#jenna x brooke
squippites · 2 years
Bmc london is just a huge polycule where no one is entirely sure whos dating who
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doveriathegoddess · 1 month
Hello hello my good friend @marukane got me back into Be More Chill which I enjoyed in my middle school era, and so I decided to draw my own silly interpretations of the BMC Characters :3
Let us begin!
Starting off we have Jeremy Heere and the Squip himself
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Up next we have Michael Mell and Rich Goranski
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Then we have Christine Canigula and Chloe Valentine
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We can't forget of course Brooke Lohst and Jenna Rolan
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And finally we have Jake Dillinger and just for the fun of it I inserted my sona Dove into the BMC universe as a young girl named Paloma "Dove" Wilson.
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To add some Bonus Content to this post as well, I have a fluffy ship drawing of Jake and Dove being a wholesome pair of high school sweethearts :3
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Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!
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justarandombrit · 1 year
Do you ever have ships you don't like...
But the ship name is too good?
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izzyseemsfizzy · 1 year
what r ur favorite things about rolohst
hmmmmm tbh i like it because i believe brooke would try to listen to jenna & give her the attention she wants. theyre both characters who want to be seen outside the spotlight of chloe. (“i just wanted to be seen” & “i know everything about everyone, but does anyone know anything about me?”)
my main example of this is with jeremy and brooke’s relationship. brooke knew madeline was french (and knew jeremy “dated” madeline) so she tried to learn french. it’s those little things imho.
i also feel like brooke is constantly trying to live up to chloe’s expectations, but with jenna, she could be herself rather than a shadow of who she is with chloe. (why I don’t like pinkberry, but that’s a whole different topic haha)
anyways thx for listening anon <3
also, i feel like brooke would find a new spot to hang out with jenna rather than pinkberry (cuz a. she pretty much only went there with chloe [imho] and b. she’s lactose intolerant) and try to make new memories with her post-squip!!
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lohstandfound · 1 year
Jakob Dillinger and the Loves of His Life
A little fic/character study/examination of Jake's relationships with his friends. These can probably be interpreted however you please. Yes, this is already on AO3 and now it's here because I say so.
Jake Dillinger and Chloe Valentine were best friends in middle school. They did almost everything together. They were a force to be reckoned with. Jake was the one who fell first, getting flustered and nervous at the thought of his best friend. In freshman year, he wrote a poem. It was dumb, stupid, and honestly not even good. But he stuck it in Chloe’s locker. The next day, they were joined again at the hip as the newest and sweetest couple at Middleborough High School.
Chloe believed that she was destined for popularity, so she dragged Jake and Brooke with her. Chloe Valentine and Jake Dillinger became the queen and king of Middleborough High School. Middleborough’s ‘It’ couple then started to crumble. Fights and arguments and breakups and makeups and relief and stress. And they weren’t happy. Chloe had her claws dug into Jake, and Chloe was wrapped around Jake’s finger.
Chloe and Jake had a fight on Halloween, before the fire. Then Chloe and Jake were no more.
Chloe and Jake were bought together because of some dumb robot pills in the beaker of the school play. Chloe and Jake decided to make up.
They talked, and they talked and talked and talked. They missed each other, they missed being close, and they couldn’t imagine not being together. But being together wasn’t good for them. (Rich and Brooke both begged them to stop getting back together because why would they want to hurt themselves like that?).
Chloe and Jake decided not to date again, but they are almost joined at the hip again. There’s an understanding between them, a deep and unconditional love for their first love. They were still tied together, but no longer with a heavy chain. It was something softer, more gentle, more flexible. Chloe and Jake would never describe their relationship as romantic. In fact, Jake once said their relationship is basically a divorced couple who are still really good friends.
Growing to love Brooke Lohst was not part of the plan for either of them. Sure, maybe Jake wanted to get to know Chloe’s new best friend, but Chloe’s new best friend avoided him like the plague. So Jake never really got the chance to know Brooke one-on-one.
He noticed things, though. When Brooke was their third wheel. Or when he was the third wheel, particularly during trips to the mall to carry their things. He noticed Chloe liked to have control. He noticed Brooke was always in the background, always second best to Chloe.
The catalyst was their English class in Junior year. That is when they really clicked. Suddenly, Brooke didn’t avoid Jake as much. And Jake was always happy to hang out with Brooke. When she wasn’t with Chloe, when she wasn’t with anyone, Jake discovered that Brooke was bloody amazing. She was sweet, kind, fierce, smart, and determined. She had just as many goals as Chloe; she was more than just Cloe’s best friend.
