#jr scenarios
norrisleclercf1 · 21 days
Hey girl can you do Carlos sainz and he has a massive size kink with his short innocent girlfriend, doesn’t have to be smut
A/N: I have no idea how tall Calros is, he gives off very tall energy
It's such a stupid thing for him to go crazy over, but he just loved it, he loved that he was far taller than you. When he first noticed the height difference he just smiled and thought how cute it was.
Now, he loves how he's bigger than you in every way, from his height, to how broad he is, to just the way your body curls into him when he's standing close to you. Carlos started to do things, that showed off his taller than height.
When ever you were over, you loved drinking out of these little red glasses that were small and cute, and you just loved the glasses. At first, Carlos had placed them on the lower shelf, but when he became more thought driven of the height difference, he decided to place them on the taller shelf.
"Ughhh," Carlos giggles from the living room, hearing your groan as you come back into the living room. "Carrrlossss," You drag out of his name, pouting and you move and stand in front of him, blocking the football game. Looking up he smiles sweetly, his large hands engulfing your waist which has his brain stopping short.
"What is it, baby," Leaning up he pecks the pout off as you whine. "My glasses, they're at the top shelf, can you get them for me?" Carlos chuckles, standing up he nods his head and heads to the kitchen biting back his smirk. Reaching up he easily grabs your glass and hands it to you, smirking.
Carlos loved your height and he loved when you wore his clothes as they were big and dwarfed your size even more. He remembers the first time you ever wore his shirt. It was after he kept you in bed all day after he got the Singaporean win. You needed to eat some breakfast and Carlos was finally in the shower giving each other a break.
Carlos remembers walking out of the bathroom and seeing you stand there in his shirt while you pick over the menu, and talk on the phone. Leaning against the doorframe, with the towel wrapped around his waist. Fuck, Carlos never loved the sight more, it was better than seeing you orgasm over and over again.
Carlos loved the size difference between you two, and kept doing different things, and each time you never noticed, and even when others pointed it out, you'd just wave them off and giggle saying it was nothing and go on about your business.
But, Carlos, man he'd never stop using his height over you anytime he got the chance.
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non-stop-imagines · 7 months
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From this request!💖 And a little help from this too 😚
Word Count: ~10.1k words w/ smau
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. x Black Rapper!Reader ( JT face claim)
Warning: Smut, p in v, fingering, forced eye contact, a little bit of an innocence kink made its way in there, Twitter Environment, rude comments, mention of food Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: AH HA! ITS DONE AND IM SO HAPPY! I have said this so many times and I mean it everytime, thank you, thank you, thank you so much to my 🌶️ anon. For trusting me with this request, for checking in on me, and most of all for being so patient. I hope you are doing well and I hope you enjoy this. 💖 I hope you all enjoy this. I am trying to work my way to reopening my requests because I truly find pure joy in reading the ideas that you guys have. Love you all!!💖💛💖💛💖
A/N 2: All of the pictures used for the smau portions are all from pinterest and are not my own product.
   You and Carlos stroll back over to his car, parked a block away from the park that Carlos took you to, Jardins Saint-Martin, just on the outskirts of Monaco. Since Carlos decided to ask you on this date at the last minute (it was about 11:00pm on Saturday, Monaco grand prix weekend), it was either this or his boat that probably was surrounded by fans in some fashion. Taking you to this park, and finding a place still open to buy ice cream before coming here, was Carlos' best shot at being alone with you.
   "Sorry the date seemed so…basic. I wish I could've taken you somewhere fancier, but I was so nervous about asking you on a date that I didn't do it until late." He's been wanting to do this since he met you at the Miami Grand Prix. When he first saw you peeking into the Ferrari garage as a celebrity guest at the race, he had never plotted so quickly to get someone's number. You were…different. In a good way. You were dressed sexy yet classy, obviously comfortable in your own skin, and you weren't afraid to be expressive when talking with anyone. Heck, when you first talked to him, he could tell you were nervous, but it still did little to dull the fire in your conversation.
   "So, this is yours, huh?" Carlos had led you into the open garage while everyone else focused on a different celebrity that had made their way over.
   "Sí. Not what you expected, huh?" He smiles and watches you closely observe the race car, your eyes tracing its curves while Carlos' traced yours.
   "To be honest, I don't know what I expected. I mean it tried to learn as much as I could about the sport once I learned I was invited, but I didn't really focus on the cars. Mainly teams, drivers, less technical stuff." You were rambling. You knew you were rambling, it always happened when you were around someone you found attractive. "But I do know that this does not look like any Ferrari I've seen." Mental facepalm. Of course not, it's a goddamn race car. You could feel your chest squeezing, scared that your awkward remark wouldn't elicit a response from the driver, but instead the faint sound of an exhaled chuckle shocks you.
   "I know. It's smaller. And seems a bit less safe, but what do I know?" Your tension melts a bit as Carlos makes a joke just as terrible as yours. You continue observing the car, walking around and tilting your head, hair falling gently around your face.
   "Sorry, I'm being so quiet. I just think it's so cool seeing one of these up close." You saunter back over to Carlos, eyes still on the car, not to observe it, but for the purpose of avoiding the intense eye contact that he was trying to initiate, mentally urging you to look at him.
   "So, uh, you make music, no?" This gets you looking at him for a moment, only to answer the vague question.
   "Uh, yeah. I'm a rapper. You probably haven't listened to my stuff, though. Probably not your speed." You flash a small smile then look away again, observing the car one last time before turning your attention to the rest of the garage. Little did you know, that smile knocked Carlos off his feet, and he wanted it to happen again.
   "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't, but I would like to. Here." This brought your attention to his face then his phone that was unlocked and open for you to go to your music. "You can just add yourself."
   "You know you could've done this yourself…" You smile to yourself as you search your name.
   "I know, but now you can put your number in, too." You stopped what you were doing to look up at him, squinting and grinning.
   "Ah, smooth. I see where the nickname comes from." You chuckle and go to do as told, adding your number to his contacts.
   "Thank you. I'm glad you said it because if I said it, it would have been too cheesy." He exhales a laugh, searching your face for amusement, which he finds once you go to hand his phone back.
  "You know, I would've given you my number if you just asked." You didn't know what to do with your hands. If you were bold, you would have allowed your hand to run along his toned arm, but you settled on just letting your hands be expressive as you spoke, lazily pointing an acrylic clad finger.
   "Maybe, but this is more fun." Carlos smiled, a smile that accentuated his bottom lip, making you instinctively and stealthily dart your tongue out onto yours.
   After the brief moment of the poorest example of attraction projecting body language imaginable, it was soon time for you to continue on to God knows where because you weren't paying attention before, and for Carlos to start Friday practice prep, even though he definitely wouldn't be paying attention. He would be thinking about how he was going to text you, call you, something.
   It took him 3 days to text "Hi" and you 5 seconds to respond 
   Okay, so fire was an exaggeration, but you didn't know any better.
   "I thought the date was nice!" You hesitantly reach out for his hand. The motion was initially instinctive, your hand acting on its own, and once you realized what you were doing, you began to pull back, but it was stopped and encased by Carlos' before it was fully retracted, and he continued the conversation like nothing happened.
   "No, no. It could have been nicer. I just didn't give myself enough time." Your heart was racing, and this was when you realized you were still looking at entwined hands and not the man speaking to you, so you quickly refocused yourself.
   "Really, I wouldn't know the difference anyway, I have nothing to compare it to." Carlos tilts his head quizzically at your implication so you continue to explain, chuckling. "I've never been on a date before." 
   "Wait, no? Haven't you had a boyfriend or something?" His thumb starts to move over your fingers and your brain short circuits, your eyes cutting back to your hand.
   "Uh, no. No, I haven't. So I definitely don't know what I'm doing and I wouldn't know better as to whether or not this was the worst date a person could've ever had." You finally got your brain to work again and smiled nervously as you spoke, watching a look of disdain settle into Carlos' face.
   "Well, I wouldn't say all of that, but…wow, I can not believe you've never had a boyfriend." You were greatly enjoying Carlos' shock, but you go on to explain a little.
   "I've been focusing on my music career since I was 16, so someone would literally have had to hold a sign up in my face and shout that they like me for me to even consider the possibility of them wanting to go on a date with me." You giggle nervously, the disdain on his face shifting to curiosity as his eyes traced every part of your face over and over again.
    "So would that be necessary now?" A grin tugs at the right side of his mouth and it seems like he keeps having to pull his eyes from your lips.
   "No, that won't be necessary. Just a simple 'I like you' would be fine." Your laugh was looser this time, and you finally let loose a full smile, displaying shallow dimples and accentuating your lips. Carlos looked at you like a shooting star that had just whizzed by, disappearing into the horizon all mysterious and sparkly.
    "Well, I like you, a lot. And I want to take you on more dates, and be whatever other first I can be for you." His grin slowly fades but it doesn't take away the sincerity in his eyes and his words, now unabashedly staring at your lips. 
   "Oh. Well i- I've, um, never, uh, kissed anyone before." There was obvious hesitation in your statement, knowing it was a bold move for you, slightly surprised at the smile that landed on Carlos' lips.
   "I am so glad you said that." You knew what was coming, especially once you felt him pull you closer with your hand, beginning to lean in, but for some reason you failed to take any steps to reciprocate the action, eyes wide open, watching him lean in for the kiss but stop centimeters away. "It's better if you close your eyes, I promise." Carlos chuckles at the shocked face you looked at him with, his eyes still trained on your plump parted lips.
   "Yeah, I know. I don't know why I didn't…let's-uh-try again." You pinched the bridge of your nose in embarrassment, resetting your brain to try the moment again. Eventually you gaze back up at him, first taking a moment to admire the man in front of you, failing at hiding a laughing grin while you got lost in his eyes.
   Carlos, on the other hand, his mind was going berserk. The eyes you looked at him with were so innocent and trusting, even further indicated by how you, unprompted, fluttered your eyes closed prepared to try your first over kiss again. He had to indulge his own self for a moment, testing the waters to see if he could prove his theory, even the slightest bit, so he unnecessarily lifts your chin and tilts your head to your right, each move smooth and gentle, and with both moves you allowed yourself to follow the modification unhesitatingly, keeping your eyes closed. "Perfect." He finally leans down to kiss you, first just the soft press of each other's lips, you getting used to the foreign, intimate feeling, but after that moment Carlos slots his lips between yours and you try your best to keep up, mimicking his lip movements to the best of your ability. Carlos was considerate of the situation though and held off on the tongue, instead opting for manually lifting and wrapping your arms around his neck and then circling his own around your waist to make the kiss deeper. Your lips were glossy and pupils were dilated upon pulling away from the kiss, chest heaving with slow deep inhales.
   "How was that?" The look you gave him seeked approval, or at least constructive criticism, on your kissing ability. Carlos just like that his opinion mattered so much to you.
   "I feel like I should be asking you that, no?" He keeps a tight grip on you with one hand as he uses the other to gently rake through your hair, fingers going just deep enough to manipulate the top layer.
   "Oh, well you've done this before. I'm the one that needs pointers." You move your arms to wrap them around Carlos' torso, giving your shoulders a rest 
   "You need no pointers." He leans down to give you another lip slotted kiss.
   "Oh, thank you. I-uh- you're not too bad yourself." Carlos just chuckles at your awkward comment and leans in for more kisses, testing the waters more and more to see how deep he could make them, how much more tongue you would allow, and smiling at how you didn't know what to do with the small introduction to the appendage. It was you who had to break up the moment, wedging your arms between you two. "Don't you have a curfew or something? The race is tomorrow right?"
