#james aubrey x y/n
readingbookelf · 2 years
Mr. Whiskers - James Aubrey
Summary: Aubrey comes home with Skinner, the cat from a victim, without consulting your first. Luckily you adore cats.
Pairing: reader x James Aubrey
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You’re sitting on the couch when Aubrey comes home from work. You hadn’t heard from him a lot today, which is a bit unusual considering he normally sends you foodpics. But as soon as your eyes take in his face and posture you know. He’s done something you might not like. That man can’t lie to you, even if it was to save his life. You honestly love him for it, it’s cute.
“What did you do, James Aubrey,” fires from your mouth.
“So I might’ve done a thing, but I think you’ll actually like it this time,” he says hesitantly before running out the door and coming back with an orange cat.
A cat. He got you a cat while he was at work. He’s right that you like it, but you thought he’d at least inform you about such an important decision.
“You bought a cat,” you ask in a whisper while he sits down next to you.
The orange floof moves towards your lap covered by a blanket and rolls himself up, purring. You give him a hesitant pet. The purring only gets louder and warms your heart.
“Not really.”
You brows furrow together and then you feel the collar on the creature. On the collar hangs a nametag: Skinner. Aubrey would never name a cat Skinner.
“Oh, Aubrey, did you steal this cat? You’d never name it Skinner.”
“I didn’t steal the cat. We found him at the crime scene today. I couldn’t just leave him there with his owner dead.”
You exhale, relief flooding your body. It would be uncharacteristic of James to steal a cat, but the name had you worried for a second.
“Poor thing doesn’t have a home anymore,” you coo at the cat.
“It does now,” Aubrey states before putting his arm around you, tucking you into his side.
You look up at him and give him a tiny smile before giving him a sweet kiss.
“Yes, he does now,” you confirm.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 5)
Circle time! Yippee!
TW: Mentions of Hallucinations
🐻 You can't help but grin as you watch Mr. Darling sitting with all of the children, talking about the most random of things. From bears to apples, the conversation flings itself from topic to topic. When Mr. Darling starts to take out random items he has brought for the children to play with, it almost feels like watching Mary Poppins. His little bag of items seems to fit an endless amount of luggage.
🐻 He looks around, being sure to make sure everyone understands what he says. He is careful to assure every child's needs are met. It might've taken a lot of planning to get him here, but it was all worth it. The kids are happy and feel cared for. You are happy to have finally found someone else with a passion for making every child feel appreciated. Mr. Darling seems happy to make others feel happy.
🐻You watch as he talks to Amelia, one of the numerous children circled around him, before he lets her touch his hair. You chuckle at her shocked reaction, hearing her say something along the lines of "It's like a shell!", with Mr. Darling saying "It's from the stuff I use to style it. I need my hair to look the absolute most!"
🐻 You turn your attention away for a moment, noticing that one of the kids is sitting alone at the table, simply watching the others. It's James, the kid that you were talking to Howdy about the other day. As in, the one who had the head injury. You sit next to him, smiling "Is there something you need?"
🐻 James looks up to you, before whispering "I... I want to talk to Wally... but I feel like he'll think I'm weird. Umm... I am also worried for him. The scary monster is behind him." You smile, nodding. "The scary monster won't hurt Mr. Darling. How about I go ask him if you can talk to him outside, in the play area? That way, he will be away from the scary monster, and you get to talk with him. I am sure he won't think of you as weird." "Only if you go with." "Alright. I'll go ask him now."
🐻 You stand up, grinning as you approach the group of children. "Mr. Darling? Can you come over here for a moment?" "Sure thing! Just a moment!" He picks up Amelia, who giggles and waves her arms, then stands up. The kids watch as he leaves, only for him to turn around and say "Oh! Just in case I take long, you can go through my bag. I didn't bring anything important. It's just stuff I brought for you all to play with. Be sure to share, though!" Needless to say, the kids swarmed to his bag like birds to breadcrumbs.
🐻 He turns back around, walking over to you as he asks "What is it? Do you need something?" You nod, bringing him over to James. "Yep! Mr. Darling, this is James. He wants to talk to you, but feels a bit anxious to do so. We both were wondering if it would be alright if the three of us went to the play area out back to talk privately." He grins, clasping his hands together as he says "Of course! That will be no problem at all! Just lead the way, (Y/N)!"
🐻 The three of you all walk to the play area in the backyard of the daycare, James looking behind you all from time to time. The play area is small, with a little playhouse, a sandbox, and a swing set connected to a slide. Once outside, Mr. Darling crouches down to his height, shaking his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, James! Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?" James nods.
🐻"Yeah... umm... I was wondering, do you umm... Are you like me? I mean... I am a bit nervous to ask." James looks down, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. Mr. Darling smiles, tilting his head. "It is alright. Take your time. How about this? I'll ask you some questions to ease you into your own! Did anything particular make you curious if I have anything in common with you?" James nods "Yeah. I saw how you and Aubrey related in being autistic. As well as how you and a few of the others talked about loving art."
🐻 James looks around, which Mr. Darling seems to notice. He begins to look around, too. He then smiles, as if catching on. "Okay, I'll ask another question, since you don't seem to be ready, yet. Do you like to draw?" James, once again, nods. This time, it is much more enthusiastic. He reaches into the pocket of his shorts, pulling out a tiny notepad. "Yeah! Let me show you some! It isn't anything close to what you can do, but I hope to get that good someday!" James shows the notepad to him, revealing drawings of cute bears, rainbow swirls, and dark monsters. Mr. Darling nods, staring at the images as he says "This is amazing work! Believe it or not, but when I was your age, I had this exact amount of skill. I believe you and I have more in common than you think."
🐻 James' eyes gleam, before he then looks down to his feet. "Hey, Wally...? Umm... do you see the odd things others don't? Or hear things others don't?"
🐻 You watch them both closely. Mr. Darling seems to think over his answer, before finally coming up with one. "Yes, I do. I mostly hear odd things, but I do see them, sometimes. Is that what you wanted to ask about?" James looks up to him, nodding. "Yeah... can I... can I ask some more?" "Of course. Anything you want." "Do you see the shadow man? The mean guy that says mean things? I believe he is quite mean. Have you met him?"
🐻 To your shock, Mr. Darling's smile falters for a brief second. It returns as soon as it left, however, before he hands James his notepad. "I don't see the shadow man very often. I do, however, have a pesky neighbor of my own. Do you want to know who it is?" James hesitates, before responding "Yeah. I feel like it might help you to talk about that mean neighbor."
🐻 Mr. Darling leans in, speaking very quietly to James. You still hear what he says, though, you are not sure if you were meant to. "The walls of my very own home say mean things to me, sometimes."
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shelbgrey · 5 months
Hello, I love your fics, could you do one with James Aubrey smut? please
Unspoken desire(James Aubrey)
Paring: James Aubrey x Booth!Reader
Summary: James Aubrey and y/n booth always gets on each other's nerves, but it's everything but hate. When they are forced to go undercover together some piped up feeling are finally released.
Warrings: SMUT! Female reader, fingering, counter sex, unprotected sex, rough-ish sex.
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“undercover, seriously?” I asked, as I sat down in front of my brother and Temperance.
“Well it's likely that the suspects are the participants” Seeley responded as he handed me the file for the victim and old western joint I was supposed to be undercover at.
“and 85% if the competitors are repeat guests” Temperance added.
“why aren't you guys doing it? Undercover is your thing” I said as the waitress brought our food.
“Hank has a doctor's appointment and Booth is going to Christine's field trip” Temperance said as I popped a fry in my mouth.
I sighed, I belonged in the Lab not undercover. “Who's going with me?”
“Aubrey” Booth said as he lifted his coffee mug.
“No” I said quickly and pointed at my older brother. “your not doing this to me”
Me and Aubrey never got along. I hated everything about him, his voice, the fact his appetite is bigger than scooby-doo, his adorable smile…
“why? What's wrong with Aubrey” Booth asked.
“he annoying and we don't get along”
“By the way you refuse to make eye contact and the blood rushing to your cheeks, I find it hard to believe you dislike Aubrey,” Temperance said matter of factly. I rolled my eyes playfully.
“I can't believe I'm doing this,” I mumbled to myself as I put on a cowboy hat. I kept a low profile as I walked through what looked like the set for Tombstone or young guns. I walked around trying to find Aubrey.
I walked into the tavern full of western people. It was jam packed with cowboys and beer. I looked around silently till my eyes landed on Aubrey, he was sporting cowboy boots and a hat. I hated how my eyes traveled down his body. The Wranglers he had on framed his body in the best way possible, leaving no room for the imagination. Then the button up he wore, framed his chest showing the muscles on his chest. Speaking of muscles, sleeves of his button up were rolled up to his elbows, showing his arm muscles.
I tried to shake the dirty thoughts out of my mind and walked into the tavern with my head held up high. I looked around the tavern, trying to find something out of the ordinary. I hated it, it smelled like beer and it felt stuffy from all the shouting and laughing wanna be cowboys.
“What are you doing here?” a voice said firmly, Aubrey stood behind me. I shivered at how low his voice got, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.
“undercover, same as you” I stated and pulled myself together before turning around to face him. Damn, he looked better up close.
What was that saying? Save the horse ride the Cowboy
“We need to solve a murder, remember?” I said, crossing my arms. I definitely didn't miss the way his eyes traveled down my body. I would have pointed it out, but it wouldn't be fair. No one likes a hypocrite.
Aubrey rolled his eyes and grabbed my bicep, I felt a certain way when he grabbed me like that. He had frustration and fire in his eyes as he led me out of the building. He didn't say anything as he dragged me to the back of the tavern and pushed me up against the side of the building. My breath hitched as he left very little room between us. He pressed his palms against the building, caging me in.
“I don't need this, we're solving a murder not playing dress up”
I smirked and grabbed the massive western theme buckle that was attached to his belt, I pulled him closer by it. “trust me, your enjoying this a lot more than you should”
“don't patronize me” he pushed himself off the building, breaking the little space we had between us.
“and don't get yourself into trouble” he said and walked away, leaving me behind the building with my pounding heart.
“what are you doing?” I jogged up to Aubrey, he had a determined look on his face and he looked like he wasn't gonna slow down anytime soon. “the lab identified the murder weapon and the who bought”
“Good, let's go get ‘em” I said, Aubrey immediately stopped in front of me, pointing his finger at me. “no. Your gonna stay back and watch out for anything else the seems suspicious”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Come on!”
“I'm serious” he said sternly, his gray eyes staring me down intently.
“Stop him!” a voice shouted in the distance, making the both of us whip around. The guy Angela IDed came running out of the tavern. Aubrey ran after him and instead of listening to him and ran behind the tavern so we could corner the guy. I ran around the comer and jumped onto the guy, talking him to the ground. We rolled around a dusty mess until I got him flat on his stomach and his hands pinned behind his back.
“Damit y/n! I told you to stay put” Aubrey snapped and quickly put the handcuffs on the guy before tugging him onto his feet.
“yeah and guess what, I got to him before you did!”
Aubrey gave me a hard stare before taking the suspect into a isolated room to stay in until Booth came and got him.
Booth came in record time and stared his interrogation with the suspect. Me and Aubrey watched Booth walk into the room with the guy and as soon as the door was closed, Aubrey grabbed my bicep, forcing me to follow him into an empty building that looked like a smaller version of the tavern we were in this morning. He locked the door and turned to me with fire in his eyes.
“You sit here and listen to me!” James huffed, I moved off the counter only to get picked up and put on the counter again. “You're the most obstinate, stubborn, ornery, impossible girl I ever met! You just won't admit there's another side, my side! You know why?” the more he ranted the closer his face got to mine, my breath hitched when I felt his breath fan against my skin.
“Because you're unreasonable!” he said, I rolled my eyes and tried to move again “Sit still!” he huffed and pushed me against the counter, this time he pressed his palms on either side of me, caging me in. He leaned in closer, his chest heaving and his blue eye staring into my soul. “You're argumentative, mulish, uncooperative - unbelievable”
He stopped his nose barley brushing against mine. My heart pounds at how close we were. If I wasn't so stubborn I would have pulled him closer so there was no space between us. If I wasn't so stubborn I would have ran my fingers through his dark hair.
James huffed, keeping his intense gaze. “And You don’t know how beautiful you are.” he breathed, his lips barely touching mine, The words were soft but firm, leaving no room for doubt. His free hand slid around my waist, pulling me closer against his hard length.
My breath hitched at how hard he was against my thigh and my eyes widened when he called me beautiful.
“You know it's true.” His hand slid up my arms, tracing along your neck and into your hair. "I've been trying so hard not to notice, but you're just... everything”
Feeling bold, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. I smashed my lips against his for a heated rough kiss. James groaned into the kiss, his body melting up against mine. I shivered as I felt one of his hands slide up my spine, gripping my hair tightly as he deepened the kiss. The other hand moved lower, squeezing my hip possessively.
I started unbuttoning his shirt as I kissed down his jaw line. He moaned in pleasure and I ran fingers down his chest. He brought my lips to his again, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth. He kissed my neck and led down to my shoulder, where he lightly bit. I moaned in pleasure.
“God, you're beautiful.” He pushed some hair out of my face, staring into my eyes before pulling my shirt over my head. His head dipped and he started to kiss the tops of my breasts and down my stomach. My breath hitched as he pushed me down so I was lying flat on the counter and started to unbutton my pants. We locked eyes and I laid there in anticipation.
He took off my cowgirl boots at a rushed pace and practically ripped my jeans off of my body and started kissing up my legs. He trailed himself over my panties, thick with arousal. Then, he started up my stomach again, causing me to bite my lip.
He holsted himself up on the counter and slowly crawled up my body to meet my lips again, this time more urgent. I got goosebumps as his hands roamed over my skin, his touch possessive and hungry. The kiss deepened as our bodies grinding together in an erotic dance. He broke the kiss only to whisper, "You're so damn irresistible.”
“I can't help it,” he murmured, his lips brushing against my Neck. “You drive me wild.” His hands slid down my hips, my breath hitched as his hand slipped under my panties, teasing my sensitive flesh. "You make me lose control.”
I let out a moan, bucking my hips against his hand. “Oh fuck…” He muttered before his mouth claimed mine in a searing kiss. His hand slid between my thighs, finding my entrance. "So wet for me..." he growled against my lips.
I let out a soft moan, running my fingers through his hair “j-james…”
James groaned, his fingers tracing circles around my entrance. My eyes fluttered closed as the pleasure and his teasing invaded all my senses. His other hand moved to my breast, massaging it gently as he continued to tease my whole body.
“S-stop teasing”
I felt him smirking against my skin. “I won't promise that, but I'll give you what you want” His fingers finally penetrated me, making a loud moan escape my lips as he pushed inside slowly. I groaned, feeling myself tighten around his large fingers. “You feel so good,” he whispered, starting to thrust deeper.
I moaned as I leaked onto his palm, stroking his fingers back and forth to coat his hand in my wetness. I twitched as he circled my oozing entrance with one thick digit. His thumb sought out my nub, putting pressure on the aching knot of nerves. I cried out softly, pushing my hips into his hand as he toyed with my most sensitive area.
James's breath hitched. “You're so fucking amazing,” he murmured, I moaned as his fingers moving faster. He leaned in, capturing my lips in a fiery kiss while his thumb continued to tease my sensitive nub.
I clenched around his finger, making James groan into the kiss, his other hand moving to grip my waist. He kept thrusting his finger deeper, feeling the incredible heat surrounding him. His thumb pressed harder against my sensitive nub, as I felt my release approaching.
I hid my face in his neck as I made uncontrollable noises. He entered with a second finger, making me hiss. My tight hole swallowed his fingers like it was starving. He dragged his digits in and out of me, the tips of his fingers scraping the delicate spot residing inside me. I moaned, tilting my head back against the counter. His fingers found a rhythm, his pace increasing as he continued to torment and pleasure my sensitive nub. "So fucking tight,”
my legs shook with the pace he set, the thrusting of his fingers in rhythm with his pummeling fingers. A groan left my lips, my eyes rolling back. As I began to lose control, James took it as a sign. He picked up the pace even more, his fingers now moving in and out like a lover possessed. His thumb finally found release for my sensitive nub, rubbing it hard and fast as I reached the peak of pleasure.
“'m c-close” I shuttered and dug my nails into his back.
“Cum for me,” he groaned, his fingers finding a new rhythm inside me as I felt myself nearing the edge. His thumb continued to work my sensitive nub, his free hand reached above my head, gripping the counter tightly to maintain balance.
I let out a loud moan, cumming hard over his fingers and palm. James groaned, feeling my tight walls squeeze around his fingers. I shuttered as his thumb continued to work on my sensitive nub, his other hand tightening its grip on the counter. “Fuck... you feel so good,” he breathed, his fingers still buried deep inside me.
my heart pounded against my chest as I tried to catch my breath. I swallowed hard as my eyes fluttered shut with a satisfied smirk. James slowly pulled his fingers out, I felt the mix of my cum and his pre-cum dripped onto the inside of my thighs. “I'll have to remember this position,” he teased, his voice low and rough with desire.