Jake liked seeing more of Brooke.
Of course, Chloe used to get jealous when Brooke and Jake would hang out. It was just inevitable back then, but that didn’t stop Jake from getting close to Brooke. And sometimes, he’d surprise her by taking her out.
“Yo, B!” Jake would call out to her.
Brooke would smile as Jake pushed his way through the crowds. “Hey, J.”
Jake would sling an arm around her shoulders and flash a grin. “You doing anything tonight?”
Brooke would respond with, “I think Chloe was-”
Jake: “I didn’t ask about Chloe. I asked about you.”
Brooke: “Oh, uh, no. I don’t think I have any plans.”
Jake: “Now you do. I’m taking you out tonight.”
The first time it happened, Brooke was confused.
Brooke: “What?”
Jake: “Oh, god- Not like that, definitely not like that. Chloe would be pissed.”
Brooke: “I don’t know whether I should be hurt by that or not.”
Jake: “I’m sorry, I don’t mean in, like, a romantic way. Not a date date. Because I don’t see you in, y’know, that way and-”
Brooke: “Jake, you’re rambling again.”
Jake: “Right- uh. A platonic date. Friend date.”
And so out they would go. Pinkberry, Sbarros, rollerskating. Those were usually the locations for their friend dates. It was nice. Pleasantly surprised at the discovery of the ‘real’ Jake and the ‘real’ Brooke.
Besides, Brooke always made awesome baking and was a super good cook; Jake loved being the test subject for her new recipes. Especially anything Italian.
Jake and Brooke grew super close, especially after the play. Brooke visited him a lot in hospital, and Jake always looked forward to her visits. She bought him food, books, missed school work, and caught him up on everything he missed. And they were both left without Chloe for a period of time. It was only when Chloe saw Jake and Brooke together did she realise how much she missed them, and how much she fucked up.
Jake and Jenna were unexpected. Jenna never really felt seen by anyone, and Jake was seen by everyone. Everyone would talk to Jenna to hear the latest gossip, wanting to hear the dirt on someone they knew or to hear the juicy news from within the popular kid circle.
But Jake was different. Jake didn’t care about hearing the latest news and gossip. (Okay, sometimes he wanted to know what was up, but he rarely went to Jenna for that). Jake spoke to her like she was a real human being. Jake and Jenna had always shared a lot of classes together, and Jake and Jenna were always competing for the top marks in those classes.
Jenna was one of the few people to see Jake as a regular human being. He wasn’t some stereotypical dumb jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. Okay, maybe he was a jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. But he certainly wasn’t dumb. Maybe just a little oblivious.
Jenna was Jake’s favourite study buddy. Even if their study sessions were less study and more just hanging out. Jake wanted to make Jenna feel seen and heard, and he was certainly doing a good job at that. He let her vent about her problems and tried to give her advice. They would hang out, they were friends.
Jake was a little less open about his feelings and problems, but Jenna was observant. She noticed the way his shoulders started to drop a little, she noticed that his eyes didn’t light up the same way they used to, she noticed that his smile seemed a little forced, she noticed the way he avoided certain topics, the way he screwed up permission forms for parents only for him to hand in the crumpled letter a few days later, the way he only seemed to let himself relax when he was at a party.
Jenna was the first person to see through Jake’s act. Even if it wasn’t the whole picture. Finally, Jenna was able to return the favour and be Jake’s shoulder to cry on.
Jenna Rolan was widely known to spread any and every juicy bit of gossip she heard, but for some reason, Jake trusted her the most with the secret of his empty home.
Jake and Jenna care deeply about each other. Thick as thieves. Always looking out for each other.
Christine Canigula and Jake Dillinger were like fireworks. After a semi-disastrous first relationship that had suffered Chloe’s attempts at sabotage, they got on surprisingly well for exes. Like the best of friends, Christine was the first person that made Jake show off his soft side.
Christine doesn’t take shit from anyone and was not letting Jake get away with what happened during their relationship. We had an angry Christine and an already apologetic Jake.
A week later, they were hanging out again.
Jake wasn’t lying when he spoke to Christine the first time. He was enamoured seeing her act, and he loved watching her on that stage. He always loved watching her during rehearsal. She was fantastic, mesmerising, even if the play was Midsummer Night’s Dream but with zombies.
