#jolly x you
mandowifey · 1 year
hobbies:drawing somtimes ,making bracelets and thinking about dick loudly in silence
Since you dm'ed me, I know its you @ethanhoewke . You're lucky I like you 😏
I assign you; Jolly the Space Pimp
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Notes: This is SFW but does contain strong language, alcohol, and drug consumption, allusions to sex work, and mentions of other naughty things. This has not been proofed.
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The smell of smoke and body odor permeated the air. Too many bodies trying to squeeze along the narrow walkways between locations, suffocating you as you fought to head in the opposite direction. When a friend of yours mentioned Alpha being compact and teeming with traffic, you hadn't quite imagined this.
"Watch where you're going!"
"My tail!"
The number of times you had hastily muttered an apology made you realize there were only so many ways to say 'my bad'. Still, you pressed, determined to get to the address that had been sloppily scrawled across a piece of paper. Clutching it in your right hand, you shoulder through an alien shaped like a giant blue pear and receive a string of foreign curses in retaliation.
A bright pink neon sign that reads 'Glam Club' tells you that you've made it. Here, the space is wider with more room to breathe. You glance around, taking note of the lovely women trying to coerce patrons inside. The bouncers standing broad and intimidating at the entryway caught your lingering stare.
"Heya sport! Lookin' for somethin' particular?"
The voice made you jump and yelp, your head on a swivel as you twirled.
Standing before you was a flamboyantly dressed man wearing a cowboy hat and mixed clothing that looked thrifted. If it weren't for the neon implanted along the lapels of the jacket, you would've taken notice of his other equally confusing attire. You blink, concluding that this man was a human facsimile of a peacock.
"I'm actually here for a job."
His lips twitch before he blatantly looks you up and down, his brows lifting. The garishly clad man smiles again, flashing charmingly uneven teeth.
"Well, why don't you come with me and we'll talk more about that? I'm the owner of this fine little establishment. You can call me Jolly."
Jolly spoke with the tone of someone who knew they had your ear. Before you could utter a single syllable you felt an arm behind your back and a hand touch your ribs just below your breast. Your mouth hung open as Jolly led you along.
The Glam Club's exterior made you believe the inside would match; grimy and industrial with ample flashing neon signs. You were surprised as you transitioned through the strings of beads in the doorway. From the two minutes you had known Jolly, you understood the luxurious decorations. Beautifully strung curtains, a chandelier with dazzling gems, and a well-polished floor void of any scuff marks.
Jolly could see your surprise and he mirrors your expression, his beryl orbs gleaming with pride. "You weren't expecting that, were yah kid?"
When his voice lilted, you blushed and inclined your head. "No, from what my friend told me, they didn't mention the interior being like a grand hall." That pulled a sharp laugh from the other man, and he bounced on his feet as the two of you moved to the couch and sat.
"Alright, I figure we can jump right into the audition. Show me what you got." He clapped his hands and leaned back with his knees stretched apart. The grin on his face stretched wider as he realized how red you were turning. "You need music? I can turn on music, do you like pop? Synth?" He began to prattle off different genres so fast your head spun.
"No-!" It came out harder and louder than you intended. Your eyes had been drawn to the comfortable space of his lap and knew exactly why he thought you had shown up. "What I mean is, I'm not here for that kind of position." Jolly's face dropped, and he let out an incredulous laugh, he didn't like being caught off guard.
You open your bag and produce a holo-pad that had your resume and information on it. Jolly took it when you offered and frowned as he thumbed along. "Musician?" He chirped and chuckled. "With looks like yours? Are you pulling my leg?" He broke into another wide grin before returning the tablet to you.
Cheeks bright red, you feel heat in your ears and nod at his question. "Yep! I can show you, if you'd like?" Your eyes drift to the grand piano and then back towards the club owner.
Jolly motioned with his hand, granting your wish.
Quickly, you stand and hurry to sit down. Once comfortable, you touch a couple of keys to produce test notes before you begin to play. It came naturally to you, understanding rythym and how to form a melody. Your fingers fly along the board, nimbly working the song and even humming in the back of your throat.
The man behind you laughs raucously and claps his large hands together, delighted. "Woowee kiddo! That's incredible!" He stood and crossed the room to you. "Beautiful and talented. What a lucky man I am." His voice dropped to a sultry purr.
Jolly leans against the piano in your line of sight and smiles again. You were red from top to bottom, and he was drinking you in. "I can start you off on the piano, but I think you should keep your options open." He drummed his fingers along the top and looks at you again, smiling. "How does that sound?"
When you arrived on Alpha, there hadn't been as much opportunity as you hoped for. This was your one chance to make things work, and even though you felt this man wanted to devour every inch of your body, you needed the job. Your hand moves from the piano and gently takes his, squeezing tightly as he grins impishly down at you.
"Good choice."
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venqile · 5 months
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agent 24.. so jolly and lovely
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jojomiwbvb6 · 4 months
The Shower Scene, Part 2
Part 1 / Part 3
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Warnings: NSFW, MDNI. swearing, sexual tendencies
Almost a week went by. Working non-stop for the past 6 days, you stand in the crisp air of St. Louis, Missouri and take a long swig of your water. Load-out commences in a half hour.
The crew are dancing on their toes while you all wait in the dressing room for the rest of the Bad Omens set. You chew your lip.
In the entire time since Denver, neither you nor Noah had said a single word that anything had happened. The next day, you two glanced at each other, departed the hotel to the bus, and pretended like everything was normal.
Yet you felt the strange energy and tension he was hiding, and he hid it well. The past week, you have said nothing at all about it, yet, the memory of the way he watched you hungrily and patiently was burned into your brain.
It was enough to want to do it again. But you were afraid to do anything again.
Sometimes, during hangouts on the bus with the boys, you'd find him side-eyeing you. He would smile, as if it were toward one of Jolly's jokes, and turn away from you.
Fresh from Dethrone and the crowds energy, the guys run into the room, sweaty and whooping.
"Great job guys. Great show, as usual," you smile.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," Folio says.
"Yeah thank you, (Y/N)." Noah smiles at you.
"As always, Noah." You offer back.
His eyes flash a knowing look at you before instantly returning to normal.
You leave the room to load-out.
Stepping on the bus, everyone sighs and parts ways, to their respective bunks and to the TV in the living area.
It's 12 o'clock by the time we hit the road. Various members head off to bed. I stay on the couch, watching Ruffilo and Folio fight to the death on a video game that Ruffilo seems to be losing at.
"You both fuckin suck!" Noah shuffled out of the bunk area to the bathroom, jesting at his friends.
"Fuck you!"
"Go away, Sebastian!"
Noah smirks and laughs, stepping in and closing the door to it.
You giggle, but you feel yourself getting tired. You stand up. "Alright guys. I think I'm gonna head to my bunk. Night,"
"Night, (Y/N)."
"Night, dude. Oh I think you should let Davis cuddle. He seems lonely." Nicholas commented.
You laugh. "Fuck off, Ruffilo!"
Hearing the boys chuckle, you turn to head to the bunks. They resume their focus on the game in the dark.
As you begin walking towards the bunk area, the bathroom door opens. Noah stands there, looking at you. You look back at him.
"Yes, what?" You ask, your breathing picking up. He glared at you for a moment, and peaking his head out to check for his friends, he smirks at you as he sees no one looking at us.
He grabs your arm and yanks you into this tiny bus bathroom. He quietly shuts and locks the door.
In a quiet growl, Noah sinks his fingers deep into the strands of your hair. He pulls on it, earning a gasp of need from you. He gets close to your face, whispering, "What you did to me was so dirty, (Y/N). You think you can treat me like that? What a dirty fucking girl you are. Do you think I should show you who the fuck is in charge here? Should I punish you right here?"
Every growl from his mouth had you dripping, making the desire in your stomach red hot.
Noah continued on. "As punishment, princess, I'm not gonna give you what I know you fucking want."
You mewl at his words. He takes his free hand, and runs it down the line of your neck. "I bet you would be so beautiful if I fucked you," he looks into your eyes, getting close to your lips. "If you ever pull that again, I'll fuck this pretty mouth, too."
Your desire soaks your panties and you're squirming with want. "Noah, please,"
He grins at you. "You need me, baby? Huh?" You nod furiously. "Uh-huh!" You gasp.
"You want me to touch your pussy?"
"Fuck, yes," you whisper.
Both of you are trying so hard to be quiet. His hands rub at your thighs. The hand that was in your hair and moves down to grip your throat. You almost feel his breath against your lips. He was so close. He dips down and indulges in leaving hot, wet marks on your neck.
Noah's fingers are so close to right where you want them to be. He bites your neck and squeezes roughly with his hand. Your eyes roll back, and without a thought, you buck your hand up, wanting him to stop teasing.
Immediately he pulls his hands away from you and shoves you against the sink. His hands on either side of you, he pins you against the cold veneer. He tangles his hand back into your hair and gets close again.
You're so turned on, you could fuck him in this bathroom for hours.
"Too fucking bad. Bad girls don't get to feel good." He smirks, his hot breath fanning your face. He pulls on your hair and you whine. Desire fills both of your eyes.
He glances at your lips, looking plump and swollen as you gasp in his arms. He leans down, kissing you hungrily and you kiss back. He pulls away.
"Just to show you what you asked for," he finally allows one caress straight to your core. He slides his hand from front to back, giving your aching core a sharp slap for good punishment's sake, making you jump and squirm. "You just wait, princess. You'll cum for me again."
He leaves the bathroom, leaving you in a panting, wet mess against the sink.
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circle-with-me · 4 months
the way you bend, the way you break
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Pairing: Joakim Jolly Karlsson x OFC (Violet)
Content Warning/Tags: ⚠️18+MDNI!! daddy!jolly, mild degradation, vaginal fingering, oral sex (female and male receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, squirting, use of restraints, overstimulation, light choking, praise kink if you squint. Some fluffy af aftercare. Seriously, Jolly is the king of aftercare.
Word Count: 4.4k
Tag list: @concretenoah @deathblacksmoke @ladyveronikawrites @malice-ov-mercy @sitkowski @nerdraging4point0 @tearfallpixie @foliosriot @collective-heartbreak @cookiesupplier @cind6547 @meekahy @lacktoesandtoddlerants @jilliemiw86 @sammyjoeee @blackveilomens @thisbicc
If you would like to be added to my tag list please sign up here
The doorbell rings and Jolly looks up from his book confused. He wasn’t expecting any visitors today. He sits the book on the coffee table and pads to the front door peeking out the small window beside it. A short, raven-haired woman stands outside with her arms folded against her chest bouncing on the balls of her feet. Jolly smiles as he unlocks the door and opens it.
“If it isn’t my favorite flower.” He announces, grinning at his guest.
Violet rolls her eyes. “This flower is fucking freezing, are you going to let me in, or not?”
Jolly laughs and steps aside, allowing his friend to enter his home. Violet takes her jacket off and hangs it up by the door. She slips her shoes off and walks straight into the kitchen, leaving Jolly behind her.
When he makes it to the kitchen, she’s already rummaging through his refrigerator. He hears a bottle clinking and she pulls out two beers. Popping off the tops she hops up onto the counter and takes a drink, sighing.
It wasn’t uncommon for Violet to show up like this. They’d been friends for a few years now and spent many nights together drinking and eating junk food on his couch. They had consoled each other during breakups and life problems in general. Unannounced visits were not uncommon.
However, he knew something was wrong immediately.
Maybe it’s the way she chews on her bottom lip. Or how she fidgets while she rambles on about how horrible traffic was on the way to his house. The small talk was an indicator in itself something was wrong, but then he notices she’s barely opened her beer and she’s already peeling the label off it.
“What’s wrong, Vi?” Jolly interrupts her.
Violet whips her head over to look at him. She looks down at the beer bottle in her hand, resuming her task of destroying the label and shakes her head.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?”
He leans back against the counter across from her and crosses his arms.
“Because you’ve been here for five minutes and you’ve nearly chewed your lip off. Not to mention you think I give a shit about traffic?” Jolly raises his eyebrows at her in amusement and she huffs a laugh.
“Also, that poor beer bottle. Give it a break, won’t you?”
Violet groans and sets the beer bottle beside her. “You know, it’s really fucking annoying having you as a friend sometimes. You’re so observant.”
Jolly chuckles. “Tell me, my flower. What is it?”
“I have a favor to ask you… but it’s a big favor. I mean, a huge favor.”
“Go on.” Jolly says, taking a swig of his beer.
Violet sighs, straightening her posture.
“I want you to fuck me.”
Jolly chokes on his beer, coughing and nearly spitting it everywhere. He wipes his mouth off and looks up at her. He searches her face for a sign she’s joking. This is a prank, right? She’s just messing with him.
What he sees instead is a look of pure sincerity with a hint of embarrassment and shame. He realizes that she is, in fact, not joking and she was rambling because she was nervous to ask him. It occurs to him that he just made things infinitely worse with his reaction and he decides he needs to do damage control.
“Sorry, went down the wrong way.” He clears his throat. “Um.” Jolly closes his eyes to process her request, trying to ignore how his cock was already twitching at the thought. He flounders for a second longer and finally gathers himself.
“I am completely flattered. Believe me, but.. you could literally go out and pick any man you want. Why me?”
“God, trust me, I’ve tried.” Violet says, rolling her eyes. Jolly ignores the feeling of jealousy that starts to creep up inside of him. “I’m just not.. getting what I need, Jolly. Do you know what I’m saying?”
Jolly definitely can’t ignore the twitching in his pants this time. He swallows and nods because that’s all he can manage at the moment. His best friend is telling him that she thinks he can fuck her better than all of the other guys that she’s been with. The thought has his head swimming and he struggles to not grab her and fuck her on his kitchen counter.
“And you think I can?” He says, a little higher pitched than he intended.