I smirked up at him and blindly reached for his hips, I pulled his body against mine in a needy way. “I n-need you inside me” I whispered, my voice rough from the moans he forced out of me.
“You really think you're ready for that?” He asked, his eyes flashing with desire.
I quickly nodded, pulling his body closer to mine “please…”
James chuckled, the sound vibrating against my skin made a shiver run down my spine. “Alright, but remember, I warned you.” With that, his hands grabbed my thighs and lifted them up, a moan fell from my lips as I felt him position his thick length at my aching entrance. I Instinctively pushed my hips up. This gave him a perfect angle to plunge into me as he teased his tip against my aching clit. I whined as he groaned deeply, still hazy from my climax but I never forgot I needed him inside me.
"Fuck..." James growled, my mouth dropped open as I felt every inch of him push deep inside me feeling as I tighten around his head. He pushed forward, slowly at first, as I stretched around his size. A strangled gasp escaped my throat. It felt like the air was stolen from my lungs. He rendered me breathless as he sank deeper inside you. “You're so damn tight,”
"I know," James groaned, pulling back slightly before thrusting forward again, I moaned and dug my nails into his back as he buried himself even deeper inside me. His hands had a death grip on my hips, possibly making marks that would show up the next morning. He held on tightly as he began to move faster, taking us both closer to the edge. “You feel so good,”
my lips separated as a loud moan forced its way from my chest. Finally, I got what I had been wanting since the day I met him. The euphoria was so strong, it was borderline painful.
“Oh fuck…” James panted, as I tighten around him with every thrust. He leaned down, his lips meeting mine in a rough, demanding kiss as he picked up the pace even more. “You're mine,” He growled against my lips. “Say it.”
“I-I'm yours!” I moaned, tugging at his hair. “I've always b-beem yours” I admitted without realizing.
James's thrusts grew harder and faster, his hips slamming against mine in a rhythm that threatened to send me over the edge a little too early. His free hand moved up to grip the side of the counter above my head, holding on tight as he lost himself in the sensation. “Fuck, yes... Cum for me”
I let out a loud moan, heat washing over me as his words pushed me over the edge. Growling, James groaned as my walls clenched around him. His hips stuttered in response, pushing as deep as he could go. He panted hard, feeling his own release drawing closer. With a final, powerful thrust, I felt my orgasm hit me like a truck. I came hard, making James's eyes roll back in his head triggering his own orgasam. His head fell against my chest, filling me up with his seed. His muscles tensed and shook against me, panting hard. "Fuck...,”
I wrapped my arms around his neck, painting as he painted my cervix white. I shuddered in sync with him, his seed hot inside my walls.
“You feel incredible,” he breathed out, his forehead resting against yours. “I've wanted this for so long.”
“M-me too” my breath hitched, pressing my forehead to his and nuzzling my nose against his.
He pulled out slowly, making me moan softly. “But you're mine now,” he growled, smirking down at me. “And we both know how much I love possessing what I can't have.”
I smirked. “Who says you can't have me?”
He chuckled, his chest still heaving from the intense release. “Oh, I could've,” he admitted, his fingers tracing soft patterns on my skin. “But the chase... the anticipation... that's what made it so damn irresistible.”
I chuckled, reaching up and placing my hand on his jaw, rubbing his cheek with my thumb. He chuckled and pecked me on the lips before standing up, he pulled his boxers back up and slowly sat me up from the counter. “let's get you cleaned up”
“where did you two doofuses go?” Seeley asked. My cheeks turned red at my brother's question.
“Just covering more ground, making sure we didn't miss anything” James said quickly.
Temperance looked at the both of us with a knowing smile. The woman truly knew everything. “well…You look way more relaxed than you did this morning Y/n” Temperance said, making my cheeks go reader.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Falling In Love
Nick Jackson X Fem Reader
Summary: Y/n and Nick grew up together. They had been best friends since they were teenagers, trying to make it big in the world of wrestling. Deep down inside Y/n and Nick always had feelings for one another but never admitted it, afraid it would ruin what they had. They both ended up with other people but were never truly happy with their partners. What happens when fate brings them back together and both are single for the first time in a long time? What happens when after 17 years Nick realised he’s still in love with Y/n? 
Mentions: of death (reader is a widow), injures,
Main Masterlist (Word count: 2k)
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I sat in the private Elite locker room crying into the chest of one my best friends in the whole world, Nick Jackson. We met when I was 16 and he was 17, starting our wrestling journey together, wrestling in the backyard promotion his older brother Matt started. I loved Nick, we spent our whole careers together. He has been there for me through EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. The past few months have been hectic. The Elite which consisted of myself, Matt, Nick and Kenny had recently made our triumphant return after the whole suspension thing and ever since my life has been a living hell. 
I had made my return a few weeks earlier than the boys at AEW’s first Canadian show. I begged Tony Khan to let me do anything on the show. I had been working for years to bring the show to Canada, nonetheless my hometown of Toronto. After countless meetings and paperwork, I somehow managed to show up in Toronto. I still get goosebumps thinking about the Pop I got from the audience. I made an open challenge to fight anyone and Tay Conti answered it. During my match, I somehow managed to pull the muscles in my abdomen. Unfortunately for me, Aubrey Edwards had no choice but to call the match due to my injury. I didn’t want the match to end but I could not stand, and therefore it was out of my hands to make the call. 
That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I’ve wrestled matches with broken bones and had death matches, but I injured myself by botching a tiger roll. I was making my return, trying to put what happened behind me but of course, it’s never that easy. It was even worse when I started crying as I was practically carried out by staff. Out of the 16 years I’ve been wrestling I had only gotten a match stopped two other times. Both of which I was knocked out and had to be carried out on a stretcher because I almost died. 
But that was in October, It’s now May and once again I am injured. Nick just held me in his arms and said nothing, knowing I just needed to get this cry out. 
“What’s wrong with me Nick,” I said sobbing uncontrollably 
“Y/N, there is nothing wrong with you” He replied in a soothing tone
“Yes, there is, how come out of all of my years wrestling I barely ever get injured but ever since I came back all I am is hurt.” 
He said nothing
“October, I started crying in the ring which I have never done before and almost gave myself a hernia, February I almost shattered my ankle and I still have this nasty ass bone bruise. Now, It's May and the Doctor told me if my shoulder doesn’t get better soon I might have to get surgery. I can’t be out for months with a shoulder injury” 
Nick knew everything I said was true. These past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone. The boys regained their Trios championships then lost it and I won the Ring Of Honour women's championship the past December at final battle. Not to mention the unexpected loss of one of our great friends and my baby daddy James. The last thing is the main problem. My mind was constantly thinking of James and that I am a fresh single mother with an 11-month-old was enough to throw me off my game and cause my injuries. 
“Y/N..” Nick says my name almost in a whisper “Whatever happens, I just want you to know that I am always going to be here for you. No matter what happens, ok. I love you, always.” He then placed a delicate kiss on my forehead and rubbed my back, something that never failed to help me calm down. 
Just then Matt and Kenny walked in. The four of us were family, being there for the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Kenny was holding my daughter, Elizabeth or as I liked to call her Lizzy. It was the name James picked out, she looked exactly like him. He handed her to me and I held her close to my chest. It pained me knowing she would never get to know her father. She was only 5 months old when he died, my only child, our little miracle, and I had no idea how I was going to do this on my own. Luckily I have some great people to help me get through it. 
That night after dynamite I went back to my hotel room, exhausted. Lizzy was upset. There were too many people, it was loud, and not to mention all of the fellow wrestlers wanted to hold her. My little angel was just like her father, not a people person. That meant the evening consisted of me holding her tight as she was wrapped around my chest. Liz wouldn't let Britt or even Dana hold her without crying again so that meant I couldn't make it ringside for the boy’s match. Once I returned to the room and somehow managed to put Lizzy down for bed before having a shower and getting ready for bed. I stood in the mirror looking at my right shoulder, although I was able to move it more (thanks to some crazy rehab) the nasty bruising remained. The “Cody Boob” as I liked to call it as it looked similar to Cody’s torn pectoral. Just as I was lost in my thoughts I heard a faint knock on my hotel room door. I was surprised when I saw Nick standing there. 
“Hey” Nick whispered 
“Hi” I replied, tiredly
“I just wanted to check on you, see how you are doing. I heard about the little situation with Liz”
“Oh, that. She’s fine. Too many people I guess….Do you wanna come in?”
As I invited Nick inside my hotel room I noticed something different about him. I wasn’t too sure what it was. He was freshly showered, and I could smell the evergreen scent of his body wash on his skin. He wore black sweats, a black T-shirt along with a pair of Jordans. All normal things, yet something was different. Was it the way his icy blue eyes looked at me? Was it the way he leaned on the doorframe? A million different things went through my mind as I finished in the washroom before returning to him. He sat on the bed, flipping through the channels as I joined him, snuggling close to his chest. I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up in the morning he was gone. 
Nick’s POV: 
As I sat in Matt’s and I’s shared hotel room all I could think about was Y/N. I know how hard things have been for her recently and I was genuinely worried for her. 
“And then I was thinking we could do…, are you even listening to me, Nick?” Matt said in annoyance. I didn’t even notice I drowned him out
“Yeah, I think that’s a great idea man” I replied, not even knowing what he had said.
“What’s wrong, is something bothering you?” he asked
“I’m fine Matt, just worried about Y/N,” I told him truthfully
“I think you worry about her too much. If I am being completely honest with you, I have no idea how you two never ended up together. You two wo-” “I’m getting a divorce” I cut Matt off. I could see his face drop at my words. 
“What? What do you mean you are getting a divorce?” Matt said confusion and fear all over his face. “A few months ago, I filed for a divorce Matt, I am getting a divorce” I admitted ashamed of myself. “Why?” The tone in Matt’s voice was soft. He no longer looked shocked, he looked almost pained. 
“To be honest with you I have no idea”. My marriage had always been rocky from the beginning, that was no secret. The long-running joke on BTE was that one day I would end up leaving my wife for Y/N. Everyone and their mother wanted Y/n and I to get together, they swore at some point we must have slept together but it never happened. 
“Do you love her?” Matt asked the one question I had been dreading for years 
“Who?” I played dumb
“Y/N, do you still love her?” I may or may not have told Matt that I was in love with Y/N after I was high on anesthetic after surgery a few years back and he’s never let it go. 
“I need to get some air” I left before Matt could stop me. 
My brain was going a million miles an hour, I just needed some time to think. I didn’t even notice that I ended up at Y/N’s room. I wanted to go back, but it was too late. I knocked quietly on the door. Hoping not to wake the baby up. When Y/N opened the door I felt some relief. Her hair was wet and she was wearing a robe. She must have just come out of the shower. My brain imagined myself in there with her. I mentally cursed at myself for thinking that, she was my best friend. She invited me inside and I sat on the bed, unsure what to do. ‘Why am I so nervous?’ I thought to myself. I decided to find something on the TV while I waited for her to return. Once she returned she rested her head on my chest. We were always very affectionate towards each other (sometimes a little too affectionate) so this wasn’t something out of the ordinary. So why did I feel so nervous? 
We didn’t say anything, we just lay in silence. It was calming, I felt relaxed. I was going to move to be closer to her when I noticed she was asleep. Y/N looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Matt’s words replayed in my mind. “Do you still love her?” I always loved Y/N, but did I LOVE LOVE her? For the first time in a long time, the both of us were single. Y/N was the first person to know about my divorce, and her reaction was similar to Matt’s. I wanted to protect her, help her raise her daughter, I wanted her, I needed her, I wanted to be with her forever, I loved her and I hate myself for not doing anything about it. For the past 17 years she has been in my life and for the past 17 years I have been in love with her. Instead, I ignored my feelings and got married to someone else to ignore my true feelings. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my mind going a million miles an hour. I was lost in my own thoughts, a text from Matt broke my trance. 
“Where are you?” he asked. Shit, how long had I been gone? I looked at the clock and saw it was almost two in the morning. I wanted to stay with Y/N but Matt wouldn't stop texting me. So I had no choice but to leave. 
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fayes-fics · 1 year
Moments: Christmas Moments
Moments Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: It's Christmas and the Bridgerton clan are gathering at Aubrey Hall to celebrate together. Benedict and his new wife of almost five months have some news...
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Warnings: none... the last few lines are a little suggestive, but otherwise this is just pure fluff/humour :)
Word Count: 2.8k
Author's Note: Happy Holidays everyone! Here, is the festive one-shot for Moments. It incorporates some ideas from this ask. I hope you enjoy <3. Thanks to @makaylan for beta and @margowritesthings for the beautiful Moments moodboard above.
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Set 4½ months after Epilogue 1
“Can I tell them, mummy? Daddy? Can I? Can I?” James bounces up and down with excitement as Aubrey Hall hones into view.
It's been four and a half months since your wedding at this very place, and you are excited to return and see the extended Bridgerton clan again, gathering as you all are to celebrate Christmas together. Your life has changed almost beyond recognition in the months since you last approached the house in a carriage with your son. Now you have so much more with you, including the man holding your hand tight as James bounces excitedly on his knee. Your husband, Benedict.
You both chuckle at your son’s excitement and share a look and a nod. “James darling, yes, of course, you can,” you smile indulgently.
He whoops with delight and jumps out of the carriage before your footman can so much as bring out the step.
“James!!” you call out, “wait!”
But he doesn’t heed your words. He sprints up the steps of the house and launches himself at Violet, standing in the doorway.
“Grandmother!! Hello!” he cries.
Even as Benedict helps you out of the carriage, you can see the emotion on her face at the title James has greeted her with.
“Oh! Yes, my darling boy, that’s right, I am your grandmother,” she confirms, swaying him in a tight hug.
“Benedict! Y/n! My loves!!” she calls, not letting James go, “it’s so utterly wonderful to see you!”
“You too, mother,” Benedict says, kissing her on the cheek, unable to embrace her fully as his own son keeps hold of Violet so tightly.
“James, let go now,” you cajole, leaning to kiss Violet on the cheek lightly.
“Let's get inside out of the chilly air,” she suggests, running an affectionate hand over James’ trademark Bridgerton chestnut hair.
“I've got some news for you, grandmother, but it shall wait for dinner,” James spoils with a big stage wink, taking her hand and practically dragging her inside.
Violet laughs and happily allows James to pull her through the hallway and to the drawing room, where the sounds of a gathering spill from.
“He is terrible at keeping secrets, you know,” Benedict chuckles. “I doubt he will keep it under wraps for more than five minutes.”
“To be honest darling, once my cloak is off, the point may be moot,” you remark as you trail Violet and James.
“I thought you chose that dress specifically?”
“I did indeed. And I suspect it may fool the Bridgerton men; I'm not as certain about the women. They have greater possession of the family intellect,” you jest, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Will that joke never grow old?” he deadpans as he helps you out of said cloak.
You just giggle as you both walk into the drawing room together, arm in arm.
The room is lit with festive red candles, and garlands of holly and ivy drape across the mantle above the roaring fire and over various furniture. Everyone is in small groups and talking animatedly. The whole family (and their children) are gathered, the only exception being Francesca, who apparently will arrive the following day.
After a warm greeting from all, and with a quick squeeze of Benedict's arm, you move away from him to make a beeline to sit on the sofa; your ankles appreciate any break they can get lately. As you do so, you watch James ingratiate himself into the Bridgerton clan, walking around the room, so at ease.
“Hello, Uncle Colin!”
“Hello, little Benedict,” Colin quips back, his running joke about the uncanny resemblance.
“Benedict is my daddy’s name,” James frowns, not completely catching the in-joke.
“I know, my little man,” Colin ruffles his hair. “How is the rock collection?”
“Bigger,” James beams, “I've also got some news! But daddy says I have to wait for dinner.”
“Can't wait to hear it,” Colin responds amiably before James moves along to the next person that catches his eye.
“Hello, Auntie Eloise!”
“Hello, little nephew. I do hope you have been getting into all kinds of mischief!” she winks.
“Eloise,” Benedict warns from across the room, “I do hope you are not encouraging my son to engage in hijinks,” he orders with a shake of his head and an avuncular air.
“I preferred you when you weren't a father, brother,” she sniffs derisively, and you watch them exchange their usual sarcastic expressions at each other before his gaze cuts to you with a wink. Every single time, it makes butterflies dance under your ribs—every single time.
“Hello, Auntie Kate!” you watch James approach your sister-in-law seated opposite you.
“Oh my darling James!” she exclaims, drawing him into a hug, “yes I am your aunt, thank you. And don't you look just beautiful in Bridgerton blues today,” she comments, touching his little jacket admiringly as you exchange smiles.
“Hello, Uncle Gregory!”
“Well, that just feels peculiar.” Gregory frowns. James seems unphased by the sullen teen’s mood.
“Hello, Auntie Hyacinth!”
“Hello, little man,” Hyacinth singsongs back. “So if I’m old enough to be called auntie, surely, I’m old enough to have a glass of whiskey?” She pipes up to the entire room.
“NO!!” is the responding Bridgerton chorus.
