#just feels like the kind of music that would speak to him
killerlookz · 2 days
Dirty Dancing | Joost Klein (Groupie Love Series)
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Part II of the Groupie Love Series starts immediately after part I
description: joost klein x groupie!f! reader- following their hookup, Joost learns that reader will be in Belgium for one more day and decides to invite her out clubbing, wanting to see her once more.
warnings: 18+ NSFW, MDNI, semi-public sex (i guess technically), unprotected P in V, drunk-ish sex... i think thats it!
word count: 4870
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"Did you enjoy the show tonight?"
You inhale, allowing the smell of Joost's burning cigarette to enter your lungs,
"I think I enjoyed a little more than the show," Your eyelids hang low, your words are slow, almost sloppy- as if you had just a little too much to drink.
A knowing smirk continues to linger on Joost's face, "Really, did you the show?"
"I wouldn't have traveled to three different countries to see you if I hadn't been enjoying myself." You tilt your head to the side, taking in his features- he was the sort of perfect that kind of hurt to look at, each of his features in perfect harmony with one eachother, "I didn't travel all this way just to try to sleep with you- but tonight certainly was a pleasant surprise."
"You make it sound like trying to sleep with me was part of your plan,"
"And could you blame me if it was?"
Joost leans back on the couch, the satisfied look on his face making it all too obvious how much he's enjoying your praise. and the way he moves makes you wince- still inside you, your eyes shut tight, and your muscles clench.
"Hmmsorry sweetie," He hums, placing his free hand on your thigh, beginning to rub gentle circles into the supple flesh. His delicate touch made you want to collapse into him- to melt into his chest and make this night much more romantic than either of you had anticipated. But you stay still, instead waiting intently for him to speak again, "How long are you in Belgium for?"
"Two days." You shrug, responding matter-of-factly.
"Good," A smile creeps on his face as he lifts his cigarette back up to his lips, "I'd like to see you again." He takes a drag, and you watch as his chest rises with his inhale, glistening with a fine layer of sweat. He turns his head to the side, his sharpened jawbone only becoming more pronounced as he lifts his head up to exhale- careful not to blow the smoke towards you.
He'd like to see you again
You attempt to bite back your excitement, bottom lip tucked under your teeth as he continues.
"We're going to a club not too far away tomorrow night, and I think you should come." He spoke so nonchalantly like you were just supposed to know who "we" referred to, or really even know the area you were in.
"Sounds..." The word lingers on your tongue as you search for the proper adjective, "Fun." You smile, careful not to give too much away, attempting to stay as cool about the situation as he was, "But I'm staying here with a friend, is it alright if she comes with me?"
"As long as you're there," Joost squeezes your thigh where his hand had been resting. His small move gets a breath stuck in your throat and you swallow, attempting to adjust your breathing back to normal without him noticing.
You only nod in response, affirming you would indeed be there.
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Your body grows hot the moment you step into the crowded club. The music boomed from the speakers that filled the venue, the bass so loud you could feel yourself vibrating.
"Do you know where he's supposed to be?" Your friend leans in, raising her voice to be heard over the music.
"No," You pause, taking a second to scan the crowd of people that filled the club. It was a little hard to see, the only lights illuminating the dark space were scattered LEDs that cast the place in a glow of various colors, "He just said what time he'd be here." You couldn't find him in your quick scan of the place, "I think I'll just let him find me." After all, he had been the one to invite you out, so you figured it should be on him to seek you out.
"Fine," She shrugs, "But we're drinking in the meantime." She grabs you by the wrist, pulling you to the crowded bar. The two of you push past the sea of sweaty bodies on the dance floor, adrenaline rushing your veins as you realize just how packed the club is- you were always one to jump at the chance to party.
Practically leaning over the bar, your friend outstretches her hand to flag down the bartender. You continue to scan the area surrounding you while she yells her order- where was he? You worried that maybe he bailed, or you accidentally got the wrong address.
However- your worries quickly subsided as the bartender placed the two rounds of shots your friend had ordered for the both of you down. You don't bother to ask what she ordered, at the end of the day, it all went down the same.
You smile down at the glass, wrapping two fingers around it before clinking it against the glass your friend held.
"Bottoms up," She smirks.
The liquid slides down your tongue, warming your esophagus and spreading to your stomach. Goosebumps form atop your skin as you try to stop yourself from wincing at the way the alcohol bitterly burns at your tongue. Before you let the unpleasant sensation subside, you're already throwing back the second shot.
You exhale as you tap the glass down on the bar,
"Another round?" You smile.
Your friend holds a single finger up to you, as to tell you to wait, before she mimics you, downing her second shot. Her face crinkles as she slams the glass down with a thump.
"Give me a second, you're better at this than me," She shakes her head, attempting to rid herself of the taste.
Suddenly her eyes widen, and you feel someone grab your hand. The initial shock makes you jump, quickly flipping your head to see who it is.
"I've been looking for you," It was Joost, a smile on his face as he brought your hand further up, placing a kiss to your knuckles. The small gesture makes your face grow hot, and you're unable to control the small giggles that fall out of your mouth as he gently sets your hand down.
"Hi," You grin, studying his face. He looks much more put together tonight than yesterday, seeing as the night had just begun. Your eyes trail down from his face, looking down towards his neck, the surface above his Lola Bunny tattoo covered in splotches of red and purple- marks caused by your mouth and you briefly wondered if things would escalate between you again tonight.
"Hello," The smile lingers on his face as his eyes flick to your friend, "And who is this?"
"Nora," She smiles back.
"I'm Joost!" He exclaims, excited to introduce himself to someone new.
"Oh, I know," She nods
"We were just about to do another round of shots, care to do one with us?" Your eyelids flutter as the question leaves your mouth, a quiet beg for him to say yes.
"Ja!" He nods, enthusiastic at the prospect of getting another drink in his system. "What are we drinking?"
You turn around, a motion to tell your friend to answer the question,
"Oh-uh," Nora furrows her brows, "Whatever the house vodka is- I don't know, something cheap."
"Works for me," Joost shrugs before leaning down to you, lightly grazing your arm with his palm as he goes to talk into your ear, "Your drinks are on me after this one though."
You bite your lip, trying to stifle the giggle that was about to escape you at the feeling of Joost's breath against your neck.
"Works for me," You repeat his words back to him.
The small shared moment is quickly broken by the bartender placing another round of shots in front of the now three of you. Joost is the first to take a glass, raising it to the rest of you to follow,
"Proost!" (cheers) He just about yells, and you and Nora minic, clinking your glasses together before downing the liquid.
Swallowing down the liquor didn't get much easier for you- but you knew you were at the point where you would start feeling it a little. Joost seemed unaffected, swiftly putting down the glass without as much as a flinch-like he was only drinking water.
Joost raises his voice over the music, "I'd like to introduce you two to my friends, ja?"
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Sitting at a section in the back you watch on as Joost and one of his friends dance around, in front of you, screaming the words to whatever Dutch song that had been booming through the club.
Nora had wandered off somewhere, having hit it off with some girl who had offered to buy her a drink.
"What?" Joost asks, "You don't dance?" He teases, a smirk pulling at his lip.
"Says who?" You flick your gaze up to him
"Says you who's been sitting here just staring at me for the last twenty minutes."
"Maybe I like staring at you."
He rolls his eyes, outstretching a hand for you to grab so he can stand you up. You oblige, his strong tattooed hand wrapping around your own as he tugs at your arm. He barely gives you enough time to stand up before he's pulling you off to the dancefloor.
The enthusiasm with which he moved was kind of adorable you couldn't lie, the smile plastered on his face, drink in hand as he danced around you- it was a little like he was in his own world, like he didn't care one bit about the other people around him.
As he's behind you he slips his hands to your waist, pulling your back to his chest. He sways you from side to side in time with the music, and you eventually get into the groove of it, throwing your head back to rest by his shoulder.
Despite the position you were in, the movements between the two of you remained fairly chaste for the time being. After a few minutes, Joost lowered his head to rest his chin on your shoulder, leaning to speak in your ear,
"Stay here, I'm gonna get us another round of drinks." He finished his sentence with a light peck to your temple before hurrying off to the bar.
The small kiss left you feeling hot- and wanting more, leading you to decide to really put the moves on Joost when he got back.
You keep to yourself for the time being, continuing to feel the music as the alcohol slowly sweeps away your inhibitions.
It wasn't long however until Joost came back, holding two glasses full of a dark liquid. You didn't need to ask- in the under an hour that you had been here you'd quickly become accustomed to Joost and his friend's affinity for Bacardi and Coke- even having given the drink some dumb name you couldn't remember.
He hands you the glass with a grin, eager to get back to you.
"Thank you," You stand up on your toes, reaching to give Joost a kiss on the cheek as a show of your gratitude. You're able to suck down about a quarter of the drink before wincing, a soft chuckle leaving Joost's mouth at the way your face twists. It was evident he was much better at holding his liquor than you were.
Soon enough you had found yourself once again with your back pressed against Joost's chest, his free arm wrapped around your waist. However, things felt a lot less wholesome this time- the way your hips circled with intent with your ass pressed against his crotch. You tipped your head back, eager to get a look at him as the pair of you danced with one another. As you stared up at him there was no longer a goofy smile plastered on his face, rather he was staring back down at you, his eyes lit with a familiar lust.
You're taken out of your thoughts with a gasp as you feel someone knock into you, before a liquid hits your chest, making you fling your head up from where it had laid against Joost. Above you stood a man, taller than you but shorter than Joost, clearly hammered holding a half-emptied beer in his hand.
"Kom op, kijk uit waar je loopt!" (come on man, watch where you're going) Joost's arm leaves your waist as he throws up his hand, practically scolding the man for knocking into you.
There's a sheepish look drawn upon the man's face as he holds up a hand in defense, A slurred, "Uhsorry," leaves his mouth before quickly walking away.
Joost grabs at your waist to motion you to turn to face him,
He mutters something in Dutch, shaking his head in annoyance before returning his full attention to you, eyeing the drops of beer that had been spilled all over your front, "I'm sorry, I'll get that," his arm slipping around your waist, lowering his head, making you suck in a breath as his tongue meets your skin, licking at the liquid that sat on the exposed flesh of your cleavage.
You can't help but tip your head back to allow him better access, the small licks at your chest to help clean you up soon turning into small kisses up the side of your neck. You weren't sure how much longer you could keep this up before you were begging him to take you back to his hotel room.
"What's got your pulse so quick, liefje?" He picks his head up from your neck, his lips curved in a knowing smile. Damn him.
"I didn't know you were a doctor," You raise an eyebrow, challenging his flirting.
"Yeah," He chuckles, "Maybe you should let me give you a physical exam." He gives you an overexaggerated wink, aware of the corniness of the line.
You bite your tongue, shaking your head as you slide your free hand up his chest before letting it rest on his shoulder. He's quick to pull you back to him, his hand now trailing below your waist, lightly grazing your ass.
"So beautiful tonight," His eyes trail you up and down, taking note of your entire body and just how little what you had been wearing left to his imagination.
"Had to dress up, I'm supposed to be meeting someone special here tonight." Your words are passive, teasing.
"Oh yeah?" He raises an eyebrow, his grip tightening on where his hand laid on your ass, "Must be a lucky guy."
"Mhm," You hum, though you doubt he can hear it over the music, "Kind of hoping he'd rather take this outfit off of me, though."
Joost tilts his head forward, his lips brushing your ear,
"Well- I can't speak for this someone special, but I can tell you I'd love nothing more." His voice is low and seductive but his proximity to you makes his words clear even with the sound of the club around you.
You push yourself forward, grinding your hips against the buckle of his belt.
"Maybe that can be arranged," You place a small kiss to his neck before biting at his earlobe.
You feel the tip of Joost's hands grabbing at the hem of your skirt, pulling it up slightly- had you not been so desperate for him by this point you would have slapped his hand, teasingly chastizing him for being so dirty, but you let him continue. He had only pulled your skirt up a little just barely exposing some of your ass before he palmed at the supple flesh, fingers trailing towards your inner thighs.
Your back arches into his touch, forcing your chests even closer together. Your movement forces his fingers to just barely graze the crotch of your panties, his hand now fully under your skirt. A whispered, "Fuck," leaves your mouth at his gentle touch. God this all felt so dirty.
With his head still lowered by your neck, Joost began kissing lightly, his hand not leaving from where it pressed between your thighs. You attempt to play off the subtle movement of your hips as if you're swaying to the beat, though it's all a desperate attempt to feel some friction against Joost's hand.
Your body feels tense, your arousal becoming pent up as Joost continues to kiss at your neck. You're so wrapped up in the moment you nearly forget there's an entire crowd around you, but you were sure no one was exactly interested in what had been going on between you two.
Some more mumbled curses fall from your lips before Joost looks up from where his head had been buried in your neck, his hand falling from your thighs. You pout at the lack of contact.
"Come on," His tone is almost aggressive as he pulls your hand, leading towards the back of the club. He's determined as he pushes through the crowd, bringing you to the bathroom, its small, and dark, a singular light illuminating the tiny room over the sink.
Joost just about rips the drink from your hand, slamming both of your glasses onto the skin counter before returning to you. You share a knowing glance between the two of you, before he pushes you against the tiled wall, his lips devouring yours in a hungry kiss.
It isn't long before he's feeling you up, his hands moving up and down your sides, eager just to have you in his grasp.
His hands trail down to your skirt, lifting the fabric up to your waist before he nudges his knee in between your legs, urging you to part them for him and you're quick to oblige. As soon as your legs are opened, just a little he's reaching for the fabric of your panties, pulling them to the side.
The tip of his pointer finger lightly brushes your clit, forcing you to exhale a light whimper between kisses. He doesn't waste too much time teasing you, an unlocked club restroom was not exactly the ideal place for long, drawn-out lovemaking. Instead, he presses harder, drawing circles against your swollen bundle of nerves.
The feeling of his fingers mixed with his rough kisses is absolutely heavenly. His fingers trail a little further back, collecting your slick before returning to your clit, and you gasp at his fluid motions.
"I've barely touched you," He muses, his lips parting from yours for an instant. You didn't have it in you to feel ashamed for how wet you had grown in such a short amount of time.
"Need you," You mumble
"C'mon, you've got me," Joost pulls away from you completely, leaving you gasping as he steps away. He cocks his head, motioning you towards the sink to command you to stand over there.
You nod, taking a few steps to the side, meeting the sink's counter, and you stare at yourself in the mirror before flicking your eyes to Joost's reflection as he walks over to you.
He places a hand on your upper back, urging you to bend over the sink. You bite your lip, slowly leaning forward, resting your elbows and forearms on the counter.
Joost's hand trails down your back, to your ass, giving it a light slap before squeezing tightly, the feeling of his fingernails pushing into your flesh making a small yelp leave your mouth.
But his hand quickly drops, and you can hear the metal clinking of his belt coming undone. The simple sound fills you with excitement, a tightness growing in your lower stomach at what you know what was going to happen next.
You watch intently in the mirror as he pulls down his pants and underwear to just about his mid-thighs, but you can't see much past that with you being in front of him. But you can certainly feel as his hardened cock springs loose from the confines of his clothes, the tip grazing your upper thigh.
He lightly kicks the inside of both your feet, spreading your legs a little further as he strokes his cock behind you. A hand comes to your waist, and Joost leans forward,
"Ready for me schatje?" He grumbles into your ear.
You can't do much in the way of biting your lip and nodding, you had been more than ready.
He lets out a deep exhale as you feel the tip of his cock graze your puffy folds. His free hand coming to your upper thigh to spread you open for him. Gently, he's pushing himself into you, your eyes shutting tight as you have to readjust to his size. You take in the familiar stretch as he bottoms out in you, pausing for a moment before pulling out so just the head stays inside you. He continued these slow, teasing motions until it was almost painful how bad you needed him.
"Please," You whimper out, your head hanging low.
He doesn't make you beg much further before both of his hands are on your waist, forcing you down onto him as he thrusts into you at a faster pace now. The small room echoes with the dirty sounds of each thrust in and out.
He's much more aggressive than he had been last night- but you couldn't complain, not at the sensation of his cock hammering deep inside you. A sharp moan leaves your lips with each of his movements.
Oddly enough, knowing that someone could walk in at any time and catch what the two of you were doing only added to the arousal you felt. You were sure at this point if Joost insisted on fucking you in front of an audience you'd probably let him.
Some praises in Dutch leave Joost's mouth that you can't quite understand, but they make you feel like you're melting nonetheless. A hand snakes up your side to your neck, lightly gripping at your throat as he continues drilling into you.
"Look at yourself, liefje." He grunts, but you barely have the strength to pick your head up from where it hangs. He sighs, his hand loosening from your throat to your chin, forcing you to look up into the mirror.
You can't help but look at Joost instead, biting his lip, face contorting with each forward thrust. Watching Joost as he fucked into you was what was beginning to send you over the edge, your legs starting to tremble beneath you, your cunt beginning to spasm around the length of his cock.
"i-I'm close," You stutter, feeling the tightness inside you beginning to reach a shattering point.
"That's oka-fuck- cum for me,"
It doesn't take you long for you to obey his words, your orgasm smacking into you with a force you fear may knock you out. Joost's hand leaves your chin, instead, he reaches down to your clit, rubbing the swollen bud to help you through your orgasm.
The stimulation is enough to make you scream while your pussy clenches, spilling your release onto Joost's cock.
Your orgasm, however, did not deter Joost from maintaining the same pace he'd been fucking you at. Your body slumped over the sink counter while he continued to thrust into you at whatever speed felt right to him, his finger still drawing harsh circles to your clit.
A few tears slip down your cheeks due to the overstimulation, overwhelmed with an intense amount of pleasure that you weren't sure you had ever experienced before.
"Just a little longer," Joost assures, his breath losing a pace as his thrusting becomes wilder and more sloppy.
Soon enough he's spilling into you, his warm seed coating your walls with an animalistic groan. His head falls back as he fucks into you a few more times before finally stopping.
He's slow to pull out of you, leaving you whining as you feel the full length of his cock exit you once more. But as soon as he's out he's quick to pull up your panties, his release slowly dripping out of your cunt onto the crotch of the fabric.
You're still slumped over the sink as Joost buckles his belt before pulling down your skirt to cover you.
"Fuck," He grunts, "I need a smoke."
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By the time you had found yourself back in Joost's hotel room, you had lost track of how many drinks you'd had that night. The warmly lit room felt like it had been spinning as you laid back against the thick comforter of the hotel bed. Uncomfortable was certainly an accurate word to describe how you had been feeling. Far too drunk, makeup smudged on your face, your clothes too tight on your body. You groaned as you shut your eyes, cursing yourself for not knowing your limits.
You heard a chuckle from somewhere beside you, followed by the balcony door closing. A mild scent of cigarette smoke filled the air, and you had figured Joost had just gotten back inside from smoking another cigarette.
"I think it's time for someone to go to bed," He chuckles once more
"I'll be able to sleep once the room stops spinning," You moan, rolling onto your side.
"Let me get you something to wear."
You can hear Joost shuffling around, unzipping a suitcase and digging through clothes.
"C'mon," He says a few minutes later, his hand grazing your calf, "I'll help you get changed."
Your eyes flutter open, rolling back onto your back to look at him. You sigh,
"Can't get up."
"That's okay," He laughs, You can tell by the look on his face that he's drunk too, the way his eyelids hang, and his cheeks glow a pretty shade of pink- but he's clearly more coherent than you are despite having drank more than you did. He places a gentle hand on your thigh, "Can I take your skirt off?" There's no hint of sensuality in his voice, clear he just wants to help you get into something more comfortable.
You grumble out a yes in response, resulting in Joost pulling the skirt down the length of your legs,
"Are you comfortable in these?" His finger ghosts over the waistband of your underwear.
You shake your head no.
"Can I take them off?"
Your panties follow your skirt, falling in a pile at the foot of the bed. Your top was the next to go, your lashes fluttering as your eyes opened at the feeling of Joost's hands brushing your stomach, lightly tickling you.
"Sorry," Joost grins, looking down at you as he lifts your top over your head.
The cold hotel blows onto you and you're suddenly aware of just how exposed you are. Embarrassed, you roll over to face away from Joost, not wanting to make any further eye contact with him while being so naked.
"No need to be embarrassed, schatje," He says sweetly- it was like he could read your mind, his palm rubbing against your back to comfort you. "You need me to get you dressed,"
You mumble out a no in response, feeling bad for how much he had already helped you thus far.
"Okay, here you go." You hear Joost drop the clothes he had gotten for you onto the bed, prompting you to roll over to put them on.
A smile instinctively formed at the first article of clothing you saw, one you had recognized. He had given you a pair of his boxers to wear- the ones with his name embroidered onto the waistband. It seemed a strangely intimate move, but you had figured it was probably the first thing he had pulled from his suitcase- not daring to see it as anything past that.
You quickly slip on the clothes he had given you, pulling a simple white t-shirt over your head before eagerly getting back into bed. You crawled further up the length of the bed, grabbing the comforter from its nicely made position, and getting under it.
Laying on your back, your eyelids threatening to close completely any second, you watch as Joost strips down to his underwear, tossing his discarded clothes somewhere in the room.
The bed dips as Joost climbs in next to you, quickly shutting off the lamp on the bedside table as he does so.
Had you been sober you probably would have kept the distance between the two of you, only using Joost's bed as a place to sleep and not as an excuse to get close to him- but something in your drunk mind almost made you instinctively turn onto the side and snuggle into him.
He didn't seem to mind, actually, as your cheek nuzzled into his bare chest. He wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you a little tighter to him, affirming you hadn't done anything wrong by attempting to cuddle up to him.
You feel yourself drifting off, the subtle bumps of his heartbeat gently lulling you off to sleep as your breathing slows. Joost must have caught how quickly you seemed to be dozing off, humming contently before speaking softly,
"Slaap lekker," He sighs, the last thing you remember before finally being consumed by sleep is Joost pressing his lips to the crown of your head in a soft kiss.
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wonryllis · 3 days
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𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗆𝗒 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎?
ׅ ꢾ꣒ find the MASTERLIST here.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
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𝐈 check out the PROFILES.
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𝐈𝐈 tune in to the CHARACTER INTERVIEWS ( given by the characters themselves ! )
CHOI YN 20 ( fashion ), well what do i say? hello everyone i'm choi yn! im sure everyone knows me already ^^ .. what else do i say? hmm i love my life a lot! i love my brothers and heeseung and wonie so much, they are the closest people in my life! oh shit sorry riki too hehe oops. college has been fun since im doing exactly what i wanted and it's fun to hangout with won all the time. seungie brings me snacks all the time and binnie lets me eat cakes everyday even though junnie has scolded them not to cause i easily get dental problems and then he has to convince be to go to the dentist, eww.
LEE HEESEUNG 23 ( film ), if you ever stop hearing from me, please know that my day has come and i have chosen to be exposed. as much as jun and soobs love me, and as much as they love tiny(my yn, she's just real cute) if i ever dare speak of that kind of love with tiny in the same sentence it's my last moment on earth. jay and taehyun help a lot and i'd give everything to thank them for it but man they still haven't been able to actually help me get with yn?
CHOI SOOBIN 24 ( law school ), yes my sister is my everything, each one of her wishes no matter how stupid and idiotic they are, must be fulfilled. i think i was like ten when ynie said being a lawyer would be so cool, and it's been my life's motto now. law school kicks my ass yeah but whenever i think of how happy she'd be to see me as a badass lawyer it feels like nothing. i could easily help her win the divorce that's a plus point, i think i should start looking into divorce attorney things.
CHOI YEONJUN 25 ( model ), i swear scaring away my baby sister's admirers is one of my full time jobs besides runaway modelling but alas she is my sister of course she's a beauty. i know she will date and marry a motherfucking guy one day, and i won't be able to stop it but i hope that day takes the longest time to come. she was one of the first ones to say how good my dressing style was, if it wasnt for her i would not be one of the rising faces in the fashion scene today.
PARK JAY 22 ( music production ), being lee heeseung's childhood friend has been my life's greatest downfall. and being his emergency contact number one is probably the biggest mistake of my life. it's so so so infuriating to see him do nothing and panic over the fact that some might sweep her off her feet right before his eyes like fucker you gotta sweep her off her feet rather than worrying over how someone else might sweep her off her feet. taehyun probably understands me.
SIM JAKE 22 ( physics ), it's fun, so so fun i can not express it verbally man, 'm having a blast! there's so many new things to learn i am so happy with my major and my astronomy club thing is going so well too, it's been amazing so far. the only thing i dont like is my mates ignoring me, like i tell them about all these quantum mechanics things and how it's works like it's legit the coolest thing ever and they don't wanna listen me and then come to me for help with assignments like dude? there's no give and take here and it's not high school anymore? but i do it cause im nice :)
PARK SUNGHOON 22 ( communications ), first of all i gotta thank my man taehyun for letting me copy off of him to pass my semesters so far. as a full time commercial and photoshoot model, college is just a side quest for me at this point, just need an arm candy degree to show that i am infact educated contrary to what people think. oh and i'd like to tell this, don't tell anyone, i actually know all the drama going on and it's so funny but i gotta stay low if i wanna be safe. sometimes i do think of stirring things up but yeonjun man he scares me, i better be on his good side.
KIM SUNOO 21 ( journalism ), for real god am i the only one working my ass off here cause why the hell all these dicks be fucking up their lives and copying off people to survive like? look at me, every little gossip on campus and you know who to go to get the full info! exactly how it should be for a journalism major. i swear i am doing all the shit ass work here. i admit i slip sometimes especially with heeseung's secret in front of god forbidden yn but 'm just a human, and humans make mistakes yk? and please tell kai to fuck off please, thank you.
YANG JUNGWON 20 ( fashion ), it's a different feeling when three guys trust you with their precious sister. and it's a different feeling when that precious real spoiled girl treats you like the best buddy she could ever have. but it's not so fortunate when you gotta dash to protect anytime the brothers ping you, it's like a national secret agency part time job and it's the hardest thing when the target is someone like yn. i treasure her a lot, as a friend! yes, yet the times when her brothers get jealous of me are some of the most nerve wrecking times.
NISHIMURA RIKI 20 ( photography ), are we surprised here? no wtf have y'all not seen the pics i post on my twt like i got talent you have to accept it. especially a lot of talent in gaming and luck, my luck be through the roofff. just started lol a year ago and my YouTube Chanel six months ago and im already almost a diamond and about to hit a million subscribers.. talk about god's favorite! ha that's me. but the thing is more than that i wanna be yn's favorite like i know she says won and i are same but i know that kitty is closer. for now i like being glued to yn, but after figuring out things so easily it's hard to keep quiet.
CHOI BEOMGYU 23 ( film ), with the amount of hate train behind me it's a miracle i am still breathing and in one piece. praying all this ends quickly and my life is returned back to me or i'll go crazy it has been like what two? three? years already! i need my freedom. i can count and name with my fingers the people who hate me. actually no it's everyone. anyways, i share all classes with heeseung and lord is it the scariest part of my life. at least yeonjun and soobin would need time to hunt me down but lee heeseung? he's right behind me two rows, staring down my every movement. look it's not my fault okay?
KANG TAEHYUN 22 ( communications ), it wasn't consensual. it is very important to clear this up. i did not give my papers to park sunghoon by choice. he had to pay me hefty for that so there's no thank you man, dude is pretending. and i am fucking sick of covering for heeseung all the time like dude grow balls, real balls dig up some manly guts and fucking do it before i lose patience and fuck shit up. every moment of listening to him lamenting over his feelings is the most frustrating shit ever. make him hear this one for god's fucking sake.
HUENING KAI 22 ( journalism ), no matter how much everyone denies it, i know they won't survive a day without me like? i provide sunoo with all the gossip of our side? how else do you think heeseung sneaks around yeonbin with his feelings? god it's me i do the passing the parcel of info. i mean taehyun is also involved with them but then i am more useful than that reality check of a guy, i mean who needs reality when you can live in a fantasy! hehe i just outdid everyone with that! or not anyway moving on yn's cr— SUNOO: shut the fuck up bitch!
01. HEEYN TRUTHERS heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, taehyun and sunoo: the group that has been supporting heeseung in pursuing his feelings since he first revealed it to them. for whenever he fucks up and they have to discuss how to save his ass. normal chats happen too.
02. BOSS BABIES yn, jungwon, riki: the trio that has been friends since middle school, and sticks together. yn spends most of her time with them, that is in college. often goes out to hangout and these two are yn's only actual friends!
03. SHOOTERZ 4 YN yeonjun, soobin, heeseung and jungwon: they use this chat to text each other whenever someone upsets yn or she's going somewhere alone and they need jungwon to secretly tag along to give them updates later.
04. PRINCESS & HER KNIGHTS yn, yeonjun, soobin and heeseung: the main stars— spoiled baby and her overprotective boys. usually text her when it has to do something with the four of them, like when yn goes out or she needs someone to pick her up or accompany her or when they have dinner at each other's place and someone's missing and likewise.
05. PSYCHOS W/ SICKOS yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, taehyun, huening kai and heeseung: well this is heeseung's other friend group with the yn brothers' friends that become his own after a while. this is yeonbin dominated friend group chat and beomgyu is main character lmao
START THE STORY — prologue 𓈒 ‎𓈒 ‎𓈒
TAGLIST . ( OPEN ) @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @snoopypupp @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness send an ask to be added! (if your comment goes unnoticed it is not my responsibility)
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racew1nn3rs · 2 hours
max verstappen x singer!fem reader // smau
⤷ summary: when max verstappen starts commenting on the posts of the beloved singer y/n l/n, fans are confused but enthusiastic at the new friendship. what they could never expect is just how long they've been 'friends'...
based on this request <3
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, maxverstappen1, and 46,908 others
tagged sabrinacarpenter
ynusername my new album is now officially out on all platforms! thank you so so much for all of the love and support, and special thanks to sab for her feature on the song <33 love u bb girl 🫦🫦 now that the album's out, tour next!!! see you all soon!
user2 i cannot be normal about this i fear
user3 ik her back hurts from CARRYING the music industry on her back 😩
user5 y/n writing a love song in god's year of 2024... wow
user6 y/n in the top 10 charts, fork found in kitchen
user7 sabrina and y/n are never beating the gf allegations
ynusername damn right we're not 😏
user8 y/n's in love and it's not with me, hanging myself as we speak
user9 the comment is gonna get reported but so real op
user8 can't a woman hang herself in peace 😣
user10 album's such a banger i had this shit bumpin at my grandmas funeral 🙏🏼 rest in piece nancy 🕊️💪🏻
user11 OH MY GOD???
user12 rest in piece nancy you would've loved make you mine 😔
ynusername oh my god please tell me your joking
user10 sorry queen the grind never stops
ynusername NO SHOT
maxverstappen1 great album! 👍🏼
user13 why does he text like my father 🧍🏻‍♀️
user14 brother eughh
user15 what da hell is a polar bear doin in arlington texas
ynusername thank you max!!!
user16 y/n l/n to redbull in 2025
user17 hellurrrrr who is this man in ur likes y/n
user18 f1 driver!!
user18 tour content soon??? i'm sat
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user19 bro looks like he snuck onto earth, get his ass outta here
user20 grammy-award winner, vogue cover model, new york university graduate and Some Fucking Guy
user21 not y'all coming to her defense like the mighty morphin power rangers 💀💀 he's literally a world class athete and she writes pop music
user20 melinda charleton
user20 you want me to do you too???
user22 no we good 😃
user23 ruth bader ginsberg did not die for this
user24 now wtf does this have to do with babe ruth 🤨
user25 WHOOOOO 😧
user24 ... that wasn't right was it
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user26 now let's be fr he does NAWT have a chance
user27 have u seen the marble-carved  goddesses these men pull, i fear he does 😔
user28 please no i feel ill
user29 TWO???? OH HELL NAW
user30 two might be pushing it, only one was confirmed
user31 jesus christ
user32 first taylor, now this
user33 yall, all he commented was great album 💀💀 yall are LEAPING to conclusions
user34 what can i say it's an art
user35 i do not see 👁️👄👁️
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user36 no like 💀💀 im in your walls
user37 haha max verstappen!! right!!! (theres a sniper at ur location)
user38 omg ur so right 🤩 it is about him (i have a bomb strapped to my chest)
user39 i dont mean to sound stupid, idk who that man is, if i saw him on the streets i wouldnt know a thing 🥱
user40 this is so random too like what 😭
user41 the power of kindness won't work here, i have to throw him off a building
user42 i used to be a max verslsjjwwo lover 🤩 now im just a max verslsjjwwo hater 😔
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user44 why would u put that into the universe 😧
user45 alright, lets get you to bed grandma
user46 mari stop being delusion and go touch grass 🧍🏻‍♀️
user48 ain't no way in hell 😭
user49 ik ur feet hurt from all this jumping to conclusions babe
user50 lets leave the parkour to the athletes 😃
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 54,789 others
ynusername italy thanks for letting me be inside you (; it was such a lovely show, expect me back asap!!!!
user52 oh!
user51 oh so now this isn't a safe space
user55 y'all are doing too much 🙄 she's one of the top artists in the world, i think it's safe to say they might like her music
user56 the second picture 🧎🏻‍♀️do you need a stool cause i can kneel and be really quiet
user57 y/n fans be normal challenge (impossible!!!) (never done before)
user56 WOMP WOMP
maxverstappen1 wonderful show! 🙏🏼 you are so talented
ynusername ty max (: im glad you could come see me
user57 ain't NO WAYYYYYY
sabrinacarpenter my gf looking sexy 🫦🫦🫦
ynusername only for u bbg 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
user60 BOOOO 🗣️ GET A ROOM
user61 do y'all need a third!!!!
user62 mamma mia pizza pasta mozzerella moment
user63 i just put u on a watchlist
user62 🧍🏻‍♀️
landonorris RAHHHHHH 🦅🫵🗣️‼️
user63 what the fuck
ynusername brother eughhhh
landonorris WHAT THE FUCK????
user66 apparently we all went into a universal coma while she was out galavanting cause idk how else this could've happened
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maxverstappen1 posted to his story!
