#jake the dog x reader
sunrise-imagines · 5 months
I know this is a sad one, but could you write about the reader and Finn in their twenties, and they've been in a relationship for a long time. And as Jake is getting older, He knows that he's not gonna be there for finn. jake also knows that his death would be pretty hard on finn, so he pulls the reader aside on one of their adventures and asked her to always watch over fin when he is gone.
Asyrshhfv this is so sad but I love it! I’m trying to get out of my comfort zone with formatting so this will be written like a more traditional imagine instead of my usual bulleted style. Hope you like it!
TW: Mention of death, angst and comfort
Finn Mertens x Reader Jake’s Request
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The three of you were walking through a dense forest. Princess Bubblegum had tasked you with hunting down a large beast that had been terrorizing villages around the area, and with Jake sense of smell you were able to follow it’s path through the woods.
Though in the past Jake would become big and simply carry you guys above the brush, using his powers started to take more of a toll on his body as he got older, so now he started limiting large amounts of stretching to combat only.
Finn sighs, “We’ve been walking for a while now. I think we should set up camp for the night and rest up.”
Jake tries to protest, “Nah man I’m good! We gotta follow the trail while it’s still ho-“ He’s cut off by a fit of coughs, concerning you and Finn, who goes over to put a hand on his brother’s back.
Once the coughing subsides, Jakes sighs and admits, “Yeah, you’re right. I could use a break.” He smiles at Finn, trying to reassure him, although Finn is clearly still worried.
You and Finn set up a campfire and a couple logs to sit on while Jake takes a minute to breathe.
“Hey Finn, why don’t you go get some more fire wood while Y/N and I start on dinner?” Jake suggests out of the blue. Finn gives him another worried look, about to protest, but Jake motions for him to go and he relents, leaving the two of you alone by the fire.
Rummaging through Finn’s pack, he hands you a small knife and some veggies in a bag, “Cut these up for me, will ya?” You nod and get to work, sitting in silence for a few minutes.
Jake awkwardly clears his throat, trying to lighten the mood a little, “So uh, how’s living together been for ya?” He asks while he pours some canned soup into the pot.
You look up from your task of peeling potatoes, “O-Oh, it’s been good! To be honest I was a little nervous at first, but now that we’ve decorated and stuff the house really feels like our own, you know?”
Jake laughs, “Yeah I get it. I felt the same way movin’ in with Lady. I really missed the treehouse for a while but after that it was like I couldn’t imagine livin’ anywhere else.” He reaches into Finn’s bag and adds some spices he brought to the mix, stirring it around with a wooden spoon.
“I’m also glad I don’t have to hear you guys gettin’ it on anymore.” You feel the wind get knocked out of you at his words, gasping for air as Jake laughs at your expense. Warmth spreads across your cheeks as you avoid his gaze.
“You’re really good for him, you know? Like, I’ve seen him date tons of different people, but you’re the only one that he’s ever been like, REALLY happy with. Usually Finn keeps a little distance from people, even from me sometimes, but it seems like he trusts you.” Jakes muses as he brings out a few bowls, pouring some soup in before handing one to you. You thank him and blow on the hot liquid, bringing a spoonful to your lips and savoring the hearty flavor.
As you look up you notice the solemn expression on Jake’s face, stirring his bowl of soup absentmindedly. “What’s wrong?” You ask.
He sighs before he starts to explain, “So…remember when I went to see Doctor Princess a few weeks ago? And I said I was just going cause my stomach hurt?”
You nod, putting down your bowl to listen more intently.
Jake scratches the back of his head as he continues, “Well, it turns out it was a little more serious than that. Like a lot more serious than that. I’m still doing okay for now, but from what she told me, I don’t think I’m gonna get better this time.”
Your eyes widen as you take in what Jake just said to you. Since you were a kid, he had always been a constant in your life, looking out for you and Finn no matter what. You couldn’t imagine life without him, but now you were faced with the very real situation that he wouldn’t be around anymore. “Jake, I…oh my Glob.” You struggle for words as you try to rationalize your scrambled thoughts.
Jake stretches his hand and puts it on your shoulder, “Listen, I know it’s a lot, and I don’t mean to make you sad, but…I wanted to ask you a favor.”
You nod and take his paw, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, “Anything.”
Jake continues, “When I’m gone…promise to look after Finn for me, okay? I love him, but…he can be real stubborn n’ stupid. Whatever happens, make sure he doesn’t end up beating himself up.” His voice wavers a bit towards the end, and it’s clear just how much he cares for his brother.
You smile at him sadly, simply replying with, “Of course.”
Jake smiles back, “Thanks kiddo. There isn’t anyone I’d rather ask.” He balls up his fist, and you bump it with your own. In a sudden motion, you jump up from your seat, running over and hugging him tightly.
Jake flinches in surprise, but after a second closes his eyes and hugs you back. In this moment, he feels peace in knowing that you and Finn have each other, and that even when he’s gone, you both will be okay.
AN: WE’RE SO BACK Y’ALL. I started this fic a while ago and finally got the inspiration to finish it. I hope you enjoy!
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warnerisbetter · 3 months
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Johnnie and sugar <3
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motherhaella · 1 year
Incorrect quote
Lyle: "is that a hickey ?"
Y/n: "no, It's a mosquito bite"
Quaritch: *walks in* "hey guys, what's goin' on?"
Lyle: "hey, mosquito"
(Ib: @pixiexdusts-world )
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baitsharklton · 9 months
Finn Mertens x F! Reader; Line Without A Hook
In honor of the new Fiona and Cake show dropping! This is probably really dumb and lame but, I can only try.
Y/n giggled profusely, her insides feeling set ablaze since Finn had grabbed her hand and took off into the treehouse the second he opened the door, pulling her body flush to his.
He lifted her, arms held to her gum sides as he started to spin her relishing in the sound of her laughter.
“Y/N!” He screamed, a smile on his face so wide, his face was sure to hurt. He couldn’t help it, after all, he hadn’t seen his friend in a week.
Y/n replied with a scream of his name, her giggling increasing, though deep down, she knew how this was going to go. It was always the same after all.
He’d call her over when no one else was there, they’d watch movies, cuddle, she’d play with his hair, sometimes if he was feeling ever so bold, he’d offer to rub her back and relieve the sore muscles.
It wasn’t hard to figure out why he was so keen to get close to her, she was Y/n Bubblegum, the sister of her crush’s crush.
Yet while Finn swears that he doesn’t simply want to be around her because it could make him closer to P.B, or that he cares about Y/n and isn’t simply relying on her for emotional comfort the blonde boy would sometimes grab her hand, or cuddle her when they’re alone, close his eyes and just for a moment, a simple second, imagine it was P.B, but that was all, according to him at least.
That’s not who he is, he’s Finn Mertens, he’s a hero.
Sure, sometimes there would be a pang of guilt in his chest, or a fire would flicker in his stomach when she gave him a sweet smile.
