us to continue the story by Mr. Styles’ side. 
“The twins were the reason you postponed tour, right?” 
“Yes, and I got a lot of heat from it.” 
“From the fans?” 
He nods, “and my management. Think the only support I got was from my wife.” 
She laughs, “it was unexpected, but twins alone, I’m not sure I would have survived.” 
“My wife comes from a family of twins, and she’s the only one who doesn’t have one, so you can imagine our surprise when we find out we’re expecting two.”
“A joy you can’t describe, I imagine.”
“Right, again.” 
As the due date got closer and closer, I got more worried and anxious. Making sure she was always eating and resting. Never doing anything she wasn’t supposed to. Never lifting a finger. It was nice being able to care for her, but my wife was over it. She hated that I did everything for her, from helping her shower to sitting on the couch. 
The date loomed close, and then it passed. No signs of our babies coming. We feared them coming too soon, but it seemed they loved being with their mum a bit too much. Dr. Strand assured us it was customary to give it a few days. It was three a.m., and I had just fallen asleep after my wife made me stay up to watch the Harry Potter movies again. As much as I love them, I needed a break. She assured me she’d be fine until I woke up to her yelling for me from our bathroom. She held her stomach with a smile as she stared down at the puddle on the floor. 
“They’re ready.”
I felt my heart speed up and moved to grab her, wanting her to step away from the liquid in fear of her slipping. I kissed her, and it was perfect. We were officially becoming a family of four. It would no longer just be us. 
I was ready. 
“Let’s go have our babies, my heart. We waited long enough.”
After a long eight hours, at eleven a.m. Milan and Siena were born only two minutes apart, giving no time to recover, both eager to come into the world. No moment in my life could be rivaled by seeing our children placed in my wife’s arms. To see her stare at our children full of love knowing she was already the best mother. I knew we were in for the best adventure of our life. 
We were full of nerves when we were allowed to go home a few days later, but I knew we’d be just fine. The guests were endless. My mum spent time with us to my wife’s and I joy as she reminded us to sleep and eat because otherwise, we’d spend every moment just staring at our babies that were already beginning to change. 
Once Milan and Siena turned six months old, it was time to return to work. Not in the studio but for my second film, Don’t Worry Darling with Florence Pugh, directed by Olivia Wilde. At this point, we were naturals at changing diapers and getting them to sleep. It was not easy, but together it was possible. Taking them to Los Angeles to film for a few months would be stressful because the paparazzi were more ruthless. Thankfully, Mitch and Sarah were here, and my wife knew she had people in her corner that would help whenever she called. I remember she surprised me on set one day, left the twins with Jeff and his then fiancé, now wife Glenne, and I had the best time with her in my trailer. 
Mrs. Styles slaps his arm, making Mr. Styles burst out laughing, “it’s not like I could show her off like I wanted to. So I hid her for the day.” 
She rolls her eyes, looking at me, “I was not hidden. Those NDA’s were solid. I met the director and his co-star Florence Pugh.”
“Who you’re good friends with now,” I state. 
“All thanks to me,” Mr. Styles says proudly. 
“Yes, all thanks to him. I also met Chris Pine. I could have talked with him for hours,” she confesses. 
“Hey, now!” Mr. Styles acted offended. We all know it’s an act. 
“While Harry was off filming and Chris wasn’t needed, we were found at catering exchanging books he had in his trailer and that I had brought with me.” She gushes. It's apparent books are a big passion of hers. 
“They formed a book club.” 
Mrs. Styles leaned in close, poking his cheek. “Don’t act jealous. You joined the club, as did Gemma.”
“Chan,” Mr. Styles added. “Sorry, Gems, my sister.” 
“Shall we continue?” I asked.
Having her on set was a joy because she saw me work on a new job, something she’d never seen me do before. It was a new world for us, but we managed well. I was grateful she allowed me to work and followed me to Los Angeles because her career was just as important to me. The thing is, she had ample opportunities in Los Angeles as well. Our schedules were busy, but our children always came first. Something we both remembered during every commitment we signed up on. 