   Carlos wasn't going to lie, he completely forgot it was a race weekend. He was so enamored by you just being here, how when you were with him you exuded a, now more understood, innocence that is hidden behind the nature of your fame. "Not if I pretend I don't." He shines a devious grin at you, and you have to reboot your brain to remember what you were going to say.
   “No, I’m not gonna be the reason you break curfew or whatever.” You try and wave away his eyes that were trained on your face, but his lips approaching your neck, and the reflexive tilt of your head to give him more surface area, shut you right up.
   “Fine, I guess you’re right." He says with his lips brushing deliciously against your ear, then pulls his face away and extends his arm past its previous home if your waist to open the car door for you. He has to move his face into your line of sight, which was off in the distance just past his left shoulder as you contemplated your situation, and use his eyes to motion you into the car.
   "Thank you again, for tonight. I had a nice time." You spoke as you buckled your seatbelt, realizing that was something you did often when you were able to, occupying yourself with something else to avoid having to look Carlos in the eye. He wasn't going to stand for that though, so once he was in and the car was started, he turned his body to you and tilted your chin up so you would look at him.
   "That's good to hear." He brings you forward for a kiss, again testing your response to the addition of his tongue to the equation, liking the effort that you put into following his lead. He didn't worry, though. He knew he had time with you. "When you get to the paddock tomorrow, go to the Ferrari building. I'll make sure they have a garage pass for you." You just nod, eyes dazed and trained on his lips before flicking up to his own deep brown irises, and he couldn't help leaning in for another brief make out session. After kissing you the first time, your first time, he became immediately obsessed with it, trying to teach you and get you to follow his lead each time, and loving that you were a fast learner. 
   After some driving, more kissing, and stealthily making it back to the hotel room, "Good nights" and confirmation for tomorrow's plans were made and, eventually (because Carlos wouldn't leave unless you looked at him while talking to him) you both were in your assigned rooms, wondering what would come of that night.
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 351,079 others
yn_music Red on me like Ferrari 💋🌶️🏎️
View all 539 comments
user1 New music soon? 👀♥️
>yn_music We workin, don't you worry boo💋
>user1 I literally screamed and threw my phone
>yn_music Hope your phone's okay 😬
normani It's giving 90s dream girl 📷♥️
>yn_music 💋
user2 Uhhhh, Carlos, whatchu doin here blud?
>user3 Apparently they seemed pretty close during the Miami GP
>user2 She was at the Miami GP!?!?
>user3 Yeah! And there were seen in the garage Thursday talking and possibly exchanging numbers 😶
>user2 This is the best possible wag announcement I've ever experienced
user4 I refuse to believe that Carlos Sainz is seeing someone that makes music like hers 🤷🏽‍♀️
>user2 why are you even here
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   "I'm sorry. Can you just explain to me one more time why you stopped me?" You let your fingers just barely run through the top of your hair, taking a deep breath and glaring at the man standing in front of you.
   "We have received a couple of complaints regarding your attire and so we have to ask you to cover up." The man in the bright yellow security jacket looked just as done as you did, but you didn't care.
   "Okay, I'm not trying to be difficult or anything, but I have seen outfits much worse than mine and yet I'm the one that gets stopped? I just don't…" Your response may have been directed to the security guard, but it was more for your own sanity trying to keep yourself calm. "Respirar" You repeat the Spanish word taught to you by Carlos for whenever you felt anxious or overwhelmed, inhaling as you say it and then releasing a long exhale. "Let me just-Do you think we could go over to the Ferrari motorhome? Carlos was the one who invited me and maybe he would be able to help…”
   “Ma’am, please. We don’t need to get anyone else involved. Just cover up or else I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The guy reaches out to guide you by your arm but you pull back from his reach, taking a singular step back.
   "First of all, do not touch me. I did not give you permission to touch me. Secondly, I am not going to cover up because there is nothing wrong with my outfit, and it is entirely too hot to do so. Please can we just-I texted him, hopefully he's by-oh!" You felt a hand touch your lower back ever so lightly, making you jump and a flash of anger come over you very briefly before looking to your right and seeing Carlos flash a grin at you. The more severe part of your frustration melted away with the presence of the man beside you, softening your demeanor and allowing him to press a kiss to the top of your head and subsequently fix any bit of hair that came out of place due to the action.
   “Hello.” He still had that grin on, but you could tell it got brighter the longer he looked at you, the more his eyes wandered around your appearance.
   “Hi.” All you could muster was a tired grin to reciprocate, drained from the previous encounter, which made Carlos even more adamant to squash whatever problem you frenziedly and vaguely texted him about. So, after protectively wrapping his arm around your waist, he turns to the man that was previously hounding you about your outfit.
   “So, what’s the problem?” The glare Carlos gave the man could have set the guy’s hair on fire if Carlos willed it. He was messing with his girl, and he wasn’t going to stand for it.
   “Oh, s-she is a guest of yours…” The man started fidgeting with his jacket, pulling at the bottom hem and scrunching up the sleeves before finally just settling on crossing his arms. 
   “Yes. My girlfriend if you want to be specific. So, what is the problem you are having with my girlfriend?” Silence. That is all that followed the question, and it caused the world to just fade away, leaving just you three. Carlos, silent and waiting for an answer. The man, silent and feeling like an ass as he racked his brain for a way to talk himself out of the situation. You , silent and waiting for something to unfold, and then finally registering Carlos’ words but too nervous to say anything. When enough time passed to irritate him, Carlos turned to you for an answer. “What happened?”
   “Um, uh..” Your first instinct was to look away, anything for you to not have to endure the intenseness of Carlos’ frustrated stare. You click your long, decorated nails together, trying to find your words again, surprised by the gentle finger that guides your eyes to his.
   “Mírame. You can tell me.” His glare softened when he turned to you, willing you with his eyes to speak and trying to telepathically convey that it was a safe space to tell him the full story.
   “He told me that there have been people complaining about my outfit and that I can either cover up or leave.” Even though it was hard to initiate eye contact with Carlos, maintaining it was a piece of cake. Getting lost in the dark irises of a gaze that could go from playfully wide to sultry squint was effortless for you, and you eyes seemed to follow the motion of his as he checked out your entire outfit, oversized and low buttoned white dress shirt and blue jean mini skirt down to the gold accented thigh high boots, a sexy elegant look which was one of the many looks he loved to see on you, and definitely did not see a problem with.
   “You must not have been doing this for long because I have seen much worse outfits walking through the paddock.” His hand slid from your waist to your hand as he mildly pointed a finger at the man before turning to you. “You look great today, by the way.” Since a true response would make you dip into having to initiate eye contact again, all you could do was bashfully grin at the ground. “Now, we have somewhere to be, and I think you should go take a break, and just not come back, so you don’t disturb anyone else, okay?” He checks to ensure he had a firm grip on your hand before hastily walking away toward the Ferrari motorhome, but when you guys get close instead of going to the building you two turn toward the garage entrance, stopping along the wall just as you turn down the long walkway. It was only at that moment that you realized Carlos was dressed in his race attire, only haphazardly with the suit pulled up onto his shoulders but mostly unzipped, and your eyes couldn’t help but follow his hands as the quickly performed that task. “That was stupid, I don’t know why…” He mumbled that to himself as he finished strapping himself into his race suit. “I’m sorry about that girlfriend thing. I-”
   “Don't be sorry.” You answered quickly and made sure your eyes met his. When Carlos said that in his haste to defend you, sure you heard an inflected emphasis on the word "girlfriend", that was a pleasant pillow that you were able to rest on while he handled the situation.
   “What, you want to be my girlfriend?” His smirk acted as your reminder that you were holding eye contact, making you want to shrink back down in embarrassment, but you didn’t allow yourself to, and you knew Carlos wouldn’t allow it either.
   “If you don’t mind being my first boyfriend.” You shrug timidly, and smile just as wide as Carlos does after your answer. You could tell Carlos was racking his brain for his next steps with how quick his eyes flashed over you, finally landing on your lips as his hand rested on your shoulders to pull you in for a kiss, quick but still held the happiness he wanted to convey.
   “I told you I want to be all of your firsts. Even though I wanted this to be a bit more special. Flowers and everything.” He pushes your hair behind your ear and finds his eyes moving back and forth between yours again.
   “Yeah, I remember.” Your eyes reluctantly peeled themselves away from his and traveled down to his race suit, pulling you back to the present as your hands act on their own to turn him toward his garage. “Go, please I’ve held you up long enough. What is this anyway? Practice?” Since landing in Britain that morning, you have been non-stop trying to get to the track, so you haven’t kept track of the schedule for the day.
   “Eh, no. Qualifying.” This only made your eyes widen and caused you to put more force into pushing him into the garage.
   “What the fuck!? You could’ve told me! Go, go, I probably completely ruined your concentration.” You continue to push but the action is interrupted by Carlos delicately pulling you around to his front and pulling you close to him wrapping your arms around his waist. His hands found their home on the sides of your shoulders, steadying you for another kiss, meant to calm your worries but also because he found your concern endearing.
   "I'm more than prepared. Trust me. I'll see you later, cariño." He jogs off to his side of the garage, having to leave you at the entrance, but you eventually make your way in, standing behind the barrier separating the guests from the rest of the garage, pulling on headphones and waving at his cousin before finally turning your attention to the main event.
   "Okay, hold on one more moment, cariño. Keep your eyes closed.” You’re walked out of the bathroom that you were very quickly whisked into when you arrived at Carlos' room. Though your eyes were closed, they could still sense the soft glow of what could possibly be candle light, and the lack of sight didn't stop your nose from breathing in the fresh perfume of flowers, though you were unsure what kind. You waited patiently, jumping ever so slightly at the feeling of Carlos' hands over your closed eyes and the faint touch of his breath on the back of your neck. "Alright, open."
   You open your eyes to, as you suspected, the dim, warm lights of several candles around his hotel room, a bouquet of roses on the bed that was sprinkled with rose petals. "Oh, Carlos…" You could've cried. Just a few months ago, you weren't even thinking about being in a relationship, let alone being in one with someone like Carlos, but here you are, with this man who thinks the world of you, and shows it not only in his words but in his actions. 
   "I wanted to get more balloons, but this is what I could get in such short notice." He had his arms wrapped around your torso and his chin rested on your shoulder as you looked at the beautifully decorated room, but you wanted to look at him instead, so you turned around in his arms to hook yours around his neck.
   "You're too much." You slowly lean in for a peck, smiling with each one that follows.
   "I know." You both chuckle as you go to playfully hit his chest. "You deserve this all, I hope you know that."
   "I'm trying too, but still, thank you, Carlos." You go to rest your head on his chest, but you're startled by a sudden exclamation of mild disdain from him.
   "Aye, Carlos is too formal." You eyebrows furrow briefly at him and shift your jaw as you think.
   "Okay, so, um, what then?" Your eyes were wide and surprisingly innocent compared to the usual sultry look you had.
   "Papí. I think that would have a nice ring coming from you." He couldn't help but lean in for another kiss from you. Your lips were his favorite part of you and the feeling of them on his own was his favorite feeling in the world, you embracing him second for the time being.
   "Okay. Thank you, Papí." You place another peck in his waiting lips, liking how the nickname rolled off your tongue.