However, Y/n was his friend, and as cool as she is, she’s just not P.B.
Y/n quickly peaked around for Jake, assuring herself of what side of Finn she was seeing, before she continued her mild ministering of affection.
“So, Jake is at Lady’s?” She mused with a raised brow “Only asking for me with an empty tree, Mertens ? Do you need a cuddle sesh ?”
Finn rolled his eyes with, a now sarcastic, smile. “I was just away in a dungeon crawl for a week, am I not allowed a cuddle sesh ?”
Another laugh slipped through her lips and the gum-girl fell back on the couch and pat her tummy, signaling for him to follow suit.
Finn fell onto her and cuddled against her, and she began to slowly caress his back to soothe him.
“Why am I never allowed to be affectionate with you when people are around?” Y/n hummed slowly, she wasn’t sure why she asked, she wasn’t even sure why she allowed herself to give in and show him this kind of affection.
She knew how he felt about her sister, was even there when he met and broke up with Flame Princess. Y/n remembered how she felt when they were younger and Bonnie herself had turned young.
Watching Finn fall further in love with her sister, and pull himself away from her. The way it felt to watch him fawn over Bonnie. The ripping burning pain in her chest as she sobbed, as it felt like her body could barely contain it.
The way she smiled and excused herself from playing her favorite video game on BMO in the treehouse, and barely made it halfway down the ladder before sobs began to try and escape.
She remembered taking off down the hill with bare feet, falling to her knees and finally letting it all out.
Jake had comforted her that day. He wrapped her in a squoze, and mumbled to her how wonderful she was, and that if Finn can’t see that he’s banana bonkers.
She remembered how hard it was to get over him, how she found solace in Braco, a suitor for her sister who took his father’s place in line when he passed.
Bonnie had called her into her lab and told her the situation, she asked Y/n to help him find joy in other things.
Y/n remembered the way they ran through the kindgdom, trying different food spots, how he made some small jokes when he was comfortable and made her laugh.
They ran throughout the kingdom even during the night, when she took him away to her favorite cliff, how they laid in the grass and watched the stars.
How he looked at her.
“Y/n,” he had mumbled “you’re very different from the princess.”
She had furrowed her brows in confusion “Is that bad? I’m sorry if I disappointed you.” She whispered, feeling ashamed momentarily, yet for the millionth time, less than her sister.
Branco’s face lit up in realization and he sat up on his elbow, looking at her in amazement “Are you serious? No! Y/n you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, your sister would have never even given me a chance, yet you came and showed me the kingdoms wonders, you never even gave up on me when I was being mega lame.”
Branco sat up, then helped Y/n sit up, taking her hands gingerly. “Y/n Bubblegum, you are absolutely wonderful, and if anyone can’t see that they are banana bonkers.”
Y/n couldn’t help it, she found this man absolute wonderful. Without a second thought, she had leaned forward and kissed him.
Later on, about two weeks later, he had left her.
For a clone of her sister.
It was Finn who had comforted her, who had told her she was wonderful. That was how they wound up in their current situation. He would allow her to be as affectionate as she wanted with him, only if they were alone.
Finn looked up at her, pulling off his hat and lightly scratching his scalp. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Finn,” The way he was looking at her, it felt scrutinizing, it made her feel self conscious. She hated it.
She used her arms to slide herself back, she hugged her legs to herself, she tucked her face to her legs. “Ugh, I just,”
“What?” Finn was starting to feel confused, he just wanted a cuddle sesh.
“Finn do you know what it’s like for me when you leave ? When you were crying over PB? When you sang a song for her?” Y/n stood up now, hands raking through her hair, she couldn’t contain it anymore.
“Y/n?” He mumbled, he wasn’t sure where this was going, but his face felt flushed.
“Did you know I got melted for you? You were crying over Bonnie and fawning over your new love interest and I got melted because I wanted to protect you! Then I get over you and you just pull me back, then when you’re in love again you just forget me!” Y/n began to cry slightly “Then you leave and I’m alone again, hoping you’ll just notice me.”
Finn frowned “I didn’t know you felt this way, I’m sorry Y/n, you’re wonderful and all it’s just, I don’t know.” He ran his fingers through his hair again and furrowed his brows trying to think of the way to describe it. “You and Bonnie are just, I don’t know, different.”
Y/n froze, staring at him, her eyes locking on Finn for a moment. “What?”
Finn’s eyes went wide “But that’s not bad, it’s good, I don’t mean,”
“No, no. I get it. She’s smart, she’s pretty, she’s in control. I’m not, I’m just the little sister, right ?” Y/n smiled, wiping her eyes. Why cry? What was she expecting? A love confession? She’s not smart, but she’s smart enough to know better.
Finn stood up to stop her as she walked towards the ladder “No, Y/n that’s not what I meant, you’re not, not those things it’s just, I don’t know you’re just not enough of those things I guess?”
“Finn just, please, leave me alone. I get it, you never liked me, you just liked my affection, right?” Y/n mused, climbing down and brushing past him and taking off toward the door, stopping for a moment.
She felt like a burden, like someone who had told herself that he has to like her, right ? He was showing her this attention, but maybe she was overthinking it. She was just delusional. She was nothing like her sister, or like Phoebe, she wasn’t pretty, she wasn’t badass, sure she swung a mean hammer, but she was nothing at all compared to the two women.
But she also didn’t want to let go of Jake and BMO yet, as much as she wanted to push Finn away.
“I’ll see you around Mertens.”
That night Finn had a dream with the Cosmic Owl. He was with Y/n on a ship, they were laughing and talking at first.
Then he felt her hand on his face, gently tracing it, and she leaned in to kiss him.
He panicked and spouted out some nonsense he could barely understand, something along the lines of “You’re not Bubblegum, you’re nothing at all like her.”
His words turned into ropes, wrapping around Y/n, restraining her, finally he said “You’re just not enough.”
Then, with that, she fell into the ocean, drowning in the icy blue water.
Finn was stuck
I’m place, watching her form sink lower until it was out of sight, he tried to break free, to scream for her, but it was useless, and no words would come out.
The Cosmic Owl Perched on the side of the boat, staring at him.
Finn looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging for help, any help, something so that he could pull Y/n from her fate, even if it wasn’t real.
But the Owl simply hummed a “Was it worth it ?” Before he flew away, leaving Finn stuck.
He hadn’t seen Y/n for weeks, but BMO and Jake visited her regularly, and would frequently talk about their hangouts.
It was killing him, to hear a joke she told and wish he could hear her laughing at her own joke, he wished he could be there to see the amazing trick with her hammer Jake would awe over, to watch the little dance she does when she beats a difficult level on BMO.
He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t think, and his chest hurt painfully as he thought of the words he couldn’t take back, the words he didn’t mean.
Finn had been away from her before, and it never had hurt him so much.