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(caption: beautiful show)
22,456 replies
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user67 someone save my girl bro, she don't know any better 😭
user68 it's like a little kid trying to touch the hot stove, LIKE STOP THAT!! DON'T DO THAT
user69 am i the only one who thinks they'd be cute together....
user70 YES!?!?
user71 there is literally no fucking way he bagged her
user72 losing y/n to european f1 driver would be the biggest american tragedy since 2001
user73 i had to read this shit twice, op what r u waffling abt 🫵😧
user74 can't even be nonchalant about this one bro, i'm chalanting hard asf
user75 we do not care
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liked by redbullracing, f1, and 78,567 others
tagged maxverstappen1
ynusername first time in monaco, safe to say i enjoyed myself! so happy to see you shine this time my love<3
user76 oh. my. fucking. god
user79 i'm in mourning
sabrinacarpenter CHEATER 🫵
maxverstappen1 we've been dating for 2 years??
user80 i'm sorry 😃 two Y EARS
user81 i feel like i just got dumped. y/n don't do this, the kids need you 😔
maxverstappen1 i got p1 for you, i love you 🫶🏼
━━━━━━ ༻✩₊⋆☾⋆⁺✧༺ ━━━━━━
hope you all enjoyed! please let me know your thoughts and feel free to leave a request for me to write something for your fav <3
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dark-elf-writes · 1 day
Percy: *hurt to all hell and using his sword as a cane*
Percy: *uses tattered remains of his jacket to wrap up ludo’s wound*
Percy: *takes up the worms offer of tea because just because he can survive on the water he takes out of the air doesn’t mean he wants to*
Percy: *straight up kicks the doors open for the riddle and looks for the trick step*
Percy: *bobs his head to the all the random singing and doesn’t notice when he starts talking his finger to the beat against the hilt of his sword*
Percy: *randomly announces the castle is cooler than Olympus because at least it has character instead of useless splendor. He thinks it could use a moat though*
Jareth: *deep breath* this is fine. This is so fine. I’m so normal about this.
It’s both easy and hard to pull the boy into an enchantment. Little more than coaxing a single bite of a peach to draw him into Jareth’s power but keeping him there? It is like holding the ocean in his bare hands. Wild and untamed. Sea foam and the scream of horses. A soul never meant to be possessed. A heart Jareth cannot contain forever.
(He wonders, given enough time and devotion if that heart would be given to him willingly. It terrifies him just how willing he is to try.)
Still, the strain is worth it to see the boy at his masquerade. To see him draped in fine fabrics and strings of pearls befitting his status. To see that smile of his catch the many lights bouncing of thousands of crystals and shine so brilliantly Apollo would weep.
It is more worth it to have the boy in his arms, dancing with him alone in a crowd and a sea of crystal glittering like stars.
He is awkward, unpracticed, but he takes Jareth’s direction beautifully. For now. Jareth can feel the growing strain even as the boy looks up at him with wonder and a mischief so near and dear to him it makes Jareth want to bless him, to see what tricks this boy could do if given even a fraction of his power.
Dangerous. This little thing in his arms is so dangerous for all the fine fabric and gems try to smooth his rough edges.
Jareth loves him for it all the more.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” The boy sounds genuine, still grinning up at him. “Better than the last labyrinth I was in anyway. I’ve only been almost eaten like once.”
His hands tighten, drawing the little hero closer to him. Possessive. Protective. A whole host of other alien feelings roaring through Jareth at the thought of him hurt. “An oversight. One that will be corrected.”
The music, his singing, doesn’t stop while he speaks. Percy seems delighted at that little show of magic. It makes Jareth itch to truly dazzle him, but time is short and the tide is already pulling his hero away from him. (No mortal has ever been able to overpower his magic so easily. None have been able to pull away from him when he is trying to keep them. It is as intoxicating as it is infuriating. Jareth wants more. He wants so much more.)
“Nah, I took care of it.” He had, Jareth knew. This little warrior in his arms had the power to fell nations and yet had only caused some minor chaos to allow him to escape. “I broke the cleaner though. I would say I’m sorry but I don’t think you would believe me.”
He wouldn’t. It delights him so much that Jareth laughs.
The swell of the surf grows to its peak and already the illusion is dissolving around them in a wash do salt water and laughter. But he hears the boy still, would hear him even once he was far, far from Jareth’s domain he has been captured so.
“You need a moat. Honestly what kind of castle is complete without a moat!”
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kokoch4n3l · 19 hours
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BONUS — sugar baby bunny
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chapter summary: how Maya's first day on the job would have gone if she had been nosy or, Izana and his sugar baby bunny
chapter warnings: dark content 18+, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals and medical treatment/conditions, canon typical violence, gang activity, dehumanization, drug addiction(c*caine), drug addiction recovery, drug withdrawals, withdrawal symptoms, abuse of power, murder, non-graphic torture, blood and gore, panic attack, blackmail, alcohol, slight sugar baby-sugar daddy dynamic, suggestive themes, possessiveness, gold digger!oc, guns, vomiting, threats, very fast-paced, making out, kissing, implied smut, suggestive themes, slight bondage, implied virginity loss, collaring(?), open ending, not edited
word count: 20 493
masterlist | previous | bonus 2
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Izana stares up and down at his new doctor in charge of the night shift. She's young. Wearing blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat on top and sneakers on her feet. Her long curly black hair is clipped behind her head with a black claw clip. She's got pale skin, delicate features and light freckles and is looking at him with these big blue eyes. How cute. Honestly speaking he was expecting another old lady. "Kaneko... Maya..." He reads off her ID badge clipped onto the breast pocket of her white coat
She's holding a tray of food which is dinner, a few shorter stray curly strands falling in front of her eyes. Cute. "Yes... That's me" She says with a soft smile and places the tray of food in front of him "I'm the new psychiatrist in charge of the night shift"
Izana watches her every move and then smiles at her. "Nice to meet you, Doctor Kaneko, I'm Kurokawa Izana" He scans her up and down again "You're quite... young... how old are you?"
"22" she answers without hesitation
Oh. She was young. "Just out of college, I'm assuming doctor"
Maya nods. She's cute. Izana can't help but think she reminds him of a little bunny. Izana leans forward, his gaze lingering on Maya as he studies her intently. "So, Maya," he says, his voice smooth and curious, "what brings a young, bright thing like you to a place like this?"
Maya's eyes widen in surprise at the question, caught off guard by Izana's sudden interest in her. She fidgets with the edge of her coat, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh, um, well," she stammers, unsure of how much to reveal, "student loans... and no one wants to hire a fresh graduate"
Izana can't help but notice the nervousness in Maya's demeanour, her vulnerability only adding to her charm in his eyes. He leans back in his chair, a playful glint dancing in his gaze as he listens to her response. "Ah, the ol' student loans trap," he remarks with a mock sympathetic smile that she catches easily "I've heard that story one too many times."
Most of the sugar babies Ran, Rindo and the other guys had were with them for that exact reason. Student loans. Maya sure seemed like sugar baby material. She was cute and young. Seemed pretty sweet and the clingy type as well. "At least there is no interest" Maya says with a little laugh, clearly trying to appear more welcoming
But Maya didn't need to seem welcoming. Her pretty face was enough for Izana to feel captivated. Izana chuckles softly at Maya's attempt to lighten the mood, her laughter ringing like music to his ears. He watches her closely, his gaze lingering on her delicate features, the way her eyes sparkle with warmth and kindness. "You have a point there, Doctor," he replies, his tone smooth and velvety, "but sometimes, the cost of those loans can be much higher than we anticipate."
Maya's smile falters slightly at his words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. She senses something beneath Izana's charming facade, something dark and dangerous, but she pushes the thought aside, unwilling to dwell on it. "Oh well. At least I'm not unemployed" She says
It's cute. She's so cute. Fucking adorable.
Maya leaves not too long later as she needs to collect the trays from the other patients and is called by the hospital director for something. Izana watches her go with a predatory gleam in his eyes. He can't deny the allure of her innocence, the way she carries herself with such naivety. But beneath that veneer of sweetness lies a vulnerability that Izana finds all too enticing. He pictures her as a bunny, a creature of soft fur and wide, innocent eyes, navigating the treacherous terrain of the psychiatric hospital with a naivety that both intrigues and enraptures him. As Izana sits alone in the suffocating silence of the room, shadows swallowing the corners, his fixation on Maya grows into something more sinister. She exists in his mind like a fragile doll, her innocence a tempting facade that belies the darkness lurking beneath. It was funny. He's meeting her for the first time today and he already can't get enough. "shit" he says, laughing a little to himself like he was a schizophrenic
As Izana reflects on his current situation, memories of Mikey's stern words echo in his mind. Mikey, his little brother, had always been the voice of reason, the one who urged Izana to confront his demons head-on. And Kakucho, their trusted ally, had echoed Mikey's sentiments, pushing Izana to seek treatment for his addiction. It had been a bitter pill to swallow, the realization that even someone as powerful as Izana was not immune to the clutches of addiction. But Mikey had been adamant: addictions were a weakness, a stain on their family's honour that could not be tolerated.
So here he was, confined within the walls of Sunshine Grove, stripped of his power and reduced to nothing more than a patient in need of treatment. It was a humbling experience, one that forced Izana to confront the demons that had long haunted him. It had been a total of a month since he was admitted here. It hadn't been bad... It was just the fucking medication that was the problem. He stares down his left arm with the iv in it. Apparently whatever medication was being given to him was essential to his recovery but he really fuckin' hated it. He felt like actual shit. Tired all the time, sleepy as shit. He hated it.
Oh well. At least now he had a pretty doctor to look at. He can't help but smirk at the thought of Maya, her presence a welcome respite from the sterile walls and clinical atmosphere of the hospital. Despite his initial reservations, there's something about her that intrigues him, something that stirs within him a sense of forbidden desire. As Izana waits for Maya to enter the room, he finds himself lost in thoughts of her, his mind conjuring images of her delicate features and gentle demeanour. It's a dangerous game he's playing, allowing himself to be drawn to someone like her. But it's fine. he figures. Sooner or later, Maya comes back for his tray, holding an IV bag in one hand. A replacement for the empty one he's connected to. As she's setting it up it looks like Maya wants to ask him something. "you look like you want to say something" Izana says
Maya pauses in her task, her brows furrowing slightly as if she's debating whether or not to voice her thoughts. Izana watches her closely, the smirk still lingering on his lips as he anticipates her response. Finally, Maya sighs softly, her gaze meeting Izana's with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "I couldn't help but notice," she begins hesitantly, her voice soft but steady "Your file that they gave had a lot of things blocked off... Is there a reason for it?"
Izana cocks his head. "things like what?"
Maya hesitates, her lips parting as if she's unsure how much to reveal. "Well," she begins cautiously, her gaze drifting to the floor before returning to meet Izana's, "it's just... your medical history, for one. It's heavily redacted, and there are some notes about your background that seem... unusual. And also for the thing you're here for"
Izana's eyebrows raised in mock surprise, though inwardly he was amused by Maya's curiosity. "You don't know what I'm here for? But you're my psychiatrist"
Maya flushes slightly at the implication, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "Well, yes," she admits reluctantly, "but... they haven't exactly been forthcoming with the details. It's... unusual, to say the least."
Izana's smile widens at Maya's response, a sense of satisfaction coursing through him. It's clear that Maya is out of her depth, her curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding his presence in the psychiatric hospital. But as he watches her squirm under his gaze, Izana can't help but feel a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience. Maya may be just a pawn in his game, but she's also a human being with her own fears and vulnerabilities. Pushing aside his misgivings, Izana leans back in his chair, his smile morphing into a more reassuring expression. She won't judge him. She's probably encountered many people like himself here who were probably in worse condition. "cocaine addiction" he tells her
Maya's nerves are palpable, her hands trembling as she struggles to maintain her composure in the face of Izana's questioning gaze. She swallows hard, her throat dry as she searches for the right words to say. "So... You're not a convicted criminal?" she asks tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's eyes narrow slightly at her question, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. He may not be a convicted criminal, but that doesn't mean he's innocent. Still, there's no need for Maya to know that. "No, and why does that relate to this?" he responds, his voice firm and commanding.
Maya's stomach churns at his response, her mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. She knows she's treading on dangerous ground, but she can't help but feel a sense of obligation to uncover the truth. "The second floor is where patients admitted for addiction stay," she explains, her voice trembling slightly, "you're on the fourth floor, where the convicted criminals who claimed insanity are housed."
The realization hits Izana like a ton of bricks, his anger simmering just beneath the surface as Maya's words sink in. He clenches his jaw, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles to maintain his composure. "Oh," he mutters through gritted teeth, his gaze fixed on Maya's trembling form.
She looks like she might be sick, and Izana's frustration only grows at the sight. Without a word, Maya reaches into her pocket and retrieves a piece of gauze, her hands shaking as she gently places it over the insertion site of Izana's IV. He watches her silently, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends a shiver down her spine. As Maya begins to remove the IV, applying pressure to the wound as she withdraws the catheter, Izana remains silent, his mind swirling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was here for addiction. Not because he got caught. So why was he on the third floor? "Keep pressure on it for a few minutes," Maya mumbles as she finishes dressing the wound, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana nods curtly, his eyes never leaving Maya's retreating form as she gathers her things and prepares to leave the room. But before she can make her escape, Izana's voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "Doctor... If this is what I think it is..." he begins slowly, his words hanging in the air like a threat.
But Maya shakes her head, her eyes wide with fear as she hurries out of the room, leaving Izana alone with his thoughts. He stares at the closed door for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities, before reaching for his flip phone and dialling Kisaki's number.
As the line rings, Izana can't help but feel himself get angry.
Someone had to pay.
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How Maya ended up back in Izana's room after that was beyond her. She's pressed into the side of an older man with slicked-back purple hair and black highlights. He forces her to keep looking ahead as the hospital director and the nurse in charge of this floor are tortured. Maya isn't able to speak or even move. The man holding her isn't doing so in a painful way nor is he being mean. Rather he's being an odd mixture of condescending and sweet. "I'm Haitani Ran by the way" He says as if they met at some coffee shop "I'm Izana's childhood friend. We met in juvie"
Fucking figures.
Maya's blood runs cold at the revelation, her mind racing with the implications of what she's just heard. She swears she's heard his name from Chifuyu before whenever he talked to Kazutora about the recent news of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Had Maya really gotten herself caught up with Japan's most ruthless gang?
No way. No fucking way.
In front of her by the bed, Izana is putting on a new set of clothes, changing out of the hospital uniform like nothing is happening. Ran chuckles as he watches Izana change, his gaze briefly darting towards Maya before returning to his friend. "You know," he says, his tone light but with a hint of mischief, "your little doctor is quite adorable. Think we could keep her around?"
Izana lets out a hearty laugh, a grin spreading across his face as he meets Ran's gaze. "You're kidding, right?" he replies, his amusement evident in his voice but then he hums and looks at Maya up and down as if contemplating something "Well she is pretty..."
Maya shifts uncomfortably under Izana's scrutiny, feeling increasingly like an object rather than a person. The air around them feels charged with tension, and Maya can't shake the feeling that she's become the subject of some kind of twisted game between Izana and his friend. Ran's chuckle breaks the uneasy silence, but Maya can't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the pit of her stomach. Izana is buttoning up his shirt while a guy with a scar across his face is beating the hospital director's face in and walks over, looking up and down at her. "I have to say, I was contemplating whether or not you should be on the floor with them..." Izana gestures to the hospital director and the nurse on the bloody floor "But today is your first day, yeah doctor?"
Izana cups her cheeks and Ran lets go of her. He's staring down at her with this crazed, almost obsessive look in his eyes. "You haven't done anything wrong after all... You came and told me right away what was wrong" Izana speaks to her the same way one would talk to a child
Izana's fingers linger on Maya's cheek, his touch sending a shiver down her spine as she struggles to maintain her composure. She can feel his gaze tracing every contour of her face, his eyes drinking in every detail with an unsettling intensity. "You have such a pretty face, doctor," Izana murmurs, his voice low and seductive. "It would be a shame to see it tarnished..."
Her breath gets stuck in her throat. Maya thinks she might either throw up, faint or die of cardiac arrest. She's nervous and scared and doesn't know what is going to happen to her. The hospital director was trying to exact revenge on Izana due to something. She wasn't really listening. Maya didn't know. She didn't care. Right now, she was terrified and unable to think about anything else. Unable to tear her gaze away from Izana's intense stare, Maya feels a sense of vulnerability wash over her. His words linger in the air, suffocating her with their weight, and she struggles to find her voice amidst the chaos unfolding around them. The hospital director's screams echo in her ears, a grim reminder of the danger lurking just beyond the walls of Sunshine Grove. Maya knows she's in over her head, caught in the crossfire of a world far darker and more sinister than she ever could have imagined. As Izana's fingers trail down her cheek, Maya flinches involuntarily, her skin prickling with unease. She can sense the power he holds over her, his presence casting a shadow over her every thought and action. "tell you what, hm... You're clearly a good doctor... Honest... Sweet—"
"easy on the eyes" Ran butts in, cutting off Izana
Maya's cheeks flush with embarrassment, her pulse pounding in her ears as she struggles to maintain her composure. She knows she's caught in the middle of something far beyond her control but she needs to keep calm. Izana glares at Ran then looks at Maya again. "How about, in exchange for you being the sweetest doctor ever... You work for me and I spare your life" Izana says
She opens her mouth to speak, to assert herself, but no words come out. Instead, she finds herself gasping for air, her vision blurring as her heart races uncontrollably. It's as if the walls of the room are closing in on her, suffocating her with their oppressive weight. As Maya's panic intensifies, her knees buckle beneath her, threatening to send her crashing to the floor. In a swift motion, Izana reaches out, his strong arms wrapping around her to steady her trembling form. His touch is cold and unwelcome, sending a shiver of fear down Maya's spine. With Izana's support, Maya struggles to remain upright, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fights to regain control of her body. She feels utterly powerless, trapped in the suffocating grip of her own fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch suffocating and possessive. Izana's arms wrapped around her, his touch cold and unwelcome against her skin. "You're trembling, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Are you afraid of me?"
Maya struggles to form coherent words, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and terror. "I-I..." she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to be afraid, sweetheart," Izana coos, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "I'm not going to hurt you... unless you give me a reason to."
Maya's heart races in her chest, her pulse thundering in her ears as she struggles to comprehend the gravity of her predicament. Ran is laughing at the whole scene. Her panic is something amusing to them. "Aniki, I think Kakucho killed the guy" another guy with purple hair styled in a mullet says and Ran looks over
"My bad..." Kakucho mutters "I got carried away"
Izana turns his head to see the mess on the floor but Maya doesn't look. She really doesn't want to but clearly, Izana doesn't share that same sentiment and forces her to look. Izana's gaze locks onto Maya's, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Do you want that to be you?" he asks, his voice low and menacing, as if daring her to defy him.
Maya's breath catches in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggles to find the words to respond. Fear grips her tightly, its icy fingers wrapping around her throat and squeezing the air from her lungs. "I-I..." Maya's voice falters, her words barely audible above the chaos surrounding them.
She wants to scream, to beg for mercy, but the words die on her lips, suffocated by the weight of her fear. Izana's grip tightens around her, his touch sending a jolt of terror coursing through her veins. "Answer me, bunny," he growls, his voice laced with menace. "Do you want to end up like them?"
With a frantic shake of her head, Maya manages to whisper, "N-No..."
Everyone in the room is looking at her. She feels panicked. Maya wants to go home. She wants to go back to her bed. Never did she think that her first day on her job would be like this. How the fuck did she end up surrounded by members of the Tokyo Manji Gang? Izana's lips curl into a mocking smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement at Maya's distress. "Oh, bunny, I didn't realize you were so sensitive," he taunts, his voice dripping with condescension. "But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you... as long as you play nice."
There is a short moment of silence before the guy with glasses, Kisaki, is calling someone and Kakucho is cleaning his hands of all the blood. "Tell me you agree and you'll live" Izana murmurs, continuing to force her to look at the dead body of her former boss and the nurse in charge of the 4th floor
Maya's heart pounds in her chest as she struggles to process the surreal situation unfolding around her. The weight of Izana's words hangs heavy in the air, filling her with a sense of dread, unlike anything she's ever experienced before. She feels a surge of panic rising within her, threatening to consume her entirely. All she wants is to escape, to run far away from this nightmare and never look back. But as she looks around the room and sees the hardened expressions of Izana's associates, she knows that there's no way out. With a trembling voice, Maya manages to whisper, "O-Okay"
Izana's smirk widens at her plea, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Good girl" he purrs, his tone laced with malice.
"Keep calm, sweetheart," Ran interjects, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We don't wanna have to knock you out."
With a trembling breath, Maya tries to steady herself, her hands shaking as she clutches onto the edge of the nearby table for support. She can feel the weight of their gazes bearing down on her, each one filled with a different shade of menace and intrigue. Izana's eyes linger on her, his smirk morphing into a predatory grin. "You're doing well, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice dripping with false praise. "Just remember to play nice, and everything will be fine."
Maya nods weakly, her stomach churning with unease. So she's led out of the hospital and into a car worth just as much as the student loans she has to pay off and they take her home. "I'm sure you know calling the police will be embarrassing," Rindo tells her as they stand in front of her door "so unless you're interested in embarrassing yourself, go ahead"
Maya's heart sank as Rindo's words hit her like a cold splash of water. She knows he's right. "Rindo be a little nicer" Kakucho mutters to him
Rindo shoots Kakucho a glare before turning back to Maya with a forced smile. "Sorry about that, sweetheart," he says, his tone slightly less abrasive "We're just trying to avoid any unnecessary complications. You understand, right?"
Maya is fiddling with the sleeve of her white coat, unable to do anything but nod. "get some rest, we'll be in contact" Kakucho says
The next morning, Maya gets an email that all her loans have been paid in full.
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"tiny" Izana says as he barged into her house alongside Kakucho hours later
"Uh, what are you doing here?" Maya manages to stammer out, her voice trembling with nerves.
Izana's grin widens, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "We just wanted to make sure you got our little gift," he says, his tone almost playful. "And to see if you're settling into your new life nicely. Your loans have been paid"
Maya's in loungewear, sweatpants and an oversized shirt. She's trembling. Oh how grateful she was that she showered already. "Y-You paid them?" She asks, watching as Izana looks at the array of picture frames on one of her walls
Izana's grin remained, his eyes still alight with mischief as he turned back to her. "Of course," he replied, his tone almost nonchalant. "Consider it a token of our appreciation for your cooperation... And of course, we're buying your silence too if you couldn't tell"
Maya's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process the implications of his words. She knew she was entangled in something far beyond her control, a web of danger and deceit spun by Izana and his associates. "I-I don't know what to say," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Izana's grin widened, his demeanour almost mocking. "No need to thank us, bunny," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "Just remember who's looking out for you now."
Izana's gaze swept across Maya's living room as if he owned the place, his expression filled with casual entitlement. He wandered around, examining the decor and pictures on the walls with a detached interest, while Maya stood frozen in place, feeling like an intruder in her own home. Kakucho, on the other hand, watched Maya with a hint of remorse in his eyes, his expression tinged with sympathy. He seemed uncomfortable with the intrusion, but powerless to stop it. "Sorry about this, Maya," he muttered softly, his voice barely audible over the silence of the room.
Maya forced a weak smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to maintain her composure. "It's okay" she replied, her voice wavering slightly. But inside, she was anything but okay.
She was terrified, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. "As cute as this place is..." Izana says sarcastically from inside her room "It's tiny as fuck"
Maya's smile faltered at Izana's comment, her anxiety rising with each passing moment. She felt exposed, vulnerable, as if Izana's mere presence had stripped away any sense of safety she had left. "Yeah, well, it's home," Maya replied, her voice tinged with defensiveness.
She wished she could muster the courage to stand up to Izana, to demand that he leave her alone, but fear held her tongue captive. After what she saw last night, what happened to the hospital director and the nurse, Maya knows better than to say anything against Izana. He emerged from her room, his smirk still firmly in place. "Well, lucky for you, bunny, you won't be spending much time here anymore," Izana remarked, his tone dripping with mockery. "We've got plans for you."
Izana takes a seat on the couch and says "Get me a drink"
At the same time, both Maya and Kakucho say "no"
Maya's heart raced as she and Kakucho spoke in unison, their voices firm and resolute despite their trembling nerves. She knew that giving Izana alcohol while he was still recovering from addiction was not only irresponsible but dangerous. Izana's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flash of irritation. "What did you say?" he demanded, his tone sharp and demanding.
Maya swallowed hard, her hands shaking as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I said no," she repeated, her voice trembling but firm. "It's not a good idea for you to drink right now, Mr. Kurokawa."
Kakucho nodded in agreement, his expression apologetic as he glanced between Maya and Izana. "She's right, Izana," he interjected, his voice calm but firm. "You're still recovering, remember?"
Izana's gaze hardened, his jaw tensing as he stared down at Maya with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You're playing a dangerous game, bunny," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "But fine, I'll indulge you... for now."
It was dumb for Maya to be like this especially when these guys were literal killers, gangsters and whatnot. She knew she was playing a dangerous game by standing up to Izana, but she couldn't ignore the voice of reason within her. Despite her fear, Maya remained steadfast in her decision, her resolve unwavering even in the face of Izana's menacing glare. She couldn't afford to compromise her principles, not when the stakes were so high. Kakucho's gaze softened as he regarded Maya with a mixture of admiration and concern. "You're brave, doctor," he murmured, his voice tinged with genuine respect. "But you should be careful. Izana doesn't take kindly to being challenged."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever consequences her defiance might bring. Izana is holding a picture frame he picked off one of the tables, looking at it with amusement. "Tell me, how long have you known Matsuno Chifuyu?" Izana asks
She feels sick. "H-He doesn't have anything to do—"
"—to do with this, yeah I know," Izana says and chuckles "Why would I do anything to him? He's a former member after all"
Maya furrows her brows at Izana's words. Her mind raced with confusion and disbelief. Chifuyu, a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang? It was a revelation she couldn't fathom, a stark contrast to the kind and gentle demeanour he always displayed. She didn't think he was a gang member. How the fuck would a gang member pass high school and then run a pet store and listen to fucking girls generation? How was the boy she fell in love with in middle school affiliated with the gang whose scrutiny she's currently under? "I-I don't understand," she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "Chifuyu wouldn't—"
Izana's laughter cut through her protests, his amusement evident as he tossed the picture frame aside. "Oh, he's not with us anymore, sweetheart," he explained casually as if discussing the weather. "But he used to run with the best of us. We go way back. He was... First Divison Vice Captain, huge position until he left after he finished high school"
Maya's mind reeled at the implications of Izana's words. She had known Chifuyu for years and had trusted him implicitly. But now, faced with the harsh reality of his past, she couldn't help but question everything she thought she knew about him. "I-I had no idea," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "Chifuyu never mentioned anything..."
Izana's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, now you know," he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "And now you're one of us, doc. Welcome to the family."
Maya thinks she's going to be sick. "I don't... I..."
No words are coming out. "What Izana means is that we would like you to work exclusively with us..." Kakucho says noticing Maya's panic, quickly jumping to do damage control "Izana is sick recovering and we can no longer trust anyone with continuing his treatment... You have proven to be... innocent and the best choice"
Maya felt trapped, her options shrinking as Izana and his associates painted her into a corner. The weight of their expectations bore down on her, suffocating her with the realization that she had little say in the matter. "I-I guess I don't have much of a choice," she murmured, her voice trembling with resignation.
Izana's grin widened, his eyes alight with triumph. "Smart girl," he remarked, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "You won't regret this, bunny. Welcome to the family."
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"Financial control" Maya mutters as she looks around the new apartment
There are large floor-to-ceiling windows lining an entire wall and the place is already furnished. On the coffee table are shopping bags with logos of expensive brands on each. "hm?" Kakucho says curiously
Maya looks around in awe as she mindlessly says "Where someone takes charge of all finances to foster dependency, is a form of abuse aimed at gaining power over the victim's financial resources and independence"
Kakucho's brow furrows in confusion as Maya's words hang in the air, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and apprehension. "What do you mean?" he asks, his tone cautious.
Maya shakes her head, trying to compose herself as she struggles to articulate her thoughts. "I-I mean, it's just... this," she gestures around the lavish apartment, the extravagant furnishings, and the branded shopping bags. "It's all so... overwhelming."
Kakucho's expression softens with understanding as he takes in Maya's apprehensive demeanour. "I know it's a lot to take in," he says gently, "but we want you to feel comfortable here. Consider it a gesture of appreciation for everything you're... doing for us."
Maya nods, though her mind still churns with uncertainty. As she gazes out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the bustling city below, she can't shake the feeling that she's stepped into a world far beyond her control. "Financial control, huh?" Izana says as he's lounging back on the couch "That's not what I was aiming for but now that you said it, I might take it into consideration"
Maya's heart sinks as Izana's casual response confirms her worst fears. She realizes now that she's truly trapped in a web of manipulation and coercion, her every move scrutinized and controlled by those around her. "I-I didn't mean..." she starts, her voice faltering as she struggles to find the right words.
Izana chuckles, a cold edge to his laughter that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Relax, bunny," he says, his tone deceptively light. "I was just teasing... for now."