“I know you can. Remember that night we got really drunk and started talking about our kinks? You told me how you loved taking control, giving your partners multiple orgasms..” She pauses, her cheeks flushing. “Degrading them a little, if that’s what they want.”
“Is that what you want?”
Violet nods, chewing on her lip. “Yes. Very much so.”
“Are you sure about this, Vi?” Jolly questions, stepping closer to his friend. He towers over her even as she sits perched on his kitchen counter. Their size difference has never crossed his mind before but suddenly it is all he can think about.
“Please, Jolls.” Violet begs as she scoots closer to the edge of the counter. She opens her legs for him and he steps in between them. “I need this more than anything and if I can’t trust you then who can I trust?”
Jolly begins to speak but is cut off by her warm hand running up his chest. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his hands gripping the counters on either side of her legs. When he opens his eyes, her bright green ones stare back at him and he folds.
“You can always trust me.” He breathes, eyes flickering to her lips. She leans in to kiss him but he pulls back slightly. “Just know that once we start this…” He pauses briefly and places his hand around her jaw, squeezing. “I won’t stop until you’re fucked so dumb you can’t even speak.”
Violet’s breath hitches. Jolly feels her thighs squeeze against his and he smirks. “I’m ready..” She breathes and he lets her pull him in by his shirt, their lips ghosting over each other. “Please don’t make me beg you again.”
Their lips meet as he grabs the back of her head, closing the distance between them. A sharp pain shoots through Jolly’s lip as she bites into him, a metallic taste following. He growls and jerks her closer to him, their hips slotting together.
He meets Violet’s movements as she grinds on him. The way she clings to him and pants so heavily into his mouth makes Jolly realize she was serious — she did need this. He scoops her up and carries her to his bedroom.
They leave a trail of clothes on their way down the hall. By the time he gets her on his bed he’s swirling his tongue around her nipple and working her leggings off with one hand as he cups her other breast with his free one.
“Before we get started,” Jolly begins, his own gasp cuts him off as Violet pushes her hand into his sweats and wraps her hand around his cock. “I want to—god, hang on..” Jolly reluctantly pries her hand off of him and sits back on his heels. She raises up on her elbows, a confused look on her face.
“Are you having second thoughts?” She questions.
Jolly’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. “No, God no.” He watches her as she relaxes. “I just want to make sure you understand the traffic light system. I don’t want there to be any confusion or..”
Violet raises up and puts a finger to his lips, effectively shutting him up.
“Green means keep going. Yellow means slow down. Red means something’s wrong and we need to stop. Right?”
Jolly nods and she smiles at him.
“Perfect. Now…” She palms his hardened erection through his sweats. “I believe you promised to fuck me dumb. Or are we going to sit here and chat all night?”
Jolly chuckles humorlessly, and cups her face in his hand, rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb.
“Watch it, my flower.” He presses a soft kiss to her lips. “Or I’ll fuck that pretty mouth of yours and leave you to fend for yourself.”
“I-I’m sorry. P-please don’t.” Violet shudders against his lips. Jolly kisses her deeply, licking into her mouth and enjoying the taste of her. He runs his large hands up her thighs and she keens. In one quick motion he grabs both thighs and yanks her down so that she’s lying flat on her back. Violet yelps, clasping a hand over her mouth.
Jolly gets off the bed, walking across the room to search through his drawers. He pulls out a red silk tie and wraps it around his hand as he walks back to the bed. He grabs Violet's hands and wraps the tie around them, raising her arms and securing them to the headboard above her.
He makes sure it’s tight enough to keep her secure but not so tight it’ll cut into her skin and then crawls on top of her.
“I wasn’t planning on tying you up but you decided to get mouthy. Be good for me and I’ll untie you, okay?”
Violet makes a noise in agreement but that doesn’t satisfy him.
“I need your words, baby.”
“Good girl.” He pats her leg, removing her panties and discarding them off to the side. Crossing this boundary with his best friend wasn’t ever in his plans, but Jolly would be lying to himself if he said he hasn’t thought about this moment before. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was seeing though.
Jolly licks his lips, the sight of her wet pussy making his mouth water. He sticks his thumb in his mouth to wet it and presses it gently against her clit, rubbing softly. Violet moans, arching off the bed. She really was touch starved. If the slightest touch gave her that reaction, he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her.
He applies more pressure and picks up his pace, captivated by the way her pussy clenches around nothing. He lies down between her legs and lays his head on her thigh, placing kisses on her soft skin and watching her writhe under his touch.
As Jolly watches her become wetter by the second, he decides he can’t wait any longer. He replaces his thumb with his tongue and moans into her the second he tastes her. Violet bucks her hips into his mouth and he grabs ahold of them to steady her.
“Need to get you ready for me.” He says, sucking her clit into his mouth. They make eye contact as she looks down at him and he presses a single finger inside of her. Once again, she bucks her hips in response and he places his free arm on top of her waist to hold her down.
Jolly notices how tight she squeezes him and he groans loudly, his cock aching in his pants. He ruts into the bed for some relief. He pumps his finger into her, focusing on the spongy spot inside of her. Once she gives him the okay he inserts a second.
Violet’s breaths pick up and Jolly can tell she’s about to cum. She begs him so beautifully to let her move some so he obliges, letting her grind on his face until she orgasms. Jolly keeps greedily enjoying his meal until she’s begging again, this time it’s for him to stop because she’s so sensitive.
Jolly sits up and wipes his mouth off, licking his fingers clean. Violet watches him as he does this, whimpering softly. She looks down at the bulge in his sweats, noticing the small wet spot that has formed. She licks her lips and pulls at her restraints.
Jolly looks down and smirks, laughing softly.
“You want it, baby?”
“God, yes. Please.” Violet whines and nods quickly.
He stands up off the bed and shoves his sweats and boxers down, his cock springing free. Violet’s eyes go wide as she sees his size, and she licks her lips again. Jolly crawls back onto the bed and in between her legs. He kisses her stomach and up to her chest.
Jolly hooks his arm under her knee and pushes her leg up. He uses his other hand to stroke his cock and places it at her entrance.
“Tell me you want it.” He says, ghosting his lips over hers. “Tell me you want my cock.”
“I want your cock.” Violet mewls chasing after his lips. He pushes the tip in and she gasps, the stretch already overwhelming her.
“Say it again”
“I- mmm… I..” She stumbles over her words. Jolly pulls out of her, and she nearly cries.
“I said, say it again.” He says through gritted teeth.
“Fuck, fuck, I want your cock, please!” She cries out moving her hips to try to push herself onto him. Jolly presses inside of her again, bottoming out. Violet throws her head back and he bites down on her neck.
Jolly doesn’t give her much time to adjust before he begins pounding into her relentlessly. She feels so wet and warm around him that it almost makes him dizzy. He dips his head down, licking and biting on her nipples. He wanted to hear every sound she possibly could make.
“Jolly, I— oh my god..” Violet moans. Tears were beginning to roll down her face, causing her mascara to run. Her hair was a tangled mess and her lipstick was smeared. Jolly admires the complete mess she’s become and the fact that he made her that way pushes him over the edge.
Jolly grabs her by the throat and pushes her back into the mattress. Using his torso, he forces her legs back into her chest further pounding deeper into her. Violet cries out using what little oxygen Jolly was allowing her to have.
“You call me daddy when I’m fucking your cunt like this.” Jolly grunts. The only response she can offer him is a nod. He relaxes his grip on her throat but he keeps her in place.
“Aww, what’s wrong?” Jolly laughs mockingly. “Fucked dumb already?” He says, accentuating each word as he snaps his hips into her.
“Daddy…” Violet writhes beneath him, her hands pulling at her restraints. Jolly raises his eyes and sees her hands twist violently begging to be released.
“Tell me, my flower.” He gently squeezes her neck. “What is it?”
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum.” She whines.
Jolly slides the hand around her throat up to her jaw, gripping it tightly forcing her to look at him. He pounds into her harder, groaning loudly as he feels her clench around him. It’s clear the feeling becomes too intense for her as she attempts to close her eyes and lay her head back but he snaps it back to him.
“Look at me when I’m making you cum. I want to see what I do to you.”
Violet sobs as her orgasm washes over her. Jolly watches in awe as she convulses underneath him. Her gorgeous face twisting in pleasure, breasts bouncing with each thrust. The sound of her calling out for him was like a siren song. Jolly was hooked instantly.
Her body goes limp beneath him as her climax comes to an end. Relaxing the hand around her jaw, he rubs the spot he had been gripping to soothe it. He grazes his teeth against the skin but feels her arm shaking violently next to him.
Jolly unties Violet’s bound wrists from the bed and allows her to relax her arms. She places them around his neck and pushes her hands into his hair. He envelops her face with his hands and wipes the mascara from her eyes and cheeks with his thumbs. Jolly kisses her face softly and she hums.
“Green” Violet laughs, shuddering as the aftershocks of her orgasm continue to hit her. “So fucking green.”
Jolly laughs in response, removing her arms from around his neck. Violet pouts as he pulls out of her. He laughs again and pats her leg gently.
Jolly flips Violet over on her stomach, admiring how her pussy and thighs were still twitching and shaking from her orgasm. His hands roam up the sides of her stomach and her arms. His journey ends at the juncture of her neck and shoulders where he leaves playful bites.
“I’m gonna leave your wrists bound.” He says sucking a spot into her neck. “You’ve been good for me, so I won’t tie you back to the headboard.” He licks the shell of her ear. “If you act up I’ll tie you up so tight the only movement you’ll be making is from me fucking into you.”
He grabs the flesh of her ass, rubbing and kneading. Using two fingers he spreads her slit and slowly pushes into her. He rocks his hips into her slowly, pulling out almost completely and sliding back in.
Violet mewls, pushing back into him desperately. Jolly slaps her ass and tuts at her.
“What did I just say?”
“I need to be good for you, but...” Violet whines, trying desperately to stay still. “I need to feel you. Your cock feels so good inside me, daddy.” Jolly feels her repeatedly clench and release around him. Jolly is grateful that she isn’t facing him as she clenches him so tight his eyes roll back into his head.
Jolly grips the headboard in front of them to steady himself and regain control over the situation. He grabs her hips and pulls her up to him. His large hand tangles in her hair and pushes her face into the mattress.
He grinds into her so deep and slowly it’s enough to drive him insane, but Violet said she wanted to feel him. Jolly was going to make sure she felt every inch of him.
Violet cries and tries to move against him to create more friction but Jolly’s hands hold her in place. He bends over her so that his chest is flush against her back. Jolly ruts into her so hard he can feel her gasps for air underneath him. He nuzzles the side of her face, licking the salt of her tears away.
“Can you feel me now, baby?”
Gasps and choked “oh fucks” are all Jolly hears. He smirks to himself in satisfaction and snakes his hand around her waist. Violet jolts forward as soon as he circles her clit, but with his grip on her hair she doesn’t get far.
“Mmm.” Jolly hums into her ear, his fingers moving faster. “So sensitive. You better cum quick, baby. Daddy doesn’t think he can last much longer.”
Violet mewls, her entire body going rigid. Jolly’s groans echo through the room as she clenches him so tight and he knows she’s close. He continues rutting into her, his fingers matching his pace.
“That’s it. Give it to me, baby. Fuck. I can feel it.”
As her third orgasm hits, she grabs onto the headboard scratching and clawing at the wood. Jolly snaps his hips into her, finally giving them both the friction they so desperately needed. Suddenly, she wails and arches into him, drenching his cock and the bed as she cums.
“Jävlar!” Jolly exclaims, looking down at his thighs that were now coated. “Så vått!" He pulls out to hunch over behind her, licking up her slit and collecting the juices. Violet shakes violently as he cleans her up and he grips both of her thighs tight to keep her steady.
Jolly devours her pussy like a man starved. “You taste even better when you’ve cum, Käraste.” He moans into her. He dives his tongue as deep into her as he can, trying to collect every drop. Violet pushes back into his face and seizes again, another orgasm hitting her.
Jolly grabs her by the hips and pulls her to him, pressing inside her again. She moans softly and he runs his hand along her back. He slowly pumps inside her and she whines, wriggling in his grasp.
“Shh, baby, I know you’re sore.” He coos. He reaches up and unties her wrists. She instantly reaches behind her and threads her fingers through his hair, pulling him down to kiss him hard.
“Hmm.. What’s your color?” Jolly asks between kisses.
“G-green.” She stammers, out of breath.
“Good girl.” Jolly looks down and watches as she takes him. “You’ve been so good to me. Letting me use you like this.” He grabs her waist, drawing her back into him harder. “Your sweet pussy takes me so well.”
Violet whimpers at his praise, using the strength she has left in her legs to fuck herself onto him. Jolly was so mesmerized by the way her body moved against his, he didn’t even care about control anymore. He throws his head back and lets her take over. It doesn’t take long before his stomach tightens and the familiar pressure starts to build.
“Fuck, Vi…Where do you want me?”
“I-I.. mmm...” She responds. “Want to taste you.”
As soon as the words hit Jolly’s ears, his skin buzzes and what little amount of composure he has left in him dissipates. Her responding whine as he pulls out of her nearly ruins her request. Jolly pulls her up by her hair and turns her around to face him.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me, Käraste.” Jolly places his cock on her open lips. “Good girls get what they want.”
Violet opens her mouth completely and sticks out her tongue. He rubs the tip of his cock on it, smearing the pre-cum leaking out. Jolly grabs the back of her head and holds onto her jaw as he slowly fucks her mouth.
From above, he observes her— her mouth full of his cock and her bright eyes staring back at him. He thrusts deeper into her throat and she gags a little, spit pooling at the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.
Violet hollows her cheeks and his knees buckle. He feels her swallow around him and he throws his head back fucking her mouth faster.
“Your pussy is divine but your mouth… god… your mouth was made for my cock.” He grunts loudly. She moans around him, gripping onto his thighs for purchase.