“It’s because you always knew she was going to be waiting for you man. You gotta face it Finn, you bit this one pretty big. I mean, she was crazy about you bro.” Jake had hummed as he cooked, glancing back at Finn for a moment.
“If I were her, you’d have been six feet under.” BMO had hummed, crossing his arms at Finn with a firm, disappointed look.
“I know, I know, I donked it, I totally donked it. It’s just, ever since I said it, she’s all I think about, it’s like,” he pulled his face up from the table and leaned his head on his hand in thought “it’s like we’re magnets, and I can feel her pull, but we’re just enough out of reach to connect.”
Jake made a small sound of understanding “Sounds like you like her cause you don’t have her anymore.”
Finn groaned in disagreement “No, no. I just, I think I was taking her for granted, I mean, she was my best friend, and I mean, she’s beautiful, and she’s really math, and she’s sweet and,” he sighed again, letting his head fall back to the table “and I think I really like her and donked it.”
Jake snorted softly “Finn, I love you brother but you gotta sort this junk out before you talk to her, otherwise none of us will ever see her again.”
Finn made a sound of distaste “Jake, the more I think about it, the more I think I may like her, and I don’t think she wants that from me anymore.”
BMO pat his head empathetically, making a small sound “If you like her, you should go do a big confession, and give her a kiss. That is what happens in the movies.”
Jake rolled his eyes, placing the pancakes on the table “BMO, we don’t know if he likes her.”
“Well, how do you feel about Lady ?” Finn asked as he pulled a plate to him, cutting a bite with his fork.
Jake hummed, pouring himself syrup “Well, she makes my heart fast, she makes me smile, I like spending time with her. There’s all kinds of things I feel about Lady, and trust me I can go on forever about it.”
“Well, Y/n makes me feel different?” Finn mumbled “She always smells good, and sometimes when I’m just sitting with her doing nothing it feels like the best place in the world, and it’s like she always knows when I need something or I want something, even before I do, or something for her will just pop in my brain, like we’re telepathically linked.” Finn tapped his forehead,
“Oh! It’s like when I’m with her, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing cause it’s always fun, even if I hate it with someone else.” He rambled on, about to open his mouth to continue, trying to sort out his feelings, not realizing the red in his cheeks or the smile on his face.
Jake looked to BMO with a knowing smile, while BMO grew annoyed.
“Oh my Glob, Finn, please just go tell her you like her so I don’t have to listen to anymore of your sulking.” BMO bit sassily.
Finn smiled widely “ I like her.” He laughed as he stood, looking at his brother and robot child in disbelief and glee, feeling like he finally cracked some ancient code. “Oh my Glob! I like Y/n!” He laughed and cheered as he ran out of the treehouse.
BMO rolled his eyes “He better not donk it up again.”
Jake made a sound in agreement.
Finn ran into the Candy Kingdom as fast as he could, yelling for Y/n the entire time.
Y/n had been in the ballroom, practicing a dance with her instructor, clad in an elegant gown so that she could get a feel for the way the dress would move with the steps.
When Finn saw her, he couldn’t pull his eyes away, she was truly a princess, every step she made was full of grace, elegance and poise. She was a royal lady, and what was he ? A boy, a hero boy, but still just a boy. One who made her feel less than everything he truly was.
He swore to himself in that moment, on his honor, on his life, on Jake’s life, that he would always, always appreciate her and remember who she truly is.
The most beautiful and awesome girl he’s ever met in his life.
He took one cautious step, the sound causing Y/n to freeze and look up, shock covering her features for a moment, then she regained composure and cleared her throat.
The unclad banana guard assisting her, stopped, glancing between her and Finn with worried eyes, then dipped his head down, whispering in her ear “My lady, is anything wrong? Do you want me to ask him to leave?”
Y/n smiled softly, gently taking his hand and patting it “No thank you, Jason, you’ve been exceedingly helpful and generous, you may take a break and leave us for a few moments, I will yell if I need your immediate assistance.”
As he stepped away, Finn immediately stepped closer, but Y/n kept a stern look “Do you need something?”
She couldn’t help the ache in her heart, begging her to immediately start crying and run away, but she still cared for him deeply, and couldn’t bring herself to turn him away if he needed help.
“Just to tell you how absolutely, monumentally stupid I am for ever telling you that you weren’t enough of anything.” Finn hummed, staring at her as if she’d disappear if he looked away.
“Well, I’m glad you feel that way.” Y/n couldn’t help the smile and giggle that passed through her lips.
Finn smiled, relishing in her wonderful giggle, excited in her presence. “Y/n I like you. I really, really like you.” He admitted.
Y/n tilted her head “Do you now?”
Finn nodded “Yeah and I get it, I really really messed everything up with you, and you have all the right in the world not to believe me, but I mean it, and I will regret those stupid words every day of my life even if you forgive me.”
Y/n let out a small hum, Finn taking her hands “I just want one more chance, and if I donk this one up you can put me in the dungeon if you want.”
The gum-girl couldn’t fight back her giggles as she shifted her hands to rest around his neck “Alright,alright, hero, you can kiss your princess now, if you’d like to that is?” Y/n smiled, tilting her head to look at him curiously.
Finn smiled, his face turning red as he leaned down, pressing a gentle, long kiss to her lips, noting that while his by far weren’t the softest, in fact rather chapped and dry, hers were soft and lightly glossed.
What he noticed the most, however, was how fast his heart was beating, how when he pulled her closer he could feel her heart going as fast of his.
Other than that, simply that it was the most perfect kiss, and when she pulled away to bump her nose against his affectionately, that he would have no problem keeping his personal promise, because he is going to marry her, the most perfect girl in Ooo.
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icegirl03 · 1 year
Monster under my bed
Y/n: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Jake, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
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oddballwriter · 5 months
Werewolf moon boys and reader where the reader is rubbing their belly when they've transformed and is going "Who's a good boy?" in the way that you do with a regular dog.
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Hc's of some characters and the crap they deal with when they're with you
synopsis: just your daily life with the ones you care about (reader is not specified as male or female, but dose have a child written in some of these parts)
Parings: Jake, Lyle, Tonowari, Z-Dog
Warnings: reader sniping Lyle in the back of the head with a shoe, messing with Quaritch. You in Z-Dog being besties.(maybe somethin' more) Yeeting a child, just your normal day with someone you care about <3
You two where known for doing stupid shit, and Jake's mate, Neytiri.. would beat both of your guy's asses because of it, but you didn't regret it.
Totally bitch slapped Jake with a fish when he said something stupid about you.
Would be your go too buddy when you wanna get high as balls with someone. (Neytiri in the background watching over two adult toddlers being stupid again-)
Totally didn't make Jake try to catch a fish with his bare hands just so you could kick him into the water
When you two where absolutely fucking wasted. You stared at him, and he stared at you. Suddenly both of you started laughing like two school girls, covering your face with your hands as you hunched over.