Maya forces a weak smile, though inside, her anxiety continues to gnaw at her. "Izana..." Kakucho says with a frown "You said you'd stop scaring her"
Izana's grin falters slightly at Kakucho's reprimand, though the mischief in his eyes remains. "I'm just having a little fun, Kakucho," he replies, his tone dismissive. "No harm done."
Kakucho's frown deepens, but he doesn't press the matter further. Instead, he turns his attention to Maya, his expression softening with genuine concern. "Sorry about him," he says, offering her a reassuring smile. "He's... not always like this."
Maya doesn't really believe Kakucho but she nods anyway. She knows better than to trust the assurances of those entangled in the murky world of the Tokyo Manji Gang. As she watches Kakucho's friendly demeanour and Izana's playful banter, Maya can't help but wonder what ulterior motives lurk beneath their facade of friendliness. She forces herself to push aside her apprehensions, knowing that she has little choice but to play along for now. After all, she's seen firsthand the consequences of defying Izana and his associates. "Now c'mon, take a look at what I got you" Izana gestures to the bags on the coffee table
Izana directs her attention to the bags on the coffee table. She approaches cautiously, her suspicion mounting with each step. With a hesitant hand, she reaches out and grabs one of the bags, her fingers trembling slightly as she pulls it closer. As she peeks inside, her eyes widen in surprise. The bag is filled with designer clothing, each item more expensive than anything she's ever owned. Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she's grateful for the gesture. On the other hand, she can't shake the feeling of unease that accompanies such extravagant displays of wealth. "Wow, thank you," Maya murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I-I don't know what to say."
Izana chuckles, his grin widening at her reaction. "Consider it a welcome gift," he says, his tone almost jovial
Maya picks up a small Vivienne Westwood bag, unwraps the box and all the other packaging and sees a... A lighter? "I uh... I don't smoke" Maya says slowly, holding up the small silver heart-shaped lighter
She had seen it a bunch of times online. It was cute but no reason for anyone to spend a whole bunch of money on it when the contents inside were the same as any other lighter. "Oh yeah I know," Izana says dismissively "But I saw it and thought you'd look so cute on my lap while I'm in a meeting and lighting a cigarette for me with it—"
"You also can't smoke" Maya shuts it down immediately, her cheeks flushing pink from Izana voicing out his daydream
Izana's laughter only grows louder, echoing in the room as Kakucho shakes his head in bemusement. "Well, there goes that fantasy" Izana quips, his grin widening mischievously
Maya exhales a nervous laugh, relieved that the tension seems to dissipate, at least for the moment. "I suppose we'll have to find another way to make use of it" she says, trying to inject some lightness into the situation.
Izana's eyes gleam with amusement as he considers her suggestion. "Indeed," he agrees, his tone suggestive, making her cheeks flush an even darker shade of red
Kakucho clears his throat, interjecting with a hint of impatience. "Let's not get carried away, Izana." he says, shooting a warning glance at his friend.
Izana's grin widens, but he relents, setting aside the lighter with a playful shrug. "Fine, fine" he concedes, though the mischievous glint in his eyes suggests he's only biding his time
Then, with a flourish, he produces a Cartier jewelry box from his pocket, revealing a delicate bracelet nestled inside. Her eyes widen a bit at the sight of the bracelet. She recognizes it from her online browsing—a love bracelet, renowned for its distinctive locking mechanism. It was pretty popular but also pretty fucking expensive. "And this is also for you. From me, personally," Izana declares, taking Maya's wrist and fastening the gold bracelet "I noticed you wear gold jewellery so I got you gold"
Maya watches in silence as Izana locks the bracelet around her wrist. "Y-You really didn't have to" she murmurs, her gaze fixed on the shimmering gold bangle, unaware of Izana discreetly pocketing the golden screwdriver-like key.
As Izana steps back, admiring his handiwork, Maya tentatively flexes her wrist, feeling the weight of the bracelet. "It's beautiful" she concedes, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Despite her reservations about Izana's intentions, she can't deny the allure of the elegant accessory. Izana's grin widens at her response, a glint of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Glad you like it," he says, his voice laced with amusement. "Consider it a token of appreciation for being such a good sport."
Maya's smile falters slightly at the reminder of her precarious position. She knows accepting gifts from Izana only further entangles her in his web of influence. But for now, she chooses to focus on the fleeting sense of gratitude that accompanies the gesture. Kakucho watches the exchange with a knowing look, his expression unreadable. "Well, now that we've got that sorted," he interjects, breaking the momentary silence, "shall we eat?"
"Yes, let's eat" she agrees, relieved by the distraction.
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As the sun begins its descent beyond the towering skyline of the city, casting hues of orange and pink across the horizon, Maya finds herself drawn to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the apartment. She stands by the glass, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before her. The vibrant colours of the sunset paint the sky with an ethereal glow, bathing the city in a soft, golden light. For a fleeting moment, Maya allows herself to be captivated by the beauty of the scene, the worries and uncertainties of her new reality momentarily forgotten. But as the last rays of sunlight fade into the twilight, casting shadows across the room, Maya's thoughts return to the daunting challenges that lie ahead. She knows she can't afford to let her guard down, not with Izana's watchful eyes constantly monitoring her every move. "If you ever need anything we're in the penthouse. You can just come up" Kakucho tells her
Kakucho's casual mention of their residence in the penthouse suite above jolted Maya out of her reverie. "Wait, you guys live here too?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief, her eyes widening in surprise.
Kakucho nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, we're just a floor above," he confirmed, his tone calm and collected. "If you ever need anything, we're right there."
Maya's heart skipped a beat as she processed the implications of their proximity. She hadn't realized that they had secured her an apartment in the same building they resided in. The realization sent a shiver down her spine, the boundaries between her personal and professional life blurring in a way she hadn't anticipated. Before she could fully digest this new piece of information, Izana interjected with his trademark nonchalance. "We own several buildings in the city," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "This one just happens to be one of our properties."
The weight of Izana's words settled heavily upon Maya, their implications sinking in with each passing moment. She felt a growing sense of unease, a nagging suspicion that she was more deeply entangled in Izana's world than she had initially realized. "Thank you, Kakucho," Maya murmured, her voice tinged with gratitude, though a knot of anxiety still tightened in her chest
Kakucho's phone rings and he steps away for a moment. Izana takes that moment to walk over to her, standing next to her as he stares out the large window. As Kakucho stepped away to take the call, Izana seized the opportunity to approach Maya. He stood beside her, his presence imposing yet strangely captivating against the backdrop of the city lights. "Quite the view, isn't it?" Izana remarked, his tone casual as he leaned against the couch by the window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling cityscape below.
Maya nodded, though her attention remained divided between the breathtaking scenery and the enigmatic figure at her side. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, she couldn't shake off the unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak in Izana's presence. "Yeah, it's... impressive," Maya replied, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as she stole a sideways glance at Izana.
Izana chuckles. "If you don't like it I can get you another." He says it like it was nothing "new apartment, house, bungalow, mansion, beach house..."
Maya's heart skipped a beat at Izana's nonchalant offer. The idea of being handed another luxurious residence as if it were a mere trinket left her feeling unsettled. "Uh, no, that's not necessary" she replied, her voice tinged with unease.
Izana's grin widened at her response, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Suit yourself," he said, his tone laced with a hint of mischief. "But just know that the offer stands. Anything you want, just say the word."
Maya forced a tight smile, though inside, her mind churned with apprehension. The notion of having access to such extravagant wealth at her fingertips was both exhilarating and terrifying. She couldn't help but wonder what strings were attached to Izana's seemingly generous offer, and what price she would ultimately be expected to pay. "Oh..." Izana murmured seeing something he hadn't noticed earlier
He walks over, closer to her, taking hold of the two pendant necklaces she was wearing. Both were gold. One was a coin pendant with a flower in the center and the other was a butterfly. "these are cute" he hummed, examining both
Maya's breath caught in her throat as Izana approached, his proximity sending a shiver down her spine. She watched in silence as he delicately inspected the two pendant necklaces adorning her neck, his fingers tracing the intricate designs with a casual familiarity. "Yeah, they're just something I picked up..." Maya replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks flushing pink under Izana's scrutiny.
Izana's lips curled into a faint smirk as he continued to examine the pendants. "Interesting choice," he murmured, his tone contemplative. "They suit you."
Maya offered a tentative smile, though inside, her heart raced with apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling that Izana's interest in her accessories went beyond simple admiration. There was something calculating in his gaze, a hunger that made her skin prickle with unease. Izana lets go of the coin pendant and holds the butterfly one, admiring it for a moment. "real gold, yeah?"
Maya nodded nervously, her eyes fixed on Izana's hands as he examined the delicate butterfly pendant. "Y-Yes, it's real gold," she confirmed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Izana's grin widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Nice," he remarked, his tone almost playful. "I like someone who appreciates the finer things in life."
Maya forced a weak smile. Izana tugs lightly at it. "take it off"
Maya's breath catches in her throat at Izana's command, her fingers instinctively clutching the butterfly pendant as if it were her lifeline, her thin fingers wrapping around Izana's tanned ones. "W-Why?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously between Izana and the necklace.
Izana's expression remains unreadable as he meets her gaze with an intensity that sends shivers down her spine. "Just because" he replies smoothly, his tone laced with an underlying threat, easily prying his hand out of hers
Maya's breath catches in her throat as she surrenders the necklace to Izana, her fingers trembling slightly as she releases her grip. Without a word, he takes the pendant from her hand and deftly fastens it around his own neck. She watches in silence, unable to tear her gaze away as Izana adjusts the pendant, his expression unreadable. Maya's eyes widen in surprise as Izana removes the gold chain from around his own neck. She watches in astonishment as he delicately places it around her neck, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her veins. "A trade, yeah" He murmurs as he fastens the chain around her neck
Maya's heart races at Izana's words, her mind struggling to process the implications of his actions. "But why?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper
Izana's smirk returns, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Consider it a symbol of our... partnership..." he replies cryptically, his tone laced with intrigue. "A reminder that we're in this together now."
With a final adjustment, he secures the chain in place, his touch lingering against her throat for a moment longer than necessary. As Izana steps back, his grin widening, Maya's mind races with conflicting emotions. She feels the weight of the gold chain around her neck, a tangible reminder of the bond forged between them. But beneath the surface, a sense of unease gnaws at her, a whisper of doubt that refuses to be silenced. "Izana, I..." Maya begins, her voice faltering as she searches for the right words.
But before she can articulate her thoughts, Kakucho returns, his expression unreadable as he takes in the scene before him. "Everything okay here?" he asks, his gaze flickering between Maya and Izana.
Izana's grin remains firmly in place as he nods, his tone casual. "Just making a trade" he replies, his eyes never leaving Maya's.
Kakucho's eyebrows furrow slightly, but he doesn't press further. Instead, he offers Maya a reassuring smile before turning his attention to Izana. "We should get going," he says, his tone indicating that the conversation is over.
Maya nods, her mind still reeling from the exchange. As they prepare to leave, she can't shake the feeling that she's entered into a pact with the devil himself
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There are certain things Maya never thought she'd experience and waking up in a huge apartment was one of them. She was never able to sleep in new places very well so she watches the sunrise through the floor-to-ceiling windows of her new bedroom, still lying in bed. As the first rays of dawn pierce through the glass, casting a warm glow across the room, Maya lies in bed, her thoughts drifting as she watches the sunrise. The vast expanse of the cityscape stretches out before her, its towering skyscrapers bathed in the soft light of morning. It's a breathtaking sight, one that fills her with a sense of awe and wonder, even amidst the turmoil of her current circumstances. But beneath the surface, a knot of anxiety tightens in Maya's chest. She can't shake the feeling of unease that has plagued her ever since she first stepped foot into this opulent apartment. It's a stark reminder of just how far removed she is from her old life, a life that now feels like a distant memory. As she lies there, lost in thought, Maya can't help but wonder what the future holds. She knows that she's entered into a world fraught with danger and uncertainty, one where the stakes are higher than ever before. Her new phone buzzes. Along with the designer clothes and jewelry, Izana also bought her a new phone.
[5:34 am] hey bunny you up?
Maya can't help but turn a little red. It sounded like a typical booty call text and that probably wasn't even what he was texting her for. She knows she shouldn't read too much into it, but the playful tone of Izana's text sends a wave of mixed emotions coursing through her. Despite her reservations, Maya can't deny the pull of curiosity. With trembling fingers, she types out a response.
[5:36 am] Yeah. What's up?
As she hits send, Maya can't help but wonder what Izana has in store for her. She knows better than to let her guard down around him, but there's a part of her that can't resist the thrill of the unknown. Almost immediately, her phone buzzes with a reply from Izana.
[5:36 am] I'm hungry come make me food you're a good cook and I'm tired of kakucho's cooking i need variety
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red as she reads Izana's message. Despite the casual tone, she can't help but feel a sense of unease at his request. The idea of cooking for Izana in the early hours of the morning feels both surreal and oddly intimate. Nevertheless, Maya knows better than to refuse him outright. With a resigned sigh, she begins to type out a response.
[5:38 am] Sure, I can make you something What do you feel like eating?
As she sends the message, Maya braces herself for Izana's reply, her mind already racing with ideas for what she could whip up in the kitchen. Despite her misgivings, there's a small part of her that can't deny the satisfaction of being able to provide for him, even if it's just through a simple meal. Maya waits anxiously for Izana's response, her heart pounding in her chest as she anticipates his reply. A few moments later, her phone buzzes with a new message from him.
[5:40 am] Surprise me
Maya's brow furrows in frustration at the vague response, but she knows she has no choice but to comply. With a resigned sigh, she throws off the covers and swings her legs out of bed, steeling herself for the task ahead. As she makes her way to the kitchen, Maya's mind races with possibilities. She sifts through the ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator, her thoughts spinning as she considers what she could prepare for Izana. Despite the early hour, Maya finds herself strangely energized by the challenge, a sense of determination driving her forward. With practiced efficiency, Maya begins to gather the necessary ingredients, her hands moving deftly as she sets about preparing a meal fit for a gangster. As the aroma of pancakes and brewing coffee fills the air, Maya can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. Despite the unusual circumstances, there's something comforting about the act of cooking, a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of her new life. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Maya puts the finishing touches on Izana's breakfast, arranging the food neatly on a plate before carrying it over to the table. As she sets the plate down in front of him, Izana looks up at her with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he says, his tone teasing as he surveys the meal before him. "I must say, you've outdone yourself, bunny."
Maya can't help but smile at his words, a sense of pride swelling within her chest. Despite her initial apprehension, she's relieved to see that Izana seems satisfied with her efforts. As he digs into the food with gusto, Maya watches him with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, wondering what other surprises her new life has in store for her. Maya isn't too surprised he has a key to her new place. After all, he lived just above in the penthouse and owned the building itself. "um... where's Kakucho?" she asks curiously, watching Izana eat
It's about 6-something now. Izana looks up from his meal, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Oh, Kakucho had some business to attend to," he replies casually, his tone betraying nothing. "Left bright and early, just like him."
Maya nods, though she can't shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of her stomach. She's become accustomed to Kakucho's presence, his calm demeanour serving as a reassuring presence in the midst of Izana's unpredictable behaviour. Without him around, Maya can't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, a nagging suspicion that she's once again at Izana's mercy. As she watches Izana finish his meal, Maya can't help but wonder what other secrets he's hiding, what other schemes he has up his sleeve. Despite her lingering doubts, Maya knows she has no choice but to play along, to navigate the treacherous waters of Izana's world with caution and cunning. With a heavy sigh, she pushes aside her concerns and focuses on the task at hand, steeling herself for whatever challenges lie ahead. "You haven't showered, yeah?" Izana asks as he sips his coffee
Maru shakes her head no. She's in sweatpants and an oversized shirt which was a huge contrast to Izana's silk pyjamas which probably cost more than her. "shower, be ready by 10. I have work and I wanna take you out for lunch"
Maya's heart skips a beat at Izana's directive. It didn't sound like a casual invitation; it felt more like a command. Despite the faint flicker of apprehension that flares within her, Maya nods obediently, her mind already racing with thoughts of what Izana might have planned. "Okay" she replies, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting nervously
She knows better than to defy him, especially after she watched him and his friends kill her boss and co-workers last night. Izana flashes her a satisfied grin before returning his attention to his coffee. "Good," he says, his tone dismissive. "I'll see you then."
Izana leaves her apartment to go back to his own. Maya heads toward the bathroom to prepare for her unexpected lunch date, she can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at her insides. Despite Izana's outward charm, there's a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a reminder of the dangers that lurk in his world. But for now, Maya pushes aside her doubts, focusing instead on the task at hand. With a mix of apprehension and curiosity swirling within her, Maya steps into the shower, allowing the warm water to cascade over her, washing away the remnants of sleep and uncertainty. As she lathers soap over her skin, her mind races with questions about Izana's intentions and what this lunch outing might entail.
After hastily drying off Maya tries to figure out what to wear. It takes her a long time to decide what to wear. Izana hadn't exactly told her where they were going for lunch but he did say he had something to do first since it was still pretty early which meant he would be wearing a suit. So, she should probably wear something somewhat formal as well. She wears a light blue satin ankle-length skirt and a white off-the-shoulder blouse. Maya does her makeup and stares for a moment at her neck. There sits the gold chain Izana put on her in exchange for her necklace with the butterfly necklace. It was honestly a bit odd that he had given it to her but oh well. Maya wasn't exactly in a position to argue with him. She looks down at her wrist where the gold love bracelet is. Maya had tried to take it off last night but couldn't find the screwdriver for it anywhere. She didn't want to force it off and hurt herself so she just kept it on. Perhaps she'll ask Izana about it later.
Maya glances at the clock to find it's already 9:45. Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror, she grabs her bag, which was another one of the unnecessarily expensive gifts from Izana, and heads out the door. The elevator ride down to the ground floor feels like an eternity, each passing second amplifying Maya's nerves. As the elevator doors slide open, Maya steps out into the lobby, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Izana. Sure enough, he's waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall with an air of confidence that sends a shiver down Maya's spine. "Right on time," Izana remarks, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he straightens up to greet her, wearing a suit just like she predicted "Shall we?"
Maya forces a tight-lipped smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she falls into step beside him. With each passing moment, she can't help but wonder what lies in store for her on this unexpected lunch date with Izana. As they stepped out of the building, right in front of the door was a black Lexus and one of the men from the night at the hospital. Shion, if she remembered correctly. He's standing with with his arms crossed over and a scowl on his face. "boss" Shion greets as he opens the back door of the car for Izana
Izana simply nods at him and Maya greets him with a weak smile. "huh, didn't know you'd still be alive" Shion says raising his brow
Maya's stomach churns at Shion's comment, a wave of nausea washing over her. She fights to maintain her composure, forcing herself to keep a neutral expression despite the discomfort gnawing at her insides. "Just lucky, I guess," she manages to reply, her voice barely above a whisper.
Shion's eyes linger on her for a moment longer, his gaze sharp and assessing, before he turns his attention back to Izana. "Where to, boss?" he asks, his tone curt and businesslike.
Izana settles into the backseat of the car, motioning for Maya to join him. "You know the place," he says casually, his tone betraying nothing of his intentions.
Maya slides into the car beside Izana, her nerves on edge as they pull away from the curb. After a few minutes of driving, she speaks up "uh, where are we going?" she fiddles with the bracelet he gifted her
"I have a meeting to go to then we'll go for lunch," Izana says as he undoes the button on his suit jacket "You can just stay in the car with Shion"
She can only nod as her unease grows with each passing moment. She nods silently, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The car glides through the bustling streets of the city, the rhythmic hum of the engine the only sound breaking the silence. "uh..." she decides to speak again, fiddling with the gold Cartier love bracelet "I couldn't find the screwdriver for the bracelet in the box last night while I was trying to take it off. Do you have it?"
Izana who is on his phone doesn't even look up as he says "hm? No actually. I left it in the box after I put it on you. Maybe it fell somewhere"
"Oh..." she murmurs, her fingers tracing the smooth surface of the bracelet. "I-I'll have to look for it later then."
But even as she speaks, a sense of resignation washes over her. Deep down, she knows that finding the key is just another impossibility in a world where she's already lost control.
But of course, Maya doesn't know Izana still has the screwdriver.
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"So... You guys fucking?" Shion starts a poor attempt at conversation while they sit in the car outside a large warehouse for Izana's 'meeting' to end
He's looking at her through the rear-view mirror. Maya's cheeks flush crimson at Shion's blunt question, her eyes widening in shock at his audacity. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze darting nervously around the car before settling on Shion's reflection in the rear-view mirror. "Uh, excuse me?" she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart pounding in her chest.
Shion merely shrugs, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Just making conversation," he replies casually, his tone laced with amusement. "You and the boss seem pretty cozy, that's all."
Maya's cheeks burn hotter with embarrassment, her mind racing as she searches for a suitable response. "uh... no we're not..."
Shion shrugs again. "yeah that was a stupid question. I just didn't know what else to say"
Maya lets out a nervous chuckle, grateful for Shion's change of topic. "It's okay," she replies, her voice tinged with relief. "I get it. It's just... I'm still getting used to everything."
Shion nods in understanding, his smirk softening into a more sympathetic expression. "Yeah, I can imagine," he says, his tone surprisingly gentle. "It's a lot to take in, especially with someone like Izana."
Maya's shoulders relax slightly at Shion's empathetic response. Despite his initial brashness, she senses a genuine sincerity in his words. "Yeah," she agrees with a small nod. "It definitely is."
Before Shion can respond, Izana reaches the car, his presence filling the space with an air of authority. Maya's heart quickens at his approach, her thoughts momentarily distracted from the awkward conversation with Shion. As Izana slides into the car beside her, Maya steals a glance at him. She furrows her brows seeing he isn't wearing his tie or suit jacket anymore, instead, they're hanging off his arm, the sleeves of his black dress shirt are rolled up to his elbows and the top few buttons are undone. Oh wow. Wow. Wow. He looks good. Maya's breath catches in her throat as she takes in Izana's appearance. Despite the casual attire, there's an undeniable aura of power and confidence emanating from him, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. She feels a flush rise to her cheeks as she realizes just how striking he looks, his rugged charm only adding to his magnetic presence. "Everything alright?" Izana's voice interrupts her reverie, pulling her back to reality. His piercing gaze meets hers, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
Maya clears her throat, forcing herself to focus. "Uh, yeah, everything's fine," she replies, her voice slightly breathless. "Just... thinking."
Izana quirks an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "About what, exactly?" he asks, his tone teasing.
Maya's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red at the implication of his question. "N-Nothing important," she stammers, averting her gaze to hide her embarrassment.
Izana chuckles softly, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Well, if you say so," he replies, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning back to Shion.
"Everything go well?" Shion asks
"yup" Izana answers simply "Now, let's get going. I'm starving." With that, he turns his attention to Shion, giving him a nod to start the car.
As the car pulls away from the warehouse, Maya can't shake the fluttering sensation in her chest. Kurokawa Izana is unfairly hot. How is it that older guys are always so hot? Maya's phone buzzes and her eyes widen realizing she forgot about Chifuyu. "answer it" Izana says
Matsuno Chifuyu, the guy who is the reason she is quite literally still alive because of and her first love. One sided love actually. Maya has been in love with Chifuyu since middle school. He was a good 5 years older than her and he didn't like her back. Due to all the things going on, she hadn't contacted him and of course, he was worried(she texted him maybe 100 times a day, obviously he'd notice if she stopped). Maya is about to decline the call but Izana takes the phone and answers it, putting it on speaker. She can't help but glare at him. "hello?" Chifuyu says
Maya is about to snatch the phone from Izana but he pulls back and just smiles teasingly. Chifuyu keeps talking on the phone while Izana mutes it and Maya keeps trying to take it back. "Give it back" She hisses as Izana moves to the other side of the car, his back pressing against the door
Izana just grabs her waist with one hand and then unmutes the phone. Immediately Maya stops trying to pull it out of his grasp and goes quiet, the only sound in the car being the hum of the engine. "Maya? Hello~?" Chifuyu says and Izana gestures for her to talk
Maya's eye twitches in annoyance. "hello" she answers back
"fucking finally. where have you been? You haven't texted me in two days!"
Izana's arm around her waist tightens. "I-I've been busy... I quit the hospital and—"
"After the first day?!" He cuts her off and Izana looks like he wants to laugh
Maya just glares even harder at him. "I got a better job. It uh... pays a lot better" She wasn't about to tell Chifuyu the truth
Kakucho had explained to her pretty vaguely that Chifuyu and Kazutora had left Tokyo Manji Gang years ago and probably just didn't want her to be afraid of them. They had retired and were good people, only a part of the gang before it became as big as it is today. Maya had no reason to feel betrayed. Chifuyu and Kazutora's past had nothing to do with her. "Better job? One that got you out of your tiny ass house? I even went to your apartment today to check on you but your landlady said you moved out"
Maya laughs nervously. "My new job pays me to be... closer" It wasn't exactly a lie
"c-close? Oh my god Maya don't tell me you actually took Kazutora's joke of becoming a sugar baby seriously?!"
Maya turns red at his words as she makes eye contact with Izana who has a mischievous smile on his face, very clearly enjoying this conversation. Chifuyu wasn't too far off though. She might as well be Izana's sugar baby. The only thing left was sleeping with him. "What the fuck? NO!" She replies quickly "I'm not sleeping with old men... A-And I have to go Chifuyu... I'll call you later"
Before Chifuyu can say anything, Maya grabs the phone out of Izana's hand and ends the call. Izana looks like he wants to laugh and Maya just glares at him. "You can't just do that" She says
"hm? and why not?" He asks with a smile
It's right then that Maya realizes while she was trying to get the phone from Izana she ended up in his lap and his arms were now around her body. Her face turns bright red. Shion whistles teasingly from the driver's seat and Maya pulls herself out of Izana's grasp, landing back on the leather seat. "You're so..." Maya pauses and then groans in annoyance, clutching her phone tightly
Izana just shrugs and starts fixing his shirt as Shion pulls into the parking lot of some high-end-looking restaurant. "Use your words, I don't know what that sound means" Izana says teasingly as he loops his tie around his neck
Maya rolls her eyes and then decides to not be so cautious about her words for a moment. "You're really annoying and childish"
What she said wasn't even that bad but Izana seemed like the person to get angry at any form of criticism, even sarcastic like the one she just said. Maya expects Izana to get angry but he doesn't. Instead, he laughs and says "hm, you think so?"
And so, Maya decides she should try and see how far she can push before Izana pulls out a gun on her.
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It lasts for months. Maya trying to get under Izana's skin and he just responds back in an equally teasing manner. At this point, his system has been completely detoxified of the drugs and he's doing much much better. At this point, Maya is very much a damn freeloader too. Izana just keeps giving her things and she's always attempting to be mean. Izana must think she's flirting or something.
Well... She kinda is. But then again, with a wallet like that, who wouldn't? Sure he tortured her previous employer right in front of her but what's bygones is bygones right? Maybe that made her a little morally grey but when you're fresh out of uni with no money and suddenly given a whole bunch all at once and your loans have been paid off, maybe living with a murderer and using his money isn't that bad. Right?
Maya is their therapist of some sort. Izana is paying her a lot to stick around and in this economy, she'd be stupid not to. Her rent is paid, and she never has to worry about food or money. Things are scarily comfortable so she hasn't let her guard down. Who knows when Izana will pull the carpet out from beneath her feet? He is very sweet though sometimes— Izana. Kakucho as well. Out of everyone though, Maya got along with Shion the most. They bonded over Izana being an asshole. "And so I told him, I'm not an escort. I won't go to your stupid fancy party just to make you look good" Maya says making wild hand gestures
She and Shion were in the car, both in casual clothes rather than the formal wear Maya had gotten accustomed to. Shion looks like a back street drug dealer in his all-black outfit with cargo pants and a hoodie and Maya looks like a high school with her basketball shorts and hoodie. There is fast food resting on the armrest between the driver and passenger seat and two drinks in both cup holders. "shut up you did not say that" Shion says as he picks up his drink "Am I talking to a ghost right now? Did Big Boss kill you?"
He reaches over and tries to make his hand go through her face in case he is talking to a ghost. Maya smacks his hand away and kicks off her sneakers so she can get more comfortable and shoves a bunch of fries in her mouth. "fuck off dude" she says then looks away "I didn't exactly say that but y'know... something along the lines"
Shion narrows his eyes. "pussy"
Maya gasps about to throw the entire pack of fries at him. "Take that back!"
It's about 12:30 am. Dark outside and not a person was in sight in the parking lot of the fast-food place. Shion apparently loved the place and she could understand why. They often took late-night runs and Shion being her 'driver' took her where she wanted. He at first did say it was boring but he figured that shopping and doing groceries was a lot less stressful than meeting with foreign mafia. After all, Tokyo Manji Gang was getting a lot bigger. "Anyways, Izana is fine now. Why does he keep you around?" Shion asks as he takes a bite of his burger
Maya shrugs. "Beats me. Overpaid escort I guess"
"Or maybe..." Shion says slowly with a suggestive tone raising his brows
"No" Maya shuts him down immediately, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment "I dunno why he keeps me around"
Shion just grins. "he likes you~"
"fuck off, what are you? 12?" Maya grumbles in annoyance "That scary man doesn't seem like he's capable of love"
"oh he is—" Shion is cut off when there is a knock on the driver-side window
They both screech at the same time. There stands Izana in a suit, his gun pressed against the glass. "OH MY GOD!" Shion screams louder than Maya
"DRIVE!" Maya screams
The mood in the car shifts from playful to terrified in an instant. Izana's expression is a mix of annoyance and amusement as he watches their panic through the glass. "Calm down, you fucking idiots," he says, his voice muffled but clear through the closed window. "Open the door."
Shion, still pale and shaking, fumbles with the lock and opens the door. Izana slides into the backseat, his presence dominating the small space. He puts his gun away, but the tension remains thick in the air. "What the hell are you two doing out here?" he asks, his tone deceptively calm.
Maya, heart still racing, struggles to regain her composure. "W-We were just getting some food," she stammers, holding up the pack of fries as evidence. "It's late, and we were hungry."
Izana raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "You know it's not safe for you to be out here like this without extra security," he says, his gaze shifting between Shion and Maya. "Especially you, Maya."
For some reason Izana using her name rather than the nickname she had gotten used to coming from him made her feel odd. "Yeah, boss, sorry. I didn't think—" Shion gulps, nodding fervently
"That's right, you didn't think," Izana interrupts, his voice sharp. "You're supposed to be her protector, not her playmate."
Maya looks outside the window to see multiple cars with multiple people standing outside in suits. Was something going on? She feels nervous and Izana's words about Shion being her protector made her wonder what he meant. "I-Izana is something going on—"
"Not right now, Maya" Izana cuts her off and looks at Shion "You should have known better. Do you not remember what was happening tonight?"
Maya feels nervous and a little frightened. Shion's face goes pale as the gravity of the situation dawns on him. "Boss, I—"
Izana cuts him off with a dismissive wave. "Save it, Shion. Get her back to the apartment. Now."
Maya feels her stomach churn with anxiety as she glances at the men outside, their serious expressions and ready stances indicating that something significant is unfolding tonight. She turns to Izana, her voice trembling. "Izana, what's happening?"
Izana meets her gaze, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Business," he says simply, his tone leaving no room for further questions. "Go back to the apartment."
Maya nods, swallowing her fear. Shion starts the car, his hands still trembling, and they drive off, the silence between them heavy with unspoken words. As they make their way back, Shion's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "Maya, I'm sorry," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. "I messed up."