Filming was going to happen through the new year, and we were okay with that. New Year to us could happen anywhere as long as we were together. We had friends here in the city who always welcomed us with open arms, except we only reached out to a select few that knew about our kids. It’s a secret we wanted to keep for a long time, and so far, we are managing it well. 
In January, I officiated my best friend and manager's wedding, and it was a family affair. Sadly the twins were not in attendance, but they were in the best hands with my mum and sister. It was a fun night. Mum and dad got the day off. I woke up to a lovely view–of my balcony overlooking the ocean. The newlyweds did pick a stunning location. 
I continued working on the film after. Long days too long nights with the twins. There were many challenges where we’d want to go out on a stroll together but feared being seen, so she’d take them on her own. It was a Saturday, and I was convinced no one would spot us. There was a farmer’s market we were strolling through, the twins napping, not a care in the world about the chatter going around them. My wife stopped at every stall, sampling marmalade and fresh fruit and even buying handmade baby clothes with little bees and, as she said, “were too cute to resist.” It was when she left me with the pram that someone recognized me. Her attention is caught by a sample of cherries, her weakness. I smiled at the person who spotted me, trying to make myself look unapproachable but to no avail.
“Hi Harry,” the young fan greeted. They had a tight hold of their tote bag, obviously nervous but not as nervous as I was at the moment. 
“Hello, how are you?” I shifted my feet, moving an inch away from the sleeping bubs.
 “Good. I just wanted to tell you that, uh,” the fan looked away, obviously overwhelmed. 
“You alright?” I asked, knowing I’ve had similar experiences and still do when I meet one of my idols. 
“Yeah, uh. Good. I’ve just looked up to you for a long time. I’m glad you’re taking time for yourself.” 
I’m not sure what to say, I knew the fan reaction wasn’t positive, but this was kind. I felt good for putting my family first. Before I could reply, my wife returned at a slower pace, sunglasses and hat on her head disguising her face. 
“Thank you for watching the pram.” My wife thanks me as if I’m just another kind stranger she found on the street, and I know she saw me speaking with the fan. I’m thankful for her quick thinking. 
“Glad I could help, precious babies you have,” I tell her with a small smile.
“My sister needed a day off, and I’m happy to give it to her.” She tells him. “Good day.” She offers one last smile to me and the waiting fan.
As I finish signing the fan’s journal, and sigh with relief when she doesn’t ask for a photo. I keep walking, trying to make it seem like I’m interested in what the vendors offer, but I’m dying to go back to my wife, who I know is waiting in the car a few streets away. 
When I got back to the car, my wife had the car on and was listening to my album, Milan and Siena, now wide awake, both with a bottle my wife was holding up for them. 
“This is the life, huh?” She joked. 
Except, it was. The life we are building together is the life I have always wanted since the moment she walked into my life.
After wrapping in February, we headed home for a month's break. March was eventful in our home as Siena took her first steps, and Milan said his first word, “mum,” to no one’s surprise but my own. I was rooting for that first word to be “dad,” but it seemed my wife won him over. A few days after Milan, Siena began tom, but she didn’t say mum or dad. No, our little one said milk. That sounded more like “ilk,” but we understood. Milan started walking as well; wanting to follow his sister around was much easier on two feet than crawling.
I began filming My Policeman in April. My family was thrilled we were home. There was always someone dropping by to visit my wife with a cooked meal or wanting to cuddle the twins. I felt relaxed going to work, knowing constant people were checking in on her. Not that she needed it, I know she liked being home with them, but it could get overwhelming with two babies to look after. My wife made it look easy. She was a true superhero. 
During the start of filming, Milan and Siena celebrated a significant milestone, turning one year old. It was a small party with our family coming down and showering them with presents. Gemma brought them each a cake of their own. That they happily smashed into; the photos are a favorite of mine to look back on; my wife quickly had them framed up around the house. Being part of these milestones is important, and I’m glad to be there for each one.
Thankfully, My Policeman took around two and half months to film, and it was right at home. It was quicker than I anticipated, but I enjoyed getting to know the cast, especially getting to work closely with Emma and David.
“Did you bring your wife to set again?” I pause him to ask. 