Jolly cums with a shout, spilling his semen down her throat. Violet keeps him in her mouth until he’s bent over her shuddering. Eventually, Jolly pulls her off of him, joking about how she’s trying to kill him.
Violet lies back on the bed catching her breath. Jolly kisses her forehead, rubbing the insides of her thighs and she smiles up at him.
“I’m going to run a bath. I’ll be right back to come get you, okay?”
When Jolly comes back a few minutes later, Violet is already asleep snoozing on his pillow. He smiles and chuckles softly, sliding his hands underneath her to pick her up. She startles slightly but he soothes her.
“C’mon, my flower. Time to get cleaned up.”
Jolly sits her in the bathtub gently, stepping in behind her and situating her between his legs. Violet lays against his chest and he wraps his arms around her. She turns slightly in his embrace and nuzzles into his neck. He can still feel her trembling a little.
He hums softly as he grabs her legs, pulling her into his lap so he can have better access to them. Violet melts into him when he massages her sore muscles and he hopes that she can’t feel his heart beating out of his chest. As much as he loved watching her come undone underneath him, seeing her so peaceful with him meant even more.
They lay together for a while, enjoying the warmth of the water and each other’s skin. There isn’t much conversation, just the sound of Jolly’s humming. Anytime he stops for more than five seconds she nuzzles further into his neck, which he took as a hint to keep going.
Jolly eventually, much to Violet’s protests, adjusts her so he can wash her body. Her demeanor changes when she finds out that back scrubs also come with soft kisses to her shoulders. During his task, Jolly finds out she’s ticklish on her sides and takes full advantage, resulting in fits of giggles and a soaked floor.
After he washes and conditions her hair, he has to threaten to tickle her again to get her to let him rinse her off. After they’re done, he drains the tub and helps her out, wrapping her in a towel and sitting her on the bathroom counter.
Jolly dries himself off and steps out of the bathroom, returning a few minutes later in just a pair of fresh sweatpants. In his hand, he had one of his shirts and another pair of sweatpants, sitting them next to Violet on the counter top.
He helps her off the counter and into his clothes, realizing that he could have skipped the pants altogether once he saw her swimming in his t-shirt. She looked so adorable it made his chest ache.
Violet sits in his lap on the bed as he combs the tangles out of hair. Jolly watches her in the mirror facing them. Her eyes are closed and she looks more content than Jolly has ever seen her. She opens her eyes quicker than Jolly can look away and she catches him staring. A wide smile spreads across her face.
“Do you spoil everyone like this after sex?” She asks, leaning back against him.
Jolly was always adamant about aftercare. To him, it wasn’t an option, it was a requirement. He always makes it special for each partner depending on their needs.
Has he gone to the lengths he went to tonight for her though? Absolutely not.
Jolly feels himself panic briefly, not sure how to respond. He doesn’t want to lie to her, but he doesn’t want to freak her out. He isn’t sure what he is feeling, but they’re not the same feelings he had when she walked in his door earlier.
He stares down at her, her bright eyes once again making him crumble. He cups her face and kisses her gently.
“Just you, my flower.”
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xcaptain-winterx · 6 months
Gingerbread cookies
football player!Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: Your helpful football player decorates the gingerbread cookies for you while you sleep. Only problem is that your boyfriend has a better idea.
warnings: fluff, Bucky being a good boyfriend, Bucky being a horny boyfriend, cum, nsfw 18+, Alpine, pussy eating
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.. This is a fic for “Vee's holly jolly challenge” @sstan-hoe with the prompt “Before we go out…pull up that skirt real quick, baby”. Hope you like it and I hope you all have a great Christmas❤️🎄
Main Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Bucky is walking out of the changing room, pulling his jacket tighter around him as the cold wind slaps him. He was supposed to have football practice until 5pm, but the sudden change of weather made them end earlier today. This decision was good because 10 minutes later the wind got brutal. Bucky makes his way back to his apartment, wanting to be back in the warmth as soon as possible. His phone starts to ring midway through his walk back home and he struggles for a second to get his phone out before finally managing to pull his phone out of the deeps of his pocket. A smile spreads out on his face as he sees that you are calling him.
“Hey, doll” Bucky says happily.
“Hey, baby” you say, sounding equally as happy. “I already assumed practice was going to end earlier today. How was it?”.
“It was good. I beat Steve today” he says proudly, remembering how defeated Steve looked as his best friend threw him across the field.
“Wow, that’s amazing, baby! Guess you deserve something special then, huh?”. Bucky bites his lap as he thinks about what you gave him last time you were proud of him, or more like what you did.
“I will be home in two minutes” Bucky says, speed walking down the streets and taking a shortcut. Just as Bucky is about to bring up a wish, including you in only his jersey, a noise in the background gathers his attention.
“What is that, doll?”.
“So” you begin “I actually called you because I wanted to ask you if you could make a quick stop at the supermarket and get some frosting”.
“Sure” Bucky immediately says and walks back in the other direction. “For what?”.
“Today is Yelena’s birthday and I want to make gingerbread cookies, but I ran out of frosting halfway. I still need to decorate twenty more cookies”. Bucky remembers the party. How couldn’t he? The whole football team is going and many more. Yelena and you know each other since you were about five and went together to the same schools. Meanwhile her sister Natasha was in Russia for some years.
“I thought we had enough frosting” Bucky says, remembering how went grocery shopping last week and even got more frosting than necessary.
“I thought so too, but we used quite a lot of frosting last night as we drunkenly built our gingerbread house” you say, while putting the last dozen of cookies in the oven.
Your parents came by yesterday morning before flying to England for the holidays and gifted you two some wine as an early Christmas present. Of course you two had to taste it, so you put on some nice music while Bucky lit the fireplace and then cuddled up to on the couch and opened the bottle. In no time the bottle was empty and you two dancing to Christmas music before Bucky had the brilliant idea to build a gingerbread house together, remembering you two bought a set. After some failed attempts to put it together, you two finally managed to do it and were able to decorate it. At that point, you still had enough frosting, but you wanted to do more decorations, so you took some of the frosting what was meant for the cookies.
In the end, you didn’t even use the frosting for decorating. Well, not for decorating a gingerbread house. Bucky thought it would be fun to decorate your body on the table and slowly lick the sweet scream off your body.
But the gingerbread house still looks good.
Bucky smiles back at the memory, remembering how much you two had and not only in the dirty kind.
“And now you want your lovely boyfriend to bring you some more frosting? Don’t you think you already have enough cookies?”
“Well, my lovely boyfriend, I think you can never have enough cookies and I may even spare you some if you get me some frosting” you say sweetly, secretly knowing you already got him wrapped around your fingers.
Bucky acts like he’s thinking for a second before replying. “Ok, but I want you to decorate MY cookies, especially for me. I want to take them with me to practice and rub under the boy’s noses that my girlfriend makes me cookies with personal messages”.
“You just want one that says ‘best dick’ or ‘careful big thing in pants alert’” you say laughing, imagining how he will show those cookies to Steve and Sam.
“You know me so good, doll” he says, smiling into his phone. “Alright, I will get you something, so you can finish decorating your cookies”.
“I love you, baby. Thank you so much. I will make you some hot chocolate, so you have something warm when you come home”.
“You are too good to me, doll. I love you” he says before saying goodbye. A wide grin appears on his face, while hanging up and putting his phone away. Instead of continuing his way to the supermarket, he turns around again and walks to their apartment.
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Bucky wipes his snowy shoes on the doormat. He was almost home as it started snowing hard. Good, that the birthday party is inside.
He unlocks the door, and immediately a wave of warmness and the smell of fresh gingerbread hits him. He steps inside and is immediately greeted by your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. Bucky kisses you back, dropping his bag to lift you up, but before he can, you pull away from him.
“I’m so happy to see you, baby. Did you bring the frosting? The cookies are almost done” you run back to the kitchen, leaving him at the door. A soft white fur ball comes out of the bedroom upon hearing the front door open.
“Hey, Alpine” Bucky says as his little baby purrs against his legs, “I missed you too, girl”. He picks her up after removing his shoes, jacket and letting his bag drop on the small bench in the entryway. In the kitchen, he sees how productive you have been. On the counter are two batches with finished cookies, two with unfinished ones, and another batch is in the oven.
“Doll, how about you rest a bit and then get ready for the party while I finish the cookies? You need some rest” he walks closer, seeing how tired you are.
“But the cookies-“.
“I will get them out when they are done and put the frosting on them” Bucky says, giving you Alpine, who happily snuggles closer into the arms of her favorite human.
“James, you don’t have to do that. You just came home from practice and I already made you get the frosting. You don’t need to do more” you say as he leads you to your bedroom. Alpine jumps out of your arms as Bucky pulls back the blanket for you to lie down. She stretches before getting comfortable again in the warm bed she slept in before Bucky arrived. Alpine meows, waiting for you to join her.
Bucky picks you up bridal style, making you laugh. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I made the love of my life overwork herself while I’m still full of energy” he says, laying you down on the bed and pulling the blanket tightly over you. Bucky chuckles as Alpine pops her head out from under the blanket.
“I love you, you know” you say and snuggle more into the warmth of the blanket.
“I know” Bucky grins before giving you a kiss, while murmuring a soft good night against your lips. He closes the door after walking out.
Once outside, he fist bumps the air. He can finally start with his plan. Bucky waits till the cookies are out of the oven before getting a big bowl and walking with it to the bathroom. A big grin is on his face as he closes the door.
“Merry fucking Christmas, doll”.
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After you wake up and cuddled Alpine for another five minutes because your little baby wouldn’t stop complaining, you start to get ready for the party. Fixing your makeup in the mirror, you spot Alpine scratching the closed door. With a sigh, you walk over to her.
“No no no, baby. No, scratching the door!” you say and open the door, making her dash out and into the kitchen. You walk out after her, spotting your boyfriend leaning on the counter. Bucky lets out a hey as Alpine scratches his sweatpants and pushes her away with his foot.
When he turns his head around, he sees you standing there in a red dress. “Well, hello there, doll. Don’t you look pretty” he says, not moving from his spot, but giving you flirty smirk. You blush at his comment and walk over to him, noticing all the cookies decorated, though it’s a bit messy, and the frosting looks a bit too thin.
“Thank you for decorating them” you kiss his cheek “They look amazing”. It’s not a lie. You think they are pretty, even if they aren’t decorated the best.
Bucky smiles before he reaches for a cookie and holds it up to you, grinning. “Want a taste?”.
You nod and open your mouth for Bucky to put it in your mouth. You then take a big bite out of the cookie, not seeing how Bucky bites his lip.
The cookie doesn’t taste like you thought it would. Instead of being fully sweet, it’s more salty. At first, you think you added salt instead of sugar before you realize that it’s not the cookie that is salty. It doesn’t take a second for you to know what it is. You look at Bucky, seeing him with a seductive grin.
“You put your cum on the cookies!” you say with big eyes, staring at him with a shocked expression.
Bucky nods, looking so proud. He spent a long time in the bathroom until the bowl was full of his hot cum.
“Why?!” you ask, not believing that your boyfriend really did that. “They are for the party, baby!”
“And there are still enough. You baked so many before I even got here that had frosting on them” he replies and pulls you closer with his arm. “You said I can have some-“.
“But not so many!”
“There are still enough, doll” he kisses your cheek. “I made these extra for you”.
“Bucky, I can’t eat cum covered cookies, even if it’s yours” you say to which he only chuckles.
“You still ate this one though” he bites your neck “I know you like it”. At that, you blush and you two know he’s right. Bucky covers your neck in kisses.
“You are insane, Mr Barnes” you chuckle as Bucky purposely tickles you with his long stubbles.
“Insane in love with you” he looks in your eyes. “You know, I passed out three times for this shit. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me fall”.
You stare at him. “You passed out”.
“As I said, I’m insane in love with you”
“Aren’t you exhausted?” you ask, only now getting why he has to lean against the counter.
“A bit, but you know what I’m still able to do?”
“What?” you ask him as he lets go of you.
“Before we go out…pull up that skirt real quick, baby” he says. You bite your lip as you pull the front of your dress up. A soft moan leaves your lips as Bucky steps closer and runs his finger over your soaked panties.
“All this for me?”
“Yeah” you say with a shaky voice, watching as Bucky drops to his knees and moves your panties aside.
“Oh, doll, you are completely drenched. You really seem to like those cookies” Bucky says in a cocky voice. Before you can say something, he gives your pussy a lick, making you shut up. He picks you up effortlessly and sits you down on the free counter. Before he dives his face back to your pussy, he chases after Alpine and locks her in the bedroom, receiving some scratches while doing that, whispering under his breath how he is going to cut her nails.
Once back, he lays you down and removes your panties, stuffing them in his pockets and ignoring your hey.
“For later, doll” he says before lifting your legs on his shoulders. Bucky kisses down your leg until he finally reaches your pussy. He can see your slick and can feel himself get hard again. He perhaps passed out three times, but he will always be able to get hard for you.
“It’s only fair that I make you pass out now too” he says before finally starting to eat you out.
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jennay · 5 months
Honey Bee
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An: I think this is the end for Honey Bee. Thanks to everyone who went on this journey with me. I'm sad but happy and I'm sure I'll update with new chapters periodically maybe showing glimpses into their future if you guys would like that
parts: 1/2/3/4/5
Master List
Tags: @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm @somewhere-diamond @cookiesupplier @blacksoul-27 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @jadert15 @an-insane-day
You sank into the plush cushions of the couch, captivated by the bright TV screen, where Noah was immersed in a game he swore was fun. You had no clue what he was doing, but it was amusing to watch him. You had spent the previous night binge-watching movies with him, and after a few glasses of wine, he persuaded you to stay over, saying it was too dangerous to drive.