   "You deserve it, mí amor." A kiss to your cheek begins to trail down your neck, reaching a tender spot that elicits a moan that shocks you but pleases him.
   "Oh. I don't know wh-" Your automatic apology was interrupted and excited Carlos.
   "Let's see if we can do that again." The kisses continued, making it the first time anyone has ever explored the erogenous points on your body. 
   Well, he was at least able to get around to anything above the shoulders.
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Liked by charlesleclerc and 362,870 others
yn_music 🌹🥀🌹🥀
tagged carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 Amor ♥️
user5 This is the hardest soft launch I've ever seen
user6 My happiness depends on these two making it so just everyone be quiet and let them live
>landonorris I agree with them ☝🏼
kaliuchis Mamí ‼️‼️‼️🥵🥵🥵
user7 I'm gonna need pointers because I still don't know how you snatched Carlos Sainz 🧐
>yn_music Be awkward as fuck in the Ferrari garage 🧍🏿‍♀️
user8 This is not gonna last I'm calling it rn 🫥
>user9 She probably whined and cried for him to do that for her 🙄
>carlossainz55 Try again. This time pull your head out of your ass so you can think clearer
   You were in the zone, posing as music played in the studio. That was truly the only way you could even begin this shoot as the only things covering your upper body were fake butterflies, but as you got well into the shoot those nerves melted away and you were just vibing to the music. After a couple more shots, the photographer called you over to take a look at what they had gotten and while you were studying each shot you received a tap on the shoulder.
   "Papí!" You turn around and fling your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, his warm woodsy scent, a slightly sweet tinge at the end, swirling around your head. When you pull away, he hands you the robe that you left in the make-up area, aware of the qualm you had about being too exposed for long periods of time, and you graciously and quickly accept it before hanging your arms around his neck again while he brings you closer to him by your hips.
   “Te ves hermosa, cariño. That color is perfect on you.” You looked at him with a dopey gaze, poking out your lips to accept the kiss he was leaning in for.
   “Gracias, Papi.” You guys make your way toward the make up area, which in a large open area such as the studio this was taking place, is a small portion of the large room partitioned off, a clothing rack and a vanity in the vicinity. "What are you doing here?" You sit in the chair facing the vanity, your hand in the unwavering grasp of your boyfriend who walks around to stand in front of you.
   "What, I can't come see my girlfriend?" His eyes wandered around your intricate makeup, while he spoke and you could feel your face heat up and your heart begin to race as he placed you under his adoring gaze.
   "Well, I mean, it's just unexpected for you to be in L.A. when you're supposed to be in Singapore by tomorrow. Wouldn't this fuck up your sleep schedule?" You bring your other hand up to accompany the one already in Carlos' grasp, swinging his arm, eventually turning your attention to the group of hands.
   "Eh, maybe. Maybe not. I guess we will see." He shrugs and then uses his free hand to tilt your head up. "I couldn't pass on a chance to see mi cariño."
   "Oh." He removes his finger and your eyes go back to your guys' hands, to his dismay. But his ears perked when you voluntarily looked back up at him. "I am really happy to see you.”
   It was simple what you said, but it was how you said it that made the moment a sticky-sweet one. “I’m happy to see you too, amor.” He bent in to press a kiss to your lips and then examined your eyes. “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”
   “Oh, no. I’m fine. They provided food." You tilt your head to the table off to the side, and Carlos' eyes are assaulted with the sight of boring looking sandwiches and various fruits and vegetables. He knew you well enough to know that you would only eat what was over there if you had to. But he was there, so you didn't have to.
   "Are you sure you don't want me to get you something, mí corazon?" Corazon. The nickname that you loved and feared the most for the sheer fact it is a sign that you had to be vulnerable. If he called you by that, it meant that he could see through whatever front you were putting up and that you had no choice but to voice whatever was on your mind. A complaint, your feelings on something, an idea you have. He was there to listen, and you were trying to remember that.
   "Well, um, there is this taco place, I think it’s about a block away, they have these amazing carne asada fries with queso, guacamole, pico, sour cream…” Your stomach growls at your descriptive request, and you look up innocently at your boyfriend, who grinned at you like you were a precious jewel.
   “Got it. I think I saw it on my way here. Uh, what about coffee? You seem a little tired.” He reaches to your hair, a feather light touch barley even altering the already perfectly set hair.
   “No, I-uh…” You stop your refusal, feeling Carlos’ intense gaze on you, just waiting for you to lie so he could say something, so you conceded and told him the truth. "Yes, a coffee would be nice." You give him a worn grin and lean into the forehead kiss that he gently guides you into by the back of your head.
   "Okay, mí amor. Iced Macchiato, extra espresso shot, sweet cream cold foam…do you want extra caramel this time?" You look up and slowly nod at him, leaning in for one last peck on the lips. "Okay, I'll be back. You keep being sexy." 
   "I'll try." This was preceded with a girlish giggle, and you were reluctant to let go of his hand, holding on until his arm was extended to its fullest extent. "Love you." 
   Carlos stops in his tracks. Sure, this wasn't the first "love you" shared between you too, but he was sure this was the first time you've said it first. "I love you too, mí cariño." He backtracks to kiss you again, soft and slow, before you finally let him leave.
   He came back with the food and coffee about 30 minutes later and stayed for the entire rest of the shoot, his presence a comfort you didn't know you needed until he was there. He left for the race early the next morning, even though he knew he would be arriving halfway through the media day, it was worth being with you those extra few hours.
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Liked by nickiminaj and 425,017 others
yn_music Look who decided to visit 🦋😚
No Bars out now, y'all‼️ If you haven't listened, where tf y'all been at? 🤨😒😘
tagged carlossainz55
View all 473 comments
carlossainz55 Sexy as always 🥵 Pre-race weekend time well spent cariño ♥️😘
>landonorris Why do I feel like there is some deeper meaning behind this 🤨
>yn_music Don't look to deep into it, it's not for young eyes 👶🏼
>landonorris You're literally a year older than me???
saweetie Y'all don't fuck wit her 🤞🏿💖🤞🏿💖
>yn_music ♥️
>saweetie I've got a shoot next week, you think your man can come bring me some food?
>carlossainz55 She has told me that since you and are her friends I am obligated to. Just tell me when and where 🫡
user10 A lewk❗ Ate left no crumbs❗ Slay hunty to the boots down❗Serving cunt❗
>yn_music You just using them all, huh? 😭
>user10 I just love you so much 🥲
>yn_music ♥️
user11 So we're praising her being basically nude...got it ✔️
>user10 You just wish you looked that good basically nude 💁🏾‍♀️
comment liked by carlossainz55
carmenmmundt Can't wait to see you this weekend, lovely ☺️
>yn_music I say the moment I see you we flake on our boyfriends and go get some drinks
>carmenmmundt Deal 🤝
>user12 Hmmm? You two are besties and no one decided to tell us?? Surprises around each corner this season
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   "Amor, can you grab the salad de la navera, por favor?" Reyes instructs as you two move around the kitchen to grab the finishing touches on the dinner that was happening out on the patio of the large Madrid home. It was only you two in the kitchen, as desired by Carlos' mom, while he, his sisters and various other family members stayed out on the patio while Carlos Sr. grilled.
   "Okay, here we are." You set the bowl on the counter and then turn to lean against it as you watch her put finishing touches on various other fragrant side dishes.
   "Gracias, amor." When she gets done turning off the burners of the stove and wiping her hands clean, she whirls around to look at you, a soft content grin on her face as she eyed you up and down, meeting your eyes when she's done. "You are such a lovely girl. And not just beautiful, pero tu aura, how comfortable you are with yourself and how it naturally makes other people more comfortable around you. That's a gift."
   "Thank you, Miss Reyes. You don't understand how nice that is to hear. With so many people talking about my relationship with Carlos, thinking they know what's going on…it's just nice to hear. Especially from you." Your heart fluttered at the compliment. You weren't one to be phased by online comments, but there was a small morsel of your mind that was worried the comments would influence those close to Carlos, convince them that you weren't good for him, but that has been far from the case. They all loved you, and that was an understatement. His mom and sisters would always steal you away from him the moment you guys walked through the door, and his father treated you like his own.
   "And Carlito, he-I have never seen him so in love with someone. When he calls me, two things he talks about, driving and you." You had to do something with your hands as you felt Reyes' adoring eyes focus hard on you, making you mildly nervous.
   “I’m sure my friends would say a similar thing about me. All I do is focus on my music and talk about Carlos.” You chuckle and bring your hand to your hair to shake it out and push some of it backwards. “I always feel like a lovesick teenager when I talk about him. I get giddy about the stupidest stuff.”
   “As you should, mi amor. He always talks about how proud he is of you. How you’ve allowed yourself to be vulnerable. How you've been learning to voice your needs. And, eh, this last one coming from my own hopes, but I hope he is showing you what a good relationship is supposed to be. Even if he is not your only one, I hope he is a good one.” She takes a step towards you and lays a soft hand on your cheek, and you naturally lean into the motherly touch, your lips twitching into a grin.
   “He’s been a great one. He’ll be a tough act to follow, if it comes to that of course.” You two share a quiet moment after that, like a mother watching her daughter fall blissfully in love and being comforted in the fact that she is being loved back two fold.
   “Bueno. Now, let’s talk about that new song of yours while we bring the rest of this food out.” She nods her head at the salad bowl and plate of rosquillas sitting on the island behind you and turns around to grab the dishes behind her and leads the way to the patio where the rest of the family was.
   “Oh, that. I-” You follow quickly behind her, preparing an answer to explain the content of the song but the answer you get before you’re able to finish is one that you should’ve expected.
   “I love it. It’s on my workout playlist.” She turns to the side to walk through the door to ensure that nothing hits the door frame, watching her step as she does so, and you follow her lead, dumbfounded by her confession. “You never need to worry about your music with me amor. I love everything you make because it’s you. You need to take some advice from your own song. Aye,¿cuál era la línea? Ah, ‘I’m that bitch, give a fuck who don’t like me.’” Reyes’ recitation of the lyric invites a playful, riot-like response, a jumble of "Mamí!" and "Tía!" erupting from the group on the patio.
   "Thank you, Miss Reyes. I'm very happy you enjoy the song." You say this through intermittent chuckles as you walk over to the other side of the table, to where you're greeted by your boyfriend trying to take the bowl of salad and plate of dessert from you because he never lets you do any labor if you don't have to, while a similar gesture unknowingly happened in the same moment with his mom and dad. The difference in the moment is, that while Reyes allowed the gesture to happen, used to Carlos Sr.’s impromptu help, you kept the serving dishes in your grasp, telling Carlos that you had it and giving him a short kiss on the way by.
   You two had an audience for that entire interaction, you walking by, Carlos' eyes watching you the entire, and the bright, eye crinkling smile he gave you once you turned to him after placing the dishes down, bringing you into his arms and giving you a deep kiss. He then plops into the chair he was previously sat in, bringing you down onto his lap, eliciting a giggle from you in the process. "So, what did you and my mom talk about in there?"
   "Oh you know, the usual. Food, music…how you're absolutely obsessed with me and can't live without me." You calmly comb your fingers through his hair as you spoke, slowly getting more focused on actually fixing the tousled look of his hair, until his right index finger tilts your head down slightly so you were looking in his eyes.