When he fell asleep, you surprisingly had a marker on your person, so you took an advantage over this opportunity. (You totally scribbled a dick on his forehead,)
Also, if you got annoyed with one of his kids. You'd just throw them into the nearest lake. All he'd hear was "YAH YEET-" then a splash and laughter.
You two had so much fun picking on each other,
You randomly slapped cheese onto his bald head, before running off and him chasing after your ass
You yanked on his tail, to grab his attention usually. But if he annoys you, you pull his ear sometimes, either that. Or he would wake up with dildos attached to his ceiling. (Don't ask where y/n got them)
That one time he ducktaped your kid to the wall.. his ass was sniped with a fucking boot, you had hit him so hard in the back of the head, that he actually fell. And you didn't feel sorry.
You two are the type of freinds to sound like they're gonna fuck, or sound like they're gonna kill each other.
Totally to just randomly slap his ass and say something stupid like "yee haw!" Or "getty up horsey"
Both of you would definitely do loud ass fake moans, especially when you two are high as fuck
Gurl- you two would make stupid bets sometimes
"Bet you won't slap Quaritches ass"
"How much?"
"25 and we have a deal"
And so you slapped Quaritches ass and pinned the blame on Mansk. And he got such a severe ass beating, and oh my God you almost felt sorry.
One time you stole her bubblegum by distracting her with a kiss. Definitely got smacked, but it was worth it.
Definitely would have stupid arguments, like who has cooler tattoos or scars.
Man its so funny messing with her, she always gets so mad its funny. Just wait til your in your human body again, you're so fucked.
"I wonder what female tittys feel like"
"Touch mine"
"Okay-" when you just straight up grabbed her tit. She bitch slapped you
"I was joking you dumbass"
"Ass" was all you said as you rubbed the sore spot
You two would probably cuddle in her or your bed. Arms wrapped around her waist, with your head against her chest.
Pray to Eywa that this man doesn't get a heart attack from you doing stupid shit.
"Wanna see me jump off a cliff?"
"No. Please my love-"
As you turned around, you fucking sprinted like there was no tomorrow to the edge of the cliff. Before jumping "Fuck gravity!!" Was all you said as you fell down, and yeah. There was water at the bottom, poor boys heart almost fell out of place
You had an Ikran, and swore this bitch hated you sometimes.
As you where talking to Tonowari, you ignored the fact that your Ikran was nudging its head into your back, asking for attention. Once it got so annoyed, it stopped, before turning around and fucking whip lashed you with its tail.
Let's say you had a bruise and a worried Tonowari on your hands now.
There was a time where you'd get annoyed with your own kid. And sometimes would just throw them, into water or onto a bed. Never actually hurting them. All Tonowari saw was that small sweet lil thing pushing you arm and saying something, and you had this annoyed expression on your face, standing up you stared down at them and then yelled "Thats it!! Into the water you go!!" Before lifting your kid up and chucking them into the water "Yeetus da fetus!!"
(If Jake was there, you'd turn to him with a smile and just say "abortion!", and he would try his hardest not to luagh)
If you where to get drunk or high as balls, he would probably have to keep you at arms reach at all times. Or you'd just go do something stupid again,
He loves you dearly, but your gonna be the end of him, he saw you hanging upside-down on your Ikran in mid air, you where just chillin' meanwhile he was absolutely losing his shit.
You'd totally be the type to stare at his ass or tittys. And probably say something in English so he wouldn't understand what you had just said, "damn those are some big ol' tittys"
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags - Masterlist
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📖 Jake Seresin / Hangman
💛Elizabeth "Liz" Beck
❗️18+ minors DNI. Ageless and blank blogs are blocked without warning.
❗️Reposting of this fic, including designs, line breaks, banners or any graphic materials is strictly forbidden without written consent from me. Be a decent human being and don't steal people's work.
🏷️ slow burn, strong language, troubling family dynamics, death of a parent/sibling, godmother reader, inexperienced/mildly insecure reader, mentions of an abusive relationship, physical violence later on (one scene, maybe two), romance, sexual themes/references (I mean smut!).
🎼 playlist
Summary: Your sister Ridley has passed away, leaving behind her ten-year-old daughter Sadie. The Dagger Squad go out of their way to ensure you and Sadie have people you can count on. Boring Saturday nights turned into game nights, rowdy dinners, and cheering events at Sadie’s soccer games. Any milestone or opportunity they want to be there. But the last to join the group is Hangman. The moment you met Jake Seresin, your heart screamed the cocky pilot was looking for a good time, not a long time. Deciding to keep him at a distance to protect your heart, Sadie has other ideas when she learns he was purposely left out.
A03 | Wattpad
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Part 1 - Be Still
Part 2 - Hello, I love you
Part 3 - Southern Nights
Part 4 - Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress
Part 5 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Part 6 - Three Little Birds
Part 7 - Oh What A Night
Part 8 - Drift Away
Part 9 - Hang on, Hang On
Part 10 - Let's Dance
Part 11 - Dream On
Part 12 - Blue Healer
Part 13 - Sons and Daughters
Part 13. 5 - Bradley Bradshaw Oneshot - Way Down we Go
Part 14 - Sex on Fire
Part 15 - Have you ever seen the rain?
Part 16 - In the Blood
Part 17 - Come a little bit closer
Part 18 - Sapling
Part 19 - An Evening I Will Not Forget
Part 20 - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
Part 21 - My Fair Lady
Part 22 - Jump
Part 23 - Sleep Deprivation
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Art Work:
BookCover For DTDT's One-Year Anniversary
Mood Board For Part Four - By @desert-fern
Mood Board for Part Ten - By @teacupsandtopgun
Main Masterlist for all my works
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Mansk isn't paid enough to feed the Deja Blu team (Wainfleet)
Edits by @ viks_ss
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fluloa · 1 year
Could you possibly write something with a human or Avatar reader + Jake and Tsu'tey?
I love the idea of the possessive love triangle that leads into competitive sex with the reader in the middle 🤭
juuuust thinking abt them fighting over you while they both fuck your brains out. screaming
warnings — threesome, degradation, praise, basically being used as a cocksleeve, overstim, bit of crying, both boys getting pussy drunk FERAL
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“Ooh— girl, that’s it. Squeeze just like that, sweetheart,” Jake dazes. You’re sat in his lap, legs whipped open and up in the air with his arms supporting them lazily, fucking you slow and steady with the fat of his cock.
Tsu’tey is in front of you, massaging and licking and kissing at your breasts like some juicy, ripe fruit that he just can’t get enough of. “What a whore of a woman,” he throatily grumbles. “Taking two men at the same time and enjoying it.”
You whine at his cruel words, head tilting back as his teeth grazes the skin of your left breast, then skimming up to swirl his hot tongue around your wet nipple.
“Oh, come on, Tsu’tey,” Jake pants, giving a lazy kiss to your sweat-glistened neck. “Bein’ a good woman for us, huh, sweet girl? Mmph, pussy’s good too, gonna have me cummin’ quick.”