Dinner is just as you remember from the night you first met Benedict’s family months before—loud, friendly, teasing and rambunctious; this time, with the addition of being delightfully festive.
You chat cordially with almost everyone within earshot as delicious food is served and shared. Stories are told, and idle gossip about the Ton is debated, although as Whistledown does not publish outside The Season, it is decidedly less juicy.
James leans in as dessert arrives. “Mummy, when can I tell everyone?” he whines with a tinge of impatience. To be fair, you are quite surprised he has managed to keep quiet for this long.
“Finish your pie, my love; then you may tell everyone,” you promise.
He eats in record time and holds his empty plate for your perusal. Benedict nods, and James pushes back his chair and climbs up onto the seat, much to your chagrin. Before you can chastise him for doing so, he clears his throat and gathers everyone’s attention. A hush descends around the table.
“Everyone, mummy and daddy have very special news, and they promised I could tell you all. They say it’s the best Christmas present I could ever get,” James declares proudly and solemnly, loving being the centre of attention.
“What is it, James?” Colin pipes up.
“It’s growing in mummy’s tummy, and it’s my little sister!!!” he announces with a dramatic flourish, pointing at you as you dip your head and smile fondly at your son.
The table erupts into cheers as you feel Benedict's hand slide into yours, and he shoots you a devoted smile.
“We obviously don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl,” Benedict adds, addressing the room but looking pointedly at his son with loving exasperation, “but yes, we are expecting a baby!” His smile lights up his whole face, and you can't look away from him—every fibre of your being so in love with this remarkable man.
“It’s my sister,” James retorts decisively as everyone breaks into good-natured laughter.
“Alright, darling,” you placate with a pat on his hand—the idea of a girl to compliment your darling boy does sound lovely.
“Well, I think this calls for a toast, don't you?” Anthony opines, and soon everyone is holding up their glass.
“All of our very best wishes to my brother and his lovely wife,” he signals to you as Benedict squeezes your joined hands, cradling your baby bump, “and to the ever-growing Bridgerton clan as we approach the Christmas holiday. May we always be able to gather! To family!”
“Here, here!! To family!” Simon echoes, and there is a chorus around the room before everyone takes a sip; as convivial conversation breaks out again, Benedict leans in and taps his glass against yours in a private toast, his other hand still laced with yours on your bump.
“To our growing little family, my love. Thank you for giving me the whole world. I love you so much,” his voice is soft and filled with emotion.
As you return the sentiment, pregnancy hormones making you almost tearful, your intimate moment is interrupted by James climbing into Benedict’s lap,
“Did I do good, daddy?” he asks keenly, practically fizzing with energy.
“You did wonderful, son,” Benedict assures, kissing his forehead.
James grins, then leans down and addresses your baby bump in an exaggerated stage whisper. “I introduced you to everyone, sister!”
You and Benedict share an indulgent smile and a quick kiss over your son’s head. Neither of you realises Violet is watching the three (well, four) of you from across the table, subtly dabbing away a tear from the corner of her eye.
After dinner, the adults wander back to the drawing room, and the nannies take the children upstairs to be prepared for bed. You find yourself standing with Kate and Daphne, the other married women.
“Congratulations again!” Kate exclaims, “I really couldn’t tell!”
“Oh,” you demure, “I chose this gown intentionally not to give it away too much but…” you pull the dress back flush against your body, and your bump becomes very visible.
“You are further along than we perhaps thought!” Daphne comments with a cheeky eyebrow raise.
You lean in a little closer, almost conspiratorial, and they mirror your stance.
“What can I say, ladies? This man really likes to get me pregnant on my wedding day,” you aside quietly. “Two for two so far!” you add, and they both peal with laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Anthony calls out from across the room, his fear of missing out on anything that makes his precious Kate laugh of instant intrigue to him.
“Nothing, my dear,” Kate answers over her shoulder with a dismissive hand gesture, “just unimportant married ladies' chat.”
“Yes, and whenever I hear that excuse, I get nervous,” Simon says drolly, “it’s usually a vast oversimplification or an intentional dismissal of a gentleman’s interest in a topic.”
“Sometimes it’s both, my darling,” Daphne responds with a cool tone, and they exchange challenging, heated looks as you ladies stand up and drift towards them.
“See?” Simon raises an eyebrow and looks to the other gathered men for sympathy for his plight.
“Well, I’m just excited as this time I get to be there from the very beginning,” Benedict beams with pride as you draw up next to him.
You touch his face affectionately as he reverentially slides his hands over the swell of your belly. You can’t help but push up and kiss him.
“Less of that, please, you two,” Anthony chides but with no heat.
“Can I not be terribly in love with my beautiful pregnant wife, brother?” Benedict argues, pulling a face at him as he slides a hand protectively around your back.
“Yes, you can, in the privacy of your rooms upstairs,” Anthony shoots back.
“You were just kissing Kate senselessly against the wall, but three hours ago!” Colin argues, pointing out his oldest brother's hypocrisy.
“That’s different,” Anthony dismisses.
“Why?” Kate challenges, smirking at her husband.
“Well,” he splutters, “…this is my house!” the reason sounding feeble to everyone gathered.
“Oh, so that’s the rule, is it? Fascinating,” Eloise pitches in her usual deadpan manner, arms crossed.
“Well then, I suggest perhaps you don’t take up our offer of a visit to Darby House, Lord Bridgerton,” you pipe up with a wink. “Because that is my house, and I happen to like kissing your brother senseless whenever the mood takes me.”
The assembled audience guffaws as Benedict twitches his adorable demure smile, his cheeks a touch reddened.
“Oh, I've missed this one,” Colin grins at you as Benedict leans in and kisses your hairline, whispering in your ear how much he likes it when you do that.
As the evening progresses, the women drift into a group around the sofas as the men congregate around the whisky decanters.
“Tell me about James when he was little,” Violet asks, after a while, her hand briefly covering yours. “I wish to hear about the years we missed with the little darling.”
“Oh, he was and is a wonderful child,” you assure, “so compassionate and empathetic. Do you know, when I was grieving, he would intuit my needs, bringing me a handkerchief before even a tear had fallen,” your lip quivers as you recall the bittersweet memory.
You see Violet clasp a hand over her heart as you continue speaking.
“Just like his father—who always knows what I need before I do.” You smile and look over to the group of men, hoping to catch Benedict’s eye, but strangely he is no longer there.
“That is so Benedict,” Violet concurs emotionally.
“James is so very much like his father,” you sigh, agreeing happily.
“How was your pregnancy?” Daphne inquires.
“Oh, it was incredible,” you recount, “little James didn’t make me sick at all. The whole nine months were a total joy. To be honest, I felt like I was aglow. Like I was carrying the most precious gift. Which it turns out I was. And I am again now,” you glance down at your burgeoning bump and run your hand over it lovingly. Unseen by you, the ladies share knowing and understanding glances.
“Yours is quite the love story,” Kate says gently.
“From what I hear, every Bridgerton sibling so far has a rather epic love story,” you counter with humour, and she raises her eyebrows in thought.
“You know, I think you may be right,” she concedes with a laugh and a nod.
“That's because all my children, so far, have chosen love over anything else,” Violet contends, “and I hope they always will. Even if it does cause some… memorable moments,” she adds with a wry chuckle.
“The course of true love never did run smooth,” you quip, quoting Shakespeare.
“Oh good god, I know exactly why Benedict fell so hard for you,” Eloise chortles next to you.
“I love you too, sister-in-law,” you wink and bump her with your shoulder.
Kate is the next to ask you about life in Darby Hall, and you happily answer more questions and provide anecdotes about your early years with James, enjoying the company of the Bridgertons so much.
Unseen by you all, Benedict stands off to one side, concealed behind a large plant, absorbing and memorising every precious word you speak and all the detail you share about his darling child.
You stand out on the terrace under a warming torch, staring up at the starry sky, rubbing your bump absent-mindedly, and enjoying some fresh air as the evening draws to a close.
“Y/n, you will catch your death out here without a cloak!” Benedict frets, his voice full of concern.
“Darling, I’m fine,” you protest, “honestly, the baby keeps me surprisingly warm these days, and there are these torches,” you gesture.
He looks sceptical but steps into your arms as you hold them out. Hugging you close.
“You know, Eloise hates Shakespeare with a passion,” he huffs a laugh into your hair.
“Well, that explains it,” you giggle, then pause and twist to look up at his face. “Wait, how do you know I quoted Shakespeare?” you query.
He looks a little sheepish. “I was rather bored by Colin’s stories of his travels and Anthony and Simon’s talk of crop yields; I may have… drifted to listen to you talking instead,” he shrugs.
“You choose to listen to ladies' conversation rather than the company of men?” you tease lightly.
“Maybe not all women,” he concedes honestly, “but the ladies of my family are quite the most sensible I know. And then there is you,” he adds, feathering his fingers down your spine and catching your eye intensely, “I always listen when you talk. You are often the only voice of reason in any given situation; in fact, in most situations. The world would be a much better place if it were filled with people like you.” The most wonderful compliments just drop from his mouth instinctively, as if what he speaks is empirical truth rather than merely the biased opinions of a man in love.
The tide of want in your body is sudden and prickles hot over your skin. Pregnancy hormones just heighten everything you feel for this man. Before you know it, you have spun him around, tackled him against a pillar, and pressed yourself urgently into him, pulling his face down and kissing with a passion that surprises even yourself.
“What are you doing?” he asks, breathless, as you emerge for air and start to undo his jacket.
“I am having you right now, husband,” you assert with a twinkle in your eye.
“Out here? On the terrace?!?” his voice thready and incredulous, his breath panting quietly as your hands yank roughly at his trouser buttons.
“Indeed. Consider it an additional Christmas present,” you smirk, and his face is an absolute picture as you slide to your knees before him.
Some Christmas Moments are decidedly precious indeed.
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Author's Footnote: For those who know the Moments story, yes indeed, James is correct. She is pregnant with his (first) little sister, Isobel :) Also, yes, this fic continues the running joke of s1/s2 - Francesca is just never around. ;)
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
Moments only taglist: @queenofshinigamis @khaleesjj @starslibrary @magical-spit @honeylovemoon @justwant2read8421
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joelslegalwhrereads · 2 years
pairing ⁀➷  james aubrey x reader
word count⁀➷  900+
summary⁀➷ You and Aubrey are married but because you don't work together very often, the team doesn't know it yet, which changes when you all meet at the royal diner after a case.
warnings⁀➷ is marriage a warning?, some fluff, the case i mentioned is not a real case they had
a/n ⁀➷ i couldn’t resist writing for aubrey so i hope you’ll have as much fun reading as i had writing it x
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„I'm glad this case is over." Angela sighed as you entered the Royal Diner. „Me too. I'm afraid of marionettes anyway, I don't need them in my job. Ugh..." you shivered by the thought of the poor person.
You gathered around the table your team always had when you would go to the diner. At this point, any other table would feel just very wrong. „Are Hodgins and Aubrey on their way?" Cam asked the group. „Mhm, I guess. Aubrey told me he'd wait up for Hodgins because they had to take some notes for the report." Booth answered her.
This was your favourite part of every case, even though it wasn't all of you each time. Sitting at the diner together, talking about the things that happened, but also personal things. These people quickly became your best friends. They welcomed you from the second you stepped foot into the Jeffersonian and integrated you into their group. Now that Aubrey was working with Booth at the FBI, it would be even better.
„What can I get you guys?" Joanne smiled at us.
„The usual please." Booth and Brennan ordered, Cam didn't want anything but water and so did Angela.
„A burger, fries and a salad please." you smiled. „Alright, I'll be back in a sec." Joanne wrote everything down and left your table. You could feel the eyes of the others on you, „You seem hungry, Y/N." Brennan laughed lightly.
You chuckled, „Oh, it's for Aubrey.". Cam frowned and made the typical expression she always did when she was confused. Angela on the other hand already seemed to know what's up but kept it for herself.
„There they are!" Booth greeted Hodgins and Aubrey when they entered the diner. „Sorry it took longer than expected. He didn't accept the words normal people use." Aubrey sarcastically commented.
„Actually, it is usually very important to use the correct technical terms." Brennan commented. „Thank you." Hodgins said.
You grinned at the interaction between them. It's always like that, and it's exactly what makes them so lovable. Aubrey has been with the team for about a month, but you never had the chance to really work together during a case, until now.
Angela slid her chair a bit to the side to make room for Aubrey next to you, totally on purpose, of course. Hodgins meanwhile sat down on her other side. Just in time for the two to sit down, Joanna came back with a plate for Brennan, apple cake for Booth and your order.
„Here you go, anything else you'd like?" she asked. „No, thanks, Joanna." Booth smiled, and she nodded.
Aubrey smiled at you when he saw the plates in front of him. „Thank you." His hand caressed your tight. „I wouldn't dare to not order when I know exactly what your mood is like when you're hungry." you chuckled. The others were already in conversation, so they didn't listen to what you and Aubrey talked about.
He took a big bite of his burger, which he could barely get into his mouth, and exhaled happily. "I love you." he told the burger, and you had to laugh softly.
The others looked at him laughing. Everyone knew Aubrey's love for food.
Booth raised an eyebrow, "How do you even get that thing in your mouth?". "Oh, it'll fit somehow." Aubrey mumbled, his mouth still full. Booth just shook his head, but everyone could see the slight smirk.
"I really hope we can finally do a proper experiment next time," Hodgins sighed. "I'm not going to even ask what you're hoping for." Cam laughed. Hodgins started, „You know, we haven't-„
Suddenly they all went quiet. You chewed the fry you stole from Aubrey's plate. „Everything okay?" you asked carefully, swallowing. Aubrey looked just as confused as you did, as he handed you another one. Everyone's eyes got even wider at that.
Finally, Booth said, „James Aubrey does not share his food.", „Nor does anyone know what he's even ordering, as much as he always eats." Hodgins added.
Brennan's gaze would've almost been uncomfortable if you didn't know her so well. You chuckled, „Oh.". „We're married." Aubrey laughed, and you grinned when you both raised your hands at the same time to show them the wedding rings.
Booth looked like something hit him, „That explains a lot." Cam commented enlightened. „As if none of you have noticed," Angela laughed, „You're all so smart but so blind at normal things sometimes.". „I must confess that I should have noticed it. Congratulations, by the way." Brennan admitted and smiled at the last part of her sentence. "Thank you." you giggled. "Wait, how long have you guys been married?" Booth asked.
"Almost four years." Aubrey said, cracking a grin at Booth's facial expression. "So that's what Caroline always meant." Booth quietly talked to himself.
You could picture Caroline giving Seeley a poke in the back of the head for being so slow on the uptake.
„We don't make a secret out of it, I guess it just never really came up." you chuckled.
„Well now we know." Cam laughed. "As long as you let us know then when you're planning on having a little Aubrey or a little Y/N, I can just about forgive you for this one," Angela joked, and everyone broke out laughing. "Promised." You joined the laughter as Aubrey intertwined his hand with yours under the table and smiled at you.
