#jes my beloved
onestepbackwards · 8 months
Self aware genshin of just them crying and begging for you to show up in front of them, and not be kept between a screen.
But what’s infinitely funnier is them making the game easier for you, just to keep you coming back.
Perhaps your main doing moves they normally wouldn’t have, cause you didn’t press any button, but yet not only landed a hit but a crit.
Or them panicking when they hear your frustrations with something and glitch the game themselves, just so you can be happy.
- Jes (my brain is dead but I hope this made sense.)
Self aware Genshin my beloved 😩
Everyone in genshin becoming aware and attached to you. You are different. You aren't tied to these invisible strings of code. You are an outlier.
But you are also special. Whatever you are, you are different. You care about them.
You level them up, talk to them, tell them how proud you are when they land a crit.
They don't know who or what you are, but its clear you have no malicious intentions. Even if you are taking control of their bodies on occasion.
But how can they hate you when you get so excited seeing them in a story or event? How you make whoever you are controlling do a lil spin or jump in excitement? It's clear you love them all. When you get a letter, you seem so happy too. You happily put the letter away and accept the gifts. Or how you work hard to get them good artifacts to make them all stronger.
It's hard to be mad at you when you care so much.
Many of them grow attached to you, the one pulling some strings.
So if they learn you are having a bad day?
Suddenly your team is getting crits almost all the time, even those that have a low crit rate.
Leaving them on idle? Some of them smile for you without having to open the in game camera, their faces following your mouse as you move it.
It takes effort for any of them to manipulate the code. They have to be careful, after all. One wrong move could have the game crashing, and they would lose their connection to you. Or worse, risk accidentally getting you banned.
But when they get the chance, they will manipulate the code just to help you out, to keep you coming to see them.
Sometimes you'll get letters. It's a garbled mess of code at first, but one thing is always the same. The character that sends a letter to you always gives you their specialty mean and extra materials, since you seem to like it.
Even if it confuses you to know end why your game continues to glitched out letters.
Don't worry, they'll figure it out. The moment they can learn how to properly use the code, you'll get better letters. They all have so much they wish to tell you, after all :)
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torydarixs · 1 year
not to be a slut but andrew garfield in That One picture with The Glasses looks like he's got the most kissable lips on the planet specially since it reminds me so insanely of remus and honestly thank you for coming to my ted talk goodbye
i know exactly what you are talking about and why would you remind me of that please i cannot keep falling in love with gay men
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aphroditestummyrolls · 6 months
Morning reblog of chapter 3 of Only Way Out (is through) because this is one of my favourite sections I’ve ever written and I love Jesper Fahey so so much he is my baby son 🥹
The words rang in his head for a moment. He needs you. There was a time not too long ago that he would’ve run away just at the thought. How could Jesper Fahey ever be what somebody needed? He was ten kinds of headache; he was good for a good time, but not a long time. He couldn’t even help himself, could he?
He wasn’t sure where things changed. He had changed. It wasn’t always easy, but he could stop himself after a few drinks now, most nights. The kruge in his pocket wasn’t immediately sacrificed at Makker’s Wheel anymore. Somewhere between Ovhal’s garden, the Ice Court, and the Church of Barter, he learned a bit more of who he wanted to be.
He’d always been looking for a direction, and he only ever wanted to be heading toward the merchling at his kitchen table.
It felt like an honour not to be wasted, to be needed by Wylan Van Eck.