Maya shakes her head, trying to offer some comfort. "It's okay, Shion. We didn't know."
"No, it's not okay," he insists, his voice strained. "Izana doesn't take mistakes lightly. I put you in danger, and that's not something I can easily forgive myself for."
They reach the apartment, and Shion parks the car, turning to face her. "Stay inside and lock the doors. I'll be downstairs, keeping an eye out."
Maya nods, stepping out of the car and heading into the building. As she rides the elevator up to her floor, her mind races with thoughts of what could be happening and what kind of trouble Izana might be dealing with. She tries to shake off the worry, reminding herself that Izana is capable and resourceful. Once inside her apartment, she locks the door and leans against it, taking a deep breath. The opulence of her surroundings feels starkly at odds with the tension and fear coursing through her. She walks over to the large windows, looking out at the city below, the lights twinkling in the night. A sense of isolation washes over her as she realizes just how entangled she has become in Izana's world. The luxury and security come with a price, and tonight she had glimpsed a piece of that cost. She wrapped her arms around herself, wishing for a moment of normalcy, a life where she didn't have to worry about the dangerous games played by men like Izana.
The night had been going well. Or well at least she thought it was. Oh god, Maya hoped Shion wasn't in trouble. It was just a harmless outing after all. They were just getting food. Maya's fingers tremble as she reaches for her phone and texts Izana.
[12:54 am] don't be mad at Shion I was the one that insisted
Izana just leaves her on read and it makes Maya even more anxious. She isn't sure if she or Shion are in trouble. She hopes they aren't. But at the same time, Maya isn't sure when she got so used to this violent life. It was bad. The minutes stretched into an eternity as Maya anxiously waited for a response from Izana, her eyes flickering to her phone every few seconds. The silence from him was deafening, and her mind raced with worst-case scenarios. She paced the length of her living room, her nerves frayed and her thoughts jumbled. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, she sank onto the plush couch, trying to calm her racing heart. The city's lights glittered outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but they provided little comfort. Maya's thoughts were consumed by worry for Shion and the potential consequences of their late-night outing. Her phone buzzed, breaking the silence, and she snatched it up with trembling hands, hoping for a message from Izana. Instead, it was Shion.
[1:05 am] Don't worry about me Just stay inside
Maya sighed in relief, but it was short-lived. The uncertainty of the situation still loomed over her. She typed out a quick response.
[1:06 am] I will I'm sorry
She set her phone down and leaned back, closing her eyes in an attempt to steady her breathing. The night's events replayed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. Despite her growing familiarity with this dangerous world, she couldn't ignore the fear that gnawed at her. Hours passed in restless silence. Maya couldn't bring herself to sleep, so she decided to distract herself with a book. She picked up a novel from the coffee table and tried to lose herself in the story, but her mind kept drifting back to Izana and Shion. The unease wouldn't leave her, and every noise from the city outside made her jump. As dawn approached, the first light of morning filtering through the windows, Maya's phone buzzed again. She grabbed it, her heart leaping with hope and fear. It was a message from Izana.
[5:47 am] Shion's fine. Don't do that again. No more late night outings Not anytime soon.
Maya let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. It wasn't exactly comforting, but at least it meant Shion wasn't in immediate danger. She quickly typed a response.
[5:48 am] I won't I'm sorry
She set her phone down and rubbed her eyes, exhaustion finally catching up with her. The adrenaline that had kept her awake all night was wearing off, leaving her feeling drained. She decided to take a quick shower, hoping the warm water would help clear her mind. As she stood under the stream, she couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. The luxury and security of her new lifestyle came with strings attached, and she was constantly navigating the fine line between safety and danger. Izana's world was one of power and control, and Maya was acutely aware of her precarious position within it.
Dressed in fresh clothes, Maya returned to the living room, feeling slightly more composed. The city outside was beginning to wake up, and she could hear the distant sounds of traffic and activity. She made herself a cup of coffee and settled on the couch, determined to stay alert and ready for whatever the day might bring. As she sipped her coffee, she glanced at her phone again, hoping for more communication from Izana. She knew better than to push him, but the silence was maddening. She decided to text him again, keeping it light and non-confrontational.
[6:15 am] Good morning Do you need anything today?
She waited, her heart pounding with anticipation. The minutes ticked by slowly, and just when she was about to give up hope for a response, her phone buzzed.
[6:22 am] Be ready by 9 We're going out.
Maya's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea what Izana had planned, but she knew better than to question him. She set her coffee down and began to prepare for the day, her mind racing with possibilities. Maya took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She glanced at the clock and realized she had just under three hours to get ready. She decided to take her time, knowing that projecting confidence and control was essential in Izana's world.
After another quick shower to freshen up, Maya meticulously selected her outfit. She opted for a mid-length black dress with a sweetheart neckline and white trim, paired with comfortable yet stylish heels. She knew that appearances mattered greatly to Izana, and she wanted to make sure she looked the part. Her hair was styled neatly, and she applied just enough makeup to highlight her features without overdoing it. By the time she finished getting ready, it was 8:45 am. Maya took a moment to collect herself, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She grabbed her phone, keys, and a small handbag before heading out of her apartment. As she stepped into the hallway, she found Shion waiting for her, leaning casually against the wall. His usual smirk was in place, but there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. "Morning," he greeted her, straightening up.
"Morning, Shion," Maya replied, offering a small smile. She felt a mixture of relief and nervousness at seeing him again after the previous night's events. "Izana said we have plans today."
Shion nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Yeah, he's waiting downstairs. Let's go."
They walked to the elevator in silence, the tension from the previous night still lingering between them. As the elevator descended, Maya glanced at Shion, searching for any signs of what might be in store for them. He met her gaze and gave a reassuring nod, though it did little to ease her apprehension. When they reached the lobby, Maya spotted Izana standing near the entrance, his presence commanding as always. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, his expression unreadable. As they approached, he turned to face them, his eyes briefly scanning Maya's outfit before nodding in approval. "You're ready," Izana stated, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
"Yes," Maya replied, her voice steady. "Where are we going?"
"Brunch," Izana said with a cryptic smile, motioning for them to follow him "We're getting Kakucho first"
They stepped outside, where the usual sleek black Lexus awaited them. Izana opened the back door for Maya, a rare gesture of chivalry that didn't go unnoticed. She slid into the car, followed by Izana and Shion, who took the driver's seat as usual. The drive was quiet, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional soft clicks from Izana's phone as he checked messages. Maya's mind raced with possibilities of what this brunch might entail, especially after what happened last night. They stop at another large apartment building and a few minutes later Kakucho steps out and gets into the passenger seat at the front and Shion starts driving again. Maya hasn't seen Kakucho as much lately. He was busy according to Shion and Maya doesn't think she wants to know the details.
Evil doesn't rest is something Maya remembers reading some time ago. It seems it's true because even gang members can't have much time to rest. Maya can't help but wonder if she is their only connection to normalcy. Maybe that's why Shion lets her talk to him all informally even though he's 9 years older; Maybe that's why Kakucho lets her mess around with him; Maybe that's why Izana lets her spit out smart comments.
As they drove through the city, Maya reflected on the question Shion had asked her last night: why does Izana keep you around?
Izana kept Maya around for normalcy.
To feel a little less like a bad person.
Izana had long recovered from his addiction and didn't even smoke anymore, only drinking for leisure. Maya was a reminder of what it felt like to be a regular person, a tether to a world he could never fully inhabit but still wanted to touch.
When they arrived at their destination, an upscale brunch spot tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, Izana led the way inside. The restaurant was elegant, with soft jazz playing in the background and sunlight streaming through large windows. They were seated at a private table in the back, away from prying eyes. As they settled in, the waiter came to take their orders. Maya glanced at the menu, her mind still buzzing with thoughts. She ordered a simple meal, trying to gauge the atmosphere. The place was empty. "Do you own this place too?" She asks as Izana pours himself water
Izana hums. "Of course, bunny" Ah, he was back to calling her that "How else do you think I booked the place out? Is this the first time I've brought you here?"
As usual, it was only her and Izana together in the restaurant. Shion never joined them as he'd go do whatever errands Izana assigned him and Kakucho was never in the mood to 'third wheel'. Maya's thoughts were interrupted as the waiter returned with their drinks. She took a sip of her orange juice, the tartness a welcome distraction from her swirling thoughts. "I guess it is the first time," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of awe as she looked around the empty, elegant space. "It's beautiful."
Izana smiled, clearly pleased by her reaction. "I thought you might like it. It's one of my favorite spots. Quiet, private."
"Must be nice to have so many places you can call your own," Maya said, trying to keep the conversation light. "Do you ever get tired of it?"
Izana leaned back in his chair, studying her. "Sometimes. But it's necessary. In my line of work, privacy and control are everything."
She nodded, understanding the underlying message. In Izana's world, trust was a luxury few could afford. As their food arrived, Maya glanced at the beautifully presented dishes. Despite the tension and the ever-present undercurrent of danger, moments like these almost felt normal. Almost. "How's your breakfast?" Izana asked, cutting into his food.
"It's delicious," Maya replied, taking a bite. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Izana waved off her thanks. They ate in silence for a while till she spoke up again "Uh... What was last night about?"
Izana puts his utensils down and Maya immediately regrets touching the topic. "Maya..." Oh there he was using her name again
Maya had gotten so used to being called bunny by Izana that now it just felt wrong when he called her by her name. May puts down her utensils as well, looking at him nervously. "There is something I didn't account for when bringing you along places with me even if you were just in the car most of the time and the only places we went were restaurants..." Izana says cautiously
What did he have to be cautious about? Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's tone turned serious. She swallowed hard, waiting for him to continue, her mind racing with all the possible directions this conversation could go. The elegant surroundings and the quiet, empty restaurant suddenly felt like a pressure cooker, the weight of Izana's words bearing down on her. Izana sighed, leaning forward slightly, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her breath hitch. "Maya, being around me, being part of my life, it's dangerous. Last night, we had a close call. I underestimated the risks involved in keeping you close, even if it's just for something as simple as getting food."
Maya frowned, confusion and concern swirling in her mind. "What do you mean? What kind of close call?"
"There are always people watching, always enemies waiting for a moment of weakness," Izana explained, his voice low and measured. "Last night, we had a situation that could have escalated. You and Shion were vulnerable, and it was a mistake for me and Shion to let our guards down, even for a moment."
Maya's stomach churned. She hadn't realized the full extent of the danger she was in, or how her presence might complicate things for Izana and his operations. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to put anyone at risk."
Izana shook his head, a rare, almost tender expression softening his features. "It's not your fault, bunny. It's mine. I should have been more careful."
She shifts in place. "What exactly does this mean for me?"
"Someone put a bounty on your head, sweetheart... That's what it means"
Maya felt a cold chill run down her spine at Izana's words. The world around her seemed to narrow, the elegant restaurant fading into the background as the weight of the revelation settled in. Her mouth went dry, and she had to swallow hard before she could speak again. "A bounty?" she echoed, her voice barely audible.
Izana nodded, his expression grim. "Yes. It seems my enemies believe that getting to you might be a way to get to me. I underestimated how visible our connection had become."
Maya's mind raced. She had known that being around Izana came with risks, but she had never imagined something like this. "What... what are we going to do?"
Izana reached across the table, taking her hand in his. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the deadly world he inhabited and to the teasing and patronizing way he usually treated her. "I'm going to keep you safe," he said firmly. "You'll stay closer to me from now on. I'll increase your security. We need to make sure you're protected at all times."
Maya looked into his eyes, seeing a flicker of something she hadn't expected: genuine concern. Despite his ruthless exterior, it seemed Izana did care about her well-being. "Okay," she said, squeezing his hand. "I'll do whatever you think is best."
Izana nodded, releasing her hand and leaning back in his chair. "Good. For now, just enjoy your breakfast. We'll discuss the details later."
But even as Maya eats she can't help but feel sick. As they leave the restaurant, Shion and Kakucho are already back from whatever they had to do. It's as they're driving, Maya's phone buzzes with a text.
[10:54 am] watch your back, doctor
Maya stares at the text in confusion and then comes another.
[10:54 am] Izana won't be able to keep you safe forever
Instantly she feels her stomach churn and her mouth fill with saliva. "Shion..." she says weakly "Pull over"
He looks at her through the rearview mirror, Kakucho and Izana turning to her as well. "Maya are you okay?" Kakucho asks, furrowing his brow
Maya just grips her phone tight. "I'm gonna throw up, pull over"
The car comes to a screeching halt on the fairly empty road and she stumbles out of the car. She barely made it to the side before doubling over, retching violently again. Izana was beside her in an instant, holding her steady with an arm around her waist and hand holding her hair back. "Maya, what happened?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and anger.
She handed him her phone, still trembling and hunched over. He read the messages, his expression darkening with each word. "Who sent these?" he demanded, his grip tightening on her phone.
"I don't know," Maya managed to say between breaths. "It was a blocked number."
Shion and Kakucho are standing right by them, water bottle in hand. Izana trades Maya's phone for the water bottle and makes her drink. Maya took a few sips of the water, her hands shaking. Izana's presence was both reassuring and terrifying. She could see the fury simmering just beneath the surface of his calm exterior. "We need to get you back to the apartment," he said firmly, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any immediate threats.
Shion nodded and quickly moved to open the car door for Maya. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe," he urged.
As they got back into the car, the atmosphere was tense. Izana was on his phone, barking orders to his security team, ensuring every possible measure was taken to protect Maya. Kakucho sat in the front, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, while Shion kept checking the rearview mirror, alert for any sign of trouble. Maya leaned back in her seat, trying to steady her breathing. She felt a mixture of fear and guilt—fear for her safety and guilt for causing such a commotion. She glanced at Izana, who was now off the phone and staring out the window, his jaw clenched. "Sorry" she whispered, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her.
Izana turned to her, his expression softening slightly. "It's not your fault, bunny" he said, using the nickname that now felt oddly comforting
Izana pulls Maya over into his arms so she's pressed into his side. Maru looks up at him, sad-scared puppy eyes melting his cold heart. "shh~, c'mere" he murmurs, pulling her up so she's sitting across his lap
It felt nice being comforted by a man that was cruel to everyone else. Maya nestled into Izana's embrace, her anxiety slowly ebbing away as his steady presence enveloped her. She could feel the tension in his body, a coiled spring ready to unleash fury on anyone who dared threaten her. For a moment, she allowed herself to find solace in his strength, pushing away the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her earlier. The drive back to the apartment was tense, the atmosphere thick with unspoken fears and simmering anger. Maya stayed curled up in Izana's lap, her head resting against his chest. Izana's grip on her tightened slightly, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Shion and Kakucho. They exchanged glances, both aware of the gravity of the situation "shhh..." Izana hushes gently every time he felt her shiver
He holds the back of her head, pressing her face to the crook of her neck. Maru wraps. her arms around Izana's neck, clinging to him for comfort and security. Maya never thought she'd go to Izana for something other than money, especially after knowing everything he'd done, especially after watching him order his men to torture her former employers to death.
It was all because it was so nice being comforted by a man who was cruel to everyone else.
Izana pulls her impossibly closer to his chest. The tension in the car was palpable, each mile stretching the silence as they made their way back to the apartment. Izana held Maya securely, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her bare knee while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Despite the chaotic swirl of emotions, she found herself relaxing into his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear acting as a grounding anchor.
When they finally reached the apartment, Shion and Kakucho quickly exited the car to ensure the area was secure. Izana gently shifted Maya, preparing to carry her inside. "It's okay," she murmured, trying to stand on her own, but her legs were shaky, and she had to lean on Izana for support.
"You don't have to be strong all the time, bunny," Izana said softly, lifting her effortlessly into his arms. "Let me take care of you."
Maya didn't protest further, resting her head against his shoulder as he carried her into the building. Once inside, they were greeted by a heightened security presence. Izana's men were everywhere, scanning the surroundings with keen eyes, their postures alert and ready for any potential threat. The usual quiet luxury of the apartment now felt like a fortress under siege.
Even in the elevator, he doesn't put her down, carrying Maya bridal style, no longer caring who sees. Izana carried her to the living room and gently placed her on the couch in his penthouse. "Listen to me, Maya," he said, his voice firm yet gentle as he kneeled in front of her "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. But you need to stay vigilant. Don't go anywhere without Shion or Kakucho or any of my top men. Shion, Kakucho, Ran, Rindo, Mochi— only them. Understand?"
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. "I understand," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Izana stood up and turned to Kakucho and Shion, who had just entered the room. "I want a full sweep of the building. No one gets in or out without my explicit permission," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.
Shion nodded, his expression serious. "Got it, boss."
Maya watched as he moved with a sense of purpose, directing his men and checking the locks. Shion and Kakucho were by his side, their expressions mirroring his seriousness. She felt a pang of guilt for being the cause of such turmoil but reminded herself that Izana's world had always been dangerous. She was just more aware of it now.
Izana directs more of his men to her apartment as well to do a sweep of her place too. Maya just watches, fingers curled into her dress. Once it seems like Izana has given his men enough orders, he crouches down in front of her again down on one knee. It's an odd sight to see a man so powerful kneeling, let alone being kind. "How about you stay up here tonight..." Izana murmurs as he begins to unstrap her heels from her feet
He isn't asking but Maya tires to protest anyway. "You don't have to—"
As expected, he doesn't let her protest either. 
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A week passes like that. Maya stays in Kakucho's room and Izana refuses to let her leave the penthouse without any of them. Now, had she been your typical dark romance novel female lead, Maya would be begging to leave and get out. But no. Maya grew up all alone, having to provide for herself. Here, in this huge penthouse owned by scary gangsters with the country under their boot, she didn't have to lift a single finger. It was honestly amazing if you ignore the current threat to her life. 
During that week, Maya settled into an unexpected routine of luxury and security, a stark contrast to her previous life. She had her meals prepared, her every need attended to, and she could actually relax, albeit under constant surveillance. Despite the danger, she found herself growing more comfortable with Izana and his men, even if the circumstances were far from normal.
One evening, as she sat on the balcony of the penthouse, watching the sunset over the city, Izana joined her. He handed her a glass of wine, and they sat in companionable silence for a few moments. The orange and pink hues of the sky reflected off the glass buildings, casting a warm glow over everything. "You seem more at ease," Izana observed, taking a sip of his drink.
Maya glanced at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I guess I am. It's strange, isn't it? Feeling safe in a place surrounded by danger."
Izana nodded, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "Danger is relative. In my world, safety is a luxury we create, not something we find."
Maya pondered his words, understanding the depth behind them. She had seen firsthand the lengths Izana went to ensure her protection, and she couldn't deny the sense of security that came with his presence. "Thank you, Izana," she said softly, turning to look at him. "For everything."
Izana's gaze met hers, a rare, genuine warmth in his eyes. "You're welcome, bunny. But I must say this is my fault. I should have known the consequences of bringing a civilian along with me everywhere. Of course someone was going to put a hit on you"
Maya just shakes her. Of course, Izana was right but she wouldn't outright say that to him. "Also" Izana continues "There is a party on Friday. I'd like you to come with me"
And Maya agrees. What's the worst that could happen?
Later that night, as Maya prepared for bed, there was a soft knock on her door. She opened it to find Kakucho standing there, his usual stoic expression softened by concern. "Just wanted to check on you," he said simply.
Maya smiled, touched by his gesture. "I'm okay, Kakucho. Thanks for asking."
He nodded, lingering for a moment as if unsure whether to say more. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me," he finally said, his voice gentle.
"I will," Maya replied, appreciating the support from him and the others. She watched as Kakucho left, feeling a strange mix of emotions. This life of danger and luxury was a far cry from the one she had known, but she was adapting in ways she hadn't expected.
As she lay in bed, thoughts swirling in her mind, Maya couldn't help but reflect on how much her life had changed in such a short time. She had gone from a struggling therapist to a woman under the protection of one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the city. And yet, amidst the chaos, she had found a semblance of peace, even if it was fragile and fleeting.
The days continued in a similar fashion, with Maya growing more accustomed to her new reality. She found herself laughing more with Shion and Kakucho, enjoying their company despite the circumstances. Izana remained a constant, his presence both commanding and comforting. 
Soon comes Friday, the day of the party Izana was talking about.
Maya stood in front of the full-length mirror in Kakucho's room, adjusting the strap of the elegant dress Izana had chosen for her. It was a deep blue in the same shade as her eyes, accentuating her figure without being too revealing. The fabric felt luxurious against her skin, a stark reminder of the opulence she had been thrust into. "Are you ready?" Izana's voice came from the doorway. 
She turned to see him leaning against the frame, looking impeccable in a tailored suit. His eyes held a mix of pride and something deeper that she couldn't quite place. "Almost," she replied, taking a deep breath. "How do I look?"
"Perfect," Izana said, stepping forward and offering his arm. "Shall we?"
Maya took his arm, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. She was stepping into a world that was both fascinating and terrifying, but with Izana by her side, she felt an unexpected surge of confidence. As they descended to the lobby, Shion and Kakucho were already waiting, dressed sharply in suits. They both gave her approving nods, a silent reassurance that she was part of their inner circle tonight.
The drive to the party was relatively quiet, the tension in the air more anticipatory than fearful. Maya couldn't help but wonder what kind of people attended these events and what role she was expected to play. When they arrived, the venue was a sprawling mansion on the outskirts of the city, its grandeur illuminated by an array of lights. The driveway was lined with expensive cars, and elegantly dressed guests milled about, sipping champagne and exchanging pleasantries. Izana led Maya inside, his hand resting possessively on her lower back. As they entered the grand hall, Maya was struck by the sheer opulence of the place. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room. Tables were adorned with lavish floral arrangements, and a string quartet played softly in the background. "Stay close to me," Izana whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "And remember, you're here as my guest. No one will dare harm you while you're with me."
Maya nodded, her heart pounding. She clung to Izana's side, observing the room and its occupants. There were people of all ages, mingling and chatting, but she could sense the underlying tension. This was not just a social event; it was a gathering of power players, each with their own agendas. As they made their way through the crowd, several people approached Izana, exchanging polite greetings and respectful nods. He introduced Maya as his companion, and she noticed the curious glances and whispers that followed them. "Izana, my friend," a smooth voice interrupted their progress. Maya turned to see a tall, impeccably dressed man with a predatory smile. "It's been too long."
"Takeda," Izana replied, his tone polite but guarded. "Good to see you."
Takeda's gaze shifted to Maya, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And who is this lovely lady?"
"This is Kaneko Maya," Izana said, his grip on her tightening slightly. "She's with me."
Takeda nodded, his smile never wavering. "A pleasure to meet you, Maya. I hope you're enjoying the evening."
"I am, thank you," Maya replied, her voice steady despite the unease she felt.
As Takeda moved on, Izana leaned in close. "Be careful around him. He's not to be trusted."
Maya nodded, grateful for the warning. The evening continued, a whirlwind of introductions and conversations. Maya did her best to remember names and faces, but it was overwhelming. Izana never left her side, his presence a constant source of reassurance. At one point, they stepped out onto a terrace overlooking the gardens. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the crowded room, and Maya took a moment to breathe deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. "Are you holding up okay?" Izana asked, his eyes searching hers.
Maya nodded. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm managing."
Izana smiled, his expression softening. "You're doing great. Just a little longer, and then we can leave."
Before she could respond, the sound of raised voices drew their attention back to the ballroom. Izana's body tensed, and he quickly led her inside, his demeanour shifting to one of alertness. As they entered, they saw a group of men gathered near the center of the room, their argument growing more heated. Izana motioned for Shion and Kakucho, who immediately moved to flank him, ready for whatever might happen. Maya stood close to Izana, her heart pounding as the situation escalated. She could feel the tension in the room, the eyes of the guests watching intently. Izana stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Gentlemen," he said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Is there a problem?"
The men turned to face him, their expressions wary. One of them, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, spoke up. "Just a disagreement, Kurokawa-san. Nothing to worry about."
Izana's eyes narrowed slightly. "Make sure it stays that way. This is not the place for conflicts."
The man nodded, backing down. The tension in the room eased slightly, and the guests began to return to their conversations, though the air was still charged with an undercurrent of unease. Izana turned back to Maya, his expression softening. "Let's get out of here. We've had enough excitement for one night."
Maya nodded, grateful for the escape. As they made their way to the exit, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and exhaustion. The night had been a glimpse into a world she was only beginning to understand, and she knew it was just the beginning. It's as they reach the car parked outside the venue someone shouts for them to stop. It all happens too fast. You see a man in a trench coat pull something shiny. Her body moves almost on instinct as she pushes Izana out of the line of fire. The next thing she knows she's on the ground on her knees. 
Maya kneels on the cold pavement, the searing pain in her arm confirming what her mind struggled to process: she had been shot. Chaos erupted around her as Izana's men sprang into action, surrounding her and Izana with drawn weapons. She could hear Shion shouting orders, his voice a distant roar in the growing haze of her consciousness. She touches her arm and sees blood on her hands. She looks up and sees Izana staring down at her in shock. Maya thinks Izana is about to say something but before he can, she passes out. 
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The smell of antiseptic is something Maya got used to after staying in the hospital for a week. The sterile environment of the hospital room was a stark contrast to the chaos of the events that had landed Maya there. She lay in the hospital bed, her arm bandaged and elevated, the pain dulled by medication but still present. Izana sat beside her, his expression unreadable as he watched over her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice quiet.
Maya shifted slightly, wincing at the movement. "Sore," she admitted, her voice hoarse from disuse. "But I'll survive."
Izana's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "You saved my life," he said softly, his tone tinged with something akin to awe.
Maya shook her head, dismissing his praise. "I just reacted. Anyone would have done the same."
Izana reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Not anyone," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're special, Maya. You have a courage and strength that few possess."
Maya felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, a sense of validation she hadn't expected. She had always seen herself as ordinary, unremarkable even, but hearing Izana's praise made her feel seen in a way she hadn't before. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes meeting his. "For everything."
Izana nodded, his hand lingering on her cheek. "I should be the one thanking you," he said, his thumb tracing a gentle circle on her skin. "You've changed everything for me."
Maya felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, a mix of gratitude and something deeper that she couldn't quite name. She reached out, taking Izana's hand in hers, their fingers intertwining. She's about to say something but then Izana pulls his hand out of her grasp. "Just before I forget"
In the blink of an eye, the gold Cartier love bracelet is locked back on her wrist. She hadn't even realized it was taken off. Maya raises her brow in amusement. "That's a priority for you?" She asks as he pockets the screwdriver
Izana just grins. "Of course it is bunny"
Maya laughs softly. "Keep the screwdriver safe, I couldn't find it last time and had it on for months"
Izana simply nods.
He doesn't give it to her. 
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A few days after Maya is discharged, Izana quite literally carries her to his room. While she insisted she could walk, Izana also insisted on carrying her. "Wait, why your room?" Maya asks as he sets her down on his bed
"hm, I thought it was time to give Kakucho his room back" Izana says simply as he removes his suit jacket
"Could've just left me in my apartment too" She tells him "it's literally right under this one"
Izana's eyes flashed with a mix of amusement and something more possessive as he hung his suit jacket on the back of a chair. "I want you close, Maya. You know that."
Maya sighed, knowing any further argument would be futile. Izana was nothing if not stubborn, especially when it came to her safety. She looked around his room, noting the minimalistic yet luxurious decor, a stark contrast to her own apartment. "Fine," she conceded, leaning back against the plush pillows. "But you're making a habit of this."
Izana's lips curved into a small smile as he unbuttoned his shirt cuffs. "Perhaps I am," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "But it’s a habit I have no intention of breaking."
Maya watched him, feeling a mixture of exasperation and affection. The week in the hospital had been an emotional rollercoaster, and now, back in the penthouse, she felt a sense of surreal calm. Despite the danger, despite the chaos, she had found a strange comfort in Izana's presence. Maya sighed, knowing better than to argue with him. Despite the lingering pain in her arm, she felt a strange sense of security in his room. It was luxurious, just like the rest of the penthouse, but it also had a personal touch that reflected Izana’s taste—minimalist, with dark tones and high-end finishes. As Izana busied himself with something on his desk, Maya settled into the plush bed, sinking into the soft comforter. She felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her, the events of the past weeks catching up. Izana returned to her side, a glass of water in hand. "Here, take these," he said, handing her a couple of painkillers.
Maya took the pills, grateful for the relief they promised. She downed them with a sip of water, then handed the glass back to Izana. "Thank you," she murmured, leaning back against the pillows.
Izana sat on the edge of the bed, watching her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. His hand comes up, slow and careful to cup her cheek and before she knows it, their lips have locked together. Maya's mind swirled with the mixture of sensations—Izana’s firm yet gentle touch, the warmth of his lips, and the undeniable chemistry that had been building between them. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the kiss, a momentary escape from the chaos that had become her life. When they finally pulled apart, both were slightly breathless. Izana’s thumb brushed against her cheek, his gaze unwavering. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he murmured, his voice filled with a rare softness.
Maya smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. “I don’t know about that,” she replied, her voice shaky yet filled with sincerity. 
Izana leans in and kisses her again, this time more eager and a little more aggressive. Maya's pulse quickened as Izana's kiss deepened, his lips demanding and passionate. She responded in kind, her hands moving up to tangle in his hair. The intensity of the moment was electrifying, every touch sending shivers down her spine. Izana's hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Maya felt herself melting into him, her worries and fears momentarily forgotten in the heat of the kiss. When they finally broke apart, both were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other.
“Izana,” Maya whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “What are we doing?”
Izana's eyes bore into hers, a mix of desire and determination. “What feels right,” he replied, his thumb brushing over her lips before he kisses her again
Maya's head swam with a whirlwind of emotions as Izana's lips met hers once more. The intensity of his kiss, the possessiveness in his touch, made her feel more alive than she had ever felt before. Every sensation was heightened, every touch electrifying, as they surrendered to the moment. As their kiss deepened, Maya's hands roamed over Izana's back, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt. His hands were no less explorative, tracing the contours of her body with a mix of tenderness and fervour. The world outside his room faded away, leaving just the two of them, entwined in a passionate embrace. It's right then that as they kiss, Izana takes her hands and starts wrapping something around her wrists. She pulls away. "I-Izana?"
"You're so pretty" He murmurs, a look of excitement in his eyes
Maya's gaze shifted between him and her wrists which he was currently tying together with his necktie, the ache in her shoulder now turned to numbness. When did he take his tie off? "Izana..." She tries saying as he loops the silk around her wrists once more
"Shhh..." He coos and presses a kiss to her forehead "It's gon' be fine. Won't be too rough with you, I know your shoulder hurts"
But it wasn't about the damn bullet wound and Maya wasn't sure how to explain it to him. "N-No wait Izana—" He finishes tying her wrists together and lowers her back onto the bed
Izana stops when he sees her panicked state. His fingers clench around the silk that binds her wrists together. "hm?"
Maya looks up at him, wide watery eyes. His heart melts. "I'm a virgin"
In an instant, the necktie is slid off her wrists but Izana makes no move to get off her. "Do you trust me?" he whispers, lips meet her cheek
With those four words, the months she has spent with Izana play through her head like a movie being played on fast forward. From the day they first met till now, Maya knows how absolutely scary most of the situations she was put into. Hell, she almost died too. Maya's heart raced as she looked into Izana's eyes, searching for any hint of deceit or malice. But all she found was sincerity, a genuine concern that made her want to believe him. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside her. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible
And Izana smiles, his lips meeting her's in another kiss.
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It's about 8 am when Maya wakes up. The night before had been... Eventful. Of course, that was one way to describe it. After Izana had taken her virginity they showered together. She's wearing her own pyjama pants but one of Izana's shirts that he didn’t bother helping her button up. Maya stares up and the ceiling, lying on her back as Izana lays next to her with an arm around her waist, still asleep. 