   "Todo es verdad, mí cariño." You lean down to receive the kiss his partially puckered lips offered, the only thing your brain could register doing is allowing your eyes to travel the hills of his face and lean your head into the light touch his fingers gave the back of your ear following his gentle modification of how your hair fell in front of your face. "Oh!" His sudden exclamation made you flinch slightly and perk you head toward him, eyes widened in surprise, silently waiting for him to continue. "Move your stuff into my room tonight, please. I do not know why you slept in a different room last night, anyway." His index finger continued to lightly scratch at the back of your ear.
   "Oh, yeah. I was so tired last night after traveling, and it was, like, instinct to go to another room at your parents house because that's what I did the last time we came here. But, um, I will. I did miss you last night." 
   "I missed you too. You have no idea how much I missed you." His eyes traipse around your body suggestively, before silently coaxing your eyes to his. Your head follows the guide of Carlos' hand to meet his lips in a couple of light, languid kisses, that is until you hear a low grunt and turn around to see his cousin playfully rolling his eyes at the precious interaction.
   "Consigue una habitación." This was whispered under Oñoro's breath, and a cheesy smile plastered its way onto his face when Carlos' hand briefly leaves your hip to swat at his cousin, a flurry of giggles coming from all parties.
   "Sólo estás celoso." His arm wraps back around your waist and hand gravitates back to your hip, clasping his other hand that has now settled in the same location, hugging your body closer to him.
   "No, he's just mad that I beat him at Padel last time we were here and I could probably beat his ass again." Carlos brings his head adding a curiously raised eyebrow to his amused visage. "He still doesn't understand how I did it with the long nails." You click your, now moderate length (moderate compared to the usual length you get), nails as a subconscious supplement to your coy answer, a complete contrast to the response that comes from the man seated next to you two.
   "You shouldn't have even been able to hold the racquet with those things." Though loud, the tone of his answer was more comical, a chuckle laced throughout his words.
   "Aye, don't be a sore loser." They childishly swat at each other for a couple of seconds before Carlos' attention abruptly moves back to you. "You move to my room tonight, bueno?"
   "Bueno, papí." You press a gentle kiss to his nose and then a few slow exaggerated ones to his lips. Nothing too deep, not in the company of family, only lips were involved, but there was a conscious effort on your part to put most of your attention on his bottom lip, sucking and kissing it.
   Soon it was time to eat and you had to move to your own chair, much to Carlos' dismay.
   Three slow knocks to his bedroom door made Carlos rise from his bed and slowly stalk over and swing it open, slowly pulling your tiresome frame into his arms.
   "You moved my stuff already." You mumble into his chest, the scent wafting from him swirling around you, making you realize exactly how much you missed him last night. How perfect he would have been to cuddle up next to, be wrapped in his warm embrace…
   "Cariño? You there?" He makes a knocking noise while pretending to knock your head to grab your attention. You didn't realize how tired you were.
   "Yeah, yeah. I, um…" Your response acted as go-ahead for Carlos to press slow kisses up your neck and behind your ear, a location that he would pepper with his lips when he wanted to mess with you, make you mewl quietly and immerse yourself fully in the sensation. He loved it, watching your face show a level of eros that would rarely reveal itself. He always wanted more, wanted to move further down your body, explore areas that are always tortuously covered in clothes, but he was adamant in not doing so until you were absolutely sure. Until you yourself initiated something.
   "You must be so tired, amor. Can't think straight." He pushes his hands beneath the baggy long sleeve you wore, fingernails grazing the skin of your back, one hand leaving its post for a fleeting moment to push closed the bedroom door, your lips held captive by his.
   "Mmm…no. No. I, uh, I just gotta go do something real quick. I'll be back." It took a moment for you to escape Carlos' hold, you practically wearing him like a backpack until you disappeared behind the bathroom door. He slowly saunters over to the bed, stopping momentarily when he hears you screech out "You even organized my stuff in the bathroom!" 
   After about 15 minutes, you emerged from the bathroom and laggardly made your way toward the bed, where Carlos was engrossed with something on his phone. That is, until he could see you approaching him in his peripheral, making him intuitively set the device down and accept you crawling into bed with him. He noted your change in attire, tight shorts and a baggy shirt, a change from the long sleeve and sweatpants you had on moments before. He also noted your hesitancy in climbing onto the bed, as if you played out an entire scenario while standing at the side before just climbing in and laying to the left of him, turning to your side to wrap your arms around his left arm and to drape a leg over his hip.
   Originally, you both just layed there, intertwined, Carlos ready to go to sleep with you finally there beside him, but that when he felt soft, timid kisses being placed up his neck. He couldn't help but smile endearingly at your attempt to set a mood, working diligently to hold in a chuckle with each unsure kiss you pressed with your pillowy soft lips. It was similar to a doe taking a chance to walk up to you, one wrong move and they'll retreat for good. "Hey, hold on." He says this quietly, and he could tell from your still hooded eyes that you were only stopping to follow whatever brief instruction he had for you, but instead of instruction, he just shifts his body up the bed so he was sitting up against the headboard, taking you with him and ultimately pulling you over his body so you were sitting on his lap eye level with him. The abrupt change in position is what broke your trance and caused you to stare at him in the eyes, unsure of what to do next. "Just keep doing what you were before, cariño." You stare at him for a second longer, just until he gives you the slightest of nods, in which you reluctantly go back to placing gentle kisses along his jaw. "Get closer, amor. Why are you so far away?" He presses his hands to your lower back to bring your lower body up his legs, your core dangerously close to the bulge growing in his shorts.
   There's a quiet hum from you that follows the adjustment. It basically had the same purpose as a warning alarm when starting up machinery, because after that soft hum came the unskilled movement of your hips over his, movement that surprised Carlos and cause him to bring his hands to your hips on instinct, immediately pressing you down onto his crotch and helping you with the movement. You pull away from your previous occupation of your lips to his jaw to allow your brain to comprehend the, not quite new, but definitely enhanced sensation, eyes failing to meet his and instead settling on his lips. He didn't allow that though, as one of his hands came up to grip your chin and manually place your eyes on his. "Mírame, mi cariño. I want to see how good I make you feel."
   Boy did he get his wish. You did as told and held the eye contact, mouth falling open as you continued to rut your hips into his. This is all the stimulation you ever tried to get from Carlos, so he wasn't surprised to see you pupils already blow out in lust, but it was the knotting of your eyebrows that hinted that this time was different. That you wanted more and just didn't know how to ask, but Carlos was patient. But he also knew he would have to force it out of you, eventually. And so his grip on your hips got firmer and you could feel that your body had been pressed further down onto your boyfriend, creating delicious friction that was working to bring you to that high you so desperately craved. You bit down on the inside of your lip and began to move your hips faster, but the even further furrowed eyebrows caused him to put the hand breaks on your hips. You whimper in protest, only wanting to make yourself feel good as you've had time and time again, but your eyes are met with wide ones trying to asses your thoughts, trying to make you answer an unasked question. When no answer comes he is forced to verbalize it.
   "Do you want more, mi cariño? You've got to use your words." You nod, voice trapped in your throat from your earlier shyness, but you somehow manage to rasp out the words you needed to.
   "I need you, Papí." You buried your head into his neck as you said this, starting your hips up again but you're quickly stopped again and Carlos' fingers lace through your hair, gently tugging back, knowing the delicate handling needed by the style, so you were looking him in his eyes again.
   "Eyes on me, cariño." You nod at the instruction and he releases his grip on your hair letting his hand fall to your cheek. "We'll go slow, okay?" Another nod from your lustful but slightly concerned face has Carlos guiding you into a kiss. Starting off simple, like your first kiss in the park in Monaco, lips pressing gently together. You feel Carlos actively work his lips between yours and you knew to open your mouth slightly, and follow along with the movement of his tongue. Your arms move from being wrapped around his neck to his chest, your fingers just now realizing he was shirtless and causing a stifled moan that came out more like a short, pained exhale. It was like the new level of salaciousness you were experiencing caused you to slip in and out of consciousness because it wasn't until your shirt was halfway up your raised arms that you realized Carlos was removing your shirt, exposing the red lace trimmed bra you were wearing. "Eres tan hermosa, mí cariño." He tore his eyes away from your breast to look you in your eyes, eyelids relaxed and mouth slightly agape, showing your teeth a bit when you smile at the compliment.
   "Gracias, papí. It's all yours." It was Carlos' turn to break eye contact now, bring his hands to run over your breasts, his first real look at them, and boy was it a treat. This moment was fleeting, eyes returning to yours and lips crashing back into each other, going back to the sloppy work they were doing before. You pressed your body as close to his as you possibly could, hands combing their way through Carlos' thick, dark locks until you just couldn't hold off anymore. You lift your body from his laps and begin to pull at his athletic shorts, eyes focused on the obvious bulge that you were craving to see the source of. 
   "Wait a moment, cariño." He holds your wrists in a firm grip and silently urges you to look at him, and when you do he gives you a domestic grin. One that you reciprocate before giving him a simple kiss, going back to basics. You sit back and wait, mind finally coming back to the situation at hand, how exposed you both were, what all of it was leading to. Your instincts told you to pull away from the hands that were now wrapped around your torso to undo your bra, but your brain quickly overrode that thought, reminding you that this is the man you love who loves you twice as much and you have been wanting this for a while now. So you let it happen. Let your bra be flung off to the side and kisses be pressed into the valley between. Let his kiss swollen lips mark a slick path to your nipple, your head tipping to the side when he takes it in his mouth. Let innocent mewls drip from your mouth at the new sensation and feel your core get warm and slick in anticipation.
   When Carlos had his fill of your chest for the time being, he pulled back again to look in your eyes but you could feel his hands venturing down to your shorts but not yet inside. He flicked his eyes down to his hand and then back to your face. "Is this okay?" You nod and brace yourself for the sensation, having never been touched in such a way, but when it didn't come, you put your attention back in Carlos' face, stern with an inquisitive eyebrow up. "You need to use your words, amor."
   "Oh, uh, yeah. Th-that's fine." You look back down at Carlos' hand that remains still until a sudden grip on your cheeks from Carlos' other hand brings you gaze back to his, only then did his statuesque appendage dip into your shorts and lightly graze your clit, your body jolting at the feeling.
   "Mírame, mi corazon. Don't look away, please. I want to see what faces you make. Faces that only I have had the opportunity to get from you, mí inocente cariño." Carlos coos before moving his hand again, rubbing a full circle on your clit this time. You let out a lewd whine and squirm your hips, feeling yourself clench around non-existent stimulation. "You want a finger, amor? Does my pretty girl want to feel Papí's fingers inside of her?" Carlos drug his middle finger along your entrance, surprised at how wet you were already, eager to know what sounds and faces you would make being fucked by his fingers, but he waited for your verbal response.
   "Mmm, yes, please." You spoke with a needy whine and bucked your hips against his hand, getting sticky juices up to his wrist. He flashes an maniacal smile and pulls your face to his for a messy kiss you were very much not ready for, finding your impatience darling. He then had to stifle a cruel chuckle when you let out a shocked and slightly uncomfortable whimper when he finally does stick a finger inside of you. He removes it and goes back to rubbing your clit for a moment, giving you light kisses along your jaw.
   "You okay?" There was the slightest remanence of that chuckle in his voice, but not enough for you to notice or care because you just go on to answer his question so he is able to continue.
   "Your fingers are much thicker than mine." You whimper, your pouted lips the perfect target for Carlos' as he presses his finger back inside of you, dragging along your soft walls and his palm pressing against your clit as he moves his finger.