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Bryce, Jordan, Jude, and 200+ More of the Best Gender Neutral Baby Names
There are plenty of reasons you might want a shortlist of gender neutral baby names. For instance, if you're not finding out the gender of your baby before their born, but you want to have a name decided on ahead of time - picking a name that works for any gender is the perfect solve. Or maybe you just prefer gender neutral names to baby names that are more traditionally masculine or feminine (although, of course, we love using a baby boy name for girls!) Gender neutral baby names cut across categories. You can find gender neutral names amongst Victorian-era baby names, trendy names, and more unique picks, which means you can find the perfect gender neutral baby name no matter what "vibe" of name you're going for. And to get your creativity going, we rounded up more than 200 unisex names that will suit your baby no matter what. Ahead, find some of our favorite gender-neutral names for babies, from A to Z. A * Adair * Adan * Addison * Ade * Adrian * Aiden * Ainsley * Alby * Alex * Ali * Amari * Andy * Angel * Ari * Ariel * Aries * Ash * Asher * Aspen * Atlas * Aubrey * August * Austen * Avery * B * Baker * Bailey * Bali * Banks * Bellamy * Beckham * Berkeley * Billie * Blaine * Blair * Blake * Bobby * Bowen * Brett * Briar * Brighton * Briley * Brinley * Brooklyn * Bryce * C * Caelan * Cairo * Camden * Cameron * Campbell * Carey * Carson * Carter * Casey * Cassidy * Celyn * Chandler * Charlie * Chris * Cody * Colby * Cole * Collins * Corey * Cove * D * Dakota * Dale * Dallas * Dana * Dane * Darryl * Declan * Delta * Devin * Dorian * Drew * Dylan * E * Easton * Eli * Elliot * Ellis * Ellison * Ember * Emerson * Emory * Evan * Ezra * F * Fallon * Finley * Florian * Flynn * Frances * Frankie * G * Gabriel * Gale * Glenn * Grayson * Grey * H * Harley * Harper * Hayden * Hunter * I * Indiana * Indigo * J * James * Jamie * Jayden * Jaylen * Jesse * Jordan * Jude * Julian * Juniper * Justice * K * Kaden, * Kai * Keegan * Kelly * Kendall * Kennedy * Kerry * Knox * Kyle * L * Lake * Landon * Landry * Lane * Lee * Lennon * Lennox * Lincoln * Linden * Logan * London * Lou * Lucian * Lumi * M * Mackenzie * Madison * Marley * Mason * Max * Maxwell * Micah * Milan * Mina * Monroe * Montana * Morgan * N * Nash * Nevada * Nico * Noah * Noel * O * Oakley * Ollie * Ore * Ozzie * P * Palmer * Paris * Parker * Pat * Perri * Peyton * Piper * Phoenix * Q * Quinn * R * Reagan * Reed * Reese * Reign * Remy * Rey * Riley * River * Roan * Robin * Rory * Roux * Rowan * Royal * Rudy * Ryan * Ryder * Rylan * S * Sage * Salem * Sam * Santana * Sawyer * Saylor * Scout * Seven * Shannon * Shawn * Shiloh * Skylar * Sloane * Spencer * Sterling * Stevie * Sunny * Sydney * T * Tanner * Tatum * Taylor * Terry * Theo * Tony * Tory * Tracy * Tyler * U * Umber * Unique * Uri * V * Val * Vesper * * W * Wallace * West * Winter * Wrennyn * Wyatt * Wynne * X * Xoan * Y * Yael * Z * Zion https://www.popsugar.com/family/Gender-Neutral-Baby-Names-34485564?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ao3-diablofic · 4 days
A story of a young man secluded from society and trying to make ends meet… that is until he meets someone that would change his life forever. English is not my first language
Words: 136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: South Park, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton, Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, เด็กใหม่ | Girl From Nowhere (TV), Seikon no Qwaser | The Qwaser of Stigmata, 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), Dead Poets Society (1989), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T. S. Eliot, U-KISS, 魔道祖师Q | Módào Zǔshī Q (Cartoon), 天官赐福 | Heaven Official's Blessing (Webcomic), Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, Dark Souls (Video Games), Maya y los tres | Maya and the Three (Cartoon), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Sentence (Guts United Video Game), Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions, Berserk (Anime & Manga), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian, Green Creek Series - T.J. Klune, 娘娘腔 - 水千丞 | Níang Niang Qiāng - Shuǐ Qiān Chéng, B.A.P, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat, F-Zero (Video Games), G.I. Joe (Cartoon), I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again (Radio), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), Diablo (Video Games), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Magnum P.I. (TV 2018), 痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。| BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt so I'll Max Out My Defense. (Anime), The Rocky Horror Show - O'Brien, House of Night - P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast, Anne with an E (TV), W.I.T.C.H., The L Word: Generation Q (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Other
Characters: Craig Tucker's Parents
Relationships: Joe Biden/Donald Trump
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Class 1-B Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Earth C (Homestuck), Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc References, E-mail, Threesome - F/M/M, Ratings: G, Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Quote: I've got red in my ledger; I'd like to wipe it out. (Marvel), Space Dad Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Episode: s03e06 K.I.T.T. vs. K.A.R.R. (Knight Rider 1982), Les Amis de l'ABC - Freeform, Minor Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, N Things, Jack-o'-lanterns, Q (James Bond) is a Holmes, Minor P.I.X.A.L./Zane (Ninjago), Ratings: R, Original Character(s), Protective T'Challa (Marvel), Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, Kim Taehyung | V & Park Jimin are Best Friends, Good W. D. Gaster, Nen (Hunter X Hunter), Pocket Monsters: XY | Pokemon the Series: X & Y, Jaskier | Dandelion Loves Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56417563
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds Take A Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair
Part 10 of the (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds series
Tom Holland x Singer/Actress!Lively-Reynolds!Reader
Summary: (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds takes a lie detector test. It goes about as well as you can imagine it.
Warnings: philosophical questions that might make you question your existence, I suppose
Word Count: 1.7k words
Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes
A/N: Only the epilogue and bonus chapters left now, not gonna lie, I’m feeling a bit emotional about it :’) Also little cameo from James Aubrey from Bones cause I just love him so much.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The image opens to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds sitting in Vanity Fair’s lie detector test room. She’s being hooked up to the machine.
“This isn’t gonna hurt, is it? I’ve never taken a lie detector test before.”
The blonde woman in charge of the polygraph shakes her head.
“You’re gonna be fine.”
As soon as she’s hooked up, a man starts speaking off-screen.
“Is your name (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds?”
She looks at him with a brow quirked.
She’s leaning forward in her chair, elbows resting on the table.
“Are you twenty-four years old?”
“I am.”
“Are you about to take a polygraph exam?”
She blinks slowly.
“To the best of my knowledge, yes.”
The image cuts to a white screen with bold black lettering on it, spelling out (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds tells the truth.
The image comes back to her, sitting at the table, with the polygraph on the top left corner.
“How are you feeling?”
She leans back in her chair, looking like the very picture of nonchalance.
“Good. Confident that I’ll pass.”
“You shouldn’t have a problem if your answers are truthful.”
She smirks.
“Which is why I’m confident.”
She briefly looks over at the polygrapher, who nods.
“See? I’m telling the truth.”
The screen then shows a manila folder with the word Career stamped on it.
“First of all, let’s talk about your career. Would you say you prefer acting to music?”
She shakes her head.
“Is music your true passion, then?”
“I’d say they’re both on the same level.”
The polygraph shows no sign of wavering.
“Did you like your character in Supernatural?”
She smiles, probably remembering her time on the show.
“Yes, very much so.”
“Have you ever regretted taking part in the show?”
She immediately shakes her head.
“No. Never.”
“Have you ever regretted any of the movies or shows you’ve participated in?”
She purses her lips.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
She pauses for a few seconds, measuring her words.
“I think every show was an experience. I learned something from each of them, and I made some good friends. There’s something good to be taken from all of them, and I don’t think I could regret that.”
She looks at the polygrapher, who only nods in a confirmation that she’s telling the truth.
“Which of the characters you played did you identify with the most?”
She widens her eyes a bit, puffing out a breath.
“Helena from Heartbeat, maybe?”
“Which director did you like to work with the most?”
She doesn’t even hesitate at that one.
“Chloé Zhao, definitely.”
“Has Marvel ever contacted you to participate in a movie?”
She shook her head.
“What about DC?”
“Also no.”
She licks her lips, smacking them together.
“You’ve said recently that you’re going to take a small break from acting. Do you have any idea how long it’ll last?”
“As long as I deem fit.”
The image cuts to another manilla folder, this time with the word Serendipity stamped on it.
“Your second album, Serendipity, is coming out in three months’ time, so let’s talk about that. First of all, how many songs will your next album have?”
“Thirteen. Same as Stepping Stones.”
Her lip twitches slightly.
“Which one is your favourite?”
She looks down at the table, contemplating the answer.
“It changes pretty frequently, but right now, maybe track five.”
“You’re not gonna give us the name?”
She grins smugly.
“How soon after finishing Stepping Stones did you start writing it.”
She smiles.
“During, actually. Originally, this was supposed to be all one album, but I later decided to separate it into two.”
She looks pointedly at the camera.
“Which is why you’ve heard so many unreleased songs.”
“Would you say the songs in this album are better?”
She purses her lips.
“Not necessarily better, but they definitely have a different vibe to them. Stepping Stones was more songs about myself, growing up, and the things I went through to get where I am. Serendipity is a much more…settled album. While Stepping Stones was all reminiscing, Serendipity is living in the moment, realising the things we have and being grateful for them.”
She smiles.
“Did you have any help writing it?”
She nods.
“Yes, of course. Taylor helped a lot, obviously. But I also spent quite a fair amount of time around Louis and Harry. Tomlinson, I mean. I really admire their writing, and they’re ace people, too. They made writing fun and not too intimidating.”
She straightens up a little in her chair, squirming uncomfortably at the bar around her chest.
“Will you start all your albums with the letter S?”
She snorts.
“I don’t know, maybe. That’s still to be decided.”
“Have your parents and boyfriend listened to it yet.”
She scrunches her nose happily.
“No, actually. I’m making them wait until the album is released just like everyone else.”
“Are they okay with that?”
She laughs.
“Absolutely not, no. They’ve taken to either bribing me or pouting in an attempt to get me to give them the album. It won’t work, obviously.”
She looks to the polygrapher.
“Can you confirm that I’m telling the truth so maybe they’ll stop hassling me about it?”
She nods.
“You're telling the truth.”
“Will you be performing at the Grammys this year?”
She quirks her lips.
“That’s for me to know and you to wonder.”
The next manilla folder has the words General Questions stamped on it.
“Let’s get a bit broader, now. Do you prefer living in England or in the US?”
She purses her lips.
“Why’s that?"
She shrugs.
“I like rain and people understand my humour much better.”
“Have you adopted a British accent since you moved?”
She quirks a brow.
“I don’t think so, no.”
“How do you take your tea?”
“Splash of milk, two sugars, 'cause I need sweetness in my life. Tom glares at me every time.”
She smirks.
“What’s your favourite thing to do to relax?"
Her smile softens considerably.
“Read. We made sure to get a house with a bay window, and then turned that room into a library. I just sit there for hours on end reading whenever I get the chance.”
“Would you ever want to have children?”
She scrunches her nose minutely.
“Probably. But not right now, at least.”
“Are you and Tom engaged?”
She laughs and holds up her left hand.
“No ring on this finger.”
She leans back in her seat.
“Do you like your mother or father better?”
She groans.
“This question’s been asked a hundred times already, I swear. I like them both equally.”
She rolls her eyes at the ceiling.
“What’s your favourite tattoo?”
She rubs her hand over her collarbone.
“My most recent one.”
“Who was the last person you texted?”
Her eyes widen.
She takes out her phone, scrolling a bit.
“Tom. I asked him to buy popcorn for tonight.”
She locks her phone again.
“It’s movie night, we’re watching This Is Us again cause I miss Louis but he’s off being a pop star.”
The last manilla folder has the word Philosophy stamped on it.
“Ready for an existential crisis?”
She smirks.
“What would you say is mankind’s greatest flaw?"
She looks into the void, deep in thought.
“Do you believe in God?”
She shrugs.
“I believe in something.”
“Does practice make perfect?”
She shakes her head.
“Perfection is a myth. Practice makes permanent.”
“What happens when you die?”
She blinks dazedly.
“I mean, I know I look like one, but I’m not actually a Goddess. Hell if I know.”
“If you could do one thing with no permanent consequences, what would it be?”
She purses her lip, scrunching her nose afterwards.
“Not to sound suicidal, but go to the deepest parts of the sea with no protective gear so I could just…see and feel the underwater world.”
She smiles.
“It’s why I love to go diving. The ocean’s pretty.”
“Is the grass greener when you’re in love?”
Her eyes crinkle from how wide her smile is.
“My plants sure are, since Tom actually remembers to water them.”
“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
“Seven hundred and fourteen.”
She nods decidedly.
“What is one rule you live by?”
“Keep calm and punch homophobes.”
Her lip twitches.
“What’s something you could never give up?”
“My family.”
“How would you like to die?”
She smiles softly.
“And last one: at any point during this interview, did you lie and we didn’t catch you?”
She smirks.
End of video.
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds - Serendipity (coming soon)
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds bridges that make you reach nirvana
Tom Holland and (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds - Their Story
34,884,125 views ● January 19th 2023
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tomyntheones reply to yn_my_beloved: (Y/n) never lies tho, so it would have to be something she HAD to do. I’m betting it’s a Marvel contract cause then she would have to stay quiet about it. Besides, if they were engaged she would have told us.
yn_my_beloved reply to tomyntheones: They hid their relationship for three years. They would 100% not tell us just so they could watch us freak.
tomfuckinghotland: I shouldn’t find this hot but fuck if seeing her lie flawlessly isn’t turning me on. How the fuck tho? Like was the polygrapher just bad, or?
Jimmy Aubrey reply to tomfuckinghotland: Actually, no, that’s the annoying part. As a licensed polygrapher myself, I didn’t spot any sign of lies. Which is annoying, cause now I’m just as clueless as the rest of you.
iphoneconspiracies28: “I miss Louis” fucking mood
steppingstonesholland: Yes? YES? (Y/n) NEVER LIES WTF WHY?
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to steppingstonesholland: I wanted to see if I could. Besides watching you panic is fun ;)
steppingstonesholland reply to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔: Having fun at our expense sounds a bit psychopathic ngl but you do you
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printedpeterparker · 2 years
The Serving Suitor (2)
Masterlist || Part 1
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Pairing: Server!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader (at least they used to be)
Type: AU Two-Shot
WC: 4k
Warnings: Smut, MINORS DNI ( 18+ only), oral (fem receiving), p in v sex, breeding kink, swearing, fluffff oof
Summary: The one where it’s been 5 years since Y/N chose Bucky over the kingdom
Note: Part two as requested and I haven’t written smut in a while so go easy on me. And if you are feeling generous and like any of my writings, leave me a tip on my page so I can afford graduate school! Also thank you so much for 1.5k followers!
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You felt the warmth of the blinding sun dance on your face. At least it was warm though. After the long winter, you were relieved when you didn’t have to leave the fireplace blazing every night. Usually you would feel the warmth of Bucky on your back regardless if it was the winter or not; he was basically like a roaring fire himself. But you didn’t feel him now— just the coolness of the sheets.
You slowly opened your eyes to look around the small room. You rolled over to be met with the best sight.
Your Bucky with your youngest son, Liam Barnes, in his arms as he slowly rocked him in your nursing chair that he built as soon as he found out you were pregnant years ago. Liam wasn’t sleeping, staying up for most of the night. This often led to crying in the middle of the night. Usually, this would wake you and Bucky up, but Bucky had gotten to him first last night you remembered. Bucky’s eyes were barely open as you watched Liam peacefully sleep in his arms, his little mouth agape. 
You could hear small footsteps in your house, signaling to you that your day was already in motion. You could hear them begin to approach at a quick pace.
“Mommy!” That was loud enough to wake Bucky up as well. Your twins ran into the room and jumped on your bed. Audrey and James Jr both were as loud as they were rambunctious. You loved them dearly, but you couldn’t wait for them to begin school next year.
“Oh, my darlings,” you cooed as you wrapped them into your arms, bringing them close. “Why don’t you guys gather the eggs from the chickens this morning, so I can make you guys some breakfast?” They quickly nodded before leaving just as fast as they came.
“You know, Aubrey and James are gonna break at least 3 of those eggs,” Bucky sighed as he placed Liam back in his crib. He sat back on the bed before kissing your forehead. 
“I know, but they used to break 5; I call that progress,” you chuckled. You placed your hand on his scruffy cheek, admiring your husband. Men weren’t allowed to grow facial hair if they served in the palace, but as soon as you and Bucky left, he started focusing on building a new family home on the countryside. You loved it though. “Morning, my love.”
Bucky slowly brought his lips to yours, leaving his mark as he did every morning, “Morning.” Bucky couldn’t believe his luck when you said yes to him all those years ago. Everyday felt like a dream, even the hard ones. “I was gonna head down to the shop, but some breads on display before we open later. Once you get the kids ready, do you wanna meet me down there to hang out with Steve’s kids, maybe bring those cookies you made for the bakery?”
“Ah, I don’t Buck. Do you really think they’re that good?”
Bucky chuckled and patted his belly, “Darling, I’ve been eating them for months. You’ve single-handedly started fattening me up with those things.”
Between the laborious work Bucky had been doing for the last five years in order to build a store and home and the amazing cooking you’ve been doing, he had beefed up quite a bit. Bucky was actually surprised about how well you cooked considering you didn’t have to lift a finger for most of your life. But you loved his new physique.
You smiled and nodded, “Okay, okay, I’ll bring them down and we can see how many we can sell.”
“Perfect,” he whispered before planting a kiss on your lips again. “I’ll see you in town then.”
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After getting yourself and your three children ready, the four of you began ending down into the town. Surprisingly, when you renounced your throne five years ago, the news spread, but truthfully, not many of the citizens knew what you looked like. Sometimes when you told people your first name, they would jokingly ask if you were the princess; you’d laugh along but never answer. But at least, you had cousins in line to the throne. You knew any of them would make great leaders. 
To your dismay, your parents completely cut you off. They never answered the letters you sent them; you weren’t even sure that they were reading them. You were completely honest in those letters. You admitted how you fell for Bucky, how you moved to the countryside, how you had a bakery in town, and about their grandchildren. You wanted your kids to know their grandparents, especially since Bucky’s parents had already passed.
As you walked through the village, the entire town was bustling. You had Liam in a stroller with the cookies in your hand as well. You always had Aubrey and James hold hands with one of them holding on to your skirt as you walked. Your little family did this until you reached the bakery. As soon as you guys entered and your twins saw their father, they immediately ran to him. They tackled their father making Bucky hit the floor with the cleaning rag. But he wasn’t a bit upset. Bucky was washing the outside of the display, but he was a sucker for his kids. 