After the disastrous Midsummer Night’s Dream with Zombies, Jake decided that acting on a stage wasn’t really for him. He decided he’d be Christine’s partner when she wanted to run lines with someone, and that was it. If someone told him he should be in the upcoming school show, he’d respond with, “I am never stepping foot on that stage. The only way I’m getting up there is if Christine Canigula herself convinces me, and she never will.”
But she always does. She is determined.
Like the time he helped Christine run lines for the proper version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A scene with Helena and Demetrius, to be precise. It was weird and difficult, and Christine was uncomfortable. Jake had already decided he wasn’t going to act. He missed the auditions. But he didn’t want Christine doing this scene with just anyone.
Three days later, Jake was cast as Demetrius.
Christine and Jake are like fireworks. Jake and Christine are a force to be reckoned with. They’re wild and fun and love each other dearly. They’re the mum friends of the group, despite the fact they need to be reminded to eat, sleep, and take breaks. Organised messes.
But, of course, they make sure the other take care of themselves. The star athlete needs to remember to eat, and the star actor needs to sleep, of course. They support each other just as much as they support their friends.
Jake Dillinger decided Jeremy Heere was a pretty neat person after a dance-off on Halloween. Jake had only known Jeremy as the weird, awkward kid in his grade that Rich liked to mess with. The guy who was friends with the headphones guy with the cool hoodie.
But now, Jeremy was pretty cool.
Of course, that Jeremy he got to know wasn’t exactly the real Jeremy. Besides, that Jeremy was an ass. Cheating on Brooke by sleeping with Chloe in his parents’ bedroom? Not cool.
(Although that isn’t the true story, that was just what Jake saw that night).
The real Jeremy is also pretty neat. Much, much better than before. They mesh surprisingly well. It took a while for Jeremy to warm up to the idea of Jake wanting to be his friend.
If Jeremy was being honest, he was always jealous of Jake. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect face, perfect everything. He was envious, and Jeremy was an asshole, so why was Jake trying to befriend him now?
But eventually, Jeremy began to warm up to Jake, allowing himself to enjoy the other’s company. Jake wasn’t all cool and chill and intimidating as he thought. Jake was a massive dork.
The first time Jake saw Jeremy’s room, he was gushing over anything and everything. Jeremy was almost dumbfounded. When he mentioned it around Rich and Michael, Rich just said that’s how Jake’s always been, and Michael told him about the Donkey Kong high score.
Jake and Jeremy were a wonderful pair. They balanced each other nicely. They grounded each other, they bought out sides of each other they didn’t know they had. Jeremy could learn to let loose, have fun, and make a fool of himself because Jake would be right there doing the same thing. Jake could learn to be soft, gentle, quiet, to relax because Jeremy proved to be some sort of calming presence in Jake’s whirlwind life.
Jake thought Jeremy was pretty neat; Jake liked being around Jeremy a lot.
Michael Mell always remained a mystery to Jake Dillinger. Michael was a mystery, and Jake was Indiana Jones. Or Lara Croft. Jake quite enjoyed the Tomb Raider games.
They had more in common than they thought.
And they admired each other for very similar reasons. Or opposites. Jake admired how little Michael cared what other people thought of him. Michael wished he could care a little bit more like Jake. Even though Michael was determined not to like Jake at first. The guy was just too perfect, but goddammit, he’s just too nice.
It was such a surprise when Michael found out that the top score on Donkey Kong at the arcade he was trying so hard to beat belonged to the one and only Jake Dillinger. Michael was determined to change that.
However, Jake was good at everything. But video games were not one of those things. The few exceptions are Tomb Raider and Donkey Kong. And Michael was determined to beat Jake at Donkey Kong. Michael was the self-appointed video game master. So, Michael would set up tournaments for the two of them, and Jake was just happy to spend time with Michael.
He liked being around Michael. The guy just seemed to know how to make anyone feel better; he was funny, gave the best hugs, and smoking with him was always pretty fun. Not to mention he felt right at home with the Mell family. Michael’s mothers always welcomed him into their home.
Eventually, they grew from their mutual admiration and one-sided gaming rivalry. Michael Mell and Jake Dillinger were great friends. They helped each other grow. The one thing they always had in common was how much they cared about their friends. Jake and Michael are the kings at gift-giving.
Jake Dillinger and Rich Goranski. Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. Soulmates. They are always meant for each other, no matter what way that may be. They’ve been through hell and back and still have each other.
Maybe their relationship was built on a lie. But that doesn’t change how they felt about each other before the play, before Halloween.