   "You've been using your fingers?" He wondered if you realized what you admitted to when he inquired this, but the answer was obviously no when you go on to mindlessly answer his question.
   "Mhmm. Did last night." You nod, face still being held by the large hand of your boyfriend, eyes still forced to look into his as they being to display a touch of overwhelm.
   "Were you wishing they were mine?" Carlos' finger held a slow steady pace, a second one coming to join the first, adding to the already full sensation. The spongy texture of your g-spot acted as a target that he put more focus into hitting, which caused you to move your hands to grip his wrist.
   "N-no, I-not your fingers. You…" You didn't want to be looking at him when you hinted to imagining him fucking you with wild abandon, but your face was still in his grasp, eyes having only the options to look him in the eyes or the mocking smile on his lips. 
   "You were wishing I was there to fuck you! Oh, cariño, that's cute. How about I help that wish come true, hmm?" He slips his fingers from you and removes his hand from your shorts, his index and ring finger glistening obscenely with your juices and your mind has to reboot after watching him suck said juices off said fingers. He finally removes his other hand from your face and reaches over to his night stand to reach into the drawer to grab a condom, the shiny wrapped object being held briefly between his lips so he could close the drawer again. As he went to pull down his shorts, he stopped to take a look at you vacuously watching his movements. "Here. You take them off." He takes your wrists in his hands and brings your hands to his waistband.
   "Oh, okay." You accept the task with a high-pitched whisper and lightly grasp the waistband of his shorts and underwear, taking a deep breath and then slowly pulling down. You watched as the bulge at his crotch was revealed, his dick springing out, slowly falling onto his stomach, the tip glossy from precum. The crinkle and tearing open of the condom brings your eyes back to Carlos', noticing that they seemed darker and his pupils were obviously blown out.
   "You know how to do this?" He hands you the condom when you begin to nod slowly, watching as your warily remove the object from its wrapping and place it on his tip, shaky hands having trouble starting to roll it over him. He brings one of his hands to wrap around yours, guiding your fingers in rolling the edge of the condom around his tip and then moving that hand to your hair when you're able to finish the task yourself, trying his best not to thrust up into your hand, which looks absolutely adorable wrapped around his dick. You make this a bit harder for him, intrusive thoughts taking over and making you start to stroke him over the condom, hand moving easily due to the lube that came on the object. Carlos had to stop you before it went too far, taking your hand and using it to guide you in flipping your positions, you now laying on your back with Carlos between your legs. He hooks his fingers to the waistband of your shorts and pulls them off with your underwear, a string of slick going with them for a second before he flings them off in the direction that your bra went earlier. Finally there you two were. Naked. Exposed. Ready to engage in the most intimate moment of your relationship to date. But Carlos had to have some fun with it. "If only all those people saw you now. Mi pequeña inocente, fucking herself with her fingers, wishing it was my dick. Maybe they'd shut up about you being dominant. You being the one 'wearing the pants'. But I'll let them believe that. As long as I get this. You waiting for me to fuck you stupid." 
   "Papí, please…" You whine out, reaching up to grip what you could of his hair so you could bring him down for a desperate kiss, pulling away to look at him with wide doe eyes. He takes the obvious cue and lines himself up with your core, eyeing you up and down before leaning over you, placing a hand by your head and using the other hand to toss one of your legs over his waist.
   "Okay, okay amor. I'll take it slow. Just know that it'll feel…different." You nod and look down at the gap between you two, waiting for your hips to connect and for the pressure and possible pain to follow. Instead came the gentle tip of your chin upward so you were looking at Carlos. "Mírame, okay?" You nod, now slightly nervous, but another short kiss, this time given to you by Carlos before he checks again to make sure he was lined up with your entrance then pushed in, slow as humanly possible. He paused when you let out a wail that you tried and failed at stifling.
   "Oh, oh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" Your incessant apologies are quelled by gentle kisses that trail to your lips, and a thumb coming up to your cheek to wipe a tear that you didn't know was there.
   "Shh, shh cariño. It's okay. We're on the complete other side of the house. You can be as loud as you need." You nod and wipe some more tears that you were now aware of. "Are you okay? Do you want to stop?"
   "No. No. I just need a moment…" You take a few breaths and try to adjust your body, trying to familiarize yourself with the pressure, trying to distract yourself from the initial feeling of being split in half that caused such a vocal reaction. He definitely felt thicker than he looked, and the visual you did get of his dick beforehand was nothing to sneeze at. But after a few more deep breaths and adjustments, you felt it was okay for him to push again, stopping intermittently when you indicated a need to stop until he bottoms out fully.
   "Everything okay?" Carlos does his best at gauging where you were at, eyes flicking over your face rapidly, searching for any sign of extreme discomfort. Instead, a soft grin appears and one of your hands reaches for his face, a gesture to which he responds to by leaning down and placing two slow, tongue involved kisses.
   "I love you, Papí. So much." There's a unique amount of emphasis that these words flowing from your mouth put on your lips, still swollen and parted as you gave him the "OK" to move. So, his hips hitch back, and as his dick drags deliciously against your walls as he pulls out, it's surface area touching every sensitive spot inside of you on the way out, and then they press forward again, dragging along the same spots, pressure between your hips reapplied but felt to a lesser extent, a gentle press all the way to your cervix, all for him to retract and do it all again. Your head tips down again, watching the agonizingly slow movement of Carlos' hips, watching him disappear and reappear from you, wondering how this was at all possible and how it felt so fucking good. Carlos allowed it this time. He was enjoying watching you, your face, confused and overwhelmed, because fuck, did you looked adorable on his dick. 
   Your arms autonomously drape over his shoulders, inadvertently bringing him down so that your foreheads were pressed together, nails just gently grazing his skin for the moment. "You're taking me so well, cariño. I could fuck you forever." Carlos was becoming more unhinged, hips starting to move ever so slightly faster, even with the tight grip your pussy had on his cock. His mind was traveling elsewhere. He loved you. He loved everything about you. This was no secret to anyone. But there was also a part of him that loved the challenge you presented. Your innocence and inexperience. Your reputation in the world that held no merit. Yeah, you were badass and didn't give a fuck about what people thought, but you weren't the unprofessional, hypersexual person people thought you were. And to be honest, he was glad that he was the only one who knew this you. The you currently bemused by the sights and feelings of having sex for the first time. "Mírame, amor, and tell me something…"
   "Mhmm?" His hand was gripping your face again, guiding your gaze and starving you of the hypnotic sight of his hips crashing into yours, dick plunging in and out, the shine on the condom from your juices increasing. But instead you were subjected only to the site of dark amorous eyes peering down at you.
   "Did you cum when you used your little fingers?" As he asked his question, he moved himself closer to you, changing the angle of your hips, lifting them up slightly which allowed his dick to push deeper. 
   "I-i don't know. I don't t-think so. I stopped when I got too sensitive." You pouted, remembering the intense feeling that you unwillingly had to ride out.
   "Aw, mi pobre pequeño. Let me try. You are going to have to relax, though." In that moment, Carlos seems to change the motion of his hips, rolling them more, causing his pubic bone ever so lightly graze your clit with each thrust. You attempt to protest, worried about what would come with the unknown experience, but a strangled whine instead erupts from your chest in response to Carlos' calloused fingers starting to rub circles on your clit, using your juices as lubricant to make the action more fluid.
   So, with one of Carlos' hand making its rounds on your clit and the other forcing you to look into his eyes as you make each ridiculous pleasure filled face, enjoying a bit too much the extreme reaction he has been able to elicit from you, your legs were left to wrap around his hips unattended. While it would have made sense for them to fall from his waist, they seem to actually tighten as you begin to near your climax. "Mmm…Papí…I ca-, I don't- I-" You weren't unfamiliar with what you were feeling, senses heightened, sensitivity in every nerve ending in your pussy amplified by a thousand. It was whatever came afterward that concerned you.
   "Let go, cariño. It's okay. I'm here. It'll make you feel so good." So you listen to the instructions cooed down at you and let yourself fall over that pleasure threshold, allow all nerve endings reach a peak sensitivity, your body to stiffen and your back to arch. The walls of your pussy fluttered around Carlos' dick as he continued to hitch his hips into you.
   "Carlos…" A whiny sob bubbles from your chest as he continues to thrust, unintentionally overstimulating you as he was too focused on how adorable you were all whiney and tired, pussy still spasming, squeezing him and producing more of it's own lubrication making the obscene sounds of him fucking you senseless louder with each thrust until he finally finishes in the condom, whispering about how in love with you he was in an intoxicating mixture of English and Spanish. Once you both came down from your highs and cleaned yourselves up to the best of your tired ability, you two fell asleep immediately, only to wake up close to noon the next day and, once you both were presentable, make your way to the kitchen greeted by the knowing look of his mom.
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Liked by theestallion and 428,748 others
yn_music ✨Do not Disturb✨
tagged carlossainz55
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latto777 An icon 🌟🌟🛥️
carlossainz55 I thought we agreed the bikini photos was for me only, amor?
>yn_music Lo siento, Papí. But I looked too cute not to share ☺️😘
>carlossainz55 Fine. We have more that's just for us anyway ♥️
user13 I see so many people commenting about how they seem so happy together but does anyone else notice that they are only together on expensive looking getaways
>yn_music We were actually in Madrid to see his family, but thank you for showing such concern for my boyfriend 😚
user14 I need you two to stay together forever for my sanity, okay?
>carlossainz55 We will try 😁
>user14 Thank you 🧎🏻‍♀️
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Liked by landonorris and 401,803 others
carlossainz55 Mí cariño hermosa 😍
tagged yn_music
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yn_music 🥰😚🥰😚🥰
>yn_music Even though you're determined to make me look like the most chaotic person on the planet
>carlossainz55 It's because I like these pictures of you (and the people deserve to know the truth 😶‍🌫️)
>carlossainz55 And not all the good pictures of you I have are appropriate 😘
landonorris Hi Mom! 👋🏻
>yn_music Boy if you don't stop calling me Mom 😤
>yn_music Jk hey baby! 👋🏿😘
>carlossainz55 I think you'll be even happier to know that she got those taken just to give to me as a birthday present
>user15 I am 🥲
user16 It took some work and emotional damage, but I'm glad to see that Carlos and Yn are unapologetically in love 💕
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
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[ cw: (temporary) piercing / ]
AU starts here!
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I’d imagine Cassandra wouldn’t make a big deal out of Leo’s newfound abilities tbh
And yes, she is in fact wearing her full fight ensemble under her clothes tyvm
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Congrats on 1k love!!! Im so happy for you, you deserve all the love 🩶
Could i request a ravenclaw!reader who's a little volatile (i suppose like dark acadameia) that the slytherins have kind of adopted (because shes volatile not violent and they think its cute). But shes been in a relationship with Remus on the down low and they realise at a halloween party?
I imagine Remus as an angel while reader is a devil and the slytherins were already concerned by the costume but then they notice you and Remus and just loose their marbles. Barty's having a meltdown, evans im shock and Sirius is cackling because Regulus is trying to stand tall but Remus is so much bigger than him its just impossible.
Anyway, tysm for your wonderful self and feel free to twist this however fits you, love!!
Hi lovely, thank you so much! I'm assuming you meant this to be for the Fade Into You part of the celebration since it's a specific reader, and also I don't know the Slytherin boys very well so I feel like my characterization could be wayyyyy off but I hope this is alright!
join the party
Remus Lupin x Ravenclaw!reader ♡ 930 words
You’re dancing with your friends when your drink is plucked suddenly from your hand. 