First three chapters of the story are on AO3 here and next chapter will be up tonight
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jeremysknoxes · 1 year
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jesper your pining is showing
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miss-fabrikator · 1 year
Wylan: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.  Jesper: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
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jensojkaobecna · 5 days
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Dívka na koštěti fanart 🧹
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
i’m giving all of you who enabled me to spread my Brown Haired Wars agenda last night a little kiss on the forehead
In honor of the OVERWHELMING number of y’all who enabled me, here’s more about my headcanon:
- His hair is naturally a fairly dark brown and it’s got some curl to it, but he straightens it to the best of his ability (it still looks a bit wavy) and dyes it blond
- I headcanon he comes from a small farming village and had to force himself to adapt to city life VERY quickly when he joined the army, dyeing his hair helped him feel more like he belonged
- Another reason he dyes his hair is because of “beauty standards” and because he felt like he didn’t look enough like The Hero (most of the other great heros were all blond, same with the princesses, so he dyed his hair to fit in and feel more like he could be like them)
- He feels like he’s supposed to be this beautiful heroic figure because a WAR was started over him (HELEN OF TROY PARALLEL, SOMEONE REMIND ME TO MAKE A WHOLE POST ON THIS LATER), and he felt like if he didn’t at least LOOK the part that his men and soldiers would betray him because they wouldn’t find him worthy anymore, because he’s literally just a Nobody from Nowhere, why WOULD they follow him? (because he’s a lovable, kind idiot, that’s why, wars, they LOVE YOU-)
- I think he wears makeup for a similar reason to cover skin imperfections, freckles, scarring, and the dark shadows under his eyes
- I think by the time the journey with the other eight heroes rolls around, hes relaxed about it a bit but still dyes his hair and wears eyeliner because hes just used to it at this point and he still feels like its tied to his status as a hero
- also he’d DIE before he let the others know he’s not a born and raised city boy
At some point i need to get my crap together and draw him 🫶🫶🫶
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madrabit · 3 months
fav bojance pics?? 👀
✨️ Heho
That is such a good question, and it took me a long, long time to dive into my folders and find the pics I like the most! It's actually very hard finding pictures with just the three of them, but I still have a few pics I do really like! I'll give you a small little selection, but since tumblr limits me to ten, it was actually very hard to decide.
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Let's start with the London live streams, or also the JO cooking shows, which are basically domestic BoJance living together. There are so many good screenshots of them, where they are silly or mostly looking confused af while reading the chat 😂
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While talking about livestream, their other insta live (or rather, the failed discord live) was also more than amusing and brought us this gem :3
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I think those three are the most random ones I could find and they don't have any particular reason behind why I chose them other that I love how chaotic they look!
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I could never not choose this picture. I honestly have no clue what the hell Bojan wanted to accomplish by that, but he managed to make it look super hot.
And damn, Nace looks way too intrigued by them.
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This might be my fav picture of them. Ever. Period.
They are just so very soft, and Jan and Nace are looking at each other while Bojan is wrapped in Nace's jacket like a little kitten? Not forgetting to talk about how damn big Nace's hands are, making Bojan look so damn tiny djjsjsnssjsnd 👀
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And as a lil extra, have the three boyfriends looking at each other! ✨️💜🩷❤️
I know you probably didn't expect me to write about the pics a well, but every time I get to talk about the three of them together is a very good time! ✨️
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quentinfiletmignon · 5 months
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hedwig221b · 4 months
ngl Mr Rochester is pissing me off with his absent neglectful father ass so when (yes, when) I write Jane Eyre sterek au Derek is gonna be great with Eli even tho I'm making him an uncle for plot reasons
Also I'm happy to inform you that I've watched a YouTube video with Scottish strongest giant men and their regime and thus I'm making Derek swim naked in a freezing lake each morning to cool his heated body and give Stiles heart attacks
I can't wait to write baby Eli I missed him so much I gotta reread Treasure
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eldewinddolly · 4 months
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Smol Artemis, Tall Artemis. This one is sloppy but I’m tired.
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onestepbackwards · 7 months
Hello Soulmate
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🔸Zhongli x Reader Drabble🔸
Summary: You've had a weird soulmark on your wrist since you were young. Who knew it was the soulmark of a god who has waited for you for almost 6000 years?
CW: Fluff, soulmate au
Word Count: 1428 words!
Imagine Zhongli, in all his years alive, has never found his soulmate.
On his chest above his heart, a small bird symbol lays dormant. If it wasn't for the very obvious mark, he'd believe he never had a soul mate to begin with.