Jake would wake up some nights, or maybe he was already awake at odd hours of the morning, to a knock on his door. He’d open it to find Rich standing there, a bag over his shoulder, and doing everything he could to avoid looking at Jake as he asked to crash on his couch for the night. Without fail, Jake always let him in.
It happened more and more, and Rich was always worried he was being a bother, but Jake liked the company. It went from Rich asking permission to sending a warning, to just showing up and knocking, to letting himself in if the door was unlocked.
Eventually, Jake got Rich his own key. And, very slowly, Rich just seemed to move in. And it just felt right. Jake liked having Rich around, and it motivated him to keep the kitchen stocked. And Rich liked having his safe place.
Jake and Rich are more than just best friends. They are fiercely protective of each other. Rich would jump to defend Jake. He’s explosive and ready to fight to defend those he loves. Jake is more quiet, reserved. (Maybe it’s because he wanted to focus on his friends, or maybe it’s because he doesn’t know how to process his emotions, so they sit on the back burner. Even he doesn’t know the answer to that). His focus lies more on Rich while sending the coldest death glare anyone could receive. An angry Jake Dillinger was not something you wanted.
Something then switched. Halloween. Everyone had gotten out of the house, and Jake had made sure of that. But he scanned the crowds of people for Rich, only to find him absent. Before anyone, including himself, could stop him, he ran back into the burning house. He would be damned if he lost Rich. And he found him, lighter in hand and an empty container of gasoline.
Jake was not going to lose Rich.
Jake grabbed Rich, opened the window, and jumped. That was the last time he saw Rich for a while.
They next saw each other after the play. Jake was mad. So, so, mad. Rich had seen Jake mad at other people but never at him. He knew he deserved Jake’s anger, and Jake started asking all these questions, some of which Rich didn’t know the answers to. Or he didn’t want to say them out of fear of them coming true. But they’re yelling, screaming, crying. They are both hurt, so, so hurt.
But they feel better once the silence falls over them. It’s a slow movement, but Jake slowly moves forward in the wheelchair, moving closer to Rich. He hesitates before grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. And Rich crumbles. He cries again, covering his mouth to muffle the sobs. Jake gently tugs him down into a hug.
It’s a start to rebuilding their relationship. One full of honesty and trust and love and care. They’re open with each other, they love each other, they care for each other. Maybe Jake doesn’t know the real Rich, and maybe Rich doesn’t even know who he is anymore. But they’re finding out together.
It’s Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. How it’s always been and how it should be. Friends, brothers, soulmates.
Jake used to think that maybe he just wasn’t meant for a family. Destined for flings and temporary relationships and for keeping people an arm’s length away from his heart.
It took a supercomputer pill to make him realise that he did have a family, right in front of him. They certainly weren’t the family he was asking for, but it was the family he needed.
His favourite way to describe his family is that one Lilo and Stitch quote:
“This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s little and broken… but still good. Yeah, still good.”
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kevinmchalenews · 1 year
We unlock the vault with the Queen Supremes from RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race! Brooke Lynn Hytes, Monét X Change and Jujubee reunite with Jenna and Kevin. Find out what came first, the Glee or the Drag…plus all the details on Jenna’s secret within the secret! There’s a lot to share and lucky for us, this group is ready to sing!
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sharting-constantly · 7 months
Okay so today on tumblr I saw a post that said “the unhealthiness in pinkberry never being addressed is bad.” And in a way, I agree.
I don’t have an issue with someone saying that the unhealthiness with Brooke x Chloe should be addressed but I raise you this.
Every single be more chill ship is unhealthy except Jenna and Christine and some random other smaller ships.
So why does everyone only ever single out Chloe and Brooke when talking about unhealthiness in be more chill ships?
Boyf riends is unhealthy. First of all Jeremy just dropping Micheal whenever he wanted and not apologising unless he needed something but still being immediately forgiven? Not healthy.
Richjake is unhealthy. I love richjake but I really don’t need to go into the millions of reasons why they’d both need therapy before they can date.
Expensive headphone / rich x Jeremy (I forget the ship name) is unhealthy. I fucking hate the bully x victim trope it doesn’t make sense in any way and I know rich is different without the Squip but my point still stands.
Fucking stage dorks is unhealthy. Again, I love stagedorks when done right but they should never have ended up together. Jeremy drugging her, not taking no for an answer, never apologised and still deciding to shoot his shot and somehow she says yes?? Not super healthy in my book.