“Hey!” You spin around to find the thief, and then your tone changes completely. “Hey, Remus, you came!” You crash into him, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. Remus hugs you back the best he’s able, a drink in each hand. “And you wore your costume!” You grin as you pull away, resting a hand on either side of his face to admire how soft and sweet he looks in seraphim white. “Is that glitter on your cheeks?”
Said cheeks grow warm under your hands. “That’s Sirius’ touch.” 
“You look very pretty.” He grins, and you stand on tiptoe to whisper sweetly in his ear, “Now give me back my drink, pretty boy.” 
Remus’ smile doesn’t waver, but he becomes a tad more serious about the eyes. “How many have you had?”
“Oh, don’t be such a drag, Lupin,” Barty pipes up, coming up behind you to sling an arm around your shoulder. “She’s fine, and not that it’s any business of yours, but we won’t let anything happen to her.” 
“She just seems like maybe she’s had enough,” Remus replies, and his tone is far from unkind, but there’s an edge of admonishment to it that has Barty bristling noticeably. He turns back to you, voice softening. “What do you say, lovely, want to go sit down for a little while?”
You look at Barty, who raises an eyebrow at you. Behind him, Reggie stands with his arms crossed, looking bored with the whole thing.  
“I won’t be gone long,” you say in apology, and Barty scoffs disgustedly, but releases you. 
“Fine, go play with your costume buddy,” he says. “We’ll be here when you get sick of him.” 
You take Remus’ hand in one of yours, flipping Barty off with the other. 
“Are we really going to sit down?” you whisper hopefully, and Remus chuckles. 
“Yeah, we are. Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re not exactly walking in a straight line right now.” 
You grin, tugging at his hand playfully. “That’s just ‘cause I’m a rebel. The boys would never let me hang out with them if I walked the straight and narrow.” 
“That so?” Remus hums, pulling you down onto a couch beside him. “Have I mentioned how nice you look yet? You really do.” 
“I’m not supposed to look nice.” You roll your eyes, shuffling closer to him. “I’m a devil, Rem. I’m supposed to look hot and salacious.” 
Remus graces you with a smile, brushing a piece of hair from in front of your eye. “You do look hot, but you look nice too. I don’t think you can help that one, dovey.” 
“Yeah?” You bat your eyelashes, moving into his lap. Remus’ eyebrow quirks up slightly, cheeks glittering with the movement, but he doesn’t stop you. “Is it just that I radiate sweetness?” You kiss his jaw. “And patience?” Remus’ cheek is faintly pink where you press your lips. “Innocence, certainly,” you tease, breath hot on his ear, “but what else?” 
“Dove,” he whispers, “I think your friends are watching.” 
“Hm?” You look up, and sure enough, Regulus, Barty, and Evan are standing just a few feet away by the punch bowl, expressions ranging from bewilderment to abject horror. “Oh. Oops.” 
“I—I can’t,” Barty sputters. “I can’t be seeing this. Are you plastered? Get off him.” 
You don’t, but Remus does it for you, standing and setting you on your feet as Regulus stalks forward. He stops with his arms crossed in front of the two of you. 
“Is this who you’ve been ditching us for lately?” he asks you. 
You start to reply, but Barty talks over you. “No.” He shakes his head. “No, there’s no way. There’s no way.” 
Others have started migrating toward you to watch the show, among them Remus’ friends. Normally you wouldn't care, but Remus is beginning to squirm, so you try to calm things down for his benefit. 
“You guys are overreacting,” you say, as peaceably as you’re capable of. “As if it really matters what house my boyfriend is in.” 
“Boyfriend?” Barty despairs, and you should have known better than to think anything could quell his dramatics once they’ve begun. “God, as if the costumes weren’t bad enough, you have to throw lovey-dovey terms like boyfriend around.” 
A peal of laughter sounds from somewhere nearby, and you look around to find Sirius, eyes already wet with mirth as he watches his younger brother. “Reggie,” he manages between giggles, “are you trying to look taller than him?”
Reg raises an unimpressed brow, and anyone who didn’t know him well might not notice the flicker of embarrassment in his gaze. “Don’t be stupid,” he says, but his posture is better than you’ve ever seen it, his neck elongated in an attempt to look Remus in the eyes without having to tilt his head. 
“Reg.” Sirius swipes under his eyes. “You may be taller than me, but you’re never gonna get all the way up there.” “Alright,” you say decisively, taking Remus’ hand and proceeding to push past Regulus’ stiff form. You shoot Evan a half-apologetic look as you go by, still standing frozen like he’s been stupefied, and Barty follows your movement with eyes blown wide. “Just for that, we’re going back to you guys’ dorm, Black. And we’re going to fuck, loudly, all night.” You shoot your most winning smile in his direction, even as Remus’ face takes on a fiery hue beneath the white glitter. “I wouldn’t recommend coming home. Goodnight!”
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sl33paholics · 6 months
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Why Can't You Love Me Back?
Yan!Ali Jr x black!fem!reader
Warning(s): General yandere behavior, stalking, harassment
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"Leave me the fuck alone."
Was something you said to the man you were once a fan of weeks ago, but how did it get to this point?
The famous Ali Jr., the son of the world's greatest boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali, was hitting on you. You always attended the boxing events where he was the main star fighting with someone else in the ring. Amidst the roar of the crowd and the energy of the fights, Ali Jr.'s charismatic approach caught you off guard. His attempts at flirtation carried a unique intensity, a blend of confidence inherited from his legendary father and a genuine interest that hinted at more than just a passing connection.
In the afterglow of the boxing spectacle, the buzzing excitement persisted as you finally found yourself face-to-face with Ali Jr. out of all the eager fans getting pictures and autographs. His attention shifted toward you, his gaze holding a certain recognition. To Jr., it was love at first sight. Your beauty seemed to have cast a spell, making that moment more than just a fleeting exchange in the afterglow of fame. With autograph and picture in hand, you left the buzzing scene, hyped up, and pumped that you got to meet the man you always wanted to see. However, unaware that this seemingly ordinary encounter would soon be one that you regret.
On his way back to the hotel, in the dimly lit interior of the limo, Ali Jr. couldn't help but replay the encounter in his mind. The city lights blurred outside the tinted windows as the hum of the engine provided a backdrop to his thoughts. "You seem to be deep in thought, sir," his driver would say, making a casual observation. Breaking from his thoughts, Ali Jr. met the driver's gaze with a thoughtful smile. "Yeah, I met this pretty lady at the after show, I hope to see her again." He'd simply say, looking out the window.
As more events happened, he'd see you in the crowd cheering him on. Your crop top hugging your breasts as you held up a large sign with his name on it, your presence alone made him want to win the fight just for you, and you only. It encouraged Ali Jr. to throw another harsh jab at his opponent just to show off how strong he was to you.
So when he asked you for your socials and phone number when the event ended, it caught you off guard, but of course, you couldn't deny the offer. He was your favorite!
It started off with a few compliments and replies to his Instagram story until it turned into full-blown conversations. Now, you could tell he was flirting with you through these messages, but you didn't give that same energy to him. Which he noticed, but Ali Jr. brushed it off and believed you were too oblivious to notice it via text.
On days free from the whirlwind of boxing events, Ali Jr. found solace in spending time with you. He'd whisk you away on rides, the city's pulse blending with the engine's hum as you explored streets together. You watched him spar at the gym with other inspiring and upcoming boxers. Ali Jr. would tell you stories of his childhood and his famous father.
To you, you only saw him as a man who wanted to become close with one of his dearest fans turned friend. Although, to Ali Jr., he saw this as an opportunity to court you and potentially ask you to become his girlfriend.
When the moment arrived, you surprised the boxer with a straightforward rejection. "I appreciate the time we've spent, but I gotta boyfriend, and I'm committed to our relationship. Let's keep things friendly," you conveyed. The honesty in your words made his mind go blank. Was it shock? Was it anger? He couldn't tell. Jr. stared at you with a terrified look. "Did I do something wrong?" Ali would ask. "No! Not at all, it's just that I'm not interested in you like that. At all. You're a cool guy with tons of skills, I just don't see myself being with you. Let's stay platonic."
Since then, he's been out of his mind. Those texts stopped for a while, and then it started to get excessive out of nowhere. Just leaving your phone down for a short time can have this man sending you over 50 messages. You no longer answer his calls. You told everyone around you of your encounter and called him "a weirdo." It was exhausting.
So many voicemails from this guy alone. Over a hundred messages, most of them are Ali asking why you aren't picking up his calls or not responding. The guy's voice ranges from pleading to frustration, and the tone is unmistakably hurt. Each message seems to carry a weight of its own, painting a portrait of a man grappling with the realization that his feelings are not reciprocated as he had hoped.
You can't even walk peacefully around the city without this man somehow finding you. It's as if he's always just around the corner, his eyes scanning the crowds for a glimpse of you. The encounters are awkward, filled with a mix of longing and resentment as Ali Jr. struggles to come to terms with your decision.
Now, you don't know how he found your address, but he's been sending you a ton of gifts lately. Surprisingly, they're things you always wanted, each one arriving with a little note attached. The notes are heartfelt, expressing his regrets and other times it's obvious flirtation. It's as if each gift is an attempt to bridge the gap created by your rejection, a silent plea for another chance. Sometimes, Ali isn't so heartfelt in those messages whenever your boyfriend comes to receive them at your front door.
Ali's messages become less heartfelt in those instances, almost passive-aggressive, hinting at a desire to undermine your current relationship. The gifts, once symbols of his remorse, now carry an undertone of possessiveness and jealousy, as if he's trying to assert his presence in your life despite your clear boundaries. The situation grows increasingly uncomfortable as the boundary between genuine remorse and manipulation blurs. It came to a point where your boyfriend begged you to go talk to the man after seemingly being followed by some of his men at one point nearby the residence.
Ali was so giddy to get a text from you agreeing to meet him late into the evening. His excitement was palpable as he hastily made his way to the rendezvous point. The night air was charged with anticipation, and every passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity as he waited for your arrival. It was a chance for him to express his feelings and plead his case once more, hoping that this meeting would be the turning point in your relationship. When he saw you approaching, he was going in for a hug only for you to move him away with your hand.
"(Y/N), I'm so happy to see you! I-I thought you hated me, so I sent you the gifts, and it seems like they worked," Ali exclaimed as he approached you, a mix of relief and excitement in his voice. His words tumbled out in a rush, betraying his nervousness. The gifts, once a gesture of his longing and remorse, now seemed to have shifted the dynamic between you. As he stood before you, his eyes searched yours, hoping to find a spark of forgiveness or understanding in your gaze. "Listen, Ali, what can't you understand?" You sighed, scratching your elbows. "I'm not interested in you at all." The words hung heavy in the air, punctuating the tension between you. Ali's expression shifted from excitement to disappointment, his features contorting in a mix of hurt and disbelief. The reality of your rejection seemed to sink in, casting a shadow over the hopeful anticipation that had fueled his eagerness to meet you.
"I won't accept that for an answer." Ali would say, making you raise a brow. "I spent my die-hard money on those gifts to make you happy. We went out together, called each other, and we texted each other every day!" Ali grabbed your shoulders, giving them a firm grip. "And you suddenly stop replying to me? You had me sick and worried. No texts back, no calls back, NOTHING! Why did I have to resort to shit like this?!"