Mr. Styles smirks, looking at his wife before turning back to face me again. “She asked me to take her because she wanted to meet Emma. She was a big fan of The Crown, especially of Emma. 
“He’s not wrong. Emma is lovely.” She adds in, clearly embarrassed by how she shoves him lightly. His giggles die down as he presses a kiss on her cheek. 
I finally finished filming, and my team was excited because it meant I would be back on the road again. I was excited; the twins were old enough to travel more easily. They loved being on a plane. We learned either they were looking out the window or sleeping peacefully. 
It was time for Love on Tour. Everyone had waited long enough, and as much as I love my family, my wife knew I was buzzing to be on stage again. As much as my wife loved her job as a professor, she knew it was time for a change. She began to write her book as well as write more journal articles. 
“Can you read this over, H?” 
I dry my hands on the kitchen towel, taking a seat next to her, trying to see what she needs me to read, knowing fully well she has a long list of colleagues and friends she can shoot this to in a quick email.
“I wasn’t alive in 1868, so I don’t know how much help I could give you.”
“Dork,” she mutters as she pushes the laptop over, giving me a proper look for the article she’s written about Frederick Bacon Barwell. Everything makes sense. All I input is erasing her last period and then adding it back because I know it will get her to laugh, and it does. 
“Right, that means you’d have to include me as partial editor.”
“Who should I send the check out to for all your hard work?” She sasses back.
“My wife handles that. I’ll put you in contact.” 
“Dork,” she repeats once again. 
“And all yours.” 
Love on Tour 2021 kicks off in Vegas, and it’s a whirlwind. It’s a weird schedule we settled on, but it works. We travel on the tour bus and private plane when absolutely necessary. The twins run around as they please between my dressing room to Mitch and Sarah’s, where their small bubba is still on the younger side compared to the one-year-old twins. The best of cousins already, as they loved sharing their toys with him. It’s a big reason we hired Melinda, a nanny that helped with the children, because my wife could handle two but three well. That was just asking for too much. 
The kids liked being in the audience with their giant headphones watching me on stage, not that we did it often. I still thought they were too small and curious for their own good to be out there long. As long as I knew they were watching and hearing me backstage, it was all okay. 
On days off or travel days, I made sure to give my wife the afternoon to herself to get work done or take a more extended bath than she usually would. She’s doing so much for me, and I wanted to do the same. She got a lot of work done as the months followed, and as the tour was coming to a close, she was just as close to finishing her book that would soon be sent to her editor and published soon after the revisions. It was a long process, but I was proud, and she knew that.
Winding down from the tour, we celebrated four years of marriage in December. We took a weekend trip away from the twins to celebrate. I took her to Italy, as it’s one of the first places we traveled to when we first got together. It was a magical month, as December usually is.
The New Year went by quickly, the twins having the most fun getting to dress up and make new year wishes with us. All I could ask for was happiness and health for my family. It’s a wish that stays constant in my life. For my birthday that year, I got the best surprise. 
My wife had planned a surprise party at home with our close friends and family. The twins had no idea what we were celebrating, but they were over the moon when they got to smash the cake in my face. When everyone had gone home, and Siena and Milan were sleeping peacefully in bed, my wife decided to give me my present. I had waited all day for it, knowing she always manages to surprise me each year, and this year she might have topped it. 
Inside a box that I tried my best not to rush opening, making my wife laugh as she could tell how nervous I was, and it wasn’t until I took off the lid that I saw three pregnancy tests with a single sonogram inside. 
“My heart, this isn’t funny,” I whispered, but I knew it wasn’t a joke. I knew what I was looking at and was just in disbelief. 
“It’s real, H. I’m pregnant.” She promised me. 
“Our baby is in there?” I ask, resting my hand on her stomach. The tears are now falling quickly, and I’m not bothered to wipe them away.
“Yeah, think we’ll get another pair?” She asks me.
“I hope so,” I answered honestly, and I did. We struggled a lot with twins, but we are a team, and we could do anything together.  