I just think it’s very interesting that the only major wlw ship in the fandom is hated on constantly for being toxic but so many of the mlm ships are just as toxic (some worse) and no one ever says anything about them.
I don’t want to chalk it up to misogyny but based on the hate Chloe gets for “being a horrible person” when it’s really not deserved at all and both rich and jeremy did worse things, it’s not looking great. (I could defend Chloe and talk about the misogyny in this fandom for hours but I’ll save that for another essay.)
This is no hate to the person who said the original statement this is constructive criticism to everyone.
If you wanna say pinkberry is toxic that’s fine but that means you have to admit almost every ship in bmc is toxic.
And if you can’t ship pinkberry because it’s toxic but you ship boyf riends, richjake etc, it’s time to look inwards.
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bebepac · 2 months
Six Sentence Sunday 03.31.24
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Is it me you're looking for? Yes, I know I've been M.I.A. for a bit, but you guys I'm really trying to upper level adult here. I have decided I'm going to buy a house. So I have hired a realtor and have started the process. When my lease is up again, I WILL be moving into my home.
Let's see if I remember how to set one of these up!
Original post 03/31/24 at 8:02PM EST
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Chapter 9: Riley Brooks's Day Off
The Series: Life of Riley Book 2
The Book: TRR
Pairings: Liam x Riley (Liam x F!MC)
Status: Still in the writing process
Since the challenges Constantine had been coming up with weekly for the suitors were getting a lot of publicity for the crown, the suitors met weekly for a meeting with a PR specialist to make sure they had the crown’s best interests in everything they did. They also passed out weekly itineraries of what the Suitors would be doing. Did it ever reveal any events they would be participating in? No, but that their sponsor would be revealing the new task and prize for that week."
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Riley thumbed through the itinerary, once than again looking confused.
“Is something wrong Lady Riley?”
“Jenna, my booklet seems to be missing a page. I have nothing for Friday’s itinerary .”
“Actually no you’re not. None of you are. Since I've just been brought into this role, I know you ladies are going through a lot being thrust into the public eye in this magnitude. Lady Riley, you for example, you are coming to us from America and have no experience with dealing with the nobility on a daily basis, and are completely learning how to navigate court successfully from scratch. I recognize this to be quite the experience. The potential reward of all of this is indescribable, but you all need breathing moments for mental and physical wellbeing. We are building in “off days” to your schedule to do what you want with it, a recharge day of sorts, or a mental health day if you will.”
“Well if you’re weak you need days off. I will spend my time training.” Olivia chimed in.
“If that is how you want to spend your day Olivia, there are no wrong answers, it’s free to do whatever you want, as long as you enjoy it.”
That evening:
“Of course, you would have an off day when I’m out of the country.” Liam sounded genuinely disappointed.
“I know I thought about that too.”
“Take it as an opportunity Riley, do some exploring, sleep in a little bit, we both know you like your sleep. Relax. You know, life moves really fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
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“You’re completely right Liam. Thanks.”
“Sounds like you have a plan.”
“I do.”
When she hung up with him, she called Maxwell.
“What’s up Little Blossom?”
“I need your help.”
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Part 3: Spice Spice Baby
Series: Not officially one: Previous Parts include: Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice
The Book: TRR
Pairings: Liam x Bebe (Liam x F!OC)
Status: Still in the writing process
I have never required that much sleep. There has always been something so peaceful about the world at night for me. I glanced at her once more before getting out of bed. She was soundly sleeping and didn’t even stir from her slumber as I rose. A good mattress will do that, and honestly I think she needed the rest. I slipped on my pajama pants and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
Night time was when I did my best thinking, and the thought crossed my mind that the two of us would be able to pull off this ruse with my coworkers. Bebe really did seem invested to make “us work.” Or maybe she was invested in the paycheck.
“Was my snoring keeping you awake?”
Bebe was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, resting her hip on the frame, her robe loosely tied.
“You don’t snore.”
“And you,” she gently tapped my nose with her pointer finger, “are a liar.”
“I wasn’t lying, I didn’t hear you snoring, or if you were, you weren’t disturbing me.”
“Why are you up, Liam?”
“Why are you up, Bebe?”
She quirked her eyebrow at me, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I rarely sleep through the whole night, I’m always up for a bit.”
Her stare from across the room was almost piercing my soul.
“Therapist was not one of your duties I'm paying you for in our contract.”
She looked surprised, but more importantly, hurt by my remark. In a split second I had turned her into a business arrangement that she was a prostitute, that I was paying for a service.