"You stupid ass! You harassed me after I rejected you to be your girlfriend. I told you I have a boyfriend. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but that doesn't mean you have to blow up my PHONE!" you exclaimed, your frustration boiling over. Pointing your index finger at Ali, you made your feelings clear, leaving him looking at you in shock. "Somehow getting my address and sending stuff I didn't ask for? Your men following (B/N)?" The accusations hung in the air, the intensity of your words reflecting the depth of your exasperation. The two of you went back and forth, of course people around the area watched you two bicker at one another, some even recording.
"I'll say this once, leave me the fuck alone. I don't want you near me again," you stated firmly, your voice cutting through the tension like a blade. The weight of your words hung in the air, a final declaration of your boundaries and a stark reminder of the consequences of crossing them. Ali stood before you, his expression a mix of shock, hurt, and realization. He watched you stomp off to your car while standing there.
As much as your words hurt, Ali couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He was happy that he got to meet you face to face after weeks of being ignored and unanswered. To see you in person instead of through a photo and video made Ali excited, as if he's meeting you for the first time again like he did that faithful day.
Ali wasn't going to back down. No matter what. The man was determined to find a way to win you over, to change your mind about him.
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
Question?!💕 Okay anyways LOLZ!😂 What if Muhammad Ali Jr. meets Yujiro's daughter, and Baki faces Muhammad and finds out he already met his sister? How would Baki react when Muhammad comments some "things" about his sister appearance, and mannerisms? And also what would Yujiro think about all this mess? Would he get jealous or be amused?
Btw I LOVEEEE your Baki fanfics!💓
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Mr. Ali Jr is going to get kicked in the dick SO HARD that man will either A. No longer have a dick, or B. Have a concave dick for the rest of his life as a reminder of how dumb he was to ever fuck with Baki's darling sister. :)
Joking aside though, I really feel like Baki would let him talk his shit and make his comments. Go ahead and whisper about how good (name)'s ass looks in those jeans, or talk about how nice your plush lips would feel around his cock. Make insinuations about how easy you seem, or snide little observations about the swing of your hips when you walk. The more shit he talks the more fun it will be for Baki to absolutely beat his sorry ass to a pulp in front of EVERYBODY. And guess what? When Ali Jr. is beat half to death, blubbering in unimaginable pain, it's going to be Baki that gets to go home with you and enjoy your company. And he intends to fully enjoy his time with you, being pampered and doted on for being your strong champion. <3
As for Yujiro... It's a mixed bag. Muhammad's father is one of the few people Yujiro truly respects, and as such, he doesn't treat Ali Jr with the disrespect and contempt he treats most people. I think he would be pretty amused with Ali's flirting, maybe even commend him on his good taste. But the moment he takes it a step too far and either asks you on serious date or (god forbid) tries to put his hands on you in some way, that boy will be knocked out so hard his ass won't know what hit him. Since he would want to at least try and avoid killing him, Yujiro will instead make sure to put him a coma so that he's out of the picture for a very long time. :)
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regulus-cannot-swim · 29 days
Talk - Rosekiller
“Evan, we need to talk.”
With Barty’s words, Evan’s attention was immediately on the other boy. Barty was usually the jokester, never serious for a moment. And he never called Evan by his name, he always used some stupid pet name, like rosey, or darling, even love sometimes.
Evan looked at Barty concerned. “What is it, Bee?”
Barty hesitantly perched on the corner of Evan’s bed, where the other boy was currently lounging with his homework. He fiddled with his hands.
“We- we need to talk about our friendship,” Barty started off.
Evan’s heart dropped. Barty didn’t know he was in love with him, did he? But how could he not have realized that by now, at the same time.
“Okay…?” Evan waited for Barty to continue on.
“We… I don’t…. I don’t want to be friends anymore,” as soon as the words were out of Barty’s mouth, he looked like he wanted to hit himself.
“For Salazar’s sake,” he murmured, before just leaning over to Evan and connecting their lips.
The kiss was surprisingly gentle, and loving. Evan froze for a moment, not believing this was real. When Barty started to move away, though, Evan quickly reconnected their lips.
Eventually, they broke apart for air, and the boys just looked at each other with matching dopey smiles.
“I love you, rosey,” Barty confessed.
Evan grinned even wider. “I love you too, Bee,” he got out before pulling Barty forward again.
Safe to say, Regulus wasn’t able to get into the dorm for the rest of the night.
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kenandeliza · 4 months
How The Marvel Family Handles Publicity
[a headcanon by KenanDeliza, and a conversation with @the-brash-spud]
Mary She's the adopted daughter of a rich woman in Fawcett, frequently shown as a model in back-to-school fashion models in the original Fawcett comics, so I'd like to headcanon her as a Fashion model for advertisements in Fawcett City. So she's Definitely not Camera-shy.
At first, he was a bit shy when he became a radio host, but took comfort when the listeners could only hear his voice, by the time Mr. Morris made changes for WHIZ Station into becoming more Television-oriented. Billy became a news anchor, and his popularity skyrocketed because of his cuteness factor, but he got used to it, and he's not scared of the camera anymore.
Extremely Camera-shy, it's like being caught like a deer in a headlights. Reporters can capture Captain and Mary Marvel but rarely take a picture of Junior completely. the reasoning? Freddy grew up with a family of sailors [ them, filled with colorful language], that it became like a second language to him, so he's cautious around journalists and children. But if you were to ask him to do a PSA like "don't do drugs kiddos :D" he could mentally prepare himself for the camera firsthand and memorize his lines
My friend suggested that Freddy would slip once in a while,
"Accidentally says f̴̠̹̒̋̍̌̅̍͗͑̑̋̑̀̿̐̚͘͠ǘ̵̱̼̼͆̈́̈́̓̅̄̒̀͋͌͒̆́̕͜͝͝c̸̬̺̪̗͓̅̔̍͋̀͆̌̎͜ḵ̶̢̧̜̤͚̞̞͓̩̘́̀̈́̓́̃̏̓̾͝͝ ̴̡̧̦͍̮̖͔͍̼̼̅͐̂͂̎̌̏̔̆̓͌̽̄̈͘during a mission because he stubbed his toe and a chunk of a building fell off.
Everyone gasps.
'A Marvel Swore!?'
Freddy tries to do damage control before it reaches Billy" Junior: "DUCK! I SAID DUCK!" As he went through all seven stages of grief,
Bonus point if the public still thinks Captain Marvel is Captain Marvel Jr's Dad and in their perspective this is Junior making excuses in front of his dad (In actuality this is an older brother making sure his younger brother unlearn a swear word and stick to "Holey Moley")
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lewisvinga · 3 months
football masterlist
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jude bellingham
vinicius jr
rodrygo goes
aurelien tchouameni
federico valverde
kylian mbappé
trent alexander arnold
neymar jr
richarlison de andrade
lucas paquetá
pablo gavi
alejandro balde
joão felix
sergio ramos
diego lainez
kevin alvarez
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xyxzm · 5 months
formula one masterlist
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🍨 smau. 🍮 imagine
🍦upcoming. 🍪 drabble
🧁in progress
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daniel ricciardo 3
(dr3 x younger! reader)
mr ricciardo breaks the internet with his new girlfriend!
🍨 my baby
🍦: 🍨my baby ll, 🍮 my baby lll
🧁:nsfw alphabet
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max verstappen 1
(mv1 x golden retriever! reader)
🧁:my love
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carlos sainz jr 55
(cs55 x influencer! reader)
🍪🍦my darling
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charles leclerc 16
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
More poly!drivers ideas: you coming home after a work trip to find your boys curled up in bed, fast asleep and just needing to take a moment to appreciate how adorable they look before Lando wakes up and makes grabby hands for you to come join him and Carlos
A/N: If I had Lando and Carlos in my bed I'd think I cry cause those cuddles would be immaculate
You just wanted to cry.
Work was a disaster. You had a customer cancel a 5k order, another customer being far more difficult than needed, and you had coworkers that didn't want to do their job and it landed on you doing all of it. You just wanted to go home either cry or drown yourself in a very tall bottle of red wine.
Walking into the house you stop, noticing two very big suitcases sitting in the hallway. Now you had a very different reason to cry, your boys were home and you quickly kicked off your shoes and looked around for them.
The bedroom was dark and that's when you knew you'd find them. "Lando? Carlos?" You whisper and step into the room and stop seeing Carlos on his stomach, arm wrapped around Lando's stomach. Lando was sprawled out and his face buried in Carlos's neck.
They must've been exhausted from their flight, you knew it was a rough one flying halfway across the world to be. Moving silent through the room you go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. You needed to wash away the day honestly.
Stripping you step into the shower and melt under the warm waters. You don't know how long you were in the shower, but by the time you get out you notice that the evening sun was lower and turning dark.
You walk over to the closet and pull on some clothes, clothes that belong to them. Moving over to the bed you about jump out of your skin when you see Lando looking up at you smiling. "Hi," He whispers and groans when Carlos's arm tightens around him before relaxing.
"Hi," You whisper back and he lifts up his arms and makes grabby hands for you almost. "Come to bed," He begs, whining almost. "Alright," You whisper and move climbing into bed, lying on his other side. Carlos's hand flexes and grabs your other hand and holds it tight.
You smile and cuddle into Lando who smiles, but soon slips back into his sleep. Work can be rough, but sometimes coming home to your men, made it worth going through the hard days.
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bloodbruise · 1 month
Rosekiller wound fucking😈😈
yeah something about barty getting lightheaded from the pain. it hurts, it hurts so fucking bad. and he can hear his pulse, fluttery and quickening in his ears. barely recognizes his own voice, 'touch me. evan fuck—touchmetouchmetouchme.' and he doesn't mean his cock.
barty's bleeding onto their bedsheets. it's trickling down the side of his abdomen, pooling there. will probably sink into the mattress, leave a stain that evan will scrub at and mutter about. but he doesn't care right now, because he's got two fingers inside of barty. he's running his gloved fingers along the jagged edge of the wound, just feeling. pushing them in and out, groaning softly at barty's gasps of pain.
it's warm, slick viscera under one hand and his cock in the other. and evan's mumbling "barty, i'm gonna—" theres a hitch in his breath, 'i'm gonna stitch it up barty, i'm gonna make it better, just let me—' voice weak and strained. he comes when barty brings his own hand to where evan's is moving, pressing he fingers in further, and tells him he can feel him inside himself.
and barty's never seen evan like this. it makes his brain staticky, even more so than the pain. to see evan alight. it's a fervor that transcends the clinical into the primal, almost reverent as he indulges in the carnage of barty's own body. the humiliation and shame palpable on evan's face when barty asks if he wishes it was his dick instead of his fingers is what gets barty there, coming in stripes over his wounded abdomen.
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canyouiimagine · 6 months
Showed Me | CS55 x Black! Reader
✧ Paring: Carlos Sainz jr x Heiress black!reader
✧ Warning: Mean reader, cursing, mentions of cheating.
✧ Summary: In which reader is a bad person but a good friend.
✧ A/N: I obviously don't know Carlos Sainz, this is just for entertainment. <3 Also, English is not my first language so 👉🏾👈🏾.
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You and Anna had always been polar opposites. She was nice, you weren't. She was sociable, you weren't. She was passionate, you weren't. But there is one thing you guys had in common, you both hated losing.