Your hips twitch against him, choking out a moan when his cock hits a deeper spot than before.
“She’ll be full with your baby,” Tsu’tey spits out, giving the middle of your breasts a sloppy kiss. You whimper, walls convulsing around Jake and he laughs, the sound breathy and hot.
“Oh, she liked that. Like the thought of that, baby? Baby with a baby. Gonna be my baby with a baby, hm?” Jake groans, his fingers digging into the perky bone of your hips.
Tsu’tey grunts, shifting his hands to the curve of your waist. “My turn.”
“Nah-ah. Me first,” Jake insists, caging an arm over your tummy and digging his head into the back of your hair and into your hair to drag his point.
“You can have her mouth,” Tsu’tey bites back, attempting to reason but it doesn’t matter because he’s already snatching you from Jake, pulling you off his cock and you make a whine-filled noise at the loss of him.
“See? She’s crying for me. Aren’t you, my sweet girl?” Jake emphasises, a grin stretching at his mouth. Tsu’tey forcibly flips you on all fours, your face in line with Jake’s cock and your pulsing cunt in line with Tsu’tey’s body. The cold air bites at your opening, leaving you a panting, sloppy mess and both men appreciate the scene. Tsu’tey glides a hand along the curve of your ass, thumb pressing ruthlessly at your clit and it has you whining, practically begging for something bigger than that.
Then he grips at your hips, before teasing his cock around your entrance with a loose circle of his hips, and then he pushes in completely, filling you up heavy with the girth of his warm length. Jake watches the way your face contorts in pleasure, and a jealousy flares up his chest. “Hey, baby, eyes on me. You gonna take both of us? Gonna make me happy too?”
You nod lazily, head flopping down as your eyelashes flutter and you look so damn adorable and fuckable, he could bust a nut just at the view of you. But he doesn’t, and he grips your jaw, directing you to his angry tip that oozes clear, slightly glowed pre-cum.
“Looks good, huh?” Jake mumbles before begins to push your head lower, taking him into the sweet hot cavern of your mouth. “Ah, just suckle it, easy, easy… mm, there we go. Yeah, uh-huh, that’s a girl…”
Tsu’tey pushes the middle of your back down, creating an arch and he begins a pace, a pace that is tougher and less forgiving than Jake’s, a pace that has your elbows wobbling from underneath you. “Exkin," Tsu'tey breathes out. Tight.
"Warm too. Ain't that right? Huh, girl?" Jake tilts his head down to you, lowering you onto his cock pretending you can talk with it stuffed down your mouth. Tsu'tey slams his cock into your pussy, leading for a moan to erupt from your throat and vibrate against Jake's dick. He grunts, wiping hair out from your face and tucking it behind your ear. The sight of your perfect little lips wrapped tightly around his cock makes his head spin, makes it twitch in your mouth and as him threading his fingers through your tangled hair.
"Little moaning mess." Tsu'tey sighs, giving your thigh a slap and you jolt, dipping Jake's cock furthur down your mouth and the damp tip smacks the back of your throat. "So beautiful, and greedy, you're sucking me in hard. Loving my cock, mm?"
Jake chuckles under his breath, giving your chin a jolt upwards to see your face better. "She's lovin' mine more. Ain't that right, sweet girl? Say you love it more for me." He prods you, giving your cheek a single gentle pat like some sort of father giving his kid a piece of reassurance. You only produce a whimpery moan in response. "Taking that as a yes."
"I took it as a no," Tsu'tey murmurs and leans his head over to start trailing possessive kisses down the upper of your back, leaving a trail of spikey goosebumps on his way. "My cock is the one that's in her pussy."
Your ears perk up to the sound of a low growl vibrating from Jake's chest, and when you gather enough strength to look up, his eyes are darkened with fury. It is not easy to share a female amongst two men, especially if it's Jake and Tsu'tey. It's only a matter of time before things take an instinctive side. Only a matter of time before they start fighting over you.
You poor girl. You’re absolutely getting tossed around, and just trying to get a release when all they’re doing is snatching you away from the other man, and slipping their cocks into your sweet pussy before it gets whipped away from you again. And it’s a cycle. Jake’s cock is in you, and then nothing, then Tsu’tey’s is in you, and then nothing again. Acting like two vicious dogs fighting over a big, juicy bone.
“Had her first. She even wants me more, look at this face,” she grabs at your chin with his thick fingers, shoving your face up to Tsu’tey, shaking it a little and you can’t even bother to complain at the humiliation.
“That is a face of boredom. She needs me, not you!” Tsu’tey snaps, pushing Jake’s body and making him straight up fall onto his ass, straight into the dirt. As Tsu’tey prepares to take you from behind, fingers just grazing at your skin, Jake pounces onto him, tossing him aside. A hiss even leaves his mouth, caging your exhausted body in his arms as his dick slips half into your cunt.
You wonder if you’d ever be able to actually get fucked for more than ten seconds now.
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rosyjn · 5 months
Do you guys ever look at your pet and think “I have never loved anyone more than this animal”
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
hello! do you have any dating headcanons or platonic headcanons for fin the human? in adventure time?
thank you for requesting!!! I haven't watched Adevnture Time in a while, so I hope this doesn't seem ooc!
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Platonic and Romantic headcanons for Finn The Human!
Finn is extremely friendly and sociable with anyone he meets. He has this heroic goofy energy to him that always seems to make others around him feel energetic.
If you aren't the best at fighting, expect weekly visits from the blonde human. He’d hang out with you for the day and you’d both walk around the area you live in. in the land of Ooo, anything is possible. Whether it's giant worms eating a library or a giant slime monster attacking a village, it is always best to be on your guard. That’s why Finn always patrols around your area with you to make sure nothing suspicious is going on.
If you’re more of a fighter then expect many trainings with Finn. He’d challenge you to a sword fight or wrestling that often ends with you both laughing it off or one a bit injured. At times, he asks for your assistance during a rescue or fight. He has a lot of fun when his friends are fighting with him more than he does alone.
There are those rare moments where Finn opens up a bit. He speaks about his struggles with love or stress over some bad guy. Finn isn’t one to show these emotions much, so when it happens, do be there for him and comfort the boy.
If he ever finds himself in love with someone again, he’d go to you for advice. Asks what he should wear or how he should act. The human is pacing around the room with a multitude of papers stuck all over your living room. The night passes by with long talks on how the date should look and what must happen, completely forgetting time itself during the whole ordeal.
Just like anyone else, Finn only wants your well-being and happiness. If he ever finds out there’s someone who is hurting you or causing you danger, he won't hesitate on fighting them. Whether you want him to do so or not, it's sadly not up to you. The human cares for his friends dearly and he promised himself to do anything to protect the ones he loves.
Hanging out in the tree house is a must. He invites you to the movie nights with friends, playing cards while Jake has left to spend time with his kids, sleepovers… it becomes a place full of memories for you two. And in a way, it has become a bit like your second home.