“Oh, well you’re paying me a handsome sum, therefore I feel like I should be anything you need me to be at the moment. I’ll just….”
I had hurt her feelings, and snapped at her, and I didn’t even know why, and the look in her eyes, I didn’t want to ever see that again.
“Life.” I called out to her before she was out of the room. Bebe immediately stopped and turned to face me.
“I can relate to that. Do you mind if I just sit up with you for a bit then?”
“No, not at all.”
Bebe settled into the couch next to me. She didn’t say a word, but I found her silence and non-judgment strangely comforting.
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Part 4
Series: The Vampires Live On
The Book: TRR
The Pairing: Liam x Riley (in this decade Gabriel x Alice in the past)
Status: Still in the writing process
“We’re here.”
“I really didn’t think it would be this clean here. I know what you said, but looking at the other graves along the way here, I expected the same condition.”
“You know, I can be very persuasive, and keeping in contact as the groundskeeper’s changed over the years, very important in this. “
“I didn’t think they would be buried side by side.”
“Because that didn’t matter here, and since he died, protecting the two of you, his family wanted nothing to do with him.”
“Poor Max. He was such a good sweet guy. What we were, or not completely, never mattered to him.”
I placed the small flower arrangement into the vase at his grave.
“I have missed you dear friend,”
“I’m going to give you some time alone with your sister and friend.”
“You can stay.”
“No, I’ve been with you for an eternity, you have not had any time with her or him since that night. I want you to have some time alone with them. You deserve that.”
“Thank you, Liam.”
Even though the space around her grave was clean, I found myself picking up and pushing the few leaves and debris away to make her area more pristine.
I sat down in the grass in front of her grave and closed my eyes, letting the emotions of finally being here with her again wash over me.
“Hi Clara. I have missed you so much.”
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Chapter 17: Finale Part 4: The Wedding
Series: The Rotten Apple 🍎
The Book: TRH & Beyond
Pairings: Eleanor x Nico (Elle x M!OC) / Liam x Riley
Status: Still in the writing process
Final exams for Liberty had ensured that she wouldn’t be able to come to Greece early to take part in some of the pre-wedding festivities that Elle had planned. Elle felt guilty that Liberty would be missing her graduation from the Crown Academy to come to her wedding; her father had wanted to pull some strings for Liberty, but Elle declined, citing the importance of her education, though she did want her there.
Elle smiled as she panned the camera around the back yard.
"I really wish I was there Ellie."
"I really wish I was there. Libby! Look at you in your cap and gown. Father and I stepped away for a bit to watch the live feed of the baccalaureate."
"Thanks Ellie."
"For what?"
"Just making an effort. I can't wait to see you and everyone."
“Does that include Michail? He looked so sad when I told him you would not be here tonight.”
A slow smile crept over Liberty’s face.
“He looks sad?”
Elle laughed, “You’re clearly not about that.”
“Did he dance with any other girls?”
“Just one.”
Elle’s smile widened.
“Only me, when he could pull me away from Nico, all he talked about was you. He really likes you Libby.”
“You think so?”
“I know so, and he can’t wait to see you tomorrow and neither can I.”
“Neither can I!”
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itgirlmind · 2 years
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 𝒾𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓂𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒶  ゚・。・゚
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Oh, the Internet. A myriad of a million hyperlinks, videos, and social media platforms barraging us with contradicting advice from every single angle...and here I am to throw some more in your lap! Below are a handful of online blogs, Youtube channels, and Spotify podcasts that I myself love and live by. Truthfully, I did plan on adding a list of self help novels that transformed me into moi but....there's just far too many. Perhaps another time, my darlings! I sincerely hope that the media I've included here resonate with you and allow you to step into your highest self. Enjoy!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ blogs
La Vie En Rose Diaries by Blair Natalia
Blogpost of Choice: Why I’m Treating Myself like the Princess I Deserve to Be ♡
The It-Girl Diaries by Lydia
Blogpost of Choice: Becoming Your Own Version Of 'That Girl'
The Skinny Confidential by Lauryn Bosstick
Blogpost of Choice: How to Remove Toxicity From Your Mind And Body
Aria Kaiser by Aria Kaiser
Blogpost of Choice: Lets Talk Food
The It Girl Guide (TIGG) by Sky Haarsma
Blogpost of Choice: Our It-Girl Essentials
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ podcasts
Early Call Her Daddy episodes
Sofia With An F by Sofia Franklyn
Busy, Yet Pretty by Jadyn Hailey
The Wellness Cafe by Trinity Tondeleir
The Skinny Confidential by The Skinny Confidential
The Balanced Blonde by Jordan Younger
The Blonde Files by Arielle Lorre
Already Friends by Allison Wetig and Ceara Kirkpatrick
Middle Ground by Jo Johnson and Caroline Stelte
Crying In Public by Sydni and Sarah
The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes
The Tony Robbins Podcast by Tony Robbins
Trying Not To Care by Ashley Corbo
For You From Eve by Olivia Eve Shabo
Unf*ck Your Brain by Kara Loewentheil
The Psychology Of Your 20's by Jenna Sbeg
Habits Of A Goddess (Affirmations)
The goop Podcast by Goop Inc.