Maya couldn't help but feel a swirl of conflicting emotions as she lay there in the early morning light, wrapped in Izana's shirt and tangled up with him in his bed. She felt a strange mix of vulnerability and comfort, a sense of intimacy she had never experienced before. Part of her wanted to stay there forever, cocooned in this moment of peace and connection. But another part of her was filled with uncertainty, unsure of what this newfound closeness with Izana meant for their relationship.
As she gazed at him sleeping beside her, she couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between the man she had come to know and the one she had feared when they first met. Izana seemed almost... vulnerable in his sleep, his usual guarded facade softened by the peaceful expression on his face. Maya reached out, tracing the line of his jaw with her fingertips, memorizing every contour and angle.
Maya pulls her hand back and slips out of bed without waking him. Her arm was aching again and there was no more water in the glass on the bedside table. She cradles her injured arm to her chest as she walks through the empty penthouse toward the kitchen. Maya fills herself a glass of water and leans against the kitchen island as she drinks. The events of the past weeks replayed in Maya's mind like a movie, each scene more surreal than the last. She couldn't quite believe how much her life had changed since she first met Izana. From being a struggling psychiatrist to now being entangled in a world of danger and luxury, it was a journey she never could have imagined. As she stood there in the quiet of the kitchen, Maya couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her. Her relationship with Izana had taken a sudden and unexpected turn, and she wasn't sure where they stood now. Did last night change everything, or was it just a momentary lapse in judgment? "Oh well" she thinks 
Just as she's about the head back to Izana's room, something on the counter catches her eye. Oh. It was the screwdriver for the bracelet Izana gave her. Maya picks it up. She couldn't find hers for months after Izana put the bracelet on her. She stares down at the bracelet and then puts the screwdriver in place which then unlocks it. Just as she's about to pull it off, someone speaks up. "Kaneko... Maya...?" a voice says startling her
She turned around fast, the bracelet slipping off her wrist easily now that it was unlocked. Standing a little too close for comfort is a man with pale skin, black bottomless pits as eyes and black messy long hair. He stares at her for a moment and Maya attempts to take a step back only for her back to hit the counter. "huh..." he mutters, looking at her up and down, watching Maya cradle her injured arm to her chest
He crouches down and picks up the Cartier Bracelet off the floor. "Didn't think aniki would let you walk around the place so freely like this" he murmurs as he examines the bracelet
Aniki? Oh. "You're.... Sano Manjiro"
This was Izana's younger brother. The leader of Tokyo Manji Gang. "In the flesh" Manjiro says and looks at her "But I prefer Mikey"
She just nods, keeping her arm cradled to her chest and also trying to cover up her bralette which was exposed since she hadn't buttoned up her shirt before leaving Izana's room. "Nice to finally meet the girl that's got my brother's attention" Manjiro— Mikey— says
Maya lets out a shaky exhale. "Nice to meet you too, Mikey," Maya replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the nerves churning in her stomach. 
She couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, especially from someone as formidable as Izana's brother. He exudes power in the same way as Izana. Although she can't help but notice they don't look alike at all. "Um can—"
"you know," Mikey starts, cutting her off as he fiddles with the bracelet "owners usually don't give their pets the key to their collar"
Maru furrows her brows at his words. "um... Excuse me?"
Mikey looks up at her with a smirk, his gaze piercing. "You heard me," he says, his tone casual yet filled with underlying tension. "You're wearing Izana's collar, aren't you?"
Maya's heart skips a beat, her mind racing as she tries to process his words. She glances down at the bracelet in his hand, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. "It's just a bracelet," she replies, her voice defensive.
Mikey raises an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Is it now?" he says, his smirk widening
He turns the gold love bracelet over and shows her the inside of it. Maya felt her stomach churn uncomfortably at the sight of what was engraved onto the inside. It was a common thing. Cartier offered a service that allowed you to get what you wanted engraved on the inside of certain rings and bracelets. But this certainly wasn't what she expected. 
Engraved on the inside of the bracelet is 
property of Kurokawa Izana
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notes: ngl, I'm not super satisfied with this chapter but oh well, it's a bonus anyway. It's super fast pace, I know but it's a bonus for a reason and I kinda lost interest in writing the smut so I just left it off. Have I ever mentioned I hate writing smut which is why none of my one-shots have smut. but anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)
special thanks to: @mysouleaten @yaya4thawin @piroporopo @reiners-milkbiddies @bontensbabygirl @tenjikusstuff4 @fairey555 @haikyuusboringassmanager @firstdivisiongirl @bakuhoethotski @xoxowhateveroxox @maraya-007 @dolfiins-art @short-cxke @milky-aeons @asirensrage @blueblazecrusade @brisssaaa009 @m-ilkiee
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savagewildnerness · 2 days
Now DreamStat has dissolved forever, what’s your favourite DreamStat scene?
I love them all, but for me it is this one. Three of the scenes made me cry (this one, the letter scene & the final scene) & I obviously also adore the “kill me again” scene. Mmm, more gothic-horror-romance please. Love me to death. Oh yes please. 🩸🖤🗡️
But the you & me scene, I could watch it a million times & I think it would still make me cry. It makes my heart ache. I love that the scene has Louis, Claudia & Lestat in it. It’s like a perfect creation of feeling; a work of art.
I adore Daniel Hart’s score here: I don’t know how he achieved it, but in this cyclical, undulating style of music he manages to capture a kind of emotion that just tears through my heart & makes me feel the yearning of characters so deeply. It’s like magic. I don’t understand how, but I feel it. I feel it. The music, as the character’s hearts & into my own heart.
I love that Louis is the only character who speaks here (beyond an “okay”) & that so much of the emotion in the scene - almost all of it, comes from wordless acting.
Louis, wanting to be there 100% for Claudia. Believing entirely in what he tells her, while his subsconscious simultaneously reveals the lie in it. The pain.
Claudia, wanting to trust Louis. But afraid to open her heart to believe in it, in him. He’s saying all she needs. Can it be true? Heartbreaking.
Lestat, looking first at Louis, as though Louis is the only being to exist in The Universe. Steadfastly: there. Then, at Claudia - with a look of such compassion & sorrow - Louis’ compassion & sorrow that this isn’t the full truth he’s telling. And Louis’ imagined compassion & sorrow for Claudia that’s Lestat’s for his daughter too.
Before we move on to the second half of the series, where I sense things will be ramping up, I wanted to take a moment to revisit the utterly perfect art that is this scene. Everything about it, imbued with feeling & perfectly rendered. I wish I could frame it. Project it onto The Sky. Seared in my heart.
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onceuponapuffin · 2 days
Fanatic Intervention Part 16!!!
My friends! I have heard your cries! You are worried about Muriel and yearn to know what has become of them! Rest assured, they are in this installment.
Let's do this.
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After a moment of commiserative silence, Sardis gets up to go to the bar for another round of drinks. He says sometimes magic just isn’t as good as a properly mixed drink, and leaves. You’ve barely had a sip of your fishbowl.
Jesus is a 13 year-old boy who is white and rich and lives in Los Angeles with his rich parents. The world is doomed.
Your brain is still simmering in the sauce of despair when Anathema suddenly leans in close, pushing glasses to the side as she does. She gets as close to the middle of the table as she can, and you look her up and down because you’re pretty sure the table is sticky (and you’re too scared of the answer to wonder why).
“Okay, listen,” she says urgently, “I need to tell you before Sardis gets back. I got a call from Newt. Muriel’s missing.”
Whatever you were expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. You feel like you’ve suddenly been dropped into ice water. Muriel’s….missing.
“Missing how exactly?” asks Crowley.
“Like missing missing,” Anathema says. How is it that something so vague can clarify her meaning so well? “They went to see a movie, and Muriel just disappeared. He hasn’t been able to find them anywhere.” You don’t have the words to speak yet, but the expression you turn towards Anathema seems to be enough for her. “Listen,” she says to you, “They had every reason to think that it would be okay. The Metatron was after us, remember? He wants us.” You turn your eyes back to the table, wishing that Anathema hadn’t moved your drink away. You could really use something to hold on to right now.
“Right,” Aziraphale begins in a take-charge kind of way, “Tell him that there’s a summoning circle on the floor in my bookshop--”
“-- He tried that already. He says he just got voicemail, and...uh...dial-up.” You’re not looking but you can feel Anathema’s expression without seeing it. Who in the universe still uses dial-up??
“Oh,” Aziraphale sounds deflated.
“Maybe they just popped out to the shop?” Crowley suggests. The question sounds ridiculous and even sarcastic, but what he means is maybe they’re okay and not actually in any trouble at all, and maybe they’ll come back safe and sound and everyone will have a good laugh about it later.
“I mean, it’s possible,” Anathema answers, apparently also understanding what Crowley meant, “But honestly, I don’t think it’s likely.”
“Well regardless,” says Aziraphale, “I highly doubt the Metatron would do anything to harm Muriel. Heaven doesn’t work that way, least of all him.”
“No,” agrees Crowley, “They usually outsource that sort of thing to Hell. Might be able to twist an arm and find out if they...ah...mmm…know anything.” You haven’t looked up yet, but you’re pretty sure Crowley noticed that you haven’t said anything halfway through that suggestion.
Muriel is missing. Your friend. Your wholesome, lovely friend, who came to earth dressed like a lighthouse and who you persuaded to adopt argyle. Your friend who spun around to music with you even though they don’t dance. Your friend who watched the first time you had to calm yourself down from a panic attack and gave you a button to help you with the next one. It’s still in your pocket, you remember. You pull it out and stare at it in your palm. A good large-but-not-too-large plain green button. A good thing to fiddle with whenever you’re anxious. Suddenly you feel tears around your eyes, and maybe it’s the alcohol, but you can’t exactly fight them back. The most you can do is keep yourself from sobbing with worry. Everyone else is still discussing what to do.
“Listen,” Anathema is saying, “I know it’s hard, but we can’t stop saving the world to go back and look for them. The Metatron could be using Muriel as bait for all we know, and we’d be playing right into his hands.”
“Well surely we can’t just leave poor Muriel either,” Aziraphale replies.
“No,” Anathema responds, “I suggested he call Adam. If anyone can help him, Adam can.”
“Do you think” You finally say, “that Muriel knows? That they know we’re coming to find them?”
“I don’t know,” Anathema sighs, “I like to think that they know us well enough to have hope. Wherever they are.”
“Perhaps we could send them a message,” Aziraphale suggests.
“Mmnn,” Crowley seems to agree, “We need to make sure it’s something the Metatron wouldn’t pick up on. Like a secret code or something.”
The three of them start to discuss what kind of message or code you could all send Muriel. Meanwhile, the only thing you find yourself able to do is fidget with the button. The debate has gotten the other three nowhere when a lightbulb goes off. The button.
In dramatic fashion that only Crowley could match, you slam the button on the table. Everyone stops their discussion to watch as you grab the miracle enabler out of your pocket and tear off the number 2 with your teeth. As you spit it to the side, you watch and notice that it stays gone. The miracle went through. Anathema blinks.
“Okay,” she starts, “First of all, I get that you’re upset and that’s perfectly reasonable. But this stuff is important so next time can we please forgo the dramatics and discuss with the group first?”
“Sorry,” You say, even though you’re not.
“What message did you send them?” Crowley asks. In response, you hold up the button.
“You see this? Muriel gave this to me before we left. To help me with my panic attacks. As...as comfort.”
“Okay...” Crowley says. You see Anathema and Aziraphale exchange a look.
“So I sent them an exact copy,” You finish.
“That’s rather clever,” Aziraphale sounds impressed.
“Yeah, not bad.” Anathema agrees. “But next time please tell us first.” You nod in agreement and take a sip of your drink just as Sardis returns with more for everyone else.
Hang tight Muriel, you think to yourself, or Muriel if they can somehow hear you, We’ll find you. We won’t leave you on your own.
Muriel scrivened away at their desk. It was hard to come back to scrivening after having such a lovely time on Earth, but they had been told it was an emergency and that they would be able to come back later once everything had been sorted out. Muriel hadn’t realized that what they’d meant was paperwork. They looked around their office and sighed. Every square foot of it was covered with teetering towers of file folders, leaving no way to see anything else. Not that there was anything else to see ever, it was Heaven after all. They had so much to catch up on.
“How are you doing in here, Muriel?” came a voice from among the towers of folders. Muriel jumped in surprise.
“Oh! Ah, I’m doing alright Metatron,” they answered, “It’s a lot to get through, but I’m starting to make some headway I think!”
“That’s excellent!” The Metatron replied. He wound his way through the stacks until he could see Muriel’s face. He smiled kindly. “I really am so grateful that you were able to return and lend us your help. As you can see, things have gotten a little out of hand in your absence.”
“Yes,” Muriel said, “Of course, Metatron! I didn’t realize that I was leaving everyone with so much. Please pass along my apologies to them.” The Metatron nodded with a thoughtful hum.
“It is the nature of our work, Muriel,” he said, “That we do now know or understand our own importance or place in the workings of things while we are doing them. It is not for us to know, after all! But when someone strays from their role, when they leave for a time and their absence is felt, then we often find out just how vital we are. Not one of us is a ‘nobody,’ we are all incredibly important in the workings of God.”
Muriel nodded. “Yes, Metatron, of course!”
“Ah Muriel,” Metatron said fondly, “You are a most diligent and dedicated soul. Be well assured that the Almighty knows just how grateful we are for you and your continued contributions.”
“Oh! The Almighty?! Really?? Wow! Thank you Metatron!” Muriel sat in awe. They had always thought that they were nobody really. But this whole time they had been so important that even God knew! Muriel looked around at the endless towers of files with new inspiration and purpose. If God knew that they were valuable, then they must do their very best to live up to it! “Don’t worry, Metatron, I’ll get all this sorted out!”
“I have utmost faith in your abilities, my dear,” Metatron began, “And yet I do sense a small seed of doubt. Is it perhaps something I can help you with?”
Muriel nearly jumped again. Could he read minds? How had he known?
“It’s nothing really,” Muriel said sheepishly, “It’s only...I wish I could have said goodbye. Newt must have been so worried for me to just leave so suddenly. My friends might all be very worried about me.”
“Well why would they be worried?” The Metatron asked jovially, “You’ve come back home! You’re much safer and happier in Heaven than you could be anywhere on Earth.” He looked at Muriel’s unconvinced expression, and relented to a thoughtful smile. “Although I suppose we could send them a message for you. Let them know that you are perfectly alright, and have returned at our request to save us from all of this,” he waved his hands to gesture at the mountains of paperwork. Muriel brightened.
“Oh that would be wonderful! Very kind of you, really Metatron. Thank you ever so much.”
“My pleasure, my dear Muriel,” Metatron cooed, “I shall be back to check on you later, shall I?”
With that, he left and closed the door.
“Ah! Metatron!” Saraquel called to him, speeding over, “Your Grace,” she nodded her head in deference, “Is there anything you would like for the Scriveners to...well...scriven? All of our paperwork has been redirected elsewhere and now I have scores of angels with nothing to do.”
“There is always something to do, Saraquel,” the Metatron smiled kindly, “I have the utmost faith in your abilities to lead. As always.” And he left.
Back inside the office, Muriel was beginning to feel much less...enthused. Now that Metatron was gone, the fatigue of tedious work was returning. There was just so much to do. And to think they had left all the other scriveners with all of this. They felt terrible for that. This was…horrible. This was...just so overwhelming. Muriel took a selfish moment to drop their head into their arms. This felt endless. For a short time, Muriel focused on breathing, before a small clatter made them look up. There was a green button on their desk. Carefully, Muriel poked at it. It was definitely a material object. How strange! They picked it up and examined it for a moment before recognition hit them. Oh! They knew what this was! They had given a button just like this to their new friend! The one that God had sent to help save the world with Aziraphale and Mr. Crowley! A smile of relief spread across Muriel’s face, and despite themselves they hugged the button close like it was the most precious thing in all of Heaven. Thank God. The Metatron had sent them a message, and now they knew everything was alright. For a minute there, Muriel had been worried that he wouldn’t.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 days
Logan and Max have a talk. Sort of. (I have never written Logan before, so I don't know if this even makes sense. Almost nothing happens, but there could be a second part in the future, who knows (not me)).
Logan wishes he was better at telling Alex no. He doesn't want to be at this party, for a race he barely even took part of, his car giving up on lap 15. He doesn't want to be standing here, near the wall, as he watches the other drivers drink and dance, ignoring him completely. He doesn't want the drink Alex placed in his hand before disappearing, without even telling him what was in it. He wants to go to bed. He wants to call his mom.
One hour, that's how much time he has promised himself. He'll stay one hour, long enough to say he was there, not long enough to make him want to get completely smashed and sob into some girl's chest (that had been one time, but it had been a low point he does never want to repeat), and then he'll go back to the hotel. He doesn't remember the time difference well enough to know if he'll be able to talk to his mom before going to sleep, barely remembers in which country they're in.
He's contemplating his glass again, trying to decipher what kind of alcoholic concoction is in there and to ignore the thumping bass, when a pair of sneakers and blue jeans appear in his line of vision.
He looks up and finds himself face to face with three-soon-to-be-four times world Champion Max Verstappen. He doesn't think he's ever been in a one to one conversation with Max before, so he can't think about a single reason why he should be standing in front of him, looking straight at him. Unless he's here to kick him out? Would Max kick him out of the party for being too pathetic?
Now he's being self-pitying, he needs to stop. No drinking and sobbing incidents tonight.
"You okay, mate?" Max asks, voice barely loud enough over the music, eyes intense. The glass in Logan's hand feels slippery, he's afraid he'll drop it.
"Yeah, fine!" he replies, cringing at his own basic response, even if he doesn't know what else he could have said. It's not like Max is asking because he really cares, and it's not like he could give him the truthful answer either.
Instead of moving on and going back to the party like Logan is expecting after the somewhat failed social interaction, Max keeps looking at him, tilting his head slightly, eyes narrowed, before he steps closer and plucks the glass from Logan's hand, placing it on a nearby table.
"Follow me," he orders. He doesn't wait before turning around and walking away. For some reason, Logan doesn't even question it, just unsticks himself from his wall and follows him to the bar, where Max orders a beer and another g&t, and then up a flight of stairs, onto a balcony.
"Are we allowed to be here?" Logan asks, looking at the very obvious DO NOT OPEN sign hanging on the balcony door Max is already pushing open.
Max just shrugs, going outside and sitting down on a lawn chair, placing the drinks on the low table in front of him. Of course, Logan reminds himself, he's Max Verstappen, who's going to tell him no? He probably could buy this whole place out himself if he wanted to.
Logan sits down next to him.
"Here," Max says, passing him the beer. Again, Logan doesn't question it before taking a sip. Much better than Alex's weird drink.
For a long moment, they just sit in silence. They can still hear the music from downstairs, but it's different out here, with the sounds of the city and the fresh air. Logan almost forgets about being confused and upset, about wanting to go home. Home home. Then Max speaks again.
"We can talk about why you are sad, or we can sit here until I finish my drink. Both are okay."
Logan doesn't understand. Why is Max, of all people, wanting to talk to him about his shitty season? And why would he want to just sit there with him? Does he look that pathetic?
He tries to feel upset, tries to look for the spark of indignation, but he comes up empty. He can just stare at Max's profile as the other takes a sip of his drink, eyes fixed on the skyline, throat working.
Max doesn't ask again. He must accept that Logan's answer is silence, doesn't even seem put off by it, but Logan's brain can't stop buzzing, questions bouncing around so fast he can barely keep up with them.
They stay quiet. Max finishes his drink. Logan keeps watching him as he stretches slightly, before he stands up and turns to face him.
"If you want to come talk to me, I know how it feels, to be hungry" he says slowly, measured, like he's been thinking about this for the whole time. "But if you want advice right now..."
It takes a second for Logan to realize Max is waiting for a sign, and he rushes to nod. Max's lip curls up slightly, his eyes crinkling, before he turns serious again.
"At some point, you will of course have to decide if you want to lay down and wait for the team to take pity, or if you want to bite and make them work with you."
Logan blinks. Max blinks back.
When it's clear that Logan isn't going to say anything, Max nods, turns around, seems to rethink and turns back, his eyes impossibly bright.
"I can show you how to take what you want, whatever you want." Suddenly, it feels like they're not just talking about racing anymore. Logan's neck feels hot. Max licks his lips, something dangerous in his expression that is usually reserved for the track, for when things aren't as he'd like. Logan has seen it before, but never turned towards him. He's stuck on his chair, feeling like prey despite Max telling him he could, and should, take.
He waits for the blow, he knows it's coming, but is still completely unprepared for the way Max smiles when he speaks.
"I will even call you a good boy, if you do it right."
The sound Logan lets out is undignified enough it will have to go in the lowest points list right next to the drinking&crying episode, but Max laughs, not unkindly, squeezing Logan's shoulder.
"You have my number, and you know where I'll be next week. Drink your beer."
Logan has the bottle pressed against his lips even before Max has made it across the balcony, going back to the party.
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canisalbus · 3 months
wait... Machete was inspired by Nine Inch Nails? hell yeah. as a fellow NIN enjoyer i'm curious to know what specifically about NIN inspired Machete, if you don't mind me asking?
Machete as a character wasn't inspired by it, but I've mentioned that he likes NIN in the modern au.
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fruity-pontmercy · 1 year
I want more "absolute asshole" Enjolras in fics we make him too nice I want to see him be an absolute shithead not bc he's like evil or anything I just want more pics where Enjolras is recognised as the bobo bitch he'd be seen as in 2022 PLEASE
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starlightbright · 5 days
RIP Ricky September they had to kill you because it would have been unrealistic to not keep you on as a companion 😔
EDIT: I've noticed some people taking this post really seriously, so to clarify: no, I don't think Ricky was literally a perfect uwu anti-racist angel. This post was mostly a joke about how he was running around doing companion shit and, most of all, how the Doctor and Ruby both thought he was a hottie. My actual feelings about Ricky are that he's a complacent white liberal. Character reading under the cut if you want an explanation.
I do think the implications of making him unplugged from the racism bubble, paralleling him with the Doctor (man who shows up with knowledge about history and technology and guides the other character through dangerous situations), and directly contrasting to Lindy (including being open to trust the Doctor without second guessing him the same way Lindy and all her friends did) are supposed to be that he wasn't like the other people there and is thus LESS racist since racism comes to be what defines their society. I've seen some people basically ask "then why'd he move to White People City?" but within the text it's actually Rich People City; the reason everyone there is white is because systemic racism financially benefits white people. Making him LESS racist is NECESSARY to giving his death any meaning - because if he definitively would have called the Doctor a slur and walked away, then the Dot killing him quickly was a mercy kill because we KNOW all the other residents are going to die in the wilderness.
THAT SAID, I also don't think he was a progressive anti-racist. Do you know what Ricky actually is? A white liberal. He might disengage from the White People Bubble, he might not be outwardly cruel to black people, but he's still surrounded by people who are and benefits from a system where ONLY WHITE PEOPLE ARE RICH. The culture might be fucked, but he still benefits from it without doing anything to actually fight it. It's like how many a white liberal will read about the history of slavery, feel sad about it, and then be uncritical of prison labor. If Ricky was meant to be progressive, there'd be something, ANYTHING in the text about how he's tried to educate his followers on their society's problems, but it got deleted. He is COMPLACENT.
That's sort of the point, I'd say, since the theme is about how priviledged white people put themselves in a bubble of people like them and choose to look away from what's wrong in society. Those people become complacent at best with no effort to actually speak out or change things. Hell, even within the text, Ricky SEES a problem others are looking away from (the slugs eating people), but only tries to fight it by making a TikTok about it and becomes complacent again, accepting that people are just going to be eaten.
So tl;dr: no, I don't think the white liberal kid literally would have been a companion. I think if you stuck him in the Ood episode, for example, he'd have shaken his head when he found out about their plight, maybe made a TikTok with sad music playing over footage of them, and then said "welp, nothing else can be done." I think it's FUNNY to imagine another companion that the Doctor and Ruby both are giggling like schoolgirls over.
Also I kind of thought he was ugly - no offense to the actor but the makeup they had him in combined with the lighting and closeups made him look way older than 27 so he gave off this uncanny "how do you do fellow kids?" look.
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sincerelyneo · 2 months
will you be reposting the jeno fic you had on your old blog? it was my fave 🥺
here it is <3
fireproof | l.jn
“‘cause no body saves me baby the way you do”
💿now playing: fireproof by one direction
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❯ summary: Your brother Jaemin loves throwing parties when your parents aren’t home — but you hate it. In an attempt to escape the loud music and sweaty bodies you try and head out. But there’s no way your brother’s best friend, Jeno, is letting you wander around the streets so late.
❯ pairings: jeno x fem!reader
❯ genre: smut, brother’s best friend, college!au
❯ words: 8.4k
❯ tags: 18+ minors dni!, smut, masturbation, minor mentions of drug use, drinking, marking, slight protective brother jaemin, begging, spanking, mentions of marking, unprotected sex (don't do this!), oral sex (m/f receiving), fingering, reader uses she/her pronouns, jeno fucks his best friend’s little sister.
a/n: i changed the title hehehe
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This party fucking sucks.
You’re not even drunk. The vodka is watered down, you're sure of it. Your friends ditched you about half an hour ago — disappearing with some of the guys they had been speaking to and seeing. 
"Come to the party with us, they said." You mimic to yourself into your plastic cup. "It'll be fun, they said." 
You scoff taking another swig but pull your face at the awful taste that lingers in your mouth. There are better things you could be doing on a Saturday night, you think. You’re almost positive you saw a new show released on Netflix today. Or better yet, you could be reading some sort of erotic novel that would spice up your Saturday night more than this shit.
But the thing is, this party is at your own fucking house.
Your brother is throwing it. 
Every time your parents go away for one weekend he can’t help but jump at the opportunity to trash the place. You don't see why he can't just have a few of the boys around, have some beers and then call it a night. But no, that isn't exactly Jaemin’s style. 
Of course, he has to invite a bunch of random weirdos that seem to be snorting cocaine off of every surface in this house, and smoking whatever kind of weed they could find. And sure, you’re not impartial to a good night but this... this is not your idea of a good night.
At all.
Sighing, you push through the masses of people, seeing the sweaty bodies that are dry humping one another or eating each other's faces off so much you feel like you’re going to throw up at the sight. 
Stopping in your tracks, you reach into the back pocket of your denim jeans to pull out your phone, seeing that it is half-past midnight. If you know Jaemin — and you did — this was only the beginning of the night. The party is definitely far from over.
Fuck sake.
You put your phone back in your pocket and continue to manoeuvre around the bodies in the hallway. Your stomach growls and you think about how you're drinking on an empty stomach. The only thing open at this time is a Mcdonald's but you don't necessarily want to be that person that sits in McDonald's by themselves on a Saturday night. 
Still, you head for your front door and try your luck at an escape. As you reach your hand out to grab the door handle you smash headfirst into a body. Well to be more specific a chest. A hard chest.
"Ow, fuck!" You lift your hand up, rubbing your forehead.
"Sorry little Na, didn't see you there." You immediately recognise that voice. The deep slowness in which he talks. It’s the only voice that has a straight hotline to your core. 
Yeah, you couldn't ever forget that voice.
You stop rubbing your head and slowly look up, following the lines of his muscled chest that you can see through the tight white t-shirt he's wearing with a pair of denim jeans and converse. Yes you had already checked him out tonight, but you’re only human. And when your eyes meet that sharp jawline, hollowed-out cheekbones and those damming brown eyes, you involuntarily clench your thighs together.
You shun yourself because you know you can’t have him. And that’s the reason why you hate him. 
He's your brother’s best friend.
Lee fucking Jeno.
The worst man on this planet. for many reasons like for one he’s insanely hot. Like too hot. Who on this planet even needs to be that hot? But to make it worse he knows he's hot. Girls are always flying off his arm fueling his ego. He's also selfish and arrogant. 
But the reason you hate him the most, the reason you despise him so much, and avoid him at all costs is because of the burning need — it's past being a want it's a fucking need — to just devour him. Every part of you screams out whenever he is in the same room. 
And you hate it.
You have zero control over your words and actions with him — and he knows it with how much you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of him over the years. Your cheeks tend to grow red without your permission, and oh does he love to point that out.
Ever since your brother brought him home in his first year of high school, they have been inseparable — and you’ve been madly in love.
Well, you’re not in love with the boy. You just, you know, want to rip his clothes off. And let him fuck the living daylights out of you.
"Aw, there they are." He distracts you from your thoughts. 
His eyes are burning straight through you. As if he can tell what you’re thinking, how you’re feeling. And right now, you have very infuriating dampness in your panties that wasn't there 30 seconds ago. 
"Those rosy cheeks, are they for me, little Na?" You swat his hand away as it attempts to reach up to caress your cheek or some stupid shit like that.
"Stop that Jeno!” You snap at him, getting angry is your default with him.
It the perfect remedy to keep him away from you, so you don't do something stupid like fuck your brother’s best friend
“Please just get out my way.” 
"Such a pleasant girl, aren't you?" He winks. 
He fucking winks, and your pussy screams in delight. If you were any other girl, you’d be swooning right now. You’d be on your knees begging for it. 
Well, you won't be on your  knees for him.
Especially not tonight.
"Just get out of my way, Jeno,” you push him rather hard. 
You knew it wouldn't make him budge if he didn't want it too but he dramatically moved out of your way of the door. You yank it open and dart through onto the front lawn. Halfway down the driveway, a sharp tug on your arm spins you around and you’re  faced with Jeno... again.
"Fuck sake, what do you want?" You shake your arm out of his grip but he doesn't let go. 
You give up, huffing and dropping your shoulders. The two of you are just staring at each other, so much so that you didn't even realise how close you really were. Your chests are almost touching, there is a hair width between you. And due to your height, if you looked forwards you’d be looking at the bottom of his neck, right where you see him gulp before meeting your eyes again. They seem to burn into yours, suddenly growing intense. 
He is the first to look away but he doesn't just look away, no. You watch as his eyes flash down to your lips. Your breath hitches, he sees that and when he looks back to your eyes again, he flashes you a knowing smirk.
"Come back inside." He says as he throws his head to the side, signalling to your house.
"No," you all but stomp your foot.
"You're such a fucking brat, you know that right?" He growls, closing that gap so that your chests touch. There’s an electricity running through you, begging for him. 
"I'm not a fucking brat, I just don't want to be here at this shitty party!” 
You don't break his eye contact, chests still touching. He can sure as hell feel each heavy breath you take and probably every beat of your heart that seems to have sped up since he moved closer.
"Just go inside, go to your room, anything. Just don't fucking leave, your brother would have my balls if I let you go out alone this late at night.” 
You roll your eyes at the mention of your brother. You love him, you really do, but hearing the word brother leaves Jeno’s lips reminds you exactly why he’s even here.
It’s not for you — it’s for Jaemin’s sake. 
"I don't see why either of you care, you've got plenty of booze and girls to keep you occupied to not even notice me gone,” you stand your ground, trying to tug your arm once again but he still won't let go.
However, he has loosened his grip so it isn't so harsh, but it's still locked around your wrist. In fact, you’re sure you feel him drawing little circles on the inner skin with his thumb and that thought alone has you squirming no matter how much you try to ignore it. 
"I think I'd always notice when you're not there," Jeno says under his breath, his face lowering to yours. 
If you didn't know better then you’d think he was about to kiss you. But that can't happen. Can it? 
Everything but your core is saying no. Your whole body is screaming to open up your mouth and say please. But you ignore it — you always do— and try to keep a brave face. But as he gets so close, too close, your eyes automatically flutter shut.