We did not share the news with our family for a few months, wanting to be in the clear when we announced it. My wife and I got to enjoy the first months to our enjoyment and not having to discuss the morning sickness she was going through. It was the day before Mother’s Day, and my wife had an appointment where we’d get to see how the baby or babies were doing. My wife was positive we were having twins again, but I wasn’t sure. 
How lucky could we be? 
And, as always, my wife was right. Dr. Strand showed us two heartbeats and two blurred beans in the ultrasound. My wife assured me that was the best Mother’s Day gift she could have received. It was the best present for me as well. It also meant we’d have even more spoiling to do when tomorrow is her special day. 
Time moved as quickly as it felt because soon it was April, and I was releasing a new single for my new album Harry’s House. It’s funny because many fans listened to the lyrics and guessed I might have a secret family, but they all shut each other down quickly. Leaving things up for interpretation is always much more fun. We were in for a busy time as I would now be touring in Europe throughout my wife’s pregnancy, and there were people we had to tell, but we started with the most important. Milan and Siena. 
We sat Milan and Siena down to tell them the news. 
“Mummy and Daddy have something they want to share,” I told Siena and Milan.
Siena and Milan stared at each other nervously, bouncing in their seats. They could tell how nervous we were or how nervous I was. They never expressed wanting more siblings when they had each other. 
“Mummy’s pregnant,” I told them as my wife placed her hands over her belly, her shirt lifted so our children could see the bump starting to bulge out. 
“Baby?” Milan asked.
“That’s right, sweetie.” My wife smiled at him, “there are two babies.” 
Siena held up two fingers. “I’m two.” 
I chuckled, “that you are. Now two babies are growing in your mum’s tummy just like when she had you.” 
They lose their attention soon after that when Teddy comes to lay in their lap. My wife and I turn to stare at each other and just laugh. It couldn’t have gone any better. 
April rolled in, beginning a new era for me professionally. I was releasing the first single for my third album. There was a tiny hint to my family, but it seemed no one thought anything more of it. I was thankful. Even better, we celebrated the twins’ second birthday, which was an ever bigger affair than the first. The presents doubled, and the cakes only got bigger. 
It was becoming one of our best years, but there were still many logistics to figure out with my wife being pregnant and the Europe tour ending close to her due date where she would no longer be able to travel with me. My wife was calm about all this while I was close to losing my head. I loved having her on tour, but it wouldn’t be possible past July. I didn’t want to leave her alone, pregnant and with our rambunctious toddlers. That’s when I realized just how much my wife was loved because my mum insisted she’d move in for the time being while I was away, and everyone else promised to swing by, allowing her time to herself but also for her not to be stressed out. 
Harry’s House was written for my wife, not that all my other albums were not. This one held more of her story that I allowed myself to write and share with her. Matilda is a song we both got attached to because it speaks of all she went through, something I would never understand but to show her that I listened and that I was there for her. I was thankful she allowed me to share my heart about something so personal with the world. Especially seeing how everyone reacted to the song. I knew she was proud of me, but I was prouder of her for continuing to choose me every day. 
I began in Glasgow at Ibrox Stadium to kick off my return to Europe. A sold-out stadium of over 50,000 people came to see me. It was surreal. It’s something the team pushed, saying we were ready, that I was ready. The nerves I got before on stage were like never before. My wife was there by my side, and Milan and Siena were with my mum, whom we’d be seeing in Manchester in a few days for my home show. Walking out that day, I was proud because I’d accomplished so much, and this was something else to add to the list, but I knew nothing would top the fantastic family I had created. 
My wife and I say goodbye in Sweden as she flies home with Glenne and my sister to ensure she arrives safely. She wanted to go by train, but that was a big no for me. I prefer her to get home quickly in a few hours. While she prepared for the arrival of our second set of twins, I was finishing off a tour. I was enjoying every moment, but as soon as I got off that stage, I was on the phone checking in with her wanting to hear about how annoying they were today because she had to pee so much. She told me all about how the twins put on a talent show for her, and she recorded it so I could see it. Every day was a countdown until I could be home again. 
After that final show to end the Europe leg, I was on the first flight home to my wife and my kids. I arrived in the early hours of the day. To my surprise, they were all cuddled in our king-size bed that I fought my wife on, stating it was too much space, but now I could see it was enough as Siena and Milan took up two-thirds of the bed while my wife slept on her side her pregnancy pillow at her side, the only thing that allows her to sleep. 