“Woah, you guys are getting stronger everyday,” he laughed. “What is your mother feeding you guys?” he pretended to whisper, making the children laugh.
“I’m gonna be strong like you someday, daddy!” James told his father, flexing the small little muscles he had.
“I wanna be strong like daddy, too!” Aubrey complained, mimicking her brother. “Can I?”
“Of course you can, baby. You both can,” Bucky reassured as he picked them both up. “But you are gonna have to eat your vegetables every day.”
They both groaned in a dramatic fashion. “Hey, hey, I don’t make the rules,” Bucky claimed as he set them both down. “For now though, why don’t you guys finish up those pictures you were working on yesterday so me and your mother can hang them up, alright?”
The twins both nodded before retreating to the back to finish their paintings. You were just enjoying the show as you rolled Liam right behind the counter— the show being watching Bucky with his kids. It was enough to make you want him to put another baby in you right in this bakery. 
“You look fucking gorgeous, darling,” Bucky whispered so he wasn’t in hearshot of the twins. He kissed your lips once more, pulling you in closer by your waist. It was such a deep kiss considering it wasn’t even the middle of the day yet. You definitely weren’t complaining though. 
“I look like this everyday,” you muttered against his lips, pulling back a little.
“I know, and you looked just as amazing on those days, too,” Bucky smirked before landing another kiss on your lips. “But I know Steve’s kids have been begging for a sleepover with ours, and he even agreed to watch over Liam tonight too. So, I was thinking maybe we could get some dinner, spend some well deserved time together perhaps.”
You felt your heart flutter. It had been months since you and Bucky had some alone time together. Liam was almost a year old, and you both loved your kids, but the romantic flame you kindled was dull most nights.
“That sounds amazing, Buck,” you hummed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “But let’s open the bakery before the bread goes stale,” you joked.
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The day went smoothly. Customers came and went, buying your baked goods and breads. Many also bought the cookies you were so concerned about. In fact, you had sold every bundle of cookies before the end of the day. Your customers knew anything coming out of the Barnes Bakery was always going to be delectable even if they had never tried it. Everyone knew you and Bucky were good for it.
At this point, your bakery had become a staple in the community. Many had commissioned your bakery to make wedding cakes, birthday cakes, and other goods for events in the town. The business was everything you could have dreamed of, and building it with Bucky only made it more surreal.
Bucky had gone to drop off your kids at Steve’s a bit ago while you closed up shop for the day. You were packing the fresh bread that you had baked a while ago in the back. You weren’t expecting to bake so much today, but your bread was quickly selling out; you had to stock it for tomorrow.
You heard the bell ring, alerting you that someone had entered the bakery. Next came the heavy steps that you often associated with your husband coming towards the back. You heard him push the door open and groan.
“May I help you, dear?” you sweetly asked as you placed the bread on the cooling racks.
“No need, love,” you heard Bucky from behind you. “Just have a beautiful view of your perfect backside.” You felt Bucky’s hands on your hips, his hot breath in the crook of your neck. You couldn’t help but to lean into his touch, already feeling yourself pool in your underwear.
“I have something for you. Don’t look,” Bucky whispered in your ear. You obeyed yet  you could hear the clanging of something as Bucky pulled something out of his pocket. “Hold still,” he told you.
You felt coldness run across your clavicle. You looked down to see a simple blue sapphire necklace resting on your chest. You gasped and placed your band on the stone. 
“Oh, my God, Bucky. I— this must’ve cost a fortune,” you stuttered out, finally turning to him. “How did you possibly afford this?”
“Steve was actually able to cut me a decent deal, darling, but don’t worry about that,” Bucky told you. “It’s an anniversary gift.”
You furrowed your brows and chuckled, “Our anniversary isn’t for another three months.”
“While that’s true, this is the anniversary of my first day working in the palace aka the first day I got a glimpse of my future…you,” Bucky shyly smiled. He looked at you with softened features. He almost looked like he was going to propose again. “Actually, the first thing you said to me was—”
“I think this necklace clasp is stuck in my hair. And you helped me get the gaudy necklace out of my hair,” you chuckled. “We were just teens then.”
He nodded, “We were, and it was gaudy, yes, but it had sapphires in it. This is definitely a simplified version of it, but it reminds me of the beginning— something I never wanna forget.”
Tears were already brimming your eyes before you pulled your husband into a heated, desperate kiss. Bucky’s hands were quick to attach to your waist, pulling you close. He also backed you into the counter, allowing you to grind on his thigh. You let out a soft moan into your husband’s mouth, giving him access to a deeper kiss. 
You were desperate for more contact. You were yearning for Bucky’s touch and have been for months. Bucky’s lips moved down to your neck, slightly nipping at your skin. Although the bakery was closed, you didn’t want to moan out too loudly in fear someone would hear.
“I need you, Buck,” you begged, tugging at his shirt. “It’s been too long.”
Bucky inhaled sharply against your neck. It’s been awhile since he’s heard you beg for him, and it made his cock engorge. He rutted against you, desperate to take you right against this counter that he had just reinforced not too long ago. 
“As much as I would love to take you, my beautiful wife, on this counter until you can’t move, I’d rather have you in the comfort of our own home. Treat you like the queen you are,” Bucky groaned against your neck before picking you up. You squealed as your husband picked you up bridal style to carry you out of the building.
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Bucky didn’t carry you all the way home. You told him you wanted him to save his strength instead. Besides, it was a twenty minute walk. But by the time you both entered the house, all bets were off.
By the time you both passed through the threshold, you both already lost your shoes and had Bucky’s shirt off. The both of you were acting like drunken teenagers who finally were out of the gaze of their parents. Bucky was quick to undo your blouse and your bra, letting them drop to the ground. 
“I think dinner can wait. Don’t you think, love?” Bucky growled as he led you to the bedroom. You quickly nodded in agreement with your hands on his chest. “All I want is to rediscover every way I can make you squirm. Lay down, darling.”
You did as you were told, admiring the man before you. For the last five years, Bucky couldn’t believe you were his wife, his to adore and pleasure. “You just look so beautiful, love.” Bucky lips pressed against your chest repeatedly, leaving a trail across your breasts until dragging his lips across a nipple. You gasped at the contact, receiving a smirk from your husband. He gave both breasts that attention of his lips before working your breasts with his large hands. You took a deep breath, attempting to contain your moans. 
“Let me hear you; no one’s here but you and me,” Bucky muttered against your skin, moving south down your body. 
“Bucky, I need you to fuck me,” you begged, running your fingers through his dark, thick hair.
“I need to take my time with you,” Bucky growled, hiking up your skirt. He let one finger drag along your folds, getting soaked in your juices. Your hips bucked in response, looking for more contact. “And I can tell how needy you already are, love.”
Bucky massaged your folds, allowing a finger to press on your clit. You grinded on his fingers, praying one would slide into your warm center. Your husband noticed your movements before taking a slick finger and gliding it into your center, appreciating how warm you felt just around his finger. He could feel his cock tighten against his pants at the thought of having the same sensation on his cock.
You let out a sigh of relief when you felt his finger enter you; it was like rubbing an ache that you had all day. But you were desperate for more.
“Oh god, Bucky, I need more. Please,” you begged, looking down at his mischievous smile as he worked your center and clit. He was one to oblige as he thrusted another finger into you, eliciting a tumultuous moan from you. 
“Feels good, doesn’t it darling,” Bucky cooed, getting a good look at his work as he toyed with your clit with fingers curling inside. Before you could even respond, he replaced his finger on your clit with his mouth, using his tongue to massage it. His tongue oscillated between your clit and your now drench center. 
You felt the need to hold on to your bed duvet for dear life as your husband. Bucky tried to hold down your hips with his one free hand, but you were too undrowned with pleasure to notice your back arching off the bed. Your eyes were practically rolling to the back of your head while Bucky’s name came out like a chant of pleasure. You were flowing like a river at this point, already drunk off of Bucky’s fingers and mouth. You couldn’t believe how much you were missing this feeling.
You could feel the familiar build-up of an orgasm, something you hadn’t felt in months. It was much greater than you were used to, but you knew the high was going to be heavenly. “I’m clo— fuck, I’m coming, baby,” your moan almost becoming a sob.
“That’s it, darling. Come all over my face.” Bucky kept the same speed, not wanting to mess up your high. He just wanted to see you unravel and be at the mercy of his hand tongue.
When you hit your high, all you saw was white. You had never come like that before. The intensity was unmatched to anything you had ever felt before, and that’s saying a lot considering that Bucky never seemed to disappoint. It felt like you were coming for hours before you eventually came down for it. Your breathing was staggered and your chest was heaving heavily. You looked down at your husband wiping his mouth. 
“I don’t know how you get sweeter and sweeter,” lust dripped off of Bucky’s words as stood up, removing his pants and underwear in the process. His cock sprung, hitting his lower abdomen. You almost moaned at the sight. “You think you got anyone in ya, princess?” Bucky asked in a low, raspy tone as he began to pull down your skirt. 
You were still trying to get your breath under control. “Bucky, please, I just need you in me,” you pleaded, helping him take off your skirt until it pooled on the floor with your underwear.
Bucky’s broad body hovered over yours as his lips found yours again. As much as you wanted to feel that high again, you wanted to stay in this moment with your husband, bodies tangled together, skin on skin, just drowning in the other’s love. Yet, you could help but long for the cock that was rubbing against your thigh. The mix of lust and love was enough to make you smile into the kiss. He would feel this and mutter the question “What?”
“I just…I love you, Bucky,” you sighed between kisses. He stopped to get a glimpse of you and your beautiful smile. “I am hopelessly, desperately in love with you.”
Bucky pulled you into a slower kiss while wrapping his arm around your body to push you closer to the center of the bed. This kiss was soft and delicate, a complete difference from the one you both shared earlier while walking into your home.
Bucky grabbed hold of his cock, wetting it with your juices as he moved it along your folds. “Let me show you how much I love you, Y/N.”
He slowly slid into you, letting you adjust to his size. You both let out moans that were harmonious with each other. Bucky had to stop himself from coming on the spot when he finally made contact with your warm, wet walls. You, on the other hand, already felt close to coming again when Bucky had every inch of his cock inside of you, resting on your spot.
You gave your husband a nod to keep again, and he was quick to react. He briskly caught a slow rhythm, making sure each thrust was hitting your spot perfectly. His body was completely on top of yours as he used your shoulders to push you deeper on his cock. You couldn’t help but to tighten around your husband’s cock as you wanted to feel every inch and ridge of it.
“You feel amazing, darling. So damn perfect for me,” Bucky groaned against your ear. “Tell me who’s pussy this is, darling.”
Your breathing once again was becoming staggered, but you were still able to at least mumble, “You, Bucky.”
Bucky thrusted into you harder, eliciting a throaty moan from you. “I told you that I need to hear you, darling,” Bucky demanded as he only thrusted harder into you. God, it felt like he was going to split you in two. “Tell me again. Who’s pussy is this?”
“It’s yours, Bucky,” you almost yelled as you held onto his shoulders for dear life. “It’s always been yours, baby.”
“That’s right, darling.” Bucky’s breathing increased as he picked up his pace while keeping his depth. He grabbed onto the headboard of your bed in order to keep his pace and to see his cock slide into and out of you. “Mine and only mine.”
You didn’t think you could make a coherent sentence at this point. He was rapidly hitting your spot now, and you could feel that same pressure slowly building up again. You never understood how Bucky could be rough and tender at the same time. His thrusts were putting you in a trance, but he only looked at you with love and adoration. 
“Fuck, Bucky, you’re so deep, baby!” you cried out before wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him in closer. You knew he was getting off on your moans and muttered words just as much as he was enjoying the physical sensations. It was only fuel to his fire.
He let go of the headboard before pulling you off the bed, settling you in his lap, his cock burrowed in you. Bucky’s hands were spread across your back, giving you the support to bounce and grind on his cock. As much as Bucky loved to be in control, he loved seeing you take the reins.
You wrapped your arms around his neck before both were a mix of moans as you began grinding on your husband’s cock. Your chest heaved against Bucky’s as you chanced your high. Bucky’s face was burrowed in your neck, primal grunts filling your ear.
“Fuck, darling, if you keep riding me like this, I’m gonna have to put another baby in you,” Bucky groaned as he nipped at your neck. “You know how much I love seeing you filled with my seed, swelled with our child again. Fuck, you’d always look so damn good. I’d love to see my love like that again.”
“Then do it, Buck,” you told him as you pulled his face to look at yours. “Put another baby in me.”
A switch flipped in Bucky. A lustful smirk ran across his lips before he wrapped his arm around your waist, bouncing you on his cock himself. You audibly gasped as he quickened the pace, drilling into you.
“Oh my— Bucky, fuck, baby.” You felt like you were seeing stars as you met his thrusts, continuing to bounce. You could feel the pressure build up in you again. Bucky could notice your breathing becoming staggered again, suggesting you were close to your high. 
“Come on, darling. I want you to come when I fill you up again. Need to feel you come around me. Can you do that for me, darling, hmm?” You nodded vigorously. “Then come for me, darling. I can’t last much longer in this pretty pussy cause all I wanna do is paint your walls.”
You moaned at his words, your high approaching quickly now. A number of profanities and loving whispers fell off of Bucky’s lips as he felt you tighten around him. Your orgasm erupted like a volcano. You were sure your neighbors would have heard you if you had any. Bucky pulled you closer to him as he also came, quickly warming you with his cum. Your name drunkenly dripped off his lips as he finished inside of you. 
You both were in a post-orgasmic haze, attempting to collect yourselves again. You still were sitting on top of Bucky, his cock slowly beginning to go soft inside of you. Neither of you moved, not wanting to break the contact just yet. Your head laid on Bucky’s shoulder before you kissed it. You raised yourself up to meet your husband’s soft gaze.
“How does dinner sound to you right now?”
Bucky chuckled under his breath, “In a minute. I gotta make sure I get my wife pregnant because she looks so damn good when pregnant.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh before pulling him into a soft kiss. Your lips were still touching his as you pulled away a bit, “You have the rest of the night to ensure that, Buck.”
A small growl escaped his lips before he pulled you into another heated kiss. You surrendered to his lips again, but you knew both of you needed to eat something if this was going to be something you were gonna keep up for a while.
“God, I love you, Y/N,” Bucky groaned against your lips. “I’ll make us dinner; you just stay right here and relax, darling, ‘cause I’m not done with you yet.”
You know I love your feedback, so please leave it! xx
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance Sweets:
Paring: James Aubrey x Hodgins!Reader, previously Lance Sweets x wife!Reader
Summary: learning to fall in love again after your husband Lance passes away. - there will be a part 2!
🩷MasterList 🩷Part 2
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you first met James Aubrey when he helped you and your husband Lance figure out who framed your best friend Seeley Booth.
Your first thoughts of him was that he was kinda adorable with his extreme eating habits and goofy personality.
“he's adorable” you whispered to Booth, when you said it back then you didn't mean it as you were attract to him. You ment as if someone called a small child adorable.
What you didn't know was he was smitten when he saw you, he thought you were beautiful and extremely smart. He couldn't stop staring at you and your husband and best friend noticed.
Lance trusted you and it was clear you weren't interested to Aubrey, he let it go and focused on the case. He was still sharp towrds him though, he was checking his wife out after all.
Booth had a different reaction, he thought it was humorous but wanted to Inform him before he started playing with fire. He took Aubry aside without you two knowing “married” he pointed at you, he then pointed to Lance. “husband”
He didn't know why it hurt so much, especially do to the fact you guys just met, but there was something about you and he couldn't get you out of his head. He really tried to let it go but failed, he had a crush on a married woman.
“don't worry” Seeley said, patting his back. “you'll get over it like the rest of them” meaning everyone has had a crush on you at least once.
To make matters worse he was there to witness your husband getting gun down. He felt tears run down his cheek as he watched you hold Lance lifeless body and sob.
“please don't leave me” you cried and rested your forehead on his. “I love you so much” Lance said softly
James didn't know what to do, he wanted to help some how but he only stood there in shock.
Seeley tried to separate you and Lance but you weren't having it. “he's not dying! Please Temperance help me” you cried.
Temperance was trying to hold it together herself. She held back her tears and looked at her husband then back at you. “honey... He's gone”
Seeley made his final good by in privet. “I'll make sure they're alright... Y/n and Charlotte both, I promise to protect them”
And just like that the love of your life was gone, it left a huge whole in your heart and all you wanted to do was avenge Lance.
What hurt you most was telling your daughter Charlotte that her daddy was gone, and on top of that your son hadn't even been born yet.
You stayed strong for your daughter, she had yet to real learn about death. She would have with when her gold fish Gus died but Lance replaced it while she was at preschool. All she knew was her daddy was in Heaven now.
You couldn't sleep on Lance's side of the bed, work got harder, and you just started to drift through time. Your brother Jack got worried about you and asked you and your daughter to move in with him and Angela.
It was a nice change, you got to be with your big brother, who you saw as your hero and Charlotte had the opportunity to grow up with her cousin Michael-Vincent.