Your best friend was currently curled up in your bed. The same bed she hadn't left since she came knocking at your door 2 days ago, bawling her eyes out. For a man. Carlos Sainz - the man she was crying about - was handsome, you'll give her that. But the man was a fluorescent red flag, you could see he was trouble from a mile away. You told her to be careful, but she didn't listen. 
Anna was an optimistic person, you weren't.
Anna and Carlos met almost two years ago at a private party in Ibiza. She had just graduated Valedictorian and wanted to celebrate with a weekend on the island.  It was love at first sight she said.  She was minding her business, dancing to the beat when suddenly she felt someone rubbing up on her and trying to grope her. She turned around to give the person a piece of her mind, but he got mad and raised his hand to hit her. Anna braced herself but nothing came. Instead, she heard – in her words - "a deep sexy voice speaking sexily in Spanish" and saw a tan hand holding the arm of her harasser. 
They started dating shortly after and Anna was over the moon.  To her, Carlos was sweet and caring. He flew her out places, bought her expensive gifts, and gave her his time whenever he could. She was rich, she didn’t need trips and gifts, but she appreciated the thought. To you, he was a prick who had convinced your friend that it would be better to keep their relationship a secret so he could feed her crumbs and use it as an excuse. Carlos was a Formula 1 driver, so they were apart a lot. Sure, she would sometimes attend races, but they couldn’t interact in public. Apparently, the media and fans had bullied his ex-girlfriend into breaking up with him and ever since he had opted to keep his love life private. 
A few months in their relationship he had given her the keys to his mansion in Madrid. “For whenever you miss me” he had said. “It’s our home” he had insisted. Anna went there as often as she could. So often in fact that she knew every corner of it. And the one this Instagram influencer was posing in was no exception. At first, she thought “it has to his cousin or something” but after clicking on her profile and scrolling through her feed she accepted the hard truth, he was cheating on her.  There were pictures upon pictures of her at the same places she had flown to meet up with Carlos. Pictures upon pictures of the same hotels and homes they stayed at together. But the worst part was the timeline of it all. All the posts were made a few days before or after she had been there. Carlos had been cheating on her, perhaps the entire length of their relationship.  Coming to that realization had her spiralling. She didn’t even know who was the side chick, was it her or the other girl? Had he met the both of them at the same time? Were there other girls? She tried asking his housekeepers for answers but all they did was give her looks of pity and sad smiles. She called and tried to confront him but as soon as he understood what was happening he hung up and blocked her.  Carlos was an asshole, and you couldn’t resist the urge to say -
“I told you so.” “Y/N!!” She cried out to you. “But I did, didn’t I?” This might seem harsh but you knew Anna more than anyone and you knew what she needed right now was a slap back to reality. You had let her cry and wallow in her pity for a few days but now she had to get herself together and be the bad bitch she knew herself to be.  “You’re supposed to be supportive! I gave him two years of my life. Two years!” You had been supportive. You had listened to her talk again and again about that man when you didn't even like him! Instead of replying you let out a sigh and caressed what you presumed was her head under the blanket.  
After a few minutes she finally let her head out to look at you, mischief written all over her face.
“Y/NNNN?” She said, smiling. “No.” You replied, giving her a pointed look.
You already knew where this was going. You tried to get up but she grabbed your wrist.
“We can’t let him get away with this, Y/N!” She whined, letting go of your wrist to put your hand in between hers. “We?” You looked at her incredulously. You didn't remember this being a "we" problem. “Who’s we?”
“We need to make him pay Y/N/N.” She said, frowning.
The minute she used your nickname she knew she had won.
Anna Lang was emotional, you weren’t. But Anna was your best friend and there was little you wouldn’t do for her.  She wanted revenge and she knew revenge was what you did best.
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Hope you enjoyed it 🥹💖
Here's my ko-fi in case any of you want to support me by giving donations 🥰: https://ko-fi.com/canyouiimagine
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mblue-art · 3 months
you 🤝 me
cross is definitely husbone material ✨ /silly
🤝 he is sooo,, oh my god *head in hands* /////
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gottaluvharry · 11 months
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sleepless months
carlos sainz jr x mclaren worker reader
summary: you had always felt like more than a friend to carlos, and when he noticed you’re being overworked he steps in to help
Carlos had always loved you. Ever since you were 2 young hellions, he would pull your curly locks to get a kick out of you, and when you would cry he would feel bad instantly. Same is true today; when he goes on and on about how ferrari is better just to see you get angry and defend McLaren. There was no tension between you because of your competing teams, it almost seemed as if nothing could get between you two- but in your eyes there was one small thing that could ruin things. The fact that you had always felt more towards Carlos was known by many except the man himself. You didn’t want to voice your feelings, just in case they aren’t reciprocated. You would be lost without Carlos, there was no way you could risk your lifelong friendship; he meant too much to you and knew you too well. Thats exactly how he found himself curled up with you asleep in his arms.
He had been starting to notice you at the track way more than usual. It seemed as though you always arrived before him, and always left way after him. When Lando and Carlos shared a podium, the entirety of both teams went to a club to party. The entirety of both teams minus you. He was starting to see less and less of you. You went from stopping in the paddock to chat with him, to you buzzing by him with hundreds of papers in your hands. You used to ask him to coffee after work or to hang out with him and his driver friends on friday nights during weekends, but now you were nowhere to be seen- except for work.
On this specific day, it was a rainy Thursday evening at Silverstone. All of the driver’s media duties had been carried out, and they were all on their way back to their houses to prepare for the upcoming race. While Carlos was on his way out, he couldn’t help but notice that you were still bustling about in the McLaren part of the paddock- always with a seemingly never ending stack of papers balanced in your hands.
“y/n!” Carlos called out from outside the building, trying to get your attention. You were too tired and too worked up to hear him as you kept scurrying about the room. As he entered through the McLaren doors he could tell in the way you were shaking that something was wrong. “y/n?” he repeated, hoping for a reaction this time. You spun around at the sound of another persons voice, you thought everyone had already left. “C-carlos? what are you doing here?” you questioned, your grip on your papers slowly slipping. “I got here a bit late so i had to stay longer to finish up a few things and on my way out i saw you were still here. Why are you still here?” he questioned back. “I have more work to do” you simply replied, your grip returning to your papers as you turned around to continue your current task.
Carlos knew from years of friendship that something was wrong. He also knew that something had been wrong for months. The pieces in his mind suddenly clicked- you joined the team at McLaren 3 months ago, you were always here longer than anyone else, you always had so many papers in your hands, and you always seemed to be busy. “y/n, how long have you been working today?” he asked, trying to seem nonchalant. “I don’t know, Carlos” you replied with a sigh, still focussed on your task. “Probably since, like, 6 maybe?”. He gaped at you when his eyes returned from his watch “y/n, you do realize it’s 9:30 at night, right?” Your eyes went wide as you looked down at your own watch, how had it gotten that late so fast?
“Oh my god” you mumbled, more to yourself but Carlos still heard. “Oh my god. It’s almost 10 and I still have so much to do. Oh my god, what am I going to do?” you set your papers down on the nearest table so you could hang your head in your hands. As Carlos watched the girl he had always loved and tried to protect fall apart right in front of him, there was nothing he could do to stop himself from pulling you into a warm embrace. “Carino (dear) what’s wrong?” he asked softly as you leaned into his warm touch. “I just, I still have so much to do and the day is almost over. H-he’s going to fire me if i d-don’t meet his expectations. I’m just n-not trying h-hard enough” you said, trying to choke back your emotions. Much to your dismay, Carlis pulled back from the hug and took a hold on each of your shoulders. “y/n” he started. “listen to me, you are trying hard enough. you are trying harder than anyone else here. I see how you are the first to arrive and the last to leave. I see how you are always spending your free time doing work, okay? I see you” he said, looking down so that his large puppy dog eyes met your sad watery ones. All you could do was nod your head and wipe your eyes, trying your hardest to keep yourself together. “How much sleep did you get last night bebé (baby)? You look tired” he said, pulling back a strand of lose hair and tucking it behind your ear. “I don’t know, barely any” you replied, embarrassed at your lack of self care. “When was the last time you got a full 8 hours of sleep?” he asked you, concern hidden in his voice. With a sigh, you replied “not since i started this job probably”
Without another word, Carlos picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and snaked your arms around his neck out of instinct. “Carlos, where are you taking me?” you asked, too tired to put up a fight. “Somewhere where you can finally get a full nights sleep” he simply stated. As he carried you, you eyes slowly drifted shut and your head leaned into the space between his neck and collarbone. Carlos smiled at the feeling of you nuzzling against him, happy to have his girl finally calm. He carried you to his car and put you in the passengers seat, making sure to reach across you to buckle you in before going to the drivers side of the car. As he drove you towards the 5 star hotel he was staying at, he smiled and the sound of your soft breathing. When Carlos pulled the car up to the valet, he went around to unbuckle you and pick you up bridle style. Groggily, you wrapped your arms around his neck for the second time that night and leaned into his chest. The next time you opened your eyes you were inside of a luxurious hotel room, so it surely wasn’t yours. “Carlos, where are we?” you asked, your voice scratchy from your previous state of sleep. “My hotel room, do you want different clothes to sleep in?” he asked. As you looked down, you realized that your jeans were probably the last thing you would want to sleep in. With a nod of your head, Carlos turned to his suitcase to pull out a pair of sweatpants and a big shirt. “Arms up” he said when he made his way back to where you were sitting on the bed. Following his instructions, you lifted your arms up so he could peel your McLaren work shirt off your head to replace it with one of his many black t shirts. While they are usually form fitting on his strong chest, it is extremely lose on yours, and almost goes down to your knees. “Do you want me to put these on you, or do you want to do it yourself?” he asks, holding up the pair of grey sweatpants. “You” you mumbled, unable to keep your eyes open. He grabbed your hands and lightly pulled you up. You used him as a beam to lean on while he carefully unbuttoned your pants and pulled your jeans down. While he would normally jump at the idea of undressing you and spending the night with you, this was not the time for him to get excited- and he knew that. This was about him taking care of you, and he didn’t see it in a sexual way at all. He hoped you knew that he wouldn’t take advantage of you in this state, and you did know that. As he slid his larger sweatpants onto your smaller legs you smiled at the idea of him taking care of you. He tied the waistband tight enough so that they wouldn’t fall down, but the band of your underwear still peaked out until he dropped your shirt so it cascaded down until your mid thighs. Carlos led you to the bed and pulled back the covers for you, tucking you into the comfiest bed you’d ever felt. Your senses seemed to quicken though as you saw him turn from you and start walking. “Wait” you said sitting up. “You’re leaving?”
Carlos smiled at the sight in front of him. His beautiful girl sitting wrapped up in the covers of his hotel bed, wearing his clothes and asking you to stay. “No carino, i’m just going to get myself a change of clothes” he smiled. Your cheeks heated as you laid back down. All you could do was nod your head and try your best to stay awake until Carlos got into bed. When he did, he instantly pulled you to him as if you two were magnets. You snuggled into his neck and he wrapped his large arms around you, using his body as the comfiest blanket you’d ever felt. You hummed happily as you put one leg in between his and moved impossibly deeper into his embrace. One of his hands moved up to stroke your hair as he whispered sweet nothings to you about how much you mean to him and how important you are.
That night, as you were enclosed in Carlos’ arms and entangled with his body, you got the best nights sleep of your life.
i am clearly so deprived of affection 😶
just a reminder that my inbox is open! if there’s anything specific you’d like to see for any other driver (or anyone really) feel free to suggest!
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