But not once in his thousands of years on Teyvat, had it ever lit up, or burned, or glowed. Tell tale signs a soulmate is alive, and that you have met them, or that they were nearby.
His did none of those. It just sat innocently on his chest.
At least it wasn't ashen grey, showing his soulmate had passed.
He had long grown not to expect his soul mate to appear. Zhongli did have hope after becoming an Archon, hoping that would make finding you easier.
But you never once showed up.
Eventually time went on, and he no longer felt hope.
Well, that would be a lie.
He felt hope, but it had long since grown into a warm, smoldering coal, instead of the blazing fire it once was.
The dragon knew if he were to still meet you in this life, he would love and cherish you, excited beyond belief.
But that day had yet to come.
So with a heavy heart, he went through with the death of Rex Lapis.
It was one of the most difficult decisions he had ever made. But it had to be done, regardless if he truly wanted to step down or not.
Erosion would eventually come its way for him, much like it had done to Azhdaha. It was best to let his country grow on its own two legs, and be prepared for when that day came, whether it be in a hundred years, or a thousand.
A part of him worried you would come, only when he was beginning to wither.
Zhongli didn't want you to see him like that. You already missed him in his prime, but he had nightmares of meeting his soul mate when his mind started to erode.
But it had to be done.
He wasn't too surprised to see your mark on his human vessel, though he still felt so empty. Deep down, he yearned to hold his soulmate, even now.
So when he was sipping tea one day, taking his time for an order for Director Hu, he dropped his tea cup when he felt a burn on his chest, right above his vessels heart.
His eyes widen as he reaches up to touch the spot. For once, he curses himself for wearing so many clothes.
He's leaving the tea house he is in, uncaring if the mora he slammed down on the table was enough to cover his meal. Rushing to his small home he had bought years ago, Zhongli slams through the door, almost stumbling to his room.
Ripping off his clothes, he shakes as he sees it in the mirror.
Your soulmate mark, alive and glowing warmly on his chest.
He stares in wonder, fingers gently reaching up, touching the delicate looking mark with awe.
You were real. You were alive. You were close by.
Old instincts pushed at the boundaries in his mind, and he forced them back down.
Not now. You were alive. You were real. He had time.
Rex Lapis waited 6000 years for you. Zhongli could wait just a little longer.
Meanwhile, you had an odd soulmate mark, ever since it first materialized as a child.
It was the Geo symbol. Just that, the Geo symbol.
Your parents had been stumped since the mark showed itself, on the inside of your wrist clear as day.
It glowed a stunning amber, and was outlined in black. Whoever it was, was alive and well.
Most marks had very interesting meanings. But THE Geo symbol?
It had your parents scratching their heads.
Not once had anyone you met had any symbol similar. Never had anyone seen a mark of one of the elemental sigils.
As you got older, it only brought more questions than answers.
Though you remember talking about it with a friend in the bar in Mondstadt, when the bard there asked about it when he saw it on your wrist in passing.
"You know... It might be someone from Liyue that uses a Geo vision. Or maybe an adeptus that works with Rex Lapis? Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
The bard then laughed, and your face went red at the remark. You? Being able to claim a god as your soulmate? Please.
The head of the bar ended up dragging him away, though the mischievous, almost knowing look that bard sent you over his shoulder had you second guessing yourself.
His words kept whispering in your head. Maybe your soulmate was in Liyue? That was the nation's symbol after all. If anything, it would be a good place to start looking.
After all, you always felt sometimes you had to grab fate by the horns and take control of it yourself.
So when you packed a bag and headed out, your parents tearfully waving goodbye behind you, you didn't think much of it.
If you found them, then you did. If not, you could always go home.
Though you weren't expecting your mark to burn when you stopped to rest at a Statue of the Seven near the harbor. The late Rex Lapis' statue.
A part of your mind grew anxious at this news. Your mark glowing and burning like this.
"Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
The bard's words echoed almost tauntingly in your mind.