A couple months went by and you started to feel better, you knew Lance wouldn't want you to be in so much pain so you tried to just live every day in his name.
Suprisenly James became a good friend to you, for awhile he forgot about his crush on you and just wanted to be there for you and your Daughter.
He made you laugh, the first time you really laughed since Lance passed away was when you went on a case with Seeley and James. It was video game company and James stoped to take a goofy selfie with a bigfoot. Seeley would have told him to knock it off, but it was the first time he heard you laugh in a while and he didn't want to take that away from you.
The more you hung out the more he fell for you and it scared the hell out of him... The both of you. At the time you didn't want another relationship, Lance was the love of your life and you always thought you only get one. You were scared you were giving off the wrong signals to him. Your kindness has been mistaken for flirting before.
Two years passed and your friendship with James only grew stronger. He was their when your son Seeley Lance Sweets was born. He was in the waiting room while your brother and Angela was there comforting you.
James got to be one of the first few to hold little Seeley and was aw struck. Once he saw that little boy he made a promised that he'd protect him and his sister from now on.
People noticed how differently James would treat you. He was naturally a kind man, but with you he treated you like a queen and was always there to protect you if you were out of the lab helping with a case.
He treated your kids like his own, he knew he'd could never replace Lance and he wasn't trying to, but if he need to babyset he would, if they want him read them a story he'll go all out and make difference voices for the characters. He loves your son and daughter.
Then there was the whole sharing food. People knew not to get in between James and his food. Your friends suspected his feelings when they cought you two sharing a plate of fries at the Diner. “that's different” Seeley said.
Hodgins, who just happened to be with him shared a worried look. “you don't think... He would be trying to get close right? She just lost Sweets”
The two didn't try to over think it, Jack knew your stance on a new relationship. He didn't want you to be in anymore pain but he couldn't help question James reasoning, it had only been two years since Lance left.
When the bottled up feelings became too much for James he went to Booth for advice. He was pacing back and forth while also rambling, Seeley tried to keep up as he watched him pace back and forth infront of his desk.
Then it finally clicked. “Wait! Your in love with her!? And she's into you, are you sure?”
“I can't help it.. I would never push her into anything but i cant-” he started but Booth cut him off.
“No, no, no. It's just that Lance was, Lance was perfect for her. I mean, that girl's heart beat for Lance Sweets. It just, it never occurred to me that she would ever be with anyone else.”
James knew how special your relationship with Lance was to you and he respected it. If you two were ment to be he would never be jealous or mad that you'll always love Lance.
But he is human, he would feel a pit in his stomach at the thought his first with you will always be your second with him. You experienced everything that was involved with a relationship with Lance first. Sex, cuddling, having a kid, everything.
Your first reaction to your feelings for him was absolute panic and remorse. You felt you were cheating on Lance or betraying him for having feelings for another. It ate at your already broken heart and you kept it bottled up.
It would go like this, you'd sneek a glance at James, admiring his beautiful eyes and his cute little smile. Then you'd immediately start feeling bad.
Jack caught on, he knew you like the back of his hand and loved you with every fiber of his soul. One day your big brother took you to the side and asked you if you're okay. You broke down in tears and told him how awful you felt.
“buddy, your not cheating on Lance” he said softly. “he would want you to be happy... You lost Lance at such a young age and now Your experiencing something most people wouldn't after losing a spouse, your getting another chance”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “what if I lose him too? And I can't expect him to take care of me and my kids? My son didn't even meet Lance”
That became another fear, you were so afraid of losing him too, what if James dies on you too?
“I think you two should have a long serious talk” your brother said.
You took your brother's advance and talked to James, you talked for hours and brought of everything that was on your minds.
“just promise me you will never die on me” you said with tears in your eyes. “I promise” James nodded and slowly leaned in, you mentally panicked and moved you face so his lips landed on your cheek.
“I'm sorry.. I-” he quickly said. You looked at him saddly and pecked his cheek. “I'm just not ready for all that yet”
He nodded “when ever you are... We'll take things slow there's no rush, just know I'll always be there for you and your kids”
It's been a while since you felt so much love and it scared you, you knew you could trust him but there was still fear of losing him if you got too close.
Even if you took things slow you both loved every moment. It was the little things that mattered most, you'd go to New restaurants, watch movies, go to your kids school functions.
James didn't miss a single thing involving your kids, if your daughter had some kinda concert with her class he'd be recording the whole thing. He even got to witness your Son's first steps.
Seeley Lance or LJ has know James all his life so it wasn't a surprise he called James dad, you told him stories of his father, but he couldn't help but see James as father. Charlotte calls him Jamie, she looks up to him and all but in her mind, her daddy is in heaven.
They do have a strong bond though, the little girl loves to be a round him and feels safe with him.
they probably watched every thing episode of Bluey together.
Speaking of which, James did get you and your kids a puppy, a Beagle puppy that your daughter named Bluey.
The first time you ever said I love you was about a year into your relationship, unfortunately it was after a life threatening experience. You went on a case with Booth and you ended up being in a coma for about a week.
You thought you were dying, and this sad thing is you accepted it. While you were under you could have sworn you talked to Lance, you didn't know if it was hallucination or a ghost.
You ran to him and hugged him tight as tears filled both of your eyes. He was so happy and sad to see you, it just wasn't your time.
“our kids need you.. They can't lose both of their parents”
You held his face in your hands and kissed his lips saddly. “you didn't even get to meet your son... He's so much like you”
He smiled. “I know... And couldn't be more prouder of him and Charlotte both, but I know you three are being tooken care of”
Once again you felt a pit in your stomach when you thought about James, you will never be ashamed of falling in love with him. James put your piece back together and helped you heal, but Lance will alway be your first love.
“don't you ever feel bad for falling on love again... You remember the pain you felt when I died?” Lance asked softly, you nodded sadly. “Aubry is feeling that right now, he's so scared of losing you”
You knew he was right, but you still shook your head and cried... All you wanted to do was stay with him forever.
He smiled softly and whipped your tears away. You said 'I love you' one last time before you started to blink back to reality. You took deep breath and looked around the hospital room. Your brother Jack was fast asleep on a couch in the room, Charlotte and Seeley was piled up with him asleep as well.
James was fast asleep next you, he had a chair pulled up to your bed with his head in your lap and his hand holding your. You took your free hand and ran your fingers through his hair softly.
He jolted awake in a panic, he left out a sigh of relief when he saw you smiling softly at him. “your awake” he said with tears pricking his sleep-deprived eyes.
He leaned over and wrapped his arms around you. “I thought I lost you” you placed your hand on his jaw and pulled him towrds you kissing his lips passionately, it was so soft but held so much emotion. “I love you... So much James”
He smiled, you didn't know how long he's been waiting to hear thoughs words. He smiled from ear to ear and kissed you again. “I love you too”
You only pulled away when you hear your kid chearing your name. “mama!” they jumped from Jack's lap and ran to you, giving you a big hug.
You finally had peace and felt you could move on, your life was better knowing Lance and you are better person because of him. Now it's time to start over with a man you knew loved you just as much as Lance did.
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voidedtrisha · 3 years
Requests are open!
Hiya everybody! My Imagine/oneshot/preference requests are open!
I am literally down for every type of request - except smut and adult x child pairings - so feel free to request!^^ Also don’t be afraid to ask me to do an imagine/preference/oneshot with a character or fandom I didn’t list!^^
Fandoms that I will write imagines about:
―The Lost Boys (1987):
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog 
Alan Frog 
―Stand By Me (1986):
Chris Chambers
Gordie Lachance
Vern Tessio
Teddy Duchamp
John ‘Ace’ Merrill
Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers
Billy Tessio
Charlie Hogan
―Young Guns I-II (1988/1990):
Billy the Kid
Chavez y Chavez
Joshia Gordon ‘Doc’ Scurlock
Dick Brewer
Stave Stephers
Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
―Footloose (1984):
Ren McCormack
Willard Hewitt
―Gravity Falls (2012-2016):
Mason ‘Dipper’ Pines
Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy
Robbie Valentino
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
―Class of 1999 (1990):
Cody Culp
Sonny Culp
―Stranger Things (2016- ):
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
―Grease (1978):
Danny Zuko
Sandy Olsson
―IT (1990/2017/2019):
Bill Denbrough
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Reginald ‘Belch’ Hugins
―Changeling (2008):
Sanford Clark
Gordon Northcott
―Bones (2005-2017):
Zack Addy
Lance Sweets
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
Temperence Brennan
Jack Hodgins
Arastoo Vaziri
Wendell Bray
Finn Abernathy
Jared Booth
Vincent Nigel-Murray
―Z-O-M-B-I-E-S I-II (2018/2020):
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambini
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Willa Lykensen
Bucky Buchanan
Addison Wells
―Jeepers Creepers I-II (2001/2003):
Darry Jenner
Izzy Bohen
Scott Braddock
Andy Bucky
The Creeper
Billy Taggart
―Descendants I-II-III(2015/2017/2019):
Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook
Ben Beast
―Teen Wolf (2011-2017):
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Reaken
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
―Ed Edd n Eddy (1999-2008):
Double D
The Kanker sisters
―Five Nights at Freddy’s (2014- ):
Freddy Fazbear
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
―Big Mouth (2017- ):
Nick Birch
Andrew Glouberman
Jay Bilzerian
Jessi Glaser
Val Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian
Leah Birch
Judd Birch
―Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Oliver Wood
Hermione Grager
Fred & George Weasley
Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Moments: Chapters 7-8
Moments Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
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Summary: Slow-burn fic. Follow on to No Good Advice probably best to read that first. Read previous chapters of this fic here and here. In these chapters, James & his mum meet the Bridgerton family and Benedict makes a decision.
Word Count: 4.3k (these chapters only, 12.2k total for all chapters to date)
Warnings: none really - pining, fluff, humour, touch of angst. Ratings/warnings will increase in future chapters.
Authors note: I hope you all enjoy the latest adventures of little James Darby. Thanks as ever to @makaylan for her fantastic betaing and advice. Couldn't do this without you lady <3
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Chapter 7: Moments from a family visit
Your carriage pulls up the long drive to Aubrey Hall, and your heart leaps. What a beautiful building, resplendent in flowers and vines. James leans forward excitedly, huffing mist onto the glass as he peers at the approaching house.
“Is this where Benedict lives?” he asks excitedly.
“It's his family's country home, darling, like Darby Hall is our family home. But it is not his; I believe he has his own cottage. Just like we do.”
“Oh, ok,” he nods, understanding better. “Can we see his cottage? I bet he has so many paints! Oh, mama, please? Can we? Can we?”
You huff a laugh. “Darling, I don't think his cottage is that near to here; I believe it is down in Wiltshire. This is Kent - that is a long way away.”
“Oh,” he looks a little deflated.
“But I'm sure Benedict has plenty of painting supplies right here,” you add, seeing James instantly brighten at that. “You like Mr Bridgerton, don't you?” you venture, a little trepidatious.
“He likes painting as much as me, so he is my favourite person ever,” James smiles gleefully as if that is the full measure of a man. “Except you, Mama,” he adds as a charming afterthought. The adorable little rascal.
“What would you say if I told you he wanted to spend more time with you?” you ask carefully, “not just painting,” you add as James goes to speak.
His mien turns thoughtful. “Why would I spend time with him other than to paint Mama?” he asks - a perfectly reasonable question.
“He is a… very special friend to me, from a long time ago. And a friend of mine must be a friend of yours too, James.” you reason. “Or the… friendship… cannot be.”
“He is very nice, Mama,” he says, looking far away. “Issy told me about him in a dream.”
“Who is Issy, my love?” you ask, wracking your brain for someone with that name.
“You haven't met her yet, Mama,” he says breezily.  
You can't think of a single person he knows you have not met, so you just assume it's one of his imaginary friends. He has such a rich imagination you marvel at him sometimes - every day, raising this child is a new adventure.
Your carriage pulling to a halt outside the main entrance has your mind turning to your hosts. Butterflies roar as you see the entire Bridgerton family emerge from the doorway. Chief amongst them, Benedict. He is all you can see as the footman opens the carriage and holds out an expectant hand for you to descend. The urge to run and fling yourself into his arms alarms you - a person of comfort in a sea of mostly new, expectant faces.
“Lady Darby,” Violet greets warmly as you step out. 
“Lady Bridgerton,” you reply, “thank you so much for inviting me early to spend time at your beautiful family home.”
“Please call me Violet,” she says.
“Then it's y/n, for everyone,” you insist, looking around politely.
Anthony steps forward with his beautiful wife “Apologies, my lord.” you correct yourself. “This is actually your home as the Viscount, isn't it?”
“Indeed, but my mother has always been best at leading introductions,” he smiles warmly. “Lady Darby, this is my wife, Viscountess Bridgerton.”
“Oh, it's been years, and I'm still not used to that title,��� she says with a slight comic frown, “Please call me Kate.” warmly shaking your hand.
You see out of the corner of your eye Benedict is hovering expectantly, almost shyly, off to the side, slightly behind them.
James comes leaping out of the carriage behind you. “Benedict!” he cries happily and practically launches himself at the man. On instinct, Benedict crouches down to hug James.
That is rather a conversation stopper as everyone’s eyes crane to watch the young boy.
“That… is my son, James,” you say apologetically, “he has umm, been receiving art lessons from Mr Bridgerton,” you offer by way of explanation.
Violet has an enigmatic smile as she tears her sights away from James and back to you.
“He is a talented artist?” she inquires politely, but you feel there may be more to her question.
“Well, he is only five years old….” you begin.
“He's a master in the making,” Benedict finds his voice, “aren’t you, James?”
James nods happily, holding onto Benedict’s leg as he straightens back to standing.
You feel everyone looking at you, James, Benedict and back. A lot of thoughts behind silent eyes.
“Shall we head inside?” Violet announces. “You can meet everyone else later. I'm sure it's been a long journey from London, and you would like to freshen up and rest before dinner.”
“That sounds wonderful,” you reply, reaching your hand for James, making brief but meaningful eye contact with Benedict. He gives you a reassuring nod and smile.
“Come here, James,” you call gently when he doesn't move.
“I’d like to stay with Benedict,” James announces, grabbing his arm. “Mama said you might have some paint here,” he looks up hopefully.
Benedict huffs a laugh. “Maybe later, James, go with your mummy for now. I will see you at dinner, okay?”
James looks ponderous and then agrees reluctantly, “Okay.”
“What a delightful child,” Kate murmurs as you ascend the staircase into the house, “he has very striking eyes,” she adds a little too pointedly, with a smile you know has more meaning. 
You know. You just know she has already figured this out; she seems too fiercely intelligent not to have.
“Thank you” is all you can say. 
This is Benedict’s announcement to make to his family if he chooses to. You wouldn't blame him if he didn't; they seem quite a formidable bunch, friendly but rambunctious when gathered together. What a day this could prove to be.
By the time you appear for dinner, you are refreshed and ready to face what could be a gauntlet. No doubt there have been precious few other topics of conversation, but the young widow with the little boy who ran straight to Benedict. 
“Lady Darby,” Violet gestures, “you and James are sat down here with me”. You take your seats and realise Benedict is opposite you, next to his mother. His eyes meet yours over the table, and he smiles. 
You itch to ask him what his plan is for this dinner. You really don’t want him admitting to being James’ father while he is in earshot.
You are introduced to the remainder of the family around the dinner table, minus Daphne and her husband and child, who you’re told will arrive the following day. 
Conversation flows spiritedly as appetisers are served. It’s unusual that all the children, including Kate and Anthony’s eldest son, who is three, are also at the table, but you’re glad James can join in. Experience what it’s like to be a part of a social evening. It’s been just the two of you for so long that you’re worried he will become anxious around other people. Luckily he seems unphased and engaged with everyone. Like his father, he can have an easy-going natural charm when he wants to. He has Eloise and Kate wrapped around his little fingers in no time. 
“Benedict, can we paint tomorrow?” James calls out across the table as dessert is served. The conversation seems to quieten suddenly.
“If it’s okay with your mummy, yes, I think so, James,” Benedict answers, “if the weather is good, perhaps we can paint outside again.”
“That would be so nice!” James chimes, “I really like the easel you gave me. I’ve painted so many things with it.”
“You bought James an easel, my love?” Violet inquires gently, touching Benedict’s wrist, “Do you do that for all of your art students?”
“No, mother, just the very talented ones,” he replies, attempting nonchalance but coming out somewhat awkwardly.
Violet hums and takes a bite of dessert, then turns to your son.
“Tell me, little James, do you collect anything? Perhaps, oh, I don’t know, pressed flowers or something like that?” She glances briefly at Benedict as she asks.
“Yes!” James chimes, “I collect rocks! From places I visit, or when I see one in a pretty colour.”
“That’s fascinating!” Violet enthuses.
You look over and see Benedict staring at James open-mouthed. You'd neglected to mention that little inheritance. Frankly, there are so many similarities you almost wouldn't know where to begin.
“And what a coincidence! My lovely second son here used to do the exact same thing as a child, didn’t you, darling?” she pats Benedict’s hand affectionately but pointedly.