You expect his lips to graze yours but they don't, instead, you feel his cheek against you , only faintly, as his lips skim your ear lobe.
"I think I'd always notice when you're not there because there won't be some childish little brat moaning about not getting her own way." 
Your eyes shoot open as he pulls back, laughing at your flushing cheeks. Your eyes narrow as you finally tug your arm hard enough this time that he has no choice but to release you. 
"I do not moan about not getting my own way and I am not childish nor a brat,” you sneer at him. 
"Sure,-" he huffs, laughing, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever you say." 
"Why can’t you just go inside and leave me alone,” you cross your own arms over your chest. 
"No can do." He stands there like some sort of bouncer, you look to your right and see the path only a few steps away. He watches you and says a low, demanding, "Don't." 
But you do it. 
You spin on your heel and run for it. But you only make it two steps before two large arms are wrapped around your waist from behind and you’re being sprung back into a hard chest. Jeno’s one arm sits tightly around your waist, his fingers digging into your hip and you squirm against him. To stop your wriggling, his other hand flies up to grab a hold of your throat, tilting your head back to the rest of his shoulder. 
His eyes flash to his hand around your neck and he takes a deep breath that causes his eyes to flutter shut. Then you feel something growing behind you causing your own eyes to grow wide. He leans forward, lips skimming yours barely. 
“I said don't." It sounded more like a growl than anything and a small whimper escaped your lips. "Are you going to walk inside or am I going to have to carry you?" He whispers still close to your mouth. If you lifted your head slightly, you’d be kissing.
"I'm not going back inside." You sternly reply, he just laughs and his hold loosens on you. 
But he doesn’t free you. Instead he throws you clean over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. 
“Put. Me. Down. Jeno." You scream, hitting his back, but he doesn't listen. Carrying on heading back inside your house. 
Your cheeks are bright red and you stop your attack on Jeno’s back and decide to clench his shirt in your fists and hide your face in it.
"What's going on here?" You hear Jaemin’s voice and your head flies up.
"Your sister tried to escape," Jeno says laughing, bending down to lower you to the ground. 
When he stood back up, you were so close your bodies touched again, your breasts rubbed against his firm chest and your nipples stiffened. His eyes glanced down to them and they darken, then he looks to you again and grabs your shoulders, spinning you around to face your brother. You automatically lifted your arms up and over your breasts to cover the obvious arousal.
"Come on Y/N, you know you can't be walking around aimlessly at night." Jaemin chastises you.
"I'm not a child Jaem," you roll your eyes with a shake of your head.
"So what? Grown ass people still get kidnapped!” 
You groan, I'm going to my room." 
You push past him and head towards the stairs. You turn around seeing Jeno’s smug face knowing he’s got his own way about you coming back inside.
But you won’t give him the satisfaction. You’ll  just sneak out the window and have your perfect escape. He won't know. 
Not like he’ll come to check — right?
You spin on your heel as you hear the sound of footsteps following behind you. Jeno’s there, eyes locked on your ass until he sees you looking back down at him and then cocks his head to the side and smiles innocently. 
“What are you doing?” You spit. 
"Just making sure you actually do go to your room." He flashes his infamous eye smile that has plagued your dreams since you first met him. "And that your windows are locked. Don't want you running away now do we?" he winks at you.
He’s so irritating!
With a huff, you turn around and storm your way up the last couple of stairs, making sure your stomps are extra loud. You can just hear Jeno snickering behind you and that only rattles you even more. When you reach the landing you turn immediately and head to the last door of the hallway and pull it open, stepping inside of your bedroom. You go to slam the door shut but a sneaker covered foot stops in between preventing it.
You immediately roll your eyes and groan. 
"Leave me alone Jeno." You groan, leaning up against the door with your back, pushing it.
"Let me check your windows then I'll leave."
"What kind of request is that?” You sigh, running a hand through your hair. 
"Just let me."
The two of you enter a stare off — one you both know he’s going to win. And he does, because you don’t even let two whole minutes pass before you’re huffing out a “Fine.” 
He makes his way over to your window, making sure it's locked, then he chuckles, drawing your curtains too. The only thing lightening the room was your bedside lamp that you had an awful habit of leaving on. That, and it was the perfect deterrent to make it look like someone was in there, keeping strangers from having sex on your bed.
“All done?” You ask, breathy. 
He smirks, his eyes flashing to your lips again and you swear to god if he does that one more time you’re either going to kick him in the balls or jump on him and kiss him. 
You force yourself to take a step back and take a deep breath which makes him laugh.
"Well goodnight little Na, don't go sneaking out because I will know about it." He walks off to the door and before he exits you say,
"And how would you possibly know that?"
He looks over his shoulder, his eyes flash up and down your body, "I just will,” he winks then closes the door behind him.
You huff out and stomp your foot like a child. God you needed to grow a backbone and stop letting that idiot mess with you. 
Storming into your bathroom you slam the door shut. You strip off your clothes and turn on the shower. Whilst waiting for it to get up to temperature, you sigh. 
"Let me just lock your windows for ya." You pull a face copying him. "Want me to check that for ya?"
Once you’re done in the shower you climb out of it and dry yourself with a towel. 
"He's so fucking annoying ugh," you say to yourself as you pull the bathroom door open and saunter into your bedroom naked. 
You don't even check to see if anyone was in there, too busy ranting about him. And when you feel the cold draft of your bedroom it makes you realise you had just walked into your unlocked bedroom naked. Immediately, you covered your body remembering the party going on downstairs; but on first glance, it appeared no one was in there. Still you quickly grab your oversized grey t-shirt from the end of your bed, throwing it on over your head, but skipping your underwear. 
Your room was fairly simple with white furniture, a wooden floor, soft pink bedding, a few cuddly toys. The bed lies against the far wall, opposite the door and you leave your lamp on to have a little bit of light to help you sleep. 
Trying to fall asleep you flip over so your back faces the light. You try a few different sleep scenarios but everything keeps going back to Jeno.
And the way his hand gripped around your neck. 
You flip over again, keeping your eyes shut, yet, Jeno just waltzes into your mind continuously. Like he won't leave you alone. You feel so much anger coursing through your blood, yet you have this strange pulling into your core. 
You need to give attention to it — so you do. And as soon as you slip your hand under the covers, the fantasies start rolling in. Jeno’s arms around you, grabbing at your waist, your hips, your ass, your breasts.
Your breath hitches.
His tongue in your mouth, along your skin, tracing your neck and stomach, then between your folds lapping at you. Your eyes shoot open as you clench your thighs together and immediately feel the wetness.
It was just too much to ignore. This wasn’t going away. You already knew that. 
You just needed some relief and then you’ll be free for the night. Jeno never needs to know and it’s not like you haven’t done this exact same thing before over him. 
Your right hand finds your centre first, sliding between the folds and instantly feeling the slick wetness there. Slowly and sensually, you begin moving your fingers in a circular motion. Eyes closing instantly, flashes of Jeno now being played before you.
In your mind, it was no longer your hand but his. Rubbing your clit, sending shivers down your spine and causing a small panting moan to escape you. 
Your left hand begins clutching at the sheets and as you feel your nipples peak and rub against the soft material of your shirt, you have no choice but to swiftly move your hand up and under to take hold of your own breasts and squeeze. You moan again as you begin to work your fingers faster over your clit.
Now in your head, Jeno stood before you shirtless. Seeing the ripples in the muscles of his abs, he flexes his arms, making you grow weaker. But you always felt like this whenever you saw him shirtless at the pool, or the beach. 
And you couldn't deny how fucking sexy he was — you wouldn’t?”
"What’re you thinking about?" 
You pause instantly, back arched, orgasm growing close and eyes squeezed shut. You can't decipher whether that voice was in your head or in real life so you just grow still and relax, trying to pretend it didn’t happen. 
Your breathing which was already heavy, grows even more so, this time with panic and worry. You don't want to open your eyes, scared of what you might see because you recognised that voice.
At least, you’re really fucking hoping Jeno’s voice is all in your head, because you’re seconds away from orgasm.
"I asked you a question." 
Your eyes fly open. He’s definitely not in your head. 
Ripping your hand away from your clit, you pull the other away from your nipple and force yourself into a seated position with your hands splayed behind to hold you up. You scream on instinct, he doesn't so much as flinch as he stands at the end of your bed. 
His eyes are dark, head low and looking up at you through his lashes. He has that smirk on his face, and his hands are fidgeting, rolling his fingers against his palm. Your eyes roam his body as your scream continues and you wish you hadn't, only because your scream turned into a moan as you spied his hard erection pushing against his jeans.
You gasp and look back at his face. 
"What're you doing Jeno?" You whisper-shout, even though the party downstairs would make it difficult for anyone to hear you anyway. 
Still, you didn’t want any party goers walking in on a flustered you in bed with Jeno and his very large, very prominent erection, standing at the base. 
Fuck. It's so big. You can tell from how it's breaking at the seams of his jeans to be let free. Your mouth waters at the sheer thought of his dick — wondering what it looks like, how it feels in your hands, in your mouth — how it tastes. 
Fuck no. Absolutely not. 
You shake your head, trying to rid the thoughts and ignore the fact your core is pulsing right now, begging for one last touch so you can explode into orgasm. You really fucking needed it.
"I asked you what you were thinking about?" He says lowly, and it causes your breathing to still.
“H-how long have you been standing there?" You whimper. 
He shrugs, “That doesn't matter, what does matter is-" he moves his head up, looking you dead in the eyes as he cracks his neck and then his fists in each hand. "-What you were thinking about whilst touching yourself? Was it me?" 
He smirks again and you stood up, throwing the duvet off of your legs. 
"Not a chance," He says sternly. You look at him again, face paling. 
"What do you mean, no?" you ask, cocking your head.
"I mean don't you fucking move-" His tongue came out to lap at his bottom lip as his eyes moved down your body, down your legs. 
You instantly went to grab the duvet again but he grabbed it first, ripping it from the bed and throwing it across the room. You get down on all fours, crawling to try and get it before him. 
"Jeno!" You exclaim, reaching your hand out for it but it was too far away. You look up at him on all fours, and from this angle... God. You gulp. 
"Give me my cover."
You try to wash away every fantasy of being in this position before him but you can't ignore the way you need his hard cock, seeping at the tip and begging for you to lick it, to suck it. 
Stop. No. Not now.
His hand comes to the side of your face, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear and you shiver at the touch. 
"Lie. Back. On. The. Bed." He commands.
Your eyes flutter shut for a moment and then slowly, you move to follow his command until you are back down on the bed. You keep your legs closed and hands on your stomach. 
You weren’t sure why you’re listening to him — obeying him . But something in you, some instinct is just screaming at you to let this play out, see what he wants.
"Touch yourself." He says and you blanch, your eyes growing wide and you sit up again, but one stern look from him has you lying back down again. "Touch yourself and tell me what you think of, how you feel, tell me everything Y/N."
Your name. He never bothers to call you that. Usually emphasising how you’re his best friend’s little sister with the nickname he’d given you. But honestly, you’re thankful for the nickname because hearing your actual name from his lips, all nasally and sensual, sends you spiralling. 
It makes you putty in his hands. And as for your hands? Well, they slowly spread your legs wide revealing your soaking wet cunt to him. You keep your eyes pierced on him, watching how his breath hitches, eyes glued to you. The way he automatically grabs his cock through his jeans and squeezes is like a reflex. Closing his eyes only briefly before they're back on you, on your core. 
You feel yourself growing red, the heat of embarrassment consuming you whole as you slide your hand down your stomach. As soon as your fingers make contact with your clit, your hips are bucking off of the bed and your back starts to curve. Building up your arousal doesn't take long. You were already half there, teetering on the edge. 
Except this time your eyes lock onto Jeno’s for real whilst your fingers are moving, soft moans leaving your lips. You spy his own hand on his cock, he hasn't pulled it free but he moves his hand back and forth over his shaft. You can see the way his arms tense as he moves and watches you.
You throw your head back with another moan. Seeing him stood there isn't enough, you need something more. You need him climbing on top of you, replacing your fingers with his. His hot breath against your neck as he rubs you harder and faster. 
"What are you thinking about?"
"You." You say breathily.
"What about me?"
Your eyes shoot open to stare at him, he looks tense and flustered. Just as bad as you. His hand stops moving on his cock and you make a mental note that he might've been close. Too close. And this might be over too soon.
"Your fingers on my clit, rubbing me," you throw your head back as the fantasy flashes again. 
"Yes, and what else?" He growls. 
"Your mouth." You breathe again.
"My mouth, huh?" He bites and your fantasy continues. 
"Yes. Everywhere." You cry out, orgasm seconds away. "Your mouth on me, about to- God, Jeno I'm gonna cum,” your back arches, hips bucking, fingers moving so fast and rough. 
"Look at me." Your eyes fly open at the command. "I want you to cum whilst looking at me."
And you do. The sheer dominance radiating off of him is the final straw that has you crashing down. 
Your orgasm rips through you as your hips lift so far off the bed. You moved your fingers through your orgasm, riding it out but finally, your hips fell back to the bed and you let out a heavy breath.
Before you could even open your eyes again, you felt two large arms wrap under your thighs gripping your hips, and suddenly you’re yanked to the end of the bed. Your eyes snap open, and your head lifts up as you spy Jeno on his knees at the end of the bed, his mouth centimetres from your dripping pussy.
"J-Jeno,” you mumble, just the sight of him has you moaning. 
You’re not sure if getting yourself off in front of him was the moment you both decided to cross the line; but now him manoeuvring between your legs, you knew you definitely had. Regardless, you know now you aren't ever going back to the dynamic you had before. 
"I’m gonna make those fantasies come to life baby.” 
He doesn't miss a beat. His tongue comes out and swipes a long lick up and through your folds. All common sense leaves your head as you fall back against the bed. 
"God, you taste so good. I fucking knew you would." 
He’s thought about this? You know you have. 
He repeats the motion again, this time focusing on your clit, making sure to run a smooth stripe along it, circling it only slightly, enough to have you wriggling. One of his hands splays over your stomach, holding your hips down. 
"I want you to cum on my tongue. I want to taste every drop of you,” you gulp, looking down at him between your thighs. You don't miss the dark pupils in his eyes and that daring look, the one telling you to follow his instructions. 
"Jeno, oh my god,” you cry out, your head flying back as his mouth attacks your clit. He sucks it in, flicking his tongue all over in a frenzied motion. 
You know he knows all the right ways to make a girl squirm. And you are fucking squirming. All over the fucking bed, you’d be breaking free from him if he didn't have his large veined hand holding your stomach down. Your stomach is now on show. Your t-shirt has risen up to just below your breasts and you see the way his eyes watch the movement as you move about, tits bouncing around.
And as if he can hear your thoughts he says,
"Take your top off." 
You do it without question, lifting the hem and throwing it over your head. Now you’re laying there completely naked. His hand that was on your stomach comes up and takes hold of one breast, instantly taking your nipple between his fingers and you hear him, no you feel him, moan into your pussy. 
The vibrations cause you to cry out, hands knuckling the bed sheets. 
"You're so fucking hot Y/N, God." He murmurs before attacking you again, his mouth working wonders.
And that tongue. You’re so close. You can feel it. 
Then you feel as he slides two fingers into you. Jeno curls his fingers inside of you, hitting some sort of sensitive spot, and as soon as his fingers massage that area inside you and his mouth returns to your clit, you explode.
You don't even know if the music downstairs would cover your screams as you fell into ecstasy. His hand on your breast doesn’t  move, but the one that had been hooked on your hip moves to splay against your stomach holding you down as he laps at you, riding you through your second orgasm until you couldn’t take it anymore. He pulls his fingers out, then his mouth away from you at just the right time.
You lay there spent. Completely. 
Eyes fluttering open. Jeno stood between your legs looking down at you. His cock looked painful in his jeans. You had once felt exhausted and ready to fall asleep but as soon as you saw his erection you shot up in your seat. You immediately fumble with his jeans until his hand comes to your jaw, pulling your head up to look into his eyes. He stares for a moment before blinking, taking a deep breath.
"You don't have to- I didn't do that for you to-"
"I want to. I want this." You nod eagerly,"I want you.” 
You lick your lips and it's as if something snaps in him, that moment of care vanishes and he lets go of your chin.
"Well then, suck my cock,” he says, standing there and you do as you’re told.
You unfasten his jeans, pull them down and then his underwear. His large erect cock springs free instantly and without a second thought you take hold of him in your hand. Your hands look tiny against his dick. 
You move your hand slowly up and down his cock, and notice how his thighs tense, then his stomach and you follow your eyes up until you meet his face. His head is hung low, eyes dark and hands clenched by his sides. Keeping your eyes on his, you lean forward and spy the precum, flicking your tongue out and taking it in to swallow down with a moan that makes him grunt. 
You moved so that your face was closer to his balls, then you stroked your tongue all along his length, and felt the way he flexed beneath your muscle. There’s a cocky smirk covering your face when you move back to the top and suck his tip into your mouth.
"Do you like sucking my cock?" He asks, his hand threading into your hair to start pulling on the roots to yank your head backwards. 
"Do you like it when I suck your cock, Jeno?" You flip the question with a smile the power in your hands. You continue working him and he flexes his hand in your hair.
"That's how you wanna play?" He grins at you.
You pretend to think for a moment, "I’m not playing anything." You move your head closer down his length, licking  another long stripe hearing how he curses under his breath and thrusts his hips towards you. "I just want to suck your cock." 
With that, you take him into your mouth, sliding down until you reach your limit. You can't take him whole, he’s way too big for that, but you take what you can. He coughs and splutters a bunch of inaudible words, but you just pull back up and repeat the motion, continuing to take him back into your throat. 
His hand stays threaded in your hair, keeping a rough hold so that you can't pull away — not that you wanted to.  
You love every second. Even as you feel him tensing, his hips moving as he thrusts into your mouth. You look up through your lashes to see his head thrown back as he moans out and hisses every so often when you drag your teeth along his cock. You can tell he likes it as the precum coats your tongue. That and the way he doesn't tell you to stop. 
"Do. That. Again."
And you do, watching his head fall forwards."Such a pretty sight, my cock filling your mouth. What do you think your brother would think about this?" he smirks and your face falls pale.
You almost stop sucking his dick but he doesn't let you, slamming his hips forwards so his cock hits the back of your throat.
Your brother.
Not a thought you want to think about right now but it is something you needed to consider. This was his best friend. You’d finally gotten the man so forbidden, always out of bounds. The whole time you didn’t know that he wanted you as much as you wanted him. 
You moan uncontrollably, and it must send vibrations along his cock as you feel it twitch in your mouth, his thrusts become sloppy and his grip on your hand grows tighter. 
"Fuck, Y/N, I'm gonna cum." He grits out. "Are you gonna let me cum in that pretty mouth of yours?" 
You look up at him. You can't speak so you try to nod. 
"God, you’ve always been the death of me," He thrusts several more times as you slide your tongue all over his length and tip. 
You do it a final time as you take him to the back of your throat, gliding your teeth along him which must've been his undoing as you felt the hot steaming cum splatter against the back of your throat. 
You pulled him out your mouth slowly. Even as he is softening he is still thick and large. You kitten lick the tip as he hisses, causing him to loosen his grip in your hair and you sit back, making sure to obviously gulp so he knows you swallowed every last drop of him. Leaning forwards, his hand comes to your chin and he moves his mouth so close to your you think he might kiss you but instead he says,
"Good girl." 
You hate the way those two words made you clench your thighs together. You thought the two orgasms were enough but no, you’re ready for more. You need more. 
He’s quick to remove his shirt, and as he lifts his arms his abs flex. You are point-blank gawking at him standing before you, making him smirk. 
That snaps you out of it. Remembering you are sitting here, soaking wet and naked before him. You crawl back on the bed and then realise you have no duvet so you have to pull your knees to your chest and cross your arms over your knees to cover yourself. 
He watches you, laughs and then shakes his head. He then moves, shoving off his jeans and underwear the rest of the way off until they both land on the floor.
"Wh-What are you doing?" You ask stuttering, thinking he should actually be getting dressed to leave.
"What do you think I'm doing?" he asks. 
Can't he ever just give you a simple answer? 
Then you notice how his cock has sprung to life again and his hand moves to touch it. Moving up and down the length as he cracks his neck.
"You're h-hard again?" You stutter, eyes glued to the impressive size of him. 
"I'm always hard for you baby." He winks and for once, it didn't make you want to punch him. 
"Jeno, we can't." You shake your head.
 You’re already way past the line. Sex would destroy the whole scale. Still, the idea of him, his cock inside of you, whispering filthy things in your ear... it isn't something you can ignore. 
"You want it." He says point blankly. 
You gulp and remain silent. He moves onto the bed, kneeling and then crawls towards you until he is over you. His hair has fallen over his eyes — so fucking hot. "I know you want it, why try to deny it?" He cocks his head to the side, smugly.
"I-I'm not." You fidget. 
“Yes, you are." He ducks his head low, burying it in your neck. You feel his warm breath and your heartbeat rackets so loud. "You don't want to want me to fuck you,” His teeth graze your neck, sending you into a panting mess as he sucks and bites. 
He then pulls away and laps at the mark you know is there, the one he put there as a reminder tomorrow when you come to your senses that you did this.
"So I’ll ask again. What do you want?" He looks down at you, plump pink lips swollen and wet from his constant licking and biting them. 
You’re going to let your brothers best friend fuck you. And you’re going to love every second of it.
Not wasting another moment longer to think, you grab hold of his neck and lift your head whilst pulling him to you to smash your lips together. There’s heat, fire, and explosions of electricity. 
Your hands claw at his neck, his back, his sides. Anything to pull him closer. His crotch, his hard cock, grinds against your soaking hole and you groan out whilst continuing to kiss him. Both so desperate for each other. His hands skim down your body, kneading your breasts, your hips. He grabs hold of anywhere and everywhere. 
His lips detach from yours, giving you a moment to see how swollen they are before they're attacking your neck. He peppers kisses along your jaw, not sweet kisses but hard and sloppy kisses. Sucking and biting the skin causing your back to arch into his chest, pushing your breasts against him, making him moan. He thrusts his hips forwards, his cock sliding between your folds, hitting against your clit making you quiver.
"Fuck, we really shouldn't be doing this." He continues kissing you down your neck, reaching your collar bones that he also decides to leave marks on. 
"Jeno please," you cry out. Both of his hands move to your hips to hold you still. 
"Please what baby?" He smirks before moving lower to take one of your nipples into his mouth.
"Fuck Jeno,” you cry out as he flicks his tongue over the bud, biting it harshly so you cry out again then soothing it with a soft warm suck.
"Please what baby?" He repeats. 
"Fuck me. Now!”
"And what about your brother?" he brings him up again and you roll your eyes. 
"Stop bringing him up," You moan as he takes your other nipple into his mouth, repeating the process.
"He'll kill us if he finds out." he grins.
"Then he can't find out," You pant out of breath as Jeno moves.
His face is so close to yours that your lips are only just touching, his chest is pushed against you and his cock sits lodged between your folds. You try to shift to gain some friction against your clit but his grip holds you still. His eyes flicker across your face then he says,
"I won't tell if you won't?" His lips caress yours in the faintest of movements. You flick your tongue out to wet your lips, but in the process he bites onto your muscle making you wince then moan, "What do you think, huh?” 
There’s no room for discussion — your body won’t let you. 
"I won't tell if you won't."
He doesn't miss a beat once he gets your approval. His lips are on yours as his hips thrust forwards. His cock thrusting inside of you, tearing you open as you pull your mouth away to cry out.
"Holy fuck."
He stills once inside you, making sure to push as far as possible until his pelvis meets your skin. Your legs wrap around his waist instantly.
"You feel so fucking good." He breaks from your kiss to breathe. "I always knew you would but this-" he looks down to where you are connected and he thrusts further, trying to get deeper but he can't possibly. "-this is better than anything I could've imagined." 
"Move, please." You grunt trying to lift your hips to encourage some movement. His eyes fly open, dark and daring. 
"Beg me." He smirks and does a tiny thrust, a teasing thrust.
"Fuck off,” you pant, trying to do it yourself but he uses his hips to pin you to the bed.
"Beg." He smiles and cocks his head to one side. "Me."
You hated his arrogance. But fuck, you want him so bad. So badly that you will beg.
"Please fuck me, Jeno." He pulls out of you and you suck in a deep breath.
"Again." He grins now. 
You can't bear to look at him but looking down means watching as he holds just the tip inside of me.
"Please. Fuck. Me." You pant, half moaning, begging for him. 
He thrusts so hard into you, you wince and moan out in pleasure. He hit so deep inside that you’re sure you’ll bruise.
"Anything for you, Y/N,” he whispers in your ear before sucking and biting on the lobe. 
Then he's pulling out and thrusting into you. Again. And again. And again. Harder and harder each time. Faster and faster. You lose your breath, becoming a big ball of pants and moans — just like  Jeno.
God, the sounds he makes. You’ve never heard someone so vocal before, but fuck it's hot. The small grunts he makes when he fucks you, the groans when you clench around his cock and feel yourself building. He moves his hands under your ass to lift it, plummeting into you from a new angle, going so much deeper.
"Your pussy is so tight. Fuck,” He says between thrusts, and gritted teeth. 
He seems to have found a weak spot right under your ear that has you clenching like mad around his cock. And he loves it. 
"How have you just been there in front of me this whole time? How have I stayed away from you?" He seems to be asking himself because he doesn’t press you for a reply. 
He removes his lips from your neck and sits back on his heels, his cock still inside of you, slowing his thrusts and he lifts your legs up, moving them over his shoulders. His head moves from side to side, placing a soft kiss on each ankle and for one second. You’re dumbfounded as he looks at you, a daring smirk written across his face. 
He wraps his arms around your thighs, locking your legs in a straight position against his chest on either side of his head, and then he begins pounding into you again. However this time, he moves one of his hands to your centre, his thumb moving closer to your clit. You feel how it grazes your nerves. He strums it once. Twice. Three times then you're wriggling around like a mess, back arching off as your orgasm tears through your body and you explode into euphoria. Again.
He rides you through it, fucking you as you clench and squeeze around him. A string of curse words come out of him, you feel him so close but he doesn't cum. He stops stroking your clit as you batted his hand away, you didn't realise you had been clenching the sheets with white knuckles until you relax your hands and feel a cramp in your palm.
Jeno slows his thrusts until he stills inside of you, his chest is moving up and down with each of his heavy breaths. You move your legs off of his shoulders, enjoying the movements as your legs feel strained too.
But as soon as your feet hit the bed, he grabs you and flips you so you land on your stomach. He pulls your hips up and slides into you again.
"Fuck!" You scream as he slams into you unapologetically. One hand holding your hip, the other trails along your back as he begins fucking you from behind. He leans over you, still ploughing, and comes closer to your ear.
"I always wanted to fuck you like this, you are always strutting around showing off, your ass? Do you like teasing me?" 
You don't even know what you like right now. Mind too focused on needed Jeno to fuck you any way he pleased. 
He grins, then shoves your head back down into the mattress, straightening his back and fucks you harder than you think you’ve ever have been before. You couldn't keep up with the movements, head a complete daze from all of the orgasms that he had given you.
You come to a conscious mind when a hard slap lands on your ass, it makes your pussy throb so he does it again, and again, rubbing over the area and soothing it before doing it again. Each time it makes you clench around him. 
"Jeno," you cry out between thrusts.
"Yeah, baby?" His voice sounded so much deeper, which told you he was close. That and the way his thrusts grew random and unstable.
"Want you to cum in me," You moan, clenching the sheets again. 
"I'm not wearing a condom," He grits through his teeth. 
"I'm on the pill,” you manage to say between heavy breaths. You needed him to cum in you now. 
He shakes his head, "Last thing I need is to get my best friend's little sister pregnant." And that was that because he thrust a few more times, then pulls out, and instantly, all over your ass and back you felt a hot liquid splatter about. 
As soon as his grip left your hip you fell straight down onto the mattress, and your body was thankful for it. Everything hurt. He'd destroyed you. Fucked you, well and truly. And you couldn't stop the smile on your face.
"I'll go get a cloth." He said through some heavy breaths then climbed off of the bed and went to your bathroom. He emerged a moment later, used the warm cloth to clean up his mess although you notice him take a minute to look at it.
"Admiring your work?" You asked him through a laugh, he looked at you and shook his head chuckling. 
"Trust me, if I could take a picture I would,” he wipes it away. Then he returned to the bathroom to throw the cloth in the hamper but as soon as he stood in the doorway of you heard three loud knocks on your bedroom door. 
"Y/N? You in there? Have you seen Jeno?" 
You shot up in bed, suddenly not tired or spent. Jeno’s eyes grew wide too.
You lifted your finger to your lips and gestured to Jeno to stay in the bathroom. He didn't hesitate as he shuts the door. 
Jaemin would fucking kill him and you, without a doubt. Only moments ago you had his best friend’s cum covering your ass. 
"One second," you shout,  jumping out of bed and grabbing your T-shirt. Then you rush over to the door, paint on your best sleeping face and yawn whilst opening it. 
"Oh, you were asleep?" Jaemin stood on the other side, hands braced on either side of the door frame.
You fake another yawn. He looks behind you and you turn too, fearful Jeno was standing there but then you spied your duvet cover on the other side of the room. Jamein frowned and looked back to you. 
"I was hot." You shrug. 
"Shit sorry," He quickly says. "I just can't find Jeno anywhere.” 
"He’s your friend not mine.”
"I don’t understand why you two hate each other," He rolls his eyes and you can't help but scoff at the irony. 
Hate wasn’t exactly the word you’d use for the guy that was just 8 inches deep inside of you. 
"Well, he's probably off getting high or fucking some girl.” 
“Better not be in our parent’s bed again,” he huffs, and your eyes go wide. “Fuck, he better not be doing it in my bed either,” he says to himself. 
And with that, he storms away heading for his room. Chuckling, you shut the door and Jeno emerges from the bathroom, a towel now wrapped around his waist and he stands there facing you. 
"That was close."
"Too close." You sigh. 
He dresses himself as you climb back in bed, getting your duvet back on and covering yourself with it. He walks over to the door and pulls it open, peeking outside to check the coast is clear, then once he does he turns to look over his shoulder at you.
"Our secret?" He says.
"Our secret." You nod and he steps out, not looking back and shuts the door.
You lie back on your bed, head falling into your pillows and laugh. 
But then you shake your head processing it all, moving your hand to cover your mouth, looking at the ceiling. 
You just fucked your brother’s best friend.
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readychilledwine · 1 month
hello!! please could i request one where the reader is an OG member of the IC and very close to azriel (she knows that he’s her mate, he doesn’t) and sister-like to the rest of the IC. once feyre and her sisters come about, she often confides with feyre so they’re also close.
anyway, there’s an important event for the reader on day and she expected the rest of the IC would join her (she invited them?) but no one turned up and she’s absolutely exhausted, emotionally and physically, by the end of the day.
when she’s back, everyone is together at the house having fun and one of them notices she so dressed up but looked exhausted. maybe someone says something snarky and there’s an argument. azriel defends the snarky person so reader and azriel have an argument (hurtful words towards the reader) and that’s when the mating bond snaps for az and he’s regretful. things happen but happy ending for the reader, az and the IC. thank you 🫶🏼💗
Odd One Out
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Summary - After 500 years of friendship, the last thing you ever expected was the Inner circle to miss one of your symphonies. But you know what they say, time changes people.
Warnings - I warned you all to watch out for angst, right? Elain being catty, reader feeling lonely, Azriel being an idiot
A/N - I promise Bound by Fate is still coming. I'm just constantly rereading it and not happy with where it's at. It's probably because I needed this out of my system. I hope this is close enough to what you were looking for! It wrote itself, so I'm worried it may stray too far from the ask! Please let me know if it did.