My beautiful family and soon to add two more. Little did I know that a day after I arrived, the twins would decide to grace us with their presence. It was dinner time. We all finished eating when Siena shouted, “Mummy, you spilled water.” My wife standing with no cup in her hand or around her, looked down to see the floor wet and knew that her water had broken. 
“Oh my.” My wife braced herself against the table as she felt a contraction hit her. I hurried to her side, doing my best to have her follow my breathing just like the birthing classes taught us. “Call your sister.” 
“On it,” I shouted. “Kids, Auntie Gemma is coming. Mummy and I have to go now.”
It all seemed to be happening so fast, but twelve hours later, Edin and Camden Styles were welcomed into the family. Gemma brought them along, eager to be reunited as a family. I helped them up one by one on the bed as my wife held Edin and Camden like a pro from the practice she got from Siena and Milan. Siena seemed amazed at the small wrapped babies, while Milan only wanted cuddles from his mother, not a care for his younger siblings. A perfect day indeed.
2022 into 2023 was my longest year. I did Harry’s House residency starting in Canada in August and not ending until March. It was a lot. There was lots of joy, but it was also hard to explain to the kids when they’d be at home again to see their Nana and her cats. Edin and Camden were doing excellent; my wife worried about traveling with them so young. My wife didn’t join me until my New York residency began because she wanted them to be a little bigger and stronger and get the doctor’s clearance. When I saw them again, I felt like they all got bigger. Siena was not taller than Milan, and Camden had stretched out. Edin has now grown more hair and was beginning to resemble mine. 
My wife was a true superhero. She looked amazing as if she’d been doing this all her life. Once we were alone that first night, she confessed she was tired. That she didn’t want to do it without me. I appreciated her honesty, and with the help of everyone around us, we made it work. To this day, I know we could have conquered the world together, but we didn’t have to. 
After the longest year, I decided to take a break. It’s one that I owe to my family. I wanted to give them stability and the chance to get to know the city they call home and see family we’d been far away from. While I worked on small projects, my wife got back into work, having postponed a lot due to our children. She’d constantly work on research articles when she had the time, but now I was giving her the opportunity to go back to her career just as she had given me. 
I was the stay-at-home dad. Spent all day with our children was excellent, and as much as I knew they loved me, all our kids adored her. They swore a kiss from her would fix all their problems. And they would. A kiss always fixed all of mine. We grew together as a family, building a routine, planting in the garden, and dancing in the kitchen. Our children only made us fall in love even more. 
Life went on, children grew, I wrote and released music, my wife furthered her research, and before we knew it, our tenth wedding anniversary was upon us. 
“You renewed vows?” I was surprised. 
Mr. Styles chuckles, “we did. Thought it should be a whole family affair now that we’re a family affair of six and would not be adding more.” 
“When did you decide you wouldn’t have more children?” 
Mrs. Styles sighed, “think it was more me. I liked that they were in pairs. No matter what, they’d always have someone to rely on for everything in life.” 
“Also, her favorite number is six,” Mr. Styles chimed in. “We thought it was a sign.” 
Our vow renewal was a private affair; it was us, our kids, my family, and close friends. There were less than twenty of us. If we want to be specific, it happened in Italy, the Amalfi Coast. The kids dressed up, all wanting to dress with my wife because she had the surprise dress, and well, my suit was nice but nothing compared to her. Edin, five at the time, walked with Milan (7). Camden (5) and Siena (7) walked together. We trusted the older siblings to walk the young ones because they were known to get distracted and wonder if they didn’t have one of their siblings at their side. I can proudly say I cried when they all walked down the aisle right into my arms. They stood by my side as we waited for my wife and their mother to make her entrance, and what an entrance it was. 
As my wife made it down to us, her family, I had tears streaming down my face because I knew how lucky I was to have her in my life. That the life we had created was magical and perfect. Everything we ever dreamed of, and I’m glad we could keep it ours. We partied all night–well until the kids passed out at eight, and we followed soon after. We know we could have had someone take them for the night, but it was perfect because we were together. 