Being friends with Finn means being friends with Jake. If you find yourself not liking Jake much and even having some sort of rivalry with him, that would become a problem sooner or later. Jake is Finn’s brother and best friend. They hang out with each other daily and trust each lots. Finn would probably do everything he can to make you guys get along. Whether it's inviting you in the tree house or for an adventure, which coincidentally Jake is in as well, he’ll try it all.
Finn always comes to you for love advice, but you should definitely not go to him for one. He doesn’t really know what to do. He’d just tell you to be yourself and help you out on some date plans, but that’s probably it. However, if you ever need advice on fighting monsters or knowing all the ways in the Land of Ooo, he’d be more than happy to help.
He’s a sucker for you. Practically head over heels in love.
He’d at first be shy and a little bit stuttery when he realizes he likes you. He’s still the exciting adventurer he was before, but you tend to see him blush a lot on different occasions.
He’s unsure of what to do. You’d think having so many love interests in the past would’ve helped him by now, but he’s confused about how to make a move. He’d most likely go to his friends for advice.
It takes some time, but he finally does confess at some point. And when you accept it, he’s over the moon. He’d give you the prettiest smile and hug you. It's all just really sweet.
Hanging out in each other’s houses become way more frequent than before. At times you’d two just stay for days in the house. It has come to a point where you both have spare clothes and objects in each other’s place.
In terms of PDA, Finn is surprisingly quite shy. He doesn’t mind small kisses and hand holding when you’re outside, but that’s about it. Everything else he believes is way too embarrassing to do out. in private though, he’s the one to initiate the cuddles and kisses. He feels more confident and comfortable there.
Holding hands in dangerous tombs or old run-down castles is an absolute must. Wants you to be around him at all times. Who knows what kinds of monsters could be lurking around the place.
Is a bit protective of you. Although he knows you can handle any danger by yourself and are fully capable of surviving without his assistance, he can't stop himself from worrying for the worst. In adventures, when setting a fire and a small tent to sleep in, you often find him still awake in the middle of the night. If you ask him what the reason was, he’d shrug it off and tell you to go back to sleep.
“there could be monsters around, I gotta stay alert.” His eyes suddenly twitch from the lack of sleep.
You’d literally have to force him into bed. Reassuring him continuously that nothing will happen and that everything will be fine.
Dates are usually just crazy adventures. Whether it's fighting Ice King or trying to get an ancient fruit so Jake could make a pie with it, it's always fun and exciting.
There are occasions where dates are just you two in the comfiest clothes while watching a movie. Those are the times when the snow becomes a blizzard and the blizzard gives you an excuse to stay in. ugly sweaters giving you magnificent warmth during the shivering cold and hot cocoas right in your hands, the small marshmallows hovering on top of the drink. Head on his shoulders, you take a deep breath and just softly smile. Soon, you felt his head bump into yours a bit as he holds your hand. Eyes glued to the small screen BMO was providing.
Finn isn’t one to get jealous, but he does hate people who hit on you when they know you two are a couple. At that point, Finn tells the person to back off and holds your hand the entire time. If he notices that you're uncomfortable around the said person, he’d make up an excuse and take you away. At those moments, Finn’s clutch on your hand is tighter than before and his pout is apparent. If you tease him for it, he’d become extremely blushy and look away.
“what?! N-no! I wasn’t jealous! Why would I be jealous of a jerk like them?!”
“then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing! It’s just…suddenly really hot in here!”
“Finn, we’re in the Ice Kingdom.”
Braiding his hair becomes one of your favorite activities. His hair is very well kept and shiny and fun to play with. He’d be too shy to admit, but he likes you playing with his hair. Your touch is soft and soothing, making him want to lay down and rest.
Marceline and Jake always tease you two. both think you two are adorable and are happy for their friends. But that won't stop them from pranking you.
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motherhaella · 1 year
What A Sight
Recom! Miles Quaritch x Recom! Female reader
Summary: The scientists said that Na'vi people get 'heat cycles' when they're in mating season. Now that Y/N is an Avatar, she becomes more sensitive than before. When she was pleasuring herself, Miles heard her and decided to check up on her.
TW: grammar error, minors DNI, 18+, dom! Quaritch, swearing, smut, fingering, masturbating, thigh riding, p in v, rough s3x, daddy kink, breeding kink, choking, milking.
Disc: this is my first time writing smut, I hope you like it
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I can feel the rush of adrenaline inside of me. My heart is beating so fast, I'm very tense right now and I need to get out of this room. The team and I, along with the Colonel are currently having a meeting with the general. We are discussing a plan on how to find Jake Sully and his family. But right now, all I can think of is that I need to go to my quarters so I can be done with all of this shit. I can't help but squeeze my thighs together, waiting for the meeting to be over.
Author's POV
Miles was standing behind you, leaning against the wall while listening to what the general was saying. He couldn't help but noticed your discomfort, he approached you from behind and he lowered his head down right next to your ear, "The hell is goin' on with ya ?" He whispered.
You can't help but got more aroused because of his damn raspy voice, and his hot breath hitting your cheek. "It's nothing sir, I'm fine." you replied with an annoyed tone.
He let out a "tskk," laid his hand on your lower back- a little too low, "You better stop jumpin' on your seat like an anxious, needy animal, lieutenant." his face is so close to the side of your face, if you turned your head your nose would definitely touch his.
You didn't answer him this time, and decided to sit still. He moved to take a seat beside you and he put his hand on your thigh, "Yeah there's somethin' going on with you, doll... but you're not so good at sharing things, ain't ya ?" He chuckled lightly. You swat his hand away, lightly hissed at him. His veined hand on your thigh only worsened the situation you're in. Quaritch is not always this touchy with other people. But with you, oh does he love to tease & taunt you. Sometimes he'd snake his hand around your waist or when you're trying to shoot at something he will stood very close behind you, or even press himself against your back. "Eyes on the price, cupcake." He'd whisper to your ear with his raspy voice. But it's just a friendly remark, right?
You felt the pool between your legs, your arousal getting stronger every second and now you can only hope that he can't smell you.
Oh he knows what he's doing earlier. He wouldn't admit it to himself but he got a thing for you. You're one of the best soldier, very skilled at combat. Also, the way your hips and tail swayed when you walk, you wouldn't notice this but he always stares at you. You always wear a tight tank top and shorts because it is hot here in Pandora, and he loves your curves. He knew that it was wrong to think of you as more than co-workers. But he can't help it.
"All right, that's it for today. Colonel, I hope your team will be ready for the journey." Said the General. The meeting has ended. Quaritch nodded at her, you quickly stood after the General exited the room, and you headed towards your room.
Miles was watching from behind, He knew what was happening. you fidgeting on your seat, sweating, your skin hot when he laid his hand on your thigh. It's mating season and not just her, but he, too, is in a super sensitive state. He can smell your sweet scent just from standing behind you. Watching you squirm when he gripped your thigh turned him on, he imagined the things he wanted to do to you. He's better than you at hiding his state, of course. 'Oh, just from the smell I can tell that it tastes & feels good,' He smirked at the thought.