You agreed without a second thought since his bed was the most heavenly you had ever slept in. You felt like you were floating in a cloud of softness and warmth.
You just wanted to chill until your head cleared, and you felt more alert. You weren't hungover, but you could feel the weight in your eyelids. Noah offered to make breakfast, but you declined, toasting a bagel and spreading some cream cheese. You thought it was perfect for a lazy morning.
The front door squeaked open - and your muscles tensed. Your stomach twisted as if you had been hit. Your eyes darted to Noah and back to the opening door. Jolly. He wasn't supposed to be back this early. Noah promised that Jolly wouldn't be home until midnight. So why - why was he standing there?
Your eyes widened, and you leaped from the couch - your heart hammering and your palms clammy. You felt your food rising in your throat. You had tried hard to hide your feelings like this, but you were caught off guard and had no time to brace yourself.
Jolly smiled, unable to act like he wasn't happy to see you, and opened his mouth to say something, but you glowered at him. You took a deep breath and walked past him without a word, pretending you didn't see his confused expression.
You felt his hand try to touch your arm, but you shook it off. You dashed up the stairs, your breath ragged and your heart thumping.
You locked eyes with Noah over the side rail - he looked stunned as if he didn't expect you to react so strongly; he thought you would've at least kept your cool. You gave him the finger, your face flushed and your eyes blazing. You barged into his room, slamming the door behind you.
"Shit, well, I tried," Noah says as he springs to his feet, joining Jolly at the door. He folds his arms over his chest and says, "Dude, please just go talk to her."
Jolly's eyes widen - if he was sleepy before, all the noise woke him up. He looks at you and then at Noah, confused. "Why is she acting like that?"
"I might have lied about when you were coming home. I'm sick of being in the middle of this. I just wanted to help." Noah laughs, unfolding his arms and slapping Jolly's shoulder. "If you would've just asked me, I would've told you I don't have feelings for y/n." He confesses, his voice sincere. "It's never been like that for us. We're just friends." He bites the inside of his cheek, wondering if he should reveal more. It couldn't hurt if he told Jolly how you felt; maybe it would give him the courage he needed. "She wants you, man. And it's been like this for years." He says, his voice dropping to a whisper. He feels a relief wash over him as he finally lets out his secret.
Jolly's eyes bulge in disbelief. "For years?" He repeats, dropping his bags on the floor with a loud thud. He felt like his ears were deceiving him.
Noah shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, "She hasn't said that directly, but if you're not a complete idiot, which you clearly are, you can see it." He growled, his voice dripping with sarcasm and annoyance. Noah wanted to slap some sense into Jolly's thick skull.
"You think I should go up there?" He asks nervously, rubbing his stubble, "It seems like she doesn't want to see me." He murmurs.
Noah shakes his head, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips, "I think my antics caught her off guard, I'll probably have to apologize to her later." He says. "She's been putting up with my shit a lot lately, man. Usually, she can get away from me by going to you, but lately, it's just been her and me." He chuckles, "I know I'm a pain in the ass."
Jolly shook his head in disbelief. "You are." He said, heading for the stairs. His feet felt heavy and sluggish as he climbed the stairs like he was walking to his execution.
Noah followed him, hoping to give him some encouragement. Noah watched as Jolly gently knocked on the door, waiting for a reply.
When he heard nothing, he cautiously opened the door - and as soon as Jolly was in, Noah dashed to the door, slamming it shut behind him and locking it from the outside.
Your throat clenched, and your lungs gasped for air when you saw Jolly standing there; you felt like a fish out of water. You jumped off the bed with a huff and ran to the door. You grabbed the handle and turned it. Shocked when it didn't budge. "Noah!" You yelled. "What the hell…"
You heard Noah laugh from the other side of the door. "I switched the lock last night, you fell right into my trap like I knew you would." He said, sounding smug.
You wanted to escape, away from Jolly, away from Noah, away from everything. "I'll unlock it when you two sort out your feelings." Noah said, sounding relaxed and indifferent. "And I have all the time in the world, so don't bother rushing." You heard his footsteps receding from the room.
You turned around to see Jolly standing there, his eyes full of guilt and sadness. He looked conflicted between wanting to comfort you and fearing your reaction. His nervousness was tangible, and you wondered what he would say.
You walked back to the bed and sat down, avoiding his gaze. You felt a knot in your stomach and a storm of emotions in your heart. "Shit." You whispered, closing your eyes and lying on your back.
You covered your eyes, wishing he would leave you alone.
You felt the mattress sink as he sat beside you and heard him exhale deeply. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but there are some things I think I should say." He said, sounding more assertive than you expected. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He added softly, his voice full of regret.
You let out a scornful laugh, cutting him off. "Well, you did." You snapped, feeling bitter.
"I tried to call you, and I tried to text you. You kept avoiding me and not giving me room to explain!" He says slightly, raising his voice.
You sit up, eyes landing on him with anger and disbelief. "What was there to explain? You led me on, made me think you were into me, and when I acted on it, you rejected me? You fucked with my head, Jolly!" You say, matching his tone, "Yes, I ignored you because it hurt, I still can't even think of you some days, but you're always fucking there!" You whine, standing up and pacing the room. "I wanted you; I tried showing you; I tried explaining that there was nothing with Noah. I came to Sweden FOR YOU."
Jolly stares at you, a sarcastic smile on his lips, "And then you called me and said you just wanted to be friends while I was trying to figure out how to make it up to you! I tried telling you the day you decided to fly back here, but you wanted to leave, and I know it wasn't a work thing; it was because you were mad at me and needed fucking Noah! You're always running to Noah. Do you see why I might be confused?!"
You run your hand down your face and sit in Noah's computer chair. "Do not try to put this on me, Jolly. I have been putting myself out there for years, hoping you'd take a fucking hint." You say through clenched teeth. "Why couldn't you just trust me? Instead, you made me question everything I felt for you." You say, your voice trembling with anger and pain. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears, and you wish you could calm down.
"I didn't trust myself!" He exclaims, raising his hands in frustration. "How could I trust you when I was so confused about my own feelings?" Jolly shifts his position, crossing his legs and leaning back. He doesn't look away from you, and you see the conflict in his eyes. "I tried, okay? I tried to trust you, but I just…I couldn't understand it. I thought you and Noah were perfect for each other. I saw how you two have always clicked, how he made you smile, how he always had your back. I felt like I didn't measure up. I let my fears overpower your words." His voice is at a mere whisper toward the end of his sentence. He senses your silence and goes on. "I want to fix this, but I need you to tell me what you want." He pauses, "We've been sending mixed signals, and I think it's confusing us both." He says, looking into your eyes, searching for a sign.
You rise from the chair and walk over to Jolly, sitting beside him on the bed. You lower your head, feeling hopeless. "I don't know how to fix this. I can't pretend to be just your friend. I've moved past that, but I'm afraid to jump into a real relationship with you." You say softly, your voice steady. "I'm scared that I'll do something that triggers your insecurities, and you'll assume someone else is better for me. And when I say I love you and only you, you won't believe me. I don't want those doubts in your mind to win and destroy what we have."
Jolly's lips curl into a small smile. "Love me?" He repeats, his tone curious.
You move closer to him, taking his hand in yours, "Yeah." You whisper, gazing into his eyes, "Because I do." You say, your voice is shaky. You squeeze his hand. "I need you to show me it's safe for me to be in this with you. I don't want to walk around on eggshells expecting the worst to happen. I want to wake up knowing we made the right choice." You say, your voice firm and serious. "Can you do that?"
He leans in, eyes locked onto yours, and gently cups your face with his other hand. His thumb caresses your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. You feel his warm breath on your lips as he whispers, "I can do that." He closes the gap between you, and you feel his soft lips press against yours.
The kiss is gentle and sweet but enough to make your heart flutter. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and deepen the kiss. You feel his arm around your waist, holding you close, and you melt into him. He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against yours, smiling and panting. You look into his eyes, and they shine with love. "I'll never get tired of that," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. He pauses, "I brought something with me." He pulls away from you and digs in his pocket, opening a small box to reveal the opal ring he'd given you before. The ring sparkles in the light. "I wanted to give it back, and this time, I want to give it to you as a promise ring. Because I promise to be here for you, to keep you safe, and to make you feel loved and secure." He holds the ring out to you, his eyes never leaving yours. "But most of all, I promise to trust you." His voice is so sincere; you can tell he means every word. You can't help but smile. You let him slide the ring back on your finger, which fits perfectly. You look at the ring, then at him, "I was hoping I'd get this back," you say, your voice soft and sweet. You lean in and kiss him gently, feeling his lips curve into a smile.
You whisper, "I'm glad you're home."
He sighs, but it's not a sign of annoyance or anger this time. It's a sound of pure bliss and relief. "Should we text Noah?" He asks, his voice soft and content.
You nod your head and pull out your phone. You type a quick message: Can you let us out now? We had wild sex on your bed and made up.
You hear a loud laugh from the hallway. "Yeah, right." Noah's voice echoes in your ears, and you see the door handle turn. "I've been sitting out here the whole time." He says, opening the door. He grins as he sees the two of you standing, Jolly's arms wrapped around your waist and holding you close, a smile on your face. The air feels lighter, and Noah is happy for you.
"I heard you leave…" You say, chuckling. "You mean to tell me you came back and eavesdropped on everything?"
"How else was I supposed to know when to let you out?" He asks, acting like you're stupid. "Let me see the ring." He says, walking over to you and grabbing your hand. He examines it, nodding his head in approval. But instead of saying anything nice, he says, "Should we order food and watch a movie? I'm emotionally drained, and I wasn't even in here." He jokes.
You and Jolly follow Noah down the stairs and into the living room, where you find a cozy spot on the couch. You cuddle up to Jolly, resting your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around him. He kisses your forehead and holds you close, making you feel safe.
Noah makes a disgusted noise and says, "Gross. Now I'm the third wheel." He flops down on the other end of the couch and grabs the remote. He asks what you want to watch, hoping to distract himself from your lovey-dovey display.
"You know I'm always up for a murder mystery or a horror movie!" You say, raising your voice to annoy them.
Noah shakes his head, "Don't make her mad, Jolly. You'd be shocked how much she knows about disposing of a corpse without leaving a trace," He jokes.
You lift your head from Jolly's chest and give Noah a menacing look. "I'll strike when you least expect it, Noah. No one is safe from me. Not even you." You say, putting on a sinister tone.
Noah throws you the remote. He wonders if you're serious sometimes. He looks at Jolly and says, "And you're willingly choosing this psychopath?"
Jolly laughs at his remark, "Yes because she's my adorable little psycho." He says, squeezing you tighter and making you giggle. "And if she chooses to murder me someday, at least I'll die happy."
Noah rolls his eyes, not impressed by Jolly's comment. "I'm gonna order Chinese food. Do you guys want the usual?" He asks, getting up from the couch.
You nod, and Noah heads to the kitchen. Jolly takes this chance to ask you something that is on his mind. "Let me take you on a real date tomorrow." He whispers in your ear, making you shiver.
You pull back, looking into his eyes, smiling as you nod in approval. "I'd love that." You say, leaning in for a kiss. He kisses you back, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer.
You hear Noah clear his throat from the kitchen, and you break the kiss, laughing. "Sorry, Noah." You say, feeling a blush on your cheeks.
Jolly smiles at you, "He'll get used to it." He says, kissing your cheek. "He has to cause I don't plan on letting you go." He says, making your heart flutter.
"And now I'm back to hating both of you, this time for all the PDA, how the tables have turned."
You throw a pillow at Noah when he sits down. "It could be worse. We could be screaming at each other still."
Noah nods and playfully rolls his eyes, "Shut up and pick a fucking movie." He rubs his temples, "I will separate you two!"
You pick up the remote and browse through the movie options. You see an horror movie and ask Noah if he's up for it.
He nods and says, "Sure, why not? Maybe it'll scare some sense into you two." He jokes, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.
You press play, and the movie starts. You watch the screen but sneak glances at Jolly, who smiles at you and kisses your hair. You know you've made the right choice. You're glad you gave him a chance and excited for tomorrow's date. You don't know what the future holds, but you know you want him to be a part of it. You squeeze his hand and whisper, "I love you."
He smiles, whispering back, "I love you too, Honey bee."
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Holly Jolly - Ch. 3: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Joel and Sarah celebrate the holiday with you and Sharon. The final chapter of Holly Jolly, a modern no-outbreak TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: None really!
Length: 4.8k
AO3 | Main Master List | First Chapter | Previous Chapter
“You think this is the way to go?” Joel asked, looking at the drawing in his hand as he sat on a video call with you in the middle of a Home Depot. 
“Yup,” you said, glancing back to the living room to see Sarah and Sharon deep in some adventure with Sharon’s Star Wars action figures. There were active blaster noises followed by a very dramatic sounding explosion. They were pretty occupied as you stood in the kitchen, leaning against your counter, waiting for the oven timer to ding. “I think if you go totally in this direction and just build something that’s perfect for the arbiesbay and how she plays with them, it’s even better than a reamday ousehay.” 
Joel was quiet for a second. 
“Did you just speak pig latin?” 
“You try hiding things from the irlsgay without switching languages,” you replied. 
Joel snorted. 
“Alright, well, just tell me what you think of these paint colors,” he said. “You’re the one with the vision.” 
Something smacked into the wall with a thud in the living room and you looked up from your phone. The shoebox the girls had been using for a space ship was across the room. 
“Hey,” you said. “Let’s not throw things, OK? If we throw things that means we can’t play with them anymore.” 
“But how is it supposed fly?” Sharon groaned. 
“Pretend,” you said. “Not by hurling it.” 
“Fine,” she huffed before getting up and getting the box, running it back across the room and bringing it in for a landing with a dramatic, explosive sound. 
You laughed and sighed, looking at the mess of dolls and Legos scattered all over the floor after a few hours of the girls playing together. 