Now life was not as easy as I described it. Well, at least I didn’t make it that easy. It seemed that no matter what I did, I was always in some new article or making recent headlines. The rumors were getting to me, and I had enough, and I told my wife as much.
I found her sitting on the couch watching the telly and tossed a few magazines on our coffee table that she didn’t even bat an eye at. 
One again ignored. 
“My heart?” 
That is when I noticed she was hiding her face in the blanket, laughing to see how long I’d realize. I grumbled how ridiculous she was, but the smile on my face said otherwise. 
“There’s more headlines.” 
She shrugged and laughed them off. 
“What if they’re true?” I asked. 
She looked at me, all joy wiped away from her way, “you would be wearing that ring right there.” She pointed to the wedding ring I wore proudly, never taking it off and fans not thinking more of it. 
I let all my emotions go and cried on the couch. All these emotions weighed me down, and I wanted it to end. I just wanted to enjoy performing and coming home to my family without talking about who I’m seen with or lack of. 
“I hate them. I do,” I whispered, my head in her lap as she brushed her hand through my growing curls. 
“It’s why you protect our kids and me,” she reminded me.
“With my life.” 
Stadiums were a fun part of my life. My wife joined me, and so did the kids. It was a wonderful summer seeing all these fantastic venues I only ever dreamed of doing on my own. We built a scrapbook of the children at all the arenas and stadiums they’ve been to because we want them to look back at this. To see that they had a large part in my career journey. I always put them first and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
As I watched my four children get older, I grew more protective and nervous. I was definitely the stricter parent, if you could believe that. My wife had that special relationship with them that if something ever happened, they’d go to her first. 
“Mum’s a doctor, dad, and you sing on stage.” Siena had told him when he asked her one day. 
I sighed, knowing they weren’t wrong. They usually weren’t. 
All children make mistakes, and they’ve gone through their fair share. Now I won’t share any because they are my children, which would invade their privacy. I will tell you now that my oldest are seventeen and off to uni. My youngest are fourteen and are staying home with us for a few more years. The one thing I’ve always asked of my children was to be themselves and vulnerable. That we’d always be there, even more so as they got older. The reminder that they’d never be alone. 
“My wife is heartbroken that Milan and Siena are leaving us.” Mr. Styles confesses with a hidden smile. 
His wife elbows him lightly in the stomach, causing him to jump and shuffle closer to her instead of away. He really gravitates towards her. “You cried when they told you they were leaving. 
Mr. Styles mocks offense, “she’s not wrong.” 
I laugh, enjoying the banter happening in front of me. Mr. Styles focuses his attention back on the story. 
The pride and joys of my life are my four children. Each one is different and forever teaches me more about life, and I thought I had learned it all. Milan has taught me to listen and never rush someone if they aren’t ready. Siena taught me that I didn’t need to have all the answers as long as I showed them support. Edin showed me the importance of always showing up. Camden proved to me that although I wasn’t ready to be a dad, it was the best decision I ever made. These are my life lessons, and I know they’ll only continue to teach me more.
Ultimately, I’m proud. There is a lot of love and trust. It’s something we taught them from a young age because all though we were keeping the biggest secret, we wanted them to know the importance of telling the truth. Each of them is independent, saying they want to take after my wife, who stands tall on her own, but with her family at her side, only shines brighter. 
“Now we’ve caught up to the original timeline, so to say.” Mr. Styles shrugs as if what he just spoke about for the last hour won’t shake the entire world. “I’m in love, and I couldn’t be happier.” He giggles, holding up his wife’s hand proudly. 
I can’t hold back my laugh because it’s a declaration many people make when first going public with a relationship. Mr. Styles statement is true. His happiness radiates off of him. I haven’t stopped smiling since I was welcomed into his home. 
“Please know this will be the last I speak of my family,” Mr. Styles states firmly. 
“World’s best-hidden secret,” I tell him honestly.
“And I wouldn’t change it for the world,” he vows. “Also, if you had my wife as a professor, specifically class of 2017 when she was a TA. Thank you for keeping our secret.” Mr. Styles laughs as he shares that small bit of information while his wife hides her face in his shoulder. 