After everyone went back to their rooms, he stayed outside a little longer, thinking about you. Specifically at what are you doing at the moment. It's getting late and he decided to get some sleep, when he walked passed your room all of the sudden he heard a strange noise coming from inside.
Miles' POV
"nngghh~ ahh... fuck..."
I heard it. And I know what she's doing. Shit, hearing her moan like that made me hard. I can't help but imagine how she moans my name. 'It's inappropriate, she's your co-worker.' My mind said. But it didn't stopped me from pressing my ear to her door. She was a moaning mess, and I can tell that she's about to cum. I really want to go inside and help her. Fuck, she's so hot I need to be inside her so badly. When I was pressing my ear against her door, it opened a little. 'Fuck, she didn't lock it,'. And right there on her bed, I can see her. Pants off, Legs spread. She's fingering herself with two fingers, while rubbing her clit with her other hand. She bucked her hips to the air while closing her eyes. 'What a sight.' I thought. I can feel my cock getting really hard. I was about to leave then I heard her unexpectedly moans, "Oh, daddy... oh, Miles~~ fuuckk, need ya so bad..."
Author's POV
He heard you. You whining his name while you cum. That's his last straw. He can't hold it anymore, he needed to fuck you. That is the most important thing on his mind right now. He's drenched in sweats, his muscles tense. He closed the door quietly, and waited a minute to knock harshly to it. After you put a pants on you opened the door, still breathing heavily. You're shocked when you saw him standing right in front of you, scared that he might heard you from earlier.
"Colonel Quaritch. wha- can I help you ?" I said with a stern tone, hiding my grogginess, my eyes not meeting his. I'm scared, feared that he heard me earlier. And fuck, I forgot to lock my door. It will be very awkward for us both if he saw or heard all that.
He didn't say anything but kept his eyes on me. He took a few steps towards me, made me back away and he shut the door, locking it. Then, it happened in a blink of an eye. He slammed my back against the wall, his hands gripping both my wrists above my head. His sudden movement caught me off guard, what the hell is he doing?
"Fucking let go of me!" I snapped at him, but he didn't budge. "What the hell is wro-" I was trying to talk him out of whatever he wanted to do to me but he cutt me off, "Shut your fucking mouth. I heard ya alright, and next time you should make sure that the door is locked and completely shut so no one can see you, Lieutenant." He spat at me.
I cursed myself, embarrassed that he heard AND saw me. I am too weak and overwhelmed to fight him back. His grip is very strong. The room became so hot, I can feel the tension in the air. Both of us like to playfully flirt and touch with one another, but right now it felt different. His scent is strong, his eyes wild and full of hunger. I have never seen him like this before, like an animal. "I didn't know that you're so desperate for me.. so.. needy. what, you want me to touch you? hmm.." His face is only a few inches away from mine now. I whined, I can feel myself getting wet again because of him. Of his presence in front of me. I shut my legs together but he forced it open with his knee. "Oh, don't act all shy now Sweetheart... not while a moment ago you were moaning my name while you touched yourself," he said with a seductive tone, with a menacing smile on his face.
Author's POV
At this point you're sitting on his thigh, your sensitive core rubs against his thigh. He can feel how wet you are, and that made him harder than before. You can feel how he flexed his thigh beneath you. "Ride, sweetheart. I wanna see you cum just from riding my thigh." You obeyed him, You start to move your hips, grinding on his thigh, your clit brushed the fabric of his pants. You started to move faster, chasing your release. At a time like this, you don't have any self-respect for yourself.
Watching you ride his thigh made his cock twitched, His desire to fuck you is stronger than ever. He never thought that this could happen. And boy, he's very happy that he gets to do this in his new life.
He leaned his face to your ear, he darkly chuckled, "that's it.. just like that... Scream my name when you cum, baby." He then started to suck your neck, that made you moan loudly, and trails kisses down to your collarbone. He doesn't like the fact that you're still wearing your top. He ripped the top that you were wearing and tossed it to the side.
He groaned at the sight, your chest going up and down, your nipples hard. He leaned down and sucked your left nipple sloppily while one of his hand left your wrist and started to toy with your right boob, massaging it.
"So pretty.. so delicious, all just for me.." he hummed. "Nggh... I'm so close.. Oh god.." you move your hips faster, desperate to cum. You can feel the wetness trailing down your thighs. "Miles.. I- I'm gonna- oh Miles! Ahh~~" you cum undone beneath him, you feel your legs trembling and your knees weak. You moaned so loud that he had to silence you by pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was rough and sloppy, but it felt really good.
You're still overwhelmed and breath not steady, but he couldn't wait any longer. He let go of your wrist then picked you up and laid your back to the bed. He removed his top then hurriedly unbuckled his belt, taking off his pants. He's completely naked now. You can see all of his muscles flexing. You can't help but to stare at his toned abs, his v-line, his slim waist... 'how can someone have such slutty looking waist?' You thought to yourself.
And his cock. It is so big you doubt that it would fit. His dick is long and hard, you can see the pre-cum on the pink tip. He noticed that you're looking and the worried look on your face, "don't worry sweetheart.. I'm sure you can take it," He climbed to the bed and hovering on top of you, "and if you can't, you still have to."
He teased your entrance with his finger, playing with your fold, feeling the wetness that he caused. You can't help but wrapped your tail around his arm, to feel him close. He can feel how you squirmed at his touch, "Enough with the teasing, daddy please..." you whined, arching your back lightly. He likes the fact that he's the one in control, likes to see you begged for him.
He slips his two long fingers into your wet cunt, making you gasp at the feeling. "Shh.. you gotta keep it quiet, honey. We don't want anyone to be suspicious, right?" He then thrusts into you in a fast pace, stretching your pussy. Since you have to be quiet, you can only gripped his bicep tightly and shut your eyes. Then you feel it again, the tightness in your stomach. Quaritch knows just by the way your walls clenched on his fingers, he stopped fingering you when you were about to cum. You whined and opened your eyes, looking at him with pleading eyes while he only smirked.
Frustrated, you tried to touch yourself but he tugged your tail and his other hand wrapped around your neck. "Daddy didn't say that you could touch yourself, baby. You can cum when I allow you to. If you wanna cum you'll have to be a good girl for daddy, yeah?"
You pouted and nodd, looking at him with glossy eyes. His patience is wearing thin, he moved his hand from your tail to rubb your ass and slapped it. "Use. Your. Words." He said each word by landing a smack on your ass. "Yes! Nghh... pleasee~~" you whimpered, unable to contain yourself. "You should address me properly and be specific, Princess." He landed another slap on your now red ass.