You tried not to sadly laugh as you felt the warmth flow through your body.
Of course, if it really was Rex Lapis, it would only be your luck it was a dead god you were tied to. If only you had been a year sooner...
But that didn't mean Rex Lapis' spirit was gone. You had read the papers, and Lady Ningguang had mentioned a dream where he told her about how he had perished.
Or something like that.
Perhaps that was what this was then? Since he was a god, that's why your mark wasn't ashen grey? His spirit was strong enough to live on?
How cruel. If that was what this was, your soulmate was taken from you far too-
"I found you."
You scream as you spin around, and a man with the most gorgeous amber eyes you have ever seen is standing behind you.
He looked a bit disheveled. His clothes almost haphazardly thrown on. You got the impression he normally didn't look like this.
The mark on your wrist pulsed, and your eyes widened.
"You..." You began, though you couldn't think of the words you wanted to say.
The man is quick to unbutton his shirt, and tug it to the side.
When you saw the glowing bird, pulsing on his chest above his heart, you knew.
That mark was yours.
Carefully, you lowered your wrist, and he oh so carefully reached out for it. His hands were so gentle as they took your own, as if you were made of glass.
The spark that followed as a thumb ran across the symbol, left you breathless.
"My symbol..." He murmured, in awe over the small mark.
But you could already tell there was weight behind those words.
His eyes snapped back to your own, and you saw it.
This man... he was older than he looked. Those eyes were the ones of an old soul.
You felt power radiating from him, and your mouth went dry.
"You aren't... human, are you?"
It wasn't so much a question, as it was a statement.
The man blinked, almost in surprise, before he began to laugh.
It was a gentle one, one that had your heart pounding in your chest.
He smiled at you, eyes glowing bright.
"I should have known my soulmate would be able to figure it out first thing."
"Who knows, maybe even Rex Lapis himself?"
Those word rang in your mind once more, and you found yourself speaking before you could think about what you were asking.
"...Rex... Lapis...?" You asked, almost unsure, though the thought somehow felt so right.
His eyes seemed to brighten, along with his smile.
He brought your hand up to his mouth, and kissed the Geo symbol on your wrist, sending shivers through out your body. He then nuzzled against your hand, eyes never leaving your own. The loving look he sent you left you almost breathless.
"Hello, my dear. It's nice to finally meet you."
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torydarixs · 2 years
firm believer in if you can't fill the void in your chest fill the void in your bookshelf
and who's going to fill your pockets
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nejene · 8 months
Eh, takže jsem se rozhodla zkusit si udělat svoje první
~ Nakresli to ve svém stylu! ~
neboli klasické draw this in your style.
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A samozřejmě co jiného jsem měla vybrat, než Večerníčka? Protože vím, že na čumblru je spousta skvělých umělců a hrozně ráda bych viděla vaše verze právě Večerníčka.
A aby to nebylo jen tak, na konci vylosuju ze všech výtvorů jeden, jehož autor si bude moct jako cenu vybrat cokoliv z mého Fleru. Konec jsem stanovila na pátek 24.11. Takže budu hrozně ráda, když se do té doby zúčastníte <33 a nemůžu se bočkat až uvidím vaše výtvory.
Jo a prosím kdyžtak mě ve svém příspěvku označte, ať ho s místním systemem neminu ^^
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miss-fabrikator · 1 year
Wylan: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.  Jesper: Wow. They sound stupid.  Wylan: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Jesper: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Wylan: I guess you’re right. Hey Jesper, I love you.  Jesper: See! Just say that!  Wylan: Holy fucking shit.  Jesper: If that flies over their head then, sorry Wylan, but they're too dumb for you.  Wylan: Jesper.
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applecidersstuff · 9 months
Tho Kaz is the one who worked as a dialer at some point of his life, it Jesper who teaches Inej how to gamble. Not that she really needs it or likes gambling. It’s just a little thing they share. They could do it while waiting for Kaz or just when they have nothing else to do.
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