✨️ Azriel Masterlist✨️
Odd One Out pt 2
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Maybe you had asked too much again. You looked to where the empty seats for the Inner Circle and Archeron sisters sat one last time before moving forward. You had worked too hard on this symphony to let this stop you. You were the last to go on stage, the conductor in her gorgeous sparkling gown and heels. You were the picture perfect face of composure as you bowed before turning and raising your hands.
You were introduced to Rhysand at a young age, and the two of you were quickly friends, so when he became High Lord, a place at his side was handed to you without question. You were eloquent, elegant, and kind. You were perfect for the position of emissary, and you single handedly won him friendships and alliances among every court aside from Spring.
He had never stopped you from pursuing passion, though. Your father had forced you into harp lessons from the tender age of 4 until his untimely death. He sat by your side for hours, teaching you to speak through letters written on a sheet that so fee could truly understand. It was an escape that turned into a career. One Rhysand specifically built the amphitheater you currently stood on for. The music you wrote woke emotion on the High Lord and all of Velaris, quickly making you one of the most popular females in the City of Starlight.
No one enjoyed your music more than Azriel's shadows, though. Nor did anyone enjoy you the way they did. How they knew you two were mates while he sat clueless and doting on Elain would never make sense to you, but the shadow turning your sheet music for you tonight was at least a small comfort, even if your family, mainly his master, was not here in their resevered High box seats.
You were exhausted when your arms lowered for the close of the show. You stood to the side, plastering a small faked smile on your graceful features as you held your arm to the orchestra, signaling for their bows before taking your own and leaving. You were the last one there, sharing thank yous and goodbyes as you musicians left. You chose to be alone for a while on the harp that sat in your sound room at the theater. You had a song in your mind, and you needed to let it speak before it left. Even if it was created from a place of raw emotion. It was near midnight when you finished, leaving the new composition to sit until you returned tomorrow.
You could hear the drunken laughter the second you walked into the old Riverhouse, the one you and Azriel made home as the mates of the Inner Circle began occupying the other houses, and signed as you removed your heels and picked them up into white tipped manicured nails. "Y/n!" Cassian's booming drunk voice slammed into you as he did. "Where have you been, baby?"
It was Nesta who gasped, looking at the clock on the wall before whispering a soft oh no as she saw your dress. Nesta who covered her mouth, eyes beginning to water as she shook her head and stared. Nesta who glared to Feyre.
"Why do you look so dolled up?" Rhys had a slight flush to his face, a wide smile as he took you in. "Hot date?"
You couldn't help but stare, shaking your head as your throat tightened. "You all seriously don't remember." Rhys knitted his brow thinking, and his face slowly fell.
"Y/n Darling, I am-"
You put your hand up to him before he could finish, shaking your head as the tears actually fell. "Save it. Spare me your lies and excuses." Cassian looked to Nesta and then Rhys, his own face falling next as he remembered.
"The symphony."
"Was beautiful, regardless of my support system deciding wine and board games were more important than the first live art performance in Velaris since our high lord was captured." Your voice was shaking as you looked up, avoiding Hazel eyes that were wide in shock as every single ounce of heart ache you felt hit him.
The bond finally snaps, his shadows hissed. We've been reminding you all day. And now you've hurt our mate. Ours. We went. Where were you?
"Maybe if you were actually good at writing music, we would have remembered." Mor's glass of wine hit the floor as your breath stilled. Rhys felt his hands fall from Feyre's lap as she audibly said Elain's name in an insulted tone. Amren was immediately held back by Varian. "Obviously, if the people who you claim you're so important to did not see making time to go a priority, we did not miss much."
Cassian heard your breath shutter. You stared to Azriel, waiting for him to come to your defense and not realizing his silence was due to shock from the bond and Elain's sudden cattiness. "Very well. I see I am no longer wanted, and I will not stay where I am not wanted," the whisper was all anyone could hear as you turned and walked away. The door shut behind you, and as if the Mother truly hated you, rain began falling softly, and you made your way back to the amphitheater.
Azriel had never shoved someone off his lap as quickly as he did Elain in that moment. But it was Rhysand who spoke, "How. Dare. You." The High lord went to stand, grabbing his jacket. "When your sister was dying, I sent her y/n's music. The mobile you play for our son every night, is y/n's music. The music that plays in Hewn City is y/n's music. She is an essential part of my circle, my family. How dare you tell her that her passion, her joy, and her career mean nothing to us."
Azriel backed away from Elain. "Your true colors disgust me, Elain Archeron." He studied her, truly studied her for the first time as the door slammed shut following Rhysand's exit. "That is my friend, my closest friend. You just hurt her like it was nothing. Cut her so deeply you will never be able to repair it."
"Well, if she mattered so much you all would have remembered."
Feyre spoke then, between heavy sobs, "I wrote down the wrong date. I wrong down tomorrow night for opening night. We were going to take her to dinner. It was supposed to be Nyx's first concert. This is my fault."
"Again, proof it didn't matter." Elain sipped her white wine as if Feyre had all but solidified her opinion.
"Get out," the growl from Azriel took everyone by surprise. "Get out of my home. You are no longer welcome here."
He was out the door, running to catch up to Rhysand in the rain, but missing the High Lord. He entered the amphitheater drenched and in silence, sitting next to where Rhysand was in the dark.
You were on stage playing violin as you always did when your heart was breaking. Every stroke of the strings had the bond growing tight before you dimmed it on your end, as if each movement of the bow, each note, was you whispering goodbye. "She told me she is leaving," Rhysand rubbed his face next to Azriel. It was then he saw the tears staining the perfect features of the High Lord. "She said this is my last performance before she leaves for Dawn."
"There's nothing we can do then?" Rhysand shook his head at the question before his head fell into his hands and his shoulders wrecked into sobs. "She's my mate."
"I know," Rhysand looked to the stars. "I've known for years. She never said anything, and now she never will. What little piece we had left is gone. Her light had been blown out by Elain's statements."
"Let me-"
"Just please stop talking and let me enjoy this."
It was the song he had sent Feyre under the mountain. A score that read of hope through pain.
And hope was all Azriel could hold on to as you stood and bowed, winnowing away as soon as you were finished.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects
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sweet-as-an-angel · 11 months
Dating Miguel O’Hara Would Include…
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Warnings: Implied Smut, Domestic Miguel !!!, Possessive Miguel, Protective Miguel, Dominant Miguel, Slight Yandere Miguel (if you squint), Fluff, Mild Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No Pronouns used for Reader Except You’.
Miguel being stoic and militant around his associates, but melting into a massive softie when he gets to see you.
His eyes literally light up when he hears you coming. He has to resist the urge to scoop you up into his arms and cuddle you silly whenever he hears you call his name, your tones music to his ears, his heart thrumming – harpstrings.
Golden retriever boyfriend to the MAX.
He brings you breakfast in bed whenever he’s awake before you – which is often considering his vampiric nature. And he looks so proud of himself when he cooks a good meal, too. Literally just a beaming, teeth-filled, closed-eye smile when you tell him he’s “Done such a good job, Babe !”
Any kind of praise sends him absolutely wild, so use it sparingly. It can either get you out of or into a world of trouble; especially if you're trying to get Miguel hot under the collar.
Miguel’s love language is, simply put, everything.
The adoration that swells in his chest whenever he thinks of you manifests as him throwing himself into your service.
He does anything and everything you ask of him, no matter how extravagant or nominal the request is. And everything you don’t.
He isn’t stingy with his words, either; he tells you how much he loves you whenever you’re alone, often coming up behind you and sliding his arms around your front, resting his head on your shoulder and breathing deeply.
He presses soft, careful kisses into the crook of your neck, making sure to keep his fangs from pinching you, inhaling your warmth, your scent.
“I love you.” His heart drums into your back. His lips capture your skin again. “I love you,” And again. “I live for you.” And again.
He’s lived with a lifetime of regret for not being able to protect those he held dear; he won’t allow you to go without knowing the extent of his adoration for you. Not when he feels he never truly got to show his family – his ghosts – how much he loved them.
On a lighter note, Miguel LOVES having his hair played with; just card your fingers through his locks and he’s as good as incapacitated.
After a rough day, he crawls into bed and lays his head in your lap or on your chest, his body winding down in your soft embrace.
He lowkey moans when you catch his sensitive spot, his brows knotting together, his voice coming out as a rasped whisper.
He knows when you’re purposely trying to get him worked up, though. And he doesn’t stand for it.
“Careful Darling,” he glowers, the phantom sensation of you tugging his hair a half-weight on his senses. He cracks an eye open, his wine irises peaking out beneath heavy lids.
“Or I won’t be so gentle when it’s my turn to take care of you.”
Miguel prefers private displays of affection over public displays of affection; he doesn’t want his subordinates knowing he’s gone soft.
But, there are exceptions to this principle.
Like if Miguel’s feeling particularly hot and desperate, by which point he whisks you away to the bathroom and the two of you aren’t seen for a good hour or so. Usually longer.
The other exception is if he’s feeling jealous or possessive, by which point his sensibilities have vacated his mind and he’s right behind you, his hands on your waist, your shoulders – anywhere he can hold you. Or, he’s filling your mouth with his tongue and your ear with his words if the other party present doesn’t get the hint that you’re taken.
“You’re mine,” he rasps, his breath hot, prickling your skin, the tips of his fang drawing goosebumps. Miguel’s eyes shine an ocean red, dark and unknown. He has you caged, arms encompassing you entirely.
“And I’ll never let anyone take you from me.”
Speaking of; Miguel is incredibly possessive.
Years of rumination and a history of scattered failures make for a very territorial man. And it shows.
He keeps his hands on you whenever you’re together or in the presence of someone he thinks can steal you from him; someone better than him.
He stares down at them until they fumble or leave; whichever prevails first. After which point, when you’re alone, he turns you round to look at him and just stares at you like 🥺.
The epitome of ‘Babe you pushed my leg off you while you were asleep; do you still love me ???’
You have to reassure him when things like this occur. Take him by the face and hold him gently in your hands; press a soft kiss to his lips and call him your “One and only,”
Doing so is a one-way ticket to a very long night.
Possessive, heartfelt, grasping, gasping love-making.
Miguel can’t stop until your bottom half is numb and the only thing you’re capable of thinking and saying is his name.
Of course, he rewards you for your endurance after the fact.
Aftercare king right here <333
Treats you like you’re glass; he runs you a bath, brings you your favourite drink and changes the bedsheets.
And, when you’re fast asleep and curled up into his chest, his heart flutters, and, for the first time in his life, he feels that he has stability. Pure, unconditional, everlasting love.
And he’ll sooner dismantle the multiverse himself than let anyone or anything take that from him.
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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lustfulslxt · 1 month
What Are We Doing Step Bro? - Chris Sturniolo
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summary : after your steamy vacation, you and your step brother, chris, seemed to pretend nothing ever happened. that is, until you throw a party while your parents are away.
warnings : step sibling trope, spit kink, very slight breeding kink, choking, spanking, slight fingering, brief (f) oral, rough sex, etc
a/n : NOT INCEST SO GET OFF MY DICK AB THAT SHIT!!! they are not blood related in any way, so actually stfu thanks! this is also HIGHLY requested, so enjoy xx FYI i used tara’s pic bc that’s the inspo for readers outfit
It has been a few weeks since the little family vacation in which you and Chris had crossed certain boundaries in a profoundly sensual way. Neither of you have addressed it at all. When you woke up the next day, you were both dressed and on opposite ends of the bed. When he awoke, he didn’t say a thing about it. You assumed he was pretending it didn’t happen, so you did the same.
It’s been hard, actually. Knowing what he’s like in bed and how good he can pleasure you, has you thinking about it constantly. Though, you’ve never been bold enough to do something about it. Maybe you were just supposed to forget the whole thing.
So, you try your hardest. However, you can’t help the lingering glances on him any time he’s in your presence, the squeezing of your thighs when he brushes past you, the clenching of your core when he innocently touches you. Oh, how bad you want him to strip you of your clothes and make you tremble in euphoria.
Both of your parents are heading out the door, as they've planned a small getaway, kind of like a second honeymoon. Doing so, leaves you and Chris alone, once again.
The two of you had planned a party, and you're excited for it. Maybe you can finally get intoxicated and let loose, forgetting about the dooming fantasies you constantly have about your stepbrother.
Chris had arranged for the alcohol delivery, while you had sent out the memo. He had mentioned, earlier in the day, that the two of you should get the last-minute supplies you would need; solo cups, shot glasses, soda, and a variety of things to snack on.
You open your chapstick, twisting the wheel on the bottom to raise the stick of lubricant. As you apply the moisturizer to your plump lips, your bedroom door swings open. Upon looking up, you lock eyes with Chris who halts in place.
"Uh-" He starts, pausing as his eyes take in the sight of your lips rubbing the product in. "Are you ready to go?"
You hum, nodding your head as you slide your chapstick back in your purse. You stand up, slipping your feet into your slides, and pulling the strap of your purse over your shoulder. You look over at Chris, who hasn't taken his eyes off of you.
"What?" You quip, raising your eyebrow.
A slight smirk pulls to his lips as he looks you over, enjoying the way your shorts hug your plush thighs and the way your small baby tee shows off your perky tits.
"What kind of chapstick is that?" He asks.
Your eyebrows knit together, "Cherry."
He's suddenly standing directly in front of you, his eyes boring into your face. You can almost feel his breath on your skin.
"I bet it tastes good." He speaks, his voice slightly raspy and low in tone.
Before you can respond, he's flashing you a grin and turning around to make his way out. You stand there, watching his retreating figure, feeling butterflies swarm in your stomach at the simple interaction. If only you had the balls to act on your desires; he'd be under you as you bounce up and down on his cock.
You swallow the accumulating saliva in your mouth, and take a deep breath, following Chris out. He’s already making his way out the front door, so you follow in suit.
The ride to the store is silent, aside from his quiet music playing from his playlist. You can’t help the sneaky glances you throw his way, admiring the way he so effortlessly looks sexy. The way he manspreads in his seat, gripping the steering wheel with one hand. You find yourself clenching around nothing as your breathing gets a bit shallow.
To retain the last bit of dignity you have, you use everything in you to pull your eyes from him, forcing yourself to look out the window and watch the passing scenery.
Little do you know, Chris is struggling with the same thoughts as you. Every chance he gets, his eyes soak in the way you lick your lips, just imagining them wrapped around his cock. The way you shuffle in your seat makes him think about how you would move as you ride him. Your thick thighs rubbing together, he just wants to shove his face between them.
The two of you head into the store, Chris purposely behind you just to watch the way your ass jiggles as you walk. Every time you turn around to make sure he’s still following you, you’re met with a smirk from him. You bite back a smile and continue with the shopping, Chris following closely behind you.
After the two of you buy everything you need, you head back home to set it all up. Surprisingly, Chris is actually putting in effort and helping you with everything. You thought for sure you would have to do it all yourself.
“Can you hand me that remote?” He questions after putting the led lights up.
You grab the mini device and pass it to him, biting your inner cheek as his fingers grasp yours. You look up at him, only to find him already looking down at you.
“What?” You ask, your voice barely audible.
“You’re just really pretty.” He shrugs as if it’s nothing.
Your heart practically skips a beat at his words, your stomach fluttering with butterflies. You know it’s wrong to even feel such a way with him, but you can’t help it.
You turn away with a slight blush on your cheeks, willing yourself not to smile like an idiot. Still, Chris can’t take his eyes off of you.
Everything about you drives him absolutely insane, and he just wants to have you again. But, despite his deep infatuation with you, he continuously shakes the never ending thoughts from his head, knowing it’s probably something he won’t be able to indulge in again.
While Chris makes sure the lights and surround sound are working, you walk through the house, making sure everything else is set up and in good condition. Everything valuable is tucked away, and furniture is moved out of the way for partygoers to maneuver with ease.
“Where are you going?” He questions as you head down the hall.
“Everything looks good, so I have to get ready.”
Without another word, you’re shutting yourself in your room. You immediately go for your closet in search of an outfit to wear. After a few moments of pondering, you pull it out and lay it on your bed.
You strip from the clothes you’re currently wearing, replacing them with what you picked out. You sit down at your vanity, ready to start your makeup and hair.
As you continue getting ready, you can hear people coming in and the music playing loudly throughout the house. It’s okay to be fashionably late to your own party. You want to take your time, making sure you look your absolute best. Maybe your plan is to tempt Chris, just so you can have him once again while your parents are away.
After finishing up, you stand in front of your mirror to observe your appearance. Satisfied, you leave your room to join the fun.
The lights are out around the house, glowing and flashing colors in place of them. The floor vibrates with the loud music, the atmosphere filling with it and chatter from everyone inside. There’s people piled on the makeshift dance floor, a few people occupying the sofa, and people scattered throughout the kitchen with drinks and snacks in hand.
You hate that your eyes are instantly searching for Chris. Tonight is supposed to be the night that you forget about him, but you can’t help it. Your actions and words contradict themselves, putting you in the biggest dilemma with your mind and body.
Coming up short in finding your stepbrother, you head to the kitchen to get a drink. There, you come across a few of your friends.
“Y/N!” Asia cheers, bringing the rest of their attention to you.
“Hey, you guys made it.” You smile, the four of you reciprocating hugs.
“Of course we did.” Liz chimes in, “You look absolutely killer by the way.”
You grin widely, giving them a twirl, “Thank you!”
Ash pours you a drink, handing it to you with a smirk on his face, “Who you tryna look good for?”
You and the two girls laugh as you shake your head, “Pleeease.”
The four of you continue drinking and chatting, catching up on things you’ve missed. Unfortunately for you, your mind is still stuck on Chris. You have yet to see him and it’s a bit of a bummer, but you’re forcing your feelings down with alcohol.
You’ve lost count of how many drinks you’ve had, simply enjoying the feeling of being intoxicated. It’s been quite some time since you were able to have fun like this with your friends, so you do your best to forget about Chris.
“Wanna dance?” Ash asks you, grabbing your hand.
You nod with a smile, letting him guide you to the crowd of dancers. Your relationship with him has always been different. You’ve never hooked up, and there aren’t any feelings, but you both get close and flirty. Maybe this would be a good time to get Chris’ attention.
Ash pulls you close, placing a hand on your back. You hold your cup in one hand, wrapping the other around his neck. You move sensually to the beat before turning around and placing your back against him. And as if the universe is working overtime, the second you do that, you lock eyes with Chris.
He’s sitting on the couch with his legs spread and a cup in his hand. He looks absolutely delicious with his black jeans, white long sleeve shirt with a black short sleeve layered on top, and his camouflage beanie.
His face is expressionless as he watches you dance with another man. He yearns to take his spot, being the one to dance with you like that. It’s torturous for him, not being able to be close with you in the way that he so desperately craves.
no matter what i do,
all i think about is you.
even when i’m with my boo,
boy, you know i’m crazy over you.
You sing the lyrics, mindlessly directing them at Chris as you hold each other’s eyes. His gaze trails over your entire body, turned on by your revealing outfit, yet furious at the thought of other guys eye fucking you the way he is.
He shuffles in his seat, adjusting his jeans at the crotch, already feeling a hard on coming in. He hates how easily you get him going, especially knowing that he can’t do anything about it.
Watching as Ash’s hands roam your body, Chris brings his cup to his mouth and downs the harsh contents. It’s becoming unbearable for him to see you like this with someone else. He’s growing more and more frustrated, itching to put a stop to it.
So he does.
He gets up, walking over towards you. Your eyes widen the slightest bit, your head tilting up to look at him as he’s not directly in front of you.
“Beat it. I need to talk to her, kid.” Chris says, directing his sentence at Ash.
Ash lightly scoffs, “Can’t you do it when we’re done?”
“No. Get lost.”
Reluctantly, he does as Chris says, leaving the two of you alone in the crowd of people. Chris nods his head to the hall, silently telling you to lead the way. You make your way down the vacant hallway, Chris hot on your tail.
Just as you’re about to say something, he pulls you into his room and shuts the door.
“What are you wearing?” He asks, leaving you appalled.
He throws his hand up, gesturing towards your dress. “What is this?”
You furrow your brows, completely flabbergasted, “Chris, what the fuck? It’s very obviously a dress.”
“Why are you acting dumb?” He questions, incredulously. “The fuck are you wearing it for?”
You roll your eyes and lean against his dresser, only for him to follow you. “It’s a party, I can wear whatever I want.”
“No you can’t.” He bluntly states, only to receive a blank stare from you. “Take it off.”
You choke on your saliva, your cheeks immediately flushing, “What?”
“You heard me.” He bites back, crossing his arms.
Despite your increasing heartbeat, you shake your head, “You can’t just say that.”
“Why not? S’not the first time.” He casually shrugs.
Your heart stings a bit at his words, and you’re suddenly reminded of what happened last time. How he pretended nothing ever did.
“Exactly.” You mutter, looking away from him.
He feigns a pout, grasping your chin and turning your head back towards him. “Aw, are you upset that we didn’t wake up cuddling? That I didn’t buy you flowers and ask you to be my girlfriend?”
You forcefully push his hand away, now extremely aggravated with his taunting. Obviously, you know that’s entirely off the table. There’s not a single chance the two of you could work together, it’s simply unattainable.
“You don’t have to be a dick.” You tell him.
He smirks, “Then just let me give it to you.”
Your face heats up instantly at the thought, and even though you want it so bad, you feel as if you need to turn it down.
With a shake of your head, you simply decline, “No.”
“Oh, come on. I know how bad you want it. You think I don’t hear you moaning my name in your sleep? When you shower?”
You flush with embarrassment, putting your head down in an attempt to hide your humiliation.
“Kid, I’m not tryna make fun of you.” He gently speaks, “M’just saying you don’t need to lie to yourself.”
“Shh.” He cuts you off, running his hand up your thigh. “Just let me make you feel good.”
Your breath catches in your throat as you feel his fingertips graze over the fabric of your underwear. Part of you wants to stop him, but an even bigger part of you never wants him to stop.
Guess which part wins.
You suddenly grab a handful of his shirt and yank him into you, your lips smashing together in a heated kiss. As cliche as it is, it feels like time has stopped the moment your lips meet. This is what both of you have been longing for since the last time you were like this.
Chris’ hands instantly wrap around you, engulfing your ass in a tight squeeze, pulling a low moan from you that he swallows with his kiss. Your tongues sensually dance together, gliding all around each other’s mouths.
Your hands run up his chest and around his head, pulling his beanie off and throwing it for access to his hair. Your fingers run through it, tugging at the strands, eliciting a groan from him.
The kiss is feverish and sloppy, showing how bad you’ve both been craving one another. Chris’ hands slide up your skirt, gripping your ass even tighter than before, pulling you impossibly closer to him. You’re both frantic with your movements, desperate to feel each other.
You walk him backwards to the bed, your lips and hands never leaving him once. Suddenly, he pulls away, his mouth moving to your neck as he tilts your head.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” He groans against your skin, his breath sending shivers up your spine.
You whine at his words and the way his mouth skillfully works on your sensitive skin. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, holding him flush against you as he sucks and nips at your throat.
You tug him back by his hair, your hands instantly dropping to the hem of his shirt. He helps you in removing it before doing the same to you, leaving you both topless. He groans at the sight of your bare chest, your perky tits sitting pretty just for him.
He takes them and squeezes them in his palms, your hard nipples rubbing against the center of his hands. You softly moan at the sensation, your hands gripping his biceps. Your skin burns beneath his touch, your center throbbing with need as your arousal soaks your panties.
“Been waiting forever for this.” He admits in a low voice.
You’re breathless from his touch, “What took you so long?”
“Wanted to see if you would cave first, but then I saw you dancing with that douchebag and I couldn’t take it anymore.”
Your hands meet his belt, immediately undoing the buckle and pulling it from his jeans. He unbuttons his pants and kicks them off, leaving him in his boxers. Seeing his cock straining against the fabric, you’re eagerly dropping to your knees, only he stops you before you can get all the way down.
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head, pulling you back up. “Get on the bed.”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, but you oblige and crawl onto the bed, sitting on the back of your legs. Chris palms himself through his boxers as he watches you, licking his lips. He joins you on the bed, only behind you rather than in front of you like you’d thought.
You go to ask him what he’s doing, only he pushes your head down into the bed, arching your back as he pulls your ass up. Your heart thumps in your chest, your pussy clenching in anticipation.
He audibly groans at the sight of your skirt barely covering your ass, your wet panties on show. He reaches forward, pressing his thumb into the wet patch, eliciting a whimper from you.
“Always so wet for me, hm?” He teases.
You whine into the sheets, pushing your ass back for more friction, only to receive a loud smack in return. Your body jolts from the feeling, a stinging sensation running along your skin, before being soothed by his hand rubbing it out. His hands move to the waistband of your skirt, tugging it down along with your underwear, tossing both aside.
“God, you’re so perfect.” He whispers, admiring the way your pussy glistens from behind.
He brings his hand up to you, dragging it through your folds. You can’t help but push back into him, eager for more. He tsks, spanking you once again, causing you to cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Never learn, do you?” He shakes his head, squeezing the plush skin. “Be patient, or you’re not getting shit.”
“M’sorry.” You whine, your hands fisting the sheets beneath you.
Suddenly, his mouth is on you, his tongue gliding between your wet folds. The sounds of your moans are muffled with your face buried in the bed. He continues to lap at your heat, shaking his head back and forth, his tongue repeatedly swiping over your clit. His mouth wraps around your bundle of nerves, sucking on it as he presses two fingers into your entrance.
“Oh my g-god.” You cry, your legs instantly twitching.
“Taste so fucking good.” He groans as he pulls away, his fingers pumping in and out of you at an extremely fast pace.
Your entire body feels ablaze as it’s wracked with pleasure. It takes merely seconds for your thighs to quiver and your toes to curl as your pussy squelches, your juices squirting out of you.
“Fuuuck.” You hear him mutter.
He pulls his hand away from you, taking his fingers in his mouth to clean them of your essence. Next, he’s grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing it in your folds to coat it in your arousal. He puts the tip at your entrance and slowly pushes forward, watching your pussy squeeze around him.
Both of you moan as he bottoms out, and he only gives you a split second to adjust to him in this new position, before he’s thrusting in and out of you. Your mouth parts, lewd moans falling from it as he pumps in and out of you in such a rough manner.
“Chris.” You gasp, feeling him continuously hit your sweet spot.
His thrusts are quick and deep, your walls gripping him tightly as he shoves in and out. His hands are placed on your waist to keep you upright as he drills into you. The coil in your stomach is twisting and twisting, your face scrunched in pleasure as you take him. A continuous ‘ah, ah, ah’ sound leaves your mouth with every stroke.
Chris bites his bottom lip, furrowing his brows in concentration as he tries not to bust right then and there. Just the sight of your pussy sucking him in is almost sending him over the edge.
His hand wraps around your hair, tugging you up into him. Your back meets his chest, your skin sticking together as he continues to fuck you. Your eyes are squeezed shut and your jaw is slack. Your baby hairs are slick against your forehead, and your face is flushed.
His hand pulls your mouth open a bit more, his face hovering over yours. Your eyes open just in time to see him spitting in your mouth, and you can’t help but clench around his cock as you swallow.
“So fucking sexy, baby.” He groans, his hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing.
Tears well up in your eyes at the overwhelming pleasure of him abusing your cervix. You fall back down, unable to hold yourself up anymore. Chris’ thrusts grow faster and harder, you walls going rigid around his cock.
The tightening in your stomach grows stronger before it snaps, and you’re cumming around his dick with a loud strung out moan. The pressure in your stomach soon dissipates as Chris helps your ride out your high. His thrusts fall sloppy as his orgasm sneaks up on him.
“M’bout to cum. Where do you want it?” He moans out.
“Inside.” You force out, clenching around him. “Please fill me up.”
His hips sputter at your words, and he groans as his cock twitches inside of you. “You’re so fucking nasty.”
He spews out a few curse words as he empties his load into you, painting your walls with his milky cum. He slowly pumps in and out of you a few more times, before pulling out altogether and falling beside you on the bed.
The two of you are left panting as you regather yourselves, knowing you have a house full of guests you need to tend to. You look over at him with a small grin, admiring the way his cheeks are flushed a rosy color, and the way his hair is sticking to his forehead.
Before sitting up, you lean over and hungrily kiss him as if you can’t get enough. You can’t. He moans into your mouth, before reluctantly pushing you away.
“Let’s get back out there before I fuck you again.” He forces out in a breath.
You sigh, nonetheless standing to redress yourself. You’ll have to clean up later. You both start putting your clothes back on. Then, he’s at the door waiting for you while you’re still looking for your panties.
“Chris! Where’s my underwear?” You ask.
“Hell if I know.” He shrugs, “Hurry up, we’ve been gone long enough.”
“Whose fault is that?” You retort as you look in the mirror, making sure you look presentable.
He smirks, smacking your ass as you walk out the door, “Yours for being so damn fine.”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you swat his hand away. The moment you both enter the living room, you’re parting from each other in order to look casual as if he wasn’t just balls deep in you.
You search for your friends, finding them talking to each other against the counter.
“Y/N, where have you been? I’ve been searching everywhere for you?”
Before you can even think to come up with something, Ash is pulling you aside, “Are you okay, have you been crying?”
Your face heats up at that, clearing your throat, “No, yeah, I’m fine.”
He stares suspiciously at you for a moment before nodding. He goes to lead you back to the group and, only then, do you notice how drunk he is from the way he’s stumbling.
“Ash, what the fuck?” You mumble.
“Yeah,” Asia begins, “He’s had a lot to drink. Speaking of, um, you’re out of vodka now.”
Your eyes widen at that information. Before you can say anything, Chris has his arm around Ash, helping him stand up.
“Here, come on. Let’s get you some fresh air.” He says, guiding him to the front door.
You furrow your eyebrows as you watch him, before ultimately turning back to your friends to see what they’ve been up to.
Chris stops Ash at the door, turning him back to see you guys. He pats him on the back, before pointing over at you, “See your little friend over there? Yeah, Y/N. Wanna know something funny? That entire time you were talking to her, my kids were dripping down her thighs.”
Ash’s head snaps over to Chris, his eyes wide, “What?!”
“Yep. Should’ve seen her, begging me to fill her up.” Chris grins, taunting the guy.
“You’re not serious.”
Chris smirks, digging in his pocket. He pulls out your black lacy panties, dangling them in front of Ash’s face. Only then do you look back over them, and your jaw drops as the two look from your panties over to you, Chris with a sinister look in his eyes, Ash with eyes wide as saucers.
“Oh my fucking god.”
a/n : matt series nextttt!!
taglist : @luv4kozume @worldlxvlys @flowerxbunnie @sturniolowhore @creamoncreamoncream2 @lvrsparadise @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @tillies33ssss @chrissfavwh3re @its-jennarose @sophssturn @defnotayonna @ksskianshd @d0wnbad4chris @braindead4l @avasturn @knowingnothingnoel @luverboychris @remussbitch @stunza @rootbeerworshiper @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @strnlsblog @keira324 @domaniquessidehoe @mattslolita @junnniiieee07 @pepsienthusiasts @gamermattsgf @cupidsword @iloveneilperry @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @luul223 @matt444nixi @sturniololol @evieolo @dlyansworld @luv2matt @nmegamett20
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mymegumi · 6 months
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⠀ word count: 7.2k ⠀ summary: meeting up with the local college’s notorious ⠀ player, gojo satoru, for a group project, you’re shocked to ⠀ discover he’s actually a virgin and has never slept with ⠀ single soul that says they have. now, you find him endearing ⠀ and even offer to solve that pesky virginity problem for him. ⠀ warnings: afab!reader, college au, virgin!gojo, strangers to ⠀ more, corruption kink, top-esque!reader, porn w plot, ⠀ mommy kink, pet names (used by both parties ; baby), ⠀ gojo is whiney in bed, praise kink, oral (m rec), ⠀ unprotected sex, creampie, gojo is taller than reader
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this project is gonna burn in flames, and you’re determined to set the match. you don’t even know how you’re going to get anything done, since your only partner is gojo satoru—if you at least had one other partner, you think there might’ve been a sliver of hope, but no, you got unluckily stuck in the class’s only group of two. the academic gods were frowning down upon you and you don't know what you could've done to have incited such wrath.
you're sitting in the library, waiting for gojo to show up for the first meeting that you'd both scheduled and he was currently nowhere to be found. you'd been waiting almost, like, a half an hour past your scheduled time and you were beginning to feel as if you were just going to give up on this. maybe you'd just work on the project yourself and email your professor what had happened, not to throw gojo under the bus, but also for him to not take credit for your hard work.