"Pleasee sir.. I need you to fuck me and make me cum... I want you to cum inside me, Miles!" You sobbed, and by the expression of his face, he seemed to be satisfied. He lined his thick, throbbing cock to your pussy, slowly entering. Both of you moaned at the feeling, you felt his tail wrapping around your thigh.
He's only halfway in your thight cunt when you whined again, "I- it's so big, daddy~~" you were trying to push him away when he gripped your waist and shoved all of him into you. You moaned, feeling the pain and the pleasure at the same time.
"Shit.. you're so tight, baby girl" he closed his eyes, feeling you in. He didn't let you adjust, he started fucking you in a fast pace, his hand still choking you and the other holding your leg to the side of his waist. It's mating season and his heat overcame his patience, he just wants to fuck you without mercy and breed you.
His breathing becomes heavy, ears going down and eyes rolling because of the pleasure, "Ohh fuuckk... you're mine now, baby. Shit- I'm lying to myself if I said that I haven't thought about fucking you, nghh~~ gonna breed ya good, babygirl.." he fucks you harder, his hand leaving your neck and pulled your waist to him so he can go deeper. The pleasure is too much for you, he's too deep inside of you, you're overwhelmed and you can feel your cunt clenched around him, about to cum.
He pounded into you mercilessly, hovering on top of you while your hands roamed on his back leaving scratches. "That's it, baby... good girl... takin' me so well..." he mumbled praises to your ear, you can only answer with loud moans and whines, the pleasure is too much. His hand found your throbbing clit, circling it in a slow pace. Your moans become louder than ever, he kissed you to suppress your moans while still drilling into your tight cunt. He then started to give little bites on your neck and whisper dirty things to your ear.
"Daddy please," you pleaded, you can't hold it much longer, not when he fucks you roughly like this. "Aww, you wanna cum, baby? You wanna milk me?" He mocked you, his thrusts getting faster and rougher. "F-ffuckk, Miles... ahh~~ I.. wanna.. yeah~" you stumbled with your words. His finger rubs your clit and he breathed, "Do it, baby.. I want you to scream my name while you cum on my cock," he said.
"M-miles~~ ahh fuck.. you fuck me soo good.." You let out a high pitched moan while you cum beneath him. He didn't slow his pace and this overstimulated you. "Fuck, baby... almost there.. fuck, I can't get enough of ya," he let out a few grunts and moaned when he cum his load inside you, filling your pussy with his seed.
Now that you can think much clearer, you realised that just had sex with the Colonel, your leader. You couldn't meet his eyes, you looked anywhere but him. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, concern written all over his face. You finally looked at Miles, "No, of course not. It's just... I wonder if- if this is just a one time thing" You softly said to him. He laughed at this, moving to the side and pulled you to his chest, holding you in. "What, you think I'm gonna let ya go ? Y/N, I missed my opportunity in my past life to be with you, I ain't missing it this time." You smiled and gave him a passionate kiss, that night both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
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desert-fern · 2 months
Okay, last one from me. And I think its fitting because there are only a few people in this world I’d trust with this story, and you are one of them. And it goes to show how wonderful you are fern and how much you deserve this celebration!! 💛🌿
Pick any moment from Damn Those Dog Tags 💛
Congratulations Fern 🌿 here’s to another 700 more 🎉
Lucky 🍀
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“Turning around to thank him, the words died on your lips as you felt his breath warm your face. Jake had yet to let you go, his hand still clutching your waist and his nose a few inches from grazing yours. 
The decision you made, standing in your front yard last Saturday while face to face with Jake, about never putting yourself in a position where he could break your heart, was far from your mind. You took in everything about him. His sandy hair, his jawline, his eyes which then met yours.”
- Damn Those Dog Tags, Part 4: Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress
Lucky, I’ll let your writing do the talking here. It expresses this scene in a way I could only hope to try and capture ❤️❤️
You can find the other completed moodboards here!
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
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~ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ But fuck it, it was something to do
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: ̗̀➛ Avatar Masterlists
𝑁𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑦𝑎𝑚 | 𝐿𝑜’𝑎𝑘 | 𝑁𝑒𝑦𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑖 | 𝐽𝑎𝑘𝑒 | 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 | 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑠 | 𝑅𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 | 𝑅𝑜𝑥𝑡𝑜 | 𝑇𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑖 | 𝐾𝑖𝑟𝑖 | 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛 | 𝐴𝑜’𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 | 𝑇𝑠𝑢’𝑡𝑒𝑦 | 𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠
: ̗̀➛ Spider Verse Masterlists
Miguel O’Hara | Hobie Brown
Miguel O’Hara taglist
: ̗̀➛ Tlou Masterlists
Abby Anderson
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
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my first kinktober!
pick one of two prompts and submit a character or multiple! i'll take the first submitted prompts until 31, so check back to see if the prompt was taken. you may submit more than one character per prompt for threesome/poly content <3
begins october first! submit your requests at any time though I'll only accept the first one for each request, so check the list before you send one <3
main masterlist
➳ day one first time | frottage Steve Harrington
➳ day two degradation | marking Jason Carver
➳ day three cockwarming | thigh riding Chamber
➳ day four bondage | praise Johnathan Byers
➳ day five somnophilia | cock worship Billy Hargrove
➳ day six edging | dumbification Billy Hargrove
➳ day seven hate sex | overstimulation Yoru
➳ day eight facefucking | exhibitionism Yoru
➳ day nine dacryphilia | photos/video Camboy!Billy Hargrove
➳ day ten corruption | face sitting Eddie Munson + Steve Harrington
➳ day eleven size kink | choking Atsushi Nakajima
➳ day twelve solo masturbation | spanking Eddie Munson
➳ day thirteen phone sex | massage Eddie Munson + Steve Harrington
➳ day fourteen lingerie | body worship MK System
➳ day fifteen collars | orgasm denial Bakugou Katsuki
➳ day sixteen daddy kink | facial Eddie Munson
➳ day seventeen shower sex | deep throating Steven Grant
➳ day eighteen mirror sex | rimming MK System
➳ day nineteen aftercare | knife play Billy Hargrove
➳ day twenty double penetration | breeding Steve Harrington
➳ day twenty-one role play | toys Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
➳ day twenty-two cuckolding | food play Eddie Munson + Steve Harrington
➳ day twenty-three fingering | monster fucking Newt Scamander
➳ day twenty-four aphrodisiac | sounding Steve Harrington
➳ day twenty-five bulge | blood kink Eddie Munson
➳ day twenty-seven gloryhole | mutual masturbation Billy Hargrove
➳ day twenty-six power imbalance | cum inflation Billy Hargrove
➳ day twenty-eight creampie | wax play Draco Malfoy
➳ day twenty-nine ice play | sadism/masochism Billy Hargrove
➳ day thirty costumes/uniform | cum play Steve Harrington
➳ day thirty-one free choice! | feminization/crossdressing Steve Harrington
this will be top/dom gn/male reader content! please specify and check the characters I write for. thank you for participating! send me a letter request!
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