“He still does,” it has slipped out of your mouth over your wineglass before you’ve even engaged a thought.
Oh shit.
It’s hushed around the table now. Benedict's shocked look swaps from your son to you.
Your cheeks burn hot, “…or that’s what he told me,” you mumble mortified, putting down your glass to stab at your dessert. Too little, too late.
You can feel Violet’s eyes on you. An enigmatic smile.
“Benedict, dear, is there anything you wish to share with us?” Violet asks, feigning innocence.
“Perhaps later, mother,” he responds with a pleading look, glancing at James briefly and then back to her.
She pats his hand and smiles, then addresses the whole table. “Come on, eat up, my dears. This delicious gooseberry pie won’t finish itself!”
The buzz of conversation picks up again, and Benedict shoots you a look. You mouth ‘sorry’. This wasn't how you wanted things to go. You decide you have probably had enough wine for the night.
“Benedict, can I see your rock collection, please?” James pipes up as he cleans his plate.
“Yes, James, but sadly, it’s not here,” Benedict explains.
“Is it in Wiltshire? Mummy says that’s where your cottage is. We have a little cottage too, and it’s my most favourite house we own. When can we visit your cottage?”
You almost drop your spoon. If it was quiet before when they conversed, it’s silent now. 
“James, it’s rude to ask for an invitation to someone’s house,” you admonish tacitly. 
“No, not at all. Of course, you are most welcome. You can accompany me to Wiltshire next time I go,” Benedict nods, “I shall invite some other students of mine, make it an artists retreat, as such” you can tell he is covering his tracks a little.
“Fun!” James exclaims. 
Benedict clears his throat as dessert gets cleared away and after-dinner chocolates are placed on the table. “Everyone, I would like to make an announcement later in the drawing room. For just the adults.”
“What? why?” Hyacinth whines, “Why do we always miss out on the best information? I am fifteen now, brother.”
“Yes, and I am sixteen,” pipes up Gregory.
“I'm sorry, are either of those numbers higher than eighteen?” Benedict queries sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at them.
They both groan and cross their arms defensively.
“I'm five,” James announces proudly to the room, half understanding the game but enthusiastic about being included. 
Everyone peals with friendly laughter, and Colin leans over and ruffles his hair affectionately. “Indeed you are, James.”
James' nanny comes to collect him and take him to bed, just as you all spill into the hallway on your way to the drawing room.
“Goodnight, everybody,” James calls, the little charmer he is.
There is a chorus of goodnight Jameses’. He takes his nanny’s hand, but sudden runs back and hugs you, throwing his hands around your waist. 
“Aww, goodnight, my love,” you whisper lovingly, swaying him a little.
“Goodnight, Mummy,” he looks up at you with his big beautiful eyes, so you lean down and kiss his cheek.
Then he runs straight over to Benedict and hugs his legs.
“Goodnight, Benedict,” his little voice says.
A universe of emotions crosses Benedict’s face, and everyone else freezes in place.
“Goodnight, James,” Benedict replies quietly, patting his hair.
“Can I have a kiss on the cheek, like the other day?” James asks sweetly.
Benedict’s cheeks dust an adorable shade of pink. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eloise's mouth drop open.
To your utter astonishment, Benedict leans down and hauls James into his arms, placing him on his hip. “It's time for bed, young man,” he lectures softly, then kisses his cheek as requested. “Now, do you need a bedtime story, or will you be able to read one yourself?”
The two of them together are your whole focus. You watch them clutching your chest, not even noticing the eye tennis of the rest of the gathering. 
“I can read all by myself,” James answers proudly, looping his arms around Benedict's neck.
“Well, that's because you are such a smart boy, aren't you?” 
“Yes. Mummy says I get my brain from her,” James replies, and Benedict laughs.
“I don't doubt it for a second.”
“She says I get my charm from my Daddy,” he adds with a winning smile.
Benedict looks over James' shoulder at you, and your cheeks burn. “I bet she did,” he chuckles.
You feel Violet looking at you again.
‘I'll join you all shortly,” Benedict says over his shoulder, giving you a lingering glance, then starts to walk away towards the staircase, James still in his arms. The two of them engaged in a quiet conversation, your nanny following behind them.
“I don't think this announcement he has to make will be much of a surprise, do you?” Colin pipes up cheekily once they are out of earshot.
You'd like the ground to swallow you up right now.
“Colin!” Violet admonishes, “whatever Benedict has to say to us all, his family, will be treated with the utmost respect and sincerity.”
“Yes, mother,” he grumbles dutifully, with an eye-roll.
As everyone drifts into the drawing room, Kate comes over and loops arms. “Pay no mind to my brother-in-law,” she counsels, “You'll get used to him. If you marry a Bridgerton, you’ll have to; they’re sort of a package deal,” she winks.
It's only after you sit down do you realise what she said.
Benedict slips into the drawing room about five minutes later and crouches down behind the chair you are seated in as you listen to Eloise rhapsodise about the book she is currently reading.
“I hardly think it’s going to be a surprise now, but I am going to announce James as my child,” he whispers, “I would like you to stand with me if that's alright?”
“Really,” you murmur, “why?”
“Moral support?” he shrugs, and you see a slight tinge of anxiety on his face for the first time.
“Of course,” you offer.
He moves to stand next to your chair and offers his arm. He walks you in front of the fireplace; you feel the literal heat on the back of your legs as you prepare for heated glances from the gathered family.
“Everyone,” he annunciated clearly, “I would like to announce to the family some important news.”
“When’s the big day?” Colin teases. Eloise violently tosses a cushion at him.
“Oh... no… it's not… that” Benedict suddenly looks flustered and drops his arm from yours. You lower your head. Nothing could be further from the reality at the moment, much to your chagrin.
“Tell us then, brother,” Anthony prompts, acting very much the patriarch.
“You all met James earlier, and well, although this can never be public knowledge, I very much wanted you all, my family, to know that… he is my son” his voice wavers a little. “Many of you may remember about six years ago I was… in a relationship with Mrs Darby before she got married to the man she was promised to her whole life,” he rushes to add, “and that resulted in, well, little James.”
He looks over at his mother.
“Mother, I know this is not the ideal way you would want to hear about another grandchild, who is already five years old, but well, I wanted to be truthful with you. And with you all,” he gestures around the room, “I only just met him myself a few days ago, but he is very important to me.” 
Your eyes mist as he speaks plainly but passionately about your son. His son.
“Benedict dear, I am so very happy for you. And another grandson, I am overjoyed, and I look forward to spending so much time getting to know him this week. But, you do realise, this is not exactly the news we were expecting you to announce?” she says gently.
“Whyever not?”Benedict looks shocked.
“Darling, the minute he stepped out of that carriage, I knew. We all knew,” she explains slowly. She gestures at a row of miniatures on the wall depicting all the Bridgerton children. “Do you really think the spitting image of you would not be a total giveaway?”
You are instantly drawn closer to the picture; it looks so much like James you are speechless. 
“This is Benedict?” you gasp.
“Yes, dear, aged seven,” she confirms as you run your fingers reverentially over the miniature painting. He has the same hair, eyes, and face; it's disconcerting how much James looks exactly like his father at a similar age.
“We honestly thought you knew that we knew already. And certainly wouldn't feel the need to announce it so formally,” she chuckles, “Kate and I had already discussed buying him some family blue outfits.”
You steal a glance at Kate, who just smiles and shrugs a shoulder.
“Wait?” Anthony says, standing, “You all knew?” 
All the women in the room nod.
“I didn't,” Colin opines from the couch. “Well, not until he put the little whelp to bed, then I couldn't exactly unsee it.”
“I had no idea,” Anthony remarks, frowning to himself and then looking pointedly at his wife. Her smirk gets even bigger.
“What a surprise, always the men who are the last to cotton on,” Eloise mutters, rolling her eyes.
Anthony shoots her a look and then clamps his hand onto Benedict's shoulder. “Well, maybe not traditional circumstances, but I’m happy for you, brother. Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Thank you, brother,” Benedict exhales, looking relieved.
“So... no other news?” Violet inquires.
“No, mother,” Benedict says brusquely and a little too pointedly. 
“Hmm, shame,” she mutters under her breath and smiles indulgently at you.
A little while later, you see Violet take Benedict's arm and whisper something in his ear. You have no idea what, but it looks like he is getting a stern but loving motherly lecture. 
When she is done, he looks over at you in a way that is so intense and full of longing it steals your breath. 
Suddenly light-headed, you have to excuse yourself for the night.
Chapter 8: Moments from a country ball
The next evening the ballroom of Aubrey Hall is humming with people and looks beautiful. The bustle of staff setting out flowers earlier in the day has been replaced by the lazier-paced members of the Ton admiring the floral displays and quaffing their champagne.
You nervously smooth your gloved hands down over your blue dress. You specifically asked Madam Delacroix to make you a gown that would match the Bridgerton family colours. She had just winked. “Certainly, ma cherie, they are quite the family”. The lady knows far too many secrets.
With James tucked up in bed for the evening after a fun day exploring the estate just the two of you, it’s your chance to enjoy some grown-up company. You grab a glass of champagne and watch the assembled young ladies and gents take their place for the first dance.
Suddenly you feel a presence by your left side.
“You look beautiful,” Benedict murmurs. All of your body lights up from just a simple compliment.
“Thank you,” you say quietly and bump him lightly with your shoulder, “and you look very handsome,” you add, looking up into his eyes.
Oh god, that was a mistake. Trapped again. Unable to look away.
“I was hoping you would do me the honour of a dance, Mrs Darby,” sotto voce, your gaze still locked on his.
“Don’t call me that,” you implore, “please just call me by my first name.”
“Will you do me the honour of a dance, y/n?” he amends a little smirk on his lips.
“Yes,” you are far too breathy.
You have never danced with him before. The simple act of being in a respectable hold sends your thoughts scattering. In the past, you have mapped every inch of this man’s body with your tongue, but the feel of his arm curled gently around your back undoes you.
You are swept up into the dance. Into him. The father of your child. The best lover you ever had. The person that feels most like home and an adventure all at once.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks quietly after a few minutes as you move around the dancefloor, “you look so wistful.”
“You,” you admit simply. 
“Oh,” he looks bashful, “what about me?”
“How different things can be after so many years, but also strangely how it can be as if no time has passed at all.” you sigh.
He inhaled sharply. “I couldn’t agree more” his intense gaze drops to your lips as the music ends, but you stay locked in each other’s arms.
“Benedict…” you stutter, “I….”
“Is this the reason?” A woman’s voice cuts into your reverie.
You look over to see Miss Elliott standing nearby, arms crossed, looking at Benedict with a sour expression.
“Miss Elliott?” You greet hesitantly.
Her head whips to you, and she frowns when she recognises you “wait… Mrs Darby?” she shakes her head a little “You? You are the one he…” she stops mid-sentence looking stunned. 
“Oh….” She turns her heel and bustles away.
“Miss Elliott,” Benedict calls, “wait.” 
He gives you an apologetic look and then takes off after her, leaving you suddenly alone on the dancefloor.
You feel eyes on you, those who just witnessed the odd moment. So you walk briskly to grab a refreshment before anyone can corner you and ask questions. You plan to retire to the terrace to get some air, your thoughts a jumble. 
As you step outside, you revel in the feel of the evening air, cool on your skin. You take a sip of lemonade and look around for a seat until you hear voices below. Curious, you move into earshot.
“…I thought we had an agreement,” the woman sighs.
“Circumstances have altered,” is the reply. You’d recognise that voice anywhere. 
You know you shouldn’t, but you draw closer, standing behind a stone column so you'll be hidden even if they look up.
“How?” she asks; a peek around the column tells you it's Miss Elliott.
“I am reconsidering how my future may look,” he says slowly. “I have recently received news that has, well, it’s changed my whole life. My whole perspective on everything; I desire and want for things I thought impossible.”
Your heart pounds.
“What?” She asks. 
Yes, what? You think.
“A wife I love. Children.” 
Those five words have you spinning.
“I thought that the exact opposite of what you wanted?” She argues
“It was,” he admits, “but sometimes life throws you the most… amazing surprises, and I would be a fool not to at least try to get what I want. What I’ve always wanted.”
You feel your hands shaking. 
“Is it her? Mrs Darby? The one to whom your heart belongs? I saw the way you two were looking at each other when you were dancing.”
“It’s not just her,” his voice emotional, “it’s someone else. A very special someone I recently met.”
Oh god, he means James.
“Someone so perfect and wonderful. The love I feel for them. Even though I’ve only spent a few precious moments with them… It’s so profound and life-altering. I never knew…” he sounds choked up.
You feel a tear roll down your face.
“You are irrevocably in love, aren’t you?” She says quietly, resigned.
There is no audible response.
She sighs. “Where does that leave me?” 
“I am so sorry,” he replies sincerely, “I will try my best to find you another who would be favourable to this type of match. I know of some artists who have such arrangements. Perhaps they have friends seeking the same. So you can be free to love who you love.”
“Mr Bridgerton, thank you, but… I will be okay. I am not annoyed. Just disappointed. This was always about convenience. I wish nothing but the best for you. I just hope it works out for you.”
“So do I”, you hear him sigh. Then the crunch of footsteps on gravel as one, if not both, of them walk away.
You stay leaning against the column, closing your eyes, your head spinning with all you just overheard. 
So wrapped up in your thoughts and feelings that you don’t hear footsteps up the stone steps from the garden below until it’s too late to flee.
“Y/n?” You open your eyes and see him standing a few feet before you. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, it's a little stuffy inside; I came out just this moment for some air,” you lie.
He steps closer. “Why have you been crying?” His voice suddenly filled with concern.
“Benedict…” you breathe, and his arms enclose you in a tight embrace.
“What happened? Tell me,” he implores, rocking you gently. His cheek pressed against your temple. The warmth of his body seeping into yours.
You can’t tell him you are crying because you overheard him, all the beautiful things he said; it feels like such an invasion of his privacy.
“No, no, I’m okay,” you dismiss, “just happy tears,” your explanation is intentionally vague.
“Happy tears? What do you mean?” He cranes his head back slightly and looks at you, confused.
“I… just… I can’t explain it. But please just hold me,” you whisper.
“Of course. Always,” he breathes, and you wrap yourself around him, pressing your face into his neck, inhaling his scent. He says nothing, just lets you stand in his arms.
Unseen by you both, Violet appears in the doorway to the terrace and smiles to herself. 
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joelslegalwhrereads · 2 years
Files and surprises
pairing ⁀➷ james aubrey x reader
word count ⁀➷ 461
summary ⁀➷ Booth and Brennan are dropping off a file at Aubrey's place but they weren't expecting you, because there was one thing they didn't know. That you were not only dating him but also living together with him.
warnings ⁀➷ no mention of gender, wearing Aubrey’s clothes (this should be a warning)
a/n ⁀➷ I don’t even know when or how I got this idea. If there’re any mistakes i’m sorry; it’s 12:01 am and i was about to fall asleep while i edited this… Also very out of context but has anyone seen FBI - special crime unit? (edit: I‘m in season 2 and it‘s so good okay omg)
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The doorbell rung, which you couldn't hear because of the warm water running down your hair and body.
Aubrey opened the door to Booth and Brennan. Booth needed to drop off an important file before he had a few days off work, and as the apartment was closer than the FBI, Aubrey told them to just drop it off at your place. Booth also had some additional things to tell him, so it was the perfect idea.
You turned off the water, letting the steam fill the room when you opened the shower door.
Brennan and Booth stood in the hallway when you came out of the bathroom into the open living and kitchen space. You pulled down the hem of one of Aubrey's shirts you had on with a pair of shorts. „Jimmy, can you remember where I've put my-„ you started, when you finally looked up. „Oh doctor Brennan, how nice to see you! Hey Booth.“ you smiled at them, rearranging the towel on your head so it wouldn't fall off.
„Hi.“ Booth smiled, very confused. „Y/N! It's nice to see you!“ Brennan smiled. " This clarifies a lot of things for me that actually had me a little confused before.” She laughed and pointed at your shirt, which obviously wasn't yours but Aubrey's. You chuckled and looked at Aubrey, who just smiled at you. Where Brennan was horrible at conversation through eye contact only, James and you were the best. He could tell you a million things with only one glance. Something very irrational and not really possible, as Brennan would have said.
Bones walked to you to give you a big hug. That was when both your men were completely thrown off and didn't know what was going on. Temperance Brennan wasn't the type to hug people unless she liked and trusted them completely. They didn't know that their loves were this close. Their faces spoke volumes, expressing all the confused thoughts.
Neither you nor Brennan paid any attention to them because you were far too busy talking. You headed for the kitchen, laughing. "Really?" you giggled. "Yes! When I tell you that this sternum-" Brennan continued, with a laugh. She moved her hands in the air and told you the whole story, making you giggle in surprise and amusement.
„Uh, where were we?“ Aubrey asked Booth amused, getting his attention again. „I'd say you will tell me all about this,“ he made a sweeping gesture, Aubrey laughed and nodded. „Sure.“ Aubrey grinned.