“I need to get a toy box for the living room,” you said. “This is getting out of hand. Alright, let’s see the paints.” 
Joel held up three samples of pink. 
“Um…” you squinted at the screen. “Middle one, I think.” 
“I was thinkin’ that too,” he said. “Looks closest to the box color for the arbiebay I already got her.” 
“Was that pig latin?” 
“Utshay upyay. What about this one?” 
He held up a few purples as you giggled. 
“First one,” you said. “That will play best with the first one we picked.” 
“Right,” he said. “Alright, just need two more…” 
He held up a few options for the white and then a few for a green. 
“OK,” he said. “Think that’s everything… Thanks again for your help on this, I really don’t know what the uckfay I’m doing with this.” 
You had to fight to not snort laugh at fuck in pig latin. 
“Any time,” you said as the oven dinged. “And I need to go pull out gingerbread. See you soon?” 
“Yup,” he said. “Just gotta check out here, pick up pizza and headed your way after.” 
“Oundssay Oodgay.” 
Joel laughed. 
You pulled the gingerbread out and set it aside to cool and just watched the girls playing from the living room. 
Considering that you’d never met Joel and Sarah Miller before Thursday night, you were suddenly spending a lot of time with them. You and Joel had lunch together while Christmas shopping and you were surprised to learn that you got along better than you thought you would. Joel was oddly funny in a dry, clever way, every teasing moment and wry one liner feeling like an inside joke even though you’d only known each other a few days. You had the same concerns about raising girls as single parents, especially as young single parents who still felt a lot like kids yourselves. He was almost strangely insightful for a man, especially one who was damn near a perfect stranger. He seemed to understand the meaning behind your hesitant pauses or why you chose the words you did. Communicating with him was so straightforward and easy going, unlike anything you’d ever really experienced with someone so quickly before. You really liked Joel and Sharon adored his daughter. You really hoped you could help give them a great Christmas. They deserved it.
You’d drawn up a plan for the Dream House on Sunday night, going in a different direction than just trying to recreate what was on the shelf at the store. 
Instead, you’d made a Barbie-fied version of Joel and Sarah’s house. You’d found their house on Google Maps - it felt a little too weird to look it up on Zillow - and took a guess at the layout based on what you’d seen on the inside and what the footprint of the house was from above. 
Joel had stopped by your apartment Monday after work to pick up the plans and you stepped into the breezeway outside your door, leaving Sharon watching a cartoon in the living room. 
“I hope it’s not too weird,” you bit your lip as you handed the blue prints over. “If it is, I can redo it tonight and I don’t think it’ll put you too far behind…” 
He took the pages and frowned as he flipped through them. Your heart sank for a moment. 
“Is this… our house?” He asked, looking up from the papers to look at you. 
“Yeah,” you said. “I thought… since, you know, you just bought it and you bought it to give Sarah a better life, that kind of makes it a dream house, right? And I thought she might like to have her Barbies in a house that was like hers… I’m sorry, I over stepped, that’s not…” 
“This is amazing,” he said, looking back down at the plans. “Do you think she’ll like it?” 
You smiled, shoving your hands in the back pockets of your jeans. 
“Yeah. I think so, anyway. I would have, when I was her age. I think she will, too.” 
Even though you’d just seen him three days in a row, you were looking forward to spending the evening with him tonight, too. You had the supplies for making peanut butter cookies set out - as well as the peppermint bark shortbread you’d made every year since you were 20 and looking for something simple to make in your first apartment kitchen - and Joel was coming over to bake with you and the girls. 
You had a little surprise for him, too. When he’d first dropped Sarah off that afternoon, you’d gotten the girls to help make some Christmas decorations he could bring home with him. Paper chains and cut out snowflakes and Christmas trees made out of plastic spoons. Once the girls got bored you let them loose on the toys and told Sharon to bring the adventure to the living room so you could keep an eye on them as you made gingerbread. They were having a blast and you now had enough gingerbread to build a small village of houses, plus a small box of homemade decor to give to Joel. You just hoped he liked it. 
The girls were so involved with whatever they were playing - lightsabers were out now and Sharon was standing on the couch - that they barely noticed when he got there with an armload of pizza. 
“OK definitely feelin’ like I got off pretty easy in this deal,” he said, setting the pizza down on your breakfast bar. 
“It’s fine,” you waved him off. “My downstairs neighbors work in the afternoon and evening so they’re not bothering anyone. And they’ve stayed out of my way so it’s been no trouble, truly.” 
“Daddy!” Sarah yelped, dropping the lightsaber and running for him, leaping into his arms like she hadn’t seen him in weeks, instead of just a few hours. “We made stuff and played Barbies and now we’re playing wars…” 
“Star Wars,” Sharon corrected, jumping off the couch and stumbling forward as she landed. “It’s so cool, it’s this real old movie…” 
“Alright,” Joel cut them off. “I’ll stop ya there, I remember when some of those came out, don’t need you saying they’re that old…” He set Sarah down and turned to you. “Didn’t take you for a Star Wars fan.” 
You shrugged. 
“Gotta introduce the kid to classic film.” 
“Oh lord,” he rolled his eyes and laughed. “Think you’re the same age as me, better watch what you say about classic film…” 
You got the girls to sit still long enough to plow through the better part of a cheese pizza and some carrot sticks while you and Joel split a supreme, sitting so close to each other that your knees brushed below the table. 
The first time it happened, you jerked your leg away on instinct but Joel didn’t react. So you let your leg relax a little and, bit by bit, your knee drifted until it was against his thigh and your heart was in your throat. 
After dinner, you pulled two chairs into the kitchen for the girls to stand on and you supervised as they combined the ingredients for peanut butter blossoms, their little faces getting covered in a dusting of flour and a smear of peanut butter ending up in the middle of Sharon’s shirt. They gleefully rolled the balls of dough in sugar and you handled putting the Hershey kisses in the middle of each one as the cookies neared the end of baking as Joel helped the girls secure the structure of their gingerbread houses. 
“This much frosting seems dangerous,” Joel said after you’d joined them back at the table, cookies cooling on their racks on your packed counter. 
“Oh, it is,” you said before you put your tongue between your teeth to concentrate on adding a small chimney to your house. “This is why we do it at the end, so you can get one sugar addled child and I get the other and I’m not wrangling both of them.” 
He laughed a little, adding a Twizzler window frame. 
“Daddy?” Sarah looked up from her sagging house. “It’s not staying up.” 
“One sec Baby Girl…” He got up and went around to help her and you watched as he carefully adjusted the roof and added a little support beam. “See, that’ll help distribute the weight better, makes it more secure. Make sense?” 
“I think so,” she said. “Can I add more M&Ms now?” 
“Yeah, you can add more M&Ms,” he laughed a little before sitting back next to you. You let your knee drift to his thigh again. 
He looked at you for a second, a soft look in his eyes, and you thought about taking your leg back but you didn’t. 
“In case I haven’t said it,” he said. “Thank you for just… everything you’ve been doin’. Sarah’s been so happy this last week and I know you and Sharon got a lot to do with that. I’m real glad Sarah met her.” 
You smiled a little. 
“I am, too.” 
Joel took a deep breath. 
“And I’m real glad I met you, too.” 
Your heart picked up. 
You leaned in a little closer to him. 
“Aunt Cocoa, look!” Sharon piped up from across the table and you turned away from Joel to look at her gingerbread house that was dripping frosting and sprinkles. 
“That’s amazing!” You said. “You’re doing a great job girlie pop, definitely better than mine.” 
When the houses were done, you and Sharon helped carry everything down to Joel’s truck, including the box of decorations. He frowned at it when you handed it to him to put in the cab. 
“What’s this?” 
“Just… open it when you get home,” you smiled. “Let me know what you think.” 
He lifted Sarah into her carseat and buckled her in before closing the door and turning to you. 
“So, I was thinkin’,” he said. “My brother was supposed to host Christmas dinner but now he’s going to some girlfriend’s place and it doesn’t sound like you’ll have anywhere to be… would you two want to come over? Don’t have to if it’s weird, I know we just met but…” 
“I’d love that,” you cut him off, smiling. “Just let me know what I can bring? Or I can volunteer a dessert…” 
“Dessert is great,” he said. “Just… mostly just want you there.” 
You smiled bigger.
“Then I’ll be there.” 
He smiled, making his cheek dimple. 
“Good,” he said. “Can’t wait.” 
Joel sent you one final picture of the dream house. 
Think it’s done. 
He half expected you not to respond. It was after midnight, officially Christmas Day. By all rights, you should be asleep. 
You texted back anyway. 
That’s perfect! Sarah will LOVE it. 
Joel smiled at his phone like a damn idiot and scrolled through the messages the two of you had sent each other in the short time that he’d known you. There were the pictures he’d sent of his living room after he put up the decorations you and the girls had made him, pictures you’d sent of the gingerbread houses on your breakfast bar as you documented evidence of Sharon slowly sneaking pieces off of them, pictures he’d sent of the progress he made on the dream house. 
He clicked on your contact photo and made it fill his screen, the selfie you’d sent him the first night he’d met you. He smiled a little. He couldn’t help it.
You were so pretty he wondered how he didn’t see it at first, even with the ridiculous sweater and the antlers. He must have been in a real shit mood to have not noticed because, over the last few days, he found himself pulling the picture up again and again just to look at you. 
He did it when he had a break at work and was checking his phone for other messages. He did it when he was waiting for Sarah to finish breakfast as she dawdled before school. Most often, though, he did it just before he fell asleep when he felt oddly lonely and wished you were there. 
It was a strange thought for him. He hadn’t really been with anyone since Sarah’s mom. There just hadn’t been time, he was too busy with work and his daughter, and he’d never longed for someone he’d never even kissed before. At least, not since he was a fucking teenager. 
But he wanted to be next to you. He damn near melted the first time your knee had brushed his thigh, had to fight the urge to put his hand over that knee, trail his fingers along the inside of your thigh. And fuck, had he wanted to kiss you. You were so close and you smelled like vanilla and sugar and he knew - he just knew - that your lips would be soft and sweet. 
He’d only seen you two days since then - plenty, considering you just met, but it felt like so little. Once, when the two of you had taken the girls Christmas shopping and traded kids so they could get something for each of you, and another time when you’d taken the girls to the playground together. The two of you had tried to sit on a bench and watch them play but the girls weren’t satisfied, pulling you and Joel up to play freeze tag.
Joel was looking forward to Christmas now. He’d actually been able to get Sarah what she wanted - or hoped she wanted, anyway - and he was getting to see you. He wasn’t entirely sure how but he’d gone from a man who was all but dreading the holiday to one who was almost as excited as his daughter for the day to come. 
You sent him a picture of a Millennium Falcon set up for Sharon under the tree. Joel laughed a little and smiled. 
She’s going to love it. 
You followed it up with a picture of a sticker sheet. 
She might like this more, who knows. 
He wondered if it would be weird to ask you for a selfie. Probably. Still, he considered it. But he just texted, instead.
You did a great job. Really. 
Why are you still up? You should go to bed, Joel. Santa can’t come if you’re still awake.
He tried to picture you saying it, the serious look you’d try to keep on your face as your lips curved up at the edges. 
I will if you will. 
Alright, you convinced me! See you tomorrow. 
You sent a little heart after your last message and Joel tried to not read into it as he went to bed and pulled up your picture one more time, just to look at you, drifting off wondering how you’d feel curled up next to him.
Sarah tackled him at 6:17 a.m. 
“Daddy!” She shook his whole body. “Daddy, wake up, I think Santa came! Daddy, get up!” 
“Alright, Baby Girl,” he groaned, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “M’awake, gimme a minute, we’ll go see if Santa came…” 
He shook his head a little as he sat up, his hair falling over his forehead, and he got a shirt from his dresser before pulling up the camera on his phone. 
“Alright Kiddo,” he said. “You stay right here at the top of the stairs for just a minute so I can get you on video…” 
He went into the living room and turned on the lights, the paper chains you’d made with the girls dangling cheerfully from the doorways. 
“Alright,” he said, starting recording, suddenly nervous about Sarah seeing the homemade dream house. What if she hated it? This might be the first Christmas she really remembered, what if he ruined it? “Come on down, Baby Girl.” 
Sarah thundered down the stairs and into the living room, her curls bouncing as she ran. Her eyes went wide and her mouth made a small “o” when she saw the house sitting next to the tree. She ran over to it and dropped to her knees beside it, a Barbie and a Ken standing in the kitchen, ready for her to play with.
“Daddy!” She gaped at him, a look of awe on her face. “Daddy, that’s our house! That’s our house but Barbie!” 
“Is it?” He asked. 
“Yeah!” She said. “See, that’s the kitchen and we’re in here in the living room…” 
“Do you like it?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound too hesitant. 
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen!” She looked back to the house. “Barbie has a house like us!” 
“Yeah,” Joel said, trying not to tear up. “Yeah, she does.” 
It took Sarah a while to even want to move on to her stocking - loaded with candy - and the gifts under the tree. Joel had never been happier to see Sarah happy and it tugged at his heart knowing that he couldn’t have done it without you. 
There were two things under the tree for Joel from Sarah, one that she let him have then and one that she insisted on waiting for you to be there for. 
The first one was half of a butterfly best friend necklace and he frowned a little at it. 
“Hold on!” She scampered off to her room for a moment before she came running back, flopping on Joel’s lap as he sat cross legged next to the tree. She held up the other side. “See? So when you go to work you can remember me!” 
There was the burning pinch of tears in his eyes when he pulled her in to kiss her cheek. 
“I always remember you, Baby Girl,” he said, voice wet. “But I love it so so much, thank you.” 
He put it on, the chain much shorter around his thick neck than it was around her little one. She giggled and put her half of the butterfly against his before going back to playing with the Barbies. 