Almost 30 by Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik
Guide Me Glow by Shannon Tang
Girls with Goals by AnnCatherine and Caroline
Hot Girl Energy by Kaylie Stewart
The Bossbabe Podcast by Natalie Ellis and Danielle Canty
Girlboss Radio by Puno
Gals On The Go by Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio
Girls That Invest by Sim and Sonya
Her First $100K by Tori Dunlap
Victoria's Thoughts by Victoria de Vall
Breaking Beauty by Jill and Carlene
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ youtube channels
Alay Bowker x Give Me Glow ; vlogs, guides, and inspo
Alyse Parker; wellness, lifestyle, and spirituality
Claudia Sulewski; vlogs, style inspo, lifestyle
dear peachie; beauty, makeup tutorials, makeup trends
Elena Taber; vlogs, lifestyle, and travel
Emma MacDonald; vlogs, hauls, and modeling
Eva Meloche; vlogs, lifestyle, organization inspo
Maddie Lymburner; meals, workouts, lifestyle inspo
MadFit; every type of workout for every type of fitness journey
Makayla Merie; vlogs, workout attire, lifestyle inspo
Meghan Livingstone; holistic nutrition, gut health, meal inspo
Romee Strijd; VS angel turned vlogger
The Skinny Confidential; recipes, girl talk, and wellness
Thewizardliz; the queen of having an "it girl mindset"
Yoga With Adriene; yoga for everybody!
Much love, Auden♡
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swagcoolcat · 7 months
I feel like if either of those two were included they’d dominate the poll, so we’re taking them out of the equation. It had to be done.
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fivenightsatartists · 2 months
I been listening to some musicals (mostly listening to Be More Chill) and my brain just been exploded with a idea of a somewhat Crossover Au with a bit of X reader, let me know if you guys are interested in this....
(Spooky Month + Be More Chill Au) Kevin x Reader
-Kevin as Jeremy Heere
-Radford as Micheal Mell (I'M SO SORRY!!! QAQ💔)
-Atticus (Skid's dad) as The Squip
-Reader as Christine Canigula
-Liv as Rich Goranski
-Ethan as Chloe Valentine
-Leon as Brooke Lohst
-Streber as Jenna Rolan
-Aria as Jake Dillinger
-Lila or Jaune??? as Mr. Heere (Jeremy's Dad)
-Jack (maybe???) as Mr. Reyes
Tell me if there's anything wrong in this then I'll change things up but no hate please, and yeah I know the BMC fandom is small and forgotten but I don't care I still love it ಠ︵ಠ
Spooky Month belongs to Sr. Pelo, Be More Chill The Musical (2015) belongs to Joe Tracz, and Reader (you) belongs to yourself
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thesquirrelqueer · 8 months
okay so the semi-canon ships across different productions (not including word of god) are
jeremy x christine (plot relevant canon)
jeremy x brooke (plot relevant canon)
jake x chloe (plot relevant canon)
jake x christine (plot relevant canon)
jake x madeline (plot relevant canon)
jeremy x chloe (plot relevant canon)
chloe x brooke (bac canon)
jeremy x rich (germany canon, one-sided on rich’s side)
jenna x brooke (broadway canon)
rich x michael (broadway canon, mostly one-sided on rich’s side)
any additions?