„Yeah okay… so this suspect is definitely involved in something, we have-„ he started telling Aubrey all the things he needed to know.
Aubrey kept looking over at you talking to Brennan, incredibly grateful for all of this. Incredibly in love with you.
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Between The Lines (a Zack Addy fanfiction)
Request for @iamcheese13 : If you’re still taking fanfic request for Zack Addy from Bones, can I have Zack finally being released from prison and having a heart to heart with his ex-girlfriend, who is now happily married and has a child? Thank you!
Author’s note: This fic is... angsty, and kinda took on a life of it’s own. I got a long of inspiration from the song Between The Lines by Sara Bareilles. Reader x ex Zack, reader x Aubrey. Enjoy!
“Zack lied,” Dr. Brennan said, looking at you with more emotion in her eyes than you had ever seen. Instantly, the wind was knocked out of you, and you sank down to your knees...
“Y/N, Y/N!” Your eyes shot open, suddenly shocked back to the present. “Hey, honey, are you okay?” your husband asks. “Oh, uh, yeah James, I’m okay,” you respond, offering up a smile that you hope looks more reassuring than you feel. His expression softens. “Nervous about today?” Before you could answer, your daughter comes bounding in. “Mommy, mommy!” she cries out, more energy in her short 4 years of life than you’d ever felt. “Mommy, can I come with you today?” she smiles at you brightly. “No, love, mommy has some, um... important grown up things to do today,” you hazard a glance at your husband, who smiles at you. It would almost have been convincing if you didn’t know him so well. “Besides,” you continue, “Daddy is taking you and Christine to the aquarium today.” That’s all it takes, your daughter perks up immediately, kisses your cheek, and runs back to her room. “Speaking of today, are you sure you want to do this alone?” James looks at you intensely, not bothering to hide his concern. “Temperance and I need you to watch the girls today, and... I need to do this on my own,” you say, placing your hand on your husband’s cheek. The phone interrupts your staring match. “Aubrey. Yeah, yeah... okay, I’ll have her at the courthouse in 15 minutes, and pick up Christine after.” James ends the call with a sigh, and then looks at you again. “That was Booth, you ready?” he asks. “Uh, yeah, I think so,” you bite your lip nervously, “Let’s get little one and get out of here.”
20 minutes later, and you’ve kissed your husband and daughter goodbye, and sent them on their way. Standing outside of the courthouse, your mind begins to wander. You’d witnessed dozens of hearings before, even a few in this very courthouse. But none like this, none so close to you personally. Caroline Julian snaps you out of your thoughts when she walks up. “Mrs. Aubrey, are you ready?” she asks. “Um, I believe so,” you say shakily, “can I see him?” “I’m afraid that will have to wait until after, cherie, he’s already inside.” Caroline ushers you inside, your heart rate quickening with every step. You say brief hellos to Hodgins, Angela, and Dr. Brennan, quickly assuring Temperance that the girls are safely with Aubrey and well taken care of. Everyone walks into the courtroom, but you hang back. Tears prickle your eyes, and you take a deep breath before steeling your nerves and walking in yourself. You find your seat without looking up from the floor. You take another deep breath, and allow yourself to look up. A sudden and nostalgic feeling takes over as your eyes meet Zack’s, just like they always had. You blink, and suddenly...
You’re 22, chasing Booth like a puppy dog, and practically skipping up the steps to the Jeffersonian’s forensic platform. “Sorry for the boring field trip while you’re still in training, Y/N, but the squints have some new evidence for the case I’m on,” Booth explains, swiping his card for entrance. “Don’t be sorry, this is awesome,” you’re smiling so hard you think your jaw might break. Though you’d never let on to Booth, you were mostly excited about getting to interact with Dr. Brennan’s adorably awkward assistant. As if on cue, Zack looks up and notices you. He smiles shyly in a way that makes you feel like you could do backflips...
You blink again, and here you are. Almost 10 years have passed, and you’re a wife, a mother, a different person, having to watch the first man you ever loved testify on his own behalf about a crime you had always known he couldn’t commit. You and Zack had been dating for 2 years, and had recently moved in together when everything had come to light. The explosion that sent Zack to th hospital had prompted Booth to give you a temporary leave of absence, so when he called you in a desperate tone, telling you to get down to the Jeffersonian, you were panicked. “Zack lied,” rings through your head, even all these years later. The events of the past decade of your life play in your head like a movie. You’d visited Zack every week, like clockwork, even years after the rest of your friends had moved on. That was until... until Sweets died. After everything you’d been through, losing someone you’d considered a little brother sent you into a dark place you thought you’d never escape from. Aubrey had been your rock. When you met him, your life fell into place. Before you knew it, you guys were married, and then your daughter was born. They were a glimmer of hope amidst the nightmare, but your heart would always partly remain with Zack.
Temperance puts her hand on your leg, bringing you back to reality. “Would the defense like to make a final statement?” the judge asks. “No,” Zack says, “I would prefer for the evidence to speak for itself.” You smile, almost against your will. Same old Zack. “Actually, I would like to say something,” Temperance says, looking at you for silent permission. You squeeze her hand as Caroline gives her permission as well. “Now, I typically speak on evidence, but today I would like to speak on Dr. Addy’s character,” tears prickle in your eyes as Brennan continues. “Working for me, Dr. Addy assisted in incarcerating over 50 murderers. Even while he was institutionalized, Zack attempted the impossible- to find a cure for Dr. Hodgins’ paralysis. Now it’s true, he made mistakes, but I still believe, in my heart, that the world would only benefit from his return to society. Thank you.” The tears were flowing freely now, and you thought they’d never stop as the judge addressed the room, stating that she would overturn Zack’s life sentence, and he would only need to finish the remaining 13 months in the mental institution. You release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, and give Zack a huge smile as he turned to look back at you and Brennan. You exchange goodbyes with Caroline, thanking her for, as Temperance put it, “doing enough to keep her job.” You know if it wasn’t for her, you may have never seen Zack again.
You walk out to the lobby to say goodbye to Temperance, and check a few texts from your husband, assuring you that he and the girls were having a great time. Your breathing quickens as Zack exits the courtroom, and starts walking toward you. You smile nervously, “Hey! Er, congratulations, um... I-” Zack cuts off your rambling with a quick embrace. “It is so, so good to see you, Y/N,” he says, holding your shoulders and looking in your eyes. The years had definitely changed him, as they had done to you as well, but his eyes were still exactly the same as you remembered. “Um, how long do you have before you have to go back?” you ask, though your subconscious berates you. “About an hour, I believe,” Zack looks at you quizzically. “Well, let me take you out to lunch, we can go to the diner like we used to?” The last part comes out as a question as your nerves get the better of you. “I would like that very much,” he smiles.
The two of you walk to the diner in silence, a few times you almost start to say something, but your mind is running wild with how you’ll explain this to Aubrey later. You guys decide to take a booth in the back, hoping it would give enough privacy for the conversation you were currently terrified to have. You thought of James, your daughter, your new life. A life you loved, but a life that had always seemed... lacking. There had been a Zack shaped hole in your heart for as long as you could remember, and now here he was in front of you, and you couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Are you alright, Y/N?” Zack asks you. His face is filled with genuine concern. “I’m... yes, I’m okay,” you reply, “I’m just finding myself at a loss for words right now.” Zack smiles understandingly, and you can’t help but be amazed at his emotional depth. When the two of you were together, you had always seen Zack as compassionate and wonderful, but that part of him rested far under the surface compared to now. “It has been quite some time,” he nods. Your face reddens, suddenly mortified by how long it had actually been. “I am not angry with you, Y/N,” Zack says, “I do hope you realize that.” “But,” you start,”I’M angry with me, Zack.” “I do not know if I understand what you mean,” he replies. Your heart pounds as the floodgates in your brain finally open. “I never should have stopped seeing you,” you admit, “but after Sweets died, I just... I lost it.” “As did I,” Zack says solemnly, “Dr. Sweets was a very good man.” “One of the best,” you say, allowing a tear to slip down your cheek. Zack reaches up and brushes it away, and smiles at you. You smile back, caught in a moment that seems suspended outside of time, of reality. Zack lowers his hand and looks away. “I noticed your husband and daughter were not with you today,” he says, his voice sounding far away. “Oh, uh, you... know about them?” you ask awkwardly. “Not that I was trying to hide the from you or anything, I just...” Zack allows you to trail off, and smiles sadly. “Hodgins has attempted to keep me updated about everyone’s lives, when I asked him about you, he knew he couldn’t lie to me.” “I can’t lie to you either, I never could,” you tell him, “I suppose that’s why I just stayed away.” “As I said, it has been a very long time,” Zack repeats, “and I am happy that you are happy.” You wipe away another tear, and pull out your phone to show Zack a few pictures of your daughter. You know Zack has never exactly been fond of children, but his eyes light up as he talks about how much she looks like you. You put your phone away, and sit in silence for a moment. “Zack,” you start, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. “Yes, Y/N?” he asks. “I’m just, I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry again. “Sorry for what exactly?” he looks confused. “I’m just sorry,” you begin, “Sorry for not coming to see you, sorry for being so busy at work while we were together, maybe if I had been more attentive when you’d gotten back from Iraq, maybe things would have been different now.” Zack stares at you intensely. “Y/N,” he says, “I need you to know that none of this is your fault. Everything that happened with the Master, it would have happened regardless. You are not to blame, just as you are not to blame for your life moving forward.” You cry silently, your mind reeling from everything he’s saying, and everything you’re feeling. “Zack, I still love you,” you admit shakily. He puts his gloved hand over yours on the table. “But,” he says softly, nodding with understanding. “Yeah,” you whisper, “But.” Your phone lights up with a text from Caroline, letting you know that Zack needs to get back to the courthouse.
The walk back is anything but silent, the two of you laugh and tell stories about your lives from almost a decade ago. You smile at all the inside jokes he still remembers, the hole in your heart beginning to shrink. Too soon, Zack is escorted into a van heading for the institution. “I’ve waited all these years,” you think, “what’s 13 more months?”
You’re left standing outside the courthouse alone, waiting for a cab to take you back home. Back to Aubrey, back to your little girl. Back to your life.
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Cat Lover
James Aubrey X Reader
Summary: Based on Season 10 Episode 9 “The Mutilations of the Master Manipulator” You are there when they find the little orange tabby, Skinner. When Hodgins can’t take him, you offer up your home. You just have to convince Aubrey that it’s a good idea.
Words: 1444
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“It sounds like something’s in here…” Hodgins mumbles softly as he turns his flashlight towards the other side of the garage.
You tilt your head, eyes scanning for any signs of movement.
“Whatever it is, it could be the source of the predation we found,” you ponder out loud, thinking back to all the marks on the body.
Hodgins hushes you, and out of the silence you hear a quiet creaking coming from the cabinets. Your eyes widen, darting over to meet his. There is definitely something in here. With a quick shared nod, the two of you creep forward, footsteps silent on the concrete. You keep your flashlight focused on the door as he reaches out.
Your shoulders tense slightly.
What could be in there? A possum? A skunk? Neither sound too scary but the suspense is putting your nerves on end.
Hodgins rips the door open.
You gasp as an orange, furry head pokes out from the cabinet, wide eyes darting between you and the entomologist. Oh my gosh.
“It’s just a cute little kitty!” You squeak as Hodgins reaches up and scruffs the little guy, pulling him down into his arms.
What an adorable little cat! You crowd in close, gently scratching beneath his fuzzy chin. He immediately starts purring like a motor, eyes squinting with content. Gosh, how can one cat be so cute! You could literally die.
“Poor things probably been trapped in here ever since Fairbanks died,” Hodgins says.
A small pout pulls at your lips when you think about it, “I can’t imagine being locked in such a small space for that long. You poor baby…What are we going to do with you?”
You can’t just drop him off at a shelter, there’s no telling what kind of home he’ll go to! Or if they’ll even keep him. The poor cat’s already been through so much.
“I would say I’d take Skinner here,” Hodgin hums, frowning as he looks down at the creature, “but unfortunately, Michael Vincent is allergic. What about you?”
You take a moment to think it over. You’re currently living in an apartment with Aubrey, your boyfriend. It’s not super big...but Skinner would probably be happy. You’d get him plenty of toys and the fanciest cat food, he’d live like a king! Plus, the idea of snuggling down on the couch with the orange fuzzball to read a book seems too good to pass up. Yup, you’re convinced! Now you just have to convince Aubrey...later.
“I’ll take him home,” you grin and sweep the cat out Hodgins’ arms, letting him curl up into your chest, dirty fur and all, “Once we get him a good bath and make sure he’s clear of evidence at least.”
What a perfect little friend to have! You’ll get him a nice collar with a bell, a cat tower that reaches all the way to the ceiling, and maybe even some of those designer shelves meant just for cats! Then hopefully he won’t get bored while you and Aubrey are at work.
“I found a tablet in the victim’s house,” Aubrey declares as he comes into the garage, stealing your attention away from your new roommate, “I think this might explain…”
The brunet comes to pause when he looks up to find you, cat tucked comfortably in your arms.
“That’s a cat…”
“Correction!” You grin, albeit a little sheepishly, “This is Skinner.”
Aubrey spends a moment just staring at you, like he’s processing what you just said and the fact that you seem to tighten your grip stubbornly around the cat. Choosing to not address it just now, he clears his throat and brings his attention back to the tablet.
“I think this might explain all the screaming golden girls heard.”
With that, the topic is dropped for the moment, and you all crowd around the screen to watch a video play out of a young woman pleading with the camera.
“(Y/n)...I’m not so sure about this.”
Aubrey addresses you at the entrance to the lab, arms cross over his chest. You trot up to him, Skinner tucked in your arms, this time clean and well-fed. Aubrey’s light eyes stay locked on the cat, hesitant but not completely closed off. This is your chance!
“Please Aubrey?” You pull out your best puppy dog eyes, looking up at him pleadingly through your lashes, “Look at him, he’s so handsome...almost as handsome as you.”
The faintest flush spreads up his neck as he glances away from you, tense shoulders loosening a fraction. A grin breaks out across your lips. He’ll totally break.
You tug at one of Aubrey’s arms, forcing it down so he softly grips your waist as you lean into his side. His gaze turns back to you sharply, brimming with suspicion.
“Imagine it, both of us on the couch, curled up in a blanket, with a huge tub of popcorn while we watch a movie, and lil’ old Skinner here snoozing away between us, purring and happy because he has a home again,” you persuade him softly, “We can be his home, Jay.”
Aubrey begrudgingly looks down at the tabby, eyes narrowed as if he’s trying to decide if the small, fuzzy creature is a threat. Skinner tilts his chin up, sensing the gaze on him, and turns his wide, green eyes on the FBI agent. You watch intently as Aubrey clenches his jaw, holds it for a moment, before the tension completely drains from his body. You can barely contain an excited squeal when he reaches down and gently scratches the top of Skinner’s head before smoothing a hand over his back.
“He is pretty cute…” he admits quietly, as if he doesn’t want you to hear him.
“Is that a yes, then?”
There’s a solid moment of silence before Aubrey finally nods, “Yah, we can take him home.”
The excitement finally takes over as you go into a little dance, careful not to upset the tabby though. You wrap your free arm around your boyfriend, leaning up onto your tippy toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Jay!!”
Aubrey can’t help but grin when faced with your overwhelming joy. He watches as you lift the cat in both hands, giving him a giant kiss on his fuzzy head before wrapping him in your arms again. A small chuckle rumbles through his chest at the slightly perturbed face the cat pulls.
“Looks like I have two boys to shower with affection now, huh? Isn’t that right Skinner?” You ask, purely talking to the cat, before you side glance at Aubrey, “Hope no one gets jealous…”
The bunet laughs again, shaking his head as he tugs you back to his side. You giggle as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head, hand gripping your hip a little tighter than before.
“The moment you start giving that cat more attention than me, I’m kicking him out.”
There’s a hint of humor in his words, so you know it’s a joke. Either way, you could never love anyone or anything more than you love Aubrey. He’s been there for you in all the good and bad times. Through rough cases and loss. You may love Skinner a lot already, but no one will ever match up to Aubrey.
“Ready to go home, Jay? Get Skinner all set up, maybe watch Aristocats, so he feels welcomed,” you suggest as you curl further into your boyfriend’s side.
“Of course, we can’t have him getting the wrong idea, after all.” Aubrey stays close as the two of you make your way out of the Jeffersonian, arm still wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer when the winter cold hits you. “Oh, by the way! I heard about this new restaurant-”
Your heart flutters at the excited gleam that fills his eyes when he starts telling you about the newest place that opened down the road from your apartment. You can’t help it, he looks so cute when he gets excited about something. You really got so lucky, meeting Aubrey and falling in love.
Skinner starts purring loudly against your chest, and when you look down, his eyes are set adoringly on your boyfriend as he continues to talk, telling you all about the menu and possible golden finds. You obviously don’t know what the cat is thinking, but you’re sure he already loves the man just as much as you do. It’s hard not to, after all.
It seems like you’ll be the one competing for Aubrey’s attention, not the other way around.
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