Joel had to pull himself away from watching her play to get dressed and make breakfast before making her get dressed, too, and then handling all the holiday things that needed doing before you arrived. 
He was putting the ham in the oven when the doorbell rang and Sarah shrieked before running for the door, Joel only catching a glimpse of a red dress as he ducked back below the paper chain between the kitchen and the living room. 
“I saved it just for you,” Sarah said conspiratorially as he made it to the door. You smiled at Joel over his head. “I wanted you to see, too!” 
“That was very sweet,” you smiled at her. “Have you had a good Christmas?” 
“The best,” she said. “Santa made a dream house just for me!” 
“He did?” Sharon’s mouth dropped open. “That’s so cool! I brought a Barbie, can she come over and see it?” 
“Yeah!” Sarah took her hand and the two girls tore into the living room, almost running into Joel on their way past. 
“Hey,” you smiled, your eyes bright and beautiful, in a green sweater that was so far from the one he’d first seen you in. This one was a dress that clung to your frame, hugging all the parts of you he’d thought about far too much. You moved to hug him, a little awkwardly with a pie plate in your hands, but he didn’t care. He was just happy for the excuse to touch you, hoped you wouldn’t hear his heart pounding in his green flannel shirt. 
“Hey,” he smiled as he gave you a squeeze. 
“Told you she’d love it,” you whispered before you pulled back, giving him a wink. 
The two of you went to the living room and watched the girls play, your legging clad legs brushing against him and he wondered if you even noticed, if it was all just an accident or if you were as aware of every time you touched like he was. 
“Oh, Dad, I have one more for you!” Sarah went and got the other small box from under the tree. “Miss Cocoa helped me pick it. And helped me buy it because it was more money than you gave me.” 
“You didn’t need to do that,” he frowned at you. 
You just waved him off. 
“I had coupons,” you said. “And Kohl’s Cash. And then it was only like $15 more dollars. Nothing crazy.” 
He unwrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a watch with a black face, green band and a metal case, one that would actually hold up to his job. 
“I wanted to get you the pink one,” Sarah said. “But she said she didn’t think it would fit you.” 
“Yeah, your dad is a big guy,” Joel could hear you smiling. “That pink watch looked a little small. I think this one will work better.” 
“Try it on!” Sarah said, bouncing a little beside him. “I wanna see!” 
“Alright,” he said, taking off his old watch that had seen far better days and sliding on the new one. He turned his wrist in the light, admiring it. “It’s perfect, Baby Girl.” 
“You like it?” Sarah asked, her eyes wide. 
“I love it,” he said, pulling her in to kiss her on the cheek. “Thank you so much.” 
She clapped before going back to playing with Sharon. 
You were looking at his wrist, a small smile on your face. 
“Really shouldn’t have done that,” he said. “It really is perfect, but…”
You smiled bigger. 
“She was just so excited about it,” you said. “I couldn’t resist.” 
“Well,” Joel said. ���I do have somethin’ for you, too.” 
“Yeah?” You asked brows raised. 
He stood up from the couch, holding his hand out for yours. You took it and he tugged you to your feet. 
“You two behave yourselves for just a minute,” Joel said. “We’ll be right back.” 
They didn’t even seem to notice, too busy moving the barbies through the house. 
“C’mon,” he said, still holding your hand and guiding you toward the garage. “Now if you don’t like it, I can redo it…” 
He led you to his garage workshop and turned on the lights, your gift sitting under a sheet on his workbench. 
“Couldn’t really wrap it,” he nodded to it. “But it’s under there.” 
“I can just…” You raised your eyebrows at him and he laughed a little. 
“Yeah, go for it.” 
You made an excited little sound before pulling back the sheet. You gasped at it and Joel smiled as you went to run your hands over the sides. 
“This is gorgeous!” You said, looking from it to him. “What is it?” 
“Well,” he said, coming and standing so close to you that he could feel you breathing. You smelled like sugar and cinnamon and clove. “When we were on the phone while I was at Home Depot the other day, you mentioned needing a toy box for your living room. Seemed like you care about things like your furniture and things so I wanted to make you one that looked like it’d be your style. It opens at the top…” He demonstrated, lifting the lid. “Put some bumpers on the lid, too, so if Sharon throws it around it won’t hurt anything… top can be a bench if you wanted, too, you got all those nice pillows on your couch and stuff… Anyway, like I said, I can change it if you don’t…” 
You turned and threw your arms around his neck, pressing your warm, soft body against him. He hesitated for a moment before he hugged you back, his fingertips gripping you tight. 
“I love it,” your voice was muffled by his shirt before you pulled back from him just enough to look at his face. “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me, where did you find the time?” 
“I ain’t slept much this week,” he laughed a little. “But that’s OK. It’s… it’s worth it. You’re worth it.” 
You looked up at him, your eyes wide and warm and soft and all he wanted to do was kiss you. Joel thought it might be the only thing he ever wanted to do. 
“Joel,” you breathed, pressing yourself a little closer to him. 
“Is it OK if I kiss you now?” He asked softly, one of his hands slipping from your waist to gently hold your face. “Because damn, do I want to kiss you.” 
You nodded eagerly and he tightened his hold on you, tilting your head just so to press his lips to yours. 
You felt just like he thought you would but somehow so much better, your mouth so soft and warm against him, the taste of mint on your tongue. Your lips fit on his own the way that no one else’s ever had, he’d never kissed anyone and felt this desperate to keep kissing them, keep doing just about anything with them. 
Eventually, you pulled back from him, breathless, and trailed your fingers through his hair. He smiled a little at you, panting a bit himself. 
“Think we can get a babysitter and go out sometime?” He asked. “Just the two of us?” 
“Yeah,” you laughed a little. “Yeah, I think we can.” 
The two of you went back in the house, holding hands as you sat watching the girls play, giggling and chattering back and forth like they’d known each other for years. But Joel understood that now. He’d never seen Sarah latch on to anyone so fast but then, he’d never had feelings like this for someone so fast, either. 
At dinner, he sat next to you, all four of you laughing, Christmas music on the background. When your knee came to rest against his leg, his hand slipped below the table and cupped your knee, his thumb stroking your thigh. You looked at him and smiled a little before your hand drifted below the table, too, giving his leg a squeeze. 
When the girls wore themselves out, he left Sarah asleep on the couch, The Grinch on in the background, before he loaded the toy box into your trunk and then carried Sharon out, lowering her gently into her carseat. You buckled her in as she sleepily clutched her Barbie in one chubby hand and her Princess Leia action figure in the other. 
“Thanks for comin’,” Joel said, stepping close to you. “And for everything you did for me and for Sarah the last few weeks.” 
You smiled, leaning back against your car and tugging Joel against you, he smiled and laughed a little. 
“I was happy to,” you said, eyes shining in the moonlight. “So what do you think? Good Christmas?” 
He searched your eyes for a moment and slowly leaned in to kiss you again. Your smile broadened and you met him halfway, your fingers knotting in his shirt as you held him against you.
“Yeah,” he said, pulling just far enough away from you that he could look in your eyes again. “Best Christmas ever.” 
A/N: Thanks for reading this little holiday fic! I hope you enjoyed it, even though it went up a few days later than I'd really hoped.
Wishing you a beautiful holiday season with lots of love and laughter. Thank you for being here and spending some of it with me ❤️
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foli-vora · 1 year
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masterlist | foli jolly xmas list
under the tree
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x f!reader
summary: santa came early for bradley and he’s positive you’re trying to kill him. too bad mav also decided to arrive earlier than planned. awkward chaos ensues.
warnings: swearing, embarrassment (poor bradley), getting walked in on, lingerie, SMUT 18+ ONLY, fingering, praise, not really penetration but the tip getting just there y'know
word count: 2165
a/n: sorry for the lateness, but i got there! this was a lot of fun, enjoy loves x
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His lips are soft and insistent under yours, parting at the swipe of your tongue and filling your mouth with the rumble of his groan. Ever pliable under your touch, softening to follow your lead despite his eagerness clawing for more. You chase the taste of him, licking into his mouth and feeling a tremble trickle through his body, your hands smoothing over the firm expanse of his chest. 
“I got you something,” you murmur into his mouth, inhaling sharply when his mouth moves to your throat. “Well, I mean, it’s for me… but I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s very pretty.”
He practically folds at your sweet coo, his heart heavy against his ribs as heat settles low in his gut. 
“Yeah?” His voice comes out muffled against your skin, his tongue smoothing over your pulse point. “Show me, honey. I bet you look so pretty… show me. Please.”
You shift up onto your knees, leaving him resting on the floor and propped up by his elbow. He studies the way your fingers pop each button of your sleep shirt open, his tongue swiping along his lower lip with each flicker of bare skin he catches. Eventually you reach the end of your shirt and delicately pry it away from your chest, displaying your new purchase in all of its beautiful, lacy glory.
“What do you think, baby?” You ask innocently, your head tilting as you watch the flutter of emotion run over his face.
His eyes bug out of his head, his mouth quickly dropping in a daze of pleasant surprise. He jerks up into a sitting position, his big hands coming to cup your tits, his rough thumbs brushing over the delicate lace covering your nipples and feeling them pebble beneath his touch. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes, “you’re so fucking beautiful, honey. Look at you—”
He dives forward, the slick feel of his hot tongue swirling a path along your skin until his hot breath melts through the lace and surrounds your nipple. He envelopes it with the heat of his mouth and you hum softly, raking a hand through his ruffled waves as he slowly coaxes you backwards until your back hits the rug.
“There’s some fun things under the tree, too.”
His head comes away from your chest and you watch the way his brow perks, his hands becoming tighter where they grab at you. “Like what?”
“Guess you’ll have to wait and see,” you tease lightly, a smirk tugging at your lips. “Something for me, something for you, something for us…”
“God, you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me,” he groans, melting over you in a heap of pressure, the feel of his body covering yours familiar and comforting.
His lips immediately mould over yours, his tongue swiping forward and sliding along yours as you tug impatiently at his T-shirt, briefly breaking away from the lure of his lips to tear it up and over his head before reclaiming his mouth. You breathe each other in, losing yourselves to the feel of the other as the heat around you grows, creeping over your skin and settling low in your core.
“It’s a matching set, by the way,” you whisper, shifting your hips teasingly beneath his.
You feel the thick outline of his cock press into the soft flesh of your thigh and fight to hold back a moan, desperate to feel him better, to weigh him in your hand and guide him into your waiting cunt. You feel the way you’ve practically soaked the thin fabric of your underwear, aware of just how fucking badly you’ve needed to get your hands on him all damn day.
He does it on purpose, holding himself just that bit harder against your ass whenever you’re standing at the sink or bending over to reach into the washing machine but whirling out of your reach when you go to grab him. 
“God damn, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He huffs, grinning as he sits back on his heels and tears at your jeans, his smile widening at your breathless chuckle.
The denim eventually gives way to his impatience, and they’re tossed over his shoulder without the slightest care, landing in a heap just short of the couch. His hot, calloused palms land on your bent knees, encouraging you to spread your legs and let him gaze at the matching underwear smoothing over your skin.
He gives a sharp exhale when your legs loosen under his hands, his chest heaving just that little bit quicker when his eyes land on your covered pussy and the noticeable wet patch soaking through the material.
“You’re the prettiest damn thing I’ve ever seen,” he drawls, his low timbre churning the heat swimming in your core.
He’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, comfortably reclined on his heels and wonderfully half naked, giving you the pleasure of ogling him in all his broad chested glory. Your Bradley is a beast, all thick arms wrapped with muscle and a torso practically made of solid steel.
It’s his eyes that get you the most, warm and dripping honey, forever filled with a touching tenderness and adoration he gives to only you. It never fails to make your heart thunder in your chest, drumming loudly in your ears.
He’s all yours, and he loves to make it well known.
“God, look at you — so fucking wet already, honey. I’ve barely touched you,” he taunts as he leans over you, swiping a thumb across the wet patch of your underwear and applying pressure when he feels your clit through the fabric.
“You feelin’ needy, sweet girl?”
“You know I am. You do it on purpose,” you accuse weakly, eyes fluttering at the contact.
“Me?” He questions, a wicked shine settling in his eyes. “Got no idea what you’re talking about.”
His pace is slow, thumb circling and circling until your hips start to arch into his touch. His finger curls around the leg band of your underwear and pulls it over your pussy, baring your slick folds to his touch. His thumb returns to the same path it drew before, swiping along your slit and feeling his digit move smoothly through your arousal.
“This all for me, honey?”
“Such a good girl, such a pretty girl,” he murmurs, “my pretty girl, aren’t you, honey?”
A thick finger breaches your entrance, sinking deep into your cunt and curling against your walls teasingly before slowly withdrawing. It returns alongside another, stretching and filling your pussy with the width of two big fingers. He sets a leisurely pace, keeping it purposefully slow enough to get you writhing on the floor, your hips impatiently rising with every press of his hand in hopes to get something more.
Deeper, faster, anything—
“Oh god, Bradley, baby, please—”
“I know… I know. I got you, gonna fuck you so good,” he grits out, fingers deftly undoing his button and fly and desperately tugging the thick length of his cock out.
He swipes the tip of his cock along your folds, coating himself in your arousal before pushing forward, filling your cunt inch by delicious inch before—
“Knock knock! Surprise kids, I know I’m early—”
You both freeze.
Is that…?
God, no. No, no, no—
It’s instant.
It’s horrific.
He immediately clocks onto your position, freezing in the threshold of the lounge as his eyes find you bare beneath the tree and in an undeniably compromising position. He quickly averts his gaze, turning away with an uncharacteristically startled, “Holy shit—”
Bradley scrambles to get off of you, launching himself for the throw on the couch and covering your bare frame with his own mortified, “Holy shit—”, his hands quick to shove his cock back into his shorts and cover any of your skin not yet hidden.