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pinklemonslices · 7 months
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doodles of my total drama x be more chill au!!
more details under the cut :3
okay so i’m thinking of calling it Be Totally Chill or something. or just “td bmc au” LOL
Cody is Jeremy, Harold is Michael, Duncan is Rich, Geoff is Jake, Gwen is Christine, Heather is Chloe, Lindsay is Brooke, and Beth is Jenna. Chef might be the SQUIP, and maybe Blainely will be Mr. Reyes???? instead of hot pocket breaks, she takes low fat, no foam latte steamed to a hundred-two heat breaks <3 and then either Cody’s actual dad or Chris as Mr. Heere. just. just go with it.
idk what club/whatever they’ll be in, cause i don’t know if Gwen would be that passionate about play rehearsal lol. maybe i’ll keep it, who knows.
speaking of Gwen, she and Cody won’t get together at the end. because i don’t want them to. they’ll still be friends though
that’s all the important info i can think of rn and this post is long enough, bye bye
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izzyseemsfizzy · 1 year
you got any rolohst headcanons? 👀
I haven’t really thought about it that much, but I do have a headcanon that brooke sometimes tried to privately talk to her about her life, but was stopped by chloe because “jenna wasn’t on their level” so she resorted to privately texting jenna behind chloe’s back, and learned that jenna wants to be a news anchor when she grows up because she loves spreading information. so after the events of the play jenna decided to apply for a junior newscast & brooke was the only one she told about it.
idk just something I’ve been thinking about
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lohstandfound · 1 year
Jake loves his friends a lot
A character study of sorts on Jake's relationships with his friends. Interpret the relationships how you will
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April 2024 Young Adult Book Releases
🦇 Good morning, my bookish bats. I hope you have a good book, delicious latte, and sweet snack within reach! No TBR is complete without a few young adult novels, and plenty were released in April! Here are a few YA releases to consider adding to your shelves.
[ List Under the Cut ]
🩷 April 2 🩷 ✨ Your Blood, My Bones - Kelly Andrew ✨ What If... Loki Was Worthy? - Madeleine Roux ✨ Fate Be Changed - Farrah Rochon ✨ No Going Back - Patrick Flores-Scott ✨ The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jackson ✨ Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan ✨ Draw Down the Moon - P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast ✨ The Black Girl Survives in This One ✨ Wrath of the Talon - Sophie Kim ✨ Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris ✨ Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens ✨ Misdirection of Fault Lines - Anna Gracia ✨ Something Kindred - Ciera Burch ✨ Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer ✨ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo
🩷 April 9 🩷 ✨ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker ✨ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa ✨ Dragonfruit - Makiia Lucier ✨ The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella ✨ Fog & Fireflies - T.H. Lehnen ✨ Against the Darkness - Kendare Blake ✨ The Darkness Rises - Stacy Stokes ✨ Right Here, Right Now - Shannon Dunlap ✨ The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford
🩷 April 16 🩷 ✨ To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods - Molly X. Chang ✨ Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon ✨ Deep Is the Fen - Lili Wilkinson ✨ This Is Me Trying - Racquel Marie ✨ Calling of Light - Lori M. Lee ✨ Pretty Furious - E.K. Johnston ✨ Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao ✨ The Lady of Rapture - Sarah Raughley ✨ The End of Always - Rebecca Phillips ✨ The Kill Factor - Ben Oliver ✨ The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram ✨ We're Never Getting Home - Tracy Badua ✨ The Harrowing - Kristen Kiesling & Rye Hickman ✨ King of Dead Things - Nevin Holness ✨ Sheine Lende - Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai ✨ The One That Got Away with Murder - Trish Lundy
🩷 April 23 🩷 ✨ Song of the Six Realms - Judy I. Lin ✨ Off With Their Heads - Zoe Hana Mikuta ✨ Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker ✨ Kill Her Twice - Stacey Lee ✨ Dark Parts of the Universe - Samuel Mille ✨ Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter ✨ The Merciless King of Moore High - Lily Sparks ✨ Out of Blue Comes Green - M.E. Corey ✨ A Whisper in the Walls - Scott Reintgen ✨ Homebody - Theo Parish ✨ Punk Rock Karaoke - Bianca Xunise
🩷 April 30 🩷 ✨ To a Darker Shore - Leanne Schwartz ✨ The Vanishing Station - Ana Ellickson ✨ The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge - Matthew Hubbar ✨ What's Eating Jackie Oh? - Patricia Park ✨ Sound the Gong - Joan He ✨ Playing for Keeps - Jennifer Dugan ✨ Not Like Other Girls - Meredith Adamo ✨ The Notes - Catherine Con Morse ✨ I'll Be Waiting for You - Mariko Turk ✨ Pillow Talk - Stephanie Cooke & Mel Valentine ✨ Saint-Seducing Gold - Brittany N. Williams ✨ Where Was Goodbye? - Janice Lynn Mather ✨ The Lilies - Quinn Diacon-Furtado
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