"you're kidding." there's been a commotion happening from the front of the room, but you’ve been playing your music up a notch from where it normally was to drown out the chatter. “oh em gee, there’s no way you actually know him!”
a laugh rings out across the front of the library—all of the private and quiet study rooms on the second floor had been occupied, so you’d been forced to make-do on the first floor—and the familiarity of it makes your blood boil. turning your head infinitesimally slowly, as if the slower you move the longer you can prolonge the inevitable, you find yourself face to face with your group project partner.
gojo satoru is as he normally is—carefree and unknowing to the situation he puts his peers in when he is, assumedly, knowingly late. he stands taller than you, though by a few inches or half a foot, you’re not sure. you try not to get close enough to him to tell, honestly. his eyes are a piercing blue and whenever he has a presentation at the front of the class, you feel as if you have to look away or divert your own gaze from his. as if holding his gaze was taboo, or made you feel shy. when his hair was on the longer side, it curled around his neck in soft, subtle waves before he would crop it close to his scalp again, leaving just the top parts of his hair wispy and natural. his skin was on the paler side, too, and sometimes you had to imagine he was truly an angel put on this earth to torture you.
you didn’t necessarily not get along with him. he was, on the rare occasion the two of you needed to speak to one another, kind and courteous of you. his humor was a bit similar to yours, and he always held the door for you after class if he was in front of you, but gojo wasn’t entirely out-of-his-way nice to you. again, but neither were you towards him. you didn’t mean to actively avoid him. sometimes, if you saw him walking towards you, though, you might think to make a quick detour you wouldn’t have before.
gojo satoru had a bit of a reputation. a reputation that you’d like to avoid at all costs because it was, for lack of a better word, messy. from all of the rumors on campus, gojo liked to sleep around a little bit. more power to him, but you’d also watched guys do that in your hometown, and watched them break your best friend’s hearts. you didn’t need a guy like that to be your friend or in your life at all.
this group project, in all honesty, would be the first time you and gojo would spend more than fifteen minutes together. hopefully, just working on the project and nothing more—no talk of pussy, dick, boobs, or ass allowed. just the economic turmoil faced by the lower classes and how the corporate world dictated everything. simple and easy.
“it’s true, i swear.” gojo’s smile is bright, illuminating his face as he adjusted the bookbag on his shoulder uncomfortably—his eyes darting around the library as if looking for something. when they lock onto your figure, clad in a college sweatshirt and jeans hunched over your books, is when you realize he’s looking for you. “i’d love to tell you more about him, but i have to go work on a project. so sorry about that.”
there’s the sound of a few girls pouting because, as if it wasn’t bad enough he was causing a commotion, he was causing a commotion while surrounded by about three or four girls. gojo peels himself away, waving goodbye with a toothy smile as he walks towards you. his stride is long—stupid long legs—and he reaches you in mere seconds, towering over you as he sets his bags and laptop on the empty space in front of you.
“thank god i found you.” his voice is low, but the emotion on his face doesn’t change, continually cheerful as his words differ. “they wouldn’t stop following me when i left the coffee shop. i was on time to meet you and they couldn’t take a hint, no matter how many times i walked around center square.”
“and here i thought you just wanted to skip our study session.” it’s deadpan, the tone you normally reserve for people you find annoying and gojo satoru. somehow you’re just now realizing the two categories are the same.
“no way am i missing our study date.” he slides into his seat now, hands a flurry of pulling out papers and typing his password into his laptop and getting pens out and organizing them. it makes your head spin a little just watching him. “i had to suffer through thirty minutes of ‘geto? geto suguru? omg you know him, how do you know him?’ and i need a reward.”
now that is a lot to unpack. “gojo satoru, this is not a date.” you feel as if this is the first thing that needs to be clarified, as you don’t think you want it to be going around that you consider this a date, or even want to consider this a date. the next part you don’t want to consider is the fact that gojo, in his mind, finds hanging out with you in any sort of capacity more rewarding than being fawned over. even if it’s just for girls to say they want to get to know his best friend.
“date, shmate.” he waves a hand around, lips pursed as he turns his head away. “we’re hanging out and getting to know each other. friend date.”
“‘friend date’?” you ask incredulously, eyebrows high on your forehead as you let your mouth hang open. it’s not the idea of it that makes you feel as if he’s playing with you, but the fact he’s being so openly relaxed about it. you thought gojo satoru didn’t date, that he was only fucking people and that was it. “do you even date people?”
“if it’s the right person.” he says it with a smile, eyes shining as he lets his lashes droop a little to look at you. “i’d date anyone if i knew they were going to be just as good to me as i would to them.”
it’s in this moment, inexplicably, that you begin to realize that for all gojo satoru is cocky and undeniably charming, he has the looks to back it up. sure, you’ve looked at him before and noticed he is very attractive and can be objectively considered handsome but you’re looking at him now, really looking at him, and you can feel your heart fluttering softly. it feels like a betrayal on an instinctual level—your own body chemistry reacting positively towards gojo.
he’s tall. taller than you even sitting down, and he’s looking down at you somehow even though you’re average height and will continue to insist on being of average height until the day you die. his skin is, of course, impeccably flawless but upon closer inspection, has very few blemishes and minor scars that could be anything from cat scratches to scrapes from trees or a clumsy personality. gojo’s eyes are some of the palest blue you’ve ever seen, and under their direct scrutiny, they seem to make you feel hot under your collar. you’re not used to having his undivided attention on you, but you think you could get used to it.
“the working class mentality stems from a distinct lack of motivation to do anything other than work.” you start, eyes casting downwards as you realize you’ve just been staring at him without saying anything. your leg begins to bounce under the table with the left over anxiety you can’t manage to bottle away. “if this statement is true, why is it that the work culture is toxic then?”
“what do you mean by toxic?” the two of you flawlessly switch from teasing to seriously working and it makes you breathe a bit easier. gojo leans down a bit, left hand disappearing under the table and a second later, you can feel his hand resting a few fingers on your knee gently. it provides a sort of grounding feeling and it stills the anxious leg’s shaking. “some of the sources i was reading the other day tried to explain it, but i couldn’t quite grasp what they meant.”
and you let the academia of it all lull you into a sense of security. eventually, gojo’s hand drifts from your leg but you feel it there even after it’s withdrawn, warm and sort of calming. you know that he’s much smarter than you’ve ever given him any sort of credit for—he keeps up with you and for every challenging question you give him to work on, he gives you a mental block that you have to work on, too. it’s nice, really. nice enough that you give him your number in case he has any questions on the work the two of you had mutually agreed to work on separately.
⠀ from: gojo (o˘◡˘o) ⠀ is this that old lady w the candy?? im standing outside the ⠀ abandoned old house at the edge of the woods but i don’t ⠀ see a light on (・・;)ゞ
you laugh a little bit, eyes roving over the text gojo has sent you. when you had given him your phone to put a contact in, you hadn’t expected him to put ‘gojo (o˘◡˘o)’ as his contact name, but it bubbles a laugh out of you every time you see his notification slide onto your screen. you’re also unsurprised to know he texts with an absurd amount of emoticons—they’re oddly fitting for his personality.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ from: you ⠀⠀ oh yeah, i forgot to pay the electricity bill this month, so just come on in. don’t worry about the skeletons on ur way ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀in, they’re just for decoration
you are surprised at how easy it is to talk to gojo. even just when you were sitting at the library desk talking about the project and about random odds and ends, the conversation flowed easily. there were no lulls in the conversation where you worried about what you had to say next, or awkward silences when you thought you had something wrong. it just kept snowballing until it had been at least a few hours since the two of you had started working. you had separated with a light feeling in your chest, proven wrong about your first assessment of his character.
gojo satoru seemed to be a good man, his out of class proclivities forgotten. for now, at least.
⠀ from: gojo (o˘◡˘o) ⠀ do u rmbr that movie we were talking abt today?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀from: you ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ bruh no fckin way ur tryna talk abt alien v pred again
⠀ from: gojo (o˘◡˘o) ITS A GOOD MOVIE I SWEAR
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀from: you ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ how good of a movie can it be man
⠀ from: gojo (o˘◡˘o) ⠀ my roommate n i r (illegally) streaming it soon tnight if u ⠀ wanna come watch. jus smth chill (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ from: you ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ is it gojo satoru chill or actually chill?
⠀ from: gojo (o˘◡˘o) ⠀ wtf does gojo satoru chill mean ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;)
there’s a part of you that wonders if it’s rude of you to be so blasé about his sex life, making jokes every other minute and saying them to his face, and then he makes comments like this—seemingly oblivious to his reputation and what people are saying about him. specifically what people are saying about things they do with him. you’ve heard more about gojo’s cock than you’d care to admit, but maybe the reason you agree to go over is because you’re curious. not about his cock, but about whether the rumors are true, about gojo in general.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ from: you ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ nvm. i’m down. addy?
so now, you’re at gojo and geto’s door at their dorm building, popcorn and a six pack of coca cola’s in your hand as you wait for him to open the door for you. it was an impulsive choice, since you had half a mind to just go to bed and watch anime for the rest of the night. but there’s something about his energy that made you want to hang out with him more, even if in the company of his magnanimous and heavily sought after roommate.
“yo, satoru!” you hear shouting from within, and you’re positive you can hear something falling over. “stop running. walk like a normal person.”
“don’t open the door!” it’s muffled, but you’re positive that’s what gojo’s response is. shortly after, you watch the door fling open with a breathless gojo behind it, eyes bright and smile wide. “welcome to our humble abode!”
“emphasis on humble.” geto mutters, thoroughly kicked to the side now.
the dorm apartment is nice, a simple layout of just a large living space with an open kitchen attached. there are a few doors that you can only assume lead to bedrooms and a bathroom, but the lights are all dimmed so you can’t tell bathrooms from bedroom. the living area has a couch and an arm chair surrounding a small, partially broken coffee table and entertainment center with a particularly out-of-place fancy television. there’s various odds and ends on shelves scattered around the apartment, as well as a few viney plants toppling over each shelf. a cat feeder and bowl is in the living room and you can see the tail of a sweet looking white cat every few seconds, though you never see the cat itself from where you’re standing.
you nod your head, holding out the housewarming gifts you’d brought with you. “i brought a whole box ‘cause i didn’t know if it’d be just us or more people.”
you had been expecting something of a small party, considering that geto and gojo had a reputation of being something of party animals. from your short view of the entryway, though, it seems as if it’s just the two boys and yourself.
“as if i’d invite anyone else for alien versus predator.” gojo scoffs, taking the box and ripping it open, throwing a single package of popcorn into the microwave. “you think any of the pleebs we go to school with understand the nuances and underlying themes of that masterpiece the way we would?”
“i’m still not even sure you can call alien versus predator a masterpiece, let alone say it has nuances.” you shake your head, shedding your outer layer until you’re left in your sweater and leggings. “but i’m more than happy to play devil’s advocate.”
“when was the last time i even watched alien versus predator.” geto mumbles from the arm chair in the living room, a ratty old green thing that’s covered in claw marks and has dangling strings from every angle on it. “i was probably high when i saw it, man.”
“as is the only way to see it the first time.” gojo concludes, nodding sagely as the sound of soft pops plays as background noise. “but you’re also probably bailing halfway through, aren’t you?”
the aforementioned male nods his head, bangs drooping into and then away from his face as he leans his head back onto the armchair’s back to look at his roommate. “yeah, got a study session with that hot chick from economics.”
“fuck yes, study session with that hot chick from economics!” gojo cheers, arms going up to ‘raise the roof’ and doing little spins in his spot as the microwave announces the popcorn is done. “we’ll be here, meriting the debate of alien or predator. don’t miss us too much.”
“i absolutely never miss you.”
“oh you big liar, i know it’s hard to express your feelings in front of people other than me, so i’ll excuse it for now.” the white-haired male shakes his head and pulls the popcorn out, shaking it and pulling on two corners to open the buttery goodness. “but, our guest, please feel free to sit wherever you like, except for the fire escape because it’s definitely not up to code and i can’t go to jail yet.”
“yet?” you parrot, making your way into the apartment without your shoes on and just a pair of socks, sliding slightly on the laminate flooring. “you’re leaving during alien predator? that has to be some sort of blasphemy.” you direct your last question towards geto now, sitting on the couch and crossing your legs underneath each other.
“i’m considered a heretic now.” he says, leaning over conspiratorially and cupping a hand over his mouth so gojo can’t hear it. “but he likes me too much to disown me, yet.”
“i’ve disowned you at least four times in the last week alone.” gojo says now, coming in between where you and geto had been conspiring and sits on the empty spot of the couch. he’s closer now, obviously, but gojo satoru is in your space and it gives you a second to recollect your breathing. “start the movie so you can at least watch someone die before you leave.”
gojo’s sitting close enough to you that you can feel his body heat radiating towards you now. it might be because of the cold weather outside, but you swear he’s like a radiator. geto is fiddling with the laptop connected to the television with an hdmi cord, so gojo turns to you and all of a sudden, it feels as if it’s only the two of you in the room.
“come here often?” he says while throwing popcorn in his mouth and chewing lazily. he’s got an easy going grin on his face and he leans towards you, arm resting on the back of the couch, but it feels as if he’s resting it around your shoulders.
you shrug, leaning your head back to knock against his arm gently and he tugs on a strand of your hair. it’s oddly intimate and it makes your legs tighten. “only for guys obsessed with alien versus predator, i guess.”
"thank god there's only one of those on campus." geto says it under his breath, avoiding eye contact with gojo as he wipes fake sweat from his brow. "sorry for you that it's gojo satoru."
"if i were any girl on campus, i'd be floored to know gojo likes alien versus predator." you snort, shoving a handful of popcorn in your mouth. you remember at the last second that it's rude to eat with your mouth open, so you swallow before you finish your thought. "half the campus wants to sleep with him, the other half seems to have already done it."
while it was at gojo's expense, you had imagined your joke would have merited a laugh or at least a pity chuckle, but instead, gojo and geto share a look. the charged energy that passes between the two of them isn't lost on you, but you don't know what it is that it could mean. you're worried that it means that maybe you were right on your first overall assessment of him and your avoidance of him wasn't untoward—maybe gojo satoru is just a playboy that can't take a joke.
geto shakes his head, leaning forward and pressing his palms into his thighs as he gets up, as if he were leaving a family function that's definitely gone on for too long and finally wants to go home. "well, i have to go meet up with that hot chick from econ, and maybe even learn her name. so i'm going to leave you two here to enjoy aliens and predators. i will be gone all night, do with that what you will."
the feeling of dread begins to sink into your skin. you thought gojo had invited you here tonight because the two of you had made some sort of connection that went above him wanting to sleep with you. geto's crude and offhanded remark makes it seem as if gojo had intended for you to sleep with him, and while you would've when you first came, the thought that the only reason he invited you over was to sleep with you makes you rescind the idea immediately.
you were stupid to think that maybe you could ‘figure him out’, to think that maybe things could be different than what you’d heard about.
geto's out of the door and it's shutting soundly when you turn to gojo, clear disbelief in your eyes if the apologetic hands in front of him are to mean anything.
"this isn't what you think it is." gojo says.
you seethe under your skin. "and what, pray tell, do you think i think it is?"
he gives you an awkward, fucking endearing, smile. "that i invited you over with the excuse to watch a movie but i really only wanted to fuck?"
"is that why you invited me tonight?" your eyebrows furrow together as you begin to scooch as far into the couch arm as you can, granted it isn't very far away from gojo.
he sighs. "no, i just wanted to watch aliens versus predator with you."
"okay, so why did your roommate have to mention that he was going to be gone all night. feels a bit weird if all we're doing is watching a movie, doesn't it?" you tighten your lips into a line, raising your eyebrow and punctuating the end of your interrogation with a sharp tilt of your head.
gojo drops his gaze from yours, looking at the television where someone is getting gored by the alien. you image it's gojo in your head unapologetically. "i didn't anticipate us sleeping together, no. i might have mentioned to geto, though, that i wouldn't hate the idea of it."
"'wouldn't hate the idea of it'?" you echo, hands coming up to put air quotes around his statement. " that's fucking rich considering you fuck anything on two legs, but when it comes to sleeping with me, you would just tolerate it."
you move to get off the couch, legs unfurling from under you and your hands pressing into the soft cushiony feeling when you feel gojo's hand wrap around your bicep. "wait! that's not what i meant, i wouldn't just tolerate sleeping with you!"
"okay, so what the fuck do you mean, gojo, 'cause from where i'm standing, all i'm seeing is you being an inconsiderate asshole." you want to pull your arm from his grasp but he's got a firm hold on you—not tight enough to hurt or bruise you, but strong enough to keep you in place. if it weren't to keep you from bolting from his apartment for bruising your ego, you'd think it send fireworks in your belly.
"you don't understand." he says, looking up at you now and seeing that he's battling with what he's saying and what he really means.
you sigh, deeply, because you have an inkling of feelings for him and you want to know if what he truly meant was just to hurt you, or if there's something else to what he said. "so help me understand."
gojo stands, hands twisting and turning with each other and he begins to pace around the small space in front of the couch and the television. "so, i know that i have a reputation for being, like, this douche who just sleeps with anything with a pulse, and honestly it never really bothered me before."
you're silent, letting him continue with what he's saying and hoping he won't lose his nerve before he finishes.
"what geto was saying was some stupid joke because i had said something earlier about how you were really pretty and i thought i might actually have a chance to take you on a date sometime because i thought that we were vibing really well." he rambles, shaking his head at himself. "but he said it in a stupid way, and i didn't just invite you over to sleep with me, because i've never ever done that before! i've never invited anyone over before to watch a movie and hoping that they’ll just spontaneously wanna fuck."
"you've never netflix and chill'd someone before?" you say it incredulously because even as you say it outloud, it feels like something you've lied about. "never?"
he says your name softly, kneeling in front of you with your hands in his as he gives you a grim face. "i've never even fucked anyone before."
this revelation feels like a very bold-faced lie. a preposterous, almost presumptuous lie that only the likes of gojo satoru himself could try and pass off. you scoff, hands pulling away from his as you lean back into the couch, trying to get as far away from him as possible.
“wait!” he cries softly, hands falling to the couch as you pull your body away from him, attempting to go around him but freezing at his outburst. “i mean it, i’m still a virgin.”
“what the fuck?” spills from your mouth before you can think to filter yourself, but you’re just flabbergasted at this point. your brows have never been more furrowed but you’re rubbing at your head as you shake it. “you do realize half the campus has said they’ve slept with you, right?”
one of his shoulders comes up in a defeated half-shrug. “yeah, it started when i was a freshman. one girl got mad i didn’t sleep with her, but she said i had anyways. from there, it just snowballed.”
“why didn’t you deny it?”
he collapses now, falling from his kneeling position to sit on his ass, hands holding up his weight behind him. “what’s the point? either people believe me and then i’m weird for not sleeping with someone, or people don’t believe me and i’m called a liar.”
“don’t you want to get back at that girl for lying?” you tilt your head to the side, mouth still open slightly in disbelief. “i mean, it doesn’t bother you at all that she’s the reason people call you a whore?”
“whoa now,” his lips go from slack to an easygoing half smile, “i don’t know about whore but no, it doesn’t bother me. usually just means at parties i have to decline a lot of advances, but then again, i’d rather just avoid parties at that point.”
“so, like,” you pause, thinking of the words you’re trying to say and you’re momentarily mesmerized by the beauty of gojo, who’s just watching you quietly and waiting for you to gather yourself, “you’ve never… pee pee in vagina?”
his laugh sounds like little angels and you shift uncomfortably, realizing there’s a part of you that likes that he’s a virgin. that he hasn’t ever slept with anyone before, that there are parts of him that a single soul hasn’t ever seen. “that’s the gist of it, yeah.”
“do you want to change that?” the question is out of your mouth before you can think twice—an impulse that you hadn’t expected to need to curb, but when it’s out in the open, you realize that it’s exactly what you want to do.
you wanna take his virginity.
you don’t think you’ve ever seen gojo speechless before, because he was always talking—to geto, to some random girl, to you lately. he’s perpetually avoiding silence like it scared him, but this is the first time you’ve ever seen him actually at a loss for words. you watch his adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly, rubbing his hands against his jeans. “wh-what? i though you got mad at me for inviting you over to fuck.”
you shrug. “i got mad ‘cause i thought you were being presumptuous by inviting me over for something ‘chill’ just to want to fuck.”
“shouldn’t i be offended that you found out i’m a virgin and now you want to fuck?” he raises an eyebrow, but the corner of his mouth is lifting.
“intensely offended.” you nod, watching him as he crawls back towards the couch, hand winding around your calf carefully. “are you? offended, i mean.”
gojo leans forward, pressing his lips lightly to your knee and it’s your turn to swallow thickly, mouth dry all of a sudden. “very. need you to make it up to me.”
you groan softly, leaning down to press your hand to his and your forehead knocks against his lightly. looking at him, his incredibly incandescent blue eyes that seem to see straight through all the fronts and walls you try to put up and nudge your nose against his. the position makes your neck ache but you can’t force yourself to move, too gravitated towards gojo. you can feel his breath fan across your mouth hotly and you can see his eyelashes fanning across his cheeks, though you’re grounded by the feeling of his hand’s warmth through your pants. “how?”
you can feel the way his hand shakes ever so slightly against your leg, can feel the way your muscles are spasming gently as he runs his hand up your leg, just barely touching you. his grip becomes firm again against the outside of your thigh, tilting his head up until your lips are millimeters away, practically breathing in each other's air.
"kiss me."
your lips crash against his with a fervor you hadn't realized you had in you. his lips are slightly dry, and the position is making your neck feel almost like it's about to fall off, but you couldn't think of a better kiss with him.
his hand flies from your thigh to cup the side of your face, the other one coming to rest on your waist as he pushes onto his knees, kneeling now between your legs. with you sitting on the couch and him kneeling, he's at the perfect height to ease the pain in your neck and to wrap your arms around his neck comfortably.
gojo pulls away from the kiss, but there's not even enough time to feel disappointed because he's already pressing your lips together again, this time with a bit of a slight opening. you take this as your chance to slide your tongue along his bottom lip, asking for permission to press deeper. you want to suck on his tongue, to feel him get hard from your kisses, to know gojo in a way that no one ever has before.
you've fucked before, and you've definitely had your fair share of disappointing experiences, so you want to make sure gojo's first time is better than—if not the best experience you could give him.
“bedroom?” he mutters against your mouth, moaning softly at the feeling of your tongue sweeping across his mouth again and you make a soft noise when he nips it gently with his teeth. “or couch?”
“do you want me to blow you on the couch or on the bed?” you ask back, hands roaming across his back and rucking up the ends of his shirt to feel his skin, smooth and warm. “‘cause i’m okay with either. want you to be comfortable.”
you can feel him shifting his weight around, and with a simple nudge of his hand on your thigh, you’re winding your legs around his waist. you’re not sure how he manages to stand from the position he’s in, but one minute you’re sitting on the couch, the next minute you’re in the air as gojo carries you towards his bedroom. your lips never leave his, and while he presses you against his bedroom door, hand fumbling with the knob, you bite his lip.
“oh god,” he whispers, eyes reverently roaming your face as he gets the door open, “i want you so bad, baby.”
opening the door, he walks you in the room and does a little bit of a spin, sitting down on the bed with you straddling his lap. he leans back on the bed, just looking at you. you’re not sure what he’s looking for, but you feel almost shy under his gaze, unused to the undivided attention.
“i want to kiss you.” he mumbles, cheeks all of a sudden getting rosy red and the sight of it makes your chest tighten—he’s so pretty. “but i also really want… you to blow me.”
“s’okay.” you respond, hands sliding down from his shoulders, across his chest and to his belt. you get up and maneuver yourself off of the bed, kneeling at the edge with your knees pressing into the plush carpet. “help me with the buckle, baby?”
“yes, mommy.” he breathes, hands immediately flying to his buckle and wiggling out of his jeans as fast as you think a person could get out of pants. the moniker he calls you sends a chill down your spine, unused to the term but not disliking it in any way. “is it— is it okay that i called you that?”
you nod, distracted by the bulge in gojo’s black underwear—large, twitching every so often, and you think you can see a dark spot right at his tip. it’s long, longer than you had been expecting, and it’s just girthy enough for you to wrap your whole hand around it. he bucks his hips into your hand, as if it was an impulse he couldn’t control, his own hand coming up to bite back the moan he can’t help but let out.
your eyes flicker to his, watching the way his rosy cheeks begin to spread, trailing to his chin and down his neck. his chest is heaving, as if every breath is a labor, and you can hear soft whimpers leaving his mouth every time you press your fingers firmly, or during the slow, agonizing strokes you’re giving his shaft.
you’re watching him unravel, and you’re practically salivating at the thought of his sounds when you finally wrap your mouth around him, much less when he’s finally inside of you.
freeing his cock from his boxers, you let the fabric pool at his ankles as you slot yourself between his legs further, watching him lean back and support his weight with a hand bunched in his comforter. "oh fuck."
stroking his shaft without the boxers in the way makes gojo's eyes roll to the back of his head, your skin smooth against his skin and your thumb rubbing gentle little circles on his tip. his cock has little veins running along the shaft and the tip is red, as if straining for something. "feels so fucking good."
there's a whine that's in the back of his throat that makes your arousal pool in your panties, and you begin to move your hips side to side, as if trying to get any sort of friction to relieve yourself. you want to finger yourself, press your fingers to your clit and get rid of this aching need in your pussy, but your hands are busy with gojo's cock, holding it steady as you flatten your tongue.
pressing the flat of your tongue against the underside of his cock, you relish the sound of desperation, of need, that gojo makes. it sounds halfway between a whimper and a moan, and it makes you swirl your tongue around his tip just to see if you can get another sound out of him.
"holy shit."
his hand is in your hair now, pushing the strands that had fallen into your face and moving them out of your way. he holds your hair loosely at the base of your neck and when you meet his gaze, he's biting his lip and groaning softly. his eyes are lidded, drowsy with lust and need, and it looks as if he's shaking, as if from the tension it takes to hold back from bucking his cock all the way into your mouth.
hallowing your cheeks, you push yourself up to sit on your heels and take as much of gojo's lengthy cock into your mouth, relaxing as much as you can to take him even further until he's hitting the back of your throat and then some. there are tears now, streaming down your face and gojo looks almost as if he's enjoying the sight of them, of his cock down your throat and tears pooling in your eyes.
pulling back until just the tip of his dick is in your mouth, you let your hand rub the parts of him that your mouth couldn't reach. gojo lets his head fall back, neck exposed to the ceiling as he moans wantonly. his grip tightens on your hair, making your pull back just a bit further and scrape your teeth against him by accident. he flinches, but then lets go of your hair to pull you off his cock fully.
"holy fuck, i think i was about to come." he mutters, breathless and chest rising and falling rapidly as he looks at you, hair disheveled and messed up. "i didn't wanna come before i got to fuck you."
in no time, you're both shedding your clothes and making out on the bed again, this time he's hovering over you while you wind your arms around his neck. you're nipping gently at his lips, relishing the nervous and tentative way he's touching you—as if, if he touches you wrong, you'll disappear from underneath him.
his hands are shaking, cupping your breasts and thumbing your nipples. pushing your chest into his hand, you moan and nod fervently when he gives you a look for approval.
"d'you wanna fuck me, gojo?" you whisper, pressing your lips wetly against his neck.
he whines, hand fisting the sheets until his knuckles turn white and he rubs his cock against the wetness of your cunt, slippery with your arousal. "call me by my first name."
you blink, surprised by his need for intimacy, but you're not one to deny him what he wants right now, the need for his cock too deeply ingrained in your brain at t his moment in time. his cock glides across your pussy again, rubbing against your clit and your moans come out breathless. "satoru, please, please fuck me."
and you're smart, you should've asked him to put a condom on to protect yourself just in case anything happens, but he's a virgin. he's never fucked anyone in his life, so there's no way he's got an std or anything, and you've been on the pill since you were young, so the thought of pregnant doesn't cross your mind. the only thing that crosses your mind is that you're about to have gojo satoru's cock in you and you want to relish every sound he makes when he finally, finally fucks you.
holding his shaft, he lines up his reddening tip to your cunt, hips stuttering as he begins to push himself into you. his face is twisted in what seems to be both pleasure and agony, but you're pretty sure it's because he's holding himself back for you, not wanting to rush his first time.
"you're so fucking—" his voice is coming out high, almost to the point of a whine as he groans at the feeling of his cock disappearing inside of you, and if you weren't so focused on leaving crescent indents in his skin, you think you'd be on the same page as him. "you're so fucking soft, a-and tight, mommy."
with every whimper, every soft reverent murmur of your name, you tighten your thighs, clenching around his cock as he fucks you. there’s not a rhythm to his thrusts, nothing to focus on and meet his hips with, since he’s a man reborn. now that he’s found what his salvation feels like, he’s just chasing his high. he tries to lean back his head, as if wanting to watch his cock slide in and out of your pussy. gojo’s hips hit yours with every thrust, the sharp angle of his hip bone leaving a grounding sort of pain on your thigh.
there’s a moment when you swear you can see stars and all you can think is ‘this man was a virgin thirty minutes ago’ because he’s got you desperately close to your climax.
his name on your lips as you come, tightening your pussy around his dick and clawing at his back as he throttles you off of the edge, seems to set him over the edge, too. his hips stutter, body shaking as he comes in you—so much for not rushing his first time.
he falls now, letting his arms stop holding up his weight as he lets himself relax fully on your body and heaving in your ear. it’s not exactly romantic, but you enjoy running your hands along his sides to watch him twitch back and forth. his cock is twitching inside of you, fully spending itself of its first orgasm inside another person and you’re satisfied at his soft moan when you tighten your pussy one last time.
“i tried..” he whispers, mouth turning towards your neck and tickling you with every word he forms, “holding out, but i had to come. felt too good not to.”
“s’okay,” you whisper back, afraid to break the spell of closeness by speaking at a normal volume, “you’ll last longer next time.”
there’s an unspoken ‘with someone else’ that you can’t bear to say, knowing that perhaps this is just a one and done thing. something you’d done on a whim and perhaps, he had, too. perhaps this was just the easiest way for him to get laid, and you were more than happy to provide.
“gimme a minute.” he kisses your neck sloppily—too gentle. “i’ll clean up in a minute. need to catch my breath.”
you roll your eyes. hooking your legs around his ass, you turn your head to press a kiss to his temple—too intimate. “take all the time you need.”
he hums, eyelashes fluttering shut as his breathing begins to even—too pretty. you’re worried this might be the last time you see him so peacefully, and instead of worrying about later—later tonight, later tomorrow—you let your eyes close, too.
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