You lay on the floor, highly aware of the scratch of the rug beneath your back while fire rages along under your skin, spreading across your chest and filling your cheeks with molten lava. You burn from the humiliation, fingers clutching the blanket like it’s a fucking life line.
“Jesus, I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t see anything!” Mav yells, already walking back out the door and slamming it shut behind himself. The windows rattle from the force of it.
The silence is deafening.
Bradley sits ramrod straight next to you on the couch, staring through the far wall and not blinking, not even when you murmur his name to catch his attention. Your hand comes to rest over his hand and he jolts slightly at your touch, his head slowly turning until his eyes somewhat meet yours.
“We have to go out there sooner or later.”
His lips purse and he gives a small shake of his head, resuming his position of staring at nothing. “Nope. No we don’t. We’re fine here.”
You purse your lips, “Bradley, we can’t just leave him sitting outside.”
“How do we know he hasn’t left? He’s probably long gone.”
It’s wishful thinking on his end. In fact, you fully believe he’s wishing that he’d never have to see his godfather ever again. God, this is humiliating. 
“Baby, we would’ve heard his bike—”
“We didn’t the first time.”
His face crumbles into a wince.
How did you not hear Mav’s bike? You always hear it. That’s his thing. That’s his warning, his greeting. It’s not exactly quiet, the rumble of the vehicle always echoing down the street. Had you been that distracted? Jesus.
You fight away the remaining licks of mortification sitting low in your stomach and straighten your shoulders, determined to get the air cleared before Christmas and the small party you were holding. It wasn’t that big of a deal, and besides, Mav’s cool. He’d be fine, albeit a little embarrassed, but you’re certain the issue couldn’t possibly be as bad as Bradley is thinking. 
“Come on now, we can be adults about this. For god sake Bradley, we are adults. It’s fine. I’m sure he’s well aware we have sex.”
“Well he definitely is now!”
“Okay, no more of this. Come on—on your feet, Lieutenant. We’ve got this.”
He follows your lead, shuffling quietly behind you as you make your way to the front door. You peak outside and brace yourself as you notice Mav sitting on his bike, picking at loose threads on his jeans. You take a steadying breath and open the door, forcing a small smile when Mav’s eyes immediately shoot to you.
You descend the steps and clear your throat, watching as Mav pushes off his bike and slowly wanders closer, tucking the armband of his trusty aviators down the front of his T-shirt.
“I didn’t know whether or not to stay, or if you were…” Mav clears his throat, shifting his shoulders under his worn leather jacket, “...finishing.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bradley groans quietly, no doubt having a small existential crisis.
“I don’t think we would’ve been able to after that,” you joke, relieved when Mav snorts in amusement.
Bradley, however, looks like he’s about to be sick. He keeps his gaze purposefully away from Mav, apparently developing an interest in studying the cracks in the pavement. 
“Um, for what it’s worth,” you say, smiling in embarrassment, “we’re sorry you had to see that. We’ll uh… we’ll start locking the front door.”
“Yeah, you should do that,” Mav agrees before making a face, “believe me, that’s gonna be the last time I’m ever gonna try and surprise you two. Jesus.”
Bradley groans, sinking to the bottom step and burying his face in his hands, “Oh my god.”
He’s delighted. The bastard. Of course he would relish in you and your husband's embarrassment. You’d never live this down, Bradley would never live this down. It wasn’t like you couldn’t say anything. He had noticed the second he had entered your home that Bradley seemed to be avoiding his godfather at any and all costs and had naturally interrogated you.
“You tellin’ me Mav saw you with your tits out?” Jakes drawls, a highly amused grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
You take a sip of the whiskey in your hand and smack your lips, sighing deeply. “He saw a lot more than that.”
He whistles lowly, raising his beer in a sort of toast. “Damn. Merry Christmas, gramps! Do we get a Christmas treat? You gonna put on a show for us, Bradshaw? I’ll try not to laugh, I swear—”
“Watch yourself,” Bradley grumbles from where he half hides behind you.
You turn to him, raising an eyebrow. “Are you ever gonna talk to him again?”
Bradley’s eyes move to where Mav sits on the porch laughing with Nix and Bob, his throat bobbing with a swallow as he raises his beer to his lips.
“Nope. In fact we’re moving. Overseas. Far, far away.”
Jake makes a noise of amusement, slapping Bradley’s chest fondly. “That’ll sure stop him seeing you with your dick out.”
“Shut up.”
bonus: a look at jake having the absolute time of his life bringing this story up at every available moment ever
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rooster tags: @kindablackenedsuperhero, @rosiahills22, @a-reader-and-a-writer, @labellapeaky, @nanjalee, @hawsx3, @nonsensical-nonce, @cowboylikecassidy, @spacegirly1, @tolietpaper, @themusicalweirdo, @miles-rooster, @lilfoxyqueensworld, @sirpascal, @xoxabs88xox, @you-got-me-starry-eyed, @randomchick546, @dindjarinswhore, @flamesocks, @Curiouser-an-curiouser, @mwltwo, @lccs-world,
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evilrwbyfan · 7 months
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belt tug
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sunflawyer · 5 months
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Merry Christmas Everyone!!! 🤎🧡
Have a happy jolly one! Hope you're having fun with the festivities!!! 🧡🧡🧡
Don't forget to smile and bring happiness!!! Love you all!!!
— Jimmy and Abby.
(art by consworld96)
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foxilayde · 6 months
22. “Look how good you take it.”
26. “Faster! Please, let me come!”
73. “God, you love it like this, don’t you?”
with sub cecil i beg of you🧎🏼
Well since you begged 😈
26. “Faster! Please, let me come!”
[Cecil Dennis x Fem Reader]
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+ only smut. Sub Cecil.
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“Baby. Oh fuck. You’re so hot right now.” Cecil bites his bottom lip and gulps heartily, adjusting himself as best he can against the restraints that you’ve locked his wrists into on the headboard.
You’re not sure if he’s referring to the feather in your hand that you’re using to tickle him hard or if he’s remarking on how hot your black vinyl outfit looks on you, pushing up your cleavage in the intimidating corset, complete with black fishnets and thigh high patent leather boots, or if its a combination of the two sights.
You’ve never put him in this position before, tied up, buck naked, laying flat on the bed, splayed in such a vulnerable fashion. It’s not like he needs the handcuffs, he’s perfectly happy to follow any order you give him on any given day, but there’s something about the way he jolts and jostles against the handcuffs, the metal clinking against wood, that gives you a self-assured satisfaction at having this pretty boy at your command.
His cock is stiff as can be, undervein pronounced and protruding, he twitches and leaks when you delicately trace the feather up and down his chest, teasing his peaked nipples and fluttering the feather town to tickle his balls.
“Uuuughhh” Cecil cries, bucking his hips into the fluffy tickler, trying with all his might to eek out any kind of friction.
You slap his cheek gently with the feather.
“You want more, desperate boy? Is my feather not enough for you?”
“More. Yeah. Please, more.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want, Cecil?”
Cecil whines out of his nose, his only response is to hump the air again and clang his restraints. You tut your tongue.
“Suit yourself.” You say to him sweetly, placing the handle of the tickler in his mouth like a horse’s bit. His teeth bite around it, eyes going wide and round, watching you intently as you climb onto the bed, running a vinyl gloved finger from his sweaty forehead down to his nose. You pat his cheek. “I’m keeping that in there so you don’t talk back to me, baby.”
You snuggle up to his side, thigh hitching up and over his leg, Cecil hisses and drools against the handle, eyes rolling back into his head when you slide your your stiletto boot clad leg up his thigh and over his groin, pressing your heel lightly into the base of his cock. His whole body shakes and breaks out in goosebumps.
“You like that, don’t you, pretty?”
He’s harder than ever before, you can practically see the pulse of his heartbeat pounding through his cock when you dig your heel in deeper.
“Answer me Cecil.” You pinch and pull one of his nipples in between your gloved fingers.
“Eehhhhpphfff” his reply is wet and nearly unintelligible behind the object between his teeth.
“Good boy.” You run your hand lovingly up and down his chest, making him buck into the heel of your boot.
Cecil doesn’t wait for you to force an answer out of him, his neck strains with emphatic nodding and you take great pleasure in getting up and standing on the mattress between his legs. With utmost care you brace your hand against the ceiling for balance and toe the tip of his cock with your the bottom of your boot, letting Cecil lift his hips up into the sole of it, grinding himself pathetically between his lower abdomen and the black sole. You twist your foot down, causing his hips to drop to the bed and a breathy whine to hiss between his teeth.
“Hold still.” You command. Cecil is a good boy, for now, and doesn’t move his hips, but he does flex his fingers in a subconscious grabby motion. His cheeks are so pink now and you just want to bend down and kiss him on the red patchy flush spreading over his chest and face. He doesn’t buck up any more, you press your foot down firmly, and hold still for a moment before slowly dragging the sole up and down the length of him, occasionally pressing the point of the stiletto to the base of his shaft when the angle is right.
It’s precarious fucking work; balancing on one stiletto booted leg and jerking off your lover with the other, standing on a mattress. Thank god you have a steadying grip on the ceiling.
Cecil moans something indecipherable behind the bit of the handle.
“What’s that, pretty baby, what do you want?”
The phrase is garbled nothingness with his mouth restrained the way it is, and after a few pathetic attempts of his, you decide to practice benevolence and tell him to, “spit it out!”
He spits out the handle and gasps gratefully before whining, “Faster! Please let me come!”
There are fucking tears welling up in Cecil’s eyes and you decide to take pity on your pretty boy, he’s suffered quite enough with your teasing.
You lift your pointed patent black boot off of Cecil’s cock and fold down to your knees between his legs. You extend a shiny gloved hand to Cecil’s mouth. “Spit.” You command.
He breathes brokenly for a few beats, Adam’s apple bobbing— exhausted, before lifting his head and spiting into your palm pitifully.
“Good boy” you smile, he hums at that, letting his head fall back, and when you wrap your hand around his cock, using his own spit to stroke him firmly with the slippery glove, twisting your wrist up and down, Cecil shivers in appreciation.
He’s unrestricted from his vocalizations now, bucking his hips into your grip, profuse adoration spilling out of his lips, “thank you thank you thankyou ohh fuck ahhh ahhhhh!” When Cecil cums, you point his tip towards his chest, creamy white ropes spurt onto his abdomen. You squeeze him from base to tip in your slick gloved fingers, forcing every last drop out of his weeping head.
He shivers in relief, panting out of his pretty lips, eyes going dumb and blinking heavily at you, watching with dumb sated curiosity as you spread his slick semen all over his belly with your gloved hand. He knows what’s coming when you bring your fingers to his mouth, his chin already tipped open in anticipation. He sucks and licks your glove clean, clanking against his restraints once more when he attempts to follow your hand with and eyes-closed sucking motion like a baby searching for a nipple.
“You’re such a good boy, Cecil.”
He grins almost drunkenly, going slack against the restraints, a little streak of his own cum on his chin, “I’m your good boy.”
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chick-magnet-marco · 9 months
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Porn bots stop following me anyways wip if u can guess the game reference u get a jolly rancher
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
☆ = contains mature content || mdni
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Consequences [Noah x Y/N Ruffilo] COMPLETED ☆ Noah x pregnant!reader [request] wisdom teeth removal [request] Lips Like Wine [request] ☆ Mine [Noah x Singer!Reader] ☆ Heartfelt Secrets [request] Hotel Neighbors ☆
x OC:
An Angel For Noah [Noah x Jules] COMPLETED ☆ Would You Say I'm Worthy? [Noah x Eden] IN PROGRESS
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Reading Your Heart [request] Please Shut Up [request]: 1 ; 2 ☆
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A Well-Deserved Break [request] Sweater Weather
x OC:
Maybe Sometime [Nick x Nova] ☆
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Ready Or Not [request] ☆ Heaven Knows I Ain't Getting Over You ☆
x OC:
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Late-Night-Comfort [Vinny x fem!Reader] ☆ Like The Movies Part 2 Final Part [Vinny x fem!Reader] ☆
115 notes · View notes
circle-with-me · 4 months
my jolly x ofc (violet) smut the way you bend, the way you break should be posted tomorrow or thursday but i’m really shooting for tomorrow.
it’s long. it’s filthy. i’ll be honest i’ve absolutely loved writing this thing and i hope you all love it too.
if you are interested and would like to be tagged please reply to this post or inbox/dm me. thanks 🫶🏻
here’s a mood board i made for it :)
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concreteburialplot · 7 months
pretty sure you’re my fellow chase atlantic girlie that i’ve seen posted on my feed but if something chase atlantic x bad omens ever happened i. would. lose. my. mind. like i’m fully aware that noah would have fun posting things just because he likes to create chaos but someone on the bo tiktok account reposted cas’s video and it doesn’t mean anything but like,,, chase atlantic and bad omens are my bread and butter. and i mean they’re aware of each other just saying 🤠
and i’m sure if there ever was a collab someone somewhere would have smth negative to say but they could stfu because those are my angels. LIKE I’M SORRY can you imagine a chase atlantic feature on a song like bad decisions????