I sit back in shock. “People knew?” 
Styles shakes his head, “like five people who loved visiting her office hours.” 
Mrs. Styles laughs, lost in the memory her husband brought up. “Still speak with a few of them. One is an orthopedic doctor, another a neurosurgeon. Another is a best-selling author.” 
It’s wonderful to hear the impact she had. 
“What’s your career like?” I couldn’t help but ask.
She smiles, grateful, “this isn’t about me.” 
Mr. Styles grins, kissing her cheek. “My wife is brilliant. She’s got so many degrees under her belt as well as a published book. Doctor of Arts. She works with paintings. Discovered an old one and got to write all about it since it was her specialty.” 
“Tell them,” Styles encourages. “This new job has us traveling on her part for a few weeks, and the kids enjoy it. I do too.”
Mrs. Styles sits there trying to hide her flushed face, “my husband is very proud, but I’m retired.” 
“Lies, she works—” A hand flies to cover his mouth.
“Don’t need people flooding my workplace.” 
I chuckle, “well, it’s wonderful to hear about your work. Art is valuable in both of your lives, from music to paintings.” 
“Thank you.” She answered graciously, knowing I was eager to pry some more, and her husband was close to doing so. 
“Anything else you want to share, Mr. Styles?” I ask, having wrapped up the last of my questions. 
Mr. Styles shrugs, “no, everything else will stay mine.” 
“Very well.” 
We all stand up from the couch as they lead me to the door. 
“Dad! Mum!” Someone yelled from the top of the stairs. 
“So close,” Mr. Styles mutters to his wife. 
“Walking our friend out the door.” 
“Can we meet them?” A soft voice asks. 
I spot a head of curls pop from the side of the stairs, and I see that Mrs. Styles approaches them. 
“Mum, she interviewed all the Bake-off contestants this season.” 
I’m biting back a laugh because, of course, they’re fans of a well-loved show by all. Who knew that would have put me on the children's radar? 
Mrs. Styles stares at her husband, saying the decision is in his hands. 
He mumbles a low “for fucks’s sake.” 
“Yes, it’s fine.” He turns back to me. “Are you alright with that?” 
“Only if you are.” I tried my best to assure him. 
“Alright, be polite, or I’ll sell all your books.” He sternly tells his children with the biggest smile on his face. 
“Yeah, right,” his wife tells him.
He feigns hurt, putting on a great act as the Oscar winner he is, “All against me.” 
In front of me stand four adolescents, and well, I can describe them, but you’ll have to trust me when I say they are all as polite and beautiful as their parents. 
After a short interrogation of whom was my favorite to interview, I was waved out, and I promised to send them the first draft. 
“Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Styles.” 
“Thank you for indulging my children.” 
“Nothing is more important than a child’s happiness.”
Mr. Styles nods, and as I drive off, waiting for the large black gate to open in my rearview is an image I’ll never forget because nothing beats a loving family. 
*see below a photo of Mr. Styles gazing lovingly at Mrs. Styles, whose wedding and engagement ring was hidden from view. Mrs. Styles was dressed in a beautiful eggshell white dress with lace around the skirt. It was made especially for her, Harry Styles shared when speaking with his publicist. 
*Corrections made by Styles are that he and his wife had changed their name, having hyphenated their last names. To protect his wife and children, that is left out of this interview.
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lord-save-me · 7 months
Hey! I saw one of your comments on a post about The Hunger Games, specifically how Peeta pulls the baby card in Catching Fire. If you don't mind could you expand on "The hunger games is a commentary piece of America (I mean the reaping is literally on July 4th) and this is one of the biggest examples of that"? I want to understand that take better. And just out of curiosity, are you American? I'm just curious, and you've intrigued me so now I'm reading different theories and posts but since you're the one who got my interest I thought I'd reach out to you. Thank you!
I'm not american, although I feel like this applies to many countries (not just america), I just used american as an example in my comment as The Hunger Games is set in a post-american world.
Essentially, Peeta's usage of the "if it wasn't for the baby" is an interesting tactic to use in the interviews.
A baby. The Capitol is sending children to their murders for the sin of being a district born but a baby. That's where they draw the line, not even a born baby.
It is similar to how in the abortion arguments, the Pro-Life's go on rants about the importance of life and protection of a baby. A baby who after their birth, is tossed aside to fend for themselves. A baby who's government doesn't fund the care systems (education, medical, adoption etc).
It's very easy to see the correlation between The Capitol caring for Katniss' unborn baby's life but not her in terms of sending her to the games, and how Pro-Lifers care for the mother's unborn baby's life but not the mother when running the world.
Interestingly, Peeta's interviews have always been a call out for the Capitol , whether intentional or not.
His first one where he proclaims his love for Katniss, The Capitol says that they are 'tragic' and how 'perfect' the two are, despite being the reason for their tragedy.
It's similar to how people (celebrities, politicians, influencers etc) use tragedy and oppression as a way to gain power, money and influence/'clout' but actively do nothing to help fix the issues they're 'bringing awareness to'
This can be as simple as those "share this story! I can see who skips" Instagram stories that do nothing to actually help the issue to extremities of a politician using a woman's issue to demonize another oppressed group, causing infighting, so that they seem like the kindhearted people/s compared to the group.
And of course the second interview that I've spoken about above. As a non-american, I find The Hunger Games fascinating with how the society of Panem mirrors our own.
And of course, if there's anything I've gotten wrong as I am just a non-american teenagers who's interested in The Hunger Games, literature and politics, so if I've gotten something incorrect, please tell me.
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'Former Doctor Who star Billie Piper has reacted to Ncuti Gatwa's debut episode.
Last night, fans were treated to the final episode of the three 60th-anniversary specials in which David Tennant's Time Lord bigenerated into Gatwa.
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Piper shared some thoughts on the episode, which saw Gatwa debut as the Fifteenth Doctor, describing it as "terrifying and beautiful".
Sharing a post from Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies which featured a picture of Gatwa in the role, Piper wrote: "Also… Incredible. Terrifying and beautiful. Bp 4 Dr who".
Piper, who starred as the Time Lord's companion Rose Tyler between 2005 and 2006, previously opened up about reprising the role – on one condition.
"If it was shot in London – sorry that's a really loveless answer! There's a running theme here, I don't want to work much. [If] it was like four episodes all shot in London, then yeah, I'd be like a rat-up-a-drainpipe for that," she said.
Piper also weighed in on Gatwa's casting, saying: "Great! It's just going from strength to strength, I'm so here for it."
Earlier this year, Piper returned to the role of Rose Tyler for the three-part audio drama The Dimension Cannon: Trapped alongside Jackie Tyler actress Camille Coduri.
The three new episodes, which made up the third volume of The Dimension Cannon, saw Rose searching for The Doctor after a dimension jump went wrong and she became trapped in a dangerous reality.
Speaking about reprising the fan-favourite role for the radio, Piper said it was "exciting" to record and that she looks forward to discussing the episodes with fans.
"It's exciting to record The Dimension Cannon and play the part again, but it's even more thrilling when the fans learn about it, listen to it, and then discuss it with me when I meet them at conventions," Piper said. "It doesn't feel over. Rose Tyler has more life in her yet."'
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bunnymachine · 11 months
(My apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling mistake, English is not my first language.) The Honey Moon is coming soon, and for a while now, Beemov has been sharing pictures of our Crushes on their Instagram. Today, I saw they also shared moments with Eric, and I was surprised to see how many people don't like Eric. He's not my favorite, but I actually really liked his character and I don't mind him being featured in Love Life. Actually, there was a decision in your hands, just like in real life, whether to cheat on your partner with him or not. I liked that it added a bit of "excitement" to the story, giving you the option to choose this way or that way. As those who started playing My Candy Love with me are soon approaching their 30s, it's great that there was an older guy included in the game. Moreover, Eric doesn't even look bad. Well, anyway, I was just surprised by the amount of negative criticism he receives, even though I don't think it's justified. I thought I'd share my opinion. Thank you for your attention. 😆
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