i need it. (at the same time i’m not ready for it)
YES! I AM HER! i am your fellow chase / omens girlie lmao
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(just seeing their logos side by side like that makes me feel dizzy & makes my heart explode)
i actually hadn’t heard anything about the repost so thank you for bringing it to my attention! i just about lost my mind 🥲 my fav boys interacting ? 😭 my heart 😩 they are also my babies so get it 100% 🥺
(you didn’t ask for this but i’m offering it anyway 🥲)
so, couple things that come into play here that i think are interesting
warning: beyond this point will contain lengthy unnecessary, unasked for, unwarranted & disorganized reaching, theories, wishful delusional thinking & dissection. i am a swiftie at heart so it’s a reflex to look too much into cryptic behavior lol
+ rambling bc i’m a gemini who loves chase atlantic & rarely gets to talk about them to anyone so 🥲💔
i’m also aware that omens x chase fans are very niche & nobody actually cares what i have to say about this topic but whatever 🥲💔 i just need to get this out 🥲
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1 - i have known for a while that at least noah knows about / is a fan of chase atlantic. i believe he liked a tweet about them a while ago, when chase was doing a livestream i think? & he’s posted about them before, example here:
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whether or not chase knows about bad omens i’m not sure but they probably do now at least
2 - Omens & Chase are under the same management company! They’re both under MDDN, so they’re at least in the same circles
3 - as much as i’d KILLLLL to hear chase feature on bad decisions i unfortunately don’t think noah would be down for it (i think he’s stated before he’s not open to features on bad omens’ discography ?? but i could be mistaken) - so the more likely scenario in the realm of (unrealistic) features would be noah featuring on a chase song
4 - the Bad Omens official tiktok account has only reposted 6 videos total, besides cas’ & the other 5 were specifically about the band - with how they handle their social media i find it interesting that they’d do that
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obviously Kras is in CA so them reposting it isn’t out of the ordinary BUT both band accounts reposted the same day (even tho the video itself was posted 6 days ago, they both reposted the next day) - again just interesting
5 - the audio on the tiktok was mamacita so that begs the question that if there WERE to be a collab … would it be noah featuring on mamacita …………. bc the thought of that …. makes my head spin 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 (we also been knew that noah’s music taste is vast, so him being interested in / open to featuring on a different genre track, especially of a band he likes, isn’t THAT crazy to imagine)
6 - however the caption cas’ tiktok was something like “christian said that if you use this filter he’ll show you his verse on mamacita” so that could mean a couple things IF a collab is being teased
a - it’s not actually kras’ verse it’s noah’s
b - kras’ verse could be first & noah’s 2nd (😵‍💫)
c - they’re hinting at a feature on another song on chase’s upcoming album
d - there is no collab & i’m a clown for believing that there could be (it’s this one)
7 - we know chase is open to having features from different genres & are pretty lax about who they work with (& lax in general)
8 - i’m unsure how well the collab would be received - i think noah featuring on chase would go over significantly better than the other way around but still idk - chase’ fanbase seems a lot more chill than omens
REGARDLESS i fear for chase if they collab bc [a lot of] bad omens fans are mean, judgy & ruthless especially about artists outside of metal/metalcore. chase’s fandom is fairly chill (in my experience) & unfortunately i honestly think any interaction with bad omens would bring a lot of unnecessary drama & hate to them :///// and i can smell the “bad omens is selling out” accusations from here
9 - again i think the repost was really interesting & unusual for their normal social media activity/strategy & so the fact that it’s so out of the ordinary + subtle + sneaky ON TOP OF ALLL of those other factors ^ has got me extremely intrigued
10 - that all being said ……. unfortunately as you touched on, Noah is a troll at heart, so he could very well just be causing mischief - for what reason, nobody knows - also choosing that tiktok was so random ?? so ?? [especially since it was cas’ tiktok, not chase or even their members??]
i’m interested to see if there’s any other sneaky interactions between them moving forward - noah loves taylor swift so he may be taking a page or 2 from her book & starting to get more cryptic as their fanbase expands ?? lol
seeing kras on the same page of an omens official account really made me feel crazy. that is something i never ever thought i’d see, thought i was hallucinating lol (i love them so much 🥹)
i am slightly hopeful but also ready to be disappointed lol
am i a fool for underestimating noah sebastian’s troll behavior? probably
has he trolled me before? yes
will i have too much faith in him to not troll me again after this? yeah :/
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anyway sorry this is ridiculously long for no reason & nobody actually cares about my insane hypothesizing 🥲 if anyone got this far, you’re a trooper & i’m giving you a star
i was just really really really excited about this bc i love them both so much & nobody else cares & it made me really sad but it’s fine 🥲🥲💔💔
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jennay · 6 months
Honey Bee
Parts: One/two/three
Master List
Tags: @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm @somewhere-diamond @cookiesupplier @blacksoul-27
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Waking up had been a struggle for the past week, and when you did manage to wake up, you'd stare at the ceiling and feel like screaming. You didn't want to alarm your neighbors, so you'd grab your spare pillow and yell into it. Your brain was tormenting you, and there was nothing you could do to silence it. The only way out was to get up and do something, even if it was just moving from your bed to your couch. You didn't care if you became zombie-like as long as you could escape from your emotions.
You knew it was going to hurt for a while, and you knew it would be hard to bounce back from the miscommunication with Jolly, but deep down, you knew this depression was stemming from something else, and Jolly's actions happened to trigger it.
You wondered why this exact scenario happened to you so often; you were just the friend, and no one would see you more than that, and if they did, it ended in the same way. They would get close enough to make you feel something, but ultimately, they would leave you, telling you you were too complex and it was challenging to love someone like you.
You didn't match their expectations, and they abandoned you. This wasn't new for you, but you were convinced it was different this time. You thought if Noah noticed it, it must've been real because Noah never said things like that.
You let out a heavy breath as you kick the blankets off your body and lazily sit up. You felt lightheaded and gave yourself a few seconds to adjust to uprightness. Your bones popped, muscles loosened as you stretched your arms out, a yawn released, and suddenly, you feel a little more alive.
It was time to face the sun, even if it was only on your balcony. You needed some fresh air, some light, some hope.
You slid your feet into your slippers and wrapped your robe around your body. You walk down the hall, hearing some crunching under your feet, and remember you haven't picked up the glass from the picture you knocked off the wall. You roll your eyes, remembering the moment. Looking back, it felt dramatic, but at the time, you needed it. You'll get to it, maybe not now, but you will.
As you stepped into the kitchen, you sighed at the sight of the dirty dishes and crumbs on the counter, but you decided to ignore it; your only goal was to start the coffee pot, and when you did, a wave of relief washed over you.
Coffee could solve a lot of your problems right now. Or at least make them easier to handle. You grabbed your cup and slid open the glass door when it was ready.
You sit on the camping chair and place your coffee on the small table, letting it cool down before you take a sip.
The rays of the sun hit your face, warming you up instantly. You felt your shoulders relax as you closed your eyes and breathed the fresh air.
A tranquility flowed over your body and mind; something murmured that this was the beginning of your healing journey, and you'd be fine.
Slowly, you blink your eyes open and let them adjust to the brightness. You know it's late evening where Jolly is, but you wonder if maybe he's sitting on his porch doing the same thing; instead of coffee, he'd have some lousy beer or a glass of mediocre wine in his hand. You wondered if he was thinking of you as often as you thought about him.
"Holy shit, she lives!" You hear Noah's voice from below you; you glance through the barred rail to see him waving his arm over his head, trying to get your attention. You shake your head, feeling annoyed. You stand up, setting your coffee on the table with a loud clink. Leaning over the rail, you look down at Noah, who is smiling expectantly. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" You roughly speak, but when you see his expression slowly fade to disappointment, you smirk at him and say. "I love you, Noah, but I took your keys for a reason. It's called space." You say, spreading your hands like an imaginary rainbow is shooting out of them.
You see him shrug his shoulders, and his hand is sheepishly on the back of his neck. "Yeah, well, your phones off, and I have your fucking cat still, Y/n. He peed on my sweater." He groans, throwing his head back and dropping his hands to his sides.
You stifle your laughter, "You probably deserved it!"
He rolls his eyes, his mouth dropping open like you've said the most offensive thing to him. "I think he just wants his mom because I took good fucking care of him! He was the king of my room for like a whole week!"
You yawn once more, rubbing the tired out of your eyes; you say, "I'll come get him tonight!"
Noah groans again. "I don't trust you. You gave me trust issues." He says, "Can I come up? I don't want to keep yelling."
You glance at him, weighing your options. You don't want him to see your messy apartment or yourself. "I promise I'll come over tonight. Go home." You say, waving your hand dismissively.
Noah scans the building with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You shake your head, knowing what he's planning, "Don't you dare try to climb the building, Noah."
"I'm not." He says as he walks closer to the wall. He sees a trash can by the edge and kicks it lightly, checking its stability. He looks up at the balcony and grins, thinking he can use it as a boost. "We're going to talk one way or another."
You see his tattooed fingers reach up to the cement of your balcony. "No, we're not! Boundaries, Noah!" You quickly turn around and grab your coffee, retreating inside and locking the door behind you. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it wouldn't be the last. Why did he have to be so stubborn?
You find your Bluetooth speaker and turn it on quickly, blaring music loudly. You want to drown out Noah's voice and any other thoughts in your head. You fill the sink with hot, soapy water and begin putting dishes in it. You scrub them vigorously, trying to ignore the clinking noise on the porch. You see Noah tapping on the glass door to get your attention. He looks frustrated and amused at the same time. You pretend you don't see him and continue washing the dishes.
One day, he would learn. "Go away, Noah." You say as you pass by to grab the plates from your table. He leans his forehead against the glass, staring at you with hopeful eyes as you walk past him again. You hear muffled words and stop at the glass door; he looks miserable. His dark brown eyes are large and bright, appealing for your mercy. His short dark hair is unkempt and disheveled as if he ruffled it in annoyance. He pulls at the neck of his hoodie, "It's getting hot out here."
You point to your ear, looking directly at him. "Sorry. I can't hear you." You laugh as you walk back to the kitchen and finish up the dishes; you wipe down the counters and sweep the floor. You thought Noah would've gotten bored by now, but when you look back at him, his mouth opened on the glass, blowing air into his cheeks. You shake your head and smile. "You know, you're wasting your breath. Literally. And also, you look like a pufferfish." You cross your arms over your chest, leaning your weight on your right leg, "You always get your way 'cause you're so fucking stubborn, but not today... you're gonna learn boundaries."
You walk out of the living room and head to the hallway. You see the broken pieces of glass on the floor. They glitter under the light. You grab a broom and a dustpan from the closet. You bend down and start sweeping the glass into the dustpan. You're careful not to touch any sharp edges. You don't want to cut yourself.
But then it happens. You feel a sudden sting in your hand. You gasp and pull your hand back. You look at it and see a deep cut on your palm. Blood is dripping from it. You curse and drop the broom and the dustpan. You stand up and run to the kitchen. You need to wash your wound and bandage it.
You reach the kitchen and turn on the faucet. You put your hand under the cold water. It hurts like hell. You bite your lip and try not to scream. You look for a towel and a first aid kit. You find them in a drawer. You take them out and put them on the counter.
You look up and see Noah's face in the window. You almost forgot he was there. He sees the blood on your hand, and his eyes widen in horror. He looks at you with a mix of concern and anger. He says something, "Okay, y/n. Unlock the door!" He says it sharply.
You nod and turn the lock, letting him open the sliding glass door. He grabs your wrist and examines your hand, "Did you get the glass out?" He asks.
Noah grabs a chair from the kitchen table, drags it over to you, and points for you to sit down. He pulls the tweezers out of the first aid kick and grabs the towel. He crouches in front of you.
"Ouch," You say as he begins digging in your hand.
"Sorry," He looks up at you with sympathetic eyes, "I think it was just that shard." He wraps your hand with the towel and holds your hand in between his, putting pressure on the wound.
"Do you have gauze or anything?" He asks.
"In the kit?" You smile, trying to soothe him, "But I think this will be okay until the bleeding stops. It wasn't that deep hands just bleed a lot." You remind him.
He shakes his head and sits before you, resting his elbows on his knees. His lips are pressed together in a thin line, holding back the questions he wants to ask.
What happened with Jolly? Why did you come home early? Why do you look so broken?
You two had known each other for more than half your lives; you could read each other like open books. You could see the genuine concern in his eyes, the worry that creased his forehead, and the concern in his softened voice.
You break eye contact, sighing as you stare down at the ground. "I misread the signs, and when I went to act on them, things got weird, and I don't want to talk about it." You say in a low voice, hoping he would drop it.
Noah nods but doesn't say anything. He can see the ache in your eyes, the pain you're hiding behind your words. He knows there's more to the story, but he doesn't push you. He patiently waits for you to continue, giving you the space you need.
He feels a sadness in his chest as he watches your eyes brim with tears. You quickly attempt to wipe them away, but they won't stop. They spill over your cheeks, leaving wet trails behind. You sob, thinking of all the other things that have gone wrong in your life, all the rejections, disappointments, and loneliness.
"I just feel like I'm unlovable. Like no one will ever love me in the way I need…" You say, your voice trembling. You bite your lip, feeling your heart race. You feel a rush of panic, wondering if you'll ever find someone who understands, accepts, and cares for you. "Am I just difficult to deal with?" You cry, your tears falling faster. "Am I just not worth it?" You ask, your voice cracking. You feel a lump in your throat choking you. "What's wrong with me?" You whisper, feeling hopeless and alone.
Noah slowly readjusts to a crouching position. His hand softly rests under your chin, guiding your eyes to look at him. He looks at you with compassion and sincerity, his eyes shining with love. "You're not unlovable, and you're worth the world." He says, his voice gentle and soothing. He sighs, resting his hands on your legs. He rubs your knees, trying to comfort you. "There's gotta be an explanation for what happened at Jolly's. I know the guy, and it just sounds fucking stupid, and I know he's not that stupid." He says, trying to make sense of the situation. He pauses, searching for the right words. "But even if he is that stupid, that doesn't mean anything about you. You're amazing, and you deserve anything and everything you want. And I'm here for you, always." He says, pulling you into a hug. He holds you tight, letting you cry on his shoulder. He strokes your hair, whispering words of encouragement and support. He doesn't let go until you calm down or feel better. He smiles at you, wiping away your tears. "You're my best friend, and I love you. Nothing will ever change that; you're stuck with me forever." He says, looking into your eyes. He hopes you believe him; he hopes someday you see yourself the way he sees you.